Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 620b- Yemen War Mosaic 620b

Yemen Press Reader 620b: 31. Jan. 2020: Fortsetzung von Teil 1 / Jan. 31, 2020: Sequel to part 1

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 620, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 620, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A K P)

Uno-Sicherheitsrat fordert sofortiges Ende der Gewalt im Jemen

Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat hat eine sofortige Einstellung der Feindseligkeiten im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen gefordert. Die Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrates seien "ernsthaft besorgt" über den Anstieg der Gewalt in den Gebieten Nehm und Al-Jauf und die Auswirkungen auf die Zivilbevölkerung, hieß es in der am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) einstimmig verabschiedeten Erklärung.

Das Gremium verwies auf die Vertreibung tausender Menschen in den vergangenen Tagen. Die Gewalt im Land verhindere einen politischen Prozess für ein Ende des Krieges. Notwendig sei vor allem auch die Einhaltung der Waffenruhe in der Hafenstadt Hodeida. Zudem müsse die "Einschüchterung von Mitarbeitern von Hilfsorganisationen" umgehend eingestellt und deren sicherer und ungehinderter Zugang zum Norden des Landes gewährleistet werden.

(A P)

Security Council Press Statement on Yemen (30 January 2020)

The members of the Security Council expressed their serious concern at the significant escalation of violence in Nehm and Al Jawf and its impact on civilians, thousands of whom had been displaced in recent days. They underlined their disappointment at this return to violence, which threatens to undermine progress made during the recent period of de-escalation in Yemen. They called for an immediate cessation of these hostilities, which posed a threat to the political process, and for a return to de-escalation efforts. They reminded all parties to fulfil their obligations under international humanitarian law

My comment: Bla bla by those who to a great extent are responsible for all this (US, UK, France).

(A P)

IRC calls on USA and UK to revitalise peace process on Yemen

The IRC has warned of the costs of failure. If peace is not secured and progress in addressing malnutrition cannot be built upon, it will be 20 years before Yemen returns to pre-crisis levels of child hunger: already amongst the highest in the world.

(A P)

Die Befreiung von sieben Gefangenen der Armee und der Volkskomitees in zwei Gefangenenaustauschen

(A P)

UN-Sondergesandter drängt auf Deeskalation der Kämpfe in Jemen

Der UN-Sondergesandte für Jemen, Martin Griffiths, hat in einer Dringlichkeitssitzung des Sicherheitsrates dazu aufgerufen, dass der erneute Anstieg der Gewalt nach Wochen relativer Ruhe endlich ein Ende haben müsse. Er warnte die Botschafter in New York, dass die jüngsten Entwicklungen “die Fortschritte der Parteien bei der Deeskalation und Vertrauensbildung gefährden”.

Griffiths rief dazu auf, dass weiterhin die Auswirkungen des fast fünfjährigen Konflikts auf die leidgeprüfte Zivilbevölkerung des Landes Priorität haben müssen. Das jemenitische Volk verdiene mehr als ein Leben in einem ewigen Krieg.

(A P)

UN Security Council Meets to Address Yemen Military Escalation

The UN Security Council convened Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Yemen, amid growing concern over the deteriorating situation and calls for the parties to re-engage in the political process, diplomats said.

The meeting was held behind closed doors, at Britain's request.


(A P)

Yemen: Escalation in fighting must stop ‘before it’s too late’, Griffiths tells Security Council

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen told an emergency session of the Security Council on Tuesday that a recent upsurge in violence between pro-Government and rebel forces following weeks of relative calm, had to end “before it’s too late”.

Martin Griffiths briefed ambassadors in New York behind closed doors, but said in a tweet posted to his office account that he had “reiterated the importance of stopping the ongoing military escalation…He warned that recent developments jeopardize the progress the parties had made on de-escalation and confidence-building.”

On Monday, Mr. Griffiths told the Guardian newspaper that “whoever started this renewed violence, it is unequivocally the case that there has been a huge rupture of confidence and a huge loss of life for the sake of uncertain territorial gains.”

He also tweeted that the focus must remain on the impact of nearly five year conflict on the country's long-suffering civilian population noting that "the Yemeni people deserve better than a life of perpetual war."

(A P)

Murrison, Griffiths discuss escalation of violence in Yemen

The UK Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Dr Andrew Murrison, met in London on Monday, with the United Nations Special Envoy Martin Griffiths.

(A P)

Film: Yemen & other topics - Daily Briefing (28 January 2020)

Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General.

(A P)

UN envoy asks parties in Yemen to de-escalate violence

Martin Griffiths calls on parties to ‘renew their commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict’

The UN envoy for Yemen called on parties in the war-struck country Tuesday to de-escalate violence.

“The parties in #Yemen must de-escalate violence and renew their commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. The Yemeni people deserve better than a life of perpetual war,” Martin Griffiths wrote on Twitter.

“More than a year ago in #Stockholm, the parties promised the Yemeni people to keep #Hudaydah safe, to use port revenues to pay salaries& to return detainees to their loved ones,” Griffiths said.

“They must fulfill these promises&build a conducive environment for the peace process. #YemenCantWait.”

and also

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

G20-Präsidentschaft: Image-Bühne für Saudi-Arabien

Nach der grausamen Ermordung des Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi heuchelte der Westen Moral durch verhängte Sanktionen. Nun darf Saudi-Arabien die G20-Präsidentschaft antreten und instrumentalisiert diese als Image-Kampagne für die eigenen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Zwecke.

Dass die Scheinmoral der Alliierten längst verflogen ist, zeigt sich derzeit auch an der saudischen G20-Präsidentschaft.

Die G20-Präsidentschaft Saudi-Arabien zu entziehen, wäre eine echte Sanktion gewesen. Russland schloss man 2014 infolge der Annexion der Krim aus dem G8-Ausschuss aus. Doch längst lässt sich beobachten, wie groß die Hemmschwelle des Westens geworden ist

Auch mit Saudi-Arabien möchte man sich unter keinen Umständen überwerfen, nicht nur wegen der wirtschaftlichen Geschäfte oder dessen Status als weltgrößter Öl-Exporteuer, sondern auch weil der autoritäre Staat als Gegengewicht zu Iran gebraucht wird. Merkel verteidigte damals lautstark den Ausschluss von Russland mit dem Argument, dass die Annexion der Krim eine „Verletzung des Völkerrechtes“ gewesen sei. Dabei verstößt die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition im Jemen-Konflikt ebenso gegen das Völkerrecht und internationale Menschenrechte – so hieß es bereits im Jahr 2016 in einer dem UN-Sicherheitsrat vorgelegten Untersuchung einer Expertengruppe.

G20-Präsidentschaft: Image-Bühne für Saudi-Arabien

Anstatt mit einem Aussetzten der G20-Präsidentschaft ein Zeichen zu setzten, wird mit jener Saudi-Arabien eine Bühne überlassen. In erster Linie: eine internationale Bühne, um das Image des autoritären Staates und des Kronprinzen MbS angesichts des Khashoggi-Falls und Jemen-Krieges wieder zu restaurieren. Mit Bedacht sind die Themen ausgewählt worden: Frauen, Klimaschutz und technischer Fortschritt. Die saudische G20-Präsidentschaft solle Bedingungen schaffen, „in denen alle Menschen – vor allem Frauen und junge Leute – leben, arbeiten und Erfolg haben können“, erklärte das Königreich. Auch wolle Riad Klimaschutzmaßnahmen vorantreiben und sich für Innovationen und technischen Fortschritt einsetzen. Abgesehen davon, dass Riad das Nummer eins Thema namens Klima bewusst aufnimmt, ist das Thema Frauen deutlich auffälliger. Im weltweiten Vergleich sind die Frauenrechte in wenigen Ländern so stark eingeschränkt wie in Saudi-Arabien.

Nach Khashoggi ist vor Khashoggi

Während die einen Investoren vorerst noch zögern, freuen sich die anderen auf den größten Ölkonzern zu setzen. Mit einem Börsenwert von 1,88 Billionen Dollar ist Saudi Aramco aktuell der wertvollste Konzern der Welt, der Einzug in die Schwellenländer-Indizes von TASI, MSCI Inc., FTSE Russel und S&P Dow Jones erhielt.

Durch die hohe Hemmschwelle der G20 Staaten machen sie sich selbst zu einem Teil seines Machtspiels. Dadurch dass Saudi-Arabien keine Konsequenzen auferlegt werden, vermittelt dies das falsche außenpolitische Zeichen und fördert dadurch noch gezielte Verhaftungen und Tötungen von Journalisten und Aktivisten. Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, wann ein zweiter Khashoggi-Fall eintritt, wann wieder solch ein Staatsmord durch eine Image-Kampagne überspielt wird – von Zara Riffler

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman garners little trust from people in the region and the U.S.

Most across the Middle East and in the U.S. lack confidence in Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed to do the right thing regarding world affairs. Among those in the five countries where the question was asked, Israelis have the least faith in the prince, with roughly eight-in-ten saying they doubt his ability to effectively manage international dealings. Only about a fifth of American and Lebanese respondents express confidence that the crown prince can effectively handle international concerns.

In the U.S., Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are slightly more likely to trust Crown Prince Mohammed than are Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, although both groups overwhelmingly lack confidence in him.

Trust in the crown prince differs between religious and ethnic groups.

Compared with perceptions of current King Salman in 2017, the crown prince is seen as less trustworthy in his approach to foreign affairs.

(B P)

The Al Saud still holds hostage the remains of 97 martyrs after assassinating them, killing them when they were locked up behind bars, or brutally executing them. The names of these 97 martyrs are listed below.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia reaffirms support for solution to Palestinian issue: foreign ministry

Saudi Arabia reaffirmed late on Tuesday its support to all efforts to achieve a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue, according to a statement by the foreign ministry published by the state news agency.

The ministry added that Saudi Arabia appreciates efforts by U.S President Donald Trump to develop a comprehensive peace plan between Palestinians and Israelis.

The statement further added that Saudi Arabia encourages starting direct peace negotiations between Palestine and Israel under U.S auspices.


(A P)

King Salman reassures Saudi Arabia's commitment to the Palestinian issue

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman reassured the Kingdom’s commitment to the Palestinian issue and Palestinian rights, in a phone call with Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas

(A P)

Film: #Saudi Monarchy forces raized the house of this elderly women who has lived in it since before the Saudi occupation of #Makkah in 1925. This is how ugly the AlSauds are. 10,000 families homes were razed


(A P)

Film: #Saudi Monarchy forces raze mosques & an entire neighborhood in Makkah region as part of its campaign against the people. Saudi monarchist have been stealing land for 70 years, more than 15% of country mass

(* B P)


Last year represented the worst in recent memory for the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia, according to a watchdog that tracks abuses in the totalitarian kingdom.

The Berlin-based European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights released its 2019 report on Tuesday, detailing what it called "a downward trend" for human rights "that shows no signs of stopping."

A key reason for this is the continued support of the Saudi royal family by the U.S. and its Western allies. These relationships offer the Saudi government cover to suppress and kill dissidents at home and abroad, the ESOHR claimed.

"Saudi Arabia has seen a destruction, crushing and extirpation" of its political sphere, independent judiciary and free press in recent years, the report alleged. Power has been accumulated around 84-year-old King Salman, and particularly his son and heir Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known colloquially as MBS

"It has become clear that Saudi Arabia is being given cover by its political allies in both the U.S. and several European countries, which benefit from the economic revenue" of the relationship, the ESOHR report read.

The ESOHR noted that the rate of executions in Saudi Arabia has increased in the past few years, despite MBS' suggestion that he would try and reduce the use of capital punishment.

The report also noted a concerning increase in the use of torture, especially on those who are eventually executed. This "ugliness and brutality," the ESOHR said, has become an "institutional practice ordered by the king and the crown prince, who provide protection for it."

cp9 USA

(A H P)

Without Warning, ICE Deported New York Man To War-Torn Yemen

After 22 years in the U.S., Hazaea “Anwar” Alomaisi was abruptly sent back to a country enduring a war and a humanitarian crisis.

(A P)

Ex-Foreign Affairs chairwoman Ros-Lehtinen embraces UAE lobby

Former House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., has signed on as a lobbyist for the United Arab Emirates amid intensifying pushback against the country’s growing regional ambitions.

Ros-Lehtinen registered on Jan. 21 as a foreign agent via Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld, the UAE’s oldest lobby shop, soon after becoming eligible to lobby her former colleagues after Congress’ one-year cooling-off period for retired lawmakers.

cp9a1 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Deutsch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: German

(* B K P)

Die Völkerrechtsbrecher

Regierungsberater warnen vor zunehmenden US-Völkerrechtsbrüchen. Berlin soll Stellung beziehen

Deutsche Regierungsberater warnen mit Blick auf den US-Drohnenmord an Irans General Qassem Soleimani vor zunehmenden Völkerrechtsbrüchen durch die Vereinigten Staaten. Schon seit Jahren zeige sich, dass “die Außenpolitik der Trump-Administration das Völkerrecht in besonderer Weise strapaziert”, heißt es in einer Analyse der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin.

(* B K P)

Eine Million Iraker verlangen, dass wir gehen. Wir sollten auf sie hören

Sie werden es wohl kaum aus der Berichterstattung der US-Mainstream-Medien kennen, aber am Freitag gingen schätzungsweise eine Million Iraker auf die Straße, um gegen die fortgesetzte US-Militärpräsenz in ihrem Land zu protestieren. Die geringe Berichterstattung über den Protest in den Massenmedien setzte die Zahl der Demonstranten weit geringer an, als es tatsächlich der Fall war. Die Eliten des Washingtoner Regierungsbezirks haben sich vorgenommen, dass die Amerikaner nicht wissen oder verstehen sollen, wie sehr unsere Präsenz im Irak unerwünscht ist.

(* A K P)

Trotz Abzugsforderung des irakischen Parlaments: Bundeswehr nimmt Mission im Irak wieder auf

Der Westen zeigt im Irak ganz offen, dass er das Land für eine Kolonie hält und dass er demokratische Entscheidungen von Parlamenten ignoriert, wenn sie ihm nicht passen. Der Westen tritt die Demokratie, für die er angeblich steht, mit Füßen.

(* B K P)

Keiner will's gewesen sein: Wenn Militärs auf Zivilisten schießen

Der Umgang des Iran mit dem Abschuss des ukrainischen Flugzeugs gilt vielen als Beleg für die moralischer Verkommenheit des Regimes. Dabei könnten sich andere Staaten am Verhalten des Iran ein Beispiel nehmen

cp9a2 USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf: Englisch / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf: English

(* A P)

Gulf Arabs back Trump’s Mideast efforts, but not peace plan

A tectonic shift in relations quietly underway for years now was on full display as representatives of Gulf Arab states attended President Donald Trump’s unveiling this week of an Israeli-Palestinian plan that heavily sides with Israel and all but crushes Palestinian aspirations.

The audience at the White House, when Trump presented the plan alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, included Christian Zionist leaders and staunch pro-Israel supporters, such as Republican party donor Sheldon Adelson. Rounding out the crowd were ambassadors of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman, who posed for a photo at the White House ceremony for the plan, which Palestinians have outright rejected.

(* A K P)

Iraq says joint operations with US-led coalition resume

Joint military operations with the U.S.-led coalition to counter the Islamic State group have resumed after a nearly three-week pause, an Iraqi military statement said Thursday.

Meanwhile, anti-government protesters called for 1 million Iraqis to take to the streets Friday in what they said was a “last chance” for the protest movement to build on momentum gained after followers of influential Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr packed up and left last week.

The statement said joint operations had resumed in light of the continued threat posed by IS. Militants belonging to the group are holed up in parts of northern Iraq.

The statement also implied that Baghdad was standing by intentions to reorganize Iraq’s military relationship with the U.S.

(A P)

Iran’s Rouhani Calls Trump’s Plan ’Most Despicable Plan of Century’

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has condemned US President Donald Trump's so-called 'peace plan' for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as 'the most despicable plan of the century.'

(A K P)

Saudi Arabia complicit in US assassination of Lt. Gen. Soleimani: Iran Foreign Ministry

Tehran has denounced Riyadh for supporting the US’s assassination of Iran’s senior anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, saying such a stance makes the Saudi regime “complicit” in Washington’s crime.

This expression of support makes the Saudi regime complicit in the crime, which was perpetrated on US President Donald Trump’s direct order, Mousavi said.

(A K P)

50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike

Fifty US military personnel have now been diagnosed with concussions and traumatic brain injuries following the Iranian missile attack on US forces in Iraq earlier this month, according to a statement Tuesday from the Pentagon.

That's an increase of 16 from late last week when the Pentagon said 34 cases had been diagnosed.

(* B K P)

A Million Iraqis Asked Us to Leave. We Should Listen.

You wouldn’t know it from US mainstream media reporting, but on Friday an estimated million Iraqis took to the streets to protest the continued US military presence in their country. What little mainstream media coverage the protest received all reported the number of protesters as far less than actually turned out. The Beltway elites are determined that Americans not know or understand just how much our presence in Iraq is not wanted.

(A P)

US disgraceful peace plan century's treason: Spox

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi condemned the US peace plan for the Palestinians as treachery of the century, saying that the plan is doomed.

(A P)

U.S. ‘Deal of Century’ seeking to humiliate all Muslims: Larijani

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani condemned Washington’s plots to sow discord among Muslims, noting that the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’ stems from lack of unity among Muslims.

(* A K P)

US Builds Several New Bases In Iraq Near Iran

Israeli experts say the U.S realized withdrawing from Iraq would leave policymakers and the military with greatly reduced influence in a region that has seen rapid and extensive Russian penetration into the region.

Contrary to declarations made by President Donald Trump, the U.S is not withdrawing forces from Iraq, but is building at least three semi-permanent new bases very close to the Iranian border in northern Iraq, Israeli sources tell Breaking Defense.

(* A K P)

Pakistan Just Became Saudi Arabia's Client State, and Turned Its Back on Tehran

Mohammed bin Salman got a sycophantic welcome in Islamabad this week, as Saudi Arabia threw Pakistan an economic lifeline. But that aid came at a steep price: Pakistan has now formally joined the Sunni Muslim axis against Iran

(A K)

Iranian military drone crash lands in southwestern province

(* B E P)

Is Iraq About To Become A Chinese Client State?
The railway infrastructure in Iraq, such as it is, will be built out after the completion of the network in Iran by China, allowing for the transport of all manufactured products from China into, ultimately, Europe. In this context, late last year saw Iran’s Vice President, Eshaq Jahangiri announce that Iran had signed a contract with China to implement a project to electrify the main 900 kilometre railway connecting Tehran to the north-eastern city of Mashhad. Adjunct to this, Jahangiri added that there are also plans to establish a Tehran-Qom-Isfahan high-speed train line and to extend this upgraded network up to the north-west through Tabriz.

Anmerkung Christian Reimann: Das sind wohl die Befürchtungen der US-Regierung und ihres Umfeldes für den Fall eines Abzuges des US-Militärs aus dem Irak – übrigens auch die der meisten Demokraten. Interessant ist der unten zu lesende Kommentar – daraus zitiert:

And while the United States won the military side of the invasion, it lost the war. The winners were China and Iran. China has emerged as the biggest investor in Iraq’s oil industry and also the largest buyer of Iraqi crude oil while Iran has had the greatest political influence in the country.

Iraq like Iran fits well with China’s ‘Belt & Road Initiative’.

Iraq is now a battle ground for political influence between Iran and the United States and also between China and the United States.“

(* B P)

Why mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran keeps failing

Mediating between Saudi Arabia and Iran means changing the balance of power in a way that pleases both countries. If Riyadh and Tehran are caught up dealing with predominant US interests in regional conflict zones, they are left with few options to fix their issues bilaterally and may drift apart when it comes to achieving the goal of stabilizing the region. Any mediation in this context is meaningless, especially ones in which the United States or American organizations, or staunch US allies, attempt to take charge.

(* B K P)

How Trump's Iran crisis escalated conflicts in Syria and Yemen

The U.S.-Iran crisis has not been so much about a single dramatized standoff between the two countries as seen a week ago, but is a wider regional belligerency for the future of the Middle East. The Trump administration withdrew from the Iran deal not because it was cheating in terms of nuclear agreements, but because Washington hawks and regional allies, such as Israel, perceived it was giving Tehran far too much lenience in pursuing regional objectives. That is, a bid to break out of Western containment by revising the power structure of the region by supporting allied states in proxy conflicts, aiming to challenge a status quo overseen by U.S. allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Thus, what was an extreme but nevertheless brief regional standoff is proving to have long term consequences. Trump's decision to assassinate Soleimani essentially triggered a new paradigm of tensions in the Middle East, sending shock waves throughout the region and creating political space for new conflict escalation, with Iran determined to gain leverage over Washington against the grip of maximum sanctions.

My comment: The effect on Yemen is exaggerated here. The Houthis are no Iranian proxies. The events in Yemen are driven by internal reasons.

(* B K P)

Daniel Davis: US should withdraw from Middle East while there's still time to avoid another costly war

The U.S. should have left Iraq and Syria after the fall of the Islamic State's caliphate. However, especially after the strike on Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the U.S. should withdraw its forces immediately. Doing so would protect U.S. soldiers, avoid war with Iran and preserve U.S. power, which is essential for deterring great power conflict.

If we fail to withdraw our troops, the chances are considerable that we will continue to see American men and women killed by malign actors. We will then likely retaliate further, escalating the level of attacks, and could eventually get drawn into a full-scale war that nobody wants and could claim the lives of hundreds or thousands more Americans and tens of thousands of innocent civilians abroad. Withdrawing gives us a solid chance to prevent that outcome and avoid war altogether.

(* B P)

From 2017: NEW CONFLICT DYNAMICS Between Regional Autonomy and Intervention in the Middle East and North Africa [edited collection]

In this new DIIS-book New Conflict Dynamics, Between Regional Autonomy and Intervention in the Middle East and North Africa 10 scholars from DIIS and the American University in Beirut analyze the current patterns of power and politics in the Middle East and North Africa. The book covers vast empirical grounds from France and the US to most of the states in the Middle East and North Africa. Thematically it moves through security infrastructure, arms exports and environmental crises to regional competition, domestic politics and foreign military interventions. As a whole the book goes beyond confirming the picture of a region in crisis and turmoil. It also demonstrates that the recent American withdrawal form the region, which was accelerated under president Obama, did not lead to a linear increase in the autonomy of regional powers in the region. By pointing out the dilemmas, contradictions and unintended consequences associated with the American withdrawal, the book suggests that we may very well be witnessing an incoherent emergence of a new regional order that in spite of carving out increased maneuver room for regional actors, remains deeply embedded in larger global trends.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Law firm Dechert sued in London for human rights abuses in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

The London office of Dechert, a major international law firm allegedly crossed the line into criminal abuse and torture in their work for Ras Al Khaimah’s ruler, Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qassimi; according to a lawsuit filed against the Firm in London today

The suit claims that Dechert’s global co-head of white-collar crime, Neil Gerrard, acting on behalf of Dechert and with the authority of Sheikh Saud, interrogated, intimidated, and tortured claimant Sadeq over a period of several months; eventually forcing him to sign a false confession.

(A K P)

UK supports Arab Coalition efforts in Yemen, British envoy says

Aron said that while Britain is not part of the coalition fighting in Yemen, yet it supports efforts by the bloc

The British Ambassador to Yemen Michael Aron has affirmed Britain’s support for efforts exerted by the Arab Coalition fighting to restore stability to Yemen.

The ambassador made the remarks during an interview on the Al Hadath News Channel, during which he was asked about the UK’s stance from the Iranian-backed Houthis militia and the war to restore legitimacy in Yemen.

Aron said that while Britain is not part of the coalition fighting in Yemen, yet it supports the efforts exerted by the bloc to restore stability.

He also said that the Houthis shall seek to form a political party in a step to participate in the political process in the country.

My comment: LOL. The UK is a warring party in the Yemen War. It’s a joke to assume the Saudi coalition would bring any “stability” to Yemen.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(* B K P)

Im Einsatz in Saudi-Arabien

Bundespolizei nimmt Einsatz in Riad wieder auf. Deutsche Werft trotz Rüstungsexportstopp in Saudi-Arabien tätig

Die Bundespolizei nimmt ihren Einsatz in Saudi-Arabien wieder auf. Dies bestätigt die Bundesregierung. Demnach sollen bis Ende dieser Woche insgesamt 13 Bundespolizisten nach Riad entsandt werden und die Ausbildung saudischer Grenzschützer fortsetzen, die im Jahr 2009 das Bundesinnenministerium unter dem damaligen Minister Wolfgang Schäuble eingeleitet hatte, um dem Airbus-Konzern einen milliardenschweren Auftrag zur Hochrüstung der saudischen Außengrenzen zu sichern - gegen Konkurrenz aus Frankreich und den USA. Laut Berichten nahmen an dem Ausbildungsprojekt in der Vergangenheit auch saudische Geheimdienstler teil; deutsche Projektmitarbeiter waren bei Hinrichtungen zugegen. Nicht klar ist, ob die Wiederaufnahme des Ausbildungsprogramms, die trotz der unverändert brutalen saudischen Repression erfolgt, auf eine mögliche Aufhebung des Rüstungsexportstopps hinweist, der offiziell noch bis zum 31. März gilt. Mitarbeiter der deutschen Lürssen-Werft bildeten trotz des Rüstungsexportstopps saudische Grenzschützer aus und beschafften Ersatzteile für Kriegsschiffe.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(B E P)

Dubai steps up efforts to revive property market

Emirate seeks to get grip on sector after prices fall 40% from their 2014 peak

Demand has plummeted as Dubai’s services- and tourism-oriented economy suffered the double blow of the oil price collapse in 2014 — just as the supply of apartments, offices and hotels surged — and escalating geopolitical tensions. Turmoil across the sector, from plunging prices to late-paying developers pressuring cash-strappedcontractors, has prompted Dubai’s authorities to act to get a grip on a market that has an outsized impact on sentiment.

(B P)


In 2011, I joined hundreds of thousands of my fellow Bahrainis in calling for democratic reform. Inspired by the Arab Spring protests in Egypt and Tunisia, we were confident the world would support our uprising. But for Bahrain's allies, it was an inconvenient revolution; Bahrain is a key American partner in the Gulf and hosts the US Navy's Fifth Fleet. So when Saudi and Emirati troops were invited to crush the protests, we were thrown under the bus.

Bahrain's government has neither forgotten nor forgiven. Since the uprising, all political opposition and independent media have been banned. Thousands have been locked up in overcrowded prisons. The use of torture by security services has become the norm and courts issue death sentences on the basis of coerced confessions.

The torture I experienced after my arrest in February 2014 was ruthless and professional.

cp12b Sudan

(* A K P)

Yemen's Houthis offer talks for Sudan prisoner swap via Red Cross: TV

Yemen’s Houthi movement is ready to hold talks with Sudan over an exchange of prisoners through the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), al-Masirah, a television channel run by the Iran-aligned group, said on Thursday.

The Sudanese authorities said last month they had 5,000 troops operating in Yemen as part of a Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis.

“We informed the Sudanese authorities through the ICRC that we have Sudanese prisoners, and that we are ready to hold negotiations with them for a swap deal,” al-Masirah said on Twitter, citing a Houthi official in charge of prisoner matters.

“We hope the Sudanese authorities will put pressure on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to secure the release of their children,” the official added, implying that the Sudanese prisoners would be released in exchange for Houthis held by Saudi or UAE forces, or groups affiliated to them.

(* A K P)

Sudan investigating reports of UAE's 'devious' mercenary recruitment for Yemen, Libya wars

Sudan has launched an investigation into reports of Sudanese men who were lured to work as mercenaries in Libya and Yemen after being hired as guards for an Emirati company.
The foreign ministry said on Tuesday it was looking into the case after some families of the men staged a sit-in outside the ministry building in Khartoum, Reuters reported.
The families have also protested outside the Emirati embassy in Khartoum, which they accuse of green-lighting the recruitment of Sudanese as mercenaries under false pretenses.
Around 50 Sudanese men allegedly recruited and sent to Libya by the Emirati company returned on Tuesday to Khartoum.
They headed directly towards the Emirati embassy to stage a protest, The Sudan Tribune reported.

(* A K P)

Families accuse the UAE of sending young Sudanese to Yemen war

Claims that the UAE and Saudi Arabia recruit Sudanese youth as mercenaries highlight Sudan’s controversial role in the Gulf kingdoms’ devastating military campaign in Yemen and Libya.

As the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) expansionist policies stretch across the Middle East and North Africa, resentment towards the kingdom in Sudan is rising.

Recently, Sudanese families protested outside the UAE embassy in the capital Khartoum against an Emirati company which they allege has sent their children to fight in Yemen and Libya, local Sudanese media reported.

Carrying banners reading “No to mercenary activities” and “No to deception”, the protesters demanded Emirati authorities bring their sons back home safely and that the Sudanese government intervene immediately.

Over the past few days, several Sudanese media outlets reported that the UAE-based Black Shield Security Services Company is sending young Sudanese to war when they had only signed a contract with the company to work as security guards inside the Gulf country.


(A K P)

Film: #UAE recruiting #Sudanese mercenaries by tricking them, then sending them to #Libya to fight the Internationally recognized government.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(* B K P)

Exporte in den Krieg

Tragen Rüstungskonzerne eine Mitschuld an Kriegsverbrechen? Miriam Saage-Maaß zur Verantwortung privater Lieferanten und staatlicher Kontrolleure

Die Vorstände und Top-Manager von mindestens acht europäischen Waffenfirmen haben sich möglicherweise strafbar gemacht, denn sie könnten durch die Lieferung von Kampfflugzeugen und Bomben Beihilfe zu Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen geleistet haben.

Nun gilt im Völkerstrafrecht der Grundsatz, dass man sich auch strafbar macht, wenn man andere Personen bei der Begehung von Völkerrechtsverbrechen unterstützt, indem man die Werkzeuge hierfür zur Verfügung stellt. Dieses Konzept muss auch auf die Verantwortlichen in großen Waffenkonzernen angewendet werden.

Die Analyse, dass bewaffnete Konflikte nicht nur von Politikern und Militärs angezettelt und geführt werden, sondern dass auch mächtige Wirtschaftsunternehmen eine wichtige Rolle spielen, ist nicht neu. Schon bei den Nürnberger Prozessen ab 1945 war klar, dass beispielsweise die Industriellen der Krupp AG die Verbrechen des Nazi-Regimes ermöglicht und unterstützt hatten.

Die Bundesregierung verweist immer gern darauf, dass das deutsche Kriegswaffenkontrollrecht im europäischen Vergleich streng sei. Doch auf viele Exporte im Rahmen europäischer Kooperationsprojekte, wie dem Euro-Fighter, ist das Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz gar nicht anwendbar. Da gelten die wesentlich weicheren Regeln des Außenwirtschaftsgesetzes. Außerdem ist die Genehmigungspraxis viel zu lax.

and English version:

(* B K P)

'Remains of weapons were found at the site of an air attack'

European arms companies may be liable to prosecution for aiding war crimes in Yemen, lawyer Miriam Saage-Maaß argues

The Executive Boards and top managers of at least eight European arms companies may be liable to prosecution, as they could have aided and abetted war crimes in Yemen by supplying combat aircraft and bombs.

It’s a principle of international criminal law that those who help other persons to commit crimes against international law by providing the requisite tools are also liable to prosecution. This concept must also be applied to those in charge of major weapons corporations.

There’s nothing new about the analysis that not only blames politicians and the military for instigating and waging armed conflicts, but also acknowledges the key role of powerful businesses. Even back in 1945 when the Nuremberg trials began, for instance, it was clear that the industrialists at Krupp AG had facilitated and supported the crimes of the Nazi regime.

The German government is always keen to point out that German weapons-control legislation is strict compared to Europe as a whole. Yet the German War Weapons Control Act doesn’t apply at all to many exports under joint European projects such as the Eurofighter. The much more lenient rules of the German Foreign Trade and Payments Act apply here.

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

Siehe / Look at cp12b

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage


Bible Lands Museum exhibits age-old Yemenite culture and heritage, and their contemporary connections to Israel

An exhibition at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem shows that the ancient people living in the southern Arabia region (present-day Yemen) were largely connected to the land of Israel, despite being largely isolated from the rest of the Eastern world by seas and deserts.

On display for the first time, the new exhibition “Yemen: From Sheba to Jerusalem” explores the history of the ancient kingdoms of southern Arabia—Sheba, Qataban, Ḥadhramaut and Maʿin—their commercial links with the land of Judah during the First and Second Temple periods, as well as the origins of the Yemenite Jewish community.


Taiz military police catch smuggling gang with 700-year-old antiquities from Rasulid dynasty

"The antiquities and manuscripts found are estimated to be 700 years old in terms of the form of the calligraphy and the production date, going back to the Rasulid dynasty and giving us a glimpse of the historical city of Taiz," said Abdul Hadi Al-Az’azi, deputy assistant to the culture minister.

As Yemen’s cultural capital, Taiz is known for its extraordinarily rich heritage that includes ancient mosques, madrassas and castles built during the reign of the Rasulid Sultans between 1229 and 1454.


“My Identity” Initiative team visits a number of historic mosques in Crater of Aden the capital

The team got acquainted on the violations the mosques were exposed to, including the total destruction of the Al-Khoja Mosque in the 2015 war, and Al-Hamid Mosque that was demolished and rebuilt again in a modern style.

The team made an appeal to the people of Aden and the south in general to the necessity of cooperation and have a sense of responsibility to preserve historical monuments and protect them from tampering and destruction, the initiative team also called on the authorities to do their duty properly in this regard.

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E P)

Volatility of the Yemeni Riyal: Drivers and impact of Yemeni Riyal’s volatility, Thematic report – January 2020

Key findings

  • Since escalation of conflict in 2015, the Yemeni Riyal (YER) has been losing its value against the US dollar (USD), negatively impacting prices and households’ purchasing power along with humanitarian programmes.
  • The interconnected drivers of economic structural weakness and political instability, including the war economy, are the main contributors to the volatility of the YER.
  • The instable economic and political climate has made Yemen one of the most complex and challenging financial environments for humanitarian actors to operate in. Humanitarian organisations face major obstacles when it comes to implementing cash programmes.
  • The context shows a direct correlation between currency depreciation and price inflation, especially when it comes to the cost of imported staple food. This is due to Yemen’s dependence on imported goods and the dollarisation of the market.
  • Currency depreciation is not the only driver of price inflation in Yemen. Other factors include inflated transportation and production costs due to limited infrastructures and fuel shortages/increase in price; increased risks for traders due to insecurity; shortage of commodities and consequent price speculation; and taxation of basic commodities.
  • As the price of basic commodities increases, Yemeni households not only struggle to purchase food, but also to pay for transportation, electricity, and water. The soaring cost of these basic services is directly linked to increased fuel prices.

(A E P)

UN warns of consequences of currency crisis in Yemen

The head of the U.N. humanitarian office’s Coordination Division, Ramesh Rajasingham said the rial’s loss in value was at least partially due to a dispute over bank notes printed after 2016 that the Houthis banned for use in the north in mid-December.
"With a rapidly depreciating riyal and disrupted salary payments, we are again seeing some of the key conditions that brought Yemen to the brink of famine a year ago," Rajasingham told the UN Security Council.

(* B E)

Yemen Monthly Economic Update- December 2019

During 2019 Yemen’s economy continued to suffer from protracted and spasmodic conflict. Early in the year, the economy was projected to grow at around 2 percent in 2019, underpinned by a gradual recovery in the oil sector, resumption of gas production, and relative macroeconomic stability. However, this scenario may not materialize given the prevailing economic and security conditions, especially in the latter half the year, which witnessed escalating conflicts and repeated disruptions to oil production and exports, resumption LNG exports, and supply of foreign exchange to import essential inputs.

The oil sector continued to recover gradually throughout the year but the production target for 2019 was likely missed

Efforts are being made to increase export capacity from the Marib-Shabwa basin.

Planned resumption of LNG production did not happen in 2019.

On December 19, 2019, the de facto authorities in Sana’a tightened the ban on the use of the new edition of banknotes printed since the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) moved to Aden in 2016. T

The sudden announcement of the new measure has contributed to a payment crisis, further disrupting economic activity and aggravating humanitarian conditions.

The government in Aden has suspended the payments of civil servants’ salaries and pensions in the north, citing refusal by financial institutions to process payments as a result of the new measures announced in Sana’a.

After a brief period of appreciation, the Yemeni rial began to weaken in December and the dual exchange rates between Aden and Sana’a have widened since the new measures were announced.

Food prices have remained broadly stable in recent months

New efforts aimed at easing majorfuel crisisin the North has allowed increased discharge of fuel vessels at Hodaidah port and raised central revenue collection from fuel imports.

Annex 1. The Riyadh Agreement

Annex 2. Monetary Decision Imposed by the de facto Authorities in Sanaa

and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

This week's #ISIS bulletin devotes over a third of its 12 pages to its 27 January audio message inciting violence against #Trump's #DealOfTheCentury... but still manages half a page on the recent uptick of its #Yemen branch (photo allegedly shows it convening of a Sharia "court")

(A T)

#ISIS has been gathering pace in #Yemen but still limited to NW Bayda'. So far in January it has claimed 8 ops. Last 7 all against Houthis. Latest attack (below) killed 2 Houthis & injured others at checkpoint Sunday. Weapons & ammo seized. No op against #AQAP since IED on 6 Jan

(A T)

Local media in #Yemen report a US #drone strike at dawn today on a house in al-Hazma village in Wadi Ubayda, Ma'rib. An #AQAP commander was allegedly in the house, possibly with other jihadis (plus an arsenal of mines & rockets too according to some other sources). Unconfirmed. (image)

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

How to limit Iranian freedom of action

Iran’s threat toward U.S. assets and allies in the Middle East, such as Israel or Saudi Arabia, has greatly increased due to its successful development of precision-guided munitions, or PGM.

Iran’s PGM project has a simple aim: to strike distant, high-value targets with high precision. This involves several stages, some of them carried out in the Iranian defense industries: research and development, manufacturing, experimentation, deployment, and operational employment.

Iran is not just keeping this capability for itself. It distributes PGMs to its proxies, both the missiles themselves and the technology to produce them.

(A P)

The Houthis are consolidating power

The Iran-backed Houthis are consolidating their power in Yemen. They are silencing political dissent in their territories and brutally expanding their control over the rest of the country. In the latest display of violence this month an attack on a mosque inside a military camp in the northern Yemeni city of Marib killed more than 130 soldiers and injured dozens.

Yet the Houthis' violence gets little to no attention from the international community, and their military operations are not often considered a severe threat in Yemen's conflict.

The willingness on the part of the international community to ignore the Houthis' military expansion and minimize their attacks as mere "skirmishes" has created the impression that it is giving them carte blanche.

(A P)

Saudische Projekte in lebenswichtigen Sektoren bringt Entwicklung von Sokotra voran

Das saudische Entwicklungs- und Wiederaufbauprogramm für den Jemen (Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen, SDRPY) baut auf der jemenitischen Sokotra-Inselgruppe derzeit eine Reihe von lebenswichtigen Projekte in ganz unterschiedlichen Sektoren auf, wie etwa der Wasser- und Energiewirtschaft, der Gesundheitsversorgung, dem Verkehrswesen, der Bildung und der Fischerei. Das Programm soll den Inselbewohnern außerdem dabei helfen, die Zyklone und tropischen Stürme besser zu überstehen, von denen Sokotra häufig betroffen ist und die sintflutartige Regenfälle und verheerende Überschwemmungen mit sich bringen. Diese Projekte sollen die Bedürfnisse der Menschen auf dieser jemenitischen Insel befriedigen, sie sollen sich in sämtlichen Sektoren positiv auf die Dienstangebote auswirken sowie einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung des alltäglichen Lebensstandards leisten und dank der Arbeit, die durch die Projekte entsteht, für ein größeres Arbeitsplatzangebot sorgen.

and English version:

(A P)

Saudi projects in vital sectors boost development of Yemen’s Socotra

As part of Saudi Arabia’s development efforts in the war-torn country, the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY) is implementing a series of vital projects in the Yemeni archipelago of Socotra in a variety of sectors, including water, energy, health, transportation, education and fisheries.
The program also helps the island's residents during the cyclones and tropical storms that often strike Socotra and result in torrential rains and damaging floods.
These projects meet the needs of the people of this Yemeni islan

(A P)

[Hadi] Yemen government warns of 'bloody' year if violence escalates

Experts say Stockholm deal could be crippled if the situation deteriorates

Yemen is set for a “bloody year”, government officials warned on Wednesday after an upsurge of violence in the country’s north that has shattered relative calm and displaced thousands.

“It is clear that the start of 2020 was launched with bloody and tragic events in Yemen that are expected to continue for some time if the international community does not intervene against the Iranian-backed militia,” Yemen's Deputy Human Rights Minister Majed Fadhil told The National.

“It will be a year of war and destruction against the people of Yemen,” Mr Fadhil said.

My comment: The Hadi government claims more war? It’s they who started the Nahm district offensive.

(A P)

How Houthis plunged Yemen in multilayered crisis within a month

Within almost a month, Houthis controlling Yemen's north have plunged the country in a new multilayered crisis, aggregating the living conditions of a nation already suffering the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

The Shia extremist militia, on January 8, outlawed the new Yemeni riyal bills issued by the government

(A P)

Find out the real reason for targeting southern forces in Marib

The source said that the Houthi plan behind this incident, is to scatter the papers in Yemen through Turkish-Iranian coordination. The source added that the scheme aims mainly to target the southern forces, and then to promote that the UAE is the one that targeted them, and the main goal is to find a Saudi-Emirati dispute, which leads to weakening the coalition.

The senior southern source confirmed that preliminary investigations confirm directives of leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood residing in Turkey who indicated to the commander of the Fourth Brigade a presidential protection to transfer its soldiers to this camp weeks ago.

The source said that Brotherhood elements monitored the locations of the southern forces, and gave the signal to the Houthi militia to bomb the camp, which is not far from the Houthi militia sites.

The source said that the media supported by Iran, Qatar and Turkey, immediately after the incident, sought to hold the UAE responsible for implementing the scheme

My comment: This sounds like conspiracy theory by separatists’ propaganda.

(A P)

‘Houthi rebels had been using military calm to prepare for this new escalation’

Yemen’s Information Minister said the Houthi militia had been using the relative military calm in the aftermath of the December 2018 Stockholm Agreement to prepare for this new escalation they resumed days ago on different warfronts.

Muammar al-Eryani pointed out “They exploited the period after the agreement to replenish their manpower deficiencies, re-organize and prepare for this new escalation.”

My comment: The Hadi government dreams of inflating the war at Hodeidah again. Eryani’s claim is rather odd as the anti-Houthi forces had started the offensive in Nehm district. Look at cp2. – As separatist propaganda objects to Islah Party (Muslim Brotherhood):

(A K P)

A l-Jadi reveals reason of moving the #Nahm_Front after years of inactivity

“The aim of moving the sleepy front movement is to create a hollow noise made by the Brotherhood militias to cover its intransigence in not withdrawing from Shabwa and Abyan and continue to obstruct the implementation of the terms of the Riyadh Agreement, and that cunning is no longer useful, so the issue of their presence in Shabwa and Abyan is no longer acceptable and your exit clause will be implemented in all cases”.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Jan. 26:

(* A K)

Yemen: Saudi coalition air strike ‘mistakenly’ kills pro-Hadi soldiers

Nine soldiers belonging to the UN-recognised Yemeni government are believed to have been killed in friendly fire yesterday following an air strike by the Saudi-led coalition in the country’s Marib province.

According to Xinhua, an anonymous military source disclosed that “warplanes of the Saudi-led Arab coalition mistakenly targeted a military site of the pro-government forces in Jafra area in the northern part of Marib province.”

The air strikes are said to have occurred during fighting between forces loyal to Saudi-backed, exiled President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and those of the Houthi movement, which is allied with the majority of Yemen’s armed forces.

“Nearly nine soldiers were killed and ten others injured as a result of the Saudi-led airstrike that mistakenly missed its target and hit our forces,” the source added.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids recorded on:

Jan. 29: Sanaa p., Marib p., Saada p.

Jan. 28: Sanaa p., Jawf p.

Jan. 27: Jawf p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1b, cp2

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen army claims downing of Houthi drone in Al-Jawf

(* A K pS)

Houthi missile launch failure kills Iranian experts in Yemen

Iranian engineers along with a number of Houthis were killed after an Iranian-made ballistic missile targeted on Saudi Arabia exploded on the launcher on January 28 in the northern suburbs of Sana'a.
Local sources confirmed several hours after the event that a ballistic missile prepared for launch against targets in Saudi Arabia exploded. They said many casualties were inflicted.

My comment: The “Iranian experts “ stay a flimsy claim.

(* A K)

Ballistic Missile Explodes In Yemen; Houthis & Iranians Dead

We do not know what caused the missile's explosion. Israel has taken steps to foil such launch attempts in the past. No one here was prepared to speak on the record about the explosion.

Iranian engineers and a group of Houthi rebels in Yemen are dead after an Iranian-made ballistic missile targeted on Saudi Arabia exploded on the launcher on January 28.

We do not know what caused the explosion. Israel has taken steps to foil such launch attempts in the past. No one here was prepared to speak on the record about the explosion, which occurred in the northern suburbs of a city in an area called Al-Khatsba. Israeli sources say that there may be an operational need to attack Iranian upgraded missiles deployed in sites far from its borders.

Yemeni radio confirmed several hours after the event that a ballistic missile prepared for launch against targets in Saudi Arabia exploded. The report said many casualties were inflicted.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni Army forces claim control of strategic hills on Taiz’s Red Sea coast

The advances came after about a week of clashes with the Houthis in Taiz

(A K pH)

Eine Frau wurde getötet, eine weitere in Taiz verwundet

(A K pH)

In Taiz, a woman was killed and her daughter was injured with an artillery shell launched by US-Saudi mercenaries in Al-Ta'ezeah district.

(A K pS)

Film: Dozens of Houthis Killed and wounded in clashes east of Sana'a

Yesterday, Wednesday, dozens of Houthis were killed and injured, after confrontations with government forces on the Naham front, east of the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, governmental military sources indicated that the Houthis were defeated after the battle moved to the open areas under Fardat Naham within a deliberate plan, during which ambushes were erected to defeat them further.

(* A K)

#Yemen escalation: Televised statement by Houthi spokesman *claims* major advances. Of great concern is his (unconfirmed) assertion that Houthis launched missiles & drones into #Saudi targeting #Aramco, 2 airports & other sites "in response to escalation" (though timing unclear)

(* A K)

Huthis melden Angriffe auf saudische Ölanlage

Die mit dem Iran verbündeten Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen haben nach eigenen Angaben mehrere Ziele im Nachbarland Saudi-Arabien angegriffen. So seien eine Ölanlage des saudischen Konzerns Aramco in Dschasan, die Flughäfen von Abha und Dschasan, der Militärposten Chamis Muschait und andere wichtige Ziele in Saudi-Arabien mit Raketen und Drohnen attackiert worden, sagte Huthi-Sprecher Jahja Saria heute bei einer Pressekonferenz in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa.

Wann genau die Angriffe erfolgt seien, ließ Saria offen. Weder Aramco noch die von Saudi-Arabien angeführt Koalition im Krisenstaat Jemen äußerte sich zunächst zu den Angaben. Mit den Angriffen wollten die Huthi-Rebellen laut Saria auf die „Eskalation der Luftangriffe“ der Koalition antworten.

(* A K)

Yemen's Houthis say they fired at Aramco, other Saudi targets

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement said on Wednesday it had fired rocket and drone strikes at Saudi targets including Aramco oil facilities, the group’s first claim of such attacks since it offered to halt them four months ago.

Few details were given of the precise nature and timing of the attacks, and there was no immediate confirmation from the Saudi authorities of any strikes.

In comments reported by Houthi-run Al Masirah TV, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saria said more than 15 “operations” had been carried out in the past week inside Saudi Arabia in retaliation for an escalation in air strikes.

Saudi Aramco facilities in Jizan on the Red Sea were targeted, along with other targets near the border with Yemen, including Abha and Jizan airports and Khamis Mushait military base, “with a large number of rockets and drones”, he said in a separate statement.

State oil giant Aramco declined to comment on the report.

Oil prices were higher after the reports.


(* A K)

Yemen's Houthis Launch Failed Missile Attack On Saudi Aramco Facility

Yemen's Houthis claimed Wednesday its Shia militants targeted Saudi Aramco facilities with a missile strike in Jizan on the Red Sea in the kingdom's south, which caused a brief surge in oil, jumping above $54 a barrel in New York, before it slipped back down to a nearly 3-month low on reports that no missiles reached their intended targets, leading to skepticism about the Houthi statement.

An hour after the announcement briefly rattled oil markets, a Saudi oil official indicated that all missiles were intercepted by Saudi defenses — though details still remain unclear and unconfirmed, especially the timeline of when the attack allegedly happened.


(* A K)

Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they attacked Saudi oil giant Aramco, airport & other ‘sensitive’ targets

A military base and a facility of Saudi Arabian oil giant Aramco were targeted in the latest attacks, Yemen’s Houthi militants claimed. Aramco has so far kept silent on the reports.

The militants took aim at sites located in the southern Saudi province of Jizan, the Houthi spokesman said in a televised speech on Wednesday. Apart from that, the group claimed it targeted airports of Abha and Jizan, a military base, and other “sensitive” targets on Saudi soil.

“A large number of rockets and drones” were used during the strike, it has been claimed. Riyadh has remained silent on the matter, while Aramco declined to comment on altogether when reached by Reuters for details.

and also

(A K pH)

Zwei Mädchen durch Kugeln der Aggressionssöldner in Taiz verletzt

(A K pS)

Houthis push military reinforcements to border of Al-Baydha, Abyan governorates

“Houthis are taking advantage of the Yemeni government’s lack of financial and military support" in the area, a field commander said

(A K pH)

In Sa'adah, Saudi missiles and artillery shells targeted populated villages in Razih border district.

(A K pH)

Armee schießt in Malahid vor Jizan ein aggressives Spionageflugzeug ab

(A K pH)

Army shoots down aggression coalition spy aircraft in Jizan

(A K pS)

Taiz: Houthis kill young girl, injure 5 children in second attack today

Houthis killed one young girl and injured four other children in a second rocket attack in Adhabab county in central Yemen city of Taiz today.


(* A K pS)

Ten civilian killed, injured in Houthi shelling of Taiz

Houthi rockets killed three civilians and severely injured seven others in the central Yemen city of Taiz on Monday, local sources cited by Saba News Agency, adding that the injured persons were immediately hospitalized.


(A K pS)

Houthis bomb residential areas in Taiz

One citizen was injured and one school bus was damaged by the random bombing.

The sources said the random shelling was combined by snipping operations against citizens on streets that forced people stop walking on roads.

(A K pS)

Photo: This is a bus for Al-Nebras Private Schools in Taiz. Yesterday, Houthi militia fired on one of its shells, moments after the completion of the transportation of students, otherwise it would be a disaster.

(A K)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni army soldiers, allies foil major Saudi-led push to overrun Sana’a: Spox,-allies-foil-major-Saudi-led-push-to-overrun-Sanaa:-Spox

(* A K)

Film: Yemen's battlefield moves closer to key city of Marib

The United Nations special envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, has called for immediate de-escalation as a drastic surge in fighting threatens to exacerbate the country's long-running war and further complicate a fragile peace process. Some say it might jeopardise two years of efforts by the UN negotiators to secure peace between Houthi rebels and the UN-recognised government.

(A K pS)

Number of Houthi rebels killed in Al-Bayda

(A K pS)

After violent clashes, the southern forces breaks the Houthi attack in Battar west of Al-Dhalea

and also

(A K)

Hadi government forces clashed with the al Houthis in Taiz city in southwestern Taiz governorate. Hadi government-aligned forces claimed they killed an al Houthi leader and four other members. The al Houthis reported that they repelled the government forces and killed several soldiers.[3]

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

(* A)

Heuschrecken verbreiten sich rasant

Vereinte Nationen warnen vor einer Plage, die die Ernährung von zwölf Millionen Menschen bedroht.

Die Vereinten Nationen warnen vor einer „extrem alarmierenden und beispiellosen Bedrohung der Ernährungssicherheit“ durch Heuschrecken am Horn von Afrika. Neue Bruten könnten zu einem weiteren Befall in Äthiopien, Kenia und Somalia führen, teilte die Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation FAO mit. Gefährdet seien der Südsudan und Uganda. Sorge gebe es auch wegen neuer Schwärme in Eritrea, Saudi-Arabien, Sudan und Jemen.

Die Heuschrecken hätten mit der Eiablage begonnen; damit sei mit einem Anwachsen der Schwärme zu rechnen, lautet die Heuschrecken-Prognosen der FAO. Nötig seien rasche Maßnahmen zur Aufspürung und Dezimierung der Heuschrecken am Boden und aus der Luft sowie Vorkehrungen zum Schutz der Existenzgrundlage der Bevölkerung. Die FAO veranschlagte dafür 70 Millionen Dollar (63,5 Millionen Euro). =

(* A)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Desert Locust situation update - 28 January 2020

Locusts will increase further as a new generation of breeding starts in the Horn of Africa

The current Desert Locust situation remains extremely alarming and represents an unprecedented threat to food security and livelihoods in the Horn of Africa. This will be further exacerbated by new breeding that has commenced, which will cause more locust infestations.

Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Hopper bands have formed along Red Sea coastal plains from Jeddah to Hodeidah, many of which have fledged and formed immature groups of adults that are maturing. Immature swarms formed in Yemen on the coast and some moved into the highlands. Another generation of breeding will cause locust numbers to increase further. Aerial and ground control operations are in progress in Saudi Arabia while limited ground control has been carried out in Yemen.

(B D)

Zoo lions starve to death in war-torn Yemen

Lions are starving in a national zoo in Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa.

The country's civil war has caused the collapse of local currency and escalation of food prices, making it hard to get enough food and medical care for animals in the zoo, including lions.

"Four lions have died over the past weeks due to severe food shortage and diseases," Fouad al-Harsh, who is in charge of taking care of the zoo, told Xinhua.

Established in 1999, the zoo has about 1,159 animals, including 31 lions, two Arabian leopards, four ostriches, four hyenas, and various numbers of wolves, hawks, crocodiles, monkeys and other animals.

Since its opening, the zoo has become an escape for Yemeni families who enjoy watching various animals closely.

"The high prices do not enable us to provide enough meat or medical care to help the remaining lions," al-Harsh added, complaining of a decline in the number of visitors whose entrance fee could help support the zoo.

(A P)

Sha’b Hadhramout defeats Wehdat Aden in penalty shootouts at football league championship

The completion of the wartime tournament was a victory in itself, showing how Yemenis from all parts of the country can transcend the conflict

(* C)

Yemen: The Last Lunch

Events leading up to the 1977 murder of Ibrahim al-Hamdi, president of North Yemen, and its effects on a divided nation.

Details surrounding the political assassination of Ibrahim al-Hamdi, president of North Yemen, in 1977 are stranger than fiction.

Al-Hamdi, viewed by many as a reformer and modernist, came to power in a bloodless coup in June 1974 at a time when Yemen was divided into two countries: North Yemen, where al-Hamdi was president and Marxist South Yemen. As a moderniser, al-Hamdi pushed for Yemeni unification and was due to travel to Aden to meet with his southern counterpart in October 1977.

Two days before that meeting was due to take place, al-Hamdi was invited to lunch at the home of his army commander Ahmad al-Ghashmi. On arrival, al-Hamdi was taken past the dignitaries and brought to a room where on the floor lay the body of his brother. According to a witness, al-Hamdi was then murdered at the scene.

The exact details of his death remain a mystery.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-619 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-619: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

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