Krieg im Jemen-Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 175

Yemen Press Reader 175: Prioritäten der Emirate im Jemen – Osteuropäischer Waffenexport in den Nahen Osten – Houthis und Saleh-Partei bilden neue Regierung – Friedengespräche gescheitert, enden

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UAE's priorities in Yemen – Eastern European arms export to the Middle East – Houthi, Saleh party form new government – Peace talks fail and end – and more

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Klassifizierung / Classification

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche/ UN and peace talks

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

cp9 USA

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

cp13c Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp17b Sarari

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

PH = Pro-Houthi

PS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

28.7.2016 – Ispi Online (** B K P)

Uae’s military priorities in Yemen: Counterterrorism and the South

Fighting al-Qaida before the Huthis”: the United Arab Emirates (Uae) have recently rebalanced their military commitment in Yemen, prioritizing counterterrorism operations against jihadi groups, in particular with regard to al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (Aqap).

In the Yemeni campaign, the role of the Uae have raised in terms of leadership and resources, especially for ground operations.

The centrality of Aden - Reconstruction, commercial interests and maritime security concerns are the vectors of Uae’s engagement in Yemen, which focuses on the strategic city of Aden.

The four Uae's security dimensions in Yemen - From 2015 onwards, the Uae have been intervening in Yemen focusing on four security dimensions: regime stability, counterterrorism, local training and humanitarian assistance.

Challenging Aqap in Mukalla - Since 2016, the counterterrorism dimension has been acquiring a primary role in Uae’s operations in Yemen, contributing to spin Emirati public narrative on the Yemeni war.

Local training and assistance - Beyond hard security tasks, Abu Dhabi’s special forces are widely committed to the training of locals.

The Muslim Brotherhood issue - Analyzing the complexity and novelty of Abu Dhabi’s military intervention in Yemen could pave the way for political and security perilous implications in the long-term. First, some tactical differences with Saudi Arabia have emerged.

Militaries and national identity - From a domestic perspective, Abu Dhabi should also deal with a public opinion that has been experiencing military casualties abroad

Ambitious engagement - Unlike the other Gulf monarchies, Uae’s foreign policy is driven by the military tool, boosting regional assertiveness – by Eleonora Ardemagni

Mehrere Artikel über / Several reports about "Making a killing"

29.7.2016 – Sputnik News (* B K P)

Osteuropa nährt Kriege in Syrien und Jemen

Die Regierungen der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder haben in den letzten vier Jahren Waffen im Wert von 1,2 Milliarden Euro nach Syrien und in den Jemen geliefert, schreibt die Zeitung „Kommersant“ am Freitag.

Laut einer gemeinsamen Untersuchung des Reportprojekts für organisierte Kriminalität und Korruption (OCCRP) und des investigativen Reporter-Netzwerks Balkan (BIRN) liefern die Regierungen von acht mitteleuropäischen Ländern seit einigen Jahren illegal Waffen an Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE), Jordanien und die Türkei. Der Rüstungsumsatz zwischen diesen Ländern belief sich in den letzten vier Jahren auf rund 1,2 Milliarden Euro. Vor dem Arabischen Frühling 2011 hatte es fast keine Lieferungen dieser Art gegeben. Die Waffen gelangen schließlich in die Hände der Freien Syrischen Armee sowie von Terrororganisationen wie dem IS.

Dem Bericht „Making a Killing: Die 1,2 Milliarden Euro Waffen-Pipeline in den Nahen Osten“ zufolge kaufen Saudi-Arabien, die VAE, Jordanien und die Türkei bei mitteleuropäischen Ländern beispiellose Mengen an Waffen, die später nach Syrien und in den Jemen geschickt werden.

Über diesen Weg werden Maschinengewehre, Raketenanlagen, Munition für Granatwerfer, Panzerabwehrwaffen und Großkaliber-Maschinengewehre geliefert. Die größten Importe entfallen auf Saudi-Arabien – im Laufe von vier Jahren kaufte Riad Waffen im Wert von 829 Millionen Euro, gefolgt von Jordanien, den VAE und der Türkei mit 87 Millionen Euro.

29.7.2016 – Wirtschaftsblatt (** B K P)

Waffenhandel: Bürgerkriege befeuern das Geschäft

CEE-Staaten haben den Nahen Osten als Markt für ihre Waffen entdeckt. Die gehen vielfach in die Bürgerkriege in Syrien und im Jemen. Experten bezweifeln, dass das legal ist.

Die blutigen Bürgerkriege in Syrien und im Jemen sind offenbar ein blendendes Geschäft für die Waffenschmieden in Mittel-und Osteuropa. Auch ältere Bestände der Armeen auf dem Balkan erfreuen sich wachsender Beliebtheit. Denn seit 2012 wurden Sturmgewehre, Maschinengewehre, Granatwerfer, Panzer, Raketenwerfer und Munition im Gegenwert von mindestens 1,2 Milliarden € über den Balkan nach Jordanien, Saudiarabien, in die Türkei und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) verkauft-also Länder, die Bürgerkriegsparteien in Syrien und im Jemen unterstützen. Das haben Recherchen des Balkan Investigative Reporting Network und des Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project ergeben.

Robert Stephen Ford, der von 2011 bis 2014 US-Botschafter in Damaskus war., erzählt, dass die CIA bei der Verteilung der Waffen an Verbände in Syrien mitgeholfen habe. Zudem setzen die Armeen und Sicherheitskräfte in Jordanien, Saudiarabien, der Türkei und den VAE auf Waffen westlicher Bauart. Für die verbündeten Kämpfer in Syrien dürften die osteuropäischen Waffen sowjetischer Machart aber reichen.

68 Flüge mit Waffenladungen wurden allein in den letzten 13 Monaten protokolliert – von Wolfgang Tucek

27.7.2016 – RT (** B K P)

'Unprecedented': European govts sold $1.3bn in arms to Middle East, some ended up with ISIS - report

Governments of Central and Eastern European countries have been selling an “unprecedented” amount of weapons and ammunition to the Middle East in recent years, fueling armed conflicts in the troubled region, a new report claims.

According to the findings by a team of reporters from the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a group of European countries led by Croatia and the Czech Republic have been channeling their arms to the region since 2012.

Since then, they have gained over US$1 billion from such sales, despite some of the weapons ending up in the hands of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, according to the report, which was published earlier on Wednesday.

The report, titled 'Making a Killing: The 1.2 Billion Euros Arms Pipeline to Middle East,' is the result of a year-long investigation.

It reveals “for the first time” that dozens of airplanes have been taking off from airfields in Eastern Europe, carrying deadly cargo "to Middle Eastern states and Turkey which, in turn, funneled arms into brutal civil wars in Syria and Yemen."

Governments of the selling countries have been well aware of where their exports are ending up, the report claims.

Most of the weapons are sent to Saudi Arabia, with the Gulf kingdom having secured some 18,500 rocket launchers, 10,000 AK-47 guns, 300 tanks, and 250 anti-aircraft guns, among other weapons and ammunition from eight Central and Eastern European countries.

Those countries include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Slovakia.

And the full report is here:

27.7.2016 – Balkan Insight (*** B K P)

Making a Killing: The 1.2 Billion Euro Arms Pipeline to Middle East

Over the past two years, as thousands of tonnes of weapons fly south, hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled north from the conflicts that have killed more than 400,000 people. But while Balkan and European countries have shut down the refugee route, the billion-euro pipeline sending arms by plane and ship to the Middle East remains open – and very lucrative.

It is a trade that is almost certainly illegal, according to arms and human rights experts.

“The evidence points towards systematic diversion of weapons to armed groups accused of committing serious human rights violations. If this is the case, the transfers are illegal under the ATT (United Nations’ Arms Trade Treaty) and other international law and should cease immediately,” said Patrick Wilcken, an arms-control researcher at Amnesty International who reviewed the evidence collected by reporters.

But with hundreds of millions of euros at stake and weapons factories working overtime, countries have a strong incentive to let the business flourish. Arms export licences, which are supposed to guarantee the final destination of the goods, have been granted despite ample evidence that weapons are being diverted to Syrian and other armed groups accused of widespread human rights abuses and atrocities.

Eastern and Central European weapons and ammunition, identified in more than 50 videos and photos posted on social media, are now in use by Western-backed Free Syrian Army units, but also in the hands of fighters of Islamist groups such as Ansar al-Sham, Al Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, ISIS, in Syria, factions fighting for Syrian President Bashar-al Assad and Sunni forces in Yemen – by Lawrence Marzouk, Ivan Angelovski and Miranda Patruci

cp2 Allgemein / General

28.7.2016 – Fair Observer (*[*] B K P)

There Are No Clear Winners in the Saudi War on Yemen

In this edition of The Interview, Fair Observer talks to Professor Charles Schmitz, of Towson University.

The Houthi movement is evolving. The Houthi movement that began building a Zaydi revival movement among the youths of northern Yemen.

When the Houthi leadership made an alliance with its former enemy, Ali Abdullah Saleh, and took over the capital Sanaa, Yemenis began to have doubts about the Houthi leadership. It is true that when the Houthis took Sanaa, people supported their agenda for reform. The interim government of Hadi was very incompetent and the economic situation was deteriorating rapidly. But the Houthi leadership is politically immature. It could support a reform government but not govern.

The Houthi regime is similar to Saleh’s repressive regime.

The Saudi characterization of the Houthis is simply wartime propaganda. What the Saudis don’t understand is that the Houthis are Yemeni—an important part of Yemen—and not something foreign to Yemen. The Saudis want to control Yemen and they cannot tolerate an independent Yemeni regime that they have no influence over. Now that the Houthi leadership is negotiating with the Saudis, the Saudis are happy. The Saudis don’t care about Zaydism, they care about Saudi influence on the Yemeni government.

The Saudi military campaign has many motives. First, the Saudi regime has long been vulnerable to the accusation that it spends a lot of money on defense but is so incompetent that the Saudi military is ineffective. This was the criticism of the Saudi regime during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Saudi regime also fears the accusation that it is dependent upon the United States for its defense. So this campaign is an attempt to chart an independent Saudi military strategy for its defense that does not depend upon the US.

Unfortunately, the crisis in Yemen is largely a domestic crisis and foreign powers can do little at this point. The domestic sides must come to an agreement before anything else. Foreign powers can help rebuild Yemen, but only when the war stops.

Comment: There only are losers – above all the Yemenis.

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

29.7.2016 – The Guardian (* B H)

Where are the world’s most water-stressed cities?

So is the world’s most water-stressed city one where all these contributing factors – natural aridity and low rainfall, poor management, increasing population and exploitation of the aquifer – converge? Sana’a, the capital of Yemen, might just be that city.

Water was scarce even before the current conflict began, made worse by an increasing population and poor water management. Just 48% of the Yemeni capital’s 2.2 million inhabitants receive piped water and the rest get water through tankers, which is five-to-10 times more expensive. Around 60% of water is lost through leaks, while the cultivation of khat – a popular mild narcotic – accounts for 40% of the water drawn from the Sana’a Basin.

What’s more, Sana’a draws water from the world’s most over-stressed aquifer, the Arabian Aquifer System, which 60 million people in Saudi Arabia and Yemen rely on. But Yemen doesn’t really have a backup plan – by Katherine Purvis

Comment: That’s one of the real and most urgent problems Yemen – and Saudi Arabia as well – are facing, without any real solution. Even without the terrible war.

28.7.2016 – Ärzte ohne Grenzen (* A H) Ein "wiederbelebtes" Spital im Kriegsgebiet

Nach drei Monaten im Konfliktgebiet hat Gabi nun ihren Einsatz verlängert und berichtet via Email im Rückblick von der Arbeit in einem Spital:

Zwischen den Provinzen Taiz und Ibb im Südwesten des Landes verläuft eine der Frontlinien. Dort hat Ärzte ohne Grenzengemeinsam mit den Gesundheitsbehörden ein Spital „wiederbelebt“, um die medizinische Versorgung für rund 500.000 Menschen sicherzustellen. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit wurden alle Abteilungen funktionstüchtig gemacht: Akut- und Erstversorgung, Operationssaal und Bettenstation. Anfang 2016 wurde der Betrieb wieder vollständig aufgenommen – heute werden hier pro Monat rund 600 Notfälle versorgt, 120 lebensrettende Operationen durchgeführt und mehr als 100 akute Fälle stationär versorgt. - von Gabriele Dopler

28.7.2016 - World Food Programme (A H) WFP Yemen Country Brief, June 2016

According to the June 2016 IPC analysis, nine governorates remain under “Emergency” (Phase 4) (al Dhale’e, Lahj, Taizz, Abyan, Sa’ada, Hajjah,
Hudaydah, Al Bayda and Shabwah). The number of governorates under Crisis (Phase 3) remains at ten, with Aden moving from Phase 4 to Phase 3.
However, the total population living in Phase 3 and phase 4 governorates increased by almost ten percent compared to June 2015.

In June, WFP surpassed its food assistance target of 3 million people, reaching 3.6 million people in 19 governorates, although with a reduced 75 percent individual entitlement due to resourcing constraints. and in full:

28.7.2016 – Emirates News Agency (A H)

UAE to rehabilitate sewerage network in Yemen's Sheikh Othman city

The Emirates Red Crescent Authority (ERC) is considering rehabilitation of the sewerage network in the Sheikh Othman city district of Aden province.

28.7.2016 – Jamila Hanan (A H)

..Call it what you want, #Saudi 'inspection mechanism' has crippled commercial imports on which country depends and delays humanitarian aid

...several months ago a network of activists wanted to collect donations of food and equipment,such as tubing for dialysis,to send to #Yemen

...despite great willingness of people to contribute, due to import restrictions (blockade), we could not find a way to make this happen..

...I spoke to a number if NGOs to see if we could import our donations alongside their supplies, they said not possible... bit of advice I was told then was to avoid going through the Saudis, if any way we could find another way that would be better. and and and and

Comment: Look at YPR 174, cp3 and Saudi propaganda telling there would be no blockade for humanitarian goods.

27.7.2016 – Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (* B H)

Yemen: Populations at Risk - Current Crisis (15 July 2016)

All sides of the conflict have perpetrated indiscriminate attacks and targeted civilian infrastructure, amounting to possible war crimes and crimes against humanity. Failure to abide by the cessation and attempts by the Houthis to subvert the political transition are in violation of various UNSC resolutions. While UN officials have noted that peace talks have been "constructive," civilians continue to suffer the costs of humanitarian crisis and ongoing conflict.

Yemen has become another proxy battlefield between Saudi Arabia and Iran. While Saudi Arabia remains the main force backing the regional military coalition, Iran has allegedly provided substantial military assistance to the Houthis.

Fighting between Houthi rebels and pro-government forces threatens to further fracture Yemeni society along tribal and sectarian lines. Terrorist groups, such as AQAP and ISIL, are trying to exploit tensions between Shia and Sunni populations to increase their influence.

The Yemeni government is unable to uphold its Responsibility to Protect and requires international support.

The distinction between military and civilian targets is central to IHL and must be adhered to. Parties to the conflict must halt the use of illegal and indiscriminate weapons, including banned cluster munitions. All parties must uphold their Responsibility to Protect vulnerable populations regardless of their tribal, religious or political affiliations.

All parties to the conflict must respect agreed ceasefires in order to ensure humanitarian access to vulnerable civilians in desperate need of food, water and medical supplies.

The UNSC, GCC and all parties to the conflict need to ensure that Resolution 2216 is fully implemented and that Yemen returns to the political transition process. The government and Houthis must not allow ceasefire violations to derail negotiations. The UN Human Rights Council should establish an international commission of inquiry to investigate serious violations in Yemen since March 2015. =

Comment: UNSC res. 2216 is no way to peace, but an obstacle to it.

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

29.7.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemen security forces arrested now suspect of throwing hand-grenade to mosque killing 17 this week in village east Sanaa

29.7.2016 – Euronews (A P)


Im Jemen haben die Huthi-Rebellen und die Partei des gestürzten Präsidenten Ali Abdullah Saleh die Schaffung eines Rats vereinbart, mit dem sie das Land regieren wollen.

Die Regierung des international anerkannten Präsidenten Abed Rabbo Mansur Hadi hat, einigen Meldungen zufolge, deshalb nun einen Stop der Friedensgespräche in Kuwait angeordnet. Auch die Vermittler der Vereinten Nationen warfen den Huthi vor, mit dem einseitigen Schritt gegen Resolutionen zu verstoßen und den Friedensprozess in Gefahr gebracht zu haben.

Über Twitter teilten die Huthi mit, Hadis Seite stünde es frei, sich an ihrem neuen Regierungsrat zu beteiligen. Er soll zehn Mitglieder und einen wechselnden Vorsitz haben.

28.7.2016 – Der Standard (A P)

Houthis und Saleh-Partei bilden Parallelregierung

Angesichts weiterhin ausbleibender Fortschritte bei den Jemen-Friedensgesprächen, haben die Houthi-Rebellen sowie die Kongress-Partei von Ex-Präsident Ali Abdullah Saleh am Donnerstag die Bildung einer Parallelregierung bekannt gegeben. Diese werde über einen wechselnden Präsidenten und Vize-Präsidenten beider Gruppen verfügen, hieß es in einer über verbreiteten Erklärung.

28.7.2016 – dpa (A P)

Huthi-Rebellen und Verbündete gründen Regierungsrat

Die Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen haben nach eigenen Angaben mit ihren politischen Verbündeten einen Rat eingesetzt, mit dem sie das Bürgerkriegsland regieren wollen.

Der jemenitische Aussenminister Abdel-Malak al-Mekhlafi warf den Huthis vor, «eine Chance auf Frieden zu vergeuden».

28.7.2016 – Reuters (* A P)

Houthi-led bloc says to set up body to run Yemen with peace talks stalled

Yemen's dominant Houthi group and its allies in ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh's party said on Thursday they would set up a governing council to run the country, signalling frustration with stalled U.N.-sponsored peace talks in Kuwait.

Senior officials in President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government said the move undermined diplomatic efforts to end a devastating civil war that has drawn in a Saudi-led Arab coalition and caused a humanitarian crisis.

A statement carried by the Houthi-run news agency said the new council would entail a rotating leadership including a president and a deputy from each ally.

(Reporting by Mohammed Ghobari and Ahmed Tolba in Cairo; writing by Sami Aboudi; editing by Mark Heinrich) = and by AFP: and by Almanar:

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Can't help but wonder why Houthis/GPC didn't wait few days when talks over w/o deal to announce council. Now gave other side excuse.

Comment: I fully agree with Omeisy. And am major critical remark is that by this agreement ex-president Saleh will win more influence again, might-be even once become president-on-time by this agreement again, certainly unwilling to give place after his term (see images of signing the agreement: Saleh is present, 2. from left: and Saleh – as Hadi – really should be drawn out of politics in Yemen at all, not be strengthened. Otherwise, this model of joint rule and shifting presidency could have been a model for a new inclusive government as it had been asked for by the Houthi-Saleh delegation in Kuwait. Of course, such a government should have included all major political groups: That is the Hirak (southern separatist) movement and Islah party. And, for all parties involved: women as well.

28.7.2016 – Gulf News ( A P) Houthis torpedo peace talks, form government

Yemen’s rebels and their allies on Thursday formed a 10-member “supreme council” to run Yemen, in the latest sign of the failure of UN-brokered peace talks with the government.

In a statement carried by the Al Houthi-run state news agency, the two groups said that the council would include a rotating leadership that included a president and a deputy from both sides.

The move was condemned by the government. Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdul Malik Al Mikhlafi, quoted by Sky News Arabia, suggested that the declaration amounted to the failure of peace talks being held in Kuwait.

The putschists have successfully convinced the world that they are against peace and are responsible for the failure of the talks... Everyone knows who has waged war in our country and sought to destroy it with war and a coup despite us extending our hands for peace," Al Mikhlafi said.

Comment: The Houthis and the saleh party always had demanded an inclusive government and power sharing; the Hadi side always had refused. Thus, they do not have any right to blame the other side of obstructing peace talks by this measure.

28.7.2016 – Yemen Post (A P)

100,000s protest today demanding #UNto stop deadly Saudi led war & killing of civilians.

cp6 Südjemen und Hadi-Regierung / Southern Yemen and Hadi-government

28.7.2016 – Alzawaya (A T)

A Series of Explosions in the City of Aden, Southern Yemen Local residents in Aden, southern Yemen, said a series of explosions shook different parts of the city, simultaneously, Thursday evening, July 28, 2016. According to several sources, the sound of four explosions were heard, and are believed to have occurred in areas near military and security headquarters subsidiary of the US-backed Saudi aggression. The explosions were caused by stun grenades and mortar shells, source added.

28.7.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A T)

Yemen Qaeda/ISIS Storming main security camp of Aden south where these group insist to rule alone (image)

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

29.7.2016 – Der Standard (A P)

Jemen: Aus für Friedensgespräche

Präsident erklärt Verhandlungen wegen Rebellen für beendet

Als "Erneuerung ihres Putsches" hat die international anerkannte jemenitische Regierung die einseitige Ankündigung der schiitischen Rebellen und von Ex-Präsident Ali Abdallah Saleh gewertet, das Land künftig mit einem zehnköpfigen "Obersten Rat" regieren zu wollen. Nur Stunden später erklärte am Donnerstagabend Präsident Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, der im Exil in Riad lebt, die Rebellen hätten damit den Gesprächen in Kuwait den Todesstoß versetzt. - von Astrid Frefel

Kommentar: Das ist Quatsch. Das hat Hadi mit seiner Verweigerung jeden Kompromisses schon selbst getan.

29.7.2016 – AFP (A P)

Yemen govt team says leaving UN-backed peace talks

Yemen's government delegation to UN-brokered peace talks in Kuwait said it will leave on Saturday, signalling the collapse of four months of UN-brokered negotiations with Shiite Huthi rebels.

"Today (Friday), we are holding some farewell meetings... and the delegation will leave on Saturday," delegation spokesman Mohammad al-Emrani told AFP.

"There can be no more talks after the new coup," he said referring to the rebels' formation of a supreme political council to run war-torn Yemen.

28.7.2016 – Die Zeit (* A P)

Regierung bricht Friedensgespräche mit Huthi-Rebellen ab

Die jemenitische Regierung hat den Abbruch der Friedensgespräche mit den Huthi-Rebellen verkündet, nachdem diese die Bildung eines Obersten Rats bekannt gegeben hatten, mit dem sie das Land regieren wollten. "Die Verhandlungen sind komplett beendet", sagte der stellvertretende Direktor des Präsidentenbüros, Abdullah al-Olaimi. Er gehört der Regierungsdelegation bei den Verhandlungen in Kuwait an. Die Rebellen hätten den "Gnadenschuss" abgefeuert, sagte er.

Auch die UN kritisierten das Vorgehen der Rebellen. Der UN-Sondergesandte Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed sagte, die Gründung des Rats widerspreche dem Friedensprozess und verletze die UN-Resolution 2216.

Kommentar von Quendolin475: Also verstehe ich das jetzt richtig? Der Aufstand der Huthi-Rebellen ist kein arabischer Frühling? Naja, muss ja eigentlich ganz einfach sein. Deutschland unterstützt Saudi-Arabien, die kämpfen gegen die Huthis, demzufolge muss Präsident Hadi ein Demokrat sein. Und demokratisch legitimierte Regierungen müssen unbedingt unterstützt werden. Habe ich grad beim Putschversuch in der Türkei gelernt. Bei Janukowitsch galt das nicht? Achja, ich vergaß, das war der Böse. Also weiter. Der ins Ausland geflohene Hadi ist immer noch legitimer Präsident? Ah ja, gilt das auch für Janukowitsch? Schließlich wurden doch die erforderlichen 75 % für seine Abwahl nicht erreicht, und er floh auch ins Ausland. Weiter: Der Kampf der Militärkoalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens, gibt es dafür eine UN-Resolution? Ist er völkerrechtlich legitimiert? Oder bezeichnen wir nun die Huthis als Terroristen, während in Syrien doch alle nur arme, gemäßigte Rebellen sind? Bis auf den IS. eine völlig unbedeutende islamistische Gruppierung, die erst nach dem Irakkrieg der USA zur militärisch bedeutsamen Terrororganisation wurde.
Aber es ist gut, dass dieser Krieg im Jemen nicht ganz aus dem Blick fällt.

Kommentar von Posterizer: "Sie fordert den Rückzug der Huthi-Rebellen auf ihre Positionen vor 2014, die Aufgabe ihrer Waffen und die Übergabe aller staatlichen Institutionen an die international anerkannte Regierung von Präsident Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi."

Das sind schlicht die Maximalforderungen des Regimes. Völlig aussichtslos, dass die Rebellen sämtliche auf dem Schlachtfeld errungenen Erfolge aufgeben würden. Das kann man nicht einmal beim beste Willen 'Friedensprozess' nennen. Ein irgendwie gearteter Friedensprozess müsste wenigstens etwas auf Ausgleich bedacht sein.
Insofern ist die Bemerkung, dass die Rebellen dem Friedensprozess den "Gnadenschuss" versetzt hätten, kurios. und von ORF:

Kommentar von technokrat: Hadi ist von seinem Amt zurückgetreten, er ist damit nicht mehr Präsident, er war eh nur ein Übergangspräsident. Er kann sich auch nicht selbst mit einem Rücktritt von Rücktritt wieder als Präsident einsetzen, höchstens als Diktator...

Kommentar von Var-Anton: Finde ich arg einseitig, von den Hutis bedingungslose Kapitulation fordern hat nichts mit Friedensverhandlungen zu tun.

Kommentar dazu von mir: Es macht Hoffnung, dass sogar in Deutschland mit seiner völlig katastrophalen Berichterstattung einige Leute verstehen, was Sache ist. Noch ein Punkt: Wenn der Rückzug der Huthis aus dem größten Teil des Landes zur Bedingung für Verhandlungen gemacht wird – warum ist dabei mit keinem Wort von einem Rückzug aller nicht nach Jemen gehörenden ausländischen Truppen (Saudis, Emiratis, USA) auch nur die Rede? das zeigt schon die ungeheure Doppelmoral, die diese Verhandlungen von Anfang an geprägt hat.

28.7.2016 – Living in Yemen on the Edge (A P)

In connection to the political * official * alliance between Houthis and Saleh, the Yemeni delegation from Saudi Arabia is leaving peace talks of #‎Kuwait‬in 36 hours [see cp5]

Comment: “Yemeni delegation”: Houthi / Saleh del.

29.7.2016 – AFP (* A P)

Yemen peace talks collapse after rebels form 'ruling council'

Yemen's government said on Thursday that peace talks underway since April had ended without agreement after Houthi rebels and their allies formed a 10-member "supreme council" to run the war-torn nation.

"The negotiations have completely ended," said Abdallah al-Olaimi, deputy director of the Yemeni president's office and a member of the government team to the UN-brokered talks being held in Kuwait.

"We have participated and exercised patience for the sake of our people and we end the negotiations for their sake," Olaimi said on Twitter.

In Riyadh, President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi's government said the rebels had "fired the bullet of mercy" killing off the talks.

UN special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmad said the rebels' move "contravenes" their commitment to the peace process and "represents a grave violation" of UN Security Council Resolution 2216. =

Comment: The only patience exercised has been by the Yemeni civilians under the bombs. For over 16 months

Comment: It makes much more sense to have a government run by Saudi Arabia (and in Saudi Arabia). Or the UAE

28.7.2016 – Inner City Press (A P)

As Yemen Talks Collapse, ICP Asks UN If Begs Kuwait For Extension, Mulls Replacing Envoy IOCA

ON July 28, Inner City Press asked Ban's deputy spokesman Farhan Haq, UN transcript here:

Deputy Spokesman: The Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, said that this development contravenes the commitments provided by Ansar Allah and the GPC to support the UN-led peace process. The announcement of unilateral governing arrangements is not in line with the peace process and endangers the substantial progress made during the Kuwait talks. There is a clear violation of the Yemeni Constitution and the provisions of the GCC Initiative and its implementation Mechanism - by Matthew Russell Lee

28.7.2016 – UN Envoy to Yemen (A P)

This [Houthi-Saleh government, see cp6] represents a violation of UNSCR 2216 which asks all parties to refrain from unilateral actions that undermine political transition

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy: Hadi's unilateral gov appointments, Saudi's blockade & bombing civilians, also violation of 2216.

Comment by Ahmad Algohbary: He is Inviting #Saudi coalition to bomb #Yemen and kill the innocent people. It is A Yemeni matter.

Comment by Khalid Ahmed Alrhadi:

Inviting foreign forces to bomb & destroy the country and kill the people is NOT "violation" of Yemen Constitution!!

28.7.2016 – Anadolu (A P)

Stumbling UN-backed Yemen talks set to resume in Kuwait

Following a four-day hiatus, UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on Thursday will resume mediation efforts in the second round of Kuwait-hosted peace talks between Yemen’s warring rivals.

Ahmed plans to meet separately on Thursday evening with delegations representing the Yemeni government and the Shia Houthi group with a view to eventually holding direct peace talks.

A source close to the talks told Anadolu Agency that negotiations had been suspended for a four-day period to allow both Ahmed and Yemeni Foreign Minister Abdulmalik al-Mikhlafi (who also heads up the government delegation at the Kuwait talks) to attend this week’s Arab League summit in Mauritanian capital Nouakchott.

He did say, however, that the UN envoy "and the Gulf States in general are not eager to pursue the [peace] consultations" in Kuwait.

The fate of the talks remains shrouded in uncertainty, although delegations representing the Houthis and their allies reportedly want to continue the negotiations for at least one more week – by Mohamed al-Shubeiri and Zakaria al-Kamaali

28.7.2016 – Asharq Al-awsat (A P)

Yemen Peace Talks in Kuwait Extended for another Week

Well-informed sources told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that U.N. Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed would resume the negotiations in light of the support received by Yemen’s legislative government at the Arab Summit which was held in Nouakchott on Monday.

The sources added that international and Arab efforts were focused on reaching a political agreement that would end the war in Yemen, based on the implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2216 by Houthi rebels and the ousted president, Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Meanwhile, the U.N. special envoy returned to Kuwait on Wednesday to resume the talks, which were unofficially halted due to the holding of the Arab summit in the Mauritanian capital – by Arafat Madabish

cp7a Saudi-Arabien und Iran / Saudi Arabia and Iran

27.7.2016 – Lobelog (* B K P)

Yemen: An Opportunity for Iran-Saudi Dialogue?

While the GCC pays a heavy price for an increasingly elusive victory, Tehran sits back and watches the Saudis play into its hands. In order to resolve this crisis and pave the way for the resolution of other crises in the region, Iran and Saudi Arabia must negotiate over Yemen.

The GCC pursues several intertwined goals in Yemen. First, it aims to check Iran—and where better then Yemen? The country is in the GCC’s own backyard, and it represents an easier fight than Iraq or Syria, where Tehran has an advantage. Second, the GCC wants to limit the influence of the Houthis, perceived as one of Iran’s proxies.

Meanwhile, Iran watched events unfold in Yemen. Although it certainly provided the Houthis with weapons, financial support, and training—both directly and indirectly via Hezbollah—the extent of Iranian involvement in Yemen is greatly exaggerated.

Yemen is a high priority for Riyadh, and a low priority for Tehran. This makes it the lowest hanging fruit for a new and meaningful regional security dialogue. Although Saudi Arabia opposes the idea of talking about “Arab affairs” with Iran, sooner or later it will have to face the reality that the prolongation of its campaign in Yemen is creating tensions and divisions within the GCC and draining its resources at a time of economic difficulty.

To prevent a power vacuum, Riyadh must abandon its zero-sum approach to regional security, and Tehran must help alleviate Saudi concerns. In order to do that, the two countries should begin by discussing Yemen. – by Dina Esfandiary and Ariane Tabatabai

Comment: I do not think so. Yemen hardly is a main subject for Saudi-Iranian talks – because the Iranians are so little engaged there.

cp9 USA

28.7.2016 – US Naval Forces Command ( K)

U.S. Navy, Yemen Coast Guard Coordinate in First SOLAS Since 2013

The U.S. Navy and Yemen Coast Guard conducted a coordinated approach and assist to a dhow for the first time in over three years, July 16.

In a collaborative Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) effort, the Yemen Coast Guard provided assistance to a stranded dhow in the Gulf of Aden by supplying food, water and fuel after receiving a request for support from the U.S. Navy. All members of the boat were reported safe and towed back to safety.

Comment: This is nice navy propaganda. What the US navy has to do in this part of the world? Interference in the Yemen war.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

28.7.2016 – The Independent (* B P)

What did Hammond know about the use of British weapons in Yemen? - by Diane Abbott

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

22.7.2016 – Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (**B P)

Medien im Mainstream. Problem oder Notwendigkeit?

Als 2014 das Allensbach-Institut im Auftrag der Stiftervereinigung der Presse 432 Zeitungsjournalisten fragte, wodurch die Pressefreiheit in Deutschland gefährdet sei, da erschienen den Befragten als größte Gefährdungen, dass "Zeitmangel die eigenen Recherchen einschränkt" (83 Prozent stimmten zu) und "dass Journalisten auf wirtschaftliche Interessen des eigenen Medienhauses Rücksicht nehmen müssen" (77 Prozent). Die Aussage "Die Grenzen zwischen PR und Journalismus verschwimmen immer mehr und PR-Material findet immer öfter ungefiltert seinen Weg in die Medien" bejahten 79 Prozent der Befragten.

Die Deutungsmuster der jeweiligen politischen und ökonomischen Machthaber sind auch die vorherrschenden Deutungsmuster im Medien-Mainstream. Denn die Aussagen und Handlungen dieser Eliten sind die hauptsächlichen Quellen, aus denen die Redaktionen für ihre tägliche Berichterstattung schöpfen, und mit dem vermeintlich neutralen Abbilden des Geschehens folgen viele den grundlegenden Prämissen des jeweils laufenden politischen Diskurses – von Uwe Krüger

cp13a Waffenhandel / Arms trade

Siehe / See cp1

cp13b Mercenaries / Söldner

29.7.2016 – Press TV Iran (A K)

US soldier killed in Yemen: Houthis

Citing evidence on the ground, Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement says a US trooper has been killed in the war-battered country.

The movement’s news outlet,, said on Friday that Yemen’s 'War Media' had published pictures proving American presence in the Arab country.

The pictures show an American passport and a birth certificate (seen below) belonging to Tyler Nathaniel Caldwell from Florida.

It is not clear under what circumstances the US soldier died in Yemen (images) and earlier in social media: and and and film

cp13c Flüchtlinge / Refugees

29.7.2016 - International Organization for Migration (A H)

IOM Yemen Marks World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

IOM Yemen this week marked the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, which takes place on July 30, by hosting a counter trafficking conference in the capital, Sana’a.

Yemen’s economic and social turmoil of the past 15 months has helped smugglers and traffickers to exploit vulnerable victims. It has created an attractive climate for organized criminal groups to earn billions of dollars from trafficking and extortion.

IOM Yemen has worked with the Yemeni government to build counter trafficking capacity since 2007. It has offered support in developing and implementing counter-trafficking measures and improving cooperation between different agencies in the country.

IOM data reflects important progress made in recent years in the field of counter-trafficking. For example it is now widely recognized that men are also victims of trafficking and that trafficking does not always involve sexual exploitation. Most victims assisted by IOM globally (85 percent) were trafficked across borders. =

28.7.2016 – Gulf News (* A H)

Yemen cracks down on African immigrants in Shabwa

Despite the ongoing war in the country, Africans continue to come to Yemen

rmy troops and security services in Yemen’s southern province of Shabwa have arrested hundreds of illegal African immigrants fearing that they might be recruited by Al Houthis and militant groups like Al Qaida.

Local officials and residents say that despite the continuing fighting between the government forces and Al Houthis across Yemen, Africans continue to flow into Yemen coast.

For months, at least 200 Africans have been arriving daily on the coasts of Shabwa,” the official said – by Saeed Al-Batati

Comment: It's a story of desperation evolving into another desperation.

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

28.7.2016 – Reuters (A T)

Suspects arrested in Yemen over attack on Aden old folks' home

Yemeni security forces have arrested a number of suspects in connection with an attack on a senior citizens' home in Aden in March in which at least 16 people were killed, including four Indian nuns, a spokesman said on Thursday.

His statement said one of the suspects had confessed to the attack, in which four people supposedly visiting their mother stormed the compound and opened fire. An Indian priest was kidnapped, and his fate is still unknown.

The spokesman described those arrested as a "gang" but gave no details on their number or motives, and said the search for suspects continued. also:

cp15 Propaganda

29.7.2016 – Saudi Press Agency (A P)

Statement of Command of Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen

The Command of the coalition seen with deep regret on what appeared in the media quoting some relief and human rights non-governmental organizations (such as Doctors Without Borders and Amnesty International) that reduce the coalition's efforts and its positive role for the entry of humanitarian aid and facilitate the trade of goods and oil derivatives over to Yemeni people.

we would like to clarify the following:
- That the alliance does not impose a blockade or an economic boycott on Yemeni territory at all and that is what it does is the implementation of their duties towards the application of the provisions of United Nations resolutions aimed to prevent arms and ammunition smuggling.
- The health situation in Yemen is a priority to "Renewal of Hope " operation that the Command of the alliance has spared no effort to improve the process.

Comment: We already heard this, see YPR 174: There is no blockade for humanitarian goods (reality is different), we are the greatest humanitarian benefactors (for humanitarian aid, we spend 0,5 % of the amount we spend for bombing those to whom we give). Great.

29.7.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A P)

Yemen: Rebels Renew Coup with Political Council, U.N. Condemns

Once again, Yemeni insurgents have violated Yemen’s constitution and international resolutions by announcing a unilateral agreement.

Houthis and Ali Abdullah Saleh have established a political council in a severe blow to the political solution called for by the international community in the country, which has been suffering from militias’ practices since September 2014.

Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, special envoy to the Secretary-General on Yemen, said that this development in the country contradicts with commitments made concerning the United Nations-led peace talks.

Farhan Haq, spokesman of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that the “unilateral” decision obstructs the peace process and endangers the substantial progress made during the Kuwait talks.

He also described it as a clear violation of the Yemeni constitution and the provisions of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s initiative and its implementation mechanism.

Rajeh Badi, spokesperson of the Yemeni Government, downplayed the agreement struck between the two insurgent sides, telling Asharq Al-Awsat that this step showed that Houthis and Saleh’s forces don’t respect international efforts and the peace talks that took place in Kuwait.

Comment: Look at cp5, 7. Now propaganda has it's great time.

28.7.2016 – Al-Bab (* A P)

How Twitter robots spam critics of Saudi Arabia

For several weeks now there has been growing evidence that Twitter is being used for a covert and highly organised propaganda operation which disparages Shia Muslims while supporting the Sunni Muslim governments of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

The tactic is to deluge Twitter with multiple copies of identical tweets. These come from fake (robotic) accounts which are programmed to post tweets at fixed intervals. Last month Twitter closed down hundreds of suspect accounts but new ones were created. Altogether, several thousand robotic accounts are involved in the operation though they are not all active simultaneously.

Besides inflaming sectarian tensions in the region, the apparent purpose is to obstruct genuine discussion on certain topics by swamping the relevant hashtag with automated tweets. The automated tweets often link to YouTube videos which have no connection with the topic – by Brian Whitaker

27.5.2016 – The Hill Times (A P)

Saudi ambassador breaks his silence

In a rare interview, the envoy defends the controversial $15-billion arms deal and says the media is spreading ‘misleading information.’

Saudi Arabia’s top official in Canada is defending his country’s human rights record and a controversial $15-billion sale of Canadian-made armoured vehicles to the Saudi Arabian National Guard, noting that despite “misleading information” in the media, he still believes the contract will bring the two countries closer.

Saudi Arabia’s use of Islamic law, sharia, “needs a kind of special arrangement, different than other places,” said Naif Bin Bandir Alsudairy, after responding to concerns about the country’s justice system, which allows for public beheadings and saw blogger Raif Badawi sentenced in 2014 to 10 years in jail and 1,000 lashes for insulting Islam (though, under Western political pressure, he’s only received 50 lashes). The ambassador acknowledged, though, that “we always review.”

Saudi Arabia is a member of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. When you get the membership in this very important council, it gives you an indication that the Saudi authorities are complying with a high standard of human rights regulation.

Comment: Saudi propaganda. Worth reading in full. The last sentence cited here: LOL.

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

29.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Saudi raid kills five citizens in Hajjah

At least five citizens were killed on Friday in an airstrike by Saudi enemy's jets on Kushar district in Hajjah province.
The Saudi raid targeted a house of a citizen in Kushar district, killing five citizens, a local official explained to Saba.

and the same incident:

29.7.2016 – Hussain Albukhaiti (A K PH)

Tday Early hours #Saudi#UAEjet destroyd Mohamed Alhadi home killin3women,1child&1young boy n Kashr N #Hajah (graphic images)

29.7.2016 – Dr. Karim (A K)

2day #Saudi-led airstrike hit a home in Tallan, #Hajjahkilling 5 civilians (incl 3 women), wounding others

28.7.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K PH)

3 Yemeni women & 2 men killed early today asleep in their house in Kasher district of Hajja north by US-backed Saudi war criminals =

Comment by Hisham Al-Omeisy, regarding Kuwait talks (see cp5; 7): But this isn't a violation of 2216. TsK! Bloody corrupt standard. No wonder #Yemen -is lost faith in int'l system.

28.7.2016 - Press TV Iran (A K PH)

Civilian targets hit in fresh Saudi airstrikes in Yemen

Saudi warplanes have carried out a series of fresh airstrikes against residential neighborhoods across Yemen, but there is no immediate report on possible casualties and extent of damage.

They fired several missiles at various areas in Razih district of the northwestern Sa’adah province on Thursday morning, the al-Ahed news website reported.

Saudi warplanes also launched several attacks against al-Dhaher district in the same province and two airstrikes against Kuhlan district of the northwestern Hajjah province.

More air raids:

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

29.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Up to 17 hirelings killed in south Taiz

At least 17 mercenary fighters, including six Sudanese soldiers, were killed in al-Huriqiya area in south of Taiz province, a military official said Friday.
The official told Saba a missile bombing of the army and popular committees targeted gatherings of the aggression’s hirelings in al-Huriqiya area of Thubab district, killing 17 of the aggression's hirelings and destroying an armored vehicle.

29.7.2016 – Saba Net (A K PH)

Hirelings bombard houses of citizens in Mareb

More fighting:

cp17b Sarari

Look at YPR 174, cp17b

28.7.2016 – New News (A K P)

Mahwit province condemn America and denounce Sarari crimes

Men of Milhan district in Mahwit province marched this morning for denouncing US intervention in their internal affairs.

Confirming that the United States hindering the peaceful solution in Yemen.

They also stressed in the final statement for the march on the following:

We condemn strongly what’s happening to our brothers in Sarai village in Taiz province, killing men and dismembering their bodies and burning their homes and the demolition of mosques and ethnic abuse to the sons of the villages by ISIS and the mercenaries of the US-KSA aggression.

The United Nations and the Security Council, human rights organizations and civil society hold the responsibility of what is happening to the sons of Sarari villages.

28.7.2016 – Asharq Al-Awsat (A K PS)

Sarari’s Liberation Reveals Iranian Training Centers

The Yemeni legitimate forces have liberated Al-Sarari region in Taiz after months of clashes with the Houthi militias and Saleh’s forces. Near the village, government forces found a barrack used as a weapons depot and as a base to train insurgents based on the Iranian ideology.

Government forces insisted on liberating this region due to its strategic location, which will ease the flow of humanitarian and medical aid and will facilitate the passage of food packages to the cities of Saber and Taiz.

Hassani continued that legitimate forces have seized different kinds of weapons and heavy arms. He added that 30 Houthi militants, who used to intimidate Sarari’s residents, were also arrested and that the city has resumed its stability and calmness.

The legitimate forces have also succeeded in liberating the government complex, the medical dispensary, Khaled Ibn al Walid School, and Jamaleddine Mosque in Sarari.

Following the liberation, the village’s residents celebrated the victory, welcomed the government forces and the popular resistance fighters and greeted them for their efforts in bringing back peace to the area.

Comment: It is really strange what Saudi propaganda is telling from the Sarari incident. Please more of this.

Anyone might object that there is no independent confirmation of what the Houthi side reported of Sarari, as is of this Saudi version of the story. This might be true. Anyway, looking at the past 15 month, it must be stated that the Houthi affiliated mass media and social media had quite accurately reported all the cruelties of the Saudi air raids, while the Saudi side had told one odd fairy tale after the other. Thus, when asking for credibility, the answer should be clear.

28.7.2016 – Gulf News (A K PS)

Government forces recapture strategic village in Taiz

Government military officials in Yemen’s province of Taiz said on Wednesday that 12 Al Houthi fighters were killed and 15 injured in heavy clashes around a strategic village.

Colonel Mansour Al Hassani, a spokesperson for the Military Council in Taiz, told Gulf News that army troops and resistance fighters recaptured the village of Al Sarari and arrested 30 Al Houthis. “The village hosts a training camp for Al Houthis. They also use it to shell our positions. So we decided to mount a sudden military attack using medium machineguns,” he said.

Comment: That is less fairy tale, nevertheless keeping silent about all the cruelties the other side reports to have happened. And by Gulf News, just a Houthi training camp is mentioned – while Asharq Al-Awsat phantasizes of an Iranian training camp. I also would have liked a Mexican drug barons' gunmen training camp.

26.7.2016 – Albawaba (A K)

Yemen's Popular Resistance Committees recaptures Houthi-held area south of Taiz

According to AE24, members of Yemen's Popular Resistance Committees regained control of a strategic location near Taiz, in southern Yemen.

The area was previous heavily controlled by Houthi rebels and military factions in support of former President Ali Abdallah Saleh.

Sources from the Popular Resistance Committees stated that "the resistance regained control of the as-Sarari region, south of the city, and purged the city of all institutions and government facilities that were inside, after violent clashes with Houthis and forces loyal to Saleh."

A source confirmed to AE24 that "dozens" of Houthis and Saleh forces were killed and wounded in the fighting. Popular Resistance Committees troops captured 25 people and will subject them to interrogation.

Comment: Albawaba is Jordan. For this report, they rely on a Saudi affiliated source. What pro-Houthi sources labeled as “abducations” is at least mentioned here, labeled as “captured”.

28.7.2016 – Nasser Arrabyee (A K T)

Yemen Qaeda/ISIS Took out specific dead bodies from tombs&burnt them inside mosques being destroyed NSarari of Taiz (images) and and

27.-28.7.2016 – Almasirah TV (A K PH)

Films on Sarari and

cp18 Sonstiges / Other

29.7.2016 – The Media Line (* B E P)

Yemen is Running Out of Cash

Yemen’s economic situation is so dire that the banking sector is suffering a severe shortage of cash that left many public sector employees without their much needed salaries just before th Eid A-Fitr holiday, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and its daily fasting.

A general state of economic confusion and public concern prevails with the local currency in free fall against foreign currencies and the foreign-exchange reserves are continually shrinking leading to a 20 percent increase in commodity prices.

According to a World Bank report the number of the poor in Yemen increased from 12 million in April of 2015 to over 20 million at present, out of a total of 26 million Yemenis.
To the consternation of many customers the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) closed all its branches in Sana’a and the other provinces on July 2, announcing a vacation that started the next day and has not ended so far, even though working days have resumed after the time off in celebration of the Eid.

The cash crisis frightened many of those who live in Houthi-controlled areas since according to some economic analysts the CBY does not have enough cash to cover upcoming salaries.

A source from within the Central Bank claimed that the Houthis are meddling in the bank’s affairs and withdrawing huge amounts of cash, which is the main reason for the current crisis – by Mohammed Oraby and Yasser Rayes

28.7.2016 – Hellenic Shipping News (A E H)

Gard Alert: Yemen – port situation

According to information received from Gard’s correspondent in Yemen, Gulf Agency Co. (Yemen) Ltd., the port situation in Yemen as at 26 July 2016 is as follows:

Yemen’s Ministry of Transport has announced that, after 5 May 2015, shipping companies or owners shipping commercial goods or services to ports not under the direct control of the Government of Yemen (the ports of Salif, Mokha and Hodeidah and associated oil terminals) must notify and apply for an entry permit via UNVIM. The permit application must be submitted upon departure from the port of origin of their cargo and at least five days prior to arrival at their port of destination in Yemen. See notice from the Yemen Ministry of Transport published 2 May 2016 for details.

Entry to Yemeni territorial waters will be permitted only following an inspection by the naval forces of Saudi Arabian-led coalition. Once a vessel reaches the outskirts of Bab Al Mandab, some 3nm from Yemen’s territorial waters, a notice of arrival must be called in by the Master on VHF channel 16. The naval forces of the Saudi Arabian-led coalition will then advice where the vessel should anchor pending completion of the inspection and approval of the port entry.

Comment: Blockade still in action, see cp3, Jamila Hanan.

7.2016 – Boredpanda

This Village In Yemen Looks Straight Out Of Lord Of The Rings (Photo)

26.7.2016 – Maverickbird

Photo memories of Old Sanaa

It had been while I was watching reports of Munich terror attack on TV that my memory had churned up some very familiar old ghosts of pain and immediately Sanaa had appeared in front of my eyes like a blast from the past. As the newsreader reported on the terrorist’s intention of targeting children inside a McDonald outlet, smiles, childish laughter and happy squeals from another place and time came back to me in a rush. The city had been Old Sanaa and the time had been Jan-Feb 2015. I had visited Yemen on a work trip and although, the country had been unstable at the time of my arrival, nothing had prepared me for the nightmare which had followed (photos) – by Svetlana

Vorige / Previous:

Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 1-174: / Yemen Press Reader 1-174: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!) und / and

and the Mokha attack July 24, 2016:

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