Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 613 - Yemen War Mosaic 613

Yemen Press Reader 613: 7. Jan. 2020: Steigende Mieten erhöhen das Leid im Jemen – Wachsende Spannungen und Kriegsgefahr im Nahen Osten nach Soleimani-Attentat – und mehr

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Jan. 7, 2020: Rising rents are compounding Yemenis’ suffering – Mounting tensions and looming war in the Middle East after Soleimani assault – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B E H)

Rising rents are compounding Yemenis’ suffering

The mass displacement of people from conflict zones to safe cities has restricted the housing supply and fueled rent hikes

The mass displacement of people from conflict zones to safe cities has restricted the supply of apartments and houses in safe cities, which has contributed significantly to an increase in rental rates.

The United Nations estimates that nearly five million people have been forced from their homes since 2015. With about 74 percent of displaced families living in rented homes, according to UN estimates, the trend of rising rents is devastating for many.

About 170km east of Sana’a in Marib, one of Yemen’s most stable cities, rental rates have skyrocketed since the city was liberated from Houthis incursions in 2015 and became a magnet for conflict migrants.

Emad Mohammed used to live in a two-room apartment with a separate living room for about 20,000 riyals ($35) per month. He now pays 10 times that much for the same apartment, he said.

Despite the construction of four camps for displaced people in Marib governorate, as well as nearby camps in surrounding governorates, rental rates continue to climb, according to a humanitarian worker there.

Applicants who manage to find a vacancy in Marib face further obstacles, like coming up with six months or more of rent in advance to secure the deal.

In Yemen’s central governorate of Ibb, the situation is not much different.

Government employees often find themselves blacklisted in the real estate market. Mohammed Abdullah, a public school teacher in Sana’a with seven children, said that the owners of one property refused to rent it to him based on his profession. “How you will pay me at the end of the month without a salary?” Abdullah recalled the landlord asking him. In order to live in his building, he told Abdullah, you either have to work for an NGO or have family abroad who can make your rent payments.

Despite the non-payment of salaries to government employees in several sectors in Houthi-controlled areas, they continue to work because of the threat of arbitrary dismissal and replacement.

“I teach students in the morning to save my job and during the day I work as a carpenter,” Abdullah said in tears. “Despite the difficult conditions, I have survived.”

Although local authorities have banned rents from being raised above certain thresholds, the law remains merely “ink on paper,” according to public sector worker Wasim Al-Sabry.

“Residents of homes and rental shops (who can’t pay rent) are harassed, evicted and sued,” he said.

Many Yemeni families living in large cities have been forced to return to their original homes in rural areas and villages due to the rising rents. Among them is a growing number of government employees in Houthi-controlled areas who have gone without salaries since late 2016.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(* B H)

Film: What happens when two-thirds of a country has no clean water? It's happening in Yemen.

(A H)

UN-Habitat, partners improve living conditions in Hodeidah

UN-Habitat, in close collaboration with the Government of Japan and local authorities, has been working on the emergency response to the immediate Shelter and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) needs in Al Hodeidah Governorate, west Yemen.
This project is to mitigate the impact of conflict and improve the living conditions of the most affected population including Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), women, children, elderly, and disabled persons.
This project is envisaged to prevent outbreak of Cholera and other potential diseases and provide safe shelters for the local residents, who stayed in the governorate (photos)

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

Aggressionstruppen setzen Verstöße gegen das Hodeidah-Abkommen fort

(A K pH)

Saudi aggression forces continue to breach ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, January 6th, 2020

(A K pS)

Film: Houthi shelling on the positions of the joint forces in Althaita

(A K pS)

Houthis turn people's homes into ruins in al-Hali, Hodeidah


(A K pH)

Aggressionskräfte setzen die militärische Eskalation und die Verstöße gegen das Hodeidah-Abkommen fort

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Sunday, January 5th, 2020

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] National army thwarts Houthis infiltration attempt in Hodeidah

(* B K P)

Spotlight: Fate of Saudi-brokered deal on peace in Yemen's south still hangs in balance

The fate of a power-sharing deal between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) still hangs in balance two months after its signing.

The Saudi Arabia-brokered deal, signed on Nov. 5, 2019 in the Saudi capital Riyadh, aims to end the internal conflict over Yemen's southern regions, particularly the port city of Aden.

Both warring sides, however, have continued to blame each other for undermining the deal, as they engaged in armed confrontations in different southern areas especially the provinces of Abyan and Shabwa during the past weeks.

"No significant progress was made in implementing the Riyadh deal and both sides continued to mobilize troops in preparation for upcoming fighting," said Ali Bin Hadi, a retired Yemeni military official.

"Two months passed after signing the deal in Riyadh but the picture right now remains completely unclear as tension is intensifying on the ground," he told Xinhua.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)




(* B P)

Preferring to stay silent: Why journalists in Yemen are giving up on their career

The longer the war lasts in Yemen, the more dangerous the journalism profession becomes

Journalism in Yemen has been confined in a cage of fear for five years as a bleak sixth year kicks off.
Journalists remain behind bars and their lives are at a stake, while conflicting parties in the country are antagonistic towards reporters and do not hesitate to apply any punishment to silence and intimidate the storytellers who expose realities on the ground.
While soldiers are expected to die on the frontline in Yemen, journalists could be killed, detained or abducted any time and any place.
The longer the war lasts in Yemen, the more dangerous the journalism profession becomes.

Last month, Reporters Without Borders [RSF], an independent NGO focusing on defending and promoting journalistic freedom and independence worldwide, released its annual report concerning press freedom in the world. Yemen ranked 168th out of 180 countries in 2019 World Press Freedom Index.

Over the last five years, journalists have been killed, held hostage or forcibly disappeared. According to the RSF’s report, two journalists were killed in Yemen in last year between January 1 to December 1. Since the beginning of the war in 2015, 15 journalists remain hostage mainly in the Houthi-held areas.

The dire security situation and the apparent perils have compelled journalists to take less risks or entirely shun this profession. Consequently, the year 2019 has seen a smaller number of victims.

(? B K P)

Audio: Episode 176: Yemen— Where Middle Eastern Powers Clash

Is this just another Saudi-Iran proxy war? What Western powers are playing a role and what role are they playing? Is there any end in sight? And ultimately, will the Middle East every see stability in our lifetimes?

To answer these questions, we’re joined by Professor Uzi Rabi, Director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University. Professor Rabi Rabi has written a number of books in both English and Hebrew. In 2015, he published “Yemen: Revolution, Civil War, and Unification.”

(* B P)

@FoxNews poll declares that Trump wins at 41% in its latest poll. With Iran being only 8%. The question. WHO IS THE GREATEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE. THIS IS ON FOX NEWS. (result in image)

(B K P)

It seems Saudis are still committed to reach a settlement with the Houthis that will give them face saving exit from #Yemen. After all, they cannot defend themselves agains Iran & proxies or rely on the US to protect them.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

Red Sea Ports Corporation verurteilt das Festhalten von Schiffen durch die Aggression

Die Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation verurteilte die anhaltende Verweigerung des Zugangs von Hilfsschiffen, Ölderivaten und Handelsschiffen zu Hodeidah-Häfen durch die Aggressionskoalitionsländer vor mehr als zwei Monaten, obwohl sie die Genehmigung der Vereinten Nationen erhalten und alle Inspektionsverfahren erfüllt hatten.

Die Stiftung bestätigte in einer Erklärung, dass die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) eine Kopie davon erhalten habe, dass die Aggressionskoalition bis heute 15 Schiffe fasst, darunter acht Ölschiffe mit einer Ladung von 223.000 und 192 Tonnen Diesel und Benzin sowie sechs Handelsschiffe mit etwa 80.000 und 736 Tonnen Mehl und Weizen Zucker und Öl sowie ein Containerschiff des Welternährungsprogramms.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Why Yemen Needs More Support for Higher Education

Scientists and researchers in Yemen face daily personal challenges and professional obstacles that make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to participate in research activities.

A few years ago, their priority was how to secure financing to support their research programs, travel to conferences and pay publishing fees. Today, however, their main concern is to survive and provide basic necessities for their families. Many of them have not received salaries for more than a year, and many have left the country out of fear for their lives or because conditions forced them to continue their work elsewhere. (See a related article, “Yemen’s Ongoing War Leaves Scientific Research Crippled.”)

The war has not only destroyed the nascent research infrastructure, but also the foundation of higher education and research in the country. Unfortunately, what took decades to build was destroyed in a few years. Of course, the longer the conflict lasts, the more people will leave and the less likely they will be to return. If no serious steps are taken to reverse this trend, the damage to the higher-education sector will be irreparable. (See a related article, “For a Yemeni Researcher, Emigration Is the Only Opportunity.

(B H)

Yemen heads list of countries facing worst humanitarian disasters in 2020

Yemen has topped an annual watchlist of countries most likely to face humanitarian catastrophe in 2020, for the second year running.

Continued fighting, economic collapse and weak governance mean that more than 24 million Yemenis – about 80% of the population – will be in need of humanitarian assistance this year, according to analysis by the International Rescue Committee (IRC), which found that another five years of conflict could cost $29bn (£22bn).

and also

(B H)

International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies: Yemen: Floods - Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) Update n° 002 DREF n° MDRYE007

The current operation has gone through severe logistical and access constraints since it started. The operation was planned to start the distribution by using the existing stock to be replenished. Later the Yemen Red Crescent Society (YRCS) decided to distribute the freshly procured items as relief to the affected communities. 85% of procurement of NFIs has been finalized, however, during the implementation period, the southern part of Yemen faced escalation in conflict. This impeded the smooth custom clearance and mobilization of goods from Aden to respective targeted locations for relief distributions.

(* B H)

European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations: ECHO Factsheet – Yemen (Last updated 23/12/2019)

Yemen remains the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

Conflict across Yemen continues to endanger civilians, trigger displacement and damage critical infrastructure such as hospitals and markets. Imports and distribution of food, fuel and medicine remain restricted, insufficient and costly. Humanitarian assistance continues to face serious impediments and restrictions, made worse by a collapsing economy. In many areas, water and power plants, factories and markets have stopped functioning.

80% of the population - 24 million people - is in need of humanitarian assistance or protection. Currently, more than 20 million people lack sufficient food and 7.4 million people live with severe food shortages. The crisis has taken a toll on infrastructure and basic public services, which in turn has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis.

The public health situation is dire, with numerous epidemics reported by health organisations.

How are we helping?

Since the beginning of the conflict in 2015, the European Union has allocated €440 million in humanitarian aid to the Yemen crisis. As of 2019, a total of €115 million has been allocated to humanitarian organisations to support life-saving efforts.

The EU humanitarian aid’s vital assistance includes food, healthcare, education as well as water, shelter and hygiene kits to war-affected areas and displaced populations.

My comment: Since 2015, how much money did the EU make with arms exports to Saudi Arabia and UAE?

(* A H)

U.N. resumes grain milling in starvation-threatened Yemen

The U.N. World Food Programme has resumed the milling of grain for food aid to a starving population in Yemen after a halt in late December due to shelling damage, the agency said on Monday.

Artillery fire on Dec. 26 damaged WFP grain stores at the Red Sea Mills located on the front line in the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah.

Milling resumed on Dec. 30, the WFP said in a statement.

The mill and silos have become a focal point of the conflict in Hodeidah, where the United Nations is trying to enforce a ceasefire and troop withdrawal agreed a year ago at peace talks in Stockholm.

(B H)

Film: A new sewerage system in Alsaisaban

Thanks to our partner, EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid - ECHO, we were able to rebuild the sewerage system in Alsaisaban, a community in Aden. The ongoing crisis had caused destruction of the system and massively increased the risk of cholera spreading through the community. Now the streets are free from flooding and children have a safe place to play again!

(* B H)


Yemen is currently embroiled in one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. More than two-thirds of the country’s population is in need of some form of humanitarian aid or support, and food insecurity continues to affect large numbers of its citizens. Ultimately, only peace will quell the ongoing crisis in Yemen because humanitarian aid can only go so far.

Despite this, many organizations are still making active efforts to help the state and brainstorm new, innovative efforts to address the crisis in Yemen. As the crisis seems to grow in scope and severity, it appears that various organizations worldwide are becoming more dedicated to both helping the Yemeni people and searching for potential solutions. Here is a list of the organizations aiding those in crisis in Yemen.

In spite of the overwhelming crisis in Yemen, it seems that the international community and various aid organizations are managing to not only see the brighter side of things but also put forth innovative efforts to address multiple issues. Some of these efforts are to encourage peacemaking processes, and others have directly impacted Yemeni lives positively by providing life-saving care and aid. The future can still be optimistic; behind-the-scenes talks resembling peace negotiations have recently occurred in Oman between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis.

(B H)

World Food Programme, Logistics Cluster: Yemen: Passengers Transport Overview - Djibouti - Aden - Djibouti, November 2019

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Registered Persons of Concern Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Jordan (excluding SYR and IRQ) (31 December 2019)

From Yemen: 14,774

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

A #Yemeni woman was attacked in her HOME by 15 Houthi thugs yesterday. Though she always criticizes #Houthis, she was promptly punished for stating that "Millions of #Syrians, #Yemenis, #Iraqis & #Lebanese were elated to see #QassimSuleimani dead." #Iran is a redline for Houthis.

(A P)

A few days ago this woman recorded a video requesting #houthi rebels to release their salaries that have been looted by the militia.

Armed men affiliated to the group beat her and her daughter viciously (photo)

(A P)

Houthis restrict gender mixing in humanitarian aid organizations

A memo outlining the new rules forbids activities that dissolve the barriers and inhibitions between women and men

The Houthis’ humanitarian oversight body has directed aid organizations operating in central Yemen to prevent gender mixing in their training activities in line with a new set of rules governing relationships between men and women.

Effective Dec. 29, 2019, all aid organizations in Yemen’s Ibb governorate must exclude all training activities that require women to mingle with men in groups, according to an official memorandum signed by a director of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation (SCMCHA). Three aid organizations in Ibb confirmed the authenticity of the document.

The memo further bans any exchange of personal information between men and women, and forbids all activities aimed at "provoking laughter, fun and entertainment among the trainees, which work to dissolve the barriers and fade the inhibitions of modesty between women and men, which is totally contrary to the teachings of the Islamic religion." The memorandum notes that aid organizations should adhere to the topics and instructions agreed upon in advance with SCMCHA.

My comment: The Saudification of the Houthis seems to proceed.

(* A P)

Al- Mashat directing, beginning of a financial breakthrough

President Mahdi Al-Mashat's directive to pay half the salary of state employees and give employees in their jobs as much as possible financial dues, marking the beginning of the economic recovery phase for 2020, which was announced in a speech delivered on his behalf by supreme political council member Mohammed Saleh al-Nuaimi yesterday on Monday during the inauguration of The National Executive Programs for Economic Recovery and Recovery Phase 1 2020 of the Yemeni Central Bank by the Rescue Government and the Supreme Economic Committee within the framework of the national vision of building a modern state.

This directive reflected the keenness of the political leadership and its relentless efforts to improve the living conditions of employees, whose suffering has reached their maximum extent over the past years due to the interruption of salaries

(A E P)

Central Bank calls citizens to benefit from time limit for illegal currency compensation

The Central Bank of Yemen in Sanaa on Monday called on citizens to take advantage of the remaining time limit to change the illegal currency and get compensation, which will end on January 18.

(A E P)

The Yemeni Traders Syndicate announced the beginning of a comprehensive protest in areas controlled by the #Houthi group against confiscation of the new currency.

(A P)

29 Saudi aggression-deceived people released in Ibb

The Yemeni security forces in Ibb province on Tuesday released 29 men deceived by the Saudi-led aggression coalition, a security official told Saba.


(A P)

Houthi official shields influential loyalist from prosecution for allegedly murdering teacher

A senior Houthi official in Sana’a is trying to shield an influential merchant from prosecution for murdering a school teacher last month, according to an individual close to the family of the victim who requested anonymity for fear of retaliation.

Mohammed Hussein Al-Maqdashi, who was recently appointed as deputy minister of social affairs and labor in the Houthi-run government, is involved in intense negotiations with elders in Raymah governorate, where the slain teacher is from, in an effort to convince the family to accept tribal reconciliation in order to settle the case, the source said. The alternative would be murder charges in the court system in Sana’a.

(* B P)

NGO: 12636 abductions, enforced disappearances of civilians by Houthis

The Yemeni Network for Rights and Freedoms said on Monday its monitors of human rights violations documented in 12636 abductions enforced disappearances against civilians by the Houthi militia in 2019.
The organization said the coupist militia committed 10,099 abduction cases and 2537 enforced disappearances in different parts of north and western Yemen where the militia rules by force.
"Among the abducted were politicians, students and activists. And of them are 52 women," the NGO said in a statement.
The NGO said among the forcefully disappeared are 231 women and 158 children.
"(Our) monitors team reported 719 cases of torture and 48 executions inside jails." The tortures methods included electrocution, assaults, starvation and deprivation of sleep. =

(A P)

A local source said members of The #Houthi group stormed one of the classes in Ibb university and abducted a number of students.

(* B K P)

Yemen’s Fragile Peace Efforts at Risk as Regional Tensions Spike

As Iran contemplates its response to the killing of Major General Qassim Suleimani, it will likely look to an asymmetric response employing resources in the region, such as the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Of all the collateral damage likely to accrue across the Middle East in the wake of the January 3 U.S. drone attack that killed Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force commander Major General Qassim Suleimani, the modest but thus far encouraging efforts to negotiate an end to Yemen’s war are among the most likely.

As Iran contemplates its response, it almost certainly will want to avoid a direct military confrontation with the United States, which would have devastating consequences for the regime in Tehran. Much more likely, then, would be an asymmetric response, one that would provide plausible deniability for the regime by employing resources in the region, such as the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The killing of Suleimani and a top Iraqi ally, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, as they were leaving Baghdad International Airport in the early hours of January 3, threatens to upend this progress. It greatly increases the likelihood that elements within the Houthi movement close to Tehran will be tempted to draw upon the rebels’ substantial arsenal of ballistic missiles and drones to strike deep into Saudi Arabia, a move that would almost certainly scuttle the ongoing peace initiative and ensure the continuation of Yemen’s tragic war.

Thus, the Houthis clearly have the means to cause pain to a close U.S. ally on behalf of Iran, sparing the regime in Tehran the need to engage directly in response to the death of its Quds Force commander and the exposure to U.S. retaliation that such engagement would produce.

In July 2019, Mehdi al-Mashat, the head of the Houthis’ Supreme Political Council, told officials from the International Crisis Group that “the allegations about the group’s affiliation with Iran are flimsy, and those who make them know they are false.” The steps the Houthis take in coming days and weeks will reveal much about the veracity of Mashat’s comments. In fact, given the sharp uptick in regional tension in the wake of Suleimani’s death, it is incumbent on the leadership of all the parties to Yemen’s conflict to imagine potential scenarios and weigh the pros and cons of actions they might be inclined to take.

At the very least, Saudi Arabia needs to anticipate that the Houthis will conduct some sort of action in support of Iran – perhaps an attack on Saudi civilian infrastructure – and decide what sort of response best serves its long-term security interests. Certainly, in such a case, it will be tempting to retaliate in kind. But absent substantial loss of life, Riyadh may wish to examine carefully the prospect of absorbing the blow and keeping the door open to negotiations with the Houthis, recognizing that ending the war in Yemen is the best way to protect its citizens and national territory.

Similarly, Houthi leaders, who may face considerable pressure from staunchly pro-Iranian elements within the movement’s ranks to deliver a message to the United States by attacking one of its closest regional allies, need to decide what course of action best serves their own interests – by Stephen A. Seche, ex-US ambassador to Yemen

(A P)

Massenkundgebung in der Hauptstadt Sanaa verurteilt die Ermordung von Soleimani und Mohandis

Bei der Massenkundgebung bekräftigte der Informationsminister Dhaifallah Al-Shami, dass der Jemen eine Führung, eine Regierung und Menschen ist, die im Kampf um Unabhängigkeit, Würde und Freiheit neben der Freiheit der islamischen Nation stehen.

Er wies darauf hin, dass das Blut des Märtyrers Soleimani und des Märtyrers Al-Mohandis das Blut der Nation ist und sie die Märtyrer der gesamten Nation sind.

(* A K P)

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis rally to honour martyrs Soleimani and al-Muhandis

Hundreds of thousands of the Yemeni people took the streets in the capital Sana’a and Saada province, in mass rallies condemning the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Mauhandis along with their companions by a US airstrike.

Information Minister Daifallah al-Shami confirmed during the march in Saada that “the blood of Martyr Soleimani and al-Muhandis is the blood of the nation, and they are the martyrs of the whole nation.”

“The rain on Sana’a may be flooded with the blood of the martyrs and it is promises victory. (…) Our Yemeni people affirm their stand with the Islamic nation against American- Zionist arrogance.”

He stressed that “the blood of the martyrs Soleimani and al-Muhandis is not Iranian and Iraqi, but blood belonging to the nations and the free people of the world.”

Al-Shami concluded by saying “the blood of Soleimani, al-Mauhandis and all the martyrs will turn into intercontinental missiles and weapons that destroy American battleships and end their presence in the region.”

and also


(A P)

General Soleimani was prominent figure in fight against global terrorism: Yemeni minister

Yemeni Information Minister Dhaifallah al-Shami has censured the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), lauding the top Iranian commander as a key figure in the fight against global terrorism.

(A P)

Sa’adah City Witnesses Mass Rally Condemning Aassassination of General Soleimani, Al-Muhandis

(A P)

Sana’a, Sa’adah Prepare Mass Rallies to Condemn Assassination of Soleimani, Al-Muhandis

(A P)

Das Zentrale Militärgericht prüft Beweise gegen die Führer der Verräter

Das Zentrale Militärgericht in Sanaa hat am Sonntag seine achte öffentliche Sitzung abgehalten, um den Prozess gegen elf Beamte fortzusetzen, denen Hochverratsdelikte vorgeworfen werden, indem sie dem Feind die Einreise in das Hoheitsgebiet der Republik Jemen erleichtern.

Die Angeklagten in diesem Strafverfahren sind:

1 - Feldmarschall / Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi

2 - Generalleutnant / Ali Mohsen Saleh al-Ahmar

Meine Bemerkung: Präsident Hadi, sein Vizepräsident Mohsen und andere Offiziere – sie wurden aber schon zum Tod verurteilt: Erneute Beweisaufnahme?

(A P)

Central Military Court reviews evidence against traitors' leaders

The Central Military Court in Sanaa on Sunday held its eighth public session to continue the trial of 11 officers accused of committing treason crime by facilitating the enemy's entry into the territory of the Republic of Yemen.

The accused in this criminal case are:

1 - Field Marshal / Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi

2 - Lieutenant General / Ali Mohsen Saleh al-Ahmar

My remark: President Hadi, his vice president Mohsen and other officers; they already had been sentenced to death; a new evidence review?

(* A E P)

Präsident Anweisung regelmäßig alle zwei Monate die Hälfte des Gehalts an Staatsbedienstete zu zahlen

Sein Exzellenzfeldmarschall Mahdi Al-Mashat, den Präsidenten des Obersten Politischen Rates, anwies, in einer Rede, die in seinem Namen der Mitglied des Obersten Politischen Rates, Muhammad Saleh Al-Nuaimi hielt, an, regelmäßig alle zwei Monate ein halbes Gehalt für Staatsbedienstete auszugeben und dem disziplinierten Angestellten das Privileg zu geben, so viel wie möglich von seinem monatlichen Gehalt regelmäßig auszugeben.

Zu den Richtlinien des Präsidenten gehörte die Befreiung kleinerer Steuerzahler von der Besteuerung sowie die Befreiung kleinerer und kleinerer Projekte von allen Arten von Steuern und die Befreiung der Vorleistungen für die Arzneimittelproduktion von allen Arten von Gebühren sowie die Befreiung von Vorleistungen für erneuerbare Energien und Investitionen von allen Gebühren als Beitrag zur Unterstützung und Senkung der Produktionskosten für Landwirte und Eigentümer verschiedener Projekte. In der ganzen Republik.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

The Yemeni Legitimate Government Renounced the Acts of its Minister of Transport

(* A P)

UAE reportedly building military port and drone base in Mocha

Tariq Afash training mercenaries with Emirati and Israeli help, journalist claims

A southern Yemeni journalist said on Tuesday that the UAE has been carrying out construction works in the vicinity of Mocha port in Taiz province, with a view to establish “a military airport and a base for launching drones.”

Journalist Anis Mansour, who is affiliated with the Islah Party and works as editor-in-chief of the news website, explained that the UAE has started building a new coast guard camp in the area opposite Mocha port, adding that it contains “a dock for boats and a command and control centre.”

He indicated that the mercenary commander Tariq Afash has selected individuals and officers from his UAE-funded forces, and subjected them to intensive training by Emirati and Israeli officers in Yakhtol camp, five kilometers north of Mocha city, to carry out unknown tasks.

“Tariq Afash forces prevent citizens from approaching and photographing the construction works,” the journalist added.

(A P)

A fisherman was killed by a bullet from forces loyal to the #Saudi coalition in the interim capital of #Aden.

(* A K P)

The 60 day deadline for #Yemen's #RiyadhAgreement just passed. All southern security & military should now be under gov control supervised by Saudi. It's miles off Instead, STC today announced new Assembly session to discuss "creative application" of it, following gov failure

(* A K P)

Hadi Government official: Able to Expel Transitional Council from Aden

Abdul Rahim Al-Awlaqi, Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Hadi government said that the Transitional Council, affiliated with the Emirates, does not have any real project to fulfill the aspirations of the people of the south.

Al-Awlaqi added that the establishment of the Southern Transitional Council component and its assumption of controlling the south, deflecting the southern issue from its path. The reconciliation and tolerance agreement between the southerners undermined their return to fighting and bloody regional conflicts.

Al-Awlaqi explained that the Transitional Council denied all, and decided to go alone without paying attention to others, to reveal that it does not carry any national project, and that the slogans of independence that they hold are forged and faked.

Al-Awlaki said that the transitional-controlled areas suffer from bullying, looting, robbery, raiding homes and opening secret prisons, stressing the ability of Hadi forces to enter Aden occupied if it decided to do so.

(A P)

A [pro-separatist] mass demonstration occurs in Wadi Yashbam in solidarity with Qamosh, and calls for the return of the Shabwani elite

The demonstrators raised banners calling for the closure of secret prisons of the terrorist Brotherhood’s militias in Shabwa and the release of detainees and kidnappers, and the return of the Shabwani elite forces, in which the Shabwani citizen is in need for more than ever after the occupation of governorate by the Brotherhood militias who practiced violations of torture, kidnapping and bloodsheding

(A K P)

Al-Qaeda is stationed in Al Khayala Mountains in Al-Mehfid under the protection of Yemeni Islah Party militias

Military sources from the security belt forces in Al- Mehfid reported that Al-Qaeda has re-deployed in the mountains of Al-Khayala area in Al- Mehfid district of Abyan governorate under the protection of the legitimate forces controlled by the Yemeni Islah Party.
The same sources mentioned that the Islah Party is financing these groups with supplies, lunch, money and weapons, and the joint cooperation between al-Qaeda and the legitimacy forces has been evident through the participation of those forces in attacking the security belt forces and the southern resistance in many areas of Al- Mehfid.

My remark: As claimed by the separatists, who permanently blame the Hadi government and Hadi’s main supporters of Islah Party, labeled as Muslim Brotherhood.


(A K P)

Security belt in Yaramis area: repeated attacks on us by Muslim Brotherhood’s legitimacy forces without respecting terms of #Riyadh_Agreement

This military source explained that the Yemeni legitimate forces are daily targeting our forces with artillery shells and medium weapons.


(A K P)

Al-Rubaizi reveals the practices of the Brotherhood’s militias in the governorate of #Abyan


(A K P)

Security Belt Thwarts Islah Attak in Yarames of Abyan


(A P)

Islah abducts five persons in Shabwa

(* B P)

Mohammed Jawas, a military strategist based in Aden, said Saudi Arabia is currently struggling to find the best ways to implement the power-sharing deal while satisfying both Yemeni parties.

"The implementation of the Riyadh deal needs high financial expenses particularly in the security and military arrangements and there are ongoing preparations in Saudi Arabia for that," said Jawas.

Things including "eradicating the rampant corruption within the Yemeni institutions" must be accomplished first before the implementation of the deal, he added.

Jawas urged Saudi Arabia to deal more strictly with the Yemeni warring factions involved in the deal and use "an iron fist to implement the deal" to prevent any resumption of conflict that may lead to fragmentation of the Yemeni regions.

Yaseen Tamimi, a Yemeni political writer and analyst, said the Saudi-brokered deal largely failed "because of the weak leadership of the country's legitimate authority that completely depends on the decisions of Saudi Arabia which has no intention of exerting necessary pressure on the STC to comply with the deal's provisions."

(A P)

Saudi forces take down Southern Yemeni separatist flag in Aden Airport

Saudi forces have prevented the UAE-backed Security Belt forces from hoisting the southern Yemeni flag at Aden International Airport, and demanded their departure from the airport, informed sources said on Saturday.

Saudi forces who took over Aden airport asked the separatist security forces to leave Aden International Airport, local sources said.

The sources explained that the request of the Saudis for the STC militias to leave the airport came after they raised the flag of the South during the entry ceremony of a Saudi delegation to the airport, which prompted the Saudi soldiers to take down the flag.

(A P)

STC Presidency Discusses Government Violations

The STC Presidency discussed the breaches committed by the Yemeni government, controlled by the Islah party, the military wing of Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, to undermine the Riyadh Agreement, especially the brutal attacks on southern tribes and regions in Abyan and Shabwa.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* A P)

#Qatif: The Presidency of State Security assaulted the villages of Al-Bahari, Al-Qudaih this morning, opening heavy fire & firing explosive shells, and arresting pursued activist Mohammed Al Ammar in Al-Bahari for participating in protests in the Eastern Province.

activist Mohamed Al Ammar, who was "wanted" for protesting. During the #AwamiaSiege2017, Saudi forces had threatened Mohamed's 5YO daughter: "We will kill your father and throw his head between your legs"!

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy is capitalizing #US official #Shiaphobia coning from Sec Pomino & @statedeptspox by assaulting oil center #Shia cities. Atrack by sectarian Saudi military is led by the terror mastermind Abdulaziz AlHuwaurini, who sent 1000s of Saudis 2 Iraq 2 kill Americans

(B P)

A Saudi family feud, a decade-long debt saga and a court's $14 billion decision

Saudi Arabia’s largest and longest debt saga, fueled by a feud that has split one of its richest families, could be nearing a resolution after a court approved about $14 billion in claims related to the collapse of two business empires a decade ago.

The Saudi court has accepted more than $7 billion in claims from creditors against the Algosaibi family’s conglomerate AHAB, and about $6.5 billion against tycoon Maan al-Sanea and his company Saad Group, two court documents seen by Reuters showed.

The Algosaibis and Sanea - who married into the Algosaibi family - have been locked into a bitter dispute over who was to blame for the 2009 collapse of the companies.

Both sides deny wrongdoing

(* A P)

Shias are enemies, Saudi diplomat tells KL conference

A Saudi Arabian diplomat in Malaysia has launched a scathing attack on Shia Muslims, saying it is useless to include them in any efforts to unite Muslims as they are deviant.

Sheikh Abdurrahman Ibrahim Al-Rubai’in, who is the religious attache at the Saudi embassy in Kuala Lumpur, told a convention organised by a pro-Saudi group that Shia teachings posed the greatest challenge to Muslims.

“The differences between the Sunnis and Shias is not merely over jurisprudence, but also has to do between truth and falsehood,” he was quoted by Berita Harian, when addressing a national convention organised by Pertubuhan Ilmuan Malaysia (Ilmu).

Ilmu’s members who are closely linked to Umno have in the past backed Saudi policies and spoken out against Shia Islam, the second-largest school of thought in the Muslim world which has been a target of Wahhabi scholars.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia prevents detained journalist from attending son’s funeral

(A E P)

Saudi credit default swaps soar on U.S.-Iran crisis

The cost of insuring against a potential debt default by Saudi Arabia has soared by a sixth since Friday’s killing by a U.S. drone of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, bearing the brunt of a broader reaction in Middle Eastern markets.

Conventional spreads on five-year Saudi credit default swaps (CDS) were at 64 basis points on Monday, up from 55 bps on Jan. 2, according to IHS Markit.

(* B P)

Waschgang in der Wüste

Die Rallye Dakar startet in Saudi-Arabien - und natürlich hat dieses Event auch den Zweck, das Image des Königreichs aufzubessern. Für die teilnehmenden Sportler ein Dilemma.

In Saudi-Arabien startet am Sonntag die Rallye Dakar.

Warum holt Saudi-Arabien Sportevents ins Land?

Es verfolgt mehrere Ziele. Unter der "Vision 2030" hat das Königshaus unter Leitung des Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman eine Reihe von Modernisierungen auf den Weg gebracht, um das Land unabhängiger vom Öl zu machen und die Wirtschaft zu diversifizieren. Die Förderung des Sports ist ein wichtiger Teil davon. Die Bürger des Landes sollen sich mehr bewegen - und Saudi-Arabien näher an die Weltgemeinschaft rücken. Das Königreich hofft zudem, vermehrt Spitzensportler hervorzubringen und so bei Olympischen Spielen Erfolge zu feiern, wie es in dem Programm heißt. Kritiker sprechen angesichts dieser Pläne von "Sportswashing".

Was ist "Sportswashing"?

Es ist der Versuch, das eigene Ansehen mithilfe des positiven Images des Sports aufzuwerten. Aufmerksamkeit, Zustimmung und Begeisterung für Sportevents sollen sich auf den Ausrichter übertragen, sagt Politikwissenschaftler Jürgen Mittag von der Sporthochschule Köln. "Sie beabsichtigen, die Strahlkraft des Sports auf sich zu ziehen."

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* B P)

18-month extension of TPS for Yemen leaves at risk many more who escaped devastating war

The Jan. 3 decision to extend Temporary Protected Status for Yemen allows the 1,250 people it currently covers another 18 months in the United States, yet does not allow potentially thousands of more recently arrived Yemenis to apply for protection from the war-ravaged country.

The previous extension of TPS for Yemen was due to expire March 3. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf announced that Yemenis who currently hold TPS will be able to remain in the United States and extend work permits until at least Sept. 3, 2021.

“Congress created TPS to protect people from the exact type of massive humanitarian crisis that exists in Yemen today,” said Jill Marie Bussey, advocacy director for the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. “The failure to redesignate TPS for Yemen is the failure to use the law as Congress intended. The need for protection from this crisis does not change based on the day a person arrives in the United States — to offer protection to current TPS holders but not to more recently arrived people is illogical and unconscionable. Congress must investigate and the administration must be held accountable."

CLINIC and 128 other faith leaders and organizations in a Dec. 13 letter to the Department of Homeland Security called upon the administration to extend and redesignate TPS for Yemen. A similar letter delivered the same day called for the same actions for TPS for Somalia. TPS for Somalia is due to expire March 17, meaning the administration must make a decision by Jan. 17.

and also

(* A P)

Senate Dems could fall short in restraining Trump on Iran

A handful of Republicans have previously joined in trying to restrict the president’s war powers, but it’s unclear whether they will do so again.

Democratic efforts to rein in President Donald Trump on Iran could fall short, amid a lack of overt support from Senate Republicans.

Following Trump’s decision to order a drone strike that killed the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani last week, Democrats have called for Congress to assert its authority to greenlight military force. A handful of Republicans have joined Democrats previously to restrict Trump’s broad war powers, but it’s unclear whether they will do so again when it comes to military intervention in Iran.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) introduced a measure on Friday that would force the Trump administration to stop hostilities with Iran that are not authorized by Congress — unless the United States faces an imminent attack. Because the resolution was filed under the War Powers Act, Kaine can force the Senate to take up the matter on the floor as soon as next Monday.

While most Senate Republicans favor broad executive authority on military intervention, a handful have broken ranks with the caucus and joined Democrats when it comes to the United States’ military posture on Iran or in Yemen.

(* B P)

The Soleimani Strike Defied the U.S. Constitution

If Congress fails to respond effectively, the constitutional order will be broken beyond repair, and the president will be left with the unmitigated power to take the country to war on his own—anywhere, anytime, for any reason.
The drone strike that killed Major General Qassem Soleimani, leader of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, raises many legal issues, but one of the most significant—at least to the American constitutional order—is that President Donald Trump ordered the strike without so much as informing Democratic leadership in Congress, disregarding Congress’s essential role in initiating war. If Congress fails to respond effectively, the constitutional order will be broken beyond repair, and the president will be left with the unmitigated power to take the country to war on his own—anywhere, anytime, for any reason.

(* B P)

Trump tests Congress’ war powers with strike against Iran

President Donald Trump’s confrontation with Iran is posing a gut check for Congress, brazenly testing whether the House and Senate will exert their own authority over U.S. military strategy or cede more war powers to the White House.

As tensions rise at home and abroad, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will hold House votes this week to limit Trump’s ability to engage Iran militarily after the surprise U.S. airstrike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani. A Senate vote is expected to soon follow.

Yet Congress has shown time and again it is unable to exert its ability to authorize — or halt — the use of military force. With their inaction, lawmakers have begrudgingly allowed the commander in chief to all but disregard Congress.

“I think this president has pushed this to the limit with action that has a huge, escalating effect,” said Scott Anderson, a former attorney in the State Department’s legal office and former legal adviser for the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. “Maybe this will push Congress to make it a priority. ... Anything short of legislative action doesn’t mean anything.”

The showdown between the White House and Capitol Hill provides the latest example of how Trump’s willingness to break the norms in Washington is setting new standards in governance.

Ahead of the attack that killed the Iranian general, the president did not consult with congressional leaders. In the aftermath, he refused to make public his justification for the airstrikes.

Facing an outcry, Trump scoffed that his tweets should provide adequate updates to Congress, regardless of what is required by law.

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

(* A K P)

Iran-Krise: Kriegsgefahr, Truppenabzug, Truppenaufstockung – Die Entwicklungen am Dienstag

Kommen wir zunächst zu den Entwicklungen des Tages und dann zu dem, was die deutschen Medien daraus machen.

Beginnen wir mit der deutschen Regierung. Bei der Bundespressekonferenz hat sich Sprecher Seibert wieder einmal blamiert. Seine Stellvertreterin hatte vor einigen Tagen Verständnis für den US-Angriff geäußert, der nicht nur ein klarer Bruch des Völkerrechts war, sondern auch völlig unnötig die Kriegsgefahr in der Region erhöht hat. Seibert hat dem mit gleich einer ganzen Reihe von Lügen noch einmal die Krone aufgesetzt.

Dass die Kriegsgefahr in der Region nun groß ist, zeigt sich unter anderem auch an einer Warnung der USA. Dort heißt es, dass der Persische Golf, die Straße von Hormus, der Golf von Oman, das Arabische Meer, das Rote Meer, der Golf von Aden und der Indische Ozean aufgrund der iranischen Aktionen und „seiner Marionetten“ eine Gefahr für die Handelsschifffahrt darstellen. Die Warnung bleibe bis zum 10. Januar in Kraft, hieß es in der Erklärung, aus der die russische TASS zitiert hat.

Widersprüchliche Meldungen gibt es aus den westlichen Staaten, die im Irak militärisch aktiv sind.

Apropos Nato: Am Montag gab es eine außerplanmäßige Tagung der Nato-Botschafter und es gab Pressemeldungen, dass die USA von ihren Nato-Partnern eine Erklärung bekommen wollten, dass die Nato geschlossen hinter der Politik im Nahen Osten und speziell dem US-Angriff auf den iranischen General stehe. Manchmal sind Abschlusserklärungen deshalb interessant, weil etwas dort nicht drin steht. Nach dem Treffen hat die Nato lediglich erklärt, sie sich einig, dass der Iran keine Atomwaffen erlangen dürfe. Das ist nichts Neues, aber es zeigt, dass es hinter den Kulissen hoch her gegangen sein muss, denn offensichtlich haben die Nato-Länder den USA die gewünschte Erklärung verweigert.

Ebenfalls am Dienstag hat der Iran das Pentagon zu einer Terrororganisation erklärt. In dem angenommenen Gesetz werden „alle Mitglieder des Pentagon und verwandter Institutionen und Organisationen sowie die Kommandeure, die am Tod des Kommandeurs der Spezialeinheiten des Korps der Islamischen Revolutionsgarden Soleimani beteiligt waren“ zu Terroristen erklärt. Für das Gesetz haben 228 der 238 anwesenden Abgeordneten gestimmt.

Aus dem Iran kommen auch andere Meldungen, die sich auf den ersten Blick widersprechen. So hat der Iran angekündigt, selbst seinen Vergeltungsschlag gegen die USA ausführen zu wollen und dafür keine der mit ihm verbündeten Milizen im Nahen Osten einsetzen zu wollen. Die iranische Regierung sprach von 13 mögliche Zielen, wobei „selbst die schwächste Option ein historischer Albtraum für die USA wäre“.

Andererseits hat der Iran erneut wissen lassen, dass er sofort bereit sei, sich wieder an das Atomabkommen zu halten. Das tweetete das iranische Außenministerium.

(* A K P)

UNO im Würgegriff der USA – Iranischer Außenminister darf nicht zur UNO reisen

Die USA sind nutzen den UNO-Standort New York völkerrechtswidrig, um Diplomaten den Zugang zur UNO zu verwehren. Aktuelles Beispiel: Der iranische Außenminister darf nicht zur Tagung des UNO-Sicherheitsrates zur Iran-Krise reisen.

Der Hauptsitz der UNO ist New York. Damit haben die USA sich verpflichtet, Diplomaten anderer Länder einreisen zu lassen, die bei der UNO arbeiten oder zu Veranstaltungen der UNO kommen wollen. Jedoch verstoßen die USA immer dreister gegen diese übernommene Verpflichtung und nehmen die UNO als Geisel ihrer eigenen Politik.

Das war kein „Unfall“, das hat System. Heute haben die USA dem iranischen Außenminister die Einreise verweigert, er wollte an der für den 9. Januar angesetzten Sitzung des UNO-Sicherheitsrates zur Krise am Golf teilnehmen.

(* B K P)

Waren Geheimverhandlungen zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien der Grund für den US-Angriff?

Die Frage, warum die USA den iranischen General Solemani genau jetzt ermordet haben, treibt die Weltpresse um. Es gibt Meldungen, Solemani sei auf einer Friedensmission zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien gewesen, die die USA verhindern wollten. Kann das sein?

In den USA muss man gewusst haben, dass das nicht ohne Folgen bleibt. Die USA sind im Irak nicht beliebt und der Iran kann so etwas ohne Reaktion nicht durchgehen lassen. Trump kann aber im anstehenden Wahlkampf keinen neuen Krieg gebrauchen, wenn er die Wahl gewinnen will.

Der Mord an Solemani muss also aus irgendeinem Grund sehr wichtig gewesen sein, wenn man so ein Risiko eingeht.

Ich habe daher für mich allein spekuliert, dass Trump in eine Falle gelockt wurde, vielleicht auch mit dem Hintergrund seine Wiederwahl zu verhindern. Die Washington Post hat am 6. Januar gemeldet, dass Pompeo seit Monaten von Trump die Ermordung Soleimanis gefordert haben soll und die New York Times meldete ebenfalls am 6. Januar, dass dieser Druck von Pompeo Ende Dezember immer stärker wurde und dass Trump sich schließlich hat überreden lassen.

Aber warum kann es Kreisen in Washington – abgesehen von der Verhinderung von Trumps Wiederwahl – so wichtig sein, Soleimani zu ermorden? Die Nachdenkseiten berichten, Soleimani sei auf einer diplomatische Mission unterwegs gewesen, bei der der Irak eine Verständigung zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran vermitteln wollte. Es ging demnach um den Austausch von diplomatischen Noten zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien in Bagdad.

Iran und Saudi-Arabien sind Erzfeinde am Golf. Die „iranische Bedrohung“ ist einer der wichtigsten Vorwände, warum die USA große Militärbasen in Saudi-Arabien unterhalten. Wenn die beiden Länder sich anfreunden, hätte die saudische Regierung keinen Grund mehr, die unbeliebte Anwesenheit von so vielen „Ungläubigen“ im Land zu rechtfertigen. Außerdem würde ein Ende des Konflikts die Gefahr bergen, dass sich die Öl-Staaten am Golf einig werden, das würde den US-Einfluss auf die Ölpreise beenden, den sie nur ausüben können, weil vor allem die Saudis das Spiel mitspielen.

Es geht also um sehr viel für die USA. Aber ist eine Annäherung zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien realistisch?

(* A K P)

Iran, Irak, USA: Eine Zusammenfassung der Eskalation der letzten Stunden

Nachdem der Irak beschlossen hat, alle westlichen Truppen des Landes zu verweisen, überschlagen sich die Ereignisse. Eine Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Situation.

Am Sonntag hat das irakische Parlament auf Antrag des Premierministers beschlossen, die westlichen Streitkräfte des Landes zu verweisen. Das war eine Reaktion auf den Mord der USA an dem iranischen General Soleimani, bei dem die USA den Flughafen Bagdad bombardiert haben. Das der Irak das ernst meint, wurde am Montag auf einer Pressekonferenz des Oberkommandierenden der irakischen Streitkräfte deutlich, der mitgeteilt hat, die entsprechenden Mechanismen würden bereits ausgearbeitet.

(* B K P)

Konflikt zwischen USA und Iran: Die Rache des Toten

Der Tod des iranischen Generals Soleimani wird zum strategischen Desaster für Donald Trump. Der US-Angriff stärkt vor allem antiamerikanische Kräfte in der Region. Auch Deutschland verliert an Glaubwürdigkeit.

Die Wut liegt auf der Straße. Nach dem US-Raketenangriff und dem Tod von Ghassem Soleimani demonstrieren seit dem Wochenende Hunderttausende Menschen im Iran gegen die USA. Am Dienstag kommen während der Beisetzung des getöteten iranischen Generals bei einer Massenpanik sogar Dutzende Menschen ums Leben. Der Iran ist im Ausnahmezustand. Die Trauer eint das Land.

Das iranische Staatsfernsehen setzt die Trauerbilder in Szene und schickt sie um die Welt. Viele Menschen halten Fotos des getöteten Generals in die Luft. Es fließen Tränen. Auf vielen Spruchbändern wird Soleimani als Kriegsheld gefeiert. "Sein Kampf geht weiter" ist hier zu lesen. Im iranischen Fernsehen kommen Menschen zu Wort, die Rache und Krieg gegen die USA fordern und Donald Trump für "verrückt und unzurechnungsfähig" erklären. Der Iran inszeniert sich als Opfer der gewaltsamen US-Politik und dies verfängt in der gesamten Region.

Trump fährt Nahostpolitik vor die Wand

Seit dem Angriff überschlagen sich vielerorts die Ereignisse. Während die Iraner trauern, erweist sich das Attentat für US-Präsident Donald Trump als schwerer strategischer Fehler. Die Vergeltung des Iran hat längst begonnen, ausgerechnet der Tod Soleimanis macht es nun wahrscheinlicher, dass die Lebensziele des Generals Realität werden können: einem größeren Einfluss des Iran in der Region und einem Rückzug der USA. Am Ende könnte die Rache des Generals aus dem Grab erfolgen – auch ohne Krieg. Trump dagegen hat die Nahostpolitik der westlichen Bündnispartner strategisch vor eine Wand gefahren, und trotzdem äußern die Verbündeten ihre Kritik nur hinter vorgehaltener Hand. Dies spiegelt auch die aktuelle Hilflosigkeit der deutschen Außenpolitik wider.

(* A K P)

Milizen kündigen "Krieg gegen US-Präsenz" am Golf an

19.16 Uhr: Auch Kanada zielt einen Teil seiner Truppen ab

19.10 Uhr: Ruhani fordert Vergeltung

Irans Präsident Hassan Ruhani dringt weiterhin auf Vergeltung. "Die Verantwortung für diesen Terrorakt tragen die USA." Die Amerikaner müssten wissen, dass sie vor den Konsequenzen dieses schweren Verbrechens nicht geschützt seien

18.05 Uhr: Milizen kündigen "Krieg gegen US-Präsenz" am Golf an

Pro-iranische Milizen im Irak kündigen einen "Krieg gegen die US-Präsenz" in der Golfregion an.

17.36 Uhr: Pompeo: USA halten sich an internationales Recht

US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo sichert zu, die Vereinigten Staaten würden sich bei jeglichem Vorgehen in der Iran-Krise an internationales Recht halten. "Jede Maßnahme, die wir ergreifen, wird im Einklang mit internationaler Rechtsstaatlichkeit stehen", erklärt Pompeo in Washington. "Das amerikanische Volk kann sich darauf verlassen." Pompeo ging nicht näher auf die Frage nach möglichen US-Angriffen auf kulturelle Stätten im Iran ein.

16.25 Uhr: Nato zieht Teil ihrer Soldaten aus Irak ab

Nach der Bundeswehr zieht wegen der Spannungen im Nahen Osten nun auch die Nato einen Teil ihrer Soldaten zeitweise aus dem Irak ab.

15.37 Uhr: Zahl der Toten nach Massenpanik steigt weiter

Die iranische Nachrichtenagentur Isna spricht nun unter Berufung auf einen Behördenvertreter von 50 Getöteten, nachdem zuletzt von 40 die Rede war.

14.42 Uhr: Beisetzung von irakischem Milizenführer

Rund 30.000 Menschen geben dem ebenfalls beim US-Angriff getöteten irakischen Milizenführer Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis das letzte Geleit.

(* A K P)

Irans Parlament beschließt Details des Plans "harte Rache"

9.30 Uhr: Iran warnt vor "Kriegstreiberei" der USA

Der Iran hat vor einer "Kriegstreiberei" der USA gewarnt und für eine konstruktive regionale Zusammenarbeit geworben. "Die USA haben mit der Tötung eines hochrangigen iranischen Offiziers einen gefährliche Kurs eingeschlagen, der schon sehr bald die gesamte Region gefährden könnte", sagte Außenminister Mohammed Dschwad Sarif. Die Behauptung der USA, Frieden und Sicherheit für die Region zu wollen, sei lediglich "eine große historische Lüge".

8.40 Uhr: Irans Parlament beschließt Details des Plans "harte Rache"

Das iranische Parlament hat das Budget der Revolutionsgarden (IRGC) bis zum Ende des persischen Jahres am 20. März 2020 erhöht.

7 Uhr: Menschen begleiten Trauerzug in Soleimanis Geburtsort

4 Uhr: USA verweigern Irans Außenminister angeblich Visum

Die USA haben dem iranischen Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif Regierungskreisen zufolge ein Visum für eine Anreise zu einer Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats am Donnerstag in New York verweigert

1.50 Uhr: Bundeswehr zieht sich zum Teil aus dem Irak zurück

23.13 Uhr: USA bereiten laut dpa Teilabzug aus Irak vor

Wegen der Spannungen im Irak nach der Tötung des iranischen Top-Generals Ghassem Soleimani bereitet die Koalition gegen die Terrormiliz IS einen teilweisen Abzug aus dem Irak vor.

22.05 Uhr: US-Verteidigungsminister: "Keine Entscheidung für Abzug aus Irak"

US-Verteidigungsminister Mark Esper hat Berichten widersprochen, die USA bereiteten einen Abzug ihrer Truppen aus dem Irak vor. "Es gibt überhaupt keine Entscheidung, den Irak zu verlassen", sagte er vor Reportern.

Der Brief stehe im Widerspruch zur Haltung der US-Regierung

21.02 Uhr: US-Schreiben zu Truppenverlegung im Irak

(** B K P)

Der drohende USA-Iran-Krieg – der lange Schatten der Irak-Invasion 2003

Die Ereignisse um die Jahreswende zeigen uns bilderbuchartig auf, wie militärische Eskalationsspiralen funktionieren und wie nah die Welt an einem offenen Krieg zwischen den USA und dem Iran steht. Um die hochexplosive Lage im neuen Jahrzehnt verstehen zu können, muss der Blick anderthalb Dekaden zurückgeworfen werden: auf die völkerrechtswidrige Irak-Invasion 2003.

Am 31. Dezember brach im Umfeld der US-amerikanischen Botschaft in Bagdad eine Welle der Gewalt aus. Tausende Menschen versammelten sich vor dem hochgesicherten US-Gebäude in der hochgradig militarisierten Green Zone in der irakischen Hauptstadt. Was als Trauermarsch um 25 am Sonntag zuvor von den USA getötete Milizionäre der Kataib Hezbollah im Irak begann, eskalierte rasch zu einem Angriff auf die US-Botschaft selbst.

25 Iraker für einen US-Amerikaner

Dass die Nachricht der Demonstrierenden zwar „übermittelt“, jedoch in keinem Falle auch erhört wurde, wurde rasch klar. Denn neben dem Ausdruck ihrer Wut über die 25 getöteten Kataib-Hezbollah-Kämpfer war die zentrale Forderung der Demonstrierenden der Abzug der 5.200 im Irak stationierten US-Soldatinnen und -Soldaten (darüber hinaus ist eine unbekannte Zahl privater Söldner im Land). Und bereits am Neujahrstag erklärt das Pentagon das exakte Gegenteil: US-Außenminister Mark Esper verkündet die Entsendung 750 zusätzlicher US-Truppen in den Irak – und zwei Tage später erklärt Espers Haus, weitere 3.500 Truppen in die Region zu verschieben. Washingtons Message für 2020 ist klar: Weitere Eskalation in Nahost von Tag Eins an.

In den vergangenen Wochen kam es vermehrt zu Raketenangriffen auf US-amerikanische Stellungen im Irak, ausgeführt von schiitischen Milizen mit Verbindungen zum Iran, die „alles unternehmen werden, um [das US-Militär] mit sämtlichen legitimen Mitteln zu vertreiben“. Seit Ende Oktober gab es mindestens elf derartige Angriffe.

Kataib Hezbollah ist eine mit Teheran affiliierte Miliz und wird von der libanesischen Hisbollah und den iranischen Quds Forces unterstützt, einer Eliteeinheit der Iranischen Revolutionsgarden. Die Gruppe war ein zentraler Akteur im Aufstand gegen die US-Besatzung, die der illegalen US-UK-Invasion des Landes 2003 folgte. Seit Juli 2009 steht sie auf der Terrorliste des U.S. State Department. Auch ist Kataib Hezbollah Gründungsmitglied der Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) – jenem Dachverband aus mehrheitlich schiitischen Milizen, die im Irak den IS besiegt haben – und kämpfte in dieser Funktion auch in Syrien an der Seite der Assad-Regierung.

Trump exekutiert Irans zweitmächtigsten Mann

Unter US-Analysten gilt die Kataib Hezbollah als „das zentrale Nervensystem der Quds Forces der Iranischen Revolutionsgarden im Irak“ – eine Perspektive, die zentral ist, um die folgenden Ereignisse verstehen zu können.

Eine völkerrechtliche Analyse des Verfassungsblogs kommt zu dem klaren Ergebnis, dass die Tötung aus Sicht der allermeisten Völkerrechtlerinnen und Völkerrechtler „nach den Standards des ius ad bellum völkerrechtswidrig gewesen“ sein wird. US-Kongressabgeordnete stellen gar fest, dass der Schlag auch die US-Verfassung verletze.

In einem 4-Minuten-Lehrstück in Kriegspropaganda, in der Trump die Exekution offiziell verkündet, bezeichnet er den getöteten Soleimani, den Militärführer eines souveränen, respektierten Staates also, als den „Nummer-1-Terroristen der Welt“ – das „War on Terror“-Narrativ sprengt ultimativ die letzten Grenzen seiner ureigenen Absurdität. Trumps Außenminister Mike Pompeo wanderte von rechts nach „links“ durch die US-Talkshows und verbreitete das US-Narrativ von den „bevorstehenden Angriffen, die Soleimani plante“ – und so wie jedes Mal, wenn Pompeo den Iran mit irgendetwas beschuldigt, legte er keinen einzigen Beweis vor.

Eine Studie der University of Maryland vom Juli 2017 ergab, dass eine überwältigende Mehrheit von 78 Prozent der Befragten im Iran ein hohes (17) oder sehr hohes (61) Ansehen von Soleimani hatten, was – neben seiner Personifizierung als Widerstand gegen den US-Imperialismus in Nahost – in erster Linie auf seine erfolgreiche Bekämpfung des „Islamischen Staats“ zurückgeht. Dieser wurde im Irak unter Soleimanis Führung geschlagen, der so verhindern konnte, dass sich die IS-Schlächter auch im Iran breitmachen konnten. „Sein Name ist synonym mit dem iranischen Nationalstolz“, beschreibt Al-Jazeera-Reporterin Dorsa Jabbari in Teheran Soleimanis Ansehen – seine Exekution stellt damit die maximale Provokation und Demütigung für den Iran dar.

Donald Trump beweist einmal mehr seine Unzurechnungsfähigkeit, wenn er auf Twitter über Soleimani die schier unfassbare Lüge verbreitet: „Er war direkt oder indirekt verantwortlich für den Tod von Millionen von Menschen“ – eine absurde Zahl über einen Mann, den Trump vor Kurzem noch nicht einmal kannte und dessen Quds Forces er mit der ethnischen Gruppe der Kurden verwechselte. Trumps Exekution ist ohne Frage ein kriegerischer Akt und käme dem Verbrechen gleich, als würde eine iranische Drohne US-Vizepräsident Mike Pence oder Pentagon-Chef Mark Esper auf dem Ottawa International Airport hinrichten.

Angesichts seiner immensen Popularität, dem enormen – und wachsenden – Einfluss der Rechtsaußen-Kriegsfalken und Hardliner im iranischen Sicherheitsapparat sowie martialischer Rhetorik von „vernichtender Rache“ aus Teheran wird diese Reaktion massiv sein und aller Voraussicht nach den Anfang einer weiteren Kettenreaktion darstellen.

Was als Binsenweisheit internationaler Politik gilt, trifft wohl auf keine andere Weltregion derart zu wie auf den Nahen und Mittleren Osten: Alles hängt mit allem zusammen. Zeitlich, räumlich, inhaltlich, strategisch. Nach der Analyse und Beschreibung der jüngsten Ereignisse geht der zweite Teil dieses Texts daher der Frage nach: Wie fügen sich diese Ereignisse – der tote „defense contractor“, die 25 toten Kataib-Kämpfer, die Belagerung der US-Botschaft, die Exekution Soleimanis – ins große Gesamtbild ein?

Der Irak wird zwischen den Fronten zerrieben

Die über die Jahreswende von Demonstrierenden belagerte Botschaft in Bagdad ist die größte US-Botschaft der Welt. 16.000 Angestellte arbeiten auf dem militärisch gesicherten Areal von der Größe des Vatikans: das ist nicht die Vertretung eines souveränen Landes in einem anderen souveränen Land, sondern ein Knotenpunkt des US-Imperialismus, dessen Außenposten und gleichzeitig Schaltzentrale im Irak – nicht die Botschaft eines Freundes, sondern die einer Besatzungsmacht.

An anderer Stelle rechnete ich akribisch durch: In den letzten 27 Jahren tötete der US-geführte Westen in den Ländern des Orients mehr als 3.303.000 Menschen. Das sind 329 Tote jeden einzelnen Tag – seit 27 Jahren. Und neben unschuldigen Menschen in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libyen, Syrien, Somalia oder Jemen sind die überwiegende Mehrheit dieser Schreckenszahl Frauen, Kinder und Männer im Irak – eine Bevölkerung, die seit Jahrzehnten von sukzessiven US-Administrationen gefoltert, verstümmelt, ausgehungert, krank gemacht und ermordet wird. Die Forderung der Demonstrierenden, das US-Militär solle ihr Land verlassen, mag in einem etwas anderen Licht erscheinen.

Im seit 2001 vom US-geführten Westen betriebenen „War on Terror“ gibt es im Grunde nur zwei echte Sieger. Erstens: die Terroristen.

Der zweite Sieger heißt Iran.

„Wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten“, wusste Hosea schon vor bald 3.000 Jahren. Was in der rationalen Sprache der Wissenschaft mit actio = reactio uns allen glasklar ist, beschrieb US-Politologe Chalmers Johnson als „Blowback“ und nannte der 2014 verstorbene Orient-Kenner Peter Scholl-Latour den „Fluch der bösen Tat“ und meinte damit das unabwendbare Scheitern des westlichen Interventionismus in den Ländern im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, der immer nur neues und exponentiell mehr Leid über unschuldige Menschen bringt. Die „böse Tat“ war Irak 2003, der „Fluch“ ist ein potentieller Krieg gegen den Iran 2020 – der zu Beginn des neuen Jahrzehnts mit einem narzisstischen, inkompetenten Tyrannen im Weißen Haus so wahrscheinlich ist wie zu keinem anderen Zeitpunkt in 41 Jahren US-Iran-Spannungen zuvor von Jakob Reimann

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Soleimani-Attentat – Trumps Fake News und das Schweigen der Medien

Die US-Regierung behauptet, den iranischen General Soleimani vor allem deshalb getötet zu haben, um „unmittelbar bevorstehende“ Anschläge zu verhindern, zu deren Planung er sich im Irak aufhielt. Eine dreiste Lüge, wie es der irakische Premier gestern klarstellte. Soleimani sei vielmehr – mit Wissen und Billigung Trumps – auf dem Weg zu bilateralen Friedensgesprächen zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien unterwegs gewesen, die die irakische Regierung vermittelt habe. Der Mord war also ein Attentat auf einen diplomatischen Emissär und gleichzeitig auch eine Sabotage des regionalen Friedensprozesses. Geht es noch schlimmer? Über diese Meldung und die (fehlende) Berichterstattung dazu hat sich US-Journalist Max Blumenthal Gedanken gemacht. Die NachDenkSeiten haben seinen Artikel ins Deutsche übertragen.

Der irakische Premierminister enthüllt, dass Soleimani sich bei seiner Ermordung auf Friedensmission befand und überführt damit Trumps Aussage von den “bevorstehenden Angriffen” der Lüge

Die Trump-Regierung behauptete, der iranische General Qasem Soleimani plane “unmittelbar bevorstehende Angriffe” auf US-Bürger, als er ermordet wurde. Diese Lüge wurde nun zerstört, aber nicht bevor unzählige Medienunternehmen sie der Öffentlichkeit weiterverbreiteten.

In einem verzweifelten Versuch, die Ermordung des iranischen Generalmajors Qasem Soleimani durch US-Drohnen zu rechtfertigen, berief sich US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo darauf, dass die Regierung eine „nachrichtendienstliche Einschätzung“ vorgenommen habe, wonach Soleimani in der Region „aktiv“ an einem Angriff auf amerikanische Interessen arbeitete, bevor er getötet wurde.

Präsident Donald Trump begründete seine schicksalhafte Entscheidung, den iranischen General zu töten, in einer noch deutlicheren Sprache und erklärte, dass Soleimani „unmittelbar bevorstehende Angriffe“ auf diplomatische Einrichtungen und Personal der USA im Nahen Osten plante. „Wir haben letzte Nacht Maßnahmen ergriffen, um einen Krieg zu stoppen“, so Trump. „Wir haben nichts unternommen, um einen Krieg zu beginnen.“

Trumps zweifelhafte Begründung für ein unbestreitbares kriminelles Attentat wurde in den großen Medien wiederholt – oft ohne jegliche Skepsis oder Debatte.

Bei einer Pressekonferenz des US-Außenministeriums am 3. Januar, bei der Reporter endlich die Möglichkeit hatten, Beweise für die Behauptung einer „unmittelbaren“ Bedrohung einzufordern, bekam ein US-Beamter einen Wutausbruch: “Jesus, müssen wir erklären, warum wir diese Dinge tun?”, bellte er die Presse an.

Nur zwei Tage später, als der irakische Premierminister Adil Abdul-Mahdi vor dem Parlament seines Landes sprach, wurde Trumps Rechtfertigung für die Ermordung von Soleimani als zynische Lüge entlarvt. Abdul-Mahdi zufolge hatte er vorgehabt, Soleimani am Morgen des Todes des Generals zu treffen, um über eine diplomatische Annäherung zu diskutieren, die der Irak zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien vermittelte.

Abdul-Mahdi sagte, Trump habe sich – während er bereits das Attentat plante – noch persönlich bei ihm für die Bemühungen bedankt und so den Eindruck erweckt, der iranische General könne sicher nach Bagdad reisen.

Soleimani war nicht in Bagdad eingetroffen, um Angriffe auf amerikanische Ziele zu planen, sondern um die Deeskalation mit Saudi-Arabien zu koordinieren. Er wurde also tatsächlich auf einer Friedensmission getötet, die eine politische Distanz zwischen der Golfmonarchie und Mitgliedern der von den USA geführten Anti-Iran-Achse wie Israel hätte schaffen können.

Trumps verräterisches Attentat hat die USA näher als je zuvor an einen Krieg gegen ein Land herangeführt, das militärisch mächtiger ist als jeder Gegner, mit dem es seit dem Koreakrieg konfrontiert war. Und wie bei der gescheiterten US-Invasion im Irak beruhte Washingtons Casus Belli für die Auslösung dieses Konflikts auf gefälschten Informationen, die von Regierungsbeamten an Amerikaner verkauft wurden, und auf nachgiebigen Hauptstadt-Medien, die als Megaphon fungierten.

Tatsächlich schlug Pompeo Trump bereits vor einigen Monaten die Ermordung von Soleimani vor – lange bevor Angriffe „unmittelbar bevorstanden“. Nach dem Mord an dem General gab ein US-Regierungsbeamter der New York Times bekannt, dass die NSA die Kommunikation zwischen Irans oberstem Führer, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, und General Soleimani abgefangen habe, nach der der Ayatollah noch keine Pläne des Generals für einen Angriff gebilligt habe.

Aber die schlagenden Beweise, dass Trumps Rechtfertigung für die Ermordung von Soleimani eine gigantische Lüge ist, hat nicht das gleiche Medieninteresse hervorgerufen wie die Lüge selbst.

Kein Präsident in der jüngeren Geschichte wurde vom Hauptstadt-Pressekorps so verachtet wie Trump. Fast alles, was er sagt, stößt auf Verachtung und Misstrauen, auch wenn er die Wahrheit sagt.

Wenn Trump und seine Regierung aber versuchen, die Öffentlichkeit gegen einen vermeintlichen Bösewicht in den Krieg zu locken, reagiert die Speerspitze der Medien mit reflexhaftem Vertrauen und zuckt die Achseln, wenn die Lüge am helllichten Tag aufgedeckt wird.

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Iran hat in den letzten 200 Jahren kein einziges Land überfallen. Die USA Dutzende. Wenn es jetzt zum Krieg kommt, ist das kein Angriffskrieg des Iran, sondern ein Angriffskrieg der USA. Angezettelt vom führenden Staatsterroristen unserer Tage: US-Präsident Donald Trump.
Soleimani war Armeechef und Krieger wie die US-Generäle Petraeus oder McChrystal. Er war militärisch extrem erfolgreich, aber auch extrem hart. Wie seine amerikanischen Generalskollegen tötete er in den letzten 20 Jahren Tausende Gegner. Allerdings höchstens ein Hundertstel der Millionen Afghanen, Iraker, Jemeniten, Libyer, die die US-Kriegsgeneräle in den letzten 20 Jahren getötet haben. Und die sie bis heute jeden Tag töten, ohne dass irgendein westlicher Politiker widerspricht. Oder unsere Medien darüber berichten.
Ich bin und bleibe ein kompromissloser Gegner des Krieges. Ich mache da keinen Unterschied nach Ländern oder Religionen. Ich werde diese Haltung nie aufgeben. Dazu habe ich zu viele grauenvolle Kriege gesehen. Alle waren ungerecht. Aber die wahren Verbrecher dieser Kriege sind nicht iranische oder amerikanische Generäle, sondern die Politiker, die sie in kriminelle Angriffskriege schicken. Die gesamte US-Politik im Mittleren Osten ist ein einziger völkerrechtswidriger Angriffskrieg. Auch die US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran sind ein Angriffskrieg.

Die USA bekämpfen den Iran nur aus einem einzigen Grund: Weil er sich ihnen nicht bedingungslos unterwirft. Ungehorsam ist in den Augen der US-Regierungen das größte aller Verbrechen - – von Jürgen Todenhöfer

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Was an der Berichterstattung der ganzen transatlantisch ausgerichteten Medien in Deutschland auffällt ist die Tatsache, dass man sich überhaupt nicht daran stört, dass das US-Imperium für sich in Anspruch nimmt jeden Bürger eines jeden Landes nach belieben ermorden zu dürfen, sondern man bemängelt nur, dass die Ermordung des iranischen General Quassem Soleimani taktisch ungeschickt gewesen sei, da es nun zu einer unkontrollierten Eskalation des Konfliktes zwischen dem Iran und den USA kommen könne. Sollte der einen oder andere Kommentar doch etwas kritischer ausfallen ist das Theaterdonner bzw. der Sorge geschuldet, dass eine Eskalation am Persischen Golf massive Auswirkungen auf die Weltwirtschaft haben würde. Die deutsche Oligarchie fürchtet ganz simpel um ihr Exportgeschäft. Entscheidend ist dabei aber die Position der Bundesregierung, die bisher jede Kriegsvorbereitung der USA unterstützt hat, schon allein durch die Duldung der Steuerung von Drohnenangriffen über Ramstein.

(B K P)

Iraks Dilemma mit den US-Truppen

Die irakischen Parlamentarier wollen die US-Truppen zum Abzug zwingen, da sie die Tötung des iranischen Generals Soleimani auf ihrem Territorium nicht hinnehmen wollen.

Die Regierung in Bagdad dürfte der Forderung aber nicht nachkommen.

Nach dem Tod Soleimanis ist die Region mehr denn je auf die Präsenz der US-Truppen angewiesen - um zu verhindern, dass die Dschihadisten des IS wieder erstarken.

Mein Kommentar: Dass die Region auf die US-Truppen angewiesen ist, ist Legendenbildung.

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Das perfekte amerikanische Chaos

Das Chaos müssen wir aber trotzdem noch einmal bemühen. Ja, es herrscht im Nahen Osten, aber so richtig tobt es sich derzeit bei den Amerikanern aus.

Eine US-Strategie im Nahen Osten ist schon lange nicht mehr erkennbar, was auch am obersten Spontanstrategen im Weißen Haus liegt. Aus Sicherheitskreisen heißt es hinter vorgehaltener Hand, Donald Trumps Entscheidung, Herrn Soleimani zu töten, sei dermaßen aus heiterem Himmel gekommen, dass die US-Geheimdienste erst einmal unter Hochdruck in Erfahrung bringen mussten, wo sich ihre prominente Zielperson überhaupt aufhielt. Der Präsident hatte offenbar vor dem Fernseher gesessen und sich über die Bilder von Attacken auf die US-Botschaft in Bagdad erregt. Also ließ er halt mal eben die härteste verfügbare Strafe exekutieren. Rücksprache? Iwo. Strategie? Ach was.

Ein ganz anderes Bild geben hingegen die Iraner ab: Sie beuten den Tod ihres Kriegshelden (den man korrekter als Schlächter bezeichnen müsste) mit eiskaltem Kalkül zu ihrem Vorteil aus.

Mit einem Blutbad ist für den Iran nichts zu gewinnen, was zunächst einmal eine beruhigende Nachricht ist – auch wenn mit gewaltsamen Aktionen der Revolutionsgarden schon aus Gründen der Gesichtswahrung zu rechnen ist.

Das naheliegendste, realistisch erreichbare Ziel der Mullahs: die Amerikaner jetzt endlich aus ihrem Vorgarten zu vertreiben.

Das eigentliche Desaster zeichnet sich jedoch abseits des großen Spiels um Einfluss und strategische Dominanz ab. Gerade erst schien sich im Irak eine Überwindung der tiefen Spaltung zwischen Sunniten und Schiiten anzudeuten. Während der Proteste des vergangenen Jahres vereinten sich junge Leute beider Konfessionen in ihrer Abneigung der korrupten, ineffektiven politischen Kaste und schwenkten gemeinsam dieselbe irakische Flagge. Jetzt aber kommen die konfessionellen Milizen wieder selbstbewusst aus ihren Löchern – von Florian Harms

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Iran-Konflikt: "Iran ist für die USA ein viel stärkerer Gegner als der Irak"

Wir haben mit dem USA- und Außenpolitik-Experten Thomas Jäger von der Uni Köln über den schwelenden Konflikt, die Rolle Europas und die Taktik Trumps gesprochen.

Thomas Jäger: Das ist ein Konflikt, der mehrere Dimensionen hat. Die eine ist die bilaterale. Die USA und der Iran sind seit Jahrzehnten im Konflikt. Das hängt mit ihrer Geschichte zusammen.

Die zweite Dimension ist eine regionale.

seit dem Irak-Krieg 2003 und dann später während des arabischen Frühlings 2011 ist die Konkurrenz zwischen den regionalen Mächten im Nahen Osten neu ausgebrochen. Außer dem Iran ist dort auch Saudi-Arabien und die Türkei aktiv, zwei Verbündete der USA. Da geht es um geopolitische Interessen und Rohstoffe. Der Iran will seinen regionalpolitischen Einfluss ausbauen.

Wir sind von einem gewollten Krieg zwischen zwei Staaten weit entfernt. Das ist nicht vergleichbar mit dem Irak-Krieg 2003. Der Iran ist für die USA viel zu stark, zu gerüstet und kampferfahren. Das ist ein viel stärkerer Gegner als der Irak.

War die Tötung des iranischen Generals Soleimani durch die USA eine gezielte Provokation?

Die Vereinigten Staaten nehmen seit vielen Jahren diese Tötungen vor. Das machen sie, weil niemand sie daran hindern kann. Das ist unter Trump nicht anders als unter Obama oder Bush. Für die USA gehört das zum Konzept der präventiven Verteidigung. Das meint, dass man auch dann zuschlagen darf, wenn der Gegner möglicherweise einen Angriff vorbereitet. Präventiv eben. Das ist völkerrechtlich nicht erlaubt. Aber die USA können sich das herausnehmen, weil sie niemand daran hindern kann. Warum die USA jetzt so ein hochrangiges Mitglied getötet haben, können wir nur vermuten.

(B K P)

Golfkrise: Schlafwandelnd in den Krieg?

Das irakische Parlament hat am Sonntag den Abzug aller ausländischen Soldaten gefordert, die Teil der US-geführten Anti-IS-Koalition sind. Vorausgegangen war Ende der vergangenen Woche die Tötung des iranischen Topgenerals Kassem Soleimani durch die USA in Bagdad. Daraufhin hatte der Iran Vergeltungsmaßnahmen angekündigt. Wie sollte sich die Bundeswehr in dieser unsicheren Gemengelage verhalten?,golfkrise100.html

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Hunderttausende Iraner schwören USA Rache

Mehr als eine Million Menschen sollen die Trauerfeier für General Soleimani besucht haben. Die USA und der Iran befeuern eine weitere Eskalation – vorerst nur verbal

Das eigentliche Begräbnis ist zwar erst für Dienstag geplant, die Trauerfeiern für den hohen iranischen General Ghassem Soleimani in Teheran sorgten aber schon am Montag für den größten Menschenauflauf seit langer Zeit. Versammelt waren zahlreiche Anhänger des am Freitag bei einem Drohnenschlag der USA am Bagdader Flughafen getöteten Chefs der Al-Quds-Einheit der Iranischen Revolutionsgarden. Unter den hunderttausenden Trauernden waren aber laut Berichten vom Ort des Geschehens auch viele Iraner, die dem Regime sonst distanziert gegenüberstehen. Geleitet wurde die Kundgebung vom religiösen und politischen Chef des iranischen Staates, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

TV-Kameras zeigten den 80-jährigen mehrfach in Trauergesten für den ranghohen General, der für die militärische Regionalpolitik des Landes zuständig war und dem in dieser Funktion Einfluss auf die blutigen Kriegsverläufe unter anderem in Syrien und im Jemen nachgesagt wurde. Khamenei versagte bei der Kundgebung mehrfach die Stimme, das Staatsfernsehen zeigte ihn in Tränen aufgelöst. Gefüllt wurde die dabei entstehende Stille durch Rufe der Menge, die immer wieder "Tod Amerika!" einforderte.

Mit Vergeltung drohte auch die Tochter des verblichenen Generals, Zeinab Soleimani.

und auch

(* B K P)

Dynamit in ein Pulverfass

Die „Ausschaltung“ des iranischen Generals Soleimani auf Befehl Trumps wird die militärischen Konflikte im Vorderen Orient weiter anheizen und kann zu einem großen Krieg ungeahnten Ausmaßes führen. Das Handeln Trumps ist völlig verantwortungslos.
Berichterstattung und Kommentierung in den westlichen Propagandamedien sind wieder schwer zu verdauen. Kein Wort darüber, dass die Verbrecherclique der USA im Vorderen Orient seit Jahrzehnten Öl- und Gaskriege führt und unsägliches Leid angerichtet hat. Bereits 1953 hatte die CIA mit dem britischen Geheimdienst den demokratisch gewählten iranischen Premierminister Mossadegh weggeputscht, weil er es gewagt hatte, die „Anglo-Iranian-Oil-Company“ zu verstaatlichen. Keiner weiß, welche Entwicklung der Iran genommen hätte, wenn die „Super-Schurkenmacht“ USA den Nahen Osten nicht immer wieder mit Kriegen überzogen hätte, um seine Energie-Vorräte auszubeuten.
Außenminister Maas erklärt unterwürfig: „Die US-Militäroperation folgte auf eine Reihe gefährlicher Provokationen Irans“ und ruft zur „De-Eskalation“ auf. Für die US-freundlichen Grünen fordert Annalena Baerbock tapfer, die Bundeswehr aus dem Irak abzuziehen. Die Bundeswehr hat den Einsatz bereits ausgesetzt. Warum fordern die Grünen nicht den Abzug der Bundeswehr aus Afghanistan, Syrien oder Mali?
Welch ein seichtes Gelaber. Die einzige Konsequenz aus dieser verantwortungslosen Eskalation kann nur sein, die US-Militärbasen in Deutschland zu schließen. Die Drohnen, mit denen die USA im Nahen Osten völkerrechtswidrige Tötungen durchführen, werden von Ramstein aus gesteuert.
Europa muss sich vom mörderischen US-Imperialismus lösen und eine eigenständige Außenpolitik entwickeln.

(* B K P)

Warten auf Teherans Racheakt - Iran und Trump drohen sich gegenseitig

Es gibt kaum Zweifel, dass der Iran für den Tod seines hohen Militärführers Vergeltung suchen wird. Dann droht der Region eine neue Spirale von Gewalt und Gegengewalt. Soleimani hat in der arabischen Welt ein dichtes Netz iranischer Verbündeter aufgebaut, die Racheaktionen übernehmen könnten: die Schiitenmiliz Hisbollah im Libanon, paramilitärische Gruppen und die Regierung in Syrien, die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen - vor allem aber zahlreiche schiitische Milizen im Irak, die so genannten Volksmobilisierungskräfte.

In der Krise zwischen Teheran und Washington rückt der Irak immer weiter in den Fokus. Dort wurde nicht nur Soleimani getötet. Der Irak bietet sich aus iranischer Sicht auch für eine Vergeltung an, denn hier ist Teherans Einfluss besonders stark - und zugleich sind dort noch rund 5000 US-Soldaten stationiert. Auch Trump nimmt das Krisenland in den Blick.



Die Risiken einer Eskalation sind gewaltig - warum hat Trump es trotzdem gewagt, die Krise zu entfesseln? Und warum jetzt? Die Fragen werden dieser Tage immer wieder aufgeworfen - und es gibt viele mögliche Antworten darauf. Spätestens seit der versuchten Erstürmung der US-Botschaft in Bagdad stand Trump parteiintern unter Druck, auf Provokationen des Irans zu reagieren. Trump könnte außerdem darauf hoffen, dass sich das gespaltene Land angesichts der Krise hinter dem Präsidenten sammelt - wie es in der Vergangenheit oft der Fall war.

Die USA sind zehn Monate vor der Wahl tief gespalten.


Trump droht und droht - sowohl dem Iran als auch dem Irak.


Soleimani hatte amerikanisches Blut an seinen Händen, so lautet der kleinste gemeinsame Nenner, auf den sich US-Politiker über die Parteigrenzen hinweg verständigen können. Daran dürfte auch die breite Öffentlichkeit nicht zweifeln. "Aber das bedeutet nicht, dass die Öffentlichkeit glaubt, dass es im besten Interesse ihres Landes ist, in einen Krieg zu ziehen", schreibt der Professor der University of Maryland, Shibley Telhami, in einem Beitrag für das Magazin "Foreign Policy".

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Die Tötung von Qassem Soleimani – Völker- und verfassungsrechtliche Fragen

[…] Die völkerrechtlichen Rechtsfragen sind auf den ersten Blick nicht kompliziert. Die meisten Völkerrechtlerinnen und Völkerrechtler dürften sich einig sein, dass die Tötung des iranischen Generals nach den Standards des ius ad bellum völkerrechtswidrig gewesen sein wird – jedenfalls auf der Grundlage der zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt (5. Januar 2020, 18 Uhr) vorliegenden Informationen und unabhängig von dem für die allermeisten Beobachterinnen und Beobachter ebenfalls unstreitig desaströsen Wirkens des Generals der iranischen „Quds“-Elite-Einheit. […]
Der Fall Soleimani unterstreicht jedenfalls die Möglichkeiten, die ein US-Präsident hat, relativ frei von innerstaatlichen verfassungsrechtlichen Begrenzungen über den Einsatz tödlicher Gewalt im Ausland zu entscheiden. Dabei profitiert Präsident Trump von einer seit längerem sehr exekutiv-freundlichen Praxis im „US foreign relations law“. Ob Präsident Trump nach US-Verfassungsrecht ermächtigt war, General Soleimani töten zu lassen, ist dabei wesentlich umstrittener als die völkerrechtliche Rechtslage.

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UN-Expertin: Gezielte Tötung von Soleimani durch USA bricht Völker- und Menschenrecht
Die gezielte Tötung des iranischen Generals Qassem Soleimani durch das US-Militär ist nach Auffassung von Agnes Callamard, unabhängige Berichterstatterin des UN-Menschenrechtsbüros für außergerichtliche, summarische oder willkürliche Hinrichtungen, ein klarer Verstoß gegen internationales Recht.
#Irak: Die gezielten Tötungen von Qassem Soleimani und Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis sind höchstwahrscheinlich rechtswidrig und verstoßen gegen die internationalen Menschenrechtsnormen: Außerhalb des Kontextes aktiver Feindseligkeiten ist der Einsatz von Drohnen oder anderen Mitteln zur gezielten Tötung fast nie legal. (…)
Tödliche Gewalt sei höchstens erlaubt, wenn unmittelbar Gefahr für Leben bestehe:
Dass jemand in der Vergangenheit an Terrorangriffen beteiligt war, reicht nicht aus, um eine solche Tötung legal zu machen. (…)
Die französische Politologin arbeitet an der Columbia University in New York. Als UN-Berichterstatterin untersuchte sie unter anderem den Mord am regierungskritischen saudischen Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi im Oktober 2018 im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul. Sie verlangte in ihrem Untersuchungsbericht im vergangenen Jahr eine internationale Strafuntersuchung gegen den saudischen Kronprinzen und dessen Vertraute. Sie habe glaubhafte Beweise für deren Beteiligung am Mord gefunden.

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In Bildern: Die Eskalation des USA-Iran-Konflikts

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Die USA haben viele Versuche unternommen, die Region zu befrieden.

Die USA sind Kriegspartei unter Kriegsparteien

Schon lange sind die USA in Nahost keine vermittelnde Weltmacht mehr, sondern Kriegspartei unter Kriegsparteien. Die letzte explosive Phase begann 2003 mit der Invasion im Irak. Und nicht zufällig entschloss sich Präsident Donald Trump nach den orchestrierten Tumulten vor der US-Botschaft in Bagdad dazu, General Ghassem Soleimani durch eine Drohne töten zu lassen.

Die USA haben viele Versuche unternommen, die Region zu befrieden.

Verhängnisvolle Fehler unterliefen jedem US-Präsidenten, von George W. Bush bis Barack Obama. Donald Trump wollte eigentlich deren Kriege beenden und keinen neuen entfachen.

Nicht erst Trump machte im Iran die Wurzel allen Übels aus.

Die Dinge liegen jetzt nur noch bedingt in der Hand Donald Trumps, der, genau wie die Gegenseite, zu maßloser Rhetorik neigt.

Warum geht Trump so weit? Weil der Iran es darauf anlegt. Die Provokationen des letzten halben Jahres gingen von Teheran aus.

Mein Kommentar: Hier ist sehr viel Propaganda drin. „Die USA sind Kriegspartei unter Kriegsparteien“: das ist die Wahrheit, und wegen dieser Aussage wurde dieser Artikel nicht unter Propaganda eingereiht. Das Ende eines großen Teils aller Probleme wäre, wenn die USA endlich ihre Kriegsbeteiligung 7,000 Meilen von US-Gebiet entfernt beenden würde. – „Die USA haben viele Versuche unternommen, die Region zu befrieden“: LOL. Die USA haben seit Jahrzehnten die Befriedung der Region effektiv verhindert. – „Verhängnisvolle Fehler unterliefen jedem US-Präsidenten“: Hier werden monströse Kriegsverbrechen (aller Präsidenten) zu „Verhängnisvollen Fehlern“ verniedlicht. – „Iran die Wurzel allen Übels“: Die „Wurzel allen Übels“ ist die ständige aggressive Einmischung der USA von Libyen bis Afghanistan. – „Die Provokationen des letzten halben Jahres gingen von Teheran aus“: Angesichts der Ausgangslage ist das Propagandaquatsch. Und Ausgangspunkt der derzeitigen Krise ist Trump’s Aufkündigung des Atomabkommens mit dem Iran.

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"Ein Attentat ersetzt keine politische Strategie"

Soleimanis Tochter droht den USA mit schwarzem Tag

12.23 Uhr: Bundeswehr will Irak-Entscheidung respektieren

Die Bundesregierung hält den Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Irak weiterhin für erforderlich, will Entscheidungen der Verantwortlichen in Bagdad aber respektieren.

10.30 Uhr: Chamenei weint bei Trauerfeier für Top-General

Bei der Trauerfeier für Soleimani hat dem geistlichen und staatlichen Oberhaupt des Iran, Ajatollah Ali Chamenei, die Stimme versagt. In Aufnahmen des Staatsfernsehens ist auch zu sehen, wie Chamenei vor der Menge in Teheran Tränen vergießt. Staatlichen Medien zufolge soll die Zahl der Teilnehmer an den Feierlichkeiten in die Millionen gehen

9.10 Uhr: Nato trifft sich zu Sondersitzung

Die Nato hat wegen der Zuspitzung des Konflikts zwischen den USA und dem Iran eine Sondersitzung einberufen.

8.40 Uhr: Pelosi will Trumps Militäraktionen gegen den Iran begrenzen

Die Frontfrau der US-Demokraten, Nancy Pelosi, will mit einer Abstimmung im Repräsentantenhaus US-Präsident Donald Trump an einer Eskalation des Konflikts mit dem Iran hindern.

8.00 Uhr: Soleimanis Tochter prophezeit USA einen schwarzen Tag

6.30 Uhr: Hunderttausende bei Trauerzeremonie

Hunderttausende Iraner haben in der Hauptstadt Teheran an der Trauerzeremonie für den getöteten iranischen General Ghassem Soleimani teilgenommen

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Ermordeter iranischer General: Spiegel betreibt offen US-Kriegspropaganda

Das Propaganda-Feuerwerk zum Iran geht in den deutschen Medien ungebremst weiter. Der Spiegel hat das mit einer „Analyse“, die von einseitiger „Berichterstattung“ überquoll, erneut unter Beweis gestellt.

Der Spiegel-Artikel begann damit, wie der Iran die Trauer um den von den USA ermordeten General „inszeniert“. Von einer Inszenierung kann kaum die Rede sein, wenn schon in Bagdad, das nicht die iranische, sondern die irakische Hauptstadt ist, zehntausende an einem Trauermarsch mitgemacht haben, wie der Spiegel auch selbst schrieb.

Dass die Menschen vor Ort wohl besser wissen, was sie über den Mann denken müssen, kommt dem Spiegel nicht in den Sinn. Der sagt seinen Lesern lieber, was sie denken sollen:

„Soleimani steuerte Irans Politik von Irak bis Jemen. Er trug entscheidend dazu bei, dass sich der syrische Diktator Baschar al-Assad an der Macht halten konnte. Wie kein anderer verkörperte der Quds-Chef die skrupellose Kriegsführung des iranischen Regimes, das vor Terror gegen Zivilisten ebenso wenig zurückschreckt wie vor Folter und Hinrichtung von Gegnern im Inland.“

Das ist ein altbekanntes Propaganda-Mittel der Medien: Man packt ganz viel böse Dinge in wenige Sätze, das beeinflusst den Leser in die gewollte Richtung. Details, Hintergründe oder Belege braucht es dabei nicht, das würde nur stören. Die Emotionen der Leser sollen angesprochen werden, nicht ihr kritischer Verstand.

Soleimani trug nach Meinung des Spiegel entscheidend dazu bei, dass Assad im Amt geblieben ist. Das ist sicher richtig, aber gegen wen hat Assad sich denn verteidigt? Gegen den IS und andere islamistische Terrorgruppen, die der Spiegel gerne „gemäßigte Opposition“ genannt hat. Ich habe mich dabei immer gefragt, ob es für den Spiegel auch eine „gemäßigte Opposition“ wäre, wenn Horden von bewaffneten Männern in Pickups mit Maschinengewehren Berlin stürmen würden. Aber in Syrien findet der Spiegel diese Leute ganz nett.

Was wäre denn nach einem Sieg des IS aus Syrien geworden?

Und was meint der Spiegel genau, wenn er von der „skrupellosen Kriegsführung des Iran“ schwadroniert? Hat der Iran Hunderttausende (oder sogar Millionen) Zivilisten umgebracht, als er in den Irak einmarschiert oder Libyen zerstört hat? Das waren meines Wissens die USA mit ihrem Anhang und nicht der Iran. Der Iran schreckt angeblich auch vor „Terror gegen Zivilisten“ nicht zurück. Ich wiederhole die Frage in anderen Worten: War es etwa kein Terror, als der Westen in den letzten Jahren ganze Länder zerstört und Hunderttausende Zivilisten ermordet hat?

Wenn der Westen im Irak eine Million Menschen umbringt, sind das „Kollateralschäden“. Das ist für den Spiegel völlig in Ordnung.

Was der Spiegel hier eine „Analyse“ nennt und woran gleich zwei Redakteure des Spiegel gearbeitet haben, ist per Definition Propaganda: Es lässt weg, was nicht ins Bild passt, propagiert einseitig eine Position und malt andererseits ein Feindbild an die Wand – von Thomas Röper

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Bei Truppen-Rauswurf: Trump droht Irak mit Sanktionen

6.30 Uhr: Hunderttausende bei Trauerzeremonie

Hunderttausende Iraner haben in der Hauptstadt Teheran an der Trauerzeremonie für den getöteten iranischen General Ghassem Soleimani teilgenommen.

2.00 Uhr: Trump droht Irak mit Sanktionen

US-Präsident Donald Trump hat dem Irak für den Fall eines feindseligen Rauswurfs der rund 5.000 US-Soldaten aus dem Land mit drastischen Sanktionen gedroht. Sollte der Irak nicht die Bedingungen der USA für einen Abzug erfüllen, werde seine Regierung Sanktionen verhängen "wie nie zuvor", sagte Trump.

Trump forderte, die Regierung in Bagdad müsse die Kosten für bestimmte von den USA im Irak gebaute Infrastruktur zurückerstatten, darunter ein moderner Luftwaffenstützpunkt, der Milliarden US-Dollar gekostet habe. "Wir ziehen nicht ab, es sei denn, sie erstatten uns das zurück", sagte Trump den Angaben zufolge. Sollte es keine einvernehmliche Lösung geben, müsse zu Sanktionen gegriffen werden, sagte er demnach weiter. "Im Vergleich dazu werden die Iran-Sanktionen einigermaßen harmlos erscheinen."

1.00 Uhr: Berlin, Paris und London fordern Zurückhaltung aller

00.20 Uhr: Irak bereitet Schritte für Abzug von US-Truppen vor

Nach einem entsprechenden Beschluss des irakischen Parlaments leitet die Regierung in Bagdad Schritte für den Abzug der im Land stationierten US-Soldaten ein. Regierungsvertreter in verschiedenen Behörden würden die rechtlichen Schritte und das Verfahren vorbereiten, teilte das Büro des geschäftsführenden Ministerpräsidenten Adel Abdel Mahdi mit.

22.20 Uhr: Trump droht Iran mit "unverhältnismäßigem Gegenschlag"

Im Falle eines Angriffs auf US-Bürger oder amerikanische Ziele muss der Iran nach Worten von Präsident Donald Trump eventuell mit einem "unverhältnismäßigen" Gegenschlag rechnen. Die Vereinigten Staaten würden schnell und umfassend zurückschlagen, drohte Trump am Sonntag auf Twitter. Solch ein Gegenschlag könne auch "vielleicht unverhältnismäßig" sein, warnte er.

und auch

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Oskar Lafontaine: Dynamit in ein Pulverfass
Die „Ausschaltung“ des iranischen Generals Soleimani auf Befehl Trumps wird die militärischen Konflikte im Vorderen Orient weiter anheizen und kann zu einem großen Krieg ungeahnten Ausmaßes führen. Das Handeln Trumps ist völlig verantwortungslos.
Berichterstattung und Kommentierung in den westlichen Propagandamedien sind wieder schwer zu verdauen. Kein Wort darüber, dass die Verbrecherclique der USA im Vorderen Orient seit Jahrzehnten Öl- und Gaskriege führt und unsägliches Leid angerichtet hat. Bereits 1953 hatte die CIA mit dem britischen Geheimdienst den demokratisch gewählten iranischen Premierminister Mossadegh weggeputscht, weil er es gewagt hatte, die „Anglo-Iranian-Oil-Company“ zu verstaatlichen. Keiner weiß, welche Entwicklung der Iran genommen hätte, wenn die „Super-Schurkenmacht“ USA den Nahen Osten nicht immer wieder mit Kriegen überzogen hätte, um seine Energie-Vorräte auszubeuten.
Außenminister Maas erklärt unterwürfig: „Die US-Militäroperation folgte auf eine Reihe gefährlicher Provokationen Irans“ und ruft zur „De-Eskalation“ auf. Für die US-freundlichen Grünen fordert Annalena Baerbock tapfer, die Bundeswehr aus dem Irak abzuziehen. Die Bundeswehr hat den Einsatz bereits ausgesetzt. Warum fordern die Grünen nicht den Abzug der Bundeswehr aus Afghanistan, Syrien oder Mali?
Welch ein seichtes Gelaber. Die einzige Konsequenz aus dieser verantwortungslosen Eskalation kann nur sein, die US-Militärbasen in Deutschland zu schließen. Die Drohnen, mit denen die USA im Nahen Osten völkerrechtswidrige Tötungen durchführen, werden von Ramstein aus gesteuert.
Europa muss sich vom mörderischen US-Imperialismus lösen und eine eigenständige Außenpolitik entwickeln.

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Irakisches Parlament verlangt Abzug aller westlichen Truppen aus dem Irak

Am Sonntag hat das irakische Parlament die Regierung in einer Sondersitzung dazu aufgefordert, alle westlichen Truppen des Landes zu verweisen. Kann sich der Irak durchsetzen und die USA aus dem Land schmeißen?

Die große Frage ist nun, wie es weitergeht. Die USA haben gerade erst angekündigt, weitere Soldaten in den Irak schicken zu wollen. Es ist kaum anzunehmen, dass sie freiwillig abziehen und ihre bisherige Marionette Irak einfach in die Freiheit entlassen. Aber was passiert, wenn die USA sich dem widersetzen? Bricht dann ein neuer Irakkrieg, ein irakischer Befreiungskrieg, aus?

Und auch für die deutschen Soldaten im Irak wird es nun ernst, denn auch sie sollen abgezogen werden. Bisher war die Regierung dagegen. Wie wird also Deutschland auf die Entscheidung des irakischen Parlaments reagieren? Und wenn Deutschland sich weigert, abzuziehen?

Parallel dazu übergab das irakische Außenministerium dem US-Botschafter in Bagdad eine offizielle Protestnote wegen des Raketenangriffs auf den Bagdader Flughafen. Außerdem schickte es auch eine Protestnote an den UN-Sicherheitsrat.

Trump hat unterdessen mit dem Angriff auf 52 Ziele im Iran gedroht, wenn der Iran US-Truppen angreifen oder verantwortlich für Angriffe auf US-Bürger sein sollte. Das ist eine besonders arrogante Haltung, denn die USA nehmen sich das Recht heraus, nach Belieben Menschen in anderen Ländern zu töten, aber drohen mit Krieg, wenn einem US-Bürger ein Haar gekrümmt wird.

Sein wahres Gesicht in diesem Konflikt zeigte Trump in dem Tweet, in dem er die 52 Ziele erwähnte. Er sprach ausdrücklich nicht von militärischen Zielen, sondern von Zielen, die „für den Iran und die iranische Kultur“ sehr wichtig seien.

Die USA wollen also genau das tun, was der Westen immer den Taliban oder dem IS vorwirft, nämlich historische und unersetzliche Kulturschätze zerstören. Und im Iran gibt es davon eine Menge.

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US-Präsident benutzt terroristische Rhetorik Trump droht mit Angriff auf Kulturstätten – das wäre ein Kriegsverbrechen

US-Präsident auf Kriegskurs. Donald Trump.Auf dem Rückflug aus seinem Neujahrsurlaub in Florida hat US-Präsident Trump an Bord der Air Force One die Frage gestellt, warum es den USA als Vergeltung für Angriffe auf Amerikaner nicht erlaubt sein sollte, auch iranische Kulturstätten („their cultural site“) ins Visier zu nehmen.
Bei allem Wirrsinn trumpscher Eruptionen bedeutet die ausdrückliche Drohung gegen kulturelle Ziele eine neue Kategorie der Konfliktstrategie. Damit begibt sich ein amerikanischer Präsident rhetorisch auf eine Stufe mit ausgemachten Terroristen. Die Sprengung der Buddha-Statuen von Bamiyan 2001 durch die Taliban oder die späteren Zerstörungen von Tempeln und Kulturgütern im Irak und in Syrien (Palmyra 2015-17) durch den IS gelten der zivilisierten Welt als barbarische Gräueltaten.
Derartige Angriffe auf nicht-militärische Ziele sind durch die Genfer Konvention geächtet. Sie sind Kriegsverbrechen. US-Außenminister Pompeo hat sich in einer Stellungnahme nun nicht von Trump distanziert, sondern in der Bestätigung von angeblich 52 erwogenen iranischen Angriffspunkten für amerikanische (Gegen-)Schläge vage betont, dass man sich an das Kriegsrecht halten wolle.

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Irakisches Parlament fordert Abzug der US-Soldaten

Das Parlament im Irak hat überraschend für einen Abzug der rund 5.000 im Land stationierten US-Soldaten gestimmt. Eine Mehrheit der Abgeordneten stimmte am Sonntag für eine entsprechende Resolution. Diese fordert die Regierung dazu auf, den Abzug aller ausländischen Truppen im Land einzuleiten, die Teil des US-geführten Bündnisses zum Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) sind.

Zuvor hatte der Regierungschef in Bagdad auf einen Abzug amerikanischer und anderer ausländischer Truppen gedrängt. Ministerpräsident Adel Abdul Mahdi empfahl dem Parlament am Sonntag Sofortmaßnahmen, die zur Beendigung der Anwesenheit internationaler Truppen im Irak führen.

Mahdi sagte in einer Sondersitzung des Parlaments in Bagdad, dies sei „grundsätzlich und aus praktischen Erwägungen“ heraus das Beste für den Irak.

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Iraks Parlament fordert Abzug der US-Soldaten

16.10 Uhr: Iraks Parlament fordert Abzug der US-Soldaten

Das Parlament im Irak hat überraschend für einen Abzug der rund 5000 im Land stationierten US-Soldaten gestimmt. Eine Mehrheit der Abgeordneten stimmte am Sonntag für eine entsprechende Resolution. Diese fordert die Regierung dazu auf, den Abzug aller ausländischen Truppen im Land einzuleiten, die Teil des US-geführten Bündnisses zum Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) sind.

15.45 Uhr: Koalitionstruppen im Irak setzen Einsätze gegen Terrormiliz IS aus

Die von den USA angeführte internationale Militärkoalition im Irak hat angesichts der jüngsten Spannungen die Unterstützung des Kampfes gegen die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) ausgesetzt. Das erklärte das Militärbündnis am Sonntag. Auch die Ausbildung der Partner pausiert

15.30 Uhr: Iraks Ministerpräsident dringt auf Abzug der US-Truppen

Nach der Tötung eines ranghohen iranischen Generals im Irak durch US-Militär dringt der Regierungschef in Bagdad auf einen Abzug amerikanischer und anderer ausländischer Truppen. Ministerpräsident Adel Abdul Mahdi empfahl dem Parlament am Sonntag Sofortmaßnahmen, die zur Beendigung der Anwesenheit internationaler Truppen im Irak führen. Mahdi sagte in einer Sondersitzung des Parlaments in Bagdad, dies sei "grundsätzlich und aus praktischen Erwägungen" heraus das Beste für den Irak.

15.00 Uhr: US-geführte Anti-IS-Koalition setzt Einsatz im Irak aus

7.54 Uhr: Zehntausende bei Trauerzug für Soleimani im Iran

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REVANCHE FÜR TOD SOLEIMANIS:Amerikanische Website von Iranern gekapert

Iranische Hacker haben die Internetseite der amerikanischen Behörde für die Verbreitung von amerikanischen Regierungspublikationen verunstaltet. Es habe sich nicht um einen staatlichen Angriff gehandelt, heißt es aus Washington.

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Wie Irans Führung sich an den USA rächen könnte

Der Iran wird die Tötung Soleimanis nicht einfach hinnehmen. Verschiedene Vergeltungsmaßnahmen sind denkbar

Teherans Führung demonstrierte ihre Entschlossenheit, einen harten und demütigenden Vergeltungsschlag gegen die Supermacht Amerika zu führen. Dazu gehörten auch eine aufwändige Trauerkundgebung und ein Heldenbegräbnis für den mit Raketen liquidierten Chef der mächtigen Al-Quds-Brigaden. Am Sonntag versammelten sich Zehntausende in der südwestiranischen Stadt Ahvaz, um Soleimanis Leichnam zu begleiten.

Trotz der Emotionen wird der Iran die Ziele für den angekündigten Racheakt sorgfältig auswählen. Denn einen offenen Krieg mit den USA will der Iran vermeiden. Zu groß ist die militärische Überlegenheit der Vereinigten Staaten.

Die Mullahs wollen Trump von seiner Politik des „maximalen Drucks“ auf Teheran abbringen und der US-Regierung klarmachen, dass die Kosten dieser Haltung höher sind als der Nutzen. Das Kalkül: Je mehr ein iranischer Vergeltungsschlag den Präsidenten vor der Wahl im November bloßstellt und der US-Wirtschaft schadet, desto besser für Teheran. Daraus ergeben sich mehrere Optionen.

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Film: "Wir sehen darin einen Akt des Staatsterrorismus"

Der Iran und die USA tauschen weiterhin Drohungen aus. Die Führung in Teheran hat Racheangriffe angekündigt, Donald Trump sprach von 52 möglichen Angriffszielen im Iran.

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Film: Gezielte Tötung von Qasem Soleimani: "Faktisch eine Kriegserklärung"

Soleimani war für seine Anhänger eine Art mythische Kultfigur, verantwortlich für die Ausweitung des iranischen Einflusses in der Region. Welche Möglichkeiten hat das Mullah-Regime nach der Tötung des Top-Generals? Eine Analyse von Raniah Salloum

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

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Iran’s proxy allies may retaliate against the US on Tehran’s behalf, former ambassador says

Iran’s response could come in “many different guises, many different places at any time,” said Gerald Feierstein, former U.S. ambassador to Yemen.

Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. airstrike last Friday, was an important figure involved in Iran’s many proxy forces around the region.

“They have allies, Hezbollah ... and other organizations (such as) Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq, the Houthis in Yemen and possibilities outside,” Feierstein said. “I don’t think we should only look for Iranian responses in the Middle East.”

My comment: He tells what the whole mainstream is telling.

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EX-US ambassador Gerald Feierstein: Assertions that QS was “beloved” by Iranians is likely wildly exaggerated. But issue isn’t whether he was a good or bad guy. Issue is whether killing him advances US interests or regional stability/security. Hard to see that answer to that is yes.

The problem with Iran wasn’t QS. It’s Iranian regional policies. QS was a talented implementer of that policy but he wasn’t the decision maker. Until we change the Iranian policy calculus US interests won’t be addressed and the regional situation won’t improve.

My comment: “Issue is whether killing him advances US interests or regional stability/security.“ No, US interests are NO issue. It’s the question whether the US assault was a violation of international law. Obviously it was. And obviously it weakened regional stability/security. And, why US interests should be addressed at all?

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The World Paid Attention to the Wrong Iraqi Protests

The embassy attackers got far more attention than a broad-based Iraqi reform movement, which is now imperiled by U.S.-Iranian tensions.

My question: Who decides which ones are “wrong” or “right” protests?

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Turkish president Erdogan praises Soleimani, calls for mediation

Turkey willing to play mediating role, Erdogan says

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, in light of the tension between Tehran and Washington over the brutal attack and the assassination of the Iranian general that “America’s choice of killing Soleimani was a way to increase tension, because killing someone of his rank will not remain without paying a price or without a retaliation.”

Erdogan added that “the region is boiling and going through difficult times, and everyone is wondering where the region is going. The tension that began with the attack on the US embassy in Iraq and the assassination of Soleimani has reached a critical point.”

“Turkey is trying to ease tensions and is following up on what is happening with concern, because the situation will become more complicated,” he said.

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Iran Parliament Passes Motion Designating US Army, Pentagon as Terrorist

Iran’s lawmakers unanimously voted for a motion to designate the US Army and the Pentagon as terrorist organizations in response to a recent move by Washington to assassinate Iran’s revered commander, Lt. General Qassem Soleimani.

The generalities and details of the emergency motion were unanimously passed during an open session of the parliament on Tuesday morning.

Film (in Iranian):

(A K P)

Even weakest revenge scenario to become historic nightmare for US: Shamkhani

“Even the weakest of the 13 revenge scenarios will be a historic nightmare for America,” said Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), Tasnim News Agency reported Tuesday.

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IRGC: US to Face Harsh Revenge for Soleimani’s Assassination

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Hossein Salami said there will be terrible revenge for the assassination of IRGC Quds Force commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani.

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Photos: Millions Join Kerman Funeral: Lt. Gen. Soleimani’s Body in Hometown for Burial

Millions of mourners have thronged the streets in Iran’s Southeastern city of Kerman, the hometown of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, to attend a final funeral and burial rituals for the top defense strategist, who was assassinated by the US military during a visit to neighboring Iraq.

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Millions pack Tehran streets to pay homage to Gen. Soleimani

Millions of Iranians have packed the streets of Tehran to pay homage to the Middle East's most prominent anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated on US President Donald Trump's order Friday.

A huge sea of mourners, streaming from all the adjoining streets in freezing temperatures, descended on the iconic Engelab Square in central Tehran Monday morning before rallying to Azadi Tower in the capital's west.

Chanting "Death to America" and "Death to Israel," they carried portraits of their national hero whose assassination in a US airstrike at Baghdad airport has generated an outpouring of anger and patriotism across Iran and elsewhere, with vociferous calls for revenge.

(B K P)

Film: Iranian Foreign Minister: We Will Respond 'Proportionately' Unlike Trump

‘He is showing the international community that he has no respect for international law.’ — Foreign Minister Javad Zarif says Iran will respond to Trump’s strike and threats ‘proportionately’

(A K P)

Germany, NATO moving soldiers out of Iraq amid tensions

Germany moved 35 soldiers serving in Iraq to neighboring Jordan and Kuwait on Tuesday, while NATO said it was also shifting some of its troops out of the country

(A K P)

UK defense secretary urges Iran to act with restraint

Britain’s defense secretary urged Iranian leaders on Tuesday to refrain from retaliating for the slaying of Gen. Qassem Soleimani in an American drone attack.

Ben Wallace appealed for calm even as he told the House of Commons that Iran’s “aggressive behavior” such as hijacking civilian ships “was never going to go unchallenged.” Nonetheless, further conflict is in no one’s interest, he insisted.

“Her Majesty’s Government urges Iran to return to the normal behavior of the country it aspires to be and resist the urge to retaliate.”

My comment: Nice propaganda. The US obviously since decades exercises “aggressive behavior” and is far away from any “normal behavior of the country it aspires to be2.

(A K P)

Saudi minister gives Trump message from crown prince, meets UK defence minister

Saudi Arabia’s vice defence minister said on Tuesday he had met U.S. President Donald Trump and later British defence minister Ben Wallace to discuss regional challenges amid heightened U.S.-Iranian tensions.


Comment: Do you think that the president the #US would meet a #British deputy minister? Not a chance, but when you pay for it, you can. Something big being organized here it seems.

(A P)

Iran drops spy charges against French-Iranian academic

(A P)

US won’t grant Iran foreign minister visa for UN visit

The U.S. won’t issue Iran’s foreign minister a visa to travel to the United Nations later this week, contending there was not enough time to process the request.

Mohammed Javad Zarif told “CBS This Morning” on Tuesday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo informed the U.N. secretary general, who in turn relayed to Zarif, that “they didn’t have time to review my request.”

A U.S. official confirmed Tuesday that the application couldn’t be processed in time.

My comment: LOL. The UN seat should be removed from the US to a neutral country.

(A P)

Stampede kills 56 at funeral for Iranian general slain by US

A stampede broke out Tuesday at the funeral for a top Iranian general slain in a U.S. airstrike, and at least 56 people were killed and more than 200 were injured as thousands thronged the procession, Iranian news reports said.

The stampede took place in Kerman, the hometown of Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, as the procession began, said Pirhossein Koulivand, head of Iran’s emergency medical services.

(** B K P)

Iraqi PM reveals Soleimani was on peace mission when assassinated, exploding Trump’s lie of ‘imminent attacks’

The Trump administration claimed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani was planning “imminent attacks” on US interests when it assassinated him. That lie was just destroyed, but not before countless corporate media outlets transmitted it to the public.

Desperate to justify the US drone assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted that Washington had made an “intelligence-based assessment” that Soleimani was “actively planning in the region” to attack American interests before he was killed.

President Donald Trump justified his fateful decision to kill the Iranian general in even more explicit language, declaring that Soleimani was planning “imminent attacks” on US diplomatic facilities and personnel across the Middle East.

“We took action last night to stop a war,” Trump claimed. “We did not take action to start a war.”

Trump’s dubious rationale for an indisputably criminal assassination has been repeated widely across corporate media networks, and often without any skepticism or debate.

At a January 3 State Department briefing, where reporters finally got the chance to demand evidence for the claim of an “imminent” threat, one US official erupted in anger.

“Jesus, do we have to explain why we do these things?” he barked at the press.

Two days later, when Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi addressed his country’s parliament, Trump’s justification for killing Soleimani was exposed as a cynical lie.

According to Abdul-Mahdi, he had planned to meet Soleimani on the morning the general was killed to discuss a diplomatic rapproachment that Iraq was brokering between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Abdul-Mahdi said that Trump personally thanked him for the efforts, even as he was planning the hit on Soleimani – thus creating the impression that the Iranian general was safe to travel to Baghdad.

Soleimani had arrived in Baghdad not to plan attacks on American targets, but to coordinate de-escalation with Saudi Arabia. Indeed, he was killed while on an actual peace mission that could have created political distance between the Gulf monarchy and members of the US-led anti-Iran axis like Israel.

Trump’s treacherous assassination has brought the US closer to war than ever before against a country more militarily potent than any adversary it has faced since the Korean War. And as with the failed US invasion of Iraq, Washington’s casus belli for triggering this conflict was based on falsified intelligence sold to Americans by administration officials, and on a pliant Beltway media acting as their megaphone.

In fact, Pompeo pitched assassinating Soleimani to Trump several months ago, well before any attacks were “imminent.”

But the preponderance of evidence exposing Trump’s basis for killing Soleimani as a titanic lie has not generated the same level of media interest as the lie itself.

No president in recent history has been despised more viscerally by the Beltway press corps than Trump. Nearly everything he says is met with disdain and suspicion, even when he is telling the truth.

But when Trump and his administration attempt to lie the public into war against a designated evildoer, a swath of the corporate media responds with reflexive trust, then shrugs when the lie is exposed in broad daylight.

(** B K P)

On the issue of US bases, Iraqi sovereignty and sanctions

US military bases in Iraq were built during the GW Bush presidency. When the US pulled out of Iraq at end of 2011, whatever remained was considered Iraqi and already paid for. The US signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SoFA) in 2008 specifying this:

SoFA expired on 31 Dec 2011. The US and Iraq also signed a Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) in 2008 that is still in effect. It states the US will not retain bases or permanent military presence nor use Iraq to launch attacks against other countries:

The US troops that are currently in Iraq are part of a request for assistance to combat ISIS that was sent in 2014. These troops are meant to advise, train and assist Iraqi troops. This request was sent by the Iraqi government and can be revoked at any time.

Iraq currently has a waiver on secondary sanctions being imposed on it by the US due to economic sanctions against nations that trade with Iran. That is set to expire next month and it is possible the US will not renew the waiver

If US troops are expelled from Iraq and Trump does decide to apply new primary sanctions they would have huge economic implications for Iraq. Aside from military support Iraq also relies on financial assistance to the CTS and Peshmerga.

In summary, there are no US bases in Iraq (they co-locate and share Iraqi facilities), Iraq will not pay the US to remain or withdraw, the US may cut off financial assistance, sanctions are a possibility but unlikely for now.

(A K P)

US warns ships in Mideast waterways of possible Iran action

The U.S. government is warning ships across Mideast waterways crucial to global energy supplies that there’s the “possibility of Iranian action against U.S. maritime interests” in the region.

The U.S. Maritime Administration put out the warning Tuesday, citing the rising threats after an American drone strike in Baghdad killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

(* A K P)

Saudi Arabia was quick to offer appeasement over the killing of Soleimani. "In view of the rapid developments, the Kingdom emphasizes the importance of demonstrating restraint to prevent any action that could lead to an escalation," a Saudi official who asked not to be identified told AFP.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry on Friday called for restraint, while King Salman bin Abdul Aziz called for urgent measures to "reduce tensions" in a telephone conversation with Iraqi President Barham Saleh, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

In another telephone conversation with the Head of the Iraqi Caretaker Government Adel Abdul Mahdi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman stressed the need to calm the situation, the Saudi news agency said.

(* B K P)

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani
In one of the series of blatant lies the USA has told to justify the assassination of Soleimani, Mike Pompeo said that Soleimani was killed because he was planning “Imminent attacks” on US citizens. It is a careful choice of word. Pompeo is specifically referring to the Bethlehem Doctrine of Pre-Emptive Self Defence.
Developed by Daniel Bethlehem when Legal Adviser to first Netanyahu’s government and then Blair’s, the Bethlehem Doctrine is that states have a right of “pre-emptive self-defence” against “imminent” attack. That is something most people, and most international law experts and judges, would accept. Including me.
What very few people, and almost no international lawyers, accept is the key to the Bethlehem Doctrine – that here “Imminent” – the word used so carefully by Pompeo – does not need to have its normal meanings of either “soon” or “about to happen”. An attack may be deemed “imminent”, according to the Bethlehem Doctrine, even if you know no details of it or when it might occur. So you may be assassinated by a drone or bomb strike – and the doctrine was specifically developed to justify such strikes – because of “intelligence” you are engaged in a plot, when that intelligence neither says what the plot is nor when it might occur. Or even more tenuous, because there is intelligence you have engaged in a plot before, so it is reasonable to kill you in case you do so again.

(* B K P)

Trump's new threat to target cultural sites in #Iran is precisely the kind of senseless escalation that is in no one's interests. US former ambassador Crocker (who deems #Soleimani's killing justified) summed up this new threat on

@BBCr4today as "highly criminal ... just insane"

(B K P)

I urge you to plan a departure even before you are asked to. There is no need for American or any foreign troops in Iraq or other Middle Eastern country. America can be with us as a builder of roads, hospitals, universities and infrastructure, which we will be happy to pay for.

(A P)

Turkey: US assassination of Gen. Soleimani 'a serious risk to peace'

Turkey’s foreign minister says the United States’ assassination of Iranian commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani poses “a serious risk to peace in the region.”

“The killing of Soleimani is a serious risk for peace in the region,” Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara on Monday.

(A P)

Rouhani tells Salih: Blood of commanders will strengthen Iran-Iraq bonds

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has made it clear in a phone call with his Iraqi counterpart, Barham Salih, that the two neighbors will remain close allies even as they mourn high-profile commanders recently assassinated by the United States.

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Rouhani dismisses Trump's threat, mentions US crimes against Iranian civilians

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has downplayed his American counterpart’s recent threat to target Iranian sites if Tehran took retaliatory action after the assassination of its top general, Qassem Soleimani, in Iraq.

Taking to his Twitter account on Monday, Rouhani reminded Trump of the crime committed by the US Navy back in 1988 in which the USS Vincennes fired missiles at an Iran Air Airbus A300B2 which was flying over the Strait of Hormuz from the port city of Bandar Abbas to Dubai, killing all 290 on board, among them 66 children.

"Those who refer to the number 52 should also remember the number 290. #IR655," the Iranian president said.

He emphasized, "Never threaten the Iranian nation."

(* A K P)

The Latest: Iraq seeks Security Council condemnation of US

4 a.m.

Iraq is condemning the U.S. airstrike that killed Iran’s top military commander as a “flagrant violation” of the terms of the American forces’ presence in the country and “a dangerous escalation that might ignite a devastating war in Iraq, the region and the world.”

Iraq’s U.N. Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Aluloom called on the U.N. Security Council to condemn the U.S. airstrike and “assassination” that killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and a senior Iraqi militia commander.

He urged the council in a letter Monday to hold accountable “those who have committed such violations.”

12:10 a.m.

At the United Nations, Russia and China say they strongly oppose the New Year’s Eve attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

But Moscow and Beijing say they have decided to block a U.N. Security Council statement condemning that attack because it doesn’t address the subsequent U.S. killing of Iran’s top general.

11:00 p.m.

The U.S. Embassy in Israel has issued a warning to Americans to stay on the alert “in the event of mortar or rocket fire.”

9:30 p.m.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is warning of the risk of any miscalculation amid global tensions “at their highest level this century.”

The U.N. chief says these tensions are “leading more and more countries to take unpredicted decisions with unpredictable consequences.”

9:15 p.m.

NATO’s secretary-general is calling for restraint as tensions mount sharply between the United States and Iran

8:50 p.m.

Iraq’s caretaker prime minister has met with the U.S. ambassador to say cooperation is key to prevent “sliding towards an open war” between the U.S. and Iran.

8:05 p.m.

The United States has sharply criticized Russia and China for blocking the United Nations Security Council from issuing a statement protesting last month’s attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.

7:50 p.m.

The United Nations’ cultural agency is calling on governments to remember that cultural sites are not targets.

7:25 p.m.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is putting some distance between London and Washington over President Donald Trump’s threat to bomb Iranian cultural sites.

6:45 p.m.

The United Nations’ atomic watchdog agency says its inspectors are continuing to monitor and verify Iran’s nuclear activities.

1:45 p.m.

China says it believes Iran was “forced” to reduce its commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal and says the “recent military adventures by the U.S. violated the basic norms governing international relations.”

(* A K P)

For Israel, Iran strike could be back on the table

Iran’s dramatic announcement that it no longer intends to honor its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers could soon revive discussions in Israel over a possible military strike on Iranian targets.

While Israel has kept a low profile since the U.S. killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani last Friday, it will be difficult to remain on the sidelines if Iran follows through on its pledge to step away from the nuclear accord. Israel, a fierce critic of the agreement, accuses Iran of trying to develop a nuclear weapon and has repeatedly said it will not allow that to happen, even if that requires a risky military strike.

Israel is widely believed to posses its own arsenal of nuclear warheads, but neither confirms nor denies it.

(* B K P)

Push to oust US troops from Iraq a risky undertaking

A push led by pro-Iran factions to oust U.S. troops from Iraq following the U.S. airstrike that killed a top Iranian general is gaining momentum, bolstered by a Parliament vote calling on the government to remove them.

But the path forward is unclear, and in Iraq’s deeply divided terrain, with a resigned prime minister and raging proxy war between Iran and the U.S., ending America’s 17-year military presence in Iraq is a risky undertaking.

Iraq was barely starting to recover from a devastating four-year war against the Islamic State group when a mass uprising against the country’s ruling elite erupted on Oct. 1, forcing the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi two months later. He hasn’t been replaced.

A pullout of U.S. troops could cripple the fight against Islamic State militants and allow the extremists to make a comeback. Militants affiliated with IS routinely carry out attacks in northern and western Iraq, hiding out in rugged desert and mountainous areas. Iraqi forces rely on the U.S. for logistics and weapons in pursuing them.

An American withdrawal could also enable Iran to deepen its influence in Iraq, which like Iran is a majority Shiite country.

“It is not that simple,” Lebanese political analyst Ibrahim Bayram said of any withdrawal. “This will increase the complications inside Iraq, the conflicts and contradictions ... and the clash, both political and non-political, between the Iranians and Americans.”

My comment: This looks like a propaganda spin for the US troops remaining in Iraq. The elephant in the room is the fact that just the US intervention itself has caused a great part of all problems in Iraq. This is not even mentioned here.

(* A K P)

‘Honest mistake’ sets off alarm about US troops in Iraq

For a few tense hours Monday, the United States appeared to have announced that American troops were pulling out of Baghdad after nearly 17 years.

Turns out, it was just an “honest mistake.”

“Here’s the bottom line, this was a mistake,” Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said as he tried to unravel a knot of miscommunication that came at a time of already soaring tensions with the Middle East.

The bungled message started when a draft letter from Marine Brig. Gen. William Seely began circulating on social media. Addressed to an official at the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, the letter said U.S. troops would be “repositioning forces” to prepare for “onward movement.”

Seely added, “We respect your sovereign decision to order our departure.”

The “order” Seely mentioned was a reference to the Iraqi parliament’s vote over the weekend to expel U.S. troops after an American drone attack killed a top Iranian general in Baghdad.

A flurry of news reports followed Seely’s letter, saying the United States was ending its military presence in Iraq.

But after a few hours of denials and frantic phone calls, top Pentagon leaders tried to do damage control, stating flatly that the U.S. had no plans to leave and saying the letter was a poorly worded draft that never should have gone out.

“Nobody’s leaving,” Milley said. “There’s no onward movement. Honest mistake.”

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said the U.S. has been re-positioning troops, largely due to increased security threats from Iran.

Seely letter:

My comment: “due to increased security threats from Iran”: 7,000 miles away from the US, this is propaganda.

(* A K P)

US braces for Iranian response: a ‘tit for tat’ assault?

U.S. officials on Monday braced for Iran to respond to the killing of its most powerful general, noting heightened military readiness in the country and preparing for a possible “tit-for-tat” attempt on the life of an American military commander.

While officials say American intelligence isn’t clear on whether Iran’s latest military moves are designed to bolster Tehran’s defenses or prepare for an offensive strike, the U.S. is continuing to reinforce its own positions in the region, including repositioning some forces. One official said the U.S. anticipated a “major” attack of some type within the next day or two.

On Monday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said no decision had been made about withdrawing troops from Iraq. Pro-Iranian factions in the Iraqi Parliament have pushed to oust American troops following Soleimani’s killing on Iraqi soil. Esper spoke to reporters after a letter from a U.S. Marine general circulated that seemed to suggest a withdrawal had been ordered in response to a vote by the Iraqi Parliament over the weekend. “There’s been no decision whatsoever to leave Iraq,” Esper said.

and very similar

(* B K P)

Iran spent years building a cyber arsenal. Will it unleash that arsenal now?

In the wake of Qassem Soleimani’s killing last week, the question of how Iran aims to use its cyber arsenal has acquired a newfound urgency. Tehran will need to respond forcefully to Friday’s attack, as well as related recent strikes. Iran’s cyber weaponry would seem to offer a ready-made option for high-impact, low-cost retaliation, as Iran’s national security chiefs have apparently recognized.

Yet fears of a devastating Iranian cyberattack are premature. The coming days and weeks will almost certainly bring an uptick in Iranian activity, as always happens when the two countries are engaged in brinksmanship. But it would be surprising if Tehran’s promised retaliation leveraged cyber operations alone.

Consider Iran’s three options going forward: a response that escalates the conflict further, a strike that maintains the status quo, and an attack that “saves face” while de-escalating the conflict. In each case, cyber weapons would not be able to signal Iran’s preference effectively.

(* B K P)

Iran knows how to bide its time. Don’t expect immediate retaliation for Soleimani.

By killing Qassem Soleimani, the architect of Iran’s expanded influence across the Middle East, the Trump administration escalated simmering tensions with Tehran. But escalating the conflict with the U.S. even more would threaten the Iranian regime's ability to stay in power

The long, shape-shifting shadow war between the United States and Iran’s Islamic Republic has taken a pivotal turn with the death of Qassem Soleimani, an infamous and iconic Iranian military commander, in a U.S. drone strike. By killing the architect of Iran’s expanded influence across the Middle East, the Trump administration has escalated simmering tensions with Tehran from an economic onslaught to an act of war that is likely to instigate a dangerous and unpredictable Iranian backlash

But Iran’s instinct for self-preservation means that the Islamic Republic is unlikely to lash out blindly or impulsively. Iranian leaders are well-practiced at calibrating retaliation around their real interests, which ultimately concern the survival of their regime, and will likely target reprisals with deliberation and precision. Tehran has historically absorbed major blows and setbacks without immediately yielding to the temptation to strike back in indiscriminate or reckless style — instead choosing to nurture resentments and bide its time.

More recently, witness what has happened since President Trump’s May 2018 withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposition of severe U.S. sanctions on Iran.

There will be other reverberations around the region that may not need an explicit green light from Tehran, just due to Soleimani’s stature. He was the region’s most influential power broker-

The strike also leaves the government in Baghdad, already debilitated by months of protests over corruption and Iranian influence, in an even more precarious position. Is there a plan for managing the fallout in Iraq, beyond the hasty call for Americans to flee the country?

What will this mean for the nascent progress in de-escalation of the war in Yemen and the devastating humanitarian crisis that has accompanied it? How does Washington expect to mobilize a diplomatic coalition to address the forthcoming total collapse of the Iran nuclear deal, particularly at a time of revived frictions with a nuclear-armed North Korea? Unfortunately, there is nothing in Trump’s track record that builds confidence around this administration’s capacity for foresight or realistic contingency planning – by Suzanne Maloney =

(A P)

EU regrets Iran nuclear moves but hopes to keep deal alive

The European Union expressed regret on Monday over Iran’s announcement that it will no longer be bound by all its nuclear obligations, but remained determined to keep alive an international deal preventing the Islamic Republic from developing atomic weapons.

(A K P)

Saudi deputy defense minister met Esper, discussed ongoing military cooperation: tweet

(A K P)

Haniyeh terms Gen Soleimani as "martyr of Quds"

The Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh said on Monday that late Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani was "the martyr of Quds".

He made the remarks in the funeral procession of the General in Tehran, adding he devoted his life for supporting the Palestinians and oppressed people of the region.

(* A K P)

Tel Aviv a target if US responds to Soleimani retaliation: ex-IRGC chief

Iran will strike Tel Aviv and Haifa if the US responds to the Islamic Republic's expected retaliation against the assassination of IRGC Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, warned a former chief of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps who currently serves as Expediency Council Secretary, according to the Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Manar news.

"If [US President Donald] Trump retaliates to Iran’s revenge, we will strike Haifa, Tel Aviv and wipe out Israel," said Mohsen Rezaei on Sunday. The secretary added that Iran is "very serious" about taking revenge and would target all US interests in the region.

"The assassination of the martyr General Soleimani established a new revolution in Iran against America," said Rezaei.

My comment: This does not make sense at all and would be a violation of international law. Israel is a third state.

(* A K P)

Iraq's Sadr calls for "humiliating" U.S. troop exit -letter

Populist Iraqi Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said on Sunday a parliamentary resolution calling on the government to end foreign troop presence did not go far enough and called on local and foreign militia groups to unite.

“I consider this a weak response insufficient against American violation of Iraqi sovereignty and regional escalation,” Sadr, who leads the largest bloc in parliament, said in a letter to the assembly read out by a supporter.

Sadr said a security agreement with the United States should be cancelled immediately, the U.S. embassy should be closed down, U.S. troops must be expelled in a humiliating manner, and communication with the U.S. government should be criminalised.

and also:

My comment: “U.S. troops must be expelled in a humiliating manner”: This does not make sense and in fact would mean that the US would NOT leave Iraq.

(* A K P)

The Latest: Iraqi leaders receive condolences over US strike

3:30 p.m.

Iraq’s top leadership has gathered to receive condolences for militia leaders killed along with top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a U.S. airstrike last week.

The gathering in Baghdad on Monday comes a day after parliament voted in a favor of a bill requesting the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country.

2:15 p.m.

Pakistan’s foreign minister says his country will not let its soil be used against any other state and the Islamic nation will not become part of any regional conflict.

1:45 p.m.

China says it believes Iran was “forced” to reduce its commitment to the 2015 nuclear deal and says the “recent military adventures by the U.S. violated the basic norms governing international relations.”

12:35 p.m.

The leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas is in Tehran attending the funeral of an Iranian general killed in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq.

12:20 p.m.

Germany’s foreign minister says European powers will respond this week to Iran’s announcement that it will no longer abide by the limits contained in the 2015 nuclear deal

12 p.m.

Germany’s foreign minister says it’s “not very helpful” to threaten Iraq after its parliament voted to expel U.S. troops from the country.

11:45 a.m.

South Africa’s ruling party has condemned the U.S. airstrike that killed Iran’s top military commander as an “act of international terrorism.”

(* A K P)

Throngs mourn, Iranian leader weeps for general slain by US

Iran’s supreme leader wept Monday over the casket of a top general killed in a U.S. airstrike, his prayers joining the wails of mourners who flooded the streets of Tehran demanding retaliation against America for a slaying that’s drastically raised tensions across the Middle East.

The funeral for Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani drew a crowd said by police to be in the millions in the Iranian capital, filling thoroughfares and side streets as far as the eye could see. Although there was no independent estimate, aerial footage and Associated Press journalists suggested a turnout of at least 1 million, and the throngs were visible on satellite images of Tehran taken Monday.

Authorities later brought his remains and those of the others to Iran’s holy city of Qom, turning out another massive crowd.

The outpouring of grief was an unprecedented honor for a man viewed by Iranians as a national hero for his work leading the Guard’s expeditionary Quds Force.


(* A K P)

Weeping, Iran supreme leader prays over general slain by US

Weeping amid wails from a sea of mourners, Iran’s supreme leader on Monday prayed over the remains of a top Iranian general killed in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, an attack that’s drastically raised tensions between Tehran and Washington.

The targeted killing of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani drew a crowd, said by police to be in the millions, on Monday in Tehran, where Soleimani’s replacement vowed to take revenge. Additionally, Tehran has abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying while in Iraq, the parliament has called for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.

The developments could bring Iran closer to building an atomic bomb, set off a proxy or military attack launched by Tehran against America and enable the Islamic State group to stage a comeback in Iraq, making the Middle East a far more dangerous and unstable place.

(* A K P)

Iraqi PM: China Strong, Important Partner for Iraq, Withdrawal of US Forces Iraqi Decision

Iraqi Prime Minister's press office said in a statement on Facebook that Abdul Mahdi said in a meeting with Chinese Ambassador to Baghdad, Chiang Tau, on Monday, that the presence of US forces was decided by the Iraqi government and their withdrawal will be decided by the same body.

(* A K P)

Iraqi PM stresses importance of joint work with U.S. to withdraw foreign forces

Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi confirmed Monday to U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Matthew Tueller the importance of joint work to implement the withdrawal of foreign forces in accordance with the resolution of the Iraqi parliament.

A statement by his office said that Abdul Mahdi received Tueller in the afternoon and the two reviewed the recent developments and the position of the Iraqi government.

Abdul Mahdi said that the withdrawal of foreign forces is to "put relations with the United States on sound foundations," the statement said.

"Iraq is making every effort to prevent the slide of an open war," the statement added.

(* A K P)

Iraqi Army: We Have Put in Place Mechanism to Drive out US Forces

Abdulkarim Khalaf, spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Army, announced today, Monday, that his country intends to cancel combat power of the international coalition, while the latter's work in Iraq will be limited to training, arming and advice tasks only.

Khalaf said, in a press statement followed by Anatolia that the Iraqi government has prepared a mechanism to start removing the American forces from the country without elaborating on them.

He added that the work of the international coalition forces will be limited to advice, armament and training only, and its armed forces will leave. He pointed out that" the Iraqi government restricted the international coalition movement by land and air and they are not allowed to move now.

Khalaf added that the Americans conducted individual operations without the knowledge of the General Command of the Armed Forces.

(* A K P)

Donald Trump on Twitter: These Media Posts will serve as notification to the United States Congress that should Iran strike any U.S. person or target, the United States will quickly & fully strike back, & perhaps in a disproportionate manner. Such legal notice is not required, but is given nevertheless!

Comment: Wow. Trump is quite literally using Twitter as a way to declare war on Iran without even notifying Congress through official means. Never before in the history of the United States has any President been this unhinged and disrespectful of our Constitution.

Even after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy,” President Franklin D. Roosevelt went to Congress on December 8 to declare war. But for us, we may wake up to see one of “These Media Posts” from Trump to see the start of WW3 on Twitter.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution clearly gives Congress the power to declare war. Additionally, the War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of sending our armed forces to battle. Using Twitter to do this is ridiculous.

(* B K P)

If #Iraq PM is right that #Soliemani was delivering an #Iranian response to #Saudi de-escalation offer, possibly a postive one, then maybe the #US wanted to stop any #Saudi #Iranian rapprochement. Highly likely given #US longtime fear of regional stability & cooperation.

The #Saudi & #Iranian regimes are actually natural allies in many ways. The two regimes would gain more power if they partnered to divvy the regional influence. The two hindrances here are foreign powers aka US blocking it & the lack of trust between the two.

(A K P)

Soleimani’s daughter calls on Houthis to avenge her father’s assassination

referring to

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US lying about Iran's attack plans to justify assassination: Larijani

Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says US officials' claims that General Qassem Soleimani was developing plans to imminently attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and elsewhere are lies.

"This claim is nothing but a lie. The American people and lawmakers should know that the US president is telling lies in order to cover up a war crime and a terrorist act," Larijani told a parliament session Sunday.

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Iran has online disinformation operations, too

Some US officials are now bracing for Iran to retaliate against the US with a cyber attack in response to the killing of one of its top commanders. But Iran has shown it’s also capable of engaging in another form of online warfare: social media disinformation campaigns.

Americans may associate this tactic more with Russia, but Iran has turned to this playbook too. While a conventional cyber attack could potentially shut down a hospital or compromise a power grid, disinformation campaigns have the potential to sow discord and influence the American electorate.

In recent years, Facebook and Twitter have found people and organizations believed to be linked to the Iranian government operating thousands of covert social media accounts combined between the two platforms posing as regular users and independent organizations, including news outlets.

The accounts commonly shared stories portraying the Iranian regime in a positive light while attacking Tehran’s enemies.

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Iran Army Chief Shrugs Off Trump’s Attack Threat

Iran’s Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi dismissed the threat from US President Donald Trump that Washington would hit 52 Iranian sites if Tehran attacks American assets in retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani.

In comments on Sunday, the Iranian Army commander said it is quite unlikely that Americans will dare to engage in a possible confrontation with Iran in future.

Major General Mousavi added that in case of a US military action, the Americans will realize what the digits 5 and 2 would apply to.

The Army commander said Trump has made such a threat to improve his image after the gross and unjustifiable move to assassinate General Soleimani in Iraq.

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Iran general replacing Soleimani vows revenge for US killing

An Iranian general who replaced the leader killed by a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad vowed Sunday to take revenge as Tehran abandoned the remaining limits of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers in response to the slaying.

Esmail Ghaani’s threat comes as the blowback over the U.S. killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani mounted Sunday with Iraq’s parliament calling for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.

The three developments could bring Iran closer to building an atomic bomb, see an proxy or military attack launched by Tehran against America and enable the Islamic State group to stage a comeback in Iraq, making the Middle East a far more dangerous and unstable place.

Adding to the tensions, President Donald Trump threatened to demand billions of dollars in compensation from Iraq or impose “sanctions like they’ve never seen before” if it goes through with expelling U.S. troops.

Ghaani made his remarks in an interview with Iranian state television aired Monday.

(A K P)

Iranian Press TV: US withdrawing forces from region despite contrary claims: Military sources

Informed military sources tell Press TV that the United States has started pulling its troops out of the region since Saturday, despite claims to the contrary.

The sources said Sunday the US has withdrawn its combat troops from Kuwait while C-5 and C-17 military transport aircraft have flown about 700 guards into the region to reinforce protection of American diplomatic missions.

The new revelation came despite prior announcements by American authorities that the US President Donald Trump's administration has decided to shore up the country’s military presence in the Middle East.

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Iran reports having dozens of US targets in sight for retaliation

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps senior leader Ghulam Ali Abu Hamza has on Saturday said that Tehran has “identified dozens of US targets in the region.”

He vowed to hold the Americans accountable for their killing of the commander of the Quds Force Qassem Soleimani, in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

“The Strait of Hormuz is a vital point for the West, and a large number of American destroyers and ships pass from there,” the Iranian Tasnim news agency quoted Abu Hamza as saying, which raises the possibility of launching attacks on ships in the Gulf.

The Iranian official added that Tehran “has set vital US targets in the region for a long time. About 35 American targets in the region, in addition to Tel Aviv, are within our reach.”

Abu Hamza also repeated the threats of his country’s leaders to America, saying “Iran will punish the Americans wherever they are, in response to the killing of Qassem Soleimani.”

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'Major retaliation': U.S. vows to target Iran's top leaders if Tehran retaliates

The Trump administration escalated its threats Sunday to hit Iran’s top leaders with military strikes if Tehran or its proxies carry out any attacks against American personnel or interests in retaliation for the U.S. drone strike that killed Iranian military commander Qassem Soleimani last week.

“We’re going to respond against the actual decision-makers, the people who are causing this threat from the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a televised interview, expounding on a flurry of tweets a day earlier by President Trump, who warned that U.S. officials have already identified 52 possible Iranian targets, a highly symbolic number in the history of U.S.-Iran hostility.

Asked about Iran retaliating, Mr. Trump told reporters on Sunday night, “If it happens, it happens. If they do anything, there will be major retaliation.”

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Trump doubles down on striking cultural sites in Iran

President Donald Trump insisted Sunday that Iranian cultural sites were fair game for the U.S. military, dismissing concerns within his own administration that doing so could constitute a war crime under international law. He also warned Iraq that he would levy punishing sanctions if it expelled American troops in retaliation for a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad that killed a top Iranian official.

Trump’s comments came amid escalating tensions in the Middle East following the killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds force. Iran has vowed to retaliate and Iraq’s parliament responded by voting Sunday to oust U.S. troops based in the country.

Trump first raised the prospect of targeting Iranian cultural sites Saturday in a tweet.

“They’re allowed to kill our people. They’re allowed to torture and maim our people. They’re allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people. And we’re not allowed to touch their cultural sites? It doesn’t work that way,” Trump said.

Trump said the U.S. wouldn’t leave without being paid for its military investments in Iraq over the years — then said if the troops do have to withdraw, he would hit Baghdad with economic penalties.

“We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever. It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame,” he said. “If there’s any hostility, that they do anything we think is inappropriate, we are going to put sanctions on Iraq, very big sanctions on Iraq.”

He added: “We’re not leaving until they pay us back for it.”

The administration has scrambled to contend with the backlash to the killing of Soleimani.

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Trump’s threats draw Iran’s cultural sites into tensions

Iran’s ancient and rich cultural landscape has become a potential U.S. military target as Washington and Tehran lob threats and take high-stakes steps toward a possible open conflict.

President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday evening that if Iran attacks any American assets to avenge the killing of a top Iranian general, the U.S. has 52 targets across the Islamic Republic that “WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD.”

Some are “important to Iran & Iranian culture,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

That vague comment drew immediate anger across Iran.

“I’m not sure when he says cultural sites, does he for example mean our Persepolis?” said Mehrdad Khadir, a cultural and political analyst in Tehran, referring to the ancient ruins invaded by the Greeks in 330 BC. “Does he want to be seen as the new Alexander (the Great) by Iranians?”

If the U.S. were to directly bomb Iran, it could spark a war and lead to region-wide violence, potentially drawing other countries into a global conflict.

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Blowback: Iran abandons nuclear limits after US killing

The blowback over the U.S. killing of a top Iranian general mounted Sunday as Iran announced it will no longer abide by the limits contained in the 2015 nuclear deal and Iraq’s Parliament called for the expulsion of all American troops from Iraqi soil.

The twin developments could bring Iran closer to building an atomic bomb and enable the Islamic State group to stage a comeback in Iraq, making the Middle East a far more dangerous and unstable place.

Iranian state television cited a statement by President Hassan Rouhani’s administration saying the country would not observe the nuclear deal’s restrictions on fuel enrichment, on the size of its enriched uranium stockpile and on its research and development activities.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran no longer faces any limitations in operations,” a state TV broadcaster said.

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Iraq vote, Hezbollah threat leveled at US troops in Mideast

The U.S. military presence in the Middle East was thrown into jeopardy Sunday, as Iraq’s parliament voted to expel U.S. troops from their country while the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group said the U.S. military across the region “will pay the price” for killing a top Iranian general.

Hassan Nasrallah said that U.S. bases, warships and soldiers in the Middle East were all fair targets after the U.S. drone strike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the architect of many of Iran’s regional military campaigns in recent years.

The two developments were new signs of the backlash from Friday’s killing of Soleimani and a number of top Iraqi officials at the Baghdad airport, and further heightened tensions in a region already on high alert and bracing for an Iranian retaliation.

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US-Iran tensions: latest updates as Donald Trump issues 52-target warning

Hezbollah's Secretary General calls on US expulsion from Iraq

Iraq's foreign minister lodges complaint with the UN

Iraq's foreign minister has officially written to the president of the UN Security Council and the Secretary General of the United Nations to condemn the US attacks on Iraqi military sites.

Moqtada Al Sadr calls for US embassy closure

Iraqi cleric Moqtada Al Sadr issued a statement saying that Iraq's parliament had not acted with enough force. He has issued eight points, the first of which demands an immediate cancellation of the security agreement with the United States, followed by the immediate closure of the US embassy in Iraq, and closing all American bases and expelling American troops "in a humiliating manner."

Iraqi parliament issues five-point plan

The Iraqi parliament voted on a five-point action plan that would require the Iraqi government to end the presence of foreign troops in the country, and withdraw its request for assistance from the anti-ISIS global coalition. This would impact countries like the UK and Italy. However, new legislation would have to be introduced by the prime minister or president in order to cancel the agreement that had allowed for the troops to be present. Parliament also called on the government to ban the use of Iraqi airspace by any foreign power.

Iraqi parliament votes to end foreign troop presence

Iraqi parliament debates US troop presence

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The Latest: Baghdad residents say 3 blasts hit Green Zone

The latest on U.S.-Iran tensions (all times local):

9:50 p.m.

Residents of the Iraq’s capital of Baghdad say three explosions rang out heard inside the heavily-fortified Green Zone, home to the U.S. Embassy and the seat of Iraq’s government.

This is was the second such attack in recent days.

9:20 p.m.

Turkey’s president called for de-escalation between Iran and the U.S. following America’s killing of an Iranian general. He says the slaying of a top commander will likely not go unanswered, and voiced concern about regional security risks.

8:05 p.m.

Iranian state television reports that Iran will no longer abide by any of the limits of its 2015 nuclear deal.

6:30 p.m.

A former leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard says the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa can be targeted to avenge a general killed by a U.S. drone strike in Baghdad.

5:50 p.m.

The U.S-led coalition in Iraq says it is pausing operations in support of Iraqi forces in the fight against Islamic State militants.

4:45 p.m.

Iraq’s parliament has voted to expel the U.S. military from the country.

Lawmakers voted Sunday in favor of a resolution that calls for ending foreign military presence in the country. The resolution’s main aim is to get the U.S. to withdraw some 5,000 U.S. troops present in different parts of Iraq.

4:20 p.m.

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group says America’s military in the Middle East region, including U.S. bases, warships and soldiers are fair targets following the U.S. killing of Iran’s top general.

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UK’s Johnson: Iranian general ‘threat to all our interests’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the Iranian general killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq was “a threat to all our interests” and that “we will not lament his death.”

Johnson, who spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday, called for de-escalation from all sides.

Soleimani “posed a threat to all our interests and was responsible for a pattern of disruptive, destabilizing behavior in the region,” Johnson said. “Given the leading role he has played in actions that have led to the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians and Western personnel, we will not lament his death.”

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Germany, Britain, France urge Iran to abide by nuclear pact

The leaders of Germany, France and Britain called Sunday for Iran to abide by the terms of a 2015 nuclear deal

The three European leaders specifically urged Iran to “withdraw all measures” not in line with the 2015 nuclear agreement that was intended to stop Tehran from pursuing its atomic weapons program.

They also called on all actors involved to show “utmost restraint and responsibility” and pledged to continue to seek to reduce tensions and ensure stability in the Middle East.

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Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi recommends ending the American presence in #Iraq: It is in the interest of #Baghdad and Washington to end the foreign presence in #Iraq.

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Iraqi MPs back plan to expel US troops

Iraqi MPs have passed a resolution calling for foreign troops to leave the country after the US killed top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike at Baghdad airport last week.

Parliament in Baghdad also called for a ban on foreign forces using Iraqi land, airspace or water for any reason.

The US has some 5,000 military personnel in Iraq, mainly as advisers

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Reaper drone launched from Qatar fired missile that killed Soleimani

A drone launched from Qatar fired the missile that killed Iranian warlord Qassem Soleimani, US military sources have revealed.

Two missiles were fired, one for each of the two vehicles carrying Soleimani and Al-Muhandis, and were controlled remotely by operators at the US Air Force base in Creech, Nevada. A second backup drone was also launched from US Central Command headquarters in Qatar, but was not needed.

The “near-silent” Reaper drone has a range of 1,850 km, can fly at a height of 15,000 meters, and is an “armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long-endurance” aircraft designed primarily for offensive strikes, according to the US Air Force. “It provides a unique capability to perform strike, coordination and reconnaissance against high-value, fleeting, and time-sensitive targets,” it said.

As Qatar’s role in Soleimani’s death was revealed, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani flew to Tehran for talks with President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

Sheikh Mohammed said the situation in the region was sensitive and concerning, and he called for a peaceful solution leading to de-escalation.

Comment: #Saudi media is trying to raise tension between Qatar and #Iran.

Remark: @RTarabic said it was from Kuwait.

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Kuwait's Army Denies Using Its Military Bases to Attack Targets in Neighboring Country

The General Staff of Kuwait's Army has categorically denied reports about the usage of the country's military bases to carry out attacks against certain targets in a neighboring country.
In a press statement on Sunday, the General Staff described the circulated reports as untrue and affirmed that the Kuwaiti military bases were not used in such operations.

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Talks between Foreign Ministers of Iran and Qatar in Tehran


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Iran rejects Qatar’s offer of mediation between Tehran and Washington

Decision to retaliate for Soleimani's murder is irreversible, Tehran says

The Islamic Republic of Iran has refused Qatari mediation offers to ease tensions with the United States after the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, Iranian state television stated, citing a senior Revolutionary Guard commander.

Iranian news agencies described the Qatari Foreign Minister’s visit to Tehran to mediate with The United States as a “surprise”, as it was the first foreign official to visit Iran following the assassination crisis of Qassem Soleimani.

General Mohammad Reza Naqi, one of the most prominent leaders of the Revolutionary Guard, revealed on Iranian television his country’s position on Qatari mediation.

“The consequences of the killing of Soleimani will be very painful for the Americans, and the decision to respond has been made and is irreversible. We advise the United States not to bother to send mediators and ministers to mediate and meet with Minister Javad Zarif in order to dissuade Tehran from the decision to respond,” Iranian Basij Commander General Mohammad Reza said.

“We tell them not to send their messages, don’t call and don’t send anyone to meet Zarif here in Tehran,” he added.

“Why are you doing this [murdering Soleimani] and then mobilizing mediation and asking us not to respond to Soleimani’s death? The decision to respond has been taken and is absolute.”

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Iranian Revolutionary Guard: US Asks Iranian Response not Exceed Ceiling of Soleimani’s Revenge

Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, revealed the contents of the American message carried by the Swiss ambassador to Iran on Friday, following the assassination of the Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani.

Fadavi said in press statements today, Saturday: "The Americans sent us a message on Friday morning in a diplomatic way, and they said that if you want revenge, let us take revenge for what suits our work. The Americans should wait for Iran's response and they cannot determine the nature of this response," he said, adding "Iran's painful retaliation will be in the best possible time and in the best way."

Fadavi stressed that the experts know that America's crime lacks any security value, noting that Soleimani's movements were not a secret.

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1000 US Troops Arrive in Ain Assad Air Base in Iraq

An Iraqi security source revealed, Saturday, that about 1,000 US troops arrived at Ain Assad Air Base, western Iraq.

"About a thousand American soldiers arrived at Ain Assad air base in Al-Baghdadi, Heat district, west of Anbar, coming from Kuwait via special American planes amid tight security," a source told the National News Center.

"Ain Assad Air Base is witnessing, for the fourth consecutive day, unprecedented air traffic in anticipation of targeting it," the source add

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The Latest: Soleimani’s family: Hezbollah will take revenge

2:10 p.m.

The daughter of Iran’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani says the death of her father will “not break us” and the United States should know that his blood will not go for free.

2:00 p.m.

The U.S. has warned American citizens in Saudi Arabia “of the heightened risk of missile and drone attacks” amid soaring tensions with Iran.

11:55 p.m.

Britain’s foreign minister says it is trying to “de-escalate” a volatile situation after a U.S. drone strike killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani

1:40 p.m.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman says that officials in the Islamic Republic plan to meet Sunday night to discuss their next step out of the nuclear deal and that it will be even bigger than initially planned.

11:50 a.m.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says President Donald Trump is “worthy of all appreciation” for ordering the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

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Larijani: Trump commits crime equal with 1953 coup

Iranian Parliament speaker Ali Larijani said US President Donald Trump has committed a crime equal with the 1953 coup engineered by the United States against Iranian legitimate government of Mohammad Mossadeq.

Addressing the Majlis formal session on Sunday, Larijani said that magnitude of targeted assassination of Iranian Commander Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani led to place Trump's name in the same list as 1953 coup and targeting Iran passenger plane in 1988.

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Six more Iraqis killed in US airstrike

At least six people were killed and three others seriously injured in airstrikes targeting the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) near Camp Taji, north of Baghdad, an Iraqi military source said on late Saturday.

The source told Reuters that two of the three vehicles that formed a convoy of one of the factions were burned and six bodies were charred.
The strikes took place at 1:12 a.m. local time, the source added.

An airstrike targeted two PMF vehicles on Taji Road, and so far the people inside have not been identified, Jawad al-Talibawi, a spokesman for the armed wing of Asaib Ahl al-Haq told Sputnik News.

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Activists across the US and the world protest a possible war with Iran

The Trump administration's use of a drone strike to kill Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani have led to fears the military action could lead to full-scale war between Iran and the United States.

On Saturday, anti-war protesters assembled across the US and around the world to protest the administration's action.

The rallies were organized by the Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition. On its website, the organization listed scheduled protests in dozens of US cities.

"For all who believe in peace, for all who are opposed to yet another catastrophic war, now is the time to take action," the group said in a statement.

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Thousands mourn Soleimani in Iran as Trump threatens strikes

Tens of thousands of mourners accompanied a casket carrying the remains of the slain Gen. Qassem Soleimani through two major Iranian cities Sunday as part of a grand funeral procession across the Islamic Republic for the commander killed by an American drone strike amid soaring tensions between Iran and the U.S.


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Millions of Iranians pay tribute to General Soleimani in Ahvaz

Millions of Iranians have poured into the streets of Ahvaz, holding massive funeral processions for the Iranian anti-terror commander, Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani, who was martyred by US terrorists in Baghdad on Friday.

The bodies of the martyred commander and his companions have arrived in the southern Iranian city of Ahvaz, the main city in Iran's eight-year battle against the forces of the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, which was the scene of braveries of General Soleimani and thousands of other Iranians.

From Ahvaz, the cortege will be heading to the holy city of Mashhad in Iran’s northeast later in the day and from there to Tehran on Monday and finally to his hometown Kerman in the southeast for burial on Tuesday.


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"Not Consulted" By US For Airstrike On Top Iran Commander: Saudi Official

Saudi Arabia is vulnerable to possible Iranian reprisals after Tehran vowed "revenge" following the strike that killed commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.

Saudi Arabia was not consulted by its ally Washington over a US drone strike that killed a top Iranian general, an official said Sunday, as the kingdom sought to defuse soaring regional tensions.

Saudi Arabia is vulnerable to possible Iranian reprisals after Tehran vowed "revenge" following the strike on Friday that killed powerful commander Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad.

"The kingdom of Saudi Arabia was not consulted regarding the US strike," a Saudi official told AFP, requesting anonymity.

"In light of the rapid developments, the kingdom stresses the importance of exercising restraint to guard against all acts that may lead to escalation, with severe consequences," the official added.

Saudi Arabia's foreign ministry made a similar call for restraint at the weekend and King Salman emphasised the need for measures to defuse

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Film: IRAQ: Iranian backed militias reportedly open fire on anti-government protesters after the protesters refused to allow a symbolic funeral procession for Soleimani to pass through the square in Nasiriyah. Footage from Telegram.

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Inside the plot by Iran’s Soleimani to attack U.S. forces in Iraq

In mid-October, Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani met with his Iraqi Shi’ite militia allies at a villa on the banks of the Tigris River, looking across at the U.S. embassy complex in Baghdad.

The Revolutionary Guards commander instructed his top ally in Iraq, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and other powerful militia leaders to step up attacks on U.S. targets in the country using sophisticated new weapons provided by Iran, two militia commanders and two security sources briefed on the gathering told Reuters.

The strategy session, which has not been previously reported, came as mass protests against Iran’s growing influence in Iraq were gaining momentum, putting the Islamic Republic in an unwelcome spotlight. Soleimani’s plans to attack U.S. forces aimed to provoke a military response that would redirect that rising anger toward the United States, according to the sources briefed on the gathering, Iraqi Shi’ite politicians and government officials close to Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.

Soleimani’s efforts ended up provoking the U.S. attack on Friday that killed him and Muhandis, marking a major escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran.

Interviews with the Iraqi security sources and Shi’ite militia commanders offer a rare glimpse of how Soleimani operated in Iraq, which he once told a Reuters reporter he knew like the back of his hand.

My comment: This looks like a try to justify the US assault.

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Soleimani and the End of the Red Lines

For the first time in decades, it is not exaggeration to say that the Middle East is standing on the edge of a volcano. It is evident through the calls for revenge that were launched from Tehran, Baghdad and Beirut. The unprecedented rhetoric calls for targeting the American presence in the region and the first battle of the war is that of forcing America out of Iraq.
The most brutal of confrontations are those in which both parties cannot back down. Those who know of General Qassem Soleimani’s pivotal role in the Iranian regime and its regional agenda know that this regime cannot not avenge the murder of the man who was closest to the supreme leader. This is why Ali Khamenei was quick to vow revenge. The Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq and secretary general of the Hezbollah party in Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah, were quick to follow suit.
Iran cannot back down from avenging Soleimani. His assassination had struck at its core, especially since the man was the guardian of complicated threads that he patiently and stubbornly wove from Afghanistan to Lebanon, passing through Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other arenas. Sources from the regime in Iran say that news of Soleimani’s death was the worst Khamenei had ever received during his long years in power. The supreme leader himself had played a role in enlarging the exceptional halo that surrounded the general, whose actual privileges went much farther beyond his title.
Soleimani was the architect of Iran’s major push in the region.

By ordering Soleimani’s killing, Donald Trump had taken a much more difficult decision than when he ordered the elimination of the ISIS leader or when his predecessor Barack Obama sanctioned the elimination of the al-Qaeda leader. Soleimani’s killing is not only directed against Iran and its institutions, but to those “armies” that he helped raise inside several regional countries. This is why the scope of the confrontation will be much wider than originally believed.

His killing coincided with a time when the Iranian economy is being crushed by Trump’s sanctions and when Iraq and Lebanon are witnessing popular protests that reveal some form of failure of the policies adopted in the countries of the Iranian crescent. This is why the supreme leader is unlikely to back down.

It is most likely that Iran underestimated Trump’s ability to take difficult security decisions, especially after it appeared that he preferred economic sanctions over military strikes. Perhaps Soleimani believed that his safety was a red line that no one would dare to cross and risk war. Everyone was surprised by Soleimani’s death. We can say that the red lines died with him. It is the beginning of a new very hot chapter and new year in the terrible Middle East.

My comment: from Saudi Arabia, but quite serious nevertheless. The Saudis seem to show restraint in words and actions.

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How terrorism helps — and hurts — Iran

Despite being isolated by neighboring governments, Iran has managed to maintain a say in many of the region's developments through its funding of terrorist groups and Shiite militias

The U.S. drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the head of the paramilitary Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), highlighted the centrality of support for terrorist, insurgent and other substate groups in Iran’s foreign policy. The Quds Force helps arm, train and otherwise support numerous insurgent and rebel groups in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, the Palestinian territories and other areas, and its activities are part of why the United States has long labeled Iran the “world’s leading sponsor of terrorism.”

Support for such groups has been an important part of Iran’s foreign policy since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Such relationships have advanced numerous Iranian interests, undermined its enemies, helped Iran deter adversaries and made the country a global player. At the same time, these ties are camouflage for Iran’s weakness. Even more important, the U.S. and regional response to Iran’s support for various militant groups has contributed to Tehran’s outcast status, decreasing the country’s economic power and diplomatic clout.


Yet for all these benefits, such support has many costs for Iran.

Part of why Iran backs these groups is because Tehran’s economic and military power is weak. Despite having big forces on paper, Iran has a small military budget, and years of U.S. pressure have limited foreign arms sales to the country. Working unconventionally via the IRGC is a necessity, not a choice. Similarly, Iran’s economy is weak, giving it little clout. As a result, in relative terms, the low billions Iran spends in support of militant groups is costly because its economy cannot easily support even this small burden.

Tehran also faces a sectarian trap: Although it presents itself as a Muslim, not a Shiite, power, Saudi Arabia and other countries have successfully portrayed it as a minority voice within Islam, and when sectarian conflict flared in Iraq and then Syria, Tehran’s broader reputation suffered.

Perhaps most important, support for terrorist and rebel groups creates dangerous spirals for Iran. By backing even a weak group, Iran is threatening the legitimacy of another government, which not surprisingly reacts with hostility. With the exception of Syria, Iran has no true allies, and many countries see it as a threat.

Tehran also conducted international terrorist attacks to undermine these government and European supporters of Iraq such as France. The Iraqi invasion that followed, however, became an existential threat. Its overreach over the past few weeks could still trigger a similar threat to the regime – by Daniel L. Byman

My comment: From the US, there seems to come a lot of articles like this one. The elephant in the room is: When will there come articles headed as: “How terrorism helps — and hurts — the US”?.

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Around the halls: Experts react to the killing of Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani

In a drone strike authorized by President Trump early Friday, Iranian commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who led the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, was killed at Baghdad International Airport. Below, Brookings experts provide their brief analyses on this watershed moment for the Middle East — including what it means for U.S.-Iran relations, for America’s overall position in the Middle East, and more.

Madiha Afzal (@MadihaAfzal), David M. Rubenstein Fellow in the Center for 21st Century Security and Intelligence and the Center for Middle East Policy: What worries me is how much (or little) thought was put into this decision by the Trump administration — and the connection of the strike with it being a re-election year, Trump’s obsession with Barack Obama (and Obama’s killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011), and the beating of war drums to drive American nationalism and distract from his domestic political troubles. This doesn’t require a colorful imagination: In 2011, Trump repeatedly said that Obama would go to war with Iran to get re-elected. Obama obviously didn’t, and the big difference between this strike and the decision that Obama did take in 2011, his bin Laden raid in Pakistan, is that it killed the world’s then-deadliest terrorist and beheaded his organization. And it embarrassed the country that he was found in. It was as clean a decision as a commander-in-chief could have made. Soleimani’s killing, on the other hand, is remarkably messy, because — rightly reviled as he was by many — he represented Iran’s military, and Iran will see this as an action of war. And there will be some form of retaliation. In the end, Trump may end up endangering more American lives through this strike, not fewer.

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Iranian general transformed Syria’s war in Assad’s favor

Iran’s frontman in Syria since 2011, Soleimani helped turn the tide in the now nearly 9-year-old civil war, intervening to save Assad as armed rebels neared the capital, Damascus, and seized key cities. He welded together Shiite militias from across the region to back Syria’s military and waged sieges that captured back territory, wreaked destruction and prevented the collapse of Assad’s state. His killing in an U.S. airstrike in Iraq is likely to rattle thousands of Iranian-backed fighters in Syria. The networks of militias he set up will remain in place, and Syria is likely to become a scene for confrontation with hundreds of U.S. troops stationed there.

The Iranian-backed militias are scattered all over Syria

My comment: And? The Iranians are in Syria on request of the legitimate government; the US presence there is an illegal foreign occupation.

(* B K P)

Pressure mounts in Iraq to boot out US troops

The killing of two top Iranian and Iraqi commanders by US forces could aid Iran in strengthening its foothold in Iraq. Experts say it also undermines the monthslong anti-government protest movement in Iraq.

The US strike killing Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' elite Quds Force, near Baghdad's airport on Friday was intended to deal a blow to the heart of Iran's Middle East policy.

Instead, that brazen action has facilitated conditions for Iran to achieve one of its main regional objectives: removing the US military from its neighbor.

[Overview article]

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Film: Investigativ-Projekt zeigt die lange Liste deutscher Rüstungstechnik im Jemen-Krieg

Deutsche Waffen spielen im Jemen-Krieg eine weitaus größere Rolle als bislang bekannt. Wie Recherchen des investigativen Projekts #GermanArms ergeben haben, benutzen die Streitkräfte der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Saudi-Arabiens deutsche Rüstungstechnologie. Vertreter der Bundesregierung hatten erst versichert, ihnen lägen dazu keine Erkenntnisse vor. =

(* B K P)

Welche Rolle spielten US-Basis Ramstein und Deutschland bei Ermordung von Soleimani?
Die gezielte Tötung des iranischen Top-Generals Qassem Soleimani durch die USA und die Haltung der Bundesregierung waren die beherrschenden Themen bei der Bundespressekonferenz. Dabei machten die Regierungssprecher keine gute Figur und argumentierten mit nachweislich falschen “Fakten”.

(A K P)

US-Militärbasen in Deutschland schließen
Die Drohung von US-Präsident Donald Trump mit Kriegsverbrechen gegen den Iran vorzugehen, verstößt gegen das absolute Gewaltverbot in der UN-Charta. Diese verantwortungslose Eskalation der US-Administration kann nicht folgenlos bleiben. Die US-Militärbasen in Deutschland sind zu schließen, will man nicht als Plattform für ungeheuerliche US-Verbrechen bei einem Krieg gegen den Iran dienen“, erklärt die Außenexpertin der Fraktion DIE LINKE und Mitglied des Auswärtigen Ausschusses, Sevim Dagdelen, zu den Ankündigungen von US-Präsident Donald Trump, bei einem Krieg gegen den Iran auch Ziele, die wichtig sind für die iranische Kultur, angreifen zu wollen.

(A K P)

Wurde Drohne gegen Soleimani von Ramstein aus gesteuert?

Ein Friedensaktivist hat bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft in Zweibrücken Anzeige erstattet. Er will wissen, ob die Drohne, die den iranischen General tötete, von Ramstein aus gesteuert wurde.
In der Anzeige schreibt der Friedensaktivist aus Baden-Württemberg, dass die USA mithilfe ihrer Militärbasis in Ramstein die Kampfdrohnen steuern. Dort befindet sich angeblich eine Relaisstation, ohne die die Piloten in den USA die Drohnen zum Beispiel im Nahen und Mittleren Osten nicht steuern könnten.
Der Raketenangriff, bei dem der iranische General Quassem Soleimani im Irak getötet wurde, sei mit einer Drohne ausgeführt worden. Sollte diese über Ramstein gesteuert worden sein, seien sowohl das Völkerrecht als auch deutsches Recht verletzt worden, so der Friedensaktivist.,ramstein-drohne-100.html

(A P)

[Sanaa] Shura Council, Friedrich Ebert Foundation discuss cooperation aspects

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

The United Arab Emirates has welcomed the formation of the Council of Arab and African States Bordering the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

King Salman receives Foreign Ministers of Red Sea, Gulf of Aden bloc

cp12b Sudan

(A K P)

Sudanese Leader Calls for Sudan’s Withdrawal from Yemen

Mohamed Youssef, the leader of the Sudanese Professionals Group, called for the withdrawal of his country's forces from Yemen, after news of reducing the forces by 10 thousand individuals.

"All forces present in Yemen must return, because it is not in the interest of Yemen, Sudan, or the entire Arab region," Youssef said.

The leader of the Professionals Group added, the Sudanese people do not yet know why our forces went to Yemen, because there is no announced agreement.

"We woke up after the revolution and found that we have forces fighting in Yemen, we did not know anything about when it left the country nor terms of the agreement by which it was sent."

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

What’s behind a recent escalation by Muslim Brotherhood factions in Yemen?

A recent trination meeting may provide the answer

Yemen observers have noticed an escalation in activity by Islamist group Al Islah in the Shabwah and Abyan governorates of the country and the reason for this uptick might have its roots in a tripartite meeting in South-East Asia last month.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president, met his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani and Qatar’s emir Sheikh Tamim on the sidelines of last month’s Islamic Summit in Kuala Lumpur.

It is claimed the trio agreed at this meeting to "heat up" matters in Yemen by bringing Muslim Brotherhood or Al Islah factions closer to the Iran-backed Houthi rebel group, with the aim of exhausting coalition forces in the country.

An Al Islah delegation is also understood to have visited Turkey immediately after the summit, where Yemenis and Brotherhood representatives are reported to have met senior figures from the ruling AKP.

The apparent goal of the three nations is to push the Houthis to carry out further military operations in Yemen that weaken the Arab coalition’s will and discourage it from acting elsewhere, principally in Libya.

My comment: By an UAE news site. This sounds like propaganda bullshit. The Saudis and the Emiratis snubbed the Kuala Lumpur conference of Muslim States, as it had been dominated by states opposing Saudi dominance.

(B P)

Die Deutschen sind wieder auf der falschen Seite

Äußerungen des Außenministers belegen, dass die Bundesregierung im Falle der iranischen Aggression nicht Partei für Amerika ergreift. Sie hat keine Antwort auf die aggressive iranische Expansion und suhlt sich in der Rolle des Deeskalierers.
Der Drohnenangriff auf den iranischen General und Top-Terroristen Qassem Soleimani ist gerechtfertigt. Mehr noch: Er hätte schon viel früher erfolgen müssen. Als Mastermind des „Exports der islamischen Revolution“ war Soleimani zuständig für die staatlich finanzierte Aufrüstung, Finanzierung und Ausbildung von Terrormilizen wie Hamas und Hisbollah. Soleimani schickte Hunderttausende Waffen und Raketen an Terroristen im Nahen und Mittleren Osten, baute Netzwerke in Europa, Südamerika, Afrika.

Anmerkung JK: Der Text ist nicht barrierefrei, aber die einleitenden Zeilen reichen voll und ganz. Man könnte meinen der Text sei im Pentagon verfasst worden. Springer steht wie immer treu und fest zum US-Imperium und Friede Springer und Angela Merkel sind ja angeblich auch ziemlich beste Freundinnen.

(B P)

Die linke Kritik an den USA ist oft pure Heuchelei

Führende Vertreter der Linken machen allein die USA verantwortlich, wenn es um Spannungen im Mittleren Osten geht. Sie schweigen aber, wenn Russland oder Regierungen in der Region brutale Gewalt anwenden

Denn derlei ist nicht zu hören, wenn russisches Militär dem syrischen Diktator Baschar al-Assad hilft, das eigene Volk zu massakrieren. Es ist auch nicht zu hören, wenn Russland und China im Weltsicherheitsrat humanitäre Hilfe für Millionen Syrer blockieren und der Iran mit beiden Staaten ein Manöver abhält. Ohnehin macht sich ein Teil der Linken am liebsten mit autoritären Staaten gemein.

Zugleich bleibt der Anteil des Iran an den Spannungen in der Region völlig unerwähnt: die Hilfe für die Hamas im Gaza-Streifen und die Hisbollah im Libanon, das Zündeln im Jemen, die Agitation gegen Israel, das brutale Vorgehen gegen die Opposition im eigenen Land. Stets sind die USA an allem schuld. Politisch ist diese Darstellung der Dinge unterkomplex. Moralisch ist sie pure Heuchelei.

Der Frieden ist nicht erst bedroht, seit die USA Soleimani töteten. Auch die Russen führen Krieg. Und die regionalen Eliten sind zum Frieden ebenfalls nicht fähig. Wer all das ignoriert, dem geht es nicht um Frieden. Es geht ihm nur darum, jene Feindbilder zu pflegen, auf denen kein Frieden gedeiht.

Mein Kommentar: Echt jetzt?? Diese Kritik aus dem Mainstream ist wohl viel eher als „pure Heuchelei“ zu werten., Schließlich überschwemmt der Medienmainstream das Publikum mit „Böse Russen, böse Iraner, böse Chinesen“ etc. Meldungen und hebt echte (oder auch nur gefakte) Kriegsverbrechen aller Gegner der USA hoch, während solche der USA und ihrer Verbündeten verschwiegen oder verharmlost werden. Wenn dann mal (selten genug) der Focus auf die Verbrechen der USA gelenkt wird, jault der „Mainstream“ auf und fordert mit derartigen Anwürfen eine Ausgewogenheit, die er selbst konsequent verweigert.

(B K P)

Die USA sollten sich als Ordnungsmacht zurückmelden

Kritik an der Rolle der USA im Nahen Osten ist oft genug berechtigt, zum Beispiel, weil sie 2003 in den Irak-Krieg gezogen sind oder den Umgang Israels mit den Anliegen der Palästinenser dulden. Bei der Tötung General Soleimanis könnte die Sache anders liegen: Im Idealfall melden die USA sich zurück als Ordnungsmacht. Denn in Nahost herrscht blankes Chaos.

Kritik an der Rolle der USA im Nahen Osten ist oft genug berechtigt, zum Beispiel, weil sie 2003 in den Irak-Krieg gezogen sind oder den Umgang Israels mit den Anliegen der Palästinenser dulden. Bei der Tötung General Soleimanis könnte die Sache anders liegen: Im Idealfall melden die USA sich zurück als Ordnungsmacht. Denn in Nahost herrscht blankes Chaos. Die Konflikte in Syrien, Jemen und Libyen tragen bürgerkriegsähnliche Züge; Schwergewichte und Möchtegern-Mächte finanzieren Milizen oder greifen selbst ein - Iraner, Saudis, Ägypter, Türken. Rasche politische Lösungen sind unwahrscheinlich. Diese Staaten sind angesichts politischer, wirtschaftlicher, ethnischer oder religiöser Divergenzen tief verfeindet. Und auf Russland sollte in Nahost ohnehin nur setzen, wer den Einsatz der Luftwaffe schon für Politik hält. Mehr als Leid hat Moskaus neue Nahostpolitik den Syrern und Libyern nicht gebracht – von Thomas Avenarius.

Mein Kommentar: Das ist primitiv-Propaganda. Die USA haben das Chaos im Nahen Osten entscheidend mit verursacht. Hier will Avenarius den Brandstifter zum Feuerwehrmann machen. „Und auf Russland sollte in Nahost ohnehin nur setzen, wer den Einsatz der Luftwaffe schon für Politik hält.“: Die US-Politik ar jahrzehntelang kaum etwas anderes. „Mehr als Leid hat Moskaus neue Nahostpolitik den Syrern und Libyern nicht gebracht“: das gilt 10.000mal mehr für die US-Nahostpolitik.

(A P)

Vice President praises US success in hunting terror figureheads

Vice President Lt. Gen. Ali Mohsen Saleh spoke highly of the US success in hunting the figureheads of terrorism of which Yemen is a major victim, Saba News Agency reported.

In a meeting with the US deputy ambassador to Yemen Juneid Munir in Riyadh On Monday, the Vice President said the US success will have a positive impact on the stability of Yemen and the region.

and also

My comment: Mohsen is a long-time Al Qaeda affiliate.

(B P)

Film: Analysts: Soleimani's plans will be implemented after his death

(B P)

Yemen’s Houthis are poised to answer Tehran’s call for vengeance

Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian military leader who was killed by the US in Iraq on Friday, was so critical to the Houthi militias in Yemen that they are almost certain to respond violently to his unexpected killing and shatter any hopes that the global community had for peace.

Although Iran’s influence over the Houthis was conducted in the shadows, Soleimani personally played the role of kingmaker, honing their military capabilities and penning a political strategy that catapulted them from the caves of Saada to power in Sanaa, the capital.

Soleimani’s steady and sure investment in the Houthis, which began as early as 2015, included advice on strategic responses to interventions by the Arab Coalition and helped ensure their survival in power.

The Iranian commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards – Quds Force built his network of militias across the Arab region, whether in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq or Yemen, to be ready and capable of functioning in asymmetrical warfare at a moments’ notice from Iran. His unexpected death will test whether the Houthis are fully prepared.

(B P)

Saudi Press: KSA Supports Sovereignty of Region's Countries

Saudi newspapers highlighted in their editorials today a number of issues at local, regional and international arenas.
Okaz newspaper said in its editorial that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has consistently declared its positions to support the sovereignty of the countries of the region, for the good of its people through its self-determination, and to work to put out the fires of wars inflamed by Iran and its proxies, which have caused instability.

My comment: LOL. Yemen? Syria? Qatar? Lebanon?

(B K P)

Iran and the United States: What Comes Next

Escalation With the U.S.

The American perception of Iran was formed largely in the post-1979 era, with the occupation of the U.S. Embassy in Teheran and the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut. While it’s true that Iran is responsible for both acts, it’s also true that Iran is more pragmatic than it is sometimes portrayed. It cooperates with the U.S. when it needs to and acts hostilely when it doesn’t. This is pretty normal behavior, but it creates confusion through which Washington has to navigate.
So when it was time to turn its attention to Tehran after the defeat of the Islamic State, Washington had two strategies. The first was to sponsor a coalition of states to undermine the growing Iranian sphere of influence. The key members of this odd coalition were Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The second response was to increase economic sanctions on Iran, not really because of its nuclear or missile programs, but to remind Iran of the risks of building its sphere of influence. The sanctions severely damaged the Iranian economy, and the protests, arrests and amnesties commonly associated with economic duress broke out.

Tensions Come to a Head
The deterioration of Iran’s position demanded that the government consider more assertive actions, particularly in Iraq. Its answer, as it had been so many times before, was the Quds Force, an elite branch of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, led by none other than Soleimani. Like U.S. special operations, they specialize in training and maintaining allied forces abroad – including, in Iran’s case, Hezbollah and the Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq.
When U.S. bases were attacked, the assumption was that the attacks were planned and perhaps carried out by Quds-backed militias, such as the PMF and Kataib Hezbollah. Whether the U.S. knew before or after the attacks that Soleimani was in Iraq after a trip to Syria, it was obvious that major operations were being planned against U.S. diplomatic and military personnel in Iraq

All of this has to be framed in the strategic context. The U.S. does not want to engage in extensive operations in the region. Washington is depending on sanctions and proxies. Iran still wants to maintain its sphere of influence into the Mediterranean, but above all, an even greater priority is the neutralization of Iraq and the stabilization of its own country.

My comment: I labeled this as propaganda, as the elephant in the room is not mentioned. The authors are taking for granted that the whole world is or should be an US sphere of influence. If any other country is opposite to the US, or – even worse – is building a sphere of influence of its own, this is horrible.

(A P)

Soleimani assassination ushers in a new regional reality

There isn't an actor in the region, including Israel, whose proverbial jaw didn't drop to the floor upon hearing of his untimely demise.

Soleimani's colossal importance notwithstanding, however, his assassination is dramatic because it signals the return of the United States to a position of regional influence. There had been considerable concern in recent months, among the Middle East's saner and more moderate actors, that American policy – specifically its repeated restraint over a downed drone, attacks on oil tankers in the Persian Gulf and oil production facilities in Saudi Arabia, together with its withdrawal from the Kurdish region in Syria and its supposed intention to leave Iraq – was emboldening the negative axis spearheaded by Russia and Iran.

Soleimani, who interpreted this as weakness, decided to start nipping at the Americans' tail.

A chance to renew negotiations

These provocations, which culminated in the coordinated storming of the US Embassy in Baghdad last week, cost Soleimani his life. He didn't expect it, nor did anyone else

The Iranian reaction to the assassination was predictable: shock, followed by threats of revenge. We need to take the Iranians seriously

In essence, this could be an opportunity to bring Iran back to the negotiating table to secure a better nuclear deal. It could also be an opportunity to formulate a deal among superpowers to remove Iran from Syria, and to also encourage more moderate behavior among certain leaders – from Pyongyang to Ankara and Moscow – who erred in thinking the US is afraid or has lost interest in leading the world.

My comment: The last paragraph quoted here is fairly absurd.

(A P)

Destruction and war will never solve Iran’s problems

The military action taken by the US against Qassem Soleimani — the most powerful terrorist in the Middle East and mastermind of the Iranian strategy of establishing a proxy network of militias in Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen to secure Iran’s sphere of influence in the region — was a major step toward tearing down the ideology of expansionism at the core of the mullahs’ regime in Tehran.

The killing of Soleimani was long overdue, and it was a dilemma faced by three US administrations as they observed a dangerous terrorist moving freely around the region and acting overtly against the US and other allies.

In Yemen, the Quds Force, under Soleimani’s leadership, orchestrated a coup d’état by the Houthis against the country’s legitimate government, enabling them to launch missiles that have resulted in the deaths of dozens of people in Yemen and around the region.

In Yemen, Hezbollah is not hiding its military presence as it leads the Houthis’ operations against the Yemeni people.

Today, the Quds Force is providing missiles and other advanced weaponry — such as drones, speedboats and advanced explosives — as well as training terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East

The full list of destabilizing activities orchestrated by the Quds Force on behalf of the Iranian regime could fill countless pages, providing cause for legal indictment – by Khaled Hussein Alyeman, former foreign minister [Hadi gov.] of Yemen.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Jan. 6:

Jan. 5:

Jan. 4:

Jan. 3:

Jan. 2:

Jan. 1:

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(* A K)

Zehn Soldaten im Jemen durch Rebellen-Rakete getötet – Militärquelle

Eine Rakete hat einen Stützpunkt der jemenitischen Armee getroffen und zehn Soldaten getötet. Dies teilte eine Militärquelle am Dienstag Sputnik mit. Nach ihren Angaben geht der Angriff auf das Konto der Rebellenbewegung „Ansar Allah“, die auch als Huthi bekannt ist.

„Eine ballistische Rakete schlug in der Trainingsbasis der 4. Reservistenbrigade ein“, sagte die Quelle.

(* A K pS)

Houthi rocket attack kills 11 soldiers in Yemen

Eleven soldiers have been killed and eighteen others injured after a Houthi missile attack on a military base affiliate with the Southern Joint Forces in Al Dhalea province on Tuesday.

Most of those killed and wounded in the attack at around 11 am local time on the base in the Mureis area of the north-east of Al Dhalea were new recruits undergoing training, Col Saleh Al Mureisi a top commander in Mureis front told The National.

“The missile attack was followed by two katyusha rockets targeting the paramedics who hurried to the base to take the casualties to the hospitals, but fortunately they fell few meters far from the base,” Col Al Mureisi said.

“Some of the injuries were taken to Al Naser public hospital in the centre of Al Dhalea city and six injuries were taken to hospital in Aden for their serious injuries,” Col Al Mureisi added.

and also

(A K pH)

Abschuss eines Aufklärungskampfflugzeugs der Aggressionstruppen in Al-Jouf

(A K pH)

Air defenses down aggression coalition’s reconnaissance jet in Jawf

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-612 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-612: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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