Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 578 - Yemen War Mosaic 578

Yemen Press Reader 578: 23. Sept. 2019: Open Source-Untersuchungen und Kriegsrecht – Saudis lassen andere für sich kämpfen – Politmorde in Aden – Verbindungen von Hadi-Regierung, Islah-Partei ..

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Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

... Verbindungen von Hadi-Regierung, Islah-Partei und Terrorismus – Angriff auf saudische Ölanlagen: Wer war es? USA, Saudis und Mainstream-Presse beschuldigen Iran, Öl wertvoller als Menschenleben?, wachsende Spannungen am Golf – und mehr

Sep. 23, 2019: Open Source Investigations and the Law of WarSaudis let others fight on their behalf – Political assassinations at Aden – Hadi government, Islah Party and terrorism connections – Saudi oil facilities attack: Who was it? The US, Saudis and mainstream media blame Iran, oil more precious than human life?, mounting tensions at the Gulf– and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c1 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Deutsch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: German

cp1c2 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Englisch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: English

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)

Yemen war: 5 years since the Houthis' Sanaa takeover

On the fifth anniversary of the Houthis' takeover of Sanna, here is an overview of the five-year conflict.

(* B H K P)

Yemen pounded by war for five years

Here is a broad overview

(* B K P)

Film: Watch: US-Iran tension and Yemen's war explained

Yemeni rebels, oil prices, the US, Iran, Saudi Arabia, widespread hunger. It may seem disconnected and confusing, but in this week's Explained by Prime Time, Mark Coughlan and Dimitri O'Donnell talk you through how they're all linked, and outline why two of the world's major powers now say they're prepared to go to war. =

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

The Yemen Project: Open Source Investigations and the Law of War

Short of a public confession by a state to unlawful conduct, what does it take to prove a violation of the international law governing aerial bombardment? The Saudi-led coalition’s bombing campaign in Yemen is now the subject of a major Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigation by Bellingcat, an investigative journalism organisation. The fruits of this investigation, released in a dedicated website, provide insight into bombing patterns. These bombings, alongside the blockade on the ports of Aden and Al-Hudaydah and ground operations, have often caused grave harm to civilians, including the destruction of essential civilian infrastructure and specially protected objects. They also raise serious questions about compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL), as recently highlighted in the September 3 Report of the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen (Group of Experts), released by the UN Human Rights Council, which found an array of violations by all parties to the conflict in Yemen.

The Bellingcat investigation can contribute to the legal analysis of the Saudi-led coalition’s air war, allowing a granular analysis of practices that have been alleged to be unlawful. The evolving scale of the analyses, as more are released over time, may be unprecedented. Yet even with access to more post-strike information than has been available to researchers, legal experts, and NGOs in previous (and especially ongoing) armed conflicts, questions remain regarding how those outside government can “prove” violations of the law of armed conflict. Below is an initial reflection on the legal significance of this investigation, in anticipation of a methodical engagement in the coming year by the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), of which I am a co-founder.

In an era of sophisticated misinformation, there are good reasons to be skeptical, even wary, of intelligence gathered from publicly available sources. Its many sources, which include images and videos released by news agencies as well as those uploaded by individuals, vary in reliability. While satellite imagery, image quality permitting, is a generally accepted as reliable public source of visual information, “user-generated content” (UGC) includes videos and photographs uploaded by unknown, and potentially partisan, sources. Only a rigorous methodology of discovery and verification, including a replicable analysis whose steps can be retraced by any person, can ensure UGC’s reliability and inferential value.

Moreover, OSINT should not be perceived as substituting for primary evidence: witness testimony, bomb fragments, verified photographs and videos of the scene received from witnesses. In addition, OSINT’s revelatory effect should not be seen to travel the physical and moral distance between the technologically equipped investigator and the theatre of war. It can be tempting, but it would be presumptuous, to think one can fully know the conflict reality through the use of technologically advanced tools.

With these limitations in mind, NGOs and UN fact-finding missions have been using OSINT in their research for some years

Through OSINT methodologies, we have more evidence of the conduct of hostilities during an ongoing conflict than at any time in modern history. OSINT may constitute a distinct and important evolution in the methods and actors involved in the collection of evidence. It can excavate a treasure trove of visual data.

The Limits of OSINT and the Law’s Thresholds

So we know that air strikes have struck locations at times when large numbers of civilians congregate. We know that they led to massive casualties. We know that the official coalition position, and its purportedly objective investigative unit, sometimes provide erroneous accounts of these same strikes (or in some cases deny that they occurred at all). This may be enough to convince an objective lay observer that civilians and civilian objects were targeted, that the law of armed conflict has been violated, that the violations are serious, and that they may be attributable to decision makers at different levels of the command structure, who may be individually liable. It will be frustrating for those observers, whose good faith and judgement should not be easily dismissed, that, in fact, even the most rigorously-analysed and revelatory analysis derived from OSINT will find it very difficult to meet the law’s thresholds.

In order to find a violation of the fundamental principle of distinction between military and civilian objects, which prohibits launching an attack directed against civilians or civilian objects, at both the level required for a violation of IHL and, even more so, at the level of a war crime, access to information that cannot be adduced through OSINT may be necessary. Especially in the case of aerial bombardment, the distance between the action and its consequences seems to weaken the capacity to draw reasonable inference from the observable results.

Conclusion: Reasons to Further Engage OSINT

Extensive and rigorous OSINT analysed by non-governmental actors (be they journalists, committees of experts associated with intergovernmental bodies or NGOs) aims to identify, describe, visualize, and present the facts – in this instance related to air strikes in the conflict in Yemen. This rich factual data provides an unprecedented opportunity for applied and more precise analysis of the legality of the conduct of hostilities of a particular party to the conflict.

One may still feel, however, a sense of frustration that an exhaustive presentation of an air strike leading to extensive civilian casualties still does not yield a clear legal finding of an IHL violation (or war crime). This is an invitation to do two things: first, to identify ways in which OSINT can be further improved to illuminate and identify legally salient factors, painting a fuller, more granular, and more authoritative picture of the circumstances in which the attack came about and the attacker’s decision making; and second, to consider the ways in which the infamous indeterminacy of the law of war continues to serve, from the construction of fundamental principles to the establishment of individual liability, the privileged position of the attacking party, as long as its decision-making process is supported by even a veneer of military professionalism – by Ioannis Kalpouzos

my comment: This seems to be frustrating, but it’s hardly acceptable. Impunity for documented war crimes is not acceptable.

(** B K P)

Saudi Arabia won’t attack Iran. But it may pay someone else to

The US is being fooled that it needs to rescue its ally in the Middle East. The Saudis always get others to fight for them

There is always a poorer country ready to send cannon fodder for the right price. The military assault in Yemen is sometimes referred to as “the Arab coalition”, a respectable term for a Saudi-led group of combatants that, in addition to allies in the Gulf, includes forces from Egypt, Jordan and Morocco, as well as Sudanese child soldiers, whose deaths are handsomely compensated for with cash paid to their families back home.

It is baffling, in the light of last week’s attacks on two Saudi oil facilities, that there is so much speculation about Saudi and Iran going to war. Saudi does not “go to war”: it hires proxies, and depends on US gullibility to continue the lie that it is the regional peacekeeper, and that any threat to the country destabilises the region.

The Pentagon has announced that it will be sending hundreds of US troops, in addition to air and missile defence equipment, to Saudi Arabia as a “defensive” move.

Why does a country that was the world’s largest arms importer from 2014 to 2018, according to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, need so much help?

In 2018, the US provided 88% of all weaponry sold to the country.

What, then, does a country that is involved in one military campaign, in Yemen, and which appears so vulnerable to attack and in need of constant protection, do with so many weapons? Buying the weapons, rather than deploying them, is the point. These multimillion-dollar purchases maintain commercial relations with western allies from whom it imports arms, and who in return turn a blind eye to Saudi’s human rights abuses, assassinations and kidnappings, because there is too much money at stake. Saudi Arabia’s entire foreign policy model is based on using its wealth to buy friends and silence.

And so Saudi must continue to play on US fears about Iran, ensuring that its bodyguard is always “locked and loaded”, as Trump stated in a sabre-rattling tweet after the drone strikes.

Bellicose in the extreme, and yet aware that it is highly unlikely to suffer the consequences of its pugnaciousness, Saudi is currently locked in escalating conflicts with Iran, Qatar and Yemen, propping up military regimes in Sudan and Egypt, messily meddling in Lebanon, and continuing to fund random Sunni hardline endeavours all over the world – and generally getting away with it. Saudi will not go to war with Iran, but the US may do so on its behalf. Meanwhile, Saudi looks on – as ever, the indulged and unpunished provocateur of the Middle East – by Nesrine Malik

(** B P)

What does the UAE and the leaders of the "transitional" have to do with the assassination of the former Governor of Aden and 90 figures in Aden? The expert report answers this question

Investigations have been provided by prominent foreign newspapers over the past period, indicating the involvement of the UAE and its local arms in Aden in carrying out and managing the wave of assassinations that have taken place in the southern Yemeni city of Aden since it was liberated from Houthi militias in the second half of 2015.

It did not stop there, but those accused of participating in the carry-out of assassinations who were arrested made confessions in the prosecution confirming the involvement of transitional leader Hani Ben Brik and the UAE behind them in assassinations of religious, political and military figures in Aden.

Recently, the experts' report confirmed the involvement of the UAE and the system of local armed figures and formations in carrying out assassinations and the report stopped long when the assassination of General Jaafar Mohammed Saad, former governor of Aden, which was the beginning of a series of assassinations witnessed in the city during the next three years.

The report of leading experts said it investigated the killings and murders of 90 southern resistance leaders, prominent government officials, clerics and scholars in the southern Yemeni city of Aden between October 2015 and May 2019.

The report, which is being considered by the Human Rights Council at its current session, added that all the cases investigated were targeted at critics of the United Arab Emirates and the southern secessionist movement supported by it and they openly supported the legitimate government.

The first assassination and liquidation in Aden took place in December 2015, shortly after the city was liberated from Houthi militias, where Aden's governor, Maj. Gen. Jaafar Mohammed Saad, was assassinated, the report said.

The expert said that of The Islamic State claimed responsibility for Saad's assassination, but the report said the real killers were not yet identified.

The report pointed out that the assassination of Jaafar Saad came after the selection of Aydros Zubaidi for the post of governor of Aden in a consensus between the president and the UAE, adding that "Jaafar Saad was replaced by Governor Aydros Zubaidi, who was already chosen for this position before Jaafar's death."

The report confirmed that the group of experts conducted 48 interviews, 33 of them with victims and witnesses, as well as eight secondary sources and interviewed 3 witnesses who were former members of the security belt or resistance, whom the UAE tried to pressure to carry out assassinations on its behalf, as well as interviews conducted by the expert group with five victims threatened with death by the parties concerned.

The Panel of Experts verified 78 separate evidences, including location, photographic evidence and documents, as well as open source materials, reports, videos, recordings, writings, as well as video recordings of relevant public statements and other written public statements made by the STC Southern and command the security belt. the Panel also received evidence of a number of assassination attempts and threats."

He noted the involvement of the southern transitional and Emirati leaders in the assassinations of 90 prominent figures in Aden, the assassination of Jaafar Saad was the beginning of a series of assassinations that opened the way for the UAE and separatists to take control of Aden and other neighboring areas, according to the report.

It is worth mentioning that Aydros Zubaidi, after his dismissal from his post as governor of Aden, announced the formation of the Transitional Council with Hani Ben Brik

(** B K P T)

How the Government’s Ties with Islamist Groups Affects Yemen’s Unity and Stability

Terrorist groups have been present in Yemen since the beginning of the 1990s, the same period that Abdullah Ibn Husayn al-Ahmar founded Al-Islah, the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. These were the first years of unity between the old North and South Yemen. Southerners had many concerns about integration, related to issues of tribalism, sectarianism, and religious extremism. Although the Yemeni Socialist Party, the ruling party in South Yemen before the unification in 1990, welcomed the Islah Party, it did so only after Islah ceased describing this Communist outfit as a party as “infidels”.

The civil war in Yemen in 1994 came about after southerners’ felt their fears and suspicions had been vindicated; they were not equal partners in a union but an occupied area. The North’s victory provided space to terrorist groups and Islamist elements like the Islah Party to pursue the rejectionist course. Recently, southerners have been fighting a battle similar to the war of 1994, and there are growing fears that terrorist groups and their allies might exploit the situation again.

The Roots and Influence of the Islah Party in Yemen

Al-Islah was founded only a few months after the declaration of Yemeni unification in 1990. Islah represented tribal and religious interests, rather than strictly political ones. The Islah founder, Abdullah Ibn Husayn al-Ahmar, was the shaykh of the Hashid tribal federation.

Therefore, when the Islah party emerged, Saleh made it into an ally of his General People’s Congress (GPC) party, rather than allowing it to become an opposition party. Islah’s rapport with the Yemeni ruling party and its religious hostility to the Socialist Party fueled tension between all these parties and accelerated the conflict that ultimately led to the war in 1994. As a result of Saleh’s victory in the war, Islah’s influence in Yemen’s administration has grown.

The Interrelation of State and Islamists in Yemen

Despite serious disagreements over tactics and strategy between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda, there is an essential commonality in ideology. According to the Counter Extremism Project, these similarities increase the likelihood of cooperation between the two organizations. Al-Islah is a case in point.

Osama bin Laden himself descends ideologically from this nexus.

The 1994 Civil War and its Aftermath

The Islah Party was one of Ali Saleh’s most important local backers during the war.

After the war of 1994, Ali Saleh turned a blind eye to the activities of the Islamist militants, even allowing their sympathizers to work in his intelligence services, according to a former FBI Special Agent and other reports. Moreover, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, the current vice president and preeminent military commander, played an essential role in the growing power of the Arab veterans of the anti-Soviet jihad.

History Repeated?

. The STC said its forces would hold Aden until the Islamist Islah party, a backbone of President Hadi’s recognized Yemeni government, and other northerners, were removed from power positions in the south. From the other side, the Yemeni government accused STC of staging a coup in Aden.

The events in Aden raised fears of a repeat of the 1994 war scenario.

In response to this situation, with the activation of terrorist cells in areas of Yemen, the UAE carried out airstrikes against “terrorist elements” in late August, though Yemen’s government accused the UAE of bombing its forces in Aden.

The UAE Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it was defending itself and responding to threats from armed groups against the Arab coalition in Aden. The statement did not refer to the Yemeni government, but a long history of intertwined relations between the Yemeni government and radical Islamic militias makes confidence in this government very fragile.

The Role of the UAE in Yemeni Counterterrorism

The UAE, along with the Arab Coalition and the United States, plays a prominent role in the fight against terrorism in Yemen. These efforts have liberated many areas from Al-Qaeda, including the important coastal city of Mukalla in south Yemen. The southern forces formed by the Arab Alliance have long been considered more effective strategic ally than the national army – by Muneer Binwaber

My comment: This article is somewhat pro-UAE, pro-Southern separatists, and anti-Islah Party. For the author:

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(B H)

Yemen upcycles shot-up buses to ease water shortage

Once a bus wreck peppered with bullet holes, the pristine white water tanker parked in front of a Yemen university now delivers water to students in the war-torn and cholera-hit south.

Sitting among still battle-scarred buses, the tanker was repurposed by student welfare officer Nashwan el-Rebasi, who has made a mini fleet of water transporters for the university at the foot of the Taez mountains.

"The idea was born out of the water shortages in the region and the total lack of a reservoir at the university," said the 35-year-old. "Eighty percent of the buses at the university were destroyed," said Rebasi from behind the wheel of one of his tankers, which he created by working "tirelessly" for a fortnight.

In an open air workshop, university technicians dismantle other buses, leaving only the driver's seat and the chassis onto which tanks are attached in place of passenger benches.

Four passenger buses have been reincarnated as water tankers in total, to help 200 dormitory-dwelling students out of the university's 40,000-strong student body.

"We've had several assembly issues and have struggled to find spare parts on the market," explained technician Mohamed Amin.

The tankers are filled from what little rainwater falls in the area and from the boreholes still under government control.

The scheme costs the university 700,000 Yemeni riyals a month ($2,700 at the official rate, $1,300 on the black market). =

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A K pH)

706 Civilians Killed, Wounded by Aggression Fire in Hodeidah in 9 Months

The number of civilians killed and wounded in Hodeidah province by Saudi-led coalition airstrikes and its mercenaries attacks since the signing of Stockholm Agreement in December 2018 has risen to about 706, mostly children and women.

(A K pH)

YemenPress correspondent said that the forces of aggression bombed 12 artillery shells scattered places from the al-Jabaliah area of Tuhaita district, Hodeidah province.

He added that the forces of aggression targeted by artillery shells and machine guns many houses of citizens in the area of al-Jah in Beit al-Faqih district.

(A K pS)

Joint forces subjected to heavy shelling in Hodeidah

(A K)

Houthis dispatch reinforcements toward Yemen's Hodeidah

Pro-government Yemeni forces on Sunday blamed the Houthi rebel group for dispatching military reinforcements toward areas in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah.

The Houthis established new military sites and barracks in Hodeidah's southeastern parts, said a statement released by the pro-government Giants Brigades.

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi forces targeted several areas of At-tohayta district with 12 artillery shells. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted civilians' houses in Baet Al-Faqih district with artillery shells and machine-guns.

(A K pS)

Films: Houthi militias target citizens' homes in Al-Metina in Tahta

(A K pS)

Child killed by mine explosion in Al-Khokha district south of Hodeidah


(A K pS)

Army defeats Houthi militia attack in Hodeidah

(A H K pS)

Film: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Red Crescent on Saturday (September 21st) provided shelter and food assistance to families who survived shelling of Houthi militias on a residential neighborhood in Hais district, south of Hodeidah province in western Yemen.

(A K pH)

Sep. 21: In Hodeidah, US-Saudi forces targeted civilians' houses in Kilo-16 with shells.

(A K pH)

Sep. 20: US-Saudi forces targeted 7th-July area with artillery shells.

cp1c1 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Deutsch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: German

(* B K P)

Bei den Saudis brennt das Öl, im Jemen das ganze Land

Es fällt schwer, über den Drohnenangriff auf die Ölförderanlagen in Saudi-Arabien eine Träne zu vergießen

Doch jetzt schreien plötzlich alle auf, weil in Saudi-Arabien ein Ölfeld brennt? Klar ist der Drohnenangriff auf die Anlagen des größten Ölexporteurs der Welt zu verurteilen. Ohne Frage. Der wirtschaftliche Schaden soll enorm sein. Dass dadurch das teuerste Unternehmen der Welt, die staatliche Ölfördergesellschaft Aramco, weniger Wert sein wird, ist nicht zu vermeiden. Aramco macht normalerweise unglaubliche 500 Millionen US-Dollar Gewinn am Tag. Nächste Woche wollte die Gesellschaft an die Börse gehen. Das wird wohl erst einmal verschoben. Die Bewertung von Aramco ist dramatisch abgesackt.

Damit hat der Raketenangriff Saudi-Arabien mindestens 500 Milliarden Dollar in einer einzigen Nacht gekostet. Trotzdem fällt es schwer, eine Träne darüber zu vergießen. Saudi-Arabien gilt als eines der reichsten Länder auf unserem Globus. Der Jemen ist eines der ärmsten.

Das Königshaus behauptet, Iran stecke dahinter, die Drohnen kämen nicht aus dem Süden, wo Jemen liegt, sondern aus dem Norden. Dort liegen Jordanien, Syrien und der Irak. Einen Beweis dafür sind die Saudis allerdings bis heute schuldig geblieben. Fakt ist wohl, dass das Geschoss „made in Iran“ war. Doch davon gibt es massenweise in der Region.

Bei der Achterbahnfahrt, die die Weltöffentlichkeit in der Gemengelage im Mittleren Osten gerade verfolgt, geht es aber längst nicht mehr um Fakten. Es geht um Macht und Einfluss in der ölreichsten Region der Welt. Dass das schwarze Gold noch immer eine immense Rolle spielt, zeigt die Reaktion auf die Drohnenangriffe nur allzu deutlich. US-Präsident Donald Trump hat sogar Truppen in den Wüstenstaat geschickt, um – ja was? - die Ölfelder zu schützen? – von Birgit Svensson,-bei-den-saudis-brennt-das-oel-im-jemen-das-ganze-land-_arid,1862609.html

Mein Kommentar: Die große Ausnahme im täglichen Mainstream-Propagandabrei. Danke.

(* B K P)

Saudische Verwundbarkeit

Saudi-Arabien hat Hunderte Milliarden Dollar in seine Rüstung investiert. Auf keine Bevölkerung der Welt kommen so viele Waffen pro Kopf. Wie kann es sein, dass die Saudis trotzdem völlig wehrlos gegen die jüngste Attacke auf ihre Ölanlagen waren?

Wie immer in Saudi-Arabien wird man über die Aufklärung der internen Abläufe nichts erfahren. Der verantwortliche Offizier dürfte allerdings Glück haben, wenn er mit dem Leben davonkommt, wie ein amerikanischer Militärfachmann anmerkte.

Doch unabhängig davon, woher die Raketen kamen und ob wirklich Iran sie angeordnet hat – für Saudi-Arabien ist asymmetrischer Krieg eigentlich nichts Neues. Im Jemen hat das Königreich sich schließlich nicht mit einer konventionellen Armee angelegt, sondern mit Rebellen.

Im August warnten amerikanische Wissenschaftler des Center for Strategic and International Studies vor einem Angriff auf die Anlage in Abqaiq, da sie mit ihren Lagertanks und Kompressorzügen besonders verwundbar sei.

Daraus folgte – nichts. Der saudische Oberst verwies am Mittwoch auf die vielen ballistischen Raketen, die sein Militär bisher erfolgreich abgefangen habe. Doch genau darin liegt das Problem: Gegen derartige Angriffe mögen die Saudis sich verteidigen können, nicht aber gegen tieffliegende Drohnen und Marschflugkörper ohne vorhersehbare Flugbahn. Die bleiben buchstäblich unter dem Radar. Erst wenn sie über dem Horizont auftauchen, werden sie sichtbar – doch dann ist es meistens schon zu spät, um zu reagieren.

Auf solche Angriffe waren die Saudis schlicht nicht vorbereitet. Sie haben zwar hochmoderne Kampfflugzeuge, aber die Abwehrsysteme sind veraltet.

Selbst modernste Waffen nützen aber nichts, wenn es an Knowhow fehlt. Im Jemen ist Riad voll auf amerikanische Unterstützung angewiesen.

Das könnte daran liegen, dass Posten im Königreich lieber an Vetter vergeben werden als an die besten Offiziere. Viele Prinzen finden es vor allem schick, eine Luftwaffenausbildung zu machen. Schwierig macht die Verteidigung außerdem, dass die saudischen Einheiten verschiedenen Chefs unterstehen – von Livia Gerster

(* A K P)

Die neuesten Entwicklungen nach den Angriffen in Saudiarabien in der Übersicht

Nach Drohnenangriffen auf Ölanlagen in Saudiarabien wächst die Sorge über eine Eskalation im Nahen Osten. Wer steckt hinter den Angriffen, und wie reagieren die USA auf die Attacken gegen ihren Verbündeten?

Die neuesten Entwicklungen

Was ist passiert?

Wer steckt hinter dem Angriff?

Wie reagiert Iran auf die Vorwürfe?

Was bedeutet der Angriff für die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Iran?

Und wieso wird Saudiarabien keinen direkten Gegenschlag gegen Iran wagen?

Wie stark beeinträchtigt der Angriff die Ölproduktion?

(* B K P)

Angriff auf Ölraffinerie in Saudi-Arabien: Ins Herz getroffen

Der Raketenangriff auf die größte Ölraffinerie der Welt setzt Saudi-Arabien schwer zu. Das Land demonstriert Widerstandsfähigkeit - und will Vergeltung. Eindrücke vom Ort des Anschlags.

Der Schaden ist dennoch immens. Aramco will demnächst an die Börse gehen. Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman, 34, der das Land de-facto regiert, setzte den Wert des Staatsunternehmens mit zwei Billionen Dollar an, höher als für jede andere Firma zuvor.

Doch manche Analysten werden jetzt fragen, was es bedeutet, wenn die Sicherungssysteme gegen Angriffe aus der Luft bei dem Konzern komplett versagen können und Terroristen mit nur einem Anschlag innerhalb von Minuten die Wirtschaft des Landes weithin lahmlegen können?

Am schmerzhaftesten ist vielleicht die Professionalität, mit der diese Attacke ausgeführt wurde. Saudi-Arabien ist überzeugt davon, dass der Erzfeind Iran dahinter steckt. Teheran verneint dies vehement.

Drohnen-Fabrik in Jemen?

Für die Möglichkeit, dass die Houthis tatsächlich nicht nur Handlanger der Iraner sind, sondern selbst über die notwendige Technologie und das Know-how verfügen, spricht wiederum, dass die Rebellen schon vor dem Krieg Waffen über das Mittelmeer ins Land schafften, behaupten Beobachter in Sanaa, die nicht dem Houthi-Lager angehören. Ein Waffenexperte in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt, der seinen Namen nicht veröffentlicht sehen will, sagte dem SPIEGEL, er selbst habe ein Jahr vor dem Krieg, 2014, im Hafen von Salif nahe Hodaidah gesehen, wie zwei iranische Schiffe anlegten. Große Mengen an Waffen seien damals Richtung Sanaa geschafft worden. Jemen verfüge selbst über zwei Produktionsstätten für Drohnen und Missiles.

In Riad ist man um Contenance bemüht. Man sieht sich als Opfer einer brutalen Anschlagsserie. "Es gibt ein Land, das Gutes will und ein anderes Land, das Böses will," sagte der Staatsminister für Außenpolitik, Adel Al-Jubeir, am Samstag in Riad vor Medienvertretern – von Susanne Koelbl

Mein Kommentar: „Embedded journalism“. Ingenieurs-Heldenlyrik. Kein „Terroranschlag“, sondern Krieg, den die Saudis selbst vom Zaun gebrochen haben.

Aus den Kommentaren: Geradezu obszön, wie dieser Artikel einen erfolgreichen Gegenschlag der Jemeniten gegen saudische Infrastruktur versucht zu skandalisieren, sowie die mögliche Beteiligung Irans als Lieferanten der eingesetzten Drohnen und/oder Marschflugkörper. Der Jemen wird seit Jahren von den Saudis flächenbebombt ist ist heute Heimat einer der schlimmsten humanitären Katastrophen seit Dekaden. Und die militärische Hardware hierzu stammen aus den USA und Europa, auch Deutschland immer fleissig mit dabei. Zynischer geht's gar nicht mehr.

Kompletter tendenziöser Artikel...... was hat die liebe Redakteurin wohl bekommen, dass sie US-Interessen in einem deutschen Blatt vertritt ? Habe selten sowas Lächerliches gelesen. Denken die SPON-er tatsächlich, sie könnten mit solcher Meinungsmache bewirken, dass man den Terrorstaat Saudi-Arabien bemitleidet ? tztz, Leute...

Vergessen die Bombardements im Jemen, vergessen die Hinrichtung von Jamal Khashoggi (immer ist noch nicht geklärt, was mit seiner Leiche geschehen ist), vergessen sind als Menschenrechtsverletzungen des "Königreichs", Vom Iran spricht man immer vom Mullah-Regime. Die Journalistin spricht von Terrorakt. Weiss sie nicht, dass sich Saudi-Arabien im Krieg befindet. Menschliche Opfer sind zu vernachlässigen, sie finden in der Berichterstattung nur vereinzelt statt.

cp1c2 Am wichtigsten: Angriff auf Saudi Aramco: Englisch / Most important: Saudi Aramco attack: English

Siehe / Look at cp9, cp9a

(** B K P)

Was Iran really behind the attack on Saudi Aramco facilities?

One of the most far-fetched claims thus far has been from US investigators suggesting that the Saudis have recovered a “pristine circuit board” from a cruise missile retrieved from the attack site. This is reminiscent of the claims that one of the 9/11 hijackers’ passports survived the attack on the World Trade Centre.

What the Saudis did state, though, was that 18 drones were launched against the Abqaiq oil facility and seven cruise missiles targeted the Khurais oil fields, three of which fell short. Satellite images provided by the US government of the attack sites revealed at least 17 separate impact points.

However, this is not sufficient evidence that the attacks came from Iranian territory. Retired General Mark Hertling told CNN that the images “really don’t show anything, other than pretty good accuracy on the strike of the oil tanks.”

Furthermore, the evidence made public does not suggest that the attacks came from the north or north-west (which would have us believe that the source was either Iran-aligned Iraqi territory or from south-west Iran, which would be north-east of the attack sites). They also do not point to the south, which would be the most likely trail leading to the Houthis in Yemen.

It appears more likely that the targets were struck from the west when one looks at the close-up images of the tanks from the Abqaiq facility against the arrow indicating due north. This may corroborate an announcement by Houthi spokesman Saree following the attack, that after careful intelligence gathering and monitoring, it was implemented with “the cooperation of honourable and free men within the Kingdom”, a likely reference to the 15-20 per cent of the population who form the Saudi Shia community concentrated mainly in the oil rich but socio-economically deprived east of the country.

Dr Stephen Byren, writing in the Asia Times, is of the opinion that the Houthis did not carry out the attack, but he certainly believes that, “Saudi Arabia was infiltrated by well-trained operators who were close to the targets and were able to guide the terminal phase of the attacking cruise missiles (and maybe the drones) via video transmitted from the missiles and drones.”

This theory adds credence to the idea of local involvement. Arguably, the targets were carefully selected. With regard to the Abqaiq oil processing plant, at least 11 of the 17 points of impact were tanks containing liquid gas; the piping, it has been suggested, was configured such that any damage to one or a group of tanks, would not affect the overall production process, as it would simply be re-routed to the next tank. However, with all tanks in this particular area being taken out, production was interrupted. “The targeting for this attack was done with detailed knowledge of the process and its dependencies… they may have been launched from within Saudi Arabia.”

This is not to say that Iran did not have a rational motive to carry out the attack.

It is their advanced weaponry and defence systems that the Saudis are ultimately employing and relying upon for their state security. The Gulf, after all, is one of the most monitored areas in the world, with US-supplied radar systems and missiles facing Iran, not only in Saudi territory, but also in other Gulf neighbours and on US ships fitted with Aegis air ballistic defence systems. If true, this attack exposes the failure of the US defence systems as deployed there.

The question that must be asked is this: how were almost two dozen missiles and drones not detected, especially if they came from Iran? A former US Navy officer who has experience in the region told Business Insider, “It’s very hard to imagine a salvo of 17 shots from Iranian territory not being picked up via some land and sea radars.”

If there is concrete evidence of Iranian involvement, it should be available from US radar data gathered in the Gulf. A NATO military official posted to Saudi Arabia acknowledged that such data can be obtained easily if the US wanted it, but, “If they haven’t released that info, it’s because either they don’t have it or the Saudis asked for a delay for domestic political reasons.”

Although, as the Military Times points out, the multitude of US made Patriot air defences in Saudi’s arsenal “are meant to shoot down hostile aircraft or shorter-range ballistic missiles. Patriots provide ‘point defence’ — not protection of wide swaths of territory — and it’s unclear whether any were positioned close to the oil sites.”

In spite of the billions which Saudi Arabia has spent on US-made defence systems, and its reliance on US intelligence, the US does not have “an unblinking eye over the entire Middle East at all times,” said Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Whoever was behind the attack, the truth is that the balance of power has changed with the human costs in Yemen pitted against the economic and political costs of the war for the Saudis.

The Yemenis, of course, are within their right under international law to defend themselves against foreign aggression. In their eyes, an attack on an oil producing facility that contributes to the Saudi war machine — which has included 17,000 air raids and the dropping of 50,000 bombs, many on non-military targets — is entirely legitimate.

The fact that the drones were Iranian made or supplied should not be a reason to go to war with Iran. After all, Tehran has merely done the same as Washington by supplying arms to one of the belligerents in the conflict.

Avoiding war with Iran becomes increasingly difficult, however, when there are policymakers intent on justifying military action, especially without providing credible, concrete evidence. This won’t be the first time that a war was predicated on lies, though. There are also those in the media with their delusionary push for armed conflict – by Omar Ahmed

(** B K P)

After the Aramco Attack: A Middle East One Step Closer to Its “1914 Moment”

For much of 2019, Crisis Group has warned that a trigger event could spark direct military confrontation between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, on one side, and Iran on the other, precipitating a regional conflagration. The combination of the U.S. “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, Iranian pushback, the spiralling civil war in Yemen and the paucity of de-escalation channels available to the rival actors has primed the region for such an outcome, even if neither side wants it. Now more than ever, cooler heads are needed to lower the temperature, break the escalatory cycle and chart a diplomatic off-ramp.

If credible evidence shows that the attacks originated in Iranian territory, it would mark a stark departure from Tehran’s strategy of pushback through proxies and plausible deniability. It would also almost certainly make de-escalation more challenging. Regardless, in many ways the die is cast. For the U.S. and its allies, this incident is an attack by Iran upon the heart of the Saudi and global oil infrastructure. They face a dilemma of whether and how to respond, given the risk of starting a chain reaction that puts the Gulf at the forefront of targets for counterattack and sets the region on fire, potentially drawing in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Israel.

Iran – by Ali Vaez and Naysan Rafati

Iraq – by Maria Fantappie

Gulf – by Elizabeth Dickinson

Yemen – by Peter Salisbury

United States – by Daniel Schneiderman

Israel – by Ofer Zalzberg


From the very beginning, Yemen’s Huthi movement (who call themselves Ansar Allah) has claimed responsibility for the attacks on Khurais and Abqaiq. The group justifies these attacks as a response to what it describes as Saudi Arabia’s siege of Yemen by land, air and sea, as well as four and a half years of Saudi-led bombardment that have caused thousands of civilian casualties and massive destruction. They reject U.S. claims that they lack the technical sophistication required to launch such an operation, pointing to the long-range drones they unveiled earlier this year, which they say are home-made.

Senior Huthi leaders have threatened for some time to launch more effective and sophisticated assaults on Saudi Arabia’s oil and transport infrastructure. They say attacks will continue until the Saudis agree to direct talks with them and the Sanaa-based government and to mutual de-escalation. They accuse the internationally recognised government of Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi of being little more than a front for Saudi and U.S. interests that is hence unable to negotiate a settlement of Yemen’s war. They may now be tempted to launch a strike that clearly originates from Yemen in an attempt to show that they have the capacity to hit deep in Saudi Arabia and with accuracy. Some in the movement believe a regional conflagration would work to their advantage, drawing Saudi and U.S. attention away from the war in Yemen and giving Saudi Arabia reason to quickly end the war on its southern flank so that it can focus on other fronts. Yet many others want to avoid this outcome, not least because they worry it could bring new levels of destruction.

The Huthis’ Yemeni critics say it is the northern rebels who are a front for external interests, namely the Islamic Republic’s, pointing to their immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks as proof of close coordination between the movement and its purported Iranian handlers.

Regardless of the provenance of the attacks, the risks for Yemen are clear. Crisis Group has warned repeatedly that absent a wide-ranging political process, including direct Huthi-Saudi talks aimed at de-escalating cross-border attacks and opening political space for intra-Yemeni discussions, Yemen will become more deeply enmeshed in the regional Cold War and become either a trigger for a regional hot war or the target of a U.S. attempt to strike at a symbol of Iranian expansionism. Military escalation on the part of the U.S. or its allies in Yemen would likely prove counterproductive, intensifying and lengthening the civil war to the detriment of Yemeni and Saudi Arabian civilians alike, and to any hope of a stable region. =

(* B K P)

Yemeni children considered covering themselves in oil? Lee Camp bashes US reactions to Saudi refinery attacks & Yemen bombings

Despite painting Donald Trump as a habitual liar for years already, his accusations against Iran appeared to be A-OK for the American mainstream media, the host of comedy show Redacted Tonight pointed out. The same lack of doubt seemed to extend to the words of the Saudis, who had denied disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi and then admitted to dismembering him a bit at their consulate.

“You mean the murderous horrible regime of Saudi Arabia has a reason to lie? And the murderous horrible regime of Donald Trump has reason to lie?” Camp wondered. “MSNBC wants you to believe Trump is a habitual liar unless he’s saying something we want him to.”

When it comes to starting wars with countries we’ve been trying to destroy for decades, [Trump] never tells a lie.

Moreover, it’s the Saudi oil that was hurt, not some Yemeni children who have been bombed by Saudis for years with US-made munitions. Oil makes the MSM truly care, Camp said, adding that the Yemenis should try “covering themselves in oil” to be finally noticed by the media.


(* B K P)

Who Launched That Mystery Attack?

The Mideast has its own variety of crazy humor. The Saudis have been blasting and bombing wretched Yemen, one of this world's poorest nations, since 2015.

These US-supported attacks and a naval blockade of Yemen imposed by Saudi Arabia and its sidekick ally, the United Arab Emirates, have caused mass starvation. No one knows how many Yemenis have died or are currently starving. Estimates run from 250,000 to one million.

The black humor? The Saudis just claimed they were victims of Iranian "aggression" this past week after the kingdom's leading oil treatment facility at Abqaiq was hit by a flight of armed drones or cruise missiles. The usual American militarists, now led by State Secretary Mike Pompeo after the demented warmonger, John Bolton, was finally fired, are calling for military retaliation against Iran even though the attack was claimed by Yemen's Shia Houthi movement.

I studied US photos of the damaged Saudi oil installations. Its oil tanks appear to be precisely hit at the same place. After the attack, the Saudis claimed half of their oil production was knocked out; but a day later, they vowed production would be resumed within a week. Parts of so-called drones were shown that appeared way beyond the technological capabilities of Yemen or even Iran. The missiles may have been supplied by Ukraine.

The Saudis, like their patron in Washington, have a poor record for truthfulness

The pattern of so-called drone attacks against the Saudi oil installations is just too neat and symmetrical. The Israelis have a strong interest in promoting a US-Saudi War.

As a long-time military observer, I find it very hard to believe that drones could be guided over such long distances and so accurately without aircraft or satellites to guide them. In Yemen, which is just creeping into the 12th century, changing a flat tire is a major technological achievement. To date, Iran's missile arsenal has poor reliability and major guidance problems.

Adding to the questions, the Saudis have spent billions on US-made air defense systems. They failed to protect the oil installations.

Bombing Iran's oil infrastructure would be relatively easy and has been intensively planned since early 2002. But what next? So-called "regime change" (Washington's favorite euphemism for overthrowing disobedient foreign governments) rarely works as planned and can get the US into horribly messy situations. The CIA overthrew Iran's democratic government in 1953 and look where we are today.

Perhaps the attacks on Abqaiq may cause the reckless Saudi leaders to stop devastating Yemen and throttle back on their proxy war against Iran which has gone on since 1979. But don't count on it – by Eric Margolis =

(* B K P)

Film: Persian Gulf tension (E298)

‘Locked and loaded,’ says Donald Trump. ‘Bring it on,’ say the Iranians. Are we really on the brink of all-out war in the Persian Gulf? The proximate cause is the aerial attack on Saudi Arabia’s biggest oil refinery; it cut the kingdom’s exports by half and reduced world supply by five percent, causing a shockwave in prices at the pump. But in whose interest was this attack? Robert Carter is a broadcaster, journalist and Iran expert, so we invited him into the Sputnik studio to discuss the repercussions of the attack.

(* B K)

The Houthi Attack Against Saudi Oil Facilities Justifies Turkey’s S-400 Acquisition

With the attack having such a huge economic impact on Saudi Arabia, it must be questioned why the U.S. Patriot system failed to defend the Kingdom from Yemeni drones and missiles. For Riyadh, this must become a critical question since their country also happens to be the largest purchaser of U.S. weapons in the Middle East. This humiliating attack should make Riyadh rethink its use of the U.S. Patriot missile defense system to ensure its security.

U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, attempted to downplay the ineffectiveness of the Patriot system against the Yemeni attack that dealt a huge blow to the Saudi economy and reputation of American defense systems. He claimed all “air defense systems around the world […] work with varying degrees of success.”

With Saudi Arabia investing billions of dollars into the Patriot system, it would be expected that they could have a near 100% success rate in hitting their target. It is for this reason that Russian Senate Security and Defense Committee member Franz Klintsevich, in a jovial way to lure new customers, stated that “if Saudi Arabia had installed the Russian anti-aircraft systems, this would not have happened. The S-300 and S-400 missile systems, supported by the Pantsir S-1 would not have allowed any of the drones and missiles to hit their target. The Saudis should think about it.”

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(B K P)

Should U.S. troops put their lives on the line for Saudi Arabia?

Defending Saudi oil production is not a vital U.S. interest.

(A E K)

Oil falls below $64 on prospects for Saudi output restart, economic concerns

Oil fell below $64 a barrel on Monday, reversing an earlier gain, pressured by the prospect of a faster-than-expected full restoration of Saudi oil output and by fresh signs of European economic weakness.

(* A E K)

Saudi Arabia to restore full oil output by next week: source

Saudi Arabia has restored more than 75% of crude output lost after attacks on its facilities and will return to full volumes by early next week, a source briefed on the latest developments told Reuters on Monday.

Saudi’s oil production from its Khurais plant is now at more than 1.3 million barrels per day, while current production from its Abqaiq plant is at about 3 million bpd, the source said.

Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and the chief executive of state oil company Aramco, Amin Nasser, have said the output will be fully back online by the end of September.

(A E K)

Oil gains more than 1% on Saudi supply doubts, Mideast tensions

Oil prices rose more than 1% on Monday on doubts over how fast Saudi Arabia can restore full crude output after an attack earlier this month on its largest processing facility, and as tensions in the Middle East remained high.

(A E K)

Europe gasoline exports to Mideast surge after Saudi attacks

Gasoline exports from Europe to the Middle East and Asia are set to surge this week after recent attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities crippled output at the kingdom’s refineries.

Over 400,000 tonnes of gasoline and gasoline blending components have been booked in the past week for loading between Sept. 21 and Sept 26 out of northwest Europe with Mideast Gulf delivery options, shipping data shows. The flow is the equivalent of around 500,000 barrels per day.

(A K P)

Zarif: Yemenis Responded Attacking Oil Refinery, not Hospital or School as Saudi-led Aggression Does

Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, on Sunday criticized the US position on Yemen's operation targeting Saudi oil facilities, noting that Yemenis took revenge on four and a half years of attacks and killing hundreds of thousands by the Saudis.

He said, in a an interview with CGTN, that "the Yemeni resistance attacked a refinery instead of retaliating for Saudi attacks on Saudi civilians, and no one was killed."

Zarif dismissed the US claim that Iran was involved in the Yemeni operation against Saudi oil facilities, adding "It is interesting that the US finds the attack on a refinery unacceptable while it assists in attacking Yemeni civilians." He rejected US allegations that Iran was involved in the Yemeni drone attack on Saudi oil facilities.

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia says if attack launched from Iran, it would be an act of war: CNN

If an investigation shows that last week’s attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities was launched from Iranian territory, the kingdom would consider it an act of war, but Riyadh is currently seeking a peaceful resolution, a senior Saudi official said.

“We hold Iran responsible because the missiles and the drones that were fired at Saudi Arabia...were Iranian-built and Iranian-delivered,” Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir told CNN late on Saturday.

“But to launch an attack from your territory, if that is the case, puts us in a different category... this would be considered an act of war.”

My comment: How stupid is this? If the attacks launched from Yemen, they would not be an act of war? How can this depend on who had committed them? From Yemen, of course this would be an act of war – of the war the Saudis had started (or, joined) on March 25, 2015 by starting their bombing campaign.

(* A E P)

The World's Oil Security Blanket Has Been Torched

Holding all of the world’s spare production capacity in Saudi Arabia has always been a risk.

The real impact of the attack on Saudi oil installations last weekend goes well beyond the temporary loss of 5% of global oil production: It strikes at the heart of the mechanism that’s guaranteed the security of the world’s crude supply for most of the past 50 years.

Ever since the western oil majors lost control of output in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s willingness to maintain idle production capacity has been the world’s safety valve to offset its dependence on the volatile region. When there was conflict and blockages elsewhere, Riyadh could always turn on the taps and serve the international market. But its new vulnerability requires a complete rethink of how we view and perhaps pay for the future security of supplies.

My comment: Well, the world always is changing. Well, even without all this mess, the age of oil is reaching its end.

(A E K)

Saudi Aramco has emerged from attacks 'stronger than ever' - CEO

Saudi Aramco has emerged from attacks on its oil facilities “stronger than ever”, Chief Executive Amin Nasser told employees in a message, adding that full oil production would resume by the end of this month.

“The fires that were intended to destroy Saudi Aramco had an unintended consequence: they galvanized 70,000 of us around a mission to rebound quickly and confidently, and Saudi Aramco has come out of this incident stronger than ever,”

“Every second counts in moments like these.“

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia to wait for investigation before responding to attacks: minister

Saudi Arabia will wait for the results of an investigation before responding to last weekend’s attack on its oil facilities, for which it believes Iran is responsible, a senior official said on Saturday.

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir told reporters that the probe, which Riyadh has invited international investigators to join, would prove that the Sept. 14 strikes came from the north.

“It was done with Iranian weapons, therefore we hold Iran accountable for this attack...” Jubeir told a news conference, declining to speculate about specific actions. “The kingdom will take the appropriate measures based on the results of the investigation, to ensure its security and stability.”

(* A K P)

Dispute Between US Officials over How to Respond to Aramco Attack

Following the recent devastating raids by Yemeni troops on Saudi oil facilities, officials within the administration of US President Donald Trump were divided over how to respond, an informed source told Foreign Policy.

Defense officials argued that the United States should refrain from an aggressive military response and instead carry out covert action in conjunction with diplomatic engagement next week at the United Nations General Assembly, according to a senior administration official.

But, the State department advocated for a “substantial increase in forces”, in contrast to the Pentagon’s less “escalatory” path, the official stated.

Trump has appeared conflicted on how to respond to the attack. After the American leader initially declared “locked and loaded” to hit back against Tehran, he subsequently said he wanted to avoid a war with Iran.

(A K P)

Even Saudis don’t believe Iranian involvement in Aramco attacks: Zarif

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has lashed out at the US and Saudis for blaming Iran over the recent Yemeni drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities,

“Since the Saudi regime has blamed Iran—baseless as that is—for the attacks on its oil facilities, curious that they retaliated against Hodaideh in Yemen today—breaking a UN ceasefire. It is clear that even the Saudis themselves don't believe the fiction of Iranian involvement,”

(* B K)

Inside Saudi Arabia's response to a raid on the heart of the oil kingdom

Amin Nasser, the chief executive of state-run Saudi Aramco, which owns the two plants, rushed to Aramco’s emergency-response room at the company’s headquarters in the oil-producing Eastern Province, where he was joined by other senior managers, according to several people briefed on the matter. There was a sense of shock at the scale of the damage, some of the people said.

By midday Saturday in Saudi Arabia, Nasser and other senior company Aramco executives were headed to the damaged plants, first to Khurais and then to Abqaiq, one of the sources briefed on the matter said.

That night, Nasser was joined at Abqaiq, the world’s biggest oil processing facility, by Prince Abdulaziz and Aramco’s new chairman Yassir al-Rumayyan, according to sources and pictures released by the state news agency.

Aramco, which runs a variety of large projects in the kingdom, deployed more than 5,000 contractors and pulled employees from other projects to work around the clock to bring production back, according to Nasser’s public comments and one of the sources briefed on the matter.

(B K P)

Film by Press TV Iran: Aramco attacks busted US Saudi military might myth!

Watch: Aramco attacks busted US Saudi military might myth!

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(A P)

Sultan Al Jaber: UAE-Saudi relations are cornerstone of regional stability and prosperity

Dr. Sultan bin Ahmad Sultan Al Jaber, Minister of State and Chairman of the National Media Council, has said that relations between the UAE and Saudi Arabia set an exemplary model for brotherly relations in the region, reinforced by the leadership of both countries.

In a statement on the occasion of the 89th Saudi National Day, the minister extended his sincere congratulations to the Kingdom's leadership, government and people, saying that the UAE's joining in the celebrations "comes from the heart and embodies the relations of brotherhood that unite us."

(* B E H P)

„Perceiving Yemen“ goes online

On September 10, 2019, YPC in collaboration with Data4Change is launching the “Perceiving Yemen” website. The site was designed by an international team and gives an overview of life in 26 of Yemen’s 28 governorates and shows how the living situation compares to each other, providing valuable information to all stakeholders. The data was collected in a nationwide survey with a sample of 1500 between the ages of 15 and 24 across Yemen. The data set is part of the EU-funded project “Youth Voices in Yemen.”

Website (Arabic):

(B H K P)

SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties Briefs the US Congress on the Human Rights Situation in Yemen

SAM delegate Saif Al Muthanna called members of Congress and decision-makers and attendees, to play their important role to avoid a terrible humanitarian tragedy that could cause the death of millions of innocent people. The organization also called for a just peace, to normalize life, the formation of a Yemeni government; stop the US logistical and military support and stop selling arms to the UAE and Saudi Arabia and lift the siege imposed on Yemen. SAM also called to pressure all parties to sit and dialogue

(B K P)

Saudi Opposition: War against Yemen Trap, Ending with Disaster for AlSaud Regime

Saudi opposition leader, Mohammed Al-Mas'ari, said that the Saudi-led war against Yemen is a divine trap, predicting that it would end with a defeat for Saudi regime and a catastrophe for the Saudis.

During a meeting with the UN on the sidelines of the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Al-Mas'ari said that the main concern of the Al-Saud family is that the Arab Peninsula and the surrounding areas should not have a system based on popular accountability legitimacy.

(* B K P)

Film by TRT: Proxy war between Iran & Saudi in Yemen heats up

Defence analyst Oubai Shahbandar discusses the latest Saudi strikes against Iranian backed Houthi militants and how the recent missile attacks on Saudi oil facilities figures into the ongoing conflict with Iran

(* A K P)

Houthi rebel drones could strike Dubai, says UAE

The UAE has warned that Houthi rebels in Yemen are capable of striking Dubai or Abu Dhabi, as spiralling tensions from the Saudi Arabia oil crisis risk spilling over into the Emirates.

Officials in the UAE said that if the Houthis, a militia aligned with Iran, were to strike at tourist and global business hubs, they would be "attacking not only the UAE, but the world".

The Houthis made threats against the UAE last week in retaliation for its involvement in the civil war in Yemen. T

My comment: Just make sure that this does not happen, stop taking part in the Yemen War. – And it’s not the „world“ which would have been attacked in such a case.

(A K P)

Including Yemen. Military exercise of the Red Sea countries in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

A mixed sea exercise was launched Sunday in Saudi Arabia, with the participation of 6 countries bordering the Red Sea.

Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Djibouti and Somalia are participating in the exercise. According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA)

(B K P)

Voice from Yemen

Ahmed Jahaf: My latest article in the @FTT_np (Voice from #Yemen)

(* A E H P)

[Aden; Hadi government] CBY Governor to Asharq Al-Awsat: Yemen Donors Must Transfer Funds through Central Bank

The newly appointed Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) Governor, Ahmed Al Fadhli, said the upcoming strategy will rely on a number of main factors and that monetary policy will be decided in coordination with the country’s finance ministry.
Speaking on European aid, he told Asharq Al-Awsat: “We first want to emphasize to the donor countries in general that all the aid that comes to Yemen to finance projects, either directly or through affiliated organizations, must pass through the main banking system.”
He clarified that any money transferred outside the system, even if for relief purposes, fails in benefiting the Yemeni public and state.
He stressed that such practices have negative repercussions on the Yemeni economy.

My comment: The Hadi government claims they must control (and get into its hands] ALL humanitarian funds which are sent to Yemen – and by this of course also have their corrupt hands in the distribution.

(A K P)

Yemen’s Houthi leader vows more crushing response to Saudi attacks

Leader of Yemen’s ruling Houthi Ansarullah movement says future attacks against those committing acts of aggression against his country, namely Saudi Arabia and allies, would be more painful than a series of recent strikes targeting oil installations east of the northern kingdom.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said on Saturday that if Saudis want to go ahead with their relentless bombardment of Yemen and its civilians, Ansarullah would target them and their allies deep in their territories.

“Now after suffering defeat, they better stop attacks and aggression against Yemen,”

(* A K P)

"Eine kraftvolle Geste des Willens, diesen Krieg zu beenden"

Der UN-Sondergesandte für den Jemen hat Saudi-Arabien aufgefordert, das Waffenstillstandsangebot der Huthis im Land anzunehmen. Doch die Regierung in Riad sperrt sich

Die Vereinten Nationen bewerten die Ankündigung der Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen, alle Angriffe auf Saudi-Arabien zu stoppen, als positives Signal. Eine Umsetzung der Huthi-Initiative könne eine "kraftvolle Botschaft des Willens" sein, "diesen Krieg zu beenden", sagte der UN-Sondergesandte für den Jemen, Martin Griffiths, am Samstag in New York.

Saudi-Arabien reagierte indes mit Zurückhaltung auf die Ankündigung der Huthi-Rebellen. Außenminister Adel al-Dschubeir sagte am Samstag in Riad, seine Regierung beurteile andere Parteien "auf der Basis ihrer Taten und Handlungen, nicht auf der Basis ihrer Worte". Man werde sehen, ob sich die Huthi-Rebellen an ihre Ankündigung hielten.

Der UN-Sondergesandte betonte, es sei wichtig, "die Gelegenheit zu ergreifen und die nächsten notwendigen Schritte zu ge

beziegt sich aud

(* A K P)

Jemen: Huthi wollen Angriffe stoppen

Die Huthi-Milizen haben angekündigt, Drohnen- und Raketenangriffe auf Saudi-Arabien zu stoppen – wenn auch das Nachbarland die Angriffe beende.

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia cautious over unexpected Houthi offer to halt attacks

Saudi Arabia offered a cautious response on Saturday to an unexpected offer from Yemen's Houthi rebels to halt all of their attacks on the kingdom as part of an initiative to end their country's devastating war.

Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir took a sceptical position towards the announcement from Mehdi al-Mashat, head of the Houthis' supreme political council, of a "halt of all attacks against the territory of Saudi Arabia".

"We judge other parties by their deeds, actions and not by their words, so we will see whether they actually do this or not," the Saudi minister said.

My comment: Just stop bombing Yemen.

Referring to

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis propose to Saudi Arabia that both sides halt missile strikes

(* A K P)

Saudis refuse ceasefire attack Yemen port of Hodeidah

The Saudis claim the sites attacked are a threat to maritime security in the crucial shipping lane of Bab al-Mandeb and the southern Red Sea.

Houthis unilaterally announced a peace initiative

The Houthis decided to try to stop the fighting.

The unilateral ceasefire was announced last Friday.

The Houthis warned of more fighting if their peace move is not accepted: "Mashat said that the Houthis "would not hesitate to launch a period of great pain" if their call for peace was ignored.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Siehe / Look at cp13

(A P)

Arrival Of Two Gas Ships : Yemen Gas Company

Yemen Gas Company on Monday said two ships loaded with gas have been released .

The company after great efforts, the two ships were released on Sunday in Hodeidah port after being held by the Saudi aggression for more than twenty days.

(A P)

13 Organizations From Arab Countries Demanding Opening Of Sana’a Airport

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B P)

What is happening behind the scenes in the Yemen talks?

These talks came as Riyadh and Abu Dhabi shared influence in southern Yemen at the military level through their proxies fighting on the ground. This influence was further legitimized at the political level on the negotiating table that gathered the Yemeni parties in the Saudi city of Jeddah and kicked off Sept. 10.

As things stand now, it seems that Saudi Arabia and the UAE will be given further political legitimacy that would perpetuate their military influence in the country. Saudi Arabia is likely to support the legitimate government just for show, while the UAE would clearly back the STC.

The legitimate government rejected Aug. 10 any dialogue with the STC unless the latter pulled out from all camps and institutions that it took control of on Aug. 10, 2018.

The government demanded the talks be held with the UAE — which is directly responsible for the coalition in Yemen going off-track — as the UAE has been involved in supporting the separatists in southern Yemen. But the government had a change of heart and finally welcomed the dialogue.

In turn, the STC welcomed the Saudi-UAE joint statement calling for the talks and expressed its readiness to attend the Sept. 10 Jeddah conference without any preconditions.

These talks, however, remain ambiguous since the legitimate government has yet to announce the names of its representatives in the negotiations, and there has been no media statement about what is taking place in the political corridors. The STC, on the other hand, seems to be moving more at ease and with clear support from the UAE as it had explicitly declared the names of members of its delegation in the talks and gave comments to the media.

Sources in the Yemen presidential office, who preferred to remain anonymous for political and security reasons, told Al-Monitor, “There are no direct talks between the government and the STC,” stressing that “the current negotiations are taking place between the government and Saudi officials in order to reach a compromise for direct talks between the two.”

“So far, there is no breakthrough in the talks since the STC has imposed a high ceiling on its demands, while the government is also not offering many compromises,” the sources added, excepting the talks to falter.

The STC is seeking participation in the internationally recognized government by assuming positions in the local administrations located in the provinces under government control, such as Shabwa, Seiyun, Hadramut Valley and al-Ghaydah.

In light of the foregoing, the STC is raising the bar so high on its demands that the government cannot meet them as it does not wish to make further concessions, especially after losing the capital, Sanaa, in September 2014 and now the temporary capital of Aden.

Two scenarios are likely to play out after the talks. First, perhaps there will be an agreement to allow the STC to formally exercise authority in the areas under its control, and the government would control Shabwa, Sayun, al-Mahra and Wadi Hadramaut.

The second scenario, which is closer to the current political reality, would be to involve the STC in the government at the expense of the Islah Party with senior positions such as the vice president, and entrust it with major ministries such as the interior in addition to managing the local authority in the governorates under its control – by Ammar al-Ashwal

(* B H)

Sudan and Yemen: why strengthening collaboration, fostering trust and sharing risk is key

Sana’a, Darfur and New York: you may wonder what connects these three places? Next week, Yemen and Sudan will be two countries – amongst others – on the agenda for the UN General Assembly (UNGA), New York’s annual arena for global dialogue. I and many others from the humanitarian community will be there to talk about what more can be done to address both immediate, almost unprecedented levels of humanitarian need, and the root causes fuelling so many of the protracted crises in today’s world.

Both Yemen and Sudan, in very different ways, are at a crossroads.

Yemen’s crossroads is quite different. The world’s most extensive humanitarian crisis continues to unfold in the country.

Yet, the Yemen humanitarian appeal for 2019 is less than 35% funded and it is already late September.

In Sana’a I saw a host of humanitarian actors across the UN and NGO community, all struggling with similar issues: securing access, conducting impartial assessments of needs, and recruiting and retaining the right staff.

Given the scale of humanitarian needs globally, it is essential that improved coordination extends to donors.

Central to this is trust. Both Yemen and Sudan are characterised by extreme mistrust between international actors and the various power structures in each country. A myriad of factions have been embroiled for years in conflicts fuelled by weak governance, grievances and inequitable growth, compounded by broader geopolitical agendas.

Without the building of trust, we will never achieve the unfettered humanitarian access and cooperation that is so badly needed.

Delivering assistance in countries like Yemen and Sudan is fraught with risk.

(A H P)


In Sa’ada province a free integrative outreach campaign was launched today.

The six-day campaign targets 16,000 children under the age of five in remote villages and districts of health centers in the province’s districts.

In the inauguration, the governor of Saada, Mohammed Jaber Awad, stressed the importance of implementing the campaign of free integrative outreach activity for the targeted children and provide them with medicines, care and services to contribute and protect them from fatal diseases.

(* B H)

UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster, REACH Initiative: Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (August 2019)

The Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was launched by REACH in collaboration with the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster and the Cash and Market Working Group (CMWG) to support humanitarian actors with the harmonization of price monitoring among all cash actors in Yemen. The JMMI incorporates information on market systems including price levels and supply chains. The basket of goods to be assessed comprises eight non-food items (NFIs), including fuel, water and hygiene products, reflecting the programmatic areas of the WASH Cluster. The JMMI tracks all components of the WASH Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) since September 2018.

(* B H)

Local NGO documents 3,000 child soldiers

Sam Organization for Rights and Liberties said on Sunday that its human rights defenders have documented more than 3,000 children who were military recruited during the ongoing fighting in Yemen.

It says that other 1.5 million children were forcibly displaced and live distant from childhood environment.

This was voiced by the organization’s representative in Washington, Saif Al-Mothana in a symposium organized by the United States Congress on the ongoing human rights abuses and the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Over than 8,000 children were killed or injured by the five-year war in Yemen, according to Al-Mothana.

Children who survive death or injury are at risk of malnutrition as 400, 000 children have been already reported suffering acute malnourishment.

(* B H)

Yemeni woman recounts horror of husband trying to divorce her after labour left her incontinent

‘After I left the operation room, the effects of the anaesthetic had worn off and the pain came again and it was even more awful. I was moving left and right screaming in pain,’ says Sahar Salem

The World Health Organisation estimates more than two million young women in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa live with untreated obstetric fistula.

Salem, who now works as a midwife helping local women in her community, describes that period of her life as her “dark days” – saying she was deeply depressed. But things began to feel more hopeful after she managed to have surgery, after learning about an organisation which treated women who have obstetric fistula.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) warns a troubling dearth of funding for sexual and reproductive health services is placing the lives of women and babies in the war-ravaged country at grave risk.

The UNFPA, which has lent its backing to 268 reproductive health clinics in Yemen, was forced into shutting 100 services at the end of August and will have to close an additional 75 this month. They say 650,000 women and girls will subsequently be left with no way to reach life-saving services.

The UN organisation, which strives to improve reproductive health across the world, says it has already stopped being able to obtain medicine for those services that are due to close.

The UNFPA estimates there to be six million women and teenage girls who are of childbearing age in the poorest of the Arab countries and more than one million pregnant and lactating women in dire need of “immediate treatment for acute malnutrition and further medical assistance”.

(B H)

Film: Students in al-Dhali inaugurate new school year indifferent to aircraft sounds and rocket whiz

(* B H)

Film: Footage taken in a village in Ibb province in southern #Yemen shows how our people are suffering to get clean water. After more than 4 years of the war I can say that access to water continues to be jeopardized for millions of children in #Yemen Water should not be a luxury.

(* B H P)

The humanitarian response plan is stalled. How much have donors paid for relief projects in Yemen?

The United Nations announced in August that if donor countries did not keep their promises, they would cut their food rations to 12 million people, cut services to at least 2.5 million malnourished children, and 19 million Yemenis would not have access to health care, including one million woman relies on the United Nations for reproductive healthcare.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been the most prominent contractors, but they are also the most prominent countries that have not fulfilled the pledges they made at the donor conference.

At a Security Council session on Yemen last week, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Mark Lowcock unveiled Saudi-Emirati promises to honor financial commitments made by the two countries at a donor slate in February.

On Monday morning, He received confirmation from Saudi authorities that they planned to transfer $500 million at once to the donors' conference to fund the humanitarian response plan in Yemen in February, Lowcock said.

Lowcock did not say whether the UAE had actually transferred the money to UN accounts

According to the data and information obtained by Al-Masdar Online, several countries have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the United Nations, while others have submitted a proportion of their commitments, and the United Nations continues to urge them to fulfil their full commitments.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Registered Persons Of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (15 September 2019)

From Yemen: 14,703

(* B H)

Agony, death and oblivion in a stadium devastated by the Yemen war

Bilisee's trip has ended up buried in the ramshackle corridors of the May 22 stadium in the southern Yemeni city of Aden. Together with her, 2,500 migrants remain in detention.

Bilisee's trip has ended up buried in the ramshackle corridors of the May 22 stadium in the southern Yemeni city of Aden. Along with it, 2,500 migrants have been detained for weeks at facilities that once, increasingly remote, served to host sports events. "My family had no property other than that of a cow. They sold it to help me get to Saudi Arabia, but now they have run out of nothing. I made this journey to achieve a better future, to help my family and myself," tells EL MUNDO Bilisee, a 20-year-old girl from the Ethiopian region of Oromia.

His name is fictitious to protect his identity and avoid reprisals by the Aden authorities, which in late April launched a wave of arbitrary arrests of migrants from the Horn of Africa who cross the country on the way to the petromonarchies of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates United. Since then, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), about 5,000 people have been arrested and confined in two stadiums and a military camp in the provinces of Aden, Abyan and Lahj, in conditions that have set off all alarms. . "The situation is very serious. None of the three sites are suitable for inhabiting and the more people are transferred there and the longer they remain in those conditions, the worse the situation," warns Olivia Headon , spokesman for the newspaper agency in Aden.

Overcrowding and the absence of the slightest hygiene have already claimed lives.

Yemen received more migrants than Europe in 2018. Many vulnerable people continue to enter the country on their way to the Gulf countries," admits Sultana Begum of the Norwegian Refugee Council to this newspaper. "150,000 people accessed in the first quarter of 2019

The tragedies have happened during the last months in a moor of the forgotten planet.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Killed and wounded in clashes between Houthi and tribal gunmen in Al-Nadera, east of Ibb

Al-Houthi militia on Monday stormed a number of towns and villages in Central Province of Ibb and clashed with tribal gunmen, resulted in killing and wounding on both sides.

A local source said that a number of villagers resisted with their personal weapons as the militia stormed their towns.

The sources said that the militia aimed through its campaign on the areas of Beit Fadhil to kidnap a number of its wanted and confiscate the weapons held by the people of the area after the events and confrontations witnessed in the area of Al-Oud between the Houthis and the residents of the area last March.


(A P)

Houthi militia executes two citizens in front of their families in Ibb

The Iran-backed Houthi militia executed on Monday two citizens in the east of Ibb province, central Yemen.

Local sources told September Net that a number Houthi militants raided the village of al-Aglah in al-Awd area.

The militia elements also stormed the houses of Sheikh Khawlan Fadel, and Amel Ali Fadel, and killed them in front of their families, said the sources.

The village is experiencing a state of great tension, after the tribal gunmen gathered to the village to respond to the crime of Houthi militia.

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi responds to rumours about himself

"If I have a palace, let us use it to house prisoners"

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi on Sunday revealed the presence of prisoners of Arab and foreign nationalities in Sana’a .

“There are multiple rumors, some said that I have a palace, a thing that I have never known about, only from these websites,” al-Houthi said in a tweet. “It is one of the worthless rumors.”

(A K P)

New batches graduated today from military academies in Sanaa despite 5 years of US-Saudi aggression and blockade (photo)

(A P)

Prime Minister of Salvation Government: US, Saudi Ambassadors Were Rulers of Yemen

Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor, Prime Minister of the National Salvation Government, confirmed that Yemen had reached the point that the US and Saudi ambassadors were the actual rulers of Yemen before September 21, 2014.

He said in an interview with Almasirah TV on Sunday that rejecting the foriegn hegemony represented one of the starting points of the revolution on September 21, 2014, that everyone participated in, including many parties and political forces Actors

The Prime Minister pointed out that the main goal of the Saudi and American interventions in Yemen was to weaken the institutions that protect the national project, including the military establishment.

(* A P)

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network: Houthis Detain Dozens of Civilians from Aden in Sana'a

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor noted that reports suggest that dozens of Yamani civilians are illegally detained and locked up by Houthi movement (The Ansar Allah movement).

The Geneva-based group said that most of the arrests occurred at security checkpoints controlled by Houthis of people crossing from Aden to Sana'a. According to available data, the number of detainees during September reached 300 people and most of them are in Dhamar and Taiz prisons.

Thousands of Yemenis fled from Aden because of battles at the end of the last August between the Security Belt forces, backed by the UAE, and governmental forces that support President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, to control Aden, the temporary capital of Yemen.

According to the Euro-Med, 3,163 people fled from Aden and 1,034 families lost their houses from different northern governorates, noting that the United Nation and the International community have not provided shelters or any basic requirement to allow them to start a new life.

and also

(A K P)

Parliament Welcomes President Al-Mashat’s Initiative For Peace

(A E P)

Sanaa Central Bank suspends 6 of Yemen's largest remittance networks

Houthi militias at the Central Bank of Sana'a have ordered the suspension of six of Yemen's largest domestic remittance networks.

According to a memorandum issued by the banking supervision undersecretary of the Central Bank, which is under the control of the Houthi group in Sana'a, it was decided to stop the Network Najm plus, Al-Muheet Network, Dadieh Network, Al-Emtyaz Network, Yemen Express Network, Al-Yabany Network. From September 22nd, and "until further notice."

The memorandum warned banks or exchange establishments not to deal with these networks, while this decision is in force.

It noted that the Bank reserves the right to "impose legal fines on the arrested networks and any financial entity that deals with them."

(A P)


Tribes of Sana’a, on Saturday, send a major food convoy, named al-Eka’a (fraternity), worth 500 million riyals in support of the army and the popular committees stationed in fronts on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the September 21 revolution.

During the ceremony, Governor Abdul Basit al-Hadi said that the convoy presented by the people of the province comes from the faithful ties of the tribes of Sanaa who are following the revolutionary approach.

and by Saba:

and also

and by an anti-Houthi news site:

(A P)

Film: Houthis continue to raise funds to support their fighters on the front lines (Exclusive Shots)

As part of a new campaign of military mobilization and the rise of battle fronts in the border areas and contact areas with Hadi government forces, the Houthis announced the collection of 260 million Riyals from the neighborhoods of the Yemeni capital Sana'a, where dozens of cars were loaded on Sunday with money and food collected from the citizens by the Iran-allied group in Al-Sabein Square south of the capital, the Houthi media said it had also collected various in-kind items worth more than 120 million Riyals

(A P)

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Yemenis Celebrate Of Sep. 21 Revolution

Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni people have on Saturday taken to the Bab al-Yemen Square in Sana’a in order to commemorate and celebrate the fifth anniversary of the September 21st revolution.

The mass rally dubbed “Freedom and Independence” was held to confirm that the Yemeni people are moving forward in their battle for independence.


(A P)

Tens of Thousands Commemorate Fifth Anniversary of September 21st Revolution in Sana’a

and from other places:


(A P)

Houthis Accused of Forcing Sanaa Residents to Participate in Their Events

Houthi militias mobilized on Sunday thousands of followers to celebrate in Bab al-Yemen Square in central Sanaa. The events were held amid tight security measures during which many main routes were closed.

Meanwhile, government officials accused the group’s members in the institutions of forcing people to demonstrate.

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmlik: Speaks On Fifth Anniversary Of September 21 Revolution

Al- Sayyed al-Houthi vowed more painful strikes that would deeply hit the aggression zones, without having any redlines in this regard.

He then advised the aggression forces to stop their attacks and take lessons of the grave failure they have reached.

Al-Sayyed Abdulmalik stressed that it is in the interest of the Alliance of aggression to take advantage of the initiative put forward by the President as to stop their aggression, bombing and blockade while the Army and Popular Committees will stop strikes directed at the depths with drones and missiles.

In the same respect, the Ansarullah leader stressed that civilians based in the targeted areas must beware and stay away from the targeted facilities

and also

(A P)

Mohammed Al-Houthi: Success of September 21 Revolution Based on Public Momentum

The success of the September 21 revolution was by the public momentum that confirms the wrap of the Yemeni people and their concern for their revolution, said member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi.

Al-Houthi said in an exclusive interview with Almasirah TV that the revolution is still looking forward to implement all its objectives as it was faced from the beginning, preventing it to set all its goals to achieve and implement.

(* A P)

President Speaks On Fifth Anniversary Of September 21 Revolution

President al-Mashat renewed the amnesty for former collaborators with the Saudi-led invaders. He called on all misled individuals and leaders to take advantage of this opportunity and “return to the bosom of the homeland and to do the right thing.”

In a speech marking the fifth anniversary of the September 21st revolution, President Mahdi Al-Mashat launched a peace initiative in which he called on all parties from all sides of the war to engage seriously in real and serious negotiations leading to comprehensive national reconciliation that does not exclude any party to inject Yemeni blood. He declared to stop targeting Saudi Arabia by drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.

“We are waiting for the same or better response in a similar announcement to stop all forms of targeting and aerial bombardment of our Yemeni territory and reserve the right to respond if this initiative is not met,” he said.

We affirm that the continuation of the war will not be in anyone’s interest, but may lead to serious developments that we do not want to take, although we are certain that its greatest harm will not be on us, but on the countries of aggression in the first place, primarily and directly,”

(A P)

Abdulsalam: September 21st Marks Fall of Foreign Intervention, US and Saudi Arabia Embassies Rule

(A P)

Yemen prepares mass rally to mark fifth anniversary of September 21st revolution

Yemeni people in and around the capital Sana’a are preparing to take part in the mass rally, which will be held on Saturday afternoon to mark the fifth anniversary of the September 21st revolution under the slogan “Freedom and Independence.”

The Yemeni Organising Committee of Events has called on the Yemeni people to participate in the mass rally titled “Freedom and Independence”, to be held on Saturday afternoon in Sana’a to mark the fifth anniversary of the September 21 Revolution of 2014.

(* B H P)

Houthis extort Hospitals in Yemen

Local Yemeni sources told Asharq Al-Awsat that hospital boards and staffers, at gunpoint, were forced to pay astronomical tariffs between a million and three million Yemeni rials to the group to keep their services open.
Most of the money, according to sources, has gone into the pockets of Houthi leaders.
Medical sources pointed out that the Houthi inspection targeted independent hospitals only, while other facilities protected by some of the group's top leaders were spared.
Citizens who turn to private hospitals suffer from high prices, due to the systematic extortion by the Houthi militias of these hospitals, where they are subjected to large sums under multiple names. Not to mention that Houthis are being treated at these hospitals for free.
The Iran-backed Houthi militias shut down more than eight government and private hospitals, according to reports, other than stripping entire hospitals from practicing licenses, Houthi militants closed over 25 operation wards and intensive care units in the militia-run capital,
Since the Houthi coup, militias have been harassing private hospitals, imposing illegal royalties and fees, and storming and closing some hospitals.
The closure of these hospitals is a Houthi method of extortion and imposing heavy financial levies on their owners.

My comment: By an anti-Houthi news site.

(* B K P)

Jemens Rebellenführer im Interview: Haben Sie wirklich - ohne Hilfe - eine Drohne für Langstrecken entwickelt?

Rebellenführer Mohammed Ali al-Houthi brüstet sich mit dem Angriff auf Öl-Raffinerien in Saudi-Arabien und sagt, es gebe "neue Ziele".

SPIEGEL: Sie haben sich zum Angriff auf die Raffinerie Abkaik bekannt. Die USA und Saudi-Arabien werfen Ihnen vor, die Hilfe Irans in Anspruch genommen zu haben. Verfügen Sie überhaupt über eigene Langstreckendrohnen?

Houthi: Wir verfügen über drei Typen: "Samad" 1, 2 und 3. Über diese Drohnen, ihre Eigenschaften, Fähigkeiten, Reichweite hat unser Sprecher bereits Auskunft gegeben. Es gibt auch das Modell "Qasef" und weitere – darüber werden wir nichts sagen, bis sie eingesetzt werden.

SPIEGEL: Haben Sie wirklich eine Langstreckendrohne ohne Hilfe entwickeln können? Was für Ausrüstung, welche Experten hat Iran zur Verfügung gestellt?

Houthi: Es ist unklug, deinen Feind zu unterschätzen. Wie einst die Nordvietnamesen den Sieg (nur im Abo)

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Yemen's ambassador to Egypt, Mohamd Marim, a corrupt reckless Hadi appointee, sold 5 scholarships that were granted for accomplished Yemeni high school graduates. Worse part yet, they only knew he did that after they've arrived in Egypt

(* A K P)

Saudi invaders move more troops to Hadhramaut and Ma’rib

Sources claim policy is part of Saudi plan to create direct oil pipeline from Yemen to Saudi Arabia

The Saudi occupation has transferred one of the Yemeni military brigades in Mahrah province to Hadhramaut and Ma’rib provinces, informed military sources reported on Sunday.

According to the sources, the decision of transferring the military brigades is done in order to ease Saudi plans extend its oil pipeline by force through the territory of the province to the port of Nashtun.

The moving of forces also coincides with the arrival of leaders and officials of Hadi’s exiled government, including Interior Minister Ahmed al-Missari and Transport Minister Saleh al-Jabwani, to the region.

(A K P)

Lahj Security Belt Exposes Details of Smuggling Operation by Northern Armed Gang

My comment: Separatists want to demonstrate: We guarantee law and order.

(* A K P)


Hadi’s government continues its military reinforcements to Abyan governorate in preparation for an upcoming battle with the pro-Emirati southern Transitional Council forces and restoration of the city of Aden and Abyan.

The sources said that the force that arrived yesterday to Shakra coastal city included military crews, armored vehicles and a variety of weapons, pointing out that these forces are the same ones that reached the city of Ataq in Shabwa governorate in days before coming from Saudi Arabia through the crossing of Al-Wade’ah.

In the same context, big preparations are underway at the Al-Amajed camp set up by Saudi Arabia in Lauder, led by Salafi ideological Salafi Shaikh, Saleh al-Mashjari, who has more than 15,000 members, as the sources said that Saudi Arabia continues to pump huge weapons and military equipment to start the battle against the Transitional council forces in Abyan.

The sources pointed out that Al-Amajed camp, which was returned by Saudi Arabia from the border areas and other camps, is conducting military exercises and coordinating with Hadi forces in the coastal city of Shakra to storm the city of Zunjubar, the capital of Abyan province, which is controlled by the Transitional Council.

(A P)

Newly appointed finance, foreign ministers sworn in

My remark: At Riyadh, as the decoration of the wall (Saudi coat of arms) shows.

(B P)

Hadramout in southern Yemen uprising against governmental corruption and banditry from some oil mafia tomorrow there is a vigil outside in Mukalla in support of decisions taken by the governor to stop the export of the oil and that comes after a marginalization lasted 25 years


(A P)

Hadramout: Thousands rally in support for halting oil export

A huge rally was held in al-Mukalla city of Hadramout governorate on Sunday, in support of the decisions taken by the provincial governor, Maj. Gen. Faraj Al-Bahsani to halt oil export.
Thousands of people took to the streets of al-Mukalla to express their full support for the governors' decisions, but also in protest against the practices of the government that make people suffer in the oil-rich province of Hadramout.
The governor of Hadramout, Commander of the Second Military Region, Maj. Gen. Faraj Al-Bahsani along with high-ranking officials attended the demonstration.


(A P)

Raised flags of secession and the Emirates. Demonstration in Mukalla supports governor's decision to stop oil exports and demands government development demands

Crowds of residents of Hadhramaut province in eastern Yemen took part in a demonstration in the city of Mukalla on Sunday, supporting the governor's decision to ban oil exports and calling on the government to implement a matrix of development demands in Hadhramaut.

In a pause called by the escalation committee, which emerged from a meeting called by the Hadramaut Gathering conference last month, Hadhramaut Governor Maj. Gen. Faraj Salemin al-Bahsani reiterated that oil exports would not be allowed until the government responded to the demands.

Participants in the vigil waved the flags of the separation and the flags of the UAE, whose forces control the cities of Hadhramaut coast.

A statement issued by the event called on the government to respond to the committee's demands to pay Hadhramaut’s share of oil sales, pay salaries to members of the second military zone and provide fuel for electricity.

Hadramout Governor Maj. Gen. Faraj al-Bahsani announced yesterday that he had decided to stop oil exports until solutions were reached with the government.

(A P)

Islah supports demands by Hadhramout’s people

The Islah party has declared on Saturday its support for demands by Hadhramaut’s people.

In a statement, the Islah party the Islah party branch in Hadhramaut on Saturday expressed its support for legal demands of people in Hadhramaut.

“It is the citizens’ rights to keep escalation in case their demands were not met by the government,” the statement read.

My comment: It’s remarkable that this move against the government is backed by government’s governor, separatists and Islah Party.

(A P)

Yemen's "legitimate" Govt' officials discuss in Muscat latest developments in their country

The Yemeni Interior Ministry said that the visit came at the invitation of the Omani leadershi in order to discuss the situation and possible ways to achieve peace in Yemen in addition to discussing the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to develop them.

Last Sunday, the three officials demanded in a joint statement that the UAE be expelled from the Arab coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen and to be tried internationally for crimes committed against Yemenis as it deviated from the objectives for which the coalition was called to overthrow the Houthi coup and restore state institutions, under the leadership of President Abdrabbu Mansour Hadi.

The three officials considered in their statement that the UAE "adopted and supported a similar coup against legitimacy in Aden and has adopted, supported and continues to support projects to tear Yemen and its national and community fabric through the establishment and arming of militias affiliated to it outside the framework of the Yemeni state institutions and administrations.

(A P)

When do Southerners respect each other? Shatara wonders

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara revealed in his post that he's convinced that the reasons behind the delay in restoring the southern state are the Southerners themselves and some trends to turn a people's cause into a personal issue.
Shatara made it clear that the South can't be restored without following the policy of containing those with whom we disagree rather than making enemies out of them.

(A P)

A Cermony Comemorated Al Yamama and his Companions in Aden

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Sunday paid tribute to martyr Brig. Gen. Munir al-Yafei (Abu Al-Yamama) and his companions who were killed earlier last month in an explosion which targeted them during a graduation ceremony in Aden.

(A T)

Landmine blast kills 2 in Yemen

A security official said that two Southern Transitional Council (STC) soldiers died and 4 others were wounded on Saturday as a landmine exploded in Abyan province of Yemen.

(A P)

Yemeni Vice President praises Kingdom's efforts in supporting his country's security and stability

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

UAE-backed forces raid the house of the head of operations of the 115th Infantry Brigade east of Aden and loot its contents

(A P)

Masked in military uniforms break into a money exchange agency north of Aden and loot money

Local activists in the southern city of Aden on Sunday shared a video showing masked gunmen storming the al-Furwi exchange agency building in Mansoura district north of the city.

while a pro-Houthi nerws site blames the separatist militia:

(A P)

Separatist forces loot money exchange shop in Aden

New case of ceaseless violence in occupied southern city

(A P)

A big protest in Taiz denounces Houthi militia’s coup

People of Taiz organized Saturday a big march on the Fifth Anniversary of Houthi Militia’s Coup against the state in September 21, 2014.

The participants chanted anti-Houthi slogans expressing Houthi militia’s undermining the state and others on plans of the Yemeni people towards building the federal state.



The explosion of a generator inside a market caused numerous causalities in al-Mahfad district in Abyan governorate.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

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Mohammed al-Houthi to UN leader: “Do the Yemenis need to replace their bodies with oil barrels to make world understand Saudi crimes”?

Mohammed al-Houthi sharply condemns UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres' hypocrisy on Yemen

Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, member of the Supreme Political Council, condemned the international community’s duality towards the crimes committed by the US-Saudi aggression against the Yemeni people and the retaliatory operations in the face of these crimes, denouncing the bloodshed of the Yemenis.

Al-Houthi commented on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ announcement that UN experts were heading to Saudi Arabia to investigate attacks on key Saudi oil installations.

“Experts from the United Nations left for Saudi Arabia to investigate the attack on Aramco!” Al-Houthi said in his Twitter account on Wednesday, “but they (the experts) did not leave to investigate the crimes and massacres committed against the Yemeni people, they did not leave for human rights in Yemen and for the greatest humanitarian tragedy made by aggression.”

“They did not leave for the children of Yemen, who are killed by the US-British-French weapons in Yemen, did not leave in order to lift the siege and end the famine made by aggression,” he added.

Al-Houthi continued: “They did not leave for Saudi Arabia to force them to respect the UN conventions. They did not leave and will not leave for the sick people of Yemen, who are registered by the lists of UN organizations because they need treatment abroad. They did not leave to support a besieged people and an independent republic, which is being trampled.”

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Yemeni campaigners gather at the UN European HQ to highlight Houthi atrocities

Yemeni demonstrators were gathered outside the UN’s European headquarters in Geneva on Saturday to highlight the torture and killings of civilians, which they say have been carried out by the Houthi militia.

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Film, Randi Nord: I started to read this statement for Al-Khiam and Insan but they cut me off 30-seconds in. You're supposed to have 90 seconds. Here's the full text below.
The failure to protect human rights does not just occur at the Council but across UN human rights bodies. The security council resolution 2216 gave rights to Saudi-led coalition members to use all necessary means and measures, including military intervention, to restore a president with neither popularity nor support by any Yemeni parties on the ground. Until today, the results of this intervention include ongoing reports of horrific abuses, such as arbitrary killing, rape, and torture in Yemen, committed by some UN member states, mainly the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, with an impunity that underscores the collective failures of the international community.
Human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent. Almost all states are guilty of politicizing human rights to a greater or lesser degree. Yet it is something rarely discussed, let alone addressed, and clearly present in the Yemeni catastrophe.

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UNO-Sondergesandter äußert Hoffnung auf Ende der Kampfhandlungen im Jemen

Der UNO-Sondergesandte für den Jemen, Griffiths, hat Hoffnungen auf die Einstellung der langjährigen Kampfhandlungen geäußert.

Sollte die jüngste Initiative der Huthi-Rebellen ernsthaft umgesetzt werden, könne von ihr ein starkes Signal zur Beendigung des Kriegs ausgehen, teilte Griffith mit.

Meine Bemerkung: S. auch cp2.

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The Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, welcomes the initiative announced by Ansar Allah on 20 September, on the cessation of hostile military acts against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He also welcomes the expression of further openness towards the implementation of the Prisoner Exchange Agreement and the desire for a political solution to end the conflict.

The Special Envoy stresses the importance of taking advantage of this opportunity and moving forward with all necessary steps to reduce violence, military escalation and unhelpful rhetoric.

The implementation of this initiative by Ansar Allah in good faith could send a powerful message of the will to end the war.

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UN chief urges restraint following reported Saudi-led assault in Yemen

Amid reports of a Saudi-led coalition airstrike near Yemen’s port city of Hudaydah, Secretary-General António Guterres expressed concerns for the attacks in a Saturday statement attributable to his Spokesperson, Stephane Dujjaric.

“He recalls that the parties reconfirmed their commitment to the ceasefire established by the Agreement during the latest joint meeting of the Redeployment Coordination Committee earlier this month,”

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Yemeni Unions and Syndicates affirmed that the monitoring and documentation mechanism adopted in the report of the UN commissioner does not comply with the relevant international standards in terms of the absence of a team of experts in the field.

This came at a press conference for Yemeni Unions and Syndicates to refute the fallacies of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ report on Yemen.

They confirmed that the report of the UN High Commissioner deliberately omits a lot of documented facts and human rights reports, while the allegations contained the report can not be known.

Pointed out that the report ignored many of the sufferings of the people and figures and statistics of the United Nations organizations are estimated and do not include hundreds of thousands of victims of the crime of closing the airport in Sana’a.

Yemeni Unions and Syndicates held the United Nations, the Security Council and the Human Rights Council the responsibility for failing to protect civilians in accordance with international and humanitarian law.

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Yemen seeks help against politicized UN human rights report

Yemen has asked a number of countries to help it in “rejecting the politicized UN human rights report” that the Group of Imminent Experts, formed by the UNHRC, issued earlier this month, Saba news agency reported.

The report claimed that “the governments of Yemen and the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, as well as the Houthis and affiliated popular committees have enjoyed a “pervasive lack of accountability” for violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.”

Meeting the ambassadors of Togo, Fiji, Afghanistan and Nigeria to the United Nations in Geneva on the sidelines of the 42nd session of the UNHRC, Yemen’s Human Rights Minister Mohamed called on them to “stand with Yemen as it rejects the politicization of human rights matters.”

My comment: By the Hadi government. Sole commentary: LOL.


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"Mothers of abductees", criticizes government's position on expert report and calls on it to contribute to justice for victims

The Association of Mothers of Abductees and Forcibly Disappeared criticized the government's position on the report of prominent international experts of the Human Rights Council, calling it a "distinction with the perpetrators of violations and criminals who kidnapped, tortured and killed hundreds of Yemenis in various Governorates.

The president of the Association of Mothers of Abductees, Amat al-Salam al-Hajj, said on Saturday that the legitimate government is dealing with the experts' report from a purely political point of view, while it is supposed to deal with it in accordance with the humanitarian dimension and national responsibility towards the victims of the war sparked by the Houthis on September 21, 2014.

and does the Hadi government now backpedal? It seems so:

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The Human Rights Council is moving to renew the mandate of the Panel of Experts despite the rejection of the government and the coalition. Who defends rights violators in Yemen?

Human Rights Minister Mohamed Askar refused to answer the Al-Masdar online inquiry about the government's charges of defending perpetrators of human rights violations and war crimes in Yemen.

Minister Askar refused to explain the aspects of the violations that the government says the report ignored, despite the experts' report documenting violations, killings, abductions, torture and enforced disappearances in Houthi prisons.

According to one of the deputy ministers, no statement had been issued recently regarding the expert report and the government's position, and the minister probably referred to previous statements issued in this regard and suggested that the Minister insist on it.

Yemeni diplomats confirmed to "Al-Masdar Online" that the government did not distribute any statement to diplomatic missions regarding the latest expert report, and government spokesman Rajeh Badi said that he "has no knowledge" of the release of this statement

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

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Saudi expels Yemen official who criticised the UAE

Saudi authorities have expelled an adviser to the Riyadh-based Yemeni government of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, reports reveal.

The Saudi authorities have requested Mutaher Enan leave the kingdom following his criticism of how the coalition is handling the situation in the south of Yemen; in particular the UAE’s support for separatists fighting against Hadi’s government.

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The Crisis Of Religious Freedom In Saudi Arabia

Executive Summary

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest absolute monarchy in the world today under the sole rule of the tribe of al-Saud. The country is characterized by a complete absence of mechanisms that allow for public participation in the political process.

King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz’s carefully crafted image as a reformer is at odds with reality. Since taking office in 2005 the king implemented greater restrictions on political freedoms, cracked down on reform advocates and concentrated power in the hands of the ruling family.

Saudi Arabia is a leading violator of human rights in the world. Citizens’ basic human rights are violated every day. Torture is common, and arbitrary arrests are widespread. The government bans the formation of independent human rights and civil society organizations. Religious freedom in Saudi Arabia does not exist. Non-Muslims are banned from practicing their faith or even possessing its symbols and artifacts. The government also imposes severe restrictions on its citizens, and especially on those who do not follow the Wahhabi strain of Islam.

The religious policies of the Saudi government have contributed to the rise of extremism and terror groups worldwide, including Al-Qaeda and others. Saudis are leading contributors of money and support to international terrorist groups and make up the highest numbers of suicide bombers around the world, which often occurs with either the direct support or the tacit approval of Saudi authorities.

The Saudi educational system provides an ideological foundation for violence and future jihadists. The textbooks currently used in Saudi schools, including those in the U.S. and Europe, preach hatred toward other Christians, Jews, other religions, and even most Muslims.

Saudi Arabia leads the world in discrimination against women and is the only country that practices gender apartheid. Women are treated as the property of their male guardians, and are legally considered unfit to make their own decisions. The Saudi government does not allow women to vote, study most sciences, work in public, drive, play sports, hold senior public positions, travel alone, mix with men, or attend public gatherings.

Freedom of the press is severely limited by the Saudi government through direct intervention and the resulting self-censorship of reporters and editors. Independent media is not allowed in the country and those who operate on the internet are blocked and prosecuted.

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Western countries raise concerns over Saudi rights record

Two dozen mainly European countries voiced concern on Monday at alleged torture, unlawful detentions and unfair trials of critics, including women activists and journalists, in Saudi Arabia.

It was the second joint statement criticizing the kingdom read out at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva in six months, following the first censure of Saudi Arabia at the forum in March.

It urged Saudi authorities to establish the truth about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Istanbul consulate last October and ensure that the perpetrators are held to account.

Fifteen European Union members, including Britain and Germany, were among the signatories, as well as Canada, New Zealand, and Peru, diplomats said.

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Video reveals location of beoutQ piracy channel HQ in Riyadh

Al Jazeera programme discloses new details on Saudi companies involved in beoutQ piracy operations against beIN Sports.

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Even if he becomes king, Mohammed bin Salman will likely be the last

Riyadh has become a puppet of Abu Dhabi, jumping into conflicts without a clear sense of direction

Surrounded by unyielding enemies of its own making, and cheered on by opportunist allies determined to suck its blood to the last drop, Saudi Arabia seems to have landed itself in an unprecedented predicament.

There has probably been no other day on which its enormous wealth seemed so utterly useless.

Today, it seems more realistic than ever that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), if ever crowned king, will likely be the last monarch in the Saudi dynasty.

Who is rejoicing most at such a prospect?

Don’t jump to conclusions: it is neither the Iranians nor the Qataris, but rather his ostensibly closest allies in the region, the Emiratis. It is, in particular, Abu Dhabi’s crown prince, and the de facto ruler of the UAE, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ).

The once Saudi-held role of a Muslim world leader has been irreparably damaged, thanks to the intrigues and efforts of MBZ, who not only embroiled the kingdom in spearheading the fight against the aspirations of the Arab peoples of the Middle East and North Africa for freedom and democracy, but has consistently whispered into the ear of the erratic MBS that he could indeed become king, if only he heeded his advice.

MBZ’s recommendations have always led to disaster for Saudi Arabia. The conflict in Yemen has transformed into a war of attrition for the kingdom and a historic opportunity for the UAE.

While the former continues to bleed heavily, the latter has embarked on a campaign of dividing Yemen once more into two, if not more, entities, while seizing control of the country’s most strategic ports along the Red Sea coast and offshore.

Going to war in Yemen is believed to have originally been an MBZ idea. The plan was to use the pro-Iranian Houthis, who were then confined to the Saada enclave in northern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia’s most southern province, as a tool to destroy the Muslim Brotherhood affiliate in Yemen, the Islah party, which seemed destined to win power through the ballot box if Yemeni democracy were allowed to succeed.

The plan backfired because, seeing the trap set for them, Islah decided not to engage the Houthis, who at the time were allied with the troops commanded by the late former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh. The long-time Yemeni autocrat was in cahoots with the Emiratis and the Saudis right from the start.

Apart from MBZ, there are no winners in Yemen today – by Azzam Tamimi

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Saudi National day

#Riyadh is going GREEN! (photos)

If you’re in #AlKhobar today, make sure to be at the Sea Front to watch the #RSAF ND flyover at 16:00hr. There will be 6 aircraft including F-15S/C, Tornado, Typhoon, MRTT and C-130 wearing the new #NationalDay livery in addition to 12 F-15C/S fighters from #KingAbdulaziz AFB (photos)

Thanks @RayanRashed0 for sharing these great shots of yesterday’s airshow in Jeddah

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Saudi Arabia abolishes mandatory hijab (hair cover) law, effective tomorrow (document)

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Film: fuel shortages hit #Saudi capital #Riyadh exposing greater distribution of oil production after #Abqaiq . Video shows long lines but @bbcnews, @business& elk wont report that

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Film: My talk at the UN side event about #enforceddisappearances & my brother #AbdulrahmanAlsadhan who’s still disappeared for a year & a half

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Another influential cleric arrested in Saudi Arabia

Sheikh Mohammed Al-Abbad latest victim in Saudi purges

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Opposition in Saudi-Arabien - Schlafende Hunde wecken

Die USA schicken Truppen nach Saudi-Arabien. 1990 sollten schon mal US-Soldaten das saudische Königshaus gegen Invasoren schützen. Das verärgerte damals den jungen Osama bin Laden.

Schon 1990 halfen die USA dem Königshaus mit Bodentruppen - das schürte damals den Zorn radikaler islamistischer Oppositioneller, der Sahwa-Bewegung

Die wichtigsten Sahwa-Vertreter sind bis heute politisch gegen die Regierung aktiv, häufig aber auch im Gefängnis

Bei einem Krieg mit dem Iran würden noch viel mehr US-Truppen ins Land kommen. Riad will unbedingt verhindern, dass die militante Opposition zu stark wird.

Sahwa hat noch immer Unterstützung in der Bevölkerung

Dass Saudi-Arabien zwar weltweit konservative islamische Bewegungen unterstützt, im eigenen Land dennoch gegen eine radikalislamische Opposition kämpft, ist nur scheinbar ein Widerspruch. Schließlich sind Kern dieses Konflikts weniger gesellschaftspolitische oder moralische Trennlinien als vielmehr die Frage, ob die Macht des Königshauses legitim ist. Die Aktivisten wollen nicht nur den aktuellen König vom Thron stoßen, sondern die Monarchie und den amerikanischen Einfluss in der Region gleich mit abschaffen.

"Die Reformer, die in Saudi-Arabien wohl die größte Unterstützung der Bevölkerung haben, sitzen im Gefängnis. Diese Figuren, vor allem die Vertreter der sogenannten Sahwa-Bewegung, sind mitunter politisch ziemlich radikal: anti-westlich, anti-amerikanisch, anti-schiitisch", sagt Nahost-Experte Gerlach. Die ideologisch ähnlich veranlagten Muslimbrüder hätten im Königreich eine große Anhängerschaft. "Die Sahwa ist sehr erfolgreich auf den Zug der Sozialen Medien aufgesprungen. Diese Twitter-Scheichs haben gezeigt, dass die Bewegung in viele Richtungen wandlungsfähig und einflussreich ist. Sogar der Islamische Staat ließ sich von Vertretern der Sahwa inspirieren", betont Gerlach.

cp9 USA

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US House Speaker Pelosi condemns Trump’s decision to send forces to Saudi Arabia

Senior Democrat Party official stresses Congress call for ending support to Riyadh

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives rejected America’s fight “on behalf of Saudi Arabia,” saying Trump’s attempt ” to circumvent the bipartisan, bicameral will of Congress, stressing that these unacceptable actions are cause for alarm.

Pelosi highlighted the Congress’ adopted resolutions to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Pelosi also emphasised Saudi Arabia’s “continued assault on countless men, women and children,” as well as criticizing the president for “turning a blind eye to the continued violence against innocent Yemenis, as well as its horrific murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and its gross abuses of human rights, which represent a moral and humanitarian crisis.”

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US Democrats not sincere in their support for Yemen: Analyst

Democrats in the US Congress are not sincere in their public support for Yemen, and their rebuke of President Donald Trump for his support of Saudi Arabia is a “cynical political ploy” to undermine the Republican president, says an American political analyst in Virginia.

Democratic Party lawmakers only began criticizing the Saudi war against Yemen after the murder of US-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, said Keith Preston, chief editor of

“The Democrats have seized on the situation in Yemen and they see this as a weapon that they can use against the Trump administration for political purposes,” Preston told Press TV on Sunday.

Preston rejected Pelosi’s comments as insincere, saying her remarks are a “cynical political ploy” to hurt Trump’s re-election campaign.

“The goal of the Democrats is regrettably not to end the Saudi war in Yemen, the goal is simply to score partisan points when it comes to their own conflicts with the Republicans and the Trump presidency,” he added (interview in film)

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How To Get The #US Care About The War in #YEMEN
The Animation Video by Mark Fiore

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Can Trump strike Iran without congressional consent?

Despite outcries from Democratic lawmakers, history shows past presidents have taken matters into their own hands

While Democrats have been vocal in warning that any military strike against Iran would first need to go through Congress, Trump may be able to bypass any constitutional restrictions by using numerous historical precedents of past presidents taking military matters into their own hands.

"There's a pretty clear-cut legal case, from the perspective of the executive branch, that if Trump were to take military action against Iran, it would be consistent with what the executive branch's authority is," Scott Anderson, a fellow at the Washington-based think-tank Brooings Institution, told Middle East Eye.

On Sunday evening, Trump said US forces were "locked and loaded" to strike the culprit behind the attacks on Saudi oil plants that occurred over the weekend, with fingers pointed straight at Tehran.

Democratic critics were quick to denounce his remarks, stressing that only Congress has the authority to declare war.

The backlash has led many to ponder: Can Trump go to war with Iran without Congress's approval?

Trump said in an interview with The Hill in June that he did not need congressional approval to strike Iran; however, he would like to keep Congress informed of his decisions.

Democratic leaders, including Sanders and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have cited Article 1 of the US Constitution, which states that Congress has the authority to declare war, as the argument for Trump needing their approval to use military force.

However, Article 2 gives the president unilateral authority to use military force overseas in support of the US national interest, according to Anderson, who is also a senior editor of the law blog Lawfare.

"While there are reasonable critiques of that legal theory one can make, it's pretty well established and part of the executive branch and several prior presidents have acted upon it," he said. "And Trump acting upon it wouldn't be that surprising."

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 imposed some restrictions on the president's war powers.

The president must send a report to Congress within 48 hours after conducting any military operation. He would also need to withdraw forces from the area of operations within a 60-day period.

These rules have been broken before, as was the case in the Kosovo bombing campaign in 1999

The US invasion of Iraq was different, with former President George W Bush receiving limited authorisation to use military action against Baghdad, only to go for an all-out war that lasted years.

"President Bush's successful bait-and-switch in Iraq has created a deeply troubling precedent that threatens the democratic check by Congress required by the Constitution," Yale law professors Bruce Ackerman and Oona Hathaway wrote in an article for the journal Michigan Law Review.

Despite verbal opposition from Capitol Hill, past US presidents have not been punished for circumventing the Senate and the House to launch military campaigns.

"Formal legality in such issues doesn't really matter," said Kamran Bokhari, director of the Washington-based Center for Global Policy think-tank and a course coordinator at the State Department's Foreign Service Institute.

"Congress has deferred military decisions to the White House numerous times," he told Middle East Eye – by Umar A. Farooq

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It's like the start of a bad joke.

What's the difference between 10,000 people being killed in air strikes and a bunch of missiles taking out an oil processing facility for a few days?

The answer is no laughing matter.

The difference is that only the one which threatens the markets will "not be tolerated" by the Trump administration.

Now, I'm not going pretend that an attack on the Saudi-Aramco oil refineries should not be condemned. Of course it should.

But what's shameful and depressing is how the prospect of the world's energy market being thrown into disarray for a few days counts for so much more than a four-year war which has caused the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

The knock-on effects of the conflict have left millions, including 85,000 children, facing disease and on the brink of starvation.

Where is America's condemnation of that? Where is the outrage? What is the world coming to when a wobble on the oil markets is deemed so much more important than thousands of men, women and children being killed as they innocently go about their daily lives?

And yet these are the priorities of leaders in the West as demonstrated by their use of words, by what they choose to condemn and what they're happy to let pass.

An analysis of debris from the school bus site showed that the 227kg laser-guided bomb used in the attack was made by Lockheed Martin and sold to Saudi Arabia as part of billions of dollars of US weapons exports.

That is one reason that Pompeo would not criticise the Saudis and why, just a few months later, President Trump, by his own admission, was so soft on the Riyadh leadership in the wake of the killing of Jamal Khashoggi – by Anthony Harwood

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Pelosi: Trump turning ‘blind eye’ to Saudi violence in Yemen

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says President Donald Trump is "turning a blind eye to Saudi Arabia’s continued violence” against innocent Yemenis.

Pelosi made the remarks in a statement she released on Twitter Saturday a day after Trump approved a plan to deploy troops to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

She described Trump’s decision as an “outrageous attempt” to circumvent the will of the Congress.

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Trump's Real War Is With The Deep State, Not Iran

Pompeo went on to say there was “no evidence the attacks came from Yemen,” while never proving evidence the attack originated from Iran either. In other words, Trump is being pushed into a situation where he has no choice but to fight. Not the best situation for an incumbent president heading into the election season. And it certainly doesn’t help his situation when members of his own party shake the pompoms for war, as Senator Lindsey Graham did when he called for attacks on Iran’s oil refineries.

Thus, in a matter of hours, Trump has gone from being open to the idea of talking to Iran to saying the US is “locked and loaded” and just waiting to “hear from the Kingdom” before the White House takes some kind of action against the suspected perpetrator.

Will the maverick from Manhattan soon be strolling down the streets of Tehran, shaking hands with imams as he did Kim Jong-un? Nothing would enrage the US deep state more.

With regards to the idea that Iran was behind the attacks on the Saudi oil factory that claim sounds highly dubious. Once again, we are expected to accept the narrative that sovereign states have some sort of suicide wish, and would happily submit to a mortal self-inflicted wound at the most incongruous time (as was the case with Syria,

Indeed, why would Iran, even through the use of proxy forces, risk an attack on Saudi Arabia that could set the entire Middle East alight?

Trump even seemed open to the idea of backing away from current US policy of “maximum pressure” on Tehran, saying he would consider providing Iran with an emergency credit line backed by its oil production.

The circumstantial evidence points to the fact that Iran, as it has vociferously declared, had nothing to do with the brazen assault on Saudi Arabia.

Thus far in his presidency, Donald Trump has been able to avoid full-blown war despite serious efforts by a consortium of concerns to trigger such an event.

Nevertheless, it is a nerve-racking experience watching the author of the ‘Art of the Deal’ bluster and bluff his way against rivals right up to precipice of disaster before retreating back again to stable ground.

This strategy keeps the Deep State constantly off guard as to his real intentions, which is not about triggering World War III. How long the Deep State will tolerate such a relative atmosphere of global peace is another question, but they will certainly be doing everything in their power to ensure he does not secure another four years in the White House. And that is the tragic reality of Donald Trump’s real war.

Nevertheless, it is a nerve-racking experience watching the author of the ‘Art of the Deal’ bluster and bluff his way against rivals right up to precipice of disaster before retreating back again to stable ground.

This strategy keeps the Deep State constantly off guard as to his real intentions, which is not about triggering World War III. How long the Deep State will tolerate such a relative atmosphere of global peace is another question, but they will certainly be doing everything in their power to ensure he does not secure another four years in the White House. And that is the tragic reality of Donald Trump’s real war. – by Robert Bridge =

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

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Americans after looting Islamic countries: Larijani

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani told his Pakistani counterpart Mian Raza Rabbani that Americans are hatching plots in the region and some gullible countries of the region fall in their trap.

“The Americans are after sacking the Islamic countries and that’s why they have new plots and some countries get deceived by them,” said Ali Larijani, the Speaker of Iranian Parliament.

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UK should stop selling arms to Saudis, says Iran

FM spox reacts to Boris Johnson’s remarks on Saudi oil attacks

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi, in reaction to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s remarks on Saudi oil attacks, called on the British government to stop arming Saudi Arabia in its aggressive campaign against Yemeni people.

“Instead of making futile attempts against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the British government needs to answer the call of so many people in the world to stop selling deadly weapons to Saudi Arabia, and to free itself from the accusation of committing war crimes against the Yemeni people,” Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said in a statement on Monday.

His remark was in reaction to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who said Monday that Britain believes Iran was responsible for the attacks and will work with the United States and European allies on a so-called joint response.

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Attacke in Saudi-Arabien: Johnson beschuldigt Iran

Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hat den Iran für die Luftangriffe auf Ölanlagen in Saudi-Arabien verantwortlich gemacht. Aus Sicht Großbritanniens könne dem Iran "mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit" die Verantwortung für die Angriffe zugeschrieben werden, sagte Johnson laut der britischen Nachrichtenagentur Press Association (PA) am Montag.

Johnson wird sich PA zufolge in den nächsten Tagen am Rande der UN-Generaldebatte in New York mit dem iranischen Präsidenten Hassan Ruhani treffen.

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European splits emerge over Saudi attack as U.N. diplomacy begins

France and Britain were at odds on Monday over who to blame for an attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, potentially complicating efforts to defuse tensions between the United States and Iran at the U.N. General Assembly.

France has led a European push to try to defuse tensions between Washington and Tehran and sees the annual gathering of global leaders that began on Monday as an opportunity to revive diplomacy.

But those efforts have stalled, with Iran reducing its commitments to a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, from which Washington withdrew last year, and the United States refusing to ease sanctions that have strangled its oil exports, a mainstay of the Iranian economy.

An attack on Saudi oil facilities, which the United States has blamed on Iran, has also complicated matters.

Speaking on his way to New York, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared to break ranks with his European counterparts on Monday, apportioning blame directly on Iran for the attack on Saudi Arabia.

“The UK is attributing responsibility with a very high degree of probability to Iran for the Aramco attacks. We think it very likely indeed that Iran was indeed responsible,” Johnson told reporters.

“We will be working with our American friends and our European friends to construct a response that tries to deescalate tensions in the Gulf region,” he said.

Those words were in stark contrast to French officials

(* B K P)

We Must Remain Skeptical of Any Attempts to Incite War with Iran

Yemeni armed forces have motives for their attack.

Logically, Iran attacking Saudi Arabia, which hosts US troops and is one of the US’s closest allies would be an act of extreme folly. Iran, just like the rest of the developing world, needs peace for its development. It has long been the target of US aggression.

Western intervention for freeing repressed peoples cannot be taken seriously. Saudi Arabia a key Western ally would be the staging post for attacks on Iran has a more dubious human rights record than Iran.

Quite simply, Iran’s crime is that it seeks its independence in the world system.

With an understanding of the historical injustices of the region we should be wary of any attempts to ignite a war with Iran. Too often Western democracies with their ostentatious high-minded intentions have committed acts of the worst atrocities based on lies, misinformation and outright deceit.

History is replete with Western attempts to spark wars and upend governments for their own geopolitical ends.

The Western public cannot afford to spill the blood of its brave servicemen for the service of its elite. Foreign interventions have sapped their economies and are a scar on the ideals of Western democracy. They openly mock liberal democracy’s claims to moral superiority.

War is a breakdown of all human rights – by Keith Lamb

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Trump says open to hearing Rouhani's 'Hormuz Peace Initiative' at UNGA

US President Donald Trump says he has no plans to meet his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, but he is open to hearing his "Hormuz Peace Initiative" at the UN General Assembly in New York.

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Rouhani regt Kooperation der Staaten am Persischen Golf an

Der iranische Staatspräsident will der UN einen Alternativplan zur amerikanischen Handelsschiffschutzoperation Sentinel vorlegen

Der iranische Staatspräsident Hassan Rouhani kündigte gestern im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen seines Landes eine "Koalition der Hoffnung" an, den er am Mittwoch in New York den Vereinten Nationen vorlegen will. Dieser "Friedensplan für den Persischen Golf und die Straße von Hormus" sieht seinen Worten nach vor, dass ein Bündnis der Anrainerstaaten für den Schutz der Handelsschiffahrt in den betreffenden Gebieten sorgt. Dieser Schutz ist auch das Anliegen der US-amerikanischen Operation Sentinel, die vom Vereinigten Königreich und Australien unterstützt und vom Iran abgelehnt wird (vgl. Straße von Hormus: Die US-Operation "Sentinel" läuft).

Eine "Einmischung von außen", so Rouhani gestern, sei "für den Persischen Golf problematisch und gefährlich" - und "ausländische Truppen" könnten "Probleme und Unsicherheit für unser Volk und unsere Region verursachen". Deshalb sei der Iran bereit "seine Hand auszustrecken" und biete den anderen Golfstaaten an, in "Freundschaft" und "Bruderschaft" Meinungsverschiedenheiten zu überwinden.

Dass alle Golfanrainer auf so ein Angebot eingehen, ist wenig wahrscheinlich. Bahrain, wo eine sunnitische Elite über eine überwiegend schiitische Bevölkerung herrscht, wird seine Differenzen mit dem schiitischen Gottesstaat wahrscheinlich ebenso wenig schnell und unkompliziert beenden wie der wahhabitische Lokalrivale Saudi-Arabien. I

Rouhanis Ankündigung kam zwei Tage nachdem der amerikanische Verteidigungsminister Mark Esper eine Verstärkung der US-Truppen in der Region verkündet hatte

und auch

Mein Kommentar: Während diese beiden Links auf sachliche berichte verweisen, wirft der „Tagesspiegel“ die Propagandamaschine an:

(A P)

Iran to present plan for Gulf security at U.N. this week

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will present a plan for creating security in the Gulf in cooperation with other countries in the region when he attends the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week.

“This year we will present a plan to the world at the United Nations that the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperation with the countries of the region can create security for the Persian Gulf and the Oman sea with the help of the countries of the region,” Rouhani was cited as saying on his official website.

He did not provide further details.

Rouhani will travel to New York on Monday and return to Tehran on Thursday, the official news agency IRNA reported, citing a communications official in Rouhani’s office.

(A K P)

Unidentified Aircraft Attacks Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi Forces

Iraq's pro-government Popular Mobilization Units have come under an airstrike by an unidentified aircraft near an airfield in the western province of Anbar.

No casualties were reported in the strike.

The Iraqi Arabic-language al-Forat television network and Abu Dhabi-based Sky News Arabia television news network reported that the airstrike had been carried out by an "unknown unmanned aerial vehicle."

(A P)

US sanctions against Iran make negotiations impossible: Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has slammed the United States's latest move to impose a fresh round of sanctions on the Islamic Republic, saying such restrictions would make future negotiations with Tehran impossible.

"They want to make the negotiations impossible... want to make a change impossible," Zarif said in an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) published on Sunday, adding, "It's very difficult for (US President Donald Trump) and his successor to remove [sanctions imposed on Iran]."

(A K P)

US can’t explain why missile system failed Saudi Arabia: Zarif

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has described the latest US move to send troops and military equipment to Saudi Arabia as "posturing," adding that it was difficult for Washington to explain why its missile systems were unable to intercept Yemeni weapons used in last week's attacks on Saudi oil facilities.

"I think it's posturing. I think it's all going the wrong direction in addressing this issue," Zarif said in response to a question on how Iran sees the regional development in an interview set to air Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation."

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia seeks action against Iran after oil attack, allies wary

Saudi Arabia will seek to make a case at a global gathering in New York this week for concerted action to punish and deter arch-foe Iran after strikes on Saudi oil plants rattled global markets and exposed the kingdom’s vulnerability to attack.

“This attack is a tipping point. Saudi Arabia will make the case this was a devastating blow and continued threat to the global economy,” a Gulf Arab source told Reuters on Sunday.

“If Saudi Arabia can prove without reasonable doubt that Iran was behind it, then world powers could exercise their clout — their pressure, their trade tools, pulling Iran back from its brinkmanship policy,” the source said.

Ahead of the U.N. General Assembly, Riyadh says it wants a peaceful resolution, but if the probe proved the strike came from Iran then “this would be considered an act of war”.

In Tehran, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that he will present at the General Assembly a plan for “creating security” in the Gulf in cooperation with other regional nations, without providing further details.

Concrete evidence over responsibility for the latest drone attack is likely to be crucial to overcome reservations by European and other powers, who were largely reluctant to join a U.S.-led maritime security coalition after tanker attacks in May and June in Gulf waters were also blamed on Iran. Tehran has also denied involvement in those strikes.

The Sept. 14 attack “was a big escalation, there is a clear problem. But it is a real dilemma of how to react without escalating further,” said a Western diplomat. “It is not clear yet what the U.S. wants to do.”

France, which is trying to salvage the nuclear deal as Iran scales back its commitments, has urged de-escalation. China and Russia, which hold vetoes in the U.N. Security Council, have warned against attributing blame without providing proof.

(A K P)

IRGC displays British, American drones seized over Iran's territory

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has displayed a number of American and British drones captured for violating Iran’s airspace.

In an exhibition in Tehran on Saturday, the IRGC showcased a British unmanned aerial vehicle, named Phoenix, seized by its Aerospace Division.

The IRGC also displayed the Aerosonde HQ vertical take-off and landing drone belonging to the US Army used for multi-intelligence payloads such as electronic warfare and communications relay in a single flight

(* B K P)

Film: Will U.S troops send wrong message on Saudi Arabia-Yemen conflict?

(A K P)

Iran kritisiert Aufstockung von US-Truppen

Indes hat der Iran die Ankündigung der USA kritisiert, ihre Streitkräfte in der Region zu verstärken. Die Präsenz ausländischer Truppen am Golf erhöht nach den Worten des iranischen Präsidenten Hassan Rohani die "Unsicherheit" in der Region. "Ausländische Truppen können Probleme und Unsicherheit für unser Volk und unsere Region verursachen", sagte Rohani am Sonntag i

(A K P)

Iran warns foreign forces to stay out of Gulf, amid new US deployment

Iran's president has warned that foreign forces are threatening the security of the Gulf, after the US said it was deploying troops to the region.

Hassan Rouhani said foreign forces had always brought "pain and misery" and should not be used in an "arms race".

The US is sending more troops to Saudi Arabia after an attack on Saudi oil facilities both nations blame on Iran.

Mr Rouhani also said Iran would present a new Gulf peace initiative at the United Nations in the coming days.

and also

(* B K P)

Film: Will Saudi Arabia and Iran go to war over Yemen?

My discussion on the Saudi Aramco strike, KSA aggression on Yemen and Iran vs West with the famous duo, George and Gayatri Galloway.

(* A K P)

Pompeo says U.S. mission is to avoid war with Iran but measures in place to deter

The United States aims to avoid war with Iran and the additional troops ordered to be deployed in the Gulf region are for “deterrence and defense,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday.

Speaking to Fox News Sunday, Pompeo added that he was confident U.S. President Donald Trump would take action if such deterrence measures fail and that this was well understood by the Iranian leadership.

“Our mission set is to avoid war,” Pompeo said. “You saw what Secretary Esper announced on Friday, we are putting additional forces in the region for the purpose of deterrence and defense,” he said.

Pompeo said Washington was taking measures to deter Tehran, but he added that Trump would take necessary action if Tehran failed to change its behavior. “If that deterrence should continue to fail, I am also confident that President Trump would continue to take the actions that are necessary,” he said.

(* A B K P)

USA entsenden Truppen zur Luft- und Raketenabwehr nach Saudi-Arabien


und auch

(A K P)

US destroyer famous for ‘self-defense strikes’ on Yemen redeploys to Saudi coast as Pentagon prepares more purely defensive assets

The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Nitze, armed with surface-to-air and Tomahawk cruise missiles, was redeployed off the northeast coast of Saudi Arabia, as part of the US effort to “plug the holes” in its ally’s air defenses.

Under the pretext of the “dramatic escalation of Iranian aggression,” the Pentagon announced the deployment of additional troops and other military assets to the Persian Gulf.

In the meantime, one guided missile destroyer has already been redeployed to the northern Persian Gulf to “plug the holes” in Saudi Arabia’s air defenses, according to US media reports. Equipped with Aegis radar and surface-to-air missiles, the USS Nitze is better known, not for its air defense capabilities, but for a ‘self-defense’ Tomahawk strike on Yemen.

(A K P)

Irans Revolutionsgarden drohen USA mit „Krieg ohne Grenzen“

Die iranischen Revolutionsgarden haben den USA für den Fall eines Angriffs mit einem "Krieg ohne Grenzen" gedroht. "Der Feind (USA) spricht von militärischen Optionen ... wir aber sprechen von einer konsequenten Antwort ohne Grenzen und Einschränkungen", sagte ein Sprecher.,-irans-revolutionsgarden-drohen-usa-mit-krieg-ohne-grenzen-_arid,1862136.html

(A K P)

Iran says it will destroy any aggressor

Iran will pursue any aggressor, even if it carries out a limited attack, and seek to destroy it, the head of the elite Revolutionary Guards said on Saturday, after attacks on Saudi oil sites which Riyadh and U.S officials blamed on Tehran.

“Be careful, a limited aggression will not remain limited. We will pursue any aggressor,”

(* B K P)

«Dank» Donald Trump in der Sackgasse: Saudiarabien, Iran, Jemen

Wichtiger ist, aus iranischer Perspektive: die Huthis im Jemen können als Stachel im Fleisch der Saudis gefördert werden. Saudiarabien will Dominanz über Jemen erlangen, über den Nachbarn, der schon immer als problematisch empfunden wurde. Problematisch, weil die Jemeniten sich nie der in Saudiarabien tonangebenden Wahhabiten-Ideologie unterjochen wollten. Anderseits benötigte die Wirtschaft Saudiarabiens ständig die Jemeniten als Arbeitskräfte.

Zwischen Saudiarabien und Iran eskalierten die Spannungen seit 1979, also seit dem Sieg des «politischen Islams» in Iran. Weshalb? Iran profilierte sich als Erfolgsmodell für etwas Neues, für ein vom Volk getragenes System. Dass diese «Volksverbundenheit» nur teilweise den Realitäten entsprach, erschien nebensächlich – selbst in den Jahren der Khomeini-Diktatur hatte das «Volk» in Iran eine gewisse Mitsprache.

Wichtiger war von Anfang an die wirtschaftliche Konkurrenz. Saudiarabien «verkauft» sich gerne als das Land mit den grössten Erdölressourcen der Welt

Qatar nahm bei der Vermarktung des flüssigen Gases die führende Stellung ein, Iran sprang, im Rahmen seiner (durch Sanktionen eingeschränkten) Möglichkeiten auf den Zug auf. Was letztendlich bedeutet: Wer Erdgas hat, ist auf dem aufsteigenden Ast, wer das nicht hat und mehrheitlich auf Erdöl angewiesen ist, auf dem absteigenden.

Saudiarabiens Reichtum ist nur noch Legende

Saudiarabien ist also, verglichen mit Iran, auf der Verliererseite. Und man kann davon ausgehen, dass auch der forsche Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman das weiss. Er muss eigentlich auch wissen, dass Saudiarabien längst nicht so reich ist, wie es sich selbst nach aussen darstellt. Vielleicht ist Saudiarabien sogar ein Staat kurz vor einer Krise? Dafür spricht Einiges.

Vor fünf Jahren betrugen Saudiarabiens Devisenreserven 674 Milliarden Dollar. Im gleichen Jahr erlitt das Königreich ein Defizit von zwischen 90 und 100 Milliarden. Im Folgejahr waren es nochmals 70 Milliarden, danach weitere 50 Milliarden. Dann wurde die Rechnung wieder einigermassen ausgeglichen, weil der Ölpreis anstieg. Das gilt wahrscheinlich auch noch für das laufende Jahr. Doch MbS, wie sich Mohammed bin Salman trendig nennen lässt, erkannte: So, wie bisher, kann es mit dem Reich nicht weitergehen.

Die saudische Militärmaschinerie wird überschätzt

Aber wie glaubwürdig ist die «militärische Grossmacht Saudiarabien» nach den Drohnen-Attacken aus Jemen / Irak / Iran? Das fragen sich wahrscheinlich auch viele Menschen im betroffenen Lande selbst.

An der Diskrepanz zwischen Aufwand und Resultat wird sich wahrscheinlich auch dann nichts ändern, wenn die nächste Waffenlieferung aus den USA abgewickelt wird – von Erich Gysling

(A E P)

Iran Says New US Sanctions Target Iranians' Access to Food, Medicine

Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports on social media said a number of Iranian websites – including those of some petrochemical firms – were under a cyber attack

Iran's foreign minister on Saturday denounced renewed U.S. sanctions against its central bank as an attempt to deny ordinary Iranians access to food and medicine, and said the move was a sign of U.S. desperation.

"But this is dangerous and unacceptable as an attempt at blocking ... the Iranian people's access to food and medicine," Zarif said

Meanwhile, unconfirmed reports on social media said a number of Iranian websites – including those of some petrochemical firms – were under a cyber attack.

(A K P)

Zarif Slams US-Proposed ’Coalition for Peaceful Resolution’ Targeting Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has slammed the US' proposed "Coalition for Peaceful Resolution" seeking to "counter" Iran.

Zarif compared the US-backed initiative to a list of eight peace initiatives proposed by Tehran in a tweet on Friday.

Among the list were the Iran's recently proposed Persian Gulf region non-aggression pact, the 2017 Astana accord for Syria and a 2015 peace plan for Yemen.

(* A K P)

Film: Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Gen. Joseph Dunford announce "The President has approved the deployment of U.S. forces, which will be defensive nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense" to Saudi Arabia

(* B K P)

Trump Regime Anti-Iran Blame Game

The blame game is longstanding US, NATO, Israeli policy — falsely blaming a targeted nation, entity, group, or individual for something they had nothing to do with.

Time and again, the tactic is used as a pretext to pursue a policy objective, including preemptive wars and/or other hostile actions.

The US, other Western nations, Israel, and their press agent media never explain that the Islamic Republic of Iran never attacked another country preemptively throughout its 40-year history.

It threatens none, stressing only its right under the UN Charter and other international law to retaliate against an aggressor in self-defense if attacked — the universal right afforded all nations.

They’re silent about the Middle East’s leading proponent of peace, stability, and cooperative relations with other countries.

Iran abhors wars, nuclear weapons, and all forms of hostility by one nation against others.

It’s targeted for regime change by the US for its sovereign independence, opposition to imperial wars, support for Palestinian rights, and sharp criticism of Israeli high crimes and other human rights abuses.

Attacking Iran militarily would be madness. It could open the gates of hell for far more devastating regional war than already.

It could risk possible global war if other major powers get involved to protect their regional interests – by Stephen Lendman

(B P)


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, labeling the recent attack on Saudi oil infrastructure as an ‘act of war.’

Though Saudi leaders have suggested Iranian involvement, they have stopped short of more definitive statements, leaving many in the region to wonder what might happen next.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s leadership has been most closely associated with a disastrous military stalemate in Yemen and an inability to curb the expansion of Iranian influence in the region.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif repeated that Iran had nothing to do with the attack, while also threatening that any strike against the Islamic Republic would result in ‘an all-out war.’

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Labour pledges halt to weapons sales for Yemen and Gaza at conference

Emily Thornberry condemns UK's continued support for Yemen war and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

Labour will take immediate steps to halt the sale of UK arms used in the Saudi campaign in Yemen and by Israeli forces against Gaza, the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry told the party’s conference on Monday.

She added that the party would “conduct a root and branch reform of our arms export regime to ensure that never again can ministers turn a blind eye when British made weapons are being used to kill innocent children.”

(* A K P)

The government just invested £100m in ‘killer robots’ carrying bombs used in Yemen

On 11 September, the government announced a contract worth “approximately” £100m for new drones. It stated:

The world-class Protector will be the first remotely controlled aircraft capable of attacking targets anywhere in [the] world while being operated from their home base in RAF [Royal Air Force] Waddington.

will use enhanced data links and carry next-generation, low collateral, precision strike weapons, including the UK-made Brimstone missile (MBDA) and Paveway IV Laser Guided Bomb (Raytheon UK). The aircraft’s design enables almost unlimited payload options in the future, depending on requirement.

The government also stated that Protector:

As Curtis stressed, Protector will be “armed with” the same “missiles used” in the brutal Yemen war. In 2018, evidence emerged that since 2013

My comment: Well, they got the Saudis to test these missiles in Yemen.

The government also stated that Protector:

(A K P)

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has said it is implausible that attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities were launched by Yemen’s Houthi movement.

Mr Raab told BBC1’s The Andrew Marr Show: “I find it, from the information I’ve seen, entirely implausible and lacking in credibility to suggest that those attacks came from the Houthi rebels.”

My comment: LOL.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Anita-Augspurg-Preis: Dem Jemen Hoffnung schenken

Sie will den Krieg in ihrer Heimat nicht einfach geschehen lassen. Und sie will Frauen eine Stimme geben. Die Jemenitin Rasha Jarhum und die Verdenerin Anita Augspurg sind Schwestern im Geiste.

Aus dem Exil heraus hat sich Jarhum zu einer weltweit beachteten Stimme für eine friedliche Zukunft des Jemens entwickelt. 2015 gründete sie die Initiative „Peace Track“, in der sich 250 Frauen aus dem Jemen organisiert haben. Sie unterstützen sich gegenseitig, bieten von Gewalt bedrohten Frauen Hilfe an und wollen die Rechte der Frauen in dem arabischen Land stärken. Für Jarhum liegt der Frieden in den Händen der Frauen. Sie lerne jeden Tag aus der Widerstandskraft all dieser Frauen. „Es ist das, was mich am Laufen hält und was die Hoffnung in meinem Herzen hält, dass der Jemen bald Frieden finden wird.“

Für dieses Engagement erhielt Rasha Jarhum am Freitagabend den Anita-Augspurg-Preis „Rebellinnen gegen den Krieg“, den die Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit (IFFF) zum dritten Mal in Kooperation mit der Stadt Verden verlieh.

Es ist Julie Trippo von der IFFF, die in ihrer Laudatio eine Verbindung von der berühmten Verdenerin zu Jarhum schlägt,-dem-jemen-hoffnung-schenken-_arid,1862300.html

(* A K P)

German arms export freeze on Saudi Arabia extended

Germany has extended its arms export moratorium on Saudi Arabia by 6 months.

Germany's freeze on arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia begun last October andformalized in March would remain in place until March 2020, a German government spokesman announced Wednesday.

The ban — prompted by the killing of Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi — had been questioned within Chancellor Angela Merkel's own party following the mystery drone strikes on Saudi oil installations, which the US and Saudi Arabia blame on Iran or its allies.

But Merkel on Tuesday had said that she saw "no conditions, at the moment, for a changed stance" on the German government's side, signaling that the moratorium should be extended beyond its initial expiration date of September 30th.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(B K P)

KSA, UAE should have listened to Morocco on Yemen

The fallout of the war in Yemen and the humanitarian crisis the war-torn country is facing vindicate the Moroccan position to backdown from supporting militarily the Saudi-led military intervention in favor of seeking political solutions.

A look at the current situation with hindsight vindicates Morocco’s position.

Military interventions led by Saudis and Emiratis have all come at a very high cost. Hundreds of Emiratis and Saudis have been killed in Yemen and thousands more civilians not to speak of the destruction of the country’s cultural heritage and infrastructure.

Saudi border towns are regularly shelled by Yemeni Houthis who claimed last week to have hit critical oil installations in Eastern Saudi Arabia, causing a loss of 50% of Saudi oil production capacity.

Such attacks, which Saudis blame on Iran, are reflective of Riyadh’s frail military and its vulnerability to an all-out-war.

(A K P)

European Union: Statement by the the Spokesperson on the latest developments in Yemen

The announcement made by Ansar Allah on 20 September, on the cessation of hostile military acts against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is an important step. The European Union has always maintained that there is no military solution to the conflict in Yemen, and therefore initiatives aiming at de-escalation are urgently needed.

My comment: EU countries should stop arming Saudi Arabia and UAE.

(A K P)

Sayyed Nasrullah: Saudi Regime is Aging, Ansarullah has Wide Popular Support

(A K P)

‘Aramco operation changed regional equations against US, allies

A senior official from the Lebanese resistance movement of Hezbollah says Yemen’s military strike against Saudi Aramco’s oil processing plants has changed regional equations against the United States and its allies.

Sheikh Nabil Qaouq, the deputy chairman of Hezbollah’s Executive Council, made the remark on Sunday

(A P)

UAE foreign minister taking el-Sisi's side. First international reaction to Sept. 20 protests that I'm aware of.

referring to

(B P)

Film by Rep. McGovern: I am again calling for the immediate & unconditional release of Nabeel Rajab, a Bahraini prisoner of conscience. He was arrested, convicted & imprisoned simply for criticizing the government of #Bahrain’s record on #HumanRights. We will not stop speaking out until he is free.

cp13 Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Yemen: Houthi militants behind fuel crisis

The legitimate Yemeni government’s Supreme Economic Committee (SEC) has blamed the Iran-backed Houthi militants for the delay of entrance of oil tankers anchored off the western port of Hudaydah, prompting a fuel crisis across the conflict-torn country.

The Houthi militants forced oil traders to violate rules outlined by the Yemeni government as well as regulations organizing the trade of oil derivatives in the country, Al Arabiya al Hadath channel quoted a statement by the SEC as saying on Sunday =

My remark: The Houthis told quite a different story:

(A E P)

Film. While the Saudi-led coalition is holding 13 ships loaded with fuel and food, The capital Sana'a and a number of provinces are experiencing a severe crisis in oil derivatives and lack of domestic gas


(A E P)

Yemen's Legitimate Government Accuses Houthis of Causing Fuel Crisis

“The vessels loaded with fuel docked off Hodeidah port, for a while now, came after militias forced traders to violate government decisions and regulations governing the trade of oil derivatives and efforts to pay salaries for civilians in Houthi-run areas,” the economic committee said in an official statement.

“Some of these traders have abided by the decisions and controls in the freed ports and obtained facilities and exceptions, and their shipments didn’t face any delays,” the statement added.

The Committee affirmed for all traders if they commit to resolution 49, it will issue approval documents and discuss reasonable facilities and exceptions to alleviate the citizens’ suffering.

Government's decision 49 provides for the payment of taxes and customs duties for the legitimate government’s interest on all oil derivatives imported to Yemeni ports, including the port of Hodeidah, which is run by the militias.

The Committee explained that the government decision aims at enhancing the state's revenues, reactivating its sovereign institutions and improving the humanitarian situation in the war-torn country.

and also

My comment: That’s it: The Hadi government by this way tries to receive revenues from Houthi-herld territory, thus receiving an achnowledgment of ist claimed „legitimacy“.

(A E P)

Hadi stresses imperative of curbing Yemeni national currency devaluation

Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi has stressed the imperative of curbing the devaluation of his country's national currency by subduing money exchangers from currency speculations and other malpractices that lead to the fall of the Yemeni Riyal.

My comment: It’s the war, stupid.

(B E P)

Disclosable Restructuring Paper - Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project - P159053 (English)

Approved July 19, 2016

The Project Development Objective is to provide short-term employment and access to selected basic services to the most vulnerable; preserve existing implementation capacity of service delivery programs; and provide emergency cash transfers to the poor and vulnerable in response to the food crisis.

KEY RESULTS. As of August 31, 2019, under the Labor Intensive Works and Community Services Component (Component 1) implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); the number of direct beneficiaries of wage employment has reached 367,000 workers against a target of 470,700; over 7.65 million work days have been created against a target of 9.36 million; and the number of people who were provided with access to key services has reached 3.76 million against a target of 2.76 million. Moreover, approximately 296,142 people (120,339 women and 175,803 children) have benefitted from the project’s nutrition services interventions (target of 216,191 people); and the number of core staff positions for SFD has reached 191 positions (103%) and 53 positions (100%) for PWP.

Under the Emergency Cash Transfer component (Component 3) which is implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and to which this restructuring pertains, the project has successfully completed five rounds of payment cycles to an average 1.4 million beneficiary households, with a sixth payment cycle planned for midOctober 2019.

and full document:

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA Provides A Unique Model of Land and Man Unity

Al-Bilad and Al-Riyadh newspapers said in their editorials that since the unification and establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the founder late King Abdulaziz, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been providing a unique model of the unity of land and man under the banner of unification and the approach that holds good for the nation and the world.
The papers said that today, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most important pillars of the world peace due to its wisdom and prudent policy.

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Film: 4-Star General Mike Holmes on Yemen and Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi Press: Iranian Regime Tries to Engage the World into Intertwined Regional and Global Crises

Al-Bilad newspaper said in its editorial that the Iranian regime believes that it can deceive the world all the time and engage it in intertwined regional and global crises, while trying to pass its dangerous plans that undermine the stability of the region and blackmail the world to implement its expansionist and nuclear project.

Okaz newspaper said in its editorial that when governments cannot advance the interests of their peoples over all their priorities, they are seeking only power, influence, authoritarianism and despotism, as well as dragging the poor into the pitfalls of hunger, ignorance and poverty. The paper said that the Iranian government has been crushing and gradually killing the Iranian people with extreme poverty and spreading deadly drugs among their youths.

(A P)

Yemeni Rebels Warn Iran Plans Another Strike Soon

The information has been passed along to the Saudis and the U.S., according to people briefed on the warnings (paywalled)

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) quotes people familiar with the matter on Sunday, Houthi rebels in Yemen have warned foreign diplomats that Iran is preparing a follow-up strike to the missile and drone attack on Saudi Arabian oil and gas facilities a week ago that knocked-off 5% of the global oil supplies.

The sources confirm that the last attack was forced by Iran and are said to have passed the information to the Saudi and the US about the warnings.

Comment: Likely more reflective of a differences within Houthi movement rather than a larger schism between the movement & Iran, there is not universal Houthi support for Iran. But possible between this & the ceasefire that the Houthis are trying to open the door to a political resolution

My comment: All this sounds like propaganda. The Houthis had warned that THEY would strike again if Saudi Arabia continues striking Yemen. – This article is a typical scaling of propaganda: On h propaganda claim that the last strike orignated from Iran is set a further step: Also the next strike announced by the Houthis of course is from Iran.

(A P)

Behnam Ben Taleblu: Attack on Saudi oil facility shows Trump was right to pull out of Iran nuke deal

The devastating attack Saturday against a major oil facility in Saudi Arabia dramatically illustrates why the Iran nuclear deal that was accepted by the Obama administration and rejected by President Trump failed to end the Iranian threat to peace and stability in the Middle East.

While the nuclear deal put temporary restrictions on the Iranian nuclear program, it did absolutely nothing to stop Iran’s aggressive conventional and asymmetric military actions against its neighbors and threats against Israel. This is partly why President Trump ultimately withdrew from this deeply flawed agreement.

In fact, the nuclear deal aided Iranian military aggression and support of terrorist groups by lifting international economic sanctions against Iran and freeing up Iranian funds frozen by foreign banks – by Behnam Ben Taleblu , a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies

My comment: Look where they come from and understand what they tell.

(A P)

The Attack on Saudi Arabia Is the Crisis Iran Was Waiting For

This is the crisis Iran has been waiting for, with pro-regime media tweeting about the "unprecedented attack" and parroting the threats of Yemen's Houthi rebels against Saudi oil infrastructure.

The attack showcases Iran's precision weapons guidance. This is a threat that has been increasing for years.

However, Tehran has also been stymied in how to employ its arsenal, weighing the responses it wants to give in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran deal, in May 2018. For a year Iran used its good-cop, bad-cop routine, threatening to walk away from provisions of the deal if European and other countries didn't work to get around Washington's sanctions - by Seth Frantzman

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Sep. 21:

Sep. 20:

Sep. 19:

Sep. 18:

Sep. 17:

Sep. 16:

(A K pH)


Two citizens were killed and injured, today Monday, in a new crime committed by the US-Saudi aggressive air raids on Hajjah province, a security source reported.

The source added that the aggression targeted the house of Abdo Ahmed Yahya Jumai in Al-She’ab area in Haradh district with a number of criminal raids. (photo)

(* A K pH)

Women, children killed as Saudi jets bomb mosque in Yemen

Saudi warplanes have bombed a mosque in Amran province in western Yemen, killing seven people, including children and women.

Yemen’s al-Masirah TV reported that the victims lost their lives in an airstrike early on Monday. They were from the same family and had taken refuge in the mosque in order to avoid Saudi attacks.

Earlier reports said five civilians were killed and two others went missing after the attack. But the death toll rose after the bodies of two children were recovered from the rubble of the targeted mosque.

According to the report, the Saudi warplanes have carried out 11 airstrikes on the province over the past hours.

The attacks come despite a call by Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement for cessation of strikes.

by Saba:


(* A K pH)


The names of the martyrs of the crime of aggression against the family of Saleh Jarwan in Harf Sufyan district of Amran province:

1- Saleh Masoud Jarwan, 32 years old, the father of the family.

2- Badi’ah Abdullah Mejali, Saleh Masood’s pregnant wife, 30 years old.

3 – Kobra Saleh Masoud Jarwan. 4 years old.

4- Murad Saleh Masoud Jarwan.

5-Muammar Saleh Jarwan, 3 years old.

6 – Thekra Saleh Jarwan, one year and 8 months old.

7 – Ganiah Mansour Sa’ban 60 years old, the mother of Saleh Jarwan. (photos)


(* A K pH)

At least seven civilians were killed, including women and children from the same family on Monday when the US-backed coalition aggression airstrikes launched three air strikes on a mosque in Amran province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency.

The airstrikes targeted the nomadic family of Saleh Muqaffah inside a mosque after they escaped from their tent in al-Sawad area.

In the early morning, coalition’s warplanes resumed raiding Al-Sawad area in Amran, bringing the total to 11 raids since Sunday midnight (photos) (photos)

At dawn today, Yemeni Saleh Jarwan took family (pregnant wife, mother & 4 kids) from home to nearby mosque to save them death when Saudi fighter jets started bombing in his village in Amran. But Saudi jets came after him to bomb them in the mosque with 6 airstrikes killing all. (photos) (one more photo and names of victims, in Arabic)

Film: =


(* A K)

Five civilians killed in air strikes by Saudi-led coalition in Yemen: TV

Yemen’s Houthi movement said early on Monday that five civilians from one family were killed in air strikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Omran province in Yemen, according to the Houthi owned Al-Masirah TV.

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis said the Saudi-led coalition carried out air strikes on a mosque that the family went to when the strikes began. Two children from the same family are missing, with searches for them going on under the rubble of the targeted mosque, the TV report said.


(* A K pH)

5 Yemeni civilians were killed & 2 others went missing after US-Saudi war criminals hit their house with 5 airstrikes in Amran south Yemen early today. 2 more civilians had been killed while driving on their car in the same area. Saudis disregard the lives of despite peace calls (photos)


(A K P)

Let the world see how #UK government who condemned attacks #Abqaiq oil installation has physically supported this #Saudi bombing killing #Yemeni children last night No other explanation to this but bigotry & hatred of #Arab children


In Amran, US-Saudi aggression targeted Communication Towers with 3 raids. The aggression also targeted civilian's car in Harf-Sufean district.

(A K pH)

Film: Raids of criminal aggression on the Directorate of Serwah in Marib make educational institutions impact

(* A K pH)

Raids of US-Saudi Aggression During Past Hours Confirms Aggression’s Determination to Waste President’s Initiative

The number of raids launched by the US-Saudi aerial aggression against Yemen in a number of provinces over the past 12 hours has exceeded 39, Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e tweeted on Saturday.

Number of raids carried out by Saudi and Emirati aerial aggression and the targeted locations has been reported as follows:

29 raids were launched by Saudi aerial aggression:

13 raids on Najran Front

6 raids on Haradh, Hajjah province

3 raids on Serwah, Marib province

3 raids on Al-Safra, Sa’adah province

3 raids on Amran province

1 raid on Al-Beqa’a

10 raids were launched by UAE aerial aggression:

4 raids on Sahar, Sa’adah province

2 raids in Najran Front

2 raids on Haradh, Hajjah province

1 raid on Amran province

1 raid on Al-Beqa’a

These raids came after President Mahdi al-Mashat’s initiative to halt strikes on Saudi Arabia in return for an end to the US-Saudi attacks on Yemen, which confirms the unwillingness of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to respond to this initiative.


(A K pS)

Coalition hits Houthi militia reinforcements east of Sa’ada

The air strikes targeted movements of the Houthi militia, which was on its way to reinforce its elements in Kitaf front.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Sep. 21: Saada p., Amran p., Hajjah p.

Sep. 20: Hodeidah p., Saada p., Hajjah p., Marib p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Islah mercenaries killed in Yemeni offensive

Shabwah recruits killed while defending Saudi Arabia borders

Several recruits from Shabwah province in the ranks of Saudi-led coalition were killed on the Jizan front in defence of territory of Saudi Arabia, which continues to strengthen its military presence in the provincial capital, Ataq city.

(A K)

Emirates: Schließung des Dubai International Airport für 15 Minuten wegen vermuteter Drohnenaktivität

Emirates bestätigte heute, dass der Dubai International Airport am Sonntag, 22. September 2019, aufgrund des Verdachts auf Drohnenaktivität im umliegenden Luftraum von 12.36 Uhr bis 12.51 Uhr Ortszeit geschlossen wurde.

Infolgedessen wurde der Flug EK 433 von Brisbane und Singapur nach Dubai International Airport nach Dubai World Central und der Flug EK 511 von Delhi nach Dubai International Airport nach Sharjah International Airport umgeleitet.

(A K)

Suspected drones disrupt Dubai flights

Flights at Dubai's international airport, one of the world's busiest, were briefly disrupted Sunday due to "suspected drone activity," officials said.

Two arriving flights had to be diverted, it said, while media reports said the planes had landed at a smaller airport in the neighbouring emirate of Sharjah.


(A K pS)

Houthi militias acknowledge the killing of their operations commander in Al-Baydha, and a number of officers and soldiers

(A K pS)

5,812 Houthi landmines removed in running September

The Saudi Masam Landmine clearance Project has cleared 876 mines and unexploded munitions planted by the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia during the third week of September in a number of liberated areas.

The total of what the teams removed from the beginning of the month until the 20th of this month amounted to 5,812 mines and unexploded ordnance in a number of liberated areas in Yemen, he added.

(* B K pS)

Thousands of Houthi violations leave hundreds of civilians dead in Yemen

The Houthi militia committed 16,000 violations in the last three years against civilians in Yemen’s Al-Jawf province, according to the Right to Life Organization in Yemen.

The violations, between July 2016 and September 2019, included the killing of 172 children, 106 women and 101 elderly, there were also 786 injured, including 290 children and 113 women, state news agency SPA.

The report also revealed 12,673 families had been displaced, while14 homes, 45 schools, and 11 health facilities had all been bombed.

(A K pS)

A civilian was injured and many houses damaged as a result of #Houthi group shelling at al-Zaher district in al-Baydha governorate.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B D)

FilA Yemeni painter found a way to make a living in the war-torn country by upcycling old car tires into furniture and works of art. Footage filmed in Sanaa on Sunday shows Sufian Noman cutting and painting parts of an old tire in his workshop.

(B D P)

Longing for peace: The young Yemeni pushing for change from abroad

After a stint in Nigeria working for a startup company, young Yemeni national Mohammed Al-Salafi wants to use his skills to promote peace in his home country. DW's Fanny Facsar met him as he prepared to leave Lagos.

Mohammed is just one of tens of thousands of people who make up the Yemeni diaspora. His father still lives in Yemen and is an important source of information, as well as a connection to his home country.

"My father lives in Aden," says Mohammed. "He cannot leave. He doesn't want to; it is his home country. Through him I hear about the frustration. To me, it's frustrating that our political leaders are not willing or committed to achieving peace, or creating prosperity."

But Mohammed is still optimistic that peace can be restored. Given the chaotic situation on the ground, with the constant power plays and an increasingly fragmented society, he's well aware how naive that must sound.

The social fabric is becoming looser and looser and people are fighting [based on] identity," he explains. [They just say] 'you are from the north and you are from the south'." Although the civil war is still growing more complex by the day as more and more parties become involved, Mohammed is already thinking about life in Yemen after the war. If peace does come, he wants to be prepared.

"Peace can be achieved with political players, but also through the people who are fighting," he says.

(A D)

Film: The For Better Future Initiative Celebrates Open Painting Day in Taiz

On the occasion of World Peace Day, the FBF initiative celebrated the Open Painting Day in the southern Yemeni city of Taiz, with the participation of a group of art students and peace-loving activists, aiming to use art to spread the message of peace and tolerance in war-affected areas


Film: Socotra is the jewel of #Yemen, and actually the jewel of planet earth. It is one of the bright side of all the sad realities in Yemen.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-577 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-577: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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