Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 684 - Yemen War Mosaic 684

Yemen Press Reader 684: 6. Okt. 2020: Jemenkrise, Überblick 2020 – Die Auswirkung von Gewalt auf Jemens Kinder – Reaktionen auf den saudischen Krieg gegen Jemens Elektrizitätsversorgung ...

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... Die Schlacht um Marib und Vertriebene – Die Stämme und der Kampf um Marib – Frankreich trainiert saudische Soldaten – Neue Dokumente über westliche Einmischung im Jemen – Saudische Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Imagepflege – und mehr

October 6, 2020: Yemen crisis overview, 2020 – The impact of violence on Yemeni children – Reactions to Saudi war on Yemen’s electricity – Marib battle and Displaced Persons – The tribes and Marib battle – France training Saudi soldiers – New documents on Western iterference in Yemen – Saudi human rights vioaltions and image laundering – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavitrus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13d Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H K)

Yemen crisis impact overview January – August 2020

Seven key issues to pay attention to

Humanitarian needs have increased and become harder to address: Some progress was made by humanitarian organisations in negotiating with authorities for programme approvals however, the overall operating environment is increasingly challenging. Constraints posed by conflict, bureaucratic impediments, COVID-19, shortages of funding, and the compounding of needs over time, are creating a situation where the humanitarian needs of people in Yemen are simultaneously greater than in previous years as well as harder to address.

COVID-19 and flooding displaced more people than conflict from May to July 2020: Conflict remains a key driver of displacement but 2020 has seen it joined by COVID-19, flooding and deteriorating public services. Some people are now choosing to move to remote areas further away from conflict and disease hot spots in major cities. These areas are less accessible for goods, services and support. Ma’rib, which already hosted the largest number of IDPs in Yemen, has been receiving large numbers of new IDPs from Al Jawf, northern Al Bayda and Nihm district in Sana’a governorate. The ongoing fighting in these governorates risks further displacement, increasing pressure on services and humanitarian operations. Many households have been displaced multiple times, often to a more precarious situation. This is stretching their ability to cope and to access key goods and services.

Civilian casualties decreased, but fighting increased around Ma'rib, Al Jawf and Abyan: There have been less civilian casualties as a result of conflict across Yemen compared to the same period in 2019. Conflict is now more concentrated around Ma’rib, Al Jawf, northern Al bayda, and Nihm district in Sana’a governorate, in the north. Conflict also continued along older frontlines in Al Hodeidah, Taiz and Ad Dali. Airstrikes have increased; doubling compared to the first half of 2019 as HouthiSaudi relations became more strained.

(** B H K)

The impact of explosive violence on children in Yemen

Between 2015 and 2020, at least 3,153 children have died in Yemen and 5,660 children have been injured, according to a report by UNICEF. On average, 50 children are killed and 90 are wounded or permanently disabled each month. The vast majority are harmed by explosive weapons with wide areas effects.

Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, supported by the UK and US militaries, appear to be responsible for 67% of reported civilian casualties in the war in Yemen, and are the cause of the majority of explosive violence against children. Since the conflict began, 1,372 children have been killed and 916 injured by airstrikes there.


The Saudi-led coalition has carried out at least 244 airstrikes targeting schools. In 2015, 57% of UN verified attacks on schools were carried out by the Saudi-led coalition. This figure has increased to 85% in 2017 and 95% in 2019. On August 13th 2016, airstrikes in the northern Haydan District hit a school, killing 10 students and wounding 28 others. On August 9th 2018, an airstrike on the busy market of Dahyan hit a school bus, killing 26 children and wounding another 19.

Attacks on schools harm children in several ways: Yemen's 3.4 million children out of school are at increased risk of recruitment and kidnapping by armed groups, and girls are three times more likely to be the victims of forced marriage.

As the rate of Saudi-led coalition airstrikes increases, with June 2020 seeing the most airstrikes since June 2018, child victims of explosive violence are certain to increase.

Cluster Munitions

The use of cluster munitions by the Saudi-led coalition represents a long-term and pervasive threat to children in Yemen. Since 2015, the Saudi-led coalition have deployed cluster munitions at least 23 times, causing at least 16 civilian casualties from July 2015 to April 2016 and 54 in 2017.

The Saudi-led coalition have deployed 7 different types of cluster munitions: the US-made CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon, CBU-87, CBU-58, M26 rocket, the UK-manufactured BL755, and the Brazilian ASTROS-II rocket. These munitions are designed to disperse up to 650 sub-munitions across a wide area, causing indiscriminate damage.

Furthermore, whilst the direct damage from cluster munitions can be devastating, the submunitions frequently fail to explode, creating 'de facto minefields.'


Remote explosive devices have caused at least 5,500 casualties in Yemen since 2015. 80% of these casualties have occurred since 2017, coinciding with a drastic increase in landmine use by the Houthi rebels. According to some estimates, Houthi-aligned forces have laid one million landmines since the war started, making Yemen one of the most heavily mined countries since the Second World War, according to a 2019 report by ACLED.

This prolific use of anti-personnel and anti-vehicle landmines by the Houthis represents a strategic decision to defend and cover their withdrawals from key cities such as Aden in 2015 and Al Hudaydah in 2018. Following the Emirati-backed offensive on Al Hudaydah in June 2018, civilian deaths caused by landmines increased 279% from an average of three per month from January to June, to an average of 12 per month from June to December. Al Hudaydah has been badly affected by Houthi landmines, with the southern districts of At Tuhayta, Ad Durahyimi, Al Khawkhah, and Hays accounting for 70% of Yemen's landmine casualties.

Between 2016 and 2020, ACLED has confirmed 267 civilian casualties caused by landmines. An estimated 140 civilians have been killed by such weapons, according to Human Rights Watch. AOAV reported that the indiscriminate use of landmines by Houthi rebels has had a devastating impact on Yemen's children, with at least 27 child casualties caused by landmines since 2015.

Alongside this devastating physical toll, landmines represent a continuing threat to Yemen's children by denying access to clean water facilities and grazing lands.


Since the beginning of the war in Yemen, Houthi rebels have repeatedly fired rockets and mortars into populated areas indiscriminately, killing and injuring 189 children, as reported by AOAV. Residential areas of Yemen's third largest city Taizz have been consistently shelled since Houthi forces were pushed out of the city in March 2016. Houthi forces have repeatedly fired mortars and Katyusha rockets from an elevated area in the al-Hawban district into populated areas.

Psychological Trauma

The physical destruction caused by airstrikes, landmines, and shelling is not the only form of suffering inflicted on Yemen's children. According to Save the Children, close proximity to explosive violence over the past five years has had a 'devastating impact on the mental health of an entire generation of children.' A study of 912 children in Yemen's capital Sana'a by CARPO found that 79% were found to be suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Yemen's children have endured immense suffering due to explosive violence over the past five years of conflict. Unfortunately, this suffering is unlikely to abate in the near future. Deliberate and systematic destruction of Yemen's infrastructure has precipitated a humanitarian catastrophe. 93% of children need humanitarian assistance, two million children are out of school and one in five have lost their homes.

Severe acute malnutrition currently threatens the lives of 400,000 children under the age of five and by the end of 2020 half of all under-fives could be at risk. Malnutrition has already stunted the growth of 45% of children under five, inflicting permanent damage to their physical and cognitive development. 10.2 million children do not have access to healthcare, relying on UNICEF and other NGOs for essential vaccinations, and water, sanitation and hygiene. In April 2017, Yemen suffered the world's worst cholera outbreak, and of the 2.3 million cases, 25% of those were children under five.

The devastation of Yemen through the use of airstrikes, cluster munitions, landmines and shelling has caused the death and injury of thousands of children, and the near-complete destruction of Yemen's critical infrastructure has caused a humanitarian disaster that will likely cause the deaths of thousands more before the conflict's end.

(** B E H K)

Yemen: Finding Ways to Fight Back Against Saudi Arabia’s War on Electricity

From a concerted military campaign to retake the country’s biggest power plant to efforts to go solar, Yemenis are finding ways to circumvent the Saudi Coalition’s total war on their country’s electric grid.

Amid the scorching desert heat, Yemen’s southern provinces suffer frequent blackouts. An hour and a half of power followed by 12-hour outages are the norm, and can sometimes be fatal. Now, barely a week goes by without the citizens of the Southern District holding demonstrations until authorities relent and temporarily restore power until the next blackout, and, inevitably, the next protest.

Hundreds of angry Yemenis began taking to the streets nearly one month ago in the war-torn country’s largest governorate of al-Mukalla, gathering to protest the deterioration of public services and lengthy blackouts that regularly leave them without electricity

Just like in al-Mukalla, power outages have left many major cities in the dark since 2015, when the war began.

According to identical data from both Yemen’s Ministry of Electricity and non-governmental organizations, the Saudi-led Coalition has targeted more than 5,000 power stations and other pieces of critical energy infrastructure. Most of them far from any fighting or military site. Ninety percent of the total population now lives without electricity, especially those in remote and semi-urban areas.

Attacks on the grid run deep

The effects of those attacks run much deeper though. Socially, the collapse of the country’s electric grid has limited children’s ability to study in the evenings and has forced some families to pull their children out of school entirely to fetch water, as electric pumps are no longer operational. Water pumping stations have been closed, forcing people, particularly women and children, to carry water needed for daily use on their heads for long distances.

Economically, the lack of electricity has led to the deterioration of Yemen’s already faltering local economy. Small industrial facilities that survived the war have been shuttered due to the lack of electricity and manufacturing has all but halted.

Hygienically, public health services have worsened significantly as long-lasting power outages have become all too regular in often partially functioning health facilities. The outages are also contributing to the spread of COVID-19 and other epidemics as electricity is required to pump clean water, forcing some to drink surface water contaminated with Cholera and other bacteria.

Throughout its war against Yemen, Saudi Arabia’s strategy has sought to break down and weaken the state to make a recovery impossible for at least the next twenty years. Systematic destruction makes the country more dependent on “helping hands” after the war.

The sheer scale of the Saudi campaign, which often sees hundreds of separate airstrikes carried out every day, coupled with its indiscriminate nature, has not only left Yemen one of the most heavily contaminated countries in the world but turned the large areas through which power lines pass or where electric poles are located into fields full of mines and unexploded bombs.

All eyes on Marib Power Station

Despite the danger, some electrical engineering teams have forged on. Two weeks ago, engineers in cooperation with mine clearance teams began to assess the extent of damage in the Nihm area, a move aimed at rehabilitating the Sanaa-Safer line. They hope the lines can be ready when the Marib power station is back up and running

Yemenis look to the sun

Small electronic retailers now sell solar home systems, encouraged by surging demand and supported by the local Ansar Allah government, who recently announced that investment in alternative energy would be 100% tax-exempt.

The World Bank has praised the boom in the usage of solar energy in Yemen and urged countries suffering from wars and crises to emulate the Yemeni experience. Yemen is naturally endowed with huge solar potential. It has interior high mountains, upland desert, and long semi-desert coastal plain across the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. Moreover, the country is characterized by hot and clear weather. Temperatures are generally very high, particularly in the coastal and desert areas. Geographically, Yemen is located in the world’s Sunbelt.

The important question for many Yemenis is whether Saudi Arabia will allow them to capitalize on this wealth – by Ahmed Abdulkareem

(** B K P)

Yemen's war shifts focus to Marib, thousands of displaced at risk

Fighting has raged for months in Marib, the last stronghold of the internationally recognised government.

Some diplomats and experts say that a Houthi victory in Marib, which would hand the group complete control of the northern half of Yemen, could have “ripple effects” on the conflict across Yemen and scupper U.N. efforts to secure a nationwide ceasefire.

Houthi forces have opened three frontlines in Marib region, advancing in recent months from the northern district of Madghal, the southern town of Rahabah and from the west in Sarwah.

The group has seized six districts and large parts of Sarwah, which lies 80 km from Marib city - the last line of defence before Yemen’s biggest gas and oil fields. But progress has slowed and victory is not guaranteed.

“Marib is a military operation for both sides but it is a pressure tool for the Houthis on the negotiating table,” said a diplomat involved in the talks.

“Luckily, the fighting has slowed down over the last two weeks, thanks to the Houthi-Saudi indirect talks and because the battle has been exhausting for both sides.”

The violence has escalated since U.N. Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths pressed both parties to agree on a ceasefire deal that would pave the way for broader negotiations to end the war that has killed more than 100,000 people.

The fighting in Marib has displaced nearly a million people, the U.N. said, and threatens around 750,000 refugees who have settled in the city since the war started in 2014.

“We know that any intensification of the conflict will put them (displaced civilians) at extreme risk and we’re very worried that many of the people who live in Marib city will themselves become displaced by the conflict,” Lise Grande, U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, told Reuters.

A few dozen kilometres (miles) away, hundreds of displaced civilians in makeshift camps waited for water, food and medicine from humanitarian groups - a further sign that despite United Nations peace efforts, the near six-year-old war grinds on.

“We have more than 1,500 families in this camp and they already moved three times ... because the fighting keeps following them,” said Mohsen Mushalla, director of al-Sowaida camp some 15 km from Marib city.

“They don’t have water, electricity, a hospital and the nearest town is 10 km away. Just bringing water is enough hardship,” Mushalla added.


(** B K P)

Marib’s Tribes Hold the Line Against the Houthi Assault

The future of the war in Yemen will be determined in Marib. The Yemeni government’s control over the governorate, one of its last major centers of power in the country, is being severely challenged as Houthi forces seek to extend their control over all of northern Yemen and seize control of Marib’s oil and gas resources. A desperate defense by local tribes, government forces and the Saudi-led coalition has so far managed to prevent the Houthis from marching on the governorate’s capital, Marib city, and the oil fields farther to the east.

In recent weeks, the battle for Marib has turned into a war of attrition, with the Houthis throwing more and more fighters against multiple fronts. For its defense of the governorate, the government has relied largely on local tribes to stem the Houthi offensive amid questions over the capacities and capabilities of the Yemeni army. While a recent reorganization of army forces has managed to partially stabilize the situation, it remains tenuous, with the potential for a Houthi breakthrough looming.

Local Tribes Lead Defense of Marib Amid Government Disarray

With government forces unprepared to confront the Houthi offensive in the wake of the failed tribal uprising in Al-Bayda, the entire weight of defending southern Marib fell on the Murad tribe. This has had several crucial consequences, both for the battle for the governorate and fighting in other parts of the country. To defend their tribal lands, the Murad summoned its tribesmen fighting as part of the national army across Yemen, with the result that government forces have been weakened on other fronts. In September, the Houthis advanced in southern Marib following a fierce battle in Mahliyah district and reached Rahabah district, whose residents all belong to the Murad tribe. Rahabah borders the districts of Al-Jubah and Jabal Murad, which form the heart of the Murad tribe territory.

The dramatic developments since the Houthis launched a renewed offensive in Marib, and the reliance on tribes for the governorate’s defense, raise several questions about the military strategy and combat capabilities of the Yemeni government and its allies in the Saudi-led coalition. There has been an exceptional failure by the government and coalition to support Marib’s tribes, which have been loyal to the government and oppose the Houthis. Amid the major issues plaguing the government and coalition in Marib are corruption in recruitment, including the large phenomenon of ghost soldiers, and conflict and lack of coordination between Yemeni military commanders. In particular, rumors of a struggle between Minister of Defense Mohammed al-Maqdashi and Yemeni Army Chief of Staff Saghir bin Aziz have emerged in recent months. Government failures should also shine a spotlight on the role and responsibility of Vice President Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, who is among the most important actors in Marib and, with the Islah party, has used Marib as a center of influence and power.

The battle for Marib now encompasses a wide scope of a military confrontation that extends in an arch-like shape from the southwest all the way to the north. In the north, the Houthis also experienced a setback in their ability to pressure Marib from the desert of Jawf, east of the city of Al-Hazm. A Yemeni army counterattack in September led by the Commander of the 6th Military Region, Major General Amin al-Waeli, and supported by coalition airstrikes, was able to advance across vast areas in the desert and approach Labanat camp, putting Houthi forces in Al-Jawf in a tenuous defensive position for the first time since they seized parts of the governorate.

The Future of the Marib Conflict

What has protected Marib so far from falling to the Houthis is primarily the steadfastness of the local tribes. These tribes have long exercised and enjoyed extreme independence, and as a result they have complicated relations with any central authority in Sana’a. The Murad and most other local Marib tribes also have a prominent sense of their Sunni identity that generally puts them at odds with the Houthi movement, which subscribes to an Islamist ideology based on Zaidi Shia Islam. In particular, the Murad have a complex historical relationship with Yemen’s Zaidis, one that has often been defined by animosity.

For the Houthis, the potential of reaching Marib city and moving further east to seize control of Safer and its oil refinery remains an irresistible target. The capture of Marib would change the shape of the entire war on the political and military level in their favor, notably positioning the Houthis to threaten the southern governorates of Hadramawt, Shabwa and Al-Mahra.

A win for either side in the battle for Marib would be a turning point in the Yemen war. A Houthi victory would radically reshape Yemen, granting the group almost full control over northern governorates, and importantly, access to the country’s oil and gas resources and the revenues that come with them. The Houthis have been dreaming of such gains since the beginning of this long conflict. On the flip side, a Houthi defeat in Marib, after a large investment in terms of material and manpower, would be a major setback for the group. In particular, the group must worry about the consequences of the failure to take Marib on its image as a powerful military force. This applies not only domestically, in terms of future challenges from rivals, but also abroad. The international community has been focused on the battle for Marib, knowing that the result, one way or the other, will shape the future of the war, and potential peace, in Yemen – by Maged Al-Madhaji

(** B K P)

France trains Saudi soldiers in military camp to wage war in Yemen: Amnesty International

France has promoted and supported both financially and politically a private military campus intended to train Saudi soldiers, Amnesty International revealed in a report released in July.

The international organization stated, "that with complete impunity and in flagrant contradiction with its international commitments, France is providing arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), countries engaged in the conflict in Yemen."

The rights group reminded that the United Nations has called the conflict "the world's worst humanitarian disaster."

In connection with its "silence the guns" campaign, Amnesty conducted an investigation that reveals "the way in which France goes a step further, by allowing Saudi soldiers to come and train on French soil."

Thus, the author of the report, Audrey Lebel, explains that in the arms trade "training is a lesser-known aspect, but it is indeed part of it."

The military training camp is located in Commercy in eastern France and is run by the Belgian arms manufacturer, John Cockerill.

According to the report, France is preparing to train Saudi soldiers in the handling of the latest versions of weapons, already used in the conflict in Yemen. This is "thanks to a brand new training center, located in the town of Commercy in Meuse with money from the French taxpayer, and in violation of international treaties," says Lebel.

Lebel said that the Belgian company was supposed to boost the local economy in return.

John Cockerill also benefitted from total exemption from tax and social contributions for three years, followed by partial exemption for two years, paid for by the state, Lebel said.

“The contract would also allow the company to be exempt from property tax over five years as well as employer contributions for social insurance and family allowances for three years,” she added.

France, the world's third-biggest arms exporter, counts Saudi Arabia and the UAE as major clients and has resisted pressure to stop arms sales to Gulf countries. Last year, the French government confirmed that a new shipment of weapons was headed for Saudi Arabia.

(** B K P)

Houthis say obtained documents containing information about US-UK plan to control Yemeni coasts

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, on Thursday said it has obtained documents containing what it said is a manifestation of foreign guardianship on Yemen and efforts to control Yemeni coasts before its seizure of power on 21st September 2014.
The documents date back to 2012 and have been provided by the military intelligence department, Almasirah TV said.
A meeting was held between officials from the ministries of defence and interior and military attachés of a number of foreign diplomatic missions in Sanaa which was dedicated to discussing the operations of the coast guard and the plan of the armed forces to protect Yemen's maritime borders, the TV said.
The military attaché at the British embassy asked for sensitive military information, including the combat formations and locations of the Yemeni navy, documents showed, it said.
The British diplomat also asked for information about the control and command of the Yemeni navy, and coordination between the navy and the defence ministry and the coast guard.
Moreover, he met with the chief of the naval forces in Hodeidah province, it said.
In addition, the US military attaché revealed that a US team had been assigned to provide aid to the control and command of the Yemeni air force, the documents showed.
The group considers its takeover as a revolution that has made a new political history in Yemen as it continues to say the country used to be dependent on the US and Saudi regimes.

and also

My comment: That’s how it certainly is everywhere, from Afghanistan to Yemen.


(** B K P)

Houthis release documents about British, French and Saudi interference in Yemen before their takeover

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, on Sunday released new documents related to what it says were different manifestations of foreign guardianship on Yemen before its takeover on 21st September 2014.

The documents included a letter from the British embassy written in September 2013 asking the Yemeni government to lift oil subsidies to meet demands of the World Bank, the group's mouthpiece TV channel Almasirah reported.

The letter pointed to a proposal by the IMF to gradually lift oil subsidies as part of an extended credit facility for Yemen.

The then British ambassador Jane Marriot threatened president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi of destabilising the Yemeni economy if oil subsidies were not lifted, according to the TV.

The group also obtained documents published by the national security apparatus including one about a meeting between the chief of the apparatus and Saudi interior minister Mohammed bin Nayef in November 2012. The meeting came within efforts to contain the Houthis, it said.

The documents included Saudi dictates to establish a database for every Yemeni citizen and a DNA laboratory, it said.

The documents published by the general military intelligence department on 9th July 2012 included information about a meeting between the chief of the Yemeni air force and the military attaché at the French embassy. The Yemeni official asked for French support in training Yemeni air force personnel, the TV said, adding that the documents also included a statement by the French attaché that the French troops in Chad and Djibouti would help Yemen.


(** B P)

Army Spokesman: Israel Constantly Meddled in Yemen’s Internal Affairs Under Slain Dictator

The Spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, said Israel constantly intervened in the internal affairs of the Arab country during the reign of slain dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Speaking at a press conference broadcast live from the capital Sana’a on Sunday evening, Saree highlighted that the Yemeni nation is confronting a Saudi-led military aggression, which seeks to accomplish the desired objectives of the Tel Aviv regime, presstv reported.

“Yemen has long been at the main target of US-Israeli plots and the ongoing onslaught clearly proves this. The Armed Forces call upon Yemenis from all walks of life to raise their awareness about the real intentions of foreigners. Our struggle is nothing but a fateful battle for liberation and independence,” he said.

Saree noted that there were secret relations between Saleh’s government and Israel, which dated back to the year 2000, stating that there were even mutual visits between officials from both sides.

The high-ranking Yemeni military official then showed a number of documents indicating that Israeli authorities wished to control not only the strategic Bab-el-Mandeb strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, Yemeni islands and the port of Hudaydah, but also wanted to be in charge of Yemen’s economic, cultural, agricultural, security and military sectors.

Saree added that Saleh’s regime started to normalize ties with the Israel many years ago, and reached a high level of communication and coordination with Israel at various arenas in 2007.

“On July 14 of that year, Israeli diplomat Bruce Kashdan arrived in Sana'a according to available documents on an unannounced visit, which lasted 48 hours. During that trip, the Israeli official met with Yemeni military and security top brass who are relatives of Saleh,” Saree underlined.

He added, “The Israeli official left Sana’a International Airport on July 16, 2007. The visit had been arranged by Yemeni officials, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) played the leading role in it. The Israeli diplomat had earlier visited Yemen on February 2, 2005.”

Saree noted that the visits to Sana’a were not simply aimed at normalization between Yemen and Israel, but sought close trade cooperation, entry of Israeli products into the Yemeni market and their promotion, as well as discussion on the implementation of joint projects.

One of the most important discussions in the field of civil aviation was an agreement that would allow Israeli airliners to cross Yemen's airspace, Saree pointed out.

The top military official went on to say that an Israeli parliamentary delegation paid a visit to Sana’a in early March 1996, and that the delegates enjoyed a remarkable reception and met with several high-ranking political and security officials.

“On March 30, 2000, Ali Abdullah Saleh confirmed that he had met with Israeli President Ezer Weizman. The Israeli media broke the news of the meeting only ten minutes afterwards, putting the former Yemeni president to shame.

Before that, specifically on January 31, 1997, Saleh confirmed to an Arab official that there were visits by Israeli officials to Yemen,” Saree commented.

The spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces then warned against Israel’s plan to naturalize tens of thousands of Yemeni-born Jews, emphasizing that such a scenarios poses a grave threat to Yemen’s national security.

and also

and more details

(** B P)

Saudi Arabia: ‘Image Laundering’ Conceals Abuses

New Human Rights Watch Campaign Against Whitewashing Rights Violations

The Saudi government has spent billions of dollars hosting major entertainment, cultural, and sporting events as a deliberate strategy to deflect from the country’s image as a pervasive human rights violator, Human Rights Watch said today. On October 2, 2020, Human Rights Watch launched a global campaign to counter Saudi government efforts to whitewash its dismal rights record.
The two years since the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in October 2018 has brought no accountability for top-level officials implicated in the murder. Since then, the government of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has aggressively organized and bankrolled high-profile events featuring major international artists, celebrities, and sports figures, with plans for many more. Saudi Arabia also currently holds the presidency of the G20, a forum for international economic cooperation, and will host the G20 leaders’ summit in late November.

“Saudi citizens and residents should enjoy top-notch entertainment and sporting events, but they also should enjoy basic rights such as free expression and peaceful assembly,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “So, when Hollywood A-listers, international athletes, and other global celebrities take government money to perform in Saudi Arabia while staying silent on the government’s atrocious rights record, they are boosting the kingdom’s strategy of whitewashing Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s abuses.”
The investment in major entertainment, cultural, and sports events is tied to Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030, a plan to overhaul the country’s economy and attract foreign investors and tourists. Among the programs it has developed to realize its vision is one focused on creating more leisure and recreational options to “enhance the image of the Kingdom internationally.”

Under Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in creating a local entertainment industry and attracting top talent from across the globe. In May 2016, it created the General Entertainment Authority, with plans to invest US$64 billion in music, entertainment, sports, art, and film, among others. The Sports, Tourism, and Culture ministries are also involved.

Such events can serve to counteract negative scrutiny of the Saudi government’s human rights violations, including the Khashoggi murder, and undermine efforts to hold Saudi officials accountable, Human Rights Watch said.

Mohammed bin Salman’s creation of an entertainment industry has been adopted alongside advancements for women and youth. While extensive and important, these changes have also helped obscure a dramatic curtailing in civil and political rights since Mohammed bin Salman became crown prince in 2017.

(** B P)


Eine Recherche von Amnesty International hat erschütternde Erkenntnisse über die Behandlung von äthiopischen Migrant*innen in saudischen Gefängnissen zutage gebracht. Seit März schieben die Huthi-Behörden im Jemen Tausende äthiopische Arbeitsmigrant*innen nach Saudi-Arabien ab. Dort werden sie unter lebensbedrohlichen Bedingungen festgehalten.

Amnesty International sprach mit Inhaftierten, die eine ganze Reihe von Brutalitäten der saudischen Behörden beschrieben. Sie erzählten, dass sie in Paaren zusammengekettet wurden, gezwungen waren, den Boden ihrer Zelle als Toilette zu nutzen und 24 Stunden am Tag in völlig überfüllten Zellen eingesperrt waren. Amnesty International hat, basierend auf übereinstimmenden Aussagen von Augenzeug*innen, die Todesfälle von drei Erwachsenen in Haft dokumentiert. Andere Gefangene berichteten von mindestens vier weiteren Todesfällen. Es war nicht möglich, diese Informationen unabhängig bestätigen zu lassen, doch die Verbreitung von Krankheiten sowie der Mangel an Nahrung, Wasser und medizinischer Versorgung deuten darauf hin, dass die Zahl der Todesfälle in Wirklichkeit weit höher liegen könnte.

„Tausende äthiopische Migrant*innen, die ihr Zuhause auf der Suche nach einem besseren Leben verlassen haben, erleben stattdessen eine unglaubliche Brutalität, wohin sie auch gehen. Eingesperrt in schmutzigen Zellen, umgeben von Tod und Krankheit – die Situation ist derart schlimm, dass mindestens zwei Personen versucht haben, sich das Leben zu nehmen,“ sagt Marie Forestier, Expertin für die Rechte von Geflüchteten und Migrant*innen bei Amnesty International

Zwischen dem 24. Juni und dem 31. Juli 2020 hat Amnesty International mit zwölf äthiopischen Migrant*innen über eine Messenger-App Interviews geführt. Ihre Berichte werden durch Videos, Fotos und Satellitenbilder des Crisis Evidence Labs der Organisation belegt. (Sämtliche Namen in dem Bericht wurden geändert.)

Bis März 2020 arbeiteten Tausende äthiopische Migrant*innen im Nordjemen, um damit ihre Weiterreise nach Saudi-Arabien zu finanzieren. Als die Covid-19-Pandemie eskalierte, begannen die Huthi-Behörden, Arbeitsmigrant*innen an die Grenze zu schicken. Dort sollen sie in ein Kreuzfeuer zwischen saudischen und Huthi-Kräften geraten sein.

Amnesty International konnte die Berichte über Schusswechsel nicht bestätigen, aber die Mehrheit der Inhaftierten gab an, die Grenze unter Beschuss überquert zu haben.

In Saudi-Arabien wurden die Migrant*innen von saudischen Sicherheitskräften festgenommen, die ihren Besitz beschlagnahmten. In eigen Fällen wurden Migrant*innen bei ihrer Festnahme von Sicherheitskräften geschlagen. Die meisten Migrant*innen wurden danach in das Haftzentrum al-Dayer gebracht. Von dort wurde die Mehrheit in das Zentralgefängnis in Jizan transportiert und danach weiter auf Gefängnisse in Jeddah und Mekka verteilt. Andere sind seit mehr als fünf Monaten im Gefängnis von Jizan. Laut der Internationalen Organisation für Migration sitzen etwa 2.000 Äthiopier*innen auf der jemenitischen Seite der Grenze fest – ohne Nahrung, Wasser und medizinische Versorgung.

Alle Interviewten gaben an, vom Augenblick ihrer Festnahme an von den saudischen Behörden sehr schlecht behandelt worden zu sein. Die Bedingungen in al-Dayer und im Zentralgefängnis in Jizan sollen besonders schlimm sein. Nach Angaben der Inhaftierten müssen sich im Durchschnitt 350 Personen eine Zelle teilen. Amnestys Crisis Evidence Lab hat die Echtheit von Videos verifiziert, die diese Angaben bestätigen.

Laut den Inhaftierten sind Schusswunden, die sie sich an der Grenze zugezogen haben, das dringendste Gesundheitsproblem in al-Dayer. Die saudischen Behörden weigern sich, die Wunden angemessen zu versorgen. Dadurch kommt es zu potenziell lebensgefährlichen Infektionen.

In al-Dayer gibt es für die Inhaftierten keine Toiletten. Sie sind gezwungen, eine Ecke ihrer Zelle als Toilette zu verwenden.

Alle Inhaftierten erzählten, dass überall in den Einrichtungen Krankheiten verbreitet seien, darunter Hautinfektionen, Durchfall und Gelbfieber.

Trotz der großen Hitze ist das Wasser im Sommer vor allem im Haftzentrum al-Dayer oft knapp. Die Gefängniswärter sollen die Wasserhähne jeden Tag nur kurz aufdrehen.

Alle Interviewten sprachen von fehlenden sanitären Einrichtungen. Da ihre Habe an den Grenzen beschlagnahmt wurde, besitzen die Inhaftierten nur die Kleider, die sie beim Verlassen des Jemen trugen. In den Gefängnissen al-Dayer und in Jizan gibt es keine Duschen. Sogar in den Gefängnissen in Mekka und Jeddah, wo es ausreichend Wasser zum Duschen gibt, erhalten die Gefangenen keine Seife. Diese unhygienischen Bedingungen besonders angesichts der Covid-19-Pandemie entsetzlich.

Zwei Gefangene erzählten, dass sie im al-Dayer-Gefängnis mit eigenen Augen drei Leichname gesehen hätten – die eines äthiopischen, eines jemenitischen und eines somalischen Mannes.

Alle Interviewten sagten, dass sie von Personen wüssten, die in Haft gestorben waren. Vier berichteten, die Leichen selbst gesehen zu haben.

Laut Inhaftierten gibt es viele schwangere Frauen in Haft. Die 20-jährige Roza, die zur Zeit des Interviews im sechsten Monat schwanger war, erzählte von 30 weiteren schwangeren Frauen allein in ihrer Zelle im Zentralgefängnis in Jizan. Keine der schwangeren Frauen soll angemessene medizinische Versorgung erhalten haben.

Roza berichtete, dass die Gefängniswärter sie in Ketten legten und sie in Paaren zusammenketteten, als sie endlich zu einer*m Ärzt*in in Jeddah gebracht wurden. Sie wurden zwar in einen Untersuchungsraum geführt, wurden aber nicht alle angemessen medizinisch versorgt. Laut Roza erhielten alle Frauen dieselben Medikamente. Roza wurde ein Ultraschall verweigert – sie hat während ihrer ganzen Schwangerschaft kein Ultraschallbild machen dürfen.

Mehrere Frauen brachten während der Haft Kinder zur Welt. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt in einer medizinischen Einrichtung mussten sie in dieselben unhygienischen Verhältnisse zurückkehren. Drei Frauen erzählten, dass zwei Babys und drei Kleinkinder in den Gefängnissen in al-Dayer, in Jeddah und in Mekka gestorben seien.

(** B P)

Ethiopian migrants describe "hell" of detention

An investigation by Amnesty International has exposed horrifying new details about the treatment of Ethiopian migrants detained in Saudi Arabia. Since March, Huthi authorities in Yemen have expelled thousands of Ethiopian migrant workers and their families to Saudi Arabia, where they are now being held in life-threatening conditions.

Amnesty International interviewed detainees who described a catalogue of cruelties at the hands of Saudi Arabian authorities, including being chained together in pairs, forced to use their cell floors as toilets, and confined 24 hours a day in unbearably crowded cells.

Amnesty International documented the deaths of three adults in detention, based on consistent eyewitness testimonies. Other detainees reported at least four more deaths; while it was not possible to independently corroborate these claims, the prevalence of disease and the lack of food, water and health care indicates the true number of deaths could be much higher.

“Thousands of Ethiopian migrants, who left their homes in search of a better life, have instead faced unimaginable cruelty at every turn. Confined to filthy cells, surrounded by death and disease, the situation is so dire that at least two people have attempted to take their own lives,” said Marie Forestier, Researcher and Advisor on Refugee and Migrant Rights at Amnesty International.

“Pregnant women, babies and small children are held in these same appalling conditions, and three detainees said they knew of children who had died. We are urging the Saudi authorities to immediately release all arbitrarily detained migrants, and significantly improve detention conditions before more lives are lost.”

Amnesty International is also calling on the Ethiopian government to urgently facilitate the voluntary repatriation and reintegration of Ethiopian nationals, and to press the Saudi government to improve detention conditions in the interim.

Amnesty International interviewed 12 detained Ethiopian migrants via a messaging app between 24 June 2020 and 31 July 2020. Their allegations were corroborated by videos, photos and satellite imagery analyzed by the organization’s Crisis Evidence Lab. All names have been changed.

Forced into a nightmare

Until March 2020 thousands of Ethiopian migrants were working in northern Yemen, earning money to pay for their passage to Saudi Arabia. When the COVID-19 pandemic escalated, Huthi authorities began ordering migrant workers to go to the border, where they reportedly became caught in crossfire between Saudi and Huthi forces.

Amnesty was not able to corroborate reports of shootings, but most detainees said they had crossed the border under fire.

In Saudi Arabia migrants were apprehended by Saudi security forces, who confiscated their belongings and in some cases beat them. The majority were then transferred to Al-Dayer detention centre. From there, most were transferred to Jizan central prison and then on to prisons in Jeddah and Mecca; others have remained in Jizan central prison for over five months. According to the International Organization for Migration, approximately 2,000 Ethiopians remain stranded on the Yemeni side of the border, without food, water or health care.

Sick and injured, denied health care

All interviewees said they were appallingly treated from the moment of their apprehension by Saudi authorities. Conditions are especially dire in Al-Dayer centre and Jizan central prison, where detainees reported sharing cells with, on average, 350 people. Amnesty’s Crisis Evidence Lab has verified videos which support these claims.

and full report:

and media reports:

(** B P)

'A catalogue of cruelties' emerges from Saudi detention centres

Amnesty International provides mounting evidence of human rights abuses including migrants being shackled, torture and dying children

A month after a Sunday Telegraph investigation found that thousands of African migrants were being held in horrific detention centres across Saudi Arabia, more harrowing details are emerging about the sheer scale of the human rights abuses.

An investigation published today by Amnesty International found “a catalogue of cruelties” in the centres, including chained migrants, electric shock torture and dying children.

Migrants stuck in the centres are being “chained together in pairs, forced to use their cell floors as toilets, and confined 24 hours a day in unbearably crowded cells,” the report says. “Pregnant women, babies and small children are held in these same appalling conditions, and three detainees said they knew of children who had died.”

Amnesty documented the deaths of at least three migrants through multiple eyewitness testimonies. However, researchers noted that because of the prevalence of disease and the lack of food, water and healthcare, the true number of deaths in the ‘life-threatening’ centres could be much higher.

“Thousands of Ethiopian migrants, who left their homes in search of a better life, have instead faced unimaginable cruelty at every turn,” said Marie Forestier, researcher and advisor at Amnesty International. “Confined to filthy cells, surrounded by death and disease, the situation is so dire that at least two people have attempted to take their own lives.”

Freweyni, 25, told researchers on phones smuggled into one of the centres about the death of a 15-year-old boy at Al-Dayer

“He was sleeping on the ground, covered with clothes. He was very weak. He urinated while sleeping. A boy was taking care of him. […] We shouted and the guards came in to take him….Four days later, I saw this boy lying on the ground outside. He was dead. I saw another body next to him.”

Another migrant interviewed by Amnesty, called Hagos, said that some detainees became so weak they had to be carried to the toilets, which were overflowing and barely functioning. Others said they had to stop people trying to kill themselves in the centres.

According to Amnesty, two detainees reported that guards had tortured them with electric shocks. “They used this electric device… It made a small hole on my clothes. I saw a man whose nose and mouth were bleeding after that,” said one migrant.

Detainees also said that there are a significant number of pregnant women in the centres. One 20-year-old woman who was six months pregnant said that there were 30 other pregnant women in her cell in Jazan central prison, near the Yemeni border, and that none of the women were receiving adequate health care.

Women told researchers that two babies and three toddlers had died, in prisons in Al-Dayer, Jeddah and Mecca.

and also

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(B H)

Film: Sina Mohammad is a Yemeni woman with disability who is making face masks, with the support of the ICRC, to help protect her community from #Covid19.

(A H)

Two coronavirus patients die in south Yemen

(A H)

1 new case of coronavirus, 13 recoveries in Hadramout

(* B H)

63 doctors die of COVID-19 in Yemen

The Yemeni Physicians and Pharmacists Syndicate announced on Friday that 63 doctors have died of COVID-19 in the country, Yemen Shabab reported.

This came in a statement regarding Dr Ali Abu-Zalat, of Egyptian origin, who died on Wednesday after contracting COVID-19 in Hadhramaut.

“The death of Dr Abu-Zalat is a great loss for the Yemeni Physicians and Pharmacists Syndicate and for Egyptian doctors,” the statement read, noting that Dr Abu-Zalat spent his life serving people and patients.

According to Yemen Shabab, more than 100 healthcare workers in Yemen have died since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the war-torn country.

(A H)

One new case of coronavirus reported in Aden

(A H)

5 new cases of coronavirus reported, 2,039 in total

(B H)

Film: Meet Hani, a Syrian Pharmacy Student in Yemen Helping Fight COVID-19

This activity is carried out in cooperation with IOM’s implementing partner Al-shaheed Bin Habreesh Foundation for Development and is coordinated with the relevant authorities. The sanitizer is produced in line with World Health Organization’s and Yemen’s Ministry of Health’s standards.

(* B H)

Yemeni Taiz sees 5730 dengue chikungunya cases this year

Taiz saw 5,730 infections of dengue and chikungunya fevers in the past nine months of this year, health office in the Yemeni southwestern governorate said Monday.
Taiz city's hospitals recorded 4 deaths of the two diseases, an official said speaking for the office.
In the last few months, the heavily-populated city and other Yemeni cities have witnessed wide spread of chikungunya fever coming from Africa, at time the world has been hit by Covid-19.
Taiz is placed fourth with regard to number of this epidemic infections, preceded by Aden, Hodeida and Lahj.

(* A H)

Houthis negligence brings back polio outbreak in Yemen

The polio returned in the Houthis-held Sa’ada province following 14 years Yemen was announced free of the virus.

Official medical sources confirmed that 16 cases of the polio were reported in Sa’ada.

UN health officials called on the Houthis to permit deployment of medical teams to vaccinate the children against the virus.

My comment: It’s odd to put blame on the Houthis for this. There is a war, stupid, which had destroyed infrastructure and medical care. And it’s not the Houthis who had destroyed their own heartland.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Latest Update: October 4 map update

Latest Update: October 2 map update

(* B H K)

Film: What is happening in Yemen? Lots of you got in touch asking us for more information about Yemen. It’s in its sixth year of a civil war, it’s facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis’, and is dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. We spoke to the UN in Yemen @refugees , @jadethirlwall from @littlemix who has Yemeni heritage, @bbcnawal and Yemeni content creator @somayagee

(B H K P)

Audio (from Iran): Wrong time to abandon people of Yemen

The UN has failed to bring to account the Saudi regime and its allies that started the illegal war against Yemen. The UN needs to fulfill its responsibilities, as hundreds of thousands of Yemeni people are at risk of dying simply from starvation in the blockaded country

(* B K P)

Six-year war leaves 1579 Yemeni educators killed: Union

Yemen's six-year war has left 1,579 teachers and educators killed and 2,642 others wounded, the Yemeni teacher union said Sunday.
The conflict forced 20,142 educators out of their homes and schools in Houthi-held areas to liberated areas and abroad, the union added in a recent statistics, discounting the victims of Arab coalition airstrikes.
Among the fatalities are 81 headmasters and administrators and 1,499 teachers, the union's media officer said.
The union documented 14 cases in which educators were tortured to death at Houthi prisons in Sana'a, Hodeida, Hajjah and Sa'ada, Yahiya al-Yana'ai added.
Houthi gunfire injured 2,642 educators (2,515 teachers and 127 administrators), some of whom sustained perpetual disabilities, he added.
The union also documented 621 Houthi arrests and 36 forcibly disappearances of educators, according to the union media officer.
Hodeida witnessed the highest number of detainees with 126, followed by Dhamar (113) and Sana'a City (98).


(* B H K)

YTS: Houthi militia has killed or wounded over 3000 teachers and school-based staff since 2014

The Yemeni Teachers Syndicate (YTS) has accused the Iran-aligned Houthi militia of killing 1579 workers in the education field and wounding 2642 others since late 2014.

Yahya Alyanei, head of the media office of the YTS, told the Anadolu Agency that the militia killed 1579 teachers and administrative workers in the education field, 14 of whom killed under torture, between September 12, 2014, and October 1, 2020.

Alyanei added that 2642 educators have been wounded by Houthi fire or in Houthi-run prisons, some of them sustain permanent disabilities.

According to Alyanei, about 621 educators are being held in the Houthi-run prisons, 36 of them are forcibly disappeared.

He noted that 20142 educators have left their homes in areas under the control of Houthi militia and resided in areas under the control of the internationally recognised government.

and also

(* A P)

Yemen: Decaying oil tanker in Red Sea is leaking

Oil has leaked from an oil tanker in the Red Sea near the Yemen coast, sources in SAFER Exploration & Production Operations Company revealed.

Discussions between the United Nations and the Houthi movement regarding the maintenance and emptying of the vessel were stalled “due to the Houthis’ intransigent stance”, the sources added.

Speaking to the UAE’s Al Bayan newspaper, they added: “An oil leak occurred in the reservoir anchored off Ras Isa port in the Red Sea, and a large quantity of water leaked into one of the 34 reservoir chambers, in which more than a million barrels of crude oil are stored.”

The same sources pointed out that a large oil spill had occurred in the vicinity of the reservoir, adding that “an online meeting between representatives of the Houthis and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) failed to reach an agreement on initiating the maintenance of the tanker.”


(* A P)

Oil spill detected next to FSO Safer

United Nations inspectors were once again barred from boarding the decaying floating storage tanker Safer yesterday by Houthi militia as images emerge of a leak around the 44-year-old ship moored in the waters of war-torn Yemen.

The FSO Safer, stranded for the past five years to the north of Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah, contains 157,000 tonnes of light crude oil, four times as much as the amount of oil that gushed into the sea off Alaska from the Exxon Valdez tanker 31 years ago.

In May, seawater leaked into the abandoned FSO’s engine room, which was eventually patched by a team of divers.

Research by TankerTrackers using satellite imagery from Planet Labs shows that an oil spill occurred a fortnight ago from the ageing ship.

“From what we’ve been able to gather, the spill went pretty far and wide in the immediate area, but is no longer spilling,” TankerTrackers tweeted on October 3, adding: “The vessel is still floating in place, but time is quickly running out for this ship.”

and also


(* A K P)

Official: Hodeida clashes endangers Safer-oil tanker

An official of the Safer Exploration and Production Operations said that the Safer Super-oil tanker is at greater risk of explosion due to intense fighting escalated this week in Hodeida.

In a quote to the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat Daily Newspaper, the Safer official said that risks are increasing to the tanker because it is located within the combating zone.

He said that the tanker might be hit by error by any party which makes it a time-bomb that threatens everyone.


(* A P)

UN, Houthis fail to reach agreement on stricken supertanker off Yemen

A virtual meeting between the office of the UN envoy to Yemen and the Houthi group failed on Friday to reach an agreement on the Safer oil tanker which is decaying off Yemen's western coast and at risk of exploding or sinking.
An agreement for conducting urgent assessment of the tanker could not be signed because the UN ignored our technical notes on an August agreement for accessing and conducting initial repairs to the tanker, the group said in a statement carried by the Sanaa-based Saba news agency.
The tanker has not had maintenance for five years. It is moored off Hodeidah seaport, with around 1.1 million barrels of crude oil on board.
Our representatives were surprised that a team from the UNOPS did not include our notes in a copy of the agreement sent to them and then refrained from signing, it said, without giving more details.
Discussing what has already been discussed is a waste of time at a time when an urgent action is needed to address the issue, oil minister in the Houthi government, Ahmed Abdullah Daris, said.
Meanwhile, Debriefer learned that the group insists on getting guarantees to receive the revenues from the sale of crude oil aboard the tanker.


(B P)

Decaying Yemen Oil Tanker at Risk of Spilling Into Red Sea

A rusting oil-storage vessel moored off Yemen’s Red Sea coast could rupture or explode, Western officials said Friday, warning of an environmental and humanitarian catastrophe if it breaks apart.

The FSO Safer—which holds more than 1.1 million barrels of oil, four times the 1989 spill from the Exxon Valdez in Alaska—is located near the port of Hodeidah, a key entry point for humanitarian aid in a country caught up in a six-year civil war. The ship is rapidly decaying after being abandoned five years ago.

Recovery from Safer FSO leak may cost 20 billion USD and lasts 25 years (paywalled)


(* B P)

Yemen’s Houthis reject UN inspection of decaying FSO Safer oil tanker

The vessel, moored off the country's Red Sea coast with a cargo of 1.1 million barrels of oil, is an environmental and humanitarian catastrophe waiting to happen

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have rejected, for the second time, a United Nations request to allow inspectors to board a rusting oil tanker moored off the country’s Red Sea coast.

My remark: By an Emirati news site, thus blaming the Houthis.


(A P)

New Yemen anger over ‘time bomb’ oil vessel

“The international community’s lenient approach should stop,” Salem Al-Khanbashi, Yemen’s [Hadi gov.] deputy prime minister, told Arab News on Sunday.

“The Houthis behave arrogantly because of this approach. The international community should pressure the Houthis to either empty the ship or subject it to immediate maintenance.”

and look at Safer in this Houthi Almasirah TV film (in Arabic):

(* B H K P)

Yemen: Crisisinsight Impact Overview January to August 2020

This report provides decision-makers with a short, accessible overview of key trends and emerging challenges that may affect humanitarian needs in Yemen, covering January to August 2020.

Key issues:

Humanitarian needs have increased and become harder to address

COVID-19 and flooding displaced more people than conflict from May to July 2020

Civilian casualties decreased, but fighting increased around Ma'rib, Al Jawf and Abyan

Deteriorating economic conditions continue to drive food insecurity and stretch copying mechanisms

Heavy rains and flash floods have had a greater impact than in previous years

Protection concerns for migrants in Yemen have dramatically increased

Agreement to allow international inspections of the FSO SAFER oil tanker may help alleviate an environmental disaster, but this is yet to be implemented

(* B H K)

UN report finds ‘immeasurable’ atrocities against children in Yemen

Recent data shows the war in Yemen has created a catastrophe for children at the hands of the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis.

As the world continues to struggle with one of the most brutal pandemics in human history, there has been no break in the fighting across the Middle East from Israel to Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Conflicts in the Middle East have done unthinkable damage to civilians, especially to the elderly and children.

But in Yemen, the Saudi-led Gulf coalition and its enemy, the Houthis, are both guilty of violating the country’s children in the continuing civil war, a comprehensive UN report finds.

“A generation of children in Yemen has been immeasurably damaged through child recruitment, abuse and deprivation of the most basic human rights, including education,” says the report, which is drafted by the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts appointed by the UN.

According to the report, during the conflict, which began in 2014, nearly 112,000 people have died while more than 10 percent of the total deaths were civilians. But more shockingly, approximately one-third of the civilian deaths are children.

“These figures do not include the many thousands of people who have died as a result of the worsening socioeconomic, health and humanitarian conditions,” the report added.

Both sides are guilty

In the UN report, there are numerous examples of how opposing military forces have treated the civilian population, particularly children, for the sake of political interests.

In one specific example, the UN report recounted how the Yemeni government, which is backed by a Saudi-led coalition, acted without any care for children’s need for education when it came to its political interests.

The report carefully crafted how the Saudi-led coalition and its Yemeni allies have created conditions in the poor Arab country to make lives unbearable for civilians.

“Individuals in the Government of Yemen and the coalition (in particular from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) and the southern transitional council have committed, as applicable to each party, acts that may amount to war crimes, including murder of civilians, torture, cruel or inhuman treatment, rape and other forms of sexual violence, outrages upon personal dignity, denial of fair trial, and enlisting children under the age of 15 or using them to participate actively in hostilities,”it goes on.

Despite the war crimes of the Saudi-led coalition, whose airstrikes and military actions have appeared to be the main driver behind many atrocities in Yemen, the Houthis, which the report defines as “de facto authorities”, have also carried out various human rights violations across the country, according to the UN experts.

(* B K P)

Film, Elisabeth Kendall: My 2-minute take on the latest UN-brokered prisoner swap for #Yemen, plus a comment on weapons sales to #Saudi (extract from CGTN America)

(A H K)

Yemen: Access Constraints as of 30 September 2020

(A P)

Protest in Marib against negligence of detained journalists

Families to detained journalists, reporters and human rights activists held on Thursday a sit-in in Marib city protesting negligence by the government and the United Nations (UN) Special Envoy to Yemen in including detained journalists in Houthis-run prisons within ongoing talks for release.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia of exercising all forms of terrorism against Yemenis, Karman says

Yemeni human rights activist and Nobel laureate Tawakkul Karman has accused Saudi Arabia of exercising all forms of terrorism against Yemenis and state terrorism to suppress dissidents, like it did to journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
In a post on Facebook on Wednesday, she wrote: "Saudi Arabia and terrorism are the two sides of same coin. It has produced, harboured and fed terrorism through direct and secret funds".
This country is killing and abducting foes, she said, calling on other countries to treat it as a rogue state, not as an ally or partner.

My comment: She obviously is right, but in the first half of the Yemen war, she told the opposite.

(A P)

YPC is excited to announce the launch of its think tank, the Yemen Policy Center. *More* than ever before, we will use our research to advocate the integration of local perspectives into the policymaking process.


(A H K)

Film, in Arabic: A Vital Bridge in Taez Collapses Following Streaming Floods, Crippling Passengers’ Movement

The bridge between Al Makha District and Taez governorate was collapsed following a streaming flood. Stranded passengers stated the floods drifted the bridge, located in Shirira valley, which is a vital route connecting Al Makha District with Taez governorate. Therefore, stranded passengers weren’t able to move. It is worth mentioning that Taez has been living under a siege for 5 years.

(B H P)

Film: 'I hope peace comes to Yemen'

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

Houthis hold UN responsible for coalition collective punishment policy

The Houthi group on Wednesday held the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council responsible for the policy of collective punishment exercised by a Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen.
Preventing fuel ships from entering Hodeidah seaport is a crime against humanity according to international law, said Abdulaziz bin Habtour, prime minister in the Houthi government, known as the national salvation government.
The group is accusing the coalition of holding 19 fuel ships carrying around 485.000 tons of benzene, diesel, mazut and gas in the Red Sea for six months.
Around 85% of the Yemeni population depend on fuel that arrives through Hodeidah, it says.

(A K P)

Union of Oil Derivatives Traders and Importers: Continued Ban on Ships based on Saudi Political Agenda

The Union of Oil Derivatives Traders and Importers confirmed that the detention of oil derivatives shipments, preventing them from entering, comes as an implementation of political agendas in which the UN envoy Griffiths plays the most prominent role.

The Union stated in a statement today, Wednesday, that Griffiths refused its request to meet him several times. The Union wanted to present an initiative from the private sector to release oil shipments.

The Union held the United Nations, its envoy and the coalition countries responsible for the siege crime, preventing the entry of oil derivatives for more than 6 months. It stated that the continued siege and seizure of oil derivatives contribute to the prosperity of the black market, which increases the suffering of citizens.

(A K P)

Nearly 50 Million Dollars Are Fines for Detained Oil Tankers: YPC

Yemen Petroleum Company director, Eng. Ammar Al-Adrai, said that the fines for delaying the detained oil tankers have now reached nearly fifty million dollars.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H)

Oxfam: Donors slash funding to Yemen by half to 25 US cents a day per person in need

Catastrophic impact of cuts to funding already being felt

Donors have given the equivalent of 25 US cents (20p Sterling) per day for each of the 24.3 million people in need in Yemen, about half the amount given last year, Oxfam warned today, less than two weeks since world leaders warned that Yemen once again stands at the brink of famine.

The dramatic cut comes despite COVID-19 heaping further challenges on a country already suffering the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.

More than a third of the UN’s humanitarian programmes have already been cut back, with some completely shut down between April and August due to the funding shortage. Cuts include a reduction in services at 300 health centres and in food distributions across the country.

In Yemen, 25 cents would buy 200 grams of kidney beans, or three eggs, or 200 millilitres of cooking oil, according to the latest available market data, from July. In 2019 donors gave the equivalent of 46 cents per person each day.

The destruction of homes and basic infrastructure, rising food prices, a lack of jobs and continuous cuts to public servants’ salaries during the five years of conflict have combined to deprive Yemenis of the essentials, including food, clean water and healthcare. This has forced millions to rely on humanitarian aid in order to survive.

Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Yemen Country Director, said: “While the economic fallout unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every corner of the globe, in Yemen millions are on the brink of starvation. Yemenis cannot afford aid to be cut, people need more help to survive, not less.

In real terms, the impact of the cut in aid is likely to be even greater than it appears because a depreciation in the Yemeni Rial has pushed up prices beyond the reach of millions. The price of flour has risen 22 per cent in the last year, onions by 35 per cent and sugar by 48 per cent.

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Der Anti-Covid-Kampf einer Luxemburger Krankenschwester im Jemen

Es fehlte am notwendigen praktischen medizinischen Wissen: Tessy Fautsch blickt auf viermonatigen Aufenthalt mit Médecins sans frontières in Jemen zurück.

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On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, ECW, GPE, UNESCO & UNICEF call for the resumption of salary payments for teachers for the coming school year in Yemen

This World Teachers’ Day, celebrated under the theme, “Teachers: Leading in crisis, reimagining the future”, the Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait, UNESCO and UNICEF are calling for the resumption of salary payments for around half of the Yemeni teachers and school-based staff (estimated 160,000) who have not received regular salary payments since 2016. With suspended salary payments and schools regularly coming under attack, many teachers have been forced to find alternative sources of income to provide for their families.
The dire situation in Yemen, including ongoing conflict, natural disasters (flooding), wide-spread diseases (cholera, measles, polio), and poverty has pushed over two million children out of school and put at risk 5.8 million children who have been enrolled in school prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers and school-based staff are critical to ensure continuation of education services and learning for every child in Yemen. Further delay in paying teachers will likely lead to the total collapse of the education sector and impact millions of Yemeni children, especially the most vulnerable and girls, putting them at risk of engaging in negative coping mechanisms such as child labor, recruitment into armed groups and forces, child marriage, trafficking and other forms of exploitation and abuse.
The global community must unite to end violence against children in Yemen and protect their health and right to education. Without a collective commitment to action, we will fail to meet the 2030 Agenda – Leaving no child and no teacher behind. A minimum of 70 million USD is needed to help address this gap and ensure teachers can receive a payment during the 2020-21 school year.

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No More Access Barriers to Healthcare in Al-Abdiyah District

Rural residents of Al-Khaleelah sub-district have encountered a variety of access barriers to healthcare services for the past ten years. Health facilities were either abandoned or closed due to the unavailability of medical equipment, workforce shortages as well as essential drugs.

Since May, 2020, RDP in partnership with YHF implemented the Emergency Minimum Service Package project, supporting three health facilities (Al-Shejab, Khaleelah and Makhlaq) with all necessary equipment, drugs, furniture, and internal maintenance to ensure their effective response towards the growing health needs in Al-Abdiyah district of Marib governorate. A number of 2,774 individuals – disaggregated (540 men, 928 women, 634 boys, 672 girls) – have benefited from primary healthcare services, reproduc tive health, vaccination, medical consultations, and outreach activities in Khaleelah health unit.

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Second UN flights carrying Yemeni patients lands in Sanaa

A second flight carrying more patients who have been receiving medical care in Jordan for diseases and conditions which cannot be treated in Yemen on Monday landed in Sanaa international airport, UNOCHA said.


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The World Health Organization (WHO) Representative for Yemen Mr. Altaf Musani, UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen Ms. Lise Grande, and UN Special Envoy for Yemen Mr. Martin Griffiths welcomed the return today of patients who have been receiving medical care in Jordan for diseases and conditions which cannot be treated in Yemen.

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Livestock vaccination programme closes putting hundreds of thousands of hungry families at grave risk

A critical vaccination programme for livestock has been forced to close, putting hundreds of thousands of destitute farming families at risk.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that closure of its vaccination programme has increased animal disease and mortality, and more than 215,000 rural households facing crisis and emergency food insecurity are now without part or all of their main source of income. US$3 million is urgently needed to restart the programme.

“Livestock is the main source of income for many rural families,” said Lise Grande, Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen. “If their livestock is ill or dies, these families lose the income they need to survive.” “These families are barely holding on now. They are some of the poorest in Yemen and they are already hungry. Stopping vaccinations is a final blow.”

Livestock provides the main income for more than 3.2 million pastoralists across Yemen. Families keep sheep, goats and cattle, and rely on the consumption and sale of their products to survive. Being able to sell an animal to raise cash quickly when faced with an emergency or shock is the main fallback survival strategy for many rural Yemenis.

Last year, more than 1.6 million animals were reached with veterinary services benefiting over 100,000 destitute farmers

“We are in a serious crisis right now in Yemen. Livestock ownership is the cornerstone of so many of our beneficiaries’ livelihoods here,” said Dr. Hussein Gadain, FAO Representative in Yemen. “If this vaccination programme is not restarted, it will have severe consequences for their livelihoods. This is especially important because the cost of vaccination is so much cheaper than buying a new animal if it perishes from disease.”

(A H)

Holding Hope for Success: Prison Education

"The next stage of life, after my release from prison, carries great challenges. I think about how my life will be after leaving this cell and these prison bars behind. Like many others, I will face the challenges of building a life after spending many years away from the world," explains Ahmed, 51.

After years of imprisonment, Ahmed doesn’t talk of his despair, instead he talks of the strength and hardness he has acquired. With steady steps and relentless determination, with his red beard and slender body, Ahmed makes his way toward his seat in the classroom, joining his classmates in an electrical wiring course.

This is one of many courses offered across Aden and Mukalla by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Yemen Prisoner Foundation through the Strengthening Security and Protection Project. Funding is generously provided from the Peace Building Fund and the Government of the Netherlands.

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Film: Jemen: Je weniger Hilfe, desto mehr Kinderarbeit

Der Alptraum der Bevölkerung im Jemen wird von Tag zu Tag schlimmer. Denn im Zuge der Covid-19 Pandemie kommen weniger Hilfsgüter ins Land. Der Überlebenskampf wird vermehrt auf den Schultern der jungen Generation ausgetragen

(A H)

Kremser Schülerin zeigt Herz für Kinder im Jemen

BRG-Schülerin sammelte Geld für bedürftige Familien. Spendenscheck in Höhe von 1.614 Euro an Caritas übergeben.

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Reproductive health facilities resume life-saving work, but funding remains scarce

In mid-May, just as the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Yemen, funding for UNFPA’s life-saving reproductive health services dried up. UNFPA was forced to suspend the provision of reproductive health care in 140 out of 180 health facilities.

The consequences have been catastrophic, particularly for pregnant women and girls. Health workers around the country recounted heart-breaking instances of preventable maternal deaths taking place after care became unavailable.

Since then, with limited funding coming in, UNFPA has been able to resume operations in some key health facilities across the country. Women’s lives were immediately saved.

Al-Shael Health Centre in Hajjah Governorate was able to resume reproductive health services in July with funding from the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, after shuttering these services earlier in the year.

The reopening saved Eltaf’s life. She had been ready give birth at home when she started to experience severe bleeding.

“When Eltaf arrived at the Al-Shael Health Centre, she was in a critical condition,” said Dr. Eshraq, the gynaecologist at the health centre.

Despite these recent re-openings, some 70 per cent of UNFPA’s reproductive health programmes in the country remain closed due to the lack of funding. Only 61 out of 180 UNFPA-supported reproductive health facilities are functioning.

By this time last year, UNFPA had supported 265 health facilities and 3,800 reproductive health workers, reaching over 2 million women and girls with reproductive health services. Today, an estimated 1.5 million women of childbearing age are no longer receiving reproductive health services because of the funding shortage.

Yet the need for this care has never been greater.

UNFPA estimates that approximately 6 million women and girls of childbearing age in Yemen need access to reproductive health care. More than a million pregnant women are malnourished.


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Netherlands helps to boost access to life-saving reproductive health supplies for women and girls across Yemen

The Kingdom of Netherlands has contributed USD 7 million to UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, to provide life-saving emergency reproductive health medicines and supplies across all the 333 districts of Yemen in the next four years.

(A H)

UN airlifts Yemeni patients back to Sana'a airport

Yemeni patients arrived on a humanitarian flight at Sana'a international airport on Sunday, the UN said, after they were stranded for months in the Jordanian capital.

This chartered flight comes as part of the UN-sponsored medical air bridge to transport patients with difficult cases, the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen (OCHA) tweeted.

On 9 September, the Houthis suspend all the UN and humanitarian flights heading to Sana'a international airport due to fuel shortage in areas under their control.

The fuel shortage was stemmed from the Saudi-led coalition's refusal to allow oil tankers entry to Hodeida port, the Houthi group said then.

and also

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Decline in remittances catastrophic for humanitarian and economic situation in Yemen

The remittances arriving into Yemen from expatriates have sharply declined, causing catastrophic consequences on the economy, commercial activity, the prices of goods, banking, humanitarian and living situations. This is due to the economic crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdowns, as well as the Saudi authorities’ restrictive policies against Yemeni citizens in Saudi Arabia, where 60% of Yemeni expatriates live. Of the remaining expatriates, 25% live in other Gulf countries and 15% in other countries.

Remittances are a vital source of income for thousands of Yemeni families and provide effective social protection systems. However, the sharp decline in remittances widens the poverty gap, affecting the most vulnerable and poor people in a country facing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

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200 families received food supplies from @monarelief's team in Bait al-Fakeeh area of Hodeidah in western #Yemen funded by Humanity First in Norway. Thank you so much for your support guys (photos)

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Nothilfe Jemen: Kinder in tödlicher Gefahr

Das Land steuert auf eine Katastrophe zu, die viele Leben kosten wird. Schwer akut mangelernährte Kinder wie Saleh sind die größten Leidtragenden in dieser humanitären Krise. Schon jetzt sind über zwei Millionen Kinder im Jemen mangelernährt. Darunter sind etwa 325.000 Kinder, die unter lebensbedrohlichem Hunger leiden.

Diese Zahlen werden in den nächsten Monaten noch weiter steigen, da dringend benötigte Gelder für die humanitäre Hilfe fehlen. Gemeinsam mit UNICEF setzen wir alles daran, dass die notleidenden Kinder im Jemen auch in den kommenden Monaten versorgt werden können. Mit Ihrer Spende können wir viel bewirken:

Mit 43 Euro stellen wir einem Gesundheitshelfer ein Hygiene-Set zur Verfügung

123 Euro ermöglichen 150.000 Liter sauberes Trinkwasser

Für 60 Euro können wir 300 Stück Handseifen zum Schutz gegen COVID-19 verteilen

29 Euro versorgen ein mangelernährtes Kind einen Monat mit nahrhafter Erdnusspaste

Jetzt einmalig spenden

UNICEF-Pate werden

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WFP Yemen Country Brief, August 2020

The collective humanitarian COVID-19 response focused in August on testing, surveillance and case management, as well as procurement and distribution of oxygen and personal protective equipment (PPE). By the end of August, WFP Bilateral Service Provision transported 12,672 m3 of medical supplies and PPE equipment to Yemen by air and sea for the COVID-19 response, with more in the pipeline. Moreover, WFP recruited three physicians in Sana’a, Al Hodeidah and Aden governorates to provide daily follow-up support on staff health status.

The fuel crisis that started in the first half of June 2020 in areas under the Sana’a-based authorities continued in August. As of 30 August, 21 commercial vessels carrying 506,821 mt of fuel continued to be held in the Saudi-led Coalition (SLC) holding area. Four commercial vessels were permitted to discharge a total of 83,699 mt of fuel during August.

and similar

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Famine in Yemen need not happen

Millions of people are on the brink of starvation. Yemen’s warring parties can save them (subscribers only)

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Yemen: Over 100 doctors resign over delayed salaries

As many as 110 doctors working at the Ibn Sina General Hospital in the city of Mukalla in Hadhramaut governorate resigned after payment of their salaries were repeatedly delayed.

The general physicians said in a joint statement addressed to the Ministry of Health, the local authority and all community organisations that the step came after the responsible authorities failed to fulfil their repeated promises to address their demands and pay their overdue financial entitlements.

The statement added that despite the lack of resources, lack of a suitable environment for work, and offers to work in other governorates, they continued to work with dedication.

The doctors regretted having to submit their resignation and held the administration at the Ibn Sina General Hospital and the local authority responsible for the decision.

Last week, doctors who weren’t working in emergency or coronavirus wards went on strike as a result of the delay in paying their salaries.

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Official: Yemen government, STC to swap 200 prisoners

Yemen’s internationally recognised government and the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) have agreed on a prisoner swap which will see 200 detainees handed over in the Abyan governorate, Anadolu reported.

The agency quoted a member of the mediation committee in Abyan, Sheikh Faisal Al-Marqashi, as saying that the Yemeni government will release 178 prisoners held in Shabwa governorate, while the STC will release 28 prisoners held in Aden.

The mediation committee includes tribal leaders and dignitaries from Abyan governorate in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The prisoners were captured during military confrontations between pro-government forces and the southern separatists in the governorates of Shabwa and Aden last year.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H P)

Joint Forces [pro-UAE militia] Arrest Illegal Migrants in Ras al-Ara

The forces forces of Bab-el-Mandeb and Ras al-Ara intercepted on Monday, a boat carrying 25 African migrants coming from the Horn of Africa.
Military officials said that the 25 illegal migrants had been referred to the concerned bodies for taking the necessary actions.

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Film: Displaced in a cave

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IOM Yemen - Marib Response

The recent escalation of hostilities in Marib has led to a new wave of displacement towards safer districts in the governorate and resulted in a significant increase in humanitarian needs, with households especially in need of shelter, water, sanitation and food support. With the internally displaced person (IDP) population reaching numbers in the hundreds of thousands, host communities and access to basic services are experiencing increased pressure. IOM and partners recorded nearly 4,000 displaced households since the resumption of hostilities from mid-August until 24 September. Almost 80 per cent of new arrivals over the past two months have nowhere to go except extremely crowded displacement sites, which is a major concern as proper hygiene practices and physical distancing are key to combatting COVID-19. Of newly displaced families, less than five per cent have access to latrines and an estimated 70 per cent are in need of shelter.

Approximately 500 migrants were evicted from land they had temporarily settled and where IOM’s protection team was providing services. IOM identified potential new locations for this migrant population and is providing mobile protection services in the meantime.


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Higher IDPs double pressures on basic services in Marib: IOM

IDPs have increasingly arrived in the northeastern governorate of Marib fleeing conflict in other Yemeni cities, according to UN new reports.
The recent fighting in Marib has triggered a new wave of displacement of more than 8,000 people in September alone, said the International Organization for Migration, sending the total of IDPs up to 70,000 people arriving in the province this year.
The increase in IDPs living in Marib has further swelled pressures on basic services, IOM added in a statement.
IDPs in Marib are facing many challenges, and their needs are in the rise, the statement read.

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IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 27 Sep - 03 Oct 2020

From 01 January 2020- 3 October 2020, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 24,246 Households (145,476 Individuals) have experienced displacement, at least once.

Between the 27th September 2020 and 3rd of October 2020, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 300 Households (1,800 individuals) displaced at least once, the highest number of displacements were seen in:

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Stranded migrants in Yemen return to Djibouti

Thousands of African migrants from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia have been forced to return from Yemen to Djibouti, after failing to reach Saudi Arabia due to COVID-19 movement restrictions and border closures.

More than 2,000 migrants, including children as young as eight-years-old, have arrived from Yemen during the first three weeks of September 2020, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Djibouti.

After being stranded and left vulnerable in Yemen, the migrants were forced to make the treacherous boat journey back across the Gulf of Aden and walk through the Djiboutian desert where temperatures reach 40C.

According to IOM, the migrants arrived hungry, tired and in need of medical assistance. Many were forced to pay smugglers who often abandon them in the desert without food and water. Some migrants died on route due to dehydration.

At present, the migrants are receiving basic assistance from IOM-Djibouti.

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Schmuggler scheuchen Migranten ins Meer – acht Tote

Schmuggler sollen Bootsmigranten unweit des Horns von Afrika ins Meer getrieben und damit für den Tod von mindestens acht Migranten gesorgt haben. Die Leichen seien ans Ufer geschwemmt und von Behörden in Dschibuti bestattet worden, teilte am Sonntag die Internationale Organisation für Migration (IOM) mit. Zwölf weitere Menschen würden vermisst. 14 weitere Migranten hätten überlebt und medizinische Betreuung erhalten. Alle Insassen sollen aus Äthiopien stammen und vom Jemen nach Dschibuti unterwegs gewesen sein. In der Regel verläuft die Migrationsroute in die andere Richtung - viele zieht es für Arbeit in reichere Golfnationen wie Saudi-Arabien.

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8 migrants drown, 12 missing while trying to reach Djibouti from Yemen

The International Organization for Migration says at least eight migrants have drowned and 12 are missing after smugglers forced them off a boat near the Horn of Africa nation of Djibouti.
The remaining 14 migrants survived and are receiving medical care, a statement said. All were thought to be Ethiopian and making the passage to Djibouti from Yemen — a reversal of the usual migrant voyage to seek work in richer Gulf nations such as Saudi Arabia.

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Film: Ibrahim, one of displaced people in my country #Yemen. He displaced three times due to the war looking for a safe place for him and his family. Ibrahim told me that 3 of his childs died in one day due to cholera outbreak. I heard the same story from his neighbors. Hajjah.

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Ethiopian Migrants Returning From Yemen To Djibouti: A Qualitative Study

The Republic of Djibouti is a transit country for one of the busiest, and arguably, the most dangerous migration routes in the world. Each year, thousands of migrants from Ethiopia and Somalia travel to Djibouti, and across the Gulf of Aden towards the Arabian Peninsula along what is now known as the Eastern Route. In 2019, more than 215,710 movements of migrants, mostly of Ethiopian nationality, were recorded at various IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), of which 49,059 were observed in Obock before their departure for Yemen.

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Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 1 October 2020

As the CCCM cluster lead, UNHCR completed WASH interventions and maintenance works through partner YARD at four IDP sites in Al Jawf governorate, including temporary homes for a total of 200 families and 50 host community families living nearby. In Rawnar Mathab IDP site, the IDPs took part in rehabilitating the road leading to the site, for which they received incentives. The IDPs had initially suggested the interventions at the sites who were until then relying on the host community’s WASH facilities.

UNHCR partner JAAHD trained 35 IDP and five refugee tailors in Hudaydah governorate to lead the production of 14,000 facemasks over the course of a month.

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Yemen: IDP hosting sites with private land ownership (1 October 2020)

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

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"Die Amerikaner etikettieren jeden als Terroristen, der sich ihrer Politik entgegenstellt"

Die USA wollen offenbar die jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen als Terrororganisation einstufen - wohl auch wegen deren Nähe zu Iran. Anführer Mohammed Ali al-Huthi gibt sich im Interview angriffslustig.

Huthi: Saudi-Arabien operiert auf der Arabischen Halbinsel wie ein amerikanischer Bundesstaat, der Trump unterstellt ist. Der Präsident nennt den Preis, die Saudis bezahlen, die USA liefern.

SPIEGEL: Die USA erwägen offenbar, Ihre Miliz als "globale Terrororganisation" einzustufen. Ein solcher Schritt käme den Herrschern in Riad in der Tat entgegen. Es wäre aber auch eine direkte Kampfansage Washingtons an Ihre selbst ernannte Regierung in Sanaa. Welche Verteidigungsstrategie verfolgen Sie?

Huthi: Wir sind keine Terrorgruppe und akzeptieren diesen Begriff auch nicht. Die Amerikaner etikettieren doch jeden als Terroristen, der sich ihrer Politik entgegenstellt. Selbst die Demonstranten auf den Straßen in den USA wurden von Trump schon als Terroristen bezeichnet. Ich frage mich natürlich, warum geschieht das jetzt? Welche rote Linie haben wir gerade überschritten?

SPIEGEL: Westliche Geheimdienste berichten, dass die Huthi-Rebellen zunehmend iranische Raketen und Drohnen nutzen.

Huthi: Warum führen Saudi-Arabien und die USA Krieg gegen uns, mit der Begründung, dass wir etwas Unterstützung von Iran bekommen? Wenn wir von Iran finanziert werden, bombardiert doch bitte Iran, den Finanzier, massakriert doch nicht die Jemeniten! Genau das haben wir den Saudis und den US-Amerikanern deutlich gesagt. "Wenn ihr eine Rechnung mit den Iranern zu begleichen habt, macht das mit den Iranern aus."

SPIEGEL: Saudi-Arabien führt im Jemen Krieg, um die international anerkannte Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi zurück nach Sanaa zu bringen und um Druck gegen Iran aufzubauen, das seinen Einfluss in Ihrem Land ausweitet. Überdenken Sie deshalb gerade Ihre Allianz mit Teheran?

Huthi: Wird denn der iranische Einfluss in der Region geringer, wenn Jemeniten bombardiert werden? Führt das zum Ende des iranischen Atomprogramms? Oder einem Ende der Langstreckenraketen? Nein!

SPIEGEL: Wie bedeutsam ist die Verbindung mit den iranischen Revolutionsgarden für Ihren Kampf?

Huthi: Ich war niemals in Iran, wie immer wieder behauptet wird. Wir haben keine hoch entwickelten, präzisen Waffen, von denen die Geheimdienste sprechen. Unsere Waffensysteme sind veraltet und stammen noch aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Viele Länder lachen über unsere veralteten Waffen. Wir sind den Deutschen ausdrücklich dankbar, dass sie die Waffenlieferung nach Saudi-Arabien gestoppt haben.

SPIEGEL: Saudi-Arabien sieht sich zunehmend umzingelt von Regierungen, die aus Teheran beeinflusst oder gesteuert werden, in Syrien ist das der Fall, im Libanon und dem Irak, auch der Jemen zählt dazu. Können Sie verstehen, dass Riad keinen weiteren Verbündeten Irans an seiner Grenze dulden will?

Huthi: Saudi-Arabien ist ja nicht unsere Mutter, der wir Respekt zu zollen haben und der wir folgen müssen. Ob Saudi-Arabien uns anerkennt oder nicht, ist für uns nicht bedeutsam. Bedeutsam ist für uns die Anerkennung im jemenitischen Volk.

SPIEGEL: Es hat Verhandlungen zwischen den Kriegsparteien gegeben. Der Uno-Sondergesandte Martin Griffiths sieht aktuell dennoch keine Aussichten mehr auf einen Frieden. Woran scheitert der Frieden?

Huthi:Wir sind diejenigen, die Friedensinitiativen vorschlagen. Wir sind bereit, den Waffenstillstand auf allen Fronten einzuhalten und den Raketenbeschuss und den Drohneneinsatz einzustellen. Wir wollen einen Dialog und eine umfassende Lösung. Im Gegenzug ist uns aber wichtig, dass die Blockade gegen das jemenitische Volk aufgehoben und die Aggressionen beendet werden.

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“The Americans Label Anyone Who Opposes Their Policy as Terrorists”

The United States may soon classify the Houthi rebels in Yemen as a terrorist organization, in part because of their ties to Iran. Their leader, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, 41, expresses defiance in an interview with DER SPIEGEL, arguing Washington should settle its score with Iran, not Yemen.

DER SPIEGEL: Why the U.S.? After all, it is a Saudi Arabian-led coalition you are fighting against.

Houthi: Saudi Arabia operates on the Arabian Peninsula like an American state subordinate to Trump. The president names the price that Saudis pay, the U.S. delivers.

DER SPIEGEL: The U.S. is apparently considering classifying the Houthi militia as a "global terrorist organization,” a step that would please Saudi officials in Riyadh. But it would also be a direct declaration of war by Washington on your self-proclaimed government in Sanaa. What is your defense strategy?

Houthi: We are not a terrorist group and, basically, we do not recognize this term. The Americans label anyone who opposes their policy as terrorists. Even the demonstrators on the streets in the U.S. have been labeled as terrorists by Trump. I ask myself, of course, why is this happening now? Which red line did we just cross?

DER SPIEGEL: Western intelligence services report that the Houthi rebels are increasingly using Iranian missiles and drones.

Houthi: Why are Saudi Arabia and the U.S. waging war against us? On the grounds that we are getting some support from Iran? If we are financed by Iran, please bomb Iran, the financier, don't massacre Yemenis! That is precisely what we have told the Saudis and the Americans. "If you have a score to settle with the Iranians, settle it with the Iranians."

Houthi: Will Iran's influence in the region decrease if Yemenis are bombed? Will that lead to the end of Iran's nuclear program? Or an end to long-range missiles? No!

DER SPIEGEL: How significant is your association with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard for your struggle?

Houthi: I have no connections, and I have never been to Iran as rumored. We don’t have any of the highly developed, tactical weapons of which the secret services speak. Our weapons systems are outdated and date back to World War II. Many countries laugh at our obsolete arsenal.

DER SPIEGEL: Saudi Arabia feels increasingly surrounded by governments that are influenced by or controlled from Tehran. That is true in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and also Yemen. Can you understand that Riyadh will not tolerate another ally of Iran on its border?

Houthi: Saudi Arabia is not our mother, whom we have to respect and follow. Whether Saudi Arabia recognizes us or not is not important for us. What is important for us is the recognition of the Yemeni people.

DER SPIEGEL: There have been negotiations between the warring parties. Nevertheless, UN Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffith currently sees no prospects of peace. Why are the peace talks failing?

Houthi: We are the ones who propose peace initiatives. We are prepared to observe the cease-fire on all fronts and to stop missile and drone attacks. We want dialogue and a comprehensive solution. But in return, we want the blockade against the Yemeni people to be lifted and the aggression to stop.

(A K P)

Film: An exhibition of stone sculptures of creative enamel ... simulating the legendary championships of the army and popular committees

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Houthi crimes on continuous display: Looting aid organizations in Yemen

In an indication of the continued conflict by militia leaders over the donation funds that are supposed to be provided to the Yemeni people, Houthi leader Abdul Mohsen Tawoos accused the Minister of Water and Environment in the unrecognized Houthi coup government, Nabil al-Wazir, of manipulating donation and aid funds and refraining from coordinating with the National Authority for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Tawoos heads the National Authority for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, an entity created by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia as part of its plans to disrupt state institutions. It performs the functions of the ministries of planning, roads, water, interior and foreign affairs outside of the administrative structure of the legitimate agencies and institutions.

Houthi activist Osama Sari published what he said were documents related to financial and administrative corruption cases for Wazir and UNICEF in Yemen.

Sari also accused Wazir of “misappropriating two purchase deals of cars funded by UNICEF, at a total cost of about $670,000, including 13 cars purchased for the Environmental Protection Authority in 2019 without the authority's knowledge,” reported local news site News Yemen.

Commenting on this, Tawoos said, “What emerged from the files of the Ministry of Water and its projects in partnership with UNICEF took place outside the authority’s [knowledge].”

Tawoos revealed an agreement with an organization to provide 15 million liters of diesel to a number of state institutions during the years 2017-2018, adding in this context, “But only approximately 5 million liters have been provided.”

Sari posted on his Facebook page what he said were official documents, accusing Wazir of “misappropriating an amount of about $199,000 from the environmental assessment campaigns project for conflict-affected areas.”

(A P)

Local sources said the #Houthi group shot the civilian Abdullah Al-Akimi to death while he was passing a Houthi checkpoint in Al-Jawf governorate. According to the sources, the Houthis moved the body to the hospital and did not allow his family to enter.

(A P)

#Rights_Radar calls on investigation into the death of Adel Kawat whose family was expecting to see him soon after his name was among those to be released from Hourhi_run prisons based on a prisoner swap agreement that was reached last week between #Yemen's govt & #Houthi rebels

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Al Houthi militants kidnapped five civilians from a village in al Manar Anas district in Yemen’s Dhamar governorate on October 2, according to local sources. The al Houthi movement reportedly kidnapped several civilians in al Bayda governorate in early September.[4]

(* B P)

International experts highlight Houthis’ military use of schools

The International and Regional Eminent Experts on Yemen said that the Houthis use schools in provinces of their control for military uses and forced educators to indoctrinate children the Houthis’ ideology and incite them to join their military forces.

In their recent report, the experts say that parties to the conflict continue to deprive children of their fundamental right to education through the military use of schools, manipulation of education and targeting of educators.

“The Group found that the Houthis used the education system to indoctrinate students on Houthi ideology, incite violence and recruit children in 34 schools across six governorates: Amran, Dhamar, Raymah, Sa’ada, Sana’a, Ta’izz.”

The Group verified two cases of detention and forced displacement of educators, and received allegations of 54 educators being threatened, detained and financially/administratively sanctioned for refusing to collaborate with Houthi child recruitment efforts.

It indicated that the cut of monthly payments to 108,000 teachers since late 2016 in the Houthis-held areas drove qualified teachers to leave schools looking for alternative sources of income.

It said that the displacement of teachers has left a gap that was filled by the Houthis-affiliated volunteers that strengthened Houthis’ efforts at their ideology indoctrination and recruitment among the chidden.

and also

My comment: The cut of teachers’ payments is not the Houthis’ fault.

(B K P)

Film: Watch a video of how many children are recruited, within the rescue forces of the Houthi group, in Hajjah .. 12 children for every 4 recruits reached adults. Attached is a video of a military parade from Al-Masirah TV that explains that # Al Houthi_ deceives his followers

(A P)

Sana'a City hosts first hearings on Aghbari murder

A court of first stance in the Yemeni capital started on Saturday trying eight people on the charge of killing Abdullah al-Aghbari.

According to the Sana'a City-based prosecution's indictment, five of the accused intentionally and directly killed Aghbari, two others misled the judiciary by knowingly changing the state of items connected to and used in the crime, and the eighth incited the delusion.


(* B E P)

Intimidations continue against businesses in Houthis-held areas

The private businesses in Yemen have been a target to a wide range of intimidations by the Houthis militants.

Alasima local News Website reported that intimidations against the businesses included direct and indirect violations. Direct violations included stealing of funds and abduction of staffers.

Indirect violations included imposing payoffs, frequent collection of illegal taxes and collection of forcible financial contributions to fund Houthis sectarian events.

The list of targeted businesses included commercial organizations, banks, money exchange services, malls, hospitals, universities, training centers and restaurants as well as small businesses and vendors.

The reporting team of the documentary report on intimidation against businesses said that reported violations against private businesses between early 2019 and the first six months of 2020 reached 1,400 intimidations.

It said that 16 banks were looted, 120 money exchange services, 95 commercial organizations, 214 malls, 23 hospitals, 11 universities and training centers and 120 bakeries were stolen.

Other 383 small businesses and 14 private electricity stations were stolen or attacked.

(B E P)

Houthis are blackmailing banks, exchange firms, government says

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, is blackmailing banks and money exchange firms in regions under its control, the Yemeni government has said.
Information minister, Muammar Al-Eryani, wrote on Twitter on Thursday that the group is taking 30% of each money transfer from outside Yemen or from regions under the control of the government.
"Deductions from remittances of expatriates or citizens inside the country is a criminal act and collective punishment amidst deteriorating living conditions and deepening humanitarian crisis," he said.
The government has accused the Houthis of stealing the national foreign currency reserves, public revenues and salaries of public servants for five years and imposing illegal taxes and customs duties.

and also

My comment: It’s obvious that by such claims the Hadi government tries to fix its claim that it’s Yemen’s only “legitimate” government. But this is BS since 2015 at least; the Houthis have formed their own government.

(* A K pS)

Mahwit: 35 child soldiers from one tribe killed while fighting for Houthis

Local sources said that 35 child soldiers coming from one tribe of Mahwit province, north Yemen, have been killed recently while fighting for the Houthis against the government’ forces in Marib, Al-Jawf and Al-Baida.

(A P)

Health Ministry and Sana's Municipality have renamed "Sheikh Zayed Hospital" and is now known officially as "Palestine Hospital" in solidarity with Palestine following UAE normalization with the Israeli entity (photos)

(A P)

Specialized court in Saada issues death sentence for Trump, Salman for killing Dhahyan's children

The Specialized First Instance Criminal Court in Saada province has ruled to execute ten of the defendants in killing Dhahyan's students by the aggression coalition’s warplanes.

The verdict sentenced ten of the defendants to death for targeting and killing the students in Dhahyan in Saada.

According to the ruling issued in the session presided over by the court Chief Judge Riyadh al-Ruzami, the court sentenced to death ten of the convicted for targeting and killing students in Dhahyan in the airstrikes, they are as follows:

1 - Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, 2 - Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, 3 - Turki bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, 4 - Donald John Trump, 5 James Norman Mattis, 6 - Giselle Norton Allen Schwartz, 7 - Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi,8 - Ali Mohsen Saleh al-Ahmar, 9- Ahmed Obaid Bin Dagher, 10 - Mohammad Ali Ahmad al-Maqdashi.

The verdict also stipulated obligating the convicts to pay a fine of ten billion dollars to the owners of the blood.

My comment: In absentia. Another absurd spectacle.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp6 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-683 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-683: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
Geschrieben von

Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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