Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 597 - Yemen War Mosaic 597

Yemen Press Reader 597: 12. Nov. 2019: Jemen im Oktober – Das Sanaa Center über das Abkommen von Riad – Eine Chance für Frieden im Jemen – Dauerhafter Frieden und Generationenkonflikt ...

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... Soldaten aus dem Sudan kämpfen im Jemen – Landminen der Huthis – Wird Israel in den Jemenkrieg eintreten? – Propagandakrieg gegen Katar um Erziehung in Jemen – und mehr

Nov. 12, 2019: Yemen in October – Sanaa Center on the Riyadh agreement – A chance for peace in Yemen – Lasting peace and the generation gap – Sudanese soldiers fighting in Yemen – Houthi land mines – Will Israel enter the Yemen War? – Disinformation warfare on education in Yemen against Qatar – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)

Who Brings High-Level Mechanical Warfare To Yemen

Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched a devastating campaign against Yemen in March 2015, intending to restore the government of former President ” Abd Rabbo Mansour Had”I to power and crushing ” Ansar Allah”.
Saudi-led airstrikes hit schools, hospitals, and weddings, killing thousands of Yemeni civilians, the Saudi-led coalition, backed by the US, France and Britain, in response to fears that Iran, the Houthis’ biggest supporter and regional rival of Saudi Arabia, would gain a foothold in Yemen. Since then, Yemen has been wracked by civil war, food insecurity, and rising poverty levels.

(* B H K P)

Thread about my country #Yemen today:

-5 years of #Saudi bombardment on civilian targets.

-4 million children at risk of starvation.

-3 million people displaced.

-1.5 million have contracted #cholera in the largest outbreak of the disease in history.

(* B H)

Film: 5 Dinge, die man über den Jemen wissen sollte.

Der Jemen ist Schauplatz der aktuell größten humanitären Katastrophe weltweit.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

The Yemen Review, October 2019


Developments in Yemen

Riyadh Picks Up the Pieces

Analysis: Saudi Arabia Takes the Helm in Southern Yemen

Other Political Developments

Houthi Partial Cease-Fire Holding, De-escalation Efforts Continue

Houthis Release Detainees Accused of Failed 2011 Assassination Plot, Angering GPC

Other Political Developments in Brief

Military and Security Developments

Sudanese Troops Pulling Out of Yemen

STC, Yemeni Government Forces Ally in Al-Dhalea, Feud in Abyan

Houthi Forces Make Further Military Gains in Sa’ada

Military and Security Developments in Brief

Economic Developments

SAFER Preparing to Export Crude Oil via Shabwa

Yemeni Finance Minister Seeks International Aid to Address Budget Deficit

Houthis Release IBY General Manager

Humanitarian and Human Rights Developments

UN Pressures Houthi Authorities on Humanitarian Access in Northern Yemen

Fuel Shortages Blamed for Water Crisis, Delays in Aid Distribution

War Data Project Estimates Direct-Conflict Deaths at 100,000-plus

Report: Systematic Torture, Rape of Migrants Openly Trafficked in Yemen

Court Seizes Assets of Baha’i Detainee

International Developments

At the United Nations

Progress Emerges on Aspects of the Stockholm Agreement

Regional Developments

Pakistan Emerges as Saudi-Iran Go-Between

Regional Developments in Brief

In Europe

Germany Loosens Arms Export Restrictions to UAE

(** B K P)

The Sana’a Center Editorial

History will likely record the Riyadh Agreement as a game-changing moment in the ongoing Yemeni conflict – how exactly the game will change is still far from certain. What the agreement signed on November 5 in the Saudi capital may mean is that for the first time since the war began the disparate forces that make up the anti-Houthi coalition could come under a unified command and control, and that there may be one fewer state-within-a-state in Yemen to contend with.

While Yemen’s internationally recognized government and the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) had been at odds since the latter’s inception in 2017, more recently there has also been searing tension between the two primary backers of these Yemeni parties, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, respectively. The Riyadh Agreement seeks to put these differences to rest

In reshaping the Yemeni cabinet and making it explicitly beholden to Saudi Arabia, the Riyadh Agreement could mean that President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s decisions will no longer be dictated by his sons or his political ally, Yemen’s Islah Party. Instead, Hadi and the STC have accepted that all major government actions be subordinated to Saudi Arabia. The STC, in an abrupt turn, also has accepted to be under an arrangement that explicitly endorses a unified Yemeni state, in so doing opening the door for its representatives to be present at any future United Nations-led peace talks to end the wider war. By staging a coup against the Yemeni government in Aden this past August, the STC has thus earned its place in the cabinet and international recognition, in another normalization of violence as a means to political ends.

From a purely conflict resolution perspective, having more of the main belligerents represented at the table is good news.

With the anti-Houthi side thus seemingly unifying under Saudi patronage, for better or worse, Riyadh now owns what happens, and what doesn’t happen, in southern Yemen. While unwritten in the actual text, it would appear the new hierarchy the agreement envisions will specifically be headed by Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman, who has quietly assumed responsibility for the Yemen file from his brother, Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince and defense minister.

Khalid bin Salman’s vested interest in the agreement’s success and the back-channel conversations between him and the Houthis which began in September, as reported by the Sana’a Center, could foster the necessary matrix for a broader peace process in Yemen among all sides. It could allow Saudi Arabia to regain one thing it had in 2011, following the Yemeni uprising, and lost again in 2015 with the start of its military intervention in Yemen, which is the ability to be an umbrella over everyone to reach a peace deal in the country.

A worst-case scenario for the Riyadh Agreement, however, is that it turns into a mass wedding but no one is quite sure who is meant to be married to whom, and chaos ensues. The vastness of the profound military and political reforms that the agreement calls for, the vagueness on the specifics regarding how these reforms should be undertaken and the hyperoptimistic time frame within which they should be completed leaves one to wonder if anything but chaos is possible.

At best, the current Riyadh Agreement should thus be approached with cautious optimism.

For the agreement to succeed Saudi Arabia cannot approach it as an end in itself, but as part of a larger effort to reconstitute the Yemeni government, end the conflict and bring about stability in its southern neighbor. Three steps to demonstrate this seriousness would be to: 1) put real money and resources into helping reform Yemeni government finances and economic practices, rather than just throwing money at the problem when it reaches a crisis point; 2) reopen Sana’a Airport to commercial flights, beginning with medical evacuations for those with emergencies; 3) stop deporting hundreds of thousands of Yemeni laborers as part of the Saudi Vision 2030’s aims for ‘Saudization’ of the labour force – in the years to come the loss of these remittances to Yemen, currently the country’s largest source of foreign currency, will cause untold hardship and undoubtedly reignite socioeconomic instability and conflict.

Whatever the outcome of the Riyadh Agreement, history will remember that Yemeni government and STC leaders alike smiled at the cameras and hailed the Riyadh Agreement as a triumph. These men who denounce the Houthis as Iranian proxies themselves celebrated signing over the country’s sovereignty, and their own legitimacy and authority, to a foreign power.

(** B K P)

Peace Is Possible in Yemen

Out of a Moment of Crisis, a Chance for a Solution

Both within Yemen’s borders and in the wider region, further bloodshed seemed inevitable.

Yet, in an unexpected turn of events, these flare-ups appear to have opened a pathway to peace.

If both the Riyadh agreement and the Saudi-Houthi initiative survive, and UN mediators are able to weave them into a single negotiation track, a national political settlement could be possible.

That is a big if. Reaching a national political settlement in Yemen will require both winding down the Saudi-led military intervention and bridging the gaping divides among the country’s many armed groups and political factions. It is entirely possible that current negotiations will grind to a halt or fall apart. If that happens, the conflict will likely deepen and expand. Saudi Arabia and Iran will both intensify their struggle for influence, and Yemen will dissolve further into a mess of warring mini-states, each with its own international backer.

The Saudis appear to have concluded that even if they can’t beat the Houthis militarily, they must at least drive a wedge between the rebels and their Iranian backer with financial and political inducements. To succeed, however, they will need to win over or at least mitigate the influence of Houthi hard-liners while strengthening the hand of Houthi pragmatists by reducing the level of violence, delivering economic gains, and ultimately an end to cross-border hostilities.

Saudi Arabia’s interest in reviving talks with the Houthis was probably influenced by the UAE’s recent decision to draw down its forces in Yemen.

Combined, all of these developments form a pathway to a political settlement in Yemen, the most promising that diplomats and UN officials say they have seen in years.


A lot could still go wrong. A Houthi missile fired into Saudi Arabia that kills civilians, or a Saudi air strike that kills Yemeni civilians, could restart the cycle of violence. There is also a risk that Saudi Arabia will use the agreement between the STC and the Hadi government not to pursue peace talks but to ramp up the war effort against the Houthis. That is the fear of many diplomats and analysts, and the wish of some anti-Houthi groups and officials in Hadi’s government.

Just as tenuous is the Saudi-brokered deal between Hadi’s government and the STC. Enmity between the two factions still runs high, and officials from both groups express pessimism over the agreement’s durability.

The deal is also vaguely worded and offers little guidance on implementation.

There are also concerns about Riyadh’s capacity to manage implementation of the accord. And given Riyadh’s continued support for Hadi, some in the president’s camp could conclude that they have the upper hand. If Hadi’s government grows overconfident, it could provoke renewed fighting with the STC.

Even if the southern power-sharing deal holds and the Saudi-Houthi de-escalation process stays on track, the road to durable peace in Yemen will be long and circuitous. Some five years of fighting have swept away large parts of the old order and changed the political landscape of the country.

Much will turn on Saudi Arabia’s ability and resolve to manage the two different strands of negotiations, and to eventually convince the Hadi government that it must sue for peace with the Houthis. But even as the Saudis facilitate intra-Yemeni negotiations, it is the Yemenis who will determine the outcome. A settlement to the swirling conflicts in Yemen is arguably closer now than at any point in the last five years, but that doesn’t mean that peace is around the corner. Some of the country’s unresolved issues—such as the question of whether the south will secede—may result in more violence no matter what diplomats achieve. Still, there is now a rare window of opportunity to begin winding down the war. It should not be missed – By April Longley Alley and Peter Salisbury

(** B H P)

Building a Lasting Peace in Yemen by Getting Ahead of the Generational Gap

While Yemen remains locked in a grand political dispute, its people bound by the competing ambitions of various factions and militias as they each argue power, legitimacy, and righteous politics, it is likely that peace will require more than a coming together of those warring parties … Peace as it were, will call for an institutional rethink of the proverbial ‘generational gap’.

If statesmen can formulate a nation’s future, it is the people who will ultimately determine how such a future will manifest. Today Yemen needs a vision which will allow for its youth to look into the future with confidence, strong in the knowledge that tangible actions are being taken to address their most immediate needs.

Interestingly enough Yemen offers a perfect demographic mirror to what is fast becoming a global challenge – there are more young people than ever (41% of the world population) and almost all share a common fear of a future scarred and marred by economic inequalities, social grievances, and lack of true political representation.

Yemen has the most youthful age structure in the world outside of sub-Saharan Africa

If we keep in mind that war exacerbated poverty through a complete meltdown of all civil institutions, notwithstanding the pressure internal population displacement has had on cities such as Sanaa and Aden and it appears evident that Yemen’s political future and the very viability of its nation-state hinges on its political elite’s ability to meet such pressing socio-economic demands.

Over 20% of Yemen‟s population is aged between 15 and 24 and, according to UN estimates, by 2025 will have increased by 69% – the second fastest growth rate in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Yemen also has high rates of illiteracy and together with Egypt and Iraq, makes up three-quarters of the 10 million illiterate youth in the region – two-thirds of which are girls.

Yemen’s pre-existing social deficit, the profound lack of basic services such as housing, education, healthcare, sanitation and jobs, has been compounded by political volatility, religious radicalisation, armed conflicts, shortages of food and water and dwindling of natural resources through mismanagement and corruption. And though those issues may remain for now thwarted by the politics of war, at least as far as the media are concerned, this is not to say that those realities will not ultimately determined the true face of post-war Yemen.

Youth bulges will continue to exacerbate pre-existing political and socio-economic problems putting any prospect of a lasting peace under serious strain – to believe otherwise today, in view of the violence witnessed in both Iraq and Lebanon equates to folly.

It has long been argued that a strong causality exists in between poverty and radicalisation – might it be political or religious, even more so among the youth, and more accurately still among the uneducated youth.

In the face of such challenges Yemen truly sits in the eye of a dangerous storm … Needless to say that it does not sit alone. Whatever upheavals Yemen will face in the coming months and years will dramatically impact the Gulf region. One can only hope for the betterment of all.

Undoubtedly priority should be given to increase and strengthen educational and economic development opportunities for the youth, with a focus on improving female participation.

Funds should also be devoted to ensure increased educational access for girls, and employment opportunities should be centered on manufacturing, industry, services and other new, expanding sectors, beyond agriculture and civil service.

Beyond all manners of political disagreement, Yemen’s socio-economic reality must take precedent, and concrete steps taken to redress former failures.

After all, there will be little left to argue over if Yemen ceases to exist as a sovereign state, notwithstanding the sheer nightmare policing a failed state would turn out to be for Yemen’s most immediate neighbours – by Catherine Shakdam

(** B K P)

Huge Sudanese losses in Yemen highlight fighters' role in the conflict

Houthis say thousands of Sudan's fighters killed or captured, with the experienced RSF troops often sent to the frontline

Yemeni fighters say the Sudanese they fight alongside are some of the toughest troops in the Saudi-led coalition battling the Houthis.

However, the Houthis themselves claimed last weekend that Saudi and Emirati forces are willing to push the Sudanese to the frontline while remaining in relative safety themselves.

A Houthi spokesman said on 2 November that Sudanese troops have died in their thousands since the coalition intervened on Hadi's behalf in 2015.

Experienced fighters

Over the four years of Yemen's disastrous war, in which some 100,000 people are estimated to have been killed, Sudanese have been deployed in key areas and along hot front lines, such as Taiz, Hajjah and Hodeidah.

A Houthi spokesperson accused the coalition on Saturday of pushing Sudanese troops to the front lines and neglecting captured Sudanese soldiers during prisoner swaps.

The Sudanese fighters have been drawn principally from the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a tribal paramilitary group aligned with the Sudan's government and previously known as the Janjaweed.

The Sudanese fighting with the Saudi coalition are often survivors of the Darfur conflict, and have been accused of incorporating children in their ranks.

Soldiers told Middle East Eye that, alongside Yemeni fighters, the Sudanese troops suffer some of the heaviest losses.

Majed Ghurbani, 43-year-old Yemeni fighter on the western coast, told MEE that since he began fighting with pro-Hadi forces in 2015, he "has not seen any Saudi or Emirati fighter on the frontline".

"The Sudanese are brave fighters, and they have more experience in fighting than Saudis, Emiratis or Yemenis," he said.

"We have been learning a lot from them, and we have achieved many advances thanks to them."

In recent months, much of the fighting between coalition and Houthi forces has concentrated on the west coast. There, Ghurbani estimates, hundreds of Sudanese and Yemeni fighters have lost their lives.

Sudan in the spotlight

In his news conference, Sariea said more than 8,000 Sudanese fighters have been killed, wounded and detained.

Sariea said 2,049 Sudanese soldiers were killed in Taiz, in the south and on the western coast, about half of the overall number since the intervention began. A total of 3,747 have been wounded, he added.

Sariea showed a number of videos purportedly showing Sudanese detained by the Houthis, asking their country to withdraw from Yemen.

However, the spokesperson of the Sudanese armed forces, Brigadier General Amer Mohammed al-Hasan, dismissed Sariea's statement as "psychological warfare".

"That was a kind of psychological warfare and exaggeration against the truth," Hasan told Al Jazeera TV, declining to give any figures for casualties or detainees.

"There is no way to reveal the loss; the answer of this question means defeat for the forces on ground."

Hasan confirmed that there are Sudanese detained by the Houthis, and he did not cast doubt on the videos of alleged Sudanese detainees presented by the Iran-aligned movement.

Abu Malik, a Houthi military leader, confirmed to MEE that there are at least dozens of Sudanese detainees in the movement's prisons, confirming that most of them were detained in battles on the western coast.

"Brigadier Yahia Sariea gave the real figures," he said.

"It is normal for Sudan to deny these figures as they are huge, and Sudanese soldiers will refuse to join battles if they know the truth," Abu Malik told MEE.

"If we are wrong, I challenge Sudan or the leadership of the aggression [coalition] to give the real figures of their loss in Yemen war. Their refusal to give the real figures of Sudanese losses in Yemen means there are huge losses that they do not want people to know about."

Abu Malik said that the Sudanese usually fight on the front lines and drive Emirati armoured vehicles, while the Saudi and Emirati forces only supervise the battles.


For the Houthis and many supporters of Hadi, the Sudanese are fighting in Yemen as mercenaries, rather than as a wish to prop up the Yemeni government.

"The Sudanese fighting under the leadership of the coalition implement the agenda of the UAE and not Hadi, because they are mercenaries fighting for the sake of money," Khaldoon, a pro-Hadi military leader in Taiz, told MEE.

"Sudanese mercenaries receive high salaries in Saudi riyals from Saudi Arabia," he said.

"When I met some of them in a battle in Mocha, I found that fighting is a source of income for them, nothing else."

(** B K)

Spotlight: Landmines pose serious humanitarian threat to Yemenis

Yemen is facing a serious humanitarian catastrophe created by the large fields of landmines and explosive remnants that haunt several provinces of the impoverished Arab country.

The ongoing fighting between Yemen's government and the Iran-backed Houthi rebels remains the major reason of the dramatic increase of landmines fields.

Yemen's internationally-backed government repeatedly blames the Houthi rebels for planting thousands of landmines in many areas of the country in an attempt to impede the progress of the armed forces against the Houthi-held sites.

"In 2014 Yemen was on the verge of completing the last phase of demining the low-impact areas, which are far from the population," said Ameen Saleh Oqaili, head of the Yemeni national demining program.

"What happened next was a real humanitarian catastrophe," Oqaili, who worked previously as an explosives expert, told Xinhua, as the Houthi armed group invaded the capital Sanaa militarily in late 2014, controlled most of Yemen's northern provinces and then advanced toward the southern provinces.

"Mines were planted at a very high intensity in all the areas seized by the Houthi group," he said.

"Large areas of Yemen are now classified as high-impact areas. Mines have been planted in urban and rural areas, schools and roads," he added.

The most mine-affected areas are the west coast areas on the Red Sea, the provinces of Taiz, Aden, Abyan, Al-Jawf, Marib, Shabwa, Hajjah, and the southern province of Dhalea, according to the National Demining Program.

The Houthi rebels plant the mines in both organized and random ways, a program statement said.

Initial estimations indicate that the Houthi rebels had planted more than 1 million mines.

On a daily basis, civilian casualties occur in several areas of Yemen as a result of Houthi-laid landmines.

Oqaili confirmed that more than 6,000 civilian casualties were recorded, including women and children.

The Yemeni official pointed out that there are great difficulties facing the program, including the inability to reach all areas because of the continued conflict.

"The innovative mines that were developed and modified by Houthis require us to develop the skills of those working in the program of dismantling mines," the Yemeni official said.

The Houthis used to plant camouflaged mines in various forms, such as the form of stones, which are difficult to identify.

(** B K P)

The Houthis Are Preparing for a Planned Israeli Attack on Yemen

There are strong indications that Israel is planning to launch airstrikes against Yemen under the pretext of preventing an Iranian military presence from taking hold, much as it did in Syria and Iraq

On Saturday, Ansar Allah, the political wing of Yemen’s Houthis, announced that Yemeni forces would not hesitate to “deal a stinging blow” to Israel in the case Tel Aviv decides to launch attacks in Yemen. The Houthis reaffirmed that their anti-Israel position is based on a principled, humanitarian, moral, and religious commitment. Historically, neither the Yemeni Army nor the Houthis themselves, have ever targeted Israel directly.

The threat from Israel is not without precedent. Israel has used claims of alleged Iranian military attachments in countries like Syria and Iraq as justification for airstrikes and bombings against those nations. Now, Israel appears to be using Iran’s alleged presence in Yemen, an allegation that both Tehran and the Houthis deny, as a pretext for military action in the country despite no evidence indicating that there are any Iranian forces present there.

According to three government officials in Sana’a that spoke to MintPress on the condition of anonymity, the Houthi’s warnings are both serious and well-placed. Those officials said that the government in Sana’a has already confirmed information that Israel is preparing to launch airstrikes on both military sites and civil targets in Yemen, especially on the country’s west coast and along the Saudi-Yemen border in coordination with the Saudi-led Coalition.

Ansar Allah’s announcement also comes in the wake of a number of recent statements made by a number of Israeli officials claiming that Yemen has become a threat to Israel. Speaking during a visit by U.S. Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin and White House aid Jared Kushner, Netanyahu claimed that Iran has supplied missiles to the Houthis that could hit Israel. The Houthis regard these statements as a justification and prelude to strikes on the country, similar to those that Israel unilaterally carried out against sites in Syria and Iraq.

In August, Kuwaiti newspaper al-Jarida released a report saying that Israel is planning on striking sensitive positions on the Bab al-Mandab strait which links the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, to target “Houthis” in the area. The newspaper, which cited an anonymous informed source, said Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has been monitoring activities in the Yemeni strait.

Israel’s entry into the Yemen war could indeed open the door for further escalation, a prospect made more likely by both the increased strength of Ansar Allah forces and by Israel’s increasingly cozy relationship with the Gulf Arab countries of the coalition. The fact that Saudi Arabia and the UAE recently sought negotiations with Houthis after they were unable to win the war militarily, despite their superior firepower and funding, only increases the likelihood of Israel’s entry into Yemen.

In fact, Israel is alleged to have already participated in the war against Yemen on behalf of the Saudi-led coalition as a part of a series of covert interventions involving mercenary forces, the reported launching of dozens of airstrikes in the country and even the dropping of a neutron bomb on Nuqm Mountain in the middle the capital Sana’a in May of 2015.

Kicking the hornet’s nest

Like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, there is a problem with the Israeli assessment of the situation in Yemen, as the Houthis have never threatened to hit an Israeli target and Houthi attacks on Saudi-led Coalition countries have always been retaliatory, not preemptive. There are no vital targets to be bombed in Yemen as the Saudi-led coalition has already nearly destroyed nearly every potential target, including civilian infrastructure. Moreover, any attack by Israel against Yemen will gain the Houthis even more popular support both inside of Yemen and across the Islamic and Arab world.

Furthermore, there is no evidence that Iran has any military sites or experts in Yemen, and Yemen’s Army, loyal to Ansar Allah, are not the “Iran proxy fighters” that international media so often claims them to be

Meanwhile, many Israeli activists and media pundits are expressing concerns over what they consider serious threats from Yemen, pointing out that these threats “should not be underestimated by the Israelis.” The Israeli security parliament said that Israeli intelligence must strictly monitor Yemen and take necessary steps to secure Israeli ships sailing in the Bab Al-Mandab area, describing the statements made by Abdulmalik al-Houthi as serious.

A well-stocked arsenal

Indeed the threats of Ansar Allah, a group known to strike sensitive targets without hesitation, are not without precedent

However, it would be difficult for the Yemeni Army to prevent aerial attacks by Israel. Yemeni airspace has been open to the coalition and to American drones since the war broke out in 2015. Any attack by the Yemen army would likely come in retaliation to an Israeli attack and would hit Israeli military bases in Eritrea, Israeli ships in the Red Sea as well as hit vital targets deep inside of Israel, according to Yemeni military sources – by Ahmed Abdulkareem

(** B P)

Could education in Yemen be new 'proxy battleground' in the Gulf?

Disinformation warfare

Today, however, Yemen is one of numerous areas in a campaign of disinformation warfare waged against Doha by the very partners Qatar had supported in their war in Yemen in 2015. The blockade against Qatar, which Yemen's internationally recognized government joined the day of its implementation, left hundreds of Qatari soldiers and officers stranded in the kingdom, which they had set out to protect.

Withdrawing from the campaign, which Qatar only reluctantly joined in 2015 for its lack of political strategy, was a blessing in disguise

Nonetheless, the strategic communication disaster in the West over Yemen did not stop Riyadh and Abu Dhabi from using Yemen as a platform for its war of narratives against Doha. As part of a disinformation campaign against the emirate that has raged since May/June 2017, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have accused Qatar of siding with the Houthis.

Such claims are part of efforts to portray Doha as a player that destabilizes the region by partnering with "terrorists" and "extremists" – narratives that have already been floated in the West to justify the siege against Qatar.

The latest example of Yemen becoming a flashpoint issue in the GCC crisis came earlier this month when Hadi's government lashed out at Qatar, accusing the emirate of financing hateful textbooks to sow sectarian hatred in northern Yemen.

According to the Yemeni government's Ministry of Education, Qatar Charity is guilty of paying for Houthi-produced textbooks that promote the Islamic Republic of Iran's agenda and ideology.

Even prior to the Yemeni civil war, Yemen, which was the poorest Arab country, had a major education crisis. For easily understandable reasons, Yemen's educational system has suffered enormously from this war.

Currently, 2 million Yemeni children are unable to attend school due to the war. Within this context, any outside state attempting to help Yemen meet its extremely difficult challenges of educating its youth amid this warfare can obtain influence and soft power in the conflict-torn country.

A question raised by Elisabeth Kendall is whether Yemen's education crisis has become the Middle East's newest "proxy battleground." The narrative about Qatar Charity financing hateful textbooks in northern Yemen, which Hadi's government and its backers in the GCC are pushing, is that Qatar is allying with Iran and the Houthis to produce, as one Yemeni scholar put it, a "new sectarian generation" among the youth in Yemen.

This narrative is inconsistent with the inclusive work that Qatar Charity is doing in Yemen. Against the backdrop of Qatar's global education agenda, enabling more than 10 million children to get liberal education across the world through organizations such as Education Above All, Qatar Charity, a government-licensed nongovernmental organization, would not work to undermine Qatar's formidable legacy in education.

Moreover, since the blockade began, Qatar's Ministry of Education has taken a stance at home against sectarianism, removing any such references in its textbooks that originate from Wahabi teachings in Saudi Arabia.

Thus, the purpose of this disinformation campaign is not a genuine concern for Qatar's work in Yemen. Instead, the goal is to advance the narrative that Qatar is actually colluding with Iran and its local surrogates against the West's interests.

The Hadi government, which is ultimately Riyadh's surrogate in Yemen, levying such accusations not only factors into Saudi Arabia's current foreign policy aimed at ostracizing Qatar but also into a longer history of the kingdom fearing Qatari influence in Yemen.

Seeing Qatar returning to Yemen albeit through humanitarian aid and being able to serve people on all sides of the conflict equally from a position of neutrality is hard for the kingdom to accept at a time when the Yemen war might be the biggest stain on Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's reputation, both domestically and internationally – by ANDREAS KRIEG and GIORGIO CAFIERO

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Dengue fever started spreading quickly in some districts & villages in Western province of #Hodeidah. 41 people have been reported death in the last week due to epdmic outbreak. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus (photos)

(A H P)

[Sanaa] President al-Mashat orders quick actions to combat dengue fever in Hodeidah

(* B H)

Health office manager, Abdul Qader Bajamil, said Zanzibar hospital is in shortage of essential supplies and medicine. It has received 600 suspected cases of cholera since the beginning of October

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, November 11th, 2019

(A K pH)


(A K pH)


(A K pS)

Houthi militia targets joint forces in south Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Hodeidah’s General Warns Against Any Action Violating Stockholm Deal

Chair of the UN’s observer mission in Hodeidah Lt. Gen. Abhijit Guha has warned Yemeni parties from any act in contravention of the Stockholm Agreement struck between the Houthi militias and the legitimate government in 2018.
The General’s warning came days after the militias increased attacks in the port city, even targeting the Red Sea city of Mocha, west of Taiz, partly destroying a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders, also known as MSF.
Guha said the five observation posts recently established along the Hodeidah city frontlines led to a significant reduction in violence on the ground.

and also

My comment: Look at the article above. It’s not just the Houthis strengthening fortifications.


(A K pS)

UN alarmed by Houthi violations in Hodeidah

The United Nations expressed alarm on Saturday at the digging of new positions in Hodeidah by Houthi rebels and reports that drones are being used in direct contravention of a long-disputed ceasefire.
The head of the UN’s observer mission said in a statement that progress made by the establishment of joint observation posts was under threat because of the apparent breaches.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, November 9th, 2019

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, November 8th, 2019

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



(* A B P)

US-Saudi Coalition Prevents UN “Maintenance” Team from Reaching Safir Oil Tanker

US-Saudi Coalition countries are trying to use all illegal extortionist methods to pressure Sana'a to make concessions. Informed sources in the Hodeidah governorate told Yemen Press Agency that the team of the coalition countries, in the joint committee to monitor the ceasefire, informed the UN Supervisory Committee their refusal to allow the UN technical team, to inspect Safir tanker in Ras Issa port, in the Western coast.

The sources pointed out that the coalition alleged that the Army and Popular Committees do not implement Stockholm agreement, using those allegations as a justification for not allowing the technicians of the United Nations to access the oil tanker Safir.

The Government of Sana'a had launched several distress calls since the beginning of the aggression, in order to maintain Safir tanker, to avoid the potential disaster of its explosion.

(A E P)

SDRPY ruft saudisch-jemenitischen Workshop ins Leben

Die Bemühungen ebnen im Anschluss an das Riad-Abkommen den Weg für mehr Entwicklung und Wiederaufbau im Jemen
Ein gemeinsamer Workshop des Königreichs Saudi-Arabien und der Regierung des Jemen mit dem Titel "The Future of Development and Reconstruction in Yemen" (Die Zukunft von Entwicklung und Wiederaufbau im Jemen) hat am Sonntagmorgen in der Zentrale des Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) in Riad begonnen. Anwesend sind der jemenitische Premierminister Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, SDRPY Supervisor-General Botschafter Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, eine Reihe von Ministerialbeamten der jemenitischen Regierung, Abdul Aziz Al-Rasheed, saudischer Beigeordneter Minister für Internationale Finanzfragen, und Mitarbeiter des SDRPY.

Der saudische Botschafter im Jemen und Supervisor-General des SDRPY Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir erklärte, dass das Königreich seit Jahrzehnten dazu beigetragen habe, den Jemen in verschiedenen Bereichen, nämlich Politik, Wirtschaft, Entwicklung und humanitäre Hilfe, zu unterstützen, und auch mit Zuschüssen und humanitärer Hilfe für die jemenitischen Brüder und Schwestern über das King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre sowie mit humanitärer Hilfe durch das Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations (YCHO) Support Center reagiert habe. Er wies des Weiteren darauf hin, dass das Königreich nach wie vor der wichtigste Unterstützer des Jemen ist, und dass sich die humanitäre Hilfe sowie die Entwicklungshilfe auf insgesamt rund 14 Mrd. USD belaufen.
"Wir haben im Rahmen der SDRPY-Projekte mit der jemenitischen Regierung zusammengearbeitet, um die Hilfsphase mit dem Stadium der Entwicklung, des Wiederaufbaus und der Friedenskonsolidierung zu verbinden, durch Projekte, die mehrere wichtige Sektoren umfassen =

Mein Kommentar: So sichert Saudi-Arabien seine Vormachtstellung für die Zeit nach dem Krieg langfristig ab.

(A E P)

Government of Saudi Arabia: SDRPY Launches Saudi-Yemeni Workshop: Effort Paves Way for More Development and Reconstruction in Yemen Following Riyadh Agreement

A joint workshop of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Government of Yemen, entitled “The Future of Development and Reconstruction in Yemen,” kicked off Sunday morning at the headquarters of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) in Riyadh. In attendance are Prime Minister of Yemen Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, SDRPY Supervisor-General Ambassador Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, a number of ministerial officials of the Yemeni government, Saudi Assistant Minister for International Financial Affairs Abdul Aziz Al-Rasheed, and SDRPY personnel.

At the opening, Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Saeed explained that the Kingdom’s support through Central Bank (CBY) deposits and oil derivatives subsidies in the energy sector had been a decisive factor in moving from a negative 10% growth rate to the first positive rate of 2% in 2018, because the deposit and grant had strengthened the state budget.

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen and Supervisor-General of SDRPY Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir said that the Kingdom had contributed for decades to supporting Yemen in various fields – political, economic, developmental and humanitarian.

“Throughout the course of SDRPY projects, we have worked with the Yemeni government to link the relief phase to the stage of development, reconstruction and peace-building through projects that include several vital sectors, and in various Yemeni governorates according to a strategy and vision that focuses first and foremost on the Yemeni people,” said Ambassador Al Jabir in his speech on the first day of the workshop.

“The program is carrying out its reconstruction and infrastructure upgrade projects in seven development sectors – health, education, transportation, water, electricity, security, and agriculture and fisheries – in coordination with the government and local authorities of Yemen,” said Ambassador Al Jabir. “These projects are also implemented in cooperation with local Yemeni companies to support the Yemeni economy and workforce.”

“As for the development path,” commented the Saudi envoy to Yemen, “the program works with partners in Yemen such as the Small and Micro Enterprise Promotion Service (SMEPS) of the Social Fund for Development (SFD) in Yemen, and international partners such as the World Bank and Islamic Development Bank, and UN agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP), to design programs and initiatives to support Yemeni development, society and the economy.”

and also

My comment: here you can observe how Saudi Arabia is strengthening its grip on Yemen – for the time after the war.

(A H K)

Students from a local school in Taiz protest to demand militia evacuate their school. The school has been unlawfully used as a prison for years now. (photos)

(* B K P)

Audio: Warring Groups in Yemen May be Ready for Compromise (AUDIO INTERVIEW)

Government forces and secessionists have reached an accord, and one expert notes that even some Houthi rebels are showing signs of moderation

Yet there are signs that disparate groups, be they Iran-backed Houthi rebels or secessionists seeking a return to two Yemens, or even the Saudi leaders of a coalition that has been waging war on behalf of the semi-ousted government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour-Hadi, are tiring of the conflict and even retreating from hardline positions that have long stoked the flames of conflict.

To learn more, The Media Line spoke with April Longley Alley, deputy program director for the Middle East and North Africa with the International Crisis Group, and a specialist on Yemen.

(* A K P)

Huthi rebels will have role in Yemen's future: UAE

Yemen's rebels will have a role in their country's future, a UAE minister said Sunday, voicing optimism that a recent peace deal between the government and southern separatists could lead to a wider solution.

The comments were the latest conciliatory move in the long-running Yemen conflict, after the Iran-backed Huthis offered in September to halt attacks on Saudi Arabia.

Anwar Gargash, minister of state for foreign affairs in the United Arab Emirates -- a key member in the Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen's government against the Huthis -- urged all sides to maintain momentum for a political solution.

"Such an agreement must take account of the legitimate aspirations of all parts of Yemeni society. That includes the Huthis," Gargash said at a political conference in Abu Dhabi.

"Huthi militias have wreaked havoc on the country, but they are a part of Yemeni society and they will have a role in its future."

Gargash said he was hopeful that a power-sharing deal between the government and the secessionist Southern Transitional Council, inked in Riyadh last week, could pave the way for a wider peace deal.

"The agreement solidifies the anti-Huthi coalition and provides a more robust basis for reaching a political solution," he said. "Now we need to build on the momentum this has given us." =

and also

(* B K P)

Hussain al-Bukhaiti: Riyadh Claims Oil Facility Attacked by Iran to Get West’s Attention

Hussain al-Bukhaiti, Yemeni journalist and commentator, says Saudi Arabia claims it was attacked by Iran to beg for western support despite its war crimes in Yemen.

In an exclusive interview with FNA, al-Bukhaiti said, “The world in the Saudi mind is the West, and these countries take whatever direction Saudi money points to. As ordered by Saudi Arabia, they admitted all the previous attacks on Saudi Arabia to have been launched from Yemen, and now as they are ordered again, they say it is impossible for Yemen to target oil refineries!”

Q: Saudi Arabia claims Iran carried out the attacks on Saudi oil facilities. Is Yemen unable to reach such targets?

A: Saudi Arabia bases its claim on the distance between Yemen and Abqaiq oil facilities, saying it is too far to be reached from Yemen; even though, Yemeni drones have already targeted the pipelines pumping the stations in east of Yanbu, west Riyadh and the Abu Dhabi airport, with the same distance if not more. Yemeni forces even managed to carry out missile-attack on Dammam with a longer distance.

As the war started, Saudi-backed coalition claimed that they target missile and drone factories in areas controlled by Ansarallah; and with that excuse, they bombed civilians, hospitals, prisons, weddings, funerals, schools, markets and all Yemeni infrastructure. If, as they themselves admit, we have drone technology, why should Iran send all weapons or target Abqaiq?

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s claim that Iran smuggles weapons to Yemen is not accepted anymore by the world. Because no one believes ballistic missiles which are 12 meters long, drones and other weaponries can be delivered to Yemen via the closed ports and airports which are under the control of Ansarallah. Everything delivered to these areas is fully inspected by the coalition forces and the UN.

The reason for Saudi Arabia to claim Iran attacked the oil facility is to get more support from the West. It has a history of begging support from foreigners, and even Muslim countries, when they claimed that Ansarallah targeted The holy city of Mecca.

On the other hand, Saudi failure against Ansarallah has put Riyadh in a bad situation, because if the coalition backed by the US, UK and France, could not defy Ansarallah, which Saudi for its turn claims to be supported by Iran, how would they be able to defeat Iran itself in any possible war!

(A K P)

Yemeni Coast Guard blocks smuggled explosives shipment

Yemeni Coastguard forces have blocked the smuggling of explosives-making materials into the Red Sea waters en route to the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel militia.

The Yemeni Coast Guard has seized a consignment of 100 tons of fertilizer containing 46% urea, which is used in the manufacture of explosives.

The cargo was seized aboard a medium sea boat, sailing in the waters of the Red Sea. =


My comment: Urea in fertilizer – really, piss on it….

(* B K P)

As Saudi Arabia grows desperate, this could be the beginning of the end of the war in Yemen

The kingdom has found itself vulnerable on an unprecedented level. All it can do for now is stop bombing the Houthis and accelerate talks over future political integration

Saudi Arabia seems more open to some kind of coexistence with the Houthis in north Yemen through taking control over them from Iran. After signing the Riyadh power-sharing agreement between the separatist Southern Transitional Council and the UN-recognised government in Aden, Saudi Arabia and the UAE seem to be ready to move on to the next phase of their gouty war in Yemen.

Instead of the endless fighting, Saudi Arabia is trying to convince the Houthis to sever ties with its regional rival, Iran. After all, all the Houthis want is legitimacy of their new strategic posture in Yemen. This, in their view, must be cited in a similar power-sharing agreement that guarantees their share in a federation-like new system that includes president Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi’s government and separatists in the south.

The Saudis are quite right to adopt this strategic shift in their policy.

The attack on the Saudi Aramco oil installations in September, which knocked out half of the Kingdom’s production, was a tipping point.

Moreover, the Yemen war is historic as it exposed Saudi Arabia’s national and geopolitical weaknesses.

Saudi Arabia (and most of the other smaller Gulf nations) have now been taken hostage in this fight.

While reality doesn’t offer Saudi officials much, all they can do for now is to stop bombing the Houthis, accelerate talks with them over future political integration – as well as relinquishing their heavy weapons and border security – while praying for the Iraqi and Lebanese uprisings to keep their momentum – by Ahmed Aboudouh =

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B H P)

Thousands of patients in risk of losing their lives. Saudi-led coalition siege prevents oil tankers from delivering Needed Fuel for hospitals in #Yemen. #Saudi is still holding oil vessels with a load of more than 106,353 tons of gasoline and 159,017 tons of diesel.

(A P)


The Yemeni oil company, in the capital Sana’a, denied any crisis in oil derivatives, calling on citizens not to worry and be dragged to calls for fear, panic, and congestion around gas stations.

Abdullah al-Ashbat, director of the Yemeni oil company in the capital, said in a press statement: “We call on citizens not to worry or fear of any crises in oil derivatives, pointing out that there is no crisis whatsoe

(A K P)

YPC: UN Disregards Yemenis’ Rights, Complicit with US-Saudi Aggression in Detaining Oil Tankers

Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) has directly accused the United Nations of not caring about the rights of the Yemeni people to access to the wherewithal of life as much as it does about securing the needs of its organizations’ missions to Yemen with oil derivatives.

This makes it complicit with the coalition of aggression in detaining oil tankers, depriving Yemenis of them, the YPC said in a statement on Saturday.

The statement said that the PALOMAR tanker has arrived at the port of Hodeidah with 4,828 tons of diesel on board belonging to the United Nations.

”Since 35 days, the coalition of aggression has been holding 8 ships belonging to the Yemeni people carrying 53,321 tons of gasoline and 145,327 tons of diesel,” it added.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Jemenhilfe legt traurigen Bericht vor

Aenne Rappel berichtet vom Leben der betreuten Kinder im Kriegsgebiet. Im Krankenhaus in Al Mihlaf wird gearbeitet, auch wenn es an vielem fehlt. Es wurde einst mit Spenden aus Aichach gebaut

Noch immer gibt es keine Entwarnung im Kriegsgebiet Jemen. Dementsprechend traurig fällt der Bericht des Fördervereins Aktion Jemenhilfe und der Jemen Kinderhilfe in diesem Jahr aus. Trotz schwieriger Umstände und Rückschläge vermeldet die Vorsitzende Aenne Rappel für die Vereine auch Hoffnungsvolles.

73 Buben und 25 Mädchen, alles Kriegswaisen, konnte die Jemenkinderhilfe aufnehmen. Auch einige alte Menschen, die alles verloren haben, leben in der Wohngemeinschaft bei den Kindern. Täglich kommen hungernde Menschen an die Tür und betteln um Essen. „Bis jetzt ist es uns dank ihrer Spenden gelungen, keinen der Hungernden abweisen zu müssen“, erklärt Rappel im Jahresbericht den Spendern und Mitarbeitern der Hilfsprojekte.

Als der Besitzer des Hauses, in dem die Jungs leben, wegen Eigenbedarfs gekündigt hatte, fiel der Entschluss, ein Haus zu kaufen.

Das Krankenhaus in Al Mihlaf ist noch unversehrt. Die Mitarbeiter sind vor Ort und versorgen die Patienten ohne Ansehen der politischen Gesinnung. Es ist schwer, Medikamente zu besorgen, der Pick Up ist zerstört. Da kein Dieselkraftstoff für den Generator der Wasserpumpe zu haben ist, muss Wasser von einem Tankwagen gekauft werden. Durch die Solaranlage, der Spende eines Mitglieds und der deutschen Botschaft, ist das Haus wohl eines der wenigen Krankenhäuser, die zuverlässig Strom haben

Aenne Rappel (Vorsitzende): per E-Mail an, Internet:, Spendenkonto: Augusta Bank eG RVB Aichach Konto: IBAN: DE23720900000005582105, SWIFT:BICGENODEF1AUB

(* B H)

Over half of Shabwah residents lack access to clean water

UN report details dure situation in Saudi-held province

The UN Office for International Migration (IOM) has confirmed that 55% of the population of Shabwah province is unable to access to clean and safe drinking water.

In a report, the Office revealed that about half of Shabwah’s population also does not have access to any proper sanitation services.

According to the report, the IOM is rehabilitating seven water points in seven different health facilities to serve 20,000 patients.

(* B H)


During the political transition in Yemen, EAI used films, theater competitions, and other engagement strategies to inform Yemeni youth about their rights. Equipped with this knowledge, young people became more involved in helping their communities.

During the political transition in Yemen, Equal Access International empowered youth through storytelling. From 2013-2015, with the production of radio programs, theater shows, and mini-documentaries, EAI encouraged youth to become more involved in their transitioning communities. Through youth councils, workshops, and listening groups, with support from the U.S. Department of State, Office of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), the RIGHTS Initiative defined human rights in a modern context and encouraged young people to speak up.

Through a youth-produced radio series, a cadre of trained youth leaders, listening discussion groups, active youth councils, theater performances, and community roundtable discussions, the RIGHTS Initiative helped Yemen to become a more participatory society.

This initiative, supported by the U.S. Department of State, Office of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), empowered Yemeni youth to defend their rights and promote transparency and accountability. By supporting a generation of young people committed to the rule of law and government accountability, EAI hoped to help young reformers affect the lives of future generations.

The RIGHTS Initiative included the following areas of activities:

(* B H)

ICRC: Yemen lacks 70% of medicines

Yemen lacks 70 percent of its medicine needs, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Saturday.

"Fewer than 50 percent of health facilities in Yemen are functioning, while less than 30 percent of medicines are provided," the committee twitted..

ICRC explained that 75 percent of Yemen's population do not have access to health care.

It said that since the beginning of 2019, one million and 270 thousand patients have benefited from the services of medical facilities it supports in Yemen

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

MMC East Africa & Yemen 4Mi Snapshot October 2019: Protection risks for people on the move from East Africa and Yemen

This 4Mi snapshot highlights protection risks faced by refugees and migrants on the move from and within East Africa and Yemen. The data draws from 2,713 interviews conducted between June 2017 and July 2019. 1,866 Ethiopians, 672 Somalis, 122 Eritreans, 42 Yemenis and 11 Djiboutians were interviewed. MMC West Africa and MMC North Africa have also recently published snapshots on protection here, and here. =

(* B H)

Yemen - Conflict, displacement, hospital targeted (DG ECHO, IOM, MSF, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 11 November 2019)

Renewed fighting in the southern Al Dhale governorate has created a new wave of displacement - 214 households or approximately 1,300 people are in harsh conditions, including across mine-contaminated areas. In the last months more than 400 internally displaced families sheltered in schools and displacement sites, mainly coming from the marginalised Muhamisheen community have been evicted. The few humanitarian actors in the area are struggling to deliver protection services and material assistance.

According to the International Organisation for Migration's(IOM) Displacement Tracking report, between 27 October-2 November alone, 489 households (approximately 3,000 people) were displaced, over 75% of them across southern governorates. This is in addition to over 65,000 people who had left their homes in January-September 2019, including secondary and tertiary displacement.

(B H)

Fresno State grad student helps wife, son escape violence in Yemen

From a one-room hotel in Djibouti with his wife and two children, Hafez Alawdi is anxious to get home to Fresno.

It will be a homecoming unlike any he’s had before.

Just days ago, the Fresno State graduate student flew from Los Angeles to Djibouti in northeast Africa to reunite with his family. His wife, Samiha Jaffar, 4-year-old daughter Sara and son Shakar, 10, were living in Taiz, Yemen temporarily when airstrikes from Saudi Arabia-led groups began drawing closer and closer to their home in the southwestern Yemen city. They were forced to flee to Djibouti this month in a 25-foot boat across the Red Sea.

It was a harrowing 16-hour trip for the trio.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Houthis rebels detain intelligence officers

The Houthis’ leader, Abdulmalik Al-Houthi instructed arrest of a number of the Political Security officers, state intelligence workers following breakout of the ongoing popular protests in Lebanon and Iraq, sources in Sana’a said.

Around 26 security officers were arrested in the past two days in Sana’a. Chief of the Military Moral Department, brigadier general, Ali Al-Shahethi is among the recently detained intelligence officers, the sources said.

The detained officers were placed in a private prison of the Political Security Bureau and were accused of treason, according to sources quoted by the Saudi state-run Okaz Daily Newspaper.

Some members of the Central Security Forces were also detained along the intelligence workers and were charged of the same accusation.

The same sources indicated that other hundreds of the intelligence service workers and the security members are in captivity for their rejection to attend Houthis-organized religious training courses as well as their objection to the militants’ management of the state institutions.

The sources said that the detainees are vulnerable to psychological and physical torture.

(* A P)

In Almotoon district in Aljawf, Houthis prevented girls from going to school, launched a campaign in local mosques against girl education, & encouraged young boys to throw stones at any girl who dare to go to school! (photos)

(A P)

Ministry of Industry inaugurates phone line for receiving citizens' complaints

(A H P)

Deputy PM opens water projects at 6 bln riyals cost in Hodeidah

Deputy PM opens Emergency Obstetrics Center at Al-Salkhana Hospital in Hodeidah

Deputy PM inaugurates 5th free medical eye camp in Hodeidah

(* A P)

Muslime in aller Welt feiern Geburtstag Mohammeds

Festmähler und Lobeshymnen auf den Propheten

Von Marokko bis Bangladesch herrscht an diesem Sonntag wieder Volksfeststimmung. Muslime feiern die Geburt Mohammeds oft ausgelassen. Strenggläubige sehen das mit Argwohn und wittern eine Ähnlichkeit mit Weihnachten.

In Kairo ziehen an diesem Sonntag wieder Prozessionen unter Trommelgetöse durch die Straßen, in der Türkei werden die Moscheen die ganze Nacht festlich erleuchtet sein und auf der indonesischen Insel Java dauert die Party gleich eine ganze Woche mit Kirmes und Feuerwerk: Das Fest Maulid an-Nabi, "Geburtstag des Propheten", am 12. Tag des islamischen Monats Rabi al-Awwal feiern sunnitische Muslime auf der ganzen Welt oft ausgelassen und die Schiiten folgen ihnen fünf Tage später.

Rigiden Strömungen wie den saudischen Wahhabiten oder den Salafisten ist das Fest deshalb ein Dorn im Auge. Sie verdammen Maulid als bid'a, als verbotene Neuerung, die den Gläubigen von der Verehrung Allahs ablenkt. Schließlich habe der Prophet seinen Geburtstag auch nicht gefeiert.

(A P)

Mass rally in the capital Sana’a to Commemorate Holy Prophet’s Birthday

The capital Sana’a on Saturday have gathered to the 70th Square to celebrate and commemorate the anniversary of the birthday of the Islam Prophet Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him).

The participants in the mass rally carried banners and leaflets, which express their immortalized love and respect for the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

The mass rally has witnessed a remarkable public and official attendance as the crowds began to flock to the arena since the early hours of the morning from various directorates of Sana’a, Amana and the provinces nearby.

They confirmed their adherence to the prophet’s approach, teachings and fragrant biography.

The participants stressed that the celebration of this occasion considered as a station from which Muslims are inspired by the lessons and the biography of the Great Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

and other provinces:


(A P)


Yemen’s Sana’a and other provinces witnessed on Saturday afternoon a celebration carnival to commemorate the birth of the Prophet with presence of hundreds of thousands of Yemenis.


And Yemen’s AlMasirah TV is full of it:


Comment: To the failing wire services @Reuters @ap & @AFPGulf_Yemen , #Yemeni Ansarullah celebrate birthday of Prophet Mohamed according to Sunni calendar why then call them #Shia ?… Shia will celebrate next week.

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik in Anniversary of Prophet’s Birthday

The leader of the Revolution, Sayyed AbdulMalik Badr al-Din al- Houthi hailed the huge crowds of people and congratulated them on the anniversary of Birthday of ” the messenger of the Humanity, Mohammed ” Peace Be Upon Him.

The Prophet’s birthday anniversary is a station to promote and consolidate Islamic principles, Sayyed AbdulMalik Badr al-Din al- Houthi said during his speech in the rally.

” Our people hold on to their brothers with their nation, a principled position of faith that cannot be abandoned and bartered in the auction of political bargaining,” he added

He confirmed that ” Whoever seeks war and siege to control us and subjugate us, he seeks the impossible, and at the end he will be the loser.”

” We extend a hand of brotherhood and peace to all nations, and whoever holds a hostile position against us bear the responsibility for their wrong choice and unjust decision, Sayyed said.

He added ” continued aggression means that we continue to develop our military capabilities and strike the harshest blows, and this is a legitimate right”.

Sayyed called on the Saudi regime to stop the aggression and lift the blockade, otherwise the risks of continuing the aggression and the consequences for them are great.


(A P)

Saudi-led aggressors have to bear tragic consequences if Yemen war persists: Houthi

The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has warned the Saudi-led coalition against the continuation of its atrocious military campaign against the impoverished and conflict-plagued Arab country, saying members of the alliance will have to accept grave consequences if the aggression persists.

“I call on the Saudi regime to stop the aggression and siege, otherwise the risks of continuing the aggression are great and the results will be severe for them,” Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said in a televised speech broadcast live from the capital Sana’a on Saturday evening.

He added that Yemeni forces will continue to develop their military hardware and will launch much harsher retaliatory attacks in case the Saudi-led assaults continue.


(A P)

Jemen: Ansarollah droht Israel mit Militärangriff

Die jemenitische Ansarollah-Bewegung hat zum ersten Mal das israelische Regime mit härtesten Militärangriffen gedroht, falls dieses Regime eine Dummheit gegen das jemenitische Volk begehe.

Laut dem Nachrichtensender Al-Mayadeen sagte der Ansarollah-Führer Abdelmalek al-Huthi am Samstag in einer Fernsehbotschaft anlässlich des Jahrestages der Geburt des Propheten Mohammad (s.a.): "Das jemenitische Volk wird nicht zögern, im Falle einer Dummheit dieses Regimes den Dschihad gegen den israelischen Feind anzukündigen."

Die Haltung der Ansarollah gegenüber dem israelischen Besatzerregime, ist laut dem Führer dieser Bewegung stabil, humanitär, moralisch und auf religiöse Grundsätze basierend.ärangriff

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik Warns: Yemenis Won’t Hesitate to Respond to Zionist Folly

The Leader of the Revolution Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi has warned that the Yemeni people will not hesitate to deal a stinging blow to the Zionist entity in case the Tel Aviv regime commits the folly of attacking Yemen.

The Leader warnings came in a televised speech broadcast live from the capital Sana’a on the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) birthday, Saturday evening.

“Our people will not hesitate to declare jihad (holy war) against the Israeli enemy, and to launch the most severe strikes against sensitive targets in the occupied territories if the enemy engages in any folly against our people,” Sayyed Abdulmalik said.


(A P)


Sayyed Abdul al-Houthi, in his speech, revealed the total stolen by the aggressive forces and their mercenaries of oil, gas and other resources over five years.

He called on the official authorities to exert all efforts to raise the level of performance to serve the people as much as possible despite the scarcity of resources and conditions of war and siege, as well as working to correct the situation within the state institutions and combat corruption effectively and implement detailed plans of the national vision, the pursuit of more justice and security and stability in Prisoners’ problems.

He added, “We recognize the suffering of the Yemeni people, a large part of which is the result of the aggression and siege, which sought to destroy all the elements of life and tighten the country for all the needs and requirements of life, and sought to bring the economy to a complete collapse. ”.

and also

(A P)

Millions expected to take part in celebrations for Prophet Mohammed's birthday

The organizing committee of the events called on the Yemeni people to go out publicly to the squares specified in the capital Sana'a and the provinces to celebrate the prophet's birth on Saturday afternoon.

(A P)

Journalist whom Houthi militants threw acid in his face loses sight 2

A Yemeni social journalist whom Houthi militants silenced by throwing corrosive liquid in his face in Sana'a early this year has lost sight in his two eyes, according to his relatives and acquaintances.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(B P)

Cartoon: Riyadh agreement

(* B K P)

Warum im Jemen und am Golf nun ein Friedenslüftchen weht

Mit dem Riad-Abkommen soll die jemenitische Hafenstadt Aden befriedet und gleichzeitig eine Grundlage für Verhandlungen mit den Huthi-Rebellen im Norden geschaffen werden

Beziehungen in Koalition getrübt

Da Saudi-Arabien die Schutzmacht Hadis ist und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (UAE) den STC und südliche Milizen unterstützten, führte der Aden-Konflikt zu einer Trübung der Beziehungen auch innerhalb der Anti-Huthi-Koalition. Diese soll durch den Frieden in Aden nun repariert werden. Der STC allein vertritt jedoch nicht den ganzen Süden. Es gibt mehrere Gruppierungen, aber auch sie sollen in der neuen Regierung vertreten sein. Das klingt allerdings nach Konfliktpotenzial.

Experten bescheinigen dem Riad-Abkommen denn auch großen Ehrgeiz, aber auch eine "vage Sprache", wie es in einem Briefing des Washington Institute for Near East Policy heißt. Funktioniert es, dann wird der STC politisch und militärisch völlig in die jemenitische Regierung integriert. Damit hätte auch Saudi-Arabien die Zügel im Jemen wieder völlig in der Hand. Wobei sich die UAE zwar aus Aden zurückziehen, aber nicht zu erwarten ist, dass sie ihre strategischen Interessen am Golf von Aden, etwa auf der Insel Socotra, aufgeben werden.

Aufsteiger Khalid bin Salman

Als eigentlicher Schöpfer des Riad-Abkommens gilt Khalid bin Salman, der jüngere Bruder des saudischen Kronprinzen. Der 31-Jährige war zuvor Botschafter in Washington – und gelangte anlässlich des Khashoggi-Mords in die Schlagzeilen. Seit Februar ist er Vizeverteidigungsminister unter seinem Bruder. Es heißt jedoch, dass er das Jemen-Dossier von MbS völlig übernommen hat.

MbS – der 2015 in den Jemen-Krieg einstieg – bekennt sich in Interviews nun zu einer politischen Lösung im Jemen. Treibende Kraft scheinen auch hier die Emirate zu sein. Der Staatsminister für äußere Angelegenheiten, Anwar Gargash, äußerte am Sonntag die Hoffnung auf ein Jemen-Friedensabkommen – von Gudrun Harrer

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Armed group attacks immigration office in Taiz

Saudi-held town remains scene of constant fighting

Armed groups have on Monday attacked the building of the Immigration and Passport Department in the centre of Taiz city, southwest Yemen.

Sources said that gunmen fired a barrage of bullets at the Passport Department’s building and forced employees to leave.

The attack comes only a few days after the resumption of work in the Immigration and Passport Department’s branch in Taiz, which had been suspended for two months.

According to the sources, the same armed gang also attacked the private residence of the passports department’s director in al-Shammasi neighbourhood.

Local sources explained that the gang is trying to subdue the passport department director and force him to intervene to end a court case investigating the murder of his deputy.

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Despite Riyadh Agreement, STC and Saudi-backed forces continue infighting

Aden scene of latest round of conflict

Local sources say that the actual of the implementation of Riyadh agreement that has been recently signed between Hadi’s government and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council remain vague and unworkable on the ground.

In the past few days, violations and rebellions have been going in a way that confirms that the agreement is heading towards a complete failure.

It seems that the resolve of the warring factions stronger than the “agreement” has turned into a farce that is not worth the ink it was written with.

The latest chapter of the disaster came Monday from the Ministry of Information in Aden, whose employees were prevented from entering the ministry building by STC militants who control the ministry building and the area where it is located.

(A P)

Detainees’ female relatives organize sit-in before Saudi-led coalition seat

The Abductees’ Mothers Association organized on Monday morning a sit-in before the seat of the Saudi-led coalition in Al-Bariqa district of Aden, south Yemen.

Correspondent of the Alsahwa Net in Aden said that participants of the sit-in demanded disclosure of their relatives who have been in forcible disappearance for three years.

and also


Army in Marib seizes quantities of hashish in its way to Houthi militia

(A T)

Three family members killed by landmine blast in Abyan

A number of people from the same family were killed and injured on Sunday night, by a landmine explosion in the governorate of Abyan.
Local sources said that the victims' car went off the road and hit a landmine in al-Sheikh Salem area near the coastal city of Shuqra.
The same sources added that three persons, including a woman were killed in the blast, others were badly injured and taken to nearby hospital for medical treatment.

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Aden witnessed on Sunday, armed clashes between the security belt forces and an unknown armed group, wounding a number of civilians.

Local sources said that the clashes in which the warring parties used medium weapons led to wound two civilians in Dar Saad district, while there was no information about the death toll from both sides.

(A K P)


Two recruits were injured on Sunday after clashes erupted between recruits from security factions affiliated to the Saudi-UAE aggression in the southern city of Aden.

A local source said that the clashes involving machine guns erupted during the ship’s tour after disputes between two security groups.

On November 3, unidentified gunmen opened fire on an officer at the police investigation department in Brugaiqa directorate in Aden governorate, which led to kill him.

(A P)


Local sources said that the [separatists‘] security belt forces in the city of Jaar, arrested the citizen Yasser Al-Marfadi, and tortured him to death.

The family of the killed citizen demanded an investigation into the case and bring the perpetrator to justice

(A P)

Yemeni President: Riyadh Agreement Marks New Phase of Security, Peace, Comprehensive Liberation

Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi said that Riyadh Agreement, sponsored and supported by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between the legitimate government and the transitional council, marks the beginning of a new phase new phase of security, stability and peace and completion of liberation against rebel forces and the coup of the Iranian-backed terrorist Al-Houthi militia.

This came during the Yemeni President's meeting in Riyadh with the ambassadors of the G20 countries accredited to Yemen

and also

(* B P)

Film: Reax to deal with UAE-backed rebels in Yemen

Yemen's internationally recognised government and the United Arab Emirates-backed separatists have signed a power-sharing agreement to end months of infighting in the country's south.

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Second southern prisoner dies in Islah-run prison

The southern arrested person started a hunger strike in the Islah-run prisons in the capital of Shabwa province, Ataq.
The southern detainees undertook hunger strike after the death of the second inmate in the prison due to torture by the Islah militia, the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen.
The prisoner Awad Hussein Mubarak al-Nassi was a soldier in Shabwa Elite Forces, local media outlets said that man had been subjected to relentless torture at the hands of the Islah-linked gunmen.
Earlier, the Islah militia rejected official directives to release all the detainees over the August clashes between Southerners and government forces, keeping their numbers under a veil of secrecy.

(A P)

STC Presidency warns against provocative acts in the South

The STC Presidency warned against provocative acts by military groups of Yemen's legitimacy in Abyan and Shabwa in a bid to foil the Riyadh agreement, highly appreciating the Arab Coalition efforts to stop escalations.
The meeting condemned the provocative acts of some Yemeni officials in al-Mahra province and Seiyun district of Hadramout with a view to blocking the Saudi-brokered deal, calling on the Arab Coalition to take serious steps to deal with such actions that only serve the projects of Qatar and Iran.

(A P)


The politician and leader in the Southern Movement, Ahmed Musaed Hussein, warned of a wave of conflict in the south over the Transitional Council monopoly in representing the southern issue.

Husain announced his rejection of monopolizing one political party by claiming his right to represent the southern issue, referring to the pro-UAE Southern Transitional Council.

“There are dozens of political components, revolutionary movements and political parties in the south that have been excluded,” he said.

He pointed out that the Transitional Council attempts to exclude the southern components will fail.

Southern components oppose Jeddah agreement signed between Hadi’s government and the Transitional Council and demanded to foil it.

(* A P)

Film: Security procedures in preparation for Yemeni prime minister arrival in Aden

The interim capital of Aden in southern Yemen is under tight security procedures ahead of the arrival of the prime minister of the Yemeni government, Maeen Abdulmalik, in Aden, and who is expected to arrive during the next day's according to Riyadh between the transitional council and legitimacy, and that stressed on the return of the Yemini government prime minister in seven days after signing the agreement.

(* A P)

Official: Joint security plan to secure government-held areas

The undersecretary of the interior ministry, general, Mohammed Salem Bin Abood, said on Saturday that preparations are underway with Saudi Arabia to set up a joint security plan to secure all the government-held areas before the return of the government members to Aden.

Bin Abood who was quoted by the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily Newspaper, said that coordination is underway with the Saudis for the return of the Presidential Protection Forces to Aden and deployment of the interior ministry personnel in Aden.

The armed groups will be removed from streets and the state offices and will be replaced by the formal police, according to Bin Abood.

These preparations are in line to the Saudi-sponsored Al-Riyadh agreement

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Yemeni president directs state agencies to implement Riyadh agreement

Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi instructed all state bodies and institutions to immediately implement the Riyadh agreement and its provisions, state news agency SPA reported on Sunday.
“We wish this agreement would tear a page of suffering and open a new page that deserves to be experienced by the entire Yemeni people to meet their hopes and aspirations,” Hadi said.
In response to Hadi’s demands, Yemen’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs resumed its operations in the current temporary capital of Aden starting Sunday.


(A P)

Foreign Ministry resumes work in Aden

The Yemeni Foreign Ministry announced that it resumed all activities in Aden, the interim capital city of the country, after a three-month hiatus.
The move is a materialization of President Abd-Rabboh Mansour Hadi's instructions for all state bodies to resume work in Aden under the Riyadh Agreement, the Ministry said in a press release on Saturday evening.
Earlier on Saturday, President Hai ordered all state bodies to start implementing the deal "immediately," voicing hope that it would turn over a new leaf in the history of the country and put an end to the suffering of Yemenis.

(A T)

Terrorist killed, two IEDs cleared in Ghail Ba-Wazir

The Security forces managed to dismantle two improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in Ghail Ba-Wazir district of Hadramout governorate on Saturday.
Earlier on Friday, a terrorist was killed by a blast while trying to plant an improvised explosive device in the same district, no casualties or material damage were reported.

(A P)

Women's march demands departure of Socotra governor

Protests against Islah-linked officials continue in Socotra archipelago, a women's march was held on Saturday, in front of the building of the local authority in the capital Hadibu, demanding the departure of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked governor, Ramzi Mahrous and the other officials, accusing them of corruption-related issues and turning the island and its local administration into emirate of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Earlier, the inhabitants of Socotra issued a statement in which they voice up their total rejection of all the plots machinated by the Muslim Brotherhood against the peaceful archipelago, aiming to plunge it into prolonged internal conflicts.

My comment: Even after the Riyadh agreement, the separatists do not stop to harass Hadi government officials and to blame them as “Muslim Brotherhood” affiliates. The Riyadh agreement will fail on the ground.

(A P)

Shatara: Competence is a Fundamental Issue in our Future Government

Member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) stressed that the standard of competence is a fundamental issue to fulfil senior positions in any government. Shatra's post followed the increased voices that called to appoint officials in each governorate according to their geographical background or ethnicity, rather than their ability to deliver.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Yemen's warring parties swap 20 prisoners

The Yemeni government and its foe Houthi rebels exchanged 20 prisoners through a tribal mediation on Monday, a government military official said.

"A total of 10 soldiers and 10 rebels were set free," Yahya al-Hasir, head of the prisoners committee, told Xinhua by phone.

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In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, the political adviser in Yemen’s Supreme Political Council, Mohamed Abdul Elah Hajar, stressed that the Ansarullah movement favors stabilty and peace in Yemen, and pursues efforts to end the Saudi aggression, remove the blockade imposed on the counrty, reopen the Sana’a airport, and make sure government employees receive their salaries.

Pointing to Saudi Arabia’s attempts to make contact with Ansarullah Spokesman Mohammad Abdulsalam, Hajar said Riyah has been liaising with the Ansarullah movement since the beginning of the peace talks via its envoy.

He also noted that Ansarullah’s peace initiative has been welcomed by the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths and by several states, describing peace as the preferred option that must be pursued to relieve the pains of Yemeni people and end the war.

Saudi Arabia perceives major internal and foreign thretas in peace, and is afraid that taking steps for peace would mark a defeat for the kingdom, Hajar added.

The official also made it clear that Ansarullah will be prepared for defense if the pe

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

(* B P)

From Feb. 2016: Saudi Arabia and Iran: The Battle for Hegemony that the Kingdom Cannot Win

Tension between Middle Eastern regional powers Saudi Arabia and Iran are likely to escalate but will stop short of erupting into open, direct military confrontation. Instead, existing proxy wars in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon will intensify while sectarian strains in countries like Bahrain, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia that are home to both Sunni and Shiite Muslim communities will worsen. At the heart of the battle between Saudi Arabia and Iran is a four decade-old existential battle for dominance not only in the Middle East and North Africa but in the Muslim world as a whole. It is a battle that started with the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, the first toppling by a popular revolt of both a monarch and an icon of US power in the region. Concerned that the Iranian revolution would offer a form of Islamic governance involving a degree of popular sovereignty that would challenge Saudi Arabia’s absolute monarchy which cloaks itself in a puritan interpretation of Islam, the kingdom went on the warpath.

In doing so, it launched the single largest dedicated public diplomacy campaign in World War Two history, spending up to $100 billion since 1979 on the funding of Muslim cultural institutions across the globe and forging close ties to non-Wahhabi Muslim leaders and intelligence agencies that have adopted its worldview. The result has been Muslim societies like Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh have under Wahhabi and Salafi influence and the playing with religion by governments become more conservative. The spread of Saudi Wahhabism and Salafism has also sparked more militant groups. Saudi-Iranian relations were despite occasional periods of cooperation further poisoned by the kingdom’s funding of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s eight year-long war against Iran in the 1980s. It’s a battle that Saudi Arabia can only win as long as Iran has not fully returned to the international fold and recovered with the lifting of debilitating international sanctions – by James M. Dorsey

(* B P)

From Nov. 2016: Saudi-Iranian cold war: stirring up sectarian hostilities

After more than three decades of antagonistic relations with short rapprochement attempts doomed to failure, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran are fighting their own “Cold War” in the Middle East, with armed non-state actors as proxies. The Russian backing to the Iranian policy and the initial American-Saudi cooperation, its indirect engagement in regional conflicts by supporting opposing forces as well as the nuclear programs of the two actors, allegedly aiming to develop atomic weapons, pictured the situation as an extension of the Cold War. Sectarian differences – Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia – do play an important role in regional dynamics but more as instruments than as main feature of the turmoil; economic gains and the struggle for influence prevail, the two powers crossing sectarian boundaries in order to pursue their political ambitions.

Saudi Arabia was “betrayed” by some of its allies, like the UAE and Egypt. While an UAE financed worldwide Islamic conference concluded that Wahhabism does not belong to Sunni Islam, challenging again the Saudis legitimacy, Egypt voted in favor of Russia’s UN resolution, and established closer ties with Iran. These developments show that potential economic gains and growth of influence in the Middle East play a more important role, than sectarian affiliation in the positions assumed by regional actors in the Saudi-Iranian power struggle – by Iulia Oprea =

(* B P)


Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia have never been at a desirable level. Iran's 1979 revolution, the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the Arab Spring in turn increased the disagreement between the two regional powers. This article examines the relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East between 2011 and 2017. Both countries claim to have leadership over other Islamic Muslim countries in the Middle East, in which Iran as a Shia state and Saudi Arabia as a Sunni-Wahhabi state have multiple ideological and political conflicts that have drawn opposing interests for each other. As a result, new multifactor regional international situation involving Iran and Saudi Arabia arose, to analyze which it would make sense to apply the general scientific analytical methods (logical, typological, inductive-deductive methods, etc.), and a number of specific methods for direct study of international relations, including those based on a systemic approach. The author examines the two powerful Middle Eastern countries with an emphasis on instrumental sectarianism as an important component of the regional order transformation proсess, understanding Iran as one of the superior powers of the region in the context of Islamic discourse and the same role of Saudi Arabia with strong tendency in the framework of Arab discourse. It was concluded that Iran and Saudi Arabia have ambitions for a larger share of the new Middle East and from the viewpoint of religious perspective, are instrumental in expanding their influence in the Middle Eastern countries – by Diansaei Behzad

(* B P)

from 2017: The Struggle of Iran and Saudi Arabia over Iraq

Despite his promises, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has so far not succeeded in bringing a rapprochement in relations with the strongest Arab state in the Persian Gulf – Saudi Arabia. It is the opposite. Both states are struggling fiercely for influence and power in the region, particularly at “the nexus of Shiite and Sunni worlds” (Henderson 2014), i.e. Iraq, currently immersed in a highly brutal civil war, but also and most recently, Yemen, where both states are involved in a “proxy war”. Although the scale of Iranian involvement in Iraq in unknown, it is believed that Iran trains and controls local armed groups, sends military advisors as well as provides military hardware. Saudi Arabia is trying to seize the bridgeheads and neutralize Iran’s influence. Such rivalry is no surprise as strategic aims are at stake. This is not only a struggle for a control over Iraq between Saudi Arabia and Iran but also a quest for hegemony over the Middle East – by Robert Czulda

(* B P)

From 2017: What is really behind the Saudi-Iranian cold war?

The conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia is routinely explained away as a sectarian rift, but this paper argues that the rise in sectarian tensions is a consequence, rather than the cause, of the rivalry between the two regional powers. The Kingdom has resorted to playing the sectarian card in response to the ideological challenge posed by Iran, which tries to woo Sunni Muslims to its side by advocating a political system that combines Islam and a democracy of sorts. For its part, the Islamic Republic prefers to downplay the Sunni-Shiite split and emphasises the need for Islamic unity against foreign enemies, notably Israel and the US. In addition, both Riyadh and Tehran are concerned about regime survival, which is a major factor in their foreign policy and how it is framed – by Ana Belén Soage

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

Saudi promo video labels feminism, atheism, homosexuality as extremist ideas

A promotional video published by Saudi Arabia’s state security agency categorizes feminism, homosexuality and atheism as extremist ideas, even as the conservative Muslim kingdom seeks to promote tolerance and attract foreigners.

The animated clip posted on Twitter at the weekend by a verified account of the State Security Presidency said “all forms of extremism and perversion are unacceptable”.

It listed those concepts alongside takfir - the Islamist militant practice of labeling followers of other schools of Islam unbelievers.

“Don’t forget that excess of anything at the expense of the homeland is considered extremism,” said the promo’s voiceover.

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Heavy penalties for feminists amount to imprisonment and flogging

The General Directorate for Combating Extremism, headed by the State Security, has included “feminism” as one of the extremist ideas that are considered unacceptable and requires uniting to combat it. Regarding the penalties related to the adoption of extremist ideas, including feminism, and advocacy in defense and defense, lawyer Nawaf Al-vegeti said that as long as the state classified "feminism" as an extremist ideology, anyone who speaks of these ideas or beliefs will fall under the crimes and penalties they interfere with. The Public Prosecution, charges and then refers them to the judiciary. Promotional sanctions He pointed out that the punishments for such crimes are reinforcing, which are at the discretion of the judge. He stressed - in his view - that the sanctions will be very heavy, because they are classified by the organ of the State Security, and penalties are "imprisonment and a fine", and may reach flogging, as the judge deems. The judge may add another crime, which is to arouse public opinion, and incitement of people if one of the feminists to talk via the Twitter platform, for example, or any other site, Feminism is listed as extremist ideology, and the adoption of this thought is a crime, and arousing public opinion is another crime.

(A P)

Three performers stabbed at Saudi entertainment event: state TV

A man stabbed three performers at a live show in Saudi Arabia’s capital and was arrested


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Two Saudi Political Activists Abducted as Clampdown Rises on Dissidents

The Prisoners of Conscience, an independent non-governmental organization advocating human rights in Saudi Arabia, announced in a post on its official Twitter page on Monday that attorney Dr. Hassan al-Amri and activist Hassan al-Kinani had fallen prey to state-directed and extra-territorial kidnapping, while spending time in Geneva, Switzerland.

It added that Kinani was abducted by suspected Saudi agents in March 2019, and he has not been heard of ever since while Amri has been missing since October 2017. Both men had on occasions received threats for their political activism.

My comment: “Successful” Khashoggi cases.

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Saudi Aramco gibt Aktien auch an Kleinanleger

Saudi Aramco steht vor dem womöglich grössten Börsengang aller Zeiten. Der saudische Erdölkonzern will dabei Aktien auch an Kleinanleger ausgeben.

Der weltgrösste Erdölkonzern Saudi Aramco will auch Kleinanleger an seinem Börsengang teilhaben lassen. Ein Anteil von 0,5 Prozent an dem Konzern solle an Kleinanleger gehen, wie aus dem gestern Samstag veröffentlichten Börsenprospekt hervorgeht.

Es hiess: Für die saudische Regierung gelte nach dem Börsengang eine Haltefrist von einem Jahr, bevor sie weitere Aktien verkaufen könne. Wie viele Aktien aber insgesamt abgegeben werden sollen, liess der 600 Seiten lange Prospekt derzeit noch offen.

Dafür werden wie üblich zahlreiche Risiken aufgeführt: darunter Terroranschläge auf die Anlagen des Konzerns oder das Recht der Regierung in Riad, die Erdölförderung zu kappen. Am 14. September wurden bei einem Drohnenangriff zum Beispiel bereits Erdölanlagen des Unternehmens schwer beschädigt.

Insidern zufolge könnten ein bis zwei Prozent des Unternehmens an den Markt gebracht werden. Bei einem geschätzten Börsenwert von bis zu zwei Billionen Dollar wäre das der bisher grösste Börsengang.

Saudi Aramco wäre doppelt so viel wert wie Microsoft, das derzeit am höchsten bewertete Unternehmen. Und siebenmal so viel wie der grösste börsennotierte Erdölkonzern Exxon Mobil.

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Speculation Surrounds Aramco Public Offering

Saudi Arabia's Aramco is leaving investors amid speculation, the Financial Times reported in a report, on Saudi, Aramco's listing on the stock market, sitting that "there are no information on the percentage of shares to be offered in the first stage, the share price or even an approximate date for the offering."

The report pointed out that Riyadh has reached the furthest stage in the plans to offer shares of the largest profitable company in the Kingdom about four years after the first statement by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman on the subject.

Considering that it is possible that the first offering in Riyadh starting from next month after repeated delays due to the keenness of Saudi Arabia to obtain a high valuation of the company, which is $ 3 trillion as bin Salman wishes, so investors will be in the owners of the company for the first time since its establishment 40 years ago."

The report quoted those close to those responsible for the IPO estimate that "the shares to be offered in Riyadh will range from 1 to 3 per cent of the total shares of the company and is expected to generate between 20 to 60 billion dollars, while others confirm that bin Salman reduced his ambitions the company's valuation after discussions with prominent businessmen to reach between "trillion and two hundred billion dollars" and "trillion and five hundred billion dollars."

(* B P)

Infographic | The main military vehicles used by Emergency Forces & the Presidency of State Security since 2011 until 2019 in carrying out arrests, killings, and demolishing the homes of locals in #Qatif, as if these were invading forces in an open war against an enemy state.

(* B P)

Meet the Saudi mastermind behind the Twitter spy scandal

Bader al-Asaker's laudable image takes a hit amid revelations that he had masterminded a Saudi government bid to place spies in Twitter offices to crackdown on dissent.

At first glance, Bader al-Asaker is an influential player in Saudi Arabia's ruling elite who empowers young people to blossom as entrepreneurs while tweeting inspirational missives to his 1.5 million followers.

That laudable image took a hit this week amid revelations that Asaker had masterminded a wholly different social media activity - namely a Saudi government bid to place spies in Twitter offices to reveal the identities of Saudi dissidents.

The Twitter scandal, together with Asaker's reported links to last year's murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, raises tough questions about the go-getting official and the Misk Foundation he runs for Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman.

"Scratch beneath the surface of Asaker's Misk and you quickly realise that it's not really what it claims to be," Sunjeev Bery, director of the United States-based anti-autocrat campaign group Freedom Forward, told The New Arab.

"The crown prince and his henchmen keep trying to present themselves in a positive light, yet behind the scenes they spy on dissidents' Twitter accounts and are willing to take a bone saw to anyone who disagrees with them."

Earlier this week, the US Department of Justice charged three men of spying for Saudi by digging up private user data of suspected dissidents and passing it to Riyadh in exchange for money and luxury watches.

A complaint accuses Ali Alzabarah and Ahmad Abouammo, who used to work for Twitter, and Ahmed Almutairi, who then worked for the Saudi royal family, in a spy ring that tapped data from some 6,000 accounts.

The 24-page document does not name Asaker or the crown prince directly. Instead, prosecutors refer to "Foreign Official-1, who subsequently (in early 2015) became the head of Royal Family Member-1's private office."

The Washington Post, which broke the story, and The New York Times, have identified the "official" as Asaker and the "royal" as Crown Prince bin Salman, who is the kingdom's de facto ruler and is better known as MbS.

Asaker runs MbS' private office and heads the prince's Misk Foundation, a charity promoting entrepreneurship among young Saudis that partners with Bloomberg, the United Nations and its cultural arm, Unesco, to host glitzy symposiums in New York, Paris and elsewhere.

The complaint describes Asaker cultivating Twitter employees and paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars to discover the email addresses and other private details related to Twitter accounts that had criticised the kingdom.

It was not the first time that Asaker has made headlines for his non-philanthropic work – by James Reinl


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Twitter ‘gave Saudi Arabia information about journalist who ended up dead’

Twitter has come under fire after another dissident journalist was reportedly tortured and killed in Saudi Arabia.

Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Jasser was arrested on March 15 for allegedly running a Twitter account called Kashkool, which exposed human rights violations by Saudi authorities and royals.

He then died while being tortured in detention, The New Khaleej states – prompting fresh outrage over an alleged leak of information that lead to his capture.

‘They got his information from the Twitter office in Dubai. That is how he was arrested,’ a source, who wishes to remain anonymous, told

‘Twitter has become insecure for dissidents or critics. Everyone speaks under threat and pressure.

‘The accounts of Saudi dissidents are spied on. We are not safe using Twitter.’

The source also claimed that Saud al-Qahtani, the former adviser to the Royal Court, leads a ‘cyber spy ring’ and has contacts inside the Dubai Twitter office.

They allege that a so-called ‘Twitter mole’ handed over information on Al-Jasser, leading to his arrest earlier this year.

They’re not the only one. After news of Al-Jasser’s alleged death broke, many people began using the hashtag #TwitterKilledTurkiAlJasser in an attempt to call out the platform for being ‘unsafe’.

‘We want justice for activists who arrested because of Twitter,’ one person tweeted.

(B P)

It has been 20 months since #AbdulrahmanAlSadhan has been missing after his @Twitter account been identified by the #Saudi monarchy. Did the alleged Saudi spy Ahmad Abou Ammo help to arrest him? @FBISanFrancisco must help his #American family.


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REVEALED: Twitter boss met Mohammed bin Salman months after Saudi spy discovered

Meeting in June 2016 raises questions about what Jack Dorsey knew about Saudi infiltration and when he knew it

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey met with Mohammed bin Salman six months after the social media giant learned that a spy, directed by the Saudi leader’s close associate, had infiltrated the company.

Lawyers for one of the Saudi dissidents targetted in the operation say Dorsey and Mohammed bin Salman's meeting raises questions about what the CEO of Twitter, a company which has seen massive Saudi investment in recent years, knew and when he knew it.

In December 2015, according to a complaint filed in a US district court in California last month, Twitter discovered that one of its engineers, a Saudi citizen named Ali Alzabarah, had been accessing the personal data of users.

A week later, the company warned several dozen users that their accounts were among a small group that “may have been targeted by state-sponsored actors”.

Yet in June 2016, Dorsey sat down with the then-deputy crown prince, reportedly discussing how the two could cooperate to “train and qualify Saudi cadres” and chatting about technology investments.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(A P)

Uber-Chef vergleicht Mord an Khashoggi mit Auto-Unfall

(A P)

Uber CEO says he was wrong to call Khashoggi killing a 'mistake'

(B P)

Unearthed: An exchange between accused #Saudi spy #Ahmad Abou Ammo if @Twitter& murdered @washingtonpost columnist #Jamal Khashoggi reveals a meeting between them in 2013

referring to

cp9 USA

(B P)

Film by Rep. Ro Khanna: Evan, a Scout in Troop 408, wrote into my office to ask for my thoughts on Saudi arms sales. We have to end the Saudi blockade in Yemen and stop this humanitarian crisis.

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7 ways to sell US arms abroad without losing your soul

America’s military might, technology, and diplomacy must support human rights and the rule of law around the world—not undermine them.

For more than four years and under the last two administrations, the US has sold the bombs most responsible for killing civilians and destroying critical infrastructure in Yemen, the world’s largest humanitarian crisis. While opposition from Congress has mounted over time—culminating in the adoption of 22 resolutions of disapproval of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates earlier this year—President Trump vetoed all of them.

As of this writing, these weapons of war are on track for delivery to further inflame the conflict. Sales of rocket launchers and attack helicopters to the government of Bahrain as well as Super Tucano aircraft to the government of Nigeria have raised similar concerns, yet to much disappointment, the sales move forward.

For whoever is elected President in 2020, the sale of arms abroad is a moral dilemma requiring values-driven leadership and an opportunity to enhance respect for human rights across the globe. The US currently accounts for more than one-third of the total international arms export market. And over half of US arms sales in the past five years have gone to the Middle East, driving conflict and enabling human rights abuses.

Here are seven actions the next President can take to defend human rights and equality and take steps to ensure Dignity for All. – by Scott Paul, Oxfam

(A P)

Elizabeth Warren slams US arms sales to Saudi Arabia, UAE

Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren on Thursday slammed US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Her comments came following a CNN investigation on Wednesday revealing that a shipment of military hardware from the US had arrived at the port of Aden in Yemen.
The Senator tweeted that it was clear that weapons made in the US were being deployed by government forces in Yemen.

She expressed her disdain of US-involvement in the arms-trade

(A P)

Bond stayed for ex-Twitter employee accused of spying for Saudi Arabia

A ruling by a U.S. judge granting bond on Friday to a former Twitter (TWTR.N) employee accused of spying for Saudi Arabia was stayed after U.S. prosecutors said they appealed the decision.

My remark: More in cp8.

(? B P)

How a Former Twitter Employee Became an Accused Saudi Spy

Ahmad Abouammo has been charged with acting as an agent of the Saudi Arabian government (paywalled)

(B P)

In return visit to Pittsburgh, longtime ambassador in Mideast laments U.S. policy

Former U.S. Ambassador to Yemen Gerald Feierstein spent over four decades traveling around the world.

“The United States is in its weakest position in the Middle East region, at least since 1979” — when the Iran hostage crisis began — “and quite possibly the weakest position that it’s ever been in,” he said.

Feierstein stated that the decline in U.S. influence in the Middle East did not begin with the Trump administration. “But the downward spiral has undoubtedly accelerated over the past three years,” he said, citing missteps that have deepened regional doubts about U.S. commitment. Russia and China have both moved aggressively to fill the vacuum.

The missteps, he said, include the Trump administration’s inability to formulate a long-term strategy to eliminate violent extremism in the Middle East.

Feierstein was even more critical of Trump’s Iran policy, citing the administration’s attempts to force Iran to negotiate a new agreement to improve on the abandoned nuclear deal.

“Eighteen months into the administration’s maximum pressure campaign, it’s reasonably safe to say that the initiative is in a shambles,” said Feierstein.

My comment: What does he really want to tell? That there should be more US interventionism, or what??

(B P T)

Rezension von: Gregory Johnsen: Trump and Counterterrorism in Yemen. Sana‘a: Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies, Februar 2019.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Rouhani: Iran to Stay in JCPOA, Reap Benefits When UN Arms Embargo ends next Year

President Hassan Rouhani says Iran intends to stay in the 2015 nuclear deal despite US violations, arguing that the accord will be put to good use next year when a long-running arms embargo against Tehran comes to an end.

Rouhani said Monday Iran could respond to America's exit from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in different manners, including leaving the deal altogether or keeping it at any price, but it decided to take the middle-ground option.

"By continuing the JCPOA, we will fulfill a major objective in terms of politics, security and defense," he told a large crowd of people during a visit to the eastern province of Kerman.

(A P)

Atomstreit: Maas droht Iran mit Sanktionen

Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas droht dem Iran wegen Verstößen gegen das internationale Atomabkommen (JCPOA) mit dem Start eines Verfahrens, das zu einer Wiedereinführung von europäischen Wirtschaftssanktionen führen könnte.

Mein Kommentar: Maas stellt die Fakten auf den Kopf. Da die USA im Widerspruch zum Atomabkommen Sanktionen gegen den Iran verhängt haben, gibt das Abkommen dem Iran ausdrücklich das Recht, sich nicht mehr an die Auflagen des Abkommens zu halten. Da die EU den USA nicht in die Quere kommen will, hat sie selbst mittlerweile gegen das Abkommen verstoßen – indem sie es bisher nicht fertiggebracht hat, den Zahlungsverkehr zwischen der EU und dem Iran zu regeln. EU-Sanktionen gegen den Iran wären in diesem Fall ein eindeutiger Vertragsbruch. Und weiter:

(A P)

Mogherini: EU hält an Atomabkommen mit Iran fest

Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini kündigte im Zusammenhang mit den jüngsten Schritten des Iran rund um das Atomabkommen an, dass die EU auf einen Bericht der IAEA-Kontrollore reagieren werde. Dieser wird in Kürze erwartet. Jedenfalls hielten die EU und die Mitgliedsstaaten am Atomabkommen fest: „Auch wenn es immer schwieriger wird, es einzuhalten“, sagte Mogherini heute in Brüssel.

„Wir wünschen uns weiter eine vollumfängliche Umsetzung des Abkommens“, betonte die Außenbeauftragte. In den kommenden Tagen werde mit anderen Vertragsparteien gesprochen, wie der Iran wieder auf einen richtigen Weg gebracht werden könne.

Mein Kommentar: Der Iran ist angesichts der US-Sanktionen immer noch „auf dem richtigen Weg“, auf dem Boden des Vertrags. Überlegungen, „wie der Iran wieder auf einen richtigen Weg gebracht werden könne“, sind absurd. Sinn würde hier nur ergeben, wenn es darum ginge, „wie die USA wieder auf einen richtigen Weg gebracht werden könne“, aber das ist mit der USA-hörigen EU nicht zu machen.

(* B P)

The New Middle East That’s Coming: End of American Empire?

The fallout from the September attack on Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facilities is continuing to reverberate throughout the Middle East, sidelining old enmities — sometimes for new ones — and re-drawing traditional alliances.

After years of bitter rivalry, the Saudis and the Iranians are considering how they can dial down their mutual animosity. The formerly powerful Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) of Persian Gulf monarchs is atomizing because Saudi Arabia is losing its grip. And Washington’s former domination of the region appears to be in decline.

Some of these developments are long-standing, pre-dating the cruise missile and drone assault that knocked out 50 percent of Saudi Arabia’s oil production. But the double shock — Turkey’s lunge into Syria and the September missile attack — is accelerating these changes.

Saudi Arabia’s Slow Backpedal

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan recently flew to Iran and then on to Saudi Arabia to lobby for détente between Teheran and Riyadh and to head off any possibility of hostilities between the two countries.

Without outside investment, the Saudis have to use their oil revenues, but the price per barrel is below what the kingdom needs to fulfill its budget goals, and world demand is falling off.

Riyadh is also losing allies.

Turkey’s Checked Ambitions in Syria

The Middle East That’s Coming

The Middle East that is emerging from the current crisis may be very different than the one that existed before those cruise missiles and drones tipped over the chessboard.

The Yemen war might finally end. Iran may, at least partly, break out of the political and economic blockade that Saudi Arabia, the U.S., and Israel has imposed on it. Syria’s civil war will recede.

And the Americans, who have dominated the Middle East since 1945, will become simply one of several international players in the region, along with China, Russia, India, and the European Union – by Conn M. Hallinan

(A P)

DM Rejects Netanyahu's Claim about Iran's Missile Assistance to Yemen

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami dismissed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's allegations that Tehran has sent long-range missiles to Yemen, stressing that the Yemeni army enjoys the capability to produce different missiles itself.

"The Yemeni people are a smart, resistance and powerful nation and whatever they have used so far have been their own innovations," General Hatami told reporters in Tehran on Monday.

He added that Iran helps Yemen with playing an advisory role, and stated, "The Yemeni nation's rights have been trampled upon and a large number of tolls have been inflicted on them by the siege and different attacks and therefore, we help the Yemeni people only through an advisory role."

(* A P)

UAE expects 'decisive' twelve months ahead for region

Dr. Gargash made the case for a new regional order, underpinned by a renewal of Arab states and values.

UAE expects 'decisive' twelve months ahead, Dr. Anwar Gargash, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said on Sunday as he addressed the sixth annual Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate, hosted by the Emirates Policy Centre.

In his speech, Dr. Gargash reviewed regional developments and expressed optimism regarding the potential for significant progress over the next year, noting, "We have reached critical junctures in major conflicts and challenges across our region."


On Iran, Dr. Gargash emphasised the necessity of diplomacy and de-escalation. He called for policymakers to explore constructive ideas, saying that they are needed now more than ever in order to create a "new, more stable regional order in which all countries will be able to thrive." He added that any process should include Arab Gulf states to ensure it is long term and sustainable.

Houthis have a role in Yemen's future

Conflict resolution in Arab world

Dr. Gargash made the case for a new regional order, underpinned by a renewal of Arab states and values, with a strong moderate core. Referring to the successful example of Sudan's transition, he said, "We need to be ready to act in unison to resolve conflicts between states, and to encourage countries to resolve any internal conflicts through political dialogue."

My comment: This actually sounds quite reasonable and better than it sounds here:

(A P)

Gargash: Escalation with Iran 'serves no one, collective diplomacy needed'

Iran should come to the table to talk about a new deal that tackles its nuclear programme, ballistic missiles and regional interference, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Gargash said on Sunday.

Tension remains high over Tehran’s collapsing nuclear deal with world powers, which the US unilaterally withdrew from over a year ago.

The September attacks on two Saudi Aramco oil facilities, which Riyadh and Washington believe were conducted by Iran, have only worsened the situation.

“For such a process to work, it is essential that the international community is on the same page, especially the US and the EU, as well as the Arab Gulf states,” Dr Gargash said during the annual Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate.

(A P)

Iran: No decision yet on leaving Non-Proliferation Treaty

Iran says it has not yet decided to pull out of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) amid its rollback of commitments under the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Sunday that Iran's steps in partially suspending its obligations in response to the United States and Europe are "calculated."

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has made no decision yet on leaving the NPT," he told reporters in Tehran during a weekly news briefing.

"Iran has worked out different scenarios and will implement its intended measures based on time requirements and measures taken by the opposite side," he added.


(A P)


Iran’s ambassador to the United Kingdom has insisted that leaving the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, known as the NPT, would not benefit the country even considering that it has not enjoyed benefits of an international agreement that has imposed restrictions on its peaceful nuclear program.

Hamid Baeidinejad said in a post on Twitter on Saturday that the failure to save Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with global powers, known as the JCPOA, would embolden those who want Tehran to end its commitment to the NPT.

“The failure of the JCPOA naturally would strengthen the idea that Iran should leave the NPT due to inability to enjoy its rights on peaceful nuclear technology,” read part of the tweet which was posted by Baeidinejad to clarify his remarks in a briefing with journalists earlier this week.

(* B P)

Reining in the Rogue Royal of Arabia

If the crown prince of Saudi Arabia has in mind a war with Iran, President Trump should disabuse his royal highness of any notion that America would be doing his fighting for him.

Mohammed bin Salman, or MBS, the 32-year-old son of the aging and ailing King Salman, is making too many enemies for his own good, or for ours.

Pledging to Westernize Saudi Arabia, he has antagonized the clerical establishment. Among the 200 Saudis he just had arrested for criminal corruption are 11 princes, the head of the National Guard, the governor of Riyadh, and the famed investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

The Saudi tradition of consensus collective rule is being trashed.

MBS is said to be pushing for an abdication by his father and his early assumption of the throne. He has begun to exhibit the familiar traits of an ambitious 21st-century autocrat in the mold of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.

Yet his foreign adventures are all proving to be debacles.

Riyadh has now imposed a virtual starvation blockade — land, sea and air — on Yemen, that poorest of Arab nations that is heavily dependent on imports for food and medicine. Hundreds of thousands of Yemeni are suffering from cholera. Millions face malnutrition.

The U.S. interest here is clear: no new war in the Middle East, and a negotiated end to the wars in Yemen and Syria.

Hence, the United States needs to rein in the royal prince.

Yet, on his Asia trip, Trump said of the Saudi-generated crisis, “I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing.”

Do they? In October, Jared Kushner made a trip to Riyadh, where he reportedly spent a long night of plotting Middle East strategy until 4 a.m. with MBS.

No one knows how a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran would end

In an all-out war with Iran, Saudi Arabia could not prevail without U.S. support. And should Riyadh fail, the regime would be imperiled. As World War I, with the fall of the Romanov, Hohenzollern, Hapsburg and Ottoman empires demonstrated, imperial houses do not fare well in losing wars.

So far out on a limb has MBS gotten himself, with his purge of cabinet ministers and royal cousins, and his foreign adventures, it is hard to see how he climbs back without some humiliation that could cost him the throne.

Yet we have our own interests here. And we should tell the crown prince that if he starts a war in Lebanon or in the Gulf, he is on his own. We cannot have this impulsive prince deciding whether or not the United States goes to war again in the Middle East.

We alone decide that – by Patrick J. Buchanan

(A P)

UAE calls on Iran to seek new deal with world powers, region

Iran should come to the negotiating table with world powers and Gulf countries to seek a new deal that would deescalate regional tensions and revive its economy, a senior UAE official said on Sunday.

“Further escalation at this point serves no one and we strongly believe that there is room for collective diplomacy to succeed,” UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said in a speech in Abu Dhabi.
He warned against a “false choice” between war and the “flawed” atomic deal.

My comment: The atomic deal never had been “flawed”, as it fully succeeded in reaching what it should: Limit Iranian possibilities to build a nuclear bomb – by strict rules, by strict controlles and by Iran keeping to these rules, as it had done.

(A P)

US irate as Iran bars IAEA inspector over traces of explosive nitrates

The US has reacted with fury to Iran's blocking of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspector who tested positive for suspected traces of explosive nitrates.

Speaking at a special meeting of the IAEA's 35-nation Board of Governors in Vienna on Thursday, Iranian Ambassador Kazem Gharibabadi said a detector for explosive nitrates went off when the inspector attempted to enter the Natanz uranium enrichment plant on October 28.

“The detector’s alarm went off and it was signaling to a specific person,” he said. “They (the authorities) have repeated this procedure again and again, and unfortunately, the results were the same all the way for only that specific inspector.”

Gharibabadi noted that the woman "sneaked out" to the bathroom while officials looked for a female employee to search her.

After her return, he added, the alarms did not go off again, but authorities found contamination in the bathroom and later on her empty handbag during a house search.

The Iranian official also expressed hope that further tests by Iran and the IAEA would explain what happened.

and also

(A P)

FM Zarif says door still open to talks despite nuclear commitment cuts

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the country has left the door open for negotiations over the fate of the 2015 nuclear deal despite its decision to further scale back its nuclear commitments.

Speaking to IRIB on Friday night, Zarif referred to the country's recent decision to implement the fourth phase of reducing its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in reaction to the US' withdrawal from the deal and Europe's failure to fulfill its side of the bargain.

(A P)

Fordow enrichment capacity reaching pre-JCPOA levels, to increase gradually: Iran

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has confirmed that the Fordow facility is now enriching uranium at almost the same levels before the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The rate will increase "gradually" as part of the country's new step away from the 2015 nuclear deal in response to violations by the United States, AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said Saturday.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s frozen-conflict tactics

Saudi Arabia is suspending its assertive foreign policy, seeking to prevent an escalation in tensions.

However, this domestic IPO still somewhat addresses Mohammad bin Salman’s priorities: raising capital for the Public Investment Fund to support Vision 2030 economic diversification initiatives; and consolidating his decision-making model based on a “can do” mentality, in spite of established traditions. On a more strategic level, the operation is symbolically important as an attempt to turn the page on a narrative on Saudi Arabia that has prevailed since the attacks against Aramco infrastructure at Abqaiq and Khurais in September 2019

As Saudi Arabia would never initiate a formal escalation or rise in tensions into a full-blown conflict with Iran, Riyadh formally resorted to a narrative of strategic patience, endorsing further US sanctions and insisting that economic pressure would bring Iran back to the negotiating table from a position of weakness. At the same time, the September attack rang alarm bells: betting so much on the non-interventionist Trump to confront Iran could be counterproductive.

Thus, Saudi Arabia, actively seeks either de-escalation or a halt to the rise in tensions. Riyadh has responded to conciliatory messages by Tehran via the Pakistani prime minister, Imran Khan. The assumption is that there is unlikely to be another attack while attempts at dialogue continue.

Saudi Arabia has seized the opportunity to re-open direct talks with the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen

While this less adventurist trend began in late 2018 – when members of the old guard such as Minister of State Musaib al-Aiban regained key positions Saudi government, in the aftermath of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder – it has accelerated in the past two months. Many of these developments appear to be tactical rather than strategic, but Europeans should take this chance to try to push Gulf players one step forward in the very long and tortuous process of establishing a sustainable détente.

Indeed, Riyadh accepts that diplomacy and negotiations are the only sustainable way forward for regional powers, if they are to coexist in a shifting geopolitical reality.

(A P)

Larijani: Menschenrechte sind keine westliche Ware

Der Generalsekretär des Hohen Rates für Menschenrechte, Mohammad Javad Larijani, sagte, dass Teheran an der Front im Kampf gegen Terrorismus stehe. „Menschenrechte sind keine westliche Ware. Es verwurzelt in unserem Glauben an islamischen Rationalismus.“

In Bezug auf das Thema „Demokratie“ in Iran sagte er am Freitag auf der 34. Tagung von „Universal Periodic Review“ in der schweizerischen Stadt Genf, dass Demokratie eine große Errungenschaft für die iranische Gesellschaft sei.

Der Iran genieße in den letzten 40 Jahren Demokratie, stellte er fest.

Mein Kommentar: Nun ja. Wohl nur, wenn man Saudi-Arabien als Vergleich nimmt.

(* A P)

Iran’s Human Rights Record Wins Overwhelming Praise in UN

A total of 95 countries heaped praise on Iran's human rights record, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Qatar and Oman.

Iran’s human rights performance was overwhelmingly applauded by delegates to the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) during the body’s Universal Periodic Review of the Islamic Republic’s record on Friday, according to UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization.

The HRC’s Friday hearing was attended by representatives of 111 countries, with 95 of them lauding Iran’s human rights record. Iran was instrumental in the fight against Daesh* (ISIS), sending troops to Iraq and Syria to defeat the Sunni extremist group, which had targeted local Shiites.

Iran's rights record was specifically lauded by North Korea, Qatar, Belarus, Malaysia, Iraq, Oman, Indonesia and the Palestinian Authority.

My comment: Hmmmmmmmmm. Being praised by Northern Korea certainly will not be a great hit.

(* B P)

From 2017: Iran's Security Dilemma in The Middle East: A Neorealist Approach to Iran's Foreign Policy in Syria

Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East has often been analyzed through the lenses of religion which seen as an inseparable component of state identity of Iran. Iran’s foreign policy actions in the region have often been interpreted as suspicious as well as posing ideological and sectarian threat by the other Middle East countries that have Shia minorities/majorities in their territories. At that point, Syria war constitutes a relevant example to analyze the determinants of Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East. This study attempts at applying neorealism to analyze the motivations of Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East. It argues that Iran’s foreign policy in Syria needs to be seen beyond the discourse of proxy war; rather it aims at securing Iran’s regional power bases as well as projecting Iranian power to Syria and across the region – by Hazal Muslu El Berni

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

GKKE fordert Waffenembargo an Jemenkriegskoalition

Die Gemeinsame Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung fordert einen langfristigen Stopp deutscher Rüstungsexporte an die am Jemen-Krieg beteiligten Staaten und den Einsatz der Bundesregierung für ein EU-Waffenembargo an diese Länder.

(A H P)

Zwei Monate Duldung für jemenitische Familie in Bosau

Nach einer von der Bundespolizei gestoppten Abschiebung auf dem Hamburger Flughafen hat eine sechsköpfige jemenitische Flüchtlingsfamilie aus dem Kreis Ostholstein zwei Monate Duldung bis Januar erhalten. Die Ausländerbehörde Ostholstein habe am Montag der Familie diese Duldungszeit eingeräumt

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp12b Sudan

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

US offers $10m reward for information on Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen

One of those wanted, Saad bin Atef Al Awlaki, leads the terror group in Shabwah province

The United States offered a reward of up to $10 million (Dh36.7m) for information on two leaders of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

The State Department said it would pay up to $6m for Saad bin Atef Al Awlaki, head of the terrorist group's operations in Yemen’s Shabwah province, and up to $4m for Ibrahim Ahmed Al Qosi who assists AQAP’s overall leader.

The two men have publicly called for attacks against the US.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Houthi’s speech proves his loyalty to Iran, says [Hadi gov.] Info. Minister

Minister of Information Mua’mer al-Iryani said Houthi militia leader’s recent statements should have disrupted the argument raised recently about the possibility to cut the umbilical cord that connects the militia with the mullah regime in Teheran and rehabilitate the militia”.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency,Saba, al-Iryani went on saying in his recent televised address the so-called Abdulmalik al-Houthi has demonstrated his absolute obedience and loyalty to his masters in Tahern”.

(A P)

Riyadh Agreement sends a message of peace

Saudi Arabia seeks the safety, security and stability of Yemen. That is what has propelled it to help its southern neighbor for many decades.

Saudi Arabia led the Arab coalition in Yemen at the invitation of the country’s internationally recognized legitimate government. The primary and ultimate goal of the coalition was, and still is, to restore the legitimate government to power in Sanaa and to reverse the coup carried out by the Iran-aligned Houthis.

(A P)

Al-Yaum: Riyadh Agreement has Terrified Tehran's Rulers

The Saudi daily newspaper Al-Yaum said in its editorial that the bloody events in Iraq and the crises in Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon are mainly caused by the Iranian interference in those countries, adding that the international community has warned of the consequences of such interference.
The paper said that the Iranian interference is intended only to destabilize the sovereignty of the countries and the region and to extend the influence of the Iranian regime to pass its old dream of establishing the so-called Persian Empire.
The paper added that the wise decisions that resulted from the Riyadh agreement under the auspices of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the presence of the Yemeni President, where all Yemeni parties agreed to end and settle disputes in the south, has panicked and terrified the minds of the rulers of Tehran who do not want peace in Yemen.

(A P)

Yemen- Riyadh agreement cuts the way on Iranian extend in Yemen

The Iranian Foreign Ministry's rejection of the Riyadh agreement signed recently between the transitional council and the Yemeni government, according to observers, reveled fears from influence decline and expansion in Yemen. And the Yemeni observers mentioned that Iran has been hit hard by the Riyadh agreement between the transitional council and the legitimate government, especially that it will work on uniting Yemeni forces against any current or future Iranian interference.

(A P)

Official: Houthis’ manage their military operations from Hodeida

The governor of Hodeida, Al-Hasan Taher said that the Houthis have moved their operations’ center from Sa’ada to Hodeida.

He explained that Iranian experts assist the Houthis in Hodeida to implement their terror operations that target commercial vessels in the territorial waters.

He added that that Iranian experts advised the relocation of the operations’ center from Sa’ada to Hodeida to use the coastal areas of smuggling weapons and drugs as well as for threatening the maritime navigation in the Red Sea.

Taher indicated that coastal areas of Hodeida including Al-Dhahi, Al-Luhaya and Al-Zaydya are being used for the trafficking operations.

My comment: This seems to be a new propaganda campaign:

(A P)

Houthis plan to fail UN-peace efforts in Hodeida

Pro-government military sources said on Sunday that the Houthis have started a plot to fail the United Nations (UN)-peace efforts in Hodeida, the Saudi state-run Okaz Daily Newspaper reported.

The sources indicated that the Houthis militants have sent huge military reinforcements from Sana’a to Hodeida.

The Houthis leadership has tasked six of their military leaders to lead the anticipated new battle of Hodeida.

(A P)

Riyadh Deal a Step Towards Stability in Yemen: Gulf Today

The United Arab Emirates has been exerting strenuous efforts to ease the suffering of Yemenis through improving humanitarian conditions, regaining security, and supporting them throughout the crisis.
For its part, the UAE has reaffirmed its support for a resolution to the Yemeni crisis and to stabilise the country and its security through joined Arab efforts.
The editorial further described the role played by the Saudi Kingdom in Yemen as praiseworthy, for it represents a central pillar of security in the Arab and Gulf region.
The UAE has also underscored the importance of Yemeni forces joining hands and prioritising the higher national interest to revert the effects of destruction that Yemen has faced, primarily from the Houthi militias.
"It is well known that the UAE and Saudi Arabia share historically special bonds of love, brotherhood, and unity," the editorial added.
The UAE has provided around $5.59 billion in foreign assistance to Yemen between April 2015 and June 2019.

(A P)

Neither the US nor Israel knows for sure when Iran will have a nuclear weapon

The predictions of US Secretary of State and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Nov. 7 that Iran may have a nuclear weapon within a year were more an expression of concern over the reactivation of the under Fordow enrichment site than a forecast based on solid data. The identical one-year prediction was heard in 2012 and nothing was done about it – either by the US or Israel.

It may be said that neither of their intelligence agencies knows for sure when Iran will advance to an operational nuclear capacity – or even where its nukes are to be cached. After all, neither had advance knowledge of Iran’s plan to let loose 25 cruise missiles and exploding drones against Saudi Arabia’s oil fields and processing plant on September 14, until the moment it happened. Can they do better to discover the moment that Iran’s nuclear program is weaponized?

This week, Massimo Aparo, the top inspector of the international nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, summoned a special board meeting to discuss Iran’s failure to level with inspectors on the source of the “man-made and natural uranium particles” found in a secret warehouse in Tehran that was uncovered last year in a daring Israeli Mossad operation to smuggle out Iran’s atomic archive. How many more secret nuclear facilities remain undiscovered in Iran?

(A P)

Houthi militia commits 25 thousand human rights violations in Sana’a

The Minister of State and Mayor of the capital Sana’a revealed that the Iran backed Houthi coup militia has committed 25,714 violations and crimes against citizens in the capital Sana’a since 2017.

Major General Abdulghani Jamail said as he launched the human rights report entitled “Under Poverty Line” prepared by the Human Rights Office in the capital Sana’a, the violations and crimes of the Houthi militia are increasing day by day and year by year. =

and also

This is by the Hadi government and another Mayor without city. This smells like propaganda.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Nov. 10:

Nov. 9:

Nov. 8:

Nov. 7:

Nov. 6:

(A K pS)

Coalition fighter jets hit Houthis in Hajjah

Military field sources that the Arab Coalition airstrikes pounded Houthi gatherings, positions and military vehicles in Abs district, inflicting heavy human and material losses on the ranks of the pro-Iran rebels.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(* A K pS)

New Houthi massacre against children in Taiz

The Iran-baked Houthi militia committed on Monday a new carnage in Taiz that resulted in the death and injury of five children.

A rocket fired by the rebel militia hit a populated house in Al-Selw district killing a little girl and critically wounding four others boys, local sources told September Net.

The death toll is expected to rise as all the injured are in critical conditions, added the sources.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih district.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Munabbi district.

(A K pS)

Child killed in a projectile explosion in Taiz

A Yemeni child was killed on Sunday by an explosive remnant of war left behind by the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Taiz Governorate, southwest of the country.

Local sources told September Net that Ahmed Munir Qasem a 12-year-old boy was killed today in the explosion, in Al-Selw district southeast of Taiz Governorate.

He was playing in his farm in the area when the Houthi-left projectile exploded, said the sources.

and also

(A K pS)

3 #children were the victims of #Houthi planted #landmines in #Yemen. Maresh, 6 yrs was killed while his brother Hamam,7 yrs & another girl, 6yrs, were injured while they were tending sheep in Nehm - east #Sanaa.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih and Munabbih districts, damaging civilians' properties.

(A K pS)

Film: A team of joint forces inspects the MSF hospital which was hit by Houthi shelling in Mokha

My remark: Earlier reporting: Yemen War Mosaic 596, 595, cp17.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

Film: Second batch graduation of training course in the embroidery field for rural women

Takaful Foundation for Charity and Development and Marayem Al Khair team held the graduation ceremony of the second batch of training course in sewing and embroidery field for rural women yesterday at Jabal Habashi Directorate in Taiz province, southwest Yemen, and the celebration permeated an exhibition of the designs of the graduates of the training course, which included 24 trainees.

(B D)

Mashaqer in Taiz: Fragrant Ornaments and the Rituals of Life and Death

Ezzadeen Mohammed stands every morning by the Grand Gate in Taiz city, south west Yemen. He carefully lines up bundles of mashaqer[1] and sprays them with water to maintain their fresh green color and aromatic scent. For 20 years, he says, he has sold mashaqer at this very spot. This place is a destination for anyone who wants to buy mashaqer.

When you enter Taiz through the Grand Gate, the second gate to Taiz after the Moussa Gate, you face the city’s markets, mosques and shops. The first thing that catches your attention, though, is the corner where mashaqer are sold. This is where Ezzadeen sells his bundles.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-596 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-596: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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