Krieg im Jemen: Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 65

Yemen Press Reader 65: Saudis und IS - Vor Friedensgesprächen und Waffenstillstand - Saudi-Propaganda in Deutschland - 19 Tote bei saudischen Luftangriffen am Sonntag - Vormarsch der Huthis

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Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

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11.12.2015 – Middle East Monitor

What are the challenges behind the Yemen peace talks?

With the approach of the Yemen peace talks, many are watching with anticipation and hope for an end to the conflict. In the country itself, though, lethargy fills the air as citizens grasp the rope of life with every ounce of resilience in their bodies.

This time, the UN is conducting the peace talks slightly differently. It has announced that there will be a media blackout and they will be conducted in a secret location. This is most likely to spare the embarrassment of the previous talks, when nothing was achieved and there were more arguments over the delegations than the terms of an agreement.

This time, the delegations will include representatives from the current Hadi government, the Houthis and ex-President Saleh’s General People’s Congress (GPC). Just looking at the delegation list, it’s clear that as urgent as a peace deal is needed, these talks, yet again, are only a set-up for disappointment. Not only are all three parties out of touch with the needs of the Yemeni people, but they are also approaching the talks as a way of consolidating power, not consolidating peace.

Saleh has a huge role in the conflict, although he could, potentially, de-escalate the situation if he chose to stop fighting and stop supporting the Houthis as part of his power-hungry inferiority complex to recapture the presidency. The undeniable fact is that Saleh stepped down in February 2012 under a GCC-brokered deal to grant him immunity from prosecution.

Those who were supportive of the immunity deal, in the belief that it would help Yemen to move forward and keep Saleh’s legacy in the past rather than dwelling on his corrupt rule, have been proven wrong. Not putting Saleh on trial for his decades of corruption has led to him scattering as much power as he is able to, only to harbour more and take over the country through any means possible. Allowing him into the peace talks is a moral victory, and is slowly allowing Saleh to re-enter as an official face in the same arena in which the people of Yemen have decided that he does not belong; he’s back in the game of Yemeni politics. By allowing him to be party to the peace talks, the analysis needed during the talks to answer the Yemen question will barely scratch the surface. It risks repeating the problem of allowing Saleh a level of respected authority rather than holding him responsible for his crimes because, once again, he will abuse this factor and use it to claw his way back into power.

Not only does the structure of the talks ensure that the Hadi camp is outnumbered (because the Houthi-Saleh strategic alliance on the ground puts them in a “two against one” situation at the table), but the Hadi government is also showing open splits. The rivalry between President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and Vice President and Prime Minister Khaled Bahah is now in the public domain more than ever.

There is also a consensus that Hadi is trying to stall the peace talks and ensure that they are unsuccessful, because he knows that a peace deal would mean the end of his career. Such claims have been amplified by an anonymous diplomat close to the regime who has confirmed that the president is actively blocking successful peace talks. This does not seem at all far-fetched, as although he is president of the legitimate government, his incompetence and lack of leadership has left many people discontented with him.

Although a solution to the conflict is necessary — because the situation is escalating at dangerous levels — this round of peace talks comes with a background that is more complicated than ever. All in all, this signals a lack of hope for a political solution to be achieved, wherever the talks are held – by Diana Alghoul

Comment: I do get the feeling that Hadi and the Saudis are looking for a reason to end this war. They hold all the cards relating the formal ending of hostilities - but the newly enlarged numbers of Sunni extremist militias roaming Yemen will be more difficult to persuade - and the questions of southern secession and the security of the Bakil tribe based on Saada are crucial but challenging problems that need to be addressed if peace is going to seat in over the next few weeks and months.

10.12.2015 – Offguardian

Saudi Arabien führt die Dschihadisten-Allianz; die USA assistieren

Wussten Sie, dass der saudische Botschafter in Washington, Saudi-PrinzBandar bin Sultan al Saud (in den USA liebevoll „Bandar Bush“ genannt) schon vor 9/11 Millionen an Al Qaeda gespendet hat? So die vereidigte Gerichtsaussage des Mannes, der der Buchhalter und Kofferträger für die Mega-Spenden an Al Qaeda war – alles Bargeld.

Warum liest man darüber nichts in den Tageszeitungen und Magazinen? Und warum hört man darüber nichts in den Fernseh-“Nachrichten“? Warum ist diese schockierende und überaus wichtige Aussage nur bei kleinen unabhängigen News-Seiten wie hier erschienen? (Forschen Sie selbst nach und finden Sie selbst heraus, warum dieser Mann noch immer in einem Hochsicherheitsgefängnis in den USA versteckt wird und warum seine Aussage totgeschwiegen wird. Die amerikanischen Präsidenten haben gewechselt, aber Amerikas internationale Politik ist dieselbe. Barack Obama beschützt George W. Bush, und der hat zuvor „Bandar Bush“ beschützt. In der Öffentlichkeit verurteilt Obama Folter, aber privat schützt er jene Agenten Bushs, die Folter verübt haben.) Die „Nachrichten“-Medien erzählen den Amerikanern (und den Bürgern anderer Länder, in denen es Wahlen gibt), dass es sich um „Demokratie“ handelt, selbst wenn das nicht der Fall ist. Sind die USA wirklich eine „Demokratie“?

Lesen Sie das Folgende, klicken Sie für Beweise auf die Links im Text, und Sie werden sehen, warum die US-Regierung Al Qaeda und sogar ISIS unterstützt. Und wer die Schlüsselfiguren hinter dem islamischen Terrorismus sind, auch Dschihadismus genannt. Lesen Sie das Folgende und klicken Sie auf die Quellen, und Sie werden deutlich die minderwertigen Beiträge in den „Nachrichten“ erkennen. In den Beiträgen wird nur kurz über die Regierungsvertreter berichtet, die uns nach Strich und Faden belügen. Und sie lügen, um ihre Täterschaft zu verbergen. Und natürlich weil ihre obersten Zahlmeister diese Lügen verlangen.

Der große historische Forscher F. William Engdahl titelte am 9. Dezember bei „sott“: „Nachforschungen zur Patenschaft Saudi Arabiens für die türkische Politik, den Terrorismus und den wahnsinnigen Konflikt in Syrien“. Darin hat er die Teilchen der großen Nachrichten über die Saudi-geführte US-Operation zusammengetragen. Ich war gerade dabei diese Teilchen zu sortieren und zu präsentieren, aber er war schneller. Also soll er es erzählen, denn was er zeigt (und all seine Anschuldigungen sind wahr, auch wenn er die Links für die Beweise nicht bringt, was ich gemacht hätte) ist, dass es die oberste Priorität für die US Außen- und Militärpolitik ist, dem König Salman al-Saud von Saudi Arabien zu dienen. Er ist die reichste Person der Welt. Und es gilt Russland zu erobern, den Hauptkonkurrenten um Öl und Gas. Dazu werden Staatsoberhäupter beseitigt, die mit Russland verbündet sind. Russland und Saudi Arabienstreiten sich um den ersten Platz als Öl- und Gasproduzent und Russland ist bei Bodenschätzen insgesamt die Nummer Eins. Und die Saudi-USA -Allianz, die die NATO und „den Westen“ (Europa und Japan) beherrscht, ist entschlossen, diese Schätze für sich selbst zu erobern und auszubeuten. Damit diese Aristokratien (die mit der US Aristokratie verbündet sind) diese Schätze kontrollieren können und nicht jene Aristokratien die nicht mit den USA verbündet sind. Die Schlussfolgerung lautet, dass die USA nur eine „demokratische“ Front für die saudische Familie sind. Die Sauds waren schon Aristokraten als es die USA noch gar nicht gab.

Eine weitere Bestätigung für Engdahls Sichtweise liefert Joe Giambones exzellenter Artikel im „International Policy Digest“ vom 29. November.„Deshalb gibt es ISIS: das Doppelspiel“. Ein Link in dem Artikel führt zu einem Zitat von Saudi Prinz Bandar: „Das syrische Regime ist am Ende, soweit es uns und die Mehrheit des syrischen Volkes betrifft. (Das syrische Volk) wird nicht zulassen, dass Präsident Bashar al-Assad an der Spitze bleibt.“ Eine glatte Lüge. Eine bewusste Falschaussage, wie hier gezeigt wird. Sogar Meinungsumfragen westlicher Institute zeigen, dass sich das syrische Volk bei freien und gerechten Wahlen, unter Aufsicht internationaler Wahlbeobachter, mit überwältigender Mehrheit vor jedem anderen für Bashar al-Assad entscheiden würde. Deshalb ist US Präsident Barack Obama gegen eine solche Wahl in Syrien. Deshalb besteht Russlands Präsident Putin auf einer solchen Wahl. Der für Religionsfreiheit einstehende und weltliche Präsident Syriens (wenngleich offiziell schiitisch) hat das Land mehr als ein Jahrzehnt friedlich zusammengehalten. Bis Eingriffe der CIA , anderer westlicher Länder und sunnitischer Königshäuser Tausende wild gewordener sunnitischer Dschihadisten nach Syrien brachten, um den weltlichen Schiiten Assad von der Macht zu vertreiben.

Es folgt ein kurzer historischer Abriss darüber, wie dieser Saudi-USA-Plan gegen Russland anfing. Es begann unter George Herbert Walker Bush (Geburtsname Bush, aber inoffiziell von der reichsten Familie der Welt, den Sauds, adoptiert). Und hier sehen Sie, was für Menschen das sind. Im Grunde sind sie die größten Bremser für eine weltweit wirksame Politik gegen die globale Erwärmung. Ihre privaten Reichtümer von Billionen von Dollar sind ihnen wichtiger, als nach ihrem Ableben einen bewohnbaren Planeten zu überlassen.

Ihre private Vergangenheit ist ihnen wichtiger, als die Zukunft der gesamten Welt. Diese Vergangenheit ist ihnen sehr wichtig. Die Dynastie der Sauds geht zurück auf einen Vertrag aus dem Jahr 1744 zwischen dem Gangster Muhammad Ibn Saud und dem fundamental-islamischen Geistlichen Muhammad Ibn Wahhab. Darauf gründet das von Saudis regierte extremistische Moslem-Königreich mit seiner wahhabistischen Religion. Als erstes müssen alle schiitischen Moslems vernichtet werden und dann sollen alle Moslems die Nicht-Moslems erobern und bekehren.

Als sich die USA 1945 mit der saudischen Familie verbündeten konnte niemand ahnen – außer vielleicht dem saudischen König selbst –, dass die Sauds je in der Lage sein würden, mit ihrem Schwanz den Hund zu wedeln. Aber wie die Dinge stehen, scheint das der Fall zu sein. Denn die US Aristokratie war und ist zu allem bereit, um Russland zu erobern und zu kontrollieren. Und die Familie Saud hat sehr geschickt agiert, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Es bedeutet aber auch, dass die USA in dem saudischen Ziel gefangen sind, den Iran und andere schiitisch dominierte (sogareinschließlich des armen Jemen) Nationen zu erobern und zu kontrollieren.

So kam es also zu der Allianz zwischen den USA und den Sauds und ihren fundamentalistischen Sunniten. Und daher verbündet sich Russland mit dem Iran und allen Schiiten – fundamentalistisch oder nicht. Die USA sind jetzt eine Magd für internationale Dschihadisten. Aber alle Lügen behaupten das Gegenteil und es sind die Lügen, die im Westen als „Nachrichten“ nachgeplappert und verbreitet werden.

Jimmy Carter hatte recht: die USA sind jetzt eine Diktatur.

Eine Demokratie behandelt ihre Öffentlichkeit wie Bürger. Eine Diktatur behandelt sie dagegen wie Trottel. Wie stuft die US-Führung das amerikanische Volk ein – als Bürger oder als Trottel? – von Eric Zuesse

This is the English original:

10.12.2015 – Offguardian

Saudi Arabia Leads the Jihadist Nations; U.S. Assists Them

Did you know that Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States, the Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud (affectionately known in the U.S. as “Bandar Bush”), had donated millions to Al Qaeda before the 9/11 attacks, according to the sworn court testimony of the man who had served as Al Qaeda’s bookkeeper and as the bagman who personally collected the mega-donations to Al Qaeda, all in cash?

How come you didn’t read about that in newspapers and magazines, and hear about it on TV ’news’-reports; and why was this stunning and crucially important testimony published only at small independent news-sites, such as here? (Evaluate it for yourself there, and figure out for yourself why the man there testifying is still kept hidden away in a U.S. super-max prison, and why his testimony has been hushed up. Even though American Presidents have changed, America’s international policies haven’t. Barack Obama protects George W. Bush, who previously had protected “Bandar Bush.” Obama, who publicly condemns torture, even privately protects Bush’s agents who perpetrated torture.)

Americans, like the citizens of some other countries where elections are held, are told by the ‘news’ media that it’s a ‘democracy,’ even if it’s actually not. Is the U.S., really a “democracy”?

Read the following, click onto the links here for the evidence, and you will know why the U.S. government supplies Al Qaeda and even ISIS, and who the key individuals are behind Islamic terrorism, otherwise known as jihadism. Read the following, and its linked sources, and you will see clearly through the trashy ‘news’ reports that are little more than stenographic reports of what’s being said by officials who are actually lying through their teeth, partly in order to cover up their own guilt, but also because their ultimate paymasters demand these lies.

The great investigative historian F. William Engdahl headlined December 9th at sott, “Investigating Saudi Arabia’s sponsorship of Turkish politics, terrorism, and the frenzied conflict in Syria,” and he put together the pieces of the type of major news report about the Saudi-run U.S. operation, that I had been preparing and hoping to present on this matter, but he did it faster, and so everyone should see it there, because what he is showing (and all of his factual allegations are true though he failed to provide the links to the evidence, as I would have done if I had written it) is that the top priority of America’s foreign and military policies is to serve King Salman al-Saud of Saudi Arabia (the world’s richest person), and to conquer his major oil-and-gas competitor Russia, by removing heads-of-state who are allied with Russia. Russia competes with Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil-and-gas producer, and it’s the #1 power for all natural resources combined. And the Saudi-U.S. alliance, which rules NATO and “the West” (Europe and Japan), are determined to conquer and grab those Russian assets for themselves, so that the aristocracies which are allied to the U.S. aristocracy will control these assets, and aristocracies which aren’t U.S.-allied won’t. But the U.S. is really just a ‘democratic’ front for the Saud family, in the final analysis. And the Sauds were aristocrats even before the United States existed.

Further evidence confirming the same view as Engdahl presents is provided by Joe Giambone’s superb article at International Policy Digest on 29 November 2015, “Why ISIS Exists: The Double Game.” One of the articles linked-to there quotes Saudi Prince Bandar as saying, “The Syrian regime is finished as far as we and the majority of the Syrian people are concerned. [The Syrian people] will not allow President Bashar al-Assad to remain at the helm.” That’s a bald lie, a knowing falsehood from him, as is documented here. Even Western polls show that in a free and fair, internationally monitored election, the Syrian people would overwhelmingly choose Bashar al-Assad over anyone else to lead Syria. That’s why U.S. President Obama opposes any such election in Syria, and why Russian President Putin insists that it be held. The non-sectarian, secular (though officially Shiite) President of Syria had held that country peacefully together for more than a decade until CIA and other Western and Sunni-royalty operations in Syria brought thousands of rabid Sunni jihadists into Syria to topple the secular Shiite Assad from power.

Here is a brief historical account of how this Saudi-U.S. scheme to conquer Russia started, under George Herbert Walker Bush (a Bush by birth who was informally adopted by the world’s richest family, the Sauds). And here is the type of people they are. In fact: they’re the biggest block against an effective global policy to restrain global warming. Their trillions of dollars of private wealth is more important to them than the continuation of a livable planet after they die.

They care more about their private past than about the entire world’s future. This past means a great deal to them. The Saudi dynasty goes back to the contract that was agreed-to in the year 1744 between the gangster Muhammad Ibn Saud and the fundamentalist-Islamic cleric Muhammad Ibn Wahhab to create a Saudi-ruled, Wahhabist-religious, extremist-Muslim kingdom, first by exterminating all Shiia Muslims, and then by all Muslims conquering and converting all non-Muslims.

When the U.S. allied with the Saud family back in 1945, no one — except perhaps the Saudi King himself — thought that the Sauds would ever be in the position to wag the dog. But that seems to be the way things have worked out, because the U.S. aristocracy have been and are willing to do anything to conquer and control Russia. And the Saud family have used them very skillfully to achieve this goal. But this also means that the U.S. is likewise joined-at-the-hip with the Sauds’ goal, of conquering and controlling Iran and other Shiite-ruled nations (including even poor Yemen).

So, this is how it came to be that the U.S. is allied with the Sauds and their fundamentalist Sunnis, and that Russia is allied with Iran and all Shiites — both fundamentalists and not. The U.S. is now a handmaiden to international jihadists. But all the lies are to the contrary, and it’s the lies that are stenographically reported and broadcast in the West as ‘the news.’

Jimmy Carter was right: the U.S. is now a dictatorship.

A democracy deals with its public as citizens. A dictatorship treats them instead as suckers. How is the U.S. leadership relating to the American people — as citizens, or as suckers? – by Eric Zuesse

Allgemein / General

12.12.2015 – Press TV Iran

Saudi Arabia must be held accountable for Yemen war: Pundit

Press TV conducts an interview with Hazem Salem, a political activist and commentator in Cairo, and the former US Chief of Mission in Iraq Edward Peck, from Washington, to discuss an Amnesty International report condemning Saudi attacks against neighboring Yemen.

Salem believes Amnesty’s report on the Saudi bombing campaign against Yemen is insufficient, stressing that “there are more to be investigated about the war crimes committed” by the Riyadh regime against its impoverished southern neighbor.

He criticizes the rulers in Riyadh for pushing to advance their own interests in the war on Yemen, saying all countries must abide by the international law, and that the Saudi kingdom is no exception.

The analyst also censures the United States for adopting a double-standard approach and supporting Saudi Arabia’s ongoing aggression against Yemen, saying Washington sees its Saudi ally as an exception and turns a blind eye to the kingdom’s violations of international law.

The US and the UK “intentionally” refuse to respect international regulations by providing the Saudis with weapons to bomb Yemen’s infrastructure and civilians.

Peck, for his part, defends the goals the Saudi regime is pursuing in the campaign against Yemen, rejecting ideas that Washington’s move to provide Riyadh with weapons runs contrary to international law.

Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

13.12.2015 – The National UAE

Yemen’s battle for opportunity

Reports that some fighters who joined the Popular Resistance forces in Taez province to battle the Houthi rebels did so out of financial desperation rather than political allegiance is emblematic of what is being fought for in Yemen. This is not a fight between conflicting ideologies for the country’s future so much as between those who seek to restore stability and opportunity and those who seek to control Yemen with narrow and negative goals in mind.

Many find themselves in the predicament of the car mechanic quoted in our report yesterday, who fled to his family village after Taez was taken over by the Houthi rebels and renegade sections of the Yemen military still loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Unable to earn a living in his village and after depleting his savings, he returned to Taez to earn 2,000 Yemeni rials (Dh34.14) a day fighting for the Popular Resistance forces. This kind of hardship, exacerbated by the conflict since the Houthis took over Sanaa a year ago, is repeated throughout Yemen. In September, the World Bank estimated that 80 per cent of the 26 million citizens are in need of humanitarian assistance.

Like people everywhere, most Yemenis do not hold strong political views but want to have the chance to create a secure living for themselves and their families.

Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

13.12.2015 – ORF

Menschenrechtler kritisieren Huthi-Miliz im Jemen

Human Rights Watch (HRW) hat den Huthi-Rebellen in Jemen eine Kampagne gegen Oppositionsgruppen und Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs) vorgeworfen.

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation kritisierte heute, die schiitische Rebellenbewegung habe seit der Einnahme der Hauptstadt Sanaa zahlreiche Aktivisten, Oppositionelle und Journalisten festgenommen oder verschwinden lassen.

HRW stützt sich auf die Befragung von Mitgliedern von vier NGOs, die im April offenbar wegen ihrer Verbindungen zur islamistischen Partei al-Islah unterdrückt wurden. HRW verwies auf Angaben des UNO-Menschenrechtskommissariats, wonach die Büros von insgesamt 33 Gruppen geschlossen wurden, seitdem die Huthis im September 2014 nach Sanaa vordrangen.

Vielfach seien Geräte beschlagnahmt worden, besonders Gruppen mit Verbindung zu al-Islah hätten seither ihre Aktivitäten nicht wieder aufnehmen können, erklärte HRW. Die sunnitische Partei ist ein entschiedener Gegner der Huthi-Rebellen.

Kommentar: Es ist freilich Krieg und die Islah-Partei steht ganz auf der Gegenseite – was wird hier erwartet? Großbritannien etwa hat die Partei „British Union of Fascists“ ein Dreivierteljahr nach Beginn des 2. Weltkriegs verboten und die Parteiführer interniert. So etwas ist also nichts Ungewöhnliches.

13.12.2015 – Aljazeera

Houthis close NGOs in Yemen's capital: rights group

Human Rights Watch accuses Houthis of cracking down on civil society and 'disappearing' political opponents

Houthi rebel forces in Yemen have closed down dozens of non-governmental organisations and detained activists affiliated with a rival political party, according to a US-based rights group.

Many of the organisations were closed for their perceived connections to Islah, a rival political party, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a press release on Sunday.

HRW also said the Houthis had detained more than 100 Islah party members and activists.

At least 33 NGOs in the capital Sanaa have been closed since September 2014, according to statistics provided to the rights group by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

"The Houthis' closure of organisations comes in the midst of a campaign of arrests and enforced disappearances of activists, political opposition figures and journalists," Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director, said in the statement.

"This is one more repressive Houthi tactic to close down democratic space in the areas they control."

Hussain al-Bukhaiti, a pro-Houthi activist in Sanaa, told Al Jazeera that the organisations closed belonged to Islah but that they were being used as weapons depots for groups fighting alongside the coalition.

"We're in a war. In war in any place in the world, anyone who participates in the coalition's aggression is considered a traitor," he said.

Bukhaiti denied that people were arrested for opposing the Houthis and said people were detained for "action on the ground, including financial support to any side affiliated with the coalition".

HRW called on the Houthis to "immediately allow non-governmental groups to operate freely, compensate groups whose offices were looted, and release activists being detained for peaceful conduct". see also,-detain-activists-in-yemen%3A-hrw

13.12.2015 – Shia Post

Yemen unveils new generation of home-made missiles

The Yemeni army and popular forces unveiled the third generation of their home-made Al-Sorkha missiles that has already come into action in the war with Saudi Arabia.

The third generation of Al-Sorkha missile dubbed as ‘Al-Sorkha-III’ is fully home-made and is the fourth type of missile made by the Yemeni forces.

The third generation of Al-Sorkha enjoys a strikingly higher precision capability and is more powerful than the first and second generations.

Al-Sorkha-III missile is 2.4 meters long, equipped with a 15kg payload and has a range of 17 kilometers.

Also, the Yemeni forces launched missile attacks on the Saudi military bases in the province of Asir with their new upgraded missiles named ‘Qaher-I’.

Yemen’s new surface-to-surface missiles precisely hit Khalid bin Abdulaziz air base in Asir province in Southwestern Saudi Arabia, inflicting substantial losses on the Saudi army, the Arabic-language al-Masira news channel reported.

Qaher-I is an updated version of a Russian-made surface-to-surface missile.

Khalid bin Abdulaziz is located in Khamis Mushait region of Asir province in Southwestern Saudi Arabia.

On November 24, the Yemeni forces unveiled the second generation of their home-made Zalzal missiles.

The second generation of Zalzal missile was fully home-made and was the third type of missile made by the Yemeni forces.

In late May, the Yemeni revolutionary movement unveiled two Najm al-Saqeb (striking star) mid-range missiles with a range of 45km and 75km.

“The second generation of Zalzal has much higher precision than the first generation and several Zalzal missiles destroyed al-Qarn military base in Jizan province, Southern Saudi Arabia,” Yemen’s official news agency Saba quoted a military source as saying.

Zalzal missile is 2.5 meters long, it weighs 350 kilograms, is equipped with a warhead which is 90 centimeters long and weighs over 140 kilograms and has a range of 15 kilometers.

Al-Najm al-Saqeb1 is three meters long with a range of 45 kilometers and payload of 50 kilograms. Al-Najm al-Saqeb2 is five meters long with a range of 75 kilometers and a payload of 75 kilometers.

12.12.2015 – MAAN News

Armed men raid house of Palestinian ambassador to Yemen

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the house of the Palestinian ambassador in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa was raided by a group of armed men that clashed with guards, injuring one.

The ministry told Ma'an that it hopes for security, calm and stability for Yemen, demanding that all parties maintain the safety of the Palestinian embassy and all its employees by preventing future assaults.

The Palestinian embassy in Yemen had announced continuing work from the embassy’s headquarters last Wednesday after maintenance was carried out on the building, according to Diab al-Luh, the Palestinian ambassador to Yemen.

Al-Kuh added that the embassy had previously been conducting work from the ambassador’s residency in Sanaa.

UNO und Friedensverhandlungen / UN and peace talks

13.12.2015 – AFP

Yemen rivals set for Swiss talks on deadly conflict

Yemeni government and rebel representatives meet in Switzerland Tuesday for UN-brokered peace talks, likely to be accompanied by a ceasefire, aimed at ending a deadly conflict exploited by jihadists.

Hopes are high that a renewable seven-day ceasefire could begin on the eve of the new round of talks which will be open-ended and held at an undisclosed location.

Previous UN efforts have failed to narrow differences between the factions, and past ceasefires have failed to hold.

But this time "there is a real chance for a breakthrough", said Emirati analyst Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, who believes "there will be concessions from both sides".

"Gulf Arab states have reached a point where they are convinced it is about time a peaceful solution should be given a better chance" to succeed, he told AFP.

The warring sides have agreed to sit at the same table despite mutual mistrust, mainly over UN Security Council Resolution 2216 which calls for rebels to withdraw from key cities and surrender their weapons.

The resolution is a mainstay of the position of the government and its Gulf backers.

"It is difficult to see the Huthis implement this resolution as this would signal an acknowledgement of their defeat," said Badrkhan.

According to UN envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, talks will focus on four main areas, including the terms of a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of armed groups from areas they control – by Taieb Mahjoub

13.12.2015 – The Independent

Saudi Arabia 'kills 19 civilians in bombing raid' - less than 24 hours before ceasefire deal starts

Saudi-led air strikes have reportedly killed 19 Yemeni civilians in bombings of homes and a market - a day before a UN-brokered ceasefire is set to start ahead of peace talks to end eight months of war.

Villagers in al-Hajawara in northern Hajjah province said multiple air bombings killed 12 people inside their homes and wounded 30 others. Residents in the southern district of Qabatiya said 7 civilians were killed in an attack on a market.

A seven-day ceasefire is due to start on Monday, the day before planned UN-sponsored peace talks in Switzerland, senior officials on both sides of the civil war said.

12.12.2015 – Deutschlandfunk

Waffenruhe immer wahrscheinlicher

Nach Präsident Hadi erklärten sich auch die schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen zu einer Feuerpause bereit. Diese solle für den Zeitraum der von der UNO initiierten Friedensgespräche gelten, erklärte ein Sprecher der Rebellen. Die Verhandlungen finden in der Schweiz vom 15. bis zum 21. Dezember statt.

12.12.2015 – Reuters

Yemen's Houthi rebels announce truce ahead of talks

Ceasefire set to start on Monday, a day before peace negotiations with Yemeni government begin in Switzerland.

Houthi rebels announced a ceasefire date on Saturday ahead of planned peace talks in Switzerland with the Yemeni government.

Mohammed Abdul-Salam, head of the Houthi delegation to the peace talks, said the ceasefire would start on Monday - a day before the United Nations-brokered meeting.

"Based on what had been agreed upon, there will be a halt of the aggression on the 14th of this month," Abdul-Salam said at a news conference broadcast live from the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.

12.12.2015 – AFP

Yemen rebels say truce depends on 'aggression' ending

Yemen's Iran-backed Shiite rebels will only commit to a ceasefire expected next week if loyalists and the Saudi-led coalition supporting them end their "aggression", their spokesman said on Saturday.

"We will stop (fighting) when the aggression against us stops," Mohammed Abdulsalam, spokesman for the Ansarullah party, told a news conference in the rebel-held Yemeni capital before heading to Switzerland for the talks.

"Based on what has been agreed, there will be a halt to the aggression on December 14 which will be confirmed within 24 hours before we begin a serious and positive dialogue," he said.

12.12.2015 – Christian Science Monitor

In global fight against terror, 'big week' ahead

Next week there will be several international meetings about the conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Quick results aren't expected, but taken together, they underscore a growing sense of urgency about resolving the conflicts.

The conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Yemen have left vacuums of authority and swaths of ungoverned territory, becoming major boons to the Islamic State and other Islamist terrorist groups.

In particular, the Islamic State has profited from the breakdown of governing authority in these conflict zones to expand beyond its base in northern Syria and further its project to build a caliphate to rule in the place of national governments.

The conflict in Yemen has forced Western diplomats to pull out and has impaired the quality and amount of intelligence on AQAP, according to counterterrorism experts.

The three Mideast conflicts are linked in how they have opened the door to expansion of Islamist extremism – by Howard LaFranchi

Comment: The Christian Science Monitor has produced some thoughtful essays on the war in Yemen. This combines the peace efforts for three Arab states currently existing in the turmoil of war. I think the refugee crisis has shook our Western leaders to the core - did they think that people would sit at home waiting for bombs and starvation - or live in a tent in the desert, managing on their bag of World Food Programme rice rather than working and contributing, and organising education for their children?
I believe this shock has encouraged the West to think their policy needs a bit more thought. It is the West that is the key to how these peace talks progress.

11.12.2015 – Middle East Monitor

What are the challenges behind the Yemen peace talks?

Siehe unter: “Am wichtigsten / See at: “Most important”

11.12.2015 – Reuters

Days before peace talks, Yemen's PM says determined to stop the war

Yemeni Prime Minister Khaled Bahah said on Friday he was determined to end an eight-month civil war that has killed 6,000 people and caused widespread damage to the economy and infrastructure.

"We are determined to stop the war that has ruined lives and property in Yemen," Bahah was quoted as saying by Saudi state television.

11.12.2015 – Reuters

World powers step up pressure on Saudis over Yemen conflict

Frustrated at a worsening humanitarian crisis and rising civilian death toll in Yemen, Western nations are quietly increasing pressure on Saudi Arabia to seek a political deal to end the nearly nine-month conflict, U.N. diplomats said.

While much of that pressure has been applied through discreet diplomacy, they said, the United States will shine a global spotlight on the conflict when it chairs a public United Nations Security Council meeting on Yemen on Dec. 22.

It will be the first open council session on Yemen since Saudi Arabia led an Arab military intervention in March to try to restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi's government and fend off what it sees as creeping Iranian influence. The Saudis say rival Iran has long supported Houthi rebels in Yemen.

"We expect the Saudis will hear some honest criticism when the council meets," one senior Security Council diplomat said on condition of anonymity. "It's long overdue." =

Commentary: Well I wonder if this is true - my own feeling is that with Blackwater providing 'security' and so many weapons being sold to Saudi that the Western powers will want the war to go on and on and on.

Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

Siehe unter „Am Wichtigsten“ / See at: „Most important“

10.12.2015 – Offguardian

Saudi Arabien führt die Dschihadisten-Allianz; die USA assistieren / Saudi Arabia Leads the Jihadist Nations; U.S. Assists Them and English:

Deutschland / Germany

11.12.2015 – Spiegel Online

Lost in Translation: Saudis verteidigen sich mit seltsamer Zeitungsanzeige

Saudi-Arabien sieht sich in Sachen Terrorbekämpfung am Pranger. Nun wurde eine Anzeige in der "FAZ" geschaltet - mit etlichen Übersetzungsfehlern.

Es kommt sehr selten vor, dass deutsche Journalisten aus der saudi-arabischen Botschaft eine E-Mail bekommen. Jüngst war das der Fall, nachdem Meldungen über einen angeblichen massenhaften Bau von Moscheen in Deutschland die Runde machten und auch noch Vizekanzler Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) in einem Zeitungsinterview das Königreich davor warnte, den religiösen Extremismus in Deutschland zu unterstützen.

Noch am Tag, als Gabriels Interviewäußerungen in der "Bild am Sonntag" erschienen, schrieb die Botschaft in Berlin eine empörte Mail an mehrere Redaktionen und dementierte den massiven Moscheenbau: "Wir sind wie Deutschland Teil der Anti-Isis-Koalition und kämpfen Seite an Seite gegen den Terror.

Die Führung in Riad sucht nun offenbar weiter die mediale Offensive. In einer ganzseitigen Anzeige, die am Freitag in der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung" (FAZ) erschien, wurden "Initiativen und Aktionen zur Bekämpfung von Terrorismus" vorgestellt. Der Text weist zwar eine Firma namens "Orbit Eight LLC" in Riad als Urheber auf, kommt aber in der Überschrift ("Das Königreich Saudi-Arabien") als quasi-offizielles Kommuniqué daher.

Auf sechs Spalten, ohne Foto, hebt der Text den Kampf des wahhabitischen Königreichs gegen radikalisierte Muslime hervor.

Der Text in der FAZ mag in Teilen auf deutsche Leser erheiternd wirken, der Hintergrund aber ist ernster Natur. Nicht zuletzt sorgte dafür das Papier des BND [siehe frühere Neue Artikel].

Die Reaktionen waren heftig. Im Auswärtigen Amt meldete sich Abdel Dschubair, der Amtskollege von Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Es wurde ein deutliches Telefonat zwischen beiden Außenministern, in Riad bekam die Botschaft und das dort stationierte BND-Personal den Ärger ab.

Das Problem für Berlin ist offenkundig: Saudi-Arabiens streng-konservative Ausprägung des sunnitischen Islam passt nicht zu westlichen Werten von Demokratie, Rechtsstaat und Menschenrechten, doch ist das Land ein wichtiger Partner, nicht nur ökonomisch – von Severin Weiland und Matthias Gebauer

11.12.2015 – Die Welt

Saudi-Arabiens peinliche Panik-Propaganda

Durch Extremismus-Export, einen brutalen Krieg im Jemen und die Menschenrechtslage im Land ist Saudi-Arabiens Ruf ruiniert. Jetzt werfen die Scheichs mit Geld um sich und scheitern spektakulär.

Wer mehr Menschen köpft als die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS), hat ein echtes Imageproblem – diese Erfahrung macht Saudi-Arabien zurzeit. Seit Jahrzehnten exportiert das islamische Königreich am Golf, das bereits Osama Bin Laden hervorgebracht hat, seine mittelalterlichen Rechtsvorstellungen in die Welt: durch großzügige Finanzierung von Moscheen, in denen eine radikale Auslegung der islamischen Tradition gelehrt wird. Experten sind sich einig, dass hier eine Hauptursache für die Radikalisierung junger Muslime liegt.

Bekannt ist zudem, dass grotesk reiche extremistische Saudis mit einem Teil ihres Geldes auch islamischen Extremismus finanzieren. Beim Thema Frauen- und Menschenrechte ist Riad schon seit Jahrzehnten Dauergast auf der Anklagebank.

Offenbar breitet sich in Riad angesichts des ruinierten internationalen Rufs und des desaströsen BND-Berichts langsam Panik aus. Zur Überwindung der schlechten Presse hat das Königreich jetzt einen sehr saudischen Ansatz gewählt: Man hat etwas von dem reichlich vorhandenen Ölgeld in die Hand genommen und sich kurzerhand eine Seite in der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung" gekauft.

Wer den Text gelesen und irgendwie verstanden hat, bleibt trotzdem ratlos zurück. In der Propaganda-Prosa stellen sich die Saudis entweder als Opfer des Terrors oder als Teil der Lösung dar. Genauso wenig überzeugt die Beschreibung des rücksichtslos geführten Krieges im Jemen mit seinen zahlreichen zivilen Opfern als "militärische Operation zur Unterstützung der Bevölkerung von Yemen (sic)" – von Thilo Maluch

11.12.2015 – IMI

BND: Saudi-Kritik

Laut Spiegel Online kritisierte der BND Saudi-Arabien Anfang des Monats mit verhältnismäßig scharfen Worten: „Der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) warnt vor einer destabilisierenden Rolle Saudi-Arabiens in der arabischen Welt. ‚Die bisherige vorsichtige diplomatische Haltung der älteren Führungsmitglieder der Königsfamilie wird durch eine impulsive Interventionspolitik ersetzt‘, heißt es in einer Analyse des deutschen Auslandsnachrichtendienstes.“ Gruselig, wenn die bisherige saudische Politik gegenüber dem, was nun bevorsteht, als „vorsichtig“ tituliert wird. Auffällig auch, dass die Distanzierung der Bundesregierung auf dem Fuße folgte. So hieß es wiederum bei Spiegel Online: „Die öffentliche Kritik des BND an der saudischen Außenpolitik sorgt für einen Eklat: Die Bundesregierung distanziert sich ungewohnt deutlich von der Einschätzung des Nachrichtendiensts. Intern fürchtet man eine Eiszeit mit Riad.“

Söldner / Mercenaries

11.12.2015 – Neopresse

USA schicken kolumbianische Söldner in den Jemen

Laut New York Times befinden sich jetzt ca. 450 lateinamerikanische Söldner im Jemen, einige aus Panama, El Salvador und Chile. Bevorzugt wurden aber Kolumbianer, weil sie große Erfahrung in schmutzigen Bürgerkriegspraktiken haben. Der jahrelange Drohnen-Terrorkrieg Obamas soll nun mit brutalen Bodenkämpfen fortgesetzt werden -ein Vorspiel für Syrien?

Mehrere hundert Kolumbianer kämpfen seit Oktober im Jemen für die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate -die vermutlich vom Weltpolizisten Nr.1 vorgeschoben werden. Das wird zwar nicht offiziell zugegeben, ist aber schon seit Wochen Gegenstand von Berichten: Danach befinden sich ca. 450 lateinamerikanische Söldner in dem Land, einige aus Panama, El Salvador und Chile. Bevorzugt wurden aber Kolumbianer, weil ihnen eine große Erfahrung in besonders brutalen und schmutzigen Bürgerkriegspraktiken zugeschrieben wird. Der jahrelange Drohnen-Terrorkrieg Obamas soll nun mit brutalen Bodenkämpfen fortgesetzt werden -ein Vorspiel für Syrien? – von Gerd R. Rueger

Die USA beteiligen sich am Krieg im Jemen seit dessen Beginn mit »logistischer Unterstützung« wie Nachschublieferungen und Auftanken von Kampfflugzeugen in der Luft sowie mit der Weitergabe von Daten der militärischen Aufklärung. Das Pentagon hat nach Angaben der New York Times ein Expertenteam nach Saudi-Arabien geschickt, das an der Zielauswahl für die Luftangriffe im Jemen mitwirkt. Am 16. November billigte die US-Regierung den Verkauf von 26.000 Bomben im Gesamtwert von 1,29 Milliarden Dollar an die Saudis. Das Geschäft wird gültig, wenn der Kongress nicht innerhalb von 30 Tagen Widerspruch einlegt. Die Lieferung soll die durch den Krieg reduzierten Vorräte wieder auffüllen.

10.12.2015 – IMI

Academi in Jemen

Laut einem von The Sydney Morning Herald veröffentlichten Artikel, sind in den vergangenen Tagen ein Australier sowie sechs Kolumbianer bei den Kämpfen gegen die Houthis vor der südjemenitischen Stadt Taiz gestorben. Es handele sich um Söldner des privaten US-amerikanischen Militärunternehmen Academi – ehemals auch bekannt als das schießwütige Blackwater, welches von dem ehemaligen US Navy Seal Erik Prince gegründet wurde –, die im Jemen im Auftrag der Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten gegen die Houthis eingesetzt werden.
Söldner sind nichts neues in den VAE, sondern spielen seit langem eine fundamentale Rolle für die Streitkräfte in den meisten Golfstaaten. Die Armee der VAE bestand in den 80‘ern als einziges Militär hauptsächlich aus Söldnern, später wurden Soldaten für die eigene Armee aus Jemen, Oman und weiteren Ländern rekrutiert und vergangenes Jahr – im Zuge der seit drei Jahrzehnten anschwellenden Militarisierung der Emirate – wurde eine Wehrpflicht eingeführt. Die Rolle Backwaters scheint für die VAE von zentraler Bedeutung zu sein. Im Jahr 2011 berichteten die New York Times von dem Auftrag der Kronprinzen von Abu Dhabi an das Militärunternehmen, ein 8oo-köpfiges Bataillon aus Kolumbianern und Südafrikanern zusammenzustellen, mit folgenden Aufgaben: “ to conduct special operations missions inside and outside the country, and put down internal revolts.”(ja)

Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

13.12.2015 – Press TV Iran

Yemeni forces capture strategic Saudi-held base in Ta'izz

n retaliation against Riyadhs ongoing campaign, Yemeni forces launched an attack on the al-Sidrah military base in the Waziʼiyah district of Ta’izz on Sunday, killing a number of Saudi forces and destroying their vehicles.

In another development, the Yemeni army fired a surface-to-surface ballistic missile at the Khaled bin Abdulaziz base in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern city of Khamis Mushait, located about 884 kilometers (549 miles) southwest of the capital, Riyadh.

The army also foiled the advance of the Saudi-backed militiamen in Ta’izz and killed over a dozen of them. In the al-Shateri district of the province, Yemeni forces destroyed a Saudi tank, killed two Saudi forces and injured six others.

Also on Sunday, Yemeni forces launched missile attacks on the Saudi-held Sahn al-Jin military base in the central Yemeni province of Ma’rib. At least five Saudi forces were killed and 15 others wounded in the strikes.

Meanwhile, Saudi warplanes bombarded the Dhahyan district of the northwestern province of Sa’ada. Yemen’s al-Masirah news channel reported that three civilians lost their lives in the airstrikes.

Saudi jets also pounded the Mukha district of Ta’izz, killing four civilians and injuring several others.

In the Harad district of Hajjah Province, a similar airstrike killed a dozen people and injured 20 others.

In another Saudi airstrike on the coastal areas of the Khawkhah district of Yemen’s western city of Hudaydah, five fishermen were killed and 30 fishing boats were destroyed.

Separately, Saudi missile attacks targeted the Hidan district of Sa’ada, and the Jabal al-Atan district of the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.

13.22015 –ORF

44 Tote bei Luftangriffen im Jemen

Kurz vor den geplanten Friedensgesprächen zwischen den Konfliktparteien im Jemen hat die Militärkoalition unter Führung Saudi-Arabiens bei Luftangriffen im Jemen mindestens 44 Menschen getötet. Bei Bombardements in der Region Haradh in der nördlichen Provinz Hadschdscha seien sechs Häuser getroffen worden, berichteten Augenzeugen heute.

Ein Feldlazarett vor Ort teilte mit, dass die Leichen von zwölf Zivilisten sowie mehr als 20 Verletzte eingeliefert worden seien. Haradh liegt an der Grenze zu Saudi-Arabien und zählt zu den Hochburgen der schiitischen Huthi-Rebellen.

In der Nähe der südjemenitischen Stadt Damt wurden nach Angaben aus Armeekreisen zwölf Rebellen durch regierungstreue Kämpfer getötet. Die Huthi-Rebellen und ihre Verbündeten hatten die Stadt im November eingenommen. In derselben Gegend seien am Vortag bei Kämpfen neun Rebellen und vier regierungstreue Kämpfer getötet worden, hieß es weiter. Später bombardierte die arabische Militärkoalition einen Rebellenkonvoi auf dem Weg zwischen den Provinzen Taes und Lahdsch. Dabei seien sieben Menschen getötet worden, verlautete von Stammesvertretern.

13.12.2015 – The Express Tribune from AFP

44 killed in Yemen ahead of UN-brokered peace talks

At least 44 people have been killed in Saudi-led coalition air raids and fighting between Yemeni loyalists and rebels ahead of a possible ceasefire, medical and military sources said on Sunday.

Air strikes by the Arab coalition on the Haradh area of the northern province of Hajja hit six homes, witnesses said.

“We received the bodies of 12 civilians and more than 20 others were wounded,” an official at a field hospital in Haradh said.

In the south, 12 rebels were killed when loyalist artillery hit two rebel vehicles near the city of Damt, which the Huthis and their allies captured in November, military sources said.

In the same area, nine rebels and four pro-government fighters were killed in clashes late Saturday, the sources said.

Further west, coalition warplanes early on Sunday struck a rebel military convoy between the strategic Taez province and Lahj in the south, killing seven people, tribal sources said.

13.12.2015 – Christian Today from Reuters

19 killed in Yemen by Saudi-led air strikes

Saudi-led air strikes killed 19 Yemeni civilians in bombings of homes and a market on Sunday, residents said, a day before a U.N.-brokered ceasefire is set to start ahead of peace talks to end eight months of war.

Villagers in al-Hajawara in northern Hajjah province said multiple air bombings killed 12 people inside their homes and wounded 30 others. Residents in the southern district of Qabatiya said 7 civilians were killed in an attack on a market.

13.12.2015 – Yemen News Today

Sanaa: As talks of a possible ceasefire loom, to set the grounds for peace talks in Geneva between the warring factions in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and its coalition bombard the capital Sanaa heavily. Massive explosions rocked Sanaa in the course of the night. Yemeni forces responded early this morning with a rocket attack on King Khaled bin Abdul Aziz Air base in Khamis Mushait inflicting heavy losses in response to the extensive bombing on Sanaa over the last few hours.

13.12.2015 – Hit 96.7

Arab coalition forces intensify raids on rebel positions in Yemen

The Saudi-led Arab coalition has dispatched fighter jets to target rebel positions in the Yemeni capital Sana’a.

They’ve also attacked various Houthi positions near Taiz University, resulting in injuries to several rebel fighters.

Kommentar: Die faustdicke Lüge hier ist: target rebel positions in the Yemeni capital Sana’a. Es geht in der Stadt nicht um “rebel positions” (was soll das derzeit sein?), eine Stadt besteht aus etwas anderem.

12.12.2015 – Almasdar News

Yemeni Army and Houthis Down the 7th Saudi Naval Vessel

The Yemeni army and the Popular Committees managed on Thursday to drown the seventh warship that belongs to the Saudi-led military coalition off Al-Mokha’ coast in Al-Hadida province west of Yemen.

The national army fired a missile that directly hit the warship and killed its 3-men crew on board.

A military source told Al-Massira website that the Yemeni Missile Unit targeted the Faissali landing warship during its participation in combat attacks off the coast of Yemen in Mokha by a guided missile, which set it ablaze and killed all its military crew.

It is noteworthy that the army and the Popular Committees have targeted five warships off the coast of Mokha and Bab al-Mandab since the beginning of the Saudi-US aggression in March 25, and have destroyed the sixth less than a week ago.

Kommentar: Teile der Armee, die mit den Huthi verbündet sind; Popular Committees = Huthis.

11.12.2015 – South Front


(Films) on youtube:

11.12.2015 – South Front

YEMEN MAP OF WAR – DEC. 10, 2015

The war in Yemen has spilled over into Saudi Arabia and continues to drag on. It is no longer confined to the Saudi coalition versus the Houthi alliance but Al Qaeda, target of the drone war, controls almost the entire eastern half of Yemen, including Mukalla, the capital of Hadramout province. Initially, the Saudi coalition included AQAP against the Houthi alliance but some fighters have joined IS/Daesh, (typically) targeting all sides and this complicates a negotiated settlement.

The war has restored the popularity of Saleh, one of the main players in the Houthi alliance, whereas Hadi is resisting talks. His popularity is waning and talks may end his political aspirations. This is posing a serious challenge to the Saudi coalition, explaining their all-out pursuit of victory.

The past week saw a major change in strategy in that the Houthi alliance are now holding territory and military bases and have also surrounded towns and villages in southwestern Saudi provinces. Earlier, they withdrew after such attacks.

Even if 10% of Houthi propaganda is true, it shows that the Saudi-led coalition just can’t defeat its opponents in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia launched a huge PR campaign, including pro-Saudi think tanks inside Washington, to help cover its failings in Yemen.

ISIS released a series of execution videos showing Houthi alliance fighters, battling both the government and AQAP, been executed in different sickening scenarios in a desert location. Six fighters were blown up by a rocket launcher, another six were sent out to sea and the boat exploded, four were obliterated by the mortar shells hung around their necks and nine were beheaded with sharp knives.

Al Qaeda’s branch in Yemen put a bounty on the head of a pro-government force in the south as it seeks to impose itself as the dominant force in the conflict.

The Penal Court in the capital Sana’a has indicted seven fugitive co-defendants, including fugitive President Hadi, for their participation in the aggression against the Yemeni people and the destruction of its infrastructure. The next hearing is scheduled for December 12, 2015.

In a Press TV interview, an activist and political commentator in Sana’a said that the reason for the start this war is that Saudi Arabia and its coalition, with the United States, UK and France realized that the Houthi alliance consisting of the Houthi, Ansarullah, the bulk of the Yemeni and popular committees have cleared many areas in the south like Abyan, Shabwah, Lahij and Aden from al-Qaeda members.

The Saudi coalition and their supporters have never targeted any members of al-Qaeda and facilitated their free movement in the east and Hadhramaut in particular. Lately, al-Qaeda seized and now control areas previously under the Houthi alliance’s control and are using weapons and Humvees provided by the United Arab Emirates to attack and target civilians in the south.

Until now there are no attacks from the Saudi coalition against al-Qaeda or IS/Daesh who move freely in large convoys across the south.

The events day per day – by Akram Abu Abs =

11.12.2015 – Press TV Iran

Yemeni forces take two Saudi villages in Jizan

Yemeni army forces, backed by popular committees, have taken control of two villages on the Saudi soil as they continue their retaliatory attacks against Riyadh’s military.

Yemen’s al-Masirah TV said on Friday that the Yemeni forces managed to capture the villages of al-Vasetah and al-Khademah in the southern Saudi province of Jizan after targeting a number of military positions there.

The report said the Yemeni forces also gained control of three military positions near the al-Mahdaf district in the same province, while they destroyed an armored vehicle belonging to the Saudi forces in the area.

Meanwhile, a Saudi soldier was reportedly killed in an attack on al-Ma’naq military camp in Jahfan region.

Attacks were also reported on Saudi positions in neighboring Najran Province, where a number of Saudi troops were killed after rockets were launched on the gates of the provincial customs department.

Neue Artikel zum Nachlesen 1-64: / Yemen Press reader 1-64: oder / or

Photos of Saudi air raid at Malha village / Fotos vom saudischen Luftschlag auf Malha

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible; Graphic)

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Dietrich Klose

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