Use your vote !

Democracy This article is a contribution to strengthening democracy.

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Ihre Freitag-Redaktion

New York City - In a democracy there are constitutional rights. The right to free elections is one of them. This right has been very valuable worked out. For all humans.

It is therefore important that this valuable right is exercised. As high as possible. The future is open and can be shaped to be positive.

The way a country shapes its society must not be dependent on extremes. The extremely rich. Especially not the corporations.

The term does not appear in a constitution. People are mentioned in it. They represent the legitimacy.

At its core, it is about the quality of life in everyday life

By exercising your right to vote, you answered the question of who you are. What sets them apart. How you want to live with other people in your country.

How you will vote is open. Whether postal voting or at the ballot box. The signal you send out must be clear.

Everything else paralyzes you. The challenges are there. These will increase.

That is why with the choice you have the future in your hands. Unite the States. I wish everyone good luck and success!

Jimmy Bulanik

A song from good times:

Your Day Is Today

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Jimmy Bulanik

Jimmy Bulanik ist ein international langjährig erfahrener Experte gegen Rechtsextremismus, Rechtsterrorismus sowie dem innerstaatlichen Handelns.

Jimmy Bulanik

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