Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 650 - Yemen War Mosaic 650

Yemen Press Reader 650: 12. Mai 2020: COVID-19 trifft den Jemen, Finanzierung für humanitäre Hilfe versiegt – Die Lebensfähigkeit eines südlichen Staates – Friedensabkommen im Jemen 1900–2019...

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... Kinderehen im Jemen Jemenitische Banken und der finanzielle Zusammenbruch des Libanon – Hadis Präsidentengarde – und mehr

May 12, 2020: COVID-19 strikes Yemen as humanitarian funding dries up – The viability of a southern state – Peace agreements in Yemen 1900–2019 – Child marriage in Yemen – Yemeni banks and Lebanon’s financial collapse – Hadi’s presidential guard – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: Corona im Bürgerkrieg

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H P)

COVID-19 strikes Yemen as humanitarian funding dries up

“If the coronavirus spreads in Yemen, it will be a humanitarian disaster beyond our imagination,” said Dr. Amani Omar, at Azan Health Centre in a rural Hajjah. She is the facility’s first-ever female general physician.

“As doctors, we know how disastrous it would be. We do not have the facilities or minimum health standards to treat the virus. We do not have oxygen. We do not have ventilators. We do not have intensive care units,” she said.

Yemenis are already living through the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. The health system is on the verge of collapse

Yet even with the pandemic’s arrival in the country, funding for humanitarian work – including health care – is drying up.

At the start of 2020, UNFPA appealed for $100.5 million for its regular humanitarian operations in Yemen. To date, only 41 per cent of that has been mobilized, leaving a gap of $58.8 million. An additional $24 million is needed for the COVID-19 response, including protecting health workers and shoring up access to reproductive health care.

“Our priority is to ensure that access to reproductive health care for these women is not disrupted and that they are protected from violence and abuse during these difficult times. We can, however, only do so if funding is available,” said Nestor Owomunhangi, UNFPA’s acting representative in Yemen.

“Under the pandemic, attention has understandably been diverte

Vast needs among women and girls

Women and girls face serious threats to their reproductive health. Only 20 per cent of the health system is providing maternal and child health services. It is estimated that a woman dies of pregnancy- or childbirth-related complications every two hours in Yemen.

Last year, UNFPA supported 235 health facilities and 3,800 reproductive health workers. This support included essential reproductive health medicines, equipment and support with operational costs. More than 1.5 million women and girls were reached with reproductive health services as a result.

Much of this support could be rolled back if funding does not materialize by mid-May.

These shortfalls arrive just as UNFPA is trying to scale up its support to the country’s health system to address the pandemic. Women are expected to bear the brunt of a COVID-19 outbreak, should one occur.

“Five years of conflict, limited nutritional intake and low levels of immunity are making Yemeni women increasingly vulnerable to contracting COVID-19,” said Mr. Owomunhangi.

Strict gender roles mean that women and girls will likely be tasked with caring for the sick, which will put them at risk of infection. Women and girls also have less access to financial resources and decision-making, meaning they may be less able to seek health services if they fall ill.

In addition, the most basic preventative measure – handwashing – is not an option for many. More than 9.1 million women and girls need support to meet their basic water, sanitation and hygiene needs. Soaring prices and reduced purchasing power are also putting clean water and personal hygiene items out of reach for the most vulnerable.

Health workers among the hardest hit

Health workers in Yemen have already endured extraordinary trials during the country’s conflict.

“A health worker sees death more than once a day. It can be on the way to work, it can be inside the hospital,” Dr. Omar told UNFPA. Some health facilities have been the target of attacks, she said. “We lived in horror. The years to come will not be able to erase these memories.”

If the pandemic spreads widely, health workers will again find themselves at grave risk.

“We lack qualified personnel who know how to deal with the virus, and as well as we lack of protection and safety equipment for health workers and cleaners,” said Fatima Yahya Ahmed, a midwife in Abs, near front lines. “We are scared.”

(** B P)

The Viability of a Southern State in Yemen

The definition of a state has long been established as a unified people sharing governance institutions within common defensible borders. By this definition, the people of south Yemen despite their strong aspirations are nowhere near having their own state. The desirability of establishing such a state aside, the practicalities on the ground demonstrate that there are many challenges ahead and obstacles to overcome should the STC, which has thus far only claimed autonomy, wish to go that route.

Lack of Unified Southerners Around the Secession

First, the people of the south are not unified, save for a common aspiration to be independent and free from northern domination as viewed and resented by them since 1994.

Today, the socialist party is no longer a factor but the STC does not have an alternative unifying ideology. What has remained however is the regionalization which still pits a political leadership mainly from Dalea’ and Lahj against sundry militias inside Aden and a population in Shabwa, Abyan and Mahra who largely do not have any allegiance to the STC.

Border Challenges

Any putative border for a southern state is also a complicated issue. The writ of the STC, even with Emirati support, does not dominate outside Aden and Dalea’, and is feeble even in Aden itself. Just north of Dalea’, Houthi forces are poised on the outskirts of Taiz and regularly menace nearby southern forces. Just to the west of Aden, starting with the small town of Shuqra, forces loyal to President Hadi are positioned in Abyan and Shabwa who nearly attacked the STC in Aden had it not been for Emirati opposition and lack of support from Saudi Arabia.

Military Power of Different Factions Threatens Independence

The military balance of forces in Yemen is not easy to quantify, but professional estimates and the locations of fighters indicates that the war cannot end in total victory for any one side of the conflict. To put the military capacity of the STC in context, the group’s armed wing faces formidable odds if pitted against the array of forces operating in Yemen.

The Hadi government, which lacks legitimacy in the south, also accounts for another army of 100,000 troops. Governed remotely from Riyadh, these troops are effectively divided in loyalty between President Hadi, his vice president General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, and those who are loyal to the Islah party. A significant portion of Yemen’s former national army, currently under the leadership of the late President Saleh’s nephews and son, is also more attached to the UAE than they are to the Yemeni government.

The Southern Resistance Army (SRA) – Southern Hirak, as the southern separatist movement is known, is now mainly led by the STC and their armed forces who are equipped, trained and supported by the UAE. With an estimated standing army of 30,000. These forces are able to dominate Yemen’s southern capital and fight on other fronts in the south, including the island of Socotra. A relatively small force, the SRA potentially includes the forces known as al-Nukhba (The Elite) based in other southern governorates. An actual alliance between all these forces, however, is not at all a given. The STC’s strength is largely political and its taking over Aden and Socotra virtually guarantee it a role in any future peace talks and will certainly be a force to reckon with when discussing the future of the south.

STC’s Capabilities to Govern

The STC, formed in 2017, is composed of a 26-member presidential council which includes former governors of southern districts dismissed by President Hadi in 2017. The council has also put together a 300-member assembly, but there are currently no election laws or procedures, nor does the assembly meet on a regular schedule. The STC does not have its own executive departments and its administration over Aden depends on existing ministerial offices to carry out executive orders and policies issued by the presidential council.

In terms of economic viability, the south can be self-sufficient provided the right regions are included under its authority. Oil and gas reserves would of course be of immense value to a southern state, but those resources are currently desired by all concerned and well-armed parties in the country. Aden is a strategic seaport of course, but it is underutilized and in need of redevelopment.

Meanwhile, the funding of the STC is entirely dependent on UAE assistance at the moment and, with central bank resources out of grasp, financial independence becomes problematic. Additionally, the STC’s administrative infrastructure is nascent while the tasks it faces in managing Aden, let alone the entire south, are enormous. The Arab coalition largesse has been intermittent throughout Yemen, with only a few flashy projects to show for which they can take credit. The challenges on the other hand are immense.

With or without foreign funds, the STC must demonstrate crisis-management skills, especially in light of the spread of COVID-19 – by Nabeel Khoury

(** B P)

PA-X: Yemen Timeline: Conflict Events & Peace and Transition Documents

Accounts of conflicts are often contested. Below we set out a timeline of the Yemeni Conflict, and the main peace and transition documents todate. Scroll or click to choose Agreements (national), Agreements (local), Events (political), or Events (violent). Full text of agreements can be accessed by using links. The timeline draws from the PA-X Peace Agreement Database.

[all Yemeni peace agreements from 1990 to 2019]

(** B H)

Mädchen im Jemen, zwangsweise verheiratet

Im Jemen werden minderjährige Mädchen oft mit erheblich älteren Männern verheiratet - mit katastrophalen Folgen für die Betroffenen. Erfolge im Kampf gegen Kinderheiraten sind selten.

Im Jemen werden viele Mädchen zur Heirat gezwungen, obgleich sie noch nicht in einem Alter sind, in dem sie eine selbstbestimmte Sexualität leben und eine Ehe führen können. Wann junge Frauen dafür als alt genug gelten, ist im Jemen bis heute nicht klar gesetzlich geregelt. Und so werden minderjährige Mädchen weiterhin in die Ehe gezwungen - eine Praxis, die sich in dem seit Jahren andauernden Krieg noch einmal verstärkt hat. Das stellte im April eine Arbeitsgruppe des UN-Sicherheitsrates fest, die zudem zahlreiche weitere gravierende Verstöße gegen Kinderrechte anprangerte, wie Ermordungen, Entführungen oder Rekrutierungen als Kindersoldaten.

Armut fördert Kinderehen

Für die meisten Mädchen ist es extrem schwierig, einer aufgezwungenen Ehe zu entgehen. Die jetzt 17-jährige Manal war 13, als ihre Familie sie zwang, einen 20 Jahre älteren Mann zu heiraten. Zwar endete auch diese Ehe mit Scheidung. Doch Manal bleiben bittere Erinnerungen. Nach der Heirat habe sie von Tag zu Tag stärker gelitten, erzählt sie der DW. Sie habe das Leben als Ehefrau nicht mehr ertragen können. "Je älter ich werde, desto mehr empfinde ich, wie grausam diese Erfahrung war. Es war eine verlorene Zeit."

Die Verheiratung Minderjähriger wird oft mit angeblichen Traditionen begründet oder vermeintlich religiös gerechtfertigt. Darüber wird im Jemen wie auch in anderen arabischen Ländern seit Jahrzehnten diskutiert - auch wenn sich Ausmaß und die Hintergründe dieser Praxis regional deutlich unterscheiden. Etliche Länder haben beispielsweise ein Mindestalter vom 18 Jahren für die Braut gesetzlich vorgeschrieben - was nicht heißt, dass das immer eingehalten wird.

Im Jemen gibt es viele Gründe für die zahlreichen Kinderehen: Zur gesellschaftlichen Tradition kommt die chronische Armut, und die hat der Krieg noch massiv verschlimmert: Rund 24 Millionen Jemeniten sind auf humanitäre Hilfe angewiesen. Bildungsprogramme, die darauf abzielten, Kinderheiraten zu unterbinden, wurden zusammengestrichen oder fielen ganz weg. Einem UN-Bericht zufolge stieg die Zahl der Ehen von Mädchen unter 18 Jahren allein zwischen 2017 und 2018 um nahezu das Dreifache.

Niemand schützt die Opfer

Genaue Statistiken gibt es nicht. Aber auch Ahmed Al-Qurashi, Präsident der Kinderschutzorganisation Siyaj, betont im im DW-Gespräch, die Zahl der Ehen junger Frauen sei seit 2014 - dem Beginn des Krieges - in beispielloser Weise gestiegen.

Die Gründe seien vielfältig, so Al-Qurashi. So fehle etwa eine Instanz, die Kinderrechte durchsetze. In den meisten Regionen des Landes erfüllten Gerichte, Staatsanwälte und Polizei ihre Aufgaben nicht mehr. Dies gelte insbesondere für die ländlichen Gebiete, in denen Kinderehen häufiger vorkämen. Hohe Armuts- und Arbeitslosenquoten, ausfallende Gehälter, der Rückzug zahlreicher Unternehmen und Institutionen sowie ein hohes Maß an Korruption im Umfeld humanitärer Hilfe trügen dazu bei, dass Mädchen früh verheiratet würden. "Mit großer Sorge beobachten wir Verstöße und Praktiken, die gegen die Kinderrechte verstoßen. Da es keinen Opferschutz gibt, nimmt das stark zu." – von Safia Mahdiädchen-im-jemen-zwangsweise-verheiratet/a-53374960?maca=de-rss-de-top-1016-rdf

and English version:

(** B H)

War in Yemen forces more girls into child marriage

An extraordinary case of child marriage in Yemen has highlighted the rising number of forced, underage weddings. In rare instances, women have managed to fight back

Debate over child marriage is not new in Yemen, or the broader region. But on top of social tradition, the conflict in Yemen has exacerbated conditions that have seen a rapid rise in the practice.

Underage marriages are often justified by claims to tradition or supposed religious reasons. In recent years, some countries in the region have been backsliding after previously passing strong legal measures against them.

Yemen's chronic poverty, compounded by the war, has led to a worsening of the situation. Around 24 million Yemenis are dependent on humanitarian aid and educational programs aimed at preventing child marriages have been postponed or dropped altogether.

In 2017 the UN's Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that 52% of Yemeni girls and women had gotten married before the age of 18.

Between 2017 and the next year, the OCHA reported a threefold increase in under-18 marriages. In the face of increasing poverty, parents either can't afford to care for the children or believe a husband's family can offer better protection, the United Nations Children's Fund reported.

A systemic failure

Accurate statistics are difficult to collect amid the conflict. But Ahmed al-Qurashi, president of Yemen's Seyaj Child Protection Organization, confirmed the increase in child marriages since the war began, citing a breakdown in governance as a major cause.

Yemen has no central authority that enforces children's rights. Courts, prosecutors and police no longer carry out their duties in most regions of the country, particularly in rural areas where child marriage is more common, Qurashi said.

High rates of poverty, a lack of opportunities, falling salaries and a high level of corruption in humanitarian aid circles also contribute to the problem, he said.

"It is with great concern that we observe violations and practices that violate children's rights," Qurashi said. "The lack of protection for victims makes it all the more serious."

Women suffer disproportionately from such circumstances, with traumatic consequences.

Most girls married at a young age find it extremely difficult to escape their husbands. But Manal, who was forced to marry a man 20 years older than her when she was just 13, managed to get a divorce.

Yemeni psychologist Balqees Abu Lahum stressed the consequences such marriages can have for the young brides forced to have children.

Many are so young that they don't live through the birth, while those who do survive suffer psychological problems which they pass on to their children, Abu Lahum said.

Most important in addressing the situation is girls' access to education, she said, as well as further efforts to raise awareness in society.

Above all, however, it is essential to set a minimum legal age for marriage, Abu Lahum said. But with the country divided and the war entering its sixth year, Yemen still lacks a functioning government that could pass and implement such a law – by Safia Mahdi

(** B E P)

Yemen Economic Bulletin: Lebanon’s Financial Collapse Traps Yemeni Banks’ Money

During the ongoing conflict in Yemen, Lebanon emerged a vital clearinghouse to finance imports into the war-torn country. However, as Lebanon experiences its own slow-motion financial collapse today, the Yemeni economy, already in dire straits, is being placed under further strain.

Long before Dubai entered the scene, Lebanon was the region’s banking hub and Yemeni businesses have long used Beirut banks to store and transfer funds.

Lebanon’s importance as a financial center for Yemeni businesses and banks grew in 2015 after the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental body tasked with combatting global money laundering and terrorism financing, elevated Yemen’s risk designation to ‘high’.[1]

The 2015 FATF designation led several banks in Western Europe and Canada to close correspondent accounts for Yemeni banks, and to end their relationships with major Yemeni businesses. While banks around the world sought to shed the risk of money tied to Yemen, Lebanese banks – most notably Bank of Beirut – remained willing to serve as a middleman, financing international trade to Yemen – in exchange, of course, for a sizable commission.

Several Yemeni banks had correspondent accounts in Lebanon’s banking system before the war, and the number has increased over the course of the conflict.

As of October 2019, Yemeni banks had the equivalent of US$240 million in foreign currency deposited in Lebanon, representing about 20 percent of total foreign currency deposits abroad at that time.[2]

No Money, More Problems

Yemeni banks’ exposure to Lebanon’s financial sector became clear in late October 2019 when popular protests against the deteriorating economic situation in Lebanon exposed the country’s financial house of cards. This collapse was the culmination of a number of factors

Amid simultaneous political, debt, currency and banking crises, Lebanese banks introduced soft capital controls in November 2019, severely limiting withdrawals and banning transfers abroad.

The inability of Yemeni banks to access their foreign currency holdings in Lebanon has diminished their essential role in facilitating the import of basic commodities into the country, a dangerous development given Yemen’s reliance on imports and the already dire humanitarian situation. The subsequent loss of confidence in Yemeni banks and traders whose money was suddenly, effectively frozen had immediate repercussions for shipments that were already in process and has cast doubt on future trade deals. Exporters withheld planned exports to Yemen until previous unpaid debts were honored. Roughly 30 Yemeni traders have had the experience of a Lebanese bank refusing to facilitate a transfer payment, a senior Yemeni banking official told the Sana’a Center on the condition of anonymity. Deals that had been secure or close to being secured were suddenly up in the air.

Yemen’s Battle to Maintain Imports During War

Although some Yemeni banks have been more affected than others, developments in Lebanon represent yet another obstacle for the Yemeni banking system, importers and the country as a whole. While the majority of Yemenis do not use the formal banking system, critically Yemeni banks’ main clients are traders, specifically importers. In a country that imports up to 90 percent of its essential food commodities, everyone suffers from resultant shipment delays and price increases.

As the CBY struggled to maintain the value of the Yemeni rial and supply foreign currency, remittances took on an added importance in terms of facilitating imports. A number of Yemeni importers began to tap into informal financial networks, including the extensive hawala networks that bind Yemeni nationals in regional countries, specifically Saudi Arabia, to beneficiaries in Yemen.

The inability to access foreign currency deposited in Lebanon impacts Yemeni banks’ ability to facilitate the purchase of essential commodities that directly contribute to alleviating the humanitarian situation and famine in the country. This is a scandal – and one that should interest donor countries and institutions that gave some $3.6 billion to the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan in 2019.

Any missed and delayed payments for imports as a result of the Lebanese banking crisis – in particular Bank of Beirut’s liquidity issues and unwillingness to unlock funds – also constitute a longer-term threat to the international reputation of Yemeni banks and businesses.

Meanwhile, with Lebanon no longer an option, Yemeni banks must at the same time explore alternative destinations for correspondent accounts. Likely alternatives include the United Arab Emirates and Turkey – by Ryan Bailey and Anthony Biswell

(** B K P)

The Presidential Protection Brigades: Hadi’s muscle in the south

Yemen’s five Presidential Protection Brigades (PPB) include thousands of armed forces responsible for protecting President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi and key staff and state institutions relevant to the security and functioning of his office. During the ongoing conflict, Hadi has expanded the PPB, making them among the most empowered armed groups within the government camp. They play a critical role defending the president’s interests against the UAE and its armed affiliates in the south.

The PPB have been at the center of the longstanding feud between the Yemeni government and the UAE in Aden, clashing on numerous occasions with UAE-sponsored Security Belt Forces and other fighters supporting the separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC). In the battle for Aden in August 2019, PPB forces were pushed out of the interim capital and have subsequently become a key point of contention between government and STC mediators during the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, which seeks to create a power-sharing government centered on the two groups.

Forces belonging to the PPB are drawn in large part from President Hadi’s home governorate of Abyan and effectively managed by his son, Nasser Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi. Their loyalty to the president – more on a personal basis, rather than to the office he holds – has made the brigades a prime concern for Hadi’s opponents in the south. STC-aligned forces have sought to weaken the PPB and prevent them from being based in or even close to Aden.

A page from the Saleh playbook

The PPB was formed in 2012, as part of Hadi’s effort throughout the post-2011 transitional period to weaken his predecessor’s stranglehold on the country’s military and security bodies. A key target of these efforts was the Republican Guard, which Saleh empowered as his own private army. The Republican Guard was led by Saleh’s son Ahmed Ali, with Saleh’s nephew Tareq commanding the largest brigade within the Republican Guard, the 3rd Brigade. In April 2012, soon after Hadi was sworn in, Tareq was dismissed from his position. Tareq now commands anti-Houthi forces on the Red Sea coast, but he has relied on UAE support and does not recognize Hadi’s legitimacy.

After the Houthis and Saleh took over Sana’a throughout 2014 and 2015 and Hadi fled to Aden, many of the PPB forces remained in Sana’a. With Saudi funds, Hadi’s son Nasser supervised the re-formation and expansion of the PPB, in many cases directly nominating the commanders of different brigades. The PPB are technically under the Ministry of Defense but are not part of Yemen’s seven military regions, and their command structure leads more directly to the president himself.

There are currently five distinct brigades within the PPB, each with its own headquarters and commander.

The Five Presidential Protection Brigades

Most PPB forces have been based in Aden during the conflict, with the exception of the 2nd and 5th brigades. Following the battle over Aden between the government and UAE-backed forces in August 2019, the PPB forces in the interim capital were forced out, and were mostly based in neighboring Abyan while negotiations over the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement continued. T

A personalized army

The PPB forces in Aden have been a key target of the UAE-backed separatists not only due to their empowerment, but because of their loyalty to the president. Many PPB commanders and a large portion of the troops are from Abyan and Aden, except for the 5th PPB in Taiz, and are personally loyal to Hadi. This is a key concern not only in negotiations over the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, but more broadly because it brings into question the sustainability of these forces in any future transfer of power.

While this degree of personalization can be expected from a unit directly serving and protecting the president, such as the 1st PPB traditionally based in the Presidential Palace, the PPB also have thousands of fighters whose activities go far beyond protecting Hadi. Due in large part to the feud between Hadi and the UAE over control of the south, the PPB have become the best equipped and financed among the government’s forces, and this empowerment has come at the expense of regular military brigades.

The official role of Nasser Hadi, the president’s son, within the PPB remains unclear, including to PPB personnel themselves. However, Nasser is frequently described as overseeing the forces and he has the ability to dictate orders to brigade commanders directly, working as his father’s top proxy, according to a military source in Aden.

The next president of Yemen, however he or she comes to power, will not only have to dismantle the final remains of Saleh’s Republican Guard, now in the hands of Tareq Saleh, but also the thousands of PPB fighters from Abyan and surrounding areas loyal to Hadi and his son.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Cornonavirus and epidemics

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp4

(A H)

Film: Awareness campaign for the prevention of coronavirus

Amal Foundation for the poor and orphan care and Humanitarian work has carried out an awareness and education campaign entitled "Your health is my health, we must educate you and you must protect yourself" at the Nursing Home in the interim capital Aden

(A H)

[Hadi] Govt holds rebels responsible for coronavirus in their respective regions of control

Yemen’s government held rebels in the north and the south responsible for the transmission of coronavirus each in their respective regions of control.

My comment: „held rebels in the north and the south responsible for the transmission of coronavirus”: This is BS.

(A H)

56 people died in Yemen's #Aden on Monday. Death certificates were issued by police stations for 40 who died from unknown causes and 16 who died in hospitals, Civil Status Office said. The deaths came a day after Aden was declared an infected city with 35 #Covid_19 cases

(A H)

Senior gov't official dies in Yemen due to Coronavirus

A senior official of the Yemeni internationally- recognized government died on Monday, after being suspected of contracting the novel Coronavirus in the southern governorate of Aden.

The Minister of Education, Dr. Abdullah Salem Lamlas, said that the Undersecretary for the Curriculum and Guidance Sector Dr. Saleh Al-Soufi "died of this malignant disease in Al-Gomhoria Hospital," in Aden governorate, in reference to the Coronavirus.

and also

(B H)

Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot - As of 9 May 2020

Between 10 April, when the first case was announced, and 9 May 2020, there were 35 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases in Yemen, 7 related deaths and 1 reported recovery. In the week since 2 May, the number of cases increased fivefold from seven cases, with new cases reported in Aden, Hadramaut, Taizz and Lahj governorates and in Sana’a City. The sudden, sharp rise in cases indicates that the virus has been circulating undetected and unmitigated in Yemen for some weeks, increasing the likelihood that a surge in cases could overwhelm health care facilities.
Aid agencies have been swift in responding and have developed a COVID-19 response strategy with the authorities.

(A H)

Yemen reports 5 new cases of coronavirus in Hadhramaut

The supreme national emergency committee for Covid-19 reported Monday evening five cases of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) infection, including one death, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in theareas areas held by Yemeni internationally-recognized government to 56 cases, including 9 deaths and one recovery.

The committee stated on its account in "Twitter" that the five cases were recorded in the city of Mukalla in the Hadhramawt governorate in eastern Yemen, noting that the new cases are stable and is receiving medical care in the health isolation center in Mukalla.

(* B H)

With test kits so scarce, doctors in Yemen are flying blind

Yemen has a population of nearly 30 million. Fewer than 1,000 have been tested for COVID-19. An emergency room doctor explains how he treats patients for the novel coronavirus without the tools and equipment to make diagnoses — or protect himself.

As of May 11, only 803 coronavirus tests have been conducted countrywide, a World Health Organization spokesperson told The World. Yemen, the Arab nation located to the south of Saudi Arabia, has a population of nearly 30 million people.

With test kits so scarce, doctors in a warzone are flying blind. They don’t know for sure whether patients have the virus, even though hospitals are already seeing patients with COVID-19 symptoms.

“Most of them complain of fever, dry cough,” said Dr. Nader al-Durafi, an emergency room doctor at al-Saber hospital in Aden. “Some of them have difficulty breathing.”

The nation’s health system — broken by more than five years of war — will likely be tested over the coming months.

“Yemen has a very small problem, in the sense of the number of cases that have been reported,” said Michael Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization's health emergencies program, in a May 6 press conference. “But we believe that the virus is spreading at the community level, and we need to focus on providing essential health services — and COVID-19 services — to all people in Yemen.”

Durafi says diagnosing COVID-19 is no simple matter in Yemen.

“There are two other epidemics here in Aden: Dengue fever and Chikungunya,” he says. Both of those illnesses are marked by high fevers — just like COVID-19.

“Most of the people here are suffering from a fever these days. And with the lack of test kits, we can't determine who has COVID-19 and who hasn't.”

In April, the International Initiative on COVID-19, a consortium of humanitarian groups, said it was sending a shipment that contained tens of thousands of test kits. But to date, there have been no reports of their distribution in Yemen.

The efficient distribution of aid is one of the casualties of Yemen’s war.

“The medical staff, the doctors, nurses, everybody, they don't have enough protection for themselves against a virus,” Durafi says. “Honestly, I don't feel secure at all. That's because people are careless. There's thinking that the virus is not coming through Yemen.”

And without tests, Durafi says, there is no way to be sure: “We'll never know the actual number of the infected people.”

Durafi says he assumes that he is being exposed to the coronavirus, and takes precautions to protect himself and his family.

“Bringing home the virus — that is my major fear, especially [as] we live in an apartment with my father who has a history of heart disease,” he says. “What we do for protection: the masks, the eyeglasses, the full uniform, I mean. I keep sanitizing my hands every five minutes, keep a safe distance while examining the patients. But 100% protection is not guaranteed.” – by Stephen Snyder

(* A H)

17 more Covid-19 cases registered in Yemen

17 new Covid-19 cases were registered in Yemen on Sunday, bringing the total of the cases confirmed since 10th April to 51 active cases, 8 deaths and one recovered case.

The new cases were registered in Seyoun in Hadramout, 3, Aden,10, Taiz, 2, and 2 including one death in Lahj, the supreme national emergency committee for Covid-19 said. These provinces are all run by the internationally recognised government.

The Houthi health ministry has so far registered two cases in the capital Sanaa, a Somali who died from the virus in a hotel last week. The second case was a person who arrived in Sanaa from Aden, the ministry reported on Friday.

and also

(A H)

73 people died today in Yemen's #Aden, according to Civil Status Office. 66 death certificates were issued for people who died from unknown causes and 7 death certificates for patients who died in hospitals. #Deaths in this city in time of coronavirus should not be ignored.

(A H P)

Yemen's emergency coronavirus committee declares Aden an infested city

Yemen’s emergency coronavirus committee declared Aden, the seat to Yemen’s internationally recognised government, an infested city early on Monday after coronavirus cases there jumped to 35, including four deaths.

(A H)

Photos: Precautionary measures taken to against spread of COVID-19 in Yemen

(A H P)

Film: The Giants [UAE-backed militia] are implementing a foggy campaign to fight epidemics in the districts of Mansoura and Sheikh Othman in the capital, Aden

(* A H P)

WHO suspends staff activity in Yemen's Houthi-held areas, operations continue

The World Health Organization (WHO) has suspended staff activity at its hubs in Houthi-held areas of Yemen, a directive seen by Reuters showed, in a move sources said aimed to pressure the group to be more transparent about suspected coronavirus cases.

The WHO directive issued late on Saturday notified staff in Sanaa, the Red Sea port of Hodeidah, the northern province of Saada and central province of Ibb that “all movements, meetings or any other activity” for staff in those areas were paused until further notice.

The WHO has temporarily paused its movements in northern areas due to “credible threats and perceived risks which could have an impact on staff security”, it said in response to a Reuters’ query, adding that operations have not been suspended.

The United Nations is operating under the assumption that there is now full-blown transmission in Yemen, it said.

“We are competing for resources and supplies in the global market - and a country’s ‘priority status’ in terms of who receives what for COVID-19 is directly linked to how many cases are in country and the need - it is the numbers,” it said.

The U.N. has “systematically for weeks now” advised on case declaration and reporting, but the decision to do so rests with local authorities, the WHO added.

Three sources told Reuters the WHO had taken the measure to press Houthi authorities to report results of tests for COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by coronavirus.

The Saudi-backed government has accused Houthi authorities of covering up an outbreak in Sanaa, a charge the group denies.

The WHO says it fears COVID-19 could rip through Yemen as the population has some of the lowest levels of immunity to disease compared with other countries. Minimal testing capacity has added to concerns.

and also


(A H P)

WHO denies operation suspension in north Yemen

The World Health Organization on Monday denied suspension of its humanitarian operations in Yemeni northern areas under Houthi control.
WHO has not stopped or suspended its operations in north Yemen, the organization office in Yemen tweeted.
It has, however, temporarily halted its staff movement in these areas, WHO added citing "some risks that could have impact on their safety.
"Restrictions that were imposed on staff movement have now been lifted and they will immediately resume work."

(* B H K P)

As COVID-19 Grips Yemen, Saudi Warplanes Target Trucks Laden with Medical Supplies

The UN has warned that a shocking 16 million Yemenis are at risk of contracting the coronavirus, dealing a whopping blow to what it has already described as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis

As a result of the ongoing blockade, particularly on medical devices, the coronavirus is suspected to have already spread undetected across much of the country, with testing virtually nonexistent. Moreover, 70 percent of all medical facilities in the country are not functioning and are poorly positioned to treat victims of the respiratory virus, let alone to protect healthcare workers.

According to the UN, most Yemeni healthcare workers have not been paid, or have been paid irregularly, for over two years, it added that equipment and medical supplies are insufficient or obsolete.

The WHO also said that there are currently 260,000 severely malnourished children and 2 million others that will be affected by moderate malnutrition. “These children’s immune systems will be weakened, making them much more vulnerable to COVID-19 and other diseases,” said Mark Lowcock, the UN’s Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator. Lowcock has called for nearly $60 million to urgently protect the health and safety of women and girls in Yemen, where figures show that every two hours a woman loses her life during labor.

On Monday, the UN warned that a shocking 16 million Yemenis are at risk of contracting the coronavirus, dealing a whopping blow to what it has already described as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

This pandemic has proven a formidable foe for the health-care systems of advanced, stable countries like those in Europea, but to Yemen, which is suffering from five years of the war and an ongoing Saudi blockade, COVID-19 could result in an unprecedented death toll reminiscent of that that the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 wrought upon much of the world.

The best preventive measure to control the spread of the COVID-19 has so far been the practice of good hygiene, but the Saudi war and blockade have mired much of the country in filth as chemicals used to sanitize the water supply sit idle for a lack of fuel thanks to the blockade. In fact, the ongoing Saudi blockade has deprived Yemenis of the opportunity to reap the benefit of the sharp decline in crude oil prices.

Saudi Arabia has prevented 18 tankers, carrying more than 450 thousand tons of gasoline, from reaching electric stations and hospitals, despite carrying international permits, according to a statement by the Yemeni Oil Company.

(A H P)

Yemen appeals for international help to stem coronavirus

The Yemeni [Hadi] government on Sunday appealed for help from the international community to combat the spread of coronavirus, Anadolu Agency reports.

It appealed to world countries to “urgently intervene to save civilians through a package of arrangements that help provide medical care”. =

(A H P)

Film: The [anti-Houthi] Health Office in Hodeidah launches a spray and sterilization campaign in Al-Duraimi to prevent corona virus

(* A H)

Aden witnesses spike in death rate, testing for COVID-19 still lacking

Over 60 deaths were recorded in Aden in a single 24-hour period between Wednesday and Thursday, the highest number of deaths recorded in the temporary capital in recent weeks, a government official in the southern city confirmed to Almasdar Online. Concern is raising that without sufficient testing kits and documentation, COVID-19 is spreading unchecked.

Major General Sanad Jamil, head of the Personal Status and Civil Registry Department in Aden, told Almasdar Online that over 60 death permits were issued by the local authority across Thursday and Friday, showing that “nearly 65 people died in the 24 hours from noon on Wednesday to noon on Thursday.”

The official said it is the largest documented rise in deaths in Aden since the COVID-19 epidemic reached Yemen, and that many of those who died were suffering from common COVID-19 symptoms.


(* A H)

50 die in Yemen from mosquito-borne disease

More than 3,000 infected with chikungunya fever in temporary capital of Aden, says government official

Fifty people lost their lives in Yemen's temporary capital of Aden due to the chikungunya fever, according to an anonymous government official late Saturday.

More than 3,000 people were infected, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to Anadolu Agency.

Governor of Sheikh Othman district of Aden in southern Yemen is also among the dead, said the source.

It is believed that disease came about because of swamps caused by a flood disaster April 21. =

(* A H)

55 people died in Yemen's #Aden on Saturday and 60 on Friday. The figures are real, and killers are several including Covid-19. Well, some sources claim 90% have died from Covid-19.

A quarantine centre in #Aden is refusing to take in persons suspected of being infected with Covid-19, locals say. In Sheikh Othman.

Seems #Aden is now exporting Covid-19 to other Yemeni provinces as #Marib has just reported first suspected case of the virus, a person who came from Aden. Earlier, Houthis confirmed a Covid-19 case, saying it was a person who arrived in #Sanaa from Aden.

(A H)

Yemeni firsthand source rules out inclusive curfew in Sana'a

The Houthi group will unlikely impose curfew or inclusively close Sana'a markets, Yemeni firsthand source said Saturday, hours after the second COVID-19 infection was confirmed in the group-held capital.
The Houthi-run combating-epidemics supreme committee had already commissioned a study of partial curfew limited to quarters where the pandemic spread among some of their residents, al-Akhbar quoted the source as saying anonymously.
"The currently-adopted approach means observing precautions, raising awareness via media and monitoring how markets and malls (visited by thousands of people in Ramadan) implement those measures embraced by authorities," the source added.
Early on Saturday, the Houthi health ministry announced the second COVID-19 confirmed case.
The infected, a Yemeni national arriving from Aden, is now "receiving medication at the Sana'a-based Kuwait Hospital," the ministry added in a brief statement.
It called on all citizens to "obey health instructions .. and minimize presence and contact in markets and malls."

(A H)

Yemen reports nine new coronavirus cases in Aden, two more deaths

Yemen on Friday reported nine new coronavirus cases in Aden, the interim headquarters of the government, including one death, and said a second person infected in the southern province of Lahaj had died.

(A H)

Houthis announce 2nd confirmed COVID-19 case in Sana'a

The ministry said it had registered a confirmed case of novel coronavirus with a Yemeni national coming from the interim Yemeni capital, Aden.

The ministry said, in a brief statement, that "the infected is receiving treatment in Kuwait Hospital in Sana'a."

and also

(* B E H P)

Yemen Urgently Needs a Unified Fiscal Policy Response to COVID-19

It is essential to establish a joint fund to finance the policy responses to the pandemic. In order to show even the lowest possible level and merit of leadership and credibility toward their own people and the international community, both treasuries should be the first to finance such a fund and not wait for international grants that might take time to be disbursed. Public revenues from collected taxes and tariffs should be redirected toward financing the emergency fund. International and — most importantly — regional stakeholders have the moral obligation to support such a fund.

In the case of a lockdown, one must reckon with a sharp decrease in people’s disposable incomes. Along with the severe impact on livelihoods, food prices would significantly increase due to disruptions in market supply chains

The Yemeni rial is projected to experience another wave of devaluation due to decreasing remittances. Yemenis abroad, especially in neighboring Saudi Arabia, also face lockdowns that prevent them from working or sending cash back home across the border. These factors combined with a loss of government revenue from crude oil exports hit by falling global oil prices mean the Yemeni government’s fiscal deficit is projected to increase by 1.3 percent of GDP in 2020.

Given there is less room for implementing a monetary policy response at the moment, the focus should be on implementing short-term fiscal policies that will mitigate the impact of a lockdown. The emergency fund should provide cash assistance to people engaged in precarious labor and be used in part to increase medical facilities’ capacities.

Yemen’s working poor, who constitute a large share of the still-employed population after five years of war, should not be abandoned during the fight against COVID-19. A cash assistance program for the duration of a lockdown targeting those who lose their livelihoods would be a lifeline for informal and irregular workers, and small business owners.

In big cities such as Sana’a, Aden, Marib and Taiz — where roughly 6 million to 7 million people reside — it would be appropriate to implement a rent-freeze for the duration of the lockdown. Families allocating a larger share of their dwindling income to food purchases can be expected to come up short on rent money at the end of the month.

A severe economic crisis will have immense humanitarian repercussions on the country’s working population, cutting what for many Yemenis is their final lifeline. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the policy response is not politicized by the different warring parties and remains directed toward mitigating the devastating impact of COVID-19 on lives and livelihoods. The existential threat the novel coronavirus presents requires unprecedented courage, cooperation and pragmatism – by Amal Nasser

(* A H)

According to @Rdfanaldbes2015 a correspondent of @AlHadath channel in Aden province of southern #Yemen. At least 60 people have been died in Aden just on Friday. The reason of the death is still unknown

(* A H)

Houthis on Friday registered one Covid-19 case in the capital #Sanaa, a person who came from #Aden. Meanwhile, sources say tens of cases are being reported everyday in Sanaa. Q: why are Houthis hiding information about a virus that has struck worldwide?!

(A H P)

838 people leave quarantine centers in Sanaa

About 838 people left the quarantine centers in Sanaa province on Friday, after they completed the precautionary quarantine period, to ensure that they are free of the Coronavirus.

(B H)

Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot - As of 2 May 2020

Seven cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Aden, Taiz and Hadramaut governorates. The first case was announced on 10 April and based on the transmission patterns of the virus in other countries, nearly three weeks later, there is a very real probability that the virus has been circulating undetected within communities. This increases the likelihood of a surge in cases which may quickly overwhelm health care capacities. Humanitarian agencies have been quick to respond to COVID-19 using existing resources and have developed a COVID-19 response strategy with the authorities.

(* A H)

Yemen reports nine new coronavirus cases in Aden, two more deaths

Yemen on Friday reported nine new coronavirus cases in Aden, the interim headquarters of the government, including one death, and said a second person infected in the southern province of Lahaj had died.

This takes the total count in areas under control of the internationally recognised government to 34 infections with seven deaths.

(* A H)

Director of Civil Status Office in #Aden: we issued 65 death certificates for people who died from shortness of breath, dyspnea, between 12:00 pm Thursday & 12:00pm Wednesday. Throughout the week, we issued 10 to 30 death certificates a day, he said, Radio Monte Carlo reported.

An Aden-based journalist: 72 people died in #Aden on Thursday as a pandemic continues to claim lives. Number of deaths was nearing 100. People are dying outside hospitals-- no tests, no medicine as hospitals lack everything, he said, adding symptoms not different from Covid-19.

(A H)

Aden government official dies of suspected coronavirus infection

Due to a shortage of testing devices, medical staff were unable to confirm whether the government official, Moqbel Al-Qutaibi, had contracted #COVID-19

or (?)

(A H)

Chikungunya epidemic kills local official in Yemen's Aden

(* A H P)

Corona Exposes Humanity of UN Organizations in Yemen

While Yemen needs real UN and international assistance for its efforts to combat the outbreak of the corona epidemic (COVID-19), as it is a country subject to the worst aggressive war in the history of the modern world, the United Nations is trying to exploit the global pandemic politically in a manner inconsistent with the principles of humanity and the seriousness of the deadly epidemic.

In addition to the UN ugly political exploitation of Yemenis' fears of the coronavirus, UN officials deliberately made false statements about unlimited support for Yemen, which never happened.

The Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Sana’a, on Thursday, has urgently called for the provision of more than 100 thousand PCR tests, 15 PCR testing devices and 250 thousand swabs for testing.

The Council called on to all UN organizations for urgent help, the necessity of providing special medical supplies to confront coronavirus.

The council denounced in a statement what is being promoted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen about its non-sharing of data since the start of government measures to counter corona.

The statement considered the statements of the United Nations Office devoid of the humanitarian duty entrusted to the United Nations towards the Yemeni people. It held the UN fully responsible for the results of its resolutions and declarations that may work to disrupt humanitarian work in Yemen.

My remark: As claimed by the Sanaa government.

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

68 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah in den letzten 24 Stunden

(A K pH)

68 Recorded Violations of Stockholm Agreement by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Aggressionskräfte setzen Verstöße in Hodeidah fort

(A K pS)

Houthis pound residential areas in south Hodeidah

(A K pH)

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi mercenaries targeted several areas of the city with a number of artillery shells. 2 military bulldozers developed new fortifications in Kilo-16.

(A K pH)

60 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Coalition aggression forces commit 60 violations in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Verstöße der Aggression gehen weiter in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Violations of aggression continue in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Houthis intensify their shelling against joint forces in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

59 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in der Hodeidah Provinz

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 59 breaches in Hodeidah in 24 hour

(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas in south Hodeidah

(A K pH)

41 violations committed by aggression forces in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Al Houthi militants reportedly launched multiple attacks on Hadi government forces in al Saleh city and Hays district in al Hudaydah governorate in western Yemen on May 8. Hadi government forces previously reported repelling al Houthi attacks in Hays district on May 7.[3]

(A K pH)

57 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in der Hodeidah Provinz

(A K pH)

57 Recorded Violations of Truce Agreement, Hodeidah

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)





(B P)

Though leading international media, including AP, has published investigations about links of UAE and UAE-backed militias to Al-Qaeda, we still see many foreigners retweet disinformation circulated by separatist propagandists. Writing about Yemen requires professional integrity.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia's Effort to Wind Down Its Intervention in Yemen Faces Significant Challenges

Riyadh’s apparent eagerness to negotiate likely pushes the Houthis to aim for significant concessions. As a result, we assess the Iran-backed rebels will, in the meantime, keep acting aggressively to gain even more leverage over Riyadh.

The Saudis, on the other hand, have clear reasons to seek an end to the conflict. The coalition has not been able and is not even close to achieving the goal it set for itself at the start of the intervention, namely to reinstate the regime of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi in Sanaa with effective control of most of the country. Beyond that, cracks have appeared and widened in the Saudi-backed coalition over the past years

The independence of the south and the formation of a state, backed by the UAE, would not pose as much of a threat as the consolidation of the Houthi-Iranian dominance. That, however, does not mean the Saudis are willing to let Yemen be divided and see the UAE exercise its influence on a newly created state located in a strategic position and in the area Saudi Arabia considers to be of its own influence. The kingdom will likely continue to oppose the creation of an independent southern Yemen, with the question being how much leverage the STC truly has and whether it can realistically expect to maintain independence—or whether this is more of a bargaining tactic vis-a-vis Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

Saudi-Arabien will Geberkonferenz für zerstörten Jemen ausrichten

Saudi-Arabien, das mit Verbündeten seit fünf Jahren Ziele im benachbarten Jemen bombardiert, will eine Geberkonferenz für das vom Bürgerkrieg geplagte Land ausrichten. Die Konferenz soll am 2. Juni unter Beteiligung der Vereinten Nationen stattfinden.

Die staatliche saudische Nachrichtenagentur SPA berichtete am Sonntag, die Geberländer sollten die Bemühungen Riads unterstützen, um den Erfolg dieser "grossen humanitären Konferenz" sicherzustellen. = =

Mein Kommentar: Der Bock erklärt sich selbst zum Gärtner.

(A P)

Saudi to host Yemen donor conference on June 2

Saudi Arabia will host a donor conference to support Yemen on June 2, state media reported on Sunday, as the conflict-torn country faces the threat of coronavirus.

The conference will be held virtually in partnership with the United Nations, the official Saudi Press Agency reported, as the Arab world's poorest country also battles widespread hunger and disease.

The kingdom, which counts itself as a top donor to Yemen since it led a 2015 military intervention against Iran-aligned Huthi rebels, did not say how much money was expected to be raised from the event.

My comment: The fox claims it keeps the geese.

(* A P)

Houthi official holds aggression forces all repercussions for any leakage from Safer tanker

The head of the Yemen's National Delegation Mohammed Abdulsalam blamed on Saturday, the forces of US-Saudi aggression for all the consequences of any leakage from the Safer floating storage.
"From an early stage, we have been calling for the maintenance of the Safer tanker, but the US-backed forces of aggression have deliberately, with its unjust besieged, put obstacles and prevented any maintenance," Abdulsalam wrote in a post published on his Twitter page.
“The forces of aggression bear all the consequences of any leakage."
The head of the Yemen's National Delegation affirmed that Washington also bears responsibility for providing political cover and military support for the continuation of the aggression and the siege.
The coalition countries refuse the entry of the technical team entrusted with maintenance work according to the United Nations, to carry out the maintenance of the Safer tank, which contains an amount exceeding more than one million barrels of crude oil. This threatens an imminent environmental disaster due to an oil spill that may reach the Mediterranean and the Arabian Seas. =

and also

Film (Arabic):


(*A P)

Yemen [Sanaa gov.] Urges UN to Pressure Saudi-Led Coalition over Offloading Stranded Oil Tanker

The Yemeni minister of oil and minerals called upon the United Nations to pressure the Saudi-led coalition involved in a campaign against his country into allowing the offloading of crude oil from a tanker afloat off the coast of Yemen’s port city of Hudaydah.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with Yemen’s official Saba news agency on Sunday, Ahmed Daress said Safer tanker, loaded with nearly 1.1 million barrels of oil, has turned into a time bomb that threatens the marine environment.

He noted that the Saudi-led alliance is adamantly preventing the unloading of the consignment or maintenance work.

“Despite attempts by the Ministry of Oil to carry out maintenance, the coalition of aggression does not permit the entry of the technical team assigned to perform the maintenance under the supervision of the United Nations,” Daress added.

The Yemeni minister held the UN and the Saudi-led military coalition fully responsible for any environmental catastrophe in the Red Sea, and destruction of marine life due to a potential oil spill from the ship


(* A P)

[Sanaa gov.] FM Denounces US Statements Regarding ’Safer’ Tanker, Holding Coalition of Aggression Responsible for Any Oil Spill

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the National Salvation Government denounced what was stated in the US State Department statement regarding the Safer floating storage and its accusation that the authorities in Sana'a are responsible for the leakage from the tanker anchored off the coast of Hodeidah Governorate, west of Yemen.

Eng. Hisham Sharaf stated, in a statement to Saba News Agency, that the authorities in Sana’a had previously requested more than once from the United Nations, its organizations and specialized agencies in Yemen to send an evaluation and maintenance team to the floating oil tank, Safer to assess the situation and perform the required maintenance.

He pointed to the necessity of dealing with this file in a purely environmental and technical manner, noting that previously there were alternatives for dealing with oil stored in the tanker Safer.

“There was a suggestion to sell the quantity and benefit from it in relief and humanitarian fields, so that the quantity is gradually emptied in order to avoid an environmental disaster at sea, but the position of the coalition of aggression and its bad intentions to use this file led to a delay in arriving at a solution that guarantees its completion in a safe technical and professional form,” he said.

Minister Sharaf pointed out that the National Salvation Government had repeatedly warned, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its memos to the Security Council and many other countries and parties concerned, about the possibility of a leakage from the floating tank as a result of the ship’s worn out and the aggression’s prevention to carry out any maintenance for years.

He pointed out that it is the forces of the aggressive coalition that impose a blockade applied to Yemen by land, sea and air and prevent access to the tanker Safer or even the maintenance of it.

The Foreign Minister once again held the countries of the aggression fully responsible for any oil spill from the tanker Safer or trying to use this file in any reckless aggressive military action.

referring to:

(A P)

US State Dep.: The Houthis must cooperate with @OSE_Yemen and allow the UN to maintain the aging crude oil tanker. If it leaks, they will be the only ones to blame for the humanitarian costs in #Yemen and the environmental catastrophe in the #RedSea.

and also

My comment: Always keep in mind that the US is a warring party in Yemen.

While the Hadi government claims:

(A P)

Yemeni FM Houthis renege responsibilities for FSO Safer

The Yemeni internationally-recognized foreign minister on Saturday accused the Houthi group of lying on liabilities for the floating storage and offloading (FSO) facility Safer.
"The Houthis lie as easily as they breathe," FM Mohamed al-Hadhrami tweeted. "They have neither commitment nor fidelity.

My comment: The Hadi government claims Houthi responsibility, while it also claims the revenues of selling the crude must be for its own benefit.

(A P)

Yemeni tribal leader: Saudi Arabia is Yemen’s historical enemy

Sheikh Mohammed Saleh al-Muradi condemns Saudi Arabia as the one true enemy of Yemen

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A K P)

Navy of US-Saudi Aggression Holding 20 Ships with over Half a Million Tons of Oil Derivatives

The US-Saudi aggression is holding more than half a million tons of oil derivatives on 20 ships and tankers off the coast of Yemen, a source in Hodeidah Port told Almasirah.

The source pointed out that 10 oil derivative ships had been in detention for more than a month out of 20 ships, the last of which was held four days ago.

The source pointed out that another ship has been detained for three days with more than 15 thousand tons of food on board.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

Food aids to be distributed to 6400 displaced families in Marib

(A H)

ICRC: Today, the 2nd shipment landed in #Yemen. It contained medicines for health facilities and materials for water infrastructure rehabilitation. Needs are big; more is expected to arrive soon (photos9

(B H)

QRCS rehabilitates drinking water wells for underserved Yemenis [EN/AR]

Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has inaugurated a project to rehabilitate water resources in two Yemeni governorates, with a total budget of $399,999.

In Taiz, 13 wells are being dug down and deepened, with each well provided with a pump and source of power. These developments are estimated to benefit the 13,000 population of three districts (Al-Shamayatayn, Al-Mawasit, and Jabal Habashy).

(B H)

WHO: Yemen: Health Cluster Bulletin, March 2020


A total of 2,512 Health Facilities (16 Governorate Hospitals, 119 District Hospitals, 51 General Hospitals, 18 Specialized Hospitals, 690 Health Centers and 1,618 Health Units) are being supported by Health Cluster Partners.

The cumulative total number of suspected Cholera cases from the 1st of January to the 31st of Mar, 2020 is 100484 with 26 associated deaths (CFR 0.03%). Children under five represent 23% whilst the elderly above 60 years of age accounted for 6.0% of total suspected cases. The outbreak has so far affected in 2020 : 22 of 23 governorates and 290 of 333 districts in Yemen.

As of 31st of March 2020, Health Cluster Partners supported a total number of 250 DTCs and 1007 ORCs in the 147 Priority districts.

(* B H)

End line Survey Report: Meeting Basic Needs livelihood, Enhancing Access to WASH and Improving Reproductive Health Services in Yemen, 2018-2020


CARE Yemen has been implementing the “Meeting basic needs livelihood, Enhancing Access to WASH and Improving Reproductive Health Services in Yemen” project from 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2020. The project aimed to address the WASH, Health and food security needs of the most vulnerable and conflict affected communities living in the targeted areas. The key results of the project were: (1) increased capacity for vulnerable and conflict affected households, especially women, to meet livelihoods and basic needs; (2) improved access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services for vulnerable households in conflict affected areas; (3) increased equitable access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Right (SRHR) services for targeted communities.

With the objective of comparing the result of the key performance indicator of the project with the established benchmark information during the baseline period, an end-line survey was conducted in March 2020 in the project operational districts. A quantitative methodology (i.e. household survey) was utilized to collect pertinent data. The following are the key survey outcomes:

FOOD CONSUMPTION SCORE: The average FCS for the surveyed households is 43.64. The survey results further indicated that 66.3% of HHs are in acceptable food consumption whereas 26.2% and 7.5% of HHs respectively are in borderline and poor food consumption.

REDUCED COPING STRATEGY INDEX (rCSI): The rCSI score for the surveyed households is 12.75.

HOUSEHOLD HUNGER SCALE: 92.5% of HHs faced little or no hunger; 7.5% of HHs faced moderate hunger; and 0% of HHs faced severe hunger.

PRIMARY SOURCE OF WATER: 64.5% of respondents replied that their primary source of water is piped system at homes whereas 22.4% of them are getting water from protected boreholes, Piped System in public fountain is the primary source of water for 7% of interviewees and 6.1% of survey participants use unprotected water harvesting pools. Overall, the endline survey result indicated that 93.9% of interviewees primarily relay on protected water sources.

ACCESS TO WATER SOURCES: 14.6% and 6.1% of interviewees respectively replied that it takes ‘1-2 hours’ and ‘more than 2 hours’ to fetch water from the nearest water source whereas 8.2% of them stated that it takes 30 to 60 minutes to fetch water. 6.4% of respondents reiterated that it takes less than 30 minutes to fetch water from the nearest water source, 64.5% of respondents (Female: 54.3%, Male: 71.2%) replied that their water source is piped systems at the house so that they do not travel anywhere to fetch water.

WATER TREATMENT: 74.3% of interviewees indicated that they use Chlorine/other chemical reagents to treat drinking water whereas 1.9% practice boiling to treat water before drinking. 23.8% of survey participants reiterated that they did not practice any water treatment technique.

SANITARY PRACTICES: 82.2% of survey participants indicated that they use family toilets for defecation whereas 9.4% of them mentioned that they use public toilets. The remaining 8.4% of them practice open defecation.

(* B H)

Stranded Yemenis in India ask government for repatriation: ‘We don’t have money for rent’

Yemeni citizens stranded in India have appealed to the Yemeni government to repatriate them back home. Yemen halted flights to and from the country in Marchon March 14 to counter the potential spread of coronavirus in the country.

The decision has left thousands of Yemenis stranded around the world, many of them seeking medical care in countries like India and, Egypt and elsewhere.

"We are facing difficult circumstances and most of us have no money for rent or expenses. We came to India for treatment and had hardly enough money for a short stay,” Yemenis said in a statement sent to the government.

Some stranded Yemenis in India rented a garage as a communal residence.

"I traveled in mid-February for a heart operation for my daughter, and following the epidemic, our conditions are now difficult--we don’t have rent or expenses," one stranded Yemeni told Almasdar Online.


(B H)

1000s of Yemenis, including patients,students,&expatriates have been stuck in #Egypt, #India,&other countries.Their money ran out,&are struggling,&the Yemeni government has formed a committee that only examines their situation w/out taking practical procedures to save them

(B H)

Health safety ensured as workers are receiving their labor wages for working in building 210 rainwater harvesting tanks in Milhan Almahwit (photos)

(* B H)

Mona Relief Yemen

is creating Humanitarian Aid in Yemen

Select a membership level

Monthly 5$ donation

By donating $5 every month, you are supporting a family for a about week with a food basket containing: 25 kg of flour, 5 kg of rice, 5 kg of sugar, 2 litters of cooking oil, 2 kg of red lentils, 1 kg of powdered milk, 4 kg of dates and 4 packages of pasta.

Monthly $15 donation

By donating $15 every month, you are supporting a family for about 2-3 weeks with a food basket containing: 25 kg of flour, 5 kg of rice, 5 kg of sugar, 2 litters of cooking oil, 2 kg of red lentils, 1 kg of powdered milk, 4 kg of dates and 4 packages of pasta.

Monthly foodbasket for 1 family $ 30

By donating $30 every month, you are supporting a family monthly with a food basket containing: 25 kg of flour, 5 kg of rice, 5 kg of sugar, 2 litters of cooking oil, 2 kg of red lentils, 1 kg of powdered milk, 4 kg of dates and 4 packages of pasta.

Monthly foodbasket for 2 families: $60

Monthly foodbasket for 3 families: $90

(B H P)

USAID: Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #7, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020

Yemen ‑ Active USG Programs for Yemen Response (Last Updated 05/08/20)

(B H)

UNOCHA: Yemen Situation Report, 6 May 2020

HIGHLIGHTS (12 Apr 2020)

Resources needed to sustain world’s largest aid operation in 2020

The food insecurity situation continues to deteriorate

Aid continues to reach conflict-displaced persons in Marib and Al Jawf

Authorities, aid agencies step up measures to curb COVID-19

Yemen Humanitarian Fund allocates US$3.5m to ensure critical services continue

Resources needed to sustain world’s largest aid operation in 2020

Aid organizations are finalizing the status report on the humanitarian operation in Yemen – a technical roll over from the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan. The status report, which outlines humanitarian response priorities for 2020, will highlight the financial requirements for this year. Of the UN’s 41 major humanitarian programmes, 31 will either reduce or shut during April unless funding is urgently received.

The humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains the worst in the world, driven by five years of conflict, economic collapse and the breakdown of public institutions and services.

The scale, severity and complexity of needs in Yemen are staggering.

(* B H)

Urgent funding needed to protect health and safety of women and girls in Yemen amidst COVID-1

More than 48,000 women could die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth in Yemen, the world's worst humanitarian crisis, due to severe funding shortages and the possible closure of reproductive health facilities, amidst rising risks posed by COVID-19. To save lives, UNFPA is calling for urgent funding of $59 million to provide lifesaving reproductive healthcare and women's protection services until the end of 2020. An additional $24 million is needed for the COVID-19 response to protect health workers and women and girls accessing reproductive health services in the conflict-affected country.

"If lifesaving reproductive health services are stopped it will have catastrophic consequences for women and girls in Yemen - placing them at even greater risk," said Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director. "Yemen urgently needs funding to keep health facilities open to protect the health and safety of women and girls."

As it stands now, nearly half of all health facilities in Yemen are not functioning or only partially functioning. Only 20 percent of health facilities provide maternal and child health services due to staff shortages, lack of supplies, inability to meet operational costs, or damage due to the conflict. Equipment and medical supplies are inadequate or obsolete. Health workers have not been paid, or have only been irregularly paid, in more than two years.

(* B H)

WFP Yemen Situation Report #03, March 2020


WFP provided general food assistance to 12.8 million Yemeni people so far under the March distributions.

WFP has activated an alternate work arrangement in all offices as a precautionary measure against Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

WFP requires USD 535 million to continue operations unimpeded over the next six months (May 2020 – October 2020).

In Numbers

24.1 million people in need of humanitarian assistance*

3.65 million people internally displaced

20.1 million people are food insecure

(B H)

Yemen: Access Constraints as of 7 May 2020

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

IOM Yemen: COVID-19 Response Update, 19 April - 02 May 2020

IOM is deeply concerned about the rise in anti-migrant sentiment following this announcement. Migrants were already vulnerable at each stage of their journey through Yemen, being at risk of stigmatization and human rights abuses and lacking access to basic services. These vulnerabilities have been further exacerbated by COVID-19, with migrants being scapegoated as carriers of the disease since the very early stages of the global outbreak. Migrants are facing increased risks to their protection and human rights, as thousands have found themselves stranded and a rising number of them face crowded conditions in transit and detention centres, as well as forced quarantine in circumstances not aligned with public health measures.

IOM is contributing to the coordinated effort to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 by ensuring continuity of essential humanitarian services and scaling up COVID-19 response efforts with a focus on displaced and migrant populations. Ensuring unimpeded humanitarian access to facilitate effective COVID-19 programming remains a challenge in northern governorates where the operational environment continues to be restrictive. In the south, insecurity, bureaucratic impediments and challenges around competing leadership also have an impact on activities.

and it’s not just the Houthis as is claimed here:

(* B H)

IOM Yemen Quarterly Update: Quarter 1, January - March 2020

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), between January and March 2020 approximately 28,000 migrants arrived in Yemen; down from the 37,000 who made the same journey in quarter 1 2019 and a decrease of nearly 50 per cent when comparing March 2020 with March 2019. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic was a key factor influencing migration patterns, as security was heightened at borders. Additionally, forced quarantine of migrants in facilities not aligned with public health measures is also reported to be taking place and migrants are being stigmatized by local media who are labelling them as carriers of diseases.

IOM and humanitarian organizations continued to face severe access constraints, primarily in the north of the country. The humanitarian space, already restrictive in 2019, continued to shrink, as obstructive policies and directives from the authorities rose. On average, 92 per cent of IOM permits from its head office in Sana’a were not approved in the first quarter of the year. This meant that IOM was not able to carry out critical assistance as well as assessment and monitoring activities, in support over 150,000 beneficiaries.

(* A H)

1.400 afrikanische Migranten verlassen das Quarantänezentrum in Al-Dschouf

1.400 afrikanische Migranten verließen das Quarantänezentrum in der Stadt Al-Hazm in der Al-Dschou Provinz, um sich auf ihre Deportation in ihre Länder durch den Hafen von Al-Hodeidah vorzubereiten.

Eine Quelle der örtlichen Behörde in Al-Dschouf sagte, dass die örtliche Behörde in Zusammenarbeit mit den Sicherheitsdiensten mehr als zweitausend illegale afrikanische Einwanderer beschlagnahmt habe, die vom saudischen Regime von Nadschran in der Al-Dschouf Provinz deportiert worden seien.

Die Quelle wies darauf hin, dass die Einwanderer im Quarantänezentrum in der Stadt Al-Hazm Quarantäneverfahren und deren Abreise in Chargen und unter Aufsicht der Sicherheitsdienste zur Vorbereitung ihrer Deportation durch den Hafen von Hodeidah unterzogen wurden.

Die Quelle wies darauf hin, dass sich noch etwa 500 afrikanische Migranten im Al-Hazm-Quarantänezentrum befinden und in den kommenden Tagen zurückgeführt werden.

Die lokalen Behörden und Sicherheitsdienste ihre Kampagnen zur Verhaftung afrikanischer Migranten aus Saudi-Arabien im Rahmen von Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Corona-Virus intensiviert haben.", die Quelle betonte.

Die Quelle verurteilte die fortgesetzte Deportation afrikanischer Migranten durch das saudische Regime in die Provinz in einer Weise, die den islamischen und menschlichen Werten widerspricht, um das jemenitische Volk zu schädigen und das Corona-Virus zu verbreiten

(* A H P)

1,400 African Migrants Leave Overwhelmed Quarantine Center in Al-Jawf

1,400 African migrants left the quarantine center in Al-Hazm city of al-Jawf province, in preparation to deport them to their countries through Hodeidah port.

An official in the local authority in al-Jawf said that the local authority, in cooperation with security services, seized more than 2,000 illegal African immigrants, who had been deported by the Saudi regime from Najran to al-Jawf province. He explained that the immigrants were subjected to quarantine procedures in the quarantine center in al-Hazm city and they left in batches under the supervision of the security services to be deported through the port of Hodeidah.

About 500 African immigrants are still in the Al-Hazm quarantine center, and they would be deported in the coming days, the official added.

The official emphasized that local authority and security services have intensified their campaigns to arrest African migrants coming from Saudi Arabia, as part of precautionary measures to confront Coronavirus.

In this regard, the official denounced the Saudi regime’s continued deportation of African migrants to the province

(* B H)

WHO, IOM raise concern over COVID-19 discrimination against migrants in Yemen

The World Health Organization (WHO) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) call on national authorities and the people of Yemen to continue their longstanding charitable acceptance of, and support to, vulnerable communities, including migrants.

“This virus respects no borders—it targets everyone, regardless of race, political affiliation or geographical location. There is absolutely no evidence that one group of people is more responsible for its transmission than another. There are, however, groups of people who are more vulnerable as a result of having pre-existing medical conditions and/or limited access to care, especially in emergency settings. It is our collective duty to prioritize and protect these groups. This is a global pandemic, and the only way to fight it is do so together. No one is safe until everyone is safe,” said Dr Ahmed Al Mandhari, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean.

“Migrants should not be stigmatized or associated with the risk of importing diseases. It is conditions on the route from Africa to the Arabian Gulf, including barriers to health services, poor living and working conditions and exploitation, which pose serious health risks. We must join together to address these risks and stop stigmatization,” said Carmela Godeau, IOM Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

WHO, IOM and partners have ensured the inclusion of migrants in the public health response led by the Yemeni authorities, with the support of the humanitarian community — an important step towards non-discrimination that needs to be actioned on the ground.

(* B H)

Film: Here is the main reason for the more death on people in Aden province of southern #Yemen Footage taken for a displaced camp in Aden which supposed to be under the supervision of the #UN and Int'l NGOs working in #Yemen

(* A H P)

Houthis say Saudis deported 800 Somalis to Yemen's Jawf

The Saudi authorities have deported more than 800 Somalis across Yemeni borders to the northern governorate of al-Jawf, the Houthi-run supreme council for management and coordination of humanitarian affairs and international cooperation said Friday.
"The deported Somalis are now quarantined in al-Hazm city," the Sana'a-based council added, but their "number is large and there are no resources to cover quarantine costs."
The council asked the UN High Commission for Refugees to repatriate the Somalis deported by Saudi Arabia and shoulder its responsibilities, but the UNHCR "unfortunately has not responded," it added.
The council called for urgent UN intervention to "save this large number of Somalis according to international human law."


(A H P)

Joint Forces Command of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: the terrorist Houthi militia’s allegations regarding the Kingdom’s deportation of (800) people of Somali nationality to Yemen is baseless and unfounded

The official spokesman of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen COL Turki Al-Malki said that the terrorist Houthi militia’s allegations regarding the Kingdom’s deportation of (800) people of Somali nationality to Yemen is baseless and unfounded.”
In a statement issued today, he added “What was published by the terrorist Houthi militia that the Kingdom has deported (800) people of Somali nationality to Yemen through (Al Jawf) governorate is baseless and unfounded.”

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Al-Houthi in Advance Confirms the Failure of Saudi Austerity, Proves Falsehood of Saudi Declared Ceasefire

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, previously confirmed the failure of Saudi austerity measures, referring to the Saudi austerity measures announced by the Saudi Finance Minister on Sunday.

Al-Houthi described the measures as not going to save the faltering Saudi economy due to the collapse of oil prices in the world market and the stoppage of revenues for the Umrah and Hajj seasons, due to the corona epidemic.

“Saudi measures taken to raise the tax increase, suspend some projects, reduce budgets and cancel the high allowance are only equal to less than 25% of their operating expenses per year on the aggression against Yemen,” Al-Houthi wrote in a post published on his Twitter page on Monday.

"It is more beneficial - instead of imposing austerity measures on the citizens - to stop the expenses of the war on Yemen, which will be capable of providing the deficit, instead of continuing and reaching paralysis."

Regarding the Saudi declared ceasefire, he confirmed its falsehood.

and also

(A P)

Houthis continue seizure of private assets in Sanaa

The Houthis have recently confiscated several private businesses in Sanaa claiming that seized firms belong to anti-Houthis figures.

The Houthis militants seized management of City Max, the Super clothes commercial center in Sana’a and changed the management staffers with their affiliated militants.

The Houthis often intimidate management staffers of commercial centers to force owners pay payoffs or confiscate the private assets.

A former accountant at City Max Center who requested anonymity said that the Houthis attacked the City Max Center 23 times during the past two years, according to the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat daily Newspaper.

He indicated that the Houthis bring new pretext every time they intimidate the center to obtain the payoff by force.

So far, the Houthis collected YR350 million ($58,000) from City Max Center.

(* A K P)

Yemen Shia extremists execute prisoners of war

Yemen's Shia extremists executed nine government soldiers in their captivity in Aljawf province north of the country.

Local sources said Houthi militants shot fire squad on nine soldiers arrested by members of the theocratic organization on Sunday days after their arrest in the desert warzone.

My remark: As claimed by an Islah Party news site.

(A P)

A new woman was killed by Houthis in central Yemen on Saturday evening, further fueling a tribal uprising against the Shia theocratic terrorists who had killed a fellow clanswoman on May 4.

(A P)

Houthis urge EU to act on political solution in Yemen

Houthi Supreme Political Council head welcomes UN's call to end war, says Saba News Agency

The head of the Houthis’ Supreme Political Council urged the EU on Saturday to take action on a political solution in Yemen, according to the Saba News Agency.

Mahdi al-Mashat, in a telegram sent to the President of European Commission Ursula von der Leyen marking Europe Day on May 9, said the Houthis welcomed the call of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths to end the war there, said the agency.

Al-Mashat said the Council expects the EU to play a positive role in halting coalition attacks led by Saudi Arabia and a comprehensive political solution.

(* A P)

Yemeni tribal sheikh demands retribution for woman murder

The tribal Sheikh Yasser al-Oadhi on Saturday demanded retribution for a Yemeni woman, who was killed at home in the central governorate of Baydha by Houthi gunmen.
Last week, Houthi gunmen killed Jihad al-Asbahi in one of Baydha districts, leading to a grave crisis between the tribes there and the Houthi group that said she was killed by mistake.
"Jihad's killers should be fairly punished," Oadhi, also a leader in the GPC party, added on Twitter, describing the issue as a matter of "retaliation and honor".
He hailed the tribes of Yafea, and Yemen in general, who expressed tribal preparedness in response to a call he released on 29 April.
The Houthi group last week carried out a massive security campaign in al-Taffa district of Baydha in pursuit of "Daesh militants", including Hussein al-Asbahi (Jihad's father in law) who fled a raid into his house leaving the woman killed.


(A K P)

War is looming in #Yemen's #Baydha as #Houthis continue mobilization. Today they sent 3 BMP tanks to al-Swadya district adjacent to Radman district, according to tribal sources. Yesterday they started setting up new checkpoints in the same district of al-Swadya.

(A P)

Tribal meeting staged in Bayda to confront aggression coalition escalation


My comment: What an “adventure” in Corona times!

(A P)

Abductee dies under torture in Houthi prison

A human rights source told Al-Asimah Online that abductee Abdullah Taher Al-Sharabi died under severe torture in the Houthi militias’ Al-Saleh prisons in the Taiz Governorate.

The source added that Al-Sharabi was subjected to brutal torture by the Houthi militias, which killed him during the holy month of Ramadan

(A P)

Houthis: Saudi Arabia, UAE promote ties with Israel through abusing Palestinians

Leader of Houthi Militias, Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, announced on Friday that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) promote ties with Israel through abusing the Palestinians, Today’s Opinion reported.

Al-Houthi cited the TV series, which are being aired during the holy months on the screens of the two Arab counties, despite encouraging normalisation with Israel.

In a speech broadcast on Thursday, Al-Houthi conveyed: “The oppression of the Zionist Jews is the worst around the world and this has its negative impact on the whole world and mainly the major powers.”

and also

(A H P)

Closure of three wells in the capital's municipality for violating the fixed prices

Today, the Office of Industry and Trade in the Municipality of the capital closed three water wells in Moein and Tahrir districts, in violation of the fixed prices. Director of the Industry Office in the Municipality, Sadiq Salah, stated that two water wells in Ma'in District and a well in Al-Tahrir Directorate were closed due to a violation of the sale of the unit price sold per cubic meter of wires, which is limited to 300 riyals. (photos)

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp6 – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-649 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-649: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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