Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 590 - Yemen War Mosaic 590

Yemen Press Reader 590: 26. Okt. 2019: Neues Buch: "Jemen - Der vergessene Krieg"– Der saudische Krieg im Jemen geht ums Öl – Ben Rhodes‘ falscher Eigen-Freispruch beim Jemenkrieg ...

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... Anthony Hall über Kanada, Jemen, Iran – Südjemen: Abkommen über Teilung der Macht angeblich unterschriftsreif – und mehr

Oct. 26, 2019: New Book: “Yemen – The forgotten war” (in German) – Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen Is About Oil – Ben Rhodes’ False Atonement for the Yemen War – Anthony Hall on Canada, Yemen, Iran – Southern Yemen: Powersharing agreement said to be ready to ink – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Südjemen: cp6 / Southern Yemen: cp6

(** B H K P)

Jemen: Von "Arabia felix" zum "Armenhaus der arabischen Welt"

"Jemen - Der vergessene Krieg" von Said AlDailami ist ein Buch, das dem politisch interessierten deutschsprachigen Lesepublikum einen guten ersten Überblick über die Hauptlinien des Konflikts und dessen Einbettung in den internationalen Kontext gibt.

Das flüssig und temperamentvoll geschriebene Buch skizziert kurz die Vorgeschichte des Jemen, beschäftigt sich dann vertieft mit der Historie ab Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts und dem Aufstieg Salehs und konzentriert sich in der zweiten Hälfte dann ganz auf den derzeitigen Bürgerkrieg. Der heute für die CSU-nahe Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung in Tunis tätige AlDailami geht dabei nicht nur auf den nationalen und internationalen Kontext des Konflikts ein, sondern auch auf die menschliche, soziale, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Zerstörung, die die Kämpfe, Hungersnöte, Epidemien und die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Unsicherheiten mit sich gebracht haben.

Der Autor, der selbst aus einer angesehenen jemenitischen Familie stammt und ab dem Schulalter in Deutschland aufwuchs, schreibt voller brennender Liebe für sein Land und voller Schmerz über die Vernichtung einer uralten Kulturregion.

Allerdings hält der Autor auch zu allen internen Konfliktparteien Äquidistanz und spart nicht mit Kritik an ihnen, auch wenn sein härtestes Urteil Saudi-Arabien trifft.

Das stärkste und erhellendste Kapitel des Buches ist jenes, wo AlDailami sich mit der Einordnung des Bürgerkrieges und der Militärintervention in die regionalpolitischen Bestrebungen der Golfstaaten, aber auch in die globalen Machtverhältnisse beschäftigt. Besonders heftige Kritik übt er dabei an der Unterstützung der westlichen Welt für Saudi-Arabien insbesondere durch den Waffenhandel, von dem auch viele europäische Firmen profitieren. Von der gut belegten Darstellung des internationalen Kriegsgewinnlertums nimmt er auch seine zweite Heimat Deutschland nicht aus. AlDailami macht damit deutlich, dass der Jemen-Krieg nicht bloß eine weit entfernte Angelegenheit fremder Länder ist, sondern von Europa und den USA direkt oder indirekt tatkräftig unterstützt und genährt wird.

"Jemen - Der vergessene Krieg" ist ein Buch, das dem politisch interessierten deutschsprachigen Lesepublikum einen guten ersten Überblick über die Hauptlinien des Konflikts und dessen Einbettung in den internationalen Kontext gibt.

und hier zum Buch:

Aus der Leseprobe:

Die Kriegsgedichte, -balladen und -lieder füllen inzwischen Bände. Seit Beginn des aktuellen Krieges gehören sie zum festen Bestandteil des öffentlichen Diskurses, insbesondere in den (sozialen) Medien. Für den Jemen, eine Stammesgesellschaft par excellence, gehörten sie schon immer zum kulturellen Ritus. In Kriegszeiten und bei Feldzügen gelten sie als das motivierende Element und die flankierende Unterstützung überhaupt für die eigenen Kämpfer. Zwischen den Kriegsparteien kommt es zu wahren Wortgefechten – oder vielmehr Liederschlachten. Einige dieser Kriegslieder haben sich inzwischen zu Evergreens entwickelt. Die Kinder auf der Straße singen diese Lieder, bei Festlichkeiten werden sie angestimmt, sie füllen Kassetten, CDs und USB-Sticks. Sie sind überall präsent; sogar die Jemeniten in der Diaspora pflegen diese Kriegsgesänge zu hören und mitzusingen. Inzwischen gehören sie zum Standardrepertoire in jedem Haus, in jedem Auto, bei jeder Reise. Jeder ist stolz, seinen Freunden die neuesten Songtexte vorzuspielen und dabei am besten selbst mitzusingen.

Doch als auch Aden unter die Kontrolle der Huthi-SalehKoalition zu fallen drohte, änderte sich die Situation am 26. März 2015 schlagartig. Saudi-Arabien rief eine Militäroperation aus, die unter dem Titel «Decisive Storm» dem HuthiVormarsch ein Ende setzen sollte. Unter der Führung des Königreichs schlossen sich der Operation auch die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE), Ägypten, Jordanien, Marokko, Sudan, Katar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan und später der Senegal an. Das Kräfteverhältnis hatte sich damit von heute auf morgen umgekehrt. Ein Krieg der ungleichen Kräfte war entfesselt, ein Krieg, wie er verbissener und aggressiver nicht geführt werden könnte. Alles, wofür so viele Demonstranten auf den Plätzen und in den Straßen so lange friedlich gekämpft hatten, wurde in kurzer Zeit durch Gruppen zunichte gemacht, denen Zufall oder Schicksal genug Geld und Waffen in die Hände gespielt hatte, um ein ganzes Land ins Verderben zu stürzen. Anstatt die Souveränität über das politische Geschehen im eigenen Land wiederzuerlangen, wurde der Jemen jäh zur Spielwiese einiger Möchtegern-Regionalmächte, die getrieben von wirtschaftlichen Interessen, geopolitischem Kalkül oder gefährlichen Ideologien bereit sind, modernste Waffen zum Schaden der allgemeinen Bevölkerung einzusetzen. Binnen weniger Jahre seit 2011 war der revolutionäre Drang einer sich von der Politik benachteiligt fühlenden Jugend damit endgültig dem Machthunger neuer, nicht weniger eigennütziger Akteure zum Opfer gefallen. Anstelle von Versöhnung der Klassen und Regionen – wie in der Nationalen Dialogkonferenz vollmundig betont worden war – begannen im Jemen nun die Rachefeldzüge, anstelle eines Neubeginns kam nun die Katastrophe, anstelle der Zeit des Neuaufbaus wurde nun die Ära der völligen Zerstörung eingeläutet.

(** B K P)

Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen Is About Oil

The attack on the Abqaiq oil facilities was not the first and certainly will not be the last demonstration of Saudi Arabia’s vulnerability.

Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen has been driven by concerns for oil supply and delivery. Regional tensions with Iran have made the Strait of Hormuz is becoming an unreliable route for 30 percent of the world’s oil supply and alternatives ports of transshipment and pipelines have emerged as a vital component of the monarchy’s future economic stability. The irony of Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen is that, rather than promote oil security, it has spawned a tenacious opponent in the Houthi movement. As September’s drone strike on Saudi oil fields is testament, Houthi tribal militias are capable of striking into Saudi territory and disrupting global oil supply, costing the monarchy billions of dollars in damage and lost revenue. While government and media continue to point fingers and conjecture as to the ultimate culprit, the real question that remains is why the Saudi oil ministry was unprepared and surprised by such a brazen attack. Since 2009, Houthi tribesmen have constituted a threat along Saudi Arabia’s southern border, infiltrating with ground across a porous desert region and penetrating Saudi airspace with Scud missiles and pilotless drones. The attack on the Abqaiq oil facilities was not the first and certainly will not be the last demonstration of Saudi Arabia’s vulnerability

The question of maintaining uninterrupted and secure oil facilities and delivery systems will become even more important as Saudi Arabia continues the construction of a pipeline through al-Mahra, Yemen’s easternmost province. The construction of this pipeline and the port of Nishtoon on Yemen’s southern coast is the culmination of two decades of Saudi negotiations and diplomatic efforts.

The outbreak of a civil war in Yemen in 2014 presented the Saudis with a unique opportunity to support and cultivate a new Yemeni administration that would ultimately agree to lease the land necessary to construct this pipeline. While the civil war did not proceed as initially planned, Yemeni President Mansur Hadi remains in Riyadh and owes his political survival to his host country, meaning he would be in no place to deter plans for a Saudi pipeline and port

September’s attack on Abqaiq’s oil production facilities was a wakeup call to the Saudi oil ministry.

The ultimate responsibility for securing this pipeline and other oil facilities remains with the Saudi monarchy, while the United States and the United Nations can and should be providing only sufficient deterrence and monitoring to prevent a broader regional conflict – by Asher Orkaby =

(** B K P)

Ben Rhodes’ False Atonement for the Yemen War

Our failure to reckon with Obama-era atrocities—and why it matters.

Throughout 2015 and 2016, as the U.S.-Saudi coalition bombed weddings, hospitals, funerals, factories and a school bus, Rhodes went on press calls and media interviews to defend U.S. political and military backing of the war, while issuing vague assurances the Obama administration was doing what it could to protect civilian lives.

Fast forward to the present—for Rhodes, a book tour and think tank co-chairmanship later—and this history seems almost entirely lost to public knowledge. Rhodes has reinvented himself as a vocal opponent of the Saudi-led war in Yemen—a war he once defended—and through this reinvention gained influence in liberal circles.

Yet his denunciations are remarkably devoid of atonement: He somehow skipped the step where he is held accountable for his own significant role in starting U.S. participation in the onslaught, and went straight to the part where he righteously criticizes the Trump administration for escalating it. In his criticisms, he clings tightly to the idea that Obama’s support for the Yemen war was infused with humanity and restraint, a dubious claim used to sell the Yemen War—and used to sell brutal invasions throughout U.S. history.

If we let the Obama-era warmongers define a “progressive” foreign policy through a narrow, anti-Trump lens, we open political space for Democrats—including the next Democratic administration—to revert to Obama’s deeply harmful policies.

The only way to prevent future wars is to stop not only the Trumps and Boltons of this world, but also the Obamas and Rhodes.

If we let the Obama-era warmongers define a “progressive” foreign policy through a narrow, anti-Trump lens, we open political space for Democrats—including the next Democratic administration—to revert to Obama’s deeply harmful policies.

The only way to prevent future wars is to stop not only the Trumps and Boltons of this world, but also the Obamas and Rhodes.

What Rhodes did while he was in power

While Rhodes was in a high-level government role, positioned to help stop the war had he wanted to, his statements on the Yemen War were relatively sparse. Those statements he did make are a case study in how liberals sell brutal military interventions to the public, gesturing toward humanitarianism, restraint and respecting alliances.

What Rhodes did once he was out of power

Once he was no longer in a position of power, Rhodes’ tune began to change—albeit slowly.

This goes beyond Rhodes—and beyond the Obama administration. To prevent another Yemen War, or Iraq War, or bloody Syria intervention, we need to confront the insidious nature of our bipartisan war machine. A war machine that, at times, speaks the language of overt white supremacy and “America-First” chauvinism we’re hearing from the Trump administration. But one that also speaks in liberal cliches of “restraint” and “humanitarian assistance”—and false atonement for past wrongdoings – by Sarah Lazare =


(* B K P)

Rhodes and the War on Yemen

Sarah Lazare takes Ben Rhodes to task for his past support of the war on Yemen and how he has tried to reinvent himself as a critic of the war since Obama left office.

U.S. support for the war on Yemen began under Obama, and were it not for Obama’s decision to back the Saudi coalition’s military intervention in Yemen from the start it is doubtful that it could have continued for as long as it has. Obama’s support for this war is the most shameful part of his foreign policy record, and it is no accident that all of his former advisers and appointees have avoided talking about the war in their memoirs. Yemen is the most glaring omission in Samantha Power’s book, and it is also absent from Rhodes’ account. If they had included any discussion of U.S. support for the war in the book, that would have required them to acknowledge their own failure and call attention to Obama’s indefensible decision. They let themselves off the hook, and they also allow Obama to escape scrutiny for the policy he authorized.

Rhodes has tried to spin the Obama administration’s support for the war as an attempt to “restrain” the Saudi coalition that failed, but there was never much evidence of trying to rein in the coalition’s bombing campaign at the time.

The Obama administration tried to have it both ways by indulging and enabling the Saudi coalition’s aggression while officials anonymously claimed to be horrified by the results, but for all intents and purposes the U.S. gave the Saudis and Emiratis carte blanche all along. The Obama administration was never as proud of supporting the war on Yemen as the current administration has been, but they kept the war going for almost two years. It is a ugly and disgraceful part of the Obama record, and we need to remember how this atrocious policy first started.

Obama and Rhodes have prided themselves on breaking with conventional wisdom in foreign policy – by Daniel Larizon

(** B K P)

Iran…..The World’s Biggest Exporter of Terrorism?

The Yemeni Connection to the New Horizon Conference of 2019 in Beirut

As the New Horizon conference got going, one of the delegates shared with us early news about the startling events taking place inside the southern boundary of Saudi Arabia around the town of Narjan. Assan Al-Emad, a Yemeni leader, shared with the attendees at the Beirut conference insights and information that, to the best of my knowledge, has been sparse and misleading in the zealously policed content of the Occident’s mainstream media.

Even before the circulation of some international reports about the military breakthrough being executed by the Yemeni army together with the organized Houthi resistance, Mr. Al-Emad shared with the conference delegates a running commentary on the remarkable news emerging from his home region. The new developments had as their background the Saudi Arabian military assault beginning in 2015 on the civilian population of its Yemen in the southwest corner of the Arabian Peninsula. Part of that aggressive warfare has involved the Saudi attempt to blockade all Yemeni land, air, and seaports in order to starve the indigenous population into submission.

The Saudi war is directed at returning Yemen to the status of a subordinate satellite of the world’s wealthiest and notorious Petro tyranny. The Saudi attempt to obliterate the vital infrastructure supporting the lives of the Yemen civilian population is backed by a large coalition of Occidental and Arab powers. These powers include Canada, Israel, the United States, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.

In recent years the Saudi assault on Yemen has been widely recognized as the basis of the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. The invasion has directly affected about 80% of Yemen’s 24 million people where starvation in running rife. As a high-level UNICEF official put it, “Yemen has become today a living hell for children…. with 400,000 children suffering acute malnutrition.”

Those engaged in the Yemeni resistance to Saudi Arabia’s assault on their country began in the summer of 2019 to demonstrate increasingly sophisticated forms of self-defense especially through the deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles including drones. In mid-September this strategy of targeting Saudi installations in the cause of undermining the strength of the imperial predator extended to hitting oil-producing and oil-refining installations of the Saudi corporate giant, Aramco.

As the New Horizon delegates learned in Beirut, the Yemeni resistance forces followed up this action in late September by capturing about 2,000 Saudi officers and their mercenary soldiers who hail from many locations including Sudan, Pakistan, and Iraq. The Yemeni resistance also captured hundreds of Saudi military vehicles including some light armored vehicles made in Ontario by a Canadian-based unit of General Dynamics.

The turnaround in the military balance of power in the Arabian Peninsula in September of 2019 has many global implications.

Why are the startling developments in the Arabian Peninsula not generating significant political discussion here in Canada during our federal election? Can it even be said that there is sufficient objective reporting reaching the heavily censored airwaves and print reporting in the Occident to enable even a modicum of informed commentary on the recent developments? What obstructions are being put in the way of wider recognition that the balance of power in the Arabian Peninsula and in global geopolitics is being inalterably affected by dramatic turnarounds in a very significant theatre of military conflict?

In spite of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s war of words with the Saudi government, Canada maintains extremely close relations with the leadership and business sector of the Saudi Kingdom.

Navigating Relations Between USA, Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia

I am more skeptical than is Mr. Atwan about the sincerity of the Crown Prince’s sudden “dovishness.” Since the exchange on 60 Minutes was the first interview Prince bin Salman had granted since the murder by Saudi officials of Jamal Khashoggi, the prevailing mood of the Saudi leader was animated by his need to eat some humble pie on American TV.

An overriding preoccupation of the Israel Lobby and of many Israel First partisans is to persuade the leadership of the US government to invade Iran. This agenda has been promoted relentlessly since the 9/11 false-flag terror event of 2001. As President Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser, John Bolton was one of the most obsessive promoters of a US-led war on Iran in order to serve Israel’s expansionistic agenda. Was Bolton fired because Donald Trump discovered that one of his key advisers on international and strategic affairs was first and foremost serving Benjamin Netanyahu as a White House spy?

It seems Trump has attempted to offer up some red meat to the hawks demanding an invasion of Iran. The US President has expanded the frontiers of so-called “sanctions” on Iran. The term, “sanctions,” that has become a kind of code for many-faced forms of economic warfare – by Anthony Hall

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

1/3 Cases of suspected #denguefever at the @MSF hospital in #Abs have risen over the past 6 weeks, with a total of 900 cases reported. More than 200 cases were registered in the Emergency Room last week alone.

(B H)

WHO: Yemen has been polio-free since 2006

The World Health Organization (WHO) said Thursday that Yemen has been polio-free since 2006,

All cases of acute flaccid paralysis examined from 2018 to 2019 are negative for poliovirus, the UN said on its Twitter account.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pS)

Houthi militias continued shelling and escalation in southern Hodeidah

The militia of the Iranian arm, the Houthis, continued its escalation in Hodeidah, and bombarded the positions of joint forces in the mountainous area of the Directorate of Tahita, on Thursday, the day after the bombing and night targeting of sites in the mountains and Tur and Tahita city, in conjunction with the bombing and targeting on Hais and neighborhoods and farms in the Directorate.

(A K pS)

Houthis target pro-goverment forces in al-Duraihimi, Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Saudis target civilians in presence of UN team

Despite UN observers, Saudi Arabia continues attacks on civilian targets

A citizen was wounded on Thursday in Saudi-led aggression coalition’s mercenaries’ bombardment on Hodeidah province, a security source reported.

According to the source, the coalition forces targeted a civilian house, in al-Maghros area of Tuhayta district, injuring a citizen in the right side of his chest.

The source revealed that the targeting took place in the presence of the United Nations team, which comes a day after the joint team agreed to install five observation points and stop fighting in the province.

(A K pH)


(A K pH)

US-Saudi Reconnaissance Planes Continue to Fly in Hodeidah Despite Latest US Sponsored Agreement

(A K pH)

US-Saudi forces targeted several areas of Attohayta district with heavy and medium arms.

(A K pS)

Houthis continue to targeted joint forces in al-Jabaliya, Hodeidah

(A K pH)

3 Children Victims of US-Saudi Cluster Bomb Explosion in Hodeidah

A child was killed and two others were injured on Thursday by a cluster bomb that is remained of the US-Saudi aggression in Tuhayta of Hodeidah.

(B K)

Photo of City Max Mall in Hodeidah before and after the clashes in #Hodeidah.

(* A K P)

Jemen: Beobachtungsposten sollen Waffenruhe in Hudaida stabilisieren

Die Konfliktparteien im Jemen wollen die vereinbarte Waffenruhe für die strategisch wichtige Hafenstadt Hudaida künftig von vier gemeinsamen Beobachtungsposten aus überwachen. Zusätzlich seien entlang der Frontlinien in Hudaida nun Verbindungsoffiziere im Einsatz, teilte der UN-Jemenbeauftragte Martin Griffiths am Mittwoch mit. «Dieser Schritt wird die Deeskalation in Krisengegenden fördern und Leben retten», schrieb Griffiths bei Twitter.

(* A K P)

Yemeni warring parties set up joint ceasefire observation posts in Hodeidah port

Yemen’s warring parties have set up joint frontline observation posts in the flashpoint port city of Hodeidah, the United Nations said on Wednesday, the latest step in U.N. efforts to maintain a ceasefire in the Red Sea port city.

The head of the United Nations’ Hodeidah mission, Abhijit Guha, welcomed the establishment of the four observation posts, which aim to “facilitate direct inter-party de-escalation”, a U.N. statement said.

“The two parties finalised written agreements in all four locations and deployed liaison officers at each observation post,” it said.


(A K P)

Additional observation post set up in Hodeidah (Video)

Under the supervision of the chief of the UN ceasefire monitoring mission, retired Gen. Abhijit Guha, the fifth observation post was established in the Red Sea port of Hodeidah on Wednesday, manned by both the joint forces and Houthi militia, in addition to the UN observers. and

(A K P)

Yemen prepares for UN committee deployment in Hodeidah

UN Redeployment Committee to start activities in Hodeidah area

[Sanaa gov.] Brigadier General Mohammed al-Qadiri, a member of the Yemeni national delegation to the Redeployment Committee said that “we have done what we have to do in deploying observation points and now the role of the United Nations.”

In a statement on Monday, Brigadier General Al-Qadiri stressed that the United Nations has duties and tasks to fulfill in the distribution of field liaison officers at the four agreed joint control points.

“The agreement guarantees that any movements of personnel, vehicles, vehicles, vehicles, any developments or fortifications, and the flight of reconnaissance flights from both sides will be prevented,” he said


(A P)

Sources: Yemeni Government Team in RCC Meets Griffiths in Riyadh

UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths met in Riyadh on Wednesday with the government team in the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC), before expected talks with Saudi officials Thursday, Asharq Al-Awsat learned.
The meeting comes after chair of the RCC and head of United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) Abhijit Guha succeeded this week in setting up and reinforcing four observation posts where liaison officers from both the legitimate government and Houthi militias monitor a ceasefire in the southern part of the Yemeni city.
The posts built along Hodeidah port city frontlines between the Yemeni warring parties allow the UN to redeploy its members and observe the truce in Hodeidah from all sides.


(A P)

Hodeida. Griffiths welcomes the deployment of checkpoints and calls for a reduction in " agitating speeches."

The UN envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, on Wednesday welcomed the deployment of ceasefire monitoring points in the western province Al-Hodeida, while the head of the Coordination Committee for Redeployment Abhejit Joha called on the parties to reduce the agitating speeches and provide full support for the monitoring operation.

Griffiths said in a post on his Twitter account "I welcome the establishment of four joint observation points by Yemeni parties and the deployment of liaison officers along the front lines of Hodeidah city in Yemen".

"This step will enhance calm in areas of tension and save lives,"

and also

(A K pH)

Numerous Saudi attacks on civilian targets across Yemen

A security source told the Yemeni News Agency Saba that a civilian was wounded in al-Tuhita district.

The source pointed out that the forces of aggression used artillery shells while bombing an area southeast of Hays, while a military bulldozer developed combat fortifications south of Hodeidah Airport.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(A K P)

High Ranking Military Leaders Abandon Saudi-led Aggression, Go Back to Sana’a

A group of military commanders, officers, and intelligence agents, who were listed in the ranks of the Saudi forces, decided to benefit from the amnesty offered by Sana'a. They returned to Sana'a after releasing the truth about the US-Saudi aggression and the agenda put by coalition against Yemen. The efforts of the political leadership to promote national reconciliation seems to have reached the ears of those on the aggression's side. Al-Bukhaiti, welcomed everyone, stressing that the homeland can accommodate all its people who refuse to submit to the forces of arrogance.

(* B K P)

U.S. drones ‘raining death on people’ in Yemen, Saudi journalist says

Al Ahmad spoke with WHYY Wednesday night about the situation in her native country and its relationship with the United States after a 90-minute discussion at the University of Delaware with professor emeritus Ralph Begleiter. She also spoke on Tuesday at the University of Pennsylvania.

Her 2019 film, “Targeting Yemen,” focused on American drone strikes and Special Forces raids. She visited villages where children were killed that have been reduced to rubble and said she feared she might die at any moment because attacks were so frequent.

“They’re raining death on people,’’ she said of the drone-fired bombs, which fuel resentment against natives who weren’t inclined to oppose the Yemeni government, the Saudis, or the Americans.

“The civilians get angrier and angrier at you, and then you create more extremists because they feel that nobody else is listening to them,’’ she said. “And I’m not saying the majority of the people are doing that, but enough of the minority of these people are gonna be angry and have blowback.”

Just as Al Ahmad criticizes the Saudi regime, she has harsh words for actions by the American military and White House under Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

“The American government is directly complicit in this war,’’ she said. “It’s not something that’s happening disconnected from the taxpayer here. You are responsible as a taxpayer here for the disaster that’s happening in Yemen, the American so-called counterterrorism war.”

She said Khashoggi’s murder shocked and stunned her, leading her to recalculate her own potential risks.

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia calls on UN to take action on Houthi landmines

Saudi Arabia has called on the international community and the UN to force Houthi militias to stop planting mines.
This came during the Kingdom’s address to the Special Political and Decolonization Committee.

“Mines are a danger all over the world, and the Kingdom is one of the countries that faces a threat to their population and territorial integrity, as Houthi militias have randomly planted tens of thousands of mines on the Saudi-Yemeni border,” he said.

My comment: This is a good idea. As part of a peaceful solution for Yemen: No air raids, no foreign forces on the ground, ceasesfire.

(B K P)

Yemen’s timely war crimes summons for Trump, MBS, others

The following is a viewpoint by columnist S. Nawabzadeh that appeared in Iran’s English language daily ‘Kayhan International’, titled: “Yemen’s timely war crimes summons for Trump, MBS, others”.

“It is not difficult for the readers of this column to determine the identity of the prime criminals or super terrorists of our times who think that wealth and power have made them immune from being judged, brought before the court, convicted and punished; so there is no question of regret, admission of guilt, repentance and seeking forgiveness – both from the humans they have wronged and from God Whose Laws they routinely violate.

“It is obvious that these hardened sinners have become totally oblivious of the real retribution awaiting them in afterlife.

(A K P)

Yahya Sare’e: Saudis continue to miss peace opportunities

Saudi airstrikes will yield them no progress, military spokesperson says

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni army spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e revealed in a brief statement on Wednesday evening the latest developments of the battles with Saudi-led aggression coalition on the border fronts.

“The coalition continues to miss the peace opportunity, represented in President Mahdi al-Mashat’s peace initiative, by stepping up its airstrikes on a number of Yemeni provinces,” Sare’e explained.

(A K P)

High-ranking officers defect from Saudi side and join [Sanaa gov.] defence of Yemen

One brigadier general amongst new defectors

Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, and leaders of the General People’s Congress (GPC) have on Wednesday received military and security commanders who recently defected from the Saudi-led coalition forces and joined the side of the National Salvation Government.

Among the returnees are Brigadier General Mohammad Ghanim al-Himiari, commander of the so-called Fifth Brigade of the Third Military Region in Ma’rib province, as well as a security and intelligence officer of the 165th Brigade in al-Yatma area of Jawf province, in addition to a number of military intelligence officers and soldiers from the west coast front.

All of the defectors made use of the general amnesty granted by the Yemeni government for all who decide to rejoin the patriotic side and leave the invaders.

(A P)

Today, Mwatana got its membership of the International Federation for Human Rights @FIDH_en in the conference in Taiwan.

(* B H P)

Was Rüstungsexporte anrichten: Ein Arzt berichtet aus Krisengebieten

Der Autor der folgenden Schilderungen ist Unfallchirurg und stammt aus Österreich.

Jetzt, 2019, schreibe ich aus dem Jemen. Ich sehe nicht nur verstümmelte Körper. In solchen Situationen vergessen wir allzu oft die Folgen der heutigen Konflikte. In den modernen Kriegen sind die Folgen verheerender als die unmittelbaren Auswirkungen. Eine halbe Million Kinder ist alleine in diesem Jahr im Jemen von Cholera betroffen, eine halbe Million! Die WHO spricht von zwei Millionen erfassten Verdachtsfällen und 4.000 bestätigten Todesfällen. Und wir schreiben nicht das Jahr 1850, sondern 2019.

Ich befinde mich in einem kleineren Provinzspital. Täglich sehen wir Verletzte, täglich amputieren wir Gliedmaßen. Es heißt, dass es schon über 70.000 Tote in diesem Konflikt gibt, ein Fünftel davon Kinder. Zahlen kann ich keine bestätigen, es genügen mir die Opfer, die ich täglich im Spital zu sehen bekomme. Und ich erinnere mich sehr wohl an die stolzen Berichte über die "erfolgreichen" Waffendeals mit Saudi-Arabien, die Europäer sind nicht ausgenommen. Es erscheint fast ein Hohn, dann mit einem Bruchteil der Profite humanitäre Arbeit zu finanzieren.

Was sollen all die Ankündigungen und Vorschriften, dass man an Krieg führende Parteien kein Kriegsmaterial verkauft? An wen denn sonst? An friedliebende Staaten?

Keinesfalls will ich damit Terroristen, Politiker und korrupte Geschäftemacher der betroffenen Länder von Schuld freisprechen, die ihre eigenen Länder und die eigene Bevölkerung skrupellos für ihre Machenschaften ausnutzen; aber wir sollten nicht mit erhobenem moralischen Zeigefinger stolz unsere ethische Überlegenheit zum Ausdruck bringen. Natürlich bin ich mir bewusst, dass weder meine Worte noch medizinische Einsätze wie der jetzige im Jemen etwas an dieser Situation ändern werden. Nur sollte die Politik mit den Verschleierungen Schluss machen. Die Menschen, auch in Europa, sollen wahrnehmen können, welche Konsequenzen die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entscheidungen in der realen Welt unserer Tage haben – von Günter Kittel

(* B K)

UNICEF: 22 children killed and 39 injured last September

In a recent report, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) revealed that 22 children were killed and 39 injured by "various parties to the conflict" in Yemen.

Last September, 22 children (11 girls and 11 boys) were killed and 39 children (11 girls and 28 boys) were injured by various parties to the conflict, the UN said in its most recent report.

Most of the incidents documented and verified were in Hodeidah province, followed by Al-Dhale’a and Al-Baydha, the organization said.

(* B K)

UNICEF: Over 5,000 children killed, injured in Yemen war

More than 5,000 children have been killed or injured since the conflict in Yemen escalated following the Saudi-led military intervention in March 2015, a representative of UNICEF said yesterday.

Speaking at a press conference in the capital Sanaa at a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Sara Beysolow Nyanti told reporters: “The escalating conflict has forced nearly half a million Yemeni children out of school.”

“The situation of Yemeni children is very miserable,” she added, urging all parties to resolve the conflict.

Five children attended the press conference, they were a few of the 20 who – earlier in the month – wrote a letter to UN head Antonio Guterres and UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore to demand their rights.

“We, the children who have learned about the Convention on the Rights of the Child wish to live in peace because we are afraid of war and afraid of the explosions. It is our right to live in peace and to have all the rights mentioned in the Conventions,” the children wrote.

My comment: If you include those who died from hunger and diseases due to the war you will get more than 100,000:

(* B K P)

[from April 6, 2015]: Hyping a Proxy War in Yemen

This belief, and now likely occurrence, of a sectarian proxy war in Yemen has largely been a self-fulfilling prophecy, as much the result of unqualified claims perpetuated by mainstream media outlets as from hype stemming from Saudi Arabian officials that the Houthis are backed by Iran and doing their bidding in Yemen. The claims are based on the Houthis practice of Zaydism. (Zaydism is an offshoot of mainstream Twelver Shiism, the predominant religion in Iran.) No matter that former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, a onetime ally of the United States and Saudi Arabia who sought to rally tribal support in Yemen against the Houthis years prior, is now aligned with the Houthis and assisting them through his continued support by some in the military. No matter that Yemen is home to one of the highest rates of corruption in the world or a high rate of youth unemployment. Yet the importance of such shifting political alliances and local socio-economic factors remains severely overlooked.

With little evidence offered regarding the nature of the relationship between Iran and the Houthis, headlines nonetheless abound with inclusions of “Iranian-backed Shia Houthi fighters” and articles using the phrasing “the rise to power of the Iran-backed Houthis” and “the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.” =

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H P)

A Deadly Fuel Shortage in Yemen Threatens 15 Million People

Oxfam warns that 15 million Yemenis are being cut off from their access to clean drinking water because of the fuel shortage.

The fuel shortage is the latest hardship imposed on the civilian population by the policies of the Hadi government and its Saudi coalition backers. The “legitimate” government has been waging an economic war on the people of Yemen for years, and this has fueled the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

This fuel shortage puts roughly half the population of the entire country at greater risk of contracting water-borne diseases when there have already been millions of cases of cholera.

Lack of fuel makes it impossible for many people in Yemen to access water because it means they cannot run the pumps needed to bring the water up out of the ground or fuel the trucks to deliver water from elsewhere

(B H P)

[Sanaa] Health Ministry Confirms Detention Oil Ships by US-Saudi Aggression Caused Number of Deaths

Spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Yousef Al-Hadhri, said on Wednesday that there were citizens who died as a result of their inability to reach hospitals after the interruption of means of transportation due to seized oil derivatives ships.

Al-Hadhri said in a call with Al-Masirah: "When the oil derivatives are interrupted, the citizen either buys water from tankers at double prices or is looking for alternatives from reservoirs that may not be clean, which contributes to the spread of cholera."

(B H P)

Continued Seizure of Ships will Expose Millions of People to Disaster

A spokesman for the Petroleum Company told Almasirah, on Wednesday, that the continued detention of oil derivatives ships will expose millions of civilians to a disaster that will hit all the meanings of life in Yemen.

"All vital sectors will cease to function if the existing oil derivatives are depleted,"

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H P)

How Yemen’s Deteriorating Education Sector May Prolong the Conflict

In October of last year, United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) warned that the ongoing war in Yemen would force more than 2 million Yemeni children out of school and drastically cut teacher salaries—leading to the collapse of the education sector in these areas as well as threaten an entire generation’s future.

The majority of Yemen's teachers work in Houthi-controlled areas. These teachers continue to face intensely challenging conditions. Teachers’ salaries remain unpaid, and many researchers are concerned about the likely financial and psychological ramifications of the conflict on teachers and their students.

The effects of deteriorating educational opportunities on Yemen’s younger generation are also visible, especially through low university enrollment rates in Houthi-controlled areas. This is particularly pressing since there appears to be a concerning number of Yemeni students who express interest in joining dangerous armed groups. Students’ willingness to join these groups arises from a profound feeling of hopelessness and a lack of perceived alternatives. These groups offer a sense of belonging and the promise of payment. Considering the grim economic and educational state of Yemen, a large number of students have been motivated to join the ranks of these armed groups based on financial promises.

Exploitation of the education system to attract Yemen’s younger generation into the battlefield bears serious consequences for Yemen's future. The students and children that join the group's ranks, imbued with its ideology, will further fuel the ongoing war. A collapse of the education sector in the Houthi controlled areas—accounting for the majority of Yemen’s population—can only serve the interests of armed groups and extremist organizations in the country.

Therefore, it is of paramount importance that the international community and the Yemeni government combine their resources to end the teachers’ salary freeze and address the issues of access to education as soon as possible

In terms of the conflict itself, the international community, and particularly the United States, must place maximum pressure on both Saudi Arabia and the Houthis to abide by international laws that criminalize the use of children in armed conflict, as well as publicly condemn Saudis’ attacks on educational facilities. External and internal steps directed at saving Yemen’s educational system from collapse are vital. Only when teachers are able to do their jobs and educational facilities and children are not targeted will Yemen’s youth be able to choose receiving an education over joining armed groups – by Abu Bakr Al-Faqih

(B H)

[Sanaa gov.] Minister of Health: One Million Births a Year, of which Five Thousand Women Die of Aggression

The Minister of Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, on Thursday, confirmed the deterioration of the situation of motherhood and childhood due to the continuation of the US-Saudi aggression and siege. He reveals that there are one million births a year, of which five thousand women die.

In his meeting with UN Official, Minister Al-Mutawakel said, `` The first targets of the aggression are children and women, outlining the massacres of aggression against women and children.

Al-Mutawakkil referred to the ministry's vision in reproductive health, including maternal and child health, stressing the importance of providing services to this group as one package, noting that the ministry seeks to provide a midwife for every village in different governorates.

He stressed the ministry's keenness to strengthen partnership with the UN Fund and facilitate its work to play its humanitarian role and support the health sector in Yemen

(B H)

European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations: Yemen | DG ECHO 2019 interventions and people in need – DG ECHO Daily Map | 24/10/2019

(B H)

Catholic Church and aid groups sound alarm over humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Aid agencies and Catholic officials are sounding the alarm on Yemen's spiralling humanitarian crisis, calling on the combatants to end the war and make badly needed assistance available.

Yemen is facing the largest humanitarian crisis of this time, according to the United Nations. The impoverished nation at the tip of the Arabian Peninsula is now the most food-insecure population in the world due to the four-year-old conflict.

"A war is ongoing in Yemen, but the big world does not seem to be very interested," said Bishop Paul Hinder, apostolic vicar of Southern Arabia, which includes Yemen.

"There are innumerable people internally displaced because they fled from the war," he told Catholic News Service.

(B H)

The best and worst countries to be a woman

An exclusive first look at the upcoming Women, Peace, and Security Index shows how these countries might surprise you—and why it’s strategic to care.

No matter where a country ranks on the list, there are surprises.

Yemen, the lowest on the list, has relatively low levels of intimate partner violence and even son bias, the prenatal sex determination and abortions that can result in more boys than girls born in a country.

(* B H)

Photos: Childhood Interrupted: Conflict’s Toll On Yemen’s Children

What happens to the innocence of childhood during war?

It becomes suffocated by struggles and suffering that are all too visible. You see it on the streets, where children pull their jerrycans behind them, scouting for water; you see it in destroyed schools as children try to learn amid the ruins; you see it in shops and other places where children scrape a living through menial jobs, just to survive. Above all, you see it in their eyes, now haunted by the violence they have witnessed and experienced.

Yemen’s conflict has seeped into every aspect of children’s lives there and has taken a huge toll. Here, we turn the camera on some of their stories, knowing that for every child we have spoken to, there remain many more whose stories are yet to be told.

(B H)

Film: Warning: Video of malnourished children. Hunger in #Yemen is threatening a whole generation. For millions of families across the war-torn country, life is nothing but a struggle for survival. Children suffer the most. 4 years of war and the whole world is watching.

(B H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: How RDP Stands Up For Most Affected Population

Nothing is harder than waking up to find your wife and children homeless. Imagine heavy rains caused serious damages to your house, your own children ran to you, held your warm hands, and heartbreakingly said, “Daddy! Where are we going to sleep tonight?!

You just imagined the painful situation this family has experienced when their house was flooded. The father had to take his children and wife to some neighbor‘s house. Then, he went back to grab some mattresses, yet the roof had collapsed all of a sudden.

And that is why RDP implemented the project of the emergency cash transfer assistance to support most vulnerable and affected households with monthly cash assistance to help them provide minimum food needs to their families.

(B H)

US Agency for International Development: Supporting Small Farmers to Recover Livelihoods in Yemen

USAID/OFDA supported the partner organization to provide seed and tool packages to more than 500 local farmers like Omar, targeting households that lacked the income to buy required inputs. Each farmer earned an average of $2,500 from the sale of their crops, bolstering local food availability in their villages, and reducing reliance on humanitarian food assistance.

With a total of $6.8 million in funding to the NGO partner, USAID/OFDA also supported the organization to deliver additional livelihoods support—including providing goats and fodder to more than 1,300 households, training 80 people as animal health care workers, and engaging 2,000 people in cash-for-work initiatives that rehabilitated local infrastructure.

While conflict in Yemen will continue to have enduring and painful effects on Yemenis, USAID/OFDA agriculture and livelihoods assistance in Yemen demonstrates the value of supporting households and communities to rebuild their self-reliance and begin to recover.

My comment: While the US supports the Saudis in destroying and starving Yemen, and is making many billions with it.

(B H)

Justice for children in Yemen: Ali makes it home to his family

UNICEF works to provide legal aid, rehabilitation and reintegration services to enable children to return to their families and communities and resume their normal lives.

children in Yemen continue to be exposed to violence and are at ever increasing risk of exploitation and abuse, particularly as conflict and the humanitarian crisis continues across the country.

In response to the growing needs of vulnerable children, UNICEF is working in partnership with the Justice for Children (J4C) Technical Committee with membership from all relevant authorities and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs_. With the support of UNICEF, the J4C Technical Committee has developed an Action Plan for 2019 focused on building the capacity of law enforcement personnel, community sensitization of children and their families and promoting restorative justice, diversion and alternatives to detention. The Action Plan also includes the provision of legal aid and rehabilitation and reintegration services to enable children to return to their families and communities and resume their normal lives.

Crucial to UNICEF’s child protection work is the development of standard operating procedures with different sectors

(* B H)

UN sounds alarm on children's plight in war-torn Yemen

Children's agency calls for end to years-long conflict, urges warring parties to allow it to access minors needing aid.

The United Nations children's agency (UNICEF) has sounded the alarm on the dangers faced by children in war-torn Yemen, calling for an immediate end to a long-running conflict that has triggered the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

The call on Wednesday came as UNICEF held a ceremony in Yemen's capital, Sanaa, as part of events marking the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Nyanti stressed the significance of ending the war so that Yemeni children can be able to enjoy their rights.

She also urged all parties to the conflict to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law and provide the UN with unhindered access to children in need of aid.

Also present at the press briefing were five children, part of a group of 20 minors who earlier this month wrote a letter addressed to UN chief Antonio Guterres and UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore to demand that their rights are not ignored.

"We, the children who have learned about the Convention on the Rights of the Child wish to live in peace because we are afraid of war and afraid of war and afraid of the explosions. It is our right to live in peace and to have all the rights mentioned in the Conventions," the children wrote.

Also present at the press briefing were five children, part of a group of 20 minors who earlier this month wrote a letter addressed to UN chief Antonio Guterres and UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore to demand that their rights are not ignored.

"We, the children who have learned about the Convention on the Rights of the Child wish to live in peace because we are afraid of war and afraid of war and afraid of the explosions. It is our right to live in peace and to have all the rights mentioned in the Conventions," the children wrote.


(* B P)

Yemeni children continue to bear brunt of Saudi war

On the 30th anniversary of the world's convention of Rights of child, the UNICEF held in Yemen's capital Sana'a held a press conference giving the country's children a podium to make their voice heard on how the Saudi led war has undermined and violated all internationally cherished laws and norms.

For her part the Representative of the UNICEF Sara Nyanti stressed that rights of child will always be ensured by the world's organizations through the contribution of societies, yet the case in Yemen requires first an end to the current chaos.

Rights activists say that as the world is marking the Convention of the rights of children, the international organizations including the UNICEF have failed to adopt any serious measures against Saudi years long airstrikes on civilian targets, including schools, hospitals and residential areas (with film)

(* B H)

Film: Yemen ‘could lose six million children’ from malnutrition

The UN says millions are in need of humanitarian aid, as tens of thousands of children die every year from malnutrition =

(* B H)

World Food Programme: WFP Yemen Situation Report #9, September 2019

In Numbers

24.1 million people in need of humanitarian assistance*
3.65 million people internally displaced
20.1 million people are food insecure


WFP distributed general food assistance to 12.2 million Yemeni people in September.

All staff of WFP Aden area office resume work from the office.

Fuel shortages in the northern governorates in the second half of September.

WFP is facing a major funding shortfall of US$550 million for the next six months (October 2019 – March 2020).

(* B H)

Higher temperatures driving 'alarming' levels of hunger – report

Global hunger index finds countries affected by drought and conflict have seen biggest increases in undernourished people

The climate crisis is driving alarming levels of hunger in the world, undermining food security in the world’s most vulnerable regions, according to this year’s global hunger index.

The annual report, a ranking of 117 countries measuring hunger rates and trends, shows progress since 2000, but warns that the world still has a long way to go to reach the zero hunger target agreed by world leaders by 2030.

Rates are categorised as “alarming” in Chad, Madagascar, Yemen and Zambia. Nine countries have worse scores today than in 2010 – the Central African Republic, Madagascar, Venezuela, Yemen, Jordan, Malaysia, Mauritania, Lebanon and Oman.

Extreme weather events are putting food production and security in jeopardy and the risk is expected to increase. Food production is likely to fall due to higher temperatures, water scarcity, greater CO2 and extreme weather events. Yields of maize and wheat are already declining.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 25 October 2019

UNHCR proactively responds to the needs of persons of concern who have experienced Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV). As part of this response, UNHCR Yemen’s proposal on ‘SGBV Prevention, Risk Mitigation and Response Interventions and Mainstreaming’ has been selected by the United States, as one of eight global ‘Safe from the Start’ projects

Following a request from the humanitarian arm of the de facto authorities, NAMCHA, the office in Sana’a visited two sites hosting internally displaced persons (IDPs). The two sites—Alraqah and Alazraqeen—in Hamdan district, Sana’a governorate, currently host some 105 IDP families

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia Factsheet: 1 - 30 September 2019

As of the reporting month, there were 35,523 refugees and asylum-seekers registered in Somalia, mainly from Ethiopia (17,485 asylum seekers and 4,127 refugees) and Yemen (49 asylum seekers and 13,243 refugees).

Since December 2014, 90,624 Somali refugees have voluntarily returned to Somalia with UNHCR assistance from different countries of asylum including Kenya, Yemen, Djibouti, Libya, Sudan and Eritrea. In addition, some 38,000 Somalis were monitored as arriving from Yemen since March 2015.

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: DTM Somalia: Cross Border Movements – Somalia (September 2019)

To Yemen: 7,540.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)


The Ministry of Health and Population is making arrangements for the implementation of several cultural events and medical camps on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday (PBUH).

My comment: Just do your job.

(B P)

Right group: Houthi militia continues stealing relief aids of journalists in Sana’a

The National Organization of Yemeni Reporters (SADA) received a notification that Iran-backed Houthi militia continues to loot food baskets allocated for the journalists and employees of the Al-Thawra Establishment for Journalism in Sana’a.

“We strongly condemn the Houthi militia for the ongoing looting of journalists’ humanitarian assistances for the second year in a row,” the organization said in statement.


(A P)

Houthi militia continues looting employees’ food portions, [Hadi gov.] Info. Minister says

(* A P)

Hajjah. Houthis close MSF hospital in Abbs to patients and evacuated it for their wounds

Houthi militants in Hajjah governorate closed the MSF hospital in Abbs city to dengue patients a week ago and evacuated the hospital for their injuries coming from Hayran front in the north of the province.

Local sources told "Al-Masdar Online" that the Houthis prevented the hospital staff from receiving any dengue case from citizens from the Directorate of Abbs and the neighboring directorates, and emptied the hospital to their wounded, whose numbers have increased as a result of the recent clashes.

The Houthis have set up outpatient clinics that are not eligible to receive patients with dengue fever who do not receive proper care, the source said. Dengue fever has recently spread significantly among citizens from the Abbs district and nearby directorates, and residents have launched a distress call for humanitarian organizations to provide relief and medical assistance.

This evening, MSF announced a rise in the number of suspected dengue cases in its hospital in Abbs over the past six weeks, and a total of 900 cases have been recorded, including more than 200 cases recorded in the emergency department in the past week alone.

(A K P)

Hajjah . Funerals of 15 Houthi fighters killed in Hayran

Local sources said, on Wednesday, that the Houthi militia on Tuesday in The District of Washha in the province of "Hajjah", made a funeral for bodies of 15 fighters of the group, including two leaders, all of whom were killed in the Front of Hayran in the north of the province.

The source added that 15 bodies of Houthi fighters arrived on Tuesday in different areas of Washha district.

My remark: Seem to be these:

(A P)

Yemeni military court starts trial of Hadi and other high-ranking collaborators

Former president and Islah Party leader included in list of accused traitors

The Yemeni army’s spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e has on Tuesday announced the trial of a group of traitorous officers in public at the Central Military Court in the capital Sana’a.

“The Central Military Court held today in Sana’a its first public hearings to consider the criminal case No. 6 of 1441 AH, in which a group of traitorous officers accused of facilitating the entry of the enemy into the territory of the Republic of Yemen and supplying fighters and other facts are included in the indictment,” Sare’e said in a statement.

Yahya Sare’e said that the court decided to instruct the Public Prosecution to re-inform the defendants through their military unit using the moral guidance and the appropriate means.


(A P)

The al Houthi Central Military Court in the al Houthi-controlled Yemeni capital, Sana’a, began a public trial of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his Vice President, Ali Mohsen al Ahmar, on October 22. The al Houthi movement is trying the two men in absentia on charges of facilitating foreign forces’ entrance into Yemen. President Hadi’s government has rejected the court’s authority.[2]

(A P)

Yemeni [Hadi] Govt. Works Towards Freeing 14 Journalists from Houthi Prisons

Yemeni Minister of Information Muammar al-Aryani reaffirmed that the state is spending serious efforts to free 14 journalists and media workers locked up in Houthi coup prisons.
Aryani, in a phone interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, said that that “Iran-backed Houthi militias do not take into consideration the number of international organizations we are working with to free 14 journalists in Houthi prisons.”
He added that his ministry has contacted a number of international organizations, unions and human rights groups to relay details on the journalists’ detention, which is characterized by brutality.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(* A K P)

Einigung zwischen Regierung des Jemen und Unabhängigkeitskämpfern

Übergangsrat des Südens soll mehrere Ministerien erhalten

Unabhängigkeitskämpfer im Südjemen und die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen haben sich auf eine Machtteilung geeinigt. Wie am Freitag von beiden Seiten bestätigt wurde, soll der Übergangsrats des Südens (STC) mehrere Ministerien erhalten. Außerdem soll die Regierung nach Aden zurückkehren, wie es von offizieller Seite und in saudiarabischen Medienberichten hieß.

Auch ein Vertreter der jemenitischen Regierung, der nicht namentlich genannt werden wollte, bestätigte laut der Nachrichtenagentur AFP die Einigung und die geplante Unterzeichnung. Seinen Angaben zufolge soll die Regierung nach der Unterzeichnung binnen einer Woche nach Aden zurückkehren.


(* A K P)

Konfliktparteien im Süden des Jemens einigen sich nach Kämpfen

«Ich versichere euch allen, dass es eine gute Übereinkunft ist», schrieb das Mitglied des Südlichen Übergangsrates (STC), Thabit al-Aulaki, am Freitag auf Twitter. Details würden später offiziell bekannt gegeben.

Die arabische Zeitung «Al-Sharq al-Awsat» berichtete, die unter Vermittlung Saudi-Arabiens getroffene Vereinbarung beinhalte die Einsetzung einer 24-köpfigen jemenitischen Regierung, die zu gleichen Teilen den Norden und den Süden des Jemens repräsentiere.


(* A K P)

Jemens Regierung schließt Friedensabkommen mit Separatisten

Jemens Regierung und Separatisten des „Southern Transitional Council“ (STC, deutsch: „Südlicher Übergangsrat“) haben ein Friedensabkommen unter der Schirmherrschaft von Saudi-Arabien ausgehandelt, berichtet die Zeitung „Asharq Al-Awsat“ am Freitag, unter Berufung auf saudische Quellen.

Laut den Quellen solle die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition ein gemeinsames Komitee zur Umsetzung des sogenannten Riad-Abkommens leiten, das die Bildung einer gemeinsamen Regierung vorsieht, der 24 Minister angehören, die die nördlichen und südlichen Provinzen Jemens gleichermaßen vertreten. Das Problem des Südens werde durch politische Verhandlungen geregelt.

Das Abkommen solle, der Zeitung zufolge, auch die Rückkehr des jemenitischen Premierministers aus dem saudi-arabischen Exil in die Stadt Aden vorsehen, damit er dort seine Regierungsarbeit wieder aufnehmen und die Gehälter von Militär- und Zivilbeamten in den Regionen zahlen kann, die von der international anerkannten Regierung unter Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi kontrolliert werden.

(* A K P)

Yemen govt strikes power-sharing deal with southern rebels: sources

Yemen's southern separatists have struck a power-sharing deal with the internationally-recognised government aimed at ending a conflict simmering within the country's long-running civil war, sources on both sides said Friday.

The deal would see the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) handed a number of ministries, and the government return to the southern city of Aden, according to officials and reports in Saudi media.

The warring factions have in recent weeks been holding indirect and discreet talks mediated by Saudi Arabia in the kingdom's western city of Jeddah.

"We signed the final draft of the agreement and are waiting for the joint signature within days," an STC official currently in Riyadh told AFP.

Both Yemen's President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi and STC leader Aidarous al-Zoubeidi are expected to attend a ceremony in Riyadh, he added.

A Yemeni government official, declining to be named, confirmed the deal had been agreed and was expected to be signed by Tuesday.

It sets out "the reformation of the government, with the STC included in a number of ministries, and the return of the government to Aden within seven days after the agreement being signed," he told AFP.

Saudi Arabia's Al-Ekhbariya state television said a government of 24 ministers would be formed, "divided equally between the southern and northern governorates of Yemen".

Under the deal, the Yemeni prime minister would return to Aden to "reactivate state institutions", it added.

Al-Ekhbariya said the Saudi-led military coalition which backs the government against the Huthis would oversee a "joint committee" to implement the agreement. = =


(* A K P)

Yemeni officials: Government, separatists reach initial deal

According to two Yemeni officials, the tentative deal between the separatists and the government envisages the formation of a new Cabinet with equal representation of northern and southern politicians, excluding the Houthis.

The two officials told The Associated Press that the agreement also allows for Hadi's return to Aden. The separatists have agreed to disband their militias, which would be integrated in Hadi's police force, the officials added, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters.

The agreement further dictates that both sides pull out their forces from Aden, leaving only a unit of Hadi's presidential guard there, they said. =


(* A K P)

Yemeni government, Southern Transitional Council reach agreement

The Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council reached on Thursday a power-sharing agreement through a Saudi mediation, Asharq al-Awsat newspaper reported citing official sources.
The pan-Arab newspaper said that the deal between the two Yemeni sides – dubbed the Riyadh Agreement – includes the establishment of a joint commission to be led by the Arab Coalition to enforce the treaty.
Additionally, the draft indicates that Hadi will remain as president and the current prime minister return to Aden to resume work of all state institutions there and to pay salaries of civil servants and military personnel.
The agreement stipulates the creation of a a new government within 45 days made up of 24 ministers to be shared equally between the north and south of Yemen.
The deal which was initially signed in Riyadh late Thursday, also stipulates restructuring of military and security forces in the southern governorates.
Saudi official sources said that the agreement can achieve security and stability in Yemen and what's more it meets the aspirations of the Yemeni people, including the Southerners.

and also

My comment: I doubt that there will be peace and cooperation on the ground.

Comment by Nadwa Dawsari: #Yemen Jedda agreement, a government 50/50 between North and South: 1. We’ve tried this 50/50 road before & it didn’t work, led us to the current war 2. Current cabinet is mostly southerners 3. When will we think beyond easy fixes & address the root causes of the conflict?

Comment: This last minute conjured up "agreement" by wahabi kingdom is DOOMED, and will collapse even before the INK dries. Islahis are mortal enemies of STC, a UAE vassal. Wahabi kingdom and UAE new strategy of pulling strings will only precipitate bloodshed between Islahis n STC


(* A K P)

Yemen's gov't, southern authority reach power-sharing deal

According to the source, the deal also stipulated that the next power-sharing government will operate from the southern port city of Aden, the country's interim capital, and exercise all its tasks in serving the people from there.

The source confirmed that the Saudi-sponsored deal will be signed officially with the presence of President Hadi and the head of the Aden-based STC Aidarous Zubaidi in two days in Saudi Arabia's capital of Riyadh.

Another source of the government said that the Saudi Arabia-led coalition will form a joint committee to oversee and follow up on the implementation of the Riyadh deal between the two sides.

An official of the STC leadership in Aden confirmed to Xinhua that "the southern leaders began a new page of cooperation and partnership with Saudi Arabia and the regional powers."

"Following the Riyadh deal, the tense situation in southern Yemen will be ceased and both sides will work together on-ground," the source said anonymously.

He said that the deal between the STC and Yemen's government will take the situation to a new stage of security, peace, and stability in the country's southern regions.

"Saudi Arabia exerted hard efforts and again proved itself as a real sponsor of peace in Yemen and elsewhere in the region," he added.


(* A K P)

Saudi-Backed Yemeni Government, Separatists Sign Power-Sharing Deal

Agreement aims to keep country from fracturing, facilitate more talks aimed at ending five-year war

The Saudi-backed Yemeni government signed a power-sharing deal with a local group seeking a separate state in the south, an agreement designed to keep the country from fracturing and pave the way for broader talks to end its five-year-old war, people familiar with the talks said (paywalled)


(* A K P)

‘Riyadh Agreement’ Unites Yemenis Against Militias

The “Riyadh Agreement” expected to be signed soon between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) aims mainly to unite Yemenis against Houthi militias, two political analysts told Asharq Al-Awsat on Thursday.
They said an announcement on a final agreement in indirect talks between the government and the STC under the auspices of Saudi Arabia is expected to have positive effects on civilians and fighters on Yemeni fronts.
“The Riyadh agreement should unite the Yemenis and achieve stability in Aden,” Dr. Mohamed Saadi, a political researcher, told Asharq Al-Awsat.
He said the agreement would also end chaos and use all military powers against Houthis.

and also

My comment: This shows that it will be a Western illusion that this deal would be a first step to a larger peaceful solution including the Houthis. No, it just intends to unite the anti-Houthi forces for even more fierce warfare against the Houthis. The intention is more war, not peace.

(A P)

Elisbath Kendall: *IF* final #Jeddah Agreement for #Yemen is anything like the draft: PROS -#Saudi-#UAE coalition holds for now -War within a war is averted -Focus is on Houthi conflict CONS -Kicks can down the road on secession -Hadi gov returns to Aden & pro-#STC forces placed under Hadi control

(A P)

Peter Salisbury: A gentle warning: A version of what purports to be the Jeddah Agreement is circulating, which I am assured is not the final draft. Likely an attempt to define the terms of the deal in the public consciousness in a way parties were not able to on paper, for future political gain.

(* A K P)

Film: The War in Yemen: Shehab Ahmed al Azazi, President ,Yemen initiative

Shehab Ahmed al Azazi, President of the Together for Yemen initiative Discusses The War in Yemen, coming together of uneasy allies, The dynamics of the war in Yemen,

(A K P)

New #STC statement on #Yemen's #RiyadhAgreement (result of #Jeddah talks) -Frames agreement as strategic step towards liberation & independence -Stresses commitment to peace with coalition & war with Houthis -Welcomes official recognition of south issue & representation at talks

My comment: „Stresses commitment to […] war with Houthis”: That’s it.

(* B K P)

Yemen: Two Nominal Allies Put Their Differences Aside for Now

The agreement will reportedly grant greater southern representation in the Yemeni government, with half the ministers set to come from the north and half from the south. More notably — especially as there are already Yemenis with southern roots in the government — the draft agreement envisions the incorporation of STC militias into Yemen's official security forces. In addition, the agreement calls for the Hadi government and Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed to return to the Yemeni government's official temporary seat in Aden within the next two weeks.

The agreement puts the Saudi-led coalition on better footing for negotiations with the Iran-aligned Houthi rebel movement, which holds territory in the north and the capital city, Sanaa.

The deal also gives the STC more power in Yemen's government, nudging it further toward its goal of autonomy and, in the more distant future, the restoration of an independent South Yemen. In particular, the recognition of the STC's Security Belt forces as a part of the Yemeni government will boost the council's legitimacy, giving it a greater say in Yemen's security. Ultimately, the gains have proven that the STC can use its militias to seize on crises and splits with the Hadi administration to build leverage against the internationally recognized government.

(* B K P)

Implications of the Jeddah Agreement on the War in Yemen

The Jeddah Agreement serves as an important reminder that the only way to end the conflict is to begin addressing the fractured political scene across Yemen, regardless of which groups are viewed as the main belligerents. Similarly, it provides Hadi and the Saudi coalition a sort of practice round for any future negotiations with the Houthis, as the Houthis and the STC share similar historical grievances in terms of their political and economic marginalization.

The signing of the Jeddah Agreement will at the least freeze the conflict, and it creates a potential stepping stone toward more comprehensive achievements, but there is still much hanging in the balance. The success of the Jeddah Agreement will hinge on the government positions STC leaders are appointed to and the leeway they are given in local administration, among myriad other factors. At the same time, the agreement is likely to set the STC up to demand greater concessions in the future by formalizing it within the government. Similarly, the agreement will see the STC become increasingly legitimized while other Southern groups will remain outside of the political milieu. Transferring the command of STC forces to the government is a positive short-term fix, but doing so will not erase their allegiances, animosity toward the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islah party, or goals for an independent Southern Yemen, and neither will it ensure that they act in the interest of the government for the duration of the agreement – by Brian M. Perkins =

My comment: Wait and see what really is going to happen on the ground.

(A K P)

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed al Jubeir stated on October 23 that the Transitional Political Council for the South (STC), a southern Yemeni secessionist group, and President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government are close to reaching an agreement to end a standoff over Yemen’s de facto capital, Aden. STC-aligned forces seized Aden and unseated the Hadi government from the city in August, prompting weeks of clashes in the city and neighboring governorates.[1]


(A K P)

Awlaki commends Al Jubeir's statements on Jeddah dialogue

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Salem Thabet Al-Awlaki highly commended Saudi efforts to ensure success of Jeddah dialogue

(A P)

Shatara: Two gains achieved, restoration of the South will be the third

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara said that two political gains for the southern cause have been achieved, believing that the final solution will be the restoration of the Southern State.
Shatara wrote on his Facebook Timeline "In the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) we set the principle of equal sharing between the north and south and in Jeddah dialogue, we constituted the major steps towards the implementation, after the Southerners had control over their land with unified leadership and honest bearer for the cause."

He added that "The third step will be the final solution to restore the state of the South, insha'Allah, step by step."

(A K P)

Al-Saadi: With Determination and Persistence, we Achieved Major Gains for the Southern Cause and We Will Continue till Achieving All Our People’s Expectations

Brigadier Pilot Nasser Ahmed Al-Saadi, member of the Southern Transitional Council’s Presidency

“Restoring the Arab South requires major sacrifices. Our blood will water every inch of our lands. We wait for the future that is not very far. With determination and persistence we will achieve the expectations of our people and declare our federal state with Aden as its capital”.

(A K P)

Shatara Demands the International Society to Consider the Situation in the South Realistically for Stability of the Region

(A K P)

Al-Eslah Militias Use Live Ammunition Against Peaceful Demonstrations in Nesab – Shabwa

Brigade 21 of Al-Eslah terrorist militias in Nesab – west of Ataq – oppressed a peaceful demonstration celebrating the 56th anniversary of October Revolution. Eye-witnesses asserted that the militias used live ammunition to terrorize demonstrators and prevent the demonstrations, leading to killings and injuries among citizens. Eye-witnesses also indicated southern resistance elements retaliated with their light weapons and injured several militants including “Musaed Sureeb” who was using a heavy machine gun fixed on an armored vehicle of the Arab Coalition.

(A P)


The southern politician Yasser al-Yamani has posted a video on his Twitter account, attacking Crown Mohammed bin Zayed and accusing him of looting the antiquities of Yemen and killing Yemenis over five years of his occupation of the south.

Al-Yamani said that Yemenis will not lose their land and it is not for sale, but the rulers of the UAE did not understand for five years, describing the Emiratis as “sheep.”

Al-Yamani asked Mohammed bin Zayed to take his mercenaries from Yemen, the leaders and members of the Southern Transitional Council, adding that Yemen does not need these mercenaries.

(A P)

"Al-Maysari" and "Jabwani" arrived in Ataq In conjunction with news of the signing of an agreement with the Southern Transitional

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ahmed Al- Maysari and Transport Minister Saleh al-Jabwani arrived Friday morning in the city of Ataq, the center of the southeastern province of Shabwa, in conjunction with reports of the signing of an agreement between the Yemeni government and the southern transitional council.

(A P)

At a vigil in front of the coalition headquarters in Aden. "Mothers of abductees" demands disclosure of the fate of the abductees

The mothers of the abductees called on the leadership of the Arab Coalition represented in Saudi Arabia to reveal the fate of dozens of abductees and forcibly disappeared in the secret prisons of the Emirates and its military formations in Aden.

This came in a protest organized by the Association of Mothers of Abductees on Thursday in front of the Headquarters of the Arab Alliance in the interim capital Aden.

"For three years, their children have been hidden in secret and well-known prisons in Aden, their fate or their state of health are unknown," the statement said.

The statement, which shared the contents of the report, appealed to the UN And Red Cross to urgently rescue the abductees and the disappeared and to press for their fate in the changing conditions of the province.

"They will not stop demanding the freedom of their children until they are released," the statement said.

The protesters called on all officials in Aden to take responsibility for the status of abductees

(A P)

Protesters in #Taiz governorate held an angry march over the delay in payment of teachers' salaries in September. The protesters demanded the teachers' salaries to be paid in seven districts. (photo)

(A K P)

Injured mercenaries protest against Hadi in Taiz

Protest of injured forces abandoned by Saudis turn into "full anti-Hadi rallies"

Demonstrations held by wounded of Saudi-led coalition soldiers continue in Taiz for the third day in a row, protesting against the neglect they are subjected to by the exiled Hadi authorities in the province.

The demonstrations have shifted from protests against negligence, to a revolt against the corruption of the so-called “legitimate” authorities in the province.

Human rights activists from the province said that the Hadi regime had crossed the line and became openly corrupted without any fear of being held accountable

(A K P)

STC attack leaves Islah Party high officer wounded

Surprise attack in Abyan causes heavy losses to Saudi-backed forces

A brigade commander in the Islah-militia loyal to Hadi’s forces, was wounded Thursday in an ambush in the occupied Abyan province.

Local sources said that the militia of the so-called Security Belt, loyal to the UAE occupation, ambushed the convoy of the commander of the so-called Fourth Brigade of Presidential Protection, while it was passing through the main road from Aden towards Shabwah.

(A T)

Unidentified gunmen assassinate the personal escort of the Director of Security of Hadhramaut Valley

Unidentified gunmen on Thursday evening shot dead the security director of Wadi and Sahara Hadramaut, in Al-Qattan City.

A security source told Al-Masdar online, that the gunmen shot the soldier Saeed Al-Obathani after his car overturned as a result of trying to escape after discovering that he was pursued by the gunmen, killing him instantly.

Al-Qatan city is experiencing a security breakdown through which the killings and assassinations of military, security and civilians are repeated.


Two assassinations in Wadi Hadramout on the same day

Two separate assassination crimes committed by unknown gunmen occurred in al-Qatan district of Wadi Hadramout on Thursday, as part of the deteriorating security situation in the cities and regions of Wadi Hadramout.
(A P)

Film: Citizens protest against UAE forces withdrawal decision

Dozens of citizens and activists at Aden governorate implemented a protest, against the decision of UAE forces withdrawal from the Aden governorate southern Yemen, the protesters who expressed their sadness during the protest demanded the UAE forces not to leave Aden governorate and assured about a lot of services and rescue and medical aid that UAE provided to the Yemeni people.

My remark: Pro-separatists; while others are glad that the UAE troops are leaving.

(* A E P)

UAE completes shipment of items extracted from Al Haswa power plant in Aden in preparation for return to Abu Dhabi

A special source told "Al-Masdar Online" that the process of shipping equipment for the turbine plant provided by the United Arab Emirates to Aden, completed after two full days to leave Al-Zait port on Thursday.

The source added that a ship loaded with equipment, parts and equipment belonging to a power plant provided by Abu Dhabi to the Electricity Corporation in Aden will leave Al-Zait port in the directorate of Al-Buraiqa in the west of the city later Thursday as part of the UAE withdrawal operations from the interim capital, which began last week.

On Tuesday, the UAE began a process of loading equipment and parts for its turbine plant, which comes days after the representative of the UAE Red Crescent in Aden sent a letter to al-Heswa station, demanding that the transfer of equipment for the plant be facilitated in the first official statement from the Abu Dhabi Organization. the move sparked widespread controversy in the city of Aden.

(A P)

#Yemen's proxy battle for #education shows reality of political fragmentation: #Saudi-backed gov yday slammed #UAE-backed #STC for "tampering with student minds" by amending curriculum. It previously accused #Iran-backed Houthis of poisoning minds via textbooks printed by #Qatar

(*A K P)

Separatist forces prepare for battle against Saudis in Aden

Despite UAE-Saudi deal, Security Belt militia gears up for war as Saudis move in

The so-called Security Belt militias, mercenaries loyal to the UAE, have on Wednesday evening deployed their snipers and armed groups in several strategic areas of the port city of Aden, in anticipation of a possible confrontation with Saudi forces.

“The movements of the Security Belt militias reflect an unannounced state of tension among followers of the UAE,” sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The militias’ deployment came after the arrival of Saudi and Sudanese mercenary military reinforcements to Aden, in order to replace the retreating Emirati forces, the sources added.

Although the deployment of Saudi forces reportedly happened with the agreement of the Emiratis, it is possible that the Southern Yemeni separatist militias that rely on support from Abu Dhabi, are unwilling to allow Saudi deployment to take place unhindered.

(A P)

Southern Yemeni separatists send warning to Islah Party leader

Separatist politician says Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar will fail as he did before

A Southern Yemeni politician loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council had on Wednesday sent a fiery message to Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, the leader of the Saudi-backed Islah Party, stating that Ahmar and his forces would not achieve a military victory in Aden.

“The illusion is to wait for victory from people whose career has been tied to failure, and to entrust them with significant tasks,” Dr. Hussein Laqwer, a political analyst, said in a tweet.

My remark: Ahmar is president Hadi’s vice president.

(A P)

Yemen govt-separatist accord 'imminent', says Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities on Thursday announced that an agreement between the pro-Riyadh Yemeni government and southern separatists was ''imminent'', reported al-Arabiya. A preliminary agreement had been reached in recent days for the Aden port region.

My comment: Wait and see.

(A P)

Midst the season of protests, Yemen's Taiz has been seeing protests for a week now; starting with cleaning-workers, teachers and wounded soldiers. All demand their financial rights (photos)


(A P)

The wounded took to the streets in #Taiz city, demanding their rights of care and treatment (photos)

(A P)

ISG submits report to UK Parliament on violations in the South

The Independent [pro-separatists] Southern Group (ISG) submitted to the British House of Commons an integrated report on the violations and crimes committed by Houthi militias and the other terrorist groups backed by the northern political forces in Yemen against innocent civilians in southern Yemen.

(A P)

"Hadi" appoints “Bin Dagher” as an adviser a year after he was dismissed and referred for investigation

On Wednesday evening, President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi issued a decree appointing Dr. Ahmed Bin Dagher as his advisor a year after he was dismissed from the government presidency and referred to the investigation.


(A P)

Hadi names accused official as his advisor

President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi appointed the former Prime Minister Ahmed Bin-Daghr once again within Yemen's legitimacy. This time, Bin-Daghr was named as an advisor for the president.

What is striking is the fact that in mid-October 2018, Hadi himself sacked Bin-Daghr and referred him to investigation over negligence in the government’s performance in the economic and service fields, in addition to corruption-related offences.
The President's decision elicited a tidal wave of controversy and a state of astonishment among political classes and on social media platforms.

(* A K P)

Yemen officials: Saudi airlift deploys troops, tanks to Aden

Yemeni officials say Saudi Arabia is increasing its military presence in southern Yemen, airlifting in additional troops, armored vehicles, tanks and other military equipment.

On Thursday, Yemeni officials said 15 Saudi military transport aircraft landed in the southern port city of Aden.

The Yemeni officials say additional Saudi troops arrived by land in two other key Yemeni provinces, Shabwa and Hadramawt. They spoke anonymously to brief reporters.


The deployment comes as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia’s main partner in the war in Yemen, continues withdrawing troops from the country.

(* A K P)

New Saudi reinforcement arrive in Aden

Mercenaries and armoured vehicles land in southern port city recently taken over by Saudis

Russian News Agency “Sputnik” reported on Wednesday that Saudi military reinforcements had arrived at Aden International Airport.

A local source in Aden province confirmed the arrival of Saudi military reinforcements, at midnight Wednesday, in the southern port city of Aden.

A source in the local authority in Aden province told Sputnik that dozens of Saudi soldiers arrived on a military transport plane to Aden International Airport.

He added that additional Saudi reinforcements are scheduled to arrive in Aden to deploy instead of the UAE forces that have withdrawn from there.

The source pointed out that Saudi forces will take from the Saudi-led coalition camp in al-Briqa district west of Aden, and al-Anad air base in Lahj province (60 km north of Aden) as its headquarters.

and also

(* B K P)

Oxford researcher: UAE has transgressed all bounds in Socotra

Elizabeth Kendall analyses details of Emirati invasion of Yemen's south

Elizabeth Kendall, a senior researcher at Oxford University in The UK, had said that the UAE has crossed all borders on the Yemeni island of Socotra.

In remarks to the Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) network, she said that the UAE has sent dozens of its soldiers as well as military equipment to show its presence in the region.

She noted that it is clear that this is being opposed and rejected by the Yemeni people and from the “Hadi government” that called on them into the Yemen war.

The British researcher added that Saudi Arabia is “also likely to be concerned about the UAE’s desire to secede the south through the transitional council it supports in Aden.”

“Saudi Arabia wants Yemen to unite to preserve its interests, and the idea of a secession of the south is the last thing Riyadh wants to see,” Elizabeth Kendall said.

(A P)

Mahrah protests against Saudi occupation continue

Year and a half later, protest movement still going strong

Head of the of Mahrah province protests, Ahmad Balhaf, said on Tuesday that Saudi forces continue to violate Yemeni sovereignty in the province.

“Saudi Arabia rejects the popular demands for the departure of its militia from Mahrah,” Balhaf said, adding that Saudi forces stationed at the land port of Sarafit began at dawn on Tuesday to bring building materials to establish a new site inside the port, he added

Balhaf explained that the Saudi forces in the province and their militias continue to violate the country’s sovereignty through setting up new sites and expansion works.

(A K P)

Film: The UAE has drowned three ships in the Aden fishing port to block the commercial ships from reaching Aden free zone port.

(A K P T)

Hadhramaut. Southern Transitional Council in Mukalla says his headquarters was attacked by gunmen

The separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the city of Mukalla, the center of Hadhramaut province in eastern Yemen, said On Wednesday that its headquarters was attacked yesterday evening by an armed attack.

(* B K P)

UAE steals endangered trees from Yemen’s Socotra

Images and videos circulating on social media show endangered Dragon’s Blood (Dracaena cinnabari) trees, native only to Yemen’s Socotra island, being displayed in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Known locally as “Dum Al-Akhawain” or “blood of the two brothers”, the trees are considered one of the most important features of the island of Socotra archipelago.

This confirms previous reports that the UAE, who locals perceive as an occupying force, may have been stealing the UNESCO protected tree. There have also been reports from last year of coral reef stones and rare birds being looted from the island. Emirati forces began to arrive on the island in April 2018 without prior coordination with the Yemeni government. =

My remark: This already had been reported by „Uprising“ news site.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A K P)

Al-Mortada: Over 600 Prisoners of Both Sides Freed Through Local Mediation

Head of the [Sanaa gov.] National Committee for Prisoners Affairs Abdul Qader Al-Mortada confirmed that since the end of Stockholm talk, more than 600 prisoners from both sides have been freed through local mediation exchanges.

"No prisoners have been freed through the United Nations despite the agreement signed by the parties under its auspices and supervision in Sweden," Al-Mortada said in a tweet.

The prisoners' issue witnesses a suspension because of the aggression forces that reject the exchange of all for all or through successive groups. This made the prisoners’ issue stopped while the United Nations is doing anything.


(A K P)

Nine Yemeni prisoners released in successful prisoner exchange

Local mediation bears fruit once again

Chairman of the National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, Abdulqader Al-Mortada, has revealed the liberation of nine prisoners of the army and the Popular committees in two exchanges, describing them as successful.

Al-Murtada said in a statement that the release of the nine prisoners was done though local meditation in the fronts of al-Jawf and Lahj, and eneded with success.

(A P)


The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, met with the Deputy Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman in Riyadh yesterday. They discussed ways to support the political process in Yemen as well as efforts towards the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement.

and also

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia has formed a joint committee with the al Houthi movement to discuss de-escalation and a cease-fire in Yemen, according to al Jazeera. Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman met with al Houthi Chairman of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al Mashat in September to discuss forming the committee, according to these reports.[1]

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince's War Is Backfiring

The war isn't going well and the Crown Prince is looking for a way out of his self-made problems.

Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prince Mohammad bin Salman, also known as MbS, was once the promising young face of the Arab monarchy. Now he’s racking up foreign-policy defeats abroad—and facing disturbing murmurs at home.

With his problems closing in, the crown prince may try one last gambit: a pivot from Washington to Tehran. But it’s risky, and he doesn’t have much room to maneuver.

“Various Saudis I've spoken to raise the possibility that what is happening could be at the hands of elements inside the Saudi government that want to embarrass MbS because they see him as putting Saudi Arabia in a corner,” said Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute. “If you were a Saudi, and you were concerned about the future of your country, I don’t think it’s difficult to draw the conclusion that MbS is your first obstacle.”

A year after the assassination of Saudi-American journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi forces, the kingdom continues to lose friends in Washington, DC. The Abqaiq attack set off a wide backlash against the idea of going to war for Saudi Arabia. A bipartisan group of U.S. senators is now ramping up the pressure on Saudi Arabia over the war in Yemen, which the United Nations says has killed 7,290 civilians and left 24 million in need of humanitarian aid.

Slim emphasized that a variety of “wild cards” could speed up—or torpedo—negotiations with Iran. But one thing is for sure: MbS will not be able to count on a bailout from the United States if his Hail Mary fails.

“As the U.S. adopts and more restrained military position in the region and signals that it is not going to fight wars for some of its allies, those allies rediscover the utility of diplomacy,” Parsi said. “This option always existed for Saudi Arabia, but as long as they thought that they could get the United States to fight the wars for it, it had no interest in pursuing diplomacy.”

(* A E P)

Saudi Arabia faces reality check as Wall Street heads to Riyadh

Wall Street’s heavy hitters are back in Saudi Arabia but the terms of engagement have changed.

The CEOs of Citigroup (C.N) and Credit Suisse (CSGN.S), as well as the heads of fund managers BlackRock (BLK.N) and BlackStone (BX.N) will be among those gathering in Riyadh next week for a glitzy investment conference, an event not attended by top financiers last year after the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

SoftBank (9984.T) founder and CEO Masayoshi Son will also attend the Oct 29-31 conference, two people familiar with the matter said, as the Japanese company seeks to raise funds for a second technology fund. The Saudi sovereign wealth fund contributed $40 billion to Softbank’s first technology fund.

But the buzz around the Future Investment Initiative (FII) has faded since the conference was first launched in 2017, when it was heralded as Davos in the desert, a nod to the annual gathering of world leaders and corporate bosses in the Swiss Alps.

“It’s not seen as a must-do event like Davos,” said one banker at an international bank.

The country has struggled to lure foreign investment to fund projects outside the oil sector

(A P)

Film: #SaudiArabia has just announced a plan to plant 5 million trees, a key component in environmental sustainability and an essential step in providing balance to the Kingdom's ecosystems.

My comment: Plant trees, not bombs.

(* A P)

Young Saudi prince with Western experience named foreign minister

Saudi Arabia appointed a prince with diplomatic experience in Western capitals as foreign minister on Wednesday in a partial cabinet reshuffle as the kingdom tries to mend its international image and prepares to take over the Group of 20 presidency.

Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud had served for the last several months as ambassador to Germany and earlier as political adviser at the Washington embassy. His previous business career in the defense industry included chairmanship of a joint venture with planemaker Boeing.

Prince Faisal joins a new cadre of top Saudi diplomats in their 40s, including the ambassadors to the United States and Britain, who are siblings.

“Look at the team being put together in DC, London, and now with the new foreign minister... Consolidation deepens and a pro-Western crew is in place,” said Neil Quilliam, senior research fellow at Britain’s Chatham House think-tank.

“It is a move to outsmart Iran in all the capitals and at the U.N. This is a new form of pushback.”

My comment: And again and again, Western voices praise Saudi Arabia as being on the right path – as they do since decades.


(A P)

Prince Faisal: Saudi king picks foreign minister with eye on US

Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud, 45, was adviser to Prince Khaled, 31, when he was briefly ambassador to Washington.

Significantly, Prince Faisal has a background in the arms industry and sits on the board of the new national arms company, Saudi Arabian…(paywalled)


(* B P)

One of Involves in Khashoggi Killing, Faisal Bin Farhan Appointed as Saudi Foreign Minister

Eight months ago, non-governmental organizations working in Berlin hinted that there were popular movements to prevent the appointment of Faisal bin Farhan as the country's ambassador to Germany, due to his “involvement in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at his country's embassy in Istanbul in October 2018”.

In a statement at the time, several organizations (unnamed) called on German President Frank Steinmeier to prevent Saudi Arabia's decision to appoint Faisal bin Farhan as ambassador to Berlin.

It pointed out that Faisal bin Farhan "embroiled in a wave of months of debate over the role of the Saudi Embassy in Washington in the process of luring Khashoggi and assassinated inside the consulate of his country in Istanbul, when he was a senior advisor at the embassy of his country to America".

"Anyone named in the investigation into the murder of Khashoggi and the targeting of Saudi dissidents abroad of Saudi princes and diplomats are undesirable figures in European countries."

Comment: One aspect of Saudi policy that is unlikely to be impacted significantly by the foreign minister shuffle is #Yemen. Faisal al-Saud was the figure who described the #Houthi assault on #KSA targets as an "attack on the world economy," so he is a hardliner on this issue.

(A P)

Saudi sheikh arrested for criticizing controversial entertainment

Criticism of Entertainment Authority forbidden under MBS

Saudi security forces have arrested the sheikh of the Otaiba tribe in the kingdom for criticizing the Entertainment Authority and what it is doing in the Kingdom.

The “Prisoners of Conscience” Twitter account stated that Saudi security raided the home of Prince Faisal bin Sultan bin Jahjah bin Humaid, and arrested him.

Prince Faisal bin Sultan bin Jahjah bin Humaid is the sheikh of the kingdom’s well-known Otaiba tribe.

He criticized the Entertainment Authority for what he called the “destruction to the land of the Two Holy Mosques.”

The spread of the news sparked a case of controversy among activists in Saudi Arabia, wondering whether the criticism of debauchery has become a new crime that deserves arrest


Als Alman bei den Salmans

Lange Zeit für Urlauber kaum zugänglich, hat Saudi-Arabien vor wenigen Wochen seine Pforten geöffnet. Wird der Wüstenstaat gar das neue Touristenmekka? TITANIC-Redakteurin Ella Carina Werner ist nach Riad gereist.

Die Herzlichkeit ist der saudischen Bevölkerung ins Gesicht geschrieben, als ich am Bin-Salman-Airport die mosaikverzierte Ankunftshalle betrete. Neugierig kommen die Menschen näher, umringen mich. Viele haben noch nie eine Deutsche gesehen. "Salem Aleikum! Willkommen in der Weltgemeinschaft", rufe ich in die Runde. Ein jahrzehntelanger Traum wird für mich wahr: einmal ins Land der Beduinen, der heilenden Ölquellen und US-Soldatenbordelle. Wann, wenn nicht jetzt, wo das wackere Königreich seit September massenweise Touristenvisa vergibt. Bis vor kurzem durften lediglich muslimische Pilger, US-Unternehmer und Spieler von Manchester United einreisen, die der Kronzprinz Mohammed bin Salman gerade ins Portfolio holt.

Gleich am Ausgang begegnet mir die erste Attraktion: eine Frau am Steuer

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination was one of the century’s blackest farces

The gruesome murder caused international outrage, and bungled Saudi efforts to deny responsibility compounded the horror

These sordid events make for a decent read in this book by Jonathan Rugman, a foreign affairs specialist with Channel 4 News, which is aided by the incredible amount of intelligence data leaked about the case.

Khashoggi emerges as an emotional figure, weaving his way through the complex politics of the Saudi court before falling out with the ascendant young crown prince Mohammed bin Salman.

His life offers a fascinating glimpse into Saudi society.

The killing itself comes halfway through the book, and while gripping in its hideous detail, it is far from the most absorbing aspect of the narrative, as the details are familiar. Far more compelling is Rugman’s discussion of the rise of the impetuous MbS, the floundering reaction from the new ruler’s friends in the White House and the murky global politics that swirl around the incident like flies around dung. The unravelling of this murder also exposes the deep reach of intelligence agencies in modern societies, with so much of life under surveillance.

There is little doubt that the order to kill Khashoggi came from the top, as suspected by the CIA.

Yet for all the deaths in Yemen, for all the repression at home, it was the single killing of this portly columnist that sparked global outrage over the grotesque Riyadh regime

Yet one year on, has anything changed? Capitol Hill defied Trump over Yemen, the subject of Khashoggi’s last column, which forced the President to veto its demand to desist engagement. The journalist’s four children have been paid blood money. Eleven suspects have gone on trial amid great secrecy, with the forensic doctor among those facing murder charges. Yet reports claim he is not under formal arrest and living in a Jeddah villa.

Meanwhile the Saudis still try to lure back critics, MbS smiles alongside other world leaders on the global stage and the US is sending more troops and missile defence systems to protect them from Iran. This tawdry tale, skilfully woven by Rugman, shows again how money trumps morality.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Bloomberg will not participate in Saudi Arabia's "Davos in the Desert"

None of the panels at this month's Future Investment Initiative in Riyadh will feature Bloomberg moderators, the news organization said Wednesday.

(A P)

Petition: JaredKushner:Don'tGoto"DavosforDictators"--#FII2019

(A P)

Yemeni Community Organize a Protest in New York, Demanding the Opening of Sana’a Airport

The Yemeni community is organizing a protest in front of the UN headquarters in New York tomorrow to demand the opening of Sana'a International Airport and saving the lives of thousands of patients.

(* B K P)

Crackpot Congress: The Hyper-Hypocrisy of the Syria Vote

We are through the looking glass, Alice. For years now I’ve lambasted the U.S. Congress for shirking it’s constitutionally mandated duty to actually declare and oversee America’s wars. Now, in a cruel joke of sorts, it has finally decided to do so, symbolically voting to condemn the president for pulling troops out of a Syrian war it never sanctioned in the first place. In a rare, bipartisan vote this past week, the House overwhelmingly approved H.J. Res. 77, “Opposing the decision to end certain United States efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria.”

If ever proof was needed that Congress is inextricably linked to the military industrial complex and the forever warfare state, it’d have to be this bill. It demonstrates that the people’s representatives in Washington, normally asleep at the war-making wheel, will only weigh in to continue the nation’s endless wars. Their hypocrisy, it seems, knows no bounds. When a president (Obama, in this case) unilaterally sent American soldiers to combat in a new theater (Syria), Congress looked the other way. The same was true in Yemen, Libya, Iraq 3.0, and across West Africa. However, should a president (Trump) dare try end one of the plethora of endless wars, well that same Congress will assert itself in a New York minute. The lesson: true antiwar activists now know, once and for all, not to look to Capitol Hill for salvation…ever.

If ever proof was needed that Congress is inextricably linked to the military industrial complex and the forever warfare state, it’d have to be this bill. It demonstrates that the people’s representatives in Washington, normally asleep at the war-making wheel, will only weigh in to continue the nation’s endless wars. Their hypocrisy, it seems, knows no bounds. When a president (Obama, in this case) unilaterally sent American soldiers to combat in a new theater (Syria), Congress looked the other way. The same was true in Yemen, Libya, Iraq 3.0, and across West Africa.

So, to truly dig into the motives and stunning cynicism of the US House of Representatives, I thought it prudent to compare the only two recent examples in which it officially – if symbolically – criticized this president’s war policies. Which brings us to Yemen, more specifically H.J. Res. 37 in February of this year, which “Directed the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress.” In other words, a bill to end US support for a devastating Saudi terror war that has caused the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and starved at least 85,000 children to death – by Danny Sjursen =

(A P)

The Tulsi Effect: Forcing War Onto the Democratic Agenda

She is the only candidate who has made ending the wars a centerpiece of her campaign, which will likely lead to her undoing.

Democrats, liberals, progressives—call them what you will—don’t really do foreign policy.

Now primary debates are more show than substance; this has long been the case. Still, to watch the first night’s Democratic primary debates, it was possible to forget that the United States remains mired in several air and ground wars from West Africa to Central Asia.

In a two-hour long debate Yemen, the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, courtesy of a U.S.-supported Saudi terror campaign didn’t get mentioned a single time, either.

Night two was mostly worse!

The only bright spot in the second debate was Senator Bernie Sanders’s single mention of the word Yemen—specifically ending U.S. support for that war and shifting war powers back where they belong—with Congress. Still, most of the candidates had just about nothing to say on this or other war-related topics. Their silence was instructive.

(A P)

Save Yemen, Stop Raytheon Benefit Concert in Cambridge, Massachusetts

During the era of the Vietnam War, popular music conveyed an antiwar sentiment.

Although we are currently living through the longest war in US history, popular music has changed dramatically. Today, commercial music would never dare oppose wars like Afghanistan or Iraq. You never hear Miley Cyrus or Cardi B talk about weapons manufacturers’ skyrocketing profits from Saudi Arabia’s continued bombing campaign targeted at Yemeni civilians.

Yet benefit concerts for children suffering from the war in Yemen have been brewing underground in Phoenix, Cleveland, and now in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Middle East nightclub will host a hip-hop benefit concert on Tuesday, November 5th called "Save Yemen Stop Raytheon."

(A K P)

Elizabeth Warren demands answers from US government after CNN's Yemen investigation

US Sen. Elizabeth Warren has written to US government agencies demanding answers after a CNN investigation revealed that American-made weapons in Yemen are being turned on the internationally recognized and US-backed government.

"These unauthorized diversions of American military hardware to armed groups ... undermine US national security objectives in securing a political settlement to the conflict in Yemen, which has no military solution and remains one of the world's worst humanitarian crises," reads Warren's letter, which was sent Monday and is addressed to US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(? B P)

Iran Is Winning the Battle for the Middle East’s Future

The vision of Iran’s Qassem Suleimani will continue to triumph until Washington trades maximum pressure and regional dominance for a multilateral Persian Gulf security structure

The combination of cruise missiles and drones that struck at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry on Sept. 14 also marked a precision strike at the prevailing global paradigm. The attacks underscore a world undergoing major change, as China, Russia, and regional powers such as Iran seek to supplant U.S. military hegemony (paywalled)

(* B P)

Pakistan's diplomacy unlikely to work with Tehran, Riyadh

Some analysts have stressed that Khan's mission may benefit Pakistan by promoting its neutral stance in a standoff between two Gulf rivals, and could relieve Khan of pressure to pick a side. But don't expect his trips to do much for the peace process itself, they say.

However, Pakistan’s Foreign Office claimed Oct. 17 that negotiations with the Saudis were “comprehensive and constructive” and the two sides agreed on “remaining engaged” while “the mechanism for taking the process forward was being negotiated.”

That announcement sounded cautiously positive. But even those modest proposals face significant obstacles, historically, regionally and personally.

First of all, historically, it's not just that Iran and Saudi Arabia have a long history of hostility. This marks at least the fourth time Islamabad has tried to soothe animosity between the rich archrivals in the Persian Gulf, and none of them could be considered a success or breakthrough. History does not help Khan.

Second, Iran has every reason to believe Khan is not a natural go-between for the two rivals. The embattled Pakistani premier, smartly, has tried to escape the consequences of the term “mediating” and has widely reiterated that he is just going to “facilitate” the negotiations between Tehran and Riyadh. But such wordplay doesn't change the fact that Iranian leaders do not consider Khan neutral.

Khan chose a side by picking Riyadh for his inaugural state visit in September 2018. He has visited there since, but only made his first official appearance in Tehran in April 2019, and it was no surprise that he didn't receive a warm welcome when he was received by the acting health minister at Mehrabad Airport.

(A P)

Iran warns EU path of diplomacy getting narrower every day

Iran’s deputy foreign minister has warned European parties to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the JCPOA, that the time is running out and the path to diplomacy is getting narrower and more impassable every day.

(A P)

IRGC Chief: Iran’s Enemies Humiliated in All Fronts

The enemies of Iran have been given warnings, defeated and humiliated on the ground, at sea, and in the air, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said.

(A P)

Iran rejects as ‘bluff’ Trump’s threat of war, vows crushing response to slightest mistake

Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami says US President Donald Trump’s recent threat of a military attack against Tehran is only a bluff to cover Washington’s mortification for its failures.

“It seems more like a bluff to cover their chagrin” for their failed policies, General Hatami told reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

The minister’s remarks came in response to Trump who said on Monday that the US may get into new wars, when asked about Washington's foreign policy priorities.

Trump insisted that he is working to bring home American soldiers but warned the US may soon enter into new military conflicts.

“We may have to get into wars. We’re better prepared than we’ve ever been. If Iran does something, they’ll be hit like they’ve never been hit before. I mean, we have things that we’re looking at,” he said in a cabinet meeting.

The Iranian minister warned the US about a crushing response in case of making the mistake of taking a measure against Iran.

“If they make a mistake, they will receive a response that will make them more ashamed than the previous measures which brought about humiliation to them,” Hatami said.

(A P)

Resistance countries to have upper hand in any future balance of power in region: Velayati

A top adviser to Iran's Leader Ali Akbar Velayati has said that the member states of the Resistance Front will have an upper hand in balance of power in the West Asia region.

He referred to the foreign powers’ conspiracies against the countries of the Middle East region including Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, saying that Iran stood by the people of those countries against foreign-backed terrorism.

Meanwhile, he said that Iran will continue its support for the countries of the region, saying “the countries of Syria, Yemen, and Iraq will certainly come out victorious and security will return to the region.”

He added that the Resistance Front will have an upper hand in balance of power in the West Asia region, predicting that the region will return to its original owners.

(B P)

How does Saudi-Iranian rivalry shape developments in the Middle East and South Asia

The Saudi-Iranian geopolitical rivalry demonstrates an increasingly array of problems for the Middle East and South Asia. This geopolitical rivalry is further complicated by religious and ideological competition that is embedded within the domestic and regional landscape of the both the Middle East and South Asia. The rivalry has hindered peaceful developments within the regions as both rivals have attempted to out manoeuvre each other through proxy conflict.

My comment: It’s odd to equal Saudi and Iranian interference in Yemen.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Protesters to gather outside arms factory

HUNDREDS of activists are planning to protest at an arms factory after the company was linked to war crimes in Yemen.

Now campaigners against the arms trade have organised a mass demonstration at the factory at Home Farm Business Park, to demand the factory’s licence be “revoked immediately”.

A spokeswoman for Brighton Against The Arms Trade said: “We want to show the council that we support the its decision to write the secretary of defence.

“But we also want to show that this isn’t enough.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A E P)

Russia affirms close oil cooperation with Saudi Arabia, OPEC+

Russia’s energy ministry said on Friday it continues close cooperation with Saudi Arabia and OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers to enhance market stability and predictability.


A lot of people came to me today in Plaça de Catalunya and La Sagrada Familia asking about the war in #Yemen. I told them about #Saudi led coalition blockade on Sana'a airport and about the humanitarian crisis. Some of them didn't know that there is a war in Yemen (photos)

(A P)


The mysterious flight between the two nations had many asking "Whodunnit?"

A privately owned, unidentified Challenger 604 jet departed from Ben-Gurion International Airport, landing first in the Jordanian capital of Amman and then in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh on Tuesday evening, causing many to question which Israeli decided to pay the Saudis a visit.

Maariv reporter Yossi Melman posted in a tweet that either Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen may have been on the flight.

(A K P)

Belgien: Organisationen fordern Klarheit bei Waffenexporten

Zwei Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen wollen in einem Eilverfahren vor einem Gericht in Namur die Wallonische Region dazu zwingen, Details über Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien mitzuteilen.

(A P)

#Bahrain: A #JawPrison officer threatened 22YO detainee Ali Jaafar AlAmr when his family arrived for a scheduled visit, "I will break his back if he receives the visit.. I will crush him!" Ali, serving 97yrs, was previously arrested the ages of 15, 16, and mercilessly tortured.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A K P)

According to their Q3 filing, @generaldynamics seems to say that Saudi Arabia now owes $2.6 billion for already-delivered Canadian-built LAVs ("unbilled receivables') (document)

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Yemeni riyal continues to recover against foreign currencies

Yemeni riyal continued recovering its stability weeks after a significant decline against foreign exchange rates in local financial markets to stop at 598 riyals per dollar on Wednesday.

Banking sources attributed the riyal’s decline to arbitrary decisions recently taken by former governor of Aden central bank Hafedh Meayad and the ongoing conflict between militias loyal to Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the occupied province of Aden.

According to the sources, these measures have increased the sharp inflation in the Yemeni econom

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

In its latest film "Demolishing Espionage 3", #alQaeda blows a fuse over new freedoms for #Saudi #women. Thanks #AQAP for this helpful list of Saudi female sporting achievements: mountaineering, Olympics, riding, boxing, weight-lifting, diving. Very impressive. Go Saudi women! (image)

(A T)

Like #ISIS in #Yemen, #AQAP has similarly little to brag about this week & its claims suggest weakness more than strength -Monday: Killed a Houthi & stole his guns in Tayyab -Wednesday: Exploded a roadside bomb against an #ISIS vehicle in Sha'b al-Sa'adah (image)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

CSO-Büro des US-Außenministeriums und das SDRPY schließen zweiten Stabilisierungs-Workshop ab

Der Workshop schulte über 80 Fachleute aus saudischen Ministerien und Regierungsbehörden

Ein auf die Schlüssel-Herausforderungen für die Stabilisierungsoperationen konzentrierter Workshop ist zu Ende gegangen. Organisiert wurde er vom Saudischen Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramm für den Jemen (SDRPY) - in Kooperation mit dem Büro für Konflikt- und Stabilisierungsoperationen (Conflict and Stabilization Operations, CSO) des US-Außenministeriums. Auch waren die US-Botschaft in Riad, die US-Botschaft in Sanaa, USAID und das Verteidigungsministerium beteiligt. Aufbauend auf den Aktivitäten eines Workshops im April sprachen die Teilnehmer über künftige Stabilisierungsprogramme und über Möglichkeiten, wie man die internationale Koordination von Aktivitäten zur Minenräumung im Jemen verbessern kann.

Die Botschafter Abizaid und Henzel merkten an, dass die US-Politik weiter darauf konzentriert sei, mit Amerikas internationalen Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten, um dem Jemen zu Frieden, Wohlstand und Sicherheit zu verhelfen. Sie betonten die Unterstützung seitens der USA für diplomatische Initiativen, die Kämpfe zu beenden =

Mein Kommentar: Was ist das? Die USA zeigen, wie eng sie mit Saudi-Arabien verbunden sind. Oder könnten Sie sich vorstellen, dass sie auf diese Weise mit Russland, China und dem Iran zusammenarbeiten, auch wenn das Ziel nur darin besteht, die Hilfe für den Jemen zu koordinieren? Dies ist eine Propagandashow. " die US-Politik weiter darauf konzentriert sei, […] dem Jemen zu Frieden, Wohlstand und Sicherheit zu verhelfen." LOL LOL LOL.

(A P)

2nd Stabilization workshop focuses on key challenges

A workshop focused on key challenges to stabilization operations and organized by the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) in partnership with the US Department of State's Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO), concluded with stress on future activities.
The workshop saw the participation of the US Embassy in Riyadh, US Embassy Sanaa, USAID, and Department of Defense. Building on the activities of a workshop in April, participants discussed future stabilization programs and ways to improve international coordination of Yemen demining activities.
The workshop included participants from Saudi ministries, including defense, foreign affairs, labor and social development, finance, media, and economy and planning, and from the Saudi Fund for Development and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief).

Abizaid and Henzel noted that US policy remained focused on working with America's international partners to bring peace, prosperity, and security to Yemen. They stressed US support for diplomatic engagement to end the fighting, facilitating delivery of humanitarian relief, and achieving a comprehensive political agreement in Yemen in coordination with the UN Special Envoy and UN-mediated peace talks.

My comment: What is this? The US shows how close it’s linked to Saudi Arabia. Or could you imagine they would cooperate this way with Russia, China, Iran, even if the goal just would be to coordinate help for Yemen? This is a propaganda show. “US policy remained focused on […] to bring peace, prosperity, and security to Yemen”. LOL, LOL, LOL.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia: "We think that appeasement does not work with Iran"

Tuesday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Joubeir, refuses any dialogue with Tehran, which he continues to accuse of attacking his oil sites in September.

Jubeir: We think that appeasement does not work with Iran. Actions matter, not words. The members of the Iranian government speak but do not have power. Those who have it, like the Guardians of the Revolution, do not want to negotiate. This does not mean that we are looking for confrontation, we just do not want to be attacked anymore. Our European allies know that we must not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons or develop its ballistic program.

In Yemen, will the announcement of the UAE withdrawal affect you? What about your support for groups opposed to Yemen?

The Emiratis operated in the south and coalition forces in the north. The priority is to fight al-Qaeda and Daesh, and the Houthis, and support the legitimate government.

But it must be remembered that no one likes war and that it is always the greatest power involved that is made responsible. This war in Yemen was imposed on us by the Houthis.

(A P)

[Hadi government] Economic Committee accuses Houthi militia of causing oil derivatives ships to stop off Hodeidah port

The government's economic committee accused the Houthi militia of causing oil derivatives ships to stop off the port of Hodeidah, and delaying entry and unloading procedures.

The committee said in a brief statement posted on its Facebook page that " Houthi militias have been causing eight fuel tankers to stay in front of the port of Hodeidah so far by preventing traders from submitting documents and requests for government permission from the Technical Office of the Economic Commission,"

The committee accused the Houthi militia of "using terrorism, threatening to jail, confiscating funds and stopping the business of traders complying with government decisions."

My comment: And again they repeat their idiotic reasoning that the Houthis woiuld blockade themselves.

(A P)

KSrelief Supervisor General affirms Saudi Arabia's keenness to provide humanitarian aid in all regions of Yemen

Saudi Advisor to the Royal Court, Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah, has affirmed the Kingdom's keenness to provide humanitarian aid with transparency and impartiality in all regions of Yemen, despite all challenges and difficulties facing this work represented in the violations of Houthi militias backed by Iran.

(A P)

Iran's Missile Attack Hoax

On October 11, 2019, Iran announced that one of its oil tankers was struck by missiles while operating in the Red Sea. Almost two weeks later, exactly what happened to the tanker Sabiti remains unclear, and no independent information has emerged to confirm that there ever was an attack. What is clear is that the official Iranian explanation is nonsensical.

What we have very likely seen, therefore, is yet another example of Iranian propaganda efforts to manipulate world opinion and shape the narrative of what is happening in the Middle East. Rather than seeing Iran for what it is, a hostile power bent on regional domination, we are persuaded to see it as just another victim, a nation desperately searching for peace and security and a nation to which we should reach out.

The reaction of the world press shows just how effective such tactics can be.

Because of Iranian propaganda and its constant repetition by the American and international press corps, even the Congress of the United States has accepted the ayatollah’s talking points. The consequence is that one of our most reliable allies in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, is routinely scolded and threatened with arms embargoes and other sanctions.

(A P)

Yemen: Family Feuds

Currently the Saudis are seeking some kind of long-term ceasefire in Yemen but is wary of that effort succeeding. This is because Iranian support has enabled the Shia rebels to survive four years of Arab coalition efforts to defeat them and end Shia rebellion. UN pressure to make peace ignored the fact that restoring Shia autonomy (lost in the 1960s) in the north would make it possible for Iran to continue supplying the Shia tribes with weapons that can be used to attack Saudi Arabia. To the Saudis that is unacceptable,

Iran proposes putting Shia Moslems (led by Iran) in charge of the Moslem most holy shrines in Mecca and Medina. That would involve the elimination of Saudi rule in Arabia and many Arabs are fine with that. To many Arabs the Saudi clan is seen as arrogant, inept and corrupt. There’s a lot of truth to that but those flaws describe most Arab states and Iran exploits that.

The Iranians have long employed a wider range of military and diplomatic tools to dominate the Arabs.

For that reason most Moslems do not want Iran in charge of Mecca and Medina.

(A P)

[from 2018:]

Fighting on Both Fronts- The Arab Coalition War on Al-Qaeda and Houthi Rebels in Yemen.docx

The Arab coalition in Yemen and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in particular have played a vital role in supporting the Yemeni government in its war against both al-Qaeda and Houthi rebels. These campaigns curtailed the influence of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and reduced the Houthi threats to maritime security in the Bab-al-Mandeb strait, making a positive contribution to regional and international security.

This paper reviews the Emirati fight against AQAP as well as the Emirati – Saudi efforts to undermine the Houthis, thus preventing Iran from establishing a foothold in the southern backyard of Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: More than 55 Raids by US-Saudi Aggression on Sa’ada and Hajjah within 24 Hours

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e said that US-Saudi aerial aggression on Friday evening intensified its raids on the governorates of Sa'ada and Hajja during the past hours, pointing out that the aerial of aggression launched more than 55 raids on Sa'ada and Hajjah provinces within 24 hours.

(A K pH)

Al-Jowf .. Coalition Aerial Aggression Launches 10 Raids on Khub W Shaaf District

caused significant damage in the homes and farms of citizens.

(A K pH)

Armed Forces Spokesman: Over 170 raids on Sa’ada and Hajjah in the Last 24 Hours

(* A K P)

Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen Holds Press Conference

Legal Counselor Mansour Al-Mansour, Official spokesman of the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen, reviewed the results of assessing the incidents which included allegations filed by international organizations and different media addressing errors allegedly committed by the Coalition Forces to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen during military operations inside Yemen.

A statement issued by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) regarding the allegation that Coalition forces targeted (Souq Al-Thabet) in the directorate of (Qatabir) in (Sa'ada) governorate on (29/07/2019)

In light of that, JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not target (Souq Al-Thabet) in (Sa'ada) governorate as stated in the claim.

My remark: Here, the Saudis blame the Houthis for their own war crimes. The Houthis shelling their own territory? The whole evidence (reports, footage) in, cp1c. Direct links to footage here: = (Almasirah, 1:07)

Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen Holds Press Conference 2,3 Riyadh

A statement issued by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) regarding the claim that Coalition Forces bombed a civilian house in the residential neighborhood of (Raqqas) in the capital (Sana'a) on (16/05/2019)

With regard to what JIAT monitored in some media reports that on (16/05/2019) the Coalition Forces targeted a residential neighborhood in the city of (Sana'a), causing the death and injury of a number of civilians and the destruction of residential buildings, and to what was referred to JIAT by the Coalition Forces considering the possibility of an accidental incident in an operational mission that was carried out on Thursday (16/05/2019), in the capital city of (Sana'a).

With the availability of verification (intelligence information) based on customary rule 16 of customary international humanitarian law, at (8:15) am on Thursday (16/5l2019), Coalition Forces conducted an aerial mission on the military target using two guided bombs, the first bomb hit its target, while the second bomb did not hit the target, the air crew could not spot where it fell.

In light of that, JIAT reached the following:
a. The actions taken by Coalition Forces in targeting the legitimate military target were correct and in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules.
B. JIAT see that it is likely that the second bomb fell on the site of the claim, which is about (2500) meters away from the military target, due to a technical defect.

My remark: Evidence including footage for this raid here:, cp1d.

A selection of photos:

Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen Holds Press Conference 4 Riyadh

A statement issued by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) regarding the claim that Coalition Forces targeted (tents in Al-Khamis Market) in the directorate of (Khub) in (Al-Jawf) governorate on (17/07/2015)

With regard to what JIAT monitored in some media reports that on (17/07/2015) Coalition Forces bombed tents in a specific coordinates in (Al-Khamis) area of (Al-Jawf) governorate, killing (4) people.

By studying and analyzing aerial photographs of the claimed site, JIAT found that the position of the claim is located on an unpaved road in a valley with no residential buildings or tents, with no signs of any air bombing to be seen.
In light of that, JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not target (tents in Al-Khamis Market) area on Thursday (17/7/2015) as claimed.

My remark: I did not find any evidence for such a raid.

Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen Holds Press Conference 5 Riyadh

With regard to the statement of the Secretary-General of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) that at (9:20) am on Sunday (10/01/2016), one of the medical facilities supported by MSF in (Sha'ara) in (Sa'ada) governorate was targeted, causing the death of (5) people and wounding at least (8) others, and the attack caused damages to the building of the medical center.

After studying of all the operational tasks of the Coalition land Forces, JIAT found that on Sunday (10/01/2016) at (8:50)am, Coalition Forces units came under fire from a mortar post belonging to the Al-Huthi armed militia.
An artillery unit from the Coalition Forces dealt with the source of the fire (mortar), located about (1700) meters away from the medical facility, and about (8) KM from the international border of Saudi Arabia.
By studying the location of Al Huthi armed militia sources of fire (date and area of the claim) and the operational situation at the claimed area at that date JIAT found:
1. The medical facility is in the Coalition Forces No Strike List (NSL), and it is an old stone bricks building.
2. The area was a battlefield of artillery weapons between the Coalition Forces and Al-Hothi armed militia, about (188) projectiles where fired by Al-Huthi armed militia on locations inside Saudi Arabia lands before and during the incident.
In light of that, and after studying documents and photographs, interviewing Coalition Forces and (MSF) personnel, comparing the timing of the incident with the firing registers of Coalition Artillery units, JIAT founds that due to the presence of the fire sources of Al-Huthi armed militia near and around the Medical facility, one of the Coalition Forces artillery shells fell on the medical center while dealing with Al-Huthi armed militia fire sources, and sees it is appropriate for the Coalition States to give voluntary assistance for the human losses and material damages.

My remark: it had been uncertain whether the hospital had been attacked by an air raid or by an artillery missile, but “planes were seen flying over the facility at the time the attack took place.” Links in, at “Angriff auf MSF-Klinik / Attack at MSF hospital”, and, “Angriff auf MSF-Klinik / Attack at MSF hospital”.

Back then I had commented: „Without being 100% clear, it is very likely that the Saudi coalition is responsible for the attack. This is made much more probable by the fact that one day later another hospital gets attacked (Swadi, Bayda province), in this case evidently by the Saudi coalition.”


Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen Holds Press Conference 6 Riyadh

A statement issued by the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) regarding the a claim that Coalition Forces bombed fishermen's boat in (Sira) village of (Zinjibar) district in (Abyan) governorate, on (12/08/2015)

With regard to the sixth report issued by the National Commission for Investigation of Allegations of Human Rights Violations during the period (01/08/2018) to (31/01/2019), that at (5:00) am on (12/08/2015) a fighter plane launched two rockets on a fishing boat near the village of (Sira) in (Al-Sheikh Salem) area of (Zinjibar) district in (Abyan) governorate at a specific location, resulting in the destruction of the boat and the death of three people on board.

On (11/08/2015), the day before the date of the claim, Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in the claimed area, and that the closest aerial mission conducted was (90) km away from the claimed site.

On (13/08/2015), the day after the date of the claim, Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in the claimed area, and that the closest aerial mission conducted was (91) km away from the claimed site.

My remark: I did not find any report on such a riad.

My comment: The Saudi coalition Whitewashing machine at work, again.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Oct. 24: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Brigadier Sare’e Reveals Painful Strike Where Dozens Mercenaries Killed, Injured, Captured

Yemeni Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier Yahya Sare’e said that the coalition forces received a severe strike on the border frontlines during which dozens of its soldiers were killed, injured and captured.

(A K)

Yemeni Houthis Advance on Gov't Positions in Saada Governorate Near Saudi Border - Military Source

The Houthi rebel movement, also known as Ansar Allah, launched an attack on the Yemeni and Saudi forces and gained control over the government forces’ positions in Yemen’s Saada governorate, which borders Saudi Arabia, a local military source said on Friday.

(A K pS)

Al-Masdar Online publishes information about Houthi leaders in Hajjah fronts and secret training centers found in the possession of one of the captured commanders

For the fifth day in a row, Iranian-backed Houthi militias continued to launch attacks and infiltration attempts on the front lines of the fighting in northern Hajjah province, while fighters in the 5th Military Zone found information about the group's leaders in the province, and secret training centers, which were in the possession of a field commander who were captured in Wednesday’s clashes.

A military source told Al-Masdar Online that the group's militants launched several attacks and attempts to infiltrate towards liberated positions in Hayran, Abbs and Haradh, but the forces of the fifth region stationed north of Hajjah were able to repel the attacks and the militias suffered heavy losses.

(B K)

In Salah neighborhood, Taiz city, locals are under constant threat of Houthi snipers stationed in opposition hilltop. They put up red warning signs that says “Do not approach. Sniper zone.” (photos)

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells also targeted populated villages in Razih district.

(A K pS)

New child victim of Houthi landmines in Taiz

A 12-year-old girl was killed Thursday by explosion of landmine planted by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in the Yemeni besieged city of Taiz, southwest the country.

Local sources told September Net the little girl Shorook Hussein was collecting firewood when stepped on a mine that went off killing her immediately on the spot.

(A K pS)

Masam Close to Removing 100k Houthi Landmines in Yemen

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Masam demining project is getting close to removing 100,000 landmines in its second year of operations in five Yemeni provinces.
Specialized Masam teams announced Tuesday removing 245 landmines and explosive devices in Aden province in addition to 3,000 landmines in Mocha on Wednesday.
The teams pointed out that Tuesday’s operation in Aden’s Al Buraiqeh brought the total number of removed landmines, explosive devices and unexploded ordnance on the west coast to 37,370.

(A K pS)

In the shadow of appeasement. Saudi Arabia announces the death of 8 officers and soldiers of its forces on the border with Yemen

Saudi Arabia said eight officers and soldiers from its armed forces were killed on its southern border with Yemen.

The agency did not say when they were killed and the fighting they had killed, and only referred to the place "Southern Border", where Saudi Arabia's southern border with northern Yemen is witnessing ongoing confrontations with Iranian-backed Houthi militias.

(* A K)

Houthi shelling hits displacement camp in southern Yemen

Mortar shells fired by the Houthi rebels hit a displacement camp in south Yemen's Dhalea province on Wednesday, leaving five people injured, a government official told Xinhua.

"A number of Houthi-fired mortar shells landed on a displacement camp in the northern outskirts near Qataba district, injuring five people inside their tents," the local government official said on condition of anonymity.

"The shelling caused injuries among members of two displaced families who were living inside their tents in Dhalea's outskirts," said the source.

Local residents confirmed that flames were seen rising from the targeted displacement camp following the Houthi shelling.

Many families who were living inside the displacement camp fled their tents amid fears of renewed shelling, according to the residents.


(* A H K)

International Rescue Committee: As mortars hit civilian camp in Yemen, the IRC is shocked by the ongoing callous disregard for civilian life

The IRC is deeply troubled by reports of civilian casualties after mortars hit a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Al Dhale’e, Yemen.

Frank McManus, Yemen Country Director at the International Rescue Committee, said,

“There was no military presence in the camp, so it is unclear what the target was. At the least, a number of families were killed after the mortar landed directly on their temporary homes, and many people have fled the site. Those living in this camp have already been displaced from their homes at least once and possibly more due to the war, and are now being forced to flee for their lives once again.

(A K pS)

Child killed by mortar shell fired by Houthi militias on residential neighborhood west of Taiz

A three-year-old boy was killed by a mortar shell fired by Houthi militias Wednesday evening at the western entrance to the southwestern city of Taiz.

A field source told Al-Masdar Online that Houthi militias based on 50th Street fired a number of mortar shells towards the residential neighborhood behind the central prison at the western entrance to Taiz.

According to the source, one of the Houthi shells landed next to a house, killing the child, Abdul Rahman Habib (the head was separated from the body).

and also


(A K pS)

3000 Houthi-laid mines destroyed in Taiz

The Yemeni News Agency ,Saba, Quoted Director General of the NDP brigadier general Ameen al-Aqail as saying that the NDP’s engineering teams in cooperation with the Saudi project for demining, MASAM, destroyed 500 anti-individual and 2500 anti-vehicles landmines and dozens of explosive devices and unexploded ammunitions.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A H)

Film: Down syndrome event organized by activists

Under the title of "I am human", a group of youth activist in Aden governorate organized an event especially for people with Down syndrome in Aden, Al-manara at Sirah directorate, and that’s through the hash tag which they launched on social media sites, and a large number of activist and media people attended the event, and the event aimed to present the talents of the people with Down syndrom

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-589 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-589: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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