Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 698b- Yemen War Mosaic 698b

Yemen Press Reader 698b: 3. Dezember 2020: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 698, cp7 - cp19 / December 3, 2020: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 698, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 698, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 698, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Großer Gefangenenaustausch / Most important: Great prisoner swap

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(* B P)

Building Sustainable Peace in Yemen: How Community Engagement Can Support National Stability

International Center for Religion & Diplomacy

from foreward:

The recommendations that stem from the ICRD–Partners project in Yemen, including the donor focus on building technical capacity and providing infrastructure support, should inform future projects and initiatives. They also echo those derived from research and study of the conflict found in my own work and that of others. Yemen’s governance gaps handicap efforts to bring the country out of conflict, and these endemic challenges will outlast the current war and threaten any peace that follows.

Executive Summary

In 2017, in partnership with PartnersGlobal (Partners) and their local affiliate PartnersYemen (PY), the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy (ICRD) began a three-year initiative to support Yemeni communities in (1) identifying and prioritizing their critical needs at the grassroots level, (2) developing mechanisms to better address these needs through community-based action and collaboration with local officials, and (3) communicating these needs to national-level decision-makers who can directly influence national peace talks and agreements.

This initiative was based upon the understanding of two key principles:

A national-level agreement, while critical, is unlikely to be effective and sustainable unless people are able to coexist peacefully at the community level around the country and to meet their basic critical needs (e.g. for services like water and electricity, the ability to support one’s family economically, security, and justice).

Critical initiatives to meet such needs at the community level, while complicated by the civil war, need not and must not wait until a national agreement is in place—doing so exacerbates the suffering and hostilities in Yemen which only make reaching a national agreement more difficult.

The ICRD-PartnersYemen program was thus designed to connect national decision-making and international policy-making with the needs and voices from Yemeni communities at the grassroots level, while simultaneously empowering these communities to take steps to address these needs. This bottom-up process involved seven key stages, culminating in a National-Level Dialogue (NLD), on which the recommendations in this paper are based.

While other recent national-level dialogues have focused on direct discussions for how to end the civil war, this National-Level Dialogue took a different approach. By elevating critical community needs to national-level decision-makers and those who influence them, and including civil society representatives directly in the discussions, the NLD provided a platform for stakeholders affiliated with or related to major parties to the conflict to discuss less contentious issues related to the shared needs of the Yemeni public, with the goal of bringing these needs and recommendations for addressing them into national decision-making and peace talks. The NLD also provided a ‘safe space’ for key stakeholders from different political backgrounds who had never met before to begin developing relationships and channels for communication.

There was wide agreement among NLD participants on the need for decentralized governance and for local bodies to have power to deliver services. The NLD generated a number of recommendations which, if implemented successfully and collaboratively, could help to both address critical local needs in the immediate term and help move Yemen closer to a political settlement and broader peace by building knowledge, institutions, relationships, and trust among key parties.

Based upon the findings of both the NLD and the program as a whole, ICRD makes the following recommendations to the international community to support peace and stability in Yemen at both the local and the national levels:

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(A P)

Houthis reveal new swap of prisoners with Yemeni government

The Houthi group on Monday announced the success of a new swap of prisoners with the government.
The head of the group's prisoner affairs committee, Abdulqadir Al-Murtada, wrote on Twitter: "Four prisoners from the army and the popular committees were released through local negotiations at several warfronts".

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

7 European Countries Call on Saudi Arabia to Release Detained Activists

Seven European human rights ambassadors have sharply criticized Saudi Arabia, due to the continued detention of at least 5 women, rights activists, including Lujain Al-Hathloul, whose case was referred to a special court on terrorism charges.

In a statement, human rights ambassadors in Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Estonia, Luxembourg and Finland said: “We remain extremely concerned about the continued detention of at least 5 women's rights activists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We regret that the cases of Loujain Al-Hathloul and Samar Badawi have now been referred to the Special Criminal Court for Terrorism and National Security Cases."

The European ambassadors emphasized that “peaceful activism and defense of women's rights is not a crime. Human rights defenders can be a strong partner with governments in addressing concerns within society."

(* A P)

Saudi Oppression of Minorities Continues, Demolishing a Mosque in Qatif

A Saudi activist unveiled a decision issued by Al Saud regime to demolish a mosque in the Awamiya area of the Qatif Governorate, east of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Activist, Adel Al-Saeed, explained that the decision issued to demolish the Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) mosque in the city of Awamiya.

The symbolism the mosque carries comes from the fact that martyr Sheikh Nimr Baqir Nimr used to lead worshipers in it and deliver his sermons there.

Al-Saeed emphasized that Al Saud continue their fierce war against Shiites in Qatif. He said that Al Saud want to root out any matter related to the martyr Al-Nimr, stressing that "whatever they do, the martyr will continue to inspire all the free people while he is in his unknown grave."

Al-Saeed added that the demolition of the mosque in Awamiya is part of an authoritarian plan to target dozens of buildings on Al-Thawra Street, the epicenter of the second intifada in Qatif. He pointed out that the alleged authoritarian plan targets the landmarks of Qatif or what is left of them through a process of demolition, filling and reprisal authoritarian attacks against the peaceful, demanding revolutionary movement in the region.

Al-Saeed pointed to a widespread campaign of arrests carried out by the Al Saud weeks ago against clerics in the region, and that this is part of the campaign against the seeds of the martyr's thought, its geniuses, students and supporters.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia agrees to allow Israeli commercial planes to cross its airspace: senior Trump official

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia and human rights activists fight over the image at the G20

For Saudi Arabia, hosting 20 group summits in Riyadh this year was to solidify its global position. The heads of state of the wealthiest nations in the world were amazed by the rugged beauty of the kingdom and the changing society, and were urged to drift the war in Yemen and the murder of prominent journalists in the past.

To critics of human rights records in Saudi Arabia, this event looked very different. This is a great opportunity to emphasize the abuse of the kingdom and embarrass world leaders to embarrass the de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

It is not expected to meet the wishes of either side. Instead, the coronavirus effectively reduced the G20 summit to a giant webinar, as in many meetings this year.

That may not be completely bad news for Prince Mohammed. Despite fierce campaigns by activists, no state has chosen to boycott virtual events on Saturdays and Sundays, making it an important step in prince rehabilitation among world leaders.

“Obviously it didn’t go as planned, but it could have been a blessing for Saudi Arabia,” said Karen Young, a resident student at the American Enterprise Institute for Middle Eastern Economic Studies.

Heads of state and other senior officials who may have hesitated to appear in Riyadh’s photos, she said, are less likely to lose at online events, but the summit remains a place in a powerful country that is considered an ally. It is advancing the Kingdom’s goal of claiming.

Last month, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz gave a keynote speech at a related event hosted by Saudi Arabia, calling on Khashoggi and a group of women detained after opposition to the kingdom’s previous ban. I did. About women driving. The ban was lifted in 2018, but some women remain in custody.

“If this conference does not agree to violate these human rights and those of other countries in the world, we cannot expect to realize an inclusive society in which we all strive,” Stiglitz said in a video of the event. I did. Called the Think 20 Summit, it was captured by activists but not published on the event’s website.

Mayors of Paris, Los Angeles, London and New York declined invitations to the G20 event, and many rights groups held an alternative virtual summit this weekend to highlight the Kingdom’s human rights record.

However, critics seemed to have had a limited impact on the Leaders Summit’s Headline event, but those who wanted individual speakers to use their platform to raise rights issues. There is also.

“This is too important. We must plan Covid’s strategy and address major economic issues,” said Adam Coogle, Deputy Director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch. Group lobbying. “Some thought it was a problem for Saudi Arabia to receive this reward.”

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9a

(A K P)

The @USNavy will fly, sail and operate anywhere international law allows. #ForceToBeReckonedWith

Aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) and Carrier Air Wing 17 conduct flight operations in the Arabian Sea, Nov. 27. (photos)

(* B K P)

Film: Biden To End US Support For War On Yemen?

Will Biden end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen? John Iadarola and Yasmin Khan break it down on The Damage Report.

Joe Biden will remain hamstrung in pushing his preferred policies by Republicans and possibly conservative Democrats looking to stymie efforts that even hint at positive change for working Americans. On foreign policy Biden will be much less constrained, however, which means that on Day One he could achieve an important policy objective by cutting off support for the war being waged in Yemen by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

In this clip from The Damage Report, John and Yasmin Khan point out that a group of more than 80 different organizations have written to ask Biden to take the unique opportunity of a new administration coming in to make this very demand. John notes that even though the conflict began during the Obama/Biden administration, more than a dozen former Obama officials have added their voices to the call for ending the war, including Susan Rice and Samantha Power.

Yasmin says that like every other aspect of the US’s involvement in the Middle East, our support for Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war is based on oil, and extracting ourselves from the Middle East while reducing our dependence on oil overall will be very difficult. That said, she feels that a Yemen pullout would be a critical, and simpler, first step, and one that Biden can launch immediately.

(* B K P)

Botschaft an Biden: Weniger ist mehr

Eine radikale Wende in der US-Aussenpolitik ist notwendig. Dafür plädieren Benjamin Friedman und Stephen Wertheim

[und] unterbreiten der Biden-Regierung ein radikales Konzept: Die USA sollten das Streben nach globaler, militärischer Dominanz aufgeben. Diese sei nicht mehr bezahlbar, provoziere aber ein Wettrüsten nicht zuletzt mit China. Washington solle daher sehr viel stärker als in der Obama-Ära auf Allianzen mit anderen Staaten setzen, um regionale Konflikte beizulegen oder zu vermeiden. Verbündete hätten deutlich mehr zu ihrer eigenen Verteidigung beizutragen – was allerdings kein neuer Gedanke und ständig von Donald Trump gepredigt worden ist.

Friedman und Wertheim fordern jedoch, dass Biden aus den Ankündigungen Trumps ernst macht und die «endlosen Kriege» der USA in Nordostafrika, Nahost und Afghanistan einstellt. Nach dem Abzug amerikanische Truppen sollten regionale Staaten eigene Probleme selbst lösen. Dies soll gerade für den Nahen Osten im engeren Sinn gelten

Say No, Joe

On U.S. foreign policy, there’s no going back to the status quo.

Overextended abroad, the United States has urgent needs at home, starting with recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. But the old playbook will invariably reappear, given its popularity among foreign-policy hands and, more fundamentally, the temptation U.S. power creates to meddle and boss others around. When this happens, the Biden administration will need to be ready to say no—no to unnecessary wars and no to further U.S. military overstretch. In five areas in particular, the administration ought to vow restraint from the get-go.

First, the Biden administration should not pursue global military dominance. The unipolar moment of the 1990s turned out to be just that—a moment that has long passed.

The United States, for its part, has found that chasing global dominance brings endless wars and enormous defense costs. Military spending absorbs over half of the federal government’s entire discretionary budget, meaning that more money is spent on the Pentagon than on education, infrastructure, the environment, scientific research, diplomacy, and foreign aid combined. Pursuing dominance served the American public poorly even when no major competitor existed. It carries even bigger risks now.

Instead of pursuing dominance everywhere, Biden must work alongside U.S. allies to create a stable balance of power.

Second, the Biden administration must deliver on its promise to end what are often referred to as the United States’ “forever wars.” This could prove difficult: The last two presidents opposed “endless wars” rhetorically while extending them all the same. To avoid the same fate, Biden should take decisive action. He should create a robust timeline that ensures that the United States’ ground troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia come home by the end of his first term. He should end the “war on terror” as a rhetorical and policy framework, and subject drone strikes to strict scrutiny so that they become far rarer.

Biden has promised to bring “the vast majority of our troops home” from Afghanistan and the Middle East, a stance that suggests he might leave behind contingents to combat terrorists. That would be a mistake

Third, the U.S. military cannot police the Middle East, and Biden should not ask it to try. In fact, once the United States’ current wars are brought to a close, U.S. interests in the region will scarcely warrant any troop presence at all besides what is needed to protect naval and perhaps intelligence-gathering facilities. Because the Middle East is experiencing a competition for influence among multiple midsized powers—Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Israel—no one state credibly threatens to dominate the region and its oil supply. The United States will obtain more security by doing less.

Biden can fulfill Obama’s goal of encouraging Middle Eastern powers to “share the neighborhood.” – by Benjamin H. Friedman and Stephen Wertheim

(* A P)

Human Rights Watch: United States: Embargo Arms to the United Arab Emirates

Risk of Complicity in Unlawful Airstrikes in Yemen, Libya

The United States should halt proposed weapons sales to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Human Rights Watch said today. It should suspend all future sales until the UAE curtails unlawful airstrikes in Yemen and Libya, halts support and weapons transfers to abusive local forces, and credibly investigates previous alleged violations in both countries.
On November 10, 2020, the US State Department formally notified the US Congress of the administration’s intent to sell the UAE US$23.37 billion in weapons, including F-35 fighter jets, unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as air-to-air and air-to-ground munitions. It cited the UAE’s need to defend itself from Iran as well as the UAE’s diplomatic agreement to normalize relations with Israel.
“In continuing to sell weapons to the UAE, US authorities are ignoring pervasive evidence of airstrikes and other attacks by the Saudi and UAE-led coalition in Yemen that unlawfully killed civilians,” said Sarah Holewinski, Washington director at Human Rights Watch. “US officials’ desire to reward the UAE for recognizing Israel should not entail complicity in unlawful deaths in Libya and Yemen.”
Given extensive documentation of the UAE’s repeated and ongoing unlawful attacks in Yemen and Libya and its direct support for abusive local forces in both countries, US State Department officials risk complicity if they approve the supply of arms that are then used in the commission of war crimes, Human Rights Watch said.

(* A P)

Dutzende Menschenrechtsgruppen kritisieren US-Waffenverkäufe an VAE

29 Menschenrechtsgruppen und Rüstungskontrollorganisationen haben die US-Waffenverkäufe an die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) kritisiert und den US-Kongress aufgefordert, den Mega-Deal zu blockieren.

Die Menschenrechtsgruppen unterzeichneten einen Aufruf gegen den Verkauf von Raketen, Kampfflugzeugen und Drohnen im Wert von 23 Milliarden US-Dollar und äußerten ihre Besorgnis über die Rolle der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, VAE, im verheerenden saudisch geführten Krieg gegen den Jemen und im Libyen-Konflikt.

"Die Hoffnung ist, diese Verkäufe insgesamt zu stoppen", sagte Seth Binder, Advocacy Officer beim Projekt Demokratie im Nahen Osten.

"Aber wenn es kurzfristig nicht möglich ist, sendet dies ein wichtiges Signal an die neue Regierung unter Biden, dass es eine Gruppe vieler Organisationen gibt, die sich gegen die Lieferung dieser Waffen aussprechen", fügte er hinzu.

In dem an den US-Kongress und das Außenministerium gesendeten Schreiben heißt es, der geplante Waffenverkauf werde den Zivilisten weiterhin Schaden zufügen und die humanitären Krisen aufgrund der Konflikte im Jemen und in Libyen verschärfen.

(* A P)

Civil Society Letter to Congress on Yemen (04 Dec 2020)

In this letter, NRC and 29 organisations call on the United States Congress to speak out unequivocally on the humanitarian consequences for Yemen if plans to designate Ansar Allah as a terrorist organistion go ahead.

If this move goes ahead, a General License and exemptions must be issued to mitigate impacts on humanitarian aid operations and Yemeni civilian population. A designation without safeguards would exacerbate hunger in Yemen at a time when famine alarms have been sounded loudly. It will create insurmountable hurdles for delivering aid, criminalise aid workers and devastate Yemen’s economy.

letter in full:

(A P)

INTERVIEW: Ro Khanna says ending Yemen war should be a priority for Biden

Progressive congressman has been helping lead efforts in Washington against US support for Saudi-led coalition; a new administration may finally listen to him

In a phone interview with Middle East Eye on Tuesday, Khanna called on the incoming administration to swiftly end US involvement - a move that he said would help propel talks brokered by UN envoy Martin Griffiths and bring peace to the war-torn country.

"I believe we can help Griffiths end the war with a strong statement from the president in signing the War Powers Resolution that we passed in the House and the Senate and making clear that the United States is not going to provide any support to the Saudis - logistical, intelligence or spare parts in this brutal campaign," Khanna told MEE.

"If we do that, that will give Griffiths the leverage he needs to finally end the war."

The congressman, a leader in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party who served as the national co-chair of Senator Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, also called for the kingdom to pay reparations for the conflict by covering most of a $5bn-aid package to Yemen.

The War Powers Resolution needs to be reintroduced and passed by the new Congress before reaching Biden's desk, but Khanna is confident that the process can be completed shortly after the new administration takes office.

"Once it passes both chambers, the president would need to sign it and then Secretary [of State Tony] Blinken can convey to the Saudis that time is up; that they need to end this war and they need to make amends, and they need to pay reparations for the damage they've done," Khanna said.

"They no longer have carte blanche in Washington. They've already lost credibility on the Hill, and there's going to be a new administration in town. That all can be done in the first 30 days. And Joe Biden has the moral compass to do this."

"Donald Trump has given the government of Saudia Arabia a blank check to pursue a disastrous set of policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and the crackdown on dissent at home, including the targeting of female activists," the Biden campaign said in a statement to Arab-American communities in August.

"Biden will review the US relationship with the government of Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen."

(* B P)

Biden’s Promise: America is Back(wards)

interest now shifts to President-elect Joe Biden’s choices for cabinet. On the national security front, the imperial-military lobby will have reasons to be satisfied. If Trump promised to rein in, if not put the brakes on the US imperium, Biden promises a cocktail of energising stimulants.

While campaigning for the Democratic nomination, Biden tried to give a different impression. Biden the militarist was gone.

This was an unconvincing display of the leopard desperately trying to change its striking spots. During the Obama administration, the Vice-President found war sweet, despite subsequent attempts to distance himself from collective cabinet responsibility. These included the current war in Yemen, the assault on Libya that crippled the country and turned it into a terrorist wonderland, and that “forever war” in Afghanistan.

The Iraq War is another stubborn stain on Biden’s garments. His approval of the invasion of Iraq has been feebly justified as benign ignorance.

In considering Biden’s record on Iraq, Spencer Ackerman of The Daily Beast was clear in describing an erratic, bumbling and egregious performance. “Reviewing Biden’s record on Iraq is like rewinding footage of a car crash to identify the fateful decisions that arrayed people at the bloody intersection.”

Now, we forward ourselves to November 2020.

The Beltway establishment, mocked by Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes as “the Blob,” had returned.

In the cast are such figures from the past as former Deputy Secretary of State and former Deputy National Security Adviser, Tony Blinken. He will serve as Secretary of State. National Security adviser: former Hillary Clinton aide and senior adviser Jake Sullivan.

Blinken, it should be remembered, was the one who encouraged Biden to embrace the antediluvian, near criminal project of partitioning Iraq. This does not worry The Guardian, which praises his “urbane bilingual charm”.

Think tanks with Biden advisory personnel include the militarily minded Center for Strategic and International Studies, which boasts funding from Raytheon, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation and General Dynamics Corporation.

America – at least a version of it – is back, well and truly. The stench of wars continuous, and interventions compulsive, is upon us.

(* A P)

Activists Urge Joe Biden To Pull Out Of Saudi Arabia’s Brutal War In Yemen

The U.S. began helping the Saudis bomb their neighbor under President Barack Obama. Eighty advocacy groups asked Biden to make amends in a Monday message shared exclusively with HuffPost.

President-elect Joe Biden could dramatically improve the worst humanitarian crisis in the world within hours of taking office in January with one simple step: ending American support for the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen. Without the U.S.’s backing, the Saudis and their partners would do far less damage in the Middle Eastern country, where prolonged conflict has killed more than 17,500 civilians and pushed 10 million people to the brink of starvation.

On Monday, 80 advocacy groups urged Biden to take that step as soon as he can, securing what they call “a monumental first achievement for your administration.” The groups shared their message to the incoming president exclusively with HuffPost after they sent it to him.

As the groups noted, this would be a major step by Biden, who backed the war while he served as vice president for President Barack Obama, but has since vowed to bring it to an end. Many senior Obama administration officials who will play key roles in his team, like incoming national security adviser Jake Sullivan, have also called for the U.S. to withdraw.

The groups want Biden to follow through ― and fast, which would demonstrate that he prioritizes a less belligerent foreign policy.

“The Biden-Harris administration has an historic opportunity to end U.S. complicity in this war the moment you come into office,” the letter reads.

“With countless new deaths from war and starvation every single day, the people of Yemen can’t afford to wait,” the groups add.

and also

(* B P)

DAWN joined more than 80 human rights, foreign policy, faith-based and other civil society groups in writing to President-elect Joe Biden to ask that he end U.S. support for the disastrous Saudi-led war in Yemen.

We appreciate your consistent pledge to end unauthorized U.S. participation in the war, and we urge you to immediately inform the other members of the Saudi-led coalition that you will do so on day one of your presidency. To truly end U.S. participation and complicity in the war in Yemen, you should take the following measures:

Heed the bipartisan votes of Congress indicating that the Executive Branch does not have authorization — as required by our Constitution and the War Powers Act of 1973 — to participate in the Saudi war in Yemen, and commit to signing a new Yemen War Powers Resolution if it arrives at your desk;

End all war-related U.S. logistical support, targeting assistance, spare parts transfers, and intel to the Saudi-led coalition;

Stop all sales of weapons to members of the Saudi-led coalition that could be used in the war and encourage US allies and other countries to do the same;

Pressure the Saudi-led coalition to end their military actions in Yemen, lift the blockade of Yemen’s ports, allow entry of humanitarian aid and commercial imports, open Sana’a airport for civilian travel, and negotiate a nationwide ceasefire;

Restore and expand USAID funding to all parts of Yemen and recommit U.S. financial support to UN, WHO, and WFP relief programs in Yemen. Work with the international community to pressure Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to meet and expand their funding pledges for humanitarian assistance and post-conflict reconstruction of the country.

Ending U.S. participation in the war in Yemen and restoring vital humanitarian aid to address the war’s impact on the Yemeni people is a moral and legal obligation. It would be the first step in ending this catastrophe, caused in large part by actions of the Saudi-led coalition.

(* B P)

Yemen Watchers, The Houthi designation is barreling through the 7th floor of State. Here is my understanding of the implications if there is a general Houthi terrorist designation: 1. 95% of Yemen's basic commodities including food is commercially imported. Traders cannot engage in commercial transactions in Yemen if they touch the US banking systems at all [which they do]. 2. Pompeo rejects UN calls, including WFP, to amend, alter the designation. So, all food/humanitarian aid will stop unless there are specific, complicated carveouts,

which can't realistically be completed during the remainder of this administration. There has been no interagency process as far as I understand, with the different agencies and departments not sharing their full analysis in a coordinated manner.

Houthis control the FSO Safer, the oil tanker that is about to disintegrate. A leak from the Safer will be 4x bigger than the Exxon Valdez and will close down the Red Sea if/when it breaks. The UN or commercial contractors may not be able to mitigate that risk.

Prisoner exchanges btw combatants may halt bc no international organization can serve as an intermediary. Prisoner exchanges are positive first steps to de-conflict.

There needs to be more analysis on the Central Bank - bc it is split between Aden and Sanaa - but the branches do coordinate. I am not sure of the fiscal, monetary implications of a DTO, but it could be profound on the entire economy and cause a complete collapse.

Bottom line: The Houthis are bad actors, the humanitarian crises first and foremost rests on their shoulders. But in an effort to spike Iran, Pompeo, et al may simply be doing immense harm to millions of Yemeni people without thought, or careful consideration – by Dave Harden, Managing Director, Georgetown Strategy Group; Former USAID Ass't Administrator; complex crises/tech/capital - the new future

My comment: “: The Houthis are bad actors, the humanitarian crises first and foremost rests on their shoulders”: “Rests on their shoulders”: Obviously, as they rule 70 % of the population. But the main resposibility for having created this situation is not their’s.


(* B K P)

Intel: Rights groups urge US to nix arms sales to UAE

A coalition of human rights organizations is urging President Donald Trump and President-elect Joe Biden to halt a planned $23 billion arms sale to the United Arab Emirates they say would worsen a set of bloody regional conflicts.

“These sales undermine US interests and fuel civilian harm and human rights violations in Yemen, Libya and beyond,” read the letter from 29 groups, including the Project on Middle East Democracy, ALQST and Win Without War.

“Delivery of the sales would undermine US national security interests by fueling instability, violent conflict and radicalization in the Middle East and North Africa and would also send a signal of impunity for the UAE’s recent conduct, which includes likely violations of international law,” the groups said.

The open letter from rights groups also calls on Congress to pass several joint resolutions of disapproval introduced by Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez and Chris Murphy and Republican Senator Rand Paul.

and also

(* B K P)

‘Trump Has Let the Military Establishment Do Everything It Wants to Do’

CounterSpin interview with Murtaza Hussain on Trump’s Yemen war

Janine Jackson interviewed the Intercept’s Murtaza Hussain about Trump’s war on Yemen for the November 20, 2020, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

MH: So I think that what that raid signified very early was the fact that the worst of the Obama-era counterterrorism practices would carry on into the Trump administration. And, indeed, we have seen that over the past four years. So while Trump likes to characterize himself symbolically as being against the wars of the preceding Washington establishment, in practice, he’s carried on those wars, and even escalated and intensified them, as we’ve seen in Yemen.

He has made all of these conflicts worse. And to the extent that he has been “noninterventionist,” it’s mostly that he has not intervened with the CIA, or the Department of Defense, doing what it wants to do. He has not pushed back politically, or stood on any principles.

And it’s very interesting; he’s developed this reputation by just constantly portraying himself as somebody who’s anti-war, and some small number of people have found it compelling. The reality has not been the case; he’s not been anti-war. He has let the military establishment, the intelligence establishment, do everything it wants to do.

It just so happens that the US was so spent at the moment that there was not going to be a major war in this period of time, because their resources were exhausted. But anything they wanted to do, they got; Trump has been no impediment to that at all.

t’s just a disregard and not caring about reality, actually, which has been a hallmark of how he’s governed more broadly: Yeah, America is greater than ever; there’s no casualties; the economy is X, Y and Z. Unfortunately, it’s not true, and it covers up the great tragedy in this case that there have been horrible casualties in these operations.

(* B P)

Biden should rethink America's fraught relationship with the Saudis

If a new administration is sincere about reflecting on the nature and value of alliances that work, then why not also reevaluate those that don’t?

No relationship is in more dire need of re-evaluation than that with Saudi Arabia, a country whose enshrined status as a necessary and stalwart ally has been accepted prima facie by every U.S. administration of the last 50 years, despite its ongoing promotion of repressive and autocratic norms in the country and abroad.

The U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia best encapsulates the flawed U.S. approach to the Middle East: the support of repressive regimes in service to a superficial security umbrella at the expense of the lives and livelihoods of their populations. It is a policy outlook based on the false choice between the stability of strong men and the rights of the powerless.

As citizens across the region demand to better their lives and seek out new social contracts from their inept rulers, the division between government and governed will grow starker. Will the U.S. choose to stand alongside the region’s dictators or its peoples?

Despite its jailing of domestic dissidents and activists and promoting autocracy and disinformation campaigns to undermine democracy across the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has enjoyed the long-standing U.S. commitment to the idea that the kingdom is fundamental to regional security and protecting American interests.

Despite having U.S.-supplied arms and technology used to bomb weddings, funerals, hospitals, and other civilian targets in Yemen, witnessing purchases of U.S. arms end-up in the hands of the Al-Qaeda, and reading the American Bar Association assessment that U.S. sales may violate the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), the State Department continues — inexplicably and perversely — to justify these sales under the logic that Saudi Arabia “is an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.”

There is reason to believe that a Biden administration will forge a new path in U.S.-Saudi relations.

President-elect Biden has intimated that a review of the relationship as well as the kingdom’s regional activity is in order. Many Obama-era policy staff responsible for enabling U.S. complicity in one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises in Yemen, who are likely to re-emerge in a Biden administration, have offered mea culpas and recognized the faults of their earlier policy thinking.

The U.S. Congress, once a dependable rubber stamp for sending arms and equipment the Saudis’ way, attempted to block billions of dollars in recent arms sales to the country and to extricate the U.S. from involvement in the Yemen war, only to witness both efforts stymied by a veto from President Trump.

Any serious review of the parameters of the U.S.-Saudi relationship will reveal the unfounded nature of its basic assumptions.

The extent to which the Biden administration and Congress make good on this agenda will signal whether the U.S. is ready to move forward in the region and to enact a new vision that values lives and livelihoods over autocracy and repression, government accountability over government malfeasance. A return to foreign policy normalcy in the Biden administration need not apply to all policy norms. It may be time for the U.S. to forget Saudi Arabia.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(* B P)

Dear Joe, It’s Not About Iran’s Nukes Anymore

Biden wants to reinstate the nuclear deal, but first he must confront the new Middle East.

With the assassination presumably by Israel of Iran’s top nuclear warhead designer, the Middle East is promising to complicate Joe Biden’s job from Day 1. President-elect Biden knows the region well, but if I had one piece of advice for him, it would be this: This is not the Middle East you left four years ago.

The best way for Biden to appreciate the new Middle East is to study what happened in the early hours of Sept. 14, 2019 — when the Iranian Air Force launched 20 drones and precision-guided cruise missiles at Abqaiq, one of Saudi Arabia’s most important oil fields and processing centers, causing huge damage. It was a seminal event.

Israeli military analysts, who were stunned by the capabilities the Iranians displayed, argued that this surprise attack was the Middle East’s “Pearl Harbor.”

This is where the problems will start for Biden. Yes, Israel and the Sunni Arab states want to make sure that Iran can never develop a nuclear weapon. But some Israeli military experts will tell you today that the prospect of Iran having a nuke is not what keeps them up at night — because they don’t see Tehran using it. That would be suicide, and Iran’s clerical leaders are not suicidal.

They are, though, homicidal.

And Iran’s new preferred weapons for homicide are the precision-guided missiles that it used on Saudi Arabia and that it keeps trying to export to its proxies in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, which pose an immediate homicidal threat to Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and U.S. forces in the region. (Iran has a network of factories manufacturing its own precision-guided missiles.)

If Biden tries to just resume the Iran nuclear deal as it was — and gives up the leverage of extreme economic sanctions on Iran, before reaching some understanding on its exporting of precision-guided missiles — I suspect that he’ll meet a lot of resistance from Israel, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia.

Why? It’s all in the word “precision.”

That is why Israel has been fighting a shadow war with Iran for the past five years to prevent Tehran from reaching its goal of virtually encircling Israel with proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, all armed with precision-guided missiles.

That is why Israel and its Gulf Arab allies are not going to want to see the United States give up its leverage on Iran to curb its nuclear program before it also uses that leverage — all those oil sanctions — to secure some commitment by Iran to end its exporting of these missiles.

And that is going to be very, very difficult to negotiate.

So, if you were planning a party to celebrate the restoration of the Iran-U.S. nuclear deal soon after Biden’s inauguration, keep the champagne in the fridge. It’s complicated – by Thomas L. Friedman

My comment: Friedman was a pro-Saudi mouthpiece for years. Now, he seems to side with Israel – the only Middle East state with nukes, a crucial fact never mentioned in the whole debate.

(* B P)

Allmacht und Ohnmacht

Angenommen, hinter dem Mord an Fakhrizadeh stehen Israel und/oder die USA – nicht allein deren Geheimdienste, die in der Regel Aufträge erfüllen –, dann haben enge Verbündete Deutschlands zum wiederholten Mal signalisiert, dass sie Staatsterror als legitimes Mittel betrachten, um sich Geltung zu verschaffen. Ihre Botschaft: Der Iran ist kein Staat, sondern ein Staatskretin, der verdient, wie er behandelt wird. Auch wenn ein Krieg noch auf sich warten lässt, auf dem Sprung ist er allemal. Vor zwei Wochen erst wurde kolportiert, Präsident Trump habe einen Militärschlag führen wollen. Eindringliche Warnungen diverser Berater hätten verhindert, was in der Luft lag. Oder gelegen haben soll. Dass die abgewählte Administration alles dafür tut, ihren Nachfolgern in Sachen Iran verbrannte Erde und unerbittliche Feindschaft zu hinterlassen, kann nicht verwundern. Seit Donald Trump im Mai 2018 den Nuklearvertrag gekündigt hat, ließ er „maximalen Druck“ ausüben, fuhr die Sanktionen hoch und setzte auf die innere Erosion des Regimes. Sollte Joe Biden diesen Kurs korrigieren, wird ihn der Vorwurf, er begünstige einen Feind, wie ein Bannstrahl treffen. Die Republikaner dürften ihm so wenig schenken wie die Regierung in Israel.

falls der Link nicht funktioniert:


(* B P)

Iran / Israel / USA: Die Zeichen stehen auf Sturm

Israel nutzt die letzten Wochen der Trump-Präsidentschaft, um die Wiederbelebung des Atomvertrages mit dem Iran zu verhindern.
Donald Trumps erste Amtshandlungen als Präsident der USA, 2017, bestanden im möglichst systematischen Abwracken all dessen, was sein Vorgänger Barack Obama hinterlassen hatte. Seine letzten Amtshandlungen, vor dem Auszug aus dem Weißen Haus, verfolgen offenkundig das Ziel, seinem Nachfolger so viele Steine in den Weg zu legen wie möglich. In erster Linie im Nahen und Mittleren Osten.

Da stehen die Zeichen jetzt, in den letzten Wochen der Macht Donald Trumps, auf Sturm…
Gewollte Eskalation der regionalen Spannungen
Aber der Mordanschlag auf den iranischen Atomphysiker Mohsen Fahrizadeh lässt die Spannungen erneut dramatisch eskalieren. Es entspringt ja nicht einer «orientalischen» Fantasie der Iraner, dass dieses Attentat dem israelischen Geheimdienst Mossad zuzuschreiben ist und dass die USA dafür grünes Licht erteilt haben.

Nun bleibt die wesentliche Frage: Wie wird Iran auf den Mordanschlag auf seinen Atomphysiker antworten? Nichts tun – das kann das Regime sich nicht leisten…
Donald Trump und dem israelischen Geheimdienst ist es gelungen, die in Iran Regierenden in eine ausweglose Situation zu manövrieren. Reagieren sie hart, verbarrikadieren sie sich alle Verhandlungsmöglichkeiten mit der neuen US-Administration. Reagieren sie schwach oder gar nicht, verlieren sie jegliche Glaubwürdigkeit im eigenen Land.
Also, was sollen sie tun?

(A P)

Saudi minister rejects Iranian accusation on scientist's killing

Saudi Arabia’s minister of state for foreign affairs on Tuesday criticised Iran’s foreign minister for implicating Riyadh in the killing of prominent Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

“Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif is desperate to blame the Kingdom for anything negative that happens in Iran. Will he blame us for the next earthquake or flood?,” minister Adel Al-Jubeir said in a tweet.

Jubeir’s remarks appeared to be a response to comments made on Monday by Mohammad Javad Zarif which suggested a covert meeting in Saudi Arabia between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu contributed to the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.


(A P)

Strange statement by #Saudi ambassador to #UN calling #Iranian scientist #Fakhrizadeh a "Muslim Scientist" & regrets his loss as it is a loss for all Muslims.

Film (in Arabic):

(A P T)

Weapon used in nuclear scientist's assassination made in Israel: Source tells Press TV

The remains of the weapon used in the Friday assassination of senior nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh show that it was made in Israel, an informed source has told Press TV.

The source made the revelation on Monday, saying the weapon collected from the site of the terrorist act bears the logo and specifications of the Israeli military industry.

Iran's Ministry of Intelligence also said it had obtained "new leads" on the identity of the perpetrators and that the information "will be publicized very

(A P)

‘No way around it,’ Iranians to retaliate scientist assassination: Retired US Navy Adm.

A retired US Navy SEAL and special operations commander has suggested that Iran’s retaliation over the assassination of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is certain, asserting that there is not “any way around it.”

"Iran, you know, either suspects or knows that Israel was responsible for this attack," Navy Adm. William McRaven told ABC on Monday.

He further suggested that Iran’s revenge will have serious repercussions for the US and its allies.

(A P)

Iran reminds IAEA of its ‘immediate, primary responsibility’ over Fakhrizadeh killing

Iran’s envoy to Vienna-based international organizations has rapped the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for keeping silent over the recent assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

Kazem Gharibabadi told reporters on Monday that the IAEA is expected to clearly declare its stance regarding the recent act of terrorism and strongly condemn it.

“The IAEA has an immediate and primary responsibility toward the member state (Iran) that has accepted the highest level of the Agency’s inspections, has the most transparent nuclear program as it implements various commitments, but its scientists are exposed to assassination threats or are targeted by terrorists, and its nuclear facilities are exposed to aggression or are targeted with sabotage,” Gharibabadi said.

(* B P)

Steckt Trump dahinter? Wie in Russland über die Ermordung des iranischen Atomphysikers berichtet wird

Das russische Fernsehen hat am Sonntag eine sehr interessante Analyse der Hintergründe der Ermordung des iranischen Atomphysikers Fakhrizadeh gebracht, die durchaus logisch erscheint und von einer Beteiligung der USA an dem Mord ausgeht.

Sollte Biden an die Macht kommen, besteht aus Trumps Sicht die Gefahr, dass Biden zu dem Atomabkommen zurückkehrt. Um das zu verhindern, so die Logik, müsste Trump vor dem Verlust seiner Macht noch die Beziehungen zum Iran nachhaltig vergiften.

Das russische Fernsehen ist am Sonntag in der Sendung „Nachrichten der Woche“ auf diese Theorie im Detail eingegangen und ich habe den Bericht des russischen Fernsehens übersetzt.

In den Jahren 2010 und 2012 waren solche Massaker auf iranischem Territorium reale Praxis für Israel, bis die Obama-Administration Israel dazu drängte, aufzuhören, weil der Iran schon bereit war, ein Abkommen abzuschließen, das seine Nuklearforschung im Gegenzug für die Aufhebung der Sanktionen beendete. Und jetzt wieder. Im Iran besteht kein Zweifel: Die Spuren führen nach Israel.

Allerdings könnte Israel durchaus in Abstimmung mit der Trump-Administration handeln. Das Erscheinen des US-Flugzeugträgers Nimitz im Persischen Golf wenige Tage vor der Ermordung des führenden iranischen Atomforschers und stellvertretenden Verteidigungsministers wirft Fragen auf. Es ist klar, dass dieser Terrorakt eine große Provokation ist, und sollte die iranische Führung ihn für einen Kriegsgrund halten, ist die „Nimitz“ vor Ort. Darüber hinaus verlegten die Amerikaner strategische Bomber vom Typ B-52 Stratofortress in die Region. Also fragen Sie sich, warum all das jetzt auf ein Mal…?

Interessant ist die zahnlose Reaktion der EU:

Unterdessen schreibt die amerikanische Presse, Trump suche nach einem Grund, gegen den Iran zuzuschlagen, damit Biden solche Beziehungen zu Teheran erbt, dass es unmöglich ist, zum „Atomabkommen“ zurückzukehren. Und das Geschehene war eine Provokation, um den Iran zu einer Reaktion zu provozieren, die als Rechtfertigung für einen US-Schlag herhalten kann.

Im Iran versteht man das jedoch.

Israel ist im Iran natürlich das erste Verdächtige. Es hatte einen Stil mit Wiedererkennungswert: Ein Hinterhalt auf einer verlassenen Autobahn, eine Explosion und der Beschuss des Autos des Wissenschaftlers und des Autos mit seiner Leibwache. In den letzten 10 Jahren wurden im Iran auf fast die gleiche Weise fünf prominente Physiker getötet.

(A P)

Iran’s president opposes bill that would boost enrichment

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday expressed his opposition to a bill approved by parliament the previous day to suspend U.N. inspections and boost uranium enrichment, saying it would be “harmful” to diplomatic efforts aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal and easing U.S. sanctions.

The tug-of-war over the bill, which gained momentum after the killing of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist last month, reflects the rivalry between Rouhani, a relative moderate, and hard-line lawmakers who dominate parliament and favor a more confrontational approach to the West.

The bill would suspend U.N. inspections and require the government to resume enriching uranium to 20% if European nations fail to provide relief from crippling U.S. sanctions on the country’s oil and banking sectors. That level falls short of the threshold needed for nuclear weapons but is higher than that required for civilian purposes.


(A P)

Iran’s parliament advances bill to stop nuclear inspections

Iran’s parliament Tuesday advanced a bill that would end U.N. inspections of its nuclear facilities and require the government to boost its uranium enrichment if European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal do not provide relief from oil and banking sanctions.

The vote to debate the bill, which would need to pas through several other stages before becoming law, was a show of defiance after the killing of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist last month. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has the final say on all nuclear policies.

The official IRNA news agency said 251 lawmakers in the 290-seat chamber voted in favor, after which many began chanting “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!”

(A P T)

Film: #Iran holds state funeral procession for top nuclear scientist #Fakhrizadeh assassinated outside #Tehran.

(A P T)

Iran says Israel killed military nuclear scientist remotely

A top Iranian security official on Monday accused Israel of using “electronic devices” to remotely kill a scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program in the 2000s.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the country’s Supreme National Security Council, made the comment at the funeral for Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, where Iran’s defense minister separately vowed to continue the man’s work “with more speed and more power.”

Israel, long suspected of killing Iranian nuclear scientists over the last decade, has repeatedly declined to comment on the attack.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* A P)

Uncertainty in Yemen: Why Israel Should Support Southern Separatists

While Israel is not a party to the war in Yemen, it does have interests in the arena.

The present uncertainty provides an impetus for Jerusalem to recalibrate its approach to the Yemen conflict, and it should consider shifting its policy to one which more actively supports the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in South Yemen.

While Israel is not a party to the war in Yemen, it does have interests in the arena: preventing the Iran-backed Houthis from growing more powerful and acquiring advanced weapons from Tehran, extricating Saudi Arabia (Israel’s unofficial partner in the regional anti-Iran coalition) from the costly quagmire, and preventing the resurgence of jihadist groups like al-Qaeda. The current state of affairs, in which Saudi Arabia leads a coalition supporting the central Government of Yemen (GOY) headed by President Hadi, advances only one of Israel’s three interests in the theater.

Based on the events over the past five years, the second half of which has been a stalemate between Saudi-backed forces and the Houthis, Hadi’s government appears unable to eliminate or even diminish the Iranian proxy threat. If anything, recent years have seen the pace, accuracy, and sophistication of Houthi attacks increase considerably.

In addition, despite Saudi Arabia’s best efforts, it appears unable to extricate itself from the conflict that has already cost it dearly in blood, treasure, and international reputation. This is because if Riyadh withdraws before a political settlement has been reached—and any deal seems like a remote possibility at present—then the GOY could collapse under Houthi pressure and leave Saudi Arabia without any channel of influence in what is often described as its “backyard.”

The one Israeli interest that has been advanced in Yemen is the decimation of Sunni jihadist groups, including al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). However, this is hardly the handiwork of the Saudi-backed Hadi government. Rather, close cooperation between the United States, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and UAE-backed southern forces has led to the degradation of jihadists groups from their peak in 2015-2016 when AQAP took control of the Yemeni port city of Mukalla.

To ensure that its interests are protected in the face of potentially dramatic changes, particularly in Saudi policy, Israel should consider supporting Yemen’s STC in its ambitions to achieve independence for South Yemen. An independent South Yemen could safeguard Israel’s interests to a considerable degree: The STC and its UAE backers have already demonstrated willingness to take on jihadist forces, they are not dependent on Saudi support, and their rise could allow for Riyadh to end its costly involvement in Yemen. Geographically, they leave any future Iran-aligned Houthi state in north Yemen essentially encircled by hostile forces. The partition of Yemen would also deny the Houthis the fig leaf of legitimacy—a benign cover for malign activity—which would be granted to them in the event of a political settlement that maintained Yemen’s unity (a la Hezbollah).

However, it must also be acknowledged that Yemen’s STC will not resolve the Houthi threat – by Ari Heistein, research fellow and chief of staff to the director at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Israel.

My comment: Geopolitical bullshit from Israel. Yemen obviously does not need Israeali interference.

(A P)

France FM calls for return to Iran nuclear deal, condemns Houthi attacks


(A P)

Yemen's Ansarullah Spokesman: "The French condemnation of the [latest] Aramco operation [in Jeddah] is rejected. It has been delayed perhaps to cash in. It [the condemnation] reveals [France] as one of the countries involved in continuing the aggression on Yemen.

(* A P)

UAE Pressure European Parliament to Block Resolution Condemning Human Rights Violations

A European watch group (following Middle East issues) revealed intense pressure by the UAE to prevent the issuance of a European Parliament resolution condemning Abu Dhabi's human rights violations.

The European Microscope - a European institution concerned with monitoring the interactions of Middle Eastern issues in Europe - said that the UAE has mobilized its political and media arms in the European Union countries to press for preventing the aforementioned decision by the European Parliament, which will constitute a great embarrassment to Abu Dhabi and its external image. It added that in the final version of the draft, the European Parliament resolution condemning the UAE's violations is expected to be submitted to a vote in the coming months in light of a consensus on the need for approval among the 705 members of Parliament.

It pointed out that Abu Dhabi had asked its ally, Israel, to support it removing the draft resolution, perventing a vote among members of the European Parliament in light of assurances that it would be approved by the representatives by an overwhelming majority.

The European circles are calling for rejecting Emirati pressure and moving forward with putting forward the draft resolution for a vote and officially adopting it.

A source for the group said that the draft is condemning the UAE's human rights violations and calls on Abu Dhabi to respect the rule of law, public freedoms, basic rights and freedom of expression.

(A K P)

European Concern about Washington's Sale of F-35 to the UAE

The chair of the European Parliament's Human Rights Committee, Mary Arena, called on the US Congress, Tuesday, to intervene to block President Trump's decision to sell 50 aircraft to the UAE due to its violations and war crimes committed in Yemen.

The European official called for concerted efforts to put forward diplomatic and humanitarian initiatives to end the protracted humanitarian disaster in Yemen.

(A E)

The end of the contracting giant in the Dubai market ... UAE Arabtec officially declares its bankruptcy

Arabtec Holding - the largest contracting company in the UAE - announced on Monday its official bankruptcy and submitted an application to the court in this regard. This followed cumulative losses of more than $ 400 million.

(A K P)

Striking Jeddah Exposes Zionist's Participation in Aggression Against Yemen

A week after the qualitative operation in Jeddah, a spokesman for the Israeli enemy Foreign Ministry announced that groups in Yemen are terrorists and supported by Iran, to destabilize the region, presenting lessons for the people of civilization and history in dignity and peace as if he is not an occupier and a terrorist entity!

In his tweet, a spokesman for the enemy Foreign Ministry said, "The Yemeni people deserve to live in peace, dignity and without wars."

The Israeli comment on the developments of the aggressive war on Yemen clearly reveals the Israeli enemy’s attachment to what is happening. The early and blessed Israeli talk of the aggression was an indication of its involvement in this war, even if Tel Aviv intended to keep hidden because Yemen will not forgive everyone participated in the aggression against it.

My comment: From the Houthi movement Almasirah TV website.

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(* A B P)

BREAKING: Partial breakthrough in GCC crisis ‘imminent’

A breakthrough in the three-year-long Gulf crisis is imminent, sources told Doha News on Wednesday.

It is understood that Saudi Arabia will open its air space for Qatar Airways flights, and there are some reports that Riyadh may even open its land border.

There has also been reports that Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will soon announce updates on the crisis.

However, there has been no news of the UAE, Egypt or Bahrain’s involvement in the latest development.

More details are expected.

The recent breakthrough is seen as an outcome of Senior White House advisor and US President Donald Trump’s son in-law Jared Kushner’s recent mediating visits to Qatar and Saudi Arabia this week.

On Wednesday, Kushner met with Qatar’s Amir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in Doha following talks with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Neom the day before.

His visit was anticipated to search for a solution to end the three-year long Gulf crisis that was triggered by the illegal blockade on Qatar and initially supported by the US president himself.

Speculation about the end of the three-year-long blockade on Qatar have been on the horizon for a while, with Saudi Arabia hinting at a possible solution to the GCC crisis in recent weeks.

My remark: from Qatar.

and from Dec. 9, 2019:

(B P9

Once propped up by Qatari high-rollers, Saudi city prays for truce

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has downplayed the dispute with Qatar -- which led to a Riyadh-led embargo on the neighbouring emirate and shuttered their land border in mid-2017 -- as a trivial matter with limited impact on the kingdom.

But it is anything but trivial for Al-Ahsa, a desert oasis near the border where Qatari shoppers once kept the local economy humming, crossing over to buy relatively cheaper provisions -- from herbs and eggs to milk and camel meat.

The deep-pocketed residents of gas-rich Qatar -- one of the wealthiest countries per capita -- also pumped millions of riyals into local hotels, date plantations and other real estate.

But the Qatari money dried up when the embargo shut them out, unleashing economic pain and dividing extended families on both sides, an unintended consequence of a policy meant to hurt Doha's government.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9

(* A K P)

US clears weapon sales for Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Croatia, Canada, Brazil and South Korea

Saudi Arabia: The most unique of the six cases, the Saudi request involved $350 million in support services for five years, covered through the U.S. Military Training Mission to Saudi Arabia, or USMTM, located in Riyadh — an office of roughly 330 service members and U.S. contractors who help train the Saudi military.

Services included in the package are “pay and allowances for U.S. Military, U.S. Government, and Foreign National staff members; USMTM communications support costs; local contracting costs; construction and renovation costs of housing area; transportation costs; U.S. Mail services support costs; dependent education (grades K through 12); administrative costs; temporary duty costs for USMTM personnel; Value Added Taxes (VAT) assessed by Saudi Arabia; and future transition costs to move USMTM” to a proposed new housing location in Saudi Arabia, per DSCA.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Yemen central bank [Aden branch] shuts firms linked to currency crash

Yemen’s central bank has closed 30 private exchange firms for violating currency speculation rules after the Yemeni riyal hit a record low against the US dollar this week.

In a letter sent on Tuesday to local exchange firms and government and private banks, the central bank asked local monetary firms to sever ties with the blacklisted firms and freeze their accounts. The letter accused the firms of failing to comply with central bank regulations and taking part in currency speculation that led to the decline of the riyal.

The banned firms were established over the last five years when Yemen’s banking system fell apart amid the country’s civil war.

In a bid to curb currency speculation and money laundering, the Aden-based central bank has banned an informal remittance system between local exchange firms known as Hawala, and replaced it with a formal electronic network under its supervision. It also closed many unauthorized exchange firms and provided locals goods and fuel traders with hard currency.

(* B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen - Flash Update 10: YER Exchange Rate Volatility 15th November 2020 (October W4 & November W1)

The Flash Update for Exchange Rate Volatility consolidates daily exchange rate data collection throughout Yemen by CCY partners. The data is split between the two main economic spheres: De facto Authority (DFA) and the Internationally Recognized Government (IRG).

The IRG vs DFA exchange rate variation currently stands at a 236 YER difference. From the South to the North side there has been a 38% increase, with a 28% decrease from North to South.
The economic situation in both the North and South is still negatively affected by travel and trade restrictions
While remittances are becoming increasingly stable, they have still not returned to pre-COVID levels (see CCY Remittance tool)
There are still tensions between the STC and IRG, causing more uncertainty in the region
The supply of USD is limited which has an adverse impact on the exchange shops.

(* A E H)

Price of an egg going up now to Yer 100. In 2018 and 2019 was Yer 60. 2017=Yer 30. 2016= Yer 20.

(* A E)

The US dollar has rocketed to YR 900 versus the Yemeni Riyal while President Hadi and PM Abdulmalik are sleeping. /Voice of Yemen

(* A E)

The US dollar has rocketed to 880 versus the depreciating Yemeni Riyal [in Southern Yemen]. /Al-Shahed News.


(* A E)

Exchange Rate today in governorates under #Yemen-i govt control: 882 Yer= $1 231 Yer= 1 SR Houthis also now take 47% of a sum of money u transfer from govt-controlled areas 2 those under theirs. Meaning that food & commodity prices wud inevitably continue soaring,& no one cares.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(* A K T)

Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria return to Yemen's Marib

Tribal sources have disclosed that a number of Al-Qaeda leaders and fighters have returned to the Yemeni province of Marib from Syria in recent days, according to the Yemen News Portal.

The Al-Qaeda elements have reportedly arrived in Marib through the coast of Shabwah with many returnees from Syria settling in the two Yemeni provinces. The sources did not rule out whether these groups were linked in any way to factions supported by Turkey in Syria, amid suggestions by some Gulf news outlets that it has the intention to intervene in Yemen.

In the early years of the Syria conflict, there were unconfirmed but "credible" reports of several thousand Yemeni fighters from the local Al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar Al-Sharia operating alongside the group formerly known as the Al-Nusra Front which had previous formal ties with Al-Qaeda and is presently known as Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham.

The development comes as the provincial capital of Marib – Marib city which is the final stronghold of Saudi-backed forces in the north is facing the advancement of the Houthi-supported Yemeni military which has since entered a strategic area in the city's outskirts as of yesterday, taking control of the Nakhla area between Marib city and the Sarwah district.

My comment: Keep in mind: These are the “moderate rebels” the West supported in Syria. This is one point; they are no Syrians at all, this is the other. Al Qaeda, a tool of West countries to overthrow governments they dislike.

(A T)

Al Houthi militants claimed on November 29 arresting two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants near Dhi Kalib in central Yemen’s al Bayda governorate. AQAP previously claimed attacking al Houthi militants in al Bayda governorate in early October.[1]

(A T)

Bit of an own goal from #alQaeda in #Yemen. Section 3 of its latest tract handily reveals local criticisms of it, reinforcing the view that it's floundering

"You’re small & weak yet want to crush the enemy"

"You’re mad & irrational"

"You want to die & take others with you"

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Yemen’s Hadi Says Military Operations to Continue Until Houthis Defeated

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi stressed on Tuesday that military operations in the war-torn country will continue until Sanaa, which is run by Houthi militias, is liberated and the Iranian project is defeated.

My comment: hadi: We want war, not peace.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Hodeidah governor warns the people of Hodeidah that unless they liberate their Red Sea province from the Houthi militia, there is a risk the province will end up in the hands of non-Yemenis and “you will not be able to go in (your province) without an ID card.” He warned, “You will go to the province by the day and leave it by the night, just as workers.” He said “I am suffering” and “there are thingsI can’t reveal.” / A video clip of the governor going viral on several websites and on social media.

What a joke by an official of a government which is totally depending on Saudi Arabia, which even rules in forming a Yemeni government.

(A P)

Houthis are not only a terrorist group, but the worst one./Almostakbal Online.

(A P)

Yemen: Unilateral Houthi war & war crimes expose int’l hypocrisy

The unilateral Houthi war against Yemeni cities and war crimes against civilians is increasingly exposing an international hypocrisy.

Both the UN officials and the international media, who took the side of the Houthi militia for six years advancing only their narrative of the war, are completely ignorant as Houthis press ahead with their forever “holy war” in the country.

The UN and international media which bleak over every Houthi claim of civilian casualty from rare Arab Coalition strikes, are completely ignoring the daily Houthi crimes from ground war especially the recent escalation.

While the government forces and popular supporters are only on the defensive in the peripheries of the remaining government-held cities, the Houthis have been keeping the war and massacring Yemenis on all sides: Civilians in the oppositionist cities and armies of children they recruit of their will to go fight their unending war. They also maintain a range of other abuse forms concomitant to shelling as their mass killing method: landmining properties, sniper shootings and bombing houses.

My comment: Unilateral?????

(A P)

Mohammed bin Rashid: UAE contributed to the liberation of most of the Yemeni lands

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, said that the 2nd December will remain the nation's most cherished day wherein wisdom, principles and noble goals triumphed. "It is the day when our Founding Fathers embodied the quintessential Emirati values of dignity and steadfastness and represented the sense of belonging and national identity."
In a statement to 'Nation Shield,' the UAE Armed Forces magazine, on the UAE's 49th National Day, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed said, we work, initiate, strive, and foresee the future, and adopt strategic planning, and we do not start something without conducting a thorough study after assessing all possibilities.
This has enabled us to effectively contribute to combating extremism and terrorism, thwarting schemes to change Yemen’s identity and its belonging to the Arab world, and building channels of dialogue between cultures, and launching the Human Fraternity Document, with the participation of the top religious references in Islam and Christianity.
Regarding the UAE participation in Yemen, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed said that the Emirati armed forces have shown competence and courage in all the missions they have been assigned to, and have achieved victories and professional performances in the land of brotherly Yemen; they have contributed to the liberation of most of its lands. They carried out a strategic redeployment after successfully performing their mission and contributing to the rebuilding of the legitimate Yemeni forces.

Yemen has been the focus of attention and care of our state since its inception, and will remain so. Our state continues its contributions to the humanitarian efforts to support the Yemeni people, rebuild their infrastructure, and to continue to participate in international efforts seeking a peaceful solution that puts an end to Yemeni conflicts and divisions, he added.

(* A P T)

The Utility and Morality of Assassination

Assassination is just not simple. It carries the chance of failure and of retaliation. It’s a rational transfer solely in two instances: as a deterrent to frighten a corporation or state into altering coverage, or when the killing of 1 individual can be decisive in blocking an undesirable growth. I’ll concentrate on the second class, which seems to explain the assault in Iran. The top of a nuclear weapons program may be a genius, or he would possibly merely be a placeholder, shuffling papers, and his demise would possibly obtain nothing. To be a worthwhile goal, he should in some sense be irreplaceable. There shouldn’t be a cohort of younger geniuses the goal has nurtured over time, able to take his place. The assassination should have a big affect on a risk to be well worth the effort, the dangers and the implications of failure and retaliation.

The strategically important particular person is uncommon sufficient, however accurately figuring out him is rarer nonetheless. To seek out him, intelligence operatives should accumulate elusive data, and analysts should decide whether or not the knowledge is legitimate, not only a wonderful legend concocted by the person or others. Figuring out the indispensable individual is just not simple, since he could not exist.

Assuming an appropriate goal is discovered, his actions should then be tracked. With cellphones, such monitoring could also be simpler, however there are different gadgets which may, with problem and hazard, be used for monitoring. A sample should be uncovered in order that the assassination staff can assault. Most essential, it’s future actions that should be recognized, not previous ones. As well as, the goal should not be massively and successfully guarded always. Ideally, he’s minimally protected and follows a extremely predictable routine of motion by way of areas the place assassins would possibly wait with out being detected. The assailants want sufficient discover to have the ability to plan the place the goal shall be most weak.

One other problem inherent in assassination is the specter of revenge. Iran can’t invade Israel, and bombing Israel opens the door to intense retaliation. The proportional step, if certainly it was Israel that carried out the killing, is counter-assassination – or, extra possible on this case, a terrorist assault. A terrorist assault is detached to who’s killed as long as somebody is killed, and it’s due to this fact simpler to hold out.

The hazard now, nonetheless, is that the assassinations and counter-assassinations may spiral uncontrolled.

The “what ifs” are countless. The purpose is that whereas assassination is supposed to be a self-contained occasion, its permutations are countless and doubtlessly surprising.

The ethical query is, in my thoughts, easier than the sensible difficulties. It’s true that killing the citizen of a rustic with whom there is no such thing as a declaration of conflict is problematic. However declarations of conflict have passed by the wayside since 1945. There have been many wars and few have had formal declarations. So this characteristic of worldwide legislation has turn into meaningless, which I regard as a pity however a actuality. If there are going to be wars, I can’t think about why it’s extra reputable to kill 1000’s of individuals than it’s to kill one, simply since you formally said your intention premature.

I’ve problem understanding the ethical argument in opposition to assassination, or the sensible objective of pacifism. However I can perceive why assassination is uncommon: It is vitally troublesome to do and has potential penalties which can be dizzying. However when a surgical strike in opposition to one individual can improve the safety of the nation that assassinates, it will appear to be not less than as reputable as an invasion. However the circumstances beneath which you’ll be able to establish the indispensable determine and kill him are each uncommon and enormously troublesome. The issue is just not ethical however sensible.

My comment: Incredible. A justification of terrorism every terrorist could use for his claims. By an US “security” company, Primarius Group.

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni army seeks UN help to stop attacks on civilians

UN-related institutions need to take action to stop these massacres, protect civilians, says Yemeni National Army spokesman

The Yemeni army called on the UN on Wednesday to take action to stop attacks targeting civilians in the country.

Yemeni National Army spokesman Abdo Abdullah Majali said in a statement on the website that recent attacks by Houthi rebels on the cities of Taiz and Al Hudaydah were a massacre.

(A P)

Cabinet reaffirms Saudi commitment to Yemen security, development

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday reaffirmed its keenness on achieving security and development for the people of Yemen.
The Cabinet urged moving forward to implement the Riyadh Agreement to promote peace and stability, through a a comprehensive political solution.

(A P)

Photo: My fault, by God, there is no country in the world that supports school students with tables and puts their flag in this ridiculous way other than the UAE

(A P)

To complete Tehran’s grip on the capital, the Iranian ambassador inaugurates a new stage of isolating Sana’a gradually from the Arab world. /Al-Mostakbal Online.

(A P)

How #Houthis maintain dignity & sovereignty #Cartoon

(A P)

Film: While November 30 1967 marks the British departure from Yemen, the anti-imperialist struggle is far from over. The Yemeni people reignited the struggle 5 years ago to reclaim their long-lost sovereignty and to defeat foreign dominance. Glory!

(A P)

Film: "A united and democratic republic" has been the motto of the Yemeni revolutionary process ever since 1962. Yemen must be governed on the Yemeni people's terms solely. The era of foreign tutelage is long over. Self-determination, or expect fierce resistance.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Nov. 30:

Nov. 29:

Nov. 28:

Nov. 27:

Nov. 26:

Nov. 25:

Nov. 24:

(A K pH)

Saudis conduct airstrikes on Sana’a International Airport

and also

My comment: How often they will continue to strike this place? Another hint that these air raids are terrorism and aren’t warfare.

(A K pS)

Coalition strikes Houthi targets amid raging clashes in northeast Yemen

A Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen on Tuesday launched airstrikes against Houthi positions and reinforcements in the northeast of Marib province.
The Houthi reinforcements were targeted while on their way to the Murad Mountain in the district of Al-Rahbah in the south, a military source said, adding that a number of Houthi vehicles were destroyed.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids Hajjah p. Several prov. Marib p., Sanaa p. / Several prov. / Jawf p. Marib p. Several prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pS)

Masam: Over 200,000 mines cleared in Yemen

Director-General of Masam Project for Mine Clearance in Yemen Ousama Algosaibi said demining teams of the project have removed over 200,000 mines laid by the Iran-backed Houthi militia since mid-2018.

In an interview with The National, Algosaibi added that the project has cleared 16.419.688 square meters from mines left by the Houthi insurgents.

Algosaibi said the ultimate objective of the project is to make Yemen a mine-free country.

(A K pS)

Forever repeating attempts: Houthis begin new attack on Marib

(A K pS)

Fighting rages northern Taiz, Houthi militia shells city housing areas

(A K)

Yemeni army, Houthis fiercely fighting in Marib

(A K pS)

Houthis commit new massacre in the five-year-besieged city of Taiz

At least two kids were killed and another dozen wounded in a new massacre committed today by Houthi insurgents, Iran’s proxy in Yemen, against the five-year-besieged city of Taiz.

The militia targeted Osaifra neighborhood, north of the city, with mortar shells, killing a seven-month infant and another child,9, witnesses told Republican Yemen.

Medical sources in Al Thowra Hospital and Al Safwa Hospital said the two hospitals received 9 wounded civilians, 4 of whom in a critical situation.

and also:


(A K pH)

'Badr-P' hits enemy joint operations room in Marib

The missile force on Sunday launched a Badr-P ballistic missile on a joint operations room of the aggression in Tadawin camp in Marib province.

The ballistic missile hit its target accurately, armed forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree said.

Saree added eight Saudi commanders were killed and seven others injured in the missile strike, indicating that ambulances rushed to the scene.

and also

My remark: Earlier reporting in Yemen War Mosaic 697, cp17.


(A K)

Houthis claim killing of 8 Saudi soldiers in Marib

Missile targets joint operations room in Tadawin camp, says Houthi rebel group

and also


(A K pS)

The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Terrorist Houthi Militia Launches Ballistic Missile (Monday) Morning from (Amran), Falls in (Sa’dah)


(A K pH)

Saudi Arabia Investigating Targeted Joint Operations Room, Marib

Saudi Arabia dispatched an intelligence team to the city of Marib, to investigate the Yemeni Rocketry Force operation that targeted and destroyed the joint operations room in Tadawain camp in Marib governorate, killing of a number of senior Saudi officers.

Private sources told the Yemeni Press Agency, “that a Saudi helicopter with Saudi investigators landed this morning in Marib." He indicated that the Saudi investigation team includes Saudi intelligence officers.

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are going on and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K P)

UN HC Yemen Artillery shelling kills and injures women and children in Al Hudaydah Governorate:

“This attack on women and children is unacceptable and unjustifiable,” said Mr. Altaf Musani, Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen a.i., “We extend our heart-felt condolences to the families of those who died and wish the injured a swift recovery.”


(A K P)


Save the Children’s Yemen Country Director, Xavier Joubert, said:

“It’s appalling to witness more and more children losing their lives in their own houses, where they supposed to feel safe, play and study. Today’s attack comes just two weeks before the second anniversary of Stockholm agreement which seemed to be a political breakthrough in the peace process. Yesterday’s loss of four children proves that no progress has been made in the effort for sustainable peace.

“World leaders owe Yemeni children an apology. All parties to the conflict, including international powers fuelling this crisis, must do anything possible in order to ensure that children and their families are protected.


(* A K)

Charity says shelling kills 11 civilians in Yemen’s Hodeida

Artillery fire killed at least 11 civilians, including four children, near Yemen’s strategic port city of Hodeida amid that country’s grinding war, an international charity said Monday.

Yemen’s internationally recognized government blamed the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels for the attack. A spokesman for the Houthis did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Save the Children said the attack took place Sunday when shells hit home in the town of Durayhimi, just south of Hodeida

The shelling wounded 10 others.

“It’s appalling to witness more and more children losing their lives in their own houses, where they supposed to feel safe, play and study,” said Xavier Joubert Save the Children’s Yemen director.



(A K P)

Houthis commit plenary war crime in Hodeida: [Hadi gov.] Yemeni minister

My remark: Earlier reporting in Yemen War Mosaic 697, cp18.

(A K P)

Daily violations:

Dec. 2:

6569 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah during November

Nov. 30:

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

Film: Scene from every day rural life in #Yemen. If you visit Yemen, you would see alot of Yemenis driving Toyota-brand cars, if wondering why, just watch this.

(A K pH)

Film (in Arabic): Watch what happens to the cars and boats of travelers on the road between Sanaa and Marib 01-12-2020

(A H)

Congratulations to Prof. Hilal Lashuel from Yemen who takes home TAKREEM’s Award for Scientific and Technological Achievement. Dr. Lashuel’s research focuses on developing novel strategies to diagnose and treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

(A D)

”I paint my love for Yemen”, Wissam Al-Ansi

Now I want to present a painting of a Yemeni woman with traditional clothes, to be sold at an auction: 50% of the amount goes to the benefit of poor families and widowed women who lost their husbands and sons because of the war. The other half would help me go by and allow me to sustain my father and mother who are suffering because of the war.

For further information on Wissam Al-Ansi’s work, on the auction, his dreams and what sustains him, please visit his facebook page
WhatsApp: 00201154294403

(B P)


Das Projekt „Kulturnetzwerke Jemen“, das durch das Auswärtige Amt gefördert wird, hat sich der Förderung der Kunst- und Kulturszene im Jemen verschrieben. Es richtet sich an Kulturmanagerinnen und Kulturmanager, die mit ihren künstlerischen und sozio-kulturellen Projekten, kreative und sichere Plattformen für junge Menschen im Jemen schaffen. Das Projekt besteht aus einem Qualifizierungs- und einem Mentorenprogramm und unterstützt ausgewählte Vorhaben gezielt mit einem Produktionsfonds. Es dient als Auftakt für weitere Vernetzungs- und Förderungsprogramme.

Das kulturelle Leben im Jemen ist durch den anhaltenden Krieg stark beeinträchtigt. So gibt es kaum Möglichkeiten für kreative Talente, sich im künstlerischen Bereich weiterbilden zu lassen, Kunst- und Kulturprojekte umzusetzen und einem breiten Publikum zu präsentieren. Junge Kreativschaffende haben sich deshalb in den letzten Jahren zusammengetan und Initiativen gegründet, die Räume der Begegnung für Kunstinteressierte schaffen und es ihnen ermöglichen, ihre Fertigkeiten zu trainieren und ihre Ideen umzusetzen. So sind beispielsweise Kunstgalerien entstanden oder es finden Workshops für junge Filmemacherinnen und Autoren sowie Theateraufführungen und Social Media-Projekte statt.
„Kulturnetzwerke Jemen“ unterstützt diese aktive Szene und hilft jungen Menschen dabei, ihre Initiativen zu schärfen und neue Projektideen umzusetzen. Dafür werden bestehende Netzwerke ausgebaut und gesellschaftlich engagierte jemenitische Kreative im Bereich Kulturmanagement weiter qualifiziert. Darüber hinaus werden ihnen lokale und regionale Mentorinnen und Mentoren zur Seite gestellt, die auf ihre Bedürfnisse eingehen können. Ein Produktionsfonds unterstützt ausgewählte Projekte auch finanziell bei der nachhaltigen Umsetzung.
Hierbei ist der dezentrale Ansatz besonders wichtig

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-697 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-697: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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