Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 570 - Yemen War Mosaic 570

Yemen Press Reader 570: 30. Aug. 2019: Zahl der Kriegstoten über 91.000 – Zerstörung und Plünderung von Jemens Kulturerbe – Jemeniten in der Kriegsfalle – Äthiopische Migranten auf dem Weg ...

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... Äthiopische Migranten auf dem Weg nach Saudi-Arabien – Karin Leukefeld über Jemen und den Golf – Jemens Huthis: Die Zukunft des Krieges? – Die Huthis und die Hisbollah – Die Huthi-Raketen: Eine starke Botschaft im Krieg – und mehr

Aug. 30, 2019: Yemen war death toll exceeds 91,000 – destruction and looting of Yemen’s cultural heritage – Yemenis trapped by war – Ethiopian migrants heading for Saudi Arabia – Karin Leukefeld on Yemen and the Gulf (in German) – Yemen’s Houthis: The future of war? – Houthis and Hezbollah – Houthi missiles, a strong message in the war – and more

Dieses Jemenkrieg-Mosaik besteht aus zwei Teilen / This Yemen War Mosaic is divided in two parts

Teil 2 / Part 2:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen, in Teil 2 / Civil war in Southern Yemen, in part 2

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(B K P)

Wer kämpft gegen wen im Jemen?

Die jemenitische Regierung wirft den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten vor, die Rebellen aus dem Süden militärisch unterstützt zu haben. Der Krieg könne eine entscheidende Wendung nehmen. Ein Überblick über die Akteure.

cp1/1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K)

Yemen war death toll exceeds 91,000'

The total number of reported fatalities in Yemen has passed the 91,000 mark over the past four and a half years, says the US-based Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED).

The nonprofit conflict-research organization, which builds its database on news reports from Yemeni and international media and international agencies, recently said 11,900 people were killed this year, compared to 30,800 in 2018.

The group said that in 2015 about 17,100 people were reported killed, the second-most lethal year after 2018, which was the deadliest on record.

ACLED said the Saudis and allies were responsible for more than 8,000 of about 11,700 deaths resulting from the direct targeting of civilians. About 67 percent of all reported civilian fatalities in Yemen over the past four and a half years have been caused by Saudi-led airstrikes.

The group recorded over 18,400 killed in the southwestern province of Ta'izz since 2015.

According to the group, Hudaydah and Jawf followed Ta'izz as Yemen's two provinces experiencing most intense conflict, with almost 10,000 in total combat fatalities, reported in each region since 2015.

The UN-brokered ceasefire for the Red Sea port city of Hudaydah, ACLED said, contributed to a partial drop in reported fatalities in recent months.

(** B K)

US and Israeli Collectors Buy Up What Remains of Yemen’s Ancient Heritage

Saada’s old city, which is among the world’s oldest human-carved landscapes, once consisted entirely of historic, centuries-old multi-story homes. Now, it has been wiped out, after Saudi Arabia declared it a military zone — even the city’s hand-carved wooden doors have been reduced to ashes.

Yet Saudi airstrikes extend far beyond Sana’a’s historic sites — to Sadaa, Shibam Hadramout, Zabid in Hodeida, Shibam Kuban, east of Sana’a, Shabwa, Aden, Amran, Taiz, and other areas of the country’s history that have also fallen victim to coalition bombing. Airstrikes and shelling have destroyed at least 66 historic sites according to Muhannad al-Sayani, chairman of the Yemeni General Authority for Antiquities

Al-Sayani told MintPress that targeting of the country’s historic sites by the Saudi-led Coalition is deliberate: “These are open sites, mostly in desert areas where weapons cannot be stored.” Following many of the attacks, the Coalition often accuses the Houthis of using archaeological sites as weapons depots; however, no evidence has been provided to substantiate these allegations.

The undersecretary of the General Authority for the Preservation of Historic Cities, Amat al-Razzaq Jahaf, told MintPress that most of the monuments or sites have been damaged or destroyed by Saudi airstrikes since the Saudi-led campaign began without any justification.

Yemen’s General Authority of Antiquities complained to MintPress that the country’s heritage has been neglected by international organizations and communities.

Now, the buildings — which have stood tall for thousands of years in the historic city that surrounds the remnants of al-Aeini family home — are subject to eroding foundations and ominous cracks that line their ancient walls built of mud and stone, as a result of repeated Saudi attacks and the inability of Yemen’s government to address the deterioration amid four years of Saudi bombardment.

“If peace is brought to Yemen — and with it, compensation is provided — infrastructure, roads, schools, and hospitals could all be rebuilt; but nothing can bring back the historic architecture that has been destroyed,” Mohaned al-Sayani, chairman of the Yemeni General Authority for Antiquities, told MintPress.

The attack on ancient Sana’a was the first of many violent assaults on Yemen’s architectural history, but the worst hit historic area has been Yemen’s northern province of Saada, the hub of the ancient Minaean Kingdom of Ma’in, founded before the fourth century B.C.

Saada’s old city, which is among the world’s oldest human-carved landscapes, once consisted entirely of historic, centuries-old multi-story homes. Now, it has been wiped out, after Saudi Arabia declared it a military zone — even the city’s hand-carved wooden doors have been reduced to ashes.

To understand Saudi Arabia’s motivation to essentially exterminate Yemen’s heritage, one must understand Yemen’s history as well as that of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and the Saudi-based Wahhabi faith, which provides religious justification for targeting heritage sites under the guise of eradicating polytheism.

In contrast to Yemen’s rich and ancient history, civilization did not make its way to the Arabian Gulf until the 1930s.

Many Yemenis, including Saleh Ali al-Aeini, believe that Saudi Arabia harbors severe jealousy over Yemen’s history and heritage and the unique role that it has played in human history.

Moreover, Wahhabism — the official state religion of Saudi Arabia, based on a puritanical and widely rejected interpretation of Islam — sees the preservation of historic and religious sites as tantamount to idolatry. The Wahhabi establishment in Saudi Arabia has not even spared the Kingdom’s own tombs and monuments in Mecca and Medina and shows special disdain for Yemen’s historic sites, especially those located in northern Yemen, the seat of the Shia Zaydis for over a thousand years.

Looting what was not destroyed

Destruction from the air is not the only threat to Yemen’s ancient legacy. During their war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have established smuggling networks in the country to loot historic sites.

A.M.M., who asked to be identified only by his initials, worked as an antiquities smuggler for a security outfit based in the UAE. A.M.M. told MintPress that his team sold four 2,500-year-old mummies, a gilded Torah scroll, and dozens of bejeweled daggers from the early Islamic era. “They always stressed the importance of keeping [the items] from being damaged so that they will be accepted by their American friends,” he said.

The smuggling of Yemeni antiquities is often carried out by diplomats operating out of Yemeni embassies from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt in return for lucrative sums of money allegedly provided by patrons from the United States and Israel.

For the Israelis, many of Yemen’s antiquities are seen as the rightful property of the Jewish people and there is reason to believe that Israel is also involved in the looting of Yemen’s heritage.

Officials in Sana’a say they have strong evidence that Yemeni artifacts are being sold off to American and Isreali buyers. “Artifacts featuring the Star of David or Jewish names are our priority; they often fetch a higher price than the other artifacts,” A.M.M told MintPress. “I sold one Hebrew manuscript to a UAE officer for $20,000,” he added – by Ahmed Abdulkareem =

(** B H)

She could only carry one child': people trapped by Yemen's war – in pictures

Will Swanson has been photographing displaced people in southern Yemen and at the conflict frontline in Ad Dhale for two years, and describes some of the terrible conditions they endure

(** B H)

Walking through a war zone: Ethiopians heading for Saudi – in pictures

Escaping poverty and drought, Ethiopians are making the dangerous sea crossing from Djibouti to Yemen and then on foot to the Saudi border. Many only realise they are crossing a conflict zone when they are picked up by gangs or militias

(** B K P)

Film: Karin Leukefeld - Jemen - Der vergessene Krieg und die geostrategische Situation in der Golfregion

Vortrag mit Diskussion, 04. Juni 2019, Zeughaus Augsburg

Doch ist es so einfach? Worum geht es im Jemen? Wer sind die Houthis, was will Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi? Und welche Interessen verfolgen die regionalen und internationalen Akteure, die aus dem innenpolitischen Konflikt im Jemen längst einen Weltkrieg gemacht haben?

(** B K P)

Are Yemen’s Houthis the Future of War?

Taking a page from T.E. Lawrence and primitive drone technology, these 'ragtag' insurgents are besting major powers in Yemen.

If you want to see the future of war, look closely at the fighting in Yemen.

There, the Houthis, a rebel group based in the country’s northwest, have fought the lavishly funded and equipped militaries of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to a standstill. They have even proven capable of launching attacks deep inside Saudi Arabia. How did this poor, lightly equipped and armed rebel group do it? And what does it mean for the United States, which continues to invest hundreds of billions of dollars in complex, costly, and vulnerable weapons systems?

First, the Houthis have grasped the algebra of insurgency. In an article penned in 1920, T.E. Lawrence argued that insurgents would be victorious if they understood and applied a set of “algebraical factors.” He listed these as mobility, force security, and respect for the populace. The Houthis have refined and applied all three to varying degrees over the last decade.

The Houthi forces are small and highly mobile, and this, combined with Yemen’s mountainous terrain, provides them with force security. Most critically, they and their allies have respected the local populace by providing—at least relative to southern Yemen—high levels of security and predictability.

Second, the Houthis have enthusiastically embraced the use of drones. They have no air force, no consistent means of defense against the Saudi and Emirati aircraft that have controlled Yemen’s airspace for four years. Yet with the use of cheap and relatively easily manufactured drones, they have conducted aerial surveillance and launched attacks on targets, including ones in Saudi Arabia. Drones, even more than the missiles the Houthis build and launch, have been a game changer, and have been seamlessly integrated into the Houthis’ already mobile and capable forces.

While there have been numerous claims and counter-claims by various governments and intelligence services about Iranian aid to the Houthis, in the first two years of the Saudi- and Emirati-led intervention in Yemen, this assistance was limited. The relationship between Tehran and the Houthis’ leadership was often rocky.

However, Iran has—over the last two years—supplied technical advice and some key components for drones and missiles to the Houthis.

Iran made the same calculations with the Houthis that the U.S. made with the mujahideen. It saw two of their regional foes make the mistake of intervening in a complex, messy civil war in a country with terrain similar to that of Afghanistan.

The war in Yemen points to a future where the overly complex weapons systems that the U.S. buys at the behest of its military-industrial complex may be rendered less and less effective.

U.S. policymakers would do well to look closely at how the Houthis, with minimal—but strategic—aid from Iran, have stymied both the UAE and Saudi Arabia – by Michael Horton

(** B K P)

The Houthi-Hezbollah Surrogate Nexus

The Saudi government maintains that Iran is arming Ansarullah with the aim of transforming the Zaydi Houthi insurgency into a replica of Hezbollah in order to weaken Saudi Arabia, other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, and their Western allies. Officials in Riyadh have also alleged that Tehran is sending Hezbollah military trainers to Yemen, and certain sources have reported that members of the Lebanese Shia group have fought alongside Ansarullah militants in battles along the Yemeni-Saudi border.

In fact, the Houthi movement emerged throughout the 1990s as an indigenous Yemeni organization supporting disenfranchised communities of Zaydi Shia in their drive to create a Zaydi imamate. Despite the sectarian dimension of Ansarullah’s narrative, the movement does not have any natural links with Iran’s ‘Islamic Revolution’ and only received assistance from Tehran and Lebanese Hezbollah after 2014. It was only then that Tehran realized the powerful potential of the Houthi militia as a means to attack the Saudi kingdom at its “soft underbelly,” at low cost and with plausible deniability.

Ever since Riyadh began direct military intervention in Yemen in March 2015, the strategic narrative of the Saudi-led coalition, tailored towards a Western audience, was that the kingdom was fighting to prevent a Hezbollah-like Houthi ‘terror state’ along Saudi Arabia’s southern border. This talking point has been propagated extensively in Washington in a Saudi effort to gain greater sympathy from both the Obama and Trump administrations, plus lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, for their anti-Houthi campaign. Such efforts have paid off well with this administration.

Saudi Arabia, which is leading a crumbling Arab military coalition in Yemen against Ansarullah, has vowed not to allow the Iran-allied militia to emerge as the country’s replica of Hezbollah. In fact, when Saudi Arabia’s previous ambassador to Washington, Khalid bin Salman, accused the Islamic Republic of sending Hezbollah military trainers to Yemen to help strengthen the Houthis, he put out a series of tweets alleging that the Arab coalition “uncovered a cache of evidence against Al Houthis, revealed a Hezbollah operative training, advising them on asymmetric warfare, and showed background portrait of Iran ‘Supreme Leader’ on Militia’s computer.”

It is legitimate to question the veracity of such claims. Sources maintaining that Hezbollah is extremely influential in Yemen are often of questionable credibility or pushing a political agenda that has much to gain from convincing Western statesmen that Saudi Arabia’s fight against Houthi insurgents mirrors Israel’s struggle against Hezbollah. Yet it would disingenuous to fully dismiss Hezbollah’s role in Yemen as merely propaganda from the White House, Riyadh, or Abu Dhabi.

In Yemen—like in Iraq, Syria, and allegedly Bahrain—Hezbollah has served as Iran’s most senior surrogate, serving as the backbone of the Islamic Republic’s regional “axis of resistance.” Both in terms of hard and soft power, Hezbollah has grown from a mere franchise of Iran’s IRGC in the early 1980s into a self-sustaining strategic proxy that enjoys considerable autonomy from its patron’s command and control.

Notwithstanding ideological links between Ansarullah and Hezbollah, the main crux of their relationship appears to be operational and rooted in pragmatism. To bog down the Arab coalition in Yemen, the Houthis have sought out training assistance, technological support, and operational direction from Hezbollah to achieve their objectives on the ground. For Hezbollah, the Yemeni civil war has represented an opportunity to humiliate the Saudis at a time in which the Lebanese organization is also struggling against Riyadh’s proxies within Lebanon.

At the risk of exaggerating Hezbollah’s role in the Yemeni civil war, it goes without saying that the Lebanese force, which Tehran has bankrolled for decades, has contributed to Houthi battlefield successes against the Saudi-led coalition - by Giorgio Cafiero and Andreas Krieg

(** B K P)

Houthi use of drones delivers potent message in Yemen War

The Houthi movement, Ansar Allah, has made use of UAVs as a low-cost way to punish the Saudi-led coalition and inflict reputational and political damage. While the tactical advantage of using UAVs is limited, their symbolic value against the coalition and their territories is significant

The group’s deployment of UAVs serves two key functions – punishment and propaganda. But while the tactical advantage of using UAVs is limited, their symbolic value against the coalition and their territories is significant. Ansar Allah has succeeded in constructing an image of resilience against a vastly superior military adversary. As well as targeting the territory of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, Ansar Allah has found a low-cost way to punish its rivals by inflicting reputational and political damage.

Origins of Ansar Allah’s UAV arsenal

Successful UAV construction is highly dependent on a variety of externally sourced and individually procured materials, including satellite compasses originating from Indian-based entities and electrical components of Chinese origin. While its arsenal includes repurposed commercial UAVs, for Ansar Allah to produce truly indigenous systems, it will be heavily reliant on a global market as it seeks to source components.

Propaganda and tactical effectiveness

Ansar Allah’s UAV use has allowed it to make greater strategic gains in Yemen than in the coalition’s territory.

Nonetheless, UAVs have been successfully deployed to target and disable coalition air defences, inflicting notable reputational damage.

Low-flying UAVs have also gone undetected by coalition air defences.

By targeting civilian sites within the coalition territories with missiles, rockets and UAVs, Ansar Allah imposes two political costs on the coalition. First, it credibly threatens the security of these sites and the civilians using them, while also signalling its resolve for escalating the conflict further. Second, Ansar Allah highlights that the coalition’s targeting of the group’s military capabilities is futile and will only heighten the first cost.

The coalition has also failed to build leverage with Ansar Allah, after the group framed its airport targeting strategy as a consequence of the coalition’s military campaign. By underscoring a causal link between Yemen’s humanitarian crisis and UAV attacks in coalition territories, Ansar Allah can portray its UAV strategy as defiance.

The coalition has also failed to build leverage with Ansar Allah, after the group framed its airport targeting strategy as a consequence of the coalition’s military campaign. By underscoring a causal link between Yemen’s humanitarian crisis and UAV attacks in coalition territories, Ansar Allah can portray its UAV strategy as defiance.

Ansar Allah has found genuine propagandistic value in emphasising the role and threat of UAVs – by Dhia Muhsin

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Houthi authorities said 50 Yemenis have died from rabies after they were bitten by stray dogs. 9.498 people have been attacked by stray dogs so far in 2019, mostly in Sanaa, Dhamar and Ibb, they said. Recent media reports revealed there were more 80.000 stray dogs in Sanaa alone.

(* B H)

More 1,100 Dengue Cases Have Been Reported in Taiz Province Since Early 2019

More than 1,100 dengue cases and one death have been recorded since the beginning of 2019, according to health offices in Taiz province. The Anatolian agency reported that Deputy Director of the Department of Health Education and Information in the Office of the Ministry of Health B, the health office in Taiz has recorded 1103 cases of dengue fever and one death since the beginning of 2019. He added that 802 cases have been confirmed by rapid examination.

Compared to last year's statistics, there is a significant decrease in the number of cases, where 3170 cases were monitored during the same period of 2018, including 17 deaths, according to the source.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pS)

4 citizens get injured by artillery shelling of Houthi militias on Hais city south of Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, August 27th, 2019

(* B K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Hodeidah Governor: 700 Citizens Killed, Injured in Hodeidah by Saudi Invaders and Mercenaries Since Signing Stockholm Agreement

Governor of Hodeidah province Mohammed Quhim has revealed that more than 200 citizens, mostly women and children, have been killed and more than 500 others injured by fire and shelling of US-Saudi aggression forces and their mercenaries since the singing of Stockholm Agreement in December, 2018.

The governor said in a statement on Wednesday that the aggression forces and their mercenaries have caused damage on about 200 facilities in the province districts during the same period.

"The amount of the material damage exceeded 1.5 billion dollars, including damage caused to citizens’ homes, private and public facilities, farms and fishing centers," he added.

Quhim described the situation in Ad-Durayhimi district as catastrophic and tragic, indicating that the Saudi-mercenaries have been besieging the district with brutality for almost 13 months, dealing with its residents harshly.

He noted that dozens died in Ad-Durayhimi as a result of preventing them from going to hospitals outside the district, they were buried in temporary cemeteries because the mercenaries did not allow burying in the district’s cemeteries, and sometimes three or four persons were buried in one grave.

(A K pS)

A Woman, child injured by militia snipers south of Hodeidah

Saida Abdo Jibrilah, 60, and Nawal Abdullah Rashid, 13, were wounded by snipers rifles of the Houthi militia in the village of A-SSabaa Al-Sofla

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a woman was injured in Ad-durayhimi district with US-Saudi mercenaries' artillery shells and heavy and medium machine-guns. US-Saudi mercenaries fired more than 35 artillery shells on civilians' properties in Ad-durayhimi district. The mercenaries also targeted different areas of 50th St. in Hodeidah with artillery shells and heavy and medium machine-guns.

(A K pS)

Yemeni Army foils Houthis’ infiltration attempt south of Hodeidah

My comment: „Yemeni Army“ is anti-Houthi militia.

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a woman was injured when she was hit with US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in At-tohayta district. They targeted a civilian house in Al-Hali district with a shell, destroying the house. Several neighborhoods in Hodeidah were targeted with more than 10 artillery shells. The Engineering college and several areas of 50th St. were targeted with machine-guns. US-Saudi aggression fired 3 guided missiles at 7th-July area.

(A K pH)

Woman Injured by US-Saudi Fires in Hodeidah, in New Violation of Stockholm Agreement

(A K pS)

Hodeidah. Houthis shells joint forces in Tahita, Hees and east of the city

(A K pS)

Houthi artillery units shell hospital in Hodeidah

The Houthi artillery units renewed on Sunday, its shelling of the 22nd May Hospital in Hodeidah.

(A K pS)

Houthi militia continues to violate UN-truce in Hodeidah by pushing new reinforcements

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a girl was injured with US-Saudi mercenaries' gunshots in At-tohayta district. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted several areas of Hodeidah city with over 50 artillery shells. Different areas of Hodeidah city were targeted with machineguns.


(A K pH)

Film: Continued violations of the absurd forces of aggression in Hodeidah, and the absurd silence of the United Nations 24-08-2019

cp2/1 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)


(* B K P)

Why are we in Yemen?

The US government knew by the mid-1960s that the Vietnam War was unwinnable, admitting internally that the primary objective was to avoid humiliation. Testifying before a Congressional committee in 1971, the young Vietnam veteran John Kerry asked senators: ‘How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?’ Kerry was US secretary of state for the first 22 months of the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, through some of the Kingdom’s worst atrocities. The Saudi war on Yemen, like the US war on Vietnam, has been criminal as well as mistaken. We may never know who the last person to die as a result of it will be.

(* B K P)

Audio: Historiker Dr. Oliver Piecha (Wadi e.V.) spricht über den Jemen

Dr. Oliver Mark Piecha, Historiker und Gründungsmitglied der deutsch-irakischen NGO Wadi e.V. aus Wiesbaden, im Gespräch mit Gerti über regionale Hintergründe und den zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext eines seit Jahren andauernden und oft übersehenen kriegerischen Konflikts im südlichsten Staat der arabischen Halbinsel.

(* B H K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Health Minister: 140 Thousand Civilians Killed and Wounded Due to US-Saudi Aggression

The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakil, said that "more than 140 thousand civilians were killed and wounded, including women and children, as a result of the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen." He pointed out that the health sector is still standing, steadfast and victorious despite the systematic destruction practiced by the aggression. The Health Minister thanked the local medical and health staff who struggled and stayed in Yemen and did not leave for Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the rest of the Gulf countries, rejecting all offers and temptations.
Concerning the results of the evaluation and classification of hospitals in the capital, Dr. Mutawakkil explained that the operations and intensive care units in 25 private hospitals in the capital will be closed until their situation is rectified. He explained that more than 10 files belonging to government hospitals will be referred to the prosecution because of legal violations.

Al-Mutawakil added that eight private hospitals will also be closed and hospital boards will be lifted from all sides until the required evidence and standards are normalized. He confirmed that these controls will be applied to public hospitals as well as to private hospitals.

(B H K)

Der Krieg im Jemen – die weltweit schlimmste humanitäre Katastrophe

Alle Konfliktparteien sind für schwerwiegende Menschen-rechtsverletzungen, massive Verstöße gegen humanitäres Völkerrecht und Kriegsverbrechen verantwortlich. „Die weltweit schlimmste humanitäre Katastrophe“ laut UNO wird weiterhin von Waffenlieferungen befeuert. Trotz der Grausamkeiten und Gräueltaten liefern die USA und europäische Staaten, darunter auch Deutschland, weiterhin Waffen, Munition und andere Rüstungsmaterialien an die Militärallianz.
Rund 24 Millionen Menschen benötigen inzwischen humanitäre Hilfe, das sind 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung. Es herrscht eine akute Hungersnot.

Rasha Jarhum: Die Referentin gründete im Jahr 2015 die „Peace Track“-Initiative, der ausschließlich Frauen angehören, denn sie ist überzeugt, dass der „Frieden im Jemen in der Hand der Frauen“ liegt. Lange hat die Welt gebraucht, um auf diesen Krieg zu schauen und es ist auch dem Wirken von Rasha Jarhum zu danken, dass inzwischen weltweit über den Jemen berichtet wird. Ihr Vortrag vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat im November 2018 gab ein aufrüttelndes Zeugnis der Situation der Frauen im Jemen.Rasha Jarhum erhält 2019 den Anita Augspurg-Preis „Rebellinnen gegen den Krieg“ .

(B K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: The UAE's war on Yemen: 'A complete financial failure'.

(* B K P)

How the UAE and Saudi Arabia have destabilised the Arab World

From the war in Yemen and support for renegade Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar to the blockade of Qatar, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are intimately involved in contributing to instability in the Middle East.

Since the start of the Arab uprisings in 2011, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have actively intervened in several states to put an end to the democratic aspirations of the citizens of those countries.

In some instances, the two states have not shied away from direct military intervention, supporting warlords and imposing economic boycotts, in order to get their way.

Under the de facto rule of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh and Mohammed bin Zayed in Abu Dhabi, Emirati and Saudi forces have been involved militarily in Yemen, and have supported forces loyal to warlord Khalifa Haftar in Libya.

Here we look at just some of the countries the pair have interfered in and what impact that intervention has had.

(B K P)

Audio: Jemen: Arabien-Bischof Hinder schlägt Alarm

Die Situation im Jemen „bleibt verworren und äußerst undurchsichtig“. Darauf weist im Gespräch mit Vatican News der für den Jemen zuständige Apostolische Vikar Paul Hinder hin. Die arabische Halbinsel brauche Frieden und vor allem Dialog. Die Schaffung eines „Hohen Komitees“ in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten soll dies nun erleichtern.

(B K P)

Hinder: conflict threatens Yemen’s unity while people continue to suffer

With new developments in the civil war in Yemen, the situation has become even more complicated and dramatic, while innocent civilians continue to suffer, laments Bishop Paul Hinder of the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia (AVOSA), which comprises the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman and Yemen.

(* B K P)

Answering Key Questions about Yemen War – Part Four

  1. Recent visit of Muhammad Abdulsalam, spokesperson and chief negotiator of Ansar Allah to Iran and meeting with Leader of Islamic Republic and Iranian officials, how do you analyze it?
  2. How was Iran and Ali Abdullah Saleh relationship? What are details of Ali Abdullah Saleh trip to Iran?
  3. Who is Hani Ben Brek?
  4. Considering the recent evolutions of Aden and conflict between Emirati and Saudi proxies, how do you predict Yemen’s future?

Future of Yemen will form due to many different reasons such as operations, leaders of different movements decisions, foreign countries interventions, tribes stances and people’s trends. Thus there is no certainty.

As mentioned in previous articles, conflict between Emirati and Saudi proxies were predicted and coalition between any of Yemeni movements is predictable.
Engagement between UAE and Saudi proxies, i.e., Southerners and Mansour Hadi’s government, has root in the contrast of their ideologies and ambitions.
Southerners want separation and revive Southern Yemen and Mansour Hadi wants Ansar Allah’s neutralized and control the whole Yemen. Therefore, reaching a solution even with Saudi coalition’s enforcement seems impossible.
They agree upon confronting Ansar Allah but have different goals and ways; their conflict was predictable.

Answering Key Questions about Yemen War – Part Three

(* B K P)

Podcast: The Yemen Genocide With Guest Scott Horton

Saudis now bombing their former allies, Iran involvement incredibly overstated

On FPF #391, Scott Horton returns to the show to discuss the ongoing genocide in Yemen. Scott explains that the US is backing the Saudi’s brutal war, and the war is not going well for Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi’s are now bombing their former allies in an attempt to retake the city. Scott explains why the Saudi/US war amounts to genocide and describes the relationship between the Houthi and Iran.

(* B H K )

Podcast: Wie geht es den Menschen im Jemen?

Wie es diesen Menschen allerdings geht, wie sie im Alltag leben, darüber ist wenig bekannt, denn der Jemen lässt so gut wie keine Journalisten mehr ins Land. Amrai Coen, Redakteurin für das Dossier der ZEIT, hat ebenfalls vergeblich versucht, in den Jemen einzureisen, aber sie konnte trotzdem mit einigen Menschen sprechen und berichtet davon.

(* B H K P)

Aid to Yemen is meaningless as long as weapons sales continue

Instead of salving their conscience by pledging aid, arms sellers should stop peddling their wares altogether

The conflict in Yemen matches many conventions of contemporary warfare, including the excessive targeting of civilian infrastructure and use of collective punishment, even as military technology has become more precise.

Saudi Arabia has spent most of the duration of the conflict in Yemen physically barricading the passage of aid.

Its naval blockade of the Hodeidah port has persisted, despite continued promises to lift it. As the crisis escalated toward famine, the blockade restricted food aid and chlorine tablets for purifying contaminated water from the weakening population, even as the coalition carried out airstrikes on water treatment facilities. While humanitarian aid keeps people alive, it is insufficient for a society to thrive, or to begin rebuilding life-sustaining infrastructure. Spending the entire US$4 billion sum attached to the 2019 humanitarian response plan would prevent additional casualties that are made certain in the absence of funding, but would do little to mitigate the violence experienced on a daily basis.
Given the stated priorities of US President Trump, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson to push arms deals, and in light of the earnest acquiescence the US State Department has shown Mohammad Bin Salman on matters ranging from military strategy to the murder investigation of US resident Jamal Khashoggi, the outlook remains bleak.
To achieve progress in Yemen, mounting concerted international pressure must trump raising hopes at the next pledging conference – by Rose Worden

(* B P)

Yemen FSO Poses Oil Spill Risk

For over a year, I.R. Consilium, a family-owned global consultancy on maritime and resource security, has been monitoring the potentially disastrous situation involving the Safer, a tanker converted into a floating storage and offloading facility (FSO) off the coast of Yemen, and we have been working to motivate action on the matter before it reaches a calamitous conclusion.

Our most recent analysis detailed possible environmental, humanitarian, and economic effects of a major spill from the rapidly deteriorating and potentially explosive vessel, which has become a bargaining chip in the Yemen conflict. The contamination of coastal desalination plants by spilled oil, depriving millions of people of clean drinking water, is just one of the consequences that could unfold unless decisive action is taken.

This past week, the UN announced that a major impasse appears to have been overcome, in that the Houthis, who have effective control of the Safer, have agreed to allow a United Nations (UN) team to board the vessel, conduct an inspection, and presumably offer recommendations on how best to restore the Safer to functional safety or otherwise secure the million-plus barrels of oil in its tanks.

I t is difficult to ascertain the risk of explosion. Wholly apart from the possible hazard of volatile gases accumulating in the Safer’s storage tanks from lack of maintenance to the ship’s inert gas system, there is the real chance of detonation by other means. Mines have been laid in a number of places off the Yemen coast.

Rumors have proliferated, further complicating the picture.

More obviously, the structural decay of the vessel poses its own risks. Anyone familiar with maritime industries knows the corrosive power of seawater and salt air; in the exceptionally saline environment of the Red Sea, corrosion advances even more quickly and destructively than elsewhere. This past spring, a key piece of the Safer’s offloading machinery rusted through and fell into the waters below, fortunately missing the submarine pipeline feeding the FSO (though it has been shut off near its source, the pipeline is still believed to contain significant amounts, as much as a million barrels, of residual oil).

Below are photographs taken around the time of that incident, detailing the extent of the damage neglect and corrosion have inflicted on the Safer. Onboard oil pipes have already leaked. Seals and manifolds are rusting through. The offloading hose has already, temporarily, spilled oil into the surrounding waters. Even the ship’s single hull reveals an urgent need for maintenance. These images offer some sense of what the UN inspection team will find on board the vessel; hopefully the team will arrive armed with enough knowledge to do more than merely confirm what the photos already make clear.

and also

(B K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Yemen retaliatory raids can bring KSA to its knees: Analyst

Political commentator Hussein al-Bukhaiti says the continuation of retaliatory attacks by the Yemeni army is the only way that can compel Saudi Arabia to end its war on the country.

My remark: A pro-Houthi viewpoint.

(* B P)

Elisabeth Kendall: Clip from my interview on Al Jazeera this afternoon following renewed fighting in #Aden, #Yemen: -Where does this leave the #Saudi-#UAE alliance? -What does it mean for Yemen's territorial integrity?

(* B K P)

Jemen: Ein Krieg, an dem Europa mitverdient

Am Jemen-Krieg lässt sich wie an keiner anderen Katastrophe zeigen, wie flexibel der Westen mit seinen eigenen Werten umgeht. Der Kommentar.

Es ist ein lukrativer Krieg, von dem europäische und US-amerikanische Konzerne profitieren – und der bisher wenig politischen Stress in der EU oder den USA auslöst: der Krieg im Jemen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Konflikten wie in der Ukraine, in Libyen oder in Syrien spielt sich diese laut UN größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt fast unbemerkt ab. Und an keiner anderen Katastrophe lässt sich so gut zeigen, wie flexibel der Westen mit seinen eigenen Werten umgeht. Er unterstützt die „Arabische Koalition“, trotz dokumentierter Fälle ihrer möglichen Kriegsverbrechen.

Es klingt zynisch, aber die Realität ist: Über die Folgen ferner Kriege klagen wir erst, wenn wir davon betroffen sind. Und wenn nicht, dann lässt sich an den Kriegen noch mitverdienen.

(B K P)

Human Rights Update from ( 20 August to 26 August, 2019)

Human Rights Update from ( 13 August to 19 August, 2019)

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Audio: Nothelferin Bose: "Wir brauchen eine gemeinsame Lösung für den Jemen"

Inforadio-Redakteurin Sylvia Tiegs hat mit Bose über ihre Erlebnisse im Jemen gesprochen.

"Ich habe das Leid in den Kriegs- und Konfliktregionen der Welt gesehen. Wenn man einmal dieses Leid gesehen hat, kann man wirklich nichts anderes mehr machen."
Nicht immer gelänge ihr der Abstand zu ihrer Arbeit. Es gäbe Geschichten, die sie weiterhin verfolgten. Besonders schwer sei die Situation vieler Frauen in Krisen- und Kriegsgebieten.

(B H)

Project HOPE has joined with MedGlobal, Pure Hands and United Mission for Relief and Development to form the Humanitarian Alliance for Yemen to launch a closely coordinated, holistic response to the continually worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The four U.S.-based nonprofit organizations will leverage their expertise and resources to deliver humanitarian and development assistance to the people of Yemen and address the needs of millions of people in rapid decline after five years of conflict.

The Humanitarian Alliance for Yemen will work to engage local Yemeni organizations to focus on hardest-hit and so far unreached or under-served communities where malnutrition and disease are rampant – delivering food, medical supplies and medicines, in addition to providing emergency and other critical medical services. In the longer term, with an improved security environment, the alliance will aim to empower Yemeni communities to support themselves with sustainable programs focusing on rebuilding the health infrastructure and the capacity of Yemeni health workers.

(* B H)

Working as Yemeni waitress is a painful journey to break the chains of society

Yemeni women continue paying the price of war since it began. It forced her to bear the burden of life and take on new jobs that are not accepted in her society. As a result of the dire circumstances, many women and girls are forced to work as waitresses.

Farah Said, 33 years old, is one of the tragic stories, “I am a nursing graduate. I finished my specialty after hard years of study. I couldn’t find a job that fits my specialty, therefore I was forced to work as a waitress in a restaurant to provide my family with food, rent, and other basic necessities.”

Said has worked in a luxury restaurant for 12 hours daily for almost a year and supported her family of four. Meanwhile, society despises her because she works an inferior job.

“The only opportunity for me and many women like me is serving food to men and women to get 1340 R.Y. (3$),” said Said.

Although she spends long hours in the restaurant, her family doesn’t know that she works in a job which, according to them, is forbidden and breaks all the rituals and tradition in Yemeni society.

(A H)

Ahmad Algohbary: The only thing that make you happy is the moment when you travel hundreds of miles to help people from your country. Special thanks to @LayaBehbahani and all donors for helping the most needy people in #Yemen. (photos)

(* B H)

CARE, Action Contre la Faim France: The Gendered Dimension of Multi-Purpose Cash Supporting Disaster Resilience


In 2017, in response to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Yemen, CARE Yemen and Action Contra la Faim (ACF) implemented a cash transfer program and community asset rehabilitation and skill building programing in the governorates of Abyan and Amran. This European Union (EU)-funded program integrated these interventions to enhance resilience building at household and community levels.

The overall objective of this study is to assess the impact of the Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC) on the resilience of households targeted by the program, with a focus on the experiences of female-headed households, their challenges with increasing their resilience, and barriers that male-headed households do not face.

(B H)

Aichacherin hilft Kriegswaisen im Jemen

Seit vielen Jahren unterstützt die von der Aichacherin Aenne Rappel gegründete Jemen Kinderhilfe Kriegswaisen. Nun soll ein neues Haus das Projekt sichern. (im Abo)

(B H)

Film by SMEPS: Warda, a strong farmer from in #Dhamar. She went through many battles & won each one! We are very happy & proud that Warda was our work partner in the field

(B H)

My colleagues during their way 2 #Taiz to attend #Brave_women training We used to arrive from Alhaoban 2 main city in 7 min but with the new situation 5 hrs is the minimum time to reach there Working in such a complicated conditions need so much bravery

referring to film

(A H)

In Rayshan area of Bani Mater of Sana'a @monarelief's team delivered today 100 food aid baskets to the most vulnerable families. Our project was funded by our partners in #Poland @SzkolydlaPokoju along with @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo. (photos)

(* B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #07 July 2019


The humanitarian situation is worsening for many Yemenis, while fighting continues in many areas of the country. Eighty per cent of the population – 24.1 million people – need some form of humanitarian assistance. Two hundred-thirty out of Yemen’s 333 districts are at risk of famine, and in 45 districts, an estimated of 2.8 million people are facing catastrophic food insecurity.

An estimated 3.34 million people are internally displaced across the country; another 1 million have returned to their homes.

Severe shortage of funding to the YHRP is threatening the continuation of humanitarian programmes. By the end of July, the YHRP was 33.7 per cent funded, of the $4.2 billion required to provide assistance to more than 20 million people by the end of the year.

UNFPA’s funding status has not changed since last month with US$33.7 million received of the US$110.5 million required for its response in 2019.

(* B H)

Hilfen bleiben aus: 2,5 Millionen Kindern im Jemen droht der Tod

Die Vereinten Nationen haben am Mittwoch angekündigt, dass sie gezwungen sind, mehrere humanitäre Programme im Jemen einzustellen, weil die von den Mitgliedstaaten zugesagten Gelder, "ausgeblieben sind".

„Wir warten verzweifelt nach den versprochenen Mitteln“, sagte Lise Grande, UN-Koordinatorin für humanitäre Angelegenheiten im Jemen. „Wenn das Geld nicht kommt, sterben Menschen.“

Auf einer Geberkonferenz für den Jemen wurden der UNO und den humanitären Partnern im Februar 2,6 Milliarden Dollar zugesagt, um den dringenden Bedarf von mehr als 20 Millionen Jemeniten zu decken. Bisher ist weniger als die Hälfte dieses Betrages eingegangen. Von den 34 großen humanitären UN-Programmen im Jemen, werden nur drei für das gesamte Jahr finanziert. Mehrere wurden in den letzten Wochen geschlossen, und viele Großprojekte zur Unterstützung bedürftiger, hungriger Familien konnten nicht gestartet werden. Weitere 22 lebensrettende Programme werden in den nächsten zwei Monaten abgeschlossen, sollten keine Mittel bereitgestellt werden.

„Wir alle schämen uns für die Situation“, sagte Frau Grande. „Es ist herzzerreißend, einer Familie in die Augen zu sehen und zu sagen, dass wir kein Geld haben, um zu helfen.“

Das UN-Büro für die Koordination humanitärer Angelegenheiten (OCHA) sagte, dass die Vereinten Nationen gezwungen waren, die meisten Impfkampagnen des Landes im Mai auszusetzen. Die Beschaffung von Medikamenten wurde eingestellt, und Tausende Menschen vom Gesundheitspersonal erhalten keine finanzielle Unterstützung mehr. Die Pläne für den Bau von 30 neuen Ernährungszentren wurden zurückgestellt sowie 14 sichere Häuser und vier spezialisierte Einrichtungen, die sich um die psychische Gesundheit von Frauen kümmern, wurden geschlossen. Eine Kläranlage, die das Wasser für die Bewässerung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen reinigt, wurde im Juni geschlossen.

(B H K)

Map: Yemen: Access Constraints as of 26 August 2019

(A H P)

The Charitable Society for Social Welfare: CSSW elects a new board of directors and moves its headquarters from Sana’a to Aden

(* B H)

World Food Programme: WFP Yemen Country Brief, July 2019

In Numbers: 11.03 m people assisted in July 2019; 77,963.7 mt of general food assistance dispatched USD 14.3 m cash-based and commodity transfers made; USD 893.8 m six months (September 2019 - February 2020) net funding requirements

Between 21-24 July, WFP conducted the second round of one-off food distributions inside Nihm district, a front-line, difficult-to-access area of Sana’a governorate, reaching 906 out of 1,000 households with food assistance.

Fumigation works to the last remaining 3,000 mt of wheat in the Red Sea Mills in Hudaydah continues.
The mills originally housed some 51,000 mt of WFP wheat, enough to feed 3.7 million people for one month. A WFP Supply Chain team visited the mills where an assessment of the silos and production lines were conducted. Overall, three production lines with milling capacity are operational, with milling expected to begin shortly.

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen Monthly Overview July 2019

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster: Yemen - Humanitarian Dashboard (January - July 2019)

(B H)

Yemen: Flash Floods Snapshot (As of 27 August 2019)

(* B H)

Film (Jan. 2019): Children Dream of Attending School in Tough Times in Aden.

Wardah, like many children in Aden, is unable to attend school owing to poverty, displacement and conflicts.

and snippet:

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Yemen – Conflict (UN, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 27 August 2019)

Between 1 January and 27 August, 55,706 households or 334,236 individuals were displaced by the conflict in Yemen. The most affected governorates are Hajjah, Al Dhale and Hodeidah.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia: Operational Update (1-30 June 2019)

on Somalia, also

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia Voluntary Repatriation, July 2019

UNHCR has assisted over 90,000 Somali refugees to return home from nine different countries of asylum, representing 11 per cent of Somali refugees displaced in the region.

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 25 August 2019

UNHCR is closely monitoring developments in the southern governorates of Yemen

In other parts of Yemen, emergency distributions to IDPs affected by conflict are ongoing. In Sa’ada governorate there are reportedly some ten active frontlines, and displacement continues due to heavy airstrikes, shellfire and clashes on the ground.

UNHCR and partners are following up on reports that some 400 families have fled from Al Bireen area, Al Ma’afer district in Taizz governorate, to the neighbouring district of Ash Shamayatayn. According to IOM Rapid Displacement Tracking, this represents more than ten percent of the entire displaced population from Taizz (4,184 households), since the beginning of 2019.

Strong rains and flash floods across Yemen continue to bring misery to persons of concern, particularly in the north-western districts of Hudaydah

(B H)

Yemen | – Newly Internally Displaced People in 2019 and presence of humanitarian organisations – Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) – DG ECHO Daily Map | 26/08/2019

(B H)

UNICEF Djibouti Humanitarian Situation Report, Mid-Year 2019

The country is currently hosting just over 30,000 refugees and asylum seekers which represents a slight increase of around 1,200 compared to December 2018. The increase represents a small rise in the number of Ethiopian, Somali and Yemeni refugees. In the first half of 2019 UNICEF continued to support child protection and education services for refugee children.

and also for June, July:

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B K P)


And why do they strike fear into Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the USA?

(A P)

Supreme Political Council: the invading coalition is the one true enemy of Yemen

The bloodbaths in the occupied east and south prove that the invaders are the enemies, SPC states

The Supreme Political Council (SPC), the ruling body of the National Salvation Government, has on Wednesday reiterated that the aggression coalition and its tools are the real danger to Yemeni people, stating that the recent events in the occupied southern and eastern provinces are the best evidence for that.

(A P)

House of Representatives Condemns Aggressive Acts of Zionists in Region

The House of Representatives on Wednesday, chaired by Speaker Yahya Al-Ra'i, listened to the letter of the Speaker of the Council, addressed to the heads of parliaments of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq about the attacks on these countries by the Zionist entity.

(A P)

Houthi militia breaks into citizens homes in Dhamar, kidnaps a child

The sources pointed out that, the militia has searched the houses of citizens, tampering with its contents, as well as looting jewelry and other valuable property.

The Houthi militia, during the raid, kidnapped one of the children from his house, and took him with no reasons, the sources confirmed.

(A H)

Thousands of Patients Protest in front of Sana’a International Airport

A number of patients and war victims, who need to travel abroad for treatment, have started a sit-in tents in front of the gate of Sana'a International Airport to denounce the continued closure of the airport and demand a lifting the siege and resuming flights.

The protesters appealed to international, humanitarian organizations, the international community and the free world to consider their health situation.


(* A H P)

Yemen rebels destroy 'gone off' food aid

Yemen's Huthi rebels on Tuesday destroyed tonnes of food aid they said had expired after it was reportedly held up for months in the war-torn country, teetering on the edge of famine.

The Huthis, who control Yemen's capital Sanaa, used diggers to break up sacks of maggot-ridden rice and flour bearing the logo of the UN's World Food Programme (WFP).

"This consignment of foodstuff was going off and was full of small insects... it wasn't even good for animals," said Huthi official Majed Sari.

A UN source said the aid had been intended for delivery to families in the city of Taiz in November 2018.

But it "ended up detained at a checkpoint for months and months", the source told AFP.

My comment: It had been the Houthi authorities who had blocked the delivery for 10 months (as clearly claimed by UAE and Saudi news sites. and, in this case certainlny true), -this simply is a crime in Yemen.

And how the Houthi news site puts it:

Destroying Large Quanities of UN-WFP’s Rotten Food Products

Public Funds, Standards and Metrology Department on Wednesday destroyed more than 200 tons of rotten food items belonging to the World Food Program in Sana'a.

The Director of Investigations at the Public Funds Investigation, Col. Majed Sari, said that the products that were destroyed today were brought into the country through illegal procedures and not suitable even for animals, stressing that all those who participated and proved to be complicit in the introduction of these rotten materials, in order to distribute them to citizens, will be punished.

My comment: Lying by omitting.

(A P)

President al-Mashat appoints Central Bank ‘s governor

(* B P)

Radio Becomes New Battlefield in Yemen War

As the war in Yemen between a Saudi-led coalition supporting the Yemeni government and Iranian-backed Houthi rebels continues to spiral out of control, a new battlefield has emerged in the war-torn country: that is, over the electromagnetic spectrum.

Indeed, radio in Yemen — where one in every two people can neither read nor write — has become an important tool in reshaping the narratives surrounding the war. Aware of this reality, Houthis have waged a ruthless battle against media outlets and radio stations across the country.

“It’s not only radio stations that are under attack, but the entire media in the country,” says Amir Basloom, a manager of a large radio station in eastern Yemen. “They storm your office, confiscate equipment and detain workers, and then tell you what you’re allowed to broadcast,” he told the Media Line.

As a result, most radio stations in Yemen have gone off air. Those that stayed in business began taking orders from Houthi strongmen.

“The risk is not just physical, it’s also financial,” Basloom explained. “The Houthi rebels force all businesses to donate a portion of their revenues to the so-called war effort.”

Radio stations and media outlets, which benefit from ad money, have been disproportionately affected by this tax, he says.

“If you refuse to pay you’re immediately considered a traitor or a heretic,” Basloom explained, adding that “one might be imprisoned, or even killed, for refusing to donate money [to the Houthis].”

Indeed, most stations seeking to continue broadcasting independent content have been forced to relocate to areas outside of Houthi control, including to other Arab capitals such as Riyadh, Cairo, and Abu Dhabi.

My comment: This article is one-sided anti-Houthi – other parties in Yemen are not better at all. And do you really think a radio station could work freely when at Riyadh, Ciro and Abu Dhabi??

(B K P)

Houthis killed, mutilated body of 6-year-old girl among 258 violations last week

The Network’s field monitors said they documented the killing of 11 civilians at the hands of the rebel militia, five of them by way of shelling residential areas in Taiz and Hodeidah, part of a total 258 human rights violations in different parts of Yemen in the same week.

My remark: As claimed by pro-Hadi government news site.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Security Council Presidential Statement Expresses Concern by Developments in Yemen, Calls on All Parties to Exercise Restraint

Expressing concern by recent developments in south Yemen, including the violent attempt to take over State institutions, the Security Council today called on all involved parties to show restraint and preserve the country’s territorial integrity.

In a presidential statement (document S/PRST/2019/9) issued by Joanna Wronecka (Poland), Council President for August, the 15-member organ welcomed and fully supported Saudi Arabia’s efforts to convene a dialogue in Jeddah to resolve the situation, calling on all parties to engage constructively for its success.

The Council fully supported the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen’s efforts to work with the parties to pave the way for the resumption of comprehensive negotiations, without delay, on the security and political arrangements necessary to end the conflict and resume a peaceful transition. It also supported a negotiated political settlement that engages all parties in an inclusive dialogue to resolve differences and address the legitimate concerns of all of Yemen’s people, including those in the country’s south.

The 15-member organ also condemned in the strongest terms the escalation of Houthi attacks on civilian infrastructure in Saudi Arabia and calls on them to cease such actions immediately without preconditions as they pose a serious security threat to that country and the wider region, as well as to the United Nations-led political process on Yemen.

The Council also expressed its deep concern at the escalation in violence and the recent loss of life and injuries in Aden, Saa’da, Sana’a, Shabwa and across the country, calling once again on all parties to fulfil their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law. Further in the text, the Council called upon the parties to engage constructively with the Special Envoy’s proposals for implementing phase one without further delay.

My comment: Senseless lamenting. It’s the security Council members who had supplied the arms for the Aden carnage. And blaming the Houthis for bombing is biased as the Security Council had accepted more than 4 years of Saudi bombing war, and SC members had fueled it by arms supply to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

(* B P)

Achieving a sustainable peace in Yemen lies with locally driven initiatives

The conflict in Yemen will not be solved by a peace agreement between the Houthis and the internationally recognized government due to the increased fragmentation of internal political and economic structures.

The UN has found it difficult to convince the Houthis and the internationally recognized government to engage in negotiations, let alone commit to a comprehensive peace agreement. One substantial hurdle is that both the Houthis and the government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi will most likely lose influence as a consequence of a peace agreement. At the same time, the involvement of regional actors in the conflict, such as Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), complicates negotiations. Nevertheless, the EU, including Denmark, should push for a comprehensive peace agreement and an end to the Saudi-led military campaign. However, this is only one element in bringing a sustainable peace to Yemen. A second point of focus should be support to long-term political and economic development, including local development due to the Yemen’s fragmented political reality.

Political fragmentation

The ongoing UN-led negotiations focuses on elite-level politics

Locally led development can help stabilize Yemen

Yemen has a long tradition of local development, and extended family networks continue to show remarkable innovation in stretching limited resources. However, whereas the political and economic fragmentation underscores the need for locally relevant approaches, local sources of authority should not be seen as a panacea for all Yemen’s problems. While some local authorities work to mitigate the consequences of the conflict, others are benefitting from its continuation through smuggling, skimming off aid, or taking advantage of the collapse of the central state to keep taxes or incomes from natural resources.

The political and economic fragmentation means that local actors are increasingly focused on their own areas, whereas the Yemeni central state, which has never had much of a presence outside the larger cities, is seen as obsolete at best and an obstacle at worst.The Yemenis must decide whether there is a future for a united Yemen, but regardless of the overall political structure, locally led decentralization can help stabilize Yemen – by Maria-Louise Clausen

(A P)

UN confirms support for Yemeni government's efforts to restore stability in southern Yemen

The United Nations has confirmed its support for Yemen’s legitimate government and efforts to restore stability in the country's southern regions.

This came in an oral message from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, carried by his special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths and conveyed during his meeting with President Hadi at the latter's residence in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Guterres, according to the state-run Saba news agency, praised the president's sincere and serious positions towards peace and the coming up of Security, Stability and Harmony in the Republic. Looking forward to meeting the President soon at the United Nations.

and also

(A P)

UN Envoy to Yemen denies considering a division of Yemen

Office denounces "random and false statements" as danger to the peace effort.

The Office of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, has on Tuesday denied media reports that the envoy has presented a roadmap for peace that included the division of Yemen into separate countries.

In a statement released to the media, the office said that these reports are unfounded, and instead stressed the importance of fact-finding before reaching a decision.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi director al-Mansour eyes female empowerment in 'The Perfect Candidate'

A young Saudi Arabian female doctor seeks to change conservative mindsets in “A Perfect Candidate”, a tale of a woman tackling gender-based obstacles while running for local office.

The movie by Haifaa al-Mansour, one of only two female directors in the 21-strong competition line-up at the Venice Film Festival, reflects recent changes in the kingdom’s heavily criticized guardianship system, beginning with protagonist Maryam driving in her car.

my comment: This will be a nice propaganda piece. Imagine women walking through the streets of Riyadh dressed as the actors shown in the photo here.

(B P)

New #Saudi history school book gives a title of “imam” to the Saudi thief who ransacked the grave of the Prophet Mohamed. He was executed by the Ottomans after he was captured. He stole all the invaluable gifts to the shrine

@GulfInstitute detailed the crimes committed by Saudi leader Abdullah bin Saud who attacked Makkah & Madina & destroyed the sacred black stone at the Kabbah & ransacked Prophet Mohamed’s grave, & robbed valuables at both mosques.

(B P)

Very suspicious: No foreign reporters, based #Riyadh have traveled to #Abha or #Jazan , targeted by many #Yemeni missiles. Instead they write stories about roller coasters & tourism.

(B P)

Special documentation by #NashetQatifi showing the Saudi authorities' tyranny against #Qatif's families through killings & assassinations of more than a member of each family. These continued crimes must not be condoned, but rather exposed and circulated as widely as possible. (infographs)

(B P)

Film: A brave young refugee #Canada who ran away from #Saudi oppression speaks about the violent arrest of her handicapped brother. The Saudi monarchy violent nature runs deep in its genes

cp9 USA

(? B K P)

Audio: The U.S. And The War In Yemen

The Trump administration has backed the Saudi-led war against Houthi rebels in Yemen. But with the war dragging on, a senator is urging U.S. diplomats to be more involved in finding a resolution.

(A K P)

#USAF 159th EFS F-15C Eagles at #RSAF PSAB during Ex #HypeEagle (GIF)

(A P)

Pompeo Urges Yemen’s Government, Southern Faction to End Fighting

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Yemen’s government and a local faction to resolve their dispute over control of the country’s south, which threatens Saudi-led efforts to reassert control over the entire country and end its war.

(A P)

US, Saudi Arabia agree dialogue 'only' option in Yemen

US top diplomat, Saudi official agree 'dialogue represents the only way to achieve a stable, unified, and prosperous Yemen'

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia agreed Wednesday that dialogue is the only way to end the conflict in Yemen.

The State Department said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman agreed "dialogue represents the only way to achieve a stable, unified, and prosperous Yemen" during a bilateral meeting at the State Department.

Pompeo further "reiterated U.S. support for a negotiated resolution between the Republic of Yemen government and the Southern Transitional Council, and thanked the minister for Saudi Arabia’s efforts to mediate the dispute," spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said in a statement.

and also

My comment: The two most horrible arsonists of the Yemen war claim they support „dialogue“. Their „dialogue“ is a monologue of bombing.

(A P)

Saudi Ruler Sends Brother to U.S. as Trump Wavers on Iran, Yemen

A younger brother of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in Washington this week, with President Donald Trump’s evolving policy toward Iran and Yemen expected to be on the agenda for talks with the administration.

The Saudi Press Agency said Prince Khalid “will meet a number of officials to discuss bilateral relations and issues of common concern that support the security and stability of the region,” without providing specifics on meetings planned with administration officials. While the trip may have been planned well in advance, analysts said there’s little doubt about what the agenda will be now.

“Behind closed doors, there will be concern over Trump’s strategy of potentially meeting with Rouhani and the way forward,” said Ayham Kamel, head of Middle East and North Africa research at the Eurasia Group, referring to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani. “There is going to be a lot of questions about where U.S. policy is on that level.”


Saudi vice defence minister Prince Khalid bin Salman in US for Yemen talks

He is to hold high-level discussions as US intensifies efforts to break political stalemate

Saudi vice minister of defence Prince Khalid bin Salman is visiting Washington this week for high-level talks on Yemen as the US government intensifies its efforts to break the political stalemate.

US officials said the visit centred on Yemen discussions as the Trump administration considers new approaches to end the four-year-old war between the internationally recognised Yemeni government and the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

The State Department weekly schedule shows Prince Khalid will meet US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday afternoon.

The sources said he would also hold talks with US Defence Secretary Mark Esper and Gen Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

and by Saudi Press Agency:

(A P)

US’ Sanders makes fresh calls to ‘defund’ Saudi and UAE

Fresh calls have been made to end US support for the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen following a renewed pledge by Riyadh and its main ally in the conflict, the UAE, to continue their offensive against the Houthis.

“Congress must now defund all U.S. support for this war. Millions of lives are at stake,” said Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders yesterday in a tweet. Sharing an article about a joint communique by the Saudis and the UAE to renew their pledge to continue fighting in Yemen, the representative from Vermont also took the opportunity to accuse President Donald Trump of misleading the American people over his policy in the Middle East. “Trump said he wanted to get us out of Middle East conflicts. He lied. When we passed a bill to end U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen, he vetoed it.”

(A P)

Yemeni communities protest U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia

Yemeni communities organized protests across the U.S. during August demanding that Washington stop its support for Saudi Arabia-led attacks on Yemen.

(* A P)

U.S. Plans to Open Direct Talks With Iran-Backed Houthis in Yemen

Washington is looking to prod Saudi Arabia into taking part in secret talks in Oman

The Trump administration is preparing to initiate direct talks with Iran-backed Houthi forces in Yemen in an effort to end the four-year-old war, a conflict that has become a volatile front line in the conflict with Tehran, according to people familiar with the plans.

The U.S. is looking to prod Saudi Arabia into taking part in secret talks in Oman with Houthi leaders in an effort to broker a cease-fire in Yemen, according to these people.

The move could open the first significant channel between the Trump administration and the Houthis at a time when fears of a broader regional war are growing.

The U.A.E.’s withdrawal and fighting in Aden have fueled new efforts by the U.S. to gain momentum for diplomacy, including the evolving plans to talk directly to the Houthis.

The U.S. talks would be led by Christopher Henzel, a veteran diplomat who became the Trump administration’s first ambassador to Yemen in April, according to people familiar with the plans.

The nascent Trump administration initiative is already facing serious hurdles. Last week, Houthi forces appointed an official ambassador to Iran after holding public meetings in Tehran. The move was seen by some as a sign that Houthi opponents of peace talks were trying to derail the efforts.

The Saudi-backed leader of the Yemeni government-in-exile, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, is increasingly viewed in key world capitals as an obstructionist to talks, according to the people familiar with the diplomatic efforts. And key players are actively exploring ways to quickly sideline Mr. Hadi in an effort to get peace talks moving.

There also are simmering concerns in Washington that Saudi Arabia isn’t serious about ending the conflict.

The Houthi leadership appears to be split between those who favor continuing the war and those who want to end it, which could further complicate negotiations with the group – by Dion Nissenbaum and Warren P. Strobel

and also


(* A P)

The US bid for talks with Yemen’s Houthi rebels, explained

The Saudi-led Gulf alliance appears to have lost its dominance of the conflict. Riyadh's most trusted ally the UAE has already withdrawn from Yemen, leaving the oil-rich country in the lurch and in turn emboldening the Houthis.

While the US is talking to the Taliban to fulfill its exit plan in Afghanistan, it's taking similar measures toward the Houthis and possibly end its support to the Saudi-led alliance’s bloody war in Yemen.

Qatar and Pakistan played a significant role in bringing the Taliban to the negotiation table with the US, and it remains to be seen who'll act as an arbiter between Washington and the Houthis.

On the other hand, Saudi-backed Yemen President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who became leader after Ali Abdullah Saleh stepped down from power under pressure from opposition forces in 2011, appears to be a no-no guy for any diplomatic efforts, stymying Western mediation efforts.

Hadi, who has been politically weakened in time, is trying to lead Saudi-led forces from outside Yemen. Hardline stances from both Riyadh and Hadi appeared to contribute to the US launching efforts to hold talks with the Houthis.


(* A P)

Hassan El-Tayyab Discusses Yemen Peace Talks on Al Jazeera

In the wake of news that the Trump Administration is preparing to engage in direct talks with the Houthi forces in Yemen, Al Jezeera spoke with Hassan El-Tayyab, FCNL’s Legislative Representative for Middle East Policy.

According to reports, the U.S. is pushing the the Saudi-coalition to engage in peace talks with Houti leaders in Oman in the hopes of brokering a cease-fire in Yemen.

“Right now, the [Trump] administration and the United states have a lot of leverage over this situation because of our military aid to both Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s war in Yemen,” said El-Tayyab.

(* B P)

Why the CIA doesn't spy on the UAE

And yet, in a highly unusual practice, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) does not spy on the UAE’s government, three former CIA officials familiar with the matter told Reuters, creating what some critics call a dangerous blind spot in U.S. intelligence.

The CIA’s posture isn’t new. What’s changed is the nature of the tiny but influential OPEC nation’s intervention across the Middle East and Africa - fighting wars, running covert operations and using its financial clout to reshape regional politics in ways that often run counter to U.S. interests, according to the sources and foreign policy experts.

The CIA’s failure to adapt to the UAE’s growing military and political ambitions amounts to a “dereliction of duty,” said a fourth former CIA official.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Zarif: US must return to JCPOA, end economic terrorism before seeking talks

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the US must return to a 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement and end its economic terrorism against the Islamic Republic as a prerequisite for negotiations.

“The United States is engaged in an economic war against the Iranian people and it won’t be possible for us to engage with the United States unless they stop imposing a war and engaging in economic terrorism against the Iranian people,” Zarif told reporters in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday.

“So if they want to come back into the room there is a ticket that they need to purchase and that ticket is to observe the agreement,” he added.

(* B P)

The CIA’s Dark Prince Doesn’t Want War With Iran

Up until a couple of months or so ago, the U.S. was actively considering a full-scale military operation against Iran and was “98 per cent ready” for such an all-out attack, according to senior political sources in Washington and London spoken to by last week. “The remaining two percent involved the final movement of men and materiel into attack positions and finalising the technology and software involved,” said one. “At that point, [John] Bolton [U.S. National Security Advisor] was the dominant voice in [U.S. President Donald] Trump’s ear, and this meant moving at least 120,000 troops into position to augment the [U.S.S Abraham Lincoln aircraft] carrier group that was already in place.”

“At about the same point, though, some of the President’s very close longstanding personal advisers and very senior CIA figures persuaded him that it would be an utter disaster, both militarily and economically, given the scale of the Iranian military and the terrain involved, its ability to launch guerrilla warfare anywhere in the world through its military proxies Hezbollah and Hamas and others, and its ability to disrupt the Strait of Hormuz,” one of the sources added. “In short, it was put to him that such a [full scale] military attack on Iran would lead to consequences potentially of a least the same length as the Afghanistan conflict and of at least the severity of Islamic State’s peak power,” he added.

As it now stands, the U.S. side is still split. On the one hand, there are the ultra-hawks Bolton and Vice President Mike Pence, the latter of whom notably said that: “The world missed an opportunity last time to confront the regime, but not this time.” Their less war-centric remarks on the subject still find backing from Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, understands.

He and the lesser hawks still prefer the option currently being used of changing the regime in Iran by crippling its economy to such a degree that popular unrest removes the current power structures in the country, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). To this end, the past few weeks have seen the U.S. end all waivers on importing oil from Iran, designate the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organisation, and sanction 14 individuals and 17 entities linked to Iran’s shadowy Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (‘SPND’ initialism in Farsi).

Opposing Bolton and the other hawks in the U.S. are some of the most senior figures in the U.S. intelligence community.

(A P)

IRGC Commander: US Sanctions Futile, Iran to Continue Support for Yemenis

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said that the US sanctions against Iran proved inefficient, stressing the country's continued support for the Yemeni people.

"Today, the US military power does not help it and the weapon of its sanctions is empty of bullets," General Hajizadeh said, addressing a ceremony in Tehran on Thursday.

He stressed Iran's military power, and said the US aircraft carrier which was due to enter the Persian Gulf did not dare to approach the waterway and deployed 700km away from the Iranian coasts.

(A P)

Lavrov: Putin Backs Macron’s Initiative to Save Iran Nuclear Deal

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Moscow is aware of French President Emmanuel Macron's initiative to save the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, noting that his boss, President Vladimir Putin, has already met the French head of state and given him his full support.

Reports emerged this week that Macron's plan, which he discussed in detail with US President Donald Trump and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in separate meetings, included a "softening" of economic sanctions against Tehran in exchange for some liabilities.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference on Wednesday, Lavrov confirmed that Macron had also filled Putin in on his plan during at an extraordinary Russian-French summit at Fort de Bragnacon a week ago.

(* B P)

Audio: Straße von Hormus: Die Bündnisfalle

Der Straße von Hormus droht eine Blockade. Die EU-Außenminister diskutieren nun, an der wichtigsten Ölroute im Persischen Golf eine europäische Schutzmission zu etablieren. Publizist und Nahost-Kenner Michael Lüders hält davon wenig.

(B P)

Der Iran - Regionalmacht in Nahost

Israel, Saudi-Arabien, die USA: Der Iran hat viele Feinde. Doch er kann sich mit Hilfe seiner Verbündeten gegen sie behaupten, sogar zu einer regionalen Großmacht aufschwingen. Ein Überblick über Partner und Strategien.

Mein Kommentar: Von der Tendenz her eher als anti-iranische Propaganda einzuordnen. Der Schurkensstaat schlechthin im Nahen Osten sind die USA.

(A P)

Iran has already told Macron missiles not up for negotiations: Informed source

Iran has rejected French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to include the Islamic Republic’s missile program into new negotiations,an informed source tells Press TV.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity on Monday, added that Iran has already responded to Macron’s proposal, stressing that the country’s missile program is not up for discussions.

According to the source, Iran has also rejected France’s proposals for talks on regional issues and Iran’s regional presence.

Reacting to the French president’s idea of establishing a $15 billion

(A P)

Rouhani: No talks with US unless bans lifted, Iran rights respected

President Hassan Rouhani says the United States should lift all its “cruel” and “unlawful” sanctions against Iran and begin respecting the nation’s rights as a “first step” towards dialog, emphasizing that the Islamic Republic will not engage in any negotiations for the mere sake of photo opportunities.

The Iranian president made the remarks on Tuesday, one day after French President Emmanuel Macron expressed hopes for a meeting between Rouhani and his American counterpart, Donald Trump, “in the next few weeks.”

(* B P)

The U.S. Needs High-Level Diplomacy With Iran

Yemen isn’t the only unstable nation-state in the region where the Iranians have gained major leverage. From Beirut to Kabul, Iran has managed to become a player of increasing significance. This is why it is critical as ever for the United States and its regional allies to move beyond their enmity with Iran and move towards high-level diplomacy in order to stabilize the region enough for the U.S. to be able to end its forever wars. The 2015 nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA) and the immediate need to deescalate tensions in the Persian Gulf should just be the beginning, not the ultimate goal. At the end of the day, Iran’s role is critical if the U.S. wants to pivot away from the region and turn its attention to more pressing global matters better aligned with its actual interests.

Now, it’s important to be aware that Iran’s regional leverage does not mean everything is going smoothly. For example, the Iraqis are questioning the influence of the Iran-backed Shia militias, Assad remains at a relative stalemate as Iran’s allies in Syria—Turkey and Russia—pursue their own agendas, and sanctions are taking a toll on the Iranian economy.

However, the U.S. plan to isolate Iran only disempowers Iranian civil society and democratic movements while leaving Iran’s leverage in the region a reality. It’s simply counterproductive. The U.S. could continue to work with its limited supply of regional allies to maneuver around Iran, but at the end of the day it will be an agreement (or a series of agreements) with Iran that will actually move the U.S. closer to closing the book on multiple fronts. If the President or a future administration is serious about avoiding another war and giving room for the U.S. to get out of its current engagements in the region, it needs look beyond whether it is worth talking to Iran to simply get a nuclear deal. It needs to realize the positive ramifications that could only come through innovative, high-level diplomacy – by Shahed Ghoreishi

(* A P)

G7-Gipfel in Biarritz: Macron will Iran-Krise entschärfen

Mit einem brisanten Überraschungscoup auf dem G7-Gipfel will Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron neue Bewegung in den gefährlichen Iran-Konflikt zu bringen. Völlig unerwartet traf Irans Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif am Sonntag zu dem Treffen der reichen Industrieländer (G7) im französischen Biarritz ein und kam mit Macron zusammen. Die Visite wirbelt das dreitägige Treffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs kräftig durcheinander. Es war zuvor schon von Differenzen mit US-Präsident Donald Trump überschattet, auch wenn alle versuchten, ein einträchtiges Bild abzugeben.

Die Einladung Sarifs ist heikel, weil die USA den Iran als Feind ansehen und keine diplomatischen Beziehungen pflegen.

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel sah in dem Besuch des iranischen Außenministers einen Beitrag zur Konfliktlösung mit dem Iran. Jeder Versuch einer Deeskalation sei wertvoll.

Macron war am Freitag schon in Paris mit Sarif zusammengetroffen und unterrichtete die Staats- und Regierungschefs beim Abendessen am Vortag über seine Gespräche. Wie Merkel erklärte, habe die Runde keinen Fahrplan entwickelt. „Wir haben Optionen durchgespielt.“ Die Frage sei, was das Interesse des Irans sei, der unter den Sanktionen leide, und was für eine Rückkehr zum Atomabkommen getan werden könne.

Die G7-Runde sei sich einig, dass der Iran keine nukleare Bewaffnung bekommen dürfe. Alle wollten eine Verhandlungslösung und Entschärfung des Konflikts, sagte Merkel.

(* A P)

Trump caught off guard as Iran's Zarif visits G7 summit town

Iran’s foreign minister paid a visit to a G7 summit in France on Sunday, an unexpected twist to a meeting already troubled by differences between U.S. President Donald Trump and Western allies over a raft of issues, including Iran.

A White House official said France’s invitation to Mohammad Javad Zarif for talks on the sidelines of the gathering in the southwestern beachside town of Biarritz was “a surprise”.

Zarif met his French counterpart to assess what conditions could lead to a de-escalation of tensions between Tehran and Washington, a French official said.

Zarif also saw French President Emmanuel Macron during his brief stay, but the White House official said the Iranian minister did not meet any U.S. officials before he flew out of Biarritz airport.

Earlier on Sunday, Trump appeared to brush aside French efforts to mediate with Iran, saying that while he was happy for Paris to reach out to Tehran he would carry on with his own initiatives.

Macron has taken the lead in trying to defuse tensions

(* A P)

Iranian foreign minister makes surprise appearance at G7 summit

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif flew into Biarritz in southern France for the G7 summit on Sunday in an unexpected and dramatic attempt to break a diplomatic deadlock over Tehran's disputed nuclear programme.

Zarif's presence had not been announced and represented an attempt by French host Emmanuel Macron to find a way to soothe spiralling tensions between Iran and the United States.

He was not expected to hold face-to-face talks with US President Donald Trump but the presence of the two men in the same place sparked hopes of a detente.

"Zarif... has arrived in Biarritz... to continue talks regarding the recent measures between the presidents of Iran and France," Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi tweeted, after flight tracking sites spotted that Zarif's plane had landed in Biarritz.

The French presidency confirmed his arrival but emphasised no talks were planned with the American side.

and by Press TV Iran:

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B H)

Nadas (13) lange Reise nach Hause: Vom Jemen nach Kümmersbuch

Nada ist wieder da. Strahlend hält sie ihre Familie auf Trab. Sie ist Jemenitin, 13 Jahre alt - und lebt in zwei Welten. In Kümmersbuch ist sie angekommen, ist nun eine Hahnbacherin. Nach einer langen, leidvollen Reise.

Seit ihrem vierten Lebensjahr ist Nada Al-Absi in zwei Welten unterwegs. Das Hammer Forum, eine Hilfsorganisation, die sich um die medizinische Versorgung von Kindern in Krisengebieten kümmert, brachte Nada nach Deutschland. In ihrem Dorf im Südwesten des Jemen konnte man ihr gebrochenes Schienbein nicht mehr behandeln: Entzündung, verkrümmte Knochen, zersetztes Fleisch, das Bein fast nicht mehr zu retten. Doch "es ist noch Leben im Bein", stellten die Ärzte im kooperierenden Klinikum St. Marien Amberg fest. Sie lehnten eine Amputation ab und ersetzten das zerstörte Schienbein durch Spenderknochen.

Als eine Pflegefamilie für Nada gesucht wurde, meldete sich die Familie Weiß. "Anfangs hatte sie Angst vor mir", erinnert sich Hans Weiß heute, während sich Nada schmunzelnd an ihn schmiegt. Sie will nicht mehr denken an die Leidenszeit, die dann begann. Jahre voller Hoffen und Bangen, in denen Nadas Bein wieder brach, der Spenderknochen tot war, sie zur weiteren Behandlung zu Spezialisten in die Uni-Klinik Ulm kam.

(* A K P)

Berlin schweigt zu deutschen Waffen im Jemen-Krieg

Die Bundesregierung will trotz scharfer Kritik nicht aufklären, ob deutsche Technik im Krieg im Jemen eingesetzt wird. Obwohl der Koalitionsvertrag Waffenlieferungen an Länder ausschließt, die an diesem Krieg beteiligt sind, hatte die große Koalition Ausfuhren von Rüstungsgütern an Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Ägypten genehmigt.

Ob nun deutsche Waffen gegen die Huthi im Jemen eingesetzt wurden, lässt sich angeblich nicht klären. Entsprechende Medienberichte kommentiert die Bundesregierung zwar nicht. Wie der „Spiegel“ aktuell berichtet, stellt sich Berlin aber auf den Standpunkt, dass nicht genau bekannt sei, wer an dem Krieg teilnimmt. Entsprechend könne der Einsatz der Waffen nicht genau geklärt werden.


(A K P)

Erklärungen des Auswärtigen Amts in der Regierungspressekonferenz vom 26.08.2019

Benennung von am Krieg im Jemen Beteiligten

ZUSATZFRAGE JESSEN: Noch einmal: Wie wollen Sie das prüfen, wenn Sie erklären „Wir sind nicht in der Lage, zu definieren, wer beteiligt ist oder nicht“? Eine Prüfung auf was, auf Grundlage von welchen Kriterien soll das dann sein?

BREUL: Das Zitat, das Sie hier anbringen, ist so nicht richtig. Wir haben nicht gesagt, dass wir nicht in der Lage dazu sind. Wir haben gesagt: Die Beteiligung einzelner Länder ist sehr, sehr unterschiedlich, und darum muss jeder Einzelfall geprüft werden. - Der Außenminister hat auch eine sehr lange und ausführliche Antwort gegeben. Die kann ich Ihnen gerne im Nachgang zur Pressekonferenz noch einmal schicken. Ich glaube, es ist wenig zielführend, wenn ich sie jetzt noch einmal in Gänze vortrage.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

#UAE official delegation to #Damascus business fair was aimed to embarrass @AmbJohnBolton (photo)

(B P)

Emiratis purchasing plots of Palestinian land for Israelis: Report

A high-ranking Palestinian official says Emirati companies have been purchasing plots of Palestinian land in occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds and then transferring their ownership to Israelis.

Kamal Khatib, the deputy head of the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, made the remarks in an interview with Qatar’s pan-Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera on Wednesday.

Those firms that buy the properties have offices in both the United Arab Emirates and the occupied territories.

The houses located around the al-Aqsa Mosque compound are now owned by Israeli settlers, who have been raiding the holy site, he said.

Earlier, some media outlets had reported on real-estate activities of UAE-owned companies in occupied al-Quds.

(A P)

After surrounding his residence, breaking down the door, terrorizing his children, and causing his panic-stricken son to faint out of fear, the AlKhalifa regime forces in #Bahrain have re-arrested ex-MP Osama AlTamimi, who had just returned home from the hospital!

(* B P)

The cost of freedom in Bahrain

(A P)

Am hearing that dozens of #Bahrain police are right now storming the home of former MP & govt critic Osama Al Timimi, breaking down the main door. Two months ago @USEmbassyManama refused him sanctuary. Will the embassy finally say something public now?

(A P)

Kuwait: Fifteen Bedoon activists on hunger strike in the Public Prison

According to reliable reports received by the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR), 15 activists from the Bedoon community currently detained in Kuwait’s Public Prison on charges related to peaceful assembly began a hunger strike at 11 am on 22 August 2019.

(A P)

We call our govt not to have any cooperation with "north Yemen" for life. Twitterers from many countries asking to add their countries to this call of lack cooperation with UAE. (image)

(A K P)

Noch mehr Uneinigkeit im Fall Pilatus

Die Sicherheitspolitische Kommission des Nationalrates unterstützt Pilatus – doch der Entscheid sorgt auch für Kritik.

Vor zwei Monaten erschütterte ein Entscheid des Aussendepartements den Schweizer Flugzeughersteller Pilatus: Das EDA verbot der Firma per Herbst, seine Trainingsflugzeuge in Saudi-Arabien und in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten weiter zu warten. Bevor diese Frist verstreicht, erhält Pilatus nun Unterstützung von Sicherheitspolitikern: Sie wollen den Fall ins Parlament tragen.

(B P)

On Trump and Iran, the UAE Shifts Strategy — and Israel Should Take Heed

The Gulf state is recalibrating its alliances with powerhouses like the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, and these moves are shaking up the region. Israel should take note

But recent fractures in both those alliances — between the UAE and Saudi Arabia regarding Yemen, and the UAE and the United States facing the threat posed by Iran — challenge the mutual interests on which their budding security relationship was founded.

For Israel, this should serve as a cautionary tale as these strains can give insight into its own relationship with U.S. President Donald Trump and Iran.

(* B K P)

Maariv: Israel involved in Yemeni conflict to serve ‘Saudi lover’

A prominent Israeli commentator revealed that Israel has been intervening in the Yemeni war between the Houthis and other Yemeni forces to serve Saudi interests.

Maariv’s security affairs commentator, Ran Edelist, said in an analysis he published on the newspaper’s website on Sunday: “Tel Aviv justifies its intervention in the ongoing conflict in Yemen under the pretext of defending its interests in the Red Sea and the Strait of Bab-El-Mandeb,” stressing that”the truth is that the Israeli intervention in the Yemeni scene has been aimed at supporting Saudi Arabia in its attack against the Iranians and the killing of the Houthis.”

Edelist questioned Tel Aviv’s claims that the intervention in Yemen has been aimed at contributing to securing the Strait of Bab-El-Mandeb and protecting Israeli civilian maritime navigation in the Red Sea.

He said that Israel “proceeds from the assumption that the increasing its visibility in the Red Sea and the Strait of Bab-El-Mandeb could represent a deterrent factor to prevent the Houthis from targeting the trade line between Israel and Southeast Asia.”

(A K P)

Iran’s Most Advanced Destroyer Deployed to Gulf of Aden

Iran has deployed its most advanced destroyer Sahand to the Gulf of Aden in a mission aimed at providing security for Iranian vessels in the high seas.

Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, the chief of staff of the Iranian Army, said the warship is being accompanied by a logistical vessel and the Kharg helicopter carrier on the voyage, IRNA reported on Monday.

cp12b Sudan

(* B P)

Gold, weapons, fighters: Sudanese Janjaweed's international path to power

Now better known as the RSF, Sudan's fearsome paramilitary group has a long history of involvement in foreign countries that has continued unabated since the uprising

The joint civilian and military government now taking shape secures Dagolo’s position as a leader and his RSF as effectively equal to the army within the military.

The RSF's rise involved doing Bashir’s bidding domestically, but also becoming an enforcer for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, transforming its image from a militia that raided villages mounted on horses and camels to one of a significant regional actor.

Yemen was not, however, the first time the Janjaweed played a role with implications beyond the limits of Darfur.

The path Janjaweed leaders have followed to wealth and power has also involved moving weapons and fighters over borders with Libya and Sudan’s other neighbours, exporting the products of a gold mining monopoly to the United Arab Emirates and taking advantage of Europe’s desire to stem the flow of refugees from Africa.

That international inclination does not appear to have been tempered by the increased burden of controlling Sudan’s capital, with more than 1,000 troops reportedly deployed to Libya and sales of weapons to militias in neighbouring Central African Republic continuing over recent months.

“[The RSF] is another name for the Janjaweed, repackaged in a new form, with more resources, which it managed to get both domestically and also from abroad,” Professor Ali Dinar, a senior lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania's Department of African Studies, told Middle East Eye.

“The RSF is a country inside a country. It has its own economic investment, it has its own political relations with countries. There is a lot going on.”

and also

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Russia in talks to produce AK assault rifles in Saudi Arabia

Russia is planning to sign an agreement with Saudi Arabia to mass produce AK-103 automatic rifles in the kingdom, a top Russian military official has confirmed.

He told reporters on Wednesday that Russia was already delivering the assault rifles that Saudi Arabia has purchased in previous contracts and said he was looking forward to begin the construction work for a production facility inside the kingdom as well.

The contract is part of a deal the two sides signed two years ago as part of the Riyadh regime's efforts to purchase and domestic-produce weapons and reduce the kingdom's heavy reliance on foreign arms deals.

Russia and Saudi Arabia are also reportedly discussing a possible sale of the advanced S-400 Russian air defense system, a deal that is likely to raise eyebrows in Washington if finalized.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia & Murky European Weapons Transfers To Janjaweed Successor Group

A farewell to arms transfers? Not so much. Weapons purchased by Saudi Arabia from Serbia have wound up in the hands of the Sudanese Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudanese army fighting at the Saudi-Yemen border. The RSF, the successor organization to the Janjaweed, has been accused of war crimes in Sudan — including a massacre of 120 people just this past June. The resulting investigation raises serious questions about end-user protections of firearms exported to Saudi Arabia.

End-user assurances between the Serbian government and the government of Saudi Arabia for thousands of Serbian-produced Kalashnikov rifles — reviewed in person by the author— stated that the thousands of Kalashnikov rifles were “not for re-export” and for the “exclusive use of the Ministry of Defense of Saudi Arabia.”

Paul Holtom of the Small Arms Survey (full disclosure: the author of this article has conducted research for the Small Arms Survey) says that the assurances are “primarily political” and there is normally an “implicit guarantee [the buying country] would need to seek authorization before transferring weapons to another party.” Matt Schroeder of the Small Arms Survey said any transfers in violation of end use assurances would constitute “diversion.”

This, of course, is not the first time weapons from the Saudi Coalition have ended up in the hands of outside forces. Investigations by both al-Jazeera and CNN found that Saudi and UAE forces had diverted U.S. military equipment to extremist factions in Yemen in violation of end user assurances.

Sudanese army troops and RSF have fought alongside both Emirati and Saudi forces in Yemen. Primarily this happened in the southern part of Yemen. However, Sudanese forces were also deployed to the Saudi border to prevent incursions from Houthi fighters. According to the BBC, the leader of the RSF, and former leader the janjaweed, Mohamed Hamdan “Hemeti” Dagolo, was responsible for sending units to guard the Saudi-Yemen border.

Altogether, this paints a permissive atmosphere at best for Saudi Arabia, a country already ranked alongside North Korea in terms of transparency on small arms. The lack of relationships between Serbia and Sudan, the 2018 end-user assurances, and the presence of these weapons among Sudanese forces fighting for the Saudi side in Saudi controlled areas make it highly likely these weapons came from Saudi arms stockpiles.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Battle between #alQaeda & #ISIS in #Yemen is ongoing. Suggests they have different backers (in al-Bayda' at least). Latest: #AQAP claims 7th attack on ISIS this August: ambush on Liqah road Qayfa New ISIS video of it storming al-Humaydah earlier in week (claimed 15 AQAP killed) (image)

(A T)

6 more claims from #AlQaeda #Yemen - Another attack on #UAE-backed forces yday (checkpoint in Mudiya #Abyan wiped out by bomb) - 4 attacks on #ISIS in Qayfa al-Bayda' with artillery/mortars/bombs killing 5 Sunday/Monday - #AQAP says it destroyed roadside bomb claimed yday by ISIS

(* A T)

NEW #AQAP statement on south #Yemen (used old header date). Longest for 3+ years -Strongly against dividing Yemen -Current events planned by coalition -Criticizes #Saudi, but #UAE even more -UAE deserted Houthi war, exploited south, created “swamp of chaos” -Solution is #jihad

This #AQAP statement did come via their official encrypted channel so was not widely disseminated. The bigger question is what/who is #alQaeda in #Yemen now. Many core ideologues have been droned or gone to ground. False flags & outside 'help' are rife

(A T)

#ISIS activity in #Yemen is up too. Latest both in Qayfa: -Mass attack on #AQAP positions Sunday killed 15 & hurt dozens (no AQAP comment yet) -Roadside bomb on AQAP vehicle Monday I count 12 ISIS ops so far this month: 4 on #UAE-backed forces 4 on AQAP 4 (all minor) on Houthis

(A T)

Drone targets vehicles believed to be al-Qaeda affiliates east of Modia- Abyan

A local source told Al-Masdar Online that a drone had just launched an air strike on vehicles as they passed near the town of Al-Quz, east of Mudia district Abyan province.

The raid targeted two four-wheel-drive vehicles carrying militants believed to be members of al-Qaeda terror organization, the source said.

According to local residents, the explosion shook the city of Mudia, while heavy flames were seen from the targeted area.

(* B T)

Terrorist Groups Making A Disturbing Comeback In Yemen

In recent months Al Qaeda and Da’esh terrorists have made a comeback in Yemen, adding further woe to a country where 3 million people have been displaced in an ongoing civil war. Yemen is one of the world’s most water insecure states.

Al Qaeda and Da’esh have created neo-tribal natal states in the South of Yemen and a recent uptick in violence in the region suggests they are on the march. This is a conflict between Da’esh and Al Qaeda for control of of the region and is just as vital to U.S. national interest.

Indeed, disturbing evidence posted on social media appears to show Al-Qaeda forces fighting alongside government forces in a battle withanother militia in Yemen’s troubled South.

The U.S. has an immediate and short-term security interest in defeating terrorists in Yemen and ensuring they do not gain hold with any national government.

The shifting sands of Yemen’s Civil War are complex. Recently Al Qaeda and Da’esh forces have begun their own war against each other (according to the Washington Post). The Russian Federation is also taking a new look at playing additional roles in a region of Yemen in which it held significant influence during the Cold War.

Even so the policy of aiding one group against the other would be dangerous short-term mindset that will have a long-term impact. If the accusations prove true, it may prove to be déjà vu all over again for U.S. counter-terrorism policy in Yemen.

Yemen, a state with difficult terrain, strong tribal ties and a weak central government, has long been a textbook territory for Al Qaeda terrorists to launch attacks and develop networks.

(* B T)

AQAP and ISIS fill vacuum in #Yemen

The recent upsurge of violence in Yemen between forces loyal to the legitimate government of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and groups seeking the secession of southern Yemen has opened up renewed space for terrorist groups, including ISIS and AQAP, to operate in the country.

According to the spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), Ravina Shamdasani, armed groups affiliated with AQAP and ISIS terrorist groups have intensified their activities in Yemen in recent weeks, activities “that have seriously affected civilians”. The UN official described these renewed activities as an “extremely worrying development”.

In an interesting twist, the reemergence of the groups may end up working in President Hadi’s favour, since he stands to benefit from their renewed strength in countering the Houthi rebels on the one hand and the secessionists on the other. Beyond being a mere beneficiary, several media outlets in the region and analysts on social media have highlighted apparent concrete links between elements of Hadi’s government and the terror groups, potentially even running through the office of Vice President, Abdul Muhsin Al Ahmar.

The allegations of cooperation between AQAP and ISIS terror cells and the UN-recognized government became more credible after internationally wanted ISIS leader Abu Al Bara Al Baidani was pictured fighting alongside the forces of President Hadi against Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in the province of Shabwa. The Shabwa Elite Forces, an armed group belonging to the STC, managed to arrest Al Baidani following clashes.

Several additional outlets published pictures of known Al Qaeda elements fighting alongside Al Islah Party members against STC forces in Shabwa. The Al Islah party, allied to the Muslim Brotherhood, was identified by several outlets as having promoted the influx of terrorist fighters into the government’s ranks.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Why should we support Yemen’s unity?

Although the Southerners have done well in achieving what the war accomplished not only in expelling the Houthis from the south, but also from large parts of the west coast and northern fronts, the idea of secession casts a shadow over the Arab national security project in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, including safeguarding Saudi national security.

The separation of the south is an Iranian project that emerged before the war. Some clues point to the fact that Hezbollah was the first to help southerners in their upheaval against Ali Abdullah Saleh, by launching “ Live from Aden” channel, transmitting right from the southern suburbs of Beirut, along with sheltering Ali Salem AL-Biead, one of the major southern leaders advocating the separation project.

Iran is said to have provided direct financial support to people on the ground, at the same time that it armed the Houthis in the north and prepared them for the day when they could control Sana’a and the entire Yemeni authority.

As to how the division of Yemen serves the Iranian strategy, it could be viewed from two angles: first, putting Saudi Arabia which is the regional competitor of Iran under security threats, and secondly, the formation of a loyal southern Yemeni government that could grant Tehran the opportunity of strategic presence on Bab al-Mandab Strait

(A P)

Saudi Arabia is not just a US partner, but a strategic ally

Arab News publishes a story today, based on information from the Pentagon, which is a perfect example of US-Saudi cooperation for the greater good. Our US Special Correspondent Ray Hanania describes how American experts are training Saudi pilots to avoid civilian casualties in airstrikes. Pentagon sources have praised Saudi enthusiasm for the program, and the improvement in accuracy that has has been achieved.

On a visit to Washington DC, I met a number of senior State Department and Pentagon officials who are working on confronting Iran and terrorism. From our discussions,

It is safe to say that US decision makers who know the realities on the ground are not only appreciative of Saudi support for the US, but also sympathetic toward what the Kingdom must do to defend itself against the Houthis in Yemen.

(A P)

Even in Yemen, look for the Russians!

The project to restore legitimate rule in Yemen after the Houthi coup is supported by the United States and the West in general, and the Russians have substantial incentives to thwart US-sponsored political projects, such as in Syria and in their support for the Iranian regime against America.
The Southern Transitional Council of Yemen has carried out deceptive retaliation against the forces of legitimacy in pursuit of the dream of southern secession. The Council is a political and military entity whose roots lie in the idea of a state that was sponsored by the Soviet Union before its fall in the early 1990s, and therefore there are “remnants of relations” with the Russian intelligence services that exist today.

(A P)

Houthi State of Yemen—Coming Soon

A radical Islamist state is being born on the shores of a crucial maritime passageway.

Yemen seems bound to be torn into three separate units: an Emirati-backed government along the southwestern coast, a Saudi-backed government in the southern interior, and an Iranian-backed militia government in the northwestern mountains.

Since no opposing force is willing or able to remove the Houthis from power, it may soon be accepted as a de facto state.

The Houthi movement is steadily being legitimatized. It has the domestic support of its people. I

As Saudi Arabia’s anti-Houthi alliance appears to be dissolving, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Seyyed Khamenei has pledged Iran’s continued support for Houthi leaders

If Iran were to threaten the shipping lane, trade vessels would have to reroute around the southern tip of Afric

This is why Iran has consistently supported the Houthi rebels and why the creation of a Houthi state will benefit the Islamic Republic. By establishing the Houthis in Yemen and supplying them with ballistic missiles, Iran is slowly gaining the power to threaten the Bab el-Mandeb. In Libya and Ethiopia in Prophecy, Watch Jerusalem editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes, “Yemen is already infested with terrorists. It is located on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden—and is another strategically powerful country if you are trying to control world trade.” This is Iran’s goal.

(A P)

ANALYSE: Wie Israel und Iran wieder einmal beinahe in einen Krieg geraten sind

Um seine Front gegen Israel auf den Golanhöhen zu errichten, schreckt der Iran auch nicht vor ethnischen Säuberungen zurück. Im Süden Syriens, wo 2011 der bewaffnete sunnitische Aufstand gegen Assad begann, müssen nun sunnitische Araber, die in ihre dortigen Häuser zurückwollen, die sie während des nun schon acht Jahre andauernden Krieges verlassen mussten, erst zum schiitischen Islam konvertieren, die vom iranischen Regime vertretenen islamischen Richtung. Des Weiteren bedient sich der Iran der vielen Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die der verarmten syrischen Bevölkerung humanitäre und finanzielle Hilfe zukommen lassen, wobei der Einfluss über das vormals eigentlich sunnitische Land zunimmt. Hisbollah-Agenten wiederum kaufen mithilfe von Strohmännern Land nahe der israelischen Grenze.

Neriah und Shapiro sagen, dass nicht Assad, sondern der Iran im Staat Syrien herrscht. Israels Bemühungen gegen diese Tatsache habe nur teilweise Erfolg gehabt. Assad sei lediglich eine Schachfigur in der Hand Teherans, sagen die israelischen Experten.

(A P)

In Yemen: A war of priorities, not agenda

A single plot can branch out to cover several conspiracies and scenarios of disruption and complexity. This is what the mullahs want to achieve with their agent the Houthis who are trying to expand in Yemen and stab the Gulf Arab states in the back.
There is no doubt that the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia remains strong and stable and that malicious viruses that are lurking about will only give the Arab Alliance new immunity and strength, for as it is said “what does not kill you makes you stronger”, which is confirmed by the recent Saudi-UAE statement.
The Saudi-UAE alliance will not be affected by any differences even if there may be some variation of opinion, because such an alliance is based on a stable relationship and a strategic necessity and bonds between the two brothers and allies.

(A P)

Saudi Press: Saudi-UAE joint Committee to Address Events in Aden

Saudi newspapers highlighted in their editorials today a number of issues at local, regional and international arenas.
Al-Yaum newspaper said in its editorial that the formation of Saudi-UAE joint committee to address events in Aden Governorate of Yemen is one aspect of the close cooperation and fraternal relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in various fields.
The paper added that this close cooperation between the two countries represents the cornerstone of security and stability in the region and reflects the KSA's permanent keenness on combating terrorism in all its forms.

(A P)

UAE-Saudi pledge silences critics in Yemen and abroad

Leaving Yemen to be ruled by Iran-backed militants will further destabilise the region

The UAE and Saudi Arabia’s recent pledge to remain united in their fight against Al Houthi militants in Yemen is a testament to their resolve in continuing in what they set out to achieve when they joined the war in 2015.

The Arab coalition, which the UAE and Saudi Arabia comprise of the key members, was invited to Yemen by the internationally-recognised government of Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi after he was overthrown from power.

Since then, the coalition has made monumental gains and also sacrifices in keeping up with their goal to eliminate Iran’s ability to gain a foothold in the Gulf region.

Recent attempts to undermine the unity of the coalition were staunchly rejected by both Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

and also

(A P)

US training helps Saudi pilots avoid civilian casualties

Saudi pilots in the fight to destroy terrorist cells in Yemen have been receiving high-level training by the US military to reduce civilian casualties, Arab News has learned.

The war against the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen began after they toppled the UN-backed government.

The Saudi-led coalition has made mistakes but has apologized for them. Just over a year ago, for example, the Houthis fired missiles at Jazan and other civilian communities in southwest Saudi Arabia. The Saudis responded with airstrikes; one of the missiles accidentally struck a school bus, killing 30 children.

Since then, Saudi pilots have been working with their US counterparts to improve targeting. Pentagon officials say the training has resulted in a significant reduction in civilian casualties in the Yemen conflict.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia and UAE Workshop on the "Access to Yemen Initiative"

In the light of protecting and supporting the people of Yemen, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) held a workshop today on the "Access to Yemen Initiative" organized by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) held at the Marriot Hotel, Riyadh.

Dr. Al Rabeeah discussed the mechanisms of implementing the Access to Yemen Initiative, including supporting the areas where the violations were carried out by sending specialized international neutral observers.

and also

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Aug. 25:

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aerial Aggression Launches Raids on Sana’a, Number of Houses Damaged

US-Saudi aerial aggression launched raids on the capital Sanaa early Thursday.

According to Almasirah Net correspondent, the aerial aggression has launched two violent raids towards Sana’a International Airport, damaging a number of citizens’ homes in the vicinity of the airport.

Films, Photos:

(* B H K)

Médecins Sans Frontières: Yemen: Three years after Abs hospital bombing, airstrikes continue to hit civilians

Some of the fiercest fighting is taking place close to Abs, near the Saudi border, where Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) supports a rural hospital in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and Population. On Aug. 11, an airstrike in Mustaba district killed at least 10 members of an extended family and injured another 17 family members who were then treated at the MSF-supported Abs Rural Hospital. It was the largest influx of civilians wounded in a single day since MSF started working at the hospital in 2015.

Jaume Rado, MSF head of mission in Yemen, gave the following account today:

When I spoke to Mariam, the 25-year-old mother of one of the children who died in the attack, I was reminded of the thousands of patients and their families who are affected by this conflict. Every day that MSF spends treating patients is a day spent witnessing the impacts of this war on civilians. Our patients no longer dare to hope that combatants will respect the laws of war, or that there are areas that are safe for those who are not part of the fighting.

It was impossible, speaking to Mariam, not to think of three years ago in August 2016, when my colleagues and their patients were the victims of another airstrike. =

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Aug. 28: Saada p.

Aug. 27: Sanaa p.,Saada p.

Aug. 26: Saada p.

Aug. 25: and and Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1b, cp6

(* A K pH)

Air Forces Target Najran Airport, Disrupting Air Traffic

The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier Yahya Sare'e, on Thursday said that the Air Forces launched a large offensive with a number of drones, Qasif 2-K, at Najran Airport.
The Spokesman stated that the offensive targeted warplanes hangers and led to disruption in air traffic in the airport.
He added that this operation came in response to US-Saudi aggression continuing crimes and siege.

Scheduled flights:

(* B K)

Documentary video of #WSJ on the development of the armed drones by the #Yemen's Houthis, WSJ reporters describe their increasing sophistication and recent confirmed attacks, and that the Houthis are using armed drones with startling success, they're the most efficient non-governmental entity in the use of drones in the world.

(A K pH)

In Saada, a citizen was killed by Saudi border guards fire in Munabih border directorate.

(A K pS)

Army forces shoot down Houthi explosive drone aircraft in Hayran

(* A K pS)

Command of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Intercepting and Shooting Down A Drone Launched by Terrorist Houthi Militia from Saada towards KSA

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that on Thursday morning, the coalition forces managed to intercept and shoot down a drone Launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Saada towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

(* A K pH)

Rocketry Force Targets Abha International Airport with Quds 1, Cruise Missile

On Wednesday evening, the Rocketry Force fired a winged, Quds 1, cruise missile at Abha International Airport in Asir. The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier Yahya Serai, said the missile targeted the military operations center and warplanes' hangers at the airport and hit its target with high accuracy.

He said that "the missile targeting of Abha International Airport led to the disruption of air traffic at the airport. Also, this targeting comes in response to the crimes of aggression and the ongoing siege and continuous raids, which amounted during the past few hours 42 air strikes."


(* A K pS)

Command of the Joint Forces of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Enemy projectile fired by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia falls on Abha International Airport

Colonel Turki Al-Malki, the official spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, said that at 23:35 on Wednesday evening (28 August 2019), an enemy projectile fell on Abha International Airport through which thousands of civilian passengers of different nationalities pass daily.
Colonel Al-Maliki explained that the incident is being pursued by the competent authorities, and fortunately, there are no injuries until the publication of this statement.

(* A K pS)

Command of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Intercepting and Shooting Down A Drone Launched by Terrorist Houthi Militia from Saada towards KSA

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that on Thursday morning, the coalition forces managed to intercept and shoot down a drone Launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Saada towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Masam Project Dismantles 2,797 Mines Last Week

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's project for clearing mines (Masam) in Yemen dismantled 2,797 items during the last week of August 2019, including 690 anti-tank, 2,107 unexploded ordnance.
Since the start of the project, 83,748 landmines have been dismantled after they had been planted by Houthi militias

and film:

(* A K)

25 soldiers killed in Houthi attack on gov't forces in northern Yemen

Around 25 soldiers of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces were killed Tuesday during a large-scale attack launched by the Houthi rebels in the country's northern province of Saada, a military official said.

"The Houthi group set up an ambush for a number of advancing military units of the government forces in Saada's eastern area of Kataf," the military official said on condition of anonymity.

He said the attack left 25 soldiers killed and scores of others injured, adding that the Houthis captured a number of soldiers.

Hadi Tarshan, the governor of Saada, confirmed to Xinhua that intense armed confrontations have been underway near Kataf for the third consecutive day.

(A K pS)

Houthi Militia Launches Ballistic Missile from Amran / Harf Sufyan Directorate towards Saudi Arabia but fell Down in Saada, inside Yemen, Command of Joint Forces of Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen reports

(* A K pS)

Joint Forces of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen Intercept and Shoot Down A Drone In Yemeni Airspace Launched By Houthi Militia from Sanaa

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that at 10:21 a.m., on Tuesday morning, the coalition forces managed to intercept and shoot down a drone in the airspace of Yemen launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa.

(* B K)

Yemen Update: June 27-August 25

Between July 27-August 25, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) reported nine Houthi ballistic missile attacks and at least 13 UAV launches. Of these, the August 1 MRBM attack on a military base by Aden was the most consequential, killing around 40 people and wounding dozens more.
Below is a summary of these reported events.

(*A K pH)

Again, Air Forces Target King Khalid Air Base with Qasef 2K Drones

Armed Forces Spokesman said that Air Forces carried out a large offensive on King Khalid Air Base in Khamis Mushait with a number of drones, Qasef 2K. He stated that the operation targeted the military communication system and warplanes hangers accurately.


(* A K pS)

Command of joint forces of coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen intercept and shoot down drone launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards kingdom

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that on Tuesday morning, the coalition forces managed to intercept and shoot down a drone launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards civilian facilities in Khamis Mushayt.

My comment: Khamis Mushayt is one of the main Saudi airforce bases.



Film: Tonight ... US/Saudi patriot missile lands on populated area after failing to intercept #YEMEN ballistic rocket filmed by a saudi citizen

(* A K pH)

A Number of, Sammad 3, Hit Military Targets in Saudi Capital, Riyadh

The Air Force of the Army and Popular Committees carried out a large attack with a number of drones, Sammad 3, hitting military targets in the Saudi capital, Al-Riyadh. The Armed Forces spokesman said that "the drones hit their targets with high accuracy."

He added that this operation comes within the framework of expanding the circle of targeting and in response to the crimes of aggression and its siege on our Yemen People.


(* A K)

Yemen's Houthi rebels say launch multiple attacks on Saudi capital

Yemen's Houthi rebels said they launched multiple drone attacks on a vital military site in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Monday, the group's al-Masirah TV reported.

"We called on civilians to stay away from military sites because they become legitimate targets," the television said, citing a statement by the Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea as saying.

Sarea did not name the target.

There was no comment yet from Saudi Arabia on the alleged attack.

(* A K pH)

Yemen’s army drones repeat targeting King Khalid Airbase in Asir

The Yemeni army backed by popular forces on Monday carried drones repeated attacks on the King Khalid Airbase in Asir province in south of Saudi Arabia, the Yemeni army spokesman said in a statement.

The spokesman Yahya Saria said that the Qasef K2 drones targeted military facilities and aircraft hangars in the airbase accurately.


(* A K pS)

Coalition Forces Intercept and Shoot Down One Drone in Yemeni Airspace Launched by Houthi Militia from Al-Jouf Towards Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that on Monday morning, the coalition forces managed to intercept and shoot down in the Yemeni airspace one drone launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Al-Jouf towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

(* A K)

Huthi-Miliz im Jemen feuert erneut Raketen auf Saudiarabien

Die von Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen haben Ziele in Saudiarabien beschossen. Laut der staatlichen saudiarabischen Nachrichtenagentur SPA habe das von Saudiarabien angeführte Militärbündnis sechs ballistische Raketen, die auf die Stadt Jisan abgefeuert worden waren, abgefangen und zerstört. Die sechs Geschosse hätten zivile Objekte und Bürger zum Ziel gehabt, zitierte SPA den Koalitionssprecher Turki Al Malki am Montag. Ein Huthi-Sprecher sprach dagegen von zehn Raketen, die den Flughafen Jisan treffen sollten

Mein Kommentar: Militärisch genutzte Flughäfen sind wohl kaum „zivile Objekte“.

(* A K pH)

Yemeni Air Force Targets, with a number of drones, Qasif 2K, Saudi King Khalid Airbase, Asir

The Air Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees, on Sunday, carried out attacks on the King Khalid Airbase in Saudi Arabia’s Asir region with a number of drones, Qasif 2K. "The attack on the Airbase targeted its communications building," the Armed Forces Spokesman said.


(* A K pS)

Coalition Forces intercept and shoot down two Houthi militia-launched drones in Yemeni airspace

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that on Sunday evening and Monday morning, the coalition forces managed to intercept and shoot down in Yemeni airspace two drones launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa towards the kingdom.

(* A K pH)

Rocketry Force Hits Saudi Military Targets with 10 Ballistic Missiles, Jizan

Yemeni Rocketry Force fired 10 ballistic missile, Bader-1, targeting military sites in Jizan. Armed Forces Spokesman stated that Rocketry Force targeted warplanes and Apache hangers and military sites at Jizan Airport with 10 ballistic missiles, Bader 1.

He said that dozens of Saudi Army's individuals were killed and injured in the largest operation of Yemeni Rocketry Force with medium-range ballistic missiles.

"We promise the Saudi regime more and wider operations as long as it continues its aggression and siege," Sare'e said.



(* A K pS)

Coalition Forces Intercept and Shoot Down Six Ballistic Missiles launched towards the Kingdom by Houthi militia, Coalition Command to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen reports

The Official Spokesman of Coalition Forces ''Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen'' Colonel Turki Al-Maliki stated that this evening the joint coalition forces have successfully intercepted and shot down six ballistic missiles launched by the Houthi terrorist militia from Sa'ada Governorate in an attempt to target civilian objects and civilians in Jazan city.


(A K P)

OIC condemns Houthi militias firing six ballistic missiles at Jazan

Bahrain Strongly Condemns Houthi Militia Ballistic Missile Attacks towards Jazan

UAE Denounces Houthi Ballistic Missile Attacks on Jazan

(A K pH)

Army fires ballistic missile on Saudi army groups in Najran: Yemen’s army spokesman

The Yemeni army on Sunday fired a ballistic missile at groups of the Saudi army and its mercenaries in Najran province, south of Saudi Arabia, a Yemen’s army spokesman said in a statesmen.

The spokesman Yahya Saria affirmed that the missile, Nakal, hit the groups off al-Sudis site accurately, killing and injuring dozens of the Saudi soldiers and mercenaries.

and also

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia And The UAE Fund Academia With Strings Attached

As Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have both tried to build up their soft power across the Middle East and North Africa, both states have also attempted to gain greater influence in the West. In particular they’ve targeted Western academia, a useful object as it allows them to promote their political narratives.

Since the 2000s, Western universities have received steadily increasing funding from Gulf Cooperation Council states, directed towards academic centers, student scholarships, academic chairs and fellowships, and donations to archives and museums.

“By 2008 Saudi Arabia had given UK HEIs £189.8m, £21m to Oxford, £8m to Edinburgh, £8m to Cambridge, £1m to the Oxford Middle East Center at St Antony’s College and a large amount to the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies,” Dr. Anthony Glees, Professor of Politics at the University of Buckingham, who previously researched Gulf funding into Western universities, told LobeLog. Other UK universities like Durham, the London School of Economic and Political Science, and Exeter have since received sizable donations.

Meanwhile, U.S. universities have received $2.2 billion from Gulf states since the beginning of 2012, according to a Financial Times analysis. MIT, for instance, received numerous Saudi donations. Among these were $25 million in March 2018 from Saudi Aramco, for research in renewable energy and artificial intelligence. The university also received individual gifts from Saudi billionaires totaling as much as $43 million. Harvard, Yale, Northwestern, Stanford, and the California Institute of Technology are other elite U.S. universities that have received Saudi financing. These investments have largely focused on Western Middle East Studies centers. Virtually every Middle East department in the West has some Gulf funding.

One mechanism for this funding is state-linked foundations.

Dr. Madawi al-Rasheed, visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, said that Saudi Arabia expects support for its policies in return for its funding. It blames criticism on research funded by its regional rivals. “Western academic institutions defend their objectivity by claiming that they remain objective despite the funding,” she said. “But this will be difficult to sustain, as Saudi funding may be cut if activities at such centers are deemed hostile [to] or critical of Saudi Arabia.”

(B E H)

In pictures: Turning tyres into tables

Soufian Noaman owns a recycling workshop in Sanaa where he and his assistant turn used tyres into furniture

In Sanaa, Yemen, Soufian Noaman creates unique household furniture from re-purposed tyres, giving them a new lease of life.

Using mainly bold colours, Noaman combines his love for art and the environment to make one-of-a-kind pieces which he can sell.

Here, tyres are being painted by Mohamed Noman, an assistant at the workshop. (Reuters/Mohamed al-Sayagh)

(B H K)

Film: Murals represent the harsh reality of Taiz

Hands for Development initiative in Cairo directorate of Taiz governorate has launched graffiti campaign as part of Improving Community-Based Peacebuilding Mechanisms project in Yemen. The project aims at promoting the culture of peace through drawing on walls that reflect and describe the suffering of the people of Taiz including the siege and child recruitment in addition to some social phenomenon such as gunfire at weddings and other issues.

(B H)

Film: My little baby girl

A song by Emy Hitary captures the emotions of thousands of girls caught in the midst of war and displacement in Yemen; many who are married off at an early age as families try to cope with the conflict.

(* B H)

Film by Drew Binsky: The MANHATTAN of YEMEN (SHIBAM)

Welcome to Wadi Dawan in the Hadramaut Governorate (region) of Yemen. This place is made up of 32 small villages, entirely made from mud bricks! Some of the settlements, like Shibam, are over 600 years old which has awarded them to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Shibam is actually considered as the "world's first skyscraper city" and best example of urban planning based on vertical construction. =

(* B H)

Film by Drew Binsky: What Can $10 Get in YEMEN?

Join me today in Seiyun, the heart of Yemen, to see how many things I could get with $10

(* B H)

Film by Drew Binsky: Being Female in Yemen

I was lucky enough to get connected with Shrooq through an Instagram friend, and she's welcomed me into her city of Mukalla with nothing but open arms. It's been fascinating to hear about life in Yemen from her perspective as a female, which actually has its benefits during the current situation. Shrooq is a young entrepreneur who is fighting for equal rights between men and women. She's rebellious in the sense of showing her face in public, because 99% of females in her culture cover themselves from head to toe.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-569 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-569: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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