Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 109

Yemen Press Reader 109: Mwatana-Bericht über zivile Opfer der Luftangriffe - Kritik an westlichen Rüstungslieferungen -EU-Votum und Heuchelei der USA - Bomben auf Krankenhäuser - Hillary Clinton

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cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

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cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

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12.2015 – Mwatana Organisation for Human Rights (*** A K)

Blind Air strikes. Civilian victims of Saudi Arabia-led coalition’ air strikes in Yemen, December 2015


Executive Summary


Research Methodology

The Air Strikes incidents legal framework

Air strikes in Sana’a Governorate and the Capital Secretariat

Air strikes in S’adah

Air Strikes in Ta’iz

Air Strikes in Hodaidah

Air Strikes in Lahj

Air Strikes in Ibb

Air Strikes in Dhamar

Air Strikes in Hajja

Air Strikes in Al- Baidha


Executive Summary:

On the early hours of March 26, 2015, the Saudi Arabia -led Arab coalition launched aerial attacks on military installation in the capital city of Sana’a. The air strikes took place following the announcement issued by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia marking the beginning of a Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition of nine Arab states’ military campaign targeting forces of both former president Ali Abdullah Saleh and Houthi armed group - Ansar Allah - which took over power in Yemen by force on September 21, 2014.

This military intervention as cited above started only two days following a request by the Yemeni Interim President Abdraboo Mansoor Hadi. The request was forwarded to the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and was justified on grounds of restoration of the powers and legitimacy of the Interim President in the face of the rapid advancement of Houthi forces towards the city of Aden. This came on the heel of the timely fleeing of President Hadi and his subsequent settlement in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh.

Since March 26, 2015, the Saudi Arabia-led jet fighters launched thousands of air strikes targeting military installations and units loyal to former President Saleh and the Houthis though many of these aerial attacks struck and caused substantial damage to civil targets and resulted in unabated blood-shedding among civilians including women and children.

Most of these casualties were concentrated in nine governorates details of which will be featured in due course within the framework of this Executive Summary. Despite the statements issued by the Spokesman of the Arab Allied Forces –Brigadier General Ahmed Aseeri- that all precautionary measures were taken to avoid civilian casualties and to ensure the safety and security of all Yemenis, a sizable number of the coalition’ aerial attacks did target civilian areas and resulted in killing and injury of civilian, damage of homes, civil institutions and infrastructures. These violations may tantamount to war crimes in accordance with the International Humanitarian Law.

This report focuses in particular on 44 incidents of aerial attacks conducted by the Saudi Arabia-led Arab coalition which targeted civilians in nine Yemeni governorates including Sana’a, Ta’iz, Lahj, Ibb, Hodaidah, Sada’a, Hajja, Al- Baidha and Dhamar over the period from March to October 2015. These aerial attacks were conducted at times when people were pursuing their normal lives either at homes or in public places in markets, or entertaining themselves in public parks.

These aerial attacks targeted places totally distinct from military camps and far away from military installations. Casualties resulting from the coalition’ air strikes on Al-Makha sea city western Ta’iz governorate were the most obvious example of the pain inflicted on civilians. The casualties among civilians there stand as a living testimony of the horrors of war and of the grave errors associated with the Saudi Arabia-led military campaign against this impoverished nation.

A residential compound in Al-Makha city was subjected to air bombardment on the evening of July 24, 2015. These attacks were the most bloody resulting in the killing of 65 civilians of which 13 were children and 12 were women. In addition, 36 were seriously injured of which 14 were children and 13 were women when the attacks hit a housing compound accommodating employees of a power plant in Al-Makha. The housing compound is composed of 200 apartments. People living in the villages of Sanaban, will never forget 7 October 2015. They told how a joyful wedding event turned all of a sudden into disaster. It is also equally difficult for residents of Waheja village in northwest Ta’iz to forget events of 28 September 2015 when a wedding party attended by female members of village turned into a wake.

On October 7, 2015 an aerial attack by the Saudi Arabian led coalition hit Sanaban –a rural village- in Mayfa’h east of Dhamar governorate. The unexpected horrific bombardment struck a wedding party there. 40 civilians were killed of which 15 were children and 14 were women. Number of injuries were estimated 42 of which 14 were women and 13 were children. The aerial attacks also resulted in the demolition of a three- story building where the wedding invitees from at least 3 neighboring villages were. On September 28, 2015, a small village named Waheja on the North-West of Ta’iz governorate southern Yemen, was subjected to the same ordeal following an attack by the Saudi Arabia led coalition hitting a wedding celebration which was attended exclusively by women.

Another aerial attack by the Saudi Arabia led coalition on Waheja village took place on September, 28, 2015 once again hitting a wedding celebration and resulted in the death of 26 civilians of which 13 were children and 12 were women. Two camp sites where the wedding celebration took place were hit: one of the camps was ear-marked for men and the other site was exclusively marked for women in attendance of the wedding event. Mwatana carried out field investigative research on the 44 incidents of air strikes and conducted interviews with 155 persons including victims, families of the victims, eye- witnesses and medical sources.

The field research and investigations conducted by Mwatana confirm that in the nine Yemeni governorates at least 615 civilians were killed among whom 120 were women and 220 were children. Moreover, at least 678 civilian were injured including 125 women and 167 children. The report’s conclusions show that most of these air strikes hit targets far away from military compounds and depots. The Saudi Arabia -led aerial attacks did not only affect the lives of victims, their families and their homes. The damage extended to affect the whole communities.

Large numbers of people became internally displaced as a result of the airstrikes. This was also associated with heightened fear among the most vulnerable groups in these communities (i.e. the poor and helpless) who simply could hardly afford to live due to lack of sufficient resources. The problem has further been exacerbated by the non-existence of public shelters for internally displaced people. Under such unbearable conditions, internally displaced people may have no alternatives other than resorting to valley and low areas and caves at night time for fear of being the victims of further aerial attacks. In addition, under constant fear, women have become accustomed to sleep in their Abayas in anticipation of an aerial attack and subsequent escape to the unknown.

Comment: A long, detailed report.

27.2.2016 – Klaus Schreiner (** B K P)

Jemen: Westliche Mitverantwortung für das Leid der Zivilbevölkerung – Kritik an westlichen Rüstungslieferungen für Saudi-Arabien und andere Golfstaaten

Menschenrechtsorganisationen kritisierten die USA, Großbritannien und andere westliche Staaten, Saudi-Arabien mit Waffen zu versorgen, die in dem Krieg im Jemen zum Einsatz kamen, und beschuldigten die saudisch geführte Militärkoalition, Streubombenzu verwenden, die von den meisten Staaten geächtet sind.[360]

Vertreter von Hilfsorganisationen wie der Leiter der humanitären Arbeit von Oxfam im Jemen kritisierten neben der als hauptverantwortlich für die katastrophale humanitäre Lage der Menschen im Jemen betrachteten Blockade des Landes, dass Staaten wie die USA und Großbritannien die Militäroperation der saudisch geführten Militärallianz im Jemen weiterhin mit Waffenlieferungen unterstützten, obwohl „die Saudis massiv Menschenrechte und internationales Recht verletzen“ (Tariq Riebl/Oxfam) würden und warfen auch Deutschland anhaltende Waffenlieferungen in die Region vor.[361]

In einem Interview mit der BBC betonte Tariq Riebl, es sei schwierig zu argumentieren, dass eine an Saudi-Arabien verkaufte Waffe nicht im Jemen eingesetzt werde. Auch wenn sie nicht im Jemen eingesetzt werde, könne sie Saudi-Arabien ermöglichen, andere Waffen im Jemen einzusetzen. Der BBC-Auslandskorrespondent Gabriel Gatehouse kritisierte in einer BBC-Reportage von September 2015, die Luftangriffe der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition würden „nicht nur mit der vollen Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft und dem Stempel der Bewilligung des Sicherheitsrats der Vereinten Nationen“ stattfinden, „sondern auch mit der enthusiastischen Unterstützung von Großbritannien und den Vereinigten Staaten, die nicht nur darin fortfahren, Waffen an Saudi-Arabien zu verkaufen“, sondern auch Verbindungsoffiziere im Oberkommando der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition unterhielten.[362]

Human Rights Watch betonte, dass neben den USA auch Großbritannien und Frankreich zeitnah Militärmaterial an Saudi-Arabien verkauft hatten.[363] Alle drei westlichen Länder wurden beispielsweise von der Nothilfekoordinatorin von Ärzte ohne Grenzen, Karline Kleijer, als Teil der saudisch geführten Militärkoalition bezeichnet.[364]Amnesty International forderte sowohl die USA als auch Großbritannien dazu auf, ihre Waffenexporte an Saudi-Arabien auszusetzen.[365]

Oxfam warf finanzstarken Ländern wie Deutschland im September 2015 eine Mitverantwortung an der Lage im Jemen, die von den UN zum höchstmöglichen humanitären Notfall erklärt worden war, vor: Sie heizten den Konflikt durch Rüstungsexporte an die kriegführenden Parteien an, während sie gleichzeitig bei weitem zu wenig Geld für die humanitäre Nothilfe ausgäben. So waren Oxfam zufolge zu diesem Zeitpunkt lediglich 38 Prozent der 1,6 Milliarden US-Dollar zusammengekommen, die laut UNO für die am stärksten gefährdeten 11,7 Millionen Menschen im Jemen an Nothilfe nötig waren. Nach Oxfam-Berechnungen hatte Deutschland mit umgerechnet 44,4 Millionen US Dollar lediglich 55 Prozent des Anteils eingezahlt, der seiner Wirtschaftskraft angemessen wäre. Andere Geberstaaten wie die USA (44 Prozent ihres gerechten Anteils) hätten noch weniger Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt. Oxfam urteilte: „Dies steht im krassen Widerspruch zu den lukrativen Rüstungsgeschäften, die diese Länder mit den kriegführenden Parteien abgeschlossen haben“. Deutsche Rüstungsunternehmen hätten seit 1999 allein an Saudi-Arabien Panzerfahrzeuge, Gewehre, Munition und andere Rüstungsgüter im Gesamtwert von rund 2,8 Milliarden Euro geliefert. Auch nach Beginn der saudisch geführten Militärintervention im Jemen Ende März 2015 habe die deutsche Bundesregierung noch Rüstungsexporte an Saudi-Arabien genehmigt, allein im April 2015 im Wert von 12,9 Millionen Euro.

Kommentar: Sehr ausführlicher Artikel, mit Infografiken, Fotos, Karikaturen: bitte auf der Originalseite lesen!

29.2.2016 – Vox (** A P)

How Europe's call for a Saudi arms embargo exposes America’s hypocrisy

Whether or not European governments obey the resolution, the EU's resolution stands in stark and telling contrast to the United States, which is playing an even larger role in not just arming Saudi Arabia but directly aiding its war in Yemen. It calls attention to just how hypocritical and cynical this US policy looks to the rest of the world — which tells us something important about why the US is doing this anyway.

The European resolution came as the result of something we don't really have in the US: mass outrage over the Saudi war in Yemen.

Some 750,000 European citizens signed a petition calling for the suspension of weapon sales. Human rights groups accuse Saudi Arabia of deliberately targeting civilians. Many Europeans, especially Brits, have become increasingly furious over Saudi Arabia's conduct in the Yemen war and are no longer comfortable with their governments selling Saudi Arabia the weapons it's using to commit these atrocities.

"Since March 25, [2015]," writes Micah Zenko of the Council on Foreign Relations, "the United States has been providing in-air refueling, combat-search-and-rescue support (including the rescue of two Saudi pilots whose helicopter crashed in the Gulf of Aden), detailing forty-five intelligence analysts to help advise on target selection, and redoubling weapons exports and contractor support" to the Saudis and the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in the Saudi-led coalition.

A Congressional Research Service report also states, "Since September 2014, the Obama Administration has notified Congress of proposed Foreign Military Sales to Saudi Arabia with a potential value of more than $21 billion."

Having the European Parliament issue a strong call for an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia in condemnation of its massive human rights violations in its war on Yemen makes the Obama administration's continued support for that war even more controversial. And maybe it should.

But the Obama administration does believe it has a direct interest in supporting Saudi Arabia, as the Saudis are seen by the administration as a crucial ally in the fight against ISIS (though just how useful an ally they actually are in this fight is up for debate), and as an important partner in the Middle East more generally. And the war in Yemen is a huge deal to the Saudi regime.

"U.S. support for a military campaign that is inflicting extreme hardship on civilians in one of the Mideast’s poorest countries," writes Colum Lynch in Foreign Policy, "provides an awkward counterpoint to the Obama administration’s stated commitment to stand up for the region’s oppressed people."

It's not just awkward. It exposes the Obama administration's hypocrisy — shared by previous administrations — and severely undermines US claims of moral authority.

This is not just a problem unique to the Obama administration, either. Rather, it's a longstanding dilemma that has plagued US foreign policy for decades, especially (though certainly not exclusively) in the Middle East.

This stems from the inherent tension between two core elements of America's identity as a nation: the idealistic vision of America as a beacon of freedom and democracy on the one hand, and the vision of America as the leading world power whose job and responsibility it is to maintain order and stability — not just politically, but also economically — around the world. In other words, it's a clash between idealism and realism.

And this tension is what creates the discordant foreign policy that is often (justifiably) perceived as plain hypocrisy.

When it comes to Saudi Arabia, the Obama administration chose realism; it chose interests over values. It chose to provide arms, knowing what those arms would do, because of what it would get in return – by Jennifer Williams

cp2 Allgemein / General

1.3.2016 – Japan Times (* B K)

In Yemen, a humanitarian pause urgently needed

As war continues to rage uninterrupted in Yemen, a humanitarian pause is badly needed as the country spirals down to chaos, leaving the majority of the population in urgent need of medical care. Restrictions on access to medical supplies and care are key impediments in improving the situation of people in need. A five day humanitarian pause would allow supplies and care to reach those people and relieve their dire health situation.

Health care services in all public hospitals have been reduced, especially operating theaters and intensive care units. At the same time, disrupted immunization activities have increased the risks for measles and poliomyelitis, even though Yemen is still free of polio.

The breakdown of the water supply and sanitation systems has facilitated the spread of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, as well as acute diarrheal diseases, particularly affecting children. Also, because of limited communication possibilities, the early warning alert system for diseases has been seriously affected.

The country has one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world.

The Lancet reports that approximately a quarter of the country’s health care facilities are no longer functional. To make matters worse, as Ronald Kremer from MSF says, “People do not dare to go to hospitals because they are afraid that they are targeted and, even if they want to go they may not have the means — even where public transport does exist, it is very expensive because of the fuel problems”.

Fuel problems have increased the problems in obtaining clean water. Lack of a proper water supply and the dire sanitation and hygiene situation has led to outbreaks of dengue and malaria. Because many Yemenis store water in open containers, that becomes an ideal breeding ground for disease-transmitting mosquitoes.

In this situation, a humanitarian pause is urgently needed – by Cesar Chelala

Comment: He is not wrong – an end of any war would be better.

29.2.2016 – The Globe and Mail (** B K)

Rules of war fall victim to hospital bombings

n MSF report released last week found that in 70 of our supported medical centres in Syria, between 30 and 40 per cent of war-wounded patients were women and children. The planes flying over Syria are not just dropping bombs on soldiers or militants, but also on civilians struggling to survive.

This is part of an atrocious and emerging pattern that goes beyond Syria. In Yemen, a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and supported by Britain, France and the United States has not only attacked public spaces and facilities with little apparent care for civilian casualties, it has also blocked humanitarian aid from entering the country, reducing the people of Yemen to pawns in a military game. In Afghanistan, U.S. planes bombed MSF’s hospital in Kunduz, the only advanced health facility in the region, last October, killing more than 40 patients, staff and caregivers and depriving residents of medical care.

Having worked in conflict zones for more than 40 years, MSF knows that war has never been a humane activity. But we have reached a tipping point. It’s no longer just groups of rebel fighters who are ignoring the Geneva Conventions, but also the nation-states who actually signed and vowed to uphold them.

The world’s biggest military powers use their most advanced weaponry and so-called smart weapons with complete recklessness. Men, women and children trapped inside conflict zones are paying for it with their lives, and the infrastructure and services they depend upon are being destroyed.

Parties to wars today – in Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan and elsewhere – seem to use attacking health-care workers and structures as part of a combat strategy, instead of keeping vulnerable people out of their crosshairs.

Hospitals are not targets. Patients are not targets. Doctors are not targets. Schools, bread lines and market places are not targets. In Canada, we consider violence directed against public institutions and the people they serve an unthinkable outrage. We cannot call ourselves humanitarians if we stand by when it happens in other countries.

Targeting civilians is never acceptable. When warring parties kill with impunity and abandon, it is our shared humanity that is at stake – by Stephen Cornish

29.2.2016 – Sputnik News (B K P)

Yemen Conflict to Worsen if Nations Supply Weapons to Both Sides – Advocacy

A US advocacy group said Monday that the crisis in Yemen will only deteriorate if nations continue to supply weapons to parties involved on both sides of the conflict.

The crisis in Yemen will only deteriorate if nations continue to supply weapons to parties involved on both sides of the conflict, a US advocacy group said in a press release.

"The fighting in Yemen has resulted in a catalogue of horrors for the civilian population. The warring parties are directly to blame for flagrantly flouting international humanitarian law and failing to take adequate measures to protect civilians and their human rights," Head of Arms Control and Human Rights at Amnesty International Brian Wood stated on Monday.

The international community, the release noted, has also played a significant part in this by continuing to supply billions of dollars’ worth of arms to the Saudi-led coalition despite clear evidence of an overriding risk that they would be used to commit serious violations.

The watchdog organization said it had documented how, since the start of the conflict last March, that all sides are guilty of "serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, including possible war crimes.”

These human rights violations, the release added, contributed to 3,000 civilian deaths, including 700 children, and the displacement of over 2 million people.

Wood also said that ceasing the flow of arms to the parties involved in the conflict in Yemen would also need to be met with the establishment of an international inquiry that could launch "credible, independent investigations into the serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by all parties."

Amnesty urged any arms authorization to Yemen to include a "strict, legally binding guarantee that the end use will be in line with international humanitarian and human rights law," and guarantees that any of those arms transfers would not be used in the country.

Comment: Well this is not rocket science. As long as weapons are being supplied, militants, armies and air forces will vary on killing and destroying. So why keep supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia? And to anyone else for that matter?

29.2.2016 – Vocativ (A K P)

16 Civilians A Day Killed Or Wounded By Bombs In Yemen

Both sides in Yemen's ongoing war are killing scores of people. But warplanes led by Saudi Arabia are responsible for the vast majority

Comment: A short overview.

29.2.2016 – Global Journalist (B K P)

Four questions: War in Yemen. A primer on Yemen’s conflict

As Yemen’s humanitarian situation worsens, Global Journalist’s Iuliia Alieva spoke with three experts on the country about religious tensions, the humanitarian crisis and restrictions on the press. Below, their edited answers to five key questions::

Global Journalist: What are the reasons for the conflict in Yemen?

Maxim Suchkov, Russian International Affairs Council:

There are three dimensions of this conflict: local, regional and global. Yemen is the Middle East in miniature.

The country is suffering from terrific poverty with great numbers of uneducated yet politically active youth, which seriously fuels social unrest. Yemen is [also] a tight knot of inter-tribal conflicts.

The regional facet spins around the internal Sunni-Shia divide, and is fueled by regional powers Iran and Saudi Arabia. Russia, which tends to ally with Iran’s regional agenda, and the United States [Saudi Arabia’s ally] have influence, though not so much as in the case of Syria.

GJ: What’s the outcome of the failed peace talks in December between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government?

Hisham al-Omeisy, Yemen-based political analyst and blogger: …The warring parties brought to the table in Geneva were not willing to compromise nor did [they] represent all the faction son the ground to begin with.

The Saudi-led coalition has repeatedly made it very clear that they are seeking a decisive military victory, while the other side refused to make any concessions and continues to fight with its back to the wall…Now that the peace talks have been derailed and basically postponed indefinitely, we are left with an extended war with each party aggressively pursuing its own goals militarily and trying to reinforce [its] position on the ground. Unfortunately, with the whole nation being held hostage to the conflict, a humanitarian catastrophe was to be expected and actually now is a reality.

29.2.2016 – TAZ (B P)

Waffenruhe unwahrscheinlich

Die Spannungen zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien machen kaum Hoffnung auf Frieden im Jemen. Den Saudis fehlt die Möglichkeit zur Gesichtswahrung.

Anfang des Jahres verschärften sich die Spannungen zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien. Nach der Hinrichtung des schiitischen Geistlichen Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi-Arabien erstürmten iranische Demonstranten die saudische Botschaft in Teheran. Dies veranlasste das Königshaus in Riad zum Abbruch seiner diplomatischen und wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen mit der Islamischen Republik.

Eine Konsequenz dieser Entwicklungen zeichnet sich im Jemen ab. Eine Waffenruhe scheint dort unwahrscheinlicher, je tiefer der Graben zwischen Iran und Saudi-Arabien aufgerissen wird. Als Ergebnis seiner bisherigen Politik fehlt dem saudischen Königshaus die Möglichkeit eines gesichtswahrenden Rückzugs. Teheran wiederum kann mit vergleichsweise geringem Einsatz seinen Rivalen beschädigen.

Unabhängig von der Frage, was letztlich ausschlaggebend für die Intervention war, hat sich die saudische Jemen-Politik in eine Sackgasse manövriert. Heute, rund ein Jahr nach Beginn der Intervention, ist ein militärischer Sieg in weiter Ferne. Die Huthis kontrollieren noch immer Sanaa. In den meisten „befreiten“ Städten im Süden kämpfen nunmehr al-Qaida und der IS um die Vorherrschaft. Saudi- Arabien musste schwere Verluste hinnehmen und die Huthis konnten ihrerseits wiederholt in saudisches Territorium vorstoßen. Gleichzeitig wurden weite Teile von Jemens ohnehin dürftiger ziviler Infrastruktur zerstört. Die Bevölkerung leidet Mangel an Nahrung, Medizin und Strom. Kurzum: Die hochgerüstete saudische Armee vermochte trotz weit überlegener Feuerkraft weder einen schnellen Sieg davonzutragen noch symbolische Zwischenerfolge zu feiern.

Iran wiederum konnte ohne großes Zutun dabei zusehen, wie sich der große Rivale zunehmend in eine Sackgasse manövrierte. Anders als in Irak und Syrien gibt es im Jemen keinen umfangreichen Einsatz iranischer Militärberater. Der iranische Beitrag beschränkt sich vielmehr auf politische Unterstützungsbekundungen und punktuelle Waffenlieferungen an die Huthis.

Obgleich das iranische Engagement im Jemen nur gering ist, liegt der Schlüssel zur Lösung des Konflikts dennoch in den Beziehungen zwischen Riad und Teheran. Denn Saudi-Arabien, das den Krieg im Jemen immer wieder auch als Kampf gegen den iranischen Einfluss auf der arabischen Halbinsel dargestellt hat, kann seinen Einsatz nur dann gesichtswahrend beenden, wenn sich die Beziehungen mit Teheran merklich verbessern. In der gegenwärtigen Situation käme eine Einstellung der Kampfhandlungen dem Eingeständnis des eigenen Scheiterns gleich. Saudi-Arabien hätte trotz hoher Verluste sein Kriegsziel nicht erreicht, was dem saudischen Königshaus innen- wie außenpolitisch als Schwäche ausgelegt werden dürfte – von David Jalilvand!5278880/

28.2.2016 – AFP (A P)

Amnesty fordert Waffenembargo gegen Konfliktparteien im Jemen

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty International hat ein Waffenembargo gegen alle Konfliktparteien im Jemen gefordert. Amnesty veröffentlichte den Appell am Montag in Genf vor einer Konferenz des Vertrags über den Waffenhandel (ATT). Angesichts Erkenntnissen über Menschenrechtsverletzungen bis hin zu Kriegsverbrechen dürfe keine der Konfliktparteien, auch nicht die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Koalition gegen die Huthi-Rebellen, mit Waffen, Munition, Militärausrüstung oder Militärtechnologie beliefert werden - weder auf direktem noch auf indirektem Weg - bis sie diese "ernsthaften Verletzungen" beenden.

28.2.2016 – AFP (* A P)

Amnesty urges arms embargo on Yemen warring parties

Amnesty International called Monday for an arms embargo on all warring parties in Yemen, including the Saudi-led coalition battling Iran-backed rebels, ahead of an Arms Trade Treaty meeting in Geneva.

The rights watchdog said it has documented violations of humanitarian and human rights law, including possible war crimes, by both sides since the Yemen conflict broadened in March last year.

"Amnesty International is urging all states to ensure that no party to the conflict in Yemen is supplied –- either directly or indirectly –- with weapons, munitions, military equipment or technology that would be used in the conflict until they end such serious violations," it said in a statement.

The group called "for any authorisation of arms transfers to any party to the Yemen conflict to include a strict, legally binding guarantee that the end use will be in line with international humanitarian and human rights law, and that such arms transfers will not be used in Yemen", it said.

"The embargo call goes far beyond existing international sanctions on parties to the conflict in Yemen," it added.

29.2.2016 – Amnesty International (* A K P)

Governments Must Halt All Arms Flows to the Yemen Conflict

Escalating violations, including possible war crimes, that have sparked a humanitarian crisis amid Yemen’s armed conflict will only worsen unless all states immediately impose a comprehensive embargo on arms transfers that could be used by any of the warring parties, Amnesty International warned today as a meeting on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) got under way in Geneva.

ATT States Parties and signatories are among those who continue to supply weapons to Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners for use in Yemen – in brazen violation of the treaty, in particular its human rights provisions. Arms have also been diverted into the hands of Huthi and other armed groups fighting in Yemen.

“The world has not only turned its back on the people of Yemen; many states have actually contributed to their suffering, supplying the weapons and bombs that have been used to unlawfully kill and injure civilians and destroy homes and infrastructure. This has caused a humanitarian catastrophe,” said Brian Wood, Head of Arms Control and Human Rights at Amnesty International.

“All states, as well as international organizations such as the European Union and United Nations, should do everything in their power to prevent this terrible humanitarian toll from worsening further. A vital first step would be immediately turning off the taps on the irresponsible and unlawful flow of arms that could be used in the conflict in Yemen.”

Amnesty International has documented how, since the conflict erupted last March, all sides have committed a string of serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, including possible war crimes, with impunity. This has contributed to the deaths of nearly 3,000 civilians, including at least 700 children, has injured more than 5,600 and displaced upwards of 2.5 million people.

The need for an arms embargo

Amnesty International is urging all states to ensure that no party to the conflict in Yemen is supplied – either directly or indirectly – with weapons, munitions, military equipment or technology that would be used in the conflict until they end such serious violations. This also applies to logistical and financial support for such transfers.

The embargo call goes far beyond existing international sanctions on parties to the conflict in Yemen. UN Security Council Resolution 2216, adopted in April 2015, imposed an arms embargo on Huthi/Saleh loyalist forces only. A non-binding European Parliament resolution adopted on 25 February called for the EU to seek to impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia, but not other parties to the conflict.

Amnesty International is calling for any authorization of arms transfers to any party to the Yemen conflict to include a strict, legally binding guarantee that the end use will be in line with international humanitarian and human rights law, and that such arms transfers will not be used in Yemen. States should explicitly inform the UN Sanctions Committee of the terms of any such transfers and end-use guarantees.

The organization is not calling for a total ban on coalition members acquiring arms lawfully for legitimate uses outside Yemen – for example, arms used for the protection of humanitarian aid or participation in peacekeeping operations.

An arms embargo would effectively rule out any arms transfer to any party to the conflict for use in Yemen while there remains a substantial risk the arms would be used to commit or facilitate war crimes or other serious violations.

States Parties to the ATT – including all EU member states – should already be implementing such end-use guarantees under their treaty obligations.

It is crucial that the embargo covers not only weapons and munitions used in aerial attacks such as military aircraft, missiles and bombs, but also equipment used in ground attacks by Huthi and coalition-aligned armed groups and militias in Yemen, such as imprecise Grad-type rocket artillery, as well as mortars, small arms and light weapons and other equipment such as armoured vehicles.

Possible war crimes on both sides

Since the start of the conflict in March 2015, Amnesty International has documented 30 airstrikes across five different governorates (Sana’a, Sa’da, Hajjah, Ta’iz and Lahj) by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition that appear to have violated international humanitarian law, resulting in 366 civilian deaths (more than half of whom were women and children) and 272 civilian injuries. These have included attacks on hospitals, schools, markets and mosques, which may constitute war crimes.

Amnesty International has also investigated 30 indiscriminate or reckless ground attacks by Huthi/Saleh-loyalist forces in the southern cities of Aden and Ta’iz which killed at least 68 civilians and injured 99 others (most of whom were women and children). Imprecise battlefield weapons are used on a daily basis in residential areas, causing civilian casualties and showing disregard for civilian lives. Such indiscriminate attacks violate the laws of war.

Amnesty International has also documented the Saudi Arabia-led coalition’s use of at least four different types of internationally banned cluster munitions (including US and Brazilian-manufactured models) in at least five attacks in three governorates of Yemen since March 2015. The latest attack documented took place in Sana’a on 6 January, killing a 16-year-old boy and wounding at least six other civilians. Cluster munitions are indiscriminate weapons that pose long-term dangers to civilians and their use is prohibited.

“The fighting in Yemen has resulted in a catalogue of horrors for the civilian population. The warring parties are directly to blame for flagrantly flouting international humanitarian law and failing to take adequate measures to protect civilians and their human rights,” said Brian Wood.

“But the international community has also played a significant part in this, by continuing to supply billions of dollars’ worth of arms to the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, despite clear evidence of an overriding risk that they would be used to commit serious violations.

“Stopping the flow of arms to all parties to the Yemen conflict must be accompanied by the establishment of an international inquiry to conduct credible, independent investigations into the serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by all parties.”

28.2.2016 – Bloomberg (* B K P)

Yemen's Ousted President Is Still a Stumbling Block for Saudis

Yemen ex-leader Saleh plays key role in resistance to Saudis

Stalemate undermines Saudi ambitions for influence in Syria

Saudi leaders still insist that regime change in Syria is their goal. In Yemen, a regime they’ve already changed remains a thorn in the kingdom’s side.

The Saudis helped broker a deal that ousted Yemen’s Ali Abdullah Saleh four years ago. Now, the Saudi military is bogged down in a war in its neighbor, and Saleh is playing a key role in the resistance. Earlier this month, he vowed to “teach the invaders, the new mercenaries and warlords, a tough lesson and defeat them down to the ground.”

The Yemen war is often cast as a proxy conflict between Saudi Arabia, which backs an internationally recognized government, and the Shiite Houthi rebels with ties to Iran who toppled it. Saleh doesn’t fit neatly into that picture -- he’s a former Saudi and U.S. ally. Yet in alliance with the rebels he’s proved tough to defeat, raising questions about whether the world’s top oil exporter is capable of imposing its will in the region.

“The Saudis are focused very sharply on: how do we remove him from being an element in any future equation in Yemen?” said Stephen Seche, a former U.S. ambassador to Yemen. “That’s a very difficult chore. I don’t know that Ali Abdullah Saleh will ever leave Yemen.”

In past battles in Yemen, Saleh, who’s from the same Zaidi sect of Shiite Islam as the Houthis, fought against them -- and alongside the Saudis. Today, his home in the capital Sana’a, and those of relatives, are targets of Saudi airstrikes.

The Saleh-Houthi alliance was a “marriage of convenience,” said Gabriele vom Bruck, a senior lecturer in anthropology and Yemen specialist at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. They shared common enemies, including his one-time protégé Hadi and General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, a key military leader. Both men abandoned Saleh to go along with the Gulf plan for his ouster – by Nafeesa Syeed

Comment: Now I have to say that I personally don't have much time for Saleh. During his time as President to my mind he was a great manipulator and corruption flourished - whilst Yemen didn't. And because so many people hate him and his family - and many others strongly support them - he is a divisive figure. Ok that is my view but I am not Yemeni and neither are those that rule Saudi Arabia. I would maintain that it is Yemenis job to choose their next leader - not the job of outsiders.

28.2.2016 –Press TV Iran (A P)

Saudis enjoy world support in Yemen war

Press TV has interviewed Hussain al-Bukhaiti, an activist and political commentator in Sana’a, to discuss Saudi Arabia’s ongoing military aggression against Yemen.

Yes of course the Saudis have started at the beginning of the war to target, I think in the first several days, to target military installations but after that they have relied that the Yemeni did not submit to the Saudis so they started their blockade, they started targeting ports and as well airports and as well markets, schools, all infrastructure in Yemen, companies, factories, farms, as well wheat silos and as well chicken farms.

They are doing that just they want the Yemeni people kind of to get fed up with this war, to get tired of this blockade because they have not succeed with the blockade to get our submission so they are trying everything and they will target more of this infrastructure, they will keep targeting more towns and cities and just two months ago they have targeted for the first time with the cluster bomb in the capital of Sana’a and this shows you the amount of arrogance that the Saudis have to target the capital of Yemen, the capital where there are about 3 million people living there and it might be half million more as well because many people have fled the south and many areas and Ta’izz and Sa’ada and half come to Sana’a and they know there are a lot of media in Sana’a but they are arrogant, just I think they are hundred percent sure that all international community will back them whatever they do as long as they sell them their cheap oil.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

1.3.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (A H)

Yemen - MSF ambulance hijacked

An MSF ambulance was hijacked yesterday in Al-Husaini area, Lahj governorate by four unknown gunmen.

On February 29th, the ambulance transferred a patient from the MSF supported Al-Naser Hospital in Al-Dhale’ to MSF’s Emergency Hospital in Aden. On the way back, the four armed men stopped the car forcing the ambulance driver to get out of the vehicle. There was another MSF medical worker in the ambulance.

“This incident makes us worry about the safety of our staff and for our patients, who rely on ambulances to make it to hospitals. We call on all parties to the conflict to respect medical activities and to not to stop or hinder medical staff, patients and ambulances,” say Jerome Alin, MSF Head of Mission in Yemen.

MSF reported the incident to the local authorities but has received no feedback as yet.

? – Live Leaks (B H)

Film: Hunger im Jemen als Folge der Blockade (18 +, Nichts für Sensible!)

Film: Starvation in Yemen due to the siege (18+, Graphic)

28.2.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A H)

Getting a break in Yemen's crucible of war

Al-Turbah in rural Taiz, once a drab fish market, has exploded with activity with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of urban refugees

n the bustling market of al-Turbah, there is seemingly nothing that can't be secured for a price. Haberdashers set up beside arms dealers, the smells of tea and breakfast beans waft over great bushels of qat lying on the pavements.

Among the thousands thronging the square, one hawker makes a brisk trade selling "discipline" canes to teachers for a few cents.

And in the basement of one building, in this corner of rural Yemen, stands a hall devoted to perhaps the most British of pastimes - snooker.

Its walls are bare, the baize is frayed, and broken bridge rests are taped together at odd angles. But in here, in this crucible of war, Yemeni refugees from Taiz are clinging to the comforts of home and spreading their uptown ways to locals.

The al-Shimayateen snooker hall and gym is just one of many "clubs" to have formed around al-Turbah, as refugees rub shoulders with locals and their worlds intermingle. Another club is devoted to PlayStations, another to kung fu, and another to bodybuilding.

Only 70km from Taiz city, such things were almost unheard of until the influx of 200,000 refugees from the cities.

A new social life is the result, and the bustling al-Turbah, once a drab market where fish were the biggest attraction, has become a hotbed of activity.

The war in Taiz did not discriminate between rich and poor, and many wealthy families found themselves running from the bombs to places like al-Turbah. Here, they have added fuel to another booming market - that of property.

Many with money have bought land to build new homes or have bought or rented already existing houses. That has had a dramatic effect on house prices, and has forced many poorer refugees into makeshift camps.

Khalid Abdul Kareem, 52, worked as a dentist in Taiz before fleeing in April 2015 for the village of al-Qahfah, al-Turbah, but he could not live in his cousin's house and bought land instead.

A plot that would have cost 500,000 rials ($2,325) before the war has shot up to two million rials ($9,300) due to population pressures and demand.

In such circumstances, Bassam al-Himiari, 35, a professor in Taiz University, has found living in Turbah difficult – by Nasser Al-Sakkaf

28.2.2016 – Food and Agriculture Organization (A H)

Yemen Food Security Update, January 2016

The humanitarian crisis is worsening due to escalation of conflict and civil insecurity, poor crop harvest and disruptions of markets and trade activities.

The humanitarian crisis is deepening and approximately 55.6 percent of the populations (14.4 million Yemenis) are food insecure including 7.6 million who are severely food insecure.

Ten Governorates are in Emergency phase of acute food insecurity (IPC1 Phase 4) –June 2015 IPC analysis results.

The 2015 rainfed and irrigated agriculture production have been affected by inadequate seasonal rains, poor access to farmlands, and high prices of agriculture inputs. The estimated aggregate cereal production in 2015 is 275,773 MT, which is 30 percent less than 2014 production.

Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI) estimates that around 3,024,827 MT of wheat grain is needed in 2016.

More than 2.5 million people affected due to the closure of safety net programmes and the freezing or suspensions of different donor-supported development programmes.

Local conflict and displacement have distressed livelihoods. The destruction of public and private infrastructure is causing the extensive loss of private business.

The supply of fuel and cooking gas show slight improvement in most target governorates. However, compared to the pre-crisis, the average monthly price of diesel and petrol has increased by 159 percent and 197 percent respectively.

Agriculture public services, including veterinary disease surveillance, vaccination, and plant protection have been eroded by the conflict, exposing livestock and agriculture productions to great risks. = and the document in full: =

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

29.2.2016 – The Atlantic Council (B K P)

Is the Houthi-Saleh Alliance Cracking?

The animosity between Saleh and the Houthis predated their armed confrontations that began in 2004.

The precise beginning of the Houthi-Saleh alliance is a matter of dispute, but when the Houthis invaded Sana’a in September 2014, portions of the military loyal to Saleh clearly did not interfere—and possibly even assisted with—the Houthi occupation of the city. Most observers at the time read this as an informal declaration of an alliance against Saudi-backed Hadi. The new friends also shared animosity for southern separatists and Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP).
Saleh brings to the party the better-maintained portion of the national army, with its formal military training and ability to operate more technical heavy weapons. He also brings support from extensive networks among Yemeni tribes and remnants of the General People’s Congress (GPC, the dominant party he continued to lead even after resigning in 2012).

The Houthis bring their experienced militias, strong alliances with other tribes in the north, and the committed followers of their message of Zaydi empowerment. Together with Saleh, they tap into nationalist sentiment that views southerners with suspicion and Saudi Arabia as a long-time manipulator in Yemeni politics. Both also resent the US role in Yemen, but neither view AQAP as potential allies.
Between the Houthis and Saleh, there is more than enough hubris to go around. Each seems convinced it can dispense the other with ease once the Saudi-led campaign ends. But with no signs of that happening soon, will the coalition endure?
The Houthis may be exploring options for a Saleh-less future. Their representatives are involved in ongoing mid-level talks with the Saudis, who are adamant that Saleh cannot be part of Yemen’s future – by Jillian Schwedler

Comment: To me this article sounds highly speculative. It’s seems to be speculative (or just a wish) that the Houthis are disliked by the great part of the Sanaa population. There are quite different indications as well. As a proof for the dislike of the population the article states that only a few people would take part in Houthi political demonstrations – that is not true, as there are reported many demonstrations at Sanaa with a lot of participants, for instance March 1: and (see the Houthi slogan) or Nov., 20:

It is also hardly to imagine that the Houthis ever will leave the alliance with Saleh and his forces to make an agreement with the Saudis. The alliance with Saleh and the greatest part of the Yemeni army still backing him for the Houthis is the best guarantee for survival and power. Between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis there is hatred and distrust which had grown for decades. Without the assistance of Saleh and his army, the Houthi would have a very difficult position, fighting for survival.

Comment: This article raises unusual speculation, based on a recent march in Sanaa to celebrate five years since the 'Yemen Spring' lead by the Houthis - it is reported here that very few Sanaanis joined in, because of their ambivalence towards the Houthis, and speculated that this event may signify that the Houthi-Saleh alliance may be unravelling - the Yemen spring was after all to oust Saleh from power. Most Yemen experts seem to think that the thing that is keeping Saleh and the Houthis together is the Saudi offensive, and they would have gone their separate ways long ago without Saudi intervention. It is true that there are many in Yemen who just hate all war and all warring parties, but the Houthis also also have strong supporters in the north, particularly those who see them as a front against foreign invasion and military occupation. This writer speculates that the Houthis and Saudi will form an alliance against Saleh at some point - I personally would say that is an extremely unlikely scenario.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

29.12.2016 – WAM (A P)

ERC signs agreement to boost development and reconstruction efforts in Socotra Governorate in Yemen

Emirates Red Crescent (ERC) signed a cooperation agreement with the Yemeni Socotra Governorate to promote development and reconstruction efforts and support those affected by Hurricane Meg that hit the Archipelago in November.

The signing ceremony in Socotra on Sunday was attended by Khaled Bahah, Vice President , Prime Minister of Yemen, and ministers of Health, Housing and Youth.

The deal was signed by Mohammad Yousuf Al Fahim, Deputy Secretary-General of Support Services, ERC, while on the Yemeni side by Brigadier Salem Abdullah Issa, Governor of Socotra.

Under the agreement, the ERC will finance and implement a number of humanitarian programmes and development projects in the areas of housing, health, education, electricity and water services as well as relief operations.

Al Bahah praised the humanitarian efforts and development undertaken by the UAE's ERC under the leadership of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Ruler's Representative in the Western Region and Chairman of ERC. He said the authority's response to the current humanitarian situation in Socotra Archipelago exceeded all expectations.

For his part, Al Fahim stressed the interest of UAE leadership in enhancing humanitarian services in Socotra.

Meanwhile, ERC cargo plane carrying relief aid to the inhabitants, arrived in Socotra.

Comment: The point is that there is a treaty between the Hadi government and the Emirates giving the island for 99 years to the Emirates.

Comment: Here we go UAE is going to develop Soqatra. This was a perfect island, when we went there in 2000 very basic indeed and that was its charm - no roads, no hotels, no airport except for one new airport runway. Now it is going to be developed - and I say, made to look like everywhere else. I gather UAE has a lease now on Soqatra - just like USA had a lease on Guantenamo Bay and UK had a lease on Hong Kong. This land is Yemeni, not Emirati, and I doubt that they will be better custodians than Yemenis were.

29.2.2016 – Atlantic Council (A P)

Yemen and the “Man on Horseback”

Yemeni President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi, currently residing in Riyadh, has appointed General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar to the post of Deputy Commander of Yemen’s Armed Forces—in essence giving him official command of the portion of Yemen’s military still loyal to President Hadi. Always one of Yemen’s top generals, Ali Mohsen was for years considered Yemen’s strong man, second in influence and power only to former president Ali Abdallah Saleh. Since 2012, Ali Mohsen played a behind-the-scenes role as military counselor out of offices in Riyadh. Hadi, in pulling him out of the shadows, is betting the aging general can unite tribal and southern anti-Houthi forces for a final battle to retake the capital Sana’a.

Two factors now bring Ali Mohsen out of the shadows: a war that has dragged on too long and the need for someone to unite the diverse military factions for a decisive win against the Houthis. Two important battles loom in this regard, the one for Ta’iz, Yemen’s third-largest city, and the one for Sanaa, the nation’s capital.

The battle for Sana’a, symbolically and strategically critical for a final victory, has yet to begin and poses a major challenge for the array of disparate forces poised to attempt the literally and figuratively uphill battle. The day after a theoretical victory remains just as uncertain.

Ali Mohsen, however, has critical flaws. In addition to arms merchants and fuel smugglers, he has had questionable dealings with extremists throughout his career, connections that made him powerful in the context of traditional Yemeni politics. Yet the same qualifications that made him strong in the past hamstring his current bid to power. The bulk of Yemen’s armed forces, especially the Republican Guard, have gone to Saleh and the Houthis.

The young civil society leaders who started the uprising in 2011 sought to upend authoritarian rule in favor of a modern democracy, one that eschews corruption and enshrines the rule of law and respect for human rights. With his renowned Salafi leanings and attachment to a more radical Islamic political agenda than Saleh ever had, Ali Mohsen at the helm would signal a return to a past that the country’s secular youth have clearly rejected. While he may win a few battles for the Hadi government, Ali Mohsen is the wrong political choice to bet on to help Yemen transition to a better more democratic future – by Nabeel Khoury

Comment: Hadi’s choice for Ali Mohsen already has been reported and commented on earlier. The author here is certainly right with his interpretation in the last paragraph. But it is seems interesting that Mohsen intense connection to terrorism is hardly mentioned – and also that without any critical words he takes it for granted that there will be a “battle for Sanaa” – which will mean a slaughter compared to which all what has happened up to now in Yemen will have been just a prelude.

Comment by Judith Brown: This is a very important article that needs a read. Ali Mohsen, a Salafist who was long an important figure in Yemeni politics and with ambitions for the presidency has been appointed by Hadi to head the army. This must be a desperate move by Hadi - to appoint a rival to such an important position. Hadi it appears has fled his self imposed prison in Aden - he couldn't leave home for fear of being killed - and has headed back to Riyadh to be amongst his friends. But as you read here, Ali Mohsen has many enemies. Firstly the young people who rose in 2011 do not want a religiously conservative Yemen. The South do not want him - he is from the north. And the Houthis definitely don't want him - he led the wars on them between 2094-2009. So watch this space and pray for Yemen.

29.2.2016 – Sputnik News (A T)

Autobombe: Tote und Verletzte bei Selbstmordattentat im jemenitischen Aden

Wie die Nachrichtenagentur AFP meldet, hat ein Selbstmordattentäter eine Autobombe im Bezirk Sheikh Othman neben einem Posten der Sicherheitskräfte gezündet. Es gibt Tote und Verletzte. Die genaue Zahl liegt bislang nicht vor.

29.2.2016 – AFP (A T)

Suicide bombing kills 4 in Yemen's Aden

A suicide car bombing killed four people Monday when it hit a gathering of loyalist forces in Yemen's Aden, the southern city serving as a government base, a security official said.

Five others were wounded in the attack in the Sheikh Othman district of the port city, the official said.

The suicide bomber rammed his explosives-laden vehicle into an area where security forces and pro-government militiamen had assembled, the official said.

Meanwhile, two people were killed and two others wounded in an explosion in their family home in northwestern Aden, a local official said.

An explosive device went off as the family returned to their house for the first time since they fled in August during fighting between rebels and loyalists, the official added.

Further north, 12 soldiers were killed Sunday when a rocket slammed into a base of pro-Hadi forces in Marib, east of Sanaa, military sources said.

Comment: Still more trouble in Aden - so many rumours about the role of UAE this week, claims and counterclaims about the security of the airport, lots of reports of suicide attacks, and Hadi still holed up in his stronghold with foreign security guards outside because he can't trust his life with Yemeni guards. So much for Yemen being in 'government control'. This is the only major city so far that has been 'liberated' and it's not good news.

Comment: From liberated Aden.
Liberated in the words of the Saudis, Emiratis and the Yemeni government in exile in Saudi Arabia.

29.2.2016 – Haykal Bafana (* A H)

I've read many international analysts who lament that Yemen is extremely complicated.

A truck driver I use regularly does the Sanaa-Hadhramaut-Sanaa cargo run to collect goods from the Saudi-Yemen border post of Al Wadi'a. Let's call him Ali.

Last week, Ali told me he was forced to sign up as a "pro-Hadi resistance fighter" in Marib before being allowed to pass on to Sanaa. All the military official in Marib city did was to make a copy of Ali's Yemeni ID, and get his signature on a simple form which says he joined the "resistance". He was then allowed to return to Sanaa.

Ali said he received no money, no one informed him how he will be paid or even what exactly he will be doing. No weapon was given to him. The military official did not even bother taking Ali's phone number. Ali was also not asked whether he's Sunni or Shia or a whisky-swilling liberal.

Now, my truck driver Ali remains perplexed at the whole exercise, which seems pointless to him.

But I'll tell you what happened : By forcing Ali to sign up, the roster for the Saudi-paid "legitimate resistance" in Yemen just increased by one. So the military official in Marib gets to submit requests for payment from Riyadh for one more fighter.

The official then gets to pocket the extra Saudi money paid monthly for Ali the phantom fighter, and when the Saudi weapon for Ali gets delivered, the military official will sell it in the arms souks. Ali does not get a cent or a weapon : he does not have to fight in the resistance either.

Yemen is not really that complicated.

Footnote : Upwards of 300 trucks pass thru Marib to capital Sanaa daily from the Saudi-Yemen border post of Al Wadia – by Haykal Bafana

28.2.2016 – AFP (A T)

Gunmen kill pro-govt Sunni cleric in Yemen's Aden

Gunmen killed a pro-government Sunni Salafist cleric on Sunday in Yemen's main southern city of Aden, home to a growing jihadist presence, a security official said.

Sheikh Abdulrahman al-Adani was shot dead as he was heading to a mosque near his home, the official said.

Adani headed a Salafist religious school which attracts both local and foreign students.

He was known for his stance against the Shiite Huthi rebels as well as against the Islamic State group and Al-Qaeda which are becoming increasingly active in Aden, sources there said.

According to Zaid al-Sallami, an Aden-based expert on Islamist groups, Adani was known for "rejecting violence and terrorism".

His murder was an attempt to "push moderate Salafist youths towards violence", Sallami said.

28.2.2016 – Reuters (A K P)

Yemen says Aden airport to reopen in weeks after refurbishment

Aden airport is expected to reopen fully for commercial traffic within weeks, Yemen's information minister said, a move that would shore up confidence in the ability of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government to control the volatile city.

The southern port has been gripped by violence since Hadi supporters, backed by Saudi-led coalition forces, seized it from Iranian-allied Houthi forces in July. The airport has operated only sporadically since then, amid constant security fears.

The minister, Mohammed Qobati, told Reuters the airport was being guarded by local fighters recently incorporated into a new Yemeni army which Hadi had been rebuilding since July, together with troops from the United Arab Emirates.

He denied reports that the UAE had withdrawn its forces from the airport, saying there was only a routine rotation of forces.

"We have done preliminary refurbishment work on the airport from outside, and now we are working on maintenance work inside the terminal," Qobati told Reuters by telephone.

28.2.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Militiamen clash with guards at Yemen presidential palace: official

Yemeni militiamen clashed with soldiers guarding the presidential palace in the southern Yemeni city of Aden on Sunday, a local official and residents said, in a rare confrontation between the previously allied forces.

A local official said the attackers, affiliated with a local militia called the Popular Southern Resistance, sought an audience with top officials inside the palace over unpaid medical bills for guards wounded in an attack there last month.

"They wanted to discuss compensation for those killed and paying the medical bills for the wounded ... When the guards blocked them, a gun battle erupted involving light and medium weapons," the official said.

cp7 UNO / UN

29.2.2016 – UN (A P)

Jemen: Ban Ki-Moon verurteilt die Luftschläge auf Markt in Sanaa und fordert eine prompte Untersuchung

UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon hat die jüngsten Luftschläge auf einen Markt nordöstlich der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa verurteilt. Dabei kamen Berichten zufolge mindestens 32 Zivilisten ums Leben. Er forderte, den Vorfall, der einer der schwersten in den letzten Monaten war, umgehend und unparteiisch aufzuklären.

Ban ließ durch seinen Sprecher mitteilen, dass er durch die Luftschläge vom 27. Februar und die andauernden Kämpfe am Boden sehr beunruhigt sei. Alle Konfliktparteien seien gehalten, die internationalen Menschenrechtsnormen zu achten und das humanitäre Völkerrecht zu respektieren.

28.2.2016 – UNO (A P)

Yemen: Ban condemns apparent airstrike on Sana'a market; calls for prompt investigation

Condemning an apparent airstrike in Yemen that reportedly killed at least 32 civilians in a market northeast of Sana'a on Saturday, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for a prompt and impartial investigation into the incident, which saw a death toll that was among the highest from a single bombing in recent months.

According to a statement issued by his spokesperson, the Secretary-General is concerned about the continuing intense airstrikes and ground fighting in Yemen despite his repeated calls for a cessation of hostilities.

To that end, he strongly condemned the apparent airstrike on 27 February that hit Khaleq market, in Nahem District in the Yemeni capita, Sana'a, killing at least 32 civilians and injuring at least 41 civilians. The death toll is among the highest from a single bombing since September 2015, said the statement, which added that Mr. Ban expressed his sincere condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims.

“The Secretary-General reminds all parties to the conflict of the utmost necessity to fully respect their obligations under international human rights law and international humanitarian law, which prohibits attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, including populated markets,” noted the statement, which said the UN chief stressed that such attacks are considered serious violations of international humanitarian law.

Calling for a “prompt and impartial investigation” of this incident, the Secretary-General also reiterated his call on all parties to the conflict in Yemen to engage in good faith with his Special Envoy for Yemen in order to agree on a cessation of hostilities as soon as possible and to convene a new round of peace talks.

Comment: Why Ban did not care for the latest Security Council resolution on Yemen, which just prolongs the catastrophic resolution 2216 and which thus prolongs the Yemen war, giving the Saudis further on full freedom to do what they want. That what you are doing here is hypocrisy, Mr. Ban.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

1.3.2016 – Telepolis (** B P)

Wikileaks: Saudis wollten syrische Regierung stürzen … aber Russland heraushalten

Im letzten Sommer veröffentlichte die Whistleblower-Plattform Wikileaks eine Reihe von Dokumenten saudischer Diplomaten - die Saudi Cables. Eine erst jetzt angefertigte Übersetzung eines dieser Dokumente zeigt, dass die wahabitische Ölmonarchie seit 2011 auf einen Sturz der Regierung in Syrien hinarbeitete, aber versuchte, ein russisches Eingreifen zu vermeiden.

Wörtlich heißt es in der geleakten Botschaft:

Es muss die Tatsache betont werden, dass das syrische Regime [sic] in dem Fall, dass es die gegenwärtige Krise in irgendeiner Form übersteht, als Hauptziel die Rache an den Ländern verfolgen wird, die sich ihm entgegenstellten - mit dem Königreich [Saudi-Arabien] und einigen der Golfstaaten ganz oben auf der Liste. Wenn wir das Ausmaß der Brutalität und Bösartigkeit und die Bedenkenlosigkeit berücksichtigen, jedes Mittel zum Erreichen seiner Ziele einzusetzen, wird diese Situation für das Königreich ein hohes Maß an Gefahr bedeuten. Es muss deshalb mit allen verfügbaren Mitteln das gegenwärtige Regime [sic] in Syrien stürzen. Die Bereitschaft, entschiedene Schritte in diese Richtung zu gehen, ist auf Seiten der westlichen Länder und vor allem auf Seiten der Vereinigten Staaten jedoch nicht gegeben. Es ist klar, dass dies nicht an einen Mangel an 'Leistungsfähigkeit', sondern an einem Mangel an 'Verlangen' liegt.

Seit Wladimir Putin am 30. September in den Kalifatskrieg eingriff, ist klar, dass die saudische Strategie bezüglich des russischen Heraushaltens nicht funktioniert hat. Inzwischen droht die Ölmonarchie damit, Bodentruppen nach Syrien zu entsenden - angeblich aus "humanitären Gründen" und zur Unterstützung der von den USA angeführten Anti-IS-Koalition, die sich bislang auf Lufteinsätze beschränkt. Das Wikileaks-Schreiben von 2012 legt jedoch nahe, dass es den Wahabiten vor allem um den Sturz der Regierung in Damaskus gehen könnte.

In den vergangenen Jahren unterstützten sie dazu mehr oder weniger offen salafistische Milizen, die häufig mit der al-Nusra-Front, der syrischen al-Qaida-Filiale kooperieren. Bei den Friedensverhandlungen in Genf treten diese "Rebellen" als "Hohes Verhandlungskomitee" (HNC) auf. In der Provinz Idlib arbeitet die im HNC bedeutende Gruppe Ahrar asch-Scham beispielsweise über die im März 2015 ausgerufene Dachorganisation Dschaisch al-Fatah mit der al-Nusra-Front zusammen.

Ein gemeinsame Studie des Institute for the Study of War und des American Enterprise Institute kam im Januar deshalb zu einem ähnlichen Ergebnis wie Thomas Pany in Telepolis: "Lädt man Ahrar asch-Scham [...] zu den Gesprächen, heißt das, so holt man indirekt auch al-Qaida an den Tisch" (vgl. Syrien-Gespräche: Steinmeier plädiert für Teilnahme salafistischer Gruppen) – von Peter Mühlbauer

29.2.2016 – Zerohedge (B P)

Saudi Cash Reserves Drop To Lowest Level In 40 Months Amid Crude Carnage

The trend we flagged in November of 2014 continues unabated.

When the Saudis moved to artificially suppress crude prices in an effort to preserve market share by bankrupting the cash flow negative US shale space, Riyadh was gambling.

Gambling on how long US producers could rely on wide open capital markets to keep them afloat. Gambling on how tolerant everyday Saudis would be should it become necessary to cut subsidies to shore up the budget. Gambling on the extent to which the market would test the riyal peg. And on and on.

In short, the kingdom was betting that it could ride out the price storm without essentially going bankrupt. But the downturn has lasted longer than the Saudis might have expected, and now that some 1,000,000 b/d of Iranian supply is set to come back online by year end, Riyadh has to a certain extent lost its ability to control the situation.

Complicating matters is the war in Yemen, which next month will drag into its second year. Not only has the conflict been costly, it's also put Riyadh in a bad spot from a reputational perspective. Last week, the European Parliament recommended a wholesale embargo on arms sales to the Saudis in light of the 3,000 civilians the kingdom has "accidentally" killed over the course of the campaign to rout the Iran-backed Houthis.

All of this costs money. Lots of it. The war, the 16% budget deficit, maintaining the riyal peg - it's all costly and it's showing up in the depletion of Saudi reserves which in January fell 2.4%, or $14.3 billion, falling below $600 billion for the first time since the summer of 2012.

Last month was the third month in a row that the SAMA reserve drawdown topped $10 billion – by Tyler Durden

29.2.2016 – RT (A K P)

"Größtes Militärmanöver der Welt" - Saudis und Partner proben für den "Ernstfall"

Im Nordosten von Saudi-Arabien hat, unter Leitung der saudischen Armee, am Samstag die Militärübung „North Thunder“ begonnen. An den Manövern nehmen Truppen aus 20 Staaten, darunter Einheiten aus Ägypten, der Türkei, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Bahrain, Katar, Marokko, dem Tschad, dem Sudan und aus Dschibuti teil.

29.2.2016 – Business Insider (B E)

We just got another massive sign of how badly Saudi Arabia is suffering from the oil price crash

Saudi Arabia, which has taken a beating in recent months thanks to the oil price crash, just got another terrible piece of news about its economy.

On Monday, HSBC economists Simon Williams and Razan Nazzer dropped a note on the country's foreign exchange holdings, and things look pretty dire for the oil-reliant nation.

It shows that FX reserves dropped by more than $14 billion (£10.1 billion) during January, falling to their lowest level in nearly three years.

The amount of reserve assets held by the Saudi government now stands at $602 billion (£434.5 billion), nearly $150 billion (£108.3 billion) down from their recent peak in late 2014, just before oil prices started plummeting – by Will Martin =

cp9 USA

29.2.2016 – Rhode Island Future (* B K P)

Textron still makes cluster bombs despite downward global, US trends

Rhode Island-based Textron is one of four private-companies on earth, and the last North American producer, to manufacture what is quickly becoming one of the world’s most controversial weapons of war: cluster bombs.

“The cluster munition industry is gone because many nations have banned the weapon,” said Mark Hiznay, a senior arms researcher for Human Rights Watch.

At one time 34 different nations made cluster bombs but now only 16 still do, or reserve the right to, according to theCluster Munition Monitor, an annual report of the sale, use of and efforts to ban cluster bombs.

The United States, on the other hand, has not signed the 2008 Convention on Cluster Bombs treaty. In 2003, the US military used Textron-made cluster bombs against Iraqi tanks as it advanced on Kirkuk.

Both of Rhode Island’s senators say they see the need to curtail the use of cluster bombs.

The Textron-made bomb – the CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon – is at the center of a new Human Rights Watch report that indicates the weapon malfunctions more than 1 percent of the time, a violation of US export law, and accuses the Saudi Arabian-led forces in Yemen of using the weapon dangerously close to civilian populations which has resulted in several documented injuries.

“It’s puzzling to us that Textron is marketing this as a reliable weapon,” Hiznay said. “We’re not sure if it’s Textron’s problem or the Saudis’ problem, but we’ve had the US Air Force use them in Iraq and produce duds and now we have Saudi forces using them and producing duds in Yemen.”

US export law requires cluster bombs sold to foreign countries to malfunction less than 1 percent of the time, a success rate Human Rights Watch says the Textron-made bomb has not achieved.

According to a 2011 Department of Defense news release, Textron was contacted to sell 404 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia for $355 million. In 2012, Textron was contracted to sell 325 cluster bombs to South Korea for $325 million. The US last put aside funds to buy cluster bombs from Textron in 2007, said Hiznay, but didn’t make the buy after the weapons malfunctioned more than 1 percent of the time.

“We believe that SFW is truly the best area attack weapon in the world,” said Ellen Lord, senior vice president and general manager of Textron Defense Systems. “Through a process of rigorous research, testing and analysis, we have created a weapon that is reliable, safe and meets current clean battlefield standards.” – by Bob Plain

29.2.2016 – CNN (B K)

Rights group: Saudi Arabia used U.S. cluster bombs on civilians

A new report from Human Rights Watch accuses the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen of using American-made cluster bombs in civilian areas.

That action, if it took place, not only violates U.S. export laws but also raises further questions related to why lawmakers and military officials condone the sale and use of this controversial weapon.

Cluster bombs can be legally exported under U.S. law and have been sold to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in recent years.

But recipients must also agree not to use them in civilian areas, according to the law. And in 2008, the United States put in place stringent requirements on the reliability rate of the weapons.

U.S. officials have acknowledged reports of civilian casualties in Yemen but stopped short of specifically recognizing the use of cluster munitions or accepting any direct responsibility for collateral damage resulting from coalition strikes.

"We are aware of the Human Rights Watch report and are reviewing it," said Christopher Sherwood, a spokesman for the Department of Defense – by Zachary Cohen

Comment: An overview article on US cluster bombs used by the Saudis in Yemen. Many articles on this subject had been linked in earlier Yemen Press Readers. Well, finally CNN reports about that. But I wonder how serious CNN really works. The articles labels the HRW report on cluster bombs as “new” – it dates Jan. 7, that is 7,5 weeks earlier than this CNN report. How quick does CNN work? Why they did not report earlier?

1.3.2016 – Nachdenkseiten (** B P)

Hillary Clinton, die Lieblingskandidatin der Kriegspartei

Diana Johnstone verdeutlicht anhand zahlreicher Episoden aus Clintons Karriere, die auf das Fehlen eigener Prinzipien und einen unbedingten Aufstiegswillen hindeuten, dass sie schon seit geraumer Zeit eine der Speerspitzen der aggressiven US-Politik ist. Ein Auszug.
Die Bevölkerung der USA ist der Illusion verfallen, die »Ausnahmenation« zu sein, deren Auftrag die »Gestaltung« der Welt ist. Diese Illusion wird durch die vereinten Bemühungen der Massenmedien, der Intellektuellen des Verteidigungsestablishments, der Unterhaltungsindustrie und der mit Letzterer eng verbundenen Politiker und Kommentatoren aufrechterhalten. Hinter dieser Show steht eine Reihe von Sponsoren.

Um zu wissen, wer diese Sponsoren sind, kann man sich die Liste der Spender der Clinton-Stiftung ansehen, die Millionen von Dollar angeblich für Wohltätigkeit gegeben haben – aber für eine Wohltätigkeit, die vor allem ihnen selber nützt. Zu den Spendern im zweistelligen Millionenbereich gehören Saudi-Arabien, der pro-israelische Oligarch Viktor Pintschuk und die Saban-Familie, zu den Spendern im einstelligen Millionenbereich Kuwait, ExxonMobil, die »Freunde Saudi-Arabiens«, James Murdoch, Katar, Boeing, Dow Chemical Company, Goldman Sachs, Walmart und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.

Sie verlegte ihr Interesse vom Eintreten für Kinderrechte, einem für das große Geld unattraktiven Gebiet, auf die Förderung militärischer Macht (»die einzige Sprache, die sie verstehen«). Sie verbreitete die Botschaft, die US-Einmischung in andere Länder sei durch den großzügigen Wunsch motiviert, »unsere Ideale« in die fernen Winkel der restlichen Welt zu bringen.

Hillarys Amtszeit als US-Außenministerin war zumindest in einer Hinsicht ein großer Erfolg: Sie ist zur Lieblingskandidatin der Kriegspartei geworden. Und das ist offenbar auch ihr Hauptziel gewesen.

Aber die Person Hillary Clinton ist keineswegs das ganze Problem. Das wirkliche Problem sind die Kriegspartei und der Würgegriff, indem sie die US-Politik hält. Ein Grund, weshalb es so wenig Widerstand dagegen gibt, liegt darin, dass die von der Kriegspartei vom Zaun gebrochenen Waffengänge sich für die US-Amerikaner kaum wie Kriege anfühlen. Sie müssen nicht mit ansehen, wie ihre Häuser in Trümmer gelegt werden. Die Drohnen-Armada macht Schluss mit der Unannehmlichkeit von Veteranen, die nach »Bodeneinsätzen« mit einem posttraumatischen Stresssyndrom nach Hause kommen. Der Krieg aus der Luft wird immer sicherer, ferner, unsichtbarer. Für die meisten US-Amerikaner sind die Kriege ihres Landes nur Teil der Unterhaltungsindustrie, etwas, das man im Fernsehen mitbekommt, aber mit dem man selten direkt konfrontiert ist. Diese Kriege bringen einem etwas ernsthafte Unterhaltung für die Steuerdollar, die man zahlt, und sind nicht wirklich Sache von Leben und Tod.

Tatsächlich scheint es kaum noch von Bedeutung, was in diesen Kriegen geschieht. Die USA führen nicht einmal mehr Krieg, um zugewinnen, sondern nur, um dafür zu sorgen, dass die andere Seite verliert.

Die Vereinigten Staaten streben die Vorherrschaft in der Welt an, indem sie die anderen Mitspieler vom Spielfeld werfen. Dabei sind »unsere Ideale« Teil des Kollateralschadens.

Da die Kriegspartei beide Zweige des Zweiparteiensystems dominiert, lässt die Erfahrung der letzten Jahre darauf schließen, dass die Republikaner einen Kandidaten nominieren, der so schlimm ist, dass Hillary Clinton sich neben ihm gut ausmacht – von Diane Johnstone

1.3.2015 – Foreign Policy in Focus (B K P)

Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia Probably Not Looking So Good to Hillary Clinton Now

While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton helped engineer the sale of fighter jets now being used to bomb Yemen.

Saudi airstrikes on Yemen, which have killed more than 2,800 civilians thus far and, incidentally, devastated three Doctors Without Borders facilities, are led by F-15s made by Boeing. The Intercept posted a short, discomfiting article by Lee Fang, in which he writes:

A few years earlier, as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton made weapons transfer to the Saudi government a “top priority,” according to her closest military aide.

And now, newly released emails show that her aides kept her well-informed of the approval process for a $29.4 billion sale in 2011 of up to 84 advanced F-15SA fighters, manufactured by Boeing, along with upgrades to the pre-existing Saudi fleet of 70 F-15 aircraft and munitions, spare parts, training, maintenance, and logistics.

The deal was finalized on Christmas Eve 2011. Afterward, Jake Sullivan, then Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and now a senior policy adviser on her presidential campaign, sent her a celebratory email string topped with the chipper message: “FYI — good news.”

Hillary Clinton supporters might instinctively say, “How could she know those fighters would be used to decimate Yemen?” The answer would be the same as when she voted for the Authorization for the Use of Military Force in Iraq in 2003: It was her job to know – by Russ Wellen

3.2.2016 – Foreign Policy in Focus / Common Dreams (* A P)

Adding Up the Costs of Hillary Clinton’s Wars

Clinton’s foreign policy is more polite than the "make the sands glow" atavism of the GOP. But in the end, it’s death and destruction in a different packaging.

The Democratic aspirants […] generally share the pervasive ideology that binds together all but “cranks” like Ron Paul: America has the right, indeed the duty, to order the world’s affairs.

This peculiar view of the role of the U.S. takes on a certain messianic quality in candidates like Hillary Clinton, who routinely quotes former Secretary of State Madeline Albright’s line about America as “the indispensible nation” whose job is to lead the world.

At the heart of [Hilliary Clinton’s new book] Hard Choices is the ideology of “American exceptionalism,” which for Clinton means the right of the U.S. to intervene in other countries at will. As historian Jackson Lears, in the London Review of Books, puts it, Clinton’s memoir “tries to construct a coherent rationale for an interventionist foreign policy and to justify it with reference to her own decisions as Secretary of State. The rationale is rickety: the evidence unconvincing.”

The danger of Clinton’s view of America’s role in the world is that of old-fashioned imperial behavior wrapped in the humanitarian rationale of R2P. It’s more polite than the “make the sands glow” atavism of the Republicans. But in the end, it’s death and destruction in a different packaging – by Conn Hallinan = and on this subject also We came, we saw, he died – Jackson Lears reviews Hard Choices by Hillary Clinton:

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

1.3.2015 – Antiwar (A P)

Cameron preist ‘brilliante’ Waffenverkäufe an die Saudis nach Forderung der EU, damit aufzuhören

EU-Parlament beschloss nicht-verpflichtende Resolution, in der ein Embargo der Saudis gefordert wird

Jason Ditz

Anlässlich eines Gesprächs mit Beschäftigten des wichtigen Waffenproduzenten BAE Systems gab der britische Premierminister David Cameron mit steigenden britischen Waffenverkäufen nach Saudiarabien an, indem er sagte, dass BAE und andere Länder „brilliante“ und hochentwickelte Waffen wie Typhoon Kriegsflugzeuge an die Saudis liefern.

Cameron pries die kollektiven Fähigkeiten seiner Regierung beim Verkauf und Export von Waffen und sagte, dass er sich die nächsten paar Monate besonders mit dem Schwerpunkt Exporte beschäftigen wird, um sicherzustellen, dass BAE Kriegsflugzeuge „auf der ganzen Welt zu bekommen sind und verkauft werden.“

Camerons Äußerungen kommen nach Monaten der Kritik von Menschenrechtsgruppen an den Waffenexporten nach Saudiarabien, aber zeitlich noch schlimmer - gerade einen Tag, nachdem das Europäische Parlament mit 359 gegen 212 Stimmen eine nicht bindende Resolution beschloss, ein Waffenembargo gegen die Saudis zu verhängen – von Jason Ditz

29.2.2016 – They work for you (A P)

Members of parliament ask the government

Deidre Brock, Shadow SNP Westminster Group Leader (Scottish Parliament/Scottish Government Liaison), Shadow SNP Spokesperson (Devolved Government Relations)

Germany and Sweden have stopped selling weapons to Saudi Arabia as a result of concerns over Saudi actions in Yemen. Will the Government do likewise and impose a ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia?

Philip Dunne, Minister of State (Ministry of Defence) (Defence Procurement)

All our defence exports to the King of Saudi Arabia or to any other country go through the same rigorous export control system that we have in place. We are proud of that system as it is more rigorous than that of any other country, and that will continue to be the case while this Government are in post.

Comment: The answers always are exactly the same. Here again: Britain has the “rigorous export control system ” of all. Well, what is the use of that when a government which is even horny to sell as much weapons as possible, doesn’t care. And: “more rigorous … while this Government are in post” – what a foolishness is this looking at this government?

26.2.2016 – Buzz Feeds (A P)

British Companies Asked For Public Money To Sell Surveillance Equipment In Dubai

A day after the European Parliament voted for an arms sale embargo to Saudi Arabia, a FoI request has revealed that 44 firms applied for funding to market security products at an event attended by authoritarian regimes.

9.2.2016 – Channel 4 (* B K P)

Film: Britain's proxy war for profit in Yemen

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

1.3.2016 – Middle East Eye (A P)

Man jailed in UAE for sharing poem 'ridiculing' Emiratis killed in Yemen

Omani national was sent to prison in the UAE for violating the country's cybercrimes law after he shared a poem criticising the war in Yemen

An Omani man has been jailed in the United Arab Emirates for sharing a poem deemed to be mocking of Emirati soldiers killed fighting in Yemen.

Saleh Mohammed al-Awaisi was sentenced to three years in prison and fined Dh 50,000 ($13,612) “for forwarding a WhatsApp message that mocked the UAE and its martyrs”, Dubai-based daily The National reported on Monday.

The National described Awaisi as an “illiterate camel herder” and said he had shared an audio recording of a poem that “ridiculed the country and its soldiers killed in Yemen”.

The content of the poem has not been released by UAE authorities but the National said it mocked Emirati troops killed in Yemen as “traitors and cowards”.

He will be deported at the end of his prison sentence.

Awaisi was tried in the UAE’s Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi where he was convicted of violating the country’s cybercrime law.

Human rights groups have criticised the UAE’s cybercrime law, which was passed in 2012, as stifling dissent, with Human Rights Watch saying it is an “attack on free speech”.

29.2.2016 – CBC (A P)

Half of Canadians disagree with sticking by Saudi arms deal, poll suggests40% say normalizing relations and lifting sanctions against Iran would be good for Canada

The Saudi arms deal is one that Canadians wish the government would refuse, a new poll suggests.

The poll, from the Angus Reid Institute, shows that only 19 per cent of Canadians think the government's decision to stick by the deal to sell light-armoured vehicles to the desert kingdom is a good one, with 48 per cent of Canadians thinking the opposite.

The remaining one-third of respondents were unsure.

The $15-billion deal with Saudi Arabia, signed under the previous Conservative government, has become increasingly controversial as the Middle Eastern country intensifies its involvement in a civil war in Yemen. It has led to calls for the government to abandon the deal, notably by former Liberal cabinet minister and human rights lawyer Irwin Cotler – by Eric Grenier and see also this letter by a Canadian citizen: and Judith brown’s comment to it:

29.2.2016 – Middle East Eye (A P)

European vote on Saudi arms embargo puts heat on Canada

Mounting pressure for Canada to rescind arms deal with Saudi Arabia comes after Canadian-made weapons reportedly surfaced in Yemen

A European Parliament vote to impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia has increased the pressure on Canada to review its own, multi-billion-dollar weapons deal with the Gulf power.

The vote comes as serious questions are being raised in Ottawa over mounting evidence that Canadian-made weapons are being used by parties fighting in the war in Yemen.

Canadian media reported last week that Canadian-made rifles had fallen into the hands of Houthi rebel fighters in Yemen, probably after being seized by Saudi forces. Images shared online also showed the Saudis reportedly using Canadian-made, light-armoured vehicles (LAV) inside Yemen and on the Saudi-Yemen border.

These revelations “increase the pressure on the Canadian government to explain why it continues to move forward with a LAV deal” worth $15bn, between a Canadian company and Saudi Arabia, said Hilary Homes, an Amnesty International Canada campaigner.

Signed in 2014, the landmark arms agreement – the largest in Canadian history – will see Ontario-based General Dynamics Land Systems send hundreds, if not thousands, of militarised LAVs to Riyadh. Shipments may begin later this year.

“What’s interesting about this is that nobody is admitting whose weapons they are,” Homes told Middle East Eye, about the weapons that have turned up in Yemen. “One of the reasons for that silence may be that there is then a responsibility.

“If you admit it’s yours, there are obligations that go with that.”

What looks to be an abandoned Canadian-made LAV appears in a Youtube video dated 3 December, allegedly deserted during border clashes between the Houthis and Saudi forces. Middle East Eye could not independently verify the contents of the video.

The Globe and Mail also first reported that Canadian-made LAVs were photographed on their way to Najran, near the Yemeni border. Saudi Arabia’s National Guard, the recipient of Canadian arms exports dating back decades, shared those images on its official Twitter feed.

“A significant number of vehicles in the photos have the triangular front corners, the eight wheels and the headlamps fixed above these triangles that are familiar features in earlier LAV models made in Canada,” the newspaper reported.

National public broadcaster CBC also reported that a photo posted on Twitter showed a Houthi fighter holding a rifle that was allegedly manufactured by a Winnipeg-based company, PGW Defence Technologies Inc. – by Jillian D’Amours

29.2.2016 – The Globe and Mail (A P)

Former Liberal minister calls for Ottawa to revisit Saudi arms deal

Former Liberal justice minister Irwin Cotler, a leading international champion of human rights, says he believes the Canadian government should reconsider its controversial $15-billion deal to sell combat vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

“My position as a matter of general principle – that would apply to Saudi Arabia – is that we should not sell arms to a country that engages in a persistent pattern of human-rights violations,” Mr. Cotler said in an interview – by Steven Chase

29.2.2016 – Reuters (B P)

Crises give Eritrea routes for closer global engagement

Europe's migration crisis and the conflict in Yemen have created opportunities for Eritrea to draw closer to the European Union and Gulf Arab states, offering the poor Horn of Africa nation the chance to end isolation it blames on U.N. sanctions.

Gulf states have found a regional partner in their fight with rebels in Yemen, which lies just 40 km across the Red Sea.

The United Arab Emirates now uses Eritrean "logistical facilities", Eritrea's Foreign Minister Osman Saleh Mohammed told Reuters in an interview in his Asmara office. "Eritrea wants to engage, (and) now the world wants to engage."

25.2.2016 – European Parliament (A P)

European Parliament resolution of 25 February 2016 on the humanitarian situation in Yemen

1. Expresses grave concern at the alarming deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, which is characterised by widespread food insecurity and severe malnutrition, indiscriminate attacks against civilians and medical and aid workers, the destruction of civilian and medical infrastructure as a result of the pre-existing domestic conflict, the intensification of airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition, ground fighting and shelling, despite repeated calls for a renewed cessation of hostilities; deeply regrets the loss of life caused by the conflict and the suffering of those caught up in the fighting, and expresses its condolences to the families of the victims; reaffirms its commitment to continuing to support Yemen and the Yemeni people;

2. Expresses grave concern at the airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition and the naval blockade it has imposed on Yemen, which have led to thousands of deaths, have further destabilised Yemen, are destroying the country’s physical infrastructure, have created instability which has been exploited by terrorist and extremist organisations such as ISIS/Daesh and AQAP, and have exacerbated an already critical humanitarian situation; strongly condemns, also, the destabilising and violent actions taken by the Houthis, who are supported by Iran, including the siege of the city of Taiz, which has also had disastrous humanitarian consequences for its inhabitants;

4. Calls on all sides to comply with international humanitarian law and international human rights law, to ensure the protection of civilians and to refrain from directly targeting civilian infrastructure, in particular medical facilities and water systems; demands an independent investigation into all allegations of abuse, torture, targeted killing of civilians and other violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law;

5. Reminds all parties that hospitals and medical personnel are explicitly protected under international humanitarian law and that the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure amounts to a war crime; calls for an impartial and independent investigation into all alleged violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, including the latest attacks targeting humanitarian infrastructure and personnel; calls on all parties to respect the human rights and freedoms of all Yemeni citizens, and stresses the importance of improving the security of all those working on peace and humanitarian missions in the country, including aid workers, doctors and journalists;

7. Calls on the VP/HR to launch an initiative aimed at imposing an EU arms embargo against Saudi Arabia, given the serious allegations of breaches of international humanitarian law by Saudi Arabia in Yemen and the fact that the continued licensing of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia would therefore be in breach of Council Common Position 2008/944/CFSP of 8 December 2008;

8. Believes that Saudi Arabia and Iran are instrumental in resolving the crisis, and urges both sides to work pragmatically and in good faith to end the fighting in Yemen;

9. Stresses that only a political, inclusive and negotiated solution to the conflict can restore peace and preserve the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen; […]

Comment: Full text of the resolution. See especially point2 and 7.

25.2.2016 - European Parliament (A P)

Stop shelling civilians in Yemen, urge MEPs

A ceasefire that halts attacks against civilians, medical and aid workers, ground fighting and shelling in Yemen is urgently needed to allow life-saving aid to reach the Yemeni people, said MEPs in a resolution voted on Thursday. They also called on all parties in Yemen’s civil war and their foreign backers to engage in a new round of peace negotiations and seek a political settlement.

The European Parliament is gravely concerned at the deterioration of humanitarian situation in Yemen. The failure of successive governments there to meet the Yemeni people’s aspirations for democracy, stability and security led to the current crisis, which has left 21 million Yemeni people (82% of the total population) needing humanitarian assistance and prevented two million children from attending school, the resolution says.

MEPs urge Yemen’s warring parties to abide by a ceasefire deal, to allow life-saving aid, such as food or medicine, to reach the Yemeni people. They also call on all sides to refrain from directly targeting civilian infrastructure, medical facilities and water systems.

The resolution acknowledges that Saudi Arabia and Iran are instrumental in resolving the crisis in Yemen, but it also expresses grave concern "at the airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition and the naval blockade it has imposed on Yemen, which have led to thousands of deaths, [and] have further destabilised Yemen". MEPs call on EU diplomacy chief Federica Mogherini "to launch an initiative aimed at imposing an EU arms embargo against Saudi Arabia".

MEPs stress that only a political, inclusive and negotiated solution to the conflict can restore peace and preserve unity in Yemen. They urge all parties to engage in a new round of UN-led peace negotiations as soon as possible.

The resolution was passed by 449 votes to 36, with 78 abstentions.

29.2.2016 – Il Piccolo (A K)

In Italian:
Italian bombs from the port of Trieste ready to be shipped to Saudi Arabia.
Peace activists denounced the shipment to the prosecutor's office.

«Bombe contro lo Yemen nel porto di Trieste»

Esposto in Procura di sette pacifisti triestini della Rete nazionale per il Disarmo: «L’Italia è corresponsabile di esportazioni che violano il diritto umanitario»

L’intervento militare nello Yemen che sta causando una catastrofe umanitaria, con migliaia di morti e di feriti fra la popolazione civile, compresi un migliaio di bambini, passa anche per Trieste. Bombe, armi e munizioni, infatti, assicurano gli attivisti, sono state spedite nell’ultimo trimestre del 2015 anche dal Porto del capoluogo regionale. Un carico di armamenti del valore di quasi due milioni di euro, secondo i dati Istat sul commercio estero, è partito - come denunciano i pacifisti triestini - verso gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, Paese che fa parte della coalizione a guida saudita intervenuta nell’estremità meridionale della penisola araba senza il mandato delle Nazioni Unite. L’Italia si trova così coinvolta in un teatro di guerra. Una situazione questa - insistono gli attivisti - che va a violare la legge che vieta l’esportazione di armamenti verso paesi in conflitto armato e nei quali vengono compromessi i diritti umani. Per questo motivo, a Trieste come in altre cinque città italiane, è stata presentata una denuncia alla Procura per inosservanza della legge in questione, la 185/90.

Sette cittadini triestini, attivisti di diverse associazioni che si schierano apertamente contro la guerra, hanno sottoscritto l’esposto che a livello nazionale è stato predisposto dalla Rete italiana per il Disarmo, presentandosi alla Procura di Trieste – di Luca Saviano

29.2.2016 - Sardinia Post (A P)

Interrogazione dei 5 Stelle per bloccare le bombe ‘sarde’ dirette in Arabia

“Se alla luce degli elementi di cui alle considerazioni in premessa e con particolare riferimento alla recente risoluzione approvata dal Parlamento europeo, non si reputi opportuno disporre la sospensione immediata di tutte le autorizzazioni ai trasferimenti, movimentazioni ed esportazioni di armamenti, o parti di essi, prodotti nel nostro Paese dalla Rwm Italia Spa e destinati all’Arabia Saudita o nei Paesi che con essa fanno parte della coalizione impegnata nel conflitto in Yemen”. È quanto chiede l’interrogazione del Movimento 5 Stelle (primo firmatario Roberto Cotti) indirizzata al ministro degli Esteri.

Per il senatore cinquestelle Roberto Cotti “la decisione del Parlamento europeo impatta in modo particolare sull’Italia, rea di avere autorizzato il trasferimento degli ordigni fabbricati a Domusnovas in violazione della legge nazionale che proibisce la vendita di armi a paesi che siano in conflitto armato, da qui la decisione di chiedere al ministro Gentiloni se intenda o meno conformarsi al deliberato europeo anticipando la prevista azione della vicepresidente della Commissione europea”.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / See

cp 1“Am wichtigsten” / “Most important” - cp 9 USA, cp 10 Großbritannien / Great Britain, cp 12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

1.3.2016 – Fars News (*A K)

Saudi Arabia Assassinating Defecting Mercenaries in Yemen

The Saudi regime has resorted to the targeted killing of its mercenaries who have changed their stances and defected to the opposition camp in Southern Yemen.

Those assassinated in Lahij province have been killed for changing sides from the US and Saudi Arabia; most of the slain militants have formerly been allies of former fugitive President Mansour Hadi or his former Prime Minister Khaled Bahah.

Most of those assassinated had changed their stance on Saudi Arabia and defected coalition-backed Hadi and Bahah groups after they found out about the realities of the war.

In a relevant development on Sunday, pro-Hadi commander Ali al-Yafe'yee was gunned down by unknown assailants in Shalal military base in Ma'ala region in Aden province.

Comment: More evidence would be nice.

28.2.2016 – Gulf News (A K P)

Mercenaries sought after Al Houthi forces wither in Yemen

A military source has told the London-based Al Sharq Al Awsat that Al Houthi militias and supporters of the ousted Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh have started enlisting the help of mercenaries from different countries in the confrontation against the national army.

The mercenaries, mainly from African countries, were promised large sums of money in return for fighting ahead of an anticipated offensive by Yemeni forces within the next few days on the Al Houthi-occupied capital.

Al Houthis have suffered a string of losses on the battlefield in recent months and have solicited help from outside forces. The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has also stepped up its presence in Yemen to help boost the weakening Al Houthi militia. and see also

Comment: I was considering to place these articles at propaganda. Why? Making it subject of an article that the Houthis could recruit some mercenaries from Africa, while the Saudis and the Emiratis had recruited thousands of mercenaries from all parts of the world, is rather odd. And these Africans “were promised large sums of money” by the Houthis, which money? Just compare this to the money Saudis and Emiratis could afford for their mercenaries.

Comment by Judith Brown: Well they would say that wouldn't they? But surely the world and his dog knows that it is the Saudi led coalition who are recruiting from overseas. The Houthis don't have deep pockets and they are relying on Yemeni recruits - and the longer the war goes on, the more they get - either because it is the only employment option for many Yemeni men, or because they don't want to see foreign invaders and military occupiers on Yemeni soil.

cp13c Economy / Wirtschaft

1.3.2015 – Government of Yemen (B E)

Yemen Socio-Economic Update, No. (12) Mar 2016


Decline in total state’s public revenues by 53.7% due to the suspension of the production and exports of crude oil and liquefed natural gas (LNG), suspension of donor support to state’s budget and reduction in tax revenues.

Decline in total state’s public expenditures by 25% as a result of reducing most of the public expenditure items, which include freezing the capital expenditures, suspending the social welfare cash assistance disbursement and reducing the operational costs of basic service facilities.

The public budget’s net defcit reached 15.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), exceeding the safe limits. Ɣ Direct borrowing from the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) is the most important source to fnance the budget defcit by 84%.

Increase in domestic public debt from $14.8 billion in 2014 to $19 billion in 2015, and the debt burden has reached an alarming level. Ɣ The public budget’s fnancing gap is estimated at $5.8 billion in 2016 (without reconstruction needs). and in full

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

29.2.2016 – Breitbart (B T)

Yemen: Al Qaeda Controls More Territory than Houthis, Islamic State

A resurgent al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is capitalizing on the deadly civil war in Yemen, emerging as the strongest jihadist group in the country while a Saudi-led coalition concentrates on routing the Shiite Houthis and the West focuses on the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) – by Edwin Mora

Comment: Overview article.

Comment: Houthis are still referred to as 'Shiite Iranian backed militia' and we guess the press will never get things right. But interesting article on Al Qaeda territorial gains in the country.

cp15 Propaganda

1.3.2016 – Gulf News (A P)

Yemen liberation ‘imminent’, Al Ahmar says

Observers view the veteran general as capable of wining the hearts and minds of tribal leaders

The newly-appointed deputy chief commander of Yemen armed forces, Lt. Gen Ali Mohsen Al Ahmar, on Monday vowed to defeat Iran-backed Al Houthis and their military allies as government forces are amassing dozens of kilometres from the capital.

In the strongest statement since taking charge on February 22, Al Ahmar was quoted on the government-run as saying that decisive victory is “imminent” and the days of “putschists” are coming to an end soon, referring to the Al Houthis who overthrew the internationally supported president early 2015.

The Riyadh-based Al Ahmar has taken centre stage recently after Hadi appointed him as his military deputy in an attempt to unite anti-Al Houthis forces in their march towards the capital.

Comment: “Yemen liberation”, what should that mean? Occupation by Saudis and Emirats, installing a regime almost nobody in Yemen wants, is “liberation”? Well, remember, "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength", one of the three slogans of the English Socialist Party ("INGSOC" for short) of Oceania in „1984“.

1.3.2016 – Gulf News (A P)

Houthis are living their last hours: Deputy Commander of Yemeni Armed Forces

Deputy Supreme Commander of the Yemeni Armed Forces Lt. Gen Ali Mohsen Al-Ahmar said that the Yemeni army and the resistance are making significant progress in various fighting fronts while the coup militias are living their last hours.

In a statement to Yemeni News Agency, he added that operations of elimination of them are close.
This came in his meeting with the US military attaché to Yemen in Riyadh.

Comment: Reports on Mohsen see above cp6 and Yemen Press reader 106, cp6. He is a really disgusting figure. These “last hours” anyway now last from at least June 2015. Mr. Mohsen will need a little time and patience.

1.3.2016 – Arab News (A P)

Envoy exposes Tehran’s evil designs

Iran’s evil designs in the region came under the global spotlight at a recent meeting in Brussels.
The history of Iran is full of negativity and aggressive interventions in the affairs of Arab countries, said Abdulrahman bin Suleiman Al-Ahmad, Saudi ambassador to Belgium and head of the Saudi mission to the European Union.
The ambassador cited the cases of Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Syria where he said Iran directly intervened through the Revolutionary Guards and Shiite militias.
The envoy said that the arrest of Iran-affiliated cells that smuggled explosives and weapons to Bahrain and Kuwait; the occupation of the three UAE islands; Iranian regime’s smuggling of weapons and explosives and planting terrorist cells in the region including the Kingdom; and Iran’s support for terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Houthis with money, training and weapons had also proved Tehran’s aggressive designs.
His speech underlined the convergence of views between the Kingdom and the EU in many core issues such as the achievement of peace in the Middle East, fight against terrorism, and support for international development programs.
Iranian intervention does not serve its interests and is detrimental to world security and stability, said Ambassador Al-Ahmad.
He stressed the Kingdom’s keenness on maintaining regional security and stability and its determination to resist Iran’s aggressive goals and movements.
On the situation in Yemen, the envoy reaffirmed the Kingdom’s full commitment to its unity, sovereignty and independence.
The Kingdom is doing its best to help the people of Yemen by providing humanitarian and relief assistance, he added.

Comment: His words make evident that for him the Iranians are the arch-enemy of all Arabian countries – how much you really want to follow this? The Iranians as the harassers everywhere, the Saudis of course do not interfere anywhere, they are only “on maintaining regional security and stability”. What does this envoy think of the intellectual capacity of his audience? – read how the Iranian side sees itself: . Off course, this is propaganda as well – anyway, just compare.

1.3.2016 – Gulf Magazine (A H P)

King Salman Centre is world’s largest aid donor to Yemen

The advisor to the Royal Court and General Supervisor of King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabiah, said on his visit to the United States that “this visit highlights the great efforts that are being exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through King Salman Center for Relief to the Yemeni people in particular since the Kingdom is one of the largest countries providing humanitarian works to countries across the globe”.

With respect to the efforts being made by King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid for the relief of the people of Yemen, Dr. Al-Rabiah also said that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia represented by the Center is the largest aid donor that has provided humanitarian assistance to the Yemeni people in 2015 and still continues to provide relief and humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people in 2016, pointing out that “these efforts have covered all cities and provinces of Yemen, regardless of whoever lives in those cities or provinces”.

29.2.2016 – WHDH (A H P)

King Salman Relief Center Airdrops Food Supplies to Yemen

The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center successfully carried out three rounds of airdrops for Taiz, Yemen, over the last three days.

The center's General Supervisor, Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, told reporters at a briefing in Washingtonthat Taiz had been the most difficult city for the international community to reach, but through airdrops and working with NGOs, the center was able to break the siege.

The center works with international NGOs to ensure aid is distributed across Yemen, with no prejudice or limit. "There is no restriction to the regions. We have equally reached the north and the south, so we have delivered aid to Sana'a, Sa'dah, as much as we deliver to Aden and Taiz," said Dr. Al Rabeeah.

He also discussed coordination with international NGOs on the ground in Yemen for both relief and recovery needs. He said that the highest priorities for relief needs are food, health and refugee assistance. For recovery, top priorities are health, agriculture and education. "We are involved in all of those," said Dr. Al Rabeeah.

Comment: I decided to place these article at “Propaganda”, as its intention is to show the great human charity of the Saudis. In most cases, the Saudis drop bombs, no food. And Saudi “charity” Yemen hardly could be compared to Saudi destruction (which counts for lots of billions of $), killing and starving out. All that what the Saudis have spent on charity for Yemen up to now, will not be worth the cost of two days bombing Yemen.

29.2.2016 – The Telegraph (* A P)

Saudi Arabia is bombing in Yemen to bring peace and stability

Contrary to misinformation, the Saudi intervention in Syria is intended to help the country and protect civilians there

While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia deeply regrets any civilian deaths, it firmly denies allegations of deliberately targeting civilians. Further, it will not be hindered by such political posturing in its pursuit of vital national security objectives.

That said, it is important to understand the nature of the war that is now taking place in Yemen, the extensive efforts that have already been made by the Saudi military to avoid civilian casualties, and the ways in which misinformation about such conflicts often finds its way into the public eye. Once these elements are looked at, the picture put forth by the UN and various lobbying groups becomes radically different than what is being depicted in the press.

To begin with, Saudi Arabia is conducting its Yemen campaign not only to preserve its own security and promote regional stability, but as the leader of a multi-national coalition to defend the internationally-recognised and democratically-elected president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, from an Iran-backed Houthi rebellion.

Further, the Kingdom itself has been attacked by these rebels and is in part exercising its right to self-defense. Finally, the destabilisation caused by this rebellion has allowed Al Qaeda and Daesh to flourish, representing a clear threat to the region and to the international community.

Thus, Saudi Arabia considers it vital to address and remedy this destabilisation as an integral part of the war on terrorism.

Further, the campaign being carried out by the Kingdom is in full compliance with international humanitarian law, and British military advisors are providing training to their Saudi counterparts.

For instance, UK military personnel are providing assistance in targeting and its legal aspects, precision weapons are being used over cluster munitions, and targets are thoroughly examined to ensure the avoidance of civilian casualties. All foreign observers have expressed satisfaction with the safeguards in place – by Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Britain.

Comment: A rather stupid piece of Saudi propaganda, containing little new but assembling all the Saudi propaganda on the aerial war. (Almost) no civilian casualities! Not targeting civilians! (Why then always hitting them??). Precise weapons! (If you always hit civilians with these weapons, what does this mean??). Even: Protecting civilians! That is crazy – protecting them by killing them? full compliance with international humanitarian law! Might be humanitarian law Saudi style, which includes beheading, flogging… When I just saw the headline at Google, “Saudi Arabia is bombing in Yemen to bring peace and stability”, I thought this article would be a parody. Well, it is not. But, be aware, bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity.

29.2.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

U.N. Relief Proves Absent in Yemen, Gulf Dashes inA minister from Yemen’s internationally recognized government told Asharq Al-Awsat: “Relief organizations are evading issuing of statements that specify the side responsible for hampering their mission”

Riyadh- Abdul Raqeeb Saif Fateh, who is both the minister of local administration and chairman of the Higher Committee for Relief in Yemen, confirmed that the shouldering of Gulf support works, especially the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aids, have outdone the U.N. mission in aiding the people of Yemen in desperate times.

Minister Fateh pointed out that the U.N. is completely absent on the Yemeni arena and it is remaining silent when it comes to specifying the parties standing in its way.

In a phone call interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Minister Fateh stated that since the break of the Yemeni political crisis, caused by the ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh and his Houthi supporting militias, Gulf countries were the first to reach out supporting the people of Yemen whether on land or by sea. “We, with the crisis escalating, have hope that the U.N. will come forth in its humanitarian relief organizations framework, according to humane standards.”

Chairman Fateh highlighted the UN’s non-existence in Yemenat a time when the governorate has been barricaded by Houthi militias for 10 months now. None but the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aids, which proved itself a reliable beacon of light in the field of humanitarian work, could reach that deprived region, Fateh added.

Minister Fateh mentioned that U.N. humanitarian relief organizations are always apologizing on the pretext of security factors. “We ask them to make an honest statement, in which they name the party that is holding up their mission in Yemen. Even if this party named is the Yemeni legitimate government”, Fateh said.

“However, we have yet not witnessed any responsiveness for the global community looking into facts taking place in Yemen.”

“It should be made very clear that parties that stand in the way of relief reaching the people are Houthi militias and pro-Saleh supporters”, Fateh went on saying.

“We ask for the U.N. to exercise its humanitarian work according to international law, and to name sides standing in the way of its humanitarian mission”, Fateh stated.

Comment: Well, international humanitarian relief organizations clearly tell who stands in the way of relief reaching the people – all war leading parties. Just think of the Saudi blockade. So what for this really stupid propaganda everybody at the first glimpse sees that it is just a folly? Off course, Saudi and Emirati humanitarian organizations must be adulated for giving as humanitarian aid less than 1 % the value of what the Saudi-Emirati aerial war has destroyed.

28.2.2016 – WAM (A P)

UAE's support to Yemen embodies its commitment to alleviate other nations' suffering

The amount of humanitarian aid provided by the UAE since the beginning of the Yemen crisis, from which the Yemeni people are still suffering, reached around AED744 million, the equivalent of US$202 million, up until August, 2015.

The state has always been diligent in lending a helping hand to the Yemeni people in all circumstances and events, as instructed by its wise leadership led by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces .

Since the start of the crisis in Yemen, specifically over the past three years, the wise leadership instructed the relevant authorities in the state to provide all help and assistance to the Yemeni people, making the UAE one of the first countries to respond to the Yemeni people’s humanitarian appeal, helping them overcome their economic, political and social ordeal.

Comment: US$202 million – that is the cost of one day aerial war against Yemen. It is difficult to sum up (besides of human victims, which cannot be summed up any more) the cost of all damages the Saudi coalition has bombed in Yemen up to now. $ 100 billion will not be a too small figure. Just compare $202 million to $100 billion.

28.2.2016 – Aljazeera (*A P)

Arab coalition denies targeting civilians in Yemen

Claims of casualties in Saturday's air strikes in Sanaa province dismissed by spokesperson as a fabrication by Houthis.

The Arab coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen has denied targeting civilians after air strikes hit a market northeast of the capital Sanaa, reportedly killing at least 40 people.

Saturday's attacks in the Nehm district in Sanaa province also wounded 30 people, residents had told Reuters news agency, adding that most of the casualties were civilians.

But Brigadier-General Ahmed Asseri, spokesperson for the coalition, said on Sunday the casualty reports were fabricated by the Houthis.

The coalition targeted a barracks occupied by the Houthis and troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, he said.

Asseri said the targeted area had no civilians and was mostly occupied by the rebels.

"We know that these are the kind of tactics used by the militias when they are under pressure, and they start launching lies in the media," he told Al Jazeera.

"Today we know that most of the agencies who reported this don't have any reporters on the ground. They said they took this information from local security agents and we know in Sanaa today ... there are no official people who can report."

Comment: The propaganda of the Saudis and their allies certainly is one of the worst in the world, as it is that much contrasting every simple evidence. Asiri is speaking of “barracks” – well, try to find them or their remnants in the films of this raid. Good luck.

27.2.2016 – (A P)

Riad Yassin: Iran Strives for Houthis to Run a State within a State

Former Yemeni Foreign Minister Riad Yassin, in an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, spoke of recent developments on the Yemeni arena.
Yassin said that Iran saves no effort in making the Houthis a part of the future solution for Yemen. What they are bent on is to create a state within a state in Yemen, mimicking the situation in Lebanon. Iran has failed in having Yemen run by a sectarian strife between Shi’ites and Sunnis, despite all its attempts to convince national parties that the Houthis are the subjects of oppression. However, Iran continues to play a diplomatic international role in supporting Houthi insurgents.
When asked on the pro-legitimacy Yemeni government’s approval of the U.N. performance, especially when it is not exercising any type of pressure mechanisms to have the insurgents abide by U.N resolutions, Yassin answered that the U.N. efforts are not considered completely satisfactory by Yemen’s legitimate government.
Yassin stressed how necessary it is to force Houthi insurgents and pro-Saleh (ousted President of Yemen) militias to commit to the U.N. Security Council’s resolution 2216.
The militias must arrive at an understanding that international forces will not resume taking their violations into consideration. It is mandatory to apply the seventh item on the resolution, and not come in the way of the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen and its military operations to save Yemen, especially that Houthis continue to barricade Taiz and occupy regions using violence and force, Yassin said.
Regarding whether Iran has ever, in any way, attempted to propose any solution to the current situation; Yassin believes that Iran is diligent when it comes to having the Houthis being a part of the solution.

Comment: This is almost the same as the official Hadi government / Saudi propaganda. If there are little objections against Iran, than still Iranian diplomatic efforts can be taken for objections against Iran. Rather funny is the objection “that Iran saves no effort in making the Houthis a part of the future solution for Yemen”. Well, what else does he aspect? It seems he thinks a political solution in Yemen should exclude the Houthis. The Houthis are a mayor political and military force in Yemen, representing a great part of the population, a political solution excluding the Huthis simply would be impossible. – It also is rather strange to claim Iran would have tried to cause sectarian strife in Yemen, with the Saudis next door pressuring the Yemeni Zaidites by financing Wahabite extremism in their parts of the country. Referring to U.N. Security Council’s resolution 2216 off course cannot be omitted.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

1.3.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi airstrike kills four, injures tens in Sana’a

An airstrike launched Tuesday by the Saudi aggression war jets on al-Haymah al-Dakhelyah district of Sana’a province killed and injured 24 civilians.
Dr. Khaled al-Muntaser, director general of the health office in the province, explained that the hostile air raid targeted Bani Yusuf village, killing four citizens and injuring 20 others in an initial toll.The health office sent five ambulance cars to the district to transfer the injured, Dr. al-Muntaser added.

1.3.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Saudi airstrike kills over two dozen in Yemen

More than two dozen civilians have lost their lives in another Saudi aerial attack against a residential neighborhood in Yemen’s west-central Yemen province of Sana’a.

On Tuesday, Saudi fighter jets launched an airstrike against the mountainous Jabal Bani Yusuf district of the province, leaving 25 people dead and tens of others injured, the al-Mayadeen news network reported.

Elsewhere, a child was injured and a number of houses were destroyed when Saudi warplanes struck Razeh district in the northern province of Sa’ada.

Saudi military aircraft also carried out several aerial assaults against the strategic Dhubab district in the southwestern Ta’izz Province, though no immediate reports of casualties were available.

The airstrikes took place shortly after Yemeni army soldiers and fighters from allied Popular Committees mounted a missile attack against Saudi-backed mercenaries in the same area, killing tens of them.

Moreover, Saudi jets bombarded al-Rabouah city, which is controlled by Yemeni forces, in the kingdom’s southwestern Asir province. There were no reports of possible casualties and the extent of damage caused.

Saudi aircraft also pounded parts of Harad and Hayran districts in the northwestern Yemen province of Hajjah, with no casualties reported so far.

2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

At this site of the Houthi affiliated Saba News all the news on air raids and the theater of war, off course from a Houthi point of view.

2.2016 – Legal Center for Rights and Development (A K PH)

Die Luftschläge der saudischen Koalition Tag für Tag / Saudi coalition air raids day by day

27. Feb.:

28. Feb.:

28.2.2016 – Fars News (AK PH)

Saudi Warplanes Hit Restaurant in Yemen's Al-Hudayda Province

Saudi fighter jets pounded a restaurant in Al-Hudayda province in Southwestern Yemen near the Bab al-Mandeb strait on Sunday, wounding several civilians.

The Saudi warplanes hit the restaurant located in the city of al-Khukha in Al-Hudayda province.

The Arabic-language al-Masira news channel reported that several people have been injured in the Saudi airstrikes.

The Saudi fighter jets had also targeted several vehicles belonging to civilians in the Northern al-Jawf province four days ago which killed 24 people.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

29.2.2016 – nach Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Jemenitische Streitkräfte nehmen 101 saudische Soldaten gefangen

Die jemenitischen Streitkräfte haben in Mareb Dutzende saudische Soldaten getötet und weitere 101 gefangen genommen.

Am heutigen Montagmorgen nahm die jemenitische Armee mit der Unterstützung der Houthi nahestehenden freiwilligen Volkskräfte saudische Soldaten auf der Route in die jemenitische Stadt Mareb gefangen.

Weitere 30 saudische Soldaten wurden am Sonntag in derselben Region gefangen genommen.

Außerdem wurden Dutzende saudische Soldaten im Westen von Mareb getötet und vier ihrer Militärfahrzeuge zerstört.

29.2.2016 – Southfront (A K PH)

Houthi forces capture over 100 Saudi troops in Yemen

On Monday, the fighters loyal to the Houthi Ansarullah movement captured 71 soldiers in the area of the Ma’rib city. 30 Saudi troopers were captured in the same area on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Yemenis also targeted the Saudi-held Sahn al-Jin military base with missiles. Dozens Saudi-led fighters have been killed.

28.2.2016 – Fars News (A K PH)

Saudi Forces Sustain Heavy Casualties in Ta'iz, Ma'rib Provinces

The Yemeni army and popular forces made remarkable advances in Western Yemen on Sunday, and inflicted heavy casualties and losses on the Saudi forces in Ta'iz and Ma'rib provinces over the past 24 hours.

Tens of Saudi forces were killed and dozens more were wounded in the Yemeni forces' offensives in Ta'iz and Ma'rib provinces.

Meantime, the Yemeni army and popular forces also inflicted heavy damage on the Saudi military grid in Azan region of the city of Zobab near Bab al-Mandeb in Southwestern Yemen.

A newly-published report by the pro-Saudi camp in Yemen shows that over 1,600 Saudi-led forces have been killed in just Ta'iz province since March 26.

According to a report submitted by the Ta'iz governor general to fugitive Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah cabinet in Riyadh, a sum of 1,630 Saudi military servicemen have been killed since the outbreak of the Saudi war in late March.

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