Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 12

Jemen Verluste der saudischen Verbündeten beim weiteren Vormarsch im Süden- Kämpfe im Norden um die Grenze zu Saudi-Arabien - Schlimme humanitäre Lage

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27.8.2015 – Internetz-Zeitung

Nächster USA-Stellvertreterkrieg der Saudis gegen Jemen könnte weitere Millionen Flüchtlinge nach Europa spülen

Tausende Jemeniten befinden sich mittellos im Ausland, ohne jede Möglichkeit, in ihre Heimat zurückzukehren, da die Streitkräfte der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärallianz das Land seit dem 26. März unter Beschuss halten. Weitere 300.000 wurden innerhalb des Jemen vertrieben und müssen fast gänzlich ohne Hilfe auskommen. Jemeniten, die sich aufgrund medizinischer Behandlungen oder anderer Gründe zum Zeitpunkt des Kriegsausbruchs im Ausland aufhielten, wurden auf Befehl der Kriegsallianz einen vollen Monat lang daran gehindert, in ihr Heimatland zurückzukehren. Durch die Blockade der Luft-, Land- und Seewege, die dem Jemen auferlegt wurde, blieben viele Jemeniten im Ausland zurück. Aber viele Menschen werden so auch zeitweise an der Fllucht gehindert, die so dem Krieg so kaum entfliehen können. Dazu kommt, dass die Länder, die sie zuvor freundlich aufgenommen hatten, nun neue Forderungen für die Verlängerung ihrer Visa stellten, und dass es ihnen an jeglicher Versorgung mangelt. Spätestens wenn die Seeblockade endet, könnten Millionen Flüchtlinge über den Golf von Aden mit Booten in Richtung Europa flüchten – von Jürgen Meyer

27.8.2015 – Reuters

Coalition poised to retake capital, but Yemen risks grow

Weeks after seizing Yemen's southern port, Aden, members of a Saudi-led military coalition and the local fighters it supports say they are poised to oust Iranian-allied Houthi forces from the capital Sanaa.

But al Qaeda militants appear to be using the coalition's gains against the Houthis in the south to entrench their position, as fractures start to show between local groups of fighters with the departure of their common enemy.

The prospect of returning exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi remains distant, five months after an advance on his Aden bolthole by the Houthis, who overran the capital a year ago from their northern base, triggered the Saudi-led intervention.

At stake is not just who will rule Yemen, which regional power will hold sway and whether its persistent jihadist threat can be ended, but its future as a single state after centuries of tribal disputes and regional divisions.

Saudi Arabia and its allies want to maintain the state created in 1990 by the merger of the old north and south Yemen, say informed diplomats, but as anger grows over the humanitarian cost, the possibility of division appears to be growing.

"In the absence of a political settlement the battle for Sanaa will be long, brutal, and deadly with no obvious winner. A failure to retake Sanaa by Hadi's camp is likely to lead to a de facto partition of Yemen," said Ibrahim Fraihat, senior political analyst at Brookings Doha Centre.

Such a settlement still looks elusive, with each side attempting to escalate the fighting since the fall of Aden - BY MOHAMMED GHOBARI AND ANGUS MCDOWALL

27.8.2015 – Aljazeera

Saudi troops enter northern Yemen after Houthi clashes

Saudi commanders insist incursion into northern Yemen is temporary, as troops take up positions overlooking Jizan.

27.8.2015 – AhlulBayt

Fotostrecke: Jemen wird weiterhin von saudischen Kampfflugzeugen angeschlagen

27.8.2015 – Near Eastern Outlook

Total War in Yemen Totally Ignored by Western Media

With almost a whimper, the Western media reported that the US-backed regimes of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and their auxiliary fighters drawn from Al Qaeda have begun carrying out what is the ground invasion of Yemen.

Along with an ongoing naval blockade and months of bombing raids, the ground invasion adds a lethal new dimension to the conflict – for both sides.

The Roman Empire throughout much of its reign was feared as invincible. After suffering several major defeats, the veneer of invincibility began to peel and along with it crumbled inevitably their empire. Likewise, Western hegemony has been propped up by the illusion of military superiority on the battlefield. By carefully picking its battles and avoiding critical defeats, the West, and the US in particular, has maintained this illusion of military invincibility

As the US moves against nations with larger, better equipped and trained armies, it has elected to use proxies to fight on its behalf. Thus, any humiliating defeat could be compartmentalized.

However, by most accounts the war in Yemen is not only a proxy war between Iran and the Persian Gulf monarchies, it is one of several such conflicts raging regionally that constitutes a wider proxy war between the US and its regional allies on one side, and Iran, Syria, Russia, and even China on the other.

With the presence of Western main battle tanks in Yemen attempting to move north, the opportunity now presents itself to punch holes through this illusion of Western invincibility.

One might ask how – in the context of international law – it is possible for unelected absolute autocracies like Saudi Arabia and the UAE to intervene militarily in Yemen with naval blockades, aerial bombardments, and now an overt ground invasion including armor columns to restore an ousted regime. This is done with seemingly little concern from the United Nations and with the enthusiastic support both politically and militarily of the United States.

The answer to this question becomes more confounding still when considering Western condemnation of Russia for any attempt to support or defend the ousted government of Ukraine, a nation now overrun by NATO-backed Neo-Nazi militias who in turn are backing a criminal regime in Kiev which includes foreigners assigned to cabinet positions and even as governors. Saudi and UAE military aggression in Yemen makes it increasingly difficult for the West to maintain the illusion of moral superiority regarding Ukraine.

Russia’s relative restraint when compared to US-backed aggression on the Arabian Peninsula exposes once again the pervasive hypocrisy consuming Western legitimacy.

This may be yet another reason the Western media refuses to cover the events unfolding in Yemen

After NATO’s attempt to invoke the “responsibility to protect” (R2P) as justification for the destruction of Libya, it became clear that NATO was merely hiding behind the principles of humanitarian concern, not upholding them. And while it may be difficult to believe, there are still those across the Western media and policy think-tanks attempting to use R2P to justify further military aggression against nations like Syria.

However, R2P is conveniently absent amid what little talk of Yemen that does take place in the Western media. US-backed blockades and months of aerial bombardments have tipped Yemen toward a humanitarian catastrophe. Not only does both the UN and the West fail to demand an end to the bombings and blockades, the West has continued to underwrite Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s military adventure in Yemen.

The carnage and injustice visited upon Yemen serves as yet another stark example of how the West and its institutions, including the United Nations, are the greatest dangers to global peace and stability, using the pretext of defending such ideals as a means to instead undo them.

Considering this, we discover yet another potential reason the Western media’s coverage of Yemen is muted.

Perhaps this possibility above all, is why the Western media would rather the general public knew little of what was going on in Yemen. It would represent yet another conventional Western-equipped proxy army defeated by irregular forces in yet another failed campaign fought in the interests of Wall Street and Washington. While the Western media refuses to cover the events unfolding in Yemen with the attention and honesty they deserve, the conflict is nonetheless pivotal, and may determine the outcome of other proxy wars raging across the Middle East and North Africa, and even beyond - by Tony Cartalucci =

26.8.2015 – The American Conservative

Five Months of the War on Yemen

The Saudis have made their priorities in the region very clear over the last few years, and combating jihadist groups hasn’t been one of them. Riyadh’s obsession with countering Iranian influence, real or imagined, has consistently taken precedence in both Syria and Yemen, so it should come as no surprise that the Saudis are at best indifferent to the empowerment of jihadist groups in both places and at worst are actively promoting that outcome. U.S. clients in the region are pursuing goals that are at odds with U.S. interests, and especially the case of Yemen they are waging a war that is detrimental to U.S. and regional security. By itself, that wouldn’t be all that surprising, but the remarkable thing is that the U.S. has been pleased to help them from the beginning of the intervention in March. Five months later, despite ample evidence of Saudi war crimes and the horrific effects of their blockade on the civilian population, the U.S. continues to lend aid to its awful clients. Our government is helping to batter and starve an entire country simply to placate a band of despots.

It is often assumed that U.S. support for the cruel and unnecessary Saudi intervention in Yemen is a trade-off to get their support for the nuclear deal, but if that is the real reason for it the administration has made a bad exchange. While it might be preferable to have Saudi and GCC support for the deal, that support isn’t needed. It certainly doesn’t justify backing an appalling war that is empowering some of our worst enemies – by Daniel Larison

26.8.2015 – Foreign Policy

The Human Carnage of Saudi Arabia’s War in Yemen

Off the grid and away from the eyes of the international press, U.S.-made bombs are killing hundreds of innocent civilians.

The Houthis and their allies are the declared targets of the coalition’s 5-month-old air campaign. In reality, however, it is civilians like little Rahma and her family who all too often pay the price of this war. Hundreds have been killed in such strikes while asleep in their homes, when going about their daily activities, or in the very places where they had sought refuge from the conflict. The United States, meanwhile, has provided the weapons that have made many of these killings possible.

Bombs dropped by the Saudi-led air campaign have all too often landed on civilians, contributing to this humanitarian disaster. In the ruins of the Musaab bin Omar school, the meager possessions of the families who were sheltering there included a few children’s clothes, blankets, and cooking pots. I found no sign of any military activity that could have made the site a military target. But I did see the remains of the weapon used in the attack a fin from a U.S.-designed MK80 general-purpose bomb, similar to those found at many other locations of coalition strikes.

This was far from the only instance where U.S. weapons killed Yemeni civilians. In the nearby village of Waht, another coalition airstrike killed 11 worshipers in a mosque two days earlier. There, too, bewildered survivors and families of the victims asked why they had been targeted. One of the two bombs dropped on the mosque failed to explode and was still mostly intact when I visited the site. It was a U.S.-manufactured MK82 general-purpose bomb, fitted with a fusing system also of U.S. manufacture.

Mistakes in the identification of targets and in the execution of attacks can and do happen in wars. In such cases, it is incumbent on the responsible parties to promptly take the necessary corrective action to avoid the recurrence of the same mistakes. But there is no sign that this is occurring in Yemen: Five months since the onset of the coalition airstrike campaign, innocent civilians continue to be killed and maimed every day, raising serious concerns about an apparent disregard for civilian life and for fundamental principles of international humanitarian law. Strikes that are carried out in the knowledge that they will cause civilian casualties are disproportionate or indiscriminate and constitute war crimes.

While the United States is not formally part of the Saudi-led coalition, it is assisting the coalition air campaign by providingintelligence and aerial refueling facilities to coalition bomber jets. The sum total of its assistance to the coalition makes the United States partly responsible for civilian casualties resulting from unlawful attacks. Washington has also long been a key supplier of military equipment to Saudi Arabia and other members of the coalition.

The poisonous legacy of these U.S.-made weapons will plague Yemen for years to come.- by Donatella Rovera

26.8.2015 – Refinery 29

These Photos Exist So People Won't Say "That Never Really Happened"

Fresh out of nursing school and just 22 years old, Alex Potter dreamed of being a photojournalist and bridging the gap between her home in the Midwest and the Middle East. After graduating from college, Potter left her native Minnesota and traveled to Jordan. When she saw that Yemen, a country on the Arabian Peninsula, had a big election coming up, she hopped on a plane in a matter of hours. Potter has been living in Yemen's capital, Sana'a, ever since.
When Houthi rebels seized power in February and forced out the country's president, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, Potter pointed her lens at the families around her as they struggled to cope. Airstrikes from neighboring Saudi Arabia, as well as the participation of fighters from Al Qaeda and the Islamic State group, or ISIS, have made the conflict a complex one. In March, ISIS carried out two major suicide bomb attacks at mosques in Sana'a, killing 137 people.
From behind her lens, Potter captured the anguish of her friends and neighbors when the section of the Old City she was living in was destroyed by an airstrike in June.
Potter's full breathtaking photo essay, "The Unthinkable: An Ancient City Plunges Into Darkness as a War on Civilians Rages" was recently published on NPR's website. Potter shares her photos and speaks with Refinery29 from Djibouti – by Kaelyn Forde

26.8.2015 – The Voice of the Cape

Realignment of Yemen’s identity politics

As a blogger on human rights issues in Yemen for the past six years, I am stunned by the growing polarisation in the country. To take an even-handed stance for human rights is either viewed as an act of treason or as a sectarian bias.

If you criticise the Arab coalition air strikes and the Houthi forces, the supporters of both camps accuse you of supporting one side over the other. It’s us or them, both sides maintain; no middle ground.

Today, I perceive how people’s definition of their identities in Yemen – whether in line with tribal, sectarian or class-based affinities – is realigning itself along with the new political order.

Although Yemen’s complex political, social and cultural structures have managed to function as a fluid equilibrium on the surface, there have always been chronic identity tensions.

Until Yemen’s 2011 uprising, these identity tensions were influenced by two major factors: the unification in 1990 and the aftermath of the civil war in 1994, resulting in major rifts between north and south.

Some contend that one of the causes of the tensions was former President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s forced seizure of the lands in the south, leading to discontent among southerners over his rule.

Another likely cause was when southerners realised that the new oil finds in the south that formed more than 40 percent of Yemen’s reserves back then would have supported South Yemen’s smaller population if they had not been seized by the north.

Furthermore, during my personal observations in the country, there was a feeling in South Yemen, particularly among “de-tribalised” people, who felt that they should (re-)define themselves as tribes to be taken seriously by the new ruling system in the north.

In today’s context, as the country engages in one of its bloodiest civil wars, there is a realignment taking place simultaneously on two levels: a reconfiguration of power and identities.

Firstly, it is fuelled by the new reality where yesterday’s adversaries are today’s allies. After enduring six wars between 2004 and 2010 that led to the death of their founder-leader at the hands of Yemeni security forces under Saleh’s rule, Houthis have formed an alliance with their old oppressor, Saleh.

Considering that Saleh used to be Saudis’ ally in the fight against Houthis’ revivalist movement for Zaydism through those six wars, today he is turning the tables, siding with Houthis not only to fight the Saudi-led coalition, but also to crush those who helped oust him in 2011.

The reconfiguration of identity relations is perhaps the most troubling one – it shows itself as the violence on the ground has been mobilised based not on simple binary distinctions, but rather, on a complex and ambiguous process.

While Yemen’s biggest richness in diversity is its people and needs to be celebrated, in the light of the civil war, it has become the base of multifaceted local cleavages.

This has caused a great polarisation where southerners in Aden and Taiz mainly cheer for the Saudi-led air strikes against the Houthi forces, whereas people in Sanaa feel political allegiances based on ideological and class agenda.

Since Sanaa has become the headquarters of Houthi rule, locals point out that the capital city tends to exhibit animosity against the Saudi-led coalition and the south – not only because it’s moving in line with Houthis’ stance, but also because of the historical tensions between the north and the south.

The rise of the Houthi movement represents a major reconfiguration of identity politics in the country.

As people are pushing themselves into a new formalised identity group, viewing what’s at risk for them in the violence, they find it difficult to identify with others who used to be of like-minded groups. And yet, they engage – consciously and subconsciously – in a continuous process of negotiating differences and antagonisms at the social and political level.

Thus, the concept of a “Yemeni nation” is being redefined.

While the prospect of witnessing a comeback of two Yemen(s) is debatable, it’s certain that the country’s north will look completely different.

The longer the war drags on, the greater the polarisation.

The current realignment is more significant than the revolution itself in 2011, which only proposed a new desultory reality.

Yemen is being transformed through a drastic change, where Yemen’s agencies in the private and political spheres are under transformation as well. - by Afreh Nasser

25.8.2015 –

U.S. puppet state Saudi Arabia and their psychopathic genocide in Yemen

Blanketed by its wealth and protected by political alliances, Saudi Arabia has covertly run and promoted a new movement in the Middle East: religious eugenics, under the false pretense of opposing the rise of Iran. From Syria to Bahrain and Yemen the evidence is overwhelming.

But not only that, Saudi Arabia's foreign policy in the Middle East is betraying a disturbing and rather ominous covert agenda, one which resonates with ethnic engineering and religious eugenics.
And if so far few have connected the dots, their hands tied by Riyadh's overbearing and overarching control on media outlets and the grand political narrative, it is high time we learn to recognize Al Saud's campaign for what it really is: a concerted effort to cleanse the region of all religious minorities, beginning with Shia Islam, its self-appointed nemesis.

To put it in simple terms - under Saudi Arabia' suffocating grip, religious minorities are dying a slow and painful death.
From Syria to Bahrain, the kingdom's eugenics campaign threatens the region's religious and ethnic patrimonies, in a fashion reminiscent of Nazi Germany, when Jews and Gypsies were labeled undesirables.

If subtitles were running they would read - the Houthis will be destroyed because they represent a religious challenge to Wahhabism's hegemony in the region. The Houthis, and the majority of all northerners in Yemen are Zaidis, a branch of Shia Islam.
Is it then a surprise that while South Yemen has benefited from humanitarian aid, North Yemen has witnessed a spike in violence, its seaports targeted to prevent food and medicine to be ferried in? Riyadh is quite simply profiling aid to carry out its religious cleansing, punishing millions for their rejection of Riyadh's religion.
Saudi Arabia is an absolute theocracy, and as such its very raison d' être is rooted within its violent and reactionary interpretation of Islam: Wahhabism, the ideology which inspired the likes of Al Qaeda and Islamic State. One of the main tenets of Wahhabism actually calls for the destruction of all religious sects, Islamic or otherwise. For Wahhabis there can be no greater glory than to massacre"apostates."
And while Riyadh's neo-eugenics movement has taken on different forms, operating under various denominations depending on the countries it has targeted, the underlying current has been the destruction of religious pluralism.

From the language used to the policies it has carried out in the Middle East, Riyadh has pushed the sectarian card, christening the resistance movement against its eugenics movement, the so-called Shia crescent threat.
The real threat here lies with Riyadh's twisted crusade and sickening sectarian agenda – by Catherine Shakdam

25.8.2015 – Organisation for World Peace

Sectarian Violence Hikes Yemen’s Instability

Amid the chaos of Yemen’s civil war between the Houthi rebels and Saudi-backed forces of President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi, a third faction that had disappeared from the media landscape is now making a comeback. On August 22nd, Yemeni officials admitted that while the Yemeni civil war is raging, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is making significant gains in the strategic port city of Aden .

As a Sunni fundamentalist organization, Al-Qaeda is decidedly against the Shiite Houthis and their possible Iranian backers. During the civil war, Al-Qaeda had been launching attacks against both the government loyalists and the Houthis.[7] Using strong rhetoric and supporting Yemeni Sunni tribes fighting the Shiite Houthis,[8] Al-Qaeda is deepening sectarian divisions in the country. The emergence of an Islamic State offshoot in Yemen is set to further add to the chaos. As order breaks down in Yemen, the regional and tribal divisions of the country are rising to the surface, threatening to fragment Yemen and create more instability and violence – by Hanyu Huang

25.8.2015 – Radio Utopie

Mitwirkung des Westens bei Völkermord im Jemen stößt auf das Schweigen der Medien

Sicher sollten das News für die Titelseiten sein, sollten CNN, die BBC und France 24 und weitere große westliche Mediennetzwerke das als Aufmacher bringen. Die Verpflichtung liegt bei ihnen, weil ihre Regierungen an schweren Kriegsverbrechen beteiligt sind. Wie auch immer, es gab keine Berichterstattung über die tragischen Ereignisse. Abgesehen von einigen kurzen vagen Berichten über eine allgemeine humanitäre Krise gibt es eine Mauer des Schweigens.

Ungeachtet des Schreckens und der Komplizenschaft westlicher Regierungen an diesem Horror vermeiden es die westlichen Nachrichtenmedien, informative Berichte über die Schlächterei im Jemen zu bringen. Wenn die Medien gelegentlich kurze Berichte bringen, dann verdrehen sie routinemäßig die Natur der Gewalt, als ginge diese auf das Konto von zwei kriegsführenden Seiten: auf der einen Seite „Saudi-Koalitions-Kräfte“ und auf der anderen „vom Iran unterstützte Houthirebellen.“

Stellen wir schnell diese verlogene Verdrehung richtig. Die Houthirebellen sind nicht vom Iran unterstützt. Wie könnten sie das sein, wenn der Jemen von Saudi- und amerikanischen Streitkräften blockiert ist? Die Houthis bilden eine Allianz mit der jemenitischen nationalen Armee und anderen Rebellengruppen, die Volkskomitees genannt werden. Früher in diesem Jahr verjagten sie den von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und von den Saudis gestützten Hampelpräsidenten Abded Rabbo Mansour Hadi und übernahmen einen großen Teil des Landes, einschließlich der Hauptstadt Sana´a.

Das ist der Grund, warum die Saudis und ihre Gehilfen von den arabischen Golfdiktaturen plus der ägyptischen Diktatur des Abdel Fattah el-Sisi sich zusammentaten, um den Jemen zu bombardieren. Sie behaupten, die „rechtmäßige Regierung des Jemen“ zu verteidigen, repräsentiert durch Hadi und seine korrupte Clique.

Gemeinsam mit dem Vereinigten Königreich und Frankreich unterstützt Washington die von den Saudis angeführte Bombenkoalition nicht nur politisch und diplomatisch, sondern mit der Lieferung von Kriegsflugzeugen, Raketen und Logistik. Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika haben in Saudiarabien ein Steuerungszentrum eingerichtet, um die von Arabern geflogenen F-16s zu koordinieren – von Finian Cunningham =

24.8.2015 – GeoPolitik Zeitgeschichte

Mit offenen Karten - Jemen: Eine Republik der Stämme

24.8.2015 – Mondo Weiss

4,500 killed in Yemen in 150 Days of Saudi-led bombing – by Ben Norton

From one commentary:

one piece of information I find in this article as staggering false as it is in almost all the western mass media reports. Who is fighting whom in Yemen? You wrote:

which pits a US-backed coalition of Middle Eastern nations and forces loyal to President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi against Iran-backed Houthi rebels and fighters loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

However, the reality on the ground seems to be that the Saudi-led coalition and tribal fighters, armed forces of the Muslim Brotherhood and the islah party, Southern Movement separatists, Al Qaeda and ISIS fight against the Armed Forces of Yemen, the paramilitary forces of Yemen’s interior ministry, who are militarily backed by the Houthi militia and other tribal forces and politically backed by the GPC – the party led by Ali Saleh – and Houthi movement.

While forces loyal to President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi are almost non-existent as non of the forces opposing the government in Sanaa is loyal to “President” Hadi, the Armed Forces of Yemen and the forces of the interior ministry are loyal to the chairman of the Supreme Security Committee, interior minister Jalal Al Rowaishan. The term “fighters loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh” is a smokescreen to mask that the armed and paramilitary forces of Yemen are united and led by the interior minister.

What is also completely lost in mass media is that many of the armed and paramilitary forces of Yemen were trained and equipped by the US in the name of fighting Al Qaeda, that those forces are still and really fighting against Al Qaeda, while the US switched sides in March and backs now a Saudi-led anti-Sanaa war coalition that consists – among ohers – out of Al Qaeda extremists. =

24.8.2015 – Ein Parteibuch


Seit nunmehr knapp fünf Monaten führt eine saudisch-dominierte Koalition Krieg gegen den Jemen. Die fünf permanenten UN-Sicherheitsratsmitglieder geben den Saudis dabei bislang freie Hand, zu tun und zu lassen, was sie wollen, was womöglich eine Gegenleistung für saudische Unterstützung bei der Isolation Israels bezüglich des P5+1-Deals mit dem Iran ist. Die saudische Kriegskoalition nutzt das, um sich schnellstmöglich so tief wie möglich in den jemenitischen Sumpf zu begeben, um da ihre Fahnen zu hissen und dabei laufend großartige Siege der saudischen Kriegskoalition zu verkünden. Doch der den saudischen Eroberern vom Widerstand bereitete Sumpf zieht sie langsam, aber stetig, immer weiter nach unten.

Überraschung, die jemenitischen Truppen und die weiteren Gegner der saudischen Besatzung des Jemen lösten sich angesichts der saudischen Überlegenheit an Waffen und Material nicht einfach in Luft auf. Wie es in bergigen Regionen überall auf der Welt seit vielen Jahrhunderten üblich ist, zogen sich die einheimischen jemenitischen Verteidiger gegen die ausländische saudische Invasion erstmal in die Berge zurück.

Die Liste der Nachrichten mit von saudischen Luftangriffen getöteten Zivilisten im Jemen ist schier unendlich, und täglich wird sie länger. Westliche Medien stellen diese Nachrichten nicht in den Vordergrund ihrer Berichterstattung, lassen sie aber unter “ferner liefen” mitlaufen. Die UN und westliche Menschenrechtsorganisationen machen zudem regelmäßig darauf aufmerksam, dass die saudisch geführten Kriegshandlungen im Jemen eine humanitäre Krise und schwere Hungersnot verursachen. Dies ist der Hintergrund dessen, dass die USA kürzlich offiziell erklärten, sie seien tief besorgt wegen der saudischen Luftangriffe auf den Hafen von Hodeida. Das ist so etwas wie ein Warnschuss der USA vor den Bug der Saudis, und zeigt die großen internationalen Risiken, die die Saudis mit dem Krieg gegen den Jemen eingehen. Nominell unterstützen die USA die Saudis zwar mit Geheimdienstinformationen und Logistik beim Krieg gegen den Jemen, aber die USA sind sowenig in den Krieg involviert, dass sie ihre Position zum saudischen Krieg gegen den Jemen jederzeit, insbesondere etwa nachdem der Iran-Deal im US-Kongress durch ist, ändern könnten, und dann etwa UN-Sanktionen gegen Saudi Arabien und eine Überweisung des UN-Sicherheitsrates an den ICC aufgrund des Verdachtes saudischer Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen unterstützen könnten.

Auch innerhalb des Jemen ist der militärische Nutzen der massiven saudischen Luftangriffe zumindest fraglich. Zwar ist es sicherlich so, dass die saudische Kriegskoalition mit ihren Angriffen einige jemenitische Soldaten und Widerstandskämpfer tötet und verletzt und einige ihrer Waffen zerstört, und den jemenitischen Widerstand gegen den saudisch geführten Krieg dadurch schwächt. Doch andererseits sorgt die hohe Zahl an durch die saudischen Luftangriffe ums Leben gekommenen Zivilisten dafür, dass in der Bevölkerung und Armee die Abneigung und Wut gegen die saudische Vorherrschaft wachsen. Die Saudis helfen so mit ihren Luftangriffen dabei, die sozio-politische Basis gegen die saudische Militärinterventation im Jemen zu stärken, was im völligen Widerspruch zum saudischen Ziel der Aufrechterhaltung ihrer Vorherrschaft über den Jemen steht. Angesichts dessen, dass die saudisch geführte Kriegskoalition sich durch ihre breiten Luftangriffe in ganz Jemen unbeliebt gemacht hat, wundert es nicht, dass mit ihnen zusammenarbeitende Regierungsgegner trotz der massiven saudischen Luftunterstützung laufend schwere Niederlagen erleiden, so wie etwa gerade in der zentraljemenitischen Stadt Taizz geschehen, die eigentlich als Hochburg von Muslimbrüdern und anderen Regierungsgegnern bekannt ist.

Unterdessen stößt die saudisch-geführte Kriegskoalition bei der Herrschaft über die von ihnen eroberten Gebiete im Südjemen auf Probleme mit den mit ihnen verbündeten Takfiri-Terroristen.

selbst ohne dass es demnächst zu solch einem historischen Schwenk der USA gegen das saudische Regime und die von ihm verbreitete mittelalterliche Takfiri-Terrorideologie kommt, sind die Perspektiven für das saudische Regime nicht rosig. Das saudische Regime hat sich tief verstrickt in einen teuren und blutigen Krieg im Jemen, der bereits auf saudisches Territorium übergreift, und es gibt keinen durchdachten Plan dazu, wie die Saudis aus dem jemenitischen Sumpf, in den sie gerade mit Volldampf gefahren sind, wieder heil herauskommen können.

Ein wirklicher Sieg ist dabei für die Saudis praktisch unerreichbar. Selbst wenn es, wie die Saudis hoffen, der saudischen Koalition gelingen sollte, die jemenitische Hauptstadt Sanaa etwa aus Osten von Marib her kommend, zu erobern, was sehr fraglich ist, würden saudische Truppen auf Jahre, vermutlich Jahrzehnte, im Jemen in einen blutigen und teuren Guerillakrieg verstrickt werden, der aus dem schnellen Sieg über kurz oder lang eine kostspielige Niederlage machen und Saudi Arabien dauerhaft herunterziehen würde. Die USA können ein Lied davon singen, dass ihre Kriege gegen Afghanistan und Irak nach der Eroberung der Hauptstädte dieser Länder mitnichten gewonnen waren. Bei den Saudis scheint diese Erfahrung noch nicht angekommen zu sein. =

24.8.2015 – The Independent

Yemen conflict: Is there a glimmer of hope for Yemeni civilians as Iran enters a new era?

The bloodshed in Yemen, now going on for a year with thousands killed and injured and millions facing famine, has been portrayed as a conflict between Shias and Sunnis. The Gulf States, especially the Saudis, declare that it is the result of a Houthi rebellion orchestrated by Iran.

In reality, it is more complex than that. The Houthis have ignored advice from Tehran in the course of the strife and Tehran’s support for the Houthis may well be more flexible than hitherto thought.

the Iranians are launching a new ceasefire initiative in Yemen. This is part of a significant rejig of foreign policy following the agreement on its nuclear programme with world powers. Tehran also wants to join the anti-Isis coalition and repair relations with the West.

In April, the Saudi-backed Yemeni government of Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi rejected a four-point plan put forward by the Iranians, with Western diplomats declaring that Tehran could not be regarded as an honest broker. But things have changed since then and following the nuclear deal, John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, highlighted the Yemen conflict as one which could be settled with the co-operation of Tehran. At the same time, the Russians, who have started holding talks with the US and the Saudis on Syria, are pressing the Iranians to help a settlement in Yemen.

Paul Salem, of the Washington based think-tank, the Middle East Institute, points out that Iran has much looser control over the Houthis in Yemen than with militias in Syria and Iraq, and thus has a weaker hand. “Yemen is not a fight they can win. So they may want to show that they are being helpful, it’s a kind of freebie”, he held.

There is no reason to think that old style realpolitik will not be a key part of Iran’s new-look foreign policy – by Kim Sengupta

Kommentar: Es hat sich wohl weniger die iranische Politik geändert als vielmehr die Politik des Westens gegenüber dem Iran, der nach dem Atomdeal plötzlich nicht mehr der Schurkenstaat ist, der auf jeden Fall eingedämmt werden muss – und wenn es durch die Zerstörung eines dritten Landes wie des Jemen passiert

19.8.2015 – CCTV America und Global Research TV

Unrest in Arabia: The Saudi War on Yemen

For months, Saudi Arabia has been leading a bombing campaign against Houthis in Yemen. Now foreign ground troops are joining the fight.

Why is Yemen so important to Saudi Arabia? Is this simply a proxy war involving Iran (Saudi Arabia’s regional rival)? And if it deteriorates further, how might the conflict affect the rest of the world?

A regional struggle may be about to escalate. Saudi Arabia has 150,000 troops on its southern border with Yemen. A Saudi-led coalition is committing more military resources. This month, the United Arab Emirates sent in a military brigade to join the fight on the ground.

To discuss Yemen’s regional tension:

Baraa Shiban is a Yemeni human rights activist.

Mohammed Alyahya is a Saudi political analyst.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a research associate at the Center for Research on Globalization. =

Humanitäre Lage

27.8.2015 – BBC

Life and Death Decisions in Yemen

Dr Mohammed Hajjar talks about his struggle to keep his hospital in Yemen running, as war rages and vital supplies run out.

27.8.2015 – Der Standard

Human Rights Watch wirft Saudi-Arabien erneut Streubomben-Einsatz vor

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) hat der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition abermals den Einsatz geächteter Streumunition im Jemen vorgeworfen. Die heimtückischen Bomben seien nach den ersten Vorwürfen von Anfang Mai weiter verwendet worden, zuletzt Mitte Juli, erklärte HRW am Donnerstag. Die Organisation zählte mindestens sieben Angriffe mit Streubomben in der nordöstlichen Provinz Hajja, bei denen Dutzende Zivilisten getötet oder verletzt worden seien. HRW hatte erstmals Anfang Mai den Einsatz von Streubomben im Jemen angeprangert.

26.8.2015 – Human Rights Watch

Yemen: Cluster Munition Rockets Kill, Injure Dozens

Saudi-led Coalition Likely Launched 7 Attacks Harming Civilians

Saudi Arabia-led coalition forces appear to have used cluster munition rockets in at least seven attacks in Yemen’s northwestern Hajja governorate, killing and wounding dozens of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The attacks were carried out between late April and mid-July 2015.

Cluster munitions caused civilian casualties both during the attacks, which may have been targeting Houthi fighters, and afterward, when civilians picked up unexploded submunitions that detonated. Coalition forces should immediately stop using cluster munitions due to the inevitable harm they cause to civilians, Human Rights Watch said. The United Nations Human Rights Council should createa commission of inquiry to investigate alleged serious laws-of-war violations by all parties to the armed conflict in Yemensince September 2014.

Several of the attacks took place in or near areas with concentrations of civilians, indicating that the rocket attacks themselves may have been unlawfully indiscriminate in violation of the laws of war. Local residents named 13 people, including 3 children, who were killed as well as 22 people who were wounded in the seven attacks. They also identified three people who were injured when unexploded submunitions detonated after being handled. In several attacks, residents said, the number of killed and wounded was higher, but that they did not know the names of the other victims. Human Rights Watch does not know whether any Houthi fighters were killed or injured in the attacks.

Human Rights Watch found unexploded submunitions scattered about in fields normally used for agriculture and grazing. Because of the unexploded submunitions, these areas have become too hazardous to use, threatening the livelihoods of local farmers and adding to food insecurity.

Based on examination of remnants, Human Rights Watch identified the weapons used in all seven attacks as United States-made, ground-launched M26 cluster munition rockets. dazu Film von HRW

26.8.2015 – Inter Press Service

Majority of Child Casualties in Yemen Caused by Saudi-Led Airstrikes

Of the 402 children killed in Yemen since the escalation of hostilities in March 2015, 73 percent were victims of Saudi coalition-led airstrikes, a United Nations official said Monday – by Kanya D'Almeida

25.8.2015 – Aljazeera

Yemen's government declares Taiz 'a disaster area'

Exiled government urges international community and UN to act immediately as humanitarian situation worsens.

Kommentar: Eine schöne Heuchelei, hat doch die Exilregierung durch die von ihr initiierten (Hilfeersuchen) saudischen Luftangriffe und ihre „Resistance“-Kämpfer einen entscheidenden Anteil daran, dass es so gekommen ist.

24.8.2015 – Hintergrund

Kriegsverbrechen im Jemen:

Internationale Hilfsorganisationen warnen vor schlimmster humanitärer Katastrophe -

Der mithilfe der USA geführte Angriffskrieg einer von Saudi-Arabien geleiteten Militärkoalition gegen den Jemen trägt genozidale Züge. Während gezielt zivile Einrichtungen und die für die Versorgung der Bevölkerung lebenswichtige Infrastruktur bombardiert werden, leiden Millionen Menschen aufgrund der verhängten Blockade akuten Hunger. Zudem breiten sich Seuchen aus, da kaum noch ein Bewohner des ärmsten arabischen Landes Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser hat. Indes übernimmt al-Qaida die Kontrolle über immer mehr Gebiete.

Offizielles Kriegsziel ist die Wiedereinsetzung von Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi als Präsident des Landes. Der sich ins Exil geflohene Hadi, der in der Bevölkerung über keinen nennenswerten Rückhalt mehr verfügt und im Januar seinen Rücktritt vom Präsidentenamt verkündet hatte, wird von Saudi-Arabien und dem Westen dennoch nach wie vor als legitimer Staatschef betrachtet.

„Im Jemen sieht es nach fünf Monaten Bürgerkrieg schlimmer aus als in Syrien nach fünf Jahren“, beschrieb Peter Maurer, Präsident des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes, vor einer Woche gegenüber dem Schweizer Sender SRF die Lage im Land – von Sebastian Range

21.8.2015 – Aljazeera

Yemen's Muhamashin caught in war's crossfire

The long-marginalised community faces further challenges after many residents were displaced by recent bombing.

he war in Yemen has not been kind to any of its citizens, but one group has been hit particularly hard: the Muhamashin - Yemenis who are originally from the western Tihama region and have ancestral roots in Africa.

The Muhamashin have long been marginalised in Yemeni society - relegated to menial labour, struggling to enrol their children in school, and failing to gain the respect of fellow citizens. Many of the Muhamashin do not own their own properties, and instead, are living in informal housing.

For months, the Saudi-led coalition bombing campaign against Yemen's Houthi rebels has driven hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. Last month, more than two dozen Muhamashin residents - many from the same family - were killed in an air strike in Sawan.

Air strikes in Saada have also forced thousands to flee. Some members of the Muhamashin community have been displaced to nearby schools, while others have set up tents in Khamer, just south of Saada - finding shelter wherever they can – by Alex Potter

20.8.2015 – Oximity

U.N. Official Says Human Suffering in Yemen ‘Almost Incomprehensible’

With a staggering four in five Yemenis now in need of immediate humanitarianaid, 1.5 million people displaced and a death toll that has surpassed 4,000 in just five months, a United Nations official told the Security Council Wednesday that the scale of human suffering is “almost incomprehensible”.

Briefing the 15-member body upon his return from the embattled Arab nation on Aug. 19, Under-Secretary-General for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Stephen O’Brien stressed that the civilian population is bearing the brunt of the conflict and warned that unless warring parties came to the negotiating table there would soon be “nothing left to fight for” - by Kanya D'Almeida


28.8.2015 – Sputnik News

Saudi-Led Coalition Prepares to Storm Sanaa etc.

As military officials of the anti-Houthi Arab coalition proudly proclaim that they are closing in on the capital city of Sanaa, competing forces and an increasingly fractured society threaten Yemen’s future as a single and unified nation state.

27.8.2015 – Al Araby

Yemen: Airstrikes, clashes and Saudi reinforcements

Saudi-led coalition carried out a series of air raids on several locations belonging to Houthi rebels and forces loyal to ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the provinces of Hodeidah and al-Bayda, while new reinforcements arrived from Saudi Arabia to the Yemeni forces loyal to the "legitimate" Yemeni authority.
Local sources in Hodeidah in western Yemen said that the coalition launched at least four airstrikes today that targeted Shaimaa Complex, controlled by Houthi forces and other locations in the city.
Several people were killed and injured but the sources do not have accurate information on the number of casualties.
Houthis clashed with militants from al-Zaranik tribe in Hodeidah province and reports say the Houthis heavily shelled the village of al-Kaydiyah, the Zaranik tribe leader's stronghold.
In Bayda province in central Yemen, the coalition has launched air raids today on the "Special Forces" military camp and the sports stadium in the al-Bayda city, both Houthi controlled.
In Marib, local sources have said that reinforcements consisting of heavy weapons, armoured vehicles and tanks provided by the Arab coalition have reached one of the military camps in Safer area in Marib province.
Reinforcements come from one of the Saudi military camps located in the province of Sharourah.
Recently, a large number of armoured vehicles and eight Apache attack helicopters were delivered.

27.8.2015 – Huffington Post

Yemen says no talks with rebels until they lay down arms

The Yemeni government is not negotiating with Shiite Houthi rebels who control the capital and much of the north, and demands that they lay down their arms, Foreign Minister Riad Yassin said Thursday.

"The Houthis and (former President Ali Abdullah) Saleh's militias must implement the U.N. resolution and surrender their weapons, and only then the dialogue and political process can begin, with the participation of all Yemeni parties," Yassin told reporters in Cairo after meeting with Arab League Secretary General Nabil Elaraby.

Referring to reports of meetings in the Gulf nation of Oman, Yassin described them as mere "consultations" between U.N. envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and the Houthis, aimed at convincing them to implement a U.N. resolution from April.

That resolution requested that the Houthis withdraw from areas they seized and surrender weapons they took from military and state institutions.

"That is the only solution that is on the table; there is nothing else," said Yassin, who along with the rest of Yemen's internationally recognized government is in exile in Saudi Arabia. =

Kommentar: Nichts Neues von der jemenitischen Exil“regierung“: Die Gegenseit soll kapituloeren, bevor irgendwelche Verhandlungen beginnen, Das hatten wir schon im Mai. Erfolgschance: 0. Perspektive: der Krieg geht weiter. Zur Terminologie, die schon Parteinahme ist: „Yemen“ in der Überschrift meint die Exilregierung, sonst nichts. Und „Yemeni government“ natürlich auch.

27.8.2015 – RT

Jemen: Illegale Seeblockade, Bombardements und Bodenoffensive angeführt durch Saudi Arabien und der Westen schweigt

Saudi Arabien interveniert seit März dieses Jahres ohne jegliches völkerrechtliches Mandat mittels Luftbombardements, einer umfassenden Seeblockade, der Instrumentalisierung lokaler Milizen sowie durch eigene Truppen und Panzer im Jemen. Die Situation eskaliert jeden Tag mehr. In Reaktion auf die saudische Invasion haben nun jemenitische Truppen, die den als pro-iranisch geltenden Huthi-Rebellen nahe stehen, am Mittwoch eine ballistische Scud-Rakete auf Saudi Arabien abgefeuert.

27.8.2015 – Middle East Eye

Saudi troops enter northern Yemen

Saudi Arabian troops have reportedly crossed the border and entered northern Yemen for the first time since the Saudi-led coalition began its campaign against the Houthis and their allies in Yemen.

According to footage released on Wednesday, soldiers can be see moving into position in the southern Saudi province of Jizan. In the reports, the Saudi commanders insist that the ground troop cross-border operations will be limited and temporary.

The incursion comes after weeks of setbacks for the Houthis who have been pushed out of south Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition and its allies on the ground.

It also come less than two week after pro-Houthi media released footage of Houthi militias allegedly stationed mere kilometres from the Saudi city of Najran, which is located some 200 kilometres to the east of Jizan and is home to some 1.6 million inhabitants.

The footage could not be independently verified, but the Houthis have long been shelling southern Saudi Arabia, so far killing dozens of Saudi soldiers, including a Saudi general, who was killed over the weekend.

27.8.2015 – Neues Deutschland

Saudische Truppen drangen erstmals über Grenze in Jemen ein

Erstmals im blutigen Jemen-Konflikt sind saudische Bodentruppen über die Grenze in das Bürgerkriegsland eingedrungen. Die Soldaten rückten einige Kilometer in die nördliche Provinz Saada vor, um aufständische Huthi-Rebellen davon abzuhalten, Saudi-Arabien über die Grenze hinweg zu beschießen, wie der arabische Nachrichtensender Al-Arabija am Mittwoch berichtete. Seit dem Beginn der Luftangriffe der saudisch geführten Militärallianz vor fünf Monaten hatten Huthis immer wieder saudische Stützpunkte unter anderem mit Granaten angegriffen und dabei auch Grenzsoldaten getötet.

27.8.2015 – TRT

Saudi-Arabien im Jemen einmarschiert

Saudi-Arabien, das an der Luftoperation der Koalitionskräfte im Jemen teilnimmt, ist in die Grenzstadt Sada einmarschiert.
Die saudi-arabische Armee sei, nach dem Angriff der Huthi-Miliz auf einige Orte im NecranGebiet in Saudi-Arabien, im Jemen einmarschiert.
Saudi-arabische Soldaten konnten die Gebiete El-Atifin und Cebel el-Heshim in Sada, unter eigene Kontrolle bringen.
Die saudi-arabische Armee werde bis zu den Huthi-Stellungen vorrücken.
Indessen sei die Huthi-Miliz, nach eigenen Angaben, im Necran Gebiet in Saudi-Arabien vorgerückt und habe einen saudischen Panzer zerstört.

Kommentar: Einmarsch der Saudis in der Stadt Saada ist eine Falschmeldung, siehe andere Links

26.8.2015 – NZZ

Saudi dringen in Jemen ein

Erstmals sind saudische Bodentruppen in Jemen eingedrungen. Die Soldaten rückten einige Kilometer in die nördliche Provinz Saada vor.

Die Soldaten rückten einige Kilometer in die nördliche Provinz Saada vor, um aufständische Huthi-Rebellen davon abzuhalten, Saudiarabien über die Grenze hinweg zu beschiessen, wie der arabische Nachrichtensender al-Arabiya am Mittwoch berichtete. Seit dem Beginn der saudischen Luftangriffe vor fünf Monaten hatten die Huthis wiederholt saudische Stützpunkte beschossen und dabei auch Grenzsoldaten getötet.

26.8.2015 – Reuters / The National

Saudi Arabi intercepts Scud missile from Yemen Houthis

Saudi Arabia’s military intercepted a Scud missile fired towards its south by Yemeni army units allied to the Houthi militia on Wednesday, retaliating with air strikes on Yemen territory.

Residents in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa reported hearing a big roar as the ballistic missile was launched from near the city, followed by Saudi-led air strikes on a presidential palace and a military depot for rockets.

The Saudi military said it intercepted the missile, averting any damage, and directed air attacks against the source of fire in Yemen. = dazu

26.8.2015 – NTV

Attacke aus dem Jemen: Saudi-Arabien fängt Scud-Rakete ab

Gefährliche Eskalation im Süden der Arabischen Halbinsel: Der jemenitische Bürgerkrieg droht auf Saudi-Arabien überzuspringen. Verbündete der Huthi-Rebellen setzen im Kampf offenbar schwerste Kaliber gegen Saudi-Arabien ein.

Das saudische Militär hat angeblich eine im Jemen gestartete Scud-Rakete abgeschossen. Die Luftabwehr des Königreiches habe das anfliegende Geschoss abgefangen, berichtete die saudische Nachrichtenagentur SPA. Beim Waffensystem "Scud" handelt es sich um ballistische Boden-Boden-Raketen sowjetrussischer Bauart.

Kurz vor dem Zwischenfall waren offenbar erstmals Bodentruppen aus Saudi-Arabien über die Grenze in das Bürgerkriegsland eingedrungen. Wie der arabische Nachrichtensender Al-Arabija berichtete, droht damit im ohnehin bereits sehr blutig geführten Jemen-Konflikt eine weitere Eskalation. Die saudischen Soldaten seien einige Kilometer weit in die nördliche Provinz Saada vorgerückt. Sie sollen aufständische Huthi-Rebellen davon abhalten, Saudi-Arabien über die Grenze hinweg zu beschießen. siehe auch

25.8.2015 – Yemen Post

More reinforcements arrive in Marib amid preparations to retake Sanaa

25.8.2015 – Al Araby

Yemen: Sanaa prepares for decisive battle

The Yemeni capital is preparing for a potentially decisive battle in the coming days as Houthi rebels bolster defences while Saudi-led coalition urges fighters to defect.

Eyewitnesses have told al-Araby al-Jadeed that Houthi forces are bolstering defenses in and around the Yemeni capital, which confirms that the battle for Sanaa is likely to take place soon.

Saudi-led coalition warplanes had dropped thousands of leaflets over Sanaa on Tuesday, which called for forces allied with the Houthis to defect and join pro-Hadi fighters.

some analysts believes that launching a deceive battle in Sanaa is a strategic mistake by pro-Hadi and Saudi-led coalition forces as long as the battle in Taiz, south of Yemen, has not been resolved.

"Thinking about liberating Sanaa from the coup forces before securing the southern governorates and liberating Taiz, Marib and al-Bayda is a strategic mistake in my opinion," said Abdul Karim Salam, a political analyst.

Salam believes that the anti-Houthi camp is betting on tribal forces from areas surrounding the capital to liberate Sanaa, which will lead to wide scale and uncontrollable looting – by Farouq al-Kamali

25.8.2015 – Stratfor

In Yemen, Anti-Houthi Operations Confront Forceful Opposition

The Saudi-led offensiveagainst rebels in Yemen has lost its initial momentum. After breaking out of Aden and advancing into the lightly defended areas of Lahj and Ibb provinces, anti-Houthi advances have now reached areas where forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, which include the Houthis, are more concentrated.

In the west, fighting has been focused on the city of Taiz, where the urban terrain and entrenched Houthi positions have slowed the offensive significantly. Houthi forces are, however, reportedly still consistently losing ground. Just as when they began losing control of Aden in July, Houthi forces have started to fire rocket artillery from positions removed from the city, indicating that severe opposition is forcing them to adopt maneuvers to stall approaching forces.

To the east, where anti-Houthi forces have already captured the city of Lawder, Houthi forces have successfully ambushed units in the Mukayras area, preventing northwestern operations into Bayda province. As forces reorganize following the breakout from Aden and as more resources are brought into the area, anti-Houthi forces will eventually be able to overpower Houthi and pro-Saleh forces in Yemen's southern regions. Still, the loyalists' momentum has undeniably faded.

In the north, Saudi Arabia is working to open another front in Marib. There have been reports of coalition forces reinforcing local fighters there, but no significant gains or offensive operations have emerged so far. Reports now indicate, though, that larger formations of armored vehicles arrived in Marib over the weekend, and a decisive offensive push driving west toward Sanaa, the capital, will likely become apparent soon.

Houthi fighters have not sat idly by while losing ground in southern Yemen. Instead, they have increased cross-border operations into Saudi Arabia in retaliation for Saudi operations in Yemen.

24.8.2015 – NZZ

Anti-Huthi-Koalition verstärkt Luftangriffe

Die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Koalition im Kampf gegen schiitische Rebellen in Jemen hat am Montag ihre Luftangriffe in der zentralen Provinz Marib und der Grenzregion Dschauf verstärkt. Damit will sie nach Angaben von Beamten Verbündeten am Boden ermöglichen, nach Norden in Richtung von Hochburgen der Aufständischen vorzurücken. Über Tote oder Verletzte war zunächst nichts bekannt.

Die der Regierung nahestehenden Kräfte von Marib hätten auch bedeutende Verstärkung bekommen, sagten regierungsnahe Beamte. Dazu zählten Hunderte von Saudi-Arabien ausgebildete Soldaten, Rettungswagen und Schützenpanzer mit saudischen und Soldaten der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate. Die Kräfte wollten Saada, die wichtige Hochburg der Huthi-Rebellen im Norden einnehmen.

24.8.2015 – ABC News / AP

Saudi-Led Airstrikes in Yemen Ramp up as Allies Push North

he Saudi-led coalition fighting Shiite rebels in Yemen doubled its near-daily airstrikes Monday in the central province of Marib and the adjacent border area of Jawf, in order to allow allies on the ground to push north toward insurgent strongholds, authorities said.

Marib's pro-government forces also received major reinforcements, including hundreds of Saudi-trained troops, ambulances and armored personnel carriers manned by Saudi and Emirati soldiers, pro-government officials said.

The forces aim to take Saada, the main northern stronghold of the Houthi rebels, they added – by Ali Al-Haj

Medien im Jemen

25.8.2015 – Regional Center for Strategic Studies

The Effect of Houthi Control over Media Outlets in Yemen

The current status of the media in Yemen reflects the ongoing crisis in Yemen to a large degree. The Yemeni media outlook is currently split between a section that supports the Houthi rebels and another that supports the legitimacy of the Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi. This split reflects the situation on the ground in terms of how polarized the current political atmosphere has become, especially after the success of the Houthi rebels in seizing control of various Yemeni cities and the hijacking of a number of satellite, radio, and press channels that were owned by the state. This is in addition to the group’s own private channels and media outlets that their supporters own, including those from the previous regime.

Politik der UN

26.8.2015 – AWD News

UNSC’S Double-Standards against Yemen, Ukraine Crises

The regional and international crises and their settlements or continuation have frequently been subject to the word powers’ interests which, in turn, are based on a set of political and economic calculations. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as a UN body was established to deal with issues threatening the global peace, and it is through this defined mechanism that the UNSC gains its credibility. In Yemen and Ukraine conflicts the UNSC has adopted resolutions in its course to find solutions for the situations in the two disputed countries. The resolutions obviously showed a credibility gap in the UNSC mechanism and suggested the notion superpowers have a strong effect on the UN body's decisions.

Part 1:Ukraine

Part 2: Yemen

Passed by a unanimous vote with Russia abstaining, the April 14, 2015 UNSC Yemen resolution has come as a result of UNSC members’ overlapping and close interests and their agreement on limiting Yemen’s Ansarullah’ power and restoring the Persian Gulf region’s political and security power scale in favor of Saudi Arabia.

Yemen has in its record several wars aiming to downgrade Shiite groups mounting powers. Undermining Shiites in the West Asia, and subsequently undermining the Resistance Axis and decreasing Iran’s influence over region are seen as the crucial and common superpowers’ goals that moved them to ratify Yemen resolution. The same superpowers’ interest accordance and unanimity is noticeable in Bahrain popular revolution which has received an impotent reaction from the UNSC.

The UNSC inaction in face of Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on civilian places which have led to death of hundreds of civilians in Yemen notifies a realistic, biased and interest-based view of UNSC members in addressing international events. UNSC members’ definition of “world peace and security endangerment” is practically made by their national interests. Crises in Iraq and Syria and Israel regime war on the besieged Gaza and conservative and irresponsible UNSC reactions against the violence of the aggressors considerably show a biased UNSC definition of the cased endangering world peace.

UNSC’s inaction in the Arab world’s disputes stem from two basic reasons. The first is superpowers’ will to support their Arab allies to restore the power balance to its former shape, and to remove the forces fighting to change the status quo. The second reason is igniting proxy wars and consequently reducing the superpowers’ losses and expenses. With this they would have more opportunity to focus on their objectives across the world.

In the west Asia, which is laden with political conflicts and sectarian disputes, it is less costly for the world powers to guide the conflicts remotely rather than intervening directly. The case was different in Ukraine as it drew an immediate reaction. This is because Russia wants preservation of strategic influence in neighboring countries and the West seeks to restrain Russia's power and press it in Ukraine.

However, disputes between Russia and the West over Ukraine case, after months of exchanged threats and sanctions, resulted in striking a deal.

n total, the countries that were the world's largest economies and were enjoying nuclear powers established the UNSC as an institution to preserve the so-called world peace. Therefore, any decision that is made by the UNSC is set in line with its major members interests.

The UNSC's different reactions against Yemen and Ukraine cases showcase were due to overlapping interests in the first case and disputed ones in the latter.

Conflicting US- Russian interests in Ukraine case, after months of severe disputes, have led to a deal while the two powers’ accordant or at least overlapping interests have led to a resolution aiming to undermine and marginalize Yemen’s Ansarullah group that tipped the scale in favor of Saudi Arabia, to show that, even in such a formally global institution the decisions are directed by their makers’ national or their allies interests.,-ukraine-crises

Politik der USA

26.8.2015 – Newgram

Yemen humanitarian crisis: U.S. Remains Apathetic to worsening calamity

Considering the horrifying conditions on the ground in Yemen, where has the Nobel Peace Prize winning President Barack Obama stood on the crisis in Yemen? Rather than facilitate peace negotiations, rather than demand an immediate ceasefire, or allow for the delivery of vital humanitarian aid, Obama has used the crisis to again point fingers at Iran.

In a recent letter to congress, Obama mentioned Yemen as an aside, vowing not to allow Iran to destabilize Yemen by sending aid and weapons to Houthi fighters; a claim many have made and few have proven.

However, it is not Obama alone who has failed to spare the civilians of the sovereign nation of Yemen from famine and war. The UN has been a passive player in the conflict from the beginning. Israel, and other US allies have sat in silence as well, rather than jeopardize good relations with the world’s greatest superpower.

At some point, the “don’t’ ask don’t tell” stance on this Humanitarian crisis must end, so that the children of Yemen can have access to food, water, and proper medical care, and ultimately the United States has to bear the torch.

The United States has backed the Saudi Led coalition from the beginning as Saudi dominance of the Arabian Peninsula facilitates an ideal situation for US oil interests. Yet at some point, human lives have to trump geo-politics.

The United States must allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid in Yemen, or else the people of Yemen will face continually worsening conditions – by Henry Stillwell

Politik Saudi-Arabiens

27.8.2015 – Al Arabiya

Saudi Foreign minister Adel Jubair said that his country is committed to helping rebuild Yemen.

Kommentar: Realsatire. So pervers kann Propaganda sein.

26.8.2015 – Sputnik News

Saudi Arabia Cutting Billions from the Budget as Oil Prices Tumble

Following the drop in crude oil prices, the Saudi Arabian government is working with advisers to decrease its budget next year by billions of dollars, according to a Bloomberg report.

26.8.2015 – The Independent

Saudi Arabia executes 'a person every two days' as rate of beheadings soars under King Salman

Saudi Arabia has executed at least 175 people in the past year, at a rate of one every two days, according to a report by Amnesty International – by Adam Withnall

25.8.2015 – The Economist

Iran and Saudi-Arabia: Proxies and paranoia

The kingdom fears a resurgent Iran as sanctions come off

Saudi Arabia is pleased to see Iran shelve its nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief. But behind that thin veil lurks alarm about the potential empowerment of the Sunni kingdom’s long-standing Shia rival. “The Iranian regime is like a monster that was tied to a tree and has finally been set loose,” warns a column in Al Sharq al Awsat, a normally staid Saudi daily that reflects government views.

Accusing Iran of fuelling unrest among Shias across the region, including among the kingdom’s own 10% Shia minority, Saudi rulers have for decades given free rein, as well as funding around the globe, to Sunni preachers spewing venom against the rival, smaller branch of the faith. A recent trove of Saudi diplomatic documents revealed by the whistle-blowing group WikiLeaks exposes a near-obsessive fear of Shia influence. In one cable, the kingdom’s embassy in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, warns that the change of a green-coloured shroud for a black one to cover a Sufi saint’s tomb reflects a creeping Shia tide.

The fears are mutual. Iranian officials mutter that Islamic State (IS) and other Sunni jihadist groups are Saudi pawns.

Rather than seeing the reduction of an Iranian nuclear threat as an advantage, the Saudi government frets instead that its oldest ally, America, is poised to abandon the kingdom and appoint Iran as its new regional policeman. These worries explain a barrage of official American messages and visits intended to smooth ruffled feathers.

Politik Großbritanniens

24.8.2015 – Middle East Monitor

Yemen: The war nobody is talking about

As it stands, British taxpayers are fuelling a conflict in which war crimes are almost definitely being committed. Tobias Ellwood, a junior minister at the Foreign Office, told Parliament late last month that while British personnel were not on the front line, the UK was not only providing “technical support” and “exchanging information...through pre-existing arrangements” but also supplying “precision-guided weapons”.

Ellwood also told the Commons that British troops were now deployed at the air and maritime headquarters for the Saudi co-ordinated invasion.

When pressed by Labour MP Andrew Smith, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon would not reveal the number of bombs we had given the Saudis, saying it would harm relations between the two countries.

Fallon did say, somewhat unconvincingly, that Riyadh had “assured [the UK] that British-supplied munitions will be used in compliance with international humanitarian law and we continue to engage with them on these assurances.”

The issue is the Saudi-led coalition isn’t complying with international humanitarian law, at all. This has been clear for months.

Defence Secretary Fallon conveys to the British Parliament that Riyadh has assured “British-supplied munitions will be used in compliance with international humanitarian law.”

This is a carefully worded statement. “British-supplied” suggests that it is perfectly OK for our allies to commit war crimes, so long as they don't use British bombs.
It is shocking to see such semantics deployed. For every bomb we give the Saudis; true, they may not commit war crimes with that particular weapon, but it simply frees up more resources to commit war crimes elsewhere.

The second part of Fallon's statement is even more cynical - “we continue to engage with [the Saudis] on these assurances.” How convenient then, in case British-supplied munitions are later found to have been used illegally – it will surely be the Saudis’ fault for not notifying the British government of their transgressions. Fallon, Ellwood and their Conservative government will be off the hook.

This isn't the UK supplying fighter jets to Saudi Arabia or the UAE, which they later happen to use for war crimes, this is a live conflict, in which war crimes are being committed right now (by both sides, which is an important point). Not only are British troops deployed, but hi-tech explosives are being sent over by our own Ministry of Defence to keep the war going. Just as Tehran is arming the Houthi war criminals, Whitehall is arming the Saudi war criminals. This should be a front-page scandal, but Fleet Street has focused their energies elsewhere. Quietly and insistently, the UK is getting away with murder – by Alastair Sloan dazu auch vom 4. Juli

Politik von Ägypten

26.8.2015 – Worldcrunch

Egypt's Unsettled Military Role In Yemen

Though deep historical rivalries between Saudi Arabia and Yemen have little to do with Egypt, it has been drawn into the anti-Houthi confict. Having given initial support to the Saudi coalition, how far Cairo will go is the source of intense speculation.

The number of Egyptian soldiers on the ground and the scope of their participation in the new operation remain unclear. The Egyptian government has yet to make an official announcement on the matter, but on Aug. 1 the National Defense Council (NDC) agreed to extend military involvement in Yemen by another six months.

But given difficult fighting conditions, the added layer of complexity wrought by the humanitarian crisis now strangling Yemen, and a nightmarish history of Egyptian intervention there, what would motivate Egypt to stay involved in what is effectively a decades-old power struggle between Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iran?

The Yemen conflict has often been read as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, but Egypt has little interest in that rivalry. Instead, an Egyptian intervention is arguably tied to the billions of petrodollarsthat Saudi has given the government since former President Mohamed Morsi's 2013 ouster.

Aside from strengthening an economically strategic friendship with Saudi, the potential Egyptian deployment might reflect Sisi's fear of a Houthi backlash that could undermine the security of the strategic Bab-el-Mandeb entrance to the Red Sea, and hence control of Suez Canal traffic. Sisi has stressed on more than one occasion that the security of Bab-el-Mandeb is a "red line."

If their participation in the war is confirmed, Egyptian troops would face an arduous mission in Yemen's mountainous terrain. Whether confronting Houthis or al-Qaeda militants, Egyptians would be battling die-hard fighters hardened by decades of guerrilla warfare.

"There's a big difference between today's war and yesterday's story," says retired Gen. Hossam Sweilam. But many observers believe current events evoke Egypt's military intervention in Yemen in the 1960s.

At the time, Egypt's United Arab Republic with Syria had unraveled, and then-President Gamal Abdel Nasser threw his weight behind Yemeni republicans staging a coup against the country's aging imamate, which Saudi Arabia supported.

Thus began a protracted war for which scholars say Egypt was completely unprepared

The oil-rich kingdom of Saudi Arabia has long treated Yemen as its backyard, funneling billions of dollars into the pockets of Yemeni tribal, military and political leaders for decades to ensure their unbreakable loyalty.

After the 2011 uprising that eventually toppled longtime autocrat Saleh, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (with UN and U.S. support) struck a deal that gave Saleh immunity from prosecution in return for relinquishing power. The deal split power between Saleh's party and the opposition.

For many of the Yemenis who staged the anti-Saleh uprising, this deal paved the way for the current conflict, since it left the centers of power — Saleh and the Islah Party — untouched, while keeping the rebel movement that had been part of the uprising out of the political equation.

Critics say that Islah worked to integrate its members in all government institutions and army units, and that the post-revolution president, Hadi, succumbed to Islah pressure.

Part of the GCC deal was to purge Yemen's armed forces of Saleh loyalists and family members. This shakeup, alongside growing Islah influence, left Saleh searching for new allies outside the transitional power structure.

Those new allies were the Houthis.

Politik von Israel

13.8.2015 – AWD News

Israel has common interests with Saudi Arabia in Yemen, we might send F16 warplanes to help Saudis to bomb Yemeni rebels; Israeli officials

On Thursday, Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, the IDF spokesperson in a joint press conference with Egyptian military officials in Cairo tried to insinuate the idea of potential Saudi-Israeli co-operation in striking Houthi Shiite rebels – a close ally of Saudi Arabia's arch-enemy, Iran–, albeit Mr. Lerner did not explicitly specify whether the Israeli F16 pilots themselves would take part in combat or just military assistance and experts is what Israel can offer.

"We have common enemy in Yemen and we shall face Iran's increasing interference in that country but unfortunately the Saudis are utterly hapless to rout rebels' encroachment, thus to break the status quo we made sincere proposals to our Saudi partners," the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) cited the Israeli official as saying.

The security of Bab-el-Mandeb waterway is of essential importance for Israeli national interest, added Lt. Col. Lerner,-we-might-send-f16-warplanes-to-help-saudis-to-bomb-yemeni-rebels-israeli-officials

Terrorismus – Al Qaida, ISIS

27.8.2015 – Dawn

Militants Blow Up Army HQ in Yemen

Al Qaeda militants on Wednesday blew up an army headquarters and set up checkpoints in the jihadist network’s southeastern stronghold of Mukalla, officials in Hadramawt province said.

The militants had deployed in force across Mukalla after receiving information of a possible operation by a Saudi-led military coalition to help government loyalists retake the provincial capital, the officials said.

Wednesday’s explosion flattened the three-storey army building — the command centre for a zone covering Hadramawt and parts of neighbouring Shabwa province.

It came a day after Al Qaeda dynamited a headquarters of the secret police in Mukalla, the officials said.

27.8.2015 – Badische Zeitung

Al-Qaida patrouilliert mit schwarzen Flaggen in Aden

Im Bürgerkriegsland Jemen herrscht Chaos, das nutzt der Terrororganisation / Internationales Rotes Kreuz zieht Mitarbeiter ab.

Zum Kriegsplan der Saudis gehört auch die Rückkehr der von den Huthis gestürzten Hadi-Regierung in die strategisch so wichtige Hafenstadt Aden am Roten Meer. Sie muss nun verschoben werden, weil in den vergangenen Tagen zahlreiche Ministerien von Kämpfern des jemenitischen Al-Qaida-Ablegers besetzt wurden. Auch der Präsidentenpalast und der Hafen von Aden werden nach Aussagen von Einwohnern von der Terrororganisation kontrolliert. Sie würde mit schwarzen Fahnen auf den Straßen patrouillieren.

Gründe für ihre Passivität gegenüber der jemenitischen Al-Qaida-Filiale, die sich zu dem Terroranschlag auf die französische Satirezeitschrift "Charlie Hebdo" im Januar dieses Jahres in Paris bekannte, werden von den Saudis nicht genannt. Terrorismusexperten wie der US-Amerikaner Bruce Riedel vermuten, dass die Terroristen vom saudischen Geheimdienst "geführt und instrumentalisiert" werden. Nicht nur im Jemen, sondern auch in Syrien.
Als kriegsführende Partei, die zusammen mit den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten agiert, wäre Saudi-Arabien verpflichtet, für die Sicherheit in Aden zu sorgen. Damit ist das Land jedoch überfordert. Auch der Vormarsch von Panzertruppen der Koalition ins Landesinnere kommt nicht voran. So wurden in der vergangenen Woche fünf Panzerfahrzeuge der Emirate in der Stadt Mukairis von den Huthis zerstört. Weil davon ein Video im iranischen Fernsehen gezeigt wurde, kam es zu einer Kontroverse zwischen Teheran, das mit den Huthis sympathisiert, und den Emiraten, die die Niederlage lieber verschwiegen hätten.

26.8.2015 – Rare US

The Saudi campaign in Yemen is empowering al Qaeda
Allowing al Qaeda a nesting ground in a key city like Yemen is a slap in the face to Saudi Arabia’s American backers. And this isn’t just happening in Aden.
The Saudis, as always, are interested first and foremost in shadowboxing the Iranians; the looming Sunni jihadist menaces of al Qaeda and ISIS are America’s problem. That’s fine: Saudi Arabia is a sovereign country and free to carry out its own foreign policy, no matter how counterproductive it might be.

But the United States shouldn’t lend its approval to an operation that’s blatantly availing our enemies, nor should it continue to grant Saudi Arabia favorite child status in the Middle East. Charles Krauthammer likes to bleat about how American actions are making our Saudi allies “nervous”; perhaps the Saudis should be more concerned about making us nervous. We might have forgotten, but we’re the superpower in this equation, and it was our sweetheart deals that built the Saudi military now clearing a path for our enemies.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has long been regarded by experts as the terrorist group most determined to attack the American homeland. Now, thanks to Saudi actions, they’ve gained a new foothold in Aden, where reports allege they’ve already blended in with the civilian population, making them more difficult to target. Bruce Riedel, who’s been following the Yemen conflict closely, tells the Daily Beast: “The United States wants Saudi and UAE support for the Iran nuclear deal, and the price is to back them in their war against Yemen.” That sounds more like a ransom than a price, payment of which should be strictly out of the question – by Matt Purple

25.8.2015 – The Daily Beast

The U.S.-Backed War in Yemen Is Strengthening al Qaeda

When the Saudis hit Yemen, the idea was to knock back Iran’s proxies. But the real winner in the fight seems to be al Qaeda’s deadliest affiliate.

The U.S.-backed war in Yemen has strengthened al Qaeda there, American defense officials concede, posing a serious threat to U.S. security.

Months into the U.S.-supported Saudi intervention in Yemen, fighters linked to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), long considered the terror group’s deadliest franchise, are closing on the southern port city of Aden, according to U.S. officials and local reports.

The land grabs marks the most important gains al Qaeda has made since March,

AQAP has been slowly building up capacity,” particularly since the Saudi intervention, said Aaron Zelin, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs who studies jihadi movements. “They are stronger.”

It’s also safer than before. Mixed in with civilian populations, the group becomes harder to attack through the U.S. drone program. And it appears the group is using the conflict there to solidify its hold on Yemen.

Not only is Saudi Arabia failing to stop the group’s expansion, but some fear the kingdom is colluding with AQAP to fight the Houthis, Iranian-backed rebels whom Saudi Arabia considers a bigger threat. Indeed, there have been reports that AQAP and Saudi Arabia worked together in the initial efforts last month to push the Houthis out of Aden.

It is now clear that AQAP has been a significant beneficiary of the chaos unleashed by the Houthi takeover,” a U.S. counterterrorism official told The Daily Beast. “While the Saudi-led coalition has started to push back the Houthis, they are not able to simultaneously fight AQAP. The net result is that AQAP continues to make inroads and exploit the situation.”

Despite AQAP’s gains, U.S. officials so far have been reluctant to publicly criticize the Saudi intervention in Yemen. The kingdom is, of course, a longtime regional ally, and its reserve and oil supplies set world market prices, which now are relatively low. Riedel notes that the U.S. needs the Saudis’ help to pass the Iran deal - by Nancy A. Youssef

24.8.2015 – France 24

Saudis turn a blind eye as Qaeda gains ground in Yemen

Al-Qaeda has gained more ground amidst the chaos in Yemen -- this time in second city Aden -- but for now Saudi Arabia is turning a blind eye to its longtime enemy, experts say.

Supported by a Saudi-led military coalition, forces loyal to Yemen's exiled government retook Aden last month from Iran-backed Huthi rebels who have seized large parts of the country including the capital Sanaa.

As authorities work to reassert control over Aden, the capital of formerly independent South Yemen, Al-Qaeda has moved into the gap.

The jihadist group's militants, already in control of other parts of southern Yemen, are reported to have taken up positions in several strategic parts of the city.

But experts say that while Saudi Arabia may turn eventually to tackling Al-Qaeda in its southern neighbour, Riyadh's focus now is purely on stopping the Huthis.

"I don't think Saudi Arabia's main priority in Yemen is Al-Qaeda... The Huthis are more of a high priority," said Ibrahim Fraihat, a senior fellow at the Brookings Doha Center.

"That's probably another reason why we saw Al-Qaeda flourishing" in the south, he said.

8.4.2015 – ARY News

An Afghanistan-based jihadist group on Wednesday vowed to send “thousands” of fighters to Yemen in support of Saudi Arabia.

Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin was one of the main Sunni insurgent groups that fought against Soviet troops and later re-emerged to fight US-led coalition forces after 2001.

“If there is any possibility to go to Iraq and Yemen, thousands of Afghan mujahideen would be ready to go, to counter Iran’s interference and to defend their Muslim brothers,” its leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, former prime minister of Afghanistan, said in an online statement.

Kommentar: Bisher nichts draus geworden, Es passt eben kein Blatt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und Jihadisten aller Couleur.

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