Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 639 - Yemen War Mosaic 639

Yemen Press Reader 639: 6. April 2020: Angst vor Coronavirus im Jemen – Heftige Kämpfe in der Provinz Marib – Opfer von saudischem Luftangriff und Bombardement und von Huthi-Beschuss von ...

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... Opfer von saudischem Luftangriff und Bombardement von Wohnhäusern und von Huthi-Beschuss von Gefängnis in Taiz – und mehr

April 6, 2020: Fear of Coronavirus in Yemen – Heavy fighting in Marib province – Victims by Saudi raid and bombing of Yemeni homes and by Houthi shelling of Taiz prison – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B K P)

Wie der Krieg das Land und die Gesellschaft verändert

Die Rebellen sind stärker als zuvor, die Wirtschaft ist zusammengebrochen, Hardliner bestimmen den Lehrplan. Aber auch das Frauenbild hat sich verändert.

«Der Jemenkrieg dauert schon länger als der Erste Weltkrieg», sagt die ehemalige jemenitische Diplomatin Jamila Ali Rajaa. Selbst Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, die mächtigen Nachbarn, welche vor fünf Jahren den Bombenkrieg gegen die Huthi-Rebellen begannen, seien im Grunde kriegsmüde, ist sie überzeugt.

Milliardenteures Debakel

Noch vor Kurzem hatte es den Anschein gemacht, als sei Entspannung in Sicht. Der spektakuläre Angriff im letzten Herbst auf seine wichtigsten Ölproduktionsanlagen führte Saudi-Arabien auf eindrückliche Weise vor, wie verletzlich es ist, ungeachtet seines unbeschreiblichen Reichtums und seiner amerikanischen Präzisionswaffen.

Drei Monate später stehen die Zeichen wieder auf Konfrontation. Im Norden entwickelte sich seit Januar eine Grossoffensive der Huthis. Von deren Erfolg seien die Rebellen selber überrascht worden, sagt Peter Salisbury von der Crisis Group.

Die Offensive drohe nun auch die Provinz Marib mit der gleichnamigen Hauptstadt zu erfassen, sagt Salisbury. Dort könnten die Huthis lukrative Gas- und Ölvorkommen unter ihre Kontrolle bringen und der Regierung Hadi auch psychologisch einen weiteren schweren Schlag zufügen.

Neue Kämpfe brächten noch mehr Leid für die Bevölkerung.

Saudis und Huthis redeten zwar noch miteinander, aber viel weniger, sagt Peter Salisbury. Mit dem Aufflammen der Kämpfe im Norden sei «das Misstrauen wieder stark gewachsen».

Regierung ohne Rückhalt

Auch nach fünf Jahren kontrollieren die Rebellen aus dem Norden die Hauptstadt Sanaa und ein Gebiet, in dem zwei Drittel der Bevölkerung leben – die Huthis haben inzwischen auch Raketen und Drohnen.

Der Bombenkrieg der Saudis hat die einstigen Stammeskämpfer immer stärker in die Arme des regionalen Rivalen Iran getrieben.

Sie sind straff organisiert, während die Regierungsseite in diverse Milizen mit unterschiedlichen Interessen zerfällt. Präsident Hadis Legitimation basiert hauptsächlich noch darauf, dass seine Regierung international anerkannt ist. Im Land selbst fehlt ihm vergleichbarer Rückhalt.

Krieg verändert die Gesellschaft

Der Jemenkrieg hat in fünf Jahren enormes Leid über das Land gebracht. Er verändert auch die jemenitische Gesellschaft, bis hin zum Verhältnis zwischen den Geschlechtern.

Das sagt die jemenitische Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin Shams Shamsan, die das Thema in einer Studie untersucht hat.

Der Konflikt hat Profiteure hervorgebracht, die grosse Mehrheit der Bevölkerung aber leidet. Die Wirtschaft ist zusammengebrochen, der Kurszerfall macht vieles unerschwinglich, Staatsangestellte erhalten ihre Löhne nur noch unregelmässig oder gar nicht.

«Die Frauen mussten handeln»

Millionen Männer verloren ihre Stelle und damit auch ihre Position und ihr Selbstverständnis als Ernährer, viele gingen an die Front – auch in der Hoffnung auf ein neues Auskommen.

Unter diesen Bedingungen «hatten die Frauen keine andere Wahl als zu handeln», sagt Shams Shamsan, Mitautorin einer Studie, welche die Folgen der gesellschaftlichen Zerrüttung auf die «Ordnung der Geschlechter» untersucht.

Die Not zwang die Frauen in Aufgaben hinein, die in der stammesgeprägten Gesellschaft Jemens bisher Männern vorbehalten waren.

Hardliner fühlen sich ermutigt

Allfälligen neuen Perspektiven stehen die materielle Not und die Verrohung der Sitten nach fünf Jahren Krieg entgegen, deren Opfer ebenso sehr Frauen sind. Hinzu kommt, der Konflikt hat islamistische Strömungen gestärkt, was den Spielraum der Frauen wieder einengt – von Philipp Scholkmann (auch als Audio)

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Siehe / Look at cp1a, cp16, cp17

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(B H)

Film: Yemen's Addiction to Qat Could Be Spreading Covid-19

Here's why Yemen's addiction to chewing a narcotic leaf called 'qat' could spell trouble for the spread of #Covid19 within the country

(A H)

Film: Street sanitation in Mualla Aden

(A H)

WHO Confirms Yemen Is Free of Coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO): Yemen still Free of Coronavirus.

"As of Sunday morning, Yemen remains the only country in the Middle East region that has not recorded any case," said Altaf Musani, the organization's representative in Yemen

My comment: Few tests, no cases.

(* A H P)

Yemen frees nearly 800 prisoners as country braces for spread of coronavirus

Nearly 800 prisoners have been released around the country in the past ten days as part of precautionary measures taken to cope with the potential spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Yemen, according to officials around the country.

The Yemeni government says it has released 391 prisoners since March 28 and plans to release more.

Houthi authorities say they released 406 prisoners on Thursday in Hodeidah. Low-risk prisoners who have served half their sentences released, and higher-risk prisoners who have served three quarters of their sentence were released, authorities told the Houthi-controlled Saba news agency.

(A H P)

Pakistani driver arrested after suspected of being infected with Coronavirus in Mahra

The authorities of a border freight port in the Al-Mahra Governorate, eastern Yemen, on Saturday evening, detained a truck driver with Pakistani nationality, after being suspected of being infected with the new Coronavirus (Covid 19).

(A H)

DFD Yemen: Awareness and distribution against #Corona virus started our activities of distrbuting #FeedBlock s to save lives of livestock of the poor farmers in a number of #Yemen areas (photos)

(* B H K P)

A ceasefire is necessary to protect Yemen from coronavirus

There are still no reported cases of coronavirus, COVID-19 in Yemen. But watching the invisible tsunami crashing through countries, and creating a global health crisis and economic catastrophe, we are preparing for landfall in Yemen, already one of the most fragile countries on earth

With COVID-19 Yemen will face a new, merciless enemy that will be unbeatable if the armed conflict continues. It will threaten the fragile gains made, making the world’s worst humanitarian and development crisis even more dire. Ending the fighting now will allow for a UN-led mediation to end the war and will help prevent a COVID-19 outbreak in an already tenuous environment.

The protracted conflict has decimated what was already a very weak health system. An outbreak would overwhelm it, with the most vulnerable hit the hardest.

The question is ow can we prepare, respond, and recover in a country at war?

On 25 March, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for a ceasefire in Yemen to help avert a COVID-19 disaster.

UNDP has learned from disease outbreaks and past pandemics that enable us to develop effective responses focused on the most vulnerable groups that are driven by solidarity, science, and human rights. For COVID-19 in Yemen, we are contributing to the UN response through preparedness, mitigation, and recovery by delivering in four pillars:

Strengthening the first line of defense

Strengthening health systems, supply chains, doctors and nurses at the front lines of defense is key. Protecting heroic health workers--supplying face masks and protective clothing--and strong partnerships with authorities will help ensure Yemenis have equal access and treatment to healthcare.

(* B H)

COVID-19: Potential impact on the world’s poorest people: A WFP analysis of the economic and food security implications of the pandemic

Today, more than 821 million people regularly go to bed hungry, of whom 100-plus million suffer from acute hunger, largely due to man-made conflicts, climate change and economic downturns.

These are the people who will experience the unthinkable due to the economic or logistical consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the depth and breadth of hunger will increase worldwide.

COVID-19 in rich and poor countries are two starkly different realities but connected by the thread of globalization and humanity. The only real hope for many is availability of affordable testing and treatment. But until then, just like in the rich countries where governments are undertaking extraordinary measure to protect their citizens, we must make sure that tens of millions of people already on the verge of starvation do not succumb to this virus or to its economic consequences.

and report in full.

(B H P)

Film: Daily-workers ask about their breadwinners in Corona

The precautionary measures taken by the Yemeni government as a result of the recent outbreak of the Corona virus have exacerbated the suffering of private sector workers, especially daily workers, as the government has not taken any steps yet to assist this segment affected by the decision to impose curfews as they depend on their livelihood on daily wages, some workers wondered about their breadwinner in the event they stopped working in implementation of the decision amid government silence, on their part, social workers called on the government to allocate a budget to cover the expenses of this segment and take into account the problems of the private sector to avoid layoffs by the companies.

(B H)

Dr. Abdoukarim Dammaj, former head of Yemen’s Physicians Syndicate, details @KhuyutAr a response plan 4 Covid19. Individuals, communities & national authorities must implement responsibly. War parties, yet, to fulfill their pledges to seize fire.

referring to

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 3 April 2020

UNHCR continues to support the De Facto Authorities (DFA)’s Supreme Council for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (SCMCHA) with prevention measures against COVID-19. During the reporting period, 4,370 blankets, 3,600 mattresses, 190 solar lamps and 60 tents were delivered to quarantine centres in Al Baydah and Sana’a governorates for IDPs arriving after fleeing frontline violence in Al Jawf governorate. Meanwhile, four quarantine centres have been established in Taizz and Al Dhale’e governorates in anticipation of a possible spread of the novel coronavirus.

(A H P)

Houthis Health Ministry spokesman: All rumors about existence of corona cases in Yemen are incorrect

Al-Hadhiri pointed out that "everything that is reported in the media of aggression is totally incorrect, because we have a system of epidemiological surveillance and strong response teams, whose experiences in epidemiological surveillance accumulated during the war years for diseases such as cholera, malaria, dengue and other epidemics that appear in times of war. ".

My comment: This obviously is propaganda BS.

(A H)

PCR analysis proves Yemeni woman, family COVID-19 free

The Yemeni woman, who was quarantined on Thursday for suspicion of coronavirus infection after her arrival from Saudi Arabia, tested negative, private source at the Houthi-run health ministry told Debriefer on Frida

(A H)

Film: Converting a sewing factory into a masks factory in Taiz

The Corona virus prompted three doctors in the pharmacy department to convert a sewing factory to a masks factory in Taiz governorate, southern Yemen, to meet the needs of the growing population recently in anticipation of the virus outbreak in the governorate, the factory produces about 400-500 masks daily and is sold at nominal prices, and doctors hope they can increase production to distribute in other governorates.

(A H)

COVID-19 Disorder Tracker: Spotlight - Yemen, 22-28 Mar 2020

(A H P)

Gemeinsamer Technischer Ausschuss: Es gibt einen Fall vermutet Corona ohne Bestätigung

(A H P)

Houthi spokesman denies reports on coronavirus case in Yemen

A spokesman for the Ansar Allah group (Houthis), Dhaifallah Al-Shami, denied this evening, Thursday, the presence of any new cases of coronavirus in Yemen.

Al-Shami said on his Twitter account: "The talk about the presence of a corona case is incorrect and everyone should seek credibility."

and also:

(* B H)

“Please do not forget Yemen”

Q&A with CARE Yemen Country Director Aaron Brent

As of today, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Yemen. Five years of war has made the country one of the most isolated places in the world. Sana’a International Airport has been closed for nearly four years – with only humanitarian flights allowed in. Now, because of the coronavirus pandemic, even movement within the country has been restricted.

We spoke about the impact of the lockdown with CARE Yemen Country Director Aaron Brent, who told us that while the measures are appropriate, they add extra hardship to what is already the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

What will these COVID-19 travel restrictions mean for CARE programming and individual families’ lives?

It will have a massive effect, especially on lifesaving humanitarian aid. Any type of movement restriction that affects the ability of humanitarian agencies to deliver lifesaving aid is going to be catastrophic.

One of our biggest programs is monthly food distribution to the most vulnerable and hungry people. These are people who are on the edge of famine and depend on food distributions to stay alive.

They have gone through five years of total isolation, had to undergo the impacts of multiple outbreaks of cholera – and are still in the midst of one right now. We’ve also experienced dengue fever and a diphtheria epidemic in the past years, so COVID-19 is coming on top of all these.

What are you most worried about?

My biggest fear is not being able to get our team members out to deliver essential humanitarian aid, and for us to not be able to reach those most vulnerable communities. The Yemeni healthcare system is in ruins. This is what happens after five years of war. We do everything we can to support the healthcare system, but the reality is when you see healthcare systems in very advanced countries like Italy or the US being completely overwhelmed, then the impacts here in Yemen are unimaginable. That is a really big worry.

Are there any lessons learned from Yemen’s numerous disease outbreaks that would be applicable to COVID-19?

The current public health messages around the COVID-19 pandemic, telling people to wash their hands and keep surfaces clean, are exactly the same principles applied for any infectious disease outbreak, so these are the same type of measures that CARE has been working on for years in Yemen.

(A H P)

[Sanaa gov.] Technical Committee for Combating Epidemics: Yemen Is Free of Coronavirus

My comment: No tests, no cases of virus.

(A H P)

110 Menschen verließen die Quarantäne in Saada

110 Menschen haben heute die Quarantänezentren in den Distrikten Baqem und Qattaber im Gouvernement Saada verlassen. Dies sind die dritten Personen, die nach Ablauf der 14-tägigen Quarantänezeit über Grenzübergänge angekommen sind, um sicherzustellen, dass sie frei von Koronakrankheiten sind.

(A H P)

About 110 men left Saada after being subjected to quarantine

About 110 people left on Thursday two quarantine centers in two districts of Baqim and Qatabar in Saada province, after being subjected to quarantine for 14 days, as part of the precautionary measures for confronting Corona virus.

(A H P)

Photos: Qat markets in Sana'a were closed to avoid #coronavirus.

(* B H)

Scale-up of the cholera outbreak response in priority districts in Yemen

Behind the conflict in Yemen are the faces of millions of people—19.7 million people in need of healthcare. Each one of these men, women and children has a story to tell and challenges to overcome in order to survive. The world’s largest cholera outbreak swept across Yemen, infecting an estimated 1.3 million people. This, as well as other disease outbreaks, are the inevitable results of an ongoing conflict and a fragile health system on the brink of collapse.

WHO, Saudi Arabia and UAE Aid joined forces in the fight against this deadly yet preventable disease through the IMDAD project—scaling up the response in communities at the highest risk for cholera. IMDAD is an Arabic word that means “help and support”. This project aims at extending a humanitarian hand to protect the people of Yemen-- saving lives through control measures, as well as treatment of cholera.

WHO, Saudi Arabia and UAE Aid through the IMDAD project are running 146 diarrhoea treatment centres to get patients with cholera back on their feet and oral rehydration corners to make sure that people are able to receive early treatment and prevent dehydration if they have symptoms of cholera.

IMDAD is working in Yemen to ensure cholera patients are managed effectively, so the disease does not spread further, also proving medical and laboratory supplies in order for cases to be detected and identified early.

(A H P)

Krieg im Jemen: Nutzt die Saudi-Koalition mit Coronavirus verseuchte Gesichtsmasken als biologische Waffe?

Der mit der populären Ansarallah-Bewegung (auch Houthi-Bewegung) verbundene jemenitische Informationsminister hat die Möglichkeit angesprochen, dass die von der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition in der Hauptstadt Sana’a und anderen jemenitischen Städten abgeworfenen Gesichtsmasken mit dem Coronavirus infiziert werden könnten, und Medien und Aktivisten aufgefordert, das Bewusstsein für die Gefahr zu schärfen.

Koalitionskräfte verteilen Masken in der Hauptstadt und in mehreren anderen jemenitischen Provinzen, berichtete die Pressebeobachtungsorganisation des Middle East Monitor am Dienstag.

Shami forderte Medien und Aktivisten auf, die Bürger davor zu warnen, die Masken zu berühren oder zu tragen.

Ebenfalls am Sonntag zitierte die offizielle Nachrichtenagentur Saba Net im Jemen den Obersten Rat des Landes für die Verwaltung und Koordinierung humanitärer Angelegenheiten als Bestätigung der neuen Taktik der Koalition, «verschiedene Lieferungen» im ganzen Land aus der Luft zu werfen.

Es warnte, dass die Angreifer versuchten, den Ausbruch «als Mittel des Krieges gegen unser Volk und als Ziel des Jemen zu nutzen, der bei weitem eines der drei Länder der Welt ist, die völlig frei von dem Ausbruch des Coronavirus sind».

«Solche verdächtigen Operationen durchzuführen, spiegelt ihre kriminellen Absichten wider», sagte der Rat.

Meine Bemerkung: Das wird seitens der Regierung in Sanaa behauptet.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Mercenaries Carry Out 108 Violations of Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Militärische Eskalation der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah in den letzten Stunden

(A K pH)

Military escalation of forces of aggression in Hodeidah during past hours

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Saturday, April 4th, 2020

In Hodeidah governorate, a citizen was seriously injured when the mercenaries targeted Jabaleah area in At-tohayta District, followed by a similar crime that resulting in injuring a child with bullets in Al-Aozlah of Al Suwaiq in the same district. A tank of the invaders and mercenaries has shelled the village of Al-Shujan, on the outskirts of the besieged city of Addurayhimi, with a number of shells, by the Yemeni Army and the Popular Committees.

and also

(A K pH)

73 Verstöße der Aggressionskräfte in Al-Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 73 violations of Hodeidah agreement in last 24 hours

(A K pH)

Eine Militärquelle bestätigte die anhaltenden Verstöße gegen die Aggressionstruppen im Gouvernement Al Hodeidah, die zur Verletzung eines Bürgers und zur Zerstörung eines Hauses führten

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Aggression’s Daily Update for Friday, April 3rd, 2020

(A K pH)

70 Verstöße der Aggressionskräften gegen das Hodeidah-Abkommen

(A K pH)

US-Saudi Mercenaries Carry Out 70 Violations to Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

90 Verstöße der Aggressionskräfte gegen das Hodeidah-Abkommen

(A K pH)

Saudi Mercenaries Carry Out 90 Violations of Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Verstöße der Aggression in Hodeidah gehen weiter

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi aggression committed more than 90 violates including planes flights and artillery and missiles violates in different areas. A military bulldozer developed new fortifications western Addurayhimi city.

(A K pS)

Houthi shelling burns houses in Hays, south Hodeidah


(A K pS)

Film: The body of a Houthi leader was killed while the joint forces responded to the militia attack in Al-Tahita

(A K pH)

Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen dauern in Hodeidah an

(A K pS)

Houthi shelling burns houses in Hays, south Houdeidah

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)



Latest updates on Yemen, 3 April 2020


(* B K P)


Contrary to existing perceptions, Ansarullah faces a limitation in choosing a scenario for the end of the Yemeni crisis that is limited to the display of military power and boosting it. Of course, the Yemeni people in different scenes have shown their ability to execute such a scenario well, and they are fully in line with Ansarullah, which is one of the important parameters in determining the outcome of this brutal war.
Jafar Ghanadbashi – Middle East affairs expert

In fact, it is the Saudi army and the Riyadh regime that have acted as mercenaries and implemented the warmongering and devastating policies of the Western countries in Yemen. Otherwise, it was expected that following the open withdrawal of the UAE from the Saudi coalition and the recall of Sudanese troops participating in the war, Saudi officials would put an end to this costly war and would seek to resolve the problems inside Saudi Arabia, which are sinking them gradually into a swamp.

It is natural that in such circumstances, the Yemeni people and the Ansarullah movement must inevitably step in the direction of their defence policies and dismantle the Saudi regime’s war machine using its missile capabilities as well as its experience in land, air and sea operations.

In other words, in these circumstances, there are not many options for the Yemeni people to force the Saudi regime to stop the war, as experience has shown that any attempt to bring peace and ceasefire or to fruitful and productive talks will not produce effective results. And it will not force Riyadh officials to end their ruthless military aggression on residential areas of Yemen.

Based on what was said Ansarullah faces limitations in choosing the scenario to continue this path that is limited to the display of military power and its increase.

My comment: from Iran, a pro-Houthi viewpoint. As sad as it is, this actually seems to be a reasonable experience after 5 years of war and non-stop Saudi aggression. – Anyway, exactly now would be a good moment to start ending the war.

(* B K P)

Airstrikes on Yemen intensify, shatter hope for peace

The escalation means continued war and suffering in Yemen. While the Saudi-led Arab coalition justifies the extensive aerial bombing to fend off what it calls the imminent Houthi threat, the Houthis say have been acting to defend themselves and the areas under their control.

Sanaa resident Amar Amri told Al-Monitor that a string of air raids hit Sanaa on March 29 and 30, shattering civilians’ hope for peace or at least de-escalation amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We [civilians] and vital infrastructure are the major victims of these airstrikes. The Houthis fire some missiles on Saudi territories but Saudis retaliate with dozens of devastating airstrikes. We are worried this cycle of bombardment exchange will continue,” Amri said.

Six of the latest airstrikes hit the military academy in Sanaa. The warplanes targeted horse stables, leaving enormous destruction. Horse breeder Mahdi Al-Rimi was killed, two other civilians were wounded and 70 purebred Arabian horses died in the strikes.

“They just want to bomb anything. They have targeted buildings, humans and animals,” Amri said. He asked, “What wrong have the horse breeder and the horses committed? And will killing these horses bring victory to the coalition?”

Sanaa-based writer Mohammed al-Hojily called the latest air raids on Sanaa indescribable.

(* B H K P)

Audio: Scott Horton Show 3/27/20 Hassan El-Tayyab on America’s Ongoing Genocide...

Hassan El-Tayyab talks to Scott about the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, where the U.S. continues to help Saudi Arabia wage an aggressive war against the Middle East’s poorest country. Scott reminds us that President Trump could end the war with a single phone call, but is too concerned with the arms contracts with the Saudi government to risk jeopardizing the relationship. Things are already desperate for the Yemeni people, who have a hard time getting food, medicine, and clean water. These problems have led to the world’s worst outbreaks of cholera, a disease that only needs basic sanitation and nutrition to treat. It would be an utter disaster if the coronavirus spreads there on top of the problems they face already. Discussed on the show: “After 5 years of war in Yemen, American complicity must end”

(* B P)

Global Appeal for Ceasefire Requires Commitment and Accountability in Yemen

Women4Yemen, Yemen

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic poses a global threat that requires global solidarity and a focus on joint efforts to face this unprecedented challenge. Yemen is not an exception, but after experiencing more than five years of war, the country is extremely unprepared to face the pandemic. As much as the coronavirus represents a global threat, it could also be an opportunity to start a new phase of peace.

We, in the Women4Yemen Network, welcome the call of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for a global ceasefire to focus on “the true fight of our lives”. We also welcomed the initial positive responses by the Yemeni conflict parties: the Yemeni government, Ansar Allah movement (known as the Houthi group), and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), who all expressed their willingness to accept the UN-brokered calls. However, despite these statements, armed escalation continues to threaten the momentum:

The Women4Yemen Network wishes to highlight the challenges to peace since the signing of the Stockholm Agreement, in order to draw upon new strategies and lessons learned:

Lack of fair peace monitoring mechanism:

While the UN Envoy to Yemen’s mandate is to lead mediation, there has to be strong monitoring of the peace efforts and the identification of any violation to the peace commitments by any actor.

Rewarding a culture of violence:

The exclusion of non-violent actors such as women, youth and other groups can send a message that using violence is the way to be heard.

Shrinkage of state presence against the rise of armed groups:

The state institutions are no longer functioning and there is an increasing dominance of non-state armed groups and new groups such as the Southern Transitional Council, supported by the UAE. The Yemeni government is under the control of Saudi Arabia. UN reports warn of the risk of undermining of Yemeni state presence due to the coalition led by the Saudis and Emirates.

Increased oppression of women peacebuilders and activists:

Various reports show that women peacebuilders and activists are facing unprecedented attack, particularly by the Houthi group. Women peacebuilders in Houthi-controlled areas face threats of their organizations being shut down as well as extreme restrictions around conducting meetings.

Territorial advance:

The Houthis have continued their strong territorial advance, even after signing the Stockholm Agreement. They moved towards Hajour and Dali. Recently the Houthi group seized Al Jawf after fierce local fights, causing massive displacement. They also started a new attack against Ma’rib, despite their public announcement of ceasefire.

Risk of losing pockets of stability:

Governorates like Marib and Jawf are considered pockets of stability, hosting a huge number of displaced people from other conflict-affected areas. However, the recent attacks threaten these pockets and it is already causing a humanitarian crisis and further displacement. Yemen has some of the highest rates of internal displacement in the world.

Regional negative interference:

Regional countries, mainly Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran, continue their negative interference by supporting proxy armed groups and political movements.

Arms sales:

Countries like the US, Canada, France, Germany and the UK continue to sell weapons to the Arab led coalition led by Saudi Arabia, despite the human rights violations. This will have a negative impact on the peace process in Yemen.

Attacks on health facilities:

Health infrastructure is hugely impacted and attacked by all parties to the conflict.

Control of aid:

Houthi authorities created an agency called NAMCHA (National Authority for Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Response) that controls and dictates aid allocation. There have been reports of some UN agencies being complicit with Houthi militants and supporting their agenda. Houthis are aware of the funding cycle and they put pressure on the UN and other international agencies to respond to their agenda.

In addition to the above threats, the Women4Yemen Network has made a number of observations via its work and networks that should be highlighted and addressed:

(* B H K)

Neues Buch:

Bushra Al-Maktari: „Was hast du hinter dir gelassen?“

Aber wer glaubt, in „Was hast du hinter dir gelassen?“ etwas mehr Übersichtlichkeit zu erlangen, der hofft vergeblich. Bushra Al-Maktari bemüht sich nicht, die komplizierten Zusammenhänge und das Entstehen dieser „toxischen“ Schlachten aufzuarbeiten. Nicht den Extremisten und Kriegstreibern, die das Land zerstören, will sie eine Stimme geben, sondern jenen, die darunter leiden. Da ist Naoma, deren Sohn beim Wasserholen von einer Granate getroffen wurde. Da sind Ahmads Fischerfreunde, die bei einem Bootsbeschuss ertranken. Und da sind Alis Enkelkinder, die nie mehr die Früchte seines Mangobaums kosten werden.

Bushra Al-Maktari hat insgesamt 43 Protokolle von Hinterbliebenen aufgezeichnet. Al-Maktari selbst lebt in Jemens Hauptstadt Sanaa und ist dort als Schriftstellerin und Journalistin tätig. Für das Buch, schreibt ihr Verlag, sei sie zwei Jahre lang durch Jemen gereist und habe mit 400 Menschen gesprochen.

Je mehr Geschichten man liest, desto eindrücklicher und unaushaltbarer entsteht das Bild eines Krieges, der dafür sorgt, dass Menschen „keinen Hauch Leben“ mehr besitzen. Umfangreich und dicht ist das Buch vor allem in narrativer Hinsicht.

„Was hast du hinter dir gelassen?“ ist keine Lektüre für Zwischendurch. Man sollte jeder Geschichte seine besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenken. Nicht, um die Kriegsursachen zu verstehen, die nebenbei in den Fußnoten erläutert werden (was durchaus anstrengt). Aber zumindest um zu spüren, was die Opfer tagtäglich erleben müssen. Existenzangst, das sollten wir uns gerade Corona-Zeiten dringend vor Augen führen, bedeutet auf anderen Kontinenten dieser Erde weitaus mehr als die wohl unnötige Angst davor, kein Klopapier mehr zu bekommen.

Al-Maktaris Portraits sind von einer ungeheuren Dringlichkeit durchzogen, der Welt endlich begreifbar zu machen, dass der Krieg in Jemen nicht vergessen werden darf.

(* B K P)

Saudiarabien erlebt sein Vietnam in Jemen

Vor fünf Jahren zog Saudiarabien in den Krieg in Jemen, um die Huthi-Rebellen aus der Hauptstadt Sanaa zu vertreiben. In wenigen Wochen sollten sie besiegt sein. Doch heute ist die von Iran unterstützte Miliz so stark wie nie, während den Saudi das Geld ausgeht.

Doch das einstige Kriegsziel ist nach fünf Jahren völlig unrealistisch geworden. Die Huthi konnten zwar aus den südlichen Küstengebieten vertrieben werden, doch noch immer kontrollieren sie die Hauptstadt und sind im Norden sogar wieder auf dem Vormarsch. Den Preis für den Krieg zahlte die Zivilbevölkerung. Über 12 Millionen Menschen sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen, und das Land liegt in Trümmern.

Die in Jemen von Riad unterstützten Regierungstruppen befinden sich in der Defensive

Aus saudischer Sicht sind die Huthi eine iranische Kreation. Ihre ideologische Nähe zu Teheran macht sie jedoch längst nicht zu dessen Marionetten: «Die Huthi sind absolut keine iranischen Stellvertreter», sagt die britische Expertin Helen Lackner

Nach Salehs Ermordung im Dezember 2017 erwarteten viele Experten, dass sich wichtige Stämme gegen die Huthi wenden würden. Doch dies geschah nicht: «Die Huthi hatten bereits alle wichtigen Sicherheitsorgane unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht», erklärt Lackner. Und auch viele Stämme seien von Saleh zu den Huthi umgeschwenkt.

Die Hilfe durch die iranischen Revolutionswächter und den libanesischen Hizbullah hat im Laufe des Krieges stark zugenommen.

Anarchistischer Süden

Die Stärke der Huthi liegt auch in der Schwäche ihrer Gegner. Saudiarabien führt den Krieg in Jemen vor allem aus der Luft. Der Kampf am Boden wurde vor allem von den Emiraten und von ihnen ausgebildeten Truppen geführt. Seit dem vergangenen Jahr haben die Emirate ihre Präsenz stark reduziert und den Kampf gegen die Huthi weitgehend Saudiarabien überlassen. Allerdings unterstützen die Emirate noch den Südlichen Übergangsrat, der im Süden des Landes einen eigenen Staat gründen will. Damit torpediert Abu Dhabi Riads Ziel, Präsident Hadi zurück an die Macht zu bringen.

Die separatistische Bewegung im Süden ist äusserst facettenreich. «Sollte Südjemen in den Grenzen von vor 1990 wieder errichtet werden, würden die zahlreichen separatistischen Gruppen untereinander einen Krieg beginnen», meint Lackner. Wie anarchisch die Situation ist, zeigt auch der neuste Uno-Bericht.

Der Krieg in Jemen ist zum Vietnam für Saudiarabien geworden. Er hat das Königreich vermutlich Hunderte von Milliarden Dollar gekostet und kein bisschen sicherer gemacht. Aufgrund der stark gesunkenen Erdölpreise kann sich Riad das Abenteuer eigentlich nicht mehr leisten. Spätestens seit den verheerenden Drohnen- und Raketenangriffen auf die eigenen Erdölanlagen im September verhandelt Khalid bin Salman, ein Bruder des saudischen Kronprinzen, ernsthaft mit den Huthi über eine politische Lösung des Konflikts.

«Die Saudi wollen raus», glaubt Lackner. «Sie werden jede Lösung akzeptieren, die ihnen eine vernünftige Kontrolle über die eigene Grenze gibt.» Die Frage sei jedoch, ob die Huthi den Krieg wirklich beenden wollen. Denn ihre Ideologie und ihre Daseinsberechtigung beruhen auf dem Narrativ des permanenten Widerstandes. «Der Krieg ist nützlicher für die Huthi.» – von Christian Weisflog

(* B H K)

The War on Yemen, 100,000 Deaths, A Crisis Ignored by Mainstream Media Due to Coronavirus Coverage

The world pays constant attention to the coronavirus, occupying the news agencies with a high coverage of the pandemic. Meanwhile, on the global periphery, geopolitics continues at full throttle, with several conflicts occurring unnoticed by most people outside the affected regions. The case of Yemen is a clear example of what we are talking about here.

The most noteworthy attitude is that of Saudi Arabia, which, aligned with the western axis, has been taking increasingly aggressive stances in the country, causing unnecessary suffering to the local population and prolonging the terror and fear in the region.

In March, a fleet of 450 American soldiers landed in Yemen, in addition to an uncertain number of troops from the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. According to information from al-Mashhad, this was the first stage of a project to send 3,000 American and British troops to Yemen, which will land in the regions of Aden, Lahai, Saqtari, Shabweh and al-Mohreh, thus completing a true siege of the country in all geographical directions. In addition, two American warships docked at Balhaf, Yemen’s main natural gas export port. American movements would be motivated in the region to supposedly “fight terrorism”, but several military analysts have already made it clear that the United States intends to intervene in the Yemeni government and install fixed bases in the region, “stabilizing” the situation in the country.

The crisis in Yemen is a real humanitarian catastrophe, with dimensions similar to those of the Civil War in Syria. However, the attention given to the poorest country in the Middle East is minimal, especially in times of the pandemic. Once again, COVID-19 is being used as a “smokescreen” to distract worldwide attention while illegal and aggressive movements are taking place in specific regions of the planet

Yet, another factor that is absolutely ignored, being even more serious than military aggression, is the public health crisis and food insecurity generated by Saudi aggression.

Indeed, while the world is distracted by the coronavirus, crimes against humanity are committed with impunity and millions of people starve to death without any humanitarian assistance – by Lucas Leiroz

My comment: The Yemen War was ignored by Western media already without any Corona crisis.

(* B H K P)

Yemen: Outlook for April-September 2020 : Risk Overview – 2 April 2020

Risk 1: Renewed Houthi offensive in Marib causes displacement east/southwards and severely reduced access to essential services

The Houthis currently see themselves in a position of strength compared to the Government of Yemen (GoY). Control of Marib would nearly complete the Houthis control over northern Yemen. An intense conflict in Marib would cause casualties and displace over 500,000 people into the eastern and southern corners of Marib (immediately to Harib), potentially spilling into Bayhan and Shabwah. Food and water would emerge as priority needs and tensions with host communities would likely rise.
The lack of water and sanitation would increase the risk of cholera and dengue outbreaks and other communicable diseases. Protection concerns would expectedly rise.

Risk 2: Conflict escalates across the southwest causing significant loss of life, mass displacement, and severely reduced access to essential services

If the GoY loses what legitimacy it still commands amongst the population in southern Yemen, and a public protests occurs, there is a risk that the STC will decide to take advantage of a weakened government to launch an offensive on Aden and other key locations in the south.

Risk 3: De-facto partition results in reduced provision of basic services and reduced operating space for humanitarian actors

Given that the Houthis have established a commanding hold over much of the north, and that there is little prospect of the GoY regaining outright control of Yemen, both sides may choose to focus their efforts on peace negotiations. Saudi Arabia could help to negotiate peace and recognise the Houthis’ mandate to administer much of northern Yemen. This could result in a shifting focus towards post conflict governance structures.

Risk 4: Rapid depreciation of the Yemeni riyal sparks inflation, reducing households’ ability to purchase basic goods and services

A potential lack or reduction of re-committed funds from Saudi Arabia can place downward pressure on the Yemeni riyal and result in its subsequent depreciation.
Competition between the two central Banks of Yemen, through aggressive financial policies, worsens the financial situation by printing additional bank notes or issuing too many e-riyal. Should Yemen see a period of rapid inflation, the purchasing power of the majority of the Yemeni population will decrease significantly while food and fuel prices rise. This would result in increased levels of food insecurity, reduced access to essential services, and limited mobility.

Risk 5: COVID-19 epidemic in Yemen

(* B K P)

Five years on, has the Arab coalition achieved its objectives in Yemen?

Far from returning to Sanaa, President Hadi remains based outside the country, in Riyadh, and no longer considers the Houthis as the only threat.

Equally important, the Arab coalition — initially comprising 10 Sunni Muslim countries with strategic U.S. and UK support — has dwindled substantially in both size and power.

Coupled with the Malaysian and Moroccan withdrawal in 2018 and 2019, respectively, the UAE’s phased withdrawal strategy and subsequent Sudanese military drawdown substantially reduced the coalition’s power and international legitimacy. Such structural changes suggest that the coalition will likely continue to fade going forward, falling even further short of achieving its publicly stated objectives.

Fighting within the coalition

In this protracted war, many ironies have emerged, suggesting a loss of strategic direction within the coalition. First, not only has the coalition failed in its initial goal of restoring the Yemeni regime in Sanaa, but it now struggles to reinstate its authority in the interim capital, Aden. Second, rather than put adequate military pressure on the Houthis to negotiate a nationwide peace agreement, it has instead exerted considerable pressure on the government to conclude the failing Stockholm and Riyadh agreements. Third, it now appears the battle is being fought within the so-called Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen rather than against the Houthis or Iran.

Against this backdrop, mounting security threats have prompted the government — including the Islah elite, who fear the risks of Saudi abandonment — to maintain a strong military presence in the Abyan and Shabwa governorates to impede the STC’s expansion to the east, making combat zones vulnerable to Houthi attacks.

the kingdom has been bogged down in a series of minor battles between coalition-backed partners, losing focus on the larger military effort against the Houthis. Regardless of why the Saudi-brokered agreement has stalled, the big picture is clear: Fighting within the coalition-backed forces facilitates the Houthis’ unfinished business — capturing more resources and territory.

Stronger Houthi threat

In contrast to the coalition’s lack of strategy, Iran has strategically increased its overt political and covert military and security support for the Houthis, raising the cost of war for the kingdom by bringing the battle to Saudi territory.

What next: Yet another year of war?

After five years of indecisive warfare, the coalition’s publicly declared objectives remain unrealized. The lack of strategic thinking, planning, and management has hampered any military campaign that could have compelled the Houthis to negotiate peace and reinstated a functioning, uncontested government in liberated territories.

As the prospects of an end to the military conflict remain dim amid worsening intra-coalition tensions, the significance of any politically negotiated settlement soars.

To engage the Houthis in serious, credible peace talks, the coalition must double down on its political efforts and impose strategic military pressure to improve the government’s position and reduce the perception of a Houthi victory, or else risk paving the way to a seventh year of conflict – by Ibrahim Jalal

My comment: The last paragraph quoted here is odd propaganda: For the author, only a peace after a Saudi victory seems to be possible, when the Saudis could dictate their conditions: But this isn’t the real meaning of peace.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* B K P)

Yemen Petroleum Company: We affirm that the aggression alliance is still holding (13) thirteen oil ships loaded with petroleum products a few miles from the port of Hodeidah until this moment, the first detention period reached "146" days, in addition to food, medicine and domestic gas ships, despite having On entry permits to the United Nations' port of Hodeidah, in order for them to tighten the screws on the citizens and increase their suffering. As the quantities on board the detained ships reach the sea as follows: - Gasoline: (114,551) tons. Diesel: (214,193) tons. Details in the attached statement.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)

Film: Children who survived the school bus attack in #Yemen are still in pain.

(* B H K)

[Sanaa gov.] Education Ministry: Saudi-led Aggression Destroyed 3652 Educational Facilities, Affected Five Million Students

The Ministry of Education, Sunday, announced that five million Yemeni students have been affected after targeting of the US-Saudi aggression for education in Yemen, and 3526 educational facilities have been damaged.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for the Education Sector, Abdullah Al-Noaami, affirmed in a statement that "after the failure of the aggression forces and its military mercenaries, they deliberately targeted education in an effort to ignore the Yemeni people."

Al- Noaami explained that the forces of aggression killed during the five years, teacher and student. Some of are the administrative meeting of Amran Governorate, the Dhahyan Children Bus, the Juma Bani Fadel School, and the Shepherd and Heavenly School in Sana'a.

He said that the governorates of Taiz, Saadah, Hajjah, and Sana'a had the largest share of direct targeting of educational facilities by the aggression forces and their mercenaries.

He pointed out that nearly 200,000 teachers have been denied by their forces of aggression their salaries since 2016 until now.

He also clarified that five million Yemeni students were affected by the US-Saudi aggression targeting education in Yemen during the five years of education and psychology.

He pointed out that the forces of aggression and their mercenaries prevented the import of papers for printing the textbook.

(* B H)

Yemen suffering from world’s worst levels of child malnutrition

World Food Program warns for horrible consequences of child malnutrition caused by war on Yemen

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) said on Sunday that Yemen is currently suffering from the highest levels of child malnutrition in the entireworld.

In a message, the WFP said that “children suffering from malnutrition in Yemen will face difficulties in fertility and disease resistance.”

“The children under the age of five who are vulnerable to hunger will suffer from stunting, their weight will be less, and their physical structure and their mental and cognitive abilities will be weaker compared to children in normal situations.”

Earlier, media reports revealed that dozens of children in Yemen die every day as a result of the hunger caused by the war on Yemen.

(B H)

Film: Children Aged 5 - 18 in Yemen Answer: What Moment Changed Your Life? | UNICEF

(B H)

Film (Spanish / Arabic): La historia de Arwa, atendida por Save the Children en Yemen

(* B H)

Education and research are essential for lasting peace in Yemen

Health and education have been among the hardest hit sectors. The failure to take immediate actions to rebuild these sectors threatens the future of the country and the next generations. No matter how many financial resources or how much support the international community provides to help Yemen, long-term peace, stability, and economic prosperity can only come from building local capacity, effective use of national resources, and productive mobilisation of the country's human capital. In the absence of a strong educational system that can educate and train the next generation of professionals, teachers, engineers, doctors, and leaders, this will simply be an impossible mission.

The only long-term solution to preventing further collapse in the Yemeni educational sector and to protect the future of the Yemeni children and youth is to stop the war and work towards achieving a lasting peace in the country. Quality education is an essential element of not only building vibrant democratic societies but also to sustain peace and economic prosperity. Increasing the awareness of the dire state of education in Yemen and the need for immediate interventions should be considered as a priority, comparable to humanitarian aid and with a special focus on education of young girls. For young people to believe in the value of education, hope must be restored for the opportunity to dream again of a better future and to see the horizons beyond their schools.

(B H)

Film: The general manager of the Doctors Without Borders organization spoke of five years of war in Yemen and its great humanitarian impact

(B H)

Yemen: Humanitarian Dashboard (January - December 2019)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 3 April 2020

During the reporting period, waves of displacement continued as a result of the fighting in Khab Wa Ash Sha’af district, Al-Jawf Governorate. Some 1,120 families are reported to have fled to locations within the same governorate, however in areas under control of different authorities. Shelter Cluster partner Building Foundation for Development (BFD), has begun distributing items in areas where there is still access, including 200 emergency shelter kits (ESKs), basic household packages consisting of kitchen sets, mattresses, solar lamps, and cash for shelter and maintenance.

Refugee Response

On 25 March, UNHCR started distributing hygiene kits in Kharaz refugee camp in Lahj, home to 8,800 refugees and asylum-seekers.

(* A H)

Flash floods hit more than 4,600 displaced families across southern Yemen

The heavy rains destroyed shelters, property and created conditions for the spread of water-borne illnesses at 60 IDP camps

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that more than 4,600 displaced families in seven Yemeni governorates have been affected by heavy rains in late March.

Heavy rains hit southern parts of Yemen on March 24, and 25, severely affecting Lahj, Aden, Abyan, Taiz, Al-Dhale, Al-Mahra and Hadhramout governorates, according to a report by OCHA.

According to the report, internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps were severely affected as the rains destroyed shelters and property and led to water stagnation.

"Preliminary statistics indicate that at least 4,625 families were affected in 60 sites for internally displaced persons," the report said.

Humanitarian organizations, in cooperation with OCHA and Yemen's Executive Unit for IDPs, provided humanitarian assistance, including shelter, food and other needs.

and also

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthis change again names of public schools

The Houthis have changed names of several public schools in Sana’a with ones that belong to their ideology.

(A P)

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate: Houthis refuse to release two journalists

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate said on Saturday that the Houthi group (Ansar Allah) refused to release two journalists detained in its prisons despite the issuance of judicial decisions to release them.

and also

(A P)

Human rights organizations ignore the forcibly disappeared Qahtan

International human rights organizations have been blamed for deliberate negligence to cases of enforced disappearances in Yemen.

One of the prominent cases that received no interest by the human rights organizations is the five-year forcible disappeared Mohamed Qahtan.

(A P)

Popular social media campaign demands Qahtan’s release

A nationwide popular social media campaign will be launched at 7:00 pm on Sunday 5 April to demand freedom of prominent Yemeni political leader, Mohamed Qahtan who has been in detention for five years.

Qahtan who is a member of the Higher Committee of the Islah party was abducted from home in Sana’a on 5 April 2015 by the Houthis rebels.

(* A P)

Staatsanwaltschaft inspiziert der Gefängnisinspektion und Freilassung von mehr als 1.600 Gefangenen

Der Generalstaatsanwalt, Richter Nabil Nasser Al-Azani, hat heute den Fortschritt der Arbeit der Feldausschüsse zur Inspektion von Gefängnissen und die Freilassung aller Gefangenen überprüft, die nicht vorsorglich verurteilt und im Zusammenhang mit Strafsachen festgehalten wurden, um Corona zu konfrontieren.

Während des Besuchs im Revolutionsreservegefängnis, begleitet von zwei Mitgliedern der Justizinspektion im Büro des Staatsanwalts, Richter Mansour Al-Alawi und Richter Abdulrahman Al-Qadasi, und einem Mitglied des Justizinspektionsausschusses des Obersten Justizrates, unterrichtete Richter Khaled Al-Athuri den Staatsanwalt über die Haftbedingungen und die Verfahren zur Freilassung von Gefangenen, die dies verdienen.

Meine Bemerkung: da ist diese Meldung offenbar noch verfrüht:

(A P)

Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen lassen Gefangene frei

Um eine mögliche Ausbreitung des Coronavirus in dem vom Bürgerkrieg gezeichneten Land zu verhindern, haben Jemens Huthi-Rebellen bis heute 1.600 Gefangene auf freien Fuß gesetzt. Das sei als Schutzmaßnahme gegen das Virus in den von den Huthis kontrollierten Gebieten gedacht, sagte Nabil al-Asani, Vertreter der Justizbehörden in den Rebellengebieten. = =

(* B P)

Houthi prisoner exchange with Saudi: The difference between ‘seriousness’ and posturing

In a sudden initiative, Yemen’s Houthis have expressed their willingness to conclude a prisoner exchange deal with Saudi Arabia, whereby Saudi prisoners in Yemen will be released in exchange for the release of 60 of Hamas detainees in the kingdom.

The following lines discuss the impact of the Houthi intervention on the Hamas detainees in Saudi Arabia. Will Hamas’ relations with Saudi Arabia become more overwrought, because it will be revealed to be part of Iranian tools in the region? Did the Houthis announce their initiative unilaterally, or in coordination with Hamas? How did Hamas respond to it, and how will Saudi Arabia respond to this initiative?

Prior to the announcement of the Houthi initiative, member of the international relations bureau in Hamas, Basem Naim, affirmed that the movement is making direct contact through mediators with Saudi Arabia to release Palestinian detainees who were accused of supporting “terrorism”, expecting to close the file before the month of Ramadan, beginning in May.

Furthermore, Hamas welcomed this “individual” initiative

The Houthi initiative was a big surprise to all parties, especially to Saudi Arabia and Hamas. Saudi Arabia did not want the issue of Hamas detainees to become material for media circulation, and an opportunity to embarrass them politically in the region, specifically amongst Arab public opinion. In fact, the kingdom has remained silent throughout the process.

The announcement of this initiative will also shed light, again, on the kingdom’s setback in the war in Yemen.

Therefore, the Houthi initiative appears as a simple step for political ends. It is intended to give the impression to the Yemenis and the Palestinians that they support the Palestinian cause, to push the fighters on the war fronts under the pretext of fighting Saudi Arabia.

As for the Saudi media, they took advantage of the initiative of the Houthis to accuse Hamas of “terrorism” in alliance with the Houthi militia, which is one of the “terrorist” weapons of Tehran, apart from the Iranian armed groups in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Asa’ib Ahl Al-Haq and Popular Mobilisation Forces in Iraq.

The most appropriate argument is that Hamas did not know about the Houthi initiative. T

Saudi Arabia is not expected to respond to the Houthi initiative, because this will show that it is subject to blackmail and is thus forced to implement the threats of its opponents who are fighting it in Yemen. This will also offend its image among Arab and Palestinian public opinion, and will expose it as a state that is arresting Palestinian militants, at a time when the kingdom is undergoing a serious decline in its public and media image.

(A P)

Yemeni [Hadi] gov't warns against ancient inscriptions abuse

The Yemeni internationally-recognized government on Friday warned against "Houthi attempts to abuse" the contents of the Inscriptions House and inscriptions kept in the Sana'a Great Mosque.
The official ministry of culture accused the Houthi group of abusing and trying to misappropriate unique and valuable inscriptions and their databases.
The group has "sent teams to the House for obscure purposes and unofficially enabled many bodies to abuse the House's facilities and keepings," the ministry claimed in a statement carried by the Aden-based Saba News Agency.
The Houthis are responsible for any loss or damage to keepings in both the House and the Mosque, it added.
The ministry called on the UNESCO and other international relevant agencies to perform their duty in maintaining the Yemeni cultural heritage and pressing the bodies in charge for the safety of the inscriptions.


(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Culture Ministry warns against tampering with historical manuscripts

It said that it follows up with deep concern practices by the Houthis militia against

contents of the manuscripts since the Houthis seized management of the manuscripts house.

The Houthis imposed their own management of the house and banned existing workers from doing their jobs at the house, the ministry said in a statement published by the state-run Saba news agency.

New manager of the house who was designated by the Houthis attempted to seize rare manuscripts and stole their database.

and also

My comment: This sounds rather odd.

(A P)

Houthis solicit donations for fighting COVID-19, designate Mövenpick Hotel as quarantine center

The Houthi-controlled Central Bank of Yemen in Sana’a announced the opening of a special account on Thursday to accept donations for “confronting the coronavirus epidemic,” according to the Houthi-run Saba News agency.

Houthi authorities have been accused of rampant corruption, from selling food aid to siphoning off aid dollars, raising questions about how the funds will be used.

Residents have received text messages like the following with instructions on how to donate to the cause.

While there have been no confirmed coronavirus cases in Yemen, the Houthis have formed a Joint Technical Committee to prepare and respond to the virus.

(A P)

Houthi militia raids house of Sheikh “Naji Al-Sharji” in Al-Qarn region of Al-Dhalea

Houthi gunmen attacked Sheikh Naji Al-Sharji’s house after he refused to obey the directives of the militia supervisors in supporting the Houthi fronts that are dilapidated with money and weapons.

(A K P)

Film: A senior Houthi figure joyriding in a American-made, Saudi-purchased MRAP plundered by the heroic Yemenis. Each of these cost nearly half a million USD!

(* B H P)

Houthis Impose New Obstacles on WFP Aid in Hajjah, Yemen

Yemeni relief sources in northwestern governorate of Hajjah reported that Houthi militias have seized large amounts of aid provided by the UN’s World Food Program (WFP) and prevented its distribution to needy groups.

Sources, who requested anonymity, reported that members of the Houthi group threatened WFP officers with destroying 175 tons of UN-sent wheat. Houthis said that the wheat was allegedly not safe for human consumption.

The Iran-backed militia deployed gunmen to guard large WFP warehouses in the Abs district, where the largest population concentration is present in Hajjah Governorate. The district hosts thousands of uprooted and needy families.

Houthis also claimed to have seized six WFP convoys transferring 3,300 flour stacks. The group argued that the flour was inedible for humans.

Yemeni sources believe that fierce Houthi attacks against UN agencies and international relief organizations recently escalated following the Houthi leader's speeches against these organizations.

The Houthi-appointed director of the Supreme Council for Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation in Hajjah governorate, Allan Fadael, said that the council received a notification, on March 11th, from the joint operations room in the governorate, that there is a locomotive and 21 trucks carrying food aid belonging to the WFP in front of At-taj store in Abs district.

Relief sources accused Houthis of attempting to plunder the aid shipment.

Fadael said that the convoy will not be destroyed and will remain in its place.

In Taiz governorate, Houthis recently seized 160 tons of internationally-sent wheat and burned it down under the pretext that it was not fit for human consumption, an act condemned by the internationally recognized government.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

(A P)

Hadi orders release of all prisoners in Taiz after Houthi attack

President of the Republic Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi ordered Sunday evening releasing all prisoners and those who are held in detention on accidental cases and incidents in Taiz governorate on bail and guarantee by their relatives.
According to Saba News Agency, the president's order doesn't include the prisoners on charge of criminal and grave offenses.

(* A K P)

Southern Transitional Council fears full Islah offensive against Aden

STC representative claims to have knowledge of Ikhwani plans

A senior leader of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has unveiled what he claims is a plan by the Islah Party to overthrow Aden, in coordination with Saudi forces in the city.

Jamal Ben Ataf, a leading separatist representative, said the plans aim to “divide Aden into squares and separate them from each other, and to neutralise supply lines.”

“The plan to topple Aden would be carried out from within, amid the preoccupation of STC leaders with superficial issues,” he added

On Wednesday, Saudi military commander Abu Khaled, vowed to turn the tables against the STC militias. The move came during his visit to Ras Abbas camp, in the heart of Aden city.

The video showed military commander Abu Khaled, speaking to STC forces who were protesting against their lack of payment by the UAE.

Military reinforcements of the Islah Party are increasing in the coastal city of Shaqra in Abyan province

(A P)

Film: Rape in Aden shakes Yemeni street

Elements of the so-called security belt in # Aden arrest men and take turns raping their women 04-04-2020


(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Women National Committee condemns militia assaults on displaced women in Aden

The Women National Committee on Sunday condemned assaults on women displaced from Hodeidah province by militia of the so-called "security belt" of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council in Aden province, southern Yemen.


(A P)

Hodeidah lokale Behörde verurteilt die Angriffe auf Vertriebene in Aden

Die lokale Behörde [der Regierung in Sanaa] im Gouvernement Al Hodeidah verurteilte die körperlichen und sexuellen Übergriffe gegen Vertriebene aus dem Gouvernement Aden.

In einer Erklärung der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) verurteilte die lokale Behörde, dass bewaffnete Männer der sogenannten Sicherheitsgürtelkräfte in Aden kürzlich das Lager der vertriebenen, angegriffenen Frauen gestürmt und versucht hätten, sie zu vergewaltigen, nachdem die Jugendlichen festgenommen worden waren.

(A H P)

Ministry of Water allocates nearly $2.6 million to address flood damages

The Ministry of Water and Environment announced the allocation of 1.45 billion Yemeni riyals (about $2.6 million) from the World Bank to address the urgent needs of southern and eastern governorates as a result of damage caused by flash floods.

(A K P)

Terrorist attack foiled in Abyan

The Security Belt Forces [separatist militia] foiled on Sunday, a terrorist attack launched by al-Qaeda-linked gunmen against a checkpoint in al-Wadi'e district in Abyan governorate.

(A P)

Angry protest over continuing flights to Aden

Amid COVID-19 fears, a number of activists and citizens took to the street on Sunday, in protest against the continuation of flights to Aden International Airport.
The protesters called on the local authorities to prevent the arrival of any civil or military aircraft to Aden, holding the Saudi-led Arab Coalition responsible for the frequent landing of planes carrying troops from Saudi Arabia to Aden.
The protesters demanded the Arab Coalition countries to treat the people in Aden on par with their citizens in their respective countries.
They decried the air transportation of soldiers to Aden which poses a serious and imminent threat to public health in reference to a potential outbreak of the new coronavirus disease COVID-19.

(A P)

Gefangenen-Komitee [der Sanaa-Regierung] verurteilt die Folter von Gefangenen zum Tode

verurteilte am Samstag das abscheuliche Verbrechen gegen die Gefangenen, das von Söldnern der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Aggressionskoalition an der Westküste begangen wurde.

"Die Söldner der Aggressionskoalition folterten den Gefangenen Attas Ahmed Mohammed al-Kayna'e, bis er als Märtyrer starb"

Mein Kommentar: Die Huthis sollten erst einmal auf die eigenen Gefangenen schauen.

(A T)

Attack on Saudi forces with an explosive device in Yemen's Aden

A security source said Saturday, that an explosive device exploded in the interim Yemeni capital, Aden, during the passage of a Saudi force, causing only material losses.

(A P)

Gargash: Riyadh Agreement must be implemented in Yemen amid coronavirus threat

'The agreement unites the ranks to confront the Houthis and paves the way for a political solution,' Mr Gargash tweeted on Saturday

The Riyadh peace agreement must be implemented to confront the coronavirus, UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said on Saturday.

"The immediate implementation of the Riyadh agreement is necessary in light of the current developments in Yemen," Dr Gargash tweeted.

"The agreement unites the ranks to confront the Houthis and paves the way for a political solution and strengthens efforts to confront the coronavirus."

The Riyadh agreement gave back the city of Aden to the internationally-recognised government after it was seized by STC-allied forces in August and promised the formation of a new government with equal representation for the STC within 30 days.

But on January 1, the council in Yemen pulled out of the committees implementing the agreement.

My comment: The Riyadh agreement is dead. But, UAE’s Yemeni vassals assist:

(A P)

Gargash, Shatara reiterate Riyadh deal only way to peace

In response to Gargash's tweet, the member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Vice-President of the National Assembly for Control and Inspection, Mr. Lufti Shatara wrote "we said and we still say there is no alternative to the Riyadh Agreement and the implementation of all of its provisions."
Last February, Shatara accused the Yemeni legitimate government of being in deluded state of mind for trying to delay implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.

(* B P)

UAE Changing Demographics of Yemen’s Tai’zz to Dislodge Ex-Pro-Saudi Govt

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is manipulating the demographic composition of Yemen’s Ta'izz province to weaken pro-Saudi forces, the former governor of southwestern Yemeni province said exposing further rift in the Saudi-led coalition.

“Forces affiliated to the UAE have rented certain homes in the coastal areas of Tai’zz and are financially supporting certain individuals who seek to overthrow the [Saudi-installed] government,” Ali al-Moamari was cited by Al-Jazeera as saying on Friday.
“By providing money and arms to certain coastal populations, the UAE is seeking to prepare them to attack forces loyal to [Saudi-allied] Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi,” he said.
“The coasts of this province are no longer under the control of forces loyal to Mansur Hadi and it is now the UAE which reigns over the area,” Moamari added.

(B P)

Saudi Arabia steps up operations in Yemen’s Socotra

Control over the strategic Yemeni island of Socotra in the Arabian Sea has been a source of rising tension between the UAE and the kingdom.

The Saudi Press Agency reported on Friday that Riyadh has launched “new projects” related to “air and road transport” on the island.

The Saudi occupation of Socotra comes as previous reports said the UAE had been seeking to exploit the natural resources of the UNESCO-protected island, also known as ‘Jewel of Arabia’, and turn it into a permanent military outpost-cum-holiday resort.

The development projects in the strategic island also come as the Saudi war has devastated vast regions of Yemen.

(* B P)

Saudi Presence in Al-Mahrah a Full Military Occupation

The Saudi presence in Al-Mahra is a complete military occupation. The former Deputy Governor of Al-Mahra, Sheikh Ali Al-Harizi, confirmed that the Transitional Council will hand over Socotra in exchange for military and political support.

Al-Harizi said: I met a British delegation in Muscat, saying that Socotra will be given to the UAE, and I understood that there are concessions from the Transitional Council and promises to the Emirates.

Al-Harizi explained in a television interview that "what is happening in Al-Mahrah and Socotra can not be accepted by anyone's mind. It is our fate to be in this situation with our Saudi and Emirati neighbors, although no one expects a neighbor would treat him with such cruelty and insolence, but this is what is happening now."

He considered what is going on in Al-Mahrah governorate as a full military occupation and an invasion by a neighbor that the Yemenis did not expect, as it destroyed all state institutions, destroyed the land, man and the sea.

He added that Saudi Arabia proposes not to hand over the Al-Mahrah to the transitional Council. It aims to extend oil pipelines and establish military bases and ports, and we have documents confirming that Saudi Arabia is seeking to establish a sea port in the Arabian Sea, and the Saudis very unfortunately made the way.

(* A K P)

New batch of Saudi-trained Yemeni forces arrive at Aden airport

A new batch of Saudi-trained Yemeni soldiers arrived at Aden International Airport Thursday evening en route to the headquarters of the Saudi-led Coalition in western Aden, according to an official in the Ministry of Defense.

The 130 soldiers represent the fifth group to be trained in Saudi Arabia and deployed to Yemen’s interim capital since the signing of the Riyadh Agreement in early November. On Wednesday, a separate batch of 60 Saudi-trained soldiers mostly from Aden arrived to the coalition headquarters, located in Aden's Buraiqa district.

These two batches of soldiers are expected to be stationed in government buildings and installations in Aden including the airport and the seaport. However, forces loyal to the Emirati-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have refused to hand over positions they seized from the government in August, creating tensions with the Saudis and government forces.

The Saudi-led coalition’s attempts to install new security forces in Aden are part of the implementation process of the Riyadh Agreement

(A K P)

A police academy established by republican decree last year graduated its first class of 139 officers on Thursday. The students hail from several governorates, including Hadhramout, Shabwah, Al-Mahrah and Socotra (photo)

(* A P)

Soldiers loyal to the Southern Transitional Council stormed the houses of many internally displaced households in Dar Sa'ad district in the interim capital of #Aden, sent them out to the street and threatened them without reason.

(A K P)

STC warns of military escalation in Abyan

Spokesman for the Southern Transitional Council, Nazar Haitham said that the advance made by the Yemeni legitimacy-linked forces towards Zinjibar city, the provincial capital of Abyan, is a provocative attempt and unjustified escalation amid global painful situation due to deadly coronaviruses.

(A T)

Explosions target military police at Shehin crossing in #Al-Mahra

Terrorist elements launched at dawn on Saturday, two missiles at the site of the Military Police at the border at Shehin crossing in Al-Mahra governorate.

The rockets exploded a hundred meters away from the military police location stationed in the customs area at Shehin crossing in Al-Mahra.

(A P)

Chairman of National Assembly meets commander of Arab Coalition forces in Aden the capital

The Chairman of the National Assembly praised the efforts made by the Arab coalition forces in the capital, Aden and the south in particular, and Yemen in general in order to establish security and stability and restore the normal life throughout the country in general.

The meeting discussed many issues related to the security of the capital Aden

The Chairman of the National Assembly emphasized that the leadership of the Transitional Council works to establish security and stability in the capital Aden

My comment: Ben Brik is one of the most evil figures within separatist leadership. There are severe tensions between separatists and the Saudi coalition, as the separatists keep on ruling Aden by their militia.

(A H P)

Some images of #Mukalla curfew from 4 pm to 4 am today

(A H P)

Islah Party calls for more measures against Coronavirus spread in Al-Mahra

(A P)

Film: The security apparatus destroyed a woman's house in #Taiz governorate under the order of the judicial authority. An eyewitness said the security destroyed the house of Werd Mohammed after they let the dwellers of the house leave. Mohammed said she owned the land for 27 years

(A K P)

Separatist militias attack Dhalea hospital

STC suspected behind terrorist attack in al-Nasr General Hospital

Gunmen believed to affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have on Thursday attacked the al-Nasr General Hospital with a number of grenades, local sources reported.

According to local sources, gunmen used three grenades to attack the gate of the hospital in the Dhalea, southern Yemen.

The sources confirmed that the attack left two citizens wounded as they were passing through the hospital gate.

The hospital was closed after the terrorist attack, one of the sources said.

(A P)

Yemen court starts trial of Houthi leaders in absentia

Charges defendants face include plotting coup against Yemeni government, undermining country’s independence

A criminal court in Yemen’s interim capital Aden on Thursday held the first sessions of a trial in absentia involving 32 top Houthi members, who mounted a coup against the UN-recognized government, according to governmental sources.

On trial is the Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi and 31 other militants alongside him, including the head of the coup government Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor and Mahdi Al-Mashat, who was appointed as Defense Minister of that government.

On Nov. 28, 2016, the Houthis and allied forces of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced from capital Sanaa -- which they captured in 2014 -- the formation of a "national salvation" government.

Headed by Habtoor, a former governor of Yemen’s southern city of Aden, the new government was comprised of 35 ministers, including seven ministers of state and three deputy premiers.

The defendants face trial on eight charges, including endangering the independence of Yemen and plotting a coup against the president and the government.

The next session of the hearing will be held on July 2020.

and also


(A P)

Film: Trial of Iranian-backed Houthi leaders begins

The specialized criminal court in the interim capital Aden began today the first sessions of the trial of the icons of the Houthi group who are backed up by Iran, the indictment filed by the prosecution included the leader of the Houthi rebels Abdul Malik al-Houthi and the head of the coup government Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor and Mahdi Al-Mashat who was appointed by the Houthis as head of the coup authorities, according to the statement of the Specialized Criminal Court, the charges against the icons of the "coup" are to undermine the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen by agreements and the construction of illegal relations with Iran, the Houthis have handed down death sentences to a number of Yemeni members of the Yemeni parliament in courts under their control in the capital Sanaa.

(A K P)

Abyan: Islah militants captured in ambush in al-Mahfed

The tribal men of Abyan province set an ambush on Thursday, against Islah militants, the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen.
Well-informed sources said that the tribal men launched a suprise attack on Islah's military convoy coming from the coastal district of Shugrah on its way to al-Mahfed district in Abyan.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-638 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-638: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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