Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 617b- Yemen War Mosaic 617b

Yemen Press Reader 617b: 21. Jan. 2019: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 617, Teil 1 / Jan. 21, 2019: Sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 617, part 1

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 617, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 617, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp1c Huthi-Angriff auf Marib tötet 116 Soldaten und andere / Houthi attack at Marib kills 116 soldiers and others

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A K P)

Film: Escalation in military activities in Yemen & other topics - Daily Briefing (20 January 2020)

Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General.

(A K P)

Statement by the Special Envoy for Yemen on Military Escalation

The Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths condemns the escalation of military activities in Sana’a, Sa’dah and Marib governorates where airstrikes, missiles and ground attacks reportedly took place. Of particular concern is the aerial attack that hit reportedly the Al-Estiqbal military camp in Marib city killing by first counts at least 80 soldiers.

“I have said before that the hard – earned progress that Yemen has made on de-escalation is very fragile. Such actions can derail this progress”, warned Mr. Griffiths. “I urge all parties to stop the escalation now and to direct their energy away from the military front and into the politics.”

“The negotiation tables are more effective than battlefields in resolving the conflict,” said Mr. Griffiths.

(A P)

Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao at the Meeting of the Security Council on Yemen

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

Einladender G20-Gastgeber: 2019 hat Saudi-Arabien 184 Menschen hinrichten lassen

Warum kann Riad in nur einem Jahr 184 Menschen hinrichten und viele foltern lassen und trotzdem den prestigeträchtigen G20-Gipfel ausrichten? Das fragt die Menschenrechtsgruppe Reprieve und nennt Saudi-Arabien einen Pariastaat.
Mit Initiativen, die für andere Länder auch im Mittleren Osten seit Langem Alltag sind, aber für Saudi-Arabien fortschrittlich erscheinen, poliert Mohammed bin Salman (bisweilen auch kurz MBS genannt) das Image des Golfstaats auf.
Vor allem setzt er auf die Frauenkarte.

Doch sogar für saudische Maßstäbe hat der Golfstaat im Jahr 2019 eine Art Höchststand erreicht und 184 Menschen hingerichtet, darunter 88 saudische Staatsbürger, 90 Ausländer und sechs Personen unbekannter Nationalität, hieß es in einer von der britischen Menschenrechtsorganisation Reprieve veröffentlichten Erklärung unter Berufung auf die Nachrichtenagentur Saudi Press Agency.

(* B P)

Human Rights Watch: Saudi Arabia: Unrelenting Repression

Positive Reforms for Women Tainted by Ongoing Arrests of Activists, Dissidents

Saudi authorities carried out a sweeping campaign of repression against independent dissidents and activists, including two waves of mass arrests, in 2019, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2020.
The arrests and harassment coincided with the most significant advancements for Saudi women in recent years, including removing travel restrictions for women 21 and over and granting women more control over civil status issues.
“Reforms for Saudi women do not whitewash the rampant harassment and detention of Saudi activists and intellectuals, including women’s rights activists, who simply expressed their views publicly or privately,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “If Saudi Arabia has any hope of rehabilitating its tattered image, the authorities should immediately release everyone they’ve locked away merely for their peaceful criticism.”

Saudi leaders, including Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, faced no meaningful justice during 2019 for abuses by state security agents over the past few years, including the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018 and the alleged torture of women’s rights advocates.
Dozens of Saudi dissidents and activists, including four prominent women’s rights defenders, remain in detention while they and others face unfair trials on charges tied solely to their public criticism of the government or peaceful human rights work. Mass arrests in April and November targeted over 20 Saudi intellectuals and writers.
As the leader of the coalition that began military operations against Houthi forces in Yemen on March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia has committed numerous violations of international humanitarian law.

In late July, Saudi Arabia’s Council of Ministers promulgated landmark amendments to three laws that will begin to dismantle the country’s discriminatory male guardianship system, including allowing women 21 and over to travel abroad and to obtain a passport without the approval of a male guardian. The reforms also included important advances for women on civil status issues, allowing women to register their children’s births with the civil status office, which was previously restricted to fathers or paternal relatives. Changes to the Labor Law introduced a new protection against discrimination in employment on the basis of sex, disability, or age.

(B P)

Video showing #Saudi Monarchy sniper shooting photo journalist #ZuhajrAlSaeed while he was documenting the @Awamya #Qatif protests. Sad that none of the press protection organization recognized his ultimate sacrifice.

cp9 USA

(B P)

Deeply concerning: @USAinKSA seems to be ignoring rights of #American hostages in #Saudi prisons، according to a leading human rights activist @abo1fares.

referring to

(* B P)

Declassified FBI bulletin says Saudi officials help their citizens flee US legal issues

The FBI believes that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia officials "almost certainly" help their US-based citizens flee the country to avoid legal issues, according to a recently declassified intelligence bulletin.

The document was released by Sen. Ron Wyden's office Friday. The Oregon Democrat introduced a bill to declassify information on Saudi activity in the US that became law in December.

"I am shocked and appalled at what this memo describes," he tweeted. "The Trump administration is out of excuses for sitting on its hands while the Saudi government helps these fugitives evade justice."

There is at least one recent example of a Saudi citizen fleeing prosecution in the senator's home state.

(A P)

An American family--mother, father and six of their seven children--are stuck in Saudi Arabia while the father faces charges that the U.S. says have no merit.

“President Trump has never spoken publicly of his case, leaving his son wondering why he has not received the same attention from the White House as other Americans detained abroad.”

(A P)

Secretary Pompeo: Thankful that His Eminence Ayatollah Sistani underwent successful surgery today in #Iraq. My prayers are extended along with the millions of Iraqis to whom he is a source of guidance and inspiration. May God grant him a speedy recovery and long life.

Comments: Pompeo, who has used “the Ayatollahs” as a derogatory term for Iran’s ruling class for years, now prays to God for the health of an Iraqi Ayatollah.

Imagine a world where U.S. leaders talk about “rolling back the Catholic cross” and “putting the bishops on notice,” until we want Mexico’s help and start praying for the health of the Archbishop of Mexico City.

When you use the religious title “Ayatollah” as a derogatory term for years, then suddenly praise the most prominent person holding that title? That is not NORMAL. I call it “Rapture Fever” He has it.

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

(** B P)

Die Eroberung der arabischen Welt durch NGOs

Regierungen mächtiger Staaten, insbesondere der USA, machen sich andere Staaten nicht nur durch militärische Macht und politischen und wirtschaftlichen Druck gefügig. Nicht zu unterschätzen ist die „Soft Power“, die unter anderem im Gewand von Nichtregierungsorganisationen auftritt. Im Laufe der letzten 20 Jahre hat die Verbreitung „zivilgesellschaftlicher” Gruppen die politische Kultur so verändert, dass es westlichen kolonialen Interessen dient, meint As`ad AbuKhalil auf „Consortium News“.

(* A K P)

Abgeschossener Jet: Iran will Flugschreiber selbst auswerten

Wer darf bei der Untersuchung des Flugzeugabschusses im Iran die Blackbox auswerten? Darum stritt das Land unter anderem mit der Ukraine und Kanada. Nun hat sich die Luftfahrtbehörde in Teheran festgelegt.

Der Iran will den Flugschreiber des abgeschossenen ukrainischen Flugzeug doch selbst auswerten. "Wir versuchen, die Blackbox hier im Iran zu analysieren", sagte der Direktor der für solche Untersuchungen zuständigen Abteilung der iranischen Zivilluftfahrt-Organisation, Hassan Rezaifar, am Sonntag der Nachrichtenagentur Irna. "Ansonsten sind unsere Optionen die Ukraine und Frankreich. Aber es wurde bisher keine Entscheidung getroffen, sie in ein anderes Land zu schicken." Z

(* A K P)

"Dann ganz plötzlich bumm": Trump schildert US-Angriff auf Soleimani

Wie ist die Tötung von Ghassem Soleimani abgelaufen? Bei einem Dinner hat Donald Trump jetzt Details darüber ausgeplaudert. Ein Fernsehsender veröffentlichte einen Tonbandmitschnitt davon.

(* B K P)

Das Lächeln der Killer

US-Präsident Trump ließ den iranischen General Kassem Soleimani per Drohnenbeschuss ermorden. Deutschland trägt Mitschuld daran, dass das Attentat gelang: Die „MQ9-Reaper“ wurde über die US-Relaisstation in Ramstein/Rheinland-Pfalz ferngesteuert (1). Das ist bei weitem nicht der einzige Umstand, den die Tagesschau der Öffentlichkeit vorenthielt. Der Großteil der Bundeswehrsoldaten im Irak wurde gerade noch rechtzeitig abgezogen, bevor die Regierung in Bagdad unseren „Ausbildungsunterstützern“ schmählich die Türe weist.

(* B K P)

Verbale Zündfunken

Die massenmedial verbreitete Kriegspropaganda der Eliten ebnet der großen Menschheitskatastrophe den Weg.

Der Konflikt der USA und Israels mit dem Iran, dem Irak und Syrien reicht über die Golfregion weit hinaus. Er bedroht die Zivilisation wie der Klimawandel, nur schneller. Die kriegerischen Handlungen der USA gegenüber dem Iran weisen neben wirtschaftlichen Interessen der USA in der Erdölregion am Golf auch globalstrategische Züge auf, etwa in der Konkurrenz mit China, aber auch im Zusammenhang mit dem US-Partner Saudi-Arabien.

Kriegsverbrechen wie mindestens die meisten der US-Drohnenangriffe in der Golfregion und weit darüber hinaus werden über die US-Basis Ramstein bei Kaiserslautern gesteuert. Auch der Völkerrechtsbruch der Ermordung des Iranischen Politikers und Strategen Sulaimani im Irak wurde von Deutschland aus begangen, wie Intercept mit einem Dokument belegt.

Die Führung der bei weitem größten Militärmacht der Erde kündigt somit weitere Kriegsverbrechen an, aus denen bei weiterer Eskalation ein Weltkrieg unter Beteiligung von Nuklearmächten werden kann: Sie gehen das Risiko eines Infernos ein, das sich zur finalen Katastrophe auswachsen kann.

(A P)

Freitagsgebet in Teheran - Chamenei beschwört Einheit und nennt Amerikaner "Clowns"

(A P)

Newsblog zum Iran-Konflikt: Iran-Führer Chamenei bezeichnet Trump als Clown

(* B P)

Atomabkommen mit Iran: USA erpressen die EU, das Abkommen sterben zu lassen

Die USA haben die EU-Staaten erpresst, den „Schlichtungsmechanismus“ zum Atomabkommen mit dem Iran zu aktivieren, was dann zum Ende des Abkommens führen wird.

Die USA wollen genau das seit fast zwei Jahren erreichen: Dass die EU sich den US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran anschließt. Und das haben die USA nun de facto erreicht, denn der Schlichtungsmechanismus wird genau dieses Ergebnis bringen.

Nun wurde bekannt, dass die EU keineswegs aus eigenem Antrieb diesen Schritt getan hat, sondern dass sie von den USA erpresst wurde: Entweder die EU löst dem Schlichtungsmechanismus aus, oder die USA führen hohe Zölle auf Autos ein. Und die EU ist eingeknickt.

Was im Spiegel aber nicht berichtet wird ist, dass der Schlichtungsmechanismus eine Einbahnstraße in Richtung neuer Sanktionen ist und vor allem, dass er bei der heutigen politischen Konstellation das sichere Ende des Atomabkommens bedeutet.

Die EU will das Abkommen retten, sollen die Menschen glauben und „Schlichtungsmechanismus“ klingt ja auch gut. Nur führt er eben in der heutigen Situation zwangsläufig zum Ende des Atomabkommens und die EU ist mit ihrer Aktivierung des Schlichtungsmechanismus der endgültige Totengräber des Atomabkommens.

dazu ausführlich auch

(* B P)

Streit um Iran-Atomabkommen Bundesregierung bestätigt US-Drohung mit Zöllen gegen Europa

Die Europäer haben im Atomstreit den Druck auf Iran erhöht. Nun bestätigt Berlin, dass die USA zuvor damit drohten, Zölle auf europäische Autos zu erheben. Die Opposition spricht von “Erpressbarkeit auf offener Bühne”.

Der Grünen-Außenpolitiker Omid Nouripour sagte dem SPIEGEL: "Die Bundesregierung kann nicht den Verdacht entkräften, dass die Drohung der Amerikaner zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt das Schlichtungsverfahren mit dem Iran ausgelöst hat." Die Bundesregierung zeige "ihre Erpressbarkeit auf offener Bühne".

Der FDP-Außenpolitiker Djir-Sarai hält die Ankündigung von Außenminister Maas, mit der Anrufung des Schlichtungsmechanismus das Atomabkommen bewahren zu wollen, für wenig glaubhaft: "Das ist der Einstieg in den Ausstieg, nur rechtlich eleganter als das, was Trump gemacht hat", so der Liberale.

(* B P)

Ob es nun eine Drohung seitens der Amerikaner gegeben hat oder nicht, spielt keine Rolle. Die USA begrüßen den sog. Schlichtungsprozess, weil sie dadurch eben das bekommen, was sie schon immer wollten. Ein endgültig totes Abkommen, da kann der deutsche Außenminister noch so verlogen argumentieren, das Verfahren sei dazu da, die Vereinbarung mit Iran zu retten.

Das Auslösen des Schlichtungsverfahrens suggeriert etwas, das es einfach nicht gibt. Nämlich die Chance auf eine Beilegung des Streits. Der kann aber nur dann beigelegt werden, wenn sich die europäischen Staaten an ihren Teil der Vereinbarung halten, also plötzlich das tun würden, was sie seit dem völkerrechtswidrigen Ausstieg der USA aus dem Abkommen unterlassen. Folglich dient der Schlichtungsmechanismus nur der Verschleierung. Wenn er, wie zu erwarten ist, scheitert, können Herr Maas und Co. dem Iran die Schuld zuweisen und die USA die volle Bandbreite der Sanktionen reaktivieren.

(* A P)

Drohte Amerika den Europäern wegen Iran?

Berlin weist Berichte zurück, die Europäer hätten nur aufgrund amerikanischer Drohungen die Schlichtung im Atomabkommen verlangt. Allerdings gab es wohl durchaus klare Hinweise aus Washington.

Die sich anbahnende Teileinigung mit Peking könnte das Weiße Haus veranlasst haben, im Iran-Konflikt gegenüber Europa eine Drohkulisse aufzubauen.

(* B K P)

Abgeschossenes Flugzeug: Die vorbildliche Transparenz des Iran

Im Fall des im Iran abgeschossenen Flugzeugs verhält sich der Iran vorbildlich, indem er nicht versucht, etwas zu vertuschen. Es gibt auch einige neue Erkenntnisse, von denen ich in deutschen Medien nicht gehört habe. Eine Zusammenfassung der aktuell bekannten Fakten.

(* B K P)

Irak fordert Abzug westlicher Truppen – Ist dem Westen doch egal!

Der Irak hat die westlichen Truppen aufgefordert, das Land zu verlassen. Aber die USA ignorieren die Forderung und drohen stattdessen mit massiven Sanktionen.

Der Irak hat die USA am 10. Januar aufgefordert, eine Delegation zu schicken, um den Truppenabzug zu planen und zu besprechen. Darauf haben die USA geantwortet, dass es da nichts zu besprechen gibt

Am 11. Januar äußerte sich Trump dazu. Er teilte bei Fox mit, dass der Irak im Falle eines Abzugs Entschädigung zu zahlen habe, weil die USA im Irak teure Militärbasen gebaut hätten. Er wies außerdem darauf hin, dass andere Staaten für die Anwesenheit der US-Truppen bezahlen, so bezahle Saudi-Arabien den USA dafür eine Milliarde pro Jahr. Auf die Frage, wie er eine Entschädigung des Irak bekommen wolle, antwortete Trump, in den USA seien ja irakische Guthaben in Höhe von 35 auf amerikanischen Konten.

Der Irak reagierte am 14. Januar und blieb bei seiner Entscheidung, man werde die Parlamentsentscheidung nicht widerrufen. Daran änderte auch der Bagdad-Besuch einer Vertreterin eines anderen US-Vasallen nichts. Die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin AKK besuchte am 15. Januar den Irak und „warb für eine Fortsetzung“ der Mission.

Auch die USA bleiben bei ihrer Position. Am 16. Januar verkündete ein Pentagon-Sprecher:

„Die US-Streitkräfte haben keine Pläne, den Irak zu verlassen. Wir führen noch Konsultationen mit der irakischen Seite. Wir wollen weiterhin ein Freund und Partner des souveränen und aufblühenden Irak sein. (…) Unser Ziel ist es jetzt, dass die Streitkräfte der USA in der Region und im Irak bleiben.“

Das muss man sich einmal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. Der Irak fordert die ausländischen Truppen auf, sein Land zu verlassen und denen ist das völlig egal, aber die USA reden dabei in einem Atemzug von dem „souveränen Irak“.

Was der Westen hier macht, ist mal wieder ein Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht – von Thomas Röper

(* B E P)

Nur so eine Idee

Instex: Eine europäische Tauschbörse sollte die Iran-Sanktionen aushebeln. Umgesetzt wurde nichts

(* B P)

Film: Autor im Gespräch – Michael Lüders „Armageddon im Orient. Wie die Saudi-Connection den Iran ins Visier nimmt“

Anmerkung CG:Unterricht in Sachen Geopolitik und Geschichte über den Orient und darüber hinaus, wie gewohnt sehr niveauvoll und klug – Stand November 2019 – deshalb geht die Analyse “nur” bis zu den Aramco-Anschlägen in Saudi-Arabien und enthält noch nicht die aktuelle Eskalation zwischen USA und Iran und der Ermordung des iranischen Generals Soleimani durch US-Drohnen

(B P)

Soleimanis “untold facts”
Soleimani gab der Webseite des iranischen Staatsoberhaupts im letzten Herbst ein Interview. Heute kann es als sein politisches Testament gelesen werden

dazu aber auch

(B K P)

Leserbriefe zur medialen Darstellung des Soleimani-Mords

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

(** B P)

THE ANGRY ARAB: The NGO Invasion of the Arab World

Over the past 20 years the outbreak of “civil-society” groups has changed the political culture in ways that serve Western colonial interests

During the last few decades the number of Western-supported NGOs has substantially increased in all Arab countries. In 2015, the Palestinian prime minister estimated that the West spent $800 million on funding 2882 NGOs in the West Bank alone.

This investment has brought good returns to Western governments in the form of significant changes in the dominant political culture – by As`ad AbuKhalil

(B P)

This video is making the rounds on social media of #Soleimani and his grandson. #Iran carefully shaped his image in life and continues to do so in death.

(* A P)

Iran warns of leaving NPT if nuclear case goes to UN

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said that if Britain, France, and Germany continue their unjustifiable conduct and move to send Iran’s nuclear case to the United Nations Security Council, Tehran would have the option of leaving the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

(A P)

Leader: Iran's appeal as model of resistance angers US

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the Iranian nation’s independence, resistance and refusal to submit to bullying angers the United States.

(A P)

General Soleimani inspires resistance even after martyrdom: Iran FM

(A P)

Iran’s foreign minister cancels attendance at Davos summit

(A P)

E3 cannot logically activate JCPOA dispute settlement mechanism: Iran Deputy FM

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas says the three European signatories to Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), cannot logically activate the deal’s dispute settlement mechanism, because Iran has already done that.

(A K P)

Bodies of 11 Ukrainians killed in Iran plane crash sent home


Iran says it is preparing for satellite launch

(A P)

Trump tells Iran’s supreme leader to be ‘careful with his words’

My comment: When Trumps tells (to heaven knows whom) to be ‘careful with his words’: LOL LOL.

(* A P)

Iran to Reconsider IAEA Cooperation If EU Behaves Unfairly: Larijani

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned that in case of unfair behavior of the European parties to the 2015 nuclear deal, the Islamic Republic will take “a serious decision” on its ongoing cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

(A P)

Mass protest in Iraq against presence of foreign occupation troops

(* A K P)

Iran backtracks on plan to send flight recorders to Ukraine

Hassan Rezaeifar was quoted by the state-run IRNA news agency as saying “the flight recorders from the Ukrainian Boeing are in Iranian hands and we have no plans to send them out.”

(* A K P)

Iran to send flight recorders from downed jet to Ukraine

Hassan Rezaeifer, the head of accident investigations for the civil aviation department, said it was not possible to read the black boxes in Iran, without elaborating. He said French, American and Canadian experts would help analyze them in Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital.

(A K P)

350,000 troops take part in region’s ‘biggest ever military exercises’ in Saudi desert

Twenty nations in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, including the UAE, took part in the last day of the so-called 'Northern Thunder' manoeuvres, which began 12 days ago.

Taking place near Hafr Al Batin city in northeastern Saudi Arabia, the manoeuvres are the “most important and largest in the region’s history”, according to Saudi authorities.

Authorities have released few details of the extent of the exercises, but Brig Gen Al Assiri said they were aimed at preparing to tackle the region’s “terrorist menace” and were not directed against Iran.

(* B E P)

A prolonged US-Iran confrontation may spark a new economic crisis in the Middle East

The threat of all-out war between Iran and the United States may be receding for now. But the prospect of more US sanctions and the underlying economic deterioration of the entire Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region remain a threat to stability and peace inside Iran and among its many unstable neighbors, posing dangers to the global economy.

Civil war continues to grip Libya, Syria, and Yemen, while profound social discontent runs through Algeria, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon. The deteriorating economic outlook in many advanced and emerging-market economies deepens the threat, but the region is also afflicted by widening income and wealth inequality, high youth unemployment, lack of economic diversification, and climate change.

(A K P)

Imran Khan: War in the Middle East will be ‘disastrous’ for Pakistan

(* B K P)

Audio: Iraq: Caught in the Crossfire

How do Iraqis see the escalating tension between the U.S. and Iran?

"The war between the U.S. and Iran will be fought in Baghdad"

(* A K P)

6 F-35 jets were reportedly on Iran’s borders at time of plane crash: Russia

Acting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says there is unverified information that at least six American F-35 jets were “in the Iranian border area” at the time when Iran accidentally downed Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 last week.

“This information has yet to be verified, but I’d like to underline the edginess that always accompanies such situations,” he said on Friday.

Lavrov stressed that it was important to understand the context of the incident, which occurred as Iran was on very high alert after retaliating against Washington’s assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

“There is information that the Iranians were expecting another attack from the United States after the strike but did not know what form it might take,” Lavrov said.

The Russian foreign minister added that he was not trying to excuse anyone for the incident.

(A P)

Mass Rallies in All Iranian Cities Supporting Leadership in Facing Challenges

(A P)

[Iran] Defense Minister Cautions Enemies Not to Test Iran’s Resolve

(A P)

Russia’s foreign minister slams ‘aggressive’ US policies

(A P)

Imam Khamenei: IRGC’s Quds Force Knows No Frontiers, Supports Oppressed People

(A P)

[Iranian] Leader details “Days of God”, says the US disgraced itself

(A P)

Iran’s top leader strikes defiant tone amid month of turmoil

(* B P)

‘Days of God’: A look at Iran’s mounting crises

(* B K P)

New Iran revelations suggest Trump’s deceptions were deeper than we thought

Believe it or not, the Trump administration may not have been completely honest about its policy toward Iran and its rationale for the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Not that officials have offered a single explanation for why the assassination was carried out — their story has changed numerous times. But the justification they keep returning to is that intelligence indicated an “imminent" threat, that Soleimani was planning specific attacks against American interests and personnel, attacks that were so imminent that he had to be killed to stop them.

(* B K P)

Film: Trump vs. Iran: What Now?

Following the Trump administration’s assassination of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, tensions between the United States and Iran rose to the boiling point. On Monday, January 13, The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill moderated a discussion on the unfolding crisis in front of a live audience in New York, with Intercept’s senior columnist Mehdi Hasan, reporter Murtaza Hussain, national security editor Vanessa Gezari, and senior news editor Ali Gharib.
Why did Trump kill Suleimani, and what does this mean for Iran? What do we know about Suleimani from the leaked Iranian spy cables obtained by The Intercept? Will Trump’s current posture hold, or will he order more violence? What can the rest of us — especially the left and the anti-war movement — do to stop this dangerous conflict from re-escalating?

(* B P)

From 2017: The Levant; Search for a Regional Order

The rapid developments of recent years have drastically altered the political and economic landscapes of most countries in the Levant. Faced with a myriad of challenges, the (re)construction of a regional order in the region remains a highly complex and difficult proposition, one with, according to many observers, slim chances for success. This book explores various issues that would limit or encourage the efforts for reconstructing a regional order for the Levant.

This volume contains the accounts of the international seminar “The Levant: From Ancient Gateway to Modern Chaos – The Search for a Regional Order”, co-organized by the Regional Program SouthMediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the InternationalRelations Council of Turkey from 27-28 April, 2017

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Protest the ADS arms dealers dinner!

Every year, the UK arms trade holds a fancy black tie dinner at Grosvenor House Hotel in London.

On the 22nd January 2020, the Aerospace, Defence and Security dinner will bring arms dealers, MPs and military personnel together to schmooze, swill champagne, and feast on expensive food. At the same time, 14 million Yemeni people are at risk of famine, starved as a result of the Saudi-led coalition’s bombing of their country. Many of the bombs are made by the arms companies present, and have been sold with the support of the politicians in attendance.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)


Tatsächlich aber hat der Bundessicherheitsrat (BSR), dem unter der Leitung der Kanzlerin die Ressortchefs für Äußeres, Finanzen, Inneres, Justiz, Verteidigung, Wirtschaft und Energie sowie für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung angehören und dem die Genehmigungshoheit für Rüstungsexporte obliegt, 2019 mit 8,015 Milliarden Euro die bisherige Höchstmarke bewilligter Lieferungen ins Ausland aus dem Jahre 2015 (7,86 Milliarden Euro) noch übertroffen. Im Vergleich zu 2018 (4,824 Milliarden) – eine Steigerung um über 65 Prozent.

Laut dem Stockholmer Internationalen Friedensforschungsinstitut SIPRI lag die Bundesrepublik 2019 mit 6,4 Prozent Anteil an den globalen Rüstungsexporten auf Platz vier der Weltranglist

In ihren Koalitionsvertrag vom 12. März 2018 hatte sich die GroKo unter dem Stichwort Rüstungsexportpolitik geschrieben: „Wir werden ab sofort keine Ausfuhren an Länder genehmigen, solange diese unmittelbar am Jemen-Krieg beteiligt sind.“
Faktenlage: Mit Ägypten, 2019 mit 802 Millionen auf Platz drei der Empfängerländer bundesdeutscher Rüstungsgüter, und mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten VAE mit 257 Millionen auf Platz acht wurden zwei Mittäter in der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Kriegsallianz im Jemen weiterhin üppig bedient.

Zurück zum Koalitionsvertrag. Dort heißt es nicht zuletzt: „Wir schränken die Rüstungsexporte für Drittländer weiter ein, die weder NATO noch EU-Mitgliedsländer sind, noch diesen gleichgestellt.“
Faktenlage: Der BSR genehmigte 2019 für die sogenannten Drittländer Rüstungsgüter im Umfang von fast einer Milliarde Euro mehr als im Jahr zuvor. =

(A K P)

Film: Heike Hänsel, DIE LINKE: Schweigen der Regierung im Fall Soleimani ist politische Bankrotterklärung

(A K P)

Film: Sevim Dagdelen, DIE LINKE: US-Mordzentrale in Ramstein schließen

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Botschafter der EU und die französischen und niederländischen Botschafter treffen in Sanaa ein

(A P)

Al-Mashat empfängt den Botschafter der Europäischen Union und die Botschafter Frankreichs und der Niederlande

(A P)

Ministerpräsident erörtert mit Europäischen Union, Frankreichs und Niederlande Botschaftern der Lage im Jemen

(A P)

FM in Sana’a to EU Ambassador: Political Solution is Only Way to Stability in Yemen and Region

Foreign Minister, Hisham Sharaf, on Sunday, met European Union Ambassador to Yemen Hans Grundberg, French Ambassador Christian Testo, Netherlands Ambassador Irma Van Duorn and Deputy European Union Ambassador Counselor Ricardo Villa. The meeting was held in Sana'a. During the meeting, Minister Sharaf affirmed that the Supreme Political Council and the National Salvation Government are keen to take the path of a just and honorable peace and implement the Stockholm Agreement, which establishes steps for building mutual trust between the parties.

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] FM meets EU, France, Netherlands ambassadors to Yemen

(A P)

First ever top meeting between EU ambassadors and National Salvation Government of Yemen to take place

Ambassadors from EU, France and the Netherlands set to meet with Yemeni government in Sana'a

European Union Ambassador to Yemen Hans Grundberg, along with the Ambassador of France, Christian Testot, and the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Irma van Dueren have arrived in Sana’a today for a visit to Yemen.

They were welcomed at Sana’a International Airport by Faisal Saeed, Director General of Sana’a International Airport Khaled Al-Shayef and UNDP Representative to Yemen.

The three ambassadors are set to meet with officials of the National Salvation Government in order to discuss the situation in the country.

This is the first official visit for a Europe delegation visiting Yemen since the Saudi-led coalition started launching its war against Yemen in March 2015.

This visit comes as part of the EU’s continued engagement with Yemeni parties to encourage them to reach an inclusive political settlement.

(A P)

EU ambassadors visit Sana’a

The EU Ambassador to Yemen Hans Grundberg, together with the Ambassador of France, Christian Testot, and the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Irma van Dueren, are today commencing a mission to Sana’a as part of the EU continued engagement with Yemeni actors to encourage them to reach an inclusive political settlement. The EU seeks to encourage the ongoing de-escalation efforts and the resumption of intra-Yemeni political talks, under the auspices of the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths.

This mission follows last week’s consultations in Aden with the Government of Yemen and other key actors for the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

(* B P)

Mohammed bin Zayed’s Dark Vision of the Middle East’s Future

The first thing to be noted is that to the extent that the future of the Persian Gulf and the broader Middle East look grim, M.B.Z. has so far been part of the problem, not part of the solution.

M.B.Z. was drawing criticism from human rights groups and diplomats for his military’s role in Yemen and Libya. Even some of M.B.Z.’s admirers in diplomatic circles say that he can be too absolutist and that he has waded too deep into conflicts whose outcomes he cannot control.

In Libya, M.B.Z.’s government has armed and supported the forces of Gen. Khalifa Hifter against the U.N.-recognized government there, in direct violation of a U.N. arms embargo.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) arbitrarily detains and in some cases forcibly disappears individuals who criticize the authorities. . . [it] plays a leading role in the Saudi-led coalition which has carried out scores of unlawful attacks in Yemen, some likely war crimes. The UAE was implicated in detainee abuse at home and abroad. Labor abuses . . . persist. Migrant construction workers face serious exploitation.”

Domestically, M.B.Z. runs a sophisticated surveillance state that brooks no opposition in word or in deed, jailing critics and spying on citizens of the U.S., the U.K., the UAE and other nations.

Put much of his enormous resources into the counter-revolution, and he cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood and built a hyper-modern security-based state, where everyone is monitored in search of the slightest whiff of Islamic inclinations.

It appears that he was very confident in what could be done without American restrictions, and soon turned his attention to Libya, where he began providing military support to the former general, Khalifa Haftar, a tyrant who shares Bin Zayed’s feelings towards Islamists.

[S]ome Obama officials came to see him as a dangerous rogue actor. By the time Donald Trump was elected — offering him a more pliant partner — M.B.Z. was drawing criticism from human rights groups and diplomats for his military’s role in Yemen and Libya. Even some of M.B.Z.’s admirers in diplomatic circles say that he can be too absolutist and that he has waded too deep into conflicts whose outcomes he cannot control.

Yet M.B.Z. remains a rare figure in the Middle East: a shrewd, secular-leaning leader with a blueprint of sorts for the region’s future and the resources to implement it. For all his flaws, the alternatives look increasingly grim.

Comments: Finally read this profile that's gotten so much praise. Some interesting nuggets but, man, it really glosses over a lot of negatives and rather uncritically embraces MbZ's view of the region.

As a UAE-based reporter, attending MBZ’s majlis was part of my beat. I was well-immersed in the narratives presented by MBZ here, I had absorbed them. In reality: the UAE has been engaged in bloodshed throughout the region in pursuit of a dark & failing fixation — not a vision.

The UAE-backed Madkhalis are no better than the Islamists it’s fighting. That is *central* to the profile’s thesis, but left out. Why does a person who sees Islamists as a problem actively supports the single most sectarian faction within Wahhabism? Now armed in Yemen & Libya!

(* B P)

Is Mohammed bin Zayed a Bad Influence on U.S. Foreign Policy?

UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed – popularly known as M.B.Z. — is less well known than his infamous Saudi counterpart Mohammed bin Salman, but he may end up having far more influence on the future of the Middle East. The question is, how will he use that influence, and are his preferred policies ultimately in the interests of either the United States or the people of the region?

The first thing to be noted is that to the extent that the future of the Persian Gulf and the broader Middle East look grim, M.B.Z. has so far been part of the problem, not part of the solution. He is a dictator, after all, and he has used his country’s military and financial resources to thwart the emergence of democratic tendencies in the region, all under the guise of fighting Islamic extremism.

Domestically, M.B.Z. runs a sophisticated surveillance state that brooks no opposition in word or in deed, jailing critics and spying on citizens of the U.S., the U.K., the UAE and other nations.

M.B.Z.’s influence extends well beyond the borders of the UAE. He joined with Saudi Arabia to promote the coup that brought Egypt’s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to power.

In Libya, M.B.Z.’s government has armed and supported the forces of Gen. Khalifa Hifter against the U.N.-recognized government there, in direct violation of a U.N. arms embargo.

And although M.B.Z. has partially reduced his nation’s direct presence in Yemen, the UAE continues to have close relationships with militias and separatist groups that have engaged in torture, killed civilians, and helped drive that country to the brink of famine.

The U.A.E.’s military adventurism has been enabled by the United States, which has offered that nation over $27 billion in weaponry over the past decade, including everything from F-16 combat aircraft and Apache attack helicopters to thousands of armored vehicles and tens of thousands of bombs and missiles.

One reason the UAE has escaped greater criticism is that it has one of the most powerful lobbies in Washington, as my colleague Ben Freeman of the Center for International Policy’s Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative (FITI) has documented in an October 2019 report.

Although it is not at all clear that the Trump administration will take it, the United States now has an opening to use its relationship with the UAE to promote peace in the region.

The United States should condition any further arms, aid, or training on improvements in the UAE’s dismal human rights record at home and a reining in of its military adventurism abroad. M.B.Z. is indeed influential, but it remains to be seen whether he will use that influence in a constructive fashion or promote repression and strife, as he has for much of the past decade – by William Hartung

(* B P)

WikiLeaks reveals Bin Zayed’s opinion on Saudi royal family

A new telegram published on the WikiLeaks website, an international non-profit website specialising in publishing confidential documents, revealed the concerns of the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed Bin Zayed, over the ruling family in Saudi Arabia.

The telegram, also published by The New York Times, announced in a lengthy report that Bin Zayed had informed the US ambassador, James Jeffrey, that he fears Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia and wants to eliminate it.

The New York Times reported that the crown prince of Abu Dhabi: “Considered the Saudi royal family during the reign of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud as helpless; however, he was afraid that the alternative would be an authoritarian and Wahhabi state similar to ISIS.” He further stated: “Anyone who replaces Al Saud will be a nightmare.”

The telegram disclosed that Bin Zayed soon focused on the current crown prince, Mohammed Bin Salman: “Who was impatient for introducing reforms in order to reduce Saudi Arabia’s attachment to radical Islam, and marketed his vision to the administration of US President Donald Trump.”

(* A K P)

France deploys radar system in Saudi Arabia to 'reassure' kingdom

France has deployed a radar system on the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia to beef up its ally’s defenses after missile attacks on the kingdom’s oil infrastructure in September, French officials said.

Paris has blamed Iran for carrying out the drone and missile attack

“In the Arabian Peninsula and Arab-Persian Gulf, where tensions are mounting, we have deployed in record time the Jaguar Task Force, which contributes to reassuring the Saudi kingdom,” President Emmanuel Macron said in a speech to the French military late on Thursday.

The initiative had not been announced until now.

French officials said a radar system as part of the Jaguar Task Force mission had been deployed on the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia facing the Gulf. They declined to give further details.

My comment: What an absurd thing is this?? The French army „defends“ Saudi Arabia?? What for??

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

(* B K P)


Saudi Arabia wants to purchase Lockheed Martin’s F-35 stealth fighter jet. The aircraft is the most advanced fighter in the world, and it would give Riyadh a major military advantage in the Gulf. In addition, acquiring the F-35 would deepen its ties with Washington at a crucial moment.

The exact status of U.S.-Saudi talks on the possible release of the F-35 is unknown. Little in the way of official disclosure on this issue exists and there are only a small number of clues regarding any ongoing discussion on this issue. In 2017, Defense News reported that Saudi Arabia was seeking to purchase the F-35, citing unnamed officials who stated that “important progress” was being made. The absence of any official American disclosure regarding the status of such a possible sale should not prevent a discussion of this issue. By the time any formal U.S. response to an official Saudi request becomes public, it could be too late to prevent such a deal from going through.

The stakes of this potential sale are huge, and not just in Riyadh and Washington. Selling Saudi Arabia the F-35 would undercut Israel’s qualitative military edge. Maintaining this advantage is a vital security concern for Israel and a key part of American strategy in the Middle East. What’s more, Riyadh doesn’t need the fifth-generation fighter to deter or defeat Iran in any conceivable conflict. American concerns that Saudi Arabia will turn to Russia or China for advanced fighters are overblown.

There are three major disadvantages to releasing the F-35 to Saudi Arabia. It could raise the potential risk of possible long-term regional entanglement costs for the United States, undermine Israel’s qualitative military edge, and symbolize U.S. endorsement for Saudi regional and domestic policies.

The Saudi military campaign in Yemen has complicated the U.S.-Saudi military relationship.


Saudi Arabia has more than enough airpower to deter or defeat Iran. In a crisis, it would hardly go it alone against Tehran without American or Israeli participation. With the F-35 in its possession, Riyadh may be tempted to become more emboldened and entangle the United States in its conflicts.

It’s not too late to oppose the F-35 sale to Saudi Arabia. As long as the United States and Saudi Arabia continue to discuss the possible release of the F-35 behind closed doors, opposing such a potential sale can be effective. Israel should make its case to Washington that selling Riyadh F-35s would ultimately undermine Israeli and American interests – by Shimon Arad, retired colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B E P)

Government of Yemen: Economical-Social Updates Bulletin in Yemen, Issue (45) October, 2019

The Depreciation of the Yemeni Currency Aggravates the Suffering of Yemenis


This YSEU Issue for October, 2019, aims at providing the readership with more precise data and information on the socioeconomic and humanitarian indicators based on the diagnosis and analysis of the socio-economic issues using scientific practical techniques and methodologies such as SWOT and SMART analysis methods.

This report focuses on the analysis of the exchange rate fluctuations and their socio-economic implications. Failure to adequately prepare for addressing the humanitarian and food needs amid the ongoing war, and respond to foreign exchange requirements to provide food is a contributing factor to famine, affecting all dimensions of food security.

Executive Summary

The steady decline in the foreign exchange rate (Yemeni Riyal devaluation) in 2019 has led to spiraling inflation, thus exacerbating the humanitarian crisis of Yemeni households. The foreign exchange rate deteriorated during September 2019 to YER 602/USD, recording an increase of 2.9% compared to last month, and 180% compared to the pre-crisis period, February 2015.This deterioration of the exchange rate has resulted in multiple acute threats to the basic food and non-food commodity prices as the 2. 9% increase of the US Dollar exchange rate has ramped up the price of the Survival/Minimum Food Basket (MFB) to YER 37,421, which is 1.7% higher than last month, and 115% higher than the pre-crisis rate.

The foreign exchange rate has significantly affected the retail prices of food and basic commodities. Wheat grain and flour prices increased by 3.1% and 5% respectively in September 2019, higher than the exchange rate deterioration levels, and by114.6 % and 97.9 %, higher than the rates prior to February 2015.

With the exchange rate collapse, food insecurity increases. Citizens become vulnerable to food insecurity when they are unable to purchase basic food commodities owing to the soaring prices. Yemen is on the brink of famine. According to the latest Integrated Food Insecurity Phase Classification (IPC) analysis as of January 2019, a total of 20.1 million Yemenis are currently food insecure; of these, 9.6 severely insecure. For the first time, catastrophic hunger hot spots were identified in 45 districts where 238,000 people are at risk of starvation.

The effects of the deterioration of exchange rates and the rapid depreciation of the Yemeni Riyal during January-September 2019 were reflected in the prices of social services, including water, sanitation, education, health and solar energy, leading to increased poverty in society.

The humanitarian assistance provided by the UN specialized agencies, several countries, international organizations and the Saudi Arabia's deposit to deal with the humanitarian crisis in Yemen are one of the key factors that helped mitigate the depreciation in the national currency and the exchange rate.

(* A E)

Yemenis feeling isolated after 10-day internet blackout

The cuts near Yemen had an impact on the internet connection in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Ethiopia and elsewhere.
The Public Telecommunication Corporation and Yemen International Telecommunications (TeleYemen), based in the Houthi-held capital of Sanaa, announced that more than 80 per cent of the country’s international internet capacities was out of service.
TeleYemen has been able to restore some connections by routing the internet through Oman’s Omantel to their undersea hook-up, but the main lines are yet to be fixed.
In the meantime, banks, exchange shops, internet cafes and printing centres remain closed. Many of the country’s 28 million people have been unable to get online.

(B E P)

Yemen Government Spending

Government Spending in Yemen decreased to 543268000 YER THO in 2016 from 595566444.67 YER THO in 2015. Government Spending in Yemen averaged 579896974.05 YER THO from 1989 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 870661967.60 YER THO in 2012 and a record low of 256110521.43 YER THO in 1989.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

(* B P)

Outrage Culture Is Ruining Foreign Policy

As the 2020 presidential campaign heats up, U.S. politics is getting harder and harder to explain to the rest of the world.

There are already countries in the Middle East that elites in the United States tend to view through their own ideological prisms. As I wrote last summer: Egypt, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are “red” in the sense that Republicans tend to be—or are perceived to be—more supportive of these governments than Democrats. In turn, Iran, the 2015 nuclear deal, and Palestine are—or are perceived to be—“blue” given that Democrats tend to support engagement with the Iranians, back the nuclear agreement, and express sympathy with the Palestinians in greater numbers than Republicans. This state of affairs, I argued, was not a positive development. Looking back, I was a bit too Pollyannish for fear of giving offense—it is actually ludicrous, moronic, and dangerous.

In Washington these days there is no conversation or debate about foreign policy; there is only politics.

My comment: This certainly is true. But continuing the article, you realize: What matters are just “US interests” – or what the author thinks “US interests” should be. Thus, even the Saudi slaughter in Yemen is valued by “US interests”.

(A P)

While famine threatens thousands of Yemenis, Houthis weep Soleimani’s death

The United Nations (UN) says that Yemen’s humanitarian crisis remains the worst in the world primarily due to the Houthis’ rebels’ starvation-policy and defiance to implementation of the UN resolutions on Yemen.

International organizations say that millions of people in the Houthis-held areas have nothing to eat and majority of households have been forced to have only one meal per day.

Yet, the Houthis show no signs of responsibility towards this misery and suffering, a journalist of the Houthis state-run Saba News Agency in Sana’a said.

The journalist who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons, said that officials of the Houthis group have not realized yet that is them who brought this catastrophe.

My comment: Propaganda turning things upside down. “Starvation policy” = Saudi coalition blockade and deliberate targeting of agriculture and infrastructure.

(A P)

[Hadi government] Info. Minister calls on UK, EU to designate Houthi militia as a terrorist movement

Information Minister Muammar Al-Iryani called on the UK government and European Union to designate Houthi militia as a terrorist movement and freeze its assets.

Al-Iryani said the Houthi militia is an important arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Tehran tools in the region that threatens the security of neighboring countries and the safety of maritime in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab.

My comment: This is mere propaganda. It’s war, stupid, the Houthis are a party of war. Of course, it could be serious to call all acts of war “terrorism”. Then please designate as “terrorists” all parties involved in war(s), not just in Yemen, but anywhere. This would be an option. Then start by the war force No. 1 with its 800 military bases and work down to the Houthis and beyond.

(A P)

Al-Awwad: KSA [Kingdom of Saudi Arabia] Welcomes Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights with the UN Bodies, Committees and Mechanisms

Dr. Awwad bin Saleh Al-Awwad, President of the Human Rights Commission (HRC), affirmed that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has welcomed cooperation in the field of human rights with the various bodies, committees and mechanisms of the United Nations, particularly the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
This came during his meeting with Director of Field Operations and Technical Cooperation for the UN Human Rights Office, Georgette Gagnon.

(A P)

Doppelte Standards

Die Reaktion der Linken auf den US-Angriff auf den iranischen General ist erwartbar. Ihr antiimperialistisches Narrativ ist kurzsichtig. (…)
Wenn Linke das militärische Vorgehen der USA anprangern, zu Iran aber schweigen, dann sind das doppelte Standards. Als 2018 iranische Revolutionsgarden einen Raketenangriff auf eine Veranstaltung der Demokratischen Partei Kurdistan-Iran (DPKI) in der irakisch-kurdischen Stadt Koya verübten und 17 Menschen starben, war das Teilen der Linken keinen Hashtag, keinen Aufschrei wert.!5652548/

dazu: Anmerkung unseres Lesers J.A.:Verstehe ich das richtig: wer den Drohnen-Mord an Soleimani verurteilt (z. B. als extralegal und völkerrechtswidrig, oder weil man das Töten von Menschen generell ablehnt) und die USA dafür anklagt, ist ein Antiimperialist (anscheinend was ganz Schlimmes) und nicht in der Lage zu sehen, daß der Iran im Allgemeinen und Soleimani im Besonderen gleichfalls militärische Interessen vertreten, kriegsführende Parteien und Menschen ermorden? Mit anderen Worten findet es Othmann völlig gerechtfertigt, Generäle und (vermutliche) Mörder einfach so ohne Anklage und Gerichtsverfahren umzubringen?

(B P)

Saudi Foreign Ministry: #SaudiWomen.. Effective leadership & workforce (image)

Comment: Saudi Arabia does not have one woman Governor or Mayor. No women serve as college presidents (exclusive of female colleges). It's still an all-male club.

(A P)

Iran's influence in Yemen after Soleimani .. The Houthis between containment and retaliation for the General

highlights Iran's influence in Yemen after the killing of Qassem Soleimani, commander of the "Quds Force" of the Revolutionary Guards, who is described as the first planner of the Iranian influence strategy, which resulted in the building of armed militias, including the Houthi group that controls the Yemeni capital, Sana’a. Qassem Soleimani, when talking about confrontation with the United States, has always referred to the Strait of Bab al-Mandab, the Red Sea and oil installations in the Gulf. Oil installations, ports and airports for Saudi Arabia and the UAE has already been targeted. Soleimani believes that Yemen is the real war for Iran without exorbitant costs. Before his death, Soleimani supervised the smuggling of air defense system to the Houthis. The killing of Soleimani is a major turning point that may be reflected in the security of the Gulf and Yemen, and the Houthis are preparing to target the vital installations of the Gulf in case Iran chooses the confrontation scenario, as they seek to return to the south to control the Strait of Bab al-Mandab.

and also

My remark: This is by a Yemeni Hadi government aligned think tank.

(A P)

The new Red Sea alliance has been borne out of an urgent necessity

At a time when the countries located on Bab El Mandab are either being wooed by faraway countries, or falling prey to Iranian-sponsored violence, Gulf nations are concerned about the protection of vital mutual interests

This push for safety is being challenged by malevolent states and dangerous militias. The Iran-backed Houthis have allowed Tehran to establish a foothold in the Red Sea, pushing the Saudi-led Arab coalition to defend its interests and that of its allies. The group aims to defend Yemen’s internationally-recognised government and curb Iran’s malign influence.

(A P)

LILLEY: Shame on those who support a dead terrorist over democracies

At what point does your moral compass become so warped that your hatred for America actually sees you embrace or stand with terrorist groups?

This isn’t a theoretical question in Canada these days, especially after protests this weekend over the American killing of Iranian general and terrorist Qasem Soleimani.

(A P)

Assa’adi: Houthi militia’s refusal to implement Sweden Agreement proves it isn’t seriously seeking to peace

(A P)

Merkwürdige Wahrnehmungen

Die USA seien in erster Linie schuld an der „Eskalation” mit dem Iran, dessen Zeugen wir die Tage sind. Das sagen sich selbst zu Nahost-Experten erklärende „neutrale Beobachter“ wie Michael Lüders. Eine derartige Fehleinschätzung ist in meinen Augen skandalös. Warum? Hier einige Punkte zum Nachdenken:

Interessanterweise weiß fast jeder Deutsche, was der IS für eine mörderische Ideologie vertritt, jedoch ist gleichzeitig kaum jemandem bekannt, wie es um die mörderische Expansions-Ideologie der schiitisch-islamischen Republik Iran bestellt ist.,7,5022471.html

(A P)

The Middle East Isn’t Worth It Anymore

With few vital American interests still at stake there, the U.S. should finally set aside its grandiose ambitions for the chaotic region.

Last week, despite Donald Trump’s repeated pledge to end American involvement in the Middle East’s conflicts, the U.S. was on the brink of another war in the region, this time with Iran. If Iran’s retaliation for the Trump administration’s targeted killing of Tehran’s top commander, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, had resulted in the deaths of more Americans, Washington was, as Mr. Trump tweeted, “locked and loaded” for all-out confrontation.

Why does the Middle East always seem to suck the U.S. back in? – by Martin Indyk

Comment: Ok, if Martin Indyk is calling for a US withdrawal from the Middle East, you know the case for staying is weak.

My comment: He certainly is right that the US should retreat from there. But be aware, the only thing which matters is “vital American interests”. If these “interest” would mean killing 3 to 4 million people, well, let’s kill them. As the US did in the last 30 years.

(A P)

Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K)

Saudische Allianz bombardiert jemenitische Hafenstadt Hudaida

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition hat im Jemen rund um die umkämpfte Hafenstadt Hudaida mehrere Ziele der Huthi-Milizen angegriffen.

Dabei seien in Morgengrauen vor allem Produktionsstätten von Sprengstoffbooten und Seeminen angegriffen worden, berichtete die saudische Agentur SPA. Zuvor sei ein ferngelenktes Sprengstoffboot zerstört worden, hieß es weiter ohne Ortsangabe. Die Boote und Minen stellten eine Bedrohung für die internationale Schifffahrt im südlichen Teil des Roten Meeres dar.

More Saudi coalition air raids:

Jan. 20:, Sanaa p., Marib p.

Jan. 19: Sanaa p.

Jan. 18:, Sanaa p.

Jan. 17: Saada p. Sanaa p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b, cp1c

(* B K)

Fighting rage nn East Marib & Nehm as Houthis attempted to push towards AlJawf junction. A strategic location,the Junction connects Marib with Jawf & Sanaa. #Yemen govt forces regained control of junction n early 2016. Along with Saturday's attack, this is a major escalation (map)

(A K pH)

Ein Mädchen wurde durch einen saudischen Raketenangriff auf Saada verletzt

(A K pH)

Zwei Zivilisten wurden durch das Feuer der saudischen Grenzwache in Saada verletzt

(A K pS)

MASAM Removes 4,000 Houthi Mines, Explosives in 3 Weeks

Engineering teams of the Saudi Project for Landmines Clearance in Yemen (MASAM) have removed since the beginning of Jan. 4,141 mines and unexploded ordnance, Program Manager Osama al-Gosaibi said.
Gosaibi added that the teams cleared during the third week 1,286 mines, unexploded ordnance and explosive devices, 354 anti-tank mines and 11 anti-personnel mines.

(B K P)

[Hadi ] Government: Houthis targeted 76 mosques

Ahmed Al-Atyya, Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs, said that the Houthis militia has so far targeted 76 mosques since they seized the power in late September 2014.

He explained that when the Houthis target a mosque, they set it on detonation or change the building into arms stockpile or a place for gathering to their militants when chewing qat narcotic leaves.


(B K P)

Houthis Have Targeted 76 Mosques in Yemen

My remark: As claimed by the Saudis and their Yemeni puppets. But they better should shut up in this point: In Nov. 2019, after 1700 days of Saudi interference, Saudi coalition air raids had destroyed and damaged 953 mosques:

(A K pH)

In Sa'ada, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih district.

(A K)

Saudi Arabia explosion: Ballistic missile fired at residential area intercepted

Saudi Arabia's air defence system took out a missile over the southern city of Najran after it was fired by Houthi rebels located just over the border in Yemen, a day after a military base attack left over 70 dead

Residents reported hearing a loud explosion over the south-western city of Najran, which is close to the border with Yemen, as the kingdom's air defence system took out the missile.

Photos posted on social media show a large cloud of smoke in the sky.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(A D)

Hadhramout continues to host Yemeni football league matches despite war

Eight clubs from various Yemeni governorates are participating in the tournament, which started on Jan. 12 in Hadhramout's capital Seiyun

(* C)

Jerusalem exhibition unveils rich history of Yemenite Jewry

Titled 'Yemen: From Sheba to Jerusalem', On display are numerous rare artifacts, some of which have never been seen by the public before, as well as manuscripts, jewelry, clothing and photographs

A new exhibition in Jerusalem traces the rich history and culture of the Jews of South Arabia, or modern-day Yemen, once home to a thriving community for thousands of years.

“[This exhibit] really brings to light civilizations that are unknown not only here in Israel but maybe in the entire world because Yemen is not an area that was properly excavated and researched like Mesopotamia and Egypt –the famous lands of the Bible,” Kaplan asserted. “There [were] very, very few expeditions mainly in the 50s and 60s because of the political situation in Yemen, which is [ongoing].


(A P)

Photos: Anti-War Graffiti in Yemen

(A D)

Holiday Check: Pauschalreisen Jemen

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-616 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-616: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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