Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 153

Yemen Press Reader 153: Jemen: Befreit gefangene Kinder! - UN setzt Saudi-Koalition auf Schwarze Liste - Humanitäre Krise - Al Kaida in Mukalla - Kerrys Lügen über Jemen - Huthi-Massaker in Taiz

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Yemen: Free imprisoned children! - UN blacklists Saudi coalition - Humanitarian crisis - Al Qaida in Mukalla - Kerry's lies on Yemen - Houthi massacre in Taiz - and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

2.6.2016 – Human Rights Watch (** A H P)

Yemen: Free Captive Children

Prisoner Exchange Being Negotiated

(Beirut) – The parties to the conflict in Yemen should release captured children and make a commitment to not re-enlist child soldiers, Human Rights Watch said today. Houthi forces, government and pro-government forces, and extremist armed groups have used child soldiers, who are an estimated one-third of the fighters in Yemen.

“All parties should ensure that children, who never should have been on the battlefield in the first place, are released during this prisoner exchange and demobilized,” said Bill Van Esveld, senior children’s rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Both sides should stop recruiting and placing children in danger and return them immediately to their families.”

On May 30, the United Nations special envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed,announced on Twitter that he had received lists of prisoners from both sides, laterreported to include 2,630 on the government side and 3,760 on the Houthi side. However, the sides differed as to the number of prisoners to be released, with Houthis saying 1,000 and government sources saying all detainees, according to reports citing sources close to the negotiations. Separately, Houthi and anti-Houthi forces in Taiz exchanged 35 prisoners on June 2.

Human Rights Watch has documented that parties to the conflict have detained children suspected of loyalty to enemy forces, and that they have abused prisoners and held them in poor conditions. In August 2015, Human Rights Watch observed that southern armed groups were detaining 140 suspected Houthi forces, including at least 25 children who appeared to be under age 15, at a school they had taken control of in Aden. In July and August, extremist armed groups carried out multiple summary executions of captured Houthi forces in Aden whose ages were not known. Human Rights Watch has also documented Houthi forces arbitrarily detaining civilians and holding prisoners in harsh conditions.

The Paris Principles on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups (2007) states: “The unlawful recruitment or use of children is a violation of their rights… The release, protection and reintegration of children unlawfully recruited or used must be sought at all times, without condition and must not be dependent on any parallel release or demobilization process for adults.”

Human Rights Watch is not aware of the total number of children in detention by parties to the conflict.

Some children have been released in previous prisoner exchanges. Pro-government Popular Committees detained scores of children and released about a third of them, apparently during a December 2015 prisoner exchange of 360 Houthi fighters for 265 civilians and members of pro-government forces.

The UN documented nearly 850 cases of child recruitment in 2015, a five-fold increase over 2014. Houthi forces recruited a majority of these children, but Popular Committees and the extremist group Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which at times reportedly fought alongside pro-government forces, also recruited children. In 2013, the UN secretary-generalcited reports of young boys being recruited by Al-Qaeda, also called Ansar al-Sharia, for sexual exploitation.

Impoverished families have enlisted their children with Houthi or pro-government forces in exchange for 1,000 to 2,000 Yemeni Riyal per day (US$7-15), Al Jazeera reported in January 2016. In some cases children are not paid but given food and qat, a mild stimulant. In March 2014, Human Rights Watch interviewed seven boys, the youngest aged 14, who said they had volunteered for the Houthis. They said they had fought or performed other military tasks – including carrying ammunition to the front-line and retrieving the bodies of fighters killed in battle.

In November 2012, the Houthi leader, Abdul Malik Badr al-Deen al-Houthi, pledged to work toward stopping his group’s use of child soldiers. But Human Rights Watch has observed the Houthis using children as uniformed soldiers and at checkpoints as recently as March 2016.

Government forces have used child soldiers for years – in some cases, army commanders who recruited child soldiers brought these child recruits with them when they defected to the opposition – even though Yemeni law sets 18 as the minimum age for official military service. On May 14, 2014, the Yemeni government signed an action plan with the UN to end recruitment of children by state forces, intended to achieve the withdrawal of all children from government security forces, their reintegration into their local communities, and an end to further recruitment. The outbreak of major hostilities put the action plan on hold.

3.6.2016 – Euronews (** B K)

Film: Jemen: Der vergessene Krieg

Mehr als 6.000 Tote, die Hälfte Zivilisten. Millionen auf der Flucht. 83 Prozent der Bevölkerung brauchen dringend Hilfe – Lebensmittel, Trinkwasser, Medikamente, Treibstoff. Und die Welt schert sich kaum darum: Um den Jemen, in dem seit über einem Jahr Krieg herrscht.

Unser Reporter war im Jemen und brachte exklusives Filmmaterial mit – Bilder der Verwüstung, Interviews mit Vertretern beider Seiten, Hilferufe der Bevölkerung.

The English and the German film differ!:

3.6.2016 – Euronews (* B K)

Yemen, the forgotten war – Special Report, with film

The north-south divide

Euronews was granted access to one of the war’s frontlines, in Lahj province in the south of the country. From here the Committees and national army are trying to take back the north of the country, town by town. Their objective is to retake Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, in the hands of the Houthis since September 2014.

There are about 10 fronts in total where fighting and bombardments are intense, and there appears to be no let-up or truce in sight.

“We want to reassure our people wherever they are in Yemen, that we will not abandon them , nor leave one inch of Yemeni soil to our enemies. We will continue until we have liquidated all the Houthis and forces loyal to the former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh,” said a regular army officer.

A theatre for regional rivalries

The Arab coalition continues to play an important role in this war through its intensive airstrikes on Houthi positions, dubbed Operation Decisive Tempest and begun in March 2015.

One of the notable successes of this operation has been the expulsion of rebels from the capital of the south, Aden.

Aden, a former British colony, is highly strategic as it controls the Bab al-Mandeb straits, an important international shipping route. It is one of the reasons the coalition made its capture a priority.

“We are ready to liberate all the Yemeni towns under Houthi control, with all the means at our disposal, legal, peaceful, and military. We are ready to free honour and religion from the hands of the Houthis, because they have lost their way and have split from the Yemeni peoples’ consensus and traditions with external support from Iran,” said the governor of Aden, the third in recent times. His two predecessors were killed in suicide attacks.

A third force adds another deadly element – by Mohammed Shaikhibrahim

Comment: A quite long overview article.

1.6.2016 - Der Freitag (** A P)

Medien und Propaganda: „Vergessener“ Jemen

Der Jemen in den Medien: In englischsprachigen Medien bleibt der Jemenkrieg „vergessen“. Noch schlimmer ist es auf Deutsch. Berichterstattung aus Nahost wie aus Übersee ist von Propaganda geprägt

Nach jetzt bereits 152 Folgen meiner Jemen-Nachrichten (Yemen Press Reader; YPR) ist es wieder einmal an der Zeit, eine Zwischenbilanz zu ziehen und sich zu fragen, wie es aktuell mit der medialen Berichterstattung zum Jemenkrieg aussieht. Der letzte derartige Rückblick, vom 11. Dezember 2015 (, nach Yemen Press Reader 63, liegt bereits fast ein halbes Jahr zurück.

Hat sich also seitdem bei der Berichterstattung zum Jemenkrieg etwas Wesentliches verändert? Um es vorwegzunehmen: Nein. Nach wie vor wird der Jemenkrieg als „vergessener Krieg“ (forgotten war) bezeichnet, obwohl doch gerade auch diejenigen, die das dann bei den (seltenen) Erwähnungen larmoyant bejammern, selbst genau diejenigen sind, die dafür verantwortlich sind, dass es sich um einen „vergessenen Krieg“ handelt.


1.) Das Versagen der Mainstreammedien: Englischsprachig

2.) Das Versagen der Mainstreammedien: Deutschsprachig

3.) Andrea Backhaus in der „Zeit“ zur Nahost-Berichterstattung

4.) Mainstreammedien und die „Essentials“ der US-Interessen

5.) Mainstream-Propaganda: Ukraine und Syrien

6.) Unsere Medien in Nahost: Keine eigenen Leute vor Ort

7.) Auch vom Büro in Hamburg oder sonstwo aus: Besserer Journalismus ist möglich

8.) Nahostkriege und Jemenkrieg im Besonderen als moralischer Bankrott des „Westens“

9.) Das Schweigen der deutschsprachigen Medien zum Jemenkrieg: Beispiele

10.) Jemen ein Einzelfall? Das Schweigen der deutschsprachigen Medien zu Brasilien

11.) Resumée - von Dietrich Klose

cp2 Allgemein / General

3.6.2016 – Der Standard (* A P)

Uno setzt saudische Militärkoalition im Jemen auf Schwarze Liste

Wegen der vielen toten Kinder und der Rekrutierung von Kindersoldaten

Die Uno hat die von Saudi-Arabien angeführte Militärkoalition im Jemen auf die Schwarze Liste der Verletzer von Kinderrechten gesetzt. Die Koalition sei für den Tod von hunderten Kindern verantwortlich, erklärte die UNO-Sonderbeauftragte für Kinder und bewaffnete Konflikte, Leila Zerrougui, am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) in New York.

Bei den im vergangenen Jahr getöteten 785 Kindern sei die saudi-arabische Koalition für 60 Prozent der Fälle verantwortlich, heißt es in dem Uno-Bericht. Zudem seien 1.168 Kinder verletzt worden. Auch die Gegner der Koalition wurden auf die Schwarze Liste gesetzt. Sie sind demnach für 72 Prozent der 762 bekannten Fälle von Kindersoldaten verantwortlich.

2.6.2016 – Reuters (* A K P)

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon slammed the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen for killing and maiming children by adding it to an annual blacklist of states and armed groups that violate children's rights during conflict.

The coalition was responsible for 60 percent of child deaths and injuries last year, killing 510 and wounding 667, according to Ban's report released on Thursday, which also said the coalition carried out half the attacks on schools and hospitals.

"Grave violations against children increased dramatically as a result of the escalating conflict," Ban said in the report.

"In Yemen, owing to the very large number of violations attributed to the two parties, the Houthis/Ansar Allah and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition are listed for killing and maiming and attacks on schools and hospitals," he said.

The Houthis, Yemen government forces and pro-government militia have been on the U.N. blacklist for at least five years and are considered "persistent perpetrators." Also appearing again on the list is al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula – by Michelle Nichols

2.6.2016 – AFP (*A K P)

UN blacklists Saudi-led coalition over child deaths in Yemen

"The situation in Yemen was particularly worrisome with a five-fold increase in the number of children recruited (by armed groups) and six times more children killed and maimed compared to 2014," it said.

The Saudi-led coalition is responsible for 60 percent of the total 785 children who were killed and 1,168 wounded last year in Yemen, said the report.

"In Yemen, owing to the very large number of violations attributed to the two parties, the Huthis/Ansar Allah and the Saudi Arabia-led coalition are listed for killing and maiming and attacks on schools and hospitals," the report said.

Of the 762 verified cases of recruitment of child soldiers, 72 percent were attributed to the Huthis, 15 percent to pro-government forces and nine percent to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, according to the report.

"In several situations of conflict, aerial operations contributed to creating complex environments in which large numbers of children were killed and maimed," said Leila Zerrougui, the UN envoy for children and armed conflict.

3.6.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Saudi coalition's SP response was that UN should've used "legit" #Yemen gov reports, which don't mention airstrikes!

3.6.2016 – Human Rights Watch (* B H K)

Dispatches: Yemen’s Children Victims of Shocking Violations

Every year, the United Nations secretary-general releases a “list of shame” of government forces and armed groups that have committed grave violations against children during armed conflict. This year, the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen was listed for the first time, identified as being responsible for killing and maiming children in Yemen and for attacks on schools and hospitals.

There was a six-fold increase in the killing and maiming of children in Yemen during 2015, with at least 785 children killed and 1,168 injured, according to the secretary-general’s report. The Saudi-led coalition was responsible for 60 percent of these child deaths and injuries.

The UN recorded 101 attacks on schools and hospitals in Yemen, double the number of attacks recorded in 2014. The Saudi-led coalition was responsible for nearly half of these attacks. Almost all caused the partial or complete destruction of facilities.

The “alarming” trends have continued into 2016, the secretary-general found. He was “shocked” by the scale of violations. Rightly so – by Kristine Beckerle

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

3.6.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A E H)

No electricity, no water, and no gas. YR 21,000 ($72) for 20 liters of gas today (700% up) Saudi blockade fata

3.6.2016 – International Organization for Migration (* A H)

IOM Continues to Support Conflict-affected Populations in Taizz, Yemen

Ongoing clashes in Yemen’s third largest city, Taizz, continue to expand and affect more people, despite a ceasefire announced in April 2016.

As the conflict rages, IOM has continued to support the affected population with non-food items (NFI), shelter, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance.

Recently IOM completed the rehabilitation of 11 water networks in the districts of Ash Shamayatain, Maqbanah, Al Mokha, Al Mawasit, and Jabal Habashi of Taizz Governorate.

Rehabilitation of these water sites included the installation of five water pumps, installation of water meters, and replacement of old pipes and connectors.

Following completion of the rehabilitation work, IOM trained four community committees (each two people) on the safe operation and maintenance of the rehabilitated water projects, as well as the procedures to calculate daily consumption.

This project will benefit 50,000 conflict-affected individuals in Taizz districts. All activities were implemented in close coordination with the local authority for water and sanitation in each of the five districts.

IOM Chief of Mission in Yemen, Laurent de Boeck said: “It is important to work in partnership with the local authorities when implementing such lifesaving projects. The involvement of the beneficiaries themselves is also a guarantee that the investment is for the long term. What can a family do without water? We now need to extend similar support to larger vulnerable groups, particularly families with young children.”

Since the beginning of the crisis, IOM assisted 1,800 households (12,600 individuals) with NFI and shelter support in Taizz, including 300 families (2,100 individuals) trapped in the besieged enclave of Taizz City.

IOM continues to support vital health facilities, including the only operational hospital in Taizz, Al Tahwra General, as well as community water sites with water trucking services that provide almost 200,000 liters of water a day, supplying over 30,000 people.

Another 685,772 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict-affected people (288,024 women, 308,597 men, 48,005 girls and 41,146 boys) have benefitted from IOM WASH activities in Abyan, Aden, Al Dhale'e, Al Jawf, Hadhramaut, Ibb, Taizz Lahj, Sana'a and Shabwah Governorates.

IOM WASH support to communities in need include daily water trucking to displaced and conflict-affected communities, provision of water tanks and jerry cans, rehabilitation of sewage and water networks, provision and installation of water pumps, provision of water purification tablets, water filters, and hygiene kits, as well as hygiene promotion campaigns.

3.6.2016 – Logistic Cluster (A H)

Infographic: Yemen Operation service to the humanitarian community, April 2015 to 31 May 2016

2.6.2016 – Aljazeera (B H)

Film: Yemen: Medical facilities crippled by war

Frequent power outages and a lack of medical attention has caused dozens of deaths across Yemen.

2.6.2016 – Middle East Eye (A H)

Yemen facing 'immeasurable' but 'forgotten crisis' despite ceasefire: UN

Despite a ceasefire two months ago civilians in Yemen still face one of the worst humanitarian situations in the world, the UN says

Civilians in Yemen are still facing an “immeasurable” humanitarian crisis nearly two months after a ceasefire was agreed, the United Nations said on Thursday.

Humanitarian access has improved since the fragile truce was declared in April, but UN humanitarian chief in the country, Jamie McGoldrick, called Yemen's war “an invisible crisis” and voiced regret at the lack of global concern given to the country, in comparison to other emergenies like Syria.

“The scale of the emergency is tremendous. The scale of the need is massive and the depth of the crisis is immeasurable,” he told reporters.

He said that while no part of Yemen had been besieged, a number of areas have proved extremely hard to reach since the conflict escalated in March last year, when a Saudi-led Arab coalition began air attacks in support of Yemeni forces resisting the Houthi militias and their allies.

On Thursday the UN said it was difficult to estimate the number of civilians reached with aid since the ceasefire came into force, but said it was trying to use a lull in the fighting to access needs nationwide.

“The ceasefire has provided us an opportunity to get to areas we haven't been able to get before,” McGoldrick told AFP.

Government services and the health system were hardly functioning before the conflict and “the war has all but broken them completely,” he added. and also by UN radio

2.6.2016 – British Red Cross (* A H)

Yemen: Health centre extends vital support to mothers and babies

Thousands of malnourished mothers and babies in Yemen will benefit from essential health services thanks to funding from the British Red Cross and the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission.

Nutritious food will also be provided by the government ministry of health and Unicef.

This new grant will pay for a reproductive health unit to open at a health centre in Hajjah, one of Yemen’s poorest regions. The Red Cross has supported the centre since December 2015.

An obstetrician, midwife and two nurses have now started work. A therapeutic feeding centre for malnourished mothers and their children has also opened at the centre.

Shortages of staff and medical supplies had caused the health centre to close in March 2015. This meant that there was a severe lack of medical care for women who were pregnant or gave birth in Hajjah.

Both the patients and the health centre were victims of Yemen’s violent conflict, which worsened last year. Medical and health facilities across the country have been damaged or destroyed by the fighting and over 600 have closed.

Women and children hit worst

The World Health Organization has warned that Yemen’s health care system is “on the brink of collapse”. Two million children and pregnant or breastfeeding women are acutely malnourished. Tragically, nearly 220 of the health facilities that were forced to close used to provide treatment for acute malnutriton.

Michael Van Koesveld, British Red Cross Yemen country manager, said: “Hajjah has been particularly badly affected.

“It is now home to nearly 228,500 people who had to flee their homes in other parts of the country because of the fighting. Many of them are women and children.

“Pregnant and breastfeeding women and infants are especially vulnerable under these circumstances, and many of the centre’s patients are women and girls.”

Services expand

When the health centre reopened in December, it treated 776 outpatients a month. This rose to 1,482 by February.

With the expansion of services, we expect to treat an additional 1,500 patients monthly. The therapeutic feeding services target the most severely malnourished women and children. Supported by the government ministry of health and Unicef, the feeding programme is open eight hours a day.

The health centre also now offers small-scale surgical procedures such as intensive wound treatment, hernia operations and appendectomies. All services are provided free to families who had to leave their homes while local families pay a small fee.

Centre serves a large area

There are 42,448 people living in the area served by the health centre, as well as new arrivals who have fled their homes. Michael Van Koesveld added: “Basic health care is barely available in Hajjah so we expect more and more people to come to the centre.

“We thank the Jersey Overseas Aid Commission, and the people of Jersey, who donated £30,000 to fund the health centre for nine months.”

2.6.2016 – The Guardian (*B H)

Schools reduced to rubble and ruins by conflict – in pictures

From Yemen to Syria, South Sudan to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, children are missing out on education as schools are destroyed by war

In Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, the son of the guard at Ibn Sina school walks through rows of desks while checking a damaged classroom. The school was heavily damaged during an airstrike that hit the building next to the school. The impact of the blast crumbled the outer wall of the schoolyard and left classrooms covered in rubble and broken glass. The school, where 1,500 girls studied in primary and secondary classes, is closed indefinitely

1.6.2016 – Fatik Al-Rodaini (A H)

Due to the heat and power outrage in Hodeida.Topless students there taking their final exam. Pix in al-Jarah

Comment: And what about girls and women?

1.6.2016 – National Yemen (A H)

Diabetics n #Yemen struggle 2 get their monthly dosage,lucky ones have t easily, others pay under t table 2 get it

1.6.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A H)

Children at Al Gomhori hospital in #Saada suffered the most, No medicines,no Food,No fuel,No Water (photos)

1.6.2016 – Yemen Post (A H)

DEADLY heatwaves KILL 18 children in #Yemen over 1 month & 340 days of no electricity due to war. 1000s more at risk

1.6.2016 – Jane Nowak (A H P)

#Saudi blocks oil tanker from entering port of Hodeidah #Yemen as citizens impacted by fuel scarcity suffer in many ways.

cp4 Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

3.6.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (* B K)

Photos of the area (Rahban) # city of Saada, which has been hit by the Saudi Air Aggression
Old houses area was full of children and women.

Photos by Karrar Almouayad

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

3.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (A P)

Yemenis slam Saudi aggression, siege

Tens of thousands of Yemeni people have once again staged a protest in condemnation of the ongoing Saudi aggression and blockade of their impoverished nation.

The demonstrators staged a rally in the capital of Sana’a on Friday, carrying Yemeni flags and banners condemning the Saudi aggression and the blockade imposed by Riyadh on their country, Yemen's Arabic-language al-Masirah news website reported.

They also vowed to remain steadfast in the face of the aggression and not to surrender to the blockade.

The protesters also denounced the US for backing the Saudi war on Yemen, and chanted slogans against the presence of US troops in their country.

1.6.2015 – Fars News (A K T)

Commander: Ansarullah Starts Fresh Operations against Al-Qaeda, ISIL in Western Yemen

The Yemeni popular forces have started massive operations to purge Takfiri terrorists from the country's Western provinces, a senior Ansarullah commander announced.

"Ansarullah kicked off its fresh military operations in Western Yemen to drive out the Al-Qaeda and the ISIL terrorists from there," Hossein al-Houthi told FNA on Wednesday.

He noted that the Yemeni popular forces have responded to the people of Western Yemen who called for help against the Al-Qaeda and the ISIL.

"The massive presence of the terrorist groups in the Southern and Western provinces of Yemen is a plot to disintegrate Yemen; the Yemeni people will not allow this to happen," al-Houthi added.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

2.6.2016 – The Globe and Mail (B K P)

Human Rights Watch has for years chronicled laws-of-war violations under Gen. Mohsen [now Vice president of Hadi government]

Ms. Wille said during earlier wars against Houthi rebels from 2004 to 2009, Human Rights Watch documented numerous violations under his watch “including indiscriminate attacks, killing civilians, as well as arbitrary detention and forced disappearances,” she said, referring to abductions. “The idea that this man is leading a force armed by the Saudis and crossing into Yemen is of extreme concern to any country that is arming the Saudis given the fact this force will be needing more and more equipment,” she said.

2.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Clashes erupt between Riyadh's mercenaries in Mareb

One mercenary was killed and many others wounded in violent clashes erupted between Riyadh's mercenaries in Mareb province, local officials said Thursday.
The clashes taken place in the south of Mareb city, while the mercenaries were trying to smuggle weapons and equipment to unknown places.
The weapons were looted from the warehouses of the third military region camp, which were pounded with Katyusha rockets by the missile forces of the army and popular committees on Wednesday.
A military official said the province was shaken by violent explosions in the camp warehouses, which were full of weapons and heat-seeking missiles.
Fires broke out in the warehouses and continued for an hour, according to the official, who said that ambulances were seen rushing to the scene.

2.6.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Yemen foils al Qaeda attack in Mukalla, arrests al Qaeda member

Yemen foiled an attack by al Qaeda militants that planned to target local administrative headquarters in the city of Mukalla the UAE state news agency WAM said on Thursday, after security forces found a car laden with explosives that an al Qaeda suspect was planning to blow up.

"We received intelligence about al Qaeda's plans to launch a major terrorist attack in Mukalla aimed at destabilizing the city and creating panic amongst its residents," the news agency quoted General Faraj Salmin, commander of Yemen's Second Military Zone in the eastern province of Hadramout, as saying.

An al Qaeda IT expert, known as Abu Hafs Al Shahri, was arrested during one of the search operations in the city, WAM said.

2.6.2016 – Gulf News (A T)

Major terror attack foiled in Yemen’s Al Mukalla

Special teams from the UAE Armed Forces providing operational assistance to Yemeni forces

General Faraj Salmin, who commands Yemen’s Second Military Zone in the eastern province of Hadramaut, revealed on Thursday that the authorities had foiled a massive terrorist attack aimed at the local administrative headquarters in Al Mukalla. He said a car loaded with 15 high-explosive bombs had been detected in time before an individual linked to Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, had been able to carry out the attack, averting a major disaster.

Explaining how the attack was foiled, General Salmin said: “We received intelligence about Al Qaida’s plans to launch a major terrorist attack in Al Mukalla aimed at destabilising the city and creating panic amongst its residents.”

“With the help of intelligence efforts that were ably assisted by a special team from the Coalition forces, we learnt on Monday that the plan was to target the local administrative headquarters in Al Mukalla city in order to liquidate the staff, destroy the infrastructure and paralyse the local government authorities. Following an extensive search, the car, loaded with a huge quantity of explosives, was found.”

Concurrently, Yemeni forces, assisted by the Coalition, conducted extensive search operations throughout Al Mukalla to flush out Al Qaida elements. During these searches, they arrested a computer expert known as Abu Hafs Al Shahri, who is a key figure in AQAP activities. The arrest of Abu Hafs helped the authorities unearth vital information about the terrorist outfit’s plans to target peace and stability in the region.

During the capture of Abu Hafs, the AQAP IT expert, who was caught in a hideout in the city, a large quantity of CDs were found that contained vital data on plans to destabilise and terrorise southern Yemen. A resident of Shihr province, Abu Hafs has been identified as a key AQAP functionary, whose role was to use his technical expertise in executing the outfit’s plans in Yemen and in using social media for propaganda.

The search operations in Al Mukalla have also uncovered large quantities of lethal weapons, indicative of AQAP’s continued ability to launch attacks targeted against the civilian population of the city and by The National:

1.6.2016 – News Yemen TV (A K P)

Film: Aden clashes between groups of mercenaries 1 6 2016

1.6.2016 – News Yemen TV (A K P)

Film: Aden violent protests demand departure of invaders

31.5.2016 – Middle East Eye (* B T)

Despite progress, militant groups continue to threaten security in Yemen

As bombings continue in Aden and Mukalla, Yemenis question government's ability to defeat IS, al-Qaeda

The recent attacks have raised fears among residents and observers that despite military victories, security continues to be a problem.

Roughly 750km south of Mukalla, the strategic port city of Aden is also experiencing a security vacuum.

In the wake of a sequence of deadly attacks by IS and al-Qaeda in both Aden and Mukalla, many observers fear that government does not have the ability to defeat both organisations, but according to some interviewed by MEE, progress towards security and stability has been made.

Ayat Hussein, an aid worker from Aden, said a recent army crackdown and raids on armed groups have been successful and that the quality of life has improved.

“In the past, al-Qaeda religious police used to harass us on the coasts by asking women to keep a distance from men. If we did not listen they shot live bullets in the air to frighten us,” she told MEE.

Brigadier Nasser al-Anbouri, commander of Special Security Forces in Aden, Lahj and Abyan, whose forces are involved in anti-militant raids, told MEE that he sees no difference between al-Qaeda and IS.

However, despite officials’ assurances about the security situation in Aden, some residents say security forces are not capable of ridding the area of militants.

Despite bloody attacks on security forces in the city, analysts have raised doubts about whether there is a real branch of IS in Yemen. Unlike the well-established al-Qaeda, which has well-known leaders and controls territory, IS has no visible presence on the ground, said Fatehi Bin Lazreg, editor of Aden al-Ghad newspaper.

“This supports allegations that there is no actual IS in Yemen, rather a secret cell linked to foreign intelligence bodies,” he said. Lazreg also said that the dubious local IS could simply be the “brutal” face of al-Qaeda.

“Most IS attacks take place when al-Qaeda suffers defeats,” he said.

The Islamic State in Yemen, however, consists of small, localised cells without any coherent or unified goals, he added – by Saeed Al-Batati

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

3.6.2016 – Gulf News (A P)

Yemen warring parties ‘close to settlement’

Over $4b of Yemen’s reserves have been plundered since Al Houthi takeover, says Western diplomat

Yemen’s warring parties are close to a settlement in peace talks being held in Kuwait, the United Nations’ special envoy for Yemen Esmail Ould Shaikh Ahmad said.

“We are close a settlement but success is dependent on the willingness of the parties to provide concessions, and that’s what we aim to achieve,” he said on Twitter early on Friday, adding that while a solution may be close “it will not be easy”.

“The past few days witnessed movement in the political process on a number of issues,” he wrote, without elaborating.

2.6.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Yemen's Conflicting Sides Exchange Prisoners For First Time – Reports

Yemen's Houthi militants released 16 members of the pro-government militia, whom they held as prisoners, in return for 19 released Houthis in the first exchange of detainees between the warring sides since the start of the conflict, local media reported Wednesday.

According to the Mosnad news outlet, the exchange was carried out in the Gharab region in the eastern part of the Taiz province.
31.5.2016 – UN (A P)

Update on Yemeni Peace Talks

There were three sessions within the Yemeni Peace talks in Kuwait today. The delegation of the Government of Yemen was briefed by a United Nations expert on implementation mechanisms relating to withdrawal, the hand-over of weapons and re-integration adopted by countries that had undergone similar conflicts. Discussions also revolved around variations of a roadmap towards a peaceful comprehensive solution.
During the second session, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen focused with the delegation of Ansarullah and the General People’s Congress on the importance of reaching a solid comprehensive agreement and elaborated on the need to have guarantees to implement the solutions reached in Kuwait.
The parties’ representatives in the prisoners' committee renewed their commitment to present initial feedback on the lists that were exchanged earlier this week in order to release a number of detainees before Ramadan. The Committee discussed a draft principles agreement to resolve this issue in the long term.
The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Yemen stated that “reports from several Yemeni cities are indicative of the magnitude of suffering the Yemeni people are going through in light of shortages in basic services. This suffering should, however, turn into an incentive to reach a rapid and comprehensive solution, especially as we approach the Holy month of Ramadan. We continue to urge the parties to make concessions and put the interests of Yemen and Yemenis above all. It is about time that all the parties propose solutions away from win or lose calculations”.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

3.6.2016 – Al Araby (A P)

Major Saudi newspaper site recovered after hack

A major Saudi Arabian newspaper recovered its site after it was hacked, the paper revealed.
The site of al-Watan newspaper was seized by hackers outside the kingdom earlier on Thursday, who published false news about the country's military operation in Yemen, the paper said in a statement.
The fake report on al-Watan was sourced by a number of Arabic news sites loyal to Shia dominated Iran, a regional rival of Sunni-majority Saudi Arabia.
"They were able to control the site for a period of time and published false news," the statement said.
The hackers intentionally "published lies" including a fake statement by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the newspaper said.
The Crown Prince was cited saying the Saudi-led military coalition's operation in Yemen had gone on longer than expected, comments whichal-Watan said were "not based on any reality." and by AFP and a false statement here:

3.6.2016 – Noto Wahabism (B H)

Yahya Asiri HR activist speaks on Human Rights in ‪#‎SaudiArabia

2.6.2016 – Noto Wahabism (A H P)

The Saudi regime has stopped granting visas to Afghan Hajj pilgrims under the age of 45.

2.6.2016 – Alwaght (A P)

Saudi King’s Health Worsens, Visitors Barred

Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud health state has drastically deteriorated with visitors barred from seeing the ageing monarch.

According to a report published by the Palestinian Manar online newspaper on Wednesday, Saudi Defense Minister and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has issued orders to the Saudi court banning any manner of meeting with the king due to his "brain damage".

An informed source noted that the denial of visiting rights encompasses all members of the royal family and foreign dignitaries.

The source noted that foreign embassies, especially that of the US, are diligently tracking Salman’s health and reporting back to their countries.

Over the recent months King Salman has been trying to disguise a teleprompter he uses to be able to make coherent sentences when holding talks with foreign dignitaries

Sources close to the Saudi monarchy say the 80 year old King Salman is suffering from dementia, a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Reports say the octogenarian monarch suffers from periodic blackouts and inability to speak.

The failing health of the Saudi monarch has also led to intense rivalry between Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef and King Salman's son, Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman. This rivalry has led to an increasingly weird and self-destructive nature of present-day Saudi foreign policy that suddenly shifted from cautious use of Saudi Arabia’s vast oil wealth to further its aims to a militarized and confrontational pursuit of foreign policy objectives.

1.6.2016 – Salon (A H P)

Saudi human rights activist imprisoned by “counter-terror” court for telling truth about the repressive police state

Close U.S. ally Saudi Arabia sentenced Abdulaziz al-Shubaily to 8 years in prison for speaking about its crimes

A so-called counter-terror court in close U.S. ally Saudi Arabia sentenced a human rights activist to eight years in prison for speaking about the regime’s systematic use of torture, assassinations and enforced disappearances, and for calling for the right to peacefully protest.

Abdulaziz al-Shubaily was tried in the Saudi regime’s Specialized Criminal Court this week and was sentenced under what Amnesty International calls a “repressive counter-terrorism law.”

In November 2013, al-Shubaily was interrogated for his human rights work. He was questioned about statements he had signed defending the right to peaceful protest and phone conversations in which he discussed protests.

Less than a year later, in July 2014, al-Shubaily was charged with several crimes, including “inciting [people] to breach public order … by calling for demonstrations” and describing Saudi Arabia’s political system as “a repressive police state.”

He was also charged with a crime for accusing Saudi security forces of “repression, torture, assassinations and enforced disappearances,” all regular practices that are well-documented by rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Saudi authorities furthermore charged al-Shubaily with criminal offenses for “insulting the judicial authorities” and working for an unlicensed human rights organization.

In March 2015, the Saudi regime slapped yet another charge on al-Shubaily, accusing him of “committing the crime of communicating with foreign bodies and providing them with reports that contain many mistakes about the Kingdom.”

The new charge cited two unnamed Amnesty International reports that Saudi authorities claimed contained “incorrect information.” Amnesty noted that the Saudi prosecution and court refused to show al-Shubaily the alleged evidence of this, despite his repeated requests – by Ben Norton

5.5.2016 – Counterpunch (* A E P)

Hot Air in the Saudi Desert: a Kingdom in Descent?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is in financial dire straits. Since the plunge in oil prices, the kingdom has been hemorrhaging money left, right and center. It has provided billions of dollars to shore up counter-revolutionary governments around the Middle East, especially Egypt, it is heavily involved in the Syrian conflict, and is burning through some $6 billion a month waging war on impoverished Yemen. The country needs oil to be $104.6 a barrel, according to the Institute of International Finance, for its budget to break-even; the current price is around $45.

Finances have become so tight that from being the second largest importer of armaments worldwide in 2010–14, deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) has said the kingdom aims at sourcing up to 50 percent of arms from local producers to help diversify the economy. It is as much of a pie-in-the-sky idea as turning KSA over the next several years into a knowledge-based economy.

What is also indicative of the financial difficulties ahead is that commercial banks have tightened lending to anyone outside of the government, with the state the primary borrower, according to a senior financial officer in Riyadh. “There is a liquidity crunch at the banks, and it is the government that is borrowing, so companies are suffering,” he said.

Stories abound across the Middle East – the whole region’s economies are intrinsically linked to Gulf petro-dollars – of salaries and contracts not being honored due to cash-flow problems within the KSA government and at major companies. Indeed, Saudi construction firm Binladin Group laid off over 12,000 Saudi employees this week, and a further 77,000 foreign workers were given the given the boot – by Paul Cochrane

cp9 USA

2.6.2016 – Human Rights Watch (* A K P)

US: Stop Providing Cluster Munitions

White House Pledges to Halt Deliveries to Saudis

The United States should make its suspension of cluster munition transfers to Saudi Arabiapermanent and extend it to all other countries, Human Rights Watch said today.

Human Rights Watch has independently confirmed a report in Foreign Policy on May 27, 2016, that the White House has directed US officials to halt transfers of cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia immediately. The decision follows reports by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the United Nations, and others, of harm to civilians from the weapons in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia has led a military operation against Houthi forces, also known as Ansar Allah, since March 26, 2015.

“The decision not to transfer any more cluster munitions to Saudi Arabia is a step in the right direction, but the US should halt all cluster munition transfers to any country and make that suspension permanent,” said Steve Goose, arms director at Human Rights Watch and chair of the Cluster Munition Coalition. “This would help bring the US into line with core obligations of the international treaty banning cluster munitions.”

The US concluded a contract with Textron Defense Systems in 2013, for the manufacture of 1,300 CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapons for delivery to Saudi Arabia by December 31, 2015. However, as Foreign Policy also noted, US officials have repeatedly refused to clarify whether all the cluster munitions have been delivered, and Textron has said it does not comment on delivery dates.

Human Rights Watch chairs the Cluster Munition Coalition U.S., which has called on President Barack Obama to review the June 2008 policy directive by then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and remove the exception allowing for cluster munitions that result in a less than 1 percent unexploded ordnance rate.

2.6.2016 – Samuel Oakford (A P)

A senior US official described this intervention [of Saudi in Yemen] to me as "something we've dreamed of."

2.6.2016 – Monitor (* A P T)

Monitor-Exklusivinterview: Die Hintermänner von 9/11: Das Geheimnis der "28 pages"

Es geht um ein brisantes Dokument, das bis heute unter Verschluss gehalten wird: Das vom ehemaligen US-Präsidenten George W. Bush als „geheim“ eingestufte Kapitel des Untersuchungsberichts von Senat und Repräsentantenhaus zu den Terroranschlägen von 9/11. Der ehemalige Vorsitzende dieser Kommission und ehemalige Leiter des Geheimdienstausschusses, Bob Graham, fordert im MONITOR-Interview die Veröffentlichung dieses als „28 Seiten“ bekannt gewordenen Abschnitts. Laut Inhaltsangabe soll es darin um die „ausländische Unterstützung“ einiger Attentäter gehen.
Graham, Mitglied der US-Demokraten, kennt den Inhalt der Seiten, darf aber keine konkreten Aussagen über Details machen. Dennoch spricht er im MONITOR-Interview erstaunlich offen von einer „systematischen“ Hilfe für die Attentäter aus Saudi-Arabien: „Diese 28 Seiten werden zusätzliche Beweise dafür liefern, dass es eine systematische Unterstützung gab. Und dass dieses System seinen Ursprung vor allem in Saudi-Arabien hat.“ Für Graham steht fest: „Die Geschichte von 9/11 muss neu geschrieben werden.

Graham zufolge geht es nicht nur um Einzelpersonen, sondern auch um die saudische Regierung, das saudische Ministerium für Islamfragen und saudische Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen. Darüber hinaus gehe es auch um „Diplomaten, sowohl im Konsulat in Los Angeles, als auch an der Botschaft in Washington und weitere saudische Staatsbürger, die auf die eine oder andere Weise an der Finanzierung der 9/11-Attentäter beteiligt waren.“

Eine Beteiligung der saudischen Regierung hätte möglicherweise Schadensersatzforderungen in Milliardenhöhe zur Folge. Denn der US-Senat hat vor kurzem auf Druck der Angehörigen von 9/11-Opfern ein Gesetz auf den Weg gebracht, nach dem ausländische Staaten wegen Unterstützung von Terroranschlägen auf US-amerikanischem Boden verklagt werden könnten. (Bericht) und (Pressemeldung)

1.6.2016 – MSNBC (A P)

Secy. Kerry on Yemen conflict

Chris Hayes asks Secretary Kerry about how the United States has been aiding Saudi Arabia in a devastatingly destructive conflict in Yemen.

1.6.2016 – The American Conservative (*A K P)

Kerry’s Lies About the War on Yemen

Chris Hayes interviewed John Kerry on Yemen earlier tonight. He mentioned the recent belated decision to block the transfer of cluster bombs to the Saudis, and pressed Kerry on why the U.S. was arming the Saudis. Kerry’s answer is notable for its repetition of a shamelessly pro-Saudi line:

Saudi Arabia was literally threatened by virtue of the Houthi placing missiles along the Saudi border aimed at Saudi Arabia, and there were cross-border incidents taking place in a way that threatened Saudi Arabia. And they together with other countries and ourselves felt that it was important…and so there was a reason for a coalition to respond to that.

t is very important to understand that what Kerry said here isn’t true. This never was a war of self-defense, and it compounds the U.S. disgrace of aiding the Saudis’ war to claim that it was. The Saudi-led coalition intervened specifically to reinstall the deposed president and drive the Houthis out of the capital, and it did so shortly after Hadi had fled to Riyadh. The goals of the intervention were always far more ambitious and sweeping than what Kerry says here, and it is unfortunate that he wasn’t challenged on this point. The issue fourteen months ago was not that the Saudis were actually threatened by the Houthis, but that their preferred ruler had been driven out of the country and they wanted him to be reimposed. The Saudis and their allies chose to make Yemen’s conflict their own, and this administration chose to help them do that. The U.S. is still helping them batter and starve Yemen today.

Kerry hid behind the old “self-defense” excuse to rationalize shameful U.S. support for the war on Yemen, and perhaps this is how administration officials justify it to themselves, but it is vitally important for the public to understand that this is as false and misleading as can be. The Saudi-led war on Yemen has nothing to do with self-defense. The administration has to pretend that it did because that is the only way to defend the indefensible role that it has had in enabling this war – by Daniel Larison

3.6.2016 – The Intercept (A K P)

John Kerry Gives Saudis a Big Pass on Indiscriminate Bombing of Civilians in Yemen

Secretary of State John Kerry this week waved off concerns about U.S.-supported Saudi-coalition airstrikes in Yemen that have indiscriminately bombed civilians and rescuers, and instead blamed the Shiite Houthi rebels for the bulk of the civilian casualties.

“There have been a lot of civilian casualties, and clearly, civilian casualties are a concern,” Kerry told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “I think the Saudis have expressed in the last weeks their desire to make certain that they’re acting responsibly, and not endangering civilians.”

Kerry instead faulted the Shiite Houthis, who are on the receiving end of the airstrikes, saying they “have a pretty good, practiced way of putting civilians into danger.” – by Alex Emmons

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

4.6.2016 – The National Scot (* A K P)

Britain denounced over Yemen conflict stance

UK GOVERNMENT support for military forces fighting in Yemen has been condemned after they were listed by the United Nations alongside Daesh, the Taliban and Boko Haram for killing and maiming children.

The latest criticism of British arms sales to Saudi Arabia followed a new UN report on children and wars which includes a list of shame of armed groups who commit crimes against juveniles.

The Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen was named alongside terror groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda and Al Shabaab in Somalia, prompting calls for an immediate end to UK arms exports to the Saudis.

Kirsty McNeill, director of advocacy and campaigns at Save the Children, said the inclusion of the Saudi Arabia-led coalition on the UN’s “list of shame” means they join some of the world’s most violent non-state armed groups.

She added: “This is the first time an international military coalition has been included, and the Saudi coalition features on the list after just 15 months of fighting in Yemen due to the sheer volume and severity of child casualties and damage and destruction to schools and hospitals resulting from coalition airstrikes.”

“The UK Government must re-evaluate its diplomatic and military support to the Saudi Arabia led-coalition. The UK must now urgently suspend arms exports to Saudi Arabia while they risk being used in Yemen in violation of international law and throw its weight behind calls by the UNHCR, the Commons International Development Committee and Save the Children to back an international, impartial investigation into alleged violations by all sides.”

Douglas Chapman MP, an SNP member of the Committee on Arms Export Controls at Westminster, said: “What more proof is required to confirm that war crimes have been committed by the Saudi-led coalition? That it joins the likes of notorious groups such as IS and Boko Haram is surely the wake-up call the West needs. The continuing reluctance to launch a comprehensive investigation into the reality of what’s happening in the region is shameful.

“The UN has staff on the ground in the area. They’ve seen first-hand the horror caused by air strikes. Now Save The Children have expressed grave concerns about the lack of international investigation into such continuing brutality and violence.

There is a growing consensus that the bombardment hasn’t just been immoral, it has also been illegal – by Billy Briggs

3.6.2016 – The Independent (* B K P)

UN blacklists Saudi Arabia-led coalition for 'killing and maiming' children in Yemen air strikes

The UN recorded an increase in the recruitment of child soldiers, mostly by Houthis, more than 100 attacks on schools and hospitals, with 48 per cent attributed to the Saudi-led coalition, and the denial of humanitarian assistance as hundreds of thousands of children remain at risk of starvation.

Kirsty McNeill, Director of Advocacy and Campaigns at Save the Children, said it was the first time an international military coalition had been put on the “list of shame”.

The British Government says it supports the coalition’s military intervention to “deter aggression by the Houthis…allow for the return of the legitimate Yemeni Government” but would raise concerns over violations of international law with Saudi Arabia.

“The UK government must re-evaluate its diplomatic and military support to the Saudi Arabia led-coalition,” she added.

“The UK must now urgently suspend arms exports to Saudi Arabia while they risk being used in Yemen in violation of international law and throw its weight behind calls by the UNHCR, the Commons International Development Committee and Save the Children to back an international, impartial investigation into alleged violations by all sides.”

The damning report followed the Foreign Secretary’s trip to Saudi Arabia on Sunday, where he had promised to put Yemen “high on the agenda”.

Speaking ahead of the visit, Mr Hammond said Britain co-operated with Gulf states on “shared threats”, adding: “Allowing the (Yemen) state to collapse is simply not an option. Britain is continuing to work together with all parties to support a comprehensive political solution to the conflict.”

The Foreign Office has issued no information on the results of his trip but in an interview with Sky News Arabia, Mr Hammond said he had met the UN Special Envoy for Yemen to discuss the peace process.

More than a month of talks between enemy factions in Kuwait have repeatedly faltered amid continued fighting and bombardment.

A spokesperson for the Foreign Office said: “The UK supports the Saudi Arabian-led coalition’s military intervention, which came at the request of the legitimate President Hadi, to deter aggression by the Houthis and forces loyal to the former president Saleh, and allow for the return of the legitimate Yemeni Government.

“We are aware of reports of alleged violations of International Humanitarian Law by actors in the conflict and take these very seriously. We regularly raise the importance of compliance with IHL with the Saudi Arabian Government and other members of the military coalition.” – by Lizzie Dearden

31.5.2016 – Parliament

Yemen: Military Intervention:Written question - 38314

Asked by Stephen Doughty (Cardiff South and Penarth)

Ministry of Defence

Yemen: Military Intervention

24.5.2016: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, what assessment he has made of the effect of the use of UK-supplied BL-755 cluster munitions by the Saudi Arabian-led coalition on the civilian population in Yemen.

Answered by: Mr Philip Dunne

31.5.2016: I refer the hon. Member to the Statement I made on 24 May 2016 (Official Report, column 401).

Comment by Julie Maxon: Talk about evading the question! Pls keep asking @SDoughtyMP. Mr Dunne didn't use the word "civilian" once on 24/5.

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

2./2.6.2016 – The Globe and Mail (* A P)

Ottawa eyes Saudi Arabia-Yemen relationship in light of arms deal

The Trudeau government says it’s watching “very closely” what is unfolding in Yemen, the site of a Saudi-led war where Riyadh is handing over military equipment to Yemeni forces.

Ottawa won’t say, however, precisely what measures are in place, if any, to stop Saudi Arabia from transferring its Canadian-made combat vehicles to Yemeni allies.

A leading human-rights researcher warned a Senate committee in Ottawa this week that the Saudis are training, funding and equipping Yemeni forces under the control of General Ali Mohsen, a military commander from Yemen who’s been repeatedly accused of laws-of-war violations.

Were Saudi Arabia, a long-time customer of Canadian light-armoured vehicles, to be lending or giving these machines to Yemeni allies, it could jeopardize Ottawa’s ability to proceed with a $15-billion arms sale to Riyadh. Typical end-user certificates in arm sales prohibit the transfer of arms to a third party.

Canada has sold Saudi Arabia hundreds of light-armoured vehicles over the past 25 years and videos and photos appearing on social media since 2015 show Canadian-made machines being deployed in the conflict with Houthi rebels in Yemen.

It’s not clear whether the Saudis, or Yemenis, are driving them – by Steven Chase

2.6.2016 – Middle East Eye (** B P)

Secret UAE surveillance programme reveals the true face of a police state

The work done by American computer expert Bill Marczak in uncovering the Emirati spy program targeting dissidents, activists, and journalists is hugely important because it reveals a little told side of the UAE – one of a police state using its vast wealth to use any means possible to shut down dissent both at home and overseas.

While pushing the line that the state is moving toward the constitutionally stated goal of building a democracy, Emirati authorities have long been keen to demonstrate their progress on women's rights, with Ohood al-Roumi selected to serve as the country's "Minister for Happiness" last year, an announcement which came 12 months after Mariam al-Mansouri gained global fame as the country's first female fighter pilot while bombing the Islamic State.

But scratch beneath what is superficial glamour and piecemeal development and you are left with an authoritarian state whose pretences at liberalism and democratisation are a fig leaf designed by highly-paid public relations firms who have successfully built a global brand that has seen the Emirates slogan emblazoned on everything from the football shirts of Real Madrid to the cable cars of London.

Over the past four and a half years I have consistently documented the secret detention, alleged torture, and subsequent long-term imprisonment of Emirati dissidents brave enough to speak out and call for reform of a political system that allows them little say in how their country is governed.

These human rights violations have taken place in a climate of abuse that includes the mass mistreatment of migrant workers; a legal system that lacks any semblance of true independence; and countless incidences of people falling foul of ridiculous laws – be it women arrested for reporting rape or young businessmen imprisoned for gently satirising life in Dubai.

This spread of abuse has occurred over the course of a decade in which the country has come to be dominated by a new generation of Emirati leaders who have increasingly turned to oppression and surveillance as a way of maintaining a stranglehold over power.

Since the death of the country's much-loved first leader Sheikh Zayed in 2004 the UAE leadership in Abu Dhabi has become ever more paranoid, leading to moves that demonstrate how authorities view the public with almost complete suspicion.

As well as covertly attempting to spy on the private communications of dissidents and activists, Emirati authorities have built a mass civil surveillance system installed by an Israeli owned company that monitors the entire lives of every person living in Abu Dhabi.

Emirati public figures often speak accurately about the security threat facing them in a tumultuous region and it is an argument to be deployed when defending mass surveillance, but it is also an argument that opens up why the UAE is not publicly admonished for its terrible human rights record.

Both the UAE’s domestic and foreign oppression is rooted in the same goal of attempting to maintain the Abu Dhabi royal family’s aim of retaining and growing personal economic wealth through maintained and increased political power.

The first step to understanding the façade of UAE liberalism is to side-step the commonly held belief that most of its people are content with having been made wealthy in return for respecting the absolute political authority of the seven emirates’ royal families.

This is because it is impossible to gauge whether or not Emiratis are truly happy with their lives, because the UAE is a place where people are broadly aware that any perceived transgression can land you in prison – or worse.

The revelation that the UAE has likely been covertly attempting to spy on dissidents at home and overseas is simply another example of how in public Emirati leaders present themselves as being a bastion of stability and progress in the Middle East, whereas in private they are willing to get involved in the dirty work of clinging to power without any regard for anyone's rights - be they Emirati or from overseas.

It is far beyond time that the UAE leadership is recognised for what it is: A dictatorship which - while being sleekly managed by public relations firms - is fixedly intent on getting as rich as it possibly can through the wielding of global political power and exercising of as much oppression as it takes to get there – by Rori Donaghi

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

14.9.2010 – The Guardian (* C K P)

Barack Obama to authorise record $60bn Saudi arms sale

Biggest arms deal in US history will shore up a Gulf ally against Iran threat, but angers Tehran and worries Israel

Barack Obama is to go ahead with plans to sell Saudi Arabia advanced aircraft and other weapons worth up to $60bn (£39bn), the biggest arms deal in US history, in a strategy of shoring up Gulf Arab allies to face any military threat from Iran.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the administration is also in talks with the Saudis about possible naval and missile-defence upgrades that could be worth tens of billions of dollars more over five to 10 years – by Ian Black

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

2.6.2016 – ECADF (A H)

Film: The appeal of imprison Ethiopian migrants from Yemen (BBN) [in Ethiopian] =

2.6.2016 – International Organization for Migration

Yemen Crisis: IOM Regional Response - Situation Report, 1 - 31 May 2016

Since the beginning of the crisis, over 685,000 IDPs and conflict-affected persons have benefitted from IOM’s WASH activities in Yemen.

Since the beginning of the crisis, nearly 11,000 individuals have benefitted from health and psychosocial support activities provided at Child-Friendly Spaces in Aden and Sana’a.

To date, over 79,000 people have arrived in Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia and Sudan from Yemen. Of this, over 26,000 individuals have received post-arrival assistance from IOM. and in full:

2.6.2016 – International Organization for Migration

Yemen Crisis Response: Movements and Arrival Assistance (As of 31 May 2016)

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

3.6.2016 – Zeit Online von AFP (A T)

Vier Tote bei US-Luftangriff auf Al-Kaida-Kämpfer im Jemen

Bei einem US-Luftangriff im Jemen sind vier mutmaßliche Kämpfer von Al-Kaida auf der Arabischen Halbinsel (Aqap) getötet worden. Das US-Kommando für den Mittleren Osten Centcom teilte am Freitag rückblickend mit, der Angriff habe sich am 19. Mai in der Provinz Schabwa ereignet. Er sei der neunte US-Luftangriff auf Al-Kaida-Kämpfer seit Beginn des Jahres gewesen. Insgesamt seien bei diesen Angriffen 81 Kämpfer getötet worden.

Kommentar: „vier mutmaßliche Kämpfer von Al-Kaida“: Propaganda, können ebenso gut Passanten, Nachbarn etc. gewesen sein. Auch Alter und Geschlecht spielen im Übrigen keine Rolle, um bei solchen Meldungen zum „mutmaßlichen Kämpfer von Al-Kaida“ zu werden.

3.6.2016 – Reuters (A K T)

U.S. air strikes in Yemen kill 15 al Qaeda militants: Pentagon

The U.S. military on Friday disclosed that it carried out an air strike in Yemen in May, killing four al Qaeda militants, and also revealed three other strikes that had not been previously reported.

The announcement concerned strikes in Yemen that ranged from February to March and killed 11 al Qaeda militants, the Pentagon said in a statement.

Comment: It really is very doubtful whether these 11 really have been “al Qaeda militants” or just bystanders, neighbours, relatives etc.

cp15 Propaganda

3.6.2016 – Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

I'm no longer sure if Saudi's statements on war in #Yemen are miserably failed attempts at propaganda or some convoluted callous satire.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

3.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi raids destroy house in Jawf

The Saudi warplanes launched on Friday two air raids on a house in al-Ghail district of Jawf province.
A local official said the raids completely destroyed the house of Hussein Ben La'awar al-Sharif and left huge damage to the neighboring houses in the district.

2.6.2016 – AP (A K)

Yemen's Shiite Rebels Retake Ground From Government Forces

Thursday, airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition hit a gathering of the Houthis in the capital, Sanaa, killing five, security officials said. – by Ahmed Al-Haj

Comment: This smells like propaganda.

2.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

New Wave of ATTACKS: 12 Saudi airstrikes bombard #Yemen regions of Sanhan (suburb of capital), Mareb & Shabwa.

2.6.2016 – Haykal Bafana (A K PH)

6 #Saudi airstrikes today in Sanhan, south of capital Sanaa. Media reports say no deaths or injuries, no damage.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

3.6.2016 – AP (* A K)

17 Civilians Killed by Rocket Fire on Market in Yemen's Taiz

At least 17 civilians — including 10 women and one girl — were killed and dozens were wounded when rockets hit a busy market in the western city of Taiz on Friday, Yemeni medical officials said.

The rockets were fired by Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, who are besieging the city. They struck at around 3:30 p.m. local time, when Taiz residents were shopping in preparation for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which is due to start next week. At least 30 people were wounded and the death toll was expected to rise, the officials said.

The market in the old city of Taiz is under the control of local resistance forces loyal to the internationally-recognized government, who are backed by a Saudi-led coalition. The city has been hard hit by fighting since coming under siege by the Houthis.

Abdel-Rahim al-Sameei, a member of Taiz's medical committee, told The Associated Press that the rockets also hit a bus station, and destroyed several houses. He described the scene at the market as "mayhem." – by Ahmed Al-Haj

3.6.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

Taiz MASSACRE: 16 civilians killed & injured when Houthi rockets attacked crowded shopping Bazaar in #Yemen city (graphic!!!)

3.6.2016 – Reuters (A K)

At least six Yemenis killed by rocket fired from Houthi-held area: medics

A rocket fired by Yemeni Houthi forces or allied troops killed at least six civilians when it landed in a crowded market in the southwestern city of Taiz on Friday, medics said.

The medics said children were among the victims of the Katuysha rocket, which was fired from an area controlled by the Houthis and troops loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The medics said 18 people were wounded as well as the six killed in the attack, which took place days before the start of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.

Ezzeldin al-Asbahi, human rights minister for the internationally recognized government based in Aden, put the death toll at nine civilians and said 26 other people were wounded.

3.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi aggression, hirelings continue violating ceasefire
The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued to breach the cease-fire during the past hours in several province, a military official said Friday.

The official explained that the aggression war jets waged five raids on Mandaba area in Baqem district of Sa’ada province and two other raids on al-Shorfa area in Najran region.
The hostile warplanes continue to fly in the sky of Sa’ada and Mareb provinces and in the areas of Mocha, al-Jadeed, al-Amri, Dhabab, al-Wazeiyah, al-Hunishiya and al-Barh in Taiz province, he said.
The aggression’s hirelings pounded the Military Hospital in al-Jahmaliya neighborhood in the city of Taiz, the official added.
He pointed out that the army and popular committees foiled two attempts of the mercenaries to advance toward Tha’abat and al-Jahmaliya neighborhoods.
According to the official, the hirelings targeted al-Bab al-Kabir souk in Taiz downtown with mortar shells, causing several causalities. They stormed houses of citizens in al-Khaiatein (tailors) neighborhood and abducted the citizen Numan Hizam from his home.
In Mareb province, the official said the aggression’s mercenaries bombed areas in Serwah district with different weapons.

3.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Hirelings kill man, injure child

A citizen was shot dead on Thursday in al-Mudhafar area in downtown Taiz province by a sniper of the Riyadh's hirelings, a military official said Friday.
In Shabwa province, a child was injured when the hirelings pounded a house in Usailan district with a Katyusha rocket. The official said the aggression's warplanes launched an airstrike on Usailan district, however no casualties were reported.
In the same district, nearly 27 hirelings were killed and dozens injured when the army and popular committees repulsed their attempt to advance towards al-Safra area.
The hirelings pounded areas in Mabda'a in Nehm district of Sana'a province with medium weapons. Meanwhile, the army and popular committees repulsed an attempt of the hirelings to advance towards Harib-Nehm area in Sana'a, the official said.
The Riyadh's hirelings in Taiz province pounded Dhubab city with artillery shells. The hirelings also targeted al-Moton district in Jawf province and pounded many areas in Serwah district of Mareb province.
The Saudi war jets waged an air raid on Hodeida province and three others on al-Moton district in Jawf province.

2.6.2016 – NZZ von AP (A K)

Huthi-Rebellen gewinnen an Boden

Im Bürgerkrieg im Jemen haben die Huthi-Rebellen wieder an Boden gewonnen. Sie hätten Teile der Provinzen Marib und Schabwa von den vorrückenden Regierungstruppen zurückerobert, hiess es aus regierungsnahen Kreisen. Auf beiden Seiten seien in den vergangenen drei Tagen mindestens 86 Kämpfer getötet und rund 100 verwundet worden. Erst am Wochenende hatte es Berichte von Dutzenden Toten aus den beiden Provinzen im Zentraljemen gegeben.

2.6.2016 – AP (A K)

Yemen's Shiite Rebels Retake Ground From Government Forces

The country's Shiite rebels have retaken ground from forces loyal to the internationally recognized government in two central provinces, with at least 85 fighters killed on both sides over the past three days, Yemeni officials said Thursday.

The fighting has been taking place in Marib and Shabwa provinces, the officials said, adding that in Shabwa's region of Bihan, along with the 85 killed, about 100 fighters have been wounded on both sides.

Security officials loyal to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi said pro-government forces retreated due to lack of air support from the Saudi-led coalition. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters – by Ahmed Al-Haj

2.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Houthis, allies liberate key areas in Yemen's Ma’rib, Shabwah

Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah fighters and allies have liberated key areas in the provinces of Ma’rib and Shabwah from Saudi-backed militants.

Officials with Yemen’s ousted government said on Thursday that the Houthis and allies forced militants loyal to the resigned president, Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, to retreat from the areas.

Fighting reportedly continued in those areas for three days. Over 80 people were killed from both sides of the conflict. Bihan region in Shabwah witnessed the highest number of casualties.

Sources close to Hadi claimed that the retreat was due to the lack of support from the Saudi regime.

2.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Army repels hirelings' advance, kills 15 in Shabwa

The army and popular committees repelled on Thursday an advance the hirelings carried out on Usailan district in Shabwa province.
The hirelings attempted to advance toward al-Alam and al-Safra'a areas in the district, but the army and popular committees thwarted the attempt and kill at least 15 of them, a military official said.
Among the killed were two prominent leaders called Hussein Lakmah al-Awlaqi and Ali Saud Al-Humaidhi.

2.6.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

War & FIRE: 34 killed today in fierce clashes between Houthis & Saudi allies in #Yemen regions Shabwa, Taiz & Mareb.

1.6.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K)

Rebel Militias Transform Health Centres into Military Barracks

Since their arrival in Taiz a year ago, rebel militias have been transforming government health facilities in the city into military barracks. Their latest target was the centre for cancer patients in Taiz at a time when more than 643 people suffering from cancer in the town do not have proper access to medicine because the rebel militias have besieged all of the town’s ports and are not allowing the admittance of food supplies, medicine and medical aid.

Houthi militias and forces loyal to the deposed president Ali Abdullah Saleh bombarded positions of the army and the Popular Resistance on various fronts of fighting in the governorate of Taiz. Residential neighbourhoods, villages and rural areas of the province were shelled badly.

1.6.2016 – Alzawaya (A K PH)

Yemen: A Hundred Dead in Shabwa

The Yemeni army and popular committees foiled a major advance attempt. Forces financed by Saudi Arabia have been attacking regions of Bayhan and Asylan in Shabwa during the past two days. However, a commander spoke about the real target which is taking control over the regions facing Al-Baitha’a governorate, which has been witnessing violent clashes for a month.

1.6.2016 – News Yemen TV (A K PH)

Film: Shabwa over 70 mercenaries killed

1.6.2016 – JosephJo1221 (A K PH)

Marib: combustion mercenaries stores after being targeted by the Yemeni army and committees

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

3.6.2016 – Food and Agriculture Organization (A H)

Desert Locust Bulletin 452 (May 2016)

Swarms expected to form in Yemen may threaten Indo-Pakistan

The Desert Locust situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate as more hopper groups and bands formed in the interior as well as on the Aden coast during May. Insecurity and remoteness are hampering current survey and control efforts. Consequently, swarms will start to form in the coming days.

If vegetation remains green, the swarms are expected to remain in the interior between Marib and Thamud where they will mature with the possibility of another generation of egg-laying by mid-July. On the other hand, if vegetation dries out, then the swarms are likely to move south to the Gulf of Aden where strong south-westerly monsoon winds would carry them through coastal areas of Oman and across the Arabian Sea to the Indo-Pakistan summer breeding area. Their arrival would nearly coincide with that of the monsoon rains in Rajasthan and adjacent areas of Pakistan. Swarm movement from the Yemen interior to Saudi Arabia is not very likely.

All efforts are required to increase survey and control operations in Yemen wherever possible and to remain vigilant in other countries. FAO will continue to monitor the developing situation closely and provide timely early warning. and in full:

2.6.2016 – Reuters (A E P)

Yemen and central bank need support to avoid collapse - UN

Yemen and its cash-strapped central bank need support from donors and international financial institutions to save the economy from collapse, the top U.N. official in the country said on Thursday.

"Restrictions on importation, the banking sector, central bank, the systems that were in place before which were broken anyway are now completely exhausted," Jamie McGoldrick, U.N. Humanitarian Coordinator for Yemen, told a news briefing in Geneva.

Food, fuel and medicines are in short supply, making prices "exhorbitant" and importers have trouble securing lines of credit to bring in goods, he said.

"The central bank is really struggling because they find it very difficult to get hard cash, to take the rials that are there and turn it into international currency.

"It has been very difficult for the central bank to operate the way it should," McGoldrick said – by Stephanie Nebehay

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