9/11 Commission Report = Komplette Lüge (FOX News)

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Michael Scheuer, ehemaliger CIA-Terrorfahnder, in einem Interview auf Fox News:

"Michael Scheuer: What the Colonel (Anthony Shaffer, former Chief of the Army’s Controlled HUMINT (Human Intelligence) Program) is absolutely correct on is that the 9/11 Commission and the Commissioners themselves were just there to whitewash it. They were blessed with the most brilliant staff you could imagine. But as Commissioners they were clearly there to not let the American people know what happened before 9/11.

Judge Napolitano: Was the 9/11 Commission report a whitewash as Colonel Shaffer says and as one of the 9/11 Commissioners to whom he spoke, and you heard him talk about this person, pretty much agrees?

Michael Scheuer: It was a whitewash and a lie from top to bottom, Judge."

Ex-Lemonheads Sänger Evan Dando über den 11.September 2001 :

"Dando uses both hands to pick up his piece of the World Trade Center. “Open the window,” he commands. “The towers were right there. That morning really fucked me up. The second plane was so close, it went shoom, right over my head.” He pauses and absentmindedly pats the pack of Marlboro Lights in his shirt pocket. “Because I was so close, I know what really happened,” he says. “I shouldn’t get into it, because I’m not a political person, but they were blown up by bombs. They were not taken out by those airplanes. Those fires were going out and then the buildings blew up. What I saw and heard that day was a crime, and not by the people they’re saying. That’s all I’ll say.” He pauses. “I’m worried about our country. But then again I’ve been worried about America my entire life.”

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