Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 685b- Yemen War Mosaic 685b

Yemen Press Reader 685b: 11. Oktober 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 685, cp7 - cp19 / October 11, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 685, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 685, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 685, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms Trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* A P)

UNICEF Lauds Saudi Arabia’s ‘Humanitarian’ Role in Yemen despite Atrocities

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in a controversial move praised what it called Saudi Arabia’s “humanitarian” role in Yemen, closing its eyes to years of atrocities committed by Riyadh and its allies against the civilian population there, leaving a large number of children dead, maimed and malnourished.

Executive Director of the world body Henrietta Fore, in a letter sent to the so-called King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief), lauded Saudi Arabia over what she described as the kingdom's “generous support” for the projects of the United Nations Humanitarian Response Plan in Yemen 2020.

Fore went on to say that UNICEF will use the financial support to help Yemeni children and their families in different fields, including health, nutrition, water, sanitation and education.

My comment: Disgusting. Even worse than taking blood money is praising the “donor2 for it.

(B P)


"As a political activist and a proponent of human rights and active citizenship in Yemen, I have always realised the importance of the virtual space, honed my networking and Internet skills, and utilised both traditional and social media for my work on development, justice, and peace.

Our communications, at all times streamlined through WhatsApp, Signal, Threema, and other platforms, have been just expanded and replaced in-person meetings. On the positive side, work has become more efficient, and the costs of travel and security risks have been brought down. The recent experience of delivering online capacity-building training on topics ranging from proposal writing to project management, has helped me to significantly improve my skills, so that currently I am virtually mentoring a group of youth leaders from across Yemen within the project “Make A Place for Yemeni Youth (MAP)”."

(A P)

Technical assistance and capacity-building for Yemen in the field of human rights (A/HRC/45/L.51)

The Human Rights Council,

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and recalling relevant international human rights treaties,

Requests the High Commissioner to continue to provide substantive capacitybuilding and technical assistance to the Government of Yemen and technical support to the National Commission of Inquiry to ensure that the National Commission continues to investigate allegations of violations and abuses committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen, and in line with international standards, and submits its comprehensive report on alleged human rights violations and abuses in all parts of Yemen, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 30 of 22 August 2019, as soon as it is available, and encourages all parties to the conflict in Yemen to extend full and transparent access and cooperation to the National Commission; 18. Also request


(A P)

Situation of human rights in Yemen (A/HRC/45/L.25)

The Human Rights Council,

Requests the High Commissioner to continue to provide substantive capacitybuilding, technical assistance and advice and legal support to enable the National Commission of Inquiry to continue to investigate allegations of violations and abuses committed by all parties in Yemen and in line with international standards, and encourages all parties to the conflict in Yemen to extend full and transparent access and cooperation to the National Commission and the Office of the High Commissioner;

Requests the Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts to present to the Human Rights Council, at its forty-sixth session, an oral update on the situation of human rights in Yemen and the development and implementation of the present resolution, and calls upon the High Commissioner to remain actively seized of the matter.

(* A P)

#HRC45 adopts by vote RES on the #HumanRights situation in #Yemen, renewing the mandate of the Group of Eminent International & Regional Experts by 1 year, requesting the #GEEYemen to provide an oral update at #HRC46 & a report at #HRC48, & to transmit the report to the #UNGA (votes in image)

(A P)

Shame.. UN excluded Yemeni journalists from prisoner swap: WFP

Excluding them from the prisoner swap deal, recently declared in Geneva between the Yemeni official government and Houthi group, disappointed journalists, a Yemeni watchdog for the freedom of press (WFP) said Sunday, as the deal brought "crying shame on the UN", its sponsor.
This severely "shocked journalists in Yemen and the world, particularly after the UN Envoy Martin Griffiths last April talked about efforts to include in the release list reporters who were sentenced by Houthis to death and imprisonment," it added in a statement.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Saudi Writer Assails Palestinians with Scathing Comments, Calls Them Kingdom’s Enemies

In yet another indication of Saudi Arabia’s shifting public discourse on Israel, Saudi writer Mohammed al-Saaed has attacked Palestinians, their cause as well as resistance groups, calling them “enemies” of the ultra-conservative kingdom.

Saaed, in an article published in the Arabic-language Okaz daily newspaper, alleged that Palestinians have aligned themselves with Qatar, Turkey and Iran and have turned into “puppets in the hands of Doha, Ankara and Tehran.”

“Palestinian people have used organized terrorism against most Arab countries, and used their guns and bombs against Arab nations,” he went on to claim.

Saaed added, “Palestinian people have fought against Arab armies and security services for the past six decades, and have confronted Arabs more than they have stood up against Israel and its security services.”

My comment: Saudi Arabia will come closer and closer to Israel, as Crown Prince Salman wants it. Blaming the Palestinians is part of this game, fto find a pretense to leave their cause.

(* B P)

Film: Saudi-Arabien: Neue Freiheit

Öl, Tradition und Zukunft

Der Journalist Sinan Can reist ein Jahr durch Saudi-Arabien und gibt authentische Einblicke in den gesellschaftlichen Wandel: Wie viel Freiheit ist im Alltagsleben tatsächlich möglich?

Besonders in der Hafenstadt Dschidda leben viele Reform-Befürworter, darunter Abir Abu Suleiman. Seit sieben Jahren arbeitet sie als Reiseführerin – ohne Erlaubnis. Ihre männlichen Kollegen haben sie deshalb angezeigt. Sie versucht nun, eine Lizenz zu bekommen.

Während Abir auf die offizielle Erlaubnis wartet, versucht sie, die nächste Generation auszubilden. Junge Fremdenführer, die von ihren Eltern die Erlaubnis erhalten haben, Touristen zu betreuen. Darunter sind auch zwei junge Frauen, die hoffnungsvoll in die Zukunft blicken.

Doch es gibt auch negative Reaktionen – besonders von Männern, die sich gegen die jüngsten Entwicklungen stellen. Journalist Sinan Can trifft in der ersten Folge seines Roadtrips auf Reformer und Konservative und taucht ein in die Welt der Bewohner Saudi-Arabiens.

Reporter Sinan Can reist zu den paradiesischen Farasan-Inseln – einem unberührten Teil Saudi-Arabiens. Doch nur 80 Kilometer weiter südöstlich tobt der blutige Krieg im Jemen.
Can kann auf seiner Reise diesen Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran nicht ausblenden - anders als die Bewohner der Grenzregion zum Jemen. Der Journalist spricht mit den Menschen, die diesen Konflikt ausblenden und nicht darüber sprechen möchten.
Alle scheinen nur auf den ehrgeizigen Plan von Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman zu schauen: Vision 2030. In diesem Konzept steht kein Wort über den Krieg im Jemen, sondern es geht um wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Reformen. Doch wie weit reichen die Pläne, und sind sie realistisch? Das möchte Sinan Can bei seiner vierten Reise durch Saudi-Arabien herausfinden.

(A P)

EU Parliament condemns Saudi Arabia over treatment of Ethiopian migrants

Criticism comes after report by Telegraph that thousands of Ethiopian migrants were locked up to stop spread of Covid-19

The European Parliament condemned Saudi Arabia for holding tens of thousands of Ethiopian migrants in cramped detention camps where many are reportedly dying of heatstroke, disease, or by suicide.

The European body said in a statement on Thursday that it "strongly condemns the ongoing ill-treatment of Ethiopian migrants and the violations of their human rights in Saudi Arabia, notably in detention centres".

The measure was voted through by a large majority, with 413 votes in favour and 49 against, and 233 abstentions.

(A P)

British MPs probe 'disappearance' of senior Saudi royals

Six months after arrests, lawmakers seeks answers about princes considered rivals to powerful crown prince

A group of British MPs and lawyers have launched an investigation into the welfare of two high-ranking Saudi princes who have been imprisoned in the kingdom for the past six months.

Former crown prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, 61, and Prince Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz, 78, both considered to be potential rivals to Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, were arrested in March during a crackdown on senior royals.

Soon after their arrests, reports emerged that they had been detained for plotting to overthrow Mohammed Bin Salman before he ascended to the throne, but some sources of the reports later backpeddled, saying they had been picked up for "an accumulation of misbehaviour".

Since then, neither prince is understood to have been formally charged and few details have emerged about their whereabouts or conditions, although in recent weeks lawyers representing Bin Nayef have voiced their concerns over the prince’s well-being.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia must focus on own interests, national security while serving Palestinian cause - Prince Bandar

Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief and ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz, said the kingdom must focus on its own interests and security while supporting the Palestinian cause.

In the final episode of a three-part interview with Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television aired on Wednesday, Prince Bandar once again criticised Palestinian leaders.


(B K P)

Former #Saudi Ambassador to #Washington #BandarbinSultan "We bought the scud missiles for #Saddam to bomb the #Persians"

referring to

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* B P)

Two years after Jamal Khashoggi’s murder, why is America still an accomplice to Saudi crimes?

Khashoggi's state-sponsored killing shocked the world. But the U.S. has done nothing to halt Saudi brutality

MBS's ascent to dictatorial power, soon after his elderly father King Salman became king in January 2015, was sold to the world as ushering in a new era of reform, but has in reality been characterized by violent, ruthless repression. The number of executions has doubled, from 423 executions between 2009 and 2014 to more than 800 since January 2015.

Under MBS, all dissent has been crushed. In the last two years, all of Saudi Arabia's independent human rights defenders have been imprisoned, threatened into silence, or have fled the country.

The Trump administration has never challenged Saudi Arabia's internal repression, and worse yet has played a vital role in the brutal Saudi-led war on neighboring Yemen. After Yemeni president Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi failed to leave office at the end of his two-year term as the head of a transitional government, or to fulfill his mandate to draw up a new constitution and hold a new election, the Houthi rebel movement invaded the capital, Sanaa, in 2014, placed him under house arrest and demanded that he do his job.

Belated congressional efforts to end U.S. support for the war, including the passage of a War Powers bill in March 2019 and a bill to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia in July 2019, have been vetoed when they reached President Trump's desk.

The U.S. alliance with the Saudis certainly predates Trump, going back to the discovery of oil in the 1930s. While its traditional role as an oil supplier is no longer vital to the U.S. economy, Saudi Arabia has become one of the largest purchasers of U.S. weapons, a major investor in U.S. businesses and an ally against Iran. After the failed U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. began grooming Saudi Arabia to play a leading geopolitical and military role, alongside Israel, in a new U.S.-led alliance to counter the growing influence of Iran, Russia and China in the Middle East.

The war on Yemen was the first test of Saudi Arabia's role as a leading U.S. military ally, and it exposed both the practical and moral bankruptcy of this policy, unleashing another endless war and the world's worst humanitarian crisis in one of the poorest countries on Earth. MBS's assassination of Khashoggi came at a critical moment in the unraveling of this doomed strategy, laying bare the sheer insanity of basing America's Middle East policy for the 21st century on an alliance with a neo-feudal monarchy sustained by murder and repression.

But as long as U.S. leaders continue to coddle the Saudis, it's difficult not to ask who is more evil — the maniacal Saudi crown prince responsible for Khashoggi's murder and the slaughter of more than 100,000 Yemenis, or the mendacious Western governments and businesspeople who continue to support and profit from his crimes? – by Medea Benjamin

(A P)

Disclosing networks to our state-linked information operations archive

Today we are disclosing five distinct networks of accounts to our archive of state-linked information operations. The accounts that we have published in our archive today - the only archive of its kind in the industry - include independent information operations that we have attributed to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Thailand and Russia.

Post-investigation, we permanently suspended all 1,594 accounts associated with the five networks, for various violations of our platform manipulation policies. Along with our enforcement, we shared early access to the data we’re releasing today with the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) for independent investigation and analysis.

Saudi Arabia

We investigated and removed 33 accounts originating in Saudi Arabia, with ties to the Saudi government. These accounts were created to impersonate key Qatari political figures and to advance narratives about Qatari politics which are geostrategically favorable to the Saudi authorities.

(A P)

Twitter suspends account of Al Masirah TV run by Yemen's Houthis

The Twitter account of Al Masirah TV, the main television news outlet run by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement, was suspended on Wednesday.

Al Masirah on its Telegram channel on Wednesday night said: “Twitter took steps to suspend the accounts of al-Masirah without giving reasons”.

Twitter could not immediately be reached for comment, but the @MasirahTV Twitter page now says “Account suspended” for violating the rules of the social media platform, with no posts visible.

Twitter pages associated with a selection of leading Houthi figures, whose statements get published by Masirah, are still functioning.

My comment: One more example od censorship in US social media: accounts not fitting to US foreign policy goals are suspended.


(A P)

Blocking Almasirah Channel Account in Twitter for Its Commitment

Deputy Information Minister, Fahmi Al-Yousifi, denounced the blocking of Almasirah account in Twitter, stressing that there is no justification for Twitter to block the channel's accounts except for its commitment to the truthfulness of the word.

Al-Yousifi confirmed in a statement to Almasirah TV that the credibility of Almasirah TV is very high and that it leads the media battle well, and when they were unable to confront it, they blocked it from social media platforms.

(* B P)

Yemen Should be a Factor in U.S. Yemen Policy

The Trump administration is considering designating Yemen’s Huthi movement as a terrorist organisation, in response to allies’ appeals and as part of the U.S. “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran. The idea seems unlikely to reduce Tehran’s influence and could harm diplomatic prospects for peace.

Yemen’s internationally recognised government has its own reasons to seek a designation, which it made clear in a 6 October op-ed by information minister Moammar al-Iryani.

The U.S. has a leverage problem of its own in Yemen, with which working-level officials are deeply frustrated. As Saudi Arabia’s main security guarantor and arms supplier, the U.S. can pressure officials in Riyadh to make compromises, especially as they can credibly cite Congressional outcry and desire to end the limited U.S. role in the fighting. In contrast, Washington has little to no purchase with the Huthis, who are already politically and economically isolated, and understand that the U.S. has no appetite for deeper involvement in the war. These considerations may or may not have traction with more senior U.S. policymakers, but it is likely a moot point. The administration’s main motivation seems to have very little to do with Yemen and a great deal to do with Iran. The Trump administration has sought since its early days to roll back Iranian influence in the Middle East through pressure and punitive action.

But a designation would likely have negative consequences for Yemen’s peace process. At a practical level, terrorist designations create legal impediments that can make it difficult for mediators to do the kind of diplomacy that is required to bring about a peace deal.

A designation of the group would also damage the economic and transport ties that sustain Yemen’s hungry and allow at least limited diplomatic contact with senior Huthi leaders in Sanaa.

When it comes to Iran, Huthi leaders have repeatedly told Crisis Group and others that they see two paths for their side: a deal to end the war, after which they will enjoy “normal” relations with Saudi Arabia and other regional and international powers (including Iran); or more war and a continued shift on their part toward the self-proclaimed “axis of resistance” led by Iran. A designation would confirm Huthi suspicions of the U.S. and its allies’ intentions, and could push them deeper into an Iranian embrace.

Deepening Huthi isolation and economic deprivation has not, to date, eased the rebels’ stranglehold upon the territory they control, forced them into a compromise or changed their attitude to the U.S. and its regional allies. Doubling down is unlikely to produce different results other than degrading what little influence the U.S. has had with the Huthis to start with. And if the U.S. wants to end Iranian influence in Yemen, making the Huthis even more reliant on Tehran for political and economic support does not seem like the most sensible way of going about it. It is a strange thing to have to argue, but Yemen should be a factor in U.S. Yemen policy.

(* B P)

Designating the Houthis terrorists will end up killing more Yemenis

The Trump Administration is again considering designating Yemen’s Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization as part of a broader effort to put more pressure on the rebels and their ally and backer, Iran. The administration previously mulled the official State Department designation two years ago, but decided against it partly due to humanitarian concerns.

Their first impulse was the right one. The Houthis control most of northwest Yemen which is home to a majority of the country’s population of 29 million. By labelling the fighters foreign terrorists, the U.S. would impede aid organizations from operating in Houthi-controlled territory. Over 80 percent of Yemen’s population depends on some form of assistance, largely food aid. Any interruption to this will exacerbate what is already an ongoing humanitarian disaster.

Apart from making it harder for NGOs and aid organizations to assist Yemenis caught in the crosshairs of famine, disease, and war, what would designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization achieve? In short, very little. The Houthis are already isolated, their leadership is subject to existing travel bans, and the organization does not depend on the kind of international banking that would be impacted by the designation.

Rather than weakening them, the designation may strengthen the Houthis’ grip on much of northwest Yemen by reinforcing their narratives. A key element of their rhetoric — and this is not without some truth — is their self-portrayal as “defenders” of Yemen against foreign aggression and terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The Houthis are sworn enemies of AQAP and the Islamic State in Yemen. They have denied these groups access to the territory they control.

More significantly, the designation could scuttle ongoing informal negotiations between the Houthis, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen’s internationally recognized government. Renewed talk of the terrorist designation comes at a pivotal point for the war in Yemen.

In addition to compromising these ongoing talks, a terrorist designation may result in the Houthis upgrading their ties with Iran.

Designating the Houthis as an FTO will have little impact on their ability to continue fighting in Yemen, but it does risk forcing them into the arms of Iran and to start acting more like a terrorist organization. What constraints there are now on how the Houthis interact with NGOs and aid organizations could be compromised.

The U.S. should instead continue to encourage Saudi Arabia’s backchannel negotiations with the Houthis – by Michael Horton

My comment: US designation as “terrorist” has nothing to do with terrorism – it’s just another tool to achieve US geopolitical goals.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(A P)

China bekräftigt Engagement für Iran-Atomdeal

Chinas Außenminister Wang Yi hat nach einem Treffen mit seinem iranischen Amtskollegen, bei dem er Pekings Unterstützung für Teheran bekräftigte, ein neues Forum zur Entschärfung der Spannungen im Nahen Osten gefordert.

Wang und Javid Zarif bekräftigten auch ihr Engagement für das iranische Nuklearabkommen mit den Weltmächten im Jahr 2015, so das chinesische Außenministerium, eine implizite Rüge der Vereinigten Staaten für die Aufgabe des Abkommens während ihres Treffens am Samstag

(A P)

Rouhani: New US Sanctions on Iran Terrorist, Cruel Effort to Prevent Medicine, Food Purchases Amid COVID-19

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says new sanctions imposed by the United States on the Iranian banking sector amount to an effort of a ‘terrorist, cruel and inhumane’ nature aimed at putting major obstacles to fund transfers for the purchase of medicine and food amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Everyone is witnessing that Washington’s move is in full violation of international law; and in these times of the coronavirus pandemic, the White House’s attitude is completely against humanity; and the so-called advocates of human rights should condemn it globally,” Rouhani said in a phone call with Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Abdolnaser Hemmati on Friday.

(A P)

Iran foreign minister on China visit following US sanctions

China says Iran’s foreign minister will visit the country from Friday to Saturday, a day after the Trump administration blacklisted virtually all of Iran’s financial sector in the latest step aimed at the oil-rich country’s economy.

Thursday’s U.S. move hits 18 Iranian banks that had thus far escaped the bulk of reimposed U.S. sanctions and subjects foreign, non-Iranian financial institutions to penalties for doing business with them. That effectively cuts them off from the international financial system.

The blacklisting has been opposed by European nations because it will open up their biggest banks and and other companies to U.S. penalties for conducting business with Iran that had previously been allowed.

Zarif reacted angrily to the designations, calling them a “crime against humanity” at a time of global crisis. The move comes as the U.S. has stepped up efforts to kill the 2015 Iran nuclear deal by steadily increasing pressure on through sanctions on its oil sales, blacklisting top government officials and killing a top general in an airstrike.

(A P)

Top EU diplomat: Sanctions lifting commitments to Iran under JCPOA still in place

European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has reiterated his resolve to preserve the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, emphasizing that all sanctions lifting commitments under the deal persist despite US attempts to the contrary.

Speaking Wednesday at the European Parliament plenary debate on Iran, Borrell said the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is “in our very own European security interest” and “continues to deliver.”

He also expressed regret over the US departure from the JCPOA in May 2018 and subsequent re-instatement of severe sanctions against Iran, noting that the full implementation of the multilateral accord remains crucial to salvage efforts.

(A P)

Iraq's politician warns of 'imminent war' as US threatens to target sites linked to resistance groups

An Iraqi politician has warned of an “imminent” American war as Washington threatens to target dozens of Iraqi sites linked to the popular resistance groups if it follows through with a threat to close its embassy in Baghdad.

According to Press TV, citing a report by the Middle East Eye (MEE) news portal, the United States state terrorism has drawn up a list of 80 Iraqi sites linked to the popular resistance groups if it follows through with a threat to close its embassy in Baghdad.

The sites include secret headquarters and shelters used by Hadi al-Amiri and Qais Khazali, the respective leaders of the Badr Organization and Asaib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), as well as sites associated with Kataeb Hezbollah, a faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), better known as Hash al-Sha’abi.'s_politician_warns_of_'imminent_war'_as_us_threatens_to_target_sites_linked_to_resistance_groups

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

UK was second biggest arms dealer for last decade, figures show

The United Kingdom has been the world’s second biggest arms exporter behind the US for the past decade, according to government figures.

Last year, UK companies signed £11bn worth of contracts for military equipment and services, down from £14bn in 2018; making it the second highest year for UK arms sales since 1983.

It meant the UK had a 16 per cent share of the global arms trade in 2019.

The Campaign Against the Arms Trade accused the government of “arming and supporting repression around the world”.

However, the government has said its arms deals generate thousands of high-skilled jobs and help keep the country safe.

Since 2010, the UK government has signed £86bn worth of contracts, with 60 per cent of those going to the Middle East, according to data from UK Defence and Exports. Saudi Arabia was the largest buyer by far.

Aerospace accounted for 88per cent of sales and contracts, including radars and missiles as well as aircraft.

The major buyers of UK-aerospace equipment include Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Oman, the USA and Qatar

The UK had a 16 per cent share in the global arms trade in 2019, compared to the estimated US share of 47 per cent and Russia and France, which have an 11 and 10 per cent share respectively.

Andrew Smith, a spokesperson for Campaign Against Arms Trade, said: "Arms dealers will be celebrating, but these figures should be a source of great shame.

"Boris Johnson and his colleagues are always talking about 'Global Britain' and the importance of human rights and democracy, but they are arming and supporting repression around the world.

My comment: “the government has said its arms […] help keep the country safe“: Really? Did they keep Coronavirus out of the country? Did they keep millions from loosing the safety of their job? Did they keep the british from lossing the security of their daily life in 2020? Did they keep them safe from the rich taking an ever growing part of the cake? Will they keep them safe from climate change?

(* B K P)

Yemen: Britain ‘making a killing’ from the worst humanitarian crisis in the world

When it comes to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world – Yemen – the UK has opted for death and destruction over any remotely meaningful attempt at peace.

The British government has played a direct role in licensing arms to the Saudi regime to carry out these indiscriminate airstrikes. In fact, between 2010 and 2019, the UK was the second largest exporter of arms transfers (after the US) to Saudi Arabia. This accounted for 40% of the UK’s total arms export volume.

According to the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, since the war in Yemen began in 2015, the British government has licensed over £5.3bn worth of arms to Saudi Arabia. Aside from licensing the sales of a vast array of deadly weapons such as Typhoon and Tornado fighter jets and precision-guided bombs, the British government has also provided training, intelligence and logistical support for the Saudi regime.

Profiting from death and destruction

One of the UK’s biggest arms companies, BAE systems, has sold over £15bn worth of arms to the Saudi regime since the war began in 2015. According to the company’s most recent annual report, Saudi Arabia was the largest destination for the sales of its military aircraft, accounting for over 35% of the company’s air division. These arms corporations continue to act with impunity and profit from the suffering of millions of people in Yemen and elsewhere in the Muslim-majority world.

The UK government are well aware of reports that state where British weapons are being used for clear breaches of international humanitarian law.

They have made a conscious decision not to take any action.

It is absurd when government ministers portray themselves as saviours of Yemen by boasting about their extensive aid programmes while simultaneously providing the weapons and bombs used to cause their misery and dependence on aid in the first place.

Peace vs Profit

Rather than support a peace process, the UK government has sought to take advantage of the situation by selling weapons to the Saudi-led coalition, and therefore exacerbating an already disastrous situation. As the conflict enters its sixth year, there is no end in sight.

The brutal reality is this: Britain is not interested in bringing about a peaceful settlement in Yemen. Peace is not profitable. It does not serve the interests of the British arms industry. The crisis in Yemen lays bare the dangerous and inhumane priorities of British foreign policy. It is a damning indictment of a British foreign policy in which economic self-interest triumphs human rights.

The UK government has been complicit in the suffering of Yemen for far too long with an arms embargo long overdue - by Taj Ali

(* B K P)

More than two dozen Saudi Typhoon pilots trained in Britain

Britain’s Royal Air Force has trained 25 pilots from Saudi Arabia to fly the powerful Typhoon jet and continues to provide instruction on using missiles involved in devastating attacks on civilians in Yemen.

The Royal Air Force (RAF) has taught 25 Saudi Typhoon jet pilots since 2008, with up to five pilots still receiving the training at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire.

The scale of UK support to Saudi Arabia could mean that as many as a third of its Typhoon fleet is being flown by British-trained pilots. Defence Minister James Heappey told Parliament on Monday October 5 that the RAF does not “monitor the size of the current RSAF [Royal Saudi Air Force] Typhoon pilot cadre”.

Saudi Arabia has used the Typhoon extensively in Yemen since 2015, a conflict which has become the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, with millions of people on the brink of famine.

While the government has previously admitted training more than 100 Saudi Air Force pilots in the UK during the past decade, it is the first time ministers have clarified how many have learnt to fly the Typhoon, which is the most powerful aircraft Britain supplies to Saudi Arabia.

The revelations add to a growing body of evidence that Saudi airstrikes in Yemen are heavily dependent on British arms and training.

Heappey, who was answering questions from Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, confirmed that Britain is also continuing to provide Saudi pilots with training on air-to-ground attacks. The instruction takes place in a Typhoon simulator jointly operated by arms company BAE Systems and the Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Other Saudi student pilots are being taught to fly BAE’s smaller Hawk jets at RAF Valley in Anglesey, north Wales. Heappey confirmed that they simulate strafing and Paveway IV missile strikes on the Pembrey Sands air weapons range in south Wales.

The Paveway IV is a “smart bomb” whose guidance system is manufactured in the UK by Raytheon and has been linked to strikes on civilian targets in Yemen. Raytheon UK is chaired by Conservative peer Lord Strathclyde.

The government has also conceded that “refresher training” for qualified Typhoon pilots is being delivered by RAF instructors in Saudi Arabia, who are on secondment to BAE.

The Saudis are joined for Typhoon training in the UK by a small number of Qatari and American students, plus just 20 British cadets. Last year it emerged that 350 British military officers were waiting for pilot training slots to become available, and training of fast jet pilots was taking an average of seven years.

The delays in training British pilots were allegedly due to a shortage of RAF flying instructors, who were being tempted to take up “six-figure tax-free salaries with BAE Systems training the Saudi Air Force”.

The revelations come as new figures show the UK is the world’s second-biggest arms exporter, with Saudi Arabia as its largest customer. UK companies exported £11-billion worth of weapons in 2019 – more than Russia and France.

(* B K P)

UK remains second biggest arms exporter with £11bn of orders

British manufacturers recorded second highest figure ever in 2019 despite court order restricting sales to Saudi Arabia

British manufacturers exported £11bn worth of arms during 2019 – the second highest figure on record – despite a court order that the UK must halt any sales to Saudi Arabia that could be used in Yemen.

UK exports also exceeded those of Russia and France for the second year in a row, according to official figures released by the Department for International Trade (DIT), placing Britain number two in the global rankings behind the US.

It also comes despite the fact the UK won “no major platform orders in 2019” according to DIT, and the fact that arms exports to Riyadh were dramatically halted in June last year after the court of appeal ruled that ministers had ignored whether Saudi airstrikes in Yemen broke humanitarian law.

The court defeat, however, was not mentioned in the government report. Full UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia resumed this June following a review, with the defence secretary, Ben Wallace, calling his counterparts in Riyadh a day later to stress how keen Britain was to continue selling military equipment and services.

No figure for the value of UK arms exports to Riyadh alone is included in the data, although the unstable Middle East remains the largest destination for British arms. The region accounted for just short of 60% of all arms exports during 2019, down from nearly 80% the year before.

Unlike the government, BAE itself does disclose the value of its Saudi business. Its annual reports say it has sold £15bn worth of arms during the last five years, including £2.5bn worth during 2019.

Arms trade campaigners said the figures should be “a source of great shame” and accused the government of arming and supporting repression around the world.

and also

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A P)

Raif Badawi Award 2020 geht an jemenitischen Menschenrechtsanwalt Abdul-Rahman Al-Zbib

Der jemenitische Kolumnist und Menschenrechtsanwalt, Abdul-Rahman Al-Zbib, erhält am 14. Oktober 2020 den Raif Badawi Award, den die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung gemeinsam mit dem Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels jährlich an herausragende, mutige Journalisten vergibt.
Der Krieg im Jemen erfährt nur noch als Randnotiz internationale Aufmerksamkeit. Die Pressefreiheit hat in dem seit mehr als sechs Jahre andauernden Konflikt massiv gelitten, zumal die meisten Informationen von der einen oder der anderen Kriegspartei oder ihrer Unterstützern eingefärbt sind. Al-Zbib hält die Unabhängigkeit des Journalismus hoch und sieht sich selbst als eine Stimme der Menschen, die für Menschenrechte eintritt. In seinen Kolumnen greift er daher "gesellschaftliche Themen auf und stößt als Jurist gesetzliche Änderungen an," heißt es in der Jurybegründung. "Trotz Armut und Krieg hat Jemen eine erstaunlich vitale Zivilgesellschaft. Darin nimmt Abdul-Rahman Al-Zbib eine sehr wichtige Scharnierfunktion zwischen Medien und Nichtregierungsorganisationen ein," erklärt die Jury. Der 39-jährige Al-Zbib, der schon als Anwalt und Staatsanwalt tätig war, verteidigt heute Gefängnisinsassen. "Der Mensch wird nicht durch den Krieg entmenschlicht", erklärt er seine Motivation, sich den täglichen Herausforderungen im Jemen zu stellen.

Wegen der Corona-Pandemie kann der Preis in diesem Jahr nicht auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse verliehen werden. Die Zeremonie erfolgt am 14. Oktober um 17 Uhr virtuell, die Laudatio wird die UN Sonderberichterstatterin für außergerichtliche und willkürliche Erschießungen, Agnes Callamard, halten.

und auch,kurz-award-100.html


(* B P)

Kurzportrait: Wer ist Abdul-Rahman Al-Zbib?

Der diesjährige Gewinner des Raif Badawi Awards

Abdul-Rahman Al-Zbib ist Schriftsteller und Jurist, schreibt Kolumnen für jemenitische Zeitungen und tritt regelmäßig in Radiosendungen auf. Sein Einsatz für Meinungsfreiheit und Menschenrechte ist, in einem kriegsgebeuteltem Land indem Journalist:innen ständig Drohungen und Gefahren ausgesetzt sind, keine Selbstverständlichkeit.

Nichtsdestotrotz arbeitet Abdulrahman Al-Zbib weiter und setzt sich durch seinen objektiven und fachlichen Blick auf die Menschenrechtssituation im Jemen dafür ein, eine “Stimme für die Stimmlosen” zu sein. Im Jemen höre und sehe man den Krieg vor der eigenen Haustür, Menschenrechte würden als politisches Druckmittel missbraucht, so Al-Zbib. Er sieht sich deshalb, in einem Land welches durch den Krieg die Menschenrechte “vor sich herschiebt”, verpflichtet, die Zivilgesellschaft über ihre Rechte aufzuklären.

Seine Texte sind gekennzeichnet vom Bemühen, um eine unabhängige Berichterstattung. In seinen Kolumnen analysiert er die sozio-politische und wirtschaftliche Situation in seinem Land. Er schreibt über die Maßnahmen zur Korruptionsbekämpfung oder über das Fehlen von Vorschriften zur Bekämpfung von Covid-19, aber auch über die Menschenrechtssituation in Jemens Gefängnissen. Im Radiosender “Yemen Times” bietet er in der Sendung “Window of Justice” Bürgern:innen die Möglichkeit bei Problemen Rechtshilfe zu erhalten. Die Sendung ist mittlerweile so erfolgreich, dass sie als Koordinationsstelle zwischen den betroffenen Bürger:innen und den staatlichen Autoritäten fungiert.

Al-Zbib wurde 1981 in Sana'a im Jemen geboren. 2004 erhielt er einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Rechtswissenschaften und schloss 2008 sein Postgraduiertenstudium ab. Abdulrahman Al-Zbib ist Direktor für Rechtsangelegenheiten der nationalen Stiftung für Gefangenenfürsorge Maysarah und seit 2002 Vizepräsident der Föderation des Kollegiums für Scharia und Recht an der Universität von Sana'a.

(A K P)

Bundesverwaltungsgericht verhandelt Ende November über Nutzung Ramsteins für US-Drohneneinsätze

Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig will am 25. November über die Nutzung der US-Airbase Ramstein in Rheinland-Pfalz für bewaffnete Drohneneinsätze der USA im Jemen verhandeln. Dies teilte das Gericht am Dienstag mit. Drei Jemeniten hatten zuvor gegen die Bundesregierung geklagt und im März 2019 vor dem Oberverwaltungsgericht (OVG) Münster einen Teilerfolg erzielt. (Az. 6 C 7.19)

Das Gericht verurteilte die Bundesrepublik Deutschland dazu, sich durch “geeignete Maßnahmen” zu vergewissern, ob die Nutzung der Airbase durch die USA für Drohneneinsätze im Jemen im Einklang mit dem Völkerrecht stehe. Falls erforderlich, müsse Deutschland bei den USA auf die Einhaltung des Völkerrechts hinwirken.

Die USA fliegen im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen regelmäßig Drohnenangriffe gegen islamistische Kämpfer. Es kommen dabei laut Menschenrechtsorganisationen immer wieder auch Zivilisten ums Leben.

(A K P)

Tiefensee: Eigentumsfrage bei Haenel ohne Bedeutung

Nach Ansicht von Thüringens Wirtschaftsminister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) sind die arabischen Eigentümer der Waffenschmiede Haenel/Merkel kein Argument gegen den Sturmgewehr-Auftrag der Bundeswehr an die Suhler Firma.

„Die Beteiligungsverhältnisse bei einem Bieter dürfen laut Vergaberecht gar keine Rolle spielen“, sagte Tiefensee dem MDR. In Deutschland gebe es eine ganze Reihe von Firmen, die Anteile an arabische Staaten veräußert haben, sagte er unter Anspielung auf die kuwaitischen Eigentümer von Daimler-Benz. Es wäre nicht angemessen, sie deswegen zu benachteiligen, so der Minister.;art83467,7417458

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Film: EU Ambassadors to Yemen have a message to you: #AbolishDeathPenalty

My comment: Hmmm. Those who support the Yemen War should better simply shut up – even if they are right in this point.

Comment: I am against the death penalty myself, so I appreciate the sentiment, but is saying no to the death penalty really what the EU should be focusing on in Yemen right now?

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(A K P)

Exclusive: Qatar makes formal request for F-35 jets - sources

Qatar has submitted a formal request to the United States to buy stealthy F-35 fighter jets, three people familiar with the deal said, in a deal that if pursued could strain U.S. ties with Saudi Arabia and Israel.

cp12b Sudan

(* B K P)

Sudanese Foreign Minister: We are Trying to get out of the War in Yemen

The Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Omar Qamar Al-Din, accuses former President Omar Al-Bashir of wrongly getting his country involved in the war against Yemen"Entering wars is not the same as leaving it. Now we are trying to get out of Yemen, and many of our forces have been withdrawn there and little remains," he explained.

The Sudanese transitional government announced its intention to reduce the military presence in Yemen from 5,000 soldiers to a small group of about 650 soldiers. Sudan had about 15,000 troops in Yemen deployed as part of the Saudi-UAE-led coalition against Yemen.

The Sudanese foreign minister’s words came days after a report by the Middle East Eye website, in which it reported that hundreds of Sudanese soldiers arrived in Saudi Arabia last week and then moved to Yemen. The website stated that the matter indicated that Khartoum "has doubled its participation in the conflict in Yemen."

Saudi sources told Middle East Eye that 1,018 officers and soldiers from the Sudanese army entered the Kingdom by boat on September 22, bypassing the official travel procedures in the city of Jizan in the southeast of the country near the Yemeni border.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp10

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

Less than a month after reported closures, Al-Kuraimi Islamic Microfinance Bank branches have re-open

ed in #Houthi-controlled northern #Yemen. Al-Kuraimi plays a vital role in the disbursement of wired remittances through its 600+ locations, ATMs, and, partners throughout #Yemen

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

While more attention has been given lately to al Mahra due to smuggling fueled by the civil war (used by all sides including AQAP), there has been significantly less security resources devoted there since it is far from the frontlines of the war, it would be a good place to hide.

(A T)

#Yemen media reported local security forces supported by the Saudi-led coalition captured the emir of #AQAP Khalid Batarfi on 02 OCT in Al Mahra and that forces are searching for AQAP members in the governorate. STILL UNCONFIRMED. Some also claimed Sa’ad al-Awlaki was captured.

(A T)

#AQAP claimed an OCT 2020 mortar op hit a Houthi site(red) in"Hadha"(purple),al-Sawmaa dist. The site was actually 2 mi south of Hadha in Mukayras dist.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Ali Albukhaiti: Intl Crisis Group coordinates with OSESGY to defend Houthis

Yemeni politician and writer Ali Albukhaiti has slammed the International Crisis Group and the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (OSESGY) for being soft with the Iran-backed Houthi militia.

The well-known Yemeni political commentator commented on a recent report issued by the Crisis Group, accusing the group of coordinating with the OSESGY to defend the Houthi group and pressure the U.S. so that it does not designate the Houthi rebels a terrorist group.

In a series of tweets, Albukhaiti said that the report “seems to be recommended by the office of UN Special Envoy to Yemen,” raising questions of why the office only interferes when Houthis have difficult times.

“I do believe that the report released by the International Crisis Group is totally biased which fulfills the wishes of the OSESGY. It is obvious the Crisis Group has become a tool to be used by Griffiths since some workers in the Group are also advisors to him. This casts doubt on the integrity of the Group’s reports as it always overlooks Houthi terrorist acts,” Mr. Albukhaiti said.

He stressed that Houthis, ISIS, and AQAP are all terrorist groups who differ from one another in the ways they practice terrorism.

“We’ve worked a lot on bringing Houthis to the terrorist organization designation. We provided conclusive evidence to international organizations and foreign ambassadors _ especially the American ones _ that shows systematic terrorism practiced by Abdelmalik al_Houthi and his group, and that the only difference between Houthis and ISIS and AQAP lies in the methodology in which they practice terrorism, but the content is pretty much the same,” he added.

He described the report as a shame, for it defends a movement whose ideology is full of terrorism, noting that the Crisis Group “seeks to empower the executioners claiming that designating Houthis as a terrorist group will undermine peace. Such peace will never come!”

My comment: This really is propaganda BS trying to prevent any peaceful solution within Yemen by blaming moderators and certainly also looking at the US Trump government which is considerating to classify the Houthis as “terrorists”.

(A P)

GCC Secretary General Condemns Houthi Militia's Launching of Bomb-Laden UAV Towards Saudi Arabia

The Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Arab States, Dr. Nayef Falah M. Al-Hajraf condemned Houthi militias for their ongoing continuation in committing terrorist acts systemically and deliberately by targeting civilians and civilian objects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the latest of which was the deliberate launch of an explosive-laden drone to target civilian objects and civilians in the southern region today, on Saturday morning.

Moreover, Dr. Al-Hajraf stressed that these terrorist acts not only target the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only, but also the security and stability of the Gulf region as it represents a flagrant violation of international laws and norms that prohibit the targeting of civilians and civilian objects

My comment: In case Oman or Somalia would have been targeted, he would be right. In the case of Saudi Arabia, it’ simply absurd.


(A P)

OIC Condemns Houthi Attack on Saudi Arabia

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned on Saturday, the launching of a bomb-laden UAV toward the Southern Region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the Iran-backed Houthi terrorist militia, as the Joint Coalition Forces to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen intercepted and destroyed it.
OIC Secretary General Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen expressed the OIC's condemnation of the terrorist acts committed by the terrorist Houthi militia, confirming OIC's solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, supporting all measures it takes to protect its border, citizens and residents on its territories.

(A P)

In double game, Qatar plays Brotherhood and Houthi cards in Yemen

Reports of increasing activity of Qatari associations in Houthi-controlled areas to provide cover for financial and intelligence support.

Yemeni political sources have pointed to the recent emergence of a new factor in the course of the Yemeni crisis in relation to Qatar’s meddling role.

In addition to using the Muslim Brotherhood inside the legitimate government to escalate the situation in Yemen, Doha is increasing its political, media and financial support of the Houthis.

According to Houthi media sources, the authorities in Doha have recently received the Houthi leader Abdul-Malik al-Ajri in his capacity as the Houthi ambassador to Qatar, at a time when information indicated that the Qatari embassy in Sana'a will soon be re-opened, even though informed sources have previously indicated that intelligence and financing activities at the embassy have never stopped since the Houthi coup in September 2014.

My comment: This seems to be a new story of this pro-UAE, pro-STC, anti-Islah, anti-Qatar narrative.

(A P)

Iran supports Houtihs to break the Stockholm Agreement in Yemen

(A P)

Houthis Close Gas Stations, Boost Black Market

Fuel prices tripled in Yemeni areas held by coup militias following Houthi orders to shutdown official gas stations and to drive up the value of the black market. What further aggravated the crisis was the allocation of available fuel stock for the insurgency’s war effort.

Seeking to bolster the oil black market, Houthi militias have been responsible for triggering a fuel crisis back in June.

This has doubled the suffering of Yemenis who have to endure poor living conditions while Houthis also violated the agreement achieved on the policy of importing fuel to Hodeidah ports.

Houthis have raided the private bank account which receives port revenues in the coastal governorate.

My comment: How Saudi Arabia tries to explain the fuel crises it has created.

(A P)

Shatara highlights STC's achievements over the past 3 years

Shatara highlighted on his official Twitter account the achievements made by the STC as following:
- Impenetrable unified political leadership,
- invincible southern army,
- political institutions covering all regions of the South.
- extensive international diplomatic relations,
- confidence-building with all the international organizations operating in the South,
- privileged ties with Saudi Arabia and the UAE,
- and the fight against terrorism.

(A P)

'Middle East entered new era towards security, prosperity after signing of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement': Abdullah bin Zayed

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said the Middle East entered a new era towards security and prosperity after the signing of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement on 15 September, which marked the commencement of bilateral relations between the UAE and Israel. "The Accord is in line with UAE’s vision for a stable, future-oriented, and moderate region that prioritises youth, co-existence, and peace and prosperity."

Affirming that the accord supports the UAE's vision for a stable region, Sheikh Abdullah said the Accord "inverts traditional thinking about the means to address the region’s problems and challenges, focusing on pragmatic steps that have tangible outcomes. "It also carries with it the promise of building new bridges that will serve to de-escalate existing conflicts and prevent future ones."

Sheikh Abdullah made the remarks in a joint statement in Berlin today with Heiko Maas, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Gabi Ashkenazi, Foreign Minister of the State of Israel.

"First of all, I would like to thank my friend Heiko Maas for our fruitful and constructive discussions today, and for hosting my first meeting with my new friend Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi. Three decades ago, history was made, as the people of Germany united the city of Berlin. And here we are today; making history, once again in Berlin," Sheikh Abdullah said at the start of his address.

"The Middle East entered a new era towards security and prosperity after the signing of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement on 15 September, which marked the commencement of bilateral relations between the UAE and Israel. The Accord is in line with UAE’s vision for a stable, future-oriented, and moderate region that prioritises youth, co-existence, and peace and prosperity.

(A P)

Iran admits managing Yeman coup by Houthi militia. What else is the world waiting for?

The recent statements made by Brig. Gen. Abu al-Fadl Shikaraji, spokesman for the Iranian military, represented the first official admission of the role of the mullahs’ regime in Iran in managing, supporting and arming the coup that the Houthi militia carried out against the the state of Yemen and its people. This brazen admission casts a clear light on Tehran’s destabilizing role in the security and stability of Yemen and the region.

These statements, published by the Iranian Fars News Agency, confirmed that Iran has provided the Houthi militia with the means to produce missiles, drones, and sending consultants to militia-controlled areas, blatantly violating the principle of national sovereignty. In addition, it was a flagrant violation of U.N. Security Council Resolutions 2216 and 2511, directly challenging the will of the international community to end the war and establish peace in Yemen.

These attempts ultimately aimed to convert Yemeni lands into a platform for targeting neighboring countries, including their energy sources, commercial ships and international shipping lanes, destabilizing the security of the region and the world – By Moammar Al-Eryani , Yemeni Hadi gov. Minister of Information

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K)

Houthi–aligned media reported that the Saudi-led coalition conducted an airstrike in Manabah district in northern Yemen’s Sa’ada governorate on October 7. The airstrike allegedly caused five civilian casualties. Saudi-led coalition forces reportedly launched an airstrike targeting al Houthi militants in Sa’ada governorate in late September.[3]

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids / Several prov. Jawf p. Several prov. Jawf p. Jawf p., Marib p. Several bprov. Jawf p. Marib p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pS)

The Houthi militia killed and injured five civilians in shelling on neighborhoods east of the besieged city of Taiz. Source of the story: Multiple news websites.

(A K pS)

Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Interception, Destruction of Bomb-Laden UAV Launched by Terrorist, Iran-Backed Houthi Militia Toward the Kingdom

(A K)

Fighting between gov't forces, Houthi rebels rages in northern Yemen

Fighting between the Yemeni government forces and Houthi rebels intensified on Saturday in the northern province of al-Jawf.

Abduh Mijally, the government military spokesman, was quoted by the state Saba news agency as saying that the army recaptured several strategic areas in the east of the province on Saturday and advanced near the province's central district of al-Hazm.

He said the army inflicted heavy losses against the Houthi militia.

(A K pS)

Over 20 from #Yemen's Muhamasheen taken captive yesterday while fighting along #Houthis in al-Jawf. Houthis hv recruited hundreds of them for months (photos)

(A K pS)

Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Interception, Destruction of Bomb-Laden UAV Launched by Terrorist, Iran-Backed Houthi Militia Toward the Kingdom

Joint Coalition Forces have intercepted and destroyed this morning (Saturday) a bomb-laden UAV launched systematically and deliberately by the terrorist Houthi militia to target civilians and civilian objects in the Southern Region.”

(A K)

Coalition says shot down Houthi drone before reaching Saudi Arabia

(A K)

Saudi artillery shelling kills injures five civilians in Yemen Sa'ada

One civilian was killed on Wednesday and four others seriously wounded when Saudi bombing targeted a borderline area in the Yemeni northern governorate of Sa'ada.
Monabih district at borders with the Kingdom was shelled by Saudi artillery, leaving one Yemeni killed and four others critically injured, the Houthi-run al-Masyra TV said.

and also

(A K pS)

Yemeni Army Set to Recover Hazm City after Swift Military Advance

The Yemeni National Army made on Wednesday a significant progress on the fronts of al-Jawf governorate in northern Yemen in the fighting with Houthi militias for the second straight day.

It earlier liberated a strategic camp east of al-Hazm, the provincial capital of Jawf, paving way for retaking the city, military sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.

According to the sources, the operations carried out by the army and the popular resistance with air support from the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen continued on Wednesday and resulted in the liberation of many Houthi-controlled sites east of Hazm.

and also

(A K pS)

[Hadi] Government advance against Houthis as they shift tactics in northeast Yemen

Advisor to Yemeni president, Dr. Ahmed Ubaid bin Dagher, has revealed that there is a strategic shift in the management of the battles against the Houthis in northeastern provinces of Marib and Jawf.

The government says its forces backed by tribal fighters and a Saudi-led coalition fighting in the country have made advances in the two provinces, retaking key positions from the Houthis including those which were lost in September and August.

(A K pS)

Coalition destroys Houthi's IED drone targeting Najran

(A K pH)

Saudi shelling kills civilian, injures three others in Sa'ada

and also

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are going on and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(* A K)

Recurring fighting pitting Houthis against Giant Brigades in Hodeida

(A K pS)

Three people injured in Houthi shelling in Hays


(* A K pH)

Hodeida fighting kills, injures six Yemeni civilians

Six civilians were killed or injured late on Thursday, the Houthi-run al-Masyra TV said, following fighting in Doraihimi district in the Yemeni western governorate of Hodeida.

Three women were killed and other one, a child and a man were wounded when the pro-government joint forces bombed al-Hiet village in Doraihimi, the satellite quoted its reporter as saying without further details.

Earlier on Thursday, AFP cited a medical source as saying that five civilians were killed and 30 others injured since the beginning of this October.

(* A K pH)

6 Citizens Killed, Injured by US-Saudi Mercenaries’ Shells in Hodeidah

Six citizens, including women and children, were killed and wounded in Ad-Durayhimi district, Thursday evening, by US-Saudi mercenaries' fire.

Almasirah Net correspondent in Hodeidah reported that 3 women were killed and a man, a woman and a child were wounded, by the aggression mercenaries' shells in Ad-Durayhimi district.

Earlier, an 18-year-old girl was killed as a result of the aggression’s mercenaries shells in Al-Hali District.

(A K pH)

The escalation of crimes of the tools of aggression in Al-Hodeida Governorate

(A K pS)

A civilian man has martyred as a result of the explosion of a Houthi-laid landmine in Hays district in Hodeidah. Source: Yafe’a News website.

(A K pS)

The Houthi militia have shelled a healthcare center in al-Hawk area in Hodeidah city incurring big damage in the building that had just been reconstructed by the UAE Red Crescent. Source: Yafe’a News website

(A K pS)

Houthi shelling kills a young girl in eastern Hodeidah: Photos

One young girl was killed Thursday in indiscriminate shelling launched by the Iran-backed Houthi militia east of the port city of Hodeida, where fighting has been raging between Houthis and forces loyal to the internationally recognized government since last week.

Child Dalia Almesbahi was killed when a mortar shell fired by Houthi militia hit her home in eastern Hodeidah, locals told Republican Yemen.

and also


(A K)

Battles rage in Yemen's Hodeidah

Fierce battles broke out on Thursday between the pro-government joint forces and the Iran-aligned Houthi fighters in Yemen's western Hodeidah province.
The battles were the fiercest since the fighting resumed in the province a week ago and took place in west and south of the district of Al-Durayhimi, local sources told Debriefer.
The two sides exchanged artillery fire, the sources said, adding that fighters from both sides were killed and wounded.
The joint forces advanced and are besieging the Houthis in the district from three directions, they said.
The UAE-backed joint forces include the Giants Brigades, the Guards of the Republic and the Tihama Resistance.

(* A K)

Yemeni officials say clashes continue in Hodeida, 52 killed

Fierce clashes in Yemen’s strategic port city of Hodeida between government forces and Houthi rebels continued for the fifth straight day Wednesday, leaving 52 people dead, including civilians, Yemeni officials said.

The fighting has raged in the district of Hays and town of Durayhimi, just south of the strategic Hodeida port, which handles about 70% of Yemen’s commercial and humanitarian imports, the officials said.

The clashes marked the heaviest bout of violence in months between forces of President Abed-Rabu Mansour Hadi’s government and the Iranian-backed Houthis in the contested city, they said.

Around 70 people, including over two dozen civilians, were also wounded, they said.

The officials, who are from both sides, said the Houthi rebels have attempted to break a siege on Durayhimi, laid by government-allied force known as the Giants Bridges for over two years.

The U.N. mission to Yemen on Monday voiced alarm over the recent escalation of violence in Hodeida.


(* A K P)

U.N. envoy condemns deadly clashes in Yemen's key port city

A top U.N. official has condemned the recent clashes in Yemen’s strategic port city of Hodeida, which has so far left dozens of casualties, and urged the country’s warring parties to immediately stop the fighting

A top U.N. official Thursday condemned recent clashes in Yemen's strategic port city of Hodeida, which have left dozens killed and wounded, urging the country's warring parties to immediately stop the fighting.

“This military escalation not only constitutes a violation of the Hodeida ceasefire agreement but it runs against the spirit of the ongoing UN-facilitated negotiations that aim to achieve a nationwide ceasefire, humanitarian and economic measures and the resumption of the political process,” said U.N. Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths in a statement.

Griffiths said he is following with “deep concern” reports of civilian casualties, including women and children.

¨I have been engaging with all sides. I call on them to immediately stop the fighting, respect the commitments they made under the Stockholm agreement," he said. =

and also

and the statement in full:


(A K P)

Houthis welcome UN envoy call for adhering to Stockholm deal

Houthi spokesman on Thursday welcomed statement by the UN envoy to Yemen, in which Martin Griffiths called for Stockholm Agreement application be abided by.
The Houthi group welcomes Griffiths' insisting on adhering to the deal and "positively dealing with the UNMHA's joint implementation mechanisms," Mohamed Abdul Salam tweeted.


(A K P)

[Hadi] Government criticises statement of UN envoy about Hodeidah escalation

Spokesperson for the internationally recognised government, Rajeh Badi, on Friday criticised the statement of the UN envoy to Yemen about military escalation in Hodeidah province as lacking credibility.
We welcome the statement, but we were hoping the UN envoy would name the party responsible for escalation and breaching the Stockholm agreement, he said in a statement to the Asharq Al-Awsat Newspaper.
We urge the UN envoy to take immediate action to stop escalation and restore commitment to the agreement which has persistently been violated by the Houthis amid silence from the envoy and the UN mission to support the Hodeidah agreement, Badi said, according to the Saudi newspaper.

and also

My comment: Obviously it’s all parties, stupid.

(A K pS)

Houthis’ attacks in Hodeida threatens truce collapse

The Houthis have continued their attacks for the fourth day in a row in various parts of Hodeida province.

The escalation threatens collapse of the United Nation (UN) sponsored- fragile ceasefire that was enacted in late 2018 in line to the Stockholm agreement.

The Military Media of the government Joint Forces said that the government forces foiled several Houthis attacks that began last Friday particularly south Hodeida.

(A K pS)

The Houthi group shelled a health center in Manzar neighborhood, south of Hodeidah governorate, causing great material damage to the building, which was recently restored.

(A K pS)

Fire destroys Thabet's warehouses following Houthi shelling



(A K P)

UN calls for de-escalation in Yemen Hodeida

The UN Mission to Support the Hodeida Agreement (UNMHA) on Tuesday called upon all the parties to stop military escalation in the Yemeni western governorate.

In a statement, the UNMHA urged the rivals to stick to the ceasefire deal reached as part of the UN-brokered Stockholm Agreement between the official government and Houthi group 22 months ago.

(A K pH)

Aggression shelling kills girl in Hodeida

(A K pH)

Aggression forces' violations, shelling kill, injure 13 on Hodeida, Saada

(A K pH)

Mercenaries shelling kills woman in Hodeida

A woman was killed in aggression mercenaries' shelling in al-Hali district in Hodeida province, a security official said to Saba on Wednesday.

(* A K)

Seven children killed as violence escalates in Yemen's Hodeidah

At least seven children were killed and others injured on Tuesday when a projectile landed in a popular football stadium in Yemen's western province of Hodeidah.

The injured, some of whom in critical condition, were rushed to hospital, local sources said.

The pro-government joint forces and the Houthis are trading accusations of responsibility amid escalating violence in several parts of the province.

(A K pH)

Citizen killed, 7 injured in aggression forces' shelling on Hodeidah


(A K)

A man was killed on Tuesday when a residential neighborhood was hit by shelling in Yemen's Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, medics told Xinhua.

Seven others from his family were wounded in the shelling on al-Rabasah neighborhood in the southern part of the city, the medics in Althawra hospital said

and also

(A K pH)

Daily violations

Oct. 10:


Oct. 6:

cp19 Sonstiges / Other


Desert locust swarms four Yemeni provinces. Source: Multiple websites.


Berüchtigter Antarktisdorsch-Wilderer macht im Hafen von Jemen fest

Am 5. Oktober entdeckte Sea Shepherd auf der Website der Yemen Arabian Sea Port Corporation, dass das berüchtigte Wilderer-Schiff COBIJA im Hafen von Mukalla in der Republik Jemen als vor Anker liegend aufgeführt ist.

Die COBIJA, die früher unter dem Namen CAPE FLOWER fuhr, wurde bereits 2017 auf die schwarze Liste der Kommission für die Fischerei im Südostatlantik (SEAFO) gesetzt. Sie steht im Verdacht, illegale, unregulierte und undokumentierte Fischerei (IUU-Fischerei) auf den Antarktisdorsch im Schutzgebiet der Kommission für die Erhaltung der lebenden Meeresschätze der Antarktis (CCAMLR) zu betreiben.

(A P)

Nobel Laureate slams Macron’s remarks about Islam

A prominent Yemeni human rights activist and Nobel Peace Laureate has slammed statements by French President Emmanuel Macron about Islam.

“Macron’s attack on Islam reveals intolerance and hatred which is shameful for the head of a state like France,” wrote Tawakkol Karman on Twitter. She added that it is not Macron’s concern to reform religion, least of all Islam. “Muslims alone are concerned with that, and they will do that.”

(B H)

Yemen's mini-libraries: 'a candle in the dark'

"It is lighting a candle in the dark," says Fawzi al-Ghoudi in Yemen's rebel-held capital Sanaa, of his initiative to reignite people's interest in books, as an escape from the grimness of war.

The idea for the "Yemen Reads" campaign is simple -- to establish mini-libraries across the city where people can borrow books for free, the 30-year-old told AFP.

The initiative dates back to 2013, a year before the Iran-backed Huthi rebels seized control of Sanaa, igniting an all-out war with the government which is supported by a Saudi-led military coalition.

Many of the project's volunteers escaped at the time, fearing for their lives, but Ghoudi and four other companions revived it in 2019 after obtaining permission from the Huthi authorities.

They have so far set up five small booths with shelves full of books in public places in Sanaa, including a shopping mall.

"By establishing these booths, you make people feel there is still life in Yemen," Ghoudi told AFP, adding that war-weary citizens were tired of the noise of boots on the ground, and endless news of killings and deprivation. =


Film: Yemeni fine artist paints on the broken glass of houses destroyed by coalition airstrikes

(*A K)

Aframax mine blast off Yemen puts shipping on alert

Shipping has been put on alert to be highly vigilant when transiting the Gulf of Aden with news of an aframax tanker suffering sizeable damage after it struck a sea mine in Yemeni waters.

Significant pollution has been spotted in satellite images in the wake of the Syra, a 10-year-old Maltese-flagged ship, hitting a mine just before midnight on October 3.

The ship was taking on crude at the Bir Ali crude single buoy mooring system, located in central Yemeni waters when the explosion happened.

A number of suspicious floating objects were reported to have drifted towards the tanker it it was loading its cargo. One or two of these objects – assessed as likely to have been floating IEDs or sea mines – later exploded in proximity to the tanker.

Security consultant Ambrey Intelligence has suggested the incident was likely a symptom of the ongoing battle between the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council, a secessionist organisation.

Ambrey senior analyst Jake Longworth told Splash that no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

and also


Photo: As war rages, Yemeni girls find strength in kickboxing>

Women attend martial arts training in Yemen

Martial arts trainer Seham Amer practices self-defense moves with a trainee at a house in Sanaa, Yemen September 5, 2020.


Film: Good morning from #Marib. Have you ever spent your night in a desert, gossiping with tribesmen , drinking coffee, playing music and dancing? Here is a footage of Masterpiece showing some Maribian folklore ,historical sites ...


Spielfilm von 1999: Gefangen im Jemen - Film mit Peter Maffay

Gefangen im Jemen sind Marc (Peter Maffay), sein streitsüchtiger Sohn Jan (Roman Knižka) und dessen Freunde Hardy (Simon Licht), Thomas (Heikko Deutschmann) und Jennifer (Claudine Wilde). Marc, der seit Jahren im Jemen lebt und das Land, die Einheimischen und die Gefahren kennt, will die jungen Leute auf einer Motorradtour durch die Wüste begleiten – und das Vertrauen seines Sohnes wiedergewinnen. Doch bewaffnete Krieger verlangen von den Touristen zunächst ein "Wegegeld" von 1000 Dollar. Später nehmen sie die Deutschen als Geiseln und fordern von der Regierung ein Lösegeld von zehn Millionen Dollar. Während Marc in tagelanger Gefangenschaft mit den Kriegern verhandelt, sucht auch die deutsche Botschaft fieberhaft nach einer Lösung...

Mein Kommentar: Offenbar noch so ein Film, der ein schräges Bild von einem fremden Land zeichnet, in dem den westlichen Protagonisten übel mtgespielt wird. Wikipedia-Artikel.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-684 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-684: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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