Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 723 - Yemen War Mosaic 723

Yemen Press Reader 723: 3. März 2021: Wie man die Huthis zu einem Waffenstillstand bringen kann – Eskalation in Marib ist Todesstoß für Hadi-Regierung – Umweltschutzbulletin: Provinz Al-Mahra ..

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Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

(B K P)

Timeline: Yemen's grinding six-year war

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B K P)

Getting Yemen’s Houthis to “yes” on a ceasefire

The administration needs to develop incentives to get the Houthis to agree to a ceasefire, when they believe that they are on the cusp of a major victory against the Saudi-backed government in Sana’a.

The last 20 years of Yemeni history have seen repeated attempts by Yemen’s leaders — including Hadi and his predecessor Ali Abdullah Saleh, often with Saudi assistance — to pressure the Houthis. One thing is abundantly clear: The Houthis will not succumb to pressure. Almost six years of Saudi bombing, blockade, and humanitarian catastrophe have not moved the rebels. They are ruthlessly callow about the suffering of the Yemeni people.

They are undoubtedly encouraged in their resistance by Iran and Hezbollah

The Iranians provide aid to the tune of perhaps tens of millions of dollars per year, a pittance compared to what the Saudis pay to fund the war. For Tehran, the war in Yemen is a gift that ties Riyadh down in an expensive quagmire. The Iranians do not control the Houthis, but they have influence.


For the war to end, the Biden administration will need to lay out a political process that entices the Houthis to a ceasefire. A good place to start is the Saudi blockade, which is the cause of the humanitarian catastrophe. Washington should call for the immediate and unconditional end to the blockade and allow civilian traffic to Yemen’s ports and airports.

The blockade is an offensive military operation that kills civilians. Opening the blockade would be an act of goodwill and expose the war to more outside observers. Linking lifting the blockade to a ceasefire is a recipe for prolonging the suffering of the Yemeni people. The two issues need to be decoupled.

The United States should also open a direct dialogue with the Houthis. They are thuggish and violent, they have created a police state in the north. But that is the norm across most of the Middle East. The Houthis are a fact we cannot wish away. Their rhetoric is anti-American and anti-Semitic, but they have not matched their rhetoric with action. They believe America has been at war with them for six years, with good reason. Even now, the State Department is far more eager to condemn Houthi attacks than Saudi air strikes.

The Biden administration needs to address the United Nations Security Council Resolution passed during the Obama administration that blames the Houthis as solely responsible for the war and authorizes the blockade. A new, more balanced resolution is an essential step toward ending the war. It should condemn the blockade and call for a new, inclusive government.

It is highly unlikely that any diplomatic effort will produce a political settlement in Yemen in the immediate future. The country is simply too fractured to be reunited. The more likely outcome is multiple Yemens, like in the past.

The administration should also demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the country. The Saudis should be leveraged to get out of eastern Yemen. The Emiratis need to get out of the island of Socotra. Iranian advisers should go home. We should not make such withdrawals contingent on each other, the Saudis should leave Mahra now.

The sad reality of Yemen today is that it is broken beyond retrieval by six years of war that two American administrations supported.

The United States should organize an international conference for reconstruction in Yemen. The Saudis, Emiratis, and other Gulf states should pledge billions to rebuild Yemen’s shattered infrastructure, which they destroyed. Washington should also pay for the damage. But the reconstruction should hinge on a comprehensive ceasefire. The U.N. could control the fund to ensure all parts of the country get help. We need to do more than talking about ending the war – by Bruce Riedel

(** B K P)

Marib escalation in Yemen is final Houthi push against government

Ansar Allah effort to isolate the Yemeni city of Marib, conquer the governorate is in preparation for coming negotiations, experts say.

“Casualties are in the thousands, but nobody’s announcing anything,” Abdulghani al-Iryani, a senior researcher at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies in Yemen, told The Media Line. Al-Iryani explained that “this is the final push by the Houthis to lay siege on Marib, Marib city.” He believes that the Houthis will avoid entering the city, which is full of people that have fled from them and would therefore be hostile to the organization. He estimates that they instead will go around the city and “cut off the road to Saudi Arabia and to the rest of the country.”

The attack on Marib is concurrent with an American and international effort to resolve the Yemeni conflict by diplomatic means.

Al-Iryani, however, does not see an immediate connection between recent efforts and the attack on Marib. The Houthis have been preparing for the current attack since the middle of 2019, he said, adding that it had nothing to do with the new US government’s decision to revoke the terrorist designation.

The expert explained that the attack is the result of a long-time trend in the conflict. The internationally recognized government “has been losing the credibility and, therefore, legitimacy over the past few years, especially because of its total dereliction of responsibility” in leaving Yemeni citizens to starve while government officials accumulate huge sums of money and live comfortably in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, “the Houthis have been keeping their control over all manners of state power, and people are coming to recognize [them] as the de facto authority, so it’s normal … they will go for the final blow to the government, and that’s what is happening.”

Mihai Sebastian Chihaia, a Middle East political and security affairs expert from the Brussels-based European Policy Center, does see a connection between recent US policy and the current offensive. “The offensive on Marib is nothing new, it has been happening for quite some time, but now there is a new momentum for the Houthis to take Marib,” he told The Media Line, a sense of momentum deriving from the US removing its support for the coalition opposing them.

Chihaia explained why Marib is of such great importance for the warring factions. The governorate, which is relatively close to the Saudi border, has been a quiet refuge in recent years. The stability the area has enjoyed has made it into a symbol, Chihaia says, so conquering it will have “a symbolic importance.” In addition, Marib is also very important economically “because of the oil and gas resources.”

Both experts, however, tied the offensive to expected peace negotiations, rather than the requirements of war. Chihaia believes that “what will happen next is that there will be peace talks and they will be third-party-mediated peace talks,” possibly with Omani mediation. The Houthis, he reiterates, would like to capture Marib and its oil and gas fields for increased leverage during the talks.

Al-Iryani explained that “one objective of the attack on Marib for the Houthis is to force the Saudis to negotiate directly with them and cut off the internationally recognized government.”

Taking possession of Marib will probably force the Saudis to negotiate with the Houthis, he said, and thus in a way recognize the movement’s claim “that they are the government in Yemen and that Saudi Arabia should negotiate with us.” However, if that isn’t achieved and “negotiations do not commence after Marib is cut off, then the Houthis will go into the south, [and] maybe into Saudi Arabia.” – by Daniel Sonnenfeld =

(** B H P)

Yemen Environmental Bulletin: The Need for Climate Change Preparedness in Al-Mahra

Executive Summary

Climate change and its related impacts are evident in Yemen, including drought, extreme flooding, pest and disease outbreaks, rainfall pattern changes, increased frequency and severity of storms and rising sea levels. Together, they threaten the country’s natural systems and its communities that rely on natural resources. Al-Mahra governorate, where residents are heavily reliant on fishing, pastoralism and agriculture, is no exception to such climate change-induced destructive events, and its exposure to cyclones and floods has only been worsening in recent years.

Flash floods of 2008, tropical cyclones Chapala and Megh in 2015, and cyclones Sagar, Mekunu, and Luban in 2018 are examples of such extreme events that have caused loss of lives and livelihoods along with displacement and extensive damage to and destruction of houses, properties, farmlands, fishing equipment and infrastructure. More frequent and intense such storms are anticipated, directly impacting Mahris’ livelihoods.

Al-Mahra’s prevailing semi-arid climate together with its geographical characteristics have created a broad array of habitats and rich systems that support an appreciable assemblage of rare and endangered native species of flora and fauna. Important biodiverse systems in the governorate vulnerable to climate change impacts that require special consideration include the Hawf Protected Area, Abdullah Gharib Lagoons and Qishn Beach.

This paper highlights some key climate change concerns relevant to Al-Mahra, and aims to bring to the attention of stakeholders and decisionmakers some of the vulnerabilities requiring consideration when setting policies, strategies and programs in preparation for future extreme events in Al-Mahra. Experts interviewed for this report all pointed out the need for better preparation to manage the impacts of the changing climate. However, constraints exist in terms of availability of data and there are significant gaps that require field research into socioeconomic and local circumstances in Al-Mahra. Next steps and recommendations identified include:

Carry out a comprehensive Vulnerability & Adaptation assessment;

develop, approve and implement a disaster response plan;

establish an emergency fund for natural disasters at the governorate level;

develop and implement an awareness program on climate change-induced risks and disasters;

develop an integrated land-use management plan;

conduct Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) as an integral part of development activities; and

activate and enforce the existing management plan for the Hawf protected area.

From Introduction

Policy documents and technical reports developed in the context of climate change in Yemen concur that climate change is an evident phenomenon that threatens Yemen and its local communities, biodiversity systems and natural resources. Yemeni environmental officials have warned for more than a decade that the nation, which is categorized among the least-developed in the world,[1] is “highly vulnerable to climate change-related impacts such as drought, extreme flooding, pests, sudden disease outbreaks, changes of rainfall patterns, increased storm frequency/severity and sea level rise.”

This policy brief is meant to highlight some key areas and raise awareness among stakeholders, particularly planners and policymakers, about climate-related issues that should be considered while setting out policies, strategies and programs for Al-Mahra governorate. It also aims to provide guidance that would enhance resilience and build the adaptive capacity of vulnerable local communities in the face of climate changes as well as ease the impact of such changes on natural resources now and in the future.

Current data is limited for the subject area, Al-Mahra, and these gaps require a comprehensive assessment and field work that are beyond the scope of this policy brief. Therefore, a qualitative analysis approach was used to identify and analyze vulnerabilities and impacts of climate change; results presented are descriptive in nature.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(* A H)

32 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 2,342 in total

(* A H)

25 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 2,310 in total

(* B H)

An Australian doctor describes what it’s like fighting coronavirus in Yemen

A Sydney intensive care doctor says his most confronting moment treating COVID-19 patients in Yemen was watching a fellow doctor die a few hours after his oxygen supply was cut off.

When Dr Khairil Musa went to Yemen with humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières in May last year, he found the response to the pandemic in Yemen was very different from Australia.

“There wasn’t any social distancing, isolation, contact tracing; all these things just didn’t exist there,” he told SBS News.

Equipment that Dr Musa took for granted in Sydney was in short supply in Yemen. It was hard to get personal protective equipment, drugs, ventilators and oxygen. The oxygen the hospital did have wasn’t reliable.

Dr Musa tells the story about how one day a local doctor, an orthopaedic surgeon in his 40s, came into the hospital struggling to breathe. The Yemeni doctor was treated with oxygen and placed on a ventilator.

“One day the oxygen supply tank exploded so essentially cutting off the oxygen supply to this patient, and despite our best efforts even after the oxygen supply was fixed, he died a few hours later.”

It was a confronting and difficult situation for Dr Musa.

“I was told that he mentored a lot of junior doctors and was really well-loved.”

The director of the Centre for Humanitarian Health at Johns Hopkins University Professor Paul Spiegel has no doubts the number of infections in Yemen is much worse than what is being reported.

The professor, who trained as a physician and has studied the cholera outbreak in Yemen, said if there isn’t widespread vaccination in countries like Yemen, more variants will emerge.

“You can vaccinate 100 per cent of people in Australia but a variant may come up if you don’t take care of these other countries. Then the vaccine may not be applicable to that and therefore you’re back to square one.”

While Dr Musa is now back home in Sydney, Dr Abood Alsalahi is continuing the fight in Yemen.

Speaking from his home in Aden, he said there is a stigma in the country about having COVID-19.

The doctor is working in an isolation centre said some patients refuse to believe they have a positive swab. He said they say, “No, I’m not having COVID-19; it’s another disease,” because of the stigma.

He says he has discharged patients and told them to isolate at home, something they have told him they can’t do because there are only two rooms in their house; one for cooking and the other where the entire family sleeps.

Some patients also can’t afford the medication he prescribes.

Dr Musa says he is going to continue to work for Médecins Sans Frontières.

“People need to know about the situation in Yemen. Even before COVID-19 came they were already facing so many difficulties and it feels like the world has forgotten Yemen.”

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(A K)

Yemen War Map Updates

March 3:

March 2:

March 1:

Feb. 28:

Latest [War] Updates on Yemen, 2 March 2021

(* B K P)

Yemen – A Playing Field for Regional Powers

External powers have a key impact on what is happening in the war in Yemen, making the situation even more complex. Under its new president, Joe Biden, the US is strongly committed to ending the conflict. This remains a difficult task, argues Jeremy Guggenheim in this CSS Analysis. Even if the external actors were to retreat prematurely, Yemen would remain a divided country where different ethnic groups have a profound mistrust of each other.

Saudi and Emirati Objectives Since 2004, Saudi Arabia had been supporting the Yemeni government, led by President Saleh at the time, in the fight the Houthis. During its numerous wars, the Saleh government claimed that the Shiite militia was dependent on Iran. At the same time, the Saudi administration considered the Houthis, whose power base was in North Yemen on the Saudi border, as an association that threatened Saudi Arabia’s internal security. The fact that a marginalized and oppressed Shia minority lives in Saudi Arabia itself, also added to Riyadh’s concerns. The Houthi seizure of power fueled the dormant fear of having an Iranian ally on the border, potentially posing a similar threat to the one from Hizbullah that Israel lives with.

The military intervention in Yemen provided a perfect opportunity to promote a new self-image for the UAE. The “Arab Spring” brought about a weakening of the traditional centers of power in the region, such as Syria and Egypt. The emergence of this power vacuum allowed the UAE to break out of its traditional role as Saudi Arabia’s junior partner. After a period of domestic consolidation, made possible by greater repression of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Emirate of Dubai’s weakening power in the wake of the financial crisis, the Emirati Crown Prince began to pursue a more assertive foreign policy. The aim of its involvement in various crises (Yemen, Qatar, and Libya) was to emphasize the UAE’s new role as a revisionist counterpart to the transformative movement of the “Arab Spring” with the Emirati’s goal being to prevent political Islamist from gaining power.

However, the war objectives of the two allies, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, only coincide superficially. Both countries have different threat perceptions. Emirati policy prioritizes the suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood’s brand of political Islam, as it sees this group and its potential to mobilize transnational structures as the main threat to the stability of its regime. By contrast, suppressing expansionist Iran is the top priority of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the Emirati leadership sees the military intervention in Yemen as a means of bringing Yemeni ports under its control so that it can expand its room for maneuver in the Gulf of Aden.

It seems clear that Saudi Arabia will not be able to win the war militarily now that its closest ally has withdrawn and with the anticipated end of American support. During the past six years of war, the wider picture has also changed. Saudi Arabia’s reputation has been seriously damaged by the murder of Jamal Kashoggi and allegations of war crimes. On the domestic front, the huge costs of war are a heavy burden especially at a time when oil prices are low and with the expected consequential costs of the coronavirus pandemic. In terms of its war objectives, Riyadh seems to have fallen short.

At the very least, the UAE partially achieved its war aims – unlike Saudi Arabia – and has, therefore, shown that it is capable of pursuing an independent policy. The UAE has freed itself from the role of the Saudi junior partner and remains a major player in Yemen despite the troop withdrawal due to its allied militias. It has succeeded in capturing all major ports except Hodaidah, either by itself or through its allies. These strategic bases enable the UAE to intervene in Yemen again at any time and complement its existing ports and military bases in Africa.

and full report:

(* B P)

Audio: Building A Lasting Peace? Power Sharing And Sectarian Identities In Yemen

On Tuesday 2nd March 2021, the Foreign Policy Centre and the SEPAD project hosted an event entitled: ‘Building a lasting peace? Power sharing and sectarian identities in Yemen’. With speakers: Professor Simon Mabon (Director of the SEPAD project); Nadwa Al-Dawsari (Non-resident Scholar at the Middle East Institute); Maysaa Shuja Al-deen (Non-resident Fellow at the Sana'a Center for Strategic Studies); and Kate Nevens (Non-resident Consultant with the Yemen Policy Center). The event was chaired by Wayne David MP (Shadow Minister for the Middle East and North Africa).

Snippet, film:

(* B H K)

War and famine could wipe out the next generation of Yemenis

After years of violence half the population is going hungry and 400,000 under fives are at risk of dying from malnutrition

This terrible story repeats itself all over Yemen every single day. “Famine” is a complex technical term, which requires quality data that the country lacks. Labels aside, however, 16 million people – or half the country’s population – are definitely already going hungry.

As the UN struggles to raise funds for its humanitarian programming for 2021 – even from countries such as the UK and the Gulf monarchies, which play an active role in the conflict – the situation is only going to get worse.

Aid agencies warn that 400,000 children under five are at risk of dying from malnutrition. In Shabwa, a province I visited at the end of last year, the number of serious cases rose 10% in 2020. A hospital in Abs serving remote mountain village communities has just reported a 41% rise in serious malnutrition cases compared with the same period last year.

For children who manage to survive malnutrition and Yemen’s devastating outbreaks of cholera and dengue fever, the future still holds many hazards. A doctor in Shabwa put it succinctly when he said he worried that the country was losing a whole generation to war.

The average age of marriage for girls in some rural areas was just 14 before the war broke out, and has only dropped since. Boys as young as 11 are recruited to fight by parties on all sides of the complex conflict.

Death also comes from above in the form of Saudi- and Emirati-led coalition airstrikes.

The 70% of Yemenis living in Houthi rebel-controlled areas are well aware it is nations like the UK that enable bombing raids on their weddings, hospitals and schoolchildren.

Technical information and serial numbers from missile parts are easily traced to western arms manufacturers, and many families hang on to such evidence in the hope that, one day, justice for their loved ones will be served.

And while Joe Biden has said ending Yemen’s war is a priority for his administration, the renewed diplomatic push is unlikely to slow an intense upsurge in fighting since the beginning of the year over the central province of Marib.

(B K P)

Hoffnung auf Frieden im Jemen?

Die US-Regierung entzieht ihrem Bündnispartner Saudi-Arabien die Unterstützung für den Waffengang im Jemen. Die Huthi-Rebellen wittern Morgenluft. Kommt nach sechs Jahren Krieg nun endlich Frieden?

Ein Blick auf den Frontverlauf gibt keinen Grund zur Hoffnung.

Und doch zeichnet sich nach sechs Jahren Krieg eine Wende ab. Saudi-Arabien ist zunehmend isoliert und steht massiv unter Druck, den Waffengang zu beenden, nun auch aus Washington.

Nun erodiert die Unterstützung für den Einsatz. Saudi-Arabien kann den Krieg im Alleingang militärisch nicht mehr gewinnen. Die Huthis wittern ihre Chance, gehen in die Offensive. Sie wollen bei möglichen Friedensverhandlungen aus einer Position der Stärke heraus antreten. Für Saudi-Arabien dagegen kann es jetzt nur noch um Gesichtswahrung gehen.

(B K P)

Yemen’s uncertain path to peace

In the short term, Biden’s diplomatic approach in Yemen may not be enough to leverage peace

For the population, peace is long overdue. As reported by Newlines Magazine, many have welcomed efforts to reignite the peace process, but remain pessimistic about the prospect of a political solution in the near future.

The U.S.’ shift towards a diplomatic approach or even a hypothetical withdrawal of regional actors, like Saudi Arabia, would not necessarily result in the end of the civil war, warns Elena Delozier from the Washington Institute. In an interview on the Conversation Six podcast, she stressed that this conflict was and remains one mostly animated by local actors – the Houthis and the Yemeni government.

In addition to the U.S.’ dwindling support, the declassification last Friday of a report that found Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman responsible for approving the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, puts Ryadh in an increasingly defensive position.

But while it may reduce its military spending in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is expected to further its presence through local undercover fighters, according to Ahmed Nagi, a fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Institute.

Meanwhile, for the Houthis, the “priority today is to mak

(B H P)

Film: Oliver Wils (Senior Advisor Berghof Foundation) zur Lage im Jemen am 01.03.21

Talk mit Oliver Wils (Senior Advisor Berghof Foundation) zur UN-Geberkonferenz und der Lage im kriegsgebeutelten Jemen.

(* B P)

Put Yemen’s Civil Society – and Accountability — at the Center of the Push for Peace

N o parties have been held to account for abuses.

A lasting peace in Yemen will require addressing this legacy of impunity. Foreign powers with outsized influence over the war in Yemen have sidelined questions of accountability. It is now time for the United States and the international community to put Yemenis at the center of their policy on Yemen by throwing their support behind the country’s civil society. A Yemeni vision will be essential if there is to be political support, and at a later stage, endorsement for accountability and transitional justice.

Doing so means backing Yemeni civil society’s recommendations for not just ending the conflict but for restoring civic organizations decimated by the war, and it means helping Yemenis disrupt the cycle of impunity that threatens to undercut any peace agreement.

First, the United States should act to protect civic space and support civil society in Yemen, including by swiftly condemning harassment and reprisals by any party to the conflict against humanitarian and human rights organizations, as well as victims’ groups. Civil society is perceived as one of the few neutral constituencies in today’s Yemen, and these leaders are positioned to play a primary role in framing how durable peace can be achieved in Yemen, including the interplay between redress and peace with accountability.

The United States should also help channel support for Yemeni civil society so they can safely meet, deliberate, learn valuable lessons from other countries, develop and debate proposals, and forge national ownership over accountability mechanisms and redress for violations.

Second, the United States and others can support Yemeni civil society to explore new means of redress not only for grave human rights abuses, but also for economic and social violations and the enormous and varied costs of the conflict to Yemen and its people. From the punishing Saudi blockade and weaponization of humanitarian aid, to the Central Bank crisis and war profiteering, a report our organization, the Open Society Foundations, released recently finds that many Yemenis put a high priority on addressing economic crimes and grievances.

Finally, these commitments should be backed up with greater leadership by the United States and other members of the U.N. to advance accountability. Since 2015, references to accountability and transitional justice in Yemen have been gradually dropped from Security Council resolutions.

My comment: Of course, civil society in Yemen must be strengthened, it will be the main driver for peace. But: Here Soros’ Open Foundation claims to promote this – an organisation of an US oligarch who claims he has the right to interfer eberywhere on this planet. – And the US empire, for decades a force of horror all over thew world (Yemen included), hardly could play the role of peace broker and mediator. And: If “accountability” for war crimes in Yemen is claimed here, pease hold accountable all war criminals and not just a few one. And, it would be the best idea to start in your own country. Start by Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton…

(* B H K P)

Yemen, Where Pitiless Geopolitics is Causing Famine

What is it about proxy wars that make them so very nasty? Is it really possible that at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, hard-by some of the richest kingdoms in the world, millions of children may starve to death in the worst famine of recent times? Are these questions linked?

The region is an epic governance fail that probably cannot be resolved in any ordinary, decent person’s favour until the oil, morally adulterated with mrillions of gallons of human blood over the decades, runs out. Unfortunately for the cohorts of children who could starve to death imminently in Yemen, the oil will keep flowing. And many of them will most likely die. That’s because the blockade of the country imposed by the Saudis, flush with petrodollar-purchased artillery and jets, has made humanitarian relief in the country near-impossible on a nationwide basis.

When it comes to the vicious rat-sack that is Persian Gulf politics, the religious freakery of Saudi-Sunni/Iranian-Shi’ite means that, just as in European religious wars of a previous period, no holds are barred. Kids? Let ‘em starve. Billions of dollars-worth of high-tech U.S., British, and French arms spray death all around. It’s a humanitarian desert, by design, pour encourager les aûtres.

Round and round we go. The war is underreported in the West, as it’s U.S.-supported. UN appeals to reason and humanity fall in the Oil Peninsula on ears deafened by ideology to the cries of children, crushed to dust by these geopolitics. It’s the new Middle East, 21st-Century style.

(B H K P)

Krise in der Krise in der Krise

Geberstaaten haben 1,7 Milliarden US-Dollar zugesagt, um die Not im Jemen zu lindern. Was es aber eigentlich braucht, ist eine politische Lösung.

Es sind Herausforderungen wie zu hohe Transportkosten, zu wenig medizinisches Personal auf dem Land, lange Wege in die Städte und Sicherheitsprobleme an den Checkpoints, die den Je­me­nit*in­nen zu schaffen machen. Besonders in den ländlichen Gebieten haben Gesundheitseinrichtungen geschlossen oder sind im Krieg zwischen Huthi-Rebellen auf der einen und jemenitischen Regierungstruppen und saudischen Kampfjets auf der anderen Seite zerbombt worden.

Doch humanitäre Hilfe allein wird den Konflikt nicht beenden. „In den Medien gilt der Jemen ja entweder als humanitäre Krise oder als Stellvertreterkrieg“, sagt Mareike Transfeld vom Yemen Policy Center. „Ich finde es wichtig zu unterstreichen, dass es sich nicht nur um eine eine humanitäre, sondern auch um eine politische Krise handelt, die auch diplomatisches Engagement erfordert.“

Denn momentan spitzt sich der Konflikt wieder zu. Versuche des UN-Sonderbeauftragten Martin Griffiths, einen landesweiten Waffenstillstand zu erreichen, waren bislang nicht erfolgreich. Transfeld zufolge hatte zudem die Ankündigung der neuen US-Regierung, die Saudis im Krieg gegen die Huthis nicht mehr zu unterstützen, nicht nur positive Folgen. So habe Joe Bidens Ansage, „relevante“ Waffenverkäufe an Riad zu beenden, die Huthis ermutigt, ihre Offensive auf Marib fortzusetzen. Die Region östlich von Sanaa steht aktuell im Mittelpunkt der Kampfhandlungen.

„Die Huthis sind mittlerweile so stark, dass der bisherige UN-Ansatz nicht ausreicht“, sagt Transfeld. „Es gibt absolut keine Anreize für die Huthis, in Verhandlungen zu gehen, besonders nicht, wenn die Möglichkeit besteht, Marib einzunehmen.“ Von mehreren Fronten rücken Huthi-Kämpfer derzeit auf die Region und die gleichnamige Stadt vor. Eine Katastrophe sei vorprogrammiert: „Marib ist nicht nur eine Hochburg der Regierung, sondern auch Zuhause von circa einer Million Binnenflüchtlingen.“!5754439/

(* B H K P)

Yemen Crisis 5 Year Dataset

This dataset with visualisation brings together data from a range of sources to provide a greater overall and comparative changes of the Yemen situation and context in past five years at country level. The indicators are selected based on the avialablity of data and based on ACAPS analytical framework specified in ACAPS core data set product from Yemen. When analysing and interpreting the data, please be aware that some indicators are tablulated at monthly and some are in Yearly based on data avilability and nature of indicator. There are major impediments on collecting information in Yemen. Therefore, this dataset has been given a ‘Medium’ reliability ranking by the ACAPS analyst team. The Yemen Analyst Hub recommends that this dataset is used only as a starting point. It will enable you to quickly see the five years trend in Yemen crisis. However, for operational decision making, we recommend you check the sources of data and cosult with data sourced organisation and frontline workers.

Yemen CrisisInSight Core Dataset 2021

This dataset brings together data from a range of sources to provide a greater overall and comparative understanding of the current situation and context inside each district. The core indicators consist of key drivers (conflict, basic commodity prices, exclusion and marginalization, and disrupted access to life-saving services and income sources) and their major expected humanitarian impacts (food insecurity, cholera). The dataset includes a mix of quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data is collected by ACAPS through daily media monitoring, secondary data review, thematic products and discussions with experts in Yemen and the region. ACAPS tracks changes in these indicators and alerts the humanitarian community to emerging trends or risks that could overwhelm local coping mechanisms in Yemen, triggering a humanitarian emergency. This dataset forms the core of ACAPS Yemen Crisis Insight bi-monthly products such as the Yemen: Crisis Impact Overview and Yemen Risk Overview, and ad hoc risk alerts.

(* B H P)

Die Not wird immer größer

Fast vier Milliarden US-Dollar an humanitärer Hilfe braucht der Jemen laut UNO allein im Jahr 2021. Nun beginnt eine internationale Geberkonferenz.

Warnungen vor einer sich zuspitzenden Lage im Jemen verpuffen mittlerweile international weitgehend, sprechen die UN doch schon seit Jahren von der schlimmsten humanitären Krise der Welt. Im Jemen herrscht eine Hungerkrise, Fotos unterernährter Kinder zeigen, was man sonst aus dem arabischen Raum kaum kennt. Immer wieder kommt es zudem zu Cholera-Ausbrüchen.

Doch „die humanitäre Situation verschlechtert sich immer weiter“, sagt Mugahed. Aktuell herrsche auch Angst vor einer neuen Welle der Coronapandemie, auch wenn es verlässliche Infektionszahlen weder aufseiten der Regierung noch aufseiten der Huthis gebe. „Dass jetzt die Regenzeit kommt, erhöht den Ernst der Lage noch.“

Internationale Hilfsorganisationen sowie die UNO teilen Mugaheds Einschätzung. Auf einer für Montag geplanten internationalen Geberkonferenz fordern die UN 3,85 Milliarden US-Dollar an Hilfszusagen.

Im vergangenen Jahr sind insgesamt nur rund 1,9 Milliarden US-Dollar Hilfe für Jemen zusammengekommen – zu wenig. „Die UN und die humanitären Organisationen hatten keine andere Wahl, als lebensrettende Programme zurückzufahren“, sagt David Miliband von der Hilfsorganisation International Rescue Committee.

Unter anderem die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate hatten ihre Hilfe 2020 massiv reduziert.

„Vielleicht wäre es für diese Länder angemessener, zuerst den Waffenfluss zu stoppen“, sagt Rim Mugahed, „und darüber nachzudenken, wie viel Waffenfirmen durch diesen Krieg gewonnen haben.“ Alles, was die saudisch geführte Militärkoalition bislang erreicht habe, sei, dass das Land und seine Infrastruktur zerstört sind.!5754166/

und ähnliche Übersichtsartikel: (Film)

(* B H K P)

Aisha Jumaan in Film: US administration @JoeBiden @SecBlinken needs to help lift the blockade on #Yemen, revise the UNSCR that led to the war with an inclusive and just resolution, and delink peace negotiations in Yemen from the Iran ones. Yemeni should NOT be held hostage.

US, UK, France and others who support the Saudi/UAE war on Yemen, need to pay reparations to the Yemeni people. Saudi/UAE paid hundreds of billions of dollars to these countries for arms. A fraction of that can save millions

(B K P)

A Saudi-American fiasco

Yemen’s [Sanaa] government forces have launched a liberation campaign to capture the strategic province of Marib while initiating a new operation against Saudi Arabia, a move that indicates the growing capabilities of the Sanaa government despite the Saudi-led war on Yemen.

Marib has become a battleground that would determine the fate of the Yemen war. Over the past few days, the Sanaa-based government forces have increased their military activities in a bid to liberate Marib from the Saudi-backed forces who appeared to endure a series of defeats on various fronts. A military source close to the Saudi-backed forces told the AFP news agency that more than 20 members of the Saudi-backed forces were killed in the last 24 hours in the fighting.

Marib is the last bastion of the Saudi-baked forces in northern Yemen. “Fighting continues unabated on all fronts in Marib province,” the source said.

In an attempt to prevent Marib city from falling in the hands of the Yemen forces, Saudi Arabia has launched an air campaign against the Yemeni forces in a number of provinces.

However, Saudi Arabia failed to stop the march of the Sanaa forces toward Marib. This debacle is the latest in a series of failures that Saudi Arabia has faced in Yemen in recent weeks despite enjoying overwhelming international support, including from the United States.

Of course, the U.S. has most recently sought to distance itself from the Saudi fiasco in Yemen by taking a series of measures that seemingly restrict American support for the Saudi war on Yemen.

The U.S. threw its weight behind Saudi Arabia over the years of the Yemen war, selling it state-of-the-art offensive weapons. But this all-out earned the U.S. nothing but a heinous reputation as complicit in the worst humanitarian disaster of the world.

My remark: An Iranian viewpoint.

(* B P)

«Vor dem Putsch der Huthi-Miliz waren wir in Jemen nur wenige Schritte vom Übergang zur Demokratie entfernt»

Die Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Tawakul Karman sieht den Westen in der Pflicht, sich für ein Ende des Krieges in Jemen einzusetzen. Zehn Jahre nach dem Arabischen Frühling glaubt sie weiter an den Aufbau eines demokratischen Staats.

Karman: Vor zehn Jahren war Jemen in eine Sackgasse geraten und wurde als gescheiterter Staat wahrgenommen. Ali Abdullah Saleh war dabei, den Wandel in einen autokratischen Staat zu vollenden, womit er solche Probleme schuf, dass es eines Wunders bedurfte, um den Sturz in den Abgrund zu verhindern. Die Revolution, die in diesem Moment ausbrach, richtete sich gegen die korrupte und klientelistische Herrschaft Salehs, die zur Verarmung der Jemeniten führte, viele politische Fragen ungelöst liess, die staatlichen Institutionen schwächte und am Ende die Republik untergrub, indem Saleh versuchte, die Macht an seinen Sohn weiterzugeben. Wie Millionen Jemeniten träumte ich von einem Staat, der frei ist von Korruption und der Kultur der Missachtung des Rechts.

Nach dem Erfolg der Revolution und dem Sturz von Saleh wurde ein friedlicher demokratischer Machtwechsel vereinbart. In der Tat beteiligten sich alle politischen Parteien und Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft an einem fast neunmonatigen inklusiven politischen Dialog, der zum Entwurf einer Verfassung führte, welche die Etablierung eines modernen demokratischen Systems sicherte, in dem alle Rechte und Freiheiten gewahrt sind. Wäre nicht der Putsch von Saleh und der Huthi-Miliz passiert, wären wir in Jemen nur wenige Schritte entfernt gewesen von einem Referendum über die neue Verfassung und dem Übergang zur Demokratie, wie es das Ziel der Revolution war.

Der blutige Putsch gegen den Staat hat Jemen in eine Spirale des Chaos gestürzt. Die friedlichen Revolutionäre dafür verantwortlich zu machen, ist aber ein grosser Fehler.

Die Situation in Jemen ist düster. Die westlichen Staaten stehen in der Pflicht, den Jemeniten zu helfen, den Krieg zu überwinden und seine Folgen zu bewältigen. Meiner Ansicht nach können sie mit praktischen Schritten zum Frieden beitragen, etwa mit strengen Sanktionen gegen die Parteien und Individuen, die sich den Bedingungen für einen gerechten Frieden widersetzen, sowie dem Stopp des Verkaufs von Waffen an die Kriegsparteien, besonders Saudiarabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate und Iran. Ich rufe die westlichen Staaten auch auf, dabei zu helfen, ein Sondergericht für Jemen einzurichten, um jenen den Prozess zu machen, die in Kriegsverbrechen verwickelt sind. Denn ich glaube, dass nur so die Bedingungen für die Wiederaufnahme des politischen Prozesses geschaffen werden können.

(* B P)

Tawakkol Karman: Ending the Yemen war requires U.S. action

Tawakkol Karman: On a personal level, I am optimistic that Joe Biden is prepared to work politically and diplomatically to put an end to the suffering of Yemenis caused by this war and to help them find a solution. Ideally, this would prepare the country to complete a political transition process. The Trump administration blindly supported the UAE and Saudi Arabia. It is also possible that the new administration may reactivate the role of the UN to defend a serious and tangible solution to ending the war. I see a U.S.-led international mobilisation to pressure the warlords, their Saudi and Emirati leaders in the coalition, as well as the Houthi militias in Sanaa to reach a solution – this is key to ending the war in Yemen.

Everyone knows what ambitions Saudi Arabi and the UAE harbour in Yemen: a continuation of the war, so that the coalition can – through blockade, destruction, and tutelage – remain in control in the situation. This, in and of itself, strengthens the Houthis' position, thanks to public and clandestine support from Iran. Saudi Arabia and Iran are controlling the war in Yemen to the extent that it aligns with their interests. These interests clearly do not include a limit to Yemen’s suffering, or any consideration for Yemenis who might one day want to return home.

With regard to destructive Saudi and Emirati policies, the coalition is overseeing another coup in Aden and in several other governorates, which it claims to have liberated from Houthi control. These areas have been handed over to coalition-aligned militias, whose violence the coalition has legitimised in the process.

The Saudi-led coalition has prevented the president and the internationally recognised government from carrying out their objectives inside Yemen, while pursuing its own coalition agenda of annexing the island of Socotra, controlling Balhaf gas and oil facilities, and establishing a new militia on the western coast and in Al-Mukha.

The grim reality of the coalition’s role illustrates that international pressure is the main route to ending the war in Yemen and allowing the Yemenis to rebuild their country. Rebuilding the Yemeni state and restarting the political process can only happen if the international community exerts pressure on Saudi Arabia and the UAE to withdraw and lift the blockade. I think the new U.S. administration has a real opportunity and there is hope in Yemen that it will adopt this role. We need true support from the international community to stop this suffering.

(A P)

Ansarullah fordert das Ende der Blockade gegen den Jemen

Ein Mitglied des Politbüros der jemenitischen Ansarullah-Bewegung hat das Ende der Blockade gegen das Land als Bedingung für die Einstellung der Angriffe auf Saudi-Arabien bezeichnet.

"Die Entscheidung über den Stopp oder die Fortsetzung der Raketenangriffe hängt von der Beendigung der Aggression gegen den Jemen und der Blockade des Landes ab", zitierte der Fernsehsender Al-Mayadeen am Sonntag Mohammad al-Bukhaiti, Mitglied des Politbüros der Ansarullah. Danach sei Sanaa für Dialog und eine politische Lösung der Krise bereit.

(B P)

Audio: The Arab Spring 10 years on

Sahar Khamis, Sabina Henneberg, Karam Shaar, and Ibrahim Jalal join host Alistair Taylor to examine the legacy and impact of the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria ten years after the uprisings began.

(* B P)

Yemen’s Endless Winter

How Yemen still craves all it aimed to accomplish in the Arab Spring and more

But does that mean the 2011 revolution failed, that it has all been a mistake? Far be it for me to say. What is unquestionable, however, is that for a moment, an alternative seemed possible.

“This isn’t just a reckoning for all of us,” a member of parliament who defected from Saleh to back the protests told me in 2012. “It’s an opportunity for us to get our shit together.”

Despite the genuine efforts of more than a few individuals, that unfortunately did not happen. The divides that many in the 2011 uprising aimed to transcend instead ended up dragging the country into a devastating, seemingly unending civil war. Ten years later, Yemen has found itself again in the headlines amid a diplomatic push by the Biden administration and U.N. Special Envoy Martin Griffiths to end the conflict. The country has found itself a battleground in a regional power struggle, with much of the discourse on the conflict almost seeming to elide the aspersions of Yemenis themselves. It’s a far cry from when swaths of Yemenis taking to the streets made headlines just a decade ago — or even from the transitional process that followed, which was centered on an extended, inclusive Conference of National Dialogue that brought a diverse array of Yemenis together to forge a new national compact.

If Yemen emerges from this conflict, it will find that the broader goals — dignity, justice, and the rule of law — that motivated the masses in the first place have remained unchanged. These goals provide the only real basis for building a sustainable peace. Until Yemen has governing structures that work for Yemenis, rather than ones that work around them, endless cycles of conflict seem all but inevitable – by Adam Baron

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(* A K P)

Film: Very very bad situation in #Yemen! It is the worst since the war began in 2015! Ambulances are waiting in queues due to the oil crisis caused by #Saudi seige.

(A K P)

Severe shortages of cooking gas as well as fuel in #Yemen. Meanwhile, ships carrying gas Abd fuel are diverted to Jeddah. This is what a siege looks like. Lift the Saudi blockade on #Yemen


(A P)

Health calls on United Nations to play role to stop aggression

The Public Health and Population Ministry has renewed its demand to the United Nations to do its duty and work to stop the aggression and lift the continuous siege on the Yemeni people for six years.

(A H K)

3rd day my daughters Stopped 2 go 2 schol coz fule of my car empty & oilship stil blocked by KSA & UAE to arrives Hodeidah seaport n Yemen.Imagine tht my daughters r ur daughters,wht do u think?

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp7

(* B H)

Film: Die humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen

"Kindheit im Jemen ist eine besondere Art der Hölle", sagte UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres jüngst. Der seit Jahren währende Krieg zwischen Huthi-Rebellen und den von Saudi-Arabien und anderen unterstützten Regierungstruppen führt das Land in eine humanitäre Katastrophe. =

(B H)

Protection Cluster Yemen - Sana’a (and other provinces) Hub Snapshot (January - December 2020)

Protection Cluster Yemen - Sana’a Hub Snapshot (January - December 2020)

(B H)

Film: The fishermen and farmers are potential subject to imminent sea disaster, in the event of oil spills from the dilapidated #FSOSafer oil tanker, abandoned off the Yemeni coast in the Red Sea. Video by: #HolmAkhdar

(B H)

Training on sewing improves Rasha's life

Rasha Mohammad Ali is a Yemeni woman in her forties, who supports a family consisting of her husband (with chronic heart disease), 5 sons and 3 daughters.

Rasha and her family used to live in Haradh, Saada governorate, but war forced them to flee to Qamal camp in the Al-Talh area, Sahar district. Heading her family, she tried to cope with displacement, which she describes as harsh and tiring because she had to endure many life difficulties.

Fortunately, Rasha was nominated to join a training program on capacity building in livelihood skills (sewing), implemented by the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response, targeting 140 IDPs in 7 professions within the activities of the Camp Management Support Project and the Simple Maintenance of Displaced Community Sites, in the districts of Sahar and Safra, and funded by Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF).

(* A B H)

Gefangen in Krieg und Armut

Millionen Jemeniten leben im Elend, gerade Kinder hungern. Doch bei einer Geberkonferenz kommt weniger Geld zusammen als benötigt. Wird die Not noch größer?

Die fehlenden finanziellen Hilfen dürften dramatische Folgen für den Jemen haben, wo fast die ganze Bevölkerung – seit Jahren gefangen in Krieg und Armut – nicht mehr ohne Unterstützung über die Runden kommt. Viele Familien wissen nicht einmal, wie sie an die nächste Mahlzeit kommen sollen, geschweige denn, woher das Geld für Arztbesuche oder Medikamente kommen soll. Denn durch den Konflikt hat auch die Wirtschaft verheerenden Schaden genommen.

Zum einen kann der Staat kriegsbedingt seinen Aufgaben nicht mehr nachkommen. Es gibt so gut wie keine funktionierende Trinkwasserversorgung, gerade mal die Hälfte der Gesundheitseinrichtungen funktioniert noch. Schulen sind oft geschlossen. Schon vor der Corona-Pandemie bekamen laut Unicef zwei Millionen Kinder keinen Unterricht – nun ist deren Zahl um fast sechs Millionen gestiegen.

Zum anderen können sich Familien selbst Grundlegendes nicht mehr leisten. Vor allem Jobs sind Mangelware. Aber ohne Arbeit fehlen Einkünfte. Deshalb müssen Kinder betteln, Mädchen prostituieren sich, Jungs schließen sich bewaffneten Gruppen an. Die finanzielle Notlage führt zudem dazu, dass sich immer mehr Jemeniten verschulden, um an Arzneien und Lebensmittel zu kommen. Das geht aus einer Befragung von Oxfam hervor.

Die Entwicklungsorganisation hat vor Kurzem Ladenbesitzer und Apotheker befragt. Kreditwürdig sind demnach immer häufiger nur jene Kunden, die ein monatliches Einkommen haben. Doch kaum ein:e Jemenit:in kann so etwas vorweisen. Daran wird sich in absehbarer Zeit nichts ändern. Denn der Krieg findet kein Ende.

(B H)

Yemen Access Constraints Map, March 2, 2021

(A H)

We distributed food baskets to 50 displaced families at a shelter in Sana'a, will feed over 300 people a month. Thks so much to all our donors without exception for support our humanitarian work to save my Ppl #help via link… (photos, film)

(* B H)

Bringing life back to the ports of Yemen

The ports are crucial to Yemenis having access to food, but not necessarily with them being able to eat. You see, the food shortage in Yemen is unique and not at all what you would expect. Yemen is on the brink of famine because of the cost associated with the imported foods, not because it is unavailable; nearly half the population receives food aid from the international community. The conflict has caused many to lose their jobs, those with employment must work for less pay, and civil workers have not been paid regularly, or fully, in years.

To put it plainly, the markets are overflowing with food, but Yemenis cannot afford it.

One of the contributing factors to the high food prices in Yemen is the cost of doing business in the seaports. Damage from the war and years of neglect have had severe effects on the ports’ infrastructure and equipment, leading to congestion and long waiting times before vessels can berth. In addition, “war risk” insurance is being imposed on arriving ships.

Congestion, insurance premiums, and inspections are causing significant additional expenses for importers, nearly doubling the price of shipping for every container. The costs are being directly absorbed by consumers at the markets, grocery stores and shops. It’s a cost that few Yemenis can afford.

UNDP is working in a unique public-private partnership with the Ports of Rotterdam and the national Port Authorities in Yemen to help put food on the average Yemeni table..

In July 2019, we assessed the Ports of Hodeidah, Salif, and Ras Issa in the north and we are undertaking similar exercise in the Ports of Aden and Mukalla in the south. These technical assessments are crucial to helping ensure Yemen’s major ports can function better, in compliance with international standards, and with efficiency and safety.

If we fix vital port infrastructure such as the cranes, the navigation system, the storage capacity, and the buoys then it will increase the number of ships that sail into the ports, decrease the very expensive time spent in dock to offload cargo, and decrease the cost of insurance for shipping lines and trading companies wanting to do business in Yemen. These are costs absorbed directly by the consumers and is one of the issues associated with the high cost of food.

Investment in infrastructure is often overlooked in crisis countries such as Yemen, but UNDP views this as an extremely important effort to facilitate the entry of humanitarian assistance, to build peace, and to invest in development and future growth.

(* B H P)

The biggest Yemen donor nobody has heard of

The New Humanitarian has learnt that a new fund with deep pockets has emerged on the scene, looking to give hundreds of millions of dollars towards hunger relief in the country.

While some UN aid agencies and at least two large NGOs are in talks with the new Famine Relief Fund, others are shying away due to concerns over where the money is coming from and unusual requirements for how quickly it should be spent.

The large – and troubled – Yemen aid operation is underfunded in a time of severe hardship for many civilians.

The new fund could change this. According to a document shown to TNH by sources in the aid community but not made public, it is looking to prevent “widespread famine” by mid-year with a “rapid funding injection” to be spent within months.

It has invited proposals from international aid groups already working in Yemen, and sources close to the negotiations suggest it has plenty to spend. While agreements have not yet been signed, the sources told TNH that around $400 million in contracts to UN agencies and NGOs are in discussion. If this amount is reached, the fund would be in the top 15 humanitarian donors worldwide – bigger than many European nations – and in the top three to Yemen.

Almost nobody, including aid groups who confirmed they had applied for money from the fund, has been willing to say where the money comes from. The one exception is a spokesperson for Action contre la Faim (Action Against Hunger, or ACF) who told TNH the charity was “in the process of submitting a proposal to the fund”, and that the donors are “private Gulf entities, as far as we know”.

Incorporation documents show that the fund’s director is Timothy Collins, an American investor and financier who is CEO and managing partner of the New York-based private equity firm Ripplewood Advisors.

In addition to Collins, according to leaked emails shared with TNH by sources in the aid industry and interviews with UN and NGO officials, management is being headed up by two former aid bigwigs: John Ging and Neal Keny-Guyer.

Until late 2018, Ging oversaw operations for OCHA, the UN’s emergency aid coordination body. Keny-Guyer was the CEO of the US-based NGO Mercy Corps from 1994 until 2019, when he resigned after the charity acknowledged it had mishandled long-standing accusations of childhood sex abuse against its co-founder.

Neither Ging nor Keny-Guyer responded to requests from TNH for comment. Collins declined to comment.

The Famine Relief Fund was registered in Bermuda as a limited company as of 3 February 2021, according to a document seen by TNH. With Collins as director, three Bermuda-based individuals appear to form its interim board.

In an email to prospective grantees obtained by TNH, Keny-Guyer wrote that the organisation is a “special purpose vehicle to alleviate hunger and prevent famine in Yemen”. It continues: “[We] know this structure is novel. Everything is designed to ensure that a rapid response fund can be stood up and administered with optimal speed, low bureaucracy, and high accountability.”

According to well-placed sources, the World Food Programme, UNHCR (the UN’s refugee agency), and UNICEF are negotiating sizable amounts from the fund

(* B H)


Mental health in Yemen requires attention due to the country’s ongoing troubles. For six years now, Yemen has been facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world—more than 80% of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 12 million children who have no hand in the fight for power and status. To make the matter worse, the outburst of COVID-19 drove the country into “an emergency within an emergency.”

Only half of Yemen’s health facilities are capable of functioning in the worst of circumstances

Due to the crippling stress on the backs of the Yemeni people, an estimate of one in five people in Yemen suffer from a mental health disorder, according to a study that the Family Counselling and Development Foundation conducted in 2017; this includes depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Moreover, due to the lack of education and facilities, the number of psychiatrists is small with almost 0.2 psychiatrists per 100,000 people as of 2016. This amounts to 40 psychiatrists for the entire population. Additionally, to add to the misery and the deteriorating mental health in Yemen, some of the few existing mental health services closed due to the pandemic.

However, amidst all the odds, and all the difficulties that Yemen is facing in trying to stay afloat, UNFPA has not ceased to offer its mental health services to the survivors of gender-based violence and improve the mental health in Yemen. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the United Nations sector that works
to protect youth’s potential and ensures that every childbirth is safe.

In the beginning, social workers carried out the work, however, in 2018, the UNFPA offered its help and assistance through psychological support centers as well. These centers were capable of providing “specialized and clinical mental health care, including through telephone assistance.” Currently, even during the coronavirus outbreak, six UNFPA- supported psychological centers are operating and helping those in need—the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid provides support to two of these centers that provide crucial assistance to the Yemenis when they need it most.

Due to the increased demands for mental support, UNFPA increased the number of counselors available for people’s convenience. The counselors became available to deliver telecounseling services via 18 toll-free telecounseling hotlines in order to assist survivors of gender-based violence and educate the population on COVID-19 prevention. The results were so impressive: nearly 18,000 people received specialized psychological support through the toll-free hotline from 2018. Moreover, more than 25,000 survivors of violence received psychological support in the form of in-person counseling. UNFPA aims to help assist 5.5 million people via essential and life-saving services by 2019.

Moreover, the International Organization of Migration (IOM) provides a safe place for children to escape from the blood and hunger in the country they must reside in

(A H)

@monarelief's team today delivered food aid baskets to IDPs at a camp in Sana'a. The project was funded by @monareliefye's fundraising campaign in Patreon Each family received 75kg of flour, 8 liters of cooking oil, 36 cans of beans, 2.5kg of sugar, & 1kg salt (photos)

(* B H)

Deutschland verspricht weitere Millionenhilfen für den Jemen

Die Situation im Jemen ist dramatisch, noch immer leiden Millionen Menschen Hunger. Die Vereinten Nationen haben auf einer internationalen Geberkonferenz Geld gesammelt.

Gegen die Hungersnot im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen hat Deutschland 200 Millionen Euro an Hilfen zugesagt.

Angesichts dieser dramatischen Lage im Jemen will die Geberkonferenz 3,85 Milliarden Dollar (3,18 Milliarden Euro) an internationalen Hilfen mobilisieren. Im vergangenen Jahr waren 1,9 Milliarden Dollar für den Jemen zusammengekommen. Die zusätzlichen Mittel des deutschen Entwicklungsministeriums sollen laut Müller in Programme für Schulspeisungen, Trinkwasserversorgung und Gesundheit fließen. Er forderte zugleich die EU und andere Geberländer auf, "deutlich mehr zu leisten".

(* B H)

Hungersnot in Jemen befürchtet: Uno hofft auf Milliarden-Spenden

Um zwei Millionen unterernährte Kindern vor dem Hungertod zu bewahren, brauchen die Vereinten Nationen in diesem Jahr 3,85 Milliarden Dollar. Am heutigen Montag findet zu diesem Zweck eine virtuelle Geberkonferenz statt.

Die Vereinten Nationen fürchten eine grosse Hungersnot im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen. Schon jetzt seien fast 50 000 Menschen dem Hungertod nahe, berichtete das Uno-Nothilfebüro (OCHA) am Montag. 400 000 Kinder unter fünf Jahren seien akut unterernährt und könnten ohne dringende Hilfe bald sterben. Um die Menschen zu retten und Millionen weitere vor einer ähnlich prekären Situation zu bewahren, brauchen die Vereinten Nationen in diesem Jahr 3,85 Milliarden Dollar . Möglichst viel davon sollte an diesem Montag bei einer virtuellen Geberkonferenz zusammenkommen. Deutschland beteiligt sich daran.

Bundesaussenminister Heiko Maas kündigte an, dass auch Berlin die Mittel für das Land aufstocken wolle.

und auch

(* B H)



Anlässlich der internationalen Hilfskonferenz für den Jemen am 1. März appelliert UNICEF an Regierungen und Öffentlichkeit, die lautlose Tragödie der Kinder in dem Land zu stoppen.

Abseits der Weltöffentlichkeit steht der Jemen nach fast sechs Jahren Krieg am Rande einer Hungersnot. Nach letzten Schätzungen sind heute allein 2,3 Millionen Kinder unter fünf Jahren von akuter Mangelernährung bedroht – 400.000 von ihnen sind so schwer mangelernährt, dass sie jeden Tag um ihr Überleben kämpfen. Fast alle Kinder im Jemen, mehr als 12 Millionen Mädchen und Jungen insgesamt, benötigen humanitäre Hilfe.

„Für Kinder im Jemen ist die Situation unerträglich geworden. Sie brauchen ein Ende der Gewalt. Wir müssen alles tun, um Leben zu retten, sie zu schützen und ihnen eine Perspektive für die Zukunft zu geben“, sagte Christian Schneider, Geschäftsführer von UNICEF Deutschland anlässlich der am Montag stattfindenden internationalen Hilfskonferenz für den Jemen. UNICEF benötigt für 2021 rund 576,9 Millionen US-Dollar, um lebensrettende Hilfe für Kinder im Jemen zu leisten.

Gewalt, Hunger und Not prägen die Kindheit von Millionen Mädchen und Jungen im Jemen. Seit Beginn des Konflikts wurden fast 3.200 Kinder nachweislich getötet und über 6.200 Kinder verletzt – die tatsächlichen Zahlen sind vermutlich viel höher.

Mindestens zwei Millionen Kinder gingen schon vor Beginn der Covid-19-Pandemie nicht zur Schule – wegen der Pandemie wurde der Unterricht von 5,8 Millionen weiteren Kindern unterbrochen.

Trotz der schwierigen Bedingungen leistet UNICEF umfangreiche Hilfe

(* B H)

Urgent aid needed to fight humanitarian crisis in Yemen, says FAO Director-General

FAO is seeking $90 million that could assist 6.3 million people

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, has appealed for urgent aid to fight the humanitarian crisis in Yemen as UN agencies work to prevent a large-scale famine in the country.

The Director-General made the appeal in a video message recorded for today's virtual UN High-Level Pledging Event on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, convened by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and co-hosted by the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland.

"Today, over 16 million Yemenis are struggling to feed themselves," the Director-General stressed. "Violence, disease, locust outbreaks, and lack of inputs have stripped away their livelihoods."

UN agencies are calling for $3.85 billion in 2021 to help 16 million Yemenis in desperate need. Of this total, FAO is seeking $90 million - funds that the Director-General noted could assist 6.3 million people.

The Director-General indicated that, despite the many challenges, FAO had helped 1.2 million people in Yemen to keep producing in 2020.

About half of these received support in the form of livestock assistance such as vaccinations, feed, and support to dairy production. Another 400,000 received FAO assistance through the rehabilitation of water systems and infrastructure while cash-based transfers were provided to about 60,000 people.

FAO recently scaled up Desert Locust surveillance and control capacity in Yemen

(* B H)

A massive famine is creeping into Yemen, we need to stop it devouring a generation

In November the United Nations issued a warning that Yemen was in imminent danger of the worst famine the world has seen for decades.

As the country faces its darkest hour, the efforts to bring peace to the country are more urgent than ever. But there are some signs of hope.

There is no doubt that the enhanced diplomatic engagement by the US is giving new momentum to the UN-led political efforts. If this momentum is sustained, it could create the best chance yet to save lives, stave off a mass famine, and forge a path to peace.

The only question is whether the world seizes the opportunity. Many people have a role to play in this. But what the international donor community does now will be crucial.

It is impossible to overstate the horror of daily life in Yemen. Two in three people rely on aid to survive. Nearly 50,000 Yemenis are already living in famine-like conditions. The war has decimated the economy and crushed public services. Life in Yemen for the average person has become unbearable, and children suffer the most.

Children are starving. This year, nearly half of all under-fives are set to suffer from acute malnutrition. This includes 400,000 facing severe acute malnutrition. Many will die without urgent treatment, and those who survive will suffer from the largely irreversible damage caused by the condition.

Preventable diseases like cholera, diphtheria and measles cause the needless death of at least one child every 10 minutes in Yemen. Sick children are turned away by health facilities that do not have medicines or supplies. And every day, Yemeni children are killed or maimed in the conflict.

The only long-term solution to Yemen’s problems is to find an end to the war, and a path towards peace, which is guided by the aspirations of Yemenis.

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Yemenis reel from poverty, hunger as U.N. pleads for funds and war's end

Unable to find work, Ahmed Farea has sold everything including his wife’s gold to feed and house two young daughters in one small room.

Elsewhere in Yemen’s capital Sanaa, widow Mona Muhammad has work but struggles to buy anything more nutritious than rice for her four children amid high prices.

And in a nearby hospital, severely malnourished children receive lifesaving nutritional drinks.

Across the country Yemenis are exhausting their coping mechanisms, and children are starving, amid the world’s largest humanitarian crisis.

On Monday the United Nations hopes to raise $3.85 billion at a virtual pledging event to avert what the U.N. aid chief has said would be a large-scale “man-made” famine, the worst the world will have seen for decades.

“I want the war to stop so we can go back to how we were ... We could buy what we wanted and could feed our children,” said Muhammad.

“Since the war and the blockade started, and work stopped, I can’t buy anything anymore. Where am I supposed to get it from?” said Farea, who wheels his barrow daily to collect water in cans from a neighbourhood tank provided for poor people.

“I sleep all morning and then have lunch at noon from whatever God supplies and that covers the rest of the day.”

His work in construction declined in the wake of the political upheaval caused by Yemen’s 2011 uprising, he said. He then sold fruit but rising prices after war broke out in late 2014 made this unprofitable.

(* B H P)

UN launches donor conference amid fears of famine in Yemen

The United Nations has launched an appeal for countries to fund its response to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where more than six years of war has created the world’s worst humanitarian disaster

The United Nations on Monday launched an appeal for countries to fund its response to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, where more than six years of war has created the world’s worst humanitarian disaster.

At a virtual pledging conference, co-hosted by Sweden and Switzerland, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appealed for $3.85 billion this year to address the impoverished Arab country's dire needs.

“Today, famine is bearing down on Yemen. The race is on, if we want to prevent hunger and starvation from taking millions of lives,” he told the conference.

It is unlikely a response from donors will meet U.N. goals, given that the coronavirus pandemic and its devastating consequences have hit economies around the globe.

Wealthy countries, such as the U.S., Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, cut back drastically on aid to Yemen last year amid the pandemic, corruption allegations, and also due to concerns that the aid might not be reaching its intended recipients in territories controlled by the rebels.

Last year, aid agencies received about $1.9 billion — half of what was needed and half of what was given the previous year, according to David Miliband, head of the International Rescue Committee.

and also

Guterres speech, film:


(* B H P)

Yemen donor conference seeks billions to prevent famine

More than 100 governments and donors will take part in a virtual donor conference as UN hopes to raise $3.85bn to prevent large-scale famine.

The United Nations has said it hopes to raise $3.85bn in a donor conference to prevent large-scale famine in Yemen, warning that life in the war-ravaged nation was unbearable, with children enduring a “special kind of hell”.

More than 100 governments and donors will take part in the virtual event on Monday – co-hosted by Sweden and Switzerland – as Yemen’s Houthi rebels push to seize the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s last northern stronghold of Marib.

But with aid funding dropping in 2020 amid the coronavirus downturn, resulting in the closure of many humanitarian programmes, the situation in the country has become even worse.

The UN, which has described the situation in Yemen as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and its partners received $1.9bn last year – about half of what was required.

It called on Monday for “immediate funding” to support 16 million people in Yemen, where some two-thirds of the population is in need of some form of aid to survive.

“For most people, life in Yemen is now unbearable. Childhood in Yemen is a special kind of hell. This war is swallowing up a whole generation of Yemenis,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

“We must end it now and start dealing with its enormous consequences immediately. This is not the moment to step back from Yemen,” he added.

Speaking later at the conference, Guterres implored all donors to contribute, saying the donations will “make an enormous and concrete difference, in many cases the difference between life and death.”

“The assistance you pledge today, will not only prevent the spread of famine and save lives, it will also create the conditions for lasting peace,” he added.

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Yemen: Famine around the corner, says World Food Programme

People in Yemen face famine unless the world takes immediate action, the World Food Programme (WFP) will warn today.

Nearly 50,000 people in Yemen are already living in famine-like conditions with 5 million just a step away.

David Beasley, WFP’s Executive Director, will press home the organization’s fears for the country at a high-level fundraising conference, hosted by the UN with the governments of Switzerland and Sweden.

The UN estimates nearly 250,000 people have died during Yemen’s six-year war, including more than 131,000 people from the indirect consequences of conflict, such as lack of food, health services and infrastructure — the situation in the country is worse now than it has been at any point since 2015.

Yemen is WFP’s biggest humanitarian operation, supplying food assistance to nearly 13 million people — almost half the population — while another 3.3 million women and children receive nutrition support.

(* B H P)

International donors must act now to prevent a widespread famine in Yemen

António Guterres, the United Nations SecretaryGeneral, today convenes a high-level pledging event, co-hosted by the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland, to call for immediate funding to prevent a large-scale famine in Yemen.

Two thirds of Yemenis need humanitarian assistance to survive. More than 16 million people will face hunger this year, and nearly 50,000 Yemenis are already starving to death in faminelike conditions. This year, nearly half of Yemen’s children under age 5 will suffer from acute malnutrition, including 400,000 who could die without urgent treatment.
Funding for the aid operation is running out fast. Today the UN is calling for US$3.85 billion this year to help 16 million Yemenis in desperate need.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: “For most people, life in Yemen is now unbearable. Childhood in Yemen is a special kind of hell. This war is swallowing up a whole generation of Yemenis. We must end it now and start dealing with its enormous consequences immediately. This is not the moment to step back from Yemen.”

(* B H P)

Yemen faces a famine as deadly as Ethiopia's during the 1980s, says refugee council head

Yemen faces a famine on the scale of Ethiopia’s during the early 1980s that left 1.2 million people dead, according to the Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland.

Speaking ahead of an International Donors Conference on Yemen designed to address a humanitarian crisis in the war-torn Middle Eastern nation, Egeland warned that 16 million people currently need aid in the country at a cost of more than $4 billion (€3.3 billion).

“I am shocked [by] what I have seen in Yemen,” Egeland told Euronews from Hajjah, one of the areas of the country worst hit by the conflict between the Houthi government and a coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia.

“I met mothers with skeleton children. They told me that since food rations were cut by 50 per cent last year they could not breastfeed them anymore,” he said.

“I met a mother that said that she had [lost] five children. She had 14 children and there were nine left. One of them could not walk, she was nine years old and she looked four.”

Egeland said that if the conference did not raise the funds needed to address the crisis, “we will see a famine here like the world has not seen since the 1980s in Ethiopia.”

Film: and

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Yemen: €95 million in EU humanitarian aid for people threatened by conflict and famine

The European Commission is allocating €95 million in humanitarian support to address the most pressing needs of people in Yemen amid record highs of child malnutrition, an imminent threat of famine and renewed fighting. More than 2 million children as well as over 1 million pregnant women and mothers are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021, while escalating hostilities are forcing thousands of families to leave their households. The new funding was announced by the Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, at the high-level pledging event for Yemen on 1 March co-hosted by the United Nations, Sweden and Switzerland.

(* B H)

Film: Yemen's blind nine-year-old war-zone school teacher - BBC News

In Taiz, Yemen, hundreds of children arrive for lessons each day in the ruins of a school near front-line fighting between the government and Houthi rebels. Ahmed, a nine-year-old boy who has been blind since birth, steps in to teach classes when the teachers can't make it. One in every five Yemeni schools is out of use, according to Unicef. But at this one, teachers decided to open it despite the damage, so that education could continue. =


cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

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Over 14.000 people displaced by intensifying fighting in Yemen's Marib

More than 14.000 people have been displaced by intensified fighting between the government and Houthi forces in Yemen's northeastern province of Marib during the past three weeks, the Executive Unit for IDPs has said.

In a statement on Monday, it said that it has documented the displacement of 2.059 families, consisting of 14.413 persons, since 6th February.

They have fled to safer regions in the province, it said, appealing to international relief agencies to intervene to alleviate their suffering.

Marib hosts more than 1 million IDPs who have fled violence in other provinces.

(* B H)

IOM Yemen: Situation Report January 2021

130,322 Individuals provided with hygiene kits, relief items & clean water

17,130 Primary health care consultations conducted

6,563 Migrants received humanitarian assistance

In January, the conflict continued to exacerbate the vulnerabilities of internally displaced persons (IDPs), migrants and host communities. Civilians are bearing the brunt of devastating impact of renewed hostilities, seeing their homes and community infrastructure damaged, and being forced to flee to safety. Hostilities were mainly concentrated along frontlines in Al Jawf, Al Hodeidah, Ma’rib, Ta’iz,
Abyan, Ibb and Ad Dali’ governorates. Access obstacles were a consistent trend throughout 2020 particularly in the north and continued into January 2021. During the reporting period, staff movements and transportation of relief items for all agencies and international NGOs remained obstructed by permit denials or additional ad hoc bureaucratic requirements often imposed without prior communication. As of January, over 70 NGO projects targeting over 4.7 million people were pending sub-agreement approval by the authorities. In the same month, the United States designated Ansar Allah (AA) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) — the designation was subsequently revoked after the new U.S. administration was sworn in and following advocacy from humanitarian actors that such an action could accelerate Yemen’s slide into large-scale food insecurity and hinder other life-saving activities.

Over 2,500 migrants are estimated to have entered the country in January — many of whom are unable to access basic services are in dire need of food, shelter, health and protection assistance, putting further pressure on host communities and public services. IOM continues to advocate for migrants’ rights in Yemen and provide emergency assistance

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Yemen: IOM Seeks Funding to Assist Five Million People as Situation in Ma’rib Deteriorates

As the conflict in Yemen enters its seventh year, the crisis remains the largest in the world and continues to put millions of lives at risk. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched today an appeal to assist over five million people affected by the Yemen crisis in conjunction with the Yemen Virtual High-Level Pledging Conference.

With over 10,500 people recently fleeing areas in Ma’rib, where fighting has intensified in the last few weeks, IOM will dedicate at least one-third of its requested funds to life-saving assistance for displaced people, migrants and local communities affected by the Ma’rib crisis.

In a situation characterized by escalating conflict and displacement, a declining economy and the breakdown of public institutions, it is projected that people in Yemen will experience alarming levels of acute malnutrition and food insecurity throughout this year. Today, governments from around the world will come together to reaffirm their commitment to Yemen and pledge financial contributions to the humanitarian response.

“IOM, alongside our humanitarian partners, is concerned about the serious impact that prolonged funding shortages will have on the ability of displaced people, migrants and other vulnerable populations to survive the looming famine, ongoing pandemic and escalating conflict,” said António Vitorino, the IOM Director General at the Pledging Conference, which is co-hosted by the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland.

“The already staggering needs in Yemen have been compounded by the threat of a second wave of COVID-19 and the re-escalation of conflict in Ma’rib, which has led to the displacement of the most vulnerable families,” added Vitorino.

(B H)

IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 21 to 27 February 2021

From 01 January 2021 to 27 February 2021 , IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 2,730 households (HH) (16,380 Individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.

Since the beginning of 2021, DTM also identified other 063 previously displaced households who left the displaced location and moved to either their place of origin or some other displaced location.

Between 21 February 2021 and 27 February 2021, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 151 households (906 individuals) displaced at least once. The highest number of displacements were seen in:

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siewhe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Zabin to Security Council: Our Insistence on Serious, Responsible Security Work Angered Terrorist Supporters

The strong and clear attitudes towards terrorism and confronting it, fighting organized crime and money laundering crimes will remain the main focus of our work, the Director General of Criminal Investigation at the Ministry of Interior Brigadier Sultan Zabin said on Tuesday,

Zabin's remarks came as the Security Council has designated him for sanctions, saying that he has engaged in acts that threaten the peace, security and stability of Yemen.
Zabin said in a series of tweets: “The filing of false accusations, twisting the truth, and marketing hasty designations are of no use. We are carrying out our legitimate, national and humanitarian duty. We do not give any attention to cheap media excitement, nor do we care about what trumpets of chaos and supporters of terrorism propagate.”

“Our insistence on serious and responsible security work has angered the supporters of terrorism and the destructive security chaos,” he added. “It also greatly bothered the international intelligence services, some of which are considered a broad cover for terrorist acts, organized crime and drug trafficking, which prompted them to move their rings and lobbies in the organizations.”

My comment: All this would not free you from being a torturer and rapist.

(B P)

Houthi militants not holding together well thanks to rifts, military analysts

Yemeni military analysts have said Houthi militants waging a constant war against government-held cities especially Marib are no longer holding well “thanks to rifts within the militia in Sana’a.”

Analyst Nayel Al-Wurafi said, “There was a streak of surrenders by large numbers of Houthi fighters to the government forces in Serwah and other Marib warfronts in the recent confrontations, mostly voluntary surrenders due to widening rifts between the frontline ‘supervisors’ that sometimes evolve to direct infighting.”

Al-Wurafi pointed to the “major rift between Houthi leader Abdulmalik and his rival Mohammed Ali (his cousin) and micro fissures that are everywhere now.”

Ahmed Al-Zabidi, another analyst, said, “Many Saada warlords are refusing anymore soldier recruitments from their villages wanting the militia leaders in Sana’a to find anti-government fighters from other regions.”

He cited a recent “a infighting hand-to-hand and with Jambiyas (daggers) in a meeting of Houthi seniors in Razeh district of Saada last Tuesday.”

(B P)

‘They put me in a pressure cooker, and gave me a shot … caused me paralysis’

An accounting student and former detainee in the Houthi militia’s jail says, “They [Houthis] put me in a pressure cooker and gave me a shot in my spine, which caused me paralysis” in half my body. More details in the Arabic source.

Arabic source:

(A P)

A Houthi militant has shot dead his young grandchildren to revenge from their father for opposing the Houthi militia./Almanarah Net website.

(A P)

Calls for Houthis to stop execution of journalists, political opponents

SAM Organisation for Rights and Liberties yesterday called on the international community to immediately intervene and stop death sentences issued by the Houthis against journalists and political opponents in Yemen.

In a statement the organisation slammed the death sentences issued by courts affiliated with the Houthi group against a number of journalists, political opponents and activists saying the practices reflect the group's exclusionary mentality and violate human rights amid international silence.

SAM said it was following, with great concern, the trial of a number of journalists by the Houthis, as well as the Sanaa Specialised Criminal Court's issuance of death sentences against seven Yemenis on charges of leaking military secrets and aiding "aggressors".

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Yemeni Torture Victim Speaks Out: Against Iranian Backed Militias

One of those activists is 33-year-old Samira Abdullah al-Houry, who was abducted from her home by armed soldiers on the night of 27 July 2019 and held in a Houthi prison for three months, where she was tortured, assaulted and raped.

“The last thing I saw before they put a blanket over my head was a man putting handcuffs on my young daughter who was not yet 13 years of age then,” al-Houry told m

Al-Houry was taken to an abandoned school that the Houthis had converted into a detention facility in the Taiz neighbourhood the capital Saana, which held approximately 120 other women, including Bardis al-Sayighi, a prominent Yemeni poet who was arrested for speaking out against Houthi repression.

After accusing al-Houry of “aiding the enemy,” the Saudi-led coalition, her abductors began using methods of psychological torture to force her into making a ‘confession’. Not knowing the whereabouts of her daughter, the Houthi guards convinced her that the screams emanating from a nearby cell was the sound of her daughter being raped.

“When I think about those moments, I lose control of myself,” said al-Houry.

Thankfully, her daughter was unharmed, but the methods of torture used against al-Houry shifted from psychological to physical, including beatings, electrocution, mock execution and sexual assault.

“They shocked me with electricity in different parts of my body. They didn’t stop even when my body began breaking down,” she said.

Al-Houry says she witnessed other women, including pregnant mothers, being tortured in front of their children, even those as young as four and six years old, saying, “The guards did so without even the slightest sense of humanity”.

“Even today, whenever I fall asleep, I hear the screams of the girls in the interrogation rooms, pleading for the torture to stop and crying out for help”.

Eventually the guards succeeded in wearing her down both physically and mentally, so to stop the pain and suffering caused by her imprisonment and separation from her daughter, al-Houry gave a false confession to the head of the Houthi Criminal Investigation Department – Sultan Zaben, an individual who has been sanctioned by the US Government for torturing civilians.

Shunned by her Family

SAM Monitors, a Geneva-based human rights organisation, has accused Zaben and his Criminal Investigation Department of “perpetrating systematic violations against women, including arbitrary detention and torture against approximately 200 women detained in Houthi detention facilities”.

Zaben forced al-Houry to not only confess to espionage and other crimes but also demanded she kiss his foot on a stage in front of guards and detainees. She was then released and reunited with her daughter, before returning home.

Her captors, however, released a video of her confession on a Houthi controlled television station upon her release, which made her a criminal in the eyes of her neighbours and family members in Saana.

“My family thought I was a traitor and criminal,” says al-Houry. “The Houthis made it appear that way in the video, and so no one from my family would accept me after I came out of prison”. Feeling “treated like a criminal” by her family, al-Houry fled for Saudi Arabia, where she lives today with her daughter.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia closes border with occupied Yemeni provinces of Mahrah and Hadhramaut

Saudi Arabia has on Wednesday closed its border areas with Hadhramaut and Mahrah provinces in eastern Yemen. This was reported by Yemen News Portal, citing a military commander loyal to the Saudi-led coalition on Wednesday.

The move is a sign of the start of arrangements to isolate the province of Mahrah.

Ghaithan al-Bahsani, the commander of the Alahqaf Brigade in the Second Military Region in Hadhramaut, revealed that they carried out a large-scale deployment operation during the past hours.

The Saudis closed the lines connecting Hadhramaut and Mahrah in Ar Raydah Wa Qusayar district, which runs along the border line of Mahrah province.

According to Al-Bhasani, the deployment includes the establishment of checkpoints in the international line linking Mahrah and Wadi Shehari and the closure of the road between the two provinces.

The latest deployment is an extension of a large-scale militarization launched by Saudi Arabia years ago as the war on Yemen began, and aims to control the province of Mahrah in order to extend its oil pipeline across the Arabian Sea instead of through the Strait of Hormuz which passes by Iran.

(A P)

UAE-backed mercenaries worsen fuel crisis by raising taxes on fuel transports

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias have raised levies imposed on small tankers loaded with fuel in Aden city, informed sources reported on Tuesday.

The so-called Security Belt of the STC has raised taxes imposed on small fuel trucks coming from Shabwah province or leaving the refineries in Aden, by 30 percent, up to over 750,000 riyals, the sources said.

Since the beginning of this week, the city of Aden has been witnessing a crisis in gasoline at all fuel stations belonging to the Yemeni Petroleum Company, including the city’s power stations.

(A P)

Yemeni Parties Denounce Int’l Inaction towards Houthi Violence

Pro-government parties in Yemen’s National Alliance of Political Parties (NAPP) have denounced international inaction towards the violence of Iran-backed Houthi militias in the war-torn country.

The parties, in an official statement, urged the internationally recognized Yemeni government to undertake decisive action to end battles waged by Houthis in the oil rich Marib governorate. They called for supplying the army with all means necessary for securing victory and defeating coup militias.

and also

(A P)

UAE sends military officials to Yemeni island: Adviser

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) deployed military officials to the strategic Yemeni Island of Socotra, a Yemeni adviser said on Tuesday.

“The UAE dispatched military commanders to Socotra,” Mukhtar Al-Rahbi, an adviser to the Yemeni information minister, said on Twitter.

He said the move coincided with the docking of an Emirati ship at the archipelago carrying ammunition to militias situated there.

According to the official, the development follows a military escalation on the island, but without giving further details.

(A P T)

2 civilians killed, 4 injured in Southern Yemen

At least two citizens were killed and four others were injured on Monday when a gunman opened fire at them in a market for selling qat in Sheikh Othman district of Aden province, southern Yemen, sources reported.

The gunman is affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia, the sources added, indicating that the incident occurred as a result of a dispute on “a bundle of qat”.

(B T)

Film: This is the liberated #Aden.. credit goes to the Big Brother(s)- who made it such a model of chaos, disorder and insecurity.

(A P)

The Embassy of the Republic of #Yemen to is pleased to launch its 2nd Monthly Briefing February in Netherlands Review draws on major developments in Yemen from the visit of our European friends to #Aden to @Yemen_PM’s stabilization efforts & ongoing #Houthi attacks on #Marib & #KSA. (text)

(* A P)

Biden can help end Yemen civil war by backing referendum, say separatists

Southern Transitional Council president says US leader should support a vote on independence for the South

Joe Biden can help end the six-year civil war in Yemen by backing a UN-sponsored referendum on independence for the South, the president of Yemen’s separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC) has said.

In an interview with the Guardian, Aidarus al-Zoubaidi claimed a referendum would show 90% support for independence for Yemen’s South and should be held exclusively within the South, pointing out that in the Brexit referendum the rest of the European Union was not given a vote.

Zoubaidi, a former Aden governor, also called on Biden’s newly appointed special envoy on Yemen Tim Lenderking to hold talks with the STC saying “the issues in the country will not be resolved if the voice of the South is ignored. We need a referendum, or some other mechanism, for the people of the South to voice their opinions”.

He also insisted the STC, formed in 2017, needed to be represented at any UN sponsored peace talks, something the UN has been wary of doing, fearing it will complicate the peace process.

He said: “Our popular support across the South is overwhelming, and if the UN organised a referendum we are confident we would win the support in excess of 90% of the southern population”. Little independent polling has taken place.

and also

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Major General in Hadi forces accuses UAE of causing coalition defeat on Ma’rib

Major General Mohsen Khasrouf, former director of the Moral Guidance Department of the Hadi puppet government forces, has on Sunday accused the UAE of causing the defeat of the Saudi-led coalition forces in Ma’rib province.

(A P)

Separatist militias arrest Sudanese mercenaries

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia has detained several Sudanese soldiers at a military post in Lahj province, local sources reported on Monday.

According to the sources, the STC force at the Rabat checkpoint detained three buses with a capacity of 24 passengers, carrying Sudanese mercenary soldiers who were heading for the coalition military camp in Aden.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp3

(A P)

Guterres telefoniert mit Zarif

In einem Telefongespräch mit dem iranischen Außenminister Mohammad Javad Zarif am Dienstagabend beschrieb UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres die jüngsten Schritte der UNO, um den Krieg im Jemen zu beenden und einen gerechten Frieden und den Beginn politischer Gespräche im Land herzustellen.

(A P)

WFP welcomes UAE, KSA support for its operations in Yemen

The United Nations World Food programme (WFP) welcomes a pledge of US$500 million from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) for humanitarian food assistance to Yemen. The funds, which will partially go to WFP, will cover shortfalls in the current humanitarian response while helping WFP scale up its operation to provide life-saving food assistance to 10-12 million severely hungry people in Yemen, including more than 2 million children.
“What Yemen needs most is peace because that would make the greatest amount of difference in every Yemeni life,” said WFP Executive Director David Beasley. “In the meantime, this important donation will help us save children on the brink of death. I thank the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a contribution that will truly save lives.”

My comment: Shame!

(* A H P)

UN-GEBERKONFERENZ: «Enttäuschend»: Nur 1,7 Milliarden Dollar für den Jemen

Die humanitäre Lage im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen ist seit Jahren desaströs. Eine Geberkonferenz der UN hatte dringend um Spenden gebeten - vergeblich.

Bei der diesjährigen UN-Geberkonferenz für den Jemen sind nur rund 1,7 Milliarden Dollar (1,4 Mrd Euro) an Spenden zusammengekommen und damit weniger als die Hälfte der benötigten Summe. Das Ergebnis sei «enttäuschend», teilte UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres mit.

Die Summe sei geringer als bei der Geberkonferenz im vergangenen Jahr und eine Milliarde Dollar weniger als im Jahr 2019. Dieses Jahr benötigen die UN etwa 3,85 Milliarden Dollar für Nothilfe in dem Bürgerkriegsland.

Angesichts einer drohenden Hungersnot und Millionen Leidtragenden des Konflikts hatte Guterres dringend um Spenden gebeten. «Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen war noch nie schlimmer», sagte er zum Auftakt der Online-Konferenz. Dennoch seien die Spenden vergangenes Jahr zurückgegangen - mit «brutalen» Folgen. Organisationen, die Wasser, Lebensmittel und medizinische Hilfe lieferten, hätten ihre Arbeit einschränken oder ganz einstellen müssen. «Das Kürzen von Hilfsgeldern ist ein Todesurteil», erklärte Guterres.

Saudi-Arabien, das mit Verbündeten im Jemen gegen die Huthi-Rebellen kämpft, sagte 430 Millionen Dollar zu, und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Riads wichtigster Verbündeter, 230 Millionen Dollar. Die Europäische Kommission sagte 95 Millionen Euro zu. Für Deutschland sagte Bundesaußenminister Heiko Maas weitere 200 Millionen Euro zu. =

(* A H P)

UNO-Geberkonferenz für den Jemen: Guterres bezeichnet Ergebnis als enttäuschend

Enttäuscht zeigte sich auch die Organisation „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“. Das Mitglied im internationalen Vorstand, Stöbe, sagte im Deutschlandfunk, für die katastrophale Lage im Jemen fielen ihm keine Superlative mehr ein. Die Hälfte aller Krankenhäuser könnten nach Bombardierungen nicht mehr arbeiten, viele Menschen würden verhungern.
Der Generalsekretär der Hilfsorganisation Norwegischer Flüchtlingsrat, Jan Egeland, gab zu bedenken, dass Hilfsorganisationen „auf katastrophale Weise“ unterfinanziert und überlastet seien. Es sei empörend, dass man betteln müsse, um das absolute Minimum an Lebensmitteln zu liefern; um dabei zu helfen, Jemeniten am Leben zu halten, wenn die Länder, die Krieg führten immer noch dazu bereit seien, Unmengen mehr für die Kämpfe auszugeben, betonte Egeland.

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Größte humanitäre Krise der Welt: Jemen steht Hungersnot bevor

Seit Jahren bedrohen Krieg, Armut und Hunger das Leben von Millionen Menschen im Jemen. Trotzdem kommt bei der diesjährigen Geberkonferenz nicht einmal die Hälfte der benötigten Spenden zusammen. Die Versorgung könnte schon bald drastisch einbrechen.

Nach einem enttäuschenden Ausgang der diesjährigen Geberkonferenz für den Jemen haben die Vereinten Nationen vor einer Hungersnot in dem Land gewarnt. Der Wendepunkt könne innerhalb weniger Wochen erreicht werden, sagte der Leiter des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms, Achim Steiner. Die "unmittelbaren Auswirkungen" der gesunkenen finanziellen Unterstützung seien verheerend. "Rationen müssen gekürzt werden, Lebensmittel können nicht mehr geliefert werden, Gesundheitsversorgung und Basismedikamente werden im Wesentlichen nicht verfügbar sein", sagte Steiner.

Die Aussicht auf einen schweren Einschnitt bei der Nahrungsmittelversorgung stehe in wenigen Monaten bevor. Mehr als zwei Drittel der 29 Millionen Menschen im Jemen seien auf die Hilfen angewiesen.

und auch

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Todesurteil der Mächtigen

Geberkonferenz Jemen: Weniger als die Hälfte der benötigten Hilfsgelder gesammelt. US-Präsident Biden kürzt noch stärker als Vorgänger

Die USA, deren neuer Präsident Joseph Biden jüngst eine »Kehrtwende« im Jemen-Krieg angekündigt hat, bei der Frieden und Diplomatie im Mittelpunkt stehen sollten, gaben mit 159 Millionen Euro noch weniger als 2020. Dabei hatte bereits die Trump-Regierung mehrfach die Mittel für humanitäre Hilfe im Jemen gekürzt, und Guterres hatte zum Auftakt der Konferenz betont, die humanitäre Lage im Land sei noch nie schlimmer gewesen.

Neben dem Krieg hat auch die Vollblockade des Landes dieses Fundament genauso zerstört wie das Gesundheitswesen, das höchstens noch zur Hälfte funktionstüchtig ist. Die jemenitische Wirtschaftsleistung ist laut einem jüngst von UN-OCHA veröffentlichten Bericht seit 2015 um die Hälfte gesunken. Kraftstoff ist längst zur absoluten Mangelware geworden, Gehälter werden schon lange nicht mehr oder nur sehr eingeschränkt bezahlt, der jemenitische Rial befindet sich im Sinkflug, und Lebensmittel werden immer unbezahlbarer. Nach Aussage des UN-Entwicklungsprogramms UNDP wurde der Jemen durch den Krieg in seiner Entwicklung um ein Vierteljahrhundert zurückgeworfen.

Die Geberkonferenz sei ein »Schlüsselmoment« für die »Weltgemeinschaft«, hatten zwölf Hilfsorganisationen ihrer jetzt herbe enttäuschten Hoffnung Ausdruck verliehen, dass nach sechs Jahren »menschlich verursachter Katastrophe« endlich mehr Hilfe käme. Aber nicht das Leid der jemenitischen Bevölkerung »sprengt jede Vorstellungskraft«, wie der deutsche Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) am Montag behauptete. Unfassbar ist vor allem, dass die »internationale Gemeinschaft« seit Jahren die Bilder des Grauens kennt und trotzdem nicht bereit ist, wenigstens soviel Geld zur Verfügung zu stellen, dass Menschen vor dem Verhungern gerettet werden können.

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Wie viel ist ein Kind wert? – Kommentar zum Ergebnis der UN-Geberkonferenz für Jemen

Die Konferenz-Organisatoren wollten 3,85 Milliarden US-Dollar eintreiben, nicht mal die Hälfte kam zusammen: etwa 50 Euro pro Einwohner. Eine Schande!

Dabei überbieten sich die Regierungen seit Jahren darin, die eine oder andere Kriegspartei zu verurteilen, das Elend der Menschen zu bedauern und ein Ende des Krieges zu fordern. Jetzt, wo es ums Überleben geht, zeigt sich die sogenannte internationale Staatengemeinschaft klamm. Dabei muss den Jemeniten sofort geholfen werden, damit sie nicht mehr auf Müllkippen nach Essen wühlen müssen. 400 000 jemenitische Kinder sind akut vom Hungertod bedroht, sagt die Uno.

Für Waffen war in den vergangenen Jahren dagegen immer ausreichend Geld da. Reichlich beliefert wurden die Staaten, die Jemen mit ihren Bomben erst zur Hölle gemacht haben

Wenn ein Kind wegen eines Kriegs hungern muss, ist keine Zeit zu diskutieren, wer den Krieg begonnen hat: In der Zwischenzeit ist das Kind verhungert. „Es ist eine einzig von Menschen gemachte Hungersnot, eine Entscheidung von Mächtigen über Machtlose“, sagt der UN-Nothilfekoordinator, Mark Lowcock. Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen. =

und auch

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Caritas international: Die Hölle "Jemen" endlich beenden

Caritas international, das Hilfswerk des Deutschen Caritasverbandes bedauert das magere Ergebnis der Geberkonferenz zum Jemen, das von den Ländern Schweden, der Schweiz und den Vereinten Nationen virtuell organisiert wurde. "Die 1,7 Milliarden Euro reichen bei Weitem nicht hin, um die notwendige humanitäre Hilfe für den Jemen nur annähernd zu leisten. Eine Reduzierung der Hilfen geht klar zu Lasten der bedürftigen Menschen, vor allem der Kinder, sie muss verhindert werden", sagt Oliver Müller, Leiter von Caritas international.

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U.N. says disappointing $1.7 billion pledged for Yemen, impossible to avert famine

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said a “disappointing” $1.7 billion had been pledged by countries on Monday for humanitarian aid in Yemen - less than half the $3.85 billion the world body was seeking for 2021 to avert a large-scale famine.

“For most people, life in Yemen is now unbearable. Childhood in Yemen is a special kind of hell. Yemeni children are starving,” Guterres said as he opened the pledging conference. After it concluded, he described the outcome as “disappointing” and warned in a statement: “Cutting aid is a death sentence.”

Some 16 million Yemenis - more than half the population of the Arabian Peninsula country - are going hungry, the United Nations says. Of those, 5 million are on the brink of famine, U.N. aid chief Mark Lowcock has said.

“This does not solve the problem,” Lowcock said after the pledging conference. “It’s going to be impossible with such limited resources to prevent a large-scale famine.”

Among the commitments on Monday were Saudi Arabia with $430 million, the United States with $191 million, the United Arab Emirates with $230 million and Germany with $240 million.

In 2018 and 2019, the United Nations prevented famine due to a well-funded aid appeal. In 2020 the world body only received just over half the $3.4 billion it needed.

and also

Comment: For the participants in the donor conference, I mean ′′ begging conference ′′ in the name of the Yemeni people held in Geneva, we say:

We _ don't _ want _ your _ donations _ just _ stop _ the _ war

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Disappointing Outcome of Yemen Funding Conference Mere ‘Down Payment’ to Prevent Famine, Secretary-General Says, Asking Donors to Boost Pledges

The following statement by UN Secretary-General António Guterres was issued today:

The outcome of today’s High-Level Pledging Event on Yemen is disappointing. Pledges announced total approximately $1.7 billion. That is less than we received for the humanitarian response plan in 2020, and a billion dollars less than was pledged at the conference we held in 2019.

Millions of Yemeni children, women and men desperately need aid to live. Cutting aid is a death sentence. The best that can be said about today is that it represents a down payment. I thank those who did pledge generously, and I ask others to consider again what they can do to help stave off the worst famine the world has seen in decades.

In the end, the only path to peace is through an immediate, nationwide ceasefire and a set of confidence-building measures, followed by an inclusive, Yemeni-led political process under United Nations auspices and supported by the international community. There is no other solution.

The United Nations will continue to stand in solidarity with the starving people of Yemen.

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Film, Sarah Leah Whitson: UN says cutting Yemen aid is a 'death sentence'

Antonio Guterres says the $1.7B pledged at a virtual conference hosted by Sweden and Switzerland is disappointing and could be a death sentence for many Yemenis. The UN was hoping to raise more than twice as much for the war-torn country. Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director at DAWN, Democracy for the Arab World Now, weighs in.

#Yemen needs reparations, not charity. "Aid" is a dubious concept while bombs are still flying from Saudi and Houthis blocking distribution

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Save the Children: Yemenis let down once again

For the second year, international donors let down children and their families in Yemen after yet another failure to reach the funding goal of 3.85 billion USD during today’s Virtual Yemen Pledging Conference. The conference only raised about $1.7 billion USD for a country that is going through the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world and where funding is the difference between life and death for many children.

While an improvement over last year’s conference that only raised half of what was needed, the amount pledged today still falls short of what’s required to support the most marginalised of Yemen’s children. This continued failure of funding by the international community is compounding the crisis in Yemen as five million people, including more than two million children under five, are estimated to be on the brink of starvation this year, with the COVID-19 pandemic adding even more to people’s hardship.

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David Miliband responds to insufficient funding galvanized at Yemen pledging conference

David Miliband, President and CEO at the International Rescue Committee, said, “The news that today’s UN pledging conference on Yemen resulted in less than half of what was asked for and necessary to save lives is a symbol of global retreat from addressing critical global problems. With a $2 billion shortfall, the decisions today of the richest countries in the world to wash their hands of responsibility is a failure of humanity. Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with famine a pressing danger. While money is not all that is needed, funds are desperately needed to save lives as the war continues

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Statement from Muhsin Siddiquey, Oxfam’s Country Director in Yemen, with regards to the Virtual High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Situation in Yemen on March 1, 2021

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Disappointing Yemen aid pledges

Reaction by Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, on the outcome of the international pledging conference for Yemen

“I am deeply disappointed that after all our warnings, indications show that world leaders today pledged less than half the US$ 4 billion that Yemenis so desperately need. This means continued massive cuts to emergency food, water, shelter and medical support. The shortfall in humanitarian aid will be measured in lives lost.

I told governments at the conference that I have just seen children who are already dying of starvation in Yemen. It is in their power to prevent full-scale famine, or forever have this stain on their consciences. So far, they have failed to act.

Yemen needs three things to avert a catastrophe: more money that we can use today; a famine-prevention ceasefire; and full access to people in need.”

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Al-Houthi: Crumbs from Weapons Profits, Won't Stop Donors Made Famine

Member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, said that providing crumbs, by those who call themselves donors, will not stop the famine they are making, especially if their donations are a small portion from profits from the sales of their weapons.

Al-Houthi confirmed in a tweet on his Twitter account that the biggest gift for Yemenis is to stop the aggression and lift the deadly siege on the Yemeni people.

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Stopping US-Saudi Aggression Greatest Aid Could be Provided to Yemen

The head of the Yemeni National Delegation, Mohammad Abdulsalam, considered that the greatest help that can be provided to Yemen is to stop the aggression and lift the siege.

In a tweet, Monday, Abdulsalam said, "The United Nations' call for donor countries to provide aid does not exempt the countries of aggression from bearing their responsibility."

Abdulsalam holds the US-Saudi aggression responsible for the disasters that befell the country.

and also

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Pledges USD 430 Million to Support the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2021

Advisor to the Royal Court and Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief), Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, announced today the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s pledge of USD 430 million to fund the United Nations Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan 2021.

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Secretary Antony J. Blinken at the 2021 High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Today, I’m pleased to announce nearly $191 million in additional humanitarian assistance from the United States, bringing our Fiscal Year 2021 funding up to more than $350 million. In total, the United States has provided more than $3.4 billion in aid to the Yemeni people since the crisis began six years ago.

This funding supports our partners in delivering assistance that is needed immediately, including food, protection, education, shelter, health, water, sanitation, and the prevention and treatment of severe malnutrition. It also goes to longer-term humanitarian need, like the rehabilitation of water systems, the repair of critical roads, and support to help families earn incomes.

I commend the generous pledges made by other donors. Now, we need others – especially those in the region – to step up. The scale of this emergency can be addressed only through a sustained and coordinated effort by a broad range of donors, UN agencies, and NGOs.


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Statement by USAID Acting Administrator Gloria Steele

The assistance announced today includes funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to the UN World Food Program for emergency food assistance, as well as support for our partners delivering other crucial aid.

We remain committed to delivering aid to Yemen’s most vulnerable people, who have endured six years of conflict. We commend the generous pledges made by other donors at today’s event. USAID urgently calls on donors to fulfill these pledges quickly, and to rapidly scale up assistance as well as urge those who have not yet stepped up to help to do so.

The assistance announced today is vital to saving lives and reducing suffering, but it must be able to reach the people who need it most. We again call on all authorities across northern and southern Yemen to cease interference in aid operations to ensure assistance is reaching its intended recipients.

Humanitarian assistance also cannot solve the root causes of this crisis; there must be a political solution to this conflict

My comment: LOL. The US is one of the main drivers of this cobnflict and desaster.

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Deutschland kündigt 200 Mio Euro Hilfszusage für den Jemen an

Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) kündigte eine „substanzielle neue Hilfszusage“ an den Jemen an. Konkret geht es um 200 Millionen Euro an Hilfsgeldern. „Heute geht es nicht nur darum, im Jemen eine akute Hungersnot abzuwenden“, sagte er.

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Preventing hunger together

Today, the international community is holding a pledging event to address the humanitarian emergency.

Germany has agreed to provide aid to the tune of 200 million euro in 2021. The catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen is growing even worse

Germany is one of the biggest donors to Yemen. Foreign Minister Maas today pledged to provide a total of 200 million euro in assistance in 2021. This comprises 127 million euro in humanitarian assistance from the Federal Foreign Office and 73 million euro in structural transitional aid from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

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Canada announces new funding in continued response to humanitarian crisis in Yemen

announced $69.9 million in funding in continued response to the humanitarian needs of conflict-affected people in Yemen in 2021.

This new funding will be provided to UN agencies, the Red Cross, and other non-governmental organizations

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Yemen conflict: UK cuts aid citing financial pressure from Covid

Britain has drastically cut its aid to Yemen, which has been devastated by conflict for six years, saying the pandemic created "a difficult financial context for us all".

The UK government said it would provide "at least" £87m ($120m) this year, down from £214m last year.

Aid officials have condemned the cut. The UN chief, António Guterres, said reducing aid was a "death sentence".

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As Famine Looms in Yemen, Secretary-General Calls on Donors to Fund $3.85 Billion Humanitarian Appeal, Describes Recent Aid Decline as ‘Death Sentence’

I thank the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland for co-hosting this conference, and the representatives of Governments and organizations taking part, for your solidarity with the people of Yemen.

Today, famine is bearing down on Yemen. The race is on if we want to prevent hunger and starvation from taking millions of lives.

It is impossible to overstate the severity of the suffering in Yemen. More than 20 million Yemenis need humanitarian assistance and protection, with women and children among the hardest hit. That means two out of every three people in Yemen need food aid, health care or other lifesaving support from humanitarian organizations.

More than 16 million people are expected to go hungry this year. Nearly 50,000 Yemenis are already starving to death in famine-like conditions. The worst hunger is in areas affected by the conflict. Four million people across Yemen have been forced from their homes. The recent Houthi offensive in Marib threatens to displace hundreds of thousands more.

This is the fifth time we have convened a high-level pledging event to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The bitter truth is that we will convene a sixth event next year unless the war ends.

We must create and seize every opportunity to save lives, stave off a mass famine and forge a path to peace.

The humanitarian situation in Yemen has never been worse. Yet last year, humanitarian funding fell. We received $1.9 billion — just half of what we needed, and half of what we received the year before. At the same time, the Yemeni currency collapsed, and remittances from Yemenis overseas dried up as the pandemic hit economies everywhere.

The impact has been brutal. Humanitarian organizations providing food, water and health care have reduced or even closed their programmes. Families have nothing to fall back on.

Two years ago, in 2018, thanks to the generosity of donors, including Yemen’s neighbours, humanitarian agencies helped to prevent the famine that then threatened Yemen. Today, reducing aid is a death sentence for entire families.

With the war raging, Yemen’s children are paying the price. And we know from studying the impact of conflict that those children will continue to pay a high price, long after the guns fall silent.

This year, we need $3.85 billion to support 16 million Yemenis on the brink of catastrophe. I implore all donors to fund our appeal generously to stop famine engulfing the country. Every dollar counts.

The funding you provide — through the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan, the Central Emergency Response Fund or the Country-Based Pooled Fund — will make an enormous and concrete difference. In many cases, the difference between life and death.

The United Nations family and our partners across Yemen are ready to scale up aid operations. Delivering aid in Yemen is challenging, but humanitarian workers are up to the challenge.

Throughout last year, United Nations agencies and our partners helped more than 10 million people each month, working in every one of Yemen’s 333 districts.

I urge all parties once again to heed the requirements of international humanitarian law to facilitate rapid, unimpeded humanitarian access.

The assistance you pledge today will not only prevent the spread of famine and save lives. It will help create the conditions for lasting peace.

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High Level Pledging Event For the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen - Statement by ICRC President, Peter Maurer

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for giving the International Committee of the Red Cross the opportunity to speak today.

The challenges in Yemen are multi-layered, inter-linked and massive.

One of those challenges – as this conference rightly draws attention to – is food insecurity.

Yemen faces the largest food security emergency in the world today. Protracted conflict, economic collapse, restrictions on imports, displacement, unemployment and the impact of COVID-19 have all played their part in creating this situation.

The result? Twenty million people food insecure and 3.2 million women and children acutely malnourished.

The imperative is to act now. Practically, financially, morally.

In short, massive challenges require a massive response. That includes giving humanitarian organisations access to do their work. It also includes drastically increasing economic opportunities for all.

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, including the Yemen Red Crescent Society, the ICRC, the IFRC and Movement partners, is playing its role in a whole range of areas.

Together with the Yemen Red Crescent, we're providing supplies to treat the war wounded and giving food to help those affected by the recent flare-up on the Marib frontline.

Ladies and gentlemen, we know the humanitarian issues facing the Yemeni people. The point is that our response needs to meet the scale of the challenges we face.

But more than this. It requires the right combination of skills, knowledge, expertise, commitment and resources. Our collective response must remain complementary.

We all bring something different to the table: it makes us more efficient, more effective.

The ICRC is playing its part and we remain committed to the people of Yemen.

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UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore's Remarks at Yemen Pledging Conference

"The children of Yemen are counting on us.

"They’re living through a nightmare of endless fighting.

"They’re threatened by malnutrition — and deadly disease like diarrhea caused by unsafe water.

"They face crushing poverty, a ruined economy and now, COVID-19.

"Basic services — education, health, water and nutrition — have collapsed.

"Half of all health facilities no longer function. Many have been destroyed. Remaining services are teetering on the edge.

"And the increased hostilities and lack of respect for the basic rules of war in Hudaydah and Marib are pushing thousands of families to flee.

"Exhausted families are making decisions no family should have to make.

"Whether they should flee their homes.

"Whether they should compromise the quality or quantity of the food they eat or water they drink — often both.

"Whether they can afford even basic health care for their children.

"After nearly six brutal years, this situation is getting worse.

"Nearly every child in Yemen now requires humanitarian assistance.

"Over 12 million young lives are in danger — an entire generation’s worth.

"And we’re entering a very dark chapter.

"Nearly 2.3 million children under five years of age are at risk of acute malnutrition this year. Among the highest levels yet seen in Yemen.

"Without treatment, these children will likely die.

"We need to act fast and collectively.

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Rede des Bundesministers des Auswärtigen, Heiko Maas,

bei der virtuellen hochrangigen Geberveranstaltung zur humanitären Krise in Jemen am 1. März 2021 als Videobotschaft

More pledges look at cp3.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

VIDEO: Courageous Saudi women's rights activist @LoujainHathloul walks to a Saudi court to face the bogus charges of the Saudi monarchy. She has already survived prison and torture for standing up for women's rights.

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This new #Saudi unemployment hashtag is taking Saudi by storm. Unemployment is maybe the largest challenge to the Saudi Monarchy. Take a look.

Heartbreaking & powerful video of jobless #Saudi man who has been looking for work for years. Saudi suffers from pandemic of unemployment due to decades of failed Saudi policies made much worse by #MBS

Why this humiliation and this unemployment and we are in the richest country in the world as resources !! (cartoon)

More terrible news from #Riyadh. #Saudi govt Broadcasting Authority fires 300 staff in one day adding more to the unemployment rolls

For six years, MBS has been reporting huge numbers of job opportunities for young men and women. Until now and in our present time nothing has changed, no one has been employed,

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Here is the leading killer & jailer of journalists, writers & poets in #Saudi His name is AbdulAziz AlHwaurini (photos)

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ROG erstattet Anzeige gegen Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinzen

Die Organisation Reporter ohne Grenzen (ROG/RSF) hat beim Generalbundesanwalt Strafanzeige gegen Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz Mohammed bin Salman gestellt. Er sei mutmaßlich hauptverantwortlich für den Mord an dem Journalisten Jamal Khashoggi und die Inhaftierung von mehr als 30 saudischen Journalistinnen und Journalisten, teilte die deutsche Sektion von Reporters sans frontières am Dienstag mit. Dabei handle es sich um Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.
Die Anzeige richtet sich außerdem gegen vier weitere hochrangige Vertreter des islamisch-konservativen Königreichs. “RSF fordert den Generalbundesanwalt dazu auf, eine formelle Untersuchung dieser Verbrechen einzuleiten”, heißt es in der Anzeige. Die Organisation beruft sich auf das sogenannte Weltrechtsprinzip: Täter sollen nirgendwo Zuflucht finden. Danach verfolgt die Bundesanwaltschaft Verbrechen nach dem 2002 in Kraft getretenen Völkerstrafgesetzbuch (VStGB)….

(A P)

Media watchdog seeks German investigation of Saudi crown prince over Khashoggi death

Global media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has accused Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and several top officials of committing crimes against humanity in a criminal complaint filed in Germany.

The 500-page complaint, filed on Monday with the German Public Prosecutor General in the Karlsruhe federal court, includes allegations of arbitrary detention of more than 30 journalists and the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.

“Those responsible for the persecution of journalists in Saudi Arabia, including the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, must be held accountable for their crimes,” RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire said in a statement.

RSF said it filed the lawsuit in Germany because of its principle of universal jurisdiction, allowing its courts to prosecute crimes against humanity committed anywhere, and that other names could be added to the complaint at a later stage.

The German prosecutor’s office said it had received the complaint and was assessing the legal and factual merits of it.

and also

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Saudia plans to order 70 Airbus, Boeing jets: report

State-owned Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) plans to order 70 airliners from Airbus and Boeing, Saudi news outlet Maaal reported on Monday, citing unidentified sources.

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Thread: Revealing important information about link between the pro-MBS online disinformation network and the pro-Trump disinformation ecosystem

BACKGROUND: In May 2019, due to recent action by Twitter, a number of large Saudi disinfo accounts were removed from the platform for state-sponsored manipulation. This was a hit to MBS's disinfo efforts, and led to a Saudi state-manipulated campaign against Twitter.

The Saudi campaign included insults and harassment against Twitter MENA employees, but also importantly, calls to delete Twitter and install Parler. Some of these tweets are still online, but I don't want to link directly to them. Here's some screenshots

At the same time, 200,000 fresh Saudi accounts were created on Parler practically overnight. Our assessment (as well as the assessment of experts we spoke to at the time) is that the majority were disinfo accounts.

THE NEWS: Today I'd like to reveal that MBS tried in June 2019 to purchase US right-wing social media platform Parler. His bid was serious enough that his consultants flew Parler founder & ex-CEO John Matze to Riyadh for negotiations.

MBS's consultants made certain requests of Matze, including ability to peer into accounts they deem "extremist", and insisted that accounts be registered by SMS + phone number, not through mobile verification.

The negotiations continued for a number of months. To his credit, John Matze was wondering whether the Saudis represented "American values" in light of the Khashoggi murder. I do not know if the deal proceeded past November 2019

SUMMARY: MBS made a serious bid to purchase the same right-wing platform that was used as a staging ground for the Jan 6 attack on US democracy. He also wanted the platform to weaken its features to allow him to spy on its users. How far these talks went needs to be investigated.

This revelation is only part of a bigger story about the intersection between the disinfo ecosystems of Arab dictators and that of Trump. I received this information first hand. I will be limiting further comments for the time being.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp8a – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-722 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-722: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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