Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 609 - Yemen War Mosaic 609

Yemen Press Reader 609: 25. Dez. 2019: Jemens humanitäre Katastrophe geht weiter – Die Geopolitik des Jemenkrieges – Gefangenenlager im Jemen – Der Albtraum für afrikanische Migranten im Jemen..

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... Soldaten aus Sudan im Jemen – Dengue-Fieber verbreitet sich in der Provinz Hodeidah – Saudische Artillerie tötet 17 auf Markt – Khashoggi-Mord: Todesurteile in Scheinprozess – und mehr

Dec. 25, 2019: The humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen continues – Geopolitics of the Yemen War – Detentions centers in Yemen – Nightmare for African migrants in Yemen – Sudanese soldiers in Yemen – Dengue fever is spreading in Hodeidah province – Saudi shelling killes 17 in market – Khashoggi murder: Death sentences in sham trial – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Saudische Artillerie tötet 17 auf Markt / Saudi shelling killes 17 in market

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Eingebetteter Medieninhalt

Einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K P)

Yemen’s Humanitarian Catastrophe Has Not Ended

The war on Yemen has lasted for almost half a decade, and it has been a nightmare for the country’s civilian population. Millions have been driven from their homes, almost a quarter of a million have died from starvation, disease, and violence, and tens of millions are on the edge of famine. The quotes from these women are important, because they are the ones that are enduring the worst of this conflict and they are the ones who are suffering the most because of the crimes and abuses of all parties to the conflict. The rest of the world has gone back to ignoring Yemen after a brief surge in interest earlier this year, and even when there are a few reports about Yemen the voices of Yemenis are rarely included in them. This is Adeeyah’s testimony:

We witnessed death. We used to escape the shelling by hiding in the roots of the trees, airstrikes above us and Houthis’ rockets in front of us… My children used to get up at night screaming in fear… We were frequently unable to cook food due to the danger of having open gas cylinders during bombardment. I used to dream of having my own house…the war destroyed our dreams and [our] future. Now I only dream of peace and safety.

Yemeni civilians have almost no one to advocate for them. Their “legitimate” government supports the bombing campaign and economic war that kill them, and the Houthis abuse, detain, and torture those that speak out against their rule. The Saudi coalition slaughters innocent civilians with bombs and starves them with a blockade. The world’s major powers are either complicit in the war crimes committed against the people, or they are indifferent. As we know, our government is deeply complicit and shares responsibility for the horrors that have been unleashed upon Yemen. Were it not for the ongoing work of aid groups and human rights organizations and the work of committed journalists, there would be no one to tell the world what is being done to these people. We owe it to the people of Yemen to listen to them and to rein in our own government. The House Democratic leadership completely failed to do this when they caved in to the White House in negotiations over the defense authorization bill

For more than four and a half years, the U.S. has fueled and enabled this appalling war. Congress has failed to put a stop to it, and the administration has shamefully fought to keep the war going. The public has to demand that our political leaders end this indefensible policy of supporting the war on Yemen, and we need to insist on aiding the people whose country our government has helped to destroy – by Daniel Larison

(** B H K P)

The Geopolitics of Yemen’s Civil War

This report provides a brief explanation of Yemen’s decline into a chaotic and multidimensional conflict involving multiple civil wars within a larger war, with analysis of major developments in Yemen’s history post-1990. Two centers of gravity in the Yemeni crisis — the struggle for Aden and other parts of southern Yemen between the U.N.-respected government and southern secessionists, and the fighting between the al-Houthi rebels and the Saudi military — are the main focus of this brief. Ultimately, this report argues that despite Washington’s commitment to the parties fighting to preserve Yemen’s post-1990 unity, the odds are dim that this political entity, at least established on paper, can solidify again, given how shattered it has become. This brief ends with policy proposals to consider as outside powers continue working to end the Yemeni conflict.

Two centers of gravity in the Yemeni crisis — the struggle for Aden and other parts of southern Yemen between the U.N.-respected government and southern secessionists, and the fighting between the al-Houthi rebels and the Saudi military — are the main focus of this brief. Ultimately, this report argues that despite Washington’s commitment to the parties fighting to preserve Yemen’s post-1990 unity, the odds are dim that this political entity, at least established on paper, can solidify again, given how shattered it has become. This brief ends with policy proposals to consider as outside powers continue working to end the Yemeni conflict.

The main takeaways are:

-More than 85,000 Yemeni children died of starvation between April 2015 and October 2018. The weaponization of famine has been a reality in Yemen, with various actors on different sides of the multifaceted civil war depriving specific civilian population segments and pockets access to food and medical services in order to achieve their own political objectives.

-The chaos has spread beyond Yemen’s borders in two relatively small, but significant, migrant flows. Violence and refugees have spilled into Saudi Arabia and the Horn of Africa. The crisis in Yemen has reversed refugee flows and is driving instability in these countries that are impoversihed and grappling with their own internal political conflicts.

-The only chances Yemen has for peace will come in a political settlement created through dialogue, not continued warfare. Resolving Yemen’s multi-sided civil war will require compromise and trust-building initiatives on the part of all major actors in the conflict, including internal and external parties: GCC member states, the United States, Iran, Russia, and the European Union. China, too, is increasing its strategic interests.

-A common narrative from Southern Transitional Council officials and supporters is that the Hadi government is filled with al-Islah “terrorists.” Specifically, they say, the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated Hadi’s Presidential Guard and other bodies within his administration.

-Countless observers mistakenly oversimplified the Yemeni crisis as a conflict between al-Houthi fighters and Saudi Arabia while overlooking many other moving parts in Yemen’s convoluted and tortuous conflict.

-Yemen is a critical battlespace in which intra-Sunni differences are allowing Iran and the al-Houthi rebels to further weaken their opponents. At the same time, Riyadh has a stake in defending the legitimacy of Hadi’s government and preserving the war-torn country’s north-south unity.

-Yet Yemen is not a top priority for Iran. The outcome of conflicts and local tensions in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq are of far greater importance to the Islamic Republic as the system of confessionalism undergoes its ultimate challenge from a Levantine populace tired of Tehran’s influence.

-The Kremlin’s interest in constructing a military base plus sea access in southern Yemen is an important driver of Moscow’s Yemen policy.

-The aftermath of the strikes on Saudi Arabia’s Aramco facilities on Sept. 14, and the al-Houthi actions afterward, are driving Riyadh’s attempts to reach a settlement with the rebels.

-Although the UAE’s support for the STC is wavering because of emerging disagreements among senior Emirati leaders, Abu Dhabi’s desire to ease tensions appears to have surpassed the idea of pushing for an independent southern Yemen for now.

and full report:

My comment: This looks like a very biased report. The geopolitical interests of Iran and Russia are emphasized, while those of the main Western actors – the US and the UK – are hardly mentioned. But, apart from saudi Arabia and UAE, the US is the main foreign actor in the Yemen War, and it's driven by its larger geopolitical interests, which have little to do with Yemen proper. Otherwise, this is a detailed overview especially on what happened in Southern Yemen. But: It’s not just a civil war any more.

(** B P)

Study on the situation of detention centers in Yemen

Mwatana for Human Rights released a study on detention places in Yemen, covering the period 2015-2018 and seven Yemeni Governorates: the Capital Sana’a, Al Hudaydah, Aden, Hadhramaut, Taiz, Ibb, Ma’rib.

The study shows a common tendency not to inform the detainees of the reasons of their arrest and an increase of arrest cases related to the current conflict in an unofficial places under the control of different parties to conflict, notably Ansar Allah armed group (Houthis), Emirates forces in Yemen, Saudi/UAE-led military coalition, Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), resistance factions loyal to Yemeni government and coalition, and Hadrami Elite forces.

The study, which is prepared in Arabic language and translated into English language, uses a descriptive approach for analyzing data collected through two different questionnaires, first designed for detainees, and the second for the officials in charge of detention places in Governorates covered by the study.

The study was conducted during the period April – September 2018. The data have been collected by a team of field researchers in the seven Governorates. The study was reviewed by experts in international law.

The pages study consists of six chapters. The first chapter defines the concepts used in the study; states the research’s problem and its dimensions and the objectives of the study; and outlines the spatial and temporal scope of the study. The second chapter describes the study’s methodology, tools and sample. To provide background on the subject of the study, the third chapter reviews the situation of human rights in Yemen during the period covered by the study, based on the human rights reports.

The fourth, fifth and sixth chapters are confined to present and analyze the study’s results, with the fourth chapter analyzing the data from the questionnaires designed for detainees, the fifth chapter analyzing the data from the questionnaires designed for officials in charge of detention facilities, and the sixth chapter presenting the main results and recommendations of the study.

The study finds a common tendency not to comply with legal procedures when carrying out an arrest or during the period of detention. The unofficial detention places were operated in bathrooms, residential and private buildings, and government civil and military buildings. The study also finds that detentions may take place without charges.

The study shows that the officials in charge of detention places don’t respect the detainees’ right to legal representation during the investigations, nor referred detainees to the Office of the Public Prosecutor within 24 hours of arrest. It also demonstrates that detention places in Yemen doesn’t meet international and local standards in terms of location and main services necessary for such facilities.

In addition, the detainees have been subjected to physical and mental attacks, as most detainees were not provided with free (sometimes even paid) meals, nor were allowed the use of paper or books. They also had no exposure to sunlight, and only rarely had the right to access medical care services when needed.

The study finds that many detainees were subjected to pressure during investigations, and others were forced to sign statements. It also finds detainees were being tortured with electric shocks, burning, hanging, kicks and beatings with hand and sticks, and their ribs and fingers were being broken. They were subjected to verbal and physical attacks, and deprivation of food and drink as disciplinary measures after investigations.

With a few exceptions, relating to visiting by family and friends, detainees had limited contact with the outside world.

The study points out that it is norm rather than the exception that detention places were not subjected to regular inspection by the Office of the Public Prosecution and relevant agencies.

The study made recommendations addressed to conflict parties implicated in human rights violations against detainees in Yemen, to civil society and local and international human rights organizations, and to United Nations and international community.

One of the most important recommendations addressed to parties to conflict is to respect guarantees and rights established by national constitution and laws, and international treaties and instruments regulating custody procedures from carrying out arrests to conducting trials or releases.

The study also presents recommendations addressed to civil society and local and international human rights organizations, key among which is to document professionally all violations against detainees so that documentation can be used in lobbying for detainees’ rights and for steps towards accountability and justice.

Lastly, the study introduces recommendations to United Nations and international community, notably the recommendation that the way parties to conflict treat detainees be indicative of their respect for the rights and freedom of the citizens.

and full report:

(** B H K P)

The Valley of Death: the Saudi Coalition is Creating a Living Nightmare for African Migrants in Yemen

Ahmed AbdulKareem recounts the story of Heramala and thousands of African migrants like him who make the harrowing journey across wartorn Yemen in hopes of a better life in Saudi Arabia.

Over the course of the nearly five-year-long war in Yemen, U.S. bombs and shells in the hands of the Saudi-led coalition have not only devastated the lives of many Yemenis but have dashed the dreams of migrants from the Horn of Africa who have been stranded in Yemen’s nightmare since 2015, when the war began.

Hermala was initially hoping to emigrate to the United States, but given the Trump administration’s slew of new anti-immigrant policies, he chose instead to take his chances on a perilous journey that would see him crisscross mountains, ravines, jungles, swamps and the sea. His final destination, he hoped, would be the oil-rich Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by way of war-torn Yemen.

A combination of factors has driven hundreds of thousands like Hermala to travel through some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth in hopes of crossing the sea into war-stricken Yemen and eventually Saudi Arabia after the United States and Europe closed their doors to migrants and refugees.

This past November, Hermala traveled more than 1,000 kilometers from his home through one of the busiest maritime mixed migration routes in the world. First on buses and then later on foot, jumping the border into Djibouti, he trekked through mountains, sandstorms, and high temperatures, surviving on crumbs of bread and unclean water.

After paying his traffickers, Hermala, along with a group of seven other migrants, eventually made their way to the southern coast of Yemen on a journey that took somewhere between 12 and 20 hours through the turbulent Bab al-Mandab Strait on a severely overcrowded wooden boat. They, however, were very lucky.

The journey from the Horn of Africa to Yemen’s coast by way of the Gulf of Aden or the Red Sea is perilous. Migrants and refugees face difficult situations as smugglers sometimes force them to swim for several kilometers to avoid being captured by Saudi authorities or because the overcrowded boats are unable to traverse the turbulent waves.

Another refugee in Hermala’s group told MintPress in broken Arabic that 45 of the 150 passengers aboard the boat he was on were killed when their smuggler forced them into the water after their overloaded board encountered turbulent waters off the coast of Aden.

According to IOM, between January and August of 2019, 97,069 migrants made their way to Yemen. Of those, over 13 percent were children, 66 percent of whom were unaccompanied. Overall, close to 700,000 people, mostly Ethiopians and Somalis, arrived on Yemen’s Red and Arabian seas since 2015 when the war began, according to sources in Yemen’s Immigration and Passports Department.

A journey through Hell

In Southeastern Yemen, a region under the total control of Saudi and Emirati forces, migrants face extreme risks and serious human rights violations including torture, extortion, and sexual and physical abuse. Three Ethiopians holed up in a notorious camp in Northern Yemen recounted their stories to MintPress. After nearing the end of their treacherous journeys to Yemen, they were physically assaulted by traffickers in Aden who hoped to extort ransom money from their family members in Ethiopia.

“My family sold their land to pay the ransom money,” one of the men told MintPress. Another refugee who traveled in Hermala’s group recounted how “in Lahj camp, troops beat and hung me on the wall when I refused to make a call to my relatives. They told me to call but I refused, they then beat me on my head with a stick and it was swollen and bled.” The scar was still visible on his head.

Reports from Human Rights Watch and other groups confirm that migrants are routinely tortured and abused by traffickers and officials in Southeastern Yemen. The Saudi-led coalition and its allies have tortured, raped and executed migrants and asylum seekers from the Horn of Africa in detention centers in the port cities of Aden and Lahj, according to reports by Human Rights Watch.

The war itself brings with it its own dangers to migrants.

Al-Raghwah: the valley of death

After a three month journey, Hermala and three of his travel companions finally managed to escape the clutches of traffickers in Aden only to be detained in another makeshift refugee camp run by the Saudi-led coalition. They were eventually able to escape once again, making their way from Southern Yemen north towards the Saudi border, some walking in worn-out sandals and others barefoot, exposed to the full heat of the desert sun.

The dangers faced by Hermala and other refugees traveling north are many. Migrant routes converge on Saada, where active fighting between the Yemeni resistance and Saudi forces is frequent and where hundreds are routinely killed in undiscriminating Saudi airstrikes. In Sadaa, long lines of migrants can often be seen walking as airstrikes take place nearby. Without shelter, they have no place to seek reprieve.

After crossing through Yemen’s mountainous rural landscape, Hermala and 30 fellow Ethiopian refugees eventually made their way to the al-Raghwah district, a transit point to the oil-rich Kingdom near Saada. But for Hermala, whose curly hair and round face endeared him to all he encountered – even his traffickers – al-Raghwah was the last stop on his journey.

Nearly one week ago, the body of Hermala, along with three of his Ethiopian travel companions, were discovered after bombs, supplied by the United States and dropped by Saudi jets, abruptly ended their journey north. Less than a month ago, scores of Hermala’s fellow countrymen were killed in the same location when Saudi forces carried out heavy shelling on a busy marketplace.

Yemen’s al-Raghwah border area, located in the Munabbih district of Saada, is dotted with camps inhabited by thousands of migrants from Ethiopia and Somalia hoping to cross the border into wealthy Saudi Arabia.

Most of Yemen’s border areas with Saudi Arabia have been rendered little more than burning battlefields where Saudi forces are pitted against Yemen’s resistance led by the Houthis

Many migrants in al-Raghwah suffer from severe physical and mental health challenges resulting from their experiences on their journeys, their time in southern Yemen’s detention camps and a fear of being killed or worse, returning home empty handed.

Despite the thousands of migrants in al-Raghwah, there is no health center or sanitation system here, and epidemics are widespread. Somewhere between three and five people die every day from cholera, malaria and other diseases – by Ahmed Abdulkareem

My remark: Also look at cp1c.

(** B K P)

‘It’s our biggest employer’: How a lucrative war in Yemen fuels conflict in Darfur 2,000km away

Sudanese soldiers who fought in Yemen tell Bel Trew about the ‘unimaginable’ riches driving thousands to fight, while raising tensions at home

You can earn more money fighting in Yemen for six months than in a lifetime.

This adage rages through the streets of Darfur, Sudan’s conflict-ridden western region, where a ruinous war more than 2,000km away in Yemen has become the country’s “biggest local employer”.

Everyone knows someone who has signed up.

For nearly five years the Gulf has hired members of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a feared paramilitary group, and the Sudanese military to fight alongside Yemeni government troops against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

And so, despite the dangers, the promises of unimaginable riches have driven tens of thousands of Darfur’s men, and boys, to the RSF’s recruitment centres.

For a six-month deployment, RSF foot soldiers, who often hail from the poorest segments of society, can earn a million Sudanese pounds (around £17,000) – more money than they could ever hope to gather in a lifetime. Officers make double that.

In Sudan, the minimum wage across the country is just $190 a month, but for farmers and goat herders it is considerably less.

But residents now say five years of wealthy, armed and trained fighters returning from Yemen has only ratcheted up tensions in Darfur, a region that has been ripped apart by at least 16 years of civil conflict.

Many also fear that it has unnaturally swelled the ranks of the feared RSF, which is accused by rights groups of committing genocidal violence there.

“The war in Yemen has been the biggest employer in Darfur and is the main way out of poverty for the youth,” said one RSF captain, who returned from fighting in southwest Yemen at the start of the year.

The captain said people had become so eager to make money that when a recruitment cycle opens, the centres receive 10 times the number of applications than the available places.

Once signed up they go through sometimes as little as three months training before being sent to the front.

“Families have been afraid to send their children to school because they were worried about their sons running off to sign up because it can set you up for life,” he continued, shivering.

“Others actively want their youth to go. You send two sons and the entire family is sorted forever.”

At its peak between 2016- 2017, more than 40,000 Sudanese troops were believed to be fighting in some capacity in Yemen’s war, either within the country or along the border with Saudi Arabia.

The turnover is high and so tens of thousands of men have gone through the process. It is believed that there are minors among the recruits, although the RSF leadership has repeatedly denied this.

Child soldiers are paid less than adults but can still make just under £8,000 per deployment.

The RSF is deployed within Yemen, while Sudan’s regular army, whose soldiers are paid less, is largely sent to the border with Saudi Arabia.

However, according to experts, payments for the RSF go straight to Hemedti [RSF commander Colonel Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as “Hemedti”],, who has allegedly made a fortune from the fighting.

Since 2015 he has mostly recruited troops from Darfur, where the RSF was first established to fight Darfuri rebels who had taken up arms against the state. It is also where it is accused of carrying out Bashir’s campaign of ethnic cleansing against the region’s non-Arab population.

Once Bashir’s trusted confidante, Hemedti became part of the security apparatus that overthrew him, and so is currently deputy head of the Sovereign Council, a joint military and civilian body ruling Sudan – by Bel Trew

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(** B H)

Activists dispute dengue fever death toll in Hodeidah

The governorate's health office says 90 have died from the viral disease; those closely following the outbreak claim hundreds of deaths

For two months, Hodeidah governorate has been ravaged by a dengue fever outbreak that has claimed the lives of citizens in most of its districts.

The outbreak began in southern Al-Jarahi District, which declared a state of emergency in October as the disease spread at an alarming rate, killing dozens of people, mostly children.

The health office in the Houthi-controlled governorate was unable to curb the disease as it spread northward to the districts of Zabeed and Beit Al-Faqih, fueling a humanitarian disaster before reaching most of the districts in central and upper Hodeidah.

In an update on the outbreak, Hodeidah’s health office announced that 90 people have died from dengue fever, including 52 children, in the districts of Zahra, Zabeed, Al-Jarahi and Beit al-Faqih. Almasdar Online’s correspondent viewed a copy of the announcement.

Activists on social media consider the statistic misleading, saying that deaths from dengue fever now number in the hundreds. In mid-November, the health office in Al-Jarahi said that 56 people had died from the mosquito-borne illness in that district alone. The other districts mentioned have also recorded large death counts from dengue fever.

The UN's World Health Organization recorded 59,486 suspected cases of dengue fever, including 219 deaths from January to November across Yemen, with the caveat that diagnosing and collecting data about the disease are difficult under current circumstances.

Medical facilities in Hodeidah have a shortage of medicine and beds due to the rise in dengue fever and other preventable diseases. The accumulation of garbage in the streets has contributed to the disease outbreaks.

(* B H)

Film: Dengue fever becomes a new epidemic in Yemen

Mosquito-borne dengue fever has killed 219 people in Yemen since February, The World Health Organization says. A further 60,000 people have been infected. Dengue Fever is treatable, but the lack of medical facilities in the war-ravaged country is takings its toll.

(A H P)

Der Gesundheitsminister [Sanaa-Reg.] inspiziert Krankenhäuser, um H1N1-Fälle entgegenzunehmen

Der Minister Al-Mutawakkil drängte darauf, die Anstrengungen zu verdoppeln und die Bereitschaft zur Bekämpfung dieser Krankheit zu erhöhen und den Verletzten die besten Dienste zu erweisen.

(A H P)

[Sanaa gov.] Health Minister stresses hospitals' readiness to receive H1N1 cases

Al-Mutawakil urged the medical staff to redouble efforts and raise readiness to confront this disease and provide the best services to the patients.

The move came during his visit to several public and private hospitals in Sanaa

(* A H)

Unidentified fever kills 6 people, sickens dozens within 24 hours in central Yemen village

An unidentified fever has killed six people and sickened dozens others within 24 hours time in a village in the countryside of central Yemen Taiz province, local medical sources said.

The disease is spreading in Sharaab al-Salam in Taiz's countryside. The local healthcare workers lack the skills and equipment to diagnose the disease but all they could confirm is that "it is a viral fever."

and also

(* A H)

Medical official said that cases of dengue fever and diphtheria have increased in Aden and neighboring governorates in the recent period. Al-Sadaqa hospital has received 44 cases of dengue fever, including 25 children, and 15 cases of diphtheria in November.

(* A H)

Yemen launches polio immunization campaign targeting over 5.5 mln children

Yemen's health authorities on Monday launched a national polio immunization campaign targeting over 5.5 million children.

Supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the campaign was inaugurated simultaneously in the Yemeni capital Sanaa and other provinces.

The three-day vaccination process went from house to house to immunize children under the age of five.

"More than 40,000 vaccinators are participating in the ongoing door to door integrated polio and vitamin A campaign to reach over 5.5 million children under 5 in Yemen," the UNICEF said on Twitter.

(* B H)

Swine flu epidemic continues to claim lives

Health sector having trouble to treat new epidemic

The swine flu epidemic (N1N1) has spread over Yemen very quickly, leaving Yemeni families in a state of panic.

Several voices are rising, complaining about the failure of health authorities to cope with the epidemic, saying it has been killing dozens every day.

The Ministry of Health, through its official spokesman, had advised citizens not to fear the disease and said that the panic was exaggerated.

On the other hand, Minister of Health Dr. Taha Al Mutawakil announced the state of emergency and maximum readiness in all hospitals in the capital Sana’a to receive cases of the H1N1 virus.

This revealed a clear official contradiction about the epidemic and how to deal with it.

According to the National Centre for Epidemiological Surveillance in the capital Sana’a, 25 suspected cases were recorded on December 21st, with eight death cases having been reported.

Thirty-one cases were recorded on December 22nd, of which 4 death cases, and there are rapid statistics from a number of provinces, some of which have not been monitored for verity by official authorities.

Citizens complain that hospitals do not take patients seriously and refuse to receive suspected cases on the pretext of fear of transmission to other patients who are infected, which led many observers to question the work of these hospitals.

(* B H)

'Swine Flu' Threatens Houthi-Run Areas in Yemen

Houthi-run areas in Yemen continue to witness frightening outbreaks of new epidemics amid the group’s continued systematic destruction of the health sector. Houthis are notorious for plundering medical relief assistance from international organizations.
Most recently, local medical reports spotted an outbreak of swine flu, also known as H1N1 flu, in the capital, Sanaa, and other Yemeni regions run by the Iran-backed militia.
The onset of the epidemic is set to kill hundreds of Yemeni citizens amid continued disregard of Houthi leaders.
Locals in Sanaa, speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat under the conditions of anonymity, said that the epidemic is widely spread in the capital’s neighborhoods and districts.
H1N1 flu, according to locals, has killed dozens so far.

and also

My comment: Of course, the Saudi propaganda blames the Houthis for this. Just take a look at the Saudi puppet-run aereas.

(* A H)

8 die from H1N1 flu in Yemen's capital

The Yemeni public health authorities said in a statement that eight Yemenis died from the H1N1 flu in Sanaa in the past weeks, a local media outlet reported Monday.

The suspected H1N1 flu cases have reached 1,600 in several northern provinces since November, the Houthi-controlled Althawranews website quoted the statement as saying.

The rise in suspected cases was attributed to the low temperatures, it added.

(A H)

Two Yemeni journalists have died of H1NI in Sanaa this month as the disease is continuing to claim lives in the Houthi-run city, news reports said.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

Siehe / Look at cp7

(A K pS)

Hodeidah: Houthis launch heavy shelling against Hays

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi forces targeted different areas in Addurayhimi city with artillery shells. US-Saudi machine guns targeted 7th July residential area and Attohayta district.

(A K pH)

Film: Aggression breaches Sweden's agreement. Here March Fires of aggression devour palm trees and property of citizens in Hodeidah

(B H K)

A new wave of displacement is underway in Yemen's Hodeidah province amid continued Houthi attacks on civilian areas and sporadic clashes between pro-government forces and Houthis.

(A K P)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Calls on Humanitarian Organizations to Pressure US-Saudi Coalition to Lift the Siege on Ad-durayhimi

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, civilians’ farms in Attohayta and Baet Al-Fakih districts were targeted with US-Saudi artillery shells.

(A K pS)

Houthis shell Bait al-Faqih, south Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Militärische Quelle: Aggressionskräfte verletzen weiterhin den Waffenstillstand von Hodeidah

(A K pH)

New attacks reported in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis target people's homes in al-Tuhita, Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi militia kidnaps trader in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthi militia’s violations of UN-led ceasefire continued in Hodiedah

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Hodeidah Governor to UN Team: Violations of US-Saudi Forces Never Stopped

(A K pH)

Aggressionsskräfte bombardierten zivile Häuser in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggression continues breaching Swedish Agreement in Hodeidah

cp1c Saudische Artillerie tötet 17 auf Markt / Saudi shelling killes 17 in market



(** A K pH)

20 Menschen bei saudischen Bombenanschlag auf einen Markt in Al-Munbah in Saada getötet und verwundet

20 Menschen wurden durch saudische Artillerie getötet und 20 verletzt, die auf Bürger und Afrikaner im Distrikt Munabbeh im Gouvernement Saada abgefeuert wurden.

Eine Sicherheitsquelle im Gouvernorat erklärte der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba), dass drei Bürger und zwei Afrikaner getötet und 15 weitere durch einen saudischen Artillerie-Bombenanschlag auf den Al-Raqou-Markt im Grenzbezirk Munabbeh verletzt wurden.

(** A K pH)

Zahl der Opfer des Aggressionsmassakers in Munabbeh in Saada stieg auf 17 Märtyrer

Die Zahl der Todesopfer durch das schreckliche Massaker, das der saudische Feind auf dem Al-Raqou-Markt vom Distrikt Munabbeh im Gouvernement Saada begangen hat, ist auf 17 Märtyrer gestiegen, die andere verwundet wurden.

Eine Sicherheitsquelle in Saada teilte der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) mit, dass die Todesopfer der Märtyrer auf die schweren Verletzungen des saudischen Artillerie-Bombenangriffs auf denaqou-Markt zurückzuführen seien.

Die Quelle bestätigte den Tod von fünf Bürgern und zwölf afrikanischen Einwanderern sowie die Verwundung verschiedener anderer bei der Bombardierung des Raqou-Marktes.

(** A K pH)

Death toll of aggression coalition massacre in Saada rises to 17

The death toll from the horrific massacre committed by Saudi enemy in al-Raqou market of Monabeh district in Saada province on Tuesday rose to 17 civilians, mostly African migrants, a security source in the province told Saba.

The source confirmed that five citizens and 12 African immigrants were killed, in an initial toll, and others wounded, in the aggression bombing on the market.

(* A K)

UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen: Third attack on Al Raqw market in Sa’ada in a month kills at least 17 civilians

Preliminary field reports indicate that an attack on Al Raqw market in Monabbih District in Sa’ada Governorate on 24 December has left at least 17 civilians dead, including 12 Ethiopian nationals, and injured at least 12 others.

This is the third attack on the same market in a month

The parties responsible for this, and other atrocities, must be held accountable.” Humanitarian partners are supporting Al Jumhori and Al Talh hospitals in Sa’ada where the injured are being treated. Help is also being provided to the local communities impacted by the attack.

My comment: The UN does not name the perpetrator. Why? Anyway, now also pro-Saudi media report on this massacre - referring to this UN report, of course also not naming Saudi Arabia as the perpetrator: and A bad joke.

(* A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] FM condemns Saudi aggression shelling on markers in Saada

Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf strongly condemned on Wednesday the fresh brutal crime committed by the Saudi-led aggression coalition shelling in popular market in Saada province.

Sharaf said in a statement that this crime is a flagrant violation of the international humanitarian treaties and law.

" The aggression coalition countries must understand that a hand that outstretching for peace will not persist with patience towards the aggression ongoing brutal crimes against the Yemeni citizens," the minister said.

The Foreign called on the international community to translate its repeated calls to pressure on the aggression countries to stop its attacks on civilians and lift the siege on the Yemeni people for reaching a political solution.

Und was kommt in den deutschen Mainstream-Medien? Eine dürre Kurzmeldung auf der Webseite der "Süddeutschen" ist das Einzige, das ich gefunden habe. Und das Rumeirern der UN wird hier ohne ein weiteres Wort dazu einfach übernommen. Es wird aus der Meldung auch klar, dass ohne die Meldung seitens der UN die Süddeutsche diese meldung überhaupt nicht gebracht hätte, denn andere Quellen hat man offensichtlich nicht verwendet:

(A K)

Luftangriffe auf Markt

Die UN haben Luftangriffe auf einen Markt in einer Region Nordjemensverurteilt, die von Huthi-Rebellen gehalten wird. Dabei seien am Montag mindestens 17 Menschen getötet worden, teilte das Büro des UN-Menschenrechtskoordinators in Jemen mit. Es sei bereits der dritte Luftangriff auf den Markt in der Provinz Saada gewesen. Unklar war, wer für die Attacke verantwortlich ist.

Auf Deutsch berichtet noch "Pars Today" aus dem Iran:

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B H K P)

Film: Interview mit Dr. Taha Ahmed Al-Mutawakkil - Minister für Gesundheit der Regierung im Jemen, Sanaa

(B K P)

Lessons from Saudi War on Yemen

Although the war did not stop, we are almost all certain how its end will be, which is the ultimate defeat, shame and humiliation of the aggressor. What does Saudi Arabia benefit from this bitter experience, which is nearing its end?! Was anyone expected that Riyadh will be defeated in Yemen?

Most material data, if not all, says that Saudi Arabia is a formidable military force, that can resolve the military situation and defeat Ansarullah, so how about it if it is supported by international alliances that cover it politically? And how if a military alliance with ten or more countries participated with it? Where is the error? And where is the lesson?

Riyadh expected that the apparent military force was able to resolve the matter in favor of the aggressor. On this basis the estimate of the duration of the war was only weeks, it took steps to completely block Yemen and bomb it from all directions!

All indicators are successful!

The lesson is: there are limits to what the apparent force can do. Riyadh may not have exaggerated its material military power when the war began. It may not have been mistaken in setting a high targets, to the extent of saying it will install gallows in Sana’a for Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi and former President Ali Abdullah Saleh! But, without a doubt, Saudi Arabia and its allies, including the Americans, have misunderstood the meaning of power Individuals as well as peoples, governments and power-owners fall in such misunderstanding.

My comment: A pro-Houthi viewpoint.

(* B H K)

Death toll of Saudi airstrikes reaches over 40,000

Newly released statistics reveal atrocious human cost of the war

The Ministry of Human Rights in Sana’a has on Saturday launched its national report on the reality of human rights violations in Yemen during the past 1,700 days of the aggression led by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition.

The report confirmed the killing and injuring of 43,345 people, including women and children, in direct military operations carried out by the Saudi-American aggression aircraft during the period from March 26, 2015 until the end of November 2019.

The aggression countries deliberately used bacteriological weapons, including cluster bombs and chemical ammunition, and they prevented the arrival of ships carrying food, drug and oil derivatives and gas, which caused the death of large number of patients suffering from chronic diseases because hospitals and health centers in Yemen were unable to save their lives.

The report indicates that the coalition aggression has caused more than 9,835 civilians to be disabled with various disabilities, including 800 children, while 80,000 children have been afflicted with multiple mental and neurological conditions as a result of five years of direct bombing on homes and places of civilians gathering.

The report revealed that 476,197 civilians were killed by indirect military operations.

“The coalition aggression has caused a rise in the maternal mortality rates at birth by 160 percent from what it was before the aggression,” the report said, noting that 60 newborns die out of a thousand live births.

Per thousand children, no fewer than 65 die under the age of five, while 2,900,000 children out of 5,366,767 reported children are malnourished, of whom 400,000 children under the age of five have died from severe malnutrition.

The report noted that a child dies every 10 minutes due to diseases associated with malnutrition and epidemics. The data indicate that 86% of children under five suffer from anemia and 46% of children under five suffer from stunting.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

YPC: US-Saudi Aggression Detains New Oil Vessel

Yemen Petroleum Company announced that the US-Saudi aggression detained a new tanker loaded with quantities of oil derivatives and prevented its access to the port of Hodeidah.

“The coalition of aggression detained another oil vessel added to the vessels it had previously detained. The number of the detained vessels now is eight, loaded with gasoline and diesel materials,” the company said in a statement issued on Monday evening.

The company indicated that the quantities on board ships trapped at sea reach 88,435 tons of gasoline and 127,996 tons of diesel.

It pointed out that the detained vessels have permits to enter the port of Hodeidah, stressing that the coalition of aggression is striving with the policy of seizing oil ships to tighten the noose on citizens and increase their suffering.

(A K P)

YPC: US-Saudi Aggression Still Detaining Seven Tankers

Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) announced that the US-Saudi aggression continues to detain 7 tankers loaded with more than 180 thousand tons of gasoline and diesel.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Film: Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation: Water and renewable power (WARP) systems for Yemen

Yemen is experiencing the largest cholera outbreak in recent history with over 2 million suspected cases. Over 17 million people lack access to clean water, with the Hudaydah Governorate the most impacted by cholera. The Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, with support from the Humanitarian Grand Challenge, is installing a WARP2 System for water aid and renewable power. The WARP2 system is able to clean approximately 12 litres of water a day. This system is smaller, lighter, simpler to use, and more effective at removing biological pathogens, organic chemicals and arsenic and lead.

(B H)

Saida Khoury, a displaced woman in Lahj governorate in Midi district is struggling with the bitterness of war and displacement to support her family that consists of her husband and 6 members (photo)

Her 70-year-old husband who is infected with dengue fever and has shortness of breath is resting on her shoulder as she accompanies him to the hospital to try to save his life.

(B H K)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen Humanitarian Update Covering 01 November - 18 December | Issue 13

Attacks on civilians in Sa'ada a cause for concern P01

Thousands of migrants gather at the Saudi border after hazardous journey through Yemen P02

Humanitarian partners respond to dengue outbreak P02

The Yemen aid operation on course P03

Attacks on civilians in Sa'ada a cause for concern

(* A H T)

Aid agencies stop work in Yemen town after attacks U.N. calls `alarming escalation'

Twelve aid agencies in the Yemeni town of al-Dhalea have stopped work after attacks on their buildings that the United Nations called an “alarming escalation” amid media campaigns against aid organizations.

The majority of attacks occurred overnight Saturday. One more occurred on an unoccupied Oxfam office on Tuesday morning, aid agencies said.

Among the agencies hit overnight on Saturday by rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) fired by unknown individuals were Oxfam and the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

The attacks on Saturday wounded one person, damaged property and caused 12 organizations to suspend aid programs in al-Dhalea, affecting 217,000 residents, United Nations aid chief Mark Lowcock said on Monday.

and also


(A H P T)

Extended meeting discusses means to resume aid operations in al-Dhale

An extended meeting was held in al-Dhale on Tuesday under the chairmanship of the [Hadi gov.] provincial governor, Maj. Gen. Ali Moqbel Saleh in presence of the president of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council, Abdullah Mahdi Saeed and a number of local officials, security commanders and representatives of international organizations.
The meeting focused on the recent bombings and armed attacks against international organisations working in the province which resulted in suspending their aid operations, including the International Rescue Committee, ACTED and Oxfam.
The governor of al-Dhale expressed his full support for the humanitarian organizations that provide assistance to thousands of people in the province, affirming that he will do what it takes to protect aid operations.
He also declared that new measures will be undertaken in the near future to respond more effectively to such threats and to help create a climate favorable to the resumption of humanitarian activities in the area.

My remark: More at cp14.

(* B H)

Food Security Outlook Update

Yemen expected to face difficulty financing imports in early 2020

Key Messages

High levels of conflict continue to disrupt livelihoods and restrict access to income, with prices of food and non-food commodities substantially higher than pre-conflict levels. Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are widespread, with approximately 17 million people in urgent need of humanitarian food assistance. As of late November, humanitarian actors report continued and even increased difficulties operating in Houthi-controlled areas.

Food and fuel import levels were above average in November. However, the 2 million USD Saudi deposit used to back food imports is expected to be depleted in January 2020. As a result, the Saudis have reportedly stopped approving letter of credit applications for food imports. In the absence of additional foreign assistance, it is likely that the Yemeni Rial will begin to depreciate in early 2020, with elevated food prices expected in subsequent months.

High levels of conflict continue in Al Hudaydah, Sa’dah, Al Dali’, and Ta’izz. In Hajjah, a marked decline in violence has been maintained throughout November and early December.

A risk of Famine (IPC Phase 5) persists in Yemen

(* B H)

This man used to be a chemistry #teacher in Yemen. Teachers in most regions of Yemen have not received their salaries for years. Photo circulated by activists on Facebook.

(B H)

VIDEO: Watch how Village Cooperative Council formed by @SFDYemen in Jabal Habeshi, #Taiz, helped bring two villages together after a long dispute over water. They worked w/the communities & the women to find solutions that worked for everyone.

(B H)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Yemen: Organisations Monthly Presence 3W (October 2019)

(B H)

Charity For Yemen Affected Families

We are collecting funds to help the children of Yemen and Yemen Families and Displaced Families And Rural Families and Affected People In Yemen . it is fundamental to give to the poor.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: UNHCR Somalia Factsheet: 1 - 30 November 2019

Refugees from Yemen: 13,259

Retournees from Yemen: 4,942

(B H)

Somalia: Refugee returnees to Somalia (as of 30 November 2019)

(* B H)

Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) DTM-Yemen - Reporting Period: 15 - 21 December 2019

The ongoing conflict in Yemen, since March 2015, has led to the displacement of more than 3.6 million people (according to DTM’s 2018 Area Assessment). DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking tool collects and reports on numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of numbers, geography and needs.

From 01 January- 21 December 2019, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 66,402 Households or 398,412 Individuals have experienced displacement, at least once.

(* B H)

Crisis of Displaced, Drinking Water, Medicinal Capabilities Exacerbates in Yemen

The displacement crisis in Yemen is exacerbated by the lack of safe drinking water and the lack of health and medicinal capabilities, especially with the control of the Saudi-mercenaries and armed groups in many areas, preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people in areas from which they were displaced.

Transporting water to children is a matter of routine for those who have been displaced from their areas due to the continued aggression against their country and the control of the militants and mercenaries over them. Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis are forced to live in places where the most basic necessities of life are not available.

“We come to get water twice a day, in the morning to fill six gallons and in the afternoon I come again to fill another six gallons. There are no other water pumps in the area,” said Ghalia Abdullah, a Yemeni displaced.

The far distances that must be traveled in order to deliver water to the family, which sometimes reaches twenty kilometers, are not the only challenge for the Yemeni displaced, as the water currently present is not suitable for drinking.

"Children drink water and then get sick. For this reason we go to the hospital, there is no clean water,” said Ali Muhammad, who is the father of a sick child. “Water is available either in the ponds or in tanks and it causes children illness."

Thus, visiting medical centers that are poorly equipped and less capable has become a natural visit for displaced and non-displaced families alike, and the treatment of children from intestinal diseases has turned into a crisis in light of the lack of medicines that do not reach what has not been destroyed from health centers due to the continued fighting.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(* A P)

A school teacher's murder in Sana'a has put Houthi authorities on the defensive

Houthi education officials have publicly intervened in the case, after protesters demanded the arrest of a prominent merchant

The murder of a school teacher in Sana’a last week has caught Houthi authorities in the capital off guard, as protestors demand the arrest of a prominent Houthi merchant accused of the crime.

Hundreds of protesters staged a vigil over the weekend in front of the education office of Sana’a to demand the arrest of Murad Nasser Al-Faqih, the owner of a car dealership in Sana’a, who allegedly broke into Al-Kayan private school on Wednesday and beat 42-year-old teacher Faisal Saad Al-Raimi to death in front of students and colleagues.

The murder comes as school teachers in Houthi-controlled areas raise awareness about the rebels’ unwelcomed influence in classrooms. The Yemeni Teachers’ Union documented more than 4,000 mandatory propaganda events this year for teachers and students in Sana’a governorate aimed at mobilizing large groups of fighters. Teachers who refused to participate in the events were threatened with dismissal from their positions, according to the union.

An education official who attended the the vigil told Almasdar Online that Abdullah Al-Wazir, deputy director of Sana'a's education office, asked the protesters to not let the vigil get out of hand, as it "serves the agenda of the external aggression,” referring to the Saudi-led coalition.

Abdullah Al-Naimi, undersecretary of education at the Houthi-run Ministry of Education, issued a rare statement three days after the murder, amid growing public outrage, claiming that authorities were following up on the case. Houthi authorities had arrested some of the men involved in the murder, he said, and a search was underway for the remaining suspects. A security source told Almasdar Online that the Houthi authorities had overstated their efforts to pursue the suspects. Al-Faqih was still free as of Monday evening.

For the protesters, Al-Faqih's freedom sends the signal that influential Houthi loyalists can commit crimes, even murder, with impunity.

It’s unclear why Al-Faqih stormed Al-Raimi’s classroom, but two sources told Almasdar Online that Al-Faqih was upset that his son had been disciplined by the same teacher at school earlier that day.

(A H)

Video: Yemeni girl threatens to bomb school

A schoolgirl in war-wracked Yemen threatened to bomb her school after she was barred from sitting for the exam for failing to pay the fees, Saudi television Al Arabiya has reported.
The student, in the second year of secondary education, reappeared Monday at the school in Yemen’s central province of Ibb carrying a hand grenade and threatening to hurl it inside, the television said, citing local sources and witnesses.
The threat triggered panic among other students at the girls’ school, according to the witnesses.

and also

My comment: Why there are any fees on this?

(A P)

Houthis Impose New Restrictions on Humanitarian Agencies

The militias acknowledged that they had demanded that the agencies receive advance permission to carry out any activities or training programs in Sanaa.
They demanded that list of documents and requests be submitted to them before any activities are carried out. The agencies must wait for approval from the Houthis’ so-called general secretariat of the higher council for the administration and coordination of humanitarian affairs and international cooperation.
An aid worker in Sanaa told Asharq Al-Awsat that the restrictions are just another example of the Houthis’ ongoing violations against relief and humanitarian agencies.

and also

(A P)

Houthis treffen iranischen Außenminister

Vertreter der schiitischen Houthi-Rebellen im Jemen haben den iranischen Außenminister Muhammed Dschawad Zarif zu Gesprächen über den Krieg in dem Land getroffen.

(A P)

Iran’s FM, Ansarullah Official Discuss Yemen’s Developments

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Spokesman for Yemen's Ansarullah Movement Mohammad Abdul Salam in a meeting in Muscat discussed the latest developments in Yemen.

The Iranian foreign minister underlined that Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue is the only solution to the Saudi-led crisis in Yemen.

(A P)

Houthis extremists cut man into pieces, dump his corpse afield

Houthi extremists have cut a man in Yemen's Red Sea province of Hodeidah into pieces and dumped it far from his neighborhood, local sources said.

Ghamdan News website quoted people from Bajel district in Hodeidah that a bag was found containing the dismembered corps of Suleiman Mawoodha a chieftain of a neighborhood in Bajel who'd been arrested days ago by members of theocratic militia

(* A P)

Leaked documents: Houthi officials pocketed cash from Danish Refugee Council aid project for sanitation workers

The documents show how the project became a cash cow for at least 21 Houthi officials in Hajjah

Leaked documents reveal a corruption case involving the Houthis’ new humanitarian oversight body and an international humanitarian organization in the Mahbisha district of Hajjah governorate in northwest Yemen.

The case sheds light on the inner workings of an aid project overseen by the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (SCMCHA), which the Houthis formed in early November to monitor all humanitarian projects in the country.

The project, implemented by the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), aimed to benefit 13 employees in the local public sanitation office who are part of marginalized social groups. Documents reveal that the project ultimately became a cash cow for at least 21 Houthi officials in the governorate.

The DRC allocated $31,117 to the project, but that the majority of the funds went directly to Houthi officials and other authorities, including Houthi-affiliated security and tribal figures.

Documents show that the director of Hajjah’s Cleaning and Improvement Fund, Mohammed Al-Kohlani, sent a payroll request listing the names to the Hajjah office of the SCMCHA. In turn, Alan Ali Fadhil, director of the SCMCHA’s Hajjah branch, sent a memo to the DRC detailing the case and those

(A P)

Houthis Arrest 5 Women in Sana’a

The Iran-backed Houthi militia arbitrary arrested 5 women on Sunday in the rebel-held capital Sana’a for wearing abayas that are classified to be banned by the rebels.

The abaya “cloak”, sometimes also called an aba, is a simple, loose over-garment, essentially a black robe-like dress, worn by some women in parts of the Muslim world, especially in Yemen and the Gulf countries.

According to Almasdar Online, Houthi-affiliated female squads known as Zainabiat fanned out in Sana’a’s streets to arrest women wearing colourful abayas or abayas with lace and arrested five women.

(A P)

Parliament listens to Information, Culture, Tourism Committee's recommendations

(A P)

Saudi-led puppet government targets Yemeni economy by deliberately creating inflation

Central Bank in Sana'a takes action against economic warfare

A senior financial official in the National Salvation Government has commented on the main goal the Saudi-led so-called “Hadi government” has for printing more and more Yemeni currency that is not covered by the local market.

“By flooding the local market with illegal currency, the government’s finance ministry is seeking to withdraw foreign exchange and, in turn, cause higher commodity prices,” Dr. Ahmed Hajar, Undersecretary of Planning in the Finance Ministry said in a televised interview on Sunday night.

“The Saudi-led aggression forces are disturbed by the Central Bank’s move, as an indication of its effectiveness in the face of the enemy’s bet (…) to put pressure on the home front,” he added.

The Central Bank of Yemen in the capital Sana’a decided to ban the circulation of currency printed by Hadi’s government, and give those who hold it 30 days to replace it with approved banknotes or electronic riyals.

The Yemeni government cabinet supported the actions of the Central Bank in Sana’a

On the other hand, the cabinet assured citizens that “their full rights are reserved and included in the legal procedures announced by the Central Bank, which ensured that citizens are protected from the negative impact of the illegal currency, by compensating them in the official currency of the state”.

It also condemned “the use by the coalition of aggression the printing of currency as a tool of war against the Yemeni people.”


(A P)

Yemeni Central Bank succeed in foiling US-Saudi economic war

The Undersecretary of the Yemeni Ministry of Finance for the Planning Sector, Dr. Ahmed Hajar, revealed the goal of dumping the local market in the illegal currency, which is to withdraw foreign exchange and thus further increase in its prices.
He said in a statement to Almasirah that the outrage of the US-Saudi forces from the central bank’s move is an indication of its effectiveness. "The US-Saudi aggression is at a stage were it is betting on the economic card to pressure the interior front," he explained.
The Central Bank in Sana'a started practical measures to prevent the distribution of the illegal currency and dumping of new bills.
The Yemeni market has received billions of illegal new bills without an economic need, but rather in response to the request of the US-Saudi aggression.


(A P)

[Hadi] Government: Ban of newly-printed banknotes circulation destroy Yemen’s economy

The government of Yemen said on Monday that the Houthis rebels’ ban of circulation of the newly-printed banknotes of the Yemeni national currency, harms the national economy and threatens the people’s incomes.

The Houthis-run Central Bank of Yemen in the capital Sana’a banned on Tuesday 17 December circulation and possession of the new banknotes that the legitimate government printed during the past two years.

The Houthis’ bank gave 30-day deadline to citizens of their controlled-areas to replace their cash of the new notes with electronic currency that they created for this purpose.

Yemen’s Prime Minister of the legitimate government, Maeen Abdulmalik said that the United Nations (UN) and its special envoy to Yemen must pressurize the Houthis militia to reverse the ban which increases already worsening starvation and poverty.


(A H P)

Female facebooker narrates hellish life in Houthi-held Sana'a in short story

Bushra al-Ghayli a journalist from Sana'a outskirts narrated on her facebook page today that a sick woman died after her husband hospitalized her but was not admitted since the money in his purse was all new banknotes and could not get them replaced with the old ones accepted by the government of the militia.

The man reportedly appealed to the hospital receptionists, "My wife is an inch close to death, do something for her quick." But he got no response. Moments later the wife dies.

My comment: Fact or fiction? This quite sounds like a propaganda story.

(A P)

Iranian defense minister, Yemeni envoy discuss ties in Tehran

Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami and Yemeni Ambassador in Iran Ibrahim Mohamed al-Dailami discussed issues of mutual interest in a meeting held in Tehran on Sunday.


(A P)

Yemen Houthis, Iran sign first military cooperation deal

An Ambassador appointed by Yemen’s Houthis to Tehran Ibrahim Dailami has signed a military cooperation deal with Iran, in the first such formal deal between the two parties.

“The group’s ambassador conveyed the greetings from the Minister of Defense in Sana’a, Major General Mohammad El-Atefi, and the Chief-of-Staff, Major General Mohammad Al-Ghammari, to the Iranian Minister of Defence,” praising “the cooperative relations that link the two countries at various levels and the Iranian position towards aggression against Yemen,” the Houthi affiliated Al-Masirah TV reported.

The Houthi envoy commended relations between the two countries and Tehran’s position on the aggression against Yemen, it added.

Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami stressed Tehran’s support for a political solution in Yemen, and to give the Yemenis the chance to determine the future of their country.


(A K P)

Yemenis capable of dealing major blows to invading enemy: Iran’s defense minister

Iran’s defense minister says Yemen’s armed forces have become self-sufficient in producing their needed equipment and are currently capable of dealing blows deep within the ranks of enemy forces.

Brigadier General Amir Hatami made the remarks in a meeting with the new Yemeni ambassador to Tehran, Ibrahim Mohammad al-Dailami, on Monday.

“These achievements have astonished the world and in fact Yemenis have gone the way that the Islamic Republic of Iran's Armed Forces trod during the eight years of the Sacred Defense,” the minister added, referring to the progress the Yemeni Armed Forces have made in relying on domestic experts in the field of weapons technology.

“Today, Yemen has reached a level of military capability that can penetrate deep into the enemy's front, target enemy strongholds from a distance of more than 1000 kilometers, create deterrence, and disrupt military-political security equations in the region,” Hatami further said.

(* B P)

Survivors share their sufferings while in Houthis-run prisons

Qutasih who is a school teacher of history was abducted by the Houthis rebels on 24 November 2018 while returning from his workplace.

His charge was “incitement against the Imam of the mosque who was designated by the Houthis.”.

“I was imprisoned at the Criminal Investigation Prison for 27 days because of that accusation,” said Qutasih.

“I was chained by wrists to the roof for ten hours in the interrogation room. The headsman was beating me with an electric baton on every part of my body until I lose consciousness,” Qutaish said.

“The headsman waterboarded me with dirty water after unchaining my wrists from the roof. He [the headsman] takes a 15-miniutes break and repeat the same torture technique,” he said.

Qutaish was released later with his left eye injured and remarks of brutal torture were present on various parts of his body.

He also sustained diabetes because of the torture and medical negligence in the prison.

“When anyone gets arrested by the Houthis, the questions is not when is he going to be released, but how his condition will he be when released?” an officer of the Criminal Investigation Department in the capital Sana’a said.

The officer who requested his name remain anonymous in fear of intimidation by the Houthis, said that the Houthis gunmen force officers of the criminal investigation to conduct the first interrogation and on the second day, they do their own interrogation using their own methods.

“They use us to only legalize accusations they raise against the detainees,” he said.

“They [the Houthis] request us to open investigation memos for strange accusations such as “insulting friends of Allah or befriending the Jews and the hypocrites,” the officer said.

“We do not know what questions can be asked to investigate such accusation because our task as formal policemen is to investigate criminal offenses,” he said.

Film (Arabic):

(* B P)

Houthis abduct students and take them to warfronts

Nine students of Ibb, central Yemen, who disappeared late last November were found recently fighting for the Houthis’ side against the government’s forces, local sources said.

The nine students who come from Menzel Khanis village of Al-Mashna district in Ibb governorate were abducted by the Houthis militants, taken to a sectarian Shiite training course and were transferred to the Houthis’ warfronts.

Families to the abducted students urge the Houthis’ leaders to bring back their children from the fighting fronts.

(* A P)

Houthis detained UN worker at Sana'a airport before confiscating communication devices and sending her back to Jordan

Houthis detained a UN official at Sana’a International Airport last Thursday before returning her to Jordan and confiscating her communications equipment, a source on the liaison committee that oversees implementation of Hodeidah agreement told Almasdar Online.

The Houthi argument for preventing the UN worker’s entry was that she was "close to the liaison officers of the internationally recognized government and accepted their reports of Houthi violations," alluding to a recent report that accused the rebels of more than 13,000 violations of the Hodeidah ceasefire agreement, the source said.

Houthi authorities said in a press conference in late November that the group had detained a number of UN workers on suspicion of spying, including two Jordanians who were released at that time.

(A P)

Government meeting affirms on backing central bank's measures to withdraw illegal currency

The National Salvation Government affirmed in its meeting on Sunday chaired by Abdulaziz bin Habtour, its support for measures taken by the Central Bank to withdraw illegal currency and reduce the impacts on the national economy.

The cabinet discussed economic and monetary developments in light of continuing the illegal printing of the currency by Saudi-exiled Had's government and its measure as a tool of war against the Yemeni people.

The meeting reaffirmed the move came in accordance with the war No. (57) for 2018 regarding preventing the circulation of the illegal currency.

and also

(A P)

Over 2,000 men accused of various crimes arrested in 2019

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Info Minister : Houthi militia recruitment schools’ girls must be denounced, stopped

Minister of Information Muamer Al-Iryani revealed that Iran-allied Houthi sectarian militia has embarked on systematically recruiting campaign in girls’ schools, conscripting under-age female pupils to serve in the militia’s security, intelligence and military structures called ” Azynabyat”.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) Al-Iryani said” this move is intended to recruit schools’ girls to be employed by the militiamen as secret-intelligence agents among women private sessions, carry out raids on the houses and prevent women’s protests”.

and also

(A P)

Mohammed al-Houthi vows to defend the Republic

Republican system paramount in the Revolution

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has on Saturday reaffirmed his adherence to the Republic and its principles.

“I am a republican and Yemen is a republic,” al-Houthi said in a message on his account on Twitter.

The Supreme Political Council’s member called on every republican to interact practically with principles of the Republic.

He referred to the Saudi-Emirati war coalition, which hypocritically calls for “the restoration of the republic” while getting support from the monarchy regimes that do not believe at all in the concept of republics nor the people’s right to freedom and political participation.

(A P)

US classing Houthis as religious persecutors not enough, say Yemeni activists

The designation this week puts the Yemen rebels on a list alongside ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, the Taliban and Somalia’s Al Shaba

The US decision to designate the Houthi group in the list of groups that violate religious freedoms was welcomed by the Yemeni government as a step towards a shift in US policy regarding the rebel group.

[Hadi gov.] Yemen's Deputy Human Rights Minister Majed Fadhil told The National that the move was good but more was needed.

“Designating the Houthi militia in the list of the religious freedom violators is not enough, they must be internationally prosecuted and punished for the war crimes they have been committing against the Yemeni people in general and against the religious minorities in particular,” he said.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp5

(* B P)

UAE tightening hold over highly strategic city of Mocha

Emirati invaders seeking to create separate province of Mocha in order to increase influence over strategic Red Sea access

Military sources have revealed the dimensions of the UAE’s intention to separate the city of Mocha and declaring it a new province by distancing it from the province of Taiz that it is part of.

On Monday, sources told media outlets in the southern provinces that the UAE is “trying to establish a new province in the west coast that includes al-Mocha and some Yemeni islands, and hand over its management to Tariq Afash, in order to negotiate with him in the future as an influential figure authorized to manage those areas, like the Southern Transitional Council does.”

They stressed that the UAE continues to implement its plans in Yemeni hands, in an attempt to separate Mocha from Taiz, and to besiege Hadi’s forces by drawing them into military conflicts.

The same sources explained the seriousness of the UAE plot, as it will cost Taiz its port and its important geographical location on the Red Sea, and put it into the focus of a new conflict.

The move is part of the UAE’s efforts to control coastal areas, in order to tighten its influence in order to achieve its economic objectives, as Yemen enjoys an important strategic position due to its international shipping lines.

The importance of Mocha port comes due to its proximity to the international corridor in the Red Sea

(A P)

Southern Transitional Council claims end of Hadi near

Southern Yemeni separatist figure predicts Saudi-backed politicians will flee soon

A leader in the so-called Southern Transitional Council said that “the end of Hadi and his government is near.”

Separatist politician Fadl al-Ja’adi revealed the mass departure of Hadi’s officials, and noted that those who ruled with Hadi will “leave the political scene when the negotiations for a political solution in Yemen are successful.”

Al-Ja’adi said these tools “have been part of the problem for five years of war and attrition, and therefore will not be part of the solution.”

He added that Hadi’s current officials feel that “their end is coming, so they are working to confuse the scene.”

He explained that the military mobilizations and the return of assassinations to Aden are only “the kicks of the about to be slaughtered goat” before its inevitable end.

(* B P T)

Aden's wave of assassinations: settling scores or eliminating witnesses

Against the backdrop of the Riyadh agreement and a security vacuum, the assassination spree has fueled paranoia in the interim capital

Since October, masked gunmen have assassinated seven military and security forces, three of whom were criminal investigation officers at police stations. Five of those assassinations, plus three failed attempts, occurred in the first week of December.

Assassinations are nothing new in Aden. Since its liberation from Houthis and forces loyal to ex-President Saleh in late 2015, the city has witnessed more than 100 seemingly politically-motivated killings of religious clerics, security officers, activists and state officials, most notably former Aden Governor Jaafar Saad.

But the latest wave of assassinations has focused exclusively on security and military forces loyal to both the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the internationally recognized government.

An official in Aden's securtiy sector said the masked gunmen have now moved on from targeting clerics to "eliminating witnesses," notably criminal investigation officers, who are familiar with the details of past assassinations and torture in secret prisons in Aden.

“There are those who fear that these officers would leak information pertaining to the perpetrators of some of the previous assassinations," said the official, who spoke to Almasdar Online on condition of anonymity out of safety concerns. They fear losing control of these officers as the Riyadh agreement is implemented, he said, referring to the Saudi-negotiated deal that halted spiraling clashes between STC and Hadi government forces in August. The Riyadh agreement maps out a plan to incorporate the STC into the Hadi government, but deep-seeded animosity between the groups remains.

A report by the UN Human Rights Council’s group of experts on Yemen named Aden’s pro-STC security chief Maj. Gen. Shallal Shaye’a and other STC leaders as possible suspects involved in the assassinations of religious clerics affiliated with Yemen’s dominant Islamist political party Islah, which Abu Dhabi generally regards as a Muslim Brotherhood-linked terrorist group. A Buzzfeed investigation found that the UAE hired American mercenaries to assassinate Islahi figures in Aden. No investigations into any of the assassinations by Yemeni authorities have been made public.

(A P)

Abductee tortured to death in Islah-run secret prison in Shabwa

An abductee died under torture on Monday, in one of the secrets prisons run by the Muslim Brotherhood in Shabwa governorate.
Yesslam Saleh Saeed Habtoor was abducted on Sunday, along with Ali Mohsen Al-Jaab Ba-Awdha from Mifa'a district in Shabwa by Islah militias (Muslim Brotherhood military wing) of Yemen's government, accusing them of being affiliated with Shabwa Elite Forces.
Well-informed sources said that Habtoor denied any affiliation with any person or entity, affirming that he was a bus driver in search of decent incomes and livelihood.
The same sources added that Habtoor died only 24 hours after his arrest, under brutal torture at secret detention facility created by Islah in Shabwa in order to arbitrarily arrest and charge opponents to their presence.

(A P)

Defense Minister argues to unify media message towards joint goals and national issues

Minister of Defense Lt. Gen. Muhammad Ali Al-Maqdashi stressed the important role of media in supporting the legitimate leadership and armed forces during the national battle against the Iran-backed Houthi coup militia and terrorist groups.

The Minister of Defense also highlights the importance of redoubling the media and moral efforts to keep up with the victories and covering military operations.

My comment: He’s arguing: “More propaganda, please!”

(A P)

Yemeni Prime Minister appreciates Saudi support for Yemen

(A K P)

Security authorities arrest weapon dealers in Aden

(A K P)

Pro-Saudi military commander survives assassination attempt in Aden

Security in southern city breaks down as assassinations remain common

As a part of insecurity and chaos, violent clashes erupted among factions of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council in the province, local sources reported.

The clashes erupted inside the Central Bank, as a result of disagreement over who would receive mercenary salaries first. The clashes caused three injuries, one of them a civilian.

(A K P)

Saudi-backed forces take over police camp on Socotra

Blow dealt to UAE designs for the island

Security forces of the Saudi-backed local authority on Socotra Island have taken control of a traffic police camp, sources said on Sunday.

The outgoing director of the police, Colonel Ahmed Saad al-Kadumi refused to hand over the police department and the camp to lieutenant Wasm Ali Omar, who was recently appointed.

Colonel al-Kadumi had been holed up inside the camp with UAE-backed gunmen, refusing to hand over the camp and the traffic police department.

A local source said that the security forces led by the director of security Brigadier General Faez al-Shathi, who serves in the Hadi government and Islah Party forces, took control of the camp while the forces loyal to the Emiratis withdrew.

(A K P)

Abyan .. fierce popular indignation on Islah Brotherhood militia stationed in city market of #Mehfid

In a dangerous gesture to the Kazimi community in Mehfid, the Brotherhood Militia of the Islah, stationed on Sunday in the center of the city’s Mehfid Market for a few hours, which led to massive public anger and indignation among the citizens.
Citizens in the city expressed their dissatisfaction and popular discontent towards those militias that want to convert the city’s market into military barracks

My remark: „public anger and indignation”; “Citizens in the city”: Supporters of separatists.

(A P)

STC discusses violations of Riyadh agreement by Yemen's government

The STC Presidency reiterated its rejection to all the attempts made by Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups to obstruct the Riyadh agreement, affirming at the same time, the readiness of the southern resistance in coordination with the Arab Coalition to foil all the military campaigns carried out against the South.
The STC Presidency called on the security apparatus to be on maximum alert to encounter the terrorist plots machinated against Aden and the other liberated regions of the South

(A P)

Film: Aidarous Al-Zubaidi confirms that the Riyadh agreement is a historic station

The President of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, chaired the quarterly meeting of the local leadership in the temporary capital of Aden, south of Yemen, which was held under the slogan "Towards a Creative Implementation of the Riyadh Agreement", during which he stressed that the Riyadh Agreement is a historic milestone that culminated in achieving recognition of the Council and the South and its issue In order for the people of the south to begin a new phase of struggle, by participating in international forums, the south will thus surpass the exclusion stage that they suffered during the period.

(* A P)

Dozens of women forcibly recruited in UAE intelligence service

Women and girls tricked into serving Emirati espionage

Dozens of women from Aden province have been recruited in the ranks of the Emirati intelligence service in the province by Hani bin Burik, a leading member of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council, informed sources reported on Saturday.

“About 11 girls were transferred to the UAE for training in the ranks of the Emirates Intelligence for about two months, under the pretext of qualifying them in educational courses,” the sources said.

The sources confirmed that bin Burik has repeatedly met with girls from Aden to mislead them over the UAE’s support for the girls of southern Yemen, and then send them in coordination with the Emirati Red Crescent to be recruited into the ranks of the intelligence service.

(* A P)

Southern Transitional Council in crisis amidst mass resignations

Saudi bribes suspected to be part of reason behind exodus of STC members

Saudi forces succeeded in buying loyalties of some of those who previously opposed it, such as certain leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), in the occupied province of Shabwah.

Last week witnessed the mass resignation of more than 12 leaders of the Southern Transitional Council in Shabwah province, which observers saw as a severe blow to the UAE and its main tools in Shabwah.

Observers pointed to Saudi Arabia’s success in buying loyalties, especially from anti-government parties, in order to dismantle the ranks of opponents of its policy and its aggression.

(B K P)

Film: The Huge corruption of Yemen's Legitimacy Army

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A H P)

ESCWA and SDRPY Share Visions for Yemen's Recovery and Development

A delegation from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) has visited the headquarters of the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) in Riyadh. UN Under-Secretary-General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Dr. Rola Dashti headed the delegation, accompanied by ESCWA Emerging and Conflict Related Issues Division Director Dr. Tariq Al-Alami and ESCWA Secretary-General Mr. Karim Khalil.

During the delegation's meeting with SDRPY Supervisor-General Ambassador Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jabir, directors of departments and specialists of the program, the parties exchanged views on cooperation through the exchange of knowledge and experience, and shared their visions for how to achieve concrete results in recovery and institutional capacity-building that benefit development and humanitarian projects in the Yemeni governorates.

My comment: Such a cooperation with Saudi Arabia means accepting blood money.

(* B P)

Prospects bleak for ceasefire deal in Yemen

Deal signed in Sweden last year never fully implemented

One year since a ceasefire was reached in Yemen's western province of Al-Hudaydah between the government and Houthi rebels, efforts to save the deal from total failure have been underway by the UN's special envoy for Yemen.

The deal -- brokered by the UN and signed on Dec. 13, 2018, in Stockholm, Sweden -- aimed to resolve the situation in the coastal province, exchange prisoners and detainees on both sides and lift the siege imposed by the Houthis on the central Taiz city.

But implementation of the agreement between the two sides faltered, especially with the rebel group's failure to withdraw from Al-Hudaydah's three ports as well as failure to conduct a comprehensive release of prisoners on both sides amid an exchange of accusations of responsibility for obstructing the deal.

As 2019 draws to a close without any real success, observers believe that implementation of the agreement in the coming year has become impossible.
Lack of total implementation

"The Stockholm Agreement achieved only two steps," Yemeni political analyst Marib Al-Ward told Anadolu Agency.

Al-Ward elaborated that the first step was the ceasefire in Al-Hudaydah province, "which was meant to stop the military campaign of the legitimate government and the [Saudi-led] Arab coalition to liberate Al-Hudaydah".

He argued that the agreement suspended the military actions of the Saudi-led Arab coalition and established a status quo in favor of the Houthis and their control over the city.

He stressed that there was no progress on the ground and the situation was subject to military escalation at any time, as the Houthis did not withdraw neither from Al-Hudaydah city nor its seaports.

Al-Ward stressed that even the observation points erected by the redeployment commission -- formed by the UN -- were threatened with failure due ceasefire breaches from both warring sides.

Regarding the prisoners swap, the analyst considered that "the limited prisoner exchange operations that took place were only limited concessions from both parties" as some "7,000 civilians linked to the legitimate Yemeni government were still being held in the prisons of the Houthi group."

As for lifting the siege on the city of Taiz, Al-Ward noted that "there has been no progress regarding it, except for unfulfilled international promises."

Doomed to failure

Thabet Al-Ahmadi, a political analyst, was also pessimistic about any progress on the implementation of the deal.

"The agreement was a formality …and made the Houthis a counterpart to the legitimate government," Al-Ahmadi told Anadolu Agency.

He stated that the agreement deviated from major references including UN Security Council Resolution 2216.

Drafted by members of the Saudi-led coalition and endorsed by the UNSC in April 2015, the resolution calls on the Houthis and allied forces to withdraw from all areas they have recently captured; surrender all weapons seized from state institutions; recognize President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi; and release all political prisoners.

Al-Ahmadi added that "relying on reviving the agreement today was like a dream of reviving the dead from his grave."

"The agreement will not help anything, because it is basically part of the international community's tricks on the Yemeni issue," he opined.

(* B P)

Security Council Report: January 2020 Monthly Forecast, Yemen

Expected Council Action

In January, the Council is expected to renew the mandate of the UN Mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA), which expires on 15 January 2020. The Council is also expected to receive its monthly briefing on Yemen with Special Envoy Martin Griffiths. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock may brief on the humanitarian situation, and General Abhijit Guha, the head of UNMHA and chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC), is likely to brief in consultations. The Yemen Panel of Experts is due to submit its final report to the 2140 Sanctions Committee before providing it to the Council by 28 January.

Key Recent Developments

Key Issues and Options

Restarting negotiations for a broader solution to the conflict while at the same time advancing the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement and the Riyadh Agreement are key issues.

The Yemeni government has continued to appear hesitant about restarting peace talks before the Stockholm Agreement’s implementation. The one-year anniversary of the agreement passed on 13 December 2019 with only limited progress in implementing its three components: the agreement on Hodeidah, a prisoner exchange, and a statement of understanding on Taiz.

Regarding the Riyadh Agreement, almost none of the deadlines for implementing provisions dealing with political and security arrangements have been met at press time. Restarting political talks will be contingent on the government and the STC agreeing on a joint delegation as the Riyadh Agreement specifies that the government delegation to future peace talks is to include the STC.

An issue related to future peace talks is how to make these more inclusive, involving not only the STC but other sectors of Yemeni society, such as political parties and geographical power structures not necessarily represented by the Houthis or the government, as well as women and youth. Another question is around eventually consolidating these processes under a UN-led negotiations process.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(B P)

Ignored by @CPJMENA, photojournalist Yousef AlMislab, has been tortured & facing slow death #Saudi prisons xonyroled by Abdulaziz AlHuwairi. He documented largest #Saudi domestic military operation aganst civilans #Awamiya

(* A B P)

Purged Saudi Government-backed Twitter Accounts Urged U.S.-Led Regime Change in Iran, Deflected Responsibility for Khashoggi Murder

A review of comprehensive data tied to nearly 6,000 Saudi-linked Twitter accounts has found a manipulation campaign targeting its English language messages at President Donald Trump, urging regime change in Iran, whitewashing Saudi human rights abuses in Yemen, and deflecting responsibility for the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi away from the Saudi government.

Twitter announced on Friday that it had removed the accounts, saying they violated “platform manipulation policies.” Twitter also said the accounts were the “core portion of a larger network of more than 88,000 accounts engaged in spammy behaviour across a wide range of topics,” adding that “[r]igorous investigations by our Site Integrity team have allowed us to attribute these accounts to a significant state-backed information operation on Twitter originating in Saudi Arabia.”

The accounts, which produced and amplified more than 29 million tweets, were operated by Smaat, a social media marketing company based in Saudi Arabia.

Smaat’s client list includes a number of Saudi government ministries and high-profile Saudi institutions, according to the company’s marketing materials. Smaat’s website was taken offline after Twitter made its announcement, but a promotional presentation, previously available on the website, listed as clients the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s Vision 2030 economic development program, the Saudi Ministry of Health, Saudi Aramco, the Saudi Ministry of Finance, the Saudi General Entertainment Initiative, and Alwaleed Philanthropies, a charity overseen by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud. Alwaleed was actually an early investor in Twitter and owns more than three percent of the company.

Smaat’s client list suggests their activities were frequently linked to the Saudi government, which makes the accounts’ activities targeting an English language audience even more interesting

An examination of the dataset by Responsible Statecraft found that 422,676 of more than 29 million Tweets were in English. One hundred of those English language tweets received more than 200 retweets, presumably boosted by Smaat’s efforts to amplify and widely disseminate their clients’ messages. Saudi regional rivalries and efforts to influence U.S. policymakers figured prominently in those most amplified tweets.

Thirty-five of the 100 most retweeted tweets contained the keywords “Iran,” “Trump,” “Qatar,” “Yemen,” or “Khashoggi.”

(A P)

Not only #JamalKhashoggi killers have been cleared but #Saudi spies wanted by the failing @FBI are having their portraits showcased by ministers #Riyadh yesterday. This is Badr AlAsaker on Sunday (photos)

(A P)

Saudi Arabia cuts loose with bevy of models and a rave

Supermodels and social media mavens, their makeup artists and hair stylists in tow, posed at a concert in leather pants, chunky sweaters and trendy black combat boots. What was unusual about these Instagram posts was that they were all deliberately tagged in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The bevy of Instagram stars, former Victoria’s Secret models, including Alessandra Ambrosio, and Hollywood actors like Ryan Phillipe, Ed Westwick and Wilmer Valderrama were invited to Saudi Arabia over the weekend to promote the kingdom’s most eye-popping effort yet at showcasing the dramatic changes taking hold in this country, where more than half of its 20 million citizens are under 25 years old.

The efforts are aimed at boosting the economy while polishing Saudi Arabia’s image abroad and appealing to the young. It’s a staggering pivot from just three years ago, when religious police would storm restaurants playing music and harass women in malls for showing their face or wearing red nail polish.


(A P)

'Shameless' influencers face backlash for promoting Saudi Arabia music festival

Celebrities criticised for posting about a ‘cultural revolution’ in country without mentioning human rights record

MDL Beast had all the markings of a big budget electronic music festival. The line-up included big name acts like David Guetta and Steve Aoki. The guest list featured supermodels (Joan Smalls and Alessandro Ambrosio) and actors (Armie Hammer and Ed Westwick), and there was plenty of fluorescent face paint and neon lights.

But the event was not held in the California or the Nevada desert. Instead, MDL Beast was located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The festival, which took place over the weekend, billed itself as “the region’s biggest music event”. Now many of its high profile attendees are being accused of engaging in “image rehab” for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It is not the first time western celebrities and influencers have been criticised for promoting Saudi Arabia as a tourist destination. In September, the kingdom announced it would open itself to foreign tourism. In addition to offering tourist visas, the government enacted policy changes to make the region more appealing to tourists, including allowing unmarried foreign couples to book hotel rooms together, and allowing solo female travellers to rent hotel rooms.

Following these changes a number of influencers, with follower numbers in the hundreds of thousands, accepted paid-for press trips to the kingdom, and posted fawning commentary on social media.

Journalist Yashar Ali responded by asking Hammer “Did you find Jamal Khashoggi’s body while you were there?” Podcast host and writer Aminatou Sow said on Twitter that influencer culture was “shameless”.

(A P)

Incredible message from detained Saudi activist Khaled al-Omair, written on tissue & secretly sent from jail. Announces start of hunger strike until his release, having been detained for 18 months w/o charge. Joins fellow POCs on #SaudiPOCsHungerStrike. (text in image)

(A P)

Two Saudi activists found to have been held for over two years

The group Prisoners of Conscience has revealed that the Saudi authorities have arrested two civilians more than two years ago, and held them ever since.

Both Omar Abdul Aziz al-Hamdi and Ahmed Zahir al-Muzaini were found to have been arrested in September 2017, without any legal reasons, the account said.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(** A P)

Agnes Callamard: Why the sentence today is anything BUT Justice for #JamalKhashoggi:

a) the hearings were held behind closed door even though none of the justification for holding a trial in camera under international law applied to this particular trial

b) The 18 Saudi officials, present on their own in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul for more than 10 days, cleaned up the crime scene. This is obstruction of justice and a violation of the Minnesota Protocol for the investigation of arbitrary killings (2)

c) Under international human rights law, the killing of Mr. #Khashoggi was an extrajudicial execution for which the State of #SaudiArabia is responsible. But at no point did the trial considered the responsibilities of the State.

d) The execution of #JamalKhashoggi demanded an investigation into the chain of command to identify the masterminds, as well as those who incited, allowed or turned a blind eye to the murder, such as the Crown Prince. This was not investigated.

e) The Judge appeared to have concluded that the killing of Mr. #Khashoggi was an accident since there seems to be no intent. To suggest that on the spare of the moment, the killers decided to cut down his body is utterly ridiculous. Dismemberment requires minimum planning.

f) The presence of a forensic doctor enrolled in the official killing team at least 24 hours before the crime, and discussing dismemberment 2 hours before it actually occurred, also clearly indicates planning.

g) According to my sources, the prosecutor had argued that the killing of Mr. Khashoggi had been premeditated. The Crown Prince had argued that this was an accident against the evidence. Guess who the Judge followed?

h) The defendants had repeatedly stated they were obeying orders. The prosecutor had publicly stated that Saud al-Qahtani, Crown Prince personal adviser, had demanded the abduction of Jamal Khashoggi (on the grounds he was a threat to national security.) And yet, he remains free

i) The Consul of #SaudiArabia who agreed for his Consul and office to become a crime scene was found not guilty. Even though he took all necessary precautions to ensure there will be no eye witness present in the consulate.

j) Bottom line: the hit-men are guilty, sentenced to death. The masterminds not only walk free. They have barely been touched by the investigation and the trial. That is the antithesis of Justice. It is a mockery.

k) Impunity for the killing of a journalist commonly reveals political repression, corruption, abuse of power, propaganda, and even international complicity. All are present in #SaudiArabia killing of #JamalKhashoggi. (PM me for more comments.)

(* B P)

Film: The Khashoggi Murder: Interview with Ali al Ahmed, Gulf and Terrorism Expert

Ali al Ahmed, Gulf and Terrorism Expert in interview with TRT World's Courtney Kealy shed light on Khashoggi Murder

(** A P)

Fünf Todesurteile im Mordfall Khashoggi verhängt

Ein Gericht in Saudi-Arabien hat fünf Menschen wegen des Mordes an dem regierungskritischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi zum Tode verurteilt. Das teilte die Staatsanwaltschaft in Riad am Montag mit. Drei weitere Angeklagte wurden wegen "Verschleierung des Verbrechens" zu Haftstrafen von insgesamt 24 Jahren verurteilt.

Der Prozess gegen insgesamt elf Verdächtige hatte im Januar in Riad begonnen. Menschenrechtsorganisationen hatten den saudischen Behörden vorgeworfen, eine glaubhafte Aufarbeitung des Falls zu verhindern und keinen Zugang zum Verfahren zu ermöglichen.

Die Vorwürfe gegen Saud al-Kahtani, einem der engsten Vertrauten des Kronprinzen, wurden "wegen unzureichender Beweise" nicht aufrecht erhalten. Auch der frühere Vize-Geheimdienstchef, Ahmed al-Assiri, wurde freigesprochen. Die saudiarabische Staatsanwaltschaft hatte während der Ermittlungen gesagt, dass al-Assiri die Ermordung auf Anweisung des königlichen Medienberater al-Kahtani beaufsichtigt haben soll. Sowohl al-Assiri als auch al-Kahtani waren nach dem Mord an Khashoggi ihrer Ämter enthoben worden.

(* A P)

Fünf Menschen wegen Khashoggi-Mord zum Tode verurteilt

Die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin zu dem Fall, Agnès Callamard, war hingegen zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass es glaubwürdige Hinweise auf eine mögliche persönliche Verantwortung des Kronprinzen gebe. Das jetzige Urteil kritisierte sie scharf: "Die Killer sind schuldig, zum Tode verurteilt. Die Drahtzieher kommen nicht nur frei. Sie sind von den Ermittlungen und dem Prozess kaum berührt worden. Dies ist der Gegensatz von Gerechtigkeit. Es ist eine Farce", schrieb Callamard bei Twitter.

Die türkische Regierung kritisierte das Urteil als unzulänglich. Es sei weit davon entfernt, die Erwartungen der Türkei und der internationalen Gemeinschaft zu erfüllen, hieß es in einer Erklärung von Außenamtssprecher Hami Aksoy. Das Verfahren habe nicht einmal geklärt, wo Khashoggis Leiche sei oder wer den Mord in Auftrag gegeben habe. Die Aufklärung dieses Mordes, der auf türkischem Boden begangen worden sei, sei eine "moralische Verpflichtung".

Ähnlich äußerte sich die Organisation Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG).

(* A P)

Khashoggi-Mord: Fünf Menschen zum Tode verurteilt

«Die Ermittlungen haben gezeigt, dass es zunächst keine Absichten zum Mord gab», sagte ein Sprecher der Staatsanwaltschaft bei einer Pressekonferenz. Erst als der Leiter des «Vermittlungsteams» im Konsulat erkannt habe, dass er die «Verhandlungen» mit Khashoggi nicht an einem «sicheren Ort» fortsetzen könne, sei es zum Mord gekommen. Die Entscheidung, den Kolumnisten der «Washington Post» zu töten, sei erst im Konsulat gefallen.

Gegen alle Urteile kann Berufung eingelegt werden. Die Namen der Verurteilten werden erst öffentlich gemacht, wenn der Fall abschließend verhandelt ist und die Urteile endgültig sind.

Die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin zu dem Fall, Agnès Callamard, kritisierte das Urteil als «Farce». Sie verglich ihn mit dem Mord an der Journalistin Caruana Galizia in Malta im Oktober 2017. Allein die Tatsache, dass mindestens 24 Stunden vor der Tat ein Gerichtsmediziner Teil des Tötungs-Teams gewesen sei, deute auf frühzeitige Planung hin.;art2801,7059624

(B P)

Fünf Todesstrafen im Fall Khashoggi

Zudem sind die "Liberalisierungen" in Saudi-Arabien, wie auch die Todesurteile im Fall Khashoggi, ein Signal nach außen – vor allem an die USA. Saudi-Arabien ist der wichtigste Verbündete Washingtons im Mittleren Osten. US-Präsident Donald Trump hat den Mord an Khashoggi zwar verurteilt, Kronprinz bin Salman aber immer verteidigt.

Das Ansehen bin Salmans hat der Fall also durchaus beschädigt. Wurde der junge Thronfolger zuvor von Staatsführern und Unternehmern als mutiger Reformer gefeiert, der Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft des Königreichs öffnet, wird er heute von vielen früheren Verbündeten im Westen gemieden.

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Zum Schutz des Kronprinzen

Die Kleinen hängt man, die Großen lässt man laufen. Das Urteil, das ein Gericht in Riad im Fall Khashoggi gesprochen hat, scheint ein Beispiel für das Sprichwort zu sein, kommentiert Carsten Kühntopp. Dem Westen gegenüber tut sich das Königshaus mit seinem Umgang mit dem Fall keinen Gefallen.

Das riecht nicht gut. Es scheint, als seien Al-Qahtani und Al-Asiri deshalb ungeschoren davon gekommen, weil sie eine direkte Verbindung zum Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman hatten. Doch ihn wollen die Saudis schützen, um alles in der Welt.

Der Gerichtssprecher sagte, Khashoggis Tötung sei nicht geplant gewesen; zwischen dem Opfer und den Tätern habe zuvor „keine Feindseligkeit“ bestanden. Vielmehr hätten die saudischen Agenten kurz entschlossen und ohne Absprache mit ihren Vorgesetzten Khashoggi getötet, als klar geworden sei, dass man ihn nicht in ein Safehouse bringen könne. Diese Darstellung ist nicht glaubwürdig, die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin Agnes Callamard nennt sie gar „lächerlich“. Wenn keine Tötungsabsicht bestand – warum war ein Gerichtsmediziner mit Knochensäge unter den Agenten?

Mag sein, dass mit diesem Urteil der Fall Khashoggi für die Saudis erledigt ist. Für große Teile des Rests der Welt ist es das nicht. Der Prozess diente nicht der Aufklärung, sondern der Vertuschung. Nach wie vor gibt es kein Vertrauen in die saudische Justiz.

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Jamal Khashoggi: Fünf Menschen zum Tode verurteilt - scharfe Kritik an Urteilen

Jamal Khashoggi: Fünf Menschen zum Tode verurteilt - hat man sich so der Mord-Zeugen entledigt?

Die USA haben die fünf Todesurteile im Fall des ermordeten saudiarabischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi begrüßt. Ein Vertreter des US-Außenministeriums sagte am Montag, es handle sich um einen "wichtigen Schritt", um die Verantwortlichen für dieses "schreckliche Verbrechen" zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Die USA würden von Saudi-Arabien aber "mehr Transparenz" verlangen. Auch müssten alle Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.

Die Journalistenvereinigung Reporter ohne Grenzen nannte das Urteil eine „Missachtung der Gerechtigkeit“. Generalsekretär Christophe Deloire sagte, es könne „ein Mittel sein, um die Zeugen des Mordes für immer zum Schweigen zu bringen“. Der Geschäftsführer von Reporter ohne Grenzen in Deutschland, Christian Mihr, forderte „die vollständige Aufklärung des Verbrechens inklusive der Bestrafung der Drahtzieher und der politisch Verantwortlichen“.

Menschenrechtsorganisationen hatten den saudischen Behörden vorgeworfen, eine glaubhafte Aufarbeitung des Falls zu verhindern und keinen Zugang zum Verfahren zu ermöglichen. Human Rights Watch sprach etwa von „Verschleierung“ der Details. Es sei nicht klar, ob die Angeklagten Zugang zu angemessenen Verteidigern und Chancen auf ein faires Verfahren hätten, teilte Amnesty International im Oktober zum ersten Jahrestag des Mordes mit. Unbekannt sei auch, wo sich die Überreste Khashoggis befinden und ob diese seiner Familie übergeben worden seien.

und auch

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EU kritisiert Todesstrafen im Mordfall Khashoggi scharf

Ein Gericht in Saudi-Arabien hat fünf Angeklagte im Fall des ermordeten Journalisten zum Tode verurteilt. Die Europäische Union wird daraufhin grundsätzlich.

Im Fall des Mords am regierungskritischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi hat die EU das in Saudi-Arabien gefällten Todesurteile gegen fünf Angeklagte scharf kritisiert. „Die Europäische Union lehnt die Todesstrafe immer und ohne Ausnahme ab“, sagte ein Sprecher des EU-Außenbeauftragten Josep Borrell am Dienstag in Brüssel. Dies sei eine grausame und unmenschliche Strafe, die nicht abschreckend wirke und eine inakzeptable Verleumdung menschlicher Würde sei.

Die Regierung in Ankara will die Aufklärung weiter vorantreiben. „Wir werden den Fall weiter verfolgen, ganz gleich, wie hoch hinauf das führen wird“, sagte der türkische Regierungssprecher Fahrettin Altun.

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The Saudi Sentences in Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Case Are a Mockery of Justice

The outcome was, in the words of human-rights experts with whom I spoke after the verdict was announced, “typical Saudi justice.” The trial was held in secret. The government’s evidence was never publicly released. The convicted were never named, even in the verdict. And the few diplomats allowed to attend the trial had to swear that they would not disclose any details or identities. Most strikingly, the three men widely believed to be ultimately responsible for Khashoggi’s murder—including the powerful crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, his close adviser, Saud al-Qahtani, and the former deputy head of intelligence, Ahmed al-Assiri—got off scot-free. “This is not a surprise. It is true to form,” Sarah Leah Whitson, the executive director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch, told me. “The Saudis are compounding their stream of laughable lies with a laughable verdict.”

Both the C.I.A. and the U.N. implicated M.B.S., as the crown prince is commonly known, in Khashoggi’s murder.

M.B.S.’s culpability—and premeditation—was the issue implicitly on trial. The kingdom originally lied, saying that Khashoggi had walked out of the consulate shortly after he’d arrived.

The U.N.’s report, released in June, concluded that “every expert consulted finds it inconceivable that an operation of this scale could be implemented without the Crown Prince being aware, at a minimum, that some sort of mission of a criminal nature, directed at Mr. Khashoggi, was being launched.” But, in announcing the verdict, the Saudi deputy public prosecutor, Shalaan al-Shalaan, declared that the investigation showed that “the killing was not premeditated. The decision was taken at the spur of the moment.”

The outcome triggered disbelief among Saudi experts. “Are we to believe these individuals conceived, planned, and executed the operations without direction and authority from Saudi leadership? Not likely,” James Smith, a former U.S. Ambassador to the kingdom, told me. “The Saudis do not want to solve the case. They want it to go away.”

Qahtani, the prince’s adviser, was also not on trial, despite widespread indications that he played a central role in the Khashoggi murder.

Whitson said, “Given that the chief architects of this murder were not even investigated or indicted—and I mean Qahtani and M.B.S.—there is no doubt that this trial was merely a mechanism to offer a theatre of process devoid of substance.”

Adam Coogle, a Saudi specialist at Human Rights Watch, noted that the prosecutor’s office is under the direct supervision of the royal court, so there is no meaningful independence from top Saudi leadership. “It appears that this entire investigation and trial was done at least in part to shield top leaders from accountability,” he told me.

Although the names of the eight men convicted have not been published, Callamard identified the five men facing the death penalty in June. They included Salah Mohammed Tubaigy, a forensic doctor with the interior ministry, who dismembered the body, and Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, an intelligence officer who was often photographed with the crown prince during his foreign travels, including to the United States last year, just months before the Khashoggi murder. He also worked with Qahtani. The other three are reportedly Fahad Shabib Albalawi, Turki Muserref Alshehri, and Waleed Abdullah Alshehri. The U.N. rapporteur said the defense team argued that the men were all merely carrying out orders from state institutions.

The consensus among experts is that the trial’s conclusion has not ended the controversy for the crown prince – by Robin Wright

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'Mockery of justice’ after Saudis convict eight over Khashoggi killing

Court exonerates crown prince’s inner circle of involvement in murder of dissident journalist

Saudi Arabia has been accused of engaging in a mockery of justice by shielding the alleged masterminds of the killing of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, after a court effectively exonerated Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s inner circle of involvement in the murder.

The findings [of Saudi prosecutor] contradict the conclusion of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies that Prince Mohammed directly ordered Khashoggi’s assassination, an allegation the kingdom has strenuously denied. Qahtani, along with 16 other Saudis, was sanctioned by the US last year for his alleged role in the killing.

Turkey’s foreign ministry also said the judgment was “far from meeting … expectations” on delivering justice. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s top press aide, Fahrettin Altun, tweeted: “To claim that a handful of intelligence operatives committed this murder is to mock the world’s intelligence.”

Fred Ryan, the publisher and chief executive of the Washington Post, for whom Khashoggi wrote a column about foreign affairs, said: “The complete lack of transparency and the Saudi government’s refusal to cooperate with independent investigators suggests that this was merely a sham trial.”

The identities of the convicted men were not immediately confirmed by Saudi officials. Most observers, including UN investigators, have been repeatedly barred from hearings, although a handful of diplomats, including from Turkey, as well as members of Khashoggi’s family, were allowed to attend the sessions.

The death penalty in Saudi Arabia is carried out by beheading. The convicted defendants may appeal against the preliminary verdicts, the prosecutor’s office said.

Cengiz said the announcement was “not acceptable”. “As we will never forget you, we will not forget your murderers, and also those who are trying to cover up your murder,” she wrote on Twitter.

Salah, one of Khashoggi’s sons, said his family had achieved justice thanks to the verdict of Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor.

According to the Washington Post, the journalist’s four adult children have received payments and property from the royal family as blood money in lieu of a public apology.

and also

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Saudi Arabia's Khashoggi verdict is a mockery of justice

The result is an insult to Khashoggi’s family and to all those, including a bipartisan congressional majority, who have demanded genuine accountability in the case. International acceptance of the result would not only be morally wrong but dangerous, too: It would send the reckless Saudi ruler the

Saudi Arabia has delivered a shameful travesty of justice for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Following a closed trial, authorities announced Monday that five people implicated in the Oct. 2, 2018, killing had been sentenced to death, and three more were given prison sentences. None were named. But two men who are known to have directed the operation, former deputy chief of intelligence Ahmed al-Assiri and Saud al-Qahtani, a top aide to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, were exonerated. Most likely they were excused at the direction of the crown prince, who, according to the CIA, is the real author of the crime. =

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Film: Saudi verdict on Khashoggi's killing dismissed as 'mockery'

The UN has called the convictions a ‘mockery’ of justice

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Film: Five sentenced to death over Jamal Khashoggi's murder

To discuss this latest news we start with our correspondent Mohammed Adow who is live in Antakya in southern Turkey, near the border with Syria. Mehmet Celik also joins us from Istanbul where he is the managing editor of the Daily Sabah, an English language newspaper. Lastly, we speak to Al Jazeera's Senior Political Analyst Marwan Bishara on the line from Doha.

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Factbox: Who are Saudis under spotlight over Khashoggi's killing?

Saudi Arabia on Monday sentenced five people to death and three more to jail terms totaling 24 years over the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul in October last year.

The Saudi public prosecutor did not name the sentenced individuals on Monday. But the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, in a report issued in June, identified 11 individuals on trial and those facing death sentences, based on information from various governments’ sources.

Following are profiles of some of those who have been held, investigated, or fired in Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi case, based on media reports and photos, plus information from officials and sources.


Tubaigy is a forensic expert at the Saudi interior ministry’s criminal evidence department, according to a biography by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

In the Istanbul operation, he was supposed to remove evidence such as fingerprints or proof of the use of force, according to the Saudi official. Tubaigy does not appear to have been a core team member but to have been specifically recruited to dispose of the body, the U.N. report said.

Also facing death sentences were FAHAD SHABIB AL-BALAWI and WALEED ABDULLAH AL-SHEHRI, both members of the Saudi Royal Guard, and TURKI MUSERREF AL-SHEHRI, an intelligence officer, according to the U.N. report. The three were among 10 Saudi officials listed in the report as being at the consulate at the time of the murder.


The former deputy head of general intelligence was among those sacked by King Salman. The prosecutor said he ordered the operation to repatriate - but not kill - Khashoggi. The deputy public prosecutor said on Monday he was acquitted for insufficient evidence.


Qahtani, seen as the right-hand man to Prince Mohammed, was removed as a royal court adviser and is the highest-profile figure implicated in the incident.

Qahtani was questioned by the public prosecutor but not charged.

My comment: Catching the small fry and letting the big fish go free.

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Saudi sentences five to death, three to jail over Khashoggi killing

Saudi Arabia on Monday sentenced five people to death and three more to jail terms totaling 24 years over the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul in October last year.

Saudi Deputy Public Prosecutor and spokesman Shalaan al-Shalaan, reading out the verdict in the trial, said the court dismissed charges against the remaining three of the 11 people that had been on trial, finding them not guilty.

In the investigation into the murder, 21 were arrested and 10 were called in for questioning without arrest, Shalaan said.

Riyadh’s criminal court pronounced the death penalty on five individuals, whose names have not yet been released, “for committing and directly participating in the murder of the victim”.

The three sentenced to prison were given various sentences totaling 24 years “for their role in covering up this crime and violating the law”.

Shalaan added that the investigations proved there was no “prior enmity” between those convicted and Khashoggi.

The verdicts can still be appealed.

Last November the Saudi prosecutor said that Saud al-Qahtani, a former high-profile Saudi royal adviser, had discussed Khashoggi’s activities before he entered the Saudi consulate with the team which went on to kill him.

The prosecutor said Qahtani acted in coordination with deputy intelligence chief Ahmed al-Asiri, who he said had ordered Khashoggi’s repatriation from Turkey and that the lead negotiator on the ground then decided to kill him.

Both men were dismissed from their positions but while Asiri went on trial, Qahtani did not.

On Monday Shalaan said Asiri has been released due to insufficient evidence, and Qahtani had been investigated but was not charged and had been released.

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Saudi sentences 5 to death for Jamal Khashoggi’s killing

After holding nine sessions, the trial concluded that there was no previous intent by those found guilty to murder, according to a statement read by Shaalan al-Shaalan, a spokesperson from the attorney general’s office, and broadcast on state TV. Al-Shaalan said the attorney general’s office is looking into the verdicts to see whether it will appeal.

The trials of the accused were carried out in near-total secrecy, though a handful of diplomats, including from Turkey, as well as members of Khashoggi’s family were allowed to attend the sessions.

Agnes Callamard, a U.N. special rapporteur who authored an inquiry into Khashoggi’s killing, has previously said the search for justice must not be left to the Saudi judicial system, which is “so vulnerable to political interference.”

Callamard reacted to the verdicts announced from Riyadh by tweeting that “the travesty of investigation, prosecution and justice continues” in Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, numerous critics of the Saudi crown prince remain imprisoned and face trial for their acts of dissent.

In Turkey, Yasin Aktay, a member of Turkey’s ruling party and a friend of Khashoggi’s, criticized the verdict, saying the Saudi court had failed to bring the real perpetrators to justice. Her also lamented that the trial was not transparent.

“The prosecutor sentenced five hit men to death but did not touch those who were behind the five,” Aktay told The Associated Press. “These are people who cannot even use the bathroom without the permission of their superiors.”

“The verdict neither meets the expectations of the public conscience nor the feeling of justice,” he said.

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No names of convicted officials in #khashoggi killing were released according to article 68 of the criminal procedure law, apparently publishing the women activists’ names on national media as traitors before their investigations or trials is not: (image)

and by Saudi Press Agency:

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Public Prosecutor Issues a Statement Regarding the Murder of Citizen Jamal Khashoggi

Following up on the previous statements issued by the Public Prosecutor on 19/10/2018 and 25/10/2018 and 15/11/2018 and 13/1/2019 regarding the murder of citizen Jamal bin Ahmed bin Hamza Khashoggi (may his soul Rest In Peace).
The Public Prosecution stated that it has concluded its investigations and due process in this case which included (31) individuals, of whom (21) individuals have been arrested, and (10) individuals have been called in for questioning without arrest as there was no basis for their detention.
The investigation yielded the following:
First, the indictment of (11) individuals in this case and the filing of criminal charges against these individuals in the Criminal Court of Riyadh.
Second, the Criminal Court of Riyadh rendered its decision regarding the (11) individuals who were indicted and charged as follows:
1- capital punishment for (5) individuals for committing and directly participating in the murder of the victim.
2- different sentences amounting to a total of (24) years in prison for (3) individuals for their role in covering up this crime and violating the law.
3- the Court dismissed the Public Prosecutor’s charges against (3) individuals and found them to be not guilty.
Third, the Public Prosecution did not file charges against (10) individuals and released them due to insufficient evidence.
The Public Prosecution stated that it will review the Court’s decision and decide whether it will file an appeal at the Appellate Court.


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National Society for Human Rights Welcomes Preliminary Ruling of the Court in the Khashoggi Murder Case

The National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) has welcomed today's preliminary ruling of the court in the case of Jamal Khashoggi murder

Al-Qahtani pointed out that these rulings issued today affirmed the keenness of the authorities in light of the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on this case which decisively sought to hold accountable all those who participated in this crime in a manner that achieves justice and preserves the rights of the relatives of the victim, stressing that this ruling puts an end against anyone who tried to use this case to offend the Kingdom's reputation and leadership.
The NSHR Chairman said that the time has come to stop this organized campaign that targeted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an entity with the aim of undermining its reputation politically and economically as well as its record of human rights.
The trial sessions were attended by human rights bodies and foreign diplomats. The relatives of the victim attended the session of issuing the ruling.


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Deputy Public Prosecutor : The defendants in the Khashoggi killing case were heard in nine sessions and the verdict was issued in the tenth session

He also added that the case of the defendants was examined in nine sessions, and the verdict was issued in the tenth session, which allowed the attendance of those interested in this regard, and the children of the victim and their lawyer as well as representatives of the embassies of the five permanent members of the Security Council.
In a question that reads: “Was Turkey cooperating and did it provide any assistance in the investigations?” the Deputy Public Prosecutor replied that the Public Prosecution sent 13 letters rogatory to the Turkish side to provide the Public Prosecution in the Kingdom with the available evidence from the crime scene sites. However, no letters were received except one pertaining Saudi Consul, Mohammed Al-Otaibi, who was released through the Public Prosecution. This letter rogatory included witnesses' testimony from the Turkish nationality that the Saudi consul was with them on the day of the crime, where he was on an official leave.
He said that the Public Prosecutor's investigations showed that there was no prior intention to kill at the beginning of this mission and the killing was instantaneous when the leader of the negotiating team visited the consulate headquarters and found it impossible to transfer the victim Jamal Khashoggi to a safe place to complete negotiations with him, after that it was agreed and consulted with the head of the negotiation and the perpetrators to kill the victim inside the consulate. The Deputy Public Prosecutor stressed that the investigations showed that there was no previous hostility between the perpetrators and the victim.
The Deputy Public Prosecutor confirmed that all those suspected of involving in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi were investigated by the Public Prosecution, and whoever was found guilty by investigation was referred to the court.

as a reminder:

and how Iran has reported:

Comments: None of the killers of #JamalKhashoggi will see a day in prison of face death. This is a typical #Saudi charade. Meanwhile 15 year old #Abdullah was sentenced to beheading at the footsteps of @NEOM

#Saudi Deputy Prosecutor & spokesman concludes that #Khashoggi's killing was "not premeditated". It was a "spur of the moment" decision I don't know about him, but I've never popped a bone-saw into my luggage just in case it comes in handy

Let me frank! The South African Apartheid court system is much better than the backward, sectarian, racist, & sexist #Saudi court system. Media should discuss address the nature of Saudi court & persecutor office.

Senior Saudi officials continue to escape accountability for the state-sponsored murder of Jamal Khashoggi. The Trump Administration should be demanding justice for the brutal killing of a journalist and VA resident instead of ignoring the CIA’s assessment of who killed him.

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Khashoggi's son says justice has been achieved in his father's case: tweet

The son of slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi said on Monday his family had achieved justice thanks to the verdict of Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor.

“Today we have been granted justice as the children of the deceased, God willing, Jamal Khashoggi. We affirm our confidence in the Saudi judiciary at all levels, that it has been fair to us and that justice has been achieved,”

My comment: Is he still in Saudi Arabia? This would explain such a statement.


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U.S. sees Saudi trial as 'important step': senior U.S. official

“This is an important step in holding those responsible for this terrible crime accountable, and we encourage Saudi Arabia to continue with a fair and transparent judicial process,” said the official, who did not wish to be otherwise identified.

My comment: What a strange procedure for an official statement.

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Turkey says Saudi ruling on Khashoggi murder far from serving justice

“The ruling announced far from meeting the expectations of our country and the international community that this murder is uncovered in all its aspects, and that justice is served,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hami Aksoy said in a statement.

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Saudi Arabia 'trampled' on justice in Khashoggi murder trial, media watchdog RSF says

Justice was "trampled" on with the death sentence meted out on Monday to five Saudis for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Paris-based media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders said.

The group's secretary general, Christophe Deloire, tweeted that the sentences "can be interpreted as a means to permanently silence the suspects, a way to prevent them from speaking to better cover up the truth."

The trial, which had taken place behind closed doors, "did not respect international standards of justice," he said, adding: "Justice has been trampled on."

"The opacity of the procedure and the concealment of evidence does not allow us to get an idea" of why several others were convicted or acquitted, said Deloire, insisting: "We still expect a full accounting."

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UN: SecGen calls for 'independent and impartial' probe after Riyadh sentences 5 to death over Khashoggi murder

Commenting on Saudi Arabia's sentencing of five people to death for an alleged involvement in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General of the United Nations Stephane Dujarric stressed out the need for "an independent and impartial investigation" into the murder to ensure "full examination of and accountability for human rights violations committed in the case." Dujarric spoke in New York City on Monday. "The Secretary-General continues to stress the need for an independent and impartial investigation into the murder to ensure full examination of and accountability for human rights violations committed in the case. The Secretary-General also reiterates the UN's commitment to ensuring freedom of expression and protection of journalists as well as our long-standing opposition to the death penalty," said Dujarric (with film)

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Saudi Arabia: Khashoggi verdict a whitewash

Responding to a Saudi Arabian court’s sentencing of five people to death and three others to prison for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty International’s Middle East Research Director, said:

“This verdict is a whitewash which brings neither justice nor the truth for Jamal Khashoggi and his loved ones. The trial has been closed to the public and to independent monitors, with no information available as to how the investigation was carried out.

“The verdict fails to address the Saudi authorities’ involvement in this devastating crime or clarify the location of Jamal Khashoggi’s remains.

“Saudi Arabia’s courts routinely deny defendants access to lawyers and condemn people to death following grossly unfair trials. Given the lack of transparency from the Saudi authorities, and in the absence of an independent judiciary, only an international, independent and impartial investigation can serve justice for Jamal Khashoggi.”

and all the well-known Saudi sycophants are praising this farce trial:

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Kuwait affirms that judiciary's rulings in Khashoggi murder case reflect commitment to principles of law

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President of the Arab Parliament welcomes the issuance of primary rulings on the Khashoggi murder case

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Saudi Press: KSA and Transparency of Judiciary

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UAE: Saudi judiciary's rulings regarding Khashoggi murder confirm Kingdom's commitment to implementing law in all transparency and fairness

auf Deutsch:

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Bahrain Says Saudi Court Rulings Reflect Judiciary Integrity

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President of the Human Rights Commission: "The judgment is evidence of integrity, independence, and efficiency of the judiciary system in the Kingdom."

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Council of Senior Scholars: Kingdom is continuing to achieve justice in case of citizen Jamal Khashoggi, and judiciary is independent authority, and criminal punishment is not imposed until after conviction has been proven

cp9 USA

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How Democrats, Republicans And Jared Kushner United To Protect Saudi Arabia

“I wasn’t f**king caving,” said Adam Smith, chair of the House Armed Services Committee, as lawmakers and human rights advocates traded barbs.

President Donald Trump has used his veto power four times to shield Saudi Arabia from bipartisan congressional rebukes. A defense bill that landed on his desk this week might have forced him to use his veto pen again — or sign the bill and finally put pressure on the kingdom over the war in Yemen and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But Congress sent Trump legislation free of tough measures against the Saudis. On Friday, he signed it into law.

In presenting Trump with a defense bill free of anti-Saudi measures, Capitol Hill squandered its latest chance to enact a policy — an end to U.S. support for the Saudis’ military intervention in Yemen — that’s been approved by both chambers and won the support of a crucial number of Republicans and essentially the entire Democratic Party.

The story of how that happened is one of broken promises, given that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) assured critics of the Yemen war that Democratic control of the House meant the issue would be a priority.

It’s also a story of political failure, given how rarely Congress comes so close to securing meaningful change on foreign policy and how clear it is that the time is ripe for a reset in U.S.-Saudi relations. And it’s a story of anger, pain and finger-pointing among a coalition of politicians and activists that’s worked for years to notch high-profile wins — as well as a test of whether that alliance can hold to address a situation in which the U.S. is implicated in the deaths of thousands of civilians and the risk of starvation for more than 14 million people.

“Yemen should never have been on the table to negotiate,” said Kate Kizer, the policy director at the progressive group Win Without War. “It’s mind-blowingly bad and really unacceptable.”

“It’s just like a punch to the stomach,” said Jehan Hakim, the chair of the Yemeni Alliance Committee, a Yemeni-American advocacy organization.

A clear picture of why things ended up this way matters for the movement to force accountability for the war — which the United Nations blames for the worst humanitarian crisis in the world — and to put an end to it by withdrawing U.S. support for the Saudis’ operations and making the kingdom more serious about peace talks with its opponents in Yemen. It’s also important for the question of whether Washington can ever adopt a more restrained foreign policy complete with constitutionally mandated oversight and a greater respect for human rights.

Early Hope But Old Cynicism

The Blame Game

Congressional negotiators were squabbling over the Saudi-focused amendments right down to the GOP’s final deadline, in early December. They had company: Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and a top White House adviser, was personally involved.

Kushner took a particular interest in the provisions targeting Saudi Arabia, Smith told HuffPost. A Hill source involved in the negotiations said Kushner’s role was expansive in a way that raised questions: “Why would we give him that kind of authority? ... Kushner was literally drafting it.”

That high-level interest from the notoriously Saudi-friendly Trump White House seems to have been the nail in the coffin for the proposals, which were already facing opposition from hawks, lobbyists for Riyadh and the influential defense industry.

Multiple congressional and activist sources said the trouble was that Democratic leaders, particularly in the House, didn’t prioritize Yemen. Pelosi and her team pointed to other wins in the bill

The Next Fight ― And The Next Win

The clearest lesson for the antiwar movement is that it hasn’t won quite as much support as it needs to, particularly in a Republican Party that’s currently of many minds on foreign policy – by Akbar Shaid Ahmed

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Does the U.S. Actually Care About Human Rights in the Middle East?

VICTIMS OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES perpetrated by Middle Eastern governments, along with their advocates, gathered at the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill on Nov. 21 to implore the U.S. government to place greater value on human rights in its foreign policy. The National Interest Foundation sponsored the event.

Numerous speakers noted that the U.S. approach to human rights violations is steeped in hypocrisy. They pointed out that abuses committed by foes such as Iran and Syria are continually highlighted, while those perpetrated by countries that have an amicable relationship with the U.S., such as Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia, are overlooked or downplayed.

Doug Bandow, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, challenged the notion that security and oil interests ought to be given higher priority than human rights. Given its status as a superpower, he finds it concerning and bizarre that fear of angering less powerful nations directs policy away from human rights. “The U.S. should disentangle itself from a number of these countries,” he said. “The admonition to first do no harm would be a very good starting point for American foreign policy.”

As one example, she noted the suffering inflicted on Palestinians as a result of U.S. military and diplomatic support for Israel. “Let’s put aside the notion of democracy promotion and just stop aiding a government that continues to massacre protesters in Gaza and that continues to destroy Palestinian homes,” she implored.

Bandow said the U.S. placing devastating sanctions on Iran discredits the oft-repeated line that the U.S. supports the struggle for human rights in Iran. “To stand and scream about human rights when you’re doing your best to impoverish and starve the people in that country doesn’t give you much credibility,” he argued. “If you want to have any improvement in human rights in Iran, it would be useful to have some positive tools to use. It’s very hard to do that when you’ve sanctioned everything that exists on earth dealing with Iran.”

Amel Ahmed, a journalist covering the Yemen war, emphasized that Jamal Khashoggi is representative of the struggle for freedom throughout the region. “At the moment there are millions of Khashoggis who cry out for freedom and dream of a better future,” she said. “Who will elevate their voices? You cannot obtain justice for Khashoggi without including the voices of other Arab reformers and dissidents who have been driven under ground and silenced.”

(* B P)

Why Did So Many Democrats Vote for Trump's Defense Budget?

What follows is a conversation between the Friends Congressional National Legislative Committee’s Hassan El-Tayyab and Sharmini Peries of The Real News Network.

HET: So that’s, in and of itself, really disturbing. But there are also a lot of House passed provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act and a lot of those were stripped out in conference. And we were working to try to preserve the provision to end US support for the war in Yemen, to repeal the 2002, outdated Iraq AMF. Again, we have not used that as a primary justification for use of force, in about seven or eight years. And also trying to prevent Trump from a sending us into an unauthorized war against Iran. And all of those provisions were stripped out, despite tireless lobbying by so many advocates around the country and in DC. So overall, the Democrats, they didn’t get what I think they could have gotten had they taken a firmer stance and were willing to go to the mat to protect all of these provisions.

I think the whole peace community and a lot of people are outraged right now at the leadership, for pushing through this deal that has no progressive foreign policy attached to it.

So, I don’t really understand why those provision, the major wins on this bill, for the Democratic side, or the progressive side, were all domestic policy-related.

(*B H K P)

Tomgram: Andrea Mazzarino, How War Targets the Young

As my colleagues Catherine Lutz, Neta Crawford, and I learned when we started the Costs of War Project in 2011, it’s pretty hard to quantify the indirect human costs of war, particularly those that manifest themselves in mental illness or chronic injuries among soldiers, civilians, and their families, in people eternally grieving or struggling to adjust to worlds that have often been turned upside down.

In June 2016, for instance, I spoke with a Human Rights Watch analyst who was doing research on what the Saudi-led, American-backed counterinsurgency war in Yemen meant in terms of attacks on schools. As of then, more than three quarters of that country’s schools had already been closed due to insecurity. Most schools that had sustained direct damage in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, she told me, had not actually been directly targeted by Saudi-led forces. They had been grim collateral damage from air strikes on nearby suspected weapons caches and the like. Yet the consequences of such bombings have been immense and intense.

In Yemen in 2015, 1.85 million children could not take their final school exams. That’s a population larger than Philadelphia’s and that was just in the first year of an American-supported war that would only get worse (and worse and worse). War, in other words, is not just a conflict between states, not when the children who live through it (and the chaos that invariably follows in its wake) can’t do what anyone should be able to do to grow up in a reasonable way, no less sustain civilization -- namely, learn to read, write, listen to others of varying viewpoints, and do the kinds of math and critical thinking that should help them anticipate the consequences of similar war-making decisions themselves one day.

Of course, when it comes to attacks on education, bombs dropping on schools barely scratch the surface of the damage caused by this century’s forever wars. A few years ago, I conducted research for the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), which reported on how wars around the world affected education. In the process, to my grief, I learned about all kinds of not-so-obvious ways in which students are forced to participate in conflicts that should have nothing to do with them.

At home or abroad, whether we know it or not, in the post-9/11 years, war has targeted the young. It’s not a pretty sight.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Zarif meets Omani officials, Ansarullah spokesman in Muscat

During a visit to Muscat, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has held talks with Omani officials and the spokesman of Yemen's Houthi Ansarullah movement.

Zarif held the second round of discussions with his Omani counterpart, Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah, on Tuesday.

Bilateral relations between the two countries, especially economic and trade issues, were the most important topics discussed at the meeting.

(A P)

Iran starts new operations at heavy water reactor

Iran began new operations on Monday at a heavy water nuclear reactor, the head of the country’s nuclear agency said. The move was seemingly designed to intensify pressure on Europe to find an effective way around U.S. sanctions that block Tehran’s oil sales abroad.

Starting up the Arak heavy water reactor’s secondary circuit doesn’t violate Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. But it does inch Tehran’s program closer toward weapons-grade levels.

(A P)

US has no choice but to abandon 'maximum pressure': Rouhani

Making the remarks Monday in a meeting with the visiting India’s External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Rouhani said that “in current circumstances that America is standing against nations with unilateral sanctions, we should try to preserve our bilateral ties and cooperation.”

“These conditions are transient and America has no choice but to abandon maximum pressure against Iran before or after its presidential elections," he said.

(* A P)

Iran refutes Reuters’ report on riot death toll

An official at Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) has categorically dismissed a report by the Reuters news agency that claimed a death toll of around 1,500 people during recent riots over fuel price hikes.

The London-based news outlet said in a report on Monday that, “About 1,500 people were killed during less than two weeks of unrest that started on November 15, including at least 17 teenagers and about 400 women as well as some members of the security forces and police.”

In an interview with Tasnim news agency, head of the SNSC’s Information and Communications Secretariat dismissed the Reuters’ report and said such claims were based on “false propaganda.”

“Such types of news writing and making accusations are by no means a complicated task. These claims are leveled based on a set of premeditated psychological warfare and lack credibility,” Alireza Zarifian Yeganeh said.

“The protestations that Reuters made in its report are totally worthless not only in terms of security issues and intelligence but in the field of news and media, and will damage the already-tarnished credibility of this agency,” he added.

referring to

(* B P)

Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'

After days of protests across Iran last month, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared impatient. Gathering his top security and government officials together, he issued an order: Do whatever it takes to stop them.

That order, confirmed by three sources close to the supreme leader’s inner circle and a fourth official, set in motion the bloodiest crackdown on protesters since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

About 1,500 people were killed during less than two weeks of unrest that started on Nov. 15. The toll, provided to Reuters by three Iranian interior ministry officials, included at least 17 teenagers and about 400 women as well as some members of the security forces and police.

The toll of 1,500 is significantly higher than figures from international human rights groups and the United States. A Dec. 16 report by Amnesty International said the death toll was at least 304.

(* B P)

Iran And The Great Power Politics Of The Middle East – Analysis

This article intends to bring before the general readers, a first hand idea of Iran’s role in geopolitics of Middle East since the Islamic Republic’s inception after the Islamic Revolution in 1979. It analyses what role does religious fundamentalism plays in formulation of Iran’s foreign policy. It talks about Iran’s Hybrid warfare strategy which it practices through its Shia militias in the region. The piece also focuses upon the role of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its foreign wing the Quds Force in Iranian politics and security decisions. It focuses upon Iran’s relations with Syria and Tehran’s role in securing the Assad regime during the Syrian civil war, Iran’s support to Yemen’s Houthi Rebels, Iranian influence in Iraqi politics and Tehran backed Popular Mobilization Units, the wing responsible for recruiting Shia Militias and Iran’s interference in Lebanese politics through Hezbollah. Finally, the author argues about the future of Iran in the Middle East and future of US-Iranian relations.

One of the very important factors regarding how Iran has been able to maintain his influence in geopolitics of Middle East is due to its properly systematized network of proxies and its non-state actor Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its subordinate, the Quds Force. This paper will later analyze the role of these proxies in detail later on. Iran has always used these extraterritorial groups for strategic purposes, strengthening of its national security and its revolutionary agenda. This paper’s significance stems from the fact regarding the present conventional and unconventional threats which have arisen again recently, mainly after the US walkout from Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The conventional threat to Iran is mainly posed by the United States and its allies in the Middle East, i.e. Israel and Saudi Arabia. The recent September attacks on Saudi Aramco oil facilities and Iran’s undeniable role in the attacks has led to an increase in tensions. Another type of threat which Iran faces is by terrorist groups like Islamic State and Al-Qaeda affiliates in the Middle East.

If we talk about Syria, Iran’s influence in Balance of Power and Politics of Middle East has accelerated to a new level after the eruption of civil wars in Syria and Yemen.

The most pertinent question which arises is that why Iran wants to increase its network of influence in the Middle East region? Iran’s sense of perceiving its neighbors as an existential threat since 1979 is a major reason why the Islamic Republic started the policy of recruitment of Proxies in early 1980s. And also, the whole blame can’t be put on Islamic Republic as during the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam Hussain did prove out as an existential threat when he killed a million Iranian soldiers in a single chemical weapons attack and his move was applauded by the West and almost all the Arab states and this was one of the reasons why Iran and Assad’s Syria came together and it led to the establishment of Iran’s first proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, now also a heavyweight in Lebanese politics and the Islamic Republic has continuously been arming the group through Syria. (10)

These proxy groups became immensely active after Baghdad fell to the United States in 2003. This hybrid warfare strategy immensely benefited Iran, by avoiding direct military confrontations and therefore hiding Iran’s conventional Military weaknesses and reshaping the politics of Iraq in its favor

Iranian Influence In Iraq

Syria: The Arch Ally

The Case Of Yemen

There can of course be an argument that Iranian support to Houthis can be driven by the idea that Ansar Allah movement is working for Shia cause and thus it can help Iran strategically if the Houthis are able to maintain key control over Yemen but yet Iranian officials claim that Yemen is not strategically important for them.(24) But it cannot be simply said that Yemeni conflict has not benefitted Iran as Tehran did get an opportunity to strike a balance against its arch-rival whom it claims has significantly undermined Iran’s interests in Middle East. During the ongoing war in Yemen, Iran and Houthis have significantly improved their relationship and there are evidences of Tehran and Hezbollah not only being involved in providing moral and ideological support but even military training and handing over of strategic weapons. (

Iran’s intention is only to deny Saudi Arabia a victory over Houthis and gain strategic advancements and deter it from emerging as a regional power. The war in Yemen has become an Achilles heel for Riyadh and Tehran will like to ensure that it remains one and Saudi remains struck in the conflict.

Tehran’s Lebanon Chapter

What Does The Future Hold For Iran By Aditya Raj*

My comment: This is demonizing Iran – as the destructive role of the US and its Western allies all around the Middle East is neglected

(A P)

US Demands from Iran ‘Nonsense’: Russia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described US demands from Iran as “nonsense”, adding that Washington cannot treat a country with a "millennia-old civilization" as it is trying to do.

“Iran cannot be treated in a way Washington is trying to do,” Lavrov said in an interview with a program aired on Russia’s television Channel One on Sunday, Tass reported.

“Not just flagrantly violating the United Nations Charter, refusing to implement the binding United Nations Security Council resolution but rudely addressing demands to Iran, a country with the millennia-old civilization, traditions and immense self-esteem,” he added.

Calling US demands from Iran as “nonsense”, the top Russian diplomat said, “As a matter of fact, the Americans said they would not implement this resolution while Iran must continue to implement what it is to do under this resolution.”

“Moreover, they demand all others who have been granted the right to freely trade with Iran in exchange for what it did in terms of curtailing its nuclear program stop trading with Iran. While Iran must continue to implement what it undertook.”

(A P)

VIDEO: The first #USAF E-3 Sentry - assigned to the 986th Expeditionary Airborne Air Control Squadron - to take off from #RSAF’s Prince Sultan Air Base, #SaudiArabia in around 20 years.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

Surge in approved UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia and war allies in Yemen

The value of approved UK arms sales to Saudia Arabia and its allies in war-torn Yemen has soared to £6.4bn over the past five years, according to new research.

The British government has signed off £2bn more in arms exports since January 2015 than it approved over the previous five years, analysis by the charity Oxfam suggests.

It marks a 45% spike in licences for UK arms manufacturers, despite tougher global rules coming into force through the Arms Trade Treaty signed in 2014.

The treaty, supported by the British government, includes measures to deter arms sales where there is a substantial risk of usage that violates international humanitarian or human rights law.

Ruth Tanner, Oxfam’s head of humanitarian campaigns, said rising arms sales should be a “stain on our conscience” given the buying countries’ role in the Yemen conflict.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A H)

100 Familien bekommen Lebensmittel für einen Monat

Die 22. Weihnachtsspendenaktion der Friedensinitiative Nottuln (FI) läuft sehr erfolgreich. 6000 Euro wurden innerhalb von zwei Wochen eingezahlt, freut sich Norbert Wienke, Geschäftsführer der FI.

In diesem Jahr bittet die FI um Unterstützung für die Organisation „Hammer Forum e.V.“. Das Geld der FI-Weihnachtspendenaktion geht in das Projekt „Lebensmittelkorb“ nach Jemen.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A B P)


On a day when billions will be surrounded by loved ones celebrating the birth of Jesus, I will be facing the death penalty. I have committed no crime, so the Kingdom of Bahrain has invented some and tortured me into 'confessing' to them. This is my punishment for standing up for freedom and democracy.

When hundreds of thousands of Bahrainis took to the streets in 2011 to peacefully demand democratic reforms, I joined the protests, believing Bahrain's rulers would heed the concerns of their citizens.

Instead, America's ally in the Gulf responded with senseless brutality. Over the next few years, protesters were hunted down: thousands were imprisoned, political opposition was outlawed and torture became routine. As an employee of the security services who dared question the regime, I was singled out for special punishment.

If Bahrain thought it might lose the West's unconditional support, it could change my fate. British Embassy representatives attended my case review, but failed to condemn my sham trial or comment on my torture. On paper, the British Government opposes the death penalty in all circumstances. In practice, they have supported Bahraini bodies who helped put me and Hussein on death row.

(A P)

Yemen’s GPC Prominent Figures Side with Tujan Albukhaiti

Prominent figures in General People’s Congress (GPC), a well-known party founded by former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, have expressed full solidarity with Yemeni student Tujan Al-Bakhiti, daughter of politician and writer Ali Albkhaiti, with regards to being mistreated by her school ___ Aljazeera School ___ in Amman, Jordan’s capital.

It all started when Tujan’s school posted a statement on Facebook accusing the minor student of spreading “toxic thoughts” and offending Islam.

This triggered a backlash against the school for accusing the young Yemeni girl under the pretext of defending Islam.

(A K P)

Strafverfahren gegen Pilatus aufgehoben

Der Flugzeughersteller Pilatus hat nicht gegen das Söldnergesetz verstossen. Er musste Dienstleistungen in Saudi-Arabien nicht dem EDA melden. Die Bundesanwaltschaft (BA) hat das entsprechende Strafverfahren eingestellt.

Das Eidgenössische Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) hatte Strafanzeige gegen Unbekannt eingereicht. Das EDA begründete diese damit, Pilatus habe Flugzeug-Wartungsaufträge in Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten nicht korrekt gemeldet, wie dies das Söldnergesetz vorschreibe.

Die BA sieht jedoch keine Verletzung der Meldepflicht.;art46442,1215864 =

(A K P)

Pilatus no longer under investigation over Saudi Arabia activities

Swiss aircraft manufacturer Pilatus did not violate the Mercenaries Act, the office of the attorney general has concluded.

The attorney general decided to drop criminal proceedings triggered by a government claim that the company had failed to report services provided in Saudi Arabia.

The German-language newspaper NZZ am Sonntag broke the news. The decision, which was taken on November 18, is legally binding, according to news agency Keystone-SDA.

Switzerland’s foreign affairs ministry had filed criminal charges against persons unknown on the grounds that Pilatus had not adequately reported aircraft maintenance orders in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as is required by law. The attorney general found no violation of this duty.

(* B K P)

Israel reportedly preparing to attack Yemen

Palestinian sources indicate Zionist missile strikes are imminent

Palestinian politician and lawmaker Saleh Abu Azza has on Saturday revealed Israeli intentions to launch a direct military aggression against Yemen, outside of the fold of the Saudi-led coalition.

“The Jerusalem Center for Israeli Strategy and Security, which is close to decision-making circles in Israel, has prepared a research paper in which Tel Aviv does not rule out a military strike against Sana’a,” Palestinian lawyer and political activist Saleh Abu Azza said on Twitter.

Abu Azza added that “Tel Aviv fears that the Ansarullah movement is seriously planning to launch a surprise attack using precision missiles,” referring to a previous statement by the entity’s prime minister.

Film (Arabic):

(B P)

It Seemed Like a Popular Chat App. It’s Secretly a Spy Tool.

ToTok, an Emirati messaging app that has been downloaded to millions of phones, is the latest escalation of a digital arms race.

ToTok is actually a spying tool used by the government of the United Arab Emirates to try to track every conversation, movement, relationship, appointment, sound and image of those who install it on their phone.


Randa al-Banna interview: ‘Our baby is now in her forties. The emir still won’t let me near’

The first wife of Dubai’s ruler says she was kicked out of the country when her marriage ended in the 1970s — and hasn’t seen her daughter since

The vivacious Lebanese teenager was at a party in Beirut when she was introduced to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, prince of Dubai — a wealthy desert kingdom she had never heard of. After a brief courtship they were married and embarked on a life of private jets, champagne and parties at Tramp nightclub in London (subscribers only)

cp12b Sudan

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Sudan inks peace deal with rebel faction, paves way for more

Sudan’s transitional authorities and a rebel faction reached a peace deal on Tuesday, part of government efforts to end the country’s decadeslong civil wars.

The deal was signed between the Sudanese government and a faction of the Sudan Revolutionary Front known as the “Center Track,” according to a statement by Sudan’s transitional authorities.

The deal could pave the way for peace agreements with more factions of the SRF, as well as other rebel groups. The agreement was struck in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, where talks began earlier this month.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A K P)

Nutzten USA Schweizer Schiff für Waffenlieferungen?

Ein Schweizer Frachter transportierte angeblich im Auftrag ausländischer Geheimdienste Waffen nach Saudi-Arabien. Nun werden Antworten vom Bundesrat gefordert.

Der Schweizer Hochsee-Frachter «Thorco Basilisk» soll Ende Juni schwere Waffen von Burgas in Bulgarien nach Saudi-Arabien geliefert haben. Angeblich waren die 43'000 serbische Mörsergranaten an Bord des Schiffes für den Bürgerkrieg in Jemen bestimmt gewesen.

Das zeigen geleakte Unterlagen, die auf der bulgarischen Internet-Seite «» veröffentlicht wurden. Aus den Dokumenten geht hervor, dass das saudische Verteidigungsministerium private Vertragspartner aus den USA und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate mit dem Kauf und Transport der Waffen beauftragt hat.

Wurde also ein Schweizer Frachter benutzt, um Waffen in Konfliktgebiete zu bringen? Diese Frage stellte die Zürcher Nationalrätin Mattea Meyer (SP) dem Bundesrat. Dieser will jedoch nichts darüber wissen. Die Befrachtung des Schiffes sei ein rein privatrechtlicher Vertrag, wie das Aussenministerium (EDA) antwortete.

(* B K P)

Audio: Der Junge Politische Podcast: #E113: Deutsche Verantwortung im Jemen-Krieg

In der ersten Hälfte dieser Folge wagen wir einen Blick in den Jemen und gleichzeitig auch nach Den Haag. Mehrere Menschenrechtsanwälte haben beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag nämlich eine Strafanzeige erstattet, laut der deutsche Rüstungsunternehmen und deutsche Politiker durch ihre Rüstungsexporte Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen-Krieg begangen hätten. Das ist eine durchaus kontroverser Vorwurf, über den wir diskutieren.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

The banknote struggle: Look at cp5.

(* B E P)

Yemeni politician calls for retaliation against Saudi economic warfare

Deliberate attack against Yemeni currency by mass printing of money is aggression against Yemen, Mohammed Taher Anam says

Prominent Yemeni politician Mohammed Taher Anam has on Saturday suggested what he considered a “more effective solution” to stop printing hundreds of billions of the national currency without cash cover by Aden’s bank and Hadi’s government, which has caused a currency collapse of the Yemeni riyal.

“This solution is represented in retaliating against al the systematic targeting of the Yemeni economy and currency by Saudi/UAE-led coalition,” Mohammed Taher Anam, member of the supreme body of the Al-Rashad party and the Yemeni Scholars’ Association, said a tweet on Saturday.

Anam explained that the first step of the solution is “to threaten with hitting the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency and the UAE’s Central Bank with missiles and drones.”

He added the second step is to implement the threat if the corrupt government of Hadi does not stop printing the currency.

Hadi’s government, represented in the Central Bank of Aden, printed 1 trillion and 700 billion Yemeni riyals in less than two years.

Dumping the markets with this printed currency has fueled speculation on foreign currency, which caused the devaluation of the Yemeni riyal to fall from 350 riyals per one dollar to 700 riyals per dollar by end of 2018, harming the national economy and citizens’ livelihood.

(* B E P)

Pro-aggression Government Losing Yemen’s Creditworthiness , Holding Yemenis Billions in Debt

A report issued by the pro-aggression government revealed that the external debt of Yemen increased from 6 billion and 765 million dollars in 2014 to 9 billion dollars in 2019.

According to YPA, the data came in a report issued by the Economic Studies Sector in the Ministry of Planning in cooperation with the World Bank and UNICEF.

Net domestic debt rose from 3 trillion in 2014 to about 6 trillion riyals this year, accounting for 94% of GDP.

Net public debt due (internal and external) to Yemen increased in the second half of 2019, by 41% to 10 trillion and 401 billion riyals, compared to 6 trillion and 563 billion riyals at the end of 2014, according to New Arab newspaper.

Although the absolute value of the external public debt stabilized below $ 7 billion during 2014 - 2017, it increased by $ 2 billion due to the Saudi deposit in 2018.

Consequently, the ratio of external public debt to GDP increased from 22% in 2014 to 77% in June 2019. As a result, Yemen's creditworthiness has deteriorated, due to the difficulty in fulfilling the external public debt service, which has been further inflated by the Saudi deposit conditional on interest.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Latest from #AQAP #Yemen: #ISIS fighters killed/maimed by bombs & sniper in Upper Qayfa on 20 & 21 Dec. Unusually 1 ISIS victim is named: Abu Tariq al-Mughdah. Btw, no ops against military targets for 4 months

(A T)

#ISIS #Yemen claims it bombed #AQAP on Mumalih Road, Qayfa. 2 odd things 1/Weirdly billed as revenge for caliph & spokesman deaths 2/ISIS has claimed Mumalih bomb 4x in 10days. Previous 3x it exploded as AQ tried to defuse it. Either AQ is super-careless or it's the same event

(A T)

Video: [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni army shoots one of al-Qaeda operatives in Bayda

(* A T)

Oxfam office in al-Dhale hit by second attack

The Oxfam office and hospital were subjected to a bomb attack in al-Dhale on Tuesday, the Media Centre of al-Dhale front reported.
The sound of the explosion, that hit the unoccupied Oxfam office, was heard in different parts of the city, the same source added.
Tuesday’s attack used an improvised explosive device (IED) planted by unknown men, nobody was injured, Oxfam said.

(* A T)

Series of Bombings Targeting 5 Foreign Humanitarian Organizations in Occupied City of Al-Dhalea

A series of bombings targeted five foreign organizations operating in the city of Al-Dhalea, south-western Yemen, which is under the control of invaders and occupiers.

Local sources indicated that the targeted organizations in Al-Dalea are Oxfam, Mercy Corps, Haya Training and Development Center, ACTD and the International Rescue Committee.

No information on casualties has been available to date and no comments have been received from these organizations.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks so far

My remark: More at cp3.


(A H P)

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock: Statement on Yemen, 23 December 2019

These events represent an alarming escalation in the risks faced by humanitarian workers in Yemen. Twelve organizations have now been forced to suspend aid programmes in Al Dhale'e, which will affect 217,000 local residents. Several organizations are working with local staff to ensure the most essential activities can continue.

I condemn these attacks unreservedly. I urge a thorough investigation


(* A H K)

Oxfam Office in Al Dhale’e, Yemen Hit by RPGs

On 22 December, at around 1am, Oxfam’s office in Al Dhale’e was hit by two RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades). One hit the roof, while the other hit the office gate. Neither of the guards on duty were injured and there were no other staff present. The offices of several other agencies in Al Dhale’e were also targeted at around the same time.

Due to the attack, Oxfam has suspended all staff movements and operations in the area and advised staff to stay home.

Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Country Director in Yemen, said:

“Our first priority has to be the the safety and wellbeing of our staff, and we are doing all we can to keep them safe. Aid workers should not be a target; it is essential that agencies are able to operate freely, without threats to the safety of staff and property.

Organisations like Oxfam are a key source of aid for millions of people struggling to survive the conflict in Yemen. Attacks on our operations ultimately hurt the Yemenis who rely on the assistance we provide.”


(* A H K)

International Rescue Committee: IRC Yemen office and women’s center targeted and hit by RPGs in Al Dhale’e

In the early hours of December 22nd, both an International Rescue Committee (IRC) office and women’s center in Al Dhale’e, Yemen were targeted and hit by rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs). One on duty security guard sustained non life-threatening injuries and is being treated at a nearby hospital. No IRC staff have been killed. Other agencies have also been targeted.

Salma Ben Aissa, Yemen Deputy Director of Programs at the IRC said,

“The IRC has suspended all movements and programming in the area and advised staff to stay home. We are extremely concerned for the safety of our staff who live and work in this area. IRC staff and other aid workers put their lives on the line by working in some of the most dangerous conditions and dedicate their work to helping others survive and recover from the trauma of war. Now and always, aid workers are not a target. Those who will suffer the most are innocent Yemenis who benefit from IRC’s critical health, protection and education work in this area. We will continue to monitor the situation and start programming as soon as it is deemed safe for our staff to return to work.”


(A T)

Urgent meeting on attacks against intl organizations in Al-Dhale

An urgent meeting was held in al-Dhale on Sunday following armed attacks against international organisations working in the province.
The meeting congregated representatives of the Southern Transitional Council, local authority, imams of mosques, security and military officials and high-profile social figures.


(A T)

[Sanaa gov.] Humanitarian Affairs Council condemns targeting UN organizations headquarters in Dhalea

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

#Saudi backed #Yemeni minister ( Living #Riyadh) slams #Muslim summit #Malaysia as a “Jewish Summit” that has no link to #Islam. Saudi MOFA official defended his remarks.

referring to

(A P)

I did not understand it at all, and considered it a summit of Jews, and it has absolutely no Islam

My comment: Rouhani, Erdogan being Jews??

(A P)

Enjoy Saudi

Yemen's Night With Ahmed Fathy - Fouad Abdelwahed - Awadh Bin Saheb - Waleed Al Jilani - Hussein Moheb

Yemen's night is a celebration of Yemeni culture and art with performances by the biggest Yemeni artists like Ahmed Fathi, Fouad Abdulwahed, Awadh Bin Sahib, Waleed Al Jilani, and Hussein Moheb. in addition to performances by folklore bands in a truly special night of Riyadh Season, which will take place on Abu Baker Salem Stage in Riyadh Boulevard

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Dec. 23:

Dec. 22:

Dec. 21:

Dec. 20:

Dec. 19:

Dec. 18:

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Dec. 24: Asir

Dec. 23: Saada p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b, cp1c

(A K pS)

Masam: 1053 Houthi-laid Mines, Explosives Cleared in Al Jawf

Demining teams of Masam, the Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance in Yemen, have lately managed to detect and extract as many as 1053 Houthi-laid mines and unexploded ordinance in Almaitama area in the northern province of Al Jawf.

(* B K pS)

NGO: 260 human rights violations committed by Houthi militia in the past month

The Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms revealed that its team, in cooperation with 13 international organizations, had documented 260 human rights violations committed by the Iran-backed Houthi rebel militia during the past month November, in the areas of their control.

The militia’s violations took place in Taiz, Hodeidah, Ibb, Al-Dhale, Sana’a, al-Bayda and Al-Jawf provinces.

” Due to the Houthi militia’s shelling, mines and sniping, 31 civilians were killed including 6 children and a woman and also 24 others were injured including 11 children and 8 women,” said the Network

and also

My comment: Mixing victims of warfare and “civilian” atrocities.

(A K pH)

The agents of the Saudi-American aggression committed a heinous crime in the Navigating Zone of the District of Al-Maslub in Al-Jouf by targeting a number of children with mortar shells while they were grazing livestock, which led to the martyrdom of the child Mubarak Muhammad Mubarak stitching and wounding the child Nasrallah Mubarak Hamad stitching (photo, film)

and film:

while a pro-Hadi government source claims this:

(A K pS)

Child killed, another injured by Houthi-laid mine in Al-Jawf

My comment: Look at the photo and see that it’s a precise shot into the back.

(A K pH)

Abschuss eines Spionageflugzeugs der Aggression in Nadschran

(A K pH)

Army shoots down spy aircraft in Najran

(A K pS)

Shooting down 2 Houthi Bomb-laden drones in Yemen's Abyan

The Yemen's internationally recognized government forces announced on Tuesday, that they shot down two drones belonging to the Houthi group (Ansar Allah), in the Abyan governorate, south of the country.

(A K pH)

Ein Bürger getötet, anderer verwundet durch Saudische Grenzwächter Feuer auf Saada

(A K pH)

Citizen killed in Saudi artillery attack on Saada

(A K pH)

Saada p.: the Saudi missile and artillery shelling hit different areas of the border district of Razih.

(A K pH)

Intensive Targeting, by Saudi Mercenaries, of Several Areas in Sa’ada

cp18 Sonstiges / Other


An Early Stepping Stone in The History of Coffee

Yemeni coffee was lucrative for the Ottomans and they shrewdly guarded production of it to keep their empire wealthy. “The plant itself was heavily guarded,” Abdulrahman Saeed, CEO of Sabcomeed, a direct trade partner for Yemeni producers, tells me. In fact, to ensure no other country could begin growing coffee, they steeped all exportable beans in boiling water or partially roasted them. In this way, they stopped germination and prevented the buyers of these beans from growing coffee themselves. For over 150 years, this worked

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-608 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-608: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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