Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 660 - Yemen War Mosaic 660

Yemen Press Reader 660: 21. Juni 2020: Jemenkrieg u. westliche Experten – Überwachungssystem der Huthis – Saudi-Arabien: Der Krieg kommt nach Hause – Kampf um Jemen zwischen Türkei und Emiraten

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... Separatisten erlangen volle Kontrolle über Sokotra – Corona breitet sich weiter aus – und mehr

June 21, 2020: The Yemen War and western experts – The Houthi supervisory system – Saudi Arabia: the war comes home – The struggle on Yemen between Turkey and the UAE – Separatists gain full control of Socotra island – Corona is spreading further – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

Neue Artikel / New articles

(B H K P)

Was gerade im Jemen passiert – und wie du helfen kannst

Laut den Vereinten Nationen sei es "die größte humanitäre Krise der Welt", die aktuell im Jemen passiert. Ein Überblick.

Laut den Vereinten Nationen, die versuchen einen Friedensprozess einzuleiten, leidet Jemen damit unter der schlimmsten humanitären Krise seit 100 Jahren.

(B H K P)

Schlimmste humanitäre Krise weltweit: Wie sich die Lage im Jemen durch Corona verschärft

Im Jemen herrscht laut der UN die schlimmste humanitäre Krise weltweit. Wir erklären dir hier kurz und bündig, was sich im Land durch die Verbreitung von Sars-CoV-2 verändert.

Da es an medizinischem Personal, Ausrüstung und sogar sauberem Trinkwasser mangelt, befindet sich das Land nach Angaben der UN in der schlimmsten humanitären Krise weltweit.

(B H)

Film: We need to be talking about Yemen right now. It's been dubbed "the world's worst humanitarian crisis." Decimated by ongoing war, with some 22 million experiencing imposed food insecurity, it is the site of history's worst cholera outbreak. Now, it faces COVID-19.

(B P)

Film (von 2009): Jemen Eine Republik der Stämme Mit offenen Karten 13 Jun 2009

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(*** B K P)

Speaking above Yemenis: A reading beyond the Tyranny of experts


Although rarely making the headlines, concerned employees of international organizations privately admit that since March 2015, Yemen has been the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.1 Year by year the situation gets worse as a coalition of financially-strapped regional powers and their US and UK facilitators continue a siege of the entirety of the North of the country while fighting it out among themselves over control of the resource-rich South. The result of this multipolar war of attrition is that upwards of 18 million Yemenis face starvation and disease.

Under the cover of a media silence that disregards the warnings of health providers, more than 63,000 children living in the besieged northwest of the country died in 2016 alone (the last year UNICEF dared to count). With no visits from Hollywood movie stars to touch the charitable hearts of the First World public, few know that, since the beginning of 2017, over a million have been infected by cholera. More up-to-date approximations are even more horrific.2

How will historians a generation or two from now write about this war on Yemen? Will there be any interest in inspecting more deeply what happened, why, and under whose watch such a crime was committed? Or will future historians resort to repeating the dominant frames used to characterize (or ignore) this war on Yemen used today?

No doubt those considering a deeper look will first consult the media’s archives. What they will be surprised to see, perhaps, is how much this disaster in Yemen has been kept out of the daily news. By all accounts, those committing hundreds of billions of dollars to a war on Yemenis would prefer that little to no attention be spent on its atrocities. Corporate media have been happy to oblige.3

Trying to answer why the images of emaciated children and the upwards of 18 million civilians threatened by starvation are not making headlines across the world could itself become the heart of any future study on Yemen’s war. Such a task will require, however, moving beyond the security-centered, international relations’ frames of analysis prevalent in the available scholarly literature today. Present-day scholars and experts whose salaries are paid by the very regimes imposing this war may prove unhelpful in explaining the journalistic omerta future historians will wish to study.4

The conventional narrative about the war unleashed by ‘coalition’ forces positions the US-led ‘global community’ as a benevolent agent simply aiming to reinstate the ‘legitimate’ presidency of one Abd-Rabbu Mansur Hadi for the sake of regional stability. Rarely highlighted any longer, this politically meek former vice president was the anointed partner to interests that, in reaction to uprisings in 2010–2011 against globalization, sought to suppress what is known as ‘the Arab Spring’ by imposing a reliable ‘interim government.’5 Appointed in 2012 as an alternative to the no longer useful Ali Abdullah Saleh (president since 1978) and a barrier to ‘radical’ populist groups pushing for the reversal of austerity policies, the Obama and May administrations gave Hadi the task of continuing Yemen’s highly unpopular integration into the global economy that had been interrupted by those 2010–2011 ‘change’ uprisings.

Mischaracterized as ‘support’ for America’s imposed counter-revolutionary solution, most of those protesting in 2011 were willing to give the US-directed process a chance considering they faced treats of perpetual violence from various factions vulnerable to populist demands for radical change. The trouble proved to be that Hadi’s actual mandate was to push even more aggressively the very ‘structural adjustments’ against which Yemen’s people protested in the first place. The violence and economic destitution this interim 2012–2014 period produced is all but forgotten in 2019. Such amnesia is critical as it makes it possible today for think tank employees to insinuate that there was no justification for Hadi’s removal from the seat of the Yemeni government after his interim two-year period ended in mid-2014.

While future readers of the extant analysis of Yemen will note that Hadi’s arrest in late 2014 constitutes a ‘coup’ by ‘Iranian-backed Houthi rebels,’ rarely does the background to these events extend to acknowledging the justifications for the nation’s collective outrage expressed against the IMF-austerity Hadi imposed. Indeed, if relying exclusively on the published material today, future historians will be strained to learn that Hadi’s ready cooperation in the 2012–2014 period extended to implementing unpopular IMF and World Bank austerity programmes, tearing up previous leases benefiting UAE-based companies and granting new ones to Saudi and Qatari companies instead. In availing Yemen’s primary assets to reliable American business partners, Yemen proved equally safe from China, which had secured with the previous Saleh government access to the country’s agriculture, oil/gas and fisheries assets. Worse still for many who had originally formed in 2010–2011 a cross-sectional alliance to reverse Yemen’s economic liquidation, Hadi and his American/Saudi/Qatar benefactors gave free reign to armed groups linked to Muslim Brotherhood affiliates known as Islah. Partnering with trusted members of the US-trained special units in the Yemeni army, foreign fighters and local loyalists actively chased down and murdered Yemeni leaders hostile to the globalist project they and Hadi’s government were charged to impose.6

In this respect, large numbers of Yemenis, be they in the North or South, recognized the US-backed Hadi project as a reactionary, neo-colonialist disaster that needed addressing. To those behind his arrest, a larger coalition of actors from across the political, socioeconomic and regional spectrum who were willing to take up arms to steer Yemen back toward real reform, the objectives of the interim government were clearly servicing outsiders’ interests. Selling off Yemen’s future to benefit the US Embassy were grounds for termination on perfectly logical patriotic, moral, and/or legal lines. The problem is few of the vetted analyses produced today acknowledge that armed intervention by self-declared defenders of the 2011 ‘change’ revolution as either justified or patriotic. This proves debilitating in today’s scholarship and threatens to distort future historical inspections: millions of people, after all, have declared support for a revolution (September 21, 2014) that remains as vigilant in 2019, despite five years of war.

Yemen (re)presented

Future historians will discover that it is rare to come across any analysis acknowledging, let alone explaining, the huge popular support for the armed rebellion led to halt Hadi’s ruinous economic ‘reforms.’ Never mentioned as such, the biased catch all references to ‘the Houthi militias’ as the ones behind ‘the coup’ actively erases the possibility that there are deeper and broader sources of legitimacy for those resisting what has since March 2015 become a US-facilitated war on Yemen. Indeed, future historians may be hard pressed to understand at all what motivates those engaged in this now almost five-year war if left with this crude binary of ‘Houthi militias’ vs. the ‘legitimate government of Hadi.’ Revealing, this misleading characterization is not for a lack of material.7

While the scholarship today largely ignores local Yemeni justifications for resistance, a brief investment in studying the statements made by various activists forming the alliances around the ‘national salvation government’ based in Sana‘a’ throughout the war would reveal some intriguing characteristics – by Isa Blumi

(** B P)


The complex interplay of formal and informal political, military, and security structures in Yemen poses a challenge for humanitarian agencies trying to operate on the ground while adhering to humanitarian principles in Houthi-controlled territories. This situation is made even more complex by the increasing competition between different wings of the Houthi movement, and between local elites and the central regime, for the control of state institutions. Understanding political environments is key to ensuring an effective provision of humanitarian assistance. In Yemen, particularly, a thorough understanding of local elite networks is needed in order for humanitarians to engage with state actors in a way that is neutral, impartial, and independent.
This report explores the history of the Houthi movement and the structure of the Houthi regime highlighting the need for nuanced and customised approaches to state authorities in different parts of Houthi-controlled Yemen.

In Houthi-controlled territories, formal state authorities are systematically paralleled by the Houthi supervisory system. This ‘shadow state’ guarantees the control of the central regime over its peripheries, and the grip of the Houthi inner-circle over local elites of Houthi supporters (the mutahawwithin). As a result, decision-making does not necessarily lie with those actors who are formally representing the state (e.g. governors, ministers, security directors, etc.). Rather, it often lies with informal Houthi supervisors. Choosing one political interlocutor over another can make the difference and requires a thorough understanding of elite dynamics.

Key Findings

The supervisory system operates as a direct link between the inner circle of the Houthi leadership and the local governance system. Most Houthi general supervisors are Hashemites from the northern governorates, ideologically committed, and tied to the leadership by kinship and territory.

Since December 2017, a gradual merging of formal institutions and the informal supervisory system is underway, with Houthi supervisors and loyalists appointed in state authorities. New state authorities, established outside of the law and placed under Houthi control, are making formal institutions redundant and ineffective.

Houthi supervisors from the northern governorates and local elites of Houthi sympathisers (mutahawwithin) often compete for influence and the control of governorates’ institutions.

The regime's architecture is ever-evolving and volatile. State institutions and the supervisory system are increasingly merging, with the result that prominent Houthi leaders are now holding formal state positions.

The relationship between the Houthi inner-circle and local elites shapes different configurations of power in each governorate. Charting these dynamics on the governorate level is fundamental for humanitarian agencies to successfully deal with local authorities.

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(** B K P)

The War Comes Home

The Yemen conflict has affected Saudi border areas and is changing the public’s thinking in the kingdom.

Since Riyadh intervened militarily in Yemen in 2015, Saudis have actively discussed developments there on social media, reflecting growing public interest in Yemeni affairs. This has been accompanied by ongoing, wide-ranging debates between Yemenis and Saudis over the details and trajectory of the war and how the Saudi intervention is seen by Saudi society. Most Saudi activists have adopted a similar discourse to that of the Saudi state, partly due to government censorship and intense monitoring of social media platforms, precluding any opposing voices. However, the level of debate shows how much attention Saudis have paid in recent years to news from Yemen, which has had a direct impact on their lives.

The economic costs of Saudi involvement in the conflict alone have had major effects on Saudi society, in the form of tax hikes, raised fees for various services, and higher fuel prices. The conflict has also sparked a string of Houthi missile attacks against targets inside Saudi territory, sowing fear among ordinary Saudis and prompting many to start following the news from Yemen more closely.

Totally forbidden from criticizing their government or critiquing its policies, Saudis writing on the war have focused on the country’s enemy and limited their criticism of Saudi-backed actors in Yemen to questioning their seriousness and ability to achieve victory. The situation in Yemen has brought to prominence new Saudi writers, who have treated the subject as a safe topic for political commentary—provided that they adopt the official narrative.

Prior to the war, Yemen received hardly any attention in Saudi life.

The kingdom’s weak spot in this regard is its territory along the Yemen border, where the war has changed security arrangements and demography. When the war broke out in 2015, the Saudi government moved many residents of villages near the border to cities deeper inside Saudi Arabia, essentially turning the region into a buffer zone. This zone extends into Yemeni territory along the border, to a depth of between 10 and 40 kilometers toward Houthi-controlled territory. The goal of this was to prevent incursions into Saudi Arabia, especially as land clashes with the Houthis have dragged on.

This shift in Saudi strategy in its southern region has had major repercussions for tribes along the frontier. Before it engaged the Houthis in military conflict, Saudi Arabia relied heavily on these tribes, both inside Saudi and Yemeni territory, to secure the long border.

Throughout the current conflict Riyadh has relied on Yemeni conscripts—by some estimates numbering as many as 60,000 fighters—distributed across various fronts along the border. However, these fighters only make up the first line. Behind them are a multitude of military and security forces charged by the kingdom with securing its territories. Saudi Arabia has lost dozens of troops in the area due to clashes and artillery fire emanating from Houthi-held areas.

As many as half the Saudi troops lost in these clashes hail from the southwestern border region, especially Jizan, upon whom Riyadh has relied heavily. These casualties have naturally had a social impact. Despite Saudi glorification of soldiers sacrificing their lives to guard the frontier, the losses have been deeply felt nationwide, especially in contrast to the stability that had reigned in previous decades.

Fighting in certain border regions has also forced the closure of markets once vital to local economies. The closure of major border crossings in the Tuwal district has caused major economic losses for Saudis living in surrounding areas. The war has shown that residents of Saudi Arabia’s southern cities and villages have not been shielded from the repercussions of Riyadh’s intervention. The conflict has brought changes to the way that Saudis think, which will remain strongly present in the coming years. Even after the war ends, Saudi Arabia will face many domestic problems born of the long conflict in Yemen – by Ahmed Nagi

(** B K P)

After Libya, will Turkey defeat the UAE in Yemen?

Most of the attention that Turkey’s military interventions are attracting tend to be focussed on Libya, Syria and the occasional air strike in the Iraqi Kurdistan region against terrorist PKK targets. What has gone largely unnoticed is Turkey’s growing involvement in Yemen, although it is still debatable what it entails and whether it is in its national interests and can yield strategic results in the long term.

According to Turkey’s Foreign Ministry website, the country has “deeply rooted historical and cultural ties with Yemen”, which was once a province of the Ottoman Caliphate.

In the five-year war in Yemen, Ankara has supported the UN-recognised government in exile in Saudi Arabia. Almost from the outset of the conflict, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed support for the Saudi-led coalition’s intervention.

Turkey’s TRT World has previously discussed the country’s influence in Yemen and acknowledged Ankara’s geostrategic interests in the Red Sea and Bab Al-Mandeb Strait, as well as Turkey’s potential to be a key player in Yemen’s future.

The Emirati-financed Arab Weekly, meanwhile, has been particularly vicious over the past three months, with articles accusing Turkey of building up its presence in Yemen, specifically in support of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Al-Islah Party. The allegations against Ankara include Egypt’s growing concerns such as Turkish “interference” under the guise of humanitarian aid operating in three southern coastal regions and a joint “Qatar-Turkish plot” to establish a militia recruitment camp in the Shabwa province.

It is quite possible that these allegations contain half-truths or exaggerations and, according to Assistant Professor at Kings College London Dr Andreas Krieg, are a smokescreen to divert attention from the rise of the UAE-backed separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) and the eventual fall of the Yemeni government-in-exile under President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

In the paradoxical world of Middle East alliances, Saudi Arabia is hostile to the Brotherhood and, along with the UAE, financed the military coup which overthrew Egypt’s first civilian President Mohamed Morsi who was affiliated to the movement, and yet actively supports Al-Islah militia which function as Hadi’s main fighting force on the ground against the Houthi-aligned Yemeni army.

Turkey may well extend limited assistance to Al-Islah, but it is unlikely that the party will jeopardise its support from the Saudis. After five years of a costly war, though, the Saudis may find themselves unable to continue funding its mercenaries in Yemen who have thus far failed to undermine Houthi-domination of the north and the capital Sanaa. Interestingly, some Islah supporters have recently taken to using an online hashtag campaign asking Turkey to intervene in Yemen. Earlier this year the Yemeni government had to deny allegations that it had signed an agreement with Turkey to manage its ports and transport infrastructure.

Nevertheless, the Saudis appear to take Turkey’s involvement seriously. Reports last week said that the coalition prevented a Turkish cargo plane carrying aid from landing in the southern port city of Aden. Even so, in light of the ongoing conflict between Saudi-backed Al-Islah and UAE-supported STC forces in the south, if fears of Turkey’s growing involvement are credible then it would be an ominous development for the UAE and its allied militias.

The UAE has long been accused of attempting to annex the Yemeni island of Socotra to secure what it perceives to be its geopolitical interests in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. It already has military and naval bases in Djibouti, Eritrea and Somaliland.

Turkey, of course, has its largest overseas military base located in the Somali capital Mogadishu as well as its largest embassy. Logistically speaking, therefore, it is plausible that it could be preparing for a “Libya-like” operation in Yemen, also against UAE-backed forces – by Omar Ahmed


(** B P)

Rumor mills are working overtime in regards to the #Turkish involvement in #Yemen. Allies and adversaries of #Turkey are fueling such narrative.

73.6% of 163 followers voted No when asked, "Do you believe #Turkey will lead a military intervention in #Yemen?"

In 2015, #Turkey joined the #KSA #Saudi-led military intervention and to the best of my knowledge did not officially withdraw

There are no official statements from the gov'ts of Aden or Ankara in regards to a Turkish military intervention in #Yemen, only personal opinions

However, #Turkey and #UAE are pointing fingers at each other in regards to #Yemen

Yes @Tika_Yemen is operational in #Yemen and Turkish arms have proliferated throughout the markets, but that is also true for other nations

Yes #Turkey hosts #Yemen-i media outlets but so does others. In the end, will the intervention be another self-fulfilling prophecy

My remark: More at cp12.

(** A K P)

Southern troops gain full control over Yemen's Socotra island

Troops of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Saturday tightened their grip on the strategic Yemeni island of Socotra after expelling loyalists of the Muslim Brotherhood group.

A security official based in Socotra confirmed that "the southern troops were largely deployed across Socotra and have completely gained total control over the strategic island."

"Officials of Socotra's local authority declared their outright support for the southern forces that began securing all the state facilities there," the source said on condition of anonymity.

He affirmed that all offices of the local authority have resumed work and begun offering services for the local residents in Socotra.

Earlier in the day, hundreds of Socotra's local residents staged a large demonstration in front of the local authority headquarters to show support for STC's troops.

Witnesses told Xinhua that "people went out to the streets in Hadibu, the capital of Socotra, waving flags of former South Yemen and happily welcoming the arrival of the southern troops."

A leading member of the Aden-based STC, a powerful ally of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, confirmed that STC has started implementing self-rule in Socotra and held a number of meetings to discuss the situation there.

"During the past period, some elements used Socotra as a hotbed for illegally smuggling weapons to abort the efforts of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting Houthis in Yemen," the STC official said anonymously.

"From now on the southern troops will secure Socotra and closely cooperate with the Saudi-led Arab coalition to curb the activities serving other foreign agendas in the country," he added.

Local observers believe that a number of reasons enabled the STC in seizing the strategic island.

Films, Photos:

My remark: More at cp6.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(** B H)

“One Hand Tied Behind Your Back.” Providing Aid to Yemen as Coronavirus Spreads Quietly

The aid group Yemen Aid worked to decide how best to distribute precious resources in a country where Covid-19 is spreading widely, suspected but largely undetected.

“There is…a real challenge around simply trying to survive” without the added threat of the coronavirus, said Aidan O’Leary, head of the Yemen office for the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA.

According to figures released by OCHA, only 709 cases of Covid-19 had been reported in Yemen as of June 13, with 161 deaths, out of a population of approximately 30 million people. Those low numbers are almost certainly misleading.

Altaf Musani, the World Health Organization’s Yemen representative, explained that the current confirmed cases are primarily those of people experiencing particularly severe symptoms, as they are most likely to be tested during admission to hospitals. The fact that these are severe cases may also account somewhat for the high fatality rate.

And while the official case counts are low, Musani explained that hospital admissions, social media, health worker testimonials, and full cemeteries tell a different story, one that indicates the all-but-unchecked spread of Covid-19 throughout the country.

As soon as the disease appeared in Yemen in early April, O’Leary said, “we were concerned that coronavirus would spread more quickly, more widely, with deadlier consequences than other countries.”

Those concerns were validated. Quickly, the evidence suggested that “transmission was taking place undetected and unmitigated across Yemen.”

Testing is extremely limited, and while Yemen has received donations of testing materials, O’Leary explained that there are nowhere near enough to launch the kinds of testing initiatives being carried out in other countries. “It would require kits in the millions, not what we have at the moment, which is in the tens of thousands,” he said.

In addition, Musani said, “there is a tremendous amount of fear and stigma” associated with the disease in parts of the country, which means many people are unlikely to seek treatment unless their symptoms grow severe.

There have also been reports that people who seek help at Yemeni hospitals have been turned away because staff lack protective gear or feel unable to treat the disease – an experience that Nasser said a relative underwent.

Complicating matters is the situation in Houthi-controlled territories where, as The New York Times reports, information about the virus has been actively suppressed.

But both Musani and O’Leary say accurate information just isn’t available, regardless of location within Yemen. And there’s reason to believe that the country is headed towards a worst-case scenario, in which the vast majority of Yemeni people may contract the disease and upwards of 65,000 may die of it, based on current forecasting models.

Part of the problem, Musani explained, is that measures like lockdowns, curfews, and social and physical distancing are “completely uneven throughout the country,” making it less likely that the disease can be contained.

And not knowing many details about the disease’s spread is frustrating for authorities and aid groups who rely on information to make decisions.

“The problem that we face is that we know what the overall scale and scope is likely to be, but it’s a little bit like punching blind,” O’Leary said – by Talya Meyers

(* B H)

Coronavirus: Five reasons why it is so bad in Yemen

  1. It is a country still at war
  2. It is already suffering the world's worst humanitarian crisis
  3. Yemen's health system has collapsed
  4. The actual number of coronavirus cases is unknown
  5. Medics themselves are vulnerable

(* B H)

Infographic: New @DFID_UK and @LSHTM modelling estimates #Yemen has already been hit by 1 million #Covid_19 cases, with the potential for a staggering 85,000 deaths. Increased funding and an end to the fighting are both urgently needed to tackle the pandemic. (Graph: @DFID_UK)

(* B H)

Film: Covid-19 im Jemen: Eine Katastrophe bahnt sich an

"Er kam an, wurde mit Sauerstoff versorgt und vier Stunden später war er tot." Unser Projektkoordinator Thierry Durand berichtet von der derzeitigen Situation im Jemen. Das Land, das ohnehin seit Jahren unter Krieg und Konflikten leidet, wird nun besonders schwer von Covid-19 getroffen - mit einer alarmierend hohen Sterblichkeitsrate.

(B H P)

How coronavirus has devastated war-torn Yemen

Doctors, diplomats and aid workers all predicted Covid-19 would hit Yemen hard – but the reality has been even worse

The UN has warned that the virus is currently spreading swiftly throughout the country, largely due to inadequate testing capabilities and a health system in crisis.

Rather than expanding its operations, the World Health Organization has been forced to close down clinics across the country due to falling funds. It says that half of Yemen’s health facilities are no longer functioning and 18% of district authorities have no doctors at all.

There are also fears seasonal outbreaks of cholera, diphtheria and dengue, which occur regularly in the country, and could further tax the country’s creaking medical infrastructure.

According to David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee, a “global response” is crucial to beating the pandemic.

“We are in a race against time,” he said. “This pandemic will not come to an end [in Yemen] until it is under control everywhere.

(A H)

Epidemics take toll on residents of Ibb

Multiple epidemics including the Covid-19 killed 27 people during the past three days in Ibb governorate, in central Yemen.

Local sources said that the 27 diseased people died at home with no healthcare.

Some of the reported deaths in various parts of Ibb, had the Covid-19 like symptoms, the sources said.

The Houthis-held Ibb is said to have been experiencing a high spread of the Covid-19 amid continued coverup by the Houthis officials on the number of coronavirus deaths.

(A H)

10 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 919 in total

( B H)

Film: Corona threatens lives of 250 patients with kidney failure at Al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz

Coronavirus has threatened the lives of 250 patients with kidney failure after it went out of control and spread among the auditors and medical staff in the dialysis center in Al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz, southwestern Yemen, and despite many requests to government agencies to establish health isolation for the injured inside the center and provide personal protection methods, sterilizers and disinfectants to be able to Saving patients and limiting the spread of Corona, however, the center's administration denied receiving any aid and launched a distress call to the Ministry of Health and all international organizations to save patients.

(* B H)

Yemeni SEC warns against COVID-19 massive spread in Taiz

Taiz is risking a massive spread of COVID-19, spokesman for the Supreme Emergency Committee (SEC) warned on Thursday after the Yemeni southwestern city had run out of testing solutions provided by WHO and due to lack of daily statistic updates on the virus.
"The lack of day-to-day statistics means cut of testing and other medical supplies to the governorate," Dr. Ahmed al-Haj, also director of Taiz central lab, added on Facebook.
Throughout three days, the SEC has received 260 reports and calls from different districts of Taiz governorate, he wrote.
However, he said "105 samples for coronavirus-suspected cases were not tested or dealt with, because of absence of solutions.
"We cannot respond or take samples and PCR tests to define the pandemic course, neither we can refer cases to isolation centers since the tests' stock finished," he added.
The SEC's lack of daily updates gives seriously negative signs to stakeholders and makes people overlook preventive precautions, while the cut of medical supplies and absence of solutions confused healthcare workers and would lead to wider spread of the pandemic, Haj said.
According to its latest statistics, Taiz has recorded 204 cases infected with COVID-19 including 48 deaths and 22 recoveries.

(* B H)

Yemen's healthcare system is collapsing under conflict and coronavirus

Five years of conflict in Yemen has resulted in a shattered healthcare system and widespread malnourishment. On top of this crisis, Covid-19 has been surging through the country.

Research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found infections in the middle-Eastern country may have reached one million. The same study projects a worst-case scenario of up to 85,000 deaths.

So, what is being done to help Yemen and how did this crisis unfold?

As a result of the conflict, Yemen is the Arab world's poorest country. The UN has warned that coronavirus is currently surging throughout the country, largely due to inadequate testing capabilities and a health system in disarray.

The UN itself is struggling for funds - this month, its humanitarian appeal for Yemen fell $1 billion short of what aid agencies needed.

Multinational corporations have teamed up with a struggling UN to bolster Yemen's healthcare system.

(* B H)

Film: Yemen Is Facing the World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis, Then Coronavirus Came

The WHO estimates that at best, at least half of Yemen could be infected with the coronavirus and could become the worst manifestation of the virus because of the country’s depleted healthcare system. At least half of the hospitals there are not fully functional, with less than 1000 ventilators and ICU beds across the country, according to the WHO.

(* B H P)

Coronavirus: Yemen facing humanitarian crisis as rebels reportedly hide scale of outbreak

Doctors in northern Yemen have received threats against disclosing the true number of deaths

Thousands of people in the Houthi-controlled area of Yemen are dying from the coronavirus in an epidemic that the rebels are trying to hide, it has been reported.

Doctors contacted in northern Yemen have said that they had received threats against disclosing the scale of deaths, according to a newspaper report.

The Times said the Houthis had 'reacted with paranoia to the virus, denying its spread and jailing doctors and journalists who draw attention to it’.

The growing disaster in Yemen was confirmed by Britain’s senior military officer in the Middle East who warned with the cholera outbreak, locust invasion and Covid-19, the country faced a growing human toll.

“We are really concerned about the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen,” Lt Gen John Lorimer told The National. “Yemenis have suffered hugely. If the fighting stops it will allow the world to engage in this humanitarian issue.”

His words come as The Times reported that the capital, Sanaa, was experiencing scores of Covid-19 deaths daily in a country shattered by five years of fighting.

While 909 infections and 248 deaths have been officially reported, the true number is understood to be vastly higher and is growing in rural areas.

The situation has further deteriorated with UN funding stretched amid a drop in international charitable donations. In addition, the April ceasefire has been consistently ignored with fighting intensifying in the past week.

The rebels are now refusing to release the number of people who have been infected or died with the virus as it “created a state of fear and anxiety”.

(A H)

7 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 909 in total

(A H)

New tally of Covid-19 spread in occupied southern Yemen

41 new cases put total count at 885

My comment: While the Houthis hide the real figures in Northern Yemen.

(A H)

My uncle died from Covid-19 days ago and now my father and mother have similar symptoms of #coronavirus. Fucking racist #Houthis don't give a shit about #Yemeni|s' lives

(* B H)

Film: COVID-19 and Conflict in Yemen

(? B H)

Coronavirus thrives in Yemen, already devastated by war and famine

Across northern Yemen, mothers and fathers are disappearing, never to be seen again. The cause of death — coronavirus — is confirmed in a phone call.

Doctors have been threatened and told not to speak to journalists, but have revealed anonymously that hundreds if not thousands of people have been killed by the disease, and scores more are dying daily (subscribers only)

(* B H)

The Yemen Crisis: Civil War, Starvation And Now A Global Pandemic

Yemen is facing an emergency within an emergency’ is how UNICEF has described the current situation. As of June 17th, just 885 confirmed coronavirus cases were reported and 214 deaths, however, real figures are expected to be much higher.

Testing rates are incredibly low, authorities lack the ability to track the disease, with the health-care system all but collapsed.

One in six of Yemen’s 333 districts have been left without any doctors, as medical care professionals fled the country to escape the conflict.

Yemen’s health system is not well equipped to fight the virus, less than half of their health facilities are currently running, and even those which are lack access to basic equipment such as masks and gloves.

As of June 6th, the UN reports that Yemen has access to just 675 intensive care beds and 309 ventilators.

(* B H P)

Houthis’ Approach to Coronavirus Designed to Benefit Movement’s Elite

Donors’ efforts are needed to ensure access to coronavirus assistance is open to all citizens without discrimination, lest they risk exacerbating social bias and inequality in an already frail country.

statistics released by the de facto Houthi authorities in the capital, Sanaa, do not reflect the number of infected.

the Houthi rebels have held such information under strict centralized management, keeping the public in the dark about the impact and spread of the virus. The Houthis’ strict information control around the illness appears to be a tactical move that aims to safeguard the interests of its leadership and elites.

Residents of Sanaa taking note of the increasing number of funerals and burials in their neighborhoods have expressed dismay on social media platforms about the growing death toll. Others have announced obituaries and funeral processions online, which give Yemenis a sense of the general direction their cities have been heading. Medical health professionals, chief among them Dr. Ahmed al-Moayed, founder of al-Moayed hospital in Sanaa, and Dr. Mohamed al-Qendad, a prominent doctor at al-Ahly hospital in Sanaa, are dying unexpectedly. Meanwhile, Houthi official sources only acknowledged four coronavirus cases, with one resulting in death.

Because public accountability and access to information are not possible under the current circumstances, citizens fear class or sectarian inequality and social discrimination at the hospitals, a majority of which are run by Houthi elites. Even dedicated Houthi followers could be discriminated against if they do not have elite status, which is often designated to specific households in the country that claim genealogical lineage from the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, commonly referred to as Sayed, Ashraf, or Hashemite. This social discrimination based on genealogical lineage to the prophet has been a practice since the Houthis’ takeover of large swaths of Yemen in 2014 and has become institutionalized in many sectors

Under these circumstances, triage becomes risky, particularly for doctors seeking to uphold ethical standards. They are not asked directly to discriminate among patients per se but are asked to prioritize resources to certain individuals. Doctors in Sanaa are under strict directives not to disclose coronavirus cases to patients. In an interview on the Houthi-sponsored al-Maseera channel with a coronavirus patient in al-Kuwait hospital, the patient expressed gratitude to medical workers for not telling him he was infected. “They told me I have asthma and diabetes,” he said, adding, “had they told me that I had corona the first day [I arrived here], I would have probably died.”

A community kept in the dark breeds a perfect environment for disinformation and rumors, such as the one reported by the Associated Press of a “mercy injection” that Houthis are allegedly administering to euthanize coronavirus patients.

Faced with public and international pressure to disclose information, Houthi officials devised a narrative admitting they suppressed the numbers to manage public anxiety and reduce panic.

The lack of transparency has increased public anxiety. Videos of people forcibly taken away from their homes by gunmen in ambulances generated the exact panic that Houthis claim they want to avoid. Another video of body bags buried at night by men donning medical hazmat suits demonstrated the Houthis’ questionable methods of managing the pandemic.

Mutwakel’s assurances are a far cry from his alarmist position in early April when he addressed the Parliament, warning that Yemen could not handle the pandemic

The change in the Houthis’ position from Mutawakel’s dire predictions to its current focus on reassuring the population that their health is not at risk could reflect a self-interested calculation. The Houthis understand that because there is not sufficient capacity to serve everyone, prioritizing health care becomes of paramount importance, especially for the elites and their families. Houthis’ control over virus information allows them to prioritize treatment and quarantine based on their belief system and interests. Second, Houthi leaders realize that international aid organizations might interfere in this process and insist that they uphold their obligations under international law as an occupying authority, which might explain the reason behind their increasingly hostile attitudes toward the U.N – by Fatima Abo Alasrar

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Children Recruited by Houthis Contract COVID-19 in Yemen's Saada

Dozens of children in Yemen’s Saada province have been infected by the new coronavirus after being forced by Houthi militias to attend indoctrination schools and institutes, well-informed sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.

Reports indicate that Houthis failed to implement health precautionary measures at the designated sectarian schools and institutes. This comes as the virus has spread dramatically in areas under Houthi control in northern Yemen.

According to sources based in Saada, a Houthi stronghold, “the virus has spread largely among children who have been lately forced by Houthis to attend the militias’ schools and institutes.”

My remark: as claimed by a Saudi news site.

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Audio: In Yemen, battling coronavirus during civil war

Five years of civil war, cholera, and starvation have devastated Yemen while Saudi-led blockades and bombing campaigns have left its healthcare system almost useless. Now, Yemen faces a new challenge — a global pandemic, right when crucial aid to the country is starting to dry up. How bad could things get in Yemen?

In this episode: Hakim Almasmari, journalist and mediator in Sanaa, Yemen.

(A H)

#Yemen: Hayel Saeed Anam Group has equipped 38 Covid-19 treatment centres & provided 446 ventilators and other medical aid to face coronavirus, reports said Wednesday, adding the aid has been channeled through Int'l Initiative on COVID-19 in Yemen and will be distributed by WHO.


Film, photos:


(A H)

Life-saving COVID-19 supplies land in Aden

Aircraft carrying a total of 43 tons of laboratory supplies, ventilators, test kits, PCR machines and vital PPE to fight COVID-19 have arrived at Aden Internatonal Airport on Friday, thanks to a donation to the World Health Organization (WHO) facilitated by Hayel Saeed Anam Foundation on behalf of the International Initiative on COVID-19 in Yemen (IICY), a collaborative partnership of multinational companies and the United Nations.
“This donation comes at a critical time. It will have a massive and immediate impact on the ground helping to fill the gaps in Yemen’s hospitals and laboratories countrywide,” said Mr. Auke Lootsma, acting Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen.


(A H)

UNICEF airlifts COVID-19 testing kits to Yemen to boost response as cases soa

A first batch of 10,000 COVID-19 tests arrived in Sana'a on a UNICEF-chartered plane today, to increase the COVID-19 testing capacity amid the rapid increase of cases in Yemen.


(A H)

Plane carrying medical supplies arrives at Sanaa Airport

A cargo plane arrived at Sanaa International Airport on Wednesday carrying eight tons of medical supplies to combat the Corona virus (COVID-19).

The medical supplies shipment was provided by Hayel Saeed Anam Group to the World Health Organization, as part of the group’s contribution to combating COVID-19.

(A H)

What could be more depressing than getting a weekly report from my mother( in tears) about the passing of a dozen of relatives & acquaintances in Yemen?

(A H)

Seventeen new #covid19 cases reported today by @YSNECCOVID19

(A H)

Dr Yassin Abdul-Warith, one of the most renowned and veteran epidemiologists in #Yemen, has died from #COVID19 in Sana'a. For more than 50 years, he had been working silently & behind the scene to fight different epidemics across the country, even after his retirement.

(B H)

Yemen: COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Monthly Report (May 2020)

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Doctors Without Borders: Treating 10,000 cholera cases

Cholera is endemic in Yemen. Between 2016 and 2017, two waves of cholera hit Yemen. Although the disease was subsequently brought under control, health authorities and medical organisations have continued to see cholera cases in almost all governorates of the country since the end of the last outbreak. This year, MSF has admitted around 10,000 suspected cholera cases to its health facilities in Amran, Hajjah, Sanaa, Ibb and Taiz governorates

Following this strong increase, we scaled up our response in March

cp2 Allgemein / General

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Interactive Map of Yemen War

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Audio: Steht Jemen vor dem Zerfall?

Nach fünf Jahren Krieg ist das ärmste arabische Land vollkommen zerrüttet. Den Norden kontrollieren fast vollständig die Huthi-Rebellen, im Süden fordern Separatisten einen eigenen Staat. Droht Jemen auseinanderzufallen? Oder wäre eine Spaltung sogar die Lösung, könnte sie den Krieg beenden?

Heute hängt das kriegsversehrte Land an der Südspitze der arabischen Halbinsel am Tropf der internationalen Nothilfe.
Der Youtuber Ayash reist mit seiner Kamera durch die zerrüttete Heimat, um zu dokumentieren, was von deren Schönheit und Vielfalt geblieben ist. Der Graffitikünstler Thiyazen in Sanaa klagt am Telefon über den zunehmend autoritären Kurs der Huthi-Rebellen in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt. Auf der anderen Seite der Front erlebt die Provinz Marib mitten im Krieg einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung. Doch die Kämpfe rücken auch in Marib näher, während um die Hafenstadt Aden ein «Krieg im Krieg» tobt, zwischen verschiedenen Stammesmilizen, die eigentlich gemeinsame Sache gegen die Huthis machen wollten. Die Fronten werden immer unübersichtlicher. Die Separatisten im Süden fordern bereits die Abspaltung, sie erhoffen sich Stabilität von einem unabhängigen Staat Süd-Jemen, wie es ihn bis vor 30 Jahren gab.
Fünf Jahre nach Kriegsbeginn steht Saudi-Arabien in Jemen vor einem Debakel. =

(B K P)

What’s happening in Yemen and * how to ACTUALLY help *, told by me, a Yemeni A thread:

Since 2015, the Saudi and United Arab Emirates formed a coalition to wage a war against the people of Yemen. Why? Yemenis wanted change after the Arab Spring, and pushed out long time President Saleh. So Houthi forces in Yemen pushed out the Vice President that was supposed to...

What resulted was possibly President Obama’s most cruelest exploit in his 8 years in office.

(* B P)

Ex- US ambassador Feierstein: When Yemenis decide together in peace what to do neither the US, nor UAE, Saudi, Iran, Turkey, has a “role.” But Yemenis have to decide. If they don’t every foreign power gets to play in Yemen for its own interests and Yemenis pay the price. I stand for independent Yemen.

My comment: How true. But exactly the US will be the main Western force to exactly prevent this from happening, if the decisions of Yemenis do not match with so-called “US interests”.

(B E K P)

Economic wars to hinder growth of "resistance" project in the region

Sana'a was not in fact, in its talk of an economic war against the Yemenis, which was decided by the American and British sides, together with their regional instruments in the region, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which share the leadership of a coalition of war and a blockade that continues to relentlessly kill and starve the Yemeni people for nearly six years.

But the adoption of the economy as a weapon of war, as much as it came to expose the inability of the modern and newest military machine, to achieve the goal of subjecting the opposing and resistant position in Sana'a to the expansion swells of the project of hegemony and regional and international guardianship, And what falls within it of the plans of partition and fragmentation to facilitate the tasks of exploiting and controlling the capabilities and wealth, It reveals that the idea of killing is going to be extremely dangerous, albeit in another way; Killing with an unjust blockade of the basics of food, medicine and fuel survival, killing by disrupting sources of economic support, closing production and export, undermining foreign currency reserves, destroying the national currency, weakening its purchasing value, sinking into chaos and disintegrating market and price control.

Not only from Yemen, which is almost exceptional, but from any opposing position in the region, it is intended to abandon any rising, counter-or opposing role, to avoid options such as starvation and impoverishment! Especially in the light of the availability provided by the political regimes in the region, which are marked with the thinking and the economically savage monopolar tendencies, in the service of Israel and the Israel project.

My remark: A Houthi viewpoint.

(* B H)


This dataset with visualisations brings together data from a range of sources to provide a greater overall and comparative changes of the Yemen situation and context in past five years at country level. The indicators are selected based on the avialablity of data and based on ACAPS analytical framework specified in ACAPS core data set product from Yemen. When analysing and interpreting the data, please be aware that some indicators are tablulated at monthly and some are in Yearly based on data avilability and nature of indicator. There are major impediments on collecting information in Yemen. Therefore, this dataset has been given a ‘Medium’ reliability ranking by the ACAPS analyst team. The Yemen Analyst Hub recommends that this dataset is used only as a starting point. It will enable you to quickly see the five years trend in Yemen crisis. However, for operational decision making, we recommend you check the sources of data and cosult with data sourced organisation and frontline workers.

If the links do not work, try

(B H K)

Film: The enormous damage caused by the conflict in Yemen will remain for generations to come; In the video from # Saada, filming @BBCNawal A touching scene of a child kissing pictures of his dead siblings. The United Nations Secretary-General removed the Saudi-led coalition from the list of killing and maiming children, knowing that he killed and maimed 222 children in 2019 in #Yemen

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Yemen desperately needs peace

Unless the United Nations Security Council or a coalition of international actors brokers a lasting ceasefire and peace agreement, the crisis in Yemen will only deepen as COVID-19 spreads throughout the vulnerable population, causing mass civilian death.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has reached Yemen, further complicating relief efforts of humanitarian non-governmental organizations on the ground as they deliver life-saving assistance in extremely challenging circumstances.

“COVID-19, of course, is making things more difficult,” Brittany Lambert, women’s rights policy and advocacy specialist for Oxfam Canada, acknowledged “Flights in and out of Yemen have been stopped, restricting movement for some aid workers responding to the humanitarian crisis.”

While land crossings and seaports remain open to commercial and humanitarian goods, “quarantine measures required in seaports at anchorage have reduced humanitarian cargo by two-thirds at key points of entry,” Lambert continued. As a result, personal protective equipment and medical supplies cannot be delivered in a timely fashion.

In every protracted conflict, vital infrastructure, including hospitals and health clinics, are always damaged or destroyed, leaving civilian populations with limited access to medical care — and Yemen is no exception to the rule.

“Now, with COVID-19, the situation is further deteriorating,” Lambert said. “The country’s health-care system is shattered from five years of conflict and unable to cope with the outbreak.”

“COVID-19 has overwhelmed the health systems of wealthy countries, but the Yemen health system is nowhere near ready to respond to the outbreak,” Bill Chambers, president and CEO, Save the Children Canada, agreed. “Response to other health issues, include malnutrition in children, will be impacted if access to health further deteriorates because of COVID-19,” he added.

According to CARE Canada, health-care workers have not been paid in years

“COVID-19 is the latest addition to the many challenges Yemen is facing,” the CARE Canada representative said.

“While aid is important, the only real lasting solution for Yemen is a ceasefire,” Lambert said.

While Canada has endorsed UN Secretary General António Guterres’ call for a ceasefire in Yemen, Lambert called out Canada for continuing to fuel the conflict “by selling weapons to Saudi Arabia and other members of the Saudi-led coalition.” And she urged Canada to “follow the lead of countries like Denmark, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Greece and Austria that have either suspended or terminated arms transfers to Saudi Arabia.”

“Ultimately, what the people of Yemen need is an immediate ceasefire and a political solution to the ongoing conflict,” CARE Canada’s Saliba agreed.

(* B K P)

Yemeni journalist blasts UN for ‘whitewashing’ Saudi killing of children

Nasser Arrabyee, a Yemeni journalist based in the country’s capital, Sana’a, has accused the UN of “whitewashing” the crimes of the Saudi-led coalition in his country. While speaking to The Canary, in an exclusive interview, Arrabyee called the recent decision of the UN secretary general António Guterres to remove the coalition from its annual list of child killers a “disaster” and a “big scandal”.

Arrabyee added:

Of course, the UN has been covering up all the time and whitewashing for Saudis all the time. But to do this, in front of the world, is even worse, it’s very bad. It’s telling everyone that okay Saudi Arabia, you can kill all the Yemeni children.

Guterres’ decision to remove the Saudi-led coalition from the list of those who have committed severe violations against children appears to be based upon the reduction in the number of children explicitly identified by the UN as being killed or injured by the coalition from 729 in 2018 to 222 in 2019. The same UN report also attributed to Houthi forces the killing or injuring of 313 children.

But these figures completely ignore a UN-commissioned report which in April 2019 calculated that a child in Yemen dies directly and indirectly from the war and its consequences “every 12 minutes”.

Jonathan Moyer, co-author of the 2019 report and assistant professor at the Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, noted on Twitter that:

Since 2015, the conflict has killed 140,000 children from violence, malnutrition, disease, and reduced family income.

In 2019, a child dies every 12 minutes from conflict (both direct and indirect).

Arrabyee said that, by his own observations and information provided by local groups throughout the country, the number of civilians killed directly from the war is closer to 150,000. Although he acknowledges that his estimate may be wrong, he is open to debate them and said the UN has no teams in the country properly assessing the situation. He slammed what he sees as capitulation to the richer more powerful UN states who are prosecuting the war against his country and described as ‘shameful’ the figure of 10,000 civilians dead which the UN and news media repeated over a number of years.

The Canary asked Arrabyee whether there was any reduction in violence or progress in terms of the war.

Arrabyee said:

No. The violence is not reduced at all. Not reduced because the so called ceasefire is the same [as without a ceasefire]. But in terms of progress, no progress since six years ago,

He explained the failure of the Saudi-led coalition in succeeding to re-install their preferred ruler this way:

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates… have different goals and different agendas and different strategies and different tactics and different people on the ground. Not only different, but enemies to each other, opposing each other, killing each other, fighting each other. So, this is the two main partners of this coalition, killing each other, fighting each other, all the time.

And you can imagine, what progress they can make?

Arrabyee concluded his thoughts saying that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman wants to extricate himself from what has been a very expensive and ultimately futile endeavour. He added that from Salman’s perspective “it’s a matter of saving face” and on finding a way to leave which will “make defeat look like a victory”.

Meanwhile, the war on Yemen rages on.

(* B P)

Report: 1,370 kidnappings, enforced disappearances in Yemen in 2019

The Yemeni Abductees’ Mothers Association said it has documented 1,059 cases of kidnapping and 312 cases of enforced disappearances in 2019 by the various parties to the conflict in Yemen.

The association explained in a report issued on Tuesday that the majority of violations took place in areas controlled by the Houthi.

According to the report, as many as 158 people who had been kidnapped were killed during air strikes launched by the Saudi-led coalition or had been tortured to death in prisons run by Houthis or the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias.

“As many as 134 kidnapped persons were killed in airstrikes launched by the Arab coalition on the Community College Prison in Dhamar, while 21 kidnapped persons died as a result of torture by the Houthi militia and three kidnapped persons died at the hands of the STC in Aden,” the report said.

The report documented 1,030 cases of kidnapping by the Houthis including 23 women and 11 children last year, 18 cases of kidnapping by the STC in Aden and 11 cases by the Saudi-backed government.

The Houthis, it added, were responsible for 303 cases of enforced disappearance against civilians last year while the STC committed five and the Yemeni government were accountable for four.

(* A B P)

Houthi: USA, Saudis und Verbündete, sind für Umweltkatastrophe vor Jemens Küste verantwortlich

Ein Mitglied des Obersten Politischen Rates des Jemen hat Saudi-Arabien und seine regionalen Verbündeten, die an einer grausamen Militärkampagne gegen das verarmte arabische Land beteiligt sind, für ein mögliches Austreten von Öl aus einem verfallenden Tanker im Roten Meer und die bevorstehende Umweltkatastrophe, die es verursachen könnte, verantwortlich gemacht.

"Wir übernehmen keine Verantwortung für Leckagen des auf See schwimmenden Safer-Tankers", zitierte der arabischsprachige Fernsehsender al-Masirah am Donnerstag Mohammed Ali al-Houthi.

Er forderte sofortige Maßnahmen in dieser Angelegenheit und machte die Vereinigten Staaten, Saudi-Arabien und ihre Verbündeten für katastrophale Folgen voll verantwortlich, da sie dem Jemen nicht erlaubt hatten, das auf dem Tanker geladene Rohöl zu verkaufen.ündete_sind_für_umweltkatastrophe_vor_jemens_küste_verantwortlich

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Yemen’s Houthis Say Don’t Blame Us If Decaying Oil Tanker Leaks

Yemen’s Houthis have said they won’t be responsible if an aging oil vessel anchored near the war-torn country’s coast starts leaking crude into the Red Sea.

“We unhand our responsibility of any leakage from Safer tanker and we call for negotiation over this issue in a serious manner,” said Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi, a member of the Houthi ruling political council, in a statement.

The decaying tanker has been moored off the Houthi-controlled province of Hodiedah since 1988 and is still carrying oil that was on board when civil war broke out in 2015.


(* A B P)

Al-Houthi: US, Saudis, Allies Responsible for Any Environmental Disaster off Yemen Coast

A member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Council has held Saudi Arabia and its regional allies, which are involved in an atrocious military campaign against the impoverished Arab country, fully responsible for a potential oil leakage from a decaying tanker in the Red Sea, and the impending environmental disaster it could cause.
“We do not assume any responsibility for any leakage from the Safer tanker afloat at the sea,” Arabic-language al-Masirah television network quoted Mohammed Ali al-Houthi as saying on Thursday.
He called for immediate actions over the matter, holding the United States, Saudi Arabia and their allies fully liable for any disastrous consequences as they have not allowed Yemen to sell the crude loaded at the tanker.

(* B K P)

Audio: Steht Jemen vor dem Zerfall?

Droht Jemen auseinanderzufallen? Oder wäre eine Spaltung sogar die Lösung, könnte sie den Krieg beenden?

Der Youtuber Ayash reist mit seiner Kamera durch die zerrüttete Heimat, um zu dokumentieren, was von deren Schönheit und Vielfalt geblieben ist. Der Graffitikünstler Thiyazen in Sanaa klagt am Telefon über den zunehmend autoritären Kurs der Huthi-Rebellen in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt. Auf der anderen Seite der Front erlebt die Provinz Marib mitten im Krieg einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung. Doch die Kämpfe rücken auch in Marib näher, während um die Hafenstadt Aden ein «Krieg im Krieg» tobt, zwischen verschiedenen Stammesmilizen, die eigentlich gemeinsame Sache gegen die Huthis machen wollten. Die Fronten werden immer unübersichtlicher. Die Separatisten im Süden fordern bereits die Abspaltung, sie erhoffen sich Stabilität von einem unabhängigen Staat Süd-Jemen, wie es ihn bis vor 30 Jahren gab.

Fünf Jahre nach Kriegsbeginn steht Saudi-Arabien in Jemen vor einem Debakel.

(* K P)

Audio: Saving face: Saudi Arabia's quagmire in Yemen w/ Nasser Arrabyee

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Tod und Zerstörung - Das Leid der Kinder im Jemen

Eine UN-Studie belegt das Leid der Kinder im Jemen. Zugleich nimmt UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Kriegskoalition von einer Schwarzen Liste. Die Entscheidung ist umstritten.

Die Koalition werde "nach einem anhaltenden signifikanten Rückgang von Tötungen und Verstümmelungen" von der Liste genommen, begründete Guterres die Entscheidung, das saudisch angeführte Bündnis dort nicht mehr aufzulisten. Er fügte allerdings hinzu, dass die Koalition ein Jahr lang überwacht würde. Jedes "Versäumnis", die Opferzahl von Kindern weiter zu senken, werde dazu führen, dass die Koalition im kommenden Jahr erneut auf die Liste gesetzt werde.

Kritiker hingegen spekulieren über einen Zusammenhang damit, dass Saudi-Arabien - obwohl es selbst aktiv kriegsführende Partei ist - Anfang des Monats erstmals offiziell als Partner an der Seite der UN federführend eine internationale Geberkonferenz für den Jemen mit ausrichten durfte.

Hauptopfer des Krieges

"Nach fünf Jahren Krieg leiden die jemenitischen Kinder unter allen Betroffenen am meisten", sagt Yousra Semmache, Leiterin der Abteilung Politik und Kommunikation der Kinderhilfsorganisation "Save the children" im Jemen.

Diese Beobachtungen decken sich mit den Befunden des am 9. Juni erschienenen UN-Jahresberichts über Kinder in Konfliktregion. Dieser dokumentiert auch die Lage im Jemen. Insgesamt verzeichneten die UN dort im vergangenen Jahr 4042 Fälle schwerer Gewalt gegen insgesamt 2159 Kinder.

Dem Dokument zufolge wurden mehr als 680 Kinder als Kämpfer rekrutiert, unter ihnen auch 43 Mädchen. Die meisten Fälle (482) gehen auf das Konto der vom Iran unterstützten Huthis alias "Ansar Allah", denen der Kampf der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition gilt. Doch auch die mit den Saudis verbündete reguläre jemenitische Armee schreckte vor der Rekrutierung Minderjähriger nicht zurück: Sie stellte 136 Kinder in ihre Dienste.

Zudem wurden 2019 beinahe 100 Minderjährige verhaftet. Auch hier gingen mit 68 Kindern die meisten Festnahmen auf das Konto der Huthis, gefolgt von der jemenitischen Armee, die 26 Kinder einsperrte, das Saudi-Bündnis verhaftete 25 Kinder. Die meisten Minderjährigen wurden später wieder freigelassen.

Mehr als 140 jemenitische Kinder wurden 2019 getötet oder verstümmelt.

Angriffe auf Schulen und Krankenhäuser

Es scheint, als würden Kinder teils bewusst angegriffen. Zumindest wird ihr Tod billigend in Kauf genommen. Dies legt der Umstand nahe, dass der UN-Bericht insgesamt 35 Angriffe auf Schulen und Krankenhäuser verzeichnet. Auch hier gehen die meisten Angriffe (15) auf das Konto der Houthis. Die Internationale Koalition wird in dem Bericht für vier Angriffe verantwortlich gemacht.

Allerdings erschöpfe sich das Leid der Kinder nicht in unmittelbarer Gewalt, sagt Yousra Semmache von "Save the children" im DW-Interview. "Über 12 Millionen Kinder im Jemen benötigen humanitäre Hilfe. Viele von ihnen wurden vertrieben und leiden an akuter Unterernährung. Zudem sind ihnen Ausbildung wie auch der Zugang zu grundlegenden Gesundheitsdiensten derzeit nicht zugänglich." Dadurch seien die Zukunftschancen der Kinder stark eingeschränkt. "Außerdem leiden viele an vermeidbaren Krankheiten wie Cholera und Diphtherie.

Kritik an Guterres' Entscheidung

Dass UN-Generalsekretär Guterres das Saudi-Bündnis von der Schwarzen Liste gestrichen hat, sorgt derweil bei Menschenrechtlern für Unverständnis. Guterres ignoriere die eigenen Beweise der UN für anhaltend schwere Verstöße gegen Kinder, erklärt etwa die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch – von Kersten Knipp, Lewis Sandersörung-das-leid-der-kinder-im-jemen/a-53839927 =

and English version:

(* B H K P)

Yemen's dead and injured children haunt Saudi-led war

Just one day after the UN Secretariat omitted Saudi-led forces from a "list of shame," an airstrike killed four children. The UN is under pressure to acknowledge Saudi Arabia's role in killing and maiming children.

Humanitarian organizations, including Save the Children and Human Rights Watch, criticized the decision to leave Saudi-led forces and other warring parties off the list.

"After five years of war, Yemeni children are the ones who suffer the most," Yousra Semmache of Save the Children in Yemen told DW. "They are being killed and injured by the ongoing fighting, and they have been deprived of their most basic rights."

In the case of the Saudi-led coalition, it barely took one day for the group's removal to be thrown into question by events on the ground.

Since Saudi-led forces launched a deadly aerial campaign against Houthis in 2015, tens of thousands of children have died as a result of the conflict, whether through direct attacks or war-induced disease and famine.

In 2019 alone, more than 1,400 children were maimed or killed by government forces and non-state actors, the vast majority of them from ground fighting, land mines and explosive ordnance.

But the war on childhood doesn't stop there: Nearly 700 children have been recruited to fight in the conflict, the majority of them by Houthi forces.

"For a child, growing up in Yemen means nothing more than death and destruction," said Save the Children's Semmache.

"More should be done to deter those responsible from continuing to attack civilians, including children, and hold them accountable to their obligations under international law." – by Kersten Knipp

(A K P)

Eight Yemeni [Sanaa gov.] army released in exchange deal: Al-Mortada

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

Warning US-Saudi Aggression, Continued Detention of Oil Derivative Ships

Yemeni worker's Trade Unions, the General Union of Owners of Private Petroleum Stations and a number of civil society organizations warned the United Nations of catastrophic health and humanitarian crises threatening the Yemeni people due to holding oil ships by US-Saudi aggression.

The unions and organizations said in statements delivered today to the United Nations Office in Sana'a, that "the crimes and arbitrary violations by the Aggression against the Yemeni people, subjected to for more than five years, are war crimes against humanity."

It denounced the shameful silence of the international community, the Security Council, the United Nations and its human rights organizations regarding the crimes of aggression and the prevention of oil ships from entering the port of Hodeidah.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

(* B H)



Seit über fünf Jahren herrscht Krieg im Jemen. Das Leben der Kinder im Land wird mit jedem Tag Krieg gefährlicher: Vor allem Hunger und Krankheiten bedrohen die Kinder. Die sich ausbreitende Corona-Pandemie ist eine weitere Gefahr für die Kinder.

Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter im Jemen sind seit Beginn des Konflikts vor Ort. Sie bleiben an der Seite der Kinder und versorgen sie mit allem, was sie am dringendsten brauchen – zum Beispiel mit stärkendem Essen, sauberem Wasser, Hygieneartikeln und Medikamenten. Helfen Sie uns mit Ihrer Spende dabei?

Covid-19-Ausbruch im Jemen: Hilfsgüter schützen

Die Zahl der Coronainfektionen im Jemen ist weiter gestiegen. Angesichts dieser Tendenz haben wir unsere Corona-Hilfsmaßnahmen im Jemen verstärkt. UNICEF setzt alles daran, Kinder und Familien in der Coronakrise zu helfen. So haben wir im Jemen 16 Millionen Menschen informiert, wie sie sich vor der Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus schützen können. Dafür nutzen unsere freiwilligen Helferinnen und Helfer Fernsehen, Radio und soziale Medien und gehen sogar von Haus zu Haus.

Hungernde Kinder kämpfen um ihr Überleben

Rund zwei Millionen Kinder im Jemen leiden Hunger. Für 360.000 der Unter-5-Jährigen ist der Hunger sogar lebensbedrohlich:Sie sind so stark unterernährt, dass sie jeden Tag um ihr Überleben kämpfen und dringend unsere Hilfe brauchen. Und die Situation in dem Bürgerkriegsland spitzt sich immer weiter zu: Es droht eine Hungersnot. Rund die Hälfte der Zivilbevölkerung im Jemen könnte bald davon betroffen sein – wenn nicht jetzt endlich gehandelt wird.

(* B H)

UNICEF WASH services in Yemen face imminent closure

Unless UNICEF receives $30 million in the next two weeks, its water, sanitation, and hygiene services in Yemen will be forced to close, the organization says.

The amount is part of UNICEF’s broader 2020 appeal for $479 million to continue providing essential services in Yemen, a country gripped by war and famine. Only 38% of that appeal has been funded so far. The United Nations agency says a withdrawal of such essential services would affect the 4 million Yemenis — about half of whom are children — who directly depend on UNICEF.

“The most immediate and critical funding gap is for emergency water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) operations, including for the COVID-19 response,” said Marixie Mercado, UNICEF spokesperson in Geneva, in a briefing note.

(* B H)

Film: Jemen: Überfordertes Gesundheitssystem

Internationale Hilfe dringend benötigt: In dem krisengebeutelten Land steigen die Infektionszahlen rapide an, Ärzte und Gesundheitsbehörden sind überfordert.

(* B H)

Mona Relief Yemen

is creating Humanitarian Aid in Yemen

Select a membership level

By donating $5 every month, you are supporting a family for a about week with a food basket containing: 6 kg of flour, 1 kg of rice, 1 kg of sugar and 1L of cooking oil.

By donating $15 every month, you are supporting a family for about 2-3 weeks with a food basket containing: 12.5 kg of flour, 2.5 kg of rice, 2.5 kg of sugar, 1L of cooking oil and 1 kg of powdered milk.

By donating $30 every month, you are supporting a family monthly with a food basket containing: 25 kg of flour, 5 kg of rice, 5 kg of sugar, 2 litters of cooking oil and 1 kg of powdered milk.

(* B H K)

Humanitarian crisis deepens in Yemen

The first wave of COVID-19 placed tremendous strain on health-care systems in many developed countries, killing hundreds of thousands of people in the span of just a few months.And in the developing world, the virus is wreaking havoc in Brazil and India.

However, the world’s worst outbreak may be yet to come if the virus takes hold and spreads rapidly in war-torn Yemen, where the battered population is enduring severe food insecurity and a crippled health-care system.

Worst humanitarian crisis in the world

Before the onset of the global pandemic, what was the humanitarian situation in Yemen?

“Over five years of conflict has destroyed lives and livelihoods, wreaked havoc on health systems and pushed millions to the brink of famine,” Julie Marshall, Canadian spokesperson for the World Food Programme, replied.

“Even before COVID-19, millions of Yemenis were hanging by a thread and extremely vulnerable to shocks. The co-ordinated humanitarian response has prevented catastrophe in Yemen, but we must be careful. If we don’t get the access we need, vital funding or if our operations stopped or slowed down, the situation would deteriorate very quickly.”

According to the WFP, more than 20 million people in Yemen face food insecurity, and half of them are acutely food insecure.

“I would describe the pre-COVID-19 situation in Yemen as dire,” Brittany Lambert, women’s rights policy and advocacy specialist for Oxfam Canada, said. “It was already the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”

“The situation in Yemen was dire prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Bill Chambers, president and CEO of Save the Children Canada, agreed. Chambers pointed out that “80 per cent of the population was — and still is — depending on humanitarian assistance.”

According to Save the Children, the conflict in Yemen has displaced two million children. And Chambers said the violence has decimated the health-care system, leaving only half of the country’s health facilities functional.

“Families have experienced more than five years of war, widespread displacement, a crippled economy, near-famine conditions, severe floods and multiple health crises — including several outbreaks of cholera and epidemics of dengue fever and diphtheria,” Ramzi Saliba, program manager with CARE Canada, said, echoing the other non-governmental organizations.

(* B H)

Disease, death and destruction: Yemen is experiencing an unimaginable nightmare, warns the International Rescue Committee

Yemen, the world's worst humanitarian crisis is getting even worse as a nightmare scenario plays out before our eyes. COVID-19 is devastating an already extremely vulnerable population as violence and airstrikes peak, and humanitarian aid programs collapse due to a lack of funding. In May, more than half of bombings where the target could be identified, hit civilians or civilian infrastructure.

Tamuna Sabadze, Yemen Country Director at the International Rescue Committee (IRC) said,

"What we are seeing in Yemen is unlike any tragedy witnessed before. COVID-19 is ripping through the country. We can't even say how many people have it, because Yemen's health system has effectively collapsed, and the country has extremely limited testing capacity. However, modelling suggests millions of Yemenis will become infected with a worst-case scenario of up to 85,000 deaths. At the same time, conflict is ramping up again, the value of the Yemeni riyal is plummeting, and other diseases like cholera and dengue are spreading. All this at a time when aid agencies are being forced to suspend life-saving assistance due to shortfalls in funding.

"Humanitarian actors are increasingly overwhelmed by the needs and appalled by the lack of available funds to help us save lives.

"What's worse is that the world's richest countries have contributed to this catastrophe. The US, UK, France and others continue to supply weapons to Saudi Arabia for use in this horrible conflict which continues to kill innocent people and devastate health facilities and schools. It is vital that those responsible for violations of international law in Yemen are held to account.

(B H)

UNFPA Yemen Response: Monthly Situation Report #05 May 2020

Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. The cumulative impact of more than five years of conflict, economic decline and institutional collapse has left 24 million people – about 80 per cent of the population – in need of humanitarian aid and protection.

UNFPA as a front-line partner to the COVID-19 response in Yemen is working closely with the Ministry of Health, WHO and UNICEF. As lead of the GBV-Sub-cluster and Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health, UNFPA is positioning reproductive health and gender-based violence into the response. By May, 114 health facilities were provided with infection prevention equipment and 18 hotlines set up to provide women's protection services through telecounseling.

In mid-May, UNFPA was forced to suspend support to lifesaving reproductive health services in 140 health facilities; with UNFPA's appeal for $100.5 million towards its humanitarian response receiving only $41.7 million by May.

(* B H)

Last batch of joint aid lands in Yemen amid UN funding cuts

The last of three large shipments of medical supplies landed in Yemen on Friday, organizers of the cargo flights said, following a joint initiative by the world organization and multinational corporations to boost the war-devastated country’s health care system as it battles the coronavirus.

The shipments represent a different path to humanitarian relief in Yemen as the U.N. faces a drastic shortage of funds for its operations, even with the virus surging across the Arab world’s poorest country.

“It’s very important that we as a private sector help the public health authorities in their work on the ground,” said Mohamed Nabil Hayel Saeed, a spokesman for the initiative. “The world must not forget Yemen at this time while they’re fighting the virus.”

Friday’s batch followed two earlier shipments from the joint initiative, on Wednesday and Thursday, that each had more than 14 tons of items, including ventilators, coronavirus test kits and personal protective equipment.

The cargo arrives as other aid groups hurry to get supplies into the country. On Thursday, UNICEF announced it had shipped 10,000 COVID-19 testing kits to the capital. In a statement, it said an additional 8,000 test kits are expected to arrive in Aden in the coming days.

and also

(B H)

Film: Scarred by Yemen's War, a Boy Takes His First Steps Toward Healing

Thanks to a UNICEF project in Aden that provides prosthetic limbs to children maimed in Yemen's war, Rayan, 6, can live a fuller life.

(B H)

Film: Yemen Explained in 3 mins: How you can really help

At the same time, I know some people only have the time to donate so below are a few places I personally can vouch for.

First and foremost, three of the beautiful Yemeni women in this video have already raised more than £100,000 between them for @israuk_community. I have personally worked to collect essential aid with this organisation a few years ago - all of which was delivered to this in need.

Secondly, @YemenAidUS is Yemeni-run and has already provided millions of dollars worth of aid and programmes in Yemen even before the conflict hit the headlines. The founder of Yemen Aid is my good friend and there is no one more I would trust to get the job done.

MSF (Doctors Without Borders) is also on the ground helping tackle the Covid-19 outbreak in Yemen. This is Yemen's most recent and most important crisis.

@YemeniGlobal1 is also fundraising for the country and has already raised nearly £40,000. •Last but definitely not least, my friend, sister and homey @sara.altech has also set up her latest fundraising campaign for Yemen. The money goes to a trusted team on the ground that distributes it to those in need across the country.

(* B H)

Jemen: Hunger und Krankheiten bedrohen Millionen Kinder

Seit über fünf Jahren herrscht Krieg im Jemen. Das Leben der Kinder im Land wird mit jedem Tag Krieg gefährlicher: Vor allem Hunger und Krankheiten bedrohen die Kinder. Nun ist die sich ausbreitende Corona-Pandemie als weitere Gefahr hinzugekommen.

Die Zahl der COVID-19-Fälle im Jemen ist weiter gestiegen. Angesichts dieser Tendenz hat UNICEF die Corona-Hilfsmaßnahmen im Jemen verstärkt. Mit einer Informationskampagne wurden bereits 16 Millionen Menschen darüber aufgeklärt, wie sie sich vor dem Virus schützen können. Dafür nutzen freiwillige Helferinnen und Helfer Fernsehen, Radio und soziale Medien oder gehen von Haus zu Haus.

Die Organisation hat außerdem lebenswichtige Hilfsgüter ins Land eingeflogen:

Rund zwei Millionen Kinder im Jemen leiden Hunger. Für 360.000 der Unter-5-Jährigen ist der Hunger sogar lebensbedrohlich: Sie sind so stark unterernährt, dass sie jeden Tag um ihr Überleben kämpfen.

Marc Lowcock, Nothilfe-Koordinator der Vereinten Nationen, warnt vor einer drohenden Hungersnot. Rund die Hälfte der Zivilbevölkerung, das sind etwa 16 Millionen Menschen, könnte bald davon betroffen sein.

Schon jetzt sterben jeden Tag Mädchen und Jungen an Hunger. Um dem entgegenzuwirken behandelt UNICEF die hungernden Kinder mit therapeutischer Spezialnahrung: Erdnusspaste oder Spezialmilch sind besonders nährstoff- und kalorienreich.

Eine weitere gesundheitliche Bedrohung für Kinder ist Cholera

(B H)

Empowering women and girls in Yemen

Throughout Yemen’s five-year war, women have often been among those most exposed to the devastating impacts of conflict. The crisis has heightened existing risks that disproportionately affect women, such as gender-based violence, family separation, exploitative labor, and exclusion from lifesaving humanitarian assistance.

In mid-2019, with support from USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), a non-governmental organization (NGO) partner established a women’s community center that provides protection services to host community members and internally displaced persons in Al Hudaydah Governorate. At the center, women can access specialized services, including consultations with social workers and legal experts to help access humanitarian assistance and basic legal rights and services, including obtaining legal documentation. The NGO also runs informal education and skills workshops that build community among participants and provide psychosocial support.

For women and girls of all ages in the community, the center is one of the only places where they can access services that help build essential skills, empower them, and mitigate the protection risks they face.

(A H)

Cargo plane arrives in Sanaa Airport carrying vaccines for children

(* B H)

As war and COVID-19 ravage Yemen, $1.35 billion in international aid isn't nearly enough. Here's why.

United Nations' humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock promised during a virtual donors conference this month that the U.N. would "not abandon the people of Yemen." But the ever-expanding need for help in Yemen, as the war-torn country grapples with a spiralling coronavirus outbreak, cholera and widespread malnutrition, is quickly out-pacing the charity from abroad.

The conference saw international donors pledge $1.35 billion, far short of the $2.41 billion target and only half of what was raised last year, as donor nations struggle to keep their own economies afloat amid pandemic shutdowns.

Aid agencies say the funding shortfall, combined with the country's virtually immeasurable COVID-19 epidemic, will make a grim situation even more dire, and they're sounding the alarm.

The global health crisis has ushered an "unprecedented decline in the flow of remittances to Yemen – a vital source of money for millions." The World Bank estimates that one in ten people in Yemen rely entirely on such money transfers to meet their basic needs.

The United States pledged $225 million during the conference, and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker said Washington would be, "working to provide additional funding in the coming weeks."

But more than two dozen international aid agencies have now joined together to warn the U.S. that "the window of opportunity to help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is closing." A joint open letter, sent to Acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) John Barsa, warned that delays in funding aid projects in Yemen would be "devastating."

(* B H)

Film by UNICEF USA: Safe Water in Yemen

UNICEF teams are working around the clock to provide access to safe water and sanitation facilities — essential for fighting #COVID19 and protecting children from waterborne diseases. =

(* B H)

How to help Yemen: 6 things you can do right now for the world’s worst humanitarian crisis

Here’s how you can help:



Mona. This local group buys food and supplies locally and distributes it to displaced families, which bypasses the blockade surrounding Yemen. It was founded by a Yemeni journalist, along with two Canadian and Danish activists. Donate here.

Baitulmaal. This smaller organization provides meals, antibiotics, medical test kids, and hygiene kits to people in need. It’s well-rated on Charity Navigator. Donate here.

Islamic Relief USA. With over 3,000 volunteers and staffers in the country, this group does what needs to be done, including accessing water sources, fixing solar panels, and distributing medical resources to healthcare services. It also helps other organizations deliver their aid, and is well-

(* B H)

Wie „Food4Humanity“ zur Lebensader des Jemen inmitten von Krieg und der Covid- 19-Pandemie wird

Das internationale Rescue Committee (IRC) hat Jemen in die 5 Zonen eingeordnet, in denen COVID19 eine doppelte Notlage schafft. Und wenn die Ausbreitung des Virus nicht eingedämmt werden kann, „wird unschätzbares ziviles Leid riskiert“, sagt die IRC-Yemen-Direktorin Tamuna Sabadze.

“Unsere Organisation hat als erste einen Waffenstillstand gefordert, um medizinische Notversorgung gegen COVID19 und den Choleraausbruch im Jemen zu ermöglichen – noch vor dem UN Generalsekretär“, erklärt Muna Luqmann. Sie leitet die im Jahr 2015 gegründete Food4Humanity Stiftung, eine der ersten und führenden ehrenamtlich von Frauen geführten zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen im Jemen. Mit der Unterstützung von Diaspora-Jemenitinnen und von MADRE, einer globalen Frauenrechtsorganisation bezahlt Luqman ein Training von 150 jungen Mediziner*innen im Südwesten in der Stadt Taiz. 50 weitere Ärzt*innen werden in der Hauptstadt Sanaa und in Hudaida, Jemens viertgrößter Stadt und Haupthafen am Roten Meer, ausgebildet. Das internationale zivilgesellschaftliche Netzwerk ICAN unterstützt die Gesundheits- und Sensibilisierungskampagne, die von Jugendlichen geführte Initiativen.

“Während etwa 4 Milliarden Dollar durch die Geber und internationalen Hilfsorganisationen ins Land kommen, haben wir es mit einer menschengemachten Hungersnot zu tun, durch korrupte Organisationen, die das Leben von Millionen von Jemenit*innen bedrohen“, so Luqman. “Es gibt theoretisch eine Menge zu essen im Jemen, aber den Menschen fehlt es an Geld, um Essen zu kaufen.”

Da die meisten Jemenit*innen die letzten 3 Jahre kein Einkommen hatten, hat Food4Humanity mit fast 20.000$ Kleinstunternehmer*innen wie z.B. Straßenverkäufer*innen mit Krediten versorgt.

Mit dem Einkommen bezahlen Verkäufer ihre Miete, können Grundbedürfnisse befriedigen und sind damit finanziell und psychologisch entlastet. Zur Ausbildung einer zukünftigen Generation von Kleinunternehmer*innen schult Food4Humanity junge Menschen in kleinen Geschäftsideen. So arbeitet die Organisation z.B. an einem Pilotprojekt für den Aufbau eines Gewächshauses, um Bäuerinnen ein kleines Einkommen zu verschaffen – jedes der Projekte wird etwa 36.000$ kosten.

and English version:

(* B H)

Schnelle Hilfe nötig: Im Jemen droht das Massensterben

Im Jemen droht unzähligen Menschen der Tod: durch das Coronavirus, Malaria, Cholera, Denguefieber und andere schwere Krankheiten.

Das sagt Rupert Colville, Sprecher des UN-Hochkommissariats für Menschenrechte.

In den Krankenhäusern fehlen Personal, Ausstattung und sauberes Wasser - versprochene Hilfsgelder sind noch nicht einmal zur Hälfte geflossen.

Angesichts des zusammenbrechenden Gesundheitssystems befürchten die UN ein Massensterben im Jemen. Ohne schnelle internationale Hilfe drohe “unzähligen” Menschen in dem Konfliktland der Tod durch den Corona-Erreger, Malaria, Cholera, Denguefieber und andere schwere Krankheiten, warnte der Sprecher des UN-Hochkommissariats für Menschenrechte, Rupert Colville, am Freitag in Genf.

Der UN-Sprecher berichtete von Hospitälern, die kranke Menschen mit hohem Fieber und Atembeschwerden abwiesen. Die Krankenhäuser hätten keine Betten, kaum medizinisches Gerät, wenig Personal und so gut wie keine Medizin. Zudem herrsche ein Mangel an sanitären Einrichtungen und sauberem Wasser. Ohne weitere internationale Finanzhilfen müssten mehr als 30 von 41 UN-Hilfsprogrammen für die darbende Bevölkerung schließen, betonte Colville.

und auch

(A H)

Film: Huge waves of locusts invaded Sana'a today, #Yemen. It is increasing food insecure by attacking farms, eating trees leaves and agricultural products.

(* B H)

‘Rolling emergency’ of locust swarms decimating Africa, Asia and Middle East

Unseasonal rains have allowed desert pests to breed rapidly and spread across vast distances leaving devastation in their wake

Locust swarms threaten a “rolling emergency” that could endanger harvests and food security across parts of Africa and Asia for the rest of the year, experts warn.

An initial infestation of locusts in December was expected to die out during the current dry season. But unseasonal rains have allowed several generations of locust to breed, resulting in new swarms forming.

Huge swarms of locusts have been causing devastation across swathes of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Erratic weather conditions and storms have aided their path. As a result, countries have been battling the pests for months to avoid a hunger crisis.

Fears that millions of people could be forced into hunger prompted mass control operations earlier in the year, which have had an impact in Kenya and southern Ethiopia. But experts fear rains and insecurity in Somalia and South Sudan could undermine efforts in the east and Horn of Africa.

The current locust outbreak originated in Yemen, where breeding conditions created by unseasonable rains combined with ongoing conflict had allowed an almost unchecked outbreak.

Cressman said Yemen had “become a reservoir” that could continue to stoke the crisis because it was still unable to monitor and control locusts. As well as the fighting, heavy rains that were once unusual have become an almost monthly occurrence.

Increasingly unpredictable weather will be crucial to how long the crisis goes on and which places will be affected, he said. Locusts are already moving to the India-Pakistan border.


(* B H)

US$25 million to help Yemen Fight Locusts, Preserve Food Security, and Protect Livelihoods

The World Bank announced today US$25 million in new funding from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s arm for the poorest countries, to help Yemen control the ongoing locust outbreak affecting the country and strengthen its preparedness systems against threats of future outbreaks.

The proposed project is part of the Bank’s overall response to the desert locust crisis in Africa and MENA. The operation aims to improve surveillance and control, mitigating the impact of locust swarms on human health and the environment, and protect and restore the livelihoods of affected communities. The project will also build the country’s capacity to effectively respond to future outbreaks by strengthening Yemen’s institutional capacity, regional coordination, and the ability of communities to facilitate early warning systems and rapid response. This project is implemented through the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Yemen’s food security crisis is one of the world’s largest man-made crises, driven by constraints on food production, limited supply and distribution, and people’s diminishing purchasing power.

(B H)

UK charity pledges one million pounds to Yemen in their greatest time of need

UK charity Muslim Hands is pledging to donate one million pounds over the next six months to support various projects in Yemen.

Muslim Hands will aim to provide food security in the form of funding a bread factory as well as distributing family food parcels, providing enough food supplies for each family for up to a month. A school feeding programme will also be implemented to provide breakfast meals to 2,000 students in schools. The charity’s largest WASH project in Yemen will be the construction of a water well covering the Al-Habilain area of Radfan district, which will provide access to clean drinking water to 50,000 beneficiaries. Restoration of existing WASH facilities in the country’s remote villages and camps will also take place.

Medical equipment, medication and PPE will be provided to existing and functioning mobile health clinics as well as hospitals who are supporting those that are vulnerable and receptive to diseases such as cholera and COVID-19.

(* A H P)

UN calls donors to disburse pledges as COVID-19 devastating Yemen

The United Nations on Tuesday called on donors to immediately disburse pledges they announced at Yemen donor conference earlier this June in Riyadh, as the war-torn country reeling from COVID-19.
The UN "remains extremely concerned over shortfalls in funding for the world's largest humanitarian crisis," associate spokesperson for the UN Secretary General said at a virtual press briefing.
"The situation in Yemen has never been so dangerous, and now is not the time to reduce international support," Eri Kaneko added.
"Donors pledged 1.35 billion US dollars for Yemen on June 2. The figure is only about half of what was received last year. Most of the pledges remain unpaid weeks after the pledging conference," she said.
The UN "calls on all donors to disburse their pledges immediately and to consider increasing their support," the UN spokesperson added.

(B H)

Film: I also spoke to @SkyNews earlier and warned that unless UNICEF receives $30 million by the end of June, we will have to shut down water and sanitation services to 4 million people in Yemen.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(* B H)

The African refugees and migrants trapped inside Yemen's war

After Houthi authorities in May announced their first coronavirus case in a Somali national found dead in a Sanaa hotel, African migrants and refugees have been increasingly stigmatized, the United Nations and migrants said.

“They ask ‘what’s your nationality: Yemen, Somalia?’ I say Somali and they say ‘sorry, goodbye’,” Hassan said of potential customers.

Tensions between host and refugee and migrant communities over Yemen’s scarce resources have historically been low, but the relationship is coming under strain as Yemen’s woes deepen, the U.N. refugee agency’s (UNHCR) Jean-Nicolas Beuze said from Sanaa.

Alongside refugees, around 100,000 migrants also arrive each year by sea from the Horn of Africa hoping to trek north into wealthy Saudi Arabia and beyond.

Largely Ethiopian, they suffer the same traffickers, abuse, rape and theft as refugees, often living side-by-side in squatter camps in the main cities.

“When [migrants and refugees] reach the UNHCR office or our partners they are often without anything, not even identity documents most of the time,” said Beuze.

As coronavirus concerns mount, U.N. migration agency IOM says migrants are being forcibly transferred out of urban areas to hard-to-access locations, including more than 1,300 forcibly moved north to south since late April.


(* B H)

Film: Coronavirus: Yemen refugees face terrible conditions

The coronavirus pandemic has led to rising tension between Yemenis and the nearly 400,000 refugees and migrants living there, hoping to cross into wealthier countries nearby. Many Africans say they cannot find work and want to return home.

(* B H)

Film: Yemen: Migrants continue arriving from Africa despite conflict and humanitarian crisis

Dozens of African migrants were seen arriving on the shores of Ras al-Ara, in the Yemeni region of Aden on Thursday, despite the country being in what the UN calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Migrants could be seen walking on the beach, being transported in the back of a pick-up truck and lying in Ras al-Ara hospital. After Europe started cracking down on migrant routes across the Mediterranean, the journey over the Red Sea to Yemen is now the busiest maritime migration route in the world, according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). Around 138,000 people reportedly made this journey last year from the Horn of Africa.

(B H)

Film: Humanitarian exodus from organizations revealed by camps for the displaced in Abs, Hajjah

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K P)

Local Authority in Al-Baydha Announces Restoring Security in Radman District

The local authority in Radman district of Al-Baydha governorate, announced Friday that the security has been restored to the district after confronting the mercenaries who carried out sabotage activities, led by Yasser Al-Awadi

The local authority in Radman Directorate stated in a statement that Al-Awadi carried out sabotage activities with mercenaries and takfiris from outside the governorate and that they were supported and given weapons by the countries of the aggression .


(A P)

Leader of revolution, political council directions of release of involved in Radman events

The local authority in al-Bayda province on Saturday released the victims involved in the sedition incidents in Radman district under the direction of the leader of the revolution and the Supreme Political Council.

"Today you presented the honorable model that expresses the authenticity of the Yemeni tribe, which is expected of you," the revolutionary command said in a letter to Radman elders and tribesmen.

During a meeting with sheikhs and dignitaries of the directorate, the local authority explained that the release process was in recognition of the positive and rational role played by the Redman tribes in quelling sedition.


(A K pS)

Houthis reached the center of Radman district in $Baydha province following clashes with tribes and reports that sheikh @Yaser_Alawadi retreated to #Marib.


(A K)

Pro Houthi accounts are claiming victory in #Radman #albayda adding that the home of @Yaser_Alawadi was captured and his son Rami along with other members of the family were detained.


(* A K pS)

Yemeni tribes in Al-Bayda province revolt against Houthis

At least 23 people were killed on Wednesday and Thursday in the central province of Al-Bayda during heavy fighting that broke out when the Iran-backed Houthis moved to suppress an uprising led by powerful tribes, residents have told Arab News.
The Houthis on Wednesday night launched missile and drone attacks on Radman district before deploying forces on the ground to suppress a rebellion by local tribes known as Al-Awadh. The aerial assault hit buildings, killing three people.
On Thursday, at least 20 Houthis were killed after tribesmen foiled their advance toward Radman.
“We pushed back their offensive on Radman after destroying several vehicles and killing many Houthis,” Mustafa Al-Baydani, a journalist from Radman district, told Arab News by telephone. “They failed to advance in the mountainous areas and the tribes are determined to go ahead with fighting.”
Tensions between Al-Awadh and the Houthis have been building up since early last month, when the Houthis refused to punish local fighters who had killed a woman called Jehad Al-Asbahi.
Led by Yasser Al-Awadhi, a senior member of the General People’s Congress party and a staunch supporter of Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, Al-Awadh tribes have not engaged in anti-Houthi military operations over the last five years even after Houthi killed Saleh in late 2017. When the Houthis refused to admit killing the woman, the tribesmen took up arms and vowed to punish the militia.
Al-Awadhi urged local tribes to come together to push back Houthi aggressions on their territories.
A Houthi military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, accused Al-Awadhi of leading a rebellion and attacking their followers in Radman.



(* A K pS)

Fierce Clashes Flare up between Houthis and Tribesmen in Al Bayda: Video

Intense clashes flared up on Wednesday between tribesmen and Houthi militias in Al Bayda province after targeting Al Awadh tribes with rockets today morning by the Iran-aligned Houthi rebels.

Locals said the militias launched a large-scale offensive, including the use of multiple bomb-laden drones, on areas in Al Radman, resulting in the killing and wounding scores people in the area.

Local sources asserted that there are tens of casualties, killed or wounded, from both sides as fierce clashes have been going on since Wednesday morning.

Earlier today, Yaser Al Awadhi, Secretary-General of General People’s Congress (GPC), called for tribal mobilization to confront Houthis after the Iran-backed rebels targeted Radman area from Houthi-held Al Shaif during ongoing mediation between tribal sheiks and Houthis rebels to end a month and a half long tension.

The mediation is aimed to calm a heightening tension that was sparked in the aftermath of killing an unarmed woman named Jihad by the Houthi militias in late April.

Al Awadhi called on tribes from Al Bayda, Marib, and Shabwa provinces to mobilize, “after a month and a half of the shame issue: the killing of martyr Jihad and the refusal of applying justice on the killer.”

The Military spokesperson for the Houthi group, Yahya Sarea’, described Al Awadhi, who is a prominent tribal sheik in Al Bayda, as a “mercenary,” accusing Al Bayda tribes of targeting the group’s forces with the help of the Saudi-led coalition.

and also


(* A K pS)

Heavy clashes erupted this morning between tribes & Houthis in Baydha. This is a fight to watch bcz the outcome can dramatically change the course of #Yemen’s conflict. Baydha is strategic. It is in the middle of Yemen bordering 8 provinces (4 northern & 4 southern)

When Houthis captured Sanaa in Sep 2014, the first province they launched offensive to capture was Baydha. Houthis don't have a support base in Baydha but they were able to control the province because they were superior to tribes in terms of weapon & military

Tribes in Bayda, especially Qaifa & Aal Humaiqan, have been fighting Houthis since October 2014. If there is one place where Houthis r resented most in Yemen, it would be Baydha. Baydha tribes have deep-rooted grievances against Imams &, by extension, Houthis.


(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Army Spokesman: Aggression coalition-backed Al-Awadi explodes situation in Bayda

Spokesman of the Yemeni army Yahya Sarie, announced on Wednesday that the mercenary, Yasser Al-Awadi, bombed a situation in Bayda province in the direct support by the Saudi-led aggression coalition countries.

Sarie affirmed in a news statement ,"What happened in Radman district of Bayda, is a clear and blatant attack against citizens, the army, and popular forces."

He stressed that the coalition-backed Al-Awadi assaulted citizens and the army sites in the financial and logistical by the aggression states, as well as deployment in the mountains, sectarian and regional incitement, in great efforts to explode the situation in the district without any justification.


(A K pS)

Film: Al-Bayda tribes drop two Houthi marches and Houthi militias incur losses


(A K)

@Yaser_Alawadi calls to form Defensive Squads in Radman, al-Bayda. @Al_Sharea also reports #Houthi drones & rockets bombed the district in central #Yemen


(A K)

#Houthis today begun attacking tribes in Al-Radman Awadh district in al-Baydha province. Tribal sources said two Houthi drones were shot down over the district.

Hussein Saleh al-Taheri is the first tribesman killed in a #Houthi attack drone this afternoon in Al-Awadh Ramadan district of al-Baydha


(A K)

Houthis reportedly cut mobile phone networks in Al-Baydha’s Radman district as they attack Al-Awad tribe. They did same thing when attacking Hajour tribe in 2019 and seizing Al-Jawf in Feb.

and as a reminder:

(A P)

Leader of the Revolution: US Behind the Spread of Takfiris in Yemen

The Leader of the Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi said that the Americans were preparing for the spread of takfiris, terrorist groups, in Yemen and helping them to continue what they call "the war on terror."

“The United States reinforced the proliferation of takfiris in Yemen, so that the title of the war against them would remain as it is, while it helps them to commit more crimes,” Sayyed Abdulmalik said in a televised speech broadcast live from the capital, Sana’a, on Thursday afternoon.

The Leader asserted that the US influence shrank in the country when Ansarullah reached Sana’a and other provinces with their Quranic march, and the American ambassador and the marines escaped. “The US did not dare to counter our people on its, so it came through its tools and those behind them, managing them, and providing them with protection and weapons.”

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik Calls for Launching National Program to Take Care of Minorities

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi called on the official authorities to launch a long-term national program to take care of Minorities to integrate them into society at an appropriate level.

My comment: Revoke your 20 % feudal tax.

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik: Saudi Arabia, UAE in Cahoots with Israeli Enemy Regime against Muslim Nations

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi has warned Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against attempts to normalize relations with Israel, saying Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are siding with the Tel Aviv regime, which is known as the implacable enemy of Muslim nations.

(A P)

A 60 yrs woman was abducted by Houthis n May 2018 while she went to collect money (15000YR=$25) her son sent her through exchange company. She was going to use the money to take her grandson to hospital. Grandson was sent to family. Houthis still deny info about her wherabouts

referring to

(A P)

UN calls on Houthis to drop death sentences against journalists

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed his concern about the death sentences issued against journalists by a Houthi court in Sanaa.

“I am horrified that these individuals were tortured and deprived of their basic human rights,” said Antonio Guterres, stressing that the UN does not accept the death penalty in any circumstances.

He went on to urge the Houthis to revoke the death sentences issues against the journalists and to release them along with other detained media workers.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp6 – cp18

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-659 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-659: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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