Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 819b - Yemen War Mosaic 819b

Yemen Press Reader 819b: 12. August 2022: Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 819, cp7 - cp19 / August 12, 2022: Sequel to Yemen War Mosaic 819, cp7 - cp19

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Dies ist die Fortsetzung von Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 819, Teil 1 / This is the sequel of Yemen War Mosaic 819, part 1:

Schwerpunkte / Key aspects

Kursiv: Siehe Teil 1 / In Italics: Look in part 1

Klassifizierung / Classification

Für wen das Thema ganz neu ist / Who is new to the subject

cp1 Am wichtigsten / Most important

cp1a Am wichtigsten: Coronavirus und Seuchen / Most important: Coronavirus and epidemics

cp2 Allgemein / General

cp2a Allgemein: Saudische Blockade / General: Saudi blockade

cp3 Humanitäre Lage / Humanitarian situation

cp4 Flüchtlinge / Refugees

cp5 Nordjemen und Huthis / Northern Yemen and Houthis

cp6 Separatisten und Aden-Regierung im Südjemen / Separatists and Aden government in Southern Yemen

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

cp9 USA

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

cp12b Sudan

cp13a Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp15 Propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

Klassifizierung / Classification




(Kein Stern / No star)

? = Keine Einschatzung / No rating

A = Aktuell / Current news

B = Hintergrund / Background

C = Chronik / Chronicle

D = Details

E = Wirtschaft / Economy

H = Humanitäre Fragen / Humanitarian questions

K = Krieg / War

P = Politik / Politics

pH = Pro-Houthi

pS = Pro-Saudi

T = Terrorismus / Terrorism

cp7 UNO und Friedensgespräche / UN and peace talks

Siehe / Look at cp1

(A P)

Jemen: Hoffen auf Friedensverhandlungen

Vor gut einer Woche ist der Waffenstillstand im Jemen bis zum 2. Oktober verlängert worden. Dies sei eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, um einen neuen Dialog zwischen den Parteien zu erreichen, meint der ehemalige italienische Botschafter im Jemen, Mario Boffo, im Gespräch mit Radio Vatikan.

(A P)

AbdulSalam to" Al-Mayadeen": If truce ends without reaching clear agreement, we will target who target us

The Head of the [Sanaa gov.] national negotiating delegation Mohamed AbdulSalam confirmed that the UN truce came for reasons related to the humanitarian situation. He said, "The chances of extending the truce may be the last in the event that a mechanism for paying salaries and lifting the siege is not found."
In an interview with Al-Mayadeen on Thursday, AbdulSalam explained that the lack of a humanitarian solution in salaries, siege, and others impedes the ceasefire.
The head of the national negotiating delegation indicated that the US position is still tactical and that Saudi Arabia and the UAE are following it.
AbdulSalam stressed that the companies that plunder Yemeni people wealth will be targeted by the military after the end of the truce.
He said, "If the truce ends without reaching a clear agreement, we will target who target us, and it means the return of war, perhaps more than it was in the past".
AbdulSalam stressed that can be no solution in the presence of occupation forces, siege and aggression.

and also


(A P)

Mohammed Abdulsalam: Yemen's oil is looted and revenue is deposited to Saudi banks, while Yemens' employees are not paid

(A P)

[Aden] Yemeni gov't internationally lobbies against Houthi truce breaches

The Yemeni official government has begun intense diplomatic efforts to mobilize international pressures against the Houthis, accusing the Iranian-backed group of failing to abide by the UN-brokered truce.
At his meeting on Tuesday with heads of Arab diplomatic missions in Jordan, the Yemeni foreign minister briefed the ambassadors on the latest developments in Yemen amid the truce that was extended on 2 August.
Efforts led by the UN and international actors to bring inclusive, sustainable peace to Yemen are facing many challenges, the Aden-based Saba quoted FM Ahmed Bin Mubarak as saying.
Houthi breaches against the humanitarian truce left civilian victims, he said, adding that the group "persistently rejects any step towards peace

and also


(A P)

[Aden gov.] Yemeni FM: UN truce lacks guarantees, monitoring mechanisms

The UN-brokered truce in Yemen includes no mechanisms to guarantee or monitor its application, so it may be revoked by any party, the Yemeni Foreign Minister said Wednesday, noting that his government was in contact with the UN on key priorities achievable during the second extension.
The renewed truce is "fragile", Ahmed Bin Mubarak added in interview with the CNN Arabic, citing the "major violations committed by the Houthi group, though he hailed the armistice as "a space of hope that must be exploited."
While the truce includes four elements, including the reopening the blocked crossings in Taiz and other provinces, the Houthis failed to fulfill these commitments, the minister said.

(B P)

Yemen's truce extension: Relative calm but elusive peace

While the truce has been advantageous to the Houthi movement’s interests, it has further eroded the legitimacy of the internationally recognised government.

Since the start of the first truce in April, for example, gains for the Houthis have far outnumbered any concessions they have made.

Moreover, as per the truce agreement, roads to Taiz city, which the Houthi group has besieged for years, were supposed to be reopened. That did not happen. Instead, the Houthis have rejected multiple UN proposals on the route’s reopening.

Many believed that the Houthi’s refusal to reopen roads to Taiz would hinder an extension of the truce, yet it was extended anyway.

As a result, the Yemeni government appears powerless in the face of Houthi defiance while UN pressure has failed to alter the group’s attitude.

Yemeni political observers do not see any great difference between the present and former political leadership in the Yemeni government.

Abdulsalam Mohammed, the head of the Abaad Studies and Research Center, told The New Arab that the Houthis still have considerable military power.

"The Yemeni government is still weak and incapable at the military level. If the ceasefire collapses and battles flare, the Houthis will be militarily competent and can pose a threat to the government,” he said.

“The major strength of the Yemeni government is having the backing of the international community."

My comment: Somewhat biased anti-Houthi.

(* B P)

Aller guten Dinge sind drei?

Ein Friedensabkommen zwischen Rebellen und der Regierung im Jemen könnte sich als schwierig erweisen. Welche Rolle spielen Saudi-Arabien und die USA?

An der militärischen Front zwischen den Rebellen und der international anerkannten Regierung in Aden herrscht nach besonders heftigen Gefechten zu Beginn des Jahres ein Patt, weshalb UN-geführte Verhandlungen über eine zumindest temporäre Waffenruhe an Fahrt aufnehmen und letztlich erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden konnten. Auch die internationale Großwetterlage begünstigte Bemühungen um eine Deeskalation des Konflikts

Die Waffenruhe bietet gerade für den US-Präsidenten Joe Biden und den saudischen Kronprinzen Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) eine Plattform, das seit der Ermordung des saudischen Dissidenten Jamal Khashoggi im Herbst 2018 zerrüttete Verhältnis zu reparieren. Es ist kaum ein Zufall, dass die US-Regierung am Tag der Verlängerung milliardenschwere Rüstungslieferungen in den Golf ankündigte.

Vergleichbar mit den Abwägungen der USA mit Blick auf die Intervention in Afghanistan hat auch Riad nun die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera: Die Konfrontation mit den Huthis ist militärisch erfolglos, teuer (zeitweise zirkulierten Summen in Höhe von 1 Milliarde US-Dollar pro Woche) und riskant, da Raketen und Drohnen der Huthis jederzeit kritische Infrastruktur und damit auch das Vertrauen von aktuellen und potenziellen Investoren in Saudi-Arabien treffen können. Auch der Einfluss des Iran in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft ist durch den Konflikt sogar noch gewachsen.

Ja, demgegenüber stünden eine außenpolitische Blamage und Fragen über die Verlässlichkeit der Saudis, sollten sie ihren Verbündeten in Aden die militärische und mittelfristig sogar finanzielle Unterstützung entziehen. Ein erstes Anzeichen dafür, dass Riad bereits Schadensbegrenzung in diese Richtung betreibt, dürfte die Unterstützung für die Einrichtung eines Präsidialrats im April 2022 gewesen sein.

Der ausbleibende Fortschritt um die strategisch wichtig gelegene Stadt Taiz, immerhin die drittgrößte des Landes und seit 2016 unter Belagerung der Rebellen, stellt weiterhin den größten Stolperstein für eine politische Einigung dar.

Unterhändler, Vermittler und Jemens internationale Partner müssen nun die Quadratur des Kreises schaffen, um den Waffenstillstand nicht zum Selbstzweck verkommen zu lassen – einerseits einen erneuten Waffengang verhindern, beispielsweise durch die Ausweitung bisheriger humanitärer Hilfe auf strukturbildende Maßnahmen, andererseits den Huthis echte Zugeständnisse über eine Feuerpause hinaus abringen, die auch die Lebenswirklichkeiten auf der „anderen Seite“ verbessern. Sonst droht ein mit dem Doha-Abkommen vergleichbarer Deal, ohne Erfolge im Friedensprozess, ohne Konzessionen mit Blick auf Menschen- und insbesondere Frauenrechte in den von ihnen kontrollierten Gebieten, und ohne eine gemeinsame Vision aller Jemenitinnen und Jemeniten, wo die Reise hingehen soll.

(A P)

Houthi commitment to its terms main condition for truce continuity: STC

Fate of Yemen's truce is dependent on how the Houthi group is committed to applying its pledges under the UN-mediates deal, the Southern Transitional Council (STC) said Saturday.

(A P)

Rights group calls for int'l observers to avoid truce collapse

Yemen's "fragile" truce application needs a real monitoring mechanism, SAM for Rights and Freedoms said on Saturday, to avoid potential collapse of the UN-Brokered armistice deal.
An international committee needs to be formed to monitor the application of the truce and protect its deal, with supervision from neutral country, the Yemeni Geneva-based rights group added in a statement seen by Debriefer.
Monitoring of parties' commitment to applying the truce deal would serve as an advanced step towards an ultimate solution leading to an end to the lingering conflict and sustainable peace in Yemen, the NGO argued.
The truce risks a looming collapse, SAM warned, as the "Houthi group persistently targets civilians, particularly in Taiz city where hundreds of thousands of people are still under the yoke of siege."
The NGO called on the international community to intervene, provide full protection for civilians, force all the warring parties to stop repeated violations against civilians, and form a fact-finding panel.

My remark: Both sides accuse each other of breaking the truce.

(A P)

Waffenstillstand im Jemen in Gefahr

Der erst vor einer Woche verlängerte Waffenstillstand im Jemen ist in Gefahr. Die international anerkannte Regierung des Landes warf gestern den Huthi-Rebellen vor, die Blockaden der Straßen in die eingekesselte Stadt Tais nicht aufgehoben zu haben – ein Kernbestandteil des Abkommens.

„Es gibt große Verstöße gegen den zerbrechlichen Waffenstillstand“, warnte Außenminister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak. „Wir wollen nicht, dass der Waffenstillstand nur eine Pause auf dem Weg in einen größeren Krieg ist.“ Die Huthis beschuldigten die Regierung, entgegen den Vereinbarungen keinen Tankern die Fahrt in die Hafenstadt Hodeidah und Flüge in die Hauptstadt Sanaa erlaubt zu haben. Beide Städte werden von Huthis gehalten. =

(A P)

Yemen FM says Iran-aligned Houthis not committed to key parts of U.N.-brokered truce

Yemen’s internationally recognised government accused the Iran-aligned Houthi movement on Monday of not abiding by a key element in a U.N.-brokered truce to reopen roads to the besieged city of Taiz saying the group was “running away” from its commitments. =

and a similar report

(B P)

Film: In my latest interview on TRT World, I breakdown why the ceasefire extension is eventually going to lead to a bigger war in Yemen.

(* B P)

War in Yemen: the extension of the ceasefire is also a hope for peace

Many degrees of conflict

If the Yemeni question remains so complex, in essence, as David Rigoulet-Rose points out, it is due to the intertwining of several degrees of “intra-Yemeni” conflict (tribal, clan, north-south, etc.) by regional powers. Like Riyadh. “Long before the conflict, the latter had long sought to extricate itself from a war that Crown Prince bin Salman himself had inadvertently waged in 2015”. Unsurprisingly: the conflict is at the same time a “financial gap, a strategic standoff and a human tragedy” for Saudi Arabia, analyzes David Rigoulet-Rose. A very poor performance for a state intent on wooing foreign investors, driven by its “vision” of free horizon from oil revenues.

No actor in conflict can envision an ending “without at least saving face, or gaining a certain number of advantages”, says David Rigoulet-Rose. For example, distressed by the country’s reunification in 1990, separatists of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) would never accept a peace involving the return of “Sanaa’s full guardianship”, say an expert on the Arabian Peninsula.

But is the war in Ukraine already changing the situation? In late June, the United Nations World Food Program announced further cuts to its aid, due to the lack of funds, inflation, and the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine. The specter of a worsening of an already catastrophic situation is a source of extreme concern in Yemen, noted David Rigoulet-Rose for both sides to the conflict. “The rebels and loyalists are now really looking for a way out of this crisis,” said the researcher. But no one – not even the UN – has yet found the door.

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] Prisoners' Committee: UN Should Pressure US-Saudi Mercenaries to Implement What Was Agreed Upon

The National Committee for Prisoners Affairs confirmed, Friday, its readiness to implement the prisoner exchange deal that was agreed upon last March under the auspices of the United Nations.

The head of the committee, Abdulqader Al-Murtada, explained that the results of the last round of negotiations, which were held in Amman, were not as positive as hoped, according to (Saba) agency.

He said, "We had great hope for implementing even part of the deal that was agreed upon last March, but due to the delay of the US-Saudi mercenaries in Marib in providing the names, they prevented any implementation of this deal or part of it."

and also

(B P)

Film: Yemen's warring parties agree to extend truce for two more months

Political analyst Yousef Mawry has more on this ceasefire.

(A P)

Ghaithi to Asharq Al-Awsat: PLC to form joint negotiation team

Head of the [Aden gov.] Consultations and Reconciliation Commission of the Yemen Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Mohammed al-Ghaithi revealed that the UN-sponsored truce was meant to last six months, rather than two.

“The UN envoy must present a clear framework for a comprehensive political process, and a precise and detailed vision of the solution that includes the political, humanitarian, military and security arrangements,” said Ghaithi.
He added that the UN envoy’s vision must include international and regional commitments and agreements, foremost of which are UN Security Council resolutions, the Riyadh Agreement, and the outcomes of the Gulf Cooperation Council consultations.
“There is a need to accommodate all these aspirations and political demands in a comprehensive vision of a successful peace process,” he told Asharq Al-Awsat.

(A P)

[Sanaa] Supreme Political Council Called Intl. Community to React Positively with Truce

Member of Supreme Political Council, Mohammad Al-Nuaimi, stressed that the international community should interact with UN-sponsored truce in Yemen. In a statement to Almasirah, Al-Nuaimi said that the US-pushing towards the truce is a tactic used by Americans to serve its interests, even if it invokes peace and the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

(A P)

Liberating Yemeni Land, Protecting People, Independence of Political Decisions Are Principles for Achieving Peace

The [Sanaa gov.] Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security Affairs stressed that the liberation of the land, the protection of the people and the independence of political decisions are principles without which peace cannot be achieved.

and also

(A P)

Sanaa’s going to truce confirms its seeking to alleviate suffering of people: Official

The Secretary of the Supreme Political Council, Yasser Al-Houri, said on Thursday that Sanaa’s going to the armistice is a confirmation of its seeking to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people and its bias towards honorable peace.

(A P)

Diplomatic sources: Houthis work to disrupt terms of UN-brokered truce

The Houthi militia worked to disrupt the implementation of the terms of the armistice regarding opening roads, releasing prisoners and disbursing salaries, and rejected the proposals submitted by the UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, and that the current extension, according to the terms of the previous armistice, brings matters back to square one, the same sources added.

(A P)

Yemen: IRC statement on 2-month extension of UN-led truce agreement

(A P)

UNICEF welcomes extension of truce in Yemen and calls for more action to protect children from violence and remnants of war

(A P)

Presseerklärung des Sicherheitsrats zu Jemen

Die Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats begrüßten die Verlängerung der Waffenruhe in Jemen am 2. August, die nach wie vor die größte Chance für den Frieden und den Schutz der Zivilbevölkerung darstellt, die Jemen seit Jahren erlebt hat. Sie betonten, dass die Waffenruhe eine stabile Grundlage für Fortschritte bei den Gesprächen zu den Bereichen Wirtschaft und Sicherheit und für die Aufnahme eingehender und umfassender Gespräche über die politische Schiene geschaffen hat. Sie forderten die Parteien auf, den Augenblick dazu zu nutzen, die Verhandlungen dringend zu intensivieren und eine umfassende Einigung über den Vorschlag einer erweiterten Waffenruhe des Sondergesandten der Vereinten Nationen zu erzielen, die zu einem dauerhaften Waffenstillstand und der Erbringung von mehr Leistungen für die jemenitische Bevölkerung führen könnte, unter anderem durch höhere Gehalts- und Rentenzahlungen und mehr Bewegungsfreiheit. Die Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats äußerten die Hoffnung, dass die vollständige Umsetzung der Waffenruhe und eine erweiterte Waffenruhevereinbarung eine Chance zur Herbeiführung einer umfassenden, inklusiven politischen Lösung auf der Grundlage der vereinbarten Referenzen und unter der Ägide der Vereinten Nationen bieten würde

(A P)

Security Council Press Statement on Yemen (4 August 2022)

The members of the Security Council welcomed the 2 August renewal of the truce in Yemen, which remains the most significant opportunity for peace and the protection of civilians that Yemen has witnessed in years. They stressed that the truce has provided a stable foundation to progress with talks on economic and security tracks, and to embark on in-depth and inclusive discussions on the political track. They called on the parties to seize this moment to urgently intensify negotiations to reach an inclusive and comprehensive agreement on the expanded truce proposal developed by the United Nations Special Envoy, which could be translated into a durable ceasefire and increased benefits for Yemenis, including through expanded salary and pension payments and increased freedom of movement.

The members of the Security Council expressed hope that the full implementation of the truce and an expanded truce agreement would provide an opportunity to reach an inclusive, comprehensive political settlement, based on the agreed references and under the auspices of the United Nations. They underscored the importance of a minimum 30 per cent participation by women in line with the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, as recalled by resolution 2624 (2022).

My comment: The “references” mentioned here are outdated. They would fix the Aden government as legal government and demand the Houthis to capitulate. This couldn’t lead to peace any more.

(* B P)

Trust and calm over guns and swagger

Progress with Iran and in Yemen’s war relies in large part on Oman’s ability to be a neutral, serene facilitator of dialogue.

In fact, a two-month extension of a truce in war-ravaged Yemen on Tuesday was due in large part to Oman, a small, poor country on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula whose even-tempered and tranquil mediation helped cement the original 2015 nuclear deal.

Leaders in Oman were able to renew a 4-month-old truce in neighboring Yemen by once again acting as a trustworthy facilitator through back-channel diplomacy. The Middle East needs “an environment of calm,” Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi told the Al-Monitor news website, and the best approach is through “avenues for dialogue” with everyone.

Omani diplomats were crucial go-betweens in persuading Iran-aligned Houthi rebels to renew the truce.

Inclusiveness, stated Oman’s foreign minister, is the country’s core value. “For the future there is no other avenue but to have an understanding to talk with each other directly, not at each other, to reach that ultimate goal of understanding and cooperation,” he said.

Oman’s diplomats are well practiced at being serene and equable listeners. “We will continue to believe in the power of dialogue,” said the foreign minister. Such calm trust is a necessary antidote to the guns and swagger of the Middle East.

cp8 Saudi-Arabien / Saudi Arabia

(* B P)

120 Executions in Six Months: Saudi Arabia’s Empty Promises

In the first half of 2022, the execution rate in Saudi Arabia returned to pre-Covid 19 levels, and is on track to exceed the record high of 186 executions in 2019. In the period of January-June 2022, Saudi Arabia executed 120 people, marking an 80% increased on executions throughout the year of 2021. By June, Saudi Arabia had executed more people in 2022 than in 2020 and 2021 combined. This high rate of executions comes despite the pause in executions during the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan in April. If Saudi Arabia continues to execute people at the same pace during the second half of 2022, they will reach an unprecedented number of executions, exceeding the record high of 186 executions in 2019.

Due to the lack of transparency in the Saudi Arabian justice system, the European Saudi Organization for Human Rights (ESOHR) were unable to monitor most of these execution cases until after they had taken place.

This briefing paper provides an overview of the number of executions in Saudi Arabia this year.


According to ESOHR’s monitoring, 101 of the individuals executed during the first half of 2022 were Saudi nationals. The other 19 individuals were foreign nationals, including: 9 Yemeni nationals, 3 Egyptian nationals, 2 Indonesian nationals, 1 Ethiopian national, 1 Myanmar national,1 Jordanian national, 1 Palestinian national, and 1 Syrian national.

The three categories of crime and punishments in Saudi Arabia are: qisas (retributive), ta’zir (discretionary) and hudud (mandatory). Despite commitments by Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman to end the use of the death penalty for discretionary offences, of the executions in 2022, 72 individuals were tried and executed for discretionary offences. Of these executions, 41 individuals were killed on charges relating to the exercise of fundamental rights, including attending pro-democracy protests. 16 of the 72 executions for discretionary offences were carried out on charges related to murder.

Seven of the executions for discretionary offences were related to terror-related charges. Saudi Arabia’s broad counterterrorism laws have been criticized by the UN, who has repeatedly called on Saudi Arabia to reform its Law for Combatting Terrorism and its Financing, which “entail that a range of speech and association activities protected under international human rights law is characterized domestically as ‘terrorism’”. As discretionary offences are rarely codified in domestic law, the punishment is applied at the judge’s discretion. The use of uncodified laws, which is common in Saudi Arabia, is problematic—there is an inability to predict the punishment, no limits to the discretionary powers of the judge, and inconsistency between verdicts for similar fact patterns indicating arbitrariness in prosecuting and sentenced.

Along with these executions under discretionary offences, 11 individuals have been executed for charges related to murder, categorized as qisas.

The category of offences for the other 37 executions are unknown, further reflecting the lack of transparency in Saudi Arabia’s justice system.


On 12 March 2022, Saudi Arabia beheaded 81 persons in a mass execution, marking the largest mass execution in its history.

Despite the Saudi Ministry of Interior asserting that the executed men were “terrorists” holding “deviant beliefs, ESOHR’s analysis found that of the 81 executions:

58 of the 81 men (over 70%) were executed for non-lethal offences;

41 men (over 50%) were executed for their participation in pro-democracy protests;

The bodies of the executed were not returned back to their families.

At least three of the executed men had reported credible claims that they were tortured. Aqil al-Faraj, Mohammed al-Shakhouri and Assad Shubbar were among the 41 men identified as executed for their attendance at protests. The UN previously found that Mohammed and Assad’s death sentences were unsafe owing to credible reports that they were tortured into ‘confessing’, and denied a fair trial at the Specialised Criminal Court.

The mass execution exemplifies the opacity in Saudi Arabia’s criminal justice system - 69 of the 81 men executed were unknown to human rights groups. As such, it is impossible to gauge the full extent to which international human rights law is complied with in the application of the death penalty.

Current situation::

The numbers of executions carried out during the first half of 2022 confirm that the Saudi Arabia’s pledges to reform its use of the death penalty were empty promises. Due to the opaque criminal justice system, it is impossible to ascertain the full extent of the death row population in Saudi Arabia. However, through ESOHR’s monitoring indicates that there are at least 32 individuals at risk of execution or the death penalty. According to ESOHR, at least five of the individuals at risk are child defendants. This includes Abdullah al-Howaiti, who is at risk of execution following the Criminal Court of Tabouk’s decision to sentence him to death for a second time. Abdullah is at risk despite the Supreme Court’s decision in November 2021 to overturn his first death sentence. The Public Prosecutor is also calling for the death penalty against other child defendants, including Hassan Zaki al-Faraj and Youssef al-Manasif.

The first half of 2022 showed that Saudi Arabia’s use of the death penalty continues unabated. Broken promises of reform by Saudi Arabia regarding their use of the death penalty is commonplace and this year has been no exception.

and media reports:

(A P)

Saudi Arabia automatically extends “visitor IDs” of Yemenis residents

The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) has started implementing the procedures for extending visitor identity card for Yemenis residing in Saudi Arabia.

(A P)

Saudi Arabia’s imminent execution of two Bahraini youths 'arbitrary,' UN warns

The United Nations has renewed its call on Saudi Arabia to stop the imminent “arbitrary” execution of two Bahraini men accused of trumped-up terrorism-related crimes, and to investigate allegations they were tortured and forced to make confessions.

The UN special rapporteur on extra-judicial summary or arbitrary executions, Morris Tidball-Binz, in a letter sent to Saudi Arabian authorities, said Riyadh should halt “any possible steps towards the execution” of Jaafar Mohammad Sultan and Sadeq Majeed Thamer.

Instead, Saudi authorities should fully investigate allegations that the men, who are both Shia Muslims, were tortured “to ensure that they are re-tried in conformity with international law and standards,” the letter, which was only made public earlier this week, read.,--UN-warns-

(A P)

The #Biden visiorsement of #MBS has triggered a new phase of #Saudi oppression including jailing several #Americans hostages at risk of spending 20 yrs in prison. #Saudis are going after fathers of Americans too

referring to document (in Arabic):

(A P)

Urgent: A letter from Prof. Matrouk Al-Falih >> to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,(KingSalman), His Highness, the Crown Prince, appealed to remove the harm of some elements in the state security on me and my family.

(* B P)

Saudi Arabia Flirts with Iran and Israel As Biden's Peacemaking Flounders

Saudi Arabia has begun building quiet yet consequential inroads to both Iran and Israel, archrivals in the Middle East, amid uncertainties over the future of the long-standing role of the United States in the region.

Riyadh does not maintain relations with either nation, but parallel diplomatic tracks have the potential to transform not only the Kingdom's role in the Middle East, but the geopolitics of the region itself. Both paths, however, are lined with pitfalls that also run the risk of sparking underlying tensions among the three countries.

"Saudi's relations with Iran and Israel are going in two different directions, with every direction having its own set of demands," Salem al-Yami, a former official of the Saudi Foreign Ministry, told Newsweek .

Yami acknowledged the difficulty of these endeavors, but noted that they could ultimately prove successful if diplomacy managed to bring about fundamental changes in attitudes that have so far only served to further inflame frictions.

"Everything is possible when it comes to international relations," Yami said, "as long as nations in this region are able to provide compromises and yield to some requirements, including steering clear from unnecessary prejudices and demagoguery that haven't benefited anyone."

Saudi Arabia's talks with Iran and Israel are concurrent but not necessarily equal, and it remains unclear whether either country would be willing to give the Kingdom what it wants.

cp8a Jamal Khashoggi

(B P)

Tale of Two Murdered Journalists: Epitome of Western Hypocrisy

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi Arabia and Shireen Abu Akleh by Israeli occupation forces present two different accounts where the worth of each victim is predetermined by a culture of confirmation bias.

Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, was slain in his country’s consulate to silence his voice. Palestinian-American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, was murdered in the streets of Palestine to stop her from reporting on the Israeli occupation.

Two accounts where the worth of each victim is predetermined by a culture of confirmation bias. A culture that vilifies a murder by people we’re predisposed to dislike, and rationalizes crimes against persons dehumanized by our corporate media.

The contrasting stance liberal media and politicians had maintained on the slain journalists exposes the hypocrisy of those who espouse liberal and progressive values, but turn deaf and mute when it comes to the apartheid practices of the most right-wing Israeli governments.

The epitome of hypocrisy is protesting Biden’s pump fist with MbS for killing Khashoggi, while remaining conspicuously silent or regurgitating AIPAC’s talking points excusing "Israel's" murder of the Palestinian-American journalist.

cp9 USA

(A P)

US Dep. of State: U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Lenderking’s Travel to the UAE, Oman, and Saudi Arabia

U.S. Special Envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking will travel to the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Saudi Arabia starting August 11, while members of his team travel to Jordan, as part of our vigorous diplomatic efforts to help secure an expansion of the UN-mediated truce and bolster peace efforts. The Special Envoy and his team will focus on helping meaningfully expand benefits of the truce to all Yemenis and pave the way for a permanent ceasefire and an inclusive, durable Yemeni-led resolution to the conflict. Special Envoy Lenderking will also discuss recent instability in Shabwa and the need for a return to calm.

My comment: Warring party miming peace broker.

(A P)

US Embassy to Yemen: A message from Ambassador Fagin about the situation in Shabwah (text in image)

(A P)

Former Twitter Employee Convicted of Spying for Saudi Arabia

Ahmad Abouammo was charged with sending Saudi officials private information of users in exchange for money

(* B P)


So has Biden followed through on his intention to shift U.S. policy on arms sales? A quick look at the relevant data suggests he has not. The year 2021 did indeed see the largest drop in foreign military sale notifications in recent memory. But despite that, the value of foreign military sale notifications for 2022 is rising again and has already well surpassed all of 2021. In other words, although initially signaling a slowdown, this administration now resembles every other recent administration in terms of volume and value of arms sales. And this is true for countries with poor human rights records as well.

Yet the numbers for 2022 are already telling a different story. As of August, government-to-government arms sale offers have already reached $57 billion. In other words, the dip in foreign military sales offers in 2021 was just that, a dip, from which sales are already rebounding.

(* B P)

'More war crimes to come': Biden exploits extending Yemen's truce to sell missiles to Saudi Arabia, UAE

Biden is accused of abusing Yemen's extended truce, which he allegedly backed, to approve arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Daniel Kovalik, a professor of International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law said the "Biden administration never had any intention to stop aiding the war efforts against Yemen."

"This is so because, since the war’s inception in 2015, this has been a US war as much as a Saudi-UAE war", Kovalik told Al Mayadeen English. "However, Biden knows that this was not popular with the Democratic base".

The two arms sales include $3.25 billion for Patriot missiles for Saudi Arabia and $2.2 billion for high-altitude missiles for the UAE.

The State Department in its notice informing Congress of the sale said “The proposed sale will improve the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s capability to meet current and future threats by replenishing its dwindling stock of PATRIOT GEM-T missiles".

“These missiles are used to defend the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s borders against persistent Houthi cross-border unmanned aerial system and ballistic missile attacks on civilian sites and critical infrastructure in Saudi Arabia”, the department added.

"He [Biden/his administration] has used pretexts and subterfuges to justify continued support of the war. The truce, which is constantly violated, has been one such pretext", said Kovalik.

"Biden has also claimed that he is only giving Saudi Arabia and the UAE defensive weapons when there really isn’t such a thing in reality", noted Kovalik.

"Biden's [support of] truce extension is simply window dressing. It is clear by his behavior in simultaneously approving the selling of arms to the Saudis, whom his administration calls 'a (USA) partner country that is a force for political stability and economic progress in the Gulf region', that his intentions toward the people of Yemen are not friendly," US activist, Pamela Bennet, told Al Mayadeen English.

The State Department said of the sale "This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a partner country that is a force for political stability and economic progress in the Gulf region".

Bennet believes that Biden's support for the extension of the truce is for the sake of approving the arms sales deals with less criticism for him as a man who promised to end the war in Yemen.

However, Bennet wondered how peace can be achieved as a "goal" while Biden "sells arms", adding "it makes no sense unless war is the desired outcome".

"The side that he chooses to sell arms to is the Saudis. This exposes that the President of the United States, is totally without integrity and will do and say whatever the big shadow economic interest groups tell him to...", Bennet told Al Mayadeen English.

Dave DeCamp, news editor of said that President Biden's administration, by approving these new arms sales, showed itself as "not serious about ending the war".

(A P)

Quaker Lobby Applauds Extension of Yemen Truce

(A P)

Sec. A. Blinken: Good to meet with Qatar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs @MBA_AlThani_today regarding shared regional and global challenges. I also thanked him for Qatar’s continued assistance with Iran and Afghanistan diplomacy.

(A P)

U.S. urges Yemen’s Houthis to release embassy, U.N. staff

Yemen’s Houthi movement continues to hold 12 current and former employees of the United States and United Nations, a U.S. official said on Thursday, calling on the group to release them in “a demonstration of good faith”.

The United States said in November that the Houthis had detained several Yemeni staff at the U.S. Embassy in the capital, Sanaa, without disclosing how many. UNESCO and U.N. Human Rights have said two staff members are being held.

“We condemn the Houthi detention of 12 of our current and former U.S. and U.N. staff. They’re still being held incommunicado,” U.S. envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking told reporters.

“This detention…sends an extremely negative signal. We want to see a demonstration of good faith by the Houthis in releasing these individuals unconditionally.” 0 =

cp9a USA-Iran Krise: Spannungen am Golf / US-Iran crisis: Tensions at the Gulf

Siehe / Look at cp9

(A P)

Iran FM calls on US to accept Islamic Republic’s legitimate demands

Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has called on the United States to provide the ground for the final text of an agreement in Vienna talks by accepting the "legitimate demands" of the Islamic Republic.

"We have conveyed our message to America through the Europeans. We hope that the American side, with a realistic and pragmatic view and acceptance of the legitimate demands of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will provide the ground for an agreement on the final text," he told his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavosoglu on phone late Wednesday.

(A P)

China calls on US to 'positively' respond to Iran’s 'reasonable concerns' in Vienna talks

China has called on the United States to “positively” respond to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s “reasonable concerns” in the nuclear deal talks, blaming it for starting the “crisis”.

At a press conference in Beijing on Tuesday, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the US, as the party responsible for the "nuclear crisis", needs to “get a clear sense of where things are headed”.,-help-JCPOA-revival-talks-to-yield-results--China

(A P)

Iran Says It Will Review Airbus Contract If Sanctions Are Lifted

Iran’s civil aviation chief says the country will need to revise a major aircraft supply contract with Airbus in case the two parties return to the deal after a potential removal of US sanctions on Tehran.

(A P)

Concessions made to Iran in Vienna irk media owned by West and Saudis: Iranian negotiating team’s advisor

The concessions made to Iran during the Vienna talks have angered Western- and Saudi-owned Persian-language media outlets, says an advisor to the Iranian negotiating team.

(* A P)

Talks to revive Iran nuclear deal end, produce ‘final text’

Talks to revive Tehran’s tattered nuclear accord with world powers in Vienna ended Monday as the parties closed a final text and key negotiators prepared to consult with their capitals, diplomats said.

After 16 months of torturous on-and-off indirect negotiations to restore the deal, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell suggested there was no more room for negotiation on the draft now on the table.

A final decision on whether the most significant nonproliferation pact in the last quarter century can be restored rests with the Iranian and American governments, he signaled. The 2015 nuclear deal granted Iran sanctions relief in exchange for tight curbs on its atomic program.

“What can be negotiated has been negotiated, and it’s now in a final text,” Borrell wrote on Twitter. “However, behind every technical issue and every paragraph lies a political decision that needs to be taken in the capitals.”

Key challenges to closing the deal remain. European officials over the weekend urged Iran to drop its “unrealistic demands” outside the scope of the original agreement, including over an International Atomic Energy Agency probe into undeclared nuclear material found in the country.

Iran’s chief negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, will shortly fly back to Tehran for political consultations, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency said. A

The U.S., which abandoned the original nuclear deal four years ago under former President Donald Trump, described the tabled draft as “the best and only basis on which to reach a deal.”

“For our part, our position is clear: we stand ready to quickly conclude a deal on the basis of the EU’s proposals,” the State Department said, indicating the deal’s restoration was up to Iran.

(A P)

Iran FM: Agreement on JCPOA revival depends on US showing realism in practice

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says achieving an agreement on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), depends on the US showing realism in practice.

Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in a Sunday phone call with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres

(* A P)

Negotiators optimistic about progress on Iran nuclear deal

Top negotiators in renewed talks to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal indicated Sunday that they are optimistic about the possibility of reaching an agreement to impose limits on Tehran’s uranium enrichment.

“We stand 5 minutes or 5 seconds from the finish line,” Russian Ambassador Mikhail Ulyanov told reporters outside Vienna’s Palais Coburg, four days into the talks. He said there are “3 or 4 issues” left to be resolved.

“They are sensitive, especially for Iranians and Americans,” Ulyanov said. “I cannot guarantee, but the impression is that we are moving in the right direction.”

Enrique Mora, the European Union’s top negotiator, also said he is “absolutely” optimistic about the talks’ progress so far.

“We are advancing, and I expect we will close the negotiations soon,” he told Iranian media.

Negotiators from Iran, the U.S. and the European Union resumed indirect talks over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal Thursday after a months-long standstill in negotiations.

(A P)

US needs to take 'realistic' approach to Iran's constructive proposals: FM Amir-Abdollahian

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says the United States should pursue a "realistic" approach to the Islamic Republic's constructive proposals to help Iran and the P4+1 group of countries reach a final agreement on the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Iranian foreign minister said on Friday that the negotiators would rigorously observe the country’s red lines during the ongoing JCPOA revival talks in Vienna.

Amir-Abdollahian added that Iran's right to enjoy the economic benefits of the JCPOA and the country’s right to safeguarding its peaceful nuclear capability, technology, and knowhow are other important issues that would be observed in the Vienna negotiations.

(* B P)

Analysis: Iran now speaking openly on nuclear bomb prospects

Iranian officials now speak openly about something long denied by Tehran as it enriches uranium at its closest-ever levels to weapons-grade material: The Islamic Republic is ready to build an atomic weapon at will.

The remarks could be bluster to force more bargaining-table concessions from the U.S. without planning to seek the bomb. Or, as analysts warn, Iran could reach a point like North Korea did some 20 years ago where it decides having the ultimate weapon outweighs any further international sanctions.

All this could be put to the test Thursday as Iran, the U.S. and the European Union prepare for a snap summit that appears to be a last-ditch effort in Vienna to revive Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal amid the new pressure. That includes one Iranian video online suggesting the country’s ballistic missiles could “turn New York into a heap of rubble from hell.”

Hyperbole aside, the language taken as a whole marks a distinct verbal escalation from Tehran.

“In a few days we were able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium. ... Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one,” Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Al Jazeera in mid-July. Uranium enriched at 90% is considered weapons-grade.

And finally Mohammad Eslami, the head of Iran’s civilian nuclear agency, made his own reported comment about a potential military aspect to Iran’s program.

“As Mr. Kharrazi mentioned, Iran has the technical ability to make an atomic bomb, but there is no such plan on the agenda,” Eslami said Monday, according to the semiofficial Fars news agency.

(A P)

Iran nuclear talks in Vienna as Tehran expands enrichment

Negotiators from Iran, the U.S. and the European Union resumed monthslong, indirect talks over Tehran’s tattered nuclear deal Thursday, as international inspectors reported that the Islamic Republic is expanding its uranium enrichment.

The resumption of the Vienna talks, suddenly called Wednesday, appeared not to include high-level representation from all the countries that were part of Iran’s 2015 deal with world powers.

The negotiations come as Western officials express growing skepticism over the prospects for a deal to restore the accord. The EU’s top diplomat has warned that “the space for additional significant compromises has been exhausted.”

Iran’s top negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, met with EU mediator Enrique Mora, Iranian media reported. As in other talks, the U.S. won’t directly negotiate with Iran. Instead, the two sides will speak through Mora.

cp10 Großbritannien / Great Britain

(* B P)

UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia back on trial next year

A legal challenge over the supply of UK-made weapons for the war in Yemen will proceed to the High Court in January 2023.

The legal case was launched by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), a UK-based organisation which works to end international arms trade. The High Court has confirmed that the case to challenge the government over the supply of arms from the UK for the Yemen war has been listed for hearing on January 31 – February 2, 2023.

In June 2019, the Court of Appeal ruled that the UK government had acted unlawfully when it licensed the sale of UK-made arms to Saudi-led forces for use in Yemen and banned new arms sales to Saudi Arabia.

However, following a review by the Department of International Trade in July 2020 which concluded that any violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) committed by the Saudi coalition were ‘isolated incidents’, the then international trade secretary Liz Truss announced the resumption of full arms sales to Saudi, including bombs and missiles used by Typhoon jets part-made by Britain’s BAE Systems.

In October 2020, CAAT filed a new Judicial Review application into the legality of the UK government’s decision to renew arms sales to the Saudi-led coalition that is bombing Yemen. At the time, CAAT said:

“The government may think that the widespread destruction of schools, hospitals and homes can be dismissed as ‘isolated incidents’ but we do not.”

In April 2021, CAAT was granted permission for its legal challenge against the UK’s government’s decision to renew arms sales for use in the war in Yemen to proceed to the High Court.

cp11 Deutschland / Germany

(B H)


Ich bin seit 2011 in Deutschland. Mein Vater arbeitet für die Vereinten Nationen, daher bin ich schon als Kind alle vier Jahre umgezogen. Ich kann mich gut auf andere Kulturen einstellen, weil ich es gewohnt bin, immer wieder woanders zu leben. Deshalb habe ich mich schnell in Deutschland eingelebt. Mir kam hier nichts wirklich seltsam vor. Freunde zu finden war allerdings nicht so einfach. Ich habe allein gewohnt und die anderen Teilnehmer in meinem Deutschkurs waren zu alt. Mittlerweile habe ich aber viele Freunde.

(A H)

Ribbeck: Café in der Alten Schule unterstützt Jemen-Hilfsaktion

cp12 Andere Länder / Other countries

(A P)

Sanaa delegation arrives in Moscow

Head of the Sanaa negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdul-Salam, arrived on Wednesday in the Russian capital, Moscow.

Abdul-Salam, during a visit, met with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, in a step revealed the extent of development of the political relations between Sanaa government and Moscow.

The meeting emphasized paying attention to the prospects of achieving a comprehensive peaceful settlement of the war on Yemen and addressing the humanitarian file. =


(A P)

Russia's Support Peaceful Solution in Yemen, Meeting Delegation from Sana'a

The meeting emphasized interest in the prospects for achieving a comprehensive peaceful settlement of the war against Yemen and addressing the humanitarian issues.


(A P)

Abdul-Salam reveals results of Sanaa delegation’s visit to Moscow

Head of the Sanaa negotiating delegation, Mohammed Abdul-Salam, revealed the results of Sanaa delegation’s visit to Moscow.

Abdul-Salam told Al-Mayadeen TV that the visit came in an exceptional and sensitive circumstance to find a vision for the benefit of the people of Yemen at such a stage.

“Within the framework of our work as a national delegation, we hold many official, announced and unannounced meetings, and this is not the first visit to Moscow,” he added.

He affirmed that a discussion was held with the Russian side about the broad impact of events in Yemen, especially after the developments in Ukraine, pointing out that Yemen sensed the American danger early on.

“There are real changes in the Russian position and the realization that Yemen can be a strategic influence,” Abdul-Salam said. =

(A P)

UAE overturns prison sentence for former Khashoggi attorney

The United Arab Emirates on Wednesday overturned a three-year prison sentence for an American citizen who had represented slain Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, one of his lawyers and the Emirati judicial department said.

Instead, Virginia-based lawyer Asim Ghafoor, a U.S. citizen, was punished with a fine of $1.36 million and deportation. Ghafoor had been convicted in absentia in the UAE on murky charges that included money laundering and tax evasion.

(A P)

Hezbollah leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah vows renewed support for Yemen

(A P)

Yemen condemns Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip

The Yemeni UN-recognized government and the Houthi group on Saturday deplored the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip, and called for international action to support Palestinians.

cp12b Sudan

(* B K P)

Time for the U.S. to Cut the Saudis off in Yemen

Aside from directly contributing to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, there is another reason the United States should take a step back from any involvement in Yemen. By supporting Saudi Arabia, the United States, however indirectly, is supporting Sudan’s paramilitary militia, the Rapid Support Forces. Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces are primarily comprised of Janjaweed militias that fought in Darfur.

The Rapid Support Forces’ destabilizing role has even extended to Libya, where it gained a foothold in the Libyan conflict, sending its soldiers to back Khalifa Haftar and to protect oil installations in the region.

One of the primary financial sources that support Dagalo’s militia is the Yemen war. Dagalo’s forces have been fighting at the behest of the Saudis for years. They have been helping the Saudis secure their border, helping to capture many northeastern cities and towns in Yemen, and creating a buffer zone in the northern region.

Sudan’s involvement in the Yemen war does indeed reflect its bloody and exploitative background and comes with many human rights violations.

It’s time for the U.S. to stop creating a fertile ground that Sudan’s militia is using to nurture and grow. Yemen’s ongoing humanitarian crisis is feeding Dagalo’s militia with money and is having a destabilizing effect.

(A K P)

Sudan accuses Chad of cross-border attack it says killed 18

According to Sudan’s ruling sovereign council, armed Chadian assailants crossed into West Darfur province and attacked a group of nomads staying in an open area near the border towns of Beir Saliba and Ardeiba last Thursday.

Apart from those killed, several nomads were also wounded in the attack and their livestock was looted and taken to Chad, the council said Friday.

cp13a Kulturerbe / Cultural heritage

(* A C)

Starkregen zerstört historische Gebäude in Altstadt von Sanaa

Anhaltender Starkregen hat in der Altstadt von Sanaa in den vergangenen Tagen zehn historische Gebäude zum Einsturz gebracht. Dies teilten am Mittwoch die Huthi-Rebellen mit, die die jemenitische Hauptstadt seit Ausbruch des Bürgerkriegs vor mehr als acht Jahren kontrollieren. Mindestens 80 weitere Bauten im Herzen Sanaas seien schwer beschädigt worden und bedürften einer dringenden Reparatur. Angaben zu möglichen Toten oder Verletzten machten die Aufständischen nicht.

Abdullah Al-Kabsi, Kulturminister in der Huthi-Verwaltung, sagte, die Rebellen arbeiteten mit internationalen Organisationen zusammen, um dem Verfall etwas entgegenzusetzen. Zudem habe man weitere Hilfen angefordert. Al-Kabsi wies der Unesco eine Teilverantwortung für Rettung und Renovierung der Bauten zu und bezog sich dabei auf die Geschichte der Gegend. Auch Jahre der Nachlässigkeit unter der Vorgängerregierung machten sich nun bemerkbar.

Einige Beobachter berichten, dass Luftangriffe auf Sanaa durch das saudisch geführte Militärbündnis vermutlich auch die historischen Altstadt-Bauten in ihren Grundfesten erschüttert und für Schäden gesorgt hätten. Doch seien ausbleibende Renovierungen das grösste Problem, sagte Mohammed Al-Hakeemi, Leiter der lokalen Organisation Grüner Traum.

und auch, mit Fotos:

und auch, mit Fotos und Film:

Film auch hier:

Film, Foto:

(* A C)

Heavy rains collapse 10 historic buildings in Yemeni capital

Heavy rains lashing Yemen’s capital of Sanaa, which dates back to ancient times, have in recent days collapsed 10 buildings in the Old City, the country’s Houthi rebels said Wednesday.

At least 80 other buildings have been heavily damaged in the rains and are in need of urgent repairs, said the rebels, who have controlled Sanaa since the outbreak of Yemen’s civil war more than eight years ago.

The Old City of Sanaa is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the area believed to have been inhabited for more than 2 millennia.

In a statement, Abdullah Al-Kabsi, the culture minister in the Houthi administration, said the rebels are working with international organizations and seeking help in dealing with the destruction. There were no immediate reports of dead or injured from the collapses.

The houses had withstood centuries but this season’s intense rains have proved too much for the iconic structures. Bricks and wooden beams now make for massive piles of rubble in between still-standing structures.

The rains show no signs of letting up.

“I get scared when I hear the rain and pray to God because I am afraid that my house will collapse over me,” Youssef al-Hadery, a resident of the Old City said.

Al-Kabsi insisted that UNESCO bear some responsibility for salvage and restoration efforts, given the area’s history. Years of neglect under the previous government had taken their toll, he added.

Photos, Films:


(A C)

Rains threaten 500 ancient houses in Sana'a Old City

Heavy rains have left damages to nearly 500 ancient house in the old city of Sana'a.
Some 500 houses were damaged by rains seen by the historical city, listed by UNESCO as global heritage, the Houthi-appointed deputy manager of general authority for maintaining historical cities.
The UNESCO-funded repair efforts are insufficient to cover all the house in the city throughout the last period, Aqeel Nosari added.


(A P)

Meanwhile, UNESCO on Thursday voiced concern over the impact of the rainfall on the the Old City of Sanaa.

In an email sent to The Associated Press, the U.N. agency said it was monitoring closely the situation in Sanaa, as well as in the town of Zabid, a former capital of Yemen, and the old walled city of Shibam. Along with the European Union, the U.N. agency has restored more than 200 historic buildings in the heart of Sanaa over the past four years but more remains to be done, it said.

“The magnitude of the needs on the ground requires further prioritization of interventions in inhabited historic houses of outstanding architectural value, which are facing substantial damages,” UNESCO said.

(A C H P)

Old Sanaa threatened with collapse due to heavy rainfall

Amanat Al Asimah has warned of an imminent disaster that threatens 100 houses in the Old City of Sana’a, due to heavy rainfall over the capital, Sana’a.

A meeting held on Tuesday, chaired by the mayor of the capital, Hamoud Obbad, called on businessmen to provide the necessary assistance for the maintenance and restoration of houses that are about to collapse on the heads of their residents.


(A C)

Photos: The rain in the Capital Municipality continues in a large, intense and continuous manner, and there are partial collapses of some houses inside the Municipality, especially the old houses. The response of the organizations so far is still limited and below the required level, despite our continuous communication and follow-up to them.


(A C)

5 houses destroyed, more than 40 damaged in old Sana'a due to rain

5 houses were destroyed and more than 40 houses were damaged in old Sana’a district in Sana'a, as a result of the continued heavy rains since last night until today.
The director of Old Sana'a Directorate, Mahdi Arhab, told Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that 5 houses had completely collapsed, and 18 houses had the roofs of some rooms collapsed, while 22 houses suffered from water leakage.

and also

and report in Arabic with photos:


Photo: Marib temple

(* C)

Yemen’s Hadhramaut Valley

cp13b Wirtschaft / Economy

(* B E H)

Yemen Joint Market Monitoring Initiative: July 2022 Situation Overview

Key findings

The median price of the food SMEB, with canned beans, remained relatively stable in the last 4 months (March - July). In July, the median price was measured at 120,100 YER in IRG areas and 58,238 YER in DFA areas.

The price of one cubic meter of trucked water reached 8,000 YER in Marib governorate, and 7,000 YER in Hadramaut. In comparison, it was only 2,000 YER in Sana'a City, 2,750 in Amran, and 3,325 YER in Abyan. Partly due to the high water trucking price, the WASH SMEB in Marib was calculated at 40,350 YER median, while it was just 14,814 YER in Sana'a City. The median cost in the WASH SMEB in the IRG was 29,400 YER, and 17,500 YER in DFA areas.

The price of diesel increased with 17% in the IRG and 19% in DFA areas, standing at 1425 YER and 982 YER per litre respectively. The price of petrol is 1302 YER (+19%) in the IRG and 708 YER (+4%) in the DFA.

The value of the new Yemen rial banknotes deappreciated with 8% to 1118 YER/USD between June and July, while the value in the DFA areas remained at 557 YER/USD.

In Ad Dale'e and Al Hudaydah restocking time was longer than 1 week, for fuel, WASH and food items in July.

Interviewed vendors rarely reported facing problems with the availability of the monitored food and WASH products. Fuel vendors reported that cooking gas is the product they face most shortages of (48/212),

(A P)

[Sanaa gov.] President: the oil and gas revenues looted by the mercenaries are sufficient to pay salaries

President al-Mashat condemned what the mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression are constantly plundering of the Yemeni people’s oil and gas wealth, and depositing its price in the Saudi National Bank, while the Yemeni people suffer from the lack of services and the interruption of salaries due to the brutal US-Saudi aggression and the unjust siege on Yemen.
He stressed that the oil and gas revenues looted by the mercenaries of the aggression are sufficient to disburse the salaries of all state employees, retirees' pensions, and achieve broad development at the national level.
Al-Mashat called on the United Nations and the international community to pressure the mercenaries of aggression to fulfill what was committed in the Stockholm Agreement

and also

My comment: He is wrong. The Sanaa government claims to be the only Yemeni government. It rules ca. 75 % of the Yemeni population and collects taxes from them. It is obliged to pay its state employees by the taxes it makes, as any state in this world must do. Yemen obviously is and will stay divided. As the oil fields are lying in Southern Yemen, its revenues are – and they will stay in the future – for the benefit of the southern Yemeni state only.

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) - Price Monitoring Tool: July 2022

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY) - Remittances Tracker (July 2022)

Key findings:

The ranking of the 3 origins of the remittances received, the first one is from other Parts of Yemen, the second is the Middle East( UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc), and third is North America (USA, Canada, etc).

The ranking of the 3 destinations for remittances, the first one is to other part of Yemen, the second is the Middle East (UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc), and third is North America (USA,
Canada, etc).

The majority of the exchange shops stated that remittances inflowing and transferred had increased in July 2022; potentially as a result of the Eid Al Adha holiday, but changes might be seen in the next output for August 2022.

(B E)

Cash Consortium of Yemen - Flash Update 50: YER Exchange Rate Volatility July Week 3

Key findings

The IRG vs DFA exchange rate variation currently stands at a 582 YER difference.

The exchange rate in the IRG areas is continuing to depreciate after a small appreciation in April 2022. While the exchange rate in DFA areas has stabilized after appreciating from 600 YER earlier this year.

8b e9

Cash Consortium of Yemen - Flash Update 49: YER Exchange Rate Volatility June Week 4 & July Week 1

Key findings:

The IRG vs DFA exchange rate variation currently stands at a 577 YER difference.

The exchange rate in the IRG areas is continuing to depreciate after a small appreciation in April 2022. While the exchange rate in the DFA areas appreciated after having stayed consistent, around 600 YER, over the past year.

The range between the maximum and minimum value of the exchange rate from June W4 to July W1 expanded in the South from 118 to 167 YER, indicating a volatility across exchange shops in IRG areas, and in the North from 0 to 1 YER indicating a stability across exchange shops in the areas of interests.

(B E)

Yemen Economy Tracking Initiative: FX rate and commodity price and

(A E P)

Giant vessel arrives at Dabba port to loot about 2 million barrels of crude oil

The giant vessel MARAN CANOPUS arrived Saturday at the port of Dabba, Hadramout province, coming from the south Korean port to loot approximately 2 million barrels of crude oil.
A special official told SABA that the total value of the oil looted on board this vessel is estimated at $200 million

and also

(* B E P)

International reports reveal the real money scandals of Yemeni oil revenues and how they are deposited in Saudi banks.

What was revealed two days ago by the investigative investigation of the International Center for Journalists, citing a balanced report by OPEC regarding the true numbers of the quantities and value of Yemeni crude oil exported abroad, which is contained in a Saudi bank account at the National Bank of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh, rightly represents a resounding scandal for the recognized Yemeni government, and reveals At the same time, the dominance of the Saudi party is not only over the Yemeni political and national decision, but also the financial and economic ones, and it also reveals the size of the looted numbers, whether the numbers of oil quantities or their financial returns. According to that investigation and report, the total Yemeni crude oil exports that have been and have been exported since mid-2016 and until the end of 2021 amounted to nearly 190 million barrels, with a value of more than $13 billion, not $1.418 billion, as alleged by an official government report issued in May Past. Also, exports did not resume after the war in September 2018, as the same Yemeni government source claimed, rather, in June 2016, as confirmed by OPEC reports, which also indicated that the Yemeni government’s sales of crude oil exceeded $3 billion in 2021 only. As for the year 2022, with the rise in oil prices as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the increase in Yemeni crude oil production to 180,000 barrels per day, the number doubles exponentially. The monthly revenues estimated at about $500 million each month, with a total financial value of $3 billion since the beginning of this year. Oil shipments transported from time to time by giant oil tankers, mostly European and Greek, specifically, from the two ports of Al-Dhabah in #Hadhramaut province, and Al-Nashima in the southern province of #Shabwah. The Saudi side, which controls the export and deposit process, supplies 80% of these proceeds to the National Bank of Saudi Arabia in the Kingdom, as for the rest of the amount 20%, it will be distributed to leaders, political, partisan and military parties, and Yemeni destinations in Riyadh under the direct supervision of the Saudi ambassador to #Yemen, Muhammad Al Jaber.

for this subject, also:

cp14 Terrorismus / Terrorism

(B T)

Podcast Number 6 - Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: down but not out

Sitting at number six in the top ten countdown is Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: down but not out with Elisabeth Kendall. Her conversation with William Law was podcast on 17 September, 2021. Dr Kendall is a Senior Research Fellow in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Oxford University's Pembroke College and an expert on Yemen and on Jihadist movements. In October she takes up her appointment as Mistress of Girton College, Cambridge. Her article, “The Jihadi threat and the Arabian Peninsula”

cp15 Propaganda

(A P)

Redesignate Yemen’s Houthis as terrorists, says women’s rights group on DC tour

“The Yemeni population suffers; they don’t get the aid because it’s blocked by the Houthis, [which are] using blackmail by getting at least 50% of this humanitarian aid from the [United Nations] and the [European Union],” said Msalmi. “So what we are suggesting is a list of human-rights organizations that can be also trustworthy to do the job, instead of, let’s say, negotiating with the Houthis, which is a terrorist organization.”

While they admitted that the aid would have trouble getting into Houthi-controlled territory, Basindawa noted that a majority of the country—around 75% is not under Houthi control.

“Continuing to allow the aid to flow through them only cements their control and the people’s dependency upon them,” said Elie Piperz, who was traveling with the group as spokesman. “So even in the short term, you can get aid [into the area by working with the Houthis]; long term, it’s actually going to only strengthen and keep the conflict going.”

Iran’s support of the Houthi rebels in Yemen expanded the scale of the war significantly, causing a coalition of Arab nations led by Saudi Arabia to intervene militarily in the conflict in 2015 at the request of then-Yemeni President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.

Unfortunately, said Msalmi, the United Nations and European Union only have access to information from NGOs that support the Houthi, or Muslim Brotherhood narrative, as opposed to the secular liberal perspective.

“We want to support these secular and liberal voices, human-rights activists, journalists—these people who are targeted by the Houthis, who are imprisoned, tortured and sometimes killed,” explained Msalmi. “[There are] a lot of human-rights violations. [The NGOs advising the United Nations and European Union] do not mention these violations. So thanks to the work of Dr. Wesam [Basindawa] and other NGOs, we have access to this narrative.”

Basindawa noted that “a lot of NGOs and international leaders talk about the Houthis as a policy movement. But they are not. They are a terrorist, racist, ideological movement. They are not a political movement.”

(A P)

Yemen’s truce extension not without its perils

But this extension did not come about easily. The Houthis initially rejected the extension and intensified their objections, mainly after Biden visited Jeddah, as part of their strategy to influence the US to abandon its interest in Yemen and the region.

(A P)

Solutions to Yemen crisis should address root cause — foreign minister

Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak discussed the latest developments of the crisis in Yemen during a lecture held on Tuesday at the World Affairs Council in Amman in the presence of ambassadors, government representatives and political experts.

Their political goals aren’t based on “democracy or equality, but on a strong religious belief that only they have the right to rule”, he continued, noting that “a diverse community such as Yemen can’t accept this”.

The “growing” Iranian influence on the Houthis and the fact that the crisis has created a war economy, “the continuity of which benefits many parties”, also stand in the way of a peaceful solution, Bin Mubarak added, alleging that the Houthis unofficially levy one billion and 350 million dollars a year.

“Any solution put forward without taking into consideration these various dimensions that affect the political situation in Yemen will make it difficult to move forward with any sustainable form of peace in Yemen,” he continued.

(A P)

Yemen Trusts Its Leadership in Decision to Extend UN-Sponsored Truce

With the renewal of the UN-sponsored truce, some opinions and articles appeared criticizing and opposing the extension of the truce without having data, experience, and knowledge about history.

Accordingly, we will assume that critics of extending the truce are asking why we say that following the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik, is the wise position that we must adhere to and be assured of.

There is something more important to fight the battle as it should and in a state of steadfastness and readiness - that the followers do not know and it is not necessary at all that the leader has to explain for them and this is what had happened in Taloot story.

In the Qur’anic culture we are ordered to hand over to the leader, not to set ourselves up as geniuses and clever politicians. We know the interest and the beneficiary of the truce. Of course, the Yemeni people benefited from the lifting of the siege, even it was partially, that took place in building what is necessary for steadfastness.
So, do those who raise the slogan of “No Interest in Truce” want to choose options that might destroy the Yemeni people, crush them and humiliate them? Effective options do not take this character until our leader sees them as well. This does not represent a solution or interest for the Yemeni people at all.
The public opinion must be aware of the ideology of following the leadership even if it sees a disagreement with the decision and directive of Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi to go towards renewing the truce.
Talking that the US-Saudi aggression is a spoil in such a circumstance of international changes and the urgent need for energy security and international corridors, and therefore the conditions are favorable for imposing a better agreement, this matter was learned by the leadership.

My remark: By Houthi channel.

(A P)

More Saudi coalition „We are benefactors“ propaganda

cp16 Saudische Luftangriffe / Saudi air raids

Fast keine Luftangriffe seit Beginn des Waffenstillstands.

Almost no air raids since the beginning of the truce.

(* A K pH)

Saudi coalition air raids and shelling day by day

July 29:

(A K)

A huge explosion just rocked the southern part of Yemen capital Sana'a. Unknown if the source was an airstrike or something else.

Another huge explosion just hit the same area in the southern part of Yemen capital Sana'a. Looks like an airstrike (sent from a battleship). If that's the case, it would seriously undermine the UN mediated truce.

cp17 Kriegsereignisse / Theater of War

Der Waffenstillstand hält überwiegend; beide Seiten werfen sich Verstöße vor.

The truce mostly holds; both sides accuse each other of violations.

(A K pH)

Aggression forces commit 156 violations of the armistice within 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Child killed by Houthi landmine west Taiz

(A K pH)

Citizen killed by coalition’s troops fires in Bayda

(A K pH)

Citizen injured in Sana'a due to explosion of cluster bomb left over by aggression coalition

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression forces committed 158 violations of armistice within 24 hours

Deutsche Version:

(A K pS)

Southern Forces Foil Houthi Attack North of Al-Dhale

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression forces committed 185 violations of armistice within 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression forces committed 143 violations of armistice within 24 hours

(A K pS)

Statement by the Embassy of Yemen on the continued Houthi militias attacks on the governorate of Marib and the dangerous increase in cooperation between the Houthis and the terrorist organizations Al Qaida and ISIS.

and also

(A K pS)

Houthis shell residential areas north Abyan

(A K pS)

KSrelief's Masam Project Dismantles 1,063 Mines in Yemen During One Week

King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Project (Masam) for clearing mines in Yemen, dismantled, during the first week of August 2022, a total of 1,063 mines planted by the Houthi militia across Yemen, including 29 anti-personnel mines, 300 anti-tank mines, 723 unexploded ordnance and 11 explosive devices.
Since the beginning of the project, as many as 353,378 mines have been dismantled.

(A K pS)

A Houthi sniper shot injured 11 year old old Jalal Alfakih in Barid Al-Rowdha neighborhood in Kelabah zone in the besieged city of Taiz,Taiz Time website reported enclosing a picture.

(A K pH)

Aggression forces committed 185 violations of armistice within 24 hours

and also

(A K pH)

Child injured due to cluster bomb explosion in Saada

(A K pH)

Aggression forces committed 146 violations of armistice within 24 hours

and also

(A K pS)

Houthis launch large scale attack on Marib in continuous disregard for truce

A young man has been killed by Houthi gunmen in Aljawf (a north Yemen province)/Aden Alghad

Two young men wounded by Houthi sniper bullets in Taiz /Aden Alghad

The Houthi militia fire shells into the besieged city of Taiz/CraterSky

(A K pS)

Houthis attack Yemen government troops in besieged Taiz

(A K pH)

136 Recorded Violations of UN-sponsored Truce by US-Saudi Aggression

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression forces committed 179 violations of armistice within 24 hours

and also

(A K pS)

The second day (today), a Houthi sniper shot dead a child by the name Amir Majed Alhaj in Same'a, a Taiz outskirt while he was walking in Mawkiaa stream and for no reason other than snuffing out a young Sunni soul.

Yemen's Shia terrorists are supposed to withdraw forces and bring an overdue halt to the siege on Taiz province, as stipulated in the initial truce agreement and even prior deals with the government such as the Stockholm Agreement in 2018.

and also (photo)

(A K)

Eight Yemeni soldiers, Houthis killed amid traded blames for breaches

The Yemeni official government and the Houthi group on Wednesday traded blames for breaches of the UN-mediated truce that left eight deaths from both sides.
The Houthi group violated the humanitarian truce 306 times in the last three days in Hodeida, Taiz, Dhalea, Hajjah, Sa'ada, Jawf and Marib, the Yemeni army-run media center said in a statement.
The breaches ranged from shooting with mortars, different machine guns, snipers and booby-trapped drones to erecting new sites, digging trenches, deploying artillery and other weaponry and sending espionage drones, the center added.
The Houthi violations left four soldiers killed and 16 others injured, according to the statement.
For its part, the Houthi group said a general and three fighters were killed by government troops

(A K)

Houthi sniper kills Yemeni civilian in Taiz

A Yemeni civilian was killed on Wednesday by Houthi gunfire in the southwestern governorate of Taiz, local sources said.

and also

cp18 Kampf um Hodeidah / Hodeidah battle

Seit dem Abkommen von Stockholm vom 13. Dezember 2018 gibt es einen Waffenstillstand für Hodeidah. Zwar bleiben größere Offensiven aus, kleinere Gefechte gibt es aber laufend, und beide Seiten werfen sich ständig Verstöße gegen den Waffenstillstand vor.

Since the Stockholm Agreement of December 13, 2018, a ceasefire has been in place for Hodeidah. There are no major offensives, but smaller battles are ongoing and both sides constantly are accusing each other of violating the ceasefire.

(A K pH)

86 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

(A K pS)

Seven Houthi terror cells have been arrested in the western coast/Alsahel Agharbi

(A K pH)

[Sanaa gov.] Yemeni Armed Forces Foil Infiltration Attempt by US-Saudi Mercenaries in Hodeidah

(A K pH)

70 violations of Sweden agreement in Hodeida

(A K pS)

Child killed by Houthi-laid mine in Hodeidah

A child was killed and two others were seriously injured by an explosion of a Houthi laid-mine in al-Tuhita district in the south of Hodeidah governorate, West Yemen on Tuesday.

(A K pH)

Aggression commits 56 violations in Hodeida within 24 hours

and also

(A K pS)

Houthis commit new ceasefire violations west Yemen

The Iran-backed Houthi militias have committed 49 violations of the U.N.-mediated truce in several regions of west Yemen over the past 48 hours, the joint forces on the West Coast reported on Sunday.

(A K pH)

64 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

and also

(A KpH)

64 Recorded Violations by US-Saudi Aggression in Hodeidah

and also

(A K pH)

2 children injured in Hodeida

2 children were seriously injured as a result of the explosion of a landmine left behind by the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression in Al-Tuhaita district, Al-Hodeida province.

and also

while the other side accuses the Houthis:

(AK pS)

Two Yemeni children critically injured in Hodeida blast

Two Yemeni children sustained critical wound on Saturday, when a landmine exploded in the western governorate of Hodeida.
Laid by the Houthi group in Tohaita district, south Hodeida, the mine blast caused serious injuries to the two children (8 and 13 years) who were taken to nearby hospital, Yemeni sources said.

(A K pH)

Citizen in Hodeida was injured by mine explosion of aggression remnants

and also

and a 2. incident:

(A K pH)

Citizen injured by mine explosion in Hodeida

and also

(A K pH)

Aggression violates Hodeida ceasefire 74 times

and also

cp19 Sonstiges / Other

(A H)

Audio: Zusätzlich zu Bürgerkrieg und Hunger: Überschwemmungen im Jemen =



(* A H)

Officials: Floods in Yemen kill at least 38 people in 2 days

Torrential rains across southwestern Yemen and the country’s capital of Sanaa have triggered flashfloods and collapsed homes, killing at least 38 people over the past two days, officials said Thursday.

Scores of homes in Sanaa and the provinces of Dhamar and Ibb have completely collapsed or have been significantly damaged, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

The areas are controlled by Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who are at war with forces loyal to the country’s internationally recognized government, backed by a Saudi-led coalition.

Yemen’s annual rainy season usually starts in May and lasts until August but this year, the Arab world’s most impoverished country has seen heavier-than-usual rains accompanied by thunderstorms.

Meanwhile, UNESCO on Thursday voiced concern over the impact of the rainfall on the the Old City of Sanaa


(B H)

Agrometeorological Early Warning Bulletin (1 - 20 August 2022)



(A P)

Capital Sanaa sends distress call to face torrents damage

The Capital Municipality, Sanaa, on Tuesday sent a distress call to the concerned authorities and local and international organizations to support its efforts in the rescue and relief operation and to confront the damage caused by the flow of rainwater and torrents in the capital.


(A H)

Three children killed in roof collapse due to heavy rainfall in Dhamar


(A H)

Film: some of the damage caused by the torrential rains in Al-Jawf Governorate

(A E)

Briefcases full of cash helped Saint James Shipping tanker in Yemen

Cash payments were delivered to towage provider in Dubai, ostensibly to help speed delivery of cargo from a Saint James tanker [paywalled]

(B H P)

Letter from... Yemen: 'Seven years on, I'm making less art as the world becomes bored by the war'

Artist Ahmed Jahaf speaks out about how the world continues to ignore the crisis in his home country

The war in Yemen between the government and Houthi rebels is still going on today, seven years after it started; there is still war, siege and famine, and the world watches and knows this. I’m still angry because the US and the UK are supporting the governmental Saudi-led coalition and are still selling arms to Saudi Arabia. The war is not forgotten, though. The war in Yemen is ignored because the US and its allies are responsible for the majority of the suffering, and they benefit from this war and participate in it directly or indirectly.

I spend my days watching the news and recording events such as air raids on social media. I continue to make works at night, using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere and Photoshop. I’ve also shown prints at the Art the Arms Fair in London (2017 and 2019).

Recently, I published a PDF book entitled Art of War, which featured my most important designs and works. In one of the works, I criticise the UK government’s role in providing weapons to Saudi Arabia used in airstrikes on Yemen.

But I’m not making as many works as before because those who were interested in Yemen are bored or preoccupied with other events and conflicts. There are other issues in the world that people care about. After all, we’re only Yemenis, and this is still the ignored war.

(B H)

Film: Village Life in Yemen 🇾🇪 | Local Food and Local People

Salalah is such a beautiful city in southern Oman, with a beautiful coastline and thousands of Coconut trees... Here goes my journey into Salalah. Crossing into Yemen 🇾🇪 from Salalah Oman 🇴🇲 was such an Incredible feeling …The best part of any travels is to interact with local people and try the local cuisine which is precisely what I do in this vlog for you. Yemeni experience was super thrilling since it's off the beaten path.

(B D)

Wenn sich im Boden plötzlich gewaltige Löcher auftun

Weltweit entstehen wie aus dem Nichts immer wieder gigantische Erdlöcher. Das Phänomen sorgt für Rätselraten und wilde Spekulationen. Ein Forscher erklärt, was dahintersteckt

In der Wüste der Al-Mahra-Provinz im Jemen liegt ein Einsturzloch, das als "Höllenbrunnen" bekannt ist. Im September 2021 wurde das Erdloch, um das sich zahlreiche Mythen ranken, von Geologen untersucht. Die Formation, die vielen Einheimischen als Gefängnis hinterlistiger Geister gilt, hat 30 Meter im Durchmesser und ist rund 112 Meter tief.


Yemen Hawf Nature reserve, Films

Vorige / Previous:

Jemenkrieg-Mosaik 1-818 / Yemen War Mosaic 1-818: oder / or

Der saudische Luftkrieg im Bild / Saudi aerial war images:

(18 +, Nichts für Sensible!) / (18 +; Graphic!)

Liste aller Luftangriffe / and list of all air raids:

Untersuchung ausgewählter Luftangriffe durch Bellingcat / Bellingcat investigations of selected air raids:

Untersuchungen von Angriffen, hunderte von Filmen / Investigations of attacks, hundreds of films:

Dieser Beitrag gibt die Meinung des Autors wieder, nicht notwendigerweise die der Redaktion des Freitag.
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Dietrich Klose

Vielfältig interessiert am aktuellen Geschehen, zur Zeit besonders: Ukraine, Russland, Jemen, Rolle der USA, Neoliberalismus, Ausbeutung der 3. Welt

Dietrich Klose

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