Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 102

Yemen Press Reader 102: Avaaz-Petition - Streubomben - Lage der Kinder - Syrien, Jemen im neuen Kalten Krieg - Einheitsbrei der deutschen Medien - Luftangriff auf historische Stadt Kawkaban

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cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp 7 UNO / UN

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp 13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp 13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp 13c Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

14.2.2016 – Neue Rundschau (*** A K P)

[Zur Avaaz-Petition direkt:]

Was Saudi-Arabien im Jemen anstellt ist abscheulich – Bitte unterschreiben Sie hier eine Petition

Sie bombardieren Schulen, Krankenhäuser und sogar Hochzeiten – und das tun sie mit Waffen aus Europa, den USA und Kanada. Doch in 48 Stunden könnten wir das Unvorstellbare wahr werden lassen: eine wegweisende Entscheidung gewinnen, die die Waffenlieferungen an die Saudis eindämmen könnte.

In nur zwei Tagen stimmt das Europäische Parlament über einen Vorschlag für ein EU-weites Waffenembargo ab. Doch wegen der hartnäckigen Lobbyarbeit seitens der der Saudis zaudern jetzt einige Politiker.

Mehr denn je müssen diese Entscheidungsträger jetzt erkennen, dass Menschen aus allen Teilen der Welt von ihnen erwarten, stark zu bleiben und Saudi-Arabien und seinen Gräueltaten ein „NEIN“ entgegen zu halten. Unterzeichnen Sie die Eil-Petition für ein Waffenembargo. Unterstützen wir die mutigen Politiker der EU mit überwältigendem öffentlichen Zuspruch.

14.2.2016 – Human Rights watch (*** B K)

Technical Briefing Note: Cluster Munition Use in Yemen

This Technical Briefing Note reviews the use of cluster munitions in the conflict in Yemen since a Saudi Arabia-led coalition of nations began military operations against Ansar Allah (Houthi forces) on March 26, 2015. This is not the first time cluster munitions have been used in Yemen. Previously, Saudi Arabia and the United States, and likely the Yemeni government, used cluster munitions in separate attacks in different parts of the country in 2009.

Since March 2015, Human Rights Watch has recorded incidents involving six types of air-dropped and ground-launched cluster munitions in multiple locations in at least five of Yemen’s 21 governorates: Amran, Hajja, Hodaida, Saada, and Sanaa. Human Rights Watch believes the Saudi Arabia-led coalition of states operating in Yemen is responsible for all or nearly all of these cluster munition attacks because it is the only entity operating aircraft or multi-barrel rocket launchers capable of delivering five of these types of cluster munitions. However, in one case involving one type of ground launched cluster munition (the ZP-39), both Coalition and Houthi forces possess weapon systems capable of delivering it so it is not possible at this time to attribute responsibility for its use.

Human Rights Watch and others documented numerous civilian casualties from the use of cluster munitions, both at the time of attack and afterwards as unexploded submunitions were encountered. For example, a series of cluster munition rocket attacks in Yemen’s northwestern Hajja governorate between late April and mid-July 2015 killed at least 13 people, including three children, and injured 22 people at the time of attack and three more after the attack from unexploded submunitions.

Neither Yemen nor Saudi Arabia and the other countries participating in the coalition are party to the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions, the international treaty banning cluster munitions. A total of 118 countries have signed and 98 have ratified the treaty. Human Rights Watch is a co-founder of the Cluster Munition Coalition and serves as its chair.

At least six types of cluster munitions have been used in Yemen since March 2015: four types of air-dropped bombs and two types of ground-launched rockets. This includes an unknown system used to deliver “ZP 39” submunitions.

Four types of the cluster munitions used in Yemen were manufactured in and exported by the United States, while the ASTROS II rocket was produced in Brazil. The country of origin for the ZP 39 submunition and its delivery system is not known.

Photographs circulated on social media in January 2016 showed the remnants of UK-manufactured BL755 cluster bombs and their submunitions, reportedly situated in Yemen, but Human Rights Watch has not been able to verify the photographs or attain additional evidence to confirm use.

While the government of Saudi Arabia has not issued a formal statement or response torequests to confirm or deny the reports that the Saudi-led coalition used cluster munitions in Yemen, the coalition’s principle military spokesperson Brig. Gen. Ahmed Asiri has commented on the matter in several interviews. In January 2016, Asiri told CNN that the Saudi Arabia-led coalition has used cluster munitions once and described the use of air-dropped CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapons to attack a camp in Hajja governorate in April 2015. Asiri has denied other instances of use by the coalition, most notably a January 6, 2016 cluster bomb attack on Yemen’s capital Sanaa.

A US Defense Department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told U.S. News and World Report in August that “the U.S. is aware that Saudi Arabia has used cluster munitions in Yemen.”

The use of cluster munitions in Yemen has received worldwide media coverage, public outcry, and been condemned by more than a dozen states

15.2.2016 – Telepolis (** B P)

Syrien und Jemen: Die Schwarz-Weiß-Logik des Kalten Kriegs

Während der Westen Russlands Luftangriffe in Syrien geißelt, ist der saudische Luftkrieg im Jemen kein Thema, der türkische Krieg gegen die Kurden wird hochgefährlich

Trotz des versöhnlichen Tons der beiden Präsidenten sind die Unterschiede kaum zu überbrücken, zumal die Regionalmächte hinter den beiden Großmächten nicht willens sind, ihre geopolitischen Interessen zurückzustecken.

Interessant ist derzeit vor allem die Rolle des Saudi-Arabiens, das sich nun offensiver in den Syrien-Konflikt auf der Seite der Türkei einschalten will. Saudi-Arabien hat angekündigt, weitere Kampfflugzeuge auf den türkischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt Incirlik zu verlegen, zudem wolle man Bodentruppen senden. Das sei ein endgültiger Beschluss, aber es soll im Rahmen der von der USA geführten Koalition geschehen. Der saudische Außenminister Adel ab-Dschubeir hat in einem Interview mit der Süddeutschen zur Sicherheitskonferenz ("Assad wird es in Zukunft nicht mehr geben") erklärt, dass die US-Koalition für die Luftangriffe in Syrien, die streng genommen völkerrechtswidrig sind, "eine Rechtsgrundlage" habe: "Ich würde annehmen, dass der Einsatz von Bodentruppen gegen den IS davon auch gedeckt ist." Nachgefragt haben die Journalisten allerdings nicht, obgleich sie auf dem Hintergrund fragten, dass Syrer und Russen saudische Bodentruppen als Invasion betrachten würden.

Der Bürgerkrieg in Syrien überdeckt nicht nur den Ukraine-Konflikt, der auf der Sicherheitskonferenz fast nur noch als Drohkulisse für Drohgebärden der Nato gegenüber Russland diente, sondern vor allem auch den Krieg im Jemen.

[In München] erklärte der saudische Außenminister dreist, einzig Iran, der nichts im Irak, in Syrien, im Jemen, im Libanon oder in Bahrain verloren habe (Saudi-Arabien aber offensichtlich schon), sei für die regionalen Konflikte verantwortlich, die der Außenminister als religiösen Konflikt zwischen Schiiten und Sunniten deutet.

Saudi-Arabien hingegen habe "keine Ambitionen jenseits unserer Grenzen". Man sei immer "reaktiv" gewesen. Im Jemen habe man nur "aus blanker Notwendigkeit" eingegriffen, weil die Huthi-Miliz "kurz vor der Übernahme des Landes" gestanden habe. Man habe keine andere Wahl gehabt, man sei auch von der legitimen Regierung gebeten worden. Darauf hingewiesen, dass Russland in Syrien ähnlich argumentiert, sagte al-Dschubeir, das könne man nicht vergleichen. Assad sei rigoros gegen Kinder vorgegangen, zudem habe er den IS gewähren lassen.

Auffällig ist hier, dass Saudi-Arabien die Huthis bombardiert und Söldner als Bodentruppen ins Land schickt, aber al-Qaida und den mittlerweile auch im Jemen angekommenen IS verschont. Al-Qaida wird von der weiteren Kriegspartei, nämlich von den USA, gelegentlich durch bewaffnete Drohnen unter Beschuss genommen. Das wäre dann eine Art Arbeitsteilung, die aber mit al-Qaida im Jemen (AQAP) ähnlich schonend umgeht wie mit al-Qaida in Syrien (al-Nusra). – von Florian Rötzer

31.1.2016 – Save the Children (** B H)


The impact of the escalating violence on the lives of Yemen’s children has been nothing short of devastating, resulting in the deaths of over 700 children, the injury of more than 1,100, and leaving millions more painfully hungry with no access to clean water or even the most basic healthcare such as vital life-saving vaccines.

The needs are urgent, and Save the Children provides emergency aid by distributing food and cash and supporting clinics that treat malnourished children. However, we also need to ensure that Yemeni children – the country’s future – are not paying the price for years to come by missing out on their education as well. The rapid escalation of the conflict since March 2015 has resulted in double the number of children not attending school, which currently stands at a staggering two million.

This is a consequence, in part, due to the forced closure of more than 1,500 schools due to insecurity, and the fact that least 174 schools have been totally destroyed by airstrikes and ground attacks since the conflict began, with an additional 611 so badly damaged that they are considered too unsafe for children or teachers to use. By mid-October 2015, an estimated 260 schools were also hosting Internally Displaced People (IDPs), with various armed groups occupying 58 schools, almost all in Taizz.

My child protection team at Save the Children recently spoke to Saleem*, an 11-year-old boy who was forced to flee his home town in northern Yemen as a direct consequence of the conflict, and now lives in a tiny apartment with his mother and three siblings in Sana’a. Saleem spent several months selling eggs on the streets of Sana’a to help his family make ends meet before enrolling in a new school.

He said that he dreams of waking up one day and hearing that the war is over, so that he can finally return to his home town and old school.

He told us: “It was a perfect morning that weekend; we planned to go out with friends to play with my new bike that afternoon but suddenly, we heard massive explosion. I was crying with my brother as house was hit by shrapnel. It is still too dangerous at home - my friend who went back to his house was killed by a missile.

“I have no one here, no friends, and it is difficult to study at school in overcrowded classrooms where they put three grades in the same room.”

Amjad, a 15-year-old who has been displaced with his family to Hajjah Governorate, also describes how all of his dreams have disappeared. He told us: “The war is tracking us wherever we go. At the beginning of 2015 our camp was hit during an airstrike which killed my brother and my best friend. This forced us to move to a new camp where life is very difficult – there is no food, no water or school. We live in torn and old tents and there is no stability in my life, only fear all the time.

“Before the war, I had a dream to finish my education and to be a doctor but now, everything is gone and I have lost all hope. I don’t go to school because I feel scared of the airstrikes that might hit the school while I am there. It is not a safe place anymore. I used to play football but now I do not like anything, I want to stop the war. Within the current situation I see my future is dark.”

Saif, a School Director in Sana’a, explained that the conflict has resulted in an acute shortage of qualified teachers in many areas. Furthermore, those who have remained at their post face spiraling transportation and food costs and are struggling to meet their families’ daily needs themselves.

The estimated one million displaced children in Yemen have also put an additional strain on already meagre education resources in many areas; classes have often significantly increased in size, basic educational supplies like text books and even furniture are scarce and, because many IDP families have had little choice but to seek shelter in public buildings like schools, classroom space is often at a premium.

Rahmah, a teacher in Sana’a for the past five years, describes how many of her pupils are showing clear signs of trauma and distress - such as having nightmares or being afraid of loud noises - as a result of hearing nothing but explosions and gunfire for months on end. She told me that her pupils have, understandably, become more aggressive and sometimes even violent, and that the psychological impact of this level of stress is very likely to have long-term implications.

We at Save the Children strongly call on all parties to the current conflict in Yemen to reach an immediate and permanent ceasefire and embark on a roadmap to a negotiated and inclusive peace agreement.

We are also asking these same parties to protect schools, students, and teachers from attacks, support the return of children to classrooms, and facilitate the return of all school age children back to the classroom. We also encourage the international donor community to do more to fund the desperately under resourced education sector in Yemen – by Edward Santiago

cp2 Allgemein / General

15.2.2016 – Epic Times (* B K P)

The Truth About The ‘War’ In Yemen

Western Powers And Faceless Corporations Are Colluding In A Saudi Incursion

So far, the world has known of Yemen only what corporate media have allowed journalists and so-called experts to tell. So far, Yemen has suffered the great injustice of misrepresentation, and propaganda.

A country interrupted, a nation sold out to the violence and atrocities of Wahhabi imperialism, Yemen has been a nation in resistance – a hardened, and iron-willed people ready to sacrifice all in the name of Freedom.

The public has been sold a fantasy civil war pitting the Houthis against pro-Hadi loyalists. THIS is the propaganda story … there is no civil war in Yemen, only the attempted occupation of an imperial power against a sovereign nation.

But Yemen has many great sons and daughters to defend its territories. More than that, Yemen has many great friends willing to stand for the truth and offer resistance to abject propaganda.

Such effort to alleviate Yemen’s suffering can be found in the actions of the Mona Relief Organization (MRF). The MRF has been on the ground in Yemen since the beginning of the war. A small but powerful charity, the MRF has held on to its independence from the NGO complex with stubborn conviction – very much aware of the pitfalls “foreign” funding entails these days – mainly allegiance to Riyadh’s sectarian humanitarian profiling.

The Saudi-run NGO complex

A generous donor to great many NGOs, including UN affiliated agencies, Saudi Arabia has de facto imposed its will on the world community, by way of blackmail and promises of financial largess in exchange for complete oversight over Yemen’s humanitarian aid distribution.

For months Riyadh has held Yemen hostage, preventing food, medicine and other essentials to enter … except for those militias the kingdom has exploited to sow further chaos and discord – you might know them under the terror acronym: al-Qaeda.

A fait accompli, Riyadh’s blockade was never challenged at the United Nations even though it flies in the face of international law. Many legal experts such as Kim Sharif in the UK, and Mohammad Hadi Zaker, PhD in International Criminal Law in the Netherlands have argued such violations constitute in fact crimes against humanity.

Saudi Arabia has taken war crimes and abuses to a whole new level. Still the world keeps mum, conveniently hiding behind claims that Yemen Resistance movement in fact stands to promote Iran’s interests in the region.

Even if such claims were true, which they are NOT, even if Iran was actively rooting for the Yemeni Resistance to defeat the kingdom and reclaim its independence away from King Salman’s Wahhabi clergy, can we in all good conscious justify the millions of lives shattered? Are we seriously considering siding and defending the very monarchy which gifted the world with terrorism? Only a few weeks ago, Saudi Arabia’s former most senior Imam admitted on live television that Daesh (aka ISIL) in fact follows the kingdom’s state religion. Are we still under any illusion as to the real nature of Saudi Arabia’s inner workings?

The international community desperately needs to review its friendship and ties with Saudi Arabia – the grand promoter of terror, the birthplace of Wahhabism – by Catherine Shakdam

14.2.2016 – Huffington Post (* B P)

Yemen: A Nation of Children the Hashtags Forgot

Yemen has been decimated by a yearlong, bitter, ongoing civil war. Despite its proximity to many better known Middle Eastern countries (it shares a long border with Saudi Arabia) it fails to gain the same level of international recognition that the fighting in Syria and Iraq have attracted. A lack of profile sadly does not mean a lack of problems and as the war trundles on, attempts to distribute aid are severely hampered by fighting, damaged ports, closed airports, blocked humanitarian corridors and a country-wide lack of fuel. The figures speak for themselves and behind every one of these statistics is a human tragedy.

It is no exaggeration to say that the situation is one of the worst on the planet.

To add to the misery, economic activity is grinding to a halt: I have heard evidence from those with family still living in Yemen that over 70% of private businesses have closed down or been physically destroyed by the conflict and a similar percentage of private sector workers have lost their jobs. Banks have been shutting down.

I have the privilege of sitting on the International Development Select Committee, which monitors how UK Aid is spent. We have recently launched an inquiry into the crisis in Yemen and hearing of the heartrending suffering of the people there has led me to appeal directly to you, the reader, on behalf of the young girls and boys of Yemen. Unlike many of today's other much troubled areas of the world, which we see on our screens daily, much of the world's mainstream and social media seem to be passing by those suffering in Yemen.

If this article has moved you to have a heart for the children of Yemen, spread the message by emailing this article to a friend, or sharing it on social media. If you would like to give financially you can donate to Save the Children's Yemen appeal; their life-saving programmes have reached more than 379,000 people since March, including more than 211,800 children. Finally if you have first-hand evidence on Yemen, please make a written submission to the International Development Committee, you can do so here – by Fiona Bruce, MP for Congleton and Chairman of the Conservative Human Rights Commission

Comment: A message from the heart from conservative MP Fiona Bruce. She says read this and pass it on. A very good piece of advice.

14.2.2016 – Wirtschaftsblatt (* A P)

Amnesty gibt Westen erhebliche Mitschuld an gewaltsamen Krisen

Viele Menschenrechtsverletzungen würden mit Waffen, die westliche Mächte zur Verfügung gestellt haben, begangen, sagt Amnesty-Generalsekretär Salil Shetty.

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International hat dem Westen eine erhebliche Mitschuld an gewaltsamen Konflikten in der Welt vorgeworfen. Viele Menschenrechtsverletzungen würden "mit Waffen, die westliche Mächte zur Verfügung gestellt haben", begangen, sagte Amnesty-Generalsekretär Salil Shetty am Sonntag bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz.

"Einige dieser Gruppierungen" seien "sogar ausgebildet worden von westlichen Armeen". Dies führe zu einem "Teufelskreis der Gewalt".

"Wir haben nicht nur eine Flüchtlings- und Sicherheitskrise, sondern auch eine Führungskrise", beklagte Shetty.

Kommentar: Das ist noch sehr vornehm untertrieben.

12.2.2016 – Carnegie Endowment (* A P)

Saudi Arabia’s Problematic Allies Against the Houthis

Saudi Arabia’s aims in Yemen have shifted from securing an absolute military victory and ensuring that the “legitimate” forces of those loyal to President Abd Rabu Mansour Hadi control the whole country to reducing the territory held by Houthis and their allied fighters loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Consequently, the kingdom has again embraced different and often rival Yemeni fighters as long as they are willing to fight Houthi or Saleh forces. In the south, however, this fight is complicated by these actors’ political ambitions, which are often at odds with Saudi Arabia’s and—aided by war and further state collapse—are making a mockery of Riyadh’s commitment to one Yemen.

UN-sponsored peace talks may at some point reconvene, but they are unlikely to have much bearing on Saudi Arabia’s primary focus: ensuring that most Yemeni territory is held by fighters not directly hostile to its interests. To that end, Saleh’s former military chief Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar is back as a frontline military player.

If Ali Mohsen continues to prove decisive in some parts of the north, it is because of the strength of his tribal and Muslim Brotherhood (MB) alliances, including with some Zaydis (Shia-inclined northern Yemenis from whom the Houthis spring).

Of course, the most potent anti-Houthi force in Yemen continues to be al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda has been spared Saudi aerial attacks in the southern province of Hadramaut where it is in control of the Arabian Sea port city of Mukalla.

In general it is the south of Yemen that is the most sympathetic to Saudi Arabia.

At present, the Saudis want to use their influence to help contain separatist ambitions, not encourage them. Yemeni unity, albeit in a form that suits their interests, is still what the Saudis want. However, there is an increasing sense in the kingdom and the wider Gulf that “Yemen” is already fairly meaningless and cannot be put back together again. For all their encouragement of northern tribal allies—and the continued conduct of air strikes there—the Saudis remain focused on Aden, Taiz, and the hydrocarbon resources of Marib, places where either they or the UAE have nominal troop numbers. Consequently the political reality in the more northerly regions, including Sanaa, will be all the more remote.

The Saudis continue to assume that time is on their side. Inside the kingdom the war may cause louder grumblings over its cost in relatively straitened circumstances, but overall it remains a popular assault on perceived Iranian allies. As long as Saudi Arabia encourages Yemeni to fight Yemeni and maintains border security, then its ongoing war is manageable, even if the political outcome it apparently wants is not – by Neil Partrick

Comment: An interesting article looking very much at the Saudi perspective on the war and how possible outcomes might or might not meet their political objectives in Yemen.

14.2.2016 – Before its news (A K)

Films: Yemen Update 2/14/2016

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

15.2.2016 – AP (A H)

UN warns of famine in besieged Yemeni city

The U.N. is warning of famine in the Yemeni city of Taiz, which has been besieged by Shiite Houthi rebels for months.

The World Food Programme said Monday that Taiz “is in the grip of severe food insecurity at ‘Emergency’ level - one step below famine.”

The U.N. agency says it delivered enough aid to part of the city on Saturday to support 3,000 families for one month.

The central city of Taiz has been a major battleground between the Houthis and forces allied with the internationally recognized government – by Ahmed Al-Haj

Comment: It is strange why western media – if dealing with a blockade in Yemen – only care for the city of Taiz blocked by the Houthis, but not for half of the country blocked by the Saudis. There is famine not only at Taiz.

15.2.2016 – World Food Programme (A H)

[see also, cp3)

WFP Food Convoy Enters Conflict Area Inside Yemeni City Of Taiz

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) successfully delivered food for 18,000 people inside an area undergoing heavy fighting in the central Yemeni city of Taiz where residents are in desperate need of external food assistance.

The convoy entered the area of Al Qahira carrying 3,000 family rations including vegetable oil, wheat, pulses and sugar -- enough for a family of six for one month.

This is the second time WFP has had access to the Al Qahira conflict zones this year. On January 21 WFP reached Al Qahira and Al Mudaffar, distributing food to 3,000 families.
Saturday’s delivery coincided with a mission to Taiz City where WFP’s Representative and Country Director in Yemen, Purnima Kashyap, met with local officials and witnessed the arrival of humanitarian assistance.

13.2.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (A H)

Yemen: Snapshot on Shipping, Food and Fuel Imports for January 2016 (issued on 13 February 2016)

During January 2016, the number of ships berthing, as well as the volume of food and fuel imports into Yemen increased compared to December 2015. This has led to increases in the availability of both food and fuel in local markets, resulting in a decrease in prices. Fuel imports, however, still remain 15 per cent lower than pre-crisis monthly requirements.

The capacity of the ports to absorb the increase in ships berthing is not sufficient to meet demand. Delays are still taking place in all major ports, with the highest delays in ships reported at anchorage. In January 2016, Al Hudaydah and Aden ports experienced higher delays at anchorage and slight decreases in delays at berth. Despite a number of reported bureaucratic delays for ships entering Yemeni ports, a 26 per cent increase in the number of ships berthing was recorded in January 2016. A total of 77 ships berthed compared to 61 ships in December 2015, representing the highest number of ships since April 2015. This includes 48 ships at berth in Al Hudaydah, 17 in Aden, 11 in Saleef, one in Al Mukalla and one in Nishtun.

Fuel imports in January 2016 increased significantly, reaching 464,138 MT, compared to 82,699 MT in December 2015. The January 2016 imports represent 85 per cent of monthly needs, with fuel availability improving in most governorates, especially at parallel markets. The average monthly price of fuel in January 2016 dropped in most governorates compared to December 2015.

Commercial and humanitarian food imports in January 2016 increased by 29 per cent compared to December 2015 and by 5 per cent compared to November 2015. This month, humanitarian food imports constituted 11 per cent. This improvement in supply has led to a decrease in food prices in some governorates, mostly were markets are functioning well. Overall, however, food prices in January 2016 dropped 12 per cent from December 2015 to settle at two per cent higher than pre-crisis levels.

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

Siehe / See cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

13.2.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Ex-Yemen president hires out Socotra isle to UAE for 99 years: Report

Yemen’s fugitive former president is making arrangements to rent out the island of Socotra to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for 99 years, a report says.

Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has offered the Indian Ocean isle to the UAE in an attempt to get Abu Dhabi’s support amid the ongoing conflict in Yemen, the Lebanese al-Mayadeen satellite television channel reported.

The report, however, did not elaborate on details of the development.

Other reports have suggested that Socotra may come under the US control.

The Yemeni island will reportedly be hired for the investments of touristic, economic and navigation fields.

12.5.2010 – Peter Franc (*)

Film: Socotra - Isle of the Dragonsblood

“President” Hadi gave this island away to the United Arab Emirates for 99 years (see Yemen Press Reader 101)

cp7 UNO / UN

14.2.2016 – Financial Tribune (A P)

Consultations on Yemen Crisis

Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed discussed the latest developments in the crisis-hit Arabian Peninsula country in a phone conversation on Saturday. Amir-Abdollahian voiced concern over the grave humanitarian situation in Yemen, which has been aggravated by the Saudi-led airstrikes, ISNA reported. The UN envoy hoped that a new round of "political talks" between Yemeni groups would be held in the near future under the auspices of the United Nations to help resolve the crisis.

Comment: Well Iran says it is in negotiations with UN envoy... And this is an interesting news outlet I haven't seen before - an Iranian economics magazine in English language

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

15.2.2016 – International Business Times (A K)

Saudi Arabia embarks on massive military drill with 2,500 warplanes and 20,000 tanks

Saudi Arabia has commenced a massive military drill in which 20 nations are participating. The move comes amid ongoing deadly conflicts in the Middle East.

More than 2,500 warplanes, 20,000 tanks and 450 helicopters will be part of the exercise. Riyadh has billed the manoeuvre as "the largest and most important" drill ever staged in the region.

Up to 350,000 troops from various Gulf nations, and other allies such as Pakistan, Jordan, Chad and Sudan will take part in the drill, the Saudi Press Agency said. The exercises would involve ground, naval and air forcespersonnel.

Termed "The Northern Thunder", the drill will continue for 18 days. The aim of the exercise is to send the message that Saudi Arabia and its allies "stand united in confronting all challenges and preserving peace and stability in the region". Neither the US nor any Western nation is part of the event.

"It will serve to boost fighting capabilities, exchange information, benefit from experiences and expertise and enhance coordination between the participating countries," said Saudi Arabia's Brigadier General Ahmed al-Assiri. 17z06-08

11.2.2015 – The Telegraph (A P)

Saudi historian: Western women drive because rape is 'no big deal' to them

During a television debate, historian Saleh Al-Saadoon says that women in Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to drive on the grounds that they might get raped if their cars broke down

14.2.2016– NTV (*A K P)

"Donner des Nordens": Riad plant gigantisches Militärmanöver

Saudi-Arabien hat sich für ein umfangreiches Militärmanöver mit Streitkräften aus rund 20 Ländern gerüstet. Es handele sich um die "größte" Militärübung, die jemals in der Region organisiert worden sei, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur SPA. Demnach sollten an der Übung im Norden des Landes neben den arabischen Golfstaaten auch Länder wie Ägypten, Malaysia, Pakistan und mehrere afrikanische Staaten teilnehmen.

15.2.2016 – CNN (A K P)

Saudi Arabia launches military exercise with 20 nations

Saudi Arabia launched a massive military exercise that will include troops from 20 nations, state media reported Monday.

The drill, dubbed North Thunder, involves Arab and Muslim countries, according to the Saudi Press Agency. It's taking place in King Khalid Military City in northeastern Saudi Arabia.

The news agency did not provide much information on what the exercise entails but called it "the largest in the region's history." The agency said it will involve air, sea and land forces.

n addition to Saudi Arabia, other participating nations include Jordan, Bahrain, Senegal, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Kuwait, the Maldives, Morocco, Pakistan, Chad, Tunisia, Comoro Islands, Djibouti, Malaysia, Egypt, Mauritania and Mauritius.

"North Thunder drills represent a clear message that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its brothers and friends of the participating countries stand united to confront all challenges and maintain peace and stability in the region," the agency said – by Faith Karimi

10.2.2016 – Super Station 95 (* A K P)

Limited Nuclear War Within 18 days as Saudis (and Friends) mass 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 Planes, 460 Helicopters for Syria Invasion

Russia will have no choice but to use Tactical (Battlefield) Nuclear Weapons to defend Syria once a ground invasion begins within 18 days, by 350,000 troops, 20,000 Tanks, 2,450 military planes and 460 Helicopters from 25 countries massing in northern Saudi Arabia. Syria has warned "any aggressor entering the country will go home in wooden coffins;" Russia has said "any country sending ground troops into Syria without permission will be considered a declaration of war."

Thousands of soldiers from regional countries are set to participate in what is being "called" a military "exercise" media reports say.

Saudi media said some 350,000 forces from Persian Gulf Arab states and a number of other countries will take part in a Saudi-led military maneuver in the area of Hafer al-Batin in northern Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the massive troop build-up, some 2,540 warplanes, 20,000 tanks and 460 helicopters will also participate in the "exercise," dubbed “North Thunder.”

The "exercise" is scheduled to last 18 days, during which the airspace over northern Saudi Arabia will be closed.

Media reports say the "exercise" will be the largest in the history of the region. However, SuperStation95 has done research and there is no known example of this much military power being massed for an "exercise" . . . anywhere . . . ever. It seems quite obvious to any thinking person that the notion of an "exercise" is fraudulent on its face; this is an invasion force and when it moves, it will mean war.

Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan and Persian Gulf Arab states are among the 25 countries that will also take part in the "exercises."

Comment: This would be crazy – and the most dangerous thing which has happened since 1989. But, off course, for crazy western politics this are just the “good guys” doing a little exercising.

cp9 USA

12.2.2016 – Mondo Weiss (* A P)

‘No Wars for the Billionaire Class’: A look at a possible Sanders foreign policy

there has also been discussion of what a possible Sanders foreign policy could look like. Earlier this week we reported on political scientist Stephen Pampinella’s vision of a “post-hegemonic” foreign policy. There has been discussion in other venues as well. Writing in the Washington Post Katrina vanden Heuvel says “The country deserves a far broader debate about American security” than has taken place so far and urges Sanders to promote a “new, real security agenda” that challenges climate change, global economic policy and U.S. policy promoting regime change.

Daniel Denvir conducted a survey of liberal and progressive foreign policy analysts for Salon to try to identify a “Bernie Doctrine.” He mostly just found confusion:

“Both parties essentially agree on the need for us to continue on our interventionist path,” emails James Russell, a professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey. “This is utter madness.”

Russell continues: “Sanders is missing an opportunity here to separate himself from the ‘corporate’ mindset of the Democratic foreign policy establishment — which is really the Council of Foreign Relations — a group full of people who were cheerleaders in the Iraq War — the greatest strategic disaster for the US since Vietnam. Sanders has correctly identified the critical issue of today on the domestic front — which is income inequality and the impact of corporate money in politics, but he’s not carving up the low-hanging fruit in foreign policy.”

As the Democratic primary intensifies there has been increased focus on Bernie Sanders’ foreign policy outlook. In addition to questions about his advisors, there has also been discussion of what a possible Sanders foreign policy could look like. Earlier this week we reported on political scientist Stephen Pampinella’s vision of a “post-hegemonic” foreign policy. There has been discussion in other venues as well. Writing in the Washington PostKatrina vanden Heuvel says “The country deserves a far broader debate about American security” than has taken place so far and urges Sanders to promote a “new, real security agenda” that challenges climate change, global economic policy and U.S. policy promoting regime change.

Daniel Denvir conducted a survey of liberal and progressive foreign policy analysts forSalon to try to identify a “Bernie Doctrine.” He mostly just found confusion:

“Both parties essentially agree on the need for us to continue on our interventionist path,” emails James Russell, a professor of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey. “This is utter madness.”

Russell continues:

“Sanders is missing an opportunity here to separate himself from the ‘corporate’ mindset of the Democratic foreign policy establishment — which is really the Council of Foreign Relations — a group full of people who were cheerleaders in the Iraq War — the greatest strategic disaster for the US since Vietnam. Sanders has correctly identified the critical issue of today on the domestic front — which is income inequality and the impact of corporate money in politics, but he’s not carving up the low-hanging fruit in foreign policy.”

I put the question of what a possible Sanders’ foreign policy could look like to Phyllis Bennis, the Director of the New Internationalism Project at the Institute for Policy Studies. Bennis shared the following via email:

A theme for Bernie’s foreign policy doctrine could be reduced to a very simple point that links directly to his longstanding focus on economic inequality: No Wars for the Billionaire Class.

That theme addresses issues of the overarching power of the arms producers, especially their over-paid CEOs (perhaps recalling an earlier era when war profiteering was actually illegal, as well as immoral), as well as the oil industry and the role of the US military in deploying troops and building bases all too often for the purpose of protecting the interests of and thus further enriching the already super-rich.

It’s a whole new 21st century way of understanding both President Eisenhower’s warning about the power of the military-industrial complex, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s warning about the deadly triplets of militarism, racism, and extreme materialism.

On military aid to Israel & Egypt

On relations with Iran after the nuclear deal – by Adam Horowitz

23.11.2015 – Foreign Policy (* A P)

In Yemen, a Saudi War Fought With U.S. Help

The unexploded cluster bombs are an increasingly common sight in Yemen’s farms and small villages, a visible reminder of Saudi Arabia’s continuing air war there – and of Washington’s large but little-known role in arming and fueling Riyadh’s warplanes.

Some of that blame should land at Washington’s feet: the daily bombing campaign would not be possible without the constant presence of U.S. Air Force tanker planes refueling coalition jets, and the billions worth of precision-guided munitions sold to Riyadh and its allies by American defense contractors.

American planes began taking off in support of the campaign on April 5, less than two weeks after the bombs started falling in Yemen in late March. As of Nov. 13, U.S. tankers have flown 471 refueling sorties to top off the tanks of coalition warplanes 2,443 times, according to numbers provided by the Defense Department. The American flights have totaled approximately 3,926 flying hours while delivering over 17 million lbs. of fuel.

The mostly American-made fighter planes guided by Arab pilots are also primarily dropping American-made munitions, bolstered recently by the $1.29 billion in weaponry Washington agreed to sell Saudi Arabia. The sale includes 22,000 bombs, featuring 1,000 laser guided bombs, and over 5,000 “kits” that can transform older bombs into GPS-guided bombs.

Despite the civilian toll from the airstrikes, top U.S. military officials haven’t shied away from talking about their involvement in planning the war. American military personnel are currently working out of a Saudi Arabian planning center helping the Saudis plan the daily airstrikes and providing intelligence help to coordinate flights, Lt. Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., the commander of the U.S. Air Force’s Central Command, told an audience earlier this month at the Dubai Air Show.

The Obama administration, meanwhile, has stood solidly behind its Gulf allies.

The air campaign, and the civilian fallout, has been a black eye for Washington, however – by Paul McLeary

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

13.2.2016 – The Guardian (A P)

EU criticises British arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Britain faces severe criticism from the European parliament over its continued arms trade with Saudi Arabia amid growing evidence of the Arab state’s indiscriminate bombing of Yemen.

A vote is scheduled for later this month on a resolution calling for an EU-wide arms embargo on sales to Saudi Arabia but that also specifically criticises the UK.

The UK government has supplied export licences for close to £3bn worth of arms to Saudi Arabia in the past year and has even been accused of being involved in the conduct of the Saudi military campaign in Yemen.

The European parliament’s resolution condemning Britain’s involvement, on which a vote is due to be held on 25 February, states that the parliament “strongly criticises the intensive arms trade of EU member states with various countries in the region, as in the case of the UK, Spain, France and Germany; calls for an immediate suspension of arms transfers and military support to Saudi Arabia and to its coalition partners.”

It adds: “Saudi Arabia is the UK’s largest customer for weapons and the UK is the biggest supplier of weapons to Gulf Cooperation Council countries.”

An amendment to the resolution, tabled by Labour MEP Richard Howitt, also calls for the imposition of an EU-wide arms embargo against Saudi Arabia.

MEPs in support of the move believe that passing such motions would be an important step in bringing the bloodshed in Yemen to an end.

Alyn Smith, an SNP MEP supporting the resolution and amendment, said that there was still a chance that the scheduled vote would not go ahead and it required support from both the socialist and democratic groups of MEPs in the parliament, who are meeting this week to discuss the issue – by Daniel Boffey

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

15.2.2016 – Nachdenkseiten (* A P)

Ein aufschlussreicher Blick hinter die Berliner Kulissen: Es gibt gute und es gibt böse Bomben!

In den Hinweisen II vom 12. Februar gab es einen Link auf ein Video von „jung & naiv“. Diese Aufnahme von der Bundespressekonferenz ist ein spannendes Dokument der Zeitgeschichte.

Es offenbart das einseitige Denken der Vertreter der Bundesregierung und ihre Einteilung der Welt in Gut und Böse. Deshalb präsentieren wir es noch einmal als Video und dank der Hilfe eines NachDenkSeiten-Lesers verschriftet.

Der Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes lebt offenbar quasi angeboren in einer Welt der Aufteilung in Gut und Böse. Nur so kann man verstehen, dass er den Journalisten Jung quasi entsetzt fragt, ob dieser wirklich glaube, das was „die Russen machen“ dasselbe sei wie die internationale Koalition. Er unterstellt sozusagen die Aufwärmung des Feindbildes der Fünfzigerjahre und des Kalten Krieges als Allgemeingut.

Wir lernen übrigens dabei auch noch etwas über die Welt, in der unser Außenminister Steinmeier lebt. Denn es ist nicht vorstellbar, dass sein Pressesprecher so agiert, ohne dass der Chef das deckt. „Wie der Herr so‘s Gscherr“, sagt man hier im Südwesten der Republik.

Wir lernen übrigens auch noch, dass auch die arabischen Mitglieder der westlichen Kriegspartei in Syrien, also die Saudis, quasi automatisch zu den Guten gehören. Angesichts der Verhältnisse am Golf ist das ein beachtlicher Reinigungsvorgang. Gemeinsame Bomben waschen weiß.

Die Bundespressekonferenz lässt sich vom Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums auf äußerst billige Weise abspeisen. Tilo Jung fragt nach einem „Update über die Luftangriffe“ in Syrien. Daraufhin kann sich der Sprecher des Verteidigungsministeriums ernsthaft darauf hinausreden, er könne für die dort tätige „Koalition“ nicht sprechen und die Bundeswehr sei hier nur an der Luftbetankung und im Bereich der Aufklärung tätig. Der fragende Journalist Jung und wir alle erhalten also keine Auskunft über die vom Westen einschließlich der arabischen Koalitionäre und unter Deutschlands Beteiligung geflogenen Luftangriffe – und über die zivilen Opfer dieser Operationen sowieso nicht.

Man kann an den Äußerungen des Herrn Fischer und des Soldaten und Sprechers des Verteidigungsministeriums Nannt nachempfinden und entdecken, dass diese neu herangewachsene Generation der Regierungsbeamten die Zeit der Entspannungspolitik, der gemeinsamen Sicherheit in Europa und damit auch das Jahr 1990 ideologisch verschlafen haben – von Albrecht Müller

11.2.2016 – Die Zeit (* A P)

Der König ist zu Tränen gerührt

Ein Kulturfestival in der Wüste von Saudi-Arabien, und im deutschen Pavillon treten Lautenspieler und Gaukler auf. Was soll das? Wird die Kunst zum Beiprogramm des Waffenhandels? Eine Reportage aus Riad – von Ronald Düker

Kommentar von alice_42: Dass Deutschland Saudi-Arabien mit Waffen beliefert, während das Land im Jemen einen brutalen Krieg führt, das steht trotzdem als fieser Elefant im Raum des deutschen Pavillons. <<

Ach, da steht eine ganze Elefantenherde, zum Beispiel die Heckler&Koch-Produktion vor Ort, die das G3 ohne jede Möglichkeit der Endverbleibskontrolle an Hinz und Kunz liefern kann.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

14.02.2016 – Iran German Radio (A K P)

Ägypten lehnt Truppenentsendung nach Jemen ab

Laut dem ehemaligen ägyptischen Außenminister Nabil Fahmi habe Kairo die Bitte Saudi Arabiens zu Truppenentsendung nach Jemen abgewiesen.

Fahmi betonte, man könne in dieser Situation nicht behaupten, Ägypten berücksichtige Interessen Saudi Arabiens oder umgekehrt, man müsse akzeptieren, dass jedes Land, intern oder im Ausland eigene Standpunkte haben kann.

Zuvor teilte ein Sicherheitsverantwortlichet in Ägypten mit, sein Land habe 800 Soldaten nach Jemen geschickt.

cp13 Waffenhandel / Arms trade

13.2.2016 – Twitter (A K P)

‪#‎Yemen war : Arms souks flooded with ‪#‎Saudi-supplied ‪#‎Austria Steyr assault rifles for sale. Asking price : US$1,800 & up.

Does Austria not have any arms export control laws?

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

15.2.2016 – Vocativ (A T)

In Yemen, ISIS Declares Houthi Rebels Enemy No. 1

ISIS touts the number of attacks against rebels as well as government-backed forces in Yemen's ongoing war

Keen to emphasize its reportedly growing presence in war-torn Yemen, the Islamic State released statistics Monday detailing what it says are all the attacks it has conducted in the country since April last year.

The group’s semi-official news agency Amaq released the numbers on Telegram; they were discovered by Vocativ’s deep web analysts, who have previously found similar dispatches listing ISIS activities in Syria and Iraq.

The infographic purports to show that ISIS carried out at least 25 separate attacks in Yemen since the group established its affiliate there last Spring, after war broke out between Houthi rebels and the Saudi-backed government forces. The majority of ISIS attacks have targeted the rebels, who are believed to be aligned with Iran, although the rebels and Tehran deny this.

cp15 Propaganda

15.2.2016 – WAM (A P)

President Hadi praises UAE for supporting Yemen

Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi today praised the UAE for its honourable stance and support for Yemen to counter he rebel Houthi militia and forces loyal to now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

He asked Ambassador of the UAE to Yemen, Salim Khalifa Al Ghafli, to convey greetings to the leaders of the UAE.

He also extended condolences on the death of Emirati serviceman Abdullah Juma Hasan Al Shamsi, who was martyred while participating in the Arab Coalition's Operation Restoring Hope in Yemen in defence of Yemen, the Arab Nation and the common destiny.

For his part, the UAE ambassador congratulated the Yemeni president on the victories of Yemen's national army and the National Resistance forces on the rebel militias.

Comment: No new propaganda phrases in sight!

15.2.2016 – WAM / UAE Interact (A K P)

Yemen's Armed Forces General Staff mourns Emirati martyr Abdullah Juma Hassan Al Shamsi

Yemen's Armed Forces General Staff mourned the martyrdom of Emirati martyr, Juma Abdullah Hassan Al Shamsi, who fell on Sunday morning while on the national duty, participating in the Arab coalition forces' Restoring Hope Operation in Yemen.

In a statement, the Yemen's Armed Forces General Staff said that the people of Yemen would never forget the UAE and the rest of the Arab coalition member states for their gallant mission to restore the sovereignty of Yemen, ensure security and stability to Yemen, as well as stop the injustice and aggression being meted out by Al-Houthi militia and Ali Saleh group against the people of Yemen.

The statement extended the heartfelt condolences to the UAE leadership, government, the family of the martyr and people of the UAE. It prayed to Almighty Allah to rest the soul of martyr in eternal peace and bestow solace on his family. =

14.2.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Arabian-led Intervention Sends Special Operations Forces to Free Al Mukalla, Al Hudaydah, Mokha

A senior Yemeni official, in close proximity to the joint forces of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, told Asharq Al-Awsat that the National Army alongside the Arabian coalition forces has head towards three Yemeni cities in order to free them from Houthi militia and defectors supporting the ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The three to-be-freed cities are Al Mukalla capital city of the Hadhramaut coastal region, Al Hudaydah the fourth-largest city in Yemen, and Mokha port city on the Red Sea coast of Yemen. Mokha belongs to the Taiz governorate.

Al Mukalla Yemeni city has been subject to al-Qaeda dominance since 2nd of April 2014. The source told Asharq Al-Awsat that units in located south have their own special operations scheduled, in addition to National Army operations.

Maneuvers against al-Qaeda will be within the range of first and second zones of the National army and their centers, the first centered area will be in Seiyun city in the Hadhramaut region, while the second will be in Al Mukalla. The source didn’t provide further information.

A video recording, acquired by Asharq Al-Awsat, is believed to show parts of the operation’s activity, launch, airdrop of equipment, and paratroop regiment action.

Senior political sources in Yemen told Asharq Al-Awsat, in Sana’a, that a broad coordination between pro-legitimacy forces on the anticipated military operation to free Sana’a from Houthi militia and Saleh supporting militants is being put into effect. The collaborative work features the efforts of prominent clan members, clan sheikhs of regions neighboring Sana’a, and those present inside Sana’a.

Informed sources informed Asharq Al-Awsat that Houthi militia have begun gradually deserting a majority of its commitments to citizens of areas fallen under their jurisdiction, amid the spread of corruption and persistent blunder of money by known militia leaderships. The money is being converted into foreign stocks and internal assets such as real-estate and personal properties.

Comment: This is CRAZY. Mukalla has never had any militias there except Al Qaeda who were sent there by KSA according to reports on Al Jazeera some months ago. So why are they saying they are going to free Mukalla. They have already 'liberated' Mokha once ( as well as bombing the families of electrical engineers working there - a war crime indeed) so which militias are there now? A for Hodeida tthe only thing they are suffering from is constant bombs..

14.2.2016 – Telepolis (** A P)

Vom "Spiegel-Bild": Wie es dazu kam, dass es plötzlich nur noch ein einziges Märchen gab

Zeitungen sind nie nur bloße Übertragungsmedien von objektiven Nachrichten, sondern sie sind selbst Spieler im Spiel um die Deutung der Welt, sind selbst an der Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit beteiligt und stehen so für bestimmte weltanschaulich-politische Positionen.

Die Leser des Spiegel und anderer Blätter erkennen schon das Neue: Die Kriegstrommelei in den Redaktionsstuben bis hinauf in das Amt des Bundespräsidenten, die zunehmende Instabilität der politischen und sozialen Verhältnisse in Europa, die Wiederkehr von Alpträumen wie Bürgerkrieg, Tod, Flucht und Vertreibung.

Und die Leser erkennen auch, dass ihnen inmitten all dieser Wirrnisse vor allem eine Erzählung angeboten wird: Wir sind die Guten, böse sind immer die anderen. Denn wirklich neu an dieser medialen Situation, wie sie sich zum Beispiel am Ukraine-Konflikt zeigt, ist die uniforme Ausrichtung der Berichterstattung. Solange es in der Bundesrepublik politische Lager gab, existierte auch eine oppositionelle Presse, die einen Widerpart zum offiziellen Mainstream bildete. In Zeiten der Regierungen von Adenauer, Kiesinger und auch Kohl sorgten der Spiegel, die Frankfurter Rundschau, die Zeit oder die Süddeutsche für Kritik. Und dies auch, weil es eine identifizierbare Sozialdemokratie gab.

Seit der Neoliberalismus seine Herrschaft durch die Parteien angetreten hat, haben sich auch die politischen Konzepte angeglichen - die aktuelle "Groko" ("Große Koalition") ist dafür ein beredtes Beispiel. Wo aber keine unterschiedlichen politischen Konzepte existieren, können sich diese auch nicht in den Medien widerspiegeln. Dem politischen Einheitsbrei entspricht der einheitliche Medienbrei. Dass mittlerweile die Journalisten zwischen Bild und Spiegel beruflich hin- und herpendeln - früher völlig undenkbar -, ist dazu nur eine ergänzende, wenn auch beredte Facette.

Es geht also nicht in erster Linie darum, dass der Spiegel einen unsäglichen Titel wie den vom 28. August zu verantworten hat. Sondern darum, dass es dazu kaum eine mediale Alternative gab, auch nicht in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern. So reicht mittlerweile die Front der Bellizisten, die eine Konfliktlösung mit militärischer Gewalt befürworten, von der SZ bis hin zur taz. Die "bürgerlichen" Medien sind sich ebenso wie die "bürgerlichen" Parteien einig.

Das Neue an der neuen Medienkritik ist, dass sie sich gegen diese geistige Gleichschaltung richtet. Und dass dabei der rechte Rand mit besonderem Gewicht vertreten ist, ist ein Indiz für eine neue Polarisierung der Gesellschaft – von Rudolf Stumberger

14.2.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Dr. Abdullah al-Rabiah: King Salman Relief Centre Prepared to Provide Aid to Syria within 24 Hours

Supervisor-general of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre: the relief mission reached all Yemenis without discrimination

Yemen being the first mission taken by the center, Dr al-Rabiah briefed that relief is being delivered in all of Yemen regardless of the zone’s political affiliation, and has arrived to all Yemeni governorates. Sustenance has been approximately provided to 14 million cases, as for health aid, relief has reached 15 million deprived people in Yemen. Environmental amelioration has reached 3.5 million Yemenis.

Comment: Bomb them, destroy their houses, kill them, injure them, block them, play the benefactor. – “reached all Yemenis”: What apart from bombs and more bombs has arrived at Saada, Sanaa, Hajjah, Hodeidah…? What about Saudi blockade preventing goods and humanitarian aid reaching all these places?

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

14.2.2016 – Iran German Radio (A K PH)

Dutzende Tote und Verletzte bei saudi-arabischen Angriffen in Jemen

Saudi-arabische Kampfflugzeuge haben die historische Stadt Kawkaban angegriffen und 15 Menschen getötet.

Der Angriff erfolgte heute Morgen, die Stadt Kawkaban befindet sich in der Provinz Al-Mahwit im Westen des Landes. Dabei kamen über 15 Menschen ums Leben, Dutzende weitere wurden verletzt.

Saudische Flugzeuge haben zudem in Sana einige Industrieanlagen bombardiert und vollkommen zerstört. Auch da sind Meldungen zufolge Menschen ums Leben gekommen.

Im Landeszentrum in der Stadt Sarwah in Provinz Maarib wurde bei saudi-arabischen Angriffen eine Moschee, Dutzende Häuser und Anbaufelder zerstört. Über 20 Zivilisten sollen bei diesen Angriffen getötet worden sein.

15.2.2016 – Albawaba (A K PH)

Airstrikes destroy archeological monuments in Yemen

Four people were killed and others injured on Sunday in Saudi air raids on Kawkaban historical city in Shebam district of Mahweet province.
The Saudi-led coalition airstrikes targeted the city's main gate, the archeological castle, and buildings and historical monuments located in al-Qashla zone, at the entrance of the city, a local official said. He added that the air raids led to the destruction of the gate, many homes and archaeological buildings dating back to the 2nd century AD.

Many families are still under the debris, the official said, stressing the rescue teams found difficulties to enter the city due to the massive destruction caused by the airstrikes in the city.

14.2.2016 – Spiegel Online (A K)

Film: Kämpfe in Jemens Hauptstadt: Zahlreiche Tote bei Luftangriff

Bei einem Luftangriff der saudi-arabisch-geführten Allianz auf die jemenitische Hauptstadt Sanaa sind zahlreichen Menschen getötet worden. und in besserer Qualität

14.2.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Four people killed in historical city of Kawkaban

Four people were killed and others injured on Sunday in Saudi air raids on Kawkaban historical city in Shebam district of Mahweet province.

The Saudi aggression targeted the city's main gate, the archeological castle, and buildings and historical monuments located in al-Qashla zone, at the entrance of the city, a local official said.

He added that the air raids led to the destruction of the gate, many homes and archaeological buildings dating back to the 2nd century AD.

Many families are still under the debris, the official said, stressing the rescue teams found difficulties to enter the city due to the massive destruction caused by the air strikes in the city. and film: and photos:

14.2.2016 – Channel (A K)

Historic Yemen city hit by airstrikes

Saudi-led coalition forces carried out airstrikes in the historic city of Kawkaban early on Sunday.

The airstrikes left five dead and 10 injured, including one woman, according to Ahmed al-Marouni, a member of the official response team deployed to the city by the Yemeni Health Ministry.

Residents of the historic city were seen pushing their belongings in carts, walking and driving cars as they left the city to escape other possible airstrikes.

Kawkaban lies 50 kilometres (31 miles) north of the Yemeni capital Sanaa and is characterized by architecturally distinctive mud brick buildings.

14.2.2016 – The Iran Project (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes conduct airstrikes across Yemen

The Saudi jets pounded a sewing factory in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, killing 11 civilians and injuring four others.

Riyadh’s military aircraft also bombarded the Bani Matar district of the capital.

The Sabrah district of the southwestern province of Ibb was also targeted. There were no immediate reports on possible casualties and the extent of damage.

At least five Yemeni civilians lost their lives and several others sustained injuries following Saudi airstrikes on the historical city of Kawkaban in the western province of Mahwit.

In the Sirwah district of Ma’rib Province, a number of houses and a mosque were demolished by Saudi jets.

14.2.2016 – Tasnim news (A K PH)

Saudi Raids Kill 11, Injure 4 in Yemen’s Sana’a

Saudi airstrikes on a commercial area killed and injured several people Sunday in the Yemeni capital.

Saudi warplanes heavily pounded several markets and a sewing workshop in Sana’a on Sunday and claimed the lives of at least 11 people, Yemen's official Saba Net news agency reported.

4 people were also reported injured.

The report added that several people are still buried under the rubble of the building in the east of the capital.

14.2.2016 – AFP (A K)

2 killed, 15 wounded in Saudi-led strike on Yemen workshop

A Saudi-led coalition air strike on a sewing workshop killed at least two people and wounded 15 in the rebel-held Yemeni capital on Sunday, the factory owner told AFP.

"Two employees, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed and 15 others wounded in the overnight air raid," Faisal al-Musaabi said.

A search was underway for another employee still buried under the rubble of the building in the east of Sanaa, he added.

Comment: A sewing workshop.. what threat did it pose? People sew for a living. Saudi-led coalition seems to be bombing for delight.

Comment: No, not for delight. You correctly say: “People sew for a living”. That’s what should be hit. That is the addition to the blockade of imports. Houthi held Yemen shall starve.

13.2.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes destroy al-Hatha bridge in Nehm

The Saudi aggression warplanes destroyed on Saturday a mosque and al-Hatha bridge in Nehm district of Sana'a province.

The Saudi war jets targeted Ali al-Jaradi's mosque and his house in Khalqa area, a military source said, adding many neighboring houses were damaged.

Al-Hatha bridge is linking between Nehm and Arhab districts northern the capital Sana'a.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

15.2.2016 – News of Yemen (AK PH)

Photos: Footage of #Houthi & #Yemen-i army control stratigic town near Bab El Mandeb straits from #Saudi #UAE backed forces

After heavy fight with Saudi backed forces, Yemeni army and Houthi fighters have controlled strategic Al Shabakah mountain overlooking the city of Dhubab about 25km from Bab El Mandeb straits south west Taiz province.
Dozens of Saudi backed forces were killed in the clashes which ended by Saudi backed forces withdrawal from Dhubab city Footages of the aftermath of the fight were released shows Several bodies of Yemeni fighters wearing Saudi army uniform. One fighter was shown in the video givin himself up to Houthi fighters.

The Yemeni army and Houthi fighters have seized days ago stratigic Al Omary mountains range which over look the Red Sea.

15.2.2016 – Al Arabiya (A K PS)

Dozens of Houthi militias killed in Yemen

Saudi-led airstrikes and recent clashes have killed at least 59 Houthi militas, including prominent leaders, with dozens injured, Al Arabiya News reported Monday.

Clashes took place in the south-western governorate of Taez, where the coalition targeted Houthi-held areas, according to sources with the Popular Resistance Forces (PRF).

Yahya Zafran, a Houthi leader, was among 29 militas reportedly killed.

Sources said six Houthis militias were killed in clashes in Marib province, and a Houthi weapons depot was destroyed by coalition airstrikes.

It was also reported by sources that 10 Houthi militias were killed, including leader Yahya al-Mutawakkil Taha, in clashes with the national army and PRF in eastern Sanaa.

In central Ibb province, sources said the PRF carried out a surprise attack on Houthi militias, killing five.

In Al-Bayda province, the PRF attacked Houthi positions, killing five militias and wounding others.

In western Al-Hudayda governorate, Houthi leader Abdulwahab al-Houthi was reportedly killed by the PRF.

15.2.2016 – The National UAE / NCRI (A K PS)

Weapons cargo from Iran destined for Yemen intercepted

The Arab Coalition fighting against groups backed by the regime in Tehran has intercepted a cargo ship coming from Djibouti to Yemen carrying military equipment under the guise of carrying medical supplies.

The coalition’s sources told Sky News Arabia on Sunday that when the ship that had the flag of the Marshall Islands was searched encrypted military communication equipment and other military hardware were found on board in containers originating from the port of Bandar Abbas in southern Iran.

Following its departure from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, the ship named 'Menburt Cedar', had temporarily docked in Djibouti. The ship was intercepted by the Saudi-led Coalition forces before reaching its destination, the Yemeni port of Hodeidah.

According to the sources the ship was taken to the port of Jizan in Saudi Arabia, where it was inspected in the presence of international observers who documented the whole process. =

Comment: Might be 0,05 % compared to all the weapons and military equipment Saudi Arabia is receiving from western and other countries. So what?

15.2.2016 – AP (A K)

Saudi Border Guard Killed by Cross-Border Fire From Yemen

The Interior Ministry announced the guard's death on Monday morning. It said the soldier died on Sunday night when a cross-border shell landed near him in Jazan, a southern province bordering Yemen.

14.2.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Saudi Intellligence Chief Killed in Missile Attack in Asir

A senior Saudi intelligence chief was killed in a missile attack by the Yemeni army on a Saudi military base in the Kingdom's Southern province of Asir.

Quoting informed sources, Yemen's Arabic-language Sa'adah Press reported that the Saudi Army's Intelligence Commander in the region, General Hassan Ahmad al-Mutairi, was killed in a missile attack by Yemen's army.

No more details are available on the development.

On Sunday, the Yemeni forces pounded an important airport and a key military base in Asir province with ballistic and Scud missiles.

Yemen's Qaher-I ballistic missile precisely hit an airport in Abha region in Asir province.

Meantime, a Scud missile struck a military base in Khamis Mushait region in Asir province.

According to the eyewitnesses, several explosions were heard after the Qaher-I missile hit the Abha airport.

14.2.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Yemeni Army Seizes Strategic Mountaintop from Saudi Forces in Taiz

The Yemeni Army’s Republican Guard and popular forces have taken full control of Jabal Al-Shubkah in the Taiz Governorate after a fierce battle with the Saudi-led Coalition forces.

Jabal Al-Shubkah is located in the Thubab District of the Taiz Governorate; this was one of the most volatile areas in the aforementioned province before the Yemeni forces captured from the Saudi-led Coalition and their foreign mercenaries.

The Yemeni news channel “Al-Masirah” reported that a large number of Saudi-led Coalition soldiers and mercenaries were killed during the battle. In addition to killing several enemy combatants, the Yemeni forces also destroyed two armored vehicles belonging to the Saudi Royal Army.

14.2.2016 – Arab News (A K PS)

Scud from Yemen shot down

Saudi defense forces at the southern border shot down on Saturday a Scud missile that originated from Yemen and targeted Khamis Mushait where a major airbase is located, Al-Arabiya reported.

13.2.2016 – The Iran Project (A K PH)

Saudi claims about gains in Yemen mere propaganda: Ansarullah official

The Press officer of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement rejected the Saudi regime’s claims that its forces have made advances toward Sana’a and captured some major cities of the Arabian Peninsula country, describing the claims as a propaganda campaign.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency, Khaled al-Khazan denounced the media reports about alleged advances of the Saudi-led coalition forces in Yemen, emphasizing that Ansarullah fighters and the Yemeni Army troops are properly resisting against the coalition forces.

“There is no video image to prove that they (Saudis) have entered Ma’rib (city),” he said, emphasizing that they are stationed in the deserts of the Ma’rib Governorate and have not captured the city.

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