Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 772b- Yemen War Mosaic 772b

Yemen Press Reader 772b: 23. November 2021: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 772, cp8 - cp19 / November 23, 2021: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 772, cp8 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 772, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 772, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp12c Libanonkrise / Lebanon crisis

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Saudi Authorities Reveal Location of Disappeared Royals, Allow Family Visits

After over three years of detention without charge, Saudi authorities have confirmed they are detaining Prince Salman (Ghazalan) Al Saud, and his father, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Muhammed in an unofficial detention site that appears to be a private residence in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, said Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN).

Saudi authorities also have allowed the men visits and phone calls with their family since late October

(A P)

Yet to be confirmed: i just received news that ex #Saudi CP, human rights criminal & all around @cia favorite #MohamedBinNaif has died in prison. He was held since last year on charges of treason.

(A P)

Khashoggi's fiancee urges Justin Bieber to cancel Saudi performance

The woman who was engaged to marry Jamal Khashoggi has asked singer Justin Bieber to cancel his scheduled Dec. 5 performance in Saudi Arabia's second-largest city Jeddah, urging him to not perform for the slain Saudi journalist's "murderers."

and also

(A E K)

Saudi stocks sees biggest fall in over a year after drone attacks

Saudi Arabia's stock market posted its biggest one-day drop in more than a year on Sunday, a day after Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthis said they had fired 14 drones at several Saudi Arabian cities, including at Saudi Aramco facilities in Jeddah.

(B P)

Yemeni journalist in Saudi Arabia gets 15 years for apostasy

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls for the immediate release of Ali Aboluhom, a Yemeni journalist based in Saudi Arabia who has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for tweets that, according to the Saudi authorities, constituted apostasy.

Aboluhom has been detained since 23 August and was sentenced on 26 October. Based in Saudi Arabia since 2015, he worked as executive director of the Alwadi TV channel and as a presenter at Yemen Times radio.

RSF has learned that Aboluhom was initially detained on the pretext that he owed work to an employer. After trying unsuccessfully to contact him, his wife was finally told that he was the subject of a criminal investigation. After ten days, she was allowed to visit him but only for very short visits. His initial interrogations were conducted without a lawyer being present.

According to the ten-page sentence, which RSF has seen, Aboluhom was convicted of having a (now suspended) Twitter account that he used to spread “ideas of apostasy, atheism and blasphem.” The authorities identified him as the account’s owner through the linked email account.

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp9a

(* A K P)

Biden Is Wrong. There Is No Such Thing As “Defensive” Saudi Weapons in the War on Yemen.

Biden wants to put a friendlier face on U.S. support for the war. We shouldn’t let him.

But, upon closer examination, the distinction between “offensive” and “defensive” Saudi weapons begins to disappear. So-called defensive weapons are part of a military apparatus that is enforcing a brutal blockade, shutting out aid for Yemen and creating a climate of intimidation and fear. The weapons transfer sends a message to Saudi Arabia, at precisely the moment it is refusing to lift its blockade, that U.S. support is unconditional. It enables Saudi Arabia to prolong its deadly incursions.

As Hassan El-Tayyab, legislative director for Middle East policy at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, tells In These Times, “The missiles provide the Saudi-led coalition another tool to enforce the blockade on Yemen by increasing their ability to threaten aircraft trying to land in Sana’a airport.”

But there’s another piece to this puzzle that goes beyond merely failing to use leverage. By giving resources to Saudi Arabia that will protect the ability of the monarchy to continue fighting the war, the United States is, in effect, prolonging the conflict at the expense of Yemenis. First, it is important to establish just how heavy — and asymmetrical — civilian deaths are. In November 2018, the UN Human Rights Office noted the clear majority, or 61.5%, of all civilian casualties were caused by ​airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led Coalition.” And these are just deaths due to direct bombings, not the indirect effects of food shortages and the destruction of the medical system. Saudi Arabia has a vastly superior bombing capacity compared with the Houthi rebels (thanks largely to U.S. weapons), and the country has succeeded at containing the war almost entirely within Yemen.

Of course, any civilian deaths are unacceptable, and not one more person should die as a result of this ruthless war. But the United States is effectively co-signing the idea that it is only people in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, who should have to die — that the war should continue to be fought to the last Yemeni. We know this because the United States is not lining up to sell Houthis “defensive” air-to-air weapons — despite the fact that the Saudi side is responsible for the majority of bombings that lead to civilian deaths, and those deaths are happening in Yemen. And we know this because the Biden administration isn’t telling Saudi Arabia to stop the war.

Instead, the weapons deal sends a different message: We support you holding out a little longer, to get the best possible deal with the Houthis, because preventing a Saudi “defeat” is more important than protecting Yemeni lives. As Erik Sperling, the executive director of Just Foreign Policy, puts it, the weapons deal helps “ensure the Saudis do not have to enter a compromise to end the war.”

Such sentiment is perhaps too nasty and brutish to say out loud, so instead, the Biden administration is using the more palatable, humanitarian-sounding language of “defense.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has repeatedly declined to define exactly what is meant by “offensive” operations, and has failed to offer basic transparency regarding the ongoing U.S. role.
The notion that one can only support “defensive” operations in a brutal war is absurd. The Saudi military does not have one hangar for “defensive” aircrafts and a separate one for “offensive” ones.

Step one requires being clear about the moral stakes of ongoing U.S. support for the Saudi-led war, and dispensing with glossy terms like “defensive” that are meant to put polish on something unforgivable.

(A P)

Statement by US Envoy for #Yemen Tim Lenderking condemning the Houthi detention of Yemeni employees working in the US Embassy

(A P)


(A P)

End the Saudi Blockade of Yemen

Urge your members of Congress to call on President Biden to pressure Saudi Arabia to end its blockade on Yemen.

(A P)

#USEnvoyYemen Lenderking said, “Now is the time for all groups to make progress on the Riyadh Agreement and face the common threats of Houthi provocations, the economic crisis, & insecurity," during a meeting w/@USEmbYemen Charge Westley and the Southern Transitional Council.

Comment: Back to square ONE, #American point man on #Yemen says war should rage on, ignoring the death of 400,000 #Yemeni kids by 7 years of starvation & bombing.

Comment: Glad to see the pretense of being a mediator for a peaceful solution in #Yemen dropped. US is part of the aggression on the Yemeni people and such can never be an honest mediator.

My comment: The US outing itself as warring party in Yemen, miming “peace broker”, again and again.

(* A P)

US State Department: Designation of Houthi Official in Yemen

The United States has designated Saleh Mesfer Alshaer, commander of the Houthi-controlled military logistics organization, for engaging in acts that directly or indirectly threaten the peace, security, or stability of Yemen, pursuant to Executive Order 13611. This action follows the United Nations Security Council’s Yemen Sanctions Committee’s designation of Alshaer on November 9, 2021.

Alshaer heads the Houthis’ “judicial guard” and is a key figure in Houthi efforts to seize assets from their opposition. The Houthis’ so-called “Specialized Criminal Court” in Sana’a has appointed Alshaer as the “judicial custodian” of those funds and assets. Alshaer’s associates have appropriated more than half the revenues from multiple hospitals in Sana’a, exacerbating Yemen’s dire health crisis. Alshaer also serves as a senior officer and commander of the logistics support authority for the Houthi forces, and he has assisted the Houthis in acquiring smuggled weapons.

This action is a message to the people of Yemen that the United States stands with them. We will not relent in targeting those who are perpetuating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and seeking to profit from the suffering of the Yemeni people.

My comment: The last sentences are ridiculous propaganda. They clearly say that the US should sanction itself.

and as a comment: The US has been complicit in the war in Yemen, which claimed over 200,000 lives and forced thousands of children to live hungry and without medical care by selling arms to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. It's time to end this arms sale and center human rights in foreign policy.


(A P)

and Sec. Anthony Blinken:

We stand with the people of Yemen and will relentlessly target those who fuel conflict and use the humanitarian crisis for enrichment.

My comment: LOL: Sanction yourself and Raytheon, Lockheed Boing, and all these US arms producers.

Comment: You have lost all credibility in #Yemen. Arming and supporting the Saudi/UAE aggression on the Yemeni people, creating the largest humanitarian crisis in the world make your words about caring for the Yemeni people hollow and disingenuous.

Comment: This would be a lot more convincing if you targeted the Saudi and Emirati officials responsible for much of Yemen’s suffering, but of course you don’t and apparently never will.

(* B K P)

Think Tank Funded by the Weapons Industry Pressures Biden Not To Regulate Military Contractors’ Emissions

The Heritage Foundation has received considerable donations from the arms industry. And now it’s trying to shield that industry from climate regulations targeting military contractors.

The Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank, is publicly opposing a new Biden administration regulation that would force the weapons industry to report its greenhouse gas emissions related to federal contracts. It turns out the Heritage Foundation also receives significant funding from the weapons industry, which makes the case worth examining — because it reveals how the arms industry pays supposedly respectable institutions to do its policy bidding at the expense of a planet careening toward large-scale climate disaster.

(A P)

President Biden announced his intent to nominate Steven Fagin as the new Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary to the Republic of #Yemen.

(* A P)

Wachsender Widerstand gegen Waffen-Deal mit Saudi Arabien

Die Biden-Regierung will dem Königreich Raketen im Wert von 650 Millionen Dollar verkaufen.

Im US-Kongress nimmt überparteilicher Widerstand gegen den Verkauf amerikanischer Waffen an Saudi Arabien zu. Im Repräsentantenhaus sind dabei jedoch vorwiegend Demokraten wie Ilhan Omar und Ro Khanna engagiert. Diesen hat sich Andy Levin angeschlossen. Die Parlamentarier betreiben eine Resolution gegen den Deal (Link). Im Senat ziehen Bernie Sanders und die Republikaner Mike Lee und Ron Paul dabei an einem Strang (Link).

Anfang Monat hat das Pentagon dem Verkauf von Raketen des Herstellers Raytheon an die saudische Luftwaffe im Wert von 650 Millionen Dollar zugestimmt. Damit sollen die engen Beziehungen beider Militärs und die Wehrkraft der Saudis gegenüber den Houthi gestärkt werden (Link). Die rund 900 Raketen sind für den Luft-Luft-Einsatz gedacht. Da die Houthi bekanntlich nicht über Luftstreitkräfte verfügen, erscheint diese Begründung angesichts der immensen humanitären Kosten der saudischen Kampagne im Jemen zumindest für Laien als dubios (Link). Die Erfolgsaussichten der Blockade-Versuche sind momentan unklar.

(* A P)

U.S. Senators Move To Block $650 Million Arms Sale To Saudi Arabia

A group of U.S. senators are opposing the Biden administration's first major arms sale to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over Riyadh's involvement in the conflict in Yemen, three senators announced on Thursday.

A joint resolution of disapproval to block a proposed $650 million in U.S. arms sales to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was introduced by Republicans Rand Paul and Mike Lee, as well as Bernie Sanders who caucuses with Democrats.

While many U.S. lawmakers consider Saudi Arabia an important partner in the Middle East, they have criticized the country for its involvement in the war in Yemen, a conflict considered one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters. They have refused to approve many military sales for the kingdom without assurances U.S. equipment would not be used to kill civilians.

In a statement Paul said, "this sale that could accelerate an arms race in the Middle East and jeopardize the security of our military technologies."

"As the Saudi government continues to wage its devastating war in Yemen and repress its own people, we should not be rewarding them with more arms sales," said Sanders in the joint statement. =


(* A P)


The Republican senator aims to file a motion banning the Biden administration’s first major missile sale to Saudi Arabia. Democrats are hesitant to join him.

SEN. RAND PAUL, R-Ky., told The Intercept on Tuesday that he will most likely force a floor vote on the Biden White House’s first major arms sale to Saudi Arabia and is seeking out Democrats to co-sponsor a resolution.

The vote would test senators’ positions on a $650 million export of 280 Raytheon-built Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles, or AMRAAMs, and 596 missile launchers. The Pentagon notified Congress on November 4 that the State Department had approved the sale, giving lawmakers 30 days to issue a ban.

Paul said he spoke directly with fellow arms sale skeptic Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., about the deal on Tuesday. He told Murphy that he’s “very interested” and “in all likelihood” will file a privileged motion to stop the export — guaranteeing an immediate floor vote on a resolution of disapproval. The move would follow a joint resolution Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., introduced last week to block the sale. (Unlike in the case of Paul’s Senate motion, House rules do not assure her resolution gets an expedited vote.)

Murphy told The Intercept that he has not yet made a decision on whether to back Paul’s motion. “My position generally has been to support truly defensive weapons sales to the Saudis, while opposing sales that could be used in offensive operations, particularly in Yemen,” he said.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., another frequent weapons export skeptic, also told The Intercept he’s undecided, saying he has to look at the details of what Paul is preparing. “But I’m not unsympathetic to that,”

and also


(A P)

Just in: Source from Bernie Sanders’ office says he will cosponsor

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

US defense chief vows to counter Iran in visit to Bahrain

America’s top defense official vowed Saturday to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and to counter its “dangerous use” of suicide drones in the wider Mideast, a pledge coming as negotiations remain stalled over Tehran’s tattered atomic deal with world powers.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s comments in Bahrain at the annual Manama Dialogue appeared aimed at reassuring America’s Gulf Arab allies as the Biden administration tries to revive the nuclear deal, which limited Iran’s enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

His remarks also come after Gulf sheikhdoms saw the U.S.′ chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, raising concerns about America’s commitment to the region as defense officials say they want to pivot forces to counter perceived challenges from China and Russia.

“The United States remains committed to preventing Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. And we remain committed to a diplomatic outcome of the nuclear issue,” Austin told an event put on by the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “But if Iran isn’t willing to engage seriously, then we will look at all of the options necessary to keep the United States secure.”

and also

My comment: What a propaganda BS. It’s the US which is not “seriously enganging” in the nuclear talks. And that any Iranian nuke should be a threat to “keep the United States secure” is ridiculous.

(* B K P)

Iran’s drones are clones. Now they’re being used in multiple conflicts.

Iran’s military drone program has grown in recent years and Iran-backed groups have increasingly used drones in conflicts. This includes the Houthi rebels in Yemen using drones against Saudi Arabia, militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip using drones against Israel during the May conflict, and Iraqi-based Shia militias using drones. Iran’s increasing use of this technology, specifically kamikaze drones that fly into their targets and explode, is highlighted by Iranian media and the use of UAVs has become a point of pride for Tehran. What follows is an excerpt on Iranian drones fromDrone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence and the Battle for the Future by Seth J. Frantzman,

Today, the Iranian experience with drones has developed exponentially. With Iranian technology on drones in Gaza, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, the country is playing an ever-increasing role as an up-and-coming drone superpower in the region. There are limitations to Iran’s drone abilities though. Most of the drones being used against Saudi Arabia or US forces in Iraq and Syria are kamikaze drones. Like the Houthi Samad or the Sahab in Iraq, these drones are armed with explosives and flown with pre-programmed coordinates to hit a target. However, more sophisticated attacks like the one on Aramco’s Abqaiq in September 2019, which was conducted against an oil tanker off the coast of Oman in July, or Tanf in October have revealed new capabilities.

These Iranian capabilities have to do with precision, using numerous drones simultaneously, and, in the case of the attack on the tanker, having advanced means of knowing its location or monitoring it in real-time. Iran’s drone program and its influence throughout the Middle East is becoming more acute, and policymakers will need to take that into account as they look at defense postures and discussions with countries in the region affected by the drones.

My comment: With anti-Iranian bias.

(A P)

U.S Sanctions 6 Iranian Individuals and 1 Iranian Entity for Attempting to Influence 2020 Presidential Election

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated six Iranian individuals and one Iranian entity pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13848 for attempting to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
The U.S.Treasury stated, in a press release yesterday, that the Iranian persons and entities identified sought to sow discord and undermine voter confidence in the U.S. electoral process, disseminated disinformation on social media and sent threatening emails, in addition to a fake video clip in an attempt to undermine voters' faith in the in the U.S. electoral process by hinting at the possibility of casting fraudulent votes.

(A P)

The US State Department: A meeting of the European Union, the United States, the Arab Gulf states, Jordan and Egypt in Riyadh to discuss Iran's influence and the political-security situation in the region.

The US State Department: Representatives of the countries meeting in Riyadh stressed the importance of quickly reaching a negotiated solution with Iran regarding its nuclear program and its implementation.

(A P)

Gargash: UAE seeks to reduce tensions with Iran

‘Diplomacy and communication over confrontation has also been evident in Abraham Accords’

Dr Anwar Gargash, diplomatic adviser to President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has said that the UAE has taken measures to decrease tensions with Iran, in the interest of building confidence and avoiding confrontation. He made the comments on Monday during the Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate.

“We remain deeply concerned about Iran’s interference in Iraq, Syria and Yemen and have taken steps to de-escalate tensions. We don’t have any interest in confrontation as the region will pay the price for decades to come,” Dr Gargash said.

“We can build together greater confidence between us and make progress for a sustainable status quo. It will be better served for Iran to work co-operatively with its neighbours,” he said.

(A P)

Iranian Foreign Ministry: No development in talks with Saudi Arabia

The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson said yesterday that talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia have not witnessed any development.

Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters in the Iranian capital of Tehran that his country was “waiting to see Riyadh’s will.”

“Tehran would not negotiate the nuclear deal with our neighbouring countries,” Khatibzadeh said, adding that Iran was not planning to discuss “regional files with European countries.”

On Sunday, the Saudi Foreign Minister, Faisal Bin Farhan, told France24 that the Kingdom talks with Tehran would “continue,” and that an “additional round of negotiations” between the regional rivals was expected “soon.”

“The four previous rounds of talks were merely exploratory rather than substantial,” Farhan pointed out, stressing that his country wanted to come to a normal relationship with our neighbours, Iran.”

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

UK condemns Houthi intrusion into the US Embassy compound in Yemen and the detention of US staff

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B H)

Kraftakt der Jemenhilfe Aichach, damit nicht noch mehr Kinder verhungern (im Abo)

(A H P)

Illegale Migration aus Belarus über Polen nach Brandenburg

Die Bundespolizeidirektion Berlin verzeichnete im brandenburgischen Grenzabschnitt zu Polen für den aktuell laufenden Monat bis einschließlich 17. November 2021 1.076 unerlaubte Einreisen mit einem Bezug zu Belarus.
Im laufenden Jahr 2021 nahm die Bundespolizeidirektion Berlin somit bereits 5.371 unerlaubt eingereiste Personen mit Belarus-Bezug in Gewahrsam. Die Personen stammen vorrangig aus dem Irak sowie aus Syrien, dem Jemen und Iran. =

(A P)

40 German organizations call for embargo of arms sales to Saudi-led coalition

Forty German organizations and associations sent a letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and her current government ministers and to the heads of the Free Democratic Party and the Green Party, calling for a “comprehensive ban on arms exports to the war coalition in Yemen.”

In a message, organizations and associations working in the field of peace, environment and development stressed the need to continue the current restrictions imposed on the export of weapons and military equipment and make them permanent, given the suffering of millions of civilians in Yemen from the scourge of the Saudi-led war for nearly seven years.

German organizations and associations, including Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, the Catholic Charitable Association Caritas, and “Stop the Arms Trade” organization made an appeal saying “A comprehensive and unlimited arms embargo must be imposed on all parties to the Saudi-led war on Yemen. As long as those parties are involved in killing civilians, and as long as there is a risk that German weapons will also contribute to violations of human rights and international laws in Yemen.

They added “There should also be no exceptions, such as re-exports, European cooperation or export operations.” Especially with joint European deals.

The organizations demanded that the suspension of exports be comprehensive for all parties without exception, and that it not only apply to Saudi Arabia, while the rest of the parties involved in the war are excluded from it.

The organizaitions pointed out that the war destroyed the livelihoods of 24 million people, including 11 million children, the majority of whom depend on aid while the fighting claimed the lives of 100,000 people and displaced four million from their towns and villages.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

UAE: Dissidents Labeled ‘Terrorists’

Move Casts Doubt on the UAE’s Role as a Global Counterterrorism Partner

UAE authorities in September 2021 designated four prominent exiled Emirati dissidents as “terrorism” supporters, Human Rights Watch said today. The move is part of a continuing attempt to outlaw activism and free expression under the guise of counterterrorism.

The list of “people and organizations supporting terrorism” also included at least one person who has been detained for over a year without being brought before a judge or allowed legal representation, further demonstrating the UAE’s blatant disregard for the rule of law.

“The UAE has shown time and again the nefarious ways that it uses counterterrorism as a guise for suppressing legitimate dissent and criticism,” said Michael Page, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “For many years the UAE has sent a crystal-clear message to its citizens and residents: You’re either with us or you’re a terrorist.”

(A P)

Secret Chinese Port Project in Persian Gulf Rattles U.S. Relations With U.A.E.

Alarmed U.S. officials warned Emirati government, a Mideast ally, that Chinese military presence could hinder ties; construction has halted

U.S. intelligence agencies learned this spring that China was secretly building what they suspected was a military facility at a port in the United Arab Emirates, one of the U.S.’s closest Mideast allies, according to people familiar with the matter.

Alarmed, the Biden administration warned the Emirati government that a Chinese military presence in its country could threaten ties between the two nations. After rounds of meetings and visits by U.S. officials, construction was recently halted, according to people familiar with the matter (with film)

(* C H)

From Yemen to India’s Hyderabad: How Barkas became a home away from home for these Arabs

Tribes that began migrating to Hyderabad in 17th century now form integral part of city

In the first of a three-part series on Barkas, we look at how tribes from Yemen migrated to Hyderabad over the past two centuries and made it their home.

Welcome to Barkas, a bustling township where every sight and scent makes you feel like you are in an Arab country. Welcome to a place that Arabs from numerous tribes and countries made their home more than a couple of centuries ago - far away from their original homes.

The community mostly migrated to this part of India in the 17th and 18th century from Hadarmaut in Yemen and other parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Still, the distinct stamp of Arab culture, civilisation and lifestyle is visible all around.

Of the nearly 150 Yemeni and other tribes who made this region their home centuries ago, the Lahmadi tribe was among the first to come.

The migration of Arab tribes, especially the Hadrami tribes, was part of a plan of the Muslim ruler of the Deccan to raise organised army units comprising of soldiers from different backgrounds, including Pathans from Afghanistan and Habshis or Siddis from Africa. So, in addition to the Arab and Pathan Regiments, the Asaf Jahi dynasty, as the Nizams were called, also had an African Cavalry. Their descendants, too, are still around.


(B H)

From Yemen to India’s Hyderabad: How Arab community in Barkas kept its culture alive

Yemeni tribes make India their home, retaining their culture and tradition

Barkas in Hyderabad is home to a large population of Arabs, mainly from Yemen. Following years of migration that began in the 17th century, they have assimilated into the local population, yet retained their distinctive culture.

In the second of a three-part series, we look at how charity has remained a hallmark of life in Barkas, the role played by education and how the community has made its presence felt in football and politics.

Charity remains a hallmark of life of the Arab community as reflected in the work of numerous organisations such as Majlis-e-Sabeel Al Khair, Baitul Maal, Barkas Welfare Association.

Our culture is alive even today. We have the blood of our ancestors in us. Arab culture and traditions are alive in our lifestyle and conduct.

- Habeeb Abdurrahman, resident of Barkas


(B H)

From Yemen to India’s Hyderabad: How the Barkas community kept mandi cooking alive

Rise of Arabic restaurants in Barkas shows how it has become a destination for food lovers

Barkas in Hyderabad is home to a large population of Arab origin, mainly from Yemen. Following years of migration that began in the 17th century, they have assimilated into the local population, yet retained their distinctive culture.

In the third of a three-part series, we look at how food has played a big role in the popularity of Barkas, with Yemen’s famed mandi cooking attracting people from around the country.

cp12b Sudan

(* B P)

Since Sudan coup, 41 killed, hospitals targeted, doctors say

Security forces have targeted hospitals and blocked injured protesters from treatment since the military seized control of the country last month, Sudanese doctors said Monday, after raising the total number of anti-coup protesters killed to 41.

Security forces have stopped ambulances, entered emergency rooms to arrest patients, and fired tear gas inside at least two hospitals in Khartoum since the Oct. 25 coup, according to a report from The Unified Office of Sudanese Doctors, a coalition of medical workers.

The Sudan Doctors Committee, the group that released the new death toll, said that the latest victim was a 16-year-old killed by a gunshot to the head as he was protesting a new power-sharing deal between the military and the country’s deposed prime minister on Sunday. The group tracks protest-related deaths.

(* A P)

Sudan military leaders reinstate deposed prime minister

Sudan’s deposed prime minister signed a deal with the military on Sunday that will see him reinstated, almost a month after a military coup put him under house arrest. A key pro-democracy group that has mobilized dozens of protests had dismissed the deal as “a form of betrayal.”

The deal, announced in a ceremony broadcast live on Sudan state TV, envisages an independent technocratic Cabinet to be led by Abdalla Hamdok until elections can be held. It remains unclear how much power the government would hold. It would still remain under military oversight.

It also remains unclear whether any political parties or pro-democracy groups have signed off on the agreement.

The deal expects the military to release government officials and politicians arrested since the Oct. 25 coup.

The coup, more than two years after a popular uprising forced the removal of longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir and his Islamist government, has drawn international criticism.

“The signing of this deal opens the door wide enough to address all the challenges of the transitional period,” said Hamdok, speaking at the signing ceremony.

The deal also stipulates that an investigation shall be conducted to identify those responsible for the killing and injuring of civilians and troops that marred protests following the coup.

Hamdok thanked Sudan’s “regional and global friends” who helped in reaching this agreement but he did not name the countries.

The 14-clause deal also stressed that power should be handed over to an elected civilian government after the end of the transitional period.

(B P)

Is Sudan heading to another dictatorship?

Pro-democracy protests have been brutally suppressed amid calls for the international community to engage.

Regional powers like Egypt, Saudi, the UAE, and Israel all have an interest in Sudan and have good ties with Gen. al-Burhan because of the geopolitics in the region, including the disagreement with Ethiopia on the Grand Renaissance Dam, control of the Red Sea, and mercenaries from Sudan who support the UAE and Saudi war in Yemen. However, because of the U.S. influence, Gulf countries openly condemned the coup and urged the restoration of the transition government.

In the past week, Washington has been leveraging its relationships with regional leaders like Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia to influence Gen. al-Burhan and the military leadership to restore civilian rule and a path to democracy. The Biden administration should continue to engage at all levels to get al-Burhan to release detainees and hand over the leadership of the Sovereign Council to the civilian component.

The United Nations Security Council should also send a strong, unified message against the military takeover, especially because Russia refused to call it a military coup.

(A P)

High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet says the use of live ammunition against protesters in #Sudan once again "despite our repeated appeals" is "absolutely shameful" and condemns the killing of protesters in this country!

(* A P)

Sudan minister: Return to pre-coup arrangement ‘unrealistic’

A pro-military minister in Sudan says time is running out for the country’s deposed prime minister to agree to take a post in a military-led government after top generals seized power last month.

Security forces, meanwhile, opened fire on thousands of anti-coup protesters in the capital, Khartoum, and its twin city of Omdurman, killing at least 15 people, according to doctors. Wednesday’s tally was the highest daily count of people killed since the Oct. 25 coup.

The crackdown on protesters has come as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Africa to boost thus-far unsuccessful U.S. diplomatic efforts to resolve the deepening conflicts in Ethiopia and in Sudan.

Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok is currently under house arrest in the capital of Khartoum. He and more than 100 other government officials were detained during the coup. Many have been kept in undisclosed locations.

“The country cannot wait forever, so if he doesn’t take the job, then someone else will definitely take it,” Gibreil Ibrahim, the finance minister of the deposed government, told The Associated Press late Tuesday.

Speaking from his office in Khartoum, Ibrahim said calls by some pro-democracy groups, the United States and its western allies to return the pre-coup transitional government are “unrealistic.” Negotiations have focused on convincing Hamdok to lead a technocratic Cabinet that runs day-to-day affairs, he said.

(* A P)

Sudan’s police chief denies role in killing of protesters

Sudan’s police chief on Thursday defended his security forces, saying they use only legal means to contain anti-coup protests. The Sudanese have been taking to the streets in masses since last month’s military takeover, which upended the country’s fragile transition to democracy.

The remarks by Chief of Police Lt. General Khalid Mahdi Ibrahim came a day after doctors said at least 15 people were killed by live fire during demonstrations against the Oct. 25 coup — the highest daily count of people killed since the takeover.

The United States expressed dismay over the protesters’ deaths. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at a Thursday news conference in Abuja, Nigeria, that the U.S. is “deeply concerned by the violence used by the Sudanese military against people engaged in peaceful protest.”

(* B P)

The UAE – pulling Sudanese strings

Sudan is the exception to the rule in the United Arab Emirates’ counter-revolutionary playbook, writes James M. Dorsey. In contrast to Egypt or Yemen, where it went out of its way to help roll back the achievements of popular revolts, the UAE was happy to see the back of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir

The UAE and the United States agreed at the time that it was time for Bashir to go. But they likely disagreed about what should succeed him. The United States pushed for transition to a civilian-led democracy. UAE leaders have repeatedly dismissed democracy as a suitable model of governance.

That hasn’t stopped the Biden administration, which suspended US$700 million in aid to Sudan in the wake of the coup at the end of October, from relying on the UAE to pressure the country’s military leaders to restore the transitional structure. In response, the UAE is believed to have been instrumental in persuading the military to release deposed prime minister Abdalla Hamdok, who was initially detained by the putschists.

"We’re really focused on engaging the Emiratis, who have a relationship with General Burhan, to use that engagement – to use their credibility with General Burhan – to, in the short term, get those who were picked up" released, a U.S. official said. He was referring to Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the commander-in-chief of the Sudanese military who grabbed power two weeks ago.

Bashir’s refusal to play ball led the UAE to halt fuel supplies and financial aid to Sudan in 2019, which in turn worsened the economic crisis that was fuelling the mass anti-government protests.

The cut-off was the Gulf state’s first step towards supporting regime change, even if it favoured a replacement controlled by the military rather than political groups and politicians.

That is likely one major reason why the UAE, as well as Egypt, have so far stopped short of condemning the military coup that eliminated Hamdok’s civilian component of the transitional governance structure. As an ardent opponent of UAE-supported Sudanese military dominance in key sectors of the economy, Hamdok was a thorn in the side of the armed forces.

The Emirati foreign ministry stressed in a statement in the wake of the coup "the need to preserve the political and economic gains that have been achieved… It is keen to see stability as soon as possible in a manner that achieves the interests and aspirations of the Sudanese people in development and prosperity," the official WAM news agency reported.

Those aspirations are, in the UAE’s mind, represented by General Burhan and General Mohamed 'Hemeti' Hamdan Dagalo, head of the notorious Rapid Support Forces (RSF) with long-standing ties to the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The two men have successfully projected themselves as anti-Islamist bulwarks.

(A P)

Sudan protests death toll rises to 15

The death toll of protests in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, on Wednesday has risen to 15, in addition to many injured, as a result of crackdown on protesters by forces loyal to army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.

“28-Year- old Abu Bakar Salah Othman, was killed after he got shot in the chest and abdomen, bringing the number of martyrs to 15,” the Central Committee of Sudan’s Doctors said in a statement.

Security authorities have not commented on the death toll, but Sudan National Television said Sudanese police were investigating the deaths of five people during the November 13th demonstrations, although no reports of such incidents were reported to Khartoum state police stations.

(A P)

Sudanese sovereignty member talks about release of all detainees within two days

Sudanese Sovereignty Council member Malik Aqar has reportedly talked about releasing all detainees, including ousted prime minister Abdalla Hamdok, within a day or two, media reported.

The statement was quoted by Reuters on Tuesday, noting that ousted Prime Minister Abdulla Hamdok has been under heavy guard at his home since Sudanese army commander-in-chief General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan announced the dissolution of the government and the Sovereignty Council.

cp12c Libanonkrise / Lebanon crisis

(A P)

Lebanon ready for talks to end diplomatic row with Persian Gulf states

Lebanese top diplomat says dispute over George Kordahi's comment on Saudi campaign in Yemen 'exaggerated'

Lebanon is ready for dialogue with the Persian Gulf states to resolve the current diplomatic crisis triggered by Lebanese information minister’s comments about the Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen, the country's foreign minister said on Monday.

Speaking at a news conference in Moscow after a meeting with Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, Abdallah Bou Habib said it is a tradition for Lebanon to maintain friendly ties with the Gulf countries.

"Lebanon has always maintained warm relations with the countries of the Persian Gulf. Even now we maintain relations with Oman and Qatar, while the ambassador to the UAE continues his work," he said.

Calling the situation arising out of Information Minister George Kordahi's critical comments about the Saudi military campaign in Yemen "exaggerated," he said the current crisis can be resolved through dialogue

(A P)

Hezbollah: Saudi regime seeks to destroy Lebanon

The head of the religious council of Hezbollah resistance movement has blasted Saudi Arabia for trying to stoke instability in Lebanon amid a weeks-long diplomatic dispute between the latter and several Persian Gulf Arab countries over the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen.

(* B P)

Why the Gulf States Turned on Lebanon

Saudi Arabia and its allies are pressuring Lebanon to gain leverage in Syria and Yemen.

The ostensible reason has been a series of provocative and hostile remarks by various Lebanese officials and prominent figures aimed at Gulf states and their policies. Yet these provocations are better understood as a final straw than the actual proximate cause for the isolation campaign. Had relations been better, or had Gulf countries perceived continued opportunities through engagement with Lebanon, specific individuals or groups could have been targeted for sanctions rather than the entire country,

The Underlying Causes

The de facto abandonment of Lebanon by most of the Gulf states has been developing for at least a decade. These countries have long been uneasy with the decisive political power in Lebanon of the pro-Iranian Shia group Hezbollah. Those concerns have been steadily mounting along with the rise of Iran’s regional influence and reach following the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and the successful intervention by Russia, Hezbollah, and Iran in the Syrian civil war beginning in 2015 in support of the Damascus regime. Since the main part of the Syrian conflict has ended with the fall of Aleppo to pro-regime forces, Hezbollah has come to occupy a regional role far beyond its function as a Lebanese political party and militia. It effectively serves as the vanguard of Iran’s extensive network of allied militia groups in Arab countries such as Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and beyond with a presence and effective role far beyond Lebanon’s borders.

After many years of pressure and efforts to find ways of maneuvering within Lebanon to offset or constrain Hezbollah’s activities and ability, many of the Gulf states have seemingly come to the conclusion that working inside Lebanon under current circumstances is a lost cause. The first clear sign that Gulf countries were prepared to walk away from Lebanon came in 2016, when Saudi Arabia cut billions of dollars in aid to the country, discouraged Saudi tourism to Lebanon, and, along with the full Arab League, formally designated Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

After that, considerable aid to and trade with Lebanon had resumed until recently, but Gulf countries were no closer to garnering the influence to prevent the state and society they were underwriting from being used against their interests throughout the region.

This exasperation, coupled with the recent flurry of insults, is what has primarily motivated the ostracism of Lebanon. However, the broader regional context also plays a crucial role. The shift for at least the past 18 months throughout the Middle East by regional players away from direct or indirect confrontations to a reliance on diplomacy, politics, and commerce to pursue their interests helps to explain Gulf strategic thinking regarding Lebanon. In effect, closing the petrodollar ATM to the Lebanese, particularly at their moment of most extreme self-inflicted economic privation, is the diplomatic and commercial stick that is available when conflict and confrontation is no longer regarded as attractive.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp9

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(B E P)

For families of Yemeni expatriates, life outside Houthi areas is cheaper now

Prices of many agricultural products, rents, cooking gas, medical consultations and work-force wages are the same in Houthi and government controlled areas despite the fact that the government's version of the riyal is now worth third the value of the the Houthi riyal thanks to a Houthi currency war started in 2020.

This is encouraging Yemeni expatriates and even Yemenis who live and run businesses in Houthi areas to send their families to the government-controlled Taiz and Marib city where their money buys them more stuff.

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

UAE sells nearly 2 million barrels of Yemeni crude oil to Greece

A giant Greek oil tanker arrived during the past hours at Al-Dabba port in Hadramout province, eastern Yemen.

Informed sources reported that the Greek ship docked in the port of Al-Dabba, which is controlled by the Emirati forces, with the aim of transporting nearly 2 million barrels of Yemeni crude oil to Greece.

The sources wondered who is selling this amount of Yemeni oil without any revenue to the Central Bank of Aden, and why citizens do not benefit from the value of Yemeni oil exports in Hadramout, Marib and Shabwa.

The sources suggested that the UAE gave Greece Yemeni oil from Hadramout in exchange for an arms deal for its militias with nearly $300 million.

Last Wednesday, the giant oil tanker ‘SEATRUST’ arrived at the Radhoum port in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, to loot about one million and 140 thousand tons of crude oil for the benefit of the Islah Party loyal to Saudi-led coalition.


(A E)

Giant oil tanker arrives in Saudi-held Yemeni port for large-scale oil smuggling

An official source in the Ministry of Oil and Minerals on Saturday revealed that a giant oil tanker has arrived in the occupied Shabwah province, eastern Yemen.

The source pointed out that the oil tanker Seatrust arrived at the port of Radhoum in Shabwah on Wednesday, in order to loot approximately 1,140,549 tons of crude oil, with a total value of 78.5 million dollars (equivalent to more than 117.7 billion Yemeni riyals). =

(A E P)

Yemen moves to tackle foreign currency woes, but IMF reserves offer untapped

Yemen's central bank [Aden branch] has begun weekly auctions of dwindling foreign exchange reserves to banks in a bid to bolster the currency and temper inflation, and is also seeking to tap IMF reserves offered in August, the bank and an IMF source said.

(A E)

South Africa's MTN exits Yemen in Middle East pull-out

South Africa's MTN Group Ltd said on Thursday it would exit Yemen, as Africa's largest mobile operator pursues a plan to leave the Middle East and focus on core operations.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Pt2 of AQAP leader, Khalid Batarfi, “Special Interview,” he talks about: decline of military ops, calls for renouncing global jihad, spies within the group, & Sham jihad. He also dedicates an entire section to attack KSA.

On US drones in Yemen, Batarfi says that 1600 AQAP members have been killed in these attacks. He believes these attacks help them recruit new members as they appear to "hinder their fight against the Houthis."

(A T)


After 20 years in arbitrary detention, a former Guantánamo detainee was released from a United Arab Emirates prison to his family’s care in Yemen. His freedom lasted less than a week.

The domestic failure to confront the legacy of Guantánamo left the door open for the Trump administration to neglect the former detainees as they languished in secret jails without adequate health care. For the family of al Madhfari, this has become a matter of life or death. “We have no choice except following up with authorities in Sanaa,” Ameen said. “We are trying to have mediators explain his psychological and mental health condition, but we did not get any conclusive promise so far to release him.”

(A T)

Al-Qaeda Members Settle in Yemeni Province Controlled by Houthis, [Hadi gov.] Interior Minister Says

Al-Qaeda* members have settled in Yemen’s Al Bayda’ province currently under the control of Houthi rebels, Yemeni Interior Minister Ibrahim Ali Hidan told Sputnik.

"Extremist elements exist in Yemen, but their main stronghold is now in the province of Al Bayda and it is under the control of the Houthis, which is why we say that they support terrorism", Hidan said.

The minister added that Houthis fight the Yemeni military but did not do anything to tackle al-Qaeda.

"When al-Qaeda fighters left a base in Al-Mukalla, the capital of the coastal Hadhramaut [province[ in 2017, in a long convoy of cars with weapons, no one bombed the convoy and they were allowed to leave in peace. They are now in a place called Yakla. This is well known, and even American intelligence has prepared a full report on this matter," Hidan added.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Arab coalition: Yemen’s Houthis have turned Sanaa airport into military base

The Arab coalition said on Monday that the Houthi militia in Yemen have turned Sanaa airport into a military base for experiments and cross-border attacks.
Video footage released by the coalition showed the Iran-backed Houthis carrying out training exercises on UN planes, with the intent of testing a missile air system, Saudi state TV reported.
The video appears to show the Houthi fighters performing experiments and tests on an air system during take-off and landing at Sanaa International Airport, including simulations of intercepting and destroying moving air targets. (with videos)


(A P)

The Houthi militia on a hot plate

The return of the times of the “happy Yemen” will not be easy by any means after what the Houthi militia inflicted upon the country, after the Yemeni legitimate government failed to find a way out of its years-long crisis, and in light of the Houthis’ insistence on expanding in Marib - where oilfields and the Saudi border are located. All this, as well as other reasons, prompted the Arab coalition to retake the initiative with qualitative operations and all-inclusive strikes that reshape the scene anew.

Multiple factors have allowed the Houthis to persistently target Saudi Arabia with ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones. The most important of these is the conflicting international stance towards Iran and the Houthi militia’s role as a bargaining chip at the Vienna talks, as well as the West’s willingness to turn a blind eye towards all the crimes committed by Iran’s lackeys in order to resume negotiations over the flawed nuclear agreement

(A P)

Yemen official warns dam will break if rebels take Marib

The foreign minister of Yemen’s government in exile warned Sunday that a rebel takeover of the crucial, energy-rich city of Marib would be a disaster on the scale of the collapse of its ancient dam that decimated an entire kingdom.

Ahmad Awad Bin Mubarak’s comments mark some of the most dire made regarding the offensive by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels

and also

(A P)

A lesson in mathematics from Aljooba

For the past 5 months, four militiamen have lost life in Aljooba front and other outskirts of Marib every hour. What do you make then of the toll in rest of the warfronts over the past 6 years??

All these lives get lost under the slogan of liberating Al-Quds and 'death to Israel' in the Yemeni Maribi district of Alooba and outskirts of the provincial capital.

The real motive is to consolidate the rule of a dynastic theocratic racist Iranian man.

As the proverb goes, 'The stone is from the ground and the blood is from the head of the tribesman.'

When will the tribesman wake up???

(A P)

Questioning the Houthis’ objectives? Follow their track record

If America wants to see different results in Yemen, then it must consider different tactics.

The latest actions by the Houthis—arbitrarily detaining U.S. government employees—further emphasize their lack of interest in pursuing a peaceful cessation of the conflict.

(A P)

Yemeni Vice President expresses his deep appreciation for Coalition To Restore Legitimacy in Yemen role in supporting the Yemenis in their battle against Houthi rebels

(A P)

Lt. Gen. Al-Maqdashi: Yemen won’t be secure unless it is rid of the evils of Iran, Houthis

[Hadi gov.] Yemeni Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Mohammed Ali Al-Maqdashi reaffirmed that Yemen will not be secure and stable unless it is rid of the evils of Iran and its Houthi militias and their subversive actions.
In an interview with Okaz/Saudi Gazette, he made a scathing attack on the Iranian regime. Al-Maqdashi said that Yemen has no longer been happy ever since the Persian devil laid its hand on the capital Sanaa.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition launches air raids on targets in Yemen's Sana'a

A Saudi-led coalition launched air attacks on Tuesday on Houthi military targets in Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a.

Saudi state television reported that civilians were asked to avoid gathering or nearing the "legitimate" Houthi targets as explosions rattled the city, according to Reuters.

Residents also told Reuters that the raids had targeted two military locations.

and also =



(A K pS)

Arab coalition targets locations in Yemen’s capital

The Arab coalition said on Tuesday that it had carried out airstrikes in Yemen’s capital.

The coalition cautioned civilians in Sanaa from approaching or gathering near the targeted locations in the Dhahban neighborhood of the city.

The strikes hit sites storing ballistic missiles, said the coalition, accusing the Iran-backed Houthi militia of endangering Yemeni civilians by using them as human shields.

Residents told Reuters the strikes targeted two military sites.

The coalition said on Monday that the Houthi militia in Yemen have turned Sanaa airport into a military base for experiments and cross-border attacks.


(A K)

Citizens' homes were damaged in the Al-Anab neighborhood and the Thirty Street neighborhood, as a result of the hysterical air raids by #Saudi.on the capital, Sana'a.


(A K)

Saudi Coalition Launches Strikes Against Military Targets in Yemen - State TV

The strikes come hours after the Saudi-led coalition published footage that appears to show Houthi militants running test on an air system amid take-off and landing at Sanaa International Airport, which possesses a single, 3,200-meter-long runway.

The coalition argued that the video proved that Houthi militants have transformed the airport into military barracks, complete with workshops, missiles, drone storage and even booby-traps.

(A K pH)

2 killed and one injured in Hodeida

The violations included 4 raids by warplanes on Hays, 3 raids by spy planes on al-Jabaliya area, and 31 warplanes and 33 spy planes flew over al-Fazah, al-Jabaliya, Hays, al-Jah, and Al-Tuhaita.

The official confirmed the killing of a man and a fetus in his mother's womb, and the mother was seriously injured by the aggression raid on the house of Abdullah Sherian in Al-Murayr village in Hays district.

and also =

Films: = = (snippet)

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition says it attacked 13 Houthi targets in Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition has attached 13 targets during a military operation against the Houthis in Yemen, Saudi state news agency (SPA) quoted the coalition as saying on Saturday.

(A K pH)

Citizen was injured by aggression raid in Hodeida

A citizen was injured by an aggression raid in Hodeida, a military official said Saturday.

The citizen was injured by an aggression's raid targeted east of Hays district, which was hit with 6 airstrikes.

and also

(A K pS)

Coalition destroys Houthi missile, detects suspicious activities in Sanaa

The Arab Coalition destroyed on Friday, a Houthi missile believed to be targeting civilian areas in Jazan city, in the southern parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The coalition said that it had detected suspicious activities at Sanaa International Airport, adding that it had now become a launchpad for hostile acts against the Kingdom from Yemen.

My comment: A new pretense for air raids against Sanaa airport.

(A K pH)

Aggression targets telecommunications network in Sa'ada

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes hit on Friday a telecommunications network in Munabeh district of Sa'ada province,

(A K pH)

Aggression raid kills more than 200 sheep in Dhamar

The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation said on Thursday the US-Saudi aggression warplanes waged a raid on a livestock farm in Mayfa'a Ans district in Dhamar province, killing more than 200 sheep (photo)

and also = (with photos) and


(* A K)

90 Houthis killed in new Saudi-led airstrikes

Scores of Houthi fighters were killed by new airstrikes in Yemen, the Saudi-led coalition on Wednesday.

In a statement carried by the Saudi press agency, it said it carried out 29 airstrikes in the provinces of Marib and Bayda, killing 90 Houthis and destroying 22 Houthi vehicles.

(* B K)

27,000 Houthis killed since February, coalition says

At least 200 Houthi fighters were killed and 24 Houthi vehicles destroyed in 35 airstrikes in the past 24 hours in Yemen's provinces of Marib and Jawf, the Saudi-led coalition said on Thursday.

The coalition has been involved in Yemen since 2015. In recent months, it has intensified airstrikes against the Iran-allied Houthis who have been seeking to seize the oil-rich Marib.

Around 27,000 Houthis have been killed in battles with the forces of the internationally recognised government and Saudi-led airstrikes in Marib since February, it said in a statement carried by Saudi media outlets.

and photo: Pictures of Houthi dead people from one area, most of them are children and young people under the age of 18.

(* B K)

Yemen Huthis say nearly 15,000 rebels killed since mid-June

Nearly 15,000 Yemeni Huthi fighters have been killed near the strategic city of Marib since June, sources close to the rebels said Thursday, in a rare admission of their casualties during the seven-year war.

"The air strikes launched by the Saudi-led military coalition and the battles have killed nearly 14,700 Huthis since mid-June near Marib," an official at the rebel-run defence ministry told AFP.

Another official from the same office confirmed the toll.

On the pro-government side more than 1,200 fighters were killed in the same five-month period while defending areas near Marib, two government military officials told AFP. =

(A K pS)

Arab coalition strikes Iran Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah experts in Yemen

Airstrikes took out a secret hideout in Yemen housing experts belonging to the Iran Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah, the Arab coalition said on Thursday.

The capital, Sanaa, as well as locations in the governorates of Dhamar, Saada, and Al-Jawf were hit in a wide-ranging coalition operation to weaken the Iran-backed Houthi militia.

Al-Dulaimi airbase and warehouses in Sanaa were struck by coalition forces, Al Arabiya TV said early on Thursday, citing sources.

Hours earlier, the coalition blew up an explosive drone targeting Abha International Airport, in Saudi Arabia’s Asir province.

and also

Films, Sanaa:

My comment: Hunting propaganda’s phantoms.

(* A K)

Coalition 26 airstrikes kill 140 Houthis in Marib, Baydha

140 Houthi fighters have been killed in coalition airstrikes on the two Yemeni governorates of Baydha and Marib, the Saudi-led coalition said on Monday.
In the last 24 hours, the Arab coalition carried out 26 operations against the Iranian-backed Houthi sites and reinforcements in Marib and Baydha, it said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).
The raids destroyed 18 Houthi combating machines and killed 140 fighters of the group, according to the statement.

and also


(A K pS)

Video: Saudi-led coalition targets Yemen sites after attempted drone attack on airport

Workshops and warehouses for ballistic missiles, drones, and communications systems were destroyed.

A Saudi-led coalition carried out a wide operation against targets in Yemen after intercepting and destroying a drone that attempted to attack Saudi Arabia's Abha international airport, Saudi state media said early on Thursday.

and also

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids Marib p. / Hodeidah p. = Marib, Hodeida, Ibb, Saada, Taiz, Hajjah prov. Hodeidah p. / Hajjah p. / 5 prov. Hodeidah p. Marib p. Several prov. Marib p. Hays in Hodeidah p. near Hodeidah seport Hodeidah p. / Sanaa city, Amran p. / Several prov. Hodeidah p. Sanaa, Taiz, Saada prov. Marib p. / Sanaa / Marib p.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp4, cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere Offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pH)

6 citizens injured in Saudi attack on Saada

About 6 civilians, including African migrants, were injured on Monday after being bombed by Saudi army on residential areas of Saada province.

According to local sources, the Saudi artillery hit the areas of al-Raqwa and Al- Sheikh of Monaba district.

(A K pH)

2 were injured in Sa'ada

The official confirmed that 2 citizens were injured by Saudi artillery shelling in Al-Raqw area in Munabeh border district in the Sa'ada province, while the warplanes launched a raid on Al-Dhaher district.

(A K pS)

Yemen war: Saudi coalition says it destroyed Houthi drone targeting Najran airport

Debris from destroyed drone was scattered in Saudi residential area but no injuries were reported, state TV reports

and also


(A K pH)

Citizen injured in Saudi shelling of Saada

A citizen was injured, at dawn Sunday, as a result of Saudi artillery shelling on the al-Raqaw area in the border district of Monabbih, Saada province, northern Yemen , a security official said.

(A K pH)

4 citizens were killed, injured by Saudi enemy fire in Sa'ada

A citizen was killed and 3 others were wounded by the Saudi enemy's fire in Munabeh district, Sa'ada province.

The official stated that the Saudi enemy army opened fire towards Al-Raqq area in Munabeh border district, which caused the killing of a citizen and wounding 3 others.

and also

(A K)

Jemenitische Drohnen verwüsten saudische Militärstandorte nach massiven Bombenangriffen

Nach massiven Bombenangriffen des Königreichs auf mehrere Provinzen im Jemen haben jemenitische Streitkräfte und Kämpfer der Volkskomitees eine Reihe von Luftangriffen auf militärische Ziele im Südwesten Saudi-Arabiens durchgeführt.

Das libanesische al-Mayadeen-Fernsehen sagte unter Berufung auf lokale Medien, jemenitische Drohnen hätten am Samstagmorgen Militärstandorte in den Regionen Nadschran, Dschizan und Asir getroffen.

Der Bericht kam, nachdem der Sprecher der jemenitischen Streitkräfte, Brigadegeneral Yahya Saree, sagte, Saudi-Arabien habe seine Aggression deutlich verstärkt und in den letzten 24 Stunden mehr als 65 Luftangriffe im Jemen durchgeführt.

„Diese Eskalation wird schwerwiegende Folgen für die Aggressionskräfte haben. Sie müssen die Konsequenzen dafür tragen“, twitterte er am Freitag.

und auch

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Army carries out "8th deterrence" operation inside Saudi enemy territories

The armed forces announced on Saturday the implementation of the 8th Balance Deterrence operation by targeting dozen of military and vital targets inside the Saudi enemy territories, in response to the continued escalation of the aggression and the siege of the Yemeni people.

A statement read by the army's spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sarie, said that the armed forces targeted the King Khalid base in Riyadh with 4 drones of Sammad3 type and bombed military sites at King Abdullah International Airport and Aramco refineries in Jeddah city with 4 drones of Sammad2 type.

The eighth deterrence operation included bombing of an important military site at Abha International Airport with a Samad 3 aircraft, various military sites in the regions of Abha, Jizan, and Najran with 5 Qasef 2K drones.

Sareic onfirmed the armed forces' ability to carry out more offensive operations against the Saudi and Emirati enemy within the framework of the legitimate defense of the people and the country.

and also



(A K pS)

Coalition forces shoot down 3 drones targeting Saudi city

The Saudi-led Arab Coalition to support the legitimate Yemeni government said its air defense forces shot down three explosives-laden drones flown by "the terrorist Houthi militias" from Yemen towards Saudi Arabia.

(B K pS)

KSrelief Masam Project Dismantles more than 1,401 Mines in Yemen During One Week

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center's (KSrelief) project for clearing mines in Yemen (Masam) demined 1,401 mines during the third week of November 2021, including 5 antipersonnel mines, 600 anti-tank mines, 793 unexploded ordnance and 3 explosive devices..
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 289,046 mines, planted by the Houthi militias, have been dismantled.

(B K)

Yemen’s Battleground Shifts in Favor of Iran-Backed Houthis

Saudi Arabia is scrambling to defend oil-rich city against group, as Biden administration debates whether to back Riyadh in Yemen civil war

Houthi fighters allied with Iran have gained important new ground in the yearslong war in Yemen, as Saudi Arabia is struggling to defend a strategic, oil-rich city and U.S. efforts to broker peace stagnate.

Without coordinating with United Nations peacekeepers in the area, Yemeni forces supported by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates abruptly withdrew last week from key positions near the western port city of Hodeidah. At the same time, Saudi Arabia vowed to send more forces to defend Marib, the center of an energy hub near the Saudi border where the Houthis have been methodically gaining new ground for months (paywalled)


(B K P)

@BashaReport, senior #Yemen analyst @NavantiGroup, said the moves were a sign that the Saudi-led “coalition is becoming more realistic and signaling that they’re going to pull back to where they have a better defensive line.”

@BashaReport pointed to open-source satellite images that suggest #SaudiArabia was reducing its military footprint...Even if the Saudis continue to scale back, Basha said, that won’t bring an end to the war between the Houthis and the Yemenis who remain opposed to their rule.

“If this is the end of the Saudi intervention in the [#Yemen] conflict, then war itself will likely continue for a long time,” @BashaReport said. “The Houthis are unlikely to stop, as they want it all.

(A K pH)

3 citizens injured by Saudi army fire in Saada

At least three civilians were injured Thursday by Saudi army fires in Saada province, north of Yemen, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

The source said that the Saudi army fire targeted the border district of Munabeh, which led to the injuring of three citizens with serious wounds.

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression injures man in Sa'ada

A man was injured by the Saudi army's shelling in Qahr Afeeq area in Baqem border district in Sa'ada province

(A K)

Yemeni gov't reinforcements arrive in Marib to change fighting balance

A combating battalion on Tuesday arrived in the Yemeni northeastern governorate of Marib, information minister tweeted, in order to reinforce the national army against the Iranian-backed Houthi group.
Reinforcing Marib's fighting fronts with highly-trained units would change battle balances in favor of the national army, particularly after the attrition suffered by the Houthis in the last months, Moammar al-Eryani added.


(A K)

Film: Yemen: Military force on road towards Marib governorate to support [Hadi gov.] National Army

A military convoy was seen on the road on Wednesday, reportedly coming from Saudi Arabia and heading to the Marib governorate to support the Yemeni National Army, loyal to ousted Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in their battle against Houthi forces.

Footage shows vehicles carrying armed men and flying Yemeni flags on the road. =

(A K pH)

5 citizens injured in Saudi attack on Saada

About 5 citizens, including an African emigrant, were wounded on Wednesday after being fired by the Saudi army in Saada province, north of Yemen.

According to a security official, the Saudi artillery hit the men in residential areas of the districts of Baqim and Munabbih.

(A K pH)

Hadi Gov’t’s General Staff Chief admits Sanaa forces’ advanced military developments

The Saudi-exiled Hadi government’s Chief of General Staff and the head of joint operations, Saghir bin Aziz, backed by the UAE, admitted the developments of the advanced military industry made by Sanaa forces.

In a TV interview with the coalition media, Bin Aziz explained that the Sanaa forces have managed to manufacture and develop ballistic missiles, in addition to the distinction of introducing drones in military confrontations on various fronts.

He indicated that the Sanaa forces have now possessed factories for weapons, tank shells and other weapons.

There is not a foreign fighter from the Iranian or Lebanese nationalities fighting in the Houthi ranks, has been killed or captured, according to the coalition claims since the war on Yemen on March 26, 2015, he explained.

The commander disclosed that his forces had received military training from various Arab and foreign countries, with large quantities of weapons from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and others, in addition to the confrontations with Sanaa forces have led to destroying and most the military vehicles of the coalition, which he called on to send more armed vehicles.

Bin Aziz stated that over 75 members of his family were killed, including his son, and wounded during the battles with Sanaa forces.

(A K)

Refugee camp in Yemen's Marib comes under missile attack

The Houthi group fired ballistic missiles into the Al-Rahmah refugee camp in Yemen's Marib province, the Executive Unit of IDPs said on Wednesday.

The camp in the southern district of HRib is accommodating 298 displaced families, it said in a statement on Twitter, pointing out that it is managed by the International Organisation for Migration.

and also

referring to (with photo) (with photo)

(A K)

Houthis target Marib telecom network with drone: Yemeni gov't

SabaFon telecom service has stopped in the Yemeni northeastern governorate of Marib, Yemeni sources said Tuesday, after the Iranian-backed Houthi group targeted one of the mobile company's towers.
The Houthis struck the tower's control room using a bomb-laden drone in the Wadi (valley) district in Marib, the sources added.
The company's telephone coverage went out of service in some of the district's parts, according to the sources.

(A K pS)

Coalition in Yemen intercepts drone headed for Saudi airport

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen intercepted and destroyed a drone that was launched to attack Saudi Arabia's Abha international airport, state media said early on Thursday.

and also

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are going on and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(B K pH)

Film: Massive destruction and systematic looting of industrial facilities in Hodeidah by the aggression and its mercenaries

(A K P)

UN Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement: #UNMHA is closely monitoring alarming reports of intensive clashes and escalation of fighting in the southern districts of the #Hudaydah governorate, specifically in Hays + At Tuhayta, reportedly leading to significant casualties including to the civilian population.

#UNMHA reiterates its call for all parties to the conflict to exercise restraint. UNMHA reminds the parties of their obligations to #protect_civilians + take all measures to prevent any further escalation that could negatively impact the local population. #UNMHA stands ready to facilitate dialogue between the parties.

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition warns of danger to global trade south of Red Sea - state media

The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Iran-backed Houthi movement in Yemen said it detected indications of an imminent danger to navigation and global trade south of the Red Sea, Saudi state media reported early on Monday.

and also


(A K)

Saudi Arabia-led coalition detects imminent Houthi attack threat near Red Sea

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen said it detected an imminent danger to navigation and global trade south of the Red Sea, Saudi state media reported early on Monday.

The coalition said hostile movements and activity by the Yemeni Houthi forces using explosive-laden boats had also been detected. Measures were being taken to neutralise the threat and ensure freedom of navigation, it said, without going into details.

(* B E K pH)

Investigation reveals systematic destruction to industrial sector in Hodeidah

Deputy Director General of the Trade and Industry Office in Hodeidah, Mahmoud Shukri, explained that the US-Saudi aggression worked systematically to destroy the components of industrial infrastructure in Hodeidah in its quest to transform Yemen into a consumer market for the products of the aggressive countries.

Shoukry said in a statement to Almasirah, on Saturday, that the area extending from kilo-4 to kilo-16 in Hodeidah is the backbone of the national economy and has been subjected to systematic and deliberate destruction, and that there was a clear focus on destroying the infrastructure of industries in Hodeidah in particular.

He added that the direct targeting of factories in Hodeidah led to a shortage of commodities and a rise in their prices, many workers lost their jobs, and their access to factories was very difficult as a result of road blocks and the concentration of mercenaries in factories

Shoukry stated that in the economic zone extending from Kilo 4 to Kilo 16, more than 25 giant industrial projects were destroyed and damaged by the raids of the aggression and the mercenaries’ violations of the Stockholm Agreement.

For his part, Chairman of the General Investment Authority, Yasser Al-Mansour, indicated that the scene of the destruction of factories in the economic zone in Hodeidah is clear and horrific. A limited number is the one who survived the targeting, explaining that there are more than 30 industrial projects registered in the authority.

(A K pH)

Saudi-led invaders lost 219 fighters in latest West Coast clashes

According to sources familiar with the matter, 219 bodies of coalition forces, including al-Qaeda elements and militants of the Tariq Afash mercenaries, were transported to Aden province. = (with photos)

(A K pH)

Film: Al-Durayhimi district, south of Hodeidah, after its liberation and the exit of the mercenaries of the occupation and the Saudi and Emirati aggression

(A K pH)

Film: They left and were defeated, leaving behind the smell of death and scenes of destruction and devastation

(A H K)

Photos: People enjoy themselves on beach in Hodeidah, Yemen

and also


(A H K pH)

Film: Beach life after the retreat of the UAE-supported militia =

(A K pH)

Dozens of Tariq Afash militants killed in Hodeidah


(A K pH)

About 28 coalition recruits killed in Hodeida counter-attack

About 28 recruits of the Saudi-led coalition forces were killed and 46 others wounded on Saturday in a counter-attack in Hodeida province

(A K pS)

'An epic battle': Pro-[Hadi] government offensive in Yemen breaks off Houthi supply line

Joint forces battling Houthi rebels near the vital port city of Hodeidah in Yemen have launched a large-scale offensive.

The troops cut a vital Houthi supply route between the provinces of Taez and Hodeidah, said the commander of a pro-government force involved in the operation.

Seventy Houthi rebels and more than 12 soldiers from the joint forces were killed during the clashes, which erupted in the early morning on Friday and continued until the evening, a military source in the Joint Forces in southern Hodeidah told The National.

"It was such an epic battle, our troops scored significant progress despite the huge amount of landmines planted by the Houthi rebels," said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

(* B K pH)

Reasons behind the Emirati withdrawal from Yemen coast

Sources reported unannounced heated disagreements among the factions of the UAE-backed forces in the western coast of Yemen, in the aftermath of the sudden and wide withdrawals in Hudaydah areas, which represented a stab in the back of Saleh’s forces, leaving the armed factions affiliated with the southern transitional council shocked and confused. The sources added that the so-called “legitimacy of Hadi” is coming to an end.

The withdrawing forces, however, claimed that they have evacuated the fighting areas in Hudaydah in accordance with the Stockholm Agreement reached late 2018, which is supposed to take place in coordination and understanding with the United Nations mission; but it was not kept informed with the updates.

But other sources asserted that the Emirati forces had previously started a large-scale evacuation of its forces after receiving a series of military strikes from the Yemeni Ansarullah movement. Such strikes were based on accurate intelligence by the movement.
In addition, the [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni army and popular committees rushed to take control over these areas.

Regarding the Marib front, the Yemeni army and the popular committees have eased their attack on the city and headed to the south, achieving a progress that surpassed what it was like before, and succeeded, for the first time since years, to return to southern areas, even though a settlement with the local tribes there. But this operation allowed them to lay siege to all the southern and eastern crossings- the southern crossings that lead to Marib, and that made the Saudis and all the southern mercenaries in need for a long trip that takes them from Hadramout to the sieged city.

Accordingly, there is only one passage left, and if the Yemeni army and popular committees decide to go for an all-out confrontation to capture the city, this passage will be closed.

Yemeni journalist Ali al-Darwani confirmed to Al-Ahed News that nothing is being done confidentially regarding the Emirati withdrawal from the western coast that is at least more than 50 km long, but rather a relocation in case Marib fell.

(A H)

The picture appeared today at one of the gates of the new “Al-Maqwat Market” in Hodeidah and remained for hours lying on the ground and hundreds of people passed over it, including officials, doctors, military leaders and citizens. No one paid attention to him, is he alive or dead, is he healthy or sick, is he hungry or full What salvation are you waiting for when mercy has been stripped from our hearts!

(A K pS)

Yemen’s Joint Forces seize control of strategic areas in Hodeidah, Taiz

Yemen’s Joint Forces on the country’s western coast on Saturday seized control of strategic locations in the provinces of Taiz and Hodeidah, a local military official told Arab News.

Backed by air cover from the Arab coalition warplanes, the Joint Forces on Friday announced that they had seized control of Hays district in Hodeidah, including a strategic road that links the provinces of Ibb, Taiz and Hodeidah, shortly after launching an offensive to liberate strategic highlands south and east of the district.

On Saturday, some military units advanced into the Shamer area in Taiz’s Maqbanah district as other forces announced the liberation of Al-Araf mountain, which overlooks the Al-Bareh district in Taiz.

“We are now in Shamer and are pushing to seize control of Maqbanah-Shamer,” said a military official from the Joint Forces’ Giants Brigades.

By seizing control of the main road that links Shamer with Maqbanah, the Joint Forces would effectively cut off Houthi supply routes west of Taiz, and would surround Industrial Al-Bareh, an area that hosts major factories in Taiz province.

and also



(A K pS)

Pro-govt Joint Forces made new gains today and restored many areas from Houthis in al-Barh and Maqbanah districts in #Taiz governorate a day later they took full control of Hays district in #Hudeidah. (photo)

(A P)

Humanitarian calls to save and release sick abductees in Alhudayda.

In Alhudayda, Abductees’ Mothers Association said that it had monitored the cases of 92 abductees and forcibly disappeared persons from Alhudayda, 79 of whom were held by Houthi armed group while the other 13 were held by the Joint Forces at the West Coast. The official and secret detention centers, abductees held at, were all poorly equipped and lacking the basic human facilities.

In its rally this morning at Alduraihimi district, Abductees’ Mothers Association condemned the abduction and brutal torture facing civilians, which had repeatedly led to the deterioration of their health. The effects of such violations and crimes had extended to hit abductees’ relatives, as the father of the abductee Ibrahim Ahmed Sajed died due to a stroke after hearing the news of referring his son to court, especially after executing 9 abductees from Alhudayda by Houthi armed group.

In their rally statement, mothers demanded the international community to mount the needed pressure and take serious actions in order to release all abductees and arbitrarily arrested and forcibly disappeared persons.

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Head of the National Committee for Demining: Remnants of Saudi-mercenaries land mines removed from Sanaa street in Hodeidah

(* B H K)

Yemen: Residents return to Hodeidah as pro-UAE forces leave districts to Houthis

Residents excited at chance to rebuild their lives, but others displaced as fighting intensifies in nearby countryside

“I don’t care who controls Hodeidah, I only wanted to return to my home and see Hodeidah peaceful, as before the war,” he told Middle East Eye.

The unexpected withdrawal of pro-United Arab Emirates (UAE) forces from areas to the south of Hodeidah, Yemen's major Red Sea port, on Friday has left many residents excited at the prospect of restarting their lives.

However, the withdrawal has now shifted the fighting to rural areas around the city, forcing thousands of other people to leave their homes.

Most of those families have been forced to relocate to areas near to Hodeidah, such as al-Khawkha district.

Pro-UAE forces under the leadership of Tareq Saleh, the nephew of late President Ali Abdullah Saleh, had been in control of the al-Tuhaytah, Bait al-Fakih and al-Duraihimi districts of the Hodeidah governorate since May 2018.

However, on Friday night everything changed, as the forces withdrew peacefully and rebel Houthis advanced across all three areas.

Known as the Joint Forces, the pro-UAE fighters are made up of Salah's own Republican Guards, the al-Amaliqah forces and the Tehami forces.

Following their withdrawal, the Joint Forces released a statement saying they had exited these areas because they were included in the Stockholm agreement.

On Monday, the United Nations stated that 6,200 persons had been displaced by the new front lines that have opened up as a result of the Joint Forces' withdrawal, and called on the warring parties to resume peace talks.

While regular life has almost returned to normal in Hodeidah, with no more shells or missiles falling, those in rural areas, where the fighting has intensified, are now bearing the brunt.

“We feel for the suffering of our brothers in al-Tuhaytah who can’t access their homes, and we hope that the war ends in the whole of the country, and Yemenis can return to their homes and resume their regular life,” Ghaleb told MEE.

Those forced to move since Friday are just the latest to join the approximately four million displaced persons in Yemen. Many of them live in makeshift camps and are in dire need of basic services. An estimated 80 percent of the population – 24 million people – require some form of humanitarian or protection assistance, including 14.3 million who are in acute need, according to the UN.

Nasser and his family are now trying to construct tents from plastic sheets and wood found in the desert. There are no basic services in al-Khawkha, and they were unable to bring anything of use with them from their homes.

“The sudden battles terrified us and we didn’t get a chance to take anything, all we took were valuables and clothes.”

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(A P)

Art as a Tool for Peace: Young artists from Syria and Yemen illustrate the transformative power of art

PeaceRep and the Global Justice Academy are proud to announce a new art exhibition highlighting the role of art as a tool for local peace. This powerful exhibition brings together a series of works by young artists from across Syria and Yemen, offering a glimpse into everyday life in some of the world’s most protracted conflicts.

(B H)

Film: Step inside Yemen’s Jaref Valley Spa

Many Yemenis flock to the Jaref Valley spa to relax in its therapeutic waters, fitted with hot tubs, a swimming pool and a large garden. =

(A H)

Yemen: Families flock to Katheeb Beach after years of closure due to war

The authorities of the Houthi 'Ansar Allah' movement reopened the Katheeb Beach in Hodeidah Governorate to visitors, four years after its closure due to the ongoing war.

Footage on Wednesday showed families, including children, women, and men, enjoying time on the beach and swimming in the sea.

(* B P)

Israelische Spähsoftware: Angriffe auf Nachrichtenwebseite in London und Behörden im Nahen Osten

Auch die Spionagesoftware Candiru wurde offenbar gegen Kritiker von Herrschern in Nahost gerichtet. Bereits durch das Abrufen von Behördenwebseiten in Iran, Syrien, im Jemen oder auch der Londoner Nachrichtenseite Middle East Eye könnten Besucher ins Visier der Auftraggeber geraten sein.

Dass Spähsoftware israelischer Unternehmen eingesetzt wurde, um Journalisten, Oppositionelle und Politiker auszuspionieren, wurde in diesem Jahr mit den Fällen Candiru und Pegasus bekannt. Nun gibt es neue Belege dafür, dass auch das einfache Abrufen bestimmter Webseiten Besucher schon zu Zielen der geheimen Spionagesoftware gemacht haben könnte.

Laut einem Bericht von Forschern des slowakischen IT-Sicherheitsunternehmens ESET mit Sitz im kanadischen Montreal gab es Verbindungen zwischen Angriffen auf hochrangige Webseiten im Nahen Osten und im Vereinigten Königreich und dem israelischen Unternehmen Candiru, wie der Guardian berichtet. Demnach werden Webseiten, deren Leser vom Benutzer der Malware als "interessante Ziele" eingestuft werden, durch sogenannte "Watering-Hole-Angriffe" durch Malware infiziert.

Der Malware-Benutzer kann so über den Besucher der Webseite bestimmte Merkmale herausfinden, darunter die Art des Browsers und des verwendeten Betriebssystems. In einigen Fällen kann der Malware-Benutzer dann einen "Exploit" starten und so den Computer eines einzelnen Ziels übernehmen.

Zu bekannten Zielen dieser Art von Angriffen gehören laut den Forschern die Nachrichtenseite Middle East Eye, die über unterschiedliche Themen berichtet – darunter saudische Menschenrechtsverstöße –, sowie mehrere Webseiten in Verbindung mit Regierungsministerien in Iran und im Jemen. Nicht jeder Besucher wird laut dem ESET-Bericht zwangsläufig durch Besuch der kompromittierten Webseiten zum Ziel. Doch waren diese erste Ausgangspunkte, um bestimmte Personen zu identifizieren, die dann ins Visier genommen wurden. ESET-Forscher hatten im Jahr 2018 ein eigenes System entwickelt, um "Wasserlöcher" auf hochrangigen Webseiten aufzudecken, und fanden dadurch im Juli 2020 heraus, dass eine Webseite der iranischen Botschaft in Abu Dhabi mit einem bösartigen Code verseucht worden war. In der Folge zeigte sich, dass zahlreiche weitere Webseiten ins Visier genommen wurden, darunter ein Hisbollah-naher Fernsehsender, mehrere syrische Behörden und auch Internetanbieter sowie beispielsweise ein südafrikanisches staatliches Konglomerat für Luft- und Raumfahrt und Militärtechnologie.

(* B P)

Israeli firm’s spyware linked to attacks on websites in UK and Middle East

The researchers found that the websites that were ‘known targets’ of this kind of attack included Middle East Eye, a London-based news website, and multiple websites associated with government ministries in Iran and Yemen

Canada-based researchers say new evidence suggests Candiru’s software used to target critics of autocratic regimes

Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington

Researchers have found new evidence that suggests spyware made by an Israeli company that was recently blacklisted in the US has been used to target critics of Saudi Arabia and other autocratic regimes, including some readers of a London-based news website.

A report by Montreal-based researchers from Slovakian companyEset, an internet security firm, found links between attacks against high-profile websites in the Middle East and UK, and the Israeli company Candiru, which has been called Israel’s “most mysterious cyberwarfare company”.

Candiru and NSO Group, a much more prominent Israeli surveillance company, were both added to a US blacklist this month after the Biden administration took the rare step of accusing the firms of acting against US national security interests.

The Eset report revealed new information about so-called “watering hole attacks”. In such attacks, spyware users launch malware against ordinary websites that are known to attract readers or users who are considered “targets of interest” by the user of the malware.

The sophisticated attacks allow the malware user to identify characteristics about the individuals who have visited the website, including what kind of browser and operating system they are using. In some cases the malware user can then launch an exploit that allows them to take over an individual target’s computer.

Unlike NSO Group’s signature spyware, which is called Pegasus and infects mobile phones, Candiru’s malware is believed by researchers to infect computers. The company appears to be named after a parasitic freshwater catfish that can be found in the Amazon.

The researchers found that the websites that were “known targets” of this kind of attack included Middle East Eye, a London-based news website, and multiple websites associated with government ministries in Iran and Yemen.

and original report:

(A H)

A crime that shook Yemen.. Her husband imprisoned her and deprived her of food and water until she died


Beautiful Socotra, photos


Photo: Morning to the details that make life under war somehow bearable! Old men in alTowahi, Aden city.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-771 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-771: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

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