Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 817 - Yemen War Mosaic 817

Yemen Press Reader 817: 29. Juli 2022: Anstieg der Lebensmittelpreise bedroht Jemeniten mit extremem Hunger – Die Zeit um den Waffenstillstand im Jemen zu retten läuft ab – Die drohende Spaltung des Jemen – Die tödliche Belagerung von Taiz – FSO Safer: ...

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... FSO Safer: Die drohende Umweltkatastrophe – Kindersoldaten: Kinder an der Kriegsfront – Bildungssystem in Trümmern: Neues Schuljahr für Jemens Kinder – Auf der Insel Sokotra soll das US-Centcom-Luftverteidigungssystem entstehen – Jemens Finanzsektor: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Erholung – und mehr

July 29, 2022: Pike in food prices puts Yemenis at risk of extreme hunger – Time is running out to save the truce in Yemen – The looming fragmentation of Yemen – Deadly siege on Taiz – FSO Safer: The looming environmental disaster – Child soldiers: Children at the war front – Educational system in tatters: Yemeni children head back to school – Socotra Island to host US Centcom joint air defense system – The Yemen financial sector: Challenges and opportunities for recovery – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 2 / In Italics: Look in part 2:

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Aden-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Aden government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13c Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

(B H)

Film by UNHCR: One of the worst humanitarian crises continues to unfold in Yemen after seven brutal years of conflict. Civilians are paying the highest price in this man-made crisis. They urgently need more international support. They urgently need this conflict to end.

(B H)

Children in Yemen at catastrophic risk of starvation

2.2 million Yemeni children under the age of five are suffering from acute malnutrition. By the end of this year 400,000 will be fighting for their lives. You can help them

Yemen is facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with over 23 million people, or 75 per cent of its population, in need of humanitarian assistance.

The country was in a food crisis even before the war in Ukraine triggered a global food shortage. Now more than 400,000 of its children face severe acute malnutrition this year.

Without urgent assistance many will not survive. Others will not catch up on their physical or mental development, with lifelong consequences.

And not alone is there a devastating food crisis, but a lack of hygiene and wash services are increasing the risk of cholera, measles, diphtheria and other vaccine-preventable diseases.

All of this puts strain on an already fragile health system. Half of all hospitals and health facilities are no longer functioning and those that remain face massive shortages in medicine, equipment and staff.

Unicef is one of the very few organisations still operating in Yemen, helping millions of children, but their needs are huge - and growing.

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

(** B H)

Unprecedented spike in food prices puts Yemenis at risk of extreme hunger

Yemen is facing unprecedented rises in the price of food putting millions more people in danger of catastrophic hunger, Oxfam warned today.

Already exhausted by over seven years of conflict, Yemen has been hit hard by the worsening global food crises. The prices of wheat, flour, cooking oil, eggs and sugar have all increased by more than a third since March. Such price hikes haven’t been seen since the country was subject to a blockade and never for such a prolonged period.

Yemen imports 90 per cent of its food, including 42 per cent of its wheat from Ukraine. Importers have warned that stocks may run out in the coming months and that global increase in costs will challenge their ability to secure wheat imports into Yemen. Even after last week’s welcome announcement that Ukraine will be able to export grains, the effects of the major disruption in the food supply will be felt for some time to come. Any drop in global prices could well be short-lived and may not translate into a reduction in cost for ordinary Yemenis. In a country where many people depend on bread for most of their daily food to survive, this could push millions towards starvation.

Ferran Puig, Oxfam in Yemen Country Director, said: "This unprecedented rise in food prices threatens the lives of millions of people who are now in real danger of starvation.

“Families who have been pushed to the brink by seven years of conflict are being tipped over the edge as the prices of basic food rises beyond their reach.

“World leaders must act immediately to prevent catastrophic hunger and a worsening humanitarian crisis.”

Between March and June this year, the price of basic foods increased by up to 45 per cent.

The average national price of the Minimum Food Basket (MFB) has increased by 48 per cent since December 2021 and 25 per cent since the start of the year, with the increasing costs of food imports further exacerbated by exchange rate fluctuations. Yemen’s national currency, the rial, has lost its value by 28 per cent since the beginning of the year.

Petrol and diesel prices also increased by 43 per cent in the first quarter of the year. Increased cost of fuel and an unseasonable drought caused by rising temperatures globally have caused more suffering, especially for farmers. Many Yemenis depend on agriculture and livestock as a main source of income but have seen their crops damaged or delayed and livestock dying during the current drought.

As the need grows, the lack of resources to respond comes with devastating consequences. The World Food Program has been forced to reduce the amount of aid it provides, with five million recipients of food aid now set to receive less than half of their daily calorie requirement. Eight million will receive just 25 per cent.

Families told Oxfam that to survive they are having to borrow from better-off neighbors, go into debt with food sellers, and skip meals so their children can have more to eat.

Around 56 per cent of the four million internally displaced people have no source of income at all. Women and children who make up around 77 per cent of the displaced population are at greatest risk of starvation.

(** B P)

Time Is Running Out to Save the Truce in Yemen

The deadline to extend the truce in Yemen is fast approaching, and without serious steps to save it, the truce could fall apart. Despite its flaws, the first nationwide cease-fire in more than seven years of war has brought some relative hope to Yemen.

Yet the Houthis, who are aligned with Iran, have indicated that they will not accept an extension of the truce without significant changes, especially the easing of the ongoing blockade of Yemen.

The U.N. is pushing for a six-month extension of the truce, and has reportedly presented its proposal to both the Houthis and the Saudi-led coalition. But an agreement on extending the truce again will only happen if Yemen's warring parties act responsibly and fairly.

While the truce has held tenuously for nearly four months, a welcome reprieve in a country exhausted and devastated by so much war and humanitarian suffering, its basic terms have not been fully implemented, by either side. But some of its key provisions are working.

Yet in many ways the truce still isn't working, based on the very terms of its agreement. The Houthis have been severely frustrated by the lack of progress on lifting the Saudi-led blockade. Only 24 out of 36 fuel ships agreed to in the truce have entered Hodeida's port so far, according to the United Nations' own assessments. U.N.-inspected vessels are still subject to significant delays in the coalition holding area offshore, causing further price increases in Yemen. And only 21 flights have been allowed in and out of Sana'a; there were supposed to be 36 over the four months of the truce, with two a week. Of those 21 flights that have operated, all but one has been to Amman, despite Cairo also agreeing to regular flights from Yemen's capital.

Another stumbling block has been the lack of a resolution by the Houthis and the Saudis on opening up roads through Taiz governorate, which the Houthis have controlled for most of the war.

There have also been missed opportunities recently as the deadline approaches.

The U.S. and Saudi Arabia added another obstacle to an enduring peace agreement in Yemen by invoking U.N. Security Council Resolution 2216 as a framework for negotiations in the joint statement—the "Jeddah Communique"—issued during Biden's visit. Resolution 2216 is widely viewed by both American lawmakers and regional experts as an obstacle to peace in Yemen, since it "blames the Houthis as solely responsible for the war," as Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution has argued. The resolution was drafted by Saudi Arabia in 2015 to provide international legitimacy for its blockade and military intervention. Seven years into the war, Resolution 2216 is outdated, most notably in its unrealistic call for the Houthis to "immediately and unconditionally withdraw their forces" from the capital, Sana'a.

With the truce's collapse a real possibility by August 2, time is running out. The U.S. needs to use all existing leverage to help extend the truce and revive peace talks.

the Biden administration and Congress should push for a fair replacement of Resolution 2216 in the Security Council. An inclusive U.N.-led peace process is paramount to ensure that all stakeholders—including women, youth and civil society—are not only heard but given a seat at the negotiating table. A new Security Council resolution should also call for an end to outside military forces on Yemeni territory, including the archipelago of Socotra and Perim or Mayun Island, both effectively occupied by the United Arab Emirates and its proxies, and al-Mahra governorate, in eastern Yemen, where Saudi Arabia has increased its military presence.

While the U.S. can't unilaterally bring about an end to Yemen's war, it has leverage to persuade Saudi Arabia and its proxies to extend this truce past the looming August deadline and stay at the negotiating table. It's time Washington used its leverage to finally help stop this war – by Hassan El-Tayyab

(** B P)

Yemen’s Prospects for Unity Are Uncertain after Many Years of War

Eight years of conflict have effectively divided Yemen into many parts. And with each new day the Yemeni people lose more and more of the ties that used to unite them. Increased religionism, as well as sectarianism driven largely by Houthi politics, are dividing the nation, as are diverse economic, political, and military factors. But the international community still appears to have little desire to acknowledge Yemen’s growing fragmentation, clinging instead to the increasingly unlikely prospect of reuniting the country into a single state. And with few notable exceptions, the country’s deep and perhaps irremediable divisions continue to be swept under the rug during each one of the international community’s stakeholder meetings and negotiations about the conflict. What has been most tragically ignored is the fact that the political will to stitch the various fragments of Yemen back together still exists on the local level. In April 2022, the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) was established with the explicit goal of doing just that. But it is uncertain whether this initiative will succeed, or whether it is simply too late to remedy the situation. In the end, the country’s various factions may just decide to mark existing divisions with an official split. But whether a permanent fracture is inevitable, or if there is still time to reunite the entirety of Yemen under one flag and government still remains to be seen.

Economic Division

Yemen is riven by economic divisions that are felt by citizens across the country. The decision by former president, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi to relocate Yemen’s Central Bank from Sanaa to Aden in September 2016 eventually resulted in the existence of two central banks, one under Houthi control in the capital, which is the country’s main commercial and financial center, and one in Aden that is overseen by the Yemeni government, and that is struggling to receive deposits and donations from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other members of the international community. The two banks also implement different sets of monetary policies, which has helped increase the sense that there exist today two distinct Yemeni states.

The splitting of the central bank has produced a domino effect across Yemen’s economic system. Today, the country’s various regions are governed by different customs regulations, revenue authorities, financial intelligence units, and telecommunications authorities, and by distinct laws and policies related to trade, banking, and taxes.

This dismal situation has done significant harm to the economies of both northern and southern Yemen, adversely impacting domestic trade and the prices of food, fuel, and other commodities, and also thoroughly undermining any sense of economic unity for the country. Indeed, the World Bank has stated that, “The Yemeni economy has developed more and more into a de facto dual economy.”

Political Division

There are currently an abundance of distinct governments and authorities in Yemen, the most significant of which are the respective political structures of the Houthis, the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and, of course, the internationally-recognized Yemeni government. These groups have established parallel political systems of power in the country, with the Houthis and the Yemeni government having formed separate executive branches, ministries, parliaments, and state news agencies. Adding to the confusion, even though the international community only officially recognizes the Yemeni government, diplomats and NGOs continue to engage with the Houthi’s executive body, the Supreme Political Council.

These political divisions are the most noticeable signs of the country’s fragmentation, both for Yemenis and for outside observers. For example, the existence of distinct sets of political policies has gravely affected mobility across the country.

Yemen’s political divide is further emphasized by the fact that in Aden today there are essentially two main political powers: the STC and the PLC. In April 2020, the STC declared its autonomous administration of the south—an implicit declaration of separation—but after pressure from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, it quickly abandoned the position. But given the separationist ambitions it still harbors, it is nearly impossible to imagine the STC being merged into the PLC. What is more likely to happen is that as soon as the STC is given international political support, it will again attempt to break away.

Military Division

The Yemeni government’s army has been in constant disarray since the Houthis, allied with former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, stormed Sanaa in 2014

Former President Hadi’s attempts to salvage the remnants of his army in Aden were in vain, due to the UAE’s effort throughout the conflict to create several armed groups in Yemen, which operate outside of the Yemeni government’s control. The UAE has provided these groups with weapons and training, as well as technical, financial, and logistical support. And recruits are often enticed into joining up by the promise of salaries that are often as much as five times those of soldiers in the Yemeni government’s army. However, the purpose behind the UAE’s intervention is unclear, since it has been supporting a mix of both separatist and non-separatist groups.

Some UAE-sponsored armed groups have played a major role in shifting the trajectory of the conflict.

The UAE even challenged the Yemeni government for control of Socotra, and in 2018 invaded the island, which it continues to use as a strategic base of operations for its economic and military outreach into mainland Yemen and East Africa.

The fragmentation of the Yemeni Army and a growing number of armed groups that possess diverse allegiances is almost certain to frustrate any effort to return to and rebuild a united Yemen. How realistic, really, is the possibility of integrating numerous armed groups into one security sector after all the blood that has been shed?

The Way Forward

Imagining a future in which Yemen is united is impossible without first addressing the roots of the Yemeni State’s disintegration. But regardless, the current situation is so bad that at this point Yemen may be irrevocably divided. Ever since 2014, when the Houthis first captured nearly all of the state’s institutions, the group has been working tirelessly to consolidate its power. The Yemeni government, meanwhile, only exists due to the standing that comes with its having been recognized by the international community. But for citizens across Yemen, that government means next to nothing, since it has failed to meet its responsibilities to the Yemeni people.

Both the Houthis and the Yemeni government aim to rule over an undivided Yemen, despite the fact that both groups have enacted major policies that deeply undermine prospects for unity. Meanwhile, the STC’s main objective has been and continues to be secession. And some experts argue that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are planning to divide up Yemen according to the two countries’ economic and commercial interests. Many are recommending that steps be taken to prevent further divisions in Yemen. However, a far more fruitful avenue at this point would be for parties to the conflict and other relevant stakeholders, including those from the international community, to commit to an honest conversation and to face the reality of a divided Yemen, one whose cleavages have been carved by the country’s many belligerent factions – by Afrah Nasser

(** B K P)

Yemen: Deadly siege on Taiz

Rights Radar: Human rights report on the Houthi siege of Taiz and its impacts on resident’s life

From Executive Summary

Taiz City has faced seven lean years since it has been under war and siege. Its residents still suffer from the difficulty of life, face death every day and seek help from all the countries of the world to save them from both war and siege. However, there is no response from anyone, including the United Nations envoy, Hans Grundberg, who visited Taiz on November 8, 2021, and left Taiz to start his efforts on putting an end to the siege imposed on the parties that besieged it.

Taiz residents are still searching for a solution for their problem amid the suspicious global silence and the unjustified disregard from the UN toward their suffering, which has exceeded all expectations, especially considering the dense fields of landmines laid without maps. In addition, they face extremely complicated and difficult economic conditions, resulting in hunger that kills them without mercy all the time.

There is no doubt that the armed conflicts between the government forces and Houthi militia in Taiz Governorate, in particular, and Yemen, in general, have devastating effects on the civilian population in a country that has long been classified as the least developed country in the Middle East and one of the poorest countries in the world.

Since the middle of 2015, Houthi militia have continued to besiege the civilian population in Taiz by closing the main crossings of the city, which form supply lines for the supply of humanitarian aid, goods and basic and medical materials that are indispensable to the civilian population to survive. This behavior is considered as a kind of collective punishment against the residents of the areas under control of the internationally recognized legitimate government.

It has become clear that this seven-yearlong imposed Houthi militia siege on Taiz (the urban and rural areas) is a part of a systematic military plan followed by Houthi militia to restrict the freedom of population and a means to achieve military progress and victory without caring about the lives, security and safety of civilians who should be protected by the force of law. This is considered a “complete war crime” because it is collective punishment and starvation committed against the Taiz residents, as well as a means used by Houthi militia in its armed battle against the government forces.

This report deals with the activity of some conflicting parties that use starvation as a weapon in war, and it analyzes this behavior within the framework of the rules of International Humanitarian Law by shedding light on various incidents of violations committed against the residents of the besieged areas in Taiz, including the districts of Sala, Al-Qahirah, Al-Mudhaffar, Jabal Habashi, Maqbna, Al-Taizyah and Saber AlMawadem.

Laying mines is also a crime committed during the presence of the Houthi militia. They deliberately and randomly laid antipersonnel mines and homemade explosive devices in the areas surrounding Taiz and close to the lines of contact, with the aim of using them as a line of defense to hinder the advance of the government forces. Although there has been a withdrawal of Houthi militants from some areas, these laid mines still threaten the lives of civilians, restrict their movement and prevent them from benefiting from agricultural areas.

Since 2015, the siege imposed by Houthi militia on Taiz City has deprived the residents of rural districts from receiving medical services in the specialized health centers located in the center of Taiz, including the Hemodialysis Center and Al-Amal Center for Oncology. The two centers were specialized in the treatment of renal failure and cancer at the level of Taiz Governorate.

Since mid-2015 and until the time of preparation of this report, Taiz residents have been deprived of benefiting from water extracted from the fields located in the areas of Al-Hayma and Hezran. They supplied the city with water before it was controlled by Houthis. All the efforts made by civil society organizations failed to make the Houthi leadership provide water to Taiz.

From the first moment of their military control on Taiz, Houthis began to close the main crossings of the city, which has a population of about two million people. They prevented its residents from entering or leaving through those crossings, which were considered the main, safe and close supply lines to the besieged city.

Due to this long siege, Taiz residents are forced to search for alternative, unpaved and more rugged roads through high mountain ranges. Large transport trucks cannot pass through them because they are only suitable for four-wheel drive vehicles. In addition, traveling through these roads is hard and tiring because it takes no less than seven hours to reach the opposite side of Taiz, which is under the control of Houthi militia. They could reach it within less than 15 minutes through the main paved crossings — if they were opened.

In addition, travelers are exposed to various forms of violations at checkpoints belonging to Houthi militia, including arbitrary arrest and paying royalties. During the reporting period, the results of investigations concluded by this report, called Deadly Siege on Taiz, affirm that Houthi militia has committed widespread and systematic violations of international human rights law and its rules, regarding the protection of “right to freedom of movement”. These violations include unjustified practices and restrictions imposed on Taiz residents.


The Houthi militia has also deployed several of its professional snipers along the hills and heights surrounding neighborhoods and residential areas adjacent to the contact lines in the east, west, north and south of Taiz. The report monitored certain incidents, proving that the residents of those besieged areas in Taiz were subjected to several violations, including killing and injury resulting from mines, sniping, shelling, abduction, disappearance, torture, restriction of freedom of movement, prevention of the access of relief and humanitarian aid, migration and forced displacement.

During the past three years, forces affiliated with the internationally recognized government obstructed the access of humanitarian aid by deploying several checkpoints along the asphalt line, which was the only southern crossing for Taiz city under this forces control. The militants of these checkpoints and barriers imposed illegal royalties on small and medium trucks loaded with goods, basic materials and humanitarian aid coming from the southern governorates to Taiz. In recent years, it has been observed that the security and military authorities have removed and reduced many of these checkpoints.

(** B P)

The Looming Environmental Disaster in the Midst of Yemen's War

Yemen is on the brink of an environmental catastrophe. At practically any time, the FSO Safer, a decrepit, rusting supertanker moored off Yemen's coast throughout the now seven-year war, could leak or explode, its estimated 1.14 million barrels of light crude oil flooding into the Red Sea. The ship, a floating oil storage facility, has essentially been stranded 32 nautical miles from the port of Hodeidah since 2015 without any maintenance.

Plans to offload the oil and prevent an oil spill in the Red Sea that one analyst warned would be "the biggest man-made oil-related disaster ever recorded" have been held up by the Houthis. Since they control the port of Hodeidah and its surrounding region, they control access to the deteriorating tanker. The Houthis have played a dangerous game, using the Safer as a bargaining chip in Yemen, even though it isn't clear what they are really bargaining for. Despite repeated attempts by the United Nations to first inspect the ship and then launch a salvage mission, the Houthis have continually gotten in the way.

The U.N. recently turned to crowdfunding to secure the necessary funds for a salvage mission, but it still needs an additional $20 million. "The lack of urgency from governments has brought Yemen perilously close to a new humanitarian and environmental disaster," Michael Page, the deputy director for the Middle East and North Africa at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement this week. "It's incomprehensible that the U.N. is now reduced to crowdfunding $20 million when the potential damages could be a thousand times greater."

Every day, there is a greater risk that the tanker will burst or explode, doing irreversible environmental damage to Yemen and the Red Sea, while disrupting vital shipping lanes in the nearby Bab al-Mandeb Strait.

The threat posed by the Safer has been building for years in plain sight. Lowcock has previously blamed the Houthis for impeding the U.N., saying that they have been "unwilling to accept a mission in practice.

Finally, this past March, the U.N. signed a memorandum of understanding with the Houthis, stating that all signatories "acknowledge that the authorities in Sana'a"—that is, the Houthis—"bear no financial obligations," meaning the U.N. would fund the salvage mission. It also stated that "the authorities in Sana'a are committed to providing all facilities for the success of the project." According to the memo, the U.N. "committed" to provide a replacement to the Safer within 18 months, with the possibility of a temporary tanker to offload the Safer's oil.

The U.N. still urgently needed $80 million for the first part of the mission, to remove the oil (plus an estimated $64 million afterwards to put a new tanker in place, though that could be partially defrayed by scrapping the Safer). But the Houthis criticized the U.N.'s public fundraising efforts, claiming they didn't "comply with" the March memorandum, even though it said that the U.N. would "make all efforts to mobilize the necessary funds." Houthi officials even issued a statement in early May blaming the U.N. for "failing to comply with" the agreement, undermining the U.N. crowdfunding effort and making its pitch to already reluctant donors more difficult.

When contacted, Houthi officials didn't respond to questions about why they criticized the fundraising appeals.

Russell Geekie, a communications adviser to the U.N. resident and humanitarian coordinator for Yemen, stopped short of blaming the Houthis. "From our perspective today, what is important is that we have a U.N.-coordinated plan that all of the parties to the conflict support, including the Sana'a authorities," Geekie said in an email interview.

Geekie added that there were no "preconditions imposed on anyone" by the Houthis. "For the Sana'a authorities, it was important to maintain [oil] capacity equivalent to the FSO Safer, which was built into the two-track operational plan that all sides support." Geekie said that both the Houthis and their rival in southern Yemen, the country's U.N.-recognized government, were provided with the U.N.'s operational plan before its pledging event. "Since then, the Sana'a authorities have continually expressed their support for the U.N.-coordinated plan in meetings with us."

But as Gerry Simpson, associate crisis and conflict director at Human Rights Watch, previously told The Washington Post, "In the case of the Houthis, they are putting 30 million people's lives and livelihoods and welfare at risk for strategic, military and political reasons."

The stakes are only getting higher. The Houthis, more than any other party in or involved in Yemen, should be the most concerned with this impending disaster. But they have acted recklessly, first making unreasonable demands and then undermining the U.N.'s efforts to avert an oil spill that would ravage Yemen. Yemenis won't forgive the Houthis for this failure – by Ahmad Alghobary

(** B H P)

Kinder an der Front

Im Jemen nutzen die Huthi die Waffenruhe, um weitere Kindersoldaten zu rekrutieren – Kinder von Migranten aus Afrika sind besonders stark gefährdet.

Auch die Radikalisierung an Schulen und Rekrutierung von Kindersoldaten geht weiter: Auf 3.500 wird deren Zahl mittlerweile geschätzt. Bemühungen der Vereinten Nationen gegen die Indoktrinierung von Minderjährigen vorzugehen sind erfolglos.

Vor fast drei Monaten unterzeichneten die Vereinten Nationen und die in Sanaa ansässigen Rebellen einen Aktionsplan, der auch von den Huthis die Einhaltung internationaler Normen verlangt. Dort heißt es: »Die Houthis haben sich verpflichtet, innerhalb von sechs Monaten Kinder in ihren Reihen zu identifizieren und freizulassen.« Doch anstatt den Aktionsplan umzusetzen, haben die Houthis ihre Propagandakampagnen ausgeweitet und operieren nun auch an weiterführende Schulen und in Sommerlagern.

Im Laufe der vergangenen zwei Jahre versicherten die UN immer wieder, sie würden mit den Huthis diskutieren und deutlich machen, wie dringlich es ist, dass die Kindersoldaten von der Front abgezogen werden. Doch nur drei Monate nach Unterzeichnung des Aktionsplans zeigten die Rebellen öffentlich, wie Aufsichtsbeamte und lokale Rebellen in Schulen mit Kindern über die Pflichten des Jihads sprechen, wie sie ihnen den Umgang mit leichten Waffen beibringen und wie sie Kinder bei Militärparaden einspannen.

Migranten aus Afrika sind im Jemen oft einer besonders rücksichtslosen Behandlung ausgesetzt. Während sie in Sanaa festsitzen, wird ihnen das Leben schwer gemacht. Nun haben die Huthis auch die Kinder der Einwanderer für ihre Streitkräfte rekrutiert: Sowohl durch Zwang als auch durch finanzielle Anreize lockten sie Dutzende an die Front.

Kurz nachdem die Vereinigten Nationen die Unterzeichnung des Aktionsplans mit den Offiziellen in Sanaa letzten April bekannt gegeben haben, begannen die Huthis eine Social-Media Kampagne. Deren Ziel war es, die Mitglieder zu motivieren, Kinder während der Schulprüfungen und in Sommercamps anzusprechen.

So wahrten sie nicht einmal den Schein, sich an die Vereinbarung mit der UN halten zu wollen. Huthi-Anführer sinnierten gar öffentlich über die vermeintliche Pflicht der Kinder, sich dem Jihad gegen ausländische Invasoren und Söldner anzuschließen. Aufnahmen zeigen, wie Huthi-Obere große Paraden von Schulkindern beaufsichtigen und rekrutieren. Die Radikalisierung in Schulen und Sommercamps ist der erste Schritt der Rekrutierung von Minderjährigen durch die Huthis. Ein Verhalten, das im eklatanten Widerspruch zu den Versprechen stehen, die sie gegenüber UN-Vertretern gegeben haben.

In offenkundiger Missachtung dieser Vereinbarungen haben die Huthis ihre Rekrutierungsaktivitäten in den Sommercamps also nicht eingestellt. Zwar ist die genaue Zahl der Kinder, die seit April die Schule verlassen haben, um sich der Miliz anzuschließen, unklar, die Absichten der Huthis aber sind eindeutig: Der Kontakt zu tausenden Kindern garantiert ihnen ein fruchtbares Umfeld, um sich langfristig Rekruten zu sichern – von Fernando Carvajal

(** B H K P)

War looms large as Yemeni children head back to school

Thousands of teachers receive no salaries in Yemen, and many children drop out to work or fight.

August is around the corner, which in Yemen means that millions of students will be heading back to school.

But with the conflict in the country continuing and the education sector ailing, not all teachers and pupils are excited.

Education in Yemen has been a casualty of the war since it began in 2014, and particularly since the military intervention of the Saudi-led coalition in 2015.

Schools have been damaged or destroyed, teachers have quit their jobs, and millions of school-aged children have dropped out or not joined at all.

UN reports indicate that more than 2,900 schools in Yemen have been “destroyed, damaged, or used for non-educational purposes”. Consequently, approximately 1.5 million school-aged girls and boys have been affected.

Despite that, the parties to the conflict in Yemen have dropped education as a priority.

Roughly 170,000 teachers in Houthi-controlled provinces have not received regular pay since 2016, forcing many of them to quit their posts to earn a living in other fields.

Those who have stayed are now frustrated.

“As this school year begins, we ask the Houthi authorities and the Yemeni government to provide us with our unpaid salaries. It is their fighting which has thrown us into misery,” Amal, a teacher in a public school in Sanaa, told Al Jazeera.

Amatallah Alhaji, head of the Yemen-based Arwa Organization for Development, Rights and Freedoms, told Al Jazeera that denying Yemeni teachers their pay has been a considerable blow to education in the country.

“Stopping teachers’ salaries has impeded the educational process and deepened poverty. Without being paid, teachers cannot commit to work or even reach schools far from their homes.”

The primary focus of the warring parties in Yemen is the battlefield, not the classroom.

Consequently, the student drop-out rate has increased.

UN reports estimate that 2.4 million students aged 6 to 17 are out of school.

“The war in Yemen has deprived thousands of students of their right to education and schooling. This happens because many government schools have been turned into military barracks or homes for internally displaced people,” said Alhaji.

Recruiting child soldiers in Yemen has been a common practice during the war. Schools, especially in Houthi-controlled areas, have become mobilisation hubs.

Ali, a school teacher in Sanaa, said Houthi authorities see child recruitment as an integral approach to guarantee the availability of fighters.

UN experts estimate that some 2,000 children enlisted by the Houthis had been killed between January 2020 and May 2021.

In April this year, Houthi authorities in Sanaa and UNICEF signed an action plan to prevent and end child recruitment. However, sending children to the front lines has not entirely ceased.

Ali said, “Many of the students who attended the Houthi-organised summer camps received ideological courses, and now they are ready to join the fighting if ordered to do so. Their minds have been turned into mines.”

Like the Houthis, the Yemeni government has previously recruited children, but it has taken measures to curb this practice, according to UN officials.

Eight years of military hostilities and political turbulence have set Yemen back decades in multiple areas, including education.

“An entire generation was born and has grown up in the shadow of war and conflict,” said Alhaji. “Leaving this generation without education is disgraceful and will lead to a big catastrophe.” – by Al Jazeera Staff

(** B K P)

Socotra Island could host the Middle Eastern joint air defense system

Socotra , the Yemeni island located exactly at the opening of the Gulf of Aden , through which the hundreds of ships crossing the vital Suez Canal pass every day, could soon see the installation of a military base that would go to integrate with the regional joint air defense network known as the Middle East Air Defense Alliance (Mead) .

It is about creating a unified communication system that connects all the early warning sensors deployed by the participating countries under the supervision of the US Centcom ( Central Command ): a shared radar alert network that will allow real-time detection and tracking of aerial threats , such as UAVs ( Unmanned Air Vehicle ) or ballistic and cruise missiles. We have already seen that among the participating Middle Eastern nations (Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Bahrain and Jordan) there is also the United Arab Emirates, one of the most important allies of the United States at this time thanks to the signing of the Abraham which took place in August 2020.

It is Abu Dhabi itself that is involved in the Socotra integration project in the Mead network, although the island formally belongs to Yemen.

The Emirates have above all established a military presence in Socotra, and according to a recent Breaking Defense article , they are evaluating the possibility of expanding that presence by inserting missile defense sensors, which would become part of Mead, which could be defined as the prodrome of the birth of a born in the Middle East.

The eventual clearance, or tacit consent, by Washington to the possibility of seeing area defense sensors and systems in Socotra could, however, raise critical issues, as it would constitute a contradiction of the principle of respect for territorial sovereignty defended by the White House for the Ukrainian question.

Beyond these broader considerations, it is particularly interesting to note how the policy of the United Arab Emirates has quietly become more assertive .

Socotra, in fact, is not the only example of an island being occupied far from the spotlight of international politics – by Paolo Mauri

(** B E P)

The Yemen Financial Sector: Challenges and Opportunities for Recovery


The Yemeni financial sector plays a critical role in facilitating trade and import financing, providing banking services to the humanitarian and development sectors, and processing remittance flows into Yemen. With the Yemeni economy’s import dependence and highly centralised nature, political control over Yemeni monetary and financial regulatory bodies and sources of foreign exchange (FX) supply are likely to play a key role in any peacebuilding discussions. The financial sector in Yemen is also not well understood. There is no single public-facing resource that can provide an overview of the system and the impacts of the conflict on its different components. This paper provides an overview of the current Yemeni financial sector, including developments resulting from the war and an understanding of political economy elements.

The purpose of this thematic paper on the Yemeni financial sector is to deepen stakeholders’ understanding of the structure of that sector by highlight its complexities and risks. The paper intends to function as a foundational document and, as such, will not go into details about any single component. The research and drafting of this report were conducted between October–December 2021, with additional edits made in January–February 2022. ACAPS/YAT acknowledge key developments that have occurred during 2022, however these are not covered in the report- Key developments include the Russian military intervention in Ukraine starting February – and its impacts on international trade and financial market dynamics and domestic economies worldwide, including Yemen (Reuters 25/02/2022; UNICEF 11/06/2022). There are also the more encouraging developments that have occurred since April 2022, which could yet result in increased and sustained positive gains for Yemen’s financial sector – noting the separate USD 2 billion pledges that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) made on 7 April 2022 and the additional USD 1 billion worth of support from the KSA in the form of fuel and development aid (Reuters 07/04/2022 and 16/05/2022).

From Key findings

Many banks suffer from a preconflict reliance on Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) FX financing, large treasury bill investments, and the holding of CBY accounts frozen since 2016.

Political economy dynamics influence Yemen’s banking and regulatory bodies and are a significant source of weakness in the system.

Limited Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) capacities, in conjunction with the fragmentation of the Financial Information Unit (FIU), have also left banks in a weaker position.

The economic competition between the de-facto authority (DFA) in the north of Yemen (also known as the Houthis) and the Internationally Recognized Government of Yemen (IRG) has led to the fragmentation and bifurcation of key economic state-institutions, the local currency, and monetary policy, affecting the financial sector.

The competing claims to authority over and attempts to regulate the financial sector threaten to cause significant damage to Yemeni banks and money exchange companies that will be difficult to undo.

The de-facto split in the Yemeni currency has lead to the escalating loss of its value.

A dysfunctional judicial system undermines the financial sector by making failure to abide by contract terms a low-risk activity

If this link does not work, try via

cp2 Allgemein / General

(* A K P)

Interactive Map of Yemen War

(A K)


(* B P)

Biden hailed Yemen truce in Saudi visit, but war is far from over

President Joe Biden hailed his visit to Saudi Arabia last week, pushing back against criticism of his smiling sit-downs with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other autocrats while citing progress toward ending the Persian Gulf kingdom’s war in Yemen.

The president described success in securing a Saudi commitment to extending a nearly four-month U.N.-mediated truce

But with that truce set to expire on Aug. 2, warring parties appear far apart, Western nations’ leverage over Iranian-backed Houthi rebels remains slim and a political solution to the conflict is not on the horizon - intensifying questions about whether the U.S.-backed peace effort can succeed.

The stakes are perilously high

Some critics derided the White House’s attempt in the lead-up to Biden’s visit to highlight its effort to end the war - which has included an 18-month, behind-the-scenes diplomatic push - as a fig leaf for a visit that was aimed chiefly at healing a rift with gulf nations and boosting global oil supplies.

One official with a nongovernmental group, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak freely, said the administration failed to publicly acknowledge Saudi Arabia’s role in the war and its record of bombing Yemeni civilians.

“They’re instrumentalizing the Yemen war to brandish Saudi Arabia’s human rights file, which fails both Yemen and the human rights agenda,” the official said.

A senior State Department official, who like other officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly, said the talks had succeeded in securing an explicit commitment from Saudi leaders - expressed privately to the visiting American delegation - that the kingdom would support a truce extension of six months, something diplomats believe is crucial to give them space to forge a lasting political settlement.

Biden “wanted to walk away from these meetings with a lot of things, but one of which was to feel very solid that the Saudis are committed,” the official said. “The point we made was not only to renew the truce but to build on it.”

But diplomats and analysts said it is unlikely Saudi Arabia would have needed much American prodding. The kingdom concluded some time ago that it needed to extricate itself from the war - a quagmire for the Saudis that hasn’t managed to leave the Houthis defeated, or even weakened, and has led to years of criticism over the kingdom’s human rights record.

Extending the truce provided the Saudis with something they desperately wanted: a pause in cross-border Houthi missile and drone attacks that have also targeted the UAE, Saudi Arabia’s partner in a military coalition fighting the Houthis.

“The war exhausted them economically and politically,” said Maysaa Shuja al-Deen, a senior researcher at the Sanaa Center for Strategic Studies, referring to the Saudis. The crown prince, she added, “wants to discuss any subject other than Yemen.”

As the wrangling continues, “everyone is talking about truce and not political settlement,” Shuja al-Deen said. A political process promises to be far more complex, given fractures that have emerged from the long conflict and pessimism that the Houthis will make any concessions, given the power and the territory they have acquired.

And it was far from clear that the United States had the appetite to wrestle with those complexities, Shuja al-Deen said.

“For them, Yemen is the south of Saudi Arabia.” The United States could use its influence to pressure Saudi Arabia and the UAE to aid Yemen in the postwar era, by rebuilding infrastructure they had helped destroy, she said. But the Americans had “no leverage over the Houthis.” =

(A P)

Houthi official calls on coalition to stop using "Iran monster"

Member of the Iranian-backed Houthi negotiation delegation on Sunday called on the Saudi-led coalition to stop interfering in Yemen's affairs and using the Iranian monster to infringe the country's sovereignty.
"We bless any rapprochement between regional countries," Abdul Malik al-Ajri tweeted.

(B K P)

Film: Helmut Krieger - Krieg und Wissen (KnowWar), Imperialismus, Ressourcen-Kriege, Jemen, Palästina

Mag. Dr. Helmut Krieger ist Stellvertretender Institutsvorstand des Instituts für Internationale Entwicklung an der Universität Wien. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind u.a.: postkoloniale & materialistische Staatstheorien

(A P)

Sanaa takes initiative to end one of biggest crises in Yemen

Sanaa threw the ball into the court of the Saudi-led coalition, agreeing to solve one of the country’s biggest problems due to the coalition’s war on Yemen.

The Deputy Foreign Minister in the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, announced the acceptance of the challenge announced by member of the “Riyadh-formed Presidential Council” and “Governor of Marib” loyal to the coalition, Sultan Al-Aradah, to link the electricity from Marib gas-powered plant to the capital, Sanaa, during an interview with “BBC” last Saturday.

Al-Aradah boasted of defying what he described as the “Houthis” by accepting this offer.

Hussein Al-Ezzi said on his Twitter account, “I call on the Islah Party militia to speed up the reconnection of Marib plant to the capital, Sanaa, and to form a joint committee to actually start implementation.”

He continued, “We renew the warning to the German company Siemens, the manufacturer of the station’s units, not to approach (Marib Gas Power Station) without the approval of Sanaa and to guarantee the rights of citizens in all areas fed by the station.” =


(A P)

Al-Houthi: Sanaa welcomes any offer to reconnect electricity from Marib plant

(B P)

Audio: Warum die Waffenruhe in Jemen hält

In Jemen herrschte jahrelang Krieg. Dabei stehen sich Huthi-Rebellen und eine internationalen Koalition, geführt von Saudi-Arabien, unversöhnlich gegenüber. Ein Krieg mit massiven Folgen für die lokale Bevölkerung: Internationale Organisationen sprechen von einer der grössten humanitären Krisen der Welt. Doch seit April ruhen die Waffen. Wo steht Jemen heute? Ein Gespräch mit der Nahost-Expertin Gudrun Harrer von der österreichischen Zeitung «Der Standard».

Freedom Forward: Boycott the Dictators of Saudi Arabia and UAE

It is time for a global boycott of the dictators who rule Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Boycotts are a powerful tool for holding dictators and human rights violators accountable. When enough people demand change, global powers are forced to pay attention.

The Saudi and UAE dictators have committed many crimes:

They have starved and slaughtered thousands in Yemen.

They have used torture and imprisoned peaceful activists.

They have made the climate crisis even worse with their fossil fuel exports.

The world must boycott the dictators of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates -- including their ruling institutions, financial holdings, and global investments.

Please add your name and join our campaign.

(A P)

A security source in the capital tells the full details of the entry of Houthi leader “Hussein Al-Azi” to Aden

The source said that the information indicates that the Houthi leader, “Hussein Al-Ezzi,” moved at dawn an hour before sunrise with two of his companions last Wednesday morning, leaving the city of Al-Bayda, and it was only a short period of time until he arrived at one of the suspicious Yafa sheikhs to receive him a warm welcome.

The source added that Al-Ezzi spent 24 hours in the hospitality of that sheikh - who did not disclose his name - wandering in Yafa' length and breadth, and ate with him bread and salt, and then moved with him to the "beloved Aden" as mentioned by Al-Ezzi.


(A P)

The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Sana'a government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, revealed the message behind his recent visit to the city of Aden Al-Ezzi said in a tweet on “Twitter”: The message was: Neither the outside nor the corrupt are allowed to push to fight us from any region. Al-Ezzi stressed that the freedmen and revolutionaries are in the joints of the joints and the details of the details.. He added: We do not want to harm anyone, so stop him from us and our country, because whoever harms us this time will not only harm him, but we will turn him, with God's help, into a scandal. Al-Ezzi warned that the Yemeni parties should not participate in Sana'a's efforts to lift the siege, saying: Whoever does not share our keenness to lift the siege and avoid spreading evil can simply try his luck in the next round, and to God is the end of things.

(A P)


Discussing possibilities of extending UN truce in Yemen for 6 month

On Hidayat TV with Massod Shadjareh DISCUSSING: -Possibilities of extending Yemen's truce for 6 months - US plan to lift ban on U.S. sales of offensive weapons to KSA -Senate introduced a resolution to remove U.S. Armed Forces from unauthorized involvement in the war in Yemen

(A P)

50 Yemeni fishermen arrive in Hodeida from Eritrean prisons

50 Yemeni fishermen arrived on Thursday in Al-Khoba port of Hodeida province, after they were released from prisons of the Eritrean authorities.

Returning fishermen reported that they were kidnapped in Yemeni territorial waters by the boats of the Eritrean authorities and forcibly taken to the prisons of the State of Eritrea and detained for a period ranging from 25 to 50 days.

They added that their boats and equipment were confiscated before their arrest.

and also

cp2a Saudische Blockade / Saudi blockade

(A P)

YPC: Coalition seeks to create fuel crisis in Sanaa

(A P)

Aggression seizes diesel ship in new violation of armistice

The company's official spokesman Issam Al-Mutawakil added that the aggression coalition seized the diesel ship "Seadoor".

and also

(A P)

Yemenia arrives, takes off Sana'a International Airport

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Transport Minister again calls for opening Sanaa airport, Hodeida port completely

(B P)

Yemen loses $5 million due to coalition’s seizure of fuel ships during truce

The continued seizure of fuel ships by the Saudi-led coalition caused Yemen to lose $5 million since the start of the truce, spokesman for the Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC), Issam Al-Mutawakel, said Tuesday.

In a statement to Al-Masirah TV, Al-Mutawakel indicated that fluctuations in the global stock exchange prices caused fines for impounded fuel ships to rise from 20,000 dollars per day to 35,000 dollars.

Al-Mutawakel confirmed that the fluctuation of international stock prices and the continued piracy of fuel ships by the coalition made the truce lose its effect inside Yemen. =


(A P)

Hodeida port is free of oil ships despite armistice: YPC

(A P)

Yemen Airways announces intensified flights between Amman and Sanaa next month. This means UN-mediated truce that will expire on 2 August is going to be extended.

(B P)

Yemen Needs Daily Medical Flight Departing from Sana'a Int. Airport for One Year

Head of the Supreme Medical Committee, Dr. Mutahar Al-Darwish, stressed that Yemen needs a daily flight for a year to save the lives of thousands of patients and to overcome the disaster created by the siege over the past seven years

"1,200 patients with their helpers traveled through 15 flights provided by the truce, noting that they constitute only 2% of the total patients in need of treatment abroad," he said. "35% of patients who need treatment abroad are children, 80% of them have congenital heart defects," he added.

The head of the Supreme Medical Committee also indicated that 40% of patients who need treatment abroad are women, breast and thyroid cancers top the list of diseases.

and also

(A P)

284 passengers leave Sana'a Int'l Airport for Jordan

and also and

(A P)

YPC: Aggression coalition seizes gasoline ship

The Yemeni Petroleum Company (YPC) announced on Monday that the US-Saudi-led aggression coalition seized the gasoline ship "Uhud", in a new violation of the declared armistice.
The company's official spokesman Issam Al-Mutawakel told the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the aggression coalition detained the gasoline ship, which carries more than 31,000 tons, and prevented it from reaching the port of Hodeida, despite it has been inspected and given a permit from the United Nations.

and also

(A P)

YPC: UN Representative Lies About Total Number of Fuel Ships Arriving in Hodeidah

Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) confirmed Friday that the UN representative continues to mislead the International community about the total number of fuel ships arriving at the port of Hodeidah.

The executive director of the company, Ammar Al-Adrai, told Almasirah that "the total number of fuel ships that entered through Hodeidah, according to the timeline of the UN-sponsored truce, is only 24 ships."

Denying what Grundberg said that the ships coming to Hodeidah are subject to procedures, Al-Adrai confirmed that they are taken by the US-Saudi aggression after obtaining the UN permits, indicating that all the ships that arrived at the port of Hodeidah were subjected to piracy and detention.

Al-Adhra'i revealed that more than 2 million barrels of crude oil were looted per month through the occupied ports by the US-Saudi mercenaries.

and also

(* A P)

Over 9,000 passengers travel through Sana'a airport during armistice

4,674 passengers traveled from Sana'a to Amman, Jordan, via Yemenis Airlines, while 4,508 passengers came back to Sana'a coming from Jordan during April 16 - July 20.
Only one flight has been carried out between Sana'a and Cairo airports since the beginning of the 2-month truce, early last April, and during the 2-month extension until July 20, he said, adding that a plane of Yemenia Airlines flew to Cairo with 78 passengers on board and returned to Sana'a carrying 145 passengers.
According to the UN envoy"s office in Sana'a, the delay in the official approval of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry was the reason behind operating only one trip to Cairo, Jabal said.

(A P)

Saudi-Arabien beschlagnahmt trotz Waffenstillstand jemenitische Treibstoffschiffe

Verantwortliche sagen, dass die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition seit Anfang Juni nur 8 von 18 Schiffen die Einreise in das Land erlaubt hat und immer noch drei weitere Schiffe beschlagnahmt, was eine klare Verletzung des von der UNO vermittelten Abkommens darstellt.

(A P)

YPC: Aggression coalition seizes new diesel ship

YPC's official spokesman Essam al-Mutawakel stated the US-led aggression coalition seized the diesel ship "BSS Energy", which was loaded with more than 28 thousand tons, despite its inspection and obtaining an entry permit from the United Nations.

and also

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

Siehe / Look at cp1

(B H)

Humanitarien Relief IHH: Donate!

We have been working in order to reach out to the needy families in the countryside who are trying to survive in very difficult conditions as a result of the conflict.

As the skirmishes continue famine appeared in Yemen. We aim to help aid the country by delivering emergency aid packages of food, and medical supplies alternately to a little bit alleviate the suffering due to famine and civil war. Especially lack of food and clean water is a huge problem in Yemen while health crisis escalates daily. The civilians are fighting with hunger and illnesses. In order to help improve the situation in Yemen we need the support of charitable people.

Since 2017 IHH has delivered food aid to 5.000 families across the country but especially in the countryside of Taiz and Sana. The aid packages contained baby formula and hygiene kits as well.

IHH delivered health clinic service in İHH in Yemen in 2016 in addition to emergency aids such as food, flour and water. Around two million civilians benefited from IHH’s aid, which still continues.

(B H)

Muslim Aid: Success Story: Sustainable WASH Solutions for Conflict Affected Communities in Yemen

(B E H)

Yemen Socio-Economic Update, Issue 70 - March 2022

In This Edition

Importance of Technical Education and Vocational Training in Development

The Current Situation of Technical Education and Vocational Training in Yemen

Role of the Private Sector in Promoting TEVT

TEVT and Labor Market Needs

Impact of the War and Conflict on the TEVT Sector

Main Challenges and Priority Solutions

An Overview of Experiences and Lessons Learned from Other Countries

Technical education and vocational training seeks to provide education and training opportunities and equip all groups of society with the necessary technical and professional skills, continue education and gain skills for employment or exercise income – generating activities, in addition to providing the local and regional labor markets with qualified and experienced staff which are engines for production and economic promotion. Overall, TEVT increases productivity, self – realization, self – confidence, and stimulating workers and empower them to research develop and increase their chances for use and promotion, which thereby generates more jobs and reduce unemployment.

This requires building a strong partnership with the private sector would ensure outputs directly contributing to the promotion of economic growth and development that fit well into the labour market needs, and reduce high unemployment.

Despite reluctance by some Yemeni families to send their children to TEVT, yet this type of education has received a lot of attention by the state, including the drafting of national TEVT strategies.

(B H)

Northampton nonprofit steps up to aid Yemeni man severely injured in drone strike

Adel Al Manthari, a civilian advisor to one of Yemen’s provincial governors, was driving to the village of al-Aqla when a Hellfire missile shot from an American military drone struck his car, killing four of his cousins who were traveling with him to sell a parcel of land.

Today, Al Manthari is in a hospital in Cairo, Egypt, still undergoing surgeries and working to recover from the strike that caused severe burns to the entire left side of his body and broke his hip.

The Northampton nonprofit Ban Killer Drones is raising money online through the website GoFundMe for Al Manthari’s medical treatment and recuperation, and to offset the financial pain that his family has endured.

(* B H)

'Hajar' – a strong young student in Yemen

Hajar, 21-year-old woman, is studying to be a medical assistant in Yemen. She belongs to “The Marginalized,“ a community of Yemeni citizens known in Arabic as the “Muhamasheen.“

Numan Al-Hudhaifi, president of the Yemeni Union for “The Marginalized,” told us that this minority group suffers from great racial and class discrimination in Yemen.

According to studies by humanitarian organizations, individuals who have been minoritized and marginalized live in dangerous humanitarian conditions, and they are deprived of basic rights in Yemen.

We visited Hajar in her house in the city of Taiz. Small huts were everywhere in the neighborhood, mostly built of plastic and tires and without bathrooms or toilets. Residents there suffer from poverty, lack of education and disease.

Hajar, who lives with her parents and has six brothers and sisters, spends much of her time collecting plastic bottles to sell to help support her family. Most of the people in this community cannot read or write. Hajar says that few children in the community go to school, and when they are able to go, they face bullying by students in the schools, leading them to drop out. A majority of “The Marginalized” work in jobs cleaning streets and collecting plastic waste.

Hajar says that she started studying at her school with the encouragement of her father and mother. During the study period, there was a lot of discrimination against her, she said, because of her skin color and belonging to “The Marginalized” community. She recounted being told to sit in the back seats of classrooms, and pointed out, "There are special seats for marginalized students."


(* B H)

WFP Yemen Food Security Update, July 2022


Following the 02 April truce, the Yemeni riyal appreciated by 34 percent in areas under the internationally recognized Government of Yemen largely due to the anticipation of a USD 2 billion deposit at the Central Bank of Yemen Aden. However, the YER had depreciated by 19 percent by the end of June 2022 and shortages in foreign currency reserves continue to prevail.

Fuel imports through Al Hodeidah and Salif ports significantly increased in association with the agreed truce in April During the second half of 2022 the total fuel imports through the northern ports increased by 137 percent compared to the previous year.

Local prices of petrol and diesel increased across the country during June 2022 Year on year fuel prices doubled in the south and increased significantly in the north.

During the second half of 2022 total food imports through Al Hodeidah and Salif ports were 17 percent higher than the same period last year On the other hand, food imports through Aden port decreased by 53 percent compared to the same period in 2021.

Global food prices reached an all time high during March 2022 and have remained at similarly high levels since then Global food prices have increased by 23 percent since June 2021 and are expected to increase further through the end of 2024 due to the ripple effect of Ukraine Russia crisis on supply chains (Source World Bank).

Continued funding shortages led WFP to reduce food rations further as of June 2022 As of June, WFP targets five million people with less than half of their daily requirement and eight million people receive close to one third of their daily requirement.

in areas under the IRG, the cost of the minimum food basket has increased by 77 percent over the past 12 months In areas under the Sana’a based authorities, the cost of the MFB increased by 38 percent. The cumulative increase in food prices since early 2021 is further eroding the already limited purchasing power of households and leading many to adopt severe coping strategies.

In June 2022 the proportion of households lacking access to adequate food bounced back to pre Ramadan levels and reached 52 percent in areas under the IRG, and 49 percent in areas under the Sana’a based authorities Food insecurity reached critically high levels in 18 out of the 22 governorates.

(B H P)

Additional World Bank Financing Will Support Yemen to Protect and Improve support to Human Capital

The World Bank has approved an additional US$150 million in grants for the second phase of the Yemen Emergency Human Capital Project. The new funding builds on activities supported by a US$150 million parent project, which began in 2021.

“The project will strengthen access to critical health, nutrition, water and sanitation services for millions of vulnerable Yemenis,” said Tania Meyer, World Bank Country Manager for Yemen. “It is a key feature of the World Bank’s strategy to continuously invest in Yemen’s human capital during the conflict and safeguard the future of coming generations”.

The grant from the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries, the International Development Association (IDA), will provide essential health and nutrition services to 5.2 million Yemenis; vital water and sanitation services to 1.3 million Yemenis, train 6,140 health personnel; and support 2,379 sites for early warning and disease surveillance systems to detect outbreaks of infectious diseases. Public health campaigns will also be carried out to prevent polio, malaria, schistosomiasis, and trachoma, amongst others. The project will be implemented by the United Nations Children's Fund, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), in collaboration with local stakeholders.

(B H)

Escalating food prices exacerbate Yemen poverty

Residents of the Yemen seaport city of Aden say a sharp rise in the price of fish is hurting their ability to feed their families. Seafood is a main source of protein in coastal areas, and soaring costs add to pre-existing food insecurity where the World Bank reports millions are experiencing hunger that verges on famine. One kilo of the locally caught tuna costs US12$. Prices of other foodstuffs have also increased, exacerbating poverty worsened by the war. Citizens in Aden tell A24 that they are frustrated by their government's inability to curb the rise in prices.

(B H)

Yemen: Agrometeorological update - June Issue (Ref: #23) | 01 - 30 June 2022


The drought that persisted since early in the year is coming to an end

High likelihood of extreme rainfall events which will potentially trigger widespread floods from 19 – 31 July

Dust clouds continued to blanket Yemen throughout June

A spike in livestock diseases and mortality was observed through.

(B H)

Audio: Jemen, Eritrea, Kongo: Ein Arzt auf Reisen

In dieser Folge von who cares berichtet uns Dr. Theophylaktos Emmanouilidis, kurz Dr. Emma, von den Erlebnissen bei seinen Einsätzen in Ländern wie Eritrea, DR Kongo oder Jemen.

(* B H)

Yemen: hunger is overflowing during the war in Ukraine

Yemen is one of the countries most affected by the stop on grain imports from Ukraine. This situation highlights how the consequences of the conflict can go far

The imports from Ukraine represent 31% of wheat that arrived in the country in the last 3 months. Prices have risen dramatically to seven times higher than in 2015 (OCHA source). Storage capacity at the main ports of Aden and Hodeida manages to cover only 20% of annual requirements, leading to high exposure to price volatility in international trade. At this moment, a kilogram of wheat flour costs on average more than 800 rials in the south of the country, compared to 146 rials before the crisis. “The cost of the food basket had already quadrupled over the 2021”, Mattia Leveghi says, INTERSOS aid worker in Yemen, inflation continues to rise, and we need to also add the lack of oil, despite the richness of this source in Yemen. Moreover, the structural shortage of drinking water is exacerbated by climate change”.

The health system has been irreparably weakened by the conflict: half of the medical facilities are not functioning at this moment, and the sanitary conditions of thousands of people are truly precarious. This context makes the risk of malnutrition even more concrete for a large part of the population.

In the meantime, the numbers related to malnutrition are rising. There are about 50,000 children who do not receive enough food each day, therefore, they are suffering from what is called severe malnutrition. More than 2 million children have reached the level of severe malnutrition, the same level as 1,3 million pregnant or lactating women. Moreover, 4,6 million people do not have the access to safe drinking water. Since December 2020 it has registered an increase of 29% of people in a food crisis state: it is about 18 million people (OCHA).

In a worsening situation, the latest analysis predicts that about 160,000 people will be in a state of famine by the end of the year, the most severe range of food insecurity states.“Only Humanitarian organizations will not be able to face this acute phase without a real intervention from the international community, without considering also that the war in Ukraine is worsening the situation”, Leveghi concludes.

(B H)

WFP Yemen Situation Report #6, June 2022


Due to severe and persistent funding shortfalls, WFP was forced to make further cuts to its general food assistance (GFA) programme in June, impacting 13 million people.

Due to supply interruptions compounded by funding shortfalls, WFP was forced to significantly scale down its nutrition assistance programme in June.

In June, WFP took steps to commence the provision of cash assistance under its nutrition assistance programme, supported by dedicated funding.

(B H)

WFP Yemen Country Brief, June 2022

Operational Updates

WFP assisted approximately 6.7 million people across its activities in Yemen in June 2022.

During the calendar month of June, WFP assisted 6.6 million people with general food assistance (GFA):
Approximately 5.7 million people were assisted with inkind food assistance, 876,100 people with commodity vouchers and 6,700 people with cash-based transfers.

WFP continued dispatching GFA to 13.3 million people, with 41,500 metric tons (mt) of food dispatched over the calendar month. However, due to funding shortfalls WFP in June was forced to further reduce rations to all beneficiary groups: Five million people in IPC Phases 4-5 will receive less than half their daily caloric requirement, while eight million people in IPC Phase 3 will receive just one-third of their daily caloric requirements.

The inter-agency United Nations Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) assisted 4,413 households (approximately 30,700 people) in June with RRM kits.

(B H)

WFP Yemen Emergency Dashboard (March 2022)

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

(B H)

Film by Al-Imdaad Foundation: On the ground in Yemen

Al-Imdaad Foundation teams are on the ground in Yemen, at the site of a shelter village established for displaced families in November 2021.

(B H)

Migration along the Eastern Corridor, Report 28 | as of 30 June 2022

This regional report provides monthly updates on the complex migratory dynamics through Djibouti, Somalia, Yemen and Ethiopia based on diverse data sources and consultations with key informants in the four countries. Moreover, it provides information on the main protection concerns for migrants along the journey

(B H)

Film: Let's remember Yemen at this moment. People who have been displaced by the conflict deserve the world’s attention.

(B H)


Alia is full of life; she loves going out to spend time with her family and to laugh with the local children. But life has not been easy for Alia. She suffers from brain atrophy, which impairs her balance and lower limbs, making her unable to move on her own or to leave home often.

At 18 years of age, Alia has been displaced for many years. She lives with her four brothers and older sister, Manal, who has cared for her since she was a young girl.

“We used to carry her everywhere we would go, whether outside to a close garden or faraway to the hospital,” explained 29-year-old Manal.

When Alia was just nine, Manal married and moved away, leaving Alia with their father and stepmother.

“For a long time, Alia did not see the outside world. As she grew older, the family found it hard and felt ashamed to carry their daughter out in public,” added Manal.

In the last year, IOM has provided 6,629 newly displaced families with multi-purpose cash assistance across 11 governorates as part of the inter-agency Rapid Response Mechanism assistance package, which was coupled with in-kind assistance from other agencies (photos)

(B H)

IOM Yemen: Rapid Displacement Tracking - Yemen IDP Dashboard Reporting Period: 10 to 16 July 2022

From 1 January to 16 July 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 7,134 households (HH) (42,804 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.

Between 10 and 16 July 2022, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 36 households (216 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:

(B H)

Film: Anisa Leaves War-torn Yemen on First Ever Voluntary Return Flight from Ma’rib

Anisa, 22, arrived in Yemen three years ago intending to reach Saudi Arabia to find work there. She became one of 4,500 migrants who has been stranded in Ma’rib due to the conflict and restricted mobility on the route. In June, she and her two children left on the first Voluntary Humanitarian Return Flight to depart from Ma’rib. With the support from the Governments of the United States and Norway, the International Organization for Migration is helping thousands of migrants return to Ethiopia on VHR flights. But more are still in need of this urgent lifeline. IOM’s humanitarian assistance and protection services in response to the needs of the migrants are aligned with the Regional Migrant Response Plan for the Horn of Africa and Yemen.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A K)

Photo: M4 automatic weapon made in #Yemen

(A P)

Sanaa says it does not recognize presence of French ambassador to Yemen

The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Sanaa government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, on Thursday said that there is no French ambassador to Yemen, nor a Yemeni ambassador to France.

Al-Ezzi confirmed in a tweet on “Twitter” that “Sanaa does not recognize any people who impersonate such traits.”

He pointed out that the French embassy in Sanaa is closed, stressing that it will remain so until France corrects its stances towards the Yemeni people and stops exports of its weapons that kill Yemeni children and women like the rest of the US-Saudi-led coalition countries.

(A P)

Houthis charge unprecedented fees (8000 Yer) to all Yemeni students in state schools under the name of "community participation". Govt education was almost free since 26th Sept Rev. 1962. Before that, during the Immate rule, there was no formal education system in North #Yemen. (document in image)

(A P)

Family of #Yemeni journalist Tawdiq al-Mansouri, detained by Houthis since 2015, making urgent appeal to save his life, saying his health has been deteriorating rapidly over the past few hours at the central prison, & Houthis denying him medical treatment.

(* A P)

Sanaa will not recognize any foreign debts owed by Yemen: Deputy FM

Deputy Foreign Minister in Sanaa, Hussein Al-Ezzi, said on Wednesday that Sanaa would not recognize any debts owed by Yemen after the 2014 revolution.

“Since the outbreak of the Yemeni revolution in 2014, Yemen has not resorted to any foreign debt,” Al-Ezzi stated on Twitter.

“Sanaa does not recognize any country in the world for any loans that are provided to the Saudi-led coalition’s tools who appointed from abroad, and fled from justice, as well as they do not represent the interests of Yemen.”

He added that any agreements concluded with them would be considered illegal.

(B H K)

Photos: Children fight on frontlines of Yemen War

(A P)

Houthis kill, and wound and kidnap civilians in a new village in north Yemen

Houthi terrorists are attacking a new village in north Yemen killing, wounding and kidnapping its residents, alongside Khubza village which is under siege for more than one week.

Sources in Mahweet province said Houthi militants including the militia's self-styled governor for Mahweet besieged Hayfatayn village in Shibam Kawkaban district shot a man dead injured his son and kidnapped the remaining villagers while trying to dig a water well for the "governor's brother" in the village in the villager's land despite their objection.


(A P)

Three killed and injured, 20 kidnapped in Houthi attack on north Yemen village

Two people were killed, one injured and 20 others were kidnapped in a an armed attack by the terrorist Houthi militia in Hayftayn village in Mahweet province on Monday evening./Alsahwa Net website

(A P)

The Houthi militia are besieging the residents of Al-Khamseen zonein Sana'a. The population are appealing: open passageways for us./Almanarah Net

(* A P)

Yemen: Houthis abduct girls in Hajjah on prostitution charges

Yemeni officials and human rights activists estimated the number of abducted girls at 100

Yemeni activists and human rights groups stated on Monday that the Iran-backed Houthi group has kidnapped dozens of girls from their homes on charges of prostitution since the beginning of July in the northwestern province of Hajjah.

Yemeni officials and human rights activists estimated the number of abducted girls at 100 and warned that the Houthis falsely accused the female prisoners of prostitution without providing evidence to support their claims.

SAM Organization for Rights and Freedoms estimated the number of abducted girls at 60 in less than a month, noting the absence of details about these measures, which it described as “outrageous and unacceptable, and that they violate the rules of protection guaranteed by international law for individuals in general and women in particular.”

As reported by local media, the organization said, in a statement, that it had obtained field testimonies about the Houthi group’s implementation of kidnappings of an estimated 60 girls from their homes since the beginning of July, through an armed raid campaign that targeted many homes without legal permission, in a way that it described as “barbaric”, Which caused terror and anxiety among the families of these girls.

SAM explained that several military vehicles raided residential neighborhoods in the city of Hajjah, and took away the girls since before, during and after Eid Al Adha, without giving reasons, or presenting any judicial order to bring any of the kidnapped girls.

The human rights organization called for urgent action by all international and UN parties to put an end to the persistence of the armed Houthi militia, calling for the immediate release of the girls without conditions, and for those involved in them to be brought to a fair trial for the unjustified and serious violations they committed.

and also

(A P)

Houthis Commit Widespread Violations a Week Before Yemen Truce Ends

The Iran-backed Houthi militias are committing widespread violations, most notably in the besieged Taiz province, al-Jawf, Marib and the western coast, a week before the UN-sponsored truce ends.

A rights group in the al-Jawf province said the militias committed 20 violations against civilians in July.

They included the killing and injury of 18 people, arbitrary arrests and damage to three properties due to mines planted by the militias.

It added that the Houthis are committing almost daily violations in the province amid the truce that was announced in early April.

My remark: By a Saudi news site.

(A P)

Ten people killed and injured by Houthi militants in western Ibb

Four people were killed and six others were wounded as Houthi militants attacked civilians in Al-Oday district in the central Yemen province of Ibb on Sunday local sources have said.

The sources said the Houthi militia took sides in an armed confrontation the militia deliberately triggered between two families over a right of way in Ramada area in Al-Oday district of Ibb.

The Houthi militia are triggering smaller conflicts between families and clans in different parts of the country under the militia's control as part of the militia's policy to distract the population majority under their control from thinking about uprising against the militia's medieval theocratic rule.

(B P)

Houthis fuel wars in Yemen's population centers to keep tribes weak

The terrorist Houthi militia are fueling new wars in Yemen's population centers in the areas under their control to keep armed Yemeni tribes in the north weak and to guarantee that the disgruntled tribes do not rise up against the militia.

Observers say the terrorist militia have started fueling tensions and tribal armed confrontations in Bani Mansour area of Al-Haymatayn and Arahab in Sana'a, and in Ghawlat Ajib Alsowda districts in Amran.

The observers say the militia initiate conflicts or exploit civilian feuds by playing off tribes one against another and supplying them with weapons to sustain the war. One observer said the militia is now exploiting a confrontation between Abu Ahmed and Kaoot clans in Al-Sowda district in Amran.

(A P)

The terrorist Houthi militia executed a civilian named Mohammed Humaydan and dumped his body in the road, three days after kidnapping him from amongst his children in Hodeidah for unknown reason/Multiple websites

(A P)

Tribal hostilities leave civilian fatalities north Yemen

The Yemeni northern governorate of Amran has been the scene for tribal hostilities that left civilian fatalities, local sources said on Saturday.
Armed tribesmen from Abu Ahmed family engaged in violent clashes with others from Kaot family in al-Sawda, a district in the Houthi-held governorate of Amran, the sources added.
Seven civilians were killed and two others were wounded (including three children) in the hostilities that are still raging for the third day, according to the sources.
The clashes were triggered by dispute between the two families over a piece of farmland

(A P)

Al Hammadi transferred to solitary confinement in Houthi prison

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi militia moved Entisar al-Hammadi, a model sentenced to five years in prison last year, to solitary confinement, local media reported on Saturday.
Al-Hammadi was moved to solitary confinement following “horrific torture” at the Central Prison in Houthi-held Sanaa, news website Yemen Future reported, citing sources.
According to Yemen Future, al-Hammadi was physically abused and severely beaten.
Two sources, one of whom is a prisoner at the Central Prison, said the warden beat up al-Hammadi with an electric cable for chewing the narcotic plant khat outside her designated cell.
Al-Hammadi was detained in February 2021 and sentenced to five years in prison eight months later.
The Houthis charged al-Hammadi with prostitution, drug dealing, and breaching Islamic norms. Al-Hammadi denied all charges.
In May 2021, human rights organization Amnesty International said that al-Hammadi was forced to confess to several crimes, including drug possession and prostitution.

and also

(* A P)

Death Toll Mounts in Houthi Attack on Yemen’s Khubzah

Eighteen people, including women and children, have been killed and injured in the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ barbaric attack on Yemen’s Khubzah village, revealed rights sources on Thursday.

The militias launched their attack on the village on Tuesday after besieging it for a week. The attack is seen as a reprisal against villagers who have fought the Houthis since 2014.

The Presidential Leadership Council has called on the government to immediately come to the aid of the village, located in the al-Bayda province.

The SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties said the Houthis were using all forms of heavy weapons to attack homes and properties in Khubzah.

At least ten civilians, including children, have been killed, and seven others were wounded. A number of people are under siege amid the ongoing attack.

Local sources said the attack has caused widespread destruction. They expressed their fear that the Houthis would commit mass executions of the population, estimated at around 2,000 people. =

(A P)

Yemenis Condemn Brutal Houthi Attack Against Khubzah Village in Al-Bayda

Tribal leaders in the governorate tried to mediate with the Houthi militias to stop the attack, but their efforts were in vain, and the group mobilized more forces.

Furthermore, social media activists called for government and international intervention to save the village's residents.

Yemeni politician and media figure Kamel al-Khoudani said that the Houthis had besieged Khubzah for a week.

Khoudanni tweeted that Houthis prevented anyone from entering or leaving the village, and they mobilized their vehicles, heavy weapons, and fighters to bomb the homes.

Human rights activist Huda al-Sarari called on the countries sponsoring the peace process in Yemen, the UN envoy, and the Security Council to condemn the Houthis' violation of the truce.


(A P)

[Aden] Yemeni government lambasts Houthis for deadly raid on village

The attack was condemned by the Yemeni government, which said it unjustifiably targeted civilians.

"The Houthi militia is imposing an unjust siege on the village of Khabza in Al-Bayda Governorate, and is targeting citizens' homes with artillery and tanks", said Minister of Information Muammar Al-Eryani, as quoted by official Saba news agency.

"This bombing led to casualties (whose number was not mentioned), including women and children, and the destruction of a number of homes", he added.


(A P)

A statement condemning a deadly military campaign against civilians in Al-Bayda Governorate

Mayyun Organization condemns the military campaign launched by Houthi group 12 days ago against defenseless civilians in the village of Khabza in Al-Qurayshiah District, Al-Bayda Governorate, which led, until noon today, Wednesday, July 20, 2022 AD, to the deaths of 5 civilians, including a woman, and the injury of two others.

The continuation of Houthi columns, armed with heavy weapons, to besiege civilians, prevent the entry of foodstuffs or the exit of families from the village, and the humiliation of women’s dignity at the designated points is a flagrant violation of human rights.

We in the organization condemn this barbaric siege of civilians based on flimsy excuses in an incident that is not the first, as this shocking scene has been repeated in a number of areas during the past few years, most

(A P)

Qasem al-Humran, senior Houthi leader of the newly-formed "Backup & Support Battalions" saying it's their honor to be part of #Iran’s Axis of liberate #Makkah from agents & traitors, awa Jerusalem. (film)

(A P)


Der Journalist Younis Abdelsalam wird im Jemen seit fast einem Jahr von den De-facto-Behörden der Huthi willkürlich in Haft gehalten. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, mit ausländischen Organisationen kommuniziert zu haben. Nach seiner Festnahme wurde er mehrere Wochen lang Opfer des Verschwindenlassens und dann mindestens drei Monate lang ohne Kontakt zur Außenwelt inhaftiert. Younis Abdelsalam muss umgehend freigelassen werden und bis dahin vor Folter und anderer Misshandlung geschützt werden. Zudem muss er Zugang zu rechtlichem Beistand, seiner Familie und angemessener Gesundheitsversorgung erhalten.

and English version:

(A P)

Yemen: Release arbitrarily detained journalist: Younis Abdelsalam

Journalist Younis Abdelsalam has been arbitrarily detained without charge by the Huthi de facto authorities for almost a year. He was falsely accused of communicating with foreign entities. Following his arrest, he was subjected to enforced disappearance for several weeks and then held incommunicado for at least three months. Amnesty International urges the Huthi de facto authorities to immediately release Younis Abdelsalam. Pending his release, they must ensure he is protected from torture and other ill-treatment and that he has access to legal representation, his family, and adequate healthcare.

cp6 Südjemen und Aden-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Aden government

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Abductees’ Mothers Association demands the Presidential Leadership Council to uncover the fate of the forcibly disappeared and continue trying detainees fairly. (photos)

(A P)

Arbitration of Hadramout Tribes rejects suspension of deputy governor of Hadramout for Al-Wadi and al-Sahra districts Essam al-Kathiri by PLC member and Hadramout governor Farj al-Buhsani, statement (document)

Probably one of the most important developments in Yemen that will get absolutely no coverage in international media. Bahsani suspends Issam al-Kathiri as Deputy for Wadi Hadramawt, suspends Wadi Hadramawt oil company head

referring to

(A P)

Sheikh Zayed Festival Begins in Socotra

The sixth Sheikh Zayed Festival of Socotra Heritage kicked off in Hadibo, the capital of the archipelago on Thursday amid broad popular participation.
The annual traditional gathering is organized by the Ministry of Culture and supported and funded by the Emirati Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Foundation for Humanitarian Works

My comment: UAE annexion of Socotra continues.

(* A K P)

UAE Sends Foreign Engineers, Pilots, Including Israelis, to Yemen's Island, Socotra

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) sent a number of foreign engineers and pilots, including Israelis, to the Yemen's archipelago of Socotra, located in Indian Ocean.

Activists from Socotra reported that the UAE sent foreign engineers and pilots, through the Khalifa Foundation, to inaugurate a new runway for military aviation in the Nougd area, south of the island.

The activists explained that the runway, which was built by UAE in cooperation with the navy of the Zionist entity, is used for drones, and military helicopters.

The UAE forces had inaugurated last month a military airport in Hadibo with the participation of Zionists.

and also

(* A K P)

New batch of US forces arrive in Al-Ghaydah city

A new batch of US forces have arrived in Al-Ghaydah city, the Mahra provincial capital, in eastern Yemen.

According to local sources familiar with the matter, the US forces arrived at Al-Ghaydah Airport, coming from Al-Rayyan Airport in the city of Mukalla of Hadramout, in which they have taken the airport with the British forces and the Zionist entity, a military base since 2017.

The sources stated the arrival of the US forces coincided with subjecting the internet cables to sabotage in Sayhut area, accusing the American forces of planting spy devices led to the internet outage.

(A P)

Saudi-Backed Forces Attack Village, Kill, Injure Civilians in Coastal City, Khokhah

A group of the US-Saudi forces attacked a populated village in Al-Khokhah district southern Hodeidah governorate. Local sources said that armed individuals carried out an attack on a village in the coastal district of Al-Khokha, while pursuing an armed individual.

The sources pointed out that the force opened fire indiscriminately towards citizens and homes, killing a young man and injuring others.

and also

(A P)

Great temptations offered by Saudi and UAE to Sheikh Al-#Huraizi in order to abandon his national position and to abandon the resistance to the occupation, but he refused to submit to submission and sell the homeland, so today they are trying and get rid of him.


(A P)

Saudi-led forces storm house of Mahrah protest leader

Militias of the Saudi-led coalition stormed on Thursday a senior leader’s house in Mahrah province, eastern Yemen.

Local sources said that the militias stormed the house of the head of the anti-foreign occupation sit-in committee, Sheikh Ali Al-Haraizi.

Activists from the sons of Mahrah confirmed on social media that members of the “military police”of the coalition, including Emirati and Saudi officers, stormed with by 12 military vehicles, the house of Al-Haraizi, in Al-Mahif area.

The sit-in committee in Mahrah considered the storming of Sheikh Al-Haraizi’s house a blatant attack, describing it as a cowardly espionage act.


(A P)

Tribal sheikh vows revenge against Coalition’s attack on al-Harizi’s house

A prominent tribal sheikh in Mahra province, eastern Yemen, has vowed to take an appropriate response and defend the land and dignity, until the last drop of the blood.

“The people of Mahra will not stand idly by after the serious violation, which is storming the house of Sheikh Ali Salem al-Harizi, by militias of the Saudi-led coalition backed by the US and British forces,” said Sheikh Hameed Zaabnoot, the head of the peaceful sit-in committee in Shehn district of Mahra province.

He added, “Mahra tribes and other tribes of Yemen will not keep silent over the incursion into the house of Ali Salem al-Harizi. Our honor and dignity will not be allowable for the foreign occupation and its agents, and we will defend them with our blood.”

Sheikh Hameed Zaabnoot pointed out that the Mahra tribes are determined to respond to violations against their leaders, calling on everyone to stand united in the face of the foreign occupier. =


(A P)

Sheikh Ali Salim al-Huraizi said that US & UK forces joined by local "agents" stormed his unoccupied home in Yemen's al-Mahra province in a "show of force". He called for "struggle" until the "occupation" is [forced] out.

referring to film (in Arabic):


(A P)

Head of Mahra sit-in committee arrives in Al-Ghaydah

Sheikh Ali Salem al-Harizi, the chairman of sit-in committee in Mahra province, arrived Friday in the provincial capital, Al-Ghaydah, in eastern Yemen.

Al-Harizi chaired an emergency meeting for the committee’s members and its components.

The meeting condemned the raid by militias of the Saudi-led coalition on sheikh al-Harizi’s house on Thursday, following the directives of US and British forces present at al-Ghaydah airport.

The raid was a cowardly terrorist act, they said.

At the meeting, Sheikh Al-Harizi affirmed that he would continue to oppose foreign occupation forces and demand their departure from Mahra and Yemen, stressing that such acts would not dissuade him from his national principles and morals.

(A P)

Hadhramaut tribes reject Al-Basani’s decision to suspend al-Kathiri

(A P)

Yemen’s Aden-based government appoints new defence, oil ministers

Yemen’s Saudi-backed authorities replaced the defence and energy ministers in a cabinet reshuffle on Thursday in a move political sources said aimed to support cohesion of a new presidential council and address perceived corruption and mismanagement. =

and also

and more details and background:


(A P)

Coalition ousts “Al-Maqdashi” as defense minister

Sources familier with the matter said that the decision came within the coalition’s tendency to limit the influence of the Saudi-backed Islah party, which is considering Al-Maqdashi one of its top leaders and the right-hand man of General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar.

(A P)

[Separatist STC] president-al-zubaidi-we-have-a-just-cause-a-national-dogma-and-a-determination-to-restore-our-state-at-all-cost

(A P)

[Aden] central-bank-reveals-new-developments-about-the-date-of-signing-the-new-deposit

(A P T)

Islah condemns terror attack on its premises in eastern Yemen

Yemen's Congregation for Reform (Islah) has condemned as " cowardly terrorist" the attack on the political party's office in the eastern Yemeni province of Shabwa on Tuesday afternoon.

(A E P)

The Saudi ambassador continues to blackmail the Alimi Council with the deposit

The Saudi ambassador to the Al Alimi government, Muhammad Al Jaber, continued to blackmail the latter with the issue of handing over the Saudi deposit, which Riyadh and Abu Dhabi promised to hand over following the formation of the Al Alimi Council last April. Sources in the Central Bank in Aden revealed, on Wednesday, the background to the bank’s governor’s announcement that the Saudi-Emirati deposit, estimated at $3 billion, would soon be received.

The sources indicated that the announcement came at the behest of the Saudi ambassador, coinciding with the collapse of the currency again in the areas controlled by the coalition and the parties loyal to it. He pointed to the coalition’s efforts through this announcement to achieve two goals, the first is to calm the angry street as a result of this collapse, which amounted to 1200 riyals against one dollar, in Aden, while the second goal is to exploit this situation to pressure Al-Alimi to make changes in the government in line with the desire of #Riyadh and Abu Al Jaber.

According to the sources, the deposit will not be handed over to the bank, considering that the conditions set by the coalition in return for its delivery are illogical and exceed the government's ability to implement it. The Yemeni currency, in the areas under the control of the coalition and the loyal parties, recently witnessed a sharp decline against foreign currencies, which caused a great increase in suffering, as a result of its negative impact on all consumer and other prices, which rose insanely beyond the ability of the citizen to bear, and without providing any treatments from Alimi government to relieve the citizens.

(A T)

Powerful explosion rocks Aden

The sources confirmed that gunmen throwing a bomb next to a gas station in Mansoura directorate, which caused the blast.

The explosion caused fear and panic among residents in the two directorates. =

(A K P)

UAE sends Israelis engineers to Socotra

The UAE has sent a number of foreign engineers and pilots, including Israelis, to the Yemeni archipelago of Socotra, located in the Indian Ocean.

Local media sources reported this step came through the Khalifa Foundation to inaugurate a new runway for military aviation in Nougd area, south of the island.

The sources indicated that the runway established by the UAE in cooperation with the navy of the Zionist entity, was for military and reconnaissance combat helicopters, a month after the opening of a military airport in Hadibo with Zionist participation in 2020.

(A P)

Massive Taiz protest warns of truce 'that handcuffs the army, lets Houthis loose'

Thousands of people took to the streets of Yemen's central Taiz on Tuesday morning in a demonstration against the truce which is being imposed to handcuff the army while Shia terrorists are allowed to proceed with the senseless war against the city as usual.

The demonstration called for the by the Supreme Council for Resistence demanded the Sa*di and U*E-formed "presidential council" to support or allow the army to defend itself and the city which is under more than seven years of incessant terrorist war and a strangling siege, a rare oppression in today's world.

and also

(A P)



(A P)

Ben Brik reviews STC activities in Hadramout


(A P)


My remark: The UAE did NOT sack him, as has been claimed.

(A P)

Shabwa governor stops two commanders from work over infighting

(A P)

Attack targets UAE occupation base in Shabwa

Gunmen in Shabwa on Monday launched a military offensive on the UAE most important base in the oil-rich province amid reports of serious damage.

Tribal sources said the attack targeted a military airport for UAE forces inside the Balhaf facility, which the UAE occupation forces are based in the Arabian Sea.

The mortar attack destroyed a number of airport towers. =

(A P)

Gunmen blow up oil pipeline in Marib

Tribal gunmen on Sunday blew up an oil pipeline in Yemen’s Marib city, which is controlled by Saudi-led coalition factions.

Local sources confirmed that the gunmen blew up the oil pipeline linking the Raidan field and the Safer facility, following financial disputes between tribesmen and officials of the oil facility.

The bombing of the oil pipeline coincided with Sultan al-Arada’s refusal to resign as Governor of Marib and cede the revenues he had been holding for years. =

(* A K P)

New US forces arrive at Aden port

US military units deployed on Monday in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden, local sources said.

According to the sources, the US forces had deployed in the port of Aden in the past hours, explaining that they had closed the streets leading to the port.

This coincided with the deployment of Saudi troops on the streets of the city, amid reports of threats of a military rebellion against the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council.

It is not yet known whether the new deployment of US military personnel charged with protecting the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council is part of securing foreign ships coming to the port, or as a part of the coalition deployment campaign in Aden in the past two days,

It also coincides with escalating conflicts between pro-coalition factions and protests organized by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’ recruits demanding salaries.

(A P)

STC threats Saudi-led coalition: You will pay a heavy price

The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) on Tuesday vowed the Saudi-led coalition and Riyadh-formed presidential council to make them pay a heavy price for starving its forces and suspending their salaries for six months.

“The fact that the southern forces remain unpaid for many months is no longer acceptable,” Aden Independent Channel TV reported, citing the STC’s statement

The government and the council are the ones responsible for paying the salaries of these forces and securing their needs, and they are the same ones who played with fire with recklessness and deliberateness, the statement read.

The STC threatened the coalition, council and government by saying that “there is no room to wait, not even to maneuver in the face of trying to starve, kneel, punish, stop and undermine their salaries, and all options are open at the heart of the scene and the table and the response will be strong and they will pay a heavy price.”


(A P)

Southern Yemeni separatists threaten to expel Saudi-backed rulers from Aden

A commander of the security belt of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the city of Aden, Jalal al-Rubaie, threatened to expel the so-called the head of Riyadh-formed Presidential Council, Rashad al-Alimi from the Aden Ma’ashiq Palace.

Al-Rubaie, funded by the UAE, directed in his meeting on Tuesday, with the leaders of the militia in Aden, a veiled threat to the Alimi Council, and the government of Maeen Abdulmalik, with expulsion due to the non-disbursement of salaries to the STC militia for nearly 13 months by the government.

The “Security Belt Media Center” published about Al-Rubaie that the enemy would not allow to incite and harm the security and stability of the city of Aden,” in a clear threat to the Presidential Council.

Observers described the threats made by Al-Rubaie in Aden, with the green light from the “STC” affiliated with the Emirates, to expel the head of the council, Rashad Al-Alimi, and the failed officials who reside in the Ma’ashiq Palace.

They considered that the presence of the Council and the government in Aden was a step to drain on public money, which was supposed to be spent to improve basic services in the city.

(A P)

“Al-Amaliqa Brigades” threatens STC with severe blow in Aden

Member of the “Riyadh-formed Presidential Council” and commander of “Al-Amaliqa Brigades”, Abu Zara’a al-Mahrami, loyal to the UAE, threatened the Southern Transitional Council (STC) to take strict measures regarding the latter’s implementation of decisions described as unilateral in Hadramout.

“The security and stability of the liberated governorates is a red line, and we will strike with an iron hand,” Al-Mahrami said in a tweet on the Twitter platform.

Al-Mahrami added, “The salary file is under implementation and will be paid in the coming days.”

(A P)

Armed protest against UAE in Shabwa

Dozens of gunmen organized on an angry protest against UAE in Ataq city of Shabwa province, east of Yemen, informed sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources said that tens of UAE “Shabwani Elite” elements demonstrated carrying their weapons, demanding payment of their dues since they were laid off last January.

The armed demonstrators roamed the streets, carrying banners denouncing their exclusion from the “Shabwani Elite” and their replacement by “Shabwa Defense” militia.

and also

(A P)

Film: The sheikh of #Socotra island sheikhs, which was occupied by the Emirates, declares war and revolution against the US-Saudi-Emirati alliance, the situation for the Yemeni people has been narrowed for 8 years, enough to know the truth of the war on #Yemen.

(A T)

Security director escapes assassination attempt in Abyan

The director of Abyan province security escaped on Monday an assassination attempt in Abyan province, local sources told Yemen Press Agency.

(A T)

Armed attack targets security official home in Shabwa

An armed attack targeted on Monday a home of a security official in Ataq city of Shabwa province, local sources told Yemen Press Agency.


(A T)

Unknown gunmen attack security director home in Shabwa

Unknown gunmen launched on Tuesday a second attack on the house of Shabwa province security director, Awadh Al-Dahbol during 24 hours

(A P)

Coalition mercenaries loot pilgrims in Abyan

The Saudi-led coalition mercenaries have intercepted one of the buses transporting pilgrims during their return from performing Hajj, in Mahfad district in the occupied province of Abyan, southern Yemen.

They were downed from the bus at gunpoint and their money and possessions were looted.

Activists on social media circulated videos showing the pilgrims being interrupted and looted of money and property by the coalition mercenaries, after threatening them with force of arms and getting them down from the bus. =


(A K P)

New batches from Special Security forces, Facilities and Personnel Protection, Najdah, Public Security in #Marib governorate police have graduated today. (photos)

(A P)

Hundreds of mercenaries defect from Southern Transitional Council in protest against lack of payment

A number of military brigades of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council STC announced on Saturday their decision to defect from the STC militias.

According to pro-coalition media outlets, hundreds of recruits in the ranks of the STC defected and joined the forces of mercenary leader Tariq Saleh on the west coast, due to the looting of their financial dues a year ago by the STC leaders.

This move came hours after the siege of the headquarters of the Saudi and Emirati forces in the city of Aden, south of Yemen, in light of a wave of anger among the STC recruits.

The mercenaries accused the STC leadership, headed by Aidarous al-Zubaidi, of stealing their wages, noting that their leaders were building luxury villas and palaces that were financed by looting billions of riyals from the port of Aden and other taxes and customs, while the salaries of the recruits had not been paid for a year.

(A K P)

UAE sends more military aircraft to Socotra Archipelago

UAE forces have pushed more military aircraft to Yemen’s island of Socotra.

Local sources familiar with the matter said that the Emirati occupation forces sent 14 helicopters from their bases in Hadibo island towards the islands of Samha and abd-el-Kuri, which are located within the Socotra archipelago.

The UAE has been working for several months to create a military base on Abd-el-Kuri Island, during which it has worked to displace the island’s residents and build military facilities on the island.

(A P)

Tariq Saleh militias create new camp in Taiz

UAE-backed Tariq Saleh militias started on Sunday to create a new camp in Al-Turba city, south of Taiz province, informed sources told Yemen Press Agency.

The sources affirmed that Tariq troops prepare to establish its second camp in Turba city.


(A P)

Southern Yemeni separatists denounce plans of Tariq Saleh mercenaries to establish base in Aden

The Aden Al-Mustaqila TV channel, which speaks for the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), has on Saturday called for preventing the opening of a branch of Tariq Afash’s office in the port city of Aden, southern Yemen.

The channel in a report said that it had monitored the movements of parties it described as the “northern forces” seeking to expand their movements in the city of Aden.

The channel stressed that “the STC leadership will not allow any new activity in the city,” in an explicit threat to prevent Tariq Saleh’s arrangements to open a branch of his political office in the center of Aden, the most prominent stronghold of the STC.

These threats coincide with UAE arrangements to open an office for the Tariq Saleh mercenary militia in Aden during the coming days, in light of efforts to end the STC’s influence in all southern provinces.

(A P)

Aden judges carry out protest vigil, threaten to escalate

(A P)

Emirati boat rams Yemeni fisherman’s boat off Aden

A warboat of the UAE forces on Sunday ran over a Yemeni fisherman’s boat off the port of Aden, causing the boat to sank at sea.

(A P)

School stationery supplies violate public morals in Aden

(A P)

STC opposes opening of office for “Tariq Saleh” militia in Aden

The “Aden Al-Mustaqila” TV channel, which speaks for the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Saturday called for preventing the opening of a branch of Tariq Afash’s office in the port city of Aden, southern Yemen.

(* A P)

Recent Satellite Images Show Severe Environmental, Coastal Pollution off Port of Aden

Recent satellite images showed severe environmental and coastal pollution resulting from an oil spill off the port of Aden.

"The port of Aden continues to face multiple sources of oil pollution, starting on July 5 with a 14-kilometer-thick oil spill visible, likely from a single ship," Wim Zwegenenberg, Head of Humanitarian Disarmament Project at (European Space Photography), said on his Twitter account.

He added, "The oil spills that were seen on July 21, 2022, which led to marine and coastal degradation and pollution, are still ongoing.

The European official published more photos on his account showing more spills seen from various ships, between July 5 and July 21.

and also

Photos: The port of Aden in southern #Yemen continues to face multiple sources of oil pollution, starting from July 5 with a 14-kilometer-thick oil spill, and there is still an oil spill seen on July 21, 2022, exacerbating marine and coastal pollution.


(* B P)

Film: Oil sepagage threatening marine life

A total of 12 rickety oil tankers threaten the environment in the port of Aden in southern Yemen, three of which until recently contained oil. Although the authorities unloaded one of them, the second tanker named Coral carries ninety tons, and the third tanker Fanol contains about thirty and thirty-five tons of oil, according to Riyadh Saeed, director General of Inspection and Ship Registration at the Maritime Affairs Authority. Saeed warned that any oil spill would cause an environmental disaster, as it would destroy marine life and the food chain along the coast of Aden, causing direct harm to the residents.

(A P)

Sheikh Al-#Huraizi, Al-Mahra Governorate, reveals Saudi Arabia’s history of looting Yemeni oil from the governorates of Al-#Mahra, #Shabwa, #Hadramawt and #Marib since 1962 , and it continues to this day by looting it and depriving the Yemeni people of its revenues

(A P)

Exclusive: The UAE Suspends Hani Bin Brik’s Activities In Yemen After A Series Of Scandals

Reliable Yemeni sources revealed that the UAE had halted the activity of one of its mercenaries, Hani Bin Brik, a leader in the so-called Abu Dhabi-backed separatist transitional council in Yemen.

The sources told Emirates Leaks that stopping Bin Brik’s activity included preventing him from appearing in the media and taking strict measures against him after the escalation of a series of scandals in recent months.

The sources pointed out that Ben Brik’s scandals include financial and sexual embezzlement and revealed his involvement in assassinations targeting several Yemeni personalities, including Islamic leaders, which Abu Dhabi fears repercussions.

According to the sources, the UAE’s actions against Bin Brik included stopping his activities completely, including his responsibilities within the Southern Transitional Council, freezing his funds inside Emirati banks, and preventing him from travelling and moving within UAE lands.

The sources added that the procedures also included the suspension of Hani bin Brik’s son from military service in the UAE army, given that he holds Abu Dhabi citizenship.

My comment: This already had been claimed earlier but Ben Brik stayed active.

(A P)

The transitional [Separatis STC] attacks Al-Alimi and Saudi Arabia. The Transitional Council, backed by the Emirates, ridiculed the speech of the Chairman of the Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, and Saudi about the references by which Hadi continued to obstruct peace in Yemen.

A member of the "National Assembly" in the transitional, Hussein Lakour, said in a post on Twitter: "They call for adherence to the three references that were dropped by the results of the war, and they are living away from people's daily suffering and making a living from the continuation of the conflict." He added, criticizing Saudi Arabia: "Yesterday they used to say Hadi is legitimacy and legitimacy Hadi, then they brought him down in an hour." He continued, "They brought the presidential one from the same clay as corrupt legitimacy, so what can he do in contrast to it?"

Fortsetzung / Sequel: cp7 – cp19

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-816 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-816: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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