Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 167

Yemen Press Reader 167: Westliche Zerstörungsstrategie - Das Zeitalter des Zerfalls - Ständige Wiederholung alter Konflikte - Explosivwaffen - Witwen im Krieg - Kindsbräute im Krieg - US-Drohnen

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Western "Wreck and Ruin" strategy - The Age of Disintegration - Explosive arms - Rehashing of old conflicts - Widows in war - Child brides in war - US drones: figures

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp9 USA

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

8.7.2016 – The Electronic Intifada (** B K P)

The West’s “wreck and ruin” strategy in the Middle East

Patrick Cockburn’s Chaos & Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East is a 14-year chronicle of the civil wars and sectarian violence that followed Western intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen and gave rise to the caliphate established by the Islamic State group in parts of Syria and Iraq.

An Irish journalist who reports principally for the British newspaper The Independent, Cockburn has assembled entries in a diary he kept while covering regional conflicts from the years 2001 to 2015. The diary entries are contemporary with the events they describe. However, Cockburn also provides an introduction to each section to bring readers up to date, along with an afterword in which he summarizes his conclusions.

The result is a sweeping survey of the chaos, war crimes, atrocities, political shifts and incalculable human suffering brought about by the various civil wars plaguing the region.

Iraq, Cockburn notes, is at the “heart of this book,” because the US invasion and occupation destroyed “Iraq as a unified country” and “opened up a period in which Iraq’s three great communities – Shia, Sunni and Kurds – are in a permanent state of confrontation, a situation that has had a deeply destabilizing impact on all of Iraq’s neighbors.” Cockburn believes that at least three countries – Iraq, Syria and Yemen – will never “come together as unitary states again.”

Cockburn examines again and again the role played by the US government, pointing out that both the US and Israel “openly exulted” at the Syrian rebellion against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

For hundreds of years Western colonialism pursued a strategy of “divide and conquer” to maintain colonial rule, deliberately setting religious and ethnic groups against each other and in some cases even inventing ethnic or racial categories. Today, Western imperialism appears to be pursuing a strategy of “wreck and ruin,” apparently having concluded that if it can no longer install puppet regimes to do its bidding, at least it can fragment and weaken any nation that hews to an independent foreign policy or aligns with a rival hegemonic bloc.

As a result of Western intervention, the entire Middle East now faces “the possibility of an endless cycle of indecisive wars and an era of instability.” – by Rod Such

28.6.2016 – Tom Dispatch (*** B K P)

The Age of Disintegration: Neoliberalism, Interventionism, the Resource Curse, and a Fragmenting World
We live in an age of disintegration. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Greater Middle East and Africa. Across the vast swath of territory between Pakistan and Nigeria, there are at least seven ongoing wars -- in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and South Sudan. These conflicts are extraordinarily destructive. They are tearing apart the countries in which they are taking place in ways that make it doubtful they will ever recover. Cities like Aleppo in Syria, Ramadi in Iraq, Taiz in Yemen, and Benghazi in Libya have been partly or entirely reduced to ruins. There are also at least three other serious insurgencies: in southeast Turkey, where Kurdish guerrillas are fighting the Turkish army, in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula where a little-reported but ferocious guerrilla conflict is underway, and in northeast Nigeria and neighboring countries where Boko Haram continues to launch murderous attacks.

All of these have a number of things in common: they are endless and seem never to produce definitive winners or losers. (Afghanistan has effectively been at war since 1979, Somalia since 1991.) They involve the destruction or dismemberment of unified nations, their de facto partition amid mass population movements and upheavals -- well publicized in the case of Syria and Iraq, less so in places like South Sudan where more than 2.4 million people have been displaced in recent years.

Add in one more similarity, no less crucial for being obvious: in most of these countries, where Islam is the dominant religion, extreme Salafi-Jihadi movements, including the Islamic State (IS), al-Qaeda, and the Taliban are essentially the only available vehicles for protest and rebellion. By now, they have completely replaced the socialist and nationalist movements that predominated in the twentieth century; these years have, that is, seen a remarkable reversion to religious, ethnic, and tribal identity, to movements that seek to establish their own exclusive territory by the persecution and expulsion of minorities.

In the process and under the pressure of outside military intervention, a vast region of the planet seems to be cracking open. Yet there is very little understanding of these processes in Washington.

Note, however, that this process of destabilization is by no means confined to the Greater Middle East and North Africa. We are indeed in the age of destabilization, a phenomenon that is on the rise globally and at present spreading into the Balkans and Eastern Europe (with the European Union ever less able to influence events there). – by Patrick Cockburn =

7.7.2016 – Stratfor (** B K P)

In Yemen, New Conflicts Raise Familiar Questions

Attempts at resolving Yemen's war, including the paused peace talks, will run up against the same barriers that have thwarted past tries at creating a federalist system in Yemen.

In southern Yemen, increased calls for secession will stoke instability, but without a competent leader the Southern Resistance will not be able to break off from the country.

Differing visions for Yemen among Gulf Cooperation Council members will become clearer as fighting subsides, with the United Arab Emirates more clearly supporting southern Yemen's ambitions and Saudi Arabia backing northern tribes.

In many ways, the political unity that Yemen achieved in its 1990 unification was an anomaly. The country's spectacular geographic diversity has given rise to a richly varied populace composed of regionally distinct tribes. That diversity has both established a set of hierarchies and fostered struggles to upend those hierarchies, as regions and tribes compete for resources and power. Over many centuries, complex dynamics between Zaidi Shiite and Shafii Sunni sects have further divided Yemen into the two vastly different north and south regions — the regions that the unification brought together. Today as much as ever, the country is fractured not only by ethnic and religious differences but also by the civil war that has ravaged it since late 2014.

Yemen's current war is, to a great extent, a rehashing of the struggles that have persisted throughout its history.

6.7.2016 – Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (** B H K)

Explosive Weapons and the Right to Health, Education and Adequate Housing

From 6-24 June 2016, The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights reviewed the following countries: Angola, Burkina Faso, France, Honduras, Sweden, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

WILPF handed in shadow reports on France, Sweden, and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. These three reports were focusing on the impact of exports of explosive weapons to Saudi Arabia or its allies on the right to health, education and adequate housing of people in Yemen.

In the reports, WILPF denounced the violation of the rights to adequate housing, health and education outside of European territories. We claim that export of arms to Saudi Arabia is violating the rights of Yemenis because Saudi Arabia is indiscriminately striking on Yemen.

Table of Contents I. Introduction 3 Extraterritorial responsibility..3 The use of explosive weapons in populated areas and international initiatives . 4 II. Human rights violations through use in Yemen of imported weapons from country under review.. 6 Right to Adequate Housing – Article 11..7 Right to Health—Article 12..7 Right to Education – Article 13..8 III. United Kingdom’s arms transfers to Saudi Arabia . 9 IV. Recommendations.. 10 and in full: =

6.7.2016 – The Media Line (** B H K)

The Widows’ Plight in Yemen

The civil war in Yemen has been taking its murderous toll for over a year. It has affected virtually every household in some way or another; husbands have been killed, wives have become widows and children have become orphans. According to the United Nations, the death toll has reached more than 8000, half of them civilians. Human rights groups say the true toll is even higher.

Some of the people most badly affected are the widows. When married women with children become widows, they have two choices – to keep their children or to remarry. If they choose to keep their children, they are unlikely to have enough money to support them; if they chose to remarry they lose their children who will be brought up by the in-laws.

What happens in most cases is that widows choose to raise their children, live in poverty and automatically forfeit their right to remarry. While the official mourning period of a widow is 130 days, in effect she is condemned to suffer for the rest of her life.

Here are the stories of some of these women: – by Ali Ibrahim Al-Moshki and Yasser Rayes

6.7.2016 – Washington Post (** B H K)

The story of a girl married at 11 tracks the horrors of Yemen’s war

Child marriages have long been woven into Yemen’s social fabric, driven largely by poverty and ancient traditions, as in many parts of the world. But before the civil war began last year, international and local activists had made progress toward ending the practice. They were campaigning for a law setting 18 as the minimum age for marriage and for girls to remain in school.

Now, those efforts have stalled. As the war grinds on, community leaders and aid workers are noticing that more and more girls, some as young as 8, are being married off to help their desperate families. Tens of thousands of families have been displaced, losing their homes and possessions.

“Fathers are thinking, ‘If I have a daughter at or near puberty, I should try to get her married as fast as possible to lessen expenses,’ ” said Ahmad al-Qurashi, the director of SEYAJ, a well-known Yemeni nonprofit organization working to protect children.

The rise in child unions is the latest, and among the least visible, indicator of the war’s disproportionate impact on children –by Sudarsan Raghavan = =

8.7.2016 – Huffington Post (** B K P)

Airstrike Transparency We Can’t Believe In: More Questions Than Answers in Obama’s Civilian Toll Data

The US strikes on Al-Majalah in December 2009 killed 14 fighters with Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula—but they also killed 41 Bedouin civilians, more than two-thirds of them women and children, according to a Yemeni government probe. In an investigation for Human Rights Watch, I tallied the same toll. Yet the US government has never publicly acknowledged the Al-Majalah killings. Instead, two classified diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks revealed, the Obama administration made a concerted effort to conceal its role in the attack.

Did the US kill only 7 civilians in 466 strikes? In 2012-13, I led Human Rights Watch investigations into seven of the US counterterrorism strikes in Yemen from 2009 to 2013 that were alleged to have killed civilians. We visited strike sites when possible, examined the remnants of ordnance, and interviewed a range of witnesses, relatives, tribal leaders and Yemeni officials—corroborating our findings in ways that the DNI cannot simply dismiss. We found that at least 57 of those killed were civilians, along with possibly 14 others, 12 of them in a strike on a wedding convoy. Subtracting our numbers from the DNI’s minimum estimates leaves only seven civilian deaths in the 466 strikes that we did not investigate. That would be a remarkably low toll. But based on the obscure data the Obama administration revealed last week, we cannot know if it is accurate.

The administration’s data release is a nod to transparency, but without context we are still left in the dark about the human cost and legality of Obama’s targeted killing program. Failing to provide more clarity will not only cloud President Obama’s legacy, it will also make it easier for future presidents to deny the public the information it deserves – by Letta Taylor, senior terrorism and counterterrorism researcher at Human Rights Watch

cp2 Allgemein / General

8.7.2016 – Dr. Karim (B K P)

Yemen's geostrategic waterways, are the reason KSA plays chess at the expense of Yemen’s territorial integrity (more text in image)

7.7.2016 – Middle East Eye (* B K)

Saudi coalition deliberately hit key industrial targets in Yemen: HRW

The Saudi-led coalition unlawfully bombed factories, warehouses, farms and power plants during its air campaign in Yemen, intending to damage the country's long-term future, according to a report published by Human Rights Watch (HRW).

The 59-page report claims that 130 civilians were killed and 171 injured in 17 coalition air strikes that specifically targeted 13 sites critical to Yemen's economy, attacks which the organisation said could be war crimes.

"The repeated coalition air strikes on civilian factories appear intended to damage Yemen's shattered economy long into the future," said Priyanka Motaparthy, senior emergencies researcher at HRW, who wrote the report – by Areeb Ullah

6.7.2016 – Critical Threats (* A K P T)

2016 Yemen Crisis Situation Report: July 6

The Yemeni government and the Saudi-led coalition may be preparing to attack al Houthi-held Sana’a following the breakdown of the UN-led peace process in Kuwait. The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) is exploiting the ongoing conflict to derail the reconstitution of the Yemeni state in major port cities. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is leveraging this tension to develop relationships with local groups and re-establish strongholds in central and southern Yemen.

Fissures within the al Houthi movement may be becoming visible as the conflict protracts. The leader of the al Haqq party in Yemen, a Zaydi Shi’a party that had historically aligned with al Houthi interests, Hassan al Zeid, led an effort to remove the head of the al Houthi Supreme Revolutionary Committee Saleh al Samad from his position, according to a June 22 Facebook post from an al Houthi media spokesman. The al Houthi position at the Kuwait talks may be the source of tension, as the delegation may lack a unified position with respect to a roadmap proposed by the UN Special Envoy to Yemen.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) continues to fight alongside Yemeni militias against the al Houthi-Saleh forces, a relationship that strengthens the group, and is re-emerging in southern Yemen. AQAP is also targeting the Yemeni security forces in order to prevent the reconstruction of the Yemeni central state.

Al Houthi-Saleh forces have advanced against the frontline in Lahij and Taiz, reversing many of the Saudi-led coalition’s gains.

Yemeni government forces will attempt to advance westward toward the capital, Sana’a, as the Saudi-led coalition intensifies its air campaign on the capital in preparation for a ground offensive. UN-led peace talks are unlikely to resume as scheduled on July 15 due to escalating hostilities, and the protracted conflict will draw focus away from the counter-AQAP and counter-ISIS fights – by Katherine Zimmerman

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

8.7.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A H)

Abdulkareem, a renal failure patient of Ibb, receiving a dialysis treatment in Al-Jumhori hospital in Sana'a. There are other 4350 renal failure patients in Yemen who need regular dialysis sessions. ‪#‎Yemen
In Yemen dialysis sessions were reduced from 3 to 2 weekly sessions per patient due to overwhelmed centers &lack of supplies. ‪#‎MSF calls on international organizations and NGOs to step in and support dialysis treatment centers. ‪#‎DialysisYemen

8.7.2016 – Huffington Post (A H)

Yemen: the Forgotten Famine

What has not made the news is the biggest threat of all to Yemen: famine.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warns “At least 7 million people - a quarter of the population - are living under Emergency levels of food insecurity.” That is near famine level.

Comment: Overview article. After 15 months of war and blockade, the question is: Why this famine is “forgotten”? Because somebody makes it “forgotten”: Those, who do not have any interest in a closer look at the Yemen war and all the war crimes of our best allies in the region and our very best arms customers.

7.7.2016 – Yemen Update (A H K)

400 families were displaced from Nehm District, eastern capita city of Sanaa due to intense fighting and bombardment

7.7.2016 – Save the Children (* B H)

Film: Forgotten Crisis Forgotten Children

Today in Yemen, nearly 8 million of children are going hungry, over 2 million are not attending school and more than 8 million are without access to even basic medical care. Millions of children are caught up in Yemen’s war, Nearly 1,000 innocent children have been killed and thousands more have been seriously injured. But this is only part of the story.
Today, nearly 10 million children in Yemen require humanitarian assistance, making it the highest number of children in a single country that need help anywhere in the world. This includes 1.3 million children now suffering from acute malnutrition as the spectre of famine looms large over the Middle East’s poorest country.

6.7.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A H)

The first good news of this #Eid comes from #MSF @MSF with the help of Ministry of Health moved urgent dialysis supplies from Sanaa to #Taiz for the 1st time #Yemen

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

7.7.2016 – TRT (A T)

Jemen: Zahl der Toten auf 20 gestiegen

Die Zahl der Toten des gestrigen Selbstmordanschlags in der Nähe des internationalen Flughafens Aden ist auf 20 gestiegen.

Nach Angaben der 4. Regionskommandantur seien bei dem Anschlag 6 Angreifer und 14 Soldaten ums Leben gekommen. Gestern hatten sich zwei mit Sprengstoff beladene Fahrzeuge der Militärbasis Savlaban in der Nähe der Hafenstadt Aden im Süden des Landes genähert. Die Fahrzeuge seien am Eingangstor des Stützpunktes explodiert. Danach seien bewaffnete Personen vorgedrungen. Bei dem Schusswechsel seien sieben Soldaten getötet und weitere 11 Menschen verletzt worden.

6.7.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Al Qaeda claims attack on south Yemen army base near Aden

Eight Yemeni troops and six militants were killed on Wednesday in an assault claimed by Al Qaeda on a military base near the international airport of Yemen's southern city of Aden, the military said.

Two suicide bombers blew up their cars, then militants stormed the Solaban base and fought with troops backed by Apache helicopters for several hours, a special forces statement said.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for the attack on the messaging app Telegram, according to the militant monitoring SITE Intelligence group, calling the attack revenge for government attacks elsewhere in southern Yemen – by Mohammed Mukhashaf

6.7.2016 – Press TV Iran (A T)

Saudi seeking to advance its interests in Yemen at the expense of Yemenis: Pundit

Press TV has conducted an interview with Barry Grossman, an international lawyer from Bali about the brief capture of a military base in the Yemeni city of Aden by terrorists.

To work out just what happened at these bases adjourning the airport maybe it would be wise to ask the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula supporter who represented Hadi’s negotiating team and the US side in the last year in the UN-sponsored peace talks in Geneva. He was at that time a designated terrorist by the US State Department and a member - at least a supporter, a financial supporter - of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and while he was in Geneva negotiating on behalf of the Hadi regime, the US also carried out a number of drone attacks killing key members of al-Qaeda in the Peninsula.

So, perhaps that’s somebody how knows what happened today with these attacks. He would be a good person to ask.

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

7.7.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A P)

There has been an important statement by the Houthi leader on the occasion of Eid al Fitr: he has opened to new dialogue with the 'government in exile' in Saudi Arabia asking for a new chapter of dialogue in Sanaá and solve the matters internally.

News in Arabic for translation, here:

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

2016 – Change Org (** A H P)

Petition: Demand that Saudi Arabia ends juvenile executions

Imagine being arrested at 16 and sentenced to die by beheading and crucifixion. Your crime: a peaceful protest asking for equal rights. This is the fate that awaits Ali Mohammad al-Nimr and two others after being arrested for protesting for democratic reforms in Saudi Arabia. All three were juveniles at the time of the arrest.

8.7.2016 – Alwaght (* A P)

Saudi Royals Engage in Illicit Drugs Trade During Hajj: Report

Top Saudi Arabian regime officials have been smuggling narcotics into the kingdom during the annual Hajj pilgrimage season earning billions of dollars, a whistleblower has revealed.

According to a report published by The Independent, Major Turki bin Hamza al-Rashidi, who worked in the Saudi Interior Ministry’s Narcotics Control Division, says that a network of powerful regime insiders has made “billions” from smuggling narcotics into the kingdom.

In several Youtube messages, Major Rashidi says that one method is the “twin buses game”. This involves a “clean bus” full of pilgrims heading for Mecca to perform the Hajj being certified by customs, before the same documentation is later used to allow a “dirty bus” laden with drugs to enter the kingdom.

Major Rashidi claims the scam has been running for decades, with hundreds of buses making thousands of trips.

The dirty narcotics earnings enter the kingdom’s financial system under the guise of legitimate income arising from the pilgrimage, the whistleblower notes.

Comment: We would not be surprised but let's just take this as a gossip

7.7.2016 – The Independent (A T)

Saudi Arabia arrest 19 people over bomb attacks

The Kingdom’s interior ministry said authorities had also identified suspects in two of the three attacks

Saudi Arabian officials say 19 people have been arrested, including 12 Pakistani nationals, following three bomb attacks that struck the country on Monday.

The Kingdom’s interior ministry said in a statement on Thursday that authorities had also identified suspects in two of the three attacks.

6.7.2016 – Middle East Institute (* A E P)

Vision 2030 and the Birth of Saudi Solar Energy

A solar sector is emerging as part of Saudi Arabia’s economic diversification plans under the Vision 2030. Makio Yamada offers an analysis of policy and institutions governing the country’s expansion into “yellow oil.” Rising domestic oil consumption, young citizens’ entry into the job market, and reduced solar panel production costs have driven the launch of the solar industry in the kingdom. Growth of the industry had previously been hindered by institutional ambiguity and fragmentation, but the government restructuring in May has paved the way to its eventual rise by unifying necessary administrative functions under the newly-created super-ministry – by Makio Yamada

6.7.2016 – Telepolis (* A T P)

Dschihad gegen den Hüter der heiligen Moscheen

Nach den Anschlägen in Saudi-Arabien: König Salman mahnt die Jugend

Ein Bombenanschlag in Medina in den letzten Tagen des Ramadan überschreite alles, was diesecrazy terroristische Organisation bereits überschritten habe, so die Worte des Angry Arab zum Selbstmordattentat in unmittelbarer Nähe der Prophetenmoschee.

Selbst wenn eine größere Katastrophe verhindert wurde, so ist der Hüter der beiden heiligen Stätten (die Prophetenmoschee und die Heilige Moschee in Mekka mit der Kaaba) an einer empfindlichen Stelle getroffen. Zu zeigen, dass der Hüter seiner Aufgabe nicht gewachsen ist, ist Verrücktheit mit Methode.

Wer das Grabmal des Propheten angreift, ist noch monotheistischer als die, die sich von solchem Beiwerk von der reinen Lehre ablenken lassen. So gesehen ist der Selbstmordanschlag auf die Prophetenmoschee ein Propagandaakt, der seine Adressaten finden wird. Zumal ausschließlich Sicherheitskräfte ums Leben gekommen sind.

Der Anschlag zielt auf das Heuchlerische oder "Unreine" des Königshauses Saud. Wie auch die beiden anderen Anschläge, auf das US-Konsulat in Jedda und auf die Moschee in der Unruheprovinz Qatif, auf Beziehungen zielen, die im Repertoire der Gegner der Herrscher einen festen Platz haben: das Verhältnis der saudischen Herrscher zu den USA und ihr Verhältnis zu den Schiiten, die in Qatif die Bevölkerungsmehrheit stellen – von Thomas Pany

7.7.2016 – Voice of America (* A T)

Saudi Bombings Raise Security Concerns Ahead of Annual Pilgrimage

Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Wahhabism, an austere Sunni doctrine credited, ironically, with inspiring IS in the first place. IS accuses the Saudi monarchy of using Wahhabism to legitimize its rule, particularly its custodianship of Mecca and Medina, Islam’s holiest sites.

“I think it’s become painfully obvious that ISIS will stop at nothing to try to create an air of uncertainty and instability in Saudi Arabia,” said Saudi security analyst Fahad Nazer, using an acronym for the terrorist group. “ISIS is seeking to destabilize it by creating a sense of uncertainty and insecurity and by attempting to foment sectarian discord between the majority Sunnis and Shia minority. It clearly thinks that the Saudi government is illegitimate and that ISIS should rule Mecca and Medina.”

Some analysts suggest the attacks demonstrate the kingdom is failing in efforts to contain homegrown extremism, and that this puts visitors at risk.

“The Saudis bear responsibility to protect the Prophet's Mosque, and the incident will prompt diplomatic discussions on security among the kingdom's friends and foes in the Muslim world,” noted the geopolitical intelligence and consulting firm Stratfor – by Cecily Hilleary

6.7.2016 – New York Times (* A T)

Saudi Arabia, Blamed for Spawning Jihadists, Is Again Their Target

Ideologically, the battle between the Islamic State and Saudi Arabia is essentially over whose model for Islamic statehood is correct. And Monday’s blasts reflected the jihadists’ biggest criticisms of the Saudi state.

The Saudi state is based on a historical alliance between the royal family, which manages political, foreign and security affairs, and the clerical establishment, which handles religion and gives legitimacy to the rulers.

The royals have marshaled the religious establishment to address the kingdom’s conservative population, condemning the Islamic State as a deviant sect and preaching obedience to the rulers as a religious duty.

“Saudi Arabia is trying to compete with ISIS in some ways for a pious and religious constituency while saying that mainstream Sunni Islam does not support revolutionary action,” said Jane Kinninmont, a senior research fellow at Chatham House in London who studies Saudi Arabia.

It is clear that most Saudis despise the Islamic State’s gratuitous violence, especially toward other Muslims. But the clerics themselves share many beliefs with the jihadists, so they are limited in their ability to criticize. And the royal family needs to keep the clerics loyal, so it cannot push them too far.

The Saudi state, too, has a tangled history with jihadist movements. During the 1980s and ’90s, it supported militants in Afghanistan (along with the United States), Chechnya, Bosnia and elsewhere, based on the belief that they were defending Muslim causes.

Throughout that time, the kingdom maintained a freewheeling policy toward Islamic causes abroad, and fund-raising for those groups was open and common in Saudi cities, sometimes overseen by top princes – by Ben Hubbard

Comment: The problem of the Saudis is, they have promoted jihadism, but the jihadists have moved further on and turned against the Saudis themselves.

6.7.2016 – Alwaght (* A P T)

Saudi Arabia Attacks: Tracking ISIS to Kingdom

As the terrorists of ISIS expanded their areas of operation, a theory was developed that there would be a day that Saudi Arabia itself would come under assaults of ISIS and its affiliates.

The most important factor that supported the theory was the potentials inside the kingdom that strengthened the extremists and ripened the opportunities for the radical Salafist groups.

ISIS holds a good popularity among the Saudi younger generation. The kingdom is the ideological and doctrinal cradle of the Salafism in its both moderate and fundamentalist branches and approaches in West Asian.

Many of the ISIS’ fighters are Saudi nationals, and the financial and logistic backing of Salafist groups in Syria and Iraq— in addition to other factors— show that the potentials and opportunities of such terror attacks in Saudi Arabia are existing in the kingdom.

Whenever the terrorist acts see a heat-up across the world, the attention of the global public opinion, the research centers associated with the international development and peace, and the media is called to the crisis points, and thus Saudi Arabia ranks first among the suspects of such violent acts. In addition to a huge amount of criticism directed against Riyadh, this issue has always put political and diplomatic strains on the kingdom, cutting down the chances of the Saudis for riding waves of chaos in the region and exploiting the destructive potentials of terrorism.

Therefore, it shouldn't be kept out of mind that perhaps the intelligence and security services of Al Saud have designed a top secret plan and implemented it in a limited size in a bid to reduce the pressures and distract the global attention on the kingdom, and also to a degree clear it of charges of backing up terrorist groups, and furthermore pretend that the Saudis themselves are not safe against the attacks of ISIS and other terror organizations. This theory finds credibility further especially when the terrorist assaults are taking place in Saudi Arabia's Medina and Qatif immediately after an array of similar terrorist attacks ripped through Istanbul, Dhaka and Baghdad, to create a picture of chain terrorist attacks in the public opinion’s mind.

Comment: A theory, logical, or conspiracy theory?

5.7.2016 – The Globe and Mail (* A T)

House of Saud in the crosshairs

The Islamic State called for its followers to carry out ‘a month of calamity’ to coincide with the Muslim holy month. A string of attacks followed around the globe, from a lone-wolf gunman in Orlando to a suicide bomber at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina

IS propaganda labels the Saudi monarch as “al-Salul” – a derisive reference to an Arab tribal leader in Medina whose conversion to Islam, upon the arrival of the Prophet Mohammed, was considered insincere and who would always be known as the “leader of the hypocrites.”

Mr. al-Baghdadi describes the Saudi establishment as lackeys of the U.S. “crusaders” and as apostates who have turned their backs on true Islam. To him, they are worse than “non-believers” such as Christians and Jews, and almost as bad as the ultimate heretics, the Shiites.

The Islamic State coats its contempt in the Islamic legal doctrine of takfir, which justifies the excommunication and the killing of apostates such as the Saudis.

It also justifies the Monday attacks on targets as bold as Medina and Jeddah – by Patrick Martin

2.9.2014 – Middle East Eye (* B P)

Alarm over Saudi plan to remove tomb of Prophet Muhammad

The proposal, highlighted by the Islamic Heritage Research Foundation, would demolish shrines sacred to many Muslims

A proposal by a Saudi scholar to remove the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina and bury them in an unmarked grave have sparked controversy.

The plans, according to the Independent newspaper have been circulating the al-Masjid al-Nabawi mosque in Medina which houses the Prophet’s remains under the Green Dome which is visited by millions of pilgrims each year and is regarded as the second holiest site in Islam after the Kabbah.

The document calls for the demolition of chambers around Muhammad’s grave and the removal of his remains to the nearby al-Baqi cemetery, where they would be anonymously interred without a headstone.

The article pointed out that no decision had been officially made to implement the plans.

The revelations have, unsurprisingly, provoked outrage on social media:

Saudi Arabia’s brand of Islam - pejoratively labelled ‘Wahhabism’ by its critics, after its 18th-century founder Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - is highly critical of idolatry and the worship of shrines and holy relics.

The bodies of many of the Prophet’s family, including his father, are already interred in the al-Baqi cemetery.

In 1924, after the Saudis took power, all grave markers were removed, so pilgrims would be unable to worship them.

Around 95% of Mecca’s ancient buildings have already been destroyed in the construction of the Grand Mosque, according to the Gulf Institute.

Comment: Guess why suicide bomber didn't blow himself nearby a ‪#‎Saudi prince house but near Prophet (SAW) mosque?

cp9 USA

8.7.2016 – US Department of Defense (A K T)

U.S. Strikes Kill 4 Al-Qaida Terrorists in Yemen

The U.S. military conducted two counterterrorism strikes this month against al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula near Shabwah Governorate in central Yemen, according to a U.S. Central Command news release issued today.

A strike on July 1 killed two al-Qaida operatives, and a strike on July 4 killed two al-Qaida operatives, the release said.

Strikes against al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen put consistent pressure on the terrorist network and prevents members from plotting and executing attacks against U.S. persons, the American homeland and U.S. allies, the release said.

Comment: Only US matters.

Comment: From the US Department of Defense with the firm belief that drone strikes put pressure on the terrorist network. (we saw the result...)

7.2016 – Foreign Affairs (* B P)

The Future of U.S.-Saudi Relations

The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia has come under unprecedented strains in recent years. U.S. President Barack Obama has openly questioned Riyadh’s value as an ally, accusing it of provoking sectarian conflict in the region. According to The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, when Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, asked Obama whether he saw the Saudis as friends, the president responded, “It’s complicated.” Many Americans continue to believe that the Saudi government was involved in the September 11, 2001, attacks, although the 9/11 Com­mission found no evidence of institutional or senior-level Saudi support. The Senate has even passed a bill that would allow Americans to sue the Saudi government in U.S. courts for its alleged support of terrorism.

The Saudis have been equally intemperate in their recent comments. The kingdom’s officials have threatened to sell off hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. assets if Congress passes the bill, even though such a move would hurt Saudi Arabia much more than it would the United States. And they have made little effort to hide their contempt for Obama, whom they see as too willing to jettison old friends in order to cozy up to enemies. Prince Turki al-Faisal—the most outspoken senior member of the ruling family and a former head of Saudi foreign intelligence and former ambassador to the United States—has accused Obama of “throw[ing Saudi Arabia] a curve ball” because he has “pivoted to Iran.” – by F. Gregory Gause III

7.7.2016 – Telepolis (* B K P)

Weißes Haus: Missglückte Transparenz über Drohnenkrieg

Ein Bericht listet die Zahl der getöteten Zivilisten auf. Die Zahlen gelten als unglaubwürdig, die Drohnenangriffe in Afghanistan, Syrien und im Irak wurden nicht berücksichtigt

Die veröffentlichen Zahlen werden von Beobachtern und Kritikern stark hinterfragt. Der Grund hierfür ist die Tatsache, dass selbst die konservativsten Schätzungen zu zivilen Drohnen-Opfern die Angaben des Weißen Hauses übertreffen. Laut dem The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), einer in London ansässigen Journalisten-Gruppierung, wurden im genannten Zeitraum in den besagten Staaten über 800 Zivilisten durch Drohnen-Angriffe der USA getötet. Würde man die Bush-Administration einbeziehen, würde die Zahl ziviler Todesopfer bei über 1.000 liegen.

Des Weiteren kam das TBIJ zum Schluss, dass lediglich vier Prozent der identifizierten Drohnen-Opfer aus Pakistan Mitglieder von Al-Qaida gewesen sind. Das Narrativ der präzisen Drohne, die lediglich Terroristen tötet, ist demnach weiterhin ein Mythos – von Emran Feroz

4.7.2016 – Near Eastern Outlook (*B K P)

America’s Drone Wars: Uprooting Terrorism? Or Trimming Its Branches?

The article points out that while the US officially claims “between 64 and 116″ civilians have been killed, it also includes estimates from various think-tanks and pro-war propaganda outlets admitting to at least 200-300 civilian deaths.

However, even these numbers are conservatively low, and in the Washington Post’s attempt to “check” White House numbers, it itself appears to be attempting to downplay the full scale of America’s global drone operations, portraying it as a perhaps ill-fated but honest attempt to target and eliminate dangerous terrorists. However, it is anything but, and the “numbers game” is merely a distraction from this fact.

Leaked US Documents Reveal Drones Seek to Create, Not Stop Terror. It was revealed by the Intercept through leaked US government documents that civilians may account for as much as 90% of all casualties from drone strikes – by Ulson Gunnar =

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

4.7.2016 –Rabble (* A K P)

Trudeau's Saudi-born foreign policy adviser defends Liberal record in Middle East – by Shenaz Kermalli

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

8.7.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (B T)

Map: #ISIS attacks & locations with approx 557 casualties in #Yemen between 12/2014 - 3/2016

6.7.2016 – Dr. Karim (A P T)

3 US treasury dep- designated Yemeni #AQAP members r in Saudi Arabia; 2 r officials in pro-Saudi #Yemen gov

cp15 Propaganda

8.7.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemeni FM: Ould Sheikh Betrayed our Trust…Decisive Storm will not Stop

Al-Mekhlafi told Asharq Al-Awsat that the Decisive Storm was launched for the sake of Yemen and the Arab and Islamic World, denying any intention to back off until legitimacy is achieved in Yemen.

The Yemeni FM added that the Arab coalition in Yemen will prove its strength in the coming period and will disperse all illusions about the coalition’s disunion.

Al-Mekhlafi was asked about the expected meeting with U.N. Special Envoy Ismail Ould Sheikh Ahmed. He said: “The U.N. Special Envoy betrayed the Yemeni government’s trust when he submitted the roadmap project without discussing it with the government delegation.”

The Yemeni FM continued: “The peace talks launched in Kuwait were based on specific references and any commitment or roadmap should abide by these three references as well, including the implementation of resolution 2216, the withdrawal from cities and handing over weapons. These are essential for any political process.”

Comment: How nice. “For the sake of Yemen” the country is bombed into rubble. “Legitimacy”: Either there is no legal government in Yemen, or there are not less than two. And, to the UN, Hadi government again made clear that for them the only reason for the Kuwait talks is the capitulation of the Houthis, that means 100 % victory for Hadi and Co.

7.7.2016 – Sputnik News (A K P)

Riyadh Labels Reports on Clashes in Yemen Near Saudi Border 'Inaccurate'

Recent reports on clashes in Yemeni regions bordering Saudi Arabia were "inaccurate," Saudi Defense Ministry adviser Brig. Gen. Ahmed Asiri told Sputnik on Thursday.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Saudi airstrike kills, injures 50 hirelings in Hajjah

At least 50 hirelings were killed and injured in an air raid by the Saudi-war jets in the border district of Midi in Hajjah province, a military official said Friday.
The official explained that the airstrike targeted the hirelings’ gathering in the outskirts of Midi district near the Saudi al-Mosim site.
On another hand, the official said the hostile war jets waged five raids on Harad district in Hajjah province, causing damages to citizens’ property.

Comment: friendly fire.

8.7.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Saudi airstrike leaves 15 allied militiamen dead in NW Yemen

Saudi military aircraft have reportedly targeted Riyadh-sponsored militiamen loyal to resigned Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi in Yemen’s northwestern province of Hajjah, killing more than a dozen of the mercenaries.

Informed sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said on Friday that the Saudi warplanes struck a gathering of the gunmen close to the al-Muwassim military camp and in the Midi district of the province, located approximately 130 kilometers (80 miles) northwest of the capital Sana'a, killing 15 mercenaries and injuring scores of others, Arabic-language al-Masirah satellite television network reported.

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Saudi raids destroy citizens’ property in Sa’ada

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Airstrikes kill five citizens, injure nine in Mareb

At least five citizens were killed on Friday and nine others were injured in two Saudi air raids targeted passengers cars in Harib al-Qaramish district of Mareb province.
A local official told Saba that most of the dead from women and children, who were travelling by a car on the public road in Bani Shuja’a area in the district.
He added that five citizens were seriously injured while they were in another car in the same area bombed by the aggression warplanes. and also: and (higher figures of killed; 8 or 14) and film:

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Saudi war jets launch raids on provinces

The Saudi warplanes waged five air raids on Serwah district of Mareb province, a military official said Thursday.
The hostile warplanes waged an air raid on al-Moton district of Jawf province. They launched five raids on Harf Sufyan area of Amran province.
The war jets flew on the sky of the capital, Jawf and Sa'ada provinces.

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Aggression, hirelings continue to breach ceasefire

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries have continued to breach the UN-sponsored ceasefire over the past 24 hours in several provinces.
The Saudi war jets waged five raids on Harad and Midi districts of Hajjah province. The warplanes continued to fly on the sky of Sa'ada and Taiz provinces, a military official said.

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Saudi warplanes launch raids on Serwah

7.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Saudi aggression hit Mareb

The Saudi aggression launched on Thursday three airstrikes on Sirwah District of Mareb province.

7.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Aggression continues to breach ceasefire

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued to breach the UN-sponsored ceasefire over the past 24 hours in several provinces, a military official said Thursday.
Saudi warplanes flew on the skies of the Capita, Taiz, Sana'a, Hajjah, Lahj, Mareb, Jawf and Sa'ada provinces. They waged four raids on Naqeel al-Kana area in Bani Hushaish district of Sana'a.
The warplanes also launched an air raid on Maswara area in Nehm district of Sana'a. At the same time, the Riyadh's hirelings targeted the same area with Katyusha.
The Saudi warplanes waged many raids on Midi district of Hajjah province, five raids on Kahbob area in al-Madharebah district of Lahj province and an air raid on al-Moton district of Jawf province.
The Saudi warplanes hit Marran area in Haidan district of Sa'ada province with two raids.
The hostile warplanes launched two raids on Alkhamsin Street (Fiftieth Street) in Taiz province, three raids on Beerbasha area in the same province. They dropped flash bombs on Klabah and Usaifara areas in Taiz.

6.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Air raids destroys citizen’s home in Jawf

The Saudi-led coalition warplanes waged on Wednesday five raids on several areas of al-Maton district in Jawf province.
A local official told Saba that the hostile war jets launched a raid on Abdulllah al-Warsh’s home and destroyed it, and three raids on Ham area and another one on al-Faidh area.

6.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi-led airstrikes target neighborhoods in Taiz

The Saudi aggression’s war jets launched Wednesday a range of raids on scattered areas in the city of Taiz, a local official said.
The warplanes waged three raids on Birbasha neighborhood to the west of Taiz city, a fourth one on the 50th Street northwest of the city and a fifth one targeted Ghurab area, the official explained.
The air raids caused large damages to tens of houses and private and public facilities and roads, he said, adding that the war jets continued flying intensively in the sky of the province for several hours.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

8.7.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A K PH)

Now: Fierce battles going on in eastern parts of ‪#‎Taiz city as huge blasts rock the city

8.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

The Riyadh's hirelings targeted al-Hawl area in Nehm district of Sana'a province with artillery shells.

8.7.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Yemenis retaliate with rockets after Saudi raid

7.7.2016 – Saba Net (AK PH)

Aggression continues to breach ceasefire

The Saudi aggression and its mercenaries continued to breach the UN-sponsored ceasefire over the past 24 hours in several provinces, a military official said Thursday.
The Riyadh's hirelings targeted al-Haraiqa area of Taiz province with artillery shells.
The army and popular committees repulsed an attempt of the hirelings to advance towards al-Zaher district of Baidha province.

7.7.2016 – Almasdar (A K PH)

Houthi forces foil Saudi-led offensive at Bab Al-Mandab
The Saudi-led Coalition, alongside the pro-Hadi units, launched a new offensive to recapture the Bab Al-Mandab (“Door of Tears”) Strait from the Houthi forces in the Ta’iz Governorate this week. However, their offensive was cut short on Thursday morning after the Houthi forces beat back their main assault near the Al-Lahj Governorate’s border. As a result of this failed assault on Thursday morning, the Saudi-led Coalition lost two tanks to the Houthi forces before retreating from the coastal waters in southwest Yemen – by Leith Fadel

6.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Army foils hirelings’ advance on Iber Mount in Jawf

The army backed by popular committees repulsed Wednesday an attempt by the hirelings to advance toward Iber Mount in al-Ghail district of Jawf province.
A military official told Saba that a number of mercenaries were killed and injured in confrontations with the army and committees forces who repulsed their progress toward Iber Mountain and al-Maqata’ to the south of al-Ghail district.

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

7.7.2016 – Reuters (A)

Fire near Yemeni oil facility kills worker

A fire that broke out at a domestic gas storage facility in Yemen's Marib province on Thursday killed a worker and seriously injured four others, according to state media and a local official.

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Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

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