Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 607 - Yemen War Mosaic 607

Yemen Press Reader 607: 18. Dez. 2019: Regionale Akteure und die Fragmentierung des Jemen – Jemen im November 2019 – Korruption im Yemen – Die Spaltung der GPC – Al Kaida und IS im Südjemen – ua

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Dec. 18, 2019: Regional actors and the fragmentation of Yemen (in German) – Yemen in November 2019 – Corruption in Yemen – The fraction of the GPC – Al Qaeda, IS in Southern Yemen – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Krieg im Jemen

Regionale Akteure und die Fragmentierung des Staates

Der Konflikt im Jemen wird in den deutschen Medien oft als «vergessener Krieg» behandelt. Die Komplexität des Krieges wird von den Medien hierzulande kaum beleuchtet, stattdessen reduzieren sie den Konflikt auf einzelne vereinfachte Teilaspekte. So gilt er als Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen dem sunnitischen Saudi-Arabien, das die international anerkannte Regierung unter Präsident Abdulrabu Mansour Hadi unterstützt, und dessen regionalem Gegenspieler, dem schiitischen Iran. Dieser steht hinter der Huthi-Bewegung im Nordwesten des Landes. Zum einen verkennt diese Perspektive die komplexe Eigendynamik des Konflikts, die den Krieg 2014 ins Rollen brachte und bis heute weiter prägt. Zum anderen vereinfacht diese Sicht auch die Rolle dieser regionalen Akteure; nach fünf Jahren Krieg wirkt ich das Handeln der Regionalakteure aber immer unmittelbarer auf die Konfliktdynamiken aus. Gleichzeitig ist das Verhältnis zwischen den externen Akteuren viel zu komplex, um sie mit ihren Absichten und in ihrem Wirken zwei Lagern zuordnen zu können.

Externer Einfluss treibt Staatsfragmentierung voran

In den letzten fünf Jahren ist der jemenitische Staat fragmentiert; im Laufe des Krieges haben sich unterschiedliche Regionen herausgebildet, die unter der Kontrolle unterschiedlicher Akteure stehen. Der Nordwesten steht seit Frühjahr 2015 komplett unter der Kontrolle der Huthis. Der Südwesten wird vom Südübergangsrat dominiert, der einen unabhängigen Süden anstrebt. Der Zentraljemen wird in Teilen von der jemenitischen Muslimbruderschaft im Namen der Hadi-Regierung kontrolliert. Der Osten gewann zunehmend an Autonomie, wobei Netzwerke der Hadi-Regierung zum Teil Infrastruktur und Militärbasen kontrollieren. Die Einmischung regionaler Akteure hat wesentlich zu dieser Fragmentierung beigetragen. Es sind sowohl die Konflikte am Golf zwischen den Staaten des Golfkooperationsrats (GKR) und dem Iran sowie den GKR-Staaten untereinander als auch innenpolitische Entwicklungen in den jeweiligen Staaten, die diese Dynamik prägen.

Die arabische Koalition, an deren Spitze Saudi-Arabien steht, ist mit Abstand der einflussreichste externe Akteur im Jemen. Die Koalition intervenierte im März 2015, ein halbes Jahr nachdem die Huthis mit Gewalt die Hauptstadt Sanaa eingenommen hatten, und kurz nachdem sie die südliche Hafenstadt Aden erreichten. Präsident Hadi war nach dem Staatsstreich in Sanaa nach Aden geflüchtet und rief schließlich den Golfkooperationsrat dazu auf, militärisch gegen die Huthis vorzugehen, da er selbst keine Mittel mehr hatte – weder politisch noch militärisch –, um den Vormarsch aufzuhalten. Saudi-Arabien führte die Koalition schließlich in den Krieg. Die Koalition besteht zwar aus mindestens 10 sunnitischen Staaten, die meisten sind jedoch lediglich an guten Beziehungen zu Saudi-Arabien interessiert; ihr Engagement ist als symbolisch zu verstehen und als Bollwerk gegen den anwachsenden iranischen Einfluss in der Region. Die zwei Hauptakteure der Koalition sind Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE). Katar, ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Koalition, wurde im Zusammenhang mit den Spannungen zwischen den Golfstaaten

Die Arabische Koalition: Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate

Traditionell gehörte der Jemen unangefochten zur Einflusssphäre der Saudis. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist das starke Engagement des Königreichs in der jemenitischen Politik seit 2011 zu verstehen, als Saudi-Arabien versuchte, im Rahmen des GKR über eine Lösung mit den jemenitischen Parteien zu verhandeln, um den Protesten gegen das damalige Regime unter Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh ein Ende zu setzen. Die Übernahme der Hauptstadt durch die Huthis beendete den politischen Übergangsprozess, der als Ergebnis der Verhandlungen 2011 initiiert wurde. So war es ein Ziel der Saudis, eben diesen politischen Prozess durch eine militärische Intervention wieder in Gang zu bringen. Das heißt, Präsident Hadi sollte als Präsident wieder in der Hauptstadt installiert werden. Dafür gewannen sie die Unterstützung des UN-Sicherheitsrats und der internationalen Gebergemeinschaft, die in den politischen Übergangsprozess investiert hatte. Jedoch war das ambitionierte Königreich auch von Eigeninteressen gesteuert: Es hatte Angst, der Iran würde durch die Huthis im Jemen an Einfluss gewinnen; die Saudis sahen die Islamische Republik hinter dem Machtgewinn der bewaffneten Bewegung.

Sowohl die Verhandlungen zwischen der Hadi-Regierung und dem Südübergangsrat in Jeddah als auch die Gespräche mit den Huthis schaffen nun einen Hoffnungsmoment, in dem eine politische Lösung möglich erscheint. Durch die recht pragmatische Politik der VAE im Jemen, im Kontext steigender Spannungen am Golf und eines immer komplexer werdenden Konflikts im Jemen, dessen Kosten ins Unermessliche steigen, wurde das Königreich kompromissbereiter. Wie diese politische Lösung aussehen könnte, zeichnet sich noch nicht ab. Es wird jedoch darauf hinauslaufen, dass der Nordwesten des Landes weiterhin von den Huthis dominiert bleibt und andere Gruppen, einschließlich des Südübergangsrats in eine politische Lösung mit einbezogen werden müssen – von Mareike Transfeld

hierzu auch der Artikel vom August 2019:

(** B K P)

Negotiation and Deescalation – The Yemen Review, November 2019


Saudi-Houthi Negotiation and Deescalation

Negotiations Underway

Face-to-Face Talks in Muscat Follow Those in Amman

Deescalation Measures Implemented

Coalition Announces Release of 200 Houthi Prisoners

Coalition Allows Sana’a International Airport Reopened for Medical Travellers

UN Envoy: Deescalation Puts Country on Track for Formal Peace Talks

Developments in Yemen

Riyadh Agreement Misses All of its Implementation Deadlines

Prime Minister’s Return to Aden Delayed, State Institutions Remain Idle

No New Governor or Security Chief, No New Cabinet, No Redeployment of Forces

Abyan and Shabwa: Tensions Simmer in Absence of Troop Redeployment

Military and Security Developments

Taiz: Top Military Commander Adnan al-Hammadi Killed by Brother

Marib: Houthi Missile Targets a Coalition HQ

Emirati, Saudi, Sudanese Casualties Reported in Border Fighting

Al-Dhalea: Houthi Forces Destroy Two Bridges

Houthis Seize Saudi, South Korean Ships in the Red Sea

Military Developments in Brief

Economic Developments

Lebanese Capital Controls Squeeze Yemeni Banks’ Correspondent Accounts

‘Payroll Initiative’ Hudaydah CBY Account to Collect Import Tariffs

Government Presents Decree 49 Revenue Calculations

Houthis Level Unofficial Tax Through Forced Religious Commemorations

Transportation Developments

Riyan Airport Reopened for Civilian Use After Four-Year Closure

Humanitarian and Human Rights Developments

Houthis Replace Aid Coordination Body; UN Cites ‘Alarming’ Mistreatment

MSF Hospital in Al-Mokha Damaged in Houthi Attacks

Fire Destroys More than 30 Muhamasheen Homes in Aden

Outbreak of Dengue Fever Reported in Hudaydah and Taiz

Abductee Dies After Three Years in Houthi Prisons

Other Humanitarian and Human Rights Developments in Brief

International Developments

At the United Nations

UNSC Members Discuss Lack of Progress on FSO SAFER

In the United States

Riyadh, Abu Dhabi Delay US Investigations of Weapons Transfers to Non-State Actors

US Ambassador to Yemen Visits Country for First Time Since Aden Takeover

US-led Maritime Coalition Opens Bahrain Command Center

In Europe

French Government, Total, Implicated in Secret Prison and Human Rights Abuses at Belhaf LNG Terminal

Saudi-Houthi Negotiation and Deescalation

A major breakthrough from the Saudi-Houthi backchannel negotiations came in November with the coalition’s release of more than 100 Houthi prisoners and the partial reopening of Sana’a International Airport. A Houthi delegation, including the movement’s spokesperson Mohammed Abdel Salam and senior officials Abdelmalek al-Arji and Ahmed al-Shami, held talks with Saudi officials in Muscat, Oman, during the month of November. A source close to the Houthi leadership told the Sana’a Center that the talks focused on a broader military deescalation between the two sides in Yemen, a prisoner exchange and the reopening of Sana’a airport. The source added that discussions about holding official peace talks between the two sides also was discussed, with Oman and Kuwait both mentioned as a possible host for the negotiations. The Kuwaiti ambassador to the UNSC told the council on November 23 that his country was willing to host negotiations to end the Yemen war.[1] Talks between Riyadh and the Houthis are expected to continue through December as the parties explore further confidence-building measures, a diplomatic source told the Sana’a Center.

(** B E P)

The Minefield of Combating Corruption in Yemen

Among the less prominent, but no less crucial, aspects of the Riyadh Agreement, signed November 5 by Yemen’s internationally recognized government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), are its commitments to combating corruption. Many in Aden and across the south blame the lack of public services and constant electricity blackouts there on crooked government practices. Raging against such garnered the STC popular support in its rivalry against the Yemeni government, and helped fuel southern aspirations to secede from the rest of Yemen.

Currently, fuel imports in the south are essentially the purview of one man, Ahmed al-Essi, a business tycoon and close confidant to Yemeni President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi, and the most likely spoiler of Abdelmalek’s plans. Al-Essi has associated himself with Hadi since the latter was defense minister in the mid-1990s. When Hadi assumed the presidency in 2012, Al-Essi became one of his economic advisors. In February 2015, when Hadi fled from the Houthis in Sana’a for the safety of Aden, Al-Essi provided the cash-strapped president a financial cushion to land on. In April 2016, when Hadi suddenly fired Khaled Bahah as prime minister and an angry Riyadh retaliated by suspending its financial support for Hadi, Al-Essi again stepped in with cash to keep the president afloat. Today, Al-Essi is officially Hadi’s deputy director of the Presidential Office for Economic Affairs.

Al-Essi’s business empire is vast and opaque. He faced accusations of smuggling oil in East Africa in the late 1990s, while during the ongoing Yemeni conflict he has run logistics contracting for coalition-led forces in Yemen and partnered with Hadi’s son Jalal to establish Queen Bilqis Airways. He’s even the president of the Yemen Football Association. Perhaps most importantly, however, Al-Essi is the owner and chairman of the Alessi Group conglomerate, part of which is the Overseas Shipping and Stevedoring Company which specializes in marine transport of fuel and oil.

In 2015, when the Yemeni government was struggling to secure fuel imports for southern Yemen, Al-Essi arranged for deliveries – on credit – to the Aden Refinery Company (ARC), the only authorized fuel import entity in Aden. Today the outstanding debt to Al-Essi remains in the range of US$200 million. Al-Essi also appears to hold sway over figures within ARC, which has helped him dominate fuel imports to southern Yemen. An example of how this has worked came in August this year when the ARC issued a tender for fuel imports – the tender was not made public and though three companies applied, all were owned by Al-Essi. His monopoly also allows him to charge well above market rates for the fuel, according to senior government officials who spoke with the Sana’a Center.

The prime minister, Abdelmalek, has recently been signaling that he intends to make future fuel import tenders for Aden public and allow real competition in how they are awarded. This would constitute a direct threat to Al-Essi’s income and he has threatened retaliation, according to senior government officials who spoke with the Sana’a Center, including disrupting fuel imports to southern Yemen to spur public protests against the government. His close connection with Hadi and the president’s inner circle also places him in a strong position to lobby for the prime minister’s replacement when the government and STC finally agree on a new cabinet. W

(** B P)

Analysis: The GPC party two years after Saleh: Fragmentation along battle lines

Yemen's long-dominant political party has fractured into competing factions in Sana'a, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Cairo, with more in the making

Two years have passed since former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, founder and chairman of the General People's Congress (GPC), was killed by his then-Houthi allies.

During their short-lived alliance with Saleh, the Houthis succeeded in recruiting state actors within the GPC’s organizational structure. According to two GPC officials who spoke to Almasdar Online on condition of anonymity, the Houthis built a gap between Saleh and the GPC's popular masses, giving them the opportunity to greatly exploit the GPC’s power base and political infrastructure.

The start of fragmentation

When talking about fragmentation of the GPC, it is necessary to look at the pre-war period, after Saleh ceded power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, on Feb. 27, 2012, under the Gulf initiative. Although Hadi was also considered a leader of the GPC at that time, as vice president of the party, Saleh was able to rally other GPC officials in opposition to Hadi and disrupt the Gulf initiative. During this time signs of a division surfaced between party officials supporting President Hadi, the political transition and the national dialogue on the one hand, and party officials loyal to former president Saleh on the other.

Saleh's death

After Saleh's liquidation, the Houthis launched a massive campaign to suppress GPC officials and members who were loyal to Saleh, in most cases arresting them. The Houthis then pursued and killed tribal sheikhs, military and non-military leaders in what has been described as an "organized liquidation campaign" by a GPC leader who spoke to Almasdar Online on the condition of anonymity.

While many GPC leaders and representatives in parliament were forced to flee Sana’a, some took sides with the Hadi government while others did not specify a position until recently. However, most of the party’s leaders inside Yemen have bowed to Houthi pressure and have complied with a party formula that was reconstituted by the Houthis.

The current makeup of the GPC’s various factions is as follows:

Riyadh wing

Politically, the strength of the GPC is concentrated in its pro-government leaders, led by President Hadi. Many of the GPC’s senior officials support the Hadi administration, given its international recognition as the official government of Yemen.

Sana'a wing

In contrast to the large pro-Hadi political bloc in Riyadh, there is a faction of the GPC that chose to stay in Sana'a and side with the Houthis. Aside from some remarks made by Sana’ani GPC officials in the hopes of distinguishing themselves from the Houthis, there is generally little difference between the Sana’ani GPC and Houthi political outlook and practice.

Abu Dhabi wing

After Saleh's death, a third GPC faction emerged in the United Arab Emirates, which has spearheaded the coalition war alongside Saudi Arabia. Led primarily by Saleh’s son, Ahmed Ali Abdullah Saleh, this faction also includes prominent figures

Among the GPC factions, the Abu Dhabi wing is the least understood as far as its outlook on the events in Yemen. That said, it is seemingly more closely tied to the Sana’ani faction than the pro-Hadi faction.

Cairo wing:

The Cairo faction is a mixed bag of supporters of all wings (Sana'a, Abu Dhabi and Riyadh). One Cairene GPC official told Almasdar Online that the party’s Egypt-based faction is the one that escaped polarizatio

Failed attempts at revival

Party rifts and a general downward spiral into political and geographic fragmentation have paralyzed the GPC party and made it an ineffective relic, so ineffective, it seems, that continued attempts to revive it have failed.

Despite its paralysis and divisions, the GPC remains the largest political party in Yemen, with President Hadi and the majority of civil and military leaders still party members.

Past attempts to bridge the gap between the Abu Dhabi and Riyadh factions’ views have failed.

The biggest points of contention among GPC factions revolve around leadership. The Abu Dhabi and Sana’ani faction do not recognize Hadi’s presidency, and officials from both wings, as well as the Riyadh faction, do not recognize the leadership of other party officials who have been appointed since Saleh’s death. A Saudi-based GPC official told Almasdar Online that the undeclared disagreement between Saudi Arabia and UAE over the future of the GPC is a major sticking point: Abu Dhabi refuses to support President Hadi and insists on empowering Ahmed Ali and the Abu Dhabi faction to the party’s upper echelons.

GPC fragmentation exacerbates Yemen’s fragmentation

After nearly five years into a war of attrition in Yemen, and two years after Saleh's death, the Houthis appear to be benefiting the most from the GPC split, in turn weakening the Hadi government’s position on a daily basis.

Without a clear political outlook or leader, former GPC loyalists who remain in Yemen are now switching allegiance to the new power center: the Houthis and their Houthi-dictated coalition with the GPC.

On the other hand, in the south, GPC confusion also serves the STC, which has pushed for secession along the lines of the former South Yemen. Where ex-GPC constituents can no longer trust in the military and political firmity of the GPC, they turn to the clear emerging power, the STC.

The GPC has shaped modern Yemen and had an undeniable influence on Yemeni politics, but it is losing its luster as schisms, widening on a daily basis among a multitude of party factions, threaten to become permanent. This is especially true now that ideological common ground has continued to erode, as Houthis impose religious training on all public employees who are mostly GPC members.

The main challenges facing the GPC are bringing together members who are drifting to the various factions within the party and at times to entirely new parties, while safeguarding against its evolution into an elitist party without a popular power base. In view of these challenges, the GPC will need to strike new strategic alliances to recuperate all that it has lost politically in recent years. The party faces a difficult test that requires great will and responsibility in order to overcome the dangers of having politically-lost-in-the-woods-leadership exacerbating political rifts.

A fifth wing

In the midst of this divisive situation, there have been GPC voices calling for an end to the reliance on outside forces, claiming the party will only regain its place with an approach that listens to the voice of the street and is aligned with the idea of the state.

and the main points in a thread:

(** B P T)

Islamic State and AQAP Could Exploit Disorder in Southern Yemen

AQAP is very much still alive and has always been quick to exploit security vacuums and the moments between governance transitions. IS-Y, while not particularly strong, is still capable of playing a spoiler in the war and could see growth if the war provides the operational space.

There has been little concerted effort against AQAP since the group was pushed out of its many traditional safe havens in the coastal regions of Yemen’s southern governorates and corralled deeper into al-Bayda, Hadramawt, and Marib between 2015 and 2016. AQAP’s retreat inland was prompted more by constant pressure from UAE-trained and backed forces—which provided the bulk of the forces fighting in the south—than actions by the Yemeni military and forces loyal to President Hadi or Saudi Arabia.

Similarly, IS-Y saw its operational space shrink as UAE-backed forces secured southern governorates, cutting off IS-Y’s access to resources and its ability to recruit. As such, IS-Y was never quite able to find solid footing and gain a large, loyal following. The nascent group did, however, manage to carry out several significant attacks against government and military forces early after its formation.

Despite intermittent clashes, STC-aligned forces and Hadi loyalists had managed to maintain a level of stability and security in southern Yemen that prevented AQAP and IS-Y from operating freely or regaining territory. That fragile balance now hinges on an ambitious and high-stakes agreement that will be incredibly difficult to implement and could see a resurgence of AQAP and IS-Y activity.

With the agreement already beginning to seemingly falter, there are two primary scenarios to consider that, should they occur, would serve to benefit AQAP and IS-Y.

The first scenario that could see resurgent AQAP and IS-Y activity is if the Riyadh Agreement completely breaks down and widespread fighting between the warring parties resumes. Key members of the STC are keen to see the agreement succeed as it serves to legitimize it as a political entity within the country’s political field, but tit-for-tat clashes by disparate southern units and the Yemeni military could easily derail the process.

The second and equally as likely scenario is that the bureaucratic shift and change of command will lead to a fractured and less effective military force with an unclear or controversial mandate. A unified military command will undoubtedly see STC-aligned fighters being integrated alongside their hated rival, Islah. Mistrust between the two will undoubtedly create problems, as many of the recent clashes have been between STC forces and those aligned with Islah.

AQAP and IS-Y Quick to Exploit Instability

The majority of AQAP’s claimed operations since late 2017 have centered around the Qayfa area of al-Bayda, which is coincidentally also the stronghold for IS-Y. A large percentage of AQAP and IS-Y operations over the past two years have been against one another

Many of AQAP’s major territorial losses in southern Yemen over the past several years were tactical retreats rather than substantial battlefield losses and the group still commands a force estimated in the thousands. AQAP demonstrated how quickly it could exploit chaos in southern Yemen when tensions between the STC and government forces first erupted into open fighting in August.

AQAP and IS-Y are still operational and have preyed on the instability caused by the conflict between the STC and the Hadi-led government. The security situation in southern Yemen has not deteriorated enough yet to allow either group the ability to regain significant swathes of territory, but uncertainty surrounding the agreement and intermittent clashes will continue to create pockets of instability in the near term – by Brian M. Perkins

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Cholera situation in Yemen, November 2019

In November 2019, the Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported a total 49 403 suspected cholera cases including 16 related deaths (case fatality rate: 0.03%), from 22 governorates.

The cumulative number of suspected cholera cases reported in Yemen since October 2016 to November 2019 is 2 236 570 including 3886 related deaths, with a case fatality rate of 0.17%. The country experienced a second wave of this outbreak from 27 April 2017.

The total number of suspected cholera cases reported during the second wave were 2 210 743 including 3757 related deaths with a case fatality rate of 0.17%. Since January 2019, a total of 9656 stool specimens were tested. Out of these, 5292 were laboratory confirmed for Vibrio cholerae.

(* B H)

Dengue fever finds breeding ground in war-weary Yemen

Ibrahim Ali al-Jadari’s four teenage daughters lie at home on intravenous drips that will soon run out as they, like tens of thousands of other Yemenis, battle a seasonal surge of dengue fever.

Mosquito-borne dengue is the latest challenge facing Yemenis who have endured almost five years of a conflict that has killed thousands, pushed millions to the brink of famine and caused major cholera outbreaks.

“We don’t have a penny to pay for (more) treatment. Our children are dying on their beds and we can’t do a thing,” Jadari said from his makeshift home of rushes and canvas in the hills of Hajjah district, one of Yemen’s poorest.

Jadari’s family was forced from their village by war. He is unemployed and medicine is not free.

Dengue is the world’s fastest-spreading mosquito-borne disease.

Dengue infections around the world have increased dramatically in recent decades and many countries are seeing a surge in cases this year.

Medical staff in Yemen said the disease is thriving among crowded populations of people displaced and weakened by war living in unsanitary conditions.

“You’ll find an entire camp of 600-700, all with dengue,” said Makiah al-Aslami, a nurse in Hajjah who spends most of the year treating acutely malnourished children.

With medical infrastructure in what was already one of the poorest Arab states decimated by war, clinics are struggling.

Patients also struggle to reach help. People arrive already dead at Aslami’s clinic. Others die at home.

“In a family you could have 15 people with dengue. Who will treat them? They are weak, malnourished and have existing health problems. Their end is death,” Aslami said.

Her colleague, Doctor Akram Aqlan, said half to two thirds of his daily cases could be dengue. “Rain and swamps help mosquitoes spread and there is a lack of awareness about mosquito nets.”

The WHO said 59,486 suspected cases, including 219 deaths were recorded in the first 11 months of this year across Yemen, although cautioned that disease diagnosis and data collection is challenging given current conditions.

(* A H)

Dengue Fever Kills 8 Civilians in Shabwah, Saudi-UAE Fighting Militias Weakening Response to Epidemic

The number of deaths due to spread of Dengue fever in Bayhan district, which is controlled by pro-Hadi government forces, west of Shabwa “Oil” province, has risen to 8 during the past two weeks.

A medical source in Shabwa Governorate confirmed that the number of cases of dengue fever in Bayhan district reached 224 cases in various districts of the district during the past three months. Indicating that the number of cases that were confirmed to be hit was 81 after testing was confirmed in Al-Mukalla, while the rest of the cases were suspected.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A K P)

Yemeni warring sides meet on UN ship to discuss Hodeidah ceasefire

Representatives from Yemen's government and the Houthis tasked with monitoring a ceasefire brokered by the United Nations met on Wednesday on a ship on the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah.

An official of the military forces in Hodeidah told Xinhua on condition of anonymity that "representatives of the two-warring sides boarded a ship and jointly participated in a meeting chaired by General Abhijit Goha, head of the UN's mission in Hodeidah."

He said that a delegation of Yemen's government led by Major General Mohammed Aida attended the meeting with another delegation representing the Houthi rebels.

The source pointed out that "Wednesday's meeting is the seventh of its kind and held onboard a UN ship on the Red Sea due to the inability of the government delegation to enter the Houthi-controlled city of Hodeidah."

Another source of the government's delegation told Xinhua anonymously that "the meeting will continue for two days on the UN ship to discuss the second phase of the military redeployment and implementing the ceasefire deal in Hodeidah."

Discussing the opening of humanitarian corridors to deliver food aids to civilians in different war-torn areas of Hodeidah will be included in the meeting, he said.

and also

(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] National Team in Joint Coordination Committee: Our Priorities to Open Humanitarian Corridors, Lift Aggression’s Siege on Ad-Durayhimi

The seventh joint meeting between the National Team and the party representing the coalition of aggression began, Wednesday, on board the United Nations ship in international waters.

A member of the National Team in the Joint Coordination Committee, Major General Muhammad Al-Qadri, affirmed in a statement to Almasirah Network that the priorities of the National Team are to open the humanitarian corridors and lift the aggression’s siege on the city of Ad-Durayhimi.

He explained that the National Team will consider strengthening the mechanisms for monitoring the ceasefire and building on the success of the two redeployment stages implemented by the team unilaterally.

Al-Qadri indicated that the other party raises points outside the Stockholm Agreement, which reflects their evasion of their obligations set out in the agreement.

(* B K pH)

Mehr als 7000 Märtyrer und Verwundete in Hodeidah seit Beginn der Aggression

Die Tihama-Organisation für Rechte, Entwicklung und menschliches Erbe gab bekannt, dass seit Beginn der saudi-amerikanisch-arabischen Aggression im März 2015 im Gouvernement Hodeidah 7.217 Zivilisten getötet und verwundet wurden.

Eine Statistik der Organisation ergab, dass 3481 Bürger, darunter 693 Kinder und 305 Frauen, getötet und 3736 Bürger verletzt wurden, darunter 486 Kinder und 219 Frauen.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Hodeidah’s Governor Condemns International Complicity with US-Saudi Violations, "Our Patience May not last for Long"

(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Coordination and Redeployment Committee: US-Saudi Forces Not Implementing Stockholm Agreement

The head of the National Team in the Coordination and Redeployment Committee, Major General Ali Al-Mushki, explained how the US-Saudi forces and mercenaries have not provided anything in implementing the Stockholm Agreement, since it was signed. He exposed the UN's compliance which did not force or pressure for any advancement.

In a statement to Al-Masirah TV, Al-Mushki said that "We made concessions and unilateral steps in the Stockholm Agreement in an effort to spare the people of Hodeidah the suffering and lift the injustice and siege imposed on them."

(A K P)

President’s advisor: Stockholm agreement is dead

Abdulmalik Al-Mekhlafi, an advisor of President Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi said on Tuesday that the Stockholm agreement is dead and that the United Nations (UN) must do its responsibility to the situation.

Al-Mekhlafi voiced the statement to the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat Daily Newspaper.

He said that the agreement has become in- executable because of the Houthis’ procrastination to implementation of the agreement.

The agreement requires the Houthis to hand over Hodeida city and ports to the local authority.

My comment: The last sentence quoted here is propaganda. The agreement did not include a hand over of city and ports to Hadi government authority (this actually is meant by “local authority” here).

(A K P)

Massive Mass Rally for Students of Hodeidah, Condemning of Ad-durayhimi Siege and Crimes

Students of the city of Hodeidah went out today in a mass rally, in front of the United Nations building, condemning and denouncing the international silence of the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression, the continuous violations of the Stockholm Agreement and the suffering that the children of Yemen are going through.

(A K pH)

Film: The scorched earth and genocide strategy is what the aggression forces pursue by continuing indiscriminate shelling and burning citizens ’farms in Al-Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Film: Houthi infiltration foil and militias bring reinforcements to Al-Draimi

(A H P)

63 Boote wurden an die von der Aggression betroffenen Hodeidah-Fischer verteilt

Der amtierende Gouverneur von Al-Hodeidah [Sanaa-Regierung], Mohamed Ayash Qohaim, hat heute die Verteilung von 63 Fischerbooten mit ihrer gesamten Ausrüstung für die von der Aggression betroffenen Fischer im Rahmen des von der Abteilung des Obersten Rates für die Verwaltung und Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten in Partnerschaft mit ADRA durchgeführten Projekts zur Bekämpfung von Nahrungsmitteln und zur Existenzsicherung eingeweiht in den Stadtteilen Al-Maraw'iaa und Badschel.

(A K pH)

Invasoren und Söldner verletzen weiterhin den Hodeidahswaffenstillstand, Luftangriffe und Flugzeuge Kreisung über Provinzen

(A K pH)

Aggressionskräfte setzen ihre Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand in Hodeidah fort

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Violate Ceasefire in Hodeidah Targeting the Airport

The US-Saudi aggression continued its violations of the cease-fire in Hodeidah, agreed on after the Stockholm agreement in Sweden. The mercenaries targeted Hodeidah Airport with heavy machinegun fire.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Violate Ceasefire in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression forces continue to breach ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah

(* B K P)

Tensions in Yemen's Hodeida cripple peace hopes and further impoverish civilians

The UN-sponsored peace deal in Stockholm in December 2018 to end fighting over Yemen's Hodeida initially gave hopes to civilians and policy makers that Yemen's devastating war was winding down.

Yet with failures to fully address the conflict's root causes, fighting has continued, and Hodeida still remains the country's most dangerous area.

Despite warnings that damaging the city would plunge Yemen into a deeper humanitarian crisis, as around 70-80 percent of Yemen's good come through Hodeida's port, the coalition pushed ahead anyway.
The governorate's militarisation still puts civilians at risks. According to civilians, Houthi-laid landmines still scatter the city and restrict civilian movements. Some have even been harshly injured. Despite peace initiatives, the Houthis have continued to lay landmines near people's houses.
Violence had also struck the city of Hays in southern Hodeida in early December, according to local residents. Mortar firing and shelling between the pro-coalition Giants Brigade and the Houthis had led Dr Al Hassan Al Taher, Hodeida's governor, once again called for scrapping the Stockholm agreement and instead 'liberating' the city from Houthi control.

Despite peace measures from outside, conflicting factions still seek a military solution to Hodeida.

"I started fighting, with the support and support of our brothers in the Gulf states, and we liberated most of the coastal areas to reach at the outskirts of Hodeida," a commander of the government aligned Tihama forces told The New Arab.

The commander added that his forces oppose the Stockholm agreement, considering that it had hindered abilities to 'liberate' the city from the Houthi rebels.

While violence in the city had decreased at times, there have still been a total of 1,008 recorded casualties from armed violence. The number could easily be far higher as Yemen's casualties have often been under recorded, and 'official' death do not often include indirect fatalities like malnourishment and diseased like cholera.

Furthermore, as electricity and internet is often limited in Hodeida because of the fighting, communication is restricted and therefore it is difficult to fully report on the governorate.

Aid organisations cannot operate there and help civilians, with many having to close their offices after the Saudi-led coalition's offensive.

Meanwhile continued fighting has rapidly worsened Hodeida's infrastructure, weakening the governorate.

"Water, sanitation and hygiene sector suffered substantially in Hodeida from damage to infrastructure and from the ongoing blockade. High numbers of water infrastructure have been destroyed during airstrikes," Jovita Sandaite, advocacy expert at Action Contre le Faim, told The New Arab.

As a result of this, cholera which has plagued the country throughout the war and is the worst epidemic of the disease in recorded history, has flourished in some parts of the governorate.

Civilians are economically impoverished as a result of the fighting. The Saudi-led blockade, beginning in November 2017 and only slightly loosening following international humanitarian pressure, has crippled the country's civilians further

The UAE's withdrawal from fighting in Hodeida in June, moving its attention from the Houthis to occupying other regions in the south, had contributed to decreasing the violence in that governorate. Yet this was one withdrawal that took focus away from the governorate, whilst tensions with the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government still remained.

Though Hodeida's conflict is decreasing, ultimately the civilians still remained impoverished, and very few international efforts are being made to address their suffering.

"Conditions are continuing to deteriorate. If there is an improvement, it is very slow, so we in Hodeidah do not feel optimistic," Manel, a Hodeida resident, told The New Arab.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, December 16th, 2019

(B K pH)

Film: Al-Derahmi. Traitors punish the people of Al-Drahihemi by bombing

(A K pH)

Aggressionskräfte setzen ihre Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand in Hodeidah fort

(A K pH)

Aggressionskräfte verletzen weiterhin das Waffenstillstandsabkommen in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression forces continue to breach ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah

(B K pS)

Yemen’s Houthis Accused of Violating Stockholm Agreement

A report released by the Yemeni Joint Forces operating on Yemen’s west coast accused Houthi militias of committing over 13,000 violations against the Hodeidah ceasefire, also known as the Stockholm Agreement.
Waddah Al-Dubeish, a spokesman for the Yemeni Joint Forces in the west coast, said that chances of reaching a political settlement “were aborted.”
Dubeish blamed Houthis for sabotaging the Agreement which was signed in Sweden last December.

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, December 15th, 2019

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B K P)

Film: Dr. Elisabeth Kendall über Entwicklungen und Folgen des Arabischen Frühlings u.a. im Jemen

Interview mit Dr. Elisabeth Kendall (University of Oxford, Vereinigtes Königreich) über Entwicklungen und Folgen des Arabischen Frühlings, u.a. im Jemen und zur Rolle von Religion in Politik und Gesellschaft im Nahen Osten. Die gesamte Dokumentation der Fachtagung „Glocal Islamism 2019 – Phänomene, Interdependenzen, Prävention“ gibt es unter Documentation in English:

Film: Dr. Elisabeth Kendall on developments and consequences of the Arab Spring, among others in Yemen

Interview with Dr. Elisabeth Kendall (University of Oxford, United Kingdom) on developments and consequences of the Arab Spring, including in Yemen and the role of religion in politics and society in the Middle East. The entire documentation of the conference "Glocal Islamism 2019 - Phenomena, Interdependencies, Prevention" is available at

(* B K)

Jemen-Krieg kostet Saudi-Arabien jährlich 60 Milliarden Dollar

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, der Präsident des Obersten Revolutionsrates im Jemen, hat am Montagabend mitgeteilt, dass die Kriegskosten für Saudi-Arabien gegen den Jemen bei monatlich rund 5 Milliarden Dollar liegen (jährlich 60 Milliarden Dollar).

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi fragte auf Twitter, ohne die von ihm genutzten Quellen zu zitieren: Wieviel hat es Saudi-Arabien fast fünf Jahre lang gekostet, den Jemen zu zerstören, ihn zu blockieren und das jemenitische Volk hungrig zu halten? Ein Land (Saudi-Arabien), das jährlich allein 2 Milliarden Dollar benötigt, um seine Mitarbeiter zu bezahlen?

Mein Kommentar: Diese Zahlen sind nicht neu.

(* B K P)

Film: Yemen: Prospects for Peace

Attempts by the United Nations and other actors to broker a peace deal between the Iran-backed Houthis and the Saudi-backed government forces in Yemen have been met with cautious optimism, but a mutual distrust between the warring parties, combined with renewed fighting and fracturing alliances, have threatened to derail any confidence-building measures. This panel examines the balance of power in Yemen after five years of war, the international influence of the various factions, and potential scenarios for a political solution.

Mr. Saeed Thabit, Yemen Bureau Chief, Al Jazeera Arabic; Mr. Rafat Al-Akhali, Fellow Of Practice, University Of Oxford; Mr. Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs And Emergency Relief Coordinator, United Nations; Ms. Helen Lackner, Independent Researcher; Professor Majed Al Ansari, Moderator, Professor Of Political Sociology, Qatar University

(B H P)

Der Nachbar lebt in Saus und Braus

Warum soll uns das Elend im Jemen interessieren? Vielleicht, weil Deutschland größte Geldgeber des Landes war. Doch man hat es nie verstanden, Einfluss auf das Geschehen zu nehmen

Schon beim Eintritt Saudi-Arabiens in den Bürgerkrieg vor fast fünf Jahren lebten 70 Prozent der knapp 30 Millionen Jemeniten unter der Armutsgrenze von zwei US-Dollar am Tag. Jetzt sind es noch mehr. Der Nachbar Saudi-Arabien dagegen lebt in Saus und Braus und schmeißt nur so um sich mit Dollar-Scheinen. Krasser könnte der Gegensatz auf der arabischen Halbinsel nicht sein. Doch anstatt mal einige Millionen Pedro-Dollars in den Süden zu schieben, schickt Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman lieber Bomben. Dabei würde er mit Nahrungsmitteln die Herzen und Köpfe seiner Nachbarn bestimmt leichter erobern – Huthis hin oder her.,-der-nachbar-lebt-in-saus-und-braus-_arid,1883679.html#nfy-reload

Mein Kommentar: Ein reichlich oberflächlicher Kommentar.

(A P)

Film (Arabic): The Yemeni army proves the authenticity of its information about the presence of Iranian experts in their country

The spokesperson for the fourth military region in the [Hadi gov.] Yemeni army, Muhammad al-Naqib, affirmed that the financial reward offered by the US State Department in the amount of $ 15 million to those who provide information reaching them to the Iranian expert, Abd al-Rida Shahla, who is in Yemen, confirms what the Yemeni army talked about reports and documents about the presence of experts Iranians working for the Houthis in Yemen and supplying them with weapons.

(* B P)

Mothers of Abductees Association: Since Stockholm agreement wqs signed, 1222 civilians including 11 women abducted, 104 of whom were subject to severe torture (24 dies as a result). 134 of those abducted were killed n airstrikes

referring to


(* B P)

NGO: Houthis abducted over 1,000 civilians since signing of Stockholm agreement

The Houthis rebels kidnapped 1,222 civilians since signing of the Stockholm agreement on 13 December 2018, a local NGO said on Wednesday.

The Abductees’ Mothers Association, a local human rights organization that strives for rights and release of the abductees and arbitrary detainees, said that 11 women are among the new arbitrary detainees following signing of the Stockholm agreement.

the number of illegal detainees held captives by the Houthis increased following signing of the agreement, the association noted.

It indicated that 104 were severely tortured and deprived from medical care that consequently led to death of 24 detainees in the Houthis-run prisons.

It said that the Houthis prosecuted 57 abductees and ruled capital punishment to 47 of them.

It added that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) affiliated militants, the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a separation rebels based in in Aden, abducted 56 civilians and the government-run security services arrested 29 citizens.

and also

(B E P)

#Yemen's ports are showing signs of life according to official statistics, with the following distribution of shipping revenues: Hodeidah- 44% Aden-35% Mukalla- 16% Interestingly, 51% of the revenues were until recently in the #UAE's sphere of influence (Aden and Mukalla).

(A P)

Yemeni government condemns Swiss ambassador to Iran’s meeting with the Houthis

Yemen’s Minister of Information Muammar Al-Iryani condemned a meeting between the Swiss Ambassador to Iran and Houthi-appointed representative to Iran Ibrahim Al-Dailamy, saying it was contrary to diplomatic norms and legitimized the Houthi coup in 2015.

"Iran's clear role in arranging and organizing these meetings is a continuation of its hostile policies towards Yemen, the government and people, and an additional indication of political support, as well as the financial, media and military support provided by the Tehran regime to the Houthi coup militia,"

and also

(* B K P)

Report: Houthis Seeking Help to Prevent Massive Oil Spill off Yemen from Leaking FSO

The Houthis are asking for international assistance in preventing a decaying oil tanker from causing a major environmental disaster in the Red Sea, Al Jazeera reports.

The Safer FSO is floating north of Hodeidah and is believed to be loaded with over 1 million barrels of crude oil. Based on the latest reports, the deserted oil tanker has started leaking oil into the Red Sea.

There is a concern that the dilapidated tanker might rapture causing a massive explosion and oil spill into the Gulf of Aden. Specifically, since the conflict broke out the ship was not maintained and its boilers have stopped producing inert gas, which is used to reduce the risk of explosion of gases released from the oil in FSOs and tankers.

As such it is believed the tanks inside the vessel contain a considerable amount of explosive gases

Houthi representatives say that the Saudi-led coalition had prevented them from unloading the tanker, thus reducing the danger from its explosion, which was guaranteed under the Stockholm agreement reached in December 2018 and pay salaries to the public sector. Under the deal, the parties agreed to remove military forces from the city of Hodeidah and the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa, allowing for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the impoverished Yemeni people.


(* B K P)

Spotlight: Officials fear stranded oil tanker off Yemen's coast could explode

Yemen's officials on Tuesday reiterated their fears that a stranded oil tanker could explode and cause serious pollution off the country's Red Sea coast.

Loaded with nearly 1.1 million barrels of oil, the tanker Safer has been stranded some 7 km off Yemen's Ras Isa port, north of the city of Hodeidah.

In August, the United Nations attempted to assess the Safer. But the Houthis rebels blocked the access to the derelict tanker that was being used as a floating storage for oil transfers.

The Houthis placed submitting the revenues from the sale of the oil aboard the tanker to their bank in Sanaa as a precondition to allowing the UN inspection team to reach the Safer.

Officials of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government, based in the southern port city of Aden, expressed their concern that the Houthis are still refusing to grant the international inspectors access to the decaying oil tanker.

He said, "For several times, the Yemeni government called for international assistance in preventing the potentially serious oil pollution threatening the Red Sea's ecology but received no active response."

The international community should exert more efforts in pressuring and forcing the Houthi rebels to allow the UN's technical team to carry out necessary maintenance of the tanker and aborting any environmental disaster, the official said.

My comment: The Houthis even had ASKED for international assistance. Hadi government propaganda seems to be odd.

(* B K P)

Audio: 12/13/19 Nasser Arrabyee on the War in Yemen

Scott interviews Nasser Arrabyee about Yemen, where the U.S. continues to back Suadi Arabia in waging a war of starvation against the people of Yemen. Scott calls this the very worst thing our government is doing, and yet by and large the American people don’t much care about it. Arrabyee says that Houthi leaders are beginning to talk with the Saudis through backchannels, which could be the first step toward a deescalation of the bombing and a reopening of airports, which would allow desperately needed foreign aid to get to the Yemenis.

(B H)

Film: Jemen: Statement von Wafa'a Al Saidy

Wafa'a Al Saidy leitet das Ärzte der Welt-Programm im Jemen. Als humanitäre Mitarbeiterin, als Jemenitin und als Mutter von drei Kindern appelliert sie an die Regierungen und an die Bürger*innen Europas, dem Konflikt in ihrer Heimat ein Ende zu setzen.

(* B K P)

US_Saudi Aggression Responsible for Pollution Destruction of Marine Environment, in Yemen

The [Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Marine Resource has warned of the danger of pollution the marine environment is exposed to under the US-Saudi aggression. The director general of the marine control of the Ministry, Mohamed Abbas Al-Faqih, said that "the ministry has received about 12 reports from fishermen that foreign ships under the supervision and control of the barges of the aggression coalition throw chemical pollutants in the international shipping lane in the Red Sea."

Al-Faqih clarified that since March 2015, the Yemeni authorities have been unable to control ships that carry chemical pollution because of the militarization of the aggression alliance for the Red Sea region and the spread of its ships on the Yemeni water borders. He indicated that the reports received by Yemeni fishermen about throwing foreign ships of chemical pollutants in the Red Sea do not represent only 10% of the actual reality.

Al-Faqih confirmed that Emirati companies are systematically destroying the marine environment of the Yemeni islands in the archipelago of Hunish and Zuqr, which is bulldozing, uprooting the coral and transporting them to the Emirates. He pointed out that the longitudinal meter of the coral reef that is being uprooted needs 150 years to grow again, and this behavior describes the enormity of the UAE offense against the marine environment of the Red Sea and the right of Yemen in it.

(B H K)

Radhya Almutawakel: "The Yemenis don't just die from bombs"

Interview. The soul activist of Mwatana speaks, an organization based in Yemen for human rights that collects data on the conflict and evidence on the violations committed by all the actors in the war, that Time has included among the 100 most influential people of 2019: "We thought that to stop the conflict it was enough to tell the truth ..."

Our job is to document the human rights violations resulting from the war, and we do it in all the Yemen Governorates. We can show that the distribution of violations has been more or less the same for years, but the impact gets worse. Today the Yemenis are not "suffering a famine" but there is a famine that is imposed on them. The violations are caused by all the actors involved

(* B P)

Red Sea Geopolitics: Six Plotlines to Watch

Editor’s Note: Many of the countries bordering the Red Sea suffer a mix of violence, corruption, instability and tyranny. Compounding the problem, outside states are meddling more in an attempt to increase their influence while the Trump administration stands by. My Brookings Institution colleague Zach Vertin offers six areas to watch in the months and years to come, ranging from potential great power competition to the growing role of Gulf states in African politics.

Rivalry for Export

When Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) cut political ties with neighboring Qatar in 2017 and imposed an economic blockade, the resulting feud—which drew in Egypt and Turkey—was promptly exported to the Horn. Dueling powers rushed to lock up friends, loyalty pledges and real estate—including a mad dash for commercial ports and military posts on Africa’s Red Sea coast. While the rush of foreign interest (and cash) demonstrated huge potential for economic development in the Horn, it also revealed how dangerously vulnerable the region was to external shocks.

By 2017, the question of great power rivalry had also begun to animate the Red Sea script. When Beijing established its first-ever overseas military base in Djibouti, at the nexus of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the American defense establishment started paying close attention

Six Plotlines to Watch

The first of six plotlines to watch is the war in Yemen

The second narrative to watch will unfold across the Red Sea, in Somalia

The history of the Gulf and the Horn can be understood partly in dichotomy, with contrasting notions of the Red Sea as a feature of union or division. While people and states have interacted across this narrow seaway for generations, global trends—rising inequality, shifting centers of power, increasing migration, popular demands for democracy and a great maritime trade contest—are blurring boundaries across the Red Sea as never before. The emergent transregional order, whether cooperative or competitive, will demand our sustained attention.

(* B K P)

Saudi Arabia establishes military base on Yemeni island near Bab el-Mandeb: Report

Saudi Arabia is reportedly constructing a military base on a strategic Yemeni island as the Riyadh regime seeks to consolidate a foothold in the crisis-hit Arab country in the wake of a devastating Saudi-led military onslaught that has killed thousands of Yemenis and reduced critical infrastructure to rubble.

A Yemeni military source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Arabic-language Arabi 21 online newspaper that Saudis are setting up military installations on Zuqar Island near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, after dispatching dozens of military personnel to the area.

The source added that more than 50 Saudi military personnel are currently stationed on the island, which was formerly controlled by local forces affiliated with the United Arab Emirates, before their withdrawal a few months ago.

He further noted that Saudi forces have begun constructing buildings across the island, including a command center as a sign of the kingdom's desire to convert it into a military base on the Red Sea.

The source pointed out that the role of Saudi forces has evolved from providing support to the Yemeni coast guard forces loyal to Yemen's former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, to strengthening their own military presence on Zuqar Island.

Last month, Arabi 21, citing an informed source, reported that Saudi Arabia had dispatched military forces to the island, and provided the so-called Yemeni coast guard forces with gunboats. =

and also

(* A K P)

Al-Houthi: American allegations of intercepting arms cache is pure slander

Member of the Supreme Political council Mohammed Ali AL-Houthi ruled out American allegations over intercepting a ship carrying arms and parts of missiles en route to Yemen “All these things are pure slander. They are liars,” said AlHouthi. He said in reality there is no ship carrying oil, food or medicine is allowed to come to Yemen so how come a ship carrying missiles can reach Yemen. Even ships carrying wheat were suspended in 2015 until the International Wheat Association intervened to release them,” said Al-Houthi. “This is pure slander, and incorrect,”. Commented Al-Houthi.

“In the matter of fact this was to cover up the handing over of American weapons to Saudi Arabia, in front of the Democrats who are waiting for the Republicans in their upcoming elections because of their unlimited support for the war on Yemen,” said Al-Houthi. AL-Houthi pointed out that the war on Yemen and the crimes committed against the Republic of Yemen and against the Yemeni people have become propaganda topics used by Europeans and Americans alike, to get a lot of votes in exchange for their pro- gram to stop support for this war in the Republic of Yemen.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

Ein mit Benzin beladenes Schiff kommt im Hafen von Hodeidah an

(A K P)

Oil tanker arrives at Hodeidah port

The company said the arrival of the tanker at the port after being seized by the Saudi-led aggression coalition nine days ago.

"The aggression coalition has been holding six oil ships since 46 days despite obtaining the United Nations permits " it affirmed.

(A K P)

Gewerkschaft der Importeure und Händler von Erdölprodukten widerlegt die Erfindungen des Aden Wirtschaftsausschuss

Die Gewerkschaft der Importeure und Händler von Erdölderivaten bestätigte in der Veröffentlichung der Aden Wirtschaftsausschuss, die Unwahrheiten und Vorwürfe in Bezug auf die Verpflichtung der Aden Wirtschaftsausschuss, die Einreise von Treibstoffschiffen zu erleichtern und die Verzögerung von Händlern bei der Vorlage von Rechtsdokumenten für Lieferungen und andere Verleumdungen.

(B P)

False Promises to Open Sana’a Airport Continue Amid UN Envoy Visit

The head of the Committee to lift the Siege and the Ban on Sana'a Int. Airport, Abdullah Shaaban, affirmed that the promises of US-SaudiI aggression to open the airport are nothing but lies. He emphasized that Yemen does not beg the Saudi regime for a trip or two but is seeking to secure a permanent way for those in need of treatment abroad.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(A H)

Reproduktive Gesundheit VIII (Social Marketing IV)

Im Rahmen der deutschen Finanziellen Zusammenarbeit (FZ) mit Jemen unterstützt die Bundesregierung die vierte Phase eines Vorhabens zur Verbesserung der reproduktiven Gesundheit der jeminitischen Bevölkerung. Ziel des Vorhabens ist es, durch verbessertes Wissen, Einstellungen und Verhalten der Zielgruppe bezüglich der Familienplanung und die vermehrte Anwendung moderner Verhütungsmethoden zur Verringerung ungewollter Schwangerschaften beizutragen. Damit trägt das Programm zu einer VErbesserung der sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit und Rechte und zur Begrenzung des Bevölkerungswachstums bei. Zielgruppe ist die sexuell aktive Bevölkerung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Jugendlichen und Frauen.

Mein Kommentar: Ganz nett, aber: Die Menschen im Jemen hätten Anderes wirklich dringender nötig.

(* B H)

United Nations Population Fund: UNFPA Response in Yemen: Monthly Situation Report #11 November 2019

Yemen is the world's worst humanitarian crisis and levels of humanitarian needs are staggering. Eighty percent of the population - 24.1 million people - need some form of humanitarian assistance. A total of 230 out of Yemen's 333 districts (69 per cent) are at risk of famine. Cholera remains widespread in 90 per cent of the districts. More than 452,000 cumulative suspected cholera cases were reported since January 2019. Some 3.34 million people are internally displaced across the country; another 1 million have returned to their homes. An estimated 375,000 people have been displaced since the beginning of 2019.

(B H)

In war-ravaged Yemen, students are dropping out of school

Saad al-Zaidi, a 12-year-old student from Yemen, left school last year to seek a job on a farm on the outskirts of the capital Sanaa to help his father make a living for a family of nine (photos)

(* B H)

Yemen: being a woman wartime photojournalist

In Yemen it is difficult to be a photojournalist, if you hold the camera and take pictures, you will be charged with a crime and you could be killed or arrested. But she loves her camera and takes it with her wherever she goes. Yemen is beautiful in its scenery, heritage, history and culture.

Hayat AL Sharif was born in Saudi Arabia and grew up in Yemen, where she currently resides in Sana'a, has a degree in English literature from Sana'a University in 2015, her photography has appeared in the pages of Yemen, the most followed and read among the news and produced projects for organizations such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Food Program (WFP), Aid To Artisans (USAID) and the Cash project.

The lens of the Hayat AL Sharif camera is considered the open window of Yemen to the outside world. This window shows images full of beauty and architecture that characterized the old Sana'a, palaces and old buildings located in 28 Yemeni governorates. Hayat states: "My camera is dangerous for my life".

For five years, the war continued against Yemen, destroying schools, hospitals and service buildings. Since the blockade of land, sea and air has made Yemen the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, the child and the woman are the victims of this siege, "the goal of AL Sharif" has transmitted to the world the reality of life and of the suffering of Yemeni women by publishing series of photos and stories for the World Food Program and the Daily Worker Website. These stories speak of the lack of food, of how Yemeni women strive to produce food to keep their children alive.

Moreover, the blockade imposed on Yemen and the lack of domestic gas made Yemeni women exposed to many dangers, some lost their lives due to the lack of gas that led women to look for firewood in the mountains, women who they fell from the mountain high, some died and some women broke their bones.

Hayat claims to have documented photos of women in the Sanaa governorate lighting fire with paper and plastic boxes, long hours of work to get the fire to make bread for the children.

Al-Sharif describes the suffering of Yemeni women to save their children from hunger for death (photos)

(* B H)

The politics of exclusion: fighting for patients with Kidney failure in Yemen's War.


To contribute toward the dialogue on addressing non-communicable and chronic disease in humanitarian emergencies, this article will explore the experiences of Médecins Sans Frontières in attempting to find support for the haemodialysis network in Yemen. With the changing profile of the global disease burden and a broadening concept of emergency health needs to include chronic illness and disability, the aid sector has committed through the World Humanitarian Summit and the Sustainable Development Goals to leave no one behind and thus to meet the health needs of these previously excluded and highly vulnerable people. The civil war in Yemen compromised the medical supply chain supporting the health facilities providing dialysis for patients with end-stage renal disease. The article will critique the aid sector's slow response to this issue and expose the gap between principles, commitments, and practice related to noncommunicable disease in emergencies.

Examination of the impacted patient population, interviews, literature and documented events indicates that there is discord between policy, commitments stated by aid donors and practice.

The aid sector must use a more contextualised approach when designing programmes to manage the burden of non-communicable diseases in health contexts where crises occur, particularly for lifesaving forms of therapy.


This article will explore a policy question related to health provision in humanitarian crises. Why was it so difficult to find support for Yemen’s collapsing dialysis network as a result of the war that began in 2015? The patient population experiencing end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is highly vulnerable as they require regular dialysis or a kidney transplant to survive; and the aid sector has made a commitment to meet the needs of the highly vulnerable. This topic is also relevant for the growing discourse on addressing non-communicable disease (NCD) in emergencies. By tracing the collapse of Yemen’s dialysis network, the measures taken by emergency responders Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the slow response by the international donor community to offer support and the extent of advocacy efforts required to raise the profile of these otherwise invisible victims of Yemen’s conflict, it becomes clear that the global health community must work harder to ensure that the needs of highly vulnerable populations are met. While this topic explores patients suffering from a specific health condition in a particular context, the findings can be applied more broadly to inform a more ethically consistent prioritisation of humanitarian healthcare provision in similar future contexts – by André Heller Pérache

and full document:

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Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner vor Ort, Adra Yemen, versucht humedica, die hygienische Versorgungslücke zu schließen. Es werden Hygienekits zusammengestellt und an die Notleidenden, auch in abgelegenen Dörfern, verteilt. Neben den grundlegenden hygienischen Utensilien des täglichen Lebens liegt der Fokus auf der Reinigung des Trinkwassers. Eine saubere, ausreichende Menge an Trinkwasser kann durch das Land nicht gewährleistet werden. Deshalb liegen jedem Hygienekit auch Wasserreinigungstabletten bei. Diese bieten eine Alternative, um verunreinigtes Wasser nutzbar zu machen. Die enthaltenen Silberionen reinigen und konservieren das Wasser, um das Risiko von Krankheiten und Infektionen zu senken.

(B H)

The people of al-Adani neighborhood in #Lahj suffer from the spread of diseases and face health crises as a result of the accumulated garbage and flooding of raw sewage swamps.

(* B H)

Yemen: the worst humanitarian crisis on earth

Imagine a place where access to food and clean drinking water is a daily struggle for millions of children and their families.

Imagine a country where treatment is urgently needed for acute malnutrition – including more than three million children, pregnant women and new mothers.

Hamamah doesn’t need to imagine. It is the grim reality of conflict that has left devastation in its wake for Hamamah, her family and millions in Yemen.

After nearly three years as the Representative for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in Canada, I will soon join our team in Yemen. I was last there in 2013 during what became a very short-lived peace and reconciliation process. Since the renewed fighting in 2015, Yemen has spiraled into what the United Nations has described as “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis,” a country where an estimated 24 million people — 80 per cent of the population — are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

In 2019, UNHCR has worked with our partners to provide newly displaced families like Mohammed’s fleeing the frontlines with assistance installing emergency shelters and household essentials like blankets, buckets, kitchen sets, mattress and mats.

In the coming months, we will be doing outreach to some 4,000 families with cash assistance and essential aid items to help them through the winter months.

(* B H)

World Food Programme: WFP assistance rescues Yemen from the brink but struggle continues for millions

A massive expansion of humanitarian assistance by the United Nations World Food Programme in Yemen this year has alleviated the worst suffering in Yemen and so far prevented famine, but over 11 million people continue to face a daily struggle to find enough food, according to WFP’s latest food security monitoring data.

WFP has this year achieved an unprecedented expansion of food assistance in Yemen, scaling it up by 50 percent – from reaching 8 million people at the beginning of the year, WFP now provides food assistance to some 12 million people per month. Meanwhile, food assistance has been doubled to the worst-hit areas where conflict and economic collapse had left nearly 240,000 people living in famine-like conditions. A recent food security assessment showed that catastrophic levels of food insecurity had been reversed in 29 of the 45 most hunger-stricken districts[1].

While the most acute levels of food insecurity have subsided, the threat of famine persists, and humanitarian assistance remains a lifeline for millions. In Hajjah, Sa’ada, Hodeidah, Al Bayda and Ad Dhale – all areas that have seen fierce fighting this year – WFP is providing food assistance to over half the population to prevent them slipping into worse levels of hunger.

“Our food assistance has saved many children, women and men from the brink. But they’re not safe yet. Support for Yemen must continue,” said WFP Yemen Country Director, Laurent Bukera. “Yemen needs peace - a lasting peace that will allow the country to rebuild.”

In 2019, WFP provided $35 million in cash transfers to families using their biometrics to redeem their entitlements at banks. Such assistance works in areas with functioning markets and where the agency can deploy biometric verification. Some 3 percent of WFP’s beneficiaries in Yemen are served in this way. In other areas, the agency continues to provide food rations and vouchers with which they can redeem food from WFP’s network of traders.

(* B H)

Bringing life-saving supplies into Yemen

In the midst of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, UNOPS is helping to ensure essential goods continue to flow into Yemen to reach people in need.

As part of its efforts to facilitate access to essential commodities, UNOPS is working with partners in Yemen to meet basic needs. To facilitate the inflow of commercial goods, UNOPS, in partnership with OCHA established the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) for Yemen in December 2015, on behalf of the government of Yemen, the United Nations and its Member States. UNVIM was created to oversee the monitoring and inspection services of commercial and bilateral assistance cargo destined for Yemeni Red Sea ports, which are not under the control of the government of Yemen.

Since its establishment, there have been a number of challenges often found in fast-changing, active, conflict situations. In response, UNOPS has worked together with the main stakeholders to establish solutions to deliver on the mandate of the mechanism in the most efficient way.

Setting up its operations in Djibouti, UNVIM developed a range of procedures to avoid significant delays and blockages in delivering goods to people in Yemen.

In addition to ensuring sufficient infrastructure and procedures to operate the mechanism, UNOPS directly engaged with stakeholders, including in the shipping lines, to answer their queries and encourage them to return to Yemen’s Red Sea ports

(* B H P)

Yemen: One of the Worst Places in the World to be a Woman

“By God, I am broken from the inside. It’s not normal, I don’t feel like a human being. I can’t breathe properly like other human beings. We suffer from the forced niqab, child marriage, divorce shame, domestic violence and honor killings. I don’t know… as if we are aliens. They [male family members] have to oppress us and we have to stay oppressed – like a puppet controlled by strings.”

This is what a Yemeni woman told me over the phone, as her shaky voice reflected the sadness, hurt and fear which women in Yemen have come to experience on a daily basis. Over the past three months, as a member of the Yemen team at Amnesty International, I have been speaking to women in Yemen from Ma’arib, Taiz and Sana’a about the types of violence women are subjected to as they experience increased responsibilities and an evolution of their gender roles.

The increasing roles and responsibilities of women have proved to be a double-edged sword. Although the gender roles shift can provide an opportunity to alleviate women’s status quo when she is equipped with adequate abilities, women, as a result of this transition have been further subjected to violence. Literature has shown that in societies with rigid gender norms, men feel emasculated and threatened when they experience a shift in gender roles, which can lead to an increase in intimate partner violence.

In Yemen, a country ranked last in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap index for 13 consecutive years, women have been suffering from deeply entrenched gender inequality rooted in a patriarchal society with rigid gender roles. While the conflict in Yemen has had a horrific impact on all civilians generally, women and girls have been disproportionately affected. Negative gender stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes, a discriminatory legal system, and economic inequality have compounded women’s vulnerability to violence. The fighting has left the country’s people struggling with a dire economic crisis, damaged infrastructure and collapsed services. But in addition, women have had to contend with limited mobility due to cultural gender norms. Also, since they are responsible for providing food and care in their homes, they have had to struggle with the challenges of limited (or lack of) access to food, water, sanitation and health care services – which has seen a steady deterioration as the conflict continues.

In addition to the economic and social challenges, the women I spoke to also shared with me a wide range of security-related concerns, some amounting to serious violations: attacks at checkpoints if they were unaccompanied by a male relative and attacks during protests, including harassment, arbitrary detention and torture and other-ill treatment by security forces, and increased domestic violence.

One issue on which women have clearly mobilized and refuse to stay silent is that of detention and/or enforced disappearance of their male family members. Mothers, wives and sisters of male detainees are both direct and second-hand victims of the detention and/or enforced disappearances of their family members. Firstly, deprived from their husbands, fathers and brothers, they suffer psychologically – made worse by not knowing w

It is crucial that any measure by the UN is grounded in a wider framework of addressing gender discrimination, through a national legislative reform process that would address longstanding violations of women’s human rights. The Yemeni government must take effective measures to increase women’s political participation, address systemic and discriminatory laws and practices, protect the right of women to equality with men and to be free from all forms of discrimination, and address the underlying social and cultural attitudes that discriminate against women. The Yemeni authorities must also ensure and reinforce the protection of women from violence and discrimination inside and outside of their homes.

(A H P)

Kuwait funds housing project for IDPs in Al-Jawf

(* B H K)

Aggression, health system in Yemen... Indicators of collapse

The aggression has destroyed the infrastructure of the health sector, leading to the spread of diseases and epidemics and depriving millions of citizens of basic health care. Not only did the countries of the coalition of aggression bomb and destroy, but they imposed a blockade on the entry of medical supplies and life-saving medicines, especially for those with chronic diseases, and prevented patients from traveling for treatment abroad.

A report issued by the [Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Public Health and Population confirmed that the indicators of the collapse of the health system in Yemen were the direct destruction of the fighter jets of aggression to health facilities, where the number of facilities completely and partially destroyed to more than 600 facilities.

It pointed out that the losses of the health sector reached ten billion dollars, pointing out the end of the life span of 93 percent of medical devices and equipment and could not be maintained and may stop at any moment, as a result of the blockade and not allowing the import of modern from them.

The collapse of the health sector is also reflected in the lack of salaries of more than 48,000 employees in the sector at the central and local level, as well as the interruption of many doctors and staff due to displacement and economic conditions, as well as the failure of facilities.

According to the report, there are 8,000 patients with kidney failure and thousands of cancer patients, diabetes, heart and other diseases, in addition to 40 thousand patients with cancerous tumors threatened with death as a result of the lack of introduction of radiation device for the treatment of tumors, pointing out that 50% of oncology patients died as a result of the lack of availability Medicines because of the siege.

The report stated that there is no cardiac catheterization device in Yemen, especially after the failure of the only organ at Al-Thawra General Hospital, the absence of heart supports for more than 30,000 patients and the absence of valves for more than 30,000 patients.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (15 December 2019)

From Yemen: 14,763

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: IOM Yemen 2019 Operational Overview, December 2019

With offices in Sana’a, Aden, Al Hudaydah and Marib and satellite presences in all 22 governorates, IOM supports vulnerable groups throughout Yemen, including displaced people, conflict affected communities and migrants. The Organization directly implements a multi-sector humanitarian response, namely health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), shelter, nonfood item (NFI) and cash-based assistance, camp coordination and camp management (CCCM), protection and displacement tracking (DTM).

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: IOM Yemen: Situation Report October 2019

In October, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Rapid Displacement Tracking tool (RDT) tracked the displacement of 3,681 households, bringing the total number of people displaced in 2019 to 386,514.

IOM supports the most vulnerable groups throughout Yemen, including displaced people, conflict-affected communities and migrants through offices in Sana’a, Aden, Al Hudaydah and Marib and a satellite presence in all 22 governorates.

In October, IOM continued to directly implement in difficult contexts, providing a multisector humanitarian response

(B H)

International Organization for Migration: IOM Yemen: Marib City Displacement Sites, August-October 2019

Displacement sites first started to form in Marib governorate in 2015 and since that time, have continued to receive internally displacement persons (IDPs) from all over Yemen. As of September 2019, Marib city has 13 recorded displacement sites hosting 6,851 IDP households (HH).

Residents sheltering in at least eight of the displacement sites in Marib city are at risk of eviction.

Displacement sites where residents are at risk of eviction are typically located on private lands such as factory premises, public school grounds or lands owned by local authorities. One of the eight sites at risk managed to negotiate a oneyear rental agreement with the land owner, while people in the remaining seven sites still face possible eviction primarily to allow the sites be used for their original purposes.

(* B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees

The Protection Cluster, led by UNHCR, received USD 12M from the second standard allocation of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund. The amount will be split among Protection Cluster partners and will provide vital protection services including legal assistance, psychosocial support and cash to address their protection concerns. Moreover, the funds will be allocated toward de-mining, to prevent injury and death caused by explosive remnants of war, which have already impacted lives country-wide.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Führer der Revolution: Das jemenitische Volk hat die größte Schlacht der Welt überstanden

Der Führer der Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, bekräftigte, dass das jemenitische Volk während der fünf Jahre der Aggression dem größten Kampf der Welt standgehalten habe, mit der Kraft, an Gott zu glauben, sich auf ihn zu verlassen und auf sein Versprechen des Sieges zu vertrauen.

(A P)

Mohammed Al-Houthi Blesses Holding an Islamic Summit in Malaysia

“We bless Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's call for a summit at this time, especially as there are issues that need an Islamic position, such as the aggression against Yemen, the deal of the century, and the weak Muslims throughout the world,” Al-Houthi said in a tweet.

(A P)

Billard im Jemen

Billard im Jemen: In Sanaa nimmt eine Frau an einem viertägigen Wettbewerb teil.

(A P)

Yemen capital hosts first women's pool tournament since rebel takeover

The Yemeni capital Sanaa hosted its first women's pool tournament this week since its takeover by Shiite rebels plunged the country into a devastating war.

Organised by the women's section of the Yemeni billiard sports federation, the tournament drew 16 participants, most of them in their 20s, ready to challenge the taboos of a deeply patriarchal society.

Some wore the niqab, a black veil showing only the eyes, others wore a headscarf over their hair.

"Hail to the women that have taken this step despite the circumstances that we are in because of the war," said women's section head Balqees Husein Rifaat.


(A P)

Human Rights is Looking to Form Legal Team to Follow up on Detainees’ Cases in Marib Prisons

Deputy Minister of Human Rights, Ali Al-Dailami, confirmed the procedures for forming a legal team to follow up on the cases of kidnapped and detainees in the prisons of Marib Governorate. Al-Daylami indicated, during his meeting today with the families of a number of detainees and kidnappers in the Marib Governorate, that the Ministry of Human Rights will move with this issue.

My comment: The Houthi government should free its own detainees first before caring for those detained by the Hadi government.

(A P)

Mohammed Abdo Hassan Al-Jahdari died a few days after being released from #Houthi-run #prisons where he endured physical and psychological #torture that is believed to be the direct cause of death.

(A P)

Parliament listens to report on environmental damage caused by aggression

(A P)

Death sentence for 4 convicts of collaborating with aggression countries upheld The Specialized Criminal Appellate Division in the capital Sanaa on Monday upheld the death sentence for four convicts of collaborating with a foreign country and helping the Saudi enemy and its allies in its aggression against Yemen.

In April and July last year, the four defendants were convicted by the Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance of collaborating with a foreign country hostile to Yemen.


(A P)

Houthi court sentences four prisoners to death on charges of “espionage and aiding aggression"

The appeals division of the Houthi-controlled Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) in Sana’a sentenced four detainees to death on Sunday.

The court issued a preliminary verdict sentencing the four detainees to death on charges of “espionage and aiding aggression," according to Abdulmajid Sabra, a lawyer who specializes in monitoring the cases of detainees in Houthi prisons, many of whom have been arbitrarily abducted.

(A P)

Saudi Not Serious in Ending Aggression on Yemen: Ansarullah

The chairman of Yemen's Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, said Riyadh has not taken any steps to end its aggression against Yemen and bring peace to the impoverished country.

(* A P)

Yemen's Houthis kill five after village rejects conscription campaign

The rebels rounded up 146 residents of the Al Masaqira village when they refused to allow their sons to be conscripted into the rebel force

Five civilians including one woman have been killed and dozens injured after a local village in central Yemen refused to comply when Houthi rebels attempted to forcefully conscript local men.

The rebels targeted the small village of Al Masaqira in Al Hada district of central Yemen’s Damar province last Thursday, a governmental source told The National, but local people refused to join the militia.

“The Houthi rebels attacked the village of Al Masaqira and clashed with residents who refused to send their sons to the fronts to fight with them,” the source said. “The Houthi militia have killed five civilians and injured others so far in a campaign going on for three days.”

The source added that the militia sent more than 300 fighters backed by military vehicles to the village. “The militia forces imposed a siege around the village, arrested 146 villagers rounding up a prison in the centre of Al Hada district and forcibly displacing women and children, shelling residences of opponents in the village.”

They added that the indiscriminate shelling has burned three houses and destroyed several other residences in the village.

(A P)

Ambassador of Yemen in Iran meets with Swiss and Libyan counterparts

Meeting touches on peace initiative and humanitarian aid

(* B P)

Houthis Abduct More Yemeni Women, Girls

Yemeni and international human rights organizations have accused Houthi militias of ramping up their campaign of violence against women in an unprecedented manner.
In its latest report, the Netherlands-based Human Rights Radar says the phenomenon of the abduction of girls, female students and women has increased unprecedentedly in the Houthi-held Yemeni capital, Sanaa. The spike in kidnaps can also be traced to other areas under militia control.
According to eyewitnesses cited by the report, more than 35 girls and female students were abducted from academic institutions and streets in Sanaa. Some of them were abducted for extortion purposes or due to false and malicious reports made against them. Some were even taken for unknown reasons.
A number of girls who were attending sewing clothes workshop in al-Tawila city of al-Mahwit governorate were abducted. The city is also controlled by the Iran-backed Houthis.
The father of one of the kidnapped girls told Rights Radar that his daughter was moved from a brothel to a prison in Sanaa alongside another 30 women from different areas.


(* A P)

Yemen: Rights group says 35 girls kidnapped in Sanaa

A human rights organisation announced yesterday that it had documented the kidnapping of more than 35 girls in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, which has been under the control of the Houthi movement since the end of 2014.

The incident was reported in a statement by the Yemeni Rights Radar for Human Rights which said “the phenomenon of kidnapping girls, students and women in Sanaa and the areas controlled by the Houthis, has escalated in an unprecedented way.”

The organisation added that “according to eyewitnesses, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, more than 35 girls and students were kidnapped from the schools and the streets of Sanaa during the past short period.”

On the motives behind the kidnapping, the organisation asserted that “some girls were kidnapped to put pressure on their families, while some were kidnapped, perhaps as a result of false and malicious reports, while others were abducted for other, yet unknown, reasons”.

and also

(A K P)

Security receives 162 returnees from Saudi aggression camps

The security services have received 93 returnees from camps run by the Saudi-led aggression coalition forces in the current month of December, security official said on Sunday.

The political leaderships issued a decision of amnesty and return to their houses despite of the returnees had fought alongside the coalition in various fronts.

(* A P)

Military court in Sanaa continues to try 11 accused of treason

The Central Military Court in Sanaa on Sunday held its sixth public session to try 11 officers accused of treason and facilitating the enemy entry into the territory of the Republic of Yemen.

The defendants in this criminal case are the following officers:

1 - Field Marshal / Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi

2 - Lieutenant General / Ali Mohsen Saleh al-Ahmar

[and 9 other high-ranking generals]

The court listened to the factual details of the criminal case from the Military Prosecution and its response to what was stated in the defense petition submitted by the defendants' lawyers in the previous session.

The Military Prosecution asked the court to set a hearing to present evidence and documents.

In the session, the court decided to enable the defendants' lawyers to take a copy of the above and to listen to their response in the next session.

(A K P)

Yemen's Ansarullah slams Riyadh for violating Stockholm Agreement

On Sunday, Yemeni officials rejected reports about secret talks between the Ansarullah movement and Saudi Arabia.

Speaking to the press, senior Ansarullah official at the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said Riyadh has not taken any positive step towards resolving the Yemen conflict and bringing peace to the war-torn country.

He also blamed Saudi Arabia for the delay in the full implementation of the 2018 Stockholm Agreement which was brokered by the United Nations.'s-Ansarullah-slams-Riyadh-for-violating-Stockholm-Agreement

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Shabwa Security Committee: Southern militia hinders prisoners exchange

An official of the Shabwa Security Committee said on Wednesday that the southern militia which is known as the Southern Transitional Council (STC), obstructs exchange of prisoners with the government’s forces.

The official indicated that the STC militants denied existence of some government’s prisoners in their hands.

The STC rebels have been holding government troops and officials in captivity since early last August’s rebellion against the government forces in Aden and other nearby governorates.

For its part, the government’s forces held some of the STC fighters in confinement since last September when the latter attempted to implement a separation rebellion against the government in Shabwa.

The official held the STC militia responsible to the delay of prisoner’s exchange.

(B P)

Film: Security campaign continues to control unlicensed weapons and unnumbered vehicles Security authorities in the interim capital of Aden in southern Yemen are continuing their security campaign that was launched a week ago, which aims to control unlicensed weapons, unnumbered vehicles and motorcycles, in addition to security raids on the dens of terrorist organizations that undermine security in Aden, the security campaign was very welcomed by the citizens

(* A K P)

UAE-backed mercenaries present ultimatum to Tihamah militias

Infighting escalates in occupied Tihamah area of Yemen

The forces of mercenary leader Tariq Afash, who is being backed by the UAE, have given the so-called Tihamah Forces 24 hours to hand over a security building in al-Khokhah city to his forces, informed military sources reported on Tuesday.

Tariq Afash, nephew of former Saudi-backed Yemeni leader, gave Tihamah militia leader Ahmed Al-Kawkabani just 24 hours to hand over the building to his militants, amid tensions and practices described as “provocative” against the brigades of Tihamah .

The disputes between the coalition’s armed forces and the forces of Tihamah escalated following the kidnapping of the director of al-Khokhah directorate, who is also working on the reconnaissance office of the first brigade Tihamah.

He was released after tribal and military mediation.

Tariq Afash’s forces are trying to take control of all areas under the control of the militants, who belong to Hadi’s forces on the west coast.

Fierce clashes broke out between gunmen belonging to Tariq Afash’s forces and others in the so-called Tihamah Resistance earlier this month.

(* B P)

Arabic Post: Emirates Red Crescent Intelligence Arm in Yemen and Sexual Polarization Cell

Emirates Red Crescent in Yemen is associated with intelligence activities and violations against Yemenis, Arabic Post reported on Monday, describing its mission in Yemen as terrifying, although it is limited to saving people from crises, disasters and the repercussions of wars.

The report pointed out that the UAE has included the work of the Red Crescent within a wide cover of humanitarian and voluntary work, which plays a security intelligence role by organizing many voluntary activities that seek to penetrate the Yemeni society, collect information and record impressions under the names of these actions.

Observers of the Yemeni situation confirmed that Abu Dhabi has not achieved any projects on the ground in Yemen and all of its projects are formal in the nature of relief campaigns, but it aims to go further.

The report pointed out that the UAE attracted volunteers through the Red Crescent in many Yemeni governorates. According to the site, Abu Dhabi has in many regions hundreds of volunteers between the ages of 12-18 years and rewards them with amounts up to 500 Saudi riyals per month.

The report spoke about electronic flies formed through media centers directly by the Red Crescent, which are loyal groups in the Internet that can provoke conflicts in the Yemeni street by responding to Yemeni leaders in their pages through social media, especially opposition to Saudi and Emirati policies in Yemen.

The report indicated that the UAE practiced the policy of separating the people of Yemen by broadcasting news and rumors on social media, doubting Yemeni personalities who refused their presence on the Yemeni lands.

(A P)

Armed separatists assault female protesters in Aden

Armed men of the southern separatists which operate under the Southern Transitional Council (STC) have assaulted on Monday morning detainees’ female relatives while on a sit-in before the Presidential Palace in Aden.

Local sources said that the STC militants assaulted a number of female protesters while on implementing a sit-in in front of the Presidential Palace.

(* A K P)

STC threatens anti-Hadi alliance with Tareq Saleh amid stalled Riyadh agreement

The comments from STC leader Ahmed Lamlas are part of a simmering conflict between the UAE-backed group and the Yemeni government in Aden

Southern Transitional Council (STC) leader Ahmed Hamed Lamlas accused Yemen’s internationally recognized government of rebelling against the Riyadh agreement on Tuesday, and threatened to ally with UAE-backed forces to stabilize the south and fight the Houthis.

"I ... call on the wise people in the government to determine their position on the rebellion against the Riyadh agreement,” STC Secretary-General Lamlas said in a tweet posted Tuesday morning. “We have options with national forces interested in stabilizing the south and liberating the north from Iran's militias under the umbrella of the Arab Alliance."

Lamlas’ mention of “national forces” refers to troops known as the Republican Guards loyal to Brig. Gen. Tareq Saleh, the nephew of former president Ali Abdulah Saleh. Saleh’s Republican Guards and the STC are both sponsored and supported by the UAE.

Saleh has mentioned on several occasions that he does not recognize the legitimacy of Hadi’s presidency. However, he has supported the Saudi-led coalition’s war against the Houthis to restore the legitimate government in Sana’a.

Lamlas’ comments are part of a simmering conflict between STC and government officials on social media and on the ground in the wake of a stalled Riyadh agreement, which seeks to incorporate the STC into Hadi’s Aden-based government after the secessionists took control of the interim capital in August.

(A P)

Southern Yemeni meeting to be held in Brussels

Various southern movements to attend in order to create counterweight to STC

South Yemen Movement officials have revealed that they have stepped up their diplomatic moves to counter the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council, which seeks to exploit the southern cause to further its interests.

Diplomatic sources confirmed that the President of the Supreme Council of the Revolutionary Movement, Fouad Rashid, arrived on Monday in Brussels, travelling from Saudi Arabia, in order 5o participate in a so-called “southern meeting”.

The City of Brussels will host a meeting on Wednesday and Thursday for a number of southern movement leaders, which is expected to involve a number of heads of southern political components and former presidents from the southern provinces.

The sources said that the meeting will focus on bringing the views of politicians from the southern provinces closer together and unifying their position in the upcoming Yemeni negotiations.

(* A P)

New statement by #Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council shows us ongoing North-South tensions & the need to hold to #RiyadhAgreement -Accuses @HRW report (12/12) of bias -Denies arbitrary detention & abduction of civilians -Casts south as victim of north since 1990 unification (Arabic text in image)

(* B K P)

Yemen's shaky power-sharing pact faces uncertain future

Various deadlines have passed since Saudi Arabia brokered a deal between the Yemeni government and the secessionist Southern Transitional Council (STC) to share power. Little has been achieved. Disputes have not been entirely buried and Yemen’s south still faces uncertainty.

State-run Saba News Agency cited government spokesman Rajeh Badi as saying the protection forces' movement was not aimed at building up military forces in Aden, as the STC suspected, but rather was only part of the president's protection as stipulated in the agreement.

However, STC military spokesman Nezar Haitham accused the government of not sticking to the Riyadh agreement, saying no military force can enter Aden before a new security director and provincial governor are appointed.

Apparently, any armed confrontations will add to wounds on both sides, widen differences and deepen their mistrust. These developments point out that the situation in Yemen’s south is still fluid and the Saudi-brokered agreement has not sown seeds of peace.

A government official told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that the STC has flouted the terms of the Riyadh agreement and acted to obstruct its implementation.

“The STC impeded the movement of the Presidential Protection Forces battalion and this contradicts the agreement, which stipulated the return of this battalion to Aden,” the official said. “Another problem lies in the multiple interpretations of the agreement terms. Every party interprets it according to its interests and desires.”

The Riyadh agreement faces formidable challenges, specifically with regard to military and security issues, which are complicated by the deep mistrust between the two sides

The government official acknowledged the agreement was “super optimistic." He said, “The security and military issues are supposed to be given more time, considering it is difficult to restructure forces and withdraw weapons from militias within days. It will take a long time, especially in the Yemeni landscape, which resonates with complexities.”

Mohammed al-Ashwal, a Yemeni journalist focusing on military affairs, also ruled out the possibility of reorganizing STC forces quickly. “The agreement stipulated the reshuffling of the forces in 15 days after the signing, but this is not feasible. The STC should have a genuine will to allow its forces to be reshuffled and merged under the defense and security ministries.”

Ashwal said the reorganization also depends on the Sunni Arab coalition that has been combating Yemen’s Iran-backed Shiite Houthi group since March 2015.

“The coalition funds these forces [in the south]. It has also been providing them with weapons since the beginning of the war. Therefore, if the coalition is not serious about ending the current chaos in the south, reshuffling the forces will not happen,” he said.

(B H P)

The water crises have worsened in many neighborhoods in Khor Maksar in #Aden for the past 3 months and the local authority fails to rapidly respond

(A P)

FM shares challenges facing Riyadh Agreement with ambassadors of P5 countries

Foreign Minister Mohammed Al-Hadhrami shared with the ambassadors of the UN Security Council five member countries to Yemen the challenges facing the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement signed by the government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) on November 5.

(* A K P)

Dozens of Islah forces killed in separatist attack

UAE-backed mercenaries inflict heavy damage on Hadi forces

Dozens of Saudi-backed pro-Hadi forces were killed and wounded on Sunday, in two attacks in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan, sources said.

The attacks, which were carried out by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias, targeted the forces of Hadi supported by Islah Party in Taial and al-Nosah sites of al-Mahfad district.

The sources added that the STC militias used heavy and medium arms during the attacks.

Hadi’s forces had imposed siege on al-Mahfad district, after carrying out a military attack on the STC militias, resulting in the death of dozens of STC forces.

(* B P)

Houthis: UAE plot to wipe out Islah Party in south Yemen

Sources affiliated with Yemen’s Houthis have reported plans by the UAE to wipe out the Islamist Islah Party’s leadership across southern Yemen.

A member of the Houthi-led National Salvation Government (NSG), which is based in the capital Sanaa, revealed the plot to assassinate leaders of the Yemeni branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, especially in the provinces of Taiz, Ma’rib and Shabwah.

According to a Tweet on Saturday by Deputy Foreign Minister in the NSG Hussein Al-Izzi, a nephew of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Tariq Afash requested funding from the UAE to carry out plans to eradicate the leaders of the Islah Party across the aforementioned provinces.

Al-Izzi added that the UAE had agreed to adopt Afash’s plan and to execute it with the assistance of the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), which it supports and who has engaged in fierce clashes with the forces of the Saudi-backed leadership of President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, much of which is comprised of Islah-affiliated militia and Sudanese mercenaries.

“I hesitated to publish the information about the plan of the UAE, Tariq Afash and the STC to eliminate the Islah party, but I think it’s time to contribute to the save them, even if they are of the Muslim Brotherhood,” he said.

(A P)

Government: hindrance to Al-Riyadh agreement implementation benefits Iran

Minister of the Foreign Affairs, Mohammed Al-Hadhrami, said on Thursday that obstruction acts to implementation of the Al-Riyadh agreement by some parties benefit only Iran’s expansion in the region.

He indicated that failure of the agreement implementation will not benefit the peace efforts in Yemen, but only the Iran-affiliated Houthis militia.

(A P)

Local NGO urges protection of illegal detainees in Aden

The Abductees’ Mothers Association, a local NGO that strives for rights of arbitrary detainees, urged on Saturday the legitimate government, the Saudi-led coalition and the international organizations to swiftly save lives of the illegal detainees in Aden.

The association said in a statement that health conditions of the illegal detainees in Byr Ahmed Prison in Aden, deteriorated following constant hunger strikes.

Cases of coma were reported among the arbitrary detainees because of hunger strike to protest their illegal confinement.

The detainees have been in confinement by the southern separation rebels since mid—2016 despite the government’s prosecution’s order for their release.

(A P)

Southern forces attack Islah's locations in al-Mahfed

The southern forces launched two separate attacks on the militias of Islah in al-Mahfed district of Abyan governorate.
Military field sources reported that armed clashes concurrently erupted in the early hours of Sunday, between the southern forces and the the militias of Islah in the areas of Talil and al-Nosa in the west of al-Mahfed.
The attaks of the southern resistance took place after the end of the 48-hours given to Islah Militias to leave al-Mahfed.

My comment: In an earlier report on these fightings, Islah militia had been labeled as “terrorist militia”.

(A P)

Socotra: Emiratis release foreigners detained by Yemeni authorities

The island's governor issued a decree in October banning foreigners without Yemen-issued visas to stop the UAE from issuing its own tourist visas

UAE forces on the Yemeni island of Socotra released a number of banned travelers due to security issues via a private Emirati plane on Saturday.

In a memo to President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, a copy of which was obtained by Almasdar Online, Socotra Governor Ramzi Mahrous said that Emirati forces had stormed Socotra airport and removed suspects being held on charges of disturbing security and entering without an official visa.

The raid happened despite the presence of Saudi forces and Yemen’s 1st Marine Brigade at the airport, Mahrous wrote. He accused UAE forces of taking humanitarian cover to spread chaos in the governorate with the support of its Socotra loyalists.

Pro-UAE citizens of Socotra have organized street protests accusing Mahrous of corruption.

and also


(B P)

UAE has been issuing tourist visas for foreigners to visit Socotra!

Interesting how the #UAE can issue tourist visas to #Socotra sovereign territory of #Yemen - #Hadi & #Saudi cannot be too happy - islanders protested last year about Emirati presence on the island

(A P)

Salvation Government Spokesman: Kidnapped Yemeni Civilians Traded in Marib, with UN Complicity

The [Sanaa gov.] Minister of Information, a spokesman for the Salvation Government, confirmed Sunday that, with the complicity of the United Nations, the kidnappers are publicly traded in the city of Marib, and are sold by the Takfiri Party.

Al-Shami said during a symposium held in the capital, Sana'a, under the slogan (crimes and violations of Marib prisons against civilians) for the families of the kidnapped: that what we heard about the tragedies and atrocities of the Marib prisons, chilling and hidden was greater.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

Arab Coalition Joint Forces Commander Receives UN Special Envoy for Yemen

Lieutenant General Fahd bin Turki bin Abdulaziz, Commander of the Arab Coalition's Joint Forces, received in Riyadh on Wednesday Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Yemen Martin Griffiths and his accompanying delegation.

(A P)

UN Special Envoy optimistic about ongoing Yemen talks in Riyadh

Talks between Yemen's UN-recognized government and rival political actors continued in Riyadh on Tuesday, a year after the government and the Iran-backed Houthi militia met in Sweden in talks which led to the UN-sponsored Stockholm Agreement.
UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths said that talks between the Yemeni government and other political parties were ongoing on in Riyadh on Tuesday.
In a statement on Twitter, he added that he met with Abdulmalik al-Houthi, one of the Houthi's leaders, on Monday. The two reportedly discussed the advancement of the peace process, including implementation of an agreement on prisoners.

(A P)

Members of the STC's Presidency Meet UN Special Envoy in Riyadh

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council( STC), head of the council's negotiations committee Dr Nasser al-Khabji, met on Tuesday in Riyadh -Saudi Arabia, Martin Griffiths, the UN Secretary-General's special envoy to Yemen.
During the meeting, Dr Al-Khabji and member of the presidency Ali Alkathiri confirmed that the STC is committed to implementing the terms of the Riyadh Agreement.

(A K P)

Zehn Gefangene der Armee und Komitees wurden bei Tauschaktionen an der Shabwa-Front befreit

(A K P)

Al-Mortada: 10 prisoners of army freed in exchange deal in Shabwah

Al-Mortada affirmed that the deal was made by a tribal mediation with the Saudi-led aggression coaliltion mercenaries in the province.

(A P)

UN envoy to Yemen says ‘shift’ on Stockholm deal taking place year on from agreement

Martin Griffiths has been shuttling between Sanaa and Riyadh as momentum builds for peace

The UN special envoy to Yemen hailed efforts towards the implementation of the historic Stockholm deal as he landed in Riyadh on Tuesday to push forward the peace process aimed at ending the devastating war.

“What I believe is happening now in Yemen is that at last in Yemen, we're beginning to see that shift take place,” Mr Griffiths told the United Nations News outlet.

“We're beginning to see in the hearts and minds of those who make decisions about the war, the desire to make peace and the recognition at a fundamental level that there is no prospect for military advantage; that there is nothing to be won on the battlefield, and that there is a huge victory, of course, to be made in the terrain of negotiation,” the special envoy said.

Peace arrangements must be inclusive if they are to prosper, he stressed.

“Yes, certainly, there have been achievements,” Mr Griffiths said.

“People's lives have been saved, the humanitarian programme has been protected, and I think it also showed that the parties could actually agree on a different way out of a crisis.”

But the special envoy expressed concern over the lack of progress on the prisoner exchange deal, a pivotal element of the deal.

(A P)

UN-Sondergesandten für Jemen Martin Griffiths verlässt Sanaa

(A P)

UN envoy leaves Sanaa Int'l Airport

(A P)

ORG Co-Hosts Forum on Local Peace Building Efforts in Yemen

The first Shabwa and Al-Mahra Strategic Forum, hosted by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Oxford Research Group, was held December 4 – 6, 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The forum discussed methodologies for strategic planning and mechanisms to bolster peace efforts on a national level in Yemen, and in the Shabwa and Al-Mahra governorates in particular

(A P)

UN-Sondergesandten für Jemen Martin Griffiths kommt in Sanaa an


(A P)

Al-Mashat empfängt den UN-Sondergesandten für Jemen Martin Griffiths

Sein Exzellenzfeldmarschall Mahdi Al-Mashat, Präsident des Obersten Politischen Rates, hat heute den UN-Sondergesandten für Jemen Martin Griffiths, seinen Stellvertreter Maeen Shoraim, und das ihn begleitende Team empfangen.


(A P)

Der Führer der Revolution trifft den UN-Sondergesandten für Jemen

Der Revolutionsführer Abdulmalik Badr al-Din Al-Houthi hat heute den UN-Sondergesandten für Jemen Martin Griffiths getroffen.

Während des Treffens bekräftigte der Führer der Revolution die standhafte Haltung und die ständige Sorge um Frieden sowie das ernsthafte und verantwortungsvolle Engagement für alle Anstrengungen, die in dieser Richtung unternommen wurden, um faire und gerechte Lösungen zu erreichen.

(A P)

UN special envoy arrives in Sana’a

(A P)

President of Yemen meets with UN Envoy

Top summit touches on much-needed compromises by Saudi-led invaders

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik Meeting with UN Envoy, Humanitarian Steps Important to Elevate Suffering

Mohamed Abdulsalam, head of the National Nelegation, said that Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi met today, Monday, the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths. Abdulsalam indicated that Sayyed Abdulmalik stressed the importance of strengthening the humanitarian steps to release all prisoners and detainees, especially those suffering inhumane treatment by the US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries.

"During the meeting with Griffiths, Sayyed Abdulmaik discussed the tragic suffering of those prisoners and the detention of a woman, Samirah Marsh, in Marab", Abdulsalam said.

and also'a-airport,-end-to-Saudi-led-attacks

(* B K P)

Yemen's war: Signs conflict could wind down in 2020: UN

Opponents waging war over the past five years appear ready to end the bloody conflict, United Nations official says.

Violence in Yemen will likely subside in 2020, amid signs the warring factions want to find a resolution to end the five-year war, a UN official has said.

Mark Lowcock, the UN's emergency relief chief, told the Doha Forum on Sunday there are signs the key actors in the conflict could bring the war to an end next year, especially after the Riyadh agreement was signed by the government of Yemen and United Arab Emirates-backed groups in the country's south.

Lowcock said the UN is conducting the world's largest relief effort in Yemen, providing 15 million people with assistance including food, shelter and healthcare. He said the UN's work has been successful in averting humanitarian disasters, largely because it was able to raise billions of dollars mainly from regional donors to fund its efforts.

"The UN is part of the solution in Yemen and is trying to manage it and find a solution too," he said.

Criticism of the UN

But Saeed Thabet, a Yemen analyst based in Qatar, criticised the UN and international community for not pressuring the warring parties to end the war instead of "managing" the conflict through relief work and by raising billions of dollars for its operations.

"The UN should work to end the conflict in Yemen as opposed to just manage it," he told Al Jazeera.

"For Saudi Arabia, the objective is to use Yemen's territory for its own plans to build oil pipelines to reach the Arabian Sea should the Hormuz Strait at the Gulf be blocked by Iran," Thabet said.

As for the UAE, Thabet said its main objective is to divide the country into South and North Yemen where "it can use the South as its own satellite state".

(A P)

Iran, Oman voice pleasure as hopes rise over cession of war in Yemen

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Omani Deputy Parliament Speaker Abdullah Al Amri on Saturday expressed pleasure over relative ceasefire in Yemen, underlining their respective countries' support for a peaceful settlement of the war in the country.

The top Iranian and Omani parliamentarians met on the sidelines of the 12th plenary session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) in Antalya, Turkey.

Larijani praised Oman for mediating between the warring sides in Yemen,

(A P)

Audio: UN Special Envoy takes stock of Yemen’s ‘shift’ towards peace

A year has now passed since the Government of Yemen and Houthi rebels met in Sweden for UN-sponsored talks, aimed at ending a brutal conflict that has generated the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

In an exclusive interview with UN News's May Yaacoub, UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths has been reflecting on achievements since the signing of the Stockholm Agreement, which included key elements such as the establishment of a demilitarized zone around the port city of Hudaydah as well as prisoner exchanges.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to Host "Dakar Rally 2020" on 5 January

(A P)

A #London based analyst is at risk for his life after #Saudi monarchy revoked his citizenship although he supports the monarchy. #UK government cannot be trusted to protect him. He needs help

(B P)

Film: #Saudi is seeking to EXECUTE Sh. Hassan Farhan AlMaliki on charges like "publishing books", "visiting Yemen"! A critic of Wahhabism, he had stated that Atheists & adherents of other faiths are not excluded from Heaven for religious affiliation or lack thereof.

cp9 USA

(A P)

Saudi student in alleged ‘kill list’ plot ordered held

A Saudi Arabian student who prosecutors say illegally obtained a gun in the U.S. and told someone he wanted to kill a professor and others was ordered Tuesday held until his trial on a federal gun charge.

(* B P)

Congress is Trump’s enabler on Saudi vices

The president and his political allies continue to do serious damage to America’s global reputation. Now, in a stunning abdication, Congress has used the annual National Defense Authorization Act to make clear that it will impose no meaningful penalty on Saudi Arabia or Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for directing the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, or for prosecuting the horrific war in Yemen.

Given this political reality, House leaders included Malinowski’s bill requiring accountability for Khashoggi’s murder in the $738 billion NDAA. They also added measures on U.S. arms sales and other military support to Saudi Arabia and the UAE (as well as addressing many other high-profile issues).

But amid congressional horse-trading on matters as disparate as the Space Force, funding for the border wall and federal paid parental leave, it appears that Republicans, fearful as always of President Donald Trump’s wrath, made clear that they would refuse to agree to any meaningful accountability for Saudi Arabia through the defense bill.

This disheartening — if not entirely surprising — news comes less than a week after a Saudi military officer murdered three U.S. Navy sailors at a military facility in Florida. Our president responded by refusing to label the killing as an act of terrorism and by putting as positive a spin on the Saudi government’s reaction as possible.

To their credit, House and Senate negotiators left in the final NDAA a requirement for a formal determination by the intelligence community on whether the crown prince and other Saudi leaders directed Khashoggi’s killing and covered it up. They also demanded that the Defense Department report on whether the 20,000-plus airstrikes by Saudi Arabia and its partners in Yemen have violated the laws of war. (They have.) If performed credibly, these assessments might open the door for a future administration, one less in the pocket of the House of Saud, to take appropriate action. For now, however, Trump’s unyielding loyalty to a Saudi potentate appears to have carried the day over so much congressional bluster.

By failing to stand up to Trump’s authoritarian sympathies by penalizing Saudi leaders, Congress has signaled to dictators that they’re free to assassinate journalists and dissidents, and to wantonly kill civilians in war, so long as they have convinced Trump that they are his friends. In so doing, Congress has given a heinous gift to human rights violators that will make the world less safe — and the United States less respected – by Rob Berschinski, senior vice president for policy at Human Rights First and former deputy assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor.

(* B P)

Is Trump’s Saudi relationship bad for America?

Trump has only used his veto power five times while in office. Four of those vetoes were used to stop bills that would have punished Saudi Arabia for its ongoing war in Yemen, which has caused what the United Nations called the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Why there’s debate

Trump’s critics have accused him of undermining America’s interests by serving as a “spokesperson for a Saudi regime that is struggling to maintain international legitimacy. The president is willing to overlook the country’s abuses, they argue, in order to continue buying Saudi Arabia’s oil and selling them weapons. Others say Trump’s actions are likely guided by personal financial interests that the public doesn’t know about because he has refused to disclose his financial interests.

The president’s defenders argue that maintaining a strong relationship with Saudi Arabia is an important part of advancing American interests abroad.

What’s next

As the investigation into the shooting in Pensacola, Fla., continues, the Pentagon has suspended training programs for Saudi military students.


Trump has given the Saudis a free pass to commit any number of abuses

“Driven by oil, money, weapons sales, a good deal of Saudi feting and flattery, Trump has created a virtually impenetrable zone of immunity for Saudi Arabia.” — Middle East negotiator David Allen Miller to New York Times

Trump may be protecting his personal financial interests

“It’s a fishy situation that naturally raises questions about Trump’s personal financial relationships with Persian Gulf monarchies — questions he and his allies in Congress have been successfully stonewalling for years.” — Matthew Yglesias, Vox

(* B P)

Jemen: USA stufen Huthi plötzlich nicht mehr als iranische Handlanger ein

Die zaiditisch-schiitische Huthi-Bewegung im Jemen wurde lange Zeit von Saudi-Arabien und den USA beschuldigt, lediglich Befehlsempfänger des Irans zu sein. Das reichte ihnen als Rechtfertigung für den Jemenkrieg, bei dem bisher über 100.000 Menschen getötet wurden.

Obwohl es bereits im Frühjahr in einem Bericht des britischen Parlaments erwähnt wurde, dass die Huthi "keine Stellvertreter des Irans" und "sehr unabhängig" sind, wurde dennoch an diesem Narrativ festgehalten. Noch im September schrieb etwa der US-Sonderbeauftragte für den Iran, Brian Hook, dass die Huthis nichts weiter als "eine weitere Terrorfront" des Irans seien

Knapp drei Monate später bei einer Pressekonferenz am 5. Dezember klang es bei demselben Hook plötzlich ganz anders. "Iran spricht ganz klar nicht für die Huthi", sagte er. Was die Hintergründe dieser Umformulierung sind, wollte der Iran-Sonderbeauftrage von US-Präsident Donald Trump nicht erläutern.

Dabei ging das US-Außenministerium selbst seit mindestens 2007 davon aus, dass die Huthi-Rebellen nichts mit irgendwelchen iranischen geostrategischen Plänen zu tun haben. Viel mehr sei an deren Entstehung die wahhabitische Missionierung von Saudi-Arabien schuld, die in den Stammesgebieten im Norden Jemens stattfanden.

Das bedeutet, dass das US-Außenministerium wusste, dass die saudischen Behauptungen zu den Huthi-Rebellen und dem Iran nichts weiter als "salafistische Propaganda" war. Dennoch zog man es in Washington bis vor wenigen Tagen vor, aus geopolitischen Gründen dieses Bild aufrechtzuerhalten. Dabei nahm man billigend die hunderttausenden Opfer im Jemen in Kauf.

(A P)

Horse-trading Iran hawks seize on Pompeo’s Senate interest

In recent days, Iran hawks in Congress leveraged Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s interest in a Senate run to win a key concession from the Trump administration that could help their bid to kill the nuclear deal with Tehran.

Late last week, the State Department agreed to release a portion of an internal legal opinion that says the U.S. has the right to demand that all U.N. sanctions on Iran be reinstated, despite President Donald Trump pulling the U.S. out of the nuclear deal. In exchange, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, lifted his hold on the nomination for Stephen Biegun to serve as the State Department’s No. 2 official, according to an administration official and a congressional aide.

My comment: This is typical US policy: We want to keep the cake while eating it.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(* A P)

Iran denies secret negotiations with Saudi Arabia

Iran’s Foreign Ministry denied that secret negotiations are taking place with Saudi Arabia as rumors mounted that the Islamic republic and the kingdom have both sought to reduce tensions over recent months. The reports in Russia’s RT and by Kurdistan24 journalist Barzan Sadiq said that Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi denied rumors circulating in recent days about discussions between the two countries.

The denial comes after The Wall Street Journal reported that the two rival nations had been in direct contact, as well as through intermediaries such as Oman, Kuwait, Pakistan and others

(B P)

Shoshana Bryen on Exploiting Iran's 'Imperial Overreach'

Middle East Forum Radio host Gregg Roman spoke on December 11 with Shoshana Bryen, senior director of the Jewish Policy Center in Washington, D.C. and editor of inFOCUS Quarterly, about U.S. policy toward Iran.

Bryen, a staunch proponent of the Trump administration's withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposition of sanctions on Iran, differs from many Iran hawks in her justifications for what the White House calls "maximum pressure" on Tehran. Unlike President Trump himself, she said it's "highly unlikely" that the sanctions will bring about Iran's capitulation to American demands that it abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its intervention in places like Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

Iran understood that America's goal under the Obama administration was to exit the region, and it expanded without fearing consequences. The Trump administration, on the other hand, has sent the message that "we are willing to defend the larger interests ... [it] has shown that on the big stuff, we are there, or we have the ability to be there."

If Iran doesn't get that message, "the United States and its allies in the region are going to have to decide when the time comes to retaliate and how to retaliate," said Bryen. But she is not calling for an invasion of Iran, or an attack on its nuclear enrichment facilities

According to Bryen, if the Trump administration wants to hit Iran where it would really hurt the regime, it should "take out Kharg Island," Iran's primary oil export facility.

In the meantime, continuing sanctions are forcing the Iranian leaders to dial back their support of proxies.

My comment: A lot of propaganda, and also here:

(* A P)

Egozi: Iranian Missiles in Yemen

Israel may expand its attacks on Iranian upgraded missiles deployed in sites far from its borders.

In parallel, Israel will have to add sensors that will detect pre-launch preparations and launch.

This may involve greater cooperation with the U.S. that is already very vast.

Until now, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) has performed hundreds of airstrikes against the Iranian effort to upgrade the existing arsenal of missiles in the hands of the Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Now, following intelligence data pointing to the deployment of Iranian missiles in countries like Yemen, Israel may perform long-range strikes to foil any Iranian attempt to use countries like Yemen for the launch of missiles against Israeli targets.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said recently that Iran is seeking to develop precision-guided missiles that can strike with an accuracy of 5-10 meters from any target in the Middle East.

“They seek also to develop that, and have already begun to put that in Yemen, with the goal of reaching Israel from there too,” he said.
This was one of the only times that Netanyahu has publicly spoken about Iran wanting to use Yemen to launch attacks against Israel.

My comment: Israel getting even more aggressive?

(A P)

Zarif calls for realistic coop in Persian Gulf

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message called for establishing more realistic cooperation with regard to providing peace in the Persian Gulf.

"Realpolitik has failed miserably in providing security for anyone in the Persian Gulf," Zarif tweeted on Tuesday.

He added: "Let's try more ‘realistic' cooperation: the #HOPE initiative."

"But, like the nuclear accord, no good idea can be pursued by only one party," he noted.

(A P)

Mahathir: Islamic conference in KL to tackle Islamophobia

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Wednesday an Islamic conference that includes leaders from Iran, Turkey and Qatar is aimed at tackling Islamophobia and finding solutions to challenges facing the Muslim world.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan arrived in Malaysia on Wednesday for the Kuala Lumpur Summit, which will also include the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, a high-level delegation from Indonesia and Islamic scholars.

(A P)

Muslim leaders gather in Malaysia for summit shunned by Saudi

Leaders and senior representatives from some 20 Muslim nations flocked to the Malaysian capital on Wednesday to discuss issues agitating Muslims globally at a summit Saudi Arabia decided to snub, and Pakistan ducked out of attending.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamid Al-Thani, whose countries have tense relations with Saudi Arabia, are also attending.

Explaining its decision to stay away, Saudi Arabia said the summit was the wrong forum for matters of importance to the world’s 1.75 billion Muslims, though some analysts suspected the Kingdom feared being diplomatically isolated by regional rivals Iran, Qatar and Turkey.

(* B P)

Head of Iran’s Quds Force in Yemen Who's Behind Saudi Oil Attack ‘Identified’

Western intelligence sources cited by the French newsletter Intelligence Online say Gen. Reza Shahi has 400 fighters behind him. He’s just one card in the hands of the Tehran regime, as a CIA veteran tells Haaretz

Iran’s take on domestic security is increasingly reminiscent of the approach in China or North Korea, Norman Roule, a retired 34-year veteran of the CIA, told Haaretz in a conversation that echoed the fascinating analysis he recently published in the United States.

As Roule puts it, despite the U.S.-led sanctions on Iran that are badly damaging its economy, the regime of the Islamic Republic is willing to invest huge sums to stay in power, even at the cost of severely repressing dissent. The sagging economy, which is one reason for the violent riots last month, hasn’t deterred the leaders.

Roule’s position made him “the principal intelligence community official responsible for overseeing all aspects of national intelligence policy and activities related to Iran,” as he puts it.

In other words, he had responsibility for everything U.S. intelligence knew or wanted to know about Iran.

Undercover in Iran

This week the group disclosed that some of its members, posing as businesspeople, attended fairs and conferences in Iran on the pretense that they aimed to attract businesses to invest in the country. These “undercover agents” were actually seeking to find out which companies and businesspeople planned to invest in Iran and thus violate the sanctions regime.

People in the group called the mission a great success, saying its findings were sent to these companies and businesspeople with a warning to cease their commercial ties with Tehran.

Despite the Trump administration’s ceaseless pressure on Iran, with active Israeli assistance, Roule said it appeared that “Iran’s leaders have survived yet another challenge to their rule from an increasingly restive population.”

Recently there was also an interesting development in Yemen: Western intelligence sources cited by the French newsletter Intelligence Online have identified the commander of the Iranian Quds force in Yemen. According to the sources, Gen. Reza Shahi, a native of the Iranian city of Shiraz, commands the force of about 400 fighters, a unit of the Revolutionary Guards. It’s reinforced by experts from Hezbollah who were sent from Lebanon. According to these sources, it was Shahi who commanded the missile and drone attack on Aramco oil facilities in Saudi Arabia about two months ago.

My comment: A former CIA official is telling CIA propaganda and little more. The most interesting point actually is US spying on western firms dealing with Iran and that obviously now the US is admitting that the September attack on Aramco came from Yemen and not from Iran as claimed before.

(A P)

Rouhani: US sanctions unsustainable, world wants ties with Iran

President Hassan Rouhani says the United States’ “cruel and unlawful” sanctions against Iran will not be sustainable, and that all countries are want to foster close and friendly relations with the Islamic Republic.

“The conditions caused by the cruel pressure and illegal US sanctions will not be sustainable. All countries want to have close relations with Iran, especially the ones with whom we have traditionally enjoyed good relations,” Rouhani said on Tuesday.

(* B P)

IED threat in Bahrain has grown significantly since 2013, report finds

Militants in Bahrain have obtained sophisticated bomb components like those Iran has allegedly been supplying to Houthi rebels in Yemen, researchers have found.

Security forces in the island kingdom, home to a major U.S. Navy base, have recovered components for radio-controlled improvised explosive devices, infrared sensors used to trigger IEDs, military-grade explosives and more, which suggest increased capabilities and links to Iran-backed supply networks, the London-based Conflict Armament Research said in a report released Tuesday.

“Between 2012 and 2018, the [IED] threat in Bahrain grew significantly as materiel recovered from militant groups illustrated an evolution of capabilities and access to resources,” the report states.

The components found were identical or similar to Iranian materiel recovered from the Jihan 1, says the report, referring to a cargo vessel interdicted by U.S. Navy and Yemeni coast guard forces in January 2013.

The cargo ship was allegedly headed for a Houthi stronghold in Yemen and crewed partly by members of Hezbollah and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the report said.

Its cargo included C-4 explosives, small-arms ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades, surface-to-air missile systems, IED components, night-vision goggles and electric detonators, the report found.

The materiel recovered in Bahrain was typically concealed among shipments of conventional weapons, the report states. Smugglers often appeared to have tried to hide the materiel’s origins by grinding off identifying marks, which CAR said is a hallmark of IED components found in Yemen.

and also

(A P)

Esper cites US ‘right of self-defense’ in Iraq baselessly blames Iran for insecurity

Pentagon chief Mark Esper is citing the US “right of self-defense” in Iraq years after American invasion against the Muslim country.

"We need their help in terms of getting the security situation under control and stabilized, but we also still retain our right of self-defense and we will exercise it," Esper told reporters after a trip to Europe Monday.

Without offering any evidence, the US military chief parroted earlier remarks by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, pointing the finger at Iran.

"My suspicion would be that Iran is behind these attacks, much like they are behind a lot of malign behavior throughout the region, but it is hard to pin down," he claimed.

My comment: This is ridiculous. There cannot be any US “right of self-defense” 7,000 miles away from any US territory. The US wants to tell us it has the right to station its troops in every country where ever on this planet and then could claim a US “right of self-defense”. This is absurd.

(A P)

No plan for US talks during Rouhani's visit to Japan: Deputy FM

Iran's deputy foreign minister for political affairs says President Hassan Rouhani has no plan for talks with US officials during his upcoming visit to Japan.

(A P)

Sanctions are war itself, economic terrorism: Iran's foreign ministry

Iran has dismissed the latest claims by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that Washington's unilateral sanctions on Tehran are the alternative to military confrontation, saying sanctions are indeed a full-fledged war targeting civilians.

In an interview with CNBC’s Hadley Gamble at the Doha Forum in Qatar published on Saturday, Mnuchin said sanctions like those on Iran are used in order to avoid potential war.

“The reason why we’re using sanctions is because they are an important alternative for world military conflicts. And I believe it’s worked,” he said, adding, “So whether it’s North Korea, whether it’s Iran or other places in the world, we take the responsibility very seriously.”

(* A P)

Amnesty raises to 304 number of Iranians killed in protests

Amnesty International said Monday that at least 304 people were killed in last month’s anti-government protests in Iran, a significantly higher number than what the rights group had reported previously.

(A P)

IRGC Navy Commander Says Foreign Vessels Move Monitored in Persian Gulf

Iran’s naval forces are closely watching the movement of any foreign vessel in the Persian Gulf waters, a commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has said, warning against the presence of extra-regional countries in that territory.

(A P)

Iran FM : US Military Presence in Persian Gulf Led to Disaster, Rise in Extremism

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the military presence of the United States in the Persian Gulf has brought about disaster for regional countries and helped foment extremism.
Zarif made the remarks while addressing the Doha Forum in the Qatari capital on Sunday, where he said, “The disparities in power, geographic size, natural and human resources and the like among countries in our region have led to disastrous conclusions.”
“Some global actors look at these disparities and the unending rivalries in the region as an opportunity: indeed, as providing a fertile ground to expand their military presence and to sell more weapons to nearly all sides in the region,” Iran's foreign minister said.

(A P)

Iran says it’s defused 2nd cyberattack in less than a week

Iran’s telecommunications minister announced on Sunday that the country has defused a second cyberattack in less than a week, this time “aimed at spying on government intelligence.”

Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said in a short Twitter post that the alleged attack was “identified and defused by a cybersecurity shield,” and that the ”spying servers were identified and the hackers were also tracked.” He did not elaborate.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

The Halo Trust "Toys made in Yemen" by Grey London

The Halo Trust, an anti-landmine charity championed by Prince Harry, has launched a haunting social campaign highlighting the bleak reality faced by children in Yemen this Christmas.

(* B P)

The Yemen War: A Non-Issue at Election Time

In the run-up to last Thursday’s General Election in the United Kingdom, one in which Boris Johnson’s Conservatives recorded an overwhelming victory over Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party, several high-profile topics were the subject of much debate within the British political sphere.

One subject that barely garnered a mention in the run-up to the election however, or indeed at any other time within British political discourse, is Britain’s key role in the now four-year-long Saudi Arabia-led war on Yemen.

Despite this being a Saudi-led campaign in coalition with several other Arab and African states, the support of Britain plays a vital role in the ongoing conflict.

The role of Britain in the Yemen conflict goes far beyond mere arms sales however, with British military advisors playing a key role in the Saudi command room in the choosing of targets for airstrikes – more than 100 Saudi pilots have also been trained at RAF airbases in Britain in the past decade alone.

This military and financial support of Riyadh by Britain helps to fulfill a geopolitical ambition that London shares with the United States – the containment of Iran in the region, a long-time Western foe since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

However, despite a brief comment by Jeremy Corbyn that he would halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia had he been victorious in the polls, the devastating conflict in Yemen and Britain’s key role in the ongoing suffering barely registered with commentators in the run-up to the election – to the British mainstream media, it would appear that arms sales and the containment of Iran are far more important than the lives of Yemeni children.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A K P)

Bundesregierung schürt mit Waffenexporten Konflikte im Nahen Osten

Nachricht von Sevim Dagdelen, 17. Dezember 2019

Die beiden großen Kirchen in Deutschland kritisieren zurecht die Rüstungsexportpolitik der Bundesregierung. Die im Juni beschlossenen Verschärfungen bei der Kontrolle von Waffenlieferungen stellten zwar einen Fortschritt dar, insgesamt seien sie aber unzureichend, heißt es im aktuellen Jahresbericht der Gemeinsamen Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung (GKKE).

Tatsächlich liegt Deutschland mit Rüstungsexportgenehmigungen im Wert von 7,42 Milliarden Euro per Ende Oktober nicht nur schon deutlich über dem Gesamtwert des vergangenen Jahres, als sich die Summe auf 4,8 Milliarden Euro belief. Sevim Dagdelen, die als abrüstungspolitische Sprecherin der Fraktion DIE LINKE diese Zahlen von der Bundesregierung erfragt hat, geht vielmehr davon, dass bis Ende Dezember der Rekordwert des Jahres 2015 mit 7,82 Milliarden Euro überschritten werden dürfte.

und auch

(* A K P)

Rüstungskonzerne auf die Anklagebank

Wer Waffen an die Kopf-ab-Diktatur Saudi-Arabien und ihre Verbündeten der Jemen-Kriegsallianz liefert, handelt verbrecherisch und gehört vor Gericht. Diese Maxime verfolgen Menschenrechtsgruppen aus mehreren europäischen Ländern.

“Das European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) mit Sitz in Berlin hat zusammen mit der jemenitischen Gruppe Mwatana for Human Rights, mit Amnesty International, Campaign Against Arms Trade (Großbritannien), Centre Delàs (Spanien) und Rete Disarmo (Italien) daher Strafanzeige beim Internationalen Gerichtshof (IStGH) in Den Haag gegen europäische Rüstungskonzerne erstattet. Sie wollen die verantwortlichen Manager auf die Anklagebank bringen.

Trotz tausender gut dokumentierter Angriffe auf Schulen, Krankenhäuser und Wohngebiete im Jemen durch die von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten angeführte Kriegskoalition lieferten und liefern Unternehmen aus EU-Mitgliedsländern weiter Bomben, Munition, Kampfflugzeuge und logistische Unterstützung. Die 350 Seiten lange Strafanzeige beschreibt 26 einzelne Luftangriffe der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition im Jemen, die als Kriegsverbrechen zu bewerten sind. “Diese Angriffe stehen exemplarisch für tausende von Luftangriffen der Koalition”, heißt es in der Anzeige. “Sie stehen für eine Kriegsführung, die durch willkürliche und unverhältnismäßige Angriffe gekennzeichnet sind, die Zivilisten Tod oder Verletzungen bringen.”

Zur Wahrheit gehört auch: Ihr im Koalitionsvertrag gegebenes Versprechen, keine Waffen mehr an Staaten zu liefern, die “unmittelbar” am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind, hat die Bundesregierung nie gehalten.

DIE LINKE begrüßt die Strafanzeigen gegen Rheinmetall, Airbus und Co., die mit dem Jemen-Krieg munter Profite machen. Die Einschaltung des IStGH durch die Menschenrechtsgruppen ist konsequent angesichts einer skrupellosen Außenpolitik dieser Bundesregierung, die aus geo- und wirtschaftspolitischen Interessen weiter die Kopf-ab-Diktatur in Riad hofiert. Notwendig ist ein sofortiger Stopp von Waffenausfuhren an Saudi-Arabien und die anderen Länder der Jemen-Kriegskoalition, der auch Drittländer und Tochterfirmen im Ausland umfasst. Darüber hinaus fordert DIE LINKE ein gesetzliches Verbot von Rüstungsexporten.“ – von Sevim Dagdelen

(* B K P)

Worthülsen in Berlin, Patronenhülsen in Krisengebieten

Zum Rüstungsexportbericht der GKKE

Seit Jahren genehmigt die Bundesregierung eine Vielzahl an Rüstungsexporten in Regionen wie den Nahen und Mittleren Osten, obwohl dort Gewaltkonflikte und Aufrüstungsspiralen zu beobachten sind, und trägt damit zu einer Verschärfung von Konflikten bei.

Traurigstes Beispiel einer fragwürdigen deutschen Rüstungsexportpraxis ist dabei der Krieg im Jemen.

Und doch finden sich Länder der Jemen-Kriegskoalition wie Ägypten oder die Vereinigten Arabische Emirate sowohl 2018 als auch 2019 unter den Empfängern deutscher Rüstungsexporte. „Mehr Waffen führen nicht zu mehr Frieden, warnt Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel, Präsidentin von Brot für die Welt. Deutschland sollte dem Koalitionsvertrag entsprechend Champion in ‚Diplomatie, Dialog und Kooperation sowie Entwicklungszusammenarbeit‘ werden und Exportweltmeister für Konfliktursachenbekämpfung und zivile Konfliktbearbeitung.“ Brot für die Welt kritisiert vor allem die anhaltend hohen deutschen Genehmigungswerte für Rüstungsexporte in sogenannte Drittstaaten – damit sind Staaten außerhalb der EU und NATO gemeint.

Im Sommer 2019 hat die Bundesregierung überarbeitete Grundsätze für den Export von Kriegswaffen und sonstigen Rüstungsgütern vorgestellt, die eine Verschärfung der bestehenden Praxis bringen sollten. Nach den neuesten vorliegenden Zahlen könnte das Jahr 2019 jedoch den Höchstwert an Rüstungsexportgenehmigungen aus dem Jahre 2017 sogar noch übertreffen.

(* B H P)

Umfrage: Jeder zweite Deutsche weiß nichts über die Krise im Jemen

Drei von vier Deutschen (78 Prozent) haben in diesem Jahr die Krise in Syrien wahrgenommen. Von dem Zyklon Idai in Südostafrika bekamen die meisten Deutschen (73 Prozent) jedoch nichts oder nur wenig mit, wie aus einer am Montag veröffentlichten repräsentativen YouGov-Umfrage im Auftrag von "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" hervorgeht. Vom Bürgerkrieg in Jemen wusste etwa jeder zweite Deutsche nichts oder nur sehr wenig (51 Prozent). Die Situation der Rohingya in Myanmar und Bangladesch nahmen 61 Prozent der Umfrageteilnehmer nicht oder nur sehr wenig wahr.

Das Bündnis "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" erläuterte, dass Medien fast jede Woche über den Krieg in Syrien berichtet hätten. Jedoch stünden die militärischen und politischen Entwicklungen im Zentrum der Berichterstattung. "Das alltägliche Leid und die Entbehrungen der betroffenen Kinder, Frauen und Männer waren dagegen nur selten im Fokus", sagte die geschäftsführende Vorständin Manuela Roßbach. Das erkläre auch, warum vergleichsweise wenig für die humanitäre Hilfe in Syrien gespendet worden sei.

Für die Online-Umfrage befragte YouGov mehr als 2.000 Menschen zwischen dem 29. November und dem 2. Dezember. Die Ergebnisse sind repräsentativ für die deutsche Bevölkerung ab 18 Jahren. =

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Emirati diplomat says promoting tolerance takes time

The United Arab Emirates has been on a yearlong, nationwide project to promote and brand state efforts under the theme of “tolerance,” but as 2019 comes to an end, a leading Emirati diplomat said Wednesday there’s still more work to be done.

Assistant Minister of Culture and Public Diplomacy at the Foreign Ministry Omar Ghobash said intolerance is “exceptionally deep rooted” in the region.

“We need to begin to figure out what are the sources of that intolerance,” he said in an interview with The Associated Press. He spoke on the sidelines of an event in Abu Dhabi about promoting tolerance and combating extremism among youth.

The country plays host to residents of different faiths and dozens of nationalities, but critics and rights groups say the UAE also has shown intolerance for various forms of political expression.

Still, tolerance in the UAE has hard limits. While allowing churches and other places of worship to exist, and marking holidays like Christmas, the Hindu Diwali and Chinese New Year with festivals and celebrations, the government has simultaneously stomped out critical political expression in the name of national security.

Human rights activists and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers have been imprisoned, academic research deemed sensitive has been curtailed and human rights groups have been barred entry. Political parties are banned and local media are censored.

The UAE is also active in many of the region’s conflicts, including the Saudi-led coalition at war in Yemen since early 2015.

and also:

(A P)

Serbia investigative news portal says editor banned from UAE

A prominent Serbian investigative news portal said Wednesday that its editor-in-chief has been detained in Abu Dhabi and deported back to Serbia without being allowed to take part in a U.N. anti-corruption meeting.

Stevan Dojcinovic told his KRIK news portal that United Arab Emirates’ immigration authorities informed him he had been ‘blacklisted’ and would not be allowed into the country.

“They said that I was not blacklisted by the United Arab Emirates but that it was a request from another government, but they did not tell me which one,” he said.

(A P)

Rising star #FarzanAthari was released from Dubai prison after a strong media campaign combined with a song he recorded over the jail phone called #SavemyLife. Now, he is hosting #PersiasGotTalent - Congratulations Farzan.

(A P)

Switzerland Denies Recognizing Houthis, Regrets Meeting With Their Representative

Yemeni Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Hadrami received Tuesday credentials of the newly-appointed resident Ambassador of Switzerland to Yemen Balz Abplanalp, official Yemeni sources said
During the meeting, the Swiss ambassador expressed regret for the misunderstanding caused by the meeting of his country's ambassador in Tehran with a representative of the Houthi militias, denying his country’s recognition of the group.

My comment: This is a rather idiotic kowtow.

(A P)

Chinese diplomat: we will continue supporting legitimate government

Ambassador of China to Yemen, Kang Yong affirmed that his country will continue its support to the legitimate government of Yemen, headed by President Abd Rabo Mansour Hadi.

Yong said that China will continue its efforts with the Yemeni government, various Yemeni parties and the United Nations to support the peace process and provide food and medical aids to the needy people.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Qatar to run budget surplus in 2019

Qatar, the world's largest exporter of liquified natural gas, will run its first budget surplus in three years in 2019 due to higher energy prices, a government statement said Thursday.

The surplus will reach 4.3 billion Qatari riyals ($1.2bn, 1 billion euros) because of an expected sustained rise in prices.

Comment: Just as i excepted. Without #Saudi draining its efforts, ##Qatar is gaining at all fronts.

(* A P)

Qatar FM says early talks with Saudi Arabia have broken stalemate

Qatar’s foreign minister said recent talks have broken a protracted stalemate with Saudi Arabia and that Doha would study demands by its Gulf rivals but not turn its back on ally Turkey.

“We have broken the stalemate of non-communication to starting a communication with the Saudis,” Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani told CNN on Sunday.

“We want to understand the grievances. We want to study them and to assess them and to look at the solutions that can safeguard us in the future from any other potential crisis,” he said without mentioning any possible concessions.

The boycotting nations set 13 demands, including closing Al Jazeera television, shuttering a Turkish base, downgrading ties with Iran and cutting links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sheikh Mohammed, who visited Riyadh in October amid hints of a thaw, denied Qatar has direct ties with the Brotherhood, which the other countries call a terrorist organization.

(A P)

Talks between Saudi Arabia and Qatar good for the region: Iran foreign minister

Talks between Saudi Arabia and Qatar to heal their two-year rift are a good development for the whole Gulf region, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Sunday in Doha.

cp12b Sudan

(* A K P)

Last batch of Sudanese forces leave Yemen's Red Sea coast, hand off positions to Saudi-backed troops

The last battalions of Sudanese forces began their withdrawal from Yemen’s west coast Sunday morning after years of fighting as part of the Saudi-led coalition’s war against the Houthis in Yemen.

A military official at Yemen’s ministry of defence who requested to remain anonymous told Almasdar Online that the Sudanese Al-Ashawes (Elite) Brigades began their handover to the Yemen’s “Joint Forces,” which consists of the Giants Brigades, the Tihama Resistance and Republican Guards led by Brig. Gen. Tarek Saleh.

The Al-Ashawes Brigades are the last batch of Sudanese forces to leave Yemen after four years of involvement in the war, the military official said, adding that the forces are leaving through the port of Al-Mocha in Taiz Governorate

and also


(* A K P)

Sudan ends mission in west coast of Yemen

Sudan has withdrawn some of its forces from the Saudi-led alliance of Arab states in Yemen handing over its positions in the west coast to the government’s joint forces, Yemeni media outlets reported.

Sudanese forces evacuated their positions in western Yemen after completing their mission and following Sudanese assurances that the troops were not involved in combat missions, the reports said.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp11

(* A K P)

Gericht soll Schuld von Unternehmen im Jemen-Krieg prüfen - Menschenrechtler stellen Strafanzeige gegen Rüstungsfirmen

Welche Verantwortung haben Rüstungsfirmen wie Airbus und Rheinmetall, wenn mit ihren Waffen Kriegsverbrechen begangen werden? Mit dieser Frage soll sich der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag befassen.

Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag aufgefordert, die Verantwortlichkeit europäischer Rüstungsfirmen für Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen zu prüfen. Im Jemen-Konflikt würden etwa Eurofighter, Tornados und MK80-Bomben eingesetzt, erklärten das Europäische Zentrum für Verfassungs- und Menschenrechte (ECCHR), Amnesty International und vier weitere Organisationen am Donnerstag in Den Haag. Dafür gebe es zahlreiche Belege. Bei der Anklagebehörde des Gerichts sei deshalb am Mittwoch eine Strafanzeige, eine sogenannte Communication, eingereicht worden. Sie richte sich unter anderem gegen Airbus und Rheinmetall wegen Exporten nach Saudi-Arabien.

Die Juristin Linde Bryk vom ECCHR in Berlin verurteilte den Luftkrieg der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkoalition

Laut ECCHR soll die Anklagebehörde des Strafgerichtshofs eingehend untersuchen, ob Manager von Rüstungsunternehmen und Beamte von Exportbehörden in Europa potenziell Beihilfe zu mutmaßlichen Kriegsverbrechen leisten, die die Militärkoalition im Jemen begehe. «Das Ziel sind Ermittlungen gegen Manager und Regierungsvertreter, also gegen jene Akteure, die sich allzu oft der internationalen Strafjustiz entziehen», sagte Bryk.

Die Anzeige konzentriert sich auf Firmen und politische Akteure in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien und Spanien. Als Unternehmen genannt werden die deutschen Firmen Airbus Defence and Space GmbH sowie die Rheinmetall AG über die Tochterfirma RMW Italia (Italien). Unter anderem geht es auch um BAE Systems Plc. (Großbritannien), Dassault Aviation S.A. (Frankreich) und Leonardo S.p.A. (Italien).


(* A K P)

Rüstungsindustrie wegen Waffenlieferungen beim Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag angezeigt

Leisten deutsche Rüstungsunternehmen und Politiker durch Waffenexporte Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen? Einige Menschenrechtsanwälte sind dieser Auffassung und haben Strafanzeige beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag erstattet

Die 370 Seiten umfassende Anzeige wurde im Namen von mehreren Menschenrechtsorganisationen aus europäischen Ländern und dem Jemen, darunter dem ECCHR („European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights“) am 11.12.2019 eingereicht.

Gerügt werden diverse Verletzungen des humanitären Völkerrechts, darunter des Haager Abkommens und der Genfer Konvention. Die Anzeige stützt sich u.a. auf Berichte des UN-Menschenrechtsrats sowie auf Berichte von „Human Rights Watch“.

Die Vorwürfe gegen die Rüstungsindustrie werden damit begründet, dass die Angriffe auf die Zivilbevölkerung nur mit fortlaufender, auch logistischer Unterstützung diverser europäischer Rüstungsunternehmen, insbesondere von Airbus und Rheinmetall, möglich sei.

Deutsche und europäische Waffentechnikkommt im Jemen nach einem Bericht der Tagesschau vom 11.12.2019 massiv zum Einsatz, sowohl in Form von Kampfjets (Eurofighter und Tornados), geliefert von Airbus sowie in Form von weiterem Kriegsmaterial, geliefert vom rheinischen Konzern Rheinmetall bzw. seinen Tochterunternehmen, darunter auch Bomben. Die Kampfjets werden in der Luft von Airbus-Maschinen betankt.

Die Vorwürfe richten sich auch gegen die deutsche Bundesregierung, die in Kenntnis dieser Situation auch nach Kriegsbeginn Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien genehmigt habe.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(A P)

Yemeni forces seize shipment of smuggled antique daggers

The antiques, hidden inside boxes of clothing, were looted from the National Museum in Aden, according to a military source

A government military checkpoint belonging to the 4th Hazm Brigades seized a shipment of antique daggers and swords on Sunday. The shipment was seized at a checkpoint in the Tor Al-Baha district in upper Lahj governorate in southern Yemen.

A bus carrying 60 antique daggers and swords into Houthi-controlled areas was stopped in the Al-Baydha subdistrict, Moataz Al-Subaihi, commander of the checkpoint told Almasdar Online.

The Yemeni dagger, or janbiya, is a traditional accessory of a man's wardrobe and often used in dances. Janbiyas crafted with rhinoceros horn, silver, or precious stones can sell for thousands of dollars.

Hidden inside boxes of clothing, the antiques captured Sunday were looted from the National Heritage Museum in Aden, Al-Subaihi said.

and also

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A T)

This is interesting. #ISIS in #Yemen claims a rare attack by its Green Brigade: bomb against Houthi vehicle in #Ibb city. I make this the first Green Brigade op since January (& before that it was March 2018). *Hopefully* it's a one-off & not the start of new ISIS reach in Yemen

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Saudi Press: Strong Economy

Al-Bilad newspaper said in in its editorial, entitled (Strong Economy) that the Saudi economy is growing strongly with the confirmation of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to continue implementing economic reforms, achieving goals and programs of the Kingdom's Vision 2030

(A P)

Yemen Calls on UN to Assume Responsibilities Towards 'Hodeidah Agreements'

Yemen's legitimate government called on the United Nations to assume its responsibilities towards the Stockholm Agreement signed by Yemeni parties under UN auspices, announced Presidential Advisor Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi.
Mekhlafi said the agreement had become “inexecutable” because militias have been evading handing over to local authorities the three ports: Hodeidah, Ras Isa, and As-Salif, as stipulated in its provisions.
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, the advisor emphasized that the coup militias had no real desire to implement the agreement, which has been evident from the beginning.

My comment: And again, the Hadi government claims the Hodeidah agreement had granted them the control of the three sea ports. It actually never did.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Dec. 16:

Dec. 15:

(* B K P)

The JIAT Team, in Yemen Refutes a Number of Allegations Made by some Int'l Bodies, Organizations

The Official Spokesman for the Joint Incident Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen, Legal Adviser Mansour Al-Mansour refuted a number of allegations made by UN agencies, international organizations and media outlets, alleging mistakes made by the coalition forces to support legitimacy, in Yemen, during its military operations inside Yemen.
Al-Mansour reviewed, during a press conference held by the Armed Forces Officers Club here today, the results of the evaluation of four incidents included in those allegations.

With regard to the statement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights issued on (12/02/2018), which includes that on (04/02/2018) three air strikes hit a building (Ministry of Interior) in (Thahban) neighborhood in (Bani Al-Harith) directorate of the capital (Sana'a), eight civilians including a woman and a child were killed and (32) others were injured, the statement also stated that UN human rights monitors who visited the scene, said there did not appear to be any military objects near the building, which had previously been hit in (06/01/2016).

At (10:10) am on Sunday (04/02/2018), Coalition Forces conducted an aerial mission on a weapons depot in the (General Department of Criminal Evidence) building, using two guided bombs that hit their targets.
by studying the video of the targeting, it was clear that the two bombs hit their targets, and thus achieved the desired military advantage.
The claim included that the building in question was targeted earlier (6/1/2016), JIAT reviewed the daily mission schedule on (6/1/2016), and found that the Coalition Forces did not perform any air missions on (building) of the claim.
In light of that, JIAT found that the procedures taken by Coalition Forces in dealing with the legitimate military target, weapons depot in the (General Department of Criminal Evidence) building, in in the Capital (Sana'a) were correct and in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules, and that the Coalition Forces did not target the same building on (6/1/2016).

Evidence of this air raid:


Photos / Films: photos: = =

and pro-Hadi media had claimed a weapons store:

The JIAT Team, in Yemen Refutes a Number of Allegations Made by some Int'l Bodies, Organizations 2 Riyadh

I did not find any evidence for this air raid. In this case, JIAT seems to be right.

The JIAT Team, in Yemen Refutes a Number of Allegations Made by some Int'l Bodies, Organizations 3 Riyadh

With regard to the report of (Amnesty International) issued in (October 2015), which includes that at (12:30) on the afternoon of (13/06/2015), Coalition Forces bombed a (house) in (Al-Safra) a village southeast of (Sa'ada) city, killing (10) civilians and wounding (7) others from one family, Amnesty International visited the site three weeks after the attack, and found no up normal things in the rubble of the house, and no evidence of a military presence inside or around the house, and the organization's researchers did not find evidence to prove that the inhabitants of the house were male combatants, and none of them were present at the time of the strike except one.

The availability of degrees of verification through intensifying the (reconnaissance and surveillance) operations by the Coalition Forces on the target site (building) confirmed that the two Houthi senior commanders where at the building, in addition to ground sources inside Yemen based on customary rule (16), as well as to determine the appropriate time to carry out the military operation to ensure the presence of the two senior commanders from Al-Houthi armed militia, therefore the legal protection of the civilian objects (building of the claim and its annex hangar) was lost for the use of it to support the front lines, in accordance with Article (52), paragraph (3) of the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions.

In light of that, JIAT found that the procedures taken by Coalition Forces in dealing with the legitimate military targets, a (building) used to hold meetings between Al-Houthi armed militia leaderships to support the war effort, as well as (two prominent leaders) were inside it, and its annex (hangar) used to store equipment and weapons to support the front lines, were correct and in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules.

Photos: It’s Dammaj village. Look at the killed „Houthi senior commanders“.

The JIAT Team, in Yemen Refutes a Number of Allegations Made by some Int'l Bodies, Organizations 4 Riyadh

With regard to the statement of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial summary or arbitrary executions, that on (25/12/2017) an airstrikes targeted the house of the (Egyptian Memorial) guard in (Asr) area, west of the capital (Sana'a), killing (11) civilians and injuring (4) others, the house of the guard was destroyed and the memorial was partially damaged.

By surveillance and reconnaissance operations prior to the execution of the targeting, the verification degrees were achieved, as large numbers of armed elements and armed vehicles were observed at the memorial site, for effective contribution to military operations, based on customary rule (16) of the customary International Humanitarian Law.
The legal protection of the civilian objects were lost due to the presence of prominent Houthi leaders.

All sources here:, cp16

Reports: and more on Sanaa

names of victims:

photos: = (one; and from Razeh raid)

films: = = (Al Masirah) (Ruptly)

My comment: And more Saudi whitewashing propaganda. This Saudi coalition “Joint Incident Assessment Team” (JIAT) is a scam: Its task is not investigation, but it’s whitewashing only. As the headline tells: Its task is to “refute” any “allegations” of Saudi coalition war crimes. – One method: Just claim there had been a “military target” at the side. Or just claim there had been no air raid at all at this place at this time. Or that any Houthi person had been present. Who knows? Anyone just could have walked in or out, within less than a minute.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Dec. 16: Saada p., Asir

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(B K)

Video: How Many Saudi coalition aircraft were shot down in Yemen?

(A K pS)

Saudi Arabia reports 11 soldiers killed on Yemeni border amid Houthi peace talks

The majority of the soldiers were killed in the Kingdom’s southern Jazan region, which borders Yemen’s northern Hajjah governorate on the Red Sea.

(A K pS)

KSrelief Project "Masam" Dismantles 1,286 Mines in Second week of December

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's project for clearing mines (Masam) in Yemen demined 1,286 mines during the second week of December 2019, including nine antipersonnel mines, 372 anti-tank, 884 unexploded ordnance, and 21 explosive devices.


(A K pS)

This child (Ilham Shouei, 7 years old) was injured when a landmine exploded near her house in the village of "Bani Hassan" in the Abs district in Hajjah Governorate (photo)

(A K pS)

Engineering teams continue demining operations in al-Dhale

Engineering teams of the southern resistance dismantled 150 Houthi-laid mines in various villages in the north of al-Dhale province.

(B K pS)

Film: Mines threatens camel herders livelihood in Hajjah

Zubaida Ahmed is the mother of five children, none of whom have ever been educated and do not know how old she was, since childhood, she has been working to graze barefoot camels, and she lives in the Midi district of Hajjah governorate, northwest of Yemen, moving from one place to another with her children in search of pasture, what constitutes a daily adventure for her due to the nightmare of the mines left over from the war, which threatens camel herders in Hajjah wherever they come and leave because they didn’t know their whereabouts except the moment they explode with them or about their only source of livelihood, like the majority of the residents of the province.

(A K pS)

A child killed, two young girls injured by Houthi-laid mines in Al-Dhale

Local sources told September Net that the Houthi-laid mine exploded in a main road in Bab Nimrah area north of Qatabah district, killing the child Sundus Saleh Mane’a ,13, and wounding two young girls Samia Ahmed Musleh,22, and Samar Hizam Mane’a,20.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


Ship hijacked off Yemen coast is owned by Lebanon companyThe OS 35, which can carry non-liquid cargoes like grain or iron ore, is registered by Oldstone Cargo Ltd, which lists its business address in Tripoli, Lebanon, said the International Maritime Organization. The OS 35 is Oldstone‘s only ship registered with the U.N. Oldstone could not be immediately reached for comment.

The pirates managed to board the ship Saturday evening near Yemen‘s Socotra Island despite resistance from the crew, said Somali pirate, Bile Hussein.

Armed pirates hijacked the ship and were steering it toward Somalia‘s northern coas

(* B P)

Almost half of the 49 journalists murdered this year were killed in three countries

Reporters Without Borders says almost half of the almost 400 journalists imprisoned worldwide are in just three countries: China, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

The governments there have increased pressure on people working in the media, RSF board spokesman Michael Rediske said ahead of the publication of the company's annual report on press freedom in Berlin on Tuesday.

In Egypt and Saudi Arabia, most of the detainees are in prison with no verdict or charge.

By December 1, 57 media professionals worldwide had been kidnapped, mainly in Syria (30), Yemen (15), Iraq (11) and Ukraine (1).

The Houthi rebels in Yemen and the separatists in eastern Ukraine treated hostages as "prisoners," charged with serious crimes and sentenced to high sentences.

(* B)

In storm-hit Yemen, 'sin' is blamed for surging climate losses

The torrential floods and brutal droughts of recent years have left their mark on this valley in southeast Yemen.

A road that links Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout province, with its remote rural villages has been almost wiped out by repeated landslides. Giant boulders lie strewn along the road, alongside the trunks of downed trees.

“The weather now is between two extremes: heavy drought or destructive brief floods and rains,” said Omer Abu Baker a farmer and shepherd from Hara’a, a village overlooking the Sawia Valley floor.

Civil-war-torn Yemen faces vast challenges, from a struggling economy and collapsing health system to some of the world’s worst shortages of food, water and jobs.

But more severe weather linked to climate change - and a shortage of funding to deal with it - is making life even harder.

The families who live in this part of southern Yemen say weather patterns have become particularly severe since 2015, when Cyclone Chapala - the strongest recorded storm to hit the region - triggered heavy rains and severe flooding.

In 2018, Yemen was again hit by Cyclone Luban, which killed 14 people.

Abu Baker said the worsening weather has driven herders to relocate both their homes and their animals, to try to avoid more losses.

(B E)

Film: War in Yemen: Traditional jewel craft under threat

The war in Yemen, now in its fifth year, is threatening the future of this ancient craft.

A young mother in Yemen is fighting to preserve an ancient craft that is increasingly under threat because of the war.

Locals call her the princess of Agate for her skills in using precious stones to make jewellery.

Al Jazeera's Mohammed al-Attab visited her workshop in Dhamar, south of the capital Sanaa. = =

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-606 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-606: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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