Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 5

Jemen Der Krieg wird noch brutaler. Die Saudis marschieren von Aden nach Norden vor. Die humanitäre Lage ist katastrophal. Auch die Rolle der USA und der Briten wird beleuchtet

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Ganz an den Anfang stellen möchte ich einen Artikel, der sich mit der aktiven Beteiligung von Großbritannien am Krieg im Jemen befasst. Man weiß kaum, was man hier für am schlimmsten halten soll: Der Sachverhalt an sich oder die Tatsache, dass die Politiker hierzu derartige sinnentleerte schaumschlagende Sprechblasen im schlimmsten Orwell-Neusprech verbreiten – wie sie auch andernorts und zu anderen Themen mittlerweile Standard sind, man denke etwa an Äußerungen zur angeblichen „Lösung“ der Griechenlandkrise. Ja, wir werden eingeseift und angeschmiert und die meisten merken es nicht einmal mehr, weil es mittlerweile der Normalfall geworden ist.

22.7.2015 – Middle East Eye

UK reveals details of its support for the Saudi campaign in Yemen

A British minister has provided some information regarding the UK's participation in the Saudi-led coalition that is bombing Yemen

The UK government on Tuesday revealed some details of its support for Saudi Arabia’s bombing campaign in Yemen, which includes an undisclosed number of British personnel currently stationed at the Saudi-led coalition headquarters.

Minister of State for the Armed Forces Penny Mordaunt said that over 150 Britons are working “to support Saudi Arabia" in response to a question from Green Party MP Caroline Lucas on the Yemeni conflict.

An undisclosed number of British “liaison personnel” are working at the “Saudi and coalition air and maritime headquarters,” according to Mordaunt’s statement.

The minister did not reveal details of the work being done at the coalition headquarters, but did say that “none of these personnel are participating directly in Saudi military operations”.

She added that another unspecified amount of Britons are based at the “Maritime Coalition Coordination Centre in Bahrain to help ease the flow of humanitarian aid into Yemen.”

Human rights activists, however, told Middle East Eye that the British government’s statement does not clearly state its role in the Saudi-led coalition.

“The UK's role, if there is a role, in Saudi Arabia's bombing of Yemen remains unclear, despite this statement by the government,” said Sayed al-Wadaei, director of advocacy at the London-based Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy.

“The answer given by Penny Mordaunt does not clarify what exactly all the British staff are doing at the Saudi and coalition Air and Maritime Headquarters, where, I assume, the Yemen bombing campaign is being coordinated."

In her question to the government, Brighton MP Caroline Lucas asked what steps ministers have taken to ensure the Saudi coalition was not breaking international humanitarian law. Mordaunt replied that “we have received assurances from the Saudis that they are complying with international humanitarian law and we continue to engage with them on those assurances". The armed forces minister also revealed some details of other British military support to Saudi Arabia, which is taking place “under existing government-to-government arrangements”.

Saudi Arabia is UK's top export market for weapons. The coalition government, which served from May 2010 until May this year, approved £4bn worth of weapons sales to Riyadh during its tenure – by Rori Donaghi

Dazu gehört auch

23.7.2015 – RT

US-loaned RAF personnel may be illegally striking Pakistan & Yemen, not just Syria

Fresh controversy has emerged about RAF airmen embedded in an American drone unit, which is known to be carrying out airstrikes in Syria after the charity Reprieve gained access to a joint US-UK memo. If UK personnel are involved in strikes in countries like Pakistan and Yemen, with whom the UK is not ‘legally’ at war, there may be legal issues.

Strikes on Syria would also be illegal given a 2013 parliamentary vote on bombing within the borders of the war-ravaged nation.
The memo concerns the embedding of UK personnel in US units in order to make up for manning shortfalls. It referred to them as “a gift of services to fulfill US air force operational requirements.

Rachelle Marshall fragt nach den Kriegszielen der USA im Jemen. Die entlarvende Äußerung eines Vertreters der US-Regierung, hier in Fett hervorgehoben, zeigt wie in einem Brennglas die unglaubliche menschliche Schäbigkeit der ganzen US-Außenpolitik. Bedenken Sie, dafür mussten und müssen Tausende Menschen sterben, werden Zehntausende verstümmelt und verwundet, wird ein Land ins Nichts gebombt. Freilich, das ist nichts Neues: Die „Glaubwürdigkeit“ als „Garant imperialer Macht“ war den USA auch schon früher wichtig, und so konnte denn Michael Ledeen, damals Inhaber des Freedom Chair am American Enterprise Institute (ihm wird diese Äußerung zumindest zugeschrieben), 2002 sagen: „Etwa alle zehn Jahre müssen sich die USA irgendein kleines schäbiges Land vorknöpfen und platt machen, nur um der Welt zu zeigen, dass sie es ernst meinen.“ ( ) Die Frequenz, in der das passiert, hat sich offensichtlich beschleunigt, wobei aber die USA die richtige Drecksarbeit nunmehr lieber andere erledigen lassen und sich auf politische, aufklärerische und waffenliefernde Hilfe beschränken. Michael Lüders hat hier vom „franchise war“ gesprochen

20.7.2015 – Truth Out

Why Exactly Is the US at War in Yemen?

The United States is currently waging war in six countries in the Middle East and North Africa - Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya and Yemen. America's participation in these wars may include training the local army, using drones to attack suspected terrorists, providing weapons and logistical support to one side side or the other, or sending in American combat troops - sometimes all of the above. None of the countries in which the US military is involved poses a threat to our national security, least of all Yemen.

Two questions come to mind: Why are the Saudis doing this? And why is the US providing them with military support?

The Saudis claim the Iranians seek to dominate the region, and that the Houthis are their surrogates. The Saudis see this as a proxy war between Iran and the Gulf states, but the former American ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Seche, denies this. Seche says the Houthis get financial aid from the Iranians but are by no means their surrogates - they have their own strictly domestic agenda. Until the Saudis intervened, this was basically a tribal war. Al Qaeda, which is Sunni, and the Houthis are deadly enemies, which may explain why Al Qaeda is so far the main beneficiary of the Saudis' involvement in Yemen.

Further complicating the situation has been the entrance on the scene of the Islamic State, or ISIS. ISIS has set off several car bombs in the city of Sanaa that an ISIS spokesman said were intended as "revenge against the Houthi apostates." As a result, the US now finds itself attacking Al Qaeda and ISIS while fighting on their side against the Houthis. As former ambassador Seche commented, "If you're looking for logic here, you're not going to find much."

As to why the United States helping the Saudis wage a destructive war in a country that in no way threatens it, an American official gave the answer last April. Our aid, he said, "is a message to our partners that we are … willing to give them support. It is a message to the Iranians that we're watching." The Obama administration, in other words, wants to reassure the Saudis and other Gulf monarchs that if the United states signs a nuclear agreement with Iran, they needn't worry. The White House will continue to support them and to treat Iran as an adversary.

An even more urgent reason for supporting a war by some of the world's most oppressive regimes is that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf emirates keep our weapons factories operating full time. The Arab states recently agreed to buy nearly a hundred billion dollars worth of American-made war planes, tanks, guns and bombs. And everything the Arabs buy, Israel gets free, since the United States has made a firm pledge to maintain Israel's "military edge" over its neighbors. This keeps the profits flowing to the arms industry, keeps employment high in several crucial states, and pleases members of Congress who collect large campaign contributions from the arms makers and the Israel lobby.

The only losers are the Yemenis whose bones are being shattered, and whose flesh is being burned to ashes by American-made missiles. Sooner or later there will be an end to the fighting, and a minor war will pass into history. But the plight of its victims should haunt Americans for a long time to come – by Rachelle Marshall

Unter den Kriegsverbrechen der Saudis wie der mit ihnen verbündeten Amerikaner ist auch die Verwendung geächteter Streumunition zu rechnen:

22.7.2015 – National Public Radio

Cluster Bombs Made In America And Sold To Saudi Arabia Are Being Dropped On Yemen

Cluster bombs have been banned by 116 countries. Yet one cluster weapon, made in America, is being used on the battlefield in Yemen, dangerously close to civilians.

The objects the Yemeni man discovered on the ground were later identified by HRW as parts of a US-made weapon, the CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon from Textron Systems of Wilmington, Massachusetts.

When the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions came into effect in 2010, this particular weapon looked to have skirted the ban. Textron included safeguards never before seen in a cluster bomb, which it said would prevent civilian harm by eliminating the hazard of unexploded ordnance. Even so, weapons experts and anti-cluster bomb activists agree that the CBU-105 SFW is indeeed a cluster bomb. In fact, the US Department of Defense has called it that.

It’s in the inventory of two countries whose planes have been bombing Yemen. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on SFWs from Textron with US government approval. When these two nations started to stockpile SFWs several years ago, each weapon cost about $360,000. This year the Saudi-led air campaign against Yemen’s Houthi rebels began to use the weapon in the Houthis’ home province of Saada, near the Saudi border. This has been raising concerns among human rights workers and causing panic — and perhaps some injuries — among Yemeni civilians.

After the CBU-105 SFW is dropped from a plane, it releases 10 cylindrical shells with their own parachutes and rocket engines. Inside each of the 10 parachuting canisters are four hockey puck-shaped explosives called "skeets," rigged with smart electronics to guide them to targets, seeking battlefield equipment such as tanks, trucks, armored personnel carriers, and missile launchers. The skeets are programmed to recognize and lock onto military hardware, then go destroy it.

If any of the 40 explosive skeets do not find a target, Textron has programmed them to either deactivite within eight seconds of launch, detonate harmlessly 50 feet above the ground, or switch themselves off after they land. These safety features are included to overcome the key objection to cluster bombs: that unexploded ordnance on the ground can kill and injure civilians after the fighting is over. The CBU-105 SFW is designed to leave nothing behind that can explode.

Anti-landmine activist Rae McGrath has written "the metal content would make this weapon a target for scavenging." In his 2008 paper critical of the weapon's performance in Operation Iraqi Freedom, McGrath highlighted a variety of ways in which the CBU-105 SFW had failed to detonate on the battlefield. He cast doubt on the claim that all undetonated skeets will self-neutralize, noting that while the manufacturer says they are automatically rendered inert after landing on the ground, "given that many of the submunitions appear to have failed to operate as designed, this is not a safe assumption." = (part only)

Auf ihre Erfolge bei der Eroberung von Aden aufbauend (die sie während einer von den UNO ausgehandelten “Waffenruhe” durchgezogen haben) haben Saudis und pro-Hadi-Kräfte weiteres Material und Soldaten nach Aden gebracht und betreiben nun den Vormarsch nach Norden, um die Houthis zurückzudrängen. Bei den Kämpfen in Aden haben die Houthis ein Wohnviertel beschossen, wobei mindestens 45 Menschen starben. Gleichzeitig macht Ex-Präsident Saleh, der immer noch die Fäden im Hintergrund zieht, dem ein großer Teil der Armee immer noch loyal ergeben ist und der sich aus taktischen Gründen mit den Houthis verbündet hatte, erste Anzeichen für einen erneuten Seitenwechsel.

23.7.2015 – Reuters

Frontlines of Yemen's war shift in favor of Riyadh

The tide of Yemen's messy war has unexpectedly turned, handing a morale boost and possibly decisive military momentum to Gulf Arab-backed forces bent on ending the ascendancy of the Houthis.

Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a political scientist in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), said Gulf Arab states saw Yemen as a proving ground for their resolve to confront Tehran, and last week's capture of Aden proved they could hold their own.

"In this zero-sum game, the balance of power in the region has swung to the Gulf states' advantage, after this net loss for Iran in Yemen."

The capture of Aden by thousands of anti-Houthi forces was made possible in part by a military effort prepared for many weeks by wealthy Gulf Arab states which trained and supplied Yemeni recruits especially for the task.

The Gulf Arabs, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have deployed some of their own special forces, as well as backing up the effort with hundreds of air strikes.

But the advance may also have benefited from efforts to weaken a key pillar of Houthi power, namely an alliance with former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has the loyalty of army units that are probably the country's toughest military force.

The tie-up is rooted in tactics rather than ideological sympathy -- Saleh and the Houthis were once sworn enemies but made common cause last year against shared enemies.

The move, typical of Yemen's constantly shifting political landscape, gave the Houthis a decisive edge on the battlefield.

Diplomats and Yemeni politicians say representatives of Saleh, whose army loyalists laid siege to Aden alongside the Houthis back in March and April, are negotiating with diplomats from the UAE.

If successful, the gambit may deliver a critical impetus to U.S.-allied Gulf States

"Gulf countries have been working on the military training and arms supplies that drove the events in Aden, but it's simultaneously working through the backdoor to split Saleh from the Houthis," Farea al-Muslimi, a Yemeni researcher with the Carnegie Middle East Center said.

Adel Shuja, a leader of the party Saleh leads, told Reuters that negotiations between the ex-president's representatives and the United States, Britain and the UAE "to find a peaceful solution to the crisis...have made significant progress so far".

Saleh backed the Houthis when they seized the capital Sanaa in September and pressed south toward Aden alongside Saleh forces, triggering the Arab intervention on March 26.

"They're speaking to him to extract him from the country, because they realize that while he cannot again rule the country, he can still destroy it," a Yemeni politician told Reuters.

Aden is likely to be a base for any expansion of the Gulf Arab-backed ground campaign, and commanders see their training of Yemeni forces as essential to its success.

"The situation has been completely turned upside down after the battle for Aden, and it will across the whole South very soon," a senior commander in the anti-Houthi forces said.

Another offensive, he added, was planned for the coming days somewhere in Yemen's north, where battles are also raging between Gulf-backed fighters and the Houthis – by Noah Browning and Mohammed Mukhashaf

23.7.2015 – Vice News

As Fighting Rages, Yemen's Warring Parties Reportedly Begin Peace Talks

An official from the party of Yemen's former president Ali Abdullah Saleh confirmed on Thursday that talks aimed at brokering a "peaceful solution" to the country's conflict were under way in Cairo. But fighting continued to rage in several cities, and few details were available about the discussions' significance.

The State Department did not immediately reply to questions about US involvement in the reported Cairo talks, and it was unclear which American officials, if any, were in fact present in Egypt. Also obscured was whether the talks, which reportedly have not included Houthi representatives, represented a fissure between the rebels and Saleh. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, fighters from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — the group's affiliate in Yemen — fought alongside the militias and the Emiratis. Besides al Qaeda, not all of those fighting the Houthis in the south support President Hadi, and some have been pictured carrying the flag of South Yemen — a separate country that existed until 1990, and which remains an aspiration for many – by Samuel Oakford

23.7.2015 – Defense News

Evidence Grows of Saudi-led Forces in Yemen

Evidence of Saudi-led coalition land forces operating in Yemen has been mounting since the initiation of Operation Golden Arrow to recapture the city of Aden on July 16.

Although no official confirmation from the coalition was provided, a coalition official has told Defense News that 600 servicemen and trained Yemeni fighters were deployed to recapture the port city.

Since operations began, the coalition official said, Saudi Arabia has deployed 45 mine-resistant ambush- protected Oshkosh M-ATVs, while the United Arab Emirates has deployed 50 Emirati-made Nimr four-wheel-drive multipurpose armored vehicles as well as 25 Emirati-made Enigma eight-wheel-drive infantry fighting vehicles – by Awad Mustafa

23.7.2015 – Süddeutsche Zeitung

Arabiens Ärmste

Als erstes Flugzeug landete [in Aden] am Mittwoch eine Transportmaschine vom Typ C-130-Hercules der Königlichen Luftwaffe Saudi-Arabiens.

An Bord befanden sich laut dem Flughafendirektor Waffen und Ausrüstung für regierungstreue Einheiten, die in den vergangenen Tagen die Hafenstadt in schweren Gefechten von der Huthi-Miliz zurückerobert haben, sowie Hilfsgüter. Saudi-Arabiens Marine-Chef, Vizeadmiral Abdullah bin Sultan al-Sultan, begleitete den Flug, um in Aden den Beginn einer Luftbrücke anzukündigen - um die von Riad unterstützten Truppen mit Waffen, Munition und Ausrüstung zu versorgen, aber auch die Bevölkerung mit Hilfsgütern. Techniker aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten sollen den Flughafen instand setzen.

Die Regierungstruppen rücken derzeit auf den Luftwaffenstützpunkt Anad vor, den größten des Landes, 60 Kilometer nördlich von Aden. Auch eine Offensive zur Rückeroberung von Taizz, der drittgrößten Stadt, soll bevorstehen. Auf Bildern aus Aden sind moderne Panzerfahrzeuge auf Patrouille zu sehen, 140 davon sollen vom Golf nach Jemen geliefert worden sein. Sie waren erstmals vor zwei Wochen aufgetaucht, als die Kämpfe um den Flughafen eskalierten. Die Kämpfer sollen in Saudi-Arabien ausgebildet worden sein.

Das Königreich hat bisher davor zurückgeschreckt, Bodentruppen in das Nachbarland zu entsenden. Die Strategie, alleine auf Luftangriffe zu setzen, war aber nicht aufgegangen; sie hatten die Huthis nicht davon abgehalten, weitere Landesteile zu überrennen. Nun aber könnte Aden mit seinem Hafen und Flughafen zum Ausgangspunkt für eine groß angelegte Bodenoffensive regierungstreuer Truppen und Milizen mit massiver logistischer Unterstützung und Waffenhilfe vom Golf werden – von Paul-Anton Krüger

23.7.2015 – Aljazeera

Yemen's Houthis 'pushed from last Aden stronghold'

Pro-government forces say they now control port city's Masheeq neighbourhood, where President Hadi's palace is located. At least 20 rebel fighters were killed on Wednesday in the fight to control the city's Masheeq neighbourhood, an area where a palace belonging to exiled President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi is located.

22.7.2015 – Reuters

Saudi arms shipment arrives in Yemen's Aden airport: official

A Saudi military plane loaded with arms for fighters loyal to Yemen's deposed president landed at Aden airport on Wednesday,

22.7.2015 – Spiegel Online

Krise im Jemen: Flughafen in umkämpfter Stadt Aden wieder geöffnet

Huthi-Rebellen hatten die jemenitische Hafenstadt Aden erobert. Nun ist sie befreit - und zum ersten Mal seit vier Monaten konnte eine Maschine auf dem örtlichen Flughafen landen.

21.7.2015 –

Erste Bilder von Saudi-Truppen in Aden

20.7.2015 – BBC

Yemen conflict: Loyalists 'enter last Aden district'

Forces loyal to Yemen's exiled government say they have advanced into the last part of the southern city of Aden still held by Houthi rebels.

On Sunday, rebel artillery fire struck the densely-populated northern suburb of Dar Saad, where many displaced people live, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said.

The medical charity said its hospital in the area received 150 casualties, among them women, children and elderly people. Forty-two people were dead on arrival and tens of other bodies had to be turned away because the hospital was overwhelmed.

MSF added that it had witnessed "massive retaliation against civilians by the Houthis" and warned that it feared targeted killings of civilian populations would recur in the south of Yemen as the rebels were driven out of areas they control.

The Houthis denied targeting civilians in Dar Saad and blamed "media deception".

20.7.2015 – Tagesschau

Tote bei Huthi-Angriffen im Jemen :Aden doch noch nicht "befreit"?

Erst am Freitag hatte die jemenitische Exilregierung die Hafenstadt Aden für "befreit" erklärt, einige Regierungsmitglieder waren sogar schon dorthin zurückgekehrt. Doch die Huthi-Rebellen kontrollieren offenbar immer noch - oder wieder - einige Stadtteile. Bei Angriffen mit Raketen und Mörsergranaten töteten sie mehr als 48 Menschen. dazu auch

19.7.2015 – Associated Press

Medical officials say Shiite rebels and their allies randomly have bombed an area north of the southern city of Aden, killing at least 45 people.

The rebels are fighting to thwart an offensive by Saudi-backed troops and local fighters.

On Sunday, the officials said hundreds of residents fled Dar Saad, north of Aden, amid intense shelling from the rebels. They said at least 45 people, believed to be civilians, were killed. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity as they weren’t authorized to brief journalists.

19.7.2015 – The World Post

Battles Rage For Yemen's Aden, Dozens Of Civilians Dead

Shiite rebels and their allies randomly shelled an area north of Aden on Sunday, killing at least 45 people and wounding over 100, officials said.

The rebels are pushing back against an offensive by their Saudi-backed rivals that uprooted them from areas they control in the strategic port city last week, including the Aden international airport.

The officials said hundreds of residents fled Dar Saad, north of Aden, amid shelling that intensified Sunday from the rebels.

Zur Propaganda beider Seiten:

23.7.2015 – BBC

Yemen: exploding gas cylinders and rival flags

Making sense of what is happening inside Yemen is fraught with problems; not so much because of a lack of information, but because of the difficulty of verifying what is reported.Parties to the conflict often tell completely different stories, at other times they give conflicting accounts of the same incident. Added to this is the labelling one side gives to its opponents, or even its allies, sometimes deliberately designed to blacken, sometimes simply slapdash in its accuracy.

Two recent events in the cities of Taez and Aden show this confusion and misinformation at work. In Taez, a gas storage facility exploded in the early hours of 19 July, creating a huge ball of fire that lit up the night sky. Video of the fireball was shown on two rival TV channels which both call themselves Yemen TV. One broadcasts from the capital, Sanaa, and is controlled by the Houthi movement. The other broadcasts from Saudi Arabia and supports exiled President Hadi.


The flag that is seen most often on the streets of Aden, easily recognised by its red star set in a pale blue triangle, is that of the formerly independent south. Many of the fighters known as the "popular resistance" who opposed the Houthis in Aden want the return of a separate state and have little loyalty to President Hadi.

In a report on their advances in Aden, published by the Abu-Dhabi-based website Erem News on 19 July: "Although the southern resistance enjoys support from President Abd-Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and his government, it is not clear it will back his return to his post in the long run".

Die humanitäre Lage im Jemen ist in jeder Hinsicht katastrophal.

23.7.2015 – IRIN

Will Houthi retreat mean more Yemen aid?

A World Food Programme (WFP) ship docked on Tuesday at the southern port, carrying enough resources to feed 180,000 people for a month.

It inevitably raised hopes that aid workers may find it easier to reach the more than 20 million people the UN says are in need of assistance. But the notion that a flotilla of aid ships will now be allowed to dock to alleviate the worsening humanitarian crisis appears premature.

Philip Tinsley, Maritime Security Manager for BIMCO, the world’s largest shipping association, said he had not seen any significant change in policy from the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, which has been restricting naval access to the port.

“Looking at what happened to the World Food Programme vessel, it appears the inspection regime is still in place,” he told IRIN. “Although it had arrived off Aden on 26 June, it was forced to wait over three weeks for a safe window to berth.”

Tinsley said there were still “plenty of vessels waiting to get in to Yemen, especially aid vessels,” but that commercial ships were still largely unwilling to take the risk of entering the port.

As the Houthis have pulled back, the battle has moved to Lahj – 30 kilometres north of Aden. The fighting has become so severe there that the city has been largely cut off.

23.7.2015 – Borgenproject

The State of Healthcare in Yemen Today

The conflict in Yemen, which has been raging for the past three months, has led to a humanitarian catastrophe that has caused 2,800 deaths, displaced over a million people, and caused 21 million Yemenis to be in dire need of immediate assistance, according to UNICEF. The human rights organization has also projected that in the next 12 months, 2.5 million children will suffer from chronic diarrhea, 1.3 million from pneumonia, and 280,000 from severe malnutrition.

Yemen’s healthcare system, which was in poor condition prior to the recent fighting, has been especially hard-hit as a result of the crisis, which has resulted in dwindling medical supplies and the destruction of numerous hospitals throughout the country. A blockade by the Arab coalition, and restrictions that were placed on the commercial import of fuel, food, and medical supplies by the international community have helped to exacerbate the country’s healthcare problems, making it impossible for the approximate 90% of Yemenis who depend upon these supplies to gain access.

Aid workers also say that the crisis has contributed to a rising number of preventable deaths, with an increasing number of children dying from relatively minor illnesses, such as strep throat. According to the World Health Organization, an inability to access even basic medical care, like obstetrical support during childbirth, and the closing of national programs to fight diseases such as tuberculosis, has caused a surge in the number of people who require urgent medical care, which stood at 8.6 million in March. In addition to lack of supplies, the frequent droppings of bombs and raiding of hospitals carried out by Houthi groups have led to the closure of over 158 health facilities. According to officials, this has contributed to the deaths of 470,000 children under the age of five, as well as the outbreak of diseases such as polio and measles throughout the country – by Ana Powell

22.7.2015 – UNOCHA

The plight of the 1.3 million internally displaced in Yemen

The escalation of the conflict in Yemen since March 2015, has had a devastating impact on Yemeni women, children and men. In the past four months, the violence has forced close to 1.3 million people to abandon their homes.

The number of casualties continues to rise. So far, more than 18,000 people have been reported injured, and at least 3,800 people have been killed.

Many of the internally displaced people (IDPs) have experienced multiple displacements by now, as the current violence follows years of turmoil in Yemen. Now 21 out of 22 governorates are hosting displaced people, with most of them coming from Aden, Al Dhale’e and Sa’ada.

Most displaced families are reportedly living with relatives or friends, many of whom are themselves struggling to survive. Others had no choice but to settle in public buildings, makeshift structures, in caves or in the open, under extreme heat. Overcrowding, lack of safe water or proper sanitation services, and the suspension of waste collection are exposing thousands of IDPs and host communities to major public health risks. A dengue fever outbreak has already affected nine governorates, with Aden continuing to be the worst affected.

The strain on host communities and local authorities is tremendous, as resources are stretched to breaking point.

20.7.2015 – UNOCHA

Yemen: Humanitarian Emergency Situation Report No. 16 (as of 20 July 2015)

23.7.2015 – Washington Post

In Yemen’s grinding war, if the bombs don’t get you, the water shortages will

This poor Arabian Peninsula country has faced a severe scarcity of water for decades. But four months of fighting have dramatically worsened the situation, with attacks destroying water pipes, storage tanks and pumping facilities.

The number of Yemenis who lack access to drinking water has almost doubled since the war began, according to the United Nations and aid agencies. Now, they say, more than 20 million people — about 80 percent of Yemen’s population — struggle to find enough water to quench their thirst and bathe.

Diseases such as malaria are spreading, killing hundreds of people, because so many residents are forced to use improperly stored and unsanitary water, health experts say. The crisis is compounding a humanitarian emergency that already has prompted U.N. officials and aid workers to warn of famine.

The water problems go beyond the destruction of infrastructure. Power plants and electricity lines have been damaged in the fighting, hampering municipal authorities’ ability to pump water to residents. Diesel fuel for backup generators, which could be used to power the pumps, has become scarce because of the difficulties of transporting it through war zones. In addition, U.N. officials and aid workers say an air and naval blockade established by the Saudi-led coalition is severely restricting imports – By Ali al-Mujahed and Hugh Naylor =

dazu auch

21.7.2015 – BBC

Yemen: First UN aid ship in four months reaches Aden

A United Nations aid ship carrying food supplies has docked in Yemen's southern city of Aden for the first time since fighting broke out there in March. The UN ship was carrying 4,700 tonnes of food supplies - enough to feed 180,000 people for a month - as well as pharmaceutical aid. dazu auch

Das Grauen des Krieges:

21.7.2015 – Helene Aecherli

"It's raining missiles. A nightmare that refuses to end!"

Yemenis want to be heard. They need to be heard. Thus I have asked Yemeni friends of mine, men and women, to tell their stories, to give a personal account of their experiences of the war in Yemen and to send me pictures that illustrate their texts. I will post them here on this website, one by one. I hope their writing will have an impact.

War is killing every beautiful thing inside us and inside our country. It is heartbreaking to lose that feeling of safety, to be in constant worry about your loved ones, to live endless terror unable to even have the slightest mean of life. Life has become a bleak vision for us, something we fantasise about. And that is how it’s like to be in a war.

Unluckily, there is no safe place anywhere We moved to our grandparents’ house, which is also located close to many of the target places. When they hit the former President’s House, we ran away to the room we thought might be safe. Then another missile hit and we again ran away to another room. And we kept going like this until we almost ran outside into the yard which is also very dangerous. But we did it impulsively, it was a moment your mind stops thinking and only aims at running away even though nowhere is safe.

Sometimes we try to forget that we are living in a war and act normally. We try to summon beautiful moments of our previous life before the war and a wave of nostalgia overwhelms us with melancholy about our life. We recall funny situations to grasp a laugh, but behind every laugh there is a feeling of bitterness and our hearts ache with pain tearing us down with despair. That war has stolen our life.

I wish that all people who sparked this war realise that there is no point of waging wars. War only generates hatred and revenge and promotes destruction of humans and homes. We curse this war a zillion times because it has stripped us of joy; it took away our souls and deprived us of life.

I don’t know how long we’ll continue like this. I’m not sure how long people will be able to bear the burden of this misery. Peace is what we need. Our voices need to reach out. Yemenis want to see their country flourish with development, not with war. War indeed has changed Yemenis, but it taught them how to survive and to never give up their dreams.

I want to live safely in my house. I want my hopes and dreams of a better future back, and I want my plans for my country back. We just want to live peacefully. Is this too much to ask? We deserve to live! =

Andere Stimmen von Menschen aus dem Jemen in diesem Blog:

21.7.2015 – Die Zeit

Aus Sanaa werden Trümmer

Bilderserie mit interessanten Kommentaren

Mit den Saudis und der Unterstützung des Westens für einen der schlimmsten Terrorstaaten auf dieser Erde befasst sich der schon etwas ältere Artikel:

15.6.2015 – Land Destroyer

US NED Ignores Saudi Barbarism

The Arabian Peninsula has been trapped in a time warp for nearly a century, thanks to the House of Saud and indomitable Western support.

Some may find it curious, browsing the US State Department's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) website, reviewing the unending lists of faux-NGOs special interests in the West have propped up across the planet to project influence and political meddling into every corner of the planet under the pretense of supporting "freedom and democracy," to discover this meddling extends to nearly all nations except a select few.

One of these blind spots includes Saudi Arabia. In fact, under the category "Middle East and North Africa" (MENA), Saudi Arabia isn't even listed. NED-funded NGOs attempt to leverage every noble cause conceived by human empathy, from representative governance, to the rights of women and children, from behind which to hide their true agenda of political meddling, undermining local institutions, and the overwriting of a nation's sociocultural landscape. Yet, it would seem, even this farce has its limits, which begin at the borders of favored client-states including Saudi Arabia.

It would seem, were NED a genuine sponsor of such causes, Saudi Arabia would have attracted special attention. It is literally a nation where women do not exist as human beings legally or socially, unable to even drive, and were Saudi Arabia to have anything resembling actual elections, unable to vote as well. The lack of any semblance of representative governance is another aspect one might expect the National Endowment for Democracy to find issue with. Yet it doesn't. This transparent, obvious hypocrisy exposes the entirety of NED's work for what it is - meddling behind an elaborate facade of defending freedom, democracy, and human rights.

But beyond this intentional blind spot the self-proclaimed arbiters of global freedom and democracy have created for the autocratic, brutal regime of Saudi Arabia to hide within, we find more than just silent approval, we find also active, even eager complicity. The entirety of Saudi Arabia's security apparatus, both internal and military, has been created and propped up by the West through billions upon billions of dollars in aid, weapon sales, and direct military cooperation and support. This includes the immense 60 billion USD arms deal signed between Riyadh and Washington, the largest arms deal in US history.


While Western NGOs fund to the tune of millions per year activists around the world agitating political instability in nations like Thailand, claiming that the constitutional monarchy there is some sort of impediment to "democracy," the fact that a single family has ruled Saudi Arabia uninterrupted for decades, even naming the country after the family who rules it unopposed without even the semblance of elections or representative governance, seems to be more than acceptable

The parallels between Al Qaeda and Saudi Arabia are no coincidence. Al Qaeda and the subsequent "Islamic State" (ISIS) it has created, straddling Syria and Iraq and spreading across the rest of the MENA region in fact finds its genesis and chief patrons in Riyadh. The West props up Riyadh, and Riyadh props up a regional army of mercenaries waging relentless war on Washington and Wall Street's enemies throughout MENA. A torrent of supplies brought in by literal convoys of trucks even streams into the war zone via NATO territory.

ISIS can in fact be considered a "colony" of Riyadh, and a reflection of the depravity actively encouraged by the West on the Arabian Peninsula for decades.

A barbaric autocracy lopping the heads off its own citizens while creating colonies of terrorism across the globe through direct support of marching terrorist armies and a global network of madrases promoting the state-cult of Saudi Arabia, Wahhabism, under the guise of Sunni Islam would seem like one of the West's greatest threats

Yet in most cases, particularly when these Saudi-sponsored madrases are established in Europe or North America, national intelligence and law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, the CIA, MI5, and MI6 actively participate in the cultivating, exploitation, and entrapment of radicals created within. Never is it attempted to expose and dismantle these networks, and instead, an intentional strategy of tension is created around these rat nests of extremism to promote hysteria, division, and further fan the flames of fear at home, while justifying perpetual war abroad.

Considering this, it is clear why Saudi Arabia is not only pardoned for its inhumanity and criminality, but encouraged and enabled by special interests in the West. These interests are able to manipulate and terrorize their population at home, justify the creation and enlargement of domestic surveillance networks, and justify the use of military force abroad in campaigns of hegemonic conquest predicated on "national defense" against "terrorism" they and their allies have themselves created to begin with.

When Saudi Arabia began airstrikes on neighboring Yemen, we saw once again not only the United States, United Kingdom, and the European Union fail to protest the extraterritorial aggression, but the United Nations itself also failed to condemn or act in response. Furthermore, Western support for Saudi military aggression has continued unabated regardless of the atrocities and deaths unfolding in Yemen. And while it can safely be said that Al Qaeda is a reflection of Saudi Arabia, it can also be safely stated that Saudi Arabia, its barbarism and regional crimes against humanity, its state-sponsorship of global terrorism, and even the ideology it actively promotes worldwide that serves as the foundation global terrorism is inspired from, is a reflection in turn of the depravity of the special interests ruling Wall Street, Washington and their Transatlantic counterparts in London and Brussels. Understanding the special accommodations made by the West for perhaps the most barbaric nation on Earth, amid disingenuous bleating about "Iran," "North Korea," "Russia," "China," and other enemies of Western hegemony, exposes the emptiness of Western principles - or more accurately - the emptiness of those hiding behind them – by Tony Cartalucci

Hierher gehört der Vormarsch des IS wie auch von Al Qaida im Jemen. Ohne die Politik der Saudis hätten die Terroristen nicht annähernd solchen Erfolg:

20.7.2015 – Vice News

The Rise of the Islamic State in Yemen

The IS attacks appear designed to create discord between Yemen's Sunnis and Shias, according to Katherine Zimmerman, an al Qaeda analyst at the conservative American Enterprise Institute and a Yemen specialist. She says the IS strategy is in line with the sectarian divide-and-conquer technique the group has employed to spectacular effect in Iraq and Syria.

"The Islamic State is growing in the areas where the Houthis are," she said. "If it can push Yemen towards greater sectarianism, then IS will thrive."

But Yemenis argue that IS has yet to achieve the same success it has had in Iraq and Syria, because of Yemen's more ingrained culture of religious coexistence. For the most part, Yemenis are resistant to a narrative of sectarian divisions.

Yet the arrival of IS in Yemen — which made formal its Yemen debut with a mosque attack in March that killed 130 people and injured more than 300 — could cost AQAP dearly, forcing it into a fight with rival jihadists or pushing it into employing ever more brutal tactics.

IS and AQAP do not yet operate in the same areas of Yemen, Zimmerman adds, meaning that they are yet to come into direct conflict with each other. The small Yemeni wing of IS operates in the northwest and west of the country, with limited support, while AQAP's main base is in the south and the east. But in the longer term, she says, IS will likely try to compete with AQAP, creating potential for a replay of the jihadist infighting that has created chaos in parts of Syria.

Western security officials worry that the rise of both AQAP and IS in Yemen could fuse violent radical Islamists into Yemen's tribal system in a way that has hitherto not been possible.

A Western diplomat told VICE News that Washington and London are concerned that Saudi Arabia, which has driven the international response to the Houthis' rise, seems worryingly blasé about the growth of AQAP and IS.The Saudis see the Houthis as a proxy for Iran, their main regional rival, and as such have made their defeat a priority in Yemen.

"The message we are hearing is that they have other priorities — the Houthis — and we are welcome to do what we want about AQAP and others," said the official

"I'm not quite sure what the Saudis are doing," says the AEI's Zimmerman. "I think the Saudis' risk tolerance is much higher in terms of empowering AQ to defeat the Houthis. They will train or provide weapons to tribes without checking they are putting weapons into AQAQ's hands." – by Peter Salisbury and Ahlam Mohsen

Und hier noch ein älterer Bericht über die Houthis:

17.3.2015 – BBC

Meeting the Houthis - and their enemies

The secretive Houthi movement was always a mystery to me.

I went to Yemen to follow them, to understand where they came from and what they want since they have suddenly become the most powerful people in Yemen.

I discovered a divided country. The Houthis who belong to the Zaidi sect- an offshoot of Shia Islam, still control the capital, but face a determined alliance of al-Qaeda and other Sunni militants further south.

Mass protests against the Houthis have been reported in some of Yemen's largest cities. I encountered a very different mood - and a sense of the country fragmenting - as I crossed front lines and travelled the country speaking to the Houthis and their enemies – by Safa AlAhmad

Weitere ältere Artikel der BBC unter

Und wieder ein paar Eindrücke von dem, was die Saudis, die Amerikaner (nd, wie man jetzt sagen muss, auch die Briten) im Jemen angerichtet haben (die Bilder sind nichts für Sensible!):

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