Eindrucksvoll, differenziert und informativ

Netzschau Stimmen aus dem Netz: „Sergii Rudenko’s central argument couldn’t be clearer: it’s that Putin fatally underestimated his opponent, and will now pay the price. But is that really how the story ends?“
Wolodymyr Selenskyj Anfang Juli 2022 bei einem Treffen mit Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz und Mario Draghi in Kiew
Wolodymyr Selenskyj Anfang Juli 2022 bei einem Treffen mit Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz und Mario Draghi in Kiew

Foto: Alexey Furman/Getty Images

„This hero isn’t perfect, of course. His inexperience is painfully obvious in early dealings with Russia’s Vladimir Putin or on economic policy [...] Disillusionment sets in. But then Putin invades, instantly uniting Ukrainians behind their charismatic leader in an existential battle that, Rudenko patriotically concludes, could signify the “final rupture” between Russia and Ukraine.“ – theguardian.com

Admiring, But Not Uncritical

„In 38 short, zingy episodes that play on Zelensky’s TV career before winning the presidency of Ukraine in April 2019, Ukrainian journalist and political commentator Rudenko explores his subject’s life and important influences on the brash new leader, mostly before Russia’s invasion in February 2022.“ – kirkusreviews.com

Portrait of A Wartime Hero

„It was only a matter of time before a publisher rushed something into print about this man of the moment. The first, by the Ukrainian writer and commentator Sergii Rudenko, known for his political biographies, was initially published in Ukrainian in 2021 [...] Reading this biography now, in the wake of a war that upended our understanding of both Zelensky and Ukraine, presents his personal history in a new light.“ – newstatesman.com

The Man Behind the Combative Facade

„The takeaways from this uneven book are that Ukraine is a flawed democracy and that Zelenskiy, despite his reformist rhetoric, is a product of the system. But he’s hugely preferable to his adversary and if Ukraine manages to resist Putin’s attempt to drag it back into the Russian empire it will in no small way be down to a leader with the strength of character to rise to the daunting moment.“ – theguardian.com

Servant of The Ukrainian People

„Sergii Rudenko’s biography of Zelensky (kindly provided by the publisher for review) offers a touch more insight into the man and president, but does not offer a fully formed figure in the end. Its unconventional structure presents a series of episodes rather than a linear narrative biography. Not unlike Zelenky’s “Servant of the People” television program, each “episode” is self-contained, providing a glimpse into parts of Zelensky, his background, and those that exist in his orbit along with some contemporary Ukrainian history.“ – diplomaticourier.com

10.07.2022, 17:46

Buch: Weitere Artikel

Große politische Biografie

Große politische Biografie

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Beobachter der ukrainischen Politik

Beobachter der ukrainischen Politik

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