Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 611 - Yemen War Mosaic 611

Yemen Press Reader 611: 3. Jan. 2020: Jemen in 2019 – Bericht von Dhubab, Westküste – Internationale Hilfe ineffektiv u. korrupt – Separatisten ziehen Verhandlungsteam zurück – Tollwut im Jemen

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Jan. 3, 2020: Yemen in 2019 – Reporting from Dhubab at the West coast – International help is ineffective and corrupt (in German) – Separatists withdraw their negotiation team – Rabies in Yemen – Escalation at the Gulf – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp5a Der Banknotenkrieg / The banknote war

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K P)

Yemenis face another year of war, and callous western silence

The UN suggestion that Yemen's war may wind down in 2020 is seriously unrealistic, given the current situation on the ground

Over the last year, Yemen's hopes for peace have been dashed, and the country still faces unimaginable suffering from a war that will soon enter its sixth year.

None of the flawed diplomatic initiatives have successfully defused tensions enough to implement the deals, nor have those most responsible for the violence been held to account.

Soon realising the obvious divergence in their Yemen strategies, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates sought to salvage their differences while retaining influence in Yemen. This led to a fragile truce called the Riyadh agreement on November, which was presented as a legitimate peace deal.

While Riyadh and Abu Dhabi desired a truce to preserve their alliance, the sides they respectively backed are still far more reluctant to accommodate each other.

Any future secessionist attempts will face opposition from all over Yemen, leading to more southern instability. Furthermore, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) could still manoeuvre in Yemen's south and stage more attacks, should violence involving the STC resume.

Yet given continued UAE empowerment of the STC-aligned militias - and that there is no reason to believe it has renounced its ambitions for southern influence - the STC will be emboldened to push for more control, should the deal crumble.

Though full secession is unlikely in the near future due to opposition towards it, the country risks becoming further divided due to Hadi's inability to assert control over the country, and the gradual split between the north and south that has re-emerged during the war.

To even further complicate Yemen's crisis, the Riyadh agreement had excluded the Houthis, which will lead to more violence - a stark replica of the Stockholm Agreement's failure to include the STC in talks.

Despite reported backchannel communication in recent months, Saudi Arabia is still far from comfortable with Houthi control over northern Yemen, particularly as the group grows closer to Iran

Even with such obvious setbacks, UN emergency relief chief Mark Lowcock said in December that Yemen's war is showing promising signs of winding down in this coming year, due to supposed increased trust from warring sides.
Yet this is likely based on the fact that the violence has temporarily declined. The UN must still come to terms with the deep-rooted motives and structural issues driving Yemen's violence, which it has so far disregarded. Even if new initiatives do occur in the coming year, they will not achieve much unless they address these factors.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE share the most culpability in driving Yemen's instability; a country that remains divided and weak helps secure their own geopolitical influence. Such continued interference will make peace in Yemen impossible, while the world turns a blind eye to their actions.

Impunity from the western states who enable the Saudi-led war with vast military support will almost certainly continue in the coming year, even though its withdrawal it could end the war within weeks.

The unfortunate reality is, that while this support continues, the coming year could see peace become a more distant prospect for Yemen, given the lack of genuine initiatives to truly alleviate the violence

Even less will be done to alleviate the suffering of Yemenis, who have already been neglected by the world – by Jonathan Fenton-Harvey

(** B H K P)

Film: 2019: Year In Review

Middle East Monitor takes a look at some of the biggest stories from the Middle East and North Africa in 2019

(** B H K)

As Yemen's bombs stop, disease and displacement haunt communities torn apart by war

Dhubab is just one of many places in Yemen that is praying the peace will last. The town sits just above the Bab-Al Mandab Strait – known in English as the Gate of Tears – a chokepoint in the Red Sea that controls access to the Suez and Europe in the north and Asia in the south. It is critical for both shipping and military.

Before long, virtually everyone in this town of 8,000 had fled, many to Djibouti, a mere 19 miles across the narrow waterway.

In 2018, people began to trickle back to Dhubab but were not prepared for what they found. The town had been levelled – once lively streets and homes were covered in rubble and with every layer removed, the bodies of dead Houthis were found. They were everywhere: in the streets, the shops and people’s homes.

By the summer of 2019, roughly 5,000 of the town’s 8,000 residents had returned and the bodies of the dead had been removed. But apart from that, little had changed.

Inflation has diminished the value of the currency – the rial – and made the basics, even food, unaffordable. The townsfolk once made a comfortable living from fishing but it can now at best provide a day's worth of food for a family - and often not even that. They must now pay for water, which was previously drawn for free from the well. But these have now dried out or been contaminated by salt leaching in from the sea which is rising due to climate change.

With days reduced to a struggle to get food, rebuilding is impossible. Most people live among the ruins or in tiny wooden shacks, the cheapest substitute for the sturdy concrete and stone homes that stood there before.

“Before, fishing from the beach was enough - 1000 rials before the war would buy a lot of things; now it buys nothing,” says Ibrahim. “There are also a lot fewer fish now because of the bombs in the sea. Before, we were also selling fish to Saudi but now we can’t as the war has completely stopped that trade.”

It is now a struggle to earn to earn even a day’s food. Ibrahim holds up a makeshift oar — a stick of wood with squares of plastic sewn onto both ends. He is also making a boat out salvaged pieces of driftwood.

The once substantial public hospital lies in ruins and only two doctors serve the population. Both rely on patient fees to make a living but as many people cannot afford treatment, they fail to seek help until too late. Before the war, one out of 10 women died in childbirth. Now, three to four out of 10 die.

Dr Abdul Wassa Abdul returned to the town in 2018 and is overwhelmed with patients. Malnutrition is common, he says.

“Some people are just eating bread. There are no salaries so people are not eating. A lot are dying from malnutrition. Three a month — mostly children.”

Infectious diseases including dengue, cholera, meningitis, measles and malaria are all ravaging the community.

“Now, 30 per cent of my patients are dying,” says Dr Abdul. “Before less than 10 per cent died.”

A lack of medicine, beds, electricity, vaccines and equipment has crippled his ability to treat patients. He is also worried for his own three small children, all under the age of eight.

“If we are in a bad situation now it will be worse in the future,” he says.

The constant struggle has also fractured the spirit which once united the community, says Ibrahim Hassan.

“Because of being so poor, people are angry and sad and a little problem can provoke a fight. So, people are fighting a lot.”

The strain is taking its toll on people’s mental health too, says midwife Hayam Mubarak Farhan. Suicide has sharply escalated.

“The women come to me - they are very sad. I try and encourage them to talk. I try and listen and convince them it will be a better day tomorrow,” she says. “But some are just so frustrated and depressed, they are thinking of killing themselves.”

“A lot here have killed themselves. Just a week ago, a woman killed herself. And a man just before her,” Hayam sighs. “They wanted to be far from reality.”

“Children too are depressed. They are not talking to others - not playing with others,” she continues. “I am angry. People are angry.”

This anger is also directed at international NGOs who the townsfolk accuse of doing little to help.

“There are organisations coming and photographing houses that have been destroyed - the organisations spend a lot of money on cars and a lot of money on people who work for them but not on people who need help,” says Abdul Hamid Muhammed El Musliman, the chief of Dhubab.

“Emiratis keep telling us they will rebuild hospitals and schools but they haven’t yet.”

Hamid Hamid Al Laqafi, 35 works with the chief. “There is no real help. So, people here feel frustrated by these organisations . They don’t help. They just photograph our faces.”

What help has been given - a camp built by the UN Refugee Agency for example - isn’t what the people want.

“Why aren’t you helping us rebuild our houses?” says Hamid Hamid.

Looming over everyone here is the conviction that another war, worse than the last, is coming. They say it will be a battle among the proxy militias of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. There is concern too, that the Houthis will return and exact revenge for the local support of the coalition – by Susan Schulman

(** B H P)

KRIEG IM JEMEN: Hundefutter statt Hilfe

Krieg im Jemen: Bericht zu Verschwendung von Geldern und politische Parteinahme durch NGOs

Im Jemen aktive Hilfsorganisationen geben mehr als 60 oder gar bis zu 80 Prozent der ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Finanzmittel für eigene Mitarbeiter aus. Der größte Teil der dringend benötigten Gelder fließt also in Gehälter, Wohnraum, Internetverbindungen, Transportmittel und Treibstoff, während in dem Land 22 von 28 Millionen Einwohner auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen, sieben Millionen akut vom Hungertod bedroht sind.

So berichtete die libanesische Tageszeitung Al-Akhbar in ihrer Montagausgabe unter Berufung auf ihr vorliegende, von der Regierung der Ansarollah (»Huthis«) in Sanaa veröffentlichte Dokumente.

Deren »Oberster Rat für die Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten und internationale Zusammenarbeit« hatte in einer Pressekonferenz schwere Vorwürfe gegen das Welternährungsprogramm und andere internationale Organisationen erhoben: Sie würden Lebensmittel und Medikamente verteilen, deren Haltbarkeitsdatum bereits überschritten sei. Geliefertes Tierfutter sei von so schlechter Qualität, dass die Fleischproduktion um die Hälfte eingebrochen und der Preis für ein Kilo Fleisch auf mehr als zehn US-Dollar gestiegen sei. Hunderttausende von Dollar würden unterdessen ausgegeben, um Futter für die Hunde von Mitarbeitern der Hilfsorganisationen bereitzustellen.

Ursächlich für die Verteilung bereits abgelaufener Hilfsgüter könnten auch Blockaden durch Konfliktparteien sowie insbesondere teils viele Monate in Anspruch nehmende »Kontrollen« der Kriegskoalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens sein, die eine See-, Land- und Luftblockade über das Land verhängt hat. Zudem bombardiert das Militärbündnis immer wieder Brücken und andere Verbindungswege und verlängert so Transportwege um ein Vielfaches.

Die UN-Organisationen würden sich auch nicht an die Vereinbarungen mit der Regierung der Ansarollah halten, so der »Oberste Rat« in Sanaa – sicherlich auch in Reaktion auf die Anschuldigungen, diese würden Hilfslieferungen umleiten und unterschlagen.

Schon Anfang Dezember hatte der jemenitische Journalist Ahmed Abd Al-Karim für das Nachrichtenportal Mintpress offizielle UN-Dokumente ausgewertet. Demnach belegten diese, dass 70 Prozent der Gelder in die Taschen von Hilfsorganisationen und NGO wanderten. Kosten für importierte Güter, darunter auch Benzin, würden abgerechnet, aber tatsächlich durch den Kauf lokaler Produkte deutlich unterschritten. Teilweise würden sogar Mitarbeiter Hilfsgüter an lokale Händler verkaufen, die diese dann den Mittellosen zum Kauf anböten. Das Welternährungsprogramm habe etwa 50 Millionen US-Dollar für die Gehälter von nur acht Mitarbeitern ausgegeben.

In Übereinstimmung mit zahlreichen Beschwerden der Ansarollah weist auch Abd Al-Karim auf mangelnde Neutralität bis hin zu Spionagetätigkeiten von Hilfsorganisationen hin – von Wiebke Diehl

(** B K P)

Op-Ed: Yemen separatists withdraw their negotiating team

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) the separatist movement seeking an independent south Yemen has withdrawn its negotiating team from the joint committee formed to implement the unity deal with the Saudi-backed government of Mansur Hadi.

Hadi government refusing to implement much of the November deal

Not only had the Hadi Saudi-backed government refused to implement much of the deal, it has ignored deadlines. The Hadi government says it is unfair that their elected government, even though its mandate expired years ago, should be forced to share power with a separatist group.

The Saudis may in time decide that they should make peace with the STC at the expense of the Hadi government and give the Hadi government the choice of either implementing the terms of the deal or losing Saudi support. Without Saudi support the Hadi government is likely to lose any bargaining power. The Saudis may chose to make peace with the Houthi rebels as well as the STC in a bid to extricate themselves from a war they seem to be unable to win and has been internationally condemned. The Houthis might perhaps agree to a separate independent South Yemen if the Houthis were recognized as the rulers in the north. However the Houthis are supported by Iran and the Saudis are no doubt reluctant to give Iran any more influence in the area.

Future is unclear

Hostilities between the Saudis and the STC which as mentioned is supported by the UAE may not resume immediately. Perhaps the STC is simply trying to gain some leverage to get the Saudis to force the Hadi government to implement the deal. The Saudis may soon lose patience with the Hadi government. It is hard to see how the Saudis gain much through their support of a regime that lost to the Houthis in the north in part through its lack of popular support.

It’s not clear that the STC withdrawal from negotiations will immediately mean a resumption of hostilities in the south however, and the STC may just be trying to gain some leverage by suspending cooperation. The Saudis would be wise to force Hadi to cooperate in implementing the deal – by Ken Hanley



(** A P)

Yemen's southern separatists pull out of Riyadh agreement committees

Southern separatists in Yemen have pulled out of committees implementing a November agreement to end a power struggle in the south that had opened a new front in the country’s multifaceted war.

An STC spokesman told Reuters the STC negotiating team had withdrawn from the joint committees working to implement the deal, known as the Riyadh agreement.

It was not clear what impact this suspension would have on the future of the agreement, which Saudi Arabia had hailed as a step towards a wider political solution to a conflict which has raged since 2015.

A member of the STC’s presidential council, Salim al-Awlaqi, said in announcing the move on Twitter that it was in protest against violence in Shabwa province it blamed on forces loyal to the Islah party.

The STC and its backers the United Arab Emirates oppose the Islamist Islah party, which is the backbone of the government of internationally recognized President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Recent violence in Shabwa is part of an ongoing struggle for influence between forces loyal to Hadi and southern forces.


(* A P)

STC Suspends its Work in Riyadh Agreement Committee

The Southern Transitional Council suspended on Wednesday, its work in the joint committee to follow up the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in protest against the escalations in attacks on Laqmoosh tribes in Shabwa province by the Islah-linked troops, Yemen's military wing of Muslim Brotherhood.
The STC's decision came two days after a brutal military campaign launched by the militias of Islah Party against Laqmoosh tribes in Shabwa under the name of "legitimacy".
The STC has formed two committees to follow up the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, the main committee headed by Dr. Nasser Al-Khabji in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and another committe in the South, composed of military and security commanders from the governorates of Aden, Lahj and Abyan.
The STC Presidency reiterated its rejection to all the attempts made by Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups to obstruct the Riyadh agreement, affirming at the same time, the readiness of the southern resistance in coordination with the Arab Coalition to foil all the military campaigns carried out against the South.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(** B H)

35 Yemenis died of rabies, and 4400 cases were recorded

Number of cases registered with rabies epidemic increased to (4450) cases since the beginning of this year 2019, and until Saturday 14 December, said Dr. Abdo Ghorab, the official of the rabies control unit at the Republican Hospital in the capital, Sanaa.

Dr. Abdo Ghorab told “new Yemen” that the number of deaths from these injuries reached (35) cases, most of them arrived at the hospital in a late case.

In an indication of an unprecedented outbreak of the epidemic, the medical official of the Ministry of Public Health and Population indicated that they are received daily in the rabies control unit of the Republican Hospital for a number of (30) to (40) cases per day, and the appropriate treatment is provided to them despite the scarcity of treatment due to the war and the blockade Imposed on Yemen since March 2015.

In a related context, local sources in the Bani Matar district, Sana’a governorate (southwest of the capital, Sanaa), revealed the death of 3 rabies cases in the village of “Waqash” last week.

The campaign for the stray dogs continues, for the third week in a row, implemented by the Cleanliness and Improvement Fund and the Cleanliness Project in the Secretariat with the participation of four field teams from the Department of Control and Spraying, where the campaign managed during the past two weeks to eliminate 3032 dogs, according to statistics issued by the campaign leadership, and the capital Sanaa had witnessed In late November, the launch of an enlarged campaign to combat stray dogs in all districts of the capital’s secretariat, and to limit its spread, especially after it became a threat to the lives of the people, due to the aggression countries and their mercenaries ban of entering the toxins required for combating stray and rabid dogs throughout the past periods.

According to the testimonies of specialists in fighting stray dogs in the capital’s secretariat, field teams were able to eliminate 14,599 stray dogs in various districts of the capital, Sana’a, during the period from early January to August this year 2019.

In the first reaction that reflects the extent of the campaign’s success and achieving its desired goals by eliminating the largest number of these stray and harmful dogs, a British organization called for stopping what it described as inhuman campaigns implemented in combating stray dogs in Yemen, proposing to build shelters for those dogs, expressing their willingness to provide advice in This side.

A British organization – which is concerned with addressing societal challenges and mobilizing funding for business ideas, community groups and sports clubs – launched a warning call to stop the indiscriminate, indiscriminate and genocidal campaigns against stray and stray dogs in Yemen.

(* B H)

Swine flu epidemic(H1N1)is ravaging #Yemen provinces. I haven't seen any major news media reporting on this. The latest statistics saying 80% of those infected will die due to shortage of medicine and fuel. Shame!!!

(* B H)

Film: Humanitarian Crisis Alert: Lack of clean water causes epidemics in Yemen

Severe shortage of water continues to plague war-torn Yemen. It's made life difficult for citizens across the country. People are forced to use unsafe water and that's causing epidemics like cholera. Shoaib Hasan reports has more on how its affecting a community in north west Yemen.

(* B H)

Nearly 50 swine flu deaths recorded in Ibb in 2019

In December alone, 54 swine flu cases have been identified and 10 people have died, according to local officials

The swine flu, known globally as N1H1, has hit Ibb governorate in central Yemen particularly hard this year.

In December alone, 54 swine flu cases have been identified and 10 people have died, medical officials in the Ibb’s ministry of health office told Almasdar Online. Medical authorities in Ibb have recorded nearly 150 suspected cases of swine flu and 48 deaths in the governorate.

(* B H)

Film: War-torn Yemen sees worrying cases of swine flu

Yemen is witnessing worrying cases of swine flu, also known as H1N1 virus. In the country's north, the Houthi-run health ministry declared that swine flu had killed 94 people in October.

(* B H)

In November 2019, more than 49 400 suspected cases of cholera were reported, with 16 related deaths (Cholera Situation, World Health Organization, November 2019). Flash floods could increase the risk of cholera spreading.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

Militärische Quelle bestätigt fortgesetzten Verstöße gegen die Aggressionstruppen des Hodeidah-Abkommens

(A K pH)

New Military Violations of US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

and also

(B K pS)

232 Civilians Killed, 2311 Wounded in Hodeidah since Stockholm Agreement

232 civilians have been killed and 2311 wounded in the flashpoint port city of Hodeidah since the Stockholm agreement that was signed in December 2018 between the internationally recognized Yemeni government and the Iran-aligned Houthi militia, a statement released by the press office of the Giant Brigades, known as al-Weyat al-Amaliqa.

it t accused the Houthi rebels of committing violations and crimes against civilians.

(A K pS)

Houthis shell joint forces in Bait al-Faqih, south Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Invasoren und Verräter verstoßen weiterhin gegen das Hodeidah-Abkommen

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Wednesday, January 1st, 2020

(A K pH)

Die Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen gingen in Hodeidah weiter

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression Targets Hodeidah Airport, Civilias Houses

(A K pH)

Abschuss eines aggressiven Spionageflugzeugs in Al-Duraihimi von Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Army shoots down coalition spy plane in Hodeidah



(A K)

Karayel UAV lost over Yemen

The Yemeni rebel group Ansar Allah (the Houthis) claimed on 30 December that it shot down a Turkish-developed Karayel unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over Al-Hudaydah province as part of an escalated air defence campaign.

The group's website cited its military spokesman as saying the Karayel was operated by Saudi Arabia and was brought down with a surface-to-air missile (SAM) near the Red Sea port of Al-Salif.

(* A K P)

Yemen moving toward peaceful solution, says UN official

Yemen is moving toward a more peaceful situation, but requires warring sides to come to an agreement on operations if the war is to end and a resolution is reached, the chairman of the UN’s Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) in the crucial port city of Hodeidah has said.

Lt. Gen. (retired) Abhijit Guha told Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat that factions needed to reach an agreement about local security forces.

The UN has been criticized for its refusal to blame anyone for the current obstruction of redeployment in Hodeidah, but Guha said
it was essential that the UN remained neutral.

The UN’s role was to work with both parties, stay the course, and help bridge the gap wherever necessary and to implement the redeployment in a satisfactory way to both parties, and of course, most importantly, to the people of Yemen, he added.

The former military man chaired his first RCC meeting on Dec. 18 and 19, telling the newspaper he was encouraged by the initial responses from both parties. He proposed to move between Mocha and the capital to finalize issues, so that a “common military concept” of operations for the redeployment process could be established.

“Of course, the actual redeployment would only be possible once the issue of the local security force is politically discussed and resolved,” he added.

“To me, the issue of the local security force is one of a political nature, and will have to be resolved by the political leadership of both parties. And I feel when the moment is right, they would resolve this issue. But till then, it is incumbent on me to prepare and be ready for it by having a concept of operations to be followed when this time comes.”

Both parties had committed to adhere to the cease-fires, said Guha, but there was a lot of mistrust as a result of the long conflict. He pointed out, however, that there had been no offensive since the agreement was signed and that there had been “significant de-escalation” compared to how things were previously. “I believe both parties are sincere in their hope to end the war. So, all of this gives me a lot of hope.”

He highlighted other key areas for activity and attention, including relief work.

and a full version of the interview:

(A K pS)

Al-Mandhar neighborhood in Hodeida governorate has witnessed a wave of internal displacement as a result of the continuous shelling by the Houthi group. In addition, a civilian was killed by a Houthi group bullet in south #Hodeida governorate

(A K pH)

anhaltende Verstöße gegen die Angriffskräfte des Waffenstillstands von Hodeida

(A K pH)

Saudisches Spionageflugzeug wurde über Salif in Hodeidah abgeschossen

(A K pH)

Saudi spy plane shot down in Hodeidah

(* A K)

Shelling of Yemen's Hodeidah grain stores halts WFP milling

Artillery fire has damaged a mill on the frontline near the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah, forcing the World Food Programme to suspended the milling of grain intended for food aid to a starving population, the agency said on Monday.

The government’s information minister, Moammar al-Eryani, said the rival Houthi movement had carried out the shelling.

There was no comment from Houthi media.

The WFP grain stores at the Red Sea Mills have become a focal point of the conflict in Hodeidah, where the United Nations is trying to enforce a ceasefire and troop withdrawal agreed a year ago at Stockholm peace talks.

“The milling of WFP wheat at the Red Sea Mills near Hodeidah has been temporarily halted after the mills were hit by artillery fire on Thursday 26 December,” a WFP spokesperson said.

and how Saudi Arab News tells it:

and by UAE The national:

(* A K pS)

Yemen's Red Sea Mills closed again after Houthi shelling

Damage to grain storage facility could jeopardise food aid deliveries to thousands of Yemenis

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have again shelled a vital grain storage facility in central Hodeidah, forcing work to temporarily close at the site and potentially jeopardising food aid to thousands of civilians.

The United Nation's World Food Programme said the mills, on the eastern edge of the important port city, were struck on December 26.

"The milling of WFP wheat at the Red Sea Mills near Hodeidah has been temporarily halted after they were hit by artillery fire," a WFP representative told The National.

The WFP said that it did not know who was responsible for the attack, but Col Wathah Al Dubaish of the pro-government Joint Forces said it had been Houthi rebels.

“The rebels targeted the silos of the facility with [a] mortar shell fired from a Houthi post in the centre of the city. The projectile caused partial damage in one of the silos, leading to a full halt in the grinding operations in the facility,” he said.

The attack comes amid tension between the WFP and the rebels over the distribution of grain.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B K P)

Jemenkrieg und kein Ende? Gedanken zu Neujahr

Die Mitschuld des Westens: Der Jemenkrieg geht ins sechste Jahr, ein Ende ist nicht absehbar. Der Westen schaut meist weg – gerade weil ihn eine erhebliche Mitschuld an Krieg und Katastrophe trifft

Am 1. Januar sind es 1743 Tage seit dem Eingreifen der Saudis und ihrer Verbündeten in den Bürgerkrieg im Jemen. In der Nacht vom 25. auf den 26. März 2015 bombardierte die saudische Luftwaffe ein Wohnviertel neben dem Flughafen der Hauptstadt Sanaa, der eigentlich getroffen werden sollte (1). Aus dem Bürgerkrieg wurde ein internationaler (nicht erklärter) Krieg.

Bei direkten Angriffen und Kampfhandlungen, an den weiteren Folgen der Zerstörungen der Infrastruktur und der weitgehenden Blockade des nördlichen Jemen durch die saudische Koalition sind nach einer UN-Schätzung bis Jahresende 2019 etwa 230.000 Menschen ums Leben gekommen (2). Der Krieg hat im Jemen die gegenwärtig weltweit schlimmste humanitäre Krise verursacht – aber wen bei uns kümmert das wirklich?

Von einzelnen Höhenflügen abgesehen, lassen westliche "Mainstream"medien ("öffentlich-rechtliche" wie "Konzernmedien") das Thema weitgehend links liegen. So wie auch die Politik in unserem sich selbst so sehr preisenden "Westen".

Die Vernachlässigung und ansonsten oft genug verdrehte mediale Darstellung ist kein Zufall, sondern hat Methode (4). Im Jemen kann der "Westen" beim besten Willen keine selbstlobenden positiven Schlagzeilen nach dem beliebten Mainstream-Mantra "Wir sind die Guten" gewinnen, bei aller möglichen Gedankenakrobatik geht das nicht. Also ist der Jemen kaum ein Thema. Selbst die Verbrechen der Gegenseite – also der Huthis – taugen kaum dazu, dieses Mantra zu verbreiten. Also bleibt der Jemen weitgehend ausgeblendet.

Und so kommt auch im Fall des Jemen der abstoßende Charakterzug westlicher Mainstreammedien zum Tragen, dass über menschliches Leid, über Opfer von Krieg, Gewalt und menschengemachten Katastrophen nicht unter mitmenschlichen oder auch nur objektiv-sachlichen Aspekten berichtet wird, sondern die Berichterstattung hierüber immer dem übergeordneten Narrativ "Wir im Westen sind die Guten" untergeordnet wird.

Dieses Hauptnarrativ dominiert somit sehr viele Themen, der Jemenkrieg ist nur eines davon.

Die US-Politik und damit auch der Medien-Mainstream interessieren sich dabei kaum je für den Jemen und seine Menschen an sich, sondern vor allem in Verbindung mit der Geopolitik der USA bzw. den geopolitischen Interessen der USA, auf denen diese Politik basiert – von Dietrich Klose

(* B K pH)

Statistics 2019

Statistics of civilian casualties and damages resulting from the American - Saudi aggression on #Yemen in 2019 of civilian casualties and damages resulting from the American - Saudi aggression on #Yemen in 2019

(B P)

Two Yemeni journalists were killed, 9 injured, 6 abducted and 20 threatened in 2019, the media freedom observatory said on Wednesday, adding that 72 out of 143 documented violations against the press were reported in Sanaa.

(* B P)

Film: The more agreements are signed, the greater the number of victims ... This is the Association of Abductees' Mothers' observation.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H K)

Violence Grows Against Women and Children in Economic Deprivation of Yemen’s War

A recent study has revealed an increase in violence against women and children resulting from the conflict in Yemen. Research by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies shows women and girls in Yemen have been affected by rape, kidnapping and domestic violence, while boys face sexual violence and are forced to work.

Yemen’s nearly five-year conflict is having disastrous consequences on its civilian population, according to the recent study, “A Gendered Crisis: Understanding Experiences of Yemen’s War.”

The qualitative research involving some 90 focus group discussions across Yemen’s political and socioeconomic classes found that unemployment has undermined men’s traditional role as breadwinner, driving many to seek a salary by fighting on the front lines. Rising poverty has left parents unable to educate their children. The middle class has slipped into poverty and the poor into destitution. =

My remark: The original study already had been presented earlier: and full report:

(B H)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, November 2019

In Numbers

12.73 million people assisted in November

124,504 mt of general food assistance dispatched

USD 5.3 million cash-based transfers made. USD 19 million value of redeemed food vouchers

USD 559 million six months net funding requirements (January 2020 - June 2020)

Operational Updates

(* B H)

FAO Yemen Situation Report, December 2019

Conflict continues to drive hunger in Yemen. It is threatening agricultural livelihoods, destroying assets, limiting income opportunities stimulating displacement and weakening purchasing power.

A total of 15.9 million people were severely food insecure despite ongoing humanitrarian assistance (IPC report December 2018 - January 2019). A follow up hotspot analysis indiciated 1.2 million people in 29 accessible districts of the 45 districts were severely food insecure between July and September 2019 (IPC hotspot analysis).

Soaring fuel prices are limiting crop cultivation and escalating food prices, and outbreaks of fall armyworm and desert locusts are endangering the food security and livelihoods of communities.

FAO urgently seeks USD 102.7 million to assist 3.9 million people in 22 governorates through income-generating activities, agricultural production support and livestock protection assistance.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

Your Abilities

The displaced:
There are 4.3 million people who have left their homes.
The displaced in the past three years, including about 3.3 million people still displaced and a million returnees.
Many of them are now in camps for the displaced, their relatives, or in homes for rent
Whereas, reports indicate that 2.7 million people need support to provide shelter and basic necessities for life

- The crisis of the displaced:

Whereas, reports indicate that 2.7 million people need support to provide shelter and basic necessities for life.

You can also help families during the cold with blankets and jackets to protect them with a cash amount of $ 30
Helping displaced families pay the rent, $ 100
Assisting displaced families with food items per month, at $ 60
Helping displaced families with shelter materials, at $ 50
Who would like to is : (photos)

(* B H)

Film: Al-Hudaydah and Taiz IDP wishes to a New Year

The wishes of IDP in the displacement camps are not different from each other by the coming of the New Year, the IDP in the governorates of Al-Hudaydah and Taiz who live in Al-Sha’ab camp in the temporary capital, Aden, southern Yemen, hope at the end of last year that the war will end, hoping that they will return to their homes and villages that they were forced out of as a result of the battles taking place, and the IDPs recounted their suffering in the displacement camps, especially with the beginning of winter season, and that lacks the simplest needs for a good living, in addition to the lack of humanitarian aid that doesn’t get them their needs.

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 20 December 2019

The first Winterization distribution for 2019/20 took place with in-kind items such as clothing for 81 young children and the elderly at Kharif IDP site, in Amran governorate. A total of 29,042 families in Amran governorate have been targeted out of the 385,320 families identified across the country,

The Shelter/NFI Cluster led by UNHCR received USD 18 M from the Second Standard Allocation of Yemen Humanitarian Fund 2019. The Cluster and its partners will address critical gaps in the IDP response, targeting a total of 410,000 IDPs in 17 governorates.

The CCCM Cluster, inaugurated in July 2019 and led by UNHCR, received USD 4.8 M from the Second Standard Allocation of the 2019 Yemen Humanitarian Fund. The allocation will respond to the CCCM needs in 190 sites across 11 governorates which have been identified by the Cluster as having the most pressing needs.

The CCCM Cluster, led by UNHCR along with 23 active CCCM partners, is working to improve living conditions for IDPs in more than 1,650 IDP sites across the country.

(* B H)

Oberster Rat für humanitäre Angelegenheiten: Mehr als drei Millionen Vertriebene seit letztem November

Der Oberste Rat für die Verwaltung und Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten hat bestätigt, dass die Zahl der Vertriebenen bis Ende November auf mehr als drei Millionen und 800.000 Menschen angestiegen ist.

In einem vom Informationszentrum des Rates herausgegebenen Bericht erhielt die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) den Vermerk, dass 554.000 und 784 Familien vertrieben wurden, während die Zahl der vertriebenen Personen in 15 Gouvernements 3 Millionen, 883.000 und 488 erreichte.

In dem Bericht wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass Hunderttausende Vertriebene seit fast fünf Jahren in einer katastrophalen humanitären Situation leben, da die Aggression, die die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt verursacht hat, angesichts des großen Versagens der internationalen Organisationen, ihre Pflicht zur Hilfe und zum Schutz der Vertriebenen zu erfüllen, anhält.

Dem Bericht zufolge gab es in der Haptstadt 74.000 und 97 Vertriebene, in Amran 552.000 und 879 Vertriebene und in Amran (Gouvernorat) 38.000 und 487 Vertriebene sowie 269.000 und 409 Vertriebene.

Im Gouvernement Hadschah gab es 115.000 und 236 vertriebene Familien, im Gouvernement Al Hodeidab 806.000 und 652 vertriebene Familien, im Gouvernement Al Hudaydah 98.000 und 20 Familien und 686.000 und 140 vertriebene Familien.

(* B H)

Over 3.8 million Yemenis displaced by aggression war until last November: Report

The Supreme Council for Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on Monday said the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has reached over 3.8 million people since the beginning of Saudi-led coalition's aggression on Yemen until the end of last November.

The number of displaced families reached 554,784 families, while the number of displaced individuals amounted to 3,883, 488 individuals in 15 provinces, according to a report issued by the Council's Information Center.

The report pointed out that hundreds of thousands of displaced people have been living in a catastrophic humanitarian situation for nearly five years due to the continued aggression that caused the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, in light of the great failure of the international organizations to fulfill their duty to relief and shelter the displaced.

According to the report, the number of displaced families in the capital Sanaa reached 74,097 families; while the number of individuals reached 552,879 individuals.

In Amran province, the number of displaced families reached 38,487 families; and the number of individuals reached 269,409 individuals.

In Hajjah province, the number of displaced families reached 115,236 families; and the number of individuals reached 806,652 people.

In Hodeidah province, the number of displaced families reached 98,020 families, while the displaced individuals reached 686,140 people.

(B H P)

African migrants claiming to be wrongly-held in Yemen prison

Dozens of would-be North African migrants held in the central Prison in Taiz, south of Yemen, want to return to their homeland, saying that poverty forced them to leave.

78 Africans including three women who set out from the Horn of Africa, mainly from Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, hoping for a better life ended up in al-Dabab district jail in western Taiz.

The migrants have been held in prison for three months and say they travelled through Yemen seeking refuge and work in other countries.

The Yemeni authorities said they had to put the migrants in Taiz prison as there was no other appropriate shelter for them.

They migrants share their food with other Yemeni prisoners.

One north African migrant said they did not commit any crime that requires them to be imprisoned.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Erörterung Verfahren zur Durchführung einer Informationskampagne, um eine Glaubensidentität herzustellen

Ein Konsultationstreffen in Sana'a unter dem Vorsitz von Informationsminister Deifallah Al-Shami, an dem Leiter vergifteter, sichtbarer und offizieller sowie privater Medien beteiligt waren, erörterte Verfahren zur Durchführung einer Medienkampagne zur Festigung und Verbesserung der Prinzipien der Glaubensidentität.

In dem Treffen betonte der Informationsminister, wie wichtig es ist, dass die Verantwortlichen der Medieninstitutionen angesichts der Bedingungen, die das Land infolge der anhaltenden Aggression und Blockade durchmacht, die Verantwortung für sich selbst übernehmen.

Er betonte die Notwendigkeit, im Geiste eines Teams zu arbeiten, um die Rolle der nationalen Medieninstitutionen bei der Schaffung einer Glaubensidentität zu stärken, sowie die Übersetzung der Rede des Führers der Revolution, Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, und die diesbezüglichen Einschränkungen und allgemeinen Richtlinien.

Er wies auf die Notwendigkeit hin, das Bewusstsein der Gesellschaft für die authentische jemenitische Identität zu stärken ... und verwies auf den allgemeinen Plan der Regierung, die revolutionären Führungsrichtlinien in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich des Medienbereichs, zu aktivieren

(A H P)

Über 300 gefrorene Hühnerkartons wurden zerstört

Die jemenitische Institution für Standards, Metrologie und Qualitätskontrolle hat heute 361 Kartons mit gefrorenem Huhn zerstört, weil sie gegen die genehmigten Standards verstoßen hat.

In einer Erklärung der Kommission, die bei der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) einging, hieß es, dass die Ergebnisse der von der Kommission durchgeführten Labortests zeigten, dass sie unvereinbar waren, weil sie Salmonellenbakterien enthielten und kurz vor dem Abschluss standen.

(A P)

Das Parlament tritt am Mittwoch weiterhin zusammen

(A P)

Parliament continues to hold its sessions on Wednesday

(* A P)

Huthi-Gericht verurteilt im Exil lebenden Präsidenten Jemens zum Tode

Ein Gericht in der von Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierten jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa hat den ins Exil geflohenen Präsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi und weitere Amtsträger zum Tode verurteilt. Das Gericht werfe Hadi, Ministerpräsident Muin Abdel Malek und dem früheren Aussenminister Chalid al-Jamani Hochverrat und Kontakte mit Israel vor, wie die von den Huthi kontrollierte Nachrichtenagentur Saba am Dienstag berichtete. Die drei Politiker wurden in Abwesenheit verurteilt.

Bereits vor drei Jahren hatte ein Gericht Hadi und weitere Amtsträger in einem anderen Fall zum Tode verurteilt. Da sich die Verurteilten ausserhalb des von den Huthis kontrollierten Gebiets aufhalten, ist eine Vollstreckung des Urteils unwahrscheinlich. =

Mein Kommentar: Außer dass sie einen möglichen Friedensprozess erschweren, bringen solche Aktionen nichts.

(* A P)

Das Strafgericht verurteilte Al-Yamani, Abdrabuh und Maeen Abdulmalik wegen Hochverratsverbrechen

Khalid Hussein al-Yamani, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi und Maeen Abdelmalik Saeed wurden wegen Hochverrats vom Fachgericht erster Instanz in der Hauptstadt verurteilt.

Das Urteil, das in der Sitzung des Richters Mujahid al-Amdi und In Anwesenheit des Obersten Strafverfolgungsbeamten, des Richters Dr. Khaled Al-Maori, des Staatsanwalts Ahmed Al-Qiz und eines Mitglieds der Staatsanwaltschaft, Khaled Omar, sollen die wegen des Todes Verurteilten wegen Beschlagnahmung, Beschlagnahme ihres gesamten Grundbesitzes und des beweglichen Eigentums innerhalb und außerhalb der Republik Jemen bestraft und dem Staat zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

In dem Urteil, dass Khaled Hussein al-Yamani wegen rechtswidriger Verbrechen in der Kommunikation mit der israelischen feindlichen Einheit verurteilt werden sollte, wurden Handlungen mit dem Ziel begangen, die Unabhängigkeit und territoriale Integrität der Republik Jemen zu beeinträchtigen, dem Feind zu helfen und sich als der ihm in der Anklage zugeschriebene Außenminister auszugeben.

Während der Gerichtsvollzieher entschied, dass Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi und Maeen Abd al-Malik Saeed wegen des Verbrechens der Beteiligung an dem ihnen in der Anklageschrift zugeschriebenen Strafvertrag verurteilt werden sollten und dass Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed wegen des Verbrechens der Nachahmung des ihm in der Anklageschrift zugeschriebenen Premierministers verurteilt werden würde.

Das Strafgericht verpflichtete die Verurteilten, den Betrag von einer Million und 500.000 Riyals, die Löhne für Rechtsstreitigkeiten, den Anwälten zu übergeben, die diese anvertrauten.

Das Gericht stützte sich auf die Begründetheit des Urteils, auf die Zeugenaussagen und auf die Beweise, die die Strafverfolgung während der Verhandlungssitzungen vorlegte.

(* A P)

Criminal Court in Sanaa sentences Hadi, al-Yamani, Moeen Abdulmalik to death

The Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance in the capital Sanaa on Tuesday sentenced Khalid Hussein al-Yamani, Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi and Moeen Abdulmalik Saeed to death after being convicted of committing high treason crimes.

The court's verdict ruled also the confiscation of all their real estate and movable property inside and outside the Republic of Yemen to the state treasury.


(* A P)

Houthi court court sentences Hadi, Ma'een, Yamani to death

The Houthi court in Sana'a sentenced President Abdurabbu Mansur Hadi, Prime Minister Ma'een Abdulmelik and former Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yemani to death on charges of spying and high treason.
According to the Houthis-run news agency, "the Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance in the capital Sanaa on Tuesday sentenced Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi and Ma'een Abdulmalik Saeed and Khalid Hussein al-Yamani to death after being convicted of committing high treason crimes."
"The court's verdict ruled also the confiscation of all their real estate and movable property inside and outside the Republic of Yemen to the state treasury." the Houthis added.

My comment: Actions like this one are of no use, they only are counterproductive to any possible peaceful agreement. Any such agreement would require that all sides agree to coexist with each other – how any death sentence could fit then???

(* B K pH)

Year in review: 2019 was a year of great victory for Yemeni Resistance

Brigadier General Yahya Sare'e reveals official statistics of Yemeni defence against aggression

The Yemeni army on Sunday announced the expansion of its databank of targets, to include vital and sensitive centers all over the aggression countries.

The decision was made publix at a press conference held in the capital Sana’a by the army’s spokesperson Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e, during which he revealed the developments of the combat situation on the fronts in 2019.

“The bank of targets for our forces is divided into three levels according to importance,” Sare’e said, indicating that within the first level there are nine very important goals, including six in Saudi Arabia and three in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“Continual targeting of our people and our country will mean the continuation of our forces’ legitimate and appropriate response, with painful strikes on what the leadership chooses from the three levels of the Targets Bank,” he said.

The Spokesman affirmed the Armed Forces’ full readiness to implement the next stage of “great pain”, if the leadership were to issue instructions to do so.

(A K P)

America is who manages aggression, siege on Yemeni people: al-Houthi

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali al-Houthi on Wednesday said America is who manages the aggression and siege on Yemen and rejects any solutions that would alleviate the burdens on citizens and the private sector alike.

This came during a meeting held in Sanaa and included Minister of Industry and Trade and his Deputy, the Association of Banks, the Association of Money Changers, and a number of merchants.

In the meeting, the Political Council's member stressed the openness of the state and the government to all solutions that lead to improving the economic conditions in the country.

(A K P)

Mohammed al-Houthi condemns Saudi hypocrisy on peace effort

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has sent a direct message to the leaders of the coalition countries led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

In the message, he criticized the evasive maneuvers of the coalition in terms of reaching peace.

Mohammed al-Houthi said on Monday: “To the countries of aggression: The language of peace is understandable through rational actions, and the high faith in it is manifested with our loud voice.”

Al-Houthi criticized the maneuvers of the coalition leaders, who make political statements about the desire for peace that are proven false by the reality of military escalation.

“Serious steps to peace are the true measure of practical interaction. Other promises are just hot air,” he said.

(A P)

Believe it or not: Houthis snuffed out cigarettes in this man's eyes

A new horrific Houthi technique of torture emerges to public knowledge every day. Believe it or not, the Shia extremists ruling Sana'a tortured the man in the enclosed picture by snuffing out cigars in his pupil.

Saleh Qayed, a social media activist in his twenties was kidnapped by the extremist militia ruling north Yemen a year ago and cigarettes were snuffed out in his eyes to blind him.

This week he was released according to activists but totally blind.

(A K P)

Envoy: US Preventing Ceasefire in Yemen

Yemeni Ambassador to Tehran Ibrahim Mohammad Mohammad al-Deilami said that Washington does not allow the Saudi-led coalition to save itself from the quagmire of Yemen war.

"The US decisions prevent Saudi Arabia from declaring ceasefire in Yemen," al-Deilami told the Arabic-language service of al-Alam news channel on Monday.

He added that the aggressive forces are relying on time-killing and economic war against Yemen, but, meantime, expressed confidence that all of them will fail.

"Saudi Arabia had many opportunities to come out of the Yemen quagmire but their ignorance prevent them from using these opportunities," al-Deilami said.

cp5a Der Banknotenkrieg / The banknote war

(A P)

Banken und Börsenverbände [im Nordjemen] bekräftigen die Zahlungsbereitschaft von Arbeitnehmern und Rentnern

Der jemenitische Bankenverband und der jemenitische Börsenbankverband haben bestätigt, dass keine Bankinstitute (Banken oder Börsenunternehmen) Anhaltspunkte für eine Entschuldigung für die Zahlung von Beiträgen von Mitarbeitern und Rentnern gegeben haben.

Die beiden Gesellschaften gaben heute in einer Erklärung die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) eine Kopie davon erhalten habe bekannnt dass Banken und Börsenunternehmen ihre Begrüßung und ihre Bereitschaft bekräftigen, alle mit der Auszahlung von Arbeitnehmer- und Ruhestandsbeiträgen zusammenhängenden Verfahren in allen Gouvernoraten der Republik in Übereinstimmung mit den auf Professionalität und vollständiger Transparenz beruhenden finanziellen Regelungen umzusetzen.

(A P)

Film (by Houthis; Arabic): Together to protect our currency from collapse

The government of hotels and the policies of systematic destruction of the economy and dumping the country's finances in the swamps of cash inflation

(A P)

#Houthis killed a man, who owns a money exchager store, and his son in Hajja for refusing to give up the newly-minted currency issued by the Aden-based Central Bank of #Yemen.

(A P)

[Hadi] Yemen government calls on World Bank, IMF to end Houthi banknote ban

The internationally recognized government of Yemen has sent letters to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, urging them to pressure the Iran-backed Houthis to revoke their ban on the recently-printed banknotes.

The government said that Houthis ban has caused nation-wide economical repercussions including the fall of the currency and the stop of salaries.

“We have told them that Houthi decision would have destructive impact on the national currency," a senior government official told Arab News on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press, adding that the government turned to the international monetary funds after running out of options to stop Houthis.

“We have no authority over them. The only thing we can do is raising the issue to the international community,” the official said.

(* A P)

Al-Houthi Denies Any Obstacles of Transferring Salaries

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, denied that there were any obstacles for the pro-aggression government in transferring the salaries of employees of some sectors of the state, considering its excuse for what it called the banks of Sanaa’s apology for receiving salaries “deception”.

“Saudi-mercenaries don’t pay salaries even to some who are under occupation,” Al-Houthi said in a tweet Tuesday night.

the delivery of the salaries to all employees of the Republic by arbitrary decisions of the aggression countries and their mercenaries violates their obligations and any justification today is deception and incorrect inaction,” he added, referring to Hadi’s government insistence on suspending the salaries.

Mohammed Al-Houthi stressed that there is no obstacle or justification of the pro-aggression government in the payment of salaries to state employees, which was transferred through Alkuraimi Bank for employees of the judiciary, the Ministry of Health and retired employees.

(* A P)

Yemen officials: Rebel ban on banknotes stops gov't salaries

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni officials said on Tuesday that a powerful rebel group's ban on recently-printed government banknotes in areas under their control, including the capital, Sanaa, has held up the salaries of tens of thousands of civil servants and pensioners.

The officials and the internationally recognized government said the rebels, known as Houthis, refused to work with the Yemeni rials that its central bank had printed in the past three years.

The [Hadi gov.] finance ministry said the rebels' move paralyzed most banking activities in areas under Houthi control, depriving tens of thousands of people, including around 40,000 pensioners, of desperately needed payments this month.

Officials in Sanaa said the Houthis had given residents a month to hand over the newly printed but banned banknotes or face penalties that include jail. The rebels said they would compensate them with old currency or an electronic rial they have created, they added.

They said banks and shops in Houthi-controlled areas have refused to use the banned banknotes. Residents have resorted to trading in the Yemeni rial with the Saudi Arabian rial and the U.N. dollar before entering the Houthi-controlled areas to avoid being arrested

(* A E P)

[Hadi gov.] Ministry of Finance confirms suspension of salaries in Houthi-controlled areas

The salary suspension comes in response to the recent Houthi ban on currency minted in Yemen's interim capital Aden, the government said

The [Hadi gov.] Yemeni government’s Ministry of Finance in Aden confirmed on Monday that it has suspended civil servant salary payments in areas under Houthi control.

The salary suspension, which affects retirees and employees in various sectors including health and education, is a response to the Houthis’ recent ban on newly minted currency issued by the Aden branch of the central bank. An official in the Aden-based government announced news of the suspension to Almasdar Online on Sunday.

In a statement, the ministry said that it is "committed to disbursing salaries in areas controlled by the Houthis when the obstacles created by them are removed," threatening further consequences if the ban is not lifted.

The salaries of civil servants in areas under Houthi control, along with the pensions of about 40,000 people, had been suspended for years. The government resumed their disbursement about a year-and-half ago as part of a UN-backed agreement between the two banks over certain revenue arrangements.

"Banks are unable to pay salaries to employees and retirees … creating a liquidity crisis," the statement said, accusing the Houthis of exacerbating the humanitarian crisis and ignoring the needs of the citizens under their control. The Houthis argue that the influx of Aden-printed currency will lead to hyperinflation.

(* A E P)

[Hadi gov.] Prime Minister suspends salaries in Houthi-controlled areas after rebels ban banknotes

By halting the salary payments, the Prime Minister’s office seeks to pressure Houthi authorities to make concessions in the economic war

Yemen’s internationally recognized government in Aden has suspended payment of salaries to retirees, university professors, judges, members of the Ministry of Health and others in Houthi-controlled areas due to a currency dispute between the government and the rebels, according to the Aden-based office of Yemen’s Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed.

The government normally pays these salaries in cash using currency exchange firms that operate in the Houthi-controlled areas. But on Dec. 18, the Houthi-run branch of Yemen's central bank in Sana'a banned that newly-minted currency from the central bank's Aden branch. Merchants, money changers, banks and citizens were given one month to hand over the new banknotes to the Houthi authorities.

Past bans of Aden-printed banknotes, combined with other measures the warring central banks have taken to weaken each other, have fueled a strong financial black market in Houthi-controlled areas.

After the most recent ban, currency exchangers informed the government that they can no longer deliver the salaries without considering a larger commission–between 15 and 20 percent–to meet the black market exchange rates required to swap the new banknotes for the older bills accepted by Houthi authorities.

By halting the salary payments, the Prime Minister’s office seeks to punish the Houthis for the ban and pressure them to make concessions in the economic war.

The head of the Civil Alliance for Peace, Dr. Hammoud Al-Oudi, told Almasdar Online that he regretted the repercussions. He has been working as part of a mediation team for a week trying to convince the Houthis to reverse the decision.

and how a Saudi news site tells it:

(A E P)

Houthi Oppression Deprives Tens of Thousands of Yemenis of their Salaries

[Hadi gov.] Yemen’s Finance Ministry demanded the international community, the United Nations, World Bank and International Monetary Fund to bear their responsibility to counter the tyrannical practices of the Iran-backed Houthi militias.
In their latest violation, the militias have delayed the payment of salaries to public civil servicemen and pensioners in areas under their control in northern Yemen after they refused to work with newly printed banknotes.
“The militias have banned the circulation of the new Yemeni rials that were released by the central bank in Aden,” the ministry said in a statement.
This has led to the paralysis of bank activity and deprived tens of thousands of employees and pensioners from receiving their salaries.
The central bank had printed the new currency some three years ago.
The Houthis’ latest move is part of their ongoing efforts to combat the legitimate government.

(* A E P)

Traders threaten strike in Houthi-controlled Yemen as rebels ban currency

Traders in Houthi-controlled areas have called for an open strike starting on Wednesday to protest against the rebels’ decision to ban trading with new currency notes issued by the internationally recognized government in Aden.

Workers at local exchange companies told Arab News on Monday that they would shutter businesses until Houthis revoked the decision or provided them with the old notes.

The strike would be the biggest act of civil disobedience against Houthi suppression since the Iran-backed rebels seized power in late 2014.

The Houthis recently banned people from using the newly printed notes, asking them to replace their notes with a virtual currency called the “electronic riyal.” The move has caused widespread anger, with people leaving Houthi areas with their cash to avoid confiscation.

Speaking to Arab News from inside Houthi-controlled areas, people expressed anger as many have kept their savings in the new notes. If they comply with the Houthis, they will be broke overnight.

“The people in the Houthi-controlled areas are experiencing a complex frustration,” a Yemeni journalist who lives in a Houthi-controlled city told Arab News on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.

(B K P)

Al-Dhale : Over 10,000 violations committed by Houthi Militia in 4 years

Iran backed Houthi militia has committed more than 10,000 human rights violations against civilians in Al-Dhale province during the past four years, the Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms said Monday.

The NGO said its field observers documented these violations from August 8, 2015 to December 10, 2019.

The violations included 453 cases of killing civilians and 1032 cases of injuring others among all the causalities are women and children.

The other violations included arbitrary detentions, tortures in jail, house raids, bombing houses and public properties and infrastructure, confiscating private properties and recruiting hundreds of child soldiers.

My remark: By a pro-Hadi government organization. These figures mix military and non-military actions.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp12b

(* A B P)

UAE deports Yemeni imams and preachers after months in prison

The religious leaders were detained after Emirati-backed secessionists wrested control of Yemen's interim capital Aden from the government in August

A group of Yemeni imams and preachers have returned to Yemen after some of them were imprisoned for months in Abu Dhabi.

The UAE deported a number of preachers and imams who were detained in the country after the Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) wrested control of Aden from Yemen’s internationally recognized government in August, relatives of some of the preachers and an official in Yemen’s Interior Ministry told Almasdar Online.

Yesterday about 20 of the religious leaders were flown to Sieyun Airport in Yemen’s eastern Hadhramout governorate, while the families of some of them were deported by road, the sources said. Some family members remain in the Emirates.

A number of Yemeni preachers and imams still being held in Abu Dhabi prisons are expected to be deported at a later date, the sources said.

In recent years, the UAE has deported hundreds of Yemenis who hadn't committed any apparent violations of Abu Dhabi’s residency regulations, according to the deportees.

During Yemen's war, the UAE has aggressively targeted Salafist political and religious leaders, as well as those affiliated with Yemen’s Islamist Islah party,

(A K P)

Transitional Council leadership and local authority in #Al-Dhalea proceed the funeral of a child martyr of Al-Somoud square attack

(A P)

[Separatist] Security Belt foils smuggling of YER 226 million into Aden

(A T)

#Abyan .. murdering 2 injuring 2 and capturing 2 others in a terrorist attack on Dhuhaiman checkpoint in #Mehfid

Terrorist elements attacked a security checkpoint and murdered two members of the security belt [separatists’ militia] who belong to Mehfid sector.

(A K P)

[Separatist] #Shabwani elite receives two camps and Arab Coalition forces leave #Shabwa to #Mukalla

A military source said that the Shabwani Elite Forces received two camps on Tuesday in the districts of Rodhoom and Jardan, in which forces related to the Arab Coalition were stationed.
The same source confirmed that Sudanese and Emirati forces were stationed in Balhaf camp in Rodhoom district and others in Al-Alam camp in Jardan district left their locations to Mukalla city of Hadramout governorate, pointing out that units of the Shabwani Elite Forces began stationing in the two camps, with arrangements by the Arab Coalition leadership.

(* A K P)

Shabwa .. Several members of Brotherhood militia get killed in a successful cordoning by the southern resistance forces

A group of youth from the Southern Resistance Forces carried out on Wednesday afternoon, an operation to cordon the terrorist Brotherhood’s militia between the mountains of the Qalt region, where the clashes are taking place.
The operation lead to killing about fifteen members of the militia, and burning a number of military vehicles and escaping other militia members to the Qalt Mountains leaving their weapons.

My remark: Separatist militia attacking pro-Hadi gov. Islah Party militia.

(* A K P)

Under the cover of the National Army: floods of terrorists attack Shabwa

Thousands of the Islah party militias (Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen) attacked the Shabwa governorate in southern Yemen under the cover of the so-called Yemen national army with the aim of controlling the province, which is located on the largest natural gas projects in Yemen and the region.
The militia consists of a mixture of tribesmen loyal to the Islah party and trained Islamic elements in addition to some military leaders supervised by Yemeni Vice President Major General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar .
The Yemeni independent organization National Center for Human Rights and democratic development NCHRDD claims that a large number of terrorists were among the militias who attack the the southern city .

My comment: As claimed by the separatists. The “Riyadh agreement” is dead.


(A K P)

Al-Jaadi: Terrorist forces pose obstacles to Riyadh Agreement

Member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council and assistant secretary general, Fadl Mohammed al-Jaadi said that the Islah party militias within the legitimate government still pose obstacles to the implementation of the Saudi-brokered deal signed between the STC and Yemen's government.
Al-Jaadi wrote on his Twitter account that "for the second consecutive month, the terrorist forces still create difficulties in implementing the Riyadh Agreement."
"We showed considerable patience in dealing with the provocations and mobilization for killing, to honor the commitments we have undertaken and signed." he added.

My comment: Separatists permanently are blaming the Hadi government.

(* A K P)

Clashes between Saudi-backed and UAE-backed Militants in Abyan, STC Vows to Control All Southern Provinces

Number of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) were killed and injured Wednesday in violent clashes in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

Military sources indicated that violent clashes took place between Saudi-backed militants, loyal to ex-Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Islah Party, with the Southern Transitional militia in Al-Mahfad district, resulting in the death of the Transitional militia leader Salem Al-Maqroumi Al-Kazmi and 4 others from the Saudi-backed militants and wounding others.

The sources confirmed that the clashes that broke out Wednesday are still continuing in Al-Mahfad district that witnessed during December many military confrontations with the pro-Hadi militants.

Meanwhile, Deputy President of the Southern Transitional Council affiliated to the UAE, Hani Bin Burik vowed the Saudi-backed militants to respond harshly and painfully, against what he called the repressive practices of the “legitimacy” government against the sons of the south.

(* A K P)

Southern Transitional Council claims it seized $72M en route to Aden's central bank and handed it over to Saudi forces

STC President Aydros Al-Zubaidi ordered the seizure of the funds to prevent their transfer to the "corruption group” run by the Hadi government

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Thursday stated that armed forces loyal to the political group seized about 18 billion Yemeni riyals (about $72 million) en route to the Central Bank of Aden, with the intention of handing it over to Saudi forces in the interim capital.

On Wednesday, STC-affiliated gunmen led by Aden security commander Awsan Al-Anshali, confiscated four containers holding the funds in Aden's port and transported them to the Jabal Hadid military camp, which is led by a brigade under STC President Aydros Al-Zubaidi.

STC spokesman Nizar Haitham said in a statement on Twitter Thursday that Al-Zubaidi had directed the seizure of the funds to prevent their transfer to what he described as the "corruption group” run by the internationally recognized government of President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Haitham said the funds would be transferred to Saudi forces overseeing the implementation of a power sharing deal between the STC and the government known as the Riyadh agreement in Aden. The money will be used, in part, to pay salaries within the next week, Haitham said.

The STC claimed to have handed the funds over to Saudi forces at the time of publication.

Neither Hadi’s government nor the central bank provided comment on the seizure of the funds.


(* A K P)

Security Force Affiliated to Saudi-UAE Occupation Storms Aden Port, Plunders 18 Billion Riyals

A security force recruited for the occupation forces stormed at dawn Thursday Aden port for containers and looted funds belonging to the bank in Aden, media sources reported.

The media sources indicated that the security forces recruited by the occupation forces took the phones of the port officials while filming the incident.

"It is the first time in Aden, which is under the control of the invasion and occupation, that a port is being stormed with the aim of looting the money,” the sources added.

Sources pointed out that the recruiting force that stormed the port of Aden affiliated to the so-called Southern Transitional Council and was able to loot 18 billion Yemeni riyals.

and also


(* A K P)

STC Delivers Seized Funds to Coalition Forces in Aden

Spokesman for the Southern Transitional Council, Nazar Haitham said in a statement on Thursday that the STC leadership issued its order to hand over containers and funds to the Saudi forces in the capital.
Haitham explained that the containers and funds had been seized by the security at Aden port on Wednesday, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the corruption group of the so-called legitimate government.
The shipment of money is meant to treat war-wounded and pay salaries to military and security sectors within the next week.

My comment: LOL. This is what they call “Riyadh agreement”.

(A P)

Al-Jadi: The liberation train has moved, and it doesn’t matter who did not climb on or got off it

Al-Jadi added on his Twitter account: the most important thing is it will surely reach its last stop, and if it is necessary to die, let us die standing with our high heads raised, we did not kill and we did not plunder, but we got killed and got plundered

(A K P)

Brotherhood militias kidnap soldiers from the Shabwani Elite Forces

The Brotherhood terrorist militia of Islah party kidnapped on Sunday, soldiers from the Shabwani Elite Forces and took them to one of its secret prisons in the city of Ataq.
According to local sources, 3 soldiers from the Shabwani elite named, Mohammad al-Magwah al-Nasi, Ahmad Moqbel al-Nasi, and Abu Yahya al-Nasi, were kidnapped after they left al-Alam camp while they were going to their homes in Lower Merkha.

(A P)

For the second day, Abyan Belt continues its security campaign in Jaar

[Separatist militia] security belt forces in Abyan Governorate continued for the second day their security campaign in the city of Jaar and adjacent areas, to seize unknown motorcycles and cars and prevent unlicensed weapons from being carried.

(A P)

PM issues decree by reforming Anti-Money Laundering and Financing Terrorism National Committee

(A P)

ERC organises 21st mass wedding in Mocha, Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, has organised the 21st mass wedding in Yemen under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces; and the guidance of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in Al Dhafra Region and Chairman of the ERC.
The 21st mass wedding ceremony, which was held in Mocha in the presence of Mohammed Salem Al Junaibi, ERC Representative on the Red Sea Coast of Yemen, saw 200 couples tying the knot.

(* A P)

Al-Kathiri: Summarizing Riyadh Agreement in some measures is unacceptable

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council and deputy head of the negotiation affairs unit, Ali Al-Kathiri said that with the arrival of the new year, a suitable opportunities for peace and for enabling the Southerners to run their provinces' affairs emerge, away from all forms of tampering and hegemony, on the way to achieving their national goals represented in independence, restoring their state and identity.
All we hope is that the process of implementing the Riyadh Agreement will be launched away from selectivity and attempts to void the agreement of its contents, he added.
Al-Kathiri confirmed the STC's confidence in the keenness of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to stop the attempts of some forces within the Yemeni government to obstruct the implementation of the agreement.
He made it clear that such attempts, in particular the military escalation in Shabwa and Abyan governorates are clear proof that the real goals of those forces (referring to the Islah-linked troops, Yemen's military wing of Muslim Brotherhood) is waging its fight against the liberated capital of the South Aden instead of directing its battle towards Yemen's abducted capital Sana'a.
Alkatiri stressed that summarizing implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in some military and security measures blows up the deal as a whole, adding "it's unacceptable and we do believe that the Saudi-led Arab Coalition will not allow it to happen."

(A P)

Hani bin Breik, a UAE man suspected of being mastermind behind assassinations & having links to terrorist groups in south, says Yemeni journalists are traitors. In 2015, leader of Iran-backed Houthi militia said Yemeni journalists were traitors & ordered to face them strictly.

referring to film:

(* B K P)

Yemen President Aide to Asharq Al-Awsat: Riyadh Agreement is Turning Point in Uniting Ranks

Alimi is the head of the largest coalition of political parties and forces in Yemen. He said that the Saudi-sponsored Riyadh agreement helped “set things straight” in Yemen and acted as a sort of reevaluation of the legitimate forces and Arab coalition alike.

Most significantly, it united ranks against the Iran-backed Houthi militias and their coup in Yemen, he stressed.

The Yemeni parties, he continued, represent the national aspect of the constitutional legitimacy. Their agreement among each other ultimately brought Hadi to power and they therefore play a “decisive” role in the country.

Disputes, however, still persist between them, most notably between the Islah and General People’s Congress.

Alimi said: “Political conflicts in Yemen have long been severe and occasionally violent. Despite this, political forces have always sought to safeguard the state and institutions because they in turn protect all Yemenis.”

(A K P)

Local sources: Midnight clashes erupted between pro-government forces and armed tribesmen backed by the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the province of Shabwa, southeast #Yemen.

(A T)

Security belt commander and bodyguard shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Abyan

A leader of the UAE-backed Security Belt forces and his escort were shot dead on Tuesday by unidentified gunmen in Al-Mahfad district in Abyan governorate.

Unidentified gunmen riding a motorcycle killed the commander, Yasser Shamlaq, near a shop in the center of Al-Mahfad at around noon on Tuesday, a source in Abyan’s security sector said.

(A K P)

STC Secretariat Condemns Terrorist Attack on Al-Dhale

The Secretariat focused on the terrorist attack against the military graduation parade in Al-Dhale on Sunday, which resulted in the death of a number of innocent people, including children.

(A K P)

The Department of Human Rights of # Dhalea Transitional Council local leadership blames #Houthi militia for targeting children and civilians with ballistic missile

My remark: It was a separatist militia parade.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

The prisoner exchange dossier between Yemen's internationally recognized government and Houthi rebels has witnessed significant progress recently when 135 prisoners (75 government forces and 60 Houthis) were released through local mediation. The swap was the largest ever mediated by local tribes since the war broke out in Yemen in 2015. After several delays, the swap finally took place Dec. 19 in the southwestern province of Taiz, where feelings of joy prevailed in the city of the same name, whose control is divided between the Houthis and government forces.

According to Shadad, the success of the locally mediated swap lies in the “seriousness and will” of both sides to release the prisoners. That will was absent years ago, he said.

The two sides — the Saudi-backed government and the Iran-aligned Houthi group — have their own representatives for prisoners affairs: Dhia Ahdel representing the government and Abdul-Qader Mortadha working on behalf of the Houthis.

“The secret to the success of tribal mediation is that they [local mediators] know the nature of the Yemeni people,” Mortadha told Al-Monitor. “Second, they [the mediators] have the will and are more serious than the United Nations to accomplish [ swap deals].”

The role of the local mediation is not limited to this particular swap, but it has included “more than 350 exchange deals [since March 2015], during which more than 7,000 prisoners were released from both sides,” Mortadha added.

Two members of the local mediation team confirmed Mortadha’s statement, saying that the warring sides had given them “the authority in conducting and facilitating negotiations.”

However, local mediation was faced with several obstacles during negotiations and the implementation of the swap, Shadad said. “During negotiations, each side was keen to release as many prisoners as possible, specifically prisoners the other side considers high ranking,” Shadad explained. "Families insisted that the first prisoners to be released must be those who spent four to five years in prison — while the warring sides [Houthis and government] wanted the release of senior figures first.”

According to observers, the latest swap offers hope for a wider tribal role that can help reach a cease-fire. However, the Houthis do not believe this is possible.

“If the field commanders [of the Saudi-backed government] have the green light, power and authority [by the Saudi-led coalition], local mediation could enter into such negotiation [for a cease-fire],” Mortadha said.

However, Mortadha believes the success of tribal mediation in achieving the swap deal is that it is not as major as a cease-fire, and that the prisoners file is — first and foremost — a humanitarian issue where all parties are winners.

But, he added, tribal mediation cannot play a role in reaching a cease-fire since government commanders cannot take the decision alone to negotiate a cease-fire, alleging that the decision is “in Saudi hands.” – by Naseh Shaker

(A P)

Six Saudi prisoners freed by Yemen's Houthis return home

Six Saudi Arabian prisoners held in Yemen by the Iran-aligned Houthi group returned home on Wednesday, in a move welcomed by the United Nations as it pushes for political negotiations to end almost five years of war.

Facilitated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the six men arrived in Riyadh, the spokesman for a Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen said in a statement.

He said the exchange had been part of the Stockholm agreement

(B P)

Have the Yemen peace talks broken down?

Renewed Houthi threat to strike vital Saudi and UAE installations should be taken seriously

Have the secret negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen’s Houthi Ansarallah movement reached a dead end, heralding a fresh escalation of tensions between the two sides?

That would seem to be the conclusion to draw from the Houthis’ renewed threat to attack “vital and sensitive” sites in the “aggressor states” that have been waging war on Yemen for the past five years. Military spokesman Yahaya Sarie warned on Sunday that the group had drawn up a target-list of nine such locations, six in Saudi Arabia and three in the United Arab Emirates.

My comment: The author should take into account the fueling of violence by both sides in the last week.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Yemeni journalist @almuraisywas snatched from hospital where he was tending to his son by Saudi forces 2 years ago & disappeared since then. Saudi authorities gave him no charge & denied him the right to due process. Today his son died.

(A P)

#Saudi minister of education who overseas education of millions of students in inhalation of #Jews signs a cooperation agreement with criminal torturer AbdulAziz AlHuwairi who is holding #American citizens hostages #Saudi prisons

referring to

(B E P)

#Saudi leaker @DiwanLeaks is publishing secret documents showing how #Saudi govt took over Bin Laden construction giant (document; Arabic)

(B P)

Listen to the #Saudi leaker @DiwanLeaks in his own voice speaking about who interrogated ex minister of bstional guard Miteab bin Abdullah #RitzCarlton

referring to audio (Arabic):

(B P)

Breaking: We are talking to @DiwanLeaks, a new leaker of top-secret documents, the best so far, to publish secret #Saudi govt documents from Royal Court, all ministries, security apparatuses & lives of Saudi monarchists. Watch for the reports starting next week #2020

(A P)

A rampant anti-Shia campaign of dehumanizing an entire faith communities started years ago but it has metastasized in leading #American media & thinktanks, some of it comes from ignorance but lots come from the anti-Shia block in ME, #UK & #US led by Saudis & her allies.

This campaign exploded following the atracks on #US base in N. Iraq, bombing & embassy protests. I say to all those using #ReligiousLabeling to refrain or list their own label. Otherwise it’s hatred & bigotry.

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia arrests hundreds after 'modernization' festival

Saudi Arabia has arrested over 200 people for violating "public decency", casting doubt on Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's so-called plan to "modernize" the ultra-conservative Arab kingdom.

Riyadh police said about 120 men and women have been arrested over the past week for offending public morals, including wearing "inappropriate clothes", and unspecified penalties imposed on the violators.

Another 88 people were arrested in several harassment cases, the police said in a string of statements posted on Twitter.

The arrests were made after a number of women complained on social media that they were harassed at the biggest electronic music festival MDL Beast in Riyadh earlier this month.

No further details were given, including the duration of the detentions.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

What Saudi Arabia’s sham Khashoggi verdict means for Arab dissidents

But the brazen attempt to bury the highest-profile murder case in the past decade at the end of the year is almost more audacious than the crime itself, which took place midday on foreign soil, inside a diplomatic mission. The timing is hardly a coincidence.

cp9 USA

(* A H P)

'Do the right thing': Trump administration urged to extend protection for Yemen refugees

DHS has until 3 January to determine whether it will grant extension to Yemeni refugees living in US

Less than 48 hours before a US deadline to extend temporary protected status (TPS) to Yemeni refugees expires, a rights group urged the Trump administration to "do the right thing" and issue an extension.

"It is imperative that Department of Homeland Security extends TPS status for Yemen," Abed Ayoub, national legal and policy director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), told Middle East Eye on Wednesday.

"TPS protects thousands of Yemeni nationals in the US, and provides them safe harbour so they are not forced to return to Yemen."

Ayoub submitted a request to DHS in November calling for Yemeni refugees' protection to be extended.

The designation of temporary protected status allows persons fleeing conflict, including war and natural disasters, to live and work in the US for a period of time.

About 1,250 Yemenis have been allowed to live in the US under TPS since Washington gave Yemen the designated status in 2015, according to the State Department.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(** A B K P)

Eskalation zwischen USA und IranWarum ist die Lage so gefährlich?

Donald Trump ließ per Raketenangriff den iranische General Ghassem Soleimani töten. Welche Bedeutung hatte der Mann? Droht nun ein Krieg? Warum ist die Situation so unberechenbar? Eine Analyse.

Die Ermordung des iranischen Generals Ghassem Soleimani durch einen US-Luftangriff in Bagdad hat eine große Dimension. Die Folgen lassen sich nur schwer abschätzen, aber sie werden massiv sein. Es ist eine direkte Kriegserklärung gegen die iranischen Revolutionsgarden und deren Al-Kuds-Elitetruppen, denen Soleimani als Kommandeur vorstand.

US-Drohnen hatten dessen Konvoi am Flughafen in Bagdad mit Raketen beschossen, nachdem Soleimani dort ankam. Die Order kam von US-Präsidenten Donald Trump persönlich, der damit sicherlich kurzfristig erfolgreich seinen Rachedurst gestillt hat. Es ist seine Antwort auf die Stürmung der US-Botschaft durch Demonstranten vor wenigen Tagen. Die gehörten der Miliz Kataib Hizbollah an, einer der schiitischen Milizen im Irak, die vom Iran unterstützt und gelenkt werden.

Diese paramilitärischen Gruppen wiederum hatten darauf reagiert, dass die US-Luftwaffe kurz zuvor deren Stellungen im Irak bombardiert hatte. Das Pentagon rechtfertigte den jetzigen Schlag gegen Soleimani damit, dass er aktiv an Plänen gearbeitet habe, um amerikanische Diplomaten und Einsatzkräfte im Irak und der Region zu attackieren.

Warum ist die Lage nun so unberechenbar?

Genau dieses von Soleimani geschaffene Konstrukt macht die jetzige Lage und die Reaktion auf seine Ermordung so gefährlich und unberechenbar. Denn er hat damit viele Fronten geschaffen, auf die sich jeder Gegner des Iran einstellen muss. Anders als bisher herkömmlich Konflikte der USA in der Region, etwas gegen den Irak Saddam Husseins, oder gegen die Taliban in Afghanistan, ist damit ein militärischer Konflikt gegen den Iran nicht auf dessen Landesgrenzen beschränkt. Das ist die wichtigste Hinterlassenschaft Soleimanis, mit der das iranische Regime jetzt auf dessen Tötung antworten kann.

„Soleimanis Weg wird auch ohne ihn weitergeführt, aber die Kriminellen erwartet eine schwere Rache“, schrieb der oberste Revolutionsführer Ayatollah Khamenei in einem Beileidsschreiben, das im iranischen Staatsfernsehen verbreitet wurde.

„Die Ermordung General Soleimanis war extrem gefährlich und wird zu einer Eskalation der Krise führen“, twitterte der iranische Außenminister Mohammed Jawad Sarif.


(** A K P)

Milizen drohen nach US-Angriff mit Rache – Israel in Alarmbereitschaft

Gefährliche Eskalation in Nahost: Nach dem Tod eines hohen iranischen Generals rüsten Milizen verbal auf. Die USA sind besorgt um ihre Bürger im Irak. Alle Infos im Newsblog.

10.00 Uhr: Russland: "Abenteuerlicher Schritt"

Russland hat den Angriff kritisiert und befürchtet, dass sich die Spannungen im Nahen Osten weiter verschärfen könnten.

9.20 Uhr: US-Regierung ruft ihre Bürger zur Ausreise auf

Die US-Regierung hat ihre Bürger aufgerufen, den Irak umgehend zu verlassen. Die US-Botschaft in Bagdad forderte alle US-Bürger zur sofortigen Ausreise auf.

9.00 Uhr: Mehrere schiitische Milizen drohen USA und Israel

Mehrere schiitische Milizen im Irak drohen den USA mit Vergeltung. Der einflussreiche Milizenführer Kais al-Khasali teilte mit, im Gegenzug für das vergossene Blut würden das Ende der amerikanischen Militärpräsenz im Irak und die Zerstörung Israels kommen.

8.40 Uhr: Iraks Ministerpräsident kritisiert Angriff scharf

Der irakische Ministerpräsident Adil Abd al-Mahdi hat die Tötung Soleimanis als Aggression gegen sein Land und als empörenden Verstoß gegen die Voraussetzungen für die Präsenz der US-Truppen im Irak verurteilt. Er sprach von einer gefährlichen Eskalation und warnte vor einem Krieg in der Region.

8.30 Uhr: Iraks Schiitenführer al-Sadr will Anti-US-Miliz reaktivieren

Der einflussreiche irakische Schiitenführer Muktada al-Sadr will seine Anti-US-Miliz reaktivieren.

8.00 Uhr: Irans Präsident: "Schreckliches Verbrechen der USA"

Irans Präsident Hassan Ruhani hat die USA scharf verurteilt und Vergeltung angekündigt

(* A K P)

USA töten iranischen General – die Reaktionen


(* B K P)

Der getötete iranische General war berühmt-berüchtigt

Der Westen sah in ihm einen Terroristen. Im Iran wurde er auch von Reformern respektiert: Ghassem Soleimani setzte Irans Interessen im Ausland durch – und bekämpfte den IS.

Der iranische General Ghassem Soleimani tauchte in der Region immer dann auf, wenn es für den Iran um besonders viel ging. Sein Gesicht war vor allem in den Krisenländern Syrien und im Irak berühmt-berüchtigt, sein Ruf geradezu legendär. Dort zeigte er sich gerne an der Seite schiitischer Milizen, die mit dem Irak eng verbündet sind. Er war zwar nicht der Kommandeur der iranischen Revolutionsgarden (IRGC), aber als Leiter der im Ausland aktiven Al-Kuds-Brigaden genauso einflussreich.



(* A B K P)

Reaktionen auf US-Raketenangriff-"Stange Dynamit in ein Pulverfass geworfen"

Nach der Tötung des iranischen Generals Ghassem Soleimani bei einem US-Raketenangriff im Irak sind die Reaktionen gespalten. Einige warnen vor einem neuen Konflikt im Nahen Osten.

USA: Demokraten kritisieren den Angriff

Der frühere amerikanische Vizepräsident Joe Biden sieht die USA nach dem Raketenangriff "am Rande eines größeren Konflikts im Nahen Osten". US-Präsident Donald Trump habe soeben "eine Stange Dynamit in ein Pulverfass geworfen"

Auch die demokratische Vorsitzende des US-Repräsentantenhauses, Nancy Pelosi, hat die Rechtmäßigkeit des US-Raketenangriffs in der irakischen Hauptstadt Bagdad infrage gestellt. Der Angriff sei "ohne Absprache mit dem Kongress" erfolgt

Republikaner verteidigt den Angriff

Der republikanische US-Senator Marco Rubio rechtfertigte die Tötung als Selbstverteidigung. Der Iran und seine Stellvertreter seien von den USA gewarnt worden, schrieb Rubio

(* B K P)

How Iran will strike back after the killing of Qasem Soleimani

Make no mistake: this is the most significant military assassination in the 21st century Middle East. More significant even than the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011. Bin Laden was the more famous man but was, by the time of his death, a lone figure stuck impotently in a compound in Pakistan.

Two questions necessarily arise after such an astounding act. Why now? And what next?

The first question appears, superficially at least, easier to answer. The strike comes just over 48 hours after members of the Iranian-backed militia group Kataib Hezbollah attacked the US embassy in Baghdad following the funerals of group members killed by a US air strike just days before that.

This was perhaps a provocation too far.

If the motive behind the act seems clear what comes next is less so. The strike has taken out the Islamic Republic’s most important Middle East operative, so the damage is tangible at the military and strategic level. But it also poses a problem politically.

Iran in the 21st century has seen a return to its early policy of regional expansion. It is enmeshed in the political (and indeed social) fabric of Iraq, and of Lebanon through its proxy Hezbollah, in Yemen through the Houthi militia group, and of course in Syria where, along with Russia, it is the reason why Bashar al-Assad remains in power.

And they will all be watching along with, most importantly, the Saudis, Iran’s main foe in the region. Soleimani was the literal face of Iran in the wider Middle East; can the world’s primary Shia power really do nothing while the Sunni Arab world looks on, and retain a credible posture of deterrence?

The answer is no. And with such a sophisticated network of proxies throughout the region it is likely that Tehran will use them to retaliate, as it always does.

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Iran can call on powerful friends if conflict engulfs region

If Iran decides to follow through on its vow of harsh retaliation for the killing of its top general, it can call upon heavily armed allies across the Middle East that are within easy striking distance of U.S. forces and American allies.

It’s a network that was developed over nearly two decades by Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed along with senior Iraqi militants in a U.S. airstrike near Baghdad’s international airport overnight. He enjoyed the fierce loyalty of tens of thousands of fighters in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and the Gaza Strip who received aid, arms and training from Tehran.

Iran has used such groups in the past to strike its regional foes, including Israel, and could mobilize them if the killing of Soleimani ignited an armed conflict — dramatically expanding the battlefield.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that a “harsh retaliation is waiting” for the U.S. after the airstrike, calling Soleimani the “international face of resistance.”

Here’s a look at Tehran’s allies in the Mideast:

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Iran vows ‘harsh’ response to US killing of top general

Iran has vowed “harsh retaliation” for a U.S. airstrike near Baghdad’s airport that killed Iran’s top general and the architect of its interventions across the Middle East, as tensions soared in the wake of the targeted killing.

The killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, marks a major escalation in the standoff between Washington and Iran, which has careened from one crisis to another since President Donald Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal and imposed crippling sanctions.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that a “harsh retaliation is waiting” for the U.S. after the airstrike, calling Soleimani the “international face of resistance.” Khamenei declared three days of public mourning for the general’s death.

Iran also summoned the Swiss charges d’affaires, who represents U.S. interests in Tehran, to protest the killing.

The killing, and any forceful retaliation by Iran, could ignite a conflict that engulfs the whole region, endangering U.S. troops in Iraq, Syria and beyond. Over the last two decades Soleimani had assembled a network of powerful and heavily armed allies stretching all the way to southern Lebanon, on Israel’s doorstep.

The Defense Department said it killed Soleimani because he “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.” It also accused Soleimani of approving the orchestrated violent protests at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad earlier this week.

and also

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Soleimani, a general who became Iran icon by targeting US

For Iranians whose icons since the Islamic Revolution have been stern-faced clergy, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani widely represented a figure of national resilience in the face of four decades of U.S. pressure.

For the U.S. and Israel, he was a shadowy figure in command of Iran’s proxy forces, responsible for fighters in Syria backing President Bashar Assad and for the deaths of American troops in Iraq.

Solemani survived the horror of Iran’s long war in the 1980s with Iraq to take control of the Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force, responsible for the Islamic Republic’s foreign campaigns.

Relatively unknown in Iran until the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, Soleimani’s popularity and mystique grew out American officials calling for his killing. By the time it came a decade and a half later, Soleimani had become Iran’s most recognizable battlefield commander, ignoring calls to enter politics but becoming as powerful, if not more, than its civilian leadership.

“The warfront is mankind’s lost paradise,” Soleimani recounted in a 2009 interview. “One type of paradise that is portrayed for mankind is streams, beautiful nymphs and greeneries. But there is another kind of paradise. ... The warfront was the lost paradise of the human beings, indeed.”

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Iraqi militant killed by US worked with Iran for decades

Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, a veteran Iraqi militant who was closely allied with Iran and rose to be a senior militia commander during the war against the Islamic State group, was killed overnight Friday in a U.S. strike that also felled Iran’s top general.

Al-Muhandis was the deputy commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces, an umbrella group of mostly Shiite paramilitaries. He was also the founder of the Kataeb Hezbollah, or Hezbollah Brigades. The U.S. blamed the group, which is separate from the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, for a rocket attack in northern Iraq last week that killed a U.S. contractor.

The militias, many of which are backed by Iran and trace their roots back to the Shiite insurgency against U.S. forces following the 2003 invasion, mobilized in 2014 when the Islamic State group swept across northern and western Iraq.

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Film: Iraqis celebrate the death of Qassem Soleimani in the streets chanting “ding dong the witch is dead.”

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US kills Iran’s most powerful general in Baghdad strike

The United States killed Iran’s top general and the architect of Tehran’s proxy wars in the Middle East in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport Friday, an attack that threatens to dramatically ratchet up tensions in the region.

The targeted killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force, could draw forceful Iranian retaliation against American interests in the region and spiral into a far larger conflict between the U.S. and Iran, endangering U.S. troops in Iraq, Syria and beyond.

The Defense Department said it killed Soleimani because he “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.” It also accused Soleimani of approving the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad earlier this week.

An adviser to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani quickly warned U.S. President Donald Trump of retaliation from Tehran.

“Trump through his gamble has dragged the U.S. into the most dangerous situation in the region,” Hessameddin Ashena wrote on the social media app Telegram. “Whoever put his foot beyond the red line should be ready to face its consequences.”

The airport strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, and five others, including the PMF’s airport protocol officer, Mohammed Reda, Iraqi officials said.

Trump was vacationing on his estate in Palm Beach, Florida, but sent out a tweet of an American flag.

Film from the site:


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Top Iranian Commander Killed in U.S. Airstrike on Trump Orders

The death of Soleimani, who led the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds force, heightened fears that rising tensions between the U.S. and Iran could lead to an armed confrontation that could easily pull in other countries. The pressures, which have been building for months, have been complicated by widespread protests in Iraq and Iran.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif denounced the killing on Twitter as “an act of international terrorism” directed against someone he called “THE most effective force fighting” Islamic State and al Qaeda.

“The US bears responsibility for all consequences of its rogue adventurism,” Zarif said, calling the move “extremely dangerous & a foolish escalation.”

The attack occurred near Baghdad international airport. Details remained unclear, but a person familiar with the developments said an Iraqi militia leader, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis was also killed.

The Iranian regime will be under “strong pressure” to strike back, said Paul Pillar, a former U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officer and a non-resident senior fellow at Georgetown University in Washington. “Many Iranians will regard this event the same way Americans would regard, say, the assassination of one of the best known and most admired U.S. military leaders. The potential for escalation has suddenly gone up.”

Soleimani, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, was a household name in Iran where he’s celebrated for helping to defeat Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and countering U.S. influence.

Soleimani was hit in a U.S. drone strike after planning that began following the rocket attack, according to a U.S. official.

Trump had tweeted a warning of dire consequences for Iranian aggression, with a jaunty twist at the end: “They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!”

The killing of such a prominent member of the Iranian hierarchy was unexpected. The attack was praised by some in Washington on Thursday night, though misgivings were expressed as well.

While Trump had showed restraint in the face of Iranian provocations, “#Iran’s Quds Force chose the path of escalation,” Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida said in a tweet. “They are entirely to blame for bringing about the dangerous moment now before us.”

“If it is true that he has been killed, any effort at negotiations between the U.S. and Iran would be off the table,” said Kamran Bokhari,founding director of the Center for Global Policy in Washington. “This could get ugly.”

Mark Dubowitz, the chief executive of the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said “the regime in Iran is now facing their worst nightmare: a U.S. president willing to escalate using all instruments of national power.” – By Jennifer Jacobs, Zaid Sabah, Nick Wadhams


(A K P)

Sen. Chris Murphy. Soleimani was an enemy of the United States. That’s not a question. The question is this - as reports suggest, did America just assassinate, without any congressional authorization, the second most powerful person in Iran, knowingly setting off a potential massive regional war?

Comment: Trump clearly believes that starting a war in Iran is politically very popular. He has an approval rating of 42% and an impeachment trial coming up in the Senate. I'm not saying he's starting a war to distract, I'm only saying he's EXACTLY the kind of monster who would (images)


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From an Iraqi perspective the news tonight fills me with dread of what’s next. There’s so many questions about how this will impact Iraq and what will happen to protests and the movement for reform & justice. What we have seen before is that when US-Iran butt heads Iraq gets hurt

I do have some questions on the Soleimani/Muhandis assassinations that will form the core of such thoughts

The US had an opportunity almost every week for the past few years to kill/capture Soleimani, in similar settings and methods, why did they choose to do so now? What has changed for them to take such a step

Muhandis was the operational head of a component of the Iraqi armed forces, how will the Iraqi government respond? What will happen to US-Iraqi relations, OIR, the Coalition, US troop presence in Iraq

Did Trump understand the status of Soleimani and who provided the encouragement for such a strike? Has the US gamed out the repercussions and scenarios and decided it was worth the risks

Finally, can escalation be contained? There are a substantial number of targets for Iran and pro-Iran groups in the Middle East, and the US has shown it is willing to strike as well, who can restrain both from further tit-for-tat? Strategically, where are US/Iran heading

(* B P)

Irak: Die nächste Fehleinschätzung der USA

Für die gewaltsamen Proteste an der US-Botschaft in Bagdad mit Brandstiftung wird Iran verantwortlich gemacht. Dabei wird einiges übersehen
Die leichteste Erklärung zu den aktuellen Eskalationen im Irak findet sich in Zeilen wie diesen: “Die Fähigkeit Irans, Milizen einzusetzen, damit sie – mit irakischer Unterstützung – die amerikanische Botschaft angreifen können, machte klar, wie viel Macht Iran im Irak hat.” Auf dem Foto, mit dem die New York Times die zitierte Überschrift zu ihrem Artikel illustriert, sieht man unterschiedliche Fahnen.
Ganz prominent ist die irakische Fahne im Zentrum des Bildes. Links davon, bei einer Gruppe von jungen Männern, die über eine Mauer der US-Botschaft in Bagdad klettern, sind gelbe und grüne Fahnen zu sehen, die auf Milizen der al-Haschd asch-Scha’bi (deutsch: Volksmobilmachungskräfte) verweisen. Auch hier weht eine irakische Fahne. Am rechten Bildrand ist eine US-Flagge zu sehen, die schwarz durchkreuzt ist, womit ganz sicher kein Zeichen der Sympathie übermittelt werden soll.
Wozu dieser Blick auf die Fahnen? Weil er auf Widersprüche zur Lesart der amerikanischen Zeitung aufmerksam macht, die eine gewisse Eindeutigkeit in Anspruch nimmt. Die Gegenthese dazu lautet, dass es sich bei den Protesten an der US-Botschaft, die zu einem Angriff auf dessen Territorium und einer Brandstiftung führten, um einen Anti-US-Protest handelt. Und dieser werde mit der Aktivität iranischer Strippenzieher nicht hinreichend erklärt, sondern eher propagandistisch kanalisiert.

Anmerkung André Tautenhahn: Der Artikel auf Telepolis liefert interessante Hintergründe, auch zum „Vergeltungsschlag“ der Amerikaner, dem eben auch irakische Sicherheitskräfte zum Opfer fielen. Darüber erfahren die Abonnenten von Tageszeitungen in diesem Land leider nichts. Das Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland verteilte zum Beispiel über seine angeschlossenen Filialzeitungen, darunter auch die HAZ in Hannover, einen unterirdischen Kommentar mit der Überschrift. „Teheran demonstriert in Bagdad seine Macht“. Autor Andreas Niesmann hat offenbar keine Ahnung von den Vorgängen im Nahen Osten, weiß aber genau, welches Narrativ es zu bedienen gilt.

What Will The Trump Administration Do When Iraq Asks U.S. Troops To Leave?
The PMF/PMU are Iraqi troops and part of the Iraqi military establishment. They are under command of the Iraqi prime minister. The Iraqi state pays their salaries. They have their own munition supplies and do not depend on Iran. It is quite possible that some of the PMU members took shots at U.S. bases in revenge for the explosions in their bases without any order or support from Iran.

(A P)

US Black Hawk hovers over Iran Embassy in Iraq: Report

A US Black Hawk helicopter has reportedly been circling over the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad as a whole host of American gunships violated the Iraqi capital’s skies in fresh military escalation that follows angry protests in front of the US mission.

Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen news channel reported the development on Thursday, citing Abu Reza al-Najjar, a commander of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), as saying that the aircraft had been flying over Baghdad during the previous three days for around 20 hours each day.

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Completely Disregarding Iraq’s Sovereignty, US Helicopters Fly over Iraqi Foreign Ministry & Iranian Embassy in Baghdad

In a blatant infringement on the Iraqi sovereignty, US helicopters flew over Baghdad under the pretext of scanning all the threats endangering the US embassy in the city.

Al-Mayadeen TV Channel reported that the US helicopters even violated the airspace of the Iranian embassy in Baghdad, which is considered according to the international laws as an infringement on the Iranian sovereignty.

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Esper says Iran may be planning more attacks on US interests

Iran or its proxy forces may be planning further strikes on American interests in the Middle East, and the U.S. is prepared to take preemptive military action if it gets sufficient warning, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said Thursday.

“The game has changed,” Esper said, citing a series of violent attacks on U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq in recent months by Iran-supported militia groups. “We’re prepared to do what is necessary to defend our personnel and our interests and our partners in the region.”

Without providing details, Esper told reporters at the Pentagon that the U.S. has “indications” that more Iranian provocations may be in the offing. If that happens, he said, the U.S. will take action — preemptively, if it has enough advance warning.

My comment: US propaganda preparing the soil for more interference.

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Iran Foreign Ministry summons Swiss envoy to protest US warmongering, blame game policy

Iran summons the Swiss charge d’affaires, whose country represents US interests in Iran, to protest “warmongering” remarks by American officials and Washington’s “blame game” policy on developments in Iraq.

The Swiss envoy was summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday to receive a strong official note of protest regarding the statements by US officials, which Tehran said were in violation of the United Nations Charter.

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US faces new crisis in Iraq

The U.S. mission in Iraq ended the year on a violent note Tuesday as supporters of an Iran-backed militia breached the gates of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, vandalizing the property and causing U.S. diplomats to hide in lockdown.

The developments put a question mark on the future of the U.S. presence in Iraq, as lawmakers and others in Washington debated the significance of the crisis and how the United States should respond.

President Trump and his supporters put the blame for Tuesday’s incident squarely on Iran, making the embassy drama the latest chapter in U.S.-Iran tensions that some have feared could lead to war.

But Trump’s critics put the blame on him, accusing him of an erratic Middle East policy that led to Tuesday’s scene.

“The attack on our embassy in Baghdad is horrifying but predictable,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) tweeted. “Trump has rendered America impotent in the Middle East. No one fears us, no one listens to us. America has been reduced to huddling in safe rooms, hoping the bad guys will go away. What a disgrace.”

Trump, who has spent the last 10 days at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, briefly addressed the escalating situation on Tuesday night.

“I think it’s been handled very well...we had some great warriors come in," Trump told reporters before attending a New Year's Eve party at his resort. "This will not be a Benghazi...they got in there very quickly.”

When asked about the possibility of war with Iran, Trump responded: “I don't see that happening."

Earlier in the day, Trump sent several tweets about the embassy attack.

In addition to the tweet accusing Iran of orchestrating the attack, Trump tweeted an entreaty to “those many millions of people in Iraq who want freedom and who don’t want to be dominated and controlled by Iran,” telling them, “this is your time!”

Murphy’s tweet:

My comment: This sounds crazy: Trump’s critics seem not to want less but more US interference in the Middle East.

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Iraq condemns U.S. air strikes as unacceptable and dangerous

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi on Monday condemned U.S. air strikes on bases of Iranian-backed Iraqi militia, a move that could plunge Iraq further into the heart of a proxy conflict between the United States and Iran.

The air strikes will force Iraq to reconsider working with the U.S.-led international coalition against Islamic State, the Iraqi National Security Council said in a statement.

Iraq’s Foreign Ministry said it would summon the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad to voice Baghdad’s disapproval.

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Europeans Unlikely to Quit Iran Nuclear Deal

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the three European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), are unlikely to pull out of the agreement.

Zarif — who is on an official visit to Beijing — told IRNA on Tuesday that China and Russia are unanimous in the position that the US withdrawal from the JCPOA and ensuing schemes to cause problems for the other parties seeking to respect the international document have put the nuclear accord in jeopardy.

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US taking revenge on Iraqi popular forces for defeating Daesh: Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly condemned the deadly American air raids that targeted the positions of Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi forces, saying Washington is in fact taking revenge on the popular forces because of the key role they played in defeating the Daesh terror group.

“You are witnessing what they [the Americans] are doing in Iraq and Syria. They are taking revenge on Hashd al-Sha’abi because it paralyzed and [eventually] eliminated Daesh, which they [the Americans] had created and nurtured,” the Leader said at a meeting on Wednesday.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, "I myself, the government and the nation of Iran condemn the US malevolence in the strongest of terms."

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Im Nahen Osten steht eine neue Eskalation bevor

Das Ringen zwischen Washington und Teheran stürzt den Irak in eine existenzielle Krise. Die Kriegsgefahr in der Region ist unvermindert hoch. Und die Dschihadisten lauern auf ihre Chance

Mit dem Angriff auf den US-Stützpunkt hat die Kataib Hisbollah, die von den USA als Terrorgruppe eingestuft wird, bewusst eine rote Linie überschritten. Denn Trump hatte zuvor wiederholt klargestellt, dass er beim Tod von US-Bürgern zurückschlagen werde - anders als etwa beim Abschuss einer US-Drohne. Kataib Hisbollah wagt eine derartige Provokation nicht, ohne dass sie in Teheran von höchster Stelle gebilligt wurde. Ihr eigentlicher Kommandeur ist Qassim Soleimani, der Revolutionsgarden-General, der auch Irans Regionalpolitik bestimmt.

Seit Monaten gibt es immer wieder Attacken auf die US-Truppen im Irak, und es ist kein Zufall, dass Iran jetzt die Eskalation treibt

Im Konflikt Iran-USA steigt das Risiko von verhängnisvollen Fehlkalkulationen

Den Irak stürzt dieses Ringen zwischen den USA und Iran in eine existenzielle Krise - ähnlich wie 2014, als die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat das halbe Land überrannte. Die Regierung ist nicht handlungsfähig, auf Iran angewiesen, aber auch auf die USA.

Mein Kommentar: Dass der Iran die Krise hochtreibt, ist schon eine recht einseitige Sicht. Die Frage, was US-Truppen überhaupt im Irak zu suchen haben, sollte am Anfang der Abwägung stehen.

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Can Pakistan bounce back after Malaysia snub? It's up to Imran Khan

Withdrawing from summit of Muslim countries last month under Saudi pressure was a diplomatic disaster, say diplomats and analysts

Pakistan’s decision to pull out of a summit of Muslim countries in Malaysia under pressure from Saudi Arabia has left the country vulnerable in the wake of its diplomatic disaster, Pakistani diplomats and analysts say.

The episode has also underscored Prime Minister Imran Khan's tricky balancing act, stuck between needing billions in Saudi financial support yet also striving to assert his independence.

“The Saudis told us not to go. It’s as simple as that. Khan should have sent a low-level delegation. He did not,” a Pakistani diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Middle East Eye. “Once you give one concession to the Saudis, there is no end.”

The summit, held in Kuala Lumpur last month, gathered the leaders and senior representatives of around 20 Muslim nations to discuss issues agitating Muslims globally.

Khan had accepted an invitation to attend from Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad and is thought to have been among leaders who suggested that the summit be held in the first place.

Saudi Arabia, however, is understood to have been concerned that the summit was a move to form a new body to replace the Jeddah-based Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and challenge the kingdom’s leadership in the Muslim world.

And eventually, Khan decided not to attend the summit after he was summoned to Riyadh for talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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Iran hits back at Germany over accusation of ‘destabilizing region’

Iran has hit back at Germany for accusing it of regional meddling, censuring Berlin for turning a blind eye to the United States’ interference in Western Asia.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi took to the same platform to respond.

“Germany is accusing Iran, wrongly and with deceit, of destabilizing the region while turning a blind eye to the illegal interference of the US as the main destabilizing factor in Western Asia,” Mousavi said. “The continuation of such positions casts serious doubt on Berlin’s claim of trying to play an effective role on the path of peace and stability.”

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Rouhani Says Future ’Very Good’ as US Vows New Sanctions

The US government says sanctions on Iran will intensify in 2020, some two years after Washington’s maximum pressure on Tehran has failed to bring Tehran to its knees.

“There will be more sanctions to come, and Iran’s economic problems and challenges are going to compound in 2020,” a senior US State Department official was quoted as saying Monday.

“They are already deep into a recession, and we are also seeing Iran come under greater diplomatic isolation,” the unnamed official claimed, CNBC television reported.

The United States unleashed its "toughest ever" sanctions against Iran when it left the 2015 nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic in May 2018. It has been frivolously piling up on the pressure since then because Tehran shows no signs of buckling.

Iranian officials say any additional sanctions are basically just more of the same, not hurting the country any harder. They also say the impact from the sanctions has bottomed out and the Iranian economy is showing signs of turning around.

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Iran, China boosting strategic partnership as FM Zarif visits Beijing

The top diplomats of Iran and China have emphasized the need for the two countries to strengthen their strategic relations and keep up consultations on issues of bilateral and international significance.

In a meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, in Beijing on Tuesday, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that establishing strategic ties shows the two sides’ keenness to reinforce their cooperation.

“We need to keep up regular bilateral consultations on a variety of issues and this trip serves that purpose,” he added.

Zarif further hailed China for supporting Iran’s stance on the international stage.

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Angriffe auf US-Botschaft im Irak

Lange war die Lage im Irak nicht mehr so angespannt. Demonstranten setzen Wachhäuser der US-Botschaft in Brand, Kampfhubschrauber feuern Leuchtraketen ab, Hunderte Soldaten werden zur Verstärkung eingeflogen. Präsident Trump hat den Schuldigen schon ausgemacht.

Die versuchte Erstürmung der amerikanischen Botschaft in Bagdad durch Demonstranten hat die Spannungen zwischen den USA und dem Iran noch einmal deutlich verschärft.

Mehr als 650 amerikanische Fallschirmjäger machten sich am Mittwoch auf den Weg in Richtung Nahost, wie das US-Militär auf Twitter mitteilte. In der Silvesternacht waren bereits rund 100 Soldaten von Kuwait aus mit Hubschraubern an die US-Botschaft in Bagdad verlegt worden, wie Videos des US-Militärs zeigten. Am Dienstag hatten Hunderte Demonstranten die gesicherte «Grüne Zone» in Bagdad gestürmt, die US-Botschaft attackiert und mehrere Wachhäuschen in Brand gesetzt.

Demonstranten, die zum Teil Militäruniformen trugen, warfen auch Brandsätze über die Mauer des Botschaftskomplexes und zertrümmerten Fensterscheiben. Sie riefen «Tod den USA» und beschmierten die Wände der hochgesicherten Botschaft mit anti-amerikanischen Parolen.

Auch in der Nacht zum Mittwoch blieben zahlreiche Demonstranten zunächst vor Ort. Am Morgen kam es dann erneut zu Zusammenstößen mit Sicherheitskräften, als Demonstranten wieder Feuer an der Außenmauer der Botschaft legten. Die Sicherheitskräfte setzten Tränengas ein.

Später folgten Teile der Demonstranten einem Aufruf des irakischen Außenministers Mohammed al-Hakim und der Führung der Volksmobilisierungseinheiten, sich von der Botschaft zurückzuziehen. Während sich am Botschaftskomplex in Bagdad damit die Lage zunächst beruhigte, nahmen durch den Zwischenfall die Spannungen zwischen den USA und dem Iran im Nahen Osten wieder zu. Die USA machen den Iran für die jüngsten Ausschreitungen verantwortlich. Die Führung in Teheran wies den Vorwurf jedoch vehement zurück.,7068593

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Militiamen withdraw from US Embassy but Iraq tensions linger

Iran-backed militiamen withdrew from the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Wednesday after two days of clashes with American security forces, but U.S.-Iran tensions remain high and could spill over into further violence.

The withdrawal followed calls from the government and senior militia leaders. It ended a two-day crisis marked by the breach of the largest and one of the most heavily fortified U.S. diplomatic missions in the world.

The attack and its volatile aftermath prompted the Pentagon to send hundreds of additional troops to the Middle East an d U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to delay a European and Central Asian trip.

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Protesters attack US Embassy in Baghdad after airstrikes

Angered by deadly airstrikes targeting an Iran-backed militia, dozens of Iraqi Shiite militiamen and their supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday, smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area in one of the worst attacks on the embassy in recent memory.

Flames rose from inside the compound and U.S. soldiers on the roof of the main embassy building pointed guns at protesters. American guards fired tear gas, and palls of smoke rose over the embassy grounds.

A man on a loudspeaker urged the mob not to enter the compound, saying, “The message was delivered.”

The State Department said all American personnel were safe and that there were no plans to evacuate the embassy.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper later announced the immediate deployment of an infantry battalion of about 750 soldiers from the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to the Middle East. He did not specify their destination, but a U.S. official familiar with the decision said they will go to Kuwait.

Esper said additional soldiers from the 82nd Airborne’s quick-deployment brigade, known officially as its Immediate Response Force, are prepared to deploy over the next several days. The U.S. official, who provided unreleased details on condition of anonymity, said the full brigade of about 4,000 soldiers may deploy.

Comment: The US mobilised 40 countries and invaded Iraq in 2003 but could not win. Iran's won. This time it's deployed 750 troops to retake Iraq. Now it would win. Don't say it was about destabilising Iraq for oil and enabling Iran to weaken Arabs, or just from the Euphrates to the Nile!


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Attack on US Embassy in Iraq shows stark choices for Trump

The attack on the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad by Iran-supported militiamen Tuesday is a stark demonstration that Iran can still strike at American interests despite President Donald Trump’s economic pressure campaign. Trump said Iran would be held “fully responsible” for the attack, but it was unclear whether that meant military retaliation.

“They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!” Trump tweeted later in the afternoon. He also thanked top Iraqi government leaders for their “rapid response upon request.”


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AP Explains: Who are Iraq’s Iran-backed militias?

Iran emerged as a major power broker in Iraq after the American invasion in 2003, supporting Shiite Islamist parties and militias that have dominated the country ever since.

Worries are increasing that the militias could drag Iraq into the growing proxy war between the U.S. and Iran in the Middle East. The United States and its ally, Israel, are targeting pro-Iranian militias across Lebanon, Syria and Iraq with economic sanctions and airstrikes hitting their bases and other infrastructure.

Iran also supports many of the militias that mobilized in 2014 to battle the Islamic State group, gaining outsized influence as militiamen joined security forces and U.S. troops to defeat the extremists. Those state-sanctioned, mainly Shiite militias, known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, have grown into a powerful political faction estimated to have the most seats in the Iraqi parliament.

Iraq has long struggled to balance its ties with the U.S. and Iran, both allies of the Iraqi government but regional archenemies.


(A P)

Pompeo Holds Talks with Netanyahu, MBS, MBZ on Iraq Strikes

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he had discussions with the UN General Secretary, Israeli Prime Minister, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince over strikes that killed and injured dozens of Iraq’s Hashd Shaabi fighters.

Pompeo tweeted early on Tuesday (December 31) saying he had made clear to the UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres that the US airstrikes on Kata’ib Hezbollah facilities on Sunday was a “defensive action aimed at deterring Iran and protecting American lives”.

(A P)

Iraq’s Sadr Says Ready to Work with Hashd al-Sha’abi to End US Presence

Senior Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr says he is willing to work with the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) -- better known as Hashd al-Sha'abi -- to end the United States military presence in Iraq through political and legal means.

In comments on Monday, Sadr warned that he will "take other actions" in cooperation with his rivals to kick out US troops if political and legal means do not work.


(* A P)

Militiamen breach US Embassy in Baghdad; Trump blames Iran

Dozens of Iraqi Shiite militiamen and their supporters broke into the U.S. Embassy compound in Baghdad on Tuesday, smashing a main door and setting fire to a reception area, angered over deadly U.S. airstrikes targeting the Iran-backed militia. U.S. guards fired tear gas and palls of smoke rose over the grounds.

An Associated Press reporter at the scene saw flames rising from inside the compound and at least three U.S. soldiers on the roof of the main embassy building. There was a fire at the reception area near the compound’s parking lot but it was unclear what had caused it. A man on a loudspeaker urged the mob not to enter the compound, saying: “The message was delivered.”

President Donald Trump blamed Iran for the embassy breach and called on Iraq to protect the diplomatic mission.

“Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!” he tweeted from his estate in Palm Beach, Florida.


(* B P)

Impeachment Is a Distraction: Heavily Scripted Vote Demonstrates That Democracy Really Is Dead

A week before the “trial” in the House of Representatives, the White House ordered a new round of sanctions directed against Iran. The sanctions in part target the country’s largest private airline Mahan Air, which was accused of “weapons of mass destruction proliferation” and transportation of lethal aid to Yemen. Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin issued a statement claiming that “The Iranian regime uses its aviation and shipping industries to supply its regional terrorist and militant groups with weapons, directly contributing to the devastating humanitarian crises in Syria and Yemen.”

The airline is now sanctioned under the Executive Order 13382 as a “proliferator of weapons of mass destruction and their supporters.” Apart from the appalling English usage, one might well question the designation itself as Iran is not the party responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

The timing and targeting of the White House move suggest that pressure is being directed against Iran’s transportation links with the rest of the world, thereby isolating it and bringing it that much closer to economic collapse. How Iran will react to the new sanctions is not known, but if it is pushed hard enough it might choose to strike back – by Ron Paul

(A P)

China, Iran ministers meet, criticize ‘bullying practices

China’s foreign minister has decried international “bullying practices” while meeting with his Iranian counterpart Tuesday, in the country’s latest criticism of American foreign policy under the Trump administration.

Wang Yi reaffirmed the strength of bilateral relations in opening remarks at the beginning of talks with Mohammad Javad Zarif.

The Iranian minister’s visit follows a trip to close ally Russia and comes just after the first-ever drills among the navies of the three countries in the northern part of the Indian Ocean.

“We need to stand together against unilateralism and bullying practices,” Wang said.

(A P)

Iranian Chief of Staff: Will not Allow US, Israeli-backed Forces in region to Show off Power

(* A E P)

Rouhani blames US "Economic War" for unsatisfactory economic situation

President Hassan Rouhani on Monday rebuked critics of his government for the unsatisfactory economic situation, saying that he had promised welfare and economic boom when the country was in peace, but, the circumstances have changed due to the US "Economic War".

He added that the high inflation that gained momentum last year was controlled in spring, and that the creating jobs has been good in spring and summer, which shows there has been growth in the domestic products as well.

Rouhani said that the leaders of the world and the US close friends told him that they believe the US made a mistake by opting out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the US failed in its maximum pressure on Iran as well.

The US believed that by maximum pressure they will bring about riots in a couple of months and the people will roll out the red carpet for the foreigners, President Rouhani said.

Rouhani said that if Iran had started the war, it would now be under question as to why it opted out of its JCPOA commitments.

and also

(* A K P)

US under barrage of criticism over strikes in Iraq

The United States’ latest military aggression against Iraq's popular Hashd al-Sha'abi forces that left dozens of casualties continues to draw widespread condemnation from officials and groups across the region.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi has said that the US airstrikes targeting forces that have helped defeat Daesh in Iraq are a “clear example of terrorism."

The US said Sunday it had targeted weapons caches or command and control facilities linked to Kata'ib Hezbollah in western Iraq, as well as eastern Syria.

"These attacks have once again proved America's false claims in fighting the Takfiri group of Daesh as the United States has targeted the positions of forces that over the years have inflicted heavy blows to Daesh terrorists," Mousavi said Monday.

"With these attacks, America has shown its firm support for terrorism and its disregard for the independence and sovereignty of countries and it must accept responsibility for the consequences of its illegal act," he said.


(A K P)

Angry Iraqis try to break into US Embassy after airstrikes

Hundreds of angry supporters of an Iraqi Shiite militia smashed security cameras on the wall around the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, hurled stones and set up protest tents there on Tuesday, following deadly U.S. airstrikes this week that killed 25 fighters of the Iran-backed militia in Iraq.


(* A K P)

Pompeo: U.S. airstrikes against Iranian-backed militia were 'defensive action'

The Trump administration blames the militia for a rocket barrage that killed an American defense contractor.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday elaborated upon a series of U.S. military strikes that targeted an Iranian-backed Iraqi militia over the weekend — characterizing the assault as a “defensive action” intended to protect American interests in the Middle East and halt Tehran’s aggression in the region.

“Well, it begins by an understanding that this was a defensive action designed to protect American forces and American citizens in Iraq, and it was aimed also at deterring Iran,” Pompeo told the hosts of “Fox & Friends.”

The Pentagon announced Sunday it had conducted “precision defensive strikes” in Iraq and Syria against five sites of Kataeb Hezbollah. The Trump administration blames the militia for perpetrating a rocket barrage Friday that killed a U.S. defense contractor at a military compound near Kirkuk, in northern Iraq.

Story Continued Below

“This was an Iranian-backed rogue militia acting to deny the Iraqi people their basic sovereignty,” Pompeo said Monday, charging that Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are “working to expand their terror campaign all around the world.”

and also


(* A K P)

Iran-backed Iraqi militia vows revenge to US strikes

An Iranian-backed Iraqi militia vowed Monday to retaliate for U.S. military strikes in Iraq and Syria that killed 25 of its fighters and wounded dozens, raising concerns of new attacks that could threaten American interests in the region.

The U.S. attack — the largest targeting an Iraqi state-sanctioned militia in recent years — and the calls for retaliation, represent a new escalation in the proxy war between the U.S. and Iran playing out in the Middle East.

The Iraqi government said it will reconsider its relationship with the U.S.-led coalition — the first time it has said it will do so since an agreement was struck to keep some U.S. troops in the country. It called the attack a “flagrant violation” of its sovereignty.


(A K P)

Saudi Arabia condemns attacks by Iran-backed militias against American forces in Iraq

(* A P)

Report: Iran’s Guard seizes ship over smuggling fuel in Gulf

Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard seized on Monday a ship in the Persian Gulf suspected of carrying smuggled fuel, state media reported.

The official IRNA news agency said the seized ship was carrying more than 1.3 million liters of fuel near Abu Musa Island at the mouth of the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

All 16 crew members, who are Malaysian nationals, were also detained, the report added. It did not say what country’s flag the ship sailed under.

(A P)

Russia warns Iran nuclear deal in danger of ‘falling apart’

Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers is in danger of “falling apart” without the compliance of the United States and the European Union, Russia’s foreign minister warned Monday after meeting with his Iranian counterpart in Moscow.

The 2015 deal between Iran and Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States lifted sanctions on Iran in exchange for limits on its nuclear program. The U.S. withdrew from the accord last year and imposed crippling economic sanctions that block Iran from selling crude oil abroad.

“Because of the destructive line that Washington keeps towing, this important achievement of international diplomacy... is in danger of falling apart,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, adding that “colleagues from the European Union” were not fully complying with the agreement either.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B K P)

Film: Deutsche Waffenfirmen mitschuldig für Krieg im Jemen?

Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben deutsche Waffenfirmen vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof angezeigt. Den Firmen wird vorgeworfen, an Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen mitschuldig zu sein.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Interesting to see pro-#Hashd accounts tweet photos (not verified) of graffiti praising #Yemen's Houthis allegedly scrawled on the walls of the US #Embassy in #Baghdad (In reality, the extent of #Iran's influence varies considerably from region to region) (photos9

(A P)

[UAE] Ministry of Foreign Affairs refutes allegations regarding Emirati citizen Ahmed Mansoor

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, MoFAIC, has refuted allegations related to the case of Emirati citizen Ahmed Mansoor, saying such claims are "baseless."

"These claims have been spread by non-governmental organisations in reports that aim to distort and fabricate facts based on their particular agenda," it added in a statement.

The statement affirmed that "all measures taken by the UAE judiciary against Mansoor, beginning from the investigation and leveling of charges against him and concluding with the court’s ruling, came within the legal framework stipulated by relevant national legislation."

Comment by Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW: Pathetic, paranoid little statement by #UAE attempting to justify persecution of #AhmedMansoor - who did nothing other than advocate for human rights reforms - and chalk it all up to secret NGO “agendas”...

(* B P)

Shifting sands for UAE to go beyond economy

The United Arab Emirates will increasingly foster alliances with India, China, and Russia in 2020

As the UAE prepares to welcome the world at its Dubai Expo 2020, its rulers will also be looking to enhance ties with new allies in the new year, as they seek diversification beyond economics.

Known for the vast oil wealth of Abu Dhabi and the dynamic markets of Dubai – along with an interventionist overseas diplomatic and military role – the UAE has seen all three of these features come under pressure and face correction in the past year.

“There is a diversification of the UAE’s relationships going on,” said Jonathan Fulton, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Zayed University in Abu Dhabi.

While the Gulf nation has long been in lockstep with the United States, it is increasingly looking East to balance its global position.

“China is seen as another potential partner, while Russian President Putin, too, has been in town, and Indian Prime Minister Modi,” said Fulton.

The UAE thus started some significant policy shifts.

At the start of 2019, it re-opened its embassy in Damascus, while in Yemen, it began a draw-down of forces. On Qatar, the UAE has not joined Saudi Arabia in unofficial talks to end the crisis, but it has also not moved to block them. And November saw the UAE publicly call for negotiations with Iran to ease tensions in the region.

The UAE’s foreign policy, after showing signs of oversupply and overconfidence, will likely continue this market correction in 2020.

(A P)

UAE Crimes in Yemen Push for Launching European Campaign to Boycott Dubai’s 2020 Expo

The European Institute of International Law and International Relations announced, Wednesday, the launch of a huge international campaign to boycott the "Expo 2020" in Dubai, and support the campaign to boycott Emirati products due to its crimes against the Yemeni people and its flagrant interference in Libya.

(A K P)

EXTENDED REACH | Royal #Saudi Air Force F-15 Eagles of the 2nd Flying Wing en route to Bizerte-Sidi Ahmed AB, #Tunisia (photos)

My comment: What for, Tunisia?

(* B P)

2019 saw UAE & Gulf Abuses intensify - Detained in Dubai

The risks posed by the United Arab Emirates, once only a problem for visitors and expats, have spread over the past year to endanger even people outside the country. 2019 has seen an intensification of the UAE’s Interpol abuse and the extra-jurisdictional application of the country’s vague and invasive Cybercrime laws. Meanwhile, the routine occurrence of false accusations, forced confessions, and wrongful detentions have continued at pace.

Notable cases during 2019, designated by Dubai as the “Year of Tolerance”, include that of British national Robert Urwin, detained in Ukraine over a bounced cheque in the UAE. The cheque, a blatant forgery written months after Urwin left the Emirates, resulted in a Red Notice against the elderly man and months spent fighting deportation. Detained in Dubai successfully appealed against the Interpol listing and coordinated the campaign that eventually led to Urwin’s safe return home.

Another case which dominated coverage of UAE Cybercrime laws in 2019 was that of American Traci Nichole Coffel who was convicted over WhatsApp messages to her employer requesting unpaid wages.

Stirling said that Detained in Dubai has dealt with numerous other Cybercrime and criminalised speech cases in the UAE, albeit without involving the media.

The danger of false accusations in the UAE was dramatically highlighted in 2019 by two nearly identical cases; those of Artur Ligeska and Andrew Neal.

(* B P)

Die Möchtegern-Guten vom Golf

Die Emirate präsentieren sich als weltoffen und friedlich - Menschenrechte sind zweitrangig.

Als „weiche Supermacht“ beschrieb der Staatsminister für Auswärtiges, Anwar Gargasch, welche Rolle die Emirate auf der Weltbühne anstreben. Von „weich“ kann aber keine Rede sein: Trotz einer vergleichsweise kleinen Streitkraft von etwa 50.000 Soldaten mischt das Land im Nahen Osten, in Ostafrika und teils auch Südasien militärisch mit. Beim Ausbau ihrer Position stellen sich die VAE unter Kronprinz Mohammed bin Said Al Nahjan nicht nur geschickter an als Saudi-Arabien, sondern treten auch in direkte Konkurrenz zum großen Nachbarn.

Gleichzeitig üben sich die VAE in Imagepflege und setzen sich als weltoffen, tolerant und friedlich in Szene.

Aber während in Dubai schon der nächste Wolkenkratzer in die Höhe wächst, der das weltweit höchste Gebäude Burj Khalifa bald überragen soll, geht es mit dem Menschenrechten im Land abwärts.

Chancen auf politische Teilhabe haben die neun Millionen Einwohner (etwa elf Prozent davon sind Staatsbürger) kaum. Politische Parteien gibt es nicht. Exekutive, Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung liegen allein bei den Herrschern der sieben Emirate, in Dynastien teils seit Jahrhunderten vererbt. Dank satter Wohlfahrtsprogramme und sehr niedriger Arbeitslosigkeit genießt die Regierung auch breiten Rückhalt beim Volk.


(B P)

"Das Abrahamic Family House wird Toleranz und Frieden verbreiten", sagt die spanische Zeitung El Español

Das Abrahamic Family House - ein Komplex, der aus einer Moschee, einer Kirche und einer Synagoge in Abu Dhabi bestehen wird - wird ein interreligiöser Raum sein, um "Toleranz und Frieden zu verbreiten", so die Spanische online Zeitung El Español.

Die Zeitung lobte die Bemühungen der VAE, "die Religionsfreiheit zu stärken", und wies auf die Bedeutung von Papst Franziskus hin, dem Leiter der katholischen Kirche, der im Februar zum ersten Mal auf der Arabischen Halbinsel eine Messe in Abu Dhabi durchführte.

In einem gestern veröffentlichten Artikel wies El Español darauf hin, dass der Plan zum Bau dieses Komplexes, der 2022 auf der Insel Saadiyat eröffnet werden soll, anlässlich des historischen Besuchs von Papst Franziskus und Dr. Ahmed Al Tayeb, Großimam von Saadiyat, ausgearbeitet wurde Al Azhar.

cp12b Sudan

(* A K P)

Sudanese mercenaries leaving post in southeastern Yemen

Mass withdrawal of Sudanese forces reported in recent months

Sudanese mercenary troops have left southeastern Yemen and are reportedly heading for the Arabian sea city of Mukalla, local sources said on Wednesday.

According to the sources, the Saudi-led coalition leadership informed the local authorities in the province of the departure of a military force from the al-Alam and Balhaf camps where Emirati forces are stationed.

This force is on their way to Camp Al-Rayyan in the city of Mukalla, the center of Hadhramaut province in eastern Yemen.

Sources at the Balhaf oil facility said that Sudanese mercenary forces tasked with protecting the towers left on Tuesday morning and were replaced by soldiers from the UAE-backed Shabwah Elite.

(B P)

Sudan’s women pursue soccer dream, challenging conservatives

(* A P)

Sudan sentences 27 to death for torturing, killing protester

A Sudanese court on Monday sentenced 27 members of the country’s security forces to death by hanging for torturing and killing a detained protester during the uprising against longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir earlier this year.

The verdict, which can be appealed, was the first connected to the killing of more than 200 pro-democracy protesters since the demonstrations began last December.

“We are now sure our revolution is continuing on the right path,” said protester Amna Mohammed. She was among a cheering crowd of hundreds that gathered to welcome the verdict’s announcement outside the court in Omdurman, the capital Khartoum’s twin city.

The death of protester Ahmed al-Khair, a school teacher, while in detention in February was a key point — and a symbol — in the uprising that convulsed the large African country.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A K P)

Saudi Aviation Association and BAE Systems Sign MoU

The Saudi Aviation Association has signed a memorandum of understanding with BAE Systems Saudi Development and Training.
The MoU aims at cooperation to enhance the presence of the two sides in the local market of aircraft maintenance, which is witnessing steady growth amid the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's development in all fields.

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B P)

Das Kulturministerium [Sanaa-Regierung] warnt vor einem saudischen Plan, jemenitische Manuskripte zu stehlen und zu plündern

Das Kulturministerium verurteilte die saudischen Versuche, jemenitische Manuskripte und Dokumente zu plündern, zu stehlen und zu reproduzieren, wie es in der am Dienstag in Riad unterzeichneten Vereinbarung über die Zusammenarbeit zur Erhaltung des jemenitischen Erbes angekündigt wurde.

Und das Ministerium warnte in einer Erklärung, dass die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) eine Kopie davon erhalten habe, weil es ernst ist, was Saudi-Arabien anstrebt, um seltene und wertvolle jemenitische Manuskripte zu erhalten, die in den letzten Jahren nicht erhalten werden konnten, weil diese Manuskripte in der Rolle und den Zentren der jemenitischen Manuskripte aufbewahrt und dokumentiert werden.

Das Kulturministerium rief alle ehrenwerten Angestellten, Angestellten von Manuskriptzentren und Zentren sowie alle Schriftsteller und Intellektuellen dazu auf, diesem Versuch entgegenzutreten, den saudischen Plan zu vereiteln und solche verdächtigen Projekte abzulehnen.

Das saudische Diebstahlsabkommen sah vor, dass dieses Projekt von der Al-Ahqaf-Bibliothek in der Stadt Tarim im Gouvernement Hadramaut aus gestartet wird, wo der saudische Botschafter seine Führer darauf aufmerksam machte, dass es in den jemenitischen Bibliotheken, Dokumenten und Manuskripten Hunderttausende wertvoller Dokumente und Manuskripte gibt.

(* B D)

Bewahrung des Kulturerbes im Jemen: Kollegiale Unterstützung im Krieg

Die antiken Tempel, Ausgrabungsstätten und Museen im Jemen sind kostbares Kulturerbe – und akut vom Krieg bedroht. Um sie zu schützen, bekommen einheimische Archäologen auch Hilfe aus Deutschland.

Der Hilferuf aus dem Jemen kam per Sprachnachricht: „Es gab Nagetiere und Insektenbefall. Die Objekte waren in einem sehr schlechten Zustand.“ Ausgerechnet die sicher geglaubten Bestände des Nationalmuseums seien in Gefahr, berichtete der Archäologe Mohanad al-Sayani, Präsident der Altertümerverwaltung im Jemen, im Frühjahr seiner Kollegin Iris Gerlach in Berlin.

Iris Gerlach leitet die DAI-Außenstelle in Sanaa. Wegen der Kämpfe im Jemen musste sie ihre eigene Arbeit vor Ort allerdings schon vor Jahren einstellen. „Aber das heißt nicht, dass wir nichts tun, sondern dass wir von Berlin aus diese Kulturerhalt-Projekte auch wirklich durchführen können, über die Außenstelle Sanaa des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, die immer noch geöffnet hat, und auch mit Lokalbeschäftigten besetzt ist.“

Und gemeinsam mit diesem Team organisiert Iris Gerlach seit Monaten handfeste Soforthilfe gegen Ungeziefer, Staub und Feuchtigkeit in den geheimen Depots des Nationalmuseums und für die anderen Museen im Jemen.

„Jemens Museen in Gefahr“, heißt das zweijährige Projekt, das mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Düsseldorfer Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung trotz des anhaltenden Krieges dabei helfen soll, das reiche Kulturerbe des Landes zu schützen. Auch durch die Ausbildung von Fachkräften.

Acht Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der jemenitischen Altertümerbehörde konnten so zu einem einwöchigen Workshop zum DAI nach Berlin eingeladen werden.

Die tiefe Zerrissenheit des Jemen hat allerdings auch in der Altertümerbehörde ihre Spuren hinterlassen. Die Teilnehmer des Workshops in Berlin arbeiten inzwischen für die zwei verschiedenen Regierungen des Landes.

Beim Schutz des Kulturerbes dürfe es aber keine Feindschaft geben, so Mohanad al-Sayani: „Wir müssen die Politik dabei außer Acht lassen. Die Altertümer gehören allen Jemeniten. Und deshalb sollten wir uns einzig und allein darauf konzentrieren, sie zu schützen.“

(* B D)

Museum restoration offers rare glimmer of hope in war-torn Yemen

Yemeni authorities and World Monuments Fund team up to repair ruined National Museum in Taiz

As civil war and the world’s worst humanitarian crisis continue in Yemen, cultural officials are marking a milestone toward the reopening of the National Museum in south-western Taiz, the country’s third-largest city. An Ottoman royal palace that was the residence of the Yemeni ruler Imam Ahmad Hamid al-Din before it became a museum in 1967, the building was shelled by Houthi rebels in February 2016 and its collection of rare manuscripts was destroyed by fire.

Thanks to a £100,000 grant from the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund and additional funding from a private donor, World Monuments Fund (WMF) Britain supported the restoration of the museum’s exterior and roof by Yemen’s General Organisation of Antiquities and Museums (GOAM) from April to November. In December, the team was due to begin emergency repairs of the Qubbat al-Husayniyah, an important Ottoman-era mausoleum in Taiz, which has not been directly affected by the war.

Next steps for WMF include seeking additional funding from the British Council for the restoration of the interior. The Geneva-based Aliph foundation has announced a $589,000 grant that will support a further phase: rebuilding an adjoining palace, salvaging the museum’s objects buried underneath it and developing a new narrative for the museum displays in collaboration with the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lyon.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(B E)


To this day, Mocha is known for producing one of the finest coffees on the planet, and in spite of war, they’re still able to thrive because of their revitalized economy. The country faces other problems, such as low farming space and a shortage of water; however, coffee from Yemen is still of the utmost quality. By sourcing responsibly, we’re able to help communities endure conflict.

(B E)

@SMEPSYEMEN with support from the @isdb_group & @ICD_PS is introducing new health products manufacturing in #Aden #Yemen. We are looking for sustainable health solutions that create jobs.

#BRAVE brought and a new product into existence. Is a Local product. Is competitive to the outside market At the beginning of the year 2020, we'll have new products for curing allergie & the anesthesia. #Al-Nour factory for medicines & cosmetics (photos)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

#AlQaeda & #ISIS spat in #Yemen rolls into 2020. This week in Upper Qayfa #AQAP claimed -Bomb between Hammat 'Awajah & Tabbat Abu al-Ghayth killed 2 ISIS 12/30 (same as 12/7) -Bomb against ISIS in al-Khaniq 1/1

(A T)

#ISIS nonsense knows no bounds. The recent insistence that its #Yemen affiliate's tinpot attacks on #AQAP & Houthis are somehow driven by the desire to avenge the US killing of the ISIS caliph & spokesman in #Syria defies logic. It's local. And they're all enemies of the US... (image)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

US embassy attack was Iran’s way of showing they run Iraq

Let’s make something absolutely clear. This mob was not made up of Iraqis who have been protesting against their government in Tahrir Square, or Freedom Square in Arabic. Quite the contrary. These are Iran’s terrorist proxies who have overrun the government in Baghdad and are now ordering the killing of Iraq’s brave young protestors. They are demonstrating that the formal government has no control over them.

Just as Iraqi security forces stepped aside as al-Mohandes and his militias moved on the US embassy gates, they do nothing to protect the unarmed young protestors, who call for the removal of a puppet regime leading Iraq they know answers to Tehran.

In calculating its next move against Iran and its proxies, Washington should urgently re-evaluate the support it provides to the Iraqi government.

There will be more attacks by Tehran’s militias and proxies, and the US needs to be prepared to punish Iran directly by hitting its Revolutionary Guard Corps and Quds Force directly.
The US needs to use its leverage – by Michael Pregent

My remark: For the author: and

(A P)

Turkish president seeks to tighten grip on Yemen: Emirati official

Dubai police deputy commander on Thursday accused the Turkish president of seeking to tighten grip on Yemen through enabling the Iranian project in the war-torn country.

Receb Tayyip "Erdogan seeks to empower the Safawi project to tighten its grip on Yemeni people .. with unique collaboration from the [Muslim] Brethren," Dhahi Khalfan added on Twitter.

"Abdul Malik al-Houthi is the maker of the international Houthi Safawism, which the Yemeni people will demolish on his head," the Emirati official claimed.

(A K pS)

The [Hadi government] army completes the military arrangements for the battles to liberate Yemen

The Yemeni army forces confirmed the completion of the military arrangements for the battles to complete the liberation of Yemen from the elements of the Houthi coup militias, and that 2020 will be the year of victory, construction and liberation, while the Houthi militias continued their violations on the west coast.

In the details, the Yemeni Defense Minister, Lieutenant General Muhammad Ali Al-Maqdashi, affirmed that the current year 2020 will be “the year of victory and construction and the completion of the battle to liberate the remaining soil of the country from militias, restore legitimacy and state institutions, and achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people to restore their security and stability, and move To build his country and his future. ”

In a statement to the Yemeni Army Website, he indicated that the year 2020 will witness new developments in the armed forces at the field, operational, construction and combat and moral levels, according to the plans drawn up that include various programs and activities, and in efforts to complete the rebuilding of the armed forces and restore their institutions, stressing that efforts Liberation and construction will double during the coming stage for the better to consolidate the achievements and gains made during the past period.

(A P)

U.S. Sanctions Effective At Slowing IRGC In Yemen

US sanctions have been effective in curbing the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force’s (IRGC-QF) destabilising efforts in Yemen and have yielded quick and positive results, officials and Yemeni experts said.

Most notably, there was a significant decline in the activities of Iran-affiliated companies and individuals inside Yemen as a result of fading support from foreign and regional banks, local merchants, institutions, and even citizens who receive remittances from abroad.

The decline coincided with a statement issued by the legitimate Yemeni government, as it welcomed the US sanctions on Iranian entities involved in smuggling weapons to Yemen’s Houthis (Ansarallah).

(A P)

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen: development of Aden airport will boost economic movement in Yemen

Saudi Ambassador to Yemen and supervisor of the Saudi program for the development and reconstruction of Yemen, Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jaber, confirmed that an increase in the capacity of Aden Airport will be witnessed during the inauguration of the phase of the support provided by the program for the development of the temporary Yemeni capital, Aden.


(B P)

Wars Update: Empires Versus The Rest Of Us


The Iran-backed Shia rebels are losing but refuse to make peace, in part because of continued Iranian support and partly out of fear of the consequences. Yemen has proved an embarrassment for Iran and the Saudi/UAE backed government is not willing to suffer the heavy casualties a quick victory would require. So the war drags on into 2020 or until Iran just decides to halt support. Iranian withdrawal is a possibility because of growing popular protests in Iran against the expensive foreign wars in Syria and Yemen.

Those aid shipments contain a lot of smuggled items, usually weapons from Iran. With this smuggling pipeline much reduced the Shia rebels, and their Iranian sponsors are now on the defensive and seeking a tolerable way out of the mess they made. They are aided by the UAE and Sudan pulling their troops out of Yemen and the southern separatists refusing to cooperate with Saudi Arabia in defeating the rebels.

(A P)

Mohamed Bin Zayed named Arab world's most influential leader in 2019

Poll notes Sheikh Mohamed's advocacy of tolerance, human fraternity, peace-making

His Highness Shaikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, has been named the Arab world’s most influential leader 2019, Russia Today TV (RT) has announced.

Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed received 9.74 million votes, accounting for 68.6 per cent of the total votes, in an RT poll with 14 million respondents.

(A P)

Trump setzt US-Politik der Irrtümer im Nahen Osten fort

Doch nun kündigt Trump angesichts des Sturms auf die US-Botschaft in Bagdad die Entsendung von 750 zusätzlichen Kräften nach Kuwait an.

Es ist eine Feuerwehraktion. Eine Strategie steckt nicht dahinter. Trump setzt vielmehr Amerikas Politik der Irrtümer in der explosivsten Region der Welt fort.

Zuletzt sind die iranischen beziehungsweise pro-iranischen Verbände aggressiver geworden. Hintergrund: Das Land leidet extrem unter den harschen US-Wirtschaftssanktionen. Der Export von Öl und Gas ist dramatisch eingebrochen. Dem Staatshaushalt fehlen lebenswichtige Einnahmen. Deshalb suchte die Regierung Mitte November ihr Heil in einer Erhöhung der Benzinpreise, was die größten Unruhen seit der Gründung der Islamischen Republik 1979 auslöste.

Das Regime steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand, ist zu brutaler Repression nach innen und zu gewaltsamen Aktionen nach außen entschlossen. Die Mullahs wissen, dass sie in einer direkten militärischen Konfrontation mit den USA keine Chance haben. Deshalb führen sie einen asymmetrischen Krieg gegen die Supermacht. Der Iran und seine Hilfstruppen verfolgen eine Strategie der gezielten Nadelstiche gegen Amerika und den Westen.

(A P)

The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen

Ministerpräsident: Bürger des Jemen werden mit den Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprojekten zufrieden sein

Seine Exzellenz der Ministerpräsident des Jemen, Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, hat in der vorübergehenden jemenitischen Hauptstadt Aden eine Delegation des Saudischen Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramms für den Jemen (SDRPY) unter Leitung des Projekt- und Studienchefs Eng. Hasan M. Alattas im Präsidentenpalast empfangen, um Konzepte zur Implementierung von Entwicklungsprojekten in Einklang mit dem Riad-Abkommen zur Wirtschaftsentwicklung zu erörtern. Der jemenitische Regierungschef betonte die große Bedeutung dieses Besuchs aufgrund der Größe der Delegation, der Agenda und des Zeitpunkts.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen Human Rights Minster: Over 50000 civilians killed, wounded by Houthis since 2014

Yemen’s Human Rights Minister Mohammed Askar said on Monday that Iran-aligned Houthi militias have killed or wounded over 50000 unarmed civilians since September 21, 2014.

The Yemeni minister said in an interview with Sputnik, a Russian News Agency, that his ministry has documented a number of 16387 murders of civilians, including the killing of 1232 women and 3498 children.

The Human Rights Ministery of the Yemeni legitimate government has also documented some 34519 injuries and assaults committed by the militia, Mr. Askar said.

My comment: The Hadi government obviously is no reliable source for this. It seems they mix victims of political despotism, of militia anarchy, of war victims caused by both sides of the war.

(A P)

Albukhaiti: the west double standards in dealing with Houthi terrorism

Yemeni politician and writer Ali Albukhaiti has sharply criticized the international community and the western countries for double standards in dealing with the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Albukhaiti said in a series of tweets that Houthis have been practicing heinous acts against Yemenis and that they are similar to Taliban, a Sunni Islamic fundamentalist movement that refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

“The Houthi group is practicing the Taliban approach in shutting down cafes, harassing women due to dress, banning “western” hairstyles, harassing singers, and so on. When one of these atrocious practices becomes a public opinion case, Houthis lie and deny it,” said Albukhaiti.

He also noted that crimes committed by Houthis are obvious and that international human rights organizations and the international community turn a blind eye to these crimes.

(A P)

Saudi Press: KSA's Security Efficiency Becomes Global Model

Al-Bilad newspaper said in its editorial that the high security efficiency of the Kingdom of saudi Arabia has become a global model of strong and effective determination to pursue and countering terrorism. The paper cited the presidency of state security's statement that stressed on the continuous of tracking the criminal elements, and everyone who seeks to undermine the security and stability of the Kingdom, its citizens and residents.

(B K P)

Yemen’s Stiff Resistance Humiliates Bani Saud

The Saudi-led invasion of Yemen launched in March 2015 continues to terrorise the population of this impoverished but mighty land. The deliberate use of carpet bombing, artillery shelling of entire towns and cities, a near total naval, aerial and land blockade imposed on the country, and seizing much-needed food and fuel shipments on their way to Yemeni ports, has resulted in over 100,000 deaths. The vast majority of casualties are Yemeni civilians.

Aside from the immediate loss of life resulting from fighting, nearly five years of war have affected Yemen in several other ways. The destruction of health and hygiene infrastructure, along with lack of medicine, has led to devastating outbreaks of cholera, diphtheria, and even non-endemic diseases such as dengue fever. Saudi bombings of fishing boats and wharfs has worsened the already rampant famine in the Yemeni countryside. And the destruction and seizing of petroleum fields and oil transportation vessels has led to the transport and industry sector nearly completely shutting down.

Yet, despite the horrible onslaught that Yemen has had to endure since 2015, there is no sign of surrender or fear among the mujahidin supporting the National Salvation Government. Under the leadership of Ansarullah and its allies, the tribes and urban population of Yemen have risen, time and again, to strike back against imperialist invasions – by Brecht Jonkers =

My comment: A very pro-Houthi propaganda view.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Dec. 31:

Dec. 30:

Dec. 29:

(A K pH)

Awareness course on risk of remnants airstrikes held in Sanaa

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Jan. 2: Saada p.

Dec. 31: Asir

Dec. 30: Saada p., Jizan

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pH)

Citizen Killed by Saudi Army Fire in Sa’adah

(A K pS)

Houthis pound residential areas in Al-Dhale

(A K pH)

Yemeni air defences shoot down Saudi drone aircraft in Jizan

(B K pH)

Yemeni forces snipe over 200 of Saudi troops

The Sniping Unit of the Yemeni Army ad Popular Committees revealed its operation's toll in a number of frontlines, which targeted 211 of Saudi soldiers and US-Saudi mercenaries.
A source in the Sniping Unit said that the unit carried out 211 sniping operations on December, 27th and 28th, targeting Saudi leaders and soldiers, Sudanese mercenaries and machinery. =

(A K pS)

MASAM pulls out 1600 landmines in 4th week of December

KSrelief Center's Demining Project in Yemen "MASAM" managed to extract 604 landmines and explosive devices out of which 23 anti-personnel and 476 anti-tanks landmines, 19 explosive devices and 1086 UXOs by the 4th week of December.

(* B K pS)

Landmines Monitor revealed the killing of 484 civilians, including 162 children and 117 women, as a result of landmines planted by the Houthi group in #Taiz governorate since 2015

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army shoots down Houthi drone near Safar oil fields in Marib

(A K pH)

Ein Spionageflugzeug der Aggression wurde Hadschah abgeschossen

(A K pH)

Air defenses down spy plane of aggression coalition in Hajjah

(A K pH)

Luftverteidigung schoss ein Spionageflugzeug der Aggression in Razeh ab

(A K pH)

Air defenses down spy plane of aggression coalition in Saada

(B K pS)

The Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance in #Yemen, Masam, said that its demining teams had cleared a total of 120000 #landmines and explosive devices laid by #Houthi rebels, including some 1600 mines that had been extracted in the last week of 2019.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(*B H)

Film: Frau sein im Jemen

Amira Al-Sharif kommt aus dem Jemen und ist Fotografin. Bevor sie aus dem Bürgerkriegsland fliehen musste, dokumentierte sie dort vor allem die Situation der Frauen und ihr Leben zwischen Bombenhagel und Militäroffensiven. In ihrem Atelier in der Cité internationale des Arts in Paris gibt sie uns einen kleinen Einblick in ihr Werk.

(* B E K)

Feature: War puts industry of Yemeni traditional Qamaria window at risk

Ancient Yemeni old city of Sanaa always captures visitors' eyes with its unique architecture of windows which refect beautiful shining colors and are made of stained glass and gypsum plasters.

But the ancient architectural handicraft is at risk of disappearing mainly because of the civil war. Instead, many windows are now made of aluminum.

Locally known as Qamaria, which came from the Arabic meaning of the moon, the window allows the moonlight in and blocks prying eyes.

The unique window architecture helps natural light enter the dark rooms of Yemeni houses during the continuous power outages since the outbreak of the civil war more than four years ago.

However, the demand for Qamarias has sharply decreased due to the war and the needs increased for the imported modern aluminum windows preferred by the modern architectural styles.

"The war has affected us heavily. Before the war, we used to receive new demands every day for making Qamaria windows, but now it becomes rare, while many prefer modern aluminum windows," Mohammed Al-Wassabi, a craftsman, told Xinhua from his workshop in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen.

Al-Wassabi, whose family has been in the business for hundreds of years, lamented the decline in the traditional industry.

(B H)

Film: Khat brings relief amid Yemen’s endless war

For thousands of Yemenis who find themselves out of work amid a seemingly endless war, khat is offering a lifeline.

Mohammed Salah, 25, is one of them. He graduated in Law three years ago and, unable to secure a job, found himself flogging the stimulant plant on a market stall in the capital Sana’a for a living


Yemen’s ‘Ful’ Arabian jasmine odors better than well-known perfumes

Ful is a jasmine blossom plant, or as they call it “alful”, with its bright whiteness and aromatic scent, until the Yemeni culture, customs and traditions were associated with this simple plant, which they assert may surpass in their eyes the names of international commercial perfumes.

As soon as the spring comes, the Yemenis will immediately realize that the season for opening the full flower has come, and with the advent of summer the sellers of the full collar have spread throughout all Yemeni cities.

Usually the hot areas begin to promote selling it more, and Al Hudaydah Governorate in the north and Lahj Governorate in the south of Yemen are among the most cultivated areas for the ful or the Arab Jasmine. The farmers of its sons also distribute it and trade it in many Yemeni markets, and also export it through their own efforts to the neighboring Gulf countries.

Rich and poor alike can buy this beautiful plant and buy it every day, and it may have become special symbolic, as it is used by everyone, on public and private occasions.

In weddings, for example, the bride and groom wear a large necklace of ful , and for Yemeni women it is one of the most important types of decorations, as it boasts the amount of embroidered contracts of the ful, which she puts on her chest during her wedding in the form of a necklace.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-610 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-610: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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