Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 784b- Yemen War Mosaic 784b

Yemen Press Reader 784b: 23. Januar 2022: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 784, cp3 - cp19 / January 23, 2022: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 784, cp3 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 784, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 784, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Saudische Luftangriffe auf Gefängnis in Saada tötet 87, auf Hodeidah tötet 6 / Most important: Saudi air raids at Saada prison kills 87, on Hodeidah kills 6

cp1c Am wichtigsten: Drohnenangriff der Huthis auf Emirate / Most important: Houthi drone attack against UAE

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Hadi-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Hadi government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13 Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Yemen Emergency Dashboard, December 2021

(* B H)

Film: Yemen's humanitarian crisis hits food and medical supplies

A military coalition led by Saudi Arabia has been at war with the Houthis in Yemen for seven years. The conflict has left about two-thirds of Yemen's population dependent on foreign aid.

(* B H)


Despite women gaining more higher education certificates than men (13% for women, 7.3% for men), they still face social, cultural, and political challenges to their working life ambitions and economic independence. Between 2013 and 2014, their numbers in the labor force did not exceed 10% for any age group.

The war changed social and economic conditions and imposed a new reality, opening the way for many women to use their skills and enter working life.

Yemeni women’s entry into the labor force was mostly through traditional work, such as sewing, but there are also a number of women who have taken up non-traditional roles. While many of them have faced significant pushback from their immediate circle and society at large, this photo essay shines a light on some trailblazers that can serve as a source for inspiration for other young girls to pursue not what society deems fit for them, but what they want to pursue.

The First Engineer

Anisa Al-Salami broke through into male-dominated electronic devices repair work in April 2020, early on during the COVID-19 outbreak. She was the first woman engineer to get such a job in Yemen.

Anisa was inspired by her engineer father’s passion for maintenance. He always dreamed of seeing one of his children become an engineer too. On a personal level, she had worries that taking electronic devices to a phone repair shop would mean the engineers could potentially share her photos or use them to blackmail her. Now, her presence in the market has made a difference in providing a private and secure service for girls and women in town (photos)

(* B H P)

A statement condemning the Houthis’ continued theft of UN aid

Mayyun Human Rights Organization documented civilian testimonies in 4 Yemeni governorates confirming the Houthi group’s continued transfer of aid provided by international relief organizations to non-beneficiaries.

Mayyun also documented the testimonies of other civilians about the Houthi group’s use of food and financial aid provided by United Nations organizations to finance the war (the war effort) and to blackmail the population to push their children to the battlefronts.

The testimonies of civilians living in the governorates of Sanaa, Dhamar, Ibb, and Maqbna District in Taiz governorate also confirmed that food and cash aid is distributed to families of fighters on the fighting fronts from the Houthi group, as well as to families of the dead and wounded belonging to the same group and members of the mobilization committees of the fronts.

The organization also received a collective complaint from the residents of the Al-Barsha ghetto in the Maqbna district, stamped with the seals of secretaries, sheikhs and notables of the isolation, stating that delegates in the isolation of Al-Barsha are selling relief provided by the World Food Program through the partner, the family organization, in addition to school feeding provided to the 22 May schools in the Suwayhra area and Umm Al-Qura school in the area Album presented by the World Food Program for the month of November and December 2021.

The complaint confirmed that the Houthi leadership, in cooperation with the family organization officer, sold the quantity allocated to the Barsha children on the black market, and only distributed a fine bag to each beneficiary.

Mayyun received testimonies belonging to the Houthi group in Sanaa confirming the involvement of the Executive Chairman of the Supreme Council for the Coordination and Management of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, Ahmed Hamed, and the Secretary-General, Abdul Mohsen Al-Taws, in the sale and distribution of food aid through traders affiliated with the Houthi group.

The testimonies show that Hamed and Al-Tawoos are involved in the monthly sale of three million bottles of cooking oil provided by the United Nations World Food Program and other relief organizations.

Mayyun also verified the involvement of the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs in financing the kitchens of the armed and security forces of the Ministry of Defense and Interior in Sanaa and the rest of the governorates under the control of the Houthi group.

(B H)

USAID: Yemen - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #3, Fiscal Year (FY) 2022

Yemen ‑ USG Response to the Complex Emergency (Last Updated 01/21/22)

(A H)

UNICEF cargo plane arrives at Sanaa Airport

(* B H P)

Audio: The Power of Advocacy to Transform Gender Norms in Yemen

In Yemen, the violence of the war tearing the country apart since late 2014 has amplified the already deeply entrenched gender inequalities. Child marriage and domestic violence cases are recorded in climbing numbers. In spite of this, women on the ground are showing us the power of advocacy to challenge discriminatory practices in their country. Alaa Al-Eryani is a prominent Yemeni gender equality activist, raising awareness on the need for more equal rights and opportunities for women in Yemen.

In this episode, Clémentine Dupont from UNOY sits down with Alaa Al-Eryani, the founder of the first Yemeni feminist online platform, to discuss the power of feminist advocacy to challenge norms, the intersections of gender with peace and security issues, and the contributions of art to peace.

(* B H)

Jemen: Wie Kinder dank Prothesen wieder selbstständig laufen können

Immer wieder werden im Krieg im Jemen Kinder verletzt. Manche verlieren durch Minen, Blindgänger oder Geschosse Arme oder Beine. In einer von UNICEF unterstützten Klinik in Aden bekommen Mädchen und Jungen Prothesen angepasst und lernen wieder gehen. (Fotos) =


(B H)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, December 2021

Under the December cycle, WFP targeted 13 million people for general food assistance (GFA). Of these, 9.4 million people were targeted with in-kind food assistance, 2.3 million people with commodity vouchers and more than 1.3 million people with cash assistance.

According to the December WFP food security update, the nationwide average rate of inadequate food consumption in Yemen stands at 48 percent, above the “very high” threshold of 40 percent. The rate of inadequate food consumption remains notably higher in areas under the Internationally Recognized Government- IRG (53 percent) as compared to areas under the Sana’a-based authorities (46 percent).

(B H)

Yemen: Organizations' Monthly Presence (November 2021)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

Impact of COVID-19 Movement Restrictions on Migrants along the Eastern Corridor, Report 22 | as of 31 December 2021

The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations. This report provides a snapshot of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and mobility restrictions, and of the current migration trends along the Eastern Corridor migration route, in addition to an analysis of the impact that movement restrictions have had in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Moreover, it provides information on the main protection concerns for migrants and assistance provided, and COVID-19 risk mitigation measures. This report utilizes data collected through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), Migration Response Centres (MRCs),1 Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) data, as well as anecdotal information provided by IOM team members working in the region.

(* B H)

Yemeni refugees integrate smoothly into Somali society

Many Somali people still remember how, when civil war gripped their own country, an influx of refugees fled to countries like Yemen and Syria, where they stayed several years until Somalia got back on track its current, slow-moving path towards peace, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Those who fled to Yemen were not expecting that, one day, they might also have to open their arms to their former hosts and help them integrate into Somali society.

Najib Sha'naani, one of refugees who fled from the current bloodshed in his native Yemen, became one of the many prospering restaurant owners serving the southern Arabian cuisine in the Horn of Africa country's capital, Mogadishu.

Sha'naani, who has been living in Somalia for the last three years with his family, joined with two of his friends to partner up with local businessmen and open a restaurant in one of the city's strategic throughways.

"When we saw how Somalis have been welcoming us, we knew we were in a better place. Though security challenges still exist here, we adopted it and we became part of our host communities. We feel welcome," Sha'naani told Anadolu Agency in an interview.

With the arrival of the refugees, Yemeni cuisine and fast food have become increasingly popular in Mogadishu, with dishes like shuwarma, laham mandi, kabab, jubni, chapati and fried chicken.

He explained that Yemeni refugees in Somalia have full rights to work and move freely without restrictions, allowing them to smoothly integrate into Somali society.

"Whenever you go through Somalia, you see Yemenis and Somalis working together, especially in (the cities of) Hargeisa, Barbara, and the capital, Mogadishu. We are not only restaurateurs, though. You can find dental clinics and hospitals that belong to Yemenis," another refugee, who asked to remain unnamed, told Anadolu Agency.

Yaasin Hassan is a Somali national who fled to Yemen after civil war broke out in his country in the early 1990s. Hassan said Somalis had felt welcome in Yemen and now wanted to repay the favour.

Having lived in the mostly Somali Al-Basateen refugee camp on the outskirts of the city of Aden, Hassan said none of the refugees had been subject to ID, passport or other documentation requirements.

"Yemenis are our brothers. We want them to feel welcome and travel and work wherever they'd like in Somalia, with no restrictions," Hassan told Anadolu Agency, voicing support for the Somali government to help vulnerable Yemeni refugees in the country.

Kasina, the UNHCR spokesperson for the East, Horn of Africa and Great Lakes region, had told Anadolu Agency that Yemenis were granted prima facie refugee status in Somalia and have access to all basic services on a relatively equal basis with the host community.

"Yemenis generally integrate well in Somalia. Some arrive in the country with purchasing power, establish businesses and achieve socio-economic integration. Those without purchasing power work in different sectors of the national economy such as construction and the hospitality industry, among others," said Kasina.

People in Yemen have strong networks with members of the Yemeni Diaspora, including those in Somalia, which are useful in helping them mobilise support, skills and resources to be able to thrive as a community.

Limited opportunities to make a living have made it difficult for refugees and asylum seekers to meet their basic needs, according to the UNHCR.

"While they possess plenty of skills, there are limitations in the labour market which impacts their abilities to find meaningful work and earn an income. Access to quality education and healthcare are also major concerns for refugees and asylum seekers," Kasina said.

The public education system in Somalia has faced challenges, impacting refugee children and youth, such as language barriers.

On the health side, refugees must navigate their way through the Horn of African country's broken healthcare system, as do locals, though it can be hard for refugees to receive treatment for certain conditions.

(* B H)

Doing Research on Yemen and its Migratory Movements in the Context of War

Experiences of refugeeness: Yemenis in Djibouti since 2015

The Markazi Camp in Obock: a situation of openness and confinement

We will present the confined and open situation in which the Yemeni refugees find themselves in two sections: first by explaining the origin of Markazī’s formation as a refugee camp, and then the mechanisms of the main organizations managing the situation of the refugees, focusing on the level of their dependence on the support of local and international, private and public institutional actors. We will then talk about the population of the camp, and how they are organized and organize themselves. In the following sub-section, we will examine the dynamics of refugee encampment from the perspective of their living space, the issues of access to housing, health and livelihoods, as « thinking about space is equivalent to thinking about the social in its materiality » (Remy, 2016).

In the second part, we will examine the territorial insertion of Camp Markazī and its openness at two scales: spatial proximity and mobility. A

“We are not refugees!” Legal categories and identities: sex, race, class among Yemeni families in Djibouti

Since Yemen’s entry to war in 2015, the historical labor migration of Yemeni men to Djibouti has shifted to a mix of work and war migration of men, women and families. Despite these new migration patterns, the vast majority of the breadwinners, usually men, who follow the footsteps of their forefathers’ path, continue to refer to themselves only as merchants (tuǧǧār) and not as refugees (lāj’iīn) .

“We are not refugees! [Neḥna muš lāj’iīn!]. We are not poor, like the people in the camp… And we are not new to Djibouti. We were already living here before the war.”

This reluctance to see themselves as refugees stems from their reflection on identity linked to migration constructed around gender, race and class. The refugees’ economic and social dependence is incompatible with the story of a migration that is above all commercial, chosen and temporary. This refusal to be considered as a refugee reflects a desire to be separated from their refugee counterparts in the Markazi refugee camp in Obock

Lāji’/Réfugié/Nanmin: Claiming Refuge in Inhospitable Wor(l)ds

This presentation compares and discusses the experiences of Yemenis seeking and securing refugee status in Djibouti and in South Korea, two distinct host societies.

(* B H)

'Where do you go?': Sanaa residents brace for more strikes as Yemen war spirals

Ghazi al-Qadasi closes his apparel store early these days to rush home as residents of the Yemeni capital brace for further air strikes by a Saudi-led coalition after at least 20 people were killed in a bombing two days ago.

(* B H)

IOM Yemen Operational Overview 2022

Millions of people are experiencing alarming rates of acute malnutrition and food insecurity, and most of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance. Humanitarian needs are driven by the conflict, disease, a declining economy, and the breakdown of public institutions, and have been compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. An estimated 160,000 people were reportedly displaced in 2021 alone as active frontlines shifted and hostilities escalated in Ma’rib and areas along Yemen’s west coast. Without a peaceful resolution of the conflict, the severity of needs and suffering is expected to worsen across the country in 2022. Despite the current crisis, migrants continue to arrive in Yemen, most hoping to find work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Many have become stranded in Yemen and experience abuse and exploitation on their journeys.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has wellestablished offices in Sana’a, Aden and Ma’rib and in 2021 opened a new office in Al Makha in the west coast region. IOM supports vulnerable groups throughout Yemen, including displaced people, conflict-affected communities and migrants. The Organization directly implements a multi-sector humanitarian response, namely health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), shelter, non-food item (NFI) and cash-based assistance, camp coordination and camp management (CCCM), protection and displacement tracking (DTM). IOM Yemen’s priority is to maximize the impact of its programmes for beneficiaries and ensure an accountable response.

(* B H)

IOM Yemen Response Strategy 2021-2022 Summary

As the country enters its seventh year of conflict, almost two-thirds of Yemen's population is in need of humanitarian assistance and an estimated 4 million people are internally displaced. The continued conflict has worsened existing vulnerabilities by threatening civilian lives, damaging key infrastructure, and plunging an estimated 81 per cent of Yemenis below the poverty line. Severe exchange rate fluctuations have increased market prices in large parts of the country leaving many unable to meet their basic needs. Some of the worst affected by the deteriorating security and economic situation are migrants moving through Yemen with hopes to reach better economic opportunities in the Gulf region. More than 100,000 highly vulnerable migrants need specialized support in Yemen.

In response to these widespread needs of the Yemeni crisis, OM sets out its Response Strategy for 2021/2022 to guide its integrated approach and implementation of humanitarian programming and stabilization efforts in a manner that mitigates risks, ensures effectiveness, and upholds humanitarian principles. |OM Yemen adopts a multisectoral, needs-based and area-based approach to respond effectively to the greatest vulnerabilities across Yemen by directly implementing its humanitarian and transitional recovery assistance. The Strategy’s needs-based approach is grounded in its independent assessments to inform and review each intervention based on the realities of IOM's capacity and context. Its area-based approach focuses on response efforts in strategic locations where IOM can scale up its accountable humanitarian programming.

(B H)

UNHCR Yemen: Rapid Needs and Vulnerability Assessment Update (1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021)

(* B H)

Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, covering the period 12 - 20 January 2022

In 2021, UNHCR assessed more than 237,000 displaced Yemeni families (some 1.4 million individuals) through its initial needs assessment and protection monitoring tools. These assessments cover the demographic, socioeconomic, living and shelter conditions, coping mechanisms, specific protection needs and vulnerabilities, and assistance needs of IDPs and other conflict-affected populations.
Findings of the assessments reveal a significant increase in vulnerabilities compared to 2020; 89% reported having at least one family member with a vulnerability, up from 77% in 2020. This includes 23% children at risk (unaccompanied and separated children, out-of-school children, children engaged in labour and children exposed to abuse and exploitation); 44% women at risk, including women heading households and single women with no community support; and 25% unaccompanied older people. In addition, 30% of households reported having people with various protection needs such as psychological distress, fear of arrest or detention and situations of violence involving women and girls, up from 25% in 2020.

Pending final year-end figures, UNHCR distributed more than $ 76.5 M in cash assistance in 2021, reaching close to 1.4 million individuals, and positioning the agency as the main cash actor assisting displaced populations in Yemen. A total of USD 73.3M were distributed among close to 1.3 million vulnerable displaced Yemenis, the majority of which are four times more at risk of experiencing hunger than the rest of the general population. UNHCR also distributed USD 3.2 million in cash assistance to some 50,000 refugees and asylum-seekers. The main modality of cash support was multi-purpose cash assistance, followed by rental subsidies.

UNHCR continues to implement specific protection activities targeting vulnerable displaced women and girls countrywide.

(* B H)

IOM Yemen: 2021 Achievements

In 2021, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) recorded the displacement of over 157,500 people in the 13 governorates where the Organization has access. While conflict remained the main driver of displacement, the situation was aggravated by a weakened economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, rains and flooding, and fuel shortages.

Ma’rib governorate witnessed the highest rates of displacement due to escalating hostilities and shifting frontlines, worsening the vulnerability and precarious living conditions faced by thousands of displaced persons, migrants and the communities that host them. IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix estimates that over 13,075 households (HHs) or 78,450 individuals in this governorate were displaced in 2021, many for the fourth or fifth time. IOM continued to scale up multisectoral humanitarian assistance to meet urgent needs in Ma’rib, supporting over 200,000 individuals with essential relief services.

Towards the end of the year, people living along Yemen’s west coast were also impacted by escalating conflict. IOM expanded its operations to this region earlier in the year and has since been well placed to respond to the growing needs of more than 18,000 households living in displacement hosting sites. Over the course of the year, IOM has provided multisectoral assistance to nearly 8,500 households, covering 20 underserved displacement sites and supporting five static and mobile health facilities.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

(A P)

Yemenis hold massive rally in condemning Saudi crimes

A great number of people in Sanaa, capital of Yemen, and other Yemeni cities held massive rallies in two provinces of Al-Hudaydah and Saada against Saudi-led coalition’s crimes of bombing and killing civilians.

Yemeni people in Sanaa and other cities in the provinces of Saada and Al Hudaydah as well as in several other Yemeni cities held massive rallies in condemnation of crimes committed by Saudi-led coalition.

Yemeni citizens in the rally, which was also attended by provincial officials, stressed their support for Yemeni army and popular committees to counter cowardly attacks of US-Saudi-Emirati coalition. =

(A P)

Yemen to strongly respond to Saudi crimes: Ansarullah spox.

Mohammad Abdul Salam Spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement said that Yemen will respond to Saudi heinous crimes against Yemeni people with all its might and power using all possible means, Almasirah reported.

According to the report, he stated that recent crimes committed by Saudi-led coalition against civilians in Saada prison, citizens of Al-Hudaydah province and Yemenis living in Sanaa cannot break the strong will of Yemeni people. =

(A P)

Film: “Students in #Sana’a university demand the overthrow of the regime, but #Houthis militia raided them inside the university of Sana’a then assault, beating and shooting them”Acc to @ALyemennow

(A P)

Houthis subjected the detained (female) model Intisar Al-Hammadi to a session of torture in jail and shaved her hair.

(* B P)

14 journalists detained in Yemen, 13 of them held hostage by rebel groups

They include Kamel Almamari, the Al-Kawthar TV and Radio Tehran correspondent in the capital, Sanaa, who was abducted exactly seven months ago today, on 20 June, by the Houthi rebels that control Sanaa. Held in Sanaa’s security prison, he is accused of “communicating with foreign countries.” Like him, at least 11 other journalists are currently held by the Houthis.

Four of them – Abdul-Khaliq Amran, Tawfiq Al-Mansouri, Akram Al-Walidi and Hareth Homaid – were sentenced to death in April 2020. They have been held since 2015, when the Houthis abducted them

(B K P)

Wer sind die Huthi?

Vielen gelten die Huthi als langer Arm Teherans im Jemen. Doch die Rebellen lassen sich nur ungern etwas vorschreiben. Nun, wo der Druck wächst, setzen sie auf Eskalation. Washington erwägt, sie wieder als Terrororganisation zu sanktionieren [Im Abo]

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

Aden verbleibt in der Hand der Separatisten im Süden. Ihre medien verbreiten eine große Menge von parteiischen Berichten, die das Narrativ der Separatisten überihren Hauptgegner, die Islah Partei (genannt "Muslim-Bruderschaft"), über die Kämpfe in Abyan und Shabwa, ihre Herrschaft in Aden und den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten verbreiten. Der Versuch der Saudis, die Hadi-Regierung und die Separatisten zur Umsetzung des Abkommens von Riad zu zwingen, ist wohl zum Scheitern verurteilt.

Aden remains in the hands of southern separatists. Their media are spreading a bulk of biased reports, showing their narrative of their foes from Islah Party (labeled “Muslim Brotherhood”), the fighting at Abyan and Shabwa, their self-rule at Aden and the areas under their control. The Saudi attempt to force the Hadi government and the separatists to implement the Riyadh agreement, seems to fail.

(A P)

Shabwa witnesses armed tribal uprising against coalition forces

An armed tribal uprising erupted on Thursday against the Saudi-led coalition forces in Baihan district of the oil-rich Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

The tribes of Baihan Shabwa demanded the expulsion of the UAE-funded “Amaliqa” forces from the area, as a result of the killing of five members of the Balharith tribes in clashes that erupted between them during the past hours.

As a result, the Balharith tribes’ sheikhs held meetings to escalate and respond to the transgressions of the “Amaliqa” elements and expel them from the tribe’s areas.

The Amaliqa elements, some of them affiliated with al-Qaeda and ISIS, have committed the most heinous crimes against the sons of Baihan and Usailan districts by storming their homes and looting their property.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

(A P)

UNO-Generalsekretär Guterres verurteilt tödlichen Luftangriff im Jemen

UNO-Generalsekretär Guterres hat den tödlichen Luftangriff der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition auf eine Haftanstalt im Jemen verurteilt.

(A P)

Secretary-General Condemns Deadly Air Strikes in Yemen

The Secretary-General condemns the air strikes launched earlier today by the Saudi-led Coalition against a detention centre in Saada city. Initial reports indicate at least 60 deaths and over 100 injured among the inmates. Further air strikes have been reported elsewhere in Yemen, also with reports of deaths and injuries among civilians, including children. An air strike on telecommunications facilities in Hudaydah has also significantly disrupted vital Internet services across much of the country.

The Secretary-General reminds all parties that attacks directed against civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited by international humanitarian law. He further reminds all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law to ensure that civilians are protected against the dangers arising from military operations, adhering to the principles of proportionality, distinction and precaution.

The Secretary-General calls for prompt, effective and transparent investigations into these incidents to ensure accountability.

and also

(* A P)

UN Security Council condemns 'terrorist' attacks on UAE by Yemen's Houthis

The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously condemned this week’s strikes on Abu Dhabi by Yemen's armed Houthi rebel group as “heinous terrorist attacks” and called for the perpetrators to face justice.

The Houthi rebels attacked the UAE on Monday, launching causing explosions in fuel lorries and starting a blaze near Abu Dhabi International Airport.

The council “condemned in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attacks in Abu Dhabi” that left three civilians dead and injured six, it said in an agreed statement.

The UN’s top body “underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organisers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism accountable and bring them to justice”, the statement added.

All governments were obliged to “co-operate actively” with the UAE government and “all other relevant authorities in this regard”, the statement read.

The council added that “any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed”, warning of the threat “to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts”.

Council members met behind closed doors to discuss the attack in Abu Dhabi, the UAE's coastal capital of about 1.5 million people.

The UAE’s ambassador to the UN Lana Nusseibeh entered the chamber shortly after 10am local time accompanied by a military official.

They were expected to provide the 15-nation body with details of the aerial strikes.

My comment: ???? It’s war, stupid. UNSC never had condemned any Saudi-UAE air strike against Yemen with such a hard statement. Residential homes, schoolbus, weddings, mourning hall, detention centers etc. etc.: No trerrorist acts??

(A P)


The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded a visit to Riyadh today. He met with the Saudi Vice Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman, Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Bin Mubarak, the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Nayef Al Hajraf, as well as other Saudi officials and Yemeni interlocutors.

(A P)

UN chief alarmed at continued airstrikes in Yemen

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday expressed alarm at the continued airstrikes in Sanaa, Hodeidah and elsewhere in Yemen in recent days, said his spokesman.

Guterres also noted with alarm that missile attacks and shelling continued in several areas in the country. All of these actions have resulted in civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure, said Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(A H P)

Film: Foreign backed #Saudi ruling #Klan is going to destroy these housing buildings that are provided by religious charities for needy elderly for free or discounted rates. They have nowhere to go.


(A H P)

Film: The Saudi Government is kicking poor and old people out of their houses to the streets. No alternative housing or compensation, none whatsoever !!!

cp9 USA

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Gargash meets with U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen

Dr. Anwar Gargash, Diplomatic Adviser to the UAE President, met today with U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen, Tim Lenderking, who conveyed U.S' solidarity with the UAE regarding the Houthi terrorist attack.

Dr. Gargash stressed the need for the international community to take a firm stance against these hostile and terrorist acts that threaten international peace and security, emphasising that the terrorist militia carried out a blatant attack, and that the UAE will not hesitate to defend its sovereignty and national security, as it has the legal and moral right to respond and prevent any aggression on its territory.


(A P)

In a mtg w/UAE Presidential Advisor @AnwarGargash, #USEnvoyYemen reaffirmed U.S. condemnation of Houthi attack against the #UAE this week & the U.S.’s unwavering commitment to the security of the UAE & the protection of all civilians in the region.

Comment: It is a shame that US envoy to #Yemen is affirming his support for war criminals bombing Yemeni civilians and infrastructure. This is happening < 24 hours of multiple KSA/UAE airstrikes on internet services, detention center killing > 80 & heaving populated areas.

(* A P)

Biden Killed Fewer Civilians in First Year Than Any U.S. Leader This Century

President Joe Biden appears to have killed fewer civilians throughout his first year in office than any U.S. leader of the past two decades that mark the 21st century, according to estimates conducted by watchdogs and reviewed by Newsweek.

But civilian investigators also see a worrying trend emerging in which the Pentagon has been less forthcoming with data regarding suspected deaths of noncombatants.

My comment: Whow. What a demasking headline. Yes, US presidents are killers. What happens to anyone killing just one human being?

(A P)

Urging De-Escalation and Mitigation of Civilian Harm in Yemen

The escalation in Yemen, which resulted in more than 100 casualties in recent days, is of great concern for the United States. In particular, we are aware of reports of a Saudi-led Coalition strike that hit a detention center today, killing at least 70 people. This airstrike comes just days after the deliberate Houthi attack on civilians in Abu Dhabi that also resulted in several casualties.

The escalation in fighting only exacerbates a dire humanitarian crisis and the suffering of the Yemeni people. That is why the United States calls on all parties to the conflict to de-escalate, abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law, and participate fully in an inclusive UN-led peace process. They must commit to a peaceful, diplomatic solution to ending the conflict and advance a durable resolution that improves the lives of Yemenis and allows them to collectively determine their own future.

My comment: make sure: This is no condemnation at all of this Saudi air raid.

(* A P)

Biden faces criticism over failed promise to end Yemen war after Saudi-led airstrikes kills dozens, including children

"This is horrific news, further devastating Yemen. It's also a predictable consequence of continuing to arm Saudi Arabia," the Congressional Progressive Caucus tweeted. "The Biden administration must stop unauthorized participation in the Saudi war and bring its bombings and blockade to an end — as Congress has demanded."

"The Biden admin has condemned the Houthi actions roughly 13 times since taking office. Not one condemnation of Saudi bombings of Yemen though. Will it also not condemn this attack?" Trita Parsi, the executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said in a tweet.

Biden during a press conference on Wednesday was asked how he planned to make good on his promise to end the war in Yemen. Taking a different tone on the issue than he did at the start of his tenure, Biden said, "Ending the war in Yemen takes the two parties to be involved to do it. And it's going to be very difficult."

Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna of California, who has been among the loudest voices in Congress calling for an end to US involvement in Yemen, in a tweet urged Biden against reimposing the terror designation.

"We need to help end the war in Yemen, not escalate it by re-imposing Trump's Houthi terror designation," Khanna said. "Humanitarian orgs have warned this would mean even higher food and fuel prices for millions of Yemeni civilians and wouldn't do anything to stop Houthi atrocities."

Spencer Ackerman, author of "Reign of Terror," in a Friday tweet on the latest airstrikes in Yemen said, "America is complicit in this, as it has been complicit in every Saudi or UAE airstrike of this horrific war that Biden and his senior officials once promised to end. I hope they see these children when they sleep at night."

and also

(A P)

US commits to helping Saudi Arabia, Gulf partners defend against threats from Yemen

The US reiterated its commitment to helping Saudi Arabia and its Gulf partners defend themselves against threats from Yemen and other places in the region, the State Department said after a call between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Prince Faisal bin Farhan.

“Secretary Blinken reiterated the US commitment to help Gulf partners improve their capabilities to defend against threats from Yemen and elsewhere in the region and underscored the importance of mitigating civilian harm,” Spokesman Ned Price said.

and also

My comment: BS.

(A P)

U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Houthi Commander

The U.S. government recently imposed sanctions on a Houthi official and military commander, Saleh Mesfer Alshaer, who heads the Houthi-controlled military logistics support organization. According to the Department of the Treasury, Alshaer, who is a close ally of Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, “has overseen the Houthis’ seizure of property in Yemen valued at greater than 100 million dollars, using a variety of unlawful tactics, including extortion.” The assets, confiscated from opponents of the Houthis, have been used to fund the Houthi’s military effort, “fueling instability and increasing the already extraordinary suffering of the Yemeni people,” the Treasury Department said in a statement.

(A K P)

US intelligence plane arrives at Sayoun airport

A plane belongs to US intelligence arrives on Thursday at Sayoun airport in oil Hadramout province, informed sources said.

The sources reported that US intelligence aircraft which took off from Djibouti airport and arrived at Sayoun airport, carrying a number of American intelligence officers.

The US intelligence plane arrived at Sayoun airport after the departure of a Saudi military cargo plane from Aden airport. =

(? B P)

Biden’s Yemen About-Face

The White House prepares a reversal on a key foreign-policy pledge [subscribers only]

(* A P)

Aid agencies sound alarm as US considers relisting Houthis as terror group

The US State Department says it would have to "fully consider the humanitarian implications" of the Houthis' redesignation as a terrorist group.

Aid agencies operating in Yemen were caught off guard by President Joe Biden’s recent comment that he is considering redesignating the Houthi movement as a terrorist organization, an action that relief workers say would compound the already dire humanitarian crisis in the Arab world’s poorest country.

“We’re grappling with the possibility that it’s real,” Scott Paul, the humanitarian policy lead at Oxfam America, said of Biden’s comments.

“We have a duty to take it seriously. The president of the United States just suggested he’s considering a step that could turn a country in crisis upside down,” Paul said.

"We said repeatedly in the past that designating Ansar Allah a terrorist organization would have far-reaching impacts on Yemen's already dire humanitarian situation, and we think the same today,” said Erin Hutchinson, Norwegian Refugee Council’s country director for Yemen.

“The US government must ensure that any sanctions do not block food, fuel, medicines, and other essential goods and services from entering the country and reaching people in need,” Hutchinson said.

Farhan Aziz Haq, the deputy spokesman for the UN secretary-general, said the United Nations assessed in late 2020 that the designation’s unintended consequences “would likely further devastate Yemen’s economy.”

“So far, we have not seen anything over the past year that would change this assessment,” Haq told Al-Monitor.

Reached for comment, a State Department spokesperson said the Houthi designation is under consideration and that the United States “would have to fully consider the humanitarian implications.”

and also


(* A P)

Congress Seeks To Reimpose Sanctions on Iran-Backed Houthis After UAE Terror Strike

Cruz and colleagues push bill to designate Houthis as terror group after Biden lifted sanctions

Congress is moving to reapply sanctions on the Houthi rebels in Yemen following the Iranian-backed terror group’s strike this week on Abu Dhabi that drew widespread condemnation from the Biden administration and U.S. lawmakers.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and a coalition of Republican foreign policy leaders are set to introduce on Friday new legislation that would re-designate the Houthi rebels as a terrorist organization, according to a copy of the new sanctions measure obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon. Former president Donald Trump listed the group on the U.S. terror list early last year, but that designation was reversed during the Biden administration’s first week in office—a decision critics viewed as an effort by the new administration to generate goodwill with Iran prior to the resumption of nuclear talks.

Following Monday’s missile strike on Abu Dhabi’s international airport, the Houthi rebels and their Iranian backers are facing a new wave of opposition on Capitol Hill. Cruz’s bill, a version of which failed to pass Congress in November, would direct President Joe Biden to designate the Houthis and all their affiliates as a terror organization within 30 days of the bill’s passage. With the Senate evenly split along party lines, and the Houthis’ latest attack generating a wave of concern, the legislation could attract Democrats. Biden also said the designation was under consideration during a Wednesday press conference.


(* A P)

Meeks looking ‘very carefully’ at reinstating Houthi terrorism designation

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that the administration is considering reimplementing the terrorism designation for the Yemeni militant group

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) said he will look into whether the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen should be re-labeled as a terrorist group following a drone attack that killed three civilians in the United Arab Emirates’s capital of Abu Dhabi last weekend.

“I’m going to be looking at that very carefully and talking to [the administration],” Meeks, the top foreign policy Democrat in the House, told Jewish Insider on Wednesday. “I’m very concerned and condemn to the highest degree the Houthis and the utilization of the drones and the strike on the UAE. So, [that is] something that we’re looking at.”

Meeks added that his “only concern” is “making sure humanitarian aid is able to continue and to make sure that it’s getting to people — women, children, men who are not combatants.”

President Joe Biden said during a marathon news conference on Wednesday that the Houthis’ terrorism designation is “under consideration.”

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, argued on Wednesday that the decision to revoke the terrorism designation was a mistake from the beginning.

and also

(* A P)

Democrats say Biden must clarify US role in Yemen conflict

After seven years of supporting the Saudi-led coalition, Congressman Peter DeFazio says Washington needs to offer more than 'vague' declarations about Washington's role

Democratic lawmakers and policy analysts have said President Joe Biden needs to clarify what support the US is offering the Saudi-led coalition at war with Yemen's Houthi rebels, and avoid taking any steps that lead to Washington becoming further embroiled in the devastating seven-year conflict.

Congressman Ro Khanna, a staunch critic of the war, told Middle East Eye that the White House needed to immediately end all military support afforded to the Saudi-led coalition and instead "focus on diplomacy" to end the bloody conflict.

"This dangerous escalation in Yemen has to stop. For years the Saudi-led coalition has been pounding civilian areas and infrastructure in Yemen and recently escalate[d] those strikes. Earlier this week we saw a horrific Houthi drone and missile attack that killed three civilians in UAE," Khanna told MEE.

"To bring this war to a close, we must use the only leverage we have, which is on the Saudi-led coalition, and end US military support to focus on diplomacy to secure a political solution and life-saving aid for one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises."

According to Vox, the "defensive" support the US provides the kingdom also includes greenlighting the servicing of Saudi aircraft through defence contractors.

Congressman Peter DeFazio, another critic of the conflict, called on the White House to "end its involvement in this war now" and lashed out at Biden's vague announcement that signalled an end to America's "offensive" support for the coalition.

"At the start of his term, President Biden promised to end US support for so-called 'offensive' operations in this war - but he never defined what this vague declaration actually meant. A year later, the US continues to directly support this war," DeFazio told MEE.

(A P)

US Pushes for Int’l Position against Houthi Attacks

Washington is seeking to mobilize an international position against the Iran-backed Houthi group’s attacks, as its envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking starts a new Gulf tour to "reactivate peace and ceasefire efforts in Yemen."

Lenderking’s tour coincides with the Houthi attacks on civilian facilities in the UAE capital, Abu Dhabi, which killed three people and wounded several others.

The US envoy's first official trip this year comes after a series of visits he made last year that failed to achieve a "cease-fire" agreement in Yemen.

My comment: No, the US isn’t a peace maker in Yemen, but by taking sides it’s a warmonger (as almost everywhere on this planet).

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

(? B P)

The War in Yemen Could Mar the Iranian Nuclear Talks

A year since Biden declared that Yemen’s civil war must end, the fighting has spilled over into the Gulf states. But Washington thinks Iran will want to end the war to prepare for closer ties with its neighbors [Paywalled]

(A P)

US says nuclear talks with Iran at ‘decisive moment’

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Thursday that talks with Iran over its nuclear program are at a “decisive moment,” and warned that Washington and its allies may change tactics if a deal isn’t reached in the coming weeks.

Blinken said that the longer Iran fails to comply with the 2015 Vienna accord — intended to rein in Tehran’s nuclear program — the closer it would get to being able to build an atomic weapon.

“We are indeed at a decisive moment,” Blinken told reporters in Berlin after meeting senior diplomats from Germany, France and Britain. He added that he believed modest progress had been made during the ongoing round of talks in the Austrian capital.

“But we are not where we need to be. And if we don’t get there very soon, we will have to take a different course,” he said.

My comment: This is propaganda BS, as the US “fails to comply with the 2015 Vienna accord” even longer.

(* A P)

Iranian press review: Tehran eager to reopen Riyadh embassy despite Yemen tensions

Meanwhile, conservatives praise missile and space programme developments, and experts doubt Moscow's support of Tehran

Officials in Tehran have stressed their readiness to reopen the embassy in Riyadh and restore ties with Saudi Arabia after six years of diplomatic deadlock between the two regional rivals.

Since April 2021, Tehran and Riyadh have held four rounds of negotiations in Baghdad to end the political rift between the two countries.

On Monday, Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh confirmed the news about the presence of a political delegation in the Saudi city of Jeddah to reopen Iran's representative office to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

"This could be a good start to reopen the embassies in two countries," Khatibzadeh said, stressing that Iran was waiting for a response from Saudi Arabia on the matters they negotiated during the four rounds of direct talks.

Other Iranian officials have also highlighted Iran's intention to restore official ties with Riyadh.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B K P)

Why is the UK government still getting away with complicity in the Yemen war?

This is a far greater scandal than the parties in Downing Street. In a just world, it would prove the downfall of our prime minister. This week, airstrikes by the Saudis and their allies killed more than a dozen people in Yemen, civilians among them. Last month an estimated 32 civilians died as a result of the ongoing conflict. The country has been convulsed by civil war since 2014. For seven years, a Saudi-led coalition has been pummelling the impoverished country with bombs, many of them supplied by Britain. Through our staunch military alliance with the Saudi dictatorship, our government is directly complicit with these atrocities.

You can be forgiven for knowing nothing about any of this: Yemen does not matter, you see. Its people have been relegated to the bottom of the hierarchy of death, and most of our media show little interest in scrutinising our government for slaughter that it is directly complicit in

If Yemen is no longer the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, that is not because its plight has improved, but because the western blockade of Afghanistan has taken centre stage.

Yet our government retains its tight alliance with the Saudi regime, which decapitates gay people and dissidents, brutalises women and provides, in words purportedly of Hillary Clinton, “clandestine financial and logistical support” to terrorists.

What matters is that our government is directly arming and supporting one side, and therefore bears direct responsibility for their actions.

If it wasn’t for the stubborn and diligent work of the UK campaign group, Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), there would be practically no consistent scrutiny of our government’s role at all.

CAAT and other human rights organisations should not be carrying this burden alone. Yemeni lives do matter, despite the silence that suggests otherwise, and our government must be held to account for its complicity in this horror. So yes, we should all be furious at our rulers partying and boozing while ordinary citizens couldn’t hold the hands of dying relatives. But our government’s direct involvement in the massacre of civilians by one of the world’s most repulsive dictatorships is an even graver crime. It is our failure to speak up that allows the killing to go on.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A K P)

Iran: Achievement of Peace in Yemen Harder for Silence of Int’l Community

The Iranian foreign ministry on Saturday condemned the bombardment of residential areas in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition, and blasted the international community’s silence on the coalition's crimes.

Khatibzadeh said that continued blockade and bombing of Yemeni people is the result of lack of serious determination to advance a political settlement for Yemen crisis and persistence on a destructive military approach, which will result in damaging Yemen and instability in the region.

(* B K P)

Israeli ex-general warns Yemen’s Houthis could target port of Eilat

Israeli former military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin warned that Yemen’s Houthi rebels could target the port of Eilat in southern Israel following their attack on Abu Dhabi.

A former Israeli general warned on Saturday that the Red Sea port of Eilat in southern Israel could be targeted by Yemen’s Houthi rebels.

Amos Yadlin, who previously headed the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, said that the Iran-allied Houthis, who control most of northern Yemen, had shown that they had high missile and drone capabilities.

In an article for the website of Israel’s Channel 12, Yadlin said that the Houthi attack showed that Iran-allied groups could carry out major attacks against Israel.

He said that even though Israel had more advanced intelligence capabilities and defence systems than the UAE, no one could guarantee that these would stop Israel being targeted.

On the other hand, Yadlin called on Israel to abandon a long-standing policy of withholding military technology from Arab states and provide advanced missile defence systems to the UAE and possibly Saudi Arabia, saying this would improve relations.

(A P)

UAE bans flying of recreational drones after fatal attack

The United Arab Emirates has banned the flying of drones in the country for recreation after Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed a fatal drone attack on an oil facility and major airport in the country.

As of Saturday, drone hobbyists and other operators of light electric sports aircraft face “legal liabilities” if caught flying the objects, the Interior Ministry said, adding it may grant exemptions to businesses seeking to film.

(A P)

UNSC sees Russia support condemnation of Houthi terror

Moscow signals to Houthis and their Iranian sponsors that they cannot rely on its backing

By far the most encouraging aspect of the UN Security Council’s unanimous decision to condemn this week’s strikes on Abu Dhabi was Russia’s decision to join other major powers in denouncing Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels for carrying out the attacks.

Previously, Moscow has proved reluctant to support any public condemnation of the Houthis at the UN because of the nuanced diplomatic relationship Russia enjoys with Iran, a key supporter of the Houthi cause.

(A P)

Iran embassy responds to Pakistani newspaper's false claims about developments in Yemen, UAE

The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Pakistan responding to the baseless accusations against Tehran by a Pakistani newspaper in its editorial said constructive approach of Iran is based on good neighborliness to establish a ceasefire, resolve disputes among the countries involved in the Yemen crisis.

and also

(B P)

Houthi attack on the UAE: Mapping the impact of the Yemen conflict on India

The death of two Indians in the recent Houthi attack on Abu Dhabi raises the question: How does India intend to safeguard its interests in the region?

Going forward, India will be wary of the conflict dragging it in via Indian casualties. While the threat is still lesser than the situation during the Iraqi conflict, where the Islamic State had previously kidnapped and killed several Indians working there, the chances of it escalating remains strong.

As such, India will have to strengthen its diplomatic heft with nations like Iran, which it has long maintained a good relationship with and with the UAE and Saudi Arabia, where ties have burgeoned significantly since the past decade or so.

(A P)

[Israel PM] Bennett speaks with Abu Dhabi crown prince following deadly Houthi attack

PM affirms support, expresses condolences; UAE news agency says he stressed ‘need to confront terrorist forces that threaten stability and peace in the region’

cp12b Sudan

(A P)

US says it will not resume Sudan aid after recent violence

The United States will continue withholding aid from Sudan until the country’s military rulers stop the killing of anti-coup protesters and a civilian led-government takes power, two senior American diplomats said Thursday.

The joint statement came after a two-day visit to Sudan this week by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee and the newly appointed U.S. special envoy for the Horn of Africa, David Satterfield. The visit was meant to help pull the African nation out of a worsening crisis in the wake of the Oct. 25 coup.

cp13 Wirtschaft / Economy

Siehe / Look at cp1

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(A T)

Commander of Al-Qaeda killed in Yemen

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announces death of commander who was close to Osama Bin Laden.

Rita Katz, director of SITE which monitors jihadist groups online, said that AQAP did not mention any date or location for the death of Salih bin Salim bin Ubayd ’Abolan (aka Abu 'Umayr al-Hadhrami), but pointed to Twitter reports of a US air strike that killed three AQAP terrorists on November 14.

and also


(A T)

Worth noting that a #Yemen government report from April 2021 listed the name "Sulayman Salih Salim 'Abulan" (p.21) as among the #alQaeda #terrorists issued with fake identities by the #Houthis, allegedly.

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Anyone who tries to convince you the world should just leave Yemenis to talk it out w/o also telling you one side is a totalitarian theocratic group a la ISIS *this* close to attacking a city of 2 million ppl is withholding important facts in presenting you a decision.

So we have a choice. A really difficult one. Are we content to turn Yemen over to a group we know is implementing a project that includes dismantling the Republic in favor of a much scarier sectarian state or do we support those fighting that, even if that means continued war?

The Houthi project *is* comparable to that of ISIS. The order they are building should horrify you. They are *this* close to attacking a major city and displacing 100s of 1000s.

(A P)

Oman Must Isolate, Not Embrace, the Houthis

The Switzerland of the Middle East can still serve as a center for regional diplomacy. But even Switzerland does not offer safe haven to terrorists.

Oman views itself as the Switzerland of the Middle East. The country cites its neutrality and commitment to diplomacy as justification for hosting the Houthi headquarters. However, the Houthis have exploited their presence in Oman not only to legitimize their operations and to access the international financial system, but also to smuggle weapons into Yemen. In 2016, Iran reportedly smuggled anti-ship missiles, surface-to-surface short-range missiles, small arms, explosives, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Yemen, some of which apparently passed through Oman. In March 2017, Conflict Armament Research, a nongovernmental group, reported that the Houthis had smuggled UAVs used in Yemen through Oman. The following year, the United Nations reported that Oman was the “most likely” route through which Burkan-2H missiles reached Yemen.

Subsequent U.S. pressure led the Omanis to crack down on some illicit activity. However, for Saudi Arabia and other regional countries, Oman’s indulgence of the Houthis remains problematic. Rather than engaging in diplomacy, the ostensible justification for the Houthi presence in Oman, the Houthis continue to wage a campaign of regional terrorism. The number of Houthi terrorist attacks has spiked in the last year.

(A P)

Iran's Danger Drones

Despite lurching from crisis to crisis as their economy crumbles, the theocratic regime ruling the Islamic Republic of Iran has invested heavily in military drone production. As a primary tool of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ extra-territorial Quds Force, drones have now assumed a key role in the mullahs’ aggressive expansionist policy of terrorist attacks and proxy wars in the Middle East.The regime is spending billions of dollars on its missiles and UAV programs while 80 percent of the Iranian people live under the poverty line and the budgets for health care, education and other national essentials are massively below military expenditures.

(A P)

US credibility damaged by failure to respond to Houthi attack on Abu Dhabi

Yet even as the UAE is the primary victim, U.S. credibility will join in its suffering. Offering only a mealymouthed statement of condemnation and a call from Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the United States has done little to bolster one of its erstwhile top allies. The U.S. should instead have redesignated the Houthis as a terrorist group (the Biden administration removed that designation in order to assist in humanitarian relief efforts in Yemen) and offered to launch highly limited but joint UAE-U.S. airstrikes against those responsible for these attacks.

Doing nothing, the U.S. now appears a weak and disinterested ally.

My comment: “US credibility” – this is the typical US hawks’ BS propaganda.

(A P)

Can the Houthis be driven to compromise?

Even as diplomatic efforts continue, the world must get tougher with the extremist group

Today, Sanaa is in the hands of the Houthis, a group ideologically unrelated to Al Qaeda but with a similarly extreme worldview. The city is now a hollow shell of its former self, paralysed by the civil war, which is now in its eighth year, and suffocated by Houthi oppression. And while Yemen is still not Afghanistan, where the Taliban terrorist group has won the Afghan civil war and conquered the entire country, the Houthis hope it may be.

The Taliban’s victory, in which it forced the Afghan government and its western allies out without compromise, is a template of sorts for what the Houthis are trying to achieve. The Saudi-led anti-Houthi coalition, which backs Yemen’s internationally recognised government and other local resistance groups, has repeatedly offered the group opportunities to negotiate, but all have been rejected.

There is a wilful self-deception on the part of both the Houthis and the international actors appeasing them that allows this dire situation to continue, and gives false hope that a peace deal lies at the end of the road currently being followed. For western countries and the UN, it is the notion, contrary to all evidence, that the Houthis are a rational actor willing to make concessions.

(A P)

As the Houthis expand their regional aggression, will the US double down on a failing strategy?

While a negotiated agreement by the parties to deescalate militarily and return to the negotiating table would be the preferred outcome, there’s little or no reason to believe that the Houthis, who have responded to their losses in Shabwa by escalating their attacks, are yet interested in talking. Rather, by issuing pleas for de-escalation, the international community risks sending the Houthis yet another message that their intransigence, which is the root cause of the humanitarian crisis afflicting Yemenis, will be rewarded by new pressure on the Saudi-led coalition to limit its response to Houthi aggression. In this regard, the Biden administration, with its international partners, risks repeating the failed strategy of 2021.

What appeared to be a reasonable U.S. strategy in 2021 would be doubling down on failure if continued in 2022. Rather than sustaining a policy of false equivalency between the parties to the conflict, the administration needs to focus on steps that will pressure the Houthis to agree to end their military adventurism. One critical measure that goes beyond just the conflict in Yemen is to take quick, decisive actions to reestablish deterrence in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandeb. In previous instances of Houthi attacks against shipping in the region, the U.S. responded directly against Houthi shore-based installations supporting the attacks. That U.S. response needs to be repeated, accompanied by very clear messaging to both the Houthis and their Iranian patrons that threats against shipping in international waters will not be tolerated.

(A P)

Iran’s hidden hand in the Houthi drone strike on Saudi Arabia

This attack is part of a pattern, whose common factor is Iran. The first combined use of drones and cruise missiles to strike a regional target was in 2017, when Iran hit a Kurdish Iranian opposition party in Koya.

Israel, too, has recently been plagued with drones, this time sent by Hezbollah in Lebanon to reconnoitre targets.

Demonstrating a rapidly developing and semi-deniable ability to hit targets at will in the territories of the West’s allies in the region – and get away with it – sends a message that Iran and its pals think they’re winning. The UAE and Saudi Arabia probably agree. They know they are heavily exposed in Yemen and cannot on their own change the balance of power in Lebanon, Iraq or Syria. They have made clear their deep unhappiness with Washington’s coolness towards them – which predates Biden but has been exacerbated by his Administration’s wider behaviour on Middle Eastern issues and on Afghanistan. They have, of course, to put it mildly, not helped themselves much , particularly the Saudis. But they also think the Iranians have a much longer track record of malevolence.

They remain deeply suspicious and fearful of Tehran’s intentions.

(A P)

Khalid bin Salman: Houthis Have Sacrificed Yemenis to Serve Iran's Agenda

Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Prince Khalid bin Salman stressed on Tuesday that the Kingdom and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are keen on Yemen joining the organization so that its people can enjoy security, stability and development like all other people of the Gulf.

In a series of tweets, he stated that the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen have chosen terrorism and destruction and they have sacrificed the Yemeni people to serve Iran's agenda.

"We assure the Yemeni people that they are a part of us and we a part of them and that we will always stand by them," he stressed.

and also

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Siehe / Look at cp1b

Tägliche schwere Luftangriffe der Saudi-Koalition vor allem auf militärische Ziele in den Provinzen Marib, Shabwa, Jawf, Al Bayda.

Heavy air raids on a daily basis, mainly on miltary targets in Marib, Shabwah, Jawf, Al Bayda provinces.

(* A K)

Whenever you hear "airstrikes", it means KSA/UAE warplanes are dropping (U.S./UK made) bombs on #Yemen.This an old media/politician tactic used to evade responsibility, making the culprit a phantom.KSA/UAE are war criminals whom we ARM/TRAIN. (* A K pS)

Houthi Yemen missile sites hit in Saudi coalition strikes

Overnight operations on Al Bayda were accompanied by targeted air strikes that destroyed Houthi facilities at Hodeidah port

The Saudi-led coalition announced that strikes had destroyed several ballistic missile launchers in Yemen’s eastern Al Bayda province late on Thursday, as it ramps up military operations against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Overnight operations on Al Bayda were also accompanied by targeted air strikes that destroyed the Houthis’ capabilities at Hodeidah port on the Red Sea.

The coalition has called on civilians in the capital Sanaa to stay away from Houthi military camps and gatherings as it carries out targeted strikes in the coming days and weeks.

It said the military operations were a “response to the threats of hostile attacks”.

(A K pH)

3 civilians wounded in 2 Saudi-led airstrikes on Amran

Three civilians were seriously wounded on Thursday due to two Saudi-led airstrikes on Amran province, a security source told Yemen Press Agency.

The source declared that the coalition’s warplanes targeted two citizens’s cars carrying oil derivatives in Khaiwan valley of Sufyan district, injuring three citizens seriously as an initial toll.

(* B H K)

'Where do you go?': Sanaa residents brace for more strikes as Yemen war spirals

coalition bombing rates had increased by 43%. In Sanaa's Hael district, government employee Saleem Rajeh said he worries about leaving his family to go to work, while silverware store owner Ibrahim Alwan feels trapped.

There have been three days of very strong strikes," said Qadasi, whose store is in Sanaa's Hael district, which lies 1 km (0.62 mile) from a military area that had been struck.

"Clients are scared and we have started closing our stores early to go make sure our children are inside the house." Sanaa, held by Iran-aligned Houthi forces since 2014, had since 2020 enjoyed relative calm as fighting flared elsewhere in Yemen. But in September the coalition resumed attacks on military sites belonging to the Houthis, which had ramped up cross-border missile and drone launches on Saudi cities and on Monday struck the United Arab Emirates.

Ahmed al-Hashedi and his family live in a building near a military academy on the road leading to Sanaa airport. A dawn air strike on Wednesday shattered the windows and left gaping holes in the walls. "They (coalition) have ruined our lives. There is nothing left. Where shall we go, the street?" Hashedi, 48, said.

In Sanaa's Hael district, government employee Saleem Rajeh said he worries about leaving his family to go to work, while silverware store owner Ibrahim Alwan feels trapped. "You think about leaving but where do you go? You can't make a living in the countryside," Alwan said. "So do you stay here and wait for the air strikes or do you leave? We are in an unenviable position." =

(* A K)

Medien: Saudi-Koalition meldet Luftangriffe im Jemen – "Werden Sanaa und Umgebung bombardieren"

Die Arabische Koalition hat laut Medien Luftangriffe auf Objekte der Huthi-Miliz in der Hafenstadt Hodeidah und in Sanaa geflogen. In der Nacht auf den Donnerstag eine breitangelegte Operation angekündigt, die die Rebellen "in einer Reihe jemenitischer Gouvernements lähmen" soll.

Die von Riad angeführte arabische Koalition hat in der Küstenstadt Hodeidah am Roten Meer Luftangriffe auf Waffendepots von Anhängern der Rebellenbewegung Ansar Allah (Huthis) durchgeführt. Dies berichtet die russische Nachrichtenagentur TASS mit Verweis auf den Fernsehsender Sky News Arabia am Donnerstag – dieser berufe sich wiederum auf eine Erklärung des Bündnisses.

"Wir haben mehrere Luftangriffe auf Militäreinrichtungen der Huthis in Hodeidah durchgeführt, wodurch wir die Waffendepots der Rebellen zerstören konnten", heißt es in der Erklärung. Das Bündnis behauptete außerdem, dass "die Aktivitäten der Huthis im Hafen von Hodeidah eine Bedrohung für die regionale und internationale Sicherheit darstellen".

Darüber hinaus kündigte die Koalition in der Nacht auf den Donnerstag an, die Landeshauptstadt Sanaa und ihre Umgebung intensiv zu bombardieren: Dort sollen militärische Infrastruktur der Rebellen wie etwa Befestigungen oder Waffendepots zerstört werden.

Die Luftangriffe sind Teil einer breitangelegten Operation, in deren Rahmen die militärischen Kapazitäten der Huthi-Rebellen gleich in mehreren Gouvernements Jemens lahmgelegt werden sollen. Dies schreibt die türkische Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu unter Verweis auf erwähnte Erklärung in der offiziellen Presseagentur des saudischen Königshauses. Obwohl dabei "für den Tod von Zivilisten verantwortliche Terroristenanführer" vernichtet werden sollen, erfolgten die Drohnenangriffe der Huthi-Rebellen auf Objekte in Saudi-Arabien und nun auch jüngst in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (die wohl den Anlass für diese neue Kampagne der Koalition gaben), lediglich in Reaktion auf wiederholte Kriegsverbrechen der Koalition und die de-facto-Blockade der unter Kontrolle der Rebellen befindlichen Teile Jemens.

(* A K pS)

Joint Incidents Assessment Team in Yemen Refutes Number of Claims Raised by Global Bodies and International Organizations

Official Spokesman of the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen Legal Counsellor Mansour Al-Mansour has refuted a number of claims raised by global bodies and international organizations on errors allegedly committed by the Coalition Forces to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen during their military operations inside Yemen.

In a press conference held at the Armed Forces Officers Club in Riyadh today, Al-Mansour reviewed the results of assessing four incidents included in those claims as follows:

"With regard to the statement issued by the Resident Coordinator and the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen dated (29 July 2018), which included that there were air strikes on (26,27,28, July 2018) that damaged the sewage facility in (Zabid).
JIAT vetted the incident, and reviewed all documents,

On (26/07/2018) Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in (zabid) directorate of (Al-Hudaydah) governorate, and that the closest air mission was on a military target in (Bajil) directorate, (88) kms away from (zabid) city.
2. On (27/07/2018) Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in (zabid) directorate of (Al-Hudaydah) governorate, and that the closest air mission was on a military target in (Al-Tuhayta) directorate, (15) kms away from (zabid) city.
3. On (28/07/2018) Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in (zabid) directorate of (Al-Hudaydah) governorate, and that the closest air mission was on a military target in (Al-Tuhayta) directorate, (14) kms away from (zabid) city.
JIAT specialists studied the after mission report of the missions carried out on (26-27-28/07/2018), which were outside (zabid) directorate, and found that the bombs hit their targets.
In light of that, JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not target the sewage facility in (Zabid) directorate of (Al-Hudaydah) governorate on (26-27-28/07/2018) as stated in the claim.
With regard to what was observed by JIAT in the media, that the Coalition Forces targeted the navigation tower at (Sana'a) airport on (14/11/2017).
JIAT vetted the incident, and reviewed all documents
1. (Sana'a) airport is divided into two parts, civilian part in the east side of the runway, and military part (Al-Dailami Air Base) in the west side of the runway
2. Coalition Forces received intelligence information concerning the electronic capabilities of Al-Houthi Armed Militia, in several locations including (a radar) belongs to (Al-Dailami Air Base), used to detect and track Coalition aircrafts for the purpose of targeting them with air defence systems belonging to Al-Houthi Armed Militia.
The degrees of verification were available through the electronic surveillance reports that confirmed a presence of military activity of a radar site belongs to (Al-Dailami Air Base), used to detect and track Coalition aircrafts for the purpose of targeting them with air defence systems belonging to Al-Houthi Armed Militia, based on rule (16) of customary international humanitarian law, which is considered to be a legitimate military target, that the targeting of it would achieve a concrete, direct and certain military advantage, based on Article (52) of the First Additional Protocol of the Geneva Conventions and rule (8) of customary international humanitarian Law.
Therefore on (14/11/2017) at (08:00) am, Coalition Forces carried out an air mission on a legitimate military target that belongs to (Al-Dailami Air Base), used to detect and track Coalition aircrafts, for the purpose of targeting them with air defence systems belonging to Al-Houthi Armed Militia, using a single guided bomb that hit its target.

In light of that JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not target the (navigation tower) of the claim, and that the procedures taken by Coalition Forces, in dealing with the legitimate military target (radar) that belongs to (Al-Dailami Air Base), used to detect and track Coalition aircrafts for the purpose of targeting them with air defence systems belonging to Al-Houthi Armed Militia, were correct and in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law and its customary rules.
With regard to what was received by JIAT during its field visit to Yemen on (March 2021) that on (30/03/2015), specifically at (8:15) p.m., (group of youth in Al-Ahmadi neighbourhood) gathered in the corner of the neighbourhood, during which Coalition aircraft bombed the youth gathering in (Al-Ahmadi neighbourhood) in (Khormaksar) directorate of (Aden) governorate.
JIAT vetted the incident, and reviewed all documents,
By studying the air missions carried out by the Coalition Forces on (30/03/2015) which is the date of the claim, JIAT found that the Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in (Khormaksar) directorate of (Aden) governorate, and that the closest air mission to the claim location was on a military target in (Lahj) governorate, (18.5) kms away from the claimed location.
By studying the air missions carried out by the Coalition Forces the day before and the day after the date of the claim, JIAT found the following:
1. On (29/03/2015) the day before the claimed date, Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in (Khormaksar) directorate of (Aden) governorate, and that the closest military target the Coalition Forces dealt with was (137) kms away from the location of the claim.
2. On (31/03/2015) the day after the claimed date, Coalition Forces did not carry out any air missions in (Khormaksar) directorate of (Aden) governorate, and that the closest military target the Coalition Forces dealt with was in (Lahj) governorate, (17) kms away from the location of the claim.
In light of that, JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not target (group of youth in Al-Ahmadi neighbourhood) in (Khormaksar) directorate of (Aden) governorate on (30/03/2015) as claimed.
With regard to the statement issued by the Resident Coordinator and the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen dated (28 January 2021) that civilian casualties and damage to homes and farms in (Hays) and (Alduraihimi) during the period (20-27 January 2021).
JIAT vetted the incident, and reviewed all documents,.
By studying the air missions carried out by the Coalition Forces during the period (20-27/01/2021) which is the period of the claim, JIAT found that Coalition Forces did not carry out any air mission in (Al-Hudaydah) governorate.
In light of that, JIAT found that Coalition Forces is not responsible for civilian casualties and damage to homes and farms in (Hays) directorate and (Alduraihimi) directorate of (Al-Hudaydah) governorate, during the period (20-27/01/2021) as stated in the claim.


Aden, March 30, 2015: No evidence found

Sanaa, Nov. 14, 2017:

Report by Saba:

Photos: =


Zabid, July 26–28, 2018:

Photos had been here: (Account removed)

Film: had been here:, removed, saved by me

Hays / AlDurahiimi, Jan. 20–27, 2021: No evidence found.

My comment: This “Assessment team” is a scam. It’s only reason is to reject any claims of saudi-coalition air raids. One earlier case look at cp16a.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Siehe / Look at cp1c, cp18

Im Jemen herrscht ein militärisches Patt. Eine größere offensive mit größeren Erfolgen und Geländegewinnen für eine Seite bleiben seit der Offensive der saudischen Koalition gegen Hodeidah im Jahr 2018 aus. Kleinere Offensiven, ständige gegenseitige Angriffe und Gefechte mit Toten auf beiden Seiten und Opfern unter der Zivilbevölkerung gibt es aber ständig. Besonders betroffen sind die Provinzen Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, der Bezirk Nehm in der Provinz Sanaa, die Provinzen Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah und Saada.

There is a military stalemate in Yemen. A larger offensive with greater successes and territorial gains for one side has been absent since the Saudi coalition's offensive against Hodeidah in 2018. Smaller offensives, constant mutual attacks and skirmishes killing fighters of both sides and causing victims among the civilian population are constant. The provinces of Hodeidah, Taiz, Al Bayda, Al Dhalea, the district of Nehm in the province of Sanaa, the provinces of Al Jawf, Marib, Hajjah and Saada are particularly affected.

(A K)


On January 22, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced that they had repelled another attack by Saudi-led coalition proxies on their positions in the district of Ain in the central-southern Yemeni province of Shabwah.

(* A K)

Yemen: Southern UAE-backed troops halt northern operations

After criticism from southern separatists and escalation between the Houthis and the UAE, the Giants Brigades have stopped advancing in Marib

The Giants Brigades, Yemeni southern troops backed by the United Arab Emirates, have suspended their operations in the north after weeks of aiding the Saudi-backed government forces in their battle to capture the southeastern province of Shabwah from the Houthis and advancing into rebel-held areas of Marib to the north.

That advance has come to a halt since 11 January, Middle East Eye has learned, when the spokesperson of the Saudi-led coalition, Turki al-Maliki, announced the liberation of three districts in Shabwah.

A Giant Brigades fighter in Shabwah told MEE that the forces halted their operations in Marib after reaching populated areas, as they didn't want to target those areas.

"We received directions to stop advancing, but the main reason behind that was the residential areas we reached," he said. "The Houthis are hidden amid civilians, so if we advance there will be a big loss among civilians. So we stopped."

Composed of around 15,000 fighters, the Giants Brigades, known in Arabic as al-Amaliqa, have been a major opponent of the Houthis during Yemen's seven-year civil war. They are part of the Yemeni National Resistance coalition, an independent force fighting on behalf of the internationally recognised government.

(A K pH)

Film: A child was killed by the Saudi army's bullets in Al-Raqqa, Saada

(A K pS)

Houthis fired another missile on a school in Maqbana district in Taiz province (west) killing a student and injuring many other students.

(A K pS)

One man was killed and his brother was injured in northern province of Aljawf on Thursday in the explosion of two landmines left by the Houthi militia/Khabar News agency

(A K pH)

Over 50 mercenaries killed or injured in clashes with [Sanaa gov.] Yemeni army

Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Sare’e has confirmed on Wednesday evening that “the army forces were able to confront a wide advance of Daesh and UAE mercenaries towards our positions in the Harib and Ain districts. Despite their intense air cover, they did not make any progress.”

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Luftangriff / Air raid: Siehe / Look at cp1b

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are ongoing and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K P)

Press release on military hostilities in Hudaydah city

UNMHA is gravely concerned about the recent military hostilities in Hudaydah city that have resulted in the devastating loss of civilian life, multiple injuries and damage to public infrastructure.

UNMHA reminds all parties to the conflict to respect their commitments to protect civilians to avoid continued loss and injury of innocent Yemenis and damage to public infrastructure.

The consequences of continued military confrontation in Hudaydah could be catastrophic for Yemenis, given the importance of the Hudaydah ports, which remain a critical lifeline for the population.

UNMHA’s team on the ground is assessing the situation and sends its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.

(A K P)


The United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) welcomes incoming UNMHA Head of Mission and Chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee Major General (retired) Michael Beary of Ireland who assumes duty today.

Major General Beary brings a wealth of experience in military operations and United Nations peace operations gained over 40 years of overseas military deployments, including in Afghanistan, the Blakans, Croatia, Iraq, Somalia and Uganda

(B K P)

Over 1,400 deceived [defectors from anti-Houthi militia] in coalition camps in Hodeida returned to row of homeland in 2021

The official of returnees’ affairs in the Fifth Military Region, Brigadier General Riad Salah Balthi, on Thursday revealed that 1,436 returnees have returned to the row of homeland during the year 2021 after leaving the Saudi-led coalition camps.

Balthi renewed the call for those involved in treason to return to their senses, return to their families and relatives, to rid themselves of the humiliation of mercenarism and betrayal, and to seize the opportunity of a general amnesty before it is too late.

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(B H)

Bus of Hope

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-783 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-783: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

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