Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 619b- Yemen War Mosaic 619b

Yemen Press Reader 619b: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 619: cp9-cp18 / Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 619: cp9-cp18

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 619, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 619, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B P)

This Man Is Trump's Biggest Problem in the Middle East

The United States has a big problem in the Middle East. His name: Mohammed Bin Salman.

We shouldn’t expect Saudi Arabia to act any differently from the region’s other authoritarian powers.

But this is, in fact, the point: Saudi Arabia is not special. Indeed, it is wholly unremarkable, yet one more despotic government in a sea of despotic governments. Ever since Mohammed Bin Salman ascended to the role of defense minister in 2015 (and arguably before that), the Saudis have been just as much of a destabilizing influence to the regional order as Iran has.

The Trump administration specifically and Washington, in general, have been walking on eggshells with the Saudi monarchy for a very long time. U.S. officials are reticent to offend the royal court, fearful that the Saudis will bolt from the U.S. camp and switch their allegiance to Russia and China. The fact those fears are wildly exaggerated (Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are fickle partners) is lost time and again.

Of course, nobody is recommending a rupture in the U.S.-Saudi relationship. That course of action would be counterproductive, not least because Washington and Riyadh do share interests in the counterterrorism and energy space.

But it would be refreshing if somebody in the White House understood the basic dynamic of U.S.-Saudi relations. Riyadh is not the senior partner in this relationship. Saudi Arabia needs the United States far more than the United States needs Saudi Arabia.

Until this premise is accepted in Beltway circles, Washington risks misunderstanding just how minimal U.S. interests in the Middle East are and just how unwise, unnecessary and reckless it is to always jump to Saudi Arabia’s defense – by Daniel DePetris

(* B P)

Dems seek to shield Iran bills from Republican floor tactics

House Democrats are plotting their own procedural tricks to fend off GOP attempts to derail legislation targeting President Donald Trump’s war powers next week.

The House will vote next Thursday on a pair of measures — led by California Democrats Barbara Lee and Ro Khanna — that would further crack down on Trump’s ability to launch unilateral strikes on nations like Iran.

But Democrats have taken careful steps to avoid an embarrassing repeat of last year, when Republicans essentially forced the House into a do-over on a similar bill.

The fear is that Republicans would use a procedural vote — known as a motion to recommit — to split Democrats and force certain changes to the bill, as the GOP has successfully done on some of the most contentious measures of 2019.

(* B K P)

Audio: Noam Chomsky: Die USA sind ein Schurkenstaat & die Ermordung von Suleimani bestätigt dies

Der Beitrag stammt vom 7. Januar, ist aber ganz und gar nicht veraltet. Diesen Beitrag anzuhören, lohnt sich – wegen der klaren Einordnung der Vorgänge durch den Linguisten und wegen der vielen Details.

(* B K P)

The United States: a Record-Holder in Political Assassinations

The crowing by Donald Trump that he “terminated” the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, Major General Qaseem Soleimani, simply because Trump believed, mobster-style, that he had it coming, should remind the world that the United States government stands as the world’s record-holder in either directly carrying out or coordinating with other parties the assassination of political leaders, American and foreign.

In most cases in the past, assassinations ordered by the U.S. intelligence infrastructure had the veneer of “plausible deniability.” Even with the release of millions of formerly classified intelligence documents, the Central Intelligence Agency continues to manage to hide behind the plausible deniability façade. The recent order by Trump for the U.S. military to assassinate Soleimani was not only made public, but it also involved a major international assassination program that also successfully targeted Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the Iraqi commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF)

There is a big difference between assassinating Al Qaeda and Islamic State leaders and the commanders of government military forces of United Nations member states like Iran and Iraq.

President Ford enacted the first presidential order against foreign assassinations in 1976 after the CIA’s involvement in the assassinations of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem, Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo, Chilean President Salvador Allende, and other foreign officials became public. Exposed as a result of Senate, House of Representatives, and Rockefeller Commission investigations were repeated attempts by the CIA to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

(* A K P)

Poll: Many in US support Trump decision to kill Iran general

The poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research was taken about two weeks after the Jan. 3 strike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Iraq. It found that 41% of Americans approved of the action while 30% disapproved of it. The rest didn’t express an opinion either way

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

(** B P)

Der Iran-Deal – ein Abschiedsbrief

Das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran hätte als Meilenstein einer lösungsorientierten Diplomatie den Weg in eine friedlichere Zukunft weisen können. Mit seinem Ausstieg aus dem Iran-Deal im Mai 2018 setzte Donald Trump eine Eskalationsspirale in Gang, die die Welt so nahe an einen US-Iran-Krieg brachte wie zu keinem anderen Zeitpunkt in den 41 Jahren Spannungen beider Länder zuvor. Die europäischen Vertragsparteien genau wie China und Russland duckten sich weg und waren entweder nicht willens oder nicht in der Lage, dem Trumpschen Sanktionsregime etwas entgegenzusetzen. Vergangene Woche beschuldigten Deutschland, Großbritannien und Frankreich unter Artikel 36 des Deals den Iran offiziell des Vertragsbruchs und drängten Teheran so weiter in die Ecke – ein Schritt, der als letzter Sargnagel des so wichtigen Abkommens betrachtet werden sollte.

Vermeintlich als Reaktion auf diese fünfte und letzte Abkehr Teherans von den JCPOA-Auflagen verkündeten die Außenminister Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Großbritanniens in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung am 14. Januar schließlich unter Berufung auf denselben Artikel 36 des JCPOA, den Streitschlichtungsmechanismus auszulösen und Teheran so weiter in die Ecke, weiter in die Handlungsunfähigkeit zu drängen. Die iranische Argumentation, aufgrund der unterstellten europäischen Nicht-Erfüllung des Deals seinerseits Artikel 36 zu bemühen, „akzeptieren wir nicht“, so die drei Außenminister, die weiter erklären, sie hätten „unermüdlich auf eine Förderung des legitimen Handels mit Iran hingearbeitet, auch durch die Zweckgesellschaft INSTEX“. (INSTEX ist ein Tauschmechanismus, der am Dollar vorbei den iranisch-europäischen Handel abwickeln sollte.) Allein der letzte Satz ist eine derart massive Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit, dass es schwerfällt, ihn nicht als offene Lüge zu bezeichnen.

Der Fakt, dass sich Europa wieder und wieder von der Trump-Regierung demütigen lässt, ohne auch nur zu erwägen, seine faktische Verhandlungsmacht auszuspielen (dasselbe gilt geringfügig abgestuft für Russland und China), lässt nicht nur tief in die Seele sämtlicher Akteure blicken, sondern war jedes Mal der Tod auf Raten vom JCPOA. Die kurzsichtige Entscheidung der europäischen Vertragsparteien, nun den Sanktionsmechanismus zu initiieren, war der letzte Sargnagel des Abkommens. Lieber Iran-Deal, wir werden dich schmerzlich vermissen - Von Jakob Reimann

(* A K P)

Die unerträgliche Heuchelei der US-Sanktionen gegen den Iran

Die Iraner seien böse, sagte der für die Wirtschaftssanktionen zuständige US-Regierungsbeamte, weil sie das, was ihre Bürger in der internationalen Presse lesen könnten, einschränkten.

Unsere Regierung würde das nie tun ... oder?

Falsch. Gestern hat die US-Regierung die staatliche iranische Nachrichtenagentur FARS unter Berufung auf die US-Sanktionen gegen das Land vollständig aus dem Internet genommen.

Das bedeutet, dass der iranische Nachrichtendienst von der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten zensiert wird und dass die Amerikaner deshalb von diesem ausländischen Medienkanal nichts mehr sehen können.

Genau das, was Mnuchin dem Iran im November vorgeworfen hat.

Das ist die Seite: Das ist die neue Ersatzseite:

(* B K P)

Wie eine verschwiegene Parlamentssitzung die wahren Motive Trumps im Irak aufdeckte

Die USA bestehen darauf, dass es bei der Ermordung von Qassem Soleimani und der Weigerung, den Irak zu verlassen, um den Schutz der Amerikaner geht, aber eine wenig bekannte irakische Parlamentssitzung zeigt, wie die immer engeren Beziehungen Chinas zu Bagdad die neue Nahost-Strategie Amerikas prägen könnten.

Seit die USA Anfang des Monats den iranischen General Qassem Soleimani und den irakischen Milizenführer Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis umgebracht haben, hat die offizielle Version der Geschichte behauptet, dass ihr Tod notwendig war, um eine vage, aber angeblich unmittelbar bevorstehende Gewaltandrohung gegen die Amerikaner zu verhindern, obwohl Präsident Trump seitdem behauptet hat, dass es "nicht wirklich wichtig ist, ob Soleimani oder seine irakischen Verbündeten eine unmittelbare Bedrohung darstellten oder nicht".

Während sich die Situation zwischen Iran, Irak und den USA zumindest vorläufig deutlich entspannt zu haben scheint, lohnt es sich, die Vorgeschichte der jüngsten Spannungen zwischen den USA und dem Irak/Iran bis hin zur von Trump angeordneten Ermordung von Soleimani und Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis noch einmal zu überdenken, um einen der am meisten übersehenen, aber dennoch relevanten Faktoren hinter Trumps gegenwärtiger Politik gegenüber dem Irak zu verstehen: die Verhinderung einer Ausweitung des chinesischen Einflusses im Nahen Osten. Tatsächlich wurde behauptet, dass sogar der Zeitpunkt von Soleimanis Ermordung in direktem Zusammenhang mit seiner diplomatischen Rolle im Irak und seinem Vorstoß zur Unterstützung des Irak bei der Sicherung seiner Ölunabhängigkeit stand, beginnend mit der Realisierung eines neuen massiven Ölabkommens mit China – von Whitney Webb

and original English site:

(* B K P)

Film: Michael Lüders | Entscheidungsschlacht im Orient. Wie die Saudi-Connection den Iran ins Visier nimmt

Wer das jüngste Buch von Michael Lüders, einem der profiliertesten Nahost-Experten, liest, stellt mit Erschrecken fest, dass es den hier handelnden Politikern ausschließlich um nackte Interessen geht, um Macht und Einfluss, verbunden mit Gewalt oder der Drohung, Gewalt anzuwenden. Es gibt die Guten und die Bösen. Was ist mit Werten? Moral? Völkerrecht? Menschenrechten?
Fehlanzeige. Es geht nur um das Recht des Stärkeren. All dies sind Voraussetzungen für Krieg. Trump, sein Außenminister Mike Pompeo oder sein Sicherheitsberater John Bolton sagen es ganz offen: Es geht darum, den Iran in die Knie zu zwingen, dort das Mullah-Regime und damit den letzten Feind des Westens und Israels in der Region zu beseitigen. Damit könnten sie einen gefährlichen Flächenbrand auslösen; weil Irans Schutzmächte Russland und China dem vermutlich nicht tatenlos zuschauen werden und dies auch uns Europäer betreffen würde.
Spielt das in den „Betonköpfen“ eine Rolle?

(* B P)

Kriege: Iranische Verhältnisse
Satellitenprogramme, YouTube-Kanäle, Social-Media-Accounts: Iranische Stimmen werden zunehmend aus der westlichen Öffentlichkeit verbannt. Was Tech-Giganten wie Facebook und Twitter als Mittel gegen Propaganda beschreiben, sehen Betroffene als Teil eines westlichen Informationskrieges.

(* B P)

Syrien und Libanon im Dollar-Schlamassel
Die Bankenkrise im Libanon verschärft die Wirkung der Sanktionen und damit den Wirtschaftskrieg im Nahen Osten
Es geht ans Eingemachte. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad zur Lösung der miteinander verwobenen Krisen in Syrien, Iran, Irak und im Libanon ist beträchtlich. Es gärt in allen vier Ländern, aus ganz verschiedenen Gründen; gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass große Teile der Bevölkerung wirtschaftlichen Härten gegenüberstehen und unsicheren Aussichten, besonders für die Jugend

(* A K P)

USA drohen mit Tötung von Soleimanis Nachfolger
Die USA haben einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge damit gedroht, auch den Nachfolger des iranischen Topgenerals Kassem Soleimani zu töten.

Anmerkung Marco Wenzel: Der nächste Bruch des Völkerrechts: Morddrohung.

(A K P)

Trump spielt Verletzungen von Soldaten im Irak als 'Kopfschmerzen' herunter

(* B K P)

Aufgedeckt: Neocons zogen auch beim Soleimani-Mord die Fäden
Es kommen immer mehr Details zutage, die ein ganz anderes Bild zeichnen, weshalb US-Präsident Trump den iranischen Generalmajor Soleimani töten ließ. Wie sich herausstellt, zogen im Hintergrund jene Kräfte die Fäden, die schon die US-Invasion im Irak zu verantworten haben.

(A K P)

Niederländische und dänische Fregatten sollen zur Unterstützung der französischen Marinemission im Persischen Golf eingesetzt werden

(* B K P)

"Die Angst treibt den Iran"

Ein Gespräch mit dem Militärexperten Martin van Creveld über die Strategie des Irans.

Die Iraner sind – und dies zu Recht – getrieben von ihrer Angst vor den USA, diesem merkwürdigen Land. Kein anderes Land hat seit 1945 so viele Kriege geführt und militärisch interveniert wie die USA. Und sie kämpfen immer in den Ländern der anderen, sozusagen auf deren Rechnung, sodass das eigene Volk den Krieg nicht erlebt und die Kriegsführung so gesehen billig für sie ist.

Die USA sind innenpolitisch ein demokratisches und liberales Land – aber das gilt nicht für deren Außenpolitik. Das wissen die Iraner und haben deshalb Angst.

Die politischen Eliten des Iran haben gesehen, wie der libanesische Diktator Muammar al-Gaddafi und im Irak Saddam Hussein durch das Eingreifen der USA gestürzt und gewaltsam getötet wurden. Und sie haben selbst erlebt, wie die Nachrichtendienste der USA und Großbritannien den iranischen Premierminister Mohammad Mossadegh 1953 gestürzt haben. Schon seit der Islamischen Revolution 1979 haben die neuen Eliten Irans Angst vor den USA. Und unter ihnen herrscht die Überzeugung, dass nur die Entwicklung oder Beschaffung von Kernwaffen ihnen Schutz bietet, denn militärisch sind sie ansonsten unterlegen.;art315,204816

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

IRGC chief: No US Military Commander Safe if Iranian Commanders Threatened

(A P)

Iranian general warns of retaliation if US threats continue

(A P)

Zarif decries Trump’s ‘cultural terrorism’ against Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says US President Donald Trump’s threat earlier this month to attack culturally-important centers in Iran amounts to an act of “international cultural terrorism.”

(* B K P)

The proxy narrative

Ever since the attack on Iranian military commander Gen Soleimani on Iraqi soil, there has been much talk of an impending war between the US and Iran if the two do not immediately deescalate.

Iran is being accused of maintaining proxies in the Middle East and therefore being deserving of the action by the US which killed its most powerful general. What have been conveniently ignored almost completely are the US policies in the whole region.

Without taking into account the role of US imperialism, it is difficult to explain what followed Suleimani’s killing – massive protests as millions came out all across the globe to protest the killing and the attack while also paying homage to the man who had been providing support to Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemenis, and even Palestinians.

The slain general is being seen as only a killing machine and a provost of Iranian regional politics, responsible for creating terrorist networks all across the Middle East, any place with Shia allies. It is said that he, with his comrades, handled Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq and militarily supported the Assad government in Syria.

While sticking to this narrative is in trend these days, a wise observer should ask if the mentioned nations were this gullible that they could be used as mere proxies by a sanctions-hit, poor country?

Another question that comes to mind is who really is responsible for igniting the fire that has enveloped the Middle East? Was it Iran that invaded Libya and Afghanistan? Who invented and used the lie about ‘weapons of mass destruction’ to attack Iraq and then control all its oil fields? Who supported, and still supports, the Free Syrian Army whose cadre later on joined Daesh? Was it Iran’s policy to support a civil war in Yemen and starve Yemeni children to death if they survived US-sponsored missiles?

It seems that, with every step that the US has taken in the Middle East it has only come closer to one of its most important goals in the region: to isolate and attack Iran. Western journalists respected for their integrity – such as John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges – have noted and protested against the possibility of an attack on Iran. In such a situation, can Iran be expected to sit back and wait for doomsday? – by Fawad Hasan

(* A K P)

Nighttime rocket attack on US Embassy in Baghdad injured 1

A nighttime rocket attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad injured at least one embassy personnel member, staffers there said Monday

(* B K P)

Downing of jet in Iran reveals Islamic Republic’s wider woes

Up until the moment soldiers fired missiles at the Boeing 737-800, Iran had faced decisive moments on how to respond to the world around it amid tensions with the U.S. Those decisions ultimately doomed the flight and all 176 people aboard, and also led to the public being “lied to” for days afterward, in the words of the country’s foreign minister.

What Iran decided then and later also reflects beyond the immediate tragedy, offering a glimpse inside of the country more than 40 years after its Islamic Revolution.

The downing of the jetliner highlights the limits of the civilian arm of Iran’s government against the absolute power held by the nation’s Shiite theocracy and the paramilitary forces beneath it.

(A P)

FM Zarif urges Trump to base US foreign policy on facts not Fox News headlines

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif has called on US President Donald Trump to base his foreign policy approach on "facts" rather than the headlines featured in pro-Republican Fox News TV channel.

(* A K P)

Iran's Fars News Knocked Off Web By US Treasury Order

Iran's well-known state media outlet Fars News Agency says US sanctions have knocked it off the internet. As of Friday and into early Saturday the domain remained inaccessible while the outlet says it quickly alternately established English content on, which remains live.

Iran says the US Treasury Department shut down international access to its English news site due to new regulations related to US sanctions.

and also

(* A K P)

Fars News.Com Domain Blocked under US Sanctions

In an e-mail to Fars News Agency, the international service provider has plainly explained that “the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has included the news agency in its SDN list and ordered it to stop domain services to Fars News Agency” in an illegal move.

Fars News Agency is still up and available on its .ir domain.

(* A K P)

The Unbearable Hypocrisy of US Sanctions on Iran

The Iranians were evil, said the US government official in charge of economic sanctions, because it restricted what its citizens could read in the international press.
Our government would never do that...right?
Wrong. Yesterday, the US government knocked Iran's state news agency, FARS, off of the Internet entirely, citing US sanctions against the country.
What that means is the Iranian news service is being censored by the United States government and that Americans will therefore no longer be able to see anything from this foreign media outlet.

Exactly what Mnuchin accused Iran of doing back in November.

(A P)

Iran can enrich uranium at any level: AEOI official

A senior official at Iran’s nuclear organization (AEOI) says the country is capable of enriching uranium up to whatever level of purity, and would do so if required to.

(A P)

EU's Borrell extends timeline for dispute mechanism on Iran deal

The EU’s top diplomat Josep Borrell on Friday extended the time available to discuss ways to save the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran under a dispute mechanism triggered by France, Germany and Britain.

(A P)

Iran Slams Europe for Failing to Honor JCPOA, Acting as ’Subservient’ to US

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has once again lashed out at the European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal for failing to meet their commitments under the agreement, saying that they are just acting as "subservient" to the United States.

In an interview with German weekly news magazine, Der Spiegel, published on Friday, Zarif complained that Britain, France, and Germany - collectively known as the EU3 – have failed to protect the Iranian economy in the face of sanctions re-imposed following the unilateral US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018.

referring to

(* A P)

"It’s a Disaster for Europe To Be So Subservient to the U.S"

In an interview, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warns of the threat of escalation in the nuclear dispute. He says Tehran won't rule out negotiations with Washington, even after General Qassem Soleimani's assassination, if the U.S. changes course and lifts sanctions. He also shows understanding for the protests against the government.

(A P)

Iranian FM: Tehran still willing to negotiate with US

Iran is not ruling out negotiations with the United States even after an American drone strike that killed a top Iranian general, the country’s foreign minister said in an interview released Saturday.

Mohammed Javad Zarif told Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine that he would “never rule out the possibility that people will change their approach and recognize the realities,” in an interview

(A P)

Iran Leader: Martyrdoms, public turnouts herald unique event

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says recent events in the wake of the US assassination of a top Iranian commander herald a unique event which is set to determine the path of history.

(A P)

Look Who's Talking: Iranian Foreign Minister Strikes Back at Saudi Precondition for Talks

The statements of Saudi Foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir, who recently said that the kingdom would hold talks with Iran only if it starts acting like a "normal" country, did not go without a response from his Iranian colleague, Javad Zarif, for long. The Iranian foreign minister retorted by saying that Saudi's own behaviour in the international arena could hardly be called "normal", recalling the controversy around the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi as well as the reports of civil casualties and humanitarian crisis allegedly caused by Saudi military involvement in the Yemen conflict.

At the same time, Zarif noted that unlike Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic has set no preconditions for initiating talks on the normalisation of bilateral relations, thus once again demonstrating its willingness to resurrect severed ties with the kingdom.


(A P)

Normal’ countries don’t attack neighbors, Zarif tells S. Arabia

In an open reference to Saudi Arabia which has been striking neighboring Yemen since March 2015, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote on his Twitter account on Friday that “normal countries don’t attack their neighbors, cause a humanitarian crisis, and refuse to talk.”

The tweet by Zarif came after Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Prince Faisal bin Farhan told Reuters on Wednesday that his kingdom was "open to the idea of holding a dialogue" with the Islamic Republic.

(A P)

Russia condemns US “unacceptable” threats to assassinate new Quds Force commander

(* A P)

Europe to avoid triggering sanctions, will tolerate Iran's JCPOA suspension steps: WSJ

The Wall Street Journal has cited European diplomats as saying that Britain, France, and Germany - collectively known as the EU3 – will avoid triggering sanctions against Iran and tolerate Tehran's suspension of its 2015 nuclear deal commitments.

The US daily reported on Thursday that European diplomats don't expect Iran to reverse the suspension of its nuclear deal commitments and that the diplomats "privately say they are prepared to tolerate those steps".

Earlier this month, the three European signatories to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) triggered the dispute settlement mechanism featured in the nuclear deal in response to what they claimed was Iran’s violations of the deal.

Iran has rejected the accusations

and also

(B K P)

Pentagon: 34 troops suffered brain injuries in Iran strike

The Pentagon disclosed on Friday that 34 U.S. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries in Iran’s missile strike this month on an Iraqi air base, and although half have returned to work, the casualty total belies President Donald Trump’s initial claim that no Americans were harmed. He later characterized the injuries as “not very serious.

My comment: ??

(* A K P)

US threatens to assassinate new chief of elite Quds Force of IRGC

The US special representative for Iran has threatened the Islamic Republic with yet another act of state terrorism, saying Washington will assassinate the successor of senior anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani as well if he follows in the path of the martyred general.

“If (Esmail) Qaani follows the same path of killing Americans then he will meet the same fate,” said Brian Hook, referring to the new commander of the anti-terror Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

He made the threat in an interview with the Saudi-owned newspaper Asharq al-Awsat


(A K P)

US officially publicizing state terrorism by threatening new Quds Force chief: Iran

"The remarks by this State Department official are an official publicizing and blatant unveiling of targeted and state terrorism by the United States,"

(* A P)

Thousands turn up for ‘million’ Iraq rally against US troops

Thousands rallied in Baghdad on Friday to demand that American troops leave the country, though their numbers fell short of the “million-man” march called for by an influential Shiite cleric.

We are witnessing a reverse #Trump inauguration moment where millions of Iraqis marched #IraqMillionManMarch but this time the media such as @ap @Reuters & #Shiaphobic media ie @BBCNewsPR are calling them small marches. @cjr should write about it.


(A P)

This is proof that #FakeNews does exist on mass scale. #Shiaphobic @AP calls millions of Iraqis marching hundreds (photos)

more photos:

(A K P)

Dutch and Danish frigates to deploy in support of French maritime mission in the Persian Gulf

(A K P)

Trump Downplays Troop Injuries in Iraq as ‘Headaches’

(* B K P)

Ruling amid ruins: The plot to break up Iraq

A new proxy war is brewing in the Middle East, and its consequences may be bigger than those in Yemen, Libya and Syria

Any reader of these columns is familiar with the landscape - an intergalactic Star Wars struggle between three blocks of regional powers, as the US retreats in disarray.

The struggle for power is played out in one sandbox after another - first Yemen, to Libya, to Syria - with little thought for the Yemenis, Libyans or Syrians who live there.

Native populations are held in disdain, treated as agents of a higher will, to be bought, sold and betrayed at will.

Democracy, sovereignty and self-determination are meaningless concepts to be trotted out to western audiences only. It is force that matters, and power that prevails

The same characters, forces, and destructive power are at play in each country - like a blockbuster movie with endless sequels. In each, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed, paces around his Death Star with his squadrons of hackers, mercenaries and assassins, plotting his next strike.

No one should be surprised to learn that yet another proxy war is being waged. This is proving to be bigger than Yemen, Libya and Syria. If the plans I am about to describe succeed, Bush and Blair’s invasion in 2003 would pale in comparison.

The great game has moved to Iraq and a once proud and powerful state is facing great peril.

The following is taken from three senior Iraqi sources who are familiar with the intelligence acting Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has received, the actions he took and the conversations that took place.

As we have already seen in Yemen, the breakup of a state is not necessarily an unforeseen consequence of a military campaign gone wrong. It could be one of the objectives – by David Hearst =

(* B K P)

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump’s True Motives in Iraq

The U.S. is adamant that its assassination of Qassem Soleimani and refusal to leave Iraq is about protecting Americans, but a little known Iraqi parliamentary session reveals how China increasingly strong ties to Baghdad may be shaping America’s new Mideast strategy.

Since the U.S. killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis earlier this month, the official narrative has held that their deaths were necessary to prevent a vague, yet allegedly imminent, threat of violence towards Americans, though President Trump has since claimed whether or not Soleimani or his Iraqi allies posed an imminent threat “doesn’t really matter.”

While the situation between Iran, Iraq and the U.S. appears to have de-escalated substantially, at least for now, it is worth revisiting the lead-up to the recent U.S.-Iraq/Iran tensions up to the Trump-mandated killing of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in order to understand one of the most overlooked yet relevant drivers behind Trump’s current policy with respect to Iraq: preventing China from expanding its foothold in the Middle East. Indeed, it has been alleged that even the timing of Soleimani’s assassination was directly related to his diplomatic role in Iraq and his push to help Iraq secure its oil independence, beginning with the implementation of a new massive oil deal with China – by Whitney Webb

Deutsche Version:

(* B P)

Saudi Lobby Behind AFC’s Anti Iranian Ban

The meddling of Arab lobby in the decisions of the AFC and even FIFA is the brazen instance of mixing the politics in the sports through which the states pursue their political goals. Now for the second time in recent years, the AFC has decided against Iran. The AFC chief Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa, whose government in Bahrain is even exceeding Saudi Arabia in hostility towards the Shiites and Iran, banned Iran from hosting football matches due to the so-called lack of security. Tehran called the decision “ridiculous and politically-motivated.”

As the Iranian political and sports officials said, the ruling should be related to the lobbying of the Saudis

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A K P)

Watch arms dealers confronted by their deadly trade at elite dinner

On 22 January, a prestigious arms-trade dinner took place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London. The event, costing £235 per head for members and £470 for non-members, was meant to include a keynote speech from TV host Clare Balding. But Balding pulled out following correspondence from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) that urged her to reconsider her attendance.

But this year, delegates had difficulty getting into the venue, with arms dealers having to walk through a gauntlet of protesters who confronted them with the reality of their vile trade:

(A K P)

Q: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, what steps he is taking to help bring forward a peace settlement in Yemen.

A by Andrew Murrison, Min. of State: We have been at the forefront of international efforts to reach a political settlement to the conflict in Yemen, and there are currently positive steps towards de-escalation. The UK has used its role as penholder at the UN Security Council to help push the Yemen peace process forward.

My comment: LOL. This by a government supporting the Saudi war in Yemen by arms exports second only to the US.

(* B K P)

Britain must be held to account for its role in the war in Yemen

As the death toll in Yemen passes 100,000, questions must be asked about UK arms exports to the Saudi-led coalition.

With heightened US-Iranian hostility after the US government’s killing of Qassem Suleimani, the prospects for the war in Yemen look increasingly bleak.

Britain is intimately involved in the conflict. The UK, alongside the US, has been supplying weapons and providing military and diplomatic support to the Saudi-led coalition, which is responsible for the highest number of reported civilian fatalities, mostly from direct targeting in airstrikes.

In this context, where is the national debate about British involvement, and who is holding the government to account?

The legal battle takes place in a context of ongoing parliamentary malaise in the aftermath of the general election and in the run-up to Brexit.

The silence surrounding UK involvement in the Yemen war imeans crucial questions are not being asked. What are the terms of reference and timeline for the government’s review of arms exports to the Saudi-led coalition, and for its review of the breaches of the court of appeal ruling? What weapons are being delivered to the Saudi-led coalition under existing licences, and when will BAE Systems and associated companies need to apply for new licences? Why does the government continue to refuse to gather data on actual deliveries of weapons exports, given its repeated insistence on the robustness of its arms export control regime? And crucially, who will be held accountable, and how, for any decisions that are found to breach the UK government’s commitment not to allow arms exports where there is a clear risk they might be used in violations of international law?

These may sound like technical questions, but it is through such technicalities that war and politics are carried out. Arms export decisions are deeply political, bound up with life and death for those on the receiving end, legitimised at home with the depoliticising language of national interest, jobs and security.

UK arms sales should force us – if Britain had any proper sense of its post-imperial role on the world stage – to ask what sort of country Britain is – by Anna Stavrianakis

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B E P)

Deutsche Bank payments to Saudi royal adviser probed

German prosecutors investigate two former employees for suspected bribery

Deutsche Bank paid $1.1m to secure the wealth management business of a senior Saudi royal, according to an internal probe that led to two former staff being reported to criminal prosecutors. The scandal in the wealth management division, which involved payments to the wife of the royal’s financial adviser, highlights the legal and reputational risks to a unit that is central to the German bank’s turnround hopes.

(* B H K P)


Hunger wird als Waffe eingesetzt

Deutsche Rüstungstechnologie spielt im Jemenkrieg eine Schlüsselrolle: So fliegt der Eurofighter - mit deutschen Teilen gefertigt - Luftschläge gegen zivile Ziele. Angriffe der Konfliktparteien auf Bauernhöfe, lokale Märkte und Vorratslager, sowie die Blockade von Transportwegen zu Land, See und in der Luft hungern die Menschen im Jemen systematisch aus und behindern humanitäre Hilfe. Hunger wird gezielt als Waffe eingesetzt. Es ist die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Gegenwart.

Wir fordern von der Bundesregierung:

Rüstungsexporte an alle Kriegsparteien im Jemen stoppen

Exportstopp für Waffensysteme an Saudi-Arabien verlängern und Schlupflöcher für Lieferungen schließen

Rüstungsstopp an Kriegsparteien auf europäischer Ebene durchsetzen, um Menschenrechte und humanitäres Völkerrecht gemeinschaftlich sicherzustellen

Erhebe deine Stimme gegen Waffenexporte und kämpfe mit uns gegen Hunger und Leid im Jemen! Unterschreibe jetzt!

(* A K P)

Nach Kashoggi-Tötung: Bundespolizei bildet wieder in Saudi-Arabien Grenzschützer aus

Nach mehr als einem Jahr Unterbrechung will Deutschland die Ausbildung von Grenzschützern in Saudi-Arabien wieder aufnehmen.

Ein Sprecher des Innenministeriums in Berlin bestätigte einen Medienbericht und sagte, Bundespolizisten sollten noch Ende Januar nach Riad verlegt werden. Die Mission war im Oktober 2018 ausgesetzt worden, nachdem der regierungskritische Journalist Khashoggi im saudischen Konsulat in Istanbul getötet worden war.

Die Ausbildung saudischer Grenzschützer hatte Deutschland 2009 begonnen und mit außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Interessen sowie der Terrorbekämpfung in der Region begründet.

und auch

Mein Kommentar: das ist ein unglaublicher Skandal – Saudi Arabien bleibt auch ein Jahr nach dem Mord an Khashoggi ein autokratisches Terrorregime, das jede Opposition unterdrückt, und den Jemenkrieg an der saudischen Südgrenze gibt es auch immer noch. Was Deutschland hier treibt, ist Beihilfe zum Krieg. – Was hier bei diesem Bericht des Deutschlandfunks auffällt, ist die krampfhafte Vermeidung des Wortes „Mord“ und „ermorden“ im Zusammenhang mit Khashoggi. Offenbar möchte der Deutschlandfunk so die Schändlichkeit des deutschen Sinneswandels weniger krass erscheinen lassen? Vielleicht ist das eine Kampagne? Die Deutsche Welle spricht im Header von „Mord“, dann aber im Text zweimal von „Tötung“ und „töten“. Das ist kein Zufall mehr.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A E P)

Indians at great risk of UAE legal abuse after new enforcement agreement with UAE

Indian nationals comprise close to 30% of the population of the United Arab Emirates, and Indian business people are by far the largest entrepreneurial group in the country.

When suppliers run late on payments or local partners misuse company funds, Indian business people – like anyone else – may fall behind on loan instalments, or even go into default.

Bounced cheques are a crime in the UAE, and even the most responsible professionals and business owners can abruptly find themselves under arrest and facing substantial prison sentences.

The only option has been for Indian expats to go home, try to carry on their business, and negotiate new plans with their creditors to avoid incarceration and the subsequent impossibility of earning the money necessary to pay back outstanding loans. A new agreement between the UAE and India just eliminated this option.

It was announced this week by the Indian Ministry of Law and Justice that it recognised the UAE as a “reciprocating territory” and would enforce Emirates’ civil decrees in India.

Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai, said this policy has extended the de facto jurisdiction of the UAE courts to India

cp12b Sudan

(A K P)

Sudan: Protests in front of UAE embassy opposing fighting in Yemen

Sudanese families organised a demonstration in front of the UAE embassy in the capital, Khartoum, Sunday to protest against an Emirati company. The company is accused of sending recruits to fight in Yemen and Libya instead of hiring them for security posts in the UAE, as described in their contracts.

Anadolu Agency reported that “dozens of Sudanese citizens protested in front of the UAE embassy, and held up signs, which said: “No to mercenaries”, “No to fraud”, and “No to deception”.

Recently, the UAE Black Shield Security Services stated that it is specialised in providing private security guards, and denied all allegations of deception, camouflage, misleading or forcing any of its employees concerning the nature of the company’s activities, system, location or staff.

(A K P)

UAE Black Shield Company Accused of Forcing Sudanese to Fight in Yemen, Libya

The accusations, which have gone viral on Sudanese social media, have highlighted the controversial role of Sudanese militiamen in Yemen and Libya.

Abdullah al-Tayeb Yusuf told Al-Jazeera Mubasher that his brother travelled to the UAE after responding to a job advertisement for security guards in the country in October last year.

Upon his arrival in the country, however, Yusuf's brother was allegedly forced into a military training camp alongside around 150 others.

"My brother told me that he was trained in the UAE to handle heavy weapons, and he was given the option to either go to Yemen or Libya after they offered him a large sum of money," Yusuf said.

Sudanese digital media platform Wakeep later shared images of what it said were samples of contracts offered to Sudanese to work as security guards in the UAE by the Black Shield security company.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

(* B K P)

Film: US-Rüstungsfirmen nutzen Trumps Militarismus, um den globalen Waffenhandel zu dominieren

In diesem Video, das von @The Real News Network produziert und von @acTVism Munich ins Deutsche übersetzt wurde, untersucht Aude Fleurant, Direktorin des Waffen- und Militärausgabenprogramms des Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), die Entwicklungen im globalen Waffenhandel angesichts ihres jüngsten Berichts (SIPRI).
Die vollständige Abschrift zu diesem Video ist hier zu lesen (

And English version:

(* B K P)

US Arms Companies Use Trump’s Militarism to Dominate the Global Arms Trade

U.S. companies control 35% of the global arms industry. The growing weapons market is fueled by wars in the Middle East and by Trump’s excessive defense budget and aggressive posturing.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

Siehe / Look at cp12b

(* B K P)

How mercenaries and advisers fight the wars the UK won’t own

Colonial powers haven’t given up military meddling overseas – but they’ve learned how to keep it out of the news.

The UK’s resolute support for Bahrain should cause little surprise, given that we have a fully operational naval base there, HMS Juffair, which is currently the home port for four minehunters and an anti-submarine frigate, HMS Montrose. Last year’s Oxford Research Group briefing ‘Confronting Iran: the British Dimension’ showed that Juffair would be a key part of any British involvement in a Trump war with Iran. In a sense, that army officer at the Dubai conference was just the tip of the iceberg.

Like the US and other ex-colonial powers, the UK has for decades given military support to regimes overseas, often extending to the deployment of serving military with local forces, sometimes going right through to direct combat. Any of the popular accounts of post-war British military developments written for enthusiasts will demonstrate this, a fascinating example being Vic Flintham’s comprehensive ‘High Stakes: Britain’s Air Arms in Action 1945-90’ (Pen and Sword, 2009).

Much less recognised is the much more extensive use by states such as the UK of a wide range of mercenary security companies. These operate mostly below the radar, with little detail getting into the public domain, despite their size: The Economist reported in 2012 that the US government had 20,000 private guards in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, while the African Union forces operating in Somalia were trained by a South African company. Sometimes the companies are so large that they may include in their logistics floating arsenals as support bases for state-funded operations such as the anti-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa and Yemen. In this respect the Omega Research Foundation’s study with Oxford Research Group five years ago was an eye-opener for many.

Occasionally we get a really good analysis and one of the best is Phil Miller’s remarkable ‘Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away with War Crimes’, published next week by Pluto Press.

Keenie Meenie Services operated from 1975 through to the late 1980s before being transformed into Saladin Security, which is still in business today. Its main office is in London’s Kensington, with regional offices in Afghanistan, Iraq, Dubai, Ghana, Kenya and South Sudan, operating in many countries across the world for government and commercial customers – by Paul Rogers

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(* A E P)

[Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Finance: Pro-aggression Government Uses Monetary Authority for Economic War

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Ahmed Hajar asserted, Sunday, that the pro-aggression government uses monetary authority as a tool in the economic war.

Hajar remarks came during a panel discussion organized by the Yemeni Center for Political and Strategic Studies and the Economic Media Center, entitled "Preventing the Illegal Currency Circulation: Decision of Necessity to Stave Off the Risks of the Economic Crash."

Ahmed Hajar stressed that the huge printing of the national currency aimed mainly at accelerating the pace of the economic meltdown.

He explained that printing the currency raised the ratio of money of the total money supply to 60% in the past year with the aim of speculating in foreign exchange and raising its prices.

He indicated that most of the foreign exchange that is transferred by the pro-aggression government is smuggled abroad through speculation in the printed and illegal currency.

Hajar stressed that the pro-aggression government has sent the printed currency to circulation for certain goals like; covering corruption scandals, money laundering for mercenaries and traitors, legalizing the Central Bank in Aden and allowing the aggression countries once again to destroy the Yemeni economy.

(A E)

Shabwa governor says oil sales reach $31 million at opening of college research labs

Vienna-based oil company OMV equipped the labs at Shabwa’s College of Oil and Minerals with 32 computers

The new laboratories – in Shabwa’s College of Oil and Minerals, a branch of the University of Aden – have 32 computers with applied programs for students in the geology and gas departments of the college. The new equipment was supplied by the Vienna-based oil company OMV, which has operated in Yemen for decades.

(A E P)

The currency exchanges in Aden closed responding to an order by the Yemeni Central Bank in Aden due to the deterioration of the Yemeni rial after the new currency was banned in the areas controlled by the Houthi group

(A E P)

The Central Bank in Aden the capital begins withdrawing $ 227 million from the Saudi deposit

(A E P)

Telecommuncation, TeleYemen issues statement

Fourth: We value the exceptional efforts of the technical teams of the Public Telecommunications Corporation and TeleYemen, and continuous work around the clock to secure the maximum options and technical alternatives in order to alleviate the suffering and the impact resulting from the interruption, and its success to provide temporary Internet capacities and developing local content of the Internet, and we urge it to double its efforts to operate the Internet at the possible level, and to follow up GCX company that owns the marine cable Falcon quickly to finish the repair process and return the service to normal.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

While #AQAP appears quiet in Bayda', it has been blamed for 2 weekend attacks in #Abyan #Yemen -Car ambush east of Mudiya. 1 Security Belt soldier killed, 2 civilians injured -Attack on residential area in al-Wadi' But note the photo is old & I haven't seen any AQAP claims yet (image)

(A T)

#ISIS in #Yemen claims 2 further ops, both against Houthis yday in al-Zahra region of Qayfa, al-Bayda' Sniper killed 1 Houthi in Jabal al-Shawb Armed clashes in al-Qalsa killed 1 Houthi & injured 1 Meanwhile #AQAP is most notable currently for its (apparent) silence/absence

(* B P T)

9/11: Mühsame Aufklärung über saudische Mitwirkung

Auch die Trump-Regierung hält Informationen aus nationalem Interesse zurück

Verdacht erregte u.a., dass 15 der 19 Selbstmordattentäter aus Saudi-Arabien stammten, dass es offensichtlich im Vorfeld des Anschlags finanzielle und andere Unterstützung für Attentäter oder Angehörige durch Saudis gab und dass unmittelbar nach dem Anschlag mehrere Flugzeuge mit Saudis, darunter mit Verwandten bin Ladens, aus den USA abfliegen durften, obgleich der Flugraum für private Flugzeuge noch gesperrt war. Der Verdacht verstärkte sich, als 28 Seiten des 9/11-Kommissionsberichts, die Informationen über saudische Bürger und Verbindungen zu Saudi-Arabien enthielten, nicht veröffentlicht wurden. Paul Schreyer hat in Telepolis Vermutungen über eine saudische Verwicklung aus politischen Gründen angestellt: Der saudische Sonderweg - ein Motiv für 9/11?.

Seitdem 500 Angehörige von 9/11-Opfern 2004 eine Zivilklage gegen Mitglieder der saudischen Regierung eingereicht haben, kochte der Konflikt weiter vor sich hin und ließ Fragen entstehen, warum die US-Regierungen die bekannten Informationen nicht offenlegen wollen. Schließlich wurden die 28 Seiten 2016 freigegeben, allerdings mit entscheidenden Schwärzungen. Klar wurde dadurch, dass CIA und FBI zur Erkenntnis gekommen waren, dass manche Saudis, die mit der Regierung oder Geheimdiensten verbunden waren, in Kontakt mit einigen der Terroristen standen, die auch von saudischen Quellen finanzielle Unterstützung erhielten (Zivilklage gegen Saudi-Arabien: Neue Vorwürfe wegen Unterstützung der 9/11-Anschläge).

(A T)

#ISIS #Yemen releases 9 photos of it convening a Sharia court & handing out tract "This is our Creed" (written 2014) before a "rejoicing" crowd in Qayfa. It's the largest gathering seen since US bombed its training camps in 2017 (larger than oath ceremony to new caliph last Nov) (photos)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)


Iran isn’t going to back off at all, even with the threat of a conventional war, which they really don’t want or need, hanging over their heads. The Iranians told the Europeans that they will quit the nuclear deal. The Europeans, now playing the same tit-for-tat game with Iran, initiated a dispute mechanism that was worked into the Iran Nuclear Deal, which can lead to the return of even more of the United Nations sanctions on Iran. The Iranian authorities have hinted about quitting the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Whether or not they do that, is another matter. Not helping matters is that Israel has long stated that they will not tolerate Iran having a nuclear weapon.

Iran has threatened to hit Haifa in Israel and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as well as Greece if the U.S. responds and attacks targets on Iranian soil by using bases in Greece.

What do the Iranians do now? The feeling here is they will continue doing what they’ve been doing all along. The Quds Forces will continue to fund, train, equip, and lead proxy forces in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza as well as in South America.

(A P)

Transcript: Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman’s interview

Well first of all, the Saudi-US relationship is strong, and it has been strong for seven decades.

I believe the biggest threats to the region, and to international security, is basically Iran. The Iranian regime and its proxies on one side, and ISIS, al-Qaeda, and terrorist organizations on the other side. We believe that they’re both two sides of the same coin. They believe in the same concept, not necessarily exactly the same ideology, but they both do not believe in the sovereignty of nations, they both believe in a transnational ideological state, they both do not believe in international law, and sometimes they compete with each other, and they fight each other, but when it comes to us, we’re the common enemy, and they cooperate.

and also (shorter):

(A P)

Cartoon: The way #Houthis exploit #StockholmAgreement in #Yemen.

(A P)

The lessons of the Marib massacre

The Houthis, who have benefited from Griffiths’ moves, seem comfortable with the status quo lasting indefinitely since the signing of the Stockholm Agreement in late 2018. That agreement, which served, to a large extent, the Houthis and their agenda, allowed the situation to be unchanged on the Hodeidah front at a time when regional stakeholders were concerned with containing the situation in Aden after clashes between the “legitimacy” camp and the Southern Transitional Council.

Those clashes continued until an agreement between the two sides in November. That deal, which calmed the situation in Aden, was to be a starting point for how to confront the Houthis. However, it became clear that the Houthis were nothing but a tool in the hands of Iran.

That’s why the strike against the mosque at Marib was not a coincidence. Iran wanted to remind everyone that it holds a card called Yemen and that the assassination by the Americans of Major-General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of al-Quds Force and the Iranian official in charge of the Yemeni file, would not affect Iran’s work outside its borders.

It is clear the Islamic Republic can use the Houthis to achieve certain goal

(A P)

The problem with Iran’s proxies

The Houthis previously attacked Saudi oil installations in reaction to US pressure on Iran. Now, Yemen has been the target of this war by proxy.

The world continues to struggle with the threat to peace posed by Iran’s proxies. Heavily armed and driven by bellicose doctrines, they wreak havoc in the region, as shown by the bloody attack on Yemen’s Marib by Houthi militias.

Experts speculate the strike by the Houthis, long equipped and financed by Iran, was intended by Tehran as a means of easing the pressure it faced in recent weeks since the killing of al-Quds Force commander Major-General Qassem Soleimani, following armed moves by pro-Iran militias in Iraq.

(A P)

Ibn Daghr: Peace in Yemen goes through Aden

Adviser to the President of the Republic, Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher, said that peace in Yemen passes through Aden by implementing the Riyadh agreement.

The adviser to the President of the Republic, in a statement posted on his official page on Facebook, stated that Iranian interference in Yemen and its continuous support for the Houthi coups with money and equipment, including ballistic missiles, that killed thousands of innocent civilians and destroyed homes, places of worship and security of the region, were one of the most important reasons for prolonging the war in Yemen

My comment: This really is putting things upside down.

(A P)

UAE calls for de-escalation, reversal of negative trends to resolve current crises in Middle East

My comment: Arsonist miming firefighter.

(A P)

We must pressure Iran to avoid bigger conflict: Prince Khalid bin Salman

Saudi Arabia has a strong relationship with the US and is working to counter Iranian escalation to avoid a regional war, said Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman in a wide-ranging interview, obtained in full by Al Arabiya English, in which he also discussed Yemen and Lebanon.

“The Saudi-US relationship is strong and it has been strong for seven decades,” said Prince Khalid who also pointed to the importance of US President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and cooperation on counterterrorism in the region.

In contrast to Saudi Arabia’s “forward-moving vision,” epitomized by the Vision 2030 reform plan, Iran is working to destabilize the region, said Prince Khalid in an interview with VICE media channel conducted on July 27, 2018.

“We have Vision 2030, they have vision 1979,” he said, referring to the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran which led to the establishment of the current regime. =

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Jan. 25:

Jan. 24:

Jan. 23:

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids:

Jan. 26: and and Sanaa p., Jawf p., Najran

Jan. 24: and Amran p.

Jan. 23: Sanaa p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b

(A K pS)

Medical source: five civilians are injured due to a Houthi missile at al-Hazem city in al-Jawf governorate.

(* B K)

In 2019, to help create a safer #Yemen, @UNDP and our national partner #YEMAC cleared over 3 million square meters of land with over 60,000 different types of explosive remnants of war throughout the country! (photo)

(A K pS)

Reports that Houthis sent heavy reinforcement from Baydha to Mukairas aiming at pushing into Lawder/Abyan. Southern forces there lack weapons & ammo to stop the Houthis (map)

(A K pS)

Film by Saudi Project MASAM: #Masam Media Office: 125902 is the Total #landmine and ERW Clearance from the beginning of the Project through 23 January

(A K pS)

A #Houthi sniper gunned down Zahra Ghaleb Anam, an elderly woman, today while she was shepherding in Al-Taizia district in the besieged city of #Taiz (photo)

(A K pH)

Saudi Border Guards Continue to Kill, Injure Civilians in Sa’adah

Three civilians were injured with Saudi border guards gunshots in Shida district in Sa'adah governorates.

(A K pH)

Saudi border guard kill civilian in Saada

(A K pH)

In Sa'adah, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih district.

(A K pH)

Chief of Staff of Saudi-backed forces wounded by Yemeni forces

High-ranking commander injured by rocket fire on his motorcade

(* A K)

Yemen’s Houthis make ‘biggest gains’ against Hadi forces

The forces of the National Salvation Government, which consists of the majority of Yemen’s armed forces allied with the Houthi movement, have made significant gains against loyalist forces of Saudi-backed, exiled President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. Progress has been made within the triangle consisting of the Sanaa, Marib and Jawf governorates.

Following heavy fighting on Friday, Houthi forces seized the Nehm district, which lies east of the capital Sanaa after fighters supported by the Saudi coalition made a “tactical withdrawal” according to Hadi’s Defence Minister General Mohammed Ali Al-Maqdishi. International Crisis Group described the developments as the Houthis “making the biggest gains on the battlefield”. Footage online purports to show abandoned and damaged vehicles belonging to the retreating forces.

Yesterday, Houthi forces announced the capture of the strategic road linking Marib with the border province of Al-Jawf, which according to Al-Masdar had previously been under the control of the Hadi loyalists for the entire duration of the war. In doing so, it has interrupted supply lines of Hadi’s forces with those of the Islah Party stronghold of Marib, whose mercenary fighters form a bulk of Hadi’s fighters.



(A K pH)

Major [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni victory in Jawf

Entire region liberated by victorious forces of Yemen

On Sunday, a military source has revealed that the so-called Sixth Military Region in Jawf province, defences by forces loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, has fallen under control of the Yemeni army and Popular Committees, after fierce clashes between the two sides during the past few days.

The military media unit of the Yemeni army released a video showing several of the top military commanders of the Yemeni army visiting military sites in Jawf province after the victory.

(* A K)

Fighting escalates in Yemen since Houthi mosque attack

Fighting between Saudi-backed forces loyal to internationally recognised president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi and the Houthis near Sanaa, Yemen's capital, has intensified after a Houthi air strike on a mosque killed more than 100 people in Marib last week.

Hadi loyalists say they have made advances in the district of Nehm, which lies just 60km to the northeast of Sanaa, a claim that has been rejected by the Houthis, who hold the capital city.

The fighting has escalated to the point that Hadi loyalists are considering pulling out of the UN-sponsored Stockholm agreement, which halted military operations in the key port of Hodeidah, easing a blockade that led to widespread famine and a cholera outbreak.

Fighting broke out on 16 January as pro-Hadi forces advanced on Nehm, backed with air support from the Saudi-led coalition, which rights groups say had been responsible for thousands of civilian deaths.

The clashes have forced families to flee and wounded dozens, according to reports, as violence returned to the district after nearly a year of relative calm.

Nehm is considered to be a strategic gateway to Sanaa, which was captured by the Iran-alligned Houthis in 2014, leading to a war that has killed over 100,000 people and created one of the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Abdulrazaq, a pro-Hadi fighter, told Middle East Eye: "After the Houthis attacked the mosque and killed more than 100 soldiers, our leadership was convinced that there is no solution but to attack the Houthis fiercely."

The operation originated in the city of Marib, which in recent months has become a pro-Hadi stronghold where pro-Hadi groups from northern and southern Yemen have coalesced, settling their differences and vowing to fight the Houthis.

Mostly controlled by Islah (Muslim Brotherhood), which has opposed the Houthis, the city has become a haven for soldiers fleeing infighting between Saudi and UAE-backed groups, as well as others escaping a Houthi onslaught in which they claimed to have killed or captured more than 2,000 soldiers in August. The city lies 120km east of Sanaa.

Abdu Abdullah Magli, spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, said on Wednesday that the army had broken through Houthi defences and was advancing towards the district of Arhab, north of Sanaa.

For their part, the Houthis have rejected claims by pro-Hadi forces that they have penetrated into Nehm, but admitted they were facing a "huge advance" of pro-Hadi forces.

The spokesperson of the Houthis, army brigadier Yahiya Sarie, tweeted on 17 January: "The heroes of the army and the Popular Committees [militias] confronted huge advance of the aggressive forces in Nehm."

A Houthi leader in Sanaa accused Hadi loyalists of spreading misinformation about their advances.

The escalation has prompted both sides to blame each other for putting an end to peace efforts. Signed by the warring parties in 2018, the Stockholm agreement was largely viewed as a step towards a final settlement.

But Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamed al-Hadhrami has now called into question the agreement itself, threatening to pull out.

Ared al-Adimi, a pro-Houthi leader, said that the agreement had failed and that there was now "no solution but force".

(A K pS)

Houthis Widen Their Escalation, Yemen Govt Considers Stockholm Agreement Dead

(A K pS)

Houthis attack reporters’ meeting in Al-Jawf

A number of reporters were wounded by a Houthis-missile attack targeted them while in a meeting in Al-Jawf, north Yemen, local sources said.

Dozens of the Yemeni journalists have been recently in Al-Jawf to cover ongoing battles in the area between the Houthis rebels and the government forces.

Reporters for different media outlets including television channels and newspapers were in the meeting when a Katyusha missile fired by the Houthis militants hit their place in Al-Hazm city, capital of Al-Jawf, the sources said.

(* A K pS)

Al Houthis target refugee camp near Yemeni capital

Yemeni authorities have accused the country’s Iran-allied Al Houthi militia of hitting a refugee camp outside the rebel-held capital Sana’a, the scene of raging fight between the two sides, Saudi television Al Arabiya reported Monday.

Al Houthi militiamen “deliberately targeted” Al Khaneq refugee camp, home to about 1,500 displaced families, the authorities.

The camp is located about 50 kilometres from the battleground where the Yemeni army and Al Houthis are locked in fierce clashes.

“Humanitarian organisations are urged to swiftly respond to the needs of those displaced by the clashes and from the camp,” authorities said.


(A K pS)

Houthis target 1500 displaced families in Marib

The [Hadi gov.] Local Authority of Sana'a Province has directed humanitarian appeal to all local, regional and international organizations for swift intervention for humanitarian response to help people, who displaced recently from al-Khaniq Camp to Marib city.

According to Saba News Agency the Houthis targeted the camp, which contains around 1500 displaced families, despite it is far away from the areas witnessing clashes (50 Km away).

(* A K)

Yemen rebels advance as loyalists beat 'tactical' retreat

Renewed fighting entering its ninth day allows Houthi rebels to retake loyalist positions.

Houthi rebels have gained ground east of the Yemeni capital Sanaa, in what the defence minister acknowledged as a "tactical withdrawal" by government loyalists.

Renewed fighting, which entered its ninth day on Saturday, allowed the rebels to retake loyalist positions, loyalist commanders told AFP news agency.

"Some of these positions had been under government control for three years," one of the commanders said on condition of anonymity.

and also

(A K pH)

Film: An unconfirmed video show that #Saudi-backed forces abandoned dozens of vehicles along the road when they retreated from Nehm front, east of Sana'a. If it's true, it would be a large "gift" for Houthi-led forces.

(* A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni troops reverse Houthi gains, capture missile launch sites in Marib

With the help of local tribal fighters, the Yemeni military reversed losses east of the rebel-held capital of Sanna late last week and captured a strategic hill used by the Houthis to launch rockets at the town of Marib.

The gains reversed losses after the Iran-backed Houthi rebels deployed their elite shock troops to break the long deadlock in Nehim, east of Sanaa

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen army commanders discuss 'tactical withdrawal' from Nihm front amid fierce clashes

(* A K pH)

Jemenitische Truppen [der Sanaa-Regierung] und Verbündete erobern strategische Gebiete zurück

Jemenitische Streitkräfte, die von alliierten Kämpfern der Volkskomitees unterstützt wurden, haben strategische Gebiete in der Hauptstadtprovinz Sana'a aus der Hand der Milizen befreit, die dem ehemaligen Präsidenten Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi treu ergeben sind und zudem von Saudi-Arabien unterstützt werden.

(* A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni troops, allies seize strategic areas east of Sana’a from pro-Hadi forces

Lebanon-based Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television news network, citing Yemeni military sources, reported on Friday that Yemeni soldiers and their allies have managed to wrest control over key areas in the Nihm district, which lies east of the capital Sana’a.

(* A K pS)

150 Killed in Intense Battles in Nehm

Insider sources said over 150 fighters have been killed in intense battles that have been going on for six days between Houthi rebels [as the Sanaa gov. Yemeni army is labeled by Hadi gov. Followers, separatists, the Saudis and Western media alike] and the [Hadi gov.] Yemeni army in Nehm, which lies about 30 kilometers east of the rebel-held capital Sana’a.

Local sources said the Yemeni army managed Friday to retake strategic sites that had been captured by the militia after deadly battles resulting in hundreds of deaths from both sides.

On Sunday, the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels launched, after months of preparations, a full-scale assault on sites controlled by the Yemeni army in Nehm in an attempt to take control of the area and head towards the oil-rich province of Marib.

The Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes that targeted Houthi sites and reinforcement.

(* A K)

More than 1.000 fighters from Houthis and government forces have been killed in this past week's battles in #Nihem east of the capital Sanaa, the majority were Houthis, sources revealed on Friday. Hundreds others injured.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(B D)

Film: A restaurant serves a taste of Yemen in Ethiopia


She’ib Hadramout football club won the championship after beating Wahdat Aden in the finals in Seyoun city this afternoon. #Yemen P.S: photos are from Seyoun city

(* A)

Locusts sweep through Taiz City and surrounding districts

Farmers fear that the locusts will eat agricultural crops in Taiz, which has been besieged by the Houthis for nearly four years

A swarm of locusts engulfed Taiz City and its surrounding districts on Thursday from coastal areas and neighboring governorates.

Activists and photographers documented the massive influx of the flying grasshoppers in Taiz and rural areas from the Horn of Africa through the governorate’s Red Sea coastal districts of Dhubab and Mokha.

Yemenis, particularly farmers, fear that the locusts will endanger agricultural crops in Taiz, which has been besieged by the Houthis for nearly four years.

Taiz and other governorates lack the means to protect agricultural crops from locusts, despite the existence of a government locust monitor and control center.


Great shots of sellers in old city of Sanaa. They sell what their fathers and grandfathers used to sell, family business! (photos)

(A P)

Great to see #Yemen's eastern-most region of al-#Mahra exhibit (and perform!) elements of its rich culture at the International Festival of Peoples & Heritage in #Aden this week. Well done to @MahraYouth for organizing the delegation (photos)

(A P)

#Poetry & #War: Woke up to find #Yemen's current military escalation expressed in poetry

-STC Vice-President was retweeting Umm Kulthum lyrics (originally by Egyptian poet M. Abd al-Wahhab, d.1991)

-Houthi spokesmen was retweeting war poem by popular Ansar Allah poet (images)

(B D)

Wikipedia: Yemen: The Silent War

is a 2018 short documentary film directed by the Yemeni film maker Sufian Abulohom about the Yemen War.



In 1987, Israeli photographer Naftali Hilger first traveled to Yemen with a foreign passport. He wandered through the old town of Sa’da in the north of the country and got lost in narrow streets framed by picturesque mud buildings. He was not looking for Jews, but for a way out of the old town. =

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-618 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-618: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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