Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 131

Yemen Press Reader 131: Der Jemenkrieg wird ignoriert - Jemens Kinder verhungern - Chancen der Friedensgespräche - Waffenstillstand gebrochen, Gespräche verschoben - Malaria im Jemen - Saudi+USA

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Can we care less about Yemen war - Yemeni children starve to death - Can the Kuwait peace talks break Yemen’s deadlock? - Ceasefire broken, peace talks postponed - Malaria in Yemen - Saudis blackmailing US

“Journalismus” heute / "Journalism" today, German style:äche+in+Kuwait+verzögern+sich%22

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi Arabien und Iran / saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

18.4.2016 – Huffington Post (** B K P)

Can we care less about Yemen war

By April 14, the U.N. Security Council issued a resolution calling the Houthi rebels who took over the Yemeni capital of Sana’a to withdraw. The resolution “commended” the efforts of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in “supporting the transition process” in Yemen.

This same resolution failed to mention that the ongoing war in Yemen is actually led by Saudi Arabia and a coalition of 12 countries, including the GCC countries. The resolution ignored the statement of the U.N. high commissioner for human rights in which he denounced the first mass murder committed by the Saudi-led coalition when an air strike killed 17 civilians and injured 35 at the Al-Mazraq camp for internally displaced people.

Since the Saudis started this war, they have undermined any efforts to publicize their violations of international humanitarian law in their campaign against Yemen. They have learned to keep the media quiet and diffuse attention on the tragic war in Yemen, and to literally buy the silence of countries known for their strong support for human rights such as France, the U.K., and the U.S. In the U.S., for example, Saudi Arabia has employed a number of public relations companies to help “improve the image of Saudi Arabia.”

Saudis have succeeded to a large extent in keeping the war in Yemen out of the media. Ironically it is now called The Forgotten War by most world media. However, Saudi efforts failed to keep many international organizations from reporting the war crimes of their war in Yemen. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, for example, have repeatedly reported the deliberate targeting of civilians, mass killings, and civilian infrastructure by the Saudi-led coalition.

In the rare moments that Yemen is mentioned in the Western media, it usually references the “civil war.” If Saudi Arabia is ever mentioned in that context, it is presented as the hero fighting against the expansion of Iran’s influence in the region. There is hardly any mention of how and why one of the richest oil producers in the world is conducting a war against one of the poorest countries in the world accompanied by 12 coalition partners, the U.K. and the U.S. The catastrophic consequences of the Saudi-led coalition bombardment and siege of Yemen and the suffering of more than 25 million Yemeni people is often ignored.

The Saudi-led war on Yemen has not only violated the laws of war by deliberate attacks on civilians, but it is endangering the future and the very existence of the Yemeni state by attacking government civil installations, creating chaos and paving the way for fundamentalist groups such as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and ISIS to prosper.

We like to think that we live in a more civilized world where international humanitarian law governs war practices. This is only in our own imagination. The irony is that the more developed world continues to build its prosperity on the suffering of the less fortunate, as has been the case throughout history – by Kais Aliriani, candidate for the Heller School‘s Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution and Coexistence.

17.4.2016 – Bildzeitung (** B H K)

EIN JAHR VERGESSENER KRIEG: Die Kinder im Jemen verhungern

Udai Faisal war erst fünf Monate alt, als er starb. Sein kleiner Körper bis auf die Knochen abgemagert, der Blick angstverzerrt.

„Er weinte nicht, da waren keine Tränen, er war nur steif“, erinnert seine Mutter den Tod ihres Kindes. „Ich schrie und fiel in Ohnmacht.“

Das Foto von Udai erschien auf keiner Titelseite. Debatten über die Ursachen wie vergangenes Jahr beim Tod des syrischen Jungen Aylan Kurdi (†3) wurden nicht geführt, dessen grauenhafter Tod durch Ertrinken zum Symbol für das Leid der Flüchtlinge wurde. Warum wird Udai nicht zum Symbol der verhungernden Kinder im Jemen? Hat die Welt sie vergessen?

Laut eines neuen Berichts des UN-Kinderhilfswerks Unicef wurden mehr als 900 Kinder in dem Konflikt getötet – durch saudische Bombenangriffe oder infolge der Kämpfe am Boden. Mehr als 1300 Kinder wurden dabei verletzt.

Noch größere Gefahr droht ihnen durch die indirekten Folgen des Kriegs: Hunger, Krankheiten, verschmutztes Wasser.

So wie Udai leiden 300 000 Kinder im Jemen an akuter Unterernährung. Nur ein Bruchteil dessen, was die rund 26 Millionen Einwohner zum Leben brauchen, kommt noch ins Land, weil Saudi-Arabien die Häfen des Landes seit Beginn des Konflikts blockiert. Die Preise für überlebenswichtige Güter wie Grundnahrungsmittel, sauberes Wasser, Medizin oder auch Treibstoff sind deshalb stark gestiegen.

Julien Harneis, der Repräsentant von Unicef im Jemen, erläutert, was wegen des Mangels und der Unterernährung mit den Kindern passiert. Man müsse dabei zwischen zwei Typen unterscheiden.

Die Sterblichkeit von Kindern unter fünf Jahren hat sich während des Konflikts stark erhöht: Starben zuvor etwa 40 000 Kinder pro Jahr an vermeidbaren Krankheiten, waren es laut Unicef 10 000 Fälle mehr im vergangenen Jahr – aufgrund von schlechter medizinischer Versorgung, Mangelernährung oder fehlendem Zugang zu sauberem Wasser – von Antje Schippmann

Kommentar: Für Bild geradezu äußerst ausführlicher und reich bebilderter Überblicksartikel über die humanitäre Katastrophe im Jemen. Auf zwei weitere, ältere Artikel derselben Autorin zum Thema Jemen ist hier dort auch verlinkt. Für die Bildzeitung sehr bemerkenswert. Man erinnere sich, dass beim Springer-Verlag besondere Regeln gelten: „Die Unternehmensgrundsätze der Springer-Gruppe sind öffentlich und klar formuliert und dennoch stehen sie in einem kompletten Gegensatz zu dem was man Journalismus nennt – nämlich eine „objektive Fremdbeobachtung geschehener Dinge“, In jedem Arbeitsvertrag und in jeder Redaktion heißt es [Punkt 3 von 5]:

„Die Unterstützung des transatlantischen Bündnisses und die Solidarität in der freiheitlichen Wertegemeinschaft mit den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.“ […] Mit dieser Phrase verabschiedet sich Springer vollkommen vom Journalismus. Von Objektivität kann hier auf keinen Fall mehr die Rede sein. Eine „Unterstützung des transatlantischen Bündnisses“ mit all seinen medial-inhaltlichen Folgen ist eine grundsätzliche Tendenz und Einseitigkeit die dem „Journalismus“ komplett dem Boden nimmt.“ (Wilhelm von Pax, 31.7.2014, Und es sind gerade die USA, die diese humanitäre Katastrophe zum großen Teil zu verantworten haben.

19.4.2016 – Washington Post (** A K P)

Will Yemen’s latest round of negotiations reflect learning from past failures?

Examining the poorly managed 2011-2015 era sheds light on Yemen s chances of negotiating a lasting peace.

[Referring to a recent report by Helen Lackner published by International IDEA]

Though officially restored in most of the country, the internationally recognized regime, in reality, controls practically no territory, not even Aden, the temporary capital. Moreover, the Houthi/Saleh alliance has been gradually losing control of territory. The financial cost of the war has become a serious strain on both sides, due to the dramatic reduction in Saudi Arabia’s income from oil on the one hand and the more or less complete collapse of Yemen’s financial system on the other. Finally, both al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State have benefited from the war.

Lest we forget, the humanitarian situation is disastrous, despite improved access to some areas. Thousands of Yemenis have been killed and wounded, more than 10 percent of the total population is now displaced, over 21 million people need assistance, and some 14 million are food insecure. Billions of dollars worth of damage has been caused to infrastructure, and medical facilities are either destroyed or not functioning due to lack of supplies. All sides have disregarded humanitarian law, and reports show the use of Western – mainly U.S. and British – weapons in attacks on civilian targets and backroom assistance from U.S. and British experts.

The culmination of these events and revelations has, at long last, raised the profile of the war in the United States and beyond, increasing public opposition to the war and influencing the European and Dutch parliaments to stop weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, with pressure on Britain and United States to do the same.

This new context may lead to an agreement, particularly since the Houthis and Saudis have been talking and have achieved some “confidence building measures.”

Whatever new transition process emerges from successful negotiations must consider the failures of the previous efforts if the Yemeni people are to achieve a safer and more stable future. Any lasting agreement will need to prioritize the basic socio-economic needs of the vast majority of the country’s poor population, and this goes far beyond infrastructure contracts.

Successful political dialogue needs to represent all sectors of society equitably, without privileging the elites whose political interests contributed to the current conflict. However, these same elites cannot be excluded, at the risk of renewed military conflict. The definition of security must also expand beyond counterterrorism to include safety and security for people in their daily lives and the creation of security forces unaffected by corruption or partisanship. Foreign intervention is a reality: Recommending its exclusion would be unrealistic, despite its dubious success record. Fundamental change will require new creative and constructive approaches focused on the future of Yemen and Yemenis, addressing its social, economic and environmental problems. To achieve this will be no simple feat – by Zaid Al-Ali and Helen Lackner =

16.4.2016 – International Crisis Group (** A K P)

Can the Kuwait peace talks break Yemen’s deadlock?

I am cautiously hopeful. What we can say for sure is that this is the best chance that Yemen has had since the beginning of the war to return to a political process. For the first time, the two protagonists with the capacity to end major combat, the Huthis and the Saudis, seem more willing than ever to do so.

The Huthis have been pushed back on several fronts and are facing serious economic challenges, which has put them under pressure. Since October of last year, when they were pushed out of the south, they have been more willing to take the demands of the opposing side seriously. The Saudis are under pressure, too, from the media, from rights groups and from their international allies who want the war to come to an end, given the appalling destruction and humanitarian crisis in the country. Moreover, the Saudis are experiencing increased fighting close to their own border. Plus, this war is costing them a lot of money at a time of belt-tightening at home.

So both sides have strong incentives for compromise and this has created valuable space for talks. Having said that, the road to a viable Yemeni power-sharing agreement is long and extremely difficult.

The list of obstacles is long. Let’s start with the UN-brokered ceasefire: it came into effect on April 11 but was broken several times in its first five days by both sides.

Neither side controls all combatants that come under their overall umbrellas and there are spoilers on both sides.

President Hadi said last week that he will go to Kuwait to achieve peace. But his insistence that a political process can proceed only if the Huthis fully implement UN Security Council Resolution 2216, including disarming and withdrawing their forces from seized territory, is unrealistic. Hadi’s government and the various groups loosely fighting under its umbrella have few incentives to end combat as long as Saudi Arabia is willing to support their war effort. The government’s willingness to compromise in the UN talks in Kuwait is directly linked to how much pressure Saudi Arabia is willing to apply towards a negotiated settlement.

Another reason to worry is the recent cabinet reshuffle. President Hadi just replaced his prime minister and vice-president Khaled Bahah with General Ali Mohsen. While Bahah favoured a political settlement, Mohsen is seen as a hardliner.

For the moment, these talks are designed to be between President Hadi’s government and, on the other side, the Huthis and former President Saleh’s General People’s Congress party, the GPC. Neither faction represents all of the different interests that matter inside Yemen. It would be necessary to widen the discussion around a number of issues.

The talks won’t be easy. In an ideal scenario, both sides would agree to compromises that can build trust, strengthen the ceasefire and allow for an inclusive government to return to Sanaa and restart the political process. But that’s a long way off. It’s not clear that President Hadi’s government will make any significant concessions regarding the implementation of UN Resolution 2216 or that the Huthis will agree, for example, to a timely framework for disbanding their revolutionary councils and allowing for the return of the government, albeit a more inclusive one, to the capital.

What if this chance is missed?That would be tragic. Yemen does not have the luxury of time to wait until another such chance arises. by April Longley Alley =

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

15.4.2016 – Huffington Post (* B H)

Yemeni Women Lead a Campaign Against Street Harassment

Our Islamic high school teacher in Yemen often gave the 30 girls in our class a variation of the same lecture: “The chaste woman is a woman which protects her virginity. She walks close to the wall in the street looking down and not making eye contact with other men. She doesn’t raise her voice because men should not hear her voice. She doesn’t wear something attractive to seduce men. She doesn’t wear perfume because it is forbidden. If a man smells her perfume it is as if she committed adultery with him. A woman’s place is at home to take care of the family and make her husband happy.”

The underlying message of the repetitious lecture was that if we showed our faces or called any attention to ourselves, we were inviting trouble, which we didn’t want to do. So the message worked. By the end of the tenth grade most girls, including me, wore a veil (called a niqab) to cover our faces.

From these messages, we concluded that the daily street harassment we faced could always be traced back to our own actions, rather than that of our harassers. Even if we followed every rule and were still harassed, we were then blamed for leaving home in the first place – by Rasha Jarhum

Continue reading:

13.4.2016 – WHO (* B H)

WHO scales up malaria response in Yemen

WHO’s Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Ala Alwan and Yemen’s Minister of Public Health and Population H.E. Dr Nasir Baoum met in the WHO Regional Office in Cairo recently to discuss the health situation in Yemen, focusing on the spread of malaria in the country and WHO’s scaled-up response.

Malaria is endemic in Yemen, with more than 78 336 suspected cases and 31 791 laboratory-confirmed cases reported in 2015. However, these figures could be much higher as they only represent cases detected by sentinel sites included in the disease early warning system. More than 78% of Yemen’s population lives in at-risk areas, with 25% living in high-risk areas. Limited access to clean water and sanitation has significantly increased the risk of infectious diseases, such as dengue fever and malaria further spreading.

With a number of challenges preventing an effective and timely response, the risk of an epidemic is high: fuel shortages and the consequent increasing cost of fuel have created difficulties in transporting medicines and medical supplies. Shortages of health workers are also affecting the functionality of health facilities and preventing the delivery of health services.

“I am extremely concerned about the increasing number of malaria cases in Yemen, especially among internally displaced persons who need increased protection,” said Dr Alwan. “The violence has led to a number of challenges in the delivery of vector control and surveillance services. Our main priority now is to make sure that we can prevent an epidemic before it is too late.”

WHO continues to support insecticide spraying interventions in houses as a control measure for both dengue and malaria in Al-Hudaydah, Abyan, Aden, Taiz, Hadramout, Shabwah and Al-Mahra. Last month, a boat carrying 103 tonnes of anti-malarial medicines, trauma kits, interagency emergency health kits, and diarrhoeal diseases kits arrived in Aden port. These supplies were distributed by WHO and the Ministry of Health and Population to health facilities in 11 governorates, including Abyan, Aden, Shabwa, Hadramout, Marib and Al Jouf governorates, as well as Taiz City. An additional 120 tonnes is scheduled to arrive in the country in the coming weeks.

Increasing immunization coverage, especially in hard-to-reach areas, was key topic also discussed during the meeting in Cairo. Although the overall vaccination coverage rate in the country has not significantly decreased from pre-crisis levels, coverage rates in some affected districts are less than 50%. One of the main challenges facing health staff is a lack of fuel to maintain the cold chain for vaccines. To help ensure a functional cold chain, WHO has provided 162 refrigerators to the Expanded Programme on Immunization office in Sana'a. WHO has also provided substantial funding to cover the cost of fuel for the cold chain to ensure the potency of vaccines.

“As one of the few active agencies in Yemen, WHO is working closely with the Ministry of Public Health and Population to deliver medicines and supplies to health facilities that are facing serious shortages. Through WHO, we have been able to reduce suffering, particularly through the continuity of primary health care services,” said H.E. Dr Baoum.

Comment: Increase of malaria because of deteriorating medical supply – another effect of the Saudi war and blockade.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

17.4.2016 – Elder of Ziyon (A P)

Report: Houthis arrest three of Yemen's remaining Jews,including a rabbi

Several Jews refused to leave Yemen in the recent secret operation that extracted 17 Jewsfrom the war-torn country.
Arab media reports that three of the few Jews remaining, including Rabbi Yahya Yousef, were arrested by the Houthis in Sanaa.
Arab media had been claiming, improbably, that the Houthis cooperated with Israel in allowing the 17 Jews to move to the Jewish state.
Now, some Arabic media is claiming that the Houthis arrested Rabbi Yousef at Israel's behest to pressure the remaining Jews to leave.

16.4.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (B H K)

Yemen, Report Reveals 6174 Violations Perpetrated by Insurgents in Dahle

The annual report issued by the Wethaq Foundation for Civil Orientation recorded all vile violations committed by Houthi militias and pro-Saleh supporters (armed fighters backing the ousted Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh) within a time frame of a year since civil war broke in the Dhale Governorate, located south of Yemen.

The report listed over 18 governmental institutions, 43 medical facilities and six specialized establishments. The rate of devastation ranges within the lines of vandalism, plunder, vast and restricted demolishment atop the takeover of 13 governmental facilities.

The number of deaths highlighted in the report are 391, among which are 15 women and nine children. All who met their death were killed in civilian neighborhoods across Dhale, nearby villages, the Sanah region, and each of the Qa’tabah, Damt, Juban and al Husha districts.

Wethaq coordinator and activist journalist Ahmed al-Dahyani told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that the foundation has documented several cases of injuries which tolled up to 1372 all of which who were taken down either by snipers or militia missiles. 74 women and 43 children had been injured in the time between March 24, 2015 and March 24, 2016.

The report also mentioned over a registered 145 cases of kidnap inside the governorate and its vicinity.

Coordinator al-Dahyani exposed over 760 houses in Dahle’s neighborhoods being subjected to partial and comprehensive destruction after pounding, bombing and attacks launched from proximate houses occupied by insurgent militias.

The medical facilities mentioned in the report are located in Al Hussein area, southeast Dhale and include public hospitals, clinics, and four other medical establishments.

As for civilian utilities, the report shows that a number of water tanks and both public and private water wells have been impaired during the war. The foundation’s team has inspected and registered over 350 water tanks and 320 district water reservoirs being rendered useless.

Houthi insurgents, during the attack on Dahle would break in and enter homes for purposes of plunder and violence. Over 95 homes have recorded cases of break and enter, 45 of which are located northeast Dhale and 50 in the northern city of Sanah´– by Mohammed Ali Mohsen

Comment: As always requested – an international and independent investigation of all war crimes and humanitarian crimes in Yemen is necessary. Saudi air raids in Dhale province: and and

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

17.4.2016 – Wiener Zeitung von APA (A P)

Tausende im Jemen forderten Abspaltung des Südens vom Norden

Am Vortag neuer Friedensgespräche zum Jemen-Konflikt haben in der südjemenitischen Hafenstadt Aden tausende Menschen die Abspaltung des südlichen Landesteils vom Norden gefordert. Die Demonstranten hielten Flaggen des bis 1990 existierenden Staates Südjemen hoch und forderten ein "Ende der Union", wie Augenzeugen berichteten.

Die Demonstranten - Anhänger der Unabhängigkeitsbewegung des Südens - versammelten sich auf einem Platz in Aden. "Die Union hat nur zu Krieg und Katastrophen geführt", riefen sie. Einige hielten Flaggen von Ländern der arabischen Militärkoalition hoch, die unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens seit März 2015 Luftangriffe gegen die Houthi-Rebellen fliegt. Für Montagnachmittag sei eine weitere Demonstration in Aden geplant, kündigten die Organisatoren an.

Die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung im Südjemen war bereits vor dem Konflikt aktiv. Viele ihrer Anhänger kämpften dann an der Seite der Regierungstruppen gegen die Houthis – von mhh

18.4.2016 – Yemen Post News (A P)

Southern CRISIS: Massive protests in #Yemen city #Aden calling for independence from north & separate southern state (photos)

17.4.2016 – AFP (A T)

Selbstmordanschlag in Jemen: Vier Soldaten bei Attentat getötet

Bei einem Selbstmordanschlag im Süden Jemens sind am Sonntag vier Soldaten getötet worden. Zwei weitere Soldaten wurden verletzt, als sich der Attentäter mit seinem Auto an einem Kontrollposten vor dem Flughafen der Hafenstadt Aden in die Luft sprengte. Dies sagte ein Vertreter der Sicherheitskräfte der Nachrichtenagentur AFP.

17.4.2016 – AFP (A T)

Suicide bomber kills 4 Yemen troops near Aden airport

Four Yemeni soldiers were killed Sunday in a suicide attack on a checkpoint near the international airport in second city Aden, home to a growing jihadist presence, a security official said.

"A suicide bomber driving a bomb-laden vehicle blew himself up on Sunday upon arrival at a checkpoint near Aden airport," the official told AFP.

"Four soldiers were killed and two others were wounded," he added, without blaming any group for the attack.

17.4.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Yemen police say foil two bomb attacks day before peace talks

Police in Yemen said they foiled two car bomb attacks in the southern port city of Aden early Sunday, a day before peace talks to end a year of war were due to start.

Police at a checkpoint opened fire at a car travelling at high speed which then exploded, wounding at least five officers, they said. One of the policemen later died in hospital, a medical source said.

Officers also safely disarmed a booby-trapped car parked on a beach road near the airport in the northeastern part of the city, police added.

Security forces closed off the area and were investigating.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe auch cp1 Am wichtigsten / See also cp 1 Most important

18.4.2016 – Hakim Almasmari (A K P)

Hope... #Yemen peace talks: Sanaa delegation to travel to Kuwait within 24 hours, #UN promises to enforce ceasefire ending war & attacks.

18.4.2016 – Spiegel Online (* A K P)

Jemen-Friedensverhandlungen: Die Kriegsmüden treffen sich

Die Friedensverhandlungen können nicht beginnen, weil der Krieg weiter tobt: Die Delegation der Huthi-Rebellen und Vertreter von Ex-Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh konnten am Montag wegen schwerer Kämpfe nicht aus Jemens Hauptstadt Sanaa abreisen. Deshalb verzögert sich der für Montag geplante Beginn der Friedensgespräche in Kuwait um mindestens einen Tag.

Die Verhandlungen sind der erste ernstzunehmende Versuch, den seit mehr als einem Jahr wütenden Bürgerkrieg im Jemen zu beenden. SeitBeginn der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Militäroffensive gegen die Huthi-Rebellen im März 2015 sind mindestens 6400 Menschen getötet worden, rund 2,8 Millionen Menschen sind auf der Flucht. ( Hier berichten vier Jemeniten vom Überleben im Krieg )

Die Konfliktparteien kommen nun unter Vermittlung des Uno-Sondergesandten für den Jemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, zusammen. Vor Beginn der Gespräche äußerte sich der mauretanische Diplomat optimistisch: "Der Jemen war dem Frieden niemals näher", sagte Cheikh Ahmed.

Wer nimmt an den Verhandlungen in Kuwait teil? – von Christoph Sydow

18.4.2016 – NZZ (A K P)

Friedensgespräche vertagt: Seilziehen um Jemen

Die Friedensgespräche zu Jemen sind am Montag vertagt worden. Die Vertreter der Huthi blieben den Verhandlungen fern. Saudiarabien soll die Luftangriffe intensiviert haben.

Am Montag hätten die von der Uno vermittelten Friedensgespräche zu Jemen in Kuwait beginnen sollen. Beobachter hatten die Gespräche im Vorfeld als rare Chance bezeichnet. Eine Deeskalation ist dringend nötig. Der Krieg hat die bereits existierenden humanitären Nöte im ärmsten Land der Arabischen Halbinsel in haarsträubender Weise verschlimmert. Die Delegation von Ex-Präsident Saleh und der Huthi-Miliz glänzte am Montag jedoch durch Abwesenheit.

Ein Sprecher der Huthi warf der Gegenseite vor, die Waffenruhe nicht zu respektieren. Kurz vor Beginn der Friedensgespräche gab es Meldungen intensivierter Luftangriffe der saudischen Koalition auf Gebiete, welche von den Huthi und ihren Verbündeten kontrolliert werden. Eine Waffenruhe hatte Anfang letzte Woche begonnen. Beide Seiten meldeten seither Verstösse.

Um die Stadt Taiz, die von der Allianz der Huthi belagert wird, hörten die Kämpfe trotz Waffenruhe gar nicht auf. Am Wochenende wurden eine Einstellung der Kampfhandlungen und eine Öffnung der Zugänge zur Stadt vereinbart. Die Umsetzung lässt auf sich warten. Weil die Huthi-Delegation am Montag nicht in Kuwait auftauchte, liegen die Gespräche auf Eis – von Monika Bolliger

18.4.2016 – Reuters (A K P)

Yemen peace talks delayed by ongoing combat despite announced truce

Talks to end a civil war and Saudi-led intervention in Yemen will not begin on Monday as planned, the warring sides said as fighting persisted despite an announced ceasefire.

Delegations representing Yemen's Houthi group and the party of ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh - Saudi Arabia's main antagonists - have yet to head to Kuwait for the peace talks, citing heavy combat and Saudi-led air operations.

"There's no point in going to Kuwait if there's no respect for the ceasefire," a senior official in Saleh's General People's Congress party told Reuters on Monday.

Fighting and air strikes persist on several battlefronts throughout the country, especially in the contested southwestern city of Taiz and the Nehm area east of the capital Sanaa.

The U.N. envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, urged the two parties remaining in Sanaa to commit to the talks and travel to Kuwait.

"The next few hours are crucial ... I hope that Ansarallah and the General People's Congress do not miss this opportunity that could save Yemen the loss of more lives and put an end to the circle of violence that has engulfed the country."

Two Yemeni officials from the country's Saudi-backed government said the opposing delegations would likely arrive on Tuesday.

"Representatives from Saleh's party and the Houthis are looking for excuses to delay their arrival at a precise time, but it's expected that they will arrive later in Kuwait on Tuesday," one of the officials said.

(Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari Writing by Noah Browning; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

18.4.2016 – Aljazeera (A K P)

Yemen peace talks delayed over fighting accusations

Talks aimed at ending more than a year of civil war and a Saudi-led intervention in Yemen have been delayed, as Houthi rebel representatives objected to what they said was continued fighting.

Delegations representing the Houthis and the party of a former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who control the capital Sanaa, have yet to depart for the talks.

They cited heavy fighting and Saudi-led air operations as the reason for the delay in heading to the talks, which were to be held in Kuwait.

"There's no point in going ... if there's no respect for the ceasefire," a senior official in Saleh's General People's Congress party told the Reuters news agency on Monday.

Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal, reporting from Kuwait, confirmed that the Houthis had yet to arrive. He said the government delegation was already there.

There was optimism surrounding the talks, Elshayyal said, adding that neither side had "the same kind of urge to continue this bloody war."

18.4.2016 – Middle East Eye (A K P)

Yemen peace talks delayed as Houthi delegation stays in Sanaa

Source from Houthi-allied GPC tells MEE delegation will attend eventually but wants to increase pressure on President Hadi and his Saudi backers

The scheduled start of UN-brokered peace talks in Kuwait between Yemen's government and Houthi rebels was delayed on Monday after delegations representing the Houthis and the party of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh failed to attend, officials said.

"Due to developments over the last few hours, the start of the Yemeni-Yemeni peace negotiations scheduled to begin today... will be delayed," UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said in a statement, without specifying when they might take place.

"The next few hours are crucial," he said, calling on all parties to "take their responsibilities seriously and agree on comprehensive solutions".

A source close to the government delegation representing Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi in Kuwait City earlier said that the Houthi delegation had not left Sanaa and was "procrastinating".

But an anonymous source from the Saleh-aligned General People's Congress (GPC) told Middle East Eye that the delegation planned to attend eventually but was trying to put pressure on the government and the Saudi-led coalition supporting it amid complaints on both sides about violations of a ceasefire currently supposed to be in place.

The source told MEE that a main sticking point for the Houthis and the GPC is a stipulation that Saudi Arabia, one of the main belligerents in the conflict which has continued to carry out air strikes, will be in charge of monitoring ceasefire violations, alongside the UN.

However, a former Yemeni minister and member of the government delegation, Badr Basilma, accused the Houthis of "engaging in trickery to try and gain the advantage on the ground".

18.4.2016 – AP (A K P)

Yemeni rebels back out of peace talks at last moment

According to Abdel-Rahman al-Ahnoumi, a Houthi media official, the Houthis are not going to Kuwait unless there is a "full suspension" of airstrikes in accordance to the cease-fire deal signed earlier this month.

The official accused the U.N. envoy of trying to "jump over our" the rebels' demands and head directly to the talks.

"This just reflects that they are not serious about the whole deal," the media official said. "Talks amid the continued airstrikes will be useless." – by Ahmed Al-Haj

17.4.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K P)

Ansarullah and Al-moatmar members of the party will not go to Kuwait negotiation till Saudis fully implement and stick to the ceasefire with its mercenaries

17.4.2016 – Hussain Al-Bukhaiti (A K P)

#Yemen delegates decided NOT to go to Kuwait at this moment cos of the constant #Saudi #UAE ceasefire violation across

17.4.2016 – Khaleej Times (A K P)

Truce violation in Yemen is worrisome

Just a day to go before peace talks on Yemen were scheduled to begin in Kuwait, there are reports of ceasefire violations. The Houthi militia has allegedly bombed residential neighbourhoods in the city of Taiz. Yemeni news agency sources said that explosions were heard on Saturday night in several areas, and government installations were attacked. This is an open violation of truce.

18.4.2016 – T-Online (A P)

Jemen-Friedensgespräche sollen in Kuwait beginnen

Nach mehr als einem Jahr eskalierender Gewalt im Jemen sollen heute in Kuwait erneut Friedensgespräche der Konfliktparteien beginnen. Beobachter sehen bei den dritten Verhandlungen für das Bürgerkriegsland bessere Chancen als bei den gescheiterten Versuchen im Juni und Dezember 2015.

"Ich denke, es gibt Potenzial für eine Art Konsens, der als Fundament zur Rückkehr zu einem politischen Prozess dienen kann", sagte der Jemen-Fachmann Adam Baron vom Europäischen Rat für Auswärtige Beziehungen (ECFR) der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

17.4.2016 – Reuters (A K P)

Yemen's warring sides signal optimism for Kuwait peace talks

"We are ready for a political transition which excludes no one ... The world now looks to the Kuwait consultations as a landmark of peace for Yemenis, and we will give everything we can to alleviate the suffering of the people," Foreign Minister Abdel Malek al-Mekhlafi, from the Saudi-backed government now based in Aden, told state news agency Saba.

Mohammed Abdul-Salam, spokesman for the Houthi movement which controls the capital Sanaa and which Gulf Arab states say is allied to Iran, appeared conciliatory in an interview with Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai on Saturday.

"There should be a consensus authority during a definite transitional phase to decide every political dispute," he was quoted as saying. "Iran does not have any role in our sovereign decisions and we are not tools in anyone's hands."

The fate of Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president of 33 years who was ousted by "Arab Spring" protests in 2012 and who has formed an alliance with the Houthis, remains unclear and could complicate transition plans.

While Saleh's party will take part in the talks, the former leader has refused to depart Yemen's political scene. The spread of al Qaeda and Islamic State in the south also makes it more difficult to resolve the conflict – by Mohammed Ghobari =

17.4.2016 – National Yemen (AB K P)

Kuwait Negotiations: The Real Chance for Yemen’s Peace and Reconstruction

All politicians are still looking to Yemen with an eye of hope to achieve a greater progress in the few coming days in Kuwait.
The U.N. special envoy for Yemen will be leading peace talks in Kuwait along with other international facilitators between the government and Houthi rebels with full support from the GCC leaders – by Fakhri Al-Arashi

Comment: Such a sugar-coated article while serenading Kuwait.

Comment: Yes, exactly.

cp7a Saudi Arabien und Iran / saudi Arabia and Iran

18.4.2016 - Nachdenkseiten (** B P)

Wettrüsten und Kriegsgefahr im Konflikt zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran

Es folgt ein Beitrag von Mohssen Massarrat mit vielen Daten zum Wettrüsten im Mittleren Osten. Man muss nicht jede Schlussfolgerung des Autors nachvollziehen können, um den Beitrag als nützlich zu empfinden. Die Daten alleine schon sind unserer Aufmerksamkeit zu empfehlen
Der Syrienkonflikt ist gegenwärtig die größte Herausforderung für die Weltpolitik. Dieser Konflikt darf aber nicht davon ablenken, dass gleichzeitig ein gigantisches Wettrüsten zwischen Saudi Arabien und Iran stattfindet, das sich bald als ein schwelendes Feuer unter der Asche erweisen könnte. Gelänge es der Weltgemeinschaft nicht, den drohenden Feuerausbruch rechtzeitig einzudämmen, werden wir alle einen sehr hohen Preis dafür bezahlen. Denn ein saudiarabisch-iranischer Krieg dürfte alle bisherigen Kriege und Konflikte nach dem US-Krieg im Irak in den Schatten stellen. Auffällig ist jedenfalls die massive Aufrüstung Saudi Arabiens und – in dessen Schlepptau – auch der Emirate am Persischen Golf.

Nach dem SIPRI-Report 2015 sind die saudischen Rüstungsausgaben von 29.5 Mrd. US-Dollar in 2011 auf 81 Mrd. in 2015 dramatisch angestiegen. Damit steht Saudi Arabien auf der Liste der Länder mit den größten Rüstungsausgaben an dritter Stelle nach den USA und China und noch vor Russland. Im Verhältnis zum BSP steht dieses Land mit 13,7% sogar an erster Stelle, weit vor den Arabischen Emiraten mit 5,7%, Israel mit 5,4 % und den USA mit 3,3 % (siehe Bild 1).

Zur saudischen Aufrüstung gehören Waffenimporte aller Gattungen, modernste Kampfflugzeuge, Kampfhubschrauber, Panzer und Kriegsschiffe, vornehmlich aus den USA. Diese rasche Aufrüstung folgte dem mit den USA abgeschlossenen Rüstungsabkommen vom 24.11 2011. Barack Obama verteidigte die saudische Aufrüstung mit dem Argument des militärischen Übergewichts des Iran und der Notwendigkeit, im Mittleren Osten ein militärisches Gleichgewicht herzustellen.

Kein Zweifel: das neue Wettrüsten zwischen den beiden Regionalmächten Saudi Arabien und Iran läuft auf Hochtouren. Und dieser Rüstungswettlauf ist auch mit dem Wettrüsten der 1970er Jahre zwischen Irak und Iran in jeder Hinsicht vergleichbar. Verändert hat sich nur die Bündniskonstellation.

Und es ist deshalb durchaus nicht auszuschließen, dass die Saudis selbst einen Krieg gegen den Iran vom Zaun brechen und darauf hoffen, die USA wegen deren strategischer Ölinteressen doch noch in ein neues Kriegsabenteuer hinein ziehen zu können. Einem neuen Flächenbrand, der den Mittleren Osten für Jahrzehnte zurückwerfen und den bestehenden Kreislauf Öl und Blut gegen Waffen bis in die nächsten Jahrzehnte verlängern würde, stünde dann nichts mehr im Wege.

Noch ist es allerdings nicht zu spät, diese schaurige Perspektive zu verhindern. Der iranischen Regierung kommt die wichtige Aufgabe zu, die eigenen Streitkräfte in Schach zu halten und auf keinen Fall auf mögliche saudische Provokationen hereinzufallen. Auch die EU dürfte nicht untätig bleiben und müsste als erstes jegliche Waffenlieferungen an beide Staaten und in den Mittleren Osten insgesamt sofort stoppen. Das Konzept einer gemeinsamen Sicherheit für die größte Krisenregion der Welt hatte schon immer seine Berechtigung. Heute ist sie zu einer zwingenden friedenspolitischen Aufgabe geworden – von Mohssen Massarrat

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

17.4.2016 – Fars News (A P)

Saudi Whistle-Blower: Bin Salman Caught in Yemen Quagmire

Saudi whistle-blower Mujtahid, who is believed to be a member of or have a well-connected source in the royal family, revealed that Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman is making serious efforts to put an end to the war in Yemen in order to get rid of the quagmire he has created for the Riyadh regime.

Mujtahid underlined that the Saudi crown prince feels so helpless that he is ready to ignore the Saudi regime's conditions for ending the war on Yemen, including its insistence on the withdrawal and disarmament of Ansarullah forces as well as recognition of Mansour Hadi as Yemen's legal president.

The Saudi tweeter noted that the large number of the Saudi soldiers killed in the war, the UAE troops pullout, the frequent blames put on Bin Salman for the spread of Al-Qaeda terrorists in Yemen and massacre of thousands of Yemeni civilians are among the strongest causes of deputy crown prince's helplessness and destitute.

Comment: Let’s hope he is right. I doubt anyway, it would require some insight by this Saudi prince.

15.4.2016 – American Herald Tribune (A P)

Saudi Arabia and Israel in joint Training, mutual interests in Red Sea

Mohamad bin Abdallah Zahrani, Mohamad bin Abdallah Rabia and Walid bin Abdel Rahman al-Obaidi top a list that includes the names of senior officers in Saudi Arabia. The list was part of classified documents that were leaked to make the story public: Saudi Arabia has been cooperating with the Israeli government over military training courses, joint military cooperation and management of sensitive areas in the Middle East.

The 2014 memorandum of understanding was concluded on joint military cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea, and was exposed recently as the secret documents were leaked by a senior military official linked to left-wing liberal party "Meretz".

One of the most stunning details of the leaks is that the agreement was concluded to Saudi Arabia and Israel management on sensitive passageways such as the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal and the Red Sea littoral countries as well.

Playing a game of mutual interest, the oil-rich country and Israel held a joint operation staff in Tiran Island. The island will be used as the Headquarter of a joint operation between Tel Aviv and Riyadh in the Red Sea.

The leaks published a list that contains the names, codes and ranks of Saudi officers taking part in the courses, stating that the courses include command school and specialized courses, advanced and specialized courses in sailing as well as courses in specialized airborne periods.

14.4.2016 – Antimedia (A P)

Red Sea Deal: Are Israel & Saudi Arabia Forming a Joint Military

As more details emerge revealing the brutal nature of the ongoing military campaign carried out by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, Muslim Press reports that documents leaked by an unnamed senior military official associated with the Israeli left-wing liberal party Meretz show Israel and Saudi Arabia have cooperated in military efforts. The report also suggests some of the islands tied to the recent Red Sea deal are also being used by both nations to train their joined military.

The 2014 memorandum claims Israel hosted a number of Saudi officers in military training courses carried out at the Port of Haifa base in Israel. The training allegedly took place in 2015. While a recent Jerusalem Post report confirms the Saudi kingdom and the Jewish state have been close as of late, the outlet also claims details pertaining to the alleged ties between the nations aren’t likely to be made public — and that Israel’s involvement in the Red Sea deal, which secured the transfer of the islands of Sanafir and Tiran from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, is just another one of the many “covert” interactions between the two countries.

In the Muslim Press report, Israel and Saudi Arabia are implicated in the “formation of a joint operation” in Tiran Island, one of the islands handed over to Saudi Arabia after Israel’s approval of the agreement between the Saudis and Egyptians.

While the Jerusalem Post does not mention any military training carried out by either nations in the past couple of years, journalist and security expert Yossi Melman admits Israel’s involvement in the deal between the Saudis and Egypt “is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the secret processes taking place behind the scene.”

Though Israel and Saudi Arabia do not have formal diplomatic ties, theJerusalem Post reports, “the two countries do have third-party economic ties which see Israeli products – agricultural and technilogical [sic] goods – arriving via the Palestinian Authority, Jordan or Cyprus.” According to the report,, Iran is seen as the number one threat to both the Saudis and Israelis. As a result of their common fear, the Saudis have given Jerusalem “approval for Air Force jets to pass through their airspace” in the past, just in case the Jewish state decides to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Other friendly encounters between the Saudis and Israelis, such as the meetings between Mossad chiefs and Saudi intelligence officials, have also been covered by the media. “There was also a report that former prime minister Ehud Olmert held a meeting with Prince Bander bin Sultan, who was the Saudi envoy to Washington, as well as the head of the National Security Council and the Saudi intel chief,” the Jerusalem Post reported.

To security experts like Yossi Melman, the Red Sea deal is “likely the continuation of these contacts as was published and the common interests between the two countries.” While Melman concedes the “covert ties are unlikely to come to the surface,” details concerning the memorandum leaked by Meretz and reported by Muslim Presshaven’t received much attention from the establishment media – by Clarice Palmer,

[This is the full text. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

15.4.2016 – AWD News (A P)

The Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal: I am proud to be the first Saudi honorary ambassador to Israel and I hope we can work together to deter Iranian agenda.

"I am indeed proud to be the first Saudi ambassador to this beautiful country. Israel is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world and I can express my appreciation of lofty ethics which Israel's founding fathers built this country upon," Turkish Anadolu News Agency quoted the Saudi multi-millionaire media tycoon as saying. Today, we laid the ground for a peaceful Middle-East, added Prince bin Talal, where the next generations can live in wonderful harmony and absolute religious tolerance.

Comment: A Saudi prince speaking of “wonderful harmony and absolute religious tolerance” is rather odd.

13.4.2016 – Washington Post (* A P)

How two Red Sea islands shed light on secret relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia

12.4.2016 – Middle East Eye (* A P)

Why Saudi Arabia decided to reclaim its islands from Egypt now

The Saudis are now in a position to pressure their poorer Egyptian partner to toe the line when it comes to their initiatives - See more at:

17.11.2013 – Haaretz (* A P)

Sunday Times: Israel, Saudi Arabia Cooperating to Plan Possible Iran Attack

Saudis would allow Israel use of air space and provide drones, rescue helicopters and tanker planes, report says.

cp9 USA

16.4.2016 – Deutsche Welle (A P)

Häftlinge aus Jemen verlassen Guantanamo

Eigentlich wollte US-Präsident Obama das komplette Lager dichtmachen. Nun wird bereits die Entlassung von neun Gefangenen zum Thema für Schlagzeilen. Sie wurden nach längerem Ringen von Saudi-Arabien aufgenommen.

Wie das Pentagon in Washington mitteilte, haben die USA neun Gefangene aus dem Lager Guantanamo Bay nach Saudi-Arabien entlassen. Die Männer stammen aus dem Jemen, für die meisten von ihnen war bereits vor Jahren die Freilassung angeordnet worden. Doch in ihrer Heimat ist Krieg, und deswegen konnten sie nicht ausreisen.

"Die USA sind der Regierung des Königreichs von Saudi-Arabien dankbar für diese humanitäre Geste und die Bereitschaft, die anhaltenden US-Bemühungen zu unterstützen, die Haftanstalt in Guanatanamo Bay zu schließen", erklärte das Pentagon weiter.

16.4.2016 – New York Times (A P)

9 Guantánamo Prisoners From Yemen Are Sent to Saudi Arabia

The United States on Saturday transferred nine Yemeni detainees from its wartime prison at Guantánamo Bay to Saudi Arabia, completing a long-sought diplomatic deal ahead of a planned visit to Riyadh by President Obama in the coming week.

The effort to persuade the Saudi government to take the prisoners began in the Bush administration and finally resulted in an agreement in February. Current and former officials familiar with the negotiations called the timing of the transfer, which reduced the population at Guantánamo to 80 prisoners, a coincidence.

“There have been a lot of discussions with the Saudis over the last few years, and they have been emphatic that it was very important to close Guantánamo,” said Cliff Sloan, who served as the State Department envoy for negotiating detainee transfers in 2013 and 2014. “They wanted to help with that. But the one thing they weren’t willing to do for a long time was actually accept Yemenis. That’s why this is a major breakthrough.”

The military brought each of the prisoners from the Afghanistan War to the American naval base at Guantánamo about 14 years ago, soon after President George W. Bush’s administration opened the prison in early 2002. Later, the Bush administration decided to try to close it, a goal the Obama administration has shared.

But finding places to transfer the large number of lower-level Yemeni detainees there has been a significant obstacle. American officials have been reluctant to repatriate them because Yemen is chaotic and has an active affiliate of Al Qaeda.

But Saudi Arabia, which shares a border with Yemen, has a stronger government and security. It also operates a rehabilitation program for Saudis who have drifted into militant Islamism. The program tries to reverse their radicalization and help them reintegrate into peaceful society. It enlists their relatives to help and has a record of reducing — though not eliminating — the risk of recidivism, officials have said.

In 2007, a leaked diplomatic cable shows, American officials toured theSaudi rehabilitation center, which is named for Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, a top security official, and raised the possibility of transferring Yemeni detainees with relatives living in the kingdom to the center – by Charlie Savage

16.4.2016 – Telepolis (** A P)

9/11: Saudi-Arabien droht mit Verkauf von US-Papieren im Wert von 750 Milliarden Dollar

Die Führung in Riad will ein Gesetz verhindern, das Regierungsmitglieder wegen vorgeworfener Verbindungen zu den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 vor Gericht bringen kann

Der saudi-arabische Außenminister al-Jubeir soll die Botschaft höchstpersönlich im März bei einem Besuch in Washington überbracht haben, berichtet die New York Times: Sollte der Kongress einem Gesetz zustimmen, der es erlauben würde, dass sich Mitglieder vor einem US-Gericht wegen "irgendeiner Rolle" im Zusammenhang mit den 9/11-Terroranschlägen verantworten, dann sei seine Regierung dazu gezwungen, Staatsanleihen und andere amerikanische Wertpapiere in Höhe von 750 Milliarden Dollar zu verkaufen - um dem Risiko vorzubeugen, dass sie von US-Gerichten eingefroren werden.

Laut Zeitungsbericht zeigt die Drohung Wirkung. Die Regierung bearbeite Abgeordnete derart intensiv, dass einige von ihnen wie auch Familienangehörige der 9/11-Opfer in Wut geraten sind.

Und es gibt die 28-Seiten im offiziellen 9/11-Bericht, die sich mit der Rolle von saudi-arabischen Personen und Institutionen befassen. Bislang ist dieser Teil unveröffentlicht. Die US-Regierung unter Obama zeigte bisher wenig Interesse daran etwas zu ändern. Zuletzt gab es einige Berichte, die andeuteten, dass dies geändert werde, dass die 28-Seiten veröffentlicht würden ( 9/11 Declassification Decision Coming und Making ‘Every Effort’ To Review Declassification of 9/11 Report’s Secret Pages).

Wie ernst es der Regierung damit ist, ist noch offen. Laut einem Bericht der NZZ von Anfang des Jahres, gilt als "gegeben, dass Hunderte von Milliarden saudischer Petrodollars in den Vereinigten Staaten angelegt sind". Wer sich aber ein Bild vom zweifellos bedeutenden finanziellen Engagement Saudi-Arabien machen wolle, stoße schnell an Grenzen. Weder das Finanz- noch das Handelsministerium würden Daten veröffentlichen – von Thomas Pany

Comment: Until we confront Saudi Arabia's role in terrorism the world will always be threatened from Islamic extremists

Comment: Dear Americans! Which has more value?! Your lives,kids,&everything you like? Or Saudi dirty money?It's too shocking

Comment to comment: The latter. The answer to this question already has been given by the US government.

17.4.2016 – Common Dreams (** A P)

Bernie Sanders: US "Can't Be Blackmailed" by Saudi Arabia

9/11 family member: "It's stunning to think that our government would back the Saudis over its own citizens"

The Saudi Arabian government has threatened to sell of hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets should Congress pass a bi-partisan bill led by US Senator Chuck Schumer that could hold the kingdom responsible for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, The New York Times reported Friday.

Of the 22 co-sponsors of the measure, known as the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, 12 are Republicans and 10 are Democrats. The Obama administration has lobbied Congress to block the bill's passage and the Saudi threats have been the subject of intense discussions in recent weeks between lawmakers and officials from the State Department and the Pentagon.

The administration, which argues the legislation will put Americans at legal risk overseas, has been lobbying so intently against the bill that some lawmakers and families of September 11 victims are infuriated.

In their view, the Obama administration has consistently sided with the kingdom and has thwarted their efforts to learn what they believe to be the truth about the role some Saudi officials have played in the terror plot.

"It's stunning to think that our government would back the Saudis over its own citizens," said Mindy Kleinberg, whose husband died in the World Trade Center on September 11.

The U.S. needs to take a harder stance against Saudi Arabia, Senator Bernie Sanders said on Sunday in an appearance on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” saying parts of the Saudi ruling family have funded the “extremely right-wing fundamentalist ideology” of Wahhabism in schools around the world. “Saudi Arabia is playing a very dangerous role in fomenting fundamentalism all over the world.”

Asked about reports that Saudi Arabia would sell American assets if Congress approves a bill allowing victims of 9/11 attacks to sue the Saudi government, Sanders said the U.S. “can’t be blackmailed.”

Sanders said, "I have said throughout this campaign we are not taking a hard enough look at Saudi Arabia and it's not only the people who came from Saudi Arabia and participated in 9/11. The evidence is pretty clear. Saudi Arabia is one of the most powerful and wealthiest families of the world. That's why they can threaten to withdraw hundreds of billions of dollars from our economy. The evidence is quite clear that sections of that very large royal family have funded a Wahhabism; this extremely right-wing fundamentalist ideology, which is what ISIS is about, which is what Al Qaeda's about. There are schools all over this world that are -- where children are being educated in this anti- -- this horrific fundamentalist ideology."

On the legislation, Sanders told ABC, "Well, let me look at it. Let me look at it. I mean, I am not all that familiar with it as well. But I do believe Saudi Arabia is playing a very dangerous role in fomenting fundamentalism all over the world."

Earlier in the ABC show, Hillary Clinton had this exchange about the Schumer legislation:

CLINTON: I don't really know about that, George, I'd have to look into it. Obviously, we've got to make anyone who participates in or supports terrorism pay a price, and we also have to be aware of any consequences that might affect Americans, either military or civilian or our nation. So I'm not...

STEPHANOPOULOS: You don't know about this issue? It's been around for several years.

CLINTON: Well, I know there's been an issue about it for quite some time, I don't know about the specific legislation that you're referring to. But obviously, I'll look into it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: OK. So -- but you're not prepared to say now whether you support it or oppose it?

CLINTON: I can't, I haven't studied it. Unlike some people -- I do try to learn what's at the core of any question before I offer an opinion, because you know it's not enough to say what's wrong, I think you've got a responsibility to say how you're going to fix it – by Common Dreams staff

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17.4.2016 – Larouchepac (* A P)

Saudi Treasury Holdings Are Also Kept Secret!

Even the Treasury securities holdings the Saudi monarchy is using to threaten the U.S. Congress to prevent exposure and responsibility for their role in the 9/11 attacks, are kept a secret by the United States.

The Treasury has kept Saudi holdings secret for 40 years, as a concession to the House of Saud, while publishing the holdings of every other country in detail. Bloomberg News reported this on Jan. 21, 2016 in an article focusing on whether and how much Saudi Arabia might have to sell off to raise cash for its financial crisis. Now, it means that members of the Senate don't really know what Saudi Arabia is threatening them with if they pass the JASTA [Justice Against State Sponsors of Terrorism Act] Bill of Senators Schumer and Corzyn. Only the Saudi monarchy and a small handful of Treasury officials know the holdings.

As Bloomberg reported,

"How much of America's debt does Saudi Arabia own? ... Now that question — unanswered since the 1970s, under an unusual blackout by the U.S. Treasury Department — has come to the fore....

"As a matter of policy, the Treasury has never disclosed the holdings of Saudi Arabia, long a key ally in the volatile Middle East.... For more than a hundred other countries, from China to the Vatican, the Treasury provides a detailed breakdown of how much U.S. debt each holds.

Senator Bob Graham, in a New York Daily News interview April 17, said"I think the action by Saudi Arabia is reprehensible and also very revealing. They are so fearful of what would emerge if there were to be a full trial [on the victims' families' lawsuit]. That says something about Saudi Arabia's involvement in 9/11."

Graham also strongly criticized Obama's backing the Saudis.

22.1.2016 – Bloomberg (** A P)

Saudi Arabia's Secret Holdings of U.S. Debt Are Suddenly a Big Deal

It’s a secret of the vast U.S. Treasury market, a holdover from an age of oil shortages and mighty petrodollars: Just how much of America’s debt does Saudi Arabia own?

But now that question -- unanswered since the 1970s, under an unusual blackout by the U.S. Treasury Department -- has come to the fore as Saudi Arabia is pressured by plunging oil prices and costly wars in the Middle East.

A big risk is that the kingdom is selling some of its Treasury holdings, believed to be among the largest in the world, to raise needed dollars. Or could it be buying, looking for a port in the latest financial storm? As a matter of policy, the Treasury has never disclosed the holdings of Saudi Arabia, long a key ally in the volatile Middle East, and instead groups it with 14 other mostly OPEC nations including Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria. For more than a hundred other countries, from China to the Vatican, the Treasury provides a detailed breakdown of how much U.S. debt each holds.

“It’s mind-boggling they haven’t undone it,” said Edwin Truman, the former Treasury assistant secretary for international affairs during the late 1990s, and now a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. Because relations were rocky and the U.S. needed their oil, the Treasury “didn’t want to offend OPEC. It’s hard to justify this special treatment for OPEC at this point.” – by Andrea Wong and Liz McCormick

25.3.2015 – Los Angeles Times (* A P)

Iran-backed rebels loot Yemen files about U.S. spy operations

Iran-backed rebels loot Yemen files about U.S. spy operations : Secret files held by Yemeni security forces that contain details of American intelligence operations in the country have been looted by Iran-backed militia leaders, exposing names of confidential informants and plans for U.S.-backed counter-terrorism strikes, U.S. officials say. U.S. intelligence...

Secret files held by Yemeni security forces that contain details of American intelligence operations in the country have been looted by Iran-backed militia leaders, exposing names of confidential informants and plans for U.S.-backed counter-terrorism strikes, U.S. officials say.

U.S. intelligence officials believe additional files were handed directly to Iranian advisors by Yemeni officials who have sided with the Houthi militias that seized control of Sana, the capital, in September, which led the U.S.-backed president to flee to Aden.

For American intelligence networks in Yemen, the damage has been severe. Until recently, U.S. forces deployed in Yemen had worked closely with President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi’s government to track and kill Al Qaeda operatives, and President Obama had hailed Yemen last fall as a model for counter-terrorism operations elsewhere.

But the identities of local agents were considered compromised after Houthi leaders in Sana took over the offices of Yemen’s National Security Bureau, which had worked closely with the CIA and other intelligence agencies, according to two U.S. officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive operations.

Yemeni intelligence officers still loyal to Hadi’s besieged government burned some secret files, one official said. But they couldn’t destroy all of them before the Houthi fighters, whose leaders have received some weapons and training from Iran, moved in – by Brian Bennett and Zaid al-Alayaa

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

17.4.2016 – Veterans Today (* A K P)

British Army officers assisting Saudi war on Yemen

They might not be pulling the triggers but they handed them the guns and showed them how to use them.

It would take a while to explain the full background of this complex conflict, to explain the different factions involved and their agendas, both stated and secret. What it really all boils down to though is that Saudi Arabia along with four other Gulf States invaded Yemen in order to defeat the Shia Houthis and allow the corrupt Sunni government to remain in power.

The Shia-Sunni issue is complex, especially for a non-Moslem, but the map below illustrates the basis of the issue in the Middle East

Religion is far from the only issue driving this conflict however; while Yemen does not have any oil or gas or other precious natural resources to fight over, it is in a strategically important location at the mouth of the Red Sea which is a key artery of global trade.

One of the nations supplying the Saudis with weapons is Britain and not only is Britain arming the Saudis, it is teaching them how to use them. Therefore, Britain must share in the blame for the suffering of the Yemeni people caused by British weapons. A British hand may not be on the trigger, but a British hand certainly put the gun in the hand and showed them how to shoot it.

FoI requests reveal extent of RAF and army cooperation amid international outcry over kingdom’s airstrikes on Yemen

Senior British military officers are providing targeting training to Saudi forces, including for cruise missile attacks, despite the kingdom’s airstrikes on neighbouring Yemen provoking an international outcry over civilian casualties.

The extent of the assistance to Saudi units from the Ministry of Defence has emerged from freedom of information (FoI) requests made by the human rights organisation Reprieve, which is urging the British government to reconsider providing military support.

[see articles presented in YPR 130] – by Ian Greenhalgh

15.4.2016 – The Independent (* A P)

Protesters who blockaded London arms trade fair acquitted after judge sees evidence of illegal weapons on sale

The judge said there was compelling evidence that illegal arms were on sale at DSEI

There is compelling evidence that arms were illegally being sold at the world’s biggest arms fair which takes place in London, a judge has ruled.

Acquitting eight anti-arms trade protesters who tried to disrupt the Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEI) event at Stratford's ExCel Centre last September, District Judge Angus Hamilton accepted the defendants’ argument that they had tried to prevent a greater crimes, such as genocide and torture, from occurring by blocking a road to stop tanks and other armoured vehicles from arriving at the exhibition centre – by Jon Stone

15.4.2016 – Herald Scotland (* A K P)

Britain sold £1.75bn of weapons to Saudi Arabia in six months yet David Cameron claims human rights matter – by David Pratt

[Overview article, Britain’s role in the Yemen war]

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

14.4.2016 – Ricochet (* A K P)

Trudeau’s Saudi ‘jeeps’ could fuel war crimes in Yemen

Saudi National Guard could use Canadian weapons to repress dissent internally and in Yemen

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s arms transaction database shows that, historically, most vehicles sold by Canada to Saudi Arabia have been delivered to the Saudi Arabian National Guard. Since the 1990s, they have received approximately 1,000armoured vehicles from Canada. In 2011, the 150,000-man elite fighting unit helped neighbouring Bahrain crush pro-democracy revolts in the wake of the Arab Spring.

According to Jane’s, a leading publication specializing in geopolitics and military affairs, the Saudi Arabian National Guard have been deployed to the Saudi Arabia-Yemen border to fight Shia, Iran-backed Houthi rebels currently at war with the Sunni, Saudi-backed Yemeni government.

The kingdom leads a coalition that includes the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar and mercenaries from U.S. private military company Academi, formerly known as Blackwater. Citing a report from the official Saudi Press Agency, the publication mentions that “the SANG forces being deployed included a mechanised infantry brigade as well as artillery, air defence, reconnaissance, engineering, logistics, and anti-armour units.” – by Martin Forgues

Comment: Articles on the Canada-Saudi arms deal presented in earlier YPReaders.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe cp 10, 12

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

16.4.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster (* B H)

Yemen: Internal displacement in Yemen increases six-fold in one year

82 % of the population in need of humanitarian assistance

IN EXCESS OF 10% of the population (2.7 M) forced to flee their homes – 6-fold spike in internal displacement in Yemen in just one year.

IDPs are particularly at risk of severe or acute malnutrition, disease and human rights violations given their vulnerable economic, safety, shelter and health living conditions.

1 million IDPs currently residing with friends and family are at risk of further displacement and increased needs as host communities’ resources and coping mechanisms are depleted.

The Shelter/CCCM Cluster stands ready with over 30 partners to scale up the response to identified needs.

Funding is urgently needed or IDPs and host communities will face additional hardship and the collective capacity to cope will be further eroded to the point where further displacement is likely.

One year into the conflict in Yemen, life for the people of Yemen has been characterised by uncertainty, forced displacement and a need for protection and humanitarian assistance. Living conditions in Yemen were already hard with major underdevelopment, financial crisis, poverty and gender inequality but, over the past year, the escalation in airstrikes, clashes on the ground and a de facto blockade on food, fuel and medicine imports have had a devastating impact on the population. The UN estimates that 82% of the population, or 21.2 million people, are in need of protection or humanitarian assistance.

More than 2.7 million people remain internally displaced. They fled violence, leaving behind their homes, belongings, economic opportunities and community support systems. IDPs have depleted their assets and incurred mounting debt, while living in cramped, difficult conditions, often with limited access to services and uncertainty about how long they can stay where they are. While 1 million IDPs are residing with host families or are otherwise supported by host communities, the collective capacity to cope is quickly eroding as family and friends struggle to support larger households. In some areas of Yemen, particularly where conflict has been ongoing and intense (such as Taizz, Al Jawf, or Marib), households have faced multiple displacements and have had to keep on finding new shelter alternatives. and in full:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

15.4.2016 – Middle East Eye (** A T)

Western Christians support terrorism: Shock polls prove danger in our midst

For years we have been told that Western values are those of democracy and human rights. Wrong

Recent surveys of public opinion in the US and UK show that alarming numbers of Britons and Americans support terrorism and the mass slaughter of civilians.

According to a BBC survey, 28 percent of Britons believe a man responsible for the firebombing of a German city causing the death of up to 25,000 civilians – 10 times the number killed on 9/11 – was the greatest figure in the country’s history.

Despite the many atrocities for which historians have blamed him, worst of all the Bengal famine of 1943 in which three million people starved to death when food was exported and coastal areas destroyed on orders of the British prime minister, millions still believe Winston Churchill to be a national hero.

Support for state sanctioned terror is shared by millions of Christians in America, more than a third of whom still expressed support for the destruction of Iraq by George W Bush - even when the scale of the disaster with hundreds of thousands of dead was well known. Significant minorities continue to support the US war in Southeast Asia that caused the deaths of millions of civilians.

And in case there was any doubt that only a conservative minority support such atrocities, polls show support for a well-known liberal mass killer currently stands at 51 percent. That’s more than half the country giving backing to a leader who uses a “Kill List” to strike at alleged enemies in countries as far apart as Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Syria – none of whom have had a day in court or even, in most cases, any legal evidence produced of guilt of any crime. Many were just innocent bystanders in a crazed system of assassination from the skies, for which the paid drone operators arerewarded with envelopes telling them how many people they have helped kill while on duty. (Meanwhile most ordinary Israelis - our allies - support the execution of civilians and half support ethnic cleansing.)

Ah, I hear you say, you can’t compare support for “their” terrorism – that of Islamic State or al-Qaeda on the streets of Paris and Brussels or beaches of Tunisia – with Western actions over the years designed to defend us from mortal enemies.

But such an argument does not stack up – by Joe Gill

cp15 Propaganda

18.4.2016 – Gulf News (A K P)

Weakened Al Houthis eager to negotiate on Yemen

Militia agrees to withdraw from cities, disarm, release prisoners and allow the government to return to Sana’a

Representatives of Yemen’s government taking part in Monday’s peace talks in Kuwait say that they have hopes negotiations will bring an end to years of conflict in Yemen citing “important” developments that point to Al Houthi willingness to engage in constructive talks with the government.

Salim Al Khanbashi, a member of the government’s delegation, told Gulf Newsthat there are encouraging prospects for peace.

“I am optimistic that peace talks in Kuwait will bring about fruitful results,” he said.

The warring parties agreed last week to halt hostilities on all fronts.

Al Khanbashi who landed in Kuwait on Sunday said that the talks will revolve around five points: cessation of hostilities, Al Houthi withdrawal from cities, disarmament, release of prisoners and clearing the path for Yemen’s legitimate government to return to Sana’a.

“There are many local and international developments [which] demonstrate that the Al Houthis would positively comply with these points,” Al Khanbashi said.

He attributed the Al Houthi promise to their diminishing manpower, having endured heavy losses in fighting with the Saudi-led Arab coalition.

Under the signed promise, the rebel group will allow Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi back to the capital.

“They have hit rock bottom after suffering heavy blows from coalition air strikes. They have lost most of their military arsenal and thousands of their fighters,” Al Khanbashi said.

For the first time since the Arab coalition joined the war early last year, Al Houthis are now singing a different tune, he said.

“They have significantly toned down their rhetoric and language about the coalition and Hadi’s government,” he said, pointing out that they no longer have expansionist aims.

Comment: What Saudi coalition propaganda had made of the Houthis statement to cooperate in finding a peaceful solution: a promise that they will capitulate. Going into the negotiations with such an idea is the best way to blow up the negotiations.

17.4.2016 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

Yemen's PM on his county's relations with Saudi Arabia

Yemen's Prime Minister Ahmed Obaid bin Daghr confirmed that his county's relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia emanate from deep historic and strategic dimensions.
During his meeting with the diplomatic staff of the Yemeni embassy in Riyadh, bin Daghr said the bilateral relations between the two countries would remain strong.
He lauded the great military, political and economic support being provided by the Arab Coalition, led by the Kingdom under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Comment: praising the Saudis is one main task of this “government” (PR department).

16.4.2016 – Middle East Eye (A P)

Yemen and the prospects for war and peace – by Tawakkol Karman

Comment: it would not be strange when the former nobel prize winner would just having taken the side of the Hadi government, for which reason ever. What is really strange is that she repeats Hadi and Saudi stupid propaganda by 100 %. Just look at this: Today, the militia is losing the territory it seized. “The coup and militarized actions have killed thousands, including civilians, destroyed towns and abducted politicians and activists. They dragged Yemen into an ugly proxy battle.” “The coup” means the Houthi size of power in Sanaa. The Saudi air raids having “destroyed towns” by the greatest scale are mentioned by no word. There would be a lot to say about this article.

16.4.2016 – Al Ekhbariya (A P)

PM Bin Dagher hails Saudi role in providing humanitarian assistance to Yemen

Yemeni Premier Dr. Ahmed Obaid bin Dagher hailed role played by Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for Relief and Humanitarian Works and great endeavors exerted by the Coordination and Relief Aid for the Yemeni people, particularly by the King Salman Center.

In a press statement, following a meeting with the Minister of Local Administration and the Head of the Supreme Committee for Relief Abdulraqeeb Fat’h, where the premier eyed great efforts exerted by King Salman Center, in Yemen, contributing to care of martyrs’ families, treatment of the injured and deliverance of aid to all parts of Yemen, especially the most affected. =

Comment: Praising the Saudis is one main task of “president” Hadi and his “government”. Remember: the sum the Saudis spent so far for humanitarian help in Yemen is the same than the cost of about 1 day aerial war against Yemen. And that are the Saudis who up to now within one war had spent about 365 times more to destroy Yemen than to help it. That are the relations to keep in mind. Humanitarian help of that size by Oman or by Malaysia or by the Pope or by whom else would be great and really a thing to praise, but here it’s just propaganda.

14.4.2016 – American Enterprise Institute (B P)

You don’t have to like Saudi Arabia to value the alliance

Let’s face it: It’s hard to like the Saudis.

So should Americans celebrate the fact that, as President Barack Obama heads to the Kingdom, the US-Saudi relationship is in tatters? While leaders and diplomats might offer platitudes, it will take years if not decades to restore trust. Simply put, it’s hard for Saudi officials to understand how cavalierly President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry turned their back on a seven-decade partnership. Frankly, the Saudis are right to be angry. =

Comment: Typical US neocon viewpoint, here labeled as propaganda, because it values this alliance (and it’s geostrategical value higher than human rights, the Yemen war, the spreading of Wahabism and terrorism).

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

18.4.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Aggression jets, hirelings still breach truce in Yemen

The Saudi aggression warplanes and its mercenaries continued on Monday, for the eighth day in row, to breach the ceasefire in the capital, Sana’a, and in a number of provinces.
A military official told Saba that the aggression surveillance planes hovered in the sky of the capital.
The Saudi-led coalition war jets continued to fly at low level in Sa’ada province and dropped sound bombs on the province’ border district of Munabih, the official said.
He added that the hostile warplanes flew intensively over the sky of Hodeidah province, al-Amri area in Taiz and Jawf province with opening the sonic barrier.
In Mareb province, the aggression war jets waged an air raid on Serwah district and continued hovering in the sky of the province, another military official said.
The official pointed out that the aggression hirelings tried to advance toward Hailan mountain in Mareb under the intensive flying of the warplanes.
The mercenaries’ violations to the truce continued in Dhale province, where they pounded Ya’eis area in Damt district.

18.4.2016 – Alaalam (A K PH)

Saudi Warplanes Pound Yemen's Al-Ghayl District Ahead of Peace Talks

Local residents and witnesses have said that Saudi warplanes have bombarded al-Ghayl district in the northern Yemeni province of Jawf early on Monday.

Saudi Arabia’s remotely-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles also carried out a number of reconnaissance missions over the skies of the capital Sana’a, the al-Masirah television reported.

Pro-Hadi militiamen meanwhile fired a barrage of rockets and artillery rounds at the city of Sirwah, about 120 km (75 miles) east of the capital, it said.

18.4.2016 – Aggression Y (A K PH)

#Maareb: an air-strike by the KSA-US aggression's warplanes on Sorwah district in another violation for the...

18.4.2016 – Aggression Y (A K PH)

#Aljawf: an intensive hovering above the province with the opening of sound barrier...

17.4.2016 – Aggression Y ( K PH)

KSA-US aggression's warplanes intensively hovering over #Taiz city, and The drones are hovering over Al-Amri...

17.4.2016 – Aggression Y ( K PH)

A military resource to Al-Masira : The two air-strikes targeted Buran and Al-ma'adi in #Nehm district.... / #Nahm : KSA-US aggression's warplanes continue breaking cease-fire and launch 2 air strikes on the district.... and

17.4.2016 – Aggression Y ( K PH)

#Amran: 2 air-strikes by the KSA-US aggression's warplanes on the top of Alkhirah mountain in Eyal-Jabal-Yazeed...

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

16.4.2016 – Hakim Almasari (A K)

Documents: Ceasefire signed today by clashing sides agreeing to end 1 year of war in #Yemen province Taiz

16.4.2016 – Hakim Almasari (A K)

Ceasefire Documents: signed by all clashing sides in Yemen agreeing to end internal war & give peace chance.

16.4.2016 – Al Araby (A K P)

Yemen peace talks to resume amid 'mutual ceasefire violations'

Yemen peace talks to resume amid 'mutual ceasefire violations'

The Yemeni government and rebels have accused each other of committing major violations against a week-old ceasefire and and of trying to hamper peace talks ahead of a concerted United Nations effort aimed at ending nearly 13 months of war.
Both sides of the conflict have claimed numerous breaches to the ceasefire, which came into effect on Sunday at midnight to pave the way for the talks in Kuwait.
The Yemeni government's UN ambassador, Khalid al-Yamani, said in a statement that there have been many reports that the Houthi rebels and their allies have continued attacks in the southwest city of Taiz, adding that "the coup militias are against a transition to peace."

Yamani also said that Iran had sent three arms shipments to the Houthis at the end of last month and in February.

In return, the rebels accused the government of failing to take the ceasefire seriously and targeting ceasefire monitors with air raids in Jawf in the north, according to a statement obtained by The New Arab on Saturday.
"The war is still in full effect in most areas with air raids continuing," the statement read.

16.4.2016 – Al Masirah TV (A K PH)

Film: Continued aggression and Saudi mercenaries’ breach of the cease-fire in al-Jawf province

Cp18 Sonstiges / Other

17.4.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Telegram kills Yemeni Masirah TV account: Reports

Telegram Company has reportedly prevented tens of thousands of people across the world from accessing the account of Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network, without providing any explanations for the measure.
Clients of the cloud-based instant messaging service encountered “Sorry, this channel is no longer accessible” either on their mobile phone or computer screens early on Sunday, meaning that the company has deleted the channel’s account.
There are reports that followers of al-Masirah Telegram account amounted to 65,000.
Directors at al-Masirah television network have condemned the move as “unethical and unwise.”
They vowed to make their voices heard through other means of communication, and keep the international community informed about Saudi Arabia’s atrocious military campaign against Yemen.
Despite Telegram’s surprising move, al-Masirah can be received on Eutelsat 8 West satellite, frequency: 11637 MHz, vertical position, symbol rate: 27500, FEC ¾.
The channel also broadcasts on Express AM44, frequency: 11062 MHz, vertical polarization, symbol rate: 6500, FEC ¾. =

16.4.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster (A)

Yemen: Flash Floods Update Cluster Sitrep 1: 15 April 2016

Heavy rains on 13 and 14 April swept across several governorates and has led to severe flooding and landslides. Houses have been destroyed and families displaced. There are initial reports that up to 16 people have died as a result of the severe weather.

[Overview for each province affected] or as PDF

16.4.2016 – UN High Commissioner for Refugees, CCCM Cluster, Shelter Cluster (A)

Yemen: Flash Floods Update Cluster Sitrep 1: 16 April 2016

24 Reported Deaths and more people missing

Est.1,000 HHs Affected in Amran

Est.2,100 HHs Affected in 26 villages in Hudaydah

Est. 500 HHs Affected in Hajjah

8 Cluster Partners Actively responding to the crises

After heavy rains on 13 and 14 April, cluster agencies have carried out assessments across 4 Governorates and delivery of NFIs, shelter kits and tents is already underway with larger quantities in the pipeline for the next 48 hours. According to Agence France-Presse, the death toll is up to 24 and more people are reported missing. and in full

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