Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 656 - Yemen War Mosaic 656

Yemen Press Reader 656: 4. Juni 2020: Huthis und Massenmedien – Sex und Ehe im Jemen – Coronavirus verbreitet sich im Jemen, falsche Zahlen, Katastrophe wird befürchtet – Geberkonferenz ...

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... Geberkonferenz für den Jemen erbringt nicht genug, viele UN-Hilfsprogramme vor dem Aus – und mehr

June 4, 2020: How Houthis use the mass media – Sex and marriage in Yemen (in German) – Coronavirus is spreading in Yemen, false figures, fear of a disaster – Yemen donor conference falls short, many UN humanitarian programs in Yemen will be stopped – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

Geberkonferenz / Donor conference: cp3

(** B P)

A Battle of Hearts and Minds: The Growing Media Footprint of Yemen’s Houthis

The little attention that is given to Houthi media in contemporary analysis tends to focus on military developments in Yemen’s war and, occasionally, political speeches delivered by Hussein’s successor and half-brother, Abdulmalek. But the group’s content production is rapidly expanding to include family entertainment and lifestyle shows, extravagant music videos, and autotuned recitations of popular poetry. With this range of products, the group targets specific audiences throughout Yemen and the region, as well as their foreign and domestic foes.

How the Houthis Changed Yemen’s Media

A crucial step in the 2014-15 Houthi takeover of Sana’a was the seizure of state-run media outlets and the silencing of political opponents and critics. The brutal suppression of independent journalism that emerged under the Houthis in 2015 continues today.

Many of the newspapers, TV channels, and radio stations that continue to operate under Houthi leadership are largely neglected by the group. Resources and creative energy instead are diverted to the Houthis’ flagship media network, Al-Masirah. Established in south Beirut in 2012, the network shares a close relationship with Hezbollah’s Al-Manar, and the two outlets are similar in terms of production quality and design.

The Houthis are fully aware of the crucial role that journalism plays in Yemen’s war. This is clear not only from their media output, but also from their own analysis of the topic. An op-ed published late last year by pro-Houthi journalist Zaid al-Ba’auh explains the importance of the media in times of conflict. He asserts that “one of the most important means of psychological warfare is media—whether audio, visual, or textual—because it invades people directly, especially those who have no awareness or discernment to protect themselves.”

The group regularly asserts that this form of psychological warfare is used against them by their regional and international rivals, and the Houthis are committed to instrumentalizing media as a counterweight to what they see as Saudi, American, and Israeli propaganda.

Houthi Military Propaganda and Poetry

The Houthis and their supporters have developed their own signature messaging campaigns designed to mobilize and attract followers. Popular themes include a condemnation of coalition airstrikes and praise for Houthi military successes. Footage and images that support these themes are widely shared and repurposed for a range of propaganda pieces, including Houthi-produced documentaries and fundraising campaigns.

Other Houthi productions are more creative and appeal to a broader audience. Possibly the most versatile and beloved form of Houthi propaganda is their poetry.

Houthis Use of Media to Govern

Zawamil and other forms of poetry are widely circulated in Yemen and beyond. The catchy rhythms and repetitive verses are effective for getting a message to stick in the listener’s mind.

Although Houthi media encompasses a range of topics, their messaging frequently targets the United States and promotes anti-Semitic tropes. These themes are sometimes most visible when Houthi-affiliated presenters are not discussing Yemen’s conflict, but when they are commenting on social issues.

The Houthis’ increasingly influential media apparatus presents challenges to independent journalists in Yemen, but it also gives us important insight into the group’s evolving identities and ideologies. We can expand our understanding of the group, and the conflict in Yemen more broadly, if we familiarize ourselves with all aspects of the movement and make a real effort to hear what the Houthis have to say – by Hannah Porter

(** B H)

Warum wir Sex und Ehe so sehr missverstehen

Im Jemen werden junge Frauen und Männer als Teenager in Ehen geworfen, ohne etwas über das andere Geschlecht zu wissen. So verfestigen sich die tradierten Rollenbilder.

Die Ehe im Jemen ist eine Institution, um Sex und Kinderkriegen nach dem islamischen Recht zu regeln. Aber die, die da verheiratet werden, sind erst Teenager. Sie kämpfen mit ihren Hormonen und ihren Gefühlen, sie wollen Intimität, Liebe, und natürlich wollen sie auch ihre sexuellen Bedürfnisse befriedigen. Dieses Paar weiß nicht, was Ehe bedeutet. Es kennt nur das, was ihre Eltern zu Hause vorgelebt haben, die Darstellungen in den TV-Serien, und das, was ihnen vor ihrer Hochzeitsnacht erzählt wird.

Es ist nicht der Sex selbst, über den sie nichts wissen. Sie wissen vor allem nichts über die und den anderen, über das andere Geschlecht. Die jungen Männer kennen nur die Frauen aus ihrem engsten Umfeld, aus der Familie, die Mütter und Schwestern. Sie kennen sie aus Beziehungen, die darauf beruhen, dass Frauen die Bedürfnisse der Männer zu befriedigen haben

Auch die Frauen wissen nichts über die Männer, sie kennen nur die Ehemänner und Brüder, in Beziehungen, die den Mann als Ernährer sehen, als Geldgeber, als denjenigen, der die Regeln aufstellt und der alles verdient, im doppelten Wortsinn.

Was weiß so ein Paar schon von Kindern? Davon, eine Familie aufzubauen, Beziehungsprobleme anzugehen, Sexualität zu leben, Befriedigung zu finden? Wie soll es mit Kindern klarkommen, wenn beide weder emotional noch geistig darauf vorbereitet sind?

Ich musste mir immer vorstellen, wie schrecklich es für eine Frau sein muss, ihren Ehemann bis zur Hochzeitsnacht nicht zu kennen und dann plötzlich Sex mit ihm zu haben.

Sex formt die Unterdrückung

Auf manche mag es lächerlich wirken, wie ich hier über Sex schreibe. Aber man möge mir glauben, dass ein großer Teil des Problems bei uns davon herrührt, dass wir Sex und Ehe so sehr missverstehen, und dass wir über Elternschaft, über Familienstrukturen nicht Bescheid wissen.

Ist es unter diesen Bedingungen überhaupt möglich, dort intime Gefühle mitzuteilen, oder muss sich die Beziehung im Bett nicht zwangsläufig in eine Pflicht verwandeln – die Pflicht der Frauen, den Mann zu befriedigen und Babys auszutragen?

Der Sex formt die Unterdrückung mit seinen Mitteln, denn auch und gerade im Bett verhält sich der Mann, als sei die Frau sein Eigentum, und das prägt sein Verständnis von Frauen generell.

Es braucht Erziehung, damit Männer und Frauen zivilisiert miteinander umgehen

Den Frauen im Jemen fehlt das Bewusstsein für ihre Rechte

Die Frauen im Jemen werden unterdrückt, sie erleben täglich Gewalt, Übergriffe, häusliche Gewalt, sexuelle Gewalt, auch verbalen und psychologischen Missbrauch, und leider fehlt ihnen ein Bewusstsein für ihren Wert, ihre Rolle, ihre Rechte, ihre Individualität. Das mangelnde Wissen über Sex ist nur ein Aspekt davon, aber ein wichtiger Aspekt, ja eine Voraussetzung für die Unterdrückung – von Altaf Merzah

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(** B H)

Fear and stigma keep sick Yemenis away from coronavirus treatment

The severe mismanagement of the epidemic has led Yemenis to avoid hospitals and testing, preferring to test their luck rather than suffer the stigma of having coronavirus. In Houthi-controlled areas, lack of transparency regarding enforced isolation has resulted in an low number of officially confirmed cases: four.

When a case is reported, rather than testing everyone who has been in contact with the patient, the Houthis have in some cases resorted to padlocking entire apartment buildings without any advanced notice, multiple sources told Almasdar Online.

In Sana’a, unfounded rumors of the Houthis giving lethal injections to patients infected with coronavirus have made their way around the Yemeni press and social media.

The same doctors in Sana’a who previously revealed to Almasdar Online in mid-May that the Houthis had concealed at least 100 confirmed coronavirus cases in the capital say the rumors are untrue.

While the rumors of lethal injections are false, the fear – which keeps Yemenis away from hospitals – is real. Despite the very serious ramifications of such a rumor, the Houthis have not specifically addressed it publicly.

In Sana’a’s Al-Hasabah area, at least 80 people died between May 15 and May 28 after suffering from coronavirus-like symptoms, according to multiple sources who spoke to Almasdar Online.

In the absence of official statistics due in part to the suppression of information by Houthi authorities, Almasdar Online relied on interviews with 10 neighborhood officials (Al-Akel) and community figures, cemetery workers, a number of imams from local mosques and a district official.

One local official in Al-Hasabah said that about 10 of those who died in recent weeks had tested positive for coronavirus, but the patients and their families refused to publicly acknowledge the diagnoses out of fear of stigmatization.

Al-Hasabah, which encompasses several neighborhoods, is one of eight areas in Al-Thawrah district, which is one of 10 districts in the city of Sana’a. Home to mostly middle to low-income families, Al-Hasabah has two small government health care units and one small private hospital as well as other private clinics.

While the ages of the deceased varied widely, as many as 10 of them were known to have suffered from chronic diseases. The rest were otherwise healthy before falling ill within about a week of their deaths.

All of the sources Almasdar Online spoke to suggested that the nearly 80 people who died suffered from COVID-19 symptoms. However, the causes of death could not be determined..

Many of the deceased were buried without obtaining official permits, according to an official in Al-Thawrah district. It has become common during the war in Sana’a for family members to bury relatives without permits, as authorities in the Houthi-run government lack the capacity to enforce burial regulations.

A grave digger in one of Al-Hasabah’s neighborhoods says the cemetery is full, and there's no room to add any more bodies. “We might have a cemetary crisis soon – war and corona have filled them."

An official at a local government-run health unit in Al-Hasabah said he could not confirm that the spike in deaths were caused by COVID-19, but added that “it is very obvious what’s happening.”

Despite mounting evidence of the virus's rapid spread, the Houthis appear to be more concerned with maintaining the economy in the areas it controls. Rather than ordering shopping malls to close, as the authorities in the south have done, the Houthis periodically close the malls and markets for a few hours to sterilize them. Shopkeepers told Almasdar Online that the Houthis solicit payments to allow the shops to remain open.

In Aden, lack of coronavirus-trained medical staff and personal protection equipment (PPE) such as gloves, masks and gowns have led some doctors to stop showing up for shifts, and at least three hospitals in Aden to shutter. Multiple sources have told Almasdar Online that their loved ones died at home after being turned away at one or more hospitals in Aden not equipped to deal with coronavirus cases. Hundreds of people have died in the past month in Aden with COVID-19 like symptoms.

(* A H P)

Die Houthi halten nichts von Corona-Statistiken

Im Jemen breitet sich nicht nur das Coronavirus mit zunehmender Geschwindigkeit aus. Auch die Angst greift immer stärker um sich. Die Zahl der Beerdigungen hat drastisch zugenommen, ebenso die Berichte über Verdachtsfälle und Krankenhäuser, die diese nicht behandeln, weil es an Schutzkleidung für die wenigen Ärzte fehle. „Die Leute wissen, dass sie auf sich allein gestellt sind“, sagt ein Einwohner der jemenitischen Hauptstadt am Telefon

Die Aussichten sind düster. Die Vereinten Nationen gehen von einer „ausgewachsenen Verbreitung“ aus. Sie schätzen, dass sich bis zu 16 Millionen Jemeniten mit dem Coronavirus infizieren könnten. Die Bevölkerung ist von Krieg, Hunger und Seuchen ausgezehrt, das Gesundheitssystem ist zusammengebrochen.

(A H)

Versorgungsarzt Dr. Markus Hüttl übernimmt neue Aufgabe im Jemen

Dr. Markus Hüttl ist bereits seit einigen Tagen im Jemen um dort ein internationales Team für die Vereinten Nationen und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation zu leiten. Ein Team, das Covid Kliniken baut und das dortige Gesundheitssystem auf die Pandemie vorbereitet.

(* B H)

Film: Doctors fear silent Covid disaster in Yemen

Tonight we report from the port city of Aden, an enclave run by a separatist group called the Southern Transitional Council. The UN says 17 per cent of those infected there are dying, and doctors warn a silent disaster is unfolding in the community.

(A H)

Twenty new confirmed #COVID19 cases, including 6 deaths, reported Wednesday by @YSNECCOVID19. It said total positive cases in 9 provinces rise to 419 incl. 95 deaths and 17 recoveries.

My remark: Southern Yemen only.

(* A H)

UN: COVID-19 death rate up 20% in Yemen

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen on Monday warned that the death rate from the novel coronavirus in the war-torn country has increased 20.77 per cent.

(* B H)

Yemen: Coronavirus Outbreak Fanned by Soaring PPE and Oxygen Prices

The price of disposable facemasks has increased thirtyfold: Save the Children

The cost of life saving items such as personal protective equipment, disposable masks, and oxygen cylinders is skyrocketing in Yemen, leaving millions of people exposed to the Coronavirus with little means to protect themselves or get treated against the rapid spread of the deadly virus in the country.

According to Save the Children teams on the ground, the price of disposable facemasks has increased from around $.02 (10 YR) per unit to $.50 (330 YR) - a thirtyfold increase across the country. A professional N95 mask currently costs as much as $8 (5,000 YR).

This makes the procurement of these life-saving items a challenge not only for individuals but also for aid organizations. In a country where salaries of health workers vary from $83 to $250 monthly, and the average income is around $120 per month, a disposable facemask is becoming a luxury item.

Many health facilities have reported staff not showing up to work due to lack of PPE, and some hospitals even closed down because of staffing shortages. This new financial challenge could push more health workers to stop working, and health facilities to turn patients away.

"There was panic in public hospitals that weren't ready to receive this [high] number of suspected COVID-19 cases, as well as dealing with different diseases, while not having proper PPE for health workers," said Dr. Masar Khalid, Save the Children's Health and Nutrition Officer in Aden.

"I used to have a good income as a civil servant but I haven't been paid for three years now. So, I had to work as day laborer in the local market to provide for my family," said Yahia (43), who lives in Sanaa with his wife and four children.

"They ask us to stay home and avoid people but this is not possible for me. I still have to go every day to the busy market. I have one mask that I bought a few weeks ago and I wear it every day while my kids don't wear [masks]. We have one [bar of] soap at home and we try to use it as wisely and necessary as possible; we cannot afford more expenses. For water, my children go twice a day to queue and fetch water from the only tank in our neighborhood."

The price of empty oxygen cylinders in Aden has also increased---from $50 pre-outbreak to $160 this week. Many community clinics and health facilities are unable to afford new cylinders. Nationwide, there are less than 12,000 cylinders available for a population of nearly 30 million. The cylinders in use need to be filled regularly, with the refilling cost having doubled from $1.60 (1,000 YR) to $2.40-3.30 (1,500 to 2,000 YR).

"Masks were already in short supply in most parts of Yemen, despite massive efforts from the United Nations agencies to cover the gaps as soon as possible," said Xavier Joubert, Save the Children country director. "With prices shooting up, it becomes impossible for many Yemenis to buy them: civilians can't afford them and aid organizations have a hard time procuring them. If the simplest, most basic prevention tool that is so urgently needed in crowded markets and urban areas and that can save lives is not available, there's no telling to how fast and far the virus can spread."

(* B H)

Exclusive interview: WHO director says COVID-19 could infect half of Yemen population

Concerns that coronavirus could infect 16 million Yemenis "are more than just assumptions,” WHO official Ahmed Al-Mandhari said. “These estimates are based on facts that we are witnessing in Yemen."

"The situation in Yemen is uncertain and worrying that the new coronavirus disease could spread to catastrophic proportions, and it is estimated that half of the population will be infected if urgent and decisive action is not taken," Al-Mandhari said in an exclusive interview with Almasdar Online.

He said priority has been given to Yemen and countries affected by conflict. The WHO has worked with health authorities in Yemen to mitigate the spread of coronavirus, including equipping quarantine and isolation centers with equipment and necessary supplies, as well as personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing kits, increasing epidemiological surveillance teams and training health workers to respond effectively to the pandemic.

The situation in Yemen’s interim capital Aden and other governorates is "very dangerous," he said, adding that concerns that the virus could affect 16 million Yemenis "are more than just assumptions. These estimates are based on facts that we are witnessing in Yemeni."

"The financial crisis is the biggest challenge," he said, commenting on the humanitarian donors' conference held in Riyadh on Tuesday. “It is the biggest obstacle to responding to the crisis in Yemen."

Regarding statements by the Houthi-run Ministry of Health in Sana'a about defective testing kits provided by WHO, Al-Mandhari said that all of the medical materials, supplies and equipment sent by the organization to various countries, including Yemen, are "high quality and subject to safety and effectiveness tests."

He called the Houthi statements “rumors” and “misinformation that are useless except to spread fear and frustration among the people to undermine confidence in international organizations."

(* B H P)

Houthis deliberately suppressing COVID-19 figures

A series of statements from the Iran-backed Houthi rebels last week revealed that the lack of reported coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the areas of Yemen under their control is a deliberate policy they have been implementing since the beginning of the crisis, allegedly to reassure citizens and prevent panic. The Houthis’ secrecy reflects a typical mindset of their leadership, which has thrived by obfuscating the truth to maintain an image of power and control.

The official statistics concerning COVID-19 in Yemen fail to reflect the magnitude of the crisis that is taking hold of the country. In Houthi-controlled areas, the numbers have been suppressed by directives straight from the leadership, as revealed in a Houthi press conference last week. But the secrecy behind the number of cases in Houthi areas is leading to exactly the type of outcome that the militia wanted to avoid — it is spreading panic and hysteria among residents, who have no clear sense of the crisis that is surrounding them. The lack of transparency has led many to assume the worst, including that the Houthis are euthanizing COVID-19 patients as a measure to control the disease.

But, after being faced with national and international criticism for their lack of transparency, the Houthis drafted statements justifying their approach and admitting that their suppression of an accurate count is a deliberate policy. Central to the Houthis’ argument is that disclosing the numbers somehow leads to an increase in the infection rate, because the news affects the “morale” of the population, which is completely absurd.

There are a plethora of reasons why the Houthis would suppress this information, chief among them being their desire to maintain an image of absolute control and order. There is also a possibility that the Houthis’ undisclosed numbers far exceed the numbers reported in areas outside of their control, which could affect their image and rile those opposed to them.

The Houthis have come up with creative ways to justify their suppression of the numbers, describing the official death toll for countries that disclosed the number of infected people as “media terrorism,” because they believe that it spreads fear in the hearts of the people.

Also worrying is the Houthi leadership’s focus on pseudoscience and anecdotal stories that they communicate with the citizens under their control – by Fatima Alasrar

(* A H P)

UN: Yemen programs fighting virus might stop by end of June

The United Nations warned Wednesday its programs to fight the coronavirus and stave off starvation for hundreds of thousands of children in war-torn Yemen will be severely cut or stopped altogether by the end of the month unless donor countries provide an immediate injection of cash.

The U.N. sounded the alarm a day after its appeal for countries to fund emergency aid in the Arab world’s poorest nation fell a billion dollars short of what aid agencies needed — $2.41 billion — to cover essential programs from June to December.

Zoe Paxton, spokesperson for the U.N. humanitarian office, said if aid isn’t paid immediately, response teams working to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Yemen “will likely close by the end of this month,” severely handicapping efforts to contain the coronavirus, which is spreading at an alarming rate throughout the country.

(A H P)

[Hadi] Gov’t official: Coronavirus threatens thousands of detainees

Undersecretary of the Health Ministry, Abdulraqeeb Al-Haideri, cautioned on Tuesday against dangers of the coronavirus on thousands of detainees in Houthis-run prisons.

Al-Haideri said that the virus has already spread among inmates of the Central Prison in Sana’a.

It is alarming as the general immunity levels of the detainees reduced dramatically as a result of catching several diseases for being confined for long-time in crowded detention facilities, Al-Haideri wrote on his Facebook page.

My comment: There is no difference to Hadi government’s detainees.

(* A H P)

Yemeni embassy in Riyadh resolves situation stranded in Sharorah crossing, excluding expatriates

The Yemeni embassy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that it reached an urgent and exceptional treatment for the situation of the Yemenis at the "Sharorah" crossing in Al-Wadeah, who are waiting for the ban to be lifted so that they can return to Yemen.

The Yemeni ambassador in Riyadh, Shaiea Al-Zindani, said in a statement published by the embassy website on Tuesday evening that exceptional treatment has been reached with the competent authorities in the Kingdom, who are trapped in the "Sharurah" port, and that they number approximately 950 people, provided that they conduct the necessary medical examinations.

The Yemeni ambassador in Riyadh pointed out that "treatment includes only Yemenis trapped in the outlet, not expatriates."

Al-Zindani confirmed that "the PCR-Tests will be free of charge, and coordination has been made with Sharurah General Hospital and it has been agreed that the process will be carried out regularly so that the Yemenis who are there can benefit from it.

According to the Yemeni embassy statement, those trapped in its evils will be informed of the mechanism that will be followed to conduct the tests at a rate of 150-200 people per day, starting from Tuesday evening.

(A H)

[Hadi gov.] PM says Houthis rejected Govt offer to cooperate together against coronavirus

Yemen’s Prime Minister said Houthi rebels have rejected repeated offers by the government to cooperate together against coronavirus, a health crisis hitting across the battle frontlines in the country.

(* B H)

Latest @UNOCHA snapshot shows #Yemen still woefully unprepared for #COVID19 Now: 675 ICU beds, 309 ventilators, 6 test labs Mid-May: 520 ICU beds, 157 ventilators, 5 test labs This is for 30 million people... (infographic)

(* A H)

45 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 399 in total

My remark: Southern Yemen only.

(* B H)

Coronavirus spreads in Ibb

Doctors and other medical professionals are sounding the alarm in the Houthi-controlled Ibb governorate, saying a large outbreak of coronavirus in the governorate is obvious. The Houthis have only confirmed four cases in all the territories they control, despite the large number of deaths of its leaders in Ibb.

The rise in infections has been particularly steep since the Eid Al-Fitr holiday, medical professionals said, with customary movement of families from the cities to the countryside to celebrate with kin likely leading to the spread of the virus.

While some patients have made their way to hospitals, many prefer to take medical consultations remotely by phone or online. Most complain of fever, coughs and shortness of breath.

Community leaders named more than 45 coronavirus cases in the last 10 days of May in Ibb, as well as an unspecified number of deaths in people’s homes. People around the governorate have taken to social media to mourn the loss of their loved ones.

The mortuary of the Al-Birr mosque receives several bodies of the deceased on a daily basis in order to wash and bury them. Thanks to generous benefactors, the poor can bring their dead here, free of charge.

The imam of Al-Birr Mosque, Mohammed Hashim, confirmed to Almasdar Online that in three days the mosque received more than 50 dead.

The mortuary of Al-Bir is one of several mortuaries in Ibb governorate.

"The epidemic has spread in Ibb and has spread dramatically," Hashem said, calling on residents to stay at home and practice social distancing.

As the toll continues to rise, the price of graves has increased in Ibb.

(* B H)

Yemen | COVID vulnerability assessment and ECHO interventions in IDP hosting sites - DG ECHO Daily Map | 02/06/2020

(* B H)

Responding to coronavirus in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis

With five years of conflict having decimated the country’s health system and left millions acutely food-insecure, Yemen is now facing a new threat: the Covid19 pandemic that is threatening to push millions of vulnerable people across the world into severe hunger. In Yemen, the World Food Programme (WFP) urgently needs US$878 million to continue providing life-saving assistance — our best line of defence against coronavirus.

Over two-thirds of the country’s population of more than 30 million are food-insecure — 10 million suffer chronic hunger. WFP provides food assistance to more than 12 million people, while over a million children and mothers receive nutrition supplements to treat and prevent malnutrition.

While officially recorded cases are relatively low in Yemen, the United Nations has warned that coronavirus is likely to be spreading undetected. Over the past few weeks, media, medical professionals, affected families, aid workers and other eyewitnesses have sounded the alarm that the country could see a surge in infections.

Already vulnerable families are more than aware that the desperate situation they find themselves in could spiral of control. People face grim choices. “Stay at home and we will die from hunger,” says Habiba, in Sana’a, as she comes to collect her WFP food voucher. “And if we go out we will die from the disease.”

Women and children are, as ever, bearing the brunt of this latest crisis: 2 million children and 1 million women are currently acutely malnourished in Yemen, figures WFP expects to rise as coronavirus infections soar.

Ashjan, a health worker at a nutrition clinic supported by WFP in the southern city of Aden, worries about the impact coronavirus will have on the women and children that she looks after every day.

Resilience-building projects supporting people’s livelihoods are constantly interrupted — by war, climate shocks and COVID-19 restrictions.

“This has been a nightmare for my entire family,” says Azab, a participant in a WFP-backed resilience project in Abyan that has now ended. “My family totally relies on my income and nothing else. Since I have no alternative income, I have been working on a farm carrying crops to the market. I get US$5 per day. But still, this work is not stable — I am working today but tomorrow… no one knows.”

Like Azab, Lutfi has worked in construction as part of a resilience-building project in Aden. But since the project ended, he too is now struggling to earn enough each day to feed his family. Lutfi has received the training and kit he needs to be able to catch fish. It’s hard, he says. He doesn’t catch enough to sell at the market. “I’ve got to stay in the sea for the whole day and that’s quite difficult fasting [during Ramadan] and in the heat”.

What he does catch, however, helps his family pull through.

So far, despite multiple challenges, WFP has managed to get food to the families who rely on our assistance for survival.

Together with partners, WFP has introduced measures at ports, warehouses, distribution points to make sure assistance can be delivered in a safe way, protecting our staff and the families we support.

(B H)

Film: Power cuts, COVID-19 ravage Yemen

(A H P)

Yemen's Houthis announce mobilization to fight COVID-19

Yemen’s Houthi rebel group announced a comprehensive mobilization Tuesday to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus in regions under its control.

According to the Houthi movement’s Al Massira TV, Taha Al-Mutawakkil, health minister of the Houthi-run administration in Sana’a, said they would make every effort to protect healthcare staff and called for support for the protection for healthcare personnel.

My comment: Too little, too late.


(A H P)

Houthis announce comprehensive medical mobilization, alert health personnel to confront Corona epidemic

The Minister of Public Health in the Ansar Allah (Houthis) Salvation Government, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, announced Tuesday, the comprehensive medical mobilization in the health sector and the mobilization of health personnel in various specialties to confront the novel epidemic of Corona (Covid-19).

Al-Mutawakkil said in an expanded meeting with the medical leaders in the Yemeni capital, Sana`a, that they are "in a fierce confrontation with a virus that is not seen, and we need all those working in the health sector."

As Al-Mutawakkil emphasized that his ministry will provide full protection for the cadres with all available capabilities, he called on businessmen and organizations to provide personal protection for medical cadres.

Al-Mutawakkil mentioned that the need for medicines related to the emerging coronavirus and materials, noting that "raw materials are available, and there is only production and focus on medicines that are monopolized and covered by the market."

In addition, the head of the High Commission for Medicines of the Houthi Society in Sana`a said, "The authority has identified 19 classes of drugs that combat the Coronavirus, in order to be produced locally with high quality and appropriate prices."

and also

My comment: LOL. This man tells tall stories on COVID-19: “The authority has identified 19 classes of drugs that combat the Coronavirus”.

(* B H)

Facebook Takes Grim Role in World's Most Fragile Nation

Even during the harrowing last five years of conflict, Yemenis flooded Facebook through the holy month of Ramadan with greetings and photographs of fasts being broken. This year, though, their posts were often messages of condolence.

“It has turned from a Facebook to a Deathbook in Yemen,” Sami Ghaleb, political analyst and founder of al-Nida newspaper, said of the outpouring on social media. “The sorrows of Yemenis are a sea without shores.”

While figures released by officials put fatalities at a few hundred since Yemen’s first virus case was reported mid-April, online comments as well as accounts from medics and those preparing graves suggest the actual number is far higher, and rising rapidly. In a worse-case scenario, the World Health Organization sees at least 65,000 deaths, and about half a million hospitalizations.

An outbreak on that scale would add to the unraveling of a country located on a maritime passage through which nearly four million barrels of oil are shipped daily to Europe, the U.S. and Asia, and enhance the chaos that al-Qaeda and Islamic State have been exploiting to reestablish a presence.

Besides, “if we do not combat the virus everywhere, there’s a high likelihood that it will continue to circle the planet,” said Jens Laerke, spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Richer nations must make an investment in humanity, he said.

As they battle in a nearby province, the coronavirus is spreading in Aden. Mosques remain open, while markets and shops are crowded despite orders to close, highlighting the difficulties in enforcing a lockdown when most people depend on a daily income, and electricity supply is limited to about four hours a day.

“How can we observe social distancing and home isolation when we can’t keep food and vegetables fresh in the fridge?” Abeer Karim, a resident, said by phone. Ginger, lemons and oranges are scarce as people try home remedies to ward off infection, she said. Food prices are rising.

Fearful of being stigmatized, relatives of virus victims are reluctant to share their stories, with most blaming “fever” or other diseases that have taken hold in the city, like dengue or chikungunya. But the evidence is mounting of a growing Covid-19 toll.

Authorities in Aden are issuing far more death certificates each day than before the outbreak. The price of a grave cloth has gone up by almost 50%, costing more than 15,000 rials ($60), residents say. While in Sana’a the price of a grave has risen to 70,000 rials from 30,000 – by Mohammed Hatem and Caroline Alexander

(* A H)

Coronavirus Update in Yemen: 354 Cases, 84 Deaths, Only 14 Recovered

31 new coronavirus cases were recorded on Monday with four deaths in war-ravaged Yemen, adding up to 354 cases in total — including 84 deaths and only 14 recovered cases — Aden-based Supreme National Emergency Committee for COVID-19 reported.

“A number of 31 COVID-19 cases were recorded as follows: 14 cases in Taiz, with two deaths; 8 cases in Hadhramaut; 4 cases in Al Dalea, with one death; 3 cases in Aden; and 2 cases in Lahj, with one death,” the committee said on Twitter.

The number of deaths against recovered cases, according to the UN, suggest that Yemen has the highest mortality rate of coronavirus in the world.

(A H)

31 new cases of COVID-19 reported in 5 provinces [Southern Yemen only]

(* A H)

So far, 26 doctors have died from coronavirus in #Yemen, including great ones.


(* A H)

This photo from #Taiz governorate. #Coronavirus is spreading so fast in #Yemen in a collapsed health system.

(* B H)

Yemen: Aden's collapsed health system grapples with COVID-19

Durand, the MSF project coordinator who managed setup of the treatment center. “They arrive already in a serious condition, and it is too late. People are struggling to understand how they die so quickly.”

High death rates and dwindling supplies

From April 30 to May 24 the center admitted 228 patients, 99 of whom died. “We only see serious cases,” says Durand. “For us, the health care workers, it makes us feel helpless. We can’t do much but give them oxygen. There are days we have had 13 deaths in the same day.”

The death rate at the center is comparable to that of intensive care units in Europe and the United States. But in Aden, where five years of grinding conflict have caused the health system to collapse and frequent power cuts plunge the city into darkness, there is no network of well-financed medical facilities and services to support it. Occupying a hastily refurbished wing of an old cancer hospital on the edge of the city, the center is the only facility in the region dedicated to treating COVID-19, and supplies are running out.

“We are re-using personal protective equipment (PPE) because we don’t have enough,” said Dr. Khairil Musa, an MSF ICU specialist in Aden. “There is incredibly limited access to testing. We don’t have enough ventilators, we need more oxygen concentrators and a reliable supply chain. Regulators, tubing, masks—all these things we don’t have enough of. It’s an enormous challenge.”

The center’s courtyard is packed with dense ranks of oxygen cylinders. Severe patients need a huge amount of oxygen per minute, posing a massive supply challenge. The team goes through 250 cylinders a day struggling to keep patients breathing.

“The oxygen requirements are scary,” says Durand. “There is no centralized oxygen, no liquid oxygen—and [we are] in Aden, which has a certain level in terms of the availability of resources, in terms of material and personnel. I’ll let you imagine the other places in Yemen.”

“We do rounds to check the patients’ oxygen levels,” explains Musa. “Sometimes patients look fine, then you go round again a moment later and they’re dead. Others are gasping, gasping, and they are the ones that die quickly. They just get tired and stop breathing.”

A spike in burials

Such high mortality rates means that the city is also struggling to keep up with burials. =

(A H)

61 deaths reported in one day in interim capital, Aden

Medical sources said that 61 deaths were recorded today, Monday, in the temporary capital of Aden, with a high death rate since the outbreaks of fever and epidemics that struck the city, including the Coronavirus.

The Al-Jazeera TV quoted a medical source as saying, "The deteriorating health situation, in addition to the continuous power cuts, led to an increase in the number of epidemics and diseases, including dengue fever, celery and the emerging corona virus."

(A H)

Jemen: UNICEF befördert dringend benötigte medizinische Versorgung während COVID-19-Fälle zunehmen

Ein vom UN-Kinderhilfswerk (UNICEF) gechartertes Flugzeug landete am Samstag mit lebensrettenden Hilfsgütern auf dem Flughafen von Sanaa, um die Ausbreitung von COVID-19 im vom Konflikt heimgesuchten Jemen einzudämmen.

Die Lieferungen umfassen Persönliche Schutzausrüstung wie Schürzen, Stiefel, Gesichtsmasken und Handschuhe für Gesundheitspersonal an vorderster Front.

Die PSA-Artikel werden mindestens 1.600 Gesundheitshelfern in primären Gesundheitszentren, Krankenhäusern und Isolationseinheiten im gesamten Jemen dabei helfen, drei Monate lang sichere medizinische Grundversorgung und Ernährungsdienste bereitzustellen.

Weitere Lieferungen, einschließlich COVID-19-Testkits, sind in Vorbereitung und sollen in den kommenden Wochen ankommen.

Diese lebensrettenden Hilfsgüter wurden dank der großzügigen Unterstützung der australischen Regierung und der International Development Association-World Bank bereitgestellt.

(* A H P)

China rejects Hadi’s call for aid against Covid-19

Chinese ambassador explains why, but experts believe refusal caused by lack of trust in Hadi puppet government

China has rejected a request from Sultan al-Barkani, speaker of parliament in the Saudi-backed Hadi puppet government, to provide medical assistance to counter the Covid-19 virus.

Yemeni News Portal reported on Saturday that the Chinese ambassador to Yemen, Kang Yong, responded to his country’s rejection of the request for al- al-Barkani’s request.

The website explained that the Chinese ambassador informed the Hadi government that “the volume of Chinese assistance to cope with the virus Covid-19 is determined according to official data issued by governments. The number of infections in Yemen, according to the National Committee for the Response to Corona has not exceeded 300 infections, and this number is not large compared to other countries.”

The website confirmed that the Chinese ambassador replied saying that “there are more than 150 countries requesting assistance from China since the beginning of the outbreak, at a time when China itself is still suffering from the epidemic.”

Activists have commented that the Chinese ambassador’s response is diplomatic, but reveals the international community’s distrust of the Hadi puppet government.

(* B H)

Coronavirus in Yemen: A country on the brink

Yemen has suffered through years of civil war, poverty and cholera — and now COVID-19 is also rampant. Aid organizations say the country is on the brink of collapse.

"As a nurse, I want to help and treat patients," said Irene Versoza, a nurse at the University of Science and Technology Hospital in Sanaa, in a recent report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. "Even if I want to treat, how can I do that without personal protective equipment? My focus would shift from the patient to worrying about if I will get infected."

Mansoor reports that many Yemenis don't dare go to hospitals, for fear of becoming infected themselves. She said people in Yemen have experienced many terrible things, but said coronavirus could be the final blow.

"What we are seeing in our treatment center is just the tip of the iceberg, in terms of the number of people infected and dying in the city," said Caroline Seguin, who heads MSF projects in Yemen, in a statement in mid-May. "People are coming to us too late to save, and we know that many more people are not coming at all: they are just dying at home. It is a heartbreaking situation."

Government statistics on funerals also make it clear that many people must be dying at home: Eighty people died in Aden per day in mid-May, compared with just 10 a day before the coronavirus outbreak. Doctors Without Borders has also reported a high number of infections among carers and helpers.

Without a way to test the population for the disease, the true number of people infected or killed will remain unclear. Medical resources are also scant: There are just 500 ventilators and 700 intensive care beds available in a country with a population of 29 million. In many districts, there isn't even a doctor.

16 million could be infected with COVID-19

The cholera epidemic has so far infected 2.3 million Yemenis, with some 4,000 people dying of the disease. The UN fears that at least 40,000 will die of COVID-19, while more than half the population could be infected by the virus.

The UN's refugee agency, UNHCR, believes many Yemenis could also develop severe COVID-19 symptoms due to malnourishment, according to UNHCR's Jean-Nicolas Beuze. "It's a tragic situation, one that is being ignored by the rest of the world," he told Indian broadcaster Wion in a recent interview.

The fact that the world has turned its attention away from Yemen has had disastrous consequences. Several local aid organizations have been forced to close their doors over a lack of international financial assistance, and even the UNHCR has less money at its disposal — not even 30% of the aid money it needs for Yemen, according to Beuze. This is particularly devastating for the more than 3.6 million people internally displaced by the war, who can no longer be adequately supported – by Diana Hodali

Die deutsche Version war schon früher verlinkt. Hier:

(* B H)

Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot - As of 30 May 2020

Between 10 April, when the first case was confirmed, and 30 May, the authorities in Yemen announced 314 COVID-19 cases, including 78 deaths; the case fatality rate (CFR) is extremely high at 20.77 per cent. Evidence indicates that fear of stigma means people who are symptomatic have not sought hospital treatment, a shortage of laboratory supplies and rapid response staff means cases go untested, and that hundreds more people are dying with COVID-like symptoms. Humanitarian agencies in Yemen continue to do all they can to scale up the response and save lives, prioritising suppression of virus transmission through community engagement and public information campaigns; procuring and distributing medical supplies and equipment; and saving lives by supporting COVID-19 clinical readiness and response capacities. More than 14,000 trained volunteers continue to raise awareness about COVID-19 on the ground and together with mass media messaging, information has reached an estimated 16 million people. The UN has procured nearly 9,555 metric tons of medical equipment, testing kits and medicine from a highly competitive global market and is working to secure more.

(* B H P)

As Yemen Faces a New Crisis with COVID-19 the World Stands Idly By

Though official statistics show 255 cases of the virus in Yemen as of 28 May, the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated in April that there is a “very real probability” that COVID-19 is circulating undetected within communities. Activists in Yemen have told Byline Times that tens of thousands may have the virus, while WHO modelling suggests that half the population could become infected and around 40,000 people could die.

“Coronavirus has spread rapidly as a result of extreme poverty and limited medicines. Tests are up to $100 and very expensive for ordinary Yemenis,” Zainab, a doctor in Aden, told Byline Times. “This is a result of the war, salary cuts and deterioration of the economy. There is also no coordination between the authorities. Now entire families are dying. Many of our best doctors are dying, due to lack of equipment, and it is hard to know medical workers have the virus too. Hospitals and treatment centres are becoming overwhelmed. Deaths have not been counted in homes either” – suggesting that even these unofficial deaths are the tip of the iceberg.

Claire HaDuong, Doctors Without Borders’ head of mission in Yemen, told Byline Times that “for many Yemenis, it is simply not an option to stay at home – they have to work each day to bring in the money necessary for them and their families to survive”.

“This high mortality rate in Aden is equivalent to those we see in the intensive care units in hospitals in the US and Europe,” she added.

The Houthis, another accomplice in Yemenis’ humanitarian suffering, are accused of covering up the full scale of the crisis. Such knowledge would restrict their recruitment and mobilisation capabilities in the war.

“If we do not get the money coming in, the programmes that are keeping people alive and are very much essential to fight back against COVID-19, will have to close,” warned Jens Larke, spokesperson for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. “And then, the world will have to witness what happens in a country without a functioning health system battling COVID-19, and I do not think that one will see that.”

“We appeal to international organisations and countries to save Yemen and provide medical devices and equipment, resuscitation equipment, laboratory devices, humanitarian relief, preventive and medicinal means,” said Dr. Zainab.

(A H P)

Houthi health minister mocked for saying coronavirus ‘vaccine will come from Yemen’

The Houthi militia’s health minister is being mocked for saying that the militants have been researching for a vaccine to cure the COVID-19 coronavirus amid accusations the Iran-backed militants are underreporting cases of infections and deaths in the country.

Al-Motawakel was criticized for boasted about his group's discreet policy regarding the spread of the coronavirus outbreak in Yemen, saying the militants were dealing with patients “out of care for their human rights and not as stock market figures that the media are racing to address.”

(A H)

Yemen's gov't reports 13 new COVID-19 cases, 323 in total

(A H)

Following deaths of professors in Sana’a, faculty suspect COVID-19 outbreak in university residence

The death of Sana’a University professor Mahmoud Daoud on Friday in Sana’a, which follows the death a week prior of Sana’a University president Dr. Ahmed Al-Daghar, both of whom tested positive for COVID-19, has drawn concerns of an outbreak of the deadly disease at the faculty residence of the university.

(* B H)

Health care workers, a fragile health system and the looming spectre of COVID-19 in Yemen

“I can only spend half an hour with my 7 children each day before I leave to work in the morning, since my workday doesn’t end until 3:00 a.m.,” says Dr Ali Abdulla, laboratory specialist and health director at the National Center of Public Health Laboratories in Sana’a. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Yemen, Dr Ali has been working non-stop in the laboratory despite the fact that he has not been paid in months.

“We hope that health workers in laboratories across the country who support the testing of COVID-19 are not forgotten. Our families need our support, just like the health system in Yemen needs us to support it,” he adds.

Reduced operational capacity of 50% of health facilities that are still functional affect the productivity of health workers and overwhelms them. Not to mention the limited number of skilled health workforce that is vulnerable; there are no doctors in 18% of districts across the country and most health personnel have not received salaries for more than 2 years making the system unable to fill the deficit in human resources for health. In addition to the brain drain which has led to loss of many of the most skilled health professionals who have been forced to flee the country for reasons of security and safety.

“As yet another public health risk threatens to ravage the country, now more than ever, countries like Yemen need a protected WHO. I call on all parties, all partners, and authorities to safeguard the vital work of WHO and the United Nations system in Yemen. Only with unity, solidarity, and collective action can the lives of millions of innocent Yemenis be spared from this potential catastrophe,” says Altaf Musani, Representative of WHO in Yemen.

(B H)

Do Gov't and Houthis have a map of spread of Covid-19 in #Yemen? Now reports say 50 deaths from coronavirus-like symptoms have been reported in #Haifan district in southeast Taiz province in past two weeks. And I think all know many deaths across the country not reported

(* A H P)

Yemens Sana'a graves close their doors, refusing to receive more dead

The Ansar Allah group (Houthis) Saturday announced the closure of Khuzaimah Cemetery, the largest cemetery of Sanaa, after it had been filled to the point that it was impossible to receive any new bodies.

Activists on social media circulated a picture issued by the Awqaf Office in the Capital Secretariat, Sana'a, confirming that the Khuzaimah cemetery was full, and that there was no space to bury the new dead in it.

The Endowment Office called on the families of the deceased to go to other cemeteries to bury their dead, identifying the tombs of Atan and Al-Ahmar as alternatives to the Khuziamah cemetery.

On Thursday, the Houthi Ministry of Health admitted to the emergence of confirmed cases of coronavirus in Sanaa and their areas of control.

(A H P)

[Aden] Yemeni parliamentarian dies of Coronavirus

and also


(A H P)

Leading Yemen MP dies of coronavirus in Sudan

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Kampf um Hodeidah / Most important: Hodeidah battle

(A K pH)

Verstöße der Aggressionskräfte gehen in Hodeidah weiter

(A K pH)

Saudi-led Coalition Keeps Pounding Yemen

(A K pH)

105 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah in den letzten 24 Stunden

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 105 violations in Hodeidah in 24 hours

and also

(A K pS)

Child killed by Houthi bomb in Hodeidah

A child was killed and his sister was badly injured on Tuesday, by a blast of a Houthi explosive remnant of war in the south of Hays in Hodeidah governorate.


(A K pH)

92 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah innerhalb von 24 Stunden

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 92 violations in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pS)

Joint forces repel Houthi crawl south of Yemen's Hodeidah

(A K pH)

Die Aggressionskoalition begeht im Mai in Hodeidah 1.916 Verstöße

(A K pH)

Aggression coalition commits 1,916 violations in Hodeidah in May

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 74 violations in Hodeidah in 24 hours

(A K pH)

22 Zivilisten wurden infolge von Verstößen derAggression in Hodeidah gemartert,verletzt

Die Aggressionskräften eskalierten ihre Verstöße gegen das Waffenstillstandsabkommen in der Hodeidah Provinz, was zum Martyrdom und zur Verletzung von 22 Bürgern führte.

(A K pH)

22 civilians killed, injured in aggression violations in Hodeidah

The aggression forces escalated violations of the ceasefire agreement in Hodeidah province resulted in the death and injury of 22 civilians

(A K pH)

72 Verstöße der Aggressionstruppen in Hodeidah in den letzten 24 Stunden

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 72 violations in Hodeidah in 24 hours

and also

(* A K pH)

4 Zivilisten gemartert, 14 verwundet durch Beschuss der Söldner in Hodeidah

Vier Zivilisten haben Matyrdom erlitten und 14 weitere verletzt, als die Söldner das Viertel Al-Zuhur im Distrikt Al-Hodeidah beschossen.

Eine lokale Quelle gab gegenüber der jemenitischen Nachrichtenagentur (Saba) an, dass die Bombardierung der Söldner mit einer der Granaten auf ein Wohnhaus im Viertel Al-Zuhur abzielte, während eine andere Granate a

(* A K pH)

Saudi shelling leaves four civilians killed in Yemen’s Hodeidah

At least four civilians were killed and 18 others wounded as a result of Saudi-led coalition forces’ artillery shelling in Hodeidah province, western Yemen, a security official said on Sunday.

According to the official, the coalition forces fired a number of artillery shells targeting al-Zohor neighborhood in the al-Hali district, leaving four people dead and wounding many others

He added that the wounded were taken to a hospital in nearby, pointing out that most hospitals in Hodeidah suffer from a lack of medical equipment and needed medicines (photos).

and also


(* A K)

22 wounded were received today in the MSF supported Al Salakhana hospital due to shelling attacks in Al-Zuhur neighborhood in #Hodeidah city this afternoon. Our team performed 6 emergency surgeries and treated less severe injuries. 16 patients were children, one of them died.

A public place crowded with families and playing children and a house nearby were hit only 1.3 km from Al Salakhana hospital supported by #MSF. MSF condemns the attack and calls for urgent measures to ensure that civilians are protected in the ongoing conflict. (photo)

and also

while Islah Party news site ascribes this shelling to the Houthis:

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)






(B P)

Audio: Zehn Millionen, die hungern – jetzt kommt noch Corona dazu

Über die Aussicht auf Frieden sprechen wir im Podcast.

Wie lange der Krieg im Jemen noch andauern soll, erklärt Andrea Backhaus, Redakteurin im Ressort Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft bei ZEIT ONLINE.

(B K P)

Kicking off our webinar w/ @FESonline:"#German bombs & fighter jets for the war in #Yemen"

We urge the OTP of the @IntlCrimCourt to investigate the legal responsibility of corporate and political actors

@MwatanaEn's #BoyanGamal: "The question is not if #Germany exports less #arms than the #UK or the #US. The issue is not the percentage share, but if this arms kill civilians in #Yemen. After an airstrike we found remnants by #RWMItalia a subsidiary of German #Rheinmetall"

@MwatanaEn's #BonyanGamal: "In 6 yrs the situation in #Yemen has escalated. Particularly, due to the air strikes of the military coalition led by #SaudiArabia & #UAE which are one of the main causes of civilian casualties"

Made in #Europe, bombed in #Yemen. "The communication filed by @ECCHRBerlin @MwatanaEn and its partners to the @IntlCrimCourt is not only impressive, but groundbreaking. It is to be hoped that #ICC will investigate the questions and allegations raised," said Prof. #KaiAmbos

(* B P)

Ways the world can help Yemen without spending a penny

The international community can help Yemen without spending a penny as humanitarian aid. Yemen has enough resource on its own that can sustain the Yemeni state to function as it used before 2015, specifically the Yemen Liquefied Natural Gas Project.

This is the country's biggest industrial project and can alone resume propping up the Yemeni state and help the government get millions of dollars in revenues to cover the public salaries and more.

The world can also help by restituting the USD 60 billion looted by the pre-2011 regime back to the Yemeni people. The UN wants to raise from today's pledging conference in Riyadh USD 2 billion plus US dollars for Yemen. The restituted Yemeni assets from countries and banks across the world will not only alleviate the humanitarian crisis but give the Yemeni economy and currency a huge boost. So simple.

(* B P)

[In Arabic:] The "propaganda" empire ... between "propaganda" media and an independent press

With the abundance in the political money of the proxy (Gulf / Iran) parties fighting, the public space has been exhausted with a tremendous number of satellite channels and websites, with no goal other than to bend the truth, prolonging the conflict, and it seems that it has achieved part of its endeavor.

And while our societies were predominantly isolated, outside these conditions, like other fields, the “media” was devoted to serving conflict and upholding it and in the service of local and other regional and international factors, which undermined the hardship and decades of accumulation in the efforts of democratization, and turned The platforms for "conveying the truth and witnessing it" to "propaganda vessels" on the booby-trapped route to proxy war.

In the Yemeni issue, this issue is clearly evident. With the liquidity and abundance of political money for the parties (the Gulf / Iran) fighting by proxy, the public space has been exhausted with a tremendous number of satellite channels and websites, with no goal other than to inflame the fighting and the chaos of the truth, so as to prolong the conflict , And it appears to have fulfilled part of her endeavor.

Amidst acute polarization and sorting, independent media found itself struggling with limited capabilities to reach the public, interact with its consciousness and conscience responsibly, by raising questions and researching the impasse of the crisis and constructive engagement in defining peace, amid several obstacles not least of which is the difficulty of organized counter-campaigns, which seem Panic too much, by adopting the logic of fomenting instincts, adopting certainty, the language of speculation and analysis that are not based on what is an accident, but on what should be. In that, the huge potentials of states infested with fleeing brutal groups and corrupt totalitarian powers, all of which lost the right path to the public interest, embraced - instead - ruin.

Although competition is characteristic of this era, after the fall of the multipolar world and the end of the Cold War, the race between the emerging independent media and the means of "organized propaganda" linked to the axes of the conflict and its drivers are unequal over the various areas of public space. Also, there is no space for comparison in resources and capabilities, to remain a marathon between two competitors, the former grants a modern motorcycle, and restricts the other to the race condition with its feet, and this does not diminish the value, feasibility and impact of creative initiatives of independent media that have achieved continuous successes and a broader presence every day,

But also, it is not possible to overlook the accomplishment achieved by the means of "propaganda" and its motors, with its ability to prevail in winning more audiences who were until recently outside the circle of its solid mass, thus distorting their awareness. It does not limit itself to employing human resources from its followers. Rather, it goes beyond that to borrow opportunistic cadres from different currents from them, even if temporarily, under descriptions that are required, so we see from time to time spawning new faces with job descriptions that are the mouthpiece of the financier and his aim. Thus, analysts, activists, and experts, with these broad descriptions, have a better chance that exceeds the importance of the journalist's value, as he is an information collector and a witness to its credibility.

And those "propaganda" methods believe, delusionally, that they can bridge the big gap in their general position that lacks professionalism, values of accuracy, integrity and objectivity, and they are in the rule of axioms, and compensate for that by formal techniques and huge equipment, to show the cash liquidity capable of dazzling, as if it is an objective equivalent to the absence Sharp, to the minimum requirements of the media and journalistic work.

(* A P)

Safer oil employee: Oil tanker off Hodeidah will sink in weeks if not urgently repaired

An abandoned oil tanker off the coast of Hodeidah that has been described as a “floating bomb” is still afloat after seawater made its way into one of the cooling system’s pipes, according to a specialist. On Monday, he claimed the floating reservoir, which contains 1.14 million barrels of crude oil, will sink in the coming few weeks without urgent intervention.

"For the second time, there is a hole in the tanker of one of the pipes of the cooling system, but thanks to God, the Yemeni crew was able after a great effort to fill the hole," the oil specialist, economist and Safer oil senior employee Abdulwahed Al-Awbali said in a Facebook post.

The tanker, officially called FSO Safer, has been abandoned for half a decade, after the Houthi takeover of large swaths of the country in 2014, including the ports of Hodeidah.

"Things are temporarily under control, but it could turn into a disaster at any moment as a result of the deterioration and erosion of the pipes," Al- Al-Awbali said.

The hole led to the leakage of seawater into the reservoir through the lock, which was not able to completely close due to rust and lack of maintenance, he said, forcing the ship's team to run the fire pump to push the water out of the ship and prevent the water level from increasing.

"Meanwhile, the backup generator, which was operating the pump, was shut down due to a malfunction that lasted for hours, during which the water level rose and the situation began to become dangerous, but after a great effort the ship's team was able to repair the generator and resume pumping water from inside the ship," he added.

"Then the technical team cut the perforated part of the tube and closed the hole with a piece of iron as a temporary solution."

The issue requires divers to block the vents from the outside so that it is possible to open the lock and repair what can be repaired, all of which are temporary solutions anyway, according to Al-Awbali.


(A P)

[Hadi] Yemeni gov't says water leaks into Safer FSO

Water has leaked into the Yemeni floating storage and offloading (FSO) facility Safer, the Yemeni internationally-recognized government said late on Monday.
Safer is suffering a "dangerous deterioration," the Yemeni foreign minister tweeted, after "water leakage occurred last Wednesday inside the reservoir."

My comment: Wherefrom do they know? Safer is in Houthi territory, and both sides are in strife on who might take the profit from selling the crude. The Hadi government is using this problem for an anti-Houthi blame game, while itself being not less responsible.

(A K P)

Germany, France say Saudis responsible for ending Yemen's crisis

Having been leading a military coalition in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is responsible for ending the conflict in the country and the suffering of its people, Germany and France said Monday.

The Kingdom has great responsibility for ending the violence in Yemen, where the Saudi-led coalition has been launching airstrikes across the country, German ambassador to the UN said.

Saudi Arabia is needed to assume a very important role in order to reach a peaceful solution for the crisis, Christoph Heusgen added at press conference with his French counterpart Nicolas De Rivière.

Echoing his counterpart's call, the French envoy expressed hope that the ongoing donor conference would help raise funds enough to counter consequences resulted from the Yemeni crisis.

(* B H K)

Jemen: die schlimmste humanitäre Krise der Welt

Der Jemen wird von einem Krieg heimgesucht, der Zehntausende Menschen getötet und nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen zur schlimmsten humanitären Krise der Welt geführt hat.


(* B H K)

Yemen: world's worst humanitarian crisis

Yemen is wracked by a war which has killed tens of thousands of people and led to the world's worst humanitarian crisis, according to the United Nations.


(? B K P)

No Cause, No Concern: U.S. Media’s Downplaying of the Yemeni Civil War [paywalled]

(* A K P)

UAE-backed mercenaries crack down on Yemeni fishermen who revealed Eritrean invasion of Hanish islands

The mercenary forces led by Tariq Afash, which are loyal to the United Arab Emirates invaders, have reacted to the accusations of handing over the Hanish islands in the Red Sea to Eritrea.

Rather than moving against the Eritrean invaders, however, the mercenary units have started punishing local Yemeni fishermen for having reported the involvement of Tariq Afash in the illegal handover of Yemeni territory.

Media sources loyal to coalition quoted the fishermen in Khokha as saying that they were “surprised by Tariq’s forces, which dictated and imposed restrictive measures in fishing, restricted our freedom and limited us to scarce fish sites.”

Fishermen said that Tariq’s forces on the west coast, backed by the United Arab Emirates, have on Monday issued what they called “a final warning to fishermen who raise doubts about their suspicious movements in Yemeni territorial waters.”

Mercenary forces reportedly said the fishermen were “under suspicion”, after a number of them were accused of “beijf involved in the contacts with the Houthis.”

Tariq Afash’s forces have restricted the freedom of traditional Yemeni fishermen and imposed strict measures and specific fishing sites no more than three miles from the coast, after fishermen revealed Eritrean naval movements towards Yemen’s Hanish islands.

On Saturday, 54 Yemeni fishermen were attacked by Eritrean forces near Jebel Ali, west of Great Hanish Island. The Eritrean invaders reportedly confiscated their fish, fishing equipment and seven boats and left them only one boat.

In their complaint, the fishermen stressed that “the Eritrean navy has invaded the islands of Yemen and territorial waters, with the knowledge of Tariq Afash’ Coast Guard.”

“The UAE and Eritrea have a military agreement to use Assab port and airport as an Emirati military base,” observers said.


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[Hadi gov.] Yemeni coast guard denies rumors Eritrea has re-occupied Hunaish Islands

Yemeni fishermen said Eritrean navy forces intercepted and confiscated seven of their boats on Saturday, before beating them and confiscating their catch.

Yemen’s government-controlled Red Sea Coast Guard on Sunday denied rumors circulating in the Yemeni press and on social media that the Hunaish Islands have been re-occupied by Eritrean forces.

"There is no truth to the rumors," Col. Abduljabbar Zahzuh, commander of the Red Sea Coast Guard, told Almasdar Online.

The Hunaish Islands, including Hunaish Al-Kubra (Grand Hunaish) and Hunaish Al-Sughra (Small Hunaish), are located near international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, and were occupied by Eritrea in 1995 until international diplomatic arbitration led to the East African nation’s withdrawal in 1998.

Houthis seized control of the islands in early 2015 before they were liberated in December that year.

Fishermen told Almasdar Online that Eritrean navy forces had intercepted and confiscated seven of the eight boats the fishermen were traveling in on Saturday. The navy forces gathered all 57 fishermen on one boat to return to Hunaish, one of the fisherman said, claiming they were first beaten, insulted and had their fish confiscated.

Reports of Eritrean forces harassing Yemeni fishermen in Yemeni territorial waters go back years, despite the presence of the coast guard and elite military forces on the islands. Some fishermen have been held by Eritrean pirates for weeks at a time.

Yemen’s fishermen have issued several appeals to the Yemeni government and the Saudi-led coalition to protect them from Eritrean forces and piracy.

referring to

(* A K)

Eritrea invades Yemen in Red Sea islands

Eritrean navy reported invading Yemeni soil and attacking civilians

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has reportedly handed over control of the Hanish islands, which is Yemeni territory located in the Red Sea, to Eritrea.

The illegal handover was done with the complicity of mercenary leader Tariq Afash. Eritrean naval vessels are reportedly already imposing their dominance over the islands and Yemeni territorial waters surrounding it, asserting control over the fishing waters.

Local sources in the city of Khokha, which is controlled by Tariq Afash forces backed by the UAE, confirmed that Yemeni fishermen have been been attacked by military boats from Eritrea while fishing west of the Great Hanish Island.

“Eritrean soldiers held 54 Yemeni fishermen, who were fishing near Jebel Awad Ali, at gunpoint, and confiscated seven boats along with the fish and equipment. They left the fishermen one boat they had travelled in,” the sources said.

According to the sources, “the attack took place within the sight of the Coast Guard [controlled by Tariq Afash] and the so-called Elite Forces [UAE-backed mercenaries]. They did not move and did not prevent the Eritrean boats from violating Yemeni waters and the Hanish islands.”

“The military navy of the State of Eritrea has invaded Yemen’s islands and territorial waters, and taken control over fishing, as if it were owned by them in the absence of any role for the Yemeni navy and the coalition,” the sources said.

“The UAE and Eritrea have a military agreement to use the port and airport of Assab base for its forces, its warplanes, training camps for its militias and detention camps for its opponents,” the sources noted.

The East African country of Eritrea already occupied the Hanish Islands in Yemen in 1995. The islands were liberated by Yemeni forces in 1998, but Eritrean attacks on Yemeni fishermen have continued since 2011, becoming even more significant since the start of the coalition’ invasion in 2015.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp1a

(* B P)

Houthis launch recruitment campaign in conjunction with disappearance of dozens of children

In light of the growing phenomenon of child abductions and the escalation of violations against children in Houthi-controlled areas, local sources in Sanaa informed Asharq Al-Awsat that the movement has this week launched a new recruitment campaign based on luring children and young men to join the militia ranks, under the pretext of protecting them from the coronavirus.

The sources confirmed that the Houthi commanders in Sanaa and other governorates have initiated coordinated campaigns in neighbourhoods, communities and villages, to urge residents to hand their children over to recruitment camps as the best alleged method of protecting them from infection and avoiding sources of danger.

A parent and resident of the capital told Asharq Al-Awsat that since the first days of Eid Al-Fitr, the militia supervisors in the neighbourhoods of Sho’oub, Shumaila and Al-Safia have intensified their movements in the area, in an effort to persuade the residents to let them take their children.

and also

My comment: By a Saudi media, with anti-Houthi bias.

(A P)

Schließung 4 private Krankenhäuser in Sanaa, geweigert Krankheitsfälle zu erhalten

-Das Amt für öffentliche Gesundheit und Bevölkerung in der Hauptstadt Sanaa hat am Montag vier private Krankenhäuser wegen mangelnder Verpflichtung zur Aufnahme von Krankenfällen geschlossen.

(A P)

4 private hospitals closed in Sanaa for refusing to receive sick cases

The Public Health and Population Office in the capital Sanaa on Monday closed four private hospitals for the lack of commitment to receiving sick cases.

(A P)

The Five-Year Detention Of Yemeni Journalists Tops June Ranking Of One Free Press Coalition’s “10 Most Urgent” Press Freedom Cases

Yemini journalists, who’ve been held in prison for five years and sentenced to death, top the June ranking of the One Free Press Coalition’s “10 Most Urgent” list of press freedom cases. The “10 Most Urgent” list, issued today by a united group of pre-eminent editors and publishers, spotlights journalists whose press freedoms are being suppressed or whose cases are seeking justice.

Four Yemeni journalists — Abdulkhaleq Amran, Akram al-Waleedi, Hareth Hameed and Tawfiq al-Mansouri – were sentenced to death after being charged with spreading false news “in support of the crimes of Saudi aggression and its allies against the Republic of Yemen.”.

(* B P)

Yemen's Houthis 'benefit' from Iran, Iraq, Oman relations, rebel official admits

Yemen's Houthi rebels have relations with Iraq, Oman and Iran, a member of the group confirmed, admitting to long-rumoured ties with the Islamic Republic.

The rebels are benefiting from relations with these countries amid ongoing "aggression", Abdul-Malik Alejri, a member of the Houthi political council said, referring to the conflict with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and their allies.

"We do not deny that the authority of Sanaa and Ansar Allah has relations and contacts with Iran, Oman, Iraq and other Arab and Islamic countries," Alejri said on Twitter.

These relations are "natural, which we should not be ashamed of, based on our vision of establishing positive relations between Yemen and the surrounding Arab and Islamic countries, especially the neighbouring countries, except those who refuse", he added.

"We are taking advantage of this relationship to push aggression against our country," he said, referring to the military operations of Saudi-led coalition, which has been battling the rebels in Yemen since 2015.

(A P)

Al-Nuaimi: Rassistische Behandlung der US Regierung ist die gleiche Behandlung, die sie auf die Menschen in der Welt praktiziert

Das Mitglied des Obersten Politischen Rates, Mohammed Al-Nuaimi, bekräftigte, dass die rassistische Behandlung der amerikanischen Regierung gegen einige Gruppen ihrer Bürger und deren Nichtakzeptanz dieselbe arrogante Behandlung ist, die sie gegenüber den Völkern der Welt praktiziert ... was darauf hinweist, dass jeder, der die Freiheit seiner Bürger nicht bewahrt, dies nicht kann Gib es den Menschen auf der Welt.

"Der Präsident dieses brutalen rassistischen Regimes, Trump, hat die Wahrheit Amerikas und die Falschheit seiner Demokratie enthüllt, als er seine Bürger als Demonstranten und Banditen bezeichnete und ihnen den Tod drohte", sagte das hochrangige politisc

(A P)

Demonstrations successfully disclosed US regime cruelty: Houthis

Demonstrations have successfully disclosed how the US regime is cruel, Houthi spokesman said Sunday, following the death of a black-skinned American at the hands of a police officer.

"Violent demonstrations swarm over the country of fake democracy in protest of America's racism and its regime's cruelty," Mohammed Abdulsalam added on Twitter.

"The demonstrations have successfully disclosed the reality of the US that neither was nor will be the country of freedoms as long as ruled by a racist regime."

and also

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

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The STC’s Carrot and Stick and its Rivalry with Islah

The April 26 declaration was not the first—and is unlikely to be the last—declaration of self-rule by the STC, which uses the tactic as a means of leverage. The political-military field in Yemen is exceptionally convoluted, but what has grown increasingly clear is that the STC has become a key stakeholder capable of influencing, to a degree, the direction of the conflict and the future of southern Yemen. The STC’s claims to be the authority on matters across southern Yemen do not entirely reflect the reality on the ground, as evidenced by residents and officials in Abyan, al-Mahra, Hadramawt, Shabwa, and Socotra rejecting the STC declaration (Al Jazeera, April 26). The STC, however, has still proven that it does have some leverage over Saudi Arabia, particularly due to its ability to impose its will on the critical port city of Aden, Yemen’s temporary—if only symbolic—capital.

Much more is at stake than the give and take of political and war-time military concessions between President Hadi and the STC. Islah and, inherently, the mercurial Vice President, General Ali Mohsen, stand to gain or lose significant influence based on both the short- and longer-term success or failure of the STC. Islah has long been an influential party within the Yemeni government and the emergence of other powerful players capable of influencing the future direction of the country inherently takes a piece of the pie away, and further, those pieces will be given to Islah’s two biggest enemies—the Houthis and the STC.

The Houthis and Islah are longtime adversaries and the former holds Ali Mohsen accountable as the man who led the Yemeni military against them during the Saada wars between 2004 and 2010 as commander of the northwest military district and 1st Armored Division. Always the opportunist, Ali Mohsen managed to leverage his military clout into the vice presidency, a heartbeat away from being, at the least, the interim president. The ongoing war has only deepened that animosity as it has pitted Islah and the Houthis against one another in some of the war’s fiercest battles. It is clear that there will be no solution in Yemen that does not see the Houthis with a seat at the table.

Likewise, both Islah and Ali Mohsen have been vilified by pro-secessionist groups in southern Yemen. This disparity has fallen along the battle lines of the historic rivalry that saw the Zumra faction defeat the Tughma during the southern civil war that took place in 1986.

The STC’s latest declaration of self-rule has seen a return of clashes with pro-Hadi forces, particularly those affiliated with Islah. Alongside these clashes, Islah and the STC have been waging propaganda campaigns against one another, with the STC previously being accused of coordinating with both the Houthis and al-Qaeda (Al Jazeera, August 29, 2019). Like previous outbreaks of violence between the warring parties, the focus has been on securing strategic locations in Shabwa and Abyan, most notably Shoqra and Zinjibar, Abyan, which would serve as the Yemeni military’s potential gateway to Aden (Al-Monitor, May 19).

At present, the STC lacks the widespread local and international support to achieve its goal of controlling an independent southern Yemen but will continue to press for maximum concessions from the Hadi government and the Saudi coalition to revisit its demands down the road. The STC and Islah’s actions will continue to be motivated by their mutual disdain for one another and the goal of securing influence.

(A P)

Saleh to Southerners: Do not allow your suffering to be exploited and politicized

The deputy head of the media department of the [separatist] Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Mansour Saleh, called on the Southerners not to allow anyone to use their suffering for political purposes, and direct their anger towards the real culprit in their suffering.

Saleh said in a post: There is no logic to tell people, do not get angry, do not protest, and do not demand your rights under any justification, because the suffering has reached an unbearable limit.

My comment: Separatist propaganda wants to blame the Hadi government, but half of the blame must be put on themselves.

(A E P)

Major General Ben Brik chairs joint meeting of Presidency members of the Transitional Council and the Economic Committee

The meeting stood before the developments in Aden the capital, and the difficulties in the areas of health and services, particularly the electricity, water, and sanitation services.

Major General Ben Brik reviewed the urgent steps taken by the Southern Self-Administration to improve performance in service institutions and sanitation sector, and to raise the efficiency of work performance and service development in health facilities.

For his part, Dr. Abdul Salam Humaid, Advisor to the President of the Transitional Council for Economic Affairs, Chairman of the Economic Committee, provided a full explanation about the latest follow-up to import oil derivatives in coordination with the oil company for power plants.

The meeting discussed a proposal to form units for the Economic Committee specialized in the control of operational affairs to put an end to corruption in various government institutions and facilities, and distribute members of the Presidency to oversee those units and assist them in coordination to implement direct field inspection and facilitate their tasks.

My comment: The difficult start of separatists’ self rule.

(A P)

New outage of electricity in Aden the capital


(A P)

Legitimacy gets Shabwa in complete darkness and puts the capital in face of hot summer for its ignorance to warnings of Electricity Corporation in Aden

Shabwa governorate has been in darkness for weeks, after a near total power and electrical current interruption in the governorate, with the inability of the Electricity Department and the local authority in the governorate to provide electrical energy to meet the increasing consumption of the service in the summer.

Informed sources in Shabwa stated that the governorate is witnessing interruptions and outages of electric power of more than 15 hours per day

(A P)

The [separatist] Transitional Council welcomes the initiative of Saudi Arabia and the United Nations to convene the Donors’ Conference for Yemen

(A K)

[Separatist] SEF soldier found murdered in Shabwa

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[Separatist] Southern forces liberate Wadi Sala in Abyan

The southern forces managed to completely liberate on Wednesday, the area of Wadi Sala in Abyan governorate from the grip of the pro-government Muslim Brotherhood's militias (Islah Party) and Al-Qaeda.

(A P)

Yemen: UAE supports rebels instead of providing aid

A Yemeni minister has accused the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of supporting rebels and abstaining from providing any financial assistance to the war-torn country.

"I affirm to everyone…that the UAE has not provided a single riyal, dollar or dirham to Yemen's treasury, neither in the past nor now," Minister of State Abdelghani Jamil said on Twitter.

"When the UAE pays, it's for undermining the authority of the government," he said.

Mukhtar al-Rahbi, an adviser to the Yemeni information minister, echoed similar accusations.

"The UAE only supported Yemen with a rebel armed militia in Aden [referring to the Southern Transitional Council forces], tried to control Socotra, and sent armored vehicles and opened secret prisons," he tweeted.

and also

(A P)

Government Official: STC Milita Is The Core Of All Disasters In Aden

A government official confirmed that the UAE-backed Transitional Council’s control of Aden caused the closure of the city’s health office and was the cause of the health sector collapse.

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, a spokeswoman for the National Committee to confront Corona in Yemen, Dr. Ishraq Al-Subaei, said that the lack of responsibility of the existing authorities hindered the office in carrying out its duty, which caused its closure and the complete collapse of the health status.

(A P)

Sources: Prime Minister Moin And His Deputy Are Involved In A Medical Examination Scandal

The authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia closed on Saturday a medical laboratories in the Sharurah area , after taking large sums of money from Yemeni expatriates to conduct medical examinations.

Media sources reported that the Saudi authorities closed Al-Farabi medical laboratories, after trying to profit from the need of Yemeni expatriates to return to their homeland by conducting highly-cost medical examinations ( 1,300 Saudi riyals) per case.

According to the sources, the authorities forced the laboratory to return the money to their owners.

The sources confirmed that the laboratory practices this monument in cooperation and coordination with some officials in the Yemeni government.

The sources indicated that the Yemeni Deputy Consul, Khaled Hizam Al-Yafei, contracted these laboratories under the guidance of Deputy Prime Minister Salem Al-Khonbashi and supervision of Prime Minister Moeen Abdulmalik.

(A T)

Hadhramaut’s security arrests militants plotted murder of the governor

The Specialized Criminal Prosecution of Hadhramaut governorate said on Tuesday that security forces arrested an armed group that planned assassination of the governor, Faraj Al-Bohsoni.

Chief of the Hadhramaut’s Specialized Criminal Prosecution, Raedi Al-Radi, said in a press release published by the Media Office of the governor, that the prosecution began collecting evidence from the concerned security apparatuses on the arrest of an armed group orchestrated a death plot against Al-Bohsoni.


(A T)

Plot to assassinate Al-Bahsni foiled

The security forces have foiled a plot on Tuesday, to assassinate the governor of Hadramout, commander of the second military region, Major General Faraj Salmin Al-Bahsni.
The Public Prosecution said in a statement that the security forces busted a criminal gang for involving in a conspiracy to assassinate the governor.


(A T)

Hadhramout security officials say they foiled an assassination attempt on the governor

The governor’s private photographer was accused in the plot and arrested with others

(A H P)

STC hands Yemeni Aden COVID-19 center to MSF

The Southern Transitional Council has handed the management of the health quarantine center at the Aden-based al-Jumhori Hospital to the Belgian Doctors Without Borders (MSF) charity, the Emirati-backed STC said Monday.

The STC called on Aden health workers, particularly of al-Jumhori Hospital, to resume work at health facilities.

Official work was already resumed on Monday, said head of the STC-run health committee.

(A T)

AFP-Journalist im Jemen getötet

Der 34-jährige Foto- und Videojournalist arbeitete unter anderem für die Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Er wurde am Dienstag (02.06.2020) in seinem Auto erschossen. Aus Sicherheitskreisen hieß es, die bewaffneten Täter seien entkommen.

(A T)

Yemeni journalist who backed independence for south is shot dead

A Yemeni journalist has been shot dead in the southern city of Aden in an incident that is likely to inflame tensions between the government and secessionists seeking independence for the south.

Nabil Hasan al-Quaety, a 34-year-old photographer and video journalist who worked for news organisations including Agence France-Presse, was shot in his car shortly after leaving his home on Tuesday morning.

Security officials told AFP that the gunmen escaped. The head of Aden’s security administration, Abdullah al-Jahafi, posted a message on Facebook on Tuesday evening that said several suspects had been detained, but there has been no official announcement of any arrests.

Quaety was a vocal supporter of independence for southern Yemen.


(A T)

Yemen: AFP photographer gunned down outside home in Aden

Yemeni journalist Nabil Hasan Al-Qaiti, an Agence France-Presse photographer also known as Nabil Hasan, was murdered by unidentified gunmen today outside his home in Dar Sad, a suburb of the southern city of Aden.

and also


(A P T)

Southern Yemeni sources claim AFP reporter was killed by artillery, not shot in Aden

Southern Yemeni leader Yasser Al-Yamani has accused the forces of the so-called Presidential Guards the and Islah militias, both of which support the Hadi puppet government, of the liquidation of photographer and journalist Nabil al-Qaiti in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

Yasser Al-Yamani, former leader of the Popular People’s Congress party, claimed in a series of tweets on Tuesday, that al-Qaiti was not assassinated in front of his home in Dar Saad district of Aden province as originally claimed.

According to al-Yamani, Al-Qaiti was killed in The Sheikh Salem area of the City of Zinjibar, Abyan province, with a shell launched by the so-called Presidential Guard and Islah militias.


(A P T)

Ansarullah senior official accuses Islah party militia of murdering AFP photo journalist

Nabil al-Qaito murder presumably committed by Islah Party forces

and separatists claim:

(A P T)

Shatara says Al-Qaiti was already a martyr

The member of the STC Presidency, Vice-President of the National Assembly for Control and Inspection, Mr. Lufti Shatara said that the deceased photojournalist of international fame, Nabil Al-Qaiti was already a martyr before being martyrized.
Shatara laid out in his tweet the reasons why Al-Qaiti was assassinated near his home in Aden this morning; "Al-Qaiti exposed the lies of the enemies of the South and documented their defeats, as a consequence, they got rid of him not on the battlefield, but as usual in another cowardly operation."


(A PT)

[Separatist] STC Mourns Death of Journalist Al-Qaiti

The STC will lead a thorough investigation into Al-Qaiti’s death, which is one of a series of assassinations against prominent Southern figures. We are committed to holding those responsible accountable for these heinous crimes, and to ensure the safety and freedoms of journalists and civil society speaking truth to power.
The STC is shocked and deeply saddened by the loss of Nabil Al-Qaiti


(A P)

Nabil Al-Quaiti, a Yemeni photojournalist who was assassinated in Aden today, was admonished by UAE commander Khalfan Al-Mazroue two days ago for publishing photos of US-made thermal missiles with militias "non-state groups" in Yemen

referring to a deleted tweet of

(* A P)

Yemen's southern separatists announce plan for self-rule

Yemen’s separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) announced on Sunday that it would establish a self-ruled administration in the regions under its control, a move the internationally recognised Saudi-backed government denounced as having “catastrophic consequences” for a November peace deal.

“The announcement by the so-called transitional council of its intention to establish a southern administration is a resumption of its armed insurgency... and an announcement of its rejection and complete withdrawal from the Riyadh agreement," the foreign ministry of exiled President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi said in a statement on Twitter.

"The so-called transitional council will bear alone the dangerous and catastrophic consequences for such an announcement," it said.

(A P)

Yemen rights group says detainees face ‘slow death’ in prison

The Yemeni Abductees’ Mothers Association in the city of Aden yesterday warned that the detainees in Bir Ahmed Prison are facing a “slow death” due to ill-treatment by the prison administration.

The group said in a statement that the prison administration deliberately mistreats detainees by cutting off electricity for long periods, despite the high temperatures, reducing meal portions and neglecting the prisoners’ health needs.

The Association added that the detainees’ families had informed it that the detainees intend to declare a comprehensive hunger strike to protest against the ill-treatment.

It called on the Yemeni authorities in Aden to expedite the release of all prisoners in Bir Ahmed and hold the prison administration fully responsible for the detainees’ lives.

It also called on all international and local organisations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to intervene and rescue the detainees.


(A P)

Female relatives to detainees appeal again for saving lives of abductees in Aden

The Abductees’ Mothers Association said on Monday that their detained relatives in Aden face a slow death as the city has been infested by several epidemics including the Covid-19 with acute power outage.

The spread of fever infections has been already confirmed in Bair Ahmed Prison where large number of the illegal detainees is confined.

The association which advocates for rights of the arbitrary detainees and forcibly disappeared people, said that officials of the Bair Ahmed Prison deliberately worsen conditions of the prison by reducing quantity and quality of the food for the detainees.

It said that the arbitrary detainees in Bair Ahmed Prison plan to begin a full hunger-strike protesting mistreatment being inflicted on them.

(A P)

Military police enforce three-day qat ban in Taiz

The ban is an attempt to reduce large qat gatherings and mitigate the spread of coronavirus.

(A T)

Terror plot foiled in Aden, terrorists arrested

My remark: As claimed by separatists.

(A K P)

Renewing artillery shelling between southern forces and Muslim Brotherhood in Abyan

(A K P)

[separatist general] Al-Omari: Our people possess all the elements of confrontation and victory

(A P)

President [separatist leader] Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi meets the French Ambassador to Yemen

(* A T)

Unidentified gunmen attack pipeline in Shabwa southern Yemen

Unidentified gunmen on Sunday blasted a pipeline for transporting crude oil in the Yemeni southeastern governorate of Shabwa.
The armed men attacked the pipeline pumping oil in Imad area of Habban district, said local sources.
A violent blast was heard from the subversive act whose results are still unknown, the sources added.

(A P)

Electrical grid in Yemen’s interim capital goes dark, placing patients at greater risk

The electricity power network in Aden shut down at dawn on Saturday, as residents in Yemen’s interim capital face a number of epidemics and heightened tensions between the Yemeni government and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

The electricity system went out of service due to a “technical glitch,” a source at the General Electricity Corporation in Aden told Almasdar Online. The Electricity Corporation employee said that a maintenance team is trying to fix the problem, but it will take a “lot of time” to return the power supply.

The blackout has hit hospitals and other health care centers especially hard, and without electricity to operate and maintain life-saving equipment, dozens of patients in Aden are at risk of dying, a medical source in Aden told Almasdar Online.


(A P)

Footage of electricity blowing up in neighborhoods in #Aden “ the so called liberated city” People are being tortured and many died because of power outage day and night while corrupted government officials and other groups in the south are fighting over power and self rule!

(A K P)

[Separatist] Southern resistance attacks Islah militants in Abyan

The members of the southern resistance set an ambush on Sunday, against military reinforcements of the pro-government Muslim Brotherhood's militias (Islah Party) in the district of al-Mahfed in the eastern parts of Abyan governorate.

(A P)

Hundreds rally in solidarity with [separatist] STC in Socotra

(A P)

Citizens In Aden Describe STC Self-Administration As “Failed Experiment”

A number of citizens in Aden governorate said that the self-administration announced by the Emirati-backed transitional council over the city was a failure, and demanded the return of state agencies to Aden.

The citizens expressed great dissatisfaction with the tragic situation in Aden, calling on the international community to intervene to save Aden and its residents.

(A P)

Night protests in Yemen's Aden over electricity outages

Dozens of protesters on Saturday evening condemned the electricity outages and the deterioration of public services in Aden Governorate, southern Yemen.

Witnesses said that the protesters cut a number of main streets in the city of Crater in the center of Aden, set fire to tires and prevented vehicles from crossing.

and also

(A P)

Film: Assil Swid.. How long will violations against journalists in #Yemen continue?

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp3

(B P)

UN envoy says Yemen ceasefire talks continuous

Negotiations are ongoing on a political deal between Yemeni rivals for a ceasefire in the war-torn country, the UN special envoy for Yemen said Monday.

While talks are continuing to agree on a truce and a set of humanitarian and economic measures aimed at supporting Yemen's capacity in the face of COVID-19 and to immediately resume the political process, Yemenis, woman groups in particular, are constantly exerting efforts in support of peace, Martin Griffiths added.

Earlier, the UN envoy said he is in semi-daily contact with Houthi representatives and leaders to persuade them into accepting his plan.

In his plan, Griffiths proposes that the war be inclusively stopped, Sana'a airport reopened to international flights, salaries paid to civil servants in Houthi-held areas, and assurances be given that parties would go to talks for political solution.

The Yemeni internationally-recognized government has announced its consent to the UN envoy's ceasefire initiative.

However, the Houthi Supreme Political Council (SPC) has sent their own "vision on ultimate stop of war" to Griffiths, said SPC member.

The envoy was informed that this vision "is based on thorough solutions," Mohamed Ali al-Houthi added, noting that "grafting solutions cannot be accepted, and any solution – after being approved – needs a public referendum."

(A P)

Al-Murtada Confirms Sana’a Readiness to Implement Agreed Swap Deal

The head of the National Prisoners' Affairs Committee, Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada, confirmed the readiness of the committee to implement the recently agreed swap deal in Jordan's capital, Amman.

“In the interest of the safety of the prisoners from the seriousness of the coronavirus outbreak, the Prisoners Affairs Committee confirms its readiness to implement the recently agreed swap deal in Amman," Al-Murtada wrote

(A P)

Saudi Press: Virtual Donors' Conference for Yemen 2020 to Kick off today, in Partnership with UN

Saudi newspapers highlighted in their editorials today a number of issues at local, regional, and international arenas.

(* A H P)

Patienten im Jemen ..Zwischen dem Warten auf den Tod und einem privaten internationalen Flugzeug

Die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Organisationen sprechen immer noch über ihre Bemühungen, die katastrophale humanitäre Lage im Jemen zu lindern, aber ihre Aktionen vor Ort zeigen die Falschheit dieser Anschuldigungen und ihren Handel mit der Tragödie der Jemeniten, um mehr Geld zu verdienen, während das jemenitische Volk unter den beiden Dingen leidet Aggression, Blockade, Epidemien und die Unfähigkeit der Patienten, zur Behandlung ins Ausland zu reisen.

Da Tausende von Patienten, die intern schwer zu behandeln sind, darauf warten, dass die Vereinten Nationen ihrer Verpflichtung nachkommen, sie zur Behandlung über die zu Beginn dieses Jahres vereinbarte Luftbrücke zu transportieren, sind sie überrascht, dass die Internationale Organisation ein Privatflugzeug zur Unterstützung des Fahrers des UN-Koordinators für humanitäre Angelegenheiten im Jemen geschickt hat. Liz Grande, nachdem er mit dem Corona-Virus infiziert war.


Warum haben die Vereinten Nationen auf das verzichtet, was auf der medizinischen Brücke vereinbart wurde? Und warum es nicht möglich war, medizinische Flüge für Tausende von Patienten mit chronischen und unheilbaren Krankheiten durchzuführen, die aufgrund der Aggression und der Blockade zu Hause keine medizinische Versorgung erhielten, während es kein Privatflugzeug zum Transport seines Mitarbeiters schicken konnte !!!

Was letzten Freitag auf dem Flughafen von Sanaa geschah, die Ankunft des Privatflugzeugs und die Versetzung des internationalen Mitarbeiters, ist ein neuer Beweis dafür, dass das jemenitische Volk nicht von der internationalen Organisation profitiert hat, die ihre grundlegende Arbeit von Hilfe und Unterstützung für Bedürftige zu einer Organisation gemacht hat, die voller Korruption und Profit auf Kosten derer ist, die wiederholt über ihre Tragödie in den Medien sprechen .

(* A H P)

Report: Patients in Yemen .. Between Waiting for Death and a Private International Plane

The United Nations and its organizations are still paying lip service in its efforts to lessen the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen, But its actions in the field reveal the falsehood of these allegations and its trade of the tragedy of the Yemenis to earn more money at a time the Yemenis suffer from the aggression, the blockade, the epidemics, and the inability to travel abroad to receive treatment.

As thousands of patients who are difficult to treat them in Yemen, at a time the majority of the wounded are waiting for the United Nations to fulfill its obligations to transport them for treatment via the air bridge as previously agreed upon this year, they are surprised by the international organization when it sent a special plane to rescue a driver of the United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen Lise Grande who was infected with the COVID-19 virus.


So why did the United Nations renounce a right what was agreed upon on the medical bridge? why it was unable to operate medical flights for thousands of patients suffering from chronic and incurable diseases who did not receive health care at home due to the aggression and the blockade while it was able to send a private plane to transfer an employee working for it !!!

(* A H P)

UN staff infected with Covid-19 airlifted out of Yemen while thousands more continue to suffer

Double standards show painful discrepancy between UN staff and patients they were supposed to help

Activists on social media have circulated video footage showing a private plane taking the private driver of UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, Lise Grande, out of Sana’a after he was infected with Covid-19.

The video shows a keen interest and a quick and practical reaction by the UN to the illness of its own employee in Sana’a, sending a private plane immediately to take him out of Yemen for treatment in order to save his life.

However, the UN has been unable to cope with sending aid to the hundreds of thousands of patients of various illnesses, who have for years waited for treatment.

While the United Nations and its UN envoy to Yemen remain silent on its promises to lift the Saudi air embargo on Sana’a airport and allow the treatment of patients outside Yemen, it seemed entirely different in tone with any of its own staff.


cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B E P)

Coronavirus frustrates Saudi women's push for financial independence

The pandemic has hammered Saudi Arabia’s nascent non-religious tourism industry - among the few new sectors to have emerged under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s drive to diversify the economy from oil and create millions of jobs.

Women in the United States and Europe have taken an outsized hit from the wave of unemployment caused by the coronavirus, but for women in Saudi Arabia the downturn is particularly damaging because it struck just as their efforts to enter the workforce and gain greater financial independence were gaining traction.

Women make up about 83% of the jobless, according to the Saudi statistics office. And it’s an educated group; 70% of those women have high school diplomas or university degrees.

And many were counting on the new sectors such as tourism to provide their entry to the workforce.

“To reduce unemployment, the private sector will need to create at least 500,000 to 1 million jobs for Saudis, said John Sfakianakis, a Gulf expert at the University of Cambridge, “But this year alone, the private sector will unavoidably contract by 7% ... and that’s just this year.”

(A P)

Film: @SecPompeo backed #Saudi Monarchy arrests a man for posting this.

(A E P)

Saudi, Russia agree oil cuts extension, raise pressure for compliance

OPEC leader Saudi Arabia and non-OPEC Russia have agreed a preliminary deal to extend existing record oil output cuts by one month while raising pressure on countries with poor compliance to deepen their cuts, OPEC+ sources told Reuters.

(A P)

Rights Group Urges Riyadh to Disclose Status of Imprisoned Saudi Activist

Saudi Arabia must immediately disclose the status of detained activist Loujain Al-Hathloul who has been unable to contact her family for three weeks, the Prisoners of Conscience rights group said.

(* B E P)

Rückgang um mehr als 20 Mrd. pro Monat: Rechnerisch reichen Saudi-Arabiens Reserven nur für 22 Monate

Der Verfall des Ölpreises hat Saudi-Arabien schwer getroffen. Die staatlichen Reserven schrumpfen um fast eine Milliarde täglich und zum 1. Juli soll die Mehrwertsteuer verdreifacht werden.

Der Staat will die Staatsausgaben um mehr als 26 Milliarden senken, wie der Spiegel im Mai berichtet hat. In dem Artikel hat der Spiegel auch über die geplante Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer berichtet. Saudi-Arabien will die Steuer von 5 auf 15 Prozent anheben, sie also verdreifachen.

Die Sparmaßnahmen treffen auch die politischen Ambitionen des absolutistisch regierten Königreiches.

Am Montag wurde auch noch bekannt, wie stark die Devisenreserven Saudi-Arabiens im April zurückgegangen sind: Sie vielen um 21 Milliarden von 465 auf 444 Milliarden Dollar. Und das, nachdem sie schon im März um 27 Milliarden geschrumpft sind.

Saudi-Arabien muss also darauf hoffen, dass die Weltwirtschaft bald wieder anspringt und mit ihr auch die Nachfrage nach Öl. Aber die Öllager der Welt sind randvoll =

(B P)

French Newspaper: Aggression Against Yemen Destroyed Saudi Arabia, Ended His Pharaonic Dream

The French newspaper "Le Pen" revealed Friday, that the reckless policies of the Saudi crown prince ended his pharaonic dreams, the most important of which is the city of NEOM , the futuristic mega-city in the middle of the desert, which will contain robots, flying cars and drones.
In an article by writer Armin Arifi, it said that the city of "NEOM " was the huge dream of the Saudi crown prince, as he hoped to attract "the greatest talent in the world", to make NEOM a new pole of technology.
Arifi pointed out that the Saudi government has supported its impulsive crown by everything in order to achieve this big dream, as it worked to displace more than 20 thousand Bedouins from the areas of Kariba.
But the writer questioned the possibility of achieving this dream showing reckless policies of the Saudi crown prince, headed by waging the Yemen war. He says, “The positions of the inexperienced Saudi crown prince led to the deportation of investors because of his excessive ambition with brutality, as Ibn Salman embroiled his country in an endless war in Yemen, causing the worst humanitarian crises in the world for Yemen and heavy financial burdens and losses for his country.

(A P)

#Saudi Monarchy government increase tariffs on food imports including on live stock that was exempt. Rice, meat, cheas, veggies & fruits are all now have higher tarrifs.

(A P)

Saudi activist reveals formation of opposition council to oust crown prince

“The coordinating council of the Saudi opposition comprises of 18 members, including three princes. This council neither does call for sit-ins, nor civil disobedience and armed struggle. Its activities are rather limited to correspondence with world leaders as well as international bodies,” the Qatar-based and Arabic-language al-Jazeera news network, citing Abdul Rahman al-Suhaimi as saying in a video

Film (Arabic):

(B P)

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince has spent over $6,000 on the International 2020 Battle Pass

Royalty is royally spending on the new Battle Pass

In the case of Dota 2, one of the biggest spenders is Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, who has already spent more than $6,000 on the International 2020 Battle Pass.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia reopens mosques with strict regulations for worshippers

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(* B P)

Saudi Princess, Basmah, Arrested Fearing her Assistance in Ben Salman Khashoggi’s Murder

The Business Insider website revealed, on Sunday, that Mohammed bin Salman ordered the arrest of Princess Basma Bint Saud Al Saud, following fears of her desire to provide assistance to Turkey in the investigation of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The website quoted people close to the family of Princess Basmah, the daughter of brother King Salman, on condition of anonymity, that the princess's decision to travel to Geneva, but via Istanbul, in December 2018, was a warning sign to the Saudi authorities.

"Some of her relatives doubted the matter would have anything to do with Turkey," Leonard Bennett, the princess's lawyer based in the United States, told the website. "The royal family may have feared what Basmah could do in Turkey, given her history of defending rights and freedoms," Bennett added. "We received a number of mysterious calls, in which the princess indicated that she could not leave, and she could not tell where she was, but she said that there were people who were there," Bennett explained.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* A P)

Pompeo aide tried to 'bully' ex-State Department watchdog and stop probe in Saudi arms deal, Dems say

A top adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's tried to derail an investigation into a controversial $8 billion in weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, the agency's ousted federal watchdog told lawmakers on Wednesday.

During closed-door testimony, Steve Linick, who was removed as the State Department's inspector general last month, told lawmakers that Brian Bulatao – one of Pompeo's closest aides – tried to "bully" the IG on several occasions, according to Democrats who are leading an investigation into Linick's removal.

"Mr. Linick testified that Mr. Bulatao pressured him to act in ways that Mr. Linick felt were inappropriate – including Bulatao telling Linick that the investigation into weapons sales to Saudi Arabia was not a matter for the IG to investigate," Democrats said in a statement after Linick's closed-door testimony.

Linick told lawmakers that his office had requested an interview with Pompeo as part of the inquiry into the Saudi arms sale, but Pompeo refused after the IG insisted that a witness from his office be present. Pompeo gave Linick's office written answers to questions instead.

The $8 billion weapons deal created a bipartisan firestorm in 2019. Pompeo bypassed lawmakers who objected to the sale, citing an "emergency" provision of a 1976 arms control law that allowed the administration to go around Congress. The weapons fueled the horrific war in Yemen, which pitted the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates against rebels backed by Iran.

Linick testified that Bulatao and Marik String – who was named acting State Department legal adviser the same day of Pompeo's “emergency” declaration – argued that his office should not pursue an investigation into the arms sale.


(* A P)


“Mr. Linick testified that he was ‘shocked’ when he found out he was being fired, that his removal came without any warning from President Trump or Secretary Pompeo, and that the Administration’s after-the-fact justifications are ‘either misplaced or unfounded.’ Mr. Linick confirmed that at the time he was removed as IG, his office was looking into two matters that directly touched on Secretary Pompeo’s conduct and that senior State Department officials were aware of his investigations.

“We’re grateful for Mr. Linick’s decades of service to our country and for having the courage to come forward and discuss his sudden and unjustified firing. We intend to release the transcript of today’s proceedings as soon as possible. We still have many unanswered questions, and today’s testimony makes it all the more critical that the Administration immediately comply with outstanding requests for additional witness interviews and documents.”

Major takeaways from Mr. Linick’s interview:

(* B K P)

Profits Over People: Trump White House Backs Arms Dealers

U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia continue in the face of human rights violations and a brutal war in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s war against the Houthi movement in Yemen has little relevance to U.S. national strategic interests. Yet the U.S. continues to support a Saudi-led war on an impoverished country increasingly devastated by COVID. Why? The undue influence of U.S. arms manufacturers in the White House.

The revelation that the administration is advancing an additional arms sale to Saudi Arabia prompted anger over Trump’s insistence on benefitting the arms industry regardless of congressional resistance and Yemeni misery. News of the second major arms deal came just 12 days after Trump fired State Department Inspector General Steve Linick. One of the reported subjects of Linick’s investigation, the “emergency” sale of U.S.-made weapons to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other countries despite congressional resistance in May 2019, emphasizes a problem exemplified by, but not limited to Trump: the power of the defense industry to influence the U.S. government’s foreign-policy decisions.

In a memo last May, Secretary of State Pompeo claimed that the weapons sales were necessary to counter the threat posed by Iran, thereby invoking an emergency waiver so as to sidestep the 30-day congressional review mandated by the Arms Export Control Act. Linick was investigating why Pompeo had, for the first time ever, invoked this state of emergency justification despite the fact that available intelligence revealed no heightened threat from Iran.

That Linick’s investigation of the arms sale seems tied to his ouster reaffirms the likelihood that the alleged danger posed by Iran was inflated in order to force the sale through. Although Pompeo claimed that the weapons were needed to defend against Iran, the sale actually provided Saudi Arabia with additional U.S. weapons to use against the Yemeni people, as well as additional money for the weapons manufacturer Raytheon.

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is another Raytheon alumnus. The former vice president of government relations at Raytheon was urged by Sen. Elizabeth Warren in July 2019 to recuse himself from all Raytheon-related matters in order to avoid conflicts of interest in his cabinet position. Esper refused.

The intersection of arms manufacturers’ profit motives and the way public officials define the national interest is not exclusive to the Trump White House.

Yet a U.S. drawdown is highly unlikely while the defense industry maintains allies in the White House and on Capitol Hill. The longer that U.S. national security is defined by the calculations of lobbyists committed to arms sales, the longer the U.S. will continue to pursue policies that support the interests of weapons manufacturers. The belief that the United States promotes global peace is directly undermined by the agenda of those who profit from war.

(* B P)

How John Brennan and Mike Pompeo Left the U.S. Blind to Saudi Problems

However, informed critics such as Riedel, as well as former operatives and others who have spoken out in the media, have been pointing out that the US intelligence community, and particularly its last three CIA directors, have taken a very politicized approach to Saudi intelligence gathering. Rather than asking difficult questions and then empowering collection efforts, intelligence leaders have been choosing their conclusions and then steering away from any inconvenient facts about them.

This trend appears to be continuing: According to recent media reports, Secretary of State (and former CIA director) Mike Pompeo pushed State Department officials to find an after-the-fact justification for an emergency declaration he issued last year, bypassing Congress and allowing an $8 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia.

Riedel's comments, and the recently mounting critiques, point to a worrisome turn in America’s approach to Saudi Arabia: Faced with a complex and perhaps dangerous diplomatic partner, successive White Houses have instead sought to look the other way concerning Saudi behavior, allowing themselves to be steered by intelligence chiefs with their own motives, and comfortably basking in feigned ignorance regarding the truth beneath the Kingdom’s pervasive veil.

Politicization of intelligence need not always be heavy-handed to undermine the truth. Often, the decision not to ask certain questions has the same impact as manipulating or discrediting what you already know.

“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” is a dangerous business model for the US to embrace concerning this important country, one that likewise reportedly has nuclear ambitions. Whatever the reality is in Saudi Arabia, US interests are best served with a cold look at the facts and more calculated leveraging of its influence. While it’s the president’s prerogative to chart US foreign policy, Americans have the right to see that their duly elected representatives have the opportunity to provide advice, consent and oversight.

Trump should be able to make the case for his positive relationship with the Crown Prince, but based on the facts our intelligence services are charged to provide, and which can withstand scrutiny. Not doing so risks the kinds of failures that have caused America’s greatest embarrassments in the Middle East—failing to see the coming of Iran’s 1979 revolution, and the manipulation of intelligence to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq—but with perhaps even more frightening consequences yet to come – by Douglas London

(* B K P)

Why Does Trump Defy Congress to Arm the Saudis?

With the nation in tumult over racial violence and a pandemic, it’s easy for some things to go unnoticed.

President Trump has justified the continuance of these sales by arguing that they create jobs, but the new Raytheon deal is only creating jobs in Saudi Arabia. It’s unclear why the administration is so hellbent on defying Congress, but personal enrichment or bribery has to be considered a possible motive. The foreign service is strongly opposed to the sales at the senior level, and Kushner’s Middle East peace initiative is as dead as the dodo.

Congress can only stop the sales if they can override a presidential veto, which is unlikely. Plus, those sales will still be premised on a phony state of emergency with Iran. It’s easy to see why the inspector general needed to be removed from the picture, but Congress should try to get its hands on the preliminary report he circulated within the State Department in March before the COVID-19 outbreak curtailed his investigation.


(B K P)

Trump Plans To Sell Yet More Armaments To Saudi Arabia

Not surprisingly, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who also likes to pal around with the Saudis (including the crown prince), is a big advocate of more arm sales, as is Peter Navarro, Trump’s trade adviser.

Perhaps, besides the money, the answer is that Trump is hoping for another big party like the one the Saudis gave him shortly after he lied the oath of office three years ago.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Wachsende Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Mounting tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

Acquitted Iranian scientist, deported from US, returns home

An Iranian scientist imprisoned in the U.S. and acquitted in a federal trade secrets case returned to his homeland on Wednesday morning, a semiofficial Iranian news agency reported.

(A P)

President Rouhani: EU must take stand against illegal US moves against Iran

“The Americans have taken the health of 83 million Iranians hostage by imposing cruel sanctions [on them] and preventing the transfer of medicine and essentials to Iran” at a difficult time when a coronavirus outbreak has hit the country, Rouhani said in a phone conversation with his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto on Tuesday.

“Under the ongoing circumstances, the European Union, particularly Finland, should carry out its duty by condemning the illegal measures of the United States,” Rouhani added

(A P)

Europe should keep silent forever if it remains quiet on US brutality: FM Zarif

In a tweet on Wednesday, Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif said that if Europe wants to keep its lips sealed regarding US brutality against protesters, it should always keep them that way.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Zarif wrote, “US cities are scenes of brutality against protesters & press, as military crackdown is threatened.”

(A K P)

IRGC highlights unity among Armed Forces as Imam Khomeini’s approach

Unity among armed forces and their vigilance towards enemies’ plots for sowing discord are among the main recommendations of Imam Khomeini and will guarantee sustainable national security and peace in the country, according to the statement on Tuesday.

(A P)

Alliance of regional countries will lead to US defeat in West Asia: Amir-Abdollahian

Iranian Parliament Speaker’s Special Aide for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian emphasized that unity and alliance of regional countries will lead to the defeat of the United States in the West Asian region.

(A P)

Symptoms of US Decline Becoming More Evident: Iran’s Shamkhani

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani said the signs of decline of the ‘Great Satan’ have become more obvious in the wake of anti-violence protests that have forced the US president to take shelter in the White House basement.

(A P)

Fifth Iranian Tanker Carrying Fuel Sails into Venezuela’s Territorial Waters

(A P)

#SaudiArabia and the #UAE are planning to do something against #Kuwait in the coming months, just like what they did to #Qatar in June 2017. Kuwait's leaders are aware of this, and are planning to ask #Turkey for military assistance. Turkey might set up a military base in Kuwait.

(A K P)

Any Hostile Miscalculation to Receive Iran’s Crushing Response: Top Commander

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces warned the enemies that a miscalculation in dealing with Iran will trigger a decisive and immediate response from the country’s military forces.

(A P)

Iran: Instead of Using ’Vicious Dogs’, US Should Listen to Its People

Iran has criticized Washington’s heavy-handed crackdown on protests against police racism and brutality, saying instead of using ‘vicious dogs and ominous weapons’, the US government should listen to the people and change its bankrupt policies.

According to Press TV, in a Tweet on Sunday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry alluded to the fact that the current problems nagging the United States, including the self-created crisis following the COVID-19 outbreak, stem from failure of the administration of President Donald Trump to keep its promise of stopping wasting money on foreign adventurism.

"US regime now employs army, 'vicious dogs & ominous weapons' to intimidate protesters," the ministry added.'_us_should_listen_to_its_people

(A P)

New Iran Parl. believes talks with US ‘harmful, fruitless’: speaker

Newly appointed Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf noted that talks and compromise with the United States are harmful to the country.

“The 11th Parliament considers anti-arrogance approach as both an ideological doctrine and as a strategic interest. Negotiations and compromise with the United States, as the axis of global arrogance, are considered fruitless and harmful,” he said while addressing the open session of the Parliament on Sunday. This was his first address in the Parliament after the election as speaker on Thursday.

“Our strategy in dealing with terrorist America is to complete the chain of revenge for the blood of Martyr Soleimani,” he said

(A P)

FM Zarif: Time for a world against racism

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a message while referring to the recent protests against Trump administration said that the world should not hesitate to wage a war against racism and racist regimes.

The remarks by the Iranian foreign minister came in reactin to the increasing protests in the US against the wave of Racism, specially against the black community, in that country.

"Some dont't think #BlackLivesMatter. To those of us who do: it is long overdue for the entire world to wage war against racism. Time for a #WorldAgainstRacism," Zarif wrote on his Twitter account late on Saturday.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A H P)

UK pledges £160m in Yemen aid before donor conference

The UK pledged £160 million (Dh734.3m/US$587.7m) in aid for Yemen on Tuesday ahead of a virtual donor conference for the war-torn country.

The meeting, co-hosted for the first time by the UN and Saudi Arabia, aims to raise $2.4 billion (Dh8.8bn) to support aid operations in Yemen this year and help authorities to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

and government statement:

My comment: While making billions with arms sales which inflated the Yemen War…

(* B P)

Brisanter Deal um Newcastle United

Der Besitzer von Manchester City kommt aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten. Paris St. Germain gibt viel Geld aus Katar aus. Jetzt drängt Saudi-Arabien auf die Fußballbühne: Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman plant den Kauf von Newcastle United.

Es ist ein riesiges Geschäft – und eine neue Dimension in der britischen Premier League. Eine Investorengruppe will den Verein Newcastle United übernehmen für angeblich 330 Millionen Euro.

Brisant: 80% der Kaufsumme sollen von einem milliardenschweren saudi-arabischen Staatsfonds kommen. Dem steht der saudische Thronfolger, Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman vor.

Für James Dorsey, einem der führenden Experten für Politik des Nahen Ostens, ist das Geschäft ein Politikum: „Saudi-Arabien will unbedingt ein wichtiger Akteur im internationalen Fußball sein. Es möchte in dieser Welt als wichtig angesehen werden. Das ist Teil einer umfassenderen Strategie. Und wenn man auf Mohammed bin Salmans Entwicklungspläne für die saudische Wirtschaft blickt, ist Sport dabei ein wichtiges Element.“

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A E P)

Long-haul carrier Emirates says it fires staff amid virus

Dubai’s long-haul carrier Emirates said Sunday it fired an undisclosed number of employees as the coronavirus pandemic has halted global aviation, becoming the latest Mideast airline to shed staff over the outbreak.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A P)

Trump Makes Fresh Attempt to Resolve Saudi, Qatar Feud

The U.S. is now focusing on a dispute over airline flight rights in trying to mend a broader rift that has split U.S. allies in the Gulf and set back U.S. efforts to contain Iran

The Trump administration is taking a new tack in trying to resolve a three-year-old feud between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors by pressing Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to halt their bans on Qatari airlines flying over their countries, according to U.S. and Gulf officials.

Repeated attempts to end the feud, which enters its fourth year on Friday, have broken down. And the latest effort faces strong resistance from Saudi Arabia, frustrating U.S. hopes of resolving a rift that has complicated its efforts to contain Iran

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

UN moves toward ending UN-AU peacekeeping in Sudan’s Darfur

(A P)

Sudan appoints new defense chief amid tensions with Ethiopia

(B H P)

Sudanese raped in crackdown wrestle with trauma a year later

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp3 4, cp13a – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-655 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-655: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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