Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 571 - Yemen War Mosaic 571

Yemen Press Reader 571: 2. Sept. 2019: Wiederaufbau nach dem Krieg – Die Lage in der östlichen Provinz Mahrah – Saudischer Luftangriff auf Gefängnis tötet 130 – Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen ...

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... Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen: Separatisten haben Aden und Abyan im Griff, verfolgen Regierungsanhänger, Krieg der Worte und Propaganda – und mehr

Sept. 2, 2019: Reconstruction after the war – The situation in the eastern province of Mahrah – Saudi air raid at prison kills 130 – Civil war in Southern Yemen: Separatists secure grip on Aden and Abyan, prosecute government supporters, war of words and propaganda – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Saudischer Luftangriff auf Gefängnis tötet 130 / Saudi air raid at prison kills 130

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen / Civil war in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B E P)

How Yemen Rises

Reconstruction is never easy, and in Yemen the road will be longer than most. The first step is to pass on “best practice” in favor of a critical, reflexive approach

Considering the realities of post-war reconstruction, instead of calling out failure, it may be more useful to focus on what was achieved given a catastrophic situation, limited capacities, and meager resources. After all, PWR is supposed to come to a place struck by the tragic destruction of livelihoods, market networks, health, sanitation, and education infrastructures, and turn all of those around. It must do so through processes implemented in an environment of insecurity, instability, fragile negotiated settlements, post-conflict competition between actors, rearrangement of power structures, existing war economies, new reconstruction economies, weak central governments, multiple donor priorities, and local perceptions of favoritism.

The Tragedy of Yemen
It is widely acknowledged that the conflict in Yemen has led to one of the greatest preventable disasters facing humanity. The extent of the tragedy is difficult to measure due to the scarcity of reliable data, but the estimates are staggering.

Some Dos and Don’ts
Yemen’s post-war reconstruction will not meet donor/recipient expectations and will face colossal challenges to avoid total failure. Based on the above and on the specific nature of Yemen’s politics, a number of steps can be taken to maximize the positive effects and minimize the inevitable negative outcomes.

Decentralize Reconstruction

Put Communities First

A second step is to put communities first, and the interests of international NGOs (INGOs) second. As much as we prefer to think otherwise, there exists a relief and reconstruction complex of some local, but mainly international, NGOs who do good, but also make massive amounts of money by acting as intermediaries for much of the funding coming into a country from donors.

Beware Donor Conditionality

Support Start-Ups and SMEs

Post-war reconstruction presents a country with an opportunity to create a new merchant class and diversify the accumulation of wealth.

Invest in Wartime Innovation

War pushed Yemenis toward innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives. One important example is in the energy sector. The destruction of the power system forced people to find alternative sources of energy

Heal the Environment, Prioritize Health

The environmental footprint of modern warfare is staggering. A bomb is not simply a bomb. Each one of the millions upon millions of bombs used in this war leaves a chemical residue

Weaken, Don’t Strengthen, Sectarianism and Regionalism

Finally, it is vital to continuously reflect on how we think when we approach reconstruction. Reconstruction is not an exact science. It is essentially an art whose key tool is a deep, localized understanding of the social fabric, political structure, cultural context, and economy of a country. Being an art, at its heart lie not theories and models (especially economic ones), but rather passion and imagination—a passion for human prosperity and wellbeing, and an imagination for how to achieve this in different localities. The hope now is that artists with imagination and passion as well as reflection and understanding will lead or significantly contribute to the process of Yemen’s reconstruction – by Abdullah Hamidaddin

(** B P)

Inside east Yemen: the Gulf's new proxy war no one is talking about

A battle for control of Mahra, Yemen's most eastern and quiet province, has ignited dangerous tensions within the Gulf

Men and women have staged regular protests against what they deem to be an “occupation” of their lands by Riyadh, that is spearheading a military coalition fighting the Iran-backed Houthi rebels on the other side of the country.

Isolated by yawning ravines and sweeping moonscapes, Mahra, Yemen’smost eastern province, had been spared the horrors of the five-year war that was triggered by the Houthis ousting the recognised Yemeni government.

It has also, until recently, seen little presence of extremist groups like Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.

The Mahri tribes, who speak their own unique language, have retained a strong sense of independence and, other than hosting displaced families, largely steered clear of the Yemen war that erupted in 2015.

But since late 2017, the often-forgotten region found itself embroiled in Yemen’s newest proxy war between Gulf countries. Saudi began shuttling as many as 1500 troops to the area, according to Yemeni researchers and training local forces to tackle rampant weapons smuggling through the porous border with Oman.

Just days after the arrival of Saudi forces, Mahra’s governor Mohammed bin Kuddah, who tried to push back, was replaced by Saudi’s chosen candidate Rajeh Bakrit, a figure who had spent comparatively little time in Mahra and who landed in January 2018 on a Saudi plane.

Despite initially promising not to, Riyadh took over and shut down Mahra’s civilian airport, turning it into a military headquarters. The Saudis unfurled a further five main bases, some still under construction, and according to locals as many as 20 smaller outposts sparking alarm and outrage among the Mahri who accuse the Saudis of a land grab.

The Saudi authorities have repeatedly defended their actions saying heavy weaponry was being funnelled through the sea route or the notoriously corrupt border with Oman to the Houthi rebels who were firing missiles at Saudi Arabia that were reaching far as Riyadh.

Saudi’s presence has not just agitated the locals but, according to experts and foreign diplomats, caused a growing rift with neighbouring Oman, another regional powerhouse.

The resulting tensions have received little international attention, but could have wide-reaching and potentially devastating consequences for the region if both sides continue to fight for control of the area.

“Mahra was isolated and the last stable place in Yemen. But now there is a regional power war brewing and Mahra, is the new proxy front line,” said Farea al-Muslimi, head of Yemeni think tank Sanaa centre for Strategic Studies – by Bel Trew

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1st January to 31st July 2019 is 543,793 with 786 associated deaths (CFR.14%). Out of the reported cases, 91,556 cases were reported in July 2019. Children under five represent 24% of total suspected cases and the proportion of severe cases is 15.5%. According to July 2019 data, the outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 304 of 333 districts in Yemen.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, September 1st, 2019

(A K pS)

Houthis bombard with tanks and cannons the “Joint Forces” in Hodeida

(A K pS)

Films: Shelling of Houthi militias on the factory of Thabet Brothers Complex in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: Rising indiscriminate shelling of Houthi militias on residential neighborhoods in Hays city in Hodeidah governorate

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, August 31st, 2019

(A K pH)

Coalition forces resume firing artillery shells at Durihimi district of #Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Thursday, August 29th, 2019

cp1c Saudischer Luftangriff auf Gefängnis tötet 130 / Saudi air raid at prison kills 130

(** A K)

Angriff auf Gefängnis im Jemen: Helfer befürchten noch mehr Tote

Bei dem Luftangriff im Jemen sind womöglich mehr Menschen gestorben als bisher angenommen. Helfer befürchten bis zu 130 Tote. Huthi-Rebellen hatten die Opfer in dem Gebäude gefangen gehalten.

Nach dem Luftangriff auf ein Gefängnis im Jemen befürchtet das Internationale Komitee des Roten Kreuzes (ICRC) bis zu 130 Tote. Wie das Komitee mitteilte, wurden in dem Gebäude in Dhamar im Südwesten des Landes etwa 170 Menschen gefangen gehalten. 40 von ihnen seien bei dem Angriff verletzt worden, die übrigen 130 vermutlich tot. Zuvor war von 100 Toten die Rede gewesen.

"Diesen gewaltigen Schaden zu sehen, die Leichen zwischen den Trümmern, war ein richtiger Schock", sagte der Leiter der Rot-Kreuz-Delegation im Jemen, Franz Rauchenstein, bei einem Besuch des Angriffsortes in Dhamar.

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition bestätigte einen Angriff in Dhamar. Die Attacke habe ein Lager für Drohnen und Raketen getroffen, hieß es in einer Mitteilung der Koalition. Der Angriff sei in Einklang mit internationalem Recht erfolgt.

Kampfflugzeuge hätten etwa acht Angriffe auf das Gebäude geflogen, berichteten Augenzeugen. Das getroffene Gefängnis der Huthis war früher ein Universitätsgebäude. Das Rote Kreuz bestätigte, das es dort Häftlinge besucht habe. Ein Sprecher des Gefangenenkomitees der Huthis sagte, der saudischen Koalition sei bekannt gewesen, dass in dem Gebäude Gefangene festgehalten wurden.

(** A K)

Bis zu 130 Kriegsgefangene bei Luftangriffen getötet

Im Jemen sind möglicherweise bis zu 130 Regierungskämpfer getötet worden, als das saudische Militärbündnis ein Gebäude der Universität Dhamar bombardierte, das die Huthi-Rebellen als Gefängnis benutzen. Dutzende Weitere seien verletzt worden, teilte das Gesundheitsministerium der Huthi-Rebellen sowie Behörden mit.

Das Gesundheitsministerium der Huthis teilte mit, das Gefängnis sei von sieben Angriffen getroffen worden. Der Huthi-Sprecher Mohammed Abdul-Salam veröffentlichte über den Messenger-Dienst Telegram Fotos von Leichen unter den Trümmern. In dem Gefängnis seien gefangengenommene Kämpfer der Regierung eingesperrt gewesen, sagte der Rebellenvertreter Abdel-Kader al-Murtassa. "Das angegriffene Gefängnis beherbergte mehr als 170 Kriegsgefangene, wovon die meisten Teil einer örtlichen Vereinbarung für einen Gefangenenaustausch werden sollten", sagte er laut des von Huthis betriebenen Senders Al-Massirah.

Bewohner der 100 Kilometer südlich der Hauptstadt Sanaa gelegenen Stadt sagten hingegen, auch Familienangehörige, die wegen Kritik an den Huthis festgenommen worden seien, seien in dem Gefängnis eingesperrt gewesen.

und auch

Reuters-Film: = =

Mehr Fotos, Filme: s. unten.

(** A K)

Massacre in Yemen as more than 100 killed by Saudi-led air strikes

Raid on community college-turned-prison could see 150 dead, including detainees the Yemeni government wanted to exchange with the Houthis

Saudi-led coalition air strikes on Sunday struck a college-turned-prison in southwest Yemen's Dhamar, killing more than 100 people, health officials and the International Committee of the Red Cross said.

Seven air strikes hit three buildings belonging to Dhamar Community College, where the Houthi movement was detaining 185 people, a spokesperson for Sanaa's Houthi-run health ministry told Middle East Eye. Many bodies were trapped beneath the rubble, the spokesperson said.

A source in the Dhamar health office told MEE that the prisoners were spread across three buildings in the college.

"The three buildings were hit and there were 185 prisoners inside them, and all of them were either killed or injured," the source told MEE. "When the Saudis hit a building with an air strike, it is certain that everyone inside it will become a casualty."

Some dead bodies and wounded prisoners are still under rubble, the source said, and teams from the health office and aid volunteers are looking for them carefully.

"We do not use bulldozers because this will kill the injured ones, but we are looking for them by digging with our hands," he said.

He said that in addition to 185 detainees, the prison's guards were among the killed and wounded, and confirmed that more than 100 dead had so far been counted and many survivors were in critical condition.

"In the coming hours, the number of dead will exceed 150, as most of the wounded people suffer from critical wounds and they cannot receive proper healthcare in Dhamar or Sanaa," he said.

"The destruction of the medical system is another Saudi crime, as injured people cannot receive proper healthcare."

Officials from the health ministry and some international NGOs have commonly visited the prison to aid the detainees, the source said, adding that it was known not to be a military site.

Franz Rauchenstein, head of delegation for the ICRC in Yemen, confirmed to the AFP news agency the number of dead.

In a statement carried on Saudi state television, the coalition claimed that it had launched air strikes on a number of targets in southwest Yemen, destroying a site storing drones and missiles in the city.

However, the Dhamar health office source rejected this.

"These buildings used to be a college and it was turned into prison, so both are not a target for the coalition and this is a crime against humanity," he said.

Warplanes continued to hover over the area, sources told MEE, leading those involved in the rescue operation to fear that they will be victims of a "double-tap" strike, should jets bomb the site again.

Ibrahim Alwan, a resident of Dhamar city, told MEE that dozens of dead and wounded had been sent from the college to al-Thawra Hospital.

"Patients in al-Thawra Hospital aren't receiving treatment for normal illnesses, as all the doctors are busy relieving the wounded people coming from the college. Many of them suffer from critical wounds," Alwan said.

Mohammed al-Boukhaiti, a member of the Houthis' political council, said on Facebook that some of those detained in the college had been on the list of prisoners Yemen's government had wanted freed as part of an agreement between the warring parties brokered by the UN in Stockholm.

(** A K)

International Committee of the Red Cross: Yemen: Scenes of devastation as every single detainee either killed or injured in attack

A building serving as a detention facility in Yemen was destroyed in an airstrike, killing or injuring every detainee inside when the multi-story facility crumbled.

The facility held around 170 detainees. Forty of those detainees were being treated for injuries; the rest are presumed killed, though no toll has been confirmed.

Yemeni Red Crescent volunteers helped remove bodies from the rubble as heavy machinery arrived onsite to assist. It will likely take several days to locate all the bodies.

A team from the International Committee of the Red Cross travelled to the scene in Dhamar, Yemen. The team, including a forensic specialist, delivered 200 body bags and medical supplies to treat up to 100 critically wounded people.

“Witnessing this massive damage, seeing the bodies lying among the rubble was a real shock. Anger and sadness were natural reactions. People who are not taking active part in combat should not die in such a way,” the head of delegation, Franz Rauchenstein, said after visiting the attack site.

Sunday’s attack is another stark reminder that the rules of war require that only military persons and objects can be targeted by an attack. All possible precautions must be taken to spear civilians and other persons not taking part in hostilities, such as detainees.

(** A K)

Saudi-led airstrikes kill at least 100 in rebel-run prison

The Red Cross, which inspects detention centers as part of its global mission, said it had visited detainees at the site in the past.

Former detainees said the Houthis had previously used the site to store and repair weapons.

Youssef al-Hadhri, a spokesman for the Houthi-run Health Ministry, said at least seven airstrikes hit three buildings in the complex overnight.

The rebels’ Health Ministry said in a statement that more than 60 people were killed in Sunday’s airstrikes and another 50 wounded. Later in the day, health officials said the death toll climbed to 65. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief media.

Local residents said family members arrested for being critical of the Houthis were imprisoned in the detention center. They said at least seven airstrikes hit the area.

Omat al-Salam al-Haj, a mother of a detainee, said the center housed anti-Houthi political detainees who were rounded up over suspicions of cooperating with the coalition.

Former detainee Mansour al-Zelai said the Houthis were restoring weapons in and close to the detention center.

Houthi rebels have been using scores of sites as detention centers, including schools, mosques, and houses, filling them with thousands of political detainees to use later in prisoner-swap deals.

The Associated Press documented that many of these sites were rife with torture and abuses including Dhamar’s community college.

Former detainees recalled torture and abuses inside the detention center, which came under a series of airstrikes before.

Rights groups have also previously documented that Houthis place civilian detainees in detention centers as human shields by placing them next to army barracks, under constant threat of airstrikes. =

(** A K)

Saudi-led coalition bombs Yemen prison, scores killed

Air strikes by a Saudi-led military coalition in southwest Yemen hit a prison complex, killing scores of people, Yemen’s Houthi movement and a Red Cross official said on Sunday.

The Houthi health ministry earlier said at least 60 bodies were pulled from the rubble at the detention centre, which officials said housed 170 prisoners.

“There are three buildings hit and the building where the detainees were located, most of them or the majority has been killed,” Rauchenstein told Reuters by telephone.

“The prisoners in that facility were prisoners that we had visited in relation to the conflict.”

He said the Yemeni Red Crescent Society was still trying to retrieve bodies and that around 50 injured people had been taken to hospital.

Residents told Reuters there had been six air strikes.

“The explosions were strong and shook the city,” a resident said. “Afterwards ambulance sirens could be heard until dawn.”

(** A K)

Red Cross says more than 100 killed in attack on Yemen prison

A Saudi-led coalition air strike on a prison in southwest Yemen killed at least 100 people, an official from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Sunday.

Franz Rauchenstein, head of the ICRC delegation in Yemen, told Reuters by telephone after visiting the site that bodies were still being pulled from the rubble at the prison in Dhamar.

The coalition, which has been battling the Iran-aligned Houthi movement in Yemen for more than four years, said it hit a Houthi site storing drones and missiles.

Houthi officials and residents said the air strike targeted a complex used as a detention center in the city.

(** A K)

Over 100 killed by Saudi-led air strike on Yemen detention centre: Red Cross

"We estimate over 100 people were killed," Franz Rauchenstein, head of delegation for the ICRC in Yemen, told the AFP news agency, adding that teams were working to find survivors under the rubble but that the chances "are very low".

Residents told the Reuters news agency there had been six air strikes and that a complex in the city being used as a detention centre had been hit.

"The explosions were strong and shook the city," one resident said. "Afterwards ambulance sirens could be heard until dawn."

In a tweet, the International Red Cross said it was providing 200 body bags and enough medical supplies to treat 100 critically wounded people.

(** A K)

Houthis: Saudi-led coalition bombs Yemen prison, kills dozens

Yusuf al-Hadri, a spokesman for the Houthis' ministry of health, said at least 60 people were killed in Sunday's air raids which hit a complex used as a detention centre north of Dhamar city

Fifty people were wounded, he told the rebel-run Al Masirah TV, adding that 185 prisoners of war were being held overall at the Dhamar Community College.

Nazem Saleh was among those held at the facility. "We were sleeping and around midnight, there were maybe three, or four, or six strikes," he told The Associated Press news agency.

"They were targeting the jail, I really don't know the strike numbers ... We were 100 persons on the ground level and around 150 on the upper level," he said while on a stretcher in a local hospital.

Earlier, Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam had said in a Twitter post that the toll was 50 people killed and more than 100 wounded.

(** A K)

More than 100 killed in air strike on Yemen prison: ICRC

The ICRC rushed to the scene in the city of Dhamar with medical teams and hundreds of body bags.

"The location that was hit has been visited by ICRC before," Rauchenstein told AFP from Dhamar. "It's a college building that has been empty and has been used as a detention facility for a while."

"What is most disturbing is that (the attack was) on a prison. To hit such a building is shocking and saddening - prisoners are protected by international law."

Rauchenstein said that over 100 people were estimated to be dead, and that at least 40 survivors were being treated for their injuries in hospitals in the city, south of the capital Sanaa.

ICRC teams collecting bodies were "working relentlessly to find survivors under the rubble", he said, but cautioned that the chances of finding any were very slim.

Footage obtained by AFP showed heavy damage to the building and several bodies lying in the rubble, as bulldozers worked to clear away huge piles of debris.

and also, with remark: Note how the #UK state media @BBCNews drops the word #Saudi from this bombing that used #British planes & with help of British bomb techs from

(* A H pH)

Saudi airstrikes kill at least 40 of its own troops in Dhamar prison [figures outdated]

Saudi bombs Yemeni prison containing dozens of POWs once belonging to pro-Saudi forces

The Saudi-led coalition is known for disregarding the safety of its own mercenaries at a regular basis. However, the blatant attack on their own forces that have been taken captive by the Yemeni Armed Forces is unprecedented.

Abdul Qader al-Murtada pointed out that the prison has dozens of prisoners of war belonging previously to the enemy.

Several dead and wounded are reported, while for many others their fate remains unknown. Rescue teams were unable to reach the target area because of the intensity of the bombing.

He stressed that the prison is known to the Coalition and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which has visited it several times.

and also



List of prisoners / victims (Arabic; 180 names):

and what the Saudi side claims:

(A K pS)

Targeting UAV and Air Defense Equipment Storage Site in Dhamar

The Official Spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki Al-Malki issued the following statement:
The Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen’s strike last night in Dhamar was conducted against a Military compound which was a legitimate military target. Air Defense equipment was present and secondary explosions were observed during the strike, confirming the presence of the explosives used to target civilians with UAVs. The Houthi militia first claimed this compound was a Community College, before claiming it was a secret prison. This is a traditional Houthi tactic and a violation of the laws of armed conflict. This site was not registered with the United Nations, was not on the No Strike List, and is over 10 kilometers from the registered prison in Dhamar.


(A K pS)

Arab Coalition targets Houthi military site in Yemen’s Dhamar

The Arab Coalition said its forces have destroyed a Houthi military site in Yemen’s Dhamar province with targeted strikes.
The coalition said in a statement on Sunday that the Houthi site destroyed in Dhamar was being used by the militia to store drones and air defense missiles.


(* A K P)

Saudi-led coalition says unaware prisoners held at Yemen target site

The Saudi-led military coalition fighting Yemen's Huthi rebels said Monday it was unaware that prisoners were held at a detention site it targeted with air strikes that killed dozens of people.

The coalition's spokesman Turki al-Maliki reiterated its insistence that the Huthis used the building to store drones and air defence systems.

"The (facility) was not on the 'no strike list' of sites in the city of Dhamar," he told a press conference in Riyadh.

"Some reports have quoted the ICRC as saying it has gone to the site a number of times. The coalition has never been informed... about the location.

"The Huthis bear full responsibility for making this a location for Yemeni citizens who have been forcibly disappeared."

My comment: LOL. The Saudis blame others for their own air raids.

(A K P)

Saudi-led Coalition Has No Reservation To Shed All Yemenis’ Blood: Sayyed Abdulmalik Alhuthi

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has condemned the Saudi-led military coalition over air raids that hit a detention center in the western Yemeni province of Dhamar, stating that the strikes show that the alliance has no reservation to shed the blood of all Yemenis, including its own mercenaries.

“The crime perpetrated against prisoners of war points to the rancor, decline in moral and ethical standards as well as despair within the coalition of aggression. The misdeed indicates that the Saudi-led coalition considers shedding the blood of Yemenis, even its own supporters, as admissible,”

“Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates view (Yemeni) traitors as commodities, and treat them as they wish.

(A P)

Joint statement by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen and the Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, 1 September 2019

On 1 September, air strikes hit a former community college compound on the northern outskirts of Dhamar City.

“Today’s event is a tragedy. The human cost of this war is unbearable. We need it to stop. Yemenis deserve a peaceful future. Today’s tragedy reminds us that Yemen cannot wait. I hope the Coalition will launch an enquiry into this incident. Accountability needs to prevail.” said Martin Griffiths, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen.

“This is a horrific incident,” said Ms. Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen. “The scale of the casualties is staggering.

My comment: „Air strikes”. Committed by: Uruguay? Fiji? Madagascar????? – And: No condemnation at all.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* A K)

Film: Brut.documentaires ce dimanche : la guerre au Yémen

Exclusif : notre reporter Charles Villa s'est infiltré au Yémen. Des images rares d'une guerre qui embarrasse le gouvernement français.
Un doc Brut à voir ce dimanche à 11h sur YouTube et 18h sur Facebook.

(* B P)

Rasd Coalition recorded from 2014-2018 the #kidnapping & detention of 16,565 civilians & the #disappearance of 3,544 others, among whom 831 were tortured. Hundreds of these victims were released, there are still 2,852 #civilians detained by the parties to the conflict.

Rasd Coalition documented more than 797 sites where people are being #detained and imprisoner, and they are used by all sides. #Houthi militias had the highest number of private and secret #prisons.

Rasd Coalition documented from 2014-2018 the #disappearance of 3,544 individuals, among them 64 #children, 15 #women, and 72 elderly victims. Hundreds of them were released, while 211 of them are still disappeared.

highest number of forced disappearances in #Sana’a ,where 552 victims were #disappeared, followed by the #Hudaydah ,where 536 victims were disappeared, & Hajjah, with 487 disappeared. Remaining victims were distributed among a number of other #Yemeni governorates.

My remark: By an anti-Houthi, pro Hadi government organization.

(B K P)

Summer Nasser: Just a note: There’s been an extreme confidence by #UAE to target government forces, yet we do not see that same confidence towards Houthis - especially as their top leaders walk freely between the streets of Sana’a and North #Yemen specifically.

Shireen Al-Adeimi: Bomb Houthis – not Hadi – she says. 100,000 Yemenis have been killed & 85,000 children have starved to death since Saudi/UAE began targeting Houthis in #Yemen 4.5 yrs ago. UAE also led the attack on Hodeidah. But that's not "confident" (?) enough for this die-hard interventionist

(A K)

Film: Yemen Update & Breaking News 1 Sep 2019
Saudi/UAE Led Aggression airraids in South & North Yemen over last week have caused some 300 dead and wounded against mercenary troops of various militias fighting each other in South and nearly 200 dead and wounded prisoners detained in Dhamar Community College airraid Early Morning today (after Midnight.

(B K P)

Film: The War In Yemen: Nabeel Nowairah, Gulf International Forum

Nabeel Nowairah, a Research Associate at the Gulf International Forum, discusses the War In Yemen

(* B K P)

'The war in Yemen has destroyed us'

The war in Yemen shows no signs of abating. In a personal account from Sanaa, a Yemeni journalist shares his account of how life has changed for ordinary Yemenis under Houthi rule after half a decade of fighting.

War does not bring good things even when they say it will. This war has destroyed us while it was said, "it will help us." They told us about the plan to "build a modern Yemen," but this has been replaced by war and destruction carried out by various extremist religious militias.

There has been an end to political rights and freedom of expression, something Yemenis dreamed of before the troubles with the Houthis started in 2014. All the while there have been discussions around a peace settlement and legislative elections, the violence has increased and the number of poor and starving people is increasing day by day.

Extremist armed groups are practicing what appears to be ethnic and political cleansing in the areas they control. First it was their political opponents, now they are targeting their allies too.

In a way, the various parties in the war have all become similar.

Every armed party describes its activities as a "duty to maintain security against traitors and enemy agents," usually those who belong to another party. Yet not one of these "governments" cares to pay salaries, provide services or protect the rights of ordinary Yemenis. Instead, their roles are dedicated to imposing power by force, collecting money from people, squashing their opponents' rights, and occupying their property.

A choice between bad and bad

The reality in the capital, Sanaa, today is that you no longer have the right to demand payment of salaries for teachers and employees, or to demand health services. The world supported a militia while it eliminated everything related to law in my country, and turned the rest of the political forces into militias. Our choice is between bad and bad. Imagine a life without eyes and limbs, that's what life looks like without rights, protection, and a rule of law.

(* B K P)

Yemen File

The Yemen File is a biweekly analysis and assessment of the Yemen conflict and the Salafi-jihadi movement in Yemen.

August 28 Briefing

Conflict between southern Yemeni factions and forces loyal to the internationally recognized Yemeni government has fractured the anti–al Houthi coalition and exposed the division between Saudi and Emirati interests in Yemen. The al Houthi movement, which benefits from the infighting, has continued to take on the vestiges of a state and drawn closer to Iran. The Trump administration has reengaged diplomatically, with US cabinet officials meeting with Saudi officials, and announced plans for talks with the al Houthis.

The stage is set for prolonged conflict in southern Yemen. The STC *demands separation from the Yemeni state, which President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government is unlikely to accept. Nor will the government engage in talks until the STC stands down. The fighting has already distracted from efforts to combat the al Houthi movement.

At a Glance: the Yemen Conflict

As of August 28, 2019

The conflict in Yemen poses a significant challenge to US efforts to combat al Qaeda as well as Iranian influence in the Middle East. Iran has expanded its influence in the Arabian Peninsula over the course of the Yemeni civil war. The Iranian-backed al Houthi movement threatens Red Sea security and asymmetrically threatens US Gulf state partners. AQAP, which had been al Qaeda’s most virulent affiliate, retains its sanctuaries in southern Yemen despite ongoing counterterrorism operations.

Conflict in Southern Yemen

The August 10 seizure of Yemen’s de facto capital, Aden, by the Transitional Political Council for the South (STC), a southern Yemeni secessionist group, set the conditions for the expansion of Yemen’s civil war.

The al Houthi Movement

The al Houthi movement is increasingly taking on the characteristics of a state actor in its regional engagements. The al Houthi government in Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, controls Yemeni state institutions and recently named an ambassador to Iran.

My comment: On the Houthis, this is mostly a parroting of US propaganda. „The al Houthi movement is increasingly taking on the characteristics of a state actor“: What a nice encounter of propaganda and reality. Well, the Houthis took control of the state and had formed a government, several years ago. They ARE a state actor since.

(* B K P)

UAE Fractures Saudi-led Yemen Coalition

Cracks are widening up and fractures in the Saudi-led coalition are deepening as a result of the divergent UAE/Saudi strategies in Yemen. One of the most impoverished Arab nations faces the threat of falling apart as a result of conflicting interests and agendas by two of the most financially and militarily capable Arab countries in the Gulf. 10 raids launched by UAE jets on pro-Saudi forces in southern Yemen yesterday, killing and injuring hundreds according to STC (Southern Transitional Council) sources, have raised tension between the two sides to new and unprecedented levels.

Widening rift as interests diverge

Much has changed in terms of implementing own agendas and chasing individual interests and goals in the Yemen war. It looks like the UAE strongest man, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Zayed (MBZ) is sensing a historical chance to enforce his own agenda in Yemen, at the expense of his Saudi allies. Government forces managed to drive out STC militias from several districts in Aden, including the presidential palace and the airport, before the separatist militia was able to regain control of the city the following day, thanks to the deadly UAE air raids.

Four years into the military intervention in 2015, theoretically in support of Yemen’s internationally recognized government after the Houthi rebel movement seized the capital, Sanaa, and much of northern Yemen, MBZ seems adamant not to stay in the position of the Coalition’s underdog any more. This development is said to have enraged his Saudi counterpart Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS), already in much domestic and international trouble.

(* B K P)

Yemen fighting brings Saudi-led coalition to brink of collapse

Michael Knights at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, who spent months embedded with UAE forces in Yemen, told CNN that the Emiratis "are not willing to accept al Qaeda-type elements mobilizing and offering their services to the government."

The Emiratis have armed and trained another group in Aden -- the Southern Transitional Council (STC) -- which controls much of the city and ultimately wants independence for south Yemen. They distrust one of the Saudis' key allies in Yemen, the Islah party, which is an Islamist movement.

In turn, the Yemeni government is now accusing the STC and the Houthis of working together to "force the government and national army into side-battles that benefit Iran and its tools in Yemen."

The fighting and the bitter war of words leave Saudi Arabia -- as the senior partner in the coalition -- with yet another headache.

Efforts by the UAE and the Saudis to bring the government and the southern separatists to Riyadh for talks have so far come to nothing. Knights says one consequence is that the frontlines against the Houthis -- around the port of Hodeidah for example -- have been stripped of the best units, as both the government and the STC look to protect their positions in the southern provinces. A State Department official told CNN in a statement: "We support a negotiated resolution between the Republic of Yemen government and the Southern Transitional Council, and efforts to mediate the dispute.

"Further divisions within Yemen will only increase the suffering of the Yemeni people and prolong the conflict," the official added.

Knights does not expect peace to break out any time soon. He says that neither "Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman nor the Houthis can come to the peace table until they can present it as a win; it's all about the optics." – by Tim Lister

(B K P)

Saudi-UAE infighting ‘positive thing’ for Yemen: Journalist

it serves Yemenis’ national interests and the popular Houthi Ansarullah movement.

“On the whole, this can be seen as a positive thing for the National Salvation Government in Sana’a because the enemies of Yemen are turning on each other and right now, there seems to be much more concentration by the Saudis on fighting the Emirati-backed rebels and for the Emiratis to back the Saudi-backed troops than concentrating on fighting the National Salvation Government in the north,” Brecht Jonkers, historian and journalist from Belgium, said during a Friday edition of Press TV’s The Debate program [interview in film]

My comment: Infighting also kills and destroys – thus such a viewpoint is somewhat cynical.

(A K P)

Fatimah Alasrar: The news coverage out of #UAE & #KSA is suddenly in sync. So just to reiterate what I said a couple of days ago... The two Gulf coalition members have more trust in each other to be divided over #Yemen. However, a divided Yemen is a completely different story.... (image)

My comment: Do not believe in propaganda.

Gerald Feierstein, ex-US ambassador to Yemen: Question: From whom is the UAE defending the Coalition? The Houthis? And who in the Coalition are they defending? The answer to those questions determines whether they have or don’t have “the right” they claim to have.

(* B K P)

Six reasons the crisis in Yemen’s south matters

The fighting in southern Yemen could reverberate beyond that region in at least a half-dozen ways:

The crisis threatens to permanently divide Yemen

The current tensions in the south have roots in decades of friction between the north and south. Yemen was once two countries — North Yemen and South Yemen — until unification in 1990. Many southerners have remained suspicious of the northerners who have ruled the country for decades, accusing them of politically and economically marginalizing them.

The separatists want to split Yemen’s south from its north again.

The crisis is creating a rift between two regional Arab powers

Even as Saudi Arabia and the UAE are aligned against the Houthis and Iran, they have differing visions for Yemen’s future. The UAE and the separatists, are wary of Hadi’s alliance with Islah, whose members include Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, Hadi’s vice president. The Emirati leadership views Islah as a threat because of its links to the Muslim Brotherhood, a regional Islamist movement that the Emiratis and their allies see as radicals. The Saudis, however, view Islah as playing an essential role in Yemen’s war and future politics.

While the Saudis view their role in Yemen as a deterrent to Iran’s ambitions, the Emiratis have an additional goal: gaining influence in the southern Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa

Al-Qaeda and ISIS could take advantage of the turmoil

The south has long provided a haven for al-Qaeda’s Yemen affiliate, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP.

The fighting could interfere with global shipping

Aden is strategically nestled at the mouth of the Red Sea. The port city is also located adjacent to the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab el-Mandab Strait

The fighting could disrupt humanitarian aid flows for much of Yemen

Aden is a key port of entry for humanitarian aid and commercial goods, not only for the south but for many areas of the north.

The fighting in the south illustrates the need for a more comprehensive peace deal

The focus of peace efforts to end Yemen’s conflict is the western port of Hodeidah. A fragile U.N.-brokered cease-fire pact is still in place - By Sudarsan Raghavan

(B K P)

Film: The War in Yemen: Interview with Hussain Albukhaiti, Yemeni Journalist

Hussain Albukhaiti, Yemeni journalist discusses the war in Yemen, UAE strikes targeting government forces, why no flights are allowed in Yemen, and UAE interest in seizing key Yemeni positions

(* B K P)

After Aden: Navigating Yemen’s New Political Landscape

Yemen’s anti-Huthi coalition has begun to splinter, with sharp fighting between Saudi- and Emirati-backed elements in the country’s south. With UN assistance, the Gulf monarchies should urgently broker a ceasefire as a prelude to an expanded peace process encompassing southern secessionists and others now excluded.

What’s new? The anti-Huthi alliance in Yemen has reached a breaking point with southern secessionist forces taking over the interim capital, Aden, from the internationally recognised government. The government calls the move a coup and accuses the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of complicity. Saudi Arabia is trying to broker a truce.

Why does it matter? If allowed to fester, the intra-alliance discord in the south could tip the country into a civil war within a civil war. =

(* B K P)

Saudi-Arabien gibt die Niederlage im Jemen zu und fordert Friedensverhandlungen

Nun ist eingetreten, was Nasrallah, Chef der Hisbollah, vor vier Jahren bei Beginn des Krieges gegen den Jemen prophezeit hat. Er sagte, dass die Saudis eine schmähliche Niederlage erleben werden. Das wird wohl auch das Ende für den Clownprinz sein. Und die American friends haben auch keine andere Wahl, als Frieden zu stiften, wenn sie nicht etliche der neuen Langstreckenraketen auf ihre großen Basen einfangen wollen.

Vor zwei Wochen haben wir geschrieben, dass der Krieg gegen den Jemen bald enden wird. Die Saudis verloren ihre Verbündeten, sie verloren den Krieg und mussten auf Frieden bitten. Sie tun dies jetzt. Aber der Kampf im Jemen wird weiter gehen, bis dieses Land ein neues Gleichgewicht findet.

Die Wahhabitischen Saudis wollen eine jemenitische Regierung, die nicht von den Zaydi-Shia Houthi kontrolliert wird, mit denen sie Dutzende von Kriegen über zwei Provinzen geführt haben, die Saudi-Arabien einst annektiert hatte. Sie wollen auch das jemenitische Öl und eine Pipeline von der saudischen Ölregion zu einem Hafen im Jemen kontrollieren. Es würde saudischen Ölexporten helfen, die vom Iran kontrollierte Straße von Hormuz zu vermeiden.
Die VAE ist groß im Hafengeschäft. Sie will den strategischen Hafen Aden und andere jemenitische Häfen an der Südküste kontrollieren. Da es keine direkte Grenze zum Jemen hat, ist es ihm weitgehend egal, wer den Rest des Jemen kontrolliert.

Im Juni beschlossen die Emire, den Kurs zu ändern. Die VAE zog sich aus dem aktiven Krieg im Jemen zurück und begann, sich mit dem Iran zu versöhnen. Sie hoffte, dass die von ihr ausgebildeten südlichen Separatisten Aden unter Kontrolle halten und weiterhin die Wünsche der VAE ausführen würden. Die Saudis und die "legitime Regierung" unter Hadi, die Aden kontrollieren, wollen das nicht dulden.
Die Saudis sind extrem wütend, dass die VAE den Kurs geändert haben:

and English version:

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia Acknowledges Defeat In Yemen - Starts To Sue For Peace

The coalition is now falling apart. Both countries claimed to fight against the Houthi, which control the capital Sanaa, in support of the internationally recognized 'legitimate' government under 'President' Hadi. But both countries had from the very beginning more egoistic war aims.

The Wahhabi Saudis want a Yemeni government that is not controlled by the Zaydi-Shia Houthi with whom they fought dozens of wars over two provinces that Saudi Arabia once annexed. They also want to control Yemen's oil and a pipeline from the Saudi oil region to a harbor in Yemen. It would help Saudi oil exports to avoid the Iran controlled Strait of Hormuz.

The UAE is big into the port business. It wants to control the strategic port of Aden and other Yemeni harbors on the southern coast. As it has no direct border with Yemen it largely does not care who controls the rest of Yemen.

The Saudis are extremely angry that the UAE changed course

The Saudis must end the war against the Houthi that was launched at the behest of its clown prince. The war cost the Saudis an enormous amount of money even as they are still losing it.

The Hadi government is irrelevant. The Southern Transitional Council will demand independence from the north. The Houthi will demand to control the north and reparations for the war the Saudis waged against them. North Yemen's infrastructure is largely destroyed. It will cost several dozens of billions to rebuild what the five year long Saudi air war destroyed. As the Houthi can continue to harass the Saudis at will, even in their capital, their is no way out for the Saudis but to pay whatever the Houthi demand. =

(* B K P)

Film: Can a rift tear apart the Saudi-UAE coalition in Yemen?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan

Guests: Alkhadher Sulaiman - Director of the Office of Foreign Affairs for the Southern Transitional Council in New York City; Hassan Barari - Professor of international relations at the University of Jordan; Elisabeth Kendall - Senior research fellow at Pembroke College at the University of Oxford =

snippet, E. Kendall: There are only 3 possible scenarios in which #UAE conducted airstrikes on #Yemen government forces. All of them bode ill for the #Saudi-led coalition. I sum them up here in 1 minute for "Inside Story" on Al Jazeera last night.

and, two weeks ago:

(* B P)

Bröckelndes Bündnis der arabischen "Brüdernationen"

Der Krieg entzweit Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Er offenbart die eigenständige Außenpolitik Abu Dhabis.

Der Krieg in Jemen entwickelt sich zur Belastungsprobe zwischen den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Saudi-Arabien.

Doch was am Donnerstag in der Hafenstadt Aden im Süden des Landes geschah, ist nicht mehr mit schönen Floskeln wegzuretuschieren.

Der ohnehin komplexe Bürgerkrieg in Jemen ist somit um ein Paradoxon reicher: Die Emirate bombardieren eine Kraft, die unter dem Schutz ihres Partners steht, und mit der sie eigentlich ebenfalls verbündet sind.

Auch im Konflikt mit Iran scheint Abu Dhabi eigene Wege auszuloten.

(* B K P)

Analysis: The divergent Saudi-UAE strategies in Yemen

Recent fighting Hadi's forces and UAE-backed STC add another layer of complexity to Yemen's already multifaceted war.

The violence has exposed cracks in the coalition fighting the Houthis and, on the surface, it would appear Saudi Arabia and the UAE were heading for an armed conflict in Yemen through their own proxies.

"Not so," said Abdul baqi Shamsan, a Yemeni academic and political analyst based in Turkey's largest city, Istanbul.

Shamsan said despite the appearance of a rift, there is an obvious understanding between the UAE and Saudi Arabia when it came to Yemen.

He argued that Saudi Arabia would not challenge the UAE because both countries shared the strategic objective of keeping Yemen feeble to be able to implement their own different strategies.

"The UAE wants Yemen to be weak and divided to enable the South to secede," he said, adding that its interests include having the key port of Aden under the hold of its allies.

"In addition, the UAE will keep the strategic Socotra Island in the Arabian Sea under its control, where it already has established a military base," he argued.

As for Saudi Arabia, Shamsan said the kingdom was eager to main control "over other parts of Yemen closer to its southern borders, especially Hadramwt, Shabwah and Mahrah provinces".

Gamal Gasim, a Yemeni-US a professor of political science at the Grand Valley State University in Michigan, said the unification of South and North Yemen in 1990 was never seen favourably by the Arab Gulf states.

"A united and a democratic Yemen is a serious threat to the Gulf monarchies, especially to Saudi Arabia, because it would serve as a model for the local populations due to its historic social and tribal ties with the Gulf," he told Al Jazeera.

"The UAE is primarily interested in controlling south Yemen, particularly Aden and its strategic port, in order to prevent it from threatening its dominance of commercial shipping lanes in the region," Shamsan said.

Gasim characterised the UAE's policies in Yemen as displaying "political immaturity", citing its "attempts to create a separate identity for South Yemen when some of its officials or its local allies often refer to it as the Arab South". – by Ali Younes

(* B K P)

UAE joins the fray in southern Yemen, adding to Saudi woes

This direct intervention by the Emiratis in a conflict between two rival factions which are theoretically allies is sure to exacerbate tensions in the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthis who control much of northern Yemen.

The conflict has far-reaching implications because the southern forces are seen as proxies of the UAE – Saudi Arabia's main partner in the coalition. The pro-government forces, meanwhile, have close ties with the Saudis.

On Thursday the Yemeni government issued a strongly-worded statement accusing the UAE

The pro-government forces contain Islamist elements and one of the claims made by the Emiratis and the Yemeni separatists is that they collaborate with terrorists. The Hadi government, in turn, refers to the Emirati-backed separatist forces as "outlawed groups".

One political conclusion to be drawn from this is that the UAE is not prepared to abandon the southern forces for the sake of its relations with Saudi Arabia. It has invested a lot in training and supporting them, partly to fight the Houthis and partly in the hope of bringing some stability to the south.

However, the UAE also seems to be using them to put pressure on the Saudis for reform of Hadi's government.

One political conclusion to be drawn from this is that the UAE is not prepared to abandon the southern forces for the sake of its relations with Saudi Arabia. It has invested a lot in training and supporting them, partly to fight the Houthis and partly in the hope of bringing some stability to the south.

However, the UAE also seems to be using them to put pressure on the Saudis for reform of Hadi's government.

Restoring Hadi's "legitimate" government was the official reason for the Saudi-led intervention that began in 2015 – and in theory it still is. Under Resolution 2216, approved by the UN Security Council in 2015, all other countries are also required to support Hadi's legitimacy.

While this was an understandable position at the time, it has become increasingly problematic. Whatever legitimacy the government once had has now mostly evaporated – by Brian Whitaker

(A K P)

Angry Saudi public calls for expulsion of UAE from Yemen coalition after 'betrayal' in Aden

Saudi social media users launched an unprecedented fierce attack on the UAE government on Thursday, urging Saudi authorities to expel the Emiratis from the coalition involved in the Yemen conflict.

Twitter users demanded action from Riyadh after UAE forces bombed positions belonging to Yemen’s Saudi-backed national army this week, prompting a backlash from President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi himself.

Activists said it was necessary to break up the partnership with the UAE and refrain from remaining silent on its abuses against the kingdom and the Yemen government.

Under an Arabic hashtag translated to “the expulsion of the UAE is a national demand”, users from Saudi Arabia slammed the UAE as traitors.

and also

(* B K P)

Yemen conflict: whose side is the UAE on?

Abu Dhabi provokes condemnation - and confusion - after launching air strikes against its former allies in Aden

The move is likely to raise questions about the motives and allegiances of the UAE, which has been a belligerent in the war

However, the UAE has defended the strike as a legitimate military strategy aimed at “armed groups led by members of terrorist organisations” following “attacks on coalition forces at Aden airport”.

But who is telling the truth? And with coalition members at each others’ throats, might the situation in Yemen be about to get even worse?

The open hostilities between the STC and the Hadi regime have tested the loyalties of the UAE, which supports the secession movement.

As for the larger picture, although the Saudi government has this week taken steps to call for peace talks in Jeddah, it has done so in a joint statement with the UAE - something that will likely displease the Hadi regime and do little to further the peace process.

It is extremely unlikely that the coalition will be able to bring the UAE back into line with the Hadi government. Even prior to the recent definitive break-up, Abu Dhabi was wary of Hadi over his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is designated by the UAE as a terrorist organisation.

(* B K P)

Operation imprecision

Solid and fluid

When the United Arab Emirates pulled most of its forces from Yemen last month, Abu Dhabi insisted that the move was coordinated with coalition leader Saudi Arabia as part of the plan to implement the Stockholm Agreement brokered by the United Nations earlier this year


cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen: Concept of Operations, 1 September 2019

The scale of the needs and the scope of the emergency response has required a large, multi-agency and multi-sector response. However, the humanitarian community continues to face a number of critical logistics challenges; therefore, additional logistical support is required to ensure humanitarian organisations responding to the crisis can deliver efficient and effective assistance to affected people.

The Logistics Cluster will continue to ensure coordination and information management services in Sana’a and Aden to maximize the use of available resources in country and avoid duplication of efforts. Pending availability of resources, the Logistics Cluster will facilitate access for humanitarian organisations to common logistics services such as in-land transport, air cargo transport from Djibouti to Sana’a, and sea cargo transport from Djibouti to Aden and Hodeidah; sea passenger transport between Djibouti and Aden; access to temporary common storage facilities. =

map: =

(B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report (July 2019)

Between January and July 2019, UNICEF treated 159,472 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), which represent 50 per cent of 321,750 children under five with SAM who were targeted for therapeutic care. This activity contributed to reduce the fatality rate for children under five with SAM.

In July 2019, UNICEF reached to over 140,000 internally displaced persons through emergency water trucking, construction of emergency latrines, distribution of hygiene kits and hygiene promotion, for the access to safe, functioning toilets to reduce risk of disease, such as cholera and malnutrition.

Psychosocial support was provided to 38,909 people, including 28,377 children and 10,532 adults

(B H)

Audio: "Wir haben es im Jemen mit 20 Millionen Hungernden zu tun"

Bei der Vorlage ihres Jahresberichts hat die Hilfsorganisation Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe vor Seuchen in Kriegsgebieten gewarnt, besonders im Jemen und im Kongo. Im Interview in "Religion und Welt" erklärt Präsidentin Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, welche Hilfe ihre Organisation in diesen Ländern leisten kann und warum es manchmal sinnvoller ist, lokale Organisationen zu unterstützen anstatt selbst vor Ort tätig zu werden. =

(* B H)

Yemen Food Security Outlook Update August 2019


Approximately 17 million people in Yemen face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) or worse acute food insecurity and are in urgent need of humanitarian food assistance. It is expected the scale-up of humanitarian assistance in 2019 has lessened the severity of acute food insecurity in many areas. However, temporary reductions in food rations nationwidehave restricted a key source of food among many Yeminis. While food rations were expected to return to normal levels in early September, further pipeline breaks may occur in September or October.

A risk of Famine (IPC Phase 5) persists in Yemen. Famine (IPC Phase 5) would be possible in the event that conflict: 1) significantly disrupts port operations, greatly limiting the country’s capacity to import food, or 2) limits trade flows from the ports to interior markets for a prolonged period of time.

(B H P)

US Agency for International Development: Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response (Last Updated 08/29/19)

(B H)

World Health Organization, Health Cluster: Yemen: Health Cluster Bulletin, July 2019

A total of 3,011 Health Facilities (17 Governorate Hospitals, 120 District Hospitals, 66 General Hospitals, 19 Specialized Hospitals, 951 Health Centers and 1,838 Health Units) are supported by Health Cluster Partners.

and also

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)


Inside Yemen: “Education has become a luxury”

Some two million children are estimated to be out of school in Yemen, almost three times the number of out-of-school children at the beginning of the war. In areas of active conflict, it is estimated that only one in three children attends school due to safety concerns, displacement, unavailability of teachers and destroyed or damaged schools.

Preliminary evidence collected by IDMC through interviews with internally displaced families in Taiz, Aden and Lahj governorates indicates that their dire economic situation is the single largest barrier to accessing education. In a country where 81 per cent of the population is currently living under the poverty line, unable to meet their most basic needs, and ten million people are one step away from starvation and famine, it is no wonder families are not able to prioritise school for their children.

In addition to extreme poverty, the long distances between internally displaced people (IDP) settlements and the closest schools, or simply the unavailability of schools in areas of displacement, was cited as another major barrier to education for families, particularly in rural areas.

Based on information from IDPs in Taiz coming from the northern governorates under Houthi control, the non-payment of salaries of government employees, including teachers, has had a large impact on the education sector there. About 10,000 schools in northern governorates are severely impacted by this issues, as 51 per cent of teachers have not received their salaries since October 2016.

Education cannot wait and providing un-interrupted, quality education to children, including displaced children, is a way to ensure a sustainable end to their displacement once the active conflict ends and the basis for a more stable future.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen Fact Sheet, June 2019

IDPs in Yemen: There are now more than 46,660 families who have been internally displaced in Yemen since the beginning of this year, according to IOM’s 16 June Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). The IOM/DTM for June reported the highest numbers of displaced households in Hajjah (17,484 families), followed by Al Dhale’e (8,848 families) and Al Hudaydah (8,031 families). These displacements were a result of the on-going intense fighting and flash floods.

UNHCR’s emergency response to recently displaced IDPs: UNHCR and its partners continue to provide life-saving assistance to families fleeing from conflict. In the first six months of 2019, UNHCR and its partners distributed a total of 39,754 basic household items and non-food item (NFI) kits, 5,402 Emergency Shelter Kits (ESKs) and 513 Transitional Shelter Kits (TSKs).

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 30 August 2019

In the north of Hudaydah, where IDPs continue to flee from neighbouring Hajjah governorate, UNHCR completed a distribution of some 4,100 basic household items to families in Az Zuhrah district. This year, UNHCR in Hudaydah distributed a total of 12,000 basic household item packages in Hudaydah governorate

UNHCR finalized USD $3.3M in cash distributions for areas in Sana’a, benefitting some 32,775 families with rental subsides or multipurpose cash assistance.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthi official steals YR three billion

The Houthi Presidency Office Administrator, Ahmed Hamed has reportedly embezzled YR 3 billion ($5.4 million), media reports in Sana’a said.

The Houthis budgeted the stolen money to repair a public electricity station in the capital Sana’a and asked Hamed to follow up the project.

However, Hamed took the project’s money to his personal bank account and justified his action by saying that the Public Electricity Corporation is incapable to implement the repairing work.

My remark: As claimed by anti-Houthi Islah Party news site.

(B P)

Houthis Shut Eight Hospitals in Sanaa

Looking to blackmail hospital owners into paying turf dues in Yemen's Sanaa, the Iran-backed Houthi militias shut down more than eight government and private hospitals.
Other than stripping entire hospitals from practicing licenses, Houthi gunmen closed over 25 operation wards and intensive care units in the militia-run capital, local sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.
Hospital boards and staffers, at gunpoint, were forced to pay astronomical tariffs between a million and three million Yemeni rials to the group to keep their services open.
Most of the money, according to sources, has gone into the pockets of Houthi leaders.

My comment: As claimed by a Saudi news site; suspicion: high.

(A P)

Yemeni ambassador to Iran officially sworn in

President Mahdi al-Mashat officially appoints Ibrahim Al-Dailami as ambassador to Iran

and also


(A P)

New Yemeni Ambassador Submits Credentials to Iran’s Foreign Minister (photo)

(A P)

UAE’s Statement Confirms Terrorism of Coalition Countries : Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi

He considered the statement of the United Arab Emirates as an additional affirmation of the illegality of the aggression.

“The UAE’s admission by its statement of the bombing of so-called Saudi-backed terrorists confirms that the aggression against Yemen is illegal,” he said in two tweets on Twitter. “Terrorism is America, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and their allies, they are their supporters and founders to destroy Yemen. ”

Al-Houthi blamed the United States for its terrorism in Yemen, pointing out that “the UAE’s recognition as an active member of the coalition that their militias are terrorists, certainly confirming that America is the mother of terrorism.”

(A P)

Houthis kidnap the journalist Al-Shawafi, The union demands his release

Al-Houthi militias kidnapped journalist Ihab al-Shawafi on Friday in al-Hawban area, east of Taiz southwestern Yemen.


(* B P)

The Journalists' Syndicate said in a statement published in July that it had detected 62 cases of violations of media freedoms during the first half of this year, including murder, assault, threats, confiscation, torture, intimidation, attempted murder, trial, blocking of news sites, as well as further deprivation of 1,000 journalists and employees of the official media from their salaries since 2016.

A census published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) documented the disappearance of at least 20 journalists in Yemen since 2015.

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen / Civil war in Southern Yemen

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Reports that STC forces captured 3 districts in Shabwa

(* A K P)

More military reinforcements arrive to protect the South

More military reinforcements of the southern brigades of Al-Amalika arrived in Aden, coming from the West Coast to boost the fight against the terrorist militias of the Muslim Brotherhood that moved towards the South.
Over recent days, heavy reinforcements of the southern armed forces on the West Coast, have already arrived in Aden, Lahj and Abyan to liberate and secure southern regions.

(A K P)

Film: Life gradually returns to the streets of Aden

Life gradually returned to the streets of Aden province in southern Yemen, after the security services of the Southern Transitional Council intensified their presence, following sporadic clashes with Yemeni government forces in the vicinity of Aden International airport, which ended with the Southern Transitional Council forces imposing their full control over the province.

(A P)

Aden Sea Port is Open For Business as Usual

The Gulf of Aden Sea Port Corporation (Port of Aden) assured all traders and importers that the port of Aden is operating around the clock and at its full capacity.

My comment: Separarists demonstrate: Everything is under our control.

(* B P)

"Transitional" joins the list of violators. Race to persecute Yemeni journalists

Since the STC's militants took control, Aden has witnessed abuses against journalists and raids on government media organizations, most notably the "October 14" newspaper and Saba agency, as well as the printing of issues of the official newspaper promoting the council's activities and speeches.

Opposition journalists in the city continued to be the target by the council militants

(A P)

Successive resignations of Yemeni media journalists in UAE on the background of UAE attacks on the national army

Yemeni media journalists have resigned from the UAE media in connection with Thursday’s massacre of the national army committed by UAE.

(* A P)

Government describes UAE's justifications as 'false', rejects attempt to link terrorism to the military

The Yemeni Cabinet approved a package of measures and recommendations to counter the armed rebellion carried out by the southern transitional militias, stressing its rejection of "the false justifications given by the UAE to justify its blatant crime in targeting the army", by attempting to pin the charge of terrorism with government forces.

This came at an extraordinary meeting held in the Saudi capital Riyadh, chaired by Dr. Maeen Abdul Malik, dedicated according to the state agency Saba / to discuss the implementation of the president's directives regarding the coup of the southern transitional militias in Aden and take all measures to confront them.

The Council of Ministers condemned in the strongest terms the actions of the UAE-backed militias following the bombing of the National Army by Emirates national army crimes and terrorist practices through field executions of prisoners and wounded in hospitals, raids on houses and killing of individuals in front of their relatives, in addition to campaigns of arrest and raids in Aden and Abyan, adding "The government will not hesitate to do its part to deter this barbaric and brutal behavior of the lawless gangs," it said.

The Yemeni government reiterated its rejection of "the false justifications given by the UAE to cover up its blatant targeting of the national army forces, and it is exercising its constitutional duty to defend the integrity and unity of Yemeni territory, and to combat terrorism, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and international laws."


(A P)

Aden attacks engineered to portray govt as linked to terror, says Info Minister

Yemen’s Information Minister said the timing of the terror attacks that struck the temporary capital Aden and were claimed by ISIL on Friday raises more than one question mark on who masterminded then and who benefits from them.

In a statement to Saba, Muammar al-Eryani said the attacks were engineered “to serve as messages to the world that the government and armed forces driven out of the capital city [by UAE-backed separatists on August 1] have links to terrorism.”

and also

(* A P)

Yemen's UN mission calls on Security Council to intervene immediately to stop UAE attacks

Yemen's ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador Abdullah al-Saadi, on Friday called on the UN Security Council to stand up to UAE practices in Yemen and intervene immediately to stop UAE attacks and their dangerous escalation in targeting government forces and supporting coup militias in the south of the country.

On Thursday, the Yemeni foreign ministry announced that it was making an official request to the Security Council to hold an emergency session on the UAE raids targeting Legitimacy forces on Thursday and Wednesday, which killed and wounded more than 300 members of the army and civilians, according to a statement from the Yemeni Defense Ministry.

Al-Saadi said the UAE's practices went beyond the goal of establishing the Saudi-led Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy, describing the air strikes on government forces as a dangerous and blatant escalation and aggression against Yemen's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

(A P)

Government to take legal actions against UAE

The government of Yemen said on Sunday that it will take all legal actions against the United Arab Emirates (UAE) bombing of its forces.

This was pronounced by Yemen’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Mohammed Al-Hadrami during his meeting with the Sweden’s Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom.

(A P)

Female human rights defender vows to sue UAE to ICC

Afrah Al-Akhali, chief of the Yemeni-American Human Rights Watch vowed on Sunday to sue the United Arab Emirates (UAE) officials to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over documented murder cases, torture cases and Yemen antique looting.

This coincides with continued gruesome human rights abuses by the Emirati-supported STC separation rebels across south Yemen.

(* A K P)

Al-Eslah Militias Exercise Mass Executions Against Citizens in Shabwa

Terrorist militias of Al-Eslah party, the political arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, continued its violations and crimes against humanity in Shabwa as militants exercised mass executions in Shabwa including a young man, his father and two other citizens in Ataq. Militants shot and killed “Ba Muslim” and his son and threw their dead bodies in an open area where they were found this evening.

My comment: This is what separatists object to Islah Party – while themselves doing exactly this, see below.

(* B K P)

International Media Exposes Cooperation Between Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Their War Against the South

Al-Eslah Party, Muslim Brotherhood Political arm in Yemen, and leader of the military wing, Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, thought that they can use media tools, especially Arab ones, to cover the fact that they used Al-Qaeda and ISIS in their war against the south to invade it for the third time. But their pursuit failed as international media exposed these facts.
Events of Shabwa clearly exposed the fact that terrorist elements of Al-Qaeda and ISIS fought side by side with Al-Eslah militias and many of them were killed in combat. But Muslim Brotherhood media tools and some Arab media channels tried to cover that through denial or not to talk about it.
International media exposed Muslim Brotherhood and their military chief, Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar, through discussing clear reports about their use of Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorists in their war against the south, acts exhausted by the bravery of southern Armed Forces

My remark: This claim again, based on more sources, by the separatists, blaming Islah Party and the Hadi government in one.

(A K P)

Again, How can you tell for sure this is "ISIS" [last „terrorist“ attack] ? Do they have an official website where they post their statements? Anyone could have drafter this. The "terrorist" label, real & staged, have been used by political actors n #Yemen & region to undermine or frame political opponents

Ex-Ambassador Feierstein: AQ and ISIS according to what evidence? Since the Emiratis are known to conflate Islahis with AQ, I think we need to be cautious about accepting their assertion that they are fighting AQ.

(A K P)

Ben Brik: This is What We Concentrated on in Our War Against Terrorism

Ben Brik, vice president of the southern transitional council: “As southern we concentrated on two matters: cooperation with the Arab Coalition to eliminate Al-Houthi Iranian project and to find a permanent peaceful solution for our fair cause in addition to establishing military units to face Al-Houthis and security units to face Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Now Al-Eslah terrorist party want to destroy all this”.

(A K P)

Both #STC & #UAE justify strikes on #Yemen government forces as counter-terrorism. After latest terror ops, STC is even more hardline, implying #jihad groups are synonymous with gov: "#ISIS and #alQaeda are the other face of this government...[which is] an umbrella for terrorism"

(A P)

Ben Brik: Good News Come from Zanzibar and Abian Delta. We Will Defend Our Country with Our Soles

Hany Ben Brik, vice president of the southern transitional council: “This is our country and our lands. We will defend it with our soles”.

(* A P)

Speech of President Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidi President of the Southern Transitional Council and Supreme Commander of Southern Armed Forces

Our glorious southern people: We are addressing you at that critical moment of our southern history to confirm our auth taken before you that we will lead the ship of this country to safety shores and we will support our southern choices of restoring independence and establishing a free federal and sovereign state on the borders of May 20th, 1990. We will never leave this path and with your will, determination and ability, we will overcome all obstacles with faithful hearts that God is with us.

Our glorious southern people: we will assume our responsibilities and we will not accuse other internal or external parties just as the so-called Yemeni government do as they only weep, accuse and humiliate the Arab Coalition countries.

Shabwa Elites Forces are part of our military and security system in the south and we bear the responsibility of reconstructing it and restoring its respect again. We take our auth before you and before God that it will be restored even stronger. Their patriotic commandership and heroic soldiers will be at the front line of restoring security and fighting terrorism and extremism.

Although we are able to face this vicious aggression, we kept our word to the Arab Coalition, although we have remarks on their treatment with the events, and their bias towards the aggressors who used terrorist elements and burned ground policy. But all this doesn’t deny us the right of defending Shabwa and securing the whole of it.

(A K P)

Spokesman of the Council: Aden, with all Its Directorates, is Safe and Secure

“Thank God, Aden is now safe and secure with all its directorates including Al-Berika with the oil refinery and oil port as they are now under control of southern military and security forces. Terrorist and chaos spreaders who invaded the south from northern caves are now being chased”.

My comment: Separatists claiming victory and full control. And the army of the Hadi government is labeled as „Terrorist and chaos spreaders who invaded the south from northern caves“ LOL.

(A K P)

Amid Public Relief, Al-Zubaidi and Southern Leadership Visit Aden Airport and Aden Districts

(A K P)

Southern Resistance of Al-Mahfed Captures Three Northern Military Sets Who Tried to Escape to Shabwa

Al-Mahfed is witnessing fierce clashes between southern resistance forces and northern troops of Muslim Brotherhood as the later tried to escape to Shabwa.

My remark: Separatists reporting a success against Islah Party militia, which are backing the Hadi government.

(A P)

President Al-Zubaidi Issues Important Directives for All Military and Security Units of the South

Directives for All Units of the Southern Army and Southern Security Systems
Base on our commitment in the commandership of the southern transitional council nto maintain security, law, order, rights and public freedoms of all southern citizens. It is now prohibited to break into any house, private property or private company, regardless of the identity of its owner, nor public and governmental facilities except for those who have an authorization from law enforcement concerned bodies.

My remark: President of the separatist STC. – Well, separatist forces did exactly this, see below.

(A K P)

Shura Council condemns UAE airstrikes against Yemen’s army

(A K P)

Minister of Defence: Joint campaign in Aden, Abyan and Shabwa in coordination with the Leadership of the Arab Coalition Forces

Lt. Gen. Mohammed al-Meqdishi said that "The heroes of the national army are fulfilling their constitutional and national duty and carrying out a mission entrusted to them to counter the armed rebellion targeting the constitutional legitimacy and Yemeni identity carried out by the militias of the so-called UAE-backed Transitional Council in Aden and Abyan provinces,". .

The defense minister stressed that "the sacrifices of the heroes of the army and the blood of the Yemeni people will not go to waste, and will be immortalized in history and studied by generations", during his visit to the wounded government forces victims of the UAE air strikes in Aden and Abyan.

and also

(A P)

Abyan Security statement explains the circumstances of the escape of 27 prisoners from Zanzibar's central prison

The Abyan Provincial Security Department said in a statement on Saturday that 27 prisoners accused in criminal cases managed to escape from the central prison in Zanzibar city after the sudden withdrawal of prison security guards in a security development that worried the local residents in the city about the escalation of violence in the city.

and also

(A P)

Mosque leader, Abdul Qader Al Radfani, was assassinated in Aden south Yemen. UAE proxies had assassinated more than 30 mosque leaders only in this city since UAE and Saudi came to occupy and divide Yemen (photo)

(A K P)

KSrelief Launches “Response” Initiative to Provide Treatment for Yemenis Injured in Recent Events in Aden and Abyan

According to a statement issued today by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), the center “is following with keen interest the unfortunate recent events in the governorates of Aden and Abyan during which many people have been injured.”

In response to the situation in the two provinces, KSrelief launched today, in cooperation with Yemen’s Ministry of Public Health and Population and other relevant health authorities, the initiative Response, “Istijaba”, is an initiative to support the provision of emergency medical treatment and other forms of humanitarian assistance to the injured.

(A K P)

UAE calls on Yemen government and STC to engage in Saudi-led dialogue

Unity is essential to confront Houthi rebels, Dr Anwar Gargash said

Yemen’s government and the Southern Transitional Council must engage in the Saudi-led initiative that calls for dialogue to de-escalate fighting in the south, the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash said on Sunday.

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition, which includes the UAE, has been fighting for the internationally-recognised Yemeni government against the Houthi rebels since 2015.

Dr Gargash took to Twitter to say that the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, was “solid and vital to regaining peace and stability in Yemen”. He said the focus needed to be on internal unity and that through continued dialogue it was essential to address and “confront the challenge of the Houthi coup”.

My comment: The UAE has provoked this conflict by supporting the separatists, and now plays the role of a neutral modest observer.

(* A K P)

Almost 100 Hadi forces reported dead in Zinjibar hospital

Hadi forces suffering heavy casualties all over Yemen's south

A large number of dead bodies of Saudi-backed forces are being held on Al-Razi Hospital in Zinjibar, with many of them not yet identified, local sources stated.

According to the medical sources, 96 dead bodies of Hadi’s forces are in the hospital, including men from the northern provinces and others from Shabwah province

This large number of dead in the ranks of the Saudi-backed forces shows a clear evidence of the heavy casualties in the Hadi loyalist and Islah party forces at the hands of the UAE-backed separatists in the city of Zinjibar alone, in addition to losses in the rest of the directorates and provinces where Hadi’s forces received heavy blows.

(* A K P)

67 Exiled Hadi’s Forces Recruits Killed in Ambushes in Abyan

67 Saudi-backed exiled Hadi’s soldiers have been killed and 29 military vehicles have been destroyed in 12 ambushes over in the past two days, according to sources.

The Hadi’s forces were targeted in Mahfad district while trying to move towards Shabwah province, the sources added.


(* A K P)

Video footage shows STC forces ambushing Hadi forces

The UAE-backed Shabwah elite forces carried out a tight ambush on a group of military vehicles carrying dozens of al-Ahmar and Al-Islah party militias loyal to the exiled Hadi forces in al-Dala’a area of Shabwah province, killing many of them and destroying a number of their military vehicles.

Activists on social media circulated a video documenting the moments when a military convoy was ambushed while it was coming from Marib province.

A local source in the city of Ataq said that a large number of al- Ahmar soldiers arrived at the Ataq General Hospital among those killed and wounded as a result of the specific ambush carried out by the UAE-backed elite forces in the area of al-Dala’a .

(A P)

Film: Flags burn as protesters rally against UAE presence in Yemen

Hundreds of people took to the streets of Taizz to protest against the UAE's presence in Yemen on Friday. Demonstrators can be seen marching through the streets of Taizz with banners, chanting slogans, and setting UAE flags on fire.

(* A K P)

Latest Updates on Southerners and Hadi’s Forces Conflict, 31 August 2019

According to pro-Mansour Hadi media reports, a UAE ship has recently arrived in southern Yemen and significant quantities of new weapons and equipment have been delivered to the Southern Transitional Council forces.
The move shows the UAE’s decision to continue military support to the south and to continue military operations in southern Yemen.
– One of the commanders of the so-called al-Muqawama al-Janubiyyah (affiliated with Mansour Hadi and Saudi Arabia) announced that its militia and the southern Yemeni tribes would give the Emirates 72 hours to leave Yemen; or the UAE forces and their interests in Yemen would be targets of this group.

(* B K P)

Film: Aden Infighting

Emirati-backed southern separatists and Saudi-backed militants who still support former president Hadi have turned on each other in Yemen.
Will the two sides find a way to settle their differences and work together again? Or will tensions come to a head after this latest episode?

(B P)

Die verdächtigen Verschwörungen der Reform-Partei, um den südlichen Jemen zu kontrollieren

Die Partei der Versammlung für Reform, der verlängerte Arm der Bruderschaft im Jemen, beteiligte sich mit aller Kraft in der Schlacht, die in Shabwa ausbrach mit militärischer Unterstützung der Provinz Marib. Die Partei betrachtete dies als eine schicksalhafte Konfrontation gegen den südlichen Übergangsrat. Die Reformationspartei bereitete sich frühzeitig auf die Schlacht, statt sich auf Konfrontation mit den vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Streitkräften zu konzentrieren.

Mein Kommentar: Ein pro-separatistischer Artikel gegen die Islah (Reform)-Partei, in schlechtem Deutsch. Und Ähnliches in Englisch:

(B P)


Given what the scene summarizes in the ongoing war in Aden, in which the UAE was able to repel the attack of militias close to the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood Al-Islah managed to convince Saudi Arabia of its ability to confront the Houthis, and in recent years became the dominant force in the Hadi government. It tried to establish itself as an organizational, political and military presence in the south, where it was able to take control of Taiz and Marib and open a private bank. It began to enter the Turks, even taking positions of influence, and almost controlled the decision of the legitimate government supported by the Arab coalition, according to analysts and Yemeni sources.

Hence the statements of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed that the UAE will not allow Al-Islah and war traders to drain the Gulf economy.

Saleh al-Noud, a spokesman for the Southern Transitional Council, told Reuters that the only way out of the “legitimacy” impasse is to remove all elements of the Brotherhood Al-Islah party, which is one of the pillars of the Hadi government.


(B P)

UAE, Saudi Arabia sabotage planned strife in Yemen

Once again, terrorist groups have started operating to undermine the Arab coalition fighting the pro-Iran Houthi militia in Yemen since 2014.

The media machine of Islah, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, and al-Qaeda organization started a campaign of defamation on social media against the coalition. The campaign started especially after the victories the coalition scored against the Houthis in southern Yemen.

According to media reports, Yemeni vice-president Ali Mohssen al-Ahmar made efforts in the past period to convince President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to break away from the Arab coalition.

Yemeni media sites revealed the presence of contacts between al-Ahmar and Islah party leaders as well as the leader of al-Qaeda in Yemen Qassem al-Rimi with the aim of undermining the Arab coalition and giving the chance to terrorist groups to grow in Yemen.

My comment: Pro-separatist propaganda, warming up Islah Party conspiracy theories.

(* A P)

Southern forces deployed in Yemen's Aden amid spike of terror attacks

Forces of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) were deployed in several parts of Yemen's strategic port city of Aden on Saturday, following simultaneous terror attacks, a security official told Xinhua.

The Aden-based official said on condition of anonymity that "the Supreme Security Committee in Aden took a decision to reinforce a number of areas in Aden following a series of terror attacks."

"The fragile security situation in Aden encouraged the terrorist elements to launch attacks in the city, particularly after the last events," he said.

According to the official, there are also a number of decisions aimed at tightening the security situation, including banning of motorcycles in the city.

(A P)

Sheikh Hani Ben Berek:We Will Liberate Sanaa Within a Month

Sheikh Hani Ben Berek, the vice-chairman of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, pledged to support those who are serious to liberate Sanaa in the North and Saada from the Iranian-backed Houthi militias within a month.

My comment: the separatists‘ vice president is well known as a loudmouth. – And, look: If he really would care fort e South, the capital city of Northern Yemen should not interest him. Well, he‘ no politician, no officer – just a warlord.

(A P)

Security Belt Commander Survives Assassination Attempt in Aden

Commander of the Security Belt forces in Aden, Waddah Omar Abdulaziz survived an assassination attempt in Sheikh Othman district on Friday.

(A P)

UAE now targets Al Qaeda, Daesh

The UAE has made clear that there can be no compromise against terrorism in Yemen as Daesh claimed an attack on Friday which killed three local troops. Air strikes against targets in Aden will ensure Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Daesh are not allowed to recoup as the Arab Coalition continues it campaign against the Houthis, the UAE said.

My commen: Separatist media parrot UAE propaganda. And more of this here:

(A P)

Al-Zubaidi orders to reestablish the rule of law in the South

President of the Southern Transitional Council and Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, Aidroos Al-Zubaidi ordered on Friday, all the military and security units in the South to maintain security, stability, public order, rights and freedoms of the Southerners and to reestablish the rule of law all over the South.

My comment: LOL.

(* A K P)

Film: UAE-backed STC forces patrol Zinjibar

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces were filmed in the town of Zinjibar, in the Abyan province to the east of Aden, in southern Yemen on Friday, despite the reports of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces retaking control of the city.

(A P)

Al-Eslah Militias Coming from Mareb Massively Robe Ataq: Eye Witnesses

They indicated that medium vans were seen carrying furniture and stationary equipment in addition to utensils heading to Mareb. This came after the tries of Al-Eslah militias to control Ataq.

My remark: As claimed by the separatists, blaming their main foe Islah Party.

And, also by separatists:

(A P)

STC secures private and public property in Abyan

Under the supervision of the Southern Transitional Council, southern security forces have been deployed in Khanfar district of Abyan after cleansing it of the terrorist elements and outlaws.

(A P)

UAE planes continue to transport hundreds of young people from Socotra Island to Abu Dhabi

The UAE has been transporting hundreds of young people from the Socotra Archipelago province (south-east Yemen) to Abu Dhabi via EMIRATES flights for more than a month.

Socotra Airport Manager Abdul Rahman Ali confirmed that the UAE is airlifting hundreds of military and civilian soldiers to Abu Dhabi.

In a letter to The Yemeni Minister of Defense, a copy of which was obtained by Al-Masdar online, the director said that the UAE pays large sums of money to the individuals who are transferred and transports 100-200 people per flight.

(A P)

Second batch of Socotra Elite Forces arrives in the archipelago

The second batch of Socotra Elite Forces arrived on Friday, in the archipelago after spending several months in Aden where they followed intensive military courses at the training camp of the Security Belt forces.

My remark: Separatist militia, labeled as local, occupy Socotra.

(A P)

Yemeni Vice President Appreciates Saudi Support to Complete Yemen's Battle for Liberation

(A P)

Gunmen's "security belt" executes residents belongs to Sanaa and loots their truck

Security sources in Lahj province confirmed that elements of the so-called "security belt" forces of the Southern Transitional Council, backed by the United Arab Emirates, killed two citizens belonging to Sana'a province.

According to the source, after the victims were killed, the gunmen threw their bodies out in the open

(** A K P)

Human rights: Transitional militias killed and injured 300 civilians, including women and children, and executed 11 soldiers

The Yemeni government has accused the militias of the UAE-backed Transitional Council of killing and injuring some 300 civilians, including women and children, carrying out mass executions of wounded soldiers and officers, raiding citizens' homes and looting them, carrying out mass arrests and systematic and hysterical pursuits in Aden and Abyan provinces, southern Yemen.

On Thursday, Abu Dhabi-backed STC militants regained control of several areas in Aden and Abyan province, which they lost on Tuesday and Wednesday, after the army tightened its control in Abyan and Lahj, and the arrival of its forces in the city of Aden, which coincided with a popular movement that toppled the militias from three districts in the interim capital Aden, strategic areas including the Presidential Palace and Aden International Airport.

According to the ministry of human rights of the internationally recognized government, the Southern Transitional Militias have liquidated 11 soldiers and army officers in a hospital.

In a statement released by the state-run Saba news agency, the ministry said that some 300 civilians, including women and children, were killed and wounded by militia from the so-called Transitional Council in Aden and Abyan.

The ministry said it had received preliminary information about the break-in of the residences of young students in Aden, the pursuit of citizens in the streets and their illegal detention.

and also


(** A K P)

Reprisals in Aden amount to war crimes, Euro-Med says

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor expressed its shock at killings and field executions taking place during clashes over the control of governorates of Aden and Abyan in southern Yemen, stressing that these operations are clear indication that parties to the conflict favor their political and military interests over the safety and security of the Yemeni people.

Upsurge in arrests and raids against civilian homes in various districts of Aden rises deep concerns as information gathered indicates that the number of arrests in one day, Friday 30 August, had reached 400 people.

Arrests and house raids, carried out by the UAE-backed Security Belt, targeted military and civilians supporting President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi's government, the legitimate government of Yemen, in the northern governorates, as well as in Shabwa and Abyan.

Witnesses and tribal sources said that a group belonging to the Security Belt forces stormed the house of a commander belonging to the Hadi government in Dar Saad district, north of Aden last Thursday and killed his brother.

Eyewitnesses said that on August 28, 2019, the Security Belt forces executed four prisoners inside a hospital after they were injured in a UAE Air Force raid on one of their positions in Sarh Neighborhood in Zanzibar city, the center of Abyan province.

According to witnesses, on the same day, the Security Belt forces also executed wounded soldiers of the Hadi's government while receiving treatment at Al-Razi Hospital in Jaar city, which witnessed a fierce fighting between the two sides.

(* A K P)

UAE-Backed Militiamen Committed some 7,000 Rights Violations in Yemen in August

An independent human rights group says it documented 6,978 cases of grave human rights violations committed by militiamen backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) against civilians in the southern Yemeni provinces of Aden, Abyan and Shabwah during the month of August.

The Yemeni American Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights said in a statement on Sunday that its field teams had recorded the murder of 48 civilians, including six women and eight children, between August 2 and 30.

It added that 16 people lost their lives due to gunshot wounds, 10 were killed in missile strikes, a dozen more were liquidated in secret prisons run the UAE, six more were fatally shot, and another four were killed as a result of indiscriminate shelling of residential buildings.

The Observatory also documented 193 cases of torture and ill-treatment of detainees in Aden prisons operated by UAE forces, stating that various forms of torture, including electricity shocks, drilling, suspension, sleep deprivation, the use of salt on wounds, complete medical negligence, burning with cigarettes, humiliation and whipping are being carried out.

It further noted that sexual torture is practiced mainly inside a prison at al-Bareeqa base, the house of Aden's Security Chief Shalal Shaya – a staunch advocate for the partition of Yemen who has a close working relationship with the UAE as well as the notorious Bir Ahmed prison.

Rape is done as a means of forcing detainees in some cases to collaborate with Emirati forces and to spy on certain people, according to witnesses.

The Observatory went on to say that 14 pregnant women have suffered miscarriage as a result of fear and panic in Aden, while four others went through a similar hardship in Abyan and another three in Shabwah. =

(* A K P)

HR Ministry says STC killed 11 injured soldiers in hospitals

The Ministry of Human Rights unearthed that the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s (STC) militia has killed and injured 300 civilians, including women and children in Aden and Abyan provinces during storming houses in the two provinces.

The militia has also killed 11 injured soldiers while receiving treatments in hospitals, said the ministry in a release issued Friday, adding that the STC’s most recently stormed a house for students from Shabwa province in Aden in addition to cracking down people in streets and arresting them illegally.

Saying it has received videos and photos to executions, torture and humiliation committed by the militia against soldiers, all breaches international law and human rights law, the ministry of human rights condemned these revenge crimes against people in Aden and Abyan.

It holds the Transitional Council responsible on bloodshed and illegal killing of civilians and soldiers in hospitals.

(A P)

Aden security arrests director of "Rasd" directorate and security belt raid the house of the leader “AL-Zamiki” in Khormaksar

On Saturday, a force from the Aden Security Department stormed a hotel north of the city and arrested Sheikh Yasser al-Amoudi, director of the “Rasd” Directorate of Abyan province. Southern Yemen.

In addition, UAE-backed security belt forces attacked the home of The Southern Resistance commander in Khormaksar Suleiman al-Zamiki

(A P)

Aden.. Brother of transport brigade commander shot dead by elements of security belt forces


(* A K P)

[Film which seems to show separatist militia killing injured government soldiers] =

(* A P)

Yemeni separatists arrest dozens of government loyalists in Aden

Southern Yemeni separatists said they arrested dozens of government loyalists in Aden on Saturday after President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s forces withdrew from the port city following air strikes by the United Arab Emirates.

After the pull-out, forces of the separatist Southern Transitional Council raided homes and businesses, arrested “scores” of pro-government activists, politicians and clerics, accusing them of “terrorism”, STC officials and witnesses said.

and also

and how this sounds by the separatists:

(A P)

Southern forces hunt down terrorist groups

Security Belt forces have carried out large-scale security operations in Aden and other southern regions to hunt down down terrorist groups and outlaws.
Southern security forces have been intensively deployed on the streets of Aden to prevent the carrying of weapons, vehicles driving around without license plates and motorcycles.


(*A P)

Film: Aden offensive separatists arrest gov't supporters

(A P)

STC forces arrest dozens linked to terror in Yemen

Southern Yemeni separatists said they arrested dozens of militants in Aden after President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's forces withdrew from the port city on Saturday.

After the pull-out, forces of the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) arrested "scores" of militants for terrorism, STC officials and witnesses said.

(A P)

Government approves package of measures regarding UAE’s existence in the coalition

The Council of Ministers discussed Friday implementation of President Hadi’s directives to the government for taking necessary measures for facing UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s (STC) armed rebellion against the state and horrible crimes committed by STC against civilians.

The council commenced the meeting by praying for the souls of the innocent people and heroes of the national army, who were martyred by UAE airstrikes on populated areas in different neighborhoods in the transitional capital of Aden and Abyan province.

(A P)

In a few words: south Yemen will be under UAE mandate with US and UK blessings and support. The UAE says the Saudi-led coalition will strike any forces that may attack Aden.

(A P)

The United Arab Emirates has called for forming a coalition to fight terrorism in #Yemen. This means south Yemen should brace for acts of terror that will be masterminded by UAE intelligence and carried out by UAE tools including terrorists.

(* B P)

Muslim Brotherhood and the domination of Yemen

Islah, the party of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, has apparently succeeded in convincing Saudi Arabia that it can defeat the pro-Iran Houthis.

This comes after the United Arab Emirates succeeded in sabotaging an attack by pro-Brotherhood militias in the city of Aden.

The party has been controlling the government of Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi for several years now. It succeeded in controlling a number of cities in southern Yemen. It also opened a new bank, started giving Turkey access into Yemen and enabled its members to occupy important positions in state institutions.

According to analysts, Islah also controls decision-making inside the legitimate government of Yemen.

Meanwhile, Spokesman of the Transitional Southern Council, Saleh al-Noud, said the only way for the legitimate government of Yemen to solve its problems was for all the members of Islah Party to get out of this government.

slah, observers say hampers the formation of a united front against the Houthis. They add that the Brotherhood’s party also obstructs the work of the Saudi-led alliance and defames it by showing that it has failed to achieve positive results on the ground.

My comment: An anti-Islah Party biased report.

(* B P)

Yemen war: What is the Southern Transitional Council?

Calls for independence for South Yemen stem from decades-long grievances in the south

But the roots of this latest flashpoint have their origins in Yemen's modern political history stretching long before the country's current civil war.

Who is the STC?

Formed in 2017, the Southern Transitional Council is a secessionist movement focused on gaining independence for South Yemen. Comprising of 26 members, the STC includes five governors from Southern Yemen and two former government ministers.

Why does the STC want independence?

The call for independence has been a source of contention for over a century.

Who backs the STC?

In 2016, the UAE helped create the SBF in southern Yemen. The SBF included many militants who supported a secessionist movement in Southern Yemen.

(B T)

#ISIS resuming attacks in #Aden is already fueling the common belief that the #Yemen gov directs jihadists against the south, ultimately increasing effectiveness of these attacks by degrading security while simultaneously growing mistrust toward the state

(* A T)

Suicide bomber kills separatist fighters in Yemen's Aden: witnesses

A suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed six southern separatist fighters on the outskirts of the Yemeni city of Aden on Friday, witnesses said, part of a surge of violence that has complicated a near five-year-old war and undermined U.N. peace efforts.

Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack on a patrol of Security Belt forces, a separatist front fighting Yemeni government forces for control of the port city.

and also and

(* A P)

Among them is the request from the Kingdom to end the UAE's participation in the alliance. The government's most important demands made to the President

Members of the Yemeni government, President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, have called for an end to the United Arab Emirates' participation in the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, severing diplomatic ties with Abu Dhabi and classifying the leadership of allied militias as obstructionists in accordance with Security Council resolutions.

This came in a memorandum filed by 23 ministers in the government (recognized), to President Hadi

(A P)

Al-Iryani: The treacherous bombing by the UAE shows its relentless pursuit of dividing Yemen through militias

Yemeni Information Minister Muammar al-Iryani said Thursday that the "unjustified attack" by Emirati fighter jets on government forces positions in the interim capital Aden and Abyan province, in the south of the country, came after a number of air strikes on the national army in recent periods.

Al- Iryani explained in a tweet on his Twitter page that the UAE has targeted government forces in recent periods, and "they claimed that they (the raids) were accidental."

Al- Iryani described the UAE attack as "an attack on an independent state and contrary to the objectives of the coalition,"

(A K P)

Pledged to cleanse the country and extend the influence of legitimacy. Ministry of Defense: More than 300 killed and wounded in UAE air strikes

The Yemeni Ministry of Defense and Chief of Staff said Thursday that "the "raids" carried out by Emirati aircraft on Gov forces in Aden and Abyan resulted in the death and wounding of more than 300 soldiers and officers of the government forces, as well as a number of civilians.

The Ministry of Defense and the Chief of General Staff condemned said that the "deliberate and blatant" UAE air strikes

(A P)

President Hadi: Our need for our brothers cannot be an entry point for dividing our country or wasting an inch of its territory

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has renewed his demands to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to intervene to stop the blatant Emirati interferences; by supporting rebel militias and backing them with aerial strikes against the armed forces.

(* A K P)

Terrorist Elements Support Muslim Brotherhood Militias in Shabwa

Sources confirmed that militias of Al-Eslah party – the political arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen – reinforced their troops with terrorist elements coming from Al-Baida and Mareb.

My comment: As claimed by the separatists. This certainly could be true – but the separatists are hardly better. Quite interesting: The past of STC’s vice president Ben Brik.

(A K P)

Northern Troops Coming from Mareb Broke Into Ataq according to Agreements between Al-Houthis and Muslim Brotherhood Under Cover of the Legitimacy: Political Analysts

Nouthern political analysts indicated that batalions of northern forces broke into Ataq at night as an indicator that their moves are previously arranged between Al-Houthis and Muslim Brotherhood led by Al-Eslah party under cover of the legitimacy.
Analysts indicated that military intel confirmed that 95% of the reinforcements coming from Mareb towards Ataq were northern from military camps loyal to Al-Eslah.

My comment: As claimed by the separatists. The separatists always emphasize the connection of Hadi government troops and Al Islah militia. – The Houthi-Islag agreement is a conspiracy theory.

(* A K P)

Jemen nennt Begründung der VAE für Angriffe auf seine Armee „lügnerisch“

Die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen hat die Entschuldigung der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate für Luftangriffe auf die jemenitische Armee als lügnerisch bezeichnet. Dies meldet die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur Saba.

„Die VAE haben falsche Ausreden benutzt, um einen gezielten Angriff auf die Streitkräfte der nationalen Armee zu vertuschen. Der Versuch der VAE, den Terrorismus mit der nationalen Armee zu verbinden, ist ein verzweifelter Versuch, den himmelschreienden illegalen Angriff auf die Helden der Armee zu vertuschen“, heißt es in der offiziellen Erklärung der jemenitischen Regierung.

„Die Regierung gab ihre Absicht bekannt, alle Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, damit dieses Verbrechen nicht unbeantwortet bleibt.“

(A K P)

Comment to statement of the Hadi government (attached): This statement doesnt represent the majority of Yemenis, nor does it support the sovereignty of #Yemeni ppl. Let's not forget that the political elite are the entities that have called 4 foreign interventions & have also been the benefactors from endless wars

(* A K P)

Emirate bestätigen Luftangriffe auf Jemens Interimshauptstadt Aden

Abu Dhabi verweist auf Selbstverteidigung gegen "terroristische Milizen"

Nach scharfen Anschuldigungen der Regierung des Jemen haben die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate Luftangriffe auf jemenitische Regierungstruppen in der Küstenstadt Aden bestätigt. Die Regierung in Abu Dhabi teilte am Donnerstagabend mit, es habe sich um Selbstverteidigung gegen "terroristische Milizen" gehandelt.

Die Emirate verfolgten eine Null-Toleranz-Politik gegen Islamisten und verdächtigen Teile der jemenitischen Regierungstruppen, der islamistischen Partei Al-Islah anzugehören.

Die Stadt Aden befindet sich seit Donnerstag wieder vollständig unter Kontrolle der abtrünnigen Südjemen-Miliz.

und auchätigen-luftangriffe-jemens-interimshauptstadt-aden-123213746.html

(* A K P)

UAE air raids raise tensions with Yemen govt

The United Arab Emirates has confirmed it launched air strikes on Yemen's interim capital Aden, after furious a accusations from the internationally recognised government which has lost control of the city to UAE-backed separatists.

[all the latest developments and events; look at Yemen war Mosaic 570a]

and also

(* A K P)

Ally attacks ally in Yemen’s war within a war

‘Some experts said the airstrike on Thursday was unlikely to cause irreparable damage to the Saudi-Emirati relationship.’

Yemen’s government accused the United Arab Emirates of bombing its troops on Thursday as they tried to retake the southern city of Aden from Emirati-backed separatists.

At least 25 soldiers were killed and 150 wounded in the airstrikes on Thursday morning, a government commander said by phone from the scene of the attack. Warplanes had struck the same position 14 hours earlier but inflicted no casualties, the commander added.

The attack came weeks after the Emirati-backed rebels ousted the Saudi-backed Yemeni government from Aden and widens the rift between the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which are allies in Yemen’s war.

(A K P)

Comments on UAE statement (

Here we go! There is no clearer than this: UAE says it bombed only terrorist militias who wanted to attack the "Arab coalition" Which means all Saudi fighters on the ground are terrorists. So, UAE jets killed/injured 300 "terrorists".

It may be time to recognise "clashes" in south #Yemen as "war". #UAE admits to airstrikes on pro-gov forces. Justified as self-defense against terrorist militias True, terror ops are up. But must be wary of using US "war on terror" narrative as carte blanche for political agenda

und die Erklärung auf deutsch:

(* A K P)

Die VAE geben eine Erklärung zu den Entwicklungen im Jemen ab

Das Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und internationale Zusammenarbeit hat die folgende Erklärung abgegeben: "Als Reaktion auf die Erklärung des jemenitischen Außenministeriums bekräftigen die VAE ihr Recht auf Selbstverteidigung gegen alle Bedrohungen, die gegen die Streitkräfte der Arabischen Koalition gerichtet sind.

Die jüngste Verschärfung der Offensiven gegen die Streitkräfte und die Zivilbevölkerung der Arabischen Koalition stellt eine Bedrohung für die Sicherheit der Koalition dar. Dies wiederum erforderte am 28. und 29. August 2019 präzise und direkte Luftangriffe gegen terroristische Milizen gemäß den Einsatzregeln der Genfer Konvention und des humanitären Völkerrechts.

Die militärische Operation gegen die terroristischen Milizen beruhte auf bestätigten Feldinformationen, die die Milizen bereiteten, gegen die Koalitionstruppen vorzugehen - eine Entwicklung, die eine präventive Operation zur Abwehr jeglicher militärischer Bedrohung erforderte.

Die Anschläge haben gegen die Arabische Koalition wurden von bewaffneten Gruppen gestartet, die sich terroristischen Organisationen angeschlossen hatten. Diese bewaffneten Gruppen griffen die Arabische Koalition am Flughafen Aden an und verletzten die Koalitionstruppen zweimal.

Dementsprechend reagierte die Koalition gemäß ihrem Selbstverteidigungsrecht, um die Sicherheit ihrer Streitkräfte zu schützen.

(B K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Infighting intensifies between rival groups in south Yemen

(* A P)

A meeting between Sheikh And "Bin Afarar" and the Deputy Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia. Does it end the tension in Al-Mahrah?

Months of tension and protests were held in the province of Al-Mahra (far east of Yemen) on Saturday, a meeting held in the Saudi city of Jeddah, the tribal leader and social figure Sheikh Abdullah Isa bin Afrar met with Prince Khalid bin Salman, deputy defense minister of Saudi Arabia.

Ben Afrar, who heads a popular body known as the "Council of Sons of Al-Mahrah and Socotra", said he visited Saudi Arabia at the invitation of the Leadership of the Arab Alliance and met during his visit with the Saudi Deputy Defense Minister.

On his official Facebook page, Ben Afrar posted a brief note in which he said that during his visit he met with Prince Khalid bin Salman, deputy defense minister of Saudi Arabia, and discussed with him the general conditions in the provinces of Al-Mahra and Socotra, the dangers they fear and the aspirations of the sons of the two provinces.

In the first comment on the visit, Al-Mahra Governor Rajeh Bakret welcomed the visit, which comes amid tension in the southern provinces.

My remark: On Mahrah province, look at cp1

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Am Sonntag traf die schwedische Außenministerin Margot Wallström den jordanischen Außenminister Ajman al-Safadi in der jordanischen Hauptstadt Amman, um eine Wiederaufnahme der Verhandlungen zwischen den Kriegsparteien im Jemen nach Jahren des Stillstands zu besprechen.

(A P)

Swedish Foreign Minister stresses the need to reach a comprehensive peace in Yemen

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom has stressed the need for a comprehensive peace in Yemen and the implementation of the Swedish agreement to get out of the crisis in the country.
Wallstrom said during her meeting in Riyadh with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Yemeni government Mohammed Al-Hadrami, that her visit to the region comes within this framework and stressed in this context her country's support for the legitimate government in Yemen, and its determination to continue to provide support for Yemen in order to alleviate the consequences of the humanitarian crisis, the official Yemeni News reported.

and photos

(A P)

Sweden Calls for Resumption of Stockholm Agreement

Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, Margot Wallstrom is to tour a number of Arab countries in a bid to broker a settlement of the Crisis in Yemen, the Swedish foreign ministry said on Friday.

“Wallström will visit Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman and Jordan between August 31 and September 4 to hold a number of meetings on bilateral and regional issues with a focus on the Yemen crisis,” the statement said.

The statement also said that the minister intends to meet with UN officials to discuss the situation in the region.

(A P)

According to reports, UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths has suggested a Yemen of three federal regions and to build a national army under US supervision in an effort to end chaos. Dear @OSE_Yemen, if you really want to establish peace here, please keep the USA and the UK away.

(A P)

Rights advocates question UN's partnership with MBS-led foundation

Forum co-hosted by Mohammad bin Salman's foundation and UN is set for 10 days before anniversary of Khashoggi's murder

Rights groups are accusing the United Nations of helping to rehabilitate Mohammad bin Salman by co-hosting an event next month with a foundation led by the Saudi crown prince, almost a year after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

The UN's youth envoy, Jayathma Wickramanayake, has set up a workshop for 300 young people on 23 September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly with the Misk Foundation, the Saudi prince's private cultural organisation.

The event is to take place only 10 days before the first anniversary of Khashoggi's murder on 2 October last year, when Saudi government agents killed and dismembered the Washington Post journalist inside the country's consulate in Istanbul.

"The UN shouldn't be rewarding this behaviour with such partnerships," Joyce Bukuru, an advocacy officer for Human Rights Watch (HRW), told Middle East Eye.

(A P)

Sweden to Mediate Peaceful Settlement of Yemeni Crisis Amid Recent Tensions – Minister

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom will visit several Gulf states in an effort to mediate the peaceful settlement of the Yemeni crisis amid the recent escalation of tensions in the war-torn country, the Swedish Foreign Ministry said on Friday.

"Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom will visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Jordan from August 31 - September 4 to hold a range of meetings dedicated to bilateral and regional issues with a focus on the crisis in Yemen," the statement read.

(A H K P)

As Yemen relief operations face funding gap, timing of surge in violence ‘couldn't be worse’

The situation in Yemen is “very fragile”, the top United Nations humanitarian official there has warned, noting that as many as 13 people have been killed and at least 70 wounded over the past three days during clashes in two governorates.

“We mourn for the dead and wounded and plead with everyone who is fighting to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law,” she said, lamenting that “the timing couldn't be worse.”

(A P)

Abdulsalam Meets with British Ambassador to Yemen

Head of the National [Sanaa gov.] Delegation Mohammed Abdulsalam on Thursday revealed a meeting with the British ambassador to Yemen Michael Aron in the Omani capital Muscat to discuss the political settlement course.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A H P)

Hundreds of Pakistani doctors brace for sudden deportation from Saudi Arabia

Nearly 1,000 medics are set to be laid off and expelled from the kingdom after Riyadh rescinds recognition of qualifications earned in Pakistan

(* B P)

Saudi supported Israel against Hezbollah during 2006 war

Saudi Arabia supported Israel in its war against Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006, an Israeli TV channel has claimed.

In the third part of a series of reports entitled “Secrets of the Gulf,” Israeli news channel Channel 13 reported on the secret relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia and quoted senior Israeli officials as saying that Tel Aviv had received letters from Riyadh urging it to strike Hezbollah with all its might.
However, the results of the war “caused great disappointment in Riyadh,” according to the channel correspondent, Barak Ravid.
The channel broadcast an interview with the former head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turki Al-Faisal in London, during which he stressed that Israel must agree to the Arab peace initiative put forward by the Kingdom in 2002. Al-Faisal criticised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for wanting to establish relations with Saudi Arabia before resolving the Palestinian issue, stressing that Saudi Arabia rejects this approach.

(B P)

The World Heavyweight Championship – Riyadh Follows Israel’s Lead in Whitewashing Its War Crimes

The staging of such a high-profile sporting event in the Gulf kingdom will not only allow the wealthy Saudi backers who procured the fight to generate a vast amount of money for themselves, the fighters involved and Boxing promoter Eddie Hearn, it also gives Riyadh perhaps the biggest opportunity yet to polish its image on the world stage.

(A P)

New Saudi anti-corruption chief to target public servants

The new head of Saudi Arabia’s anti-corruption commission said he plans to go after graft by ordinary government employees, following a high-profile campaign two years ago that netted princes, ministers and top businessmen.

Mazen al-Khamous told Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV after his appointment on Friday that he had been directed to focus on ending bureaucratic corruption in the world’s top oil exporter and follow up with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on a monthly basis.

(B P)

Next up, a Saudi embassy in Jerusalem

It is open season for Arab normalisation with Israel. The brutal absolutist monarchies which rule in the Arab Gulf countries have increasingly found common cause with Israel in recent years. And this sickening mutual appreciation society for oppressors is only getting more blatant.

Despite not having any formal diplomatic relationship with Israel, I believe that it is now only a matter of time before Saudi Arabia opens an embassy, but not in Tel Aviv. Next up, a Saudi embassy in Jerusalem.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabian plan to develop Nuclear weapons

It is worth noting that Riyadh may be able (if it has not done already) to create nuclear weapons. Otherwise, ballistic missiles without nuclear warheads are a ineffective means of destruction of the enemy, also considering that Tehran already has such missiles. The United States is only speculating about this question for now, but, according to satellite observations, we can conclude that Saudi Arabia is actually conducting nuclear research.

For the first time, Riyadh’s plans to develop nuclear weapons were announced by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in one of his 2018 interviews. Then the heir to the Saudi throne noted that “Saudi Arabia does not want to acquire a nuclear bomb, but, no doubt, if Iran has developed a nuclear bomb, we will follow its example as soon as possible.”

But if in 2018, the nuclear program of Saudi Arabia was fantasy, now it is quite real. Riyadhis close to complete the construction of the first nuclear reactor in the city of Abdulaziz. Assistance is provided by Washington and Israel, whose representatives secretly transferred nuclear technology to the Saudis.

It is worth noting that Saudi Arabia is one of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, but, apparently, the international community is rapidly helping Riyadh to withdraw from this treaty.

The Saudis declared their readiness to use nuclear technology in 2015.

(B P)

Operation imprecision

Peaks and roller coasters

Despite the situation on the Yemen border, Saudi Arabia has continued to push its programme to promote local entertainment and tourism, including a festival at the southwestern region of Assir even as Houthis continued to target Abha airport with drone attacks that have become almost a daily occurrence.

(A E P)

Saudi Arabia splits industry and mining from energy ministry

cp9 USA

(A K P)

US 'Complicit in This Nightmare,' Says Sanders, After Trump-Backed Saudi Coalition Kills Over 100 in Bombing of Yemeni Prison

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate who led the War Powers effort in the Senate, said Sunday that "U.S. bombs, logistical support, and intelligence for the Saudi dictatorship's airstrikes make us complicit in this nightmare."

"Congress has declared this war unconstitutional," tweeted Sanders. "We must now stand up to Trump and defund all U.S. involvement in these horrors."

(* B K P)

Map: Voters support ending US support for Saudi Arabia's brutal war in Yemen.

(* B P)

It’s Not Too Late to Do the Right Thing in Yemen

Trump can bring an end to this awful war. But he needs to understand there's only way that will ever happen.

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday, the Trump administration intends to open talks with the Houthi rebel forces that the Saudi-led coalition is targeting.

Diplomacy will be necessary to bring peace to Yemen, and in that sense, the administration’s plan here is prudent. If the Houthis and their coalition of enemies can be convinced to negotiate, that will be a welcome sign of possible progress towards alleviating the world’s most acute humanitarian crisis.

Ending U.S. military involvement in Yemen would be a reversal for President Trump, but it would be a politically popular one.

Thus Washington’s actions are not protecting American interests, because none are at stake.

It is no hyperbole to say that the intervention and all its attendant ills could not continue—or, at least, could not continue at anything near their current scope—without Washington’s involvement.

Trump should have gotten the United States out of Yemen’s fight when Congress gave him the chance, but it is not too late to right this mistake. His team is correct to pursue diplomacy, but he must realize that America’s exit is what will give those talks teeth – by Bonnie Kristian

(* B P)

As a Yemeni-American, I want to be proud of U.S. policy in my homeland

I have been working with Yemeni-Americans and supporters to raise awareness of the crisis in Yemen and to end the U.S. support for the war. Most members of Congress didn’t know much about Yemen or the U.S. role in the war.

I am proud to see Seattle’s activists and elected officials drive change that will save lives. We can reach what could be a monumental change in U.S. policy that will reflect Congress and the public’s will.

I hope to go to Yemen before the end of this year, and I want to share good news — I want to be proud of U.S. policy in Yemen.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

US blacklists Iranian-operated Adrian Darya 1, sanctions captain

The United States has blacklisted the Iranian-operated supertanker Adrian Darya 1 and sanctioned its captain, according to the US Treasury Department.

"The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took action today against Adrian Darya 1, an oil tanker transporting 2.1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil ultimately benefiting Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF),” the Department said in a statement on Friday.

“Anyone providing support to the Adrian Darya 1 risks being sanctioned,” said Treasury Under Secretary Sigal Mandelker.

(B P)

Iran, Yemen and Two More Bleeding Fronts Awaiting Trump's Next Tweet

Washington has become the most threatening front for Israel amid reports the United States is prepared to negotiate with Iran

The nightmare that Israel became trapped in after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah promised to retaliate for strikes in Lebanon suddenly seems like the least of the threats the country should fear. The real “threat” is emanating from the White House, whose owner is singing songs of peace with Iran.

My comment: Israel wants confrontation. They bombed Lebanon and now lament on Hezbollah. – And talks with Iran are presented as an evil. Crazy world.

(A P)

Macron, Rohani Exchange Demands On Nuclear Deal, Regional Conflicts

French President Emmanuel Macron has urged Iranian President Hassan Rohani to show restraint amid rising tensions in the region, while the Iranian leader called on Europe to take measures to keep the 2015 nuclear deal alive.

(A P)

Shooting US drone removed specter of war: Gen. Hajizadeh

A top commander at the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps said the elite force’s shooting of the US spy drone in June shattered the specter of war by the Americans against Iran.

Commander of IRGC Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh made the remarks at a military gathering in Tehran on Thursday.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Celtic League redoubles opposition to Saudi pilot training

NGO condemns use of North Wales and Ronaldsway

A spokesperson for the Celtic League says the NGO will continue its opposition to the training of Saudi Pilots in Manx airspace.

At the organisation's annual general meeting, two resolutions were passed relating to the Isle of Man.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Bundesregierung könnte wieder Waffen VAE liefern

Die Bundesregierung erwägt, wieder Waffenlieferungen an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate zu genehmigen. Das berichtet der "Spiegel" in seiner neuen Ausgabe. Bislang fiel das Golfemirat unter die sogenannte Jemen-Klausel des Koalitionsvertrags.

Mein Kommentar: nach den aktuellen Luftangriffen????? Mit 90,000 Mann separatistischer Milizen im Jemen?????

(A P)

Rüstungsgegner kündigen Aktionen gegen Rheinmetall an

Mit einem Friedenscamp, einer Blockade und einer Demonstration wollen Rüstungsexportgegner Anfang September in Unterlüß in der Lüneburger Heide gegen die Firma Rheinmetall protestieren.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Russia concerned by UAE airstrikes on Yemen — Foreign Ministry

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry official, an immediate cessation of hostilities should be viewed as a priority

(* B P)

Will Somalia Share Yemen’s Fate?

The decision by the United Arab Emirates to withdraw its troops from Yemen was a tactical maneuver in a regional landscape witnessing several strategic challenges by other equally interested parties. In addition to Yemen, other countries abutting the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea remain essential to Abu Dhabi’s foreign policy of exerting economic and military influence. These include Somalia’s federated states of Somaliland and Puntland, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt—all in one way or another reliant, at least partially, on economic largesse accruing from the Arabian Peninsula state’s second largest economy.

The question remains as to the wisdom of giving preference to strategic and economic benefits to the UAE itself and not to the objectives of stability and security for the wider region, one that extends from the Somali coast to the Red Sea.

(A P)

In a first, Israel to repatriate Jewish sex offender to Yemen

cp12b Sudan

(* B P)

Revolutionäre Hoffnung im Sudan

Die neue Regierung unter dem Ökonomen Abdalla Hamdok repräsentiert erstmals unterschiedliche Fraktionen der politischen Landschaft des Sudan und stellt den personifizierten Kompromiss zwischen den Militärs und der Opposition dar. Die sudanesische Opposition, in der Frauen und Gewerkschaften eine sehr wichtige Rolle spielen, hat vieles aus den gescheiterten Revolutionen in Ägypten, Syrien, Jemen, Bahrain oder Libyen gelernt: Sie hat von Anfang an auf gewaltlose Proteste und Streiks gesetzt und eine Militarisierung konsequent vermieden, und sie hat den Militärs von Anfang an misstraut und auch nach dem Sturz al-Bashirs weiter für eine echte Übergangsregierung gekämpft.

Der Übergang zu einem demokratischen System steckt damit noch immer in seinen Kinderschuhen.

(* B P)

Saudische Milliarden für die sudanesische Diktatur

Wie der Golfstaat versucht, die Demokratiebewegung im Sudan zu torpedieren.

Die Generäle, die Sudans Diktator Omar al-Bashir nach drei Jahrzehnten Regentschaft entmachtet hatten, präsentierten ihn vor einem Gericht der Hauptstadt Khartum im Metallkäfig. Am 19. August, vier Monate nach seiner Verhaftung, sah ihn die Nation dort das erste Mal wieder und bestaunte die Enthüllungen seiner Herrschaft.

(A P)

Sudan's ex-president Bashir charged with corruption, holding illicit foreign currency

A Sudanese judge on Saturday formally indicted Omar al-Bashir for possessing illicit foreign currency and corruption, charges the ousted leader challenged as he was publicly questioned for the first time since his overthrow.

Bashir said that he had received $25 million from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as well as funds from other sources, but that he had not received or used the money for his own benefit.

cp13 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


Film: Ancient Human Remains More Than 3,000 Years Old Discovered in Yemen

(B K)

Film (Arabic): In front of the Dhamar museum, which had lost 1000s of artefacts by Sausi coalition air raids

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#ISIS #Yemen's version of #AlQaeda assaults in Qayfa al-Bayda' Saturday night: -AQAP was helped by Yemen army -ISIS successfully repelled all attacks -Several #AQAP killed/injured ISIS also issued a photoset Sunday of its own assault on AQAP in al-Humaydah (21 ISIS in one frame)


(A T)

Today IS-Yemen claimed it repelled AQAP attacks on its positions across Qayfa, Bayda governorate & said it inflicted an unspecified number of casualties on AQAP; IS-Yemen also claimed that it did not lose control of any of the positions: (image)

(B T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen was 4x more active in August than in previous 6 months in terms of ops. #AQAP today issued 6 more claims -Bombed #UAE-backed southern forces HQ in al-Wadi' #Abyan Thursday -Attacked 6 #ISIS positions in al-Bayda' Saturday. Claims Houthis intervened against AQAP

(* B T)

AQAP in South Yemen: Past and Present

Coverage of al-Qaeda in Yemen has always disproportionately focused on the threat that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) poses to the West, while ignoring the plight of the local population in areas under its control. However, southern Yemen’s complicated history led to the development and strengthening of AQAP, and has turned the country’s southern population into the primary victims of suppression and terror, both from AQAP and its predecessors.

AQAP—arguably the most powerful branch of al-Qaeda—uses a large portion of southern Yemeni territory seized following the Yemeni revolution in 2011 as its base. A few years later, it further secured its position during the instability in the south caused by Yemen’s most recent conflict between Houthis and the Hadi government. However, the development of the AQAP stretches back much further than the current conflict, with its roots developing decades earlier.

The latest civil war provided a greater vacuum for AQAP to flourish in the south, allowing al-Qaeda to expand from the remote areas it controlled in the south to major cities, such as Hadramout province’s capital Mukalla. AQAP’s rule there and elsewhere ushered in obscene levels of violence throughout the peninsula. During the takeover of Mukalla, AQAP targeted journalists and activists, conducted house raids, and kidnapped and killed anyone who they saw as a threat to their presence.

As the southern region’s challenging history demonstrates, southern Yemenis are the population that suffers most from the presence of AQAP, and while Yemen’s civil war is complicated, efforts to fight against terror should be clear-cut and internationally supported. Now that southerners are fighting back, the international community should not miss this chance to support Yemenis in their efforts remove the presence of these terrorists from their midst – by Summer Ahmed

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Is US-backed dialogue the answer for Yemen?

Dialogue sometimes has adverse effects on conflicts. It can buy ill-intentioned parties time to expand their influence, ultimately working to the detriment of those seeking peace.

However, the United States’ willingness to have its ally engage in “secret talks” with the Houthis, whom it considers Iranian proxies, is raising serious questions about the efficacy of its foreign policy. Not only does it underline US President Donald Trump’s at times volatile policy moves, it brings to the fore Washington’s growing frustration with — and incoherent response to — a conflict that has turned into a dangerous front line in the showdown with Tehran.

At the heart of the problem is the Houthis’ agenda. The Iran-backed rebels have given no indication they are interested in peace, deploying rockets and drones at Saudi Arabia. Now Washington is asking Riyadh to forget about these flagrant attacks and join their nemesis at the negotiating table. To what end?

My comment: Of course, pro-Saudi propaganda rejects any taks with the Houthis. And this propaganda sounds whether the saudis would not lead war in Yemen (and would not have begun the saudi involvement by themselves, on March 25, 2015). – And, Saudi propaganda also tries to push the US to action against Lebanon and Hezbollah:

(A P)

Aden's terror groups must be dismantled

Security forces must present a united front against extremist factions waiting to seize power

At the mouth of Bab El Mandeb Strait, the southern port city of Aden is both strategically and politically important. It has served as the seat of Yemen’s government since it was liberated from Houthi rebels in 2015 and sits adjacent to some of the world’s most vital shipping lanes. Aden had also been cleared of militant groups seeking to over run the city.

The coalition’s pre-emptive airstrikes came after intelligence that extremists were planning to target their ranks. They attacked coalition fighters at Aden’s airport and will no doubt be plotting to regroup and attack again.

At a critical time in the Yemen war, with the Stockholm agreement still waiting to be implemented, unity is needed among those fighting to re-establish peace and prosperity to the country.

My comment: UAE propaganda – sill justifying the UAE air raids at Aden – tries to negelect that there is a difference between „terrorists“ and the anti-separatist fihters the raids had deliberately hit.

(A P)

Qatar Extending its Influence Through Yemen's Islah Party

Qatar is providing support to the Al-Islah party in Yemen, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in the country, according to Yemeni media sources. Their aim is to establish a military wing for the group that will facilitate Al-Islah’s influence throughout Yemen in all fields of the country.
The Al-Ain news has reported that the Al-Islah party has resumed its terrorist attacks in order to punish the areas which failed to implement its plans in the past few days.

My comment: As claimed by the separatists.

(A P)

Qatar indirectly finances Al-Qaeda in Yemen

Adding more trauma to this injury is the role of another tiny but wealthy Arab nation called Qatar is playing, which is confirmed to be funding Al-Qaeda in order its long term mission of a global caliphate can be met.
Qatar poses not to be funding terrorism, but it is, in fact, doing everything possible through its fictitious religious NGOs and charities functioning worldwide that have created a seamless mechanism to get funds across to all the Muslim Brotherhood affiliate terrorist organisations worldwide.

and more of this:

My comment: Separatist propaganda, creating a deadly mix of Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, this sounds like a conspiracy theory.

(A P)

Film: Calls for the formation of an Arab project to stop Iran interventions

Strategic experts indicated that Iran is waging a psychological war against the Arab and Western countries by misleading its power and spreading false information about its military capabilities to strike any Arab or foreign sites, calling for the formation of an Arab project to stop Iran.

(A P)

Terrorists cannot be allowed to usurp Yemen gains

With the UAE as its integral part, Arab Coalition will protect the mission’s

The UAE is proud to be a member of this Arab Coalition. Our men in the Armed Forces have made the ultimate sacrifice in this crucial mission.

It has been a mission made necessary by the actions of Al Houthis in destabilising Yemen with the active help of Iran.

Throughout this chaos, there have been several terrorist elements that have sought to exploit the situation on the ground to advance their own extremist agendas and nefarious philosophies.

The mission for all those involved in restoring law, order, peace and stability is indeed difficult. But the UAE and its coalition partners will neither be deterred nor thwarted by these disparate elements.

My comment: This is UAE propaganda on the events in southern Yemen.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1c

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Aug. 30:

Aug. 29:

Aug. 28:

Aug. 27:

Aug. 26:

(A K pS)

Arab Coalition fighter jets target Houthi militia in Hajjah province, Yemen

A field commander of the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia has been killed in raids by Arab coalition fighter jets to support legitimacy in Yemen targeting militia positions in Hajjah province in northwest Yemen.

(* B K)

Saudi coalition may have used ‘double-tap’ airstrikes in Yemen, new report finds

Exclusive: Document, seen by The Independent, alleges multiple airstrikes hit civilian areas on at least six occasions

Saudi Arabia and its allies may have used “double-tap” airstrikes in Yemen, researchers at investigative journalism site Bellingcat have revealed.

The tactic sees missiles fired once, then again when aid workers have rushed to the injured. It dramatically raises civilian death tolls and endangers rescuers.

Evidence has now been found to suggest that civilian targets in Yemen were hit by double-tap airstrikes. Researchers examined open source photographs and videos of attacks carried out by the Saudi-led coalition.

Their report, to be released on Monday and seen by The Independent, comes as the British government prepares to appeal a Court of Appeal judgement that forced it to freeze sales of UK arms to Saudi Arabia while it reconsidered whether they could be used to violate international humanitarian law.

The researchers behind the report say strikes that potentially breach humanitarian law have not stopped, which indicates “a clear risk that weapons sold by the UK may be used in breaches”.

By examining satellite imagery of the aftermath of airstrikes, researchers at Bellingcat – a non-profit organisation that specialises in open-source investigations – found at least six instances whereby civilian areas appear to have been hit by double-tap strikes.

Those targets included a funeral hall, two markets, a restaurant, a mosque and a residential area.

“The attacks on these locations appeared to kill and injure far more civilians than was proportionate to any likely military advantage. In some cases, such egregious civilian harm appears entirely foreseeable, suggesting that members of the coalition have intentionally conducted indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks,” the report says.

My comment: There had been much, much more of these double tap attacks.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Sep. 1: Hajjah p., Asir

Aug. 31: Saada p., Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b, cp6

(A K pH)

Air Forces Target US-Saudi Mercenaries Gatherings, in Jizan with Qasif 2K

Air Force of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees, on Monday, carried out an attack on US-Saudi mercenaries gatherings by a drone, Qasif 2K, in Jizan.

My remark: On Saudi territory.

(A K pS)

Bloody confrontations in “Ketaf” front Prisoners and killed by dozens and 'Apache' adjusts the scale of Power

Local sources in Ketaf district of Sa'da governorate said that fierce fighting between forces loyal to the legitimate government and Houthi militias since last week.

The sources confirmed to Al-Masdar online that there were killed and wounded on both sides.

(A K pS)

Government forces advance in Haradh front and control several villages

For the third day in a row, the National Army forces in the 5th military region are engaged in fierce battles against Houthi militias on the outskirts of the town of Haradh in northern Hajjah province.


(A K pH)

4 Killed, Wounded in Saudi-mercenaries’ Shelling in Hajjah

A citizen was killed and three others were injured on Friday by shelling of the Saudi-mercenaries, targeted a village in Abs district of the border province of Hajjah.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted several areas of Razih district.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: A groom from Taiz posted on @facebook and said that he doesn't have relatives in #Sanaa to attend his wedding and he asked who ever has a car to come to his wedding procession and look what happened.

(B C)

The Origins Of “Lucky Arabia”

One of the benefits of reading Arabs is that the author is an expert on Yemen, which often gets short-shrift in works focused on the Arab peoples. As noted in the book itself this is not entirely unfair, insofar as until the past thousand years or so the peoples of Yemen did not even speak “Arabic.” Rather, they spoke various South Arabian languages more closely related to Semitic Ethiopian languages. In contrast, Arabic’s origins are probably along the northern fringes of the Arabian peninsula.

Historically, the various dialects (some of which are unintelligible to each other) of modern Arabic derive from the Arabic of the Koran, which seems to be quite similar to Nabataean Arabic.


marianne manda: glückliches arabien – armer jemen

Den Abschluß des dreitägigen Salzburger Symposiums zur Verleihung der GAP-Ehrenpräsidentschaft an Georg Meggle bildet die Lesung von Marianne Manda aus ihrem Buch "Weihrauch, Khat und Pfeffer. Erinnerungen an den Jemen" mit Erinnerungen an die Zeiten vor dem Krieg

(* B)

Videos by Drew Binsky (


This is the story of a young girl named Fatima, who was born and raised in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, but was forced to move to Yemen 6 years ago.
While most civilians in Yemen are doing everything they can to flee this horrific situation, she has done the opposite. She went from living in a modern and peaceful country to an impoverished and dangerous one, and it's been very difficult for her to adapt.

This video also explains her perspective on what needs to be done for Yemen to overcome this disaster and go back to how life used to be 10 years ago. It's a fascinating interview and I enjoyed hearing her thoughts. I hope you do too. =

I have traveler's diarrhea (food poisoning)

The Otherside of Yemen (I love this country!)

I ask myself, why should I focus on the negatives when there's so many positive things to say about Yemen? Look, there's no doubting that Yemen is undergoing some major problems like civil war, intense famine and excruciating poverty. But when I take a second to look past that, this is truly an amazing country from the food to the historical sites and hospitality. Yemen is capturing my heart like few countries ever have.

Please enjoy this video which shows off the good side of Yemen from my experiences in the country so far =


Today I was invited into a random house for a home cooked Yemeni meal, and I decided to spontaneous film the entire experience (which was incredible)!


I have been shocked to find out that the vast majority of Yemeni people I've met on the streets over the last 5 days do not know their age or birthday.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-570 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-570: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

und alle Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

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Dietrich Klose

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