Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 585 - Yemen War Mosaic 585

Yemen Press Reader 585: 11. Oct. 2019: Humanitärer Maßnahmenplan der UNO–Huthi-Raketen aus Nordkorea–Mit dem Flugzeug nach Jemen–Narrativ der Mainstreammedien–Konflikt und Konfrontation im Süden

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Oct. 11, 2019: UN Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan – Houthi missiles from North Korea – Traveling to Yemen by plane – Mainstream media narrative – Simmering conflict and confrontation in the South – Donald Trump’s Iran Humiliation – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Huthis schalten saudische Söldnerbrigaden aus / Houthis override Saudi mercenaries’ brigades

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K)

Film by Oxfam: Why is there such a huge humanitarian crisis in Yemen?

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H P)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan - End of Year Report (August 2019)


Over the past year, the humanitarian operation in Yemen has undergone a step-change, becoming the largest operations worldwide. This review presents the achievements of the humanitarian community against the objectives and targets of the 2018 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) and the evolving humanitarian situation in Yemen.

It builds on monitoring information collected every month and an end-of-year analysis of humanitarian needs and priorities. Complementary information is available at: Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan and Response Monitoring Dashboard


During 2018, working under increasingly difficult conditions, 254 international and national partners delivered food assistance, health care, nutrition support, protection, shelter, education, water and sanitation and livelihood support. Major achievements are summarized below:

Humanitarian partners managed one of the largest, fastest and most difficult scale-ups of food assistance. The number of people provided with food and livelihood assistance each month increased from 5.9 million to 7.5 million, a 27 per cent increase. As a result, the food and nutrition situation has improved in more than half of the 107 districts at-risk of famine, and as of today one-fifth are no longer at risk of famine.

Millions of destitute families benefited from direct support including agricultural, livestock and fisheries assistance to improve their livelihoods. FSAC partners reached a total of 2.26 million people and 160,000 people were provided with longer-term livelihoods support. Similarly, Emergency Employment and Community Rehabilitation (EECR) Cluster partners reached a total of 331,912 people, with emergency employment opportunities in 102 districts in 19 governorates. This represents a 14 per cent increase from 2017, when 290,000 people were reached by the cluster.

6.03 million people received nutrition support. This represents a 255 per cent increase from 2017, when 1.7 million people received nutrition support. The nutrition operation expanded considerably in 2018 and a higher percentage of ill and malnourished children are surviving in Yemen than at any time since the conflict started. The number of children treated for SAM increased by 31 per cent, up from 263,313 in 2017 to 345,661 in 2018. Similarly, the number of children with moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) admitted to Therapeutic Supplementary Feeding programmes (TSFP) supported by partners increased by 58 per cent from 360,163 in 2017 to 568,332 by the end of 2018. In addition, a total of 413,277 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) were admitted to TSFPs.

The largest cholera outbreak in modern history was contained.

Millions of people were reached with safe drinking water and sanitation support thanks to the considerable scale up of WASH service provision and rapid response teams (RRTs

Millions of ill and suffering Yemenis were being treated at health facilities throughout the country. Health Cluster partners worked through more than 2,200 health facilities, provided over 12 million consultations, delivered 16,616 mental health consultations, and treated 36,491 trauma cases. Skilled birth attendants assisted 255,172 deliveries and more than a million women received antenatal and postnatal care. More than 488,000 surgeries were performed. Vaccination campaigns for diphtheria, measles, rubella and polio reached 13.2 million people. Overall, the Cluster reached 12 million people in 2018, compared with 8.6 million people reached in 2017, representing an increase of 40 per cent.

1.4 million people received Shelter/NFI/CCCM Support.

More than 4 million people received protection services.

Although nearly 25 per cent of all students remain out of school, millions of children are able to learn because of the support provided by humanitarian partners. Education Cluster partners delivered education services to 1.8 million students. The Cluster reached 429,640 children with school meals. People reached increased by 80 per cent, from 1 million in 2017 to 1.8 million in 2018.

The response to displacement improved with the establishment of a Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) to assist people in the immediate aftermath of a crisis.

Overall, despite an increasingly difficult operating environment, the structure and the functioning of the humanitarian operation has improved.

(** B K)

Why Do the Yemeni Houthi Rebels Have North Korean Missiles?

Key point: Many countries sell weapons and they can end up in different hands than those who bought them

It’s possible the missile strikes that badly damaged a key Saudi oil facility on Sept. 14, 2019 involved far-flying drones firing small, guided munitions.

But it’s worth noting that the Houthis also possess a surprisingly sophisticated arsenal of homemade ballistic and cruise missiles possessing the range performance to strike targets deep inside Saudi Arabia.

According to aviation expert Tom Cooper, the main weapon in the Houthi arsenal is the Burkan, a modified version of the Soviet R-17E Scud rocket that’s around five feet longer than the baseline missile and some 4,400 pounds heavier and can travel farther than 500 miles.

The Houthis inherited from the defunct Yemeni military a large number of Soviet-exported Scuds as well as North Korean-made Scuds called “Hwasong-6s.”

Iraq in the 1980s modified its own Scuds to the long-range “Al Hussein” standard, which is similar to the Burkan. An Iraqi engineer told Cooper about the modification effort, perhaps offering a perspective on the origins of the Houthis’ long-range rocket force.

“The R-17E is quite simple,” the engineer told Cooper.

“While this is hardly definitive proof that the Yemenis stretched R-17Es or Hwasong-6 on their own, it at least indicates that modifying older Scud-style missiles for longer range is possible.”

The Houthis also possess a cruise missile called the “Quds 1,” which according to missile expert Fabian Hinz could be a copy of the Iranian Soumar missile -- itself a copy of the Russian Kh-55.

Noting the overall similarity in design with the Soumar, many observers claimed Iran had simply smuggled it to Yemen where the Houthis gave it a new paintjob and a new name, as they had done before with the Qiam. …

[But] there are quite a few differences. Differences between the Quds 1 and the Soumar include the entire booster design, the wing position, the Quds 1’s fixed wings, the shape of the nose cone, the shape of the aft fuselage, the position of the stabilizers and the shape of the engine cover and exhaust. …

There is yet another apparent difference between the Quds 1 and the Soumar/Hoveyzeh: size.

Also, the Quds 1 features a Czech-made TJ100 engine, which is less powerful than the Russian-made engine on the Kh-55.

“All of this leaves the question of just who developed and built the Quds 1,” Hinz wrote. “The idea that impoverished war-torn Yemen would be able to develop a cruise missile without any outside assistance seems far-fetched. Iran’s previous supply of missiles to the Houthis and the fact that the country uses TJ100 engines in its drone program do imply that Iran could be behind the Quds 1.”

“However, so far we haven’t seen any trace of the Quds 1 in Iran proper. This riddle is not unique to the Quds 1. Beginning in 2018, several missile systems began to emerge in Yemen that while broadly similar to Iranian-designed systems have no exact Iranian equivalent.” – by David Axe

(** B H P)

A Yemeni Travel Odyssey: Unpredictable Airports and Risky Roads

Under the best war-time circumstances, travel to, from and within Yemen is long, tiresome and stressful. There is constant uncertainty about whether airports will be open or closed or how smooth road travel will be through frontlines and scores of checkpoints run by various combatants. Since the Saudi-led coalition stopped commercial air traffic at Sana’a airport in 2016, many Yemenis have been unable to seek medical care abroad; the journey to alternative airports is difficult. My long-awaited trip began August 7, days after deadly twin attacks on police and militia targets in Aden and as southern separatists readied to turn on their government allies in the southern city.

Flights to Yemen operate from only five cities worldwide, with most Yemenis traveling via Amman or Cairo. Flying through Khartoum is more expensive, and flights from Jeddah and Riyadh are used mostly by Yemenis living in Saudi Arabia.

On arriving from Frankfurt, I have a 10-hour layover – more than the six-hour minimum required by Yemenia for its passengers transiting through Amman because its flights are regulated by the Saudi-led war coalition, meaning times can change or passenger lists can require verification if non-Yemenis are aboard. Some of my wait is spent explaining to security officers that I need to collect my luggage in the arrivals hall because Yemenia was unable to check my bags through to Aden. As a Yemeni, I need, but cannot be issued at the airport, a visa to enter the arrivals area.

Eventually, I am allowed access to collect my bags.

Luggage collected and back in departures, I meet a Yemeni woman in her 20s who came to Amman for back surgery. We speak about returning to Yemen – we both have missed our families in Sana’a while abroad and are looking forward to the comforting feeling of being home. We check in and are seated beside each other.

As our plane fills up, many sick or physically infirm passengers – often elderly with traveling companions – make their way to their seats.

We land in Aden three-and-a-half hours later in the dusty, humid late afternoon,

We wait nearly two hours for our luggage

I sleep early, with plans confirmed to leave early the next morning for the 460-kilometer journey to the capital, Sana’a. The driver collects from their homes three other women heading to Sana’a, and the four of us share the standard US$200 fee. There are cheaper options available; buses cost about US$23, but the journey takes up to four hours longer because of checkpoint delays while passengers are questioned and their papers checked. Some shared taxis pack in more passengers than ours, which can reduce the cost to as low as US$25 per person.

We pass 62 checkpoints along the way, some appearing well-established, others an individual soldier or two briefly stopping and waving through vehicles.

Our driver knows the unspoken rules and the roads, making the Aden-to-Sana’a journey daily and complaining of lack of sleep, especially with many Eid travelers and people fleeing the tense situation in Aden. The trickiest part of our journey, he says, will be in the southern Taiz governorate, passing through Al-Saylah “road,” which is packed dirt except when rainwater flows through from the surrounding mountains. This 10-kilometer stretch is wide enough for only one vehicle to pass, full of potholes and large rocks; it takes an hour to navigate, more when it rains. We find it muddy from the previous day’s rain, but passable.

Every day, though, I think about my return journey. I know the length of the trip and the type of roads we will travel.

On the morning of August 22, I set out on the 16-hour, 775-kilometer drive through the mountains to Marib and then across a vast stretch of desert to Sayoun

With Aden unstable and northerners being turned back at some checkpoints heading south to the city, many other travelers also had shifted their flights to Sayoun – by Aisha al-Warraq

(** B P)

Why does Western MSM doggedly insists on branding Yemen’s Ansarullah “Iran-backed”?

During the past five years, the western audience has been repeatedly told by the western mainstream media that those fighting Saudi Arabia in Yemen are Iran’s puppets fighting to take the helm in the country.

The latest wave of such reports came following the September 14 strikes into Aramco facilities in Saudi Arabia when a mountain of commentary emerged blaming Iran as the main culprit.

Both Tehran and Ansarullah have denied claims of Iranian weapons deliveries to Yemen, a country awash in weapons.

A senior Iranian general recently told China’s Phoenix TV Iran “provides advisory and intellectual assistance” to the popular forces in Yemen. This support is within the framework of the Iranian Constitution, which says the country is obliged to assist the oppressed around the globe.

Interestingly, the same media outlets that are screaming about Iran almost never point to the full-fledged western military support for Saudi Arabia in a comparable fashion.

They also prefer not to highlight the fact that Saudi Arabia itself is widely seen to be a British creation.

Moreover, we never see a similar branding in the MSM narrative on other conflicts, notably in Syria, where Saudi Arabia and the US have been exposed to be funding and training militants fighting to topple the Syrian government.

Good guys and bad guys

The western outlets, claimed to be freest and fairest in the world, have for a long time been favoring Saudi Arabia and its wealthy Arab neighbors in their reporting.

But this pro-Saudi narrative was apparently woven by the western governments and parroted by a wide array of MSM outlets in the mid-2010s.

In fact, Saudi Arabia and the US predicated the 2015 invasion of Yemen at least in part on the Iran-Ansarullah connection, arguing that the group is an Iranian proxy destroying democracy in Yemen.

But Ansarullah, of which the Houthis are only a part, are homegrown. T

Pigeonholing technique

The narrative of “state-controlled” insurgents is a common one for governments to use when facing a movement they cannot overcome.

In the propaganda war, the last thing any dictatorship wants is for the public to view the forces fighting them as common people.

So they come up with a story in which the rebellion is actually a villainous conspiracy plotted by a foreign power.

Once a rebellion against foreign-backed dictators is pigeon-holed as a proxy controlled by a foreign power, few among the public will listen to what they have to say no matter how factual it may be.

And this will prevent the movement from raising public awareness of the dictator’s crimes and encouraging others to join the movement.

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. are going to rewrite the narrative to fit their agenda, no matter if Ansarullah are legitimate or they have real grievances against Saudi Arabia.

Killing two birds

The branding will also help propagate an Iranophobic narrative that has been pushed by the western media since the 1979 revolution.

The western media has in recent years increasingly lamented Iran’s “regional influence” and its desire for world domination.

The key to this narrative is that the villainous regime in Iran is supporting proxy groups in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria to project its power on the whole region.

Iran is also locked in a cold war-like showdown with Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, according to this narrative.

In Yemen, the western media implies Iran is the wicked mastermind behind an insurgency led by the Houthi family, and Saudi Arabia is a savior bent on rescuing democracy in its southern neighbor.

This the narrative would allow the western politicians and media to kill two birds with one stone: Damaging legitimacy of Yemen’s desperate struggle for independence and survival, and tarnishing Iran’s image and bolstering the case for a war against the country.

My comment: This is from Iran – anyway, it simply describes things as they are. They do not need to tell propaganda if reality just does it.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* A H)

Five recent #cholera deaths in al-Mawasit district in rural #Taiz. The manager of the health center in the district appealed for rapid intervention in the face of cholera outbreaks.

(* B H)

Yemen: over 2 mn suspected cases in cholera emergency

The cholera emergency in Yemen is growing, with more than two million suspected cases registered in less than three years, an average of 80 every hour, according to Oxfam.
It said since the start of the year one case out of four has been a child under the age of five.
The epidemic stems from four-and-a-half years of a bloody conflict and lack of access to clean water, it said.
Oxfam said the emergency has hit 22 out of 23 governorates in the country and has worsened in recent months in some zones hit by the war, such as the port of Hudaydah, where infections have risen 60% compared to previous months.
It said 18 million Yemenis are now exposed to infection due to the lack of clean water and sanitation, while two out of three people lack basic health care, and 14 million are on the brink of famine. From June to August, the intensification of the conflict, including in the country's south, caused 54% of the civilian victims and 79% of civilian residences hit.

(* B H)

Save the Children Warns of Cholera Spike in Yemen's North

A children's advocacy group is warning of a spike in cholera cases in northern Yemen affecting hundreds of thousands of children and their families as a result of an increase in fuel shortages.

Save the Children said Wednesday that fuel shortages have resulted in a jump in food prices and, as a result, a deepening health crisis.

The group says fuel prices have hiked 100% over the past 40 days as the internationally recognized government imposed customs duties in the interim capital Aden. That caused a 60% decrease in the amount of fuel coming through the key port of Hodeida, the group says.

Save the Children says the resulting health crisis has led to a mounting risk of more cases of cholera and other waterborne diseases.

(* B H)

Yemen - Spike in Dengue cases (DG ECHO, WHO, MSF, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 09 October 2019)

A seasonal spike in dengue has been reported, with more cases in 2019 than in previous years. There have been 14,540 suspected cases of dengue fever, with 79 associated deaths recorded since the beginning of the year. The increased reporting is also likely linked to an increased number of surveillance sites and improved case detection, definition and reporting.

Southern governorates are mainly affected, with 88 districts reporting suspected dengue cases in the last four weeks and 83% of the cases reported in four governorates

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] FM Meets Newly Appointed Head Of UN Mission On Hodeidah Agreement

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf Abdullah met on Wednesday with the newly appointed head of the United Nations mission for monitoring the cease-fire agreement in Hodeidah Abhijit Guha.

At the meeting, the minister renewed the political leadership’s commitment in Sanaa to provide all facilities and support to the mission’s head in line of implementing all of Stockholm Agreement items.

Sharaf affirmed the other party still put obstacles and difficulties to hinder any agreement to cease fire and achieve peace.

(A K pS P)

Houthis Escalate in Hodeidah Ahead of Guha’s Arrival

Iran-backed Houthi militias carried out attacks in Hodeidah ahead of the arrival of the newly appointed head of the United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA), Lieutenant General Abhijit Guha, in the Yemeni province.
Yemeni military sources said that joint forces repelled the Houthi attacks.
Guha, who is Indian, was said to be on his way to Hodeidah after his arrival in the capital Sanaa.
Earlier this week, he met in Riyadh with top Yemeni government officials from the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) and Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir.
Houthi official sources claimed that Guha met in Sanaa on Wednesday with the insurgents’ representatives in the RCC.
They quoted Guha as saying that the Houthi officials expressed willingness to cooperate with him top back the Hodeidah agreement, which was signed between the legitimacy and the militias in Stockholm last year, and to assist him in his task.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

(A K pS)

Hodeidah . 10 Houthi gunmen killed and wounded in Houthi weapons and ammunition store explosion in Hees countryside

Three gunmen were killed and seven others injured when an explosion occurred in a warehouse belonging to Houthi militias on Wednesday morning in Hees district in southern Hodeidah, western Yemen.

A local source told Al-Masdar Online that an explosion followed by explosions for an hour inside a weapons and ammunition store belonging to Houthi militias

and also

(B K pH)

Saudis violated ceasefire over 30,000 times since Stockholm Agreement

Yemeni military releases statistics of Saudi violations of ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah

Yemeni army spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e has on Tuesday said that Saudi-led coalition forces and mercenaries have committed 1,594 violations of the ceasefire during August and September, bringing the total number to 30,597 violations since the Stockholm Agreement was signed.

During a press conference held on Tuesday afternoon in Sana’a, Brigadier General Sare’e said: “the army forces and popular committees have carried out their obligations according to the Stockholm Agreement, and now the other party has to implement its obligations.”

(A K pS)

Army [anti-Houthi militia] repulses militia attack south Hodieda

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

cp1c Huthis schalten saudische Söldnerbrigaden aus / Houthis override Saudi mercenaries’ brigades

(* B K)

Video: Operation Victory From God footage released

Video images show Yemeni victory in Najran

The military media of the Yemeni army on Wednesday released video footage showing the full scenes of the third part of the first phase of the “Victory From God ” operation carried out by the Yemeni army and popular committees in Najran axis in the past two months.

(* B K)


The military media on Monday published scenes showed the rest scenes of the first stage of ” Victory from Allah ” operation that was carried out by the army and popular committees in Najran axis during the past hours.

The scenes revealed that new details of the operation, where it showed part of the military tactic that was done by the army and popular committees to take control over the positions and fortifications of the enemy’s forces during implementing the operation.

The scenes also showed part of dailuge between the the army and popular committees with the captives when they surrendered and the very humanitarian way of dealing with them, where they introduced them food, water and medical care for the injured captives.

The lens of the military media documented some air raids of aggression’s forces that targeted gatherings of the captives during their surrendering after they were totally besieged then the aggression’s warplanes targeted their mercenaries and forces , which led to killing hundreds of them.

The scenes viewed a number of the captive children pushed by aggression’s forces into the battles though they are so small and they did not exceeded fifteen years old, and this new crimes committeed by aggression’s forces against childhood who using children in war trade .

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* B K P)

Council on Foreign Relations, Film: An Inside Look at Yemen

Our panelists discuss the humanitarian and political situation in Yemen, and the state of U.S. involvement in the conflict. Speakers: Radhya Almutawakel, Cofounder and Chairperson, Mwatana for Human Rights; Gregory D. Johnsen, Nonresident Fellow, Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies; Priyanka Motaparthy, Director, Counterterrorism, Armed Conflict and Human Rights Project, Human Rights Institute, Columbia Law School; Peter Salisbury, Senior Gulf Analyst, International Crisis Group; Presider Catherine Amirfar, Partner and Co-Chair, Public International Law Practice, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

(* A K)


(* B H K P)

Film: Yemen, l'interminabile tragedia umanitaria tra le bombe e il colera

Cresce l'emergenza colera.

Da giugno ad agosto l'intensificarsi di un conflitto atroce, anche nel sud del Paese, ha causato il 54% di vittime civili e il 79% di abitazioni civili colpite. Sono oltre 700 i civili uccisi e 1.600 quelli feriti dall'inizio dell'anno. Dall'Italia solo 5 milioni all'anno in aiuti.

(* B H K P)

When oil is more important than blood

For five years, the war in Yemen has cost more blood than the oil lost after the attack on oil plants in Saudi Arabia last month. Where are the reactions from the world community?

The world community has not cared about human suffering At the same time, we see that the attack on two oil plants in Saudi Arabia has provoked more upheaval and reactions from world leaders than the humanitarian suffering in Yemen after five years of warfare between Saudi Arabia and its allies.

Saudi Arabia has requested an international or UN-backed investigation into the oil strikes. But before such an investigation is carried out, several states - including the United States, the United Kingdom and France - have said that Iran is behind the attacks, as Saudi Arabia claims.

The war industry is the new oil

At the same time, these Western powers are leading the regional conflict and war in Yemen through the export of weapons and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia and its allies. These weapons have been proven used in the war.

Norway exported war supplies for a total of NOK 163 million to the Emirates in 2016 and 2017. In addition, the Oil Fund invests billions of Norwegian tax money in companies that make bombs used in Yemen.

The humanitarian disaster in Yemen has been neglected by the international community. It is the Yemeni civilian population who pay the price. The reactions following the attack on the oil plants, compared with the attention that has been devoted to human suffering in the war, attest to a reality where oil spills mean more than blood spills. It is time to focus more on the fatal consequences of the war to prevent more blood from being lost.

(B K P)

The legal classification of the armed conflict in Yemen

The situation in Yemen has now turned into an international debate and the mechanisms to deal with the situation have remained unanswered. The conflict began when the Yemeni protected against the President Ali Abduallah Salah with the aim of regime change due to the failure of the government to tackle the issues of poor economy, insecurity, corruption, and exclusive governance and low standard of living and many more. The situation has turned the country apart and the situation of violence is still remains unresolved since 2011.
In this regard, the present study intends to cover the historical framework of the situation in Yemen, the legal framework of the conflict, the scopes of armed conflicts, and how does International Humanitarian Law (IHL) classify the armed conflict in Yemen and lastly the legal conclusion (paywalled)

(B K P)

Houthis recruited 30,000 child soldiers, says Yemeni minister

[Hadi gov.] Human Rights Minister Mohamed Askar tells The National that risk of Yemen’s fragmentation is high if the war drags on

The Houthi rebels in Yemen have recruited at least 30,000 child soldiers to bolster their ranks in the country's five-year war, a senior Yemeni official said on Tuesday, warning of the dire consequences the issue could have on the country’s future.

“There is at least 30,000 child recruits with the Houthis today,” Mohamad Askar , the Yemeni minister for Human rights told The National in an interview. He also estimated 320 women detainees held by the rebel group. His numbers are based on human intelligence and reports by witnesses who fled the Houthi-controlled areas.

Mr Askar said he is emphasising the child soldiers issue in his meetings with the Americans “because they [US Government] has to understand its severity…there is a new generation of terrorists in Yemen while the US is only focused on ISIS and Al-Qaeda.”

“One form of extremism emboldens another,” he added.

When asked about child soldiers that his government is accused of recruiting, he pushed back by saying that the numbers pale in comparison to those of the Houthis.

and also

(* B K P)

Aden standoff in spotlight in Yemen's years-long conflict

A new power struggle in the southern port of Aden has put the likelihood of peace in war-torn Yemen into question despite some efforts to reach a truce between shifting alliances

The new crisis in Aden has opened a fresh front in the multifaceted war in Yemen as the conflict is now actually being fought on three fronts: a fight between the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition; a fight between both those parties and terrorist groups such as al-Qaida and Daesh; and a fight between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) backed southern separatists and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government.

The crisis has exposed a rift between Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as Abu Dhabi places its national interests over their strategic alliance.

It is believed that resolving the Aden crisis and easing tensions in each front would bolster U.N. efforts to pave the way for stalled peace talks on a political framework to end the war that has killed tens of thousands and pushed millions to the brink of famine.

(* B K P)

Film: The Future of Yemen: Implications of the UAE Withdrawal

Arab Center's Imad K. Harb discusses the current state of the Yemen civil war and the implications of the UAE's decision to withdraw from the country.

(* B K pH)

Revealing the Toll of US-Saudi Aggression Violations in August and September

Armed forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e, during a press conference on Tuesday, revealed the toll of the crimes of raids and violations of aggression during August and September. He stated that the number of raids of the US-Saudi aggression reached during August and September 1760 airstrikes, pointing out that the province of Sa'ada was targeted with 1317 raids, Hajjah governorate was targeted with 249 raids, while the rest of the raids were distributed to the provinces of Amran, Marib, Al-Jawf, Dhamar, Al-Dhalee, Aden, Abyan, Hodeidah and Shabwa.

The spokesman pointed out that the aggression raids led to the killing of 205 civilians and injuring 166 others, mostly women and children. He added that the raids launched by the aggression after the initiative of the President, exceeded 300 raids, including raids, which led to the occurrence of martyrs and wounded.

Regarding breaches of aggression of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah, Brigadier General Yahya Sere'e said that the total violations in August and September amounted to 1594 violations, bringing the total violations since the cease-fire 30597 violations.

and also

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

[Sanaa] Supreme Political Council Member: US-Saudi Aggression Detention of Oil Tankers, a Piracy

Member of the Supreme Political Council Sultan Al-Sama'i said that "the detention of Oil tankers, by the countries of the aggression on Yemen, is a piracy. Such acts of aggression are considered a dangerous escalation that may have serious consequences." In a statement to the Yemeni Press Agency, Al-Sama'i said that "the silence of the United Nations and its UN envoy on this impasse puts the responsibility on the UN for the consequent health, environmental and humanitarian catastrophe."

(* A P)

Red Sea Ports: Aggression Countries Do not Recognize UN Permits

Deputy Chairman of the Red Sea Ports Corporation, Eng. Yahya Sharaf Al-Din, said that "The release of Oil tankers, which still detained, depend on decision of the countries of aggression not the UN's. Whenever they want to detain these ships and whenever they want to release them."

Sharaf Al-Din explained in a statement to Almasirah TV that "after releasing only one of the detained ships, the countries of aggression did not recognize the United Nations permits, pointing out that the United Nations is a key partner in the aggression and complicit in the siege of Yemen."

(B P)

The Houthi-controlled provinces, north, west and central Yemen, are experiencing a severe fuel crisis, and the Iranian-backed group says the Saudi-led coalition has blocked ships from reaching the port and refused to grant them transit permits.

The coalition denies the accusations and the Yemeni government blamed the crisis on the militia's refusal to deal with the government's 2019 decision on customs duties and taxes on shipments of oil derivatives.

The Houthi oil company accused the coalition of withholding nine more oil vessels with more than 93,000 tons of gasoline and 123,000 tons of diesel."

The [Hadi] government's economic committee denied the Houthis' claims, saying in a tweet on its Twitter account, "Militias continue to falsify, spread rumors and shade people to cover up their crime by causing a fuel crisis, strengthening the black market and hindering various efforts to collect state revenues."

My comment: This does not sound convincing.

(A E P)

Oil Tanker Arrives In Hodeidah Port

The tanker arrived at the port after being held by the Saudi-led aggression coalition for 55 days.


(A E P)

YPC: Arrival Of Tanker to Hodeidah Port Carrying ’Very Little’ Amount Of Diesel, Gasoline

The Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) on Wednesday confirmed the arrival of a ship carrying a small amount of oil derivatives to the port of Hodeidah.

“DISTYA PUSHTI vessel has arrived, carrying 9,951 tons of gasoline and 11 thousand tons of diesel to the port of Hodeidah,” the company said in a statement posted on its Facebook page.

(* B H P)

Fuel shortages deepen crisis in Yemen – Save the Children

Intensified fuel shortages in the north of Yemen will affect hundreds of thousands of children and their families already stricken by a five-year long humanitarian crisis.

There is a mounting risk of a spike in cholera and other waterborne diseases, as water filtering systems are unable to operate and trucks carrying safe water wait for fuel. The fuel shortage is causing increased food prices and a deepening health crisis, as deliveries of food and medical supplies take longer and hospitals need diesel to run their generators.

This will increase the suffering of children and their families in what is already the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. The spike in transport fares will mean parents are unable to afford to take their children to hospitals.

Save the Children Director, Tamer Kirolos, said:

The fuel crisis is already impacting Save the Children’s humanitarian operations as we heavily rely on fuel availability to transport aid to the facilities we support. Between August and September, there was a 60%[1] decrease in the amount of fuel coming through Hodeidah port – this is because of a decree by the Government of Yemen requiring customs duties to be paid in Aden before allowing ships to discharge in Hodeidah, of course this means double customs duty. The price of fuel has increased by 100 per cent over the past 40 days, which made the transport of life saving goods to communities in need 30% more expensive. Transportation which previously took one day is now taking three days as trucks have to wait for fuel, resulting in huge delays in getting food and medicines to communities.

“We ask the international community to work with the Government of Yemen to waiver this decree immediately so that this unfolding crisis can be averted. It is vital that there is free, unhindered access for humanitarian and commercial goods, including fuel, into and across the country as this is a life-line for many families.”

(* B H P)

EXCLUSIVE: Yemen Runs Out of Fuel and Last Hospitals Close

While the mainstream media focuses on condemning President Trump for pulling US troops out of Syria, Yemen faces a national health crisis. The last functioning hospitals across multiple major cities in Yemen will shut their doors and stop providing services to patients. Geopolitics Alert spoke with Yemen’s Ministr

For a country living under siege like Yemen, lack of gas also means that hospitals must close. Most hospitals have reduced their working hours and the rest are preparing to close entirely.

“There are hundreds of thousands of patients, if not millions, who will die quickly and slowly, they will die in pain. Who will provide oil to millions of Yemenis who need transportation to reach these hospitals? Who will provide transportation for the 6,000 kidney failure patients to the health center twice a week? Who will provide fuel to the private sector, which provides treatment services to about 60% of the population?” Health Ministry spokesman Dr. Yousuf Al-Haidari told Geopolitics Alert.

The poorest communities living in Yemen’s rural areas, like Hodeidah, are most at risk because they cannot afford transportation to functioning hospitals five-hours away in Sana’a.

Hospitals close in Yemen and the media remains silent

Dr. Yousuf Al-Haidari explained that while 50% of the healthcare sector operates in a country running on simple health infrastructure, the number of people in need of health services after the aggression and siege has multiplied five times over.

Here’s what the current crisis looks like in practical terms:

Weaponizing disease

Not only has the Saudi coalition continued its aggression, but it’s also tightened the noose on Yemen’s aid and healthcare in an attempt to strangle Yemen’s most vulnerable civilians to death. Cancer patients, kidney patients, pregnant women, children, and the elderly face the worst consequences.

Many people may not realize how a fuel shortage and blockade affects every aspect of Yemeni healthcare.

95% of the medical devices in Yemeni government hospitals are out of their validity period but doctors must work with them because there is no alternative. Patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes (500k patients), heart disease, kidney failure (6000), kidney transplants (3000), cancer (60k), and other chronic diseases cannot access their medicines due to the high price in the commercial market. The government isn’t able to offer a free or affordable alternative due to the blockade.

MoH spokesman al-Haidari said that dozens of people die from a lack of access to vital medicine every day.

The US-Saudi coalition is arbitrarily detaining fuel ships to create a crisis

The unlawful US-backed Saudi-imposed land, sea, and air blockade restricts all imports to Yemen. Before ships dock at Hodeidah port to distribute aid, they must first dock in Djibouti where both the Saudis and UN inspect the ships for weapons and missile supplies.

The process takes weeks and food often rots in the hot African sun before it even makes it to Yemen – by Randi Nord

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

Civilian houses made of straw are swept away by rain in the villages of Zabid district in #Hodeida governorate.

(* B H)

Yemen to become world's poorest country if war continues: UN

Because of war, poverty in Yemen has jumped from 47 percent of the population in 2014 to a projected 75 percent.

War-ravaged Yemen is on course to become the world's poorest country if the conflict persists, the United Nations said in a report.

"If fighting continues through 2022, Yemen will rank the poorest country in the world, with 79 percent of the population living under the poverty line and 65 percent classified as extremely poor," according to the United Nations Development Programme report, published on Wednesday.

Because of the war, poverty in Yemen has jumped from 47 percent of the population in 2014 to a projected 75 percent by the end of 2019.

(* B H)


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Tuesday in its last statistic the birth of 4 million children in Yemen since the beginning of the aggression before more than four years.

“Four million children have been born since the start of the war in the country, while only 51 percent of health facilities operation still registered,” the UN agency said in a tweet on its official Twitter account.

“There are 19.7 million Yemenis who have a shortage of access to health care,” it said

(A H P)

World Health Organization: WHO and OFDA preserving and protecting Yemen's health system

Through the generous support of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), WHO has been able to meet health needs in the midst of this evolving conflict.

Support from OFDA, one of the largest donors to the health and nutrition response in Yemen has enabled WHO to meet nutrition needs and increase health care access through the health service delivery mechanism known as the Minimum Service Package (MSP). The combined lines of efforts in these two major response areas aims to reach millions.

The 2019 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) requires US$4.2 billion to assist more than 20 million Yemenis including 10 million people who rely entirely on humanitarian assistance to meet their basic needs every month. As of today, the YHRP is 56% funded, we need to close this gap.

My comment: Whow. Blood money by the main international perpetrator in Yemen – and peanuts compared to US profits from arms sales to Saudis and UAE.

(A H P)

World Health Organization: WHO and Kuwait: Protecting Yemen's "Right to Health"

Thanks to the generous support of the Government of Kuwait, in terms of continued funding, based on a long-standing partnership—in the amount of US$ 23 million, this flexible funding is currently allowing WHO to meet the most urgent needs of the people of Yemen even as the situation evolves on a daily basis—impacting response operations frequently.

My comment: How the “right to health” can be protected by bombing health services and hospitals and by blocking medical aid and drugs from entering the country?

(* B H)

Meine Reise ins Kriegsgebiet I Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Der Leiter der Berliner Projektabteilung, Christian Katzer, arbeitet leidenschaftlich gerne für Ärzte ohne Grenzen - seit vielen Jahren schon: Früher direkt vor Ort in den Einsatzgebieten, heute verantwortet er von Berlin aus Projekte in vier Ländern.

Im Video begleiten wir ihn in die Stadt Tais im Jemen: Wie überall im Land leiden auch hier die Menschen unter den Folgen des Bürgerkrieges. Die Front verläuft quer durch die Stadt und ein Gebiet, in dem Millionen Menschen leben. Uralte Versorgungswege sind dadurch zerschnitten. Wer verletzt oder krank ist, kann nur unter großen Schwierigkeiten und Gefahren medizinische Hilfe suchen. Unsere PatientInnen berichten von Kontrollen an bewaffneten Checkpoints und der Angst, zwischen die Fronten zu geraten.

Ärzte ohne Grenzen bietet deshalb ganz bewusst allen Menschen der Region Hilfe an: Wir unterstützen nicht nur in der Stadt Tais vier medizinische Einrichtungen.

(B H)

Film: SOS Yemen

Per dare voce alla popolazione yemenita, per chiedere immediati aiuti, Oxfam lancia la campagna #SOS YEMEN insieme a una petizione a cui tutti possono aderire per chiedere al Governo italiano e alla comunità internazionale il cambio di rotta che serve per salvare il paese prima che sia troppo tardi.

(B H K)

Film: Taiz residents launch initiative to raise awareness of the danger and whereabouts of mines

A group of young men and women from Taiz province launched a youth initiative to create signs and warnings about the danger of mines, and not to pass through areas near the lines of contact in the province

(* B H P)

Film: Yemen fuel shortage: health concerns rise as rubbish piles up

Sanaa is buried under mounds of rubbish as fuel supplies dry up, leading to fears of a cholera outbreak.

In Yemen's capital Sanaa health officials warn that enormous piles of uncollected rubbish littering its streets could lead to another cholera outbreak.

But rubbish trucks have not been able to do their rounds because of a severe fuel shortage, despite last year's Sweden deal which promised the delivery of goods and other services if the Houthis gave up control of the port of Hodeidah.

Earlier this year, 3,000 people died as cholera spread. =

(B H)

Many patients died as a result of the lack of medicines due to the blockade and the difficulty of entering it to the Yemeni market. - Rising medicines prices also. - Damage of medicines and the loss of their pharmacological effectiveness due to the way transported to Yemen

Most of the drugs are smuggled without refrigeration that means lost of the quality of the drug because it needs to be kept at a certain temperature

(A H)

Kuwait distributes fishing boats to poor families in Hodeidah

(* B H)

United Nations Population Fund: Amid conflict, mental health care gives Yemeni survivor of violence a new lease on life

Mental health needs are serious, yet often overlooked, in times of crisis. In Yemen, exposure to trauma and violence is widespread as the conflict enters its fifth year. Social protection systems have broken down, leaving people increasingly vulnerable to violence and abuse. The needs are particularly acute among women and children, who comprise over 76 per cent of the 3.3 million people displaced.

at the Family Counselling Centre in Sana’a, one of the three psychological care centres for survivors of gender-based violence that UNFPA supports in Yemen. The centres have helped more than 10,000 people since 2018.

Survivors of trauma and conflict like Salwa are joining experts, academics, policymakers and ministers at the International Conference on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Crisis Situations in Amsterdam this week. The aim of the gathering is to recognize that mental health care and psychosocial support are not luxuries but necessities, and to push for their inclusion as standard in every humanitarian response.

“Now I enjoy all the details of my life,” said Salwa. Today, she volunteers at the Family Counselling Centre, sharing her experiences with other survivors.

“I try to help other women. I feel I have a purpose now and contribute to my community.”

Salwa says she feels reborn. She recently celebrated the anniversary of the day she entered the Centre for treatment, bringing in a “birthday” cake. On it was the message: "Salwa deserves the best."

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Yemen Situation: 2019 Funding Update (as of 8 October 2019)

(* B H)

Film: It was not the first time they have been displaced since the beginning of the conflict in #Yemen. Some Internally displace people in #Abs district, #Hajjah governorate have been displaced more than once as the conflict approach them.

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) DTM-Yemen - Reporting Period: September 22 - 28, 2019

DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects and reports on numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of numbers, geography and needs. In the first eight months of 2019, conflict activities have resulted in new patterns of displacement, particularly in within Hajjah, Al =

(* B H)

Film: Support to Migrants and Refugees Stranded in Yemen's Crisis

Vulnerability. Uncertainty. Abuse. Yemen is a major point on the Gulf migrant route and also home to many migrants and refugees. Like Yemenis, the conflict has severely impacted their lives. IOM, through support from the Government of Canada, assists vulnerable migrants and refugees across the country to find help

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Ethiopia: Refugees and Asylum-seekers as of 30 September 2019

1,378 from Yemen

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Dhamar: 922 Houthi human rights violations since Jan. 2018

“The violations included 77 murders and injuries” affecting among the civilians women and children. The “As many as 357 enforced disappearances and 20 cases of torturing captives were committed.”

My comment: By the Hadi government.

(A K P)

Commemorating 3rd Anniversary of Aggression’s Massacre in the Funeral Hall

In the capital Sana’a, an event was held in commemoration of the third anniversary of the bombing of Sana'a Funeral Hall. At the event, Prime Minister Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor said that "the massacre of the Funeral Hall committed by the coalition of aggression left so much pain behind, it motivated the Yemeni People and their leadership to continue the battle of struggle, heroism and stability."

(* A K P)

Armed Forces spokesman: Continuation of Siege Will Be Met with Military Response Deep Aggression Countries

Armed Forces Spokesman, Brigadier Yahya Sere'e, considered the continuation of the siege at the head of the hostilities and will be faced by military response deep in the countries of aggression, noting that talk of peace is not commensurate with the continuation of the siege, which causes the death of a number of civilians on a daily basis.

Brigadier-General Yahya Seree said in a press statement on Tuesday that the losses caused by the 2nd Operation of Balanced Deterrence are continuing and will move from tens of billions to hundreds of billions, in reference to the serious consequences that would be inflicted on the countries of aggression if the siege is not lifted.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* A K P)

Saudi forces deployed to Shabwah governorate in southern Yemen on October 10. Yemeni media have reported in recent days that Saudi Arabia plans to establish a joint force with the Transitional Political Council for the South (STC), a southern Yemeni secessionist organization, in Shabwah governorate. The force would be part of a Saudi-brokered deal to end a conflict between the STC and President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government.[2]

(* A K P)

Ministry of Defense reveals details of the victims of UAE air strikes of government forces in Aden and Abyan

Yemen's Ministry of Defense has announced the victims and casualties of air strikes by the UAE on legitimate government forces in Aden and Abyan provinces in late August.

The ministry published on its official website "26th September ", the names, photos and information of martyrs members of the armed forces who died in what it described as the "treacherous crime of UAE air targeting", which targeted the national army forces in Aden and Abyan provinces on August 28-29.

The announcement coincides with the 40 days anniversary of the UAE's targeting of Yemeni army forces "while carrying out the task assigned to the army command in the face of the rebel militias of the so-called UAE-backed Transitional Council," the Ministry of Defense said.

The Ministry stated that the UAE's warplanes carried out more than 13 air strikes, involving F-16 and Apache fighters, targeting positions and gatherings of soldiers and equipment in various areas of Aden and Abyan provinces.

"This targeting resulted in the death of more than 300 martyrs and wounded officers and soldiers, and 13 charred and missing bodies, while 19 wounded were discharged into hospitals after being taken for treatment as a result of injuries in the sinful attack,"


(A K P)

Defense Ministry organizes 40 Day Anniv of Army’s Martyrs killed by UAE’s warplanes in Aden & Abyan

300 Yemen’s soldiers were killed and injured on August 28 , 29 , 2019 in treacherous airstrikes by UAE’s warplanes targeted their sites in the southern governorates of Aden and Abyan.

To commemorate their braving and sacrificing in protecting Homeland the Defense Ministry and General Staff held the 40-Day Anniversary of their martyring at Shabwah province, Ataq city.

Defense Minister Advisor Maj. Gen. Khaled Al-Ashwal delivered a speech; said UAE’s targeted Yemen’s National Army Troops while doing their duty battling armed militias affiliated to the so-called the Southern Transitional Council STC.

(A P)

Film: Mass wedding for the wounded in the battle in Taiz

Shahid Development Foundation and Khotwat for Human Development organized a mass wedding for a number of war wounded in the city of Taiz in southwestern Yemen, where 60 injured amputees were celebrated in a group wedding accompanied by a popular joy that the streets of the main city witnessed

My comment: Danse macabre. And it looks like a wedding without women.

(A P)

Ben Berek and Al Naqib Agree that the South is at a Crucial Stage

Maj. Gen. Ben Brik stressed that it is vital that there is an interconnection among all the southern components. He pointed out that the STC adopts partnership and that it is open to all southern political forces.
Maj. Gen. reminded the senior member of the GPC, “ All the southerners at this period are at a crucial stage ‘To be or not to be' calling on all to open a new leaf and return to the bosom of the South.

My comment: Separatists’ most horrible warlord tries to play politician here.

(A P)

Al-Yafie slams identity-based abductions by Yemen's legitimacy

Editor in chief of Yafa-news website, Yasser Al-Yafie strongly slammed the identity-based abductions carried out by Yemen's legitimacy.
He said in a tweet "This is what the legitimacy does in Shoqra of Abyan province, kidnapping passengers according to their ethnic identities."

My comment: Separatist propaganda. Keep in mind that separatists had hunted northerners by the hundreds – just for originating from Northern Yemen.

(A P)

Yemeni Foreign Ministry Condemns Turkish Military Operations in northeast Syria

(A P)

Socotra Women Protest Against Muslim Brotherhood Authorities in the Island

My comment: LOL. Separatists let women rally against “Muslim Brotherhood” = Islah Party = Hadi government authorities.

(A P)

Al-Mahrah, Demonstrators resume continue their protests against presence of Saudi troops at Al-Saqr border outlet

Groups of residents of The Hoof district in al-Mahra province in eastern Yemen resumed their sit-in in front of Al-Saqer border crossing with Oman in protest against the Saudi military presence at the port.

A source from the protesters told "Al-Masdar Online" that the protesters closed the gate for goods and soldiers in the Port of Sarveet demanding the departure of Saudi forces.

He pointed out that the resumption of the sit-in came after the failure of mediation of the sheikhs in the area tried to intervene to calm the situation, and residents say that the presence of Saudi forces in the area causes them harassment

(* B P)

UAE Plays a Vital Role in Deterring Iran and Terrorism in the South and Remaining of UAE Troops is a Domestic, Regional and International Necessity: Activists

Yemeni activists asserted the vital role of UAE in Yemen as part of the Arab Coalition. They indicated that this vital role, starting in March 2015 with the “Storm of Determination”, eliminated Iranian extension and Al-Houthi control over territories in addition to eliminating terrorism and restoring legitimacy in the liberated governorates.
Military Role in Deterring Coup and Terrorism:
In the military context, UAE helped liberating vast areas of Yemen from Al-Houthi militias through supporting and equipping soldiers on the ground, sea and skies.
Battel fronts under UAE supervision witnessed quick victories, starting with liberating Aden in May 2015 when UAE vanguard troops arrived at Aden and fought side by side with southern resistance to liberate Aden airport, then Lahj, Abian and finally the west coast and Al-Hodeida.
UAE armed forces helped greatly in rearranging the southern resistance and arming it through forming new military brigades. This facilitated the liberation of southern governorates, Bab Al-Mandeb and Mareb Dam to Al-Makha and Al-Hodeida.
Sons of Zayed sacrificed a lot during the fight with Al-Houthi militias as many of them martyred and their bloods wrote history of supporting Yemeni people in their crisis.
Fighting Terrorism:
The role of UAE was not limited to liberating governorates from Al-Houthi militias. The more difficult mission was to secure liberated governorates and clearing them off terrorist elements. This is where UAE played a vital role through supporting special forces to secure southern governorates and clearing them off Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Humanitarian Role:
UAE role in Yemen is not limited to military operations. Since the beginning of Storm of Determination, UAE plays a significant role in humanitarian aids to relieve the suffering of Yemeni people.
Through its humanitarian arms, UAE Red Crescent and Khalifa Ben Zayed Foundation for Humanitarian Aids, UAE tried to normalize the daily life in liberated governorates from the early hours of liberation.
UAE followed a clear strategy in humanitarian work represented in exerting intensive help and support efforts in all liberated territories.

Political Role in Exposing Al-Houthis
UAE diplomacy played a crucial role in exposing the ugly face and false claims of Al-Houthis to the international society through active work of UAE diplomats since the beginning of Storm of Determination.
UAE diplomacy helped improving the the legitimacy position in negotiations in addition to facilitating the process of transferring the Central Bank of Yemen to Aden

A Necessity for Yemen and Regional Stability
Yemeni activists think that Emirati existence in this stage of Yemeni history is an urgent necessity to halt Iranian and Muslim Brotherhood expansion towards Bab Al-Mandeb and Sothern coasts in addition to fighting terrorist groups.

My comment: This is a full-scale propaganda article. Separatists pupptes are praising their UAE masters.

(A P)

The second in 24 hours. Unidentified gunmen kill merchant and loot his goods north of Aden

A local source told Al-Masdar Online that masked gunmen believed to be linked to a prominent local leader killed a truck driver and looted the goods on board in Mansoura district north of Aden, in the south of the country,

The source added that gunmen driving a military vehicle and a civilian car stopped "Mohammed Mohammed Abdo Thamer", a local merchant near a gas station in the residential neighborhood of Inma, and looted money in his possession and a mobile device, before they shot him, killing him immediately.

(A P)


The mercenaries of the Saudi-Emirati occupation executed on Tuesday evening two people in the southern governorate of Aden.

The pro-occupation websites quoted local sources as saying that “gunmen came in a car to Aden station near the city of Enma and took a trader named Mohammed Abdo Thamer who was on a locomotive carrying goods and killed him behind the city of Enma and looted the locomotive.”

On the other hand, witnesses said that gunmen belonging to the Saudi-Emirati occupation dropped a citizen from a car near the Al-Thebani Hotel in Khor Maksar district of Aden city and shot him in front of the public.

and also

(* B K P)

Conflict in Yemen’s south has a complex history: Federalism is the only solution

Recent fighting in Yemen’s south has been portrayed as a simple conflict between the government and an apparently unified front of southern separatists. The reality is more complicated.

The STC has often been falsely depicted as the sole representative of the Southern Movement, which advocates for the secession of the south. In fact, it is one of various southern groups who want to secede but disagree on the time and method. These secessionists are part of a broader variety of factions in southern Yemen, each with their own interests and goals.

The roots of southern separatism

Southern separatism stems from dissatisfaction with the unification of Yemen in 1990.

Impact of Saleh’s fall

The Southern Movement’s agenda was further boosted by the 2011 Arab Spring.

The Houthis move south

As a result, the Southern Movement took up arms against the Houthis

Clashes in the south

Clashes between the STC and Hadi’s government were a product of competition over Aden, where both parties were based since the government had been displaced from Sanaa.

The STC established control over Aden’s security through its paramilitary group known as the Security Belt, which did not coordinate with the government’s Ministry of Interior. Official authorities and human rights groups have accused the Security Belt of committing violations against citizens from northern Yemen and running inhumane unofficial detention centers.

Today, both sides look like they are preparing for a second round of clashes, despite the ceasefire negotiations in Jeddah hosted by Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, they have both said they are willing to negotiate, which has been commended by the joint Saudi-UAE committee.

The need for the National Dialogue

With talks ongoing, which outcomes can stop the conflict?

Implementing the outcomes of the National Dialogue outcomes will help placate southern separatist demands. The National Dialogue outcomes lies in the heart of any political settlement to Yemen’s current conflict and resolves the core issues of Southern marginalization over the last two decades.

Many southerners do not share the STC’s combative approach. The National Dialogue outcomes might not be perfect, but the public did not have the chance to give their vote in an open and transparent referendum – they should be given this option – by Baraa Sheiban

My comment: Published on a Saudi news site, by an anti-Houthi Yemeni author. – The 201272014 “National Dialogue” and Hadi’s twisted plans for federalization are dead. Certainly, a federal state will be the only solution. But, it must be totally recalibrated – back to square one.

(* B K P)

Competing interests of rival sides in Yemen prompt further chaos

But the war has revived old strains between north and south Yemen, and the southern separatists, who seek self-rule in the south, turned on the government in August and seized its interim seat of Aden.

"The UAE and Saudi Arabia have their own ambitions in the area including gaining influence and being a dominant regional power. The UAE has gradually expanded its presence in the country. In the era of war and terror, more countries have the freedom to carry out actions like this to pursue their own interest, under a guise of fighting terrorism," said journalist Jonathan Fenton-Harvey.

"Under the pretext of fighting the Houthis and al-Qaida, the UAE carried out torture and human rights abuses, which was also previously reported by Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty International and Associated Press," Fenton-Harvey added.

Yet, even though the U.S. backed Saudi-led coalition has exacerbated the situation in the country, questions remain as to whether the withdrawal of the coalition would actually end the war since problems between northern and southern Yemen existed long before the Saudi intervention or the emergence of the Houthis.

(A P)

Southern separatists maintain reprisal attacks against people of Shabwa

Militants of the Southern Transitional Council arbitrarily killed a trader from Shabwa privince, by the name Mohammed Abduh, and seized his truck in Aden on Tuesday. The day before the fascist separatists had killed Mohammed Murshid, a trader, and Adel Dodu'a owner of al-Hamraa restaurant in Aden.

(A P)

FM affirms govt commitment to restore state in face of rebellions

Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami affirmed the commitment of the government to restore the authority of the state in the face of the two rebellions, the Houthi rebellion in the north and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s rebellion in the south, Saba News Agency reported.

In a meeting with the French ambassador to Yemen on Wednesday, al-Hadhrami stressed the need for an international pressure on Houthis to get them to follow through with their withdrawal commitments under the Hodeidah Agreement.

He said that in the ongoing talks with the STC paramilitary units in Jeddah, the government is holding fast to the country’s unity, territorial integrity, and security; and the full return of all state institutions including the parliament to take over Aden in place of the paramilitary units that will have to be merged into the regular armed forces under the Defense and Interior ministry’s command.

and also

My comment: LOL.

(A P)

Ex Security Personnel Protesting: We are Not Beggars !

Several southern political and security officers and commanders who were forcibly removed from their posts protested against the government authorities in front of the Central Bank of Yemen on Tuesday.
The protesters denounced the government for not implementing the 2014 republican decree and the 2018 Judicial decision, that won them the right to settle their employment status.

(A P)

For the Fifth Day, Muslim Brotherhood Militias in Shabwa Detains “Mesawy and Al-Ashmali” Illegally

(A K P)

[Pro-separatist] Giants Brigades Send Massive Military Reinforcements to Aden

These reinforcements came along with reinforcements of Muslim Brotherhood militias from Mareb to Shabwa and Abian.

(A K P)

Oil truck attacked in Shabwah: Unknown assailants attack oil transport

-Unidentified gunmen on Wednesday attacked and burned an oil tanker in Shabwah province in southern Yemen.

The gunmen opened fire on the oil tanker while it was on its way to Ayad area in Marib province carrying quantities of crude oil, according to sources.

The sources added that the gunmen fled after shooting the tanker amid the cover of Islah Party militias controlling the province.

(A P)

Controversy over the Economic Commission and its decisions. Ghaleb says it's frozen and Mu’yad It is not my responsibility

Hafiz Ma'ayed, chairman of the Economic Committee, said that a legal problem led to the committee's failure to carry out the tasks assigned to it, and stressed that the committee is disabled, acknowledging that it has deviated from its functions to executive actions that are not its competence but of the government.

(A P)

Photo from a protest of street cleaners in Taiz. They haven’t been paid for over 6 months

(* A K P)

U.A.E. Pulls Out Some Aden Troops After Yemen Talks Breakthrough

The United Arab Emirates pulled some of its troops from Yemen after a breakthrough in peace talks between the internationally-recognized government and southern separatist fighters, according to a Yemeni official.

The drawdown follows progress at Saudi-sponsored indirect talks in Jeddah between the administration of Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, who’s supported by Saudi Arabia, and the separatist Southern Transitional Council that’s backed by the U.A.E.

Hadi Return

The two sides have agreed that Hadi, Yemen’s parliament and government will return to Aden. That would be followed by the formation of a new administration to include STC members as well as the integration of separatist fighters into the Yemeni security forces, the official said, adding that talks are in the final stage.

My comment: I stay in doubt.

(* A K P)

UAE pulls some forces from Yemen's Aden as deal nears to end standoff: witnesses

The United Arab Emirates pulled some of its forces from Yemen’s southern port of Aden on Tuesday, officials and witnesses said, as a Saudi-led military coalition works to end a power struggle between the Yemeni government and separatists in the city.

Two officials told Reuters that an Emirati convoy boarded a military vessel at Buraiqa oil terminal near Aden refinery that had shipped out. Four employees at the refinery said they saw a large convoy of military vehicles and three buses carrying around 200 troops headed toward the terminal.

It was not immediately clear how many Emirati troops remain in Aden or whether Tuesday’s movement constituted a redeployment inside Yemen.

“A main road was completely closed as the Emirati convoy passed,” said one refinery employee who declined to be identified. “This is the first time we see such a large number of Emirati troops leave.”

and also


(* A K P)

UAE withdraws ‘hundreds of troops’ from Aden pending handover

Furthermore, RT Arabic said that a large number of UAE and Sudanese forces withdrew from Al-And Air Base, the largest in Yemen and situated in the province of Lahj, 60km north of Aden.

(* A P T)

Islah Party leader accuses UAE of recruiting terrorists for Shabwah offensive

Abu al-Abbas terrorists reportedly gathering in Abyan

Major General Salem al-Awlaqi, a leader in Islah party, has on Tuesday said that a UAE-backed Security Belt force’s commander named al-Buhar has been attracting the Abu al-Abbas terrorist group in Abyan, in anticipation of an upcoming battle in Shabwah.

“Al-Buhar claims his demand of the southern secession and the fight against terrorism while attracting the forces of the terrorist Abu al-Abbas t Abyan in order to fight the legitimate government [Saudi term for the Hadi government-in-exile],” said al-Awlaqi in a tweet.

(* A P T)

Saudi Arabia deploys more terrorists to Mahrah

Riyadh likely planning to use al-Qaeda operatives for propaganda campaigns in near future

Saudi forces’ military command and its governor, Rajeh Bakrit, have deployed even more terrorist elements from different provinces in Mahrah province, informed sources reported on Monday.

According to the sources, in the past months, dozens of al-Qaeda-affiliated operatives have been pushed into the capital of Mahrah province under the supervision of Rajeh Bakrit, the sources said.

The terrorist elements arrived at al-Gheida airport, which Saudi forces have been using it as their military barracks for nearly two years, the sources added

“The arrival of al-Qaeda elements was secured by people and leaders loyal to Rajeh Bakrit and in coordination with Saudi military leaders,” she said.

According to the sources, Bakrit “guaranteed” the provision of private housing for al-Qaeda elements, and leaders close to him provided them with housing and prepared them for subsequent operations that would serve Saudi Arabia’s military survival in Mahrah, as well as proving them with media materials in order to carry out their plans in the province.

This information comes after several fabricated operations about Saudi forces attacking al-Qaeda elements in Mahrah were reported by Saudi media.

(A K P)

Yemen Govt. Affirms Support for Saudi Efforts to Ensure Success of Jeddah Talks

Yemen’s legitimate government stressed that it supports Saudi efforts to ensure the success of the ongoing dialogue with representatives of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Jeddah.
These talks would restore stability in southern regions of Yemen, return the government to the interim capital, Aden, and unify security and military services, said Foreign Minister Mohammed Abdullah al-Hadrami during a meeting in Riyadh with ambassadors to Yemen of the five permanent member states of the United Nations Security Council.

The Saba news agency said the FM also praised the major role played by Saudi Arabia, the leader of the coalition to restore stability in Yemen, especially in regards to the dialogue.
He stressed that the legitimate government is keen on achieving peace and ending the armed rebellion in some southern provinces in order to return the focus on ending the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ expansionist agenda in Yemen.

and also

(A K P)

Saudi-Led Militia Rape Several Children in Southwestern Yemen

Riyadh now has not more than two options: Accepting Ansarullah’s ceasefire proposal and facing the new realities or taking the risk of continued war in a situation Saudi Arabia has nearly lost its control over its skies making them susceptible to further Yemeni strikes or the ground continuing the war with an army devoid of morale amid key ally the UAE’s separation from the military alliance that started the anti-Yemeni aggression in March 2015. Picking each of the two is, of course, not without prices. But what is clear is that the Saudis now understand that risks bigger than a simple loss may await them should they pick the second choice.

The Stockholm-based International Peace Organization for Relief and Human Rights prepared a field report saying that 12 children, some of them as young as 8, were raped by members of the Saudi-led coalition which fights and has occupied some regions of Yemen, including Ta'iz city near the Strait of Bab al-Mandab.

The report includes testimonies of family members of four male victims who have disclosed the Saudi-UAE-led militia have raped their children in the past 8 months.

They said that in two cases, the children were raped by members of al-Islahi party which is a branch of Ikhwan al-Muslimoum in Yemen and an ally of Saudi Arabia.

An investigation by the Amnesty International had also revealed in March that children as young as eight years old had been raped in the Yemeni city of Ta’iz. The suspected perpetrators, including members of militias backed by the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition, are yet to be held to account.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Human Rights Minister shares Houthi atrocities with US Congress members

(A P)

Gargash comments on Yemeni officials' attack

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, commented on the statements of some Yemeni government officials regarding the UAE's participation in the Arab coalition in Yemen.
In a tweet on his Twitter account, Gargash criticized what he called "the intrigues of some Yemeni government officials."
Gargash wrote on Twitter: "The restraint exercised by the UAE against the intrusions of some Yemeni government officials is a proof of maturity and reason and its aim is to give greater interest."

(A P)

Kidnapped reporter released in Shabwa

(A P)

Islah militia kidnaps two journalists in Shabwa

(A P)

A Journalist Kidnapped Two Days Ago in Shabwa by Areab Muslim Brotherhood Militias

Mareb occupation militias of Muslim Brotherhood in Shabwa detained “Saleh Mesawy” a southern journalist, as part of its campaign of kidnapping and detaining southern actiists and journalists in Shabwa directorates.

(A P)

Hady-Leavs_Down_With_legitimacy … A news Southern Hashtag on Tweeter

Southern activists launched a new hashtag on tweeter to express their rejection of the tries of Abd Rabu Mansour Hady to return the south again to Yemen. The hashtag says #Hady-Leavs_Down_With_legitimacy.
Activists indicated that Hady is doing so while the southern supported him after he was expelled from Sanaa but he is still exercising hostility against the south and he should leave.
Southern activists and journalists shared what they saw as perplexing attitudes of the Yemeni presidency kidnapped by Muslim Brotherhood through dominating Hady’s decisions.
They indicated that Muslim Brotherhood is dominating Hady through Abdullah Al-Olimi who is directing this administration to serve their agenda

(A P)

Calm returns to “Turbah”, and reopen of Aden – Taiz road after extradition of accused of killing governor's escorts

Calm has returned to the city of Al- Turbah, the center of Shamaitin Directorate, after nearly a week of military tension between the national army brigades over the killing of the governor's escort, Nabil Shamsan, in the city.

after two steps of the agreement between the commanders of the military brigades in Taiz.

(* A P)

Socotra. "Al-Rajjadi" delivers the administration and seals to his successor and his supporters keep the Al-Shamil security station

An informed source in the island of The Socotra Archipelago, on Tuesday, said that the director of security article Ali Al-Rajdhi handed over the seal of the provincial security department and the administration office to the new director days after his rebellion, but the rebels still control the security headquarters of the city of Hadibo "Al-Shamil Security Center" and refuse to hand it over.

The source added to "Al-Masdar Online" that the new director, Colonel Faez Tahes, began his duties after the handing over of the director supported by the UAE to the Saudi Mediation Committee. He noted that the new security director will take legal action against the remnants of the security personnel who continue to rebel.

Since yesterday, the UAE has resorted to moving the street against the Governor of Socotra Ramzi Mahrous, through a women's demonstration in the province against the governor, and another demonstration was called next Thursday.

My remark: Earlier reporting Yemen War Mosaic 584, cp6.

(* B P)

Yemen: Aden safer under the control of one side, say residents

They disagree over why the port city, now under Southern Transitional Council control, is quieter these days. But locals say they are glad life is returning to some kind of normal

Over the past few years, residents in the port city of Aden have witnessed all kinds of violence - bombings, clashes and assassinations of military leaders.

But as soon as the Southern Transitional Council - a southern secessionist movement also backed by the UAE - took over the city in August, those trying to go about their everyday lives say they started to breathe a bit easier.

Military checkpoints run by the SBF, the STC’s military wing, disappeared, along with pro-Hadi forces with whom the SBF had clashed, and life returned to some kind of normal.

“Aden now is better,” Ali Ibrahim, an Aden resident originally from Taiz, told Middle East Eye. “We don’t care who controls it, but we can move in the streets safely and security forces don't detain northerners anymore.”

Ibrahim said that over the past three years, he worried as he passed SBF checkpoints. “They asked people to show their IDs and then they detained or at least insulted northern people. But today the situation is different,” he said.

Exactly why things are now calm in the city is a source of local dispute. Supporters of Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi say the STC sowed chaos in Aden, the country’s de facto capital, to prevent his government from working effectively,

But STC supporters believe Hadi's people did that all by themselves, and that they’ve only brought peace and quiet by kicking pro-Hadi fighters and his government out.

'Today there is no chaos'

Nowadays, clashes in the south are very limited.

But residents on either side say they feel safer anyway.

Ahmed Hassan, a teacher and STC supporter, said the pro-Hadi forces had been unable to successfully run the city, and believes the situation will be better for years to come.

“They could not made the city safe and we used to hear about bombings, clashes and assassinations of leaders everywhere,” Hassan told MEE.

“Sometimes Hadi's forces created chaos and accused the SBF, and that forced the SBF to escalate against Hadi's government to keep Aden safe.”

(* B K P)

Saudi wants UAE-backed forces in Yemen government

Local sources have revealed that UAE-backed mercenaries have relocated from Yemen’s west coast and headed towards the port city of Aden, which the Southern Transitional Council (STC) claims as a capital for a future South Yemen state.

The sources, according to Al Jazeera, said that the “Giants Brigades” had withdrawn from its military bases following orders by the Emirati Force Command in Aden – which is currently under STC control after it was seized from the Saudi-backed Yemeni government in August.

Al-Manar TV reported that this decision was made following an apparent failure in attempts to negotiate a handover of the city by the separatists to the pro-Saudi Yemeni authorities.

In relation to a possible handover of Aden back to the Yemeni government, UK spokesperson for the STC, Saleh Al-Noud told MEMO that whether such a deal materialises or not depends on several conditions including that local administration in the south remains with the STC, Saudi-backed forces be relocated from the southern provinces to the frontlines against the Houthis in the north with security affairs remaining in the hands of the STC and the inclusion of the council as an “equal partner” in the peace negotiations for a final settlement to the Yemen crisis.

In response to the reports, author and Fullbright Fellow in Yemen, Gregory Johnsen, tweeted: “Forming a new armed group (this time with Saudi backing) is the last thing Yemen needs.”

(A T)

Oil pipeline destroyed in Shabwah

Unknown assailants attack oil system

Unknown militants have on Monday evening blown up a crude oil pipeline in Shabwah province, eastern Yemen, local sources reported.

A pipeline transporting crude from Ayadh fields in Jardan district north of Shabwah to Nushima oil port in Radhoum district east of the province was blown up in the upper junction, 22 kilometers south of Ataq, a local source told Sputnik News Agency.

He added that flames were seen rising from afar.

(B P)

Diverse knock-on effects of #Yemen war in #Mahra

Big influx of refugees

pressure on resources; strain on governance system

Booming war economy

growing inequality; organized crime; money laundering

#Saudi military presence

resentment; tensions inside & between tribes (photos)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Yemen's Houthis offer Saudi-backed government new prisoner swap deal

The Houthi movement in control of Yemen’s capital on Thursday offered the internationally recognized Yemeni government a prisoner swap involving 2,000 detainees after the group unilaterally freed hundreds of prisoners last month.

It was the latest gesture toward easing tensions by the Iran-aligned Houthis who have for over four years been battling a Saudi-led military coalition loyal to the Yemeni government that was ousted from power in the capital, Sanaa, in late 2014.

“We told the local mediators that we are ready to implement a prisoner exchange within one week. We are waiting for the other side to respond,” the head of the Houthis’ prisoner affairs committee, Abdul Qader al-Murtada, was quoted as saying by Houthi-run Al Masirah TV.

(* A K P)

Legitimacy [Hadi gov.] welcomes Houthi initiative to open humanitarian crossing in Taiz

[Hadi gov.] MP Abdul Karim Cheban, chairman of the committee for negotiations on the opening of roads, welcomed the initiative of the Houthi group, which was announced Wednesday evening by Houthi leader Ali al-Qurashi to open an outlet west of the city of Taiz, which has been besieged for five years.

The MP said in a press release that Ghaleb Mutlaq, minister of works in the Government of Sana'a (not recognized) communicated with him, informed him of the existence of high Houthi directives to open roads in the city of Taiz in the coming days, and wished the Houthis credibility in implementing the initiative.

"In the ways that we have identified to open them, including the demining of their own sides, we have sent the entrances and the ceasefire for the open road for the safety of passers-by and travelers," Cheban said.


(* B P)

Approaching a Yemen solution?

Fresh talks appear underway. But will Iran commit to a genuine peace in Yemen

Recent reports speak of a possible Houthi-Saudi peace project in light of a spate of meetings between Houthi representatives and Western diplomats. But apart from some photos and tweets, there are no tangible signs of progress yet. Conditions on the battlefield show no significant change that might suggest a political breakthrough is unfolding behind political scenes, especially in Oman which hosts the Houthi negotiating delegation. Certainly, Yemeni government sources in Riyadh are sceptical, doubting whether the Houthis would sincerely commit to a negotiating process.

There were three meetings of note recently

Clearly, if there are movements to stimulate fresh negotiations, they have quite a way to go yet. One of the most crucial conditions for progress is clear Iranian resolve to back a genuine peace process, as opposed to negotiations used for tactical purposes.

My comment: From Egypt. The hint to Iran is senseless propaganda: Iran always had supported an end of the war by a political solution. Nor would the Houthis reject this. Such claims are the propaganda part of such an article.


(* A K P)

Yemen in Focus: Talks all round signal a positive step towards peace

This week we focus on dialogue among conflicting parties, talks of truce

Among the most poignant developments from Yemen this week was the apparent fresh wave of dialogue between the conflicting parties across the country and beyond borders.

On Monday, reports showed Yemen's internationally recognised government and southern separatists were holding indirect negotiations and were allegedly close to reaching a power-sharing agreement, according to sources from both sides.

The talks, if indeed true, could prove to be a welcome move for both sides after a rough few months brought the allies to breaking point.

Meanwhile, the government and the separatists are not the only two camps to come to the table. Top officials from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, leading players in the coalition battling the rebels, have also come together to discuss military cooperation following a positive response by Riyadh to a truce offer from the Houthi rebels.

(A P)

Untergeneralsekretärin der UNO: Saudi-Arabien spielt bei der Entwicklung führende Rolle

Dr. Rola Dashti, Untergeneralsekretärin der UNO und Exekutivsekretärin der Wirtschafts- und Sozialkommission für Westasien (ESCWA), erklärte am Sonntag, dass die Rolle, die Saudi-Arabien spielt, der Welt Zuversicht vermittelt und der internationalen Gemeinschaft eine klare Botschaft sendet, dass das Königreich ein verantwortungsvolles Land ist, das seine humanitären und Entwicklungspflichten gegenüber den Ländern der Region erfüllt - vor allem hier gegenüber geografisch angrenzenden Ländern wie dem Jemen.

In einer Erklärung gegenüber der Presse nach einem Treffen mit dem saudischen Botschafter im Jemen, Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, und Mitarbeitern des saudischen Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramms für den Jemen (SDRPY), sagte Dr. Dashti, dass die ESCWA den Entwicklungsansatz des Königreichs dafür, dem jemenitischen Volk zu helfen, Stabilität, Wohlstand, Sicherheit und ordentliche wirtschaftliche und soziale Verhältnisse zu erreichen, unterstütze. =

Mein Kommentar: ???????????? Saudisches Geld kauft die UNO???

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B E P)

Saudi Arabia Recognizes Impacts of 2nd Op of Balanced Deterrence on Its Oil Production

Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, told OPEC that the kingdom's oil production in September fell by 660,000 barrels per day (bpd) compared with August to 9.13 million bpd in the wake of attacks on its energy installations.

Secondary sources said Saudi Arabia's oil production was even lower, falling month-on-month in September by 1.28 million bpd to 8.56 million bpd, OPEC's monthly report showed.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia to Execute Dozens of Dissidents, Warns Europe-based Rights Organization

A Europe-based organization seeking to promote human rights in Saudi Arabia says the kingdom continues to violate human rights and freedom of religion, warning that Saudi officials plan to execute dozens of imprisoned political dissidents.

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) said on Thursday that the Riyadh regime has been withholding the bodies of 83 dissidents killed by Saudi forces since 2016, and has refused to hand them over to their families. There are a number of minors among the detained bodies, Arabic-language Mirat al-Jazeera news website reported.

The ESOHR further noted that Saudi officials resort to the policy of collective punishment, without paying any attention to the right to life.

(A P)

Today is an important day as two religions leaders from #Riyadh & #Jiddah #SalmanAlOdeh & Safar AlHawali are expected to be sentenced to death in the notorious rubber stamp #Saudi terrorism court that has 100% conviction rate. it has sentenced > 70 Qatif protesters to death.

The Saudi monarcy seeks to execute AlOudeh & AlHawali for their ideas & fickle charges that has no capital crimes.

The possible death sentence of the two Salafi-Wahhabi leaders will be a first in the country’s history to execute classically trained Wahhabi clerics.

(* B K P)

What is behind Saudi’s military failures?

The recent attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and devastating retaliatory attacks by Yemeni forces exposed Saudi military vulnerabilities. Assaults should not come as a surprise, as it was just a matter of time, when, how and where the Houthis would strike. However, the results of these attacks are more than staggering, as they reveal the incompetence of Saudi military structures and the inability of the kingdom to protect its core infrastructure and defend its troops and territory.

So, why have Saudis experienced one humiliating defeat after another?

Speaking for MEMO, Bruce Riedel, former senior advisor on South Asia and the Middle East to the last four presidents of the United States in the staff of the National Security Council at the White House and director of the Brookings Intelligence Project, said: “The main reason for Saudi Arabia’s military debacle in Yemen is the poor judgment of Muhammed Bin Salman [MBS] who recklessly started the Saudi intervention with no strategy to defeat the rebels. MBS has no training or experience in the military and completely misjudged the challenges of fighting a popular movement in very difficult terrain.”

Despite being one of the world’s largest military spenders, Saudi failed to defeat Houthi rebels in Yemen or even to score a minor victory over them in more than four years of conflict; exposing serious weaknesses against much stronger adversaries like Iran.

Tore Refslund Hamming, researcher at the Danish Institute of International Studies and scholar at the Middle East Institute, pointed out that military superiority is not guarantee for military success.

However, September’s assaults have shown that Saudi Arabia is not a “desert warrior” and it is heading to disaster as the war continues. In order to save itself from further catastrophe and embarrassment it is time to silence the guns, open the dialogue with the Houthis and Iran and try to achieve by diplomacy what it constantly failed to achieve with its incompetent military.

As ancient Chinse general and military strategist Sun Tzu said: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

(* B P)

Mysterious killing of Saudi King's bodyguard sparks intrigue

When Major General Abdulaziz al-Fagham, a highly decorated bodyguard to Saudi ruler King Salman, was shot dead at a friend's house in the Red Sea city of Jeddah on September 28, many Saudi Twitter users took to the social media platform to express their shock.

According to an official police statement, al-Fagham was killed as a result of "a personal dispute" with a friend.

Who killed al-Fagham?

Al-Fagham's death led to rumours of palace intrigue. Some Saudi analysts have questioned whether the bodyguard was in communication with senior Saudi princes regarding MBS's possible plans for succeeding his father.

"Because of al-Fagham's relationships with many princes of the royal family since the days of King Abdullah, for whom he was his personal bodyguard as well, it's possible that he was suspected of leaking some information about MBS's plans," said Hamzah al-Kinani, a Washington-based Saudi academic and dissident who has worked previously for a senior Saudi royal.

Al-Kinani said his beliefs are based on his knowledge of the workings of the Saudi royal family.

Robert Baer, a former CIA agent who worked in the Middle East, said the killing of al-Fagham is "very strange" and "does not make any sense".

"To put this incident in perspective it goes along with the Khashoggi's killing, the attack on the Abqaiq oil storage facilities at Aramco Company and the war in Yemen. All of this makes me worried about the future and stability of Saudi Arabia," he said.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia condemns aggression launched by Turkish army against areas in North East Syria

An official source of the foreign ministry expressed today the condemnation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of the aggression launched by Turkish army against areas in north east Syria, considering the move as a flagrant offensive on the unity, independence and sovereignty of the Syrian territories.
The source expressed the concern of the Kingdom towards that aggression as it represents a threat to the regional security and peace, underscoring the importance of guaranteeing the safety of the brotherly Syrian people and Syria's stability, sovereignty and territorial integration.

Comment: #Saudi Monarchy govt condemns #Turkish bombing of N #Syria. Ok Great, now stop bombing #Yemen

(* A E P)

Saudi authorities launch another crackdown on princes and businessmen

A Twitter account, named An Old Diplomat, published documents showing that the Saudi authorities have frozen property assets of several princes and business people. This appears to be a second crackdown on Saudi businessmen and princes similar to the Ritz-Carlton 2017 campaign.

The Twitter account stated that the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman seized vast lands owned by Sheikh Ajlan Al-Ajlan north of Riyadh after preventing the sale or disposal of the lands.

An Old Diplomat revealed in another tweet that the management and sale of the company assets owned by Hamad bin Saedan, north of Riyadh, have also been frozen.

The account predicted a sudden and rapid collapse of the Saudi real estate market, i.e. prices are expected to fall by 50 per cent and more, as what happened with the stock market in 2006.

He added that the real estate assets of Riyad Al-Mustaqbal Real Estate, Abdulrahman Al-Sheikh and Mohammed Al-Eidan were frozen.

(* B E P)

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers

The Guardian today reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the world’s oil, gas and coal reserves can be directly linked to more than one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the modern era.

The leading state-owned polluter is Saudi Aramco, which has produced 4.38% of the global total on its own.

Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent: Saudi Aramco 59.26, Chevron 43.25, Gazprom 43.23, Exxon 41.9

(* B K P)

Reasons Riyadh May Be Leaning to Yemen War End

Saudi Arabia is now dealing with grave circumstances in terms of foreign policy. Its foreign policy in Yemen and Qatar proved to be a fiasco. The way of managing the crisis and rivalry with Iran has been substantially costly for the Saudis. The UAE has distanced itself from them. The kingdom’s position in the region is now damaged. The country has lost Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq with its own miscalculations and the Palestinian groups are unhappy with Riyadh as it backs the Trump-proposed “deal of the century” that strips the Palestinians of their land and the right to return to their occupied territories. Oman’s relations with Saudi Arabia are far from ease. It no longer has many choices. If it seeks help from the US administration, it finds Washington’s hands closed due to the presidential elections. The only remaining way now seems to be bowing to dialogue and a political solution to move out of the quagmire.

(* B E K)


According to official data, the Kingdom has already lost more than $ 225 billion of its cash reserves in less than five years.

Saudi Arabia lost about 842 billion riyals ($ 225.3 billion) from the end of 2014 to the end of August this year.

The main reason for all this deterioration in the Saudi economic situation is its war on Yemen, which has now entered its fifth year without any achievements.

cp9 USA

(A P)

Yemen contributes to Warsaw Conference on Human Rights

The Republic of Yemen contributed along with 46 countries to the Warsaw Conference on Human Rights.

The two-day gathering, held in Washington, hosted by the US State Department.

My comment: The US State Department and Human Rights? This is like butchers claiming they support vegetarianism.

(A P)

Ed Ruscha: Desert X collaboration with Saudi Arabia is 'like inviting Hitler to a tea party'

An announcement by Desert X that it will collaborate with Saudi Arabia for a large-scale art exhibition has raised both environmental and human rights concerns. The 2020 exhibition follows two Coachella Valley exhibitions in 2017 and 2019.

In partnership with the Royal Commission for AlUla, the major site-specific exhibition will take place in the desert of AlUla in northwest Saudi Arabia, which is home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hegra (Mada'in Saleh).

Los Angeles-based contemporary artist Ed Ruscha said the collaboration with a Saudi Arabian government initiative led him to resign from Desert X's board

(B K P)

Trump: US going into Middle East was 'worst decision ever'

US President Donald Trump said Wednesday the US military becoming involved in the Middle East was the "worst decision ever made" and that he was ensuring the safe return of troops.

"GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. There were NONE!" the president tweeted in reference to the 2003 US invasion of Iraq.

The United States is estimated to have between 60,000 and 80,000 troops across the area covered by US Central Command, which includes Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

Trump bemoaned what he called the "eight trillion-dollar" bill for "fighting and policing" in the Middle East, and the thousands of US soldiers who had been killed or wounded in battle.

My comment: Why, up to now, he himself had acted totally opposite to this insight?

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(** B P)

Donald Trump’s Iran Humiliation

The ostensible purpose of the “maximum pressure” campaign was to get Iran to withdraw from the JCPOA and return to the negotiating table, where a new, more restrictive agreement would be crafted that eliminated its nuclear enrichment program, curtailed its ballistic missile program and reduced its influence in the Persian Gulf. However, given Pompeo’s embrace of the regime-change mantra of the Iranian expat community—a sentiment he shared with Trump’s then-national security adviser John Bolton—the “maximum pressure” campaign could only be interpreted as an act of economic warfare against Iran, as prelude to an eventual military campaign designed to remove the Shi’a theocracy that has ruled the country since assuming power in 1979. Bolton himself emphasized this when he stated in November 2018 that “[i]t is our intention to squeeze them very hard. As the British say: ‘Squeeze them until the pips squeak’.”

The State Department was particularly concerned about Iran’s so-called “malign activities” in Lebanon in support of Hezbollah, in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad, and in Yemen in support of the Houthi rebels. The “maximum pressure” campaign was designed to starve these movements of Iranian financial support, thereby hastening the nation’s demise.

For a year following Trump’s May 8, 2018, exit from the JCPOA, Iran complied with its obligations under that agreement, adhering to every restriction while imploring the agreement’s other parties to honor their commitments and ignore the newly reimposed U.S. economic sanctions. This proved increasingly difficult as the U.S. treated any nation or company that used the U.S. banking system to facilitate a transaction with Iran in violation of its terms. As a result, in May 2019, Iran began suspending its commitments under the JCPOA, something it (rightfully) claimed was permitted under the terms of the JCPOA in the case of noncompliance by a party to the agreement. (Iran claimed, with justification, that the EU was in noncompliance by failing to permit the unrestricted sale of Iranian oil to EU customers.) The U.S. responded by dispatching two B-52 bombers and an aircraft carrier battlegroup to the region, an action Bolton claimed was intended to “send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.” By all appearances, it looked as if the U.S. campaign of “maximum pressure” was about to enter its final phase.

This is where the narrative gets interesting. Rather than retreat in the face of U.S. military pressure, Iran doubled down.

Saudi Arabia had always been a major factor in the “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran. One of the foundational requirements for a successful U.S. effort targeting Iranian oil sales was for oil markets to remain well supplied and oil inventory levels to remain consistently strong.

But rhetoric alone does not win the day. The problem for the United States has been that its campaign of “maximum pressure” has had zero impact on Iran’s so-called “malign activities” in the region.

If Trump’s goal in implementing the “maximum pressure” campaign was to eventually bring Iran to the negotiating table, then he may very well have succeeded. But history will show that it was Iran that set the conditions that brought the U.S. onboard, and not the other way around.

In May 2018, the myth of American military deterrence in defense of Saudi Arabia was still alive; today it lies shattered amidst the ruins of the destroyed Saudi oil facilities. Seen in this light, the collapse of the U.S. campaign of “maximum pressure” can only be interpreted as a strategic victory for Iran, and a decisive defeat for the United States – by Scott Ritter

(A P)

Either all countries in Persian Gulf will benefit from security or suffer its absence: Zarif

Iran‘s Foreign Minister, Mohamad Javad Zarif, has highlighted the significance of maintaining security in the Persian Gulf, saying that either all countries in the region will benefit from security or all will be deprived of it.

In an article in the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper on Thursday, Zarif said that the security and stability of the Persian Gulf is an indispensable necessity in ensuring access to international markets. He added that regional security and stability has been maintained by the regional countries themselves for centuries.

Provision of security to the region is the prime responsibility of all regional countries and should be maintained without foreign interference, said Zarif.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia Recognizes Its Weakness and Is Ready to Talk to the Iranian Foe

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has suffered a raft of regional failures, may have to cut his losses by negotiating with the great Shi’ite enemy

But it looks that Saudi Arabia realizes that in the struggle for regional hegemony it doesn’t have the upper hand, so it’s adopting a new strategy of trying to win influence and access to balance the Iranians. As part of this strategy, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in an interview with CBS, said for the first time that the problems with Iran and the question of safe passage in the Persian Gulf can’t be resolved militarily.

These remarks, which were applauded in Iran, aren’t the result of some celestial enlightenment that descended on the crown prince. The attack on the oil installations embarrassingly proved Saudi Arabia’s military weakness and vulnerability.

Diplomacy has now become the only viable option for drawing up the map of the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia seems to be looking for possible mediators for negotiations with Iran. Shortly after the annual UN General Assembly, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said he had been requested by Prince Mohammed and Trump to try to mediate between Riyadh and Tehran.

The need to manage two fronts, the domestic one against his rivals and the external one in the region and further afield with hesitant U.S. backing, may push Prince Mohammed onto a new diplomatic path with Iran to reduce the threat to the kingdom and the number of explosive things he needs to address. As the United States continues to push for direct negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue, Mohammed will probably have to toe the line so he can be part of the process and not leave Saudi Arabia out of the circle of influence – by Zvi Bar‘el

(A P)

Pakistan says Khan could visit Saudi, Iran, after U.S. mediation request

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan is likely to visit Saudi Arabia and Iran, the foreign office in Islamabad said on Thursday, weeks after Islamabad said Washington had asked it to mediate with Tehran.

The announcement of the possible visit comes after Khan last month described a request by U.S. President Donald Trump, asking the Pakistani leader to help defuse tensions with Iran.

(A P)

Top Saudi official holds talks with U.S. state, defense secretaries

Saudi Arabia’s deputy defense minister said on Thursday he discussed regional security and military cooperation with senior U.S. government officials at a time of heightened tension with Iran following last month’s attacks on Saudi oil facilities.

(A P)

Leader: Iran won’t build, store, use nukes forbidden by Islam

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will never spend its resources on developing nuclear weapons the proliferation, stockpiling and using of which are prohibited by the religion of Islam.

(A E P)

Zarif: US sanctions targeting Iranians amount to war crimes'

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the US sanctions that target the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) are nothing short of "war crimes," because the impact from these measures is primarily focused on the people of Iran.

During an address at the International Conference on Global Economy & Sanctions in Tehran on Wednesday, Zarif said that under international law, the central bank of any country should be the most immune entity against sanctions.

Zarif noted that sanctioning the Central Bank, which is a government institution, under the label of terrorism, will definitely affect the body's ability to import basic food supplies and medications to meet domestic demand.

(A P)

Enemies know pressure campaign against Iran has failed: President Rouhani

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says the country’s enemies have realized, although not admitting it, that their “maximum pressure” campaign against the Iranian nation has been futile and should be set aside.

(A P)

Iranian official welcomes Saudi bid to end Yemen war

Iranian President’s Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi said Tehran would welcome Saudi Arabia’s “positive step” in pursuing a way to end the war on Yemen.

Asked about the Saudi offer for the normalization of ties with Iran, Vaezi told reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet session on Wednesday, “We believe that our region needs calm. In the past, Saudi Arabia thought it could swallow Yemen in a short time with a coalition it has formed and achieve its purpose,” Tasnim News Agency reported.

(A P)

Iran’s FM says Saudi will be ‘companion’ if ends Yemen war

Iran’s foreign minister says his country could turn into a “companion” for Saudi Arabia if the kingdom ends its war in Yemen, where the archrivals support opposite sides.

The semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted Tuesday Mohammad Javad Zarif as saying if Saudi Arabia solved “problems in the region at the negotiating table, and not by killing people, it would definitely have the Islamic Republic of Iran as its companion.”

and also

(A K P)

Saudi Aramco CEO Warns Global Inaction Could Lead to More Attacks on Oil Facilities

“An absence of international resolve to take concrete action may embolden the attackers and indeed put the world's energy security at greater risk," Amin Nasser, Saudi Aramco’s president and CEO, told the Oil & Money conference in London on Wednesday (full speech is available here).

My comment: What does he expect? The best international action would be to stop any support for Saudi Arabia, and thus forcing it to stop the Yemen War and seek peace.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Another major @BBC failure reporting on #Saudi Arabia. A long report on Saudi internal affairs but but ignoring mass executions of protesters just few months ago. This seems to be careful censorship & unethical shaping of narrative.

referring to

(A P)

The Royal Guard all female Diplomatic Close Protection team were welcome guests at the British Embassy @bdf_bahrain @moi_bahrain @dsame_defence @bahrainembassyuk (photo)

Comment: #English dominated #UK govt cannot help but admire its surrogate & Apartheid army #Bahrain,, where the majority Shia are blocked from joining

(A K P)

Mohamed bin Zayed receives Sir John Lorimer

His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, has received Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer, the UK’s Defence Senior Adviser to the Middle East and North Africa.

My comment: What on earth such a spearhead and symbol of neocolonial interference is needed for?

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

BPK zu deutschen Rüstungsexporten: Regierungssprecher reden sich um Kopf und Kragen

Bei der Bundespressekonferenz wollten die Journalisten von RT Deutsch und anderen Medien von der Sprecherin des BMWI wissen, welche Erklärung die Bundesregierung für diese massiv gestiegenen Rüstungsexporte gegenüber dem Vorjahr hat

Die Regierungssprecher redeten sich um Kopf und Kragen und verwiesen am Ende darauf, dass der Bundessicherheitsrat nicht gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit Rechenschaft schuldig ist, sondern lediglich dem Bundestag.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A K P)

Non-governmental organizations are criticizing Macron for selling arms to Saudi Arabia and its ally in the coalition, the United Arab Emirates.

Opposition lawmakers were not satisfied.

“How do you intend to prove that French-made weapons are not being used for offensive purposes in Yemen, in violation of the Arms Trade Treaty?” Jean-Paul Lecoq, a communist deputy, asked in parliament. “The guns were not made to decorate the sheikh’s palace,” he added, demanding greater government transparency.

France has had an improving business relationship with Saudi Arabia since former President François Holland took office in 2012.

(* A P)

Cavusoglu an Golfstaaten: Im Jemen gnadenlos Tausende Zivilisten massakriert

„Es gibt einige Golfstaaten, die uns für unsere Anti-Terror-Operation in Syrien verurteilen. Ihr wart diejenigen, die gnadenlos Tausende von Zivilisten im Jemen massakriert habt. Die Türkei reagiert mehr als empfindlich, damit Zivilisten bei diesem Prozess keinen Schaden zugefügt wird“, sagte Cavusoglu gegenüber Reportern in Algerien.

Die Außenministerien der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Bahreins hatten am Mittwoch in einer Erklärung die türkische Offensive im Nordosten Syriens verurteilt.

Mein Kommentar: Da hat er recht – ohne dass das die türkische Offensive in Syrien rechtfertigen würde.

(* A P)

Turkey lashes out at condemnation of north Syria op

'On what grounds do they oppose Turkey's operation in northern Syria?' says Turkish foreign minister

Turkey's foreign minister on Thursday criticized those who caused a humanitarian crisis in Yemen for condemning Turkey's operation in northern Syria, referring to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

"So many people starved to death in their siege. On what grounds do they defame Turkey and oppose Turkey's operation in northern Syria?" said Mevlut Cavusoglu, speaking to reporters.

"They killed so many people in Yemen and made them starve."

My comment: LOL. He’s right – but anyway, this can not justify the Turkish assault.

(* B P)

Omani role in the Yemeni file .. Reasons .. Gains .. Implications

The Sultanate of Oman has been sticking to its vision of the situation in Yemen since the start of the military operations of the Arab coalition on the 26th of March 2015, a vision that provides a solution and negotiation mainly to resolve differences and overcome the conflict, rather than war, and from this vision came the Sultanate's position, which refused military participation In the Saudi-led coalition

As the war in Yemen continues, the Sultanate has adopted a unique behavior to translate its vision of conflict in the region, which is based on activating diplomacy to prevail peaceful solution, encouraging the parties to engage in political solutions, and reducing the distance between the war and bullets. In return, she received widespread demonization of her role, neutrality, and non-support for coalition military operations, sometimes accused of smuggling weapons to the Houthis, and sometimes subordination to Iran, which has distinct historical ties.

The Omani role was initially limited to coordination between the Houthi group and the Arab alliance.Muscat hosted several meetings between the two sides in the presence of a United Nations and American-European coordination, and was able to contribute to pushing the parties to the conflict towards several rounds of dialogue in Kuwait, Switzerland and Sweden.

With the outbreak of this [Qatar] crisis, the UAE and Saudi Arabia began to harass more Oman. This time through the presence of the two countries respectively in the Yemeni province of Al-Mahra adjacent to the Sultanate. The Sultanate sees Mahra as an extension of its geographical and historical depth, and therefore has maintained a distinct relationship with its inhabitants, while Saudi Arabia saw Mahra as a place to implement its historical agenda by extending its oil pipeline to the Arabian Sea, and an opportunity to turn the Mahra into an inflamed point to influence the Omani position and push it towards the destination it wants Saudi Arabia was quick to strengthen its presence in Al-Mahra, and at a rapid pace through which it tightened control over the province, which led to widespread public anger among the Mahrians, rejecting the Saudi presence.

Remark by Elisabeth Kendall: Long article analysing current #Yemen talks in Muscat. Frames #Oman positively as: -Seeking a palatable exit for #Saudi from war -Mitigating dangers of #UAE ambitions in South -Facilitating a new framework for peace via National Salvation Council for South

(A P)


My comment: LOL. Turkey exactly does what the UAE do in Yemen since 4 ½ years.

(B P)

UAE bank’s Interpol Abuse raised at UK Parliament after Brit’s 12 month long ordeal

Gulf nations have not only reported people to Interpol for political reasons, but they have allowed frivolous private matters to be misrepresented to Interpol as criminal matters, often with the intention of harassing the victim, preventing travel, damaging their reputation, extorting funds or having them imprisoned. This common practice has been regularly used by banks, particularly those in the UAE and Qatar who have been criticised for using the agency as an instrument for “debt collection”.

Stirling, herself an Expert Witness in Interpol and Extradition matters has dealt with numerous cases of European nationals who have been arrested in Europe over Interpol Notices issued on the basis of a small credit card debt, bounced cheque or missed car payments. She has recently established a new organisation called IPEX, dedicated to reforming Interpol and extradition protocols internationally.

(A K P)

Yemen Resistance Cartoon Exhibition opens in Tehran

The Yemen Resistance Cartoon Exhibition opened at the Osveh Art and Cultural Center in Tehran on Tuesday to represent Yemenis resistant against the atrocities perpetrated by the Saudis in their war.


(* A K P)

European Responsibility for war crimes in Yemen

The case against UAMA and RWM Italia is not about negligence, it’s about Italy’s role in deadly Saudi/UAE-led-Coalition airstrike

Exactly three years ago a family of six was killed in an airstrike by the Saudi/UAE-led military coalition in Deir Al-Hajari in Northwest Yemen. Those killed in the strike included a pregnant woman and her four young children. Bomb remnants were found at the site of the attack, including a suspension lug manufactured by RWM Italia S.p.A., a subsidiary of the German Arms Manufacturer Rheinmetall AG. In April 2018, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), together with its Yemen-based partner Mwatana for Human Rights, and Italian-based Rete Italiana per il Disarmo, submitted a criminal complaint on the case.

After more than a year and a half of investigations, the Italian Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome, instead of carrying out a complete assessment of the role of Italy and an Italian weapons manufacturer’s potential role in crimes in Yemen, has decided to request a dismissal of the case. The three organizations will appeal the Prosecutor’s decision, as the case – and Yemeni victims – deserve a proper investigation of Italy’s role in the devastating Saudi/UAE-led coalition attacks, which continue to kill, wound and gravely harm civilians.

(A H P)

World Health Organization: Keeping Yemen from the brink of famine: Italy and WHO fight malnutrition

WHO and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) are working together to fight malnutrition in Yemen. This valued partner has generously donated critical funding in the amount of EUR 2 million in support of the nutrition response in Yemen.

My comment: Hmmm. Italy is making money by arms sales and gives one roll to each Yemeni as blood money.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp11, cp12

(A K P)

Verteidigungsministerium und Streitkräfte der VAE nehmen an der Waffen- und Sicherheitsausstellung in der Ukraine teil

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B)

Inside war-torn Yemen's ancient skyscraper city, dubbed the 'Manhattan of the desert,' that's on the brink of ruin

Shibam in Yemen is an ancient, desert city.

Originally settled 1,700 years ago, it's the world's first city of skyscrapers. Many of the buildings, built from mud bricks, date back to the 16th century.

As Yemen struggles with a violent civil war between the government and Houthi rebels, Shibam's future is uncertain.

The war has been going on for five years, resulting in 6,000 deaths and putting 22 million people in a position where they need assistance — for food, water, shelter, or sanitation.

For Shibam, things have been tenuous since 2008. Flooding, terrorist attacks, the Arab Spring Revolt, and the civil war have all put pressure on the city.

Shibam's tourism industry has died, and funding for maintaining buildings has been cut. Now cracks are appearing across the buildings. (photos)

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Minister of Culture explores international help in retrieving Yemen’s antiquities

Minister of Culture Marwan Dammaj met on Wednesday with the Executive Director of the International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH) FaleryFreland.

The session intended to discuss cooperation between the Yemeni government and ALIPH in the protection of antiquities and countering smuggling and trafficking.

Dammaj explored international support to help retrieve significant Yemeni antiquities were reported to have been displayed in different parts of the world after they had been smuggled.

The discussions also touched upon training the Yemeni staff in charge of museums and antiquities and repairing the museums.

(A P)

Yemen Calls on Washington to Ban Trading with Yemeni Artifacts

The Yemeni Government submitted a request to the American Government to ban dealing with the Yemeni antiquities and artefacts in the American market.
In a statement to the Yemeni Government's News Agency SABA, Minister of Culture Marwan Dammaj said that a consultative panel from the American government is set to convene on October 29th to discuss the Yemeni government's request to ban illegal trafficking of Yemeni antiquities and artifacts in the US.

and also

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Trump confirms death of al-Qaeda bomb-maker in Yemen

President Trump on Thursday confirmed that senior al Qaeda bomb-maker Ibrahim al-Asiri was killed in a U.S. strike in Yemen two years ago.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Delegation des saudi-arabischen Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramms für den Jemen trifft sich mit internationalen Agenturen

Eine Delegation des saudi-arabischen Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramms für den Jemen (SDRPY) traf sich in Washington, D.C., mit Entwicklungsagenturen, Forschungsinstituten und Bildungsorganisationen, um mehrere SDRPY-Projekte zu besprechen, die derzeit im Jemen implementiert werden.

Der Director of Projects and Studies für das Programm, Ing. Hassan Al-Attas, führte das SDRPY-Team durch weitreichende Diskussionen zu Entwicklungsprogrammen mit mehreren internationalen Agenturen und wies dabei auf Möglichkeiten zur Zusammenarbeit hin.

Der jemenitische Botschafter in den USA, Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak, traf sich mit der Gruppe, um eine Vertiefung der Beziehung zwischen dem Programm und der Botschaft durch künftige Kooperation an Entwicklungsprojekten in den wichtigsten Sektoren zu besprechen.

Bei Treffen mit Vertretern der Weltbank, die in der Region Nahost und Nordafrika tätig sind, ging es in erster Linie darum, gemeinsame Initiativen mit Organisationen zu starten, die bereits vor Ort aktiv sind.

Mein Kommentar: Der größte Zerstörer im Jemen mimt den großen Wohltäter und Aufbauhelfer, und der Westen nimmt es ernst.

(A P)

Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen Delegation Meets with International Agencies

A delegation from the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) held meetings with development agencies, research institutions and educational organizations in Washington, D.C., to discuss several SDRPY projects being implemented in Yemen.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) was represented by Rob Jenkins

The Yemeni Ambassador to the U.S. Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak met with the group to discuss strengthening the relationship between the program and the embassy

Meetings with World Bank officials operating in the Middle East and North Africa region focused on exploring the possibility of conducting joint initiatives with organizations already on the ground.

My comment: The greatest perpetrator and destroyer in Yemen mimes the great benefactor and aide. And Western allies – what they are – take it serious.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia Advances 8 Positions in Judicial Independence

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made significant progress in several judicial indicators according to the latest Global Competitiveness Report 2019, published by the World Economic Forum.
According to the report, Saudi Arabia jumped 8 positions in the “judicial independence” sub-index, achieving the 16th ranking globally.

My comment: of course, they do not tell which rank Saudi Arabia actually has.

(A P)

Emirati newspaper accuses Oman of supporting armed formations in Yemen 'to confuse coalition after alleged role as mediator

The Emirati-funded al-Arab newspaper, published in London, accused Oman of supporting and establishing armed formations in Yemen and working to disrupt the Arab coalition.

The newspaper said in a report published on its front page, Wednesday, that the exposure of the Omani role in Yemen prompted Omanis to escape forward and "openly abandon the policy of dissociation that they were claiming", and worked crudely to move their papers in Yemen to confuse the Arab coalition.

According to the newspaper ,"Muscat, who was trying to portray itself as an intermediary, increased with the arrival of Saudi forces of the Arab coalition to the province of Al-Mahra on the border with Oman and started its work to control the smuggled shipments, including spare parts for ballistic missiles and drones used by Houthis to target Saudi territory.

The newspaper added in its report entitled "Muscat Cell is a key platform to confuse the Arab alliance in Yemen", that Muscat is united by a tripartite alliance with Iran and Qatar, and (Muscat) is implementing the policy of the tripartite alliance in Yemen using tribal and social figures and granting them Omani citizenship as well as politicians Yemeni media and officers.

The newspaper pointed out that the "Muscat Cell" worked to demonize the efforts of the Arab coalition in the fight against terrorism in Yemen

My comment: This is smearing the state which could be the most serious moderator – but it disturbs UAE’s interference in Yemen. This smearing campaign works by conspiracy theories.

(A P)

Ben Dagher talks about the features of the "new phase of storm of decisiveness"

Former Prime Minister Ahmed Obeid bin Dagher said that the Saudi indications and moves to bridge the rift between the legitimate government and the UAE-backed Transitional Council signal the birth of "a new phase of the storm of decisiveness."

In an article posted on his Facebook account, Ben Dagher added that the criterion for defeat or victory in this historic confrontation is to come out of Yemen united, and that the survival of Yemen is essential.

My comment: Idiot. “storm of decisiveness” is the Saudi disastrous aerial war in Yemen.

(A P)

Trump and Tehran Shake Up the Middle East

Iran's airstrike on Saudi oil sites exposed vulnerabilities around the region.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds it bizarre that the Republican leadership is (rightly) going nuts over President Trump's betrayal of the Kurds in Syria while it's ignoring his betrayal of the U.S. Constitution at home. If only Lindsey Graham & Co. were as eager to defend our democracy as they are the Kurds. If you think Trump’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria will make the Middle East , you’re correct. But there’s far more going on.

Every country is now recalculating its security strategy, starting with Israel. – by Thomas L. Friedman (limited access)

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: Hey,Thomas Friedman! It was not Santa Claus who hit Saudi oil! It was not Iran! It was the Yemenis,believe it or not,it doesn't matter. It's only your ignorance that made you say Iran without any evidence! Your ignorance of Yemenis never change facts

(A P)

How to Respond to Iran

With its recent attacks on Saudi oil installations, Iran is directly challenging both America’s dominance in the Persian Gulf and Saudi Arabia’s role as the world’s oil supplier of last resort. And merely tightening US sanctions against Iran will most likely provoke, rather than deter, another Iranian attack.

The United States is exhausted from its Middle East wars, particularly because its overwhelming military advantage has not translated into enduring political influence. But America’s retreat has left a strategic vacuum, which the region’s most influential actors are vying to fill.

Over the last few years – and owing largely to US failures – Iran has strengthened its position by expanding its influence in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen via proxy non-state actors.

Saudi Arabia, by contrast, remains a status quo power, interested above all in stability – not least to facilitate oil sales.

In the meantime, Saudi Arabia has limited capacity for checking Iran’s ambitions. Not only does this put the Kingdom at risk of losing its dominant position in the region; it raises the likelihood of more assaults on vulnerable Saudi oil and petrochemical facilities, as well as public utilities.

An engaged US could help to stave off such developments, but it is far from clear that the Saudis can count on that.

Eventually, the US will have to decide how much force-projection capacity it is willing to maintain in the Gulf. But right now, the top priority must be to respond to Iran’s latest challenge, before another attack takes place – by Bernard Haykel

My comment: Telling the Iran propaganda story and demanding a fierce respond: Make war, not peace.

(A P)

Europe needs a comprehensive policy approach in the Gulf

However, any further escalation in the Gulf will not just be limited to energy prices or sea routes. For Europe, the overall costs would be significant starting with the fact that more than €500,000 nationals work and live in the GCC countries alone.

Then there are wider strategic costs to be considered. An additional crisis in the Gulf would likely harden the position of the warring parties in Yemen and continue to prolong the country’s humanitarian crisis. It would directly risk the still fragile stability of Iraq that sits at the heart of the Arab world where sectarian conflict lines could once again break out into the open. It could, once again, increase the threat of terrorism

Third, as the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 has shown, Europe cannot afford merely to follow the US lead or allow Washington to determine what the appropriate response to the attacks in Saudi Arabia should be

The trick for Europe is, of course, to put forward an approach that balances de-escalation and engagement between regional and external actors on the one hand, while setting clear limits on those same actors’ policy choices which, so far, have led to the dangerous situation which has emerged.

The ‘E3’ (Germany, France and the UK) strong statement condemning Iran for the attack on Saudi was, in this context, an important step as it drew a clear line between what is acceptable and what is not

Europe must now take the diplomatic initiative. Incoming EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has spoken of “a Europe that takes the global lead on a major challenge of our times.”

My comment: The author claims European worldwide geopolitics – a typical Western bullshit article.

(A P)

Iran’s Claims for Calm Confirm Interference in Yemen

Observers say that the Iranian regime is looking to give a good impression by spreading messages calling for peace and dialogue with Saudi Arabia.
However, statements by representatives of the Iranian regime have given the impression that persistent bargaining attempts through proxies no longer work for the international community.
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, for his part, has failed to cover for the scandalous crimes committed in Yemen.
Iran’s continued support for terror proxies in Yemen has forced Zarif to quickly hold an interview to help spread calm.

My comment: LOL. This really sounds like odd propaganda.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition “We are benefactors” propaganda (with film) = (Deutsch, mit Film)

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pS)

Coalition aircraft target Houthi positions in Sa'ada

(B K P)

Yemenis mark third anniversary of Sana'a's massacre by Saudi Arabia

October 8th marks the third anniversary of the Saudi attack on a mourning hall in Yemen's capital Sana'a which left nearly 140 dead. Yemenis have come together in the bombarded scene to send a message that they would never forget the Saudi war crimes in general and the massacre of the mourners in particular (with film)


(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Oct. 9: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b, cp1c

(A K pH)

Four civilians wounded in Saudi bombing

At least three women and one man were injured on early Thursday when Saudi-led aggression forces bombed a civilian home in Hajjah province, northern Yemen, local sources reported.

According to the sources, the aggression forces bombarded a civilian’s home in Sha’ab area of Haradh district, destroying the house and injuring four civilians, most of them women.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Ad-dhaher district, destroying civilians' properties.

(* A K pS)

Dozens of rebels killed as southern forces make gains on Yemen front

Local commanders say the gains open up the possibility to push into the province of Ibb

An offensive by the Southern Joint Forces has driven Houthi rebels from nearly 80 per cent of northern Al Dhalea province in southern Yemen, the force said on Wednesday.

The operation started early Tuesday and saw the joint forces take the area of Al Zubairiyat, the villages of Suleim and Baja as well as the strategic area of Al Fakher which connects the area of the Al Dhalea province with the Ibb province to the northwest.

“Our forces led a sudden attack from three-axis, Cpt Majed Al Shouaibi, the spokesperson of the Southern Joint Forces, told The National. “

At least 115 Houthi rebels were killed in the fighting around northern Al Dhalea with many bodies yet to be recovered, Fuad Gubari an independent journalist covering the battle northern Al Dhalea told The National.

“Most of the Houthi fighters were killed in the battle on Tuesday, we found them killed by the dozens inside their trenches, they were mostly young fighters aged between 15 and 20 [years old]. They could not flee because the Southern Joint Forces tightened the noose around them so quickly. Consequently, they had no choice but to fight until the end,” Mr Gubari said.

My remark: As claimed by separatist militia and reported by this UAE news site.

(A K pS)

One Soldier killed, 2 injured in al-Mocha mine explosion west of Taiz

(A K)

This week we focus on a Houthi attack on Sudanese soldiers

On Monday, Yemen's Houthi rebels said they had killed several Sudanese soldiers in a missile strike in the country's third largest Taiz city on Monday.

The strike targeted a "gathering of Sudanese soldiers in Al-Waziya junction area of Taiz at midnight on Monday," the rebels Al-Masirah channel reported.

"The attack successfully killed and injured a number of Sudanese soldiers," the group said, without providing specific numbers.

The Saudi-led coalition, of which Sudan is a member, has yet to comment on the claims.

Sudanese opposition figures have called on their country's transitional government to bring back Sudanese soldiers fighting for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen

At any time in the past four and a half years, as many as 14,000 Sudanese militiamen were fighting in Yemen with local militia aligned with the Saudis, according to an Al Jazeera report. Many of these, the report adds, were children and mercenaries.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A K P)

Privilege to analyze the #Yemen war with so many officers from all over the Islamic world. There aren’t many occasions where senior military figures from #UAE #Saudi #Qatar #Oman & others can sit together & constructively discuss their takes. Thanks @NATO_DefCollege in #Rome (photos)

My comment: ????????????

(* B P)

Laying The ‘Islamist’ Bogeyman To Rest

For Abu Dhabi, the demonization of Islamism is based on a deeply-rooted fear within the centre of power around MbZ—a fear of civil societal activism legitimized not by secular power but religious belief. Since the Arab Spring, UAE officials have been on the forefront of using their narrative of ‘anti-Islamism’ and ‘counter-terrorism’ as a means to clamp down on civil-society at home and across the region. To facilitate this effort, they have partnered with dubious allies in the West: right-wing groups that make a living out of Islamist fear mongering.

These groups rely on promoting bizarre and dangerous Islamophobic conspiracy theories

There has been a curious overlap, too, between the lines used by the foremost Islamophobic ideologues promoting these conspiracy theories and the official messaging of the UAE government as it insinuates itself into shaping the domestic security policy of European states.

The UAE’s disinformation network, headed by spin doctors at the Harbour Group and Camstoll in the U.S., has worked with bloggers and conspiracy theorists to feed these narratives into the Republican and conservative mainstream over the past eight years.

The UAE’s offensive to win Western hearts and minds against the many shades of grey in Islamism is an attempt to create a bogeyman that resonates with an audience merely waiting for a Muslim majority country like the Emirates to support their biases. The narrative is a façade, behind which the authoritarian counterrevolutionaries in the Arab world hide to legitimize repression, justify military interventions and make journalists and activists disappear. In the face of a potential Arab Spring 2.0 currently unfolding, the dichotomous narrative of ‘authoritarian stability’ versus ‘Islamist anarchy’ fails to account for growing grey area of liberal civil-society in the Arab world—one that is resilient enough not to view Islamism as a fundamental threat to building a more pluralist political future – by Andreas Krieger

(* B)

More photos of beautiful Yemen


At least 13 dead in Shabwah car accident

Eyewitnesses reported that a heavy transport truck collided with a passenger bus, killing 13 people who aboard the bus, all from Taiz province, while the truck driver was unharmed.

The eyewitnesses considered the accident a new murder crime committed by Hadi’s government for non-responding to citizens’ calls for the road maintenance.

This incident is one of dozens of similar incidents as a result of the Hadi government’s neglect of highways.

My comment: Where in Yemen this would be better?


“In this short video, the creative twelve-year-old Hiba Al-Ma'ini invites us to keep the child inside of each of us.

In this short video, the creative twelve-year-old Hiba Al-Ma'ini invites us to keep the child in each of us. It is an invitation for adults to keep the synonyms of childhood mentioned above: happiness, curiosity, surprise and dream.

Heba Amin Al Muaini, 12 years old. YouTuber is a graphic designer, painter, writer, programmer and also learns Japanese. I learned design 3 years ago from the Internet with the help of her brothers. Hiba opened her YouTube channel in January 2019, featuring a variety of content between her stories and Japanese language education. Hiba dreams of being the first manga writer and anime maker in Yemen.


(B P)

Film by RT: Mini-series Part 1: Archive verification of protest in Aden, Yemen

Our archive mini-series explains the verification work that goes into each piece of content that we publish to our clients. We begin with the first video we produced: an anti-corruption protest in Aden, Yemen, in Sept 2018. Our blog describes the full process behind each verified video: authenticating source, date and location:

(A H)

Photos: 90,000 People Affected by Flooding in Yemen

Flooding triggered by heavy rains and thunderstorms in the last seven days has affected more than 90,000 people in war-torn Yemen

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-584 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-584: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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