Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 774b - Yemen War Mosaic 774b

Yemen Press Reader 774b: 3. Dezember 2021: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 774, cp7 - cp19 / December 3, 2021: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 774, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 774, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 774, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(* A P)

Menschenrechtler fordern Untersuchung von Gräueltaten

Mehr als 60 Organisationen haben die UNO-Vollversammlung dazu aufgerufen, Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen untersuchen zu lassen.

Die bisherige Untersuchungsmission war im Oktober vom Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen nicht verlängert worden. Das sei in Folge aggressiver Lobbyarbeit durch Saudi-Arabien geschehen, heißt es in dem Aufruf der Organisationen, unter anderem Amnesty International und Human Rights Watch. Die internationale Gemeinschaft könne nicht zulassen, dass die Abstimmung im Menschenrechtsrat das letzte Wort gewesen sei. – Saudi-Arabien kämpft mit einem Militärbündnis an der Seite der Regierung gegen die Huthi-Rebellen im Jemen.


(* A P)

UN-Generalversammlung fordert Untersuchung der Gräueltaten im Jemen

Die mehr als 60 Organisationen sagten, die Abstimmung im Menschenrechtsrat im Oktober sei das Ergebnis einer aggressiven Lobbykampagne Saudi-Arabiens, die von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, einem wichtigen Koalitionspartner, und anderen Verbündeten unterstützt wird.

„Die internationale Gemeinschaft kann nicht zusehen, dass diese Abstimmung das letzte Wort bei den Bemühungen um Rechenschaftspflicht für Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen ist“, sagten die Organisationen.

Die Generalsekretärin von Amnesty International, Agnès Callamard, sagte auf einer virtuellen Pressekonferenz, dass die Konfliktparteien, darunter die Saudis und die Huthis, „ungestraft Gräueltaten begangen haben und ein Ende dieses Krieges anscheinend nicht in Sicht ist“. „Wir müssen jetzt handeln.“

Jeden Tag, sagte Callamard, werden mehr Menschen verletzt und getötet und die Generalversammlung könnte „Millionen von Leben retten“, indem sie Maßnahmen ergreift.

In ihrer gemeinsamen Erklärung an die 193 Mitgliedsstaaten der Generalversammlung sagten die Menschenrechtsgruppen und andere Organisationen, dass das Leid, das den jemenitischen Zivilisten zugefügt wurde, eine Ermittlungsbehörde erfordert, „die Straflosigkeit in dem anhaltenden Konflikt anzugehen und eine klare Warnung an die Täter auf allen Seiten auszusenden, dass sie es sein werden“. für Kriegsverbrechen und andere schwere Verstöße gegen das humanitäre Völkerrecht und die Menschenrechte zur Rechenschaft gezogen.“

UN-Mitglieder sollten einen Ermittlungs-„Mechanismus“ genehmigen

(* A P)

Civil Society Groups Demand Urgent UN Action Against Impunity for Yemen Crimes

For nearly seven years the people of Yemen have been victims of innumerable war crimes and human rights abuses.

Until last month the fact that the UN Human Rights Council’s Group of Eminent Experts (GEE) was documenting crimes by all parties to the conflict and reporting them to the world attested to a commitment to address widespread impunity for such crimes. It signaled to civilians in Yemen that Member States of the United Nations were not turning a blind eye to their suffering.

But not anymore. Saudi Arabia, backed by the United Arab Emirates, the leaders of a military coalition in the Yemen conflict, lobbied Human Rights Council members to end the GEE’s impartial monitoring and reporting. As a result, Council members narrowly rejected a resolution whose adoption would have renewed the GEE’s mandate, dealing a serious blow to accountability efforts.

As the Netherlands’ ambassador to the UN in Geneva rightly summed it up, by ending the GEE, the Council has “failed the people of Yemen.”

The international community cannot stand by and allow that vote to be the last word on accountability efforts for abuses and war crimes in Yemen.

The undersigned organizations call upon the UN General Assembly to move quickly and establish a new international accountability mechanism for Yemen. The suffering already inflicted on civilians in the country demands this step to address impunity in the ongoing conflict and send a clear warning to perpetrators on all sides that they will be held accountable for war crimes and other serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

All parties to the conflict in Yemen have perpetrated widespread and systematic abuses, including the killing and injuring of tens of thousands of civilian

The undersigned organizations call upon the UN General Assembly to establish an independent and impartial body that would investigate and publicly report on the most serious violations and abuses of international law committed in Yemen, while also collecting and preserving evidence and preparing files for possible future criminal prosecution. Such a strong mandate is required to ensure not only that the serious crimes under international law committed in Yemen be exposed to the world, but also that potential avenues of criminal accountability may be effectively exploited in the future to address impunity and provide effective redress to victims.

This is an ambitious goal, but the General Assembly has risen to the challenge before, when grave, widespread, and persistent abuses demanded it.

and also

and shorter media report:


(* A P)

Film: Joint Civil Society Appeal for an Accountability Mechanism for Yemen

Joint global CSOs appeal calling the #UNGA to create a new #UN accountability mechanism on #Yemen This step is urgently needed in light of failure of #HRC in October to renew the mandate of the Group of Eminent Experts (#GEE).. watch the press conference = =

(A P)

Yemen's government, Houthi rebels swap 16 prisoners

Yemen's government and the Houthi rebel group swapped 16 prisoners in the country's turbulent northeastern province of al-Jawf on Tuesday, a military official told Xinhua.

After a local tribal mediation, eight government soldiers were set free in exchange for the release of eight Houthi rebels, the local military source said on condition of anonymity.


(A P)

14 prisoners of [Sanaa gov.] army, committees on Marib front liberated

the 14 prisoners were released in an exchange process through local mediation on Marib front.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Erst Katar, nun Libanon – wer den Herrschern in Riad missfällt, wird drangsaliert und isoliert

Im Streit mit Saudiarabien hat sich der libanesische Präsident an Katar um Vermittlung gewandt. Das Golfemirat hat selbst kürzlich einen Konflikt mit dem Königreich beigelegt. Doch Riad ist erzürnt und wird wohl noch eine Weile erzürnt bleiben.

Als der libanesische Präsident Michel Aoun Anfang der Woche Katar besuchte, hat der Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani ihm Hilfe zugesagt. Aoun wird das mit Genugtuung gehört haben, denn Unterstützung kann Libanon wahrhaftig gebrauchen. Das Land befindet sich in einer präzedenzlosen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Krise und ist obendrein in einen üblen Zwist mit Saudiarabien geraten. In dessen Folge haben nicht nur Riad, sondern auch dessen Verbündete, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Bahrain und Kuwait, den Zedernstaat Ende Oktober mit Sanktionen belegt. Die Golfstaaten zogen ihre Botschafter ab und stoppten sämtliche Importe aus Libanon.

Die Herren von Doha wissen aus eigener, schmerzvoller Erfahrung, wie es ist, von Riad und seinen Mitstreitern boykottiert zu werden. Sie waren das Objekt einer über dreijährigen Isolation, initiiert von den Emiraten, aber willig mitgetragen von den Saudi. Die Katarer überstanden die törichte Aktion schadlos, für gute Ratschläge in solchen Dingen sind sie am Golf seither die beste Adresse.

(A P)

Sister of man imprisoned in Saudi Arabia writes to Hamilton

The sister of a man who was sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia is asking seven-time Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton to help save her brother’s life.

Zeinab Abu Al-Kheir told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that Hamilton’s declaration two weeks ago in Qatar that F1 is “duty bound” to raise awareness on human rights makes her think that he might be able to save her brother, Hussein Abu Al-Kheir. The spotlight of auto racing pivots to Saudi Arabia on Sunday when the kingdom for the first time hosts an F1 contest.

(A P)

Justin Bieber Weaponized By Saudi Arabia

The Canadian pop star Justin Bieber has been seemingly weaponized by the Saudi Arabian government, which is responsible for grievous human rights violations and crimes against humanity.

Human rights activists in Saudi Arabia have urged Justin Bieber to not perform at this week's inaugural Saudi Arabian Formula One Grand Prix. Citing the kingdom's record of crimes against humanity in Yemen, brutality against pro-democracy activists, and the severe repression of women. The Grand Prix has a history of hosting its events in countries accused of human rights violations and ignoring activists.


(B P)

Monika Staab im Interview: "Ich bin mir in Saudi-Arabien vorgekommen wie in Dortmund oder auf Schalke"

Monika Staab setzt sich weltweit für den Frauenfußball ein, aktuell ist sie in Saudi-Arabien tätig. GOAL und SPOX haben sie zum Interview getroffen.

Frau Staab, Sie trainieren seit September die neugeschaffene Frauen-Nationalmannschaft von Saudi-Arabien. Wie ist es dazu gekommen?

Beschäftigen Sie die unter anderem von Amnesty International angemahnten Menschenrechtsverletzungen?

Staab: Ich lese viel über diese Themen und bin niemand, der einfach die Augen verschließt. Aber das Bild aus Westeuropa ist nicht deckungsgleich mit der Realität vor Ort. Ich war in 85 Ländern und habe erlebt, wie Frauen diskriminiert oder vergewaltigt wurden. Sowas findet hier nicht statt. Die Saudis sind frei und glücklich. Generell sollte man meiner Meinung nach ein Land erst selbst besucht haben, bevor man sich ein Urteil darüber erlaubt. I

Mein Kommentar: LOL. Propaganda gleich inklusive.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Planning Rare Visit to Nearby Oman

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince plans to make his first trip to neighboring Oman in the coming weeks, according to two people familiar with the matter, another sign of warming ties between the two Gulf states. The visit by Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, will be his second foray abroad since the coronavirus pandemic began, after a brief trip to Egypt earlier this year. =

(A P)

New #American hostage in #Saudi . Follow his father here & read

referring to

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia and China are accused of using sports to cover up human rights abuse

Saudi Arabia dabbles in English soccer and Formula One racing

Last month, the rights group criticized Saudi Arabia's takeover of English Premier League club Newcastle United. According to news reports, the Saudi government-owned Public Investment Fund purchased an 80% stake in the English soccer club for 300 million pounds ($400 million).

"Ever since this deal was first talked about we said it represented a clear attempt by the Saudi authorities to sportswash their appalling human rights record with the glamour of top-flight football," Amnesty International UK's CEO Sacha Deshmukh said in a statement.

The Newcastle United buyoutis just the latest sports-related investment by Saudi authorities. In recent years, the kingdom has spent more than $1.5 billion to stage elite sporting events, according to a report by Grant Liberty. This includes staging the annual Spanish Super Cup soccer match, international men's and women's golf tournaments and professional wrestling, among many others.

Next month, global racing series Formula One will host its race in Saudi Arabia for the first time.

(A P)

#Yemeni analyst @anesmansory reveals that #American trained economist Ali AlTawati @alitawati has been arrested by #UK backed #Saudi govt. Although he is pro #MBS, he was arrested apparently 4 saying the war on #Yemen is not 4 the best

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1, cp9a

(B P)

The Arab Gulf States Institute @GulfStatesInst tends to get defensive when anyone points out that their Emirati funding might influence their analysis Yet they organize an annual UAE Security Forum.. But not with any of the other US Gulf partners

(* B P)

Biden nearly ended the drone war, and nobody noticed

Why is the White House so silent about this significant achievement?

Immediately after taking office, he set up a new system requiring White House approval for any strikes outside of active war zones (and later published Trump's loose rules that enabled so many civilian massacres). Now that the occupation of Afghanistan is over, that requirement applies almost everywhere, and it appears Biden is extremely reluctant to grant approval. Where Trump oversaw more than 1,600 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria during his first 11 months in office, Airwars reports just four during Biden's term so far. Strikes in Somalia fell from roughly 75 last year to fewer than 10 this year, with no civilian casualties. And in Yemen, the annual total dropped from about 18 to maybe four, with fewer than 10 casualties of any kind. (Precise figures are unclear because some strikes are classified.)

But the quiet from Biden and his foreign policy staff is more mysterious. Maybe they're wary of sparking another media backlash, as happened with the exit from Afghanistan, or maybe the fear is Republicans accusing Biden of being weak on terrorism.

Whatever the reason, this silence is a mistake. The war on terror has been a gigantic blunder from the beginning.

(* B P)

Senate Skeptics Are Right: End Missile Sales To Saudi Arabia

American neutrality in the Middle East would serve U.S. interests and make the region more stable.

In response to the proposed sale of U.S. missiles to Saudi Arabia, Senators Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders are leading a bipartisan effort to oppose the sale. This is still a fight of David and Goliath, as Congress has never successfully stopped an arms sale. It’s time for that to change.

While President Biden has pledged to end support for “offensive operations,” U.S. support for Saudi Arabia has continued under the guise of defense. T

Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity isn’t threatened. The country is actively engaged in an offensive war of its own choosing, and the U.S. tipping the scales in Saudi Arabia’s favor just perpetuates that war. U.S. neutrality, by contrast, would bring Yemen closer to a negotiated peace. As Saudi Arabia has been forced to deal with diminished U.S. support since April, it has begun brandishing diplomacy instead of bombs.

U.S. support for the Saudis is a game-changing condition for both sides. As long as the U.S. tips the scales, its interests will be targeted, as they were when Houthi rebels seized the U.S. embassy earlier this month. The threat to American interests extends to oil markets. U.S. involvement legitimates oil infrastructure as strategic targets. By sticking to the sidelines, the U.S. would make targeting those sites militarily useless and safeguard America’s economic interests in the process.

There is also hypocrisy in the U.S. decrying the rise of a global “democratic recession” while supporting an authoritarian regime in a war that may wipe out a generation of children. U.S. interests coincide with moral imperatives. There are no hard tradeoffs here; the moral path is also the strategically sound path. The U.S. can save millions of lives while extricating itself from a conflict that doesn’t endanger Americans.

While attention on Saudi Arabia is warranted, many have failed to notice that the U.S. quietly allowed the UAE to continue receiving $23 billion in U.S. arms. A U.S. official also confirmed last week that the UAE is slated to receive advanced F-35 fighter jets despite the UAE’s continued involvement and possible war crimes in Yemen.

(A P)

Get us out of Yemen, Bernie!

In response to my question on the Brattleboro Town Common on Labor Day this year, Bernie said that he would in fact introduce a new Yemen War Powers Resolution. But his staff is blocking it. Bernie’s senior foreign policy staff has given excuse after excuse throughout this year why Bernie can’t do anything serious about Yemen.

Regardless, Bernie has said he’ll do the right thing, so his staff should get in line. We elected the senator, not the staff, to decide, and the senator has decided.

(* B K P)

The World Keeps Yemen Waiting With Deadly Results

Despite the much greater loss of life in Yemen in just the last year, the conflict and humanitarian crisis there have received even less attention than before.

Yemen has long been one of the most ignored stories in the world despite being one of the most important. One example of this is the total neglect of the war on Yemen by MSNBC in the last year. According to Adam Johnson, that network has not run a single segment on the war itself since last year’s presidential election. The only thing they covered was Biden’s announcement that he was ending support for Saudi coalition "offensive operations," but we now know that announcement didn’t mean much at all. That neglect is unfortunately not much worse than other outlets, which have returned to their pre-2018 pattern of paying little or no attention to a war that our government has supported for more than six and a half years. The reduced coverage might make some sense if the war had been winding down, but nothing of the sort has happened.

Congress absolutely should block the latest arms sale to Saudi Arabia, but we also know that it will be difficult to get a veto-proof majority in both houses to make sure the sale is blocked. The current system shows the need for a greater Congressional role in overseeing and approving arms sales.

For the last several years, activists have used the slogan Yemen Can’t Wait to emphasize the urgency of the situation there and the enormous suffering that the people of Yemen have been enduring. Unfortunately, the rest of the world has kept Yemen waiting, and the result has been hundreds of thousands more deaths that could have been prevented. The latest UNDP report reminds us of the terrible toll that the war has had on Yemenis, and it should goad us to redouble our efforts to end the war that our government has fueled for nearly seven years.

(* B K P)

Biden’s two-faced policy on Yemen war

Talk is cheap in the Biden administration but the president appeared to want to make things clear as he added, “And to underscore our commitment, we are ending all American support for offensive operations.”

As a sound bite, it was fine. However, neither he nor members of his administration would say exactly what was meant by “offensive operations,” an all-important detail because the Saudis claimed they only acted defensively.

Seven months later it’s clear that, as with so many other highfalutin pronouncements by the president, this one was just more hot air.

One cannot help wondering how many Yemeni civilians the Saudis can kill for a quarter billion dollars or how much profit will be made by the stateside contractors.

The State Department accompanied its announcement of this deal with a statement that read, “The proposed sale will support U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives by helping to improve the security of a friendly country that continues to be an important force for political stability and economic growth in the Middle East.”

These were exceptionally kind words for the Saudi monarchy, the only government on planet earth that to this day uses beheadings as a form of execution against persecuted religious minorities, political opponents and criminals alike.

In hindsight it is clear the Biden administration’s differentiation between offensive and defensive war was nothing but a smokescreen to create the space to pursue military cooperation with the Saudis at the cost of Yemeni lives. For without U.S. intelligence, maintenance, training and servicing, the Saudis would not have an air force. Their dependency on the U.S. war machine could have been used to force them to end their blockade of Yemen, a blockade which is causing mass starvation, a national medical emergency and a deep fuel crisis. Instead the war will continue as no doubt will President Biden’s crocodile tears.

(* B K P)

Yemen and the United States: Putting a Disreputable Policy Right

For a number of years, going back to the Obama administration, the US has been Saudi Arabia’s silent partner in war making in Yemen. The proclaimed national interests that guided US support included confronting Iran’s presumed proxy force in Yemen, the Houthi, and being a faithful ally to the Saudis.

US military assistance has been central to the Saudi intervention.

According to the State Department, the purpose of military aid to the Saudis is to provide “the Saudi armed forces with the equipment, training, and follow-on support necessary to protect Saudi Arabia, and the region, from the destabilizing effects of terrorism, countering Iranian influence, and other threats.”

Saudi bombing of Yemen should not figure in that announced purpose, but it does.

The Trump administration viewed the Yemen crisis in predictably narrow terms: “maximum pressure” on Iran and friendly, money-oriented ties to the Saudi kleptocracy.

Under Biden, significant policy changes have been made. But they don’t go far enough.

But the distancing from the Saudi leader is well short of where it should be.

Whether or not that information is current, all US military aid should cease, at least so long as the Saudis are intervening in Yemen. Clearly, the leverage is there; a cutoff of US military aid would essentially shut down the Saudi military.

(A P)

BIG NEWS: Senators Warren and Markey from MA will support a joint resolution of disapproval to block proposed $650 BILLION Raytheon weapons sale to Saudi Arabia by the US government. We need even more support to ensure no more big bucks for Raytheon and Saudi’s war on Yemen.

(* B H K P)


Activists want Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to open new investigations of past airstrikes, apologize for civilian deaths, and compensate relatives

“NO MILITARY IN the world works as hard as we do to avoid civilian casualties,” Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said recently.

Experts say that isn’t true.

On Tuesday, the Yemen-based group Mwatana for Human Rights and the Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to open new investigations of past U.S. attacks in Yemen, apologize for the deaths of civilians whom the U.S. has already acknowledged killing, and provide compensation to their families.

A REPORT BY Mwatana released earlier this year examined 12 U.S. attacks in Yemen, 10 of them so-called counterterrorism airstrikes, between January 2017 and January 2019. The authors found that at least 38 Yemeni civilians — 19 men, six women, and 13 children — were killed and seven others injured in the attacks.

But the Pentagon gives short shrift to investigations of civilian harm. Mwatana’s 156-page analysis of the 12 incidents was based on four years of investigations, often including site visits soon after attacks, by researchers who conducted nearly 70 interviews.

A 2020 analysis of 228 U.S. military investigations of civilian casualty incidents found that site inspections were carried out in just 16 percent of those investigations.

“The U.S. military continues to refuse to conduct investigations of civilian harm where it can, and it never talks to victims and witnesses,” said Marc Garlasco, once the chief of high-value targeting at the Pentagon and now the military adviser for PAX, a Dutch civilian protection organization.

In their letter to Austin, Al-Mutawakel and Motaparthy pointed out that investigations by news outlets disproved initial reports that the August strike in Kabul killed only an Islamic State target.

Exposés by journalists and NGOs have routinely been necessary to push the Department of Defense to investigate attacks and admit to killing civilians.

LIKE AL-MUTAWAKEL and Motaparthy, Lewis says that the United States should reinvestigate civilian casualty allegations in Yemen. But he doesn’t think that the Pentagon should stop there. “We need an independent review for Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and, yes, Yemen,” he told The Intercept.

PAX’s Garlasco went even further, calling for outside assessments of both targeting processes and civilian harm. “Only a complete and thorough review of U.S. airstrikes by an independent body can provide the proper distance and recommendations to improve civilian protection,” he said.

Conducting reviews and reducing civilian casualties in U.S. military operations will take more engaged leadership

My comment: The last sentence quoted here only asks 10 % of what is really needed: THERE IS NO REASON FOR ANY US MILITARY OPERATION ON THIS PLANET in the moment. Look at this film:

(* B K P)

Film: How Many Wars is America Fighting? (It's More Than You Think)

How many wars is America fighting right now? More than you think. Even though the U.S. hasn’t technically been at war since the 1940s, American war-making has assumed a new character: undeclared, secretive, endless. Even though America is technically “at peace,” it still finds its troops fighting in countless different conflicts around the world. Stephen Wertheim, senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment, explains.

(* B H K P)

Mwatana: U.S. Military Should Review Civilian Harm in Yemen Following Serious Shortcomings in Afghanistan, Syria

NGOs Urge New Investigations into Deaths and Injuries, Ask Defense Department to Apologize, Make Amends for Confirmed Civilian Harm

The United States military should reform how it has responded to civilian harm in Yemen and more broadly, Mwatana for Human Rights and the Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic said today in a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The Department of Defense has repeatedly failed to respond adequately to civilian harm reports, including after an August 29th U.S. airstrike in Kabul, Afghanistan, and according to a New York Times investigation into civilian deaths in Baghuz, Syria. In Yemen, the U.S. military should open new investigations into reported civilian harm, and take all further steps needed to ensure accountability, the groups said. The military should offer a public apology and amends or reparations to families of civilians the U.S. has acknowledged killing or injuring in Yemen, they added.

“Grieving Yemeni families also deserve apologies, amends or reparations, and meaningful accountability for the harm they suffered, but the U.S. military has yet to take even preliminary steps after admitting that Yemeni civilians were killed in U.S. operations,” said Radhya al-Mutawakel, Chairperson of Mwatana. “Meanwhile, the serious problems we saw in Afghanistan and Syria strongly indicate that the U.S. has failed to recognize the extent of civilian harm in Yemen as well.”

In 2019 and 2020, Mwatana and the Clinic submitted evidence showing that at least 38 civilians were killed and 7 more injured in 12 U.S. military operations in Yemen between 2017 and 2019. The submissions totaled over 150 pages, and included extensive information gathered by Mwatana’s researchers from site visits and dozens of interviews, as well as official government and medical records, photographs, and videos. The submissions also show that the operations caused other civilian harm, including damage to civilian homes and property, as well as long-lasting psychological harm.

In a written response, the U.S. military stated that they investigated these reports solely by consulting existing military records and intelligence. They appeared to consider no new sources, and conduct no interviews–either with military personnel who had knowledge of the incidents, or with civilian witnesses and survivors–in response to the twelve reports of civilian harm. Following internal review, the military acknowledged one new civilian casualty. However, the response did not offer an apology or acknowledge the victim by name. U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), the military command responsible for U.S. operations in Yemen, stated that the command would not make a condolence payment to the family, despite the loss of their primary means of support, and the severe suffering caused. Finally, despite the significant evidence of civilian harm presented, CENTCOM cited national security considerations to avoid answering the majority of questions requesting information specific to each incident.

“U.S. military operations in Yemen have remained largely opaque, with few answers and zero accountability for civilians killed, injured, or otherwise harmed in these operations,” said Priyanka Motaparthy, director of the Project on Armed Conflict, Counterterrorism, and Human Rights at Columbia Law School. “The military’s deeply concerning response to reports of civilian harm in Afghanistan and Syria exposed broader problems we have been raising for years.”

(* B H K P)

Mwatana: Accountability for civilian deaths in Yemen resulting from U.S. military operations

November 30, 2021

The Honorable Lloyd Austin III

Secretary of Defense

U.S. Department of Defense

Re: Accountability for civilian deaths in Yemen resulting from U.S. military operations

We ask you to take the following steps:

Issue a public apology for civilian lives the U.S. military has already acknowledged taking in Yemen

In your public statement on September 17th, you acknowledged U.S. responsibility for civilian deaths in the August 29th strike in Kabul, Afghanistan. You offered your deepest condolences to the surviving family members, referred to Mr. Zemari Ahmadi by his name, and clearly stated that there was no connection between him and ISIS-Khorasan, as the U.S. military initially claimed. This type of clear, unequivocal acknowledgment and apology that refers to those harmed by name and acknowledges their civilian status is deeply important to family members of all those killed in U.S. operations, whether they be in Afghanistan or Yemen.

Where the U.S. has acknowledged the death of Yemeni civilians, it did not identify any of the civilians killed by name, age, or gender. No formal apology was issued for the 12 civilian casualties that U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) acknowledged as a result of the January 29, 2017 raid in Al Bayda, Yemen.

In response to our organizations’ submissions, CENTCOM acknowledged mistakenly killing a Yemeni civilian as follows:

“USCENTCOM acknowledges one civilian casualty in a strike on January 22, 2019, in Al Bayda, Yemen. The command determined that condolence payments were not appropriate.”

There was no apology or acknowledgment of the victim. We believe the civilian whose death CENTCOM admitted was Saleh Al Qaisi, a 67-year-old civilian man visiting his family in Yemen at the time of the strike. He worked in Saudi Arabia to support his extended family and had five sons and one daughter.

We believe that Yemeni lives, and Yemeni families, deserve acknowledgment, recognition for their loss, and apology.

We ask that you issue a meaningful apology and acknowledgement to families whose loved ones the U.S. military has already admitted to harming in Yemen.

Open new investigations into the impact of U.S. operations in Yemen, including reports of civilian harm provided by our organizations and others

Evidence we previously submitted on 12 U.S. military operations that occurred in Yemen between 2017 and 2019 strongly indicates that U.S. military operations tragically killed 38 civilians and injured 7 more. Our submissions, which totaled more than 150 pages, were based on a significant body of evidence, including site visits, dozens of interviews, official government and medical records, photographs, and videos gathered by Mwatana researchers over a nearly four-year period in Yemen.

Upon initial review, CENTCOM acknowledged only one additional civilian death outside of the 12 previously acknowledged. The command acknowledged no injuries from these 12 incidents. In its response, CENTCOM stated that in the remaining incidents “U.S. forces successfully struck or raided a valid Al Qaeda target.”

Provide greater transparency, including more detailed information, regarding U.S. military strikes that led to civilian casualties in Yemen

In our organizations’ November 4, 2020 submission to CENTCOM, we requested more information pertaining to 12 military operations carried out by U.S. military forces in Yemen between 2017 and 2019.[4] Despite the severe impacts of these operations, CENTCOM chose not to answer the majority of our questions with information specific to each incident.

The following questions we previously posed remain unanswered, and we ask for answers as part of a broader Department of Defense commitment to transparency.

For each incident we reported, we asked:

Make amends including ex gratia payments, or reparations where appropriate, to survivors and victims’ surviving family members; ensure accountability for civilian harm caused in violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

Given the discretion U.S. commanders have to provide ex gratia payments where appropriate, we ask you to address the harms caused by U.S. military operations in Yemen by making ex gratia payments to impacted families, as authorized by the U.S. Congress, as well as other appropriate amends in accordance with the families’ preferences. Such measures should not preclude possible subsequent reparation payments following any legal investigations.

(* A K P)

46 organizations urge members of Congress to oppose $650 million Saudi arms sale

We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations, write in opposition to the Biden Administration's plans to sell $650 million in air-to-air munitions to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Despite claiming defensive use, the proposed arms sale risks fueling continued civilian harm by strengthening the Saudi-led coalition's capacity to enforce its devastating air and sea blockade of Yemen. It also risks further perpetuating U.S. complicity in Saudi forces' violations in Yemen, contrary to this administration's obligations under international law and U.S. law. We call on Congress to support Representative Ilhan Omar's and Senator Rand Paul's joint resolutions of disapproval to block these harmful arms sales and end all U.S. involvement in the Saudi-led coalition's armed conflict and unlawful blockade in Yemen.

Approving this sale sends a message of impunity that the United States supports Saudi Arabia's escalating policy of collective punishment =

and media report:

(B K P)

The Biden Administration’s Missile Sale to Saudi Arabia Is Offensive, and Must Be Stopped

In addition to the dangers caused by the transfer of the missiles themselves, this is no time to be selling weapons of any kind to Saudi Arabia. The air blockade has been supplemented by a naval blockade that has slowed the import of fuel into Yemen to a trickle, with a devastating effect on the ability to operate hospitals or provide goods and services at a price that the average Yemeni can afford.

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp9

(A P)

JCPOA Joint Commission meeting to be held today

An informed source said that the meeting of JCPOA Joint Commission will be held in Austrian capital Vienna on Friday afternoon.

According to this report, JCPOA Joint Commission meeting will be held on Friday at the request of three European countries including UK, Germany and France Coburg Hotel in Vienna.

(* B P)

Belatedly, Tom Friedman has recognized the strategic insanity of Israel pushing Trump to quit the #IranDeal. Better late than never! Yet, his piece is very important as it highlights two issues that the US media largely has neglected.

First, Friedman points out that Biden made a huge mistake not simply returning to the JCPOA back in January, instead of negotiating its return (which so far has been a fruitless process).

Secondly, very little coverage has been given in US media that a large number of Israeli officials have now publicly admitted that pressing the US to exit the JCPOA was a mistake. What Israel did profoundly damaged American AND Israeli security.

The real question though - which Friedman dodges - is: Will there be implications for this Israeli admission? Will media continue to quote Israeli officials as if they’re saving the world from annihilation? Or will they call out Israel’s responsibility for the current mess?

Will US media continue to quote Israel’s allies in Washington, such as FDD, without calling out their role and responsibility for the current mess, mindful of their role in designing Trump’s Iran policy? Doesn’t the readers deserve to know? Shouldn’t track records matter?

There’s never been much accountability for hawkish voices in DC. Being wrong on Iraq is bizarrely still considered a merit in Washington. No one has paid a price for their role in fomenting the Iraq and Libya wars or for keeping the Afghanistan war going for 20 years.

But here you have officials ADMITTING publicly their guilt and responsibility. Covering it is useless if it doesn’t impact the way this issue is covered - and the way these voices are quoted and described in the media going forward.

(* B P)

Analysis: Iran ups nuclear ante as Vienna deal talks resume

After a monthslong hiatus, Iran has returned to negotiations in Vienna aimed at reviving its cratered nuclear deal with world powers. But Tehran isn’t slowing down the advances in its atomic program, further raising the stakes in talks crucial to cooling years of tensions boiling in the wider Mideast.

The case in point? Iran’s underground nuclear facility in Fordo.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations body charged with monitoring the Islamic Republic’s program, acknowledged Wednesday that Iran began feeding a cascade of 166 advanced IR-6 centrifuges with uranium there. The agency said Iran plans to enrich uranium there up to 20% purity — a short, technical step from weapons-grade levels of 90%.

Tehran’s diplomatic mission to Vienna sought to downplay the acknowledgement on Twitter as “an ordinary update in line with regular verification in Iran.” However, even in clinical language the announcement offers a stark contrast to what existed under the 2015 nuclear deal, which saw Iran limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

The deal halted all enrichment at Fordo, which sits under a mountain near the holy Shiite city of Qom, some 90 kilometers (55 miles) southwest of Tehran. The accord also called for Fordo to become a research-and-development facility.

The deal focused on Fordo because the site long has been a major point of contention for the West. It is about the size of a football field, large enough to house 3,000 centrifuges, but small and hardened enough to lead U.S. officials to suspect it had a military purpose when they exposed the site publicly in 2009.

(* B P)

Die Spiegel-Lügen über das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran

In Wien sollen wieder Gespräche über das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran stattfinden. Das Thema scheint für den Spiegel wichtig zu sein, denn er hat dazu mehrere Artikel veröffentlicht und in allen Artikeln hat er seine Leser massiv desinformiert.

Der Spiegel ist nun einmal die Pressestelle des Pentagon. Das zeigt das Thema Atomabkommen mit dem Iran besonders deutlich, denn der Spiegel trompetet zu dem Thema so derartig die Lesart der USA in die Welt, dass es schon peinlich ist. Bevor wir zu den aktuellen Artikeln kommen, die der Spiegel in diesen Tagen zu dem Thema veröffentlicht hat, müssen wir uns zunächst das Thema selbst anschauen.

Das Atomabkommen

Präsident Trump hat das Atomabkommen mit dem Iran 2018 gebrochen und schwere Sanktionen gegen das Land verhängt. Die Hoffnungen, dass sein Nachfolger Biden das Abkommen wieder in Kraft setzt und die Krise entspannt, haben sich nicht erfüllt, im Gegenteil.

Welches Spiel der Spiegel treibt

Der Reigen der Spiegel-Artikel begann am 26. November mit einem langen Artikel, der die Überschrift „Anlauf zu neuem Atomdeal – Welches Spiel treibt Teheran?“ trägt. Schon die Überschrift ist irreführend, denn bei den Verhandlungen geht es nicht um ein neues Abkommen, sondern es geht darum, das bestehende, aber von den USA gebrochene Abkommen, wieder in Kraft zu setzen.

Der Streitpunkt ist schnell erklärt. Laut Artikel 26 des Abkommens hat der Iran das Recht, sich nicht mehr an das Abkommen zu halten, wenn ein anderer Vertragspartner wieder Sanktionen einführt. Das haben die USA getan und nachdem der Iran ein Jahr lang abgewartet hat, ob die EU die USA wieder zur Vernunft bringen, hat er schließlich Schritt für Schritt aufgehört, sich an die Einschränkungen des Abkommens zu halten. Er hat Uran stärker angereichert als in dem Abkommen erlaubt und er hat den Inspektoren den Zugang zu seinen Atomanlagen erschwert. Die Position des Iran ist denkbar einfach: Sobald die USA zu dem Abkommen zurückkehren, wird der Iran sich wieder an das Abkommen halten.

Die USA sehen das anders. Sie wollen erst Zugeständnisse vom Iran und dessen Rückkehr zu dem Abkommen, bevor sie auch nur bereit sind, in Erwägung zu ziehen, sich wieder an das Abkommen zu halten. Dass sie im Falle eines Einlenken des Iran zu dem Abkommen zurückkehren, sagen die USA nicht, sie ziehen es nur in Erwägung. Der Iran hat also ziemlich wenige Gründe, einseitige Zugeständnisse zu machen, um dann auf die Gnade des USA zu hoffen.

Die USA wollen am liebsten ein neues Abkommen mit noch mehr Beschränkungen für den Iran und der Spiegel bleibt seiner Rolle als Propagandist der USA treu und schreibt schon in der Überschrift seines Artikels, es gehe bei den Gesprächen in Wien um ein neues Abkommen, was schlicht gelogen ist. Um seine Leser auf diese Linie einzuschwören, hat der Spiegel am 29. November zwei weitere – aber kürzere – Artikel mit den gleichen Narrativen veröffentlicht.

Der letzte Satz zeigt, wie sehr der Spiegel seine Leser belügt. Auf die Aussage des Iran sollte man sich nicht verlassen? Wer hat nochmal das Atomabkommen gebrochen? Der Iran?

Wenn man sich auf jemanden nicht verlassen sollte, dann sind es die USA und die ihnen treu ergebenen Propagandisten wie der Spiegel, die ihre Leser schamlos belügen, um ihrem Herrchen jenseits des großen Teiches zu gefallen.

(A P)

Iran: Zionist regime trying to poison Vienna talks

The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh has on Wednesday warned of Zionist attempt to fail the course of nuclear negotiations that resumed On November 29th between Tehran and world powers in Vienna.

“Israeli regime whose existence relies on tension is at it again, trumpeting lies to poison Vienna talks,” Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a tweet, adding that “all parties in the room now face a test of their independence and political will to carry out the job— irrespective of the fake news designed to destroy prospects for success”.

(B P)

Testing the waters: Russia explores reconfiguring Gulf security

Russia hopes to blow new life into a proposal for a multilateral security architecture in the Gulf, with the tacit approval of the Biden administration.

Russia hopes to blow new life into a proposal for a multilateral security architecture in the Gulf, with the tacit approval of the Biden administration.

If successful, the initiative would help stabilise the region, cement regional efforts to reduce tensions, and potentially prevent war-wracked Yemen from emerging as an Afghanistan on the southern border of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf of Aden and at the mouth of the Red Sea.

For now, Vitaly Naumkin, a prominent scholar, academic advisor of the foreign and justice ministries, and head of the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences, is testing the waters, according to Newsweek, which first reported the move.

(A P)

Iran strikes hard line as talks over nuclear deal resume

Iran struck a hard line Tuesday after just one day of restarted talks in Vienna over its tattered nuclear deal, suggesting everything discussed in previous rounds of diplomacy could be renegotiated.

Speaking to Iranian state television, Ali Bagheri, Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, referred to everything discussed thus far as merely a “draft.” It remained unclear whether that represented an opening gambit by Iran’s new president or signaled serious trouble for those hoping to restore the 2015 deal that saw Tehran strictly limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

(A P)

Atomgespräche in Wien: Israel warnt vor Zugeständnissen an den Iran

Die Atomgespräche in Wien beginnen – die neue Regierung in Jerusalem hat wenig zu gewinnen, aber viel zu verlieren. Kann sie noch auf die gewohnte Unterstützung aus den USA bauen?

Während in Wien die Verhandlungen für ein neues Atomabkommen mit dem Iran begonnen haben, ist Israels Außenminister Jair Lapid auf Werbetour in London und Paris. „Die Iraner kommen nur aus einem einzigen Grund zu diesen Gesprächen“, sagte Lapid nach einem Treffen mit der britischen Außenministerin Liz Truss am Montag: „Sie wollen, dass die Sanktionen aufgehoben werden.“ Der Westen sei gut beraten, sich darauf nicht einzulassen.

Auch Israels Premierminister Naftali Bennett appellierte an den Westen: „Gebt dieser nuklearen Erpressung nicht nach.“ Man dürfe Teheran für seine Aufrüstungsbemühungen nicht auch noch belohnen.

Mein Kommentar: Zu einer Erneuerung des Abkommens gehört nun einmal auch ein Ende der Sanktionen. Israel wollte das Abkommen noch nie.

(A P)

Scoop: Iran preparing to enrich weapons-grade uranium, Israel warns U.S.

Israel has shared intelligence over the past two weeks with the U.S. and several European allies suggesting that Iran is taking technical steps to prepare to enrich uranium to 90% purity — the level needed to produce a nuclear weapon, two U.S. sources briefed on the issue tell me.

Why it matters: Enriching to 90% would bring Iran closer than ever to the nuclear threshold. The Israeli warnings come as nuclear talks resume in Vienna, with Iran returning to the negotiating table on Monday after a five-month hiatus.

My comment: Israel, US already have nukes, so what?

(* A P)

Talks to revive Iran nuclear deal resume; US stays distant

Negotiators in Vienna resumed talks Monday over reviving Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, with the United States taking part at arm’s length as in previous rounds since the Trump administration pulled out of the accord three years ago.

Hopes of quick progress were muted after a hard-line new government in Tehran led to a more than five-month hiatus in negotiations. But the European Union official chairing the talks sounded an upbeat note after the first meeting concluded.

“I feel positive that we can be doing important things for the next weeks,” EU diplomat Enrique Mora told reporters.

All participants showed a willingness to listen to the positions and “sensibilities” of the new Iranian delegation, Mora said. At the same time, Tehran’s team made clear it wanted to engage in “serious work” to bring the accord back to life, he said.

The remaining signatories to the nuclear deal formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — Iran, Russia, China, France, Germany and Britain — convened at the Palais Coburg, a luxury hotel where the agreement was signed six years ago.

A U.S. delegation headed by the Biden administration’s special envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, stayed at a nearby hotel where it was being briefed on the talks by diplomats from the other countries.


(* B P)

Iran nuclear talks resume, but the two sides remain as far apart as ever

Alex Vatanka, Director of Iran Program and Senior Fellow, Frontier Europe Initiative

The two sides even disagree about what to call these talks. For the Western powers, they represent the seventh round of talks, the previous six rounds of which were conducted during the presidency of Hassan Rouhani from April to June. President Ebrahim Raisi’s team consider this latest round of talks something entirely new, however. As Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian put it, there is no use in starting from the “deadlock” of the previous rounds. He sees the present talks as a “start” and not a “resumption.”

To Western ears, this suggests that the new Iranian negotiators will ask for more sanctions relief and offer less in terms of Iran’s willingness to roll back its nuclear program. Expect therefore both sides to continue to engage in rhetorical bluster as a way of shaping the calculations of the other party throughout this round of talks.

(* B P)

Why the new German coalition pact doesn’t bode well for Iran

Anyone hoping for a more creative policy that recognizes all bad actors in current Middle East crises will be disappointed

If proponents of engagement with Iran in the United States hoped that European allies would push the Biden administration towards bolder steps in that direction, they are likely to be disappointed.

On November 24, three political parties in Germany — the winners of the recent parliamentary elections from the Social Democratic party, the Greens, and the center-right Free Democrat Party (liberals, in the European sense of the word) — wrapped up their coalition talks with an agreed government program.

The coalition agreement duly calls for a restoration of the nuclear agreement, or JCPOA, of which Germany is one of the seven negotiating parties. Yet it puts the onus squarely on Iran by stressing Tehran’s obligations to fully facilitate the inspection work of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, despite the fact that it was the United States that withdrew from the agreement under Trump’s presidency in 2018 and then levied new sanctions designed to bring Tehran to its knee. Even then, Iran scrupulously complied with JCPOA’s terms for 18 months in the vain hope that the three European signatories, Germany included, would protect it from Washington’s unilateral sanctions and provide at least some of the economic relief that was promised under the original accord.

Germany, however, alongside Britain and France, the other two European signatories, failed to back up its necessary, but insufficient political statements in favor of the JCPOA with tangible action that would have helped the cause of Iran’s defenders of engagement with the West. That failure was a major factor tipping the scales in Tehran in favor of the hardliners, thus helping to pave the way for the conservative Ebrahim Raisi’s election to the presidency, and with it, mounting challenges to the JCPOA’s revival.

Reluctance to call out Washington’s role in the JCPOA crisis may be designed to win points with the Biden administration which is perceived in Europe as a welcome antidote to its predecessor. In addition, the two junior coalition partners in Germany – the Greens and the FDP – ran on a strongly Atlanticist platform, and that has clearly left its imprimatur on the incoming government’s coalition agreement. However, as long as the JCPOA is not revived, the real impact of Biden’s policies on Iran have not been so different from Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign.

(* B P)

Reviving the Iran nuclear deal is the key to regional stability

Without it, the United States and its military will be bogged down in the Middle East indefinitely.

Iran’s new administration has concluded its lengthy internal review on how, and with what new strategies, to return to the Vienna nuclear talks, to find out practical solutions to the current impasse in reviving the 2015 agreement.

Iran would also like the issue to be resolved peacefully, while maintaining its international rights for a civilian nuclear program based on the Non-Proliferation Treaty, so that Iran pays the least cost to secure its prestige and rights.

In this respect, the JCPOA has already proven to satisfy all parties in the long-term.

If the negotiation over the restoration of the JCPOA fails, it can be assumed that Iran’s nuclear activities will expand, Iran will heavily reduce its cooperation with the IAEA, and Iran could show more aggressive behaviors in other areas, such as missiles and regional hegemony. In this scenario, it’s unclear whether the United States has the potential to tighten economic sanctions against Iran, already in its maximum capacity. The escalation of sanctions against Iran is currently not an easy and viable option because the U.S. capacity to impose more economic embargoes on Iran has long ago reached its maximum. Robert O’Brien, Trump’s national security adviser said as much last October: “One of the problems that we have with both Iran and Russia is that we have so many sanctions out on those countries right now that there’s very little left for us to do,” he said.

One of the reasons the JCPOA didn’t succeed was because the Obama administration had only one year to strengthen its foundation.

If the Biden administration seeks to build on the nuclear deal for further talks, meaning regional security, the administration must immediately re-enter the JCPOA and let Iran receive its legitimate benefit from it.

(B P)

Parsi: Iran does not want dependence on Russia, China

Trita Parsi, co-founder and executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said Iran is not looking to completely pivot toward Russia and China under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear negotiations in Vienna if they are unsuccessful in discussions with the U.S.

Parsi explained during an interview on the Hill.TV’s “Rising," that if negotiations fall through with the U.S., Iran is not looking to be entirely dependent on China and Russia.

(A P)

Iran nuclear talks to resume in Vienna amid muted hopes

Negotiators gathered in Vienna on Monday to resume talks over reviving Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, with hopes of quick progress muted after the arrival of a hard-line new government in Tehran led to a more than five-month hiatus.

The remaining signatories to the nuclear deal formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action — Iran, Russia, China, France, Germany and Britain — will convene at the Palais Coburg, the luxury hotel where the agreement was signed six years ago. The talks come as Austria remains locked down over the coronavirus, which start a week earlier over a surge in cases.

The last round of talks, aimed at bringing Iran back into compliance with the agreement and paving the way for the U.S. to rejoin, was held in June. Since then, the task has only become more difficult.

My comment: “aimed at bringing Iran back into compliance with the agreement”?? Which side unilaterally left the agreement?

(A P)

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator: the main goal of Vienna talks is to lift all US sanctions

Iranian Assistant Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani said on Sunday that Tehran’s first goal of the negotiations in Vienna is to lift all sanctions against Iran.

“Actions now matter more than mere words. We should be offered a clear and transparent mechanism to ensure that sanctions will be removed,” Ali Bagheri Kani said a day before the start of the new round of nuclear negotiations in Vienna.

“The second objective of his country’s participation in the negotiations is to facilitate Tehran’s use of nuclear science within the rights of the Iranian people,” he added.

According to the Iranian diplomat, the West is not seeking an agreement but wants privileges from Iran.

(B P)

EXPLAINER: Can world powers curb Iran in new nuclear talks?

Can the landmark 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers be restored? As Iran and six global powers gather in Vienna Monday to discuss the tattered treaty, the answer appears to be no.

Since then-President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2018, Iran has raced forward with its nuclear program, making it all but impossible to simply turn back the clock. The election of a hard-line leader in Iran, coupled with a U.S. administration seen as weak in the region, have further dampened prospects for a breakthrough.

The outlook appears so grim that prominent voices in Israel, which pushed Trump to withdraw from the deal, are now saying the move was a huge mistake.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(A P)

British intelligence service reportedly operating in Yemeni province of Shabwah

A secret meeting was held in Shabwah province between officials of British intelligences and the Saudi-backed exiled Hadi government.

According to sources familiar with the matter, advisor Awad Mohammed bin al-Wazir al-Awlaki received on Monday a delegation of British intelligence in the city of Nisab in Shabwah.

Some local media revealed that the British delegation met with al-Awlaki in disguise, under the banner of a humanitarian organisation.

(* B P)

UK Newspapers Accepted Money to Publish Positive Environmental Stories About Saudi Arabia Around COP26

A special investigation by Byline Times raises concerning questions about editorial independence and transparency at the Independent and Evening Standard newspapers

The Independent and Evening Standard newspapers have been accused of greenwashing after they accepted an undisclosed sum of money from Saudi Arabia to publish dozens of positive environmental stories about the country before, during, and after the COP26 UN climate change summit in Glasgow.

In the days preceding the summit and during its initial days, the Independent published at least 50 stories and videos under a commercial deal with Saudi Arabia, an investigation by Byline Times can reveal.

The bulk of the stories published as part of the deal highlighted positive environmental actions related to the country and failed to mention negative contextual details – such as the fact that Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest oil exporter and its domestic emissions are nearly three times the G20 average.

80% of the stories either presented Saudi Arabia’s energy ministry or an environmental scheme in the country in a positive light. Just three of the 50 pieces identified under the commercial deal provided contextual details about Saudi Arabia’s oil production. None of them mentioned its plans to increase oil production capacity from 12 million barrels per day to 13 million barrels a day by 2027.

After COP26 concluded, dozens of further stories and videos were published on the websites of the Independent and the Evening Standard, under commercial deals with Saudi Arabia.

Newspaper content that has been paid for is regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority and is subject to consumer protection law. Under existing legislation, newspapers are required to make it clear that the content has been paid for.

While most of the stories covered by the commercial deals were labelled ‘Partner Content’, Byline Times identified 12 articles on the Evening Standard’s website that did not have any tag informing the reader that the content was paid for by Saudi Arabia.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(A H P)

Bundespolizei registriert weniger Flüchtlinge an polnischer Grenze

Im November sind weniger Menschen auf der Migrationsroute über Belarus und Polen nach Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen gekommen. Die verantwortliche Bundespolizeidirektion Pirna registrierte in dem Monat 1.099 unerlaubte Einreisen mit Bezug zu Belarus - nach 1.794 Personen im Oktober, wie sie am Donnerstag mitteilte.

Trotz des Rückgangs sei die Zahl weiterhin auf hohem Niveau, hieß es. Die sächsisch-polnische Grenze sei Schwerpunkt bei den Feststellungen. Hauptherkunftsland der Migranten bleibt den Angaben zufolge der Irak. Von dort kommen mehr als zwei Drittel der aufgegriffenen Personen. Weniger Menschen werden aus Syrien, dem Iran, Jemen, der Türkei und Afghanistan festgestellt. =

(A H P)

Über 1.000 Menschen kommen über die Weißrussland-Route

Im November sind über die Weißrussland-Route 1.085 Menschen illegal nach Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen eingereist. Das hat die zuständige Bundespolizei-Inspektion in Pirna am Dienstag mitgeteilt.

Mehr als zwei Drittel der Migranten seien aus dem Irak gekommen. Mit deutlichem Abstand folgen die Herkunftsländer Syrien und Iran. In kleinerer Zahl seien Menschen aus dem Jemen, der Türkei und Afghanistan aufgegriffen worden.

und auch

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Lebanon's information minister George Kordahi 'to resign on Friday'

Decision aims to open the door for talks ahead of French president's visit to Saudi Arabia, sources tell Reuters

Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi, whose criticism of the war in Yemen caused one of the biggest diplomatic rows between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon in years, is expected to resign on Friday, according to Reuters.

Sources told Reuters that Kordahi's decision aims to open the door for negotiations ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron's planned visit to Saudi Arabia amid a row between Lebanon and several Gulf states.

In October, Kordahi, the former host of the Arabic version of the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? appeared on the show Parliament of the People, broadcast by Al Jazeera, during which he was asked about his views on the war in Yemen.

and also

(* B E P)

Lebanese businesses pay steep price for standoff with Saudis

At the root of the crisis is a years-old regional rivalry with Iran, and Saudi unease about the increasing clout of Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah group. Lebanon is caught in the middle.

In response to the minister’s comments, Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador and banned Lebanese imports ranging from chocolate to chemical products, which used to bring in about $240 million a year.

The diplomatic crisis is causing anxiety among Lebanese, particularly those who work in Gulf countries, at a time when Lebanon is already enduring an unprecedented economic meltdown.

“I felt bad, not just for my part, but for my country and for the expats,” said DJ Chloe. “We all have families abroad.”

Remittances from more than 350,000 Lebanese working and living in the Gulf have been essential, particularly as the meltdown drives up inflation and unemployment in the once middle-income country. The World Bank said remittances of over $6.2 billion, mostly from Gulf countries, made up 18.9% of Lebanon’s GDP in 2020, one of the highest in the world.

While the dollar value of exports to Saudi Arabia has declined in past years, the kingdom had been a top importer of Lebanese products, including soap, printed books and some canned food.

Lebanese government officials have tried to defuse the crisis, saying Information Minister George Kordahi’s comments, made before he assumed the post, did not represent their views.

(A P)

Macron to Visit Saudi Arabia to Discuss Iran, Yemen

French President will travel to Riyadh in the upcoming days, a source in the French presidency said, adding that the purpose of his visit is to hold talks on the latest developments in the region, Iran's nuclear program and the situation in Iraq and Yemen.
Noting that Saudi Arabia plays the first role in western Asia, the French source said that the meeting will strengthen the cooperation between the two countries.

(B P)

Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: Das Übermorgenland wird 50

Riesige Ölvorkommen und expansive Außenpolitik haben die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate in 50 Jahren zur Regionalmacht werden lassen. Doch die Glitzerkulisse hat lange Schattenseiten - nach innen und nach außen.

In Dubai steht das höchste Gebäude der Welt. Die staatliche Fluglinie Emirates gehört zu den größten weltweit. Als erster arabischer Staat haben die Emirate mit der Marssonde "Hope" sogar eine eigene Raumfahrtmission. Kein Projekt, keine Idee scheint dem superreichen Golf-Staat zu ambitioniert zu sein.

Kritik an dieser expansiven Außenpolitik oder überhaupt an der Führung der Emirate ist nicht erwünscht. "Mohammed bin Zayed hat den Autoritarismus im Land verschärft", sagt Guido Steinberg. "Die Freiräume für politische Opposition oder auch nur für abweichende politische Meinungsäußerungen sind in den letzten Jahren extrem geschrumpft."

Oppositionelle werden bekämpft, Journalisten streng überwacht oder zensiert.

(A P)

Turkey’s Erdogan says he will visit UAE in February

cp12a Katar-Krise / Qatar crisis

(B P)

Qatar reinforces its position on the Houthi side of the Yemen war

The Qataris are increasingly distancing themselves from the international coalition and the legitimate government of Yemen

This time it is Qatar that has sat down to write a new chapter in the conflict, renewing and increasing its support for the Houthi militias, which are also backed by the Iranian regime. The Saudi-led Arab coalition now sees a more powerful enemy after statements by Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher, former Yemeni prime minister and current president of the Shura Council, which, following his visit to Doha, hint at a change in the stance of some of those who formed part of the government led by the internationally recognised president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi, according to sources informed by the media "Al-Arab".

My comment: ???

(A P)

Qatar Emir meets Yemen VP Al-Ahmar

Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Wednesday received Vice President of Yemen Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar who arrived on an official visit to Doha.

The meeting thrashed out the latest developments in Yemen which has been devastated by a seven-year war sparked by the coup of the Iran-allied Houthi group against the internationally recognised government.

Emir Tamim reiterated his country's firm support to Yemen's unity and stability and readiness to contribute to regional and international efforts aimed at ending the war in the country

(A P)

Qatar - Amir receives message from Yemen President

The Amir HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani received a written message from President of the sisterly Republic of Yemen HE Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, pertaining to relations between the two countries and means to strengthen and develop them, in addition to the most prominent regional and international developments. =

(A P)

[Hadi gov.] VP arrives in Doha on a formal visit

Vice President of the Republic (Lt Gen) Ali Mohsen Saleh arrived today, Monday, in the Qatari capital Doha on an official visit to the state of Qatar during which he delivers a letter from President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to the Emir of the State of Qatar His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani.
The Vice President is set to meet with the Emir of Qatar and senior Qatari officials

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

For the first time in 25 years, US appoints ambassador to Sudan

For the first time in many years, Washington upgraded its diplomatic representation with Sudan from Chargé d’Affairs to ambassador.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K P)

Macron heads to UAE, aiming to secure major Rafale fighter jet sale

France will sign several major deals with the United Arab Emirates on Friday, with two sources saying Paris could finally seal a multi-billion dollar Rafale warplane sale, as it looks to deepen economic and political ties with Abu Dhabi.

The sources said Abu Dhabi could buy about 60 fighter jets, although they cautioned the deal was not finalised. This would be the biggest bulk purchase of the Dassault-made Rafale, other than by the French army, and comes after deals in Greece, Egypt and Croatia this year.

and also

(A K)

You may be able to get #WW2 militaria at local shows, but in Dhamar, #Yemen one can purchase genuine Nazi Germany-made stick grenades. These 2 live Stielhandgranate 24, which appear to have been made by the Autoflug in 1943 & Kortenbach &Rauh in 1939, are freely available to buy. (photos9

(A K)

#Yemen: A very clean (possibly unused) Zastava M92 on sale in #Sanaa recently. This was apparently imported pre War (Made in 2002) and hasn't been touched since. Given that these carbines are somewhat of a status gun, they have a common nickname locally of "Field Marshal". (photos)

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* B P)

Arab nations want Yemen's ancient clay buildings included on UNESCO Heritage list - United News of India

Arab countries are preparing an application to include ancient residential clay buildings of the region, primarily in Yemen, on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Hussein Aidarous, the head of Hadramaut office of the Yemeni Directorate-General of Antiquities and Museums, told Sputnik.
Hadramaut is a province in the east of Yemen abundant with ancient clay palaces. It also includes the ancient town of Shibam with clay skyscrapers, which is already listed with UNESCO World Heritage.
"Negotiations are underway to include the entire city of Seiyun, the capital of the lowland part of Hadramaut province, in this list. At the moment, Arab countries have taken a joint initiative to propose clay residential buildings traditional for the region to be included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, and Yemen will play a major role in this initiative, presenting clay palaces and mansions of the 19th century nobility in the town of Tarim in the east of the country as an example of such architecture," Aidarous said.
The initiative was launched by Tunisia and Morocco and the application will be submitted soon, he added. =

(* B H)

Women at the Forefront of Preserving Culture Heritage in Yemen

Her homeland seemed foreign, despite walking down its allies every day. Reminiscing over how Yemen used to look, Nuha Albaqal, a 24-year-old Yemeni, dreamt of building her country again.

While witnessing the consequences of the ongoing conflict in her city, Albaqal decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in architectural engineering. In 2016, she enrolled at the University of Science and Technology in Sana'a, despite her family's opposition. Her mother and extended family feared Albaqal entering a dominantly male field because of the conservative society.

Four years have passed, and Albaqal graduated as the first in her batch. Her father, who pushed her to continue, left her disheartened after passing away a week before her graduation ceremony. After a month and a half of mourning his death, she started looking at her previous projects and remembered how far she had come.

While job hunting to support her family, Albaqal heard about an architectural center in Old Sana'a hiring young Yemenis to rebuild the city. As part of the UNESCO/EU project, Cash for Work: Promoting Livelihood Opportunities aims at providing economic relief to vulnerable youth through employment in urban rehabilitation programs in four historic cities: Sana'a, Shibam, Zabid, and Aden. The project also supports cultural development initiatives in Yemen that enhance professional opportunities for the youth.

As of May 2021, the project surveyed over 8000 historical buildings, stabilized/repaired 150 buildings, and enrolled over 2500 young workers across the four cities. The project also engaged over 500 youth in cash-based cultural programming and services, organized consultative workshops for 50 culture operators, and disbursed small grants to eight cultural CSOs.

Albaqal is now among the thousands of young Yemenis working to repair the city. Soon after applying, she received training in the conservation and restoration of historical and cultural property. During university, we only studied traditional building techniques briefly and theoretically, but during the training, I witnessed young Yemenis rebuilding historical houses, she said.

After gaining practical skills, the center recommended Albaqal to the General Organization for the Preservation of Historic Cities in Yemen (GOPHCY) to assess buildings in Old Sana'a. Albaqal, along with the other young Yemenis, as of May 2021, assessed 2918 damaged buildings in the city as part of the Cash for Work project.

Film: =

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

(A E)

#Yemen exchange rate today: 1670 Yer per USD, 440 Yer per Saudi Rial, 182% for any remittance from #Aden and #Marib to Houthi-controlled areas. This means a new spike in food prices! Living conditions have become quite unbearable

(A E P)

Giant oil tanker preparing to loot million barrels of Yemeni oil

A source at the [Sanaa gov.] Ministry of Oil revealed, Wednesday, that a giant oil tanker has arrived at the Bir Ali port in Radhum district of Shabwah province, coming from the Fujairah port in UAE, to steal a new amount of Yemeni crude oil.

The source indicated that the supertanker, which has a capacity of 114,549 tons, is preparing to loot one million barrels of crude oil for the benefit of the US-Saudi aggression.

It pointed out that this same ship had come last week for the same purpose, coming from the Emirati port of Fujairah to the port of Radhum as well. =

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen - Flash Update 34: YER Exchange Rate Volatility November Week 2 & Week 3

Key findings:

The IRG vs DFA exchange rate variation currently stands at a 916 YER difference.

The exchange rate in IRG areas continues to depreciate and has exceeded the 1500 YER threshold. This potential- ly contributing to the wide fluctuation in prices.

The range between the maximum and minimum value of the exchange rate from Nov W2 to Nov W3 expanded in the South from 175 to 192 YER, indicating continued variance across exchange shops in IRG areas, while the exchange rate in the North shrank from 2 to 1 YER, indicating an appreciation in areas of interests.

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) - Price Monitoring Tool: November 2021

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) - Special Update 03: Purchasing Power of Transfer Amounts October 2020 - October 2021

Key Findings:

The Transfer Amount and Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) are only covering the food and wash sectors, therefore the SMEB only represents data that was able to be monitored over the previous year, no lumpsums are in the SMEB amounts for this analysis. SMEB includes monitored values of food and WASH baskets respectively. The transfer amount in this analysis only covers the Food and WASH sections of the SMEB.

The SMEB was increasing slightly; however, in the last two months September and October 2021, it has dramatically increased. It exceeded 100,000 YER in the IRG area and reached about 60,000 in DFA areas.

The variation between the Transfer Amount and SMEB has been decreasing since summer 2021 in both locations, especially in IRG areas where the difference has reached -$12.70.

(* A E)

Yemeni riyal falls to its lowest level against foreign currencies in southern provinces

The Yemeni riyal exchange rate continued on Wednesday to drop against foreign currencies in the southern provinces, controlled by the Saudi-led coalition, reaching 1,656 riyals per dollar in Aden and Hadramout provinces.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni riyal exchange rate remained stable in the capital Sanaa at 602 riyals per dollar.

As for the dollar exchange rate on the black market, it reached 605 riyals in Sanaa. =

(* A E)

Yemeni rial falls to new low against dollar

The Yemeni rial continued to fall against foreign currencies in regions controlled by the internationally recognised government, exchangers in the interim capital Aden said on Sunday.

It is trading at more than 1,600 per US dollar, they said. In the regions controlled by the Houthi group, a US dollar is buying 600 rials.

As a result, the prices of basic commodities have skyrocketed, some by 70% in just a few months.

(* B E P)

The man who foiled the smuggling of old YR 2.200 bln to Sana'a

Until this moment, the story of foiling (in Dhale'a province) of the smuggling of a shipment of old Yemeni riyal banknotes to Sana'a has not received due attention.

That smuggling attempt was the beginning of a dangerous scheme according to senior military officer Taher Mus'id Al-Aqlah. But a more dangerous network [took the shipment after the failed smuggling] and deposited it in the bank's safety boxes and then there were attempts to divert attention from the issue.

That scheme has now been fully implemented and all the old Yemeni riyal banknotes are in [Houthi-held] Sana'a and our national currency has since split to [high-value] old riyal notes and [low-value] new notes.

It was years ago that a senior officer in Dhale'a managed to halt smuggling of this shipment of YR 2.200 billion while en route to Houthis in the capital Sana'a.

Taher Mus'id Al-Aqlah foiled the smuggling bid in a checkpoint in Qaataba a district of al-Dhale'a in the highway connecting Sana'a and Aden.

The officer intercepted the money convoy despite the smuggling drivers' persuasion of previous checkpoints that the cars were delivering dead human bodies to funeral sites or carrying money belonging to Al-Kuraimi bank.

Only in this checkpoint it was found that the cargo is a huge shipment of old Yemeni riyal banknotes heading to senior Houthi leaders.

This successful thwarting took place before Yemen's currency split into old notes and new notes and before their exchange rate split [into high and low respectively].

(A E P)

Increasing reports on smuggling money from Aden to Houthi-held Sana'a

The smuggling of Yemen's old riyal currency from Aden in the south to the Houthi militia-held Sana'a in the north is reportedly on the rise difference sources have confirmed, blaming that for the widening difference in exchange rate between the Houthi version and government's version of the riyal.

The Security Belt forces seized on Friday 26 November 2021 "big amounts of old riyal notes while en route to the Houthis," local sources in the north and south Yemen border province of Dhale'a told the media recently.

"There are parties feeding the Houthi militia with funds to keep the militia's economy stable and keep their currency stable," the source said.

(B E P)

Printing banknotes overly by Hadi Gov’t is disastrous decision: Economic analyst

A decision has been taken by the Saudi-backed exiled Hadi government for printing banknotes and floating the national currency was a disastrous step.

A Yemeni Journalist economic analyst, Wafiq Saleh affirmed that the step was one of the worst decisions taken after the transfer of the central bank from the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, to Aden without a cash cover, which has contributed to the high levels of inflation and the cost of the production and import bills.

This comes at a time when the Yemeni riyal is recording a significant deterioration against the dollar and foreign currencies in the Saudi-led coalition-held areas.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(B T)

Film: November saw an uptick in both media & operations by #Yemen's #alQaeda. Do not conflate this with strength. Much footage is archival & ops are small-scale In reality, #AQAP is losing meaning. Here's why, in 90 seconds (responding to a question by @NihadJariri of @akhbar)

(A T)

#AlQaeda in #Yemen claims bomb on Houthi motorbike in Muhalhal, Abyan. Worth noting: It's #AQAP's 1st formally-claimed op in #Abyan in 8 months.AQAP Abyan ops typically target southern forces, not Houthis. IED on vehicle is currently favourite method. Op rate doubled in Nov

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

in an interview with Alarabiya TV, the Defence Minister in the Internationally Recognised Government Mohammed Al-Maqdashi has revealed that weapons have been smuggled for the Iran-allied Houthis on UN planes through Sanaa Airport.

(A P)

Verhandlungen in Wien - Welches Ziel verfolgt der Iran?

Welches Ziel verfolgt Teheran bei den Verhandlungen also tatsächlich?

„Irans nukleare Erpressung hat seit dem Amtsantritt von US-Präsident Bidens erheblich zugenommen“, sagt die Iran-Expertin Andrea Stricker. Es sei Teheran gelungen, die USA und Europa davon zu überzeugen, dass Iran am längeren Hebel sitze. Die US-Regierung verkenne das Ziel der neuen iranischen Regierung: Das Atomprogramm weiterzubetreiben und gleichzeitig massive Sanktionserleichterungen zu erhalten.

Es sei sehr wahrscheinlich, dass der Iran die Gespräche nutze, um den Status eines nuklearen Schwellenlandes näherzukommen, so Stricker.

„Sobald Teheran einen Punkt erreicht hat, an dem es in kurzer Zeit mehrere Nuklearwaffen produzieren und das Material in kurzer Zeit zu Waffen machen kann, steht das Ausland vor einer fast unmöglichen Entscheidung, ob es Teheran stoppen soll.“

(A P)

PM: Conflicts should not be repeated in Aden

He noted that in 2015 there was no choice for the people in Aden but to carry their guns and fight, realizing that freedom is not an option, but rather a destiny for those who want to live in freedom, dignity and sovereignty.
The brothers in the coalition to support legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stood by our side and made sacrifices with us, and their blood mixed with our blood from the Kingdom, the Emirates, Sudan and Bahrain. He affirmed that Ma’rib today is fighting a national battle for victory for all of Yemen, after it has transformed from a small city into a meeting place that brings together all the people of the country and established universities in which movement and life arose.

(A P)

New escalation in Yemen

Almost up to the eve of its recent strikes against Houthi targets in Sanaa, the Arab Coalition continued to press its peace initiative. However, in the absence of any reciprocal moves from the Houthis, Riyadh evidently decided that it could not wait while the rebel forces expanded their offences.

(A P)

Human trafficking flourish in Yemen after Houthi coup

Deputy Head of the Yemeni Authority for Migration, Passport and Nationality Abduljabbar Salim has confirmed that Yemen, since Houthi militia's coup against the state, has become facing dangers of networks of human trafficking increasingly.
These networks made Yemen a transit point for them with facilitation from leaders of Houthi coup, who became big smugglers and human traffickers through utilizing refugees from the Horn of Africa and recruiting them forcibly in their war against Yemeni people and trafficking big numbers of them into Saudi Arabia

(A P)

Military war, currency war, rumor war, and agricultural war. Yemenis, let not the Shia outsmart you

Besides, the military war, currency war, and rumor war, Houthis are launching a new kind of war that few people might notice: An agricultural war.

Pro-Houthi websites and portals are currently mounting a disinformation campaign warning of the risks of eating bananas, guavas, and other crops and sometimes processed foods (e.g. yoghurt ) produced in regions resisting Houthis or by farms and comcompanies owned by traders from outside the Shiit sect.

(A P)

To avert coalition airstrikes, Houthis store weapons in Sana'a markets: Reports

The Houthi militia fighting Yemen's government for more than seven years are relocating weapons from military camps to markets to avert strikes by the Arab Coalition, it has been reported.

Bawabati news website attributed to sources that the militia are "relocating weapons from training camps in Sana'a to basements [used as warehouses] in some markets and in neighborhoods."

The sources say the Shia militants use some goods as a cover on the lorries that transport the arms, e.g diaper packs and house utensils.

(A P)

Yemeni gov't: Iran controls Houthi decision, undermines peace efforts

Iran interferes in Yemen's affairs and controls Houthi decisions, information minister in the Yemeni UN-recognized government tweeted on Friday.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda =

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

Nov. 26:

Nov. 25:

Nov. 24:

Nov. 23:

Nov. 22:

(A K pH)

Aggression warplanes launch 3 raids on capital, Sana'a

The US-Saudi aggression's warplanes launched on Thursday 3 raids on the capital Sana'a, a security official said.

The aggression's warplanes targeted the surrounding of Sana'a International Airport with a raid, said the official.

The official indicated that the aggression warplanes launched 2 raids next to Musab's tour in Bani al-Harith district.

and also


(A K pH)

Massive Blasts Reported in Sana’a As Saudi-Led Coalition Launches Airstrikes

The provinces of Sana’a and Sa’ada in Yemen came under attack by the Saudi-led coalition’s warplanes, with massive explosions reported in the capital.

The Saudi-led coalition said it carried out the air raids on Thursday morning, claiming that it targeted one of the main stores of weapons and other supplies in the capital, Sana’a.

“In the east of Sana’a, we destroyed two sites under construction as warehouses for military use,” the war coalition said.

It also claimed that it destroyed workshops that store ballistic missiles and drones in Sa’ada.

The Ansarullah resistance movement, which runs the Yemeni government from Sana’a, has not responded to the Saudi side’s narrative, but Yemen’s al-Masirah news network and local sources confirmed that the attacks occurred.

Massive explosions were reportedly heard in the capital.

According to the reports, three airstrikes targeted Sana’a, after which Saudi jets continued to fly over the Yemeni capital for some time. =


(A K)

Sana'a Airport was the target with 2 #Saudi & #UAE airstrikes. It's called the (UN Airport), because it only serves UN and other organizations providing humanitarian aid to #Yemen.

Two Saudi airstrikes have reportedly targeted house of Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, brother of late president Saleh, in the northern part of Yemen capital Sana'a.

(A K pS)

Coalition: Over 60 Houthi fighters killed in Marib

The Arab Coalition launched on Tuesday a number of airstrikes targeting a training camp of the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen's Marib province.
According to the Coalition statements, over 60 Houthi fighters were killed in the operation.

(A K pH)

Aggression warplanes launch 6 raids on Sana'a Int'l Airprort

The US-Saudi aggression launched 6 raids on the capital, Sana'a, at Wednesday dawn, a security official told Saba.

and also

(A K pS)

Coalition: Over 60 Houthi fighters killed in Marib

(A K pH)

Coalition launches airstrike on Saada (Dec. 2)

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Wednesday waged an airstrike on Saada province, northern Yemen, a security official told Yemen Press Agency.

According to the official, the airstrike was waged on the area of Al-Hasamh in al-Dhaher district, causing material damages to citizens’ properties.

and also


(A K pH)

Coalition wage 4 airstrikes on Sanaa

The US-backed Saudi-led coalition warplanes have launched on Tuesday a series of airstrikes on the capital Sanaa, a security official said.

According to the official, the coalition air force carried out three raids on Sana’a International Airport and a raid on the 21 September park.

and also


(A K pH)

Saudi fighter jets attack Yemen Sanaa Intl. Airport six times

Saudi fighter jets launched large-scale airstrikes on Sanaa International Airport six times in the past 24 hours. =

(A K)

Saudi fighter jets just began its bombing of Yemen capital Sana'a. sms alert suggests that Sana'a int'l Airport was the target with six airstrikes. The airport only serves UN and other groups providing aid to Yemen


(A K)

Saudi coalition targets 'secret' IRGC site in Yemen airstrikes

The raid is one of several the coalition has carried out this month on Houthi military sites.

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen said on Tuesday it launched air raids on 'legitimate' Houthi military targets in the capital Sanaa including a 'secret' site belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, state TV reported.

The coalition asked civilians not to gather around or approach potential targets. =


(A K)

One of the #Saudi & #UAE raids targeted the leather factory in the orphan's Developmen Foundation in Al-Nahda neighborhood. Sana'a.


(* A K)

Saudi-led coalition announces death of 85 Houthis in military operations

Saudi-led coalition involved in a war in Yemen announced on Monday the death of 85 Houthis in military operations during last 24 hours.

The coalition conducted 15 operations against Houthi targets in Yemen's Marib and Al-Jawf within last 24 hours, killing 85 Houthis and destroying 12 military vehicles, the Saudi Press Agency tweeted.

(A K pS)

Arab Coalition carries out 15 strikes against Iran-backed Houthi militia

(* A K)

110 Houthis killed in new Saudi-led airstrikes

At least 110 Houthi fighters were killed in airstrikes in the past 24 hours in Yemen's northeastern provinces of Marib and Jawf, the Saudi-led coalition said in a statement carried by the Saudi press agency on Sunday.

(A K pH)

Aggression launches 3 raids on Capital Sana'a

The US-Saudi aggression warplanes launched on Sunday evening 3 raids on the capital Sana'a, a security official said.

The official added the aggression's warplanes targeted Sana'a International Airport with 3 raids

and also =


(* A K pH)

Saudischer Luftangriff trifft Schule im Jemen, verletzt 10 Schüler

Saudi-Arabien hat im Angriffskrieg gegen seinen verarmten südlichen Nachbarn einen neuen Luftangriff gestartet, diesmal gegen eine Schule im Südwesten des Jemen, bei der mehrere Schüler verletzt wurden.

Der Angriff wurde von einer Drohne der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition durchgeführt, die am Sonntag die Zaid al-Sharji-Schule im Gouvernement Dali traf und dabei mindestens 10 Schüler verletzte, berichtete der arabischsprachige Fernsehsender al-Masirah im Jemen unter Berufung auf eine ungenannte Sicherheitsquelle.

Kurz nach dem ersten Angriff zielte ein zweiter auf eine Tankstelle neben der Schule, bei der mehrere jemenitische Zivilisten verletzt wurden.

(* A K pH)

Aggression's raids injure students, citizens in Dhale

The US-Saudi aggression on Sunday launched raids by drones on Dhale province, injuring ten students and a number of citizens, a security official said.

The official added the drones of the aggression forces waged raids on Zaid al-Sharji School in al-Fakher area, injuring the ten students.

He pointed out the aggression's drones targeted al-Sharji Petrol station in the same area, injuring dozens of citizens.

and also =

(A K)

Arab coalition announces airstrikes targeting Yemeni capital

The Arab coalition on Saturday dawn carried out new airstrikes targeting Houthi sites in the Yemeni capital, the coalition said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), noting that the threat requires continuation of the strikes that hit their targets.
Coalition war planes destroyed workshops used to assembly unmanned aerial vehicles and weaponry depots inside a camp in Thahban north Sana'a, according to SPA.

(A K pH)

More Saudi coalition air raids Sanaa, Marib, Hodeida prov. Marib p. Marib p., Shabwah p. Marib p. / Hodeidah p. Marib p. Marib p. Marib p., Hajjah p., Saada p., Taiz p. 3 prov.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere Offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K pH)

Citizen killed, 12 others injured by Saudi bombing at Saada

The Saudi army continued on Thursday committing crimes against civilians in the populated border areas in Saada province, a security source said.

The source announced that a citizen was killed and five others injured by Saudi army fires in al-Raqw area of border Monabih district, while seven civilians were wounded due to Saudi artillery shelling targeted border Shada district.

Populated villages in border Razih district were bombarded by Saudi missiles and artillery shells caused heavy damage in homes and property, the source affirmed.

and earlier, smaller figures:

(A K)

[Hadi] Government forces recapture areas from Houthis in Shabwah

and the other side:

(A K pH)

Sanaa forces approach oil fields in Shabwa =

(A K pS)

A Houthi cell that plotted to carry out terrorist attacks in Ma’rib has been arrested

The Yemeni News Agency (Saba) announced on Wednesday that it had seized a “terrorist cell” linked to the Houthi militia in possession of weapons, explosive devices and sums of money in the northeastern Ma’rib Governorate, which was seeking to implement terrorist plots.


(* A K pH)

3 citizens killed, 22 others injured by Saudi army fires in Saada

Three citizens were killed on Wednesday and 22 others injured by Saudi army fires in Saada province, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

The source declared that the Saudi army targeted civilians gatherings in al-Raqw and Al-Sheikh areas of border Monabih district, killing three citizens and wounding 12 others, including three African emigrants.

The Saudi army also attcked residential areas with heavy weapons in border Shada district, injuring ten civilians. =

and also and

(A K pH)

Yemeni forces shoot down Saudi-led coalition’s CH4 plane

Yemeni air defenses on Wednesday shot down a reconnaissance fighter plane belonging to Saudi-led coalition forces over airspace of border area between Saada and Amran provinces, northern Yemen.
In a brief statement, Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yehya Sare’e said that the Air Defenses managed in the early morning to down a CH4 Chinese-made surveillance fighter jet belonging to the Saudi-led forces, while carrying out hostile acts over over the airspace of al-Amashyah area between the provinces Saada and Amran.

and also


Photos, Geolocation:

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition claims it intercepted Yemeni drone

Saudi-led Coalition also intercepted and downed a drone after taking off from Sanaa International Airport, he added.

(A K pS)

17 Houthis killed and 8 others captured by Abidah tribesmen and #Yemeni govt forces today while trying to infiltrate into their sites southern fronts of #Marib, according to a tribal source.

(B K pS)

New escalation in Yemen

Meanwhile, the Houthis may have overstretched themselves by opening more fronts than they can handle. Their recruitment capacities have dwindled as their casualty figures climb, with local sources commenting on the high numbers of the dead being carried back from the fronts at night and buried in secret.

(B K)

Houthi snipers killed 725 civilians, including 141 children and 78 women, between 2015-2020, Sam Organisation for Rights and Liberties said. 365 were killed in Taiz alone.

(A K pS)

A child has been injured in Houthi heavy shelling on a neighborhood in Taiz city's east/Yemen Voice

(A K pS)

The Houthi militia fired a new ballistic missile toward Marib on Sunday evening and the rocket landed near Aljufayna IDPs camp/Aden Alghad

(A K pH)

Citizen killed, 3 injured in Saudi artillery shelling on Sa'ada

A citizens was killed and three others were injured on Tuesday in artillery shelling by Saudi enemy on borders areas of Sa'ada province, a security source told Saba.

The source explained that the Saudi artillery shelling targeted the border district of Sheda, which led to the killing of a citizen and the wounding of three others.

(A K pH)

One Killed, 11 wounded by Saudi shelling of Saada

At least one citizen was killed and 11 others were wounded, including African migrants when Saudi-led coalition launched bombardments on several border districts in Saada province, northern Yemen, a security official said on Monday.

The official explained that the Saudi army bombed the highway in the border directorate of Shada with artillery shells, killing one citizen and wounding two others.

Meanwhile, three Yemeni citizens and five African migrants were injured by Saudi army fire in al-Raqaw area in the the border directorate of Monabbih. =

and also

(A K pH)

Dozens killed in fiercest confrontations south of Marib city

Violent battles between Sanaa government forces and Saudi-led coalition backed by al-Qaeda members continued on Monday in south of Marib city, killing and wounding dozens of both sides.

(* B K)

Battle for Marib: Why is it crucial in Yemen war?

Here are four important points about the battle for the strategic and oil-rich province, which is considered pivotal in Yemen's seven-year civil war.

Why Marib?

The city is the last northern bastion of the internationally-recognised government, which was driven from the capital Sanaa by the Huthis in 2014.

Just 120 kilometres (75 miles) east of Sanaa, Marib sits at a crossroads between Yemen's southern and northern regions, commanding a highway to Saudi Arabia.

The surrounding province boasts oil and gas reserves, making it a major economic prize. The Safer oil refinery is only one of two in Yemen, with a capacity to produce 10,000 to 20,000 barrels per day.

The Huthis have previously claimed they were on the outskirts of the city, but two pro-government military officials said the rebels were still 30 kilometres west and north of the city, and 50 kilometres to the south. =

(A K pS)

A Houthi ballistic missile hit a farm of sheik Naser Ali Mujadie around #Marib city. The missile landed nearby his house which was full of women and children, a tribal source told me. (photos)

(A K pS)

Masam Dismantles 1,307 Houthi-Laid Mines in November's 4th Week

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief)'s Masam Project for Clearing Mines in Yemen removed 1,307 Houthi-laid mines from several Yemeni regions during the fourth week of November 2021.
The demining operations included 273 anti-tanks landmines, 26 anti-personnel landmines, 1,001 unexploded ordnances and seven explosives devices.

(A K pH)

Citizen killed by Saudi army’s fires in Saada

A citizen was killed on Sunday by Saudi army fire in the border district of Monabbih in Saada province, northern Yemen, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

The source explained that the Saudi border guards targeted Al Sheikh area in Monabbih district, which led to the killing of one citizen.

(A K pH)

“Former security officer”: Saudi soldiers suffer on southern border with Yemen

A famous Twitter account called “ex-security officer” in Saudi Arabia has revealed shocking details related to the life and conditions of the Saudi army forces on the southern border of the kingdom with Yemen.

The ex-security officer account wrote on Twitter that the Saudi soldiers on the southern border suffer a lot, some of them have been stopped and some of them are unable to pay the bills and rent the house.

The account pointed out that some of the soldiers have reached the point that they cannot find food for their families and children in Saudi Arabia.

Well-informed Yemeni sources revealed to “Khaleej 24” website that three Saudi officers and soldiers and 13 Sudanese soldiers were killed in an attack by “Ansarullah” on the southern border of the kingdom. =

(A K pS)

Yemen joint forces make 'crucial progress' in driving Houthis from key areas

The joint forces battling Iran-backed Houthis in the western coast in Yemen have made “crucial progress" in driving the rebels from key areas in the provinces of Taez.

The territorial gains came amid heavy clashes with hundreds of Houthi fighters killed as fierce fighting continues for a second week.

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are going on and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pS)

Film: A child was injured by shrapnel from a Houthi shell in Jabal Ras District

A child was injured by US-Saudi aggression forces violations in Hodeida province,

(A K pS)

Houthi-laid mine leaves an elderly woman and a child wounded: Video

An elderly woman and a child were wounded Tuesday in an explosion of landmine laid by the Iran-aligned Houthi militia in Hodeidah province, west of Yemen.

According to local sources, the mine explosion took place in Jabal Ra’as district, south of the port city of Hodeidah, in a pick-up vehicle, wounding a 70-year-old woman and a 6-year-old child.

Medical sources in Al Khokha field hospital said the victims sustained moderate injuries as a result of shrapnel of the landmine, adding that the victims were moved to Mocha town to receive medical care.

and also

Another film:

(A K pH)

Leader in Tihama mercenary unit survives second assassination attempt

(A K pS)

A video showing the Al-Noor School, which was blew up by the Houthi militia, west of Hais

(A K)

Saudi-led coalition destroys Houthi explosive-laden boat - state TV

The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis in Yemen has destroyed an explosive-laden boat used by the Iran-aligned group in the south of the Red Sea on Wednesday, Saudi state TV said.

(A K pS)

Dozens of anti-tank mines cleared in Hays district, south of Hodeidah

Masam, the Saudi Project for Mine Clearance in Yemen, said on Monday its mine disposal squads cleared 82 anti-tank mines laid by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Hays district, south of the port city of Hodeidah.

In a press statement, demining expert Faiz Al-Harbi said Team 26 and Team 20 of Masam have removed 82 anti-tank mines in Dhami village, one of many villages that have been lately liberated by the joint forces in Hays district.

and also

(A K)

Pro-government forces recapture more positions from Houthis in west Yeme

(A K pH)

Dozens of Saudi forces killed in failed attack on Hays, Hodeidah province

(* B K P)

The Hodeida withdrawal had less to do with Yemen and more with Iran

The statement of the Arab Coalition’s spokesperson on Nov. 15, which said the withdrawal came at the directive of the coalition’s Joint Forces Command, suggests that Saudi Arabia had to step in once again. The Joint Forces, with major contributions from the Tehami and Giant Brigades, subsequently launched an offensive in Hays, capturing several kilometers and the road connecting the al-Oudain juncture (leading to Ibb) 15 km to the east of Hays. The Joint Forces also made advances in Wadi Saqam in Maqbana district, western Taiz, in a bid to secure new defensive lines. As much as these events merit close monitoring, the pullout was unnecessary to open new frontlines, and Hodeida seems to have paid the price for confidence-building with Iran. For Tareq Saleh, building credibility will require more than tactical moves like this, including a broader strategic shift.

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(B D)

Yemen's racehorses battle starvation as war grinds on

In her prime, Out Time was one of Yemen's fastest horses, winning the capital Sanaa's annual championship race in 2018 and placing second in 2019.


Photo: Kawkaban, Al Mahwit governorate.

(B H)

Film: Sharks in Hodeidah

(A P)

Al Kameen: UAE’s Yemen war film rides nationalist fervour to break records

Film helmed by Taken director Pierre Morel scores highest grossing Arabic-language opening ever in the UAE

A controversial action movie based on the Yemen war has become the UAE's highest grossing Arabic-language feature ever.

With over 170,000 tickets sold between 25 November and 29 November according to local media, Al Kameen(The Ambush) had the fifth highest overall opening for the year.

Helmed by Taken director Pierre Morel, who has said he "always wanted to direct a war movie", the film is centred around a 2018 incident, in which Emirati troops stationed in Yemen reportedly attempted to rescue comrades bogged down after an ambush by Houthi forces.

A seven-hour-long clash then ensued, in which one Emirati soldier was killed and others were injured.

UAE military officials credit the rescuers with saving the lives of at least 18 soldiers during the incident.

Nevertheless, the film's producers were criticised before its release for whitewashing the UAE's role in the Yemen conflict, the death toll for which is estimated to reach 377,000 people by the end of 2021.

Pro-Houthi sources have also relased a number of videos on social media purportedly disproving the UAE's narrative of the clash.

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-773 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-773: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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