Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 14

Jemen Weitere Kämpfe. Rückschläge und Verluste für die Anti-Huthi-Koalition. Kritische Stimmen zum Bündnis der USA mit dem Saudis u. zur saudischen Unterstützung des Islamismus

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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, das ist nun - mit zwei anders genannten früheren Beiträgen - der 16. mit weiteren Links zum Jemenkrieg. Jetzt würde mich schon einmal interessieren, wie sehr oder wie wenig das überhaupt auf weiteres Interesse stößt. Im Durchschnitt 0,3 Kommentare pro Beitrag (meine eigenen Antworten nicht mitgerechnet): soll ich es überhaupt noch weiter machen? Sagen Sie mir bitte Ihre Meinung.

Das Interesse bei uns an diesem Krieg ist überhaupt minimal - auch bei Leuten, die eigentlich wissen sollten, was wichtig ist. Am 29. Juli beispielsweise habe ich an die Redaktion der "Nachdenkseiten" geschrieben und angeregt, sich diesem Thema doch mehr zu widmen, und einige interessante Links vorgeschlagen. Der einzige Link auf den Nachdenkseiten zu einem Artikel über den Jemenkrieg datiert vom 22. April 2015 (wenn man von einigen wenigen Artikeln absieht, die sich mit der Verwendung von deutschen Waffen durch die Saudis im Jemenkrieg beziehen, ein aus der Sicht des Jemen völlig nebensächliches Thema). Ich bekam nicht einmal eine Antwort - und Links auf Artikel zum Jemenkrieg gibt es bei den NDS nach wie vor nicht.

Woher dieses Desinteresse?

Iranische Nachrichtenagenturen, Neuigkeiten aus dem Jemen

Kommentar: Nicht mehr oder weniger an Propaganda als das, was saudische, Golfstaaten und damit auch westliche Medien verbreiten. Hier gibt es freilich auch Berichte, die man un „unseren“ Medien vergeblich sucht.


4.9.2015 – Huffington Post

A Problem from Hell: The U.S.'s Genocide Complicity in Yemen

Meanwhile, the Saudi coalition waging this asymmetrical war of aerial bombardment upon a country with little to no air defenses, could not carry out this assault without the critical aid from the U.S. in the form of military hardware, including banned cluster bombs; intelligence for targeting of airstrikes; and mid-air refueling.

What's more, the acts of the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen constitute genocide within the meaning of 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ("Genocide Convention"), and the U.S. is complicit in that genocidal campaign.

In pertinent part, Article II of The Genocide Convention states that "genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part . . . ." As an initial matter, there is no doubt that the Saudi-led coalition, with U.S. help, is carrying out all three of these wrongful acts, and a on a massive scale.

In short, the Saudi-led coalition, with critical U.S. support, is engaged in killing Yemini civilians, causing them serious bodily harm and is deliberately engaged in acts (e.g., imposition of a blockade preventing humanitarian aid and destroying the only entry point for that aid) calculated to destroy in very large part the Yemini civilian population within the meaning of the Genocide Convention.

The fact that the focus of the Saudi coalition attack is in the north, and particularly on Saada, is significant, for as political analyst Catherine Shakdam points out in her piece, Religious eugenics, How Saudi Arabia is sponsoring a frightening new movement in the Middle East, "the majority of all northerners in Yemen are Zaydis, a branch of Shia Islam," and this includes, but is not limited to, the Houthis themselves. Meanwhile, Saada is considered the "heartland" of the Zaydi faith. As Shakdam argues very well, the coalition is attacking and starving out the north while allowing humanitarian aid to the south (where members of the Sunni group known as Shafi'ists predominate) precisely because the Coalition assault is intentionally targeted by Saudi Arabia - a theocracy dedicated to the radical strain of Islam known as Wahhabism which is particularly hostile to Shia Islam -- at wiping out the Zaydi Shias in Yemen. As she explains, "Riyadh is quite simply profiling aid to carry out its religious cleansing, punishing millions for their rejection of Riyadh's religion."

In other words, the Saudi-led Coalition is engaged in a campaign of mass killing "with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a . . . religious group" -- namely, Zaydis. In so doing, the Coalition is clearly engaged in acts punishable by the Genocide Convention. Therefore, the U.S. is also guilty of acts punishable by the Genocide Convention which, in Article III, Section (e), also makes punishable "[c]omplicity in genocide." In a just world, top leaders of the U.S. would be tried for such a reprehensible crime. But sadly, we don't live in such a world. Still, the international community must act immediately to halt this mass slaughter – by Dan Kovalik

4.9.2015 – RT

Annihilating Yemen

Getting scant media coverage in the West, Yemen as a state and society is being destroyed. The Arab world’s poorest country is being systemically annihilated by one of its richest – Saudi Arabia. What does Riyadh hope to achieve in this conflict, and why is Washington fully backing this war of choice?
CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Joseph Kechichian, and Catherine Shakdam. und der Film auf

3.9.2015 – Zerohedge

Counterterrorism "Success Story" Fails Completely As Yemen Set To Split Into Two Countries

As WSJ reports, it now looks as though the country may in fact split, as Aden residents have eschewed the red, white and black for the flag of South Yemen, which existed as an independent republic for more than two decades. Here’s the story:

“Now that pro-Iranian Houthi militias have been expelled from much of southern Yemen, many here are wondering when President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadiwill return to his homeland from Saudi exile—and, more importantly, under what flag."

Now that pro-Iranian Houthi militias have been expelled from much of southern Yemen, many here are wondering when President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadiwill return to his homeland from Saudi exile—and, more importantly, under what flag.

Some of the war’s most brutal fighting happened here in Aden, the sprawling port city that served as the capital of the independent republic of South Yemen from 1967-90. In the current conflict, it became the bedrock of resistance against the Houthis, who hail from Yemen’s far north.

The battles of recent months have reopened historic divisions between the country’s two halves. The Houthis were backed by regular Yemeni Army units loyal to Mr. Hadi’s predecessor, Ali Abdullah Saleh, also a northerner. For many Aden residents, the red, white and black flag of united Yemen—which Mr. Hadi, a southerner, claims to lead—has now become a hated symbol of the enemy.

In Aden, that banner is no longer visible anywhere. Instead, the city’s walls and local fighters’ checkpoints fly the flag of the defunct South Yemen republic, a staunch Soviet ally that was formally known as the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen. The colors of the U.A.E. flag can also be seen, and there is also the occasional sighting of Saudi Arabia’s banner.”

It could very well be that when Hadi does finally depart the safe confines of Riyadh and return to Yemen that those who ostensibly fought to restore his government will no longer want anything to do with him.

And while it's unclear precisely who the ragtag militia would support, it's worth noting that, as WSJ goes on to point out, the anti-Houthi fighters are "a motley group that spans the spectrum from southern secessionists to ultraconservative Salafi Islamists to supporters of al Qaeda." In other words, it doesn't seem all that far-fetched to suggest that should restoring Hadi ultimately prove to be impossible, an independent South Yemen could end up falling into the hands of extremists, which would be ironic not only for the fact that it would represent the latest example of US foreign policy gone horribly awry, but also because according to at least one source, the Saleh government - whose fighters are now allied with the Houthis - for years worked with AQP while accepting US anti-terror funding. Notably, were Yemen to split in two, it would also effectively create a permanent Iranian colony on Saudi Arabia's southern border.

Perhaps the best way to sum up the situation would be to apply the assessment an unnamed Pentagon official offered to CBS when asked about Syria last month: "It's a friggin' mess."

And lest anyone should forget, this is the same country that the White House called a counterterrorism "success story" exactly one year ago next Thursday – by Tyler Durden

3.9.2015 – Anti War

Is Saudi War Just Accelerating Yemen’s Split?

Many in Pro-Saudi Aden Flying South Yemen Flag

In the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, the so-called “Houthi rebels” are flying the flag of Yemen. This is true not just in Sanaa, but Saada and several other cities under the control of the Shi’ite faction. Meanwhile, in Aden, the “temporary capital” of the Saudi-backed “government-in-exile,” the only flags you see, apart from the ones put up by encroaching al-Qaeda fighters, are the flags of South Yemen. Saudi Arabia and their allies got into this war with a vision of reinstalling Gen. Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, a former president who resigned in January, in power across the whole nation. Yet Hadi is from South Yemen’s Abyan, and when the Saudis launched the war the remnants of his forces were clustered around the south. Since then, the support they’ve gotten has come from Sunni tribesmen, up for the sectarian nature of the conflict, but also predominantly from the south.

As the war stalemates along Maarib and Taiz, it is becoming increasingly clear that this battle is being set up not so much along Sunni-Shi’ite lines, but on the north-south divide, and the southern secessionists Hadi was opposing during his brief term in power are the only major domestic allies he has.

While both sides publicly maintain that they intend to keep Yemen unified, the split has already happened in most practical ways, and it’s unlikely the southerners will accept being retaken by the northern forces, nor that the Hadi government, which has already publicly announced it is moving its capital “temporarily” to Aden, can really rule the north from there – by Jason Ditz

2.9.2015 – The Young Post

Understanding the war in Yemen

The conflict, which broke out in March of this year, is terribly ignored by most media

Because many of us live in the comforts of a first world country, it is incredibly easy for us to disregard the sufferings of those outside our borders, to hear about crisis of injustices but choose not to sympathize because of its intangibility. We gravitate toward domestic movements and issues because international crises such as the war in Yemen are much too complex to absorb fully.

But as the Yemen war prolongs, the truth becomes blatant: ultimately, the lack of international outcry for the people of Yemen is the most tragic aspect of this war.

Over the course of months, bombs and destruction raining down from the sky and the domination of famine and thirst became accepted by the international community as mere statistics of measuring the continuation of the war.

The international apathy expressed towards Yemen grants Saudi Arabia and foreign nations such as the US the permission to attack continuously innocent lives without facing an overwhelming amount of pressure to cease the attacks and sacrifice self-interests for peace.

The child like irrationalism between the Houthis and the government under President Hadi proves even more disappointing. Allied with Saudi Arabia, President Hadi should not have allowed Saudi Arabia to bomb his own country’s infrastructure and the people he claims to represent. Hadi contains no discernible game plan for winning beyond killing Yemenis in hopes of forcing the Houthis to surrender. Bombing his own country into submission is not a winning strategy for someone who had promised to fix Yemen.

Saudi Arabia seems to be existing under a misguided fantasy that Yemen will be okay just when the Hadi government is restored. But it is clear that Yemeni resentment will only build up against Saudi Arabia and her Gulf neighbors after what seems to be an impulsive strategy with destroying Yemen as the ultimate endgame.

With internal opposition and revolts against President Hadi and international involvement against the Houthis, it is undeniable that both sides are losing, and neither side will end up with the absolute power.

Pinned in the center of the conflict, the civilians suffer the most.

Because the Houthis plan to end the era of American and foreign intervention, declaring “Death to America” in their main slogan, Saudi Arabia gained America’s support in her attacks against the rebels. And though the US denies direct participation in bombing Yemen, Saudi Arabia’s aircraft warfare as well as intelligence surveillance existence is contingent upon the US.

But to interpret the Houthi slogan of “Death to America” as plan to establish an Islamic State in Yemen that would pose a dangerous and more greater international terrorism threat than Al Qaeda would is manipulative diction and utterly absurd. But because America had heavily influenced the establishment of the Hadi government, the slogan became a widely popularized protest chant for anti-Americanism. Empathy of American hegemony in Yemen through Hadi must be grasped to understand Yemen’s anger towards America.

Instead of focusing on targeting the Houthis, America needs to put away her ego and collaborate with the Houthis against Al Qaeda expansion in Yemen. The Houthis and Saudi Arabia, if they plan on eliminating terrorist presence, should accept American counterterrorism interference as inevitable to ending terrorist attacks.

Now more than ever, the future of Yemen demands our attention. Yemen’s path towards failed statehood holds wide ranging consequences for both Yemenis and other world citizens alike – by Emily Mao

Humanitäre Lage

5.9.2015 – Sputnik News

Saudi King to Provide Fuel to Yemen, Open Red Sea Ports

US President Barack Obama and Saudi Arabian King Salman agreed on specific steps to ease the humanitarian crisis in Yemen that erupted as a result of the conflict there, the White House said following the meeting between the two leaders on Friday in Washington, DC.

"King Salman conveyed Saudi Arabia’s commitment to continue to assist the Yemeni people; to work with coalition and international partners to allow for unfettered access to assistance vetted by the UN and its partners, including fuel, to the impacted people of Yemen," the White House statement read on Friday afternoon.

To that end, the statement noted, King Salman committed to work toward opening Red Sea ports to be operated under UN supervision.

Kommentar: Der reine Hohn, sin des doch Saudis und Amerikaner, die durch Bombardements und Blockade eben diese Katastrophe verursacht haben. Was hier verlautet wird, ist plumpeste Propaganda: Massenmörder als Menschenfreunde.

4.9.2015 – Channel News Asia

UN to set up inspection regime to ease Yemen humanitarian plight

The United Nations on Thursday announced that it will set up an inspection regime to increase the flow of goods into Yemen, where the humanitarian situation has been deteriorating due to a Saudi-led coalition's military campaign against Houthi rebels.

"The United Nations, the Yemeni government and the coalition have now reached agreement on the (inspection) mechanism," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters. "The U.N. Verification and Inspection Mission, UNVIM, is now being established."

Kommentar: Ein schlechter Witz. Es waren genau die Saudis und ihre “Koalition”, die alle Lieferungen blockiert haben. Der Bock als Gärtner…

The point of the mechanism, which he said the Saudi-led coalition has accepted, is to "increase the flow of commercial goods into Yemen by sea." He added that only commercial imports would be subject to inspection.

"Shipments from U.N. humanitarian organizations, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Organization for Migration will not be subject to verification," Dujarric said.


5.9.2015 – Kurier

Jemen: Luftangriff in Sanaa trifft Waisenhaus

Die von Saudi-Arabien geführte Koalition hat bei einem Luftangriff im Jemen laut Gesundheitsministerium ein Waisenhaus getroffen und eine unbekannte Zahl von Menschen getötet. Die genaue Zahl der Opfer in der Hauptstadt Sanaa habe zunächst nicht bestimmt werden können, da die Bombardierung weiter gehe, hieß es am Samstag aus dem von schiitischen Houthi-Rebellen kontrollierten Ministerium.

5.9.2015 – AP

Toll From Yemen Rebel Attack Rises, 10 Saudi Troops Killed

A Saudi Arabian military spokesman says 10 Saudi troops were killed in a rebel missile strike a day earlier in Yemen's Marib province, which also killed 45 allied troops from the United Arab Emirates. The Saturday statement by Brig. Gen. Ahmed Asiri to broadcaster Al Hadath was the first public acknowledgement by the Saudis that they have ground troops in Yemen.

5.9.2015 – The Guardian

UAE forces bomb Yemen rebels after coalition troop deaths

Saudi-led alliance launches airstrikes against Houthi rebel postions after deadliest day yet in conflict

The United Arab Emirates has bombarded Yemeni rebels with airstrikes after 50 people, including 45 soldiers, were killed in the deadliest day yet for a Saudi-led coalition fighting the insurgents.

Emirati officials vowed that the deaths in a missile attack in the eastern province of Marib would not weaken their commitment to the coalition’s mission to restore exiled president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power. The missile hit an arms depot, triggering huge explosions that the exiled government said also killed five Bahraini coalition troops.

The UAE denounced the attack as cowardly, but the Shia Houthi rebels hailed it as revenge for six months of deadly coalition airstrikes.

Kommentar: Wieso soll ein Bombenangriff auf Militär „feige“ sein, wie die vereinigten Arabischen Emirate hier behaupten, nach 5 Monaten Luftkrieg nicht nur gegen bewaffnete Kämpfer, gegen Zivilisten, gegen die komplette Infrastruktur und versorgung eines Landes? Groteske, dumme Propaganda.

5.9.2015 – Press TV Iran

Bodies of 103 foreign troops recovered from Yemen’s Safer airport

A top Yemeni tribal source says the bodies of 103 foreign troopers have been recovered from a military airport in the central Yemeni province of Ma’rib, where they came under a rocket attack by Yemeni army forces and allied Popular Committees.

The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said authorities have identified 45 Emirati nationals as well as five Bahraini citizens among the soldiers slain in al-Safer airport, adding that the remaining corpses belong to individuals that hailed from other Arab nations, Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network reported.

He further noted that at least 70 people, mostly Emirati soldiers, also sustained injures in the Friday afternoon’s incident, and some of them are in critical condition.

The source said more than 40 armored vehicles and military trucks were destroyed in the attack. Three Apache combat helicopters also went up in flames.

Meanwhile on Saturday morning, Saudi fighter jets pounded a residential neighborhood in al- Sabain district of Sana’a province, leaving five Yemeni civilians dead.

5.9.2015 – RT

Saudi-led coalition suffers deadliest day in Yemen, as UAE & Bahrain lose 50 troops

In its deadliest battle incident ever, United Arab Emirates forces have lost at least 45 soldiers fighting among the Saudi-led coalition engaged in Yemen, after Houthi rebels reportedly fired a rocket into weapons warehouse at a military camp.

The deadly incident took place in the oil-producing Marib area of central Yemen, allegedly after the Houthi missile struck an ammunitions depot. At least 22 Emirati soldiers were killed on the spot while 23 others died from their wounds hours later, UAE state news agency WAM reported.

In a separate incident five Bahraini soldiers were killed while “defending the southern border of Saudi Arabia,” Bahrain’s official news agency BNA said. mit Bildern und Filmen

4.9.2015 – Wiener Zeitung

45 emiratische Soldaten im Jemen getötet

Beim Einsatz der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition gegen Houthi-Rebellen sind am Freitag im Jemen 45 Soldaten aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ums Leben gekommen. Das berichtete die staatliche emiratische Nachrichtenagentur WAM. Die Soldaten sind demnach bei einem Raketenangriff auf ihren Stützpunkt im Osten des Jemens getötet worden.

Der emiratische Vize-Außenminister Anwar Gargash erklärte über Twitter, eine Rakete und eine Explosion in einem Munitionslager hätten die "Märtyrer" getroffen. Ein Houthi-Anführer sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, Anhänger der Rebellen hätten eine Rakete auf einen Militärstützpunkt in der Stadt Safir östlich der Hauptstadt Sanaa abgeschossen. Dabei seien Dutzende Gegner getötet oder verletzt worden. Die von den Houthis kontrollierte Nachrichtenagentur Sana meldete, auch Hubschrauber und Panzer seien zerstört worden. Waffendepots gingen demnach in Flammen auf.

4.9.2015 – Stern

22 emiratische Soldaten bei Einsatz im Jemen ums Leben gekommen

Sanaa - Beim Einsatz der von Saudi-Arabien geführten Koalition gegen Huthi-Rebellen sind im Jemen 22 Soldaten aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten ums Leben gekommen. Das berichtete die staatliche emiratische Nachrichtenagentur WAM. Weitere Einzelheiten zu den Umständen nannte sie zunächst nicht. Die von den Huthis kontrollierte Nachrichtenagentur Sana meldete, eine Rakete habe Dutzende «Söldner» der Saudis getötet. Die Emirate sind Teil der Koalition, die seit März die schiitischen Rebellen und deren Verbündete regelmäßig aus der Luft angreifen.

4.9.2015 – Aljazeera

UAE says 22 Emirati soldiers killed in Yemen

Twenty-two soldiers from the United Arab Emirates' military have been killed while taking part in a Saudi-led military campaign against Yemen's Houthi rebels, according to the country's state news agency WAM.

At least five other Emirati soldiers have been killed in Yemen since the offensive began.

There were conflicting reports of the cause of the 22 soldiers' deaths.

The Houthis said they fired a rocket at a weapons cache in a camp used by coalition forces in the central Marib area, killing dozens of Emirati and Yemeni soldiers and destroying a number of Apache helicopters and armed vehicles, according to the Reuters news agency.

In contrast, Yemeni military sources told the AFP news agency that Arab coalition soldiers were among those killed in what they said was an accidental explosion at an ammunition store. dazu auch

Kommentar: Verrückte Propaganda-Wortwahl: Sind die Houthis keine Jemeniten?

3.9.2015 – Stratfor

Yemen: Saudi-Led Coalition Plans To Take Sanaa Soon

The Saudi-led coalition combating Houthi militants in Yemen intends to take control of Sanaa within three days, according to coalition sources, Al-Arabiya television reported Sept. 3. Anti-Houthi troops are in place east of Sanaa in the Marib province and a training camp was recently established in al-Jawf province. Houthi forces are losing ground to the coalition offensive, but the advance has slowed in areas where forces loyal to former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh are stationed.

2.9.2015 – Sputnik News

Jemens Außenminister bestätigt Invasion seines Landes durch Saudi-Arabien

Jemens Außenminister Riad Yasin hat die Invasion seines Landes durch Saudi-Arabien bestätigt. „Bodentruppen Saudi-Arabiens und der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) sind in Jemen einmarschiert“, teilte der Minister am Mittwoch in einem Exklusivinterview der Nachrichtenagentur Sputniknews mit. „Bald werden wir ein neues Fest der Befreiung Jemens begehen – diesmal von den Huthi-Rebellen. Die Militärs Saudi-Arabiens, der VAE und Jemens gehen aktiv gegen die Rebellen vor“, sagte Yasin.

Politik der USA

4.9.2015 – Foreign Policy

Yemen Burns, Salman Lives Large

Whether Washington can jumpstart peace talks in Yemen, however, remains to be seen. Saudi Arabia sees its war as part of a larger struggle for regional influence, with the kingdom’s supporters describing it as one front in a larger effort to combat Iranian influence in the Middle East. During this visit to Washington, Saudi officials are now looking for assurances that the United States will continue to oppose any meddling by Tehran in the Middle East in the aftermath of the nuclear agreement — and indeed, the Obama administration is currently finalizing a $1 billion arms deal that would provide Riyadh with more weapons to use against its enemies in Yemen.

In addition to selling weapons to Riyadh, the United States is providingtargeting intelligence and refueling capabilities for the Saudi-led coalition. And some former U.S. officials argue that the very public links with the war effort are reason enough for Washington to do more to shape the campaign.

“In our media, we call it the Saudi air campaign; in the Middle East, it’s called the Saudi-American air campaign,” said Barbara Bodine a former U.S. ambassador to Yemen who is now a professor at Georgetown University. “Can we use our leverage to try to get the Saudis to change their policy? Frankly, I think yes we can. And I think we should at least be seen to be trying.” – by David Kenner

4.9.2015 – RT

Washington rolls out red carpet for Saudi king to discuss bloody Yemen war, Iran, Syria

The king of Saudi Arabia is visiting Washington in style, but the substance of his talks will focus on the Iran nuclear deal and the bloody wars in Syria and Yemen. Riyadh expects more US support for its interventions, but may have to settle for weapons.

US President Barack Obama is hoping to get the Saudi monarch’s endorsement for the nuclear deal with Iran, which would help overcome the last vestiges of domestic opposition. The UN, European powers, Russia and China have already endorsed the agreement, but Republican lawmakers and Israel are campaigning to prevent it from taking effect.

In return, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is expected to ask for greater US backing for the Saudi campaign in Yemen and the Saudi-backed rebels in Syria. Riyadh sees both the government in Damascus and the Houthi rebels in Yemen as allies or proxies of Iran. Efforts to overthrow the Syrian government and crush the Houthis have not proven very successful, while resulting in massive civilian casualties and large numbers of refugees.

“Saudis could very well be deliberately attacking civilians,” Dr. Stephen Zunes, professor at the University of San Francisco told RT. While the Saudis are not acting in Yemen as US proxies, but pursuing their own objectives, the US could use its leverage as Riyadh’s principal arms supplier to curb the indiscriminate bombing, Zunes said.

That appears unlikely, however, as the US is keen on selling even more weapons and ammunition to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have already bought $2 billion worth of US missiles earlier this year, and in July the Pentagon announced that a $5.4 billion deal for more missiles was in the works.

“The purchase of the PAC-3 missiles will support current and future defense missions and promote stability within the region,” the Pentagon said, referring to the third-generation Patriot counter-missiles cleared for sale to Riyadh.

4.9.2015 – Military

Obama Says US Shares Saudi Concerns about Yemen Instability

President Barack Obama says the U.S. shares Saudi Arabia's concerns about Yemen and the need to restore an inclusive and functioning government there.

Kommentar: Plumpeste Propaganda: Saudis und Amerikaner haben diese Instabilität zum großen Teil selbst verschuldet.

4.9.2015 – Consortium News

In Bed with the Reactionary Saudis

The U.S.-Saudi alliance is no longer just an anachronism. It has become a dangerous anachronism with the Saudis implicating the United States in their brutal sectarian conflicts, such as the wars in Yemen and Syria, and in their reactionary human rights policies.

Saudi King Salman visits Washington amid disagreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia on a broad range of issues. Moreover, the disagreements are rooted in fundamental characteristics of the anachronistic Saudi regime.

The Saudis will continue to look for ways to discourage others, including the United States, from developing warm relations with their rival across the Persian Gulf, but this will not preclude the Saudis themselves, along with the other Gulf Arabs, from undertaking their own rapprochement with Tehran, just as they have done in the past.

In hot spot after hot spot in the Middle East, U.S. and Saudi objectives and priorities diverge, even if in some loose sense they are considered to be on the same side. In war-torn Syria, the United States and Saudi Arabia have never agreed on whether the ouster of the Assad regime or the containment of ISIS should be the main objective.

Saudi priorities are based on a variety of considerations that are specific to it and not to the United States, including hatred of the Assads for whatever role they may have played in the assassination of Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri, a special friend of the Saudis. Reflecting the different priorities and objectives is disagreement over selection and vetting of Syrian rebels to be deemed worthy of support.

In Iraq, Saudi priorities are influenced by some of the same sectarian motives that shape Saudi policy toward Syria. And again, such motives are quite different from U.S. interests.

In Yemen, the United States has allowed itself to become associated with a destructive and misguided Saudi military expedition, and thus also with the humanitarian tragedy that the operation has entailed. The main Saudi objective is to show who’s boss on the Arabian Peninsula, another objective not shared with the United States. Saudi Arabia’s operation has shown itself, more so than Iran, to be a destabilizing force intent on throwing its weight around in the neighborhood.

In his most recent column Tom Friedman identifies what may be the most worrisome thing about Saudi Arabia for U.S. interests: “the billions and billions of dollars the Saudis have invested since the 1970s into wiping out the pluralism of Islam — the Sufi, moderate Sunni and Shiite versions — and imposing in its place the puritanical, anti-modern, anti-women, anti-Western, anti-pluralistic Wahhabi Salafist brand of Islam promoted by the Saudi religious establishment.”

Friedman notes that Islamist extremist groups that the United States has come to consider preeminent security concerns, including Al Qaeda and now ISIS, “are the ideological offspring of the Wahhabism injected by Saudi Arabia into mosques and madrasas from Morocco to Pakistan to Indonesia.”

The specific terrorist consequences of what the Saudis have done is justifiably an immediate concern for U.S. policy-makers. But the underlying bargain that Ibn Saud, the founder of the current Saudi kingdom, reached years ago with the Wahhabis also underlies much else that makes Saudi Arabia what it is today, and makes it the problem that it is. The kingdom’s troublesome characteristics are inextricably linked to how Ibn Saud’s offspring are trying to claim legitimacy and thus to cling to power – by Paul R. Pillar, ex-CIA-analyst

3.9.2015 – New York Times

An Arms Deal Is Aimed at Saudis’ Iran Worries

In a move meant to reassure a vital Persian Gulf ally about the Iran nuclear deal, the Pentagon is finalizing a $1 billion arms agreement with Saudi Arabia that will provide weapons for the Saudi war effort against the Islamic State and Yemen, senior administration officials said Thursday.

Details of the pact are being worked out ahead of a visit by King Salman of Saudi Arabia to the White House on Friday, the officials said, adding that the deal must be approved by Congress before it is final. The two leaders are also expected to discuss additional military training that the United States can provide for Saudi Arabia as it adopts a more muscular stance in the region.

The weapons deal, although not the largest between the United States and Saudi Arabia, comes at a time when the Obama administration is promising Arab allies that it will back them against what many Arab governments view as a rising Iran. It also comes as the Middle East is descending into proxy wars, sectarian conflicts and battles against terrorist networks.

The result is that countries in the region that had stockpiled American military hardware are now using it and wanting more, a boon for American defense contractors – by HELENE COOPER and GARDINER HARRIS

3.9.2015 – Washington Times

DHS grants temporary legal status to Yemeni citizens

The Obama administration Thursday announced it will grant legal status and halt deportations for potentially thousands of citizens of Yemen, saying the security situation on the ground there is so bad that the U.S. has a moral obligation to protect people.

Applicants must undergo a security screening and must prove they were in the U.S. as of Sept. 3 in order to qualify. They will win an 18-month reprieve from being kicked out of the U.S. – by Stephen Dinan

3.9.2015 – Press TV Iran

Saudi, Lockheed nearing deal for warships

Saudi Arabia is nearing an end in its talks with the United States to buy two warships made by Lockheed Martin Corp.

The $1-billion-plus deal could be reached by the end of the year, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters this week.

The deal appears to be part of the Saudi Naval Expansion Program II, under discussion for years with the aim of modernizing the Royal Saudi Navy’s aging US warships.

According to US sources, the program has been accelerated after the conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and the global powers in mid-July.

"We’re not seeing that any strains in the US–Saudi government to government relationship are inhibiting the business relationships," said one source. "The Saudis remain very interested in buying US technology."

2.9.2015 – New York Times

Our Radical Islamic BFF, Saudi Arabia

The title greatest “purveyors of radical Islam” does not belong to the Iranians. Not even close. That belongs to our putative ally Saudi Arabia.

If you think Iran is the only source of trouble in the Middle East, you must have slept through 9/11, when 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia. Nothing has been more corrosive to the stability and modernization of the Arab world, and the Muslim world at large, than the billions and billions of dollars the Saudis have invested since the 1970s into wiping out the pluralism of Islam — the Sufi, moderate Sunni and Shiite versions — and imposing in its place the puritanical, anti-modern, anti-women, anti-Western, anti-pluralistic Wahhabi Salafist brand of Islam promoted by the Saudi religious establishment.

It is not an accident that several thousand Saudis have joined the Islamic State or that Arab Gulf charities have sent ISIS donations. It is because all these Sunni jihadist groups — ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Nusra Front — are the ideological offspring of the Wahhabism injected by Saudi Arabia into mosques and madrasas from Morocco to Pakistan to Indonesia.

And we, America, have never called them on that — because we’re addicted to their oil and addicts never tell the truth to their pushers.

Many American allies have been a source of terrorism by supporting Wahhabi ideology, which basically destroyed the pluralism that emerged in Islam since the 14thcentury, ranging from Bektashi Islam in Albania, which believes in living with other religions, to Sufi and Shiite Islam – by Thomas L. Friedman

Politik der EU

28.8.2015 – Nachdenkseiten

Massenflucht – Vorboten einer neuzeitlichen Völkerwanderung

Allmählich dämmert es auch den eifrigsten Verfechtern eines kurzen Prozesses mit „Asylbetrügern“ und „Wirtschaftsflüchtlingen“, dass es nicht damit getan ist, Ressentiments gegen Menschen in Not zu schüren. Denn was wir gerade beobachten können, ist nichts weniger als der Vorabend einer neuzeitlichen Völkerwanderung. Die Hunderttausende, die in unsere Städte und Dörfer strömen, sind nur die Vorhut. Viele Millionen stehen bereit, ihnen nachzufolgen. Der deutsche Innenminister musste deshalb die Jahresprognose für die in Deutschland ankommenden Asylbewerber kurzerhand von 450.000 auf 800.000 nahezu verdoppeln.

Was wir derzeit in TV-Bildern sehen, sind Flüchtlingsströme von Arm nach Reich und solche aus Kriegsgebieten in vermeintlich sichere Zufluchtsorte. Wir, die alteingesessenen Bewohner der wohlhabenden und befriedeten Länder Europas, müssen diese Entwicklung nicht schön finden. Doch darauf kommt es überhaupt nicht an. Denn niemand fragt uns nach unserer Meinung. Die Elenden und Verzweifelten dieser Welt machen sich einfach auf den Weg. Auf Gedeih und Verderb.

Bei der Suche nach den Fluchtursachen fällt sofort auf, dass die mit Abstand meisten Flüchtlinge aus Ländern kommen, die in den letzten 20 Jahren Schauplätze von Kriegen waren: das ehemalige Jugoslawien, Afghanistan, Irak, Syrien, Äthiopien, Somalia. Nach einer Statistik des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) waren 2014 die genannten Staaten und ihre Zerfallsprodukte die 10 wichtigsten Herkunftsländer für Asylbewerber in Deutschland. Kennzeichnend für fast alle Kriege in den genannten Staaten sind völkerrechtswidrige Militärinterventionen, zumeist der USA und ihrer Bündnispartner. Das legt die Annahme nahe, dass diese Kriege hauptursächlich für die großen Fluchtbewegungen der Gegenwart sind. Diese Kriege bedeuteten Tod, Verarmung, Anarchie, Zerfall von Gesellschaften, religiös motivierte Massaker und Massenflucht. Nie gelang es, stabile Demokratien einzuführen oder gar Menschenrechte zu sichern. Wer also Massenflucht eingrenzen will, muss in einem ersten Schritt militärische Abenteuer unterbinden und Militärbündnisse wie die Nato auf reine Verteidigungsaufgaben zurückführen. Das Gesagte gilt auch für schwelende Konfliktherde wie etwa Iran oder Ukraine. Wenn auch von dort Flüchtlingsströme einsetzen würden, wäre das allein schon wegen des Bevölkerungsreichtums dieser Länder eine Katastrophe unvorstellbaren Ausmaßes.

Leidtragende der Interventionskriege sind neben den gepeinigten und entwurzelten Menschen, den Flüchtlingen, insbesondere die Länder in der Peripherie der Fluchtstaaten. Das sind vor allem die ohnehin problembehafteten Staaten des Nahen Ostens und des südlichen Europas. Die USA, gut gesichert durch zwei Ozeane, bleiben von den Fluchtauswirkungen verschont. Ausbaden müssen ihre Kriege andere, auch die Bündnispartner. Der deutsche Beitrag muss deshalb primär darin bestehen, jede politische und militärische Unterstützung für Interventionskriege rigoros abzulehnen und eigene Waffenlieferungen in Krisenregionen einzustellen. Verstöße hiergegen bezahlen wir unweigerlich mit neuen Flüchtlingsströmen – von Peter Vonnahme

Kommentar: Nur eine schmale Meerenge trennt Jemen von Eritrea, einem Land, das bei der Zahl der in der EU Asyl Suchenden ganz vorne liegt. Die Jemeniten werden kommen, auch noch Jahre, nachdem der Krieg einmal aufgehört hat. Denn in diesem fragilen und durch Gegensätze zerrissenen Land wird auf lange Zeit nichts mehr aufgebaut werden. Und damit wird es für viele Millionen Menschen keine Lebensgrundlage mehr geben. Danke, Amerika.

Politik von Deutschland

3.9.2015 – Rationalgalerie

Deutsche Waffen machen Flüchtlinge

Saudi Arabien mit Bomben und Panzern im Jemen

Im Berliner Innenministerium haben sie auf die Land-Karte geschaut: Prima, der Jemen liegt nicht am Mittelmeer. Selbst wenn ein Boot voller Flüchtlinge durch das Rote Meer führe, spätestens im Suez-Kanal wäre Schluss mit Flucht. Auch der Landweg nach Europa ist ziemlich unmöglich. Aufatmen. Zwar sind dank einer von Saudi Arabien geführten Militärintervention im Jemen nach UN-Angaben im Land bereis 1,4 Millionen Menschen als Binnenflüchtlinge unterwegs. Wie lange es die im Land hält, ist ungewiss. Deshalb stellt sich die UN schon mal auf 100.000 Flüchtlinge in den nächsten sechs Monaten ein. Ordentliche Flüchtlinge, die außer Landes fliehen. Aber nach Deutschland werden sie es nicht schaffen.

Zwischen 2001 und 2014 billigte die deutsche Regierung Rüstungsverkäufe im Wert von fast 2,6 Milliarden an die saudische Diktatur. Das sichert Profite der deutschen Rüstungsindustrie. Auch die anderen Länder der Jemen-Überfall-Aktion sind in den Kundenbüchern der deutschen Industrie verzeichnet. Feuerleiteinrichtungen, Kriegsschiffe, Munition, Kleinwaffen sowie Fahrzeuge und Panzer sind die wesentlichen Exportgüter. Natürlich wurden Tornado-Panavia Kampfbomber auch schon geliefert. Das ist bei Saudi Arabien besonders pikant. Denn Hilfsgelder und Investitionen fließen vom saudischen Verteidigungsministerium nicht nur in den Syrien-Krieg, sondern auch in die pakistanische Rüstungsindustrie. Weitgehend gesichert ist eine Beteiligung Saudi-Arabiens am pakistanischen Atom-Programm. Macht nichts. Denn die Saudis sind FREUNDE der deutschen US-FREUNDE und außerdem gute Kunden.

Entschlossen schweigt die Bundesregierung zu ihrem Anteil am neuesten Kriegsverbrechen ihrer Freunde. Entschlossen schweigen auch die Freunde der neuen deutschen Verantwortung in den Medien. Die SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG schafft es in diesen Tagen, einen ganzseitigen Artikel über die vom Krieg gefährdeten "märchenhaft schönen" Bauten in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt zu verbrechen, ohne mit einem einzigen Wort auf die wirkliche deutsche Verantwortung einzugehen: Die Ausrüstung der arabischen Kriegsparteien mit teuren und effektiven deutschen Waffen.

"Was die Frage der ankommenden syrischen Flüchtlinge anbelangt, so sehe ich ehrlich gesagt keine Mitverantwortung Deutschlands" erbricht die Kanzlerin zum Flüchtlingsthema. Und natürlich kann man das Wort syrisch jederzeit gegen afghanisch oder irakisch austauschen. Immer hatte und hat die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ihre schmutzigen Finger in den Kriegen des nahen und mittleren Ostens. Ob Kanzlerin oder Medien: Die vorgetragene Empathie gegenüber den Flüchtlingen ist nichts anderes als miese Heuchelei, solange die deutsche Mitschuld nicht benannt wird – von U. Gellermann =

Politik Saudi-Arabiens

4.9.2015 – Mint Press News

Puritanically Radical, Radically Puritanical: Saudi Arabia’s Religious Cleansing Policy Expands Through ME

“ISIS and, through ISIS, Saudi Arabia has declared war on religious pluralism to impose its own dogmatic and bigoted interpretation of Islam in the Middle East. The real crime against humanity here is being blind and deaf to it,” a religious scholar tells MintPress.

Dubbed “the fountainhead of Islamist terrorism” by Yousaf Butt, senior advisor to the British American Security Information Council, Saudi Arabia has found itself at the center of many controversies over the past year.

From inspiring and supporting the Wahhabi ideology of ISIS to fuelling sectarianism in the Middle East to better assert its all-Sunni state agenda in a bid to monopolize the oil market, the kingdom appears to have enacted a disturbing religious agenda that harkens back to the 1930s, when white supremacists thought to cleanse their genetic patrimoine to give rise to a purer, more “worthy” racial legacy.

Though Riyadh didn’t exactly come out screaming that all Shiite Muslims and other religious minorities should be disappeared, Hasan Sufyani, a leading political analyst at the Sana’a Institute for Arabic Studies, argues that the kingdom’s henchmen are laying the groundwork for a religious cleansing movement.

“Religious minorities in the Middle East have never been under such aggravated threat. Christians in Iraq and Syria have been massacred en masse, Shia Muslims have been persecuted, their faith belittled and chastised by radicals on Riyadh’s payroll,” Sufyani told MintPress News.

“Worse still,” he added, “the kingdom has simultaneously funded a grand regional anti-Shia political campaign to better ostracize its political and religious representants while the world’s communities have become accustomed to such public flagellation.”

But if religion has been propelled to the forefront of this engineered divide, the root cause of Saudi Arabia’s ire remains tied up to geo-economics — namely, control over oil and gas resources. Religion and religious legitimacy are but a smokescreen to mask the kingdom’s agenda and create a rallying point for the Sunni Islamic world – by Catherine Shakdam

3.9.2015 – Al Araby

Should Riyadh annex part of Yemen?

A document signed by 95 tribal figures from Hadramaut, eastern Yemen, calling on Saudi Arabia to annex their province to the kingdom, has caused a storm on social media. The signatories claimed the provinces of Hadramaut, Mahara and Shabwa were historically part of Saudi Arabia, not Yemen.The document cites "Shia expansion" to justify the request. "We hope that our country would be blessed by joining the banner of monotheism, to head off the ambitions of the Shia," the letter told King Salman bin Abdul Aziz.Oil-rich Hadramaut is the largest province in Yemen, and shares a long border with Saudi Arabia. More than a million people live there.The document, whose text appears to predate Operation Decisive Storm, was leaked in parallel with controversial remarks made by the Deputy Chairman of the Dubai police, Dahi Khalfan, who called on Twitter for the accession of Hadramaut and Aden provinces into the Gulf Cooperation Council.Reaction on social media was split.

1.9.2015 – Telepolis

Radikale Koranauslegung und islamistisches Gedankengut

Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker kritisiert den von Saudi-Arabien, Katar und der AKP finanzierten Schulunterricht in türkischen Flüchtlingslagern

In der Türkei leben derzeit knapp zwei Millionen Flüchtlinge aus dem Bürgerkriegsland Syrien - viele davon in Lagern in der Nähe der Grenze. Die Kinder in solchen Lagern besuchen meistens keine regulären Schulen, sondern einen Unterricht, der zum großen Teil von Gruppen organisiert wird, die das Geld dafür vor allem aus Katar, Saudi-Arabien und von der türkischen AKP erhalten. Das wirkt sich der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) zufolge negativ aus, weil die Schüler schon in jungen Jahren mit Intoleranz indoktriniert werden.

GfBV-Nahostreferent Dr. Kamal Sido, ein syrisch-kurdischer Historiker, der seit 1990 in Deutschland lebt, kritisiert unter anderem eine "radikale Koranauslegung" und " islamistisches Gedankengut", das die Kinder "belaste", weil sie daraus kein "friedliches Miteinander im Umgang mit Nicht-Muslimen und Nicht-Sunniten" lernten. Bei einem Türkeibesuch im Januar und Februar führten besorgte kurdische Flüchtlinge aus Syrien Dr. Sido unter anderem vor, dass ihren Kinder in der Flüchtlingsschule Lieder wie das antisemitische "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh ihr Juden, die Armee Mohammeds wird zurückkommen" beigebracht werden – von Peter Mühlbauer

28.8.2015 – Telepolis

Saudi-Arabien versinkt im jemenitischen Sumpf

Besonders pikant ist in diesem Zusammenhang, dass sich die militärische Überlegenheit Riads aus den massiven Waffenlieferungen des Westens speist, die von raffgierigen Rüstungsfabrikanten angetrieben werden, beziehungsweise durch deren Lobby-Organisationen, deren Arme bis hinein in die Parlamente der westlichen Welt reichen. Wie sonst wäre es zu erklären, dass die vom Westen verkündeten Menschenrechtspostulate, die beispielsweise gegenüber Russland und Iran zu Embargos führten, anscheinend gegenüber Riad keine Anwendung finden?

Waren die saudischen Aggressionen gegenüber dem Jemen bisher von militärischen Erfolgen gekennzeichnet, scheint sich das Blatt inzwischen zu wenden. Angesichts der militärischen Überlegenheit ihrer Feinde praktizieren die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen des Jemens eine Taktik des asymmetrischen Kriegs, welche auch den US-Truppen in Afghanistan und im Irak zu schaffen machte, sowie der israelischen Armee im Süd-Libanon – von Ramon Schack

24.8.2015 – Telepolis

IS sprengt 1.900 Jahre alten Tempel. Weitere Zerstörungen von antiken Kulturgütern wahrscheinlich

Die Terrorgruppe Islamischer Staat hat in der am 20. Mai von ihr eroberten Stadt Palmyra eine der ehemals wichtigsten Touristenattraktionen Syriens zerstört: Einen 1.900 Jahre alten Tempel, in dem in der Antike die semitische Gottheit Ba'al Šamem ("Herr des Himmels") verehrt wurde. Das verkündete gestern Professor Maamoun Abdulkarim, der Generaldirektor der antiken Stätten und Museen Syriens. Er beruft sich auf Augenzeugenberichte von in der Stadt verbliebenen Einwohnern, nach denen die Terroristen große Mengen Sprengstoff in den Tempel schleppten, den sie anschließend zündeten. Dabei sollen die Säulen eingestürzt und der innere Bereich, die Cella, völlig zerstört worden sein.

Solche Zerstörungen sind Bestandteil der Monotheismusvorstellungen von Salafisten. Bereits die Wahabiten machten alle Heiligengräber, derer sie habhaft werden konnten, dem Erdboden gleich, als sie Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts Mekka und Medina eroberten. Lediglich bei der Grabmoschee Mohammeds machten sie eine Ausnahme (die inzwischen infrage gestellt wird). Auch die afghanischen Taliban beriefen sich auf solche Vorstellungen, als sie sechs Monate vor den 9/11-Attentaten die antiken Buddhastatuen von Bamiyan sprengten. – von Peter Mühlbauer

24.5.2015 – Let Us Build Pakistan

Doctrine of armed jihad or doctrine of Saudi Wahhabi caliphate?

While the world is being wrecked by terrorist acts of Wahhabi-Deobandi extremists right from Boston to Woolwich and Madrid to Kabul, a concerted effort is being made to hide the central role of the supremacist, totalitarian ideology that is being spread by Saudi Arabia. 95 percent of terrorists follow shades of Saudi literalist ideology, i.e., Takfiri Wahhabi-Deobandi sect

The Saudi Kingdom along with its protege states like UAE, Qatar etc is an epicentre for spreading this supremacist ideology in the form of virulent intolerant strand of Islam, i.e., Wahhabi-Salafi ideology. In South Asia and Afghanistan, the Deobandi sub-sect is closely aligned with and generously funded by the Saudis.

Saudi Arabia has invested billions of dollars from Indonesia to North America and from South Africa to Scandinavia in order to promote its Wahhabi-Salafi doctrine in the shape of mosques, madrassas, media, think tanks and advocacy groups.

Consequently in the global mainstream media, there is a coordinated and deliberate effort to hide, dilute and obscure the ideology of the Wahhabi-Salafi perpetrators of violence. Similar efforts are undertaken to obfuscate the fact that terrorism in the West as well as in Muslim countries remains, in the main, a Wahhabi-Deobandi phenomenon.

An often used tactic by certain respected Western journalists (e.g., Declan Walsh of the New York Times, Sadanand Dhume of the Wall Street Journal etc) is to resort to sweeping generalizations and describe the Wahhabi-Deobandi militants as Sunni extremists. Besides dangerous stereotyping, this tactic also obfuscates the central role of the Saudi Wahhabi Kingdom which not only provides ideological impetus to terrorists but also provides them with financial, moral and political support.

A term that is being used by some sections of the mainstream media is the doctrine of armed jihad. This once again serves to hide the Wahhabi-Deobandi identity of terrorists.

The central tenant of this supremacist ideology is to create artificial binaries between Muslims and non-Muslims and also between Sunni and Shia Muslims, therefore justifying murder and violence. Hence, simply stating that the doctrine of armed Jihad is the cause of terrorism is to put the cart before the horse. Even worse, this also completely obscures and hides the Saudi agenda that has the world in the grip of its fascist ideology today – by SK

5.12.2012 – Washington’s Blog

Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11

30.9.2012 – France 24

How Saudi petrodollars fuel rise of Salafism

Since the 2011 Arab revolts, a loose network of underground zealots has evolved into a potent and highly vocal force. Behind the remarkable rise of Salafism lies the world’s leading producer of oil – and extremist Islam: Saudi Arabia.

When protesters incensed by an anti-Muslim video scaled the walls of the US embassy in Cairo on September 11, tearing down the Stars and Stripes, a black flag could be seen floating above the battered compound. From Sanaa, in Yemen, to Libya’s Benghazi, the same black banner, emblem of the Salafists, soon became a ubiquitous sight as anti-US protests spread like wildfire across the Arab world. The 2011 Arab uprisings have served the Salafists well. With the old dictators gone, a once subterranean network of hardliners has sprung into prominence – funded by a wealthy Gulf patron locked in a post-Arab Spring rivalry with a fellow Gulf monarchy.

Less well known is who is paying for all this – and why.

For regional experts, diplomats and intelligence services, the answer to the first question lies in the seemingly endless flow of petrodollars coming from oil-rich Saudi Arabia. “There is plenty of evidence pointing to the fact that Saudi money is financing the various Salafist groups,” said Samir Amghar.

According to Antoine Basbous, who heads the Paris-based Observatory of Arab Countries, “the Salafism we hear about in Mali and North Africa is in fact the export version of Wahhabism,” Basboud told France 24.

Not all of the cash comes from Saudi state coffers. “Traditionally, the money is handed out by members of the royal family, businessmen or religious leaders, and channelled via Muslim charities and humanitarian organizations,” said Karim Sader, a political analyst who specializes in the Gulf states, in an interview with FRANCE 24.

Other, slightly less shadowy recipients of Saudi petrodollars include the numerous religious institutions built around the Arab world to preach Wahhabi Islam, as well as the growing list of Saudi satellite channels that provide a platform for radical Salafist preachers. A large share of the booty also goes to Arab students attending religious courses at the kingdom’s universities in Medina, Riyadh and the Mecca.

Exporting its own brand of Islam is not the only item on Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy agenda. “While they see themselves as the guardians of Islamic doctrine and have always generously financed Muslim missionaries, the Saudis’ priority is not to ‘salafise’ the Muslim world,” explained Amghar. “Their real aim is to consolidate their political and ideological influence by establishing a network of supporters capable of defending the kingdom’s strategic and economic interests.” – by Mark Daou

5.12.2010 – The Guardian

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists

Saudi Arabia is the world's largest source of funds for Islamist militant groups such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba – but the Saudi government is reluctant to stem the flow of money, according to Hillary Clinton.

"More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups," says a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state. Her memo urged US diplomats to redouble their efforts to stop Gulf money reaching extremists in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

"Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide," she said.

Three other Arab countries are listed as sources of militant money: Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

The cables highlight an often ignored factor in the Pakistani and Afghan conflicts: that the violence is partly bankrolled by rich, conservative donors across the Arabian Sea whose governments do little to stop them – by Declan Walsh

Politik der Houthis

3.9.2015 – Middle East Monitor

Yemen’s GPC say refuse to participate in Houthi unity government

Yemen’s General People’s Congress Party, led by former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, announced on Wednesday that it will not participate in a unity government to be formed by Houthi rebels.

The party’s official website reported unnamed media sources as saying that the Ansar Allah Houthi group who seized power on 21 September, 2014, have every right to form a government with their partners.

“The General People’s Congress has decided that it will not participate in the Houthi government until the group abolishes its constitutional declaration announced on 6 February, under which it resolved parliament and granted their revolutionary committees the head of state authorities,” the group said.

3.9.2015 – Yemen Post

Houthis in negotiations to form Yemen government

The Houthi militant group is holding negotiations with its allies in order to form a Yemeni government replacing the one staying in and acting from Riyadh, well-informed sources said on Thursday.

However, spokesperson for the General People's Congress, GPC, Abdu Al-Janadi told the Khabar News Agency that his party is not engaged in the negotiations.

Our party will not be a partner within the government to be formed and led by the Houthis but will take such a government positively, Al-Janadi said.

Al-Janadi revealed that there are disagreements between the party and the Houthis over the Houthi Constitutional Declaration and Supreme Revolutionary Committee.

Our party is demanding the Houthi group to terminate the declaration and the committee as it affirms that the House of Representatives is still the legitimate body to fill power.

Terrorismus – IS – Al Qaida

5.9.2015 - Taiz (arabisch)

The death toll from a suicide bombing that targeted a gathering of Houthis in Tahrir Square yesterday. 53 people dead and more than 130 wounded, including 20 injured are in serious condition.

The following are some of the names of the dead and the wounded, according to the Organizational Committee of the Houthis: The names of those killed in the revolution Hospital (folgt Liste mit Namen)

Kommentar: 53 Tote - und die einzige Meldung, die ich fand, auf einer lokalen Webseite!

3.9.2015 – Telepolis

Schwarze Fahnen in Aden

Zusammenarbeit zwischen IS und al-Qaida - Sunnitenallianz soll Sturm auf Sanaa vorbereiten

In Aden, der ehemaligen Hauptstadt des Südjemen, wehen Augenzeugen zufolge von zahlreichen - auch öffentlichen - Gebäuden die schwarzen Fahnen des Islamischen Staats (IS). Die Terrorgruppe übt dort angeblich nicht nur symbolisch, sondern auch praktisch Macht aus: Am 23. August sollen IS-Salafisten nach Erkenntnissen von Human Rights Watch schiitische Gefangene in orangefarbenen Overals gefesselt in ein Boot gesteckt haben, das sie anschließend vor der Küste sprengten.

Solche Berichte deuten darauf hin, dass die Armee der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, die die 800.000-Einwohner-Stadt am 4. August mit französischen Leclerc-Panzern besetzte, faktisch deutlich weniger Kontrolle über Aden hat als die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Sunnitenallianz zum Sturz der im letzten Jahr gewaltsam an die Macht gelangten schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen dies darstellt. – von Peter Mühlbauer

3.9.2015 – TAZ

Doppelanschlag auf Moschee

Ein Selbstmordattentäter hat sich in Sanaa in die Luft gesprengt. Danach detonierte davor eine Autobombe. 28 Menschen starben. Der IS soll den Anschlag verübt haben

Bei einem Doppelanschlag auf eine Moschee in der jemenitischen Hauptstadt Sanaa sind der Nachrichtenagentur Saba zufolge mindestens 28 Menschen getötet worden. Wie das von den Huthi-Rebellen kontrollierte und ehemals staatliche Medium berichtete, wurden 75 weitere verletzt. Über Twitter verbreiteten Dschihadisten ein mutmaßliches Bekennerschreiben der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS).

Ein Vertreter der Gesundheitsbehörde sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, ein Selbstmordattentäter habe sich im Gotteshaus während eines Gebets in die Luft gesprengt. Als Rettungskräfte die Verletzten bargen, detonierte vor der Moschee demnach eine Autobombe.!5229654/ siehe auch

3.9.2015 – Gulf News

Death toll in Daesh Yemen mosque attack rises to 32

A further 92 people were wounded in Wednesday’s bombings

2.9.2015 – CNN

ISIS claims responsibility for bombings at Yemeni mosque

At least 28 people were killed in two suicide bombings at a mosque in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, the Houthi-controlled state-run Saba news agency said Wednesday.

ISIS claimed responsibility on social media for the attacks.

Dozens of people were wounded in the bombings, Yemeni Defense Ministry officials said.

The first attack targeted Al Moayyad mosque, a pro-Houthi neighborhood in northern Sanaa and the second bombing took place as civilians were trying to help the victims of the first attack, ministry officials said.

This is the fifth mosque attack over the past two months in Sanaa – by Steve Almasy and Hakim Almasmari

2.9.2015 – BBC

Yemen crisis: Sanaa mosque bombings kill at least 20, officials say

A double suicide bomb attack on a Shia mosque in Yemen's capital Sanaa has killed at least 20 people and left many more injured, medical officials say.

Eyewitnesses report that one bomber blew himself up as worshippers left the mosque, before a car bomb was set off as people came to help the casualties.

It is believed a lone gunman opened fire on their vehicle as they travelled through the northern province of Amran on the way from the Houthi stronghold Saada.

Weitere Artikel zum IS und dem Verhältnis zu den USA, sowie zum Drohnenkrieg

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