Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 635 - Yemen War Mosaic 635

Yemen Press Reader 635: 24. März 2020: Fünf Jahre Jemenkrieg – Über 257.000 saudische Luftangriffe in fünf Jahren – „Präsident” Hadi’s verlorene Legitimität – „Tod an der Grenze”: Wie die Saudis

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... “Tod an der Grenze”: Wie die Saudis Jemeniten ausbeuten – Bericht aus Aden – Mehr als die Hälfte der Kinder im Jemen hat Anzeichen von Depression – Corona: Gefahr für Jemen – Corona, Iran und US-Sanktionen – und mehr

March 24, 2020: Five years of Yemen war – Over 257,000 Saudi-led air strikes in five years – “President” Hadi’s lost legitimacy – “Death at borders”: Saudi exploitation of Yemenis – Report from Aden – More than the half of Yemeni children shows signs of depression – Corona, danger for Yemen – Corona, Iran and US sanctions – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13 Mercenaries / Söldner

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H K P)

Yemen: Five Years since Saudi-Led Coalition Intervened

Impoverished Yemen is mired in a devastating conflict between Iran-backed rebels and government forces, which intensified after Saudi Arabia led a military intervention five years ago.

Here is a broad overview

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Five Years Of The U.S.-Backed War On Yemen

This week marks the fifth anniversary of the start of the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen. The war has not ended, and the humanitarian crisis created by the war has only grown worse over time.

Our government’s role in creating that crisis and prolonging the misery of the people of Yemen cannot be forgotten. Despite the considerable efforts of many activists and members of Congress, illegal U.S. involvement in this war has continued into a new decade. The fault for that lies squarely with the president, who has vetoed Congressional resolutions that would end the shameful U.S. role in wrecking and starving a country whose people have done nothing to us.

Yemen’s humanitarian crisis demands special attention now because the devastation of the health care system and the severely compromised immunity of the population because of malnutrition make them very vulnerable to the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic.

Over the course of the last five years, the U.S. has aided and abetted some of the worst governments in the world as they have committed thousands of atrocities against the civilian population of Yemen. More than 100,000 people have died in combat, and at least 130,000 more have died from starvation and disease. There have been well over a million cases of cholera in the largest epidemic of that disease in modern times, and more than ten million are on the verge of famine. The wholly man-made crisis in Yemen is to a very large degree the fault of the U.S. policy of unconditional support for the Saudi coalition, and we must stop enabling the starvation and slaughter of innocent people.

Five years on, everyone understands that the intervention has failed, but somehow no one in a position to do anything about it is willing to end it – by Daniel Larison =

(** B K pH)

Yemen: Over 257,000 Saudi-led air strikes in 5 years

The Saudi-led coalition has carried out over 257,000 air strikes on Yemen since the start of its aggression five years ago, revealed the pro-Houthi Yemeni army spokesperson yesterday.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree stated during a press conference in the Yemeni capital Sanaa that thousands of Yemeni people were killed and tens of thousands wounded as a result of the US-backed Saudi-led coalition’s military intervention in addition to a significant loss in public service facilities, reported Yemen Press Agency.

Yemen’s military establishment including its headquarters, units, equipment, personnel and leaders were the first target of the coalition forces according to Saree. It was recently reported that the US was behind the destruction of Yemen’s air defences prior to the coalition air strikes.

The statistics may be greater than indicated as “the coalition raids announced by us are limited to what was monitored, and there are raids that were not monitored, especially during the first years of the aggression war,” said the spokesman.

However, it was also revealed that the joint army-Houthi forces launched some 1,067 ballistic and winged missiles against coalition targets including some within Saudi and Emirati territory with information about new defence missile systems to be showcased in the near future.

(** B P)

'Saudi puppet': Yemenis question their president's legitimacy

In 2015, anti-Houthi sentiment bolstered Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi's leadership. Today, many say his support hangs by a thread

Five years ago, Yemen President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi could count on a wide spectrum of political support around the country.

Over the intervening years, however, that support has dissipated with the 74-year-old politician facing criticism from all the corners he once counted on.

Some say Hadi is secretly aligned with al-Islah, seen as the Muslim Brotherhood's Yemeni branch. Others complain, given the fact that his government has been based in Riyadh since 2015, that he's a Saudi puppet.

Earlier this month, Tawakkol Karman, the Noble Prize-winning Yemeni human rights activist who was among those leading the country's 2011 protests, said Hadi no longer holds legitimacy.

“Hadi is at his best incapacitated and arrested, which makes him unaccountable, and makes his decisions non-binding for Yemenis as long as he is incapable and his freedom is restricted," she said in a speech.

While it’s not surprising that Hadi’s popularity has taken a hit after five years of war that has left more than 100,000 dead and the majority of Yemenis living in dire poverty, the consequences are significant for the ongoing conflict.

Forces loyal to him have been weakened and, as groups fight Hadi and each other rather than standing shoulder to shoulder against the Houthis, their battles are set to drag on even further into the future.

Southern problems

Hadi's struggles began in early 2017 when splits emerged between forces loyal to him and those of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a southern secessionist movement backed by the United Arab Emirates.

The STC accused Hadi of working under the supervision of the Islah party which the southern forces still condemn for supporting Saleh in the 1994 war against al-Beidh’s forces which led to the latter's defeat.

Hit by accusations that he was carrying out Islah's agenda, Hadi was seen as a traitor by the southern forces who attacked his fighters in Aden and surrounding areas.

Many southerners lost confidence in Hadi, especially after the battles that broke out between forces loyal to him and the southern fighters last year.

“Hadi fought us in Aden and Abyan and he is not loyal to the south but to the Muslim Brotherhood, so he is our enemy," Mahmoud added.

"Now we have the STC that leads the south and we do not care about Hadi and his government."

A puppet

But it's not just STC supporters who have pulled their backing from Hadi.

Since the death of Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2017, political parties in Yemen have been largely divided between supporters of the Houthis, those backing Tareq Saleh, the nephew of the former president, and Hadi’s backers.

While there have not been any recent, comprehensive nationwide polls assessing Hadi’s popularity, an informal survey by MEE of political figures previously loyal to Hadi suggests that most are now against him.

Ahmed Al-Azazi, a member of the Nasserist Unionist Party which opposes Islah and has battled the group’s fighters in Taiz over the last year, told MEE: “We elected Hadi in 2012 as a president for only two years but then the Houthis took over Sanaa and we supported him to continue.

“Hadi is not a president but a puppet in the hands of Saudi Arabia and he implements its agenda in Yemen,” Azazi said. “We as Yemenis should refuse Hadi at once.”

Azazi said that most of Taiz’s residents stand against Hadi as he allowed the Saudi-led coalition to destroy Yemen - and particularly to bomb Taiz - while he is silent in Saudi Arabia.

“Hadi gave the green light to Saudi Arabia to destroy Yemen and he can’t say no because he is in Saudi Arabia," he said.

“Hadi and the Saudi-led coalition betrayed Yemenis in several fronts and the last time was in Al-Jawf earlier this month, so Yemenis do not trust him anymore.”

Tied fates

These days, the Islah Party remains the only stronghold of support for Hadi. Most Yemeni officials serving in Hadi's government-in-exile are members of the party or affiliated to it, and they have remained loyal.

They are rejected by both the Houthis and the STC, so party leaders, most of whom are based outside the country, including in Turkey, feel they share their destiny with Hadi.

“I believe there is a clear defect in the government’s legitimacy which appeared gradually during the last five years,” Fadhl added.

“That left a negative impact and people started to notice that Hadi's authority had flopped and the president himself became a big problem for the political solution.”

He added: “Many forces had a second thought and they noticed that Hadi can’t meet his commitments and that he gave into political forces from the beginning.”

Rabie said that the Islah party had “kidnapped” Hadi's office and are controlling his decisions. “The decision is not in the hands of Hadi, but in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and they use Hadi as an umbrella,” Rabie added.

Without a clear vision or freedom to operate, Rabie said the country should pursue an initiative first pitched by then-US Secretary of State John Kerry in August 2016.

Under the Kerry proposal, the power now in Hadi's hands would be transferred to a vice president who was part of a broader unity government.

Alternatively, Yemen could form a presidential council which might also help break the impasse. Either way, he said, he believes Hadi should go.

My comment: Correctly, Hadi’s legitimacy had ended with the end of his (prolonged) term on Feb. 27, 2015.

(** B K P)

Death at borders .. Collective graves Saudi rewards for Yemeni youths

The reality that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have tried to hide about their war in Yemen has been disclosed by investigative reports that documented much of HR violations some of which may amount to war crimes.

The 'Death at Borders' investigative reportage, aired by Al-Jazeera TV on Sunday, joined to others press reports unveiling the real face of Saudi presence in Yemen's war.

The film chased hidden fact of "commercial" recruitment of great deal of Yemeni youth in support for battles at the southern borders of Saudi Arabia that is leading a military coalition backing the Yemeni internationally-recognized government, among other chocking facts.

The film was aired as the coalition-launched operation 'Decisive Storm', the declared purpose of which was to reverse the Houthi coup and reinstate President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his legitimate government to the Yemeni capital of Sana'a, is approaching its fifth anniversary.

'Death at Borders' is not the first investigative reportage by Al-Jazeera on Yemen's war, by which the channel reveals the Saudi-Emirati atrocious exploitation of Yemenis in several ways, all of which have forcibly led Yemeni youth – but also child recruits – to death.

The footage displays painful details on Yemenis, driven by need to death at Saudi borders, with the closing scene is un unmoral collective burial for tens of bodies amid blackout about their identities.

'Death at Borders' has raised angry reactions on social media by Yemeni elite, right activists and journalists. The following are some of these reactions followed by Debriefer.

Collective graveyards

Those involved in sending Yemeni youths to die at borders in defense of Saudi Arabia should be prosecuted, a Yemeni journalist tweeted.

"The investigative reportage 'Death at Borders' discloses collective graves of youths who were sent to Saudi borders, after their lives had been bargained, and then immorally buried with their identities concealed," Abbas al-Dhaleai added.

"The number is unknown, maybe thousands. The reportage documented the beginning of the crime's threads, and those involved in the crime should be sued."

Sacrifices in the wrong place

Ghmdan al-Youssefi, another reporter, said he had already written a similar reportage on what happens at borders and heard about the details, but "indeed, hearing is not like seeing."

"Pictures collected in the 'Death at Boarders' film are sufficient to stir emotions of any Yemeni. It's deep grief," he added.

Military Corruption

The documentary uncovers the fact that "corruption in Saudi army leaders and princes is equal to – or even more than – that in Yemeni agent army," Businessman Mohamed Tahir Ana'am said.

"This Saudi corruption is a main reason why Yemeni mercenaries are not enlisted, their salaries are eaten and their numbers and sham names are magnified in a country based on broad corruption," the pro-Houthi salafist added.

Film in full length (Arabic):

(** B H)

Aden Dispatch: Hard times in an uncertain south

It is a city caught between war and peace, or perhaps more accurately a city living in uncertainty between two phases of a war now five years old.

The wreckage from that first battle is still very visible in Aden—hotels and apartment blocks with their sides blown out and walls caved in, villas with holes in their roofs where bombs smashed through. It took a few months for the coalition air strikes and local armed groups, hastily mobilized in the face of the northern rebels and the government’s collapse, to remove Ansar Allah from the city. This is the period known by Adenis as the war, as though everything that followed has been something else.

The security is better in Aden than the first years after 2015, when clashes and bombings were frequent. But it is a city in the shadow of war, its streets filled with fighters and uncertainty.

In the meantime people try to survive. Regular work is hard to come by. Each morning men wait on the main avenues with their shovels, pickaxes and ladders, hoping for a day’s work on a construction site. Teachers are on strike because they have not been paid. Women and children beg at the roundabouts. In a city rife with criminality, security is one of the only growth industries. T

“There are many things that should support this city,” explains Najwan, one of the doctors at the hospital, “the port for the economy, museums for the culture—but all this has been destroyed.” He is a proud scion of an Adeni family in a city known for being a place where most inhabitants are from elsewhere.

There is nostalgia amongst many Adenis not just for the independent south—the flag of the old People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen is used by the secessionists today, even though they are not communists— but also for the period of British colonial rule. Time has softened memories, blurring out the injustices of imperialism and leaving an impression of order and economic well-being: attractive during days when so much is in chaos.

With the collapse of Yemen into war, the health care system has also imploded.

This is particularly evident in ad-Dhale, the last town before the front line on the road north from Aden.

The hospital is full of patients and their caretakers: soldiers in full camouflage gear with their legs in casts, old men in cast-off military jackets listlessly attached to a drip, women lifting their burqas so a doctor can inspect the incisions of a caesarean section. Here a few dedicated staff members are left to try and carry on the job of caring for the governorate’s poor—it is the only government hospital in the area. They are plainly overwhelmed, however: the hospital is dirty and the morning round reveals dressings that long since should have been changed.

Back in Aden men sit in the shade of a fence outside the hospital gate, rifles leaning next to them, waiting for news of the patients they have brought from as far away as Shabwah, 500 km by road to the east, to seek care. In the operating theater, the surgeons dress the wounds of a man shot eight times in a feud; clean the stump of an arm left on a man who was hit by a shell on the front; and open the belly of another man shot in ad-Dhale, the small intestine uncurling quickly out of the incision, the surgeon searching for a tear, extracting small bits of shrapnel.

Sometimes the bodies of those hurt in the violence are unbearably small, like Faydeh, just a year old. Her father, Omar, does not know his age exactly but thinks he is around 60. He is from al-Hodeidah, a port city on Yemen’s west coast. This past August, his wife was feeding Faydeh in their house when a bullet came down through the roof and smashed into the baby. “We had to leave to find medical help,” he says. “I was crying, my wife was crying, I was so worried Faydeh would die. We had to walk from dawn to dusk through the dust, there was shooting and mines all around us. I was telling the children to follow exactly in my footsteps.” Finally, as the sun set they managed to reach a house where they were able to get some food and a car to take them to a hospital. Unable to deal with the severity of Faydeh’s wounds, after two days the hospital told Omar that there was no choice but to travel to Aden, at least six hours drive away. “We had to spend 20,000 Riyals ($33) to reach Aden, taking one car after another. The wound was beginning to smell and pus was coming out of it.”

After being rejected by a couple of private hospitals a government hospital took the family in but was not able to treat the wound, which had become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. She is better now, after a months-long stay in the MSF hospital, where the family has been housed in the grounds. “I was a baker in Hodeidah,” Omar says, “but here there’s no work. Despite that, I don’t want to return to home, there’s nothing there but mines, shooting and hunger.”

Another NGO has found the family a place to live in Aden. So the family will begin a new life in a city whose inhabitants do not know for sure what will happen and yet are convinced that they have not seen the last of fighting – by Jacob Burns

(** B H K)

Save the Children: Fünf Jahre Krieg im Jemen: Mehr als die Hälfte der Kinder hat Anzeichen von Depressionen

Kurz vor dem fünften Jahrestags des Jemen-Kriegs zeigt eine Studie von Save the Children die verheerenden Auswirkungen des Konflikts auf die psychische Gesundheit der Kinder: Die Untersuchung ergab, dass sich mehr als die Hälfte der jemenitischen Kinder traurig und depressiv fühlt. Fast ein Fünftel leidet außerdem unter ständiger Angst. Save the Children veröffentlicht die Studie inmitten der Sorge um eine Verbreitung des Coronavirus im Jemen, dessen Gesundheitssystem nach fünf Jahren Krieg vollständig zusammengebrochen ist.

"Angst, Trauer und Verlust - diese Gefühle bestimmen nach einem halben Jahrzehnt Krieg eine Kindheit im Jemen. Das kann nicht ohne Folgen für die Psyche eines Kindes sein", sagt Susanna Krüger, Vorstandsvorsitzende von Save the Children Deutschland. "Die Kinder, mit denen wir gesprochen haben, spielen nicht mehr im Freien. Sie nässen sich ein, wenn sie Flugzeuge über sich hören. Wir können unter keinen Umständen zulassen, dass dieser Krieg gegen Kinder weitergeht. Wir fordern alle Konfliktparteien auf, eine politische Lösung zu finden und Frieden möglich zu machen!"
Kinder zahlen im Jemen-Konflikt einen besonders hohen Preis. Seit Dezember 2017 wurden mindestens 2047 Mädchen und Jungen getötet oder verstümmelt. Im gesamten Land sind 10,3 Millionen Kinder von Ernährungsunsicherheit betroffen, 2,1 Millionen leiden unter akuter Unterernährung. Mehrere Millionen Kinder mussten vor den Kämpfen fliehen. Das schwache Gesundheitssystem im Land und die schlechten Lebensbedingungen der Kinder führten in den vergangenen drei Jahren außerdem zu 1,2 Millionen Erkrankungen an Cholera, Diphtherie oder Dengue-Fieber.
Sollte sich Covid-19 im Jemen ausbreiten, gäbe es kaum Möglichkeiten, das Virus einzudämmen. Das Gesundheitssystem des Landes ist bereits überlastet und die Möglichkeit der humanitären Helfer, die am meisten gefährdeten Kinder medizinisch zu versorgen, ist schon jetzt stark eingeschränkt.

Save the Children befragte mehr als 1250 Kinder im Alter von 13-17 Jahren, ihre Eltern und erwachsenen Betreuer zur psychischen Gesundheit der Jüngsten.
Die Umfrage ergibt, dass: - 16 Prozent der Kinder sich nie oder sehr selten entspannen können. - Viele der befragten Kinder Anzeichen von Angsterkrankungen wie erhöhter Herzfrequenz, Bauchschmerzen, schwitzenden Handflächen und ein Gefühl des Zitterns haben. - Jedes fünfte Kind konstant und täglich Angst hat, 52 Prozent sich nicht sicher fühlen, wenn sie von ihren Eltern getrennt sind und 56 Prozent, wenn sie allein im Freien unterwegs sind. - 18 Prozent der Kinder dauerhaft, 51 Prozent zeitweise Trauer empfinden - 36 Prozent der Kinder davon berichten, dass sie mit niemandem in ihrem Umfeld sprechen können, wenn sie traurig oder verärgert sind - 38 Prozent der Betreuer von einer Zunahme der Albträume der Kinder erzählen - 8 Prozent der Betreuenden von einem Anstieg des Bettnässens berichten.
Um psychische Belastungen und das Risiko chronischer Krankheiten der Kinder zu reduzieren, hat Save the Children 50 kinderfreundliche Räume im Jemen eingerichtet. Dadurch konnten seit der Eskalation des Konflikts fast 250.000 Kinder unterstützt werden. = =

(** B H K)

Five years of war in Yemen: More than half of children feel sad and depressed

Save the Children presents survey findings amidst Covid-19 fears: conflict takes heavy toll on children’s mental health

Five years of raging conflict in Yemen have had a devastating impact on the mental health of an entire generation of children, pushing some to the brink of depression, according to a new survey by Save the Children. More than half of the children surveyed said they feel sad and depressed, more than one in ten said they feel that way constantly.

The organisation launched its findings while the country fears an outbreak of Covid-19, which would put an even bigger strain on the already hampered health services and the work of aid workers.

According to the survey, around one in five of the children interviewed said they are always afraid. Overall, 52 per cent of the children reported never feeling safe when they are apart from their parents, 56 per cent said they do not feel safe when walking alone.

In the largest survey of its kind since the escalation of the conflict in Yemen, which reaches five years this week, Save the Children interviewed more than 1,250 children (age 13-17), parents and adult caregivers about their mental wellbeing. The survey also shows that:

38 per cent of caregivers reported an increase in children’s nightmares.

18 per cent of children reported they always feel grief, 51 per cent that they sometimes feel this way

8 percent of caregivers reported an increase in bedwetting of their child

16 per cent of children say they are never or rarely able to relax

36 per cent of children reported never feeling like they could talk to someone in the community if they are sad or upset

Many of the interviewed children reported possible signs of anxiety such as increased heart rate, stomach pains, sweaty palms and feeling shaky when fearful or afraid.

Children are paying a high price for the Yemen conflict. Since December 2017, at least 2,047 children were killed or maimed in the violence.

Across the country, some 10.3 million children are food insecure, including 2.1 million who are acutely malnourished, and two million children are displaced. According to numbers of the Health Cluster, which is formed of several international organisations and UN agencies, almost 1.2 million children fell sick with cholera, diphtheria or dengue fever over the last three years.
Should COVID-19 be confirmed, it would add another layer to burden of the Yemini people

The survey by Save the Children indicates that in addition, children and youth in Yemen are facing a mental health crisis and living in constant fear of coming under attack by explosive weapons or sniper fire.

Inger Ashing, CEO of Save the Children International, urged all parties in the conflict to work towards a political and peaceful solution.
“The children we spoke to are terrified. They are too scared to play outside. They are bedwetting when they hear airplanes flying overhead or bombs falling. This is what 5 years of war does to the mental wellbeing of children, and we cannot allow this war on children to continue.”

“With Covid-19 now a worldwide epidemic, the potentially devastating threat of a coronavirus outbreak in Yemen makes urgent action to pressure parties to end the war more important than ever.

According to the most recent data, only two child psychiatrists are available in the whole of Yemen and only one mental health nurse is available for every 300,000 people. Children have the right to feel safe and to a healthy mental wellbeing; to avert the looming mental health crisis in Yemen, more funding for mental health and psychosocial support, including specialist support, is needed, Save the Children warned.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Seuchen / Most important: Epidemics

(A H)

Film (in Arabic): The Yemeni doctor, Muhammad al-Badani, who participated in the battle against China against Corona, is currently in Italy to help there after the doctors and health system deficit in Italy. .. The doctor appeals to Yemenis to sit in their homes. I hope this video reaches the largest number of Yemenis in order to preserve their lives and their safety. May God bless all of us.

(A H)

WHO reaffirms Yemen is free of Coronavirus

The Resident Representative of the World Health Organization in Yemen, Altaf Musani, reiterated that no cases of the new Corona virus (Covid 19) were recorded in Yemen.

"Yemen is still free from the Coruna virus, as of Monday evening," Musani said in an information briefing on the latest developments in the virus that has swept 199 countries around the world.

"We closely follow all the rumors that spread on social media, and confirm the rapid response teams in the field, which verify all these rumors, there are no cases," Musani added.

My comment: This is stupid. No tests, no cases.

(A H)

Coronavirus in Jemen, Impressionen aus Sanaa (7 Bilder)

Coronavirus: 7 photos from Sanaa

(B H)

Norwegische Rat: Der Krieg behindert Jemens Versuche, sich auf Corona-Bekämpfung vorzubereiten

Der norwegische Flüchtlingsrat warnte heute, dass Millionen von Jemeniten Gefahr laufen, sich mit dem Coronavirus zu infizieren, wenn es im Land unter einem heruntergekommenen Gesundheitssystem verbreitet wird.

Der norwegische Rat sagte in einer Erklärung die jemenitische Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) eine Kopie davon erhalten habe, dass "Obwohl es im Jemen bisher keine bestätigten Fälle von Koronavirus gibt, ist der norwegische Flüchtlingsrat sehr besorgt über die Möglichkeit eines Ausbruchs des Virus, der katastrophale Folgen haben könnte Vertriebene Familien. "

(* B H)

Norwegian Refugee Council: Yemen: Five years of war cripple coronavirus preparedness

Five years of war has crippled Yemen's ability to prepare and face a possible outbreak of coronavirus, leaving millions extremely vulnerable under a decimated health system.

Although Yemen does not have any confirmed COVID-19 cases as yet, the Norwegian Refugee Council is extremely concerned that any outbreak could have catastrophic consequences for displaced families. Five years of war have damaged and destroyed thousands of hospitals, and water and sanitation systems have collapsed. Yemen is already reeling from the impact of other diseases, and is likely to see a rise in cholera once again with the onset of the rainy season.

"We're extremely concerned that on top of everything else, the possibility of coronavirus reaching Yemen will have devastating consequences for an already overstretched health system and vulnerable population. Five years of war have crippled Yemen's ability to respond to any outbreak and it is now a race against time to prepare," said NRC's Yemen Country Director Mohammed Abdi.

Suspension of flights in to the country and other measures to combat COVID-19 introduced by the authorities are impacting the humanitarian response. Because of these restrictions NRC and other humanitarian organisations are being forced to scale back their activities but trying to maintain essential humanitarian services such as food and cash distributions and scaling up COVID-19 prevention activities such as water, sanitation and hygiene awareness. In the event of an outbreak and a complete lock down any prolonged closure of the airports and ports could have a massive impact on the humanitarian situation with Yemen relying heavily on imported food, fuel and medicines.

(* A H P)

[Hadi gov.] Minister of state calls for joint cell with Sana'a health authorities to tackle coronavirus

If coronavirus reaches Yemen, it will not differentiate between the government and the Houthis, between south and north, or between armed and unarmed people, he warned.

Yemen’s internationally recognized government called for the formation of a joint initiative with Houthi-run health authorities in Sana'a, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), to deal with potential coronavirus cases in the country.

Minister of State Abdulrab Al-Salami said in a series of tweets that if coronavirus reaches Yemen, it will not differentiate between the government and the Houthis, between south and north, or between armed and unarmed people.

"I am afraid that fragmented efforts may cause the epidemic to enter, spread, and we will fail to control it, particularly as the World Health Organization has warned of the danger of its spread in Yemen," he said.

As of Sunday, Dr. Riyadh Al-Jariri, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Public Health and Population health director in Sahel Hadhramout, said that no cases of the infection had been reported in Hadhramout governorate.

Al-Salami said that at this moment, the nation needs courageous efforts that go beyond politics in the interest of Yemen's people.

(* B H)

UNHCR: Yemen needs clean water to protect against disease

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has called to support the provision of clean water in Yemen in order to protect the country’s population from the spread of diseases including coronavirus.

The UN refugee agency explained on Twitter that over two-thirds of people in Yemen need “support in water services,” adding that “displaced people living in hosting sites spend hours a day collecting water.”

“Access to clean and safe water is crucial and it protects from the spread of diseases like cholera and COVID-19,” it added.

(A H)

Gesundheitsministerium [in Sanaa]: Zwei COVID-19-Verdachtsfälle getestet, es wurde kein Virus gefunden

(A H)

Supermarkets in #Aden take necessary steps and precautions regarding global pandemic #COVID19. As customers enter, their fever checked and sanitizer poured on hands. Citizens taking lead!

referring to film

(A H P)

Inaugurating Al-Amal health quarantine in Al-Borika to confront the #Corona virus

Al -Amal health quarantine was inaugurated on Friday to counter the Corona virus in the city of Al-Borika in the capital Aden.

(A H)

[Sanaa] Health ministry says two COVID-19 suspected cases tested, no virus was found

(* A H)

WHO prepares a quarantine in Aden, reaffirming Yemen is free of coronavirus

For the second time in less than 24 hours, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Monday evening that "no confirmed cases of coronavirus have been reported in Yemen."

The organization's office in Yemen said in a statement posted on its official account on the "Facebook" website that until the moment, no confirmed cases of Corona virus in Yemen have been reported.

The organization confirmed that it supports jointly with the World Bank the equipping of a medical stone center in Aden "to ensure preparedness and response in the event that cases are confirmed."

The organization confirmed evening Sunday that Yemen was free of infection with the new Corona virus, Covid19, during a press briefing by the representative of the organization, Altaf Musani, on the latest developments of the virus that has killed thousands of people around the world.

Mousani said that although the organization received hundreds of reports of suspected cases of the Coronavirus in more than one region inside Yemen, the tests confirmed that there was no case so far.

(* B H)

CORONA-AUSBRUCH: Dem Jemen droht ein Albtraum

Ein massenhafter Ausbruch des Virus im Jemen dürfte verheerende Folgen haben. Lise Grande, die Nothilfekoordinatorin der Vereinten Nationen, spricht von einem „möglichen Albtraum“. Der Bevölkerung stecken Gewalt, Vertreibung, Hunger und der schlimmste Cholera-Ausbruch der modernen Geschichte in den Knochen. „Wir haben eine geschwächte Bevölkerung und ein Gesundheitssystem, das nicht in der Lage ist, zu reagieren, weil es systematisch ausgehöhlt und überlastet wurde in fünf Jahren ständigen Konflikts“, sagt Grande. Es dürfte schwer sein, die Verbreitung des Coronavirus einzudämmen. Schon Schutzmaßnahmen wie regelmäßiges Händewaschen sind in einem Land, in dem ein eklatanter Mangel an sauberem Wasser herrscht – von Schutzkleidung oder Desinfektionsmitteln ganz zu schweigen – kaum möglich.

Die Houthi haben schon Anfang März begonnen, die Grenzen abzuriegeln. Der Flughafen in Sanaa ist für die internationalen Helfer geschlossen, die regelmäßig aus dem Jemen ins sichere Ausland reisen. Sie könnten sich dort schließlich infizieren. Auch die Landverbindung in die südlichen Regionen, die der Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi unterstehen, wurden gekappt. E

Auch aus dem benachbarten Saudi-Arabien, wo Heerscharen jemenitischer Gastarbeiter leben, könnte das Virus unbemerkt in den Jemen gelangt sein. Die Jemeniten sind im Zuge der Corona-Krise schon länger nicht mehr willkommen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt des Königreiches – von Christoph Ehrhardt

(* B H)

Coronavirus outbreak will overwhelm Yemen’s health system: WHO

The World Health Organization has increased distribution of vital medical gear and test kits and placed health teams on heightened alert to help Yemen’s fragile health system cope with the potential outbreak of COVID-19, the organization’s representative in Yemen Altaf Musani said.

“We need to ensure that we are prepared locally. Yemen currently has no cases of COVID-19, but we are scaling up preparedness and response efforts in the event a case is confirmed,” Musani told Arab News in an email interview.
Despite confirmation from local and international health officials that the war-torn country has not yet recorded a single case of the virus, the UN official warned that the virus could overwhelm Yemen’s understaffed and poorly equipped health facilities.
“Health system is functioning at 50 percent of its capacity in Yemen,” Musani said. “If the public does not understand what COVID-19 is and how to protect themselves, an introduction of the disease here will overrun hospitals and health facilities and pull health care workers away from people who are severely ill and in need of treatment.”

“The WHO has ensured that surveillance and laboratory preparedness are in place,”
Musani said. “The PCR thermocycler at the central public health laboratory in Sanaa and another in Aden have been calibrated, and a test run was performed to ensure COVID-19 can be detected.”
He added that the WHO has helped local health authorities in Al-Mukalla calibrate another PCR machine.
Musani said that 200 tests had already been delivered to Sanaa, while 300 were delivered to Aden.
Rumors quickly circulated on social media about new cases of the virus in Yemen, fueling mass hysteria and prompting the WHO to establish a team to investigate.
“Over 1,600 health workers forming 333 health rapid response teams are actively investigating rumors on COVID-19 cases,” Musani said. “The WHO and UNICEF’s Communication for Development are also collaborating on rumor-tracking. These teams have been trained in surveillance, case investigation, case reporting, contact listing and contact tracing.”

(* B H)

Hand-washing: a luxury millions of Yemenis can't afford

Hand-washing to combat the spread of coronavirus is the order of the day, but it's an unaffordable luxury for millions in war-ravaged Yemen where clean water is dangerously scarce.

Yemen's broken healthcare system has yet to register any cases of the disease, but if the pandemic does hit, the impact will be unimaginable in a country where five years of conflict has created what the United Nations calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Five years after a Saudi-led military coalition intervened in Yemen to support the government against the Iran-backed Huthi rebels, some 80 percent of the population is in need of aid.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said it was concerned that many Yemenis have no access to clean water or soap.

"We are extremely worried," Caroline Seguin, MSF's head of programmes in Yemen, Iraq and Jordan, told AFP.

"We can recommend they wash their hands, but what if they don't have anything to wash with?"

Nearly 18 million people, including 9.2 million children, do not have regular access to safe water, according to the UN's children's agency.

Yemen suffered one of its worst ever outbreaks of cholera in 2017.

"Years of under-investment in public water and sanitation systems provided the foundations for this outbreak," Bismarck Swangin, UNICEF Yemen's chief of communications, told AFP.

"The risk still remains if access to water continues to be low."

MSF said given the current situation of the healthcare system, which has all but collapsed, it would be "a disaster" if the new coronavirus reached Yemen, long the Arabian Peninsula's poorest nation. =

(* B H)

Corona, new title for war and cholera time in Yemen discusses Yemeni situation during coronavirus war

Corona, new title for war and cholera time in Yemen', under this headline, the on Monday published a report on the situations in Yemen amid coronavirus pandemic.
Despite Yemen's sufferings by years of war and resultant deaths and displaced persons chased by cholera, coronavirus has come to exacerbate the tragedy in a torn country that suffers lack of food and medicines and collapse of most of the State's institutions, health facilities in particular, the report said.
The World Health Organization has warned that, if it spreads in Yemen, coronavirus will create actual catastrophes. This yet further raises fears among people who see the declared precautions insufficient to protect them from the novel virus, with most of them still fighting cholera, dengue fever and other epidemics since the war outbreak.

However, all measures taken so far by the government and Houthis are "insufficient," the report quoted a Yemeni pharmacist as saying, "because of the collapsed infrastructure of health sector, some of whose facilities work at very low rate of their capacity.
"More effective measures should be taken and there should be isolation areas furnished with all medical equipment, and centers for observation, rapid response and early laboratory diagnosis," Haitham al-Worafi urged.
Furthermore, health education campaigns need to be intensified through different means, and specialist medical teams should be provided with needed support, he added.

(* B H)

COVID-19: Impact on Yemen: Risk report – 23 March 2020

COVID-19 poses a uniquely high risk for Yemen. COVID-19 is yet to be confirmed in Yemen, however, the likelihood of its spread is high as cases in surrounding countries continue to grow: 392 in Saudi Arabia, 470 in Qatar and 306 in Bahrain.

The country’s infrastructure has been devastated by five years of conflict, leaving little capacity to respond. Only 51% of health centres are fully functional. There is limited medicine, equipment and personal protection equipment available and only two testing sites (Sana’a and Aden).

Current conflict escalation, displacement and overcrowding make it difficult to implement protection measures (social spacing, hand washing). Over 3.6 million people have been displaced since the start of the conflict. One third live in camps and informal settlements which are overcrowded and lack proper access to sanitation.

Poor media and lack of trust in public institutions makes it challenging to deliver behaviour change messaging. Yemen ranks 168 of 180 on the 2019 World Press Freedom index.

Yemen relies on imports for 80 to 90% of its basic needs, making it particularly vulnerable to disruptions in the world economy.

COVID 19 risks are pulling scarce resources from other lifesaving health responses including cholera and dengue.

The crisis could also provide a guise for parties to the Yemeni conflict to impose new measures of control on humanitarian action and vulnerable, marginalized groups, such as access restrictions for fleeing populations and assessing remote project sites.

About this report

ACAPS held a joint analysis session on 10 March 2020 with 21 participants from 12 organisations to map key risks that may impact the humanitarian situation of Yemenis for the coming six months. This report is based on the feedback and results of the workshop, publicly available data and reports, and key informant interviews with Yemeni experts. =

(* B H P)

No corona in Yemen? Hm. But certainly war The world is under the spell of corona. But the other news also continues.

No corona, say the various governments there, both the official government and the Houthi rebel regime in Sanaa. They swear that they have taken precautionary measures and are in control of everything. Would it really ?? In the poorest country in the Middle East where health care is a special target for all parties?

What was already there in Yemen, and I assume you have no illusions, has now been reduced to about half. The effect can be seen in the cholera epidemics that have plagued the country since 2016 - the largest outbreak ever according to the UN, with more than a million cases and thousands killed.

So no corona? In the country hosting the worst humanitarian crisis in the world?

In a briefing (Preventing a Deadly Showdown in Northern Yemen) last week, the International Crisis Group urged the world to help prevent an even bigger disaster than it already has. But I fear that the powers addressed in the corona crisis see a new excuse for not taking action.

(* B H K P)

Will coronavirus slow the world's conflicts - or intensify them?

Syria, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, the Sahel: With the great powers focused intently on the Covid-19 virus, will armed conflicts across the world decrease in severity or intensify? Experts as well as diplomats at the United Nations say there is a serious risk of the latter.

For guerrilla fighters and extremist groups, "it's a clear godsend", said Professor Bertrand Badie, a specialist in international relations at France's Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po).

When the "powerful become powerless", he told AFP, one can see "the revenge of the weak over the strong".

Up to now, these countries have not been afflicted by Covid-19 on the scale seen in China, South Korea or Europe.

But the virus carries the potential, once it reaches into poor and conflict-ridden countries, of having a devastating impact.

In the absence of concerted assistance from abroad, the UN fears "millions" could die.

The pandemic will not necessarily favour any particular group of belligerents, one diplomat noted, because the ravaging disease has been "uncontrollable".

"The pandemic could lead to a worsening of conflicts, with the risk of exacerbating the humanitarian situation and population movements," he said.

But the pandemic might also sap the will of the belligerents and their ability to fight in coming months, some experts said.

(A H P)

Films: Health Officials Disinfect Streets of War-Torn Yemen (Sanaa)

(A H P)

World Bank allocates $26.7m to fight coronavirus in Yemen

The World Bank and International Finance Cooperation have allocated $26.7m to help the Yemeni government’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic, it was reported on Monday. The grant was announced by Yemen’s Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Nagib Al-Aweg.

According to Al-Aweg, the government had asked for international support for its efforts to tackle the coronavirus crisis and its social and economic impact in the war-torn country.

My comment: This is 1 Dollar per person.

(A H P)

Film: Inauguration of a number of quarantine and medical services centers in Al-Hodeidah Governorate, in the face of Corona (by Sanaa gov.]

(A H P)

Saudi airlifted critical supplies to Yemen to fight coronavirus

Saudi Arabia has airlifted critical supplies to Yemen to assist in the country’s fight against the coronavirus outbreak.

Announcing details of the airlift, the World Health Organisation (WHO) thanked the Kingdom in a tweet.

referring to (with photos)

(A H P)

Roundup: Shops shut down in Yemen's Aden to curb coronavirus

Hundreds of shops and other businesses began on Tuesday closing their doors as part of precautionary measures to curb the potential coronavirus outbreak in Yemen's southern port city of Aden.

"A number of precautionary measures were declared including closing crowded restaurants, shops, and other clothing stores in Aden," a local official told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

A number of restaurants based in Aden were permitted to do take-out business only out of coronavirus concerns, the source said.

The precautionary measures, however, excluded groceries and shops selling basic food supplies that will remain open in limited hours, he added.

The government-led emergency committee dealing with coronavirus pandemic has launched campaigns to boost people's awareness in Aden and surrounding areas.

(A H P)

UAE-backed Yemeni forces close service and commercial facilities in Aden

Yemeni forces backed by the UAE decided on Monday to close service and commercial facilities as a precautionary measure to counter the spread of the Corona virus in Aden governorate, southern Yemen.

The security belt forces of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council announced in a statement the closure of wedding halls, hotels, gardens, parks, commercial centers and khat markets from Monday for a period of two weeks.

The statement warned those violating these decisions to take legal measures without specifying what they are.

The forces of the security belt closed last Monday Aden International Airport and stopped flights to and from the airport "due to the Coronavirus and the lack of precautionary measures and adequate equipment to prevent its spread.".


(A H)

Gesundheitsministerium [in Sanaa] untersuchte zwei Verdachtsfälle und stellte fest, dass sie frei von Coronavirus waren

(A H)

[Sanaa] Health ministry says two COVID-19 suspected cases tested, no virus was found

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Rettungsregierung [Sanaa] kündigt neue Vorsorgeentscheidungen gegen Corona an

Während der Konferenz kündigte der Minister für öffentliche Gesundheit und Bevölkerung, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, die neuen vorsorglichen Regierungsentscheidungen wie folgt an:

1- Reduzierung die Anzahl der festangestellten Mitarbeiter im öffentlichen, privaten und gemischten Sektor um 80%, und die Dauerhaftigkeit beschränkt sich auf die Durchführung von Arbeiten und Dienstleistungen, mit Ausnahme von Gesundheit, Innerem und Verteidigung

2- Öffentliche und private Krankenhäuser arbeiten nur für Notfälle und Notfalleinsätze.

4- Das Ministerium für Inneres, Verteidigung, Sicherheit, Nachrichtendienste und die lokale Behörde müssen einen Plan zur Umsetzung der geografischen Quarantäne einer Straße, eines Gebiets, einer Nachbarschaft, einer Stadt, eines Bezirks oder eines Gouvernorats gemäß den Entscheidungen des Ministers für öffentliche Gesundheit und Bevölkerung bei der Registrierung eines bestätigten Falls erstellen. Das Ministerium für Industrie und Handel sollte einen Plan für die Versorgung der Orte, die unter Quarantäne gestellt wurden.

5- Das Innenministerium sollte einen Plan zur Konfrontation von Corona in Gefängnissen und Justizvollzugsanstalten vorbereiten

6- Aufforderung an die Bürger, die Bewegung zwischen Gouvernoraten, Direktionen und Städten zu verringern, außer aus Gründen der Notwendigkeit.

7 - Qat-Märkte werden vorübergehend an offene Orte verlegt, um ein Gedränge zu verhindern

8- Die Gemeinde, die Gouvernorate und die Bezirke müssen darauf achten, die öffentlichen Bäder zu reinigen, Desinfektionsmittel und Sterilisatoren bereitzustellen und die Aufsicht über sie zu verschärfen.

9 - Geschäfte, Restaurants, Buffets und Hotels müssen den Kunden Sterilisatoren und Desinfektionsmittel zur Verfügung stellen, und die zuständigen Behörden in der Hauptstadt und den Gouvernoraten sollten dies nachverfolgen.

10 Friseursalons sind verpflichtet, nicht mehr als drei Kunden zuzulassen


(* A H P)

Yemen announces 21-point plan to prevent Covid-19 outbreak

The National Salvation Government has on Sunday announced, in a press conference held in the capital Sana’a, a total of 21 precautionary decisions to confront the corona virus epidemic.

At the conference, Prime Minister Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor stressed that citizens bear a great responsibility in making the precautionary decisions successful in confronting any emergency related to the virus.

1- To reduce the number of employees in the public, private and mixed sectors by 80 percent, with the exception of health, interior and defence.

2- The work of public and private hospitals is limited to receiving emergency cases and emergency operations.

4- The Ministries of Interior and Defence and Security and Intelligence Agency, and the Local Authority shall prepare a plan to implement the geographical quarantine of any street, area, neighborhood, city, district, or province in accordance with what the Minister of Public Health decides when registering any confirmed cases, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade should prepare a plan to provide catering to the area under the quarantine.

5- The Ministry of Interior should prepare a plan to confront the virus in prisons and reformatories.

6- Calling on citizens to reduce movement between provinces, districts and cities, except for necessary reasons only.

7- Qat markets are temporarily moved to open places, in order to prevent crowding in the capital Sana’a and the provinces, and in the absence of commitment to this, the Qat markets will be closed.

8- Paying attention to the cleanliness of public baths, providing disinfectants and sterilizers, and tightening control over them.

9- Shops, restaurants, buffets, and hotels are required to provide sterilizers and disinfectants to customers, and the responsible authorities in the capital and provinces should follow up on this.

10- Shaving shops are obligated to not allow more than three customers to be present in them, with providing disinfection tools and obliging the hairdressers to wear mouth covers and gloves while shaving and sterilizing the shaving tools.


(* A H P)

Houthis decide staff reduction in public, private institutions

The Houthi authorities in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a on Sunday decided to reduce staff at public, mixed and private institutions, condense traffic between governorates and impose quarantine in neighborhoods should coronavirus cases occur, as part of a set of precautionary measures in the face of the epidemic.
Up to 80 percent of civil servants and private employees will be given leaves, the Houthi-run al-Masyra TV reported, as work will be limited to a definite number of staff, except for the ministries of health, interior and defense.
The Houthi decision prohibits the gathering of more than eight people at workplaces, and restricts the work of public and private hospitals to receiving cases and emergency operations, it added.
Sana'a authorities also called on civilians to minimize traffic between governorates, districts and cities, except of urgent necessity.
Under the decision, khat markets will be temporarily moved to open places, or closed in case of disobedience, and all other markets, malls and stores will be organized to avoid crowdedness.
Relevant ministries were tasked with developing a plan for geographic quarantine for a certain street, quarter, district, city or governorate once a confirmed coronavirus case is recorded, and with providing supplies for the quarantined area.
Visits to patients at all hospitals and inmates at detention centers will be confined to next of kin, the decision says.

(A H P)

Öffentlichen Dienst Ministerium [der Sanaa-Regierung] kündigt die Einstellung der Arbeit für 80 Prozent der Beschäftigten an

Das Ministerium für öffentlichen Dienst und Versicherung hat allen öffentlichen Dienststellen des staatlichen Verwaltungsapparats, dem öffentlichen und gemischten Sektor, unabhängigen Einheiten, Spezialfonds und dem zentralen und lokalen Anhang angekündigt, die Arbeit für 80% ihrer Gesamtbeschäftigten für zwei Wochen auszusetzen, einschließlich älterer Arbeitnehmer und kranker Arbeitnehmer Chronischer Gesundheits- und Sicherheitssektor und Dienstleistungen.

(* A H P)

Taous: In Afar gibt es eine Reihe von Menschen in Quarantäne, die in einer tragischen Situation leben

Der Generalsekretär des Obersten Rates für die Verwaltung und Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten und der internationalen Zusammenarbeit, Abdel Mohsen Tawoos, bestätigte, dass es im Hafen Afar im Gouvernement Al-Bayda eine große Anzahl von Deportierten aus mehreren Ländern gibt, die in einer tragischen Situation leben.

Taous sagte in einer Erklärung gegenüber der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba), dass es ein Komitee gibt, das vom Obersten Rat für humanitäre Angelegenheiten und dem Gesundheitsministerium gebildet wird, und dass die lokale Behörde im Gouvernorat Expatriates Plätze in der Quarantäne zugewiesen hat, um sie vorsorglich Kontrollen und notwendigen Verfahren zu unterziehen.

Er wies darauf hin, dass es in der Quarantäne im Hafen von Afar an medizinischen und Unterkunftsdiensten mangele und es bis jetzt keine Eingriffe von Organisationen gebe, mit Ausnahme von dreitausend Decken, zweitausend Bürsten und 200 Zelten, die gestern von der Stiftung für nachhaltige Entwicklung zur Verfügung gestellt wurden.

Peacock betonte auch, dass die Quarantänezentren Tanks, Toiletten, mobile Badezimmer, Züge und Filter für Trinkwasser benötigen.

(* A H P)

Many quarantined people in Afar live in tragic situation: Official

Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation Abdelmohsen Tawoos on Sunday said there are a large number of deportees from several countries in Afar crossing in Bayda province, who are living in a tragic situation.

He pointed out that the quarantine at the Afar crossing lacks medical and housing services, and there is no intervention from any organizations so far, except for 3000 blankets, 2000 mattresses and 200 tents provided by the Sustainable Development Foundation on Saturday.

The quarantine centers need tanks, toilets, mobile bathrooms, and filters for drinking water, Tawoos added, calling on UNICEF and UN organizations to carry out their duties in this regard.


My comment: This was a bad decision by the Sanaa government which would help spreading Corona even further.

(B H)

Film: Notice haaam for expatriates from abroad

(A H)

[Sanaa gov.] Health ministry says two COVID-19 suspected cases tested, no virus was found

The Committee Spokesman, Dr. Abdulhakim Al-Kuhlani, told Saba News Agency that the ministry has received two a suspected case the first case from Ibb governorate who returned from Saudi Arabia, the second case from Marib.

(A H P)

Film (Arabic): Part of the precautionary measures in Saada governorate to confront the Corona virus

(A H P)

Gesundheitsministerium [in Sanaa] kündigt umfassende Mobilisierung und Zuweisung von 18 Krankenhäusern für Corona-Fälle an

Das Ministerium für öffentliche Gesundheit und Bevölkerung gab heute den Stand der umfassenden Mobilisierung von Ärzten, Gesundheitspersonal und Technikern bekannt, um sich auf das Coronavirus vorzubereiten.

Die Gesundheitsminister, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel, erklärte in einer Pressekonferenz in Sanaa, dass im Rahmen von Präventivmaßnahmen gegen Notfälle oder Ausbrüche des Corona-Virus Freiwilligenarbeit für Studenten an Hochschulen und Gesundheitsinstituten eröffnet wurde.

Er wies darauf hin, dass die Registrierung von Freiwilligen im Rahmen der

(* A H P)

Houthis declare alert, deny coronavirus cases, ask WHO details

While it said no confirmed cases were recorded so far, health ministry in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a declared on Saturday mobilization of health staff and encouraged volunteers to join campaign in precaution against coronavirus.
"We declare health general mobilization and open door for medicine students to volunteer," the Houthi-appointed health minister said, "as part of preparations in face of coronavirus.
"We've assigned 18 hospitals in the capital and governorates to train health staff to confront any spread" of the epidemic, Taha al-Mutawakil added at press conference in Sana'a.
The minister called "citizens to minimize unnecessary medical consultations at hospitals."
No confirmed case has been registered so far in Yemen, he said, calling on the "World Health Organization to explain or deny the 'outbreak of COVID-19 cases in Yemen' it has reportedly expected."

(A H P)

[Sanaa] Health Minister declares public mobilization to face Coronavirus

Health Ministry declared on Saturday a case of the comprehensive health mobilization to face Coronavirus in Yemen.

In a news statement, the minister Taha al-Mutawakil urged all doctors, health personnel and technicians to health preparation for facing the epidemic.

(A H P)

Senior Ansarullah member condemns Saudi decision to keep occupied ports open despite pandemic

Mohammed al-Bukhiti calls on immediate closing of Saudi-occupied harbours

A senior leader of Ansarullah, Mohammed al-Bukhiti, has on Friday commented on the decision by the National Salvation Government to close all ports in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus.

During his interview with Al- Mayadeen Channel, Al-Bukhiti warned that the spread of the virus in Yemen “could cause a major disaster due to the ongoing siege of the country.”

He noted that the Saudi-led coalition “reopened the ports despite the spread of the virus, and rejected the Sana’a government’s decision to close all ports to prevent the spread.”

Al-Bukhiti stressed the need to focus on “preventive steps that prevent the entry of the virus in light of the deterioration of the health sector.”

My comment: Both parts of Yemen depends on imports of food, fuel and medical equipment. Such a self-blockade cannot make sense.

(A H P)

Tariq Saleh to Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi: It is you who will enter Corona to Yemen

Brigadier Tariq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, today, Saturday, commented on the statements of the leader of the “Ansar Allah” group (Houthis) in which he accused America of spreading the Corona virus in a biological war waged against its opponents and enemies.

“Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, you are the one who will enter Krona to Yemen by the Revolutionary Guards experts,” the commander of the national resistance in the joint Yemeni forces of the legitimate government said in a tweet on Saturday.

He added: “Iran has introduced the Coronavirus to Lebanon and now it wants to introduce it to Yemen.”

and also

My comment: The absurd blame game, the other way round.

(A H P)

Führer der Revolution: Corona-Verbreitung im Jemen wird durch amerikanische Handlung und Aufsicht erfolgen

Der Führer der Revolution, Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, betonte, wie wichtig es sei, die Fronten weiterhin zu unterstützen und der Aggression entgegenzutreten.

Der Führer der Revolution wies darauf hin, dass Corona-Verbreitung im Jemen wird durch amerikanische Handlung und Aufsicht erfolgen, durch seine saudischen und VAE-Instrumente erfolgen und als feindliche Handlung angegangen werden würde.

Mein Kommentar: Verschwörungstheorie.

(A H P)

[Sanaa gov.] Health Minister Holds Aggression Countries Responsible for Bad Situation in Health Sector

Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil Saturday, announced public health mobilization in preparation for facing any outbreaks of the Coronavirus, stressing that the aggression countries continue to blockade and prevent the arrival of medical equipment and supplies to confront Corona.

(A H P)

[Sanaa gov.] Information Minister: USA Attempting Spread Coronavirus to Countries that Have Failed to Subjugate by Force

The Minister of Information in the Salvation Government, Dhaifallah Al-Shami, affirmed that U.S.A. is actively working to deliver the coronavirus to countries that pose to it and has failed to subjugate by force such as Yemen and Syria.

My comment: Conspiracy theory.

(B H)

A coronavirus outbreak in a Middle East refugee camp would be a nightmare in a nightmare

(* B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report

In January, 35,628 Acute Watery Disease/cholera suspected cases were identified with 14 associated deaths recorded (0.04 case fatality rate).

During the first two weeks of January, there were 5,524 dengue fever suspected cases with 11 associated deaths

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(* A P)

Yemen's Houthis block U.N. ship from leaving Hodeidah: government

Forces from Yemen’s Houthi movement on Tuesday blocked a U.N.-chartered ship carrying representatives of the internationally recognized government from leaving Hodeidah port, the government and a source familiar with the matter said.

The ship was prevented from leaving for a second time by Houthi forces, government-run SABA news agency said.

The ship had been scheduled to sail on Tuesday morning for the government-controlled port of Mokha to drop off government representatives who two weeks ago suspended their participation in a U.N.-mediated joint negotiating team discussing a truce and troop redeployment from the contested port city of Hodeidah.

The United Nations has been holding meetings between the warring parties on board the ship for months.

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 93 violations in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Monday, March 23rd, 2020

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111 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen gegen das Hodeidah-Abkommen

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition forces carry out 111 violations in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Saudi artillery shells target different areas in Yemen's Hodeidah

(A K pH)

2 Kinder wurden durch neue Verstöße der Aggressionskräfte in Hodeidah verletzt

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression, Mercenaries Carry Out 157 Violations of Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas in al-Tuhita and Hays

(A K pS)

Film: a worker was killed and two brothers of the Thabit Brothers compound were injured by artillery shelling by Houthi militias

(A K pS)

Film: One martyr and two wounded by Houthi artillery bombardment of the Thabit Brothers compound in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah gehen weiter

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, March 21st, 2020

(A K pS)

Houthis Target Thabet's Brothers Factories in Hodeidah

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Ein Zivilist verwundet durch die Aggressionskräfte in Hodeidah

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Citizen injured

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Film: Watch the moment the Houthi militia's artillery shell landed on the Thabit Brothers compound in Hodeidah

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Films: Failure of a Houthi infiltration attempt in Al-Hodeidah on the evening of Al-Hamma

cp2 Allgemein / General

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Interactive Map of Yemen War

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The defense of Saudi-backed forces continued collapsing in the provinces of al-Jawf and Marib in northern and central Yemen. After the massive losses near al-Hazm, the provincial capital of al-Jawf, Saudi-backed forces failed to repel the attack by Ansar Allah (the Houthis) east of Sirwah in the province of Marib.

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An interview with Muna Luqman: Yemenia founder, activist and champion of women's role in diplomacy

"We have seen what men with guns have done to our country,” Luqman says of her goal to improve diplomacy by creating genuine diversity. ”It is time to make the peace process more inclusive.”

She is the founder of Food4Humanity, a charity that has been providing emergency relief and livelihood programs in Yemen since 2015. She is also the co-founder of Women Solidarity Network, a global organization encouraging women to participate in peace and security efforts.

Her belief that “women make better peace mediators” stems from her work on the ground with women and young girls who are disproportionately affected by the war, denied education, forced into early marriage and have to shoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities. In contrast with men, their diplomatic skills are less unlikely to be undermined by ego, pride, ambition or aggression.

Yemen has continuously ranked at the bottom of gender equality, and the five-year war has only widened this gap.

“The UN, the government, warring parties, and the international community are all wasting time and resources by excluding the women,” says Luqman. For her, the failure of the Stockholm Agreement illustrates the consequences of leaving women out of the discussion.

Luqman believes part of the blame lies with the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths for not exerting enough pressure on the political parties to let women in.

She explains that the women who were present during the peace process were invisible. “They were used to tick the boxes of the UN envoy, but they were not a part of the process, lacking in influence and knowledge, they didn’t even know any part of the agreement,” she said.

Luqman says women reflect other perspectives of community-sharing and state-building, while the male-dominated warring parties do not. “They just talk about power-sharing and that’s it.”

“We are the only country where all the parties to the conflict have used food as a weapon of war,” she says.

Taiz, with nearly 1 million people, was abandoned by aid groups from the beginning of the war as Houthis obstructed entry, she says. “The aid groups never came in directly, except for the International Committee of the Red Cross, and some who were working in remote areas.”

As a female founder in a patriarchal society and a leader of a grassroots organization, her journey has been far from easy, often riddled with obstacles.

Luqman points out that as a local charity you have to have at least $200,000 to $300,000 in your annual budget to be a part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) network. “This automatically excludes all of us. There are lots of other conditions, no flexible funding, and you have to be working in certain areas.”

“We (aid groups) always speak about the famine, (but) we never speak about the drivers of the famine,” she says, adding that two key drivers are corruption and the fact that women and youth initiatives are never supported.

“Aid should go through the south. We have the port (Aden) there, we have the government there, why is a majority of the aid going through the north? They know there is corruption in that part of the country.”

My comment: The last paragraph quoted here is nonsense. The Houthis certainly are corrupt. But the Hadi government is as well. Thus, not just one but two corrupt governments would try to participate. And there also is internal warfare and the separatist movement, which of course also would try to.

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Gastkommentar: Den Jemen in fünf Jahren um Jahrzehnte zurückgebombt

Ein halbes Jahrzehnt nach der saudischen Intervention im Jemen ist nur eines klar: Ein Ende der Tragödie ist noch lange nicht in Sicht

Mohammed Bin Salman war schlecht (oder gar nicht) beraten, als er beschloss, sich in den laufenden Bürgerkrieg zwischen der Regierung Hadi und den Huthis einzumischen. Denn die Geschichte zeigt, dass externe Akteure im Jemen keinen Krieg gewinnen können. In vielem erinnert der Jemen an Afghanistan: Berge erschweren die konventionelle Kriegsführung, Stämme und nicht die Zentralregierung beherrschen das Land, kleine Gruppen von Kriegern kontrollieren Landstriche, und überdies schuf sich Al Kaida in beiden Ländern ein Rückzugsgebiet.

Die saudische Führung war aber im Frühjahr 2015 alarmiert und glaubte, gemeinsam mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten handeln zu müssen.

Als Folge dieser Einmischung versinkt der Jemen, ähnlich wie Libyen, in einem Dauerbürgerkrieg.

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5 Years of U.S.-Saudi War Have Left Yemen Highly Vulnerable to a Coronavirus Outbreak

Any U.S. response to the global pandemic must end the war.

As countries around the world face the coronavirus pandemic with fear and uncertainty, millions in the United States are grappling with anxieties over issues ranging from the healthcare system’s capacity to address shortages in medical supplies to unemployment caused by the outbreak. Average Yemenis have faced these challenges and more over the past few years–not because of an invisible enemy like the coronavirus, but due to the ongoing U.S.-Saudi-U.A.E. war and blockade that is now in its fifth year.

For five years, people in Yemen have also faced the trauma and terror resulting from ongoing bombings that have targeted people in their homes, schools, streets, weddings and funerals.

In addition to the lives lost due to the relentless bombing, the blockade enforced by the Saudi-led coalition has caused widespread devastation on a country that—prior to the war—was importing 90% of its food, and was among the most water-stressed countries in the world.

In a country facing so much devastation, the coronavirus global pandemic raises important concerns about the impact such an outbreak will have on Yemen. There have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Yemen to date, but the arrival of this virus would leave an already battered Yemeni-healthcare system even more vulnerable. To understand Yemen’s capacity to deal with a potential coronavirus outbreak, In These Times spoke by phone with Yemeni-American epidemiologist Dr. Aisha Jumaan, who is also the President of Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation and has over 20 years of experience in public health.

Describing the current challenges facing Yemen’s healthcare system, Dr. Jumaan notes that over 50% of Yemenis do not have access to healthcare, and the other half has access to a “compromised healthcare system” that lacks the personnel, medicine and medical equipment necessary to treat the population’s basic health needs.

If coronavirus were to be detected in Yemen, the country experiencing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis would face challenges above and beyond any other nation in the world today. Simply put, it would spell complete destruction to a population that is already dying, starving, facing illness, and being terrorized by five years of U.S. and Saudi bombings.

While the globe is facing an unprecedented crisis, this is a moment to come together as human beings and call on the Trump administration to end its illegal participation in the war on Yemen and to lift the blockade that is choking its people - by Shireen Al-Adeimi

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Saudi Arabia Status In Yemen War After Five Years

Five years after the Saudi military intervention in Yemen’s home affairs, not only the crisis and conflict have not subsided but also the foreign forces continue to struggle with the miseries of the campaign there.

In March 2014, Saudi Arabia founded its Arab military coalition, backed by the West, and said that in a short time it would defeat Ansarullah and seize the capital from the revolutionary movement and its allied army units all to reinstall the resigned and fugitive President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi to the rule.
The Saudi and allied sides’ goal remains unachievable after 5 years of an unceasing bombing campaign that so far killed and wounded Tens of thousands of Yemeni civilians and displaced millions more. On the other side of the war, Sana’a boosted its self-confidence over the years of conflict by developing its deterrence thanks to missile and drone power advancements and recent progress on the ground against the aggression and its mercenaries. Ansarullah, as the face of the Yemeni resistance, on the strength of the important boost in its force now says it is fully ready to continue its resistance against the occupying Arab forces.
Meanwhile, the international efforts to put an end to the five-year war have so far yielded no considerable fruits to the crisis-ravaged country. Saudi Arabia several times breached the ceasefire agreements in Hudaydah Port as the only humanitarian relief window.

Alwaght has talked to Hassan Hanizadeh, an Iranian expert of West Asia region affairs, asking him about the latest political developments of Yemen.
$350 billion the cost of Saudi war against Yemen
Asked for an assessment of the result of the Saudi-led Arab coalition’s war against Yemen, Mr Hanizadeh said that Riyadh leader waged military aggression against the neighboring country with the wrong notion that the Houthis and their Ansarullah movement due to being Shiite would be allied to Iran as a regional Shiite power once they take the government control in Yemen after Hadi was pushed to step down.
“It was based on this supposition that they started an oppressive war against the Yemen people by a coalition of 14 Arab states. Over the past five years, the Arab kingdom spent over $350 billion to the obliteration of the people of Yemen.”

Saudi Arabia seeks exit with face saved
When asked if Saudi Arabia seeks a graceful end to the Yemen war, the West Asian affairs expert said that in the present conditions Saudi Arabia searches for a way for a face-saving exit from the Yemen crisis.
“Actually, by its war on Yemen, Saudi Arabia made one of the gravest mistakes of its foreign policy history because this campaign turned into a country with big economic, political, and military troubles.

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Islamwissenschaftlerin und Vorstandsvorsitzende des "Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient" (CARPO) Marie-Christine Heinze analysiert den Konflikt und stellt die aktuelle Situation im Jemen dar.

Ein Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran

Das Eingreifen der Saudis in den Konflikt ist vor allem mit der Unterstützung der Huthis durch den Iran zu begründen. Man wollte verhindern, dass an der Südflanke des Königreichs ein weiteres Land unter den Einfluss des regionalen Erzrivalen gerät. Das sunnitisch-wahhabitisch geprägte Saudi-Arabien, dessen Militär weitaus schwächer ist als das des Iran, fühlt sich zunehmend von pro-iranischen und schiitischen Gruppierungen umzingelt, so u.a. in Syrien, dem Irak, Bahrain und dem Libanon. Das Erstarken iranischen Einflusses, so befürchtet man im Königreich, schwächt die regionale Rolle Saudi-Arabiens und damit auch die Stabilität des Königshauses. Der Iran unterstützt die Huthis schon seit vielen Jahren, u.a. finanziell, logistisch und auch in zunehmendem Maße durch die Lieferung von Waffen. Die Huthis sind jedoch entgegen saudischer Wahrnehmung kein von Iran aus gesteuerter Akteur; die Huthis nehmen zwar Ratschläge aus dem Iran an, haben aber auch immer wieder entgegen solcher iranischen Empfehlungen gehandelt.

Die saudisch-geführte Koalition wird auf internationaler Ebene insbesondere von den USA und auch Großbritannien militärisch unterstützt. In beiden Ländern wächst jedoch der Widerstand gegen diese Unterstützung

Seit Beginn des Krieges hat sich die humanitäre Lage im Jemen weiter dramatisch verschlechtert. Laut Angaben der Vereinten Nationen gibt es derzeit 3,6 Millionen Binnenflüchtlinge und über 24 Millionen von insgesamt ca. 30,5 Millionen Menschen benötigen irgendeine Form von humanitärer Unterstützung. Mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen haben keinen sicheren Zugang zu Nahrung. 14,4 Millionen Menschen benötigen sofortige Unterstützung, um ihr Überleben zu garantieren und knapp 311.000 Kinder leiden an schwerer akuter Unterernährung. Etwa 14,5 Millionen Menschen benötigen schon jetzt Hilfe im Bereich Wasser, Sanitär-Einrichtungen und Hygiene (WASH) sowie 14,8 Millionen in der Gesundheitsversorgung.

Die Gründe für die katastrophale humanitäre Lage im Jemen sind vielfältig und komplex. Allen voran sind hier jedoch die schlechte wirtschaftliche Lage und die Instabilität des Finanzsystems zu nennen.

Friedensprozess: Ein Schritt vorwärts, zwei zurück

Das vergangene Jahr hat immer wieder kurz Hoffnung für eine baldige Beendigung des Konfliktes aufkommen lassen, nur, um diese bald wieder umso heftiger zu zerstören.

Stimmen aus der Zivilgesellschaft

Es gibt zahlreiche mutige und engagierte Männer und Frauen, die sich für den Frieden in ihrem Land einsetzen. In den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten schränken die Huthis jedoch schon seit längerer Zeit die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der lokalen Zivilgesellschaft durch illegale Festnahmen und Entführungen, Folter, Bedrohungen und Einschüchterungen sowie die Vorgabe, alle zivilgesellschaftlichen Aktivitäten bei einer extra hierfür eingeführten Behörde zu registrieren, ein. Und in den Gebieten außerhalb der Kontrolle der Huthis sehen sich solche Akteure durch Milizen und Sicherheitskräfte wie den „Sicherheitsgürtel“ ebenso bedroht wie durch die allgemein schlechte Sicherheitslage und fundamentalistische Akteure, die vor allem das Engagement von Frauen zu begrenzen versuchen.

Wie geht es weiter?

Mein Kommentar: Leider nicht frei von Propaganda. Der Krieg ist KEIN Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Iran und den Saudis. Dazu ist die Rolle des Iran immer noch viel zu gering. Zu Anfang des Krieges war sie völlig marginal; erst durch den krieg ist Irans Einfluss überhaupt gewachsen.

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Handicap International: 5 Jahre Krieg im Jemen: Verheerende Folgen für Zivilisten

Fünf Jahre nach Beginn des Konflikts in Jemen verurteilt die Hilfsorganisation Handicap International (HI) den massiven Einsatz von Explosivwaffen, darunter auch Landminen, die seit 1999 durch den Ottawa-Vertrag verboten sind. Die Gewalt durch Explosivwaffen hat verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Zivilbevölkerung. Bei Explosivwaffeneinsätzen in Wohngebieten sind 95 Prozent der Opfer Zivilist/-innen. Handicap International fordert außerdem alle beteiligten Parteien auf, die unangemessenen bürokratischen Auflagen zu beseitigen und der betroffenen Bevölkerung Zugang zu humanitärer Unterstützung zu ermöglichen. 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung brauchen humanitäre Hilfe, um zu überleben.

Notfall-Rehabilitation für Kriegsverletzte

Seit 2015 haben die Teams von Handicap International im Jemen 25.000 Menschen behandelt, viele von ihnen sind Kriegsverletzte. Über 3.000 von ihnen sind Opfer von Explosivwaffen (Bombenangriffe, explosive Kriegsreste, improvisierte Sprengsätze usw.).

Nicht explodierte Kriegsreste werden die Zivilbevölkerung noch Jahrzehnte bedrohen

Die Verseuchung mit explosiven Kriegsresten im Jemen wird als extrem hoch eingeschätzt. Selbst wenn der Konflikt heute enden sollte, ist zu erwarten, dass Unfälle in Verbindung mit explosiven Kriegsresten noch Jahrzehnte andauern, die Zivilbevölkerung weiterhin beeinträchtigen und die Rückkehr der Geflüchteten in ihre Heimat verhindern. Das ist ein schreckliches Erbe.

Millionen von Menschenleben gefährdet

In fünf Jahren Krieg ist der Jemen durch den Einsatz von Explosivwaffen verwüstet worden. Die Organisation Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) berichtet, dass zwischen 2015 und 2018 fast 16.300 Menschen durch Explosivwaffen getötet oder verletzt wurden.

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Jemen droht ein tödlicher Showdown

Ein Land liegt in Trümmern. Millionen Menschen leiden unter schlimmster humanitärer Krise weltweit. Ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht.

Als die Luftwaffe Saudi-Arabiens im März 2015 erste Ziele im Jemen bombardierte, hieß es aus Riad vollmundig, der Krieg im Nachbarland würde voraussichtlich nur einige Wochen dauern. Die Houthi-Milizen, die das Chaos der arabischen Aufstände ausgenutzt und den Norden samt der Hauptstadt Sanaa überrannt hatten, sollten vertrieben werden.

Zügig und effektiv wollte das saudisch geführte Militärbündnis am Boden Fakten schaffen und den Iran zurückdrängen, der die Houthis mit Waffen und militärischer Ausbildung unterstützt.

Fünf Jahre später liegt der Jemen in Trümmern. Mehr als 80 Prozent der etwa 30 Millionen Einwohner sind auf Hilfe angewiesen. Während staatliche Einrichtungen angesichts der Machtkämpfe immer weiter zerfallen, ist die öffentliche Versorgung zusammengebrochen. Die Wirtschaft des ohnehin bitterarmen Landes ist am Boden.

Schleichend scheint sich die Weltgemeinschaft an den Kriegsalltag in dem Küstenstaat am Golf von Aden gewöhnt zu haben - trotz Warnungen der Vereinten Nationen, dass dort weiterhin die schwerste humanitäre Krise weltweit herrscht.

Dem Jemen droht dort erneut ein "tödlicher Showdown", wie die Experten der International Crisis Group schreiben. Im Norden bahnt sich ein Kampf um die Provinz Marib an

Kein Ende des Konfliks

Und es gibt keinerlei Anzeichen, dass der Konflikt auf absehbare Zeit ein Ende findet.

Für Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman hat sich der Konflikt zum kostspieligen Desaster entwickelt, international hat sein Image schwer gelitten. =

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Hilfswerke fordern Ende der Gewalt im Jemen

Menschenrechtler machen alle Konfliktparteien für schwere Verletzungen des Völkerrechts verantwortlich. Doch besonders die Luftangriffe der Militärkoalition von Saudi-Arabien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten hätten Tausende Zivilisten verletzt und getötet sowie wichtige Infrastruktur zerstört, kritisierte das Europäische Zentrum für Verfassungs- und Menschenrechte (ECCHR) in Berlin. Immer wieder greife die Koalition zivile Ziele wie Häuser, Schulen und Krankenhäuser an. Einige Länder und Unternehmen in Europa profitieren davon, indem sie Waffen herstellten und lieferten, die im Jemen zum Einsatz kommen.

Die Organisation fordert in Italien Ermittlungen zu RWM Italia S.p.A., einer Tochterfirma des deutschen Rüstungskonzerns Rheinmetall AG, weil nach Bombenangriffen Waffenteile von ihr im Jemen gefunden worden seien. Es müsse untersucht werden, ob Waffenexporte unrechtmäßige Luftangriffe im Jemen ermöglichten, die als Kriegsverbrechen gewertet werden könnten. Eine Anzeige in Rom sei zunächst abgewiesen worden, doch das ECCHR und zwei andere Organisationen hätten Berufung eingelegt. Auch der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag wurde aufgefordert, gegen mehrere Rüstungskonzerne in Europa zu ermitteln.

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The Yemeni organization Mwatana for Human Rights, Rete Disarmo from Italy and ECCHR in Germany call upon the Italian judiciary to fully investigate RWM Italia and Italy’s national arms export authority UAMA’s (Unita’ per le autorizzazioni dei materiali d’armamento) potential responsibility for the unlawful coalition attacks in Yemen, which may amount to war crimes. In April 2018, the organizations filed a criminal complaint against RWM Italia and UAMA with the Italian Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome. A year and a half later, the prosecutor requested the case be dismissed, instead of conducting a complete assessment of the facts. But the people in Yemen deserve a proper examination of Italy’s role in the airstrikes.

Italian law 185/1990 prohibits arms exports to parties of armed conflict, as do the EU Common Position on arms export control and the International Arms Trade Treaty. International criminal law is also relevant in assessing the legality of arms exports in conflicts like Yemen. And it is not just Italian weapons used in Yemen: companies from Germany, France, Spain and the UK have supplied the Saudi/UAE-led coalition with arms, ammunition or logistical support. European companies are thus benefitting from the sorrow of millions.

Beyond profiting from the war, these companies fuel it, leading to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with millions of civilians starving, getting sick and dying. Companies and authorities’ potential complicity in these crimes must be thoroughly investigated. This is why Mwatana, Rete and ECCHR do not only seek an investigation in Italy, but also filed a communication to the International Criminal Court with other partners in December 2019. The organizations ask the ICC to investigate the responsibility of Italian authorities and RWM, as well as arms companies like Rheinmetall AG (Germany), Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (Germany), BAE Systems Plc. (UK) and Leonardo S.p.A. (Italy).

[2 case reports]

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On fear of epidemic outbreak, detainees’ female relatives demand release of prisoners

The Abductees’ Mothers Association, demanded on Sunday release of the arbitrary detainees and forcibly disappeared people from the Houthis-run prisons in fears of catching the COVID-19 should the disease spread in Yemen.

It demanded the United Nations and human rights organizations to swiftly intervene for release of the detainees for safety against the COVID-19.

The association voiced this during a sit-in they organized on Sunday in Ibb governorate.

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Woah: How Did the Houthi Rebels in Yemen Get North Korean Missiles?

But it’s worth noting that the Houthis also possess a surprisingly sophisticated arsenal of homemade ballistic and cruise missiles possessing the range performance to strike targets deep inside Saudi Arabia.

According to aviation expert Tom Cooper, the main weapon in the Houthi arsenal is the Burkan, a modified version of the Soviet R-17E Scud rocket that’s around five feet longer than the baseline missile and some 4,400 pounds heavier and can travel farther than 500 miles.

The Houthis inherited from the defunct Yemeni military a large number of Soviet-exported Scuds as well as North Korean-made Scuds called “Hwasong-6s.”

“The R-17E is quite simple,” the engineer told Cooper.

“While this is hardly definitive proof that the Yemenis stretched R-17Es or Hwasong-6 on their own, it at least indicates that modifying older Scud-style missiles for longer range is possible.”

The Houthis also possess a cruise missile called the “Quds 1,” which according to missile expert Fabian Hinz could be a copy of the Iranian Soumar missile -- itself a copy of the Russian Kh-55.

Noting the overall similarity in design with the Soumar, many observers claimed Iran had simply smuggled it to Yemen where the Houthis gave it a new paintjob and a new name, as they had done before with the Qiam. …

[But] there are quite a few differences. Differences between the Quds 1 and the Soumar include the entire booster design, the wing position, the Quds 1’s fixed wings, the shape of the nose cone, the shape of the aft fuselage, the position of the stabilizers and the shape of the engine cover and exhaust. …

There is yet another apparent difference between the Quds 1 and the Soumar/Hoveyzeh: size.

Also, the Quds 1 features a Czech-made TJ100 engine, which is less powerful than the Russian-made engine on the Kh-55.

“All of this leaves the question of just who developed and built the Quds 1,” Hinz wrote. “The idea that impoverished war-torn Yemen would be able to develop a cruise missile without any outside assistance seems far-fetched. Iran’s previous supply of missiles to the Houthis and the fact that the country uses TJ100 engines in its drone program do imply that Iran could be behind the Quds 1.”

“However, so far we haven’t seen any trace of the Quds 1 in Iran proper. This riddle is not unique to the Quds 1. Beginning in 2018, several missile systems began to emerge in Yemen that while broadly similar to Iranian-designed systems have no exact Iranian equivalent.” – by David Axe

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Death in Yemen

While the world remains in the grip of news stories about the coronavirus, the UN has noted that the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis lies in Yemen, where a civil war has been fought for the past five years. There has recently been a re-escalation in fighting, with the world largely ignoring the crisis even as Western countries send in supplies of arms. Around 85,000 children under five have died of starvation between 2014 and 2018, and amidst the chaos we have limited reports on precisely what is happening now. But the Arab world’s poorest country has virtually been destroyed.

As the fighting continues, more people continue to die. The threat of Covid-19 hangs over them, and of course has already diverted the attention of the world. No one cares for the suffering of the Yemeni people which has in fact been largely ignored through the years of war.

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24 incidents of grave violations against children in Al Hudaydah, Al Dhale’e, Sa’ada, and Shabwah in January were documented and verified

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Coronavirus: World cannot afford to continue ignoring Yemen

The country's healthcare system has been decimated by five years of war, as Western nations send weapons and look the other way

Much of the blame for the deadly state of affairs lies with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, preferred psychopath of the Trump administration.

Beyond ripping innocent people to shreds, the US-backed Saudi war effort has helped spawn numerous other forms of suffering - including, as may be of particular interest in the context of the coronavirus panic, the worst cholera epidemic in modern history.

The health crisis in Yemen, which has seen thousands die of treatable diseases, has obviously been exacerbated by the Saudi blockade and sanctions. To be sure, the coalition’s habit of bombing hospitals and other medical facilities hasn’t exactly helped matters, either.

And that’s not all. Recall the “conservative estimate” by the aid organisation Save the Children that, between 2015 and 2018, 85,000 Yemeni children under the age of five might have died of starvation.

But, hey, as long as the US arms industry doesn’t go hungry, who cares about millions of starving mortals?

In an essay debunking the narrative that the Saudi-Emirati slaughter in Yemen is somehow a “proxy conflict” with Iran, University of Richmond professor and Yemen scholar Sheila Carapico stresses that “big petrodollar spending around DuPont Circle systematically produces a story-line that exonerates the murder and starvation of Yemenis” in the name of a supposedly existential battle with the Islamic Republic.

Ultimately, Carapico contends, the real victims of coalition aggression have nothing to do with Iran, and are instead “starving children under attack by filthy-rich monarchies wielding the most advanced weapons Britain and the United States have to sell”.

US President Donald Trump, of course, is a fan of the Iranian proxy storyline, and has vetoed congressional efforts to end US involvement in Yemen.

According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, more than 80 percent of the population of Yemen “lacks food, fuel, drinking water and access to health care services, which makes it particularly vulnerable to diseases that can generally be cured or eradicated elsewhere in the world.” The Yemeni healthcare system has furthermore been “decimated” by years of war.

As for what happens when you add coronavirus to this mix, only time will tell. In the meantime, though, it’s worth recognising that - in an irreversibly interconnected world - we literally can’t afford to fixate on certain catastrophes at the expense of others – by Belen Fernandez

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Yemeni gov't calls int'l community to help free prisoners

Human rights ministry in the Yemeni internationally-recognized government on Friday called on the international community and the UN especial envoy for Yemen to take more serious actions for the release of all prisoners detained and forcibly disappeared in Houthi jails.

My comment: What about your own prisons? Finally realize the prisoner swap.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

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Shura-Rates Präsident sendet Briefe an Vereinten Nationen bezüglich inhaftierten Schiffe

Die Briefe enthielten Informationen über die Fortsetzung der willkürlichen Maßnahmen der Länder der Aggressionscoalition, die lange Zeit Schiffe mit Öl- und Gasderivaten halten und ihnen nicht erlauben, ihre Fracht im Hafen von Hodeidah zu betreten und zu entladen.

Sie wies darauf hin, dass diese willkürlichen Maßnahmen gegen Schiffe durchgeführt werden, obwohl die Vereinten Nationen eine Einreisegenehmigung erteilt haben

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Norwegian Refugee Council: Yemen: Five years of war cripple coronavirus preparedness

Meanwhile a dangerous escalation of violence in parts of northern Yemen is putting civilians back in the firing line, threatening to tilt the country back to full-scale conflict. Almost 40,000 people were displaced in the first three months of this year in Marib and Al Jawf, forcing them into overcrowded conditions. They lack adequate access to water and sanitation, health care or ability to 'self-isolate', putting them at heightened risk of contracting the virus. Over 500 civilians killed or injured between December and the end of February. The first two months of 2020 saw as many civilian casualties in Sana'a governorate, Al-Jawf and Marib as during the first six months of 2019. This reverses a positive trend at the second half of 2019 where local ceasefires and a de-escalation of conflict resulted in a drop in civilian casualties from 215 to 154 per month, and a 71 per cent drop in air strikes over the previous year.

Five years of war has seen humanitarian needs in Yemen soar. The number of Yemeni's in need has risen from 21 million in 2015 to 24 million -- 80 per cent of population. The number of people forced to flee has risen from 1 million in 2015 in to 3.6 million -- an increase of 365 per cent. And the number of people going hungry has increased from 12 million in 2015 to a staggering 20 million, pushing Yemen to the brink of famine.

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In 2020, UNFPA is appealing for USD $100.5 million to reach 4.1 million conflict-affected women and girls with reproductive health and protection services. Only USD $40.3 million has so far been mobilised.

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New UNDP Yemen project aims to empower community to build peace, resolve local issues and enhance social cohesion

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Yemen announced the beginning of a new project to strengthen the resilience of Yemeni communities. With a particular focus on the governorates of Aden and Lahj, the project entitled Enhancing the Community Resilience by Improving Subsistence Livelihoods and Human Security Project is generously funded by the Government of Japan.

The Project aims to strengthen Yemeni community resilience by increasing socio-economic opportunities, improving service delivery and strengthening community-based protection. UNDP, through our implementing partners, will support 520 beneficiaries from Aden and Lahj – the majority of whom will be women and youth who have directly affected by Yemen’s conflict.

The new project will work to improve economic empowerment of youth and women who are at-risk due to ongoing conflict and war in Yemen’s southern governorates. It is expected that the benefits of economic empowerment will be able to help prevent violent extremism.

(A H)

Mother rescues daughters from child marriage in central Yemen

A lawyer arranged for a divorce between 10-year-old Nidhal and a 40-year-old man, then married Nidhal himself with the approval of her father

Awadh [The mother] demanded that the authorities arrest Al-Arabi and prevent him from interfering in their daughters’ lives.

In the meantime, Awadh and her two daughters took refuge with the Yemeni Women's Union (photo)

My comment: This is perverse.

(* B H)

Durchschnittlich 50 Cholera-Verdachtsfälle pro Stunde

Die humanitäre Notlage im Jemen macht die Bevölkerung des Landes in besonderem Maß anfällig für schwere oder tödliche Corona-Krankheitsverläufe. Darauf hat die Nothilfe- und Entwicklungsorganisation Oxfam anlässlich des fünften Jahrestages der Eskalation des bewaffneten Konflikts hingewiesen. Im Jemen trifft die Corona-Pandemie auf eine von Krieg und Krankheit ohnehin geschwächte Bevölkerung. Die Grenzschließungen verhindern zudem, dass die Menschen notwendige Hilfe erhalten.

Die bevorstehende Regenzeit werde die Situation weiter verschärfen, befürchtet Oxfam. Die Hilfsorganisation fordert von den Kriegsparteien einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand und die Rückkehr zu Friedensverhandlungen.

Seit die von Saudi Arabien geführte Militärkoalition in den Krieg eingetreten und die Krise dadurch eskaliert ist, kam im Durchschnitt alle dreieinhalb Stunden eine Zivilperson durch Kampfhandlungen ums Leben. Viele weitere sind in dieser Zeit an Krankheiten und Hunger gestorben. Im Durchschnitt der vergangenen fünf Jahre mussten jede Stunde mehr als 90 Menschen aus ihrer Heimat fliehen.

wurden pro Stunde mehr als 50 Verdachtsfälle von Cholera gemeldet, insgesamt über 2,3 Millionen. Da die Regenzeit im April beginnt, ist mit einem erneuten Anstieg der Fälle zu rechnen. Oxfam geht davon aus, dass es im Jahr 2020 etwas mehr als eine Million Fälle geben könnte – mehr als im vergangenen Jahr.

ist die Zahl der hungernden Menschen pro Stunde um mehr als 100 gestiegen, das ist insgesamt ein Anstieg um 4,7 Millionen seit der Eskalation der Krise. Mit 10 Millionen Menschen leidet derzeit rund ein Drittel der Bevölkerung Hunger, 3,2 Millionen Menschen sind akut mangelernährt.

Das Coronavirus stellt eine massive Bedrohung für die Menschen im Jemen dar, so Oxfam.

(* B H)

50 suspected cholera cases every hour for five years in Yemen

With a recent upsurge in fighting in Yemen, the forthcoming rainy season and tightening of borders due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, there’s no end in sight to the daily toll of death, disease and displacement five years after the conflict escalated, Oxfam warned today.

For every hour of the last five years,

more than 90 people have had to flee their homes,

more than 50 suspected cases of cholera have been reported and,

the number of people going hungry has increased by more than 100.

Coronavirus poses a fresh challenge to Yemen. Flights into and out of the country have been stopped, restricting movement for some aid workers responding to the humanitarian crisis. Only 50% of health centres in Yemen are functioning, and even those that are open are facing severe shortages of medicines, equipment and staff. Around 17 million people – more than half the population – have no access to clean water.

The forthcoming rainy season could cause another surge in the cholera outbreak in Yemen which has already recorded the two largest numbers of suspected cases in any country in a single year, in 2017 and 2019.

Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Yemen Country Director said: “Whilst the international community is rightly concerned about protecting its own citizens from coronavirus, it has a responsibility to the people of Yemen.

“After five years of death, disease and displacement and in the face of a rising threat from a global pandemic, Yemenis desperately need all warring parties to agree to an immediate countrywide ceasefire and return to negotiations to achieving a lasting peace.” =

(B H)

Film: Krieg im Jemen: Mylas Geschichte

Im Jemen sind 80% der Bevölkerung auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Ganz besonders gefährdet sind Kleinkinder und Schwangere. ADRA kümmert sich in drei Krankenhäusern um die kleinsten Patientinnen und Patienten, damit der Jemen eine Zukunft hat.

(B H)

Film: Maryam ist eine von vielen Kindern im Jemen, die an Hunger und Krankheiten leiden. Ihre Familie ist zu arm um sich regelmäßige Mahlzeiten und medizinische Versorgung leisten zu können. Dank dem ADRA-Krankenhaus gibt es Hoffnung für Maryam. Ihre Mutter erzählt uns ihre Geschichte.

(B H)

Photos: Children suffer malnutrition in war-plagued Yemen

Plagued by cholera, malnutrition and diphtheria, Yemen lacks the ability to cope with deadly epidemics as its five-year civil war has almost destroyed more than half of its healthcare system.

(B H)

Clean water contributes to avoiding #Corona & #Cholera. #SFDYemen saved groundwater and built water harvesting tanks with a total capacity of 9.3 million m3 for 2.8M ppl in #Yemen often using #CashForWork at a time 20 M Yemenis need water assistance

(B H)

Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response: UNFPA Flash Update (Sana’a And Sa’ada Hubs) from 19 Jan to 18th March 2020

(A H P)

Kuwait donates 10 fishing boats to Almaharah's fishermen

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

2019 Yemen Country Report

According to the United Nations, Yemen has been the "Worst humanitarian crisis in the world," for the past two years.

Despite the Hudaydah Agreement signed in December 2018, the fighting continued in many areas of the country, such as Hajjah in the north, Al Dhale' e in the south and Hudaydah along the west coast. Within a year, another 400,000 Yemenis were forced to flee their homes, eventually adding up to one-eighth of the entire Yemeni population who had become displaced at least once, over the last five years.

In 2019, unprecedented heavy rain and flooding from May onwards caused catastrophic damage to homes and the families’ livelihoods, adding to their misery.

Political differences led to renewed fighting around Aden in the south of Yemen from August when the Southern Transitional Council took control of the city.

Despite the ongoing fighting and uncertainties related to peace processes, a record-high number of refugees and asylum-seekers arrived in Yemen to seek protection and safety. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimates that around 132,200 individuals, mostly Ethiopians, reached Yemen in 2019, a

In terms of coordination mechanisms for the humanitarian and protection response by national and international partners as well as relevant authorities, UNHCR leads the Protection, Shelter/NFIs (Non-Food Items), Camp Coordination and Camp Management clusters for Internally Displaced People (IDPs)

(B H)

UNFPA Yemen Response: Monthly Situation Report #02 February 2020

The upsurge in hostilities that began in mid-January in Marib, Al Jawf and Sana’a Governorates, continued into February; resulting in heavy displacement, spike in civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure.

Amidst a challenging operational environment and shrinking humanitarian space, humanitarian operations, including that of UNFPA have continued to deliver.

The UNFPA-led Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM), providing a standard relief package that includes food, hygiene materials and other essential items, was activated following massive displacement from Al Jawf, Sana'a and Marib, reaching more than 38,000 displaced persons with RRM kits within 48 to 72 hours of displacement since January 2020. Mobile teams deployed in these areas reached over 14,000 women with reproductive health and protection services.

(B H)

Yemen - Conflict (DG ECHO, IOM) (ECHO Daily Flash of 24 March 2020)

Supported by DG ECHO, UNFPA’s coordinated Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) partners are assisting 200 households per day. As of today, 6,415 households received essential items -food, hygiene kits, non-food items. UNFPA mobile teams provided 6, 296 displaced people with essential reproductive health services.

(A H P)

Yemen tightens security to reduce flow of African migrants

[Hadi gov.] Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of the Interior, Ahmed Al-Maisry, instructed on Sunday the Coast Guard Authority to tighten security measures to control flow of the illegal migrants from the Horn of Africa to Yemen.

Although Yemen has been at war since early 2015, the country remains an active route for illegal African migrants seeking better economic opportunities in Saudi Arabia, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).


(A H P)

A military campaign to limit entry of Africans across the coasts of Ras al-Ara and Bab al-Mandab

A military and security campaign was launched on Friday in the coast of Ras al-Ara of Bab al-Mandab to prevent the entry of Africans to the country as a preventive measure against the spread of the Corona virus.

(B H)

Yemen | Assisted Spontaneous Return (ASR) As of 19 March 2020

On 16 March, UNHCR and IOM helped 80 Somali refugees return to Somalia from Yemen. Since the beginning of the program over 5,400 Somali refugees have returned home.

During the reporting period, 43 refugees who approached the Return Help Desks (RHD) in Basateen, Kharaz and Mukalla received counselling on voluntary return information and the assisted spontaneous return program led by UNHCR and IOM.

(B H)

ACTED launches major new project to support displacement-affected communities in Dhamar

In recent years and due to its relative safety and stability, Dhamar has experienced a significant influx of displaced people from surrounding areas, putting a serious strain on local services and resources.

Through a two-day visit, ACTED, national and local authorities discussed the key challenges raised by this increased demand, and jointly visited a number of hospitals, water points and communities which required support

Local medical services struggling to absorb extra demand

Local water points in need of repair

Displaced communities dispersed across areas

(* B H)

Over 10,000 families displaced by battles in Marib and Al-Jawf

More than 10,000 families have been displaced from the areas of clashes between government forces and the Houthi group (Ansar Allah) in the north of the country, the executive unit of the camp for displaced camps affiliated with the Yemeni internationally recognized government said on Sunday.

The Executive Unit stated in a statement that the number of displaced persons from Al-Jawf and Nehm reached 10 thousand and 230 families during the period from January 19 to March 12 as result of the recent military escalation in those areas.

The Unit stressed that the presence of these large numbers constitutes a double pressure on the host community and contributes to the spread of epidemics and diseases, especially with fears of the spread of "Coronavirus" that is sweeping the world.

The IDP Unit added that all of these families were displaced to Marib, living in difficult and exceptional circumstances, and lacking the most basic elements of life, such as places of shelter, tents, food and water.

(* B H K)

Flash Update: Escalation and Response in Marib Al Jawf and Sana'a Governorates - Issue #4 | 22 March 2020


The upsurge in hostilities that began in mid-January in Marib, Al Jawf and Sana’a Governorates, continued into March, resulting in heavy displacement, spike in civilian casualties and damaging civilian infrastructure. Intense clashes broke out in Al Hazm City, Al Jawf Governorate, on 1 March causing massive displacement of civilians, with over 12,000 people estimated to be displaced within 24 hours.

Fighting across the three governorates has caused further displacement, with an estimated 40,000 people having fled their homes between 19 January and 18 March 2020. Most of those displaced persons are in Marib City and surrounding areas, staying in overcrowded public buildings, in displacement sites and with the local community. Nearly 5,000 are scattered in Nihm and Bani Hushaysh District in Sana’a Governorate. The actual number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) is likely to be higher as many families are staying with the host families and may not have been included in estimates.

To date, 6,491 newly displaced households (38,946 individuals) have been identified by the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM). With reportedly increasing displacement a new camp, entitled Al Khair has been established by IOM and local authorities to host displaced families from Al Jawf Governorate.

Urgent needs as reported by partners include additional food assistance, non-food items, clothing and protection of civilians still trapped between the frontlines.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp5 – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-634 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-634: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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