Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 756 - Yemen War Mosaic 756

Yemen Press Reader 756: 23. Aug. 2021: Kraftstoffsituation und Kraftstoffpreisstrukturen im Jemen – Update zu internen Vertriebenen in der Provinz Marib – Die Zerschlagung des Jemen ...

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... Jemen: Währungskonflikt verschärft die Krise – und mehr

Aug. 23, 2021: Impacts of fuel dynamics and fuel price structures in Yemen – Marib governorate Internal Displaced Persons update – The shattering of Yemen – Yemen currency clash deepens crisis – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

Ältere einführende Artikel u. Überblicke für alle, die mit den Ereignissen im Jemen noch nicht vertraut sind, hier:

Yemen War: Older introductory articles, overviews, for those who are still unfamiliar with the Yemen war here:

(* B H K P)

Film: Kein Firlefanz! - Jemen-Konflikt

Beitrag der Lehrredaktion KURT an der Technischen Universität Dortmund

Der Jemen-Konflikt tobt mittlerweile schon seit 6 Jahren. Im Krieg kämpfen Sunniten und Schiiten gegeneinander. Jede Partei beansprucht das Land für sich. Laut der UN ist der Jemen-Konflikt eine der schlimmsten humanitären Katastrophen der Gegenwart. Hunger, Tod und Arbeitslosigkeit bestimmen das Leben der Menschen im Jemen. Trotzdem hört man in den deutschen Medien zu wenig aus der Region. Die Sendereihe "Kein Firlefanz!" erklärt, wie der Krieg im Jemen entstanden ist. Außerdem stellt die KURT-Redaktion heraus, was die beiden Parteien wollen und welche Bedeutung die Religion in diesem Krieg hat. Mit einem baldigen Ende des Jemen-Konflikts ist vorerst jedoch nicht zu rechnen

(* B H K P)

What Saudi Arabia and the United States Have Done to Yemen

Yemen is consumed by one of the most devastating civil wars of the modern world. The fighting rages between Ansar Allah, more commonly known as the Houthis, and a coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia. Roughly one hundred thirty thousand people have died; an estimated twelve thousand of them were civilians.

The United Nations refers to the crisis in Yemen as the worst humanitarian disaster in the world. Both sides claim they are trying to avoid civilian casualties, but nearly twelve thousand non-combatants have died in the war: two thousand of them were children. Saudi Arabia has been accused of targeting civilian infrastructures such as bridges, schools, and hospitals. Additionally, the coalition has imposed a blockade around Yemen and halted nearly all humanitarian aid. The blockade sparked a famine and caused food prices to rise dramatically. The World Food Programme reports that nearly sixteen million people in Yemen now live with food insecurity. The Houthis have also been accused of human rights violations, such as “[using] banned antipersonnel landmines, [recruiting] children, and [firing] artillery indiscriminately into cities such as Taizz and Aden, killing and wounding civilians, and [launching] indiscriminate rockets into Saudi Arabia,” as reported by Human Rights Watch. Additionally, the Houthis have also been accused of stealing relief aid that makes its way through the coalition’s blockade, keeping it from civilians.

As of 2019, around 24 million out of 29 million people in Yemen require some kind of humanitarian aid

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B E K P)



The Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG) suspended fuel imports through Al Hodeidah port in June 2020 and has since permitted only limited and occasional imports via this route. The suspension has not led to a shortage in fuel supply to areas under the control of the de-facto authority (DFA) in the north of Yemen (also known as the Houthis) even though the port provided almost half of the monthly fuel import volumes to the country. In-country supply chains quickly adjusted, enabling overland transport of fuel to the more lucrative market in DFA-controlled areas from ports in IRG areas to offset the reduction in supply through Al Hodeidah. This has resulted in some shortages in IRG-controlled areas.

In DFA-controlled areas:

  • Despite adequate fuel supply, the authorities have rationed fuel for the end consumer on the official market. Fuel is not being rationed on the parallel market, which receives most of the supply. Fuel is sold at an inflated price on the parallel market.
  • The DFA has continued to generate revenues from the fuel imports trucked overland. These revenues are meant to pay outstanding public sector employee salaries but are unlikely to be used for that purpose.
  • Fuel rationing and increased prices are negatively affecting the budgets of households, humanitarian organisations, and the private sector. This leads to further pressure on households, especially those with already limited purchasing power; potentially reduces the resources and capacity of humanitarian organisations to implement their programmes; and disrupts the production capacity of businesses and market supply.
  • Higher fuel prices and transportation costs limit people’s mobility and diminish the provision of services at affordable prices.
  • Fuel rationing and increased fuel prices are likely to reduce the delivery of food, goods, medicine, and trucked water, leading to shortages of goods, reduced access to affordable clean drinking water, and interruptions in supply chains.
  • High fuel prices will increase the cost of irrigating land, in seasons when needed, possibly leading to a significant reduction in local agricultural production. Fuel price increases have affected the production of food transported between governorates, raising fruit and vegetable prices.

In IRG-controlled areas:

  • Fuel prices have been rising with the further depreciation of the Yemeni rial (YER) against the US dollar (USD). The lucrative business of supplying fuel to DFA-controlled areas has resulted in a greater proportion of fuel going to DFA areas instead of to IRG areas, and market disruptions were observed.
  • Reduced mobility and service delivery and limited access caused by high fuel prices could further affect people and their livelihoods, including local food production, fisheries, and humanitarian operations (as observed in DFA areas)

All of Yemen:

  • Significant fuel price rises over the past few years have had a negative impact on consumers in both DFA and IRG areas. Fuel will potentially become increasingly unaffordable for households, businesses, and humanitarian organisations.

If link does not work try:

(** B H K)

Yemen Conflict: Ma’rib Governorate IDP Update

An uptick in fighting amid the Houthis’ renewed Ma’rib offensive has led to massive civilian displacement as internally displaced persons (IDPs) seek refuge deeper in the Ma’rib’s interior or in neighboring Shabwah and Hadramawt governorates. The rapidly increasing number of first time IDPs as well as repeatedly displaced persons fleeing IDP camps on frontlines have exhausted government resources in Ma’rib city, which has now swelled to accommodate more than ten times the number of residents it held in 2017.

Since the outbreak of renewed conflict in Ma’rib, Navanti researchers have conducted more than 303 interviews with IDPs in Ma’rib to inform this report and support ongoing humanitarian efforts in the governorate. Interviews sought out a diverse range of informants from various professional and education backgrounds and included over 28 percent female respondents.

The worsening crisis has left IDPs with few options as camp capacities become overwhelmed. Frontline camps like al-Rawdah, al-Suwayda, and al-Mil have borne the brunt of recent conflict zone displacement and resources have been stretched thin to accommodate the influx. According to IOM, approximately 31 new IDP sites have been opened in Ma’rib since the start of the year, bringing the total to 148 in the governorate. Nevertheless, the limited capacity of the camps has been unable to meet the basic needs of the more than 24,000 newly displaced persons to Ma’rib since January 2021.


While the Houthi advance continues at a slow pace, it is the steady kinetic activity disrupting communities along the frontlines that has become arguably more dangerous for the collapse of the governorate. Residents of frontline areas will likely continue to pre-emptively migrate deeper into Ma’rib as the casualty count rises on both sides, further overwhelming the city’s capacity to receive IDPs and simultaneously support its own local population. If fighting continues to progress towards Ma’rib city, the governorate will face a massive humanitarian challenge in relocating hundreds of thousands of IDPs amid the fall of one of the country’s most vital bastions of humanitarian support infrastructure. Over one hundred IDP camps in the governorate would require rapid evacuation south to Shabwah or Hadramawt, governorates with nowhere near the capacity to absorb such a massive population. While progress remains slow, the Houthis appear committed to the Ma’rib assault, an offensive designed to capture Ma’rib city and increase the group’s leverage in negotiations to end the conflict. Authorities must begin to consider preventative measures to avert a crisis of greater scale. Authorities and humanitarian organizations must coordinate efforts to encourage early IDP relocation to other southern governorates in order to relieve the strain on Ma’rib and balance the distribution of aid across IRG territory. Early preparation to guide IDPs along these routes would also lay the necessary groundwork for a larger evacuation in the case that the Houthi offensive successfully captures Ma’rib city.

Main points in thread:

(** B P)

The Shattering of Yemen

Why Ending the War Is More Difficult Than Ever

There may be some cause for hope, however. The recent appointment of the Swedish diplomat Hans Grundberg as the new UN Special Envoy for Yemen offers an opportunity for the international community to rethink its approach to ending the war. But before embarking on a new diplomatic effort in Yemen, the United States, the United Nations, and all countries involved in peacemaking should first reassess their basic understanding of the conflict. The war is far more complex than it has often been painted abroad: it is not simply a two-party power struggle between Iranian- and Saudi-backed forces, but fundamentally an internal conflict in which a dizzying array of rival factions are taking part, with outside powers fanning the flames. In order to alleviate the country’s plight, diplomats must set aside their hopes for a quick-fix solution and develop an approach that acknowledges the conflict’s complex, multiparty nature.

Despite these changes in the nature of the conflict, the international approach has remained static. The UN has remained resolutely focused on brokering a two-party Houthi-Hadi cease-fire deal, with the support of U.S. Special Envoy Timothy Lenderking. It has sought to prevent a battle for Marib city by addressing core Houthi demands, which include reopening Sanaa International Airport and removing restrictions on shipments to the Hodeidah seaport. Ultimately, the UN hopes to broker an end to the fighting and the formation of an interim unity government made up of members of the Hadi government and the Houthis’ de facto authorities in Sanaa.

There are several problems with this approach. First, it does not take into account the full range of parties involved in the war’s multiple conflicts or the broad spectrum of local actors who can make or break a political settlement. Instead, it provides the Houthis, the Hadi government, and, tacitly, the Saudis with a veto over peacemaking.

Second, the negotiations between the Houthis and the Hadi government seem to be going nowhere. Neither side has been ready to compromise when it believed the military situation was trending in its favor.

Finally, diplomats increasingly believe that neither side is serious about compromise. The two parties seem to be using their disagreement over the terms of a potential deal as an excuse to avoid negotiations entirely.


The U.S. policy discussion about Yemen is similarly divorced from reality. Hawkish critics argue that Biden’s reversal of the designation of the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO), which was made in the final months of President Donald Trump’s administration, has emboldened the rebel group. Many in this camp would like to see the United States reverse course and increase its military engagement in Yemen to break the back of the Houthi assault in Marib.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, some question whether the Biden administration’s policy pivot went far enough. They frame the ongoing conflict as first and foremost between the Houthis and Saudis and argue that Riyadh has lost. By pressing the Saudis to admit defeat and get out of Yemen, they say, the United States would leave the Houthis to negotiate a victor’s peace with rival Yemeni factions and bring an end to American involvement in yet another Middle Eastern misadventure.

Washington politics largely rules out the first set of arguments. U.S. policymakers, many of whom worked on the conflict during its early days under President Barack Obama, are wary of doubling down on the anti-Houthi alliance given the disastrous trajectory of U.S. involvement in the war. Even the Trump administration – which was far more solicitous of Riyadh than the current White House – had little political appetite for deepening the United States’ controversial involvement in the war and was keenly conscious of the coalition’s battlefield limitations.

U.S. resistance to involvement in the conflict is a product of the Saudi-led air war, which has inflicted a terrible toll on Yemen’s civilians, and Riyadh and the Hadi government’s failure to build a coherent military rival to the Houthis. No U.S. official wants to pursue a course that deepens American complicity in the war’s worst excesses.

The second set of arguments does not account for changes in the war’s trajectory in recent years. Although the United States successfully placed pressure on the Saudi-led coalition to halt its advance on Hodeidah in 2018, arguing that its offensive would cause a humanitarian catastrophe, that episode was not an object lesson in how to end the war writ large.

Even if a deal between Sanaa and Riyadh could be brokered—and it is virtually impossible to imagine the Saudis cutting and running if they do not have a deal to secure their territory from Houthi attacks—it would not mean an end to the war.


In other words, there are no quick wins to be had in Yemen. What can be done, then? The United States and its international partners should work to shift the opposing parties’ incentives away from stonewalling and toward dealmaking. Grundberg’s appointment as the new UN special envoy offers a window of opportunity on this front.

The new envoy should be given the time and space for a much-needed rethink of the international approach to mediating the conflict – by Michael Wahid Hanna and Peter Salisbury

Main points in thread:

(** B E P)

Yemen currency clash deepens crisis in war-torn country

Alongside a grinding seven-year military conflict, Yemen's government and the Huthi rebels are locked in battle on another front -- a currency war that has opened up a gulf in riyal values.

Both the government and the Iran-backed Huthis used the same notes until late 2019 when the rebels banned new banknotes printed in government-run Aden, due to concerns about inflation.

The resulting difference in money supply has since seen the riyal's value plummet to around 1,000 to the dollar in government areas, while the value in Huthi-controlled zones has held relatively stable at 600.

Citizens and businesses in both government and rebel-controlled zones have been left out of pocket by the divergence, but especially those in the former, given rampant inflation there.

This internal exchange rate has also complicated trade and led to manipulation by profiteers, to the detriment of most in a country on the verge of famine.

"Right now, we have... an exchange rate of the same currency inside the country," said Amal Nasser, an economist with the Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies. "This is bizarre from an economic perspective".

According to Nasser, other experts and ordinary Yemenis, the gap between the two currency values meant higher transfer costs between the two zones.

The government this month introduced a stockpile of what it claims were old bills, drawing the ire of the rebels who accused it of minting new, "counterfeit" money.

Rebel authorities also banned their use and issued civilians with guides to identify the so-called "fakes" -- something experts said would be hard for an average citizen to do.

"Obviously, this new injection of money will affect the economy negatively, increase inflation and affect the citizen's purchasing power," Alaa al-Haj, an Aden resident, told AFP.

The Huthis have accused Goznak, a Russian state-owned company, of colluding with the central bank of Aden to print "large amounts of counterfeit currency" this year -- "in particular 1,000 riyal notes" to pass new bills off as old.

Wahid al-Fawdai, an adviser to the central bank, said the bills the government recently put into circulation had been in the central bank reserves for several years.

Some people have used the rate discrepencies as an opportunity to cash in, including by using the newly issued "old" notes in Aden to buy up those printed after 2017 at a discount of around 20 percent.

Experts spoken to by AFP believe that the new "old" notes have a strong chance of permeating largely undetected into Huthi areas, since they are hard to distinguish from the earlier old notes.

Ultimately, this should help the central bank in closing the gap in the exchange rate between the two zones, they said. =

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

(* A H)

22 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,509 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 22 coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of two others.
3,082 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(* A H)

33 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,487 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 17 coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of one patient.
2,971 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(* A H)

47 new Covid-19 cases recorded in Yemen government-controlled regions

The Yemen supreme national emergency committee for Covid-19 on Friday reported 47 Covid-19 cases and one death as a third wave of the virus has started to hit the war-torn country.

The new cases were registered in the provinces of Hadhramaut, 19, Aden, 12, Lahij, 8, and the rest in Taiz, Marib and Mahrah.

It is the highest daily count of infections in a week.

The committee also recorded 19 recoveries, including 18 in Aden.

and also

(* A H P)

[Hadi] Gov't says Yemen affected by Covid-19 third wave

Yemen has entered in third spread of Covid-19, health minister in the UN-recognized government said Monday, highlighting the need for citizens to adhere to precautions.
Last week, there was a notable increase in coronavirus cases, Dr. Qasim Bohaibih added, as some isolation centers are getting overcrowded.
Health ministry instructed hospitals and centers to boost preparedness in the face of the third wave, "in which Yemen is thought to have entered," he told Yemen's official TV.
"Laboratory and Covid-19 test capacities are not as we hope, so we don't detect all the affected cases. We only observe those cases arrives at laboratories and isolation centers with severe symptoms."
The Yemeni minister called on people to adhere to precautions and take vaccines against the pandemic.

(* A H)

Yemen reports 39 new COVID-19 cases, 7,347 in total

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the government-controlled Yemeni provinces reached 7,347 on Tuesday with 39 new cases, as the country's health authorities declared a third wave of the coronavirus.

According to a brief statement released by the country's Ministry of Health, two new deaths and 17 recoveries were also officially recorded by the medical teams.

and also

(A H)

15 new cases of COVID-19 reported, 7,308 in total

The committee also reported in its statement the recovery of 27 coronavirus patients, in addition to the death of two others.
4,433 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the virus were carried out on the same day, the statement added.

(B H)

Yemen Coronavirus Dashboard

(* B H)

11,350 kids in besieged Yemeni province unvaccinated for 3 yrs

The Unicef estimated in its June report that a child dies every 10 minutes in Yemen from vaccine-preventable diseases.

In the midst on the ongoing civil war in Yemen, about 11,350 children have not been vaccinated for more than three years against preventable diseases in the besieged districts of Hajjah province, according to local health authorities.

Tariq Miswak Hibah, director of the health office in Hayran district, told Xinhua news agency on Monday that “around 2,450 children younger than one year old and 8,900 children under the age of five in the government-held northern districts have not received any type of vaccine, including the polio jab, for over three years”.

“Many pregnant mothers are also at risk for not receiving health care due to the lack of medicine and vaccination teams,” he said.

“Polio vaccination is among the most needed for children in these areas, as well as the vaccinations against diphtheria, measles, hepatitis B, whooping cough, and rubella,” an official from the Hayran health office told Xinhua.

He said that the lack of those vaccinations could lead to serious illness or permanent disability.

Another official from the same health office said that the main reasons for the spread of diseases in these areas are water pollution and malnutrition.

(A H)

UNICEF cargo plane arrives at Sana'a Airport

A cargo plane belonging to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) arrived at Sana'a International Airport on Thursday, carrying about 19 tons of vaccines for children under one year.

The shipment contains 38,820 vials of BCG vaccine, 992,371 vials of pentavalent vaccine, 53,430 vials of polio vaccine, and 61,130 vials of bivalent vaccine, Director of the Vaccines Department in the Immunization Program Taha Al-Aqari explained.

and also


cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(* A K)

Yemen War Daily Map Updates

(* B C)

Wikipedia: Geschichte des Jemen

(* B C)

Wikipedia: History of Yemen

(* B H K)

Yemen: "The people of Taiz are paying a heavy price for this war”

On an afternoon of March 2015, we witnessed a sudden shift of the context in Taiz. Fighters entered the city; the aerial bombing started; and the streets of Taiz city became a combat zone by the end of the day.

That evening, I spent the whole night screaming and crying as the doors and windows of my house had been blown through by the blasts. I was eight-months pregnant with my first baby at that time.

We spent days on end hiding in our home. I reached the 10th month of pregnancy without going into labour.

However, it was important for me to practice my medical studies and to earn money in order to travel abroad to pursue my postgraduate education.

Taiz is now cut by an active frontline. A part of the area called Al-Houban is controlled by Ansar Allah forces whereas Taiz City is in control of internationally recognized government of Yemen.

People now living on two different sides of the frontline were one community once. They have friends and relatives on the other side.

But landmines and snipers have made it impossible for them to just go to their neighbourhood.

Before, it was about a 10-minute drive from Taiz City to Al-Houban, but it now takes six hours driving through dangerous bumpy mountain roads to go to the other side.

We can literally see the houses of our friends from our rooftop, but we cannot walk over there. The wall of landmines and snipers stops us.

Life is difficult here with huge inflation and necessities such as electricity, water and healthcare unavailable to many. I used to buy milk for my first child for 1200 Riyals ($2), which now costs 5000 ($8).

The people of Taiz have had their mental health destroyed too.

(B H K)

“B4 Houthis put Taiz under Siege n 2015, it took 10 minutes to go from downtown to Al-Hawban area. It cost YR 250. Now it takes 6hours & cost 5K YR, a 20 folds increase from original cost Oroginal road right of drawing. Alternative road yellow zigzag (graphic)

(A P)

Islah Party commander: Saudi Arabia a “hand stained with Yemeni blood”

A senior military commander loyal to the Islah Party has on Wednesday denounced Saudi Arabia, describing it as a “cobra with the blood of thousands of Yemenis on it.”

Adel al-Hasani, who is residing in Turkey, said on Twitter that Saudi Arabia “continues to destroy our land, build military bases in eastern and southern Yemen, and seize our country with a hand stained with Yemeni blood.”

referring to

(*B H K pH)

Yemen’s Children Victims to Saudi Crimes, West’s Double Standards

The recent report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) comes at a time when the UN has repeatedly warned of the danger to the safety and lives of Yemeni children. In early July, the organization warned in a report that more than 6 million children in Yemen are at risk of being deprived of education and more than 2 million school-age children are currently out of school. UNICEF had also stated that 8.1 million Yemeni children needed immediate educational assistance due to the conflict in the country, and tweeted: "This is a significant increase compared to the estimated 1.1 million children before the war."

The noteworthy point is that the UN has added Ansarullah resistant movement to the list of children rights abusers while Saudi Arabia as the aggressor side has a black record in human rights and war crimes. A UNICEF report held that over 2,500 schools were closed down as a result of war and two-thirds of these schools incurred damage from airstrikes. Seven percent of the schools across the country are used as refuges for the displaced, said the report.

UNICEF cites the plight of children in Yemen caused by ongoing conflicts, natural disasters like floods, widespread diseases like cholera, measles, polio, and poverty, saying that more than 2 million Yemeni children are out of school and 5.8 million children who were enrolled in schools before the coronavirus epidemic are at risk. In addition, due to the war and the all-out siege imposed by the Saudi-led Arab coalition, teachers' salaries are not paid in 11 provinces.

Existing reports and those shared by the Yemen Center for Human Rights from 2015 to 2020 suggest that over 7,221 children were killed and injured in attacks carried out by the Saudis and Emiratis. Moreover, the war, insecurity, and lack of future expectancy have created improper psychological conditions for children frequently at risk of air raids. Another report by the UNICEF adds that about 2.5 million Yemeni children are increasingly exposed to diseases and malnutrition.,-West%E2%80%99s--Double-Standards

(* B K P)

"After the war, Yemen will no longer be a sovereign state"

At the beginning of his term, U.S. President Joe Biden said the war in Yemen must end because it had led to a "humanitarian and strategic catastrophe". Yet, according to Said AIDailami, the war continues with unabated feroctiy because the warring parties have not yet achieved their political and economic goals. Interview for by Claudia Mende

Said AIDailami: Biden's inauguration has had little impact on the situation in Yemen. Although the relationship with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is no longer as close under the Democrats as it was under Trump, it is still business as usual. The halt in arms shipments to Saudi Arabia was only imposed to review the fine print. The resumption of arms deals was only a matter of time.

The basic constellation won’t change much. The tripartite alliance of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel will continue to enjoy American support in the Middle East. For Yemen, this means the war will continue until the warring parties have achieved their political, geostrategic and economic goals. We are returning to "under the table" support, as was successfully practiced in the decades before Trump.


AIDailami:Because the UAE and Saudi Arabia have clearly chosen the anti-Iran camp in the power struggle for hegemony in the Middle East. Anyone who takes a stand against Iran is welcomed by the U.S. into the anti-Iran alliance with open arms and can basically count on full support from the States. Regardless of who is now in power in Washington, for the USA Iran remains the number one arch-enemy in the region.

The U.S. relationship with the Gulf states is also about economic interests. This applies not only to armaments, but also to gigantic investment projects such as the newly emerging ecological showcase city of Neom. Here, the two Gulf states are beckoning with projects worth billions that no West

After the war, Yemen will no longer be a sovereign state"

Does this mean that Yemen as a country is no longer capable of action?

AIDailami: Yemen will no longer be a sovereign state after this war. It will be divided into at least two, if not three parts. The north will then be dependent on Iran, the south and parts of eastern Yemen will be remotely controlled by the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Acknowledging this reality may bring us closer to a solution.

The initiators and warmongers in this conflict are to be found outside Yemen. Saudis and the UAE get most of their weapons from the West. The supply of arms must be stopped immediately.

Nevertheless, despite the war being in its seventh year, the Saudis have not managed to achieve their goals. Why not?

AIDailami: Militarily, such asymmetrical wars cannot be won against home-grown militias. We have seen that in Afghanistan. But that is only the military side of the coin. There is also an economic and geostrategic side to this devastating war: neither the Saudis nor the Emiratis are interested in ending this war.

Under the guise of fighting the Iranian-backed Houthis, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates can continue to pursue their actual ambitions: control over the Bab el Mandeb strait and the offshore islands.

The Emirates, which see themselves as a future maritime power in the Middle East, are particularly interested in the latter. Saudi Arabia can push ahead with its pipeline projects and show the world that it has a ready army capable of military operations in the region: yet all this takes time. The approximately 250,00 victims, the suffering and the rampant famine in Yemen are subordinate to these aims.

What role do the Houthis play in the conflict?

AIDailami: They come from a marginalised region in the north of the former North Yemen. Now they are taking revenge for 30 years of discrimination under the Salih government. They want power but have neither suitable personnel nor a clear strategy. That is why there is now a lot of anarchy in Sanaa, because the Houthis are not capable of running a sensible government.

In northern Yemen, the Houthis are not particularly popular because they are increasingly restricting people's freedom. They have introduced gender segregation from the first year of school. Women are only allowed to appear in public spaces to a limited extent, and a kind of morality police à la Iran now controls public spaces.

They bring with them a bizarre understanding of Islam that is alien to the plural Islam that has been practiced in Yemen for centuries. This crude influence is at least as tragic and worrying as the war itself. With each additional day of Houthi rule in Sanaa, it becomes increasingly difficult to rid young people of these radical thoughts.

The country is gradually losing the much-appreciated warmth, plurality and openness of its people that used to fascinate many visitors to Yemen. The brutalisation of this Yemeni social culture is another major damage and a direct consequence of this terrible war.

(A P)

What's happening in Afghanistan and the likely fall of the capital is a scenario we have seen in Yemen between 2014-2015. This scenario is going to have repercussions on the current conflict in Yemen.

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A K P)

Houthis say coalition preventing 5th fuel ship from entering Yemen

The Ansar Allah group, known as the Houthis, on Tuesday accused the Saudi-led coalition of holding a fuel ship in the Red Sea and preventing it from berthing at Hudaydah seaport.

It is carrying 30.000 tons of diesel and was the fifth ship to be held by the coalition, though it has been granted a licence by the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism for Yemen to arrive in Hudaydah, the Yemen petroleum company in Sanaa said.

Two of the other four are carrying 60.000 tons of diesel and benzene and have been held for eight months, it said.

and by Saba:

(A K P)

Yemen Petroleum Company accuses US of causing more deaths by holding oil ships in act of piracy

THE YEMEN PETROLEUM COMPANY (YPC) has accused what it termed “the Saudi-United States coalition” of causing more deaths in the country by seizing control of ships carrying oil into the strategic port of Hudaydah.

In today’s statement the company accused the coalition of piracy by continuing to hold four oil vessels, including gas tankers.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

@monarelief's team reached out today 100 families in Sana'a governorate with food supplies for a month. Our distribution was funded by @SzkolydlaPokoju in #Poland. Also we received today an amount of €1000 from Schools for Peace to be used to buy school bags. (photos)

(* B H)

World Bank: Life-saving Cash Transfers Making a Difference in Yemen

Yemen’s high malnutrition rates have drawn global attention, highlighting the impact of the country’s five-and-half-year civil war on its population. Economic stimuli in the form of large cash-for-work projects, support to small businesses, and labor-intensive repairs of socio-economic assets are helping vulnerable local households and communities across Yemen. These stimuli are provided through the tireless work of the teams of the Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (ECRP) implemented by the UNDP, in partnership with the Social Fund for Development (SFD) and the Public Works Project (PWP), which is supported by the World Bank’s International Development Association.

(A H)

On last 2days, 18 August, We also distributed food packages to 20 poor families in sana'a, Flour, rice, sugar, oil cook, milk powder, lentil, beans. Thks to all our donors for trust in us. For help, you can contact me directly @ghalebalsudmy

On 18 July, We also distributed food packages to 20 poor families in sana'a, Flour, rice, sugar, oil cook, milk powder, lentil, beans. Thks to all our donors for trust in us. For help, you can contact me directly @ghalebalsudmy (photos)

(B H)

Launch Good

Relief For Yemen During Crisis

Yemen Relief provides support to those in need through our network of local volunteers across Yemen. They reach even the most inaccessible areas, including refugee camps, and makeshift shelters. 100% of your contributions will support the lives and livelihoods of families in desperate need of help, orphans, widowed, and school children. Between May and July, we distributed food baskets to 11,211 families benefiting over 67,000 individuals across over 30 cities. We also provided support to 4 food banks feeding 5,000 people a day. We provided financial support to an average of 696 orphans per month. We also offered vocational training to 58 orphans and income generation projects to 95 families. During Eid-Aladha, we distributed Udhyiha to 6500 families. We also provided 9 neighborhoods with Water tanks and trucking benefiting 1500 people a day.!/

(A H)

7,760 kg of spoiled food products destroyed in Aden

Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Authority in Aden destroyed on Saturday, 194 packages of food products, coming from India, for not complying with the standards laid down by the authority.
The food items had been examined by the relevant organs at Aden Container Terminal and the results showed that all the products, estimated at 7,760 kilograms, were largely rotten, wet and inedible, the authority explained.

(B H)


(* B H)

3M children will be out of school in Yemen, says Red Cross

'Yemeni children, like all children, need to go back to school,' says head of Red Cross in Yemen

About 3 million children will not be able to attend school this year in Yemen, the International Committee of the Red Cross delegation to Yemen said Friday.

"With the beginning of the school year in Yemen, let’s not forget that the conflict has damaged and destroyed hundreds of schools and rendered about 3 million children unable to enroll this year," Katharina Ritz, the head of the committee, said on Twitter. "Yemeni children, like all children, need to go back to school.”

The new academic year in Yemen started about a week ago.

The UN Children's Fund announced in early August that 8.1 million children in Yemen needed urgent education assistance.

and also

(* B H)

'Trying to find a reliable water source is like digging for gold': Yemen's crippling water shortage

As the six-year conflict shows no signs of abating and climate change continues to impact land and families, millions in Yemen could fall deeper into what may eventually become a forgotten crisis.

Already a water-scarce region, the civil war has exacerbated the situation, with over fifty percent of the population struggling to buy and find enough clean drinking water to sustain themselves and their families each day, according to the UN.

The ongoing conflict has severely damaged crucial safe water sources, which will cost millions to rectify. With an already outdated infrastructure going back to the British colonial era, urban areas such as Ma’rib and the capital Aden were already struggling to supply piped drinking water directly to local homes. Fast forward to the present day, the population of these governates continues to surge, as those fleeing violence or leaving rural villages with water shortages, flood into the cities.

State-run water companies only provide to households that can afford the costs, and even then, the water service is only available four hours a day twice a week.

In both urban and rural locations families are forced to try and find free water from public fountains and wells, such as those located in local mosques. Unfortunately, even the mosques are turning people away because they are unable to keep up with the increase in demand. Many also rely on trucked water they buy at extortionate prices, dictated by the suppliers.

With aid cuts and inflation, intervention is vital if families in Yemen are to survive in this devastating landscape.

Those that are most impacted by water scarcity in Yemen are women and children, who make up 80 percent of those in acute need and 75 percent of internally displaced people.

Women dominate the domestic sphere as the main caregivers and are responsible for how water impacts their household. They walk miles every day to fetch water that is often unsafe, making them and their children susceptible to diseases such as cholera. Women often prioritise their family’s water needs and therefore lack access to clean water to live comfortably.

(B H)

DRC: Working with local communities, our teams have rehabilitated over 200,000 square metres of traditional agricultural terraces. The restored terraces help to slow the flow of water, allowing it to sink inside the ground. The terraces help reduce the risk of flooding and protect the soil from erosion, enabling families to use the land as a valuable livelihoods source. Together with local communities, DRC in Yemen is helping build climate change resilience, protecting lives and livelihoods both now and for the future

(B E H)

Film: Camel Shepherds are Abandoning their profession amid Dwindling Rainfalls and Few Pastures

In the war-ridden region and in light of dwindling rainfalls, camel shepherds are struggling between rugged mountains and plains to find pastures, which has been lately rare. Despite these unfavorable circumstances and the low return, camel shepherds insist on preserving their profession which they inherited from their predecessors. Camel shepherds illustrated that they earn the bulk of their income through selling camel urine. 1 liter and a half cost about 10 Dollars. However, camels' number in Yemen is scaling back as they don't exceed 300 thousand according to the latest survey. This is mainly attributed to the poor economic reality and the low number of pastures, not to mention that a lot of shepherds abandoned the whole vocation.

(B H)

Climate crisis exacerbates humanitarian situation in Yemen

In Yemen, vulnerability to natural hazards, floods and droughts have led to the destruction of shelters and infrastructure, restricted access to markets and basic services, wrecked livelihoods, facilitated the spread of deadly diseases and caused fatalities, as well as contributed to population displacement in what is already the world’s fourth biggest internal displacement crisis, with over 4 million internally displaced people. The annual rainy season brings heavy rainfalls, high winds and flooding, particularly to coastal areas. In 2020, at least 13 governorates were impacted by adverse weather, affecting over 62,500 families, while thousands more families have already been impacted in 2021. By blocking passage of roads, flooding also continues to impede the ability of humanitarian partners to deliver lifesaving assistance to people in need.

Driven by conflict and economic collapse, some 5 million people in Yemen are on the brink of famine as the country grapples with increasing food insecurity, rising malnutrition and associated mortality as well as other long-term, irreversible effects on child growth and development.

(B E H)

Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative: July 2021 Situation Overview

The JMMI incorporates information on market systems including price levels and supply chains. The basket of goods to be assessed includes 10 non-food items (NFIs), such as fuel, water, and hygiene products, reflecting the programmatic areas of the WASH Cluster. The JMMI tracks all components of the WASH and Food Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) as well as other food and non-food items. In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, REACH has adapted the JMMI to begin assessing the potential impact of the pandemic on markets and on respondents' businesses.

(B H)

Yemeni doctor fights for women’s health

It’s no small feat to be a woman in Yemen living without your family. Helping mothers give birth during a pandemic, in the most remote regions of a war-torn country, make this 27-year-old a courageous role model.

(B H)

UNOCHA: Yemen Snapshot 2021

(B H)

Ummah Welfare Trust: Helping Yemen's Families Survive the War

(A H)

Yemen school reopens after Kuwait-funded reconstruction

(B H)

RDP: Yemen: Monthly Situation Report (July 2021)

Serving a total of 1,112 individuals of children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women with therapeutic supplements (Plumpy Sup & WSB+) in Sama and As Silw districts of Taizz Gov.
Delivering micronutrient supplements to a total of 111,532 children under 2 and 142,833 pregnant and lactating women in 12 targeted districts of Ibb, Taizz, and Hajjah Govs.

Launching the second distribution of food vouchers to a total number of 734 individuals (90 HHs) of crisis-affected IDPs in Bajil district of A-Hudaydah Gov.

(B H)

WFP Yemen Situation Report #7, July 2021

WFP targeted 11.3 million people in Yemen with General Food Assistance in July.

Key economic indicators continue their decline, with the Yemeni riyal (YER) hitting a record low of YER 1,000/USD 1 in southern Yemen.

The economic decline is driving continued food insecurity: A WFP-FAO food security outlook analysis notes Yemen as a “highest alert level” hotspot, with a further deterioration of the food security situation likely over the coming months.

(B H)

Yemen Women Protection AoR Services, Jan - July 2021

(B H)

Yemen Women Protection AoR Services, July 2021

(* B H)

Film: 'I Felt as if I Were in the Darkness'

Conflict in Hodeida, Yemen kept 13-year-old Emtinan and her brother out of school for an entire year. "I had nothing to do when I sat home," she recalls. "I felt as if we were in the darkness." Now she's back in the classroom at a UNICEF-supported school, determined to catch up.

(A H)

Turkish NGOs provide aid to more than 50,000 families in Yemen

Both food and non-food aid provided by Turkish groups to families in war-torn country

(B H)

Yemeni children return to half-collapsed school as new semester starts

As a new semester started in many parts of the war-torn Yemen on Saturday, children at Shuhada-Alwahdah school in Al-Radhmah district in Ibb province returned to their school, where the only available classrooms are inside a half-collapsed building.
The school's only teaching building was destroyed by airstrikes in 2015. Since then, school children are forced to study inside this dangerous building.

(* B H)

UNICEF to Reduce Activities in Yemen as of September

UNICEF announced that it will be forced to reduce its humanitarian activities in Yemen next month due to a lack of funds.
In a report released last Friday on Yemen’s humanitarian situation from January to June 2021, UNICEF warned that this shortfall heightened the risk of COVID-19 as well as other waterborne diseases, including cholera.

“UNICEF faces a funding gap of 49 percent. Lack of funding for emergency WASH interventions continues to undermine our integrated response,” the report said, adding that UNICEF will be forced to reduce its provision of fuel to water pumping stations in September 2021 if funding is not urgently mobilized.
It also noted that the lack of funding for emergency interventions will lead to a lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for thousands of health care providers and will affect COVID-19 screenings for hundreds of thousands of Yemenis.

(* B H)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, July 2021

In Numbers

11.3 million people targeted for general food assistance in July 2021

90,300 mt of general food assistance

US$13.2 million in cash transfers

US$20.1 million in commodity vouchers

US$470.4 million six-month net funding requirement (August 2021 – January 2022)

Operational Updates

Under the July cycle, WFP targeted 11.3 million people for general food assistance (GFA). Of these, 7.8 million people were targeted with in-kind food assistance, around 2.3 million people with commodity vouchers and more than 1.2 million people with cash assistance.

On 30 July, WFP and FAO released their latest “Hunger Hotspots” early warning analysis.

The military escalation in Ma’rib governorate, which started in February 2021, has led to a wave of population displacement, and by the end of July, around 24,800 people had been displaced.

In the southern areas, WFP is in the process of biometrically registering 4.2 million beneficiaries. By the end of July, around 1.8 million beneficiaries have been biometrically registered in the areas under the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG). In November 2020, WFP launched biometric registration and the provision of cash through GFA in the areas under the Sana’a-based authorities. By the end of July, around 118,600 people have had their biometric data registered into SCOPE (WFP's beneficiary and transfer management platform), and nearly 52,000 people were biometrically registered and were either enrolled or ready to be enrolled for cash assistance.

My comment: Food aid as pretense to introduce the “New brave world” of digital surveillance.

(* B E H P)

Manipulating Dollar-Riyal Exchange Rate, Saudis and US Double Cost of Yemen’s Staple Goods

Thousands of Yemenis held rallies in cities across the country demanding hunger not be used as a weapon by Saudi Arabia and the United States in order to bring locals to their knees.

“The prices are skyrocketing. We can’t feed our children. They are starving,” Saher Abdu Salem, a government employee and a mother of five, said as she participated in a protest in Aden against Saudi Arabia and the government of ousted Yemeni President Abdul-Mansour al-Hadi.

In this recent development, the oil-rich kingdom has raised the U.S. dollar exchange rate used to calculate customs duties on essential goods that enter Yemen, a country grappling with what the United Nations says is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with millions facing famine. The decision, which has been adopted by the ousted president’s government, has quickly been put into effect and has doubled customs tariffs for major goods and products that enter from the ports controlled by the Saudi-led Coalition.

In the wake of the Saudi decision, the price of essential goods has been doubled, particularly in Aden, Hadramout, al-Mahrah and all southern provinces occupied by the Saudi-led Coalition. In Aden, prices of oil, sauces, vegetables and fruits have more than tripled. The hike in duties from 250 to 110 Yemeni Riyals to the dollar applies to basic commodities such as flour, sugar, cooking oil, rice, milk, fuel and medicine.

According to the United Nations and local humanitarian bodies working on the ground, the move has already aggravated the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country where more than 80% of the population is reliant on imports. On Wednesday, a report issued by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen said that the Yemeni riyal in “the areas of the internationally recognized Yemeni government” (referring to the Saudi-backed government of al-Hadi) has lost more than 36% of its value within a year, causing prices to rise. Moreover, the move has spread fear among Yemeni families who are struggling against floods, COVID-19 and other diseases.

Thousands of Yemenis held rallies in cities across the country demanding hunger not be used as a weapon by Saudi Arabia and the United States in order to bring locals to their knees. In the Saudi-controlled south and east of Yemen — where separate protests have broken out recently over frequent power cuts and the deterioration of health services, in light of the spread of COVID-19 and non-payment of wages — hundreds took the street in Aden, Abyan and Taiz, and al-Shehr ports located in al-Mahrah.

Meanwhile, many traders, importers, and related workers refused to acquiesce in the Saudi decision and instead went on strike.

Food prices have spiked sharply in the southern governorates since June 2020 thanks to Saudi mismanagement, according to the World Bank, which reported that the national average cost of a Minimum Food Basket (MFB) rose to YR 41,950 (about $63) in June, 4% above the MFB in May, driven by the large depreciation of the rial. The MFB cost increased, month to month, by 18% in Aden, 13% in Lahji and 11% in Dhalee, impacting southern households. In sharp contrast, the MFB cost declined markedly by 7% in Sana`a and remained stable in most other northern governorates, despite acute fuel shortages.


(* B H)

Price hikes and currency freefall push Yemen’s children further into hunger - Save the Children

A spike in food prices and collapse of the Yemeni Rial to historic lows in the past month are driving more children into poverty and hunger, with families unable to afford food in local markets, Save the Children warned today.

Many children are surviving on bread and water with devastating impacts on their health, worsening an ongoing hunger and malnutrition crisis and stunting their physical and mental development, with some desperate parents selling their family gold to pay for medical care.

In import-dependent Yemen, the value of the currency has plummeted against the US dollar in the past month, pushing up fuel and food prices at the most rapid rate since the country was last on the brink of famine in 2018.

Since conflict broke out in Yemen in 2015, the price for a month’s supply of wheat flour, cooking oil, beans, and sugar has skyrocketed more than 250%, to 60,000 YER in July 2021 from 17,000 YER in February 2015.

In addition, custom exchange duties have doubled and Sana’a airport has remained closed for a fifth year, blocking commercial goods and medicine from entering the country.[1]

Save the Children said all these factors have pushed more children towards the brink of starvation in a country where already more than half of the 30 million population faces acute food shortages, and more than 400,000 children under five are one step away from famine. [2]

Xavier Joubert, Save the Children’s Country Director in Yemen, said:

“We are seeing the Yemeni economy plummet at a fast rate, which is a death sentence for children who are already suffering from acute malnutrition. With the unprecedented increase in food prices, lack of jobs, and with the conflict showing no sign of slowing down, Yemeni parents cannot even buy the most basic food for their children.

“Parents who are bringing their children to the clinics we support for malnutrition treatment tell us that they have only some bread to eat. Others are selling their gold in order to bring their children to the hospital. Over the next few months, we will see more and more children being pushed into acute malnutrition or even death.”

(* B H)

Yemen: Floods 2021 - Emergency Plan of Action

Description of the disaster

Following a rainy season that was delayed in Yemen, many governorates have experienced and continue to experience rains of varying intensity accompanied by thunderstorms in recent weeks. The National Center of Meteorology (NCM) issued a rain warning for most of the country on 25 July, with authorities in Sana’a issuing similar alerts of heavy rains and flooding in the coming days. As of 7 August, YRCS branches reported that heavy rainfall and associated flooding had impacted up to 24,816 households across the country.

Floods have been reported in Dhamar, Amran, Al Mahwit, Marib, Ibb, Sana’a City, Sana’a, Hajjah, Al Hodeidah, Al Jawf, Al Bayda, Al Dhale, Al Mahra, Raymah, and Hadramout governorates, since the start of the rainy season, causing loss of life and property. The majority of flood-related information is still preliminary, as clusters and partners conduct detailed assessments.

(B H)

Humanitarian presence in provinces and regions, May 2021

(B H)

Audio: Als Helfer in Krisengebieten – Intensivmediziner Tankred Stöbe

Tankred Stöbe ist Arzt mit Leib und Seele. Für „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“ arbeitet er regelmäßig in Kriegsgebieten wie dem Südjemen.

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Photos: Meanwhile in Taiz, a school in alSafia IDP camp! Those who fight for a future with every piece of their soul deserve #Yemen, not warring parties who are either living in Saudi hotels or those actively robbing revenues (and our life) in the north.

(B H)

UNHCR Yemen: Marib - IDP Protection Monitoring (20 February 2021- 31 July 2021)

(A H)

Asylant an Grenze als Schlepper verhaftet

Seit sechs Jahren wartet ein Afrikaner auf einen endgültig positiven Asylstatus in Österreich. Währenddessen verdiente er sich jedoch als Schlepper viel Geld. Als der Mann aus Somalia nun drei Migranten illegal ins Land brachte und sie per Zug von Deutschkreutz nach Wien schicken wollte, wurde er festgenommen.

mit drei Migranten aus dem Jemen und dem Sudan über die ungarisch-österreichische Grenze in Ritzing marschiert.

(*B H)

Yemen Protection Cluster: Situation Update – Al Jawf Governorate, Sa’ada hub, August 2021

Al-Jawf is home to thousands of displaced families from Hajjah, Hudaydah, Sa’ada, and recently from Marib governorate. The displacement movement from Marib to Al-Jawf governorate is ongoing following the recent escalation of violence that forced thousands of families to flee.

According to data from OCHA and DTM, since 2015 and the ongoing escalation in Al-Jawf has resulted in 125,000 displaced people. Most of these people were displaced internally within Al-Jawf governorate from Al-Hazm, Al-Khalq, Al Ghayl and Bart Al-Anan districts, as well as from Khabb wa ash Sha'af district where fighting was intense.

The living conditions in the 12 districts of the governorate are very poor affecting the internally displaced and the host community alike. Several displaced families are currently staying in inadequate conditions.

Women and girls in Al-Jawf, are considered amongst the most affected groups in society with multifaceted vulnerabilities.

(B H)

IOM Yemen: Rapid Displacement Tracking - Yemen IDP Dashboard Reporting Period: 08 to 14 August 2021

From 01 January 2021 to 14 August 2021, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 8,756 households (HH) (52,536 Individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.

Between 08 August 2021 and 14 August 2021, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 192 households (1,152 individuals) displaced at least once. The highest number of displacements were seen in:

(B H)

Impact of COVID-19 Movement Restrictions on Migrants along the Eastern Corridor, Report 17 | as of 31 July 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations. This report provides a snapshot of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and mobility restrictions, and of the current migration trends along the Eastern Corridor migration route, in addition to an analysis of the impact that movement restrictions have had in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen.

(A H)

More Funding to Boost Migrant Return and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa

New funding from the European Union (EU) will help the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and partners accelerate assisted voluntary return and reintegration of vulnerable and stranded migrants in the Horn of Africa, a region with some of the world’s busiest and most perilous migration routes.

“The top-up funding will enable the programme to further solidify the last four years of collaborative efforts and learning by partners and IOM towards setting new standards for migrant protection and reintegration,” said Mitsue Pembroke, the deputy regional coordinator of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in the Horn of Africa (EU-IOM Joint Initiative).

The latest funding of EUR 5.95 million raises the total allocation to the EU-IOM Joint Initiative to EUR 64.7 million.

(A H)

IOM Yemen | Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) - Reporting Period: 08 to 14 August 2021

During the reporting period, between 08 and 14 August 2021, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 192 households (HH) (1,152 individuals) displaced at least once. Conflict was the main reason for displacement, accounting for 66 per cent (126 HH) of the total, followed by natural disaster, accounting for 24 per cent (46 HH) and other causes, accounting for ten per cent (20 HH). From 01 January to 14 August 2021, IOM Yemen DTM estimates that 8,756 households (52,536 Individuals) have experienced displacement at least once.

(A H)

Escalation in hostilities makes it difficult for many displaced Yemenis to remain in one location for long. In Sa'ada, UNHCR-led camp management team relocated 17 displaced families to a safer site, who were previously staying at a school in Sahar district.

(* B H)

UNHCR: Humanitarian and Displacement Situation in Marib Governorate, Yemen (16 August 2021)

OVERVIEW | August 2021

Escalation in violence in Marib continues to displace families, making the already dire humanitarian situation even more precarious. Since the beginning of the year, over 2,900 families have been displaced due to intense fighting on multiple fronts and sporadic tribal clashes, primarily in the western district of Sirwah, and the southern district of Al-Jubah into Marib city (source IOM).

Airstrikes and artillery shelling in Marib, Sirwah and Medghal districts during the first half of the year have resulted in heavy civilian casualties, including deaths and widespread damage to civilian homes, farms, livestock and a school in Jabal Murad.

According to the Civilian Impact Monitoring Project (CIMP), civilian casualties reported in Marib during the first six months of 2021 were a record high, with some 154 injuries and deaths

According to the Camp Management and Camp Coordination Cluster, more than 33,500 displaced families (190,000 individuals) are residing in 150 sites hosting internally displace persons (IDPs). Due to the insecurity and lack of funding, only 21 per cent of these IDPs are reached by humanitarian organizations. IDP sites have been heavily impacted by armed violence, particularly in the first three months of the year, with frontlines pushing rapidly towards Marib City (CIMP)1 . The direct impact of the conflict on IDP sites was slightly reduced in the second quarter. However, many sites remain full to the brim, while others in remote locations in Sirwah and Al-Jubah remain inaccessible to humanitarians due to their proximity to active fighting fronts.

Humanitarian agencies in Marib are continuously scaling up their responses and have increased their presence significantly.


(* B H K)

UNHCR: Only 21% of IDPs are reached by humanitarian NGOs in Marib

The ongoing violence in Marib is making the already dire situation worse, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) warned on Tuesday.

“Since the beginning of the year, over 2,900 families have been displaced due to intense fighting on multiple fronts and sporadic tribal clashes, primarily in the western district of Sirwah, and the southern district of Al-Jubah into Marib city,” UNCHR said.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Houthis acknowledge to have kidnapped more than 140 people in one week

The Houthi militia have acknowledged to have kidnapped more than 140 people in the militia's areas of control in northwest Yemen in one week.

The militia's "Security Media" website justified the kidnappings by alleging the hostages – kidnapped from 8-15 August 2021 – to their involvement in "sharing intelligence with the Saudi-led Arab Coalition."

Collaboration with the Arab Coalition is one of the pretexts Houthis use to justify arbitrary arrests and abuses against civilians in their areas of control.

(A P)

A Houthi militant (security supervisor) killed young rural beekeeper Hareth Ebraheem by stabbing him 13 times all over his body and finally shooting him to death in Sana'a on Saturday, after he refused to give him some honey./Facebook post by Bolbol Alnasr

(A P)

Houthi militants kill loyalist tribal chieftain Sarhan Ali Askar, from Amran province, by shooting fire on him in front of his wife in Sana'a on Saturday./Several facebookers

(A P)

The following Hezbollah militants have left Yemen: Muneef Abu Eleiwah, Mazen Beidhoon, Husam Abu Roshd, Hasssan Rahmata-Allah and Ahmed Khaleel. [as part of the Lebanese militia's routine coming to and leaving of Yemen/FB post by Sameer Al-Awdi

(A P)

The Houthi militia usurp YR 40 million worth of the newly government printed big-size banknotes from traders in Taiz/Alharf 28 website

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen army seizes over 20,000 passports, foils massive identity fraud by Houthis

Yemen's army has seized a shipment of more than 20,000 blank passport books bound for the Houthis in Sana'a, Yemeni military sources said on Friday, foiling a massive identity fraud planned by the Iran-backed terrorist militia.

My comment: Asif Northrn Yemen would not be in need of ordinary passports for ordinary people: Propaganda BS.

(A P)

Mohammad Abdulsalam: all foreign military presence in Yemen is condemned

The head of the national Yemeni delegation, Mohammad Abdulsalam, confirmed that the presence of British troops in Mahrah is not new, and any foreign presence is to be rejected.

In an interview published with Al-Khandaq website on Saturday, Abdulsalam said: “that is why we believe that the Republic of Yemen has the right to confront any occupying military troops.”

and also

(A P)

Yemen's Houthis hope Afghan turmoil will speed up agreement to end war

Yemen's Houthi rebels are drawing comparisons between the Taliban takeover of Kabul, which caused President Ashraf Ghani to flee Afghanistan, to their own takeover of Sanaa and Aden in 2014 and 2015.

Following the Taliban takeover of Kabul on Aug.15, senior officials from the rebel Houthi group, which has been fighting the Saudi-led coalition-backed government in Yemen since 2015, were swift to react to the Taliban's rapid advance against the Afghan government amid an imminent US-led coalition withdrawal.

Abdul-Malek al-Ejri, a member of the Houthi negotiating delegation, reminded the Saudi-led coalition of the US fate in Afghanistan. He tweeted, "Countries of aggression [members of the Saudi-led coalition] have two options in Yemen: either they leave by agreement, as America did in Afghanistan, or with no honor, as in Vietnam.”

Ejri’s tweet shows a Houthi desire to end the conflict with an agreement with the Saudi-led coalition similar to the US-Taliban agreement.

Abu Mohammed, a nickname for a political analyst based in Sanaa, told Al-Monitor that the Houthis are hoping Saudi Arabia will "recalculate its involvement and get out with minimal cost and an agreement between the Houthis and the coalition that's going to make it easier for the Houthis to control the government-held provinces.”

Abu Mohammed, who is originally from Taiz and spoke on condition that his real name not be used for security reasons, continued, “The US withdrawal is going to strengthen the Houthis’ bargaining position, whether with the Hadi government or the Saudi-led coalition." He added that "the fall of Kabul is also an inspiration not only for Houthis, but also for Hezbollah and Hamas."


Spanish magazine Muy Negocios & Economía has said Sana'a had become a base of operations for terrorist organizations rating it as the third worst city in the world where it is recommended to live /Multiple Yemeni websites

(A K P)

Houthi militants transport 50 criminals from Sana'a prisons to military training camps in Hajjah province, further north of Yemen, to prepare them for participation in the anti-government warfronts /The Western Coast.

(A P)

University teacher Yusuf Al-Bawab demands an international prosecution of the Houthi militia’s military spokesman Yahya Sare’a for torturing him along with other prisoners for a period of 1750 days in the militia’s jail./Ababeel Net

(A P)

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis march to mark Ashura and commemorate Imam Husayn

Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis in the capital Sana’a and a number of provinces have on Thursday staged mass rallies commemorating the Day of Ashura and the anniversary of Imam Husayn’s martyrdom.

At the rallies, the participants raised banners and slogans denouncing the US policy in the region, and calling for a boycott of American and Israeli goods.

During the events, speeches and poems were delivered about the revolution of Imam Husayn and the position of truth that he had taken in the face of tyrants and oppressors.

The protesters confirmed they will continue confronting the Saudi-led aggression



(A P)

Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi speaks on occasion of Ashura

In his speech, Sayyid al-Houthi said: “We find a similarity between the pre-Islamic heritage carried by the Umayyad tyrants and the tyranny that is headed by the US, Israel and their allies.”

He confirmed that “the truth nowadays is not to be confused, just as it was not to be confused in the time of Imam Husayn, peace be upon him.”

Sayyid Abdul-Malik al-Houthi pointed out that “the right path is with our dear Yemeni people in confrontint the US-Saudi aggression, which has no legitimacy and has committed the most heinous crimes.”

“It is wrong to stand with the aggression against Yemen, to justify it, or to remain silent about its crimes and siege.”

He added: “The right path is to strive for the unity and fraternity of Muslims, not to spread hatred among Muslims and strive to divide them.”

The Leader of the Revolution confirmed that “as a Muslim nation we must strive for freedom and independence.”


(A P)

US withdrawal from Afghanistan indicates occupation forces’ failure in our region: Houthi

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement says the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan after 20 years of war clearly shows that occupation forces have failed to advance their plans and agendas in the West Asia region.
“Our (Yemeni) nation is making progress. The United States is in decline, and recent developments in Afghanistan attest to this fact. Americans depend on their agents and mercenaries while fighting proxy wars,”

(A P)

Houthi TV Almasirah's correspondent Mohammed Alnow'aah has been seriously wounded in exchange of fire with his colleagues in Al-Hazm Aljawf./FB post by Bolbol Alnasr.

(A P)

Houthis abduct young journalist in Sanaa amid crackdown on dissent

Houthi rebels in Yemen have been holding a young journalist abducted in Sanaa for more than a week, as the militia’s clampdown on outspoken academics, journalists and social media activists intensifies.

After detaining Younis Abdul Sallam, the Iran-backed Houthis waited more than 10 days before informing a local lawyer of his whereabouts, his family told Arab News on Thursday.

(A P)

Houthis arrest social activist over exposure of WFP & ACTED aid abuse

The Houthi militia have arrested Mohsen Al-Tam, a social activist from Jabal Al-Sharq district, Dhamar province, over his online publishing of the list of international food programs (WFP MENA and ACTED) beneficiaries, which indicate that senior Houth militants take the aid for themselves and their families. (It shows) how the poor people's food are stolen and converted into contributions for the Houthi war./Facebook post by Mohammed Al-Dhabyani

(A P)

Mass rallies to mark ‘Ashura Day’ planned all across Yemen

On Wednesday, the organizing committee has called for broad participation in the 10th of Ashura’s marches in Sana’a and the provinces to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Husayn, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Airport Street has been set as a square for the march of Thursday afternoon, while Al-Shaab Mosque Square for the women’s march in the afternoon as well.

In a statement, the Committee stressed the importance of gathering in these mass marches

(* B P)

The Tormented Wael: On the Verge of Madness

Wael Walid (pseudonym) is a 31-year old man who was one of the young pioneers who responded to the call of the youth revolution for change when it was launched in the square of Sana’a University in the beginning of 2011.

He participated in a sit-in in a pitched tent on Sixty Street, hoping that he and his colleagues, who had graduated some years ago, would be able to get jobs. After the concluding political agreement establishing the Transitional Authority, he returned to his hometown with a spark of enthusiasm to continue working to achieve the goals of the revolution.

On September 21, 2014, the Ansar Allah (Houthi) armed group and the supporters of former President Saleh stormed the capital, Sana’a, and took control of state institutions, military camps, ministries, and public bodies. Then continued expanding their territory to try to control the rest of the governorates of the country.

Starting in 2018, Wael was detained in several places and subjected to various forms of violence, including both physical and psychological torture. As one of the lucky few disappeared persons to return back, he recounted the anguish of the time he spent disappeared:

Charges First, then Interrogation

“On September 9, 2018, I was in my shop, as I used to go every day. I was surprised to see two Houthi gunmen whom I knew well enter my shop in civilian clothes to my shop and ask that I go with them to the Criminal Investigation Department.

I closed my shop and went with them. I assumed that they would take me to the Criminal Investigation Department, detain me for two or three days, and then release me. This had happened previously several times on accusations of suspicious posts on social media and other websites.

But that day, I was summoned in the middle of the night from the detention cell to an interrogation chamber where several interrogators and photographers were present. There was a wooden plate with my name written as well as the number of the case, the political charge, the date, and the day. They ordered me to hold it so that I could be photographed from the front, the sides, and back.

When I asked them how they could photograph and charge me without investigating me, they replied: “These are orders. Comply with the orders without question.”

After that, they interrogated me for about four hours nonstop without giving me any clear accusation for which I deserved to be arrested, only intimidation. I was subsequently transferred to another cell on the third day.”

Central Prison

“At about ten in the morning, a number of armed men came to my cell. They took me and put me in a security patrol car that was parked in front of the Criminal Investigation Department and took me to the Central Prison in the governorate.

They put me in the political prisoners ward, where I was held with other inmates, some of whom I knew were detained for fabricated charges. Most of them were affiliated to political parties like me. Three days after I was brought to the central prison, I was taken to the interrogation chamber. They handcuffed me with iron shackles and tied blindfolds over my eyes.

I had heard from my comrades detained in the same ward about the violence and cruelty of the interrogation officer, and that he was a very cruel person with no mercy in his heart.

At first, they searched me thoroughly, then took me into the middle of a hall and threw me on the floor in a large room with my arms tied behind my back, in a humiliating manner. I could hear people talking and laughing sarcastically as they chewed qat and smoked shisha, the water of which I could hear bubbling.

About an hour after laying like this, the interrogation officer started speaking to me in a threatening and intimidating tone. He said that he knew everything about me, about my activities, and even the air I breathed. He then asked me if I felt any fatigue. I told him that I suffer from pain in my back, knees, and chest.

He started hitting me with a stick on these spots. Then they made me stand and started asking me questions while I was tied and blindfolded. At the same time, someone behind me was hitting me with a stick. They accused me of very serious charges, of which I had no knowledge. They flogged me severely, all the while asking me to quickly keep switching between standing and sitting.

(A P)

Houthis continue messing with Yemen’s education, UNICEF denies being involved

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) denied Thursday accusations of playing a role in the production of school books in Yemen, specifically in areas under the control of the Houthi rebels.

This comes after accusations made by Yemeni activities and journalists against the UNICEF that it had funded the production of school books that are contrary to UNESCO standards of peace and tolerance.

“UNICEF is not involved in the production or distribution of school books in Yemen. We strongly believe that education should not be subject to political or sectarian use. Education must remain a priority to ensure the future & the well-being of children,” UNICEF said on Twitter.

and also


(A P)

As UNICEF sponsors Houthi curricula, Yemenis become more aware of its unclean role

The Houthi militia have recently started printing distorted versions of the Yemeni school curricula with Shiit extremist ideologies and death glorifying ideas infused from cover to cover.

The UNICEF sponsored the printing of one of these books known as the 'National Education' drawing attention of more Yemenis to its unclean role in fostering Shiit extremism in a country already torn by the unrelenting war of the Shiit Houthi terrorist militia.

Many Yemeni media outlets and activists dedicated their writings to this act by the UNICEF which "violates the international conventions."


(A P)

Cover of National Education curriculum for the 8th grade before and after Houthis made changes to. =

(A K P)

Houthis are recruiting a large number of children in Ibb province to the frontlines against the government/Multiple websites.

(A P)

The Houthi militants in Sana'a are forcing the children of special needs to study in regular schools while keeping their special schools operational only superficially to keep harvesting the money that aid organizations send as maintenance funds for these schools. /Voice of Yemen

(A P)

Houthis Size 20% of Revenues of Health Sector Facilities

Houthi militias in Yemen have gone beyond the pale by seizing 20% of the financial income of hospitals, clinics, and medical laboratories working in Sanaa. The Iran-backed guerrillas will funnel the collected funds to their senior leaders.

The arbitrary measure follows Houthis demanding that major hospitals and clinics, as of August, start paying the salaries of hundreds of its fighters, well-informed sources told Asharq Al-Awsat under conditions of anonymity.

For the last two weeks, Houthi militants staged a far-reaching campaign that saw them install surveillance cameras over accountants' offices in over 80 private hospitals, 960 public clinics, 195 medical laboratories, and 890 private clinics.

The absurd monitoring system is meant to help the Iran-backed militia tighten its grip over the finances of the health sector and discover if institutions are hiding any revenues from the group. =

My remark: As claimed by a Saudi news site.

(B P)

Yemeni Human Rights Report Documents over 700 Houthi Violations in Ibb

A Yemeni human rights organization reported that Iran-backed Houthis have committed over 700 violations in Yemen’s central governorate of Ibb when the group continues to tighten its security grip around the lives of those living in areas under its control.

Al-Jand for Human Rights (JHR), a Taiz-based human rights watchdog, said that Houthis were responsible for 745 violations in the first six months of 2021. In a report, the monitor said that the violations included the killing, harming, kidnapping, and torturing of civilians.

Raids, looting, robbery of public and private property, attempts to sectarianize society, forced recruitment and other violations were also documented by the report. =

(A P)

Top Yemeni diplomat: Saudi aggression against Yemen will fail like US war in Afghanistan

(A P)

Mohammed Abdulsalam condemns Saudi persecution of Yemeni expatriates

(* A P)

Thousands of Yemeni children brainwashed in Houthi ‘summer camps’

Iran-backed Houthis have arranged graduation ceremonies for thousands of children who joined their summer camps this year in the densely populated areas of Yemen under their control.

The biggest ceremony was organized in Sanaa, where hundreds of children, their relatives and Houthi officials showed up to see the graduating children display their skills.

The Houthis claim that for 45 days, the children were educated, trained and “immunized from false cultures.”

But Yemeni [Hadi] government officials and human rights activists have accused the group of using the camps to indoctrinate Yemeni children with sectarian ideologies and antisemitic propaganda, before sending them to the battlefields.

(A P)

Al-Mashat praises Parliament's decision against MPs loyal to aggression

(* B K P)

Wikipedia: Houthi insurgency in Yemen

The Houthi insurgency in Yemen,[45][46] also known as the Houthi rebellion, the Sa'dah War, or the Sa'dah conflict, was a military rebellion pitting Zaidi Shia Houthis (though the movement also includes Sunnis[47]) against the Yemeni military that began in Northern Yemen and has since escalated into a full-scale civil war. The conflict was sparked in 2004 by the government's attempt to arrest Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi, a Zaidi religious leader of the Houthis and a former parliamentarian on whose head the government had placed a $55,000 bounty.[48] Initially, most of the fighting took place in Sa'dah Governorate in northwestern Yemen, but some of the fighting spread to neighbouring governorates Hajjah, 'Amran, al-Jawf and the Saudi province of Jizan. After the Houthi takeover of the capital city Sanaa in late 2014, the insurgency became a full-blown civil war with a major Saudi-led intervention in Yemen beginning in March 2015.

(B P)

Kabul has fallen, as Sayyid Hussein al-Houthi predicted twenty years ago

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp6 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-723 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-755: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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