Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 764b- Yemen War Mosaic 764b

Yemen Press Reader 764b: 13. Oktober 2021: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 764, cp7 - cp19 /October 13, 2021: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 764, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 764, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 764, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

After #HRC48 disgraceful vote, Mwatana expresses its gratitude to Group of Eminent Experts #GEE Kamel Jendoubi (chair), @MelissaParke01, Ardi Imsis& former member Charles Garraway. Your efforts won’t be in vain & constitutes solid basis towards int’l criminal accountability #Yemen

(* A P)

Menschenrechtsrat stoppt Untersuchungen im Jemen

Die Verlängerung einer Untersuchungsmission zur Dokumentation von Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen ist im UN-Menschenrechtsrat gescheitert. Eine Resolution zur Fortsetzung des 2017 erstmals erteilten Mandats wurde am Donnerstag in dem Gremium mit 47 Mitgliedsstaaten mit 21 zu 18 Stimmen erstmals abgelehnt. Die Botschafterin der Bundesrepublik, Katharine Stasch, sagte, die BRD habe die von westlichen Ländern eingebrachte Resolution unterstützt und bedauere die Ablehnung. Es war das bisher erste Mal, dass im UN-Menschenrechtsrat eine Resolution abgelehnt wurde. Zeichnet sich eine Niederlage ab, ziehen Antragsteller für gewöhnlich zurück. Wie aus Delegationen verlautete, habe das mit Jemen im Krieg befindliche Saudi-Arabien gegen die Verlängerung der Mission gestimmt. Vom UN-Gremium bestellte Experten hatten zahlreiche Menschenrechtsverstöße, auch durch die saudische Kriegsallianz, angeprangert.


(* A P)

„Ein schwerer Rückschlag“: UN beendet Untersuchung zu Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen

Der 47-köpfige Rat hat am Donnerstag gegen die Verlängerung des Mandats der Gruppe hochrangiger internationaler und regionaler Experten für den Jemen (GEE) gestimmt, die im August 2018 Beweise für mögliche Kriegsverbrechen aller Seiten, einschließlich einer von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition, berichtete .

Catherine Shakdam, ehemalige Beraterin des Sicherheitsrats für den Jemen, sagte gegenüber Al Jazeera, die Abstimmung sei keine Überraschung.

Sie fügte jedoch hinzu: „Viele werden enttäuscht sein, weil es ein Versagen der UN ist, aber aus politischer Sicht … eine echte Lösung für die anhaltende Krise im Jemen zu finden, ist möglicherweise nicht der richtige Weg.“ um eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts zu erreichen.“

Dies sei das erste Mal seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2006, dass das oberste Menschenrechtsgremium der Vereinten Nationen einen Resolutionsentwurf abgelehnt habe, sagte ein Sprecher des Rates gegenüber AFP.

Der Resolutionsentwurf zur Verlängerung des Mandats der GEE um weitere zwei Jahre wurde von mehreren europäischen Staaten und Kanada eingebracht.

Ungefähr 21 Länder stimmten gegen den Resolutionsentwurf, 18 stimmten dafür, sieben enthielten sich und die Ukraine registrierte überhaupt keine Stimme.

Dafür stimmten Argentinien, Brasilien, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Mexiko und Südkorea.

Zu den Gegenkandidaten gehörten Bangladesch, China, Kuba, Indien, Indonesien, Libyen, Pakistan, die Philippinen und Russland.

Japan war unter den Enthaltungen.

Das Kairoer Institut für Menschenrechtsstudien (CIHRS) bezeichnete die Abstimmung als „einen eklatanten Versuch Saudi-Arabiens und seiner Verbündeten, sich selbst völlige Straflosigkeit zu sichern, nachdem sie mit Kriegsverbrechen und anderen schweren Verstößen gegen das Völkerrecht im Land in Verbindung gebracht wurden“.

Menschenrechtsaktivisten sagten diese Woche, Saudi-Arabien habe sich stark gegen die westliche Resolution eingesetzt.

Das Königreich ist kein stimmberechtigtes Mitglied des UN-Menschenrechtsrats und seine Delegation reagierte nicht auf die Bitten von Reuters um Stellungnahme.

Jeremie Smith, Direktor des Genfer CIHRS-Büros, sagte: „Die heutige Abstimmung stellt einen schweren Misserfolg dar – einen, der unweigerlich zu mehr Gewalt und Leid im Jemen führen wird.

„Staaten, die gegen die Erneuerung gestimmt oder sich der Stimme enthalten haben, haben beschlossen, Saudi-Arabien zu beschwichtigen, anstatt das Leben von Millionen zu schützen.“

Der niederländische Botschafter Peter Bekker sagte, die Abstimmung sei ein herber Rückschlag. „Ich kann nicht anders, als das Gefühl zu haben, dass dieser Rat die Menschen im Jemen im Stich gelassen hat“, sagte er den Delegierten.

“Mit dieser Abstimmung hat der Rat sein Berichtsmandat effektiv beendet, er hat diese Lebensader des jemenitischen Volkes zur internationalen Gemeinschaft durchtrennt.”

und auch


(A P)

UNO beendet Mission ihrer Ermittler im Jemen

Menschenrechtsaktivisten sagen, die saudische Regierung habe hart darauf gedrängt, den Entwurf nicht zu genehmigen.

"Abdul Rashid al-Faqih", der Exekutivdirektor der Menschenrechtsorganisation Mawtana im Jemen, sagte dazu: „Der Menschenrechtsrat beabsichtigte in Zusammenarbeit mit Menschenrechtsorganisationen, einen neuen Mechanismus zur Untersuchung von Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen zu starten. Das Ende der Mission des Ermittlereams ist ein wertvolles Geschenk für Menschenrechtsverletzer im Jemen und ein weiterer Schlag für die Kriegsopfer.»

(* A P)

UN ends Yemen war crimes probe in historic defeat at rights body

The United Nations Human Rights Council narrowly agreed on Thursday to end the mandate of its independent investigators who have found that all sides in Yemen's conflict have committed acts that may amount to war crimes.

Saudi Arabia lobbied heavily against the Western resolution that would have extended by two years the mandate of the independent team who have documented possible war crimes in Yemen, including by the Riyadh-led coalition, activists said.

The vote at the 47-member Geneva forum was 21 countries against the resolution presented by the Netherlands, with 18 in favour, seven abstentions and one delegation absent (Ukraine). =

and votes: =

and also with Netherlands’ statement:

(* A P)

#KingdomNL expresses its profound disappointment that the HRC rejected renewal of the only reporting mandate on #Yemen. The votes did not reflect a position of principle, but a result of diplomatic pressure. Today the

@UN_HRC has let the Yemeni people down


(* A P)

Statement by Group of Experts on Yemen on HRC rejection of resolution to renew their mandate

This is a major setback for all victims who have suffered serious violations during the armed conflict that has been raging for over six years in Yemen.

The negative vote taken yesterday by Council members further underlines the Group's assessment that there is a lack of political will to address the situation in Yemen. Through this action, our mandate will effectively come to an end at the close of the 48th session of the Human Rights Council, next Monday.

Now is the time for more action, rather than less. By ending the only United Nations independent entity investigating and issuing detailed public reports on human rights violations committed by all parties to the conflict in Yemen, the Council appears to be abandoning the people of Yemen

Despite the fear and intimidation that victims and witnesses face, they continue to report to the Group of Eminent Experts a desire to have their suffering made known to the international community and action taken to end impunity. Local civil society organisations and human rights defenders have repeatedly stated that the Group was, for them, a reason for hope.

As our mission comes to an end, we want to renew our recommendations made over the past four years to parties to the conflict. We call upon them to: […]

We continue to call upon the international community to provide support to the parties in strengthening accountability mechanisms, and also call upon the international community to take specific initiatives at the international level or in third States, as appropriate, in pursuance of accountability. Victims of this tragic armed conflict should not be silenced by the decision of a few States. Quite the opposite, they should be supported by all means to see the realisation of their rights to truth, justice and reparation.

It is all the more important now to promote and support all efforts by the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen to reach a cessation of hostilities and achieve a sustainable and inclusive peace with due attention for respect of human rights and for accountability. Moreover, the Security Council should integrate the human rights dimensions of the conflict in Yemen more fully into its agenda and ensure there is no impunity for the most serious crimes by, inter alia, referring the situation in Yemen to the International Criminal Court, and expanding the list of persons subject to Security Council sanctions under its resolution 2140 (2014).

We invite the Office of the High Commissioner to release reports on the human rights situation in Yemen through its country office and to support all initiatives towards accountability for victims.

We thank the Netherlands and the members of the Core Group, who called for the establishment of the Group of Eminent Experts and have supported it tirelessly over the years and all member states that voted in favour of the successive resolutions.

(* A P)

‘A major setback’: UN ends Yemen war crimes probe

Rights groups criticise the move with Dutch ambassador Peter Bekker saying the Council ‘has failed the people of Yemen’.

Catherine Shakdam, former Security Council consultant on Yemen, told Al Jazeera that the vote was not a surprise.

However, she added, “A lot of people will be disappointed because it is a failure on the part of the UN, but from a political perspective … finding a real solution to the ongoing crisis in Yemen, pointing fingers may not be the right way to reaching a peaceful resolution to the conflict.”

This is the first time the United Nations’ top rights body has ever rejected a draft resolution since its foundation in 2006, a spokesman for the council told AFP.

The draft resolution seeking to extend the GEE’s mandate for a further two years was brought forward by several European nations and Canada.

Some 21 countries voted against the draft resolution, 18 voted in favour, seven abstained and Ukraine did not register a vote at all.

Those voting in favour included Argentina, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and South Korea.

The countries voting against included Bangladesh, China, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Libya, Pakistan, the Philippines and Russia.

Japan was among the abstentions.

The Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) said the vote amounted to “a blatant attempt by Saudi and its allies to ensure blanket impunity for themselves after having been linked to war crimes and other grave violations of international law in the country”.

Rights activists said this week that Saudi Arabia lobbied heavily against the Western resolution

The kingdom is not a voting member of the UN Human Rights Council and its delegation did not respond to Reuters’ requests for comment.

Jeremie Smith, director of the CIHRS Geneva office, said: “Today’s vote represents a grave failure – one that will inevitably lead to more violence and suffering in Yemen.

“States who voted against the renewal or abstained have chosen to appease Saudi Arabia instead of protecting the lives of millions.”

Dutch ambassador Peter Bekker said the vote was a major setback. “I cannot help but feel that this Council has failed the people of Yemen,” he told delegates.

“With this vote, the Council has effectively ended its reporting mandate, it has cut this lifeline of the Yemeni people to the international community.”


(A P)

Yemen [Sanaa gov.] condemns UN termination of expert team investigating Saudi war crimes

The Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Saturday that the failure to extend the mandate of the United Nations Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts on Yemen is “a step towards undermining efforts to establish peace in Yemen.”

The ministry affirmed in a statement that “the treasury of the coalition countries removed Saudi Arabia from the list of shameful violators of children’s rights and ended the work of the UN team of eminent international and regional experts on Yemen.”

The statement expressed the National Salvation Government’s appreciation for the positions of the countries that voted in favour of the draft resolution meant to extend the mandate of the group of experts, which is the only international mechanism that actually investigates human rights violations and crimes committed by the aggression coalition in Yemen for the past six years.

It pointed out that “Saudi Arabia has been seeking, since the beginning of the war on Yemen, to prevent the formation of any independent international investigation mechanism to investigate its crimes committed in Yemen, using all means to achieve this.”


(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Deputy FM: UN Only Understands Language of Money, Not Law

The deputy foreign minister in Yemen’s National Salvation Government lambasted the recent decision by the UN Human Rights Council to ditch its group of experts investigating abuses and Saudi war crimes in Yemen, stating that the world body only understands the language of money, and has no respect whatsoever for law and regulations.

“The United Nations has shown its resolutions are based on the amount of financial aids it receives, and regulations have no place in its decision-making,” Hussein Al-Azi said on Saturday, lamenting the measure as "unfortunate", presstv reported.


(* A P)

Aid agencies: An end to independent monitoring of the conflict in Yemen puts millions of lives at additional risk

The recent vote by members of the Human Rights Council to reject renewal of the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen (GEE), the only international, independent and impartial mechanism to monitor violations by all parties to the conflict, puts millions of already vulnerable lives at further risk.

This is the first time the Human Rights Council has rejected a draft resolution since its establishment in 2006.

The rejection of the renewal of the mandate while violations of international law continue in the country sends the message that those violating the rights of the Yemeni people can act with impunity with no one to hold them accountable. It has also severed the only pathway to international justice for victims of the conflict.

Accountability requires impartial documentation of violations by all parties to a conflict and the GEE’s continued mandate was essential to show the people of Yemen that the world is watching and will work to support the victims of the conflict.

Stopping the GEE will not make the violations disappear, nor will it end the humanitarian needs in the country, but it is an abandonment of the people of Yemen in their time of need. Now more than ever, it is vital to ensure that all parties to the conflict respect International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law, including the protection of civilians and civilian properties, and infrastructure including houses, hospitals, schools, water networks and farmlands in which the GEE played a critical monitoring = =


(* A P)

NGOs slam UN move to dump Yemen abuses probe as 'grave failure'

In a statement by Human Rights Watch, the global organisation also slammed the move as a failure.

“The failure to renew the UN’s Yemen investigation is a stain on the Human Rights Council’s record. By voting against this much-needed mandate, many countries have turned their back on victims, bowed to pressure from the Saudi-led coalition, and put politics before principle," John Fisher, Geneva director at Human Rights Watch said.

"As the Yemen crisis continues unabated, countries need to redouble their efforts to scrutinise the conduct of all parties including by supporting accountability through the use of universal jurisdiction,” he added.

and also


(A P)

Yemen [Sanaa gov.] regrets HRC’s abandonment for its humanitarian activities

Yemen’s Ministry of Human Rights expressed on Tuesday its regret over the Human Rights Council (HRC)’s abandonment of its humanitarian duties towards the Yemeni people.

The ministry said, in a statement, it followed carefully the course of the meeting of the Human Rights Council in its 48th session, which completely neglected the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the coalition of aggression in Yemen.

The statement stressed that the council did not move seriously towards forming an independent international committee to investigate into all violations and crimes have been committed against the Yemeni people since March 2015.

It pointed out that many of the reports issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and its bodies working in the field of monitoring and documenting human rights crimes have ignored a lot of crimes and violations committed against the Yemeni people.

(A P)


Save the Children is deeply shocked and saddened by the vote at the UN Human Rights Council on 7 October, which has rejected the renewal of the only independent accountability mechanism in Yemen, the Group of Eminent Experts (GEE).

This is the first time the Human Rights Council has rejected a draft resolution since its creation in 2006. The GEE is the only international, independent, and impartial mechanism in Yemen working to monitor and combat violations by all parties to the conflict and provide visibility and deterrence for such violations.

“This is a devastating blow for the people of Yemen, including the millions of vulnerable children who depended on the mechanism for future accountability and justice,” said Xavier Joubert, Save the Children Yemen Country Director.

“This effectively means that perpetrators of such violations have just been given the green light to continue committing grave violations with complete impunity and little scrutiny from the international community, further undermining the prospects for peace and stability in the country.”

while pro-Saudi media report as if this would be positive:

and by Kristine Beckerle:

(* A P)

Today, the UN body tasked w/ "promoting + protecting human rights" failed. The UNHRC decided to delete the only int'l investigation into #Yemen abuses while the war(s) continue + justice is absent b/c... those implicated would rather not. A thread on the history of #UNGEE

The threat of high-level, int'l scrutiny and criticism by UN body was a useful pressure point, including, believe it or not, for some in GoY trying to influence Coalition thinking about what should and should not happen on Yemen justice front. Ex: In 2018, right before HRC set to discuss Yemen, GoY + Coalition announced creation of body to provide "voluntary aid" to victims of airstrikes. Upcoming HRC discussions impacted announcement. In Geneva, Coalition mentioned payments in arguments of why GEE shld not be renewed. The push+pull matters.

Most clearly, the UNGEE made it harder -- sometimes a lot, sometimes just a little bit -- for those with power and those with the ability to influence them to ignore the horrific human suffering that the war and those fighting it were, are causing in #Yemen.

Today, those responsible for horrific abuses during war succeeded in convincing states on the UN body tasked with protecting human rights to erase the only existing int'l investigation into rights abuses as things get worse. That reverberates in #Yemen, and beyond it.

Saudis are not just shielding themselves from scrutiny. We can debate how much impact UNGEE reports had on Houthis, but there are very, very few pathways for credible rights-related pressure on Ansar Allah. Not sure how erasing one helps anyone, now.

and by Peter Salisbury:

As has been the case throughout the conflict in #Yemen, the desire of powerful states for individual impunity has been stronger than the call for collective accountability.

If the plan was to signal to all parties to this conflict that they won't be held to account then job done

and by Mwatana:

(A P)

By voting against the renewal of the Group of Eminent Experts #GEE today, UN member states at #HRC48 have given a green light to warring parties to continue their campaign of death and destruction in #Yemen


(A P)

Germany 'deeply regrets' UN vote to end Yemen war crimes probe

Berlin to continue to closely monitor human rights situation in Yemen, says Foreign Ministry spokesman

and how Saudi vassal Bahrain tells it:

(A P)

Bahrain-led UN Human Rights Council’s vote ends GEE mandate in Yemen

The Kingdom of Bahrain, Russia and other members of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) have voted for ending the UNHRC’s probe into war crimes in Yemen.

In a vote called by Bahrain, the 47-member council rejected a resolution led by the Netherlands to extend the mandate of the independent investigators for two years, which is the first time in the council's 15-year history that a resolution was defeated.

During the debate, the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain to United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva, Ambassador Dr. Yusuf AbdulKarim Bucheeri, said that Bahrain, the countries of the Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen, in addition to the country concerned with draft-resolution, A/HRC/48/L.1, were essential parties in establishing the UN Group of Eminent International and Regional Experts (GEE) on Yemen, based on the consensual resolution issued by the Human Rights Council in September 2017.

He asserted that based on the resolution, the coalition countries had cooperated fully and transparently with the group of eminent experts, but unfortunately, the GEE misused its mandate and overlooked the provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution 2216, describing the Houthi militia leader as the “Leader of the Revolution”, on the one hand, and calling the militias as the “de facto” authorities, on the other, which completely contradicts the Security Council’s resolutions, as it legitimises the coup in Yemen.

He added that the investigating team’s reports had contributed significantly to deepening the gap between the Yemeni parties, and impeding the return of the legitimate government, by confusing international public opinion regarding the Yemeni crisis, and considering that the crisis had begun with the intervention of the coalition to save the legitimate government.

and also

and by UAE:

(A P)

UN is right to shut down the Yemen war crimes panel

The decision of the UN Human Rights Council to end the mandate of its Yemen panel on Thursday brought to mind the quip that, despite its official name, the group was neither expert nor eminent. The four-year track record of the UNHRC’s "Group of Eminent Experts" has been controversial from the outset and over time, its series of reports having only served to stoke increasing levels of frustration.

Yemen’s representative in the debate told the meeting at Geneva on Thursday, it is not that the country does not want accusations into human rights excesses exposed and properly investigated. The issue for the government was that the group, as currently composed, was not acceptable. “We do not accept that a group of experts that has shown itself to be biased and unprofessional be the body carrying out that task," the submission said. "A group of countries is insisting on the draft resolution despite their lack of rigour and the poor quality of the report.”

The Yemeni position was that a move to renew it would undermine the credibility of the UNHRC and create divisions – not resolve them. “We therefore reject the draft resolution."

My remark: More at cp15: Propaganda.

(A P)

International and western pro-Houthi propaganda exposed

Words and phrases from American think-tank Jamestown Foundation's article "Yemen’s Houthis Close in on Marib"

"The fall of Marib city will also further de-legitimize the IRG, both domestically and internationally."

My comment: Yes, you are right. In a world ruled by the anti-Christ, the Shia terrorist network will become legitimate if they capture Marib. Because they have been conducting the global power's holy war mission of killing Sunnis. Lord willing, your wish will be disappointed.

(A P)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] Complains to UNSC about Houthi Crimes in Marib

Against a backdrop of raging Houthi military escalation, the internationally recognized Yemeni government filed a complaint at the UN Security Council about Houthi crimes against civilians in the northern governorate of Marib.

My comment: This makes little sense as the Hadi vassal government had agitated against the Human Rights Council UN panel.

(* A P)

Yemen: Saudi Arabia forces an end to mandate of only international mechanism to investigate HR abuses

Responding to today’s vote at the Human Right Council, where not enough states voted to extend the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen, following pressure by Saudi Arabia and other coalition partners, Heba Morayef, Middle East and North Africa Regional Director at Amnesty International, said:

“This vote is an abandonment of the people of Yemen who are today suffering under one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, other coalition members brazenly devoted their energy to defeating the sole international investigative mechanism on Yemen. Countries that voted against or abstained should be ashamed for having abandoned the Yemeni people in their time of need.

“This vote is in essence a greenlight to all sides to the conflict to carry on with their egregious violations which have upended the lives of millions of Yemenis over the past years. Stopping the GEE will not make the violations disappear. Nor will it end the urgent humanitarian needs of Yemeni civilians, the work of brave human rights defenders and organizations in Yemen, nor our work to support them. We are determined to redouble our efforts to secure justice and reparation for victims of violations in Yemen, including sustaining the GEE’s key recommendations on pathways to accountability. States and UN bodies must do so as well.”

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Prominent Lawyer & activist Musa AlQarni who has been #Saudi Clan prisons since 2007 has died due to torture & lack of medical care. He was 67. This is another #Saudi Clan crime against #Arabia people & their intellectual elites

(A P)

#Saudi Clan govt sentences Daifallah AlHuwaiti who refused the razing of his village near @NEOM to 9 years in prison

(A P)

Saudi court upholds 20-year term for critic, draws US rebuke

A court in Saudi Arabia has upheld a 20-year prison term imposed on a Saudi aid worker who had criticized the government on Twitter

A court in Saudi Arabia upheld a 20-year prison term imposed on a Saudi aid worker who had criticized the government on Twitter, drawing a rare public rebuke from the U.S. in another sign of tension between the Biden administration and the kingdom.

The ruling, confirmed late Wednesday, also upheld a 20-year travel ban on Abdulrahman al-Sadhan after his release.

The case against him may have roots in an elaborate ploy that began in Silicon Valley and sparked a federal case against two Twitter employees accused of spying for Saudi Arabia. The men allegedly accessed the user data of over 6,000 Twitter accounts, including nearly three dozen usernames the kingdom had wanted disclosed.

(A K P)

Films: In a demonstration of its long reach flying directly from King Abdulaziz AB in Dhahran, #RSAF F-15SA Advanced Eagles join the #Saudi- #Pakistani Naval Forces live fire exercise in the #ArabianSea and launch AGM-84 anti-ship missiles

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9a

(B P)

White Tiger and Cheetah Furs: A Mess of Trump Gift Exchanges

The Saudi royal family on their first foreign trip as president, Donald J. Trump and his entourage were showered with dozens of gifts, including three robes made of white tiger and cheetah fur and a dagger with a handle that appeared to be ivory.

After that the one who was younger went right.

A White House attorney determined that the possession of furs and daggers likely violated the Endangered Species Act, but the Trump administration held on to them and failed to reveal them as gifts received from a foreign government.

On the last full day of Mr Trump’s presidency, the White House handed them over to the General Services Administration – the wrong agency – instead of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which this summer confiscated the gifts.

A surprise happened at that time.

The furs of a billion-dollar oil-rich family were fake.

“Wildlife inspectors and special agents determined that the lining of the garments was dyed to mimic the patterns of the tiger and cheetah and included protected species,” said Tyler Cherry, a spokesman for the Interior Department overseeing the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Wasn’t.”

Saudi Embassy officials in Washington declined to comment.

Fars’ story is an example of how gift exchanges between the United States and foreign leaders — a highly regulated process intended to protect the administration from questions of unfairness — have sometimes become dangerous during the Trump administration. Developed in huts. =

(A P)

Excellent meeting today of EU ambassadors in Amman with #USEnvoyYemen Timothy Lenderking @StateDept_NEA discussing support to the UN-led peace process in #Yemen, the humanitarian situation, human rights issues and the FSO Safer.

My comment: The best fake peace broker ever: Only meeting with allies and thus producing only “excellent meetings”.

(A P)

US State Dep.: We condemn the outrageous attack by Houthi forces on King Abdullah Airport in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Our thoughts are with the 10 wounded civilians, who were doing no more than seeking to travel or make a living.

My comment: The US is a warring party in Yemen!

(A P)

U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Lenderking’s Travel to Jordan, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Oman

U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking arrived in Jordan today. He will then travel on to the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. Special Envoy Lenderking will meet with the Republic of Yemen Government, Yemeni civil society representatives, regional senior government and UN officials, and other international partners. His efforts remain focused on bringing immediate relief to the people of Yemen and advancing an inclusive, UN-led peace process. The Special Envoy will continue to advocate for a durable solution to the fuel crisis, including an end to restrictions on fuel imports and to Houthi price manipulation and stockpiling. During his meetings with international partners, Special Envoy Lenderking will address the consequences of the continued Houthi offensive in Marib, which is exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, killing civilians, and defying the international consensus on the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

My comment: This statement again shows that the US is a wariing party in Yemen and does not fit as peace broker at all. US Yemen policy is a scam.

(A P)

Arab America Foundation Announces 30 Under 30 Awardees--Class of 2021

The Arab America Foundation announced today the awardees of their 30 Under 30 initiative–Class of 2021. Oustanding thirty Arab Americans were announced from a diverse group. A panel of seven judges from throughout the country reviewed the applicants.

Ayyad Algabyali is a first-generation Yemeni American raised in New York City.

Assma Ali is a child of Yemeni Immigrants.

Najat Nahshal

Summer Nasser, born in the Bronx borough and raised in New York City, is a speaker and analyst on Yemeni affairs and is the Chief Executive Officer of Yemen Aid

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp9

(B P)

Tehran-Riyadh Detente Could Mark the End for Israel's anti-Iran Coalition

If the talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia would end in reconciliation, the rest of the Arab world could swiftly follow suit. The Middle East would look like a very different place – and so would Israel's place within it

If the negotiations between the House of Saud and the Islamic Republic of Iran do result in an agreement and normalization, this will be the final chapter of the anti-Iranian coalition. Israel relied heavily on this coalition, of which it considered itself an unofficial member, to the point where the common denominator between Israel and Saudi Arabia led to hope of a renewal of Saudi ties with Israel.

Saudi-Iran ties might remove the obstacles to a direct channel between all Arab states and Iran.

My comment: Crazy. Israel’s horror is reconciliation in the Middle East. Israel relies on divisions, strife and internal wars?

(* B P)

Saudi Push to End Yemen War Hinges on Restoring Ties with Iran

Iran has asked Saudi Arabia to reopen consulates and re-establish diplomatic ties as a prelude to ending the war in Yemen, with timing emerging as the key sticking point in Iraqi-brokered talks between the regional rivals, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions. While world powers push for negotiations to resurrect the Iran nuclear deal, the Islamic Republic has quietly held four rounds of discussions aimed at easing years of tension with Saudi Arabia. The focus has been on Yemen, where the two countries back opposing sides.

Saudi Arabia … wants a deal on Yemen as an initial step toward rebuilding diplomatic ties, which were severed in 2016, but Iran has insisted that normalization come first, said one of the people, and two others briefed on the talks, asking not to be named because details are private. Iran has suggested reopening the consulates in the Iranian and Saudi cities of Mashhad and Jeddah respectively as a sign of good will, two of the people said. The talks have progressed overall but tend to stumble when it comes to details, one of the people said.

Saudi Arabia’s proposals to halt the fighting have been met with scant interest from the Houthis, who diplomats say see little reason to back down after successfully taking over swathes of Yemen, including the capital Sanaa. As the U.S. retreats from the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, a key ally for decades, has sought to improve relations with Iran’s Arab allies and reduce regional tensions to shore up its own security.

Nuclear talks that began in Vienna between world powers and Iran have stalled since the election of hardline cleric Ebrahim Raisi as president in June. He has made more positive comments about his country’s outreach with Saudi Arabia, however, saying he was keen for embassies to reopen. Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said Oct. 8 that several agreements had been reached during the ongoing discussions but didn’t give details. Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud said earlier this month the talks were still at an “exploratory stage,” though his country hoped the dialog would “resolve the issues stuck between the two countries.” =

(* B P)

The Benefits of Butting Out

As the U.S. disengages, Iran and Saudi Arabia start talking.

Iran and Saudi Arabia—the bitterest rivals in the Middle East, which have supported and armed opposite sides in several of the region’s proxy wars—have held four rounds of diplomatic talks in recent months, and officials say the talks are on “a good path” and have gone a “good distance” toward calming tensions.

One lesson of this development: In certain parts of the world, America’s disengagement from political and military clashes may be a positive force for peace and stability.

This runs contrary to the conventional wisdom, which holds that a U.S. presence is necessary to keep unstable regions together and that a U.S. withdrawal would leave a “power vacuum,” which will only heighten tensions and lead to war.

Alkadiri agrees that much of the emergence of the talks is related to the scaling-back of America’s role in the Middle East. Members of the Saudi royal family could once count on Washington to bail them out of any crisis, back them up in any mess they created or fell into. But as U.S. dependence on oil ended, and as attention pivoted to the opportunities and challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, this reflexive support for Riyadh’s side in any clash has diminished considerably.

The upside to all this is that these countries—Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, as well as Saudi Arabia—will have to reassess the regional landscape and take more responsibility for their own security. And that may be for the good.

Says Alkadiri, “The U.S. has a habit of seeing itself as indispensable to regional stability around the world, when in fact its intervention can be very destabilizing, because it becomes part of the local equation rather than sitting above it.”

The Iran-Saudi talks show us a potentially brighter side of this picture. It could be that America’s unqualified assurances of unabashed support kept the Saudis in an infantilized state. Their realization of a new situation—that they can’t count on an outside power rescuing them from the next calamity—might turn them into a more responsible regional power.

America can no longer be the world’s policeman; this nearly all analysts accept, even those of a somewhat hawkish bent. But our politicians still tend to act as if we can be—and are. The fact is, as may turn out to be the case in the world’s most sweat-soaked hot spot, it’s sometimes best to back off.

(* B P)

Audio: Bad Friends: America’s Middle East Allies

President Joe Biden claimed he would defend human rights around the world, but his track record paints a different picture, especially in the Middle East. Quincy Institute senior fellow Annelle Sheline discusses how U.S. policies in the region have protected oppressive leaders while undermining American interests, with Annelle Sheline


(* A P)

Saudi and Iran signal warming ties but 'real steps' needed

Regional arch-rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran are showing signs of warming relations, but experts say more work is needed to ease tensions after a five-year rift.

Sunni kingpin Saudi Arabia and Shiite-majority Iran cut ties in 2016 after protesters attacked Saudi diplomatic missions in the Islamic republic following the kingdom's execution of a revered Shiite cleric.

In recent weeks, officials from both countries, on opposing sides in multiple Middle East conflicts, have spoken positively about breakthrough talks held in Baghdad since April.

A foreign diplomat residing in the kingdom who is privy to the negotiations said that the two sides "were on the verge of agreeing... to ease tensions between them and the (diplomatic) proxy war in the region" during the last round of talks.

Saudi media have toned down their rhetoric towards Tehran, with the state-run Al-Ekhbariya television last week reporting "direct and honest" discussions that would "achieve stability in the region".

Saudi government adviser Ali Shihabi said that while the atmosphere was positive, Tehran would have to take "substantive" action, particularly on Yemen, before Riyadh would agree to measures like the reopening of embassies.

"Iran needs to take real steps, not just (engage) in nice talk," Shihabi told AFP.

According to Iranian journalist Maziar Khosravi, Riyadh and Tehran will likely never see eye to eye, but the two have "reached an impasse in their regional rivalry".

"Both sides realise they have no choice but to reach a compromise," he said. =

(A P)

Iran Says Talks With Saudi Arabia On 'More Serious Path', Yemen Included

Iran's foreign ministry spokesman said Monday that talks with Saudi Arabia are now on a "more serious path", including discussion on resolving Yemen's conflict.

Saeed Khatibzadeh who was speaking at his weekly press conference said contacts have continued "uninterruptedly" between the two sides and messages have kept flowing. "The biggest focus has been on bilateral and regional issues, particularly the Persian Gulf region," he said adding that the issue of "Yemen has been part of the talks between the two sides". Efforts were being made to improve peace and stability in the Persian Gulf through better relations between Tehran and Riyadh, he said.

(A P)

Iran makes more 20% enriched uranium than watchdog reported

Iran has produced more than 120 kilograms (265 pounds) of 20% enriched uranium, the country’s nuclear chief said, far more than what the U.N. nuclear watchdog reported last month.

Mohammad Eslami said in an interview with state TV late Saturday that under the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, the other signatories were to provide Iran with 20% enriched uranium needed for its research reactor.

“But it was not delivered,” he said. “If we did not produce it by ourselves this would have turned into one of our problems.”

(A P)

Iran's foreign minister says we were not first to cut ties with Saudi

Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Friday that Saudi Arabian authorities had moved first in cutting ties between the two countries.

(A K P)

State TV says Iranian speedboats intercepted US Navy vessel

Iran’s state TV reported Thursday that speedboats belonging to the country’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard have intercepted a U.S. vessel in the Persian Gulf. A U.S. Navy spokesman said he was not aware of any such encounter at sea over the past days.

Thursday’s Iranian report aired footage that the TV said was filmed from one of the Guard speedboats. It shows a vessel with the U.S. flag and several personnel on board as the speedboat appears to be chasing it.

A voice is heard in Farsi, saying: “Keep chasing them.” The report did not say when the encounter took place.

Cmdr. Timothy Hawkins, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based 5th Fleet, said he wasn’t aware of any sort of unsafe interaction with Iran in the last two days.

The report is the first such report in recent months.

(A P)

Iran-Saudi talks have gone a 'good distance' - Iran's foreign minister

Talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia have gone a "good distance", Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian told a news conference in Beirut on Thursday, referring to efforts to improve ties.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan confirmed on Sunday that his government had held its first round of direct talks with Iran's new government last month, part of a process begun earlier this year to reduce tensions. =

and also

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* A K P)

British troops deployed on streets of Ghayl Bawazir town in Hadhramaut

British troops have been deployed in the streets of a city in Hadhramaut province in southeastern Yemen, Yemen News Portal reported on Tuesday.

Armoured vehicles were seen deployed to British soldiers and police dogs on the streets of the town of Ghayl Bawazir .

A car search was carried out with police dogs in the city.

According to the sources, the deployment of marines comes to secure the visit of a WHO delegation to the city.

Activists on Social media circulated pictures of the troops, amid conflicting information about their identity or who they were following.


(B P)

Four ex-ministers are named in memo secretly backing a UAE police chief for top job at Interpol despite him being sued by a British academic for 'torture'

Four senior British political figures were named in a secret plot, documents show

Bid was to help Major General Ahmed Naser Al Raisi become head of Interpol

He is an ally of UAE's prime minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Sir Michael Fallon, Alistair Burt and ex-MP Sir Richard Ottoway were identified

Former Labour Cabinet minister Baroness Ashton was also named, it emerged

(* B P)

Der Kuss des Kronprinzen

Ein saudi-arabischer Staatsfonds kauft den abgehängten Traditionsclub Newcastle United und hofft auf große Zeiten. Den Fans scheint egal, wer da sein Image waschen will

Die Premier League hatte lange gezögert, den Deal einzugehen, weil sie glaubte, Saudi-Arabien selbst würde den Club kontrollieren. Diese Bedenken seien nun ausgeräumt, hieß es, weil der staatliche Investmentfonds ja nicht der Staat selbst ist – obwohl ihm der Staatschef vorsitzt. Das Problem mit Saudi-Arabien waren übrigens nicht Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Moralische oder politische Prinzipien spielen bei der Begutachtung keine Rolle. Der Liga ging es ums Geld. In Saudi-Arabien nämlich hatte sich ein Piratensender etabliert, der Spiele der Premier League zeigt, ohne dafür zu zahlen. Damit sollte der TV-Kanal BeIn Sports aus dem verfeindeten Nachbarland Katar getroffen werden. Saudi-Arabien aber hat nun zugestimmt, beIN Sports zuzulassen, und die Piratensender stellten das Senden ein.

Dennoch ist das Investment im Fußball ein anderes. Dort geht es nicht darum, Geld zu verdienen. Das ist im Fußball gar nicht so einfach. Staaten wie Katar, Abu Dhabi und nun auch Saudi-Arabien sehen Sport vor allem als Vehikel, ihr Image zu verbessern. Dafür gibt es kaum ein besseres Instrument als Fußball, das globale Spiel mit seinen Stars und Emotionen. Amnesty International nennt dieses Phänomen sportswashing.

Und zu waschen gibt es viel: den Krieg im Jemen, die Verfolgung von Gegnern, Hinrichtungen, körperliche Strafen wie Stockhiebe (unter anderem gegen den Blogger Raif Badawi), Folter, die Diskriminierung von Frauen, die Inhaftierung von Frauenrechtlerinnen.

(A K P)

Astonishing HR shots, by Eric West, of the Royal #Saudi Air Force 19th Sqn R-3 aircraft at #RAF Waddington

My comment: WTH thery are doing there?

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B H P)

4.300 Migranten über die Belarus-Route seit August

Auf der Fluchtroute über Belarus und Polen sind seit August bereits mehr als 4.300 Menschen unerlaubt nach Deutschland eingereist.

Diese stammten vorrangig aus dem Irak sowie aus Syrien, Jemen und dem Iran, teilte die Bundespolizei der Deutschen Presse-Agentur mit. Vor allem in Brandenburg füllten sich die Asylzentren, hieß es weiter.

und auch

(B H P)

Kommunen müssen 2250 Flüchtlinge zusätzlich unterbringen

Die Landkreise und kreisfreien Städte in Brandenburg müssen in diesem Jahr rund 2250 mehr Flüchtlinge aufnehmen als bislang geplant.

Nach Angaben der Bundespolizeidirektion Berlin-Brandenburg vom Montag wurden seit Jahresbeginn bis Sonntagabend mehr als 2600 unerlaubt eingereiste Personen festgestellt, davon 810 in der Woche vom 4. bis 10. Oktober. Die Menschen stammten vorrangig aus dem Irak sowie aus Syrien, Iran und Jemen. Sie kommen den Angaben zufolge von Belarus über Litauen und Polen.

(B H P)

Hauptsache über die Oder: Die neue Fluchtroute aus Nahost endet in Brandenburg

Weitgehend unbeachtet von der Öffentlichkeit ist eine neue Fluchtroute aus Syrien, dem Irak oder dem Jemen nach Deutschland entstanden. Täglich überqueren Hunderte die Grenze (gebührenpflichtig)

(A H P)

Auf Streife gegen illegale Einwanderer

An einigen Tagen werden rund um den Grenzübergang Świecko-Słubice stündlich Menschen festgenommen. Sie stammen aus dem Irak, aus Syrien, Iran und dem Jemen.

(A H P)

Ein Schleuser festgenommen und insgesamt 36 Geschleuste festgestellt: Bundespolizei Ludwigsdorf

Am Mittwoch, den 06. Oktober 2021, wurden 36 geschleuste Personen in Gewahrsam und ein Schleuser festgenommen. Im Raum Görlitz stellten Beamte der Bundespolizei insgesamt elf Männer aus dem Jemen, zwei Syrer, einen Palästinenser und einen Libyer fest, die nicht im Besitz gültiger Aufenthaltstitel oder Visa waren.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(* B P)

Russlands Rolle im Jemen: ein begehrlicher Blick aufs Rote Meer

Warum sich Russland in letzter Zeit verstärkt im Jemen engagiert und ein Plan aus Zeiten der Sowjetunion neue Aktualität gewinnt.

In letzter Zeit mehren sich die Spekulationen über eine stärkere Rolle Russlands im Jemen. Die international anerkannte Regierung hofft, dass Moskau Druck auf die Huthis ausüben könnte, um den Friedensprozess voranzutreiben.

Diese Entwicklungen werfen jedoch erst einmal mehr Fragen auf, als dass sie Antworten liefern: Wie sieht die derzeitige Rolle Russlands im Jemen aus? Strebt Moskau eine bedeutendere Rolle in diesem Land an, so wie es dies in mehreren Regionen des Nahen Ostens – z. B. in Syrien und Libyen – tut, insbesondere angesichts der strategischen Lage des Jemen, der an einer wichtigen Schifffahrtsroute liegt?

Seit Beginn der Krise im Jemen im Jahr 2014 hat Russland versucht, Äquidistanz zu den verschiedenen Parteien zu wahren, unterhält jedoch enge Beziehungen zu Teheran, dem wichtigsten Unterstützer der Huthi-Organisation, die Sanaa kontrolliert.

Derzeit unterhält Russland gute Beziehungen zu allen Parteien im Jemen: so hat es sowohl offene Kontakte zur anerkannten Regierung und der sie unterstützenden Koalition unter Führung von Saudi-Arabien, sowie zu den Huthi-Milizen und deren Unterstützern in Teheran.

Der britische Independent berichtete kürzlich in seiner arabischen Ausgabe von einer neuen Rolle Moskaus, das versuche, Teheran stärker dazu zu bewegen, seine Huthi-Verbündeten zum Einlenken gegenüber internationalen Friedensforderungen zu bewegen.

Mit anderen Worten, die russische Politik im Jemen unterscheidet sich von ihrer Rolle in Syrien, da Moskau eine Distanz zu den verschiedenen Parteien wahrt, die es ihm ermöglichen soll, eine wichtige Rolle bei der künftigen Beilegung des Konflikts zu spielen.

Schließlich hat Russland ein wachsendes Interesse am Jemen, da es einen Militärstützpunkt am Roten Meer besitzen möchte.

(A P)

Egypt willing to offer all support for Yemen, says minister

Planning Minister Hala el Saeid said Tuesday that Egypt is willing to offer all kind of support for Yemen.
Saeid, in a meeting with her visiting Yemeni counterpart Waed Bazeeb, hailed as “deep” and “strategic” relations between the two Arab countries.
The meeting focused on means of boosting bilateral cooperation in development and training Yemeni cadres.

and also

(A P)

Following Houthi attack on Saudi airport, Russia calls for refraining from escalation

Moscow calls on all parties to the Yemeni conflict to refrain from armed confrontation, the Russian foreign ministry said on Monday.

(A P)

Yemen award upheld despite terrorism claims

A French court has upheld a US$30 million ICC award in favour of Yemen despite arguments the proceeds could be used to fund terrorist groups including Al-Qaeda and thereby violate human rights and international sanctions.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(B K pS)

Houthis get weapons from everywhere, a fact UN reports ignore

An unmanned aerial vehicle that appeared at a weapons exhibition held earlier this year by the rebels ruling much of Yemen bears a striking resemblance to the kamikaze drone believed to have been used later in a deadly attack against an oil tanker off the coast of Oman, experts attributed to Newsweek last week.

Meanwhile, Yemen military sources announced on Sunday that the country's army had downed an Israeli UAV, a quadcopter, in Aljadafer front between the northern provinces of Marib and Aljawf.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A E)

Mideast in Pictures: A tour of Yemen's coffee fair

A coffee fair was held on Wednesday in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa to promote the world famous Yemeni coffee.

(A E P)

CBY resumes financing import of basic commodities

The Central Bank of Yemen said on Thursday it was resuming procedures for financing the import of basic commodities.

The move comes within efforts to address a deepening economic crisis and record depreciation of the national currency.

The rial is now trading at more than 1,200 per US dollar in regions controlled by theinternationally recognised government, down from 250 before the war broke out in late 2014.

(* B E)

Yemen's Economic Update - October 2021

With the conflict continuing in 2021, the value of the Yemeni riyal continues to depreciate to new historic lows, driving large increases in food prices and pushing more people into extreme poverty. Socioeconomic conditions are deteriorating rapidly, further affected by declining remittances, trade disruptions, severe fuel supply shortages, and the disruption and declining humanitarian operations. Intensifying violence and the fragmentation of macroeconomic policies add further strains on the fragile economic conditions. An unprecedented humanitarian crisis persists, further aggravated by COVID-19, leaving many Yemenis dependent on relief and remittances.

Recent Developments

Preliminary estimates suggest that the economy had shrunk by 8.5% in 2020. Non-oil economic activity was affected by the COVID-19-induced slowdown in trade, dual taxation systems in the north and south, scarcity of inputs, and commodity price hikes. The negative impact of recent tightening of immigration to Saudi Arabia and the Saudization polices is not clear yet on Yemeni overseas workers and their associated remittances, although trends in workers remittance inflows since 2020 were already affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Shortages in foreign exchange have further intensified in 2021, due to the slow recovery in oil production and export capacity and the declining humanitarian funding and operations.


Economic prospects in 2021 and beyond will critically depend on rapid improvements in the political and security situation, and ultimately whether a cessation of hostilities and eventual political reconciliation will allow for rebuilding the economy and Yemen’s social fabric. =

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(B T)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni intelligence service reveals information on al-Qaeda operations in Saudi-occupied Ma'rib city

The Security and Intelligence Service in Sana’a had revealed information about the so-called emir of al-Qaeda in the al-Jouba district of Ma’rib province.

In a statement, the Service affirmed that al-Qaeda leader Munasir Mabkhout Hadi Saleh al-Faqir al-Muradi, who lives in al-Khathla village in al-Juba district, is one of the most important leaders of the organisation in Ma’rib, and an expert in manufacturing improvised explosive devices of all kinds for al-Qaeda.

The statement stated that Munasir al-Faqir’s house is one of the most important shelters for important leaders of al-Qaeda, including Khaled Batarfi, the Emir of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

The statement revealed there is an integrated laboratory inside the house of Munasir al-Faqir that is used for the manufacture of explosive devices, and on which a team of specialised experts, including Hassan al-Hadrami, Ahmed Zaki, Najm al-Din al-Tazi, Murad al-Athal and his brother Abdul Qawi al-Athal.

According to the statement, the residence is considered “one of the most important weapons stores for al-Qaeda.”

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

In Attacking Yemen War, Some Americans Call for Abandoning Allies

Those who oppose U.S. leadership in world affairs hope it will open the door for the advance of adversaries. Is that what Americans want?

Politico’s “National Security Daily” reported on October 6 that the Yemeni Alliance Committee and the Yemeni Liberation Movement had joined CODEPINK and Just Foreign Policy in calling for a more strict version of the pending National Security War Powers Act (NSPA). The legislation, which is sponsored by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Mike Lee(R-UT), would further limit presidential authority in regard to U.S. participation in foreign military operations.

Their second point gets to the real issue, keeping President Joe Biden or any future commander-in-chief from providing support for the Saudi Arabian-led Arab coalition that is opposing the takeover of Yemen by Iranian-backed Houthi insurgents. The activists say that while the NSPA requires the president to seek congressional authorization to enter a war zone if the United States plans to be “party” to a conflict, any administration can say they are not such a party as the activists claim the Biden administration is doing now—even though “U.S.-authorized contractors are helping to keep the Saudi air force in the skies.”

These four groups are not really concerned about whatever constitutional arguments are involved in the war powers debate, and they are certainly not wedded to “peace” in any abstract sense. They are opposed to American action in support of its national interests or that of its allies and are working to influence domestic political change to advance the causes of foreign interests, particularly those of Iran.

Yet, the position of the United States in the region is strong. With Israel and the Sunni Arabs aligned against Iran, there are coalitions of the willing looking to Washington for aid and support. They are willing to carry much of the burden of confronting common threats (including combat) in what is still a major theater in global great power competition.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia calls for global consensus to end political crisis in Yemen

Saudi Arabia underscored the importance of international consensus and implementation of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions to end the political crisis in Yemen.

(A P)

What Everyone Thinks They Know About the Yemen War is Wrong

Rather, as I argued in my March report for European Eye on Radicalization, the war is an extension of the Houthi jihad—what they call the “Quranic March”—unleashed under Iranian tutelage in 2004 to establish a theocratic, totalitarian Islamic State.

This ferocious jihad continued through 2010 and even through the Arab Spring protests in 2011, though this chronology is ignored by Houthi apologists in the U.S. government and the broader analytical community. Ansar Allah, as the Houthis are formally known, is quite explicit: its non-negotiable intention is to expand their Islamic State across the Arabian Peninsula in order to fight Israel and what they view as the U.S. puppet regimes of the Gulf, particularly Saudi Arabia. Their antisemitism is such an integral part of their ideology that they recently completed their ethnic cleansing campaign, begun around 2007, against Yemeni Jews.

The report lays out in detail how Iran and the Lebanese and Iraqi branches of its Revolution have cultivated the Houthi family and its associates since 1979 as a Yemeni version of Hezbollah and has overseen and guided every step of their evolution, from the ‘Believing Youth’ of the 1990s to the ‘Ansar Allah’ of today, both not coincidentally named after eponymous components of Lebanese Hezbollah.

Often misrepresented as a Zaydi Shia backlash to economic neglect and threats to their religious practice and identity, Ansar Allah is and always has been an unambiguous Iranian instrument, promulgating Khomeini’s pan-Islamic, transnational vision. The group has managed to replicate the brutal theocracy of their progenitors in Tehran by establishing a parallel Islamic regime on top of their direct capture of Yemeni state institutions.

(A P)

Al-Abdiya is not Hodeidah Seaport, activist says despising humanitarian organizations' silence

Yemeni activist Falah Abdulhammed has attacked the "so-called humanitarian organizations" for their silence on the Houthi besiege of government-held cities and districts including Al-Abdiya region in southern Marib.

In a Facebook post, Abdulhammed said, " Al-Abdiya is not Sana'a Airport or Hodeidah Seaport so that the so-called humanitarian organizations will keep crying to lift their blockade," he said.

(A P)

War in Yemen: Ending the GEE’s mandate a significant step

The vote also represents a victory for the Arab Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen, led by Saudi Arabia as it vindicates the coalition which has systematically and unfairly been accused by the group of alleged violation in Yemen, despite completing evidence that those alleged violations are mostly perpetrated by the Iran-backed Al Houthi militias that continue to wage war against the Yemeni people and the internationally-recognised government.

By ending the GEE group’s mandate, it is clear that most of the UN rights body’s members recognised the inconsistency and the often-biased nature of its reports. At numerous occasions, the group exceeded its mandate or proved politically motivated.

The coalition refuted all of the group’s allegations. At the same time, the group ignored the repeated and independently-verified war crimes perpetrated by Al Houthis against the Yemeni people, most recently the indiscriminate shelling of residential areas in the Marib province.

The group also tended to ignore the continuous the militia’s attacks by explosives-laden drones on civilian areas in southern Saudi Arabia, despite worldwide condemnation. The latest terror attack took place late on Friday, one day after the UN Human Rights Council’s vote.

(A P)

“Yemen Group of Experts” Exceeded Its Mandate and Wasted Millions of Dollars

The Yemeni academic and human rights activist, Salah Bin Laghbar, confirmed that the UN Human Rights Council’s refusal to extend the group of experts on Yemen constitutes a great victory for the Arab group in the council, explaining that for four years since the formation of the team, it has been playing a role outside its terms of reference or its mandate. , where he tried to act as a commission of inquiry, contrary to his mandate as a training and advisory body, and yet he neglected the violations and crimes committed by militias against human rights in Yemen.
Last Thursday, the Human Rights Council, by a large majority, rejected a European draft resolution to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts to investigate human rights violations in Yemen.
Bin Laghbar explained that the team was renewed without providing anything tangible, while it was receiving millions of dollars in expenses, despite the fact that the Yemeni government refused to give permits to this team to enter Yemen, meaning that its work over the past two years was illegal, and it worked from outside country.

Bin Laghbar indicated that the team was formed according to the tenth item of the Human Rights Council, and its tasks were to provide advice, training and assistance to Yemeni official authorities in monitoring and documenting human rights violations and tracking allegations of violations of complaints from all parties, and it was intended to work in accordance with the second item of the Human Rights Council. The human being is to serve as an investigative committee, and its tasks are to provide advice, training and assistance to the government in providing experts, hence the name “Group of Eminent Experts”.
The human rights activist stated that everyone who reads the reports of this team sees that it tried to become an “investigation committee” and began working according to certain assumptions, distributing accusations here and there, and this is outside its competence and the mandate granted to it, stressing that this created conflicts within the Human Rights Council and caused major differences. Unprecedented within the 47-nation council.

Ibn Laghbar noted that the refusal to extend the committee was a great victory for the Arab group in the Human Rights Council, in an unprecedented experience, as it had never happened before that the European group stood behind a decision and failed, and the reason for this is that this team was not fair and impartial, and tried to extend its mandate for many years To benefit from the budgets, and the methodology he used violates his authority derived from the Human Rights Council.
He stated that during four years, the team’s work was doomed to failure, which means that refusing the extension is a great victory for the Arab countries and even for the Yemenis themselves, pointing to the existence of a national human rights committee that is respected by the international community, and the meaning of this decision is that the Human Rights Council

(A P)

A victory for the countries of the coalition to support Yemen in the Human Rights Council..

After the Human Rights Council in Geneva adopted, with a large majority, the termination of the mandate and work of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen, this is the fall of the European draft resolution, and at the same time it is a historic victory for the countries of the coalition to support legitimacy in Yemen, within the framework of human rights, so why is this vote considered A historic victory for the coalition countries?!

More importantly, things have begun to return to their true state, especially since the mandate and work of the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen have continued to work for the past four years, during which the team has proven a catastrophic failure in describing the facts of the conflict and the human rights situation in Yemen, since its formation and it has been biased Clearly, and he lacks objectivity and impartiality in all his reports, as he relies in writing on social media, and what is published by Houthi militia activists living in the West, and the team was not able to visit Houthi militia-controlled areas even once, in order to investigate and verify the crimes and violations committed by the Houthis.

(A P)

Somebody should tell this American think-tank to learn English well and hide its pro-Houthi crap

Everyone who follows my writings knows how obsessed I am with the extreme bias of western think-tanks in favour of Houthis.

I have come today across another James Town Foundation's article that sounds like a stupid American commercial advertisement for the Shia terrorists.

I am not going to reply to the too many falsehoods in it, and I cannot comment on every article promoting Houthis, the passion of many western research institutes and media.

I am only going to make fun of this Jamestown F's article trying to rebrand the notorious Houthis with a new name 'Ansar Allah' (Partisans of God) and while doing so committing the verbal satiation sin.

How ridiculous Mr. westerner trying to rebrand the notorious Houthis.

(A P)

What if the government was waging such a suicidal war on a Houthi-held city?!

The international community and the world's press are now silent on countless abuses, being committed by the Houthis or serving the Iranian-backed militia.

What would be their reactions if the Yemeni legitimate government was the doer of these abuses or the beneficiary from them?

What if the government was the one waging such a suicidal and insane war on a Houthi-held city like Houthis are waging against Marib now?! Would the UN and the international media shut their mouths like they are doing now?!!

(A P)

“Yemeni American groups” Jehan Hakeem and code pink are and have been houthi propagandist since the start of this ugly war! This is lazy journalism on the part of @politico

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Oct. 9:

Oct. 8:

Oct. 7:

Oct. 6:

Oct. 5:

and the whole of September now:

Sep. 1:

Sep. 2:

Sep. 3:

Sep. 4:

Sep. 5:

Sep. 6:

Sep. 7:

Sep. 8:

Sep. 9:

Sep. 10:

Sep. 11:

Sep. 12:

Sep. 13:

Sep. 14:

Sep. 15:

Sep. 16:

Sep. 17:

Sep. 18:

Sep. 19:

Sep. 20:

Sep. 21:

Sep. 22:

Sep. 23:

Sep. 24:

Sep. 25:

Sep. 26:

Sep. 27:

Sep. 28:

Sep. 29:

Sep. 30:

(* A K)

At least 134 Yemen rebels dead in latest Marib-areas strikes: coalition

More than 130 Yemen rebels have been killed in air strikes south of Marib, the Saudi-led coalition said on Tuesday, but the insurgents seized a district 25 kilometres (16 miles) south of the strategic city, acccording to military sources.

Hundreds of Iran-backed Huthi rebels and government loyalists have died since fighting for Marib flared anew last month. = =

(A K)

Coalition destroys telecommunications network in Marib, Houthis claim

The Houthi group claimed the Saudi-led coalition of destroying a telecommunications network in Yemen's Marib province on Monday

(* A K)

Mehr als 150 Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen getötet

Bei Luftangriffen der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition sind im Jemen mehr als 150 Huthi-Rebellen getötet worden. Nach eigenen Angaben von heute flog die Militärkoalition dreiunddreißig Angriffe in den vergangenen 24 Stunden und tötete 156 Rebellen.

(* A K)

Scores of rebels killed in Saudi-led attacks in Yemen’s Marib

Saudi-led coalition carries out 33 airstrikes in Marib in past 24 hours

Scores of Houthi rebels were killed in Saudi-led coalition attacks in Yemen’s central Marib province in the past 24 hours, the coalition said on Monday.

The coalition said in a statement that it carried out 33 airstrikes against Houthis in Al-Abdiyah district in Marib.

“More than 156 rebels were killed and eight military vehicles destroyed in the attacks,” added the statement cited by the Saudi state news agency SPA

(* A K)

Arab coalition says it killed over 400 Houthis in central Yemen

Saudi-led coalition carries out 118 airstrikes in 96 hours to protect civilians in Al Abdiyah district, spokesman says

More than 400 Houthi militia members were killed in four days of airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's central Marib province, local media reported.

A total of 118 airstrikes were carried out in 96 hours for the protection of civilians in Al Abdiyah district, the Saudi state-run news agency SPA quoted coalition spokesman Brig. Gen. Turki al-Maliki as saying.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition said on Sunday it launched 118 airstrikes in #Marib province in past 96 hours, killing 400 Houthi militants & preventing Iran-allied Houthi group of capturing Al-Abdiyah district. The group is imposing a tight blockade on 150K people in this district.

(A K)

Coalition says struck drone, rocket launch sites in Yemen's Saada

The Saudi-led coalition said on Thursday it struck sites in Yemen's Saada province from where explosives-laden drones were fired towards Saudi Abha airport.

The targeted sites in Saada, the birthplace of the Iran-allied Houthi group, included a rocket launchpad, it said, pointing out that explosives experts were killed in the raids

(* B K)

Wie es sich anfühlt, wenn dein Haus bombardiert wird

Uns erreicht wieder ein Brief aus dem Jemen. Unser Autor schreibt, was 6 Jahre Krieg mit einem Menschen machen und was ihm trotzdem Hoffnung gibt.

6 Jahre Jemenkrieg sind mehr als genug für einen Erwachsenen mit einem wachen Geist. Diese Jahre reichen aus, um komplett neu zu definieren, wer man ist, welchen Weg man einschlägt und welche Prioritäten man setzt. Der Verstand und die eigene Art zu denken ändern sich, während man Bruchstücke von dem einsammelt, was noch von der eigenen Persönlichkeit und den sogenannten Werten übrig ist.

Was vielleicht alle Kriege mit unserem gemein haben, ist, dass sie Erinnerungen schaffen, die uns jederzeit einholen und in Schock versetzen können. Erinnerungen an Zerstörung, an den Verlust und den Abschied von geliebten Menschen. An Verrat und echte Freundschaft, an Scheinsiege und an das Elend der anderen. An Menschen, die um ihr tägliches Brot kämpfen, an Söldner und Waffenhändler, an Flucht und Asyl. Und an die endlose Propaganda und die tödlichen Angriffe, die schonungslos sind und keine Gnade kennen. Angriffe, die die Zivilbevölkerung ins Visier nehmen und auch die ohnehin schon marode Infrastruktur zerstören.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids Marib p., Jawf p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere Offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pH)

Citizen, 2 African emigrants injured by Saudi army fires in Saada

the Saudi army border guards opened fire at the civilians in al-Raqw area of border Munabih district, wounding a civilian and two African emigrants

(A K pS)

Coalition intercepts Houthi drone targeting Khamis Mushait

The Arab Coalition forces to Restore Legitimacy to Yemen has intercepted and destroyed a booby-trapped drone launched by Iran-backed Houthis towards Khamis Mushait, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Tuesday.

(A K pS)

Houthis have fired 40 missiles into besieged Abdiya in Marib, says official

A Yemeni army official has said the situation in Abdiya villages besieged by the Houthis south of Marib's provincial capital is becoming dangerous as the 20 days old Houthi siege and armed aggression continues.

In a press statement, Yahya Al-Hatemi said the Houthi militia have fired 40 ballistic missiles into the district since they started the siege.

Trying to storm into the district of 35 thousand residents, the Shiit militia are firing missiles and all kinds of shells and engaging hundreds of trained and radic


(A K pS)

Yemen [Hadi gov.] Decries Int’l Silence over Houthi Siege of Marib’s Abdiya

and also

(A K pS)

Six children wounded by Houthi landmines in Marib and neighboring Aljawf

Six children were wounded by Houhi-laid landmines in north eastern Yemen's Marib and Aljawf provinces on Monday, it was confirmed.

The Yemeni Observatory on Landmines said three children by the name Abdurab Hussein Kreishan, Ghamdan Kreishan and Naji Almasri were wounded by a landmine in Serwah west of Marib and three others were wounded in the s

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni forces liberate al-Jubah district in Ma'rib

(A K)

Film: Houthis reaching the outskirts of the city of #Marib captured large areas in the Serwah district

(* A K pS)

Houthi ballistic missile landed on the center of al-Jubah district south of #Marib minutes ago, residents said. This is missile 8 landed on al-Jubah in a week, according to a local human rights activist.

Second Houthi missile hit al-Jubah's center now. While the first hit a fuel station, according to locals.

4 people including two women killed on Wednesday in the Houthi missile attack on the fuel station in al-Jubah district south of #Marib, according to a medical source


(B K pH)

Huthi-Rebellen: Letzte Offensive auf Marib im Jemen steht bevor

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen rücken die Huthi-Rebellen nach eigenen Angaben immer weiter auf die strategisch wichtige Stadt Marib vor. Ihre Kämpfer "überblicken" jetzt die Stadt und warteten auf die abschliessende Offensive, um Marib vom Westen aus ganz einzunehmen, sagte Huthi-Militärsprecher Jahja Sari am Dienstag. Die Rebellen hätten bei Angriffen bereits grosse Gebiete eingenommen und dabei 1300 Menschen getötet. Auf welchen Zeitraum sich diese Opferzahl bezieht, sagte Sari nicht. =

(B K pH)

Over 1,300 Saudi-led troops killed in major [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni victory called Operation Dawn of Victory

The spokesman of the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e, has on Tuesday afternoon revealed details of a military operation dubbed Fajr al-Intisar (Dawn of Victory), which was carried out by Yemeni army forces and Popular Committees in Ma’rib province.

The army and Popular Committees were able to liberate several areas with a grand total estimated at 600 square kilometers during this operation, which included the liberation of the geographical space between areas liberated previously in the al-Bass al-Shadid.

The spokesman confirmed that “the Armed Forces are today on the outskirts of the city of Ma’rib from several sides.”

Yahya Sare’e revealed that the number of dead among the enemy troops reached 1,300, in addition to 4,320 wounded and 30 captured, while nearly 300 armoured vehicles, personnel carriers and four weapons depots belonging to the enemy forces were destroyed.

(A K pS)

Three civilians were wounded in Al Jawf province when their car went over a landmine laid by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

(A K pS)

Coalition's 18-day operations stop Houthis’ storming of Abdiya

The Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen has announced that its air operations over an 18-day period stopped the Iran-backed Houthis’ storming of the Abdiya district in Marib governorate.

The spokesman for the coalition forces, Brigadier General Turki al-Maliki, said that the coalition carried out 118 attacks to protect civilians in Abdiya during the past 96 hours.

Brigadier al-Maliki added that 15 military vehicles of the Houthi militia were destroyed, noting that its human losses exceeded 400 members.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army targets Houthi militia gatherings southern Marib

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni forces advance near Ma'rib after fierce clashes with Saudi troops and al-Qaeda

(* B K pS)

Mounting death toll increases in Marib as Shia militants try to storm besieged district

Thirty five men were killed and 51 wounded by this Monday evening as Shia Houthi militants are trying for the second day to overrun eastern Yemen Marib's besieged district of Abdiya, local sources from outside the encirclement have said.

The sources said the militia started on Sunday firing shells and artillery fire onto villages in the district which they have been besieging for half a month as they want to overrun it and crush the resistance of its pro-government population.

"Of the 35 thousand population, only hundreds are confronting the Houthi invasion attempt with light firearms, while Houthis are using missiles, cannons and cannons to shell the city," a local source said.

(* B K)

Marib battles leave 108 civilian casualties in 6 months: Official statistics

The Houthi attacks and resultant battles in the Yemeni northeastern governorate of Marib have left 108 civilian casualties during the last six months, Marib local authority said Saturday.
31 civilians (including 6 children) were killed and 77 others (including 8 children, 5 women and 2 health workers) were injured by Houthi repeated shelling on residential quarters, the authority added in the latest official statistics covering the period from 3 April to 3 October 2021.
In terms of material losses, 12 private houses were completely or partly damaged and at least 10 cars (including two ambulances) were ruined in Houthi bombarding, mostly with ballistic missiles, the statistics say.

(A K P)

156 Yemeni rebels killed south of Marib: Saudi-led coalition

More than 150 Houthi rebels have been killed in an operation south of Marib, a major hotspot of Yemen's civil war, the Saudi-led coalition fighting the militants said on Monday.

"The targeting process included the destruction of eight military vehicles, and casualties exceeded 156 terrorist elements," a coalition statement said, according to the official Saudi Press Agency.

(A K)

In Yemen: 100 Houthis Killed Outside Marib

About 100 Houthis were killed since Friday evening in clashes with government troops in contested areas outside the central Yemeni city of Marib, military officials said on Saturday.

(A K pS)

For the 3rd week, #Houthis continue besieging and shelling Al Abdiyah district, south of #Marib, where 30000 civilians still trapped in the district. (photo)


(A K pS)

Appeals to rescue 35 thousand civilians besieged by Houthis in Marib's Abdiya: Press Summary

Activists are appealing for the rescue of 35 thousand civilians being besieged by the Houthi militiain the region of Abdiya, in eastern Yemen's Marib governoate/Aden Alghad website

The Teachers Union: Houthi siege of Abdiya deprives 8 thousand children of education/Yemen Media

(A K)

Yemeni troops claim 17 Houthi deaths in attempted attack west Marib

(A K)

Marib battles leave 108 civilian casualties in 6 months: Official statistics

The Houthi attacks and resultant battles in the Yemeni northeastern governorate of Marib have left 108 civilian casualties during the last six months, Marib local authority said Saturday.
31 civilians (including 6 children) were killed and 77 others (including 8 children, 5 women and 2 health workers) were injured by Houthi repeated shelling on residential quarters, the authority added in the latest official statistics covering the period from 3 April to 3 October 2021.

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Masam Project Dismantles over 1,400 Mines in Yemen during a Week

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Project (Masam) for clearing mines in Yemen, dismantled, during the first week of October 2021, a total of 1,446 mines planted by the Houthi militia across Yemen, including 13 anti-personnel mines, 1,110 anti-tank mines, 322 unexploded ordnance and one explosive device.
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 280,047 mines have been dismantled.

(A K pS)

A second Houthi ballistic missile hits Marib, leaves eight casualties, forces families to flee: Sources

A second Houthi ballistic missile hit a village in the eastern Yemeni province of Marib on Saturday injuring eight civilians and forcing families to flee, local sources have said.

The sources said a Houthi missile hit Al Hussein village in Aljooba, a Marib district, in the afternoon, the second missile since the morning.

The attack critically wounded one woman and seven men and children and forced 12 families to flee the village in search of a safer area, the sources said.

(A K)

Coalition destroys Houthi weapons depot in Marib

The Saudi-led coalition has destroyed a weapons depot of the Iran-allied Houthi group in the district of Sirwah in Yemen's northeastern province of Marib, the information centre of the government forces said.

(A K)

Yemen's Houthis seize military base in oil-rich Marib: source

Yemen's Houthi group seized a military base from the country's government forces in the oil-rich northern province of Marib, a military official told Xinhua.

"A series of attacks were launched by the Houthi rebels on the Jubah district in southern Marib during the past 24 hours," the local military source said on condition of anonymity.

The Houthis managed to advance on ground and seized Al-Khashina military base from the Saudi-backed Yemeni government forces, he said.

and also

(A K)

Huthi-Rebellen beschiessen aus dem Jemen Flughafen in Saudiarabien

Ein von den jemenitischen Huthi-Rebellen abgefeuertes Geschoss hat einen Flughafen in Saudiarabien getroffen und dabei fünf Menschen verletzt. Ein Sprecher der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition sagte, am Freitagabend habe «ein feindliches Geschoss» den König-Abdullah-Flughafen in Jisan erreicht, wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur SPA berichtete. Dabei seien fünf zivile Passagiere und Flughafenmitarbeiter leicht verletzt worden. Der Flughafen werde von Tausenden von zivilen Reisenden verschiedener Nationalitäten genutzt.

und auch

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition says five civilians wounded in Houthi drone attack on Jizan airport

Riyadh has blamed the Yemeni Houthi movement for a number of attacks on airports across the country over the past month

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said late on Friday that a Houthi explosives-laden drone was used to target civilians at King Abdullah airport in Saudi Arabia's southern city of Jizan, the state news agency (SPA) reported.

"There were five minor injuries among civilians, passengers and airport employees," the agency quoted a coalition spokesman as saying, adding that authorities are monitoring the situation.

and also

Photos of wreckage:

and Saudi statements:

(A K pS)

Joint Forces Command of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: A Bomb-Laden Drone Was Used in Hostile Attempt to Attack King Abdullah Airport in Jazan by Terrorist, Iran-Backed Houthi Militia, (10) Injured Among Civilian Travelers and Airport Staf

A statement by the Official Spokesperson of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen Brigadier General Turki Al-Malki stated that
“Further to the statement issued by the Joint Forces Command of the Coalition Friday (08 October 2021) evening regarding the hostile attempt to attack King Abdullah Airport in Jazan by the terrorist, Iran-backed Houthi militia, the hostile attempt to attack was executed using a bomb-laden drone, which resulted in (10) injuries among civilian travelers and airport staff as follows:
- (6) cases of Saudi travelers and airport staff
- (3) cases of Bengali airport staff
- (1) case of a Sudanese airport staff
Additionally, the hostile attempt resulted in minor material damage and some broken glass fronts in the airport.

and earlier:

(B K pS)

Houthi's unspoken message to Marib: I have more fighters than you have got bullets

Tribal leader and head of the GPC party in Marib Abdulwahed Nemran said on Wednesday, "We are facing a flood of fighters" coming from the far north of Yemen as he referred to the Houthi militia.

Nemran was speaking to Balqees TV near his machine-gun and tribesmen-mounted pickup truck on the new southern frontline of Marib that Houthis had recently launched in their desperate attempt to force their way into Marib from any direction.

"They (Houthis) have got a huge reserve of manpower," he said, and then understated it as "One of our men is equivalent to a thousand of theirs."

At the same time, Facebook pages were mentioning the nuisance Houthi militiamen get from the stink of their fellows' dead bodies in the open and the militia having, for the first time, started collecting bodies of own militants, in a departure from the habit of collecting only the bodies of Qanadeel (luminaires), militants of Houthi bloodline rather than militants from the commons.

The bodies of Houthi fighters decaying in hundreds in the open across the Marib frontline has become something usual. The Houthis' bargaining with the army blatantly focused on securing the release of prisoners and dead bodies from the Qanadeel class only is something well known.

(A K pH)

A new Houthi ballistic missile hit Al-Rowdha neighborhood in Marib a few moments ago (this Thursday evening), reportedly incurring casualties among the civilians ./Almashehad Alkhaleeji website

(A K pS)

Landmine news

Three civilians have been killed and injured by Houthi-laid landmines in Hajjah and Hodeidah provinces in north west Yemen: Malek Mohammed Beeshi (28) was killed and Mohammed Moosa Harmal (in his 20s) sustained a limb loss in Hajjah; and Mohammadah Mohammed Abdullah Jalajel, a pregnant in her seventh month, lost he two legs by an internationally banned type of landmine in Almasna village in Hodeidah/ Multiple websites reported this yesterday.

Two men were killed and a third was injured by landmines in Taiz on Wednesday while trying to collect the dead bodies on the frontline between the government forces and Houthi militants. The three members of a mediation team for the exchange of prisoners and dead bodies, came across a booby-trapped body that exploded in their face on Wednesday evening. Now all the bodies are in their place and no one has dared to make try and collect them for fear of another explosive that might've been planted by the terrorist militia (Houthis)/Bawabati and Anbaa Aden websites.

(A K pH)

Yemeni air defences shoot down second Saudi spy plane in one day

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are going on and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pS)

Houthis kill elderly woman in Hodeidah

artillery fire toward the population centers in southwest of Hays district wounding 65-year-old Aminah Ismaeel. She was hospitalized by locals but died shortly after arriving in the hospital.

(A K P)

The United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement expresses its deep regret that another mine incident occurred in Hodeidah Governorate, where a pregnant woman was seriously injured while she was doing her daily work in the village of Al-Masna, located in Al-Hawk District

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(C E)

Film: Since the 14th century, Yemen has monopolized the secrets of coffee cultivation, and coffee was exported to world markets. In Yemen’s highlands, the unique environmental conditions create some of the best coffee in the world. The story of Yemeni Coffee


Two dead, several mising in flooded southern provinces

Two children were washed away by flood waters in Tuban district of Lahj governorate on Saturday.
Eyewitnesses told the local press that the two little girls; Nassra Hilmi Aram (10 years) and her cousin, Sabrin Dadl Aram (12 years) drowned in the flash flood, adding that their dead bodies were found four hours later.


One dead as rain, floods hit south Yemen city

Torrential rains caused widespread floods in the southern Yemeni city of Mukalla, where a young man was electrocuted, local official said on Thursday.

The floods added to suffering in the Arabian peninsula's poorest country, which has endured seven years of war.

The rain lashed Mukalla on Wednesday days after a powerful cyclone was downgraded to a tropical storm after making landfall in Oman where 12 people were killed.

A Yemeni official said the rains caused flooding that swept away cars in Mukalla, damaged shops and homes, and knocked down electricity poles.

"At least 10 cars were swept away and (several) homes were damaged, while a young man died of electric shock," said the official who declined to be named.

The cars were left upended in water-logged, muddy streets. =



Cyclone Shaheen Ruins Cultural Heritage Buildings In Yemen, Causes Flash Floods: Report

Heavy rainfalls, flooding due to cyclone Shaheen hit the city of Mukalla, damaging many ancient buildings that are part of cultural heritage

Ancient buildings in Yemen's Hadhramaut province on October 7 were battered and destroyed in the aftermath of Cyclone Shaheen, as heavy and intense rainfall and flooding swept the region, a source in the local authorities told Sputnik on Thursday. "Heavy rainfalls and flooding hit the administrative center of the province, the city of Mukalla, damaging many ancient buildings that are part of the cultural heritage of Yemen,” the source informed. Furthermore, he added, that the city districts had been ruined after major flooding on roads and streets. The power lines were snapped, disrupting the supply and plunging several areas into the darkness. =





Film: Remnants of cyclone Shaheen triggers heavy rains in Yemen, causes flash floods



Film: Torrential floods sweep eastern Yemen

Heavy rains have flooded the city of Mukalla in eastern Yemen, sweeping away cars and causing power outages


Shabwa Governorate is experiencing a beautiful atmosphere these days A picture of the village of Al-Badaa

(* B)

Wikipedia. Sokotra (Insel)

(* B )

Wikipedia: Socotra


Orla Guerin: Deeply honoured that @PrixBayeux has given us the TV award for this report from #Yemen in January.


Photos: Yemeni windows


Photos from Abyan


Photo: Your beautiful morning comes from Hoof, alMahara

(* C H P)

Wikipedia: Geschichte des Judentums im Jemen

Die Juden im Jemen haben eine jahrtausendealte Geschichte

(* C H P)

Wikipedia: Yemenite Jews

Yemenite Jews or Yemeni Jews or Teimanim are those Jews who live, or once lived, in Yemen.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-763 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-763: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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