Maintain the peace

Peace This article is about the peace in Europe.

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It is a known fact that, on the soil of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, there are children, youth and adults wo have no experience regarding the injustice of a domestic civil war.

Please keep it that way.

Those who have experienced this conflict remember the difficulties, heartache and costs required to end the violence not to mention the return of prisoners.

Let the youth, living in these times, be friends and share the same interests and quality of life. To start a war at home again will have catastrophic implications with no positive outcomes. Don't let the youth become hostages of a destructive ego. The British exit of the European Union was not the choice of the youth. The youth are your future. Those who advocate the British exit of the European Union are older and have faced the war within the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Still they did not tell the truth before the referendum.

The old conflict was needless and way to drawn out. Let common sense prevail. The lesson is in a democracy, take your vote seriously and go to the ballot boxes. Don't give the right wing a chance of another conflict, such as a war in Europe.

Europe has suffered enough by injustice, hate and wars.

This is the reason for the European Union.

Jimmy Bulanik

The Cranberries - Zombie

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Jimmy Bulanik

Jimmy Bulanik ist ein international langjährig erfahrener Experte gegen Rechtsextremismus, Rechtsterrorismus sowie dem innerstaatlichen Handelns.

Jimmy Bulanik

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