Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 743 - Yemen War Mosaic 743

Yemen Press Reader 743: 31. Mai 2021: Profiteure der humanitären Hilfe für Jemen – Saudi-Blockade des Jemen ist Kriegsverbrechen – Huthis: Häftlinge jahrelang gefoltert u. willkürlich inhaftiert

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... Die absichtliche Zerstörung der Insel Sokotra Saudi-Arabien und Emirate festigen strategische Positionen im Osten und auf den Inseln des Jemen Auf einer Vulkaninsel vor dem Jemen wird ein mysteriöser Luftwaffenstützpunkt gebaut Das Horn von Afrika ist ein gefährliche Route für Migranten und mehr

May 31, 2021. Profiteering from Humanitarian Aid in Yemen – The Saudi blockade on Yemen is a war crime – Houthis: Detainees tortured and arbitrarily detained for years – The deliberate destruction of Socotra Island – Saudi Arabia and the UAE consolidating strategic positions in Yemen’s east and islands – Mysterious air base being built on volcanic island off Yemen – Horn of Africa a dangerous road home for migrants – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Schlacht um Marib / Theater of War: Marib battle

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H P)

Benefiting from the Misery of Others: Humanitarian Aid in Yemen

But scant tangible results and an escalating crisis have led many analysts to critique the model used to provide humanitarian assistance to Yemen. While “man-made” clearly refers to both the Saudi-led bombing campaign and blockade and the internal war led by the Yemeni Houthi movement in Sanaa, foreign-led humanitarian aid programs may also be contributing to the perpetuation of this disaster.

Instead of contributing to a resolution of the conflict and developing Yemen’s long-term stability, much of the humanitarian aid that arrives in Yemen exacerbates the war by fostering a lucrative wartime economy, disincentivizing peaceful resolutions and prolonging national dependence on foreign aid. Humanitarian assistance constitutes one of the country’s largest economic sectors, enriching an entrenched militant elite who monopolize the distribution of aid and use food and supplies as political capital. The potential for corruption and deleterious effects from humanitarian aid on a civil conflict is hardly a new phenomenon in Yemen and has been the subject of a growing number of critical studies over the past ten years.[1]

Donor-directed agendas, especially surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, have had an unintended negative impact while growing Yemeni dependency on donors has created additional obstacles for the long-term development of the country’s national economy and health care. Even local civil society organizations, which may present a path toward increasing Yemeni agency in aid distribution and development, struggle with war-related political tensions, corruption and an absence of accountability.

The Business of Famine Response

News media has frequently declared Yemen to be on the brink of famine since 2014. While this coverage depicts serious war-related food shortages, it also serves to increase viewership and appeal to the public’s moral compass. International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), dependent upon private donor generosity for operating and program budgets, have used the Yemen crisis extensively as part of their fundraising campaigns. OXFAM International, for example, regularly uses impassioned titles on their online pages such as “Yemen on the brink: conflict is pushing millions towards famine” juxtaposed next to “Donate Now” links. Yet how many of these donations end up reaching Yemen and how much of this funding goes toward the overhead and indirect costs of the broader organization? According to OXFAM’s 2019 annual report, 33 percent of expenditures are earmarked for non-program related items such as fundraising and marketing. Fundraising is, however, essential to running these organizations and maintaining the salaries of agency personnel. As Michael Barnett argues: “Because good causes do not sell themselves but rather have to be sold, aid agencies have developed considerable marketing prowess…they will advertise if not embellish the tragedy in order to tap into the guilt of the rich.”[2] Agency self-promotion is part of the humanitarian aid business model, although there is a fine line between utilitarianism and exploitation.

In addition to INGOs, a growing list of UN agencies and humanitarian organizations have effectively used similar crisis language to boost state contributions and private donations. The Office of the Special Envoy (OSE) for Yemen has particularly needed additional self-promotion and public justification as its annual core operational budget for 2020 increased to $18.4 million, surpassing the Syrian OSE budget of $16.2 million.

As Fiona Terry observed: “Emphasizing the complexities of crises has become a convenient way of deflecting responsibility for the negative consequences of humanitarian action from the international aid regime to the context in which it operates.”[5] The current conflict in Yemen is the epitome of a “complex emergency,” featuring an internationally recognized government in exile, a rebel group governing the capital city, regional military intervention, restrictions on mobility, internal displacement and a man-made humanitarian disaster. Humanitarian aid cannot solve the political conflict, but it can play a role in building local capacity, preparing Yemenis for the necessary post-war reconstruction.

Aid Politics in Yemen

The legacy of mistrust has carried over from decades of long-term development aid and continues to impact Yemen’s relationship with foreign humanitarian aid providers during the current conflict. Between 2015 and 2019 Yemen received an estimated $15 billion in total humanitarian aid and more than $2.5 billion in Saudi bilateral support intended to stabilize the economy and prevent the collapse of the Yemeni rial currency. The year 2018 marked the apex of foreign aid when it reached $5.2 billion, or 15 percent of Yemen’s 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $35.4 billion and nearly 20 percent of the wartime GDP in 2018. Humanitarian aid is now one of the largest economic sectors for the country, a dangerous precedent for Yemen’s current and future development.

Local political actors and militants, serving as default partners for international humanitarian organizations, seek to exercise control over the administration of aid. Houthi tribesmen and other local militias profit from the country’s humanitarian crisis and generous foreign aid by collecting inflated transit and distribution fees or delivering aid to constituents as a form of political capital. Ironically, the distribution of aid removes incentives for peace initiatives and prolongs the very crisis that the humanitarian organizations seek to alleviate. Food aid, either granted or withheld, is used by Houthi leaders to lure young men to war fronts through a system of registering fighters’ families for aid and providing the men with a stipend. In contrast, internally displaced refugees receive only minimal amounts of food aid and suffer from severe malnutrition. International relief agencies supported by the UN are left with few alternatives when working in Houthi-controlled territory where, for example, the World Food Program (WFP) works with the School Feeding and Humanitarian Relief Project of the Houthi Ministry of Education to distribute 60 percent of all food aid to north Yemen. The profit-seeking behavior of the Houthis and other militias reached new heights in 2020 as systemic interference in relief operations provoked a clash with international aid organizations, leading to their partial withdrawal without sufficient local civil society organizations in place.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Humanitarian Aid to Yemen

In May 2020, Altaf Musani, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) representative in Yemen, estimated that the entire 28 million person population of Yemen would contract COVID-19 and at least 65,000 would die from the virus.[8] In reality, Yemen is unlikely to see such high numbers but even if 65,000 die as estimated, this would translate into a 0.2 percent mortality rate. In contrast, COVID-19 mortality rates in the Western world in November 2020 were above 1.5 percent. Musani’s statement reflected two typical and unfortunate aspects of humanitarian agency operations in Yemen: overestimation of the impact of health crises and self-interested advocacy.

The greatest strategic challenge for models of humanitarian assistance to Yemen is balancing the country’s short-term crises with its long-term needs. Most programming focuses on emergent public health crises such as cholera and COVID-19, which reflects donor intent rather than Yemeni priorities. But Yemen faces significant long-term public health challenges. Prior to the onset of hostilities in 2014, Yemen’s health care system also suffered from chronic shortages of medical supplies and medical staff, with only three physicians per 10,000 individuals—one of the worst physicians-to-persons ratios in the world. Foreign-directed health care priorities in Yemen have inadvertently contributed to the overall medical brain drain in Yemen, as the country increasingly relies on foreign medical expertise and personnel. The Yemeni medical professionals who could afford to leave the war-torn country have already done so, while those left behind gravitate toward better-paying international medical initiatives rather than basic health care.

The Challenges and Benefits of Local Aid Efforts.

One way to address the deleterious cycle of foreign humanitarian aid and dependence is to limit the overreaching and bloated INGO bureaucracies and instead increase Yemeni agency in the strategic process of aid allocation. Collaboration with local entities both during conflict and post-conflict situations is essential to creating self-sustaining development and stability.[11] Local organizations are able to prioritize the long-term needs of capacity building over short-term humanitarian responses and can work to replace expensive foreign personnel with local Yemenis, particularly in basic health care.

For example, rather than importing food, a practice dating back to the early 1970s, local efforts of resource acquisition may allow Yemenis to invest in long-term agricultural and food security. The unchecked dumping of large quantities of imported food by humanitarian organizations can cripple local farmers, leading to a vicious cycle of impoverishment. Sustainable aid models draw instead upon locally sourced emergency food supplies to the furthest extent possible, knowing that such an investment-centric approach will reduce dependence in future years – by Asher Orkaby

(** B H K P)

The Saudi blockade on Yemen is a war crime, and only civilians suffer from it

Members of Congress are pressing President Biden to put the squeeze on Riyadh, and to use weapons sales as leverage.

While all eyes have been on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Senator Elizabeth Warren has led the effort to pressure the Biden administration to pressure Saudi Arabia to lift the blockade on Yemen. In a letter to the President, she writes:

“We request that you leverage all influence & tools available, including the potential impact on pending weapons sales, U.S.-Saudi military cooperation, and U.S.-Saudi ties more broadly, to demand that Saudi Arabia immediately & unconditionally stop the use of blockade tactics. The current commercial fuel import standoff must end today and be decoupled from ongoing negotiations.”

Fourteen other Democratic Senators, as well as Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), co-signed the letter, which was supported by multiple organizations, including the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation, Just Foreign Policy, as well as the Quincy Institute.

Though lifting the blockade is not sufficient to end the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, it is a necessary step, both strategically and morally. Warren’s letter reiterates that the role played by the United States is inexcusable: by not demanding the Saudis withdraw, the U.S. tacitly supports Saudi Arabia’s military involvement in Yemen, including its use of starvation as a weapon of war.

Warren’s statement regarding the need to decouple the restrictions on fuel imports from negotiations is significant, as ceasefire proposals put forward in March by U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking as well as by the Saudis both offered to partially lift the blockade in exchange for a Houthi ceasefire. For their part, the Houthis, known formally as Ansar Allah, have demanded the blockade be lifted regardless of ceasefire negotiations, arguing that the starvation of Yemenis is an unacceptable bargaining chip. The actions of the Saudi government in preventing food and fuel from reaching Yemen violate the terms of the Geneva Convention, to which Saudi Arabia is a signatory, and therefore constitute a war crime.

Ending the Blockade

Biden may lack the means of forcing Yemen’s warring parties to agree to a ceasefire. However, what Biden can influence is the malign role that Saudi Arabia plays in the war.

Congressional pressure on the Biden administration increased after CNN released a video on March 10 documenting the effects of the blockade.

The Saudis justify their blockade on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 2216, which passed in 2015 soon after the Saudis led a coalition to try to oust the Houthis from Yemen’s capital, Sanaa. The Resolution stipulates that the UN establish a process, known as the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM), to prevent Iran from smuggling weapons to the Houthis.

However, Yemen’s internationally recognized government — led by President Abdrabbu Mansur Hadi, who lives in exile in Riyadh — and the Saudis impose additional restrictions and delays on imports beyond those already in place. Their stated goal is to prevent the Houthis from gaining access to additional resources, especially revenues from the port of Hodeidah.

Yet the primary effect of the blockade is the immiseration of Yemen’s population. Weapons smuggling persists, often overland from Oman, which undermines the UN’s justification for restricting imports. In the war between the various factions in Yemen, the civilian Yemeni population is victimized by all sides.

Warren’s letter clearly establishes the imperative for the U.S. to use all possible leverage to make clear to Saudi Arabia that it can continue to blockade Yemen, or it can have a relationship with the U.S. With this latest call from one of Washington’s most influential Senators, Biden must make good on his commitment to ending U.S. complicity in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis – by Annelle Sheline

(** B P)

Yemen: Detainees tortured and arbitrarily detained for years then forced into exile upon release

The Huthi de facto authorities in Yemen must not use arbitrarily detained prisoners as pawns in ongoing political negotiations, a new report by Amnesty International said today.

The report, Released and Exiled: Torture, unfair trials and forcible exile of Yemenis under Huthi rule, is an in-depth investigation into the experiences of a minority of non-fighters, including journalists, political opponents and Baha’i religious minority members, who were released as part of political deals in 2020 after being unlawfully detained and tortured for up to seven years. Upon their release, the Baha’is were forced into exile, with the United Nations (UN) facilitating their departure and eight other detainees were banished to other parts of the country.

“This report highlights how prisoners have been used as political pawns with forcible exile and displacement resulting from negotiated prisoner deals by Huthi de-facto authorities. After suffering years of harrowing abuse and unlawful detention, even release did not bring relief to the detainees featured in this report as none of them were able to return home and reunite with their families after years forcibly separated,” said Heba Morayef, Middle East and North Africa Regional Director at Amnesty International.

“No one should be forced to choose between staying in unlawful detention or abandoning their home or country. Under no circumstances should negotiated prisoner release deals explicitly or implicitly allow for released detainees to be forcibly exiled or displaced from their homes.”

In October 2020, Huthi officials released 1056 prisoners as part of a politically negotiated deal co-sponsored by the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). While the vast majority were fighters, around two dozen were not. Prior to that, in July 2020, Huthi officials released six members of the Baha’i religious minority. Amnesty International spoke to 12 of that small group who should never have been detained in the first place; seven journalists, a government employee, and four Baha’is.

Ten were detained for periods ranging between two and three years before they were informed of the charges brought against them. In nine cases, a court had ordered the detainees’ release in March and April 2020. However, the Huthi authorities continued to arbitrarily detain them for months afterwards, only releasing them later as part of political deals.

Forcible exile and displacement

On 30 July 2020, six Baha’i detainees were released after up to seven years arbitrary detention. Instead of being allowed to return home, the Huthi authorities forced them to leave Yemen, transferring them directly to Sana’a airport. They boarded a UN flight to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, suggesting the UN was aware of their forcible exile. The expelled Baha’is remain banished from Yemen to this day.

A member of the Baha’i community described how he was taken straight to the airport upon his release:

“I begged them [the authorities] to allow me to see my father but they didn’t. He is 80 years old and I won’t be able to see him again. That was the hardest thing in my life, leaving my father behind,” he said.

At least eight other detainees released in October 2020 told Amnesty International that the Huthi authorities had transferred them directly from their place of detention to the airport and ordered them to board flights to Aden and Sey’oun airports, areas under the control of the internationally recognized Yemeni government. One of the journalists who had remained arbitrarily detained for more than five months after a court ordered his release told Amnesty International:

“We wanted to stay in Sana’a but the Huthis refused to release us unconditionally even though the court ruled in favour of our release. We had no other option but to take the deal and leave the north [area under the control of the Huthis] ...My home and family are in Sana’a. My life is in Sana’a.”

Faced with the risk of indefinite detention and torture, Amnesty International does not consider their “agreement” while in arbitrary detention to leave their place of origin as voluntary.

Exile on account of religious beliefs or political opposition constitutes an egregious violation of international human rights law. The exile of Baha’i detainees violates the prohibition on forced displacement in international humanitarian law and can amount to a war crime.

“The Huthi authorities must put an end to forcible exile – which is an outrageous breach of international law and a damning addition to the long list of other violations that Huthi authorities are responsible for. They must allow the return of exiled individuals to their homes,” said Heba Morayef.

Torture and inhumane detention conditions

All 12 former detainees interviewed by Amnesty International were tortured or subjected to other forms of ill-treatment during their interrogation and detention. They described how Huthi forces beat them with steel rods, electric cables, weapons and other objects, placed them in stress positions, hosed them with water, repeatedly threatened to kill them or detained them in solitary confinement for periods ranging between 20 days and several months. Many of the detainees continue to suffer from physical injuries and chronic health problems as a result of this abuse and the lack of health care they received during their time in detention.

One journalist described how he fainted twice from fear and stress after being threatened by his interrogators:

“The interrogator and others in the room threatened to shoot me. Threatened to kill my parents. They wanted me to name other journalists and students who covered anti-Huthi news… They threatened to … remove my nails one by one.

"They threatened to give me electric shocks between my legs.”

Another detained journalist described being subjected to a terrifying mock execution while held in a counterterrorism branch in Hodeida. He was summoned by guards at night who handcuffed and blindfolded him and showed him a hole in the ground outside saying: “this is your grave”.

“I heard the sound of a gunshot in the background. I imagined being hit by a bullet. They kicked me and pushed me in to the hole. I fell on my face. My nose started bleeding and I could taste the blood. I started crying and thinking of my children because I was sure they were going to bury me alive. I was begging them to kill me first. The same man was saying ‘we will bury you here and your family will never know where you are’,” he said.

Detainees also said they were tortured repeatedly simply for asking for food or water.

“This report paints a horrifying picture of the catalogue of abuse endured by these former detainees including enforced disappearance, detention in inhumane conditions, torture, denial of medical care, and facing grossly unfair trials on trumped-up charges,” said Heba Morayef.

“As well as putting an immediate end to these abuses, Huthi authorities must order the immediate and unconditional release of anyone detained solely for peacefully exercising their rights - without exile or banishment.”

and a shorter press release: =

and the report in full:

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(** B H P)

Documented: Tampering And The Deliberate Destruction Of Socotra Island

It was necessary for the World Heritage Committee, WHC, of UNESCO, to address the government of the state responsible for Socotra, the government of President Hadi, and warned Yemen of the seriousness of the threats facing the archipelago.

In its memo sent to the General Authority for Environmental Protection in 2016, the Heritage Committee suggested sending an expert mission to Socotra Island, to assess the threats to the site, and to take steps to support the Yemeni side in order to prioritize rehabilitation and sustainable management activities.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the security logistics in Socotra prevented the implementation of this mission to send a mission to assess the situation in Socotra, and concerns continued to expand about the threats to the island.

2017: Hawari castle destroyed in Socotra

On April 2, 2017, an Emirati investment company began implementing real estate construction at the archaeological site of the historic fort at Jabal Hawari on the island of Socotra, which extends over 500 years of age.

And picked up the news , presented the archaeological site for a number of damage caused by the bulldozers and construction work to settle the land of the site, causing a leveling of the soil, and the destruction of some species of endemic plants on the site. Which affects the rare natural environment on the island.

2018: Environment Agency denies Emirati tampering with Socotra

In the beginning of 2018, with the increase of Emirati construction inside the island, the World Heritage Committee (WHC) at UNESCO inquired about the state of Socotra and the reality of the works that harm the island's biodiversity as a result of illegal construction operations.

The World Heritage Committee has sent an official memorandum containing a number of inquiries, about what is happening in Socotra, to the Yemeni government party concerned with the island of Socotra, which is the presidency of the General Authority for Environmental Protection (General Court) in Aden Governorate, which is affiliated with the government of President Hadi.

In that letter, the World Heritage Committee requested the Yemeni party, to provide detailed answers from the state, including information on development projects in Socotra and military operations on the island, in order to review and assess the state of Socotra by the joint committee of UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN.

Six months after that response and justification given by the Environment Agency, the World Heritage Committee (WHC) of UNESCO urged the Government of Yemen to stop the destructive activities in the Socotra Archipelago. The International Federation IUCN also advised the Yemeni party to stop any activity that may negatively affect the wildlife and the unique nature of the World Heritage Site of the Socotra Archipelago.

In its statement published on the IUCN website on 2 July 2018, the UNESCO Heritage Committee and the International Union for Nature called on the Yemeni party to agree to “facilitate the dispatch of a joint expert mission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and UNESCO to Socotra, to assess the effects of non-governmental developments and exports.” unsustainable fisheries, and the introduction of non-native species into the island.”

An Emirati investment company and resort

At the beginning of 2016, news came from the island of Socotra, which was talking about the UAE's initiation to build a tourist and entertainment resort in the style of Dubai resorts on one of the coasts of the archipelago, which is characterized by its temperate environment. Speculation arose that this Emirati resort was made according to a deal made with the Yemeni government.

On March 10, 2016, the Yemeni Minister of Tourism in the Hadi government (then) Muammar Al-Eryani, the (current) Minister of Information and Culture, said in a statement to Saba News Agency, confirming the matter: “The Yemeni Ministry of Tourism, on the orders of President Hadi, will establish a company to manage tourism investments in Socotra, in partnership between Yemeni, Gulf and European investors.

In a report published by the British website Verdict , Abdul Jamil Mohammed, Socotra Undersecretary for Environment and Development Affairs in 2018, said: “The Emiratis have already started buying land on the beaches of Socotra and in the mountains. [They bought] ten miles in one of the most attractive places on Socotra, where modern infrastructure should not work.”

2019: The Environment Agency covers up tampering

On February 12, 2019, the Presidency of the Environment Agency submitted its 2019 report to the World Heritage Committee on Socotra. That report was in response to inquiries sent by the World Heritage Committee, in which it inquired about random and illegal construction operations in areas in the archipelago, including Delisha Beach and Sirhan Lake in Socotra.

Socotra assessment: Threats persist

The outlook assessment of the International Union for Conservation of Nature indicates that the Socotra archipelago has fallen in its level in the global assessment of conservation prospects, from the second classification : Good with some Concern, to the classification at the third level, which currently classifies Socotra as: Significant Concern, and as a result The World Heritage Committee reiterated its warnings of the need to protect and preserve the property of Socotra.

The Global Conservation Outlook for Natural Heritage 2020, indicated that Socotra, which was relatively well protected, is now witnessing rapid development, which has led to the emergence of significant threats to its unique environment, through increased use of natural resources, infrastructure development processes, as well as increasing threats related to climate change, the introduction of alien and invasive species, and habitat degradation. With further deterioration expected.

As assessed by the IUCN, threats persist on Socotra and are a major concern. This may require the UNESCO-IUCN Interactive Monitoring Mission to include Socotra in the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger. It seems that this matter is not wanted by both the Emirates, and its accomplices, as it will impose new standards of conservation and protection on Socotra, in order to preserve the natural heritage of the island.

Finally, it seems that the internationally recognized Yemeni government and its environmental institutions are indifferent to the size of the loss to which the environment of Socotra is exposed, and the loss of biological and biological diversity of one of the most important islands on the planet. Whatever the case, this government bears full responsibility for the tampering with the environment of the archipelago, as long as it played the role of a "false witness" and concealed the truth of everything that happened to Socotra before the institutions of the international community.

Original report in Arabic:

(** B K P)

Saudi Arabia and the UAE consolidating strategic positions in Yemen’s east and islands

As the peace process has stalled between the Zaydi Shia Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have entrenched their hold on strategic parts of the country. Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are unlikely to give up their gains without significant international pressure.

The Saudis have focused their attention on the Eastern governorate or province of al-Mahrah, Yemen’s second largest, which borders on Oman. Al-Mahrah is far from the Houthi-controlled territory in north Yemen and is populated by Sunni Muslims.

Beginning in 2017, the Saudis gradually took control of al-Mahrah. They occupied the capital and the port and took control of the border posts with Oman. Saudi troops now control the province. Human Rights Watch has reported the Saudis and local allied tribes have used force, torture, and arbitrary detention to squelch any opposition to their occupation. The Saudis have 20 bases and outposts in the province now. Taking al-Mahrah gives Saudi Arabia direct access to the Indian Ocean. Riyadh plans to build an oil pipeline from its Eastern Province through al-Mahrah to the sea, according to some reports.

Abu Dhabi, on the other hand, is focused on Yemen’s strategic islands. The UAE has downsized its role in the war in the last year. The Emiratis have quietly chosen to get out of the Yemeni quagmire as much as possible and have substantially reduced their presence in Aden. They still have some small pockets of troops in Mokha, Shabwa, and a couple of other locations.

But they are very active in several key islands. Most recently, satellite imagery has shown that the UAE is building a sizable air base on the island of Mayun which is located in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait that links the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. Five square miles in size, the island is key to the control of the Bab el-Mandeb or “Gate of Tears.”

Mayun, also known as Perim, has been a goal of empires since ancient times.

Both Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are eager to get some advantage out of the expensive quagmire they jumped into in 2015. Territorial acquisition of strategic terrain may be the only gain possible. The acquisition may be de facto and never accepted by any Yemeni government. The fiction of Yemen’s territorial integrity and sovereignty may cover the facts on the ground.

The United States should not be a party to the dismemberment of Yemen. It is not too early to quietly put down a marker that if a cease-fire is arranged in Yemen, the Saudis and Emiratis will need to evacuate al-Mahrah, Mayun, and Socotra, and return control to the Yemenis – by Bruce Riedel

(** B K P)

Luftwaffenstützpunkt aus dem Nichts

Satellitenbilder zeigen, wie auf einer Insel vor der jemenitischen Küste ein Luftwaffenstützpunkt entsteht. Bislang hat sich niemand als Bauherr zu erkennen gegeben – es könnte sich allerdings um die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate handeln.

Die Nachrichtenagentur AP berichtet, ihr seien Aufnahmen des Erdbeobachtungsunternehmens »Planet Labs« zugänglich gemacht worden. Auf Bildern vom 11. April seien Baufahrzeuge zu sehen, wie sie eine 1,85 Kilometer lange Start-und-Lande-Bahn konstruieren. Am 18. Mai waren die Arbeiten demnach abgeschlossen, zudem wurden drei Hangars südlich der Start-und-Lande-Bahn auf Asphalt gebaut.

Wer hinter dem mysteriösen Bau stecken könnte, ist unklar – es spricht aber vieles dafür, dass es sich um die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate handeln könnte. Das sollen laut AP jedenfalls Beamte aus dem jemenitischen Militärapparat unter dem Deckmantel der Verschwiegenheit erzählt haben.

»Es scheint ein langfristiges strategisches Ziel zu sein, eine relativ permanente Präsenz aufzubauen«, sagte Jeremy Binnie, Militäranalyst der Open-Source-Plattform Janes. Von Perim aus seien das Rote Meer, der Golf von Aden sowie weite Teile Ostafrikas für Militäroperationen gut erreichbar.


(** B K P)

Jemen: Die VAE bauen einen geheimen Luftwaffenstützpunkt auf Perim aus

Die VAE bauen eine Militärbasis auf einer Vulkaninsel vor dem Jemen aus, um die geopolitische Lage in der Meeresstraße Bab al-Mandab mehr unter "Kontrolle" zu haben

Auf einer Vulkaninsel vor dem Jemen wird ein mysteriöser Luftwaffenstützpunkt errichtet, der sich in einem der wichtigsten maritimen Nadelöhren der Welt befindet: in der Meeresstraße Bab al-Mandab, deren Sperrung die Energieversorgung weltweit ins Stocken bringen.

Während kein Staat offiziell bislang den Luftwaffenstützpunkt Perim im Bab al-Mandab für sich beansprucht hat, erklärten vor Kurzem die Beamten der von der arabischen Koalition unterstützen Regierung des Jemen, dass die Emiratis hinter dem Ausbau dieser Militärbasis stehen, obwohl die VAE 2019 bekannt gegeben hatten, dass sie ihre Truppen aus einer von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militärkampagne gegen die Huthis im Jemen abziehen werden.

"Dies scheint ein längerfristiges strategisches Ziel zu sein, um eine relativ dauerhafte Präsenz aufzubauen", sagte Jeremy Binnie, Redakteur von Jane's Defence Weekly, der seit Jahren den Bau auf diese vulkanische Insel verfolgt. Es geht "möglicherweise nicht nur um den Jemen-Krieg, und man muss auch die Schifffahrtssituation dort als ziemlich wichtig ansehen". Beamte der Emirate in Abu Dhabi und die Botschaft der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in Washington antworteten nicht auf Anfragen nach Kommentaren.

Die Landebahn des Luftwaffenstützpunktes in Perim ermöglicht es jedem, der die Insel kontrolliert, leicht Luftangriffe auf jemenitisches Festland zu starten, das schon von einem jahrelangen blutigen Krieg erschüttert worden ist. Sie bietet auch eine Basis für Operationen im Roten Meer, im Golf von Aden und im nahe gelegenen Ostafrika.

Die Beamten, die unter der Bedingung der Anonymität mit der AP sprachen, da sie nicht befugt waren, Journalisten zu informieren, sagten, emiratische Schiffe hätten in den letzten Wochen Militärwaffen, Ausrüstung und Truppen auf Insel transportiert.

Die jüngsten Spannungen zwischen den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und dem jemenitischen Präsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi seien auch teilweise auf die Forderung der VAE zur Unterzeichnung eines 20-jährigen Mietvertrags für Perim zurückzuführen.


(* A P)

Rätsel um Fliegerhorst: Jemen [= Hadi-Regierung] dementiert Aufbau fremder Luftwaffenbasis im Landesgebiet

Auf einer Insel vor der Küste Jemens soll laut einem Medienbericht ein angeblich fremder und geheimer Fliegerhorst entstehen, mutmaßlich der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Das jemenitische Außenministerium [Hadi-Regierung] hat diese und ähnliche Vermutungen nun zurückgewiesen.

Die Nachrichtenagentur „Associated Press“ (AP) berichtete dieser Tage, auf der Insel Perim in der Meeresstraße Bab al-Mandab zwischen der Arabischen Halbinsel und Afrika entstehe, vermutlich im Auftrag der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, eine Luftwaffenbasis. Die Insel ist jemenitisches Territorium.

Der jemenitische Außenminister Ahmad Awad Bin Mubarak erklärte hierzu in einem SNA-Interview, es gebe hinsichtlich einer fremden Militärbasis auf dem Gebiet seines Landes keine Vereinbarungen. „Solche Vereinbarungen müssen im jemenitischen Parlament genehmigt werden. Es geht hierbei um Fragen der Souverenität des Landes. Wir halten uns an ein wichtiges Grundprinzip: Jemens Boden, Wasser und Luft sind seine wichtigsten Werte. Keine Seite kann dies bestreiten, weshalb auch kein Abkommen existiert, das mit irgendwem in Bezug auf den Aufbau einer Militärbasis auf jemenitischem Gebiet unterzeichnet worden wäre.“

Mein Kommentar: LOL. Siehe dazu auf English die Stellungnahme der Saudi-Koalition, die zugibt, die Insel als Militärstützpunkt auszubauen:

(** B K P)

Mysterious air base being built on volcanic island off Yemen

A mysterious air base is being built on a volcanic island off Yemen that sits in one of the world’s crucial maritime chokepoints for both energy shipments and commercial cargo.

While no country has claimed the Mayun Island air base in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, shipping traffic associated with a prior attempt to build a massive runway across the 5.6-kilometer (3.5 mile)-long island years ago links back to the United Arab Emirates.

Officials in Yemen’s internationally recognized government now say the Emiratis are behind this latest effort as well, even though the UAE announced in 2019 it was withdrawing its troops from a Saudi-led military campaign battling Yemen’s Houthi rebels.

“This does seem to be a longer-term strategic aim to establish a relatively permanent presence,” said Jeremy Binnie, the Mideast editor at the open-source intelligence company Janes who has followed construction on Mayun for years. It’s “possibly not just about the Yemen war and you’ve got to see the shipping situation as fairly key there.”

Emirati officials in Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s Embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.

The runway on Mayun Island allows whoever controls it to project power into the strait and easily launch airstrikes into mainland Yemen, convulsed by a yearslong bloody war. It also provides a base for any operations into the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and nearby East Africa.

Satellite images from Planet Labs Inc. obtained by The Associated Press showed dump trucks and graders building a 1.85 kilometer (6,070-foot) runway on the island on April 11. By May 18, that work appeared complete, with three hangars constructed on a tarmac just south of the runway.

A runway of that length can accommodate attack, surveillance and transport aircraft. An earlier effort begun toward the end of 2016 and later abandoned had workers try to build an even-larger runway over 3 kilometers (9,800 feet) long, which would allow for the heaviest bombers.

Military officials with Yemen’s internationally recognized government, which the Saudi-led coalition has backed since 2015, say the UAE is building the runway. The officials, speaking to the AP on condition of anonymity as they didn’t have authorization to brief journalists, say Emirati ships transported military weapons, equipment and troops to Mayun Island in recent weeks.

The military officials said recent tension between the UAE and Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi came in part from an Emirati demand for his government to sign a 20-year lease agreement for Mayun. Emirati officials have not acknowledged any disagreement.

The apparent decision by the Emiratis to resume building the air base comes after the UAE dismantled parts of a military base it ran in the East African nation of Eritrea as a staging ground for its Yemen campaign.

While the Horn of Africa “has become a dangerous place” for the Emiratis due to competitors and local war risks, Mayun has a small population and offers a valuable site for monitoring the Red Sea, said Eleonora Ardemagni, an analyst at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. The region has seen a rise in attacks and incidents.

“The Emiratis have been shifting from a power-projection foreign policy to a power-protection foreign policy,” Ardemagni said. It increases “their capacity to monitor what happens and to prevent possible threats by non-state actors close to Iran.” – by Jon Gambrell

and also:

and also




(* B K P)

Saudi-led coalition says it's behind military buildup on Red Sea island

The Saudi-led military coalition engaged in Yemen said on Thursday it had established a presence on a strategic island at the entrance to the Red Sea to counter perceived threats to maritime trade from the Iran-aligned Houthi movement.

The statement was issued in response to an Associated Press report citing Yemeni officials saying the United Arab Emirates was behind an air base that has emerged on Perim Island, also known as Mayun, in the vital Bab al-Mandab strait.

The AP said it obtained satellite images showing a 1.85 km runway on Perim along with three hangars. here

“All equipment currently present on Mayun Island is under control of the Coalition Command, and is situated there to... counter the Houthi militia, secure maritime navigation and support West Coast forces,” said a statement on Saudi state news agency SPA, citing an unnamed official in the coalition.

The official dismissed as “baseless” reports that Emirati forces were present on Perim and Socotra islands, saying current UAE efforts were focused on providing air support for coalition operations in the mainland city of Marib, which Houthi forces are trying to seize. = =

and also

and the Saudi statement in full:

My comment: This does not make it any better. And claiming that thre would not be any UAE troops on Socotra island is evidence-free propaganda BS.


(* A P)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] Sheds Light on Mysterious Military Island Base

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak has refuted claims about any agreements to establish foreign military bases in his country, specifically an airbase of the United Arab Emirates.

"Such agreements must be approved by the Yemeni parliament, since these issues are related to the country's sovereignty. Our key principle is that all of Yemen's land, its water, and its skies are its key value, no side can reject that, therefore, there is no agreement signed with anyone on constructing a military base on Yemeni territory", Mubarak said in an interview with Sputnik.

(** B H)

Horn of Africa proving to be a dangerous road home for migrants

Covid-19 is a key factor forcing migrants travelling to Saudi Arabia to make risky journeys home from Yemen.

Migrants are returning for three main reasons: their inability to find work in Yemen, increased human rights abuses in Yemen, and the closure of the Yemen-Saudi Arabia border.

Stephanie Daviot, the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) Djibouti representative, said in October 2020 that “Migrants are arriving in Djibouti in large numbers from Yemen” and many more might be waiting to make similar trips. Over 32,000 are stranded in Yemen without access to shelter, water, food or health services.

Between May 2020 and April 2021, 12,701 African migrants returned from Yemen to Djibouti, landing on the coast of Obock, according to an upcoming IOM report on the impact of Covid-19 on migrants using the Eastern Route. Since the first half of 2020, 2,065 returned to Somalia. Most of the migrants likely used smugglers to get them home.

The return of Horn of Africa migrants aided by smugglers is a new trend along the Eastern Route. This was the busiest maritime migration route in 2019, used by over 138,000 migrants from the Horn to reach Yemen.

The route involves three legs. The first is from the migrants’ countries of origin to Obock in Djibouti or Bosaso in Somalia. The second involves the sea journey between Obock or Bosaso and Yemen, and the border crossing point from Yemen to the Gulf States — mainly Saudi Arabia. The return route follows the same stops but in reverse. Most migrants who have used the Eastern Route are Ethiopians, and some are Somalis.

Increased human rights abuses and violence in Yemen is another reason why migrants are forced to return home. Reports are growing about migrants’ detention under deplorable conditions, including widespread torture in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. Migrants experience discrimination and xenophobia, including being labelled as carriers of Covid-19.

The closure of the Yemen-Saudi Arabia border since April 2020 due to the pandemic (except for commercial cargo) has also dashed migrants’ hopes of reaching Saudi Arabia to earn a living. Working there would enable them to pay the debt that financed their journey and send remittances home to their families.

And so thousands of migrants have been stranded along the Eastern Route, triggering an appeal from the IOM in March for $99-million to help them return home. Over 6,000 of the 32,000 migrants stuck in Yemen have already registered with the IOM for the Voluntary Humanitarian Return programme. Over 200 have returned to Ethiopia this year with the help of the IOM.

The factors outlined above leave migrants with few options to get home. They mainly risk using smugglers for the sea crossing back to Djibouti and Somalia without any guarantee of safe arrival. Smugglers use small, shabby and overcrowded boats that can easily capsize. Occasionally some throw migrants overboard to reduce the weight.

The fact that most migrants consider returning from Yemen to their countries of origin via Djibouti, which is a less preferred route, shows their level of desperation. The journey passes through areas at the centre of fighting between the rebels who control Yemen’s north and the internationally recognised government that runs the south. This return route puts migrants in danger, exposing them to the same extreme poverty, conflict and other socio-economic ills they had hoped to leave behind.

These problems can be addressed only through a coordinated response by countries of origin, transit and destination, and the relevant regional and international organisations. The IOM is calling for an interstate dialogue among countries of origin and transit in the Horn of Africa and destination countries in the Arabian Peninsula – By Tsion Tadesse Abebe and Mohamed Daghar

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(A H)

6 new cases of coronavirus reported, 6,737 in total

The committee also reported the death of one coronavirus patient, in addition to the recovery of 28 others.
1,258 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

Yemeni gov't military leader dies of Covid-19 infection

(A H)

8 new cases of coronavirus reported, 6,731 in total

The committee also reported the death of three coronavirus patients, in addition to the recovery of 24 others.
827 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(* A H)

27 new cases of coronavirus reported, 6,723 in total

The committee also reported the death of one coronavirus patient, in addition to the recovery of 36 others.
1,038 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

8 new cases of coronavirus reported, 6,696 in total

The committee also reported the death of two coronavirus patients, in addition to the recovery of 33 others.
1,062 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(* A H)

18 new cases of coronavirus reported, 6,688 in total

The committee also reported the death of two coronavirus patients, in addition to the recovery of 33 others.
+++++950 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(* B H)

Yemen and the challenge of Covid vaccine rollout in conflict countries

The UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) has recently started supporting the Covid-19 vaccine rollout in Yemen. The challenges of bringing these vaccines to conflict countries like Yemen are enormous.

The IOM is offering five of its existing health centres in the country as vaccination points, and IOM doctors have been trained to administer jabs. These centres are mainly in areas where there are many displaced people, but vaccination is also offered to the local population, according to Headon. She says this initiative will be expanded to more centres “depending on demand and whether the doses can reach those locations”.

Just getting the vaccines to the centres is extremely difficult, she explains. “Getting anything into Yemen is a logistical challenge. And you're also working with different authorities in the north and in the south. Different agreements have to be made to get them into the country. That’s the first challenge, and then getting them to the health centres, because there are over 40 active front lines in Yemen. Usually any route you're going to take will be unsafe.”

Security is of course a big issue in any conflict country.

Another big challenge is vaccine reluctance amongst the war-weary population, which may feel Covid-19 is the least of their worries. This goes hand in hand with a reluctance for people with Covid-19 to come forward and go to hospitals

Vaccine reluctance is fuelled by distrust of the authorities and the outside world. “After six years of conflict you feel like you’ve been left behind by the world,” says Headon. “So you are sceptical of some things that are coming from the outside or how they are being handled inside.”

(* B H)

Covid-19 in Yemen: Fear of AstraZeneca vaccine side effects linked to low turnout for jabs

Yemeni health workers are reluctant to take a vaccine 'banned in advanced countries', while many others are sceptical of its safety

In Yemen, the concern about the possible side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine is causing many people, including health workers, to refrain from taking the jab.

Yemen, home to 30 million people, received its first 360,000 doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine in late March from Covax, a global scheme to provide jabs to countries in need.

The vaccine is now available in all provinces under the control of the internationally recognised government, but the majority of Yemenis are not willing to take it.

“I am a health worker. I had Covid-19 last year and recovered from it, but we hear that this [AstraZeneca] vaccine has been banned in advanced countries so I don’t want to take it,” Riyadh, a health worker in Taiz province, told Middle East Eye.

He stated that many health workers around the country were equally worried about the vaccine and that is why they had refused to take it.

“The majority of Yemen's more than 100,00 health workers have not taken the vaccine,” he said, explaining that he takes precautionary measures to protect himself against the virus.

As of Monday, only 18,555 people had received the jab since the beginning of the vaccination campaign on 20 April 2021, according to a health ministry spokesperson.

She said that the ministry had not registered any deaths because of the vaccine

Lack of awareness

Mohammed al-Faqeeh, deputy head of the infection prevention department at al-Thawra Hospital in Taiz and a supervisor of a vaccination committee, stated that the turnout for the Covid-19 vaccine was very low, attributing the reason to an absence of awareness.

“The vaccination centres opened on 20 April but there was no awareness and education about the importance of the vaccine, therefore many people didn’t realise how important it is to be immunised,” he told MEE.

He said that the centre in Taiz saw up to 15 people per day, but that the turnout was usually lower.

Faqeeh said that the vaccine rollout was planned to be exclusively for health workers, elderly people and people with underlying health conditions, but then it had been extended to anyone over the age of 20 due to the low number of people coming forward.

Unicef has backed an awareness campaign through TV and radio stations, but that campaign has failed to convince people to change their minds.

“I don’t expect any good turnout for the vaccine after Eid unless there is hard work on raising the awareness of people,” said Faqeeh.

Adam al-Goaidi, a doctor at an isolation centre for Covid-19 patients in Taiz, stated that the main reason behind the low turnout was the rumours about the vaccine.

People are hearing that the vaccine may lead to death, and many advanced countries stopped using it, so the majority of Yemenis were worried, he said.

“I think there will be better turnout in the coming months as some people are waiting to see the side effects on people who took the vaccine, and if there is nothing fatal they will take the vaccine,” Goaidi said.


(* B H P)

Over 50,000 people vaccinated against Covid-19 in Yemen

As many as 53587 people have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in areas under the control of Yemen’s internationally recognized government, according to Undersecretary of Yemen’s Health Ministry Ali Al Walidi.

“10261 medics, 10851 elderly people, and 32495 others have been vaccinated against Covid-19,” Al Walidi was quoted by government-owned Saba Net News Agency on Monday.

Al Walidi added that the ministry is now aiming to vaccinate those who are due to travel outside the country.

(A H)

8 new cases of coronavirus reported, 6,670 in total

The committee also reported the death of one coronavirus patient, in addition to the recovery of 13 others.
992 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

Today, @UNICEF_Yemen, @WHOYemen & the local health partners launched a door to door integrated oral #polio & Vitamin (A) campaign in 14 Govs. in #Yemen. It targets over 4 million #children under 5.

More than 27,000 vaccinators are participating in the ongoing integrated #polio and Vitamin (A) campaign in 14 governorates in #Yemen. Your children deserve health, and #vaccinesSaveLives. The campaign continues till May 31.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Yemen Daily Map Updates

(* B K P)

The mysterious base in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait

Who is building the mysterious air base on the small volcanic island of Mayun in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait? The Saudi news agency did not report who is building the base. The United Arab Emirates did not respond to requests for comment

The command of the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen announced over the weekend that it is supplying equipment to an island in the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait where a mysterious air base is being built, and it is not clear who is building the base and its facilities.

The Saudi news agency did not report who is building the base on the volcanic island of Mayun that was also reported by AP. The Saudis only said that the equipment on the island helps the coalition support the recognized legal government in its struggle against the Houthis supported by Iran. The report by AP said satellite images revealed that a 1.85km-long runway was built on the island, and that reports that the island and its facilities belong to the UAE are unfounded.

However, military officials subordinate to the legal government of Yemen told AP that ships from the UAE transferred weapons, soldiers and equipment to Mayun in recent weeks. The Yemeni authorities expressed dissatisfaction over what is being done on the mysterious island, and the UAE declined to comment on the reports.

(* B H K P)

Nahost-Talk: „Jemen - eine verdrängte Tragödie“

Über „Jemen - eine verdrängte Tragödie“ diskutierten beim 14. Nahost-Talk am 27. Mai 2021: Dr. Said AlDailami, Staats- und Islamwissenschaftler, Autor des Buches "Jemen. Der vergessene Krieg" und Vorstand von Hayati Karamati e.V., Sevim Dağdelen, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, Obfrau der Fraktion Die Linke im Auswärtigen Ausschuss, Dr. Mathias John, Rüstungsexperte von Amnesty International Deutschland, Dr. Gunter Pleuger, ehemaliger deutscher UNO-Botschafter und Adnan Tabatabai, Geschäftsführer von CARPO – Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient e.V.. Die Moderation lag beim Journalisten Thomas Nehls. Eine Veranstaltung des GSI in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Initiative für den Nahen Osten (DINO).

(A P)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] calls US to stop Iranian support for Houthis

Iran has damaged Yemeni security, stability by using Houthi militias, says Yemeni foreign minister

The [Hadi] Yemeni government urged the US on Friday to pressure Iran to cut support for the Houthi rebel group.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak held a video conference meeting with US Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley and discussed "the damage by Iran to the peace process in Yemen through its destabilizing and destructive intervention,” according to the official Saba News Agency.

Mubarak called for the US to put pressure on Iran's support for the Houthis and to stop arms smuggling against Houthi militias targeting civilians.

My comment: Odd. The Saudi puppet government ask the greatest supporter of it’s saudi puppet master to prevent any support for it’e enemy.

(A K P)

Brotherhood's militias continue to smuggle fuel to Houthis

Islah militia, the arm of Muslim Brotherhood within Yemen's legitimacy, continues to smuggle fuel from the oil rich province of Shabwa into the areas under the control of the Iran-backed Houthi militia.
At least 50 tanker trucks passed through Shabwa's Markhah As-Sufla district on Khora road en route to Houthi-held areas in the northern governorate of al-Baidha, local sources told the press on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals.
Well-informed sources accused the Muslim Brotherhood-linked authority in Shabwa led by the governor Mohammed Bin Adeow of financing and securing the fuel smuggling operations in the province.

My remark: As claimed bby southern separatits, possibly a propaganda story to blame their Islah Party rivals.

(A P)

Abductees children participate at rally covering their faces with anime crying masks

The children of abductees, detainees, and forcibly disappeared persons kept holding on to the hope of spending their next Eid in their fathers’ arms after participating at a rally where they covered their faces with anime crying masks while maintaining social distancing.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

YPC: Maritime piracy prevent entry of fuel ships

The Yemeni oil company confirmed that the maritime piracy led by United States and with the participation of the United Nations, prevent the entry of oil derivatives into Yemeni people.

The executive director of the Yemeni oil company, Engineer Ammar al-Adai, told to Saba that maritime piracy have been preventing fuel of entering more than five months.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H P)

Social Protection at the Humanitarian-Development Nexus: Insights from Yemen


In its seventh year of conflict, facing successive shocks and a heightened risk of famine, Yemen has been termed the world’s ‘worst humanitarian crisis.’ Against this backdrop, there has been a drastic transformation of Yemen’s social protection landscape, with the disruption of several governmental SP programs, the continued functioning of some national institutions and a massive increase in humanitarian assistance programs. In this paper, authors first review conceptual differences between humanitarian and development assistance along several features, also noting the blurring of sharp distinctions. The authors then assess the institutional landscape of social assistance in Yemen, using a unique dataset authors collated using administrative data from a range of humanitarian and development agencies. The authors compare programs in terms of scale, geographical coverage, average benefit levels, and targeting. The authors find that while there are important differences between humanitarian and development approaches, there are also many areas of convergence. While the total number of people covered by all humanitarian and development assistance programs exceeds the national population, authors also find evidence of likely exclusion of many poor households, suggesting that there is significant scope to reduce exclusion through improved coordination. The paper concludes with a discussion of areas and specific proposals for enhanced humanitarian-development coordination in the social assistance space at the strategic, program, and delivery-systems levels.

From Introduction

We find that programs implemented by humanitarian and development agencies share some common features, including an increased reliance on cash as the modality of assistance, some similarities in the use of delivery systems, and a focus on target groups including the poor and food-insecure populations and IDPs. We also find important differences in terms of scale (humanitarian programs, with the exception of those implemented by the WFP, tend to be much smaller than development programs), coverage (development programs tend to serve larger numbers of households and operate across the entire country), and benefit levels (where humanitarian assistance transfer values far exceed those provided by development agencies). Importantly, we find that the total number of beneficiaries of all humanitarian and development programs put together (not accounting for overlaps between programs) is more than enough to cover the entire Yemeni population, with significant spatial variation. However, we also find evidence to suggest that many households receive benefits from multiple programs on the one hand, and several households receive no assistance whatsoever, on the other. Such exclusion can be reduced considerably with better coordination between agencies and programs, including through the harmonization of transfer values and mutually intelligible approaches to geographical and household targeting. Improved coordination can also result in (i) maximizing complementarities between programs, such that recipients of lowtransfer value programs can benefit from top-ups and complementary services offered by other agencies (representing a beneficial form of program overlap), and (ii) minimizing instances of households benefitting from programs with similar objectives and large transfer values (avoidable overlaps across programs). We propose specific recommendations for improved coordination at the Strategic, Programmatic and Delivery levels.

(B H)

Photos: Kids in war-torn Yemen ahead of Int'l Children's Day

(* B H)


To break the silence, we share the stories of three young Yemenis, representing the country’s vibrant and courageous civil society.

In 2020, CSPPS published a report that covers the challenges and accomplishments of peacebuilders around the globe in simultaneously dealing with COVID-19 and conflict. Maged Alkholidy, also one of the Yemeni civil activists we have interviewed, contributed to this report.

But Yemen cannot be reduced to armed groups and aid. First and foremost, Yemen is its people. Mostly neglected by the media and in the political debate, Yemen’s civil society plays the leading role in coping with the crisis, in creating security and building peace, in reaching out to others, and in paving the way to a better future. Stone by stone, risk by risk. Young Yemeni citizens and civil society activists are doing this against the odds of a daunting geopolitical conflict. Each in her or his own way.

We are very grateful to share the stories of three of them. Stories of shattered dreams and aspirations. Of resilience and the courage to pick up pieces and start anew. We want their voices to be heard and their concerns to be reckoned with.

“Being young in Yemen is the worst thing you can imagine. But we don’t sit back and just wait for the best. We have to rethink support for Yemen. Humanitarian aid is still crucial, but parallel to that, we need to start investing in the future.” Read Olla Al-Sakkaf’s story

“Yemen will be a tougher place for women and girls for decades to come. Because inside this current war, there are other wars and they will not stop after a peace agreement. Like the war against women. But we can do a lot to stop this.” Read Yasmin Al Qadasi’s story.

“After 20 years of civil struggle, my hair is getting grey. But I am not desperate. Young Yemeni men and women around me give me hope. They have lost so much more than people my age. Yet they keep on giving everything for a better future.” Read Maged Alkholidy’s story.

(B H)


Die Bildungskrise im Jemen verschärft sich. Nach fünf Angriffen auf Schulen im März dieses Jahres haben fast 31.000 Kinder keinen Zugang mehr zu Bildung.

Die Kinder im Jemen zahlen weiter den Preis für den Krieg in ihrem Land. In den vergangenen drei Jahren war fast eines von vier zivilen Opfern ein Kind.

Wer mit dem Leben davon kommt, verliert oft die Chance auf eine erfolgreiche Zukunft. Denn wenn Schulen zum Angriffsziel in bewaffneten Konflikten werden, wie in Taiz oder Sanaa, kann das jahre- oder sogar lebenslange Auswirkungen auf die Bildung von Kindern haben. Insgesamt haben im Jemen über zwei Millionen Kinder keinen Zugang mehr zu Bildung und mindestens 2.500 Bildungseinrichtungen sind seit Beginn des Konfliktes beschädigt worden.

Save the Children fordert alle Konfliktparteien auf, Angriffe auf Schulen sofort zu beenden und so schnell wie möglich eine Waffenruhe umzusetzen. Die Verletzungen von Kinderrechten müssen aufhören und politische Lösungen gefunden werden für den Konflikt im Jemen.

(B H)

Film: Mines kill the children of #Yemen Watch's Mahfouz Thabet's story below

(* B H)

Yemen's health system has “collapsed”, warns UN

The ongoing conflict is exacerbating the effects of COVID-19 as aid agencies warn of a worsening humanitarian situation. Sharmila Devi reports.

(* B H)

Yemen: Girls As Young As 12 Years Old 'given Away' To Wealthy Grooms, Report Reveals

Child marriages are on the rise in Yemen with girls in the country forced to marry soon after they turn 12 years old, a recent report by Japanese broadcaster NHK World revealed. While United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) labels wedding under 18 years of age as a direct violation of human rights, girls as young as 10 years of age are “given off” to grooms, mostly chosen by the child bride’s father. Yemen, a country of 30 million people, has often slammed for human rights abuses, and the plight has worsened since the civil war.

With poverty and hunger wreaking havoc in the Middle Eastern country, an increasing number of parents, unable to make ends meet, are offering their young daughters in return for a bride price. UNICEF estimates that more than four million children were forcibly married in the country last year, reported NHK World. Not only has child marriage surged, but the country also recorded an overwhelming rise in crime against women and domestic violence. Speaking to NHK, the Sana’a based Yemeni Women's Union, said that it gets about 60 calls a month regarding abusive husbands. Most of these cases stem from child marriages.

(B H)

Photo: This baby is one of thousands Yemeni children who suffering & face death without find health care due to unjust war that destroyed the health sector and its capabilities, and the sources of income for most families that became unable to afford treatment.

(B H)

Success Story: “Implementing Education Activities Brought Back Hope to the Teachers and IDP Students ”

BFD, funded by ECW through the NRC, was able to fulfill a dream of more than 4,200 IDP and most vulnerable students, as well as 134 teachers in Al Qanawis and Alluheyah Districts – Al Hudaydah Gov, by implementing the following activities:


(B H)

Success Story: “Rebuilding a Brighter Future"

“Over 5 years of a brutal war in Yemen has left the education sector in crisis. Nearly two-thirds of teachers in public schools haven’t been paid their salaries in over 50 months putting the education of over 4 million children on the line.”¹ Yet, hope was glimmering in Ibrahim Maqrni's eyes, the principal of Al Wifaq School; the one who dedicated himself to teaching the IDP and most vulnerable students in most prioritized IDPs' Hosting Site in Alluheyah District – Al Hudaydah Gov.

From this perspective, Building Foundation for Development (BFD), and its partner the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW) were able to support those teachers, as well as students, by improving access and quality of education, particularly through providing incentives to the teachers who have not received salaries, supplying teachers’ kits, constructing classrooms, rehabilitating schools, and establishing temporary learning spaces, as well as WaSH facilities.

(B H K)

Film: Meet Idriss Omar Saleh Mohammed, a cheerful young boy, whose hand and feet were amputated. Idriss and his appetite for life are an inspiration to us all

(* B H)

The unsung heroes of Yemen

Save the Children's experience in Yemen has shown that community health workers (CHWs) save lives. They are the unsung heroes providing much needed care for communities living through political turmoil.


Despite their critical role -- often as the only link to the national health system for the most vulnerable and isolated communities -- there are not enough trained and well equipped CHWs in Yemen. The Government, struggling with scarce resources, has not prioritised training, hiring, equipping, and supporting CHWs. They are not seen as part of the national health workforce and therefore their training is kept to a minimum. This 'difference' is used as an excuse to pay them very little -- so little, that it is not classified as a salary but rather called an "incentive".

Every community-based health programme needs the assistance of CHWs -- be it health awareness programmes, COVID-19 messaging, community-based disease surveillance, nutrition information, community health checks, interventions for basic health problems such as diarrhoea, malaria and pneumonia, and pre-post-natal care.

Most community-level health data is collected by CHWs, collated by health facilities, and goes on up the food chain to finally make up the District Health Information System, which informs planning and budgeting at the regional and central levels. These services are provided by CHWs in more than one location -- all of which add up to a very high workload.


With health facilities in ruins, public transport almost non-existent and the ongoing conflict, which can flare up at any given moment just outside their doorsteps, CHWs in Yemen face big risks in serving the communities they are committed to. Many CHWs we support and work with have faced direct dangers when skirmishes have broken out during their community visit, and they have been forced to take refuge, fearing for their lives. The isolation of certain communities and the lack of, or high cost of transport, also means that CHWs must often walk long distances unaccompanied, putting them at risk.

(* B H P)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, April 2021

Under the April cycle, WFP targeted nine million people with general food assistance (GFA). Of these, 6.1 million people were targeted with in-kind food assistance, around 1.7 million people with food vouchers and over 1.2 million people with cash assistance.

In the southern areas, 4.25 million beneficiaries are to be biometrically registered. By the end of April, around 1.72 million beneficiaries have been biometrically registered in the areas under the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG). In November 2020, WFP launched biometric registration and the provision of cash through GFA in the areas under the Sana’a-based authorities. By the end of April, around 44,500 people have been biometrically registered and activities are proceeding in three districts in Sana’a city, with the aim to register around 141,000 people within the first phase.

The military escalation in Ma’rib governorate, which started in February 2021 has led to a wave of displacement. By the end of April, 23,000 people are reported displaced. To respond,
WFP is targeting internally displaced people (IDPs) who are already registered at the place of re-displacement. In addition, through its rapid response mechanism (RRM) partners, WFP is providing an immediate emergency assistance package, as well as a one-month food ration to newly displaced households. In this initial response plan, WFP will support the provision of emergency food assistance for 15,000 households (105,000 people) for three months.

In April, WFP started to progressively scale up levels of assistance to six million people in nine of the most food insecure governorates in northern Yemen. Monthly assistance will resume in these governorates from June until August while additional advocacy efforts continue.

My comment: Yemenis as guinea pigs for Bill gates’ (and others’) dreams of digital dictatorship, with humanitarian aid as pretense. Brave New World.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Delivering short & long-term results, our multi-sector response operationalizes donors' new TRANSITION to sustainable #SocialProtection in #Yemen crisis. Fatima, head of a displaced family, has joined #Cash4Work to create their long-awaited shelter @ BaniNushur #Hajjah (photo)

(* B H)

On the island of Socotra, the war catches up with the refugees from Yemen

The island of the Gulf of Aden has turned into a refuge for dozens of families scarred by years of war on the continent. Believing to find peace in the archipelago, they found there what they had fled for.

“It happens every year in Socotra. We are fleeing the Saudi bombing and the Houthis. Currently, there are 110 families coming from Hodeida alone, ” recounts Abdallah *, sitting on a woven plastic rug in the courtyard of his house. On the top of the cement walls of the modest home, cats bicker. Sometimes goats come to the door to listen, looking for used boxes.

Abdallah has reunited his family. A woman covered in black, three young girls and a teenager listen to their father's words. The faces are low, the looks sad. Only the father figure with the beard tinted with henna keeps the smile, the one you wear to look good. "We are happy in Socotra even if sometimes I have trouble paying the rent." The 50-year-old man is quickly cut off by his wife: “sometimes we only eat bread and tea,” she explains. Visibly embarrassed, her husband said: "We eat our fill ... thank God." (paywalled)

(B H)

Film: War is the main cause of #Hunger in #Yemen. It has destroyed homes, livelihoods & families, and left nearly 13 million needing @WFP food assistance to survive. This is Hayat’s story of hunger

(* B H)

Horn of Africa proving to be a dangerous road home for migrants

Covid-19 is a key factor forcing migrants travelling to Saudi Arabia to make risky journeys home from Yemen.

For a long time, the Eastern Route between the Gulf states via Yemen and the Horn of Africa has been used mainly by Yemenis fleeing the war in their country. Since the first half of 2020, however, African migrants in Yemen have been using this route — each paying smugglers $300 — to get home to the Horn via Djibouti.

Migrants are returning for three main reasons: their inability to find work in Yemen, increased human rights abuses in Yemen, and the closure of the Yemen-Saudi Arabia border.

Stephanie Daviot, the United Nations’ International Organization for Migration (IOM) Djibouti representative, said in October 2020 that “Migrants are arriving in Djibouti in large numbers from Yemen” and many more might be waiting to make similar trips. Over 32,000 are stranded in Yemen without access to shelter, water, food or health services.

Between May 2020 and April 2021, 12,701 African migrants returned from Yemen to Djibouti, landing on the coast of Obock, according to an upcoming IOM report on the impact of Covid-19 on migrants using the Eastern Route. Since the first half of 2020, 2,065 returned to Somalia. Most of the migrants likely used smugglers to get them home.

The return of Horn of Africa migrants aided by smugglers is a new trend along the Eastern Route. This was the busiest maritime migration route in 2019, used by over 138,000 migrants from the Horn to reach Yemen.

The fact that most migrants consider returning from Yemen to their countries of origin via Djibouti, which is a less preferred route, shows their level of desperation. The journey passes through areas at the centre of fighting between the rebels who control Yemen’s north and the internationally recognised government that runs the south. This return route puts migrants in danger, exposing them to the same extreme poverty, conflict and other socio-economic ills they had hoped to leave behind.

These problems can be addressed only through a coordinated response by countries of origin, transit and destination, and the relevant regional and international organisations. The IOM is calling for an interstate dialogue among countries of origin and transit in the Horn of Africa and destination countries in the Arabian Peninsula. =

(B H)

UNHCR Yemen Critical Funding Needs (27 May 2021)

Without donors’ support, close to a million vulnerable displaced Yemenis, including women, children, heads of household with disabilities, will be exposed to heightened protection risks, potentially leaving many of them at critical risk of falling into hunger and resorting to harmful coping strategies. Out of the estimated four million IDP population across Yemen, over 2.6 million individuals live in districts categorized as being in an emergency food insecure situation, a phase just below famine stage. Families displaced by the conflict are four times more at risk of famine than the rest of the Yemeni population. UNHCR’s targeted cash support helps them meet their most immediate needs, including food, healthcare, and rent. The latest post-distribution monitoring conducted by UNHCR further reveals that within the last few months 73 per cent of IDPs regularly resorted to at least four harmful coping mechanisms to survive, including cutting on food rations, child labour, survival sex and forced recruitment of children into armed groups. In other humanitarian settings the average is two, which demonstrates not only the severity of the humanitarian crisis but the importance of UNHCR’s cash assistance in preventing people from resorting to these mechanisms. Findings also show that, without UNHCR cash, families cut spending on hygiene items, baby supplies, education, and medicines. Without support they are more likely to stop paying rent, incur in additional debts, thus increasing the likelihood of evictions and tension with host communities.

Shelter and site management

If funding is not urgently received more than 540,000 vulnerable displaced Yemenis risk not having access to adequate shelter and basic items such as kitchen sets, mattresses and blankets, exposing them and their families to the elements, communicable diseases and increased protection risks especially for women and girls. UNHCR will be further forced to stop key coordination activities in IDP hosting sites across the country, undermining WASH, protection, and healthcare services.

Protection services

Funding cuts risk leaving over 200,000 vulnerable displaced Yemenis without access to critical protection services such as psychosocial support, prevention and response to gender-based violence, child protection, legal assistance, including facilitation to obtain civils status documentation, and referral of persons with specific needs to specialized services. This will result in increased exposure of more than 35,000 displaced Yemeni families to human rights abuses and protection risks.

Overall refugee response

Funding cuts will leave more than 139,700 refugees and asylum-seekers without access to food, healthcare, and education assistance. This will likely significantly increase mortality and morbidity rates among the refugee population

(B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 18 - 26 May 2021

UNHCR continues to lead the largest cash programme targeting displaced individuals in Yemen. So far in 2021, UNHCR has distributed USD 16.2 M in cash assistance to IDPs and refugees, benefitting more than 500,000 highly vulnerable individuals (some 83,900 families). This assistance helps ensure those most affected by the conflict have the necessary means to address their pressing needs—including food and health services—helping to reduce the risk of famine and improving the protection environment across Yemen.

During the reporting period, UNHCR distributed emergency shelter kits and core relief items including blankets, jerricans, mattresses and kitchen sets to over 300 families (1,800 individuals). The distributions took place mainly in IDP hosting sites in Sana’a and Marib governorates. UNHCR also provided protection services including psychosocial support and counselling to over 500 individuals.

(A H P)

Spanish authorities deport 40 Yemenis from Ceuta

Authorities in the Spanish-ruled Ceuta Pocket, north Africa, have deported 40 Yemeni refugees who were already hosted in a center for asylum seekers.
Ceuta authorities exploited the city militarization to illegally deport 40 Yemeni refugees, including minors, the Moroccan association for human rights said in a statement.

(* B H)

300,000 migrants impacted by COVID-19 restrictions in East Africa/Horn of Africa

At least 300,000 migrants, refugees and internally displaced people across East Africa and the Horn of Africa were seriously affected by restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, according an annual report issued by UN migration agency IOM.

In 2020, IOM recorded fewer migrant crossings to war-torn Yemen, but also a high number of migrants stuck in transit countries in the Horn of Africa region.

"Thousands of migrants, mostly Ethiopian, are stranded in Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen, unable to continue their journey to reach Saudi Arabia via Yemen," the UN agency reports.

Meanwhile, the number of crossings to Yemen from the Horn of Africa dropped to 37,000 in 2020 (compared to 138,000 in 2019).

IOM also said it recorded a high number of people who spontaneously returned from Yemen to Djibouti and Somalia because of the "extremely harsh conditions faced by migrants, exacerbated by the pandemic."

But at least 32,000 migrants remain stranded in Yemen, IOM found. And hundreds of thousands across East Africa and the Horn of Africa lack access to food, water, security and medical care, the organization said.

IOM also said that people in the region lacked access to COVID-19 protection measures

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Government Condemns Foreign Intervention in Al-Mahra, islands of Socotra and Mayon

The government condemned criminal practices of US-Saudi aggression and its flagrant violation of national sovereignty, Yemeni territories and islands.

It also condemned the invaders' intervention in Al-Mahra and islands of Socotra and Mayon, which violate all international laws and charters.

and also


(A P)

Government in Sana'a: Patience of Yemeni People will Not Last Regarding Violations on Yemeni Islands

The government in Sana'a warns that any company that will sign an agreement with the "mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression" will face all legal measures.

The government said that "the developing in the governorate of Al-Mahrah and the islands of Socotra and Mayon violate international laws and provoke the Yemeni people."

The government clarified that "the criminal practices of the US-Saudi-Emirati occupier in the Yemeni islands directly affect the national security of Yemen and the region," adding that "the Yemeni people's patience will not last in the face of the abhorrent violations on the Yemeni islands, and they will resort to using the appropriate option."

It considered that "any company that will sign an agreement with the mercenaries of aggression, all legal measures will be taken against it."

(A P)

Radicalization, sending to war, killing, detention: Houthi continue abuses against Africans

The Houthi militia’s TV channel broadcast on Friday the funeral service of Mohammed Saleh Sheikh Mohammed Taher a Somali young militant glorifying him as a martyr for losing his life on (Monday 24 May) while fighting alongside the extremists’ in their long war against the government-held city of Marib 120 km east of Sana’a.

Taher, (right in the picture) with the Jihadist teknonym Abu Mohammed, is just one of many Africans whom the Shiit militia recruit, radicalize and deploy to the frontlines against cities still outside their control.

The recruitment to radicalization centers and warfronts is only one form of abuse the Houthis are continuously practicing against African immigrants in the militia’s areas of control including the former capital Sana’a.

A day after Taher was killed in the Houthi ranks, a Houthi militant in Sana’a shot dead a Somali man (left in the picture)arbitrarily after he answered in the affirmative to the militant’s question ‘Are you a Somali?

(A P)

The Houthi militants have closed, Sama Mall, the largest shopping mall in Sana’a, and turned it to a military outpost./Voice of Yemen and other news websites

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Minister Al-Eryani: Houthi militia’s practices are not different to the Mafias’

Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani has said that the Houthi militia’s practices are not different to the mafias’ after tape records from within the militia revealed that the militia stage sexual scandals for their members for future leverage on them.

In a recent record tape that went viral, the Houthi politician Abdu Bishr, was warning his fellows in the Sana’a ‘parliament’ that the militia are forcing women into disappearance and employing some of them in sexual extortion networks.

and also

(A P)

Yemen's Government Calls for International Deterrent Measures Against Houthi Militia to Unload Safer Oil Tanker

Yemeni Minister of Water and Environment Tawfeeq al-Sharjabi has confirmed that the government deals with Safir Oil Tanker issue as a serious threat to Yemen, the region and the international navigation and it cooperates with countries overlooking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean for responding to an environmental potential disaster from the long-stranded tanker on the Red Sea.

(A P)

Top Houthi leader warns Saudi Arabia of great pain

Houthi leader Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi has warned Saudi Arabia which leads a military coalition in Yemen of great pain and complete paralysis as he threatened that his group will continue operations deep in the oil-rich gulf Kingdom.

(A P)

Iran-backed Houthis detained Yemeni youtuber Mustafa al-Mawmari yesterday for his criticism of widespread corruption in the judiciary under their control.

(* A P)

Film: Houthi-backed 'foreign minister': We are not the ones making a mess of Yemen

The Yemen civil war has created one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. The Houthi-backed foreign minister Hisham Sharaf tells DW his "government" will not stop fighting until the Saudi-led coalition withdraws.


(A P)

Houthis threaten Abu Dhabi with "fire lavas"

Emirati "childish behaviors" in Yemeni islands and territories will bring upon Abu Dhabi "fire lavas", the Houthi-appointed foreign minister said Thursday.
"Yemen rejects illegal practices by Emirati forces that desperately try to impose fait accompli in some Yemeni islands and territories," Hisham Sharaf added in remarks carried by the Sana'a-based Saba.
The UAE violates international law by erecting a runway and hangars in Perim island, bringing Zionist tourists to Socotra and connecting the archipelago's telecommunication network to Abu Dhabi, the Houthi FM said citing international media reports.

and also


(A P)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Warning Yemeni Missiles Could Reach UAE Soon

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eng. Hisham Sharaf, affirmed that the Yemeni government and people reject the illegal practices of the Emirati occupation forces and their attempts to impose the control on the number of Yemeni islands and lands.

Minister Sharaf commented in a statement about the details of buildings and hangars on Mayon Island, located in Bab al-Mandab, and bringing tourists from the Zionist entity to Socotra Island, saying it is something that cannot be tolerated and is contrary to international law.

(A P)

Iran Envoy: Tehran Ready to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Yemen

Secretary General of the Yemeni Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation Abdul Mohsen Tawoos met on Wednesday with the ambassador for the Islamic Republic of Iran in Yemen Hassan Eyrlou.

(A P)

Al-Houthi Calls for Open Campaign against Aggression on Mayun Island

Member of the Supreme Political Council Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi has called on all Yemeni people to launch an open campaign on social media condemning the UAE aggression on the Yemeni island of Mayun.

(A P)

Sayyed Abdulmalik: Ready to Share Life Necessities, Bread with Our Brothers in Palestine

(A P)

12 dissident soldiers return home

The National Center for Returnees in the capital Sana'a on Tuesday received 12 dissent soldiers.

The dissent soldiers came from the aggression camps in the western coast of Yemen, border fronts and Marib fronts along with their military gears.

(* B P)

SAM Calls for the Opening of an Independent International Investigation into the Houthi Group’s Crime of Forcing Women into Immoral Coercive Practices under National Slogans

SAM has expressed its total rejection and absolute condemnation of the practices of the Houthi group against women in Yemen and their exploitation in acts contrary to law and public morality on the grounds of national service. SAM expresses its shock at the information that women were being exploited to target prominent government figures and politicians by sexually overthrowing them, stressing that such practices violated the rights and dignity of the abductees guaranteed by both international and Yemeni law and the constitution.

In a statement issued today Wednesday, the organization noted its deep surprise and concern at the leaked statements and videos that demonstrated the Houthi group’s demand that its female detainees in secret prisons engage in acts of “sexual harassment and forced prostitution” against prominent politicians, members of the Government and others.

SAM reported that it had heard a leaked video of the Yemeni member of Parliament Abdu Bishr, speaking at a session of the House of Representatives of al-Houthi group in Sana’a, which revealed that the security apparatus of the Houthi group had formed prostitution networks to entrap officials and opponents. He noted the existence of secret prisons used by the Houthi which were designed to place women and girls for that purpose. Where he said: “The Houthi security service has recruited women and brought them to the attention of members of the Government, the Political Council and the Parliament in order to bring them down and to photograph them in shameful positions.” He added: “This is a list of women, targeted ministers, and prisons established for this purpose.”

On another level, SAM said that it had seen testimony from a judge who, accompanied by a delegation of activists, visited some women in the Central Prison in Sana’a and carried out what they were subjected to in those prisons. In a post on his Facebook page, Abdul Wahab Qatran reported that he was a part of a delegation made up of a number of figures who visited the Central Prison in Sana’a. They met the model Entesar Al – Hammadi, who told them of the harassment and strange orders she had been subjected to in the prison.

According to Qatran, ” through his Facebook account, the delegation included journalists, lawyers and members of the judiciary,” and that Entesar “told them of her” oppression, abuse, injustice, fabrication of charges, from being accused of drug trafficking without any evidence, to having failed to obtain evidence that they accused her of prostitution without any evidence too ” The delegation was shocked when Entesar told them that the Houthi group, after their arrest, took her and other girls to several homes, and they told us to drink and rest with the people of those houses, so I told them this is prostitution! They responded to us it’s ok as long as it’s for the service of the homeland!”

SAM said that this was disgusting and immoral behaviour, revealing the extent of violence against women in Yemen in the Houthi areas of control. The recent revelations were a kind of forced prostitution, which was a serious crime.,10,A,c,1,74,77,4231,php =


(A P)

[April 17, 2021] SAM and the Abductees Mothers Association Are Making an Urgent Appeal to Save the Lives of Detainees inside the Houthi Controlled Military Prison

SAM Organiztion for Rights and Liberties and the Abductees Mothers Association have expressed serious concern about the increasing violations by members of the Houthi group against the detainees in the Sana'a military prison, noting that they have received exclusive information that a number of detainees in prison have been on strike for ill-treatment and delays in legal proceedings against them.

In a joint statement issued on Friday, the two organizations said that according to their statement, five detainees in the military prison had started a hunger, drink and medicine strike several days earlier because of procrastination and delays in legal proceedings, as well as illegal practices and abuses by members of the Houthi group inside the prison and they stressed that the Houthis had transported the hunger strikers to an unspecified destination to the moment.

The two organizations indicated that the detainees: Maher Al - Nahari, Amjad Mashhour, Mulhem Al - Magbuli, Saeed Khadhri and Ibrahim Adani were detained in 2015 and have been detained ever since in clear violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the provisions of the Yemeni Constitution.

(A P)

Yemen female activist condemns international silence over Houthi crimes

Yemeni rights activist Wesam Basondwah strongly condemned the international silence over the Houthi crimes against civilians in Marib province east of the country alluding to bias in favor of the Shiit theocratic Houthi militants.

(A P)

[April 17, 2021] Abductees Mothers Association statement sympathizing with abducted actor, Entesar Al-Hammadi, and demanding her release.

(A P)

“Mwatana” received inquiries about its position in the case of Intisar Al Hammadi from those interested in human rights, and clarifies the following:

For weeks, a legal team from “Mwatana” has been following up and providing legal support for Intisar Al Hammadi, as part of “Mwatana”’s work providing legal support to those subjected to various forms of detention-related abuse in #Yemen.

“Mwatana” respects the positions of families and victims in their approach to work on these cases, including the paths they choose to pursue in the case. “Mwatana” does not publish on any case except in consultation with those who are concerned.

As in all cases, “Mwatana” does not hesitate to use public advocacy and publishing as a means of pressure when it is beneficial to the case and the victim, and with their informed consent.


(A P)

Now lawyers, activists, reporters and MPs say Model Entisar Al-Hammadi told them at prison the Houthis tried to convince her to work at prostitution houses in Sanaa in return for releasing her. Prostitution and alcohol are allowed for the sake of the nation, Houthis told her.

The model has been detained in a Houthi prison on Sanaa for 3 months. The Houthis are fabricating prostitution and drug trade charges against her and have earlier planned to make her have a virginity test. They made us sign papers without reading them, she told her visitors.


(A P)

Houthis sought to recruit me as spy, abducted Yemeni model says from prison

A Yemeni model who was abducted and imprisoned by the Houthis said the militia sought to recruit her as a spy in exchange for her freedom, according to people who visited her in jail on Monday.

One of those who visited Al-Hammadi told Arab News, on condition of anonymity, that the Houthis sought to recruit the model and the two other women by proposing they take part in cloak-and-dagger operations and install listening devices inside opponents’ houses in return for their swift release.

The Houthis threw her in prison when she refused. They also banned her lawyer and relatives from visiting her while also resisting local and international pressure to free her, she told the visitors.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Yemeni information minister warns of continued Houthi attacks in Red Sea

Yemen’s Information Minister Mu’amar Al-Eryani warned of escalating Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, state news agency Saba News reported.

(A K P)

Yemeni Shura Council calls for sending panel to Perim, Socotra

The Yemeni Shura Council called on the official government to form a panel from Parliament, Shura and cabinet to report on the real situation in the two islands of Perim and Socotra.
Reports on Perim and Socotra have left increasing worry at national level about Emirati violation against Yemeni sovereignty in the two islands, Shura chairman, Ahmed Obaid Bin Daghr, said in a letter to the cabinet.
Member of Shura Council demanded Yemen's President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi and Vice-president Ali Muhsin to take steps curbing the Emirati abuse.

and also

(* B K P)

Newly released pictures reveal illegal UAE military base on Socotra

The first images of an Emirati military base on Socotra island has been posted on social media.

Activists on social media circulated several pictures of helicopters and a maintenance team inside the base.

They explained that the location of the photographs are a military base set up by the UAE near the runway of Socotra airport to the west, and next to the so-called First Marine Brigade.

The activists confirmed that the base has a number of Egyptian and foreign experts of other nationalities who were brought in by the UAE to work for it.

Observers believe that the leaked images are part of an attempt to divert attention from the growing UAE’s military presence on the nearby island of Mayon

(A P)

Fears arise that Saudi-UAE occupation seeks to take full control of eastern Yemeni province of Mahrah

A tribal sheikh has said Saudi Arabia is seeking agreements with the Hadi government in order to take full control of Mahrah province in eastern Yemen.

Sheikh Hamid Zaabnout, head of the protest committee of the Shahin district in the province, said that violations in the port connecting Yemen with the Sultanate of Oman are increased frequently.

“The aim of the violations is to take full control of the port and the fate of the Yemeni people, especially since the port remains the only lifeline,” he explained.

“Saudi-backed government seeks, through the Ministry of Transport which is controlled by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) and is supported by the Saudi occupation, to legalise agreements concluded under the table to control the port of Shahin and other ports in Mahrah and other Yemeni provinces, in order to subject them to STC authority,” he added.

(A K P)

Houthis accuse Yemen government of committing genocide in Shabwa

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, on Saturday accused Yemen's internationally recognised government of attacking inhabitants in the district of Habban in the southeastern province of Shabwa.

Shelling homes of people with medium and heavy weapons in the area of Khabar Laqmoush amounts to a genocide which has no statute of limitations, said Al-Rasas Hussein Al-Bakri, who has been appointed by the group as the deputy Shabwa governor.

What this area has been experiencing for a second week comes within attempts to weaken its tribes and reflects the government's failure to convince the Shabwa society to accept the agendas of occupiers and their colonial projects, he said in a statement carried by the Sanaa-based Saba news agency.

(A P)

Yemeni Govt Urges Int'l Community to Protect Women from Houthi Oppression

(A K P)

MP says Qatar funds Brotherhood's military camps in Taiz

An official message sent to the Speaker of the Yemeni Parliament revealed the involvement of the Doha's regime in financing the establishment of new military camps outside the framework of the Yemeni Ministry of Defense and Arab Coalition Forces' Command.
Member of Parliament, Ali bin Mosaad Al-Lahbi questioned Defence Minister, through the Parliament, about the newly Qatar-funded military camps in Taiz governorate which are being established under the supervision of the Islah-linked militias, the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen.
Al-Lahbi said in his letter that the creation of such camps outside the Ministry of Defense is a flagrant violation of the constitution, applicable laws and Yemen's sovereignty.

(* A K P)

UAE-backed separatists recruit hundreds of child soldiers in Aden

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias have recruited hundreds of children in Aden, well-informed sources have reported.

The sources confirmed that the STC recruited 300 children, taking advantage of the deteriorating living situation of the people in Aden and the rest of the southern provinces.

According to to some, the recruitment of children exposes the intentions of the STC to go into an oncoming battle in Aden, after the failure of implementation of the so-called Riyadh Agreement, which was signed between the STC and Hadi puppet government.

The STC’s child recruitment comes amidst a military mobilisation between the two parties in both Abyan and Shabwah provinces.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia to host Yemen negotiations on Riyadh agreement

A new round of negotiations will be held between the partners of Yemen's internationally recognised government, the pro-president Hadi parties and the UAE-backed southern transitional council in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Sunday.

It will be focused on the implementation of the military and security part of the Riyadh agreement which was signed by the former government and the council in late 2019.

The delegation of the council heads to Saudi Arabia in next hours, well-informed sources said.

and also


(A P)

STC's negotiating team arrives in Riyadh

The negotiating team of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) arrived in Saudi Arabia on Sunday in an official visit at the invitation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to resume talks on completing the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement.
Before leaving Aden, the President of STC, Maj.-Gen. Aidroos Qassem al-Zubaidi held a meeting with the negotiating team during which he called on for adhering to the mechanisms of dialogue and for making the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement possible.

(A P)

Shatara: Legitimacy's evil allies only good at lying

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Vice-President of the National Assembly for Control and Inspection, Lufti Shatara sent on Thursday through his official Twitter account, an important message to Yemen's legitimacy and its main allied party Islah, the arm of Muslim Brotherhood, the one that dominate decision-making in Yemen's legitimacy.
"They (Brotherhood's militias) left the north to be violated by the Houthis and directed their efforts toward the South to provoke the anger of its people and the Saudi-led Arab Coalition." Shatara said in reference to rumors circulated by Islah-affiliated media outlets and Yemeni officials about an air base recently established on Mayyun Island by the United Arab Emirates.
"Day after day, it becomes clear to the Coalition and the international community that Yemen's legitimacy and its evil allies are only good in scheming, creating crises and disrupting services in the South, not to mention the practice of immeasurable financial corruption." Shatara affirmed, concluding his tweet by saying "Lying is over".

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Taiz: Angry protesters demand local authority step down

Hundreds of outraged protesters in the six-year besieged city of Taiz took to the streets on Thursday and Friday demanding the local authority step down.

The angry protesters held the local authority accountable for the worsening conditions the city has been witnessing and the absence of basic services, including public electricity.

They accused leading political parties in the city of appointing corrupt officials and serving their own interests at the expense of the suffering of the people.

“The situation is unbearable, yet officials don’t seem to bother nor do they live up to their responsibilities,” a protester told Republican Yemen. “They are busy getting richer and serving their parties at the expense of our suffering.”

With prices skyrocketing due to the collapse of Yemen’s currency, there has been growing dismay in the performance of the local authority of Taiz city, especially after signing a contract with electricity private suppliers, who use the public grid to provide electricity.

“They charge 500 YER per kilowatt, while it costs no more than 10 YER in other provinces under the control of the government,” another protester said, accusing officials in the local authority of benefiting from those suppliers.

and also


(A P)

Der jemenitische Außenminister hat des Weiteren auch die Existenz von israelischen Stützpunkten in Jemen abgestritten. Auf die Frage, ob der israelische Geheimdienst eine Basis auf Sokotra, einer Inselgruppe im Arabischen Meer, unterhalte, sagte Mubarak: „Dies ist unwahr. Auf Sokotra gibt es keine Stützpunkte. Dies entspricht nicht der Wirklichkeit. Israelische Militärstützpunkte gibt es auf Sokotra nicht. Dort ist lediglich ein begrenztes Kontingent der jemenitischen Streitkräfte stationiert sowie Kräfte des Südlichen Übergangsrats und Soldaten unserer Brüder aus dem Königreich.“

Mein Kommentar: LOL. Die UAE führt militärisch, politisch und wirtschaftlich das Regiment auf Sokotra.

(A P)

Second shipment of Saudi fuel donation arrives in Yemen

(* A K P)

UAE-backed southern separatists blamed for wave of kidnappings in Yemen

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) has been blamed for a wave of kidnappings of military leaders in Yemen’s interim capital, Aden.

A statement released by the self-styled Free Southern Resistance Council said chairman of their council, Sheikh Muhammad Sheikh Al-Saeedi- known as Abu Osama- was kidnapped on Wednesday in an attack involving two vehicles.

The movement strongly condemned the kidnapping, pointing fingers at the STC, which is currently in control of Aden.

Last Saturday, the leadership of the government-affiliated Public Transport Brigade announced the kidnapping of one of its officers near his home in the Dar Saad district in northern Yemen, according to Arabi21.

In early May, the deputy leader of the resistance council in southern Yemen was also abducted. Similar kidnappings took place weeks before.

The STC, which has been at odds with the Yemeni government, has been blamed for this series of kidnappings.

(A P)

STC's National Assembly seeks to promote its performance

The meeting discussed means to promote the National Assembly's performance and developing a plan to keep it abreast of the political variables on ground, in addition to activating the role of its committees.
"The negative manifestations that surfaced recently have an impact on the functioning of the STC, therefor we need concrete action fully in line with people's issues and concerns." the president of the Assembly, Ben Brik said.
"The STC leadership is making significant efforts to save Aden from the catastrophic situation caused by the failing government." he added.

(A T)

Official in Saudi-led puppet government survives assassination attempt

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Saudi forces deploy military armoured vehicles in vicinity of Al-Ma’ashiq Palace in southern Yemeni's Aden

Saudi forces have deployed military vehicles near al-Ma’ashiq Palace in the southern Yemeni city of Aden, local media reported.

Local media sources confirmed that a military force of UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias tried to storm the Palace of al-Ma’ashiq late on Tuesday evening.

According to the sources, the STC elements, aboard a number of military pickup vehicles, were stationed near the gate of the palace in a threatening move against the Hadi administration.

Saudi forces subsequently stepped up their presence at the palace’s internal security barriers, and ordered the STC militias to leave the vicinity of the palace.

On Tuesday, the STC threatened the Hadi administration during its meeting chaired by Aidarous al-Zubeidi. =

(* A P)

Saudis reject plea by puppet “president of Yemen” Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi asking to return to Yemen

Saudi Arabia has on Tuesday foiled a new attempt by puppet ruler of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi to flee his permanent residence in Riyadh.

This was reported by Yemen News Portal, based on sources familiar with the issue.

According to sources in Hadi’s office, Saudi Arabia rejected Hadi’s demand to attend a celebration in Hadhramaut on the anniversary of 31 years of Yemeni unity, noting that it prevented his crew from preparing his trip to Seiyun and even intensified the guards on his residence in Riyadh.

This is the second time that the coalition has prevented Hadi from returning to Yemen in less than a month

(A T)

Oxfam staff member killed in Yemen

Oxfam confirms the death of colleague Fathi Mahmoud Ali Salem Al-Zurigi in Yemen on the evening of Tuesday May 25, after a shooting incident on Monday May 24.

Fathi, a Yemeni citizen, 42, was traveling with another Oxfam colleague and a contracted driver when they were caught in what appears to be a crossfire at a checkpoint in southern Yemen, traveling to Aden. The three men were taken to hospital where Fathi succumbed to his injuries. The driver is still in intensive care, and stable; the second Oxfam staff member was discharged earlier in the day. Oxfam has no reason to believe the three people were targeted.

and also

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Bin Mubarak underscores Russia’s role in realizing peace in Yemen

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Dr. Ahmed Bin Mubarak emphasized on the Russian role in achieving comprehensive and sustainable peace in Yemen.

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Yemen officials demand answers after AP report on air base

Yemeni officials demanded answers Wednesday after an Associated Press report highlighted a mysterious air base being built on a Yemeni island in one of the world’s crucial maritime chokepoints.

A lawmaker asked Yemen’s internationally recognized government if the United Arab Emirates built the facility as data in the AP report links the UAE to the construction.

Another official openly criticized the UAE for “undermining” the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

and also

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Aidaroos Qassim Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council appoints ‘The Southern National Information Authority’.

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Prime Minister receives US Envoy for Yemen

Prime Minister Ma'een Abdulmalik received Tuesday US President's Envoy to Yemen Tim Linderking, the state news agency Saba reported.
The two officials touched on the continuous international efforts for realizing peace in Yemen, amid Houthi militia's stubbornness, and exchanged viewpoints on latest developments in different fields.

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Diplomat: Arab coalition expelled Yemeni gov't from Aden

The Saudi-led coalition has expelled the Yemeni UN-recognized government from its interim capital, the Yemeni ambassador to Amman tweeted on Tuesday.
"They came to reinstate the legitimate government to Sana'a, but they expelled it from Aden, supported its separatist rivals to dominate the two islands of Socotra and Mayyun (also called Perim), and bring foreign tourists to Socotra without government visas," Ali al-Amrani added.

(A K P)

Powerful explosion hits Islah Party base in southern Yemen

A military camp belonging to the Islah Party in Abyan province, southern Yemen, has on Tuesday been exposed to an aerial attack.

This was reported by Yemen News Portal, based on local sources.

According to the local sources, powerful explosions rocked a camp of Islah mercenary factions near the stronghold in the eastern Abyan city of Shuqrah.

The sources noted that the blast was caused by an airstrike carried out by a drone plane believed to be either Emirati or American.

The shelling came as the Islah is mobilising more troops to the lines of confronations with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias on the outskirts of Zinjibar district,

(A T)

STC mercenary commander survives assassination attempt

(* B P)

‘This is a forgotten island’: The remote Yemeni territory that hopes to become an ecotourism hotspot

Yemen’s jewel in the Indian Ocean looks at development, conservation and foreign investment, reports

The island of Socotra, part of Yemen’s Socotran Archipelago, has long been a niche obsession for travel enthusiasts and academics. Its unique species, breathtaking, undeveloped landscapes and iconoclastic local culture have earned it the nickname “the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean”. Bloggers have called it the Arabian Sea’s hidden jewel, or “the most alien-looking place in the world”.

Over four days we discovered its wild beaches, explored its ancient cultural heritage and met with locals to hear about their lives and hopes for their homeland. We also came to learn about the conservation of its remarkable ecosystems and the development of the little-known region as a tourist destination.

Deputy Governor Salehali Alsoqatri met us to explain the state of the island. He told us that the islanders have consequently found themselves “between a rock and a hard place” with the civil war on the mainland and Covid-19. “This is a forgotten island and no one has paid attention to it”, he said.

The island has scant tourist infrastructure, with just one simple hotel in the capital Hadiboh, a small town lined with shops selling spices, groceries, local clothes and perfumes.

The war aborted any plans for development of the island’s tourism industry. The deputy governor said there were currently no tourism projects with planning permission. Anyway, he saw the future of the tourism industry as Masai Mara-style fly camps rather than five-star hotels. Indeed, he urged any companies with the vision and experience to cater to the conditions on the island to come forward.

My comment: ??? It’s strange to ommit everything outside of tourism. Look at report on Soctra in cp1.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-742 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-742: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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