Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 766b- Yemen War Mosaic 766b

Yemen Press Reader 766b: 25. Oktober 2021: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 766, cp7 - cp19 /October 25, 2021: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 766, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 766, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 766, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Prisoner exchanges in Yemen remain impossible due to Saudi unwillingness and UN inaction

The Head of the [Sanaa gov.] National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, Abdulqadir al-Murtadha, has confirmed on Sunday that US-Saudi aggression forces and its mercenaries are obstructing the implementation of agreements signed regarding the exchange of prisoners.

“A full year has passed since the implementation of the first and last prisoner exchange deal under the auspices of the United Nations,” al-Murtadha wrote in a post published on his Twitter page.

“After that we have been unable to implement any new deals, due to the obstruction by the forces of aggression and their mercenaries, seeking to block the implementation of the rest of the signed agreements, in addition to clear UN inability to move forward in this humanitarian issue.”

(A P)

Ex-diplomat defends UN role in war-torn Yemen

As the United Nations celebrates its annual commemorative day, former Yemeni Ambassador Mustapha Noman defended the world body’s role in his country, wracked by years of civil war.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Noman, a former diplomat who served in a number of countries including Canada and Spain, said the UN has been trying to move “the conflict from the battlefield to the negotiating table.”

“The UN has succeeded in keeping the Yemeni crisis present on the agenda of the international community,” he said. “However, the measurements of success and failure on the ground are related to the desire of Yemen’s warring parties, not the UN.”

UN Day marks the Oct. 24, 1945 birthday of the world body, when the UN Charter entered into force.

Admitting the UN failure to “gain any successful achievements that it can be praised for or even referred to” in the past seven years in Yemen, Noman said “the UN does not have a military power to impose any solutions or agreements on Yemen, unless the concerned parties are convinced, agreed to, and willing to do so.”

“The ones who failed to stop the war are the Yemenis and the Saudi-led Arab coalition. In fact, it is the Yemeni belligerents who are concerned with stopping the war, not the UN nor the world.”

(* B P)

Speaking of meaningless statements, I 'condemn' the Security Council's pro-Saudi one on Yemen

Unfortunately, the UNSC's statement was filled with the usual tropes and partiality which not only obscures the public's understanding of the conflict but also makes any solution to it ever elusive.

In line with the outdated mainstream media's narrative of the seven-year conflict in Yemen as one between the so-called legitimate government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and Iranian-backed "Houthi rebels" (despite the fact that the latter form an integral part of the de-facto National Salvation Government (NSG) based in the capital Sanaa), the UNSCS's rotating President for this month, Martin Kimani of Kenya stated that the Council "condemned the Houthi cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia".

Kimani also called for "an immediate end to the Houthi escalation in Marib" and an immediate nationwide ceasefire. I find this latest communication by the Council to be problematic as it fails to recognise or acknowledge which party is the actual aggressor here, the disproportionate use of violence, the political and military reality on the ground in Yemen and the fact that the coalition's war crimes have contributed to the country's humanitarian catastrophe,

There has been no context given as to why these cross-border raids into Saudi (and historic Yemeni) territory are taking place nor is there any emphasis placed on the fact that the Yemeni military, the bulk of which is allied with the Houthi movement, has the right to protect and defend the nation's sovereignty.

As such, the UNSC's statement is as effective and meaningful as my condemnation of the Council over their one-sided stance and subjectivity in the sense that neither will have any impact what-so-ever on the daily acts of aggression by the Saudi-led coalition, which has tacit backing by the US and a near uninterrupted supply of Western arms. The only way it will end is until Riyadh and its allies lose the political will to continue its campaign to overthrow the NSG and supplant it with another puppet government, as has been the status-quo of modern Yemen.

(A P)

UN-Sicherheitsrat fordert sofortige Waffenruhe im Jemen, während Armee sich Marib nähert

Offenbar besorgt über die schnellen Fortschritte der jemenitischen Armee im Kampf um die Befreiung der strategischen Stadt Marib, hat der UN-Sicherheitsrat einen dringenden Waffenstillstand im Jemen und ein Ende der Vorstöße der Armee in Richtung der letzten Hochburg der von Saudi-Arabien unterstützten Söldner gefordert.

„Die Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats forderten einen sofortigen landesweiten Waffenstillstand gemäß Resolution 2565 (2021) und forderten die Beilegung von Differenzen durch einen inklusiven Dialog und die Ablehnung von Gewalt, um politische Ziele zu erreichen“, sagte der Präsident des Sicherheitsrats Martin Kimani in einer Stellungnahme am Mittwoch.

Kimani sagte, die Mitglieder des Rates betonten die Notwendigkeit einer Deeskalation durch alle Seiten, einschließlich einer "sofortigen Beendigung der Eskalation der Houthi (Ansarullah-Bewegung) in Marib", was auf die jüngsten Landgewinne in Marib durch die Streitkräfte der Regierung von Sanaa hindeutet, die seit der Flucht des ehemaligen Präsideten aus der jemenitischen Hauptstadt von der Ansarullah-Bewegung geführt wird.

Der Rat zeigte eine Voreingenommenheit zugunsten Riads und verurteilte die Vergeltungsangriffe der Sanaa-Regierung gegen Saudi-Arabien, wobei er nicht bemerkte, dass Riad den Krieg initiiert hat und seitdem den Jemen weiterhin bombardiert.


(A P)

Jemen [Regierung von Sanaa]: Sicherheitsrat ignoriert saudische Kriegsverbrechen und das Recht des jemenitischen Volkes auf Verteidigung

Das jemenitische Außenministerium hat die Pro-Riad-Erklärung des UN-Sicherheitsrates verurteilt, weil er die saudischen Kriegsverbrechen gegen das jemenitische Volk ignoriert.

In einer Erklärung sagte das Außenministerium der Regierung der Nationalen Rettung, der UN-Sicherheitsrat habe keine positive Entwicklung in seiner Politik gegenüber den Beschwerden des jemenitischen Volkes gezeigt, das seit fast sieben Jahren mit einem illegalen und ungerechtfertigten Krieg konfrontiert ist.

(A P)

Security Council Press Statement on Yemen

The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Martin Kimani (Kenya):

The members of the Security Council expressed their unwavering support for United Nations Special Envoy Hans Grundberg. They reiterated their expectation that the parties meet with him and with each other under United Nations auspices, in good faith and without preconditions.

The members of the Security Council condemned the Houthi cross-border attacks against Saudi Arabia. They highlighted the 8 October attack on King Abdullah Airport and the drone attacks striking the Abha civilian airport. They condemned the increasing number of incidents off the coast of Yemen, including attacks on civilian and commercial ships, which pose a significant risk to the maritime security of vessels in the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. They stressed the need for de-escalation by all, including an immediate end to the Houthi escalation in Marib. They condemned the recruitment and use of children, and sexual violence, in conflict.

The members of the Security Council demanded an immediate nationwide ceasefire, in accordance with resolution 2565 (2021), and called for the resolution of differences through inclusive dialogue and the rejection of violence to achieve political goals. In that regard, they recalled their welcoming of the announcement of Saudi Arabia on 22 March that was supported by the Government of Yemen. They recalled their strong commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen. They expressed concern that a lack of progress in the peace process could be exploited by terrorists in Yemen. They called on all Member States and other actors to comply fully with their obligations under the targeted arms embargo.

The members of the Security Council reaffirmed the need for all parties to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, 0

Comment: New UN #SecurityCouncil #Yemen statement is the usual wish list:


(A P)

Saudi Arabia welcomes the Security Council’s statement on Yemen: it includes many points that we support

He pointed out that the Security Council’s statement on Yemen constitutes a strong condemnation of the Houthis, stressing that some countries have abandoned conservative positions on Yemen.

The representative of Saudi Arabia expressed his hope that the UN envoy to Yemen would benefit from the statement of the Security Council.

and also

My comment: A Saudi welcome shows how biased the UNSC statement actually is. The same can be said of Saudi vassals:


(A P)

Yemeni [Hadi] Government Welcomes UN Security Council's Condemnation of Houthi Attacks against Saudi Territories

Yemeni Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs reiterated, in a statement reported by the official Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Yemeni government's support for the UN Security Council's condemnation of the attacks on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the increasing attacks on commercial and civilian vessels near the Yemeni coast and the recruitment of children.

and also


(A P)

Mayyun Organization welcomes the statement of the UN Security Council condemning the recruitment of children by the Houthi group, their exploitation in the conflict and their exposure to sexual abuse.

The organization urges the member states of the Council to follow this important step by imposing sanctions on the group's officials involved in these grave violations against children in Yemen.

while the Houthi side rejects it:

(A P)

Sana’a Says Security Council Ignores Saudi War Crimes, Yemeni People’s Rights to Defend Themselves

The [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Foreign Ministry denounced the UN Security Council’s pro-Riyadh statement for ignoring the Saudi war crimes against the Yemeni people.

In a statement, the National Salvation Government’s Foreign Ministry said the Security Council did not show any positive development in its policies towards the grievances of the Yemeni people, who have been facing an illegal and unjustified war for nearly seven years, presstv reported.

“It is unfortunate that the Security Council continues to condemn the legitimate right of the Yemeni people to defend themselves and the sovereignty of their country, while ignoring the war crimes” committed by the Saudi-led war coalition against Yemeni civilians, read the statement, the Ansarullah movement’s official website reported.

and also


(A P)

Mohammed Abdulsalam: UN Security Council is complicit in prolonging the war on Yemen

Head of the [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni national negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdulsalam, said on Thursday thay “the UN Security Council’s blind bias since the first day of the aggression has contributed to prolonging the war on Yemen for all these years.”

Abdulsalam added that the Security Council’s adoption of the same position as that of the the aggression forces is not new.

and also

(A P)

Secretary Blinken’s Call with UN Special Envoy to Yemen Grundberg

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Former Saudi intelligence official says crown prince plotted to kill him

Saad Aljabri accuses Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of plotting to send a hit squad to murder him. Scott Pelley speaks with Aljabri Sunday, on 60 Minutes.

Aljabri fled Saudi Arabia in 2017 and currently lives in Canada. He says the Saudi crown prince sent a hit squad to Canada days after Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2018. The U.S. intelligence community has said that Mohammed bin Salman approved the operation against Khashoggi.

Aljabri filed suit against the Saudi crown prince in the United States. A Saudi company has sued Aljabri in Canada claiming he and his former boss, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, stole billions from the Saudi company. Bin Nayef was ousted as crown prince in 2017 and his cousin, Mohammed bin Salman replaced him.

and also

Whole interview, with film:

Film, snippet:

Comment: Sorry, but people forget that Al-Jabri was the guy who made people disappear before #MBS. He's just as evil. Just because he defected now that his ass was on the line doesn't change what he did.

For Aljabris claims, see thread:

Ali al-Ahmed interviews about Al-Jabri: (in Arabic)

(A P)

New York Times Journalist Ben Hubbard Hacked with Pegasus after Reporting on Previous Hacking Attempts

New York Times journalist Ben Hubbard was repeatedly targeted with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware over a three-year period from June 2018 to June 2021. The targeting took place while he was reporting on Saudi Arabia, and writing a book about Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

The targeting resulted in Pegasus infections in July 2020 and June 2021. Notably, these infections occurred after Hubbard complained to NSO Group that he was targeted by the Saudi-linked KINGDOM Pegasus operator in June 2018.

While we attribute the 2020 and 2021 infections to NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware with high confidence, we are not conclusively attributing this activity to a specific NSO Group customer at this time. However, we believe that the operator responsible for the 2021 hack is also responsible for the hacking of a Saudi activist in 2021.

and also

(A E P)

Saudi push on company headquarters showing success, says official

Saudi Arabia's push for firms to set up regional headquarters in Riyadh is proving successful and is not aimed at dismantling corporate operations elsewhere, a senior Saudi official said.

(A P)

#Saudi Clan govt move in large number of troops & equipment to raze the most famous #Black neighborhood in the country. #Gulail neighbored #Jeddah is home to 300,000 mostly #Black & poor people

Film: #Saudi expelling #10,000s of #Blacks from most famous #Black neighborhood #Ghulail after razing the neighborhood #Jeddah

More films:

(A P)

Saudi Arabia pledges 2060 target of net-zero emissions

(A P)

Ali AlNimer, nephew of Martyr Shaikh Nimer AlNimer will be released in few days according to his uncle. Ali spent 10 years in #Saudi Clansmen prison, endured severe torture & was sentenced to death for protesting.

(A P)

Rising activist call on the world to save the live of teenager #AbdullaAlHuwaiti who maybe executed by the #Saudi Govt. This case is a good test they the #Biden @SecBlinken policies. (film)

(A P)

Extremist #Saudi minister of Islamic Affairs AbdulLatif Al AlSheikh issues orders 2 #Sunni mosques 2 deliver sermons attacking #MuslimBrotherhood in the country in what some believe 2 be ahead of sentencing religious leaders 2 death incl @salman_alodah

referring to

His Excellency Minister Dr. #Abdullatif_Al_Sheikh directed mosque preachers to allocate the Friday sermon 3/16/1443 AH to warn against the (Al-Sururiya) terrorist organization, which pursues secrecy to reach its goals, foremost of which is inciting people to rebel against the rulers, divide the Muslim community, sow division among them and spread wars in their countries

(A P)

MBS intends on executing a 15 years old minor to extort his family to surrender their land to him STOP SUPPORTING TERRORISM IN OUR COUNTRIES Hear is His mother’s Voice:

(A P)

Coroner report of Dr. #MusaAlQarni confirms his death was caused by severe beatings by the #Saudi Clan security

@pss_en. . He was 66. RIP

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A H)

How is that @MichaelJMorell was appointed to head @CIA? He told @60Minutes that 70% of young people under #Saudi rule support #MBS? That is total BS.

Morrell considers AlJabri an honorable man in spite of AlJabri’s direct involvement in killings, torture & massive human rights violations in addition to mosque bombings #Qatif, Dammam, Najran, Assir & #Kuwait that killed over 100 worshipers.

(A H)

Yemeni refugee builds life in Nebraska

Ebrahim Abdulsattar is, by any number of measures, living the American Dream in Nebraska. Life, he says, is pretty good.

(* B P)

Norm Coleman: Former U.S. Senator Now Lobbyist and Agent for the Saudi Government

Norman "Norm" Bertram Coleman, Jr., former U.S. Senator from Minnesota, is now a lobbyist for the Saudi Arabian government. His firm, Hogan Lovells, has received almost $14 million ($13,715,783) from the Saudi government since 2014, including more than $2.7 million in 2019 alone. As Senior Counsel for Hogan Lovells, Coleman uses his government contacts and leverages his experience serving on the Senate Foreign Relations and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committees to bolster the Saudi Arabian government's interests with Congress. In one especially disingenuous act, Coleman distributed to numerous Senators a Saudi government fact sheet extolling its record despite its egregious human rights abuses and war crimes. Among other falsehoods and misleading statements, this publication trumpets the Saudi government's contributions to women's rights and justice, notwithstanding the ongoing torture and imprisonment of women's rights activists and political activists in sham judicial proceedings relying on laws that criminalize criticizing the royal family.

Following the Saudi government's declining reputation over Jamal Khashoggi's murder and its disastrous war in Yemen, Coleman's firm played a key part in seeking to rehabilitate the Kingdom's reputation through an astroturfing campaign. This campaign saw Hogan Lovells repackage media hits and press releases from events outside of Washington D.C. to promote the Saudi government, but typically failed to disclose that another lobbying firm hired by the Saudi government arranged these events. Hogan Lovells then tailored these repackaged presentations to particular constituencies and passed them along as organic happenings.

(* B P)

The United States’ Empty Toolbox in Yemen

With the Houthis making gains in their offensive on Marib, and anti-Houthi alliance fragmenting, the United States is out of options on Yemen.

From Washington, there was promise of peace on the horizon. The United States had pressured Saudi Arabia, elevated its diplomatic efforts, and, in lifting the terrorist designation, held out a carrot to the Houthis. As Lenderking would say two weeks later, the time was right to “test” the Houthis on whether they were committed to the peace process.

The Houthis, as should have been predictable, responded to the U.S. moves not with an offer to talk but rather with a renewed offensive on Marib, which the group sees as key to its goal of creating an independent state in Yemen.

The dynamics in Marib put the United States in a difficult position. The United States has no leverage with the Houthis. Sanctions haven’t worked, strongly worded statements from the United States and United Nations fall on deaf ears, and direct U.S. military involvement is a nonstarter. The Houthis see no reason to compromise or negotiate. They believe, rightly, that they are winning on the battlefield and that if they keep pressing in Marib they can eventually take the oil and gas fields and secure an independent Houthi-led state. Nor is the Biden administration, after years of Democratic criticism of the Saudi-led coalition, willing to reverse its decision on providing offensive weapons to the Saudis. The administration has been discovering since it came into office the pitfalls of applying pressure when it only has leverage on one side.

When it comes to Yemen, the United States is out of options. One of two things is about to happen. Either the United States will need outside help from Iran to convince the Houthis to halt their offensive before Marib falls (although why Iran would press its allies to stop or why the Houthis would listen if Iran did is not clear) or the Houthis will take Marib, press south into Shabwa, and the international community’s goal of resurrecting a unified Yemeni state will collapse.

My comment: The US does not rule the world.

(A K P)

#Biden admin sends #American Air Force the defend the #Saudi Monarchy govt. There was no human rights jets among them

Film: Welcome to Wisconsin @AirNatlGuard's 115th FW! Their F-16s & Airmen are here as #TeamPSAB's newest #Fighter unit, ready to boost our air defense capabilities & project #airpower across the @CENTCOM AOR.

(A P)

US State Dep.: Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry Travel to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry will travel to Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on October 24-25, 2021 to engage with government counterparts and private sector leaders on efforts to address the climate crisis. Secretary Kerry will participate in the Middle East Green Initiative Summit while in Riyadh.

and also

Comment: After sending #US air force to defend the #Saudi Monarchy, the #Biden admin is sending @JohnKerry @ClimateEnvoy to #Riyadh where he will publicly meet #MBS as part of rehabbing his image. Using climate as a cover may seem clever.

(A P)

US seeks regional deal with Iran that includes Yemen settlement

Intensive diplomatic efforts by US envoys to Yemen and Iran reflect linkage between indirect talks with Tehran and the pursuit of mediation in Yemen conflict.

Yemeni political sources have told The Arab Weekly that the US diplomatic efforts to stop the war and push for a political settlement in Yemen have intensified recently as Washington seeks a regional deal that could include an agreement with Iran on its nuclear programme.

The sources indicated that the recent developments regarding ongoing dialogue between Riyadh and Tehran are likely to have encouraged the US administration to link its moves over the Yemeni conflict to its indirect talks with the Iranian regime on restoring the nuclear agreement between western powers and Tehran.

They believe such linkage was behind the visits of US diplomats to Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak met Wednesday in the Saudi capital,

My comment: This hardly will work, as the US had blocked the Nuclear Deal under Biden’s presidency as well, and behaves like a warring party:

(* A P)

US 100 pct committed to the defense of Saudi Arabia: Washington’s envoy to Yemen

US Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking stressed that Washington is “100 percent committed to the defense of Saudi Arabia” against Yemen’s Houthis, he told Al Arabiya in an interview.

“The Saudis can rely on our commitment to their defense, as we have seen an uptick surge in the cross-border attacks on the Kingdom. Those should stop,” Lenderking said.

He added: “Also, those attacks also threatened American citizens. We have 70,000 Americans living and working all over the kingdom. And it would be a terrible thing for any of those Americans to be harmed, in addition to Saudis and all the many other international people working in Saudi Arabia.”

Lenderking also expressed Washington’s concern over Iran’s support to Yemen’s Houthis.

“[Iranians] need to show some goodwill which has been entirely lacking… You have the training support they give the Houthis. [That] is entirely negative and it helps fuel the conflict. That is a great concern for us,” he said.

“If Iran wants to show good faith regarding the stability in the region, Yemen would be a fantastic place to start,” he added.

The Yemen envoy pointed to the US designating Houthi leaders as terrorists as part of Washington’s actions against the Iran-backed militia. “We have designated individuals in the leadership when we see them directing attacks, obstructing aid or engaging in corrupting… I think those designations have a strong impact.”

My comment: LOL. The US is a warring party in Yemen. This envoy miming a peace broker in the beginning of his Yemen career shows it quite well. – And, what the hell the US should be “committed” to the defense of any state outside the US, a head-chopping autocratic monarchy in this case??

(* A K)

First time in 7 years: US minesweepers enter Red Sea amid increased Houthi aggression

US mine countermeasures (MCM) ships transited the Red Sea's strategic Bab el-Mandeb strait for the first time in seven years to enhance efforts to secure international shipping lines and global trade routes amid heightened aggression by Yemen’s Houthi militia.

“Mine countermeasures ships USS Sentry and USS Gladiator arrived in the Red Sea on Monday, marking the first transit in seven years by 5th Fleet’s MCMs from the Gulf to the Red Sea,” the US 5th fleet said on Wednesday.

“Sentry and Gladiator are conducting Maritime Security ops and training alongside regional partners,” it added.

This marks the first time the Pentagon places this type of naval vessel in the region since the start of the war between Yemen’s internationally recognized government and the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.

The threat posed by the Houthis’ mines to shipping lanes near the Bab el-Mandeb strait have recently increased, endangering one of the world's busiest oil shipping routes.

(A P)

Solving Yemen crisis a top priority, says Blinken

Top US diplomat congratulates UN's new Yemen envoy and highlights 'urgent humanitarian priorities'

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said resolving the conflict in Yemen remains a top US foreign policy priority.

Mr Blinken's comment came during a phone call with the newly appointed UN envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg on Tuesday.

The US diplomat discussed with Mr Grundberg efforts to "engage all parties without preconditions and secure a ceasefire, address urgent humanitarian priorities, restart the political process in Yemen, and ensure accountability for human rights violations and abuses".

(* B E P)

Jared Kushner's Middle East Cash Grab

Since the would-be Trump dynasty lost a bid for a second-term in the White House, most attention on son-in-law Jared Kushner has been about him writing a book to "provide historical context and help readers understand what it was like to work in the Trump White House."

Below the radar, however, is a grander effort to cash in on his four years of hobnobbing with Middle East royalty.

In July, reports emerged of Kushner's new "money-management firm" called Affinity Partners in Miami. Journalists couldn't glean at the time what this firm was planning to do exactly. What it's going to do is less important than where the money is coming from.

Our sources say he's in talks to receive as much as $2 billion from Saudi Arabia for Affinity, a private equity-style fund that will look for opportunities where Kushner's "geopolitical insight" can be brought to bear. We understand the money will come from the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia, the key instrument in Mohammed bin Salman's financial arsenal. The overall target size of the fund isn't clear yet, but people have talked about an eventual size of $4 billion to $5 billion. Kushner and PIF declined to comment.

One of the issues Kushner has been debating, these sources say, is how to limit the reputation impact of having Saudi Arabia as an anchor investor. One idea is to focus on raising the rest of the funds from more traditional investors, such as pension funds and U.S. asset managers, to dampen the image that he's getting huge inflows of cash from the same countries he did favors for before leaving government office. A friend of Kushner disputes that he did favors for Middle East countries: "He was doing what was right for U.S. interests."

One person familiar with the Saudi thinking on the commitment to Kushner's Affinity Partners argued that they genuinely believe he is among the savviest business and investing minds working in the U.S. But even this person admitted that the bigger appeal is the idea that he still has sway in American politics – and potentially even more so with Israeli politicians and officials.

My comment: This is insane – and shows quite well how totally rotten US capitalism and elites are.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

France urges Iran to curb nuclear activity, resume talks

France on Friday urged Iran to curb nuclear activities of “unprecedented gravity” as U.S. and European envoys met to discuss efforts aimed at reviving the troubled 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

U.S. envoy Robert Malley joined counterparts from France, Britain and Germany at the meetings in Paris, at what the French Foreign Ministry called a “critical time” in efforts to salvage the accord.

“It is urgent and crucial for Iran to end the activities of unprecedented gravity that it is conducting in violation of the (agreement) and to immediately resume full-fledged cooperation”

my comment: This is odd as the US had violated the agreement and the EU did not comply to it – a long time before Iran also did it.

(A E P)

Court: Turkish Halkbank to be charged in Iran sanctions case

A Turkish bank must face criminal charges that it evaded sanctions against Iran by processing billions of dollars of Iranian oil revenue, an appeals court ruled Friday.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a decision by U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman.

An indictment returned in 2019 said the bank illegally moved about $20 billion in Iranian oil and gas revenues. It also said the state-owned bank sometimes disguised money movements as purchases of food and medicine so they’d qualify for a “humanitarian exception” to sanctions.

My comment: ? It’s a Turkish bank. What is “illegally””? Acoording to Turkish law? This is another example how the US claims to rule the whole world.

(* B P)

Die Spiegel-Lügen der letzten Woche, Teil 4: Der Spiegel redet völkerrechtswidrige Kriegsdrohungen schön

Israel und die USA drohen dem Iran offen mit Krieg, aber anstatt dieses Spiel mit dem Feuer zu verurteilen, stellt der Spiegel das positiv dar. Dass zu allem Überfluss derzeit auch Eurofighter der Bundeswehr in Israel an einem Manöver teilnehmen, erfährt der Spiegel-Leser gar nicht erst.

Die EU hat immer behauptet, das Atomabkommen retten zu wollen. Außer schönen Worten passierte aber nichts, de facto hat sich die EU den US-Sanktionen angeschlossen. Europäische Banken sich geweigert, den Zahlungsverkehr mit dem Iran abzuwickeln, da sie dann unter die US-Sanktionen fallen könnten. Ohne Zahlungsverkehr ist aber kein Handel möglich und die USA hatten ihr Ziel erreicht: Die EU hat die US-Sanktionen de facto mit getragen.

Der Iran hat nach Trumps Vertragsbruch ein Jahr lang stillgehalten, bevor er reagiert hat. Der Iran hat dann Schritt für Schritt aufgehört, seine Verpflichtungen aus dem Atomabkommen zu erfüllen und wieder angefangen, Uran anzureichern. Das war allerdings kein Verstoß gegen das Abkommen, denn der Iran hat gemäß Atomabkommen das Recht, seine Verpflichtungen nicht mehr zu erfüllen, wenn Sanktionen gegen ihn erlassen werden, obwohl er sich an das Abkommen hält.

Die US-Regierung unter Biden hätte den Vertragsbruch von Trump problemlos und ohne Gesichtsverlust wieder korrigieren können. Der Iran hat immer erklärt (und das tut er auch heute noch), dass er all seine Reaktionen auf den Vertragsbruch der USA sofort einstellt, wenn die USA zu dem Vertrag zurückkehren.

All das erfahren Leser der westlichen „Qualitätsmedien“ aber nicht, dort ist stattdessen die Rede davon, dass die USA aus dem Atomabkommen „ausgestiegen“ sind. Dass das ein Vertragsbruch und sogar ein Völkerrechtsbruch durch die USA war, erfahren die Leser westlicher „Qualitätsmedien“ hingegen nicht.

Dass der Iran ein Jahr lang stillgehalten hat, bevor er auf den Vertragsbruch reagiert hat, erfahren die Leser der westlichen „Qualitätsmedien“ auch nicht. Und sie erfahren erst recht nichts von Artikel 26 des Atomabkommens, stattdessen erzählen ihnen die westlichen „Qualitätsmedien“, dass der Iran gegen das Abkommen verstößt.

Es ist schon dreist, was die westlichen „Qualitätsmedien“ machen: Sie verschweigen den Vertragsbruch der USA und stellen den Iran, der nicht gegen das Abkommen verstößt, als Vertragsbrecher dar.

(A P)

Iran: US should lift sanctions to prove it wants talks

Iran’s president said Monday the United States should lift the sanctions on his country to prove it is serious about restarting stalled nuclear talks in Vienna.

In an interview with state TV, Ebrahim Raisi said Iran is after “goal-oriented” talks with the West and said Iran “never left” the negotiation table.

“Lifting sanctions is an indication of seriousness of the other party,” he said.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

Newcastle takeover: Police investigate Crystal Palace fans' banner criticising Saudi Arabian deal

Comment: Wait, British police are now investigating a banner at a football match highlighting human rights abuses in Saudi, on the grounds of racism? So UK are now policing criticism of human rights abuses in foreign states. What a time to be alive!

(B P)

With all malice, the UK is seeking to return Yemen to the pre-1962 and 1967 date, says Yemeni researcher Ali Al-Dhahab/Headlines Post

(A P)

UK: STC must cooperate to achieve its future goals

Britain, the pen holder of the Yemeni file at the UN Security Council, stressed the need for a new Security Council resolution to support a comprehensive political settlement in Yemen.
The UK ambassador to Yemen, Richard Oppenheim, said in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat that a gap has occurred between the content of Resolution 2216 issued by the Security Council in 2015 and the situation on the ground that changes daily, pointing out that this will be reflected in any future political settlement. . He added, “I think that in any political settlement between the parties, we need a new decision.”
The British diplomat suggested that the new UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, would present a comprehensive peace plan with all speed and seriousness.
The British ambassador to Yemen believes that Iranian interference in Yemen, by supporting the Houthis with missiles and others, is making the situation worse, complicating the United Nations peace efforts, and threatening the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

My comment: ????????????????????????

(A P)

Film: British Ambassador to #Yemen Richard Oppenheim welcomes the return of Yemeni PM Maeen Abdel Malik to #Aden, Yemen's interim capital, calling for "fully implementing Riyadh Agreement."

My comment: ????

(A P)

Government's 59 per cent aid cut to war-torn Yemen 'frankly unfathomable', says Yorkshire MP Gill Furniss

Government plans to cut aid to war-torn Yemen by almost 60 per cent are “frankly unfathomable”, Yorkshire MP Gill Furniss has said.

Ms Furniss said: “Given the wide-ranging impact of this humanitarian crisis, it is frankly unfathomable that the UK has cut its aid to Yemen. It flies in the face of the ever increasing challenges that face an ever increasing number of Yemenis. Cutting this vital lifeline has cost lives and will continue Toggle showing location of to do so.

“The Minister has said that the aid funding that has been announced will be a floor, not a ceiling. If there is a country where the Government could make good on those words, Yemen is it. If funding remains at the level announced, there will be a staggering 59 per cent cut from the amount spent in the 2020-21 budget. Human suffering is of such a scale that the Government must do more both to push for lasting peace and to save lives in the meantime. As the UN Security Council penholder on Yemen, we have a significant role to play in bringing about peace.”

James Cleverly, Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, said in response: “The situation in Yemen is beyond despair.

He admitted that the Government's aid contribution "is smaller than in previous years" but said the UK was still providing important support.

and the whole session in full:

(* A P)

Lawyers to submit Yemen war crimes dossier to UK police

Key figures in Saudi Arabia and UAE accused of crimes against humanity include investors in Britain

A group of human rights lawyers will on Wednesday file a legal complaint in the UK accusing key figures in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of being involved in war crimes relating to the war in Yemen.

They plan to submit a dossier to British police and prosecutors alleging that about 20 members of the political and military elite of the two Gulf nations are guilty of crimes against humanity, and call for their immediate arrest should they enter the UK.

The full list of those accused was not released by the group of lawyers, Guernica 37, but it is understood they include Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and his Emirati equivalent Mohammed bin Zayed.

Both are considered close political allies of the UK and important investors in the country, with the UAE ruling family owning Manchester City. Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) took control of Premier League rivals Newcastle United in a £305m deal.

Toby Cadman, the barrister leading the complaint, said he hoped the Met police’s war crimes unit would ignore any political pressures from the British government and evaluate the issues fairly. “We are talking about the most heinous crimes and we don’t believe there is any immunity from them.”

and also

(A P)

Film: Will Newcastle win their next game? Watch CNBC’s @_HadleyGamble exclusive interview with Saudi Arabia’s Finance Minister after the $400 million takeover of Newcastle

Comment: Hello @premierleague, you said KSA state is entirely separate from @PIF_en but here the Saudi Finance Minister discusses PL sponsorship & says "we" in relation to investment (sometimes remembering to say they). Time to show supporters some honesty and clarity?


(A P)

Premier League clubs vote to block Newcastle sponsorship deals at emergency meeting

The hostility among Premier League clubs to the Newcastle United takeover was underlined on Monday when they voted through legislation designed to prevent the Saudi owners from striking lucrative sponsorship deals.

(A P)

UK foreign minister to visit Saudi Arabia, Qatar

British foreign minister Liz Truss will travel to Saudi Arabia and Qatar this week, seeking to further the case for a trade deal with Gulf countries and deepen diplomatic ties.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A H P)

Bundespolizei: In 2021 bislang 939 illegale Einreisen nach MV mit Belarus-Bezug

Die Bundespolizei hat am Donnerstag neue Zahlen zu den unerlaubten Einreisen aus Belarus über Polen nach Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bekanntgegeben. Demnach sind im Bereich der für den Grenzabschnitt zwischen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Polen zuständigen Bundespolizeiinspektion Pasewalk von August bis einschließlich 20. Oktober 2021 insgesamt 939 unerlaubt eingereiste Personen mit einem Belarus-Bezug festgestellt worden. Für August 2021 wurden 107 solcher illegalen Einreisen verzeichnet, im September sei die Zahl auf 302 gesiegen. Für den laufenden Monat Oktober wurden bis einschließlich 20. Oktober 2021 bereits 530 unerlaubte Einreisen mit einem Bezug zu Belarus registriert. Die Personen stammen vorrangig aus dem Irak sowie aus dem Iran, Syrien und dem Jemen, so die Bundespolizei.,kurzmeldungmv3814.html

dazu auch:

(* A P)

Ehemalige Bundeswehrsoldaten wollten mutmaßlich Söldnertruppe aufbauen

Bundesanwaltschaft und Bundeskriminalamt haben zwei ehemalige Angehörige der Bundeswehr festgenommen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen sollen die Männer Pläne für eine private Söldnerarmee geschmiedet haben.

Generalbundesanwalt Peter Frank beschuldigt mindestens zwei ehemalige Bundeswehrsoldaten, schwere Straftaten begangen zu haben. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen sollen die Männer an Plänen gearbeitet haben, eine bis zu 150 Mann starke Söldnertruppe aufzubauen. Diese Privatarmee wollten sie demnach unter einem humanitären Deckmantel der Regierung von Saudi-Arabien für illegale Spezialmissionen im Jemen anbieten.

Wie die Bundesanwaltschaft auf Anfrage mitteilte, wurden Arend-Adolf G. und Achim A. am Mittwochmorgen von Beamten des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA) im Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald und in München festgenommen. Zugleich wurden die Wohnungen der Beschuldigten sowie vier weitere Wohnungen in Bayern und Baden-Württemberg durchsucht.

Die Vorwürfe gegen die beiden Rädelsführer sind umfangreich und gravierend. Die Bundesanwaltschaft beschuldigt G. und A. der Verabredung zu Mord und Geiselnahme. Zudem wirft sie den beiden Männern Pläne für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit vor. Es steht auch der Verdacht im Raum, dass sie eine terroristische Vereinigung gründen wollten und für einen fremden Wehrdienst rekrutierten. Den Ermittlungen zufolge versprachen sie sich davon einen monatlichen Söldnerlohn von jeweils 40.000 Euro.

Über den Sommer mit aktiven und ehemaligen deutschen Soldaten und Polizisten aufgestellt, so der Bericht des Hinweisgebers, sollte die Truppe im Bürgerkrieg im Jemen von den Huthi-Rebellen gehaltene Gebiete angreifen und einnehmen. Es sollte demnach Gas zum Einsatz kommen und Infrastruktur zerstört werden, um eine Einnahme durch reguläre jemenitische Regierungstruppen vorzubereiten.

und mehr

und auch


(A P)


Wir dokumentieren hier die Stellungnahme des Generalbundesanwaltes zur Verhaftung:


(A P)


(* A P)

Ex-German soldiers arrested over alleged terror plot in Yemen's war

Two former German soldiers have been arrested on suspicion of trying to form a terrorist mercenary force to fight in Yemen's civil war, prosecutors say.

Arend-Adolf G and Achim A face terrorism charges after police raids in southern Germany on Wednesday.

They allegedly planned to recruit up to 150 men for a private army made up of former police officers and soldiers.

They wanted to offer their services to Saudi Arabia's government for illegal missions in Yemen, prosecutors said.

The accused former soldiers wanted Saudi Arabia to finance their private operations in Yemen, prosecutors in Germany said. The men tried to approach Saudi Arabian government agencies but they received no response and their efforts were unsuccessful.

In a statement, federal prosecutors outlined extensive and serious allegations against the two "ringleaders", who had "military knowledge and skills".

The prosecutors allege that Arend-Adolf G and Achim A decided to set up a mercenary force under their exclusive command at the start of 2021. They planned to pay each member of their unit a wage of about €40,000 (£33,700; $46,400) a month for their services, prosecutors said.

Arend-Adolf G had allegedly already tried to recruit at least seven people.

Germany's Spiegel magazine, which first reported the arrests, said the mercenary force was supposed to attack and capture areas held by the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Arend-Adolf G and Achim A "expected civilians to be killed and injured in connection with fighting" in Yemen, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors also suspect the accused men wanted to advertise their military service for deployments in other conflicts.

and also

Film, Kommentar von Thomas Gast:

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Yemen Students' Union in Iran Celebrates Prophet's Birth

(A H P)

Dozens of Yemeni fishermen have arrived at the fish landing center in Al-Khokha, south of Al-Hodeidah. They had been detained by the Eritrean authorities and their boats had been confiscated.

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

Sudan: Political tensions continue as protesters block roads

Pro-military protesters briefly blocked major roads and bridges in Sudan’s capital Sunday, amid growing tensions between the generals and the pro-democracy movement that fueled the uprising against autocratic former president Omar al-Bashir.

The development came a day after U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman met with military and civilian leaders in Khartoum to find a compromise to the dispute.

The souring ties between the military and civilians in the ruling government threaten Sudan’s fragile transition to democracy since the military’s ouster of al-Bashir and his Islamist government in April 2019 after nearly three decades of autocratic rule.

The current crisis surfaced with a coup attempt last month. Officials blamed al-Bashir loyalists for the move.

(A P)

Thousands rally in Sudan’s capital to demand civilian rule

Thousands of people rallied in the streets of Sudan’s capital city Thursday, demanding a fully civilian government as the relationship between military generals and pro-democracy groups deteriorated over the country’s future.

As crowds swelled in separate marches in Khartoum, protest organizers said that security forces had attacked a group of demonstrators near the parliamentary headquarters. A police statement, however, said that some demonstrators had departed from the otherwise peaceful march and attacked the security forces, leaving policemen with injuries, including two with gunshot wounds.

Dr. Mohamed al-Haj, who works at a nearby hospital in the area of Omdurman, said he knew of a dozen protesters who were being treated there, two of them with gunshot wounds.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

(A K)

Photos: #Yemen: A locally made AKM based AKS-74U copy (Known locally as "Jiffri") on sale in the vicinity of #Sanaa with a popular leather wrap on the handguard, stock, HG, etc.

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E P)

Yemeni gov't bans foreign moneys in domestic dealings

The Yemeni UN-recognized government on Wednesday decided to ban the use of foreign currencies in domestic dealings that would be exclusively made in Yemeni rial, as a measure to curb speculation and decline of the national money.
The national currency will be used in all the sales and purchases of goods and services, contracts and deals at the national level, the government said in a statement.
The use of foreign moneys will be restricted to transactions and pledges stemmed from international deals, and banned in these dealings, according to the statement.

(* B E P)

The [Aden] Central Bank of #Yemen and the internationally recognized government in #Aden are struggling to stabilize the economy as the Yemeni rial (YER) plummets to a new low of 1350 #YER per USD.

(* B E H)

Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative: September 2021 Situation Overview

Full document:

If the link does not work, try.

(* B E P)

Yemen suffering from ‘systematic looting’ of oil wealth by Saudi-led coalition mercenaries: [Sanaa gov.] Yemen Petroleum Company

The Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) says member countries of the Saudi-led coalition waging war against Yemen are looting the impoverished country's oil reserves, urging the UN to take action to alleviate the sufferings of Yemeni people.

“We are suffering from a systematic looting operation, carried out by the aggression [coalition's] mercenaries and run by the member countries of the [Saudi-led] coalition, and which targets the wealth of the Yemeni people,” Essam Al-Mutawakel, a spokesman for the Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC), told al-Masirah television network on Wednesday.

He noted that the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a member of the coalition, has brought boats and is present in Yemen’s ports to steal the Yemeni oil.

Al-Mutawakel added that the Saudi-led aggressors have stolen “more than 165 million dollars” a month from Yemen's oil sale revenues, while Yemen is grappling with an economic crisis. = =

(* A E)

I follow the Yemeni Money Exchangers Association tracking of $ prices in #Aden. This is what I have seen between early morning 19 Oct and 20 Oct: 1213 1224 1262 1251 1300 1314 (1 hr ago). The resultant increase in cost of living for the poor is unbearable.

(A E)

The Mokha Institute to Lead Inaugural National Yemen Coffee Auction

A new auction program for Yemeni coffees called the National Yemen Coffee Auction (NYCA) is scheduled to debut in May 2022.

The auction program is being led by California- and Yemen-based The Mokha Institute (TMI), which launched last year

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Imagine for a moment

Imagine for a moment the international media's outcry if it was the government who failed to launch a missile like this and caused the massacre! Imagine how Iran's mouthpiece of Aljazeera TV would cover it. Imagine how western media would sensationalize it. Would the US envoy, British ambassador, UN envoy or any of the UN's officials let it pass without mentioning it? How many years will it be held over the government as a crime? Like the myth of "horses" killed or schoolchildrenon a bus in Saada by airstrikes as the UN still weeps in its reports. Were it the government who caused the disaster of today, would the UN reports on humanitarian situation leave it out?

Imagine the government or any other faction than Houthis is killing civilians across the frontlines on a daily basis for seven years, or turning Yemen to a farm of landmines since 2004?

(A P)

Cartoon: #Houthis & Liberating #Jerusalem

(A P)

Bothside-ism is UN's tactic to avoid naming Houthis as the causers and perpetuators of the war

Does anybody know a front or a region where the government forces are escalating?!

In Marib? Taiz? Hodeidah? Dhale'a? Saada? Sana'a?

Isn't the army on the defensive everywhere? In fact poor defensive – thanks to the conspiracy of weakening.

But in the UN's arbitration, it has be "both-sides" responsibility to de-escalate.

This has been the UN and UN Security Council's arbitration since the Houthis started the first crime and first spark of the Yemeni conflict by overthrowing the government in 2014

(A P)

Saudi Press: Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy is Based on Principles of Respecting Sovereignty of Countries and Good Neighborliness

Al-Riyadh newspaper editorially reported that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is based on principles and fundamentals represented in respecting the sovereignty of other countries and good neighborliness and resolving disputes through dialogue and peaceful methods stipulated in the UN Charter and international norms and laws.
Therefore, Saudi Arabia stressed that the Iranian regime’s subversive, destructive and harmful policies in the region, in addition to its attempts to acquire nuclear weapons should be dealt with firmly by the international governance, the paper said.
The Iranian regime’s hostile behavior represents an imminent and major danger in destabilizing the region’s security and stability and threatening the future and prosperity of its peoples, the paper added.

(A P)

The Houthis, like other Islamist groups, are destined to fail

Such groups do not come to power except through violence and among the ruins of the state.

In a conversation with a group of friends about the reason for the failure of Islamist currents when at the helm of the state, I argued that these these groups are designed to be in the opposition, as their followers are instilled with a culture of the rejection of existing states. One that is built on undermining state institutions. Once in power, they are unable to deal with any new realities other than through the prism inculcated in their minds.

And the issue is not limited to the Islamist currents in the Sunni camp, such as the Muslim Brotherhood. The issue encompasses all ideological groups, including Shia Islamist regimes in their Khomeinist incarnation, which we saw in action and failing abjectly while managing the affairs of state in Iran, Iraq and then in Yemen at the hands of the Houthis after they took control of the state in an armed coup.

(A P)

Joint Houthi-Brotherhood Plot Revealed

The Commander of 19th Infantry Brigade of the pro-Hadi forces in Shabwa, Brigadier General Ali Saleh Al-Kulaibi revealed a joint Houthi-Muslim Brotherhood plot targeting the South, the Saudi-led Arab Coalition, and the security of the region.
In a video message, Brig. Gen. al-Kulaibi said that the military arm of Muslim Brotherhood organization within Yemen's legitimacy (Islah Party) had played a key role in handing over Bihan's districts in the north of Shabwa governorate to the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.
"The pro-Iran militants took over the region of Bihan without a fight after making a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood." Brig. Gen. al-Kulaibi affirmed.

(A P)

Saudi Press: Houthi Militia Carries out Attacks Against Civilians in Yemen and Saudi Arabia Without Human Conscience

Al-Bilad newspaper reported in its editorial that the terrorist Houthi militia carries out attacks against civilians in Yemen and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia without human conscience.
The terrorist militia is continuing violations and hostile actions, constituting a major threat to international peace and security without international deterrence, the paper said.
Saudi Arabia has been stressing the importance of taking adequate and strict measures by the international community, especially the Security Council to put an end to Houth militias' destabilization of regional and international security, the paper added.

(A P)

Iran’s Terrorism by Drones

Like a carnival magician, the government of Iran has kept international attention on the right hand of its nuclear weapons development program while hiding from western politicians the work of its left hand in developing asymmetrical warfare weapons.

Iranian drones launched from Yemen have already succeeded in striking a Saudi Arabian oil refinery. Another drone attack killed several senior Yemeni officers

My comment: Looking at the US drone war / US drone terrorism in many countries for many years, Iran really is a flyspeck.

(A P)

Removing Iran from Syria

There have been occasional reports that Iran is reducing its military presence in Syria. Should they be taken seriously? Probably not, because Syria has become an integral part of the "Islamic Republic" of Iran's expansionist project. The regime in Tehran has linked its fate to this ongoing project, so much so that any Iranian pull back, be it in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, or Yemen, will have a direct impact on it.

Iran is thus unlikely to withdraw from Syria. If some troop movement or redeployment does occur, it will be a tactical formality rather than of a strategic nature. Iran cannot change its natural inclinations, as to do so would mean changing the composition of a regime founded on the principle of "exporting the revolution" from a sectarian standpoint and nothing else.

(A P)

Yemeni FM to Asharq Al-Awsat: Int’l Position Weak on Abdiyah Events

Houthi militias in Yemen are backed by Iran and cannot decide when it comes to war and peace, Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak confirmed to Asharq Al-Awsat, demanding the international community pressures the group into stopping the violence and entering the peace process.

“The international position is weak and does not rise to the occasion regarding events in Abdiyah,” Mubarak told Asharq Al-Awsat.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Oct. 19:

Oct. 18:

Oct. 17:

Oct. 16:

(* A K)

Militärkoalition: Mehr als 260 Huthi-Rebellen binnen 72 Stunden im Jemen getötet

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition im Jemen hat in den vergangenen drei Tagen nach eigenen Angaben mehr als 260 Huthi-Rebellen getötet. In den vergangenen 72 Stunden seien bei Luftangriffen "36 Militärfahrzeuge zerstört" und "mehr als 264" Rebellenkämpfer bei Angriffen in der Nähe der strategisch wichtigen Stadt Marib getötet worden, erklärte die Militärallianz laut einem Bericht der staatlichen saudiarabischen Nachrichtenagentur SPA am Sonntag. =

(* A K)

More than 260 Yemeni rebels killed in Saudi-led strikes near Marib, coalition says

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said Sunday it had killed more than 260 Houthi rebels in the past three days near the strategic city of Marib.

"Thirty-six military vehicles were destroyed and more than 264" rebel fighters were killed in strikes in the past 72 hours in al-Jawba, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) south of Marib, and in al-Kassara, 30 kilometres to the northwest, the coalition said, as quoted by the Saudi Press Agency.

(A K)

Coalition strikes Houthis in Jawf

The Saudi-led coalition on Friday launched airstrikes against Houthi positions in Jawf province in northeast Yemen.

Dozens of Houthis were killed and injured and a number of their vehicles destroyed in the airstrikes east of Al-Hazm, the capital city of the province, the information centre of the government forces said


(A K)


On October 24, the Saudi-led coalition announced that its warplanes had destroyed a booby-trapped boat of the Houthis (Ansar Allah) off the coast of the western Yemeni province of al-Hudaydah.
In a statement shared by the Saudi Press Agency, the Saudi-led coalition said that the water-borne improvised explosive device (WBIED) was hidden in the Island of Kamaran. According to the coalition, the boat was being prepared for an “imminent attack”.


(A K)

Saudi-led coalition destroys 4 rebel boats in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition said Saturday it had destroyed four booby-trapped boats by Houthi rebels in western Yemen.

The boats were targeted in an attack on a rebel site used for manufacturing explosive-laden boats in al-Jabana base in the coastal Hudaydah province, the coalition said in a statement cited by the Saudi state news agency SPA.

The statement said the boats were ready “to be used in carrying out imminent hostile acts and assaults."


(A K)

Houthi-run Saba news agency says "the aggression warplanes launched three airstrikes on Hodeidah city" without naming places targeted. However, Saudi Press Agency citing the coalition statement, said the warplanes destroyed "four booby-trapped boats" in Hodeidah

The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition "Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen" publishes reconnaissance pictures of the four booby-trapped boats that were destroyed today in the coastal defense camp in Al-Jabbana, north of the city of Hodeidah


(A K)

Coalition vows painful airstrikes in response to Houthi escalation

The Saudi-led coalition on Thursday vowed to launch a massive and painful military operation against the Houthi group in Yemen in response to continued attacks against civilians and civilian objects in Saudi Arabia.

The statement coincided with powerful airstrikes against Houthi military camps and weapons depots in the capital Sanaa.

(* A K)

More than 90 Yemen rebels killed near Marib: Saudi-led coalition

The Saudi-led coalition said Friday it had killed at least 92 Houthi rebels in air strikes on two districts near Yemen's strategic city of Marib.

The deaths are the latest among hundreds to have been reported killed in recent fighting around Marib, and come during a second week of intense bombing.

and also

(A K pH)

Saudi fighter jets target drug depot in Yemen Sana’a

In its latest crime, Saudi-led coalition fighter jets targeted a drug depot in ‘Sawan’ area in north of Sana’a.

Saudi-American coalition’s fighter jets launched attacks against various parts of Yemen on Thursday.

The mentioned fighter jets targeted a drug depot in ‘Sawan’ area in Yemeni capital of Sanaa for six times, Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement website reported.

Almasirah TV channel also announced that Saudi-led coalition fighter jets launched three attacks to ‘Qahza’ area in Saada and one attack on ‘Al-Ammar’ area in Al-Safra.




(A K pH)

Saudi jets heavily bomb Sana'a, target pharmaceutical warehouses

At least one person has been killed and three others wounded when Saudi fighter jets struck pharmaceutical warehouses in Yemen’s capital province of Sana’a.

They bombarded the facilities in Saawan neighborhood on Thursday, Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah television network reported, citing local sources.

The spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement, Mohammed Abdul-Salam, denounced the aggression.

“The bombardment of pharmaceutical warehouses and other civilian facilities in Sana’a come in light of the recent statement by the UN Security Council, which is completely biased in favor of the coalition of aggression. Unfortunately, Saudi Arabia is forging ahead with its aggression and siege instead of stopping them and calculating the upshot of its foolishness,” he wrote in a post published on his Twitter page.,-injure-several-in-Yemen%E2%80%99s-Sana%E2%80%99a =


(A K pH)

Citizen killed, 3 wounded due to Saudi-led aggression airstrikes on Sana'a

At least a citizen was killed and three others were wounded on Thursday due to several airstrikes launched by Saudi-US aggression coalition warplanes on the capital Sana'a, a security official told Saba.

The aggression fighter jets this morning targeted a drug store in Sa'wan area with several airstrikes, which led to the killing of a citizen and the injury of three others, the official explained.

The aggression warplanes also waged four raids on the building of the Rural Electricity and Water Authority in Al-Thawra district, while two other airstrikes targeted each of the Public Works Department in Sho’aub district and Bani Al-Harith district, according to the official.

and also

while the Saudi side claims:

(A K pS)

Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen: Conducting A Military Operation in Sana’a In Response to Threats, Deterrence of Targeting Civilians and Civilian Objects

A Statement by the Official Spokesperson of the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen Brigadier General Turki Al-Malki:
“Coalition Air Force has conducted today, Thursday, a military operation against legitimate military targets in the Capital Sana’a in response to the threats, and neutralization of the dangers of imminent attacks that use ballistic missiles and bomb-laden drones to target civilian infrastructures in the Kingdom.

and also

My remark: And the usual propaganda BS following, which sounds mad if told by the main aggressor.


(A K)

Saudi coalition war planes pound Yemeni Sana'a

Saudi-led coalition war planes on Thursday targeted the Yemeni Houthi-held capital of Sana'a with a set of raids, according to eyewitnesses and Houthi media.
The Arab coalition aircraft pounded Sawan area, in the nearby of the US embassy in Sana'a, the Houthi-run al-Masyra TV said.
The coalition air strikes targeted the engineer force camp north Sana'a, according to eyewitnesses.
Violent blasts were heard and palls of smoke were seen hanging over from the targeted site, the witnesses said.

(* A K)

Mehr als 80 Huthi-Rebellen bei Luftangriffen im Jemen getötet

Bei erneuten Luftangriffen der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition sind im Jemen mehr als 80 Huthi-Rebellen getötet worden. In den vergangenen 24 Stunden seien rund um die umkämpfte Stadt Marib "elf Militärfahrzeuge zerstört und mindestens 82 Terroristen getötet worden", erklärte die Militärallianz laut einem Bericht der staatlichen saudi-arabischen Nachrichtenagentur SPA. =

(* A K pS)

Arab Coalition says 80 Houthis killed in Marib in second week of operations

The Arab coalition said on Wednesday more than 82 Houthis were killed in air strikes near Yemen’s strategic city of Marib, during a second week of intense reported bombing.

This is the tenth consecutive day that the coalition has announced strikes around Marib, reporting a total of around 1,300 Houthi fatalities.

(* A K)

Saudisches Militärbündnis tötet Hunderte Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen

Im Kampf um die strategisch wichtige Stadt Marib im Jemen hat das von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärbündnis nach eigenen Angaben in der vergangenen Woche 700 Huthi-Rebellen getötet. Allein am Dienstag seien fast 50 der vom Iran unterstützten Kämpfer bei Angriffen getötet worden, teilte die Koalition mit.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition says 48 Yemen rebels killed near Marib

Houthi rebels were killed in Saudi-led coalition air strikes on two districts near the strategic city of Marib, during intense fighting this week.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p., Jawf p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere Offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pH)

Two citizens killed, 2 injured due to Saudi bombing on Saada

At least two civilians were killed and two others were wounded on Sunday when the Saudi army forces targeted the borders areas of Saada province, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.
The source explained that the Saudi fire hit Al-Maftah and Al-Azza areas in the border district of Munabeh, killing two citizens and wounding two others.

(A K pS)

One child killed, three wounded in explosion of Houthi ordinance in Marib's Abdiya

The Yemeni Observatory on Landmines elaborated that 12-year-old Hashed Al-Hameedi was killed, while Abdulmajid Ballghayth, Naji Al-Zabeedi (both nearly 12 year old too) and 10-year-old Mane'a Al-Zabeedi were injured, the first of the three very seriously.

(A K pS)

A commander in the southern Shabwani Elite militia, Fares Areeq, was killed while fighting alongside the northern Houthi militia against the government forces in Bayhan/Multiple websites

My comment: By an islah Party news site. Both southern Yemeni parties hostile to each other object that vthe other side is allying with the common Houthi enemy.

(A K pS)

KSrelief Masam Project Dismantles more than 1,500 Mines in Yemen During One Week

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's (KSrelief) project for clearing mines in Yemen (Masam) demined 1,557 mines during the third week of October 2021, including 6 antipersonnel mines, 1,067 anti-tank mines, 483 unexploded ordnance and 1 explosive device.
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 282,878 mines, planted by the Houthi militias, have been dismantled.

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Army spokesman reveals details of "Rab'ie Al-Nasr" operation in Marib, Shabwa

The Armed Forces spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Sari'e, revealed on Sunday, in a press briefing, the details of the large-scale military operation "Rabi'e Al-Nasr" (Spring of Victory) in the provinces of Marib and Shabwa.

During the operation, the army and the popular committees managed to control the districts of Usailan, Al-Ain and Bihan in Shabwa province, and Harib and Al-Abdiyah districts and large parts of Al-Juba and Jabal Murad districts in Marib province, with a total area of 3,200 square kilometers.

The operation resulted in the killing, wounding, and capturing 1,840 of the Saudi-led aggression coalition troops and Al-Qaeda members, including 550 dead, 1,200 wounded, and 90 captured, according to the spokesman.

Brig. Gen. Sari'e confirmed that among the coalition’s dead were operatives of “ISIS” and “Al-Qaeda,” which used to take Al-Abdiyah as a stronghold and receive support from the coalition.

and also


(A K pH)

Al-Qaeda terrorists flee as [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni forces capture strategic region in Ma'rib

Dozens of militants from the al-Qaeda-linked Islah party have fled Ma’rib to neighboring provinces amid advances by Yemeni army soldiers and fighters from Popular Committees.

Sources close to separatist Southern Transitional Council (STC), which is supported by the United Arab Emirates, said a number of top-brass commanders from Islah party have lately moved to the eastern al-Mahrah province, and are trying to establish a new base there to mount fresh assaults on Yemeni armed forces, PressTV reported.

The STC lambasted pro-Hadi forces for not being serious about standing against Yemeni army troops and their allies, stating that they have suffered painful humiliations as a result.

(A K pS)

A Houthi ballistic missile malfunctioned shortly after the launch from Dhamar city, central #Yemen, minutes ago, residents said. The missile fell into a residential area south of Dhamar city, where several explosions heard

(A K pS)

Houthis execute wounded tribal fighters and turn schools to detention facilities in captured district of Abdiya in Marib./Aden Alghad

(B K pS)

River of Houthi fighters continues to flow onto Marib since February 6

"Waves after waves after waves of fighters without any pause. It seems they are going to push all the 29 million people in their areas of control onto Marib," said Lt. Abu Ayman who mans a machinegun on one of Marib's frontlines as he describes the Houthi persistent attempt to invade the government-held city where three million escapees from the terrorist militia live.

"It is like a river of fighters flowing onto Marib since February 6," he says.

(A K pH)

Citizen killed, 5 wounded by Saudi bombing on Sa'ada

A citizen was killed and five others, including African migrants, were wounded on Saturday by Saudi army fire in the border district of Munabeh in Sa'ada province, a security source told Saba.

The Saudi enemy targeted Al-Sheikh and Al-Azza areas in Munabeh district with missiles and artillery shells

and also

(A K pH)

25 Saudi mercenaries killed in Ma'rib in Yemeni army attacks

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Forces Capture Strategic Region in Ma'rib as Al-Qaeda Militants Flee

and also

(B K)

Film: Marib, point de bascule potentiel dans la guerre au Yémen • FRANCE 24

La ville de Marib, au centre du Yémen, est hautement stratégique dans la guerre qui oppose les loyalistes aux rebelles Houtis. Les combats font rage entre les deux camps dans cette région pétrolière, pour le moment contrôlée par la coalition menée par l'Arabie Saoudite. L'analyse du chercheur et spécialiste David Rigoulet-Roze, invité de France 24.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army launches fierce attack on Houthi militia in Behan [Shabwa prov.]

(A K)

#Yemeni missiles appear to have hit #Saudi National Guard headquarters #Riyadh causing extensive damage

(A K pH)

Saudi army's fire kills 2, injures 4 in Sa'ada

Two citizens were killed and 4 others were injured, including 2 African immigrants, by the Saudi army's fire on Sa'ada province, a security official said on Wednesday.

The Saudi enemy's army opened fire towards Shuwayra area in Munabeh border district, said the official.

and also

(A K)

Houthi fighters killed, injured in Dhalea fighting with [Hadi gov.] national army

(A K)

Yemeni [Hadi] gov't troops starts massive attack on Houthi sites in Shabwa

(A K pH)

Latest Updates on Yemen, Oct. 21

– Clashes between Ansar Allah and Saudi-led forces continued on the southern front of al-Jubah district.
– The news of the liberation of Naja, Al-Soum and Al-Musil by Ansar Allah in the past few days is not correct, and also the news that Ansar Allah withdrew from these areas is not true.
– The Saudi coalition claims to have carried out 26 air operations in recent days and 80 Ansar Allah casualties on the southern fronts of Marib province.

(* B K P)

Yemen: why the Houthis want to seize the city of Marib at all costs

The last government stronghold in northern Yemen, the city of Marib, located more than a hundred kilometers east of Sana'a, has been at the heart of a bloody battle since February between loyalist forces supported by the Saudi Arabia and an alliance of tribal militias with Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

In recent days, the international coalition led by Riyadh has been announcing heavy tolls in the rebel ranks on a daily basis.

According to her, the raids killed more than a thousand Houthis in this area, where they managed to gain ground.

Marib is almost completely surrounded, from north to west, and south now, "except for a road to the east which leads to Hadramaut".

A sign of the vital and strategic importance of this road, it is secured by around forty checkpoints, specifies the independent journalist.

Marib, the last loyalist stronghold in the North.

"It is the only way to resupply the loyalist forces with food and weapons, and therefore the only way out for the population in the event that the rebels manage to take the city."

The escalation in violence has raised fears of a humanitarian catastrophe for the more than two million people who have fled to this region to escape fighting in other parts of the country.

The fact remains that so far the rebels, who conquered the capital Sanaa in 2014 and most of the north of the country, do not seem inclined to stop their offensive on Marib.

"If ever the Houthis were to seize Marib, located in a region where most of the country's hydrocarbon resources are found, they would bring down the last unified military stronghold against them, while the coalition has invested heavily in its defense, says Quentin Müller. The city is indeed the last symbol of the resistance of the tribes, the army and the coalition, which are relatively united in this war against the Houthis, whereas on other fronts it is not not always the case. "

In addition to the symbol and the possible takeover of the oil resources of this region

"The rebels have put all their weight in this battle because they have every interest in seizing the city as part of future peace talks or possibly a future partition of the country because the government will have nothing to do with it. to argue during negotiations. "

And for good reason: Marib has become somewhat of the "informal capital" of the government - which was expelled from Aden by the separatists - and part of the Ministry of Defense was transferred there.

His loss would be another snub for the loyalists - and for Riyadh.

(* B K P)

Yemen rebels set sight on city of Marib

Houthi rebels reportedly completed their control of al-Abdiyah district in oil-rich Marib province

Despite growing calls for them to halt their military offensive, Houthi rebels in Yemen have pushed ahead with the onslaught to seize the al-Abdiyah district in the central Marib province.

The Houthis argue that they are fighting al-Qaeda and Daesh/ISIS militants in Marib, one of the most important strongholds of the legitimate government and home to the headquarters of Yemen’s Defense Ministry.

On Saturday, the US Department of State described the Houthi escalation in Marbi as a “flagrant disregard for the safety of civilians”.

The US call “was a proof of the link between the US and al-Qaeda and Daesh/ISIS militants, who were defeated in al-Abdiyah,” rebel spokesman Mohammed Abdul-Salam tweeted.

"The shouts of the Americans are getting louder as we take on the positions of al-Qaeda and Daesh/ISIS in Marib," he said.


Nadwa Dawsari, a Yemeni Non-Resident scholar at Middle East Institute, said the main goal of the Houthi rebels is to take complete control of Yemen.

“There is no reason for them to stop as long as they are winning on all fronts and there is no one to stop them,” Dawsari told Anadolu Agency.

“The calls of the international community have no effect because they lack pressuring tools on the Houthis, and the Houthis know that these calls are just hollow and useless,” she said.

Nasser Altawil, a Yemeni lecturer at Sanaa University, said the Iran-backed rebels do not take international warnings into account, because they know that the international community is “not serious”, considering their previous experience with similar warnings for years.

“The Houthis are utilizing the American warnings for their local propaganda telling the Yemeni people that the Americans are fighting in Marib, and they (Houthis) are defending their land against foreigners,” he said.

Dawsari believes that the Houthis will continue to advance if the pro-government forces remain to be on the defensive only.

(A K)

10 civilians injured in Houthi missile attack in northeast Yemen

At least ten civilians were injured when a ballistic missile hit the neighbourhood of Al-Rawdhah in Yemen's northeastern province of Marib on Wednesday, local sources said.


(A K pS)

Houthis erase crime with a new crime: fire missile to make public forget Abdiya atrocities

A new balistic missile fired by Houthis left 15 civilian casualties in Yemen’s eastern Marib province on Wednesday, in an apparent bid to distrct the public’s attention from the Shiit militia’s ongoing and larger scale atrocities agains civilians Abdiya district.

The missile fired from Sana’a hit a neighborhood in Al-Rowdha in Marib’s provincial capital wounding unspecting men and women, mostly escapees from the militia’s years long crackdown in northwest the country.

Analyst Osama Ali said the militia “apparently want to distract people’s attention from the ongoing bigger crimes against humanity in Abdiya that the militia have done and still do.”

and also

(* A K pS)

Medical sources: 6 people were killed and another 10 wounded in a Houthi missile attack on #Marib city.

(* A K pH)

Army's ballistic missiles target Saudi camp in Jizan

The missile force targeted al-Wajib forces camp in Jizan region with 5 ballistic missiles, the Army's spokesman said on Thursday.

In a statement, Brigadier General Yahya Sari'e said the missile force fired five ballistic missiles on the headquarters, weapons stores, and the hangars of the Apache helicopters in the camp, stressing that the missiles accurately hit the targets.

He said that this operation resulted in the killing and injuring of more than 35, including officers and pilots of Apache helicopters, according to intelligence information.

Brigadier General Sari'e indicated that the strikes are a legitimate response to the aggression's crimes, its continuous raids, and its unjust siege on Yemen.

and also


(* A K)

Houthis Claim Ballistic Missile Attack on Jazan Command HQ Killed, Wounded 35 Saudi Troops

A recent missile strike by Yemen’s Ansarallah, or Houthi movement, against a Saudi airport near the border is reported to have killed dozens of soldiers in a command headquarters. The strike came as the United Nations Security Council voted to condemn Houthi cross-border attacks, but not Saudi airstrikes in Yemen.

A Wednesday attack on al-Wajab military camp in the Saudi city of Jazan accurately struck its target, killing or wounding at least 35 Saudi officers and soldiers, including two pilots of Apache attack helicopters, according to a report by the Yemen Press Agency in Sana’a, which is controlled by the Houthis. The strike also reportedly destroyed weapons stores and Apache hangars.

According to the report, the camp was hit by five ballistic missiles, although the Saudi Defense Ministry on Wednesday claimed to have intercepted at least one missile targeting Jazan.

and also


(* A K)


New satellite images have confirmed that the Saudi military’s Jizan Force camp sustained heavy material damage as a result of the October 20 missile strike that was carried out by the Houthis (Ansar Allah).

The Yemeni group launched five ballistic missiles of an unidentified type at the camp, which is located in southern Saudi Arabia. Only one of the missiles was intercepted by Saudi-led coalition air-defenses.

The newly-released satellite images revealed that one of the hangars in the helicopter landing zone, where several AH-64 Apache attack helicopters are usually situated, had received a direct hit. A building complex located in the heart of the camp was also struck. Several smaller scorch marks can be seen across the camp.

The Houthis claimed that more than 35 Saudi service members, including officers and pilots, were killed or wounded as a result of the large-scale ballistic missile strike.

However, media sources placed the death toll from the strike at 18 service members. Only six of the casualties were identified.



(* A K)


The identities of some of the Saudi officers who were allegedly killed in the Houthis’ recent ballistic missile strike on a military camp in the southern Saudi province of Jizan have been revealed.

Zaid Benjamin, a journalist of the London-based New Arab outlet, confirmed that at least six Saudi officers and 12 soldiers were killed.

The journalist and Saudi activists identified some of the casualties as:


(* A K)

6 #Saudi military officers & 12 soldiers killed in #Yemeni drone/missile strike last night

6 officers and 12 soldiers were killed and 20 others were wounded, as a result of targeting the Jizan force camp in Abu Arish at dawn on Wednesday It has been known from the victims - Lieutenant-Colonel Abdullah Nasser Al-Wahaibi -Captain/Faisal Fahad Al-Ajyan -Captain/ Abdullah Alyan Al-Harbi - Lieutenant 1/ Nasser Al-Dhiyabi Al-Otaibi - Agent Sergeant / Al-Hassan Mohamed Attoudi

and also a victim:

but the Saudi side claims:

(A K pS)

Coalition forces intercepts, destroys Houthi-fired ballistic missile

The Saudi-led Coalition to support Yemen's legitimacy has intercepted and destroyed a ballistic missile launched by the terrorist Houthi militia toward the southern Saudi city of Jazan, according to a Coalition statement. =

(A K)

Yemeni gov't, Houthis swap 12 bodies killed in Sa'ada

Local mediation has led the Yemeni government troops and Houthi group to swap 12 dead bodies from both parties.

(A K pS)

Saudi Female Soldier Helps Arab Coalition Pilot in Targeting Houthis

A recent video clip revealed the participation of a Saudi military woman in crushing Houthi militants in Yemen. She did so from the operations command room for ongoing missions in support of Yemen’s official state.

She gave instructions to an Arab Coalition pilot on a mission to determine a hostile target of the Iranian-backed Houthi militia. Her guidance has aided the pilot in hitting the target with high accuracy.

The video shows that the operation was among those carried out by the Arab Coalition to protect Yemen’s Marib Governorate

(* B K pS)

Houthi land mines: Yemen's constant nightmare

Over 1,400 individuals have been killed by land mines in the past three years alone, while more than 4.5 million Yemenis were disabled in land mine explosions as of March 2020.

Hardly a day passes in Yemen without civilian casualties resulting from explosions of land mines laid during the seven-year war by Iran-backed Houthis.

Over 1,400 individuals have been killed by land mines in the past three years alone, while more than 4.5 million Yemenis were disabled in land mine explosions as of March 2020.

Land mines laid by the Houthis continue to pose a constant, grave danger to civilians, as well as relief workers, the United Nations (UN) Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Yemen said in an October 6 statement.

About 1,424 civilians have been killed by land mines and remnants of explosives since 2018, it said.

The statement called for more international aid and resources to support de-mining efforts in Yemen.

"The war [in Yemen] may stop, but the stream of civilian casualties will continue to flow for several years," said lawyer and human rights activist Abdul Rahman Berman.

Most land mine victims are civilians, he said, and many among them are women and children.

Land mines are laid haphazardly in sheep grazing areas, where women and children are at heightened risk of encountering them, he added.

The Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance (MASAM) in Yemen, the National Army's Military Works Department and the National Committee for De-mining are making meaningful progress in de-mining efforts, Abdul Hafeez said, but more needs to be done.

Since it began work in July 2018, MASAM has removed 280,047 mines laid by the Houthis, it announced on October 10.

Statistics on land mine explosion casualties are compiled by local monitors, Faris al-Humairi, executive director of Yemeni Landmine Records, told Al-Mashareq.

"The actual number of victims is probably higher,", he said, as most land mine victims fall in remote, rural areas and are buried by their families without any documentation.

He said the largest number of improvised explosive device (IED) victims, especially among civilians, are casualties of Houthi "camouflaged booby traps", which IRGC experts taught the militia to assemble.

The most heavily mined areas in Yemen, according to al-Humairi, are the coastal and western districts of Taiz province (including al-Mukha, Dhubab, al-Waziyah and Mawza), as well as the southern districts of al-Hodeidah province (including al-Durayhimi, al-Tuhayta, Hays and Khokha).

Midi and Harad districts in Hajjah province and Khub wal Shaaf district in al-Jawf are also among the most mined, he added.

(A K pS)

Violent fighting ongoing between Iran-backed Houthis and forces of #Yemen's internationally recognized govt in Ausailan district of #Shabwah governorate, a military source said. The govt forces attempt to regain areas lost to Houthis weeks ago.

(A K pS)

Houthi sniper shoots dead elderly man in Taiz

and also

(A K pS)

Houthis have executed captive government soldiers, tribal supporters and civilians including a shepherd in Abdiya south of Marib, sources including the Health Ministry office in Marib said/Multiple websites

(A K pS)

4 people killed, injured including two children by Houthi projectile explosion in Al-Bayda

Four people, including two children, were killed and injured in Al-Zaher distruct in Al-Bayda province as a result of a projectile explosion left over by the Houthi terrorist militias.

Local residents said that a BMB projectile left over by the Houthi militia exploded on Monday and killed the two young men, Mohammed Abdul Khaleq Saleh Barman and Tarek Mohammed Hussein al-Barmani, while two child

and also

(A K pH)

Saudi shelling kills man, injures 8 in Sa'ada

A man was killed and eight others wounded, including three African immigrants on Tuesday by the Saudi army's fire in Munabeh district of Sa'ada province, a security official said.

and also

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Army retakes strategic military sites southern Marib

and also

(A K)

Yemeni gov't troops: Marib battles endless, Houthi breaches to end

The [Hadi gov.] Yemeni national army has foiled new Houthi attempts to advance in the northeastern governorate of Marib, spokesman for the government armed forces said on Sunday, hours after the Houthis said they captured new districts in the oil-rich governorate.

(A K pS)

[Hadi gov.] Yemen’s army regains even more territories

(A K)

Film: Fighting continues near Marib in eastern Yemen

(18 Oct 2021) Fighting continued near the city of Marib in eastern Yemen on Monday between Shiite rebels and forces loyal to Yemen's internationally recognised government.

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Siehe / Look at cp16

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are going on and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pS)

Houthis Attack Villagers' Farms in Al-Tuhita

(A K pS)

Film: Houthi shelling destroys a number of citizens' homes in Mandhar neighborhood, south of Hodeidah

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(* B D)

The History and Mystery of Yemen’s ‘Well of Hell’

The first-ever expedition to the bottom of a startling desert sinkhole found wonders—but only natural ones.

In the far western edge of Yemen, far from any cities or well-traveled roads, there’s a black mark in the desert, like a giant eye peering up from the earth. Regardless of how uncanny it looks from above, it is a natural phenomenon, a perfectly round and profoundly deep sinkhole called the Well of Barhout, or the “Well of Hell.” It’s easy to see why. Without the help of wings or long ropes, anything that disappears into this 367-foot-deep hole is not going to come out.

For centuries, sinister legends have swirled around the Well of Barhout.

On a hot, clear September day, Al-Kindi and six other members of the Omani Caves Exploration Team (OCET) parked their four-wheel drives yards from the cave’s open maw. After an hour and a half of set-up, Al-Kindi, who had twice tried to make the descent before, was the first of five team members to rappel in.

In total, the team spent around four to five hours exploring the bottom of the sinkhole. There are “loads of beautiful cave deposits,” says Al-Kindi, including stalagmites, stalactites, and even cave pearls (formed the same way stalagmites do, except in the presence of flowing water) gleaming beneath underground waterfalls. “It also has its own kind of ecosystem,” says Al-Kindi, with toads, snakes, beetles, birds, and lizards. For Al-Kindi, the whole experience was “quite spectacular.”

The goal of the expedition was to make the first documented study of the sinkhole (photos)


Film: Walking Streets of Yemen (harsh reality)

Indigo Traveller, Nick Fisher, from #Wanaka, #NewZealand

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-765 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-765: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

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