Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 155

Yemen Press Reader 155: Heftiger Druck der Saudis auf UNO: UNO knickt ein und streicht Saudis aus Schwarzer Liste - Preissteigerungen und Not - Nachrichtenagenturen: Der Propaganda-Multiplikator

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Heavy Saudi pressure on UN: UN caved in to Saudis removing them from blacklist - Rising prices and plight - News agencies: The propaganda multiplicator

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Versagen der UNO / Most important: UN failure

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Anderes / Most important: Other

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Versagen der UNO / Most important: UN failure

Das schändliche Einknicken der UN vor dem aggressiven verhalten der Saudis in Sachen des CAAC-Berichts (siehe YPR 154 und 153, cp2) ist hier vollständig dokumentiert (fast ausschließlich Englisch, die deutschsprachigen Medien sind bei diesem Thema wieder abgetaucht)

A very shameful caving in of UN to Saudi bullying on the UN CAAC report(see YPR 153 and 154, cp2) is fully listed here

7.6.2016 – Netkompakt (A P)

Unter diplomatischem Druck streicht die UNO die Saudi-Koalition von der Liste der Kinderkiller

7.6.2016 – Antiwar (* A P)

Die UNO hat bekanntgegeben, dass sie die in der vergangenen Woche herausgegebene “Schwarze Liste” der Kinderrechtsverletzer ändert und die von Saudiarabien angeführte Koalition entfernen wird, die den Jemen angreift, und zwar unter großem diplomatischem Druck seitens der saudischen Regierung, die Liste zu ändern.

Die Koalition war verantwortlich für geschätzte 60% der im Jemen getöteten Kinder im vergangenen Jahr, wobei saudische Regierungsvertreter darauf bestanden, dass jede Erwähnung auf der „Liste“ früheren UNO-Resolutionen „widerspricht,“ welche die Regierung unterstützten, die der Krieg der Saudis an die Macht bringen soll.

Vertreter der UNO waren ursprünglich gegen die Forderung der Saudis aufgetreten, sie von der Liste zu streichen, gaben aber ziemlich schnell nach, als Vertreter Saudiarabiens begannen, sich vehement dagegen auszusprechen. Die UNO bleibt dabei, dass die Streichung nur „vorläufig“ ist, indem sie sich auf ungenaue Angaben der Saudis beruft.

Saudische Regierungsvertreter wiesen zurück, dass es noch Überprüfungen gebe, und betonten, dass die Koalition keinesfalls und unter keinen Umständen wieder auf die Liste gesetzt werden kann.

Einige Menschenrechtsgruppen gaben Stellungnahmen heraus, in denen sie diesen Schritt kritisierten – von Jason Ditz

7.6.2016 – News38 (A P)

Jemen-Krieg: UN prüfen mit Saudis Verletzung von Kinderrechten

Die Vereinten Nationen wollen gemeinsam mit Saudi-Arabien die Verletzung von Kinderrechten im Jemen-Krieg durch die von den Saudis geführte Militärkoalition untersuchen.

Damit akzeptierte UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon einen Vorschlag Saudi-Arabiens. Im Gegenzug strichen die UN die Militärkoalition von einer Liste der Verletzer von Kinderrechten in Kriegsgebieten, teilte ein Sprecher Bans mit. In der jüngst veröffentlichten Ausgabe des jährlich erscheinenden Berichts zu Kindern in Konfliktgebieten hatten die UN die Koalition bezichtigt, Kinder im Jemen getötet und verstümmelt sowie Schulen und Krankenhäuser angegriffen zu haben.

6.6.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Shoura Council denounces U.N. allegations against Arab coalition in Yemen

The Shoura Council denounced on Monday the contents of a report issued by the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, accusing the Arab coalition to have committed human rights breaches against children in Yemen.

In a statement, delivered to reporters by Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Amro, the Shoura Council stated that the U.N. accusations are based on no evident proof and at a time that the U.N. has failed to enforce several resolutions issued against the Houthi Insurgency and forces loyal to deposed President Ali Saleh in Yemen. =

Comment: Shoura = Saudi pseudo “parliament”.

And also in the Emirates, propaganda against this report arose.

6.6.2016 – WAM (A P)

Political analysts on Monday lambasted a recent United Nations report which claimed that the Saudi-led Arab Coalition committed violations in Yemen. They said that targeting children was an integral part of the strategy of rebel Houthi militia and forces loyal to now-ousted Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Director of the Jeddah-based Middle East Centre for Strategic and Legal Studies Dr. Anwar Eshki told WAM that the UN report fails to present evidence and facts.

"It is inaccurate. Such reports must be based on solid and true facts," he said, and wondered how the UN could prepare a report about Yemen when it does not have a mission there.

Comment: Always the same: Repeating again and again “There are no facts” even if this is the contrary to reality which can be seen here and here and here.

6.6.2016 – Reuters (A K P)

Saudi Arabia wants Yemen coalition off U.N. child rights blacklist

Saudi Arabia asked United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday to remove the Riyadh-led military coalition in Yemen from a U.N. report that blacklisted it for killing and maiming children, describing the figures as "wildly exaggerated."

"We are asking that this report be corrected immediately so it does not reflect the accusations that have been made against the coalition and Saudi Arabia in particular," Saudi Arabia's U.N. Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi told reporters.

"If there are any casualties from the coalition side, they would be far, far lower," he said, adding that "the most up-to-date equipment in precision targeting" is used.

6.6.2016 – AFP (* A K P)

Saudis seek 'correction' to UN report on children killed in Yemen

Saudi Ambassador Abdullah al-Mouallimi told reporters that he was "deeply disappointed" and "disturbed" by the report and said the figure of 60 percent was "wildly exaggerated."

“We are asking that the report be corrected immediately so that it does not reflect the accusations against the coalition and Saudi Arabia in particular," he told reporters.

Comment: Nice propaganda. If they do not want to appear on this list, they should not have bombed. But it is incredible and absolutely disgusting that UN really (and within a few hours) now REMOVED Saudi Arabia from this blacklist.

6.6.2016 – Reuters (** A P)

Saudi-led Yemen coalition removed from U.N. child rights blacklist pending review

The United Nations said on Monday it had removed the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen from a child rights blacklist pending a joint review by the world body and the coalition of the cases of child deaths and injuries.

Following a complaint by Saudi Arabia, however, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon agreed to a joint review by the world body and the coalition of the cases cited in the annual report of states and armed groups that violate children's rights in war.

"Pending the conclusions of the joint review, the secretary-general removes the listing of the coalition in the report's annex," Ban's spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.

But Saudi Arabia's U.N. ambassador, Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, said the removal of the coalition from the blacklist was "irreversible and unconditional."

"We were wrongly placed on the list," he told reporters. "We know that this removal is final."

Mouallimi, who described the removal as a vindication, earlier on Monday said the figures in the U.N. report were "wildly exaggerated" and that "the most up-to-date equipment in precision targeting" is used – BY MICHELLE NICHOLS AND LOUIS CHARBONNEAU = and by RT: and by Alwaght: and The telegraph: and The Independent: and Al Araby: and CNN: and BBC: and AFP: and AP:

7.6.2016 – Al Arabiya (A P)

Arab coalition removed from UN blacklist

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon agreed to a Saudi proposal to review the facts and cases cited in the report jointly with the coalition, his spokesman Stephan Dujarric said.

"Pending the conclusions of the joint review, the secretary-general removes the listing of the coalition in the report's annex," he added.

Earlier on Monday Mualami said Saudi Arabia does not accept for the kingdom or any of its Arab coalition allies to be placed on a “bad list.”

Mualami’s statement, made during a press conference at the UN headquarters, comes after the Saudi-led Arab coalition’s military spokesman on Sunday dubbed the report as “imbalanced” and not reliant on “credible statistics.” The report also gave “misleading” and “incorrect numbers,” the military spokesman added.

The Saudi envoy said that the report contained double standards, citing Israel’s exclusion from a UN list. Last year, the UN released a list of children’s rights violators and did not include Israel, despite an outcry over the death of more than 500 children during the Gaza war the year before.

He also said the report overlooked Saudi’s role in reinstating “legitimacy” in Yemen.

6.6.2016 – Foreign Policy (** A P)

Riyadh Beats Back U.N. Accusations of Yemen Abuses

The retreat came hours after Saudi Arabia’s U.N. ambassador protested Ban’s decision to include the Saudi-led coalition in a 41-page report about those responsible for the worst abuses against young civilians.

Speaking to reporters outside the Security Council Monday, Riyadh’s U.N. envoy, Abdallah al-Mouallimi, said the document was “wildly inaccurate.”

“There may be collateral damage from time to time, that’s the nature of warfare,” Mouallimi said after a meeting with U.N. Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson. “If mistakes happened, they are being investigated.”

Speaking to reporters outside the Security Council Monday, Riyadh’s U.N. envoy, Abdallah al-Mouallimi, said the document was “wildly inaccurate.”

Human Rights Watch, the New York-based advocacy group, said the U.N.’s capitulation to Riyadh “taints the secretary-general’s legacy on human rights.”

“The U.N. Secretary General’s office has hit a new low by capitulating to Saudi Arabia’s brazen pressure,” Philippe Bolopion, the rights’ organization’s deputy director for global advocacy, said in a statement. “Yemen’s children deserve better. The U.N. itself has extensively documented the Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in Yemen that have cause hundreds of children’s deaths.” – by Colum Lynch

6.6.2016 – Inner City Press (A P)

Ban's Spox Told Press Saudi'd Stay On CAAC List For Yemen Deaths- Took Them Off 3 Hours Later

On Yemen, Ban Spox Said Wouldn't Drop Saudi From CAAC List, Then Did

6.6.2016 – Inner City Press (** A P)

The UN Secretariat of Ban Ki-moon's bungling of Yemen mediation has become ever more clear.

Saudi Arabia's Permanent Representative to the UN crowed that he was sure the removal was also permanent.

Inner City Press asked him about the evidence the Saudi-led Coalition has dropped cluster bombs on Yemen. He flatly denied it. Video here.

Here's Ban's statement, it might be contrasted with standing beyond this decision, on this flimsy basis, here =

6.6.2016 – UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon (A P)


On the CAAC report, he accepts a proposal by Saudi Arabia that the United Nations and the Saudi-led Coalition review jointly the cases and numbers cited in the text. The Secretary-General shares the objective that the report reflect the highest standards of accuracy possible.

In this regard, the Secretary-General invites the Coalition to send a team to New York as soon as possible for detailed discussions, ahead of the Security Council's discussion of the report currently scheduled for August. Pending the conclusions of the joint review, the Secretary-General removes the listing of the Coalition in the report's annex.

6.6.2016 – The American Conservative (** A P)

The Latest Attempt to Whitewash the Saudi-Led Coalition’s Crimes in Yemen

The listing of the coalition was based on the fact that it has been responsible for more than half of child deaths and injuries in the conflict since last March.

The Saudis and their allies have been very effective in getting their way at the U.N. on Yemen, and they have been helped in this by the reliable diplomatic support that the U.S., Britain, and others have provided to them.

This isn’t seriously disputed by anyone except the governments implicated in the wrongdoing. It should also be added that the Saudi-led blockade of the country has had an enormously destructive effect on the well-being of Yemen’s children by causing a huge increase in malnutrition and the creation of near-famine conditions in the country.

The Saudis and their allies are eager to keep their war in Yemen from receiving too much public scrutiny and criticism. Now they have used their influence at the U.N. to get the organization to start an absurd “joint review” of the charges in the report. This is the same as having the suspect of a crime involved in investigating himself. As appalling as that is, the Saudis’ gambit may have backfired on them in this case. The sudden reversal by the U.N. reeks so strongly of blatant political interference on behalf of the coalition that it has drawn that much more attention to the report’s findings. Here were some of the reactions to the news:

7.6.2016 – Amnesty International (** A P)

UN: Shameful pandering to Saudi Arabia over children killed in Yemen conflict

The credibility of the United Nations is on the line after it shamefully caved in to pressure to remove the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition from the UN’s list of states and armed groups that violate children’s rights in conflict, Amnesty International said today.

Last night a spokesperson for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced the change to the list published on 2 June as part of an annual report by his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. The move was a direct result of diplomatic pressure from Saudi Arabia.

“It is unprecedented for the UN to bow to pressure to alter its own published report on children in armed conflict. It is unconscionable that this pressure was brought to bear by one of the very states listed in the report,” said Richard Bennett, Representative and Head of Amnesty International’s UN Office. “Blatant pandering such as this undermines all of the UN’s work to protect children caught up in war.

“By taking a step further, the Secretary-General has set a dangerous precedent that will put the lives of children in countries in conflict at even greater risk,” said Richard Bennett. =

7.6.2016 – The Guardian (** A P)

Rights groups condemn removal of Saudi Arabia from UN blacklist

UN accused of giving in to political manipulation as Riyadh hits back at claims over child deaths in Yemen conflict

Human Rights Watch accused Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, of giving in to “political manipulation” in the wake of furious protests from Riyadh. It said the UN had executed a “shocking flip-flop”.

Amnesty International decried “blatant pandering”, which it said “damages the credibility of the UN as a whole”. Oxfam said the world body’s decision to retract its findings was “a moral failure.”

Oxfam said the UN report on children and conflict was yet more evidence that countries such as Britain and the US should halt “reckless” arms sales to all participants in the conflict.

Sajjad Mohamed Sajid, Oxfam’s country director in Yemen, said: “Political power and diplomatic clout have been allowed to trump the UN’s duty to expose those responsible for the killing and maiming of more than 1,000 of Yemen’s children.

“The killing of children in their homes, at schools and in hospitals should not be swept under the carpet. When the UN identifies crimes such as these it needs to act, regardless of who the perpetrators are.” – by Ian Black

Comment by Samuel Oakford: Human Rights Watch says Ban Ki Moon's decision this afternoon to delist Saudis "taints the Secretary-General's legacy on human rights."

Comments by Jamila Hanan: #UN no different than #FIFA, except that it's kids lives that they kick around.

#SaudiArabia bought #Yemen from #UN when that aid package was agreed upon. So seriously what was anyone expecting?

I said nothing would happen,but it was worse than that. I was right abut the Useless Nations though. and and

Comments by Dr. Karim: It took only 3hours to change, What an embarrassment @UN!

@UN_Spokesperson caves in to Saudi Co pressure/money at expense of #YemenChildren blood

.@UN torpedoes its own credibility over #YemenChildren lives … to keep #SaudiCo $$$ flowing in and and

Comments by Hisham Al-Omeisy (A P)

Saudi defamed UN, blocked resolutions & investigations..but forcing to retract is biggest blow to credibility

We #Yemen -is knew from start UN can't protect. Set low expectations hoping verdict impartial, still disappointed.

Justice? UN can't even blacklist culprit it verified case against & where listing does nothing beyond naming! and and

Comment by Jane Novak: Every unarmed person more vulnerable today after UN bows to #Saudi on war crimes in #Yemen: UN won't save you either

Comment by Hussain Albukhaiti: #Saudi removd it's self frm #UN report was easier than removin ur self frm Whatsaap group

7.6.2016 – Reuters (** A P)

U.N. chief faced funding cut-off, fatwa risk over Saudis: sources

Muslim allies of Saudi Arabia piled pressure on U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon over the blacklisting of a Saudi-led coalition for killing children in Yemen, with Riyadh threatening to cut Palestinian aid and funds to other U.N. programs, diplomatic sources said on Tuesday.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the sources said Ban's office was bombarded with calls from Gulf Arab foreign ministers, as well as ministers from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), after the blacklisting was announced last week. One U.N. official spoke of a "full-court press" over the blacklisting.

"Bullying, threats, pressure," another diplomatic source told Reuters on condition of anonymity about the reaction to the blacklisting, adding that it was "real blackmail."

The source said there was also a threat of "clerics in Riyadh meeting to issue a fatwa against the U.N., declaring it anti-Muslim, which would mean no contacts of OIC members, no relations, contributions, support, to any U.N. projects, programs."

A fatwa is a legal opinion used in Islamic Sharia law. In Saudi Arabia fatwas can only be issued by the group of top, government-appointed clerics and are sometimes commissioned by the ruling family to back up its political positions.

Responding to the allegations, Saudi U.N. Ambassador Abdallah Al-Mouallimi said "we don't use threats or intimidation," and Riyadh was "very committed to the United Nations."

Mouallimi denied any threat of a possible fatwa.

Several diplomatic sources said that the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) would be hit especially hard if the blacklisting were upheld. Saudi Arabia was the fourth biggest donor to UNRWA after the United States, European Union and Britain, having supplied it nearly $100 million last year.

There was no indication that the United States or any other Western Saudi allies encouraged the U.N. to reverse the blacklisting of the coalition – BY LOUIS CHARBONNEAU. MICHELLE NICHOLS AND YARA BAYOUMY

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Saudi threatened to cut funding to UN if blacklisted. Saudi share of UN's #Yemen aid? 46Mil (2.5% of 1.8Bil needed).

7.6.2016 – Foreign Policy (** A P)

Saudi Arabia Threatened to Break Relations With U.N. Over Human Rights Criticism in Yemen

Riyadh warned Turtle Bay it would pull hundreds of millions of dollars from U.N. programs if it was singled out for killing and maiming children in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia threatened this week to break relations with the United Nations and cut hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance to its humanitarian relief and counterterrorism programs to strong-arm the U.N. into removing Riyadh and its allies from a blacklist of groups that are accused of harming children in armed conflict.

In their Monday warning, senior Saudi diplomats told top U.N. officials Riyadh would use its influence to convince other Arab governments and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to sever ties with the United Nations, the officials said. The threats were issued in a series of exchanges between top Saudi officials in Riyadh, including Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, according to U.N.-based officials.

The Saudi threat reflects a growing trend by U.N. member states to threaten retaliation against Turtle Bay for challenging their human rights records – by Colum Lynch

Comment: Turtle Bay: Site of UN headquarter in New York.

7.6.2016 – The American Conservative (* A P)

The War on Yemen and Our Despicable Clients

To appreciate just how despicable the Saudi maneuver is, remember that their government and its allies are responsible for a large part of the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. Yemen is classified among the worst humanitarian crises in the world, and it is suffering from near-famine conditions largely because of the Saudi-led coalition’s blockade. The Saudis then have the gall to threaten to withhold funding for U.N. humanitarian aid in an attempt to cover up the crimes that the coalition has committed in that country. This should drive home just how far the Saudis and their allies are prepared to go to pursue their reckless war on Yemen, and it should be a reminder to us of how horrible the despotic governments whose war the U.S. is supporting really are – by Daniel Larison

7.6.2016 – Mohammed Humran (A P)

H.E. Mr. Abdallah Yahya A. Al-Mouallimi, Chairman of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) Advisory Board, he is from Saudis Arabia and representing the Arabs league on UN . He take advantages of his position to work against humanity for achieving Saudis forgone policy and privet interests for Saudis king family

8.6.2016 – News of Bahrain (A P)

Bahrain, Qatar welcome UN decision

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday welcomed the decision of the United Nations to remove the Arab Coalition in support of legitimacy in Yemen from the list of child rights violations in Yemen from the UN Secretary-General’s annual report annex.

7.6.2016 – WAM (A P)

GCC welcomes UN decision to remove Arab Coalition in Yemen from blacklist of children's rights violators during conflict

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) today welcomed the decision of the United Nations (UN) to remove the Saudi-led coalition supporting the legitimacy in Yemen from a list of government forces that committed grave violations against children, after it found that its report was based on inaccurate information and lacked objectivity.

''The GCC values the UN Secretariat-General's initiative to correct this administrative mistake in confirmation of the UN’s credibility and responsibility to preserve international security and peace,'' GCC Secretary-General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani said in a statement today.

7.6.2016 – Infographic KSA (A P)

[Saudi propaganda against Ban Ki-Moon]

For some more background, see:

8.2014 – The Beam (A P)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Donates USD 100 Million for the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated USD 100 million to the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) in a ceremony held at the United Nations Secretariat in New York on 14 August 2014.

The Secretary-General expressed appreciation for “this generous donation”.

Comment by Yasr2013: United Nations take the price of the blood of the children of Yemen from Saudi Arabia

cp1b Am wichtigsten: Sonstiges / Most important: Other

7.6.2016 – Newsweek (** B H)

Yemen: The Kindness of Strangers

When Adel Mahmoud, 54, a teacher in Taiz province, went to buy commodities for Ramadan, he was shocked to find a huge increase in prices.

Although it’s often the case that there is an increase in prices before the sacred month, as some of Yemen’s Muslims tend to buy in bulk—and special kinds of food at that—Mahmoud wasn’t prepared for how much. This month, the main reason for the hike is the value of Yemen’s currency. “Food prices usually increase by 10 percent, but this year some prices have increased by more than 25 percent. Traders say that the reason for this is the increase of the dollar against the rial,” Mahmoud told Newsweek Middle East

The increase of prices is not the only problem that residents face. Many people have lost their jobs because of the war, whilst others cannot find work, so the overall lack of income compounds the problem – by Nasser Al-Sakkaf

6.6.2016 – Swiss Propaganda (** B P)

Der Propaganda-Multiplikator
Es ist einer der wichtigsten Aspekte unseres Mediensystems – und dennoch in der Öffentlich­keit nahezu unbekannt: Der größte Teil der internationalen Nachrichten in all unseren Medien stammt von nur vier globalen Nachrichtenagenturen aus New York, London, Paris und Berlin.
Die Schlüsselrolle dieser Agenturen hat zur Folge, dass unsere Medien zumeist über dieselben Themen berichten und dabei sogar oftmals dieselben Formulierungen verwenden. Zudem nutzen Regierungen, Militärs und Geheimdienste die globalen Agenturen als Multiplikator für die weltweite Verbreitung ihrer Botschaften. Die transatlantische Vernetzung der etablierten Medien gewährleistet dabei, dass die gewünschte Sichtweise kaum hinterfragt wird.
Eine Untersuchung der Syrien-Berichterstattung von je drei führenden Tageszeitungen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz illustriert diese Effekte deutlich: 78% aller Artikel basieren ganz oder teilweise auf Agenturmeldungen, jedoch 0% auf investigativer Recherche. Zudem sind 82% aller Kommentare und Interviews USA/NATO-freundlich, während Propaganda ausschließlich auf der Gegenseite verortet wird.
Ein Großteil unserer Medien besitzt keine eigenen Auslands­korrespondenten und hat folglich keine andere Wahl, als sich für die Auslandsnachrichten vollständig auf die globalen Agenturen zu verlassen. Doch wie sieht es bei den großen Tageszeitungen und TV-Stationen aus, die über eigene internationale Korrespondenten verfügen? Im deutschsprachigen Raum sind dies beispielsweise eine NZZ, FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Welt und die öffentlichen Rundfunkanstalten.
Zunächst sind die Größenverhältnisse im Auge zu behalten: Während die globalen Agenturen weltweit über mehrere Tausend Mitarbeiter verfügen, unterhält selbst eine für ihre internationale Berichterstattung bekannte NZZ nur gerade 35 Auslandskorrespondenten (inklusive den Wirtschaftskorrespondenten). In riesigen Ländern wie China oder Indien ist lediglich ein Korrespondent stationiert, ganz Südamerika wird von nur zwei Journalisten abgedeckt, während im noch größeren Afrika gar niemand fest vor Ort ist.

cp2 Allgemein / General

7.6.2016 – Sputnik News (* B P)

What's Behind Mainstream Media's 'Selective Coverage' of Yemen

English-language mainstream media and particularly the press in Germany largely refrain from covering "inconvenient facts" relating to Yemen, turning the disastrous war that Saudi Arabia is waging in the poorest Arab country in the world into a "forgotten" conflict, Dietrich Klose wrote for Germany's weekly newspaper Der Freitag.

Mainstream coverage, according to Klose, is mostly "palliative," lacking background facts that can shed light on what caused the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Moreover, reports often reflect Riyadh's point of view on the conflict, with phrases like "Iran-backed Houthi rebels" serving as a prime example.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

7.6.2016 Press TV Iran (A H)

Film: Yemenis in economic crisis as Ramadan arrives

A new study has found that two-thirds of Yemeni families have to borrow money to buy food. The situation is even worse in the fasting month of Ramadan when people need to buy special food items.

7.6.2016 – The Talking of the Soul (* A H)

Parallel deaths of war on Yemen

The deaths, which seem to rise every morning with the sun, are not necessarily and exclusively the ones occurring under the bombs and/or in ground battles.

”My friend…he had a kidney failure. It is the first time it happens to him. His health is deteriorating. There are no medicines at the hospital. Imagine: they cannot do anything at the hospital.
There are no flights to mainland. He is stuck here, in Socotra, and his condition does not allow him to travel by boat to Mukhalla.
He is under the mercy of God.

7.6.2016 – UNICEF (* B H)

UNICEF Yemen Crisis Humanitarian Situation Report (May 2016)

A sudden devaluation of the local currency caused dramatic increases in price of food and commodities. Should this trend continue, millions of Yemenis will face an even greater risk of food insecurity and further deterioration of their humanitarian situation.

• UNICEF supported the launching of a five-day Integrated Outreach Activity (IOA) targeting 9,958 hard-to-reach and underserved communities in all 333 districts of Yemen. Activities included immunization, treatment of childhood illnesses, antenatal care and reproductive health services. and in full:

6.6.2016 – Red Cross (* B H)

[Short film on schools in Yemen, affected by the war]

6.6.2016 – Euronews (* B H)

The plight of Yemen’s children

Children growing up in Yemen face multiple threats. If they escape recruitment by one of the warring factions, they may be one of the victims of the fighting or the deepening humanitarian crisis. Children are disproportionately the victims of the war.

An estimated one third of fighters in Yemen are children, many of whom have been captured and are now subject to an agreement between the warring sides.

6.6.2016 – FAO (A H)

GIEWS Country Brief: Yemen 03-June-2016

Food Security Snapshot – Conflict and locust impacting agricultural production – Below-average cereal harvest in 2015 but stable import requirement – Economic prospects deteriorate further – Shortages of food and fuel prevail although some improvement is reported – Over 21 million people in need of humanitarian assistance and PDF with infographs:

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

7.6.2016 – Saba Net (A T)

Three-member terrorist cell arrested in Hodeida

A three-member terrorist cell was arrested on Tuesday after the security services and popular committees raided a house in Hodeida province.
The cell arrested in al-Jah area in Bait al-Faqih district intended to carry out murder and explosion operations targeting military, security and civil leaders in the province, a security official said.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

7.6.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K T)

Yemen Qaeda/ISIS killed Son of director of endowmentsNDale'e south Yemen where these groups establish their State

6.6.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K T)

Yemen Qaeda/ISIS killed now Colonel Mohammed Salem Al Abadi in Lawdar Abyan south Yemen where these groups rule

6.6.2016 – AP (A P)

Yemen's prime minister arrives in Aden despite unrest

Yemen's prime minister has arrived in the southern city of Aden, where the internationally-recognized government hopes to take up residence despite a wave of suicide bombings.

The arrival of Prime Minister Ahmed bin Dagher and a number of ministers on Monday came hours after the city's airport was attacked by militias, mostly disgruntled fighters who fought alongside the government

6.6.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K T)

Yemen former prime minister Khaled Bahah says that Saudi Arabia handed 400million KSA rials2Taiz fighters,Qaeda/ISIS

6.6.2016 – Der Standard (A H P)

Zivilist bei Kämpfen in Aden getötet

Bei neuen Kämpfen wurde am Montag am Flughafen von Aden ein Zivilist getötet. Eine Gruppe Bewaffneter versuchte in den Flughafen der südlichen Hafenstadt einzudringen, um einen dort gefangen gehaltenen Jihadisten zu befreien.

6.6.2016 – AFP (A T)

Civilian killed as gunmen attack airport in Yemen's Aden

Suspected militants attacked the airport in Yemen’s government-held second city Aden on Monday sparking a firefight in which at least one civilian was killed, a security source said.

Around 20 gunmen stormed the main entrance road to the airport in the city’s Khormaksar district, demanding the release of a fellow militant of Western origin who was detained late last month. = and more details by Anadolu

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe cp1 Am wichtigsten / See cp1 Most important

7.6.2016 – Saba News (A P)

National delegation condemns removing Saudi-led coalition from list of children’s rights violators

The national delegation participating in Kuwait consultations condemned Tuesday the United Nations' retraction of its decision to insert the Saudi-led coalition in the list of children’s rights violators in Yemen.
The delegation considered the United Nations' response to the extortion and pressure is immoral and inhumane act, which makes doubt in any position will be issued later.

7.6.2016 – Reuters (A P)

Yemen government says to free 54 children captured in fighting with Houthis

Saudi Arabia has handed over to Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government 54 child prisoners who were captured during fighting with the Iran-allied Houthi militia, Yemen's foreign minister said on Tuesday.

Abdel-Malek al-Mekhlafi, who heads Hadi's peace negotiating team, said the children were aged between 8 and 17 years and their release showed the government and its Saudi-led coalition ally "reject the Houthi crime of using children in war".

The Houthis have not commented on such accusations. But Houthi fighters often bring in their sons to volunteer for service. and by NYT:

Comment by Khalid Ahmed Alradhi: they r no fighters, they r child workers captured trying to illegally make living inside Saudi (and look also at discussion)

Comment by Nasser Arrabyee: Saudi Arabia SHAMELESSLY LYING, These Yemeni children were detained inside KSA as illegal residents not in battles

Comment: These 54 children above all seem to be a Saudi propaganda coup, look here: and and and and

7.6.2016 – Almanar (A K P)

Al-Houthi: Solution at Hand if Saudis Exercise Rationality

Al-Houthi criticized the Saudi-backed delegates in the ongoing UN-brokered peace talks in Kuwait, saying they are “insincere” and “irrational.”
The Houthi leader said a solution to the Yemeni crisis would have been at hand if the Saudi-backed negotiating team had demonstrated goodwill and exercised rationality.
He said while negotiations are underway to reach a solution and put an end to Yemen’s conflict, Saudi Arabia is pressing ahead with its deadly military attacks against the country. and by Pars Today:

6.6.2016 – Der Standard (A H P)

Uno: Jemens Konfliktparteien vereinbarten Freilassung von Kindern

In einem ersten Schritt der Annäherung bei ihren Friedensgesprächen haben die Konfliktparteien im Jemen die Freilassung von Kinder-Gefangenen vereinbart. Wie der UN-Sondergesandte Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed am Montag mitteilte, wurde bei den Gesprächen in Kuwait ein Grundsatzabkommen über die "bedingungslose Freilassung von Kindern" getroffen, die auf beiden Seiten im Zuge der Kampfhandlungen gefangen genommen wurden. und ausführlicher:

6.6.2016 – Euronews (* A H)

Jemen: Hoffnung für inhaftierte Kinder?

In einem ersten Schritt der Annäherung bei ihren Friedensgesprächen haben die Konfliktparteien im Jemen grundsätzlich die “bedingungslose Freilassung” von Kinder-Gefangenen vereinbart.

6.6.2016 – Deutsche Welle (* A P)

Kriegsparteien im Jemen lassen gefangene Kinder frei

Es ist ein kleiner Lichtblick: Im Jemen haben die Kriegsparteien sich auf die Freilassung gefangen genommener Kinder geeinigt. Sie sollen noch an diesem Montag pünktlich zum Beginn des Ramadan freikommen.

6.6.2016 – Reuters (A H P)

Yemen's warring sides agree to release child prisoners: U.N. envoy

The parties to over a year of civil war in Yemen have agreed to release all child prisoners they are holding, U.N. envoy to peace talks in Kuwait Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed said on his official Twitter account on Monday.

6.6.2016 – ABC News (A K P)

Yemen foes agree to free child prisoners, but fail to reach further agreement

Yemen's warring parties have pledged to free all child prisoners but failed to reach agreement on a wider release for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

7.6.2016 – Deutsch-Türkische Nachrichten (A P)

Saudi-Arabien und Iran: Beinharter Kampf um neue Öl-Märkte

Die Rivalität zwischen dem Iran und Saudi-Arabien könnte dazu führen, dass sich Erdöl bald wieder deutlich verbilligt. Um keine Marktanteile an die Konkurrenten zu verlieren, wird Saudi-Arabien die Produktionsausweitung des Iran zu überbieten versuchen.

5.6.2016 – Middle East Eye (A K P)

Saudi, not Iran, is real 'terrorism sponsor,' Tehran tells Washington

Tehran on Sunday dismissed its renewed blacklisting by Washington as a state sponsor of terrorism, charging that it was US allies including Riyadh that were the real culprits.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

6.6.2016 – Al Araby (B P)

#Trending: Road-rage among Saudi women over 'exploitative' Uber deal

The Saudi government's massive $3.5 billion investment in Uber has caused outrage among many women, who believe authorities will now be profiting from the country's no-women-behind-the-wheel policy.

6.6.2016 – Alwaght (* A P)

Saudi Daily Al Watan Claims Being Hacked after Publishing Bin Nayef’s Remarks

[see YPR 154, cp8, on this topic]

The Saudi Arabian daily Al Watan has revealed remarks of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef who admitted that the kingdom needed to make concessions in Syria and Yemen and to amend its general policies, but soon it denied that it posted the news on its website, claiming that it was subject to hacking by the "enemies of the kingdom."

However, the analysts said that the words of the Saudi crown prince were right and they were also posted on other news outlets though in different ways.

How serious are the deep rifts between Muhammad bin Nayef and his deputy Mohammed bin Salman, the son of the king, which have come to surface and affected the kingdom’s policy at home and internationally? What is the significance of what Al Watan uncovered?

6.6.2016 – Press TV Iran (* A E P)

Saudi reform plan, extra step of austerity: Analyst

Press TV has interviewed Ali al-Ahmed, director of the Institute for the [Persian] Gulf Affairs (IGA) in Washington, to discuss Saudi Arabia’s reform plan that is predicted to introduce tough belt-tightening measures.

A rough transcription of the interview appears below.

The issue here is the structure of the regime itself. As they say in political science absolute power corrupts absolutely, the Saudi monarchy controls every facet of the economy,

I think they might not be able to satisfy the growing need and demand of the people especially the young people.

6.6.2016 – NTV (A E P)

Kampfansage an den Iran: Saudis forcieren den Ölpreis-Krieg

Der Plan der Opec, die Ölfördermengen zu reduzieren, ist insbesondere am Widerstand Saudi-Arabiens gescheitert. Nach dem Treffen des Ölkartells senken die Saudis nun die Ölpreise für Europa. Auch der Iran reagiert.

cp9 USA

7.6.2016 – Sputnik News (A P)

Umfrage: US-Amerikaner wollen Saudi-Arabien nicht unterstützen

Der Großteil der US-Amerikaner ist überzeugt, dass ihr Land die Unterstützung Saudi-Arabiens vollständig oder teilweise einstellen sollte, solange Riad nicht beweist, dass es den Terrorismus mit Geld unterstützt.

Dies ergab eine Umfrage aus der Reihe Sputnik.Polls, die die britische Meinungsforschungsfirma Populus im Auftrag der Nachrichtenagentur Sputnik erstellte. Nur zwölf Prozent der Befragten finden, Washington sollte Riad als seinen Verbündeten weiter unterstützen

6.6.2016 – Free Thought Project (* A P)

Secret Saudi Trade Deal Exposes How the Terrorist Nation Holds The US Govt and Economy Hostage

The U.S. government has a 41-year history of preserving this special relationship, and is now held hostage by the consequences of the deal. =

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

7.6.2016 – Reprieve (* B P)

UK training Saudi police in CSI techniques that risk torture

Britain’s College of Policing is teaching the Saudi Arabian interior ministry high-tech forensic skills that risk being “used to identify individuals who later go on to be tortured”, an internal police report obtained by human rights charity Reprieve reveals.

According to the document, released under Freedom of Information, the controversial training program began in 2009 and continued even after juvenile protesters were rounded up, tortured and sentenced to death following the Arab Spring uprisings.

6.6.2016 – Amnesty International (* A K P)

Letter to Michael Fallon over Government's 'wildly implausible claims' on UK cluster munitions in Yemen

Amnesty International has written to Defence Secretary Michael Fallon seeking urgent clarification over what it says is “a smokescreen of wildly implausible claims” from the Minister for Defence Procurement Philip Dunne over whether the Saudi Arabia-led military coalition used a UK-made cluster bomb in its attacks on villages in Yemen

‘It’s shocking that the Saudi coalition has dropped a British cluster bomb on villagers in Yemen, and no less shocking that ministers are doing so little about it’

Letter comes ahead of petition to Downing Street, and parliamentary meeting and debate – by Allan Hogarth

6.6.2016 – Amnesty International (* B K P)

Evidence Counters UK Claims That No British-Made Cluster Munitions in Yemen

Amnesty International has published detailed information rebutting claims by the British government that no UK-manufactured cluster munitions were used by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition during the Yemen conflict which began in March 2015.

“By failing to launch an urgent investigation into the use of British-made cluster munitions the UK government is demonstrating a callous indifference to the lives of civilians in Yemen.”

6.6.2016 – RT (* A K P)

Britain’s denial over cluster bombs in Yemen 'wildly implausible' – Amnesty

Ministry of Defence (MoD) denials regarding banned, British-supplied cluster munitions found in Yemen are little more than a “smokescreen of wildly implausible claims,” according to Amnesty International.

The human rights charity wrote to the MoD after defence minister Philip Dunne told parliament a UK-made BL-755 bomb found in a village in Yemen had not been dropped by the Saudi coalition.

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

7.6.2016 – Sputnik News (B K P)

Waffenlieferungen in die arabische Welt brechen Rekorde

Nach der Eskalation der Konflikte in der Region haben die Nahost-Länder den Import von Kleinwaffen drastisch erhöht: Die Waffenlieferungen in diese Länder haben einen Rekordwert von 630 Millionen US-Dollar erreicht. Das geht aus dem neuen Bericht des in Genf ansässigen unabhängigen Instituts Small Arms Survey hervor.

Laut dem Bericht haben die wichtigsten Importeure im Nahen Osten den Waffenimport 2013 gegenüber dem Vorjahr um mehr als 80 Prozent gesteigert.

cp13b Flüchtlinge / Refugees

7.6.2016 – UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Protection Cluster (A H)

Task Force on Population Movement, 9th Report (TFPM) Executive Summary, May 2016

The 9th report affirms a population of concern, in connection with the ongoing conflict, of 2,818,072 individuals. This is composed of 2,053,093 IDPs who remain in a situation of displacement across 21 governorates, mainly in Taizz, Hajjah, Sana’a, and 764,979 IDPs who have been tracked as having returned to or within 19 governorates, mainly in Aden, Amanat Al Asimah and Lahj.

Amongst IDPs, the top three needs include food (49%), drinking water (20%) and shelter (9%).

Amongst IDP returnees, the top three needs include food (37%), access to income (13%) and shelter (3%). and in full: and also

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

7.6.2016 – International Policy Digest (* B T)

Yemen Thwarts Al Qaeda Attack

Well-coordinated anti-terrorist operations and intelligence cooperation in Yemen have started to yield results.

On 2nd June 2016, General Faraj Salmin, commander of Yemen’s Second Military Zone in the east of Yemen, made public the information that Yemeni authorities had thwarted a massive terrorist attack aimed at the local administrative headquarters in Mukalla. According to General Salmin, a car loaded with 15 high-explosive bombs had been detected in time before an individual linked to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, could detonate it.

[Fighting against terrorism in Southern Yemen, from a Saudi point of view]– by Marcela Ganea =

Comment: Contains some crazy propaganda related to the Yemeni peace talks.

6.2016 – Wikipedia (** B T)

List of terrorist incidents, January–June 2016

This is a timeline of terrorist incidents which took place in the first half of 2016, including attacks by violent non-state actors for political or unknown motives.,_January%E2%80%93June_2016

Comment: Horrible – and showing that the “West” only is a minor target of terrorism.

6.6.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemeni Islamist leader based in Riyadh calls fans for jihad,holy war,to help Saudi invaders defeat patriotic forces

13.2.2016 – Hispan TV (B P)

Film: 10 Minutos: Del Wahabismo a Daesh (Spanish)

El repentino surgimiento y expansión de ISIS (Daesh, en árabe) en 2014 dejó perplejos a muchos. Fuertemente armado, y experto en el arte de la propaganda de los medios digitales, se ha convertido en el grupo terrorista más temido del mundo.
Aunque ISIS ha sido presentado como un movimiento islámico, todo lo que profesa e inculca es contrario al Islam y a sus preceptos.

cp15 Propaganda

6.6.2016 – Asharq A-Awsat (A P)

Yemen Ambassador: U.N. Silence Makes it Partner of Houthi Crimes in Taiz

New York-Yemen’s Ambassador to the United Nations Khalid al-Yamani condemned U.N.’s silence for the crimes Houthis are committing in Taiz.

Al-Yamani said that the silence allows Houthis to ignore international humanitarian laws, and thus the U.N. is participating in the aggression.

Comment: This is really nice propaganda as the article itself names the statement of the UN regarding massacres in Taiz. As both sides blame each other for these crimes, Ban did not take any side. The Saudis also blame him for this non-partisanship. Ban demanded an independent investigation – that’s what the Saudis definitely disliked in the case of Yemen, because of their own, much larger war crimes.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

7.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi warplanes wage two raids on Serwah

7.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

a hostile drone waged three raids on Harib Nehm area and the warplanes continued flying in the sky of the district.
The Saudi war jets launched a raid on al-Jar area in Abs district of Hajjah province and another raid on Harf Sufian district of Amran province, the official told Saba.
He added that the war jets hovered in the skies of the capital Sana'a an d Jawf and Sa'ada provinces.
In Taiz province, the aggression's warplanes flew in the sky of the province and over the areas of al-Wazeiyah, al-Amri, al-Hunishiyah and Azzan. see also

6.6.2016 – Ahmad Alghobary (A K PH)

#Saudi led coalition jets are over my city Dhamar #Yemen

6.6.2016 – Dr. Karim (A K)

Check #Yemen in short. psst..SaudiCo jets still flying over my head NOW in Sanaa 12:40am local

6.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Saudi war jets launch two raids on Serwah District and more Saudi air raids at

6.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Drone wages four raids on Harib-Nehm in Mareb

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

8.6.2016 – Trend (A K)

Saudi-led coalition kills Houthi commander in Northwest Yemen

A Houthi rebel commander, Taha Mahtouri, was killed in a strike on Houthi positions in the Hajjah governorate, Sputnikreported citing Al Arabiya broadcaster.

7.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Many mercenaries killed in Baidha

A large number of the aggression's hirelings were killed during a failed attempt to advance toward al-Zaher district of Baidha province, a military official said Tuesday.
The official pointed out that the Saudi aggression's warplanes and its hirelings continued to breach the ceasefire during the past 24 hours in several provinces. [follow details] see also

7.6.2016 – Yemen Post (A K)

WAR & BOMBS: 29 killed over 24 hours in #Yemen region of Taiz as Houthi clashes with Saudi allied fighters escalate.

6.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Hirelings kill two children, woman in Taiz

A child and a woman were shot dead by snipers of the Riyadh's hirelings in al-Jahmaliya area of Taiz province, a military official said Monday.

[and other Saudi coalition attacks]

6.6.2016 – Saba News (A K PH)

Riyadh's hirelings pound school in Mareb

The shelling targeted al-Hazm village and al-Amal School in the district and caused severe damage to the school.

6.6.2016 – Hussam Almolaiki /A K)

More than 10 civilians killed , 5 of them from one family including children today in #Taiz by Houthis shelling

6.6.2016 – AFP (A K )

Rebel shelling kills 8 civilians in Yemen city

Eight civilians including five members of one family were killed in 24 hours of shelling by Iran-backed rebels on residential parts of Yemen's third city Taez, local officials said Monday.

The government sources in Taez said nine loyalist fighters were killed and 26 wounded in 24 hours of clashes in the city's eastern districts.

Military sources told AFP that 12 rebels were also killed.

Witnesses said fighting continued on Monday across several residential neighbourhoods of the southwestern city.

6.6.2016 – Doctors Without Borders (A K)

Yemen: 122 people severely wounded in one day as fighting pounds the city of Taiz

After intense fighting in Taiz, MSF-supported hospitals in the city received in one day 122 wounded patients on Friday 3 June 2016. A further 12 were dead on arrival. The vast majority of the wounded were civilians. and by Reuters

6.6.2016 – Alwaght (A K PH)

Dozens of Saudi Mercenaries Killed in Baidha, Yemen

Alwaght- At least 23 Saudi mercenaries and al-Qaeda terrorists, including field leaders, were killed and dozens were injured as allied Yemeni forces repulsed their attack on al-Manaseh area of Baidha province.

According to Yemeni news agency, Saba, the country's military officials on Sunday said that the Saudi-led coalition and its mercenaries continued to breach the UN-announced ceasefire during the past 24 hours in several provinces.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

6.6.2016 – Walid Xypap (A H)

#‎Captain Rosa Abdul Khaliq was honored in ‪#‎Yemen by ‪#‎Yemenia ‪#‎Airways after obtaining a certificate degree (Captain) enabling her to fly different types of civil ‪#‎aircrafts while in the Kingdom of ‪#‎Saudi Arabia women are banned from driving cars.
The same country that wants to bring freedom to Yemeni people.

5.6.2016 – Berghahn Journals (not examined B C K P)

Tricking Time, Overthrowing a Regime: Reining in the Future in the Yemeni Youth Revolution

Based on research at the heart of the 2011 revolution in Yemen, this article explores how a capacity to inhabit the future culminated in a collective act of temporal deception on the part of the revolutionaries. Contrary to the prevalent assumption that the future is something that is worked towards, aspired to, emerging or lying in wait at the end of a distant telos, revolutionary life in Yemen asserts that the future can itself be a way of being, but in the present. Upholding the future involved dramatic acts of selflessness whose value lay not just in where they would lead, but in the acts themselves. This fusion of means and ends, presents and futures, ultimately bred a capacity for endurance that defied the temporal expectations of the regime.

Comment: You need to subscribe.

Comment: Well this seems very dated now considering events that have overtaken the 2011 protests (definitely not a revolution although that was the aim - the same old despots Saleh and Hadi are still there fighting each other and destroying Yemen and Yemeni lives in the process).

6.2016 – Phoenix (* C)

DOKU Terra X 51 Die Weihrauch Connection Expeditionen im Jemen

6.2016 – Waplog

Finde in Jemen neue Mädchen zum Partnersuche

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