"Out of control"

Mitgehört In Café, Bus oder Bahn: Das Leben hat die besten Dialoge zu bieten. Immer montags gibt es hier die Ausbeute der vergangenen Woche. Heute: Leidenschaftlich übertreiben

Szene 1
Ort: Zach Feuer Gallery, 530 West 24th Street, New York
Anwesend: Zwei Frauen

Frau 1, aufgeregt zu Frau 2: "Lauren, one of my friends get engaged
– oh my good, that ring – you should see it!"

Frau 2, gelassen: "I could imagine. . . one of those oversized brilli-ones. . .
– wearing such a ring is more important than everything else – oh my
good – those women are so out of control!"

Frau 1 nickt überschwänglich: "Exactely! I do not understand such women.
. . but fortunately I have also a girlfriend, who has a boyfriend, who couldn’t afford such a massive brilli-ring and she told me that she even would wear a ring out of cardboard!"

Szene 2
Ort: In einer Wohnung, 177 West 26nd Street (New York)
Anwesend: 2 Frauen

Frau 1, unschlüssig: "I have another wedding to go on this weekend – hmmm – Sinead,
do you mean i could wear that dress for the reception?"

Frau 2, überzeugt: "Yep, that looks great!"
Frau 1, seufzend: ". . . I am glad that this would be the last wedding for this year. . . I have to start drinking bevor eating – than it will be ok and I mean, you have to get drunk on weddings – absolutely! But sometimes the whole situation is getting out of control!"
Frau 2, erstaunt: "Really, on a wedding?"
Frau 1: "Yes, on the last wedding I was sitting beside the cousin of the bride. . . but after a few minutes he disappeard to the restroom and
didn’t come back for the whole evening!"

Frau 2, kreischend: "Oh my god!"

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