Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 574 - Yemen War Mosaic 574

Yemen Press Reader 574: 11. Sept. 2019: Eine Krankenschwester kämpft gegen den Hunger – IDO-Statement zum Jemen – Zwischen Ordnung und Chaos – Implosion des Südens: Jemen im August ...

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... Beteiligte im Südjemen-Konflikt – Hooks verabscheuungswürdige Jemen-Propaganda – Waffenproduzenten und ihre Verantwortung – Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen: Stillstand, Krieg der Worte und Propaganda – Khashoggimord: Audioaufnahme veröffentlicht – und mehr

Sept. 11, 2019: A nurse fighting against hunger – IDO statement on Yemen – Between order and chaos – Implosion of the South: Yemen in August – Players in the Southern conflict – Hook’s Despicable Yemen Propaganda – Arms makers and their responsibilities – Civil war in Southern Yemen: Stalemate, War of words and propaganda – Khashoggi murder: Audio recording published – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen / civil war in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

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Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Jamal Khashoggi: cp8a

(** B H)

In Yemen, one nurse’s fight against hunger

‘Unfortunately, some of them will die in the villages I can’t reach.’

Fifty-three months in, the famine warnings that became a hallmark of Yemen’s brutal conflict have somewhat subsided. But that doesn’t mean people aren’t going hungry, particularly in parts of the country where fighting is ongoing, aid access limited, and poverty widespread.

Such is the case in Hajjah province, which journalists Francesca Mannocchi and Alessio Romenzi visited in July. They spent three days documenting the work of Makiah al-Aslami, a nurse who runs a malnutrition clinic in Aslam, a largely rural district of around 100,000 people.

Al-Aslami, who everyone calls “doctor”, has her work cut out: US-funded famine monitor FEWS NET says 1.2 million people are “severely food insecure” in the parts of the country it was able to visit. It classifies 11 districts and 406,000 people in Yemen as in “emergency”, the second most severe of the five classifications it uses to measure food insecurity.

Five of those districts are in Hajjah province, and one of them is Aslam.

The 50-year-old nurse grew up in Aslam, and has seen it change with the war, which has pitted Houthi rebels against the Yemeni government of President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and the fractured Saudi Arabia-led coalition that backs it.

Tens of thousands of people have fled to the area from an active front line in Abs district, just to the west, putting a strain on already limited resources. “Thousands of displaced people are coming in search of a shelter in an area already among the poorest in the country,” she explained. “Hungry people added on top of more hungry people."

Over the week Mannocchi and Romenzi spent with al-Aslami, she and her colleagues treated 19 people – mostly women and children – with acute malnutrition. Before the war, the nurse said she saw two, maybe three cases a week.

There are so many patients at the clinic that children often have to double up on beds, and mothers lie on the floor.

Their work offers a rare window into a part of Yemen outsiders rarely see, and where civilians are suffering. It’s a place where people like al-Aslami are working overtime, despite the fact that the fight against hunger feels like an uphill battle, especially when patients leave her care and can’t afford food once again.

"When I dismiss mothers and children, I know that many of them will return malnourished again,” she said. “Unfortunately, some of them will die in the villages I can’t reach.”

Nada, a 10-month-old who weighs 2.5 kilograms, has already been admitted to the Aslam centre twice in her short life, each time for 15 days.

Al-Aslami said “each time she came out of the centre she was stronger”. But news recently reached the nurse, via other patients, that the young girl’s condition had worsened once again.

Nada’s mother, Maryam al-Agrabi, said the girl – the youngest of nine children – hadn’t been able to keep any food down for the past three days. She added that the family was surviving on one meal a day, and that the sum total of the food they now had for 11 people was a container of flour, one potato, and some stale bread.

“We have no way to pay for transportation to take her to the hospital, and the only thing left for me to do is watch her starving,” said al-Agrabi. “When I hear her crying because she's hungry, I know I can't give her anything, and I feel like I'm dying. "

Al-Aslami called children like Nada “forgotten patients”, because medical care often never reaches them, and because their illnesses, and deaths, are likely to be left out of official statistics.

“When I discharge a patient I can lose track of him or her for weeks, and… [sometimes] these children die without anyone hearing about it for months,” she said – by Francesca Mannocchi and Alessio Romenzi (with photos)

(** B K P)


The recognition of the Hadi government impedes the right of the Yemeni people to self determination and the efforts seeking accountability for the human rights violations, abuses and crimes committed against them

IDO [Iqaqi Development Association], together with Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain, and Arabian Rights Watch Association, reiterate the position that continues to question the recognition given to Hadi’s government by the international community as it impedes the political right of the Yemeni people to self-determine and form a government by consensus. This position centers on the fact that Hadi came to power as a transitional president without achieving consensus among the main political groups since his appointment was not accepted at that time by either the Ansar Allah faction or the Southern Hirak. Consequently, we stood witness to Hadi fleeing from the northern governorates controlled by the Ansar Allah faction and their allies. We also stood witness to his government’s inability to maintain presence in the southern governorates as Hadi himself only managed to be there for about six weeks in the past five years. And as we witnessed in recent events, whatever small presence his government had in Aden and governorates like Abyan were taken over by the Southern Transitional Council this past month with the support of the UAE and the lack of a strong response by Saudi Arabia, both leading members of the diminishing Coalition. With the support offered to the Southern Transitional Council, the Coalition has done away with the false pretext of restoring the legitimate Hadi government and is now working with several armed militias to continue to compromise the territorial unity of the Republic of Yemen.

Reasons to question recognition given to Hadi government

In addition to not having continuous presence in Yemen, there is a list of additional reasons that support our concerns about the international legitimacy offered to Hadi’s person. The Saudi and UAE led coalition seeks to re-install as president, a person who a) has insignificant support among the Yemeni population, b) had resigned, c) had a term that expired pursuant to a GCC initiative that brought him to power, d) had clung on to power despite term expiring, e) allegedly called on a coalition of states to seriously impede ongoing political negotiations at the time between all Yemeni factions, f) cheered on Coalition airstrikes that killed and maimed over 60,000 civilians - a third of whom were women and children - without holding accountable those who ordered and conducted the unlawful airstrikes, g) cheered on a Coalition blockade that has resulted in the death of over 200,000 children without holding or even attempting to hold any of the perpetrators accountable, h) continues to support the blockade that employs starvation as a weapon of war against millions of Yemeni civilians despite being informed by UN Special Rapporteurs and the Group of Eminent Experts in no uncertain terms that the blockade was unlawful and must be lifted, i) cheers on the unlawful flight ban to and from Sanaa International Airport that has resulted in the death of over 40,000 civilians who required medical treatment abroad, j) has withheld salaries of about 1.5 million public sector employees for three years and counting directly impoverishing 7.5 million civilians and last but not least and in fact very concerning is that he k) has appointed U.S. Treasury Specially Designated Global Terrorists as government officials, negotiators, and clerics.

Recognition hampers accountability

Over the course of the last four years, the National Commission set up by Hadi on 7 September 2015 - and supported by a UN Human Rights Council resolution adopted later in that same month - to investigate human rights violations in Yemen has continued to fail with respect to impartiality, transparency and meeting international standards and continued to leave millions of Yemenis without a credible venue for an opportunity to be heard and obtain legal redress. Instead, the National Commission, like the Joint Incidents Assessment Team set up by the Coalition, acted to absolve the Coalition from any culpability by concluding all civilian targets were what they alleged to be legitimate military targets. It is this same Coalition that worked to block previous resolutions calling for an International Commission of Inquiry, and who unsuccessfully attempted to end the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts (GEE) in the hopes of covering up the crimes the GEE exposed in its written report submitted to the Council back in August 2018. The Coalition, however, was successful in blocking entry of the GEE team by not issuing them visas forcing them to investigate remotely this past year all so that impunity reigns, crimes continue and accountability is evaded making justice out of reach for millions of victims in Yemen.


This dire human rights situation in Yemen calls on us to urge the Council in the upcoming 42nd session to reconsider the recognition and support provided to the Hadi government and its National Commission and to set up an international commission of inquiry under item 4 as this situation not only requires the attention of the Council but also calls the Council to make a recommendation to the Security Council to transfer the case to the International Criminal Court given the gravity of the crimes committed are within the Court’s jurisdiction.

We also call on the member states to place the requisite pressure on the parties to implement the humanitarian agreement brokered in Stockholm nine months ago in the hopes that it will help alleviate the suffering faced by millions of Yemeni civilians and ultimately bring an end to the war.

(** B P)

Between Order and Chaos: A New Approach to Stalled State Transformations in Iraq and Yemen

International policymakers have failed to stabilize states such as Iraq and Yemen, partially because of the assumed binary distinction between state failure and success. This paper advocates for a ‘middle–out’ approach that aims to strengthen the connectivity between the bureaucracy and de facto authorities.


In the Middle East and North Africa, a growing number of internationally recognized (de jure) states with formal borders and governments lack de facto statehood. Often, governance vacuums are filled by alternative actors that perform state-like functions in place of, or alongside, weakened official institutions. This results in hybrid orders where the distinction between formal and informal actors in the state is blurred, as too are the lines between the formal, informal and illicit economies.

International policymakers have struggled to establish political settlements in these contexts. Would-be state-builders have mistakenly assumed a binary distinction between state failure and success. They have sought to recreate an idealized archetype of the ‘orderly’ state, critically failing to recognize the more complex networks of de facto actors on the ground. At times, international policymakers pick or support leaders who lack local legitimacy, capability and power. This stalls and fragments ongoing organic state transformations, and produces hybrid orders as de facto actors adapt by both capturing state institutions and creating parallel ones.

We propose a new model for understanding the fragmentary transformations of the state under way in Iraq and Yemen. It involves the concept of a multi-layered state, consisting of the executive, the formal bureaucracy, the de facto authorities and society at large. The gap in legitimacy, capability and power between the middle two layers in this model – the formal bureaucracy and the de facto authorities – is a critical source of instability and an impediment to reform. Bridging that gap is thus the key to effective peacebuilding and/or state-building.

This paper argues that all states lie along a chaos–order spectrum. No state is entirely chaotic or orderly. Even those that display many features of chaos – as in Iraq and Yemen – contain pockets of order that are all too often overlooked. The larger the gap between the formal bureaucracy and the de facto authorities, the more a state slides towards the chaos end of the spectrum. Effective state-building must find a way of institutionalizing improvised governance arrangements.

To achieve this, we advocate a ‘middle–out’ approach that aims to strengthen the connective tissues between the bureaucracy and de facto authorities. Simplified, this more inclusive approach entails reframing international involvement as playing the role of a ‘referee’ to monitor the transformations of the state while enforcing accountability, as opposed to the practice of picking ‘winners’ and integrating unfavoured actors into unpopular political settlements – by Renad Mansour and Peter Salisbury

(** B K P)

The Southern Implosion – The Yemen Review, August 2019


August saw the Saudi-Emirati military coalition implode as its partners in southern Yemen turned on each other in dramatic fashion. This followed a Houthi strike on a military camp in Aden on August 1 that killed a top southern commander and provided the catalyst for a separatist group’s takeover of the city, which is the interim capital of Yemen’s internationally recognized government.

Security Belt forces affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council (STC) – both of which are supported by the United Arab Emirates – seized government buildings and military camps over just four days of fighting, with the fall of the presidential palace on August 10 signaling the eviction of the Yemeni government from Aden.

The STC claimed that it actually supported Yemen’s Saudi-backed president, Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi, but that its quarrel was with the Islah party — the Islamist movement that is viewed with suspicion in much of the south but is also Hadi’s most important Yemeni ally. In the days that followed, the STC laid out its demands for an independent federal state in the south while Security Belt militiamen rounded up, assaulted and forcibly evicted numerous northern Yemenis who were in Aden.

The Hadi government denounced what it called an armed rebellion facilitated with UAE support, allegations that Abu Dhabi — which recently carried out a military draw-down in parts of Yemen — denied. STC-aligned forces then set their sights beyond Aden, seizing military bases in neighboring Abyan and clashing with government forces in Shabwa governorate. These advances were quickly reversed, however, in a government counterattack in which pro-Hadi forces rapidly advanced on the STC’s Aden stronghold in the final week of August, but could not retake the city. An already eventful month ended with the UAE launching airstrikes targeting Saudi-backed government forces in Aden and Abyan, after which the Yemeni government called on the UN Security Council to intervene.

Saudi, Emirati Divisions Laid Bare, Complicating Legal Basis for Intervention

While divergent aims of coalition partners Saudi Arabia and the UAE in Yemen have been no secret, never have they been laid out quite so visibly as they were in Aden in August.

Rather than an objective in itself, Abu Dhabi’s empowerment of the STC during the ongoing conflict was in part a byproduct of a larger Emirati strategy in Yemen. Along with directing anti-Houthi ground forces, the UAE has led a counterrorism campaign with US support and established influence over much of the southern Yemen coastline. Separatists appeared an acceptable partner in these endeavors — well-organized, inclusive of Salafis who were perceived to be generally obedient, and with a network of tribes and local actors across parts of the south. They also shared a common foe in the Islah party, which the STC considers a subversive northern force and the UAE sees as a local franchise of the Muslim Brotherhood group, which it considers a terrorist organization.

The UAE helped the STC grow to resemble a government-in-waiting, complete with a military force. While Abu Dhabi could exercise some restraint on its local partner, the discord between the STC’s agenda and that of the Yemeni government and, supposedly, the coalition backing it, remained unaddressed. Riyadh is now forcefully confronted with this discord: the STC’s takeover of Aden and demands for an independent southern state fly in the face of Saudi Arabia’s declared objectives for its intervention: to restore President Hadi’s rule over all of Yemen.

On the other hand, the UAE military drawdown from Yemen this summer effectively gave the STC a pass to proceed with an offensive Abu Dhabi would otherwise have been compelled to rein in (as it did in January 2018). This newly established distance allowed Abu Dhabi to temporarily disassociate itself from the STC assault — even if only as a diplomatic fig leaf. This shakey political cover was blown away when UAE aircraft bombed Saudi-backed forces in Aden; a point driven home by the Yemeni government’s call for a response from Riyadh and its request for UN Security Council intervention.

Southern Resentment Fueled STC Takeover, but Southern Divisions Limited It

While the UAE’s military drawdown in Yemen and death of Abu al-Yamama were the immediate catalysts for the Aden takeover, the roots of the power grab go much deeper. Opposition to the concentration of power in Sana’a following the 1990 unification of Yemen fueled secessionist sentiment, with a north-south civil war in 1994 and southerners’ subsequent disenfranchisement reinforcing these grievances. The central government’s violent suppression of protest movements in the south beginning in 2007 gave birth to the Southern Movement (commonly known as Hirak). The umbrella organization encompassing various pro-separatist groups was beset with factionalism, with the only real common denominator being the revival of southern autonomy.

In 2017, Aidarous al-Zubaidi formed the STC after Hadi dismissed him as governor of Aden over his support for the Southern Movement. The STC has since become a state-like entity, boasting what is essentially a UAE-funded paramilitary force that gradually established de facto security control over Aden as well as a would-be southern parliament, the National Assembly. The August events were not the first time the STC has flexed its muscles in Aden; in January 2018, STC-aligned forces took control of the government’s headquarters in the interim capital and briefly kept ministers under house arrest. Saudi mediation brought the hostilities to an end but the wheels had been firmly set in motion; since then, it has effectively dominated the city — claiming support for the Hadi government in public statements while simultaneously embarking on an international lobbying offensive for its separatist cause.

Two critical hurdles still in place have impeded the STC project in the south. Firstly, the Hadi government still has international recognition that has formed the basis of the Saudi-led intervention and underpinned all aspects of the UN Security Council’s handling of the Yemen crisis since the Houthi takeover of Sana’a. The political force behind this legal bottom line means it cannot simply be ignored, no matter how far it strays from the reality of governance in Yemen. Secondly, and connected to this international recognition, the government has been able to rely on the steadfast backing of coalition leader Saudi Arabia – support that has proved of limited consequence militarily though priceless in its political clout.

Southern Yemen is also far from politically homogenous and beyond its Aden stronghold, the STC failed in August to overcome complex local power dynamics. Competing ideologies and historical cleavages make southern Yemen treacherous for any single actor trying to assert authority.

Among southern Yemen’s internal divisions is the regional fault line dating back to the 1986 southern civil war that pitted fighters from Al-Dhalea and Lahj against those from Abyan and Shabwa governorates.

(** B P)

Some Old, Some New: Grievances, Players, and Backers in the Conflict in Southern Yemen

As the situation escalates, the prospect of restoring Hadi to power and maintaining a united Yemen will only become more untenable. While the outcome cannot be predicted with any certainty, a look at the key players and underlying grievances does shed light on key turning points and likely future developments and stumbling blocks.

An Untenable Alliance

From the start, the anti-Houthi coalition was an amalgamation of Hadi-aligned military units, tribal militias, Islah-aligned groups, and various Southern secessionist groups that would have never allied themselves under normal circumstances. The strength and prominence of some of these groups, as well as the turmoil amongst them, has been deeply affected by Saudi and Emirati backing and political maneuvering.

The so-called “Southern question” regarding how the region should be governed has been lingering for decades, with intermittent surges in calls for secession tamped down, often violently, by the government. Many of the key players involved on both sides over the decades are still at the center of the simmering conflict in Southern Yemen, but others have gained prominence as a result of the current war and support from either Saudi Arabia or the UAE. In fact, the political and military moves Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have made since the war started have compounded longstanding grievances and undermined their own stated goal of restoring Hadi’s government and a united Yemen.

As the Houthis pushed south, already established and ad-hoc militias—including Aidroos al-Zubaidi’s Southern Resistance—became the first line of defense. Zubaidi’s group in al-Dhale was among the first to regain territory largely unsupported by external patrons, earning him new notoriety among secessionist circles. There was still an obvious need for the Saudi coalition to build local capacities as the Houthis seized increasingly more territory in Southern Yemen. Southern secessionist militias at the time were not well-organized or cohesive across the south, tribal militias were ill-equipped, and the Army was divided across countless lines, with loyalty being split between the late former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Islah-affiliated General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, or President Hadi.

The UAE supported Zubaidi and other secessionist-leaning militias across the Southern governorates, ultimately equipping and training (some were trained outside Yemen) thousands of Southerners who now comprise the Southern Transitional Council and the closely linked military and police forces, including the Security Belt and Elite Forces, which span Aden, Lahj, al-Dhale, Abyan, Shabwa, and Hadramawt (Terrorism Monitor, June 14, 2018).

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia continued to support Hadi, anti-Houthi tribes, and the Yemeni military units still loyal to Hadi. However, Hadi and Riyadh quickly realized that they were ill-equipped to take on the Houthis without further military, political, and tribal support, which is where the mercurial general, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, enters the fray. Ali Mohsen was the former commander of the northwestern military district and 1st Armored Division, having helped crush southern forces during the North-South civil war and led the Saada wars against the Houthis. Ali Mohsen is from Saleh’s Sanhan clan and is closely aligned with Islah. Mohsen also has a storied history of helping spread Salafist/Wahabi teachings and recruiting mujahideen to fight in Afghanistan, including Tariq al-Fadhli (Ali Mohsen’s brother-in-law), who helped found the Islamic Jihad Movement and allegedly helped assassinate southern leaders (Aljazeera, May 5, 2013; Terrorism Monitor, November 20, 2009; Terrorism Monitor, October 14, 2016). Ali Mohsen’s partnership with Hadi came with a price—the position of deputy supreme commander of the military and then vice president—but he delivered highly essential military units and brought with him a host of Islah-aligned militias and supporters (alaraby, February 23, 2016) – by Brian M. Perkins

(** B P)

Hook’s Despicable Yemen Propaganda

Brian Hook spouts the usual administration propaganda about Yemen:

Blaming Iran for the harm done to Yemen by the U.S.-backed Saudi coalition is the administration’s most sickening rhetorical maneuver, and it is also one of their most common. It is profoundly dishonest. The administration seeks to pin the catastrophe in Yemen on a government that has virtually nothing to do with it while letting the genuinely guilty parties off the hook. Of course, the U.S. government has not been an impartial bystander to this conflict, but an active participant in it from March 2015 on. For our government to lay the blame for “violence, famine and human suffering” at anyone else’s feet is the most shameless deception.

It is the Saudi coalition that has blockaded Yemen for more than four years, and it is the Saudi coalition and the “legitimate” government of Yemen that have waged economic war against the majority of the population.

Hook has to deflect attention to Iran because our own Yemen policy is so despicable and indefensible that no one can honestly support it.

Hook faults “the media” for not reporting more on Iran’s role, but news reporting doesn’t say much about this because Iran doesn’t have much of a role. In fact, a lot of stories inaccurately frame the conflict as a “proxy war” or even a sectarian war in a way that exaggerates Iran’s involvement and presents it as if it were on par with the role of the Saudis and Emiratis when it definitely isn’t. Obsessing over Iran’s role in Yemen is always a dead giveaway that the person doing the obsessing doesn’t understand Yemen or the origins of the conflict.

Iran is not the government responsible for millions of starving Yemeni children, and it is not the one that blows up school buses, hospitals, homes, markets, prisons, farms, and fishing boats. The Saudi and UAE governments, backed and armed by the U.S., are the ones that have been doing that for more than four years, and the Trump administration continues backing them to the hilt even now.

In Hook’s case, he is desperate to shoehorn Yemen into his preferred narrative with no regard for accuracy.

This is nonsense, but it can be used to sell a reckless policy of confrontation towards Iran, and in the meantime the people of Yemen are being forced to suffer because of Washington’s vendetta against Iran that has nothing to do with them. Hook’s op-ed is pure propaganda from someone tasked with justifying the administration’s cruel and unjust Iran policy, and it is just the latest sign that this administration will persist in its monstrous support for the war on Yemen no matter what – by Daniel Larison

referring to

(A P)

Iran’s Other Terror Front

Using the Houthis as its proxy, the Iranian regime has established a strategic outpost in war-torn Yemen.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, is playing a long game in Yemen and few in the world seem to have noticed. With Iran’s patronage, the Houthis—a Shiite political movement—carried out a coup in 2014, plunging the country into chaos. Iran’s support elevated the Shia Houthis from a tribal militia to a lethal fighting force. Now, the Iranian regime wants a seat at the negotiating table to help resolve a war it helped instigate.

Whatever the ultimate outcome in Yemen, Iran has successfully expanded its threat network

The media has done a poor job of reporting on Iran’s role in intensifying and prolonging the tragic conflict in Yemen. This has allowed Iran to escape blame for the violence, famine and human suffering, which have become the Iranian regime’s leading exports.

The world must come to terms with Iran’s ambitions and counter them, or the Iranian Crescent will soon enough become a full moon.

(** B K P)


Die weltweit grössten Rüstungsunternehmen bereiten sich in diesen Tagen auf ihre Teilnahme an einer internationalen Rüstungsmesse in London vor. Nun zeigt ein neuer Bericht von Amnesty International, dass Industrieunternehmen wie Airbus, BAE Systems und Raytheon im Bereich der Menschenrechte keine angemessene Sorgfaltspflicht anwenden, um zu verhindern, dass ihre Produkte bei möglichen Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Kriegsverbrechen zum Einsatz kommen.

Für den Bericht «Outsourcing Responsibility - Human Rights Policies in the Defence Sector» hat Amnesty International 22 Rüstungsunternehmen dazu befragt, wie sie ihrer Verantwortung zur Wahrung der Menschenrechte nach international anerkannten Standards nachkommen. Viele der befragten Unternehmen liefern Waffen an Länder, die Kriegsverbrechen und schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen beschuldigt werden, darunter Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.

Keines der antwortenden Unternehmen konnte hinreichend erklären, wie es seiner Verantwortung für die Menschenrechte nachkommt oder eine angemessene Sorgfaltspflicht nachweisen; 14 Unternehmen reagierten überhaupt nicht.

«Die Rolle von Rüstungsunternehmen bei tödlichen, von schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen gekennzeichneten Konflikten wird schon viel zu lange totgeschwiegen. Während Staaten wie Grossbritannien zu Recht wegen ihrer rücksichtslosen Waffengeschäfte vor Gericht gestellt werden, ist es den Unternehmen, die von der Waffenlieferung an Länder profitieren, die in diese Konflikte verwickelt sind, weitgehend gelungen, sich der Kontrolle zu entziehen», so Patrick Wilcken, Experte für Waffenhandelskontrolle bei Amnesty International.

«Nicht eines der von uns angesprochenen Unternehmen konnte belegen, seiner Sorgfaltspflicht hinsichtlich der Menschenrechte angemessen nachgekommen zu sein. Dies zeugt nicht nur von einer alarmierenden Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber den menschlichen Kosten ihres Gewerbes, sondern könnte auch dazu führen, dass diese Unternehmen und ihre Chefs wegen der Mittäterschaft an Kriegsverbrechen strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.»

Amnesty befragte 22 Rüstungsunternehmen aus elf Ländern, darunter Airbus (Niederlande), Arquus (Frankreich), Boeing (USA), BAE Systems (Grossbritannien), Leonardo (Italien), Lockheed Martin (Grossbritannien), Raytheon (USA), Rosoboronexport (Russland), Thales (Frankreich) und Zastava (Serbien). Eine vollständige Liste der Antworten findet sich hier.

Während die menschenrechtlichen Verpflichtungen der Staaten zur Regulierung des internationalen Waffenhandels im Rahmen des Waffenhandelsabkommens und der regionalen und nationalen Gesetze klar definiert sind, wird über die entscheidende Rolle der Unternehmen bei der Lieferung militärischer Güter und Dienstleistungen oft hinweggesehen, und das obwohl die Art ihrer Geschäfte und Produkte grundsätzlich Risiken in sich birgt.

Waffen für den Einsatz im Jemen

Vom 10. bis 13. September findet in London mit der Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) eine der weltweit grössten Waffenmessen statt. Zu den Ausstellern gehören Unternehmen, die mit der Lieferung von Waffen und Dienstleistungen für die von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) angeführte Militärkampagne im Jemen Millionenbeträge verdient haben.

So hatten unter anderem BAE Systems, Boeing, Lockheed Martin und Raytheon wesentlichen Anteil an den Militäraktionen der Koalition, da sie eine Reihe von Kampfflugzeugen, die wiederholt zivile Objekte wie Häuser, Schulen, Spitälern und Marktplätze getroffen haben, mit Waffensystemen ausgestattet haben.

Keines dieser Unternehmen erklärte, in welcher Form es seiner Sorgfaltspflicht im Bereich der Menschenrechte nachgekommen war, um die Risiken der Lieferung von Waffen und Dienstleistungen an die von Saudi-Arabien und den VAE geführte Koalition zu bewerten und zu verhindern.

Amnesty International fordert Rüstungsunternehmen auf, das bisherige Verhalten ihrer Kunden anhand von Menschenrechtsstandards zu überprüfen, hohe Erwartungen hinsichtlich der Einhaltung internationaler Menschenrechtsnormen vertraglich festzuhalten, deren Einhaltung durch ihre Kunden kontinuierlich zu überwachen und regelmässig zu überprüfen und Möglichkeiten zur Beeinflussung des Kundenverhaltens zu nutzen.

«Rüstungskonzerne waschen ihre Hände in Unschuld, indem sie behaupten, dass sie nach dem Versand ihrer Waren keine Kontrolle mehr über deren Verwendung hätten. Dieses Argument ist jedoch weder rechtlich noch ethisch haltbar – es wird höchste Zeit, dass die Unternehmen Verantwortung für ihre Entscheidungen übernehmen», so Patrick Wilcken.

und auch

(** B K P)

Should Arms Makers Be Held Responsible for How Their Weapons Are Used?

A new report from Amnesty International raises a question that is rarely asked in discussions of the devastating consequences of armed conflict: do weapons supplying firms bear responsibility for how their products are used? The Amnesty analysis answers with a resounding “yes.”

As the summary of the new report notes, “major industry players including Airbus, BAE Systems and Raytheon are not undertaking adequate human rights due diligence which could prevent their products from being used in potential human rights violations and war crimes.”

This is not an academic question. As my colleague Cassandra Stimpson and I found in a recent report from our organization, the Center for International Policy, the top four U.S. arms suppliers to Saudi Arabia – which is involved in a brutal war in Yemen that has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and sparked the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe – were involved in 90% of the $125 billion in U.S. arms offers made to Saudi Arabia over the past decade. The weapons supplied include F-15 combat aircraft and Apache attack helicopters produced by Boeing, tanks built by General Dynamics, and tens of thousands of bombs made by Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and General Dynamics. U.S.-supplied bombs have been used in numerous strikes on civilian targets, including a wedding (21 people killed), a marketplace (97 people killed) and a school bus (51 people killed, including 40 children).

When they speak publicly at all, the companies responsible for supplying the arms used in these devastating attacks generally hide behind some variation of “the government let us do it.”

But, as Amnesty researcher Patrick Wilcken notes, “hiding behind governments is not good enough,” especially when government arms transfer decisions are questionable in their own right given the human rights and humanitarian consequences of specific sales. Unfortunately, that seems to be exactly what the majority of major arms exporting companies are trying to do.

There is plenty of responsibility to go around for the consequences of arms sales in the Yemen war and beyond, and the sooner that governments and arms manufacturers take action to stop the killing, the better – by William Hartung

referring to

(** B K P)


Every year corporate actors supply large volumes of military equipment to some of the most violent and unstable parts of the world. This equipment is often used unlawfully in the context of armed conflicts and in political unrest marred by serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

Amnesty International contacted 22 leading arms companies, focusing on large corporations in the aerospace defence sector, but also including manufacturers of armoured vehicles and small arms. After setting out company responsibilities under the UNGPs, Amnesty International asked them to elaborate on their human rights due diligence policies and processes, posing specific questions, including how they assess risks of adverse human rights impacts in situations of conflict/upheaval; how they monitor those risks; and what actions they take to address them, including providing or cooperating in the provision of remedy. Where relevant, Amnesty International also highlighted specific concerns in relation to the use of the company’s arms to commit serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.

This report focuses on Airbus, BAE Systems, Leonardo, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Rolls-Royce, Saab and Thales. All these companies supply military equipment and services to the Saudi Arabia/UAEled coalition which is a party to the ongoing conflict in Yemen, supplying and servicing combat and surveillance aircraft, aircraft engines and bomb guidance and delivery systems.

No company elaborated on human rights due diligence policies and procedures specific to situations of high risk, for example, in business relationships which involve parties to conflicts or governments responding to political upheaval. No company cited concrete cases in which preventive measures were taken or the supply of products and services withdrawn; nor did any company adequately address specific risks identified by Amnesty International, such as the repeated use of company products in serious human rights violations.

These responses reveal the enormous gap between the very real human rights risks the defence sector often runs – particularly in relation to the supply of weapons to countries affected by conflict or upheaval where human rights compliance is poor – and the measures taken to address these clear risks. On the basis of these responses, it is clear that these companies are failing to conduct adequate human rights due diligence as defined by the UNGPs. This failure increases both reputational and legal risks for an industry that supplies high-risk products to dangerous environments. Legal concepts of “corporate complicity” in and the “aiding and abetting” of international crimes continue to evolve and could in the future apply to arms companies that continue supplying weapons in the knowledge that they may be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights or humanitarian law.

States have also failed to compel defence companies in their jurisdictions to conduct human rights due diligence in their global operations, supply chains and in relation to the use and impact of their products and services. States must put in place and enforce a legislative framework which forces the industry to assess and address the human rights risks it faces and penalizes companies which fail to comply with their human rights responsibilities. States must not support companies that are involved in or linked to serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law and, where appropriate, should investigate and prosecute instances of criminal behaviour on the part of corporate entities, including defence companies.

Nevertheless, whatever the failings of states, these do not absolve companies of their responsibilities to respect human rights. The defence sector has begun adopting the language of human rights in its corporate literature but has so far failed to give it any meaningful content. The sector urgently needs to develop robust human rights due diligence polices and processes that truly address these human rights risks. At a minimum, the sector must incorporate six key measures into their existing policies and processes in order to prevent adverse human rights impacts and avoid complicity in serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. =

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

(A K pH)

Saudi Aggression Continues To Targets Residential Areas In Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi Mines Dismanteled in Hodeidah

The Joint forces engineering teams continued to dismantle quantities of mines and shells planted by Iranian-backed al-Houthi terrorist militias in the al-Masna area south-west Hodeida.

(B H K pH)

Film: #Dirhami is a human tragedy created by the siege of the forces of aggression and its deadly missiles, and aid # corrupt world food program

(* A K P)

The Hodeidah Deployment Committee formed a joint operations center and approved the deployment of ceasefire monitoring teams

The Coordination Committee for Redeployment confirmed the activation of the pacification mechanism, the strengthening of the ceasefire in Hodeidah and the deployment of monitoring teams in areas of contact between government forces and Houthi militias.

A press release issued by the sixth meeting of the Coordination Committee, which took place from September 8th to 9th on board a UN ship off Hodeidah, said they agreed to activate the calming mechanism and stop the ceasefires agreed by the two sides in July.

The communication indicated that they had agreed to establish and operate the Joint Operations Centre at the Mission's headquarters in Hodeidah, which would include liaison officers and liaison with the two parties, as well as officers and coordination from the United Nations mission.

The Joint Operations Center will be tasked with reducing escalation and dealing with incidents on the ground through direct contact with field liaison officers deployed on the fronts of Hodeidah province.

According to the report, the members of the Commission decided to deploy monitoring teams at four locations on the front lines of the City of Hodeidah as a first step in establishing a ceasefire and reducing suffering and injuries among the civilian population.

(A K pH)


The US-Saudi aggression’s mercenaries shelled on Monday various areas in Hodeidah province by mortar shells

(A K pS)

Houthi militia snipers shoot at passers-by and injure one in Hays, south of Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas in Hodeida

(A K pS)

Film: In conjunction with the "redeployment" meeting .. Houthi militias raise the pace

(* A K)

Weapons store explosion leaves 6 citizens killed in Yemen's Hodeidah

At least six Yemeni citizens were killed and several others injured on Monday when an explosion rocked a weapons store in the Houthi-controlled Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, a military official told Xinhua.

The pro-government military source said on condition of anonymity that "a huge explosion rocked an abandoned plastic factory used by Houthis to store weapons in Zafran area in downtown Hodeidah."

Several houses located nearby were badly affected by the weapons store explosion that occurred in a densely populated area in Hodeidah, said the source.

He added "an unknown number of casualties were caused among the Houthi fighters who were present around the blast site."

The Houthis-affiliated Masirah television network reported that pro-government forces launched an artillery shelling against the Zafran neighborhood in Hodeidah.

It said that around ten people were injured, but mentioned no details about the weapons store explosion.

A government source accused the Houthi group of storing weapons in densely populated areas of Hodeidah in addition to establishing factories for manufacturing explosives there.

and by Yemeni sources: (with film)



(A K pS)

Huge Weapons Cache Explosion in Hodeidah

The Arab Coalition in Yemen said a huge explosion at a Houthi weapons cache in a highly populated civilian area of Hodeidah city on Monday came from inside the building.
Four civilians were killed and dozens injured after the blast at the weapons and ammunition depot in the improverished Al Zafaran neighbourhood in the east of the city.
Col Wathah Al Dubaish, spokesman for the Coalition, told The National that ensuing explosions continued for two hours, leading residents to flee to the city's southern outskirts.
Col Al Dubaish denied Houthi claims that Coalition air strikes or shelling was responsible.

(A K pS)

National Army repels Houthi militia attack in Hodeida

(B K pH)

Films: Shells of aggression kill the children of Duraimi "siege Duraimi war crime"

The whole family only survived the old "Siege of Duraimi war crime"

Children without mothers and homeless "Siege of Duraimi war crime"

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(A P)

Film: Egypt: Head of Arab League calls for peace in Yemen as humanitarian situation deteriorates

Foreign Ministers of Arab countries gathered for a one-day meeting in Cairo to discuss the situation in the region.

Commenting on the situation in Yemen, he added: "The UN-led peace process in Hodeidah is a good step to reduce military escalation and [is] confidence-building, but it continues to be hampered by the Houthi side, who are responsible for deteriorating humanitarian situation."

My remark; More than s Saudi puppet meeting?

(B P)

45% #Yemenis reject the idea to involve non-state actors in conflict resolution, which speaks for the strong desire of Yemenis for strong state institutions. 21% said in some cases, but not in others; 17% embrace the idea; tribal leaders are #1 non-state actor to be involved.

The support of the integration of women in peace and state-building is still relatively low. This is related to rigid patriarchal norms and low visibility of women's groups. An issue prominently pushed by @Peace_Track

(A P)

Arab ministerial committee condemns Iran's support for launching ballistic missiles towards territory of kingdom and populated cities

The Arab Quartet Ministerial Committee for Follow-up of the Crisis with Iran and Response to its Interventions in Arab Internal Affairs condemned Iran's continued support for terrorist and subversive acts in the Arab countries, including the continued firing of Iranian-made ballistic missiles from Yemeni territory into populated cities in the Kingdom, which is a flagrant violation of Security Council resolution 2216 (2015), which states that militias should not be armed.
The ministerial committee, which includes Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, the Secretary-General of the Arab League and the UAE as Chairman, confirmed in a statement issued by its twelfth meeting in Cairo today, its support for the measures taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Bahrain to address these aggressive acts to protect their security and stability.

My comment: LOL. While bombing Yemen into pieces is no violation of UN rules????

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabien und die Emirate: Im Jemen hört die Freundschaft auf

Militärisch ist der Konflikt nicht zu lösen, obwohl Saudi-Arabien und die Emirate Zugang zu Hightechwaffen aus dem Westen haben, und mit ihrem Geld sudanesisches Militär im Jemen kämpfen lassen, während die Houthis bei schwierigen Versorgungswegen nur auf Unterstützung aus dem Iran bauen können.

Doch trotz aller Ressourcen, die die Golfmonarchien für diesen Krieg einsetzen können, hat sich seit ihrem offiziellen Eingreifen 2015 die Lage für die Houthis militärisch nicht dramatisch verschlechtert. Mittlerweile scheint fast das Gegenteil der Fall, denn auf dem Gebiet der Raketen und Drohnentechnik haben sie ungeahnte Fortschritte gemacht.

Während die eigentliche Frontlinie zwischen den vom Iran unterstützten Houthis und der international anerkannten Regierung unter Patronage der Emiratis und Saudis also eher bewegungslos bleibt, ist im Lager der offiziellen jemenitischen Regierung – deren Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi praktischerweise gleich in Saudi Arabien residiert – einiges in Bewegung geraten.

Vielmehr: Das Anti-Houthi-Lager ist auseinandergebrochen. Eine große Sollbruchstelle gab es dort von vornherein, nämlich in der Zwangsgemeinschaft zwischen den Hadi-Leuten, die aus dem Norden stammen und südjemenitischen Separatisten, die für eine erneute staatliche Unabhängigkeit des 1990 mit dem Norden „wiedervereinigten“ Südjemens eintreten. Letztere werden von den Emiraten unterstützt, während die Regierung zu engeren Klientel der Saudis gehört.

Die Situation ist selbst angesichts der gerne etwas verworrenen nahöstlichen Verhältnisse schon paradox: Die beiden engen Verbündeten Saudi-Arabien und Vereinigte Arabische Emirate verhandeln gerade miteinander, weil ihre jeweiligen Verbündeten statt gemeinsam gegen die Houthis zu kämpfen, aufeinander schießen. Das hat zu einer Art Patt geführt, während Saudis und Emiratis betonen, wie wunderbar sie doch zusammenstehen. Im Internet beschimpfen sich aber Propagandisten der beiden Länder untereinander, was gerade zu einer Warnung des Herrschers von Abu Dhabi geführt hat, die Einwohner der Emirate sollten sich nicht kommentierend in die Außenpolitik einmischen.

Niederlage der Golfmonarchien, Erfolg des Iran

Die hilflose jemenitische Regierung kann in ihrer 100-prozentigen Abhängigkeit von Saudi-Arabien sowieso nichts Eigenständiges unternehmen und beklagt den bitteren „Verrat“ der Emirate, was aber niemanden wirklich interessieren dürfte, ist es doch mit der internen Legitimation der Hadi-Regierung letztlich schlecht bestellt. Worauf die Houthis nach Ausbruch der Kämpfe im Süden auch zufrieden hinwiesen.

Die Situation ist derzeit sehr unübersichtlich – von Oliver M. Piecha

(* B P)

Verkünderin des Grauens im Jemen

Eine Menschenrechtsaktivistin reist quer durch die Welt, erzählt vom Horror des Krieges und wirbt damit für Frieden

Mitten in diesem tödlichen Chaos gibt es eine Frau, die Ruhe und Überblick bewahrt. Menschen, die Radhya al-Mutawakel treffen, sind von ihrem Verstand und ihrer Rationalität beeindruckt. "Die Klarheit, die sie in einen Konflikt bringt, den zu wenige bemerkt haben, hat mich beeindruckt", sagt etwa der US-Senator und Präsidentschaftskandidat Bernie Sanders. "Sie ist weder eine aufgebrachte Gewalttäterin noch ein heulendes Opfer", beschreibt sie die französische Tageszeitung "Libération". Radhya und ihr Ehemann Abdulrasheed al Faqih haben die Menschenrechtsorganisation Mwatana gegründet. Die unterstützt unter anderem Opfer, gewährt Rechtsbeistand, vor allem aber sammelt sie Fakten im Jemen: Wo Verbrechen begangen werden, wo gegen Menschenrechte verstoßen wird, wo gemordet und verletzt wird. Radhya und ihre Organisation ergreifen dabei nicht Partei ("Alle begehen täglich Menschenrechtsverletzungen"). Vielmehr reist die 43-Jährige mit diesen Daten im Gepäck rund um die Welt und versucht, die Staatengemeinschaft dazu zu bewegen, etwas zu tun, um dem Grauen Einhalt zu gebieten. Sie sprach schon vor dem UN-Sicherheitsrat, dem außenpolitischen Ausschuss im US-Kongress und hat eine Tour quer durch Europa hinter sich. Seit einem Jahr ist sie allerdings nicht mehr in ihre Heimat gereist. Das dürfte auch an ihrer Rationalität liegen. Denn Radhya ist zwar engagiert, aber wohl nicht lebensmüde.

(* B K P)

Film: Why Saudi Arabia Lost in Yemen? | International Relations | UPSC CSE/IAS 2020 | Saurabh Pandey

(* B P)

2015: Understanding Insurgency from Identity: Analyzing the Yemeni Civil War through Holistic Constructivism

The insurgency which occurred in Yemen is considered as one of the most complex contemporary International Relations case in the Middle East, considering the rich variables of historical and socio-economic factors that shape the region. In this paper, we would like to underline how the insurgency was something which could be examined through a particular International Relations perspective in regard of its motivation and how it occurred in the first place. First, this paper will analyze its causes: the insurgency was not merely an act of retaliation or conflict of interests between the government and the Houthis, but rather due to a series of complex internal and external problems within the area: How the domestic and international pressures molded Houthis identity which caused the insurgency. The paper will analyze these problems through the lens of holistic constructivism and the shaping of identity through constructivism discourse analysis perspective. Next, the paper will give a brief overview of the conflict from 2004 until 2015. Finally, the paper will investigate the formation of Houthi’s identity and its reflection through the insurgency. The paper will demonstrate the war’s significant impact on the Houthi, Yemeni government, and the partaking actors.

The Houthi insurgency is a complex modern day conflict which had its international motives anddomestic driving forces from the inside. The cause of the contemporary civil war as we can see could not be easily distinguished in material conclusions since the Houthis did not demand over power but rather a set of justice and values which the group felt like declined from by both the domestic and international sphere. The identity was shaped gradually and the growth of this group came along with it, the movement was rather visible from Houthi as a group who identified itself as a Zayidi Islamic teaching group, into political activism, until the point where they armed themselves and turned their values and teachings into an aggression towards the authority figure, which is the government. – by Habiba Hermanadi

(* B P)

March 2016: American Foreign Policy in Yemen

In the modern Middle East there is never a shortage of conflict. Almost daily, headlines tell of terrorist attacks and sectarian violence. While the disorder and destruction in Syria has caught the world’s eye with news outlets racing to get the latest details on this conflict and politicians

giving their diagnoses and plans for how to address this crisis, another disastrous situation is ongoing at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula. If the 13.5 million people in need of humanitarian aid in Syria

Another obstacle that must be overcome in addressing the conflict is the mistake of characterizing it as an ethnic civil war. A simplistic narrative using an overlay of sectarian division to interpret the conflict in Yemen is not only false, but dangerous. When Saudi Arabia plays up this story, pointing the finger at Iran for backing the Houthis, it effectively garners support from the United States and its allies, but ordinary Yemeni citizens will attest that until recently there was no such sectarianism in Yemen. As an example, in a panel discussion hosted by the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, Leslie Campbell, one of the panelists, referred to a conversation he had had with a native Yemeni woman who had been forced into exile by the conditions in her

home country. When asked about sectarianism in Yemen she said, “we don’t have Sunni and Shia”

and followed with an anecdote that one time “she heard a media report saying a Shia mosque was targeted in Sana’a, and she said she wouldn’t even know what a Shia mosque was.”

Similarly, a journalist for the Yemen Times wrote in early 2014 that “Zaydis [

majority Shia sect in Yemen] and Shafi’is [majority Sunni sect] have traditionally gotten along just fine – by Frank Spence

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Lasst die Menschen im Jemen nicht verhungern

Die Lage im Jemen ist katastrophal. Sie könnte noch schlimmer werden. Die jüngste Eskalation im Süden des Landes verheißt nichts Gutes. Ich war vor Kurzem dort. Das Wirtschaftsleben ist nahezu vollständig zum Erliegen gekommen. Straßen, Schulen, Häuser sind zerstört, die Landwirtschaft liegt am Boden. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt hat sich in den vier Jahren seit Ausbruch des Krieges halbiert. Der blutige Konflikt hat das Land in seiner Entwicklung um 20 Jahre zurückgeworfen – das entspricht fast einer Menschengeneration.

Die Vereinten Nationen (UN) erachten Jemen derzeit als die schlimmste humanitäre Krise überhaupt. 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung oder gut 23 Millionen Menschen sind auf Hilfe von außen angewiesen. Ohne diese Hilfe müssten sie verhungern oder wegen des Mangels an Medikamenten an vermeidbaren Krankheiten sterben. Eine große Cholera-Epidemie hat das Land schon hinter sich; sie konnte eingedämmt werden. Es droht eine weitere. Die Lage in Jemen lässt sich mit einem einzigen Wort beschreiben: Unerträglich.

Tatsächlich aber fällt der Konflikt im Jemen hinter anderen großen Krisenherden wie Syrien und Libyen in der internationalen Aufmerksamkeit zurück. Und das zu Unrecht – von UNDP-Chef Achim Steiner

(* B H)


This paper discusses the topic of tribal customary law in Yemen and how it affects women’s position in society. The question at hand: Do the tribal structures in Yemen prevent rape? The basis for the importance of this topic is given in an interview by Elham Manea with activist Nabila Al Zubair:

[During the Arab Spring] the security organizations of Saleh’s regime tried to kidnap women[…] to force their families to make them stop going to the squares. But because the tribes were present […] these attempts did not persist (Al Zubair cited in Manea 2014: 159-60).

According to this paragraph, the mere presence of tribes prevented a kidnapping of women, let alone any sexual violence following a potential abduction.


Going back to the thesis introduced at the beginning, it is not possible to support it fully the way it was initially articulated. The thesis

“The remainder of tribal customary law in Yemen is preventing the use of rape as a political tool by local forces”

has a flaw that needs to be dis-cussed and altered. Out of the analysis, the differentiation between North and South Yemen needs to be considered in the thesis. I presented reasons to believe that the customary law has been more present in the Northern part of Yemen, due to topographical as well as ideological premises, whereas the Southern structures have been gravely weakened during the British colonization, as well as during the existence of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen – by Marc Eggenberger

(* B H)

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International: ADRA Yemen Midyear Report (January - June 2019)

ADRA reaffirms its 24-year commitment to Yemen by partnering with communities across 14 governorates and implementing activities in the sectors of WASH, Food Security, Protection, Education, Health, and Nutrition. ADRA is committed to reaching those in the hardest to reach and highest affected areas with humanitarian assistance and providing the dignity that they rightfully deserve.

ADRA’s response focuses on supporting those in urgent need, protecting people’s dignity, co-creating long term opportunities for sustainable growth and fulfilling every person’s potential. ADRA is committed to saving lives and investing in the people of Yemen.

ADRA has been present in Yemen since 1995. In 2018, ADRA served more than 2 million people. ADRA partners closely with communities to bring lasting, impactful, and dignified change in the lives of individuals. ADRA impacts communities by implementing programs in 7 out of 11 humanitarian sectors: WASH, Health, Nutrition, Protection, Early Recovery, Food Security, and Education. With a wide array of programmatic activities on the ground, ADRA collaborates with communities in building their resilience through integrated and multi-sectoral programming, which ensures that they can be more resistant to future shocks.

(B H)

Film: As millions in Yemen face famine, they're eating locusts to survive.

Comment: Thing is that even rich Yemenis eat locusts. It is simply delicious, a delicacy so stop sensationalizing things

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers Statistical Report - 31 August 2019

(* B H)


Bashar is 17 years old and two months ago he arrived alone in the autonomous city, leaving behind his parents and seeking refuge from a war that, in four years, adds more than 90,000 dead and three million displaced and has triggered one of the worst crises humanitarian organizations of the last hundred years, according to the UN “I want to be an architect to rebuild my country, he says

Two months of travel through six countries, more than 7,000 kilometers traveled and 13,000 euros invested. These are the figures of the journey of a teenager who has fled the war in Yemen , an armed conflict little illuminated by the international media focus. His name is Bashar and he's already safe, but alone. “My mother sold the family's gold, jewels and a small piece of land we had and, in addition, asked for money from other relatives to pay me to flee the war and reach a safe country,” he says at the door of the Estancia Center Temporary Immigrants (CETI) of Melilla, where a total of 53 Yemenis reside, according to the data provided to this newspaper by the Government Delegation in Melilla. Last year 82 of his countrymen arrived in the autonomous city, half that in 2017.

With the escalation of violence and with Yemen as the board of a war that other states are playing, Bashar and his family tried to escape the conflict

Bashar became a refugee two months ago, when he managed to enter Melilla after another two months of travel from the Arabian Peninsula to cross all of North Africa.“I had friends who had heard that Melilla was a Spanish city passing through to enter the European Union. They convinced my parents, they were told that it was the best way to save me from war, avoid death and be able to guarantee a future away from the bombs, ”Bashar explains.

(A H P)


[Sanaa gov.] Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Ezzi, Head of the National Committee for Refugees, on Monday met with Acting Head of International Organization for Migration (IOM) Office in Sanaa Jennifer Pro.

Al-Ezzi pointed to the exacerbation of the phenomenon of illegal immigration from the Horn of Africa to Yemen.

He referred to the negative effects resulting from this phenomenon, which add to the burdens borne by the National Salvation Government, especially in the difficult circumstances that Yemen is going through as a result of the aggression and economic blockade.

For her part, IOM’s official confirmed the organization’s keenness to redouble efforts during the coming period in coordination with the national authorities to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants to Yemen and the repercussions and negative effects resulting from it.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi condemns UAE for hypocrisy

UAE should focus on rights for its own inhabitants, rather than on war, al-Houthi says

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, member of the Supreme Political Council has on Monday called on the leadership of the United Arab Emirates to empower its citizens with their democratic right instead of going into wars in Yemen.

“We call on the UAE leadership to listen to the demands of its citizens and enable them to have the democratic right they look forward t,” al-Houthi said on his Twitter account.

“It is strange that the rulers of the UAE claim to fight wars to protect the freedom of others, while their citizens lose them, ” he added.

(* A P)

35 Accused From House Of Representatives For Trial On Charges Of Communicating With Saudi And Foreign Countries

The prosecution referred on Tuesday cared 35 accused of members of the House of Representatives for trial on charges of violating the independence and territorial integrity of the country and communication with Saudi and it followed of foreign countries.
An acting judicial source explained, these measures came after the lifting of the House of Representatives from the 35 defendants’ parliamentary immunity according to legal procedures.

The source pointed out that the prosecution that these charges were attributed after holding a session under the name of the House of Representatives in Syawn in the governorate of Hadramout under the umbrella of the Saudi occupation forces UAE.

(A P)

Tens Of Thousands Of Yemenis Mark Ashura Day

Tens of Tens of thousands of Yemeni people a mass rally to commemorate Ashura Day, which is the death of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muslims prophet Muhammad, was martyred in the Battle of Karbala.

At the rally, the participants chanted slogans and held banners denouncing the worlds aggression forces and tyranny and American political in the region.



(A P)

Film: #Iran-backed #Houthis mobilized today thousands in #Sanaa & #Hodeidah & #Saada to commemorate Ashura. The event is closer in practice to Twelvers not #Yemen's Zaydis. The religious sermon was rich w/ political messaging. Thousands chant Death to #America & #Israel at the end.

(A P)

Extensive Preparations to Commemorate Ashura in Sana’a and Governorates

Sana'a and various Yemeni governorates are preparing for mass rallies on Tuesday to observe Ashura, which marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the third Shia Imam and the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

(A P)

Raimah Tribes Denounces Saudi Aggression War Crimes Against Civilians

(A P)

Houthi group directs "Allegiance oath" in 8,000 schools in areas under their control

Yemeni teachers' union media officer Yahya Al-Yana’ee said that the Houthis have been holding intensive meetings in their areas of control for the new school year for days, and that they are pressuring school administrators and teachers to force students to repeat the so-called " Allegiance oath " in the morning queue.

He added that the group is trying by this behavior to generalize its experience in Sa'da governorate to all areas under its control, where all sa'da students in the morning queue since 2014 and shout daily at the end of the morning queue instead of the national anthem.


(B P)

Houthis made 234 changes n primary & high school curiculum to reinforce their sectarian/ Prophet dependents’ supremacy & right-to-rule narrative.

(A P)

New national reconciliation team founded in Sana’a

Comprehensive National Reconciliation and Political Solution Team has started work


(A P)

Reconciliation, Political Solution Committee Reaches out to People in Enemy’s Side

Fadhl Abutaleb, a member of the Reconciliation and Political Solution Committee, said on Monday that "the task of the committee is to communicate with political, tribal and cultural figures affiliated with the enemy, on the basis of rejecting the aggression and precedence supreme national interest and unification."

In a statement to Almasirah newspaper, Abutalib stressed the importance of focusing on brotherhood and in accordance with the rule of partnership between all.

(A P)

A Houthi court in #Sanaa on Monday sentenced a journalist for a year in prison and fined him half a million Yemeni rials for publishing a report. The court also ordered to block his website. Problem is that no one in the world can protect freedom of the press in conflict zones.

cp6 Bürgerkrieg im Südjemen / Civil war in Southern Yemen

(* A P)

Yemeni Foreign Ministry our first choice is peace and demands a serious stand towards the UAE's deviation and its support for the rebellion in Aden

Yemen has called on the Arab League to "take a serious stand" to address the UAE-backed rebellion that had evicted the government from its power seat of Aden on August 11.
The country's Vice Foreign Minister told a League meeting in the Egyptian capital today the government had been shocked by the UAE's "air strikes on August 29 and the following day, against the Yemeni army which killed large numbers of troops" trying to retake Aden.
He said these air raids and the formation of unauthorized paramilitary groups to begin with was a change of course by the Arab Coalition member from supporting Yemen's legitimate government against armed rebels.
Al-Hadhrami called on the Arab states to act on addressing this Emirati deviation and support Yemen's unity, thanking the Saudi call on Yemenis for an internal dialogue.

(* A H P)

Hours of power outages in Aden increase as oil crisis escalates

Aden, the interim capital in the south of the country, is experiencing a severe crisis in oil derivatives in conjunction with the doubling of the number of hours of power outages in the coastal city, and the absence of any solutions by the internationally recognized government and the de facto authority represented by the Southern Transitional Council, which imposes Control of Aden since August 10.

A source at Aden Refineries told Al-Masdar Online that government solutions to the oil derivatives crisis in Aden are still absent as the powers of government authorities in service facilities have been reduced following the transitional takeover of Aden.

The source added that the control of the UAE-backed council on all government facilities and oil companies and refineries in the city of Aden, made the legitimate government that became outside the city deal that it is not responsible for the provision of services, especially electricity, pointing out that the council yesterday bought an urgent 10,000 metric tons shipment of electricity fuel from a local trader, but he said it is expected to last only a few days.


(* A H P)


The people of Aden suffer from the deterioration and lack of basic services, most notably power and water, since weeks amid ignorance of the recognized authorities.

In the districts of Tawahi and Al-Mua’lla, the people of the Directorate complained that the administration of the Water Foundation ignored their ignoring their continuous demands to provide them with drinking water, which had been dotted for a month.

Residents of Al-Mu’ala pointed out that officials in the Transitional Council provide their homes with water , while prevent the civilians, but the intermittent pumping of their homes, which is not enough for two days.

The residents pointed out influential members of the Transactional Council pup water to their homes and water stations, while depriving the population of water since the beginning of the events of Aden.

Residents of al-Tawahi and Mansoura districts also complained of water scarcity for weeks as the Water Establishment ignored their suffering.

(A P)

Islah militias loot supply vehicles of UAE-backed militias in Lahj

A group of Islah militias and forces of 17th Infantry Brigade loyal to Saudi-led coalition on Tuesday looted vehicles of supply and nutrition belonging to the transitional militias of the UAE on Tur Al Baha road west of Lahj province, local source reported.

According to the sources, al-Islah militias looted the car, its food supplies, attacked the driver and STC’s elements accompanying the car.

(* A K P)

Minister of Transport: UAE has begun operating flights to and from Al Rayyan airport without coordination with the government

Yemeni Transport Minister Saleh al-Jabwani said Tuesday that the UAE has begun operating flights to and from Al-Rayyan airport in Al-Mukalla, the capital of Hadramaut province, without any coordination with the Ministry of Transport.

In a tweet posted on his Twitter page, al-Jabwani said the UAE is also using the country's ports to bring weapons to the rebels in Aden.

Sources told Al-Masdar online that last week, two armored vehicles shipments consisting of more than 80 armored vehicles, sent by the UAE on ships to southern Transitional Council (STC), arrived in the interim capital Aden.

Al-Shabwani vowed to put "these violations on the sovereignty of the state" soon, "on the table of ICAO, International Maritime Organization and relevant international bodies."

(A P)

The Enemy Will Eventually Flee

A southern military high profile figure called on the southerners to continue to liberate the southern governorates and take control of the public sector and its institutions.
Khaled Alnesi a general in the Army in a tweet on Tuesday said: Under the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council have come a long way to reclaim our land our identity as well as our legitimate rights.
Alnesi added: We have to continue our efforts to reclaim our public institutions in the liberated areas and utilize our domestic income to operate our public services.
Alnesi assured that we need to liberate the remaining southern territories because whatever the circumstances are the enemy is a coward and will eventually flee

My comment: One of these typical separatist propaganda statements.

(A P)

STC Leader: The Southern Can Maintain Their Achievements but the North is Now At the Hands of Al-Houthis and Needs Tens of Years to Be Liberated.

Mansour Saleh, vice chairman of the media department of STC said: “The council doesn’t understand the Saudi attitude as rejection for status que but as an urge to provide more suitable atmosphere for dialogue and to convince the government with it”.
He added: “The Saudis realize that what happened in Aden is a southern desire for restoring our lands. They also realize that it is not wise to be against the will of a people who suffered a lot from internal unjust and occupation. The Yemeni union of May 1990 failed because it was turned into a project of occupation and robbery because of northern arrogance”.
Saleh thinks that tries to reinforce the northern existence in the south is a try to implant Iran and Al-Houthis with all their hostile agendas against the region and the biggest loser will be Saudi Arabia.

My comment: One of these typical separatist propaganda statements.

(A P)

Security Campaign to Kick off Soon in Aden

With the support of the Arab coalition, a joint security campaign will kick off in the next few days in Dar Saad district of Aden governorate, co-led by the commander of the Transportation Brigade, Colonel Mohammed Al-Bokari and Lahj's security chief, Brigadier General Saleh Al Sayed.
The decision was made after holding an extended meeting at the Arab Coalition's headquarters in Aden on Tuesday

My comment: Separatist rule in Aden. What is called “Arab coalition” here certainly just means their UAE masters, not the Saudis.

(A P)

STC Launches the New School Year in Aden Schools

Dr. Abd Al-Nasser Al-Wali, chairman of Aden local leadership and member of the Southern Transitional Council’s presidency launched the new school year at the capital’s schools

My comment: Separatist rule in Aden.

(A K P)

Brotherhood plans exposed by Saudi Arabia, hit by UAE

My comment: The text does not fit to the headline: Justifications of the UAE ai raid against hadi government army at Aden.

(A K P)

STC Leadership in Shabwa Receive Released Hostages

(* A P)

Hadi considering resigning in protest to Saudi-UAE joint statement

Exiled former president reportedly furious at the increased influence of southern separatists

Political sources in Riyadh said on Monday that Hadi’s government had rejected the content of the joint statement of the Emiratis and Saudi Arabia announced yesterday, and that Hadi has even threatened to resign.

The sources confirmed that Hadi called for an urgent meeting on Monday in order to discuss the joint statement and to see what it said, which totally ignored all acts of sabotage of the Emiratis and strengthened the militias of the Southern Transitional Council in control of the city of Aden and the rest of the southern provinces.

According to news agency The News of the Day, the Islah party’s newspaper reports that Hadi’s government will work to end the tasks of its committee in charge of the Jeddah Dialogue, headed by Islah leader Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.

On the other hand, the media advisor to the embassy of the Hadi administration in Riyadh, Anis Mansour, has confirmed that Hadi has threatened to resign in protest against the joint statement and pressures he is exposed to from the Saudi side.

Senior Hadi government officials are outraged and dismayed by the joint statement of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and Hadi’s government is in a position not to be encouraged by the coalition’s and the kingdom’s positions.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) issued a joint statement on Monday, which contradicted an earlier Saudi statement, which explicitly called for the return of state institutions and camps in Aden to Hadi’s government.

(* A P)

Islah Party rejects Jeddah declaration, prepares for total war for the south

Saudi-Emirati joint declaration in Jeddah causes mass mobilisation of Islah militants

After the joint statement issued by Saudi Arabia and the UAE on Sunday regarding the fate of the occupied southern provinces and the factions of the Islah party and Southern Transitional Council, the Islah party (the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) has called on all their factions to mobilise.

The Islah has reportedly sent dozens of vehicles and military forces in Ma’rib b and Shabwah towards the Shaqra area in Abyan province, in preparation for an upcoming offensive towards Aden.

Political observers believe that the refusal of the Islah factions that control the Hadi government to abide by the statements of the Saudi-led coalition is a sign of their readiness to fight an upcoming battle in the south of Yemen.

This has reportedly led them to mobilise all their combat capabilities in Abyan, and even to use the al-Qaeda groups that have been deployed in the al-Wadhe’a district of Abyan province in order to to carry out a preemptive strike on UAE-backed militias.

Observers predict that Saudi Arabia’s silence on the mobilisation of the Islah Party is a hidden encouragement, in the hope to retake Aden and the rest of the provinces that have been taken over by the STC militias.


(A P)

Muslim Brotherhood Mobilizes its Cells in Abian

M uslim Brotherhood extensively mobilized its terrorist cells, related to Al-Qaeda, in the directorates of Abian to fully control Abian. Al-Qaeda terrorists, who become soldiers of Al-Eslah military camps of Al-Wadia’a, were deployed and assaulted several citizens though their checkpoints holding Al-Qaeda flag.

Muslim Brotherhood is trying to facilitate the control of Al-Qaeda over Abian through terrifying civilians and assassinations

My remark: This by a pro-separatist website.

(A P)

Al-Awlaki Calls for Urgent Meeting of Shabwa Tribes to Face Muslim Brotherhood Militias

Al-Awlaki appreciated the efforts of the southern resistance that taught invaders unforgettable lessons and demanded the resistance to exert more effort and prepare for the big battel with evil powers and invaders expecting that the determinative battel will be in Shabwa.

Al-Awlaki indicated that troops of Muslim Brotherhood terrorist militias are continuing as a strategy used since 1994 invasion

My remark: This by a pro-separatist website.

(* A P)

Central Bank governor funneled billions to Islah Party

A document issued by the Finance Ministry in Hadi’s government has revealed the involvement of the Central Bank’s Governor in Aden, Hafedh Meayad in financing the Islah Party’s military battle against the Southern Transitional Council, with five billion Yemeni riyals.

According to. document No. 63 MOF, issued on September 5, 2019 and signed by the Finance Minister in Hadi’s government, Ahmed al-Fadhli, th minister asked the bank’s governor to provide the Defence Ministry in Ma’rib province with five billion Yemeni riyals.

Economic and political observers believe that this comes within the framework of joint coordination and cooperation between Meayad and Islah leaders in Ma’rib, to pass financial deals in order to support Islah military reinforcements in the invasion of southern provinces

(A P)

Aden. Security forces led by "Shallal Shaye’a" raid the home of an official of the Ministry of Interior and arrest him by force

Security sources in the interim capital Aden, in southern Yemen, said that a security force belonging to the UAE-backed Southern Transition raided the house of a senior interior ministry official on Monday evening, before arresting him and taking him to an unknown destination.

(A P)

Security Commander Survives Assassination Attempt in Lahj

Commander of the Security Belt forces [separatist militia] in al-Musaimir district of Lahj governorate, Hamza Jamal al-Houshabi survived an assassination attempt on Monday night.

(A P)

Lahj inhabitants protest lack of punishment for rapists with ties to UAE

Protesters denounce nepotism in judicial system after rape of 10 year-old

(* B P)

Human Rights Radar calls on red cross to save the lives of abductees injured in the Massacre of Community College in Dhamar

The Amsterdam-based Rights Radar Organization for human rights in the Arab World called on the Yemeni government and the local authorities in Aden Governorate to curb the violence acts committed by the armed groups against the unarmed civilians and Internally Displaced People (IDPs) coming from northern areas.

According to Rights Radar sources, the violence acts which spread in Aden, committed against the workers and IDPs from the northern areas considered a breach to the international humanitarian law, as well as the fact that most of these violence acts were racist in many districts of Aden Governorate, especially Mansoura, Sheikh Othman and Crater.

Eyewitnesses told Rights Radar that armed groups belonging to the forces of (the Security Belt), which are supported by the UAE, committed mass attacks against the northern workers and civilians in Mansoura District.

They also said that the militants broke into the workplaces such as restaurants, shops, cafeterias and production workshops. They also expelled, beat and insulted the northern workers with words of profanity on regional basis.

One of the eyewitnesses reported that an armed group attacked the market of agricultural products in Mansoura District, broke into many restaurants and shops and destroyed it. The armed group arbitrarily arrested tens of northern civilians, including many IDPs, put them in goods trucks and deported them outside the governorates of Aden and Lahij.

(* A P)

Yemen: Socotra suspends Emirates Airline flights to stop UAE mercenaries

Amid allegations of UAE-backed foreign mercenaries arriving on the Yemeni island of Socotra, it was reported yesterday that the island’s main airport has temporarily suspended flights from UAE’s Emirates Airline for three days.

According to the Socotra Post, local intelligence suggests the UAE intends to deploy additional mercenaries from the Eritrean port city of Asseb in addition to militia stationed in the southern mainland.

It has been speculated that the UAE hopes to expand its trading routes by occupying the strategically located archipelago where a military base has already been established.

(* A K P T)

Al-Qaeda seizes control of southern Yemen district

Al-Qaeda forces in southern Yemen yesterday managed to wrestle control of a district in the Abyan province which is the hometown of Saudi-backed Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Al-Wadea district was overrun with Al-Qaeda fighters, who sources say began to emerge not long after the reported arrival of dozens of Islah aligned militia last week from Marib to the oil producing province of Shabwa, which shares a border with Abyan.

The Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islah could be taking heed of a fatwa, religious edict, issued by the Board of Yemeni Ulema (religious scholars), which called for the southern separatist “insurgency” headed by the Southern Transitional Council (STC) to be eliminated.


(* B P)

An important #Saudi crime against religious freedom is its 60 year total media blackout on #Shia Arab religious activities, especially Muharram, celebrated by millions in the country.

Not once #Saudi govt official or semi official media covered #Shia #Arab religious gatherings & activities especially Muharram. More disturbing is the silence of @Reuters & other wire services

#Shia Arabs under #Saudi rule are the largest Shia Arab community after #Iraqi Shia. Militant think-tanks in DC omit this fact to minimize their importance.

before Muharram, the #Saudi monarchy had sent its tribal force, the Saudi National Guard, who drove around in pickups with their guns loaded and bayonets attached in a show of force to spread fear. I witnessed them stopping &beating & arresting people randomly without cause

The Muharram 1979 Uprising was the largest civil/political action in the history of our country & has shaped the history of the country & gave rise to 1000s of activists since. I am grateful i was a witness to that amazing uprising.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

After a visit to Riyadh, he did not meet with the government. Griffiths says he met a Houthi leader in Muscat

The UN special envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, said he met with the Houthis' spokesman and head of its negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdul Salam, on Monday in the Omani capital Muscat.

"I had a very good meeting with Mohamed Abdeslam in Muscat on September 9, 2019," Griffiths said in a tweet on the official twitter account of the envoy's office.

He said he had exchanged views with the Houthi leader on "ways to make progress in the political process and reduce tensions in Yemen."

(* A K P)

Komplizen der Verbrecher

UN-Bericht zu Menschenrechtsverstößen im Krieg gegen den Jemen: Rüstungsexporteure machen sich der Beihilfe schuldig

Die Verfasser halten zwar an der Auffassung fest, beim Jemen-Krieg handle es sich um einen innerstaatlichen bewaffneten Konflikt zwischen den bewaffneten Truppen der Regierung von Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi und den Ansarollah (»Huthis«) unter Einbezug weiterer Akteure, was von Experten spätestens seit Beginn des saudisch geführten Angriffs auf den Jemen bezweifelt wird. Zugleich enthält der Report aber Schlussfolgerungen, die auch vor den Mitgliedsstaaten der Militärkoalition, deren Regierungen und Militärs nicht Halt machen. Dem Bericht ist eine namentliche Liste mit – nach Auffassung der Verfasser – Verantwortlichen für begangene Kriegsverbrechen beigefügt. Darauf werden neben den politischen Führungspersönlichkeiten und hohen Militärs der innerjemenitischen Konfliktparteien auch hochrangige Militärs Saudi-Arabiens und der VAE sowie unter anderem die Kronprinzen der beiden Länder, Mohammed bin Salman und Mohammed bin Sajid Al Nahjan, explizit benannt.

Die Expertenkommission erhebt gegen alle beteiligten Akteure schwere Vorwürfe.

In deutlichen Worten werden die Luftschläge der Militärkoalition kritisiert: Sie träfen unverhältnismäßig häufig Zivilisten und verstießen somit gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht. Es müsse davon ausgegangen werden, dass es sich um schwere Kriegsverbrechen handle, die von der Koalition unzureichend aufgeklärt würden. Die besonders negative Rolle, die die Kriegskoalition gegen den Jemen spielt, wird hervorgehoben: Die Experten benennen hier sowohl die »De-facto-Seeblockade« und die Schließung des Internationalen Flughafens in der von den Ansarollah kontrollierten Hauptstadt Sanaa, als auch die Restriktionen bei der Einfuhr humanitärer Güter.

(A P)

UN panel of experts accuses Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt of preventing them from reaching Yemen

Saudi Arabia, the UNITED Arab Emirates and Egypt, have been accused by head of the UN panel of experts on Yemen of preventing the arrival of its members in Yemen, after it published its first human rights report in August last year.

The committee also accused the Saudi-led Arab coalition in Yemen since March 2015 of not being serious about its investigations into human rights violations.

The committee's second report on the human rights situation and violations in Yemen was presented at the 42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, on Tuesday.

(A P)

Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s report on Yemen

Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The people of Yemen are living through a terrible humanitarian crisis. Every imaginable source of human misery and suffering is tied up in this single conflict: war, disease, famine, economic collapse, international terrorism, widespread human rights violations and probable war crimes.

Almost no area of daily life is untouched.

The terrible impact of this conflict on the people of Yemen is the responsibility of all parties to the conflict. While most civilian casualties are caused by airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition, my Office has also documented civilian deaths and injuries caused by forces and popular committees affiliated with the Houthis, by army units loyal to President Hadi, by forces aligned with the Southern Transitional Council, and by other groups.

I am particularly alarmed by the rapid deterioration of the security and human rights situation in the South

All parties have restricted the movement of humanitarian personnel and goods

(A P)

Joint Oral Statement: Urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and its impact on the most vulnerable populations

This statement is on behalf of Save the Children and 12 civil society organisations.

Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Over 24 million people require some form of humanitarian assistance and protection. Fighting throughout the country remains of grave concern, with recent fighting in southern Yemen threatening to destabilise the country further.

Renewed action is necessary to hold all parties to the conflict accountable for violations of international law. Member States should:

(A P)

Human Rights Watch: UN Human Rights Council: Interactive Dialogue with the Group of International and Regional Eminent Experts on Yemen

We welcome the continued spotlight from the work of the United Nations Human Rights Council Group of Eminent Experts on the armed conflict in Yemen and thank them for their compelling report. The Experts have documented in detail the terrible toll the conflict has taken on the country’s civilians. We have just heard horrifying accounts of laws-of-war violations and human rights abuses committed with complete impunity by various parties to the conflict.

Human Rights Watch research corroborates the severity and scope of these abuses.

The current state of impunity reinforces the need for the Human Rights Council to ensure that abuses against Yemeni civilians get continued and robust international scrutiny and that steps are taken to lay the foundation for concrete accountability. To this end, the Council should renew and strengthen the Experts’ mandate, and provide them increased resources to preserve evidence, identify perpetrators, and analyze command structures. The Experts should also be invited to publicly report to the Council on a regular basis.

(A P)

Yemen rejects ‘politicized’ report of UN Human Rights Council experts

The country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mansour Bajjash told the acting Mexican ambassador to Yemen in a meeting today that the government is steadfast “in rejecting any attempts … to politicize the human rights and use that as an instrument to meddle into the affairs of the country.”

Bajjash said the Houthi militia are the committer and causer of the majority of abuses on account of their sabotaging of the country’s historical national dialogues in 2014, triggering of the ongoing war, and refusing the calls for peace over the years

My comment: LOL. „Yemen“ = Riyadh-based Saudi puppet government.

(A P)

Qatar concerned about rights violations in Yemen

The State of Qatar expressed deep concern about the serious human rights violations and crimes committed against the Yemeni people by all parties involved in the conflict, as well as the failure of the warring parties to abide by international humanitarian law, causing tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, including thousands of children and women.
This came in a speech by Permanent Representative of Qatar to the UN

(A P)

UN Human Rights Council 42: Interactive Dialogue on Yemen

UK's International Ambassador for Human Rights Rita French delivered the UK statement.

We thank the High Commissioner for her statement.

We note the report of the Group of Eminent Experts and support the renewal of the Group’s mandate.

A political settlement is the only way to bring long-term stability to Yemen and to address the worsening humanitarian crisis.

My comment: Blabla by the second largest supplier of arms to the Yemen War.

(A P)

HRC 42 - EU Intervention: Interactive Dialogue on High Commissioner Report on Yemen

Statements on behalf of the EU

The European Union would like to thank the Group of Eminent Experts for its oral update to this Council and wishes to commend the Group for its thorough reporting. We deplore that the GEE was not granted access to Yemen, nor to any of the countries members of the Coalition. As stressed by the GEE and civil society and Yemeni citizens, there continues to be a pervasive lack of accountability for the gross violations of international law committed by all sides. The European Union will therefore support the renewal of the mandate of the GEE, as it can contribute to restore full accountability for the overall benefit of the people of Yemen in a reconciliation perspective. We also took note of your recommendations to this Council to strengthen the reporting lines and to ensure that the necessary resources are provided.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Royal Court: Kingdom announces its condemnation and categorical rejection of Israeli Prime Minister's announcement of his intention if he won elections he would annex lands from the occupied West Bank

(A P)

Newly minted legal fellow @GulfInstitute @HamzahAlkinani says #MBS is forcing leading #Saudi businessmen to buy

@Saudi_Aramco IPO shares.

referring to

In line with the policy of the Ritz, businessmen have been informed of the need to subscribe in # Aramco shares estimated at 1% and will be approved to sell to international buyers, this action is a result of the impossibility of offering Aramco to subscribe abroad For many reasons, most importantly ambiguity and lack of transparency And change Al-Faleh only the beginning of the indicators of this offering.

(B P)

Saudis admit mistaken in Yemen war through leading media

After roughly five years, Saudi Arabiaon Saturday implicitly admitted mistaken in its war in Yemen against Houthi group that overthrew Sana'a and other Yemeni cities this month in 2014.

The Saudi 'al-Ryiadiah' paper, close to Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, republished on its website remarks by the British Boxer Anthony Joshua at an interview with'The Guardian', which said the KSA struggles to enhance its reputation through sports.

"A defiant Joshua has attempted to slip condemnations about staging his WBA, IBF and WBO heavyweight rematch against Andy Ruiz Jr in Saudi Arabia by insisting he is not a superhero who can solve the world's problems by himself," The Guardian.

The heavyweight champion feels convenient to go to Saudi Arabia, the Saudi paper said, despite all criticisms following his decision to take part in a historic boxing contest.

Another Saudi leading media outlet, Al-Arabia TV repeated the Guardian words that the kingdom tries to polish up its image through sports.

(A P)

Film: Scores of mourners in #Qatif mark the eve of #ImamHussain's (AS) martyrdom, defying the Saudi regime's ramped up repressive measures, threats, restrictions, and arbitrary bans targeting #Ashura commemorations & processions.

Film: Even during the early hours at dawn on the Day of #Ashura, mourners in #Qatif remain on the streets to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS), showing their continued dedication to his path of dignity and sacrifice.

My remark: Suppressed Shiite minority in Eastern Saudi Arabia.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia flags plan to enrich uranium as U.S. seeks nuclear pact

Saudi Arabia wants to enrich uranium for its nuclear power program, its energy minister said on Monday, potentially complicating talks with Washington on an atomic pact and the role of U.S. companies.

Uranium enrichment has been a sticking point with the United States, especially after Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in 2018 that the Sunni Muslim kingdom would develop nuclear arms if regional rival Shi’ite Muslim Iran did.

The world’s top oil exporter says it wants to use nuclear power to diversify its energy mix, but enrichment also opens up the possibility of military uses of uranium.

“We are proceeding with it cautiously ... we are experimenting with two nuclear reactors,” Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said, referring to a plan to issue a tender for the Gulf Arab state’s first two nuclear power reactors.

Ultimately the kingdom wanted to go ahead with the full cycle of the nuclear program, including the production and enrichment of uranium for atomic fuel, he told an energy conference in Abu Dhabi.

The tender is expected in 2020, with U.S., Russian, South Korean, Chinese and French firms involved in preliminary talks about the multi-billion-dollar project.

My comment: Why Saudi Arabia should do what Iran should not??

(* A E K P)

Saudi Arabia, world’s top arms importer, launches own military industry

Saudi Arabia, one of the world’s top arms importers, says it has launched a program to license firms seeking to participate in its own military industrial sector.

The General Authority for Military Industries (GAMI) announced on Sunday the start of receiving license applications for firms to manufacture firearms, ammunition, military explosives, military equipment, individual military equipment, and military electronics in the kingdom.

GAMI Governor Ahmed al-Ohali described the move as a significant step towards attracting domestic and foreign investment to the sector, state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(** B P)

Khashoggi-Mord: Audioaufnahme veröffentlicht

"Du erstickst mich!" Die türkische Zeitung "Sabah" hat am 9. Sept. ein Transkript der Audioaufnahmen vom Mord an Jamal Khashoggi im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul veröffentlicht

Die türkische Zeitung "Sabah" hat am 9. Sept. am frühen Nachmittag ein gekürztes Transkript der Audioaufnahmen vom Mord an Jamal Khashoggi am 2. Oktober 2018 im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul veröffentlicht.

Immer wieder war von dieser Aufnahme die Rede - zeitweise auch von angeblichen Filmaufnahmen, die es aber nicht gab - und es wurden nur tröpfenweise Einzelheiten daraus gestreut. Offenbar hatte der türkische Geheimdienst das Konsulat abgehört. Unklar ist, wie "Sabah" - die Zeitung steht der Regierung von Präsident Erdogan nahe - an die Aufnahmen gekommen ist.

Zitieren wir "Sabah" (hier in deutscher Übersetzung):

Eine Aufzeichnung der Gespräche zwischen Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, der Nr. 2 des Todeskommandos, und Dr. Salah Muhammed Al-Tubaigy, dem Chef der Gerichtsmedizin der Saudischen Allgemeinen Sicherheitsabteilung, ist mit dem Zeitstempel um 13:02 Uhr versehen, nur 12 Minuten bevor Khashoggi im Konsulatsgebäude ankommt, um die Heiratsformalitäten zu erledigen.

Das Gespräch zwischen den beiden, die zu den fünf Verdächtigen gehören, die in Saudi-Arabien wegen des Mordes mit der Todesstrafe bedroht sind, ist wie folgt:

Mutreb: Kann man die Leiche in einen Sack stecken?

Al-Tubaigy: Nein. Zu schwer, auch sehr groß. Eigentlich habe ich immer an Leichen gearbeitet. Ich bin sehr gut darin, sie zu zerlegen. Ich habe zwar noch nie an einem warmen Körper gearbeitet, aber das schaffe ich auch problemlos. Normalerweise setze ich meine Kopfhörer auf und höre Musik, wenn ich Leichen schneide. In der Zwischenzeit trinke ich einen Schluck Kaffee und rauche. Nachdem ich die Leiche zerlegt habe, wickelst du die Teile in Plastiktüten, steckst sie in Koffer und schaffst sie raus [aus dem Gebäude].

Man hört Al-Tubaigy auch sagen: "Mein Vorgesetzter bei der Gerichtsmedizin weiß nicht, was ich tue. Es gibt niemanden, der mich beschützt.", in der Hoffnung, Protektion in der bis nach ganz oben zu Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman reichenden Hierarchie zu erhalten für die Verantwortung, Khashoggis Körper zu zerstückeln.

Am Ende des Gesprächs fragt Mutreb, ob das "Tier, das geopfert werden soll", eingetroffen ist. Um 13:14 Uhr meldet ein unbekanntes Mitglied des Todeskommandos: "[Er] ist hier."

Khashoggi betritt das saudische Konsulat.

Laut den veröffentlichten Aufnahmen wird Khashoggi von einem vertrauten Gesicht oder von jemandem, den er kennt, begrüßt, gemessen an seiner Reaktion. Ihm wird gesagt, dass Generalkonsul Mohammad al-Otaibi ebenfalls im Gebäude anwesend ist. Zunächst wird er höflich in das Büro des Konsuls im zweiten Stock gebeten. Als er misstrauisch wird, wird er am Arm gezogen. Dann sagt er: "Lass mich gehen, was denkst du, machst du?"

Sobald Khashoggi den Raum betritt, sagt Mutreb:

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Khashoggi: Das Protokoll eines Mordes

Eine türkische Zeitung veröffentlichte das Transkript einer Tonbandaufnahme der letzten Momente des Regierungskritikers.

Das Transkript davon hat nun die türkische regierungsnahe Zeitung "Sabah" veröffentlicht. Es enthält Informationen, wie zum Beispiel die angeblich letzten Worte des Journalisten.

Laut dem Protokoll teilt Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, ein Mitglied des saudischen Killer-Kommandos, Khashoggi mit, dass er wegen eines Interpol-Befehls gegen ihn nach Riad zurückgebracht werden muss. Der Journalist beanstandet, dass es keinen Rechtsstreit gegen ihn gibt und dass seine Verlobte draußen auf ihn wartet.

Man hört auch, wie Mutreb und ein anderer Mann versuchen, Khashoggi zu zwingen, seinem Sohn eine Nachricht zu senden, in der er aufgefordert wird, sich keine Sorgen zu machen, wenn er nicht von ihm hört, heißt es in der Zeitung. Khashoggi widersetzt sich und sagt: "Ich werde nichts schreiben."

Später hört man Mutreb sagen: "Hilf uns, damit wir dir helfen können. Denn am Ende werden wir Sie nach Saudi-Arabien bringen. Und wenn Sie uns nicht helfen, wissen Sie, was am Ende passieren wird." Sabah veröffentlichte auch Khashoggis letzte Worte, bevor er anscheinend unter Drogen gesetzt wurde und das Bewusstsein verlor.

"Bedecke nicht meinen Mund", sagte er seinen Mördern, laut Sabah. "Ich habe Asthma, tu es nicht. Du erstickst mich. "

und auch

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Türkische Attacke auf den saudischen Kronprinzen

Das Extra der aktuellen Veröffentlichung besteht nun darin, dass sie den Zeitpunkt des Gespräches zwischen Mutreb und Al-Tubaigy herausstellt: 12 Minuten, bevor Jamal Khashoggi (oder auch: Dschamal Chaschukdschi) am 2. Oktober 2018 das saudi-arabische Konsulat betreten haben wird. Seither fehlt jede Spur von ihm.

Es war kein Unfall, wie Saudi-Arabien später behauptete, sondern ein geplanter, vorsätzlicher Mord, der kalt, zynisch und verächtlich ("Ist das Opfertier schon angekommen") durchgeführt wird, das ist die zentrale Botschaft der Veröffentlichung der Gesprächsprotokolle. Deren Authentizität kann von der Öffentlichkeit nicht überprüft werden.

Die Absicht, die durch weitere Konversationsfetzen, etwa des Geheimdienstchefs im saudischen Konsulat untermauert wird, wird von der türkischen Zeitung unmissverständlich dargelegt:

Diese Äußerungen sind Beweis dafür, dass der Mord an Khashoggi nicht ohne die Einwilligung des saudischen Kronprinzen ausgeübt wurde.

Warum die "Enthüllung" jetzt? Man erwartete von Erdogan, dass er im Herbst letzten Jahres auspacken würde und stichhaltige Beweise für die Verantwortlichkeit des saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed Bin Salman vorlegen würde. Erdogan entschloss sich allerdings dazu, das Belastungsmaterial an Regierungen zu verschicken.

Jetzt lanciert Ankara offenbar eine zweite Welle, die an die Öffentlichkeit gerichtet ist - jetzt, da der Kronprinz wieder so fest im Sattel sitzt und wieder Zügel in der Hand hat, dass ihm die Nominierung seines Halbbruders zum neuen saudischen Energieminister zugeschrieben wird.

Eine Erklärung für die Öffentlichkeitsoffensive wäre, dass Erdogan einen Sündenbock für schwierige Entwicklungen aufbaut, die sich ankündigen. Der türkische Präsident hat seine Popularität wesentlich dem Wirtschaftsaufschwung zu verdanken, der mit seinem Aufstieg in das Regierungsamt verbunden wird. Seit einiger Zeit geht es wirtschaftlich bergab.

Unübersehbar und die Realpolitik unmittelbar betreffend ist der Konflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und der Türkei an mehreren Fronten im Krisenhalbmond, der von Nordafrika bis in die Türkei reicht – von Thomas Pany

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Saudi hit squad’s gruesome conversations during Khashoggi's murder revealed

Audio recordings of the horrifying conversations between the 15-man Saudi hit squad and their victim, journalist Jamal Khashoggi, has been revealed to the public for the first time by the Turkish daily Sabah.

The conversations recorded prior to and during the Oct. 2, 2018 murder of the dissident journalist at the kingdom's Istanbul consulate were obtained by Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT) right after the gruesome incident, and were shared with related Turkish authorities carrying out an investigation into the incident, as well as with international officials and institutions.

One of the recordings of the conversations between Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, the number two man of the hit squad, and Dr. Salah Muhammed Al-Tubaigy, the head of Forensic Evidence at the Saudi General Security Department who was in charge of dismembering Khashoggi's body, are stamped 1:02 p.m., just 12 minutes before Khashoggi arrived at the consulate building to complete marriage procedures.

The conversation between the two, who are among the five suspects facing death penalty in Saudi Arabia over the murder, is as follows:

Mutreb: Is it possible to put the body in a bag?

Al-Tubaigy: No. Too heavy, very tall too. Actually, I've always worked on cadavers. I know how to cut very well. I have never worked on a warm body though, but I'll also manage that easily. I normally put on my earphones and listen to music when I cut cadavers. In the meantime, I sip on my coffee and smoke. After I dismember it, you will wrap the parts into plastic bags, put them in suitcases and take them out (of the building).

Al-Tubaigy is also heard saying: "My superior at the Forensic Evidence does not know what I'm doing. There is no one to protect me," in efforts to ask for protection in the vertical hierarchy going right up to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the responsibility of dismembering Khashoggi's body.

At the end of the conversation, Mutreb asks whether the "animal to be sacrificed" has arrived. At 1:14 p.m., an unidentified member of the hit squad says "[he] is here."

Khashoggi enters the Saudi consulate

According to the released recordings, Khashoggi is greeted by a familiar face or someone he knows, gauging from his reaction. He is told that the Consul General Mohammad al-Otaibi is also present in the building. First, he is politely invited into the consul's office on the second floor. When he starts to get suspicious, he is pulled by the arm. He then says;"Let me go, what do you think you're doing?"

As soon as Khashoggi enters the room, Mutreb says: "Please sit. We have to take you back [to Riyadh]. There is an order from Interpol. Interpol demanded you be returned. We are here to take you." To which Khashoggi responds: "There are no lawsuits against me. My fiancée is waiting outside for me."

During these conversations, another unidentified hit squad member, probably portraying the "bad cop" during the interrogation, repeatedly tells Khashoggi to "cut it short."

At 1:22 p.m. Mutreb asks Khashoggi whether he has any mobile phones on him. Khashoggi responds with "I have two mobile phones." Mutreb asks "which brand" and Khashoggi says "iPhone."

Following these conversations in the last 10 minutes leading up to Khashoggi's death, the dialogue goes:

Mutreb: Leave a message for your son.

Khashoggi: What should I tell my son?

Mutreb: You will write a message, let's rehearse; show it to us.

Khashoggi: What should I say, 'see you soon'?

Unidentified hit squad member: Cut it short.

Mutreb: You will write something like 'I'm in Istanbul. Don't worry if you cannot reach me.'

Khashoggi: I shouldn't say kidnapped.

Unidentified hit squad member: Take your jacket off.

Khashoggi: How can such a thing take place at a consulate? I'm not writing anything.

Unidentified hit squad member: Cut it short.

Khashoggi: I'm not writing anything.

Mutreb: Write it, Mr. Jamal. Hurry up. Help us so we can help you, because in the end we will take you back to Saudi Arabia and if you don't help us you know what will happen eventually.

Khashoggi: There is a towel here. Will you have me drugged?

Al-Tubaigy: We will put you to sleep.

After he was drugged, Khashoggi says "do not keep my mouth closed" before losing his consciousness.

"I have asthma. Do not do it, you will suffocate me." These were Khashoggi's last words.

His killers had already put on a plastic bag over his head, and he would eventually be suffocated to death. Scuffling and struggling then dominate the recordings, with occasional questions and directives from the hit squad heard in between.

"Is he asleep?" "He's raising his head," "keep pushing," "push it well."

Before Khashoggi gives his final breath, scuffling and suffocation sounds continue for a while. Then the postmortem phase begins, which includes sounds of dismembering Khashoggi's body.

At exactly 1:39 p.m., the sound of an autopsy saw is heard. This savage procedure lasts half an hour.

and summarizing articles:


(A P)

Senators press Saudi Crown Prince on Jamal Khashoggi murder

Sen. Angus King, an Independent from Maine, and Indiana Republican Sen. Todd Young told CNN on Tuesday that they pressed Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about last year's murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi during a meeting in Jeddah over the weekend.

While King declined to divulge specifics from the private conversation during an interview with CNN, he said that he and Young were "very, very direct" in their conversation with the Crown Prince, known as MBS, and made it clear that the issue of Khashoggi's murder remains a "big obstacle" in the US-Saudi relationship.

The senators met with the Crown Prince during their recent trip to the region as part of a congressional delegation to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman.

cp9 USA

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New York: Southerners rally in solidarity with Arab Coalition

The Southern [pro-separatist] Community in the United States organized on Tuesday, a demonstration in front of the UN Security Council in New York, in conjunction with the mass rallies that took place in the South and major European cities in loyalty to the Arab Coalition.

(B P)

The Moral Rot of the MIT Media Lab

Like its parent university, the famed research center became far too comfortable selling its prestige. Even to Jeffrey Epstein.


(A P)

Cancel Saudi Dictator Event in NewY ork

No one should partner with Saudi Arabia's brutal dictator while he slaughters children in Yemen.

VIPs and UN officials must drop out of the Saudi dictatorship's so-called youth event in New York on 9/23.


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‘Yemen Was Called the Forgotten War, but Activists Are Refusing to Forget’

CounterSpin interview with Hassan El-Tayyab on US out of Yemen

HET: The reason why the United States is complicit is because of our military aid to the Saudi-led coalition. We are providing logistical support and intel-sharing for their aerial campaign; we’re doing spare-part transfers, making sure that all those F-15s that are dropping bombs on civilian targets in Yemen are up to speed; and we also are providing a moral cover by continuing this assistance. And obviously, there’s sending rockets and providing bomb sales to the coalition. So all those ways, we’re just deeply complicit.

HET: For a long time, the Yemen civil war and the US part in it—you know, Yemen was called the “forgotten war,” but there have been some members in Congress that are refusing to forget, and activists around the country that are refusing to forget.

JJ: I have to say about media, I sometimes worry that for folks who get their understanding of foreign policy primarily through media, foreign policy is basically a question of: “Who is it OK to kill? What side of this war should we be on? Who should we be at war with?”

It seems as though, in the media and in public conversation, nonmilitary responses are like the sad sacks in the corner. That’s not really “doing” anything, you know, as if diplomacy doesn’t also call for deep thought and robust energy and engineering. And I just wonder if, in terms of the way media talk about Yemen, but also talk about conflicts everywhere, there needs to be some kind of primary shift where it’s OK to be for peace and diplomacy.

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A motley crew of lawmakers is gearing up for a fight over the defense budget.

A motley crew of Congress’s most conservative and most progressive lawmakers is fighting to end US involvement in the war in Yemen — a move that would weaken President Donald Trump’s relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Its battleground: the nation’s massive defense budget.

As Congress gears up to pass its 2020 defense budget — which will likely amount to more than $730 billion in funding for the Pentagon and a couple other agencies’ national-security activities — a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers led by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Mike Lee (R-UT) and Reps. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL), is pushing to include a provision that would end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

The amendment “prohibits support to and participation in the Saudi-led coalitions military operations against the Houthis in Yemen.”

If passed — pulling together the same coalition of 54 senators, including seven Republicans, and 248 House lawmakersit would be a major rebuke of Trump’s foreign policy, which has used the US’scozy relationship with Saudi Arabia to escalate tensions with Iran. It wouldn’t be lawmakers’ first attempt to do so, but it could be the most effective

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An official confirmation by the Trump administration of it holding discreet talks with Yemen’s Houthi rebels indicates a realization in Washington that its military intervention in the Arab country is an unsalvageable disaster requiring exit.

There are also reports of the Trump administration urging the Saudi rulers to engage with the Houthis, also known as Ansarullah

You have to almost admire the effrontery of the American government. Notice how the US diplomat says “we are focused on ending the war” and “a mutually acceptable solution”.

As if Washington is some kind of honest broker trying to bring peace to a country stricken by mysterious violence.

The infernal humanitarian conditions and complicity in war crimes can no longer be concealed by Washington’s mendacity about allegedly combating “Iran subversion” in Yemen. The southern Arabian Peninsula country is an unmitigated PR disaster for official American pretensions of being a world leader in democratic and law-abiding virtue.

When the American Congress is united in calling for a ban on US arms to Saudi Arabia because of the atrocities in Yemen, then we should know that the PR war has been lost.

The defeat is further complicated by the open conflict which has broken out over recent weeks between rival militants sponsored by the Saudis and Emiratis in the southern port city of Aden. There are reports of UAE warplanes attacking Saudi-backed militants and of Saudi force build-up. A war of words has erupted between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. There is strong possibility that the rival factions could blow up into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and the UAE, supposed coalition allies.

Washington has doubtless taken note of the unstoppable disaster in Yemen and how its position is indefensible and infeasible.

Like so many other obscene American wars down through the decades, Washington is facing yet another ignominious defeat in Yemen. When the US starts to talk about “ending the war” with a spin about concern for “mutual peace”, then you know the sordid game is finally up – by Finian Cunningham =

(* B P)

70 Percent of Americans Say Arms Sales Make US Less Safe

Most Americans want the United States tomaintain strong alliances overseas, but not through foreign arms sales, a key tactic used by the Obama and Trump administrations..

Those findings from a recent Chicago Council survey arrive as the White House has worked to loosen export restrictions on military drones and circumvented Congress to sell weapons to allies in the Middle East.

“Americans don’t like selling weapons to other countries,” said Ivo Daalder, president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and former U.S. ambassador to NATO under President Obama.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Iran says U.S. should avoid 'warmongers' after Bolton departure

Iran said on Wednesday Washington should distance itself from “warmongers” after the resignation of hawkish White House National Security Adviser John Bolton, and Tehran stood by its demand that sanctions be lifted before any talks.

and also

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Öl für Syrien?

Das große Verwirrspiel um Irans Supertanker im Mittelmeer

Ein kleiner Schatten spielt eine große Rolle im explosiven Konflikt zwischen USA und Iran. Er liefert Hinweise zu einem Tanker, dessen lange Fahrt durchs Mittelmeer für Spannungen sorgt. Eine Chronologie.

Ein Supertanker steht im Mittelpunkt des Säbelrasselns zwischen den USA und dem Iran: Die rätselhafte wochenlange Fahrt der "Adrian Darya-1" durch das Mittelmeer ist eine Geschichte von Tücke und Tricks, von Vergeltung und Verrat – und einer zentralen Frage: Hat das Schiff iranisches Öl für das Regime in Syrien geliefert? Darum geht es in erster Linie.

Die USA hatten erklärt, jeden nötigen Schritt zu unternehmen, um diese Lieferung zu verhindern. Das Öl ist verkauft, behauptete der Iran wiederum am Sonntag, ohne Angaben zum Käufer zu machen. Das Schiff lag zuletzt vor Syrien, wie Satellitenbilder zeigen. Das Automatische Identifikationssystem (AIS), mit dem die Position eines Schiffes gesendet wird, hatte die Besatzung schon Tage zuvor abgeschaltet. Der Verkauf des Öls wurde vom Iran am 26. August schon einmal gemeldet. Die Chronologie des brisanten Versteckspiels:

Das Versprechen und die Fragen: Der Iran hat Gibraltars Regierungschef Fabian Picardo versichert, das Öl an Bord werde nicht an ein Land geliefert, das mit EU-Sanktionen belegt ist. Also nicht nach Syrien. Das nun folgende Verwirrspiel um die Route des Schiffes lässt sich gut in Tweets von verfolgen – Experten für die Analyse von Öltransporten auf dem Meer. Als Ziel gibt das Schiff zunächst Kalamata in Griechenland an, von dort könnte es nach Italien gehen – zum Verkauf des Öls, heißt es.

Die Experten von schließen das aus: "Mit dem Schiff will kein Käufer etwas zu tun haben. Es ist wie radioaktiv." Weiterhin wird mal Mersin in der Türkei als Ziel angegeben, dann gar kein Ziel, dann wieder Mersin. Nördlich von Zypern dreht das Schiff, fährt wieder ein Stück in die entgegensetzte Richtung, dann nach Süden.

USA drohen, Iran trotzt: Vier Tage später machen die USA deutlich, dass sie das Schiff auch in keinem europäischen Hafen sehen wollen. Das Schiff wird auf eine Liste von Terrorunterstützern gesetzt, der Kapitän ebenso. Die US-Regierung warnt Mittelmeeranrainer: Wer der "Adrian Darya-1" Hilfe zukommen lässt, riskiert selbst Sanktionen. Außenminister Pompeo zweifelt das Versprechen an, das Irans Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif gegeben hat. Es sei ein großer Fehler gewesen, Sarif zu trauen.

Sarif antwortet auf Twitter, der Iran habe sich in der Vergangenheit schon nichts von den USA sagen lassen: "Hören Sie auf zu meckern, Minister Pompeo. Wir verkaufen Öl an jeden und alle Käufer."

Vor Syriens Küste angekommen: Die "Adrian Darya-1" liegt nun in syrischem Gewässer, zwei Seemeilen vor dem Ölterminal der Stadt Tartus. Das zeigt ein Foto, das Trumps Nationaler Sicherheitsberater John Bolton twittert. Doch der Hafen ist nicht tief genug für das voll beladene Schiff. Es bliebe nur das Entladen von Schiff zu Schiff.

Der Iran meldet Verkauf: Ein Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums verkündet am 8. September, das Schiff habe sein Ziel erreicht. "Das Schiff ist irgendwo im Mittelmeer, hat sein Öl an Bord bereits verkauft und der Besitzer wird nun entscheiden, wie es mit dem Tanker weitergeht." An wen das Öl verkauft ist, will der Sprecher nicht verraten.

Die "Adrian Darya-1" ist weiter vor Tartus und wirft kaum Schatten. Das heißt: Das Schiff liegt so tief im Wasser, dass es nach Ansicht von TankerTrackers voll beladen sein muss.

Mein Kommentar: Und? Es gibt keine völkerrechtlich verbindlichen Sanktionen, die den verkauf des Irans an Syrien untersagen würden. Andere Behauptungen sind Propagandanebel.

(A P)

Iran beschlagnahmt erneut Schiff

Der Iran hat in der Straße von Hormus nach eigenen Angaben einen ausländischen Schlepper gestoppt. Das Schiff mit über 280.000 Litern illegalem Diesel an Bord sei auf der Höhe des Hafens Sirik festgesetzt worden, sagte der Leiter der Küstenwache der südiranischen Hormusgan Provinz. Es wurde nicht mitgeteilt, unter welcher Flagge das Schiff unterwegs war.

Am Bord waren demnach zwölf philippinische Staatsbürger, die festgenommen wurden. Mitarbeiter der zuständigen Behörden verhörten sie derzeit, so die Küstenwache laut Nachrichtenagentur Borna. Gegen die Besatzung des Schleppers bestehe der Verdacht, zu einem "Schmugglerring" zu gehören.

(B P)

Machtlos in Brüssel

Verzweifelt kämpft die EU um das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran. Doch gegen den Willen der USA ist das fast unmöglich. Auch der Iran fühlt sich nicht mehr an das Abkommen gebunden.

Seit die USA das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran vor mehr als einem Jahr verlassen haben, kämpft die EU verzweifelt um den Erhalt des Deals. Klar ist: Sie kann die Vereinbarung mit Teheran, die sie selbst maßgeblich mit ausgehandelt hat, nur retten, wenn das Mullah-Regime weiterhin wirtschaftliche Vorteile daraus zieht. Doch das erscheint angesichts der wieder in Kraft gesetzten US-Sanktionen so gut wie unmöglich. Konsequenz: Stück für Stück zieht sich auch der Iran aus seinen Verpflichtungen zurück.

"Wir sind entschlossen, alles dazu beizutragen, dieses Abkommen aufrechtzuerhalten", betonte Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas schon im Frühjahr 2018. Und an dieser Position hat sich seither nichts geändert, auch wenn sich die Lage inzwischen deutlich zugespitzt hat.

Mein Kommentar: Dieser Artikel hat Propaganda-Schlagseite. Die EU ist überhaupt nicht “machtlos”, sie kuscht nur in allen Punkten vor den USA. – Und: Sie hat bisher schlichtweg ihre Verpflichtungen aus dem Atomabkommen nicht eingehalten – worauf Iran jetzt auch seine nicht mehr einhält.

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Iran-Krise: Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer lügt am frechsten im ganzen Land?

Die Ankündigung des Iran, neue Zentrifugen in Betrieb zu nehmen, nutzt der Spiegel, um seine Leser mal wieder zu desinformieren.

Wir erinnern uns: Die USA haben im Mai 2018 das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran gebrochen. Sie haben es nicht „einseitig aufgekündigt“, wie die deutschen Medien es formulieren, sondern gebrochen, denn es gab keine Ausstiegsklausel in dem Abkommen.

Nachdem die EU jedoch ihren Verpflichtungen nicht nachgekommen ist, hat der Iran ab Mai 2019 schrittweise ebenfalls die Umsetzung seiner eingegangenen Verpflichtungen reduziert. Aber: Das war kein Vertragsbruch durch den Iran, denn Artikel 26 des Abkommens erlaubt ihm das ausdrücklich, wenn vorher ein anderes Land wieder Sanktionen gegen den Iran eingeführt hat, was die USA bekanntermaßen getan haben. Eine Zusammenfassung der Hintergründe finden Sie hier.

Vor diesem Hintergrund gehört schon eine gehörige Portion Frechheit dazu, einen Artikel zu dem Thema so zu beginnen, wie es der Spiegel heute tut:

„Iran provoziert im Streit um sein Atomprogramm. Die Regierung bestätigt die Entwicklung von leistungsstärkeren Zentrifugen zur Urananreicherung – ein weiterer Schritt weg vom Atomabkommen. Noch sei der aber „umkehrbar“.“

Wer provoziert hier eigentlich wen?

Der Spiegel sieht seine Aufgabe nicht darin, seine Leser zu informieren, sondern sie auf die gewünschte politische Linie zu bringen. Im Spiegel kann man dann lesen:

(A P)

Netanyahus neue Vorwürfe

Hatte Iran geheime Atomwaffenanlage?

Geheime Atomwaffen-Entwicklungsstätte und Uranium-Spuren in einem "geheimen Lagerhaus": Israels Premier Netanyahu hat schwere Vorwürfe an den Iran gerichtet. Die internationale Gemeinschaft solle sich den US-Sanktionen anschließen.

Israel hat nach Angaben von Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanyahu weitere geheime Entwicklungsstätten für Atomwaffen im Iran entdeckt. Der Regierungschef präsentierte Satellitenaufnahmen, die eine Stätte nahe der Stadt Abadeh zeigen sollen. Der Iran habe die Produktionsstätte allerdings zwischen Ende Juni und Ende Juli zerstört, weil klar geworden sei, dass Israel darüber Bescheid wisse.

Mein Kommentar: Das ist Propaganda. Israel behauptet seit über 20 Jahren (oder 30?), dass dre Iran kurz vor der Fertigstellung seiner Atombombe stünde. Netahyahus “Beweise” sine Unsinn, man denke an seine Ein-Mann-Show vor einer Wand voller CD-ROMs.

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Mullahs, Macht und Gegenmacht

Der Iran gilt als Erzfeind Israels und der USA. Das Atomabkommen mit Teheran, das die Amerikaner aufgekündigt haben, ist praktisch gescheitert, trotz aller Bemühungen. Als Regionalmacht mischt sich der Iran unter anderem in Syrien, im Libanon und in Jemen ein. In der Straße von Hormus am Persischen Golf sorgt er für Unruhe. Die Lage im Land selbst ist schwierig geworden. Wir analysieren das politische und kulturelle Innenleben des Iran. Ein SWR Aktuell Kontext von Josef Karcher.,av-o1151346-100.html

(A P)

Russia: Iran’s resumption of nuclear R&D poses no threat

Russia says Iran’s recent decision to stop observing the limits set by a 2015 nuclear deal on its nuclear research and development — known as R&D — poses no threat as Tehran is fully compliant with a safeguards agreement with the UN’s nuclear watchdog.

In a statement released on Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the measure — which Iran has taken recently as a third step in reducing its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — did not risk any reorientation.

(A P)

IAEA Confirms Iran’s Installation of Advanced Centrifuges

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has confirmed that Iran is installing advanced centrifuges after warning signatories of the 2015 nuclear deal that the clock is ticking for them to salvage the accord.

In a statement issued on Monday, the United Nations nuclear agency said it has "verified that the following centrifuges were either installed or being installed...: 22 IR-4, one IR-5, 30 IR-6 and three IR-6s".

On Sunday, Tehran hit out at European powers, saying they had left Iran little option but to scale back its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

(A P)

Foreign Minister Zarif says Iran's commitments reduction allowed under JCPOA

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the three steps taken by the Islamic Republic to reduce its commitments under a nuclear deal it clinched with world powers in 2015 are legitimate and allowed under the agreement.

Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with the visiting acting head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Cornel Feruta in Tehran on Sunday.

Iran's top diplomat said all measures taken “by the Islamic Republic of Iran to reduce its commitments in response to the European sides’ failure to fulfill theirs” conformed to Article 36 of the deal, which is officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

(A P)

US must end sanctions, maximum pressure on Iran: China

China says the US strategy of exerting "maximum pressure" on Iran is the root cause of the ongoing tensions over Tehran’s nuclear program, urging Washington to end its wrong practices.

"We believe that the maximum pressure by the US is the root cause of the current Iranian nuclear tension. The US should abandon wrong practices, such as unilateral sanctions and maximum pressure on Iran," Hua Chunying, spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry, told reporters in Beijing on Monday.

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Was will Macron? Interessante diplomatische Initiativen aus Paris, aber kein Wort in den deutschen Medien

In der Iran-Krise gab es in den letzten Stunden spannende Entwicklungen, die jedoch wohl am Ende zu nichts geführt haben. Macron hat einen Versuch gemacht, Bewegung in die Krise zu bringen.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

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Majority of Conservative voters support end of arm sales to Saudi Arabia, says poll

A majority of voters, including Conservative supporters, oppose arms sales by Britain to countries with poor human rights records such as Saudi Arabia, a poll has found.

Nearly six in ten Conservative supporters – and more than two thirds of all voters – think the UK should permanently halt weaponry exports to the oil-rich kingdom, which has been accused of using British munitions against civilian in the ongoing air campaign in Yemen. The Government has suspended new arms sales to Saudi Arabia after the Court of Appeal declared they were unlawful.

The findings come ahead of the opening today of the world’s largest weaponry fair in London’s Docklands.

(A K P)

In pictures: Artists against the arms trade

The London-based Art The Arms Fair is an artistic movement against the arms trade, timed to coincide with the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) military conference in London.


(A K P)

‘I’ve been accused of making images that are “bleeding obvious”…One of my main goals is to make images that do make the bleeding that comes from our wars & profiteering obvious’ Peter Kennard's #ArtTheArmsFair gallery open until Friday (photo)

(A K P)

Film: As arms dealers and DSEI arms fair delegates from oppressive regimes rub shoulders today at the invitation of the UK government, hats off to these activists highlighting the complicity of the UK government in all killing and suffering that follows. #StopDSEI

(* B K P)

The London arms fair is an inexcusable disgrace – it’s a stain on the nation

British-made weapons fuel violence around the world – much of it perpetrated by repressive regimes. It must stop

This week’s London arms market – decorously called a “fair” – is a national disgrace and the protesters currently calling attention to it are right. It is a shameless marketplace for global death and destruction, vitiating any work done by British diplomacy in support of a more peaceful world.

The best apology the government can offer is that it “supports jobs”. The same line of argument applies to membership of the EU – and yet the government doesn’t support that job supporting measure.

That a nation should seek to defend itself from external aggression is understandable. Where the country is a British ally, it is reasonable to help it with weapons. This applies to very few countries round the world, and even fewer of those likely to buy the guns, tanks, ships, missiles and drones on display at the Excel centre this week. As anyone who has visited this show in the past knows, it is the most awesome glamorisation of death on the planet.

(A P)

Film: Leading UK journalist denied access to DSEI UK arms fair

One of the UK's leading journalists, Ian Cobain, has been denied accrediation to attend an international arms fair (Defence and Security International) which opens in London tomorrow

(A P)

Yet more shameful responses from #UKGov: "We are deeply concerned" but "UK does not routinely track the use of specific weapons once sold to another country" and "Secretary of State has submitted a Notice of Appeal" (image)

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Al-Sigaly Heads to Munich for Asylum

Alaa El-Din Al-Sigaly, a southern journalist, director of SMA News Office in Cairo, member of foreign affairs department of SAMA organization in EU and ambassador of UDHR, arrived at Munich in demand of asylum as Germany is one of the countries that guarantee the right of dignified life for political refugees.

(* B K P)

Khashoggi-Mord, war da was? Bundesregierung macht „Business as usual“ mit Saudi-Arabien

Vor etwas weniger als einem Jahr hat der Mord an dem Journalisten Khashoggi in einem saudischen Konsulat in der Türkei Schlagzeilen gemacht. Nachdem sie zunächst Empörung geheuchelt hat, gilt für die Bundesregierung nun wieder „Business as usual“ mit Saudi-Arabien. Und in den Medien stört sich niemand daran.

Wenn irgendwo auf der Welt Journalisten etwas zustößt, sorgt das völlig zu Recht für Empörung bei Politik und Medien in Deutschland. Vor allem, wenn es um Russland oder China geht. Im letzten Oktober stand man daher vor dem Problem, wegen der Ermordung des saudischen Journalisten Khashoggi im saudischen Konsulat in der Türkei Empörung heucheln zu müssen, aber gleichzeitig den „Freund und Partner“ Saudi-Arabien nicht übermäßig zu verärgern.

Das wurde elegant gelöst: Medienwirksam wurde Bestürzung geheuchelt und die militärische Zusammenarbeit mit Saudi-Arabien offiziell eingestellt. Das betraf in erster Linie Waffenlieferungen und Ausbildungsmissionen der deutschen Polizei in Saudi-Arabien. Das Schlüsselwort ist „offiziell“, denn tatsächlich wurden fröhlich weiter Waffen an Saudi-Arabien geliefert, obwohl es nicht nur den Journalisten kaltblütig ermordet hatte, sondern auch noch einen völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg im Jemen führt, bei dem viele Zivilisten sterben. Eigentlich liefert Deutschland ja keine Waffen in Krisenregionen.

Eigentlich, es sei denn, es betrifft den „Freund und Partner“ Saudi-Arabien.

(* B K P)

Ein Jahr nach Khashoggi wieder business as usual?

Bald könnten deutsche Waffen wieder in Saudi-Arabien landen. Ein Jahr nach dem Mord an Khashoggi - und während im Jemen Menschen sterben. Kehrt so schnell business as usual ein?

Beim Thema Saudi-Arabien sind sich deutsche Oppositionspolitiker und Menschenrechtler einig: Weder der Umgang mit der eigenen Bevölkerung (Frauen und Blogger), noch die rege Intervention in Stellvertreterkriegen (Jemen und Afghanistan) sprechen für eine Zusammenarbeit, schon gar nicht in der Sicherheits- oder Rüstungspolitik. Und doch planen Innen- wie Außenministerium wieder Bundespolizisten für die Ausbildung von Grenzbeamten nach Riad zu schicken. Nach dem Mord an dem saudischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi im Oktober 2018 war das Programm vorerst eingestellt worden, ebenso wurden deutsche Rüstungsexporte komplett gestoppt - offiziell zumindest. Ende September läuft das Rüstungsembargo allerdings aus, und Kritiker befürchten eine Normalisierung der Beziehungen.

"Es ist zu Recht ein großes Aufregerthema, weil die deutsche Wirtschaft letztlich an Kriegen in anderen Ländern mitverdient. Güter, die aus dem Westen kommen, werden nachweislich im Krieg im Jemen eingesetzt", sagt Anna Würth vom Deutschen Institut für Menschenrechte. "Da macht man sich als Waffenlieferer der Beihilfe schuldig und trägt eine Mitverantwortung bei der Verletzung des Menschen- und Völkerrechts."

(A K P)

Greenpeace-Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten übergeben Unterschriften an Wirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier


Das Rüstungsexportverbot an Saudi-Arabien läuft in Kürze aus. Die Bundesregierung muss jetzt eine Verlängerung und Ausweitung des Embargos beschließen.

Am 30. September läuft das Embargo aus. Wird es nicht verlängert, können deutsche Unternehmen ab Oktober wieder Kriegswaffen an das saudische Militär liefern. Die Bundesregierung muss den Export-Stopp deshalb erstens auf unbestimmte Zeit verlängern, ihn zweitens auf alle am Jemenkrieg beteiligten Staaten ausweiten und drittens auch alle Schlupflöcher schließen.

(B K P)

Greenpeace: Keine Waffen für den Jemen-Krieg!

Staaten, die kriegführende Parteien im Jemenkrieg beliefern, machen sich mitschuldig an Menschenrechtsverbrechen! Die Bundesregierung muss den Export-Stopp gegen Saudi-Arabien verlängern und auf ALLE kriegführenden Parteien ausweiten!

(A P)

Germany: Green Party to campaign against arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Germany’s Green Party has announced its intention to launch a campaign in parliament to prevent the return of military cooperation between Germany and Saudi Arabia.

The action comes after the leak of information that there are efforts to restore relations between Berlin and Riyadh, German magazine Spiegel reported on its website yesterday.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Yemen is suffering like Imam Husayn did: Nasrallah

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah has said on Tuesday that the “Yemeni people today are suffering oppression and siege like Imam Husayn was in Karbala.”

(A P)

Kuwait defends Saudi-led Coalition efforts in Yemen

Kuwait's Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah has shone the spotlight on Kuwait's efforts at the UN Security Council to defend and resolve Arab causes over the past 20 months.

Speaking at the 152nd session of the Arab foreign ministers council in Cairo, Al-Jarallah said Kuwait had focused during its non-permanent membership at the UNSC to support and promulgate Arab causes.

"Kuwait has worked hard to find appropriate solutions to crises that exhausted the Arab region and undermined its security, stability and prosperity," the senior diplomat asserted.

My comment: Kuwait claims having been a Saudi mouthpiece in it’s term as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

(A P)

Libyan government slams ‘hostile’ UAE for hosting rebel

Libya’s internationally-recognized government has criticized the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for hosting a member of renegade Libyan general Khalifa Haftar’s forces, denouncing the Arab country’s position as “hostile.”

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) condemned the “hostile position of the United Arab Emirates,” which has allowed Abu Dhabi to be used as “a media platform for militias attacking the Libyan capital.”

(* B P)

The Emiratis Bit Off More Than They Could Chew

The UAE decided it would be a leader in shaping the Middle East. Now it’s made a dramatic U-turn.

Six years ago, the United Arab Emirates began to assert itself as a major military and political actor in the Middle East. The successful coup against the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in July 2013 provided an opening for the UAE to take a decisive lead in shaping events throughout the region—an opening it was happy to use.

This July, the Emiratis’ strategy hit a decisive wall. First, the country announced its withdrawal from the Yemen war, which it had launched together with Saudi Arabia in 2015, to focus exclusively on stabilization and counterterrorism. Emirati officials also began sounding conciliatory tones toward Iran.

The UAE has not offered a clear explanation for its surprising geopolitical U-turns, but they likely stem from an assessment of its strategy over the past six years. First, the UAE’s assertiveness had the effect of diminishing its political standing and reputation in the United States. Second, even on its own terms, the strategy has been far harder to carry out than the Emiratis imagined.

The policy shift seems to have been triggered by the U.S. Senate’s vote to end America’s involvement in the war in Yemen this spring.

The UAE has always been responsive to U.S. public opinion and institutional criticism, but another factor prevented it from taking a stance earlier: its alliance with Saudi Arabia. Earlier this year, senior Emirati officials and sources close to them still thought they could weather the storm related to the Yemeni war and other erratic Saudi Arabian behavior, including the murder of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi last October. The UAE was reluctant to abandon the Saudis, for fear they would pursue their national interests in ways averse to the Emiratis, including mending ties with adversaries such as Turkey and Qatar. That remains the single worst-case diplomatic scenario from the perspective of the UAE.

By the same token, the Emiratis consider their close alliance with Saudi Arabia since 2015, against the Muslim Brotherhood and countries such as Turkey and Qatar, as their greatest strategic gain in recent years. Abu Dhabi did not adopt all of Riyadh’s positions;

The UAE is now trying to restore its reputation in Washington and other Western capitals by portraying itself as a small country seeking stability and prosperity through soft power and economic engagement, which is thus opposed to wars of all kinds in the Middle East. This narrative is contradicted by its actions over the past six years as the Emiratis tried—and failed—to reverse the effects of the Arab Spring by any means necessary.

In that sense, the Emiratis’ policy shift isn’t only motivated by an effort to restore its reputation—it is also fueled by self-inflicted policy failures – by Hassan Hassan

(A P)

Bahrain files complaint against Al Jazeera with Arab League

Sources tell Al Jazeera Manama's complaint will be received by meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo on Tuesday.

Bahrain has lodged a complaint with the Arab League against Qatar-based Al Jazeera Media Network after the airing of a documentary that they say was critical of the Gulf state, sources have told Al Jazeera.

The documentary, which aired on Al Jazeera in July, revealed that Bahraini intelligence recruited al-Qaeda members to assassinate Bahraini dissidents and opposition figures in 2003. The government in Manama has denied the allegations.

(A K P)

Mohammad Al-Houthi Criticizes French Foreign Minister Remarks on Yemen

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, responded to French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian's remarks on the strikes of the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees on Saudi military sites.

French Foreign Minister called the Yemeni army strikes as an attack and described Yemeni attacks on Saudi military sites as "intolerable", claiming that Saudi Arabia was a victim of Yemeni airstrike that hit its airports. Without mentioning hundred thousands of raids that are launched by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia on the Yemeni civilians since 2015.

(A P)

Exhibition about Yemen opens in Turkey

On Saturday, the exhibition “Yemen in drawings” opened in Turkey with the participation of works and cartoons by 62 artists from 40 countries.

The exhibition depicts the tragedy and suffering of the nearly four-and-a-half-year war in Yemen led by the Saudi-led coalition.

cp12b Sudan

Siehe / Look at cp13b

(A K P)

Sudan wants children recruited by Riyadh to fight in Yemen returned home

Sudanese opposition figures have called on their country's transitional government to bring back Sudanese soldiers fighting for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, including child soldiers and mercenaries, according to a report on Tuesday.

Spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals Association, El Rashid Saeed urged the country's new government to work towards ending the war in Yemen and bring Sudanese troops back home.

"We do not want the war to continue in Yemen," said Saeed in a press conference. "We want the talks to go on according to the plan prepared by the United Nations.

"I think Sudan can play a role in this regard through giving an ultimatum to its allies in the Arab coalition, for the sake of the peaceful solution that will guarantee the withdrawal of our forces without harming the relations with other countries."

and also

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10, cp11

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

(* B K P)

Film: Saudi Arabia accused of recruiting Sudanese children, mercenaries

A prominent Sudanese activist is calling for a peace agreement in Yemen - and wants Sudanese troops fighting there brought home.

Rashid Saeed of the Sudan Professionals Association says the troops, sent by former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to fight with the Saudi-led coalition, should be sent home.

Calls in Sudan for the troops to be withdrawn have grown louder as the number of casualties has increased.

The Saudis are also accused of recruiting Sudanese mercenaries and child soldiers. =

and also

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E P)

Priorities for Private Sector Recovery in Yemen: Reforming the Business and Investment Climate

The business and investment climate for private sector actors in Yemen has long been challenging. The current conflict has expanded and magnified these changes such that today Yemen is last or near last in a host of global business competitiveness indexes. Many businesses across the country have closed and moved their capital elsewhere, while many of those that remain open have had to make drastic cuts to their workforces. However, relative to the public sector – which has seen the near collapse of most government institutions – the private sector has shown a far greater degree of resilience. Businesses have stepped in to replace absent government services in many areas, allowing access to basic commodities and providing livelihoods for millions of Yemenis.

The surest means of laying the foundations for private sector recovery in Yemen, and indeed recovery for the country overall, is to end the ongoing conflict and reunify public institutions and governance mechanisms. While the conflict is ongoing, however, there are still practical, realistic steps national and international stakeholders can take to support the Yemeni private sector. Doing so would in turn help spur economic growth and job creation for a destitute population. It would also potentially initiate a cascade of positive developments in Yemen: easing the humanitarian crisis, bolstering socio-economic and political stability, and restarting formal financial cycles, among others.

On April 27-29, 2019, a group of Yemen’s leading socioeconomic experts convened the fifth Development Champions Forum in Amman, Jordan, as part of the Rethinking Yemen’s Economy initiative. The Development Champions’ in-depth discussions regarding the challenges facing the business and investment climate in Yemen resulted in the recommendations below for the internationally recognized Government of Yemen and international stakeholders. These include:

cp15 Propaganda

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Iran's 'triangle of power' in Middle East threatens US, Israel

In the last week of August, Iran-Israel tensions escalated after an Israeli airstrike against Hezbollah and Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps targets in southern Syria. Iran has been arming its allies in Syria and Lebanon with precision-guided missiles and “killer drones,” Israel says. At the same time, pro-Iranian groups from Yemen to Iraq are threatening the United States and U.S. allies, while an Iranian tanker in the Mediterranean was bringing oil to the Syrian regime.

Iran’s influence in the Middle East generally has been seen as a “land bridge” or corridor to the sea that stretches through Iraq and Syria to Lebanon. It has a web of proxies and mostly Shi’ite paramilitary groups that are allied with Tehran. This influence has grown since the defeat of ISIS, as Iranian-backed groups put down roots in areas from which ISIS had been removed, such as Albukamal on the border of Syria and Iraq.

Iran’s real influence comes from not just this patchwork of groups but also a third side to its power that emanates from Yemen, where Houthi rebels have been fighting an alliance led by Saudi Arabia since 2015.

For Tehran, the U.S. and Israel are key enemies, and Iran poses itself as part of the “resistance” against those allies in the region.

The “resistance” mostly is carried out through a sort of “good cop-bad cop” strategy of using political groups to infiltrate governments while arming militia groups. The political groups are the good cop; they feign moderation or “working in the system,” while their affiliated militias stockpile weapons – by Seth J. Frantzman

(A P)

Yemeni conflict ‘serving no one except for Iran,’ says US official

“This (Houthi aggression) is something that I think unfortunately is not well understood in the US. Certainly, the administration understands it, but the fact that Saudi Arabia is under attack on a daily basis is not something that is widely covered in the US,” said the US Assistant Secretary of Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker. “We’ve been following this very closely in the US for years, and to see it up close it is striking,” he said on Friday at a meeting he had with reporters.
The lack of coverage of the Iranian-backed Houthi aggression in the US is because of the focus on other issues regarding Saudi Arabia.
However, the administration’s priority has been to put pressure on Iran. “Trying to convince Iran to behave like a normal state. They have destabilized or are destabilizing four Arab countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. There is a pattern and a practice to it.
It’s a Hezbollah model; they create nurture, arm, fund, launch groups outside of central government control and these groups act independently. Sometimes they attack their neighbors, and in the case of Hezbollah they travel throughout the region, whether it’s in Syria or Yemen, they are a regional force.”

(A P)

The Path Forward For Yemen

Strategically speaking, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the major source of conflict. The enduring successes and longevity of the Houthis have already emboldened countless Islamist and ethnic terrorist organizations. Protracted chaos in Yemen will only facilitate more terrorism. Clearly, unless it is stopped, what transpires in Yemen will inevitably metastasize and eventually engulf the region. Again, it is time to realize that Iran is determined to achieve regional hegemony and foment chaos across the globe.

My comment: What a bullshit propaganda. For this thinktank:

(A P)

Disarming Iran begins with its Houthi proxy

The Houthis’ attacks on civilians and innocent people inside Yemen and their repeated attacks on Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles and drones prove the importance of confronting, dismantling and disarming this terrorist militia and even proving that it poses a threat to the security and stability of the region. It is a threat to power supply lines and is a tool of Iran. Tehran has always relied on such affiliated terrorist militias to do its dirty work.

The international pressure on Iran and the application of sanctions will remain ineffective while they are not tied to the implementation of its plans. We know that the problems Tehran cause the world firstly come from the terrorist fighters it supports — hundreds of thousands of them, if not millions, distributed across many continents and not just in the four key Arab countries of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

(A P)

New Saudi Arabia will be an inspiration

Saudi Arabia is blessed, as it is situated in a strategic geographical location between three continents and possesses excellent economic leadership, as well as significant oil reserves.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia has worked diligently to eliminate the negativities that have troubled the Islamic world following the 1979 revolution in Iran and the subsequent rise of political Islam. The nation has also had to grapple with the problem of transnational loyalties held among some in the country, as well as propaganda that outside parties have used to subvert the nation domestically, hijack Saudi society and to distract it from its moderate understanding of Islam. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia is also suffering greatly from unconstructive external criticism that is based on misinformation, while its significant accomplishments are continuously ignored for various reasons.

Throughout its history, Saudi Arabia has occupied a prominent and symbolic position in the hearts of most Muslims worldwide. Muslims see Saudi Arabia as their Islamic role model given its legislative system and its enforcement of Islamic law. Meanwhile, there are, unfortunately, some Muslims who collude with anti-Saudi elements. We have found that a number of figures hosted by Arab, Islamic and Western media outlets have spearheaded an orchestrated campaign of slanderous attacks on Saudi Arabia, defaming the country, accusing it of pursuing an excessively strict interpretation of religion, supporting extremism and implementing some Islamic laws that are consistent with Saudi culture rather than with religious texts.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Sep. 9:

Sep. 8:

(A K pS)

Airstrikes Targets Houthi Terrorist Militia Gatherings in Northern Yemen and Incurs Losses

(* B K)

Saudi-led coalition kills own fighters in prison airstrike

On Sept. 3, Al-Monitor visited the Dhamar hospital where bodies of the recent attack victims were kept, and where the wounded were receiving treatment. The ICRC's ambulances were seen traveling on the main road between the crumpled detention facility and the hospital.

“I wasn't expecting to be targeted [by the coalition],” a 25-year-old prisoner at the hospital told Al-Monitor.

The prisoner said he was from Dhale province in southern Yemen. He was standing by his bed on crutches with a bandage wrapped around his head. His long, untrimmed beard signaled he was a supporter of Salafism, a sect of Sunni Islam observed by a large minority of Saudis.

"All the prisoners belong to the aggression [Saudi-led coalition],” Abdulqader al-Mortadha, head of the Houthis’ National Committee for Prisoners' Affairs, told Al-Monitor in a Sept. 3 phone interview. Mortadha is in charge of negotiating prisoner trades with the coalition.

The overwhelming majority of the victims belonged to the Islah Party — Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood wing, which backs the internationally recognized government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi — and hail from Taiz and Ibb provinces, Mortadha said. “Some of them [were captured] on the front lines, while others were arrested over [war-related] events." Some people were arrested for their support for the Saudi-led coalition, and others for collaborating against the Iran-backed Houthis.

“Over 90 people of those killed in the detention center were on the list of prisoners from the Saudi-led coalition side," to be exchanged under the Stockholm Agreement, Mortadha said.

(A K P)

Film: @abducteesmother condemned the coalition airstrikes that targeted the prisoners who are used as human shields in the Community College in Dhamar governorate, a building used as a prison by the #Houthi group. The Association calls on the #UN to investigate this attack.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Sep. 9: Hajjah p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Project "Masam" Dismantles 2,965 Mines in 1st Week of September

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's project for clearing mines (Masam) in Yemen demined 2,956 mines during the first week of September 2019, including nine antipersonnel mines, 350 anti-tank, 2,544 unexploded ordnance and 53 explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, 87,781 landmines have been dismantled

(A K pH)

Cancelled landings at Jizan airport

(A K pS)

Command of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Interception, downing in Yemeni airspace of enemy drone launched by Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sanaa

Colonel Turki Al-Maliki, the spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, said that on Monday evening, the coalition joint forces managed to intercept and shoot down an enemy drone in the airspace of the Republic of Yemen over Saada province. The drone was launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia from Sana'a towards the Kingdom, he said.

(A K pS)

3,000 landmines dismantled in one week

The Saudi-funded mines clearance project (MASAM) said this week that nearly 3,000 landmines and unexploded ordnance were cleared during the first week of September.

Osama Al-Qasibi, general director of MASAM said that mines experts removed this week 2,554 unexploded ordnance and 53 explosive devices.

(* B K P)

Feb. 2017: MISSILE DEFENSE REVIEW ISSUE BRIEF -YEMEN " Lower End " Missile Threats: The Case of Yemen

The role of missile warfare in the ongoing fighting in Yemen is easy to overlook in the context of the ISIL threat to peace, the presence of al-Qaeda and ISIL militants in Yemen, and the humanitarian crisis in this Arabian Peninsula conflict. Missile and rocket attacks by Yemen's armed Houthi movement and its Army's missile brigade receive less attention compared to " high end " missile threat scenarios posed by modernization of Russia or China's strategic nuclear and conventional missile capabilities as well as nuclear and missile programs in North Korea and Iran.

Nonetheless, detailed analysis of the role of missiles in the conflict over Yemen yields insights regarding " lower end " conflict scenarios involving long-range rocket, and conventional ballistic or anti-ship cruise missile use by irregular, hybrid, or state adversaries. The first finding one can make in assessing this conflict is missile and rocket attacks by northern Shiite rebels known as Houthis and their allies among loyalists of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh have been and remain a credible military threat to the Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) coalition seeking to restore Yemen's exiled government in power led by President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. The coalition clearly understood the nature of this threat when it launched OPERATION DECISIVE STORM on 26 March 2015. ii Yemen's long-range surface-to-surface missile (SSM) systems and their bases or known launch sites where high on the initial list of targets for strikes by the air forces of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar. iii When first-phase operations ended a month later, the coalition announced it " had completed its objectives in Yemen by destroying the ballistic missile capabilities of the Houthi movement and Houthi-allied military units. "

Despite this pronouncement, Houthi rebels and Saleh loyalists have sustained limited-scale ballistic and cruise missile attacks against political and military targets since early June 2015. The coalition's inability to deny these attacks has enabled Houthi and Saleh forces to demonstrate their ability to retaliate against Saudi air strikes in Yemen. A wide range of military targets have been attacked within Yemen and in Saudi Arabia; on a few occasions, they have also fired missiles against offshore naval targets. v To a lesser extent, the Houthis and their allies have also attacked civilian power vi and desalination plants, vii Saudi oil company assets, viii a UAE military leased ship carrying humanitarian aid, ix and international airports x used by Saudi military forces. Most missile or rocket attacks have occurred in response to coalition air strikes within Yemen. Key Points • Missile and rocket

Coalition counterforce operations have failed to defeat this missile threat. • Coalition ballistic missile defense operations are currently unable to deny missile operations or limit their damage. • U.S. sea-based cruise missile defense operations have effectively countered the ant-ship missile threat. • Yemen's missile target system has considerable depth to cushion the impact of attacks against it, due to probable Iranian supplies and improvised domestic missile production – by Ron Christman

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Film: Aden's first ornamental bird exhibition


Film: Can you hear that? That’s the sound of nobody fighting. You’d be hard-pressed to find a country that doesn’t offer any #natural assets, but some are more naturally gifted than others. #Yemen definitely makes it to the list. #Aden

(B D)

Film: Jemen: Kunst in Zeiten des Bürgerkriegs

Seit Beginn des Bürgerkriegs im Jemen ist das kulturelle Leben im Land zum Erliegen gekommen. Doch es gibt Hoffnung: DW-Reporterin Fanny Facsar hat Menschen in der Hauptstadt Aden getroffen, die nach wie vor an die heilsame Wirkung der Kunst glauben.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-573 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-573: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

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