Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 749 - Yemen War Mosaic 749

Yemen Press Reader 749: 5. Juli 2021: Konflikt und Armut verbinden sich gegen Mütter und Kinder – Fünfter Jahresbericht des Vereins der Mütter der Entführten– Omans diplomatische Agenda im Jemen

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... Ländliche Entwicklung ist der Schlüssel zu nachhaltigem Frieden im Jemen – Letzte Chance: Der nächste UN-Sondergesandte für den Jemen – Jemen: Neoliberale Politik hat die Wasserkrise verschlimmert – Zwei Million Kinder ohne Schule – Zunehmende Militärpräsenz in Al Mahrah – und mehr

July 5, 2021: How conflict and poverty combine against mothers and children – Fifth Annual report of the Abductees’ Mothers Association – Oman’s diplomatic agenda in Yemen – Rural development is key to sustainable peace in Yemen – Last chance: The next U.N. special envoy for Yemen – Yemen: Neoliberal policies have worsened the water crisis – Two million children out of school – Increasing military presence in Al-Mahrah – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp17a Kriegsereignisse: Schlacht um Marib / Theater of War: Marib battle

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H)

Yemen: How conflict and poverty combine against mothers and children

When Um Ayman began to have pain in her stomach, she didn't think it was the start of going into labour. She wasn’t nine months into her pregnancy yet.

She went to the pharmacy, whose volunteer “doctor” was the only option for medical advice in her village, Al-Malahaet – an isolated place near to both the Saudi border and the frontline, where Saudi and Yemeni troops face off against fighters from Ansar Allah.

“The doctor told me that it was not time for me to give birth and gave me some intraveneous fluids,” says Um Ayman.

“But then my waters broke.”

Stories like Um Ayman’s are all too common in Haydan, a town of traditional brown houses, lush khat fields and the ruins of buildings bombed by Saudi jets.

While the town is no longer attacked like it was in the first years of the war – houses, the girls’ school and even the MSF hospital were all destroyed – explosions from airstrikes still echo in the surrounding hills.

The area’s remoteness and inaccessibility combine with active conflict, poverty, and a barely functional healthcare system to mean that few people have access to the medical care they need.

The hospital, rebuilt and reopened by MSF in 2017, is one of the very few options.

“We are in what might be called a healthcare desert here,” says David Charo Kahindi, MSF’s project coordinator in Haydan.

“There are very few health facilities and things seem to be getting worse. Our paediatric admissions have increased by 45 percent and the number of deliveries by 30 percent compared to the same period last year.

“Overall, we are seeing more serious patients coming to us: while the number of people coming to the ER is stable, we are admitting double the number of them than we were last year.”

The hospital treats relatively few people wounded by the fighting itself, at around 15 a month. Instead, much of the activity focuses on the needs of mothers and their children.

On average this year, the team have assisted 176 deliveries and admitted 92 children to the wards every month.

The children were mostly sick because of respiratory tract infections and diarrhoea, diseases often associated with poor living conditions.

Only 40 percent of the mothers who give birth in the hospital have been able to access antenatal care. This means many complications go undetected until a mother goes into labour, just like Um Ayman.

“At the end of last year, we opened an operating theatre in the hospital so that we would not have to refer people to Sa’ada City,” explains Kahindi.

“People here already have to travel for many hours to get to Haydan, so now it is better that we can offer care for women who need caesarean sections or people who need other types of general surgery, without them having to travel even further.”

Travel has become harder in recent years as the price of fuel has increased and inflation has reduced people’s purchasing power.

“We live in Lower Duweib and it takes six hours to get here to Haydan,” says Hamid Ali, 33, who had accompanied his uncle to hospital after he broke his leg in a car crash.

“The local health centre has one worker only and they can only do small dressings, so we had to pay 100,000 YER (£289) to get a car to bring us here.”

These are astronomical sums for families in a region where most people are farmers and herders, living in an area heavily affected by conflict.

“We have livestock and we hear the fighting every day,” says Ali.

“Sometimes the shelling hits our village, but we do our best to live an ordinary life.”

The conflict doesn’t only create urgent needs for people living in the area, it also makes it more complicated for humanitarian organisations to respond to the crisis.

The different sets of authorities in Yemen all regulate the work and movements of humanitarian organisations to some extent, with some of the conditions put in place by Ansar Allah being particularly demanding.

Obtaining permission to work in places close to the frontline, such as Haydan, is often especially difficult due to the area's sensitivity. MSF is the only humanitarian organisation with a permanent presence in the district (photos)

(** B P)

Mothers at the gates of justice 2

Fifth Annual report of the Abductees’ Mothers Association

(** B P)

Oman’s Diplomatic Agenda in Yemen

A flurry of diplomatic activities and high-level meetings between Omani officials and their counterparts from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, the United States, and the United Nations have underscored Oman’s continued commitment to playing a peacemaker role in Yemen. Omani diplomats have made multiple trips to Yemen to discuss the conflict with local actors, and the Sultanate has provided humanitarian assistance to Yemenis in their country and inside Oman’s borders. To be sure, Muscat has a vested interest in alleviating the suffering of Yemenis and in serving a bridging role between the various sides in Yemen’s crisis. Ultimately, Oman seeks to assist in the restoration of good governance, whether centralized or federalist, that would bring greater stability and help address the humanitarian crises consuming Yemen.

Muscat’s determination to help resolve the Yemen conflict is largely tied to Oman’s own national security and economic interests. Omanis worry about it spilling over into their country. At the same time, the crisis in Yemen also provides the Sultanate an opportunity to further enhance its credentials as a regional balancer, one that aims to promote greater dialogue between state and non-state actors in the Arabian Peninsula.

Geopolitically, the Yemen conflict also offers Oman ways to project its influence while asserting its independence from wealthier and more conventionally powerful neighbors—Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This is a tricky balancing act because Oman’s economic challenges might require it to reach out to the Saudis and Emiratis for financial assistance sooner rather than later. Against the backdrop of mounting economic problems, the leadership in Muscat will have to contend with difficult domestic issues that could somewhat limit the country’s ability to invest resources into Omani-driven peace efforts in Yemen.

A pillar of Omani foreign policy is the impartial promotion of geopolitical balance in the Middle East, undergirded by business-like if not fully amicable relations with all in the region, including Iran. Muscat leverages its unique ability to serve as a facilitator of peace and to function as a trusted and credible party that can provide channels for dialogue.

Oman’s unobtrusive—albeit constructive—diplomatic role in Yemen dates back to the early stages of Operation Decisive Storm (ODS), the Saudi-led military operation that began in March 2015 and nominally involved ten Arab and Muslim countries. In May 2015, Oman hosted peace talks for US diplomats and Houthi representatives.

Because of the shared 187-mile border with Yemen, continued combat in the war-ravaged country directly threatens Oman’s national security.

Oman-Houthi Relations

Aside from Iran, Oman and Russia are basically the only two states that have some influence over the Ansar Allah movement, or the Houthi rebels. Oman’s leadership has viewed constructive engagement with the Houthis as critical to its efforts to succeed as a peacemaker in Yemen, and this approach has paid off. Over the years, the Omanis have negotiated with the Houthis to release western nationals they detained and provided the Yemeni insurgents a platform for talks with US diplomats in Muscat.

But Oman will be challenged to persuade the Ansar Allah militias to lay down their arms. Put simply, the Houthis are confident in their ability to gain greater leverage, if they continue waging war, before future talks with their adversaries.

Saudi Perceptions of Oman’s Yemen Policy

Saudi Arabia is becoming more supportive of Oman’s diplomacy in Yemen. The Saudi leadership has been recalibrating its foreign policy on multiple fronts. Riyadh recognizes that it must find a negotiated path out of the Yemen quagmire, prompting it to pivot toward Muscat for help in winding down the war.

Throughout May and June 2021, there have been growing indications that the Saudi leadership sees Muscat as capable of convincing Ansar Allah to agree to a cease-fire. Various diplomatic exchanges between the Sultanate and Saudi Arabia, in the form of official visits and letters, have been characterized by a “very positive tone,” according to Cinzia Bianco, an Oman expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Despite growing Saudi enthusiasm for Oman’s diplomatic actions, not all parties in the conflict are necessarily so optimistic about Muscat’s role. The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), a separatist group seeking to carve out an independent state in southern Yemen, views Oman’s agenda in Yemen with a degree of suspicion. In part, Muscat’s commitment to the preservation of Yemen’s territorial integrity is a key factor in the equation. Ultimately, some tensions between the STC and Oman could create further complications down the road.

It is important to note that not all is cordial between Saudi Arabia and Oman. The two Arabian monarchies have different perspectives on the situation in Yemen’s easternmost al-Mahra Governorate.

Oman Must Continue Its Efforts

Regardless of Oman’s good intentions and motivations, there is no country that can alone magically resolve the multiple and overlapping conflicts plaguing Yemen. A resolution to Yemen’s crisis requires certain degrees of political will on the part of Yemeni actors—without which the international community’s and Oman’s efforts cannot on their own move the conflict closer to resolution. Realistically, success on Muscat’s part will likely entail Omani-led negotiations and peace bids leading to de-escalation of the fighting in Yemen.

Ultimately, of all the countries in the GCC, the League of Arab States, and the world at large, Oman is best positioned to help resolve Yemen’s conflict through a political settlement. The Sultanate’s neutrality and friendly relations with the various actors in Yemen’s crisis still inject optimism in the potential for Oman’s diplomatic energy to push the conflict in a positive direction. Yet Muscat, despite holding some unique cards, harbors no illusions about how difficult it will be to achieve that outcome. Despite such enormous challenges and being a relatively small state with limited resources, Oman could and should continue to play its peacemaker role in Yemen. Doing so not only will help the Yemeni people, but it will also further enhance the Sultanate’s position as a regional balancer and force for stability and moderation – by Giorgio Cafiero

(** B E H P)

Rural Development is Key to Sustainable Peace in Yemen

Over two-thirds of Yemeni people live in rural areas. For decades, these areas have suffered from shortages of governmental services and development programs, and little in the way of adequate schools, hospitals, or cultural institutions. Successive governments have also failed to create sustainable economic opportunities for rural populations. As a result, millions of rural Yemenis are trapped with the deadly trio of illiteracy, poverty, and disease. And now more than five years of conflict has significantly worsened living conditions. Women and children often bear the brunt of health issues and economic insecurity. Further, without development and economic opportunities in these areas, militias and extremist or criminal groups are more likely to recruit young men, who may get involved in illegal practices such as human trafficking. Kawkab Alwadeai argues that a new approach should be adopted by any future government so that inhabitants of rural areas are treated on an equal footing with urban populations. Supporting the agricultural sector and providing access to education and healthcare in these areas should be a top priority.

Rural issues exacerbated by the war

The situation in rural areas has been exacerbated by the current conflict. The war has made access to cities for employment and medical services even more difficult, as fuel costs have skyrocketed, roads have been damaged, and various conflict actors have taken control over people’s movements. The war has prevented many much-needed rural development projects in areas such as water and healthcare. Access to food has become increasingly difficult for families who were already highly malnourished.
All areas in the rural Northern highlands, in particular Saudi-bordering Hajjah and Saada governorates, have been targeted directly with intense aerial bombardment by the Saudi coalition, leading to the destruction of the governorates’ infrastructure. Even hospitals were not spared from the bombing. Abs hospital in Hajjah, run by Doctors Without Borders, was bombed four times. The education, energy, housing, transportation, water, and sanitation sectors have also been badly affected. When famine hit districts of Hajjah, local media reported stories of families eating leaves from trees, with dozens of children doomed to die from starvation.

Women and children in rural areas

As much of Yemen is rural, this has historically greatly affected the status of Yemeni women in these areas and their access to various services, most importantly, health and education. The United Nations Population Fund indicated in the Humanitarian Response Report 2020 that about six million women and girls of childbearing age (15 to 49) are in need of support; the majority of these women live in rural areas. Due to rising food shortages, more than one million pregnant women are left malnourished and are at risk of giving birth to babies with stunted growth. In addition, 114,000 women are at risk of developing childbirth complications.

Division and conflict preclude comprehensive development

Unfortunately, the Houthis and the internationally recognized government, who meet at the negotiating table from time to time, do not see beyond the control of territory and the distribution of government positions after the war. The goals they pursue will not lead to sustainable peace. This can only be achieved through comprehensive development, starting in the areas that have been neglected for decades: the rural areas.

Sustainable peace will also not be achieved without social justice that gives all Yemenis access to education and health, job opportunities, and political participation. The rights of all citizens, children, women, and men, must be protected by strengthening the legal, legislative, and executive authority, where all people are subject to civil law. Future governments need to avoid the mistakes of their predecessors. Instead of spending the state budget on tribal leaders, businessmen, and other individuals connected to the elite, the state must consider the needs of all Yemenis equally - by Kawkab Alwadeai

(** B P)

A Grand Bargain for Yemen

The next U.N. special envoy for Yemen will be uniquely positioned to spearhead a grand bargain that might be the international community’s last chance to reconstitute Yemen as a single state.

Yemen needs both international support and a comprehensive plan. It needs the sort of grand bargain that can tie all the facets of the conflict – both domestic and regional – into a single package. Otherwise, Yemen could easily slip into a nightmare scenario in which Saudi Arabia strikes a deal with the Houthis, the local civil war is left unaddressed, international attention wanes with the Saudi withdrawal, and the fighting continues on the ground.

Pulling off this grand bargain, of course, will not be easy. But it is likely the international community’s last chance to reconstitute Yemen as a single state. Given the complexities of such a deal and the various international actors involved, the next U.N. special envoy will be uniquely positioned to spearhead such an effort.

U.S. leadership and involvement are necessary but not sufficient for success. The United States has enough leverage with both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – and by extension Hadi’s government as well as the Southern Transitional Council, which maintains control of large amounts of territory in southern Yemen – to deliver these parties to any proffered equitable peace deal.

The United States should link the Houthis and the war in Yemen to negotiations over a renewed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear agreement with Iran, which is currently being discussed in Vienna. At the moment, the Houthis see continued conflict in Yemen as being in their best interest. Iran – one of only two countries with whom the Houthis have diplomatic relations – will need to convince them otherwise. The United States will have to lean on Saudi Arabia; Iran will have to lean on the Houthis.

Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which have already contributed significant amounts of aid to Yemen, will have a major role to play in financing reconstruction in Yemen. Although the bill for this is likely to be high, it will still be much less than the continued cost of an open-ended conflict in Yemen.

The next special envoy will be the U.N.’s fourth attempt, and it may well be the last special envoy with a chance to reconstitute Yemen as a single state. Nibbling at the edges of a deal and more rounds of shuttle diplomacy will do little but extend an already lengthy war. In Yemen, it is time for a change and for the special envoy to spearhead a truly international approach. The alternative is a fractured and fragmented state, which no one group fully controls. In such a scenario the humanitarian situation is likely to grow worse, shipping lanes and freedom of navigation will be challenged, and al-Qaeda’s local franchise in Yemen, which is currently on its heels, could resurrect itself and once again pose a threat to the West – by Gregory D. Johnsen

(** B E H P)

Yemen. Unfiltered Neoliberal Policies Have Worsened the Water Crisis

Water resources are drying up in Yemen, a country ravaged by war for six years. Climate change is to blame, and also—above all—an agricultural policy that has favoured large landowners. The latter favour high value-added crops that are very water-intensive

Yemen, quite aside from its six-year-old disastrous war, suffers a major water crisis, which will impact its people’s ability to survive in the country long after the military conflict ends. Yemen’s current renewable annual water availability of 72 m3 is way below the 500 m3 absolute scarcity borderline of the internationally recognised Falkenmark indicator, let alone the far higher stress marker of the FAO. As its population continues to increase at a rate close to 3% per annum, per capita water availability drops further each year, given that water resources are also negatively impacted by the process of climate change. While the objective situation is dire, the neo-liberal policies of the Saleh regime (1978–2011) and the international development financiers have contributed to worsening it and increasing inequality.

This article focuses on rural water usage, and in particular the role of agricultural policies in worsening water scarcity in the country. Alongside many other countries, Yemenis use 90% of the country’s water in agriculture. The vast majority, about 70%, of Yemen’s population live in rural areas and more than half of its current total population of 30 million, derive a substantial part of their income from agriculturally related activities, including livestock herding and crop production. Supply of water for domestic purposes is not covered here, as it is subject to numerous and complex different extraction and distribution mechanisms managed with a wide range of techniques, based both on the source and nature of the supply and on local social and political characteristics. These include individual ownership and community management strategies in rural areas as well as larger urban administratively centralised systems in the cities.

Three main factors explain the country’s water scarcity, all directly or indirectly the result of human action: first rapid population growth has increased demand thus reducing per capita water and land availability over generations to well—below self-sufficiency levels. Second, climate change is manifested through increasingly violent and irregular downpours and other phenomena which reduce water availability, particularly by limiting the replenishment of aquifers, as the loss of topsoil prevents absorption of flows, particularly where terraces have deteriorated due to lack of maintenance. Third, the explicit policy decisions of all regimes in recent decades to support diesel-operated pumps and tube well drilling technology for irrigation enabled extraction of water significantly above recharge levels. This has led to the expansion of cropped areas and thus further depletion of the aquifers – by Helen Lackner

(** B H K)



Sechs Jahre nach dem Beginn des verheerenden und noch immer andauernden Konflikts im Jemen ist die Bildung der Kinder im Land zu einem seiner größten Opfer geworden, so ein neuer, heute veröffentlichter UNICEF-Bericht.

Mehr als zwei Millionen Mädchen und Jungen im schulpflichtigen Alter sind derzeit nicht in der Schule – doppelt so viele Kinder wie 2015, als der Konflikt begann. Armut, andauernde Konflikte und fehlende Lernmöglichkeiten im Jemen beeinträchtigen die Bildung der Kinder.

Der Bericht „Education Disrupted: Auswirkungen des Konflikts auf die Bildung von Kindern im Jemen" („Education Disrupted: Impact of the conflict on children’s education in Yemen“) zeigt die Herausforderungen und Risiken, denen Kinder ausgesetzt sind, wenn sie nicht zur Schule gehen, und welche Maßnahmen dringend notwendig sind, um die Jungen und Mädchen zu schützen.

„Der Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertiger Bildung ist das Recht eines jeden Kindes. Es gilt auch für Mädchen, vertriebene Kinder und solche mit Behinderungen", sagte Philippe Duamelle, UNICEF-Repräsentant im Jemen. „Der Konflikt hat einen erschütternden Einfluss auf jeden Aspekt des Lebens von Kindern, doch der Zugang zu Bildung gibt Kindern selbst in den verzweifeltsten Situationen ein Gefühl von Normalität und schützt sie vor vielfältigen Formen der Ausbeutung. Dass Kinder zur Schule gehen können, ist entscheidend für ihre eigene Zukunft und die Zukunft des Jemen."

Der Bericht macht deutlich, welche schwerwiegenden Folgen es hat, wenn Kinder nicht zur Schule gehen können: Für Mädchen kann dies bedeuten, früh verheiratet zu werden und in einem Teufelskreis aus Armut und ungenutztem Potenzial gefangen zu sein. Zudem steigt die Gefahr für Jungen und Mädchen, zu Kinderarbeit gezwungen oder als Kindersoldat*innen rekrutiert zu werden. In den letzten sechs Jahren wurden mehr als 3.600 Kinder im Jemen als Kindersoldat*innen rekrutiert.

Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass zwei Drittel der Lehrkräfte des Landes - insgesamt über 170.000 Lehrer*innen - wegen des Konflikts und der geopolitischen Auseinandersetzungen seit mehr als vier Jahren kein regelmäßiges Gehalt mehr erhalten haben. Damit erhöht sich für etwa vier Millionen Kinder zusätzlich die Gefahr, dass ihre Bildung unterbrochen wird oder sie die Schule gänzlich abbrechen müssen, weil unbezahlte Lehrer*innen den Unterricht aufgeben, um andere Möglichkeiten zu finden, ihre Familien zu versorgen.

Kinder, die ihre Ausbildung nicht abschließen, sind in einem sich selbst erhaltenden Kreislauf der Armut gefangen. Wenn Kinder, die nicht zur Schule gehen oder die Schule vor kurzem abgebrochen haben, nicht angemessen unterstützt werden, kehren sie möglicherweise nie wieder in die Schule zurück.

Die Auswirkungen des anhaltenden Konflikts und der Covid-19-Pandemie, die die Bildung zusätzlich bedroht, werden verheerende und langanhaltende Folgen für das Lernen sowie das geistige und körperliche Wohlbefinden der Kinder und Jugendlichen im Jemen haben.

(** B H K)

Number of children facing education disruption in Yemen could rise to 6 million

Six years on, Yemeni children’s education has become one of the greatest casualties of Yemen’s devastating and ongoing conflict, according to a new report published by UNICEF today.

Just over 2 million school-age girls and boys are now out of school as poverty, conflict and lack of opportunities disrupt their education. This is double the number of out-of-school children in 2015 when the conflict started.

The report, ‘Education Disrupted: Impact of the conflict on children’s education in Yemen‘, looks at the risks and challenges children face when out of school, and the urgent actions needed to protect them.

“Access to quality education is a basic right for every child, including for girls, displaced children and those with disabilities,” said Philippe Duamelle, UNICEF Representative to Yemen. “The conflict has a staggering impact on every aspect of children’s lives, yet access to education provides a sense of normalcy for children in even the most desperate contexts and protects them from multiple forms of exploitation. Keeping children in school is critical for their own future and the future of Yemen.”

The report highlights that when children are not in school, the consequences are dire, both for their present and their futures.

Girls are being forced into early marriage, where they remain trapped in a cycle of poverty and unfulfilled potential. Boys and girls are more vulnerable to being coerced into child labour or recruited into the fighting. More than 3,600 children in Yemen were recruited in the past six years.

To make matters worse, two-thirds of teachers in Yemen – over 170,000 teachers in total – have not received a regular salary for more than four years because of the conflict and geopolitical divides. This puts around four million additional children at risk of disrupted education or dropping out as unpaid teachers quit teaching to find other ways of providing for their families.

Children who do not finish their education are trapped in a self-perpetuating cycle of poverty. =

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(** B K P)

Während die USA von Afghanistan in den Jemen abwandern, muss Al-Mahrah die zunehmende Militärpräsenz verkraften

Die Bewohner im Ostjemen sehen die Zunahme des US-Militärs als bösartig und kolonialistisch an und befürchten, dass es nicht nur Chaos und Instabilität in ihre Region bringen wird, sondern auch die berüchtigten Menschenrechtsverletzungen und schrecklichen Verstöße, die in Afghanistan und im Irak stattgefunden haben, mit sich bringen könnte.

Der Osten des Jemen wurde vom zermürbenden sechsjährigen Krieg weitgehend verschont. US-Militärpersonal in der Region war einst ein seltener Anblick und erntete kaum mehr als einen neugierigen Blick von vorbeigehenden Schaulustigen. Aber ein neues Gefühl der Angst hat sich über die Bewohner der östlichen Al-Mahrah-Provinz gelegt, inmitten von Berichten über gewalttätige nächtliche Überfälle durch amerikanische und saudische Kommandos und eine zunehmend sichtbare US-Militärpräsenz in der Region.

Im Juni 2019 überfiel ein Team von US-Marines, unterstützt von saudischen Streitkräften, ein bewohntes Viertel, das als „Katar-Viertel“ bezeichnet wird, in der Stadt al-Ghaydah in Al-Mahrah. Zeugen der Razzia sagten gegenüber MintPress, dass sie glauben, dass die Razzia aufgrund von Informationen durchgeführt wurde, die von lokalen Informanten bereitgestellt wurden. Die Razzia zielte angeblich auf ein Haus, das von Kämpfern gemietet wurde, die im Auftrag der saudi-geführten Koalition kämpften und gerade von den Kämpfen in Marib zurückgekehrt waren. Die Aktion löste bei den Anwohnern Angst und Fragen aus, da drei Jemeniten und ein Saudi sowie viele Frauen und Kinder festgenommen wurden. Anwohner behaupten, die Gefangenen seien dann zum Flughafen al-Ghaydah gebracht worden, wo das US-Militär eine Präsenz hat, wie Zeugen und Sicherheitsquellen berichten. Die Bedingungen ihrer Inhaftierung waren Berichten zufolge ähnlich wie bei Gefangenen in Afghanistan und im Irak, wozu nach Angaben von Einheimischen auch das Verbinden der Augen und Schläge gehörten.

Die Bewohner im östlichen Jemen betrachten die Zunahme des US-Militärs als bösartig und kolonialistisch und befürchten, dass es nicht nur Chaos und Instabilität in ihre Region bringen wird, sondern auch die berüchtigten Menschenrechtsverletzungen und schrecklichen Verstöße mit sich bringen könnte, die in Afghanistan und im Irak stattfanden, wo Tausende von Zivilisten getötet oder gefoltert wurden, einige von amerikanischen Truppen, andere von privaten Militärfirmen wie Blackwater.

Saudi-Arabien behauptet, dass ein Mann, den es später mit seinem nom de guerre identifizierte, Abu Osama al-Muhajir, der Anführer des jemenitischen Zweigs des Islamischen Staates, bei der Razzia gefangen genommen wurde, zusammen mit dem Finanzchef der Gruppe und einer Reihe anderer Kämpfer. In einer offiziellen saudischen Pressemitteilung wird die Zusammenarbeit mit den US-Streitkräften bei der Durchführung der Razzia nicht erwähnt, aber laut Augenzeugen und lokalen Sicherheitsquellen „waren ihre Körper und Akzente für die Bewohner unverkennbar [amerikanisch].“

Zeitgleich mit dem Abzug der US-Truppen aus Afghanistan glauben Sicherheitsexperten, dass die Biden-Regierung ihre Präsenz im Ostjemen verstärkt, unter dem Vorwand, den Terrorismus zu bekämpfen und den Waffentransfer vom Iran zu den Houthis zu verhindern. Präsident Joe Biden hat tatsächlich eine US-Militärpräsenz in dem vom Krieg zerrissenen Land zugegeben. In seinem Brief an den Kongress sagte Biden, dass „eine kleine Anzahl von US-Militärpersonal im Jemen stationiert ist, um Operationen gegen al-Qaida auf der Arabischen Halbinsel (AQAP) und den IS durchzuführen.“ Er fügte hinzu: „Das Militär der Vereinigten Staaten arbeitet weiterhin eng mit der Regierung der Republik Jemen und regionalen Partnerkräften zusammen, um die terroristische Bedrohung, die von diesen Gruppen ausgeht, zu verringern.“

Zusätzlich zu ihrer Militärpräsenz am Flughafen al-Ghaydah und vor der Küste der Städte im Osten des Jemens haben die US-Streitkräfte auch einen kleinen Stützpunkt im sogenannten Leeren Viertel zwischen dem Jemen und Saudi-Arabien, der für den Abschuss von Drohnen und die Verfolgung von Personen, die sie als Terroristen bezeichnen, genutzt wird, zusätzlich zur Bereitstellung von „logistischer Unterstützung“ für Saudi-Arabien. Dutzende von US-Marines sind kürzlich in Al-Mahrah und Sokotra eingetroffen, wie Einheimische, die mit MintPress sprachen, berichten. Die US-Geheimdienste halten die AQAP aufgrund ihrer technischen Expertise und ihrer globalen Reichweite tatsächlich für den gefährlichsten Zweig von al-Qaida, aber viele Aktivisten, Journalisten und lokale Medien haben davor gewarnt, dass die saudische Militärbesetzung unter dem Deckmantel der US-Streitkräfte stattfindet, nicht um die übertriebene Bedrohung durch die AQAP zu bekämpfen, sondern um Saudi-Arabien zu ermöglichen, eine langfristige Präsenz in der Provinz aufzubauen.

Die Verstärkung der amerikanischen Militärpräsenz in der Provinz, in der sich unerschlossene und potenziell lukrative massive Ölvorkommen befinden, erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund mehrerer Besuche hochrangiger amerikanischer Beamter in der Region. Im Jahr 2018 besuchte General Joseph Votel, Chef des U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), Aden, und der ehemalige Berater von Präsident Donald Trump, Francis Townsend, besuchte Al-Mahrah im März 2020. Christopher Henzel, der US-Botschafter im Jemen, stattete Al-Mahrah im vergangenen Dezember einen Überraschungsbesuch ab. Er kam aus Riad, als die Jemeniten den Unabhängigkeitstag feierten, ein Anlass, der an das Ende der britischen Besatzung im Nordjemen erinnert. Henzel besuchte nach Angaben der Behörden des Gouvernements Al-Mahrah die am Flughafen al-Ghaydah stationierten amerikanischen Streitkräfte.

Jemenitische Nichtregierungsorganisationen und Regierungsbeamte beklagen seit Jahren, dass der Flughafen al-Ghaydah geheime Gefängnisse beherbergt, in denen Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Stil von Abu Ghraib und regelrechte Folter stattfinden. Die Anwohner glauben, dass die Misshandlungen unter der Aufsicht der amerikanischen Streitkräfte oder zumindest mit deren Wissen stattfinden, so Ahmed al-Ali, der Leiter des Southern National Committee to Resist the Invasion, einer Gruppe, die sich dem Protest gegen die saudische Militärpräsenz in der Region verschrieben hat.

Proteste und sogar einige bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen sind ausgebrochen, da sich die Menschen in Al-Mahrah gegen das wehren, was viele als eine saudische Übernahme ihres Gouvernements ansehen. In den letzten drei Jahren hat Saudi-Arabien seine Kontrolle über die Provinz, die im Osten an den Oman grenzt, verschärft. Neben der militärischen Präsenz haben die Saudis versucht, Soft Power auszuüben, indem sie salafistisch inspirierte Koranschulen und eine Politik der Einbürgerung und humanitären Hilfe etabliert haben – ein Schritt, von dem die lokalen Behörden behaupten, dass er mit Unterstützung der Vereinigten Staaten durchgeführt wird.

Die US-Militärpräsenz in der Region stößt auch auf starken lokalen Widerstand und hat, anstatt die angebliche terroristische Bedrohung zu verringern, der AQAP ein höchst effektives Rekrutierungsinstrument in die Hand gegeben. Die öffentliche Wut und Frustration gegen die USA im Jemen ist spürbar und folgt auf die berüchtigten Drohnenangriffe und Razzien der Obama-Ära, bei denen zahlreiche unschuldige Menschen auf Hochzeiten und Beerdigungen getötet wurden.

Die Bewohner von Al-Mahrah glauben im Großen und Ganzen nicht an den Vorwand der Terrorismusbekämpfung oder der Verhinderung von Waffenschmuggel, mit dem die ausländische Militärpräsenz in der Provinz gerechtfertigt wird. Sie beschuldigen Saudi-Arabien und die USA, Propaganda zu verbreiten und die Bedrohung durch Al-Qaida und ISIS zu übertreiben, um ihre Präsenz zu rechtfertigen, so das Peaceful Sit-in Committee, eine Gruppe, die von Einwohnern von Al-Mahrah gegründet wurde, um gegen jegliche ausländische Präsenz in der Provinz zu protestieren – von Ahmed Abdulkareem

(** B K P)

As US Pivots from Afghanistan to Yemen, Al-Mahrah Copes with Increasing Military Presence

Eastern Yemen has been largely spared the country’s grueling six-year war, with U.S. military personnel in the region, once a rare sight, garnering little more than a curious stare from the passing onlooker. But a new sense of anxiety has settled over the residents of the eastern Al-Mahrah Province amid stories of violent midnight raids by American and Saudi commandos and an increasingly visible U.S. military presence in the region.

In June 2019, a team of U.S. Marines supported by Saudi forces raided a populated neighborhood, dubbed the “Qatar quarter,” in al-Ghaydah city in Al-Mahrah. Witnesses to the raid told MintPress that they believe it was carried out on information provided by local informants. The raid allegedly targeted a home rented by militants fighting on behalf of the Saudi-led Coalition who had just returned from fighting in Marib. The operation provoked fear and questions among neighborhood residents, as three Yemenis and one Saudi were detained as well as many women and children. Locals claim the captives were then taken to al-Ghaydah Airport, where the U.S. military has a presence, according to witnesses and security sources. The conditions of their detention were reportedly similar to detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq, which, according to locals, included being blindfolded and beaten.

U.S. military surges bring chaos, human-rights abuses

Residents in eastern Yemen see the surge of U.S. military personnel as malign and colonial in nature and worry that it will bring not only chaos and instability to their region but could also bring with it the infamous human rights abuses and horrific violations that took place in Afghanistan and Iraq

Working the ‘war on terror’

Coinciding with the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, security experts believe that the Biden administration is strengthening its presence in eastern Yemen, under the pretext of fighting terrorism and preventing the transfer of arms from Iran to the Houthis. President Joe Biden has indeed admitted to a U.S. military presence in the war-torn country. In his letter to Congress, Biden said that “a small number of United States military personnel are deployed to Yemen to conduct operations against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and IS.” He added, “The United States military continues to work closely with the Government of the Republic of Yemen and regional partner forces to degrade the terrorist threat posed by those groups.”

In addition to their military presence at al-Ghaydah Airport and on the waters of Yemen’s eastern cities, U.S. forces also have a small base in the so-called Empty Quarter between Yemen and Saudi Arabia, used for launching drones and to pursue those it describes as terrorists in addition to providing “logistical support” to Saudi Arabia. Dozens of the U.S. Marines recently arrived in Al-Mahrah and Socotra, according to locals who spoke to MintPress. U.S. intelligence agencies do indeed consider AQAP the most dangerous branch of al-Qaeda because of its technical expertise and global reach, but many activists, journalists, and local media have warned that the Saudi military occupation is taking place under the cover of the U.S. forces not to combat the overblown threat from AQAP but to allow Saudi Arabia to establish a long-term presence in the province.

The shoring up of the American military presence in the province, home to untapped and potentially lucrative massive oil reserves, comes on the back of several visits by high-ranking American officials to the region.

Yemeni NGOs and government officials have been complaining for years that al-Ghaydah Airport is home to secret prisons where Abu Ghraib-style human rights abuses and outright torture are carried out. Local residents believe the abuses are taking place under the supervision of the American forces, or with their knowledge at a minimum, according to Ahmed al-Ali, the head of Southern National Committee to Resist the Invasion, a group dedicated to the protest of a Saudi military presence in the region.

Protests, and even some armed confrontations, have broken out as people in Al-Mahrah fight back against what many view as a Saudi takeover of their governorate.

Palpable public anger

The U.S. military presence in the region has also been met with strong local opposition and, rather than reducing any alleged terrorist threat, it has instead handed a highly effective recruiting tool to AQAP – by Ahmed AbdulKareem =

and also

(A P)

Yemeni police attack drug traffickers dens in Mahara

Yemeni security authorities have stormed into houses suspected to be used for trafficking the drugs in the eastern governorate of Mahara.
In the last few hours, special security units raided dens and houses suspect of marketing drugs in Mohaifeef area in Ghaidha, Mahara provincial capital, deputy of Mahara police director said Thursday.
The raids led to the capture of a number of traffickers along with quantities of drugs and other banned materials, Colonel Ahmed Ali Reifeet added in remarks carried by the state-run Saba.

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(A H)

Three new cases of COVID-19 reported, 6,929 in total

The committee also reported the recovery of 17 coronavirus patients in four provinces. No death has been recorded.
1,408 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the emergency committee added in its statement.

(A H)

Two new cases of COVID-19 reported, 6,926 in total

No death has been recorded, the emergency committee said in a statement.
1,608 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

One new case of COVID-19 reported, 6,924 in total

No death has been recorded, the emergency committee said in a statement.
1,901 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(* B H P)

Thousands of Yemenis seek refuge in areas of legitimacy after Houthi rejection of the Corona vaccine

The Houthi militia's refusal to receive the Corona vaccine prompted thousands of citizens in their areas of control to head to Yemeni areas that are under the recognized government to obtain the vaccination.

Irresponsible Houthi practices led to the deprivation of thousands of Yemenis in the coup areas in northern Yemen from being vaccinated against the epidemic, despite their dire need to complete travel transactions and deal with infected patients.

This forced citizens to head to the liberated governorates, in Hadhramaut, Marib and Aden, to get the vaccine, creating an additional burden on the vaccination centers in the liberated areas.

The Deputy Director of the Public Health Office in Marib Governorate, eastern Yemen, Dr. Ahmed Al-Abadi, said: "The vaccination process against the Corona virus stopped in Marib, as a result of the expiry of the quota allocated to the governorate, within only 4 days."

Dr. Al-Abadi indicated to Al-Ain Al-Ain news that the Yemeni Ministry of Health distributed 16,000 doses of vaccine to the governorate of Ma'rib for the governorate's health staff, the elderly over 60 years and those with chronic diseases.

He added that the vaccine allocated to the governorate ran out during the first days of the campaign's implementation; He attributed the reason to the high demand for vaccinations by citizens of Houthi-controlled areas who wish to travel through the Al-Wadea border crossing between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

(A H)

Two new cases of COVID-19 reported in Aden

The committee also reported the recovery of 13 coronavirus patients. No death has been recorded.
1,939 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added

(A H P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen Minister says US intends to provide Yemen with 504,000 anti-coronavirus vaccines

Yemen’s Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Dr. Waed Badheib, said the competent authorities in the United States have informed his ministry intends “to provide Yemen with an estimated 504,000 Johnson & Johnson vaccines, which will be given through the Kovacs program as part of the strategy of US President Joe Biden and his deputy Harris to provide coronavirus vaccine to countries the world”.

(A H)

Nine new cases of COVID-19 reported, 6,918 in total

The committee also reported the recovery of 23 coronavirus patients. No death has been recorded.
1,982 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(A H)

One new case of COVID-19 reported, 6,909 in total

The committee also reported the recovery of seven coronavirus patients; Taiz (6) and al-Mahra (1), in addition to the death of one patient in Taiz.
1,491 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K P)

Yemen War Daily Map Update

(B P)

[Iranian] Ex-FM Mottaki says Saudi Arabia tricked U.S. into Yemen war

In an exclusive interview with the Tehran Times, former Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki says Saudi Arabia deceived the United States into the war against Yemen in 2015.

(A P)

Fifty Yemeni NGOs have condemned the international silence over Houthi crimes by submitting a list of protesters to the British mission during the Human Rights Council session in Geneva on Tuesday./Aden Alghad website.

(* B P)

Audio: Nasser Arrabyee: Roadblocks to Peace in Yemen

Nasser Arrabyee comes on the show for an update about Yemen. There seems to be some promise of a real peace negotiation, Arrabyee says, though it’s hard to get both sides to see eye to eye on the realities of the situation. The Houthis, as Arrabyee explains, feel they can negotiate from a place of strength, since they have controlled most of the country for the last few years. They are demanding that Saudi Arabia lift the blockade as a condition of sitting down to peace talks. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, has tried to make demands of their own, since they are on the side of the nominal government and are allied with the U.S. Arrabyee and Scott agree that one of the key factors in pushing a peaceful end to this war across the finish line is American peace activists putting pressure on their politicians, such that Saudi Arabia no longer has strong U.S. support, and must end its unjust persecution of the Yemenis.

Discussed on the show:

“End of Yemen quagmire? Saudi-led coalition, Houthis near peace deal” (Reuters)

“Saudi-Led Coalition, Yemen’s Houthis Working on Peace Deal” (News From

The War Nerd on Twitter

(* B P)

Possible Trajectories of the War in Yemen under the Biden Administration

On May 6, 2021, the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT) organized an online roundtable discussion entitled “Possible Trajectories of the War in Yemen under the Biden Administration”. Participants included Júlia Palik, a Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo, and Farea Al-Muslimi, the co-founder of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and an Associate Fellow of Chatham House. The event was moderated by Máté Szalai, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.

In her presentation, Júlia Palik elaborated on the supply-side and the demand-side challenges associated with foreign aid in Yemen. When explaining supply-side challenges, she addressed the inter-connected nature of quantity and quality of aid, the time discrepancies between pledges and actual disbursement, and problems related to accountability and the neutrality of donors. On the demand-side problems, she mentioned Yemen’s historically low capacity of aid absorption, the misuse of development aid and the role of development aid in Yemen’s war economy. She suggested that the US could facilitate the development of institutions that would be able to administer aid. Furthermore, the Biden administration can make steps to lessen Yemen’s aid dependence on GCC states, to help post-war Yemen to develop independent institutions that are more resilient against GCC states political influence.

Farea Al-Muslimi talked about the role of the US in the Yemeni conflict and the expectations of local actors regarding the Biden administration. According to Al-Muslimi, a large part of the United States’ influence in the region was built on perceived and not actual power, something that he believes decreased in the last five years during the Trump administration. Additionally, American foreign policy has been contingent on and influenced by domestic politics and internal struggles. The US – which is not neutral in this conflict – has no policy on Yemen, which Al-Muslimi called problematic. When asked about the ongoing situation on the ground, he stated that if the city of Ma’rib falls into the hands of the Houthis, the country will experience further fragmentation.

Both presenters agreed that it is likely that Yemen (again) becomes a bargaining chip in the US-Iranian negotiations. When asked about the UN’s role, Palik stressed the importance of updating the current Security Council Resolution which was adopted in 2015 and still governs the mediation landscape. Al-Muslimi agreed on the need of a new resolution which does not normalize taking power by force. He stressed that there is no military solution in Yemen, but at the same time the UN will not be able to solve the conflict alone.


(* B P)

Humanitarian Biometrics in Yemen: The complex politics of humanitarian technology

The introduction of biometrics in Yemen is a prime example of challenges related to the use of biometric solutions in humanitarian contexts. The complexity of the situation in Yemen needs to be acknowledged by policy makers and other stakeholders involved in the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the country.

The international community has struggled to find effective strategies for alleviating the suffering of ordinary Yemeni. Simultaneously, belligerents on the ground repeatedly demonstrate blatant disregard for the lives of the people they purport to defend and represent. The lack of trustworthy data and the absence of simple solutions can lead to resignation.

Humanitarian aid agencies point to Yemen as a complex and challenging context for humanitarian work. They face bureaucratic and political obstacles and restrictions on movement that limit access to beneficiaries.

Biometric-based humanitarian responses

As explored in the policy brief Piloting Humanitarian Biometrics in Yemen: Aid Transparency versus Violation of Privacy?, the World Food Programme (WFP) has developed a digital assistance platform, SCOPE, to manage the registration of and provision of humanitarian assistance and entitlements for over 50 million beneficiaries worldwide. In Yemen, the WFP has applied a mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping approach to conduct remote phone-based data collection and food-security monitoring and has implemented a Commodity Voucher system as a transfer mechanism for beneficiaries. In the government-controlled areas in the south of Yemen, the WFP has registered more than 1.6 million beneficiaries to date, but the Houthi authorities in the north of Yemen have been slow to accept the roll-out of biometric registration.

The WFP has argued that the introduction of a biometric registration system would help prevent diversion and ensure that food reaches those who need it most. Biometrics is envisioned to simplify registration and identification of beneficiaries as many Yemenis do not have identification documents.

Humanitarian biometrics in Yemen: A complex case

The use of biometrics in Yemen is a prime example of the challenges related to the use of biometric solutions in humanitarian contexts. These challenges are inherently political and highlight the potential clash between values and objectives. The WFP maintains that biometric registration is necessary to prevent fraud and ensure effective aid distribution, whereas the Houthis accuse the WFP of violating Yemeni law by demanding control over biometric data. The Houthis allege that WFP is not neutral and a potential front for intelligence operations. The Houthis allegations were given credence by the recent controversy surrounding WFP’s partnership with the algorithm intelligence firm Palantir, and underscores the need for greater attention to responsible data management in the humanitarian sector. Distressed civilian Yemenis, in dire need for humanitarian assistance, are caught in the middle by Maria-Louise Clausen and Bruno Oliveira.

My comment: In this case, the Houthis obviously are right. Humanitarian aid is a pretense. Third-World-people are misused as guinea pigs for trying and introducing the world-wide project of ID2020, the ream of Bill Gates and others of totally registering the whole world’s 7.7 billion people and introducing a 100 % surveillance regime. Wikipedia hides the real implications: . Read this (in German; use Google Translator:

(* B P)

Yemen's War Has Stoked New Divisions That Won't Fade With a Peace Deal

Intensifying diplomatic efforts to implement a cease-fire in Yemen could finally pave the way for an end to the more than six-year war. Yet despite reported progress in talks between Houthi rebels, supported by Iran, and the Saudi-led coalition fighting them, the war has planted the seeds for potential future conflicts among Yemenis themselves. Yemenis are now more divided than ever, and it is unlikely that one party can take control of the country in a postwar settlement while excluding others. But that is just what the Houthis and rival forces are looking to do.

Outside powers, including the new administration in Washington, now finally appear to realize that the war is no longer winnable militarily, and that if it continues, it will only aggravate the suffering of Yemeni civilians.

Even if they strike a deal for a cease-fire and make other progress, underlying factors of instability in Yemen resulting from this war will live on for much longer. There is practically no consensus among Yemenis inside the country and abroad on any issue; people are more divided and polarized than they were decades ago, after Yemen was formally united in 1990 between north and south.

And even while diplomatic talks are underway, some Yemeni parties are still trying to maximize their control on the ground militarily, in order to have a better position at the negotiation table and in a potential postwar Yemen.

Foreign interference in Yemen provokes such universal backlash that some tribes who have not backed the Houthis have at least stayed neutral, rather than instead support Hadi's Saudi-backed government or the separatist Southern Transitional Council in Aden, which is supported by the United Arab Emirates. But that may shift if there is actually an end to foreign military intervention. There have long been various competing local powers in Yemen, and the war has created even more of them. Any attempt to marginalize some of these actors over others will only expose the country to more unrest. Saleh's 33-year rule was characterized by balancing these competing powers and often playing them against each other. Without that, Saleh would never have made it as long as he did.

For all the uncertainty around the current diplomatic attempts to end Yemen's war and what a resolution might look like, it is almost certain that the conflict will have grave generational consequences for the country. The war has fueled divisions that won't disappear with a peace deal. In addition to underlying tensions among Yemenis and heightened sectarianism in the war's wake, there will inevitably be more involvement by foreign actors, like Saudi Arabia, Iran and the UAE, in the politics of postwar Yemen, even if they end their military intervention. There will be no victor in this war, and no one in Yemen will be able to dominate the scene whenever the fighting ends. But that won't stop Yemen's rivals from attempting to, which could tear the country further apart – by Nabeel Nowairah

(* B P)

Research paper: Right to peaceful assembly in the context of Yemen’s armed conflict

The current conflict in Yemen has resulted in a highly catastrophic and tragic situation, both in terms of the repercussions on the humanitarian situation and in terms of the repercussions on rights. Warring parties have resorted to a pattern of violent practices and systematically violated human rights. Perhaps the gravest result of the extended conflict is the normalization of violence and violent methods across the country, which has been exacerbated by policies and practices that prevent individuals and communities from using other options and methods to seek solutions. Warring parties have adopted aggressive policies and restrictive procedures that have suffocated the civil space in the country, closed the public space, and undermined peaceful expression. The warring parties oppress these channels of expression, which are beneficial to society. Instead what reigns in Yemen is oppression, and discourses of war that are destructive to rights and freedoms.

The war in Yemen has escalated and expanded geographically, and the number of armed entities has increased, which has further undermined rights and freedoms. Despite this, and in the midst of a raging war that has been going on for more than six years, the largest Yemeni cities, such as Sana’a, Taiz and Mukalla, have seen large groups of society come together in peaceful gatherings and marches that raised human rights demands and slogans rejecting the war. The phenomenon of continued, peaceful assemblies during wartime indicates that, despite the normalization of violence and the suffocation of the civil space in the country, people in Yemen are continuing to find means of peaceful action to raise their demands, and clearly indicates that the warring parties do not hold a monopoly on Yemeni society, and that many in Yemeni society do not see their demands represented through the warring parties. The fact that people continue to protest highlights that peaceful assembly remains an option for individuals and groups seeking to express their demands, and that their right to peaceful assembly must be promoted and advocated.

Respecting and protecting the right to peaceful assembly plays a fundamental role in building a tolerant society of coexistence, open to pluralism and difference. Mwatana believes that it is necessary to work on advocating the right to peaceful assembly, including during times of war, and as an entryway through which people can regain their sway on public affairs and express their demands for rights and freedoms. This research paper highlights of what constituted the exercise of this right of a social choice that exists outside the agenda of the warring parties and their means.

Paper in full:

(* B K)

Damage cost to Yemeni infrastructure amount to over 7.6 billion dollars

[Sanaa gov.] Yemen’s Minister of Transport Amer Al-Marani revealed on Sunday that the total damages and direct and indirect losses suffered by the land, sea and air transport sectors since the beginning of the aggression until March 2021 have amounted to 7,657,000,000 dollars.

In a press conference he held today, the transport minister mentioned that the estimated damages and losses that affected the civil aviation, meteorology and related sectors amounted to 5,277,000,000 dollars, while the direct and indirect damages and losses of the General Authority for Regulating Land Transport Affairs amounted to 208 million dollars.

The aggression caused damages and societal losses to the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation, amounting to 2,160,000,000 dollars, while the damages and losses to the branch of the General Authority for Maritime Affairs in Hodeidah amounted to 12 million dollars, the. Minister added.

He referred that the number of deaths resulting from the closure of Sana’a International Airport amounted to 80,000 victims, as a result of being prevented from traveling to receive treatment abroad, in addition to more than 450,000 incurable disease cases who are in urgent need of medical care and treatment abroad and in direct danger of dying.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A P)

YPC, Water Corporation in Sana'a condemn continued detention of fuel ships

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* B H P)

Currency as a Barrier to Travel

The Damt – Sana’a Trip

When I arrived at the outskirts of Damt, we were stopped at one of the check points. Our ID cards were checked and we were asked about our identity and what was the purpose of our entry to the city of Damt. The security situation was at its most critical state, due to the mass demonstrations on the previous night calling for the departure of the Houthis, and denouncing their decision to ban the circulation of new currency in the district.

As a result of this event, dozens of Houthi check points were set up at the entrances and centre of the city, imposing an emergency and strict security situation on the citizens entering the city, and prohibiting gatherings of more than three persons in the neighbourhoods, markets and streets of the city.

I managed to reach the Sana’a bus terminal, located on the main street of the city, and saw a state of turmoil among the traveling citizens. There are dozens sitting down by the sidewalks with their luggage in their hands and their pockets full of cash, yet they are unable to travel because the money they had was of the new denomination of the currency.

While the drivers in the terminal were refusing to accept fares in new currency from passengers, a state of confusion and discontent began to surface. At that time, a Houthi security squad arrived and dispersed the citizens who intended to travel to Sana’a and other provinces. Some citizens fled the scene before the arrival of the security patrol for fear of being arrested, and many passengers postponed their travel plans until they can manage to get some old currency.

In September 2016, the internationally recognized government of Yemen moved the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) from Sana’a to Aden. The Central Bank in Aden has continued to print new bills. Further complicating matters, in 2019, Ansar Allah decided to ban the use of new bills printed by the CBY in Aden, which resulted in increased fees for money transfers and the civilians’ suffering.

While I was lucky to have taken precautions in this aspect and was carrying an amount of old currency money, this helped me to leave the city of Damt without any problems.

I got in a brown Hilux, and we started our journey to Sana’a. The time was 08:30 a.m., and whenever we arrived at a checkpoint, the driver was asked where we were coming from? And the driver replied: from Damt.

Then the gunmen would order the driver to immediately pull over the car by the side of the road and began to search the car and check ID cards and the currency that passengers carried. Some of the gunmen at the checkpoints were asking the driver about the situation in Damt, and the driver answered that everything was fine and stable.

(B H)

The ongoing conflict in #Yemen along w/ unsustainable water management have led to the degradation of the environment & a critical decline of the water service, which caused the decrease of millions of Yemenis’ water & food security & resulting in health outbreaks incl. Cholera.

(A H)

Yemen Aid US: We started to build 17 homes (of which Female-headed households) for families who are most vulnerable in Al-Khawkha, #Hodeidah. Each home will have an entry area, two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and will be equipped with solar panels. We look forward to the completion soon! (photos)

(B H K P)

Film: Middle East analyst @jfentonharvey explains that Yemenis are trapped in the country because of the blockade and cannot escape the humanitarian crisis.

(* B H K)

A Shortage of Money and Plenty of Sand

For the plights of traveling in Yemen there are endless stories. Haj Muhammad, of the50 years of age, was neither the first nor will he be the last to taste the harshest of the hardships of Yemeni roads disconnected by warring parties.

Haj Mohammed told us how he got stuck on Friday, 4th of September, 2020, on the frontiers of Ma’rib, beyond “Bab Al- Falaj” checkpoint, that was controlled by forces affiliated to the internationally recognized government. How did they stop him, not allowing him to continue his journey to Sana’a. He has been travelling from Hadhramaut where he visited his nephew, who was working there, to reassure himself on his well-being.

At first, the soldiers in charge of the checkpoint did not disclose to him the reason for stopping him. Subsequently he heard from one of the passengers that there were clashes between government forces and Ansarallah (Houthi) armed group, and that the road was not safe for travelers and was in fact closed to everyone.

Hajj Muhammad waited for two days, Friday and Saturday, in the hope that the road might open to travelers, so that he could continue his way to Sana’a by the bus. He had paid the fare of 15,000 Yemeni Rials, equivalent to 25/16 US Dollars, as a passenger from Hadhramaut to Sana’a.

Hajj Muhammad was lost because he only had a small amount of money left, hardly enough to sustain him for a few more days. By the rise of Sunday morning sun, his situation was getting very dire. His money was about to run out. So, he decided to ride the Hilux truck that was heading from Ma’rib to Sana’a, for a fare of another 15,000 Rials. I was with him in this same vehicle and we had received a promise from the driver that he would take us to Sana’a via a sandy desert road that passes through Al-Jawf Province, which borders both Ma’rib and Sana’a.

The road was a real graveyard of cars in every sense of the word. The horizon was filled with large expanses of sand. Yellow was the colour of the burning scene. The sun was not more merciful than the war itself; we were almost roasting in the scorching heat.

(* B H K)

As If It Were Not My Country

Since 2015, domestic travel became a cause of concern to Yemenis due to the ramifications of the war which divided the country into several enclaves, each controlled by a warring party. This made it difficult to move and travel between different parts of the country, so much so, one felt as if travel was from one country to another.

I felt as if I were not in my country

I had this feeling while traveling to Sana’a and back. During that journey, I went through difficult moments, and saw disturbing sights and events. It was not my first trip but it was the roughest, and the most bitter.

My journey started from Shabwa province on the 3rd of September, 2020. At 9 a.m. I took a Hiace type bus with a group of fellow passengers.

The road was passable as we departed the city of Ataq, the provincial center. We traveled through the districts of Nisab, Markha, to Baihan, the last district of Shabwa province, where we stopped for lunch. Then we entered Ma’rib province, starting with the road linking the districts of Harib and Al-Juba. On a dirt road that had previously been asphalt-paved, it took us roughly two hours to go the distance; however, only half an hour was required to pass through.

We arrived at the Juba Junction, which is the road leading to Al Bayda province, which we passed through most of its districts until we reached Dhamar province. The semi paved road was rough with many potholes and diversions.

Government Checkpoints

Soldiers asked us for IDs when we passed by checkpoints affiliated to the internationally recognized government of President Hadi. They posed frequently asked questions at every checkpoint we passed: Where are you from? Where are you going? And what would you do in Sana’a? Soldiers were checking travelers from the northern provinces more strictly.

On the Juba-Al-Bayda road, my attention was caught by hundreds of large vehicles parked by the side of the road. Most of them were tankers, transport trailers and trucks that extended from the beginning of the Juba junction. I watched the drivers of these vehicles laying down by the road side, some were sleeping underneath their vehicles, others were doing some repairs to their vehicles, while others were eating their lunch.

This scene was repeated until we reached the post leading to the Qania-Al-Bayda road, where two soldiers affiliated to Hadi government stopped us and took our ID cards before they quickly returned them. This place was the last stronghold of the Hadi government forces, after which the road seemed almost empty.

(* B H)

Yemen: 30,000 children back to learning despite education crisis

While attacks on education facilities, displacement and COVID-19 still prevent Yemeni children from going to school, a partnership between the European Union (EU) and Save the Children has helped 30 000 children regain access to quality education in southern Yemen.

2.500 education facilities in Yemen have been affected by the war and, after more than six years, schools are still being attacked and children are still falling victim to violence. In the past three years, nearly one in four civilian casualties was a child. From January to March this year, five separate attacks on schools hindered the access to education for more than 30.000 children.

European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said: “Education in Yemen is under attack. This is unacceptable. Two million children are out of school when they should be learning and getting support to build their dreams and a better future. Providing education, protection and psycho-social support to children caught up in emergency situations remains at the forefront of the EU’s priorities.”

Since June 2019, children aged 6 to 16 years that were affected by the conflict were given access to safe and protective education in Aden and Lahj. The vulnerable children, from 20 schools and two displacement camps, received education and much-needed psychosocial support.

(A H)

UNICEF cargo plane arrives at Sana'a Airport

and also

(* B H P)

World Bank grants war-torn Yemen $150 million for food, water, healthcare

The World Bank on Wednesday allocated $150 million for war-torn Yemen to bolster access to basic healthcare, nutrition, and water and sanitation services.

"Out of a total population of about 29 million, about 20 million Yemenis are food insecure and at risk of malnutrition, with two-thirds unable to afford enough food and water and sanitation services. Over four million people have fled their homes," the World Bank said in a statement after announcing the grants.

The fund will go toward providing essential health and nutrition services to 3.65 million Yemenis, water and sanitation services for another 850,000, and training 3,000 health workers.

and also

and Worldbank statement:

(A E H)

Supporting Yemenis to Lead Economic Recovery

With funding from the Government of Japan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched a new project aimed at helping Yemenis return to, rebuild, and strengthen their communities in Aden and Lahj.

The project, Building Resilient Livelihoods and Improving Protection Services for Conflict Affected Communities in Aden and Lahj (BRISCC) and will run from March 2021 -- March 2022. It aims to strengthen community protection, increase security and safety measures, and provide Yemenis with the personal skills and tools they need to lead more resilient lives.

(* B H)

Pandemic, conflict continue to upend life for women in Yemen

Fatima Mujawash once had a very different life. She was well educated, with a diploma in clinical laboratory science, and happily married with three children.

Everything changed when Yemen’s conflict erupted. Her husband was struck and killed by an explosive projectile when violence engulfed their home district, Al Khokah, in Al Hudaydah Governorate. Her father’s family decided to flee.

One year after her husband’s death, Ms. Mujawash made the painful decision to leave, as well. “I had no one to back me up or support me to alleviate my pain and grief,” she explained.

Without any means of transport, she and her kids – aged 7, 12 and 15 – set out on foot, leaving nearly everything behind.

By that point, the COVID-19 pandemic had erupted, and Ms. Mujawash feared her family could be exposed if they sought refuge in a crowded city.

She decided to go instead to Tuhama, a countryside area on the outskirts of Zabid, where there was a displacement camp not far from the village where her sister lived.

They trudged for three hours in the desert heat, “under the hot blazing sun and over the burning sand,” she recalled. Finally, they arrived at a road where they were able to flag down a car for a ride.

(B H)

UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report - reporting period: 1 – 30 April 2021

While UNICEF continuesits lifesaving interventions, severe acute malnutrition (SAM) continuesto plague children under five. Nutritional needs continued to rise throughout April, with more than 395,195 children suffering from SAM and 2.25 million children facing acute malnutrition, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). The lack of funding for emergency WASH interventions continues to undermine the integrated response. More than 15.4 million people urgently need assistance to access WASH services which are linked to drivers of malnutrition. This shortfall also heightened the risk of COVID-19 as well as other waterborne diseases, including cholera. Approximately 20.1 million people need health assistance. Women and children continue to be disproportionately affected, with 4.8 million women and 10.2 million children needing assistance to access health services during the reporting period.

During the month of April, the UN Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (UNCTFMR) documented 19 incidents of grave violations against children, of which 18 were verified.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(A H)

First batch of Yemenis stranded in India arrive back home

The first batches of Yemenis stranded in India arrived at Aden International Airport, amidst strict health measures set by the Ministry of Health and Population.

(B H)

Providing efficient humanitarian help to internally displaced persons in Yemen

In the Cash Consortium of Yemen, cash transfers have been chosen as an effective method to meet the urgent needs of families in need in Al Dhale’e Governorate. The fast delivery of humanitarian aid to provide financial assistance to the displaced within 14 days of their arrival at displacement camps allow newly internally displaced persons to buy different items according to their immediate needs.

With ECHO funding, ACTED will be distributing cash assistance to 1,388 newly displaced families and most vulnerable people from December, 2020 to July, 2021 alongside other organizations that are part of the DRC-led cash consortium. The project established a rapid mechanism for the delivery of humanitarian assistance that provided financial assistance to families affected from floods and IDPs within 14 days of their arrival at the displacement camps.

(* B H P)

Yemenis forced out of Saudi Arabia find a new refuge in Djibouti

Riyadh's restrictions on expatriate workers have forced Yemeni expats to go elsewhere to make a living

Many have since begun looking towards the Horn of Africa, especially Djibouti, as the second best choice after Saudi Arabia. Located across the Gulf of Aden, southwest of Yemen, Djibouti is seen as both accessible and offering plenty of work.

While Riyadh was often seen as the preferred destination, a significant number of Yemenis were living in Djibouti even before the Saudi-led offensive on Yemen began in 2015.

Saudisation leaves Yemenis stranded

Public opinion on Saudi Arabia seems to be shifting in Yemen, however.

Nabil attributes his difficult situation to the so-called "Saudisation" drive, the economic policy whereby Saudi companies are required to staff their workforce with a majority of Saudi nationals.

He believes the new restrictions and costs are an attempt to force immigrants to leave the country.

Saudi Arabia introduced a fee in July 2017 requiring foreign workers to pay 100 Saudi riyals ($27) per month for each of their dependents living in the country. The fee doubled to SAR200 ($53) a month in 2018, then SAR300 ($80) in 2019. It is slated to reach SAR400 ($106) in 2021.

In January 2018, the kingdom also began charging companies a monthly fee of SAR400 for each foreign worker they hire. Firms that employ an equal or greater number of Saudis than expats paid SAR300.

The monthly fee increased to SAR500-600 ($133-160) per worker in 2019, and is slated to rise to SAR700-800 ($186-213) per worker in 2021.

Nabil left Saudi Arabia for Yemen in early 2021 and tried, unsuccessfully, to look for a job back home. He then decided to travel elsewhere in order to find a source of income to provide for his family.

“Some friends already had chosen Djibouti and started to work there, because they knew some Yemenis who had been in the country for decades,” Nabil said.

“In fact, Djibouti wasn't a choice for me in the past... Its infrastructure and the whole environment isn’t as good as Saudi Arabia. So I didn’t dream of going there.”

But Nabil thought it over and realised that the only other alternative was remaining unemployed. So in April, he decided to leave to go to Djibouti with some other friends who had also decided to leave Saudi Arabia.

“We started a new job experience - similar to what we did in Saudi Arabia.”

(B H)

Film: Supporting One of the Most Vulnerable Groups in Yemen: Migrants

Migrants typically arrive in Yemen with nothing. And those stranded across the country unable to make to their intended destination of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are living without access to proper shelter, food water or health care. Partnering with EU humanitarian aid, IOM reached nearly 125,000 migrants with vital assistance, including health and protection services, in the past year.

(B H)

Yemen - Ma'rib Governorate: Main water source type and WASH service adequacy in IDP sites (June 2021)

The following indicators were collected through Key Informant Interview at IDP site level through the CCCM Site Reporting tool: population, main water source type and satisfaction with WASH service. The data was aggregated to the subdistrict level.

Yemen - Ma'rib Governorate: Main sanitation facility type and WASH service adequacy in IDP sites (June 2021)

(B H)

IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 20 to 26 June 2021

From 01 January 2021 to 26 June 2021, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 6,555 households (HH) (39,330 Individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.

Between 20 June 2021 and 26 June 2021, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 221 households (1,326 individuals) displaced at least once. The highest number of displacements were seen in

(B H)

Film: Escalating conflict in Marib, Yemen, is leading to large-scale displacement. Nearly 40,000 people have fled their homes since the beginning of the year. Humanitarians are stepping up to respond to the increasing needs

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Parliament approves report of Foreign Affairs, Expatriates Committee

(A K P)

Four children from the same family in Barat district, Yemen's al-Jawf governorate, were recruited by Iran-backed Houthis and then sent to the battlefronts to be killed in the same day, June 30th 2021 (images)

(A P)

Houthi media: Palestinians receive more than $2 million from fundraising campaign

A website run by the public relations department of the armed forces of the Yemen-based Houthi Ansar Allah movement published an article claiming its radio station gave Palestinian resistance factions a $400,000 donation, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (MEMRI-JTTM).

The listeners of the radio station, SAM FM, contributed the sum during the “Al-Quds [Jerusalem] is Closer Than Ever” fundraising campaign, said Ansar Allah leader Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din during fighting between terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip and Israel in May.

On June 29, according to MEMRI JTTM, it was reported that the Central Post Office transferred a third payment of 137,232,000 Yemeni rials ($540,000) of the funds raised to representatives of the Palestinian factions.

Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Mesfer Abdullah al-Numair, stated that by June 29, the bank account at the post office contained a total of 607 million Yemeni rials ($2.4 million).

(A P)

Yemeni Economic analyst Wahid Al-Fawda'ee: The [Sana'a-based] Houthi militia are planning to seize four more private banks after al-Tadhamon./Al-Hadath TV channel.

(A P)

Houthis offer to host Egyptian opposition figures in Yemen

The Houthi group has offered to provide shelter for Egyptian opposition figures who have started to face difficulties in Turkey.

Turkey is seeking to restore good relations with Egypt and has ordered Egyptian opposition figures to stop criticism of the regime of Abdel Fattal Al-Sisi.

Houthi leader Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi said in a statement on Twitter on Tuesday that his group is ready to host Egyptian journalists Moataz Matar and Mohammed Nasser, known for their criticism of their authorities.

and also

(B P)

Yemen: Houthis Subject Model to Unfair Trial

Yemeni Model and Actress Accused of Indecent Act; Threatened With Virginity Test

Houthi authorities are carrying out an unfair trial of a Yemeni actress and model, Human Rights Watch said today. She has been arbitrarily detained since February 20, 2021. The case has been marred with irregularities and abuse.

In June the authorities brought the model, Intisar al-Hammadi, 20, twice before the West Municipality (Sanaa) Court on the apparent charges of committing an indecent act and drug possession, her lawyer told Human Rights Watch. The authorities have denied her lawyer access to court documents since he was appointed to handle her case in March and suspended him from appearing in court since late May, apparently in retaliation for his public comments on the case, the lawyer said. Sources told Human Rights Watch that Houthi authorities forced al-Hammadi to sign a document while blindfolded during interrogation and offered to release her if she would help them entrap their enemies with “sex and drugs.” Houthi authorities also threatened to subject her to a “virginity test.”

“The Houthi authorities’ unfair trial against Intisar al-Hammadi, on top of the arbitrary arrest and abuse against her in detention, is a stark reminder of the abuse that women face at the hands of authorities throughout Yemen,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch.

and mediA REPORTS. =


(A P)

Model abducted by Houthis tried to commit suicide in jail

A Yemeni model who was abducted and put on trial by the Iran-backed Houthi militia earlier this year tried to commit suicide in prison, her lawyer said, according to media reports.
Entisar al-Hammadi was being treated in a hospital in Sanaa after she tried to hang herself in her prison cell on Monday, her lawyer Khaled al-Kamal told Arab News on Wednesday.
According to her lawyer, al-Hammadi’s mental and physical condition became “very, very difficult” after the Houthis had transferred her into a wing for “prostitutes.”
“She felt humiliated by the Houthis shaming her,” al-Kamal said.

and also

(A P)

Yemeni children’s rights movements protest against UN complicity in Saudi war crimes

(A P)

Film: March for children in #Dhamar, denouncing the role of the United Nations and its contribution to kill them June 29, 2021

(B E P)

Yemen gov’t: Houthi-stolen money could’ve covered public salaries over past 6 years

Yemen’s government has said that the money Houthi militia have stolen over the past six years enough money to cover the regular payment of public salaries in their areas of control, in northwest Yemen.

Information Minister Muammar al-Eryani told the state-run news agency ‘Saba’ that the theocratic terrorist militia instead focused the funds extorted at gunpoint from businesses and individuals were instead “diverted to the militiamen’s private bank accounts to finance mass killing of Yemenis, and attacking Yemen’s neighboring countries.”

Al-Eryani pointed to the Houthi illegally levied wealth in just one year, 2020, as an example.

“It is estimated that the militia in 2020 raised $450 million from illicit trade in oil products, $200 million as telecommunication revenues, $650 million as taxes including on fuel and telecommunication, $150 million as Zakat revenues, and $100 million as endowment revenues.”

My remark: As claimed by the Hadi government. Propaganda bias: Great.

(A P)

Murderer of Professor Ahmed Sharaf Al-Din sentenced to death

(* A E P)

Houthis order assets of private bank in Yemen to be frozen

Expert said the order will have little effect but is an attempt to put pressure on the bank to comply with the Houthis’ wishes

The Iran-backed Houthi militias on Monday ordered local financial institutions to freeze the funds and assets of a major private bank in Yemen, a day after members of the group stormed a mansion in Sanaa owned by a local businessman.

Citing a judicial order, the Houthi-controlled central bank in Sanaa told local banks and exchange firms to take the action against Tadhamon International Islamic Bank (TIIB), a commercial bank owned by Hayel Saeed Anam Group, a Yemeni family-owned conglomerate.

The Houthis did not give a reason for the court order but Yemeni officials and economists said that the group wants to bring the private sector under its control in the territories it rules, and collect tax revenues to fund its military activities.

In November last year, TIIB was forced to close its operations across Yemen following a raid by the Houthis on its headquarter in Sanaa. Employees were forced to leave the office and the bank’s cameras and servers were confiscated.

The Houthi central bank accused the business of being involved in illegal activities such as currency speculation and smuggling money abroad. The bank strongly denied the claims and reopened several days later, after the Houthis left its offices.

and also

(* B P)

Houthis borrow a page of ISIS fanaticism as they ban song and music in Sana’a

Yemeni artists push back against Houthi censorship attempts by organising campaigns to celebrate the country’s authentic music and song.

Yemeni activists have launched a counter-offensive to celebrate Yemeni music in defiance of the decision by the Houthi militias to ban music and songs at social functions in the areas under their control, based on religious fatwas criminalising popular art in a practice similar to that of Islamic State (ISIS) extremists.

During the past few days, Yemeni journalists and intellectuals posted on social media a copy of an official document by the Houthi authorities, containing instructions that prevent male and female artists from attending weddings and other social functions held in Sana’a and other areas under the control of the Iran-backed militias.

The document issued by the Houthi governor of Sana’a, Abdul Basit al-Hadi, confirmed that directives were issued to heads of directorates and local councils to “curtail the phenomenon of artists and artists performing at events and weddings by promoting Quranic awareness within the community.”

The decision is just part of measures and practices enforced by the Houthi militias in their areas of control, which include the closure of public places, such as cafes and restaurants, detention and arrest of activists and artists on moral charges and restricting artistic and creative activities, through measures that Yemeni media and activists likened to ISIS practices in Iraq and Syria during the period of the extremist group’s control of large swathes of the two Middle East countries.

Talking to The Arab Weekly about the reasons for the Houthi cultural and social measures, Yemeni writer and poet Ahmed Abbas said that they go back to the cultural and ideological roots of the Houthis.

Abbas pointed out that there are other reasons that may explain the Houthi behaviour, including their’ desire to divert the attention of Yemeni society, especially the youth, in the areas under Houthi control towards the norms of behaviour sought by the group’s cultural and media machine.

(* B P)


The Houthi militia began training more than 100 women in secret places in Sana’a on raids and incursions into neighbourhoods, homes, and halls.

Sources in Sana’a revealed that the Houthi militia has started training a new women’s battalion called Al-Batoul.

It is part of the so-called Zainabiyat Brigades, whose mission is to directly supervise women’s clothing during social events in homes and wedding halls.

The sources indicated that militia leaders entrusted the task of preparing, training, and leading the newly created battalion to women leaders, including Umm Aqil al-Shami and Umm Muhammad Jahaf. They are among the most prominent female Houthi leaders in what is known as the Zainabiyat Brigades.

Houthis recruited more than 100 women during previous courses (from Sana’a countryside and Hajjah governorate) to use weapons and various martial arts and carry out raids and incursions into lanes, homes, and halls.

The sources explained that the Houthi militia is seeking to suppress and blackmail Yemeni women through a new series of incursions and raids on homes and wedding halls in the cities they control, implementing a recent circular related to preventing artists from attending events and weddings

(A P)

Houthis raided and seized house of Moh. al-Haifi, Yemeni Sanaa-based contractor & businessman, under false pretenses like it's belonging to Ali Mohsen or former US Amb. Not only that, but they accused him of being an American/Isreali spy. Listen to him (in Arabic)

(A P)

A Houthi militant has executed a tribal chieftain in northern Yemen's Hajjah province in the Houthi militia's savage way in reprisal for his former support to the government, Multiple websites reported. The Houthi Security Supervisor Majed Shuayb opened fire on Abu Bakr Shami a local councilor and tribal figure of Kuaydina district in Hajjah as he was passing by. Shami had formerly been in late 2018 served a six month jail in the Houthi extremists-run jails for allegedly recruiting soldiers for the government before he was released. Not able to forgive it, the Houthis executed him years after his release.

(A P)

Yemen's internationally recognised government says the Houthi militants collected more than $1.5 billion in taxes and zakat and from the telecommunications sector in 2020. Well, this is not an information war. Revenues the militants get a year are far higher

My comment: Ca. 2 million US$. This is not this much for taxes.

(A P)

Parliament votes to amend some provisions of diplomatic corps law

(A P)

Information Ministry calls for participation in tweets campaign over America's role in obstructing peace in Yemen

(A P)

Death penalty support for convict communicating with aggression countries

The Criminal Division of the Capital Secretariat has upheld the death penalty, attributing a convicted person to the crime of communicating with a foreign country and aiding the Saudi enemy and its allies in the aggression against Yemen.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Siehe / Look at cp1


Decapitated female body found in Aden

(A P)

STC's Human Rights Dept. monitors conditions of prioners in Aden

My comment: What a joke.

(A P)

We know how to achieve our people's will, Shatara says

Member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Vice-President of the National Assembly for Control and Inspection, Mr. Lufti Shatara said "They didn't get it that the South after 2015 is not like it used to be and they didn't understand either that the STC after signing the Riyadh Agreement is not the same as before."
"We are moving forward with confidence and firm steps. We know what we want and we know the path we are following to achieve our people's will." Shatara wrote on his Twitter account on Sunday.

(* B P)

Yemen: Assassination Of Key Political Activists Reflects Ramifications Of Lack Of Accountability

Press Release: Euro Med Monitor

Run by the Southern Transitional Council, Aden Governorate has witnessed a wave of assassinations since July 2015 that targeted army and security officers, political activists, preachers, imams, and judges. However, the de facto authority did not make serious efforts to uncover the circumstances of these crimes and hold the perpetrators accountable.

“The Coordinator for the Advocacy of the Families of the Assassination Victims in Aden” – a rights group operating in the governorate – said that at least 200 were assassinated since 2015, and all killings were registered against “unknown” perpetrators.

In January 2019, the UN Panel of Experts on Yemen said in a report that the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council was responsible for the assassinations of several clerics and Al-Islah leaders in Aden.

Euro-Med Monitor’s Chief Operating Officer, Anas Aljerjawi, said: “the escalation of political assassinations in Aden is expected since the perpetrators enjoy impunity every time. We did not see any movements from the de-facto authority to protect political activists and targeted figures, or even hold those responsible for previous assassinations accountable”.

“Many of those assassinated had received death threats, but the authorities did not deal with them seriously. This raises suspicions that the officials may be involved or have allowed the assassinations”.

The Southern Transitional Council must open an immediate investigation into the assassination of Al-Maisari and all previous incidents =

(* A K P)

Jemen: Tote und Verletzte nach Angriff auf Militärlager

Bei einem Angriff auf ein Militärlager im Südjemen sind nach Angaben der Armee mindestens zwei Soldaten getötet und 20 weitere verletzt worden. Gestrigen Medienberichten zufolge traf eine Rakete die Moschee des Lagers in der südlichen Provinz Abjan, wo die Regierungssoldaten gerade ihr Mittagsgebet abhielten. Abjan wird von Truppen der jemenitischen Regierung kontrolliert sowie von Separatisten des Südlichen Übergangsrats (STC). Bisher bekannte sich niemand zu der Attacke

und auch

Film: =

Photos: und

(* A K P)

Missile attack kills 2, wounds 20 soldiers in Yemen

No group claims responsibility for attack on army camp in southern Abyan province

A missile attack targeting an army camp in Yemen’s southern Abyan province killed two soldiers and injured 20 others on Sunday, a government source told Anadolu Agency.

“A missile targeted a mosque in the Army's Fifth Infantry Brigade camp in Modiya district in Abyan governorate when soldiers were performing the afternoon prayers, killing two soldiers and injuring 20 others, with some in critical condition", said the source who preferred not to be named.

Condemning the attack, Muhammad Qayzan, advisor to the Yemeni Information Ministry, said on Twitter that a “cowardly terrorist act” targeted the soldiers while they were performing prayers.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the attack.

The government forces and others affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council share the control of Abyan which witnesses frequent confrontations.

and also

and by a pro-Houthi news site:

Film: =

Photos: and


(* A K P)

Houthis launch rare attack on Yemen's tense southern region

Yemen's Houthi movement on Sunday carried out a rare missile strike on a southern region that has seen renewed infighting between forces allied to a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia, three government sources said.

The attack on a military base in Abyan, which two of the sources said killed at least two soldiers and injured over 20, comes as the recognised government and a separatist group both mass fighters in the area while Riyadh moves to ease tensions.

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) has been vying with the Saudi-backed government for control of the south. The Houthis, who ousted the government from the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in late 2014, largely hold the north.

There was no immediate comment from the Houthis

and also

My comment: The Houthis only very rarely had atacked Abyan. Probable, it’s the STC, as fighting in Abyan province has flared up, see below.


(A K P)

STC deploys more reinforcements in Zinjobar Abyan

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Saturday deployed more military reinforcements in Zinjobar, Abyan provincial capital, amid growing tensions in the Yemeni southern governorate, local and media sources said.
The Emirati-backed STC sent nearly 30 armed pickups, 20 armored vehicles and 7 tanks to the vicinity of al-Wahda Stadium in Abyan, the sources added.
The deployment comes as the STC ousted the Security Belt (SB) commander in Lauder and appointed a substitute, one day after the district was held by the government special forces.


STC military reinforcements arrive in Zanzibar, including tanks

On Saturday morning, large military reinforcements of the Southern Transitional Council arrived in the city of Zanzibar. A military source told Aden Al-Ghad newspaper that 30 kits, 20 armored vehicles and 7 tanks arrived in the vicinity of Al-Wahda Stadium. Part of the forces stopped inside the stadium, while the rest of the forces advanced towards the Sheikh Salem area. These reinforcements came amid a recent rise in tension in Abyan governorate.


(* A K P)

Saudi-backed Hadi loyalists capture city of Lawdar from UAE-backed separatists

Forces loyal to Hadi and the Islah Party have taken control over the city of Lauder in the southern Yemeni province of Abyan on Friday, after bloody clashes with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

This was reported by Yemen News Portal, based on local sources.

Hadi’s forces took control of the Lawdar security department and deployed in the streets and entrances of the city after the retreat of forces loyal to the STC.

During the clashes, there were several deaths and injuries on both sides.


(A K P)

Saudi-backed forces advance on separatist positions in Abyan

Saudi-deployed Al-Amaliqa Brigades mercenary forces in Abyan have on Saturday countered an attempt by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) to reinforce its militias in Lawdar.

According to local sources, large reinforcements of the STC tried to advance towards the first point of the Al-Amaliqa forces in the Sheikh Salem area on the outskirts of Zanjibar, but the militias prevented them from crossing towards Lawdar.

Moreover, the STC has pushed large reinforcements from Aden, including Emirati military equipment that arrived in Zanjibar at dawn, in conjunction with the loss of the directorate of Lauder .

The STC is reportedly seeking reinforcements to prevent the storming of a Security Belt mercenary camp that is being besieged by Hadi’s forces early this morning, as the Council’s last stronghold in the directorate.

and by a separatist news site:

(A K P)

Laudar city turned into military zone

Islah-linked armed forces (Yemen's Muslim Brotherhood) have deployed hundreds of their gunmen along with al-Qaeda militants in and around Abyan's city of Laudar on Saturday, transforming the city into military barracks and camps.
Laudar has seen a heavy presence of members of terrorist organizations for the first time after driving them out of the city in 2012.
Laudar's people described the scene as an attempt to turn the city into a den for extremist groups. They also expressed their fears and concerns about opening terrorist camps in the district.

and separatist statement:

and separatist presidency statement:

(A T)

Explosive device destroys military vehicle in Aden

(A P)

Unpaid soldiers close HQ of Taiz Military Command

Dozens of angry soldiers on Sunday closed the headquarters of the Taiz Military Command in protest over unpaid salaries for several months.

They set up tents at the main entrance of the compound and demanded to pay their salaries for the past seven months and improve nutrition conditions for soldiers in front-lines, eyewitnesses said.

and also

(A P)

Pro-STC ministers angry of statements by Yemen government

The pro-southern transitional council ministers in Yemen's internationally recognised government on Saturday expressed their regret over a statement by the government welcoming a Saudi criticism of recent unilateral actions by the council.

The use of the name of government in escalatory statements by the power-sharing government is a very dangerous matter and undermines the efforts of Saudi Arabia aimed at heeling the rift between the local factions in order to face common threats, the five ministers said in a joint statement.

and separatist statement:


(A P)

Yemen’s government welcomes Saudi statement & calls on STC to stop all forms of violations

The Yemeni government has welcomed Saudi Arabia’s statement released on Thursday which called for expediting the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement in Yemen.

The statement criticized the Southern Transitional Council’s breach of agreement, including by declaring sovereign appointments of ambassadors.

The Yemeni government said in a statement, “While welcoming the content of the Saudi statement, the Yemeni government renews it commitment to implementing the Riyadh Agreement with all its details and affirms that the deal is a significant step to unify all forces that oppose the Iranian control of Yemen.

The government called on the STC to cease all forms of violations that affecting the state institutions, its recent measures, making up crises, mobilizing military forces and smearing the state, the political leadership and the army.

and also

(A P)

Film: #UAE backed Southern Transitional Council Governor says #Saudi government is controlled by #Shia. This is a flagrant #AntiShiism #Saudi Clan is world leader of #AntiShiism.

(A P)

Prominent academic accuses Saudi-led invaders of seeking to tear apart southern Yemen

Southern Yemeni politician and academic Abdulrahman Al-Wali has accused the Saudi-led coalition countries of tearing up the Yemeni southern provinces into two state whose borders would Shoqra and Sheikh Salem area in Abyan province.

Abdulrahman Al-Wali, explained Wednesday in a tweet on his account on Twitter that the coalition has been trying, since they entered Aden, to “tear the south apart in the name of reconciliation.”

(* A P)

Saudi Arabia brokers new agreement between Yemen government, STC

Saudi Arabia announced on Friday that it has brokered a new agreement between Yemen's internationally recognised government and the southern transitional council.

The UAE-backed council is participating in the new government which was formed in December in accordance with the Riyadh agreement.

But the relation between the partners in the government has been marred by mistrust and violence.

The new agreement included a mechanism to stop all political, military, security, economic, social and media escalation by both sides, it said in a statement carried by the Saudi press agency reported.

The latest political and media escalation by the council, including appointments of military chiefs, was against the latest agreement, it said, calling on the two sides to put the interest of the Yemeni people above anything else and abide by what they have agreed to.

The return of the government to Aden is a top priority, it said, reiterating its full support to the government.


(A P)

Gulf, Arab allies back Saudi efforts to ensure implementation of Riyadh deal


(A P)

Yemeni government, separatist group agree to stop escalation, says Saudi Arabia

Yemeni government welcomed Saudi announcement, STC has yet to comment

Saudi Arabia on Friday announced that the Yemeni government and a separatist group have agreed on a mechanism to stop escalation between the two sides.

A Saudi statement quoted by the Saudi Press Agency said "representatives of the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) met in Riyadh to discuss continuing efforts to push for implementing the Riyadh agreement."


(A P)

Yemeni govt, Southern Transitional Council resume talks in Riyadh to resolve conflict

Representatives of the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council met in the Saudi capital on Thursday to discuss the implementation of an agreement to resolve their differences in a peaceful manner.


(A P)

Yemen welcomes Saudi Arabia’s statement on Riyadh Agreement

The Yemeni government welcomed Saudi Arabia’s latest statement on the Riyadh Agreement, Yemen’s foreign minister said on Friday

The Saudi statement includes a clear message to respect the agreed commitments, Ahmed bin Mubarak said in a tweet.

“We welcome the statement issued by KSA, which includes clear messages to respect the agreed commitments to stop the escalation and prepare for the speedy return of the Yemeni government to Aden,” he tweeted.


(* A P)

Saudi Arabia calls parties to Riyadh Agreement to accept political solutions

Saudi Arabia has called on the parties to the Riyadh Agreement to respond urgently to what was agreed upon following the meeting of representatives of the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council to discuss the completion of the deal.
And a report published by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), Saudi authorities stated that “in continuation of the Kingdom’s efforts since the signing of the Riyadh Agreement to achieve security and stability in Yemen and to push all parties to accept political solutions instead of differences and quarrels, representatives of the Yemeni government and the Southern Transitional Council were gathered in Riyadh to discuss completing the payment. implementing the Riyadh Agreement.”
It was agreed between the two parties to stop all forms of escalation (political, military, security, economic, social, and media), according to a mechanism agreed upon by the two parties to stop the escalation.
In this regard, Saudi Arabia indicated that “the political and media escalation and the subsequent political and military appointment decisions by the Southern Transitional Council are inconsistent with what was agreed upon between the two parties.”
Saudi Arabia also called on the parties to the Riyadh Agreement to “respond urgently to what has been agreed upon, discard differences and work with the agreed mechanism, and give priority to the public interest to complete the implementation of the rest of the provisions of the agreement to unite the ranks of the various segments of the Yemeni people, prevent bloodshed and bridge the rift between its components, complete its path to restore its state, security, and stability, and support efforts Reaching a comprehensive political solution to end the crisis in Yemen.”
The Kingdom stressed that “the return of the Yemeni government formed in accordance with the Riyadh Agreement is a top priority.”

(A P)

Islah Party accuses UAE-backed separatists of being behind wave of assassinations in Aden

The head of the Yemeni Islah Party, Mohammed Al-Yadoumi, has accused the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) leaders of being behind the assassination of Islah activist Bilal Mansour Al-Maisari in Aden city.

In a statement, Al-Yadoumi denounced the silence of the STC authorities on the assassination of Al-Maisari on Wednesday in Aden.

“We did not hear or see any reaction from the brave security men or the governor of the province, as if the person who was killed, who was assassinated, was not a citizen and as if the state agencies have no responsibility towards him,” he said.


(A P)

Islah party mourns assassination of senior member in Aden

The Yemeni Grouping for Reform Party (Islah) has mourned the assassination of one of its senior members in Aden city, south of the country on Wednesday. and

(* A K P)

Several people killed, injured in Brotherhood's attack on Laudar

The pro-legitimacy Muslim Brotherhood's militias carried out on Friday, heavy shelling and bombing targeting the residential neighborhoods of Abyan's Laudar district resulting in civilian casualties, said the Official Spokesman of the Southern Armed Forces, Captain Mohammed al-Naqib.
According to local sources, at least six people were killed and dozens injured, including women and children, in addition to causing considerable damage to a number of houses.
The shelling of Laudar city followed by armed clashes between the Brotherhood's militias and tribal forces, the same sources added.
The pro-legitimacy Muslim Brotherhood said that the military operation aims at imposing a new security director for the district, something that has been almost totally rejected by the people of Loudar and they accused him of being a member of a terrorist group.


(A K P)

Pro govt forces retook control of the police HQ of Abayan Governorate's Lawdar district after clashes with armed men loyal to the STC & dismissed director of Lawdar's police for hours. Now UAE-backed STC reportedly sending reinforcements from #Aden to Zinjibar frontline in Abyan (photo)


(A K P)

Fierce infighting between Hadi loyalists and UAE-backed separatists hits occupied Abyan

Fierce fighting has broken out between UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias and forces loyal to Hadi’s government in southern Yemen’s Abyan province, local sources reported on Friday .

At these moment of reporting, the Lauder district was witnessing clashes between Islah militants and members of the UAE’s Security Belt mercenaries.

According to the sources, a group of Islah militants were advancing towards Lauder Hospital, while other armed groups were attacking the Security Belt headquarters, trying to seize it.

The sources explained that artillery and mortars were used to attack the Security Belt building.

The sources confirmed that clashes left two soldiers dead.


(A K P)

Violence renews in Yemen's Abyan province

Confrontations renewed on Thursday between forces of the internationally recognised government and the southern transitional council in Yemen's southern province of Abyan, local sources said.

The fresh violence erupted in the district of Lawdar after local mediators failed to contain tensions fueled by the refusal of the former police chief to hand over duties to his successor newly appointed by the Minister of Interior, the sources said.

The situation has been volatile in the province for two years.

and by the separatist STC:

(A K P)

Brotherhood's militias preparing for storming Loudar again

Pro-legitimacy Muslim Brotherhood's militias are preparing for storming the district of Loudar in Abyan district after their failed offensive on Wednesday morning.
Eyewitnesses sent to the local press some photos show dozen of men armed to the teeth supported with vehicles mounting heavy machine guns at the entrance to the district.


(A K P)

STC warns of perpetuating violence against Laudar

The National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) condemned in the strongest terms the vicious assault by the pro-legitimacy Muslim Brotherhood's militias on the peaceful district of Laudar in Abyan province.

(A P)

STC Official Abducted by Brotherhood in Shabwa

(A P)


(A P)

Yemeni gov't calls for int'l decisive stance against Houthis

(B P)

Yemen: Who Killed Photographer Mohamed al-Taheri?

He was not political. He mainly worked for charitable organizations. And yet on September 2, 2018, he was assassinated in the Old City of Taiz. The bullet came from the Cairo Citadel …

“What was the reason for his assassination?” asked Ilham, slain journalist Muhammad Al-Tahri’s sister. “And where did the bullet come from? He never carried a weapon. He carried a camera. His camera was his weapon.”

“And how did the bullet come from behind, from the Cairo Citadel?” she continued in an interview shortly after the murder. “The citadel was under control of the Abu al-Abbas Brigade at the time. Why target my brother?”

(B P)

„Kinder lernen rechnen, indem sie getötete Amerikaner und Juden zusammenzählen“

Der Mann, der heute Außenminister des Jemen ist, war BWL-Professor und Forscher, als die jemenitische Tragödie ihren Lauf nahm.

Und Ahmad Awad Bin Mubarak hat seit 2020 als Außenminister dieser Regierung die schwierige Aufgabe, einen Weg zum Frieden zu suchen (nur im Abo)

(A P)

Dhalea hosts rally following security forces killing civilian

(A P)

Gunmen assassinate party activist in Yemen

Bilal Mansour al-Maysari was leading member of Islah party in southern city of Aden

and also

(A K P)

Saudi-led forces recruiting more mercenaries, including children, in Abyan

The Yemeni Islah Party, which is loyal to the Saudi-led invasion coalition, has on Tuesday announced opening new recruitment drives in its camps in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

Eyewitnesses reported that dozens of conscripts stood in long lines in front of the Islah camp in the coastal city of Shoqra in Abyan province.

Most of the recruits were children and young people, the eyewitnesses said, indicating that the recruitment process came after dozens of people from the southern provinces withdrew from the Shoqra and Qarn al-Klasi camp.

The military tensions between Islah and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), which is loyal to the UAE invaders, has flared up, causing Islah forces to urgently look for reinforcements.

My remark: This is by a Houthi news site. The separatist STC is as follows:

(* A K P)

Brotherhood's militias continue to recruit child soldiers in Abyan

Islah militia, the arm of Muslim Brotherhood within Yemen's legitimacy, continue to recruit child soldiers and push them into its armed groups in Shuqra of Abyan governorate.
On Tuesday, dozens of children had been seen in Shuqra standing in queues outside barber shops waiting to have a haircut before their enrollment in the Brotherhood's armed militia.
The military recruitment of children has significantly increased in Abyan especially after the withdrawal of many soldiers of the armed force from the pro-legitimacy Brotherhood's militias in rejection of the fight against the southern forces in the province, well-informed sources said.

(A P)

Thirty-three Yemeni prisoners held by Saudis holding hunger strike in Ma’rib

About 33 detained citizens of Ma’rib province who are being held in Saudi prisons have decided to continue their hunger strike.

The strike came in protest against the refusal of the Islah Party mercenary authorities in Ma’rib to free the detainees after a court ordered their release.

A document, signed by the detainees inside the Ma’rib prisons, said that it held the Islah responsible for the consequences of the arbitrary arrest against members of the Amir family who have been held for more than two years inside the prisons.

(A P)

Will [Yemen's President] Hadi return from the US directly back to home instead of exile residence in Riyadh?/Aden Alghad.

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-748 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-748: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

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Dietrich Klose

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