Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 599 - Yemen War Mosaic 599

Yemen Press Reader 599: 19. Nov. 2019: Foltergefängnis der Islah-Partei – Opfer von Landminen – Seuchen breiten sich weiter aus: Denguefieber, Cholera, Malaria – "Huthis" beschlagnahmen Schiffe

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Nov. 19, 2019: Islah Party torture prison – Victims of landmines – Diseases are spreading: Dengue fever, cholera, malaria – "Houthis" seizing ships – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Houthis beschlagnahmen Schiffe / Houthis seizing ships

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B P)

Guantanamo “Marib” Killing With Whips, Psychological And Physical Torture, Sexual Abuses

Al-Murtadha the head of the prisoners committees announced on his Twitter page that three prisoners were killed in Marib prisons under torture ”Khalid Al-Qurashi, Mohammed Al-Mahbashi and Ahmad Jahmous”. He stressed that the repetition of these crimes indicates that they are directed by the highest leaders in the countries of aggression and their mercenaries.

Sam Organization For Rights and Liberties (independent human rights organization) monitored during the four years of the war on Yemen more than three thousand cases of torture in prisons, of which (800) cases only in 2018, some practiced individually and others collectively which some of them led to death according to last year July report.

According to the report, “the number of civilians killed under torture during this period amounted to 158 cases, including 56 cases in 2018, including 30 deaths in prisons affiliated with the legitimate forces other than Taiz, in which 10 prisoners were killed in the prisons controlled by the UAE”

The areas of legitimacy that are not mentioned in Sam report and they are likely to be in Marib.

Sam Organization cited a number of methods of torture practiced against detainees in these prisons, including: »kicking, beatings with batons and metal bars, burning, deprivation of food and water, also included the executions phantom, suspension for long hours, sexual harassment the use of sniffer dogs, burial pits sand, the use of drugs stimulant, spraying with cold water, deprivation of the visit, and mock trials.

The “Humanity Eye” Center for Rights and Development (Sana’a-based human rights organization) monitored 14 prisons in Marib governorate where prisoners and detainees are subjected to various types of physical , psychological torture, the dispossession of money sent to them by the people, exposure to insults, ridicule, burning, ironing, electric shocks, nails, erosion and health neglect ,and the prevention from preforming of religious rites.

“At al-Saleh Prison they were only giving us two minutes to defecate” said al-Wattari. “Abu Farouk (an interrogator) assaulted a prisoner while he was in the toilet in the bathroom because of his delay, and he repeated this with several prisoners. “We saw him kicking them from their behind naked outside” he added.

The released detainees tell the details of their transfer between the prisons.” They moved us blindfolded on the back of vehicles to transport soldiers where the crowd twice the number and then put them on them Tarbal (flexible plastic cover) shielded them from the sun and the gunmen step on their necks.”

“They went out every evening, took our clothes off and put us on mosquitoes” he says. ” five people kicked me on my kidneys, chest, and even my face” he added.

Torture continued for some prisoners and detainees for three years, even with the end of the investigation period, which led some of them to attempt suicide, as confirmed (11) prisoners who escaped from Marib prisons, who spoke to the investigator.

“Many of the detainees tried to commit suicide late at night by trying to hang themselves in clothes” says one

During the interrogation, torture intensifies in an attempt to extract confessions from prisoners and detainees, after which they are forced to sign many papers they do not know the content of.

Sexual And Physical Torture

Some detainees in Marib were subjected to sexual torture in different ways.

According to some survivors. “They put a broomstick in the anus of one of the detainees to extract a confession” says a survivor.

Another survivor adds “Tying the testicles, hanging five liters of water on them, trying to sexually assault two teenagers, and beating them violently because they shouted loudly at that attempt.”

The executioners, who used fame names to camouflage their real names, carried out repeated torture parties against detainees and prisoners. “They beat a prisoner with a stick on his head until he fainted, and every day he lost his balance as he rose to the bathroom.

Abu Qasha’a, another executioner, was coming to prison every three days, one day he beat one of the prisoners while praying, while Abu Laith whipped the inmates of Al-Saleh Institute on Eid al-Adha because they demanded better food for Eid, as some survivors confirmed.

Mental Illness

Many prisoners and detainees are suffering psychological conditions because of the torture. “They were handcuffing and assaulting people, including a young economics graduate – Syria, who was in a psychological state of aggression,” says Mustafa al-Matari. In the PSO prison, more than 30 patients were mentally ill, according to survivors.

The living conditions of prisoners and detainees in Marib prisons are no different from the health, psychological and physical conditions. Survivors say each detainee only has two liters of water in the bathroom per day, while the same amount is reserved for a whole cell for drink.

“We kept days and nights of hunger,” said Mustafa sadly. “The bread was rotten.” Majid adds: “The small salty piece of cheese came to us one day a week and each room a piece.” “Some insects were in our food.”


We now have sufficient evidence of physical, psychological and sexual torture of prisoners and detainees in Marib prisons and detention centers, which “are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood under the umbrella of legitimacy and supported by Saudi Arabia,” as Murtada accuses.

The author of the investigation confirmed, saying: We decided to confront the officials in the Ministry of Interior to allow them to respond to our own evidence, we initiated contact with them on the official figures of the ministry, it was said that «officials are abroad», we sent them by Social media ( WhatsApp and Senegal and Imo), for more than a month, no one responded.”

(* B K P)


September 2014 – June 2018

Executive Summary

Yemen is classified as a country contaminated by mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW), and suffers mainly from unexploded ordnance (UXO) as a result of the numerous conflicts that have occurred since 1962 to 2010, as reported by many international and local reports addressing mines.

Over the last four years, such a problem – which Yemen already suffers from - has been compounded by the fact that, since its coup on September 21, 2014, the Houthi-Saleh militia has used landmines intensively as one of the most important means and methods of warfare in its armed confrontation with the forces of the legitimate government in order to curb and hinder their progress in the areas the militia used to control and was later defeated or in the areas it still controls and expects to witness military confrontations with the government forces.

The monitoring process documented in this report included: the registration of (906) people killed by landmine explosions from September 2014 to June 2018. These deaths occurred in 19 out of the total of 22 Yemeni governorates. The highest death toll occurred in Taiz governorate, totaling (289), followed by other governorates such as Lahj, al-Dhale’, Marib and Aden. The number of men killed by landmines was (713), and (60) for women. A large number of children were killed, totaling (133). Civilians represent the largest number, totaling (665), of the total landmine casualties in Yemen during the reporting period. Most of the victims were killed by antipersonnel mines, totaling (654) and accounted for 72% of the total casualties.

(1034) injured victims of landmine explosions and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) planted by Houthi-Saleh militia were distributed to 17 governorates. Taiz governorate ranked highest in the number of injured, totaling (417), followed by some governorates such as Marib (136), Lahj (85), al-Bayda (70), Aden (61), Jawf (58), Shabwah (51), al-Dhale’ (36), Sana’a (36) and Abyan (26), as well as other governorates.

The number of men casualties reached (795), women (56) and children (183). The largest number of casualties were caused by antipersonnel mines (542), followed by anti-vehicle mines (AVM) reaching (477) and (15) who were wounded by (IEDs). The majority of landmine victims, whether killed, injured, disabled or maimed, were civilians.

The Houthi militia bears direct responsibility for such casualties, whether killed or injured, because they are responsible for the planting of thousands of landmines of various kinds in most of the areas from which they have withdrawn or are still under their control.

This report provides a number of recommendations on landmine a tion addressed to the international community, the Houthi group, the Yemeni government and the Arab Coalition forces to do their utmost to eliminate landmines of various kinds and reduce their effects.

if the link does not work, try via

My remark: This is by a strictly anti-Houthi, pro-Hadi government organization.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(** B H K)

Ministerium erklärt Gesundheitsnotstand – Malaria und Denguefieber auf dem Vormarsch im Jemen

Nach Informationen von JusticeNow! liegen bislang 116.522 Malariainfektionen, 500.000 Verdachtsfälle und 23.000 Fälle von Dengue vor. 51 Menschen sind bereits verstorben.

Am Dienstag rief das jemenitische Gesundheitsministerium in Sana’a laut Informationen von JusticeNow! „zur Kontrolle von Denguefieber, Malaria und Moskitoüberträgern den Gesundheitsnotstand“ aus. In den letzten Wochen kam es nach Angaben des von den Houthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Ministeriums im Nordwesten des Landes zu einer Welle von Infektionen, insbesondere ist hierbei Hodeida am Roten Meer betroffen, die wichtigste Hafenstadt des Landes, über die nahezu sämtliche Lebensmittelimporte und Hilfslieferungen ins Land kommen.

Bereits über 50 Tote

„116.522 bestätigte Malariainfektionen, dazu 500.000 Verdachtsfälle auf Malaria und 23.000 bestätigte Fälle von Denguefieber wurden gezählt“, so der Sprecher des Gesundheitsministeriums, Dr. Yousef Alhadri, gegenüber JusticeNow!. Bislang seien 51 Menschen an den Folgen beider Krankheiten verstorben.

Am Mittwoch war eine Delegation unter Leitung des Gesundheitsministers Dr. Taha al-Mutawakel in Hodeida, um nötige Schritte zu koordinieren. Es wurden bereits Ärzteteams aus der Hauptstadt Sana’a ins Hodeida-Direktorat transferiert, wie ein jemenitischer Journalist berichtet.

Das Ministerium nannte als Gründe für die Infektionswelle das heftige Einsetzen der „Regensaison und die Verschlechterung der Infrastruktur als Folge der Aggression“ (gemeint ist der viereinhalb Jahre währende Angriffskrieg Saudi-Arabiens und der Emirate gegen den Jemen).

Am Montag veröffentlichte Al-Jenani den Screenshot einer Excel-Tabelle lokaler Behörden, die die im Hodeida-Direktorat mit Malaria und Dengue Infizierten sowie die akkumulierten Todeszahlen im Zeitraum vom 27. Oktober bis 11. November auflistet (die Tabelle wurde für diesen Artikel übersetzt und konnte nachvollzogen werden). Aus Al-Jenanis Post geht hervor, dass „die Zahl der Todesfälle vergangene Woche 50 überschritten hat“, was die Opferzahlen der Website Yemen Story (53) und die Angaben des Houthi-Gesundheitsministeriums (51) stützt.

„Die meisten Krankheiten und Epidemien werden aus den Gebieten unter der Besatzung [Saudi-Arabiens und der Emirate] übertragen“, auf die die Houthis keinen Zugriff hätten, so das Gesundheitsministerium weiter gegenüber JusticeNow!. Dies deckt sich mit lokalen Medienberichten vom Montag, nach denen sich ein weiterer Hotspot der Malaria im Südwesten in Ta’iz befindet, das unter Kontrolle der Saudi-Emirate-Koalition ist. Diese kümmere sich nicht um die Müllabfuhr, wodurch sich der Müll in den Straßen stapele und so die Ausbreitung von Epidemien begünstige.

Epidemien als Kriegswaffe

Das Zentrum der gegenwärtigen Infektionswelle liegt in Hodeida, dessen Bedeutung für das buchstäbliche Überleben von 29 Millionen Menschen im Jemen kaum genug betont werden kann

Kriegsbedingt sind mehr als die Hälfte aller medizinischen Einrichtungen im Land außer Betrieb. Erst letzte Woche berichtete Ärzte ohne Grenzen, dass eines ihrer Krankenhäuser in Mokka am Roten Meer nach einem Angriff der Koalition zum Großteil zerstört wurde und geschlossen werden musste, obwohl – oder weil? – der Koalition die GPS-Koordinaten der Einrichtung mehrfach übermittelt wurden. Auch ein Zentrallager für medizinische Gebrauchsgüter wurde dabei zerstört. Behandlung zur Eindämmung der Dengue- und Malariainfektionen bleibt aus.

„Hunderttausende Menschen an der Westküste, die dringend medizinische Hilfe benötigen“, kommentiert Lise Grande, die Humanitäre Koordinatorin der UN für den Jemen, die Angriffe von Mokka, „sind wegen der Luftschläge von dieser Hilfe abgeschnitten“. – von Jakob Reimann =

(* B H)

Film: Dengue fever kills more people in Yemen

(* B H)

Killer diseases erupt in Houthi-held regions

The Yemeni Hodeidah governorate, which is dominated by Houthi rebels, is suffering from outbreaks of fatal diseases such as dengue fever and malaria, with the expectation of them spreading to more regions, according to a statement by the Hodeida Forum for Childhood and Youth (HFCY) on Saturday, November 17th.
“Dengue fever and malaria threaten Hodeidah’s inhabitants; Al Garrahi and Zubayed directorates are subjected to infection of the first degree while Taiz and Abyan are at the second. There are expectations that infection may extend to other regions,” the statement warned.
The Statistics of Epidemiological Surveillance Center reported that the number of people killed by dengue fever and malaria during October to mid-November is “more than 45 deaths of 8,000 cases, mostly of children in Al Garrahi directorate only,” the statement added.
The Yemeni Ministry of Health reported that 297 children are infected with malaria in Yemen. Hodeidah governorate is ranked the first, followed by Hajjah and Taiz governorates, all of which are under the control of Iranian-backed Houthi militias.

(* B H)

More cases of dengue appearing in Taiz governorate

2 girls die and 15 other confirmed cases of dengue fever detected north of Al-Mocha

Two girls died and 15 others were infected with dengue fever in what is becoming an epidemic in the Al-Mocha district in western Taiz governorate. Local sources told Al-Masdar online that a dengue epidemic has re-spread in recent days throughout the area.

According to the sources the two children Kamaria Abdo Yahya and Reinat Ali Abdodied on Thursday Nov. 14th, while 15 other cases, also children, were identified. Four of them are currently in critical condition, and are all from the area of Najiba in the Al-Jom’ah district northeast of Al-Mocha city.

(* B H)

158 suspected dengue cases recorded in Yemen's Marib in 2 weeks

A total of 158 suspected dengue cases have been recorded in Yemen's Marib Province in the past two weeks, pro-government media reported Sunday.

According to the Almasdar Online news website, the cases were recorded in Aljubah district in the south of Marib.

Awadh al-Ramli, a health official in Marib, was quoted as saying "the dengue cases are increasing" in the province.


(* B H)

Marib dengue cases on the rise

An official health source in Marib governorate announced on Sunday that the number of suspected cases of dengue fever in a village in the southern district of Juba in southern Marib governorate has risen to 124 cases in just two weeks. The epidemiological surveillance coordinator of the Al-Juba district, Awadh Al-Ramli, told Almasdar online that the 10 confirmed cases, and 124 suspected cases have been identified in the district.

Al-Ramli noted that particularly in Naja village, but also in its vicinity, the return of disease-carrying mosquitoes is causing the recurrence of this spread.

He added that 2 confirmed and 34 suspected cases were reported in the village of Al-Jadida, close to Naja, in just 3 days.

Al-Ramli said that a spraying campaign with the support of the provincial health office began yesterday to control the population of disease-carrying mosquitoes in Jubah district and the rest of the governorate.

(A H P)

Emergency campaign to fight dengue fever launched in Hajjah

(* B H)

Disease Outbreaks Thrive in Taiz

Disease outbreaks strike war-torn Yemen especially in the four-year besieged city of Taiz where people keep dying from a lack of health care and acute shortages of qualified personnel.

Medical sources confirmed the death of dozens during this week in Taiz, saying that there is an outbreak of dengue fever.

However, sources familiar with the matter said that 90 percent of the infected cases were not diagnosed with dengue fever and that there is a new fever that has similar symptoms of dengue fever.

Activists have accused local authorities of failing to do their part in preventing the epidemic saying that they watch in silence and wait for international organizations to step in and help the city.

“As long as they could not identify the epidemic, they, of course, won’t be able to prevent it,” activist Mohammed Maresh said.

and also

(B H)

There have been five deaths from dengue fever in #Taiz city and more than six thousand suspected cases during this year.

(* B H)

With Collapse of Health System, Yemen Struggles to Contain Disease Outbreaks

The World Health Organization warns disease outbreaks are flourishing in Yemen and many people are dying from a lack of health care and serious shortages in supplies and personnel.

Yemen’s economy is in tatters and its health care system in a state of near total collapse after more than five years of conflict. The WHO says about half of Yemen’s health facilities are functioning but are suffering from serious shortages of medicine, equipment and staff.

Consequently, it says health teams are unable to respond quickly to disease outbreaks and epidemics, which are thriving. For example, the WHO says a cholera outbreak in January is still ongoing and so far, has infected more than three-quarters of a million people and killed nearly 1,000.

WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier says other diseases also are taking a heavy toll on the civilian population. He says about 1,600 people have contracted diphtheria and 95 have died. He says thousands of people are suffering from malaria and dengue, despite mass spray campaigns to kill disease-bearing mosquitoes.

“Another challenge, of course, are the non-communicable diseases.

(B H)

Fighting Cholera in Yemen

ACTED is working in Al-Dhale’e Governorate to raise awareness of the simple steps which every person can take to minimise the spread of Cholera and other water-borne diseases in their community.

Global Handwashing Day 2019

Almadhw village is hidden amidst the mountains of Al-Dhale’e. Due to their isolation from the water networks of the nearest city, residents depend upon a rain-fed wells and surface water, leaving them exposed to the whims of seasonal rainfall and especially vulnerable to water borne diseases.

On October 15th, ACTED selected the village to take part in a handwashing campaign as part of Global Handwashing Day 2019, the central theme of which was ‘Clean Hands for All.’

(B H)

Film: In my visit to Aslam Health Center a few months ago, I saw a big numbers for dengue patients, who exceeded 70 cases a day,

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, November 18th, 2019

(A K pS)

Film: Two children get injured by Houthi militias in Hays city south of Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Film (Arabic): The city of Duraimi, the biggest crime in exile of the concerns of the United Nations

(A K pH)

Die Aggressionscoalition verstießt weiterhin das Waffenstillstandsabkommen in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression continues to breach ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi mercenaries targeted northern and eastern Hais districts with heavy and medium arms. The mercenaries also targeted Ad-durayhimi district with artillery shells.

(A K pS)

Houthi attack prevented in Hodeida, imposed severe losses

(A K pS)

Houthis continue to target joint forces in Hodeidah
(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, a civilian was injured with artillery shell of the US-Saudi mercenaries in At-tohayta district. a woman was injured with mercenaries' gunshots in Attohyata. US-Saudi mercenaries targeted a farm in Addurayhimi district. A military bulldozer developed new fortifications eastern Ad-durayhimi city. US-Saudi forces also targeted civilians' farms southern Attohayta city with artillery shells.

(A K pH)


(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, November 15th, 2019

(A K pS)

War of IEDs

IED explosion and two bombs dismantled on western coastal roads during the past 48 hours

(A K pS)

Video: Houthis target mosques, civilians' homes in Tuhita, south Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Ein Zivilist wurde beim Beschuss der Angriffskräfte in Hodeidah verletzt

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Forces Continue to Violate Hodeidah Ceasefire

(* A K P)

Yemen’s Legitimacy Asks for Safe Corridors in Hodeidah

The legitimate government asked Chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) and head of the United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) Abhijit Guha to “open humanitarian corridors in the city of Hodeidah,” an informed Yemeni source told Asharq Al-Awsat.
The government explained that it requested to open the corridors because of the presence of government-controlled areas in the city, although Houthi militias rule most of it, the source said Thursday.
If Guha agrees, it would mean that the priority set in the Hodeidah plan is no longer the withdrawal of Houthis from the port city, but rather the establishment of the corridors.
The Hodeidah Agreement stipulates that Western powers will provide technology to monitor the redeployments, with an agreement that policing in Hodeidah becomes the responsibility of “local security forces in accordance with Yemeni law.”

cp1c "Huthis" beschlagnahmen Schiffe / "Houthis" seizing ships

(** A K P)

Küstenwache: Drei Schiffe fuhren ohne Vorankündigung in die Hoheitsgewässer des Jemen ein

Die jemenitische Küstenwache sagte, der Sektor am Roten Meer habe mitgeteilt, dass drei Schiffe, darunter eines aus Saudi-Arabien, ohne vorherige Ankündigung in jemenitischen Hoheitsgewässern beschlagnahmt worden seien.

In einer bei der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) eingegangenen Erklärung beschlagnahmte die jemenitische Küstenwache drei Schiffe, eines davon Saudi-Arabien (Rabigh 3), drei Meilen von der jemenitischen Insel Aqaban entfernt.

In der Erklärung wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass die Besatzung der Schwimmflotte nach Aufrufen des internationalen Kanals 16 nicht auf die Küstenwache reagierte. Er wies darauf hin, dass die beschlagnahmten Schiffe in den Kai eingeführt wurden und rechtliche Schritte unternommen und mit den betroffenen Behörden Kontakt aufgenommen haben.

Die jemenitische Küstenwache bekräftigte ihre Entschlossenheit in Bezug auf die Sicherheit der Hoheitsgewässer und die Einhaltung der festgelegten Verfahren und die Achtung der Souveränität und der Hoheitsgewässer des Jemen.

(** A K pH P)

Yemen's Navy holds three ships in Yemeni territorial waters

Yemen's Navy seized on Tuesday three ships, including a Saudi one, have entered the Yemeni territorial waters, a Yemen's Coast Guard Forces statement.

The statement said that the ships entered the Yemeni waters without prior notice in a clear violation for the sovereignty of Yemen and the international law.

"The crew of three seized ships don’t respond after being called by the Yemeni navy patrol in the Yemeni territorial waters," the statement added.

The Yemeni navy affirmed that its forces will spare no effort in taking measures to protect the Yemeni waters and the international navigation, noting that the ships and their crew The ships were dealt in accordance with the laws in force.

(* A K pH P)

Saudi-Arabien: Huthi-Rebellen kapern Schiff im Roten Meer

Nach Angaben des Informationsdienstes Marine Traffic fährt der Schlepper unter saudischer Flagge und hatte seine Position zuletzt am 6. November mitgeteilt. Das Schiff sei "eingeschränkt manövrierfähig", hieß es weiter. Al-Maliki sprach von einem "terroristischen Einsatz" der vom Iran unterstützen schiitischen Rebellen. Der Fall sei eine "echte Bedrohung für die internationale Schifffahrt und den Handel" und die Meerenge Bab al-Mandab. Die Huthis seien für die Sicherheit der Crew an Bord verantwortlich.

(A K pH P)

Statement by the Ministry of Interior, Yemen Coast Gaurd for the Hodeidah Red Sea Sector. Statement on the seizure of three vessels entering the Yemeni territorial waters illegally. (Arabic text in image)

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis seize vessel in Red Sea -official

Yemeni Houthi forces seized a “suspect vessel” in the Red Sea but will release it if it proves to belong to South Korea after legal procedures are completed, a senior Houthi official said on Monday.

The official spoke after the Saudi-led military coalition fighting the Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen since 2015 accused the group of “hijacking” a vessel that had been towing a South Korean drilling rig.

The senior Houthi official, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi told Reuters: “Yemeni coast guards...are checking to see whether (the vessel) belongs to the countries of aggression or to South Korea, in which case it will be released after completing legal procedures. The crews are being well treated.”

(* A K P)

Film: Yemen's Houthi rebels seize vessel in Red Sea =

(** A K P)

Saudi-led coalition says Yemen's Houthis seize ship in Red Sea

The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iran-aligned Houthi movement in Yemen said on Monday the Houthis had seized a vessel towing a South Korean drilling rig at the southern end of the Red Sea.

The vessel was seized late on Sunday by armed Houthis, Coalition spokesman Colonel Turki al-Malki said in a statement carried by Saudi state media. He did not say how many crew members were on board the ship.

South Korea said two of its vessels were captured, a tug boat and a sand dredger, each of which had one South Korean national was on board.

Four other crew members of unknown nationalities were also on board, the South Korean foreign ministry said in a statement.

Both vessels were owned by South Korean builder Woongjin Development, a company official told Reuters.

Another 10 foreign nationals were on board a towing vessel that belongs to Saudi Arabia which was seized along with the two South Korean vessels, the South Korean ministry said.

A South Korean navy ship that has been conducting anti-piracy operations in the Arabian Sea near Oman has been ordered to deploy to the area where the vessels were seized, the ministry said.

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis Claim to Have Seized Unidentified Vessel in Red Sea – Report

Yemen's Houthi militia have confirmed that they've seized a vessel in the Red Sea, and said that the ship will be released if it is confirmed that it belongs to South Korea, Reuters has reported.

Earlier, the Saudi Press Agency reported, citing a Saudi-led military coalition spokesman, that the militia had hijacked and seized a vessel towing a South Korean drilling rig in the Red Sea on Sunday night. According to some reports, the vessel was the Saudi-flagged Rabigh 3 tugboat.

The seizure was said to have taken place in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, separating southwestern Yemen from Djibouti. The coalition spokesman said the Houthi attack threatened 'vital shipping routes' used to ship Middle Eastern oil and Asian goods to Europe.

referring to

and by the UAE’s National:

(* A K P)

South Korean ship seized near Yemen

A spokesperson for the joint coalition forces said it was taken into custody by Houthi rebels

A South Korean ship has been seized along with two boats that accompanied it and a Saudi Arabian oil tanker off the southern coast of Yemen, a spokesperson for the joint coalition forces confirmed to The National.

“At 2am on Monday, the Houthi militia seized a South Korean ship carrying drilling equipment and its 28-person crew, which is formed of different nationalities, and a Saudi Arabian oil tanker carrying 500,000 barrels of oil and its crew," said Col Wathah Al Dubaish.

He said the vessels ships were taken to the shores of Kamaran island, at the southern end of the Red Sea in south-west Yemen, where they were forced to unload their cargo.

It is not yet clear what cargo they were carrying.

My comment: The other sources do not mention any Saudi oil tanker. How should this oil tanker unload its cargo on a small rocky island?

and how the Saudis tell it:

(A K pS P)

Houthi militants from Yemen seize South Korean ship in Red Sea

Houthi militants from Yemen have seized a ship in the southern Red Sea, the Arab Coalition said Monday.

The Iran-backed militia used two small boats to hijack the vessel as it was towing a South Korean drilling rig late on Sunday, spokesperson Col. Turki Al-Maliki said.

“The Houthi militia pose a real terrorist threat to the freedom of navigation and trade,” he added.

The coalition said the militia were responsible for securing the safety of all ships and crew members from any country.

(A K P)

[Hadi] Govt. condemns Houthi detention of S. Korean vessel and two escort boats off Red Sea

The country’s Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadhrami discussed the Houthi escalation with the South Korean ambassador to Yemen Pak Woongchul here today, calling it “a serious threat to the freedom of navigation in the international waters south of the Red Sea.”

“These provocative practices will negatively affect the freedom of shipping on the international trade lanes in the Red Sea,” he added, “the escalation is occurring as a ceasefire [between the militia and the government] is in effect.”

“It is also a violation of the Stockholm Agreement which the UN is sponsoring.”

and what official Saudi Arabia tells:

(A K pS P)

Colonel Turki al-Maliki, spokesman for the Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy, in Yemen, stated that at 22:58 pm on Sunday, during the sailing of the tugboat Rabigh-3, in southern Red Sea, it was hijacked and subjected to armed robbery by terrorist elements affiliated to the Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist militia.
Col. al-Maliki explained that the tugboat was drawing a rig owned by a South Korean company, and that the terrorist act by the Houthi terrorist militia posed a real threat to the international shipping navigation and international trade and constitutes a criminal precedent on the security, at Bab al-Mandab Strait and the South Red Sea, through kidnappings and piracy.
The Houthi militia is responsible under international law for the safety of the multinational tugboat crew and that the command of the joint coalition forces continue to implement strict and deterrent measures against such terrorist militia, in order to maintain regional as well as international security, Col. al-Maliki concluded.

Hijacking, Armed Robbery Carried out by Iranian-backed Houthi Terrorist Militia on Tugboat, Southern Red Sea, reports Coalition Joint Command "Coalition for Support of Legitimacy, in Yemen"

My comment: It’s war, stupid. If this ship sailed under Saudi flag, it’s legitimate to seize it.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)


(* B K P)

THEY WERE HARDLY kindred spirits. In fact, they stood on opposite sides of one of the world’s fiercest geopolitical divides. Yet in a secret effort at detente, two of the most formidable organizations in the Middle East held a previously undisclosed summit at a Turkish hotel to seek common ground at a time of sectarian war.

The 2014 summit brought together the foreign military arm of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, known as the Quds Force, and the Muslim Brotherhood, a sprawling Islamist political movement with significant influence throughout the region.

Perhaps, the Brotherhood delegation said, the two sides could join forces against the Saudis. The best place to do that was in Yemen, where an insurgency by the Iranian-backed Houthis against the Saudi-backed Yemeni government was about to escalate into full-scale war.

“In Yemen, with the influence of Iran on Houthis and the influence of the Brotherhood on the armed tribal Sunni factions, there should be a joint effort to decrease the conflict between Houthis and Sunni tribes to be able to use their strength against Saudi Arabia,” the Brotherhood delegation argued.

My comment: This obviously did not work and did not bear any fruit. However, southern separatists now want to suck honey from it in blaming their foes from Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood):

(* B K P)

Reasons behind Saudi efforts to end Yemen conflict Russian paper

Saudi Arabia has been highly tired with, and trying to get out of the Yemeni crisis. If it does not work, this would be something else, the paper quoted assistant professor in eastern and African studies at the Saint Petersburg-based higher school for economics as saying.

The second problem is that the conflict was against threats posed by Houthis and their supporter the General People's Congress. Recently conflict has deepened between the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, as well as dependent forces, Leonid Isaev added.

It has been urgent the issue of maintaining Yemen within it current borders and having the legitimacy of the Yemeni President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi recognized by the Southern Transitional Council, according to the Russian paper.

It is clear that all this strongly hits the KSA's positions, Isaev said.

Tension between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi fits none of them, and this has pushed the two sides to a compromise, he added.

The underwriting of Aramco's shares and approach of the US elections are now factors inciting this process, as the Saudis fear a democrat would take the office in the US, the Russian academic sees.

The Yemeni conflict has accumulated great potentiality for destabilizing the Kingdom itself. So, selling the Aramco's stoke cannot be the only reason for Riyadh to actively seek settlement in Yemen, Isaev concluded.

(* B K P)

'If Houthi shelling does not kill us, the diseases will': Yemenis in besieged Taiz bemoan neglect

Residents say they feel forgotten by the government, which they say prioritises profitable ports over poor rebel-held areas

Yemen's third largest city, Taiz has received surprisingly little attention from the government since the war broke out, and residents complain that no one seems to care about the sufferings they endure.

Despite Taiz suffering from a lack of basic services such as water, electricity, and healthcare, the welfare of the city’s civilians is not a priority for the government, Ali claims.

He also criticises the military for occupying schools in Taiz, depriving thousands of students of their education.

“Our government is busy signing agreements with militias in Sanaa and Aden, and they do not have time to sign an agreement for Taiz,” he says, adding that local officials pocket the city's income but do not pay for any essential services for its residents.

“If the Houthis' shelling does not kill us, the diseases will, as there’s no proper healthcare and no water, but there is rubbish everywhere,” Ali says.

So far, there has been no official reaction to the protests in Taiz, but Ali and other demonstrators promise to continue their efforts until their demand for new leadership in the city is met.

Impoverished Taiz seen as a 'burden'

October's deal had raised hopes that one step towards a solution to Yemen's conflict was on the horizon.

But some residents say that because Taiz is a city of little wealth, no side is interested in looking after it.

Resident Muaath Dubaa believes poor areas like Taiz are seen as a “burden” by the Yemeni government and warring parties, because they would make a loss there.

“We’ve seen agreements over Hodeidah, Aden and even Mocha, which belongs to Taiz [province], as all of these areas generate huge incomes from the seaports,” he tells MEE.

Before the start of the war, the Mocha district was the biggest income generator in the province. Now, it is under the control of forces loyal to Hadi, which advanced from Aden with the support of the Saudi-led coalition.

In the eyes of the Yemeni government, Mocha is part of the western coast, and is seen as separate from Taiz city, which is still under rebel siege.

“The Houthis took over Taiz’s al-Hawban area, where the largest factories of Yemen are based," Dubaa says.

"The coalition took over Mocha seaport, and they left Taiz city to suffer the siege, shelling and a lack of all basic services.”

He wants the government to bring in the military to free Taiz from rebel control.

“I hope the government will take the Taiz issue into consideration and plan for a peaceful breaking of the siege,” he says.

“I hope it will stop behaving like a party in war and start caring about all liberated areas."

Besieged areas not a 'priority'

Another resident, Yasser Derhem, points out that Taiz is not the only besieged city neglected in the agreements signed by the warring sides.

“The government only cares about strategic areas like Aden, Hodeidah seaport and Shabwa, and it doesn't prioritise besieged areas in the agreements,” he told MEE.

Yemen’s government does intend to free besieged areas across the country, but it is not a “priority” just yet, a source in the information ministry told MEE.

The source also said that breaking the siege of Taiz was one of the issues discussed at the Stockholm peace talks last year, but at the moment there were other more important places than the southwestern city - such as the city of Hodeidah.

(* B E H P K)

Over $700 million worth of wheat imported into Yemen every year

War and blockade caused collapse of domestic agricultural sector and food shortages

Official reports confirmed that more than $700 million worth of wheat is imported to Yemen per year, a figure that is higher than in the previous years.

This significant rise comes on the backdrop of a decline in cereal production in Yemen by 130% over the past four years.

In the report issued by the Strategic Studies Sector, cereal production has declined from an average of 250,000 tons per month in 2012 to 95,000 tons per month in 2018.

Domestic wheat and flour imports reach 350,000 tons per month, with Australia, America and Russia leading the wheat exporters to Yemen, the report said.

This has been a burden on the deteriorating national economy, with up to eight active importers confirming monopolies in the domestic market.

The report concluded by emphasizing that the food gap in wheat reached 3.4 million tons per year, making wheat ranked first among the top 30 imported commodities in 2018.

(* B H K)

ICRC: 165 attacks targeted Yemen’s medical sector since 2015

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported that over 165 attacks targeted medical facilities and health workers in Yemen since early 2015.

Spokeswoman of the ICRC in the Middle East, Sara Al-Zawqri, said in a statement to the Turkish Anadolu News Agency that the war has largely impacted the healthcare access to the Yemenis in various parts of the country.

She said that currently only 51 percent of the health facilities still operational.

She explained that the 165 reported attacks included incidents that targeted health centers, ambulance vehicles and first responders.

The ICRC received reports of 16 attacks against medical centers and ambulance cars in 2018, according to al-Zawqri.

She added that the ICRC reported eight attacks that took place between early 2019 until August of the same year.

(* B K P)

Is peace coming to Yemen?

Saudi Arabia has taken decisive steps to eliminate divisions among allied Yemeni forces and engage the Houthis.

By now, it is clear that the success of MBS's flagship programme for economic diversification and social change at least partially depends on how and when the kingdom disengages from its military commitment to the war on its southern border.

Given these realities, Saudi Arabia appears to have chosen to fully take hold of the Yemen issue and do away with dissipated efforts. It is still too early to judge how effective it will be. But given past failures and missed opportunities, Riyadh cannot lose any more time in both extricating itself from the Yemeni conflict and helping the devastated country stand on its feet.

Saudi Arabia's two-pronged approach

It is hard to imagine that Saudi Arabia was unaware of, or happy with, how the UAE conducted itself in southern Yemen. Abu Dhabi supported the STC despite the latter's drive to establish an independent state in the south.

Indeed, the STC behaved as if it were the de facto sovereign power in the area while Hadi and his government were shunned and disallowed from conducting state business from Aden, the interim capital. Riyadh, which considers that a divided Yemen is a security and strategic threat to its stability, did not sanction separatist posturing but did little to curb it, until the situation got out of control.

The STC's takeover of Aden in August alarmed Saudi officials who feared a "civil war within a civil war" and the dangerous breakup of the Yemeni anti-Houthi camp.

In essence, Saudi Arabia presided over a power-sharing agreement that keeps Yemen unified but gives voice to those asking for some autonomy. Most importantly, however, the Riyadh Agreement gave Saudi Arabia a condominium over Yemen and practically made it responsible for any future developments in the country.

Once it stabilised the situation, Riyadh began negotiating with the Houthis to de-escalate the conflict and eventually end it.

Is peace within reach?

It is too early to judge whether Yemen is indeed approaching a state of peace following years of war and its attendant calamities. But efforts to address past failures are an encouraging sign that the different political forces in the country appear convinced of the need for a political solution – by Imad K. Harb

My comment: This sounds to optimistic, as, already the start of implementing the Riyadh agreement has failed up to now.

(B H K P)


War crimes are being committed in Yemen as pro-government forces and a regional military coalition fight against Houthi rebels who still control much of the country.

Despite diplomatic efforts to end the war in Yemen, populations remain at risk of war crimes and are experiencing the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. Fighting between Houthi rebels, members of the General People's Congress, the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and various forces loyal to the internationally-recognized government – as well as airstrikes by a Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE)-led international coalition – has resulted in the deaths of at least 16,000 civilians since March 2015. The actual death toll is likely much higher. At least 3.6 million people have been displaced by fighting.

(* B P)



Yazeed’s work seeks to empower youth and build their capacities. He believes that the power of their reselience, strength, enthusiasm, and innovation can help in transforming communities into a more peaceful and developed ones. So, by working with youth and for youth he helps them unleash their potentials and their positive energy in a way that helps them lead the change in our country.

Young people in Yemen should be seen and perceived as partners not as perpetrators of violence. In times of distress and armed conflicts the majority of young people play positive roles in their communities but what they do is often overlooked. The political elites often tend to overlook the great work of young people so that they can use them for fueling the conflict.

Yazeed Al Jeddawyis a Yemeni youth advocate and project coordinator at Youth Without Borders Organisation in Yemen, where he is deeply involved in youth-led movements and initiatives that illustrate the positive role youth play for change, peace, and development.


(* B K P)

Why Is Saudi Arabia Sending New Weapons to Yemen’s Aden?

Last week, the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman praised an agreement between the resigned President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and the southern separatists as an “important step” towards the end of the war in the Arab country. But the revelations about the new weapons cargo unloaded in Aden show that the Saudi prince does not care much about peace in Yemen. Since the Saudi invasion of Yemen, Riyadh chased two objectives. First, securing its eastern borders and second gaining the ideological leadership of the Arab countries by installing puppet governments. Looking at the past six months, which is seen by the political analysts as the phase of Yemen war results, shows that Saudi Arabia compared to its ally UAE is the biggest loser of the five-year-long war. Yemeni attacks on Saudi oil giant Aramco in mid-September displayed Saudi Arabia’s weakness

Saudi economic hardship and buying time

With Ansarullah attacks on Aramco, bin Salman’s strategic policy of selling Aramco shares has faced serious challenges, with many foreign bidders now stepping back from their earlier preparations to buy the shares. This made Saudi Arabia make a tactical retreat and negotiate with Ansarullah to provide a calm atmosphere assuring the bidders about the IPO offer.

(B K P)

Former PM of Algeria: imperialists spent over $130 billion to destroy Syria, Libya and Yemen

Ahmed Ouyahia condemns imperialist destruction of Middle East

Former Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia has said that some regional Arab states “have spent $130 billion to obliterate Syria, Libya and Yemen.”

Ouyahia made the remarks on Saturday at a time when much of the Middle East and North Africa is in turmoil, grappling with different crises, ranging from terrorism and insecurity to political uncertainty and foreign interference, Press TV reported.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A P)

UN disavows on agreement to open Sanaa Int.l airport for medical flights

The Director General of Sanaa International Airport, Khaled al-Shayef confirmed that the United Nations has disavowed on agreements regarding the opening of Sanaa International Airport to operate the air bridge and medical flights, which were scheduled to begin on October 20, 2019.

Al-Shayef said in press statement that the UN humanitarian coordinator had gave excuses that Egyptian hospitals were unable to provide treatment.

The United Nations did not have credibility in lifting the ban on Sana’a International Airport, he added.

and also

(* A P)

YPC: US-Saudi Aggression Continues Detaining 5 Oil Tankers

Yemen Petroleum company announced on Saturday that the US-Saudi aggression coalition continues to detain oil tankers and prevent them from reaching Hodeidah port to cover the needs of citizens.

The company said in a statement that the coalition of aggression is still holding five oil tankers with a total amount of (88,390) tons of gasoline and (57,493) tons of diesel.

The company pointed out that two tankers are still under inspection by the United Nations in Djibouti, with a total amount of (5.982) tons of gasoline.

The forces of aggression continue their piracy by seizuring oil derivatives tankers, while the United Nations remain silent, threatening the lives of the Yemeni people.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(A H)

For the fifth day, @monarelief's team continues distributing food to families who have malnourished children in the capital Sana'a. A survey conducted lately in 4 out of 11 districts of Sana'a found that 6000 children are suffering from malnutrition (photos)

(B H)

Film: • They want to play. • They want to go to school. • They want their family to be safe. A child in Yemen is the same as a child anywhere else in the world. But a childhood in Yemen is not the same as a childhood anywhere else in the world.

(* B E H)

Yemen: Big Efforts to Strengthen Resilience and Keep Hope Alive

International Development Association (IDA) has been working with local institutions to help Yemenis navigate their way through this difficult and volatile environment. Launched in November 2017, the project’s mandate is to help restore access to critical urban services in cities where the most conflict-related damage has occurred.

People’s resilience has been stretched beyond its limits, with no consistent source of income for most, food supplies overpriced, and job opportunities scarce. This is the case for those living in big cities; the situation for people in the rest of the country has to be left to the imagination. Already down at heel, Yemen’s private sector has not been insulated from all this: businesses have been greatly damaged both by the conflict and the absence of services, with the impact particularly pervasive among small and medium businesses.

The World Bank Group’s International Development Association (IDA) has been working with local institutions through the Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) to help people navigate their way through this difficult and volatile environment. Launched in November 2017, the project’s mandate is to help restore access to critical urban services in cities where the most conflict-related damage has occurred.

Project interventions have had a positive impact on people’s lives and livelihoods by improving municipal services, solid waste management, and urban water and sanitation systems; and also, by paving streets, maintaining urban roads, and providing the energy needed for key services like hospitals and schools.

In the waste management sector, more than 600,000 tons of accumulated solid waste (garbage) has been collected in Aden, Mukalla, and Sana'a, the Yemeni capital, and disposed of. The waste had been there for a long period, contributing to health problems, including cholera.

In the water and sanitation sector, 635,546 people have received clean water and been provided with safe sanitation, following the rehabilitation of the public water supply and sanitation system.

The project has been able to support the generation of 11,350 megawatts of power by using solar power

(B H)

Muslim Hands International: UK charity partners up to provide over £200,000 medical aid to three hospitals in Yemen

UK charity Muslim Hands has partnered up with international medical humanitarian organisation MedGlobal to provide over £200,000 of quality and life-saving healthcare services to three hospitals in Hadhramout and Ma’rib, Yemen, over an 18-day period.

(B H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: WASH Needs Assessment Report In Al Hazm district of Al Jawf governorate (October 2019)

RDP conducted this WASH needs assessment from 25/9/2019 to 28/9/2019 aiming to define and quantify the WASH needs by providing more in-depth WASH operational information, provide statistical data about the WASH needs, and to capture the preferences of the affected community in this high priority district. The needs assessment was conducted according to the WASH cluster technical guidelines.

Al Hazm district in Al Jawf governorate is among the 169 WASH cluster focus districts. The district which is the capital of Al Jawf governorate was classified as IPC phase 4 where 11.6% of the population; 34811 individuals (HC and IDPs) are in IPC 4 and 5. The sample include a total number of 141 HHs interviews in the three sub-districts of Al Hazm.
The comprehensive WASH NA included HHs surveys, Key Informants Interviews (KIIs), Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and General Situation information collection using the WASH cluster tools and RDP customized tools.

(A H)

Thanks Allah, then our donors, We distributed 20 basket food in villages of khamis to IDPs families & orphans. Together, we are trying to alleviate suffering of these IDPs. Plz visit link our donation campaign & contribute as much as you can to help (photos9

(A H)

Amidst siege and shortage, Sana’a hospital carries out successful kidney transplantation

Al-Thawra Hospital succeeds despite hardships

A national medical team at Al-Thawra General Hospital in Sana’a has performed a second kidney transplant operation on Saturday.

Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al Mutawakil confirmed the second operation was successful and the patient’s health is stable after six days since the first operation.

(* B H)

World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, Government of Yemen, Nutrition Cluster: Yemen National Strategy for Social and Behavior Change in Nutrition 2018-2021

CHAPTER 1. Introduction and situation analysis

1.1 Objective

This chapter aims to provide overall understanding of current IYCF practices in Yemen, main barriers, enablers, and motivations influencing optimal behavior adoption. The objective is to provide key information to design an effective nutrition “social and behavior change” (SBC) strategy developed in chapter 2 and to contribute to the national IYCF strategy 2017-2021.

1.2 Nutrition context in Yemen

Before the conflict started in 2015, Yemen’s nutrition situation was poor with 47% of children under five years being stunted, 16% acutely malnourished, and 5% severely acutely malnourished (YNDHS, 2013). One-third of children under 5 years showed symptoms of diarrhea in the 2 weeks before the survey. Estimated anemia prevalence in children aged 6-59 months is 86%. Regarding women’s nutritional status, 25% are underweight and 24% of the women are overweight or obese, overweight being more frequent in urban settings, and 71% of pregnant and lactating women suffer from anemia. Geographical access to health services is difficult, with 50% of the overall population having access to health care2 , and only 30% in rural areas. The current crisis is bringing additional challenges such as a deterioration of access to safe drinking water, poor sanitation, dysfunctional health services, insecurity, lack of food, and adoption of negative coping mechanisms.

(* B H)

Yemenis go solar amid war energy shortage

When electricity was cut to Yemen’s capital four years ago after war broke out, Ebrahim al-Faqih saw a gap in the market and started selling solar panels.

“Even people who used to work selling food moved to work in solar energy because of the high demand,” Faqih said from his shop in Sanaa selling solar water heaters and panels imported from India and China.

The United Nations estimates that only 10% of the population had access to electricity after the conflict began.

Many areas need pumps to bring drinking and irrigation water to the surface and fuel shortages have also made water hard to come by.

“Electricity these days isn’t just for lighting — electricity is life,” said Muhammad Yahya, whose home in Sanaa is powered by rooftop solar panels.

He sees solar energy as a stop-gap measure for those who can get it and hopes everyone will have mains electricity when the war ends.

There is no state power supply to Sanaa and many other areas, and buying a diesel generator or hooking up to a neighborhood generator is polluting and too expensive for many people.

“Alternative energy is better, it changed my life dramatically. Now I barely rely on normal electricity,” said Sanaa resident Akram Noman.

South of the capital in the Houthi-controlled rural Dhamar area, Omar Homadi farms vegetables, corn and the narcotic green leaf qat. He could not cover the cost of diesel to irrigate his land, so he bought a solar-powered pump.

“Our land had dried up but now it has come back to life thanks to the solar energy,” he said.

Dhamar’s water production had fallen to 30 percent of pre-war levels, said Muhammad Ali al-Habshi of the local water authority, but has returned to 70-80 of pre-war capacity thanks to solar projects supported by international donors.

“People used to get water every 10-12 days, now it is every three days ... Solar energy was like a dream.”

(* B H)

Fasting for Yemen: One Boy’s Desperate Plea for a Starving Nation

Amid the despair, nine-year-old Hamza Hakim Almasmari has taken to social media with an inspired plea for help.

On October 1, Almasmari took to social media, posting a video with the hashtag “#FastActionForYemen.”

Almasmari, asks people to skip one meal a day and post a picture of their empty plate on social media alongside the hashtag, in solidarity with those starving in Yemen. Twitter users have circulated the video widely, often tagging political leaders in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. Almasmari kicked off the campaign on his ninth birthday, and it has since been shared by prominent rights organizations such as and Codepink.

Yet amid this horror, the worst may be yet to come for the people of Yemen. It is in this context that Hamza Hakim Almasmari and others like him are speaking out.

In his video, an emotional Almasmari says he regularly sees people, including children, eating out of the trash. He is calling for the world to share his hashtag and donate to organizations providing aid to Yemen. In February, international donors pledged $2.6 billion to alleviate the crisis in the country, yet, according to a statement by the UN in August, less than half of those funds had been received.

“Can you believe that in Yemen, every ten minutes, a child like me dies from hunger?,” asks Almasmari.

Blame for the closure of key aid programs also lies with the two main perpetrators of the violence in Yemen: the governments of Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Both have failed to provide key donations of around $1.5 billion promised at a fundraiser in February this year. To date, Abu Dhabi has paid only $16 million and Riyadh only $127 million towards that sum.

While actions such as those of nine-year old Hamza Hakim Almasmari are inspiring, they reveal the abject failure of the international community to act to end the horrific crisis in Yemen. Many thousands more will die, and millions are already living miserable lives because of that failure.

(B H)

Relief and Development Peer Foundation: Yemen: Monthly Situation Report No. 10 (October 2019)

Wide-ranging Health Care for 2,918 Individuals Through Our Supported Health Facilities in Al-Qafr District of IBB Governorate. NUTRITION Providing 96,394 Children U2 and PLW with BSFP Services Over Seven Districts of IBB and Taizz Governorates.

Reaching 58,904 Individuals Through Awareness-raising Campaigns in Seven Districts of IBB and Taizz Governorates.


Serving 53,410 Individuals with Relief Food Assistance in Three Districts of Al-Bayda Governorate.

(B H)

UN Children's Fund, WASH Cluster: Yemen WASH Cluster - Humanitarian Dashboard (January - October 2019)

(A H)

Again & 4 the 3rd day, @monarelief's team was able today to reach out 100 families,who their children suffering from Severe Acute malnutrition (SAM) in Sana'a. Our project, which funded by

@monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo aims 2 target 450 families (photos)

Funded by @monareliefye's online fundraising campaign in indiegogo & 4 the second day, @monarelief's team today delivered 50 families food aid baskets in Sana'a. Our project aims to target 450 families in the coming days. #Yemen Please donate (photos)

for donation:

(* B H)

Mobilizing Urgent Aid in Yemen

“I didn’t think about the risks. I just knew I had to do something,” said Muna Luqman, MADRE’s partner and founder of Food4Humanity, as she shared the harrowing story of her mediation between armed groups in the city of Taiz, Yemen.

Muna described how children were trapped in an orphanage in the crossfire between the rebels and the military. They had run out of food and water, and their caretakers desperately called on Muna for help. With MADRE’s partner organization, Food4Humanity, Muna had previously supported the orphanage, so they knew they could count on her.

Muna jumped into action, spending days going backand-forth between the armed groups, who gave little thought to children trapped in the fighting. Determined to find a way to bring these children to safety, she won concessions from the fighters. First, she was allowed to bring the children food and water; next, she secured safe passage to evacuate them to a safer area.

As Muna’s story shows, time and time again, women take the lead to protect communities and secure peace. They know firsthand who is in danger and what they need — and what it will take to achieve lasting peace. That’s why MADRE is proud to partner with women like Muna.

MADRE became the first international organization to provide Muna’s organization with funding. Thanks to members’ support, we sent food, water and mosquito nets to protect against deadly malaria. And together, we helped Muna and Food4Humanity bring clean water and peace to two struggling communities.

(* B H)

International Organization for Migration: IOM Provides Over 1 Million Health Consultations in Yemen Since Start of 2019

With more than four years of conflict pushing the public sector to a breaking point, people in Yemen are struggling to access health care. As part of its emergency lifesaving services and support to the health sector to ensure it continues to function, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has carried out 1,095,072 health consultations for displaced and conflict affected Yemenis and migrants in 2019 (as of 09/11).

Only half of Yemen’s health facilities are currently operating, causing people to travel long distances in search of essential services and forcing many to go without. Prior to the conflict in 2015, public facilities were already strained. Today, the lack of financial resources, doctors, medicine and medical equipment has caused further deterioration, while the increased number of people seeking medical assistance in certain areas has overwhelmed health facilities.

IOM’s health programming strengthens key public institutions and helps ensure they survive the crisis. To support the re-establishment of Yemen’s primary health care systems, IOM ensures that public health facilities can provide a minimum servi ce package to their target population through provision of human resource, medicines and medical supplies.

IOM is supporting the restoration and operational needs of 86 facilities across Yemen, ensuring effective, safe and quality free health care through over 120,000 consultations per month.

and also

(* B H)

Half of Yemen's health facilities still functional after five years of conflict: WHO

O nly about 50 percent of health facilities in Yemen are functional, operating with serious shortages of medicines, equipment and staff, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned here on Friday.

WHO spokesperson Christian Lindmeier told a press briefing here Friday that after more than five years of intense conflict, Yemen remained affected by a number of health risks, including restricted access to health facilities at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care, the inability of health facilities and teams to respond rapidly to disease outbreaks and epidemics.

Since 2015, he said, there had been about 156 recorded attacks on healthcare facilities as well as incidents involving healthcare workers.

Noting that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains the worst in the world, Lindmeier told the press that in Yemen over 24 million people are in need of assistance, of which 19.7 million are in need of healthcare or healthcare access.

(* B H)

Yemen doctors despair as babies starve in 'orphaned province'

At Nasr Hospital's emergency room in the Yemeni city of Daleh, a little boy struggles to breathe. He is too tired, or too hungry, to cry.

The boy is one of an estimated five million Yemeni children who may not see their next birthday in a war the UN children's fund has described as a "living hell" for minors.

The UN has warned that international aid agencies are losing the fight against famine in Yemen, where 3.5 million people may soon be added to the eight million Yemenis already facing starvation -- more than half of them children.

Mahmud Ali Hassan, director of Nasr Hospital, does not mince words. Life for his patients, he says, is "pure misery".

"We need help. We need real help."

South of rebel-held Sanaa and north of the government bastion of Aden, Daleh is, in the words of its residents, a forgotten city.

In government-held Daleh, medics at Nasr Hospital are desperately looking for ways to treat patients -- most of whom have not yet learned to read, tie their shoelaces or even walk -- as supplies dwindle and hunger spreads.

A sign outside Nasr Hospital reads "funded by the World Health Organization". The hospital is a lifeline for three provinces with a combined population of more than 1.5 million.

"We take cases from Daleh as well as Ibb and Lahaj," said Hassan.

"Most cases we receive are malnourished children. We get three to four cases a day. The ward is always full. It's full right now."

Dr. Ayman Shayef, head of the emergency room at Nasr, says three to four children die under his watch every week of preventable causes, mainly linked to neo-natal care.

"We have serious issues with the total absence of pre-natal care and the inability to open an obstetrics department," Shayef said.

"We've also seen a rapid rise in malnutrition cases.

"Daleh is an orphaned province. We need help. We need support for pre-natal care, malnutrition "

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H P)

Qatar, UNHCR agree to rehabilitate thousands of Yemen refugees

The Gulf state and UN agency enter deal to provide shelter to over 26,000 Yemenis displaced by the four-year war.

Qatar has signed an agreement with the United Nations to provide shelter to more than 26,000 displaced people from war-torn Yemen.

The $3m deal was signed on Sunday between the Qatar Development Fund, Qatar Charity, and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on the sidelines of the Doha Forum in the Gulf state's capital.

A Qatar Development Fund official told Al Jazeera that the shelters will be located in Yemen and their construction will be supervised by the UNHCR.

(B H P)

As wave of refugees escaping Houthis continues, Marib opens new IDP camp

As the wave of refugees escaping Houthi crackdown continues, the government-held city of Marib has opened a new IDP camp.

The Executive Unit for Management of IDP Camps in Marib announced the camp’s opening today with an accommodation capacity for up to 30 families.

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (15 November 2019)

From Yemen: 14,752


High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia Factsheet: 1 - 31 October 2019

UNHCR Somalia: Operational Update (1-31 October 2019)

From Yemen: 13,160; Somalian returnees from Yemen: 4,811.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthis raid a civilian homes in Dhamar, assaulting women

(* B P)

Houthi authorities in Ibb dismiss 788 teachers from their jobs

The Houthi authorities have dismissed 788 teachers from various directorates in Ibb governorate. A source who works for the ministry of education told Almasdar Online that the education ministry office in Ibb governorate, which is under the control of the Houthis, give no official explanation.

According to the source, this has become a common trend in Houthi-controlled areas as they tend to appoint new teachers loyal to their agenda. The local education authority of Ibb also excluded those teachers which have been dismissed from the half-salary payments for December 2017, which are due to be disbursed in the coming days.

Since they took power, the Houthis have made multiple changes to the educational system in Yemen

(A E P)

Under environmental pretext Houthis force the closure of rock crushers in Hamedan

The Houthis have closed a number of rock crushers located in Hamedan district, northwest of the capital Sanaa, on the grounds that they violate environmental laws and have a devastating impact on the environment. Media affiliated with the Houthis said that the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Authority closed 11 rock crushing businesses, which produce mainly gravel, for in the area of Dhela’a Hamedan and its vicinity, which according to Houthi authorities, have been "working for decades in violation of the law of mines and quarries."

Sources added that the crushers are not licensed, do not comply with environmental requirements, and that they have "caused devastating environmental impacts not only on the climate, but also on human and animal health, as well as soil, agriculture and water in their areas of presence."

Local sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Al-Masdar online, that the campaign comes after the owners refused the Houthis’ newly imposed taxes

(A P)

Sana’a Central Bank governor refutes accusations of corruption

Dr. Rashid Abu Luhum brings forth documentation to to deny claims

The Governor of the Central Bank of Yemen in the capital Sana’a, Dr. Rashid Abu Luhum, has on Friday refuted what was published by Nasser Baqazqoz on his Facebook page.

Abu Luhom considered what was published as “lies and fabrications show personal hatred and language reveals the political motives behind the publication that targets the leaders facing the economic war on the Yemeni people and the state trends to combat corruption.”

Dr. Ab Luhom explained that the irrefutable documents prove the falsehood of Baqazqoz’s claim that “the Bank Governor receives 30 million riyals as monthly allocations from the Ministry of Finance”.

(A P)

Sanhan tribes send food convoy to back fronts

(* A B P)

1800 abductees held in Houthi-run prisons, says Association of Abductees’ Mothers

Association of Abductees’ Mothers, an independent association, said that there are as many as 1800 abductees held in Houthi-run Incarcerations as well as 140 abductees who are forcibly disappeared in the interim capital of Yemen, Aden.

The association said in a statement during a sit-in that was staged in front of the office of the High Commission for Human Rights in Sana’a that there are as many as 1800 abductees held in prisons controlled by Houthi rebels, 450 of them have been held for more than 4 years.

The independent association also said that there are about 140 abductees held by southern military separatists in Aden, 46 of whom have been forcibly disappeared for almost 3 years.

(A P)

Houthis deprive citizens from propane gas in Dhamar

The Houthis officials in Dhamar declined selling of the propane gas to citizens as a punishment for not attending a religious party the Houthis organized last Saturday for the Prophet Mohammed’s birthday, local sources said.

The sources indicated that the Houthis gunmen deploy some of their militants as spies in quarters of Dhamar city to report on citizens who did not attend their religious event.

My remark: As claimed by an Islah Party news site.

(* B K P)

Families flee as Houthi conscription campaign seeks fighters in Yemen’s south-west

Pro-government forces say they have opened safe corridors to help civilians flee rebel-controlled areas

Dozens of families have fled Houthi held areas in south-west Yemen as rebel fighters have tried to forcibly recruit children and extort money from the local population, people who have escaped told The National.

Displaced residents said the Houthi rebels have been going house to house demanding recruits join the front lines.

“In the last couple of months, the Houthis called upon all the residents living in our area Al Aoud to send their sons to the front to boost their fighters in Al Fakher area, we rejected their calls and consequently they arrested many fathers and took their sons to the front,” a resident said.

“They have been wreaking havoc in my village, they stormed our school and turned it to weapons depots and repeatedly forced us to pay money to fund their fronts and lately they forced many families to leave their homes and turned them to fortifications because they expect the pro-coalition forces to advance to capture the area,” the resident added.

Captain Fuad Jubari, the spokesperson of the Southern Forces fighting the Houthi rebels in northern Al Dhalea, told The National his forces have secured safe corridors to allow residents to flee from Al Aoud to safe areas in northern Qatabah.

My remark: As claimed by an UAE news site.

(A K P)

Awareness course on risks of mines concluded in Ibb

My comment: As the Houthis themselves had laid the mines, this seems to be somewhat odd.

(A P)

War Prisoners Committee: Red Cross Visits our Prisons while other Party Refused despite Agreement

The head of the Prisoners' Affairs Committee, Abdulqader al-Murtadha, said on Friday that the other party has not yet allowed the Red Cross to visit its prisons despite our agreement during the last round of negotiations in Amman. "We abided by the latest agreement and allowed the Red Cross to visit our prisons while the other party remains intransigent amid silence from the United Nations," he said in a tweet.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B P)

Fuad Rajeh: The Riyadh Agreement: much ado about nothing.

(* B P)

Riyadh deal: A Yemeni version of Balfour Declaration

Actually, it is an agreement between UAE and Saudi mercenary forces. It is so favorable for Riyadh that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman hailed the deal as a new chapter in Yemen’s history and a step toward ending the war in the country.

There are a few points to be made about the deal: first, many social media users and experts believe that the deal is, in fact, a Yemeni version of the Balfour Declaration which led to the creation of Israel in Palestine. Riyadh intends to occupy Yemen through the deal.

Second, the deal was basically brokered between the Saudi and UAE forces while the Yemeni representatives and Houthis were not involved, so it cannot be an agreement between south and north Yemen. The Houthi movement responded to the deal, saying that it is a useless agreement that cannot be implemented and has nothing to do with the Yemeni nation.

Third, the deal seeks to share power between Saudi and UAE forces in the country’s southern provinces. Therefore, Saudi Arabia and the UAE will indirectly exercise power in these areas.

The deal was boasted so important that bin Salman and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan were present during its signing process in Riyadh. The deal calls for the formation of a new cabinet of no more than 24 ministers within 30 days that would have equal representation for northerners and southerners. The Saudi-led coalition has practically taken the control of Yemen by this deal.

Fourth, by launching a media propaganda campaign, the Saudi officials are trying to improve their reputation through this deal. By exaggerating the deal, the officials attempt to describe it as their historic achievement to end the Yemeni war. But, the point is that the Saudi-led coalition and the UAE are the main culprits for the war in Yemen.

My remark: A view from Iran.

(A P)

Photos: Anti-Muslim Brotherhood protests in al-Mahra
Thousands poured into the streets of al-Ghaidha city, the capital of al-Mahra on Monday, in solidarity with the Riyadh Agreement and to protest against the repeated attempts of the Muslim Brotherhood party to hinder its implementation.
The protesters decried the suspicious actions of the Islah-linked minister, Ahmed Al-Maysari that meant to thwart the agreement with the support of the Qatari regime.
They chanted slogans against Al-Maysari, some went on to describe his actions as a bid to turn al-Mahra province into a spearhead of attacks against the Arab Coalition.
The anti-Muslim Brotherhood protestors expressed their full support for the Riyadh Agreement and raised the national flags of the South and the Arab Coalition countries.

My remark: Pro-separatist protests.

(A P)

Southern Yemeni group calls for uprising against Saudi occupation

Southern National Alliance demands immediate withdrawal of all Saudi and UAE troops

Head of the so-called Southern National Alliance of Social Forces, Sheikh Walid Nasser al-Fadhli, has vowed to conduct an uprising against Saudi forces in all southern provinces of Yemen.

“Saudi Arabia has received the management of the southern provinces after the failure and withdrawal of the UAE (…) [and] is going in the footsteps of the latter in the southern provinces, in a very arrogant manner,” al-Fadhli said in a press statement on Saturday.

Al-Fadhli pointed out that the consultations held in Jeddah that resulted in Riyadh agreement were only consultations and arrangements of role exchange between the Saudi ally and the UAE, without any real consultation of the southern Yemeni population.

(A P)

Film (Arabic): Cautious optimism about the government taking office in the interim capital

Cautious optimism about the government taking office in the interim capital Citizens are cautiously optimistic after the return of the head of the legitimate government, Moeen Abdelmalek, to the temporary capital of Aden, accompanied by a number of ministers to start their work from there.A number of them called on the government to work quickly on public services and facilitate official transactions for citizens, in addition to solving the problem of salaries delay for public sector workers, which has become a major problem that has specifically affected the breadwinners of the households

(A P)

In anticipation of the government's return a batch of printed cash arrives in Aden

Sources at the port and Central Bank of Yemen in Aden told Almasdar Onlinethat a batch of newly printed cash arrived in the port of Aden on Friday evening. It was later transported in high-security vehicles to the Central Bank building in Crater.

(* A P)

Regierung des Jemen in Hafenstadt Aden zurückgekehrt

Die international anerkannte Regierung des Jemen ist nach monatelangen Kämpfen gegen Separatisten im Süden des Landes in die Hafenstadt Aden zurückgekehrt. Ministerpräsident Muin Abdul Malik sei am Montag in Aden eingetroffen, hieß es in Regierungskreisen. Er sei zusammen mit sieben Ministern, sowie seinem leitenden Sicherheitsbeauftragten aus Saudi-Arabien angereist.

Die Ankunft Abdul Maliks deutet auf eine Entspannung des Konflikts zwischen der Regierung und den Separatisten des sogenannten Südlichen Übergangsrats (STC) hin, die sich vom Nordjemen abspalten wollen.

und auch

(* A P)

Yemeni government back in Aden under deal with separatists

Yemen’s internationally recognized government has returned to the country for the first time since it was forced out by southern separatists during infighting last summer.

Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed landed on Monday in the southern port city of Aden, fulfilling a key point in the power-sharing deal signed in Saudi Arabia that ended months of infighting.

The government had been slated to return last Tuesday but officials said the separatists were stalling and refusing to handover the key headquarters building and the presidential palace. =




(* A P)

Yemen PM arrives in Aden as part of Riyadh deal

Yemeni Prime Minister Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed arrived on Monday in Aden, coming from the Saudi capital, Riyadh.
The move is part of the implementation of the recently signed Riyadh agreement.
According to official sources, the Prime Minister is accompanied by the ministers of finance, higher education, telecommunications, Awqaf, electricity and local administration, in addition to the governor of the Central Bank, director of the Prime Minister's Office, the secretary general of the Council of Ministers, deputy minister of tourism and a number of heads of government institutions.
The premier will head to the presidential palace in Aden in a bid to return life back to normal and revive state institutions.
It is expected that other ministers and officials will join Dr. Maeen to Aden this evening.


(* A P)

The Prime Minister and other members of the cabinet have returned to Aden

A source at Aden International Airport said that Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik arrived in Aden earlier today with the Ministers of Finance, Electricity, Endowments, Higher Education, Communications, and Local Administration. The governor of the Central Bank, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Secretary General of the Cabinet, deputy minister of Tourism, and a number of other government officials also accompanied the prime minister. .

The city's governor, Ahmed Salem Rubay’a Ali, and other local officials and military leaders lined up to greet the Prime Minister and his colleagues at the airport. Their return to the interim capital is five days behind schedule.

The cabinets return to Aden comes nearly two weeks after the signing of the Riyadh agreement

Education Minister Abdullah Salem Lamlas complained that he had been banned from travelling to Aden. "Today they prevented us from returning home," he said in a post on his Facebook account. A new government comprised of all political parties, including the Southern Transitional Council is scheduled to be formed within a month of the signing the Riyadh agreement.


(* A P)

PM returns to interim capital Aden

In a statement to the media upon his arrival at Aden International Airport, the Prime Minister affirmed the government’s commitment to implement the Riyadh agreement, normalize the situation in the liberated areas, reform the status of state institutions and absorb all forces within the state structure.

He pointed out that the challenges facing the government and the people are great and require uniting all efforts and forces behind the project of restoring the state and building institutions.

Abdulmalik said that the events witnessed in Aden represent a lesson for all, stressing the need to separate political competition from the interests of the people and state institutions, which by nature, are not for bargaining and not to be obstructed.

He added that the government will launch an urgent plan to normalize the situation in the city of Aden, improve services and create a positive atmosphere for the implementation of the agreement.

The Prime Minister stressed that the imperative of the presence of state institutions in the interim capital Aden and the rest of Yemeni

(A P)

STC Presidency discusses provocative acts by Islah

The meeting touched on the recent provocative acts by Islah-linked military commanders within Yemen's legitimacy, aiming at hindering the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement and dragging the South into a catastrophic war, in particular in Shabwa where they try to blow up the situation in defiance of the efforts exerted by the Arab Coalition to de-escalate hostilities.
The STC Presidency called on the Arab Coalition to take serious steps to deal with such actions and breaches and to bind the other party to the Riyadh Agreement, stressing that the STC might be forced to face them in a decisive manner, as required by the interest of the South with a view to bringing about the right conditions for the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

(A P)

President Hadi Must Appoint a new Prime Minister Under Terms of Jeddah Agreement

President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi has backed away from keeping Dr Moin Abdul Malik as the head of the new government.
According to the terms of the Jeddah Agreement, which was signed in Riyadh on the 5th Nov 2019, the new government cabinet should consist of 50 % from the South and the same amount from the North.
A source from the presidency’s office told Alayyam newspaper that president Abed Rabbo M. Hadi will replace Moen Abdul Malek with one of three candidates, Salem Khambashi, Engineer Lutfi Basharif or Hussein Basalama.
Reports pointed out that there is a debate concerning choosing the right person who will win confidence from all sides.

My remark: As claimed by the STC separatists.

(A K P)

The Facilities Protection Forces Secure Aden Fisheries Port

The facilities Protection Forces tasked with protecting the government institutions received yesterday their task in protecting the Gulf of Aden Fisheries Port in Hugaif – Tawahi Aden.
A military source from the Security Belt Forces said that the arrangement of the Security belt and the Arab coalition, forces from the brigade entered the port yesterday and were distributed institutions' departments.
The same source pointed out that those measures were part of the redeployment which was announced by the Arab coalition at the end of last month when the UAE forces withdrew from Aden.
Previously the facilities were protected by the Southern Forces Support Brigades (Security Belt), which received specific military training and courses over the past five years with the support of the Arab Coalition Forces Command in Aden.
On Tuesday, the Arab coalition distributed the security forces in 42 governmental facilities in the capital, Aden and Lahj governorate.
More than 1,000 troops are currently in the capital who are deployed to protect vital institutions.

My comment: Tom y opinion, this force is a fake; in fact it certainly just is a fresh-coloured separatist militia (also look below).

(* A P)

Yemen government delays return, officials blame separatists

Yemen´s internationally recognized government was forced to delay its return to the port city of Aden, officials said Sunday, blaming southern separatists for stalling on the key point of a power-sharing deal signed early this month to end their infighting.

Government officials told The Associated Press that the separatists are refusing to hand over Aden headquarters and the presidential palace. The separatist Southern Transitional Council insists instead on joint committees.

The government officials, in turn, blame the separatists for inciting "limited clashes" and looting. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters.

Addressing tribal leaders last week in the Yemen´s easternmost province of al-Mahra, Interior Minister Ahmed al-Maysari criticized the power-sharing agreement.

"Does it make sense for your neighbor to come and tell you what to do in your home? It is a tragedy," he said. =

(A K P)

Separation rebels set up new checkpoints in Shabwa

The southern separatists known as the Southern Transitional Council (STC) set up on Saturday morning new security checkpoints in Habban district of Shabwa governorate which is located on the Shabwa-Abyan-Aden road.

A local source said that a group of militants commanded by Abdullah Alboher, former officer of the Shabwani Elite Forces, banned travelers of other governorates from crossing into their destinations, arrested some of them and took them to unknown locations.

The source indicated that the militants set up another checkpoint on Friday night for short time in Al-Rudum district of Shabwa where they looted some travelers on the Shabwa-Mukkala road.

(A T)

Gunmen murder citizen in Aden, set fire on his body

The gunmen shot several bullets from a pistol at the victim and he died instantly, the local sources said.

The militants have also set the victim’s body on fire inside his vehicle and fled to an unknown location.


(A T)

Locals claim he'd been killed for posting on Facebook. Activists Omar Batawil and Amjad Abdulrahman were killed for posting on social media in the city in 2016 and 2017.

(A K P)

Separatists kidnap 10 Yemenis

STC militias put pressure on pro-Hadi groups by abductions

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council Militias have kidnapped 10 northern citizens while they were heading to the southern port city of Aden, local sources reported on Saturday.

According to the source, the so-called “Shabwah elite forces”, set up a point on the main road connecting Haban district in Shabwah, and detained 10 citizens from the northern provinces who were in a car on their way to Aden.

Through the kidnapping, the STC militia is seeking to pressure local authorities to release armed men captured by Hadi’s and Islah forces in Shabwah.

(B K P)

Newly-recruited forces begin securing state facilities in Yemen's Aden

Units of the newly-recruited security forces began securing a number of state facilities in the southern port city of Aden on Saturday, a government official told Xinhua.

The local government source said on condition of anonymity that Yemen's government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) formed new security units tasked with securing the state institutions in Aden.

"After the signing of Riyadh deal between the two warring rivals, there will be unified security units tasked with protecting the state institutions jointly with direct supervision from the new government," he said.

He added that the newly-recruited security units began deployment in and around a number of key state institutions in Aden in accordance with the provisions of the Riyadh deal.

Yemeni experts said that the process will pave the way for de-escalation and peace between the two warring rivals over the control of Aden.

They also said that "the unification of the security forces tasked with guarding the country's institutions is a good step to prevent military conflicts in the city."

My comment: Hmmm. The Hadi government is dead at Aden. Who really recruited, who is commanding this force? I think obviously this will be the separatist STC.

(A K P)

Film (Arabic): Fears from Riyadh agreement failure and conflict return to Aden

Following the delayed visit of the new Yemeni government headed by Maeen Abdul Malik to Aden governorate in southern Yemen, which was supposed to take place within one week of the Riyadh agreement signing, and ci

(* A K P)

Clashes between Transitional Factions Formed by UAE in Aden

Violent clashes broke out Saturday between armed factions, formed by the United Arab Emirates, in Aden city. A local source said that clashes erupted between forces belonging to the so-called Aden Security Department and the Protection of Facilities Brigade in the fishing port in Tawahi.

The source added that the Facilities Protection Forces arrived at the port take over the forces of the Aden Security Department, which refused to hand over the port resulting in clashes.

(* A K P)

Southern resistance launches fresh attacks on Islah in Shabwa

A number of Islah militants were killed and injured in a surprise attack launched by the southern resistance in the governorate of Shabwa on Saturday.
Well informed local sources told the press that the southern resistance carried out an intense mortar shelling on gatherings of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked militias inside of Khomoma military camp in Markha district of Shabwa governorate.
The operation resulted in a number of casualties in the ranks of Islah militias, the same sources said, adding that the operation targeted Islah fighters from the northern governorate of Marib.

(* A P)

Airline 'cancels' flight due to return Yemen government to Aden

Yemen's government was expected to return to Aden on Saturday, amid accusations that southern separatists have hindered the embattled administration's return

A Yemen Airways flight scheduled to carry Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdul Malik and members of his cabinet to Aden was unexpectedly cancelled on Saturday, according to Yemeni media reports.

Abdul Malik was due to return for the first time since being expelled from the country's temporary capital by separatists in August, government sources told The New Arab's Arabic-language website earlier on Saturday.

According to the Emirates News Agency, a source at the airline said the government delegation was taken by surprise when the flight was cancelled and postponed until further notice.

Abdul Malik has been residing in Saudi Arabia since the separatist Southern Transitional Council takeover of Aden.
The return has been delayed more than once over the past few days, with sources saying that the wait was due to security arrangements.

Despite the Riyadh agreement, however, the separatists have reportedly hindered the return of the government, including by refusing to raise the country's national flag over key government institutions in the city.
The return date for the government stipulated in the Riyadh agreement had been last Tuesday.

(* A P)

Officials of Yemen's gov't to return to Aden

A number of officials of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government would return to the southern port city of Aden after signing a power-sharing deal with the Southern Transitional Council (STC), sources said on Saturday.

"We are ready to return to the city of Aden, according to provisions of the Riyadh deal," Salem Al-Khanbashy, deputy prime minister of the Yemeni government, confirmed to Xinhua by phone.

He said that a number of officials would return to Aden, including the country's Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik in the upcoming days.

On the delay of the government's return to Aden, Al-Khanbashy said that "the delay was due to technical obstacles and logistical arrangements."

According to the deputy PM of Yemen, the government's return to Aden will be followed by forming a military committee to begin the process of organizing the military and security file in the country's southern part.

Earlier in the day, joint forces representing both pro-Saudi Yemeni factions began securing a number of state facilities in Aden.

(A P)

ERC organises mass wedding in Mocha, Yemen

My comment: A mass wedding – without even just one woman!!!

(A K P)

Landmine awareness campaign launched in Aden

(* A P)

STC: Riyadh Agreement will address the Southern issue

In reaching this agreement, the STC over a period of several weeks engaged constructively with the dialogue process in good faith and with no pre-conditions. This approach came against a backdrop of escalation on the ground against our people, as evident by the attacks against South Yemen at the start of August. As we stated clearly from the beginning, the solution to the crisis was and remains a political one. This is why the STC took all necessary measures to ensure the protection of civilians in the South, restore security and stability in Aden, and intensify our diplomatic efforts to bring about a sustainable and long lasting solution that meets the legitimate aims of our people. For too long the South had been marginalised and neglected. That status quo was no longer acceptable, and events on the ground from August changed the context and made clear the urgent need for a solution for the Southern cause.
Against this background, the Riyadh Agreement is a positive first step to shifting the status quo. For the first time there is a formal recognition of the unique nature of the Southern cause and Southerners’ needs, including our legitimate demand to determine our own future. This is the cornerstone of the Southern cause that the STC can never renege on. In this regard, we now look forward to engaging with the Yemeni government, as an equal partner and signatory of this Agreement, to ensure the security, governance, protection, and development of South Yemen.
To be clear: the Riyadh Agreement offers a critical window of opportunity but more work lies ahead. It is a key stepping stone to the broader political effort under the auspices of the UN. As we have reiterated previously, any UN political process needs to be broad and inclusive at all stages, and to address a comprehensive range of issues, including the Southern issue. A piecemeal approach would only fall short in delivery as we have seen with past political initiatives. We therefore welcome the recognition of our key role in the Agreement and our guaranteed participation in the UN political process led by Envoy Martin Griffiths. For the first time, the UN process would have legitimate Southern representatives through the STC at the negotiating table to advocate for the South within the broader political solution for the Yemeni crisis. We remain fully committed to playing our part and to intensifying our diplomatic engagement for a solution for the South through democratic means.
We remain cautiously optimistic about this Agreement. The true test of any agreement is credible implementation, and we are not naive to this.

(A P)

Film: Southern Separatist forces welcome Saudi-backed peace deal

Southern Separatist forces, backed by the United Arab Emirates, say they welcome a peace deal signed with the Saudi-backed government last week

Speaking for the UAE-backed southern separatists Brigadier Abu Bakr Jabr, the Deputy Director of Aden Security says "As long as there were agreement and understanding and there was a signing. We are ready to welcome the members of the government and the prime minister and this of course, after the agreement, we need to be part of this agreement." UAE-backed southern separatists have stepped up security checks in preparation for the return of Hadi and his cabinet. Colonel Rami Mohammed, the Commander of the Special Forces Battalion says "we as security forces on high readiness, We are ready to support any efforts that lead to and ultim

(A P)

STC, Saudi Arabia discuss implementation of Riyadh Agreement

The negotiation group of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) headed by member of the STC Presidency Dr. Nasser Al-Khabji, continues its meetings with the Saudi side within the Joint Security Committee to follow up the implementation of Riyadh Agreement.

(A P)

Al-Jaadi warns against regionalism

Member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council and assistant secretary general, Fadl al-Jaadi warned against propagating the spirit of regionalism in the South.
Al-Jaadi wrote on his Twitter account that "spreading the spirit of regionalism represents a threat to the present and future of the homeland."

My comment: By a separatist leader, this sounds somewhat like a joke. He lashes against regional approaches to more autonomy in the provinces of Hadramaut and Mahra, which claim autonomy – but national unity, and are critical to the STC’s separatism.

(* A K P)

Resistance launches mortar attacks on Islah militias in Shabwa

Islah militia, the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, suffered human and material losses late in the night on Friday when the southern resistance conducted heavy mortar shelling targeting Khomoma military camp in Markha district of Shabwa governorate.

My comment: “Islah militia,” this is president Hadi’s supporters. Actis like this one show how well it’s working to implement the Riyadh agreement.

(* A K P)

Separatists and Islah militias still fighting one another in Ataq

Despite ongoing Riyadh Agreement negotiations, infighting continue

Violent clashes have erupted on Wednesday between the so-called Shabwah Elite Forces and the Islah party on the outskirts of the city of Ataq, amid a stalled implementation of the Riyadh agreement.

The sources confirmed that the forces of the Islah and rushed and sent large military reinforcements to the region after the intensification of confrontation between elements of the Southern Transition Council and other elements of the Islah militia.

The Shabwah Elite forces controlled the area at the outskirts of the city of Ataq before being expelled by the forces of Hadi and the Islah Party in mid-August

(* A K P)

Pro-Hadi commander calls for full mobilisation against separatists

Abyan province likely to see renewed combat

The commander of the so-called special forces of the exiled Hadi regime in Abyan province has on Thursday called on all the forces to be in “high combat readiness, in preparation for confronting the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council’s militia.”

In a meeting of military and security leaders of Hadi’s forces in the coastal city of Shoqra, Mohamed al-Auban, a security commander close to the Interior Minister Ahmed al-Maisari, demanded raising readiness to confront the STC militias and expel them from Abyan.

Al-Auban revealed that he received a letter from al-Maisari asking him to raise combat readiness in all districts and their centers.

He confirmed his forces’ “readiness to carry out any tasks within the framework of the ministry.”

(A P)

Unidentified militants riding a motorcycle threw a homemade bomb at a security checkpoint in Yemen’s de facto capital, Aden, on November 14, injuring two members of a local security force.[1]

(A P)

The civilians condemned the high prices of fish in #Shabwa and the deterioration of the economic situation.

(A P)

A civilian was killed after he was subjected to torture by the Security Belt, which is supported by #UAE.

(* A K P)


Aden city is witnessing a large military deployment of Saudi military and armored vehicles and in coinciding with the Transitional council’s refusal to return Hadi’s government to Aden after the South flag was lowered from the mast of the Aden International Airport.

Military sources said that Saudi troops deployed tanks and armored vehicles around the Aden palace.

The leader in the Transitional Council, Fadl Mohammed al-Jaadi, threatened yesterday with popular escalation in Aden against the government of Hadi and Saudi forces.

In addition, the deputy chairman of the Transitional Council, Hani bin Brik, swore in a video clip in front of Aden airport not to down the southern flag, and vowed to fight the government and Saudi forces.

Meanwhile, a military transport plane belonging to Saudi forces arrived at the airport carrying medium weapons and military equipment, accompanied by Saudi commanders , a week after the arrival of a military plane loaded with weapons and military communications equipment and radars for the Saudi military forces in Aden and Al-Anad air base.

(B P)

Film: Teacher Zakaria Kidnapped and Held by Aden Security for over a Year

Zakaria Qasim, a benevolent relief worker in the war, was kidnapped and has been held in Aden security prisons for over a year now.

(* B P)

UAE Controls The Largest Economic Project In Yemen

French reports on an Emirati jail at a Yemeni oil facility have brought the spotlight to the fate of Yemen’s largest economic project, which the UAE has seized, and turned it into a military barracks, in light of the shifts in the country in recent months, leading up to the “Riyadh Agreement”. The Yemeni government will return to work from within the country and benefit from various revenues, including those that Abu Dhabi has blocked for years.

Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed newspaper, citing sources close to the Yemeni government, said that the UAE presence in the Balhaf strategic facility in Shabwa province, despite the events in August, ended with government forces controlling the various areas of the province. After fighting with the forces of the so-called “Shabwani elite”, the UAE arm in the province.

According to the sources, the Yemeni army arrived at the gate of the Balhaf facility after taking control of the various “elite camps”, but they refrained from entering a direct confrontation with the Emirati force in Balhaf before Saudi forces joined them.

The sources described the UAE’s continued presence as “limited”, unlike the previous phase, as Balhaf was the region through which the Emiratis run their local arms in Shabwa and prevent the Yemeni government from operating the facility, which is the largest economic project in the country.

The talk about Balhaf’s fate follows a report by French newspaper Le Monde that the UAE has turned Total’s facility into a secret prison where torture was practiced against detainees.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi im Interview mit Xinhua: Wir sind bereit für den Dialog

"Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Frieden die beste Option für eine Lösung ist", sagte er in einem Interview mit Xinhua.

"Wir suchen einen gerechten, ehrbaren und offenen Frieden", fügte er hinzu.

Er wies darauf hin, dass die Option der militärischen Aggression und der wirtschaftlichen Blockade fast fünf Jahre lang bewiesen habe, dass sie weder im Jemen noch in der Region Frieden stiftet.

"Unsere Vision von Frieden beginnt damit, die Aggression zu stoppen und den Flughafen von Sana'a zu öffnen, indem wir einen wirtschaftlichen Mechanismus verabschieden, um die Gehälter der eingestellten Mitarbeiter und einen Wiederaufbaumechanismus zu übergeben", sagte Houthi.

"Wir bemühen uns um Frieden auf der Grundlage von Nachbarschaft und Entwicklung und um eine nachhaltige politische Lösung im Jemen sowie vertrauensbildende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und ein Paket internationaler rechtlicher Verpflichtungen", sagte er.

Während Mohammed Ali al-Houthi feststellte, dass der UN-Gesandte für den Jemen eine neue Konsultationsrunde anberaumt, sagte er, dass der Gesandte noch nicht zu dem Ergebnis gekommen sei, die Aggression zu stoppen, die Belagerung aufzuheben oder das Embargo aufzuheben, was seine Bemühungen in die Breite treiben würde.

"Wenn die Koalitionsländer nicht am Verhandlungstisch sitzen, wird es kein Ergebnis geben."

"Wir befinden uns in einer Position der Selbstverteidigung und begrüßen den Dialog, und wir glauben, dass er mit den Führern der Koalitionsländer und nicht mit der sogenannten Legitimität geführt werden sollte, weil die Entscheidung ihnen nicht überlassen ist", sagte er.

(* A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi calls on Saudi Arabia to openly respond to Yemeni peace initiative

Secretive agreement is not enough, al-Houthi says

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi had called on Saudi Arabia to bypass the “secrecy of the response” to the initiative of President of the Supreme political Council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, to stop the war and bring peace, and to officially announce its response.

He stressed that the interests of the two countries are not with the mercenaries, but with “those who sacrifice their blood for the independence of their homeland.”

Mohammed al-Houthi commented on Saudi Arabia’s partial moves to respond to the peace initiative announced by the president of the Political Council, to stop the attacks of the air and ballistic missiles on Saudi Arabia in exchange for alike response.

“The answer in secret does not negate the need to respond [publicly]. This is how the jurists say it, referring to the need for Riyadh to officially declare its approval and response to the initiative,” he said in a tweet after midnight Sunday addressing Saudi Arabia.

Al-Houthi has hinted to Riyadh that its interest sits in a comprehensive and lasting peace agreement with those fighting for Yemen’s independence and stability, not with those who take the war as a craft to reap money and personal interests.

(* B P)

Negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen [Sanaa gov.] are getting closer to agreement

Sources indicate that despite difficulties, National Salvation Government is close to reaching ceasefire

Saudi Arabia is intensifying informal talks with the National Salvation Government to reach a ceasefire agreement in Yemen, sources familiar with the discussions said.

The talks were launched in Jordan in late September, three of the sources said, with Riyadh taking sole responsibility for military efforts by the Arab alliance waging war in Yemen after the exit of its main partner, the United Arab Emirates.

The discussions began after Ansarullah and the National Salvation Government offered to halt retaliatory missile and drone attacks on Saudi cities if the Saudi-led coalition ended its airstrikes on Yemen, they said.

A fourth source said that “discussions on finalizing the security pact are moving very quickly now through a number of channels,” but that Riyadh still “had concerns about its border security.”

“We have had an open channel with the Houthi’s [the term used by imperialist sources to refer to Ansarullah and by extension the entire National Salvation Government] since 2016. We are continuing these communications to support peace in Yemen,” a Saudi official said.

A Yemeni official, who declined to be named, confirmed that the government is discussing a broad ceasefire with Riyadh, but cautioned that Yemen’s patience was “wearing thin”.


(* B P)

Yemen [Sanaa gov.] officially confirms peace talks with Saudis in Oman

Mohammed Abdulsalam congratulates and thanks Oman on its role as intermediary

The head of the national negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam officially confirmed that the Sultanate of Oman is currently acting as a mediator between Riyadh and Sana’a to stop the war and bring peace.

“I hope that Oman’s continued efforts to bring peace will benefit and restore stability at all levels in Yemen,” he said on Twitter.

Mohammed Abdulsalam sent a congratulatory message to the Sultanate of Oman on the 49th National Day on Sunday night.

“We extend our warmest congratulations to his Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and to the Omani people, hoping for continued progress and prosperity for Oman.”

The head of the national delegation praised what makes Oman distinguished from other countries in the region.

“Oman has been characterized by the leadership and people of authentic Arab-Islamic values and morals, which qualified them to be an oasis of good for their people, peace with their neighbours, and a unique place in the region and the world,” Mohammed Abdulsalam said

In first official confirmation since the media has been leaking news about talks between Sana’a and Riyadh, Mohammed Abdulsalam confirmed the news that Oman has officially mediated between Riyadh and Sana’a in order to stop the war.

“We hope that (the Sultanate’s continued efforts) will lead to what benefits Yemen, and will restore stability at all levels,” he said.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

Twitter's Saudi spy network leaves activists living in fear

Two employees allegedly accessed details of 6,000 users and shared them with Saudi officials. But who were the victims? Twitter and the FBI won't comment

Saudi activists fear they are among thousands of Twitter users whose data is thought to have been obtained by the Saudi government via spies inside the social media giant.

Several have told Middle East Eye that they fear the information, including IP addresses, may have been used to target and arrest activists who have subsequently disappeared.

Earlier this month, a complaint filed by the US government in a California federal court accused two Twitter employees of accessing and giving the details of more than 6,000 users to a Saudi official with close ties to the royal family, between December 2014 and November 2015.

Two of the users whose information was believed to have been shared are Mujtahidd, an anonymous account once described as “the Saudi version of Wikileaks”, and Omar Abdulaziz, a dissident living in Canada, who has filed his own lawsuit against Twitter.

But the identity of the remaining users is unknown – at least to Saudi activists who say the scale of the spying detailed in the complaints took their community, already on high alert in the wake of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder last year, by surprise.

“I think we always thought it would be the bigwigs, but after realising ‘Oh, it’s 6,000 accounts’, even other activists have asked me, ‘Hey, do any of you know if any of us are on this list?,” Amani al-Ahmadi, a Saudi-American feminist based in Seattle, told MEE.


(* A P)

Film: Arab Twitter: A tool for #freespeech or #surveillance?

From a Saudi spy scandal to suspicious account closures: Twitter in the Arab world.

A court case unfolding in California reveals just how far the Saudi government is willing to go to watch its critics and silence them.

Two former Twitter employees have been charged with acting as Saudi agents back in 2015 and working with the authorities in Riyadh.

However, this story is not just about Saudi Arabia. It raises serious issues about Twitter working with questionable political actors and sacrificing its stated principles, for the sake of its bottom line.

Contributors: Ali al-Ahmed - Director, The Institute for Gulf Affairs; Madawi al-Rasheed - Visiting professor, LSE Middle East Centre; Marc Owen Jones - Assistant professor, Hamad bin Khalifa University


(* B P)

Ein Jahr nach Khashoggi-Mord ist Riad um besseres Image bemüht

Saudi-Arabien verhandelt mit den Huthis, um den Jemen-Krieg zu beenden, und plant ein Fußball-Freundschaftsspiel gegen den Iran.

Doch zuletzt hat das sunnitische Königreich gleich mehrere Entspannungssignale ausgesandt – das liegt einerseits am Börsegang des Erdölmultis Saudi Aramco (siehe Bericht oben) und andererseits daran, dass Saudi-Arabien im kommenden Jahr den Vorsitz der G20, also der Gruppe der 20 wichtigsten Industrie- und Schwellenländer, übernimmt.

Saudi-Arabien führt nach eigenen Angaben Gespräche mit den vom Iran unterstützten Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen, um ein Ende des blutigen Dauerkonflikts zu erreichen.

Um die politischen und militärischen Spannungen mit dem Iran zu reduzieren, planen die Fußballverbände Saudi-Arabiens und des Iran erstmals seit sieben Jahren wieder ein Freundschaftsspiel ihrer Nationalmannschaften – und zwar noch im November.

Schlüsselfigur im Bemühen um ein neues Image ist der Ende Oktober neu ernannte saudische Außenminister Prinz Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud.;art391,3188163

(* A E P)

Saudi Aramco to sell 1.5% stake, valuing company up to $1.7T

Saudi Arabia’s state-owned oil giant Aramco announced Sunday it will sell a 1.5% stake in the company as it looks to raise as much as $25.6 billion from the sale.

The newly released figures also revealed a valuation for the company that’s between $1.6 trillion and $1.7 trillion, a figure that fell short of the $2 trillion mark Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had sought.

Still, a 1.5% flotation could raise between $24 billion and $25.6 billion to help fuel the Saudi economy. Saudi Aramco announced it will have 200 billion regular shares, selling 1.5% or what is 3 billion shares.

Aramco set a stock price range of 30 to 32 Saudi riyals, or $8 to $8.50 a share for investors.

The company is selling 0.5% to individual investors, which will include Saudi citizens, residents of Saudi Arabia and Gulf Arab nationals, and 1% to institutional investors, which could include major Chinese and Russian buyers.

Aramco will announce the final price for the stock when the book-building period ends on Dec. 5.

and also

(* B H P)

Bangladeshi women recount stories of abuse in Saudi Arabia

Female workers returning from Saudi Arabia say they suffered backbreaking working hours and sexual abuse.

"It was a tough job for $235 a month. I needed to work for 14-15 hours straight. It was hard for me to understand their language [Arabic]. I also couldn't cook to their taste. I didn't have any access to a phone, so I couldn't talk to my family back home," she said.

"They also beat me with a stick sometimes."

Begum said she was also sexually assaulted by the eldest son of the family, which spurred her to run away.

Begum is among the nearly 50,000 women who went to the Gulf country for work until the end of September this year.

According to government figures, more than 300,000 female workers have travelled to Saudi Arabia since 1991, but many of them return with stories of abuse and exploitation.

In the last four years, at least 66 Bangladeshi female workers died in Saudi Arabia, 52 of them committing suicide.

Akhter, a resident of Gendaria outside the capital Dhaka, was told she would be taking care of an elderly woman in the town Ad-Dilum in Saudi Arabia in exchange for $266 a month.

However, she woke up to the harsh reality when she reached there in July 2018. Long working hours, rude behaviour and physical abuse were everyday experiences.

"I had to work from 5am to 10pm every day without a break," she said.

"The Malkin (her female employer) used to beat me with a stick when I could not understand her instructions. I felt helpless and trapped," she said.

After she refused to continue working for the family, she was "sold" to another family, Akter says. Under the Saudi "kafala" - or visa sponsorship - system, a migrant worker's residency permit is tied to the "sponsoring" employers whose written consent is required for the worker to change employers or leave the country under normal circumstances.

Victims of a cruel system

Both Begum and Akhter were victims of a system in which employers confiscate passports, withhold wages, and force migrants to work against their will. Workers who leave their employer without their consent can be charged with "absconding" and face imprisonment and deportation, Human Rights Watch said.

After a seven-year ban on employing Bangladeshi migrant workers, Saudi Arabia started taking workers from the South Asian nation of nearly 160 million through a bilateral deal signed at the end of 2015.

According to BRAC, a non-governmental organisation working with Bangladeshi migration workers, last year a total of 1,353 female workers came back to Bangladesh from Saudi Arabia because of the inhuman working conditions there.

"After they came back, they reported of mental, physical and sexual abuse," said Shariful Islam Hasan of the migration programme at BRAC.

He said 66 female workers have died in the last four years in Saudi Arabia, 52 cases were suicides.

"I haven't found a single case where the employers have been punished. So the Saudi employers think they can do whatever they want with these workers without facing any consequences," Hasan told Al Jazeera – by Faisal Mahmud

(B P)

Film: The strict regime ruling #SaudiArabia is consistently ranking among the "worst of the worst" for political and civil rights

(B P)

Bin Salman Spies on 30 Princes by Zionist Bracelets

Saudi opposition researcher and academic, Saeed bin Nasser Al-Ghamdi, revealed that the Kingdom's authorities are spying on more than 30 princes of the ruling Al-Saud family, including former Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, through Israeli monitoring bracelets.

Al-Ghamdi said in a tweet on his Twitter that, "A respectable person from the family of Al-Saud, I have an old knowledge with him, from a worker mobile, speaking about distress and terror they live. He also said that those who had bracelets in their feet from Al-Saud exceed 30 member, including Bin Nayef, and Meteb (bin Abdullah), bin Fahd, and Bandar bin Salman. "

The Saudi opposition added that the Israeli company NSO monitored the communications of all Al Saud women and men, and if this is true, it may has significant implications."

(* B E P)

Saudi Arabia is ‘gradually running out of money’ and needs IPO to fund reforms, ex-CIA chief says

Saudi Arabia needs the initial public offering (IPO) of its state oil company to be successful as it needs to attract outside investment and, frankly, it needs the money, the former chief of the CIA David Petraeus told CNBC Thursday.

“It’s a fact that Saudi Arabia is gradually running out of money, they’d be the first to acknowledge that the sovereign wealth fund has been reduced, it’s somewhere below $500 billion now,” Gen. David Petraeus, who is currently chair of the KKR Global Institute, told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble in Abu Dhabi.

“The (budget) deficits each year, depending on the price of Brent crude, can be anywhere from $40 to $60 billion depending on some of their activities in countries in the region.”

“The bottom line is that they need the money, they need that outside investment that is crucial to delivering ‘Vision 2030’ which cannot be realized without outside investment, this is just one component of a number of different initiatives that they’re pursuing to try to attract that outside investment,” he added.

and full transcript:

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* A P)

UN-Sonderermittlerin wirft Angela Merkel und Emmanuel Macron “Komplizenschaft” mit Saudi-Arabien vor
Die UN-Sonderermittlerin Agnès Callamard hat internationalen Politikern im Umgang mit dem Mord am saudi-arabischen Regimekritiker und Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi schwere Vorwürfe gemacht. Sie bezichtigte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron der “Komplizenschaft” mit Saudi-Arabien.
International sei nicht genug unternommen worden, um den Mord an Khashoggi aufzuklären, kritisierte Callamard in einem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Interview mit dem “Business Insider Deutschland”.

cp9 USA

(A P)

Saudi Arabia hires a public relations firm

Working for Saudi Arabia is apparently no longer as controversial as it was in the aftermath of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul last year, which led several Washington lobbying firms to cut ties with the kingdom. Saudi Arabia has hired LS2group, a public affairs firm based in Des Moines, Iowa, to represent the kingdom in the U.S., according to a Justice Department filing. LS2group will provide “strategic and government affairs advice” as well as “public relations and communications” help, according to the disclosure.

The contract lasts one year and is worth $126,500 a month.

(* B K P)

We Make An Endless War And Call It Peace

Defenders of U.S. hegemony like to make what they think is a flattering comparison between the U.S. and the Roman Empire, but where the Romans made a desert and called it peace the U.S. has gone to war in the desert again and again with no end in sight. Not only has the U.S. not brought peace, but there is little reason to think that our government is capable of doing so. More to the point, the U.S. has no right to keep meddling in the affairs of these nations. It would also be accurate to say that the more American involvement there has been in the region, the less pax there has been there. There is nowhere else in the world where our foreign policy is as intensely militarized, and it is no accident that it is also where our foreign policy is most destructive. If the U.S. genuinely desired stability and the security of energy supplies, it would not be waging an economic war on Iran, and it wouldn’t be fueling a disgraceful war on Yemen. The author of that piece, William Wechsler, notably has nothing to say about either one of those policies.

Opponents of U.S. withdrawal from the Middle East make two major claims: that withdrawal would harm U.S. interests and that it would make the region worse off than it already is. The second point is wrong but debatable, and the first one depends on an absurdly expansive definition of what U.S. interests are.

The U.S. didn’t have and didn’t need a large military presence in the Middle East for the entire Cold War, and it doesn’t need to have one now. Having a military presence in the region has directly contributed to increased threats to U.S. security through terrorism, and it made the Iraq war debacle possible. The greatest harm to U.S. security has come from our ongoing extensive military involvement in this part of the world.

Once we acknowledge those errors, the next step is not to fall into the same patterns out of a misguided desire for “leadership” and domination. Instead of chasing after a fantasy of imposing peace in some other part of the world, we need to stop our destabilizing and destructive policies that perpetuate conflict and make new wars more likely – by Daniel Larison

(* B K P)

The Blob: Still Chasing After Pax Americana

After all the failure, they still look at our wars in the Middle East as some kind of golden age.

I wish to call attention to an instructive essay about U.S. policy in the Middle East—instructive in the sense that it reveals the utterly impoverished nature of establishment thinking on this subject. The title of the essay is “The US Has One Last Chance to Halt Its Withdrawal from the Middle East.” The author is a former deputy assistant secretary of defense.

The purpose of our present-day Mr. X is to sound the alarm about the United States lowering its profile in the Middle East. To avert that prospect, he proposes what can only be termed a strategy of staying-the-course-while-ignoring-the-facts.

Yet the essence of X’s argument boils down to this: setting aside these recent errors of judgment by George W. Bush and Barack Obama, U.S. policy in the region has actually been a smashing success. From the end of World War II until ever-so-recently, Washington pursued a course in the Middle East that was reasoned, careful, and eminently wise.

When one encounters a claim of an American-constructed Pax, the first rule is to look for what the writer leaves out. In this case, among the incidents and developments that our X totally ignores are these

Admit these into the conversation and the question you confront is this one: what Pax? In truth, Pax Americana no more describes the postwar Middle East than the phrase “Long Peace” describes the Cold War. The purpose of such formulations is to preclude actual thinking, attaching labels to preempt analysis.

“It took many decades to build a Pax Americana in the Middle East,” X writes. Not true: it took only a handful of hours—the time he invested in writing his essay. The Pax Americana is a figment of X’s imagination.

Yet once having conjured up his fictive Pax, X easily convinces himself that it can exist again, if only the next president—he writes off Trump as a total loss—will act to “reestablish American leadership in the Middle East, restore deterrence with our adversaries, and begin renewing trust with our partners and allies.” But what does “leadership” actually mean in this context? What will it entail? What will it cost? Once again, when it comes to specifics, X is essentially silent, offering only this: “The next commander in chief will require political fortitude to lead the United States back to its traditional role in the region, demonstrating what in previous generations was deemed a profile in courage.”

That and four bucks will get you a latte.

All of that said, I submit that X has written something worthy of reflection. Here on full display is a model of establishment thinking—heavy on clichés, light on substance, and short of memory.

Let me briefly sketch out an alternative narrative that more accurately captures our present predicament.

Since the end of World War II, successive administrations have sought to devise a formula for assuring American consumers access to Persian Gulf oil while also satisfying pressing domestic political interests. Over a period of decades, that effort succeeded chiefly in giving birth to new problems. Out of these multiplying difficulties came the 9/11 attacks and their immediate sequel, a “war on terrorism” meant to settle matters once and for all.

To state the matter bluntly, 9/11 was an expression of chickens coming home to roost, a massive strategic failure that the ensuing military campaigns beginning in 2001 and continuing to the present moment have affirmed. Given the dimensions of that failure, the likelihood of resuscitating X’s illusory Pax is essentially zero – by Andrew Bacevich

referring to

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* B P)

US dirty hands behind violent protests in Iran?

All sovereign independent countries not subservient to US interests are on its target list for regime change — by preemptive wars, color revolutions, old-fashioned coups, targeted assassinations, economic terrorism, and/or other hostile actions.

Color revolutions are a US specialty. So-called spontaneous uprisings are well-planned in advance by the CIA, the undemocratic National Endowment for Democracy, and other US agencies.

CIA color revolutions involve paramilitaries and/or other anti-government elements, including insurgents from other countries.

Tactics include orchestrated mass protests, shootings, Molotov cocktail bombings, arson, and other vandalism against state facilities, barricades of burning tires and/or rubbish, blocking roads, and other hostile actions.

On November 15, the National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company (NIOPDC) announced a gasoline price increase from 10,000 to 15,000 rials per liter (12.7 US cents).

Rationing was instituted, private autos allotted 60 liters a month, additional purchases to cost 30,000 rial per liter — taxis and ambulances to have 400 liter and 500 liter monthly quotas respectively.

Prices for compressed natural gas (CNG) and gas oil remain unchanged.

According to head of Iran’s Plan and Budget Organization Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, price hike revenues will fund additional subsidies for 18 million needy Iranian families.

President Rouhani said additional revenues will not be used to fund government activities. Iranophobe Pompeo tweeted the following:

“After 40 years of tyranny (sic), the proud people are not staying silent about their government abuses (sic). We will not stay silent either,” adding:

“The United States hears you. The United States supports you. The United States is with you (sic).”

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi blasted Pompeo’s hypocritical support for orchestrated violence and vandalism in Iran, saying:

“The dignified people of Iran are well aware that such hypocritical remarks contain no honest sympathy, and the (violent) actions of a group of anarchists and saboteurs who are supported by the likes of him are by no means in line with the conduct and behavior of the majority of the understanding and insightful Iranian people,” adding:

Pompeo “is sympathizing with the people who are under pressure of the United States’ economic terrorism. He had already explicitly said that the people of Iran must be kept hungry until they give in to ‘our demands.’ ”

Iranian authorities accused “trained saboteurs” for committing violence and vandalism, including public buildings, banks and shops set ablaze, along with attacks on police deployed to restore order.

Iranian intelligence estimated that about 87,000 people took part in protests, most involved nonviolent – by Stephen Lendman

(* A P)

AP Explains: Iran gas price protests quickly turn violent

Protests over gasoline prices have swept across some 100 cities and towns in Iran, turning violent faster than widespread economic protests in 2017 and rallies over the country’s disputed 2009 presidential election.

The scale of the unrest that began on Friday remains unclear as authorities have shut down the internet across this nation of 80 million people.

Prior to that, online videos purported to show people abandoning their cars on major highways and marching on city centers. Demonstrations devolved into violence as rioters set fire to gas stations, attacked banks and robbed stores.

While sparked by President Hassan Rouhani’s decision to raise government-set gasoline prices, the protests take root in decades-old economic problems, exacerbated by the U.S. pullout of Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers and re-imposed economic sanctions.

And though some protest chants directly challenge Iran’s Shiite theocracy, its government has the manpower — and experience — to quickly put down demonstrations.

(A P)

Senior Iranian scholar: US is looking to annihilate the Muslim world

Iranian senior political figure Ayatollah Mohammad Emami-Kashani has blasted Washington for its destructive policies in the Middle East, and said that the US is the main culprit behind the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

(* A P)

Pompeo’s feigned concern for Iranian people is pure hypocrisy: Scholar

Professor Etler said, “Pompeo’s support of protests in Iran over increases in the price of fuel oil is the culmination of the US policy of squeezing the Iranian economy with illegal sanctions after the US withdrew from The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (aka Iranian Nuclear Deal). While the rationale for the sanctions was to pressure the Iranian government to come back to the negotiating table to strike a deal more to President Trump’s liking, the real intent has been to make life miserable for the Iranian people in the hope that by sabotaging the Iranian economy the Iranian people would eventually rise up in a US-sponsored ‘color revolution’ that would result in regime change and the formation of a US-friendly government as existed under the Shah.”

(* A P)

Iran’s top leader warns ‘thugs’ as protests reach 100 cities

Iran’s supreme leader on Sunday cautiously backed the government’s decision to raise gasoline prices by 50% after days of widespread protests, calling those who attacked public property during demonstrations “thugs” and signaling that a potential crackdown loomed.

The government shut down internet access across the nation of 80 million people to staunch demonstrations that took place in a reported 100 cities and towns. That made it increasingly difficult to gauge whether unrest continued. Images published by state and semiofficial media showed the scale of the damage in images of burned gas stations and banks, torched vehicles and roadways littered with debris.

Since the price hike, demonstrators have abandoned cars along major highways and joined mass protests in the capital, Tehran, and elsewhere. Some protests turned violent, with demonstrators setting fires as gunfire rang out.

(* A P)

Report: Leaked intelligence cables show Iran’s grip on Iraq

The New York Times and The Intercept say they have reviewed hundreds of pages of purported Iranian intelligence documents that detail Iran’s massive influence in neighboring Iraq.

They say the unprecedented leak of 700 pages of Iranian intelligence cables shows Tehran’s efforts to embed itself in Iraq, including paying Iraqi agents working for the United States to switch sides.

Vanessa Gezari of The Intercept says her publication received the documents from an unknown source and that “we still don’t know who they’re from.” The Intercept shared the documents with the Times.

Monday’s article about the documents comes amid growing anti-Iran sentiment expressed by Iraqi anti-government protesters. It also comes at a time of widespread anti-government protests in Iran.

and full report:

My comment: Iran does in a neighbouring country exactly what the US does worldwide.

(A P)

Nicht streiten, sondern Iran bekämpfen – US-Stabschef fordert Golfpartner zur Einigung mit Katar auf

Washington setzt sich für eine Einigung zwischen Saudi-Arabien, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Bahrain sowie Ägypten mit Katar ein. Schließlich sei eine geeinte Front gegen den Iran notwendig, so US-Air-Force-Stabschef David Goldfein.

David Goldfein, Stabschef der US-Luftwaffe, drängte am Samstag die arabischen Golfstaaten und Ägypten, ihre Differenzen mit Katar beizulegen und die militärischen Fähigkeiten zu vereinheitlichen – um diese gegen den Iran einsetzen zu können.

Wenn eine Rakete oder eine Drohne aus dem Iran auf dem Weg ist, ist das nicht die Zeit, um vergangene Konflikte zu versöhnen. Diese Zeit ist jetzt und heute gekommen", so Goldfein vor einer Konferenz der Luftwaffenchefs in Dubai.

Mein Kommentar: Den USA geht es selbst bei Befriedung nicht um Frieden, sondern um noch mehr Krieg.

(A P)

Hände weg vom Iran
Die Strategie der totalen weltweiten Vormachtstellung der Vereinigten Staaten, der erfolgte Umbau der NATO und der militärischen EU-Einheiten mit dem Ziel der globalen Kriegsführung sowie die Ausübung der neoliberalen Wirtschaftspolitik haben zur folgenschweren Missachtung des Völkerrechts und Verwüstung zahlreicher Länder geführt. Die zunehmenden Spannungen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten haben Friedensfreunde veranlasst, die internationale Kampagne „Hands Off Iran“ zu initiieren. (…)
Die Initiatoren rufen alle friedensliebenden Menschen der Welt, insbesondere die Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten und der Europäischen Union dazu auf, von ihren Regierungen zu fordern, dass sie unter Befolgen der Charta der Vereinigten Nationen und des Völkerrechts das Recht Irans auf nationale Souveränität und territoriale Unversehrtheit anerkennen.

(A P)

Oman keen to promote peaceful solutions: Sultan Qaboos

Oman one of main mediators in Yemeni issue, Gulf crisis

Sultan of Oman Qaboos bin Said confirmed on Friday his country's role in promoting peaceful solutions to solve problems between the Gulf countries, according to the official Oman News Agency.

The Sultanate affirms "its keenness to promote understanding, constructive dialogue and cooperation among countries to resolve all the issues in a peaceful way in a secure and stable environment," said Sultan Qaboos at a Cabinet meeting.

My comment: There are countries which promote war (like US, Saudi), and others which promote peace, like Oman.

(A P)

Iran to keep helping Palestinians against Israel with no reservation: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Tehran will keep helping the Palestinians with no reservation, and calls on other Muslim countries to follow suit.

(A P)

Senior Cleric Blames US for Tragic Situation in Yemen

Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani blasted Washington for its destructive policies in the Middle East, and said that the US is the main culprit behind the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

(* B P)

EU versagt vollständig beim iranischen Atomabkommen – Die Medien verdrehen die Tatsachen

Die Bundesregierung droht dem Iran und die deutschen Medien zitieren das kritiklos, ohne die wahren Hintergründe aufzuzeigen.

Der Spiegel hat am Mittwoch den deutschen Außenminister zitiert, der dem Iran ein Ende des Atomabkommens angedroht hat. Im Spiegel kann man lesen

Man hört diese Stimmen immer wieder aus der EU, aber sie haben mit der Wahrheit nichts zu tun, sondern sollen von den Vertragsbrüchen der EU ablenken, die ihre Verpflichtungen aus dem Abkommen nicht erfüllen. Das lässt sich mit einem Blick in das Atomabkommen leicht überprüfen. In Artikel 26 des Atomabkommens kann man nachlesen, dass der Iran, wenn ein Vertragspartner ungerechtfertigte Sanktionen gegen ihn erlässt, seine Verpflichtungen aus dem Abkommen nicht mehr einhalten muss. Wörtlich heißt es in dem Vertrag:

„Der Iran hat mitgeteilt, dass er solch eine Neu-Einführung von Sanktionen gemäß Annex II, oder eine Einführung von Sanktionen in Verbindung mit nuklearen Themen als Grund ansehen wird, seine Verpflichtungen dieses Abkommens ganz oder teilweise auszusetzen.“

Die USA haben das Abkommen im Mai 2018 gebrochen, als sie ihren „Ausstieg“ daraus angekündigt und dann im November 2018 harte Sanktionen gegen den Iran verhängt haben. Es war ein Vertragsbruch, weil das Abkommen keine Ausstiegsklausel hat. Und da das Abkommen 2015 auch noch per Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates Nummer 2231 ratifiziert wurde und damit Teil des Völkerrechts geworden ist, haben die USA nicht nur einen internationalen Vertrag, sondern auch das Völkerrecht gebrochen. Die Details zu dem Abkommen finden Sie hier.

Der Iran hat seinen Teil eingehalten, mehr noch, er hat auch nach der Vertragsbruch der USA noch ein halbes Jahr still gehalten, um der EU die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihren Teil doch noch zu erfüllen.

Die EU hätte nun entweder europäische Banken anweisen müssen, den Zahlungsverkehr zu ermöglichen, oder eine eigene Alternative anbieten müssen, zum Beispiel über die EZB. Das aber hat die EU nicht getan und stattdessen eine Art Tauschbörse namens Instex gegründet, die jedoch nicht funktioniert.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

Value of UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia increase 50% since war in Yemen

“To continue supplying a murderous regime with weapons, particularly when there is clear evidence of war crimes, is criminal,” argues Green MSP Ross Greer

UK-made arms sales to Saudi Arabia valued at over £5.3bn since the start of the war in Yemen in March 2015

Campaigners accuse arms dealers of treating humanitarian crisis as a business opportunity

Calls for "fundamental re-evaluation" of UK's relationship with Saudi regime

The value of arms licences granted by the UK Government for weapons sales to the Saudi regime have increased 50 per cent since the start of its war in Yemen, analysis of government statistics has revealed.

The government granted licenses for the sale of more than £5.3 billion worth of arms to the Saudi Arabian regime in the first four years of its ongoing bombardment of Yemen, an increase of almost 50 per cent on the value of licenses in the four years preceding the war from March 2011 to March 2015.

Saudi Arabia spent some $70billion on arms in 2018, becoming the world's biggest weapons importer, with the US the biggest supplier and the UK coming second.

Scottish Greens External Affairs Spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said: “Courts have already declared Tory arms exports unlawful. Boris Johnson and his government have blood on their hands, there can simply be no excuse for sanctioning arms sales on this scale. To continue supplying a murderous regime with weapons, particularly when there is clear evidence of war crimes, is criminal.”

(B K P)

Oxford’s weapons research revealed

In 2017, with the Saudi-led blockade and bombing of Yemen at its height, a Pembroke Professor travelled to the UAE. He was there to advise the country's military leaders and Prime Minister, a dictator accused of war crimes by the UN, on military strategy.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Wer die Bundeswehr weltweit zum Einsatz bringen will – muss auch die „Partner“ ausrüsten: Rekord-Rüstungsexporte

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* B P)

Qatar and Saudi Arabia: Is a thaw in the Gulf cold war in sight?

The realisation that Donald Trump's US does not have their back has caused a rethink in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi over how to deal with Doha

The announcement that the football teams of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain will take part in the Gulf Cup (Khaliji 24) in Qatar at the end of the month has come as a surprise to many.

All three countries had severed their ties with Doha in the summer of 2017 and imposed a blockade on the small emirate in an effort to bring about regime change in Qatar.

Although the crisis has been in a diplomatic stalemate for over two years now, the three blockading countries have been engaging in a war over narratives with Qatar since – a clash in the information space, which now appears to be ebbing away.

A war of narratives

Last week an unnamed Saudi official was quoted in a Bloomberg article stating that Qatar "was taking steps to resolve tensions" - a statement that was echoed by Dubai-based Gulf News.

What at first sight appears to be a trivial side note is actually quite remarkable for anyone following the onslaught of mis- and disinformation against Qatar from neighbouring countries since the blockade began in June 2017.

Instead of constantly bombarding Qatar with narratives stigmatising the emirate as the "world’s leading sponsor of terror", most government-sponsored news outlets in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain have remained silent on Qatar in recent weeks.

One reason might be that leaders in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have realised that the weaponising of narratives has failed to render any desired outcomes – Qatar appears economically to be the most resilient state in the Gulf in 2019, its links to the West and Washington in particular remain strong, and its reputation widely untarnished.

This certainly has to do with Qatar coming out of its shell post-blockade, for the first time proactively explaining its strategies and policies, telling its side of the story of the Arab Spring while openly answering warrantable critical questions from journalists, partners and allies.

Meanwhile, the degenerating spiral of disinformation emanating from the blockading countries has done more damage to their reputation and credibility, particularly in the West.

Widespread disappointment

More importantly, the apparent fading of Gulf tensions must be understood within the context of a widespread disappointment in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi in US President Donald Trump, whose administration has been the main audience for this war over narratives against Qatar.

US withdrawal

The fear of a US withdrawal from the region has become very real again in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, causing a re-think of how to deal with the many risks and threats around them.

The UAE’s switch from direct to indirect engagement in Yemen via surrogates is as much a product of this re-think as the Saudi decision to open up to the idea of a power-sharing agreement with the Houthis to end the war in Yemen – by Andreas Krieg

(* A P)

Football diplomacy with Qatar hints at Saudi 'peace' effort

A Saudi-led bloc's decision to play a football tournament in rival Qatar could herald a rapprochement after a two-year stand-off, and signal Riyadh is tempering its muscular approach that stoked regional crises.

But recent attacks on the kingdom's oil facilities and the blowback from Washington's combative stance towards Iran appear to have prompted Saudi Arabia and its allies to moderate their stance.

"Peace won't blossom overnight but we are witnessing a remarkable set of diplomatic initiatives by Saudi Arabia and its allies to identify ways out of otherwise intractable regional conflicts," Hussein Ibish, a scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, told AFP.

"They have ended up in a series of stalemates -- the Qatar boycott, the war in Yemen and an intolerably dangerous escalation with Iran. Under such circumstances, diplomacy and reconciliation is a more obvious choice than using aggressive tactics."

On Tuesday, Saudi Arabia, as well as allies the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, announced they would compete for the Arabian Gulf title in Doha from November 26 despite their two-year boycott of Qatar.

cp12b Sudan

(B P)

Group: Sudan crackdown may amount to crime against humanity

A leading human rights group says the deadly crackdown in Sudan against pro-democracy protesters in June may have amounted to a crime against humanity.

Human Rights Watch said on Monday that Sudan’s military rulers at the time planned the violent dispersal of a sit-in in the capital, Khartoum.

(* B K P)

Sudan was bribed to fight in Yemen, but after Bashir it may be finally withdrawing

Sudan's involvement in Yemen's war as a part of the Saudi-led coalition has costed them hundreds of lives. Could Khartoum be finally withdrawing from this unnecessary conflict

There is no exact official tally of Sudanese troop deployment in Yemen, but some reports estimate 40,000 Sudanese soldiers have been sent to fight in the war-torn nation since 2015, although other reports put the number at the much smaller figure of 8,000 to 14,000 soldiers.
Reports also put the Sudanese death toll in Yemen in the thousands over the last five years, but Khartoum does not release official figures. According to Houthi rebel spokesperson Yahia Saree, over 4,000 Sundanese soldiers have been killed in the war since 2015 but the New Arab cannot verify this number.

The motives of Sudan's involvement in Yemen

Believed to be tough fighters in rugged territories, Sudanese soldiers including from the notorious Rapid Support Forces that wreaked havoc in Darfur, were deployed in several areas of Yemen including the Yemen-Saudi border, the western coast of Yemen, Hajja province, Mocha and Aden.

Since the start of the war, Sudan has been justifying its military involvement in Yemen by saying its mission is to help contain Iranian expansion in the region, echoing Saudi Arabia’s narrative. Sudan's ousted president Omar al-Bashir even said that "Sudan’s declared principle is to defend the land of the two holy mosques", in reference to the kingdom.

While Sudan has used such religious rhetoric to justify its military involvement in Yemen war, its financial motives are a more likely explanation.
Sudanese soldiers on the ground are risking their lives, yet many who return unharmed are likely to be rewarded handsomely. At the national level, Sudan’s sacrifices in Yemen’s war please Saudi Arabia and that is a guarantee for generous assistance from Riyadh to Khartoum.

Indeed, deposed president Omar al-Bashir has received millions of dollars outside of Sudan’s state budget since the beginning of his country's participation in the military campaign in Yemen. Bashir himself confessed during a corruption trial in August this year to receiving $90 million from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Has the withdrawal begun?

Prior to the downfall of Bahir, cash-strapped Sudan did not contemplate withdrawing its from Yemen. But now that Bashir is behind bars and a new political leadership has emerged in the country, Sudan is no longer under the grip of the military regime, and this could pave the way for a fresh strategy to deal with Yemen’s conflict.

This declaration of a Sudanese drawdown in Yemen could be the start of the gradual retreat of Sudanese military personnel from the impoverished Arab country across the Red Sea. The pressure exerted by the public in Sudan has been mounting, pushing the current leadersto revisit their country’s involvement in Yemen's war.

New leaders in Sudan's political arena coupled with the people’s calls for ending the military involvement in Yemen’s war could now push to stop Sudanese forces from being deployed in Yemen even in exchange for millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A K P)

Is this justice? EOS arms deals to Saudi Arabia and UAE

Concerned citizens took a disruptive performance to four Canberra sites to highlight how Canberra supports the transfer of Australian weapons, made by Electro Optic Systems (EOS), to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE).


Canberra’s Electro Optic Systems (EOS) has repurposed its world class technology, previously applied in aerospace navigation, to create lethal weapons for overseas regimes.

The CEO Ben Greene previously admitted the company has plans for future shipments to the Kingdom of Saudi. Furthermore, in a media release dated January 30, 2018 Greene claimed that the EOS R400 weapons system is all about “considerably enhancing lethality”.

EOS has sent weapons systems to the Saudi Ministry of Interior, even after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi as indicated by this shipment noted at Sydney airport in June 2019.

(* A K P)

Dubai Airshow opens as big Gulf airlines slow down purchases

The Middle East’s biggest aviation event, the Dubai Airshow, opened Sunday without any major deals as flagship Gulf carriers rein back big-ticket purchases.

The biennial airshow, which runs for five days until Thursday, draws major commercial and military firms from around the world, as well as smaller manufacturers competing for business in the Middle East. The United States has the largest foreign country presence with over 100 companies represented.

Officials from the U.S. Department of Defense and State Department are also at the airshow, meeting with officials from the United Arab Emirates, which is one of the world’s top buyers of American-made weapons and defense equipment.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B K)

Film: What has #Yemen's cultural property been exposed to beyond defacement and neglect? Read "The Degradation of History" report released in November 2018

(A K P)

All parties to the conflict in #Yemen should take all necessary measures and actions to spare cultural property and objects any damage or destruction (image)

(A K P)


As a continuation of looting public property in Aden, activists and the media circulated pictures of looting and developments at the Crater War Museum in Aden by powerful forces.

The activists published pictures showing the demolition and establishing new buildings and shops in the military museum building, in which a large part of it was destroyed. The activists said that the powerful forces are military troos of the Transitional Council. They criticized the security services and the government in Aden for their silence towards the robbery of historical and archaeological monuments in Aden.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E K)

Houthis: $ 18 billion losses of vital sectors by end of 2015

The Houthi group (Ansar Allah), which controls the Yemeni capital Sana'a, said on Thursday evening that the value of the losses associated with the damages and the disruption of the sectors of industry, agriculture, livestock and fisheries by the end of 2015, as a result of the war in the country amounted to 18 billion dollars.

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a senior leader of the Houthis, a member of the so-called Supreme Political Council set up by the group to manage the areas under its control, in a series of tweets on "Twitter", accused the Saudi-led Arab coalition to support of Yemen's legitimate government of destroying the Yemeni economy.

He added: “Due to the general collapse of 2015 market access (energy, labor, intermediate goods and services), while demand is also declining, a quarter of all companies have suspended their operations.”

"It is estimated that 35% of the services sector, 29% of the industry and 20% of commercial companies have been discontinued," said Houthi. Year 2015", he reported.

"Since 2014, imports have shrunk by about 50% and since September 2016, imports are no longer through official channels or are supported by the CBY due to the lack of appropriate institutional arrangements and institutional concerns resulting from the CBY move to Aden.", he added.

Al-Houthi pointed out that a World Bank report included details of Yemen's economy of oil and salary cuts.

(* A E P)

Yemeni Ports Revenues at $52 Million in 3 Months

A specialized Yemeni government committee confirmed that measures taken on port revenues by authorities managed to collect about 52 million dollars in three months, topped by the port of Hodeidah, with nearly 23 million dollars.
The economic committee said in a statement that these funds collected from imports and in port revenues will help pay the salaries of public service employees in areas controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi militias. The payments will be made according to a UN plan.
It also stressed that these funds will contribute to financing the state budget deficit. Effectively collecting port revenues serves as a clear indicative for the government’s success in implementing sovereign laws and a move in the right direction towards economic stability.
Forty-four percent of revenues came from Hodeidah port, followed by Aden port at 35 percent Mukalla port with 16 percent and finally the Nashitun port in Al-Mahra governorate, which accounted for 5 percent of total revenues.
Since August, the government started implementing port measures that impose paying fuel import duties in the form of customs and taxes given to the war-torn country’s Central Bank in the interim capital of Aden.
The economic committee also said it had granted “four fuel ships entry permits to unload to the port of Hodeidah upon the request of the UN Special Envoy’s office.”


(* A E P)

Economic Commission: Fuel shipment revenues in Yemeni ports exceed 29 billion riyals in 3 months

Yemen's economic commission revealed today that fuel shipment revenues collected in Yemeni ports have exceeded 29 billion Yemeni Riyals (YR) in 3 months.This figure includes the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah.

In a statement posted on their Facebook page, the Economic Commission announced the results of the implementation of governmental resolution 49 for 2019, which indicate that from August 13 to November 14, total revenues exceeded 29 billion YR. Resolution 49 has been passed in an effort to use petroleum and petroleum derivatives tariffs to pay governmental salaries.

According to the committee, the majority of this revenue comes from the port of Hodeidah, which contributes 44%, followed by the port of Aden with 35%, Mukalla with 16%, and finally the port of Nashtoon in Al-Mahra governorate, which accounted for 5% of total revenues.

The committee added that these revenues will contribute to financing the state budget deficit, and that their ability to make this decision is a clear indicator of the government's sovereignty with regards to fiscal policy.

The committee said that in coordination with the UN Special Envoy and with the support of the peace-sponsoring countries, the government's initiative to implement the resolution at Hodeidah port alone has generated 12.8 billion YR in revenue. According to the commission, this will allow for a serious commitment to the payment of salaries to civilian state employees who’ve been deprived of official income for five years.

My comment: It’s hard to imagine, but the Hadi government was given plenty of rope to grab money from the Houthi-held Hodeidah port, with UN support. “these revenues will contribute to financing the state budget deficit”, well, that’s it, and it’s the Hadi government’s budget, certainly one of the most corrupt regimes on earth. “this will allow for a serious commitment to the payment of salaries to civilian state employees”: LOL. Will it be any more than 10 % of this sum which really will reach these state employees?

(B E)

Film: Yemen Coffee: Sellers say local industry is in decline

Coffee farmers in Yemen say the war there, and the resulting economic decline, have forced them to grow alternative crops to earn enough money to survive. But industry experts say a decline in coffee exports could be sorted with a change in thinking.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

News from #Yemen's #jihad groups last week: #ISIS released 11 photos (dated Oct & Nov) of fighters graduating from sniper & explosives courses in Bayda'. Also claimed it killed 1 Houthi by sniper in Qayfa Thursday #AQAP claimed ambush & attack on ISIS in Upper Qayfa Thursday

(A B T)

#US led anti #ISIS collation raids a hideout of the terrorist group & find #Saudi books reprinted by ISIS. This one is written by Suliman bin Abdullah bin Mohamed bin Abdulwahab, grandson of Wahhabi founder. Wahhabism is Saudi state religion (photo)

(A P T)

US Newspaper: Justice Department Concealed Court Evidence of Saudi Arabia Involvement in Attacks of Sep 11

Survivors of the September 11 attacks, and relatives of victims, expressed outrage after leaving Manhattan Federal Court on Friday to the Justice Department for withholding information about the role of Saudi Arabia and one of the Saudi princes in killing of about 3000 people.

According to the New York Daily News, the government has refused to name a Saudi official reached by the FBI investigation, and has also refused to disclose a 16-page document they believe provides an accurate description of Saudi Arabia's role.

Tim Frolic, a 9/11 survivor, said outside the court; “How do families believe this is transparent? How is this acceptable? "The FBI and the Saudis should be associated with this force".

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Al-Iryani: Houthis militia’s death slogans caused tragedies, brought grief into every Yemeni house

Minister of Information Mua’mer al-Iryani said ever since the emergence of Iran-allied Houthi militia’s false slogan” Death to America, death to Israeli, curse on Jews” Sa’ada peace governorate and Yemen have entered a dark tunnel. The Houthis’ death mottos have resulted in catastrophic tragedies, engulfed every single Yemeni home in grieving.

(A P)

Ambassador Jumeih warns of plundering Yemen’s antiquities

The Yemen’s Permanent Representative to the United Nation Organization of Education, Culture and Sciences (UNESCO) Dr Mohammed Jumeih warned that Yemen’s antiquities have been subjected to theft and robbing acts ,meanwhile educational curriculums have been systematically distorted by Iran-allied Houthi sectarian militia”.

Speaking at the 4 Conference of the UNESCO held in the French capital Paris D Jumeih said” Yemen’s great ancient history has been threatened by two risks: its precious antiquities have been plundered and its national history have been systematically erased through changing the textbooks and educational curriculums by the sectarian-oriented Houthi militi

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Nov. 16:

Nov. 15:

Nov. 14:

Nov. 13:

Nov. 12:

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Nov. 17: Saada p.

Nov. 16: Saada p.

Nov. 15: Saada p., Hajjah p., Asir

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

A wife killed, her husband injured by Houthi-laid landmine in Taiz

Local sources told September Net that as the wife was waking with her 60-year-old husband, Saleh al-Meeti, a landmine left behind by the Houthi militia exploded on a public road in the Dhobab town, west of Taiz.

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Munabbih border district.

(A K pS)

MASAM removes 1658 Houthi-laid landmines in one week

The Saudi project for demining in Yemen MASAM removed 1658 landmines planted by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in different areas of Yemen.

MASAM said it removed those landmines in different parts of Yemen “during the second week of this November.” =

(A K)

2 Saudi soldiers killed near Yemen border

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages of Razih district.

(A K pS)

6 Sudan troops killed in Al Houthi attack

(A K pH)

Artillery, missile shelling on Razih in Saada

(A K pS)

Civilian Hayil Saeed Ali was wounded today in the besieged city of Taiz by shrapnel of a mortar shell launched by Houthi rebels. (photo)

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A H)

Film: Yemen- Theatrical performance simulates reality for children in Taiz

he Social Fund for Development (SFD), organized a theatrical performance in puppet theater coordinating with the Education Office in Taiz Governorate in southern Yemen, that simulates the living reality and embodies a call for love and peace permeate dances and songs for children, and that’s within the framework of psychosocial support for children and within the project of strengthening the community response in Cairo directorate aiming to provide psychological services for the children because of the wars that the city witnessed.


Hi my name is Yahyia Al-Zindani, yeah I am from THE Zindani family! I am a young transgender man and my family want's to cleanse their honour by killing me (thread)


20 persons dead in traffic accidents in Sanaa

42 persons have been dead and 209 others injured in traffic accidents in the capital Sanaa province since the start of 2019, according to a traffic department report on Thursday.

The official referred to the causes of accidents to excessive speed, drivers' negligence and non-compliance with traffic rules.

20 deaths due to traffic accidents in Sanaa just last month

Including 75 people who’ve been run over, 20 people died in 203 traffic accidents in Sanaa last month

42 people dead in traffic accidents in al-Mahwait

42 people have been dead and 238 others injured in traffic accidents in al-Mahwait province since the beginning of 2019, according to a traffic department report on Thursday.

The official referred to the causes of accidents to excessive speed and negligence of drivers and non-compliance with traffic rules.

My comment: There must be mistakes in these figures.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-598 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-598: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected aur raids:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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